The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, May 17, 1853, Image 2

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Aiilj /tl ,r?;?!»i ; , tortho fcr os»t onrObtmllatent
,‘il <ii tf-t Jfaei* *> *“■-„,’»t '»fi f H io-ttos TOO rnnsinio&e»
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tt”' rT^rii 1 r ? l^f s i ■• ihe Docwcratio State Central Committee pf
; - j^fasaafssaw
-THE m&SIOWBirAaKB*- _
-•-: - .WeUave dread?-ndnsed out.Maflete U>6
‘City Conooiis hare Wisely determined- that an
-4j * other Market House shall bo.ereoted m the »m
-pond, on the spotter* the old elronh? market
1' ' house-has so long stood. Thurn apd drauingß
* have heed submitted to us*or our opinion, and
therefore proceed to gire » lt m
X ' worth. We think ttatobasementmarket,
'’, appears to meet -frith favor from, the mamnUee,
’iriU prove inconvenient, and vtlll probably be a
•' lux _ - total failure. -
- Any market room, to be healthy, light aid
J ' “' ‘ airy, should be at least fourteen foot high- - Now,
if suppose the first floor was placed four feet above
'ftfetji ' the level of the surrounding ground* then it
* - '* would be necessary to hare stairs rtinmng down
J - * ' oonjß' thefldorof thabasemept. Ihe
' eeXd story of the present market house as
~ every person knows, who is under f^ecesm
&%&£&* ■ of carrying a loaded btmkot up and down, isn
if * positire nuisance. Indeed, no,personrehould-
f 4gv^, ' think of carrying marketing up and *“w®. wt *-
* out having Ms or her m insured against wet-
Set' dents. It is to be hoped, therefore, that p smii
- lor mistake will not be committedintbe erection
„Vv *4 Of'the new market house. , , ,
* The”first fioorshonld not be over one foot above
" - > the level of the ground, so that people conldpass^
® V,^i '^"v la and out withont any tronhloor Inconvenience.
' If a merchant pr tradesman had his goods or
- wares in a room some foarfeet aborethopave
' ment, he certainly might go whlsthng’for cus
tomers. The Same argument will apply to eny
other kind -of business. And.certiulily the in-1
4 " ' convenience wonld be doubly,great, if the place
• - a -.,-w.ii.—»«“»“
? , '• Many other reasons might be mentioned re
" opposition w a basement market, but we e hMl 1
atpresent onlyallude- or ta A riom |
• deeplyundor ground would bo dark,
.X *£<**- * gloomy and otlierwlao ttaoomfof table a Y and the
■% ', - probabilities are that it would be necessary to
zK v4f*l bum gas there during cloudy weather. 14 would (
- bo nest to impossible to keep abasement market (
rl|;& ' Clean, from the fact that a hose.could not be in*
Si'Sv . ‘ trodneed tp cleanse it unless a sewer was con-,
' * strusted to the river to carry off the water and |
ll -filth. _ l
€fl.i^lSi^TK. v^S^X, f‘' > In stating those objections toabasementmar- 1
ket, woliope that no person wM be led tasup-,
pose that we are not in favor of tho prt(jeotcd,
now Market house. Wo are anriuus to see such,
- a building erected as mil be an honor and tm |
' omatoeut to the city, without reference to the,
1 ‘ cost. We are in favor of a large market house,
gfy ’ comfortably nrranged, capable of accommodating
'* all our country friends who may bring their pigs
ij.iES and poultry, butter and vegetables toPittaburgh
'£??'' * for sale. We ore in favor of alaitge and well
arranged Town Hall in tho second story, with
' . galleries, if they are tieomed. necessary, where
‘4jfe^sirsS^Wf S< ' . fiiT thousand of the « Vox Populi,” (as Capt
•S>. W. would soy,) may assemble and kettle the at
- - fairs of the nation, let a Market Jtouso and
' " - Town Hall be ereoted, not for Pittsburgh of to
/ day, but for Pittsburgh, as it witi be twenty-five
~ years henco. That is our idea about the matter.
“ + ;••**»* '
43 ono of the good results to tho population
remaining in Ireland, flowing from the excessive
’emigration to this country within theTast year
- or two, is the great advance in the wages of
mechanics. In Dublin; as' wo learn from tho
English papers, tho advance in the remuneration
of mechanics hasbfioomo very generdl, and in
field laborers throughout the country are receiy
“ing better wages than has ever been paid before.
' Ten shillings per week is now the lowpst wages
’' paid to ordinary laborers} a railroad contractor
v states, 83 an illustration of 'the-great advance,
that the difference paid by him, in the shape of
augmented wages on one line of railroad, in-the
construction of which heis now engogcd,amounls
-to near ten thousand dollars per week. Although
considerable progress .hasheen made in getting
- down tho Bereal crops throughout the country,
yet in some districts not -one half the usual
quantify of cats has been planted, and the far
- 5 - mere ore exceedingly bnokwnrd with the potato’
cultivation. 1 . '
The exodus continues with increased activity.
-- . Id Mayo, apprehensions are felt that serious evils
L , must soon result fronrthe scarcity -of laborers.
' - prom the islands on, tho coast, the people are
departing by wholesale, some -for the manufoc
turing towns in England,"but the far greater
portion for America. From one’of the largest
of those Islands, rnnislurk,'the inhabitants have
removed, having been aliowed-bythe landlordto
‘take the'produce of their crops,■ cattles and
household goods, althoughthoyhad bgen heavily
in arrean far ton t. ,The inhabitants of another,
‘ , Clare Island, are preparing to emigrate, nnd the
, parish priest, having lost hisfiook, is to remove
„ to some other district.
■ , ~lr' irS fC<i 4 , ducedlntotho Logidaturo^toconsider, lie espo
_ r ' " •. •: ,xn<)3IAB • PHUUP^
' The following appointments.for this State are
-■ annoontedby telegraph: ,
Benjamin Pause, to bo Postmaster at Harris.-
- bnrgh. The prineipal oompetitora were Mr.
IH’Rtkt.-kv of the Union, and, Mr.‘Bassets of
"the Keystone. , ' -
Jpjffl B, 1 Bbattoh, Editor of the Cariialo Pot
C 7 - unlur, to be Postmaster. at Carlisle. •
E. P, Sloas, Editor of the Observer, to bo
- Postmaster at Erie. >-
>-- ’ James EtM'Pabiasp, Editor pf the Democrat*
to be Postmaster atMeadviUe.
Sums Tmwz to be Postmaster at Kittanning,
Armstrong county p \
Pension Aowts
Esq., has been * -K|g|
isvitlo, Kenti i
Important from tlse ’^jojauslcanßepwlfllo
- the 0 Republic, give an
interesting aocQttr“ t j njte j at j' on t 0 ths rcsolnte
Wasurep- adopt* by General Santana, Presi
dents ths Do ,mimcan republic, (hot Santo Anna
of MesixSi,). in brining the Aiehbiohop of San
Injngo 0 sense fit hla situation as a subject
His Grace having decUned
■ate the'ooth of fidelity tor the constitution,
p rescribed by law, Was Cited by Santana be
■e the national Congress ( and there reiterated ,
erofosaf,‘trt the ehtae time stigmatizing" the
iistftutibn asabnrsed nnd,: and de
.ring he would exile himself rather than Bub
tto thePresidentis exigenoy. _,, _
Santana, as a~good, wise .and patriotic : chief
inTas 'he .iB, politely ’handed to -the recusant
date-his passport; and with a generosity which
ies him crfidit, issnedon the same day a deem®
immanding -the-Minißtors-of War Bnd.Marine
iplaon nt‘hia Graoi?B; diepbsal a -national; ves -
ih and also directing the Minister of. the Trcn*
irytohdndtohisGracethe handsome niadrum
f four thousand dollars. Tho
Ver, relented of his resolution,-and informed
iontanitl that-ho*.would, on a oortain day,
akothereijairejiflttth t 6 thotconstitationtykioh
At a wfcekbefore hehad characterized as cursed
rad"heretical. The President, as if to signalize
lis triumph, ordcre'd-tbat' the event should be
celebrated with great pomp in the holy cathedral
church, and that te daims should be Sung in nil
the other-churches of San Domingo. a,
The N. T. Btmld, innoticing tho abovebays that
thenonrso of the president, in this particular in
stance,-has effectually curbed the ambitions po
litical intriguesof ,the clergy. A correspondent
of the HeVaid; writing from San Domingo, states
that there was a conspiracy afoot, between the
last-Presideot Baez, and tho clergy, to surrender
the liberties of tho country to Franco.
nr* wmftaißKP rapy. ; t <,
This is one olt the most perfect, useful, orna
mental, and economical discoveries, which hah
been introduced to the puhlio in modem times.
She HSO o V Iron, In its,application to build
ing purpopseS,, is daily extending; its durability
of ornament for arehiteotual adornment, and its
cheapness recoimmends it above all other mate
** The art of improvement in this work, we think,
has now reaohfcd its highest pitch of
and nothing, we are ante, oen eclipse tho to
tels, Table Tops, Columns, Vases, Pilasters, &e.,
each representing tho choicest varieties of tor
ble which ore manufactured by tho Hew Voss
UW» W Wobks, and of which they
hav6 just ope'nbd a splendid assortment at their
Office" and Sales Boom, So- 413 Broadway.
