iKw. ; i cJ * . 1 % ,- v;_ > J . , y , / " <£•■-;;' ;; '" ''& r:> ; ''••-■ •'•'■'■>•<■ v'-;. >'-- i. •..- ** '* *£-Z* Uv, 4? % x *i£ *>■ ~ ' : V- * u*L p ■fr Mai.. Jobuston, on Saturday oneainj, entered Goehrlng's contatlonary »• ■. »-Mti>.mrnt on Liberty strait. and stole therefrom three or four dollars. - v.. .- . - .. Frar.—A Cm broke out in lbs cellar of Stavmspn'n Qto cjtj Store, In tbo Siath ATeri, on Monday Bight, bboat 13 o'clock, but was de-corered In time to be easily suppressed, stlthoat doing much demise. ' 1 -TnEHardwaiojiierchaateof tfus city.biTO unanimously, agreed ttf dose their rataNlshments from the Xrtof June until the Ist. Of September, at half pest C o’dact. “Tas lebsoV » steam snag boat, b opot»Ung between 'tbiselty anil Wiwlinff.fnlUng oat sues s ' Tbe Terror lie- ToogsltaTJncteSam.- =■• i, '* 1-.. •: - 02i -Pixit—SPhc clauntaWo object of tho Us potty ot Is. Hiyctio naU ) 'lo-nijhi l :*Ul douStlersottract* great onml*t there. ■ Taeie op ' SitjL~This Unotro mgifffop gi«3 toother ■ peritjnpapce.thls.oYtfolDg« nt-Slftsoaie gajt ..- GESEKAX StEOTNIi of tie StocSbolitoeof tbeCJTI ' V S: A" Bliss’ DEtOSITE BAKK 0» PnyremJEan.-wm la ' Wf '.tlw Office cftbe Bank, Masonic Halt Bandings, Mb MONDAY, May 301 b, at 3 o'clock. P. M, to lake SV ,~*tc aowptaoee or tl» Act of Incorporation, passed SSUtdayof. (j'uitSEL JI'CtWIIKAS, Secretary. Byonlef Of the BoardocUoj for the Stockholder*. ■ oy34*i ' J--- fertSaWnß nSct EWp. SOITD '» , J SX» r ■J»> rf ' w '* oeorci berths*" mfe - , °smr of Sc »t,. Regular 3 1 S O S"SSS&S& ***** i me tarn*, small msctcdlne to Earowr, would do well tocxiunioo tUista. b .., = i Eoßi aS eta*Urn. For pun*. «* *>* -on board. Pier 14, & It., fool or WaU street- v - - . ’-Vi j.T.VAPSOOTriCO-Wtoqthtfj,. ' , ~ •/ Or.to JAMES BWKEIVf ' mv aS ~ ’ comer of Breath tma SmithSeld rtrats. -suraroi© i i T>'LtTMKX?OLKA; Brown. X 01 Cbamta j May* ns sppS *>y M Wi Soutat. pSm 1 #? Hoiro, sung by Mad Thillou Hub\ Echottlscb, Challenge March EitalAlitu; a new and beautiful rtmly, by Wallace. 7!'e cfrnal: Guii’bcrt —I’m a Pilgrim. _ . . Th«y’ToSo!d Mo Doom the lll'rer; a new Ethiopian Wingi ; Macna’atadcadd.cold Ground.. v ; ..r - Xnv-ccr to Wait Ter the Wagon. WndElo«X!> Wallace 1 ‘ Cafnoval dhWinlaa » Jaell. » EEUTK MUSIC—A targe lot of uau’.mmle, for one and atoaeiSt* rcceiTcd by Adama S Co.’» Erprejailo - pojgdar day. m^A c ' 81 Wood threat. ACE tie'FAYETTE. SFBINGS BO JSrUiton ton Eo^summM t? l aem«tSaSgbHU and Swiefy ; 'ri'Hifirmi tfl thofDWUto properties. tbo. wivtery 9?2v? bynay In tho aiuntry,) there are Cisemifl, May Si ottoy other attracHoa?. Within a rhort tobrnM my b» ritel . h „ risen 4)s feet since yesterday ;neath»r SS—Washington's liret.Tbittlearoond, at “£ or th??S lB.mos» Forkat SU,OO; IheKtofareb^^dSbt- to ifcmpwbobuytn *B-'A-llbcroldlßrount will be.»W»"v < B _ ■• -):•■• ’i: ? • :’--x •- • ' ?0 Druggists and : b. b. M tcvvuoveui - 31 ASDOFACTCttEa AHP/J >E^ C ! . PAINTS, OILS, H, ' •SiS^S^t™t^UOTS,OlE&4fc,oft^^T^ gfjSZ art enumerate! some or Ibo loading articles: . :;i WinTKI.BA.D;in «ll;in 0f.25 rt 600:tts.v , BLACK PAIST, YELLOW OCHRE, YEN.RED,taoR PATENT BUYER,. SPANISH BROWN, TETRA DB SI- CHROME, IMPERIAL, AND ARSENICAL ° M^ANBLEB CHROME VELLOW and VERDIGRIS, _ jTB~BBC PBBI 0 M 1 d RAw'‘md| S OILKD LINSHFD OIL,PETIT,WHITING “uMeaV^ RED, CHROME RED and TEL tfSSSfftMSau—*** —" ma 2 P&&, PARIS*an3 BRUNSWICK<3REES',dry and ia ™»“ t Si gta a,lyffl^^gKSgi ******** s^sw^raffisc - ~g ^^-«s«s^ TELEGRAPHIC. l&xest feoii etooeb. .-•>-■] • The veather j la Englancl t for th&lost. f«tr aay*i iras.’wct | and unseasonable, there being snow in many porta of In? > country;-:.. •-♦ockof. at Manchester mu» very .Sow, and price#. The'stock, oi goods as —-—/»***»«. ‘were my firm- ■ Screwl house* ,wem building, and : c>lppey. ships tor trade with IndU imd China. At Birmingham business hadlmproTed. » la consequence ' of-lho decline In metals, business at Nottingham was cheek* ed. which was also atcrlbutablo to the wot .Trcather. : , . • Trade Intho wooliondintrlctswaaoctlfe,. T&o market
ooothe present year (br interest or the State debt alone.: ■ . ..;■■• _ m ! Kmrgold discoveries have been made in Negro QHl.wb]cb aresaldtobo very rich: 1 Two moa took out $5OO in one dev Extenslre surface digging* have been discovered in the vicinity of Sacramento city. The placers at Corn Hollow and Diamond Spring near Ftseervme ere giving extraordh. nary yields. ■.•• . • •• Dales from Honolulntatheflth of April, are received. . Tto Ugl*la«ut« hm *UIHa ««don. - . ■ The ship James Morey arrived at Honolulu, having taken on board at Marquaslta Bay throe murderers, namod Ack erman, Stuart, -and' Thompson,- .from - Sacramento .on the 29th of April. Stuart 1# a native of Philadelphia,: 20years, old; Ackerman was bom in-l*scuter county, Parana to IP years old; his patents now reside la Oswego county, N. Y 4 Thompsontown Kurils hmao.. ... , ~ i Oates from China to twdtb Slarch are received, and Aus- ■ trrito to Uw Hth February. Nothing Important. gjjr ftjuvcssciH ApriL In.—* The market traosasuona are of but littlelmportance. The stocks vew heavy end the marketdepresacd, with bat little prospect of the leading artiel&aadvnfiring.to a point that will more thas.com co*u azidcbargn#. • Advleesfrom Austria arotmfaTorabl© Hot- the shipment of surplusstock to that point. ■ ■. ■. *■„«>*** Floor todav is quoted by Uaxal A Gallego at SUV ; Mess Pork $27,&0@i3; Hams2o@2l; Urd 22@a . The steamer Oregon Arrived at San Francisco ontbeZHh. PRESHratJIIAN ASSEMBLY, (OLD SCHOOL.) . PaiUMtPfiU# May *L Dr. BainJ» frem the committee on fbrdgn correspondence, i.u before the Arwmbly a statement to too .effect that the "correspondence -with the Literal Assembly ai Ireland had not been continual. The committee does not tuivteo that the correspondence be recommenced- -Also, wlth.tbe Free Church and United Presbyterian Church of Scotland, there has boon uo correspondence. The committee recommend ] that a correspondence ho opened with the bodyon the Con* i tlncnt of Europe; passed. Mr. Murray expressed a desire to i see the band or fellowship extended to tho Churches of Ire land and Scotland, and aUndrd to the kindness shows to him and Ur. Brackenridge, the latter bring a slaveholder, by the Irish hat «afel he was fearful thatadl«casslon of the anbjHCt would in attended with bad eoataiotncet; and la centurion, tie moved that the whole subject he laid osthetahlo _ , Severe! protested against this disposition of the question as unfair and ungenerou<« and bn called on Sir. Murrey to Withdraw his motion. Tills Ih* refused, and It vw carried yeas 112, nays 03. The report of the foreign mlsdcns was taken up and »p* Walter Lowry. Secretary of Foreign Missions made a statement of operations during the past year Sev eral foreign mlsdouariee addressed the assembly, the report was received, and the. assembly adjourned AKUtt AL OP TUB EtTROPA. U&urix, Slay 24. Tbe steamer tfuropa wrlte-i this morning with Llvarpoo) dates to Saturday the Htb The Bairs of Cotton were 47,00$ bales; for export and »pr> elation 12,000: the demand ha* been. g*?d and prices have advanced neatly V* Orleans fait mUdHog Up* laud tdr GX, middling t*K, fair and good felt hate impro ved mo*t/Plow .TTestero Canal 22* 0J; Ohio 23s G£~ Corn.