.&• ' ■ V- ’ Vx-f : j • i '-:- , •„ .•■; . *• **\£-Av, * * £ , «"< JV* * «* ** * * v ► •* < , c •* ‘ 5 ,v^v- i% ' r.i s*. -’•' *. *~ ,v /*♦ * ■ ‘ ■ - ■ ■ ■ isw§MW^osM * ■ ■KMi ngiKMpM flpllllSl® wSllwf^l wnMitp WtK/m 4®l|: WfPi llffl ijjpfjl lI^P ‘*ilpN fife ... r* jHtafisi WSMsMSSmir BMifeg tfiggliftlf *"»« *wmi .«*|4gP§SS .„-p^^Psa smom& s -'- ' asmmmme '•&£* «3jfjp»*^ is® fu tnmmrfod beSbre Jndffl Me- Bfeabonrfflo, 0, Nortaber 0,1852. norlMirtar— SCatbtmGh Beralct. ■:.:»■■■»{ ■ ■ ■••■:,.; ~ ; "■ -v. ■, ■;: •. ••- ' • •.: V: • - ‘ -.\ . ■ ■/*■, ■:&:. :■ ■' ■/ - ist^’i> ,f^gmt^^^^l^l^ &:.\ 'Sro •,.; .■... • •■-. ’•• •.,V.,v • AvipEßtzsii-ce - 4-1 'SSESisif* m W T « ■’<...„ .r . ' *> - ' ‘ ~ ’"T" THE CITY POST, f . , &ONPAY 29. ' pinron,yyfH s^napjijL—On Wiby hA the.PennjyHa* '-nl&Railrtsd fod-ftott*:: I^*tt«fcm >^niaeipoctrfthitia*fe«'day*ip4i»ecsflrt 1 and freight-*Ol be paood over tho nowly coinpl«W portion -orU»n»L The work has been delayed beyond the tiiha ‘ imUripated Tor the opening of tha toad, l* nmnennia Blip* nf ftp wptHminmtota jMarOreonaburg, And; by other «»fbraoddento: Tbalatf Work performed, in dosing. up thegap often mllM,wWia thetonnel .west ofGroeao* this work was fobbed on Friday, for a short Of the road, the workmen hod engineers were engaged on the 'Work night and day, qn* derthft inunodlote vapcrintandenoeof thi Chief Engineer, - -Hr, who doorves great credit tor tha energy with t whlchJwprosecuted tho work in hie eEargtyand under bis Indirection- f | 1 ■- Xn relation to the-difficulties of which wo have spdkmvthe 1 North imgTn *ryPj thut putty frnyn in* [ ■ formed by thaTfresldent of jha-flopipany, c^mpjgtlfln of Ibboocntlnoous lino of Railroad.to Pittsburgh has been In* tewtytad rinee Jnly lst of tho present year,’ by these ten •. tntocfTeiy.hc&vj'gradlng,ouwblch there are three ton* .■•.• pels mAa Bomber- of Tory extensive deep cuts, one of tho bitor being $0 fbet deep, and three*foarths of w mile long,— difficult in construe nee of the . v .of wstot,eaconiiterodin making the escalations' ‘ also tetjrextensive, and hare boett slippery character of tho earth i: . Iccmi made.; The first■ tunnel oca* 4 ‘ stmcted'on thb ten mile scetiotj Is 400 feet long, the second' -250 foetj.and the thlrdSOO.foot The whole Western division of the road has been quite,hear/; a single mite* located dS‘ Esst'ofr Httsbueg*cvqr which the-ears now ran, hav- : ;> : -_;2tngOgaj: 4lB3,ooo.ThcsQ tecta ehow tho arduous; nature- of > /..tjm tertr undertaken by the company, and explain the appor j . .. rent delay in the eomplotio& of tho road. -“Out tt a Cabw”—The Captain of the Watch is out in w Uis a production folly in keeping with the man’s . tod we would jgrfally lay It before oar rnwdnrfrif HO jttdioMn. In reatlfas lt,ono Is almost fbrrad to admire tho topuJooCß with which tho writer lakes ercßlt' to him* Kit Ibr: neglecting-, his duty. Ho admits that,Film asked :, ftrasrisfanoe, he wonlil .have sent tho-poraonwho asked it •i .tntoßayaidstmrn,tolmatupairatclimsn thiro, 4hd got >..?“fr“*<>“Wsi».Uie others ibr assistance. . If the Captain hed. ;pmt,thotratrhnm lo hla Immollato vidnitj to the eeone ---of the oatrage, Ke would have caoecd -the arrest of the rnf - ? the llfii of the unfortunate men who we. nf-, -.tertnadshrotnlly-murdered. And yet -thiwman, who has ': teen (deeed »t.the head of the night police of the city, takes .j.ertJlt.tnhitnßolflbecanaehoyefhaad.toact int.manner.that i thßleayt mlto of common taut) would hare dictated I ... . A good joke, however, is thal -tho Cajrtaln procorod the twonfht. anbordlmitcs. to anbstantlate hla statement. In relation to tho affair mrntfenod above; IJced -tnltsthathiaword twinlrwttb&eklng;’' and ho doe. well fa. doing no. tor since certain Important prisoner, wero allowed ■ f *° t*apo torn tho to'mhe, the vollant Captain’, reputation - 'tor candor and trostworUhneas, haa been at rather a low ebb, . V ~ f r. SUa thWi Family, now confesses hiaguilt, in relation to the iflyg woKaye op. tfad more than that, he boaata of it; he has allowetl Important prisoners to e.o-ape from . tiieeelia, and othm acte of hla negligeneo are well kmfan; 3 faallowed to remain In an office he !a about a. ' Widlanltod to ocenpy, aa thoaoTagiantawbo come underkda eharge, and apend tho nfeht la the eeQa of the tomha .. Auattnoti.-jiTO Bmsa Pun EoiD.-XM. road la now . fiaUhcd elcycn and a lialf inUca fmm the Allegheny city line, to Anderson’., where thoro Is a connection with the i ilittafairgb ahd'lfatier tompikei fhe dhtanee ffam thl. junction to Bokontown, Is OTomtlu, and of this distance, three talk's hare been alrendy phnxd under contract. Prom Bakantown to Bailor, the rood wm ho. Anfahed next year, : . The coat of eonstrucUon of the Elrer Birlslnn being the four and a qnarter mllen from Allegheny city to Etna, lndu' ding expenses fer rcpalra since its completion, 1. about six" toon thousand dollars. Praia this ia to he deducted, when reedyed, elglnhandreddollars due from the Btalo far hoild. fagrctefalng wall along the canal. The cost of the Valley . Dirislonfrotn £tna to'Anderson’s, a sicwc er mnv*n miw -and-twontyAwD hundredths, is twentyseren-thotuttud one hundred and two dollars and ninetyecrcn ecnU,or $3,7f7 87 cent, per mile. ...... ;-® The amount collectal on the road.'ftem the Ist Norembcr, isn, to Ist h'orcmhcr, 1552, on thn'Blrer DiTioicn alone, I 3 $3375 68. lathe coaraeofe week a tolbgate will be erected emthsTalley dhrfalon, when the toll will he largely Inercaa . eOI Tbe reedpta Sir tolls on the Elrer Dirlalon bare boen greatly tncreafiesl durlog the last year. In Oct. 1&51, the tolls;wW.s2t3 f 00;,li ‘Oet. 1852, £478,75—an inereaaeof *235751' ,-tx : Tax Duxem Taoppg.os TaAiiftp Axnotjt-—.Tymlght at ‘Ci»,.M69Wiifi.^lii > Wcare to soe tho woodroas of these quadropeis. 1 , Wolearb frtm tho Press, that amongst other wonders, we aro to haws a mmkey sapper party,—landlord, landlady, sad waiter: moakeys—all bastUng about waiting ,-upbu the guests ; monkeys wbo tarn somersets on the stack Tpyor-daoee tha tight one,—rido the dogs, and raalt on ott tlw saddle,—leap firsbarred gates with a pbodlo eorriago,—npset it—the reinsof the rauway JCCtBSCraj Ohd troudlo the carriage wbdel for ro^euijastment; i Dogs whosklp the sklpplog^gie—play the sohltor—torn the spinning*whoel—run -npon the sido logs—mimic lamtmeu— feign dsvth; a Goat who perambniatca dn her foe logs— picks np and delivers a biUct-dottx, and fins a pistol ai com mohcL \ Thtoe wonders, with Spingalen’s whirling 0o vsfifs mage changes, are * comUnatk'a of attractions un precedented. Agoiflgaßoßßzn A2UBt£D.