Specimens of the choicest vorietUa are now ex
hibited! such as EatMiAjr, SnsssA, BnooATEtfx,
Vsno AhtiqCE, Agate, Pbisoe Aurara, Jaepeb,
Ptoesesb, White Statcaht, laanr Spah,' &c.,
&o This discovery ha 3 tho double advantage,
of economy and beauty; the average cost being
about one-third that of Marble. They are car,
pable of wit hstanding a high heai, of reßishog
OILS and AOID3, which stain and deface Mar
bles, and can be transported to all parts of the
Mtuifles have been introduced into the,
costly dwellings of some of tbo wealthiest citi
zens: 1 and those'Cf moderttemeans, are enabled,
to adorn their honscs with truly beautiful man
tles, at a very trifling cost as compared with
Marble " ‘ * , . .
« Wo refcr.onr readers to tho advertisement or
the abovo Company, and advise them to call an
examine specimens at their Sales Boom, Ho. 413
Broadway,, Newport-.„
' Anecdote of the Premier.
The hard pressure for appointment? to office
I aider" the now administration at Washington,
1 gives rise to some amusing incidents. The fol
lowing Is told of the Secretary of State ;
.. Among tho hostof besiegers in the pursuit
1 of place, was a woman who was extremely onx
iotl that her husband should be made posterns-
I ter in some country village. She was “ost per-
Beverine in. her solicitations, in season and out
ff Sn She stood nt tho Secretary's door
I when he catne out of his room in the morning;
15ie intercepted him on his way to Ms meals;
j sho followed him to htolodgings atnlght- On
] one occasion she remained there late,
| the Secretary listened toher as ,OD B ?® h ®
when ho requested her to exouse him, but she
jdingered. At length every ®“ e
1 had cone, and the Secretary took off Mb shoes.
I Still she stood her ground, quite unmoved.
I GfoVibg desperate, the Secretary finally rose
I from his scat, and proceeded to strip off Ms coat;
(then, turning-to tho woman, ho exclaimed
1 ‘Madam, lam going to bed, and If yon ‘ J
(.withdraw, I shall write to Mrs. Moray about
| you.' The lady immediately retired—from tho
1 room.” : ..
Obb Chabob at Bomb,—The Albany Evening
I Journal pays tho following compUmont to LewU
Cass, Jr., out charge at Borne: ,
« Wo trust there is to be no change, for any
cause, at'Bome. Mr.'Cass discharges hares
excite more general regret amongtheiauUitades
i' who have experienced his hospitality, <md who
1 appreciate hie fitness for tho txl S hly honoratlo
I andpreponsibleoffice, -which he had solong fill
-1 ’ • • j
I Mr. Weed, the editor of the Journal, visited
] Rome last year.
Post Oraffl Bobbeoy.—A young man named
Theodore A. Bossie, a olerlt in the foreign Utter
department of the New York Post Office, waa
detected on Wednesday by Mr. Jamea Holbrook,
l a'speoifll agent, in the act of rifling a letter.—
I He wasimmediately arrested and committed. It
is L supposed that his depredaUona hare been
continued tinring the last two years, but aa they
were confined 'to foreign letters, it waa at first
bcHeved the robberies were committed on the
other Bide. .... f.
Gebhast. —WooK Batlvnyr ani Td,graph -
The commercial men of Hamburgh wo exerting
themselves to establish an annual wool market
there. 1 ' According to returns just published, tho
net-inoome on all the German railway? shows on
average of 5 8-lOthper cent. The government
pf Mecklenburg Schwerin, thinking' that tele
graphic communication damages the Post OlBoe
Jha3 imposed’O tax on every dispatch, to vrhlob
'the Companies-hot consenting, tho lines are
A Tail Cjiallesob.— Tiio name of a person
w h<r will wager 550,000 or $lOO,OOO that ship
Bavereign of the Seas, nhder tho ««nM
Capt. Wilson, • Baltimorean, now of the Anda-
InL Trill outsail any other vessel in thevrorld,
is in possession of tho editors of tho New York
Evening tost. The trial is to bo made from
Now York to Philadelphia, vessels in ballast or
|U ,f»yTha awful collision on the Mlohigaa
Southern Railroa<iha3 occasioned. theiE3ulngo
i order,that every engine, with or withouta train,
roust-tnakoo full stop at.ovcry railroad cross
ing, and the conductor oir engineer'mast go for
ward, and giro notice that the way is olearj be
fore the train proceeds-
The WEBTirraifiiEtt BirraEw.— Tha Aprilcaxa-
Jber-of the "Westminister Bsview, pnbliohed by
Leonard Scott & Co., hoc beon received by Oil
denfenoy & Co., Fourth street, end Miner & Co.,
SmifoffclAstreet It contains a vast amount of
good reading. '
S - - 1 1 " u,p 4
Comow DEantoSco.—The Falmouth
Cotton factors', neat JJredorieksbnrg, Vo., woi
.destroyed by fro on Friday lost. The locs is
about 325,000, on wWeh■ foerowaa an Insurance
of $l6 Some forty hands ere thrown out
of employment by tho calamity.
'V' - 1 W y ( SJ'
*■ V- * v
An affray took placa yertcrtay-CTcnlDs, In the Boer H»U
of John A. Sailer, on Pennsylvania. ArauuvlnjUia _Elath j
Ward, :A number of Germans: were In the hoi), enjoying |
themselves in their usual wanner, avhen. a crorrdofbojß L
: o6jnmencedBtohlng"thohousei'theQennane4ofc.njledlJiran i j.
relyee In tbo best manner pofsiblo, with dnta. -Inthemii
'leo ono iofthb boys, named Juntas Campbell,wea abet twtcp !;
by oue of tho Gcmanp, and serioualy, If notfatally lnjurftl;
another boy, nemol Robert plso;baily .lnjuroa,:
Two Gormans, named John Yregler and Valentine Bona,
•wore amslcd,imdtniwn befbreAWermanMe!orrlaste«n
-i Ing, ehMged with anaflray. They gaye bah In tho eumof
(1004 to appear this morning.—fVM'tnsb -Jbs*-
We publish tbo above, not for information,but
merely ns a basis for a remark or.. two,.The
Germans were,’ in this 1 “instance, held to- ball m.
large curas* for simply - defending themselves
against an unprovoked attack of vagabonds.—
Some of the assailing*- party. wore -,iigared,_o3j
they deserved to be. Had life been taken, the
nrovoeation was sufficient to justify itf for life,
Iyondangered-by the notion -of the house Bton
rowdies. The different police officers or buy
tehtnoti'ow hot on hand in nine .cases,out of
l on such occasions; and, if . they, should be,
jcrally manage to mako themselves scarce, tn
j shortest possible time. : -What ore innocent,
offending parlies to do in such an emorgonoyr
t defend themselves os best they may? l t ~ v
What right haa.'O party ,of rowdies to molest a
jrmah- ball or other peac.eahlo gathering m
ors more than they have to molest a party os
mhled at Smith * Nixon’s or the Me!o.deon,,to, |
joy themselves with a musioal .entertainment |
-n'leoture ? And were snob nn attack mode on
ther of these popular places .of intelligence ana
ansement, and Borao of tbo.assailants setioasly.,
lured, is: tho sympathy -of the. community to ,
5 invoked for: the - injured ...scamps,.- nnd tho
agistrato naked to require heavy bml no“ the
arties thus defending themselves ? Yet itwould
>em thtft tho mawkish feeling that labors to
ive from the- gallows, tho mallolooß, or reckless
mrderer is at work to screen vagabonds m their
owdylsm. by whiok unoffending persons, onjoy
ig themselves in-doors and molesting nobody,
nd least- of nil tho assailants- pro assaulted,
heir lives endangered,,and tho peace of com:,
entity, seriously disturbed. Were we a magis
rote we would hesitate long beforo wo should
mid to bail or oommit men who defended them
elves, ns did tho Germans in Pittsburgh, and,,
n doing so, injured some of tbevngabondassail.
If police officers—and them are . plenty of
them—cannot ho found, or arc not on. hand, to
protect peweablo assemblages, the law must; bo
enforced by those endangered; nnd, tf they who.
set law at defiance arc injured in so doing, why
shoulio magistrate or tho community look witn
compassion on thorn ? -. • ,*.
• Wo havo had in this city instances where out
siders—reckless imbibers:of gin, and who staked
their reputation among their fellows on tho ex
tent to which they could go in dare-devdlshncss
bate broken Up pcnceablo assemblages oi Uer
mans by tbeir assaults, for being simply refused
tbo privileges of the room. ; It is welt known
that the Germans have their own way.ol eqjoyr
ing themselvesbut because .theiracustoms abd
manners differ from those of ours, to that any
reason why vagabondsi.who. care law, or
who regard none ot tho conventionalities of civ
iliicd society; should-by violence break np the
peaceable gatherings of. these strangers nmong
us. who are here to become, or ore already citi
zens of tbo Bcpnblio, simply because the rascal
ly assailants are of a different country and ton
miago, nnd think they understand better the
taws of tho country than the assailed party ?