~ Yellow 31* Gd; white 30a Cd. Lard 63. Moxet Maßkt, Hay 13th —Cunsola par to Uumicr, Mar S 3. . Tlie Congregational Chord* atiLockport was MrneV with lightning yesterday, daring mttlc*. The electric fInLJ en tered tbo singers’ pallary, and Instantly killed Lather Crocker, one of the choir, end severely wounded six other*, three of whom are ladies. .The minister witoeased the aw ful occurrence, and fainted la the pulpit—and the coaster natlonwiu'general. ' The New School Presbyterian General Assembly l* In res* don today. No-business of Importance was transacted, Philadelphia is fixed upon for next year’s meeting. Iffnr Yoss, May 2U 4 fire occurred (bl* morning in Brooklyn, wtich destroy* td neariy tfao whole of the block bounded byTulton, Wil* Jooghby.and Adams streets, and Myrtle Ateaua* Forty dwelling* were destroyed, toft* $lOO,OOO, v Boston, Slay 2£ • Tho vllla« of Rockland, Slaw., n* nearly .destroyed by tro. The lo« Included twetnydhree etarw, and twenty other balldlnsß, and is estimated at $116,000. PniLADn.pnu, May 2t, .• t.wm M-Cooper cmsumts the chargopf.tiioiYDas.vWaDUa on the Ist Jane. WUIUm 11. Hopo. ttxo pwwnt editor, gOC3 to Washington, baring been 'appointed to ft clerkship. The railroad bridge at Salmon Falls was burned yester dny. The up train on appro itching could not atop, and the engine duhed orer safely. ■ PatusorniArMAy 24. TmuacUo&A were mostly murptnded out of doom umUj la araseqaoixee of the storm. TELEGRAPH MARKETS. rrjioor-ss kbit LaUo Trent,(lBsS,) fer ado u X oj23’ ■ ■ ■ .HGHBY IL'CdLIJbS SUOAIt—S 3 hhds. N. O. Bugar, tbr salo ljr„ my 33 - HBKBY H. COLLTNB. OOS LBS. POWDERED CUBEBS-Fcr Mlo bjr •: ZtSO myl« a A. FAHNESTOCK & CO. moandd.T^e^^ MAMPION’S VEGETABLE TIKOTOKE—For sals at ■ afZI KBYBER’B Drug Store, 140 Wood st. f IBAVATS— SUE, BUk out Linen, Lawn. Cambric, Qlng- : of thononest styles, fast "S^&^r.s. unlit ahihvawt.honTlES—Handsome styles. recV at CHESTER’S. 74 Wood street, myK) We Study to Phase. TOUBBBRAND? AND WlNES—Formwllral purposes,foi X solo at REYSER'SBnjg Store, m yjl 140 Wood street. TITANTILLAB.—A.A.MABOS 4 Ca,Mo. lift Fiftb street, Jyr. trill. onoathU morning, a beautiful assortment of Silk, •B»*in Lftco Haatlllaa jmcl Yisotlefl* of tic nwt fauuon* ablertjleJ. m y*° EN’B,"' Boys’ ana Youths’ Calf, Coat, Enamelled and Patent feather BOOTS, snOES and QAITKKS,of tb- Il myll ?le8,l>t W. E.SCHMERTZ’.TWMarIctst. SPICJfca--:# cans Uro. Cassia; • 1;T. . . .16 da • Alsplce; -. 10- do Clotcs; Entirely fito from adultcraUon; Cor nalo by. ■ > . SMITH t BINCLm 44 T4BA.TBICE, OB TUB VHKNOWN KKLAirVBS.”— • ' X>. B» Catherine Sinclair, . 4. . TjotJc that onf Chne ti ‘r <3P °° d Tr°P f^ cSuMW?” —till TUEYOOMU—Ju*t tecdredbyAdama SCo- «E*-. ’nrwa, a large addition to my tJr^ cl ! ,^ I Jf nl \T 0 “S'Tj' nt d’Cravata, Bcarij, Nods Umi. Btock Handkerchief*, I ■ Ai»n w large lot of Uncn, Drill And Muslin Drawers , HUtßilmiJi Bilk ana Merino Undershirts and .SHgJr to Call ana ex omlhd quality and prfcea. , R. CHESTER. By24____ .T.-iim) mkn.—BALE— Hmt- de»iraM»J T“. hay- | ss»«gjSS^^Sss.^?t' railroad- s rrmiBERT frSOK, 140 Third fit ■r ; ' -- - •"' ' ' ” ■ DAILY EEVIEW’ OF ITTaBUEGH 2XABEEX. Oma 0* «bs Daut tto&roa Post. 1 Wednesday, May 25,1853. J The weather yesterday vraa cool and pleasant Xor the sea ado, and business seems gradually declining, being mostly confined to-tho city trade. WediaTe no particular change to notice In oarmarkeia, except in Flour,-which has slight • 2y recovered front Saturday's. sales; partly owing,pcrhaps, to the felling off in receipts. . - - very limited,and more inquiry caused & better feeling in tho market yc3terday» with aft Improve* mantla price*. . Ihe Inspections aipounted. to about 300 bbls in all» srixh calcs In part as follow* v7O bbls at $3,00; 60 do ftney extra at $1; 60 do .white wheat extra.reported at s4,* •37; ,*,*!•■• OAT3—Receipts. jesiorda.j.wcrel&rgcj with an: active de mand; and. sold mdnya^s7@B7}£., noto sales of 2QCO basil Iftlotsat thesa figures, 1 ' WHEAT—SaIes of 210 bash white at 57% : c. BRICK-—We.have solas reported of 14,000 Bearer county. Sire Brick at $l5 $ 1000 ; 6000 Bolivar, ats2s,fbr common.. : oftt'easka Brazil at hbds at 6 @5& MOLASSES—SaIes of 30 bbls to tlxa country atSO, ca?h and tlaus - ' r CHEESE—SaIes fcif2Do boxes new at B© o. - . • b LABD—Sales of 100 half bbls Ko.l atej^ EGGS—Sales or'Sbbfeat 6 do at 0 ■. BETTER—The stock b large and the market very dolL We quote sales of prime roll at Io@li. . . BAQS-rSalesof;2Qoo lbs mixed at • POTATOES—SaIes on the wharf of 120 bushels Reds at 20 @3l. ■ BRIER APPLES—SaIes of 65 sacks at $l. • BACON—Wd note Bales offcOOps Shoulders, country, atfi, 1 4 months; 2000 lbs Sides at 7%i 3000 do Hams at > do Shoulders at fi}£; *6BOO do at and fbrßhooldera and Hama. SODA ASH—Sales of 67 casks imported extra at Z%. SALT—Sales of 120 bbls fcxfraat $1,25; 40 do at $1,20.. : WHISKY—SaIes reported efto bbls at 20@21. ... OlLS—Solos of 6 bbls No.l Lard at 60@83: I bbl Linseed at 70 • WAY—The market yesterday was dullat s9@ll load. Wo have sales reported of 30 loads at those prices. FlSH—Solosot!6 bbls Lake Flab,atsD for Trout,and $lO ter White; 2Q bbls Baltimore Herringat $0,60.: : EOBT OF HTTSBimOH. 6 jrext 0 ikcd w wires is rnx csasftxu * ARRIVED. «Jefferson,Parkinson,Brownsville,,... :4j, Laseme.Bennolt; Brownsville, « Thornes Shrivcr, Bailey, West Newton. ♦» ; Hen. BayoriL-Pftcbles, EUrabeth. : • •** ‘ Bearer, Garden, Beator. . 0 Michigan, l No:2, Wolf; Wellsviue. •« . Wheeling. ; “ Brilliant, Graee.CincliixiaU. DEPARTED. * “ Jefferson, Parklnmn, proffftsvllle.: . - « Loterto,-Bennett* Btownsvillo. h . . Thomas ShrlT«*BalUtfV West Newton* <+ Gen. Bayard, Peebles, Elisabeth. ; * “ jnehlgancNo. 2; Wolf,,Wottsrillo.. EeareTjGorden, ROaver.