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To 4t.•;4-'e6,A.""..;t 14.vt ,-NTj,c..las lr`l l *, - ;. 4 4T h re-N,,,, e ‘bA " I.4444 WfeiN ' ' ' ' L C 4fl: - sl ." pr ' 1 . i• - ' , - , •-I.4 , Ate :d ,• p".O - c•,:f :1 - ;, , F;',. • 7411441. A; \3,•tve.tr-N. 6. 0 ,... u ,•,.,. 4 ,.....• ic0 .,„.. ti" c 7v • - -4 , -. t:,..,64 • . 1 41. 4 . 4 3 4rl:Arg A 04-1.:•4-if , "Nt V - -i-n*X4e) • 4 .164 40 : * o r V4l - 10 - 304 C, : " ee , • • 4 • e, • `4l" • ...• . E. WAtti Co . .'s. TaalorineEsthbiiihment,. :" • iss'-ximarr STR.ELPT• , WALL WINTER subsisibere tan rell,letrcrbitim' I,n.tatl'es mEsawyr W.a flatter warmlves, we w have In atom altogether the _richest stock.of Goodatn'ous , urks,'eser caned Oar etotkofprcr Omani", arouf the ;Lowest and meet da , sizable styles:la Market, and. of emery Jai - lets • • Our dock of dao ~(act, Macs Olive, Ethigerty,FreUth clattetriant:All the' V latest importations, and was adrer so ' nor *lime Bo remariable, as at Ude than. Our Mott of . spay Illaelt-assimeres, and Doe Skins, are of very ' ' cholcoseledlons; both as regards quality and et To geUiee vrltL air assortment of rich plush EU VelretCaab mesa erw and plate Silk. yardage, which are rautiOunoed, by all who hareigaithem, to be much the test siiiiety for gentle men's wear in this city: New Clothing Howe. f7..4.. II ND •• W ATTS k 'CO.—Um:muff TelgasS, .140.-165 Lacey Street, abooe St—Mar. - DrACE opened .a new Clothing Stare at the above place, cud aro now receiving a splendid lot of CUMILI, CAS: SIAUGLES,- , i'ESTLNGS, /lc., of the latest. importations, • ellasai with nu's3specmi view to city trade, and which they . are preps eo4 to make up to cmier in thelateastaad most rash es; .'. losable styl•.*They. intend to pay strict attention to this . • branch of their by/Mamie, mai they bimetal tionSdeueo that • . they will to tibia to give their Customers entire satisfaction. -••••• They cue also inanakturing a choice lot of READY • BUMS. CLAIMING, of the newest styles, ..which they will Dell low for dash. • Vla all this sleek hi entirely now, it is•worthy Aim r zcv q Y 7640 , eFilo* 4 -, 0/4001t, . r lit‘:. • 17.11PRECEDBNTED AITBACTIONB—Yon Foust Witna ' 17 . -.II..ECUMBiIIt is now dosing out his minter mock • - of.BOOTS and SHOW., tutuiSarnS, at , the lowest Bates, as proposal:I:alto raceisitig an artenalse assortment of Aping - • Hoods .Yemona in want of Boots and alums or O=s, wilt • consult their owls hatarest .by calling it 1(0.107 Xarkat abase . ~:'''' i ~~~ ~- ~~..5. ~. Pv.,11110 1104 ; tz, tI9 ‘4 Plirea .4.11,44 zralk Pittsburgh, Avist 24, 1852, Sip A. J. STOUT:wiII condone the l'iholosalo Groutory , Produce otol4oFtoll* . in °Dodoes; at. the old. atapifil, as heictnfcrc A. J. STUABX. • P. 2.—ln'tetlittyittom the 13147 . .2:n24Z take. *woe In, ... , ; ( Fraoutatending-31falTUART to our au . ; aim:. • - fa 0251 : . SILL . r::•_: , ^ 4t ,lkL&At !? ,V Xiii:f 9 /' -k 0.4 '',-.,_# - v -..• 4 - ._• - • ...PIIONOGBAPHY, : • . CPV.: NV/L. l l'oga BV•sotinni . .rivaus system, (invented by Mr. LucPrEsuus t of uatho i t s I. adapted to the English. language, flume oemplete Dye ' tem of Phonetic , Short-band, by which a speaker may bo U .- lowed verbatim, and the report rtrad at any dlstuice of time with rapidity and accuraoy.- . • . The- need astitbig far a brief and ptillasophle mode.of ex *ming 00km:1:language, bas lop; been felt bYleidslators, - authors; udnlsuns, professicend gentlemen, tradesmen and evrtents: Phonography - he:low acknowledged by the literal ' . of our land to, supply the lamcrbnit disideratna, and to'be' • 'the tinly perfect system of w angnage edattke. j purposef bwriting Is'mited,' I , l3oiniss*Aty still save .4vcietxtbe- of tbe time and Is-,1 .." bct,'..tntlifrpafablo twin the -FISQ of UM . Prestett latigthyrood% , n krifir g e.sl s. terziot trefet Initlng or abort hand, fte , report- , lug ammons,' amhes lectutes, debates, etc., it =bi n e. , more Mao the ty ' of Bpb,y,,.witla mart , than tha I lextbEllty or the ordlaari. long-hand i:et - eneh Li th e r' • plleltr.of th e art;atislog ifreib.the , trot inc 4 of the prin. I do es no which beeedithat any:pomp:l can.boonte per fectly aagrubted 'with - la a; Month; bY an deny . . . Est• • (.2,1.;()TIIIIIG-. .•5174olasitz mirlwriatiAtMgMFlE -4 7 . ' ' . . *-. -; ••-• NlYi•11:Eli. : , :f ..:-..;:: ..t, , , , :, - ; , :-.1 '''''-• ..! '''• • •-•-• • visa ritainOna a lley.' Corner o f Wood at. . ou t. his old - . 1 - OLIN McCLOitifilY, ri.peetfully arm aces , _ Id ' , " ts. , l-the public generally, that ho baa le . --.. „custmak-nt. ub cr ty start, formed:known -,.. =oriel dont his old standion 1.., e.o ...,;.,,. tie %bt l'hiroltig JAW't, to the - abo rt, el tliur e :p t . - o tradov .thlos iii iek bi .. -7 .. -.h.'. Afat where he OM eta PO WO aMO , .":,... * commenced to maisdfaeturu a large - stark of 000111, substae ........for the elistilkig vollsoil ; ell of whisk - 444 be 404,0 of Ott U.; meet - accomm oda ting ....o.t I Mit.' 'ltfotigheiliall - hi .-- lfe roped:tat ~.....rs On ear 17 . - - .-. leys,tuiduaeto please all who mar fetter him with. thaltPat ,. _.. . 4 ; .. --117 . u 'Ia lg th e4 e Wildi43A-Lif BOOMS will be found an extensive .:--.. tm toyltalt.l)Y.sLiDd 91,07•41110, sultabittfbrnd ! -•.Ile aolliits tivall from ad.whe content laic pnir3sidng • , ..' `Clothing its the,kkotias be dela confitient tu by P ot his establlahtnent, e, conablerable waving of tint s aza " ). "T a be arsenal.. ' ..Joiax. nrc.Losiuy, --4•- • : mw, .•• • . . .: . -- • , •:+l4O. $8 Wood atiele- - : . - „ , .. :What 'Seery-: Body mays, must be. Wave I asal. that 80913 R, ex the 'llse 'flax Oxman& . 5 .Fi'.'".1::1waz,.ti0;226 liberty Street, KO the ebellPfdt Mating to the MP-Imq nude and boblontddy cat. Cell and ex. 41:111116 them nation aUI pot be cUsappabated. dnit rexixed,lW etyma, lb rpleaditt assobaleat of lanai Czatuneref, Itrawnittreed and Ulm) Clcabs ? : and.otherl'aeb ionable Goa* eithallelor the Winn; wltielt 'we are paw ;;;'.•!attt :pa:take -to creler; - (eftbotd dlaPPaabeent,) teaatyla ' IVA DIU lfsl. . • MERCHANT ,ST. TAl_Luul6o HO. VE:•, CLAM' ',HOTEL. .ft • • •• ST. MITT; PITIKE(O/411. • , • 1 / 4 . 'CLOVILSO Co6l4xclustipali ont o ? , :.* A d to • /las ( LatanUt band assortru ta CtinglA Rs l m' • Reßoseautos, wad OV.Eltaa e ANCiifi e t htaqral St a kre.:*ol , l - . ll Te the cusli atrl u i v ired ruroomplluf witty's all work dantrunder'his awn , • u o y - i2 • • :if E.W - „act, ClllB 1 - - JAMES -C. WATT, MERCHANT. TAILOR, No. 36 Marlit street, behmen &Mond .anil -Third struts, 11"Atl just received bin FALL, AND HINT= -STOCK of .112. BLACK and (MOREL CLOUlgi Mini and WANCr CAnSISI SUES, PLUSII VELVET CS MOM% and SATIN VIIISTOOS„ with Ai variety of the newest style OVREtCO4T INGS; ithlch. ha is prepared to make up In superior style, on , reasonable terms. Gentluawn In want of faahionalde Awl fashionably eat Garments, would do well to all and ettonine for Gunnadves TO TA/LOAM—Thesubicriber oilers for sale hie mm 'plate system of Garment Draughllng,lio biorsbly known and unerally,usal by the trado: of this - eity. Cincinnati, Phil anclelaewhere; at the Ibllowingartiem, lb: With hotrUc-tlons, .$10,00; without' truitruetlons,"s7,oo.' The Book and Ruler, withdraw full - and accurate directions to eu,xesstuldiaugbting, forwanied to any part of the United' . - States, on receipt of s'i,oo, by JAbI C. WATT, - • Teacher of Garment Cutting, .36 Market street GELLANF,OII4: cu 18171. W1D.A.P.L.1.01 , -030 bathe* fee Iss fa,/ .• . • . aurra sJUNCLAIR o htualred barrels war (mom for min by . Elora a maca.aut. RIM) APPLlS37•72.s.bos..Dried Apples,.oa UNA .nil lormloby JUNO & BIDOILIIEAD. Tuer JECEI VED, at O. lig ..lilatitet Meet, a beautiful ey-. lot of Ladies! ante Jeour Linde. jant • w. L sannEßTz. '1 10111 Mii.:LIANUX—Ou New Orleans .and eonstenUy for sale at the Banking /louse of jan27 A. WILILLNB k QU., No. 76 Fourth at All5-4tlncintiatl Bogor Lamed Llama, of all eelobrated .ALL makes. kor pale by J. LANKLY &, W, Sant Teo Dealara and elooora. IiACCU—Oo boxes ko Jesso celebrated btraul; do portal Itunpl'obaceo; in More and fur rale low, to elms eonalgament, 8. IVATSILIIAN t SONS. , MAJJ11.114125--ror maikal,puz. ixorAt. oeiapor ligolis of aoy Mad are noes a:7 in "Wog ttresozootbines.. Jut zecoiTod And far oalo - br ' Jan* • J. BIDD W. . . brirtgArct*.Vihttoofe, Draper's, Attorney, and other netriffneentedlnkemehysaitable for Coantlttx Howes, Schools, 14 7 ' Per egite by W. B. 1L& IN, • jort2O* ' • ebraer of Market and Seecmd streets.. IL/fit:tatAr. WATER YOUNTAIN—YI4toxes, Pnrup end 1.1.1 Amnia= Cur preparing it, in Sat rate order. For ealo very low, by' . GEO. IL KEYSER, jszd.%:42:ulsw 140 Wood street. VEIVET CiUiPlrrti.-:-Beeretwed Ms day, by Adams' Ha press, at the Carpet Warehouse, No, 85 Yourth;striet, of rich and new styles, to which we invite attention. janlB - . W. M'CLINTOCK . ate Ites,,Tesvolry, Toys sad Easley Goods. imbseriber wishing. to elose out his stock. of th e j abase articles, offers them to the public at prices loom than any houso in the city. Persons wishing to make preis. cute, will find it to their advantage to give ms seal), as I am determinist to sell, and no mistake. ; doe. 111! JOHN 8. SENNILDY,94 Iflitilat AWL • re=i4,.„ Afr,vh. and:3fanufatfteot of Alive intend hereirfterto conthre ourselves exclusively to the PhstUlatkm of Alcohol, Deodorized or Neu tral Spirits, tromionatkProf uP.P 3 - 09 Pr 9aUt• And u we aretsolflinbared to EU oars Wear amount, at the shortest nooe,rro respectfullysOUdtthewholeealetrade of the dty : 1 TIN - 1s lIVLAUGHLIIT. P. 8. , .-For the Orwent, vino be formal at otrr. limner old otarld. corner of Ensithfield and Front stmts. Jitula Tremendous:Matron& deeldepl, on ib. e;il3o , Street.; ryinousiams . a. Rate, ,Illee f tu4 come to thitts 1. deaths dallrbi sitirmus of ILEATING'B.EXTZRKIX/6 TUB, which, if used arieoilltstszto direction/Orlll dasaikte rrpresented.jt Is valuated fir Serterrolluitei the .tersoln, or the Sold Wbolesalas Betallibp. corner of Willy and Fultp - strects;ol4 t 7 __deal ers gearralfrostlbe few price of • • tits psi Doi. '....jairan Dlssolutlon. • : Partnenthip of 'the undamigned, la the .INourlsut, einem, under the tam .-of Wllmarth drNoble, eras Ealred by mutual' muscat, oW theist Instant: Both purges will attend to and use the named the thmomtll the zatuti is fatly fietilexL, L WILMAITB, - Pittsburgh, January 6,1853. T. A. 270131. K. Notice. WrIALARTII .... L C. WILJUIttIi. rruie PITT.SIIIDMOII CITY BULLS bereiftes be con -1 ducted by the utulerslgted uuder the Una af L WILUARTII & CO. Immolation. rilux pariaerstdp heretofore existing ocular damns and stile of STUsItI & BILL, was this day dissolved by liedtatiou. - All tlinseeoauts of the firm will be 'settled by A. J. liTirAU-T, at the old stand, No. 6 Smithfield street. A. J. gruesz T. 11. BILL. Jl3lisolutlcrn.• rpm cvirartuerabip heretofore existing between the rob , soribencunderthe Ann of JA3La BZlntitY, Jr. & Co., is thbulay climaxed, by mutual consent. The•bnelness of the late itral will be settled br-Jantes 'Bernetts a., who i 3 authorized to claims owing thereto. - -.