Wo are free toconfcss that our sympathies are
with tho in-door folks, ni.d decidedly against the
outside rascals. If peaceable assemblages are
assaulted by rowdies, and any deatl '
tatter onsno. wo sayi let Jbe dead burythodM.
but puutoh not. tho living, who simply defend
1 themSelVea against unprovoked assaults. ■
I ' If one manmakes preparation to cowhide pn
l other,- ho prepares himself for death, for he
toons that tho party ho attempts to cowhide is
justißabioin taking his life. Wo say that ]a JUst
what these distnrbors or peaceable gatherings
should do nnd expect; they should prepare for
death nnd expect it. And should they meet Buch
a fate, we ore not the ones to mourn their end,
however much wo may sympathise with their
relatives. — Cincinnati L'nqmrcr.
—And we are as free, os our friend of tho En
gutter, to confess that onr sympathies were de
cidedly in favor of the Germans, nnd, “against
the ontsideraseais." Tho remarks which wo
quote above; suit this neighborhood exactly,and
wo cordially and sincerely endorse them. For
tiiQ satisfaction at tho. writer in tho .Enquirer,
We will atato that Alderman Majou, on-n further
hearing of tho case, discharged tho Germans
from custody, nnd turned the tables on their as
sailants, by holding them to hail.
Justice to the California Indian*.
For years pastwc have, heard most horrible
stories about the atrocities of tho Indians in
California, noth Of course, everybody believed
them. But we recently bad a conversation with
a California gentleman of much intelligence in
every matter relating to that State, and he gives
a very 'different version of tho story. This gen
tleman iB Mr. Biaktok McAlmn. Ho has
written a letter to the N. Y. Herald, from'which
wo take a.few extracts. Ho says: ' !: ;
•«i have resided'in California oince Ootober,;
1849 the greater part of the time in the moun
tain or mineral region, whioh is now, and,has
been during that period, inhabited by the- In*.
afons. ; 'l* resided front August until December,
1851, on the San Joaquin river, within two miles
of Fort Miller, where .there is tho largest collec
tion of Indlana in California, and I have travel
od a great deal among them in other parts or tho
State, and.l must say that I have never heard of
suoh acts of barbarity as aro set down in,.that
report against onr own countrymen. !_
■ I was on King’s river in sijt hours after tho af
fray had occurred, which is represented _tn his
report as o; massacreof women and children,
and which be nays was premeditated. I know
oil the Americans engaged in the affray, end: the
gentleman who is stigmatised as the leader of the
massacre, I hove known for years. And from
the-careless manner this affair has been report
ed I come to the conclusion that the whole his
tory of Indian barbarities in California is some
whot similar. In this ntfray there was not one
woman or aeinglo child killed, nor even wound
ed. The Indians mndo the attack upon the
Americans, and wounded one man, withan arrow
before there was o gun fired, and it was so sqoh
over that but one Indian got woundod : tho rest
fled to the mountains, as Iwosinforaeduy Ma-.
ior Harvey, who was the leader, and also by the
entire party, in six hoars after it occurred. On
tho next day a party, consisting of nine, oressed
King’s river? and visited the Indian village.l
was one of the party; and we saw the Imhan
men who had been engaged m the affray the day
before, who informed us they had been tpld. by
the Indian Commissioners to fight for their,
land—that they snppoßed the white men were
looking at their country to take it from, them..
We told them that such was not the cape, and
immediately entored into a friondly treaty wlta
them v and ttt their.request I committed to pa
per the purport of our talk.. . i _
Our party passed onto what is called,,the Four
Creeks Country, oud remained-among large
number of-Indians for several days, -looking at
the country ; and ,on our.return .to King’s, river,
WO found that the Indians at that place had kept
their 7 promise; and ■ the t whites oud them were
getting on entirely friondly. ... i
-This whole affoin was greatly exaggerated at
the time ; and those of ub who ..happened .to be
imthat region of :the country at the time pid all
wb ebuid on «nr return to San Francisoo to-cor
rect itf and I should have-supposed tho. ejmggc-,
rated statements wbichlfpund their way iato the,
newspapers in tho month • of July, 1852.jwoula
not form part of a report'made at Washington
in the month of February, 1802. * ' * ]
; How, the foots are, the State of Galjfornla
owes a debt of over one million of dollars, for
which she has given her bonds, a p,artof |nhlah
bear twelve per- cent.' Interest, tho'remainder
seven per cent. This debt she owesfor menand
supplies ordered by .the proper outhoritieSof
the State-in defenco of the lives and property of
the peoplo, and. not a single dobt has sbo spumed
where tho parties had: not been properly mailed
ont by tho lawful 'authorities.This debt she
expects tho government to pay. ; The, report is
a vory strange,one in other respects; but I for
bear saying anything more* ns ! know it p!U be
fully inyestigatod by the-people of California.
- VetyTCSpeetfnlly.yourc^entre^^
Washington City, May 7,1858. i
A thonsand oneodotCß of tho late Mr-.
Stov are current- A- young,merchant once,
waited upon him when money was worth; 3 per
JSt» month, and asked dlsooufifipaper
to we-amonnt of $6,000, stating at thd same
time that it wuaa case of necessity. Mr, Show
at once discounted the notes, and .reused to .^’
oeive a cent more than next
Shaw once loaned a poor man $lO. The next
time the recipient of the loan met him, he jrather
avoided him. -‘'Ho?lr is this ? said
«£ loaned yow slorhnt.l,did not oxpeet yon
would cat me; hut here is s2(>,
next meet let it he os old fnends. —Botlon
Oar: tie.
Sot 4bo Morning Post.
v BT/offl* *• HOlaras.
- Who Tracts to weel the bondman's chnin,
; ,v;' WnithosliTct .
- TTho wants to sweat thro* years of pain,.
t..* .tp* dishonor'd la tta grave t
■ ‘ TJaaasi ihj Ijinhs vrelsnOt mailo straight—
- - - thy thee ares cot made lair,
Must it be thy Inglorious fnio
To sink unpltied in dcspairl
• If we ere fraenen, let us show
• : Thus srßhsTftSonlfl that still can, ftd.l ■ -
If we «o strong, then let ns grew
More lenient when the week appeal 1 v
They are the grand olono who take, ,„ _ >
Their raffering.feUows by the.hand, :
1 They are the braTa alone, who break ,
' 1 ’ The shacltloa that.have cnraed.aland.
-Vrom many a rioo swampsveUAnprayw ;
Obd of my fathewi-ixntoThco! • /
' • la many a cabin's tainted air v >
Tears falllito rain where, none will we. ,
When the loud trump of Jnatlce
TMj Nation to.lta mighty hearty.. . ; •
" Tbcti aluvll the swordthat Tcngeanco takes
•—•Mbi* the last lank oppressor start!
Uoma of Hows and lEncellnny. I
The journeymen printers-of Albany have no-1
tifieO-their employers thatthoy -want an advance
of wages. The employers have not consented to
accede to the terms ashed. _
Charles Levi Woodbury has accepted the office
of Postmaster of Boston, and will assume the
duties of the office ou the first of July.'
Tbo entire stock Of .“81,000,000 of the new
bank in Hew Orleans, waa subscribed in font
The pnblio debt of Canada is between' $28,-
000,000 and $24,000. It comprises various
loans, the longest of which has 28 years to
run. ...
Judge McOlean bee refused to grant an in
junction to prevont the construction of>a railroad
bridge across SandusTty Bay. , .. • r
Bayard Taylor, the great traveler andcorres
pondentoftbc New York ZWiime, is now in Bom
bay, in the East Indies. - •, -
A cannon ball, dug up from the field of the
battle of Now Orleans, is to be sent to tho'New
York World’s Fair for; exhibition. :
Mr. Daniel Coll has been . appointed Post
master, at Butler, in the room of Mr. Joshua J.
Scdwiok. >
“Sambo,” a horse valued at $lOOO, and for
whioh he was about to bo sold, belonging to Mr.
James Jickey, of Queen Anne’s county, Md.,
died last week.;
Lt. Thomas A.’Bndd, who was in commandof.;
the Vincennes, destined for the Behring's Straits
survey, has resignedhis commission.
The bithons 'of Crawford conoty * propose
taking steps, at an early .day, to subscribe to
the capital stock of ' the Pittsburgh and Erio
i A sugar maple, growing on tho farm of the
lato Copt Wm. Hill, of Lake township, Merr
cer county, yielded, this.season,; twenty-eight
pounds of sugar, and half a gallon of syrup.
Tho Indiana State SenUntl bsjb tho sales of
roal estate in Indianapolis, during the last thyee
months, averaged about $lO,OOO a day, making
nearly u million of dollars in all.
There arrived atSan Pranoisooby soafrom Ist
January to Ist of April, 10,293 passengers, and
0250 departed by sea. Of the were
bound to Australia. Dutica collected at Ban
Francisco daring the same period, $779,068.
■ We have more; confirmations of the stories of
Teias gold mincs'in the region enclosed by lhe
SlanO on tho south, the San Saba on tho notlb,
anil the'Colorado on tbo east. A party had re
turned from the mountains with lumps valued at
iSrollln * their Origin.
