h%h l ’3*. -SW®',:* :. :.%-. •• • ■'-• :;^' : i." ' ,,: ?.--V’*'.'^--v ; .", V; ':H;: ■•„> '. ■■ :,.\f” ■■'■ y - n 1 c >, ■ J-* ' v j \ ‘ t? v-' ‘ ; Si r 1 * fr; r O ’ *'- hv' -'-- - -. , ,w*%v „ • ,- v~ v- r f', v-- tt y r yj&H''l r-_‘. ‘‘{,v.'“f . ’ : ' v- '■• -\''. - •:4'-':4' - ' ‘ \'r ; '.i 4** , -V* ~ Vj'A - t'-gr-T’ »- f «£•-■ V.*\¥vj><.»>* ■;« **J !W&*sEK:#f t.?5w%& f JShfli-» 73K\wl“ ***?», IM$^M ließa^a^i^iteg tenrinM lII# WfeMS - JwmM iga J^ll : ' 'Mrs. Welling^. shall'.shine in youre. ott yottriotions, nor shall you . ilPpgM' **** *»*“«*■ . -«The world wiU admire you the eame--*nd *»• ; iitrteMt more Aeyou desire t" naked her husband, Thepu &€SXfWJll - - bitterly. “This marriage of hand, andnOtar . ! P V-* is nicjcketji We. hare played the ferce I| * T «v- tenns of a separation. Nay, don’t tremble and currency. The principle upon Wu. . y. a»d ding to me now-for I ehaU bjoUberd Page & Bacon 'started was adopted by a co^ I t ..to youa.; As much of my lorfcnne shall boyouTß , . A , iisyoMesire.'’ J “7 porary house,.and no donbt they madomoney nou.. ffIS&WII - flepushed.herfromhim. She fen upon the oatofit P. &B. have taken the hint, and they TlratLBw |ll§M , 3! - „wfa. W a heart torn with angnisb, she of tho opiblon that they can make money out mentio ned thattuu. * shrieked aloud. ;. ■ 1 of the issue of fraudulent paper, as well as ZT/ . .. . _ Frank IPrankl whydid I send yonfrom their neighbors, Clark & Brothers. Wesnppoae “ fit for the expedition to Japan. mo l Wbjdidrsaanfioe to they will; for all these proieots are generally , u , t v . J ■ Bueb.fate. as.. this? Why was I blind until, sight .. , ... ' t JZf • “ Only fifteen inohes of steam can bo obtained - &BpgS3i - Ttfooght me misery f l Mrri * a profit to those wheorigi- from heJ, and usually not more than six or seven. ■* w - "ofa. aobbinr and woi note the fraudulent schemes against the inter- Her:epeijd is but six miles per hour. We learn PwUng lnth?riTe t estsof the people, and at the winding up, the it is impossible to keep steam upon her—it passes «ta«, but cone of themo* baok '» «» l»aak» P*ok*t» the profits and the: M *•“*. Wh « <™ UdioffiUe JmmmsMksmi «**,***#*,+-*•** *** \ssetsaaetsstoitm *ssc^*®sa w ‘ - w '■ • Ial »*» 1 — 1 off atßrajpia all of a «udden, when - heaTiestiaipforihe.'Wwk tootpiawonMcap' ~> tesiia*. -' ■ DO OHO was expecting it. ihe would Stop still— — iro rocapltajaie &s a £ijr criterion of, the present ftmudsTHiliinwe, SL D, to ., mia&gsimsk-. *• . refuse to obey the.helinanihlmost wheel round; Jotsettockiwt solfae Wtansoatte wm».dn?StteßtOe: nhw afwhlch ha i« . —■ - >•• t :ahd left.in ' &***»* mtnrnsssmm . •*• he win make a strenuous effort to baredie Pow- ratatdaedfitfe. AtmsUlotLoTO- Mines ""Prepared by £••• _ ■' " **- **** ♦ turned to Norfolk on Monday. ®s He» PW a ,«*»» Ka * «tu >; '“^ a ?SggS&' | WML Ugh* KATIE YALE’S MARRIAGE; : -is. * 08, tOVE AUDXUXUEY. BY 3. T. TBOWBBIBaS. ■“lf ever I marry, - ’ Katie Yale used to say, half in. jest, half in earnest, “if over I marry, -the happy man—or the -unhappy one, if you please; —shall bo a person possessing, these three qual ifications:— First, a fortune. “Second, good-looks. “And, thirdly, common sense. “ I mention the fortune first, because I think itthe moat desirable qualification of throe.- Air ■ though I could never think of marrying a fool, or a. man whoserngliness :I-Bhouhl be ashamed of, still I thiut'otje tfithplenty of monoy would bo " preferable to living obscurely with a handsome, intolicotual i-man—to whom ooonomy -might be necessary.” • Xdo not know -how- much of this sentiment ■ came from Katie’s heart. Sho undoubtedly in dulged lofty ideas of station and stylo—but that Bhe was capable of deeper, better feelings, none . - doubted. . ■ % v At the age of eighteen she had many suitors; but as she nover gave a serious thought to more - than two, wo will follow her example, and dis carding all except those favored-,ones, consider thoir relative claims. ’ - If this wero.any other than a true story, I .^should certainly übo an artist’s privilege; and .. aim to produce an effect by making a strongcon , trast between these two favored individuals. llf I.conld have my own way, ouo should be apoor genius, and somowhnt of a hero, the other a wealthy fool, nnd somewhat of a knave. : i.;:. But the truth is— ‘ . Gar poor genius was not much of a gcnias nor ~ -very poor. Ue Was by profession nmasio teach er, and he could live very comfortably in exer cise thereof—without any hope, howevor, of over attaining to wealth. ■; Katio could not help loving Frank Minot, nnd he knew it He was certain she preferred hie society to that of Mr. Wellington whom - alone he aaw: fit to honor with the appellation of rival. This Mr. Wellington (bis companions called , .Mm the “dqkc,”) was do idiot or humback, ns «I contd bavo wished him to be, in order to tnako a good story.- On the contrary, he was a man of BO&se, education, good looks, ami fine man alters. J >■ Besides this, his income was sufficient to ena blehim to live superbly. Also, he was consider ed two or three degrees handsomer than Mr. Frank Minot Therefore the only thing on which Frank had , to. depend, was the power he possessed oyer Katie's sympathies and affections. Tbo “duke” ■ .7-altbongh just the tnan for her in every other ..; ~. oUnse,"being . blessed with a fortune, good looks and common sense—had never been able to draw those out; and the amiable oonoeited Mr. Frank ... -Waa not willing to believe that she wootd suffer mere worldly considerations to control the nspi rations of the heart However, she said to hnn, one day, when he pressed her to decide his fnto ■ “Oh, Frank! lam sorry that wo have ever - met!” ... “Sorry?” “ Yes—for we must part now—” “Part!” repeated Frank, turningpale . It was ovideut he had not expected this. ... t “ Yes—yes,” said Katie, casting down her eyes with another piteons aigh, " Frank sat by her side; he placed his arm around her waist, without heeding her feeble re sistance ; ho lowered his voice, and talked to Tier until she—tho proud Katie—wept—wept bitterly. _ “ Katie,” said he, then, with a burst of pas sion, “ I know you love me. But you are proud —ambitious—selfish! Now if you would have me leavo you, say the word—and I go!” “Go!” murmured Katie, very feebly “ go!” , - “You havo decided Whispered Frank. "Thave!" “Then, lovo, farewell!” v..■ 'Hotook.