- <4 wixichester.O. D. Moore, TfheeUJtg. . “ Allegheny, McLean, Cincinnati. « Julia Dean; Piereo, Zanesville. Wednesday PocHot for Cincinnati. ■ ■ TainswsßilmctCn«STAl< rJJScJjftpAtACE, W. J. Koran, lc«» £_l__li,-cguliriy «rtrj WUDSBSDAY. m Fra or CT , •^^j^ smaaL IF 'or liOnfi Bench, Morle«a<-Pttrteer»tmrß> ". »n 4 Oslllpolli. .. ■ „ trwi* Tho flue «temior UOV. 11EI0S, BtrC!fi, Mi> 1 JfrfCJ'Jter, will lcar* for th*»bor« uul IntomoOloto rv - evny Totally. »t a o'clock P. M. TOSM or , marietta* UocW^SPOrt . picbeti ■■ ' ■■■ ' lh» jtcaiaer HAIL COLUMBIA, A. 8, Csxsr, iJpSUftjXtstcr, Trill Iwtre HOiborsii «ra? Untar,*t fT WyinAP-HL: raluraleg.gai Übto Hocking part «toj Tueri»Jt ot 0 o’clock A.M. . rwrangrra «tt> sblppfi» BoOatloutoil ”^Jh marC : ** *tre«* TMSn-40 bbb. Lake Bento* djjjjj . IILNRY IL OOLUXfih ALUM— 10 bbt>-for tale by _ my io rami t Sinclair. fIMJSNTO—4 bags for eai* by _ . . ayl6‘ SUITS * grXOiAHt CUWIfiU— Scaßka,fori»laby . „.. l , vr .. TT> qjid ' samt a sinclaib. UUAK—hhilJ. fcrtiaabiirAfrican* Sofra*4**r ei* iy %H' KINO t MOORHEAD, tA KWdti<mUK^Uefl^tOTiaaflby^ Q(J. ioj]4 K« A» yAfINI>3TOCK & CO. ujTATOiy*—*o bbli- tbr raJcs by HENRY It COLONS. MPtU B. 4)l* MILB. 11EJU' seu>—lot Ulo « . „„ jjo myH B. A. SAUSESTOCK A CO. till BUIA BMjmd ■lUHl’liNTJNJi—hwnilcbjr -ilinilt ' H, A. f.iH**KBTOCg * CO Ell AUK will l« cpjw»» u£ morning, at A. A. MASON A CO.’S, So, SS Fifth rtroct, o beautiful And new atyleof rloh Bcrage Ilohea. 'tny23 ■ I IMSAS—lmperial, iloniwiriler, Vouug Hjwa Mil lilac* JL Teas, In store an 1 for silo by . m;l4 KISO 4 MOOiUIEAD. SULLL UuliS—OVJ sark Shall Own, to Ultra by strata tool Washington Otj: For sale!tar _ - ■ . igy]2 . SrUATIT A MULUN. ItO.VZK sututi— lippnJ and Mala i alio. Tan and Slack BcotAuudGMiers, la great Tartety.nt mr m K. SCllimtTZ'. IDT Market it. fcUU FqwUmwl, CrurUed* it Ixml, fvr judo t? mjl4 BUliOltO JIINKUAL WAtLH— bilf bl»l> JII it iwrtrea »ml for MJ» or m? » KINO * MOOIUIEAP. DKCUR.VI 10N2£*-Galt], velvet *D3 pUlo patter&V X for ale by xuyVt miikk thukkv—lSOO to.ttutOT md fjr»il» tr . FUSMUiO BSOIHKBS, - - ; ■ {3uceei3ora to J. Kidd A On.) MuLAiiSKS— I’ruwsKew Ottcan*;.: Svfup emlSugM-Hotxw; For «M»tT KISS t MOORUEAP. AWNB-A. a; MASUS .* Kiln «t.,»Ulopm, thij morning, 15 cane* nr* »tjlo La*n«, ju« milted mmthonunnfactnrrrr.r v. ---' USB— REMOYAI.— C«m- K. Kioitm, hM rtmoTtJ to tho Offlce lately occupied by A. Wilkin* Vourtbrtrmt, oppoilto Hank of Pitubtggh. tytzs Il> HLlpl’itßS—A fino onjortmrnt of Kid and Ilronze Hlppcw, Jiwt BCnMEKTZ.IO7 Maikct rt. SUG Alt-Id bbd«. prime N.O. buir»r, mW ito day „d Or ml. by I^lBll— Sbbls.l«o.lMaclcarrl; ’■ 6tafdo 1 do; ' 16 qr do l£2do; SO boxes Sealed Ucmnjg ; ' Farittle by my lo J. P. WILLIAMS, 123 Woo.) alrceV ITTSUimUII THU ST ANDBAVIKUS COMI’AMV—A A ft. Of d* Suck, Bill jud Heal nutate Broker, 75 fourth at:, opposite Bank of Plttaturgh. Bcstq.i, May 24. ICII COllAb JJBWJO.UVUOOD, baa Just recetred a lot of floe fluhSeoable «oral Jewelry, of reir desirable •trice, Abo, a great variety or other articles, that ho trill sell at fhnaSJtt to per cent lower than Goods of tho rams qonlltyean bebooghtforat any of the old high priced shops taabdty. Fleaso call at Cl MARKET ST HOTtCfci. ; " .... A XX persons are hereby cautioned against pnrc.nriMng or A negotiating far e note drawn by os to the order of 8. 8. J&mJfioa* far- Twelve Uandrod and Te» .Dollars, detea Jwiaery24th, 18&3;paynb!e four months alter date, with interest; M|mya«ntW been lost or stolen. RHBY, MATTHEWS 4 CO. Pittabutsht MaKdfS^lßSS^tf TIEOCUAiJTINAXION 18 TUB 'lUllilf And XT persons' will find It so, tiy neglttUng to toy o tex of KEATING'S EXTHBIONATOK, which can ho-hjd*t all. IDs DrugStoreslo city or country. for the flyo cents, whloh, if yon arc troubled with the Ttrtuln, will save you many a dollar.besitles a great amount of Texe tlotn Principal Depot Ho.-181 -Bmlthflald-street, Bttta hnrgh. Pa. Eii- lilrmtnnhim Brtdso company. . T H pursuance of tho action of tho OommlMloners of tho 1 Birmingham Bridge Company, at a mooting bold tho 2d. iiyal Mayi ISM, pnWle notice la hereby giron,.that Boohs for tho subscription cf stocb to said Bridge Company, will Uopeoedro the fiirit Monday qf June tho!house of iTshawhan. in Birmingham i at tho offl» of Thom»» Dnß, Eighth rfard, Pittsburgh i and at the Wawhouso of 8 *""* ,trea gnferonT, sec. in n'nn ,^wNou, 4s »w*ak»; IU.UUU 10,000 Kegallft do; 7 10,000 Ocrmao do? 5,000 Havft&a do; - *- •• .. 80 gross Mia. Miller’s flno cut Tobacco 60boxesVcttorlelng'atlntbU . do; dost roedred ond for caloby: JOSHOA.BIIODEBA f TAVINO Just returned from tho East with ftn entirely H. new and well selected stock of Goths, Cassimerei .and Testings of all descriptions, suitable for customer trade, would submit them to our customers end the public in gen eral for Inspection, persuaded they -wilt please the most fas tidious. Those wishing a first-rate fit, would do wou to glTe -IlB j£ Eu-A first-rate stock of Readyvmade Clothing constant- It on band. E. QUIBBLE, No. 240 Liberty st, boad of Wood. XIINJB HAVANA SJSGAU&—The subscribers would draw • h attcatlon to their Block of One ImpcrtedSegars, which E&becn selected with great care/and Laclude tho choicest v—nda Havana Beganyefr offered In this market Also, rhewhse Tobacco; of the lineal brands, Including— Ho&wln & Cut». ... . John Anderson . . James Thomas'Jewel of.Ophlr Twisti. . . Crumpton’s Strawberry - oSfJi n>? blnSOn 8 ‘" BAILEY AEENSIIA^, , 253 Liberty street. 17 Oil’ 00AN UTRKJST-— I Two good Dwelling Houara for rale, rale, on Carpenter's alley, contains five rooms.- Price JISOO. AlbOs adjoining the above,T«n Bolldifig-LoU. . SUwSIBE BESIDENOES—In plpasaat lpcaUoos, #nd »t • rarious prices, lbr solo on easy terfna. _ Bsiia • negotiated on Bonds, Mortgages, Ac. Hoases ' to Let. and Bents collected at tlia Real "Estate Qfflt»ol mfh ■ 8. CUTHBgRT A BON, 140 Third street 7T" a, MASON * CO:, wouM announce to . their. lHonda A . and the paWfcs, that thoj.are now opening at ho--* ' fifthet* and Trill leedvo In the next ten dsys, their eocond toUonaWe: etocjt of DRY GOODS, xmonntinitto over onethousand cases ind packages, cmhnudng DRESS dboI)9» of every dcalraMe.Btyle, color and quality.. wSto G ap- ,: Loco and Silk Mantillas; SuScryGooda; EnjhroidcniM,Daws and ftinunlngs ?: 60QpI»5caWoolUcrogci*at 18^ oonti, . loo'do , •>'v: x .‘V" CoaBECtED ItiZCT lOS SSS. Patricks .4 Frlo&d* El Comer qf lyVi atyi Wood j LOANS. ■ United States 68.1868..——— < United States6»,lBs3—• PannsylvanlA6s.lB79. Tennsjlraniasfl.ls63.-..-..~—-. Allegheny c0unfy.Ca..,—........... Allegheny eounty coupons—,... dtyda.,.^.. 1 Pittsburgh city coupons* payable New York - Allegheny City 65.. t Allegheny-City coupons, payable: 1 ... iaPhilmlelphla~ BANK STOCKS. Bank of Pittsburgh-.