• • •JS IPA BENNillfaa, JOHN J. 110,133/4. Pittsbrugh, Tanuaiy 1853: . • In retiring from the firm, I world reeotoniond Mr. 3tl4lee Benney, .Ir, to the former *tends and ea:warners - Of O W ..7011N - J. 1101:18a . • littrburill..Tnnuorp.22, 1853. • jonnEr . . New Olt Cloths, - FOR Private Itesideices, Hotels, steamers, Pub oat: tut, ~ yam W. iiirCLlNTOCT%Csraucr WAltampii, yar.irchgere;e4 . invites attention to is superior assortment of rich and 'do. gent Oil Cloths,of the newest and best designs, adapted to every style of famishing. Also— . Rosewood On Ciotti; Figured Table Oil Cloth; . Green Oil Cloth; , Stair Oil Cloth, ie., Of. ovary description, ft:robbed at.the low est retract port. - cos; together will' all other articles connected with the Car. C litten ' t 3 ion mid . sularly &UAW to oar suPerfirm assort. _moot of. rich and elesant Carpets. decl.s : • Wine. . esvereigned begs leave to atmennew to his Mend. Irrhirmietorners. that. ha has received a large, and -with the ma t s se,.eide selected. let of MIENI/311 and PRENCII WINE,' which - he . caw warrant as pare andgennine, and - which he sells 'dß:Ler by the kettle or mak. Besides, he temps `eia•:.yS ems hand, a butte and well selects'deck of 111001C1I COONIAO•DHANDY, 11OLLAND GIN, and other liquors, all of which are of the drat quatles, and warran ted.genuine article& Ile feels grateful for termer favors, and It shall be his duty to attend to hie custom m as tor. 4; anis =do , the „bat and latest imms=ent thr no Wring Mlihdty, heron thrulah them of the best kindand .•tAie'loet,t F. FICSEIBEd , • • N 0.137 Liberty street. • • = • • ••-- • - "i • • • '7•••4l'''-j.4.•-.1 if . 4 4q 1 1; 1 17 1- } i%;:`f . 4‘ ) .. 1 471r P 1 } , I „, , rt l =7,l7. o =wrilAcT= l "..o.- . qtr-s•-4) i •i•ativ• • = • - . ,4?- -1 •, ??, Wray' . l'OjiLii o iVll4‘ . 4..'?iytni , g,ct 'O, ' 1 . 4 ;64 ';l4. ••- -..‘ • e k. • -t • P??•• •44 r.4. 4 . 1. 5! ‘,4 4 ' ••• 4 •44 ,1 (..1? r it . ... t 4i 4• 1e . ,;?‘ • 410:1''• , ?Zii! 4 •CNI . ? " •ir -- ,f4 . 14 • 4 '•• • •! • e5--4tt-- 4•L'' . - .V.*.oi9v-i% , ,P10N: e ' 7 4014:: 1889._ • • Ad *Ms ar: • . NO. 8 0 ivuivra sztuila,viicEnuvuuqw' mum pnM clasinto med.thbi s weave itutiblZi nta rtwl. linty to the Enat.ltrut ell (hints entrusted to intiAntra., - '.: '•• L A SPECIAL birINSENoEIt seat* foi 4 deb*. .P. 'Also, d. 17 to atriCiDAZao at 7 o'eloutr i - AL1.7.. - I.:htlers tuntrudttedit4pe of Charge, arid ,Ifloodo rett !T . 7 ftrit Expresa. _ - , _ naliot Rt.:linage. for saltion Bragland, Intend skid Sea 11164.1rithi.iximut; payablmtciptt paz . d6l4,ltormed sired Oiloo4 yie Unical Kitt , • dee2i: • : a Fonsmr, Agtak W" - renn37.l7.ankf-AttaircYullc -- • ' ,:wv 7,),...+-t ' * -4 r1.... :•' ~. . TIPIrB *re forma:tag Prodpo3, ae, ta %Ru m . an d pup. .doproanput. te 'thimscdpvMni4ll*Diasi • BiAni, Pork inailegl(salted,y46ol4 On /aid; WC yoUrfiPattoiN:,M*ow Mum, 60e.' qt BeeeirM4l ftiOkj!!: -71131011,7. t iiBo4 700. • • Ott bear Bkins.Remp Flax;andNep. YOe. VlooThs. OnliestbenyPuts; Yedtryi &am, sad 'Marchwidises 900. /OP& We are AP vrepind to tbnrszil friiAt to Rodobaugles Stathm, 7/ittl• Greensburj av atul intennsto 13tationa. ODB At GRAJIAIL Agents, . • corner of Bann and Walt star, Rittabargh. •IL IL IiOUSTON, Agent. 6 blultoto4roth Philadelphia, PARE REDUCED I • WEST NEWTON PLANK ROAD ROUT TO E, WOK BALTIMORE, PMLADELPIILS and WASIIINGN OEM. - Fog Ramtram. Thia i the only °Moe width Insures a TllllOl3Oll TICKET tb Waahhigke, and, by taking thia rmita pamatigas will care time and money. The Mail Boat Otarryhig the United States Mail,) Imre' the Monongahela Wharf, above the Wire Bridge, EVERY darTERNOON, at fteVeloek, Thais° Youghloghtnyar. Paanewg , . erswill lodge on the Boat, and take opiendlii United States linil Owtehea at West. Newton, next morning, over the Blank Boad,Mtsa ing themomitalns in daylight. Take the magnifiwnt ale*. Mg Cars of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, at 10 Aloe*, P.M. Breakthat at lialtbnom and Waahington Cityoline to yhllddeljhli and arrive In New York the acme evening. Fare to SA) do. Washington City— . 0,01) itIONONCIAICKa .The leaTts the wharf, ahoTe, the ing ßridge, y, at 8 o'clock Trimness leas Pitt& nrgh by the Biennia; Bost, Yrill erase the Man. tains the same night, ant arrive in Cumberland the next zumnbig for the 8 o'clock train of Cars fa Ballimant. Will - sup in Italtimero . end Washington CRY, slat antra in delphis et 2 o'clock the ammo night_ - -•-• Fare to Ballimmo... .... ,COB do. Pat. = do. Witela • For tickets, by either of Um abo ve Fates, please eallak Weed Newton Plonk Rood Oilloe,So the Monnmoshele bums, "Water street. frep27] • . J. J.' NUN& .dgeat. • • k , )1,11 '1853. • • "• • RINE PEN • SirroVANIA..RAILROAD. ON 44 after Batunlay next, deanery 11th,- the Fast Vorme Train trill leave the Depot, on Liberty strut, above Um Canal Bridge, over/ tuataloß at 3 ealat.l4atan4o only at Irwin's, Hillside, , strobe, Blairsville, Johnstown, Summit, lleilidaysburgoiltenia,Tyrone,Bpruce Creek, nun. tingden, IrVeytown Lewistown, 3110 , Harrisburg and lencester,erriving m r Philadelphla at 10.30 on the same eve. nine, connecting at ILorriaburg• with the. Baltimore and Susquehanna, railroad, arriving in Baltimore at 10.30 the men evening. MANI Dem Pittalurgh to Philadelphia dr Bethitiore 1.93,4 hoer(; . Wile 1 Trehl will leave the. Depot every morning atILAB , Itt9Ping at a the minalar stat io ns on•thr road, and coatiecung at Harrisburg with . the train for Baltimore, mitring in Philadelptdaor 'Baltimore, at 10 o'clock the next morning. 0 The Annnemodation Train lOU love every sDernoon, at 5 o'clock, supping at ell regular stations, aultiznouhig only as tar as Latrobe. - • . . , Fare to Philadelphia saAo. Fare to Etaltixproa 0,60 It6TI3ILNINCI TIZALNB.. The Past Express Train, !caring Philadelphia M 4 r.ti will anire in Pittitnitgh the next morning, at 11 o'clock! The - accond 3lnll Train leaving Philadelphia neat morning alb.= dtenttnrn• 'd an Trainatllllean, latent*. at. 0.411. and arrive in Pittanntgit at 8.30 a. Dogma abetted to au steam on Pia Pronayltattla Ran. road, and to Baltimore. @t -Norcase of lose, the Company will hold them selves responsible far pyramid baggage only, and Air mo amount. not exceeding $lOO. N. 11—Alcsatt Al. a J. Dreklenthal, Omnibus proprietors, bate been employed to convey pauengen and baggage to and from the Depot, at a amine not to exceed 1.234 ante far each pottage:, and 1234 cents for each trunk. For Tickets apply to J. ALYSSUM, Agent at the F. IL R. Depot, on Llbertyat. Pittsburgh:January 115. 18,3 WINTI: - 11 AR4A2VUISNENP Commencing November 141 M, 1 10 09. OHIO A.NRPENNSYLVARIA RAILROAD 27. c .WW.ern Jiaitrocut running outfroat Prittberrytil MIX ALL WIZ DZIATO 0? TILL OLIIO LITX/A,- 2b Cleveland, alumina, CrmainnaE, Nato, .I.ktrydr, Chicapo, Mitwaukie, ite. Malang in cennecans with the Okwt . &aian, Pilaw-A Raarooriferns AUL:mato Clem Twat, Etaming Direst /ran patlbtoph to all?. tan, Ittalefon and Motto., and throasrA ix a • . • dagln Mansiteldbystagerf Mager. VrirEt MINH start trom PlUstarN daily, (Sundays Q. a.ptod) . ALUL TRAIN Laves I . l2obumh at Ya. x, dines at alines of 12.15 at., and reaches Wooitor at 3...3) r. Y.. Pare to Alliance V. 30; to 'Wooster •p - 1•.; to lisaillold $5,00, nod to Idotzat Venom Conntettax at Itarail !AP Ago Una to Narr PhiladolpidatOoslloctan. 2e. . . . EXPRESS TRAIN For Cleveland, Coluattais, and Cincinnati, leaves Fittabargh at 12.30 r. n. Palksengers reach Alliance att r. &nil Cleveland at 7 r. tt., sap at Cleveland, and reach Ciarinnati at kW A. tt. Fasmengers dine early to Pittsburgh, and breakfast nest morphia. in Cincinnati. Fans through $9,00. Fare to Cleveland itlY/. The Es OM Train elope only at the principal 'nations. AT Returning, the Mil Train Istvan Wooster at 9 a. Es dines-at Alliance at noon, and swathes Pittebuegh at 01 P. x., connecting Ishii MI Evening Frath..citt cheptinsylverde Rtdhoad for IthllidelphLa and Beiticnoie. - TBR F.IaII..ESB TRAFT Leaves Alliance it 10,W P. lit.; and , reaches Pittsbirrth at 2 st., bringing the gaugers who leave Clartanatisu 7 a. s„through to Pitts h in 10 hours, and connecting with MorW.ng Train on e Penosylianle Rs/head. Stage Russ run ba connection with the road froin linon to Now Guile, 2Uraz andlste from tittlem Witsniii. set: The Nsw Melton Acconuncsiatios brain hails Raba burgh at 10 a. lc, and 4.15,r. a., and New Brighton at 1.00 4. EL. • Rithirrskin Tickets between Pittsburgh-and, New Brighton 'unsold for TRE 'amour Tamil. Lena ,Pitraburgli at 4.10 and arrives at 4 PAL • Oho .with to stops* any way station, tartbot their ut 4, Ss that station. The trains do net run on Brainy. Onutlistuises run in connection with the Mina to andll2oln the Adak); on Federal street. For Retch apply at the Vediind *street station thirthlo - and Pennsylvania Railroad; to • • OLIJRCIR PARKIN, . • Ticket Agent, or to J. my' • true ray, Plidsbrcrgh. ""' , • _WIZ rfoVentTifTW- allwidths 3 nadved th dsa atena CuP4WarOholute, No:BslV‘.) twtholtret. - ' Ibbla IV. 14!CLINTOCIT. Ai; mums Or N • 'LIMA WUIJG N STOOL -5"21.1 For salo by S. COTHANAT it SON, z • • • : ;VAN IT QUALITTIA I 441.131113.91- P ir it• Brila the "". "ASMT - ' l2-4: EVREt wan 47. ulact rl2llllV: .amt Word. inovatr • •110DMION• 1k •". Pagirerrieotypost 01,00 to " r BIVAII4O & CO -LAT &Urn . &WA No. 84 Fourth street. //ATlng .lay_ettpeetar Lett snd arrangernonthworrOpt opt Muctsco Inferior to none. If not• Patlaiefory, fro•rboxgo Is innder Call, =amino rporinions r ood Jidda" for your salvez. rvar. CO-YAKTEVIDSHIP of TAA.F.ft; DILUUDIX A; ITAKE.bi thbtdardiesolred by mutual mend. The husincee will be Fettled up by LUKE TAME, who le au thorized to use the name of the Arm for that pinyon. ' LUKE TAAIIIT AttlfUEL wau.k.m.o. DANg- Plttobarih, December x,1852: dec3o Vo-Partritarship. • HAVING sesotisted my eon, 8 LVM CEEB, with me, la the B&W Balnie sad (loners!, Agency litudnets, we will give our united attention to the puxehaan and sale of 'Best Estee, Collection of Rents Borrowing and Loaning •Lioney on bondeosurtitogri,. Lc., An, wider the name of gi. , ,CIPTLIBEBT &MON: • • B. airIIBERT, Genieed Agent, 60 limithileki street, - • ..—, • LIVEILIF elleAtilLetie, ' (brew of Smithfield drat and DietOmnd alley: zeaTHE undersigned havinvadded largely to his ntack, le now prepared to accommodate the public with the nest Boggles, and best Hermes, both tbr Saddle end 'farness. Gentlemen wishing to have horses luipt.at7leery, will 13nd:superior adiontroodattene en. them st thisstable. The qtallA are ,large and.new, and the pro prietor pays arsry attention to their ease and co m DE fort VLIN.. milky _ P. . NSW SEED nogg, - WASIDItOP; bee opened a Seed and Irortioultunsl }Warehouse, No. 49 Fifth curet, In connection with Ma • txrsery; arid from a tong practical experlatum ta the vici ous trort/cultural • rmits, be will keep norm but the ebol• test frdeh Seeds, Fruit , Trees,' Shrubbery, 'Plan Flowers,: Implements, Au; and from the liberal patronage grmAy Mowed, ha will study to introduce every , article that, will 'tend to lwrositt the loins of Troll , Yegoteblee, Plante or REMATTAIICE AND 81140FAT/011 OTTICIEL ., Art. W. & .1. T. Tapseatt & 00.,- /to. 87 8057E1 BriaßZWZirrOkr, 110.7 Mat ,Dulan; St Goner an/dulgt, Liver/Wit ..thud 1 4 10. 