-—Ofßcor Seed, of tho Mayor's arrested, at Tarehtum, on Friday, a man named Johns, charged withhaing concerned in the robberies of the canal boats Bolling .Billow and lowa, some two months Blnr». .AH the persons connected with tho rohberyare now in Jail ;the twoEckenrods wen arrested in BlairsviUe, and Wolff aadJohnsin Tarentuio. The property stolen wa« folrd.in_tha possession of all'the persons arrested. Two barrels of goods stolen, r ixontftie boats, were fbnnd concealed Inthayuri The goods stolen onuontin value .to fbnrirr fire hundred donors—-a great | piarUoaof whfch has betin'rocoTercd. - .» *i|»Tnß.~ Mrs. F. Is one of iba best and wo hope wUlifcdvo a proper flrcrai otirdtizons, daring her pra nk ra Two Wives.—George J?. Smith, of bigamy* was sentenced oo Ba. to fifteen months imprisonment •A drayman was fined by tho a dollar*, for allowing his fcowo street without a gnaidian. : wood wu fisM tiy Uie Mayor, yor. ' city ordinance. Ur, Grcemrood »yort deektaj. : n t » sotno indlsposiUonj'Tio wM m tho ffyhonMpndar tQcrnlnflrlartiar asnol: bat being seised with yjolcnfr paln In tho region of the stomach, he was com* peiled to leate .the Oaazt.' - This symptom, wlth,~occaEianal retchings, oontinned tilt after 9 (fcloa: at night.- The pain *V exoeedingly . lntenso and agonising, and was reltoyed at byloige and Repeated opiates;' When it snbddod fell Into a sleep, and passed the night oomflirto* bly. On Toesdar afternoon his retchings rccutTodj Opd ol* though his bowels wore sn&dently tnorod in the eresingy he boesme restloisp and soon exhibited etidant signs cif sink ing.- Qo expired on Wednesday *nnwkin g &- o’clock, re* toiniag his inisUectto thedoso. - On making a postmortem examination. inflammation wmdisoorerod of the stomach, a great part of which, at least, loowatoa rooent disease.' The extreme argencyofihe syzop. toms In the beginning of the Attack had led to ihe Inftrenos |n addition to . the inflammation of the atwriMh.iof which there ooald be no dDabtpthere was also somo obstruo* tlon in tho duct leading from the livar to Ute bowels; On frraminatfrm ltwasfbjind to contain etna hjhsr+y W gall stones, of large slxe, by which the duct was greatly die*' tended, abOTe the point elite entrance into the bowel. The duct Itselfj and the parts adjoining, were also highly in* -.flamed* .v- ■. ...■ . , } ■ • . The Jim was somewhat indurated, and Its ttbstaxL&mdro of a grayish color than cataroL ■ ?. The causes of hit death being thus satisfactorily ascertain ed, other organs not suspected of disease were not H. D. BBXXAB, ' , . Juos ft. firm, ! - 1 , _ 1 JaMM Kixo; iXN&tiST Mayor, at tho a num . berof by issued * notice, stating that, trom and of tor.tho first day of ftacember, tho ordinauoes pmirM ia Sopt.. ■ ISIQpDeq. and April, 1845, la relation to market ruins, wm be: eu&rced. •. Those ordinances' proTilo that butchers shall not remain in the market house longer time - proscribed'by law i aid that they shall nottlisposo of their artWts On other than market and In'mirkethiours. • Tho ordinance daflning. market hours, saya thaf they ahall be in tho IHamand market from tt o’clock, P. Si of the day procodlng each market day, until 12^o’clock of said market days. : SaTDfcr or laviif.—JuQgo iTClure, on Boturday, sen tenced domes Irvin, oonricied of monjOaughter, to five years and nine-monthsimptisonmenUn the Western Penitentiary* Irvin woe afterwards convoyed to the Penitentiary, by of flcerPox. Before Irvin was sentenced,.Jlr.SEahon made atewre* marks, urging the Judge to act leniently towards jbepris* oner, in sentencing him. Jndgb Ordure replied that his feelings for the unfotunate parents of deceased, must yield to his sensa of duty as a public officer, accordingly sen tenced him to the m eaient of tha law. laegenumberof oar Theatregoers, attracted thereby the announcement that Mra. Fima was to appear in her tevor- Ue ehvacter of lmcretia Borgia* Mrs. Farren did appear, and, assisted bf iter husband and Ur. Brolsfbrd, the play went of in admirable style. Let evciy Theatregoer visit the Theatre to night—the bill Is excellent and the perform* en tales ted. Ws uere^oretod -to oay that the largo atock of Ladies’ Dress Goods, from Philadelphia, exhibited at ITftenna’s Auc tion Honre fijc soma days, will be eioaed oat this morning, at 10 o'clock—positively. / IUM KENO— ibr sole by XT nov22 B A. FAHNESTOCK A CO. GUM br sale by 00v22 a A. FAHNESTOCK A 00. COGNAC, itocbeUe and Bordeaux Brandies, of the most esteemed brands, wholesale and TetaO, ibr sate by nOTUr v D. FICKEIBEN, 137 Liberty street TTriNDQW GLAhd—X&O boxes Bby 10, and 10 by IX IT Glass, la store and fcr sate by . octO ; MILLER A ftlOKftlSON. OH Ann gttiaqiß.K, ItecsHaaml other ttrands Hat 4v»UuU vanaCagore, just reodved and Ibr sale by oorlfla FICKEiaEN, 187 LibcrtyMrect PirTSBUKGiI TEUST COMPANY 89 shares of this stock for sole by A. WILKINS A 00^ octSfl ' ■ y& Fourth street COOO MATTING—S 4, 44, 84 and 24, Just tcoeivod and tor sale cheap at the Carpet warehouse, No. 88 Fourth and 70 Wood strata. (ocUi} ' W. M’dJNTOCK. NUTICE TO ►THE LADIEA—Just raeetvcd, a must boon: ful lot of Ladtes 1 Gam flandals. Boots and Slippers, of t&e latest styles and finish, at No-107 Market street.. nov27 W. ft BCHMEBTZ. lLYEilANl>tiULi>—We are paying two per cent, pre mhnntor sUrer coin, and tho highest market prices tor all descriptions of Gold.; A. TYILKINS A CO, oct23 ~. . Exchange Broker*, 75 Fourth street. MtiN’d, BUYS ANl> UENTh‘2 tiOiiti BOOTd, (W All- RANTEft>-**Alarffeas9ortmenton bond, will be void low tor cosh, ok No. 107 Market street ,oct22 i- .. W. R SCHMKBTZ. HISTORY of FtUNUlt—Lectures OB th* Uistsrir of Franor, by fiir J. Burpben r in 1 voL fivou, just received and tor sale by oct2B 1 KAY A B5 Wood street SIIAWLBI BUA.\VLaI—A. A. 8! 1303 A 01, would respect fully invito the otisutloaot porchaMn to thelrexteD dvc assortment of Winter Shawls, cDmprlsi&g every rortety, both in idre and quality. ocrJO IAA ittdAES GERMAN CLAY—Warranted uf superior IVV Quality, to be sold cheap, by TAAFFE, MAGUIRE A BANK, octl& 112 Beeond street CUFF STOCK WANTED We will pay the highest market price tor any portion of fifty shores Pittsburgh and Boston Mining Company. eepgQ • - A. WILKIXB A CO. GLOVES AND UUSI tint.