The brilliant meteor, which was observed in
this city on the 80th nit, was Been, wo notloe
over acomparativoly largo extent of our caun-.
try. Portnorly such phenomena were waned
With superstitious awe, and regarded as portend-,
Inc war, famine, or other national calamines.
They ora either globes, oflight, shbotipg, etars,
of blaxiocGiotaUio stones.’■ -The latter aro l called
rnrolites, and hare been known ever since the
dawn of history. The largest recorded ono fell
in Brasil, and is estimated to weigh fourteen
thousand pounds. They ore computed to move
at a mean velocity of twenty miles a second- la
three or four cases they have killed men in fall
ing. Towards tho close of the last century,
nearly three thousand .of: liieso stones, - mostly
small, however, fellln France, and* almost simul
taneously, immense showers of them fell in India
and other places. -
It was formerly believed that wero
stones ejeoted from Somo philoso-
I phers, however, maintained that they originated
lin the fusion of earthy and metalUo matemls
Iby electricity—tho passage of tho latter from
the upper atmosphere, producing tho meteono
appearance they said. Others asserted that the
’ elements of tho mrolites existed in the almos
pbere, and that electricity combined and pre
i cipitatcd them on the earth. Later researches
induced the supposition that . these strange bo
dies xpigixt bo prqjeoted from lunar volcanoes.—-
Next it was fancied that they were fragments ef
a planet, that once probably occupied tbo space,
between Mars and Jupiter. But os observa
tions on the phenomena of meteors increased, au
these theories were successively discarded, and
it is tow generally believed by inon,of , science,
that reroutes are- independent bodies,, moving
through'.space, which, on approaching too close
to the earth, become ignited, rnsh towards it,
and ure precipitated by attraction upon it, La
place, Humboldt and Herscbel,,aU hold, or held,
this opinion. , „ .
iErolitea have frequently been .analysed., tint
they contain no new substances, and generally,
ore chiefly composed of.iron; .eight metals, and
six : alkalies and earths, have been detected in
them; Undin addition,, carbon, sulphur,. phos
phorus, hydrogen and oxygen..... Next to, iron,
'cobalt and niokol most frequently appear, _lf
the oosmlcal theory of Humboldt and . Hersobel
Is correct, wo may fairly, conclude that the com
position of matter, throughout space, , whether
In these amoUer independent bodies, in our globo
or in (he larger planets, Is the same. In that
event iron Is the principal metal of the Universe.
-Phil; hedger.
AnrorESATion ts Coffee. Tho following
paragraph from a London paper, will giro our
readers on idea of the extent to which tho adnl
teratioulaf certain articles is praotioed in Eng*
land: .
•‘ln tho course of tho proceedings In the Bank
rupt Court on Friday, some curious statements
were elicited in reference to the adulteration of
coffee with-Chicory. ', >,The .bankrupts hadhrn
very latfle'monufaflttjrtw StWh&vSO colled feof
fee, *» ot4 attributed tbeir stoppage: to ihoTrea-
Bury-ordc? proWbitbg adalteration.r. la reply
to questions from thoCoiiinusßioner»'Uioy,Btatea.
that when tho trado vma in- ,a A«sltfy.stote, -Mid
they were able to get 94@10d jS lb for the so
callod eoffOo, they made It half chicory and Aojf
coffee; but that when foeopmpetition.of other
houses ft) bad redncCd tho price to Gd, it was
made upu4 ez of chicory and 2 oz ofafftA lothc.
pound, ft was not; however, asked how, much
chicory was in tho chicory. - ;
Bailbo&d T)AUAaEs.—ltls .stated .that the
late ncoldfnt on the Camden and Amboy Bail
road will cost foatCompany some twenty or
thirty thousand dollars, in damages, 1 and /hat
now engrossing the public mind will, in a like
manner, p'ntthe New HavcnCompany to an cx
pemse of (me to two hundred thousand dollars.:
Dr. Beachlof .Bridgeport, one of the victims at
Norwalk," bad bis life Snsured.for $2,600, ■ and
Mr. Forked, anothervictim,"alsohad his lifa in
snred. It 1b said .the insurance, companies will
pay these policies, andlook- to the railroad com
pany for compensation. -
'Tun New Cohstitdtion foii Delawase. -It
appears tho new constitution of Delaware, to ho
submitted for the ratification or rejection,of the
voters on the 2d Tuesday of October, does not
contain any! new-provisions affecting.the colored
population. I A section, ■ each ns that to which
the press heS given onrrenoy, was proposed and
approved in'commlttce of .the whole, hat It was
afterwards rejected by the' convention.’ Tho
jndloial power of the Stale under the
constitution is to be vested in five judges.: to bo
elected for ten yearn by foe people, and edible
-to re-election, one of whom m foe chancellor,
find another chief justice.— SalU
■ k"-.*•-*
3- ■ L , k *•>*
If Williaa Ccilon Bryant bod T)tvcr xmttfin
but the following lines, they voald giTOluin a
perfect title to tho naffi’s.of/Poct!- —•
How «h»n I know ttaa in sphsro wticb tecy..
• spirits of. the dead.
When aUeftbea that Hm« c&ulil irttborj Sleep* v
And perishes eacng the dust *a
. For I shall feel the sting of ceaseless
e -If there I meet ihr gentle spirit not?■■: ; .
Nor hear the tolco I love, nor read again
. In thy serencst eyes the tender, thought.
Wtttnottto.otomeek 4«aapdihatbereT. -
v - Th&i ke&tt wkdse fondest lluobs tOTHirTWrtf jpveu
My aamssa, earth to ot*. toihTJWPv *
Shall It be bSnlBhed from thy toßgnemheaTon? -
la meadow* Canned by heaven’* life-breathing wlncV
la'the resplendent of- that gotten*.w.;
And larger movement* of the unfetteiea mtaa, .
thitjolued ashore?
The love that lived. througfc*ali Ihe stormy
And ,JTl f*?kiy virHh my harahernature wt*Y •
And deeper greir.andwndercrto tbolasVv, J.
- Shall It expire with life? and be no more! - .
A happier lot tbah mine, maWra-lfeM, -
Await thoo them; ; fbr thou host towed tby will
Xnchcerfnl homage to the rales of.rlgh£ ~ , .
And Invest ell, end tendest good for 111.
■ For me, thi> sordid cares In whleh l dwell .-. . ,
■ Shrink and eoneumo the heart, nsheatthe wroll.
And wrethhaih leftUsscarr-tliat Are oriell, S/- . ,
Has left Its frightful srar upon my eouf. .
Yet; though thonweaWt the .{dory of the. sky, 4
■'Wiltthonnot keeptboeamelbelovftdname,, ,
The same fidr thonehtfol broa. and gentle eye,
lovelier In-heaven’s sweet climate, yet tb» same!
ShUtilwuimt teach home,,
The wisdom that I learned so ill In thl*—
. The wisdom which Is loro-till I become
■ ‘ —Thy fit companion In that land of buss 7. .
Railroad Commnniootloxi|wltU, CWc«mo. j
Chicago lab c ginning to he ono of the great I
■ centers of railroading in this conntry. The J
j roads now converging there, and now being j
constructed which will center-there within the
next threo years, may ho gummed up os follows: j
I ~ - . Miles. J
I Boston, vi»Albany,l
I New York; via Dunkirk,
I Philadelphia, via Pittsburgh; Fert Wayne
amimoreTSa Wheeling, Columhna.;.;..i--.......— — ‘jo |
I Norfolk, via Cincinnati, 1
l Charleston and Savannah, via louhvlllo, Indianapolis, .
1 Nashville, Evansville —-- .. . uwu
Mobile, viaChtmgo _ SS
St holds, and. Bloomington.,.-,....-
Qnlncy and Military Tract-
Hock Island, pern and ,fr>lSei,..-.,..~-n-wr:r-r-“ jg*
imbuhtte,'Galena and Chlcago.-e—-—-.."-•“•r - uu
J HJlnoisand Wisconsin, via Fond dit Joe to hake Supe*.^
I LOe'shOTe, jiiiwauj:eo“emii Qreen Baj,-....-.—r°°
New Knim in Paris corres
pondent of the New York National mentions a
very novel rule in etiquette which is estabUshed
in tho Court of liouls Napoleon. . Of conree, as
I Uis foreign, and the latest "Paris fashion,” it
will toko amusingly oil over this “great, con
tinent:” . .-
• "It has" been noticed that of late, ; whenever
the Emperor and Empress have appeared la P?“-
lic. the latter has always sat ntthoTlgbt hand in
stead of tho left hand of her husband. .
■ "Of course this created some surprise; ™ui
it wda ascertained that tho Imperial etiquette de
manded that hermajesty ehould.oeeopy the right
hand elde of the Emperor while shts, was nunnut
This being tho etiquette imperial, as soon aa it
1 was known It became the etiqnettegeneral.
J r. nn«iiv......T-AiLa vnatmez n r. nratos.
UlrkUßtrick & Herrona».
rtrrfCLESAhB mtocKits, pbodcce and ooinns-
W SION MEBCHANTS.andDeaIOT inPUtatargbsUnu
fijtures Mi. 3*3 liberty ttraU P», nglity
■ "V ■ • ■ ■ ■' ■"' •" *■ • ■
... v. - - _*■?-
* i -M- , - "■ ‘ ■* f ' * ' “ ‘ v
ip.,*" ' 1 1* ; v ’
* *■ * >- v * ' t " r ' '
«•% * . ATI* .-» , - . »- -V r t*- “ V* *„ .V ..