188 Orner y Waal and Vberfy dr, Bileanyh. ItatLES BLAKELY, Agent. I N announ • rin i their arrangamauta rot 1853, W. J.w. I.TAPSCOTT CO.. hare .the Weal= pr /awn to theirhien& ead the public, that they haTe.rbolly remodeled flair Una a Asada. and bavo by purchase And balding, -added &trend new eld cmf ij i , mr 2000 tone burthen. . Th ery . are also, at thla DIAN two other ships, larger than the hugest, and better than beet now shoat. They have I vermin theletine max-YIN/3 SECLP2, leaTlDg lavnivott. And NEW , Y0111{,7027 - • . • The LONDON llama Packets, leaving U)NDON end NEW -YORK every week. .The Clyde line of Glasgow Packets leaving NEW YORK, and OLASOOSV twice a month. The lay e rpooi end Fbihkbalphis Line of Pac/tote saaleg twine 5 month. 5350 . ._7 55 1fel engaged from all parts of Ireland to NEW YORK, Yiau.aoßLEtiza. BaLTIDONg. and • NEW °BLEARS, mud thence to,PUTBIIIIII.OII, Janlia 'Excursion to Euroo r a . ortLIVERPOOL AND PHILADELPHI A LINE OP PFEA.BIBIII - PE‘' Gay - of 'Xindrater ' • 2,Lts bum. Ft. 'tort I' 4 h - it l) MI, of elasgm, 1,06 tons, (Cis, 1 llilam Wylie,) will salt mon 7, asunder :-- , now..2=sumfma - , 1851- mow ummaoot, Diu. .00 of Glaggorw,' 4VOT. 20. City of Marrehester, Dee. 8. City of Man&mt. er, Jan 6,'.53. City - of Glasgow, ja si , 6,'63 41ty or Gliagow, February 3. Pity of . Mane.bestar,yeb. a , Pliny offal:taunter, Muth 41 City :of Glaagow,-Jiareh 2. my if Olas, -•-. ~." • 81. City of Mariebester, '" • 30. ' .:.Bateiof •fttin. Passage, ndlng Steward's Yea: , 1 ••,_--- ,_ "Lim 11414.DIMPLIIA. , ' Fan mums :Mae: Salmi% Stateroom ; 890 - Attar 13Marn Elaterarre,2ogs A lfidaldp •:, "- ' A ' ' ' ''' ' 65 311thildp -- • " • • 15gs rumartil -_'-"..-. - - - 55 Forward - - " ' .Up -- Hake 471 . :Pusligevat , inii laxae ra -- -•, • - • • • . Haloom. ...31,9q I liHdAhly::-...ii40 1 E . :traratt.... » ..41120, APPY SI - - - - ' - - • -- • - ''.?•IIIIMAS-BreltiADSONLPldladelOii, •• ..,.- ~ • - ;BEKBX - JIMAY; Auer, aentzeal, , - -g- Or44' change Pace,_Nevpry spa , 1101ANDBOR ur L re_gsiuyerps4 , .::“.. , Cited number of llifli CUSS taken out itC6l at $33, from Liverpool at 6 gutusimi ur $BO cat mad in Provisions only. ..., JOHN THOMPSON, 410 a; .4ent ferritie - ..... ' . . • • - ,--z-0-4 ,. .,,-*•-,...,.--•-_,, , • ei1g01... - 7.-..---..- 47 .4-4 , ...' •- . -•••. ' *•- ' 'l.• - . ..,,-,_ Mi. . ‘4rt---3ltkr-F4-0"-V674'"tttle 4 , C, " ..., 4 „ . .,.. --,-,7•-,A—...vv...:-., lial74‘wt4l _ - '';.. l° 4t 4 P: l "•" - %. • • •e.,..?' '• - •..• 40 ate ; i: ••• ---. , z..., • - 3 .0 06:— '. 4 .'-' l '.. ;-_;- .ci - 7s::Tri.r...l-yrr:-......mp;..:-0...7......-.......,-..,... 1 . ~.... - ..... t. . s' e * s W, " 4 VOlt'''4 4 "l.l"rta i ' 4 4 g*Pil -a • . ,i l / 4 10:•• AN, ' 44 F•ori s tt'' agli• l / 4 N;•-•.' - ',bas , i.,,vr.ilf,t.•:s:V:4;c",z.ei, - ;;;,..AT.A . =;:v:::ii; :- ?.- , ''...e4;'•':47...7:4'..',. - T.7.. -: - .C7-2 , :r7 -- _.? --- A' -..-:- • - ~ ---....,_---• vc if..4/. ...,..t4a.,. - -"mot... 4 1 . P. 4'7 ir+' it - t3t ,- .- • sfvegr 4 ". 4 ' 44 "ie• • ....# -4 4a . ; 4160 •.,, I M SNll : 4,#l6 l 44 r4l.We'''' l 4kl 7l7 -... 4 7 N 1ig-":":::: 3 -. 5 ' • iiir•`Y . ;:i' l ! - Z 5 *.i" :1 1;. 4 !..t."& ; • ..._.....' ' • :,.... • -i7; , „ % -41.!.7 :. -. .; _-- •• , . .-__,....„. -. I : • ..‘,. iii:f _kb- , _;.miri. : .ilezNiit.lvif,44 "- s• 4 ,,i.i., , •4:• , ...1f . Z..,C,;.,.4,-N 7 4," C - 11. - 71ittitt i lt,'. 4 **- 4 :o*.''',...ite . 17. F6 71 e• i9 "'",iv"wri r4 1"*• 7 4 - 41ks• -• P`'Y'' . 74'.4 7 ,3till - -$6.7•1,...:4. ,- .- ~!--'. .. ..-?....:....:r .'::.%.- ' - ".. X-1 , - .)...,. ••'''F-tCla ° ' r -- - -:', ~.: ---.--:-.., ••••••• -- - ---Nkl:fti"".;r'"'-'••••••,..-,,.,4 ...•. ~. 4 44 4:••••••.-1%-'•,4t.i:,..'it."-*.?4,:cs * 4 .4- Nto.. lezii i rtbi nefs'fl• 414474 t " 4. 11 i t' •• * '4 •4 !: t 4t l it t " , • - * l' Mr i ' l4 l-t k. ' ; '• l ' 4 t e ". •t- ‘ ' e S:i. l -41' . 31:4;-'• l';‘.•*•: ,l ‘ r iellt i - e*" . 0'.11', :, : -- . . ` '.. - 4k . ...:: l fritllP•r".l: ; : tl ". u .sq ,-- ''' -,---, i.- - ';- -,, ,1.. -,-- : - :'-a - -. -- - r. -- At: - ::- -, - .-,- • : r .... - . , --- . .. - ,.. ,. . -4, .. - 4..-,A,,, , v<:..1.D...tz -., - h k .N.4 7 :.... , . . ...,t - v 1,9 ...4 1 ,...., v ,t e0 ..0 1 1 ? ..... -4 41101 , ...i. :4 .. , ....i z ttiv,.;+:7. • .,tz..4-47,.., , i. - ...., , ',, , e'•,. 4 .1. - ,. ii, w ic.::-."-,,, , !,....,': ,* .7.20, - ,N.„, --4 ,?,eirr - ..... - ..,:-...ft . : - ..0.,4 0 4 :4,. ,, ... 1 4 4 4 4 . - - ; _. .. ...........;...,.......„ -1- 50;:!::. : : - ...- . ,7, 21. - . . , , -,..-,.....:;7% - _ ,.. ; - ..,..--._,. - -,„ - 5 •.:--- -- • . i s?' l 7ra:Vi4-* * 4t .*•.7*L . -.....1..w.A e z0. . , - . . • - :-.. i . ,, , ~..‘' -, 2.,.. , .... i"..:w.-4._., ,_..kt,t....::.-3 , :...i.i , , , „ ~ . -...r., . ..--.. - 4 . ~4.2.., !#lf -1 ,- ,A. 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R.,...W. 1tri 5 v.044;,. 4 0 :rat.' 414-04•44 ir-44 .4 ,.4 . _,... 4 ,4 t ‘,..z„,S- %.,-. 1 ‘, .-•.- . ' • tr...,...•.;:;.... , ." 4; il ~ • • . ..•:, •• ` t •••• ...... •••••„•' 1 ,-- , •, , . •.- •• , • , ..; - .- . : , ••,, ...- .. '. ` ~..",-, ",-... • - .. ... ,•••!..••••• -;.• - .. ` • . . . ''.- ',. ..- • - !5'2A . ..-,;•Tki . i: . 1 . .4f...4s -6..' 103,1hr5,-.40- 4 ,, ~_r , ,F t .,k..e u ...... ; ''-'e11 4 `,141 . r0j,01kt:: :› 4!107.440.4 , ' , 4,`„„34.7.}.; f t.t r c ' ..s- .:, '...., -•• , -,„: ,:. 0 ,7,,,r ; 11 .. 0 . ~ - • , ‘,. ~, _ • ••,• . ..... ~ -_ • • , _. • • . . .. .• , • ...., . • •.. ~ ...,•, s t. ,. , • ~. •..: . -.- ~. t l t 47, 4 ,1.- L i ti t ~,p,-;._,,,,,g0- . 1 ,04t-,,...;',10,,,.....1-.. , 74 •;`.. ;• , .... . • :•• ~. •• ..z,..e,-, ...:. . - - . 4 ~... 4 ' 4.114•1 "' a Cr•IIISPIII 7-4 '. 4 -NI , ' T" 4• •• :l4 : 4 .'''••'"_VVitr •:*4l. -.4 '- ,:* ''' - ; ~,-.--: "- -, -: . -' , ,:" --., .•'- 0. _.. - EMZE=MI T (-~ ~F~Y ~c i, -. _ ~. 'Cash iffhtutsflrli.a; Inifiiiiilai 0 otilteliSt le , _.= ,' Cof annsyleartia.rivara.SlOCl,ooo::' , • .1 1 1 0 ontlellapatho ItukAgetit„ofilai afxrkippsy Du l ' • AlieghellY cointli,imat is prepirai,tc,*• ei oz, a • •_Tapizt • terms •as •w A z i nstbis wmAy , In the Etats. 'An MO ProtatitlY Paid fa dilil slum proof °fps mum 4 grad44gen t, r . the ' gfe'llincralice Croan,r, or, tstrarg,:finarry:*" ',' •- IROMAS 1 310m1T, .. "ifl4 - I.; _.; _" ' _ . '!l%. 1 29 17#10hItztet, Rittaburgh. i'ennsylvuniallittraak Live Stool; insurance Co. 1)008.8 en gun open stills Van' of Pennlriiiiirds Mama Lin Stook Istrarance Conninny, lin; 21 , Thlrd. street, for an addianal subsal Unit of.T . hin nursinkshi* to the ottatat Stook nt . in or flee Men, of gixdeSiaciti;lo canna in ttiocue: of Ilitibargh snd Allegheny, and 03121217. for bluturdllee -Stock Itusurenee Company. Men Of energy Sid Industry hen make good 'salaries at the busiriesaL Apply to -B. BFLAM, Secretary, noril - . No. 21 fifth streeL. . _ Tiu),•resiasylvaala Mutual Live Stock INSIJILANCE COMPANY. • r oiiptta,sso,cloot ....CHARTER PERPETUAL. • m Company tenons fully organized, and prepared to nacre against the combined risks •of ME, WATER, I oil HNT sad DISK BE. ail destriptionsof LIVE STOCK, melt as Bonds, Modes, Cattle, Shea Le. a , • Sir Office,, 26. 21 FVIh street, IllLurph, Ftt. :AWL JAYNES, President. HEN]. DTLAIIQ , Secrotes3% Drittletti Alex: Jaynes, . Benj. Mlein, iyilkine, Wm. Day, • Ales . Neglay, R. 8. Ewalt, James S. Kegley, Body Patterson, Augustus Beylle. Forms forproposals, and all necessary Information, can be obtained by calling at the (Mice of the Company, P, Case bed been appointed Reasoning Burgeon mid Inspector, and eau be found at the Mace of Body:Patterson; Fourth Street, or at the office of the Company. JanSealaw "Delaware Mutual Safety Ausurano o. ' (este, north nom Vas Eaniangs, TAird Pita. KS INSIIRANCE,-Bulldingx.mendandlse and other mtown end countil, tensed against Soo or damage by are, at the lowest rate of preanisun. 11Asubs IssmsAson—They. also inane vessels, cargoes and &tett, tbrelitttor osastwise,tinder open or special pollutes, as e assured may desire. • DZI.SAD TaAssroaravum—They also Insure merthamilm issuisportelby wagons, railroad ears, canal boats and steam boats, on ri o ters soul:lakes, on' he most lib eral trues. Diredaraf-Jaseph . ll_ Sad, Edmond A. Sondem, John C. 'Davis, Robert Burton;:jobu. It.: Tenses°, Samuel Savants, &sage 'G. Leiser; Editard Darlington, _Lugs It. Davis, WU lb= Falwell, John licslin, Dr. It. IT. truston,'lsi. C. Muhl; Tbblladatts tVadlnit, II; Jonei Brooks, entl 810A 13 , nugh Craig, Qeee Berra', Spencer Wfrniill, Charles Kelly, J. G. Johnson, William Kay, Dr.S.Tlmiensi John Mien, If ffliara ETtt4_ • Distant's. al Pittsburgh—D. T. Morgan, Unir,h i =ohn T. Logan. Watiut Walnut, . i.e. 0. - narm, Pia President- Jansui W.Ocrivau, Stervithy. Ogles of the Company, Na 42 Water street, Pittsburgh. • felt ollf • - A. IdADAIDA, Agent.- _ :1110 VOAVA)411111 /hie rrßP•ranee Coin?laWt . pkg.adelphia, artsy . tocosia. - • ir k litECTOlsples IN% Bo:taker, ' Th omas nat. Tobias .‘LJ Wagner, Bit= /. t, amity, 4301 W. *Ws, ittordeesi D. Lir *OM. AtioiprfE. Bode; Dark' & Browse, Morris Patt.enon. Qua. N. asscstra, PreddatO . thus. 0,11 CtID, Secretary. .• Conduit° to make insurance, perpetual or/bulled, on every docriptlen of property, in town and country, at rates as low agate consistent with security. The Company have reervott a Loge Contingent which, with their capital and premiums, safely tnyest! u l n , off had staple protection to the assured. • The Awls of the Clopp . pauf on January lot, 1851, as pub lislutd agreeably to pi 4tt of Assembly, wFre to follows, viz: MortgageoB Real 4Asta. &Pr! 78 Teiaroutry 83,060 17 51,053 00 Cash`, 64,3413 81 T0161— f ...—. 41 Slaw par inomporWton, period of tirecit34 jean, they have paid upward at One sand Mara, Imes by are, thereby affording evidence of the advantages - of Imunne . e, ua 41. th e ability and dispod tiOn to meet *illipritraptriitsi all llabilltlm. J. GAILDINEII COFFIN, Agent, Office, northeast tor. Wend and Third sta. ••egligf—* bus. Ear Cm. in dap ap4 for mlo by p . . span ctrest, feta MorkOnsmhels Muse. • POWs Officer. NNlbe found 'at tbe • 001.. of Ala. Paitinson, bawls, L al'Atasters, and Major. Strict and prompt attention viii bo paid to all Wid nes* entrusted to bls rare. novB.3m • NOTlug. • PIP . 4 144cM1T PijamEss will be continued by the Dn. det7isfiao6. the 014116:+44 NNW hi" boleti' be plowed taseelti Theme? frietde etistoment l'ituburgh, NoTember 6, 1862—uovn A. inINTEM -o... Partnership. T WIVE this day ammetated with =On the Wholesale dream", Produce and Commindon Business, GEO. W. MULLEN of this city, tinder tho thin of Bryan: A IdctuN. Pittsburgh, November 18U. A. 3. STUART. novl3 DISSULUTION.