—A complete SMortuuml of Men aud Ladire Fall and Wintorulovea and Hosiery, constantly on hand, at A. A. MASON A CO.'S, oct29 C3abd 61 Market strwt. C'tOFFEE— 228 baa> prime green Ulo.Ootfbe; j 40 pockets best Old Government Java; In store and to arrive, tor solo by L. & WATERMAN A SONS, *ep27 No*. 80 and 81 Water, and C 2 Find at Lampblack— bo bbu. ** star," assorted; 6 casks do do; 10 do do Bulk; llOO&a. Germantown. For sale by B. A. KAHNEBTOCK A CO, oetlQ corner Wdod and First streets. 10 BAGS GREEN KIO COFFEE; lO 70 do do do do; 63 do do do do; In store on consign ment, and for sale on liberal terms, by TAAFFE, MAGUIRE A BANE, ocll9 112 Beoond street; Dissolution* TOE Partnership herctofoco existing between John JUngh Morphy, is dissolved, by mutual consent. JOHN SIDRPIJY, HUGH MURPHY. 49* The badness will bo carried on by HUGH MURPHY, MEN AND BUYS’GLUTUINU—iu the greatest variety, at Gothic null, 74 Wood itreot, near Foarth. Balls faction of.customers, being the primary or tint principle, the following rules haro been strictly adhered to In Ibis es tablishment—large sales, small profits, stock unsurpassed In tho west. »FK STUDY TO PLKJSB. CHESTER, nor2o 74 Wood street. t I'll KhULNEEJU^-—’fnePracikaiADglneerst'uckeiUuUle, JL containing a concise treatise on the nature and sppllea tion of mechanical fbrees, action of gravity, tho elements of machinery, and tables fbr calculating the working effects of marhiuafy, of tho strength, resistance and pressure pf ma terials, with tables of weights and cohesive strength of iron andothur.mctals; by Thomas Kelt. A few copies of this valuable work received and lor sale by J. K. WELD IN, Bookseller and Stationer, dqt2S 63 Wood at, between Third and Fourth. IaWE DU. L49ZETTE > 8 JUNO CORDIAL, or iToerealivs Klix ir, prescribed as (in effectual restorative In cases of D» bility, Ini potency, or Barrenness, and all - Irregularities ol nature. It is all that it professes to be, vis: Nuture’s Great Restorative and Remedy, for those in the married state with-' out offspring. It is a certain cure for Bcmfnai Em Unions, General Debility, Gleet, Weakness of the Genital Organs, Nervous Affections, Leueorrhoca or Whites. As an invigo rating tnodicine R Is unequalled. Also, a certain remedy for Incipient Consumption,- Indigestion, -loss of Muscular Energy, Physical Lassitude, Female Wearness, Debility, Ac. It is warranted to please the user In any of the above com plaints, and is of countless value to those without offtpnng. Cbutum ‘Extra. —Find the name of Comstock A Brother on the FJ Yapper, and never buy it union you find the above name; as it has been txtennvdy counterfeited of late. Avoid the counterfeit as you would poison. Afcmcyat au27:dawly . NO. 140 THIRD ST. EOCKIUJSB, AC. UT 100 bags prime Rio Coffee; 25 do do faguayra; 20 hhds prime New Orleans Sugar : 20 bbls Refined do; 10 hhds New York Syrup; 00 bbls and half bbls New York Syrup; 60 half chests Green end Black Teas; 75 catty boxes do do; 200 kegs Blasting and mile Powder; 160 dos superior Corn Brooms; 30 boxes Clothes Pins; 25 dos patent Zlno Wash Boards; 80 boxes Rosin and Palm Soap; SO do Pease Starch; 20 do Sperm and Star Candles; 20 do Chocolate and Cocoa: 5 do Babbitt's Yeast Powder; 10 do Farina and Com Starch; 20 do. Almond, Toilet and Shaving Soaps; 1 case Bordeaux Prunes, in Jar*; 6 bbls Smyrna do; A do . do Raisins; 6 boxes Genoa Citron; 6 frails Valcntia Almonds; 60boxes 1 ft, lift, ffs,6’h, and B’s Tobacco; . 25 do Scaled Herring; For sale by J. D. WILLIAMS A CO, «p 22 ; 122 Wood street Passages and Remittances ! JOHH THOMPBOH, Atfffifcr 410 liberty itreot, Pittsburgh, Pa., roa Messrs. BOWMAN, GRXNNSLL A CO., 83 South street, New York, and No. & Regent ttoad, Clarenoe Dock, Uvorpool. LIVERPOOL PAOKJfTS sail from Liverpool on toe oth : and 21st of eaeh month. SWALLOW TAIL LINE. From New York. Liverpool. Ship CONSTITUTION, ) Sept 6 Oct 21 • Capt Britton, VJan 6 Fob 21 1600 tons. )May 0 Juno 21 Ship NEW WORLD, VSeptffl Nov 6 CapLKnight, VJau 21 Mch 6 - 1600 tons. ) May 21 July 6 Ship LIVERPOOL, 1 Oct 0 Nov 21 (Apt Gardner, >Feb 6 Mch 21 1600 tons. ' J Jane 0 July 21 Ship ASHBURTON, ) Oct 21 Dae 6 ■ Cap! BTWUllataß, VFeb 21 Ap*l 0 1200 tons. jJane2l Aug 6 ' Ship HUGUENOT, 1 Nov 6 Dee 21 OsptGazdlner, . >Mch 6 Apl 21 1100 tans, j July 6 Aug 21 Ship CONSTANTINE, YNor 21 Jan 6 - CaptiDtuyes,' >Mch 21 May-6 2600 tons. t July 21 Sept 0 Ship ALBERT GALLATIN,T Deo 6 Jan 21 Copt Delano, ‘ >April 8 M».a - IOSOtonB.- 'iAug 8 Septa QOEBNOJTHKWEW,' f * . 5 CaptHaUett, VApril2l June 6 1500 tons. h' J Aug 21 >Oct 6 - Besiieawl^theydflsps^ttoliTflipoolinteHnedlate eiS^&theahoTemscnlfloentPscket Bhjps Wstanle drafts rtem £1 sad upwards,' which wiji be cashed, fees of charge, at right* bytbe Bask: ofjtewandj. Duhlhvtod ttTftsbxtnebes throughout tits country, tjt by &&y of our Agent* in England, Sootlaad sad WaifiA - < JOHN THOMPSON, Agent ocilBdAw 410 liberty Btxvot, Clttsoospi* Fa- TELEGRAPHIC. By jtho O’BfllHy Llnw tor tha HoqJna Voit. THE CKESCENT OOT-PEESIDEOTaXEKm- snss batSaS s sunt dual till him ho V 0,0 Oo»«n»i -aorMiC.Lavr has any right to usurp that iww«rinr«m! if heSSdlattempt Aod it Is mydetarmlnatfcm tdeiCTt «* Government,’ %g»wnstifaUoaai^ theUw»to flratoht IL to maintain Indemnity, *wanch en act of Mly. from thla floremment We regulate the' tonna andoondlHoua upon which all foreign rStele ihall by foreigoesj wo do t&t question their* to do the aame thing. Be must await the result of tho negotiations be that wo governments. This is a question not to be o*!^i!iT? e £. !, ! s> t tt ? d a^ ttbB * nor «W> between tho United Mid Cuba, but between the United States and Spain, wbWi aloue U responsible for the conduct of the Governors of Cuba. . " r °“ et liberty to make known the content, of thla letter to Mr. low, and Inform Mm that, as a good citizen. I P rp * Q ® 8 «*'wfll not attempt any violation of our neutrality laws, by attacking Cabo. J I am truly yours, n , MILLARD FILLMORE.” The Republic, commenting on this letter, says, that Mr. ***» f - - Batmday oral otto eftba moot octlTe ballasts dajs we hare bad for & long Qwf r 'Ererywbera there ?u noise and bus* ' tie among oar- draymen, and everything in tho ab&po of «- cartordrajjrsr brooght Into aorTtatb* remorlng good* from 000 place to another. ’ Wo soWhaTB th* pleaiore to solo a flso rise In both oar. Hirers, find the amount oT Floor antyProdaoe oonlng for* waxdls large.