-ber hand, gazed a moment tenderly -and sorrawfaUy upon her beautiful tearful fece; - then clasped her to his bosom. She permitted the embrace. Bho oven gave way to tho impulse of the instant/ and twined her arms about his neck. Bat in a mo ment her resolution came to her aid, and 'i shet pushed him from her with a sigh. “ Shall Igo ?” be articulated. .A. feeble 'lyes” fell from her quivering lips. And an _ instant later sho was lying upon the sofa, sobbing and weeping passionately—alone. To tear tho tenacious root of love oat of her heart, had cosh her more than she had anticipa ted; and tho certainty of a golden life of laxary proved bat a poor consolation, it seemed, for the sacrifice she hod mode. Sho lay long upon the sofa, sobbing and weep ing passionately. Gradually her grief appeared to exhaust itself; her tears seemed to flow, and at length herhead was pillowed on her nrm, and her face was half hidden in a flood of beautiful ■ curls. - Tho straggle was over; the agony was passed. Sho saw Mr. Wellington enter and arose cheer fully to receive him. His manners pleased her; his station and fortune fosoinated her more. He .offered her bis hand; she accepted it. A kiss sealed the engagement—hut it wasnotsuah a kiss as Frank had given her, ana ehe oould not repress a sigh. There was a magnificent wedding. Splendidly attired, dazzling the eye with her beauty, with everything around her swimming in the charmed atmosphere of foiry-land, Katie gave her hand to the man her ambition—not her love had chosen. But she was not long in discovering that there was something wanting in her own breast. Her friends were numerous; her husband tender, kind, and loving; but all the attentions and affections she enjoyed oould not fill her heart. She had once felt its cords of sympathy moved by a skillfull touch ; and now they were silent, motionless, mnfiloJ, so to speak; in silks nod satins. In short, Katie in time became magnifi cently miserable, -splendidly unhappy. . Then a change became apparent iaher hus band. ne.could not long remain blind to the fact that his love wns not returned. He sought the company of those whose gaiety might lead % Mm to forget the sorrow and despair of his soul; and impelled by powerful longings for love, hB went astray to warm his heart by a . strange fire. Katie saw heraelf now in the midst of a gor geous desolation. She reproached her husband for deserting her thus; and he answered her with angry taunts. “You do not care for me,” he cried; “then why do you complain that .1 bestow elsewhere the affections that you havo mot with oold - ness ? ” “ But it is wroDg—sinful,” Katie remonstrot cd. ' “ Yes, I know it! ” said her husband, fiercely. “It IS the evil fruit of an cvil seed. And who . .sowed, that seed ? Who gave mo ahond without a heabt—who devoted mo to the fate of a loving, unloved, husband ? Nay, do not weep, and clasp year hands and sigh—for I say nothing you do 1 not deserve to hear.” “ Tory well,”: said Katie, calming herself, “ I will not soy your reproaches are undeserved. Bat granting that I am the cold, deceitful thing you call me,. yea know this state of things can not continno.” ; “ Yes, I know it.” “Well ? ” Mr. Wellington’s brows gathered darkly.; his eye flashed*with determination/his lips onflod ' with scorn. r ;.] “ I have mado up my mind,” said he, “that we.ehonld not live together any longer. lam called the husband of the splendid Mrs, Wellington. I will move in my circle; you shall shme in yours. I will place no restraint on your actions, nor shall you on mine. We will bo-free.”- “Bat the world ? ” sold Katie, trembling. - “The world will admire yon the what more do you desire? ” asked her husband, bitterly. . “Thu marriage of hands and not of ■hearts, is mockery, We, have played the force lob&enongh. Farewell. I go to consult the terms of a separation. Nay, don’t tremble and cry, nna cling to mo now—for I shall be liberal to you. As much of my fortune’ shall be yours ciasyoo desire." ... He pushedher from him. She fell upon the .sofa. From a heart torn with angoiah, she shrieked olond. -; z ’! “Frank! Frank! why did I send you from ... me t Whjr did I saerifiee love and happineeb to "snob fate as this? Why was 1 blind until sight brought me misery ? 1 . She lay oon tbe sofa, sobbing.and wee* i u, „ ..-jping "pMtiioiiiitoly. QradQiilly her grief appeared t MWMt t «Bdntb«Oaa>atßtiM( tottumd tut*inuic*ofu*C«ttaMa Hoad,aadtm*d*»cUn* to U* Oosaca Bmtgtol ffg* Messrs. S. M. PErmram i Cix, who arc prompt, hon est and gentlemanly in (heir business transactions, are the only authorised agents lu the dtlcs of Now York and Boston fur the Jfornwg fbst. Thoy: aro authorised to receive Ad •.vcrti3omonts and Subscriptions for us at our nsool rates. Their receipts aro regarded as payments. Their offices ore at NEW iOKK, 122 Nassau street. BOSTON, 10 State street •r-rcrx jod rßimssa.j. mTlogrweeaUymddUrfktdllfljjwcif Hrw ufs Dumm Tm wonr Km ssd JobUlfteea, *«ara to* mpurt to da p&ZSTIBO OP ALL UIfDS, la Ota &«UMlsi£W»M4 spcß Uta lawaat Uras. Erary im and variety tt Typa, fm SftjUa* Pie* dawn ta PiiTaand,will saw be found In «u uUulre Job OSes. tilTaU ae®U. .SPSAKER OF TIIB HOUSE. Many persons have been named for this res ponsible position, and wo are free to admit that we consider them and worthy.— Bat, there is ono who has beeu named in wham wo feel an especial interest: wo refer to our fel loW'cilucn Qeoboe F. Gumoue. Ho is in every respect eminently qualified for the position, and shoatd be bo chosen, ho will make ono of the most competent presiding officers that has ever been sotectcd by the representatives in oar Leg islature. TIII2 MAYORALTY What is the matter with oar friend of the Journal on ttic question of tho Mayoralty? He should be up and doing. Bawyer is at work, so is Glenn, and Barker is busily enghged marshal ing his forces in the five wards that he says he is certain to carry. The Journal should be ac tive, for if it is not, we are apprehensive that the Barker faction of the whig party will triumph in the nomination. The fact is, that the Journal treated Barker in rather an unkind manner when ho was a can didate for Sheriff. It denounced MagilL but, from a feeling of envy, eonld not go in for Bar ker. The Gazette bad more cunning. It sup ported Magiil, and by doing so, secured the Sheriff’s priatiog. At the same time it abased Barker, it gave him to understand in a sly man ner, that it rronld support him for Mayor against the Journal man. Joe was -delighted with this information, and he now feels secure. He thinks that he and the Deacon can trip up the Journal, and that with tho aid of the hurrah whiga ho will be the next whig candidate for Mayor. Our as piring cotemporaiy has ascertained tho conspi racy going on between Barker and the Deacon,' and is preparing a new list of names inviting him to be a candidate. When it appears we will jgive notice, but it must come out soon, or he is lost The American has taken a most decided stand in favor of Mr. Sawybb. He is prompted to this coarse by a spiteful feeling to the editor of the Journal, and a desire to head the editor of the Gazelle. They are both offensive to his sight, and he desires to have a man in the Mayor's of fice, over whom he can have same control. The editor of the Journal thinks that none bnt him self dan be his parallel; the Deacon has en gaged Barker for tho season, and the American man thinks he can “ cut it fat” by going for Sawyer, in opposition to both of them. Whnt the success of either of the three aspirants may be, wo ore nnable to say, but we are of the opin ion that Biddle, White aod Biddle, will have a happy time of it in carrying out their peouliar and individual views. BAD CDttBKSCY We have been requested by persons on the tine of the Ohio and Mississippi Railroad, in this county, to call attention to the kind of cur reocy which is being put in circulation by the Company or its agents. The following is a copy of one of the notes, which are almost