. ?!» -,‘v v V ,- <, ~ 1 *• A iii.iT. 1 <n.-<
...'AV -^l,., ja >^rr^"*^'v 11 ~*■
< * •*.•
4T U- f f-.
' + \ * i* e
„ ~ . , '... CSO
QUUAE— lO Mldjl. prime S^T 11 "
tTfJNDOW CUHlAlNS—tirocn, blue Wl ««sorted> *
W ir m *- h MAItgnAU.
NATIONS —Gold 4 Telvetan>i patterns,
1 HimgtaSS, la erimnon, green and alrrs-marino Mob—
lor “ lot 'VALTEaP MARSHALL.'
"■"kii'Vi—jufit net’lTßL & fow liftw? sopcript KlfiOi
E «tew «^**!gffit , j£&uiSer^”
"Sri; ■ • • -' - ; !B3 liberty st. (oppealto Athcaanrm.)
-*■ «mok I'OR BVEBi BUgIM&3 MAISs-rX Practical
A. Trento on Bastecsa: or how .40_EOVfW_'Pffij!»
M&irnilanil bequeathrn<mi:rJ-*Kh.on inquiry intj to
cm** of More iaUndncssiby
Main S. Frcedlj. A frtnb lupfljof SOOcopiKiottoitoTO
ya>uablanor*,th“ « -
, Ttotnuii roprllal at Eaton whotealg priwo. a ? l7
ri'KABl TUAB!—Tht> eobscrtwrs, tiling mndoannuwo:
I monte *llh thn Importers Of Xlno Tost, no «ostant.T.
roMlrins this artklo toll, on urriral, wul nro tOTpoiwl to
ftSsh conntrj and dty mrrclmnte,rrtth To or nil dc
ig&SS &3u»* put up la tin foH suituhlo
lbr«tnlto,unao,nmntcdfuU j jrdga. i reSSTIAW,
2J3 Üborty stmt
Pearl Steam Mill;
canal basin, allechent city,
(tub TUt BinjlOU) STAfTOU )
rr ——sura, SUPEEPISE, EXTBA.' I’ASTTT.Y,and EX
jkProi; (of*taSS White What.) FLOCK, *o« bais.
MJW.SUOTTS ANB nflDDLlNGAulrrays oo himl. .
XgrW(*iriU ilellror Flour to fumllbMa elthir of the
two cities. Ordcreplamd in our torts, at KEACN A
TMt’B. turner of Li bcrty andSL. Clair »>«“ v«r, MM AN,
™* * Abo
<n>« EASY.PAYMENTS-IV UVjmrehaja *,
©1 .OUU *nug residence, Mtnato about om and ebalf j
from the cllj, on Urn 014 Washington Itoad, The
ulcnt: cacti cn of largo and entail fruits, under .good fcnoo.
-TMspropcrty U lo excellent order. and a good
buSaess rtand tor a small capital. Tcnn»-SMO in band,
batoff In four HO Third rt.
■XTO. 61 Water street, and 60 Front street, opposite the
Sales and purchasesmade, and orders filled ftrProdu»i
aroccries, Fish; Fitch, TtaXtosln. OOTian ClaT,
Saltpetre, Whiting, Pittsburgh mmufiictuTW,, ic, on mode-
SnperflnarElourjiluays on basJ, and ensto
jners supplied In any required quantifies.;, . ; r ;
- XS7- Liberalartraaccsmads on. • .
<g- ACounßna Boom to Bent, uith £» Shires and
i Watthonse pritfl(‘SWi if Tcqulre<ls
i- Pittsburgh, May Iilb» ISSS.
• ■ ■FL'ThbsV who- irtsh to hats .tU»'4nwtiflaj«m»S»»
corrwtlj; should can at 1L P. ojpcslw tto Post Of
fli». Third rtrect. Ho has rereiTcd Irtish siippUes/of—
'l «My Novels?* byliulwcr. * •■.••• • - "L
MyHomeln Taainaniij or Nino Years, ta Australia. ■
■ Vinetto rby tbo author or Jane Errc. ; ...
Wemyss’ Chronology, of the American Stage.
. Koy to Undo Tom’s Cabin.
• Agues IjOvelj'byG.Ptß. James..
> • Popular Education.-
History of-the Crusades. • ' 4 ;
d&ra Moreland r by Emerson Bcmueti.
‘lsadlra* GnWe, and SMUful Housewife.— •
Polnam« Harper,Godey/Graham»3laclnroodj Knlckcr
- boeker. anti Illustrated Magaitnos*
- P. B.— Back numbers of *he a^““S r stfSS?rtL,t.
: 17 . . IL P. CALLOW, Third street.
10 the Honorable the dodges of tbe Oonri of General
X Quarter Sessions of the Peace, In and lor the county of
George Preudl'y, Ward , l** of
AHi-Aariv. ln the coouty Bforcsaid, hmnbly^«newetn,—
Tb&t your petitioner hath pwrWed himaclf >riUf majaW*.
forthewxoamodallouof traiTtowad othov»tthe
&°A“££ tau “ al ’ “* 17
We, the enbscribete, .clli!xliB of the W«d o&rc«3id, do (
I cortllY. that the aboee petitioner to of good repute for Don- 1
Strand temporancc, end to well provided with hou« room ,
and conveniences‘for the accommodation and lodging of
etrangora and travelere, and that said tavern is necessary,
Stephen Langdon, John Slddons, N S ISVheoler, Btcphcn
IlagnS'wm Anderson, H BRechm, Lighten Hcnnoch, Jas
Adair.Rohert Email, James Scott, Hebert Home, James
FlttOfi - - •—* »■. ■ ■ —. T QJiVeve
■■ ••••; ■>»:' (journal copy t and charge Post)
Ode© and SaiefEoom) H<Mfcl3l3*cm4wfiy’»
- (opposite"hzw havet BAitaoAO rana '
Uaanfactery, Cor. 6ti Avssno and 47w etrost,
' (A'ear tt« CmfaJ -
\ZPi? IK r-OiSJT.
. ~ .WSffiSSSSKffISSjS^---
Assortnjnt nf.yMbellgaMgAg«^ m .the moat. Staged
which tb*r*re.
Kta end excelled, r
floltliii hMnCTerhMngta^^fl^ {TC rietM». of table,
Tldr BsocaJcUe, Antique, Agta
Chchu Spar, Ac,:A&4hwieUdtcd;
Wm Albert, .cf ccgcolscnrr fa tablet,
aSrpmmlarttywith thepabllc. i..-.j_ :; ;.■_
nnd esU bJ l dteorcrx, consist In lie
•• 1 & A toQhTieat, of resisting oeidj and
marbles, end their. cnXiECOs,
>rs? first Introduced-this inralusbla digd
.£££ tb the pnhUc, end decranirtra&dits prsakal' ndlitt:
tombola end other enhstoKS. .I:-- ■;■/!
: wlthpLates,exhihUlngihe-mieties of patten*,
Kff^^r^m^smmignlcsamsto- J-.,:; if
pTI P* crrettT.Ea CROSBY, SartUny.
»»i>.»rPflirg--and JBntler Blanlf Boad. ■
p, PROPOSALS gll> bermlTcdop tilt WtdnreaaT.
ct Way tho -oGm of-Mm H. Por- ttw Wacjsra th» AUegiepy end
I lading yiiuA
I wtiarod. Alsu, for b&gins«»• part pr aa!dxood ftoa
runtler lothflGlfitwMJllsj i •■■•- , ' ~ - • >c .■•
i ■ J*2o3 A. fisaJSrEoitoer- : :.*pr* 9 :
■* ?t -V- >
la tovoi'^S;#
liiTcr pills —lt !rcutl bo easy to Qla V.te !
certificate!ofthocxeclleneooftbismodidiio. Wismerlt
trill.itlA3mjaltalfpopular. Wefcttcinooi
possCfaioß hundreds of ofdraslioihe JbDoaing; l*. j t
'VAStmraa, H. TqSeoEßdwJUClSiOt'-
1 -Jfeirj. «iiii «3 &—trarfins Went l«Voilii nnv»
.hnffthne stow, uqSntifr of lie
«hni«iot sold Tory rapidly, *nd.iw siren thahShcsS-iat
tM'ccrcfrcr'dJcrr sak.- Kod mo
of tbo-JBrngslsis and Mcrclmnlivuna
<3yl«ow Bplrtta, HypooHoHilriao, mat of
energy mi capacity fcr business or disposition to cojoy 11a
snd happiness, ore wretched raoplaints vhisi sHsalljrptcy.
upon tie constitution if *2* ttoispJT otjei
-ate, indigestion,
dreamland a pallid* : ilo.Wiccrt fri?. wrfovt
theso -melancholy disorders .exls-j StiSSf--
aparkUngrcye'lasea it* Mtedlnstfer-thfllni
trSn^a-riradty—tiet»dy ita rfmtfy.«?j^^ t i£fjf£-
and lbs nohlcstifcelinfis.'cf our. natara
away to a fielfol poonah temper, -until life becomes, »_»•«-*
1 then, and other diseases arise to shorten the exis ct tho.