--Theamonat of goodtf shipping In ere rj dl .ration through and from this port lo Vary beary. Curmor dunta are bn«y: eelling aadfiUlng order* to their eoontrj castohiert. The markets are Aim fc* all the leading arti cleeof Prodace, many of them manifest an upward ton* ’’ deney. 7 ' r 1 ASHES—Salfil of 3 cask* Soda. nt yogalar way &/S&A- . FLOUR—The .demand oonthmas&ctlf e,prtejweinay re mark-vem not *o firm as sevenddsj* previous, although the sales sJmwbot sales of the ibUbvinglhtc SJObbUin lots at |4{gis4,oGfor lupcrllnc; 77 fflhbfo «4^i t bblx choice extra «t ttfi* 250 bills Sm »toro»t $1,25; 100 bbl« at *1,20. OATS—Sales Inlotsof £OO baabbla fi32o; the demand Is active. GLASS—We note on actlf* for Windoir Glass, with sales of 125 bx* Bxlo country LARD—In active d"nrn"d at in.lots. We have asale reported ofso tierces at 10-%, fofsblpplng. BULK MEAT—There Is exeitement in the Pork market,earned byths sadden adnfeoe In western mar kets. We note a contract for r lsG^b& L fcs Western Balk meat ZLB. ai7f£ 10,00 a lbs city Sides at'B^@9. , BACON—Sales 2500 fbs Shoulders o*B}£ 8000 lbs Sides at #&P»FfoK»sk«*3fckd*do9K- ; LARD OlL—Sales lO_Ma No lat & SALT—SalesSOOhblsatsl,loetcaiaL HOGS—We hare reported a tala of head at 6; this is lover than some holders are willing to. take. WHISKY—SaIes 280 bbls In lots asl; 80 do 19; 70 bbls in -lots At 20@21.- i BUCKWHEAT FLOUR—Sales 6000 lbs at $1,75. CLOVES SEES—Sales of 17 faueh 4 $1,75. BASE HI oouEorxn naarroA Boon A Sargent, £ Cbmerof Wood end St PENNSYLVANIA. Pittsburgh Banks.. par. Philadelphia “ par. Brownsville “ par. Bucks county M par. Chester Co. (new Issue).- par. Colombia Bridge C 0...... par. Danville 44 par, Delaware co. u ......... par. Itoylestown 44 par. Easton 44 par. Germantown 44 par. Lancaster Banks par. Lebanon 44 par. Montgomery co. Banks— par. Nortbumbcrlazid 44 par. Pottsville “ ... par. Reading , M ... par. Schuylkill county 44 par. Washington* “ ... par. West Branch “ par. Wyoming — par. Carlisle liebui. Banker., xth strtdtj Piudntrah. omo. State Ok. and bnacbea,,. M lOtheraalrentßaokJ...... Bank of Saaduiky.*. Granville....... ....... 60 Nar**lk«, .. 60 Urban*.,............-,.. 60 YFoorte*.— © . ~ INDIANA* State Bit and branches... .94 h ILLINOIS. State Back Broach. 60 Bank of llliuott. 75 KENTUCKY. Ail solvent TUwv« MISSOURI. State Bk. aud branches... V mtooAN. AU solre&l Banka. 3 WISCONSIN. Marin** Eire Insurance Co. at MQwaukie.. 3 TENNESSEE. Chambenburg. Erie- " Ail advent Banka. 3 NORTH CAROLINA. All solvent Banka 94 SOUTH CAROLINA. All solvent Banks.. \y. GEORGIA. Gettysburg. Harrisburg... Honesdale.... Middletown. Wayncsborg .... a? York Bank*.— „ V Relief Notes... ... M United Etaieaßaak....... 15 Allegheny CUv Scrip par. Pittsburgh City 41 .... . par. Allegheny Go. “ —pretn. NEW YORK. All solvent Banks. VZ ALABAMA. All solvent Banks.. & LOUISIANA. All solvent Banks.- EXCHANGES. New York-— \4 pred. PhDaditiphia.. i?preau Baltimore. i?prwn. 1 dlse'L LotUsrUle~ M ...._ M ...l dtsc’L St Louis. l^diadt New York City—.... par. Country Banks...^^... NEW JERSEY. All solvent Banks 9£ DELAWARE. * All solvent Banks-. mj. Small Notes ...... MARYLAND. Raltim/Tf n»vtfc* par. Country Banks..—.—. $£ VIRGINIA. Bank ofVk.* branches.- Farmers* Bk-abranchea- % Valley nt. a branches— % Bxchangeßk.S branches % Wheeling Banka, .... y. Wheeling brandies....... \Z NEW ENGLAND. AQ solvent Banks-—... y A VALUE OF COINS. American Gold (new)—. par. American Gold (old). prim, S3 aulnea*...- ww .«.^ v 6 00 Fretertckdor*. 7 80 TenThateri 7 SO 3 go IxßiUiTov 4 25 3 S 3 Doubloons, P5tri0t~.....13 70 Doubloons, ia 2$ 2 10 POST 07 PHTSBraGH. 8 rat o nraoes watx» is tai cuktcl. AERITED. Steamer Atlantic, Parkinson, CrowssriUe, M Baltic, Berrast, BrownjTflle. 4 Thom#* £brlTor, B»nfiT, Wert Newton. 4 Mkhlcio. No.S, Bole*. Bearer. “ QencMfi, Sinclair, STKeetpcrf. M „ Paul Anderson, Gray, Bt J^mb. ° Keystone State. Stone, OaelanaiL 2 v £%keny, Batchelor, CtodxmatL * , York State, , “ Jane Franklin, Bgr)prtp^/^w.t T t»m^ M Steamer Atlantic, Parkinson, Urownsrflls. ** Baltic, Rennet, BrowBSVSUSk 4 Thomas Shrirgr, Bafley, West Newton. 4 Michigan. No. 2, BoJat Bearer. 4 Genesee, Sinclair, U’Kcesport 4 Buckeye State, EelUhoorer, Cincinnati “ Diurnal, ConweU, Wheeling. M Mayflower, Lyoo, Cincinnati. “ Messenger, Klinefelter, Cincinnati, M Financier, Calhoun, Bunfisb. H Federal Arch, Bowman, St. Loub, 43“ On Saturday evening, at dusk, there were 8 feet water In the channel, and rising. Wednesday Packet for Cincinnati* (R, Tux cow and fort running steamer CIKCIK- L£4fc*?jt3cyNATl, Boos Master, will leave regularly every ££&£»£« WEDNESDAY. . For freight or passage, apply on board, or to dcc3o G. a MILTENBETIGER. For Long Reach. Marietta, ana GaUipolU. , r«s» w The Cue ifoamer UOT. MEIGS, Sacra, Mn*- Lgyc@t|gtCT, will here for the there end Intermediate WTrinSiraßaptjatg every Tuesday, at 3 o'clock P. U. For freight or panage apply oa board, or to feb2 JOHN FLACK, Agent. For Marietta and Hoelsingportt Tuk fine steamer PACIFIC, Zisona Mitm, 1 *4 Master, will leave for the Above estl Intenaedl ■Btinniafiiwata port*, every THURSDAY, at 4 o'clock, P. M. For freight or passage, apply on board, or to T. WOODS A SON, narlO No. 61 Water street, and C 3 Front st, Marietta, Parkenborg and Klocldngport Packet. nw> . Tho(tcamerU4lbooLUMlQA t AB.Qust) LfAtTaj&egMaster, will leave Pittsburgh every Monday, at o’clock P. &L; returning, will leave Hocking port every Tuesday, at fl o’clock A. M. Passengers and shipper* may roly on the utmost aocom modatlon and promptness. W. B. WHEELER, mare 34 Market etreeL TXT ANTED—City Warrants. By AUSTIN LOOMIS, YY dot 2o No. 83 Fourth street BOAT OARS—I4O assorted sixes, on consignment ttH for sale by [novlT] KING A afOOßpß^rt. Monongahcia Navigation. Company t NOTICE To STOCKHOLDERS.—An Annual Mooting nf tho Stockholders of tba Monong&hela Navigation Com pany, will bo held in pursuance of the provino&s of tho Charterer Incorporation, at their Office, No. 76 Grant street, in the City of Pittsburgh, on Monday, the 3d day of Janu ary, A. p. 1853, (being the first Monday in the month,) at 2 o'clock, P. SL. for tho election of ameers tbr the ensuing year. [nov2±td) ffM. BAKE WELL, Bec*y. MR. and MRS. QILBERT respectfully Inform the inhabi tants of Pittsburgh, that they Intend Aiming a DAN CINQ CLASS, for the instruction of Cotillions, Waltzes, Polkas, tbo Schottbche* pn d all the newest ami most fash ionable Ball Room Dances; they trust that their Class will bo so conducted as to give perfect eatisfactlon. Misses and Masters' Class In the afternoon. For terms, enquire of Mr. QILBERT, Grant Hotel, comer of Fourth and Grant strooU. N. B.