exclusive ly used to pay hands for their labor, and farmers for their produce : 3 a] No. ism I‘aok & ba oos. a raw 3 BANKING HOUSE, ST. LOUIS, MO. XL 3 StLoaii [Vignette] July 1,1852. XL 3 This certifies that Thomas-Brown has deposited t» TT XL this qffict 59 3 THREE DOLLARS, W V? payable in bearer, ai the Banking linueof Flagg <£ it g Savage,Quincy, JZL - THUS. BROWN, Casb'r. w We are told that this ioforior cnrreuoy has driven from circulation all other kinds, and is the only thing in the shape of “ monoy” need in the lower ond of this county. We suppose the road is to be built with that kind of trash, and that afterward the circulation will go the way of the Whitewater currency. We had a law some few years ago, which for bid, under heavy penalties, the circulation Of snob paper as this trashy stuff, but we believe it was repealed by the Whig Legislature in 1846. It is to be hoped the Legislature now in ses ■ sion will take this matter into consideration, and pass laws sufficiently stringent to baDish this “ Page & Bacon,” and ail other like stuff, from circulation among ns. We find the above in the Cincinnati Enquirer. Such are the means by which the people in many cases aro robbed, and the bankers make the profits Wo are astonished to find Page & Bacon resorting to this kind of speculation to swell their plathorio coffers. ' They have al ways been considered sound, and in all financial transactions moro reliable than the rotton Bank of Missouri. But it appears that they have de parted from their usnot course, and are now fol lowing in the wake of Clarke & Brothers. From our. knowledge of Pago & Bacon, wo would not suppose that they would Btoop to a speculation, whioh they know to be absolute fraud. Let any man of common sense rood the title of the note, and can he oome to any other conclusion than, that it is intended to perpetrate a fraud? We think not. The project is one of the thousand whims that hare been started year after year to swindle the people through the means of a worthless paper currency. The principle upon which Messrs. Page & Bacon started was adopted by a cotem porary house,, and no doubt they made money out of it P. &B. have taken the hint, and they are of the opinion that they can make money out of the issue of fraudulent paper, as well as their neighbors, Clark &J3rothers. We suppose they will; for:ail these preJeots are generally carried through with profit to those who origi nate the fraudulent schemes against the inter ests of the people, and at the winding up, the bank or the banker pockets the profits and the. confiding people pay the losses. .This is one Of the beauties of the irresponsible paper money system.' , ” ■ New Tobk -Cahaxs.—The Albany Argos says the canal commissioners hare determined not to : designate any day for dosing the eahals of the Slater-being desirous that navigation BhoddbO continued aisiong as the weather will permit. '-' AaEAsaak—TheJDomocratio inembers of tie lsegislaturehave norninatedin canons, by the tntHthird role, Hon. XT. K. Sebastian, U. S, Senator, and George C. Watkins, for Chief Jnstiee. - J-t , 4 J , v . i BLACKWOOD’S MAGAZINE. We have received from the American publish ers, the lost number of this able British periodi cal. Blackwood well maintains ; its ancient co lebrity, as the best of the British periodical publications. The'-chief advantage in subsori b.ng far Blackwood, Is the early reading which subscribers obtain of those highly interesting works of Bulwer, and other well known authors, which are published in each number. It was this magazine which first published The Caxtons and My Novel;.The Green Hand, Katie Stewart, ne.d other beautiful tales by authors of celebrity. Leonard Scott & .C0.,-79 Fultoc streejt, New T.jrk, are the American publishers of Black wood, and to this address all communications should be mailed. Items of News and Miscellany. A tape worm, measuring over two hundred foot long, was takon from a child at Nashville last week. The expenses of tho City Alma house of New York city, daring tho month of October, amount ed to $41,027 78.' A census of tho school ohildren of Cincinnati, just taken, gives the numbor over four yours of age as being 87,919. Tho cholera has again made its appearance at Hickman, Ky., and several deaths have oc curred. G. P. R. James, the novelist, has arrived at Norfolk to. assume the duties of British Consul. Tho shirt sewers of New York are to hold a fair at Metropolitan Ballon tho7thof December. Silas Motoalf, Esq., of Newport, N. H., re cently a member of the Legislature, commit ted suicide last week, by hanging himself to a bod-post, while his wife was preparing break fast. Mrs. George Barton, of Cincinnati, died in that city on the'l7th insL, from eating on Sat urday at dinner of what is supposed was a poi soned chicken, which was- purchased in market. At Cincinnati, on Saturday last, the hog mar ket was- again very notivc, and tho sales Touched 6500 head, including 100, 800, 500, 200, and 1800—all at $6. and 1200 do (slop) delivered at Aurora nt $5 20. The market closed very firm at SG, and some holders ask $G 25. A writer at Salt Lake, addressing the St. Louis Intelligencer, says fully one third, and porhaps one-half of tho Mormon community, are English, whilo of the Amcrioan population by far the greater number como from New York and tho other Middle and Eastern States A German chemist, named Von Broisaoh, bos invented a kind of artificial guano, which can be bad at less cost and is equal in quality to the natural. Tho government of Bavaria have de termined to give Mr. Von Brcisach evory assist ance in their power. It is stated that there is ono judge of the courts of Vermont who was indieted for selling liquor, acknowledged the oorn, aud was fined at the very session of the court whore ho was an tho bench- Dr. Ed. St. Leger Hough was shot dead on the night of tho 6th ultimo, in Izard county Ark., whilo returning from a professional visit. In Taylor county, lowa, nt the late election for State officers, every vote given was for the democratic tioket. S@“ “ A lady Kontributer” sends us “ono of 'my poims,” with permission to publish. Like most ladies’ poetry, it has something to do with “love and the b’hoys,” tbotigboar "Lady Kon tributer,” seems to reside very neora vogitable garden—at least her “ poim,” would indicate sneb a residence. Only hear one strain from this votress of -love and sucootash. The corn la np an’ growin fast, My lav to you will alwntt last; The bean* is yallcran’ sitting ripe— Do como and see mo every night- A Schooluasteb Loose. —The Fayetteville (N. C.) Observer pnbliahea tho following adver tisement sent them by a correspondent, who says it lately appeared in a publio place, written by a Lincoln county Schoolmaster. He should be promoted immediately, if he is still living. NOTICE. On wensday tho Ist of September I will offor far sale to the hiest Bider on a Credit of Twelve months 4 hed of horses and 50 bed stok hogs and 10 hed of sheep and 4 acors of oorn with house hold and Citching furniture Custom Receipts for October. 1851. 1852. New York $2,020,898 $2,897,378 Boston.. 