--.Tberrartnerehip hewn:Due exlettug don' titla or EI4WORTLI CAIRNS, mus, by see. consent, djesolved ou t 13121 July. The =cows of Rh* firtu will be settled at Um ola staM, try Jelszi Uftwodb. JEUU iwsvotrru, ”. • R. T. (MUM. HISCKEILIYARINA- . 10 cues Ileeter's farina 5 do Corn Stasth; 3 do Itloe lloos; (? I do road Gado t Poarl and nulled Barley, la pima 1 Tor pale "dialed, and refill by 'SI LATMLY k W., - janls 2G5 Liberty street NOTICE,: • 13 . ATLNO disposal of oar ratite stock of ronftri Nimes, Brandt , Old Whisky, Le.. b Jobtt tlemtt, who will continue the Nquor Business as usotd, aL our old stars; comes of BmlthSeld sad Pleat streots, we cbeerftlly re commend Nat to our Mends and farmer ea...tomcat MAIITIN sn.Auoinalr. btl P:4O Clr t 2 p;rfoptpt Air. Ofootco, to our Ibi-mst business. • js • Pat iiipo • • a • - • I ()ventilate •gait I RPAWS BRILDDSOS, Fifth street.—Tald PROPRIETOR, theakhd to the public for past custom, ventures to So licit si continuum of the some ler his present en trrp esteladratent of s Plow' and Bpice Mills wil.b the city, for the ismoinausistlon.of hit cardotzmoi, end .W who P ith 14 hoyo ne9rd flour, puts ground Spices, are., to VEIO ottPtoa ,•,, &lintel AfrittAnto 44 °awls, is itaP tad, ind all / ask le Odd goy wale** ine a Idled. R. BRAVO, No:! ,Weroon4, ._ %. B.—Al *Ada taken back if not frond goad, end tha =miry rtturnid. . . . - - marlS EMUgg,bur Wat r Carp Establishment, . N Sou "P th side of the Oh PS ' io Ill ver ter i oypeal tri P te m"Y the I nsou Thni a 'm ot the peuer amok f twentY-elght =Ma from Pittsburgh, It -et t from Wheeling end one handrad from Clerehmet. The lfroptletor bee W twenty years ~prectscal omit= se a regabiphysielon; teielfroPerhi t eh he has prectieed under tblicidtvlutilikiolteln. 'pereid truly kIYBDOIOI3 Ma WRRK—PeTelde weekly, All selswea ezes34tal to Ilydro• Whin coxes. Zech mends t required to furnish two heavy, woolen Leo rs% two lerge CareihrtSvialir 6 44% WM . tolr glts, and one carapldanket, or India-rubber sheet,. . • ' _.. DR. DOWSED AMER, Proptietca, malt! Phfillistrunt. Rochester P, 0., Dearer county, Ps Bough & Atithortro Da4gatorreotypea. Trpt undersigoal would InLerm their many friends and other trot they hero removed from Burke's Building tc k No. 62 Qs few doors alarm their old stud) wimp they hare fitted op rooms for Dagoorrodty-Mng. Harlot • very superior arrangement of llght, and the moat approved Instruments now in nee, with 601220 ten years e la thi,business, they pledge themselves to turn out as maxi pictures as any other estatillshownt In the country, and far more Tiers= likenesses than has beretotoro been furnish ed to the eltizeds of Pittsburgh, either single or in groups, . Citizens and Amgen are respectfully Baited to cell, Whether they wish pictures or not. Otir Motto is good plasm, fair priors, and peritsst satis faction to oar edit:moue • PIMP ANTHONY. N. 11.—We famish all articles In our buainufseto 02MT operators sur he - ratans. • spin so. 130 WOOD mew, emu) oom Stumm= MLR. • ." BO NN 40 rxr.r...ar. -er7c/I--"-"--i IMPORTERS and manufacturers of , J•.. 1 ~..=.2. _ ._'* ..? - , ..„ CUTLERY, SURGICAL AND DENTAL ' .7-7" ' mwetEaxpirts, Turidip, *c- W! , . z • koop a general ambrigiobt or tiie above articies C 45404414,1 oh 'Utnd i tb:mthtr with a general meet,. of Panel nardwaro. 4itr4, Guru, Pis tols and Revolvers, Flasks, Horns, Shot Pelts; Cops, Powder, fend and Bullets; .Bowle, /Ark; Bunting and Pocket Enlyex Won and Mir Primers' Rears; Pocket &lows, le— Alm, Trusses and Supporters. Jobbl lag and 'opal:ins neatly examted. ti ? RIMS I—We aro Ina fog Rifles of *eery description, to order, or the best toe , and oorktnaraip warpoieil...- 00crs received fey th e at Mioltanie Cr RAW, will be Sil vis teilli &mita. lin ring parttes 'supplied at Mamas price.. • - mit. 011ARLI,Ii A. MOORE, No. 110 Word street, otters for sale, at unusually low prices, all kinds of RILOSIIES and VARIETY GOODS. Ile manufactures .and has on band, a large and excellent assortment: of strong and well made Paint, Sweeping, Scrubbing, Blacking, Mir, Nall and Cloth BRUSIM, made of. the bestmatmdal, and adapted tbr ttoeln ttito or any trutrkpk ge would elm Write at teattion to Ide gip], other YARNIBII DRVIIIII2I and BLMERS, which he Is determined to sail at hoot 2D to 23 par cent cheaper than they exit he. . - purchased elsewhere. Painters and cacti wanting Brushesi are Invited to call and • etamlnebls articles and prices. • ALSO--LookingGissses, Picture Frames, Clock" Port Mon• Meal Pocket Becks, and all other articles generally kept foe sale in 'Variety Stores AU of which he ls determined to sell at the lowest price for cash. Bememberi kIOGREI3, 110 Wood street, next door to David Store. - eon= • - MUSICIf %rant% ITMENTS. CHARLOTTE JILIINE, 118, Wood Street, Second Door Above Ala FrrAnuiniOLl, PA. Te .host receiving her Fall suppeeof goods In the above Una, which haring been selected• with groat caro, and tinrchasedfor*sah, enables her to offer vizor% indueements to purchasers, who are tergoctfully invited to examine her, ,stock, among which s;11 PLANOS—AsplemSd selootiers, comprising pi; tea latest styleaand prices, among IdliCh areOhe celebrated amloarg Manes; Double Carted Louis En style; also Oale New York; Bacon a Bann's. Now York; Belchenbabh a Bon's, Philadelphia, Az, de. Persona athome or abroad, about purchasing Piano Fortes, world da well WWI, ea I will sell sagood an article' as can bit 'found and on as good terms, varying in FiCa frOirtgas, to 000, with *written goorrootfo. ovni/88--4. Onpackation of Praia and Ilpaalsh,wlllch foe richness, beauty and newer or tone are nasurpasrable. FLUTES AND CLARIONEWS of the vary best French, Garman awl American numatheture. AOOORDEONS, from the best Pule rosaufeetari. rf,...VIOLINS--The fl i nt Italian, PrencFrenchaml &WM:ask, , Dims, iin aims, Taneauss, Mumma, Psous Bars, Sows, ix_ , . STItINGB of the irscri bast ,Itallan, French and aorS1118. • • • £ll Musical Instruments mitred with ddrebiUty.meetnese and • &match- O. P. SMITH "'PAIIMONLBLE BEIRT AM) =u>s L 4 0 eraktmen's Iltrniahing, Fancy and Variety Goods, 93 Wool et, wand door below Diamond alley. . FT= =toolbar baring taken the above Blare, end eatat. tithed the same as' a Shirt Manufactory, mut Gentle. *Ws InrWsMng Stole; would resyeethaly call the attn. Goo of the traveling couuntudly; and the flublio to his large and Weil sPillctolt ittattoPP ClePtigulent nruishbe , Yana sod VorietY oipio, among which ma be. *ad, Mitts, of eery pattern, id?', style and &scrip of his awn ouuntlisebare ;width, fdr neatness, cheapneaf and durability, cement- .be. excelled. Stockx, Scazfe, Grande,' Ilandkeraleb, Hosism Glove, Suspenders, Gen& Taller Garments, of every deanlptlont topther with a lance cr. stet, of Cant* Bruebar., Fancy . :ftep, PerftaxcA, .Pocket Co Uny Money Belt s,. ftauldsr Blues, Thl Beim oval / Nal . end Bullion, Pocket Books, W 'POT tam ko. Ctrustauttly oa band, 11 Large 'only Um} litie, of oven ,- coloriEdiss Igua eta Pullin*. Atureeagaloos- • - • „The tunlendPial;lAtitean favoied with long sem In thirghbon Imuinegis, hopoa to be sposesslid In pleasing all who may favor- ini with a tall, tnnting, by strict wen. lion to to Merit II liberal 'hereof yoMetattronaga. Gentlemen's made to order, with neatness, d nre .hillband deepateb, and In all cases a flt 'garrotted. • 0. P. MK= _. ~1~ ~~~ _ . INsigt.4&&tOjilf , =:oB., ite !I Vs):} 4!lq M . gNIITTNTITVVITI): MENE=M _:~~,: c . - . .' •,. • . • .:t .; ' VA ..;-,...,-Mplyurpg,i.:! i l .',. . T ,": • 1r.....t. etzvariseet ioithilires.to. 1:6=404w. r -..-: • titT-WASE of erery • dc*lptkeis, eta& old (Mad; . ' 91.7 and Seventh stmeta,* * . IMAMILTAE -1 *. .• 4 • %. • • ...In allits brindle. .• • - myll attindad to, nthiLalf4Cti P., : 1 , r Hirai it -tier CLBDi er aid ZdAti!MOWRY, NO: Bilimatifteld-street t .ii 'l2l Alittfizoilturi,Artilehtbey. e zu rZeentpelaw customatrratcs.. a cl. sy.iyouz.. .-. -' - . • :-:.......:.......11. nagnsk - • , — iii . unniei iir. I'li - ruler - - • ' • _." ' itemir wauraoom, surriumei) mom. Ektaseen &with shut and Straw alley. /qualm/kill. U&BIMEIt k DAU,LER keep mustantly on bead e. virlet*L of excellent and fiudihntable „Furniture,- war.. • totted equal to any, In the city, and sold on eatavoe.' . j h le terms as can be obtainedU any timllat establish" mentln e West. They have now on' band an emuanaili 'atonal stock,'lnixbradn& all kinds of Parniture, troth the eh and plainest to the tqswi f. txutly. and elegant MI antes ptomptly attended to. , . ,* tny9ll,lom J. eymen Cabinet Makers Aimoolation, #l2eartotlqs . Ls v STREET, airntrt VW]) asp Kumar art) inn ASSOCIATION,embracto alreadmany b.bi ngito th at e re t.va ttmes u izo g hitherto mod renowned badness Tri, ehope tiLt3tY, have opened their Warehouse, and ere able to the public, by wholesale or retail, with Par. altars or the following dereripthm—via: Mahogany Wardrobes; Dressing Bureaus; Poll Columned Bureaus; Matnany BedstaalsrMahominy Chairs Necking Cbstric Mahogany Wardatudd So .Divant; Pi ano &oda Boot aloft; Secretaries; Card Tables; Pier Tables; One Card Tatum; Centre Tables; Ilat Beets; Irma Bedsteads; Ottomans; Poplar Wardrobes; Dining and Breatbst Table Workstands r Cherry and" 03=0II Wartstamis; high poet, commoO, lea, and trundleßsisteadd Cherry Binning Can The advantages of eaoperation,son an extensive Beale, per mit theta to sell at the lowest prices, and they are deter mined to soil, lower than any competitors, an equally goal, if not leder article; and warranted—es the public will un • demand by giving theta a . • • • ea. Steamboat wort of all deseriptloni, and other articled of any desaiption, made to order Marin style, at the abart out mtlto. mar 29 ' r JAMES • WOOIAVELLp culaivEr FURN.ITURE MANUFACTURER. lar **rooms 07 and 99 Third street. • : J. W. W. respectfully Lamas kis friends and customers that he has now completed his sp ring stock of Furniture, which is deddedly the Largest sad beet ever offered for sale In this City, ch will bo raid ski:aims aff low , as any in the Called States, East or West As ho is determined to uphold the quality with well sea soned materials, best workmanship, and newest designs; and from the extent of his orders and facility in manufacturing, he Is enabled to preducowatranbal furniture, at the lowest lie hie adopted the principle of bicintlfying his customers' interest with his own, In„quality and prlec,and keeps al ways on hand the greatest variety of every description of furniture, from the cheapest and plainest, to the most ele. „put and costly, that a house, or any part of one, msy be furnished from his stock, or menufactured expressly to or der. The following artlelei consist, in Tart. of hie stock, which for richness of 'style and finish, cannot be earnameed In any of the Eastern cdtics: Louis XIV tote-efete Sofas; 60 &du, in plush and bale cloth; 20 60 do:Mahogany Clusirs; dos. Walnut 60 Mahogany Rocking 20 Walnut " " 60 Mahogany Divans; . 