• flir theae horrible, disorders trfllto f&aadla that
excellent article/HALSEYTS rOHEST WESEI. T :
. zs*ScelarCTodrertlsemcntlnanother epinan.:
’■- Bold.Wbolesale and Betail by Dr. GEO»EL ; K£rSEß».M^i<
. cornar<«f Wood street and Tlxgln 'o>;
fed, by JASIE3 tt.-SASXI*LE» north-vrest eernar ct&aenl
■ street and tbs Diamond, Allegheny City. , dedSOmdAtr
C - l3 due to Kiefs Petroleum to say,
that itWbemtaom to completely ersaicsmereryTCstaflß.
nf thisdreadlid dlscara in lemtimo than say other w^edy,
Xhe thousands of certificates in the handset ths^prepri^
torfhiany orwhich&iti from well iPown cltlictis oTtto dty
otPuisinreS sod its immediate vicinity, go. to shbw eleanj
aid beyond all doubt, that KraVlteMtimtis a EtgiMna.
of hoeommonvalneyncrt only can hied remedy injtonip-.
ti], Bhtumatiia, Dafnas, ta o/j&yWe but asajaluahle
internal remedy. tnrittngthe liryeatiaittag.physidanvss
i. W0 U os the Buffering 1 patient, to borone ecqttaintcd witli its
I hiring adrwid'of xaUtnres s» assnieaUmt ttls..
I medidneis purely oatana,mn4is botUe4 -a3 it.Cews tam
f U ‘ffl^e^ifcfs« P irf/rom
1 tUviMir) ‘V r 63i/t btQTi 3| WWcife
deStilt urtifcnltefthccOtSrStdD. T.Fcat,U.D*
fifxhhtuniyln truth cerUtypthat-I faaTe bcmisote^ye^
flirted wl&‘6«ofa»ftrtho.lastsOTepyesWttst -
time I hsrebeeu nnnbleto attend to “ n f
aSimunh of the time unableto ndk wafeed'to my
■bediiind hare been treated nearly all the ti~ic by the erst
Physictoaour country affords t.'loccasionnl)?:
lief, bat no care, an4naHtlußed.togrowyrmse ’wm'e !
tecommendodme to try the Roeh-p%os ese-J
Tything else had foiled.. Idldao w ithontfdth.atffrrt, but•
thaeffertwasastonlahlns-, it threw the poison to the snifcra
lat once,and lat Once bcgao tattevaEd by ngg
This may certify that I hare been acquataMtoth KUrt-
Petroleum,orJlflcb’OU,ibrinorethaji»year, asd harere-:
wieepngee-itebepefirtal-egecta ib the care of. indo-:
■lentodßeraapdotherdißeasesfor nldch itisreromrartai^
aoi can with confideneerecommena U to bea ; medidne«®- ;
thy of attention, and can aafely say that ranees has attend
ad its are where other medicine had. tottsh ■;;■
‘ Tor sale hyall thel>mggistsinPittsbni]^t.v : :fsnghddw,^
a. arcLUBG & co.,
• TVooa nna sixtli Streets,:
JB3-Where thoy offer to thelr-old castomere,nail the
pubUe generally, efths lowest eodEetall,
the largest, most select and complete etoeh of CHOICh
WARE to be fjucl la the West. ■ dec.-y
Sotee, Bonas, SeSotiotea,
'^rueojsn^'jafSStlQi art'er •• a-
«3- Omds-75 Rjdrth street, between Market and Wood,
oppoelto-lheßanhof Rttsbargh.- - :- - - jaalS-lj.
ATI CluzlVtuisLyoppcx&&th& StateEetut. ,., .1
rr^=» v EEEPScottstaatlyoahajadthexnoatcrtensiTeaad J
• 1
bo (build in''the city/ eonprLOagin paxtoftba ftl 1 I
VnSh fjeeCartainiV ' Window Shades, all priecs, ; . I
Sloslin - BnlTHollands, all widths, : t
yrencNßrocatclles, all widths, GUt Ginilees, eaery atyie and I
Preach Plashes, ' ■ - ... J
“ Satin Laines, Gilt Curtain Puis, _ . .1
;--■ -Caste and Tasaely vr • ■ -> : -A
• .Ur.. fKrenwwV ngn *f . ~ Gimp*, all prfCCSy , j
- Csahnwrctte,. l*o6ps,-■. ■ v-; • :■ ■ i
Plain Tarter lied, . Fringes,....... :.•••. -
tndiAS&tin Damask, . ■ -lictare TassdaaalCort*,
« Lining Silks, —v; Shad® Tafi«torad Dnu«s.
pornitortf Gimps,’ -.. Rooks,Rwgs>-BwetaterAc.
A fall assortment of the above goods copstantty
frfcoksale orietafc :;?v • V
Ko.l44Smithfieldst. • • [my&y.
~•>>-«■ r»—MmmatthaiiortlKMt comer of,
ernl fdartet streeti, (ebore ilnrpbj- £ Barch-
Mtl'i Stum) on ttrofay eroomse, et Bo'ctaa.
»-T-«nß»BnnitA LODflEi I* O. O. F
IL^iMCTCoa 10in5, N0.283,1.0. of _O. Facets «07;
- , ip.w<wpCTW««rTentnglnTraihiogton HtflVWoodst. [jjl : y. :
IfcSFlimgb, it Kt cents *l&, go to the Pekin. lei
SifiiitreeS trheti the Taj;brat Ji2P
. Teascaa always fro, had* w-~-~ -' ••' • }.&*■■._,
; tvr=» JOHW H.FOWlißS,UtaEowteiPaUis,
Boot and Shoe Manu&ctOTCT, mdWhotealo Dealer,
NoTl4 Barclay itreat, fiTO doors belQ-gtheAstorHro^^g
.Con&r-Capitalßtoca SMO,«IO;_Asr
iota£lS9vl72. -Offltooftlw rjtlabnrghAssncyin theSSore
torn efireoriy A totals, AgaU
1 turCT ofPockfit Booi*, Porte MoimaJes, Bose VVpod \V nans
DcaksiDresins.Cases and Wor kHJoses, 205 Arch stxaVttne.
[ dacrteloy Sixth,Tblladelphi^V't . : ~ -.
Q« F«— Plage of tneeUng,'>Vaslixngtoii | UjlI < -
V^fcHSß vmtb&ak «rciy Tuesday crening;
•:'iUacjusmr EsCAiipasOT» No.' 87—Meeta first AodthxrU
Fridayof each - * ' ■■■.•* {actgga^r*
CornnllCorasrtl Agree;..many per
are dreadfully tormented. vilheornA A certain,
remedy' will' be Jusm, fcr
Bale byDr. GEO.SipjYSias>MO. Wonlstreet.
- dedumoSto tlioae nhobiiy tn eell again.
Curtain- Materials, and
Trimmings, of ever i description, FoaitaM
■ Plashes, Broeatelles, '4c., lace and Maslln
PaSSlVlnaoiV s3*3,;GIH Cornices, OrtonPtas,&od»,
fc-otirholosalßMUlrotiill x ; .Jf-lojCAßllio..
' No. 163 Chrsont street, comer iifth, PMlsdelpMa..
: ’ Cartalns Jlsdo toil Tflrmo£dln..tieyerr.:nCTestftmili
style. - [emSaay
jailie»T*:.'Wladots' SHatSe Bitujcntee-
PUILA2)EIiPHXA. Oariiiotto is, u Qxicl: &du 4Xnd SndU
Cburch, and Lo&geßoom SHADES, tiadoiua
oUuirs cw Jutlted to girexH a call, txv.
ffty^pTyi^V^^S^•felmTrbcre.v-.- --.•■6>,1«- MTTJ| , ETi i 6.00^;.; ;
- : : " S.SY. corner Second and Arch sta n Phlla* .•.
Tfr=»i iptttsbsfgb -City IV o rt£S*-~
CQSKIKQSciSr & :.CQ^MmttfaxiJtren o/TODj;
1 dSw GLASS, corner: of: MA RKET. gad. FIRST. £TRBBT&
Plttsbhrefe PcnnsjlTanis* *Earttcnlsr attention Traootp,
'odaitws. AlsOj tlealers _ia FLINT .GLASS* BffF
[TLES. Ac.' Two of Che firm'bdngpracUcal men, T7.ui.gtTC
I theKntlre'Mtentfcxlito.tJiß *MlMSSrtod.,thfcy ifcel...confl*!
I dent theycan prodace an. article of -Window Ql&sffe<iaal to
I *hy eitherof-fijrdgn crdcmestio manafactaxe.
i'T'- aats^inQ-;..:- ? i>-. ; Vrv':-,-••?•'<•■* - - -
(LSiPort OSes Bullfflnrs, Third street. Llkencsseatafccn
IgTtQrktod^'orton*’® i-Mito 5-P, an
accurate artistic and animatellkoness, tmllko and vcsUycu-:
■oerlor to to common cheap digoerreo types, at to folknring
Seep prices: $1,60, $2, $3, $4, $5 and nptfard, according to
tha elxi end finality of case orTtsnw. _ _
■ Htmrsdbrcnlldren.lfcom 11 !■ M,to ■ ■ .