499,203 438,981 Philadelphia 386,000 207,840 Baltimore 98,430 68,584 Charleston 96,818 33,161 New Orleans 835,000 183,188 ,$8,865,360 $8,218,677 The increase at New York, it ia seen, is $377,- 000. The aggregate decrease at all the other ports is $514,000, and the total decrease for the month at the six ports taken together is $187,- 000. So far as the revenne indicates the value of importations, it thus appears that the foreign commerce of the country remains without essen tial change in amount. Filuku Teeth oveb Exposed Nkevks. —Dr. S. P. Halliken, of Wheeling, Va., has discovered a method whereby the cavities of teeth over ex posed nerves may be snccessfally plugged up. It s this t The diseased parte of the tooth are re moved to make it apparent that the nervo is ex posed. The fang is then perforated through tbo pun into the nervo cavity. The opening shonld le of üboat the size of n email knitting needle; ita object is to open the blood vessels of the nerve, which will at onco bo known by tbe flow of arterial blood. The oavity of the tooth may thon be filled without the least fear of pain or ill consequences. Tho plan has been successful ly practised in a great number of oases. Hith erto a tooth having an exposod nervo could not be filled and prevent pain and tooth-aoho.—Scien tific American. How to " Finish” a Dauouteh — For the at tainment of this end, Puneh gives the following directions:— 1. Be always telling hor how pretty sho is. 2. Instil into her mind n proper love of dress. 8. Acoaßtom her to so much pleasure that she is never happy at home. Allow her to read nothing bat novols. 6. Teaoh her all tbe accomplishments but none of of tbe utilities of life. G. Keep her in tbe darkest ignorance of tbe mysteries of housekeeping. 7. Initiate her into the principle that it is vul gar to do anything for herself. 8. To strengthen tbe latter-belief, let her have a ladies’ maid. 9. And lastly, having given her suoh an edu cation, marry her to a clerk in the Treasury, upon £75 a year, or aa ensign that is going oat to India. If, with the above careful training, your daugh ter is not finished, yon may be sure it is no fualt of yonrs, andyou mußt look npon her escape os nothing short of a miracle. Tbs U. B.' Stkahbbip Pbinceton.—Wo hove already mentioned that this vessel has been found unfit for the expedition to Japan. The Norfolk Argus says: . “ Only fifteen inches of steam can be obtained from her, and usually not more than six or seven. Her! speed is but six miles per hour. We learn it is impossible to keep steam upon her—lt passes off almost as soon as it is generated. When on her wayfromAnnapolis to this place, she played' a good many fantastic trioks, somewhat similar to those that an'obstinate horse praotises when: he to go. Occasionally she would start off at a rapid all of a sudden, when [no one was expecting it, she would stop still— then, Rafter, getting under way again, she would refuse to obey the helm and almost wheel round; indeed;! all her movements were sullen, strange and inexplicable. Com. Perry, who,came down with her, was exeeedingly mortlfied, and left in the first conveyance for -Washington to report her .doings .to the pepartment; ; tt is toought he will make a strenuous effort to have the Pow hatan substituted in her place. Com. Perry re turned to Norfolk on Monday.” '/ .i ~ ,ar* '-.j "TV- ii'. ' ’ THE SIAMESE-TWISTS. r’ days gone by, havs ta ken'nlively interest in the welfare of Messrs.' Eng and Chafig Bankers, tbe. celebrated Siamese Twins, may be glad to learn that these gentle men are.well, -and lire at Meant Airy, in this (Surry)- county, surrounded by their wives and children. % • ' Mr. Eng has six and Mr. Chang five children, all of whom ore apt scholars and remarkably well behaved, manifesting the strongest possible desire to learn their, lessons and to seonro the good will of their teacher. - They' all partake strongly: of the most refined "Siamese cast of Countenance, form and: manner of-r deporting themselves. In troth, they are a credit.to their parents, and to the community inwhiohthey live. Messrs. Chang and Eng are alike remarkable for their industry and belligerent 'dispositions. They are strict and thorough going business men, and woe to the unfortnnato wight who dareß to insalt them. Formerly they resided injWilklne county, but in consequence of the numerous notions for as aault and' battery brought against them in the county, they removed into the adjoining county; shortly after which they were fined $l5 and costs at Rookfbrd, the county seat, for splitting a board into splinters over the head of a man who had insulted them. As regards tbe supposed sympathy existing between them, it may be stated that their most intimate acquaintances deem them to be entirely independent of everything of the kind, and give ns instances to snstain their opinion; that not long since they attended an auction sale of hogs, and bid against each other till they ran up the priccs_altogether above the market rates. Also, that on one occasion s!r. Eng.or Chang, was ta ken ill and took to his bod,' where he lay com; plaining for some time, although his brother scolded him eeverely all the while for detaining him in bed when ho onght to have been .attending to the business of their plantation, fir On another occasion, ad they were passing np the road, a gentleman inquired of them where they were going—whereupon Mr. Eng -replied, “I am going over the Bins Ridge in a stage;" at the same instant Mr. Chong, looking over his shoulder, replied, with ap arch smile, “I am go ing bock home to look after oar wives and chil dren." When questioned about thoir mother some time since by an acquaintance, they stated that they had formerly reoeived letters from her, but latterly they-hod heard-no tidings of her, and even if they, were to receive letters from her, written in the Siameso language, they would not be able to read them, as they had forgotten their mother tongue. They are excellent bauds to carry np a corner of a log house—exceeding all their neighbors In catting saddles and notches in corner togs—both of them wielding tho aie witb'a power and dex terity superior to any of the most expert wood cutters in this wooden country. When they chop or fight, they do so double handed; and in dri ving a horse or chastising thoir negroes, both of them use the lash withoat mercy. A gentleman who purchased a black man a short time ago from them, informed tho writer he was “the worst whipped negro he ever saw.” They are inveterate smokers and obewers of to bacco—each chewing his qnid and smoking bis own pipe; it has been remarked, howevor, in support of the sympathy supposed to prevail throughout their systems, that as a general rule, when ono4akea a fresh qnid, the other does the samo. It is also generally admittod that there is a marked difference in tho systems aniT tem peraments of the gentlemen, but still they al most Invariably draw tho Borne inference from topics submitted to their consideration, and ar rive at similar conclusions. Mr. Eng not uofre qnently gives serious offence to Mr. Chang, by jestiog him abont his having one more child than he has. When shooting, (a sport they are very fund of,) one sights of takes aim, and the other, it is said, pulls the trigger; now if this.be true, it would go far to-prove the doctrine of supposed sympathy existing between the brothers, but it is questioned by most of the ncighbqys. They readily admit and acknowledge them selves to entertain a strong Christian faith or belief and are regular attendants at chnrch and other religions meetings, where they deport themselves as becomes good citizens of the land of their adoption. They are strong politicians, and take a lively interest in all eleetlons that occur in. their district. As the writer was in formed by a lady, of Monnt Airy, ‘‘they are mighty stay at home people"—rarely ever going from home unless called away by business. Qrtaiboro’, if. C., Patriot. COISAOB OF TBS. fijSTS OF THE U, STATES.