'X Walnut " 60 Marble Top Centre Tables: 60 " Dressing Itureoust 30 0 " %astern's; 40 Itrickesed 100 Common " D 1 Plain Dressing Bureaus; 20 40 Mahogany Bedsteads: Walnut Cothro 800 Cherry and Poplar Bedsteads; 20 Mahogany Wardrobes; ID Walnut " 10 Cherry to Plain Bureaus; TO Dining and Breakfast Tables; 12 Secretary and Bookcases; 20 dos. Cane Seat Chairs; 24 Cane Seat Rotting Chairs; 12 Towee Welling Lersgs s lrat and Tonal Stanch; What-Note; Meats; Paper Macho Tables: Convemudkrn chairs; Pembroke spie,sherh,,e, Tall and Tier " Bemtion " Ladies' Work " Pearl Inlaid " Extension Dining Tables; Arm Otramans; Gothic and Wall Chairs; ••• A large assortment of COMMON SUE 1717.5 i and =; : t bo CCIATES. CiaCteT Dimes et 'plied Ws a or swumes in OLD" td • Awn' and ITC/TETA furnished at gin shorted All order, promptly Winged to. Immo WATOBES, JEWELRY, &c Henry Illeluurdson, Jeweller, (.lATINO related bls store in a handsome manne, and recently returned from the raetin c.',l:A: With a t. wort - meat of tralellr.a; IDIVELItY: 'end FANCY DB, would call the attention of his friends amt =atom ire to the lam that among his Watches will Le Sound the meet desirable style*, patterns and makers. OfJelrelry, the hatted styles of Brooches. Breast Pins, Fob and Vest Chains, Firmer Ma" Ear Itiince, klinlature Lockets, etc.. etc. FANCY 000D3-Bucti as Papier !briar, Work Tables sad Boxes, Desks, Fancy Vases, Perfume Bottles, Table Mats, 1%84 41stakt. VI:14o 1101344ps jp Ittc4; Yatiolt t China rents and 111.-Diiimos i with ett ftl/Nwratittr tal useful and or. namental sulkies, which hare only to be 0.1012 to be apple data]. -' ! [bon]: , NO. 81 MARKET NTRFXT. • atehem, ew,llrT, _4r: c . c. AVINO juts retm•=4„ mum the =stern nel, ham .. t ..l4:with onentthe mast bowlful , and care folly isetomed Meets of Jewel Watches and raney,Goods, ever offered to the public. Ibrsa¢a trishlng to purchase anything In my line, can rely int getting a good article. I do not advertise to sell good" below mat, InEr Pl 6 r;MIL cheaper than any house in the city. Wre me a call, and I AlipYd3w 11 be tAtbgted 414 d can ern scald ert;clP Map as guy or them. Another had I wish to keep beano the people. If you Taut your Watch, Clock, or any article of Jewelry, repairrd in the best manner, this Is the Owe to have it done. To this branch of my Moen - ea I writ devote especial attention. JOIIN 8. ILIMNEDV, OS Market street, aye_ Sian le of the Golden Eagle. tau sre la c th^ IPT of FUM KATCI.IV3, or mutt 001.11 0 dr•WElIr • nOd r 143 to n tholn at the lowest pries, the MAU time get the best quality, and warninted be t as renresentod, Jon have to &ditto call at ILO. 1100E19 1311 ARK elf ST; you can there End some of the heft quality of tine 13 carat' Gold Lever Watches, fufl jeweled, at • • ,COs2s Gold ITEplue Watches, 4 boles Jeweled, - y 18,00 Meer Lavers, full Jeweled, - - • 12,00 peer I,'Eolt, • • • • - - • 3,T0 es' ciaa i, haw se • • • 0;00 ar Tea koan • • • • • 0,00 And all other Goods In proixutton; One Gold Jewelry, of 'every desetiptkut, always on bend. Calibrate Gold bought or manulkettued to enter. licere cell at - OW MARKET ST; Pitt•burgh, • • de4o It O. 1100 D. JAM 11=2.1U.11 i he bite Them of Sands and iteinem] LOUIS REINICSIAN do C 0.4 IMPORTERS, AND =ALMS IN CLOCKS, ivAraras, I ic . cis - J:I,4Y, ITATCI4 V ATERIALS. TOOL S, An, Are.: . Mv.4 one Dow. 'froat ' Woad • Simi AM:I4mA J., 1 X lark to atibotrisce to the trade and the public gen • smelly, that they have themselves carefully relented and imported from Eneope. a lareestuek of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, WATCH MATERIALS AND TOOLS Am watch. =ken; end a meet elecosat amortuoent of JEWELRY, from the best mannfactorkss—which they offer at tali= as low as thby ran be purchased in the eastern merketa Tbelr stock of Watches comista of Gold and Silver Patent Leven; do. Detached Lavers; do. Leptons; Silver Qua:Derr, and elegant French Time Mom, of the awl anrorml tb . akaa Together With I !Mr *stork of Clos.as, and Time Places, from the beat Amerkma Factories. Their stock of Jewelry ccanprbes articles of every descrip tion lo this line, such as Flngir Mugs, Ear Rings, Breast Plan, Bracelets, Gold, Fob and Gnarl Chain; Gold Octant Keys and Seals, lockets, Gal and Silver Spectacles, Silver sod German Silver Table and Tot Simons, and curly kind or &lay articles generally kept In establistonento of th'4 alp. intip4oti, ry wbuld torPelly eall the ntleotion of the trade to their Tn extensive sof tock of WATCH MATERIALS and TOOLS, or ovary 'variety, which* they have most careful' soleetod. They have also on hand a large mosortmcnt o fTel ti py Mimeo and Opera Glasses, from the Lett man ry itil`wlantt Together with a bread variety of other articles too numerous to mention. Clocks, Watches and Jawelr repaltal fo the but morn:. 1 5:1 a!1 . 09 filoq reY'DTI".I)I, tOrip . " . 0rri:17 ... ' ----,..-- T saints. TAIDIIB' DENTAL inz BUB w OEBY tifth edition. „la Pound's Banta ruidlcloo ; now edition. Curios/doe of the Mato:ono, illustrated. Chit Chat;—Bter of Bethlehem. Dr. Mayo's Popular; u peretttions. "The World's Lacoakar, by W. B.Spmue. D. D. . Early Days of Maim; by grummaeler. Sequel to the Vernal . ° JesulL Homes of American Authors, Au 1 1 1 , 14 Th*Ted PT _:4 1 43 car 15 4QNSW, dean 61. martA wont, war fourth. ft.F.1311 OTSTIeIi--Recubred daily, at No. al' !delta F street; the best Optere In the City at the cheapest rata, wholesale and retalL The price has been and IstiNE DOLL= ISA CAN—PLF . CtINTS A lIAR CAN. The Of Pitieburatai well as the piitair know that they bare beaetotbce beep charge.] tut, blab by a mon opoly. The citizens eborild patronize thoee trlni deal fairly with them without aimpuleion. It will be an ohjoet to put up expressly IZr We market, the best Oysters that CAZI had in the Chesapeake Bay. Alen trait fruits and engett4 table+ put UP In eons hezmetieslir sea led. inier.llo4F . 0 O. ROHERTIL • • -00-;Partxiimefilp • Notice. FINN subscribmw have this day entered into partners*, I. under the style and Zan of TAAPFS, MAGUIRE & BANS for the purpose of mrrying on a getuunl Oommbodon and Prod= Business, and confidently hope their long expe rience, extensive tunrantfle acquaintance, and personal at tention to the interests of their customers, will entitle them to • share of ptddle_pntronaNbish Italian be th eir study to demo. • • LIME 7 P PM Prnomr.P.l 84-11% CBY.,,Uumberland, WM. 0. BANS, Washington, Pa. • • Pittsburgh, April 3, 1852. [ems • ~ rpm partners* heretofore Noatoe existing between the under " signed in the Commtami and Porwnnling business, de., s undse the tiros of B. P. 150 N BONNIIOB.ST tr. 00, Is this day 'dlaeolweil by mutual consent. !'le bualpesa of the late firm will be settled by B. P. Von Bannborst, who b authorised to LW the name of the firm for that rinaa. • ZICIZDAM. , . & P. VON BONNICORMG ltetmrgh,htly'Sd, 1k22144 Co-Psrtnerahtp Notice. TEC nndrrsignod bare thls day formed s Co•Pattnexatity ter the transaction of a Wool and genre! Onimiseion and Forwird ttoinesa under the firm of VONN BONN IER/3T:& WRPIIY. Warehouse No. 87 Water and 118 Wont streets. • • • ; JAMES B. =BM. ; •• ' P: VON sommorisr.- pitubargb, May 8a,1832-my4 !::::.S::POR.... ...• D/ 8801 4DT.101 - Ir. TitEoo.Pestnership hertioart existing ander the title of tYAN k WES% was dbeohal by mutual consent on the 4th Instant The accounts of the Item vill be tented by IL IL Run a Co., at Ryan's Buildings, 111 Ptithytreet.- • • • . . ...: tR.4I. ALLIII,- H. MOM '. - • octlA , - LEV/ IldlliOOD 4130. . • - A. 41 aw.e..E\unhthing blip, eitenal 4 :Aie. li D-.1"1- IL ItTAl a l i a o:Llnnti their the sue:di:Q uoit:c or k 4.____ _ impsyr tb r poceislng, an& de., Chairs, nowszo tumid ant In pro , lleisinglt, Let .140..10 ireinatreet,= 3ll %yedans and cob 0 / tioisbinitend wonift especially solicit noteLlio ff p. es shoot Douce, ALL, 001/ID4 np on 811 k. Linen ? ets,Sicamboat rarnithercand dealers tbzontbanttbe Somas Woolen and 04qt 0001. All combined stuffs that sea Lad West, to .4'll sad maculae *Date stock" Tbey possess fa serrerally,used, each as Cotton and Wool; Cotton end Wool cliltkes 4he upuitg not erdoyed by ,any other eatab• mixed together, and need for ladles and gents' ermine ate iishontnt In Arnesies, and are enabled thcrofore to olestreet wig, Or fo xy or ti d os of d i .,. 4 i n ip . y via Cal eve r y 4ape Iselocernents to the trade to purchase at their edaidialue 2a t. t d, whatever, eva Dyed cheaper, qulekin• and better, than meat Dealers, on application, will be furnished with a Mooted present *vile In this city 11, IL DODGE, Proprietor, circular, containing the wholerale price of each ankle. octPdf Oaks, No. 10 /ruin street. octlt) H. IL UTAH A 00. MEM .. - •'.':.:-..7.7.: . ‘i - 7,:,.','. - :;.:.7:-.:., , 1%-;- '2' a Special and titioriszittiliot':;Difitoods- ± • P.U.EPARATORX :TV . 11EMOYAIN--41. all= *1 C 0.,. 2aill bold their'last: kiest SESITAMIAL SAIY., 'CU Market Street, at boa 62 and SiycommeisciHng IllsurataV December 30th, 1&52,. and continue tratilyettruary. WhWh. time they will remora, to their New Stare, now meting ot . /Mb street; st hi& they &sigh' opordorelth o folleactcon Vete stock of New - • This Semi-Annual.Sale will therefore- be_thecliarimr . mut endel r osing off of ihAr .ntirestock. rrery article :will be marked dawn to such extraordinary low rates as - mturk NE GOODST - A, T VERT , RER I7I 6..ERPSIEICE4I , alum. RECEIVED AND NOW OPENING. YOUNG, STEVEN-SON'et'LONE''' 0 lON OP THE - ORIGINAL BEE HIVE, No. 74 - .Market:. Street, between . ..Fourth street a ration Diamond, Pitts. burgh, mo u lt *spectrally cer the atof their custo mers and the - public generally, to the large and well selected of:stoCk. Dry Goode, consisting of:.:- • r • French Merinos and Thibet Cloth, all colors andquallthas,- • Coburg?, Paramettas and Cashmeres, argrest - bargains, High cord and' rinted Delaines,". - • -" " French Ca...duncre and Gala Plaids, for children, • - Bilk aDd Worsted, and all Silk Plaids, • • . „ Mohair Lnstres; Alpacas and Bombazines ' High hatred plain black Silk, all widths, - Brocade, Satin Plaid, and Watered Silks, all colors, Gingham', Chintzes and Calkces, an assortment, . • Bnxbed, Long and Square Shawls, every descriptkm, Bay State-and Waterb3o tong and Square Shawls; - • Blain Embroidered Cloth and Cashew.* Shawls, • Bonnet and Mantilla Velvets, all colors and qua/ " Bonnet Ribbons, Mike oral Satins, ... "" ' '- • • - Ladles' Embroider's' Silk and Cashman) Scarfs and Nock Tics, • .-. - Noodle Worked Cuffs, (Sollars, Cbimssettes and Capes, Embroidered and Plain Hem Stitched Ltaah Cambria " - Handkerchief', Bilk-Pocket LIRA., Cravats and. Neck Ties, Gloies and Hosiery, every variety - , at bargains, Tickings, Chocks, Brown and Bleached litudins, • Irish Linens, Table Cloths and Damasks, Bird Eye and Bawls Diaper, Crash and Towels, lied, white andyellow Flaps.