—Private Lessons given at say hour during iho day. novlB A CARD. P BO FES SO a jr, T, WASBLIKK "TTrOULD respectfully inform the citizens of Pittsburgh Y j and vicinity, (hat* he has permanently located him self at Pittsburgh, to give, lesson* an Plano, Organ, Guitar, and in ringing. All orderaleft at the Music Store# of H. Kleber, J. H. Mellor, or Mrs. 0. Blume, will be promptly attended ta He respectfully tenders his professional services to all who may Jkvor him with a call. The following pieces of music, oomposed by him, are for sale at H. KLKBER'fI: Doubt Not! A Ballad. The Sere nade Walts. octiaalAw PRINTING PAPER— -22 by 32; 27 by £8; * Flue Book Paper, 24 ter 3S; on hand and for sale by J. &. WELDIN, Bookseller and Stationer, nov24 63 Wood st, between Third and Fourth. Co-Partnership. THE underrignod have this day entered into Co-Partner ship, under the nams and style of BRYAN, KENNEDY A 00 7 for tho purpose of transacting a general niUlngbusl ness, in the dty of Allegheny. JOHN-T. LOQAN, ROBERT T. KENNEDY, 8. S. BRYAN, WM. BAGALEY, IL CHILDS, A. P. CHILDS, HENRY P. SCHWARTZ, Canal Basin, Allegheny City, June 12th, iftft? nov2s:lwbc*tf ST. LOUTS COMMISSION AND FORWARDING HOUSE, yOfISW. fWTCHZIL......JO3HPIJ Mfwatn«» Twiehdl Mogrldge, ■ Cbrtter qf Commercial asta Pin* t64ds. YT7TLL Promptly attend to all conrignmenta and .Obxo* YY missions entrusted to them, and will liberal cash advances on consignments or dQIs of lading in hand! Orders far the purchase of Jtead,Grain, Hemp and other Produce, will be prompUy lllled at the lowest possible prices, and bn the best terms. ■ " They wGlalso undertake the settlement and collection of claims of importance; and hope, by their especial personal effprts and attention to all the interest? of, their Uonds, to give satisfaction, •" , ‘ ■amksHcav • r Geo. Collier,- . BLLooIa; EUR A Hdirimi,' - QncinnsH; PageA Bacon, •«.; do; flfr*derAGarmaß;v . do: Chzrlcssjßlow .o do: Cbotrteam A Valle, - do; Springer A Whitcmah, do: Boan£ElngA Co,do;-E. Aa D. Leech* Co- . , do;.. B. B. Cmnegys,, do: Win. Holmes A 4lo; ; Ehlelds A Miller, : do: Blow AMardb/'New York; Jodah Lee & 00, RaJtimoro. A.G.Parwell -W.B. Reynolds, Louisville; Howard, Bon A Ckx, '•*- do; H. D, Newcomb A Bnx, 1 do; T. G. TwlchfiU A Ox, Ocfmmlffiloiv Merchants, New Oceana OOMMISSION HOUSE, NSW OBLBANS. - -J. mHIS lemj MtaUUtoi- Hou» Crains Hi* itteation X «tricOjrtoMle» *nd pmthUM on Onnunlirtoa, indto I‘or.srcUng btaln«. gmicraUy^' : - ■ ■ ; ’ Jht, «oUiTA and seasonable Dry Goods, comprising in part the following, —rls: doths, easrimeres, casstnats, tweeds, woolen plaids,' cashmeres, mourn merinos, coburg doth, queens’ doth, ginghams, prints, blankets, bleached muslin, ticking table doths, Uncn toweling, table diaper, atent thread* spool eottoa, suspenders, silk pocket hand- Lcrehtefo |and cravats, and umbrellas. Together with a largo assortment of Variety Goods, and fener articles. dot 29 W. a bTCABTNBY, Aucfr. 5 , “TANTHARIDES—BOIhs. Powdered, fur sale by " V PQtIR . ~~ B. A. FAHNESTOCK A CO. WEET OIL—3UQ galls, for sale by.. . ' CQtU H A. FAHNESTOCK A CO. CHRE—IS bhls Yellow, for sale by ’ — novlß ■ ; B. A. FAHNESTOCK ft CO. IWUOIUCJS UOar—lioOll» ifSiK'for Ml. - bv' norlB , a A. JAItXESTOCg * 00. POW’D'D OUJJ AUAEIO-2iutt»L to uls I>t pnrig a aa. Fahnestock i co. T7'U.TEkln6 Pll*KB—loon*, ft.ni*. Sir r nOTia aA. PAHJiESTOCK 1 CO. TJinSBBKOII CITY WABEAJiTS—PorchaMI by I nor2> ' THOMAS SIOPTITT. 29 F&i «t AL3AM OOPAVLA—2SOSI. for nla by __oora a A- PAHBiKSTOCK A .CO. LOVES—I« bbU, for atlebj - n°T23 a A. FAIINESTOCK A CO. rLIMHINQS — A. A. Maxki ft have just received an additional supply of Trimmings. PA RAM ATTA CLOAKS—A few more of these Fashiona- Ue Cloaks, (new styles,) jast received at noriS A. A. MASON ft CD’S. snbnrg, KOB ROYS—2S pieces fine Rob Roy Plaids, (assorted col ors,) just rooeived at noriO A. A. MASON 4 CO’S. Figured velvets—a. a. masox ft have just re edred a few pieces Figured Velvet, (brilliant colors.) eoy23 a CANARY SEED—6O bu*. prlmo bkdly fur sale bj a A. FAHNESTOCK A CO, nov22 corner of Wood and First streets. RHE USIATJSAL—Dr. Drown 1 # newly discovered remedy for Rheumatism is a speedy *"«< certain Remedy for th&tpalnftxl trouble. It nerer Offlcn and Private Consultation Booms 4l DIAMOND, Pittsburgh, The Doctor Is always at borne, marchisxl&w. "VTSW GOODS.—A. A. Uasos A bare received a seo- XI ond large and complete stock of Silk and Dress Goods, camprisinv, la part, the newest and most fashionable novel* tiea,m Rich Brocade, Figured and Plain SilksjMeriQOS,Para* mattes, Ooburgs, Alpacas, Cashmeres, De Laincs, Ac. Also, every color and quality of Sacking Flannels, Ginghams, Ac. uov24 IBtIARY LECTURES. THE three remaining Lectures of Mr. GILES, will bo given at L&ftyotta Hall, as follows: The Inward- Nature, Its Delations and Facilities, on this (Monday!) ovenlng. The Enthusiast—on Saturday evening; commencing at «}£ o’clock, Tickets can be bad at the library yßocms, and at the door. Price—One Dollar for threo Lectures; 50 cents for ■single Tickets. fnovfi24w} LECTURE COMMITTEE. Private Diseases* fDR. SHOWN, No. 41 Diamond Alley, De- _y, votes his entire attention to an office Practice. His business is-mostly confined to PrixxxU W Tenertai IHxaua, and such painful affections, brought on by imprudence, youthful indulgence and exocss. ByphSls, Byphilltlc Eruptions, Gonorrhea, Gleet, Stricture, Urethral Discharges, Impurity of the Blood, vith all Disea sos of tho Yenorml Qrgon.. Sun;-Diseases, Scorbutic Erup* tians, Tetter, -Ringworm, Mercurial Disease*, Seminal Weak ness, Impoteney, Piles, Rheumatism, Female Weakness. Monthly Suppressions, Diseases of the Joints. Fistula in Ano» Nervous Affections, Pains in tho Back and Loins, Irri* tationnf the Bladder and Kidneys, succresfUlly treated.