*— Since the first of January last, there have been coined at tho U. 8. Mpt in Philadelphia and its several branches, $45,271,060 in gold, $737,604 in silver, and $40,335 in copper—total, $40,049,- 589. The deposits of gold at the several mints daring the some time, amounted to $43,903,865, of which $43,446,809 was from California. The deposits of gold at Philadelphia sinoe the first Inst., amount t 6 $4,792,000, against $4,- 960,000 for the same time lost year. Another steamer is now nearly due with a large amount of gold dust, but the total deposits for the year will hardly reach the amoont deposited during the year 1851. In that year the deposits of gold for November and December were 11,762,609, of which $109,121 wereforeign gold. This amount will hardly bo reached for the months of tho oorrent year. Tbo deposits of foreign gold, (ohlefly coin,) for the first ten months of the torrent year, at all the mintß, have increased, os compared with the some period of 1851, $833,681. In domestic gold, the deposits of California gold have fallen oif $BO,- 596, but the amount from other States has In creased $112,742. COMMERCIAL SUMMARY. CINCINNATI MARKET, November 25. Finn*—The foreign new* per America baa Lad do effect upon the market Tbe sales Onlay comprised 62S bbls at $3,90; 82 do at $3,9* 600 do at $1; 100 and 200 do at $4,05; and 1000 bbls, deliverable any time in December, at $0,90, Inspection guaranteed. Received during tbe last 24 hours 3205 bhls. Hogs— The market for Hogs retained its bajancy to-day, notwithstanding tbe unfavorable weather, and upon most of the lots purchased a premium was paid in addition to tho prioo quoted. Holder* are very firm M none arc willing to sell at $O. Tbo receipts are increasing; tho Cindnn&U, Ham ilton, and Dayton Railroad brought in 2450 hood to day, and tho Little Miami Railroad, 1170 do, Tho sales comprised 2000 head, in lots, at $O. Pmmsroxa—Sales to day of 2200 pieces Shoulders, In salt, (slop) at OWe: 800 and 1500 green Hams at 8c; 1600 green Shoulders at blfc 78 Ucrccs Nol Lard at 2200 pieces Shoulders, deliverable from salt In February, at OJto 200 bbls N r o 1 Lard, deliverable 10th December, actual tore, at lOO do No 1 country, deliverable from Ist to 30th of dauaary. at lOq 1000 ,bbl» Moss Pork, deliverable at Madi son, at $10,25; we also understood that 8000 bbls Mess Pork sold, deliverable at Louisville, $10; hare It la held consid erably ahovi: this—gro«rally at $l7. _ „ • BOSTON, Nov. 23. Flqco—Thoro continues agooddemand for Flour for home consumption, -with sales to cupply the samo at prices not materially changed from our fbrmor report. Gunn—Solos are confined to lota for Immediate use, In conscqnance of the high nricos, and tho market is not very active. soino paroels yellow have changed hands at We « boahet. 52053c. Ryo 85090 bush „ „ U3UISVILLE, NOT. 25. Coil axd Wood.—No receipts from Pittsburgh. T(m!»v retail prices era 140 $ bushel, Pomeroy Coal 10@12c. Wood ranges from $1,50 to $4 $ wagon toed, Provunovs a»b Uan.—The market Li stimulated, and prices havo advanced through the wbek, with sales early In tho week, of 25,000 bkmds of Mem Pork at $15,25015,60 « bbl; and sales today of 2,600 bhls at $15,750118 4 hhU Green meats hare been active, with sales thronghihowoek of 25,000 Hams ftom tho Mock, at 7J ,? llm jS ssi »*»*»! 13do$3^Several Jota of haritled sold as follows, oh toe same day, all fTOmtoC: KS. iala “I $120; 22 da at $l2B, and 54 do at $l3O « . .f** took place on . Monday of neu&fiOO 8 “M® *dyaace of )SQ£} ; on: former Tates. - Balance of *weato.tb6 week-unimportant. ..Yesterdsrafarther ad- $l,T& beingthe flgnrtk.acd at which the A emalllot Lower Mines sold at s^so Fboosys ro Nrw Ou*ahh.—Flour 25c. Pork And whisky 25c. Hemp Tobacco $2. Corn 7c. •> ■•• •*' * f »**.. n - \ 1 ' t ’ * * ■* . . Good GompuUoOi t lap Tha farJTiniam EcmlaU, awell-known Methodist dcvgyman* residing r t Naples, draws the following amusing bat apt comparison, between Dr. IFLanafe cdebrated,Yct«_ mtfag© ku& alteet >i T “ , when placed at Xbo entrance of a rat-bole, outers ptgsag**-, sdieatxpontfrerat, exterminates ils existence,And draws tho animal’! defunct' Wrcasi to the light And In Hka m.vT n w» hate Lfbund Dr. MHano’s American Vermifuge to operate upon THorxas, those dreadful and dangerous tormentors of children. This remedy, like the ferret, enters the aperture of tho'mouth, travels down the gullet, bunDrtUhiLihesibmsebvUys hold. *k ft k e * thejlfb eufc of the reptiles, sweep*. cle&p ihdr den, and carries their clear out of tha ■*3f w* This, atleastjhaa heoh the effect of the Vermifuge uponnxy children;' * V d Mr: Eonlattj Sfr. John Briggs, adopts tha simile efthe Rev. certifier, thus both giving their most une quivocal approval of this great specified after havlngjirit nosaod Its operation upon their own- children. Let others try itj and he satisfied. i t For sale by most of the Drugglsta-and Merchants! end by the sole proprietors. - j. KIDD A CO novSfcdAw \ ; 60-Wood street,; LARD • - WATSON is now/engaged in slaughtering FIVE THOUSAND HOGS; and will bare y• /m « large stock of BULK PORK, of his own coring. Also, a No. 1 article LARD, in barrels and kegs. For sale at his Ware house, come* of-Liberty and street*. - nor23:lm* A Practical Salesman Wanted t 'i IN A CLOTHINO STORE. Enquire at - novghtf , , . ,; . . ~ THIS OFPICE: T>hANKETS—26O pair superior Blankets, justreedvai at X> a a mason & ca’s, .62 and 61 Market street ; SILK BONNETS—Just received, at A A Maao.v A Ca’s, a Urge assortment of winter Silk and Satin Bonnets, of tho latest and most fashionable styles. nor 29 SHAWLS— A A 31iso2f A will open, this morning, two cases premium gold medal Shawls, brilliant colors, nov29 • ,7 PLAIDS— A beautiful assortment of VlaUs, brilliant col ore, Just received at A A. MASON St- CO.’S, oot2& Gland 64 Market street rO W)AX—Several Thwi«n({ Dollars, oa approved of B, y. WEDDELL, Rcnl Efilatb Agent por2g comer of Smllhfleld tmj Fifth ihL, Pittsburgh. ANTED—Time BUls on Cincinnati, St tools or New Ofens. THOMPSON BELL A 00., ‘ Exchance Brokers. corner of Third wSlSfet aSk Ohio §am> pen ha*ly an ia juuuu'iAi* arucK— Wanted, 00 shares. THOMPSON BKLL k CO, • Exchange Broxets, comer of Third azul Market street*. Removal. SCUTIIBKRT & SON, ture nmoTed thdirßetl Sittts' • and General Agency Office, to No. 140 Thlrtf street, iwo doors below flmlthficld. nor 29 WANTKD.