-" N\ B.—LlKenessa ofsldt or deceased persona taXen_ta any
partoftoclty. ; ' [n°*S2y
r TY— noI-smm ttm<t »u ana-:
grecable discharges from ttatar.tlieedilyswlMSToa-
I nenuyTemoTed, without pain or incuaTenlcnco, byBr.IUCT-
I urr, PrincipalAurlst ofUae^Y^EMSrtrgnTtuhogaybe
ccusulUxl ot S 3 Arch street) fron 9 A- ?.L to 3
years of close sod almost undblded attention I t®
this hrtmchof special practice has enabled him torcdimehls
treatment to snih a degree ofsueoessastofiadUMnßsteoii
firmodend obstinate cases yield, by astesdy attention toUie
means prescribed. ••■ - ■-.■■ ..- -
Offlca Fondtiur, tc :.. - "-. i
v ;
Outstanding Accounts Ibr .--.IO^TCjOT.
gstimated amount recordable Ijtaa Wrec&s, &e*i 2^92,00
• ($231,762,02.') - $221,762,02
V. H, GOBPOS, Serieiaiy. ; •
• myltfclir. •
Pittsburgh, May U,ISS3* -
me A. ......CSiSWEtC
MAKUFACrniEEtta ofsH kinds of EEASSVOUK, 10-
so, - - -. i - '
.. Foundry oaßebocdk streeVAUegbeny City. • ■; •,
• OfficeStor8 > •• .
■ Old) BRASS and COPPER takers la ‘ exchange / tor work,.
; Or tnnh paid. Order* left at the Poundry or Q£cfl,"nlll *bo
I promptly atfanrind to. ~ „ > feb9:ly
- 1 \yAMi PAPER*
AS hand and tor sole, an extensive • pofleetfon.cfPAPEß
AJ HAh'GIXGS, comprisfngu great nnmber-cf *P* pot
tor&J»**elccted oxprcsaly for tbit market, from. Prcack aim
American Manufactories, of Gold, Gold and ,Velvet, Flow
ered, of erery-Taxiety; Glazei-and .gnglagri; .filltho tap
i ous styles of Imitation. Wood work* End* :fiao2JV»a?bla,
i Maple,Mahogany,Rosewood,&&-,varnished.esd
king, altogether an assortment - that*. cannot 1». cx«Il» ta
quality, quantity, or low pricey bj.ssy bouse west of ts®.
1 Alleghenymountainx» ■ • ...
. Prices range fromsc, toss,oo.perpices,.?. y•
'•Persona.desirous of .-iookiaa ■ Gxrtssh:.tho;
|’Rbctier disposed to pnrebase or not, axe.-rf;.
fed to oil,* *
Western Imrarsncs
B. AmiEß, Jr, JWarf. Ig £021M., Stress
CAPITA!., 0300,000. >
p Ss^atntto,= i?? s
Wi n-Si 4o S’ C. tr EKalxa, J.T7.sMtli=i
I wtmS? GlbisCT^GcornaTr.Jssfcsa,
| CsToy *£££> Htttaisi. '
«**«/ '*'
■•■ >. ' • v. v* -
• 1" * ’’
“ «r ,
. . '
s * .
t - *-1* _
Vv-V -
•v .-
■i ■ f r.' r . - ;
HBS in JUSAGS3.V --.-JO32PH 0. FO=E3
;■ Doors open at tfcteirpcrfijmascatoccsirjescff.
at 7%o , clwhi- . . .« •.—•:■• -
'. ••'• . , PJJIC£3 OT ; .AD3I2SS3CCr; •:
Priti ie I Dress CSrelo-.
Tarqaetta. 50 { Escoad TJcr.-.f
• 457* Seata may be seecrol .*l Gw Bcx/.OSw* during
day,/witbOTii«ctraefcfirge,. - ' . •.■■.■<■..:•
. -. .1S& Second night of the engagement d slr. CO^hPOCS.
' JET" First night of tho engagement of Mrs. PQTIEIV.. -
Tins Etweto, Hay 17th, 1850, win bo pcrfcrcted KxuwrMra
beaotlful Play of
Master WWtsr^,i..;,^;4V^-^.«i-S&vOoo3dflck f -.v.” ; ---
..*•■■■ Bfßis&rd. . •
. r sssX Mrs.<nibrrt.
* 'To'Wndiuie-with'tbffFarcc^of'
? ;- —-TaE-YOUNG SCAMP.„
: . min yonog , r _>f|«Ta tThftplgr. -
'. 'General BganTolf ; ■..: ftailey. -
* ? K&-' To-mnrro and Mr. COUEDOCK trtll
.appear. •• - - _
• Sti&rje Company*
- >TNptosaascs of tSff-scSoa-<S cf-C^--•
I ftiTr > * n g ~ftgt Brflso Company, fct axiaettog bcldtba Ed-••?•■■.
• dsV cTEXissr. 18S3,pat 5 io notice 13 bcr_b7 gtecn, that Boc'^
fctthBEifsctipttaefs*JiS toEdiEr , A,-"Co^jaiT f '!tnr %
bsoSooed 03 l iafrst Xcrjlcj nf lots rat, at tio fcnuir
of teWaimn. 'SmStcoia&mi ttsUba- o 3» of-Ibsma 3 .,
LDaiVlfc&tb iVorf, HttebcijSnpd it £.* VctScuss of
■i n Tiiii" Dia’rmci' GoufiT of i'iiu MAaia
J_ tta WejtcmEisirfrt of Peai^ylTCma.
■ _ -EofartldstoD, 1 “ jaC
Tirtao of ETrrit rfcUaohmsa:, tasei mt cSt^tbm
named Court! ratiaohed the casnms, te. of
Hanufc (iho ratto
jdw?ott«tad23,) «®Ertcf3ry.tts
. to an Bctiaa ics tragus, dTil JT
• I&tob is libellant, end tiisi L** J’ft/JnYrJjJ '■ -■-•
l»ii&PTriztoKibTffig-030tt > iagtha retg?a-fift^/ g^ : &?^. r
" 'Penney* Slcrrltt, Praetors for libellant. pylgSt
's*rcrooaala' SlaoSt aad 2*liao«- . ,
GEiUaD PROPOSAW foradlTaticsla theSj»esat V*
riworiss pt the Pittsburgh Oaa Ocapany/ISOjOCO tosto , f ■.:
criitotoww: C0d*.49&00 vfcnduilfcht
mil be received, at taa OEcacf &eCcawi*
THCBSDAY, the 19th. lcst» »t 3 o
: (vy\Vi audLtoe to be of .suefr quality* aad dcilvcred a* -. .
1 .such times «*d in such quantities o3 shslibe apprerpl^f.... r,
l m*4 directed;-The «&*
£0 *,
-ct.^vfny T.<ma-”-asthecasoßat pa. -- - •••.•_ . -•-- ’ • :\ :v.
- - ' JAMES. 1L CHKEXV, Treasurer.
•' <yjW of Pittsburgh Gag T, .
J_ ■ era InCarogCt-Btatienoga-agiroaJ-Of.femahißsEo
ti»l * nn^-mbmiX' Vir ~l)geiHn3, to btee«ra _ aflg- stccgy .
.replete 14'eeery Variety of .
BoyaWelvet and Braasols)
Tapeatiy'BriisseSa ?
■ Iraperul Three Elf> - ;
Sapsrilne Gtxtl Fitro ,-■ .
'TI fe^rSpSfSoa&Bwa,
- •- ■■.: - ;Bmsafil»--StSsiriCa.spstlla2J
, - yenUiara tio- — C&* ~~ _
'Also.acoapictaaasortiaentcf-Oil* •_ •
'{act Cride r Oil doth fcrfitalzs; Cocoa
Axmiastcx, Cben!lle,Yelrci, anii-Tofed Ilagvssa 2*st3;..
Cocoa.' 'JuiPT Chain, y
Itbd&i WiodovShades and BSads# • : - :
- *g?- A liberal .discount to tho'o who bay to
aprlS-w---:- C. B.
irlitED AriKliil* btatbbibß®
r\s nm SAiB HCxcAL fibe add habke et-
U SCOA.M33 CO, oral, tfltatatorß.
tecta ottfcnCoapmr, May-l*t> 2 SS’,4 fi
PtemUsns reeM, yea? eadlng Maj Ist, l£3,*7t 1*
. Eetsrogd rc, T l£s* *-«-«*■ W'
, peases, —•*• mA
Capital stoetpsMlaanti'ffleirrc^*.^*—• 100,CC0 00
Soda, Mortgages, Xcacs esJd!»r«jlbMe
. '• H»mT*iKjX. I .mj.hwmi-m.i «JW|**U W
-Cashczabaad, ttcdiaianS! l ol Ascats-. 13 7 Wi IS
i ■ - 1 Total assets liable Sat Icsss; Msy I,lSo3.<<> 5353,51& 6&
JOHS P. BCTHSBH)BB,Baop!wa«inaIy.
P. C. SEDST7XCE,lliirrlsburj,.v
' ■ •■gASICEL JONESj'PMlaiSdpiua,
A-T7ILKIIiS, Ealito, Pittsburgh, -
JOBS B.SSmiZ3SOESi EaupWo email. :
A. J^GlUiECr,Hind;tars,
S.S. JOSES, Hanistass,
A.J. QILBETT, Secrctnr. .