-! ', very cheap; • Sacking Flannels;'all colons and qualities, Ladles' Cloaking Cloths, " . " Cloths and Chesiznerce, Rattinete, Kentucky...leans and Vesting,. (datis WORLD'S: FAIR! SECOND MM-AI4NITAL WORLD'S .FAIR AT GOSLINGS' FRENCH STORE No. 108 Market Street, Pittsburgh. Alto-51 ST. CZAIRFXREEI MADAME A. GOSLING'S ezteUsire senortmatd: 3 n 1 _ 13- -, rm. Is also reduced 35 per cent., and will be °Shied nitnfi public at such low prices as will astonish the custurnara—, Our tactility for manufacturing Bonnets is nusmanW. - in the nest, and we pledgeourselves to after you Goode stanch prices t 1.9 will secure your custeqp. deal TANNERS' 011-101.1ils. Straits* OIL for sale by • - fel;l4 smrru do sumr.Ani DitUtiCiltAlt—A young man well acquainted, watt the j Drug business, 'peaking the Dennis ;nut liongsriati hingear.,es, and haring had 3 yea& experience In Ms annu l:9., ',yenta a situation. DefenaLei satisfactory. janl2 Address B. JAKOSSta, St. asir Muse:. Heavy Preih L te TLVE AND g O W R•ATE.SI ADAMS Sc" , CO.'S • EXPRESS f e nny rat- ing :heavy Freight& of aiDleecrirkrus, to Philtuiel phiaAN'TWEN TY-TWO 'HOURS, et Otte Dolbsr In wTtrop IDititts pgr pound'. - W. B. '.ROLL, Agent. Pittsburgh. Jauttary 23,103. ' Itlectton Notice. PIE Annual Meal= for °Mears fur "the Congenny Or. ereettng s bridge over the Allegheny oppoeite Pittsburgh, In the County vf Allegheny," will be holden In the $l.. Cleirllotel, In the City of Pittsburgh, on m0N.1.14.y., the 7th of Muth. proximo et I ni3l:.e.-• febs." , ) , , - 40incirXit1ro, Tresuctror. • la otter to -. Shippers. T will be yeomanry tasend dray tickets with produce I giving marks, conslgnora and ileviination.. Chance' moat be pent fo the otke the same day the Pi:dm:mut Is =silt; or the company will nel be riaponoible for their collection. Charges will be paid on demand. 4 .Q. ritlszfirwits, ' janS ►/~latlS - 111L13 d'lll -4/3UMPTANOIta WATerlil)--.01 1 BOST" ' Loviavium. • NNW YORK, SAINT LOUIS, 111 IL DEL PIRA, CINCINNATI, BA tinsiong. cumtoo, ctuv maND, , • V. II, WAIYUK, DETROIT, and the IVeSt generally, Sight Choeke Meg furnixtml on all the abcnro points. febl4 A. IVILKLNS k CO" 74 Fourth street; Mann'. Double Loser Orrpying Premz!, Ouse, Brothers (We (4unian.ilOareW - Piossen," :- Ocipprig balks Oil Paper, Metallic Davapeuen., Copying Brualtee, Copying Percale by W. navav, Stadaner. ja24 . Market street. corner &W. nAvE Just purchased the Mae% of Wet,,:; -t *Ad 7etrulq ` n l. e.OT , LT orzuged.by alltotho . eta now propst=dlepose elide 'tack, together islth additional essurtatenE of all the Latest rtylo , at goods in toy Line, at the le bedeeale•priate, by the single article; and all goods guaranteed to be as reprefental eat time of .sale. If 700 Want bargains glee toe a calf. as 1 'than sell good' at the =alkyl is prtan, and roach cheaper than any ott.u. learner us Pittsburgh; at 61 Market Om?* nor:" El. O. HOOD. ISILs LE PIsnas y r nic .p ort c n ik4 n.thiw7 Factor.y. 1 7ina ABE to ' luau ufacture of PIANOS, he to enabled to . , , sell at leant twenty per cent cheaper than ' any tionght from the East, and areintal aqua/ In arra respect. Atz octane R 0401rODI Plum, ft= $16 0 ,00 and 1 0 1 /mei- . Seven crates " VSO,OO. Plane Wareroom, on Mad egret, over idea innerlA Water Warehouse. Antordeons. Violins. ae.. Wood an 4 imPatrd ffq. titIOY lms linrt retnenoll tFtrat Gos York. with s • ray line la of GOLD • AND FILTER VirdTCllB& - o, goal arnartment of rkh and Amationable Jewelry, •no 1 : 45,, " 40 Mugs, Sorer: Cups sal Spoons, Knives at al York; and • groat variety author tine goads. All of which he 1.111 oil at from to CA per event cheaper than the ante quality of goods eau be sought for at nay other establlslama In Pittsburgh. Ma motto ta always to all tho best quality of goods and at their true rake, so that all may buy equally see soul clomp I'lmoo call at ff. Mmirt greet- • f 114 Monohitleo . of Co. , Pv.stisere p. rpnE Outgliashlp horeteilbro existing betweentha Arribrrs, candor tho firm of Mum t llmeru, Ii this day dissolred, by mutual consent. The business of the late firm will bo rotthal by ALEVE BUNTER, who is author teed to collect all accounts owing thereto. 4. e• roUring from the °la firm, I ohoorrotty retool- Mond r. lltmtor to our Words and customers. • • novtl. Pittsburgh, Mier. 5,1552 IL Greo,t.Ohanco So Maio ,1t10n0y.... • ... . 7 FROMs..outi,oooo per day easily realized. by Pei: son in either town'or coun tr y, With the knout go. Of us highly woftil discovery, of unit/ r der:4nd to pitta or the Vnttett pt.?.,c l , .whkh I w Ibretirod 'bt"rit urn of snail, upon enetoton . g told= N. TitEff; Now Tor City, Si,oo, Ipait-paW4 This ts a . srpit ell.anco far studuktx *Otte, *as, inrnlkh, or opy ttainivrtaos porton wishing to nuke money. I have already received several lettere' bum those who have obtained this knowledge, stating that ,they werecoining much beyond their expectations. Those wishing Insecure this opportunity, will plea toapply ton inediately. fcs:2ut r•,.....5......, 1,-, . _;•••• rtehand new styles., axutently opening et the Carpet Warehouse, Zia. 85 Fourth street, ecunprising the follontnK varieties': Rich Tapestry llntseels; ?is7. Style Synods Ws& alaiierizaperfat I • Superfine Imperial; . Superfine Ingrain; Fine Ingrain ; With II amortraant of Teep ee 'Venetian; Damaak Venetian; Slain Venetian i•Datch. ILerap, /id and Reg Cerpete. To whkh wonorito the attention of parsons wish ing to furnish Ilteantboata or Houma. . • . - fad- , • 'tS'. ItrCLINTOCE. p r4Y& i 11U11 UOSTER'S bust Song; entiy lan I.' Katy Dari Farewell t e lan Angel; - Dermot; "'its Homo 'pare the heart Ohl felts at 'home; • • W . •• of - Ns .> indeed 111" Th" , Wish; Climes; . - Walt for the Wegon ; he Review PollureithOesig- Rocked In the Cradle of Inndnatedtitier.: Doer., latest ealtion ; • arld's Bair Polka: 47:. • Poor Old Shire- • Midnight Sehot; • watehfulsuil tlad perrares,..wi Mar** hinibennk • a a colored frontlsolom; Laney sstsA ,, ~ • Katy Darling; Flow Oil SUITT 431; Whore ran the norrl kiPUY Would - Not Ltre Abtayst Homo fiehottisch, !annum:mg Bola, Carry Ale Along; . • the Melody, of "OW :Volis Laura Lee; et home ;^ Home Again; Emma Dale; • • - Midnight Waltsc by -V'. IT Melinda llay • r-'i •'• • t • Wallace; Sopbee Method fog Ytullv BLessa's Itt de Cold Gronnd, by A new conaget• gig 04 R. C. Foster., • • • • MI. by Mil"- '- Together a , itti very largo collection of SUM, Viellnanu. Guitar Music. Jost rerelyed and far sale by • AMU caAnurrrs BLUM 4 US Woad st.• - 1) AWLE ON COVENANTS FOIL TITLII,—A Preetieat' Treatise on the leiw of Cloven/oats for Title. Henry Rawls. This work is devoted to, tpc,caasktim tlei aic. ef thellabth • and rights or Tcndsys orßeal arising Groin their_ %variant ter Title. As snob covenants are, in satne_stsa , ,l. or other, Introduced into natuiy every coureyanes a na l estate, on notesides ot the Atlentic, it ty. hOool,the pram 'lon will em n • worl which tuks TorXti OIL jest their analysts and prat effect. In totallses an the law of Vender andPetreree, ilr Stditects a . (kore^ : nant Ibr Title has allotet ti It o y a Ihn tat space, but thetik Is a Twit body qtkmetican antltorities.whlr.h hare ncd, encosacetved the clawddeation and analysts width Lw', ponance of the subject detnatuik . Ast , salAby • -• • • . : • R.. -:; - • Bookseller ADO - st a ti c feb2l G 3 Wood street, beiwear.third Rid Fajaae; Jc ~ •% •- t • ' •••., It,' • , • 'l, ; , • %."" 1, c' 1 1. W • *--4,--11"-' r • ••• • ~ .1,'••• •• tv —Cc, 4 •••,..s - r ,‘k3. 'r ••• • '•• t~g7-.L404r t, .'F:1•... • % . 4 , ••'. V _,,,., .‘ '- ? 1" tr Ti f, f ..•misELLANEous :svw• HAVANA SIVARA43. /UTZ= St spdfxrelle - - t w ir l - l3 • : : Niq rutielLysb..iAlid teutgoville 'pus 4a m tae 4sl:lll/7.04 - of Via littabuitti Rantoul 114c=paknarir beriby Wailed! PaY inb)the Thtssarngaft tozattaustgrOuttt Flve DoT hrIF Wrre. On QT betatelthe let : of Decesdbeiarrteduta; znonthanaecibe¢T br = bloarci rsin:LEr ; ifte ,iiht. 4 . l3l '; °r ho . r inu Hutoudt iliellft ' t zi 1 ": e narlt44iiir ' Ofeas.ti Wood street aynors EXPBCTORANT;.: - . 4 ,7= 44 .:•"" s r “ Tonic Ye:mirage carrablatiTo3o32m. ' Amyl= fleitsritei The elm* rehlable , .fie . ogy 11/06:11ftt..petia. Ta, mom.muat Afirth: ilia /Old' WhOlegiabi 4T3lnjW btteet '. By ? it Au = A New CO- . HINMAN OlL ArtiC ettaat itTrger "rbtr 4l l;4=ll - 'for :shaving, a few - ,I__.•_._ _.... . 5 . __ - t w iro&dropped - Wm. the ad . of .the elay urulu= d i a lar c - ,T g it igh tteati - litherligt reidestividg an the baud :tad preyentlzig th hag . di hit,r= a ' = by Price & Goinell.'w to bps ty 7- -.Eter.A.l.lliutori, • We! i Z4O; .011kgeat it r . e i T. 7. h *. e ' 32 -*,4., 2 ! ti 4 ti (ht., it 4tinita; I4o.Vcixi; _.- , _. .. - ,' - : ~Sis3alibi2ii-, MEOSTANT_TO KrzsicLesa&A WOO -; 4 l , l4ligUefir Tnatinent 4f Ditiociticat and Arliftertr of the 134 per sad iowes, -The, 'wets impel -pp earalebed aim, "containing torty-firk " leas, eliely..:o#l which eelectkws Essy,,* mad; AS 41%e": . ,1- "Oa. taaasgeswint of any ease of_ fracture; TfiewgeW J SG- Welland as to mist the selW4 of irster. - - 43 - Playsitiguliamd Burgeons are respedlUhr belted% ,to . call and scasseina., Dog at ,__-.KETSZB'S Dragßtase, jitalieiew - 'l4e Woe:rebid; Pittalt Ps. itleatgOVA.l44, • Z ana_Ziocust-acata TACECIIMM...PRIM imaoar.4:ll:in =am,- ...131p41). - WILLEM 41r, .ThipOrgiat and hoksak sad - Retcal Deakrs us.; Poreigu wilDoutestic lierdwer_e t Cutlery, tlet.; .• 11iat reastreedtrons.NO.Ll9 toBI).DM WOOD WR=Tt . go= doontabor elite St. Clanks S _ of lriteee they are in the animal receiving e 'utast leto as& cam etre estsortment of Goals In their' . Wen:- lion pall to Tools,and material for znerlanntesVnrehbl24lern generally/ Also, 'easgttotn:4 - of Attsie and other tootsfor Itail • eontrae • - feLlo.2aaltar,-, _ . 14 - EEC RANTS I- - - -HOTEL. (y 01111111 LT IMAM! .Dl47.lder q Immo itEardoels, • /TRUE old protorof thAswell-iftiwzi sad ix/pular Bari; 1. arreer or , w . W and Smithfield street; would tally Worn: bis former teat be -tame more old liiitagieho4m, and will be py to bare In manhunt! to welt tbentii:•c 'Maim Ile may rest 'ssurj QM MO' labor will be spared . to make eonientatde all who may patronise this House; and. all charge will be on thslacet.rnahirees acme. •:• ,I commennamy . Sec ond Anneal Great Sale of DRY GOODS, tha gd dat, of JalluaT7i. /853,-;• : ' when iiilloffar an endlems variety - of Dry Gad at, 30 to Xi per cent: tear the r_uanal toisitirt - COma and examine my ; stock, ea Yain doterinin&l to fell--; good Delainat for rconte wyard; fest colored Calf , coca. for d centi ; Ladles' ..}3n4broldered Collars for 4 cents; rpk.ndld Dr oche Shawls, for slo,oq 'worth jl7 ,Rngllaband French Mita, one yard wICKfor 121,40.. ; 2,000 - Fancy Lipp Rapaimalitata, ants. Agoners! anort at ment of lientleineu's wear•- - -Fratich C I o th 8, Curlmerca, Cra vats, Collars, ke., 3y aII of which will bo cold at the above mil:Let/co, prep. roc for fors stook pf gamma Nt3r To Jazazdt (K.13=0.. -'PE'a COT, QL,111 , ,, p.T.7l".nt • tam the - gleariat cum a ;llua t i4ieti an4:ltime pri; IA: _ .Teen !LIM. llinaiy-“Enetkaini; , •, • Coloreci, Carpet Chain, of all sinalasi _ White • do; COMA CottN el all sh q " " au 4.4 c9.,14 and 1 1 0 % r rArq • _ AET Ordass left at &min; am. , aita H. - chimaA,c4:alat with Logan, 'Wilson C0.,7,00d. atrc , ot, 1111 WO 4;tti,W •- - ...VAR.Bl.4fit . Wl JPIEr2III4I: ASYVA.tri-Alip. likhouweur'.