— A Hand Loom' Wearer, and to wo A in a country Woolen Factory, a Jew mOcs bom tile city; to whom good wages and constant employment will bo given. A man with a family would be preferred, who coold have bouse and garden, rent free. a COTHB£UT k SOS, 1-10 Third street, near SmUhfield. • DASCIN6I ~ I MR. AND MRS. GILBERT most respect full? ioform the tidies aad Gentlemen ol Pittsburgh* titat they hare engaged ARTHURS HALL, Grant street; where they will teach all the Fashionable Ball Room Dance*. The Class for Gentlemen will commence on Monday evening. S9Lh inaiant, at 7 o'clock; and at 2 o'clock on Wednesday afternoon, lor Ladles. " • nor 29 The last exhibition dp bontaits wonder- 1 FUL DREAM OP THE PILGRIM’S PROGRESS, will be given TO-NIGHT, at Phuo ITall, Third street There will also be an - Exhibition of the PANORAMA, Tills AFTERNOON, at 3 o'clock J on which .occasion Chil dren’s Tickets will bo sold at the door tbroxs baiX'eachl 45" Excellent Mode, from flTe beautiful instruments,acr company the Panorama while moving. . nor2D:lt NEW CABFET STORE l So. 47 Flflli Street, near Wood. ON hand and daßy rbedring, an entirely new and com plete assortment of Imported and American CARPET INGS, OIL CLOTHS, tc, which are offensl at the lowest caAh prices. Purchasers are solicited to call and our stock, consisting of— ' Velvets mid Brussels; Tapestry Brussels; Printed Tapestries; Extra and Super Threo p]y ; . do do Ingrain; ' Twilled and Plain Venltian, Low priced Carpetings; Floor and Stair Oil Goths; Cocoa and Canton Mattings, lings, Slatts, Piano and Table Covers, Wlodow Shades, Vexdtlan Blinds, Stair Rods, Ao, Lt-, of every description. fnov2o] ROBINSON A CO. A Rare Chuce for a Profitable InTeiU ment on Long Credit. / ‘TWTE WILL SELL, between now and the 15tb of Decern- Tf ter next, at private sale, the CEDAR GROVE FDIL SAGE, situated In Perry county, Tennessee, within • two miles of the Tennessee River, (easy access to the river,) to gether with TEN THOUSAND ACRES OF TIMBER LAND, and sufficient Hirer Bottom Land far tanning porrfwpf. • The Cedar GroteTurnaees have* Double Stack, Machi nery of Brstrale quality} consisting of two 42 inch Boiler*; 45 (bet long; 20 inch lever cylender*; C foot stroke, the Furnaces are capable of blaring hot brcold blast*— two Furnaces at the same, time— - with all necessary; imple ments for carrying on basins** atonce,.wagans, carts, Ac. The abovo works have made over ninety tons Pig Metal per week. They are offered tor sale on liberal, terms, on long time, to close a partnership concern- Approval securi ty will bo required, with alien on the property until paid. TiUe indisputable. Apply to J. B: APNICKLE, Cincinnati, Ohio. F. R. LANIER, " at Brownsport Furnace, ron th* premises. UoT2Cfc3t— NaihrrQle American. VALUABLE FABHAT PUBLIC HAT/g THE undersigned* Executor* of tile Estate of Cot JO SEPH BAKE, deceased, -will offer at Public Sale, at the late residence of the said decedent, fn Bu 100 township, 'Washington county. Pa., on TUESDAY, the 21st day of Do comber, the Yal uahle Farm of said deceased, in Union town ship, about one mile from Fhrteyville, balf-a jnflofrom Min go Meeting House, on the Brownsville Read, to Pittsburgh, containing TWO HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-' PTYE ACRES OP PRIME LAND, and well adapted to grain growing-and grating. The Farm abounds to god spring*. There are about TWO HUNDRED ACRES CLEARED, and tho remainder timbered. The improvement* are a two story stono DWELLING HOUSE, stone Spring Houm, two Barns, (one of them a Bank Ram,) with Sta bling; ami oßnecessary buildings. There is also a Tenant House and two orchards of good Fruit on tho premises, Ac.; adjoining lands of John Kenne dy, Esq, Dr. Lank, William Dawson, William Huston, and others, and will be offered separately or together, to suit purchasers. ALSO—One-half Acre of Coal LmiH, on Mingo crook, near WhlteficltT* Steam Mill, with a Coal Bank on it. * ALSO—Ten shares of stock in the Washington and Wil liamsport Turnpiko Road Qampany. The sale will be held on tho premises, commendugat l o’clock, P. Herald day, when the terms of rale will be made known by ROBERT LOVE, JOHN BAKU, Executors. N. R—lf tho above property Is. noi sold on raid day, it will be offered for rent fur oho year. JftOT2fc3tw-- Washington Examiner* ' r : ■ ■ Orphant f Uourt v —; - PURSUANT to an order of tho Orphans* Court of ADeeho ny county, dated October 20th, 1562, tlie understaied' will expexw to public sale, on the promiaevneariy opposite .to McKeesport,on Wednesday, tho 23d day or December, 1852, at ten o’clock, A. M* a large and excellent farm, con talmng 179 acres, moreor less: Beginnings! a black oak,on • tho line of land owned by John Curry, thence South eighty flvo degrees East, one hundred and twenty-four perches, to to a sugar tree on the bank of tho Monongahela river’’ thence down along the bonk of said river, by theseveial courses of the same, one hundred and sixty-onc perches, to a walnut on tho hank of said river; thence North seventy seven degrees West, one hundred and forty-air porebes, to a walnut: thence North TO degrees West, rixty-rix perches to a white oak; thence South thirtyooe and a half degrees West, one hundred and seven perches to a point on the line of John Curry's land; thence South thirty-five degrees East, by a straight line to a black oak, the place of hennaing. b»h pro petty adjoins lands of raid John Cuiry, r Jamee dunnlne ham, &L Dravo A Sons, and McPhinney Snodgrass, from for. ty-flvo to fifty acres of which tract are excellent bottom land, from twenty-five to thirty acres are coal with pit opened, and about ninety acros are cleared. On (be above premises are erected one frame house,'a bam and oubbußainga and a tenant house. The terms will be favorable as to time of payment, and will he ma/le known at rale. Tho titio is indisputable. Persons desiring a farm, or a safe investment, «re Invited and enquire of John W hi gham, op- SAMUEL CUNNINGHAM, - JOHN WORK, \ . L. FRANKLIN CUNNINGHAM, _ . THOM AS B. PATTERSON, nov2»-dotA2tw Ex*eof Jphaffop»^"ffhe m i^ a, * , *l A LARUE a*ortmont of Men, Women, iloys, Tooths, Misses and Children’s Boots and Shoes.'on h&ud, and will be sold low for cash, at No. 107 Market ft. - • ‘ - JWY27_ W, R. SCHMERTZj /; BLANK' BOOKS—For Merchants, Clerks of Courts, Railroads and Inreranoe Companies, or everrdeecrfD. tlon, furnished at abort uotke, by . ;• . . J. R. W JSLDIN, Bookseller and Stationery nov2s 03 Wood sU between Third and Fourth. t'HB GREAT VESETABUe ncirnnyi Ult. 11. B. MYi'.ll'S EJZTHACT. Dradvleon. WUd Cherry and Sarsaparilla rnHIB TnluaWemedical preparation differs entirely from 1 any simple •* Extract of Sarsaparilla,"'or common pnrt- WSPISSiSiSbJr “a compound of many most CUBANS INO maiICINKS, with others acting directly on' tbs Kid .noys, or haring Immediate reference tothoreuefsnd contin ue healthy operation of some internal organa. It contains artlcloswbUcntolnta™ ez*cn», to, the taste, and Is more concentrated. 