— Cure guaranteed Sixteen years’ practice (six In this city) enables "Dr. Brown to offer assurances of a speedy cure to mi who may come un der his care. Office and Private Consultation Booms, 42, Diamond alley. $3, Charges moderate. . nov&dAwly Spencerian Commercial College, (Lttt 0. E. caiXBXBUK’a,) CORNER OF MARKET AND THIRD STREETS, .F&t&tffyV ,r *1 *- -v »-c *- * V , -c. - t { .1 r\ * *. ‘ , V DISSOLUTION. i:: .-- r « » * v " MISCELLANEOUS, GDMTBAOACASTH— ■ ■,boiU: B. A. PAHSESIOCK A 00. ■ A W)EU —12000)8. Gap,, ibr rale-by A norM :■■ B. A .'fi MAOCAIWY iSNDF¥—S bblA.'fbr ole by . ■norS* •- - - • bTA. JAHMISTOCH A 00. ABAWAY '"T not2t B. A. YABkßffiOCg A 00. 10 MKTAL-15 tons, Ibr sale by - r - - .. - POTia - *> SMITH A gPfCLAIB. B Cij sj;iU!ATru«m-U9Bcta,fi 1 rBl«by ' i -mr>2s. : . - SMITH A a&CLAIB. —-T-r V - • .afflTH * SINCLAIR. • SOQAB— 2O hMl.primt! Ba*ar. Cjt salt bj • pot2s SMin A BDtCULTB. —~ J^-” 0725 ' SMITH k SDiOLAIB.' T UBS- ;? ttOSL Ha 1 loti, lor sale by ■■:■: :. ■ ■?, ■ • A..? 0 *- 5 _ SMITH k SIKCL47K. UKD—2sbblA,instore and for sale br - . ,-ggg GLA&J— 100 boxes 8 . . 11 100 do 10 by 12- ForialoV - :K •: - teCTH A grenr.in? -\yf ADDES—6 caakSyfor ale by - . - lTi B.A; FAHNESTOCK A cal ? pot 24 "• ' comer Pint nal-'^yood^T. E Scarfs,gampthlrignorcr, just rooefTedat”'* 3 nn * tTT ™* r * ' --aribra. . : ootSI- BONNET BlEJJGNB.—76.eartcns Bonnet Ribbons, cf the: neweststvles and mostiißhionftble colors; just received at fpOTB] •:.•■'T- ■ A. X I1A&N * 00/S. TUBT RECEIVED, at 80. 107 - Market street, 730 pair O Men, Boys and Youth's Boots, cheap for cash.. - pot!3 ‘ ‘ ~ - ;'< W. 2. SCHMEBTZi- : Gardner Wanted r /'"'IAN -procure & situation by calling at No. 108 fifth street, V/ or No. 36 BmlthMd street. None seed apply unless well recommended. . - :V.. - nor 24 Co>Putaertlii]k - I HAVE this day aasodaied with me, la the Wholesale Grocery, Produce and Commission Badness, GEO- W. MULLIN, or this dty f nnder the firm of SrcsatA Mcucr. Pittsburgh, No vernier 23,1852. - A. JjSTTtart, nov2* FUSE WORKS— 400 boxesfire crackers; 300,000 torpedoes; 50 gross chasers; - 60 do p!nwhe«ls; 30 do WMOrtpit Rnmn-p CffHdlPf • In store and for sale by. J. C. ANDERSON Jt OX, norSt No. 6 Wood street. *D AISIN8—4»«0 boxes buoch raisins; _ ' - • . . • ' XL • 200 hf do -do; l&Oqrdo • do; SO mats do; 50 kegs do; In store and tor sale by J. C. ANDERSON A (XX, No. 0 Wood street. SUGARS —106 boxes while Havana sugar; 200 bags Brazil do; 2D bbls. LcTering*acrushed sugar; 16 do ..do pulverised do; 20 do do common pulverized sugar In store and for sale by J. C.• ANBEUSON t CO., dot 24 No. 6 Smlihfeld street. Pittsburgh and Steubenville Railroad* TUEaabecribers to the Capital Stock of the Pittsburgh andSteubenvflle Bailroad Company, are berebyno tilled to pay into the Treasury, the fourth instalmentof Five Pol. lare per share, on or before the Ist of December, proximo,' and fire Dollars per share on or before the Ist day of month thereafter, until the whole anwmfc of stack, sub scribed tor has been paid. •_ WSL A. ffITL, Treasurer, aoTl&fimdsw Treasurer's Office. &i Wood street Tene t Teail Teas! 500 Half Chests Green and Black Teas. A* JAYSEB, PEKIN TEA STORE, 38 Fifth street, Wholesale yryj Retail Dealer in Teas, and ~ Sugars, invites the attention of his customers and Country Merchants gener ally, to his large stock of Green and Black Taw, selected In New York, with great care, and with apodal rc&renre to his Increasing retail trade.. Having devoted our entire atten tion during the last seven ycars to the Tea trade, we feel assured that we can cfo our .numerous, easterners ample Justice* both tn quality and price. Retail Grocers are Invi ted to call and get samples cf the diderent grade* We par ticularly invite the attention, of ooreusteMrs to our stock of Extra Una Young Hyson, Imperial and Gunpowder— Also, Extra fine Oolong, the sweetest and most fragrant in. the American market. Abo, Doming** Crushed and'Pul verized Sugar; Kid; Java and Moc&aOoSee; and Now Or leans Sugar. PltUbmyb, November 5,1552.. fkotice. NOTICE is hereby given, that Letters of Administration os the Estate of JOHN EL MCHAEDSON, of the Allegheny Arsenal, has been granted to theautacri* hers. AH persons knowing themselves Indebted to the Es tate, are requested to make immediate payment; and. aß haring claims, to present them properly authenticated far settlement PRANCIS WILSON, JOHN IHJPF,-' ; ’ ~ PeonTbwnshlp. tioYllfcfifcw* Orphans’ Cqart Sale of a Valnahla Tract nf T>URSUANT to an order of the •Qrphazta* flam* nf- stw X gbeny County, the undersigned, Executors of the last ■will end testament of John late of Plndlay township, In said county, deceased, will expose to'pnhlte ale, on the premises, on Thursday, the 16th day of Decern ber,A.U, 1862, at 1 ctetodt, P.AL, the fbilowtoff described Beal Estate, Uto of their said wit ; A certain Tract of lend, situated in Moca township, in said county j hounded by lands of Henry At«w, James- Brown, and others, and containing One Hundred and Fifty Acres, more or less. JOHN STHUKTRIB, . : JOHN ;; tiov2a3tw • - • . MABSHAL’S SAhEI , ; “• BY virtaeof a Writ orYcndltionl Export**, feqM out, of the arenit Ocort of tha United States, &r . the Western District of Pennsylvania, and lo she directed, I wQ] expose to Public Sale* at the Court name, in the aU of Pitta ‘bargh, on Monday, the 20th day ofUoeember next, at 16 o'clock, A. AL, aU the nght, tiUe, interest and claim of John L. leech, of Ueeehhnrgh, Aissstroog county* r Pa- ot In to andwutaf th* following described property-—:tlx4 All that Lot of-Ground situated hi the town of Leech*~ burgh, aforesaid; being Lot No. 11, fronting on Canal stl CO&etbylSOibetdbep. On which is erected a two story Brick Urmaw, with nnr bnndhrpt- Seized and taken in execution as Che property of the , John-L. leech, at the suit of John 8. Thompson, adtixsn of Mlssonri, JOHN DICKEY, norSaatdiStw .. United Marshal; Administrator’* Sale. THE subscriber, Administrator of the Estate of George Hdeun, deceased, by rirttm or an order of the Orphans* Court of Allegheny County, will expose to public rale, on the premises, all that messuage and tract of NINETY-SEX ACRES, and allowance, of Taral, in North Fayette township, Allegheny county, Bounded by lanAi qow or late of A. U’Candlm, Tbomaa Patridge, T. Johnston. R. Wallace, and others—on the second Monday of Decauxr. 1532, at IQ o'clock, A. M. -The land is of good quality; 16 milw from Pittsburgh; well watered; and easy of access; with 75 acres cleared; boo.