- A. . - •,‘ attic klurnucernutto condordious4.:4 „ sr: nuau , WARKHOIISA . lituingtzelir ;•; - -•"";T:.; - r the Two .2dlte . Row,. between 'Pi • —• .• " oral /Alf Teiterliney. d on the Greene and -,khiledelphie Turnpike ..B..ftdi an -le...ucur - E. rind 'will . receive ditty:from the Eaw, new and= sword Lend:Call4l49.4is, which - 1 1w will .sell -on 'the .rurl lowtut _terms .flub,:teeh.: bu vtai i it kamer, comp. thi;Earmapectrultrhstiu ir_..43 ? Eturin e u had twelve I e i r e a t _ • mageo.tir t, tha tte - brdforers, iniiis musetea -ead ti rrith cin ertekhig to purchase are ~_ . ... end roe for themsehnu -,. . . ~ _..... . Especial and pumnirittentkor nail to / wwedring of Carri. tiger, &r, _ -- [thrriawysl , - . - .10SlipH warm AllEt oosmo Teas 1, , Teaat ;Toast --,- • - ..: : - 600 - Ralf Cheats Green- st4l , /44 . pra6 , iißi. : - 431i. 4 .4 .347 41rtsill'vli;RetiOn :Retail Zieitler tnl'essiiTinieei atedf Sit , iniltes-cdbe 41:Z el, tontintbdble thitothSnr and , gfaccov ' ally; tic Idea,* stoi‘V •- *al, No, - in. Nicirroilt,'ltrittigels. se ,* " isiedel sifeceznito his intresidot illtdd Olds. _ - g &Voted. min- entire stten. Qat% Obtiog the last semi yaws to ille,-Tes trade,. nutlet assured that we can do our...samensta oustoruen ample Justice, both in quality and Vice: Botaftericentoll litoit• e jo uttl fed to c all and get Dismples of the pre:tent pip. Wsk pus. tienlatly invite the attention of OH fate 0 wiT Kock , of Extra Fine ' Yount Ilystu,. Tiic =ail klublvuder , 7 Also, Ilstro ZuSpio -l=r,'Uflocr gild tand.feigrantin the,,...depattliseil tristef.' '...d1e11, Inturts^ Vsushed and' Pill; vh-ts , = .ar; Ms, 7ays i - Blocluteolke; ancyNeir , Or, putAbonth.- Noiantieil:lBs2.daw.-:- '-. - --'- :, -,:. Adam. Wesserzk, g r WrIiTER AttIIANOEMENT,,, , dud, V ancinasti, and Um ACtat.' Far Pints ca tin 0 . 1 ?-1 0 14iWyilds i!&4tc,54, 4 4ri‘uthiveasitt e Chaing4 slid Srnt gtur, l 2 , from points *rig (AO an 4 Pennsylvania - mad, 5t..4.50 r. - _ Curtin:to to Cincinnati, gut other-We:taro eitieriliotiorli beyond on fanner precedent; end iranigementa ore *ma. plot* Sar tho sac transportatiola nt'gti" par; cols; joweby, money, key In _in_ abargo of tzu3iy messen gers, who accompany, each shipment, whether or *eine or not. Time to. Ilanclianati, 23 Daum litho to 36 boars. nine 'to Leengton, sad Yreinkrat; andianapstle and Terre Stant.; Imitiron;.-Wo. nays. yn Meaux of our own not ---mu o oktog• lizmoorneonforwiad goods wig; clinuatelt, 1610 - froportuntatW and tarns tithe Woitotad to thole of linnet note; without number:. • " 4 "" 20 • - • W.ll.:lMlll(M.L.:Aernt. . Heatl24o4 Genuine Rata-lust. subeenbertakes thbr method hi hninteirrg r the j• • tens of littatitirglx,' Allrgheay,-Itirtaingbarai Manchester £Dd thatlui la et nu,,ertere or:ther best article of lbctract of Mike rg. coatertii the public. Tbe great nein !a 4: poza penlotrok when we say that-One 04 tiw. treat goes as 'Pb far as tea and s oaten, .- • This highly saansefol bopeowsment la now before the üblic- Th e satieribar meisesC ally'neliseshs s th the public to ive If a fair trial, folly' intlinod tbat ey will Awl !!' h.d.k lido= tenant, and anent the. haleslei; w. used, Ui a family, and one tapetioT is 41314 iftpk# poke ir ° i:z • io r oda, wholesale and whin, by J. F. /Q r opil , q, .1A burgW-, solo manufactnrur lank propitotor et tiOr.IP States.h, I - . - This *Aide Ls anti: and accord i .m 764100041 ioth which pressers' this article hawoydrarf,sis , years, _Per. 10, 0 lbeuid, ba string Su , ) . ''ik , , raft far . EitiOnies, and tide too %bait ban the *Atka idzontore of J.T.D: litstkv.... "Agenta are, for this artiele=das .thegbetty,J , 64rn Jis Co.. J. T. Sample. tomer of Federal .12‘ c, 146:7.„ a g itt r won S li go, Mr. Welsh: r 'YU . ' ' Co.; 3lanetteste r q ciqber 1 b; 'T. ' egviri of Terry 42a4 I=4l attedo; • Auclum, comer of ithhh end 'OW, tt: EL S nen street,'_ll. IThiteiddeu, fifth If aid, and ahem too annuitant to mention: but can. testorairill !Wit ter every blare In Inns and country, _ _..; . -.•- .. JAL D. SKATING, ..,- . fidd 0 corner of,Wylis end thillan at.. littttrutei: • . . • . PI A • so: p.owr.a. 'TOMO It. BILLLOI3, No. M 'Wood sate tl otters Ihr sale the folioed:lz new and • and bond Piero FORll:ll—Mii - . CiIICKSRING'B GRAND BUBB'S.. • ; Ou. oPlosdkl Ronelnx.4 giatalliann FortA caliett ease, fall eeT " Ce ln, ham A to-to A, manntsoleued by_Jonas • 'Chit-kering,. Baotou, with amateh carved stool, _ SSOD (hied°, to plainer Rosewood case, butte o th er respects equal CONEEBINO'S SQUARE PIANOS. • • • One elegant RoNewood Plano Notts, with itae,lbst quad car ! neeloi% octaves, .• - -'• • • - • ••• pie Qlth itc 4 rMA iluto. Via* Kurreocin, °deem -; - • . . SAS Baum above,' • • - - fiA Al! the above Piano Fortes were seleetall by the erubscrther . at Mr. Chlcketinea Monrdletory, previous to the &e and lOU be sold at Beenn Pin% so user - • - ••• •'• PIANOS FROM OTILEat Ono richly erns:nettedna. Fonsrlfart_e,.vtda,tranf j! t 0 ; sk , uig' ! lk7- . NroggisTa a; +e- , e•vv,. _ I • • • sislo On ao, saxes as ZIT lattLiCT MI% • i sh = Qua Boisnitati,* corners, mcralded legs, amid e' =Wait manntoetared by Strateui, New York. VW: One Rosewood, O octave Piano, with patent Iron from and Eoltan attachment, iniusureatrued by nalbstitiovirit SSOONDICANDILINO9:- A I.lAbomy • 21;2:--; ... Molgn ctAalp • o,* L • Leath aow r - " AelPtl s 7' z S 6 ° 4; bjiactime • . . datzi a ""4.!"l...rinc4", COUR TX', II MASUCLIL • •• "- '1 i• - •••-f• MEE pinelied 'Anaemia' of the weal districts istibe; 1. Comity o Allegbenyoltic thaatiamhd..yeir, ia s 3, He hereby bon.Ged Ibex the Amts.!. • Ell be held by t he Commissioners, at the time and Vines initaiert,ie sit-.{ Lawreneeville - asat Manchester, Coiteedestcesese Coteee-;-, Twialay, 16111 March. South Pitbbergh erittLosscr,ll 91 t• Chfricti2.o B /oVie Coo--Wednesday, lett% Aim* • , - .- '- : • • Illsminghagt s'Ad gut 8 1 404%*1 - ficceisttseiosese OP ttee. , :-Tharseiy, itth March. ' _ . „ ....... ....... ~_•,,.• Duquesne Doroogh sad aceeeveToirsoldp.CESiiinkadoisset Otrier-FeSday,lBdi itarch--: • - , I , Peebles end Collins Townatilp, :Contuals Mandan 21st Maeh.:' • ' • ' Wilkins and Pima Toiliiihiplyln Pes tnnvo4,,, , 44- Franc!' islizion-ruckiky,22.l m grit, ' ' • i= we& 'Pat= t-ID,ae_ le& at Mr& little% in Ile= ~,,,,,,bbh_weenegtaan =a Mazeh• Virginia, and WHeesport,st Jam lisdtheside, WlCeee )peet,--Tbereday.2itik Muzub• :•• .0 -• • - ' - • Zurnbeth Decronaliami Townetts, at the MAIO gioym l'tebetzr-Veiday,llsth Mirth.; . . ... . tJettereoa setd West • Itllsa_bnthi.VtelsllTax -211.tabette-niemlal• $44111FR!.. tliiii Jem111:11.41,-airptItaZo ..., Betesion and mMintiKIIIIIIk* . - Tr7 - "! ----- 7., 17ppei Ittlairp,' atimater lth AprlL • • • , rows ..: -- ,f ' - • - ••••• "' ..',-..:/r i Narthiiiplii4,rlol - 1;#4 , 411. ,, ,..1 ,•., , . 1 1obleetosm-Jfetor i isx, ./i . . :.;7,....7.aisChatesvi • iledi4skiirlieop • 4,4416 , r.- ,L , l . 7.-Weigt4'.l .. J:-. ~ ,7 , :-:. ••••••• .-4 - .3 711 1 1 5. IlobttOttailialth ,- .. , . ••• :,-• .1,. .s lla ~..' ktidTiaahlhatrirra,,,i I• Ioas •,-ItoT iirn. T aSeT :..: .z s)iry-n = . s t.•Na:P. i 2 a ; g a t,fir.." -:•zi-'.. --•' 774-"1•.-,7• - -Ttx,';Ss4 - 1. 3--.4i•-7. .-,i: .• :- - i. ,•,•.• ,-- I ; ; NIXDUMm• Tenatape, a Jam es .g rap ' 2 D . /41 4 1 I.liest Peri Totraehliiiit , i • lATii rentai l y a i l y ii h ive h:tt -i • e-k • e .- . d • ettra- ., :' - i.•-1,7 i,- k Al='Aimail'aztlotelg dr writjAVe.!/4lituiti,-IftA:tCrtierltejx•l• gl ( 6 aid kitiiiti Weile,Aireitir‘Cikicaldi .19th - Apithri i , 44.0 1•_ , . ~...1 .7.•.'1•• • , • - ‘.,•-• lint az 1:443 e l i TsBsalY tleecext Warde, .Imy aly..Catantimesaieri 1 1 1116- Waginesday,2MlinpulL -, . .'• • ~.. - it , ••• ' . Math Ward,•Pitbbangh, sad PittToinzetdP.' ere Orlies.-Tioanday,..l2st Apra. _ , _ . _ _-• , ~..,-,„ •,..: Summit sad Zighth.Wazds, Plattserghi , txuaaateeleg Ottee-Ilider,„,22e April.. - . - - - -7.0; . . -i'llittricrsd Awh , Varde,iqtagiiiii, sae ::.' nazi .aad. Ltowtki :Wadi, ' Ty.tabargt**Oamaftkimete ; Tatithin ARM: • . . ,L- ..-i ts AL! 4 4 41 . ..1et9 ~ - sZ essallecatd Wards ‘Pittalturgh . "Wataastayarith AptiL,.• - . • -.., t •,_ ... _ ~7 . -, • .: - .Ke.) r , ... -', rupeetkr. , _ Asseemsars inza, =o4 a.nelec iza uttsetto eall at . tha . =',... , _.,:..,,,, , 'OM And take out ttzsde books, and navy thie rtesthhe ixt hatitects'at lout Stn days rrattesi-ttlikor *Mal. ha their. V' ROBERT MO: lecattmleSnuers. WILLIAM ALGEO, CekEtsemene, Orstak 15th Yob:mag i MIL } s ~=~" -. INIMM - .. _ . ...:_a: p<: ISEMA ;1-t t NENE j . - `.• -: Enil DRUGaikIifiIiEMICIDIES.`J" , r , J- - - -J1 = au oralamallhowsompitatAitUtt irs. 1-- ZM ' aog i ftet il =l . ticel= 7 shr,;.: • , ‘"7- - 1-• LAMlZO4iniumisaNiancitler_ 2L4l .s .ithiseriock dS Oa. ra. Ostitletriait--The Vechti:4o9l: 1: 11 MP*1 . 1 1>str - Ith:basitticial higoortoldas: The stetson of this Talnablii preparatkat ars tow so Tao lotogroin thatit takaa_gmad imea 111441 as ' artistes fox ttat-iliaessea !pr which Oda. , ; opedt.c. hiasy_physitiaits tuai It "aaci rtot besitat• to re el:cm:A it tct therpatratat. •Bat it. ti itstfildiart -Oat It too Stetatthe test of mousy seas' ltfal,nt2 with „scosteatty : • haitmasisitinataticsi, Stma, norrtetitilly, ••• -- • ' "'R. ticaRENTR A SW. - Pr= lindlold br. •B. MINI :STOCK t ea, - wiz tortier.SVAt and ilrat AIL; litishunta. Judd's /Medicated Llautd - Ciitielar 7 CI '''., !ljrlar M 3 'Salida 11 iniels44 of we, cad signed be , , ... " • 4/mai is the poomeadim of ^ a7 . ^ a7 . Wally Wally . th at land.— 1 tilma eta Jus •talicagtaar &cm .of isitici7, to their . . ' pargmilthrisiaglt seciatairoind the • or card= o of tools, grill flair thleartizto to thiritnateto 40,14,..:24 , .' afterafter a tilrizistiril/eonsidee ft ' s. ~. , ~ yiu ee.rtily . that *a, the . unitenicsalklmorl4o 3o ' .. ' q a ty:tdide .use of addeti • itaneatol liquid paw NO; laved ilescial2enct4 At Qum pilitddittagm, y-axes:anima It. to Our Pr:40667W bitiklaN el ea .. .. I Ficellent eubstituta tbealtimise..plaataltturdmaize bacca . ' 7 ' . cats, scalds, bruises, mxrs/1'1115411 ottresb In?tozeds; - 0140;:, ,' ' - tot tan lIIPPZIN, 11r/I'4i rme Nailed: cnesracs wOODWAiri M...it;' -- .-. . . _ . .. . .. . . . - : • . ...... - : .....': ~ - ... _,,... .D. IFICOMECer .X. ri., ._. ~. . . Ir. woo ! : - ::. 7: . xutalMtililUtirEkti—lAiv.i. ---,= . • • •3: - Tti•zoint;- Oampriting all •the priettlaturphydelans bi the city. es ' - Tor ale by,. "J'AnIiZMOCK t . 00„ • C - " Corner of Wad sad Ii Oa. - • OliittiS* REMEDY - • • A.. N lISTALLIBIN , CVXIIrfr-• Gencalbstai-(1/seta' - • •AoL. tares, Neeturnad Esitistaaras, Gravel, tanning complaints atinidtraramqatfin. • . .r ' -• tones laud hualgennea.