-... -Merchants * Manufijcturers* Bonk Exchange 8ank...... Parmer? Dopoiit Bank— >-.... -Alleghany Savings Bank. - r BRIME STOCKS. - Monongabela; Bridge St, Clair street Bridge.... Hand street Bridge-... Northern Liberties Bridge—...... . INSURANCE-STOCKS. Western Insurance: Company-.,.. Citizens' Insurance Company—.. ■Associated Firemen’s Company.... • TELEGRAPH STOCKS. Atlantic and 0hi0......;............... Pittsburgh, l Cincinnati a I/>uisvillc LnkoEria. Pittsburgh Gas W0rk5..........* Mawmg&ela'SUckTrater.— •• RAILROAD STOCK. Pennsylvania Railroad....- Ohio And Pennsylvania Railroad-. Cleveland a Pittsburgh Railroad... Morlm.Railway and Dry D0ck..... Tttrtle Creek Plank Road;. Perrysvillo Plank Road— - Greensburg Turnpike-...-.. CharticrsCoal Company- COPPER STOCKS. Pittsburgh and Boston - North American North West...- * North Westerns —• Adventure Ohio Trap Rock.*.,— Minnesota— Pittsburgh and Isle R0ya1..., Douglas Houghton. Ontoaog&n..— lUdge.... - Firo 5tee1....... - Colling , . - Aatec 81uff..... - Peninsular..-—.. * Avery- i Forest— Pbcenlx——- ......... ■ IronOty * COBJXCTtDCmTfOB Hoon & Sargent# I Comer of Wood and & PENNSYLVANIA. Pittsburgh Banka*-—— P ar ‘ Philadelphia 41 P**- Brownsrille " P ftr * Backs county “ P**- Chester Co. (nnr issue).- par. Columbia Bridge Co par. Danrille ♦« par* Belairare co. ** P^« Duyleatown u —« pw* Easton “ P«- dermantovn" par. . Lancaster Banks...—— par. ' Lebanon «• P». > Moutgomcryco-Bankß... par. i Northumberland ° par. Pottsrtlle • « ~ par. I Qoadlsg ** par. Jfchuyuull county 41 par, Washington “ par. West Branch " - par. Wyoming..—. —— par* Carlisle - Je Cbambcrsborg— - %\ Eftou.,.. - <4 Qettyiborgh- % Harrisburg $2! Honesdale..—.jlii SHOiUctcnru..........— Wayncsburg.™ York Banks...-™..-. 3ij Belief Note* - - ??l .United State* Bank— lb ] Allegheny (hty£crtju-.~ par-] Pittsburgh City r* T -! Alleghany Co. 4 ‘ —prem-l NEW TOItK. ! tf«w York City.—— Ooontrr Banks....——. % NEW JERSEY. Atl solvent Banks..—. " % DELAWARE. All solvent Banka.—..... par.* Small Sot«.— %i ■ 3IAETLAND. | Baltiofira Banks—.. par-i Country Bank*—.*.— vi VIRGINIA. j BaakofVa.*brancbe*— Valley Bk. a branches— yi; Exchange Rk. a branches ?ißh^ a., Groceries. Que*nr*are, Catlery, Ixoklos Glasses, Ne* and Second lUnd and Kitchen Fur* nitnrr,**.. AT » O-CMCK, P. St, V . . Uoolu. Stationery, *'“=<7 Artlder. Jltair-nl Injtrnmpla, tlxrdrrar* »mi Cutlery, Ctothio?, Vtrlaty Ooodi, Ucos t&U* clothe napkins, fticl * ge»eml «**§*«« *> a***- J4Mg5 tAsawAua at Aocnox -00 MowiAy f auy gJJ* o’clock* trill be sold at WKm*' Auction 2Ioa«, CO qimawart, „ KLNN - A . Auq - r Who 'l. bine auiuTa, « pcs.cloths awioassi- FIBRES,at AccMOK.—OnrThonday morning, M»y 20th, st 10 o'clock, at- the Commercial Sales noonu, corner of Wood-and .Fifth streets, will he ocdd.oa.thrce months crcdlhonsomaorsrsloo,fer approredl endorsedpaper, 1 0 Jo>. Fine Shirts, tarn one of the best Eastern mann&ctu mrt, comprising a most excellent assortment for the trade, BOM?lmported and Domastio cloths and cassimerts, tnoeds thmads, stocks and crarats, hand^ri^gc-^ B~ UILDINQ LOTS IN TUB wrm « *Tono»- On Saturday afternoon, June 4tb> at 3 o clots, on tne 5 ” idmtnl nf T ihertr street, near the Tobacco factory of xxtwaxii ncrd.belngtfoa. 68 and 69, la plaaol Io ts laid out by Bo y 1 o Irtrlo, baring c&ch & Croat of 3) feet on liberty street, and T-, -a |, S a, W .*wl«» P. h: DAVX3, Aucfr ii'/rtaKJAto mortgogw, of *6OO owb, IVI hMln* onc« two oud ibm few® to run. caving LOOMIS, Stockuid BUI Broker, Office. No. 62 Fourth fit, (aboTo Tfood) I\o tOAN—Several inou»u4 Donum, on bond, monpE «*»* budnc v^shmsskt • nv o Masonic IMI, Fifth street. 20 *10*? 1 O by nut, -Mi K Buie low, to closo tho lot '^g EClri U-ALPIS * CO., KoB- 242 and 214 liberty Bt. n m pRi Eft—m boxes toaat gowaar,.. V G do Soap do; 10 do Saleratus do; 10 do Chocolate and Orooa* 10 do Cora Starch; 5 do Hector's FArlna-, 10 do Pearl Starch; 5 do Castile Soap i 20 do Variegated do, 10 do Palm - do* 20 do ltoain do , . 10 do Scotch Snaff,2and4or. papers; &0 do*. Corn Brooms? - io do Extra do;, 20 do Clothes Pina? ■■ ■ , 20 do*. Patent Zwe Was* Boards ; For salehy J. D. IyiLUAMS. -j_y>nKH r»N AumuuiAUiUSi 4 c r*. Ac * iSwt rSitiOT Kesldenoe and Cottage Grounds; Houses, Cottages and Farm Houses: (edited by pSuSf§KaU» on the Culture of th« Grape, by J. FlrkeAUcn; • _ , ; Kasaft«». Lindley’s by Downing, Saxton's Rural Hand Book*, The American Mae* Book; •... . • Chemical Yield Lecture* by Stocttardt , ■ Norton’s dements of Scientific Agriculture, _ . _ Burst Chemistry, by Solly; . . . Agricultural Chemistry, by Jobn-ton, . The American Farm Book, by Ausn p Allen's Rural Architecture Minori* Bee-keeper's Manoal: •. • • ,* „■.■■< American Bird Fancier,by Browne, Gray's Elements of Agriculture; Vonatt on Sheep; Yountf-tm Youatfcfl tbs tt/a^u^otbere^rum^ XWWoodrtroot. . * f ~C ■XXTIHDOVi CERTAINS—Grwo, blue and -assorted, at, i- W - WhQlcsnlo and Retail. - ¥or ralo by . . -■■■-- . . "ay 17 _ WALTER P. MARSHALL. Wshayh AsUd.] $120,00 101,00 00Q Ta*rak\ $lOO,OO : 100,00 100,00 -100,00 1.00,00 r 100,00 : JOO, OO^ INSUiUJiCE COMPANY—IO shares of tMa W Stock. vjmtoTbr ■ ..■;■■ CHAS. J 2. IXJOMIS, ■■ '*■' ■■* • •• Stock, Billau'J Real Estate Broker, ■ < 76 Fourth ntv, opposite Bank of Pittsburgh. - - OT,QO 100,00 100,00 .10 0,00 i05,0q 99,00 V Ak k vihh—so title. White tflab; .1 . 43 Oo Trout; • 40 do tsie Herring; 25halflibls. do: Bcolred by c. HEXRT H. cotLixa. my IS :- ■ ■ ■ , Moneyto Loan, •. • \ larsre and small amounts, on Plate, Diamonds, W&tcnea, Jtjtfcirr. Musical Instruments, Guns, Pistols, and poods ■±LJSrrfpUonSt JOHN-A. O’BRlEN’S Monej ■lean; I btW gailthOeld. B pr22:to; L; —; Plttibargb Troit Company* ...... rpURDIRECTORS hare this g?y ai * ttCr 23,1 iD * t ~ JOIIN B SCCLLY.GuhV One HundreiTTon* ling* Wanted.: . : i T *3.75 ri'DHUNDRED. —I will give s3js per han- A dS! CASH, tar GOOD OOC.NTET RAGS, delherrf »t STStet SO. 1« WOOD ST.,.Pi«Abureb. c |em«. I M»w Pittsburgh, ~sray6« J lSs3~2a?J*y - "—• : a.: partner-Wanted* > ■' ■ ASIAN, with a capital of from $lOOO to 000 1 r“? J j°*. vest it in an established manufacturing buainesa, trhero thcro is no competition and a. largo demand, that vields a profit or from 21 to M per rant. __ ■ ■ , __ gtj. Address. “lai.C," Box 43t, Post Office. : 60,00 50,00 60,00 50,00 60,00 " CARD. • . , __ , , T~\OCrOS MYERS, hating been relieved from haJ omclai T) duties, as Surgeon and Pbjridan of theUnitadjC*®**B - Hospital, will In future giro his undivided attention Residence, So 149 THIRD ST, (above Smithilold.