1 STRONGER, BETTER AND than any oUior In tha market. , Pereons who hAre taken «Bursaparilla” by the gallon, without relief hard been ml ically cored by udngtwo or three bottleaThls lathe only compound In which Dandelion, Wild Cherry and SareanuU. ia are » prepared to offer the peculiar rfctnoa of cachTla °omWnatlon with pare extracts of other healing erticH ta ! nhlkhlyconcentrated rtata. Its IngrcdlratHS randy BJtabl 6 , wtd are such roots and baxka as are fbundTlhough chlrty adding certain parte, in their, general tmdancy, to produce the most cleansing and healing effect*. - . • 'ms hipossSlS To care many diseases. Dropsies, Kidney Complaints, it, P® WjUeiy Ham on from the Bloody or corrupt fr : ntettng secretions of diseased organ* from the body, vilhoat tnorouwi operations on the Kidneys,, ascaused by tide’ medicine: •No other extracts cron pretend to thlsefleetw- In feet, this yery operation, fcr which it Is particularly cota- »"**”**«■ ********* m Aid, CASES fly DEOPSY, nse this msdldn#; t. will rellere. It has cared when llfe'lteelf was des paired otlV contains erades thatwOl rare, if anything canTand tatas 1 the, only method to caake i . 'SHIP PETER I SHIP EEVER! ' ‘ 1 ! ■sssaiii “*• i - bw - ~ -"smFrEYERHAS BEEN.'cirnwn - : ~- ‘' ‘ ‘’l «2S&£?. maUgnantdleeeee, which W'hare to*«xhfhtt.-- TESimomr 0? PfftSICIANR. ' -> -i : ftaneUmiimese t M.D,-* . onnwh®baXsUd?ffi,£fefe ny^nrekUratotheefftetaofth&inadicinejaaprepsredrby Treparedby, HIKES 4 BIOEL ‘ ." f t .. '• ■' - :• . A **.* ■*» .. f .... . .. % - * ; . , •. ». v*- ■*• •SEW JUJVEBTISEIEBHTS, PHILO HALL I \ , • -*T. v>- s'r .85“ Birch Wlae, Wtne ot-Vtat, tod Wines, of boSOT tha tmb. lie, bat It has remained fcr tho JrOMST WINE to blend'in ons compoundUm peculiar medical rlrttuuaf cnchcf than important articles, whoae aetkmfcss »■ «peei(!oln®umee in curing thoao peculiar chronic, kUnefcatomach and oerrosa diseases, canaing debility and prostration, often bfa scrims nature. Tho FOBEST WINE I* one of the best tonieairi use, haring all the strengthening’properties of Wine; vith thoboalingand medicinal qualities of the roots and herbs from vhleh it is distilled. * -■ -Ks“Soe adrertlsement in another column of thr* paper. ~- sold Wholesale and BetaU by Br. GEO, U. KEYSES, lto, corner of Wood street and Virpn- alley, 'Pittsburgh, al so, by JAMES T. SAMPLE, north-west earner/ 1 of Federal street and theDlaumnd,'Allegheny City.- norlWaw" 49* Dr. GuysottU Improved Eziiut ot TellorrOoekand Sarsaparilla; <* a 3un£au. • - are eunod With grerlous teas* plaintrvhieh they Inherit from their parents; -She nee of the YeOow’Eack and&xnapariSa will pment allthls, and ore a Tart amount of misery, and many Tilnahleßrce, lor it thoroughly apcUfron thexytta a {As latent tatntfWhkh U the seed of. disease. and so takes off -the corse hr which tharinaormiafintixnesof the parentt araso often tirited upon thefr innocent oi&pringi- -- '' ' • • - . Parents owe it to .their children to guard them fo* effects of mud idler that mar be trr eMldrea of parents thi harOatany time be« affSS with Cbnnoiptim, Scrtfulct or Syphilis, owe U to themnlres to takeprewUion'egßiajt the disease being reTiTed in them. of yellow Dock and fiamparfllais •mi* antidote In such eases. - • - 49* See advertisement. Positively pro prietos ofthe artide called American .Sait. SaSoraHaei hat, metyilh»achtmlxmoded anecctt fa tho «» cf os to Justify Mai fa taking-told cases,' ar&sjviag a written guarantee, That fa* h« ‘ for; a . price agrttd-npcnjby himself And tfa'perjon using & fectually, or refund the amount expended; os, he -wßikoll ai the usual price, without the 'above guarantee. ‘;The following instances, of individual* who hare hadtheir hair restored, ought to convince any d&e of Us *ffmj bare allowed us to use thdrzxamea as re&reucesr John Hofler, Woodri Dtowexy, cured'of baldness of H yeazri standing;-8. R. Holmes, H. D.; Cant B. :Horris;:James Guthrie, 131 Grant street, was totally fald—now hUhead is completely covered with new? hair; also, John Oberiy. Ta rentum. We wou2 Shenvuitim, Jkafnrst, lost of Sight* but as A valuable Internal remedy, inviting the lngp«±ig«tw well as the g&flferteg patient, to become acqmdptod wjrh its merits.' -..-. v.• ; Bmse having a dread of mixture* are assured thalthla medicine Is purely natural, and is bottled as It flows fcsa the bosom of the earth..- Thefc&ewingcaGfmteix copiedfrom a paper pnUiehedat -Syracuse, N. and bean date jUtgiid 2, 1&52, ieviichu dm appended the eertifieateq/theedebratedD. Z. Fbo£,M. qfSyractae: This may fa troth certify, that I have been so badly af flicted with Scrofula for the lostseven years that mostof the time 1 have been unable to attend to any kfalof business, and much of thetimeuuable to walk and confined to my bed, and havobeen treated nearly &Q the time by {hebesf Physicians our country affords; loecadonallygotromere* lief, but no cure; and continued to grow worse until Dr. Foot recommended ms to try the PetroTeom, cfßoek Oil, as eve*' nr thing else had failed. I did so without frith at •first, but the effect was astonishing; it threw the poison to the surfiicu. at once, and I at once began to grow better, and by using •even bottles I have got a cure worth thousands cf dollar*.- - - : MBS. NANCYM. BARKER. .This may eerttfrihaAdhave beeix acquainted with Bier's Petroleum, or Bock. Oil, for more than a year, arid have r£ peatodly witnessed its beneficial effects fa the cursor izakv lent ulcers and other diseases for. .which it is reohmmended, and can with confidesre recommend it to fa a thy of attention, and can safely say that has attend^ edits use where other medicine had firifed. . - < v v ; D. Y.^oar,M;D. Tor srie far aD the ihuggiris iu Pittsburgh. fan27id Aw. TXHHfS LIQUID CUTICLE—3 gross, for calrf by ' O hov22 aA. FAHNEaTOCK ACq WAyißtM-lkwf Bfaddaa, at highest market price, by fi.l FAHNESTOCK ACO^ octal corner Wood and First streets. _ -.v CLUTIL—2S pcs asstoed Colore, Kne French U Cloth, expressly for Cloaks, jostreceiTed (per express) at poti- - - a. a: mason aca : MONEY W ANTED—.for two or three years, for which good dty scoiriiy will fa £ren. :• FI KB f£OOF BRICK " fctnrightr volgo- riw»ni«> ' Brick, of excellent quality,ibrsaleluq.u*ntlt&*toanifc purchasers. Order* reared far Clay «uid Rrfck, by. a CITMBBBT * aos, <3enl QSTIP . . ; 50 SmlthßelJ street ' .. KOTICK. ■■ v:- *lll beooniiaiiedbT-the un dersigned, at the old Liberty j treat,- whew .lie will be pleased to see hi* former friends and easterner*. PitUborgb, Koyemher 5, 1852—uotII;. A.HUST«t* A Sttnatlozi Wmuedt. IN A QROCKET STOS£,or Tholcat* r»n giro good recommendarions. Salary no object -' Speaks' both Gorman and EpglbK Address “G.IL” at THIS CyflCE. . ... ■ . nnr?^^* ~VT OXICK—BOOTS AND tUlUisa, of every rarlc ty.' coki at Xl Terylawpricea. Tbe public are larited toc*U at Ncv IU7 MarkontareeV and be convinced of tbe truth.of this statement A largo itock just received. • . • pot 23 . . w. B. scn>nra«Ty. NSW STEAMBOAT RAW.