- '-STUI Insure pfirfls .o? aoi. telaaa jjasig^lanv
tiitmt Trtlli safety. Tclfcia issued on &~£i -=3 tma*.
-- EmncHOOce, corcerToorfb ®sa^:liSai.sfaiHi*.
myraf- -a. a.cakiier. Actmy.
• • v^Tn/'j/vr?. Rhftflft asA- Qil.-ClctSi. -7->
48-isTjin ocanns? r
E.JLKE&&A&* <..
A -I.2.FlS2tAinsSCAP3SaAD^ l C^3=d , «sgpftl»
4-B • • -d& -•- •. • do-:. ; do-. .<>:■ 75* to.- >
• ■■do--:-S-+~-dD 2«CO -dp.
Slorerea, Gothic and Plam, assorted prlcc3;
Buff lin^W2^^ : S3c4.*’'-,- ■ . , . ; ...
Raff-Oil Clothy 4A.VsCZ, &4 &-K2c- - . .
CaniagoOil Goth« £4£- s **
figured Boek : da
VnyrnfiXltrU.' .do * ' 4-t 0-0, &-4 SOo;
i-jtfiiw<mrflad 8086T0d44 S4 4C&, S 4
Tftl>laQßTgrs T gith.cgnSfe3,4-t > C2^4>7j > *l<bs£i
Floar CO aadTOopc? -yard ♦
Hcartli Eoss» (c4l-cloth,> •
; - cs*oxnc\a.
■Lctmt Bbci.o3 Cpst3, £1.75 cccho
- Long Booh Coats,'sW>o etch. , . ,
•:■■■.■ Short HirshCosta,Js,Seach. -
. . -
■ Ej^^J§^^SftiE- ;
Sloo.TeUoisr#E4:CSmsaaTflaiiow BuaS&OiLCloth, w th!»
IstStoleaid criaimanaaaSictcrr. All Goods rarsntsl
-notto oUch, fcda crCTorh. *.--■■■ . r nor^^n
©dec of t&©' Fit*strarssi ttsacwmelsTUie -
- tand.- Coapaay. ~Hav_
: 4 T'thc reauest- ; cf of the ?j£t?btsrsa sea
A CcnccßstilJi^Baibroad-iXto^
STOCK, m* teaabT cadged ta attedcaUSsiSQ- :.-..
STOCKHOtKSBSof saidC-Hapstoy,to-JfeJ~fc£U
HALL* la tbacity HOS9AY, the £3d of
HAY* (losiaat*) atlQ Vclock*- Ai iLjfo? tbfl. of ts*- -: •
* jwtrt £CVCKiI ra P"
dtofiJits to the ActiaKJTporstkig'svltfEoad, ti»
of tgp Stafe, 02**07 6u!>
WffEttH IABE02& JB
-; .-pitsHeit Pit&harsb-sad CoamUsrillo KECa.-
■-'J&i Getdas of lil«rt7,.F3jftlts"®c2itj,affinh]£lliseaKr,
-GrceasboigWcopy- • "- - -‘ ' 1 -■ a7*Q
Prescribed Hy&Sxyslctemi*
crery where -prescribe » JABMiJ
tf TOCK’S-YfniHiyiKi& to tfaseeassri: tint Uieycsa
fbilo’slgg.sSatg?; --
meat, from A Emaj years:
ffoptptntc? 21* ••
H'Ssrs.B,‘A .flrtagsfocS-tf-Ch.^rgesaeaeaiIt ce
pleasure to state that.l ; iiaTs'.lsecn;
br some t cite ~
niq> «<ald othgr Teggdf oma 1 s-ad prepara tiravy I caa <gs*. • ,
sdsniionslT say .that; yeas ''has. oatrortollj PKo. sa-—>
tioa to who baTe-nssdifc, ao*wasrrgescrslly^tLssd.psd
la thetowa of iicihias
Haj* 18Si *IW dnrlnj lhs £aau>tl2iC,'U2ad- it iaiajjGwa
Snily; with'entire ;sattsah2taoai whpa ether.-.prcpassA-23
haTB failed Cf tkeirdadred '
• "Sours, truly*.:-.. . •:.. : --'...: i , 2Jscd3'Po»»J?»
:~-jgCT»-Bggarecfeountorfcitgasdimltotloaa *•••...'_:
1 ■• Sold wholesale end r£isS.fcyfdl'lha'prizc,s~l cru^w-s
k .-
; spraiEß ABBAHCSTISrrK.
- 1853- - 3S I 'r-. J 185s
r\n and «£tw Monday cart, May 10*,1853, tint yEsping
Jr tola win learn tS»;D»pot, 08. LStetr cteost, crerj
iSSruins :at 9 atoU.TcSdisi sjattma-ca . gniTjOg in PhiUrfslphld t-15 X-Sdt fi
at T G’clfXt, eoanneSng at Hairieltuswltir tha-Sdunorar -■
and SuaquehannaKaUrund, ill iaidiocre at 6
. erstila^
at 1025 o’clock, stopping atall rcgnlar.staticnS <a tharcaa, • •
at Harrisburg with the train ljJrUaltlaortJ,
:arriTingsPMladfi]phia or thmaxl
etirxibiff* ••• T • • *' ■.
~ T*™ frraZn Will IfllYO' CTCT? ZltBXXiQQni &t.. / .
5J4 o'clock; stopping - at aB-regular stations, anX running /-
Fare ta PhUaiilphia 10,50. Fare to Salt! T. era £0»00.
ThoTsst Express Train, leaTißglfcttsSslphisst 10J6 P. St* .. : _
v. TballaSlSraialsaTics..
■Philadelphlant *
morning at Z}6 o'clock,-vsn •r. • • ;
Accommodation Train will Icata Latrcho : &4 s}£ a, £L» nn A ■..•-•
arrivein Pittsburgh at &. a. it. . *■-
: Baggasadieekeilt*} • :
rco&TEltaßaltimore. _ "
' - case of los3» the Company - hold •
£slr& to r persons! calj, and fsr aa
asxoiaat sloo^
='• 7iS. B.—HtestSaH; Osvnlfrns proprietor*.
liaTB teen employed to conyey piEicn-ora and
and from the Bepot, efc a charge not to escortl 12>|ccataibr
ftnA p&fsgntr3y t andlgiriCccnta fog each .trank. ; ..-■
For Bekem apply to: : • ; \ • • J. MESgffinrf, • .
Agent at tha P.IS. ILDepot, ca ISjerty^s*.
• Piftrirorgh, 3fsy U» IK3. -
connniicirjo hav rota, 1553.
5£' ~
- j Sa si S£3 A.ili d!=ajsiAl
: vhTht- wSth:a train: to ClmlsntJ, oad -reacba.'.
rSSiae $ o’clock*;.concaetias TJuii tha Sight.'-
1 mgfn'tocSnmbgffaaa.ClndifflitL • • .■.* ••
1 at3l o'clock, A.
i jfcet&caßßCctsyt AEaacoirilhErcwcg Train to Cte?*-
: land-
. „ “ -a EETOBivIXa: -
' ‘rDio Tnin tear© Crcsty ns at lO ?. SI; ilaasScH -
sV2 P. &Ufi2d -AUtescß aisi.rc£du3 Pttt> - -
cosnaccllag wHb.tli»:3ssp?<?as Train to
ffinMelphiv. sad BiOtissorty. ghick' I?ste3 Pittsburgh' a£~
Fars, $7,75. -Rga fflffdnaflU to Philstf&h&ia cr Baltfnor*,
$15,00, .: •- ..j
lcares GrestUsa at ? tilnca j& JUQoaea;
ccmMcta with Express liaiairem Clerelajui* aad-arriraat
•Httabisshaifi P.M. -
-ExttSPassesser 2t3£n leases AHianco at 1&33 P, IL, as&-
artS?© fit A»2L .
*VirT>y>!a<»**rm»'*Ttt -pa/Ib with jDct?OiiaQd.ChiC2£’& .both by •'
Ceralaadaa^gandgagCity. I" , * '
. 10 JL SfcS&tSOP. IL, acd New £ri;£iimai;£A. LLasdl
■ “EcistJ Qasrterlj iTfcfcsts tt»
! dU2Cd X&tSSi"'" ■' ■’ ' v-T-,..- ".' < . .... ■ ■*.
. Freight sraSa le&ro RStwusb at SO A. M-, aad crrtm
!at 4:13 Pt'-SL-:' ' ’ ' *
■ -FSKir-smi'era rejtESfcsi t» yjwo.’ti'EcSva tt Ca Csapa- •-
cj-a <3^b£i lia F=iE3lrtrcctSStsafcf J
-■ *r*» g»gW<’-i rat win ca Saaljn. - - -
;• ■:.- • .' ' CEQSS2 PATmv,
• HitsircsS, Hsj 13, 12i3— (ajlS) SUSS AjKi.
- '-,3.
v t -». <■ *
-. r «- - -V .
■ •• » ■..
i '-
• f «*
■. ■..-•■ t*
* r
L ~
> i <
■ r r
rv- : 't -■ . v' :
- %