- mjMm 50,00 .50,00 50,00 100,00. -.25,00 26,00 1 • flufruivat. ■ » TTILICINS & CO., BANKERS AND EXCHANGE A. BROKERS, have removed one door west of rent location, into the Untied State* Bank BofldW NO. 71 FOURTH ST-v immediately opposite the Bank of Pitts*- burgh, vrhero they will bo pleased to *eo their tbepubljegenerally. •-•aptsb-;. mU£ undersigned, Jwing agreed among themselTea,to. I close their Stores at 8 o'clock,. erery ereolng, (except Saturday-) from this time until tholst of Septcmbetm«t, muectfuliy request theiecostomewto make Umirpureher; sea before that tiipo. . A. , J. 'LA\£LY s vU« . . BAILEY * RENBHAW, mjO 0,00 1,75 1,87 2,00 Pittabargh, Hay 6,15&3. V 8200 to S 300» ; MUN of business liabita and enterprise, tavmg this amount at command, and desirous of engaging In * safe and very profitable borines*, without competition, can be located In any county where it is not already Introduced. The larger the county, the more capital required, and can be extended to almost any amount. . • • Address "SKAKDSLEY," Pittsburgh, Pa. my 4 THE Annaal Meeting of the Stockholders of the ‘‘Pitta burgh, Cincinnati and LoulsTllle Telegraph Company," for the election of officers for the ensuing year, will beheld at lhe Office of the Company* in the dty of Wheeling, Ta on MONDAY, the €th day of June next, at 10 o'clock, A* M. , f JOSaUAHASNA, Secretary. Pittabnrgh,May lUh, 1853.:—00dt0 . .. : - , . .. . k*S! TBJISI—Xbo-iobscritKTS, having made arrange-. -Bent* elth the In porters of Fine Tens, are constauOr receiving thin nrtlde ft®*, on arrival, and am propawi_to. furniifc country and city merchant* ."With. Tea of ail de put up In tin foil packs, auUabla fur retailer* and warranted fuH 253 Liberty street., Sundries—' 2uuimeas byiooims; .... *lOO keg B assorted Nalls;. - ' •26 do*, half flbw Bags; 160 boxes Rosin Soap; 100 do' Mould and Dipped Candles; . 23 • do Star do^ 200 reams Wrapping Paper; ■ 20 Mils. Vinegar; j’of gjle ty KING & MOORHEAD. Dr* i). Jayne'* Family Sledietnes l ■ JAYNE’S EXPEbTOIUNT: JiyurtllairTimle;, - “ Tcmla Yennifuse; 1 .“ SanatiTeiHUij “ Cannln»tir«B«Ji3in; “ AfrosPllb; ■< Alterative: ... “ Aaotea!Ulrl>f« TbeaboYevalaudo tinny oedldncf constantly on bandy imfl fold wholesale or retail, at the PeWa Tea Store, S3Fiflh street. By A. JAYNES, • Janlfcdaw EielasiYoAgentfbrEit&bnigh.r- GEORGIA. 1 A "a«w Article tor JJHavlßff*. 7 T GOMNTHIAN Oil* CKEAiL— ThlflJjadcllgfitfolMtlcle far nha-vlug, a few. drops dropped on the end of tha brash will mafcea'rieh lasting lather and render abating an easy operation.- This cream has the property of softening the beard and pre renting the face from chapping.. Prepared by Price A Goanell, perfumers to her Majesty,No. CO Eesent street,London. ■ •• Sold wholesale and retail by GEO. H. KJSTSEB, 140 Wood street." •- . . jsnUahfcw;.. ALABAMA. QLUNUUm. '••••' T)ROPO3ALS will be nccired for leasing Gie GLEX HO- Jt TEL, four mH« from the city, on the Bluimccr'S-FmD Ptism Rom. TbL* elegant House has been recently' 1 erect* *d. wHba Tieir to hating a fiwVdMs Boarding Hottse # «hA Hotel Jo the neighborhood of the city.. -Its beanafnl loea> tirsn,it* ttylo and omrranlcncsA. -wUI undoubtedly attract the mo»tdesiraMe and abondant castom. Application may ho made to either of the sahsrriberL - J. W. DCTLEIU > - THOMAS XI. BLAIR, V Committee. il l. rcixawALT. y : ,~~r ■ ~ Removal. ” . ■ JOtIK GKAIIAM has wmoTol than his fcnajrjraiamce to PJrtsbnrgh. «n 4 las aaocbM wlthWm JOHN OEBp KOX, for the purpose of rarrjJos oo the HLACSSMITtI JXU ImslnßO, lo tUi its wrious breoebes, Thsnkfal Ortho liberal natronsse he ha* heretofore rwcirrtfrom. ha_ntt menra/customers and tb* public* he hopes fcT ft conUnn* saw, as iha firm trill do tb*Lr work In tho best manner end witbdlrcateh. John Gerrcm wilt manage the th* er*>k. on tho Steubenville Road, and John Graham, the shop in Strawberry alley, known ai the £a-4ie Hotel Blacksmith JOHN uIsAUaMi : UrnJtmdaw JOHN PERRON. Or. j. B. Itwe‘l Servou* Cordial: ! A GREAT MEDICAL DXhCOVEEr— yor # all awroua conditions of the system. This preparation i« believed to be tho only impound which reaches the nervous fluid, and hence It* magical eflcct la curing almost miraculously D»*rrou3 headache, tic doloreux, or pain la thetac*, neural gia, numbness, twitching of the tare or muscle*. Persona using this wonderful preparation ore surprised at It* bene* CcUleffccla. The most violent netroas headache is fre quently cored in taking one dow.; •nurasandr on testify to Ita peculiar qualities in allaying All pnins wising from a nervous stale of the system, by u'*o f o n ®Pnee odlt GO crnU. Sold by GEO. IL KUYSEE, • febW . .. I*o Wood street. **" GAURIAGKS FOH SALE* . I THE undersigned ha* just reertred at bis. -wwrrs to CARRIAGE WAREHOUSE. : W‘C 2 £y' near tbo Two Mite Run, between ; and Lawrcncerllie; a splendid assortment SP* , ■Sy— of VEHICLES, of every description,and will continoe.to. regularly, new and second band Currxagex, Sumo, JJvjtUs, yerired Sugars. - Pittsburgh, May 1, 1553. H. CHILDS & CO a WHOLESALE SHOE WAREHOUSE, 133 wood street; : - , HiVE just received thelr-large .and splendid - stedfc of I BOOTS AND SHOES, embracing every, varietyaad style of Goods, for tLo SPBINQ ; AND BDMJIER TRADE. ALSO—An extensive assortment of Men end Boys’ PALM. | LEAP HATS, of all grades, trimmed and un trimmed. . , ALSO—A largo and elegant assortment. of. Ladles ena Misses' BONNETS, of the latest and most foshionahleatyles. | 'TholrstocfeoT Goods having been purchased direct from.' the manufacturers, principally for caalvandasfccted with great care In regard to quality ,and sizes, they trurt they Snnot fall to please, as they ore determined tcKSeu at as low prices as tne same quality- nf goods can. be, purchased, either la New -York, Philadelphia or Baltimore. .. ... - . . Merchants visiting Pittsburgh to purchase, or on, thoir. way East, are requested to call and examine their stock, bo forepurcoasingelsewhere.-. m*r2sAew. PIONEEB LINE OF MONTHLY PACKETS. .. mHE SHIPS of this Line arc-fitted up with Emerson** 1 Patent Ventilators, and carry Trends’ Metallic-Life Boats, and Phillips’ Fire Annihilates. ••• - The following is * tea of the Ships of the Pioneer line that have sailed; .•• • • - ... •• • - • ••• ■■ Rcvcrur^—sailed July sth, 1852—arrived out In -100. days. ErlSnoroas, « Ang.sth.lSs2 » “ 103 - OccaxEagle, u Sept 16,1852 “ . 11 : 95 OvtCO, “ Octfr 24,1853 &CARGO, • 14 Dce’r 10,1852 Baixnfoun, u Jan*y27,1853 EuthixEU, “ Eeb. 27,1853 - Oueqow, - - M . Mar. 22,1853 NlimoD, 44 April 30,1853 SEA BASGEB, • • . 