*e and born; and an orchard of good fruit - Tho property U most desirable. The terms of sale ar©r one-third Ineash; one4hhd in one Tear, with interest from confirmation of sale; and one-third in two years, with in terest’ from confirmation of sale. Enquire of the Administrator, in Nohlestovn: or of the widow Sarah 51’Clean, on the premises. WILLIAM M’CLEAN, Adm*r of George M l Qean, dreM. Orphans’.Chart Sale." 7 PURSUANT to an order of tho: Orphans' Court of Alle gheny County, tho undersigned, Administrator of Wil liam J. Davitt, lata of the City of Pittsburgh, deceased, will sell, by public vendue or outcry, at the Court Houscy fa the City of Pittsburgh, on tho 11th day of December next, at 10 o’clock, A. M., of ndd day, the following Lots, or of Sound— rtx: AH that certain Lot of Grodnd, situate fa the ty of Allegheny, being part of Lots Nos. 19 and 20, fa the ilan of Lots laid out by James Anderson, recorded iu Deed Book R., fid, p. 333, fronting on Morgan street 21 feet 8 in ches, more or less; commencing at- the comer of a frame building, (57 feet and inches from tho corner of Morgan and Ijiovk streets;) thouce GO feetwert; thence CO fbet and 2 inches south, to Carlisle alley; thenee east 3 feet; north 40 feet and 0 inches; thenee east 571 bet, to Morgan street. On which is erected a two storied Framo Dwelling House. Also, all that certain other lot or piece of ground, in Allegheny dty, being part of lota Nos. 19 and 20, fa mid Anderson's plan above mentioned; fronting on Morgan ah 20 fbet, commencing at the corner of a frame buQdfag, lately owned and occupied by said W. J. Davitt, extending along said house West 57 fbet, thenee along a three feet alley which allay is a private one, laid out for tha benefit of the ots adjoining the same, and to be kept fa order by the re tpeetlTo owners thereof,) South 30 feet, gnet airing s lot now, or lately owned by WQliam a Chldester, to Morgan street; tbenco along said street to tho place of beginning.— oorfiOdStw- -WILLIAM BINGHAM. Administrator. THE BATUEDAY EYEHING POST. TOE LEADING LITERARY WEEKLY. OVER THIRTY-ONE YEARS.have now the POST began its weekly round of blended instruction and amusement; and never, la all th** period, was Its suc cess aomarkod as at the present moment Poseesing unde niably the largest circulation, by many 0 f paper of its class fa the Union; Its subscribers have the bat of reasons for believing that it stands upon a permanent ba sis, and that they will receive tho full value of every dollar Intrusted to lu publishers.. .In announcing some of our J preparations for the earning 'ye*?, we may begin by our continued connection with ÜBS. SOUTHWOBTIL a writer who, in vigor and fertility of genius, is not vurpased by any, male or fomalo, fa tho Union. MRS. CAROLINE LEE HRNTZ, a lady whom it would be almost- superfluous to praise, in view of the general popularity of such tales as “ The Mob Cap," “Eolloe," « Lfada,® “Bena,” etc- also is enrolled among our contributors. .We are now engaged fa tho publication of a story entitled CLARA MORELAND; by Emerson Benrvet, author of u Yk>- la, - ” “Pralrio Flower," “Bandits ot the Osage,” etc. And at-ths opening of tha -ensuing year wo design com mencing the publication of the following Novelet >-MIB3 THUSA’S SPINNING WHEEL; byMnTLee Hente»ofFlor bla, author of M Eoline." « Undo," u Rena," cte. This novelet we design following by a story entitled, A STRAY PATCH FROM AUNT HANNAH’S QUILT; by Mrs. Frances D. Gage, of Ohio, widely known as tho author of some admirably written and very effective household poems,sketches,etc. . - After, this we export to be able to THE LOST HEIRESS; A STORY.OF HOWL2T HALL; by Mr*. E. D. E. N. Soathwnnh, author of “The Curse'of difton." “Vir ginia qnd Magdalene," “Shannondalo," “The Deserted wife^etc. In addition to these other original tales, involving a large expenditure of money, wo shall lay before our readers, oa heretofore, choice Tales, Sketches, ERsays,Namtives, et&, from the English Magazines—eoch as have given tho Poet a mm. for the excellence of its selections. Exasamca.—ln the way of engravings we present atleasi: two weekly—one of an instructive, and the other of a hu morous character. • " Agricultural articles, Miscellaneous matter, General News, Witty and Humorous Sketches and Anecdotes, Letters from Europe, Editorials, View of the Produce and Stock Markets, Bask Note List, etc., etc* shall also bo duly given. ' Ofcouree, wo shall maintain for the Port ih? character It has acquired, of being a stictiy moral paper—not ridiculous 1, aqinjnUh «g.»tnight-)aced, but really and tool, moral -TOdiMnar betaken into the limll, etele .Ithoat fear. Adiertlaemente of an Improper character ehall be. aa hero tolbre, ricoroual, excluded. ■ . C^V^. A a G **~'P® pGs f*«® ' ca the Post to any part of the United States, when pajd quarteriy fa advance, is now oulyfiO rents a year. And we.trust that the pubDo general ly will show thdr appreciation of. this ccmmendablo redno tion of postage, by lazgel j increasing the number of papers takenatthe.various effices-thatthus there may bo'nofoll ingoff in the revenuo of the Post OSeeDepartment. This will insure a continuance of the present reduced rates. . Tmtßd—Tho tennsof the post are $2,00 if paid in advance, $3,00 if not paid fa advance. For $5,00 fa advance, one eopy is sent three years. We continue the following low terms for Clubs,' to be sent, in the dty, to one whlmss, and, fa tho ocmntij, te one post-office. : 4 copies,’per ammum, - - - ■ >-• $.5 00 8 **- lO 00 20 « “ « , « 2(kjo : The money for elubs always must be sent in advance.— Subscriptions may beseut at our xisk.. -Whea the sum Is large, a draft should be procured if possible—the oost of which may be deducted from the amount.: Addres, aiwsvs postpaid, • • - • DEACON A PETERSON, '*■ Ko. 6$ South Third street, Philadelphia- -. ; N. IL—Any person desirous of recciTfag aeOpydf the Rart, as a sample, can be accommodated by notifying the publish ers by letter, (post-paid.) - (uovfisw. - ,=* •* - - .*'• *■ 'i ’-* \ IMPMNIIMM FOE SALE AND TO LET, ■ ■ ■ "To Z#et« nnnE MISSOURI EXCJUSGB, on Waterdrat, stud* i corner of Short itreet.. Tor terms, apply, to W»r2&tf Akteman PASOKSOy, .Fifth V?it± fpo l^^T^^abieribcroggWMtoTHcfltth^ywrt^v/rfi^ A t^M K SS Ddi i 7 “2“ ffite 'UfK£;S inch** vylk&nj Vi XX Inebeaatroko— •..