- • ' ' Impairing a speciticir tlde ikigs- of dlaeisi g .ter. 210 a-F ••. ais lam inapnactal lill2ol, shoe and rointay,•ln 01d11/ 10 plena - 10 tho 0,14.110g11a sufferer,* plesaant, *alb and .sfecken, -geAltable-• That he has sneeeeded, Is a fact nishaatabllsbedy. as tinana late been tbonaend battlal sold money . aenarnect i aio far has Tan ' tall» sari& ud• - . _ •As an Intlscnatlng midldao Sae • , • •: • • • _ 7 . ' BROKEN :IXlSSErrinnami, .;- ,• - . /Ibis no matal, being .extremetx .. panatella. red sla, id well as perneiumat In its etrecia. • ina thatillstaegadni , beesmagna an inratenn inenag formalet, • ' . termed rear - Jaw 01Whites-, this. mai& is a sovereban renteAji pad should be tuna lax all_arbe ars thes.atittatl. , • - NIINDSAIX PJ l o.,Dnymiata;enriee at iad bout- streets, clneinnati, Olne.laaliksgentalba thesalref the abort' nudld no In tbe./YSSIaln jail Swathe= &snap, alai to Irboas • - all melaes =tug bnlabbeeseal. • • - Bold to sagssr.r. ft. sizOimiN;Detroti: . 14. 4.F4*."fiATIORD, tut bl - D ll3 ;gista gezierany. Kato a. co filmic at SemiliiiiTdockt units, 144 ./Ar eZa a Fig.Ml2.cm2"7.sg,Y:a4-4th,4 _ „ AXIL__ -,_ -,sthr Galata:OM TwepareitieM AM' Me Reroute, o ft Care or Conlalemptton awl :Pier • eases of that Lungs, labs !Amy are supposed to , be affected, by ate IP I L O" Mato; All•reserri. %tau fkattnlne, ,it..w. vial toPuere the Mood fatal buraitiettuatt . ;WPM the !Tarot to rtadatipkiemka, resort to .130 a. poser of Yellow Eotk mat Esrupazilla," 'MIMIC '''••• ' poring itself an manias Er many Of theme: mallmemd ' - -; -; direatits that Sob e hair to, and May will turrer be dime -._::r _ - created: lbr In Mas e r: the public lath too Dam teitt.7, ; - tared-rtaartattan.warer: forit b.f.:unclad on expeeleamay ; . , iffy althaletant of faith Motto and Omens tom potnatfir . . ' tnadedefaxfbeleoes !They Ay Man tetanal toadroonft.. _ • I to Me Atop*, life sad atm:tom the purely Yawata& ema-,..• : • , edY, tiowtTet brakes down in heath ant' aphita-however y -: :.- to bevel alel Others, lei to one dew& of rE , emerY f let the pateat only emderaland tbat his hops of .. ••• lies only in otietyacstra Extnet of Ti)-. - ".• c= fiarlarsaparilla,"- and parmadebba Sleben/eta- . .. e1be,10.4a7 tt, and we bare no Imitation in prealetizig tam ..., qv" raitnration to health. - __ ---- ' . - 'MAD TilE CEETIITICATE:' , . • ' - ..'‘s•- ~ ,' - r Temeoesa_Oos@ta•PaPmarE 2, 1//S " IU The oEissetna cau of BaVistsis gses, irone r the owe : , gon record. 41.. e Arty yarn' ail-nets, trooisxrie ' ' - esartAirrung taffies, the , s:ration gone Itg, CIACI al4bCdp and iiiiiieaboutd n mas tistkovincergfrig, dentoraess- - a ciao* to be. nsi.t.. -IS #5. Latta ./ farrows sMorntet-111. . cast iStrarpars7ls; is altaeofmracalows, 744"1:bek Irear ofts. - 1 ' the to cettily'ta Yon -' -- ''- "Dr.fluystatt- ... mend gm. 'that :oar Extract of YelkniDoek and Sattaparillikaspar-- .., : Emoted one of the mosiennaderful mom maim abatement!' ben afreettal on man. - •,; . - . - - ; ; e - Iluets been afflicted for . inity 'virs with irruptiancan •nay lent and Stet; bal,Sa they got ao bad tat 'I ha teren.-- ' - _ Ott orlfahm, Mal to als.thla me leg amputated shore t)se, - .. • Is bi re.. i j ill n r O vd autatne mantle Pier, my other tat beokitest ~, F eating stet runningsores, front my ant.° to my foot, ... , ,;', .- t owl u prat deal of offendril matter, * groin. I alas broke satin tans WM, whirl: awls/V.l _loath atm" ''•,' 1 • 'aive tastier, and at thermals Um* UST leti NOW broke an . „fr . .- . inlirgs running wee, wearly to totysites.L- .-.-- ~. e,•.: The misery " Mall bavo auffecnol Sox the kat two years, I. ", _ - : r e nal. tiesaibe tet yetr. A vista gtoth 4-o that I *el* . l• 4 renal. dal 7 aizhc was l gmm. arad - h/ tbs act. '_ ..' • 41044 wea made preparation for timeth,.and led peptide - • nit ko my bray tle peer Where to boxy my =am , _- . In October last, my arts terrawilt to cafe of your' bottler- =spree.- •I:read it,intl ftone razed al soma wrinderfalla , ' v.l . eurnsperfnerned by your “...Ettram t' Tetiow &Irk sod Olaf, .• ' as " I sent sad got WAGS/Joao& it, Inasannametall • 'm IL In two "'oak JO I : l ltreat rmAr •. - 4. * - MOM ith bream, • - „astra I cools sleep alledand„ - a, .4, , AEA Wit dohe ff.r two yaw, Wben Ilmil Latta& ", my sallebelmarly all liesdeeL MS SOAR gaSnilalligierni.Z... .:- encbacatiarnt A bars noa tea el al eight bottleatat:riii,„ ° Xitroot. of Xollowl/W4aed-Arsealeaasr ma•APLeerece• • - skim co si ti ll ia l e fOt ata loot Car terms tale !',-si kk ;,- • ',"fortlig , or to.eavrees riq grattt k k e kg,sa k t_ t _ sli Darn ny r tom, /mad eall 'lt the 24 ,0 , 01 .er =alga , ''.' wh ffelna trpr...nwartlt, • -".r. ' - - f , '-' 7 r/7 ' e treat till Wt.W40.901 to tr y this- &abating ..-, 1 .;:. 'it ‘ C%te S oJ lilaOlrld otetlawi le .r.lesworbL 7 same all -., • i ty4 , 4 l r w t.. 40 4Ort try iLlmoi.;:roclako Ea pea mart& to - .-.2.-. '' Maahl,nd. nail carat them to talus it, foe It will - ' ",.. t r ia l til tis weirknenen ins tarp portion of South Wolk ,; 1 ''„ ak, and alakek* and. Many Mould doubt the ' aberrecam. bathe them location natmed /MU shawfban • ; • thee` / can te antnd in Malitmotata ColtrlffaA44 l :l4, . - one Ann Stowe's r erri. - • ' -,••••• -- - a --- f•"- l' " - .lffeltwattarfflr... , - # •.• 1 ' : MEM miasma. • --- ...x. • t.,4 4 4 4 . hills, Marcurial' Otainti, timer, C 1 Erma Ebau sad a me vazielzr of other cilageori ' and tengoroas the al the deems ars speolay sad perfectly moat Ma medicine. . _ 'Mears. Aurruzs, Ala, ILay 21, 1352. Susanne A Irelui:--Thi, Is to certlf.r that atom' ' • the fiesta telternazy last, I was afflicted with Meer or. Ear - Ate'u on a ia nd ato ate4-Int the Ause,mare of then le hare as } gltir-ailc -, Warm and t Vi43Alrftli they would terminate m unman. A,lspse thee wades 'dace I ediniktenced %aloe' opete r e a ; 3 Cioyeatt . M bsse , ••• of'Yellow -Dock and • •mpaell e•• Mut _ ta4 immediate rellef !remits nap. I have not take&iiniter..l - , two tottko, and Mai area on my foam are healed up sad . _e.. threw on MY. Ina Ire nearly act ast#l.l tin li b e l i er nitlutr. ll 4l•..l, i ,be mileely .41 in a few days. i - -.._ .- .I s. I-, 7_..• .‘ ea „. lebeeensllY reeramtend "Ar. : Eantato MWtraet - el Tat One.,,, Dock Ind eareparilia"topentons alletalwieb any kind elf - - eruptions a:rowel:ow sores.- Xy'gOnnr! l- bAilttt is Ulnae . - haptuve . 4 . by the ustof tio Itiedadxs. _ ' ( , 3 - ' .-. VdizA.BD irannur..:. ' - -- v V - r his 4:Tzlim ' -Dre.TWieS of Arengisztkrl - ' •e ' - &ad :lawneta or Ile; ease; of Mary 11loore, - ,wlt, • - was given up by bar pleysittima as bane ntterkylnatrahlin;:--; . .-r as herein certlffrd to by . „..lh:4."&yatder, onttafttec wimp ' 'mein& !beldame '- -- .- -...••••-• ••••• . - fialibllTlM.oll - 1 •ftr.: - - --- - Imlay that Shirr IttairreOL yon 01-'l3 sr Th -. s 1 ' year/ of age. Itas teen se rata tia. ary 'toffy tar smut ~ t.. - .. =l,'lb brearoe - WreooAatmoattobr Vase pan limb? . laxity•hi IrgtekM of arratearnatiou, dares wwh ~.... ,- _ t 1126 ; th e ''4 Okr° setrin toll Alamt Owlet a ea` 4 -.''.• • : : ' A 11 Wh ' ig en/41b66 i -l i' I M•' 11, liltboanul a neenebed her. - • •- .. 1 • our Dr. Cbiyaorcs - Earamof Nana lank atteh Y:,; - . Tr . . t• • "ol'tris.l, 8014:11e111.bitnt,lroeir idgusatrecip- ~ , ' afPgelic" abertiPtytt lieeng the medicine no. tiltahe lila car y en re tio Att %rot, asel_eousidered'lmataly ;" rmtofeikiell. a l t l a sl ia l s :; leateoluroloited - LlMkg - Ifte7 - - mar Am att74:o l prantmeed harms ire. 1,, "111^tkwia ' locaCtonit tune dallstottn..„,_ -I: , ~„,k .1p,;!.. , : • •,..1..; .....usviettuNim_': - : 's i l lesiestimippilfirrshes stailtseafiratabawasscqtallin -" , ..1.N5it5r.....r : . 7 .......ct:i 1..--_ r ..: .. l; in ' thatl i s 2 ;l7=f4 :4 ll; 111 1 atria named Mary/Wfdate. during the Cavan or Ur ..rartdar at. togotogphydetan. A food her has , mutAmt alatdartgerage , cdition, and, as l' thoneist, beytod ask hops ofrecoact7. ~ wed% l 4:::l;Miled ta coescdtallon with be! rtgnisr nt, • ptrygetat: -- Quz opitthm.r - trerei - ttott- hornt:nary, e. I learned Met be: disease vas exam • 1 than timpani hp, hot trrevxlartty ha her of Mate- - 1 etrnatlon, mused by !athwart:we cold. I ilii tart Newham agaln, but'aoon .!ter biretta l that ahe was stabs wet Y - alma moat aurp!ised at Oda, IlAttoitillS _ _ „WO LI toClaVr eitOlrare,eartied u t a rdilen =ice , t ac i t , * wawatatatop, - ir . - r:l4 `' lr • a ul u bsrliPirttle. .-fitt4 6 .o-- ... - instortr. • go!“ serwia' IA otisof . ot.R# to; Wig -- ~. - -ace beladegiter ' oo Induersumt toVe Otttakat t coar-,:- notiam.r...a.baa a induce otheia 41 16 , atria mt i or . ..t, o th er theta tv mai to:ert . thlaollipX RA, mg &Fr sheet of thestatementi Ctiki Rit fP ri.Selbeth_cf_wasm . ". , w hiorills, beistmair.olia.4o, , towns tamyt: ~mccellent quatitlesoa!akakkgokk . ~ .'4 in, • ,•-•,-. -A. 8. wAsolgrt, _at it: -- • Ai - ..t quErflstelsoa4l***- per bptLio-dx : • ' -4: ik VARNAkifidittitiiielaVAlll4Cbitaa- .40 , - A/Vitra Ageati Walk/ sli "ordork•VEß , bl ad. -.1 .sae .•,. „,_ ~ 7 - • _ iftveot, ' I• ilinda g Oi., pltwp:a=ll.4 earner Mark,* . ahcet ataitha.lmantrosl4 ' - kikr:Tvglakoostr- I • J. A. Azusa, Pittsozsret; tee& Bcotaszolegbroi C 4 ;7". ,- #D.. Vowel, Igashintarrilf..ll.Lsothertoo, tratallanlEask. - lay, (WI L It , Ertais,Milkatownv Er Wedry,Chawaatatrgh; it _ Tir,kakta, stmewernu - Etuststt.Betirottkitted4 goa„ gine*. , i darn Um Orr, , Uotildapt. IlikielmakdAt.Ccs. I,w .kka - ,y orkt y k ffittannintaA itEratts,Catannina &Dial, . -- ,: akx,keing A www A 800, Walrlatalmankrixid & Co ' ' IT Calendar, ffeacbi/In Burton I Co„ bir„ Henry Yorker K am e n jThara „t Co, Satho J pouglasait,l% dm II Rasa: 6,4 Brayer' .1 D lkomneetokofarrmaLlUa a IQ ti Jona • EootterearkElloilswaltattlenveniaL,: a 14.1414 k, . `om~:_ tior4l3-75 11 halteicesiziYoabg-. 054 4 Elsa 'tad I6typtltt~ .: • gtir sok 1;7 [feb2s) •.- 11-.l.FaaltibrEM • WrXDUCCIII,/t Afo6l, 1 7 , 14.413.'"EngU5h.1 .for sale. ' • . 11: X. VA ir.M.Bffldex".l • . . tor al* se Nar.lreeklAusipur izzt a inl4) r . etrtspen.ti s thk - ' ezritemart twltiltwe dry abotrre the workbraw:-.., qui CoelWitifticotii•lif tbe antinektoni a t Coehideeteeltt lie irorkir lir So IiSkTISIPB-13X1latla NATOkta*lblit th.; way W. waft ha- Ate riataby—(Tretioyins._ Wilober apinsande; Rata -by. thw nsPtirh lad 'MEW= by•.thi' tnElilow,-.'wbeferre . ' 504 917 w4:072 L 71131111 celcompoigthe kiw liet4lC 1,26 mole - wo• bow • • , :k•Ati.: - .eluuct• u 'y.31.4 ;Put cult 1brku1tia.1.4301441014111V104.1i .ciocucliutunihiatow .*: • '."'l ot• V W 80c —....... ' -. ......-......*;''''''''—'''''--.--------------...—....„.....ki1i.—Tb5ubed. :lair of Paiturtship;Wit • cif I.oFemovaaton azzli 14444 Pl.A3?el*dPbMi. .13d lita)mekky.Tpopie 4 l*t!ntr4-4 1 4 IVA. 34 116 .11mol•AIW, -- ' . ...e ~/. • • -s• • ./.: - 41 '' . Oraydon's Itcri3le;-.-4ii_ .. e ketliks..giiig ' ' ..iikr2 3 " . vt Practice; Ltrarth editicui , ea.• ' Ana .404 tg, thapnerp ti state of thi 'Tale; explanatory notes and reareenoes, by Robert E. Itria Conneelk. at La 1 voL Bro. The store, together with a large amortraca Law, Eiledical and Miscelloaeona Lagoa far t of ale cheap, by 1426 BAY A 00, SS Wocti streerh }. ~~~ INEM : '.i...:-,_:,.' 1 1 1.11111 !WEI :.} ~