1200 tuns burthen, just launched from the yard I Southard, Richmond, Me., has been purchased by the pro* I nrirtoraof this Lice, and wiU sail from New York for MEL-l B fiJRNE, Port Philip, on the 10th JUNE, punctually, I Tntendlns: passengers will do well to tnako early applies* i tion for passage in this beautiful Ship- • Pnm her faultleSaj model, the 8. R. will undoubtedly make a shorter passage] than any vessel now advertised for not excepting | steamers. In liberality of provisions the Pioneer Lino cast- •] uotbe surpassed by any passenger line in existence. - Nona but the very best qualities of starts are put_on board,-& list - of which may be seen at any of theagendes, whore alsotha ; rates of passage, and the regulations observed onboard, can be ascertained The proprietors deem it necessary to st&DT that nose of their Ships have put into any port shsrVhf suppUes. ■ -They also intimate that-they give no encourage ment, and ; pay no commissiou to runners. --TcrpassaM,- tpplyfo E. W.CAMERON,IICI7aIIch,N.Y. > * - B/K. SWIFT, Chicago. & G Au COLTON, Agent, No. 55 Pith *W Masonic HaH, \r y " ' ,X 'li--- s\ < -'• « *->*■& 1 i ' -+ ' -*r ' notice, mySdaw AUSTRALIA The new and elegant Clipper Ship •ii-. ■.:. t*.J- ? .•- ■'? • >•-«-» • ./"J .-•.- .v i. ,r - —- - t - - ? ' i K K Y?. - ‘ i ■*“ t ■ ;> ' ' ' * v / . * -. v .... . .. U ■ • r 4' »..... TVS. BANNING'S BATEJtT LACE ASP BOB! BEACB IJ —For (atewboleaJa tad toted,«. Woprictort prices. ; - 1 . ,140 Wood stroaunttobarg^Fa,.-- ray*? tUscqygcd . reuffjy . ft speedy certain Bcseiy £w Wo. a BUMS* Perm**;--TheEoctOTisaiw&T*athCSl ßmarch233Uw. - • .. . y?lf I ' , u~" : Tr\RTLABZmSs U lr, prescribed u on effectual restofaiiiraf» •bility, fmpoteacy, or Bartßaxiess, elul .aU nature. It Is all that it professes in - .Nature S ■ Bestoratire and ft*tho»intbeniBrrfcdstateTCti> • out offspring, it is a - certain ours : &r.» Seminal*l-missions. General Deblllty/Gleet, Weakness • of the .Genital. Organs* -Nervous-Affections, LcucGrrbcea-or Whites.: AsaainTigo rating medicine it is: unequalled.'; Also^a- certain remedy for Indpient -Coususiptiony'-Indigestion," loss of Muscular Energy, Physical Lassitude, Female Weakness, Debility, Ae. It Is-warrantod to please the user lo any of the abovo com* plaints, and is of countless value to those without oj/ipnng. - Ctaiiion\Erfra,—Find the name of Comstock A Brother on the Wrapper, end nsocr* buy it unless you find the above name; es it has been exSaisse&s count&fexied of Zote: Atold . the connterleltas'yoavtmld poison. Agency at augdewly ' • MiO THIRD ST. - Private OlAeaseo^ « DB. BBOWN, So, 41 Diamond Alley, De-/ n votes bis entire attention to an c£2ee Practice. . His beginess is mostly-' confined to - Piiiait B{. Tenmxd Diseases, and enebpsffif&laScctiQne. .&LS brought cxrby imprudence, youthful indulgence ana excess. - Syphilis* Stricture*. Urethral Discharges,' Impurity cf-thtf, Blood, with oil Discs* sesof the Venereal Organ. : Skin. Disease, Scorbutic Erup* -tions.Tetter, Ricgrrcna, Mercurial Diseases; Bernina! Weah* ness, Impotcncy, Piles, -Bhenxaadsxav'Ve&ials ■ Weakness; Monthly : Snpp«ssionfl,-Dl3easea-cf the Joints ‘Fistula m Ann. Narrow Affections, Pains in the .Bach and Loins; Irri tation of tfcd Bladder and Sidneys; successfully treated—' CU p£-iSm^S* praetioß (six te thU city) enables Dr. Brown - i —wnces of ft speedy core to ai2 who may come un to offer de OfiS < SdPrtT*io Consultation Booms, 41, lrtamoxul alley, . rhsyges ptoflerata. ■ • -•• ■ • ; ■ • 'UQt6^lfe»ly i Dr. J, »: «o»e'« Ow*t Paln Cortrl ■ ■ The wonder op theagei _jh ■jta.cund zfu Magic!—This wonderful preparation is mod isteranUx «n/i ~ctyl n g iTnmnimia -rellfif from all bodily according to directions, it not only relieves *U ptin, hotitcnresitusually enthe first application. ..It may barrelled on Ibrcuringand giving almost-insfant reuer, aa thousands who hare used it can testify, to RLeninatijm, Ague, Sudden Colds, Cholera,Dff entery, Cholera Pleurisy; Karachi Toothache, -ChoUej and- all Stomaeh or Bowels, Headache, Painsintho Womb»Pains In the Limbs, Joints, Back, Spine Disease, Lumbago, Scalds, Sprains, Bruises, Empire. and all Chronic ~ iPjoiiwkfr to be roll ered from ALL PAIS, ureDr.Bose's patn CURED. .-.•■• Ifyoa desire to be cured 1 of ALL DISEASES, take his Family Medicines. Price 12*4,25 and 60 cents per bottle. . v • For sale by . GEO. H, KEkSEB, . \feblO- ' - --- • 140 Wood street.. . Mexican fiuitang Llnlaenti - . . land has baiiednlthjpj and -..— •Xtaeyjthis truly wonderful preparation, whose Intrinsic merits has introduced Us valuable ' Curative powers to the’ attention of the whole' r_ - ■ - people— ’Mhematim of ' Jong duration : A'eintiWawlti ite tortures,-have alike yielded to its - ... tragical Influence; 7 Cbncersfeontortsd joints - ' Ulcerated and swollen limbs that bate. • • . weight afdifieasefi&dpala*' ■.■; Turn, by its application, to suppleness and health- A-iemedj of usEfutoess thatcan'icstore Kewseo o ruction-to tha diseased: nerrea,-arteries and ; Ghmdsbf « Let the rheumatic, halt, laaae and palsied.-; • - Invalids examine Its medical properties, anti they trill : Not be disappointed- Yesiß .of study and - - • . •Investigation have enabled the proprietors of the - ; J2mccn ■ifuxtGnpLvnauiU toforaish a remedy : Extraordinary in its power otct disease, No matter of hotr long standingv_Sold at - ' The Drugstore of DB. GEQ.H. KEYSES, • No. 140 Wood street gg* Sold in 25c, 50e, end &I bottles. - . TebHfcd&w- . HUBRIS’ BEHBDI I a NlaCillible'cure for Gonorrhea, Gleet, Strictures, Koc jfx tumal Emissions, Gravel, and all those, distressing. -Complaints usually consequent upm.youthfuiexcesses mid.' • indulgences. • - . .. ;»• - -•* In preparinga spbdflo for -this class Of diseases, DriTKor riahsd expanded much time and monoy, in order to present -to thaonihrtunate sufferer,'a pleasant,safe rmd efflrfant -medldiie.- That he has succeeded, isa&ct veil estahlishedg as there has been many thousand-botflessold, ' r • WARRANTED TO CUBE,' - Or the money returned, and so farhaa given entire satis* faction. ,•---• -. >-■-■.• Ann tiiTlgciiitius laMldodfar ... - BROKEN CONSIUCTIOSS, . Xt has no bciDS extremely palatable and oHd, cs well as penuauentin its effects. --. that distressing complaint sOcoxainou tmonsfeoialev termed Flcur Albus, or Whites, this gpeclflniB a aayreign remedy, and should bo used by all who ere thus afflicted. BUBD3ALL AERO., Druggists, cornet of Mala and Front etrectv Cincinnati, Ohio.’sole Agents fbr the sal* of the •above medicine in the Western and Southern States, and to -whom all orders must: be addressed.