—Acta cf Congress relating tOi Steam boats, including the Act of August 30*1552; la notpamphlet Cam. Price 25 cents. For sale by , W. S. HAVEN, . r Steamboat Book and BUI Printer and Stationery dot 23 comer of Markatnad RptrortH }?OK SiAUS— Thirty Building, Rota; Tory dedmbl* fuR . prirato Said Lots, solar as heal lit and beauty of location are concerned, are' not surpassed hr any in this vicinity. Situate in the: village ©r New Troy, Alle gheny C3ty. Terms easy. Title indisputable. -Apply te - THOMASMOmiT* ; . N 0.23 imb-street. Rand Agency and Offleci raw Lands in tlieWest, - ANDIbr the purchase, cad sale of land Warrants, £L Paal’s, Minnesota, and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. . > lie undersignfldliasfcnncd a connection with. Abssrs. Conway & Ntebols, of SL Pauls, Minnesota, lor the above: purposes. Messrs. C. A having been settledin tbe Par. ■ West tar a number of years, and being practical surveyors, orery reliance tan be plural .on. their-inbgT}ty« denee In them alter of. purchasing or locating lands. ' oct2S -y ' JAMES.BLAKBLY.IB6 Wood st. . Tapacott*# Bcaittonce and Emigration Office#. iis - jslsi? . NO. 8T SOUTIT STREET. NBWTQEK. ' Eden Quay, Eubßnf IfaUrkv Ecad, Zicavool; : Jnd No. IHG Oa-ner of TTcod PUttborgh. - uor2?lr - SUNDEIKSXiooo cocoa nuts; . - "— : '4O casks 'currants; • lOQ'driiins.figs; . \SO boxes citron ; .' ' . . - -lo,'do Termacdli; 10 do maccuuni; 2 cases sardines, half cans; • ff-do* f do - vqr do; 10 down,tosoHed pickles; ,r 20 do. ketchup,assprted; : ' SOboxesToek ciadj;' * 25' do-jubeparte;-'" 25 do gum drops, assorted; -jv SO baskets salad oil; ‘ 15 boxes prunes giaas iws; : * ' S * d©' * do 2ah£ybo±ea V 20 reams kiss papers; ' - Aeasesliqcmrtee:' ' 400 boxes herring; -.i T'i , f \ . In store and &r sale by ' J. C. ANDEBSO3TA dot! 1 ■ ----- So. a Wood ' Winflow Bimda and Oil Cloth 1 UIEWIS E. R.. KEBNAii, r ' 4- 1 - 2 KpTLAKMOAPE SHADES, do d» . IS li: 87 --.O CO do - dft *3.00 tn "fift-' .w ■ -- • ■ ' -BnS Uneo,*4Ssc,S4B3c4 : ' gaff OH Oota, *4 W3li, M 40ci ' He»xtli.nng«, (dXtlBaH) *l4»e»chr • -i-i,: , . CLOIHISO. . ~ longßl»ckOnOo»l«,sl,7s each. " Jickets(l,oo. Pants SUfo-Hats G 2 Wc. ' • . „000DTilaB’&fit®BBEO0flte. Haijßlaek QjaU, *s£Oeaeb. 1 . ■• - Sbortßlaek Coats, tt£A each. '■•■'• . ■ • ’ " logshni SSWO perpair. -. ■ -\■ --- io~^^ c {i^?^ onTl!lM P !OTl| i l Emenad,anciiEoff, YdloifajtaCrimson Wtndoir Shade OU doth, w this w original Hanolartorr. All Goals warranted gdttoSllck, ftde or crack.. - ■ v 1 * - • norftfim: * NE W 00. OHMS a WAIT, JCEECHAHT TAOOB, ' So. 36 Jtfarirf struL betuxfsi Second and Third ttrtdtt I TTAS just reeelTed hit TALL AND WEJTJJE MOCK of XL BLACK COLORED CLOTHS, FLAIHondTAHCr CAKSnmtES, PLUSH TELTEI CASHMERE, and ftATry TESHSGB, -wtth' Kniietr of Ui» somrt ttjlo OVLKOOAT-: IXO3, wbkh.be Is pwjaml tomato op Is mperi at itjte, os. reagmablotertaa. Ocntlemea la-want of. ftaMmuihhGoocfa. ; tatfigWnrn'Wr.rot ftamiCTtft would do wellto calluSl jo~! 'M oSeiii fer *a2»blaeoail' plats Oflrmeot.PniogfiUng, so .fferonUy 'known fan to taccawftil draughting, fcrwartad tome cart of Station receipt of SIjOO,JMr v ; r *«her of Garment Ootank o' lll MMartartrtwt . . ’ - ' r * A * ~ ~ f - ~ .^'>(*l Lcsmjjed Wi7UflT*,~~ ? ~.«.~.,,.,.; t JogEpg C. IO9ZES - Door* open at 6J£ p ** at 7 oteodc. *— ■*»-Second Eight of tii» eag«gninent of Ota cdcbrsfol tragie metres, Mrx PARKED. Xhh Enmst, KOTcmber 29th, the pgfanuttßo ill] Pwnomvca with Kotoboe’e pier of- THKWRAKGEn. „ , vV'MASOMe HALL: Fifth tfirui, Utvem.-SaithfUli and Wood itfieit. 1854 A " <■ sebiocb Airoromcl^?^? 1 • collation dmtbiqcb-' '" •. Stack au4 ■njhl Bop*; EjratrljoScma’; {kntagoMr* gEAJB OP THS odAT'groiro « t iT > .. • ThBroxHn »»fe^*?“^ wbow pnftrsn&ea h*T* z&l&ed him th* tHS of wiU »throng hfa aatomidlntf iteti cf* WBJ&UXQ AND BALANCING. The vhsb to eooetadft jrftbr UwPs&onmldTkn st»a Um.' fcifol OTfeteal mnskmarksoga u « DONETCTSUAOIC CHANGES. . Doba opea at 7, *nd y pcEtoinanee tacos&seseo'ti Jaif • past?, meSsaSjT. * Adzaisrion 25 cents; Bcaerrod »eata SO cenlai ChMf«n SS : . eentt;- ; i peribaaggefl DU SataoiUty st 3 : xurtZf .• N' jßpl&dHr KXmmTJLIiG, at UALL,' Liberty whJdl ' J ** tectt npL «s»ccct :/ of srtn Tooowmd -Dollars, uri l» imr tn& of ; . tMoti/aUj talstad Hills to America,) endeeerr might ftr » short season, BASSES nmj!iili«nm.»rtniir ;■■ Gigantic Panoramas, entitled ‘ ... AVOTAGBTO E CHOPS t Embradag magnl&eeniTiurs of Boston, Us Barlar, Hall-' tax, the Atlantic, Bim Umej, UnmSltba- • Crystal Palace of the World’s Fair < • nestminatm AMxy; UCtDGN.from the Dames; Mine mndet.tho Bridges. cndamsrniiinßitTiao of too TtfsiTßg : TUSiNIIL, IrihisnUf Illuminated, and. both laall cf th* heantifOi HITES BHKfS. . ttg-An lahlMtioa eaWBDSKSDAS aadaATPBDAY < AJTlißSOONS.atSo’daet . . S3* Admiastoa 25 cents; ehßdrta oJster trolialS tmls. I _ IXjoreopcnstC)£: itosQrasiafocosimsacostbVlnjeat 1 TKo’dock. . . / „ _•- }'! aoiSsSc | i. Hlddla.) Ko* IAS GEBmu WDSB, 1. 6, 0. SV-Tbe Angerms.Xodmßa2s9,l,o.oTO.P,‘meet»~ -shore jf. SraUhfteid.''- OiB& Tip stairs. -DtY. btta been eonacctai with'- - r tboeJtAMh>rmpnt&fl>r. Hnllfefn f t 1 firdycßy;.---'; .- • • •. f j ISBBBABOB:COaPASfr«f r .^* artford * —Capital gtotic $300,000; ii-- WtUbS^h^lgaaftefSnEtai ■ aorCtf .XH.BEgSON.tont,. sr^conui cwnuiicoMMjriimn awSySJ.-. § toaa& in Dr. Oasis's CosS fu&aOL fcr 8" 4»la by Dr. GEft. toei. J '- ‘ " ,sepB £ ' fr* jfofp-irjao boy to »p*** ..•■.. %■• j^^Bg^SSAsliuSSEHSuirslLiss«=7Ss:i • HSi, Corner: cai-Araini&mt, tm U. a SSJSNCSR, Aaoaiie. Mitan. P. ILSfJCiCKEy Principal Teacher of Writing :*na CoS moclax OOTcspoalfinca. 'SMiextg&aol&sQcq in another •'■• cwttßUL;;.; ; ,-;-: - >:•: JOjuerifciSf *55 >'*•■■ t£t£X Curtain Warnings of eray ileserfptfofc. J’orniinw Pfosbe«,~lSnttft2£!tas tocs Aati Biaalia CurtaintS. Y.' at wholesale wdretail. ; i WV.H. nvrmra^v - -^y a -yP lggiat .1 <*Cm IrtJTTS ilaae BZ&l {it• thn-gow nowpflt rTTTVh S. MBtjigi I . wsr -Jb»>?t Pa. , C^tal r *' : cftlytar thesaferdanea of property l , and affiadt BSDcrkx adnnixgek in ytfwt **frtT I--' 6CCQfniiK)datkm. toritT : >nJ £. . >' Bnmcfrofflces4 ' r * : MHlm>a Hrtnko» Bhatt*-| • - ■utSry' tory r Co&N£il-O? fiBCOKD ABQ> ASCai- firi* E~ PH lUPETiVHTA; .Qgfmotto la . ■■** *np9 I- Prcflix? ■ -y o ■;: Stories dnucb, tad Wgi Boom Jn tt : §v' —.•■.• • i ■•:>; t * "-j - 4 ' -■ «S*Draler» and othmsri> fcjritai to siroai V ralt l»i S\ fim> wntlratogriagwhcra. ■■:; n tl Mir.T.ra * on - . £. ‘.' ,8- W. oomgr ggcoad mdArehala, P T -i*« ; 8. CUTHBEKT & SO?T,‘ - . 50 SanUbfoid itraet. I PiGUEHßßfflnnpßgp % ia- all fctodSCf weaflieiyfawn -ft A p r M " '• accurate artistic andaalmata perior to cheap T'-y% ch«p ptkMt tW), J2,*3,sl,ssandopTaid,accortingto ib* dia andquaUiyitf eaaeorirajae.- - _* & :.. 2P.JL v -ELSL—»?BTiwtte»cfifeftordce'eMcfl Pcnam t&tan laiay partcfthodty. ' - h}-:? V TTS» Attesd to UUYrS ' ' ' i«r»f*ayyy ' . v <« > -th»Only awlWnf || jjuTlfef ~tQ Q«t • "**t boenoaad, in4bo c/the prop**? * t&atMßTea TBCIP : J!fit QttSf fawwwfawwl. —.“ i “* JawvfcMabor, iSTtsSL' - , ytth thltrtamnott dlaeaaßj shonnl t* >-. "■ ndt, to apply fannwiiafrly ftr4hls remedy. ■ Porolrwicte. f : r ‘ - sakMdßtailafc-r : bTlßXZSEßaVng&kn>,l!ia,l4fL k"" H«fl_ V * th£y > jgßo>Mediadi^ttßgihan^l»ieaiymertttyaf>tlpi»rm^>l:•...’• ■MatlymnoTCd,witboßtmlnofteisoiiTMiWM*.WT»rfTrM>:f «■• ‘tPyPrinrfpal Aariat Of the N, Y. Ear go^gwry r tn*w j .•: co^iltodotP 9 Arc2i«trwt,PMl4j2elplila,tPcaaffA.H;'to3| vr : Thirteen years of doee tod attaxttia ior ; this branch of epedal practice haaenahled him tondoca'hlf