• .4".. • Forfartherintomagon.enquire tit, oetlaf THIS OFFICE, T?UE of Ground on Sheffield etreet,- J? Alleghcnyypeaj the realdencoof Vetennan Palmer, 65 by 275fcct; which 'Will be-offemlJOWjlf applied fcriooi. Bonaire of *• -1 W; ATCLIKTQCK, - eep2Q at tho Carpet TTarebon3e FomCi afreet. /' /.-V. TO-LET. A - JWaSTOBT BBICK DWELLIKG HOUSE, on Second gtrwt,jaesr Bqu, now patoflng»aod fitting op. Poe-, gireaentbe l«t of October-. Enquire or *■ _eep%:. .-:. ~ X. JAYXEB, 3S Fifth street * -_ B'•: . '• -. : 6ct23 • : THOMAS AjQEFmi, 29 TSflh street ' BALK—Three Briefc Houses in JSast ..; Si feaeh containing three.room*,. Tbalots are SJby 120' ; &eu The dwellings sro ended on the rear of tbe loiit'leaT- - ihg sufficient space la front to thg - . Ings. Applyto THOMAS MOPIITT; ' ' octaa .: 29 fifth Street. ■ : For Rent. • .-:v ■ BESIRABTiK BUSIXESS BIANI*-I Safer for nai tfae WAREHOUSE ojw occupied. by me as a Sniff Store on; • : the corner of liberty and H&ndstKets.-Agobd location fcr bnsisess of any kind. Bnagrion gtren tmmodiafriy. > -tt«ylg>- • ;- - £• -: -JAMES. A^.JQXES* )p£arx m the seventh ; w abu ion sale.— Jl &■ Lot on Centre, Averma,32 feet front, and extending back 118 feet, having onU a TWO STOBS BRICK fiOUSlg good veil and-bther conveniences. / • ••• : Terms—One-half cash, balance ini tiro yearly payments. Jyl4 • : AUSTIN. LOOMIS/No 92 Ponrth street- r T?UK. KENT—From tlwlatof April next, with , X. DweUiag attached, on the carper- ctfMarkefcnnd Efrftf streets—a good business stand for a Store or T&vehi, it being.■ < only, one square from the riFcr—'vriQ be rented, law to a gootp tenant -Apply to -: . ~i .'•v* carl&tf V, WALT AH BJUNT t lto. 232 Übetty at. ‘‘ yoa saij>Ett ■Bo! EstoteAscut, Spl&n^r Wjrlle Street Pjropertjr for Salel ONE of tho best kindness stands In the eityfera BAKE BY; "with a'large step; fmH *reH established, and of longstanding; welLknown as thi> Itallroad Bakery; nor nor of Tunnel ami Wylic rtreets. • For furlber-partieulaa, enquire of • ' norl&tf i ';• - : RICHARD REANT. |ALVE BUILDING' LOTS' POE; £A££>rSitaBte. b Kavr £- Troy. EachlotU forty ftet;XrDnfebn ; Chestnut: Street, .by2oodeep to Washington street.!; Theselots coaid be divi doi, and sold to great advantage, •; They aro nowofferedat • bargain. ' " ; S.~ CUTIIRERT. A-SOX, ‘ •: RealEstatoAgeuts, . - POT 22 •; . ♦ :.;... ..-. - | ;60 SmKbflftid-streel •• For Sale, A _ HOUSE AND LOT, situated on Pike, street, -between* OL Walnut and Factory streets, Fifth Ward. -The-lot Is 23 feet front and 100 feet deeftoa irhlch.thereon two small Frame Tenements. .-Terms easy—HU© good. ‘For particu -iars enquire of Aldcnnan PARKINSON, Pennstreet* Fifth Ward.;;.- " . ■ IjtOß bAXi£,c«i Fourth street, one third partoTlZt No.. - between Market aad\Ferry,4-Q feet 'front by 85 bade; well suited for- building • •TTitfp faytfcmqfru . He and term* easy.- ■ • f; JOB RENT—Two OFFICES bn Fifth street Uwdy to .. : • ;rv-_ r • --MeGAtHONT-A*«fiEHAir t •• tnarll, •••■;-. - r.- - Attorneys at lair. 120 Fourth street. A COUFBOTABLE RESIDENCE^—A good, velf fcuilfc. A ,DweUtagHousB,ccmtataiQgtixrooxDs,haU&Dddoutito cellar, • back porch, Ac* on Townsend st. The Lot ■isl6 - *et front byloo Xgobd garden, shrubbery, Ac. The whole iris good order; ami-Immediate. possession/ if required. Priea tow, and terms easy . - Apply, to - 8. CUIHBEBI A 6GS,~ Real Estate Agents. J *r- -608gdflifieid street.- - A Valuable Pieee of Property for Ssle f •:, ’CONTAINING SCC AGEES, 'situate in the Immediate vi- ' ~ East Liberty,adjoining lands of ThonusHel- - lem, Esq., end Reg cfey/abcuTL' oT amtte-freas.iha-. Railroad. This property has on if ajme*_pzcep«ing young. - - orchard; sadlsajrery desirable fdtaation for aeountry xeej deDce.-betaffaJ.few hundred yards from the tornpike; and feraxUng an tiie Oid Maiision lloadi Tbls properW is rery anttaMa fig peraona r>y 1 w»wk ’ lots, as it potato on three dißerenF streets. . If not sold is a' . body, It will be sold in lota to suit purchasers. .Tor informs* tton enquire at this cQce. -.- ; -ap& -• v. ' For- :Bnlci ; r . 1 LOT OP GROUND in Hogg's Plan of Lota in OiirThiid A Ward of the Qty of High street, aztd. " 'being: 29 feet fcontrOn-peonpyiTantoAvenuejOndnnntag • back 117 feet. The property will t»told,- clear of all incum brance, except an annual ground, jrent of one hundred and ' sixty-five dollars, tojrhich ft is now suSJoct. - Os the proper ty are agren good —-oil twostartea-high,-and renting for-about five hundred Attlay kawmolly and £6OO taemoutto-iygtaa endoracdjapra-. VE a FBIENB, JeliJif . Atonifyit La-»,So.lid FonrtlisfeEet ALUPOTS-IO groa* &r sale by • - U nc»18 • : B-A yAHNESTbCH A CO. LD WHISKY—2U hhla. mrßye Wfctefry, ir, *tr>™ ibrsalebj l ' [novl6) v: ; A-HUNTER. [XTAXTED—SO shares Cumberland'and -iSttstazrctt Kail* Tr read Stocky by- * ACSTDfLOOaiIS, potB ■ yp.-9-l Fourth sfc, (aborATEboJfr ~ VBSITIABI BLIHDS. . > ? OP Jsy'isBTQUALI'EY, jbr attbe HEW CAEPIff 4TiPJPIH T ST3dEET, near Wood, ..•-.••y.faor&tQ ' .ROBINSON A~OO. /"IHAMPAUKty inline. MOacUc, (3mpl and \tTilh. gw»m»h \j Wines, varr&xxiod pure, &i Tjuioas...bQt generally krw priees. For s&te by ; D. EJCKIaskS/ nortS -. •, Liberty gam, - J».,yinch«.Poliee Offlccir» ••■■••• MAT be found at the Offices, of AkL PariiasonT I/rvis* STHasters, slid Major. ■•■■••> - - Strict and prompt-attention .-wnt ie-pasJ acss cntnatod-ta his care. - ■■'-•■zioxSr3» " I(VDOZ. Choke Aiwicfra -•* .. ■*■» 6 <3ox. Fort Wine; in eases of a w*+n bargh, end called the s* Weston Bonk of Pennsylvania." - Harrisburg Union wUl.please copy in Weekly* " »■ •■■■;'■ Co-PartneralUp, associated: with, me in, my Brewing Maiilmr and Hop frira and at WhaeEssr Jo or norlSdT ■ p - 080/TT. SUVSIL Dijnwniitniei I 91,00 to 9-40,001 . : B. M’CAKUO » CO. , Lmim* Hui, So; 84 Faurthstrect ■ HcYing Teryiupcrfor lightsud Mtnngemento, warrant oor Uhenaaeg. inferior to ' none. •If not ratls&ctnry, no charge la made.— jCßSjftraCßll, ■ examine specimens, and. judge ibr your- .-■■••. • nova t«7 R BAGS 810 COWBB-Mow landing, al.'the, Canal - [,/J and Ibr sal* on accommodating tom*,-la quantities- - to suit purchasers. Pcs9onarpqairing:batßniaUparoaiB,wlU find JttnrfT ypfrwwt; to examine tfala- cpw*fyif»m«nr.trf Ratbosd Coaauisr« Kates to Philadelphia pud Balamcre, are as bSj pork, taricr.fca, grata, J cfc BaUer, candle*, cheese, cotton* earth-1 ...enware, hides,hogvhair,lard,lardV « TriLh , &gHdinne cf signature.- / I jSwSte mst to ' I cpratd&. - nBMIiX OWBSi Ajcat. :. ■; • Mtssanamt .' ' t. v s V' * . 4 • T > : ' ; s. * IhSHs