^. - . ~ JCSF Sold by • - GEORGE H. KJJY3ER, comer of Wood street and Virgin alley. HOW TO COBB HEEBIA, OB BTOTTOE, Tprs DISEASE is cow so ecmmnn-that thousands of . in* •strumeuU ore- in -tire fbr, notonly its relief; but even its radical cure, most of which are entirely worthless, and unfit for tho purpose designed.', .The lcsfrrun.ent usedintha. cure of hernia orcuptureis called® rsnss, and should be well madtu'asd well adapted to the broken parts, in order, to gire relief; or effect aeure. That a.curettf rupture can be effected,-1 would advise any ores to call ou.the undersigned, and he will giro them evidence beyond all question of doubt. I have in severe! lustancea. during the past year, cured eases of rupture, soma of both odes,.and in the casescfchtidretij almost inevitably, by- the application-of D&. HUBBAKD'3 TRUSS, an instrument that can be perfectly flued to the I partsfnating a wooden, and capable -of affording any amount pf pressure that may be desired. Itwlll .not more from Ibo parts to which it is adapted, and it afiord* a press* l ure, without pain, that no other Trure possesses. : ; ; • f [ vw_l would respectfully-invite the attention cf physi* l dans, and these suffering, from tha discaso, to. thi3 snstru [ment- Particular attention giTen to the edaptalion of these | ingin^TriCTtW- I ' I also keep Body Braces, Abdominal Supporters, Shoulder 1 Braces, and all kinds of mechanical appliances far the cure 1 of disease. - DB.-QEO. IL JCUYBKR,. 1 mylSdawlm • ■ _ N 0.140 Wood street. GEEAT ESGIiiSS REEIEBf I The moat Valuable Spring eM Summer; Hedleine in uto Woridl-. DR. HALSEY’S FOEIS T WIHEI IIATROKIZED BY THE- NOBILITY ■ AND -IUMCAL faculty op ehqlakb, akd esteemeb the OST EXTKAOBDEfABYHEDICINKIN TUB WORLD*. • HedidnE® -containing molasses like the- "beast*- : wdSanapsrillas, require many largo'bottles .taproduea the . slightest change in The ii&tstJFixe is altogether a .different article. = It contains np syrup to .give it coariatcn.* i 'ey, but acquires its .excellent flavorand powerful-maueiaalj qualities from. the vegetable plantscf which il ls composed. 1 Theibrut TFlna combines the virtues of the l Wild Cherry, Dandelion,' Yellow Doclx, 1 . ond Sarsaparilla I - . : j with other valuable plants whose properties are still more, 'powerful. •- • . • - •" , - ' Its high concentration renders it one of. the most efficient medicines now fa us& t Las than a single bottle restores the lingering patient from weakness, debility, and sickness, to afaung and vigorous health. Every dose shows its good effects on the constitution; and. improves, the state of the health. The ibretf IFira is recommended, in the strangest tenns, fop *ll complaint* of the - •. ■ Stohach, Ncavors Disobdsbs, Emous'Affections,. Dbopst, Dyspepsia*; - r LqBS 07 APPETITE, JaTODICE, FbHALB , COHPEAIST&r SCEOJUIA* ASD AH, , - i Disobdebs abisihg feom Bad ' BIOQD* ABSIMPOSE HABIT 07 THD SYSTEM* SATED FROM DEATH I!! •Testimony of Ifr. Xaib&i HaWteat, a highly respectable and wealthy dtiiea of Newark, JJ.J.v • - , •• ■■ JirJ3 t TK Hziwy.'—l belicTo your Forest Wine and Tills' have been thotaeanS ofeasing my lif* l rr»mmsnr«d f*v»ng them. I laid at the point of death, with Dropsy, Hies, and Asthma. My Thysidaa had given noQver as past cure, andmy-family had Install JEThileis. this dreadful situation, your Forest wines and Fills were I procured for me, mod before Ihadflhished the first bottle of tbs TVine and box of THIS, I experienced great relief my body and limbs, which wenrgreatly swollen, became sensi bly reduced. Hopes of my recovery began now to revive, and oiler continuing the use of your medicines for about a : month, the PUeand'Asthma wer* completely cured.- - Tbft-j Dropsy, with which my life was placed In such great danger, was also nearly gone. I have continued lbs use of your medicine* until the present time, and I now enjoy as perfect health as ever I did in ay life, although I am more than 60 yC lascrn»W utuvety entirely to the uso of your excellent .medicines. Several of tay neighbors have also used them with success la obstinate complaints, and l can MATTHEWS. yewart, At Dec. ISjIMT* great cube of liver complant of TEN YEARS STANDING! - Nro Sous, Jan. 9,1848. Dr. fihtey, Dear Svr —Haring taken your Foirt w» and Pilla to remove a disease 01 too Li vcr,frcm which I nave suffered severely for upwards of ten years; and having ad hered closely to the directions which accompany thamedi . cines, I Imvo recovered my health, notwithstsmding aU who I knew me thought my eaeo incurable.-- Previous, to tohlng , 'the Wine and Pills, 1 bad recourse mmU but continued to grow worse to art.alaiming.eOTg; . j^^-ssaasasasiSi ; of the deception and inciilclencT,<^.many.«dvnted^^ sssk^j '“dev disease, Lean Eg*™-?,,,, ■ speaklng/thcy have saved el^™S 1 mabtos: era of them; I was In* fete d^gan^insteweelafrcmtteamo -itSrchaSdthemodldnes, tobha:grcahataprisa. otanmy, entirely eured, and-had inerciuei} fifteen In weight, having taken ono hor at the-PUla, and m Mtlcs onhc Wine- Would to Qod that every poor suf- - ftSrwmSivail himself of the nwwwaannr ~ '^ 7 : | fcrorwoum " J4SIES fIILSQN ' * Da. DAvm hUBVDr, a celebrated practitioner of Sow York, i ! declared publicly, tot -GCait Bofia]flCT.:TiiUrgtr^ : '.v^ / Kwriiatcte^Ktniyßcsdk^tccJccrulrj-, X JBUI Broker,.Post BulltHc toe,' Sorih West Ccrctrcf Vi covi • v, ami ViftUgtreott. Pittsburgh. ‘ Particular. oxteutioa paid:tt> SuWirlp^TTOp^rty;-';^ • restingboases &£:- v • - v. :\*?rr ■;■;rreyltfclj~"'^v. . UQtfc-SAlifi—3s7 -Acres ttf.-Lami, “JJ - 23 mi 3 es-fim -cifcV the Oiiio laad aboucijs ©UhosU antT-pma tim* : ,hcj& - Apply'tff- .: v.; - .THPHAS.HQFJfm^y^r'- ' ' ""' i.KeiJEstats-Asetit,*---^'— EaUdih js, Uth •. Ij4*r:KU^?1j4*r:KU^? , hraa ' Actea-pf^-liapit/jatcatfal about fogr ,-H tbcd^'irodonen nairom the TurtJ*CwKk ; : :£ntmd - ' riiiQCSiAS --- ‘ " street;.;; SALK— IXfKU ca - Jj is elected a Fresa Builtaj, "“*“££• - - 86 Jy.BpcsiiTf^ ?l able AvtUiaziOT suitable fora factory.- This groper *yT?uf_- * '. . • ' THOSIAS 2gKMTT,'. ' ' iayl3 .• . : . Post Ks&iingS fifth «rcrt. - TT'Oii SAiiiS^TiiCsstwosjoryfcaraaßCß2&V** -Jj - eftcb; cobtahilas four rocnsj each;!♦• Lots sfeSQ.by 110 fcetj-toim alley :Wftrd: ; .Aßefi^ny;«ity property'trtufcesold lo*r?aiad?•?"' Keating's alley.'. Tbe.Lcl te 30: .by.ilSS feet erected two brick dwellin'j^hb S.'by "41 feet, each? tw4.&bSlf stories iughyepsh.fconso eontajnssfitea: reemsyv; and a pimtryr sood stoQ&.‘cvllar« under e&eiylionso; -‘by-*; - . drnat water convenient; a goodbiick. J stible''in the'Tcsr r of v•"•- lbb'nrtspcrtT wfil be «oldlow ibr edebj-' : • - : ''Applyto •: vr' ; -,vr*• *0:- • THOMAS iIOEiTET* -. -- v : 'Post3niaioss^lßh?argekl^ 'VrALUABLt: PKOPhiVI'Y FOKrSAUS, on thexoatsvtsof- : ; • y '•■Oit DiamctruL—A. House'and Lot, 2tFfeet; Iront-fcjv l2£- £' ~ . feet deepid Delator street-noirrentsfSrSSOOpei.-jeicy and will bo sold on reasonable terns. -:Bnqnirc'of - . CHA3. b. i^iris,K6;7s-To^bsw^ v r:v^-^ r tayll • '.. "•• opposite-tbeßaakcrPitfaburgfr.jy- j , SEATS SALE—r'nirettTery desbaiilesltesv-:* \U;for.Cbuntry BesideneaQ situated hear rtyy££ '£;.; aSontto* wa3k Jfrom.tbo B^rcad£taUoa t “the highly inprovedccnntryresiJeTices of Jr il!Caily-iiid ■- ■: J. 3I’CI cs key, Esqs; Those -wbo-insh. to ; Teadectt onbaj-J'v. :gmdks**Bd coatenient to the city, : tunity tu purchase, thani-Is -hbw>o2ered,ns:tbe=prices-.;E£—~ low, and terms easy." - -V- ■■.. r C3AS. Ei-jXiQQ.2H&-. .*•■ Beal Estate, Stoeiand BillErcker,- - - inylS • • 75 goartfr styhettreea Harkctand , S'oOd.l'.^ r '; ■•: 1 ,■ :-/ T\QEiG THE- BEST iBUSIXESS V 1/ stock, fixtnm, ondgocd-wiH of-this endy:: 'attended toiiwill ensure ttfcasmcdo'j.-.:• -iwowner.weH oS; but whoso',health--c6mpds'itlni.l6b»T3-L •; -ft.?Enouirercf-: r - my 9 - • - • CfrmmflTcf&l Broker."4s Starkest stresfc ~ v' TOOla ; fOT SalB»-,; „ _ 0?. Easters Tn*frg> %, a. superior at'-a . yijrtjpg cf r\ t rf q cell tQ -exaialce t&Q 9OTTC. *:-.v-v ■ -r-;T!7,:-v-v:v:S/ r cinrHßiaa:^'So2? J ,::';''.'';? •"-• ;i ; Beal' Estatg Apm.tg.l4Q Xhird street:,; _ T>ENN ■•JSXJUiET-' KM)PJSKTI£i IfOS' SALS— story Brick Houses, neariy »ft#, crnPenn£tyv.:.> between Handcock »na gund streets: twelTa rocas-eseli*’besides tonse andVbatlTrsftsii?. -r ’idtlr alt the modem r 1 .; oa'Accommodatingterms. /Enquire cS- v;-'^ SkxkfßUl.andHeal Estate:Broken -z~: Ol finn IN 3iASY- tesiiXeadgT.gltnalo aboot cas'aiicl aialf . BJeatr aad'fmaß frnSs, 'ucder 'gao&fiae&TT-i. 'property islnfcceenortorder/ -sn& •would >*-, rtagft for* mall l- liacdt .- •- "talaoce fa four eacal annual cayneats.-- - ---? r • xhyET' -•'• S.-CUTHBK&E &SQy» 140 TfagdsU.-: Vv -K I>TlH> KflH)Ksc& -roit oa-gesa- " -J\ . street^-well arranged for.cpsofbrt and 'eonteniscce, =•;: ' r flfitlijpisMi’J ’waicrani.Bli'tli® apartxaeats».: : TiiSiQn£Sisrof^^. three rocinr, in the iasa^t ciliTj-both; far"Vcxkm&hsfcJp • •-.agreeable andpleasaStT.: A. 'goodThrici 'stable aag^.csrrfo'gat: v-^ '■ house in th&Teariirith pared yard-; .The Lotis 24 - rmrptmn street, hy I 3& feel deep, to a 15 -feetalley: -This. oToeertTrrfllhe-soldala bargain* and on easyterras.: ,V--f * • ' - 8. CCTtIBBRr & SON, - - .■ml2 HO Third street r To X>et ;/nH2 Store Hpusb gedDyreHing. fcafcad.cn : Of nfetwrfa'.tif tfcft 't&tix Enquire fif.-‘" r- v '7". grplfrdtf - GEOHGE RSCHABD3. . rpO LET—XiVO SQG3IS, on:tije 'Second Story,-, over tho A • J_ Office of the u State Mntn&l Tiro and JHannolnsurance % Ootnpaor, n l? \c - ‘ - \::i -ji Lr -jJI. -^^-Z Coiner.ofTonrtfr.and Southfield; v-'Mprl&tf r maE STOB&HOOJToccnjjial by CrA'bithnot. oa. ths - iji. comer of Wood-streeV .-Tcssessioti.- ffiven oa the Ist of April.. tor terras, enquire of ... ** • BROTVX * B2RSPAXBICK, -I. . ' -Ko: lOolAbertj street 1 .!■ A Cbanee for- a Good lnveistpientt-: >: : 0 . . :*OOR-SAI£~An iatercst' ; : : -; ffl. fttvi jcroStabla ■wishestoleaTOtlacityji»D4wllse4cnjulTaaii»jjcoastcrmi, , to & person of good cbsKicter;sn(l.enterpri^ ; feotusea.iad gtaUiag&rul an; aEri n Vln a hgoritod'frai t ~ cellenfcvater:' OBnaolra of; '?:•••"-V. =■. - 4 BAJvEVnUX & CAMPBELL,* _ 17 “■ Attorneys at-Xaw» T 5 Qrant-X^otv Desirable Eesidence for Sale. ■ .■ rpflE late residence of Jonathan iitjUered—r-'. \ lor rale; aitaafced in a pleasant j. Usexccentexicadon of: the water ah 3 etfll more desirable. The House i*a well*bcnt.iwoßt3ry--.“- doable hons®.'•. TheXot&ontuig tOfceton North Canal-sb,' runs bach 274 feet to Liberty st., and is tred improved. . V- JA3TES : BENNEY, orL; WILCOX 4IL - ‘Pp?l9 tf Pittsbnrgfr AprillS, ISS3 -TWTO.ISTfOOD STREET, adjoining' our Warchousa—ifltb'/ I ‘.v* •JM a superior FIBS AM> THIEF PROOF VAULT, code- - Theloeaticaand arrangement sirs' admirably adapted h* = - a BANKING .HOUSE or INSURANCE OFEICE, and Tar . : rionriTen.lmmediately. .Enquire of..■ ■■- - • _ ■ CURUN G % ROBERTSON «fc CO, „ >- '." / --'eornCTl<^.ig<^aßd;l^mtatregtgrrj^7>^ - For Eenti - „ \ COiDfOBIOBS. COUNTING-HOOH, ssd _ ■JA p&lntedj wlth gaa fixturea -L; -'. . flooivNo. '~6l .Water together Trtthr tbfr:priT&gfrro£?r--- >- : 33jg-L- • ;- eonTeaiMcaof theELßi-Bcpot^asiirtV:--‘p . ty 1 of the Steamboat Lauding, renders iSc--. ~ ' a - < ; v- Steamhoat Agent, Insurance' OJ3ce.:llailioacf.tepartorj ■tvw ■neisDareonirlcr an. OSes ia ihe'tnu'lncssipartof u -r::‘ r LVIW TAATOV-. ; :• ; -.. ■ ‘ .V-W. ::. r-~ •■---. . Pop ; Sale* ; 1 LOT OF GEOTJUD in Ecgifj Elan of Lets in the Third W7»id of the City of Pittsburgh,near mjb street, end : \ .. --feeing 2sf&efrfiont sad-- roaaiss*• back 117 fceV^3EJib''prbp«r^7 ! -?nX.T^fi»ld;clear.«f .-ftlllncassjju.-..'-. faaiice, , '«jic^Ot'BnatuU'grbtmd- ; .teßtof rixtjrfivadail&rs, to which ii la JJntiepropn-*-.. ~ir tit «arca*cood TES333U2fTS—fiTe brick-andtirff fcaiW-* i two slariei hlgb^tmti 1 ycs tii g for. •boTzt^toiyxxittfca^' JfnHurnnrmnaTly.':- I '-4 T” . ' - •-■ T . ..•'■• * ;•■.■• ••• • i Price, {1200; SCOO csih, and fSOO in« oonthj-hygocd ■endorsedpaper*’ ” r^l _-v.ua*. * 4L Jeiatf Attornay at-law; No. 120 ggartfr attest^--' . EloraKloent Country - -wr. ; : rpHE«al»crft?crof£r* fcrsalethafiteaatlfuiTract ■ .- L- oaCeahglU, fumeili’Cecapicd-tt? Hubert jt contains tirentracres* aadpartpf ~- haviggcnlfca fine yooin? oraai-- • plants, £e. - ~- x - " ' j This location c&md&nda one of-tbs most fa Western PeniisylT&fiiSs'nnd -i uwalX&om l&ncfty, presents advantages tnai attractions~ r surpassed byany sTtallst tract land in lb*a market i'i IT'caf sold entire- before ol Jtme, it-giH/be divided-- ' •• .into-Lots and, offered at Aoction. ■:• A* WILKES'S. - -C. • ' :-gg3 . -VyTl Foarthut. _O£LJ2ON~«S ldt&jkYOT-etraexfarsriic’e, for sale hr:.:-. ~ O ' p?I0 - - SMITH L SISCIAia. :T>UTTOH (MlTiiHS—Jnsi nrttivcii jy taygP w: Er SCHHEHTg,. 107 HarKetst. SCOTCH. ESUFF—2O boxes, la '1 nn! jaeßelSrajts.:- mnntrti emnsh. to fll 6®) finndiea-colnnm* or tfjfe saps, 1 --•■. . gwHtVtoravaaof yiadi Jjta3begKanfita«s'-.tKa^»fyi ' fVj-atgoTCrtUDCata. ; - V„..- .V'/* AboToßr&na'ftEn!e*sr-?£--T?» c I • : Wheretß-'erd** snst-be addresser ; dhTsctioD3icir'nsins thasane-^mall-.»s | SjoSl&'Oie largest Wadsior: £. -K' Boston, Hoy T. «saf-f«wiaa»m-»3 ** *• * - ' -v. - '• y:i ~ i-.n \ * * -J. y ‘i'V-r.nTiV:.-'=: V* •"*- \ - v.* * Os T * , V/ V '■V ; - ’V" - > V A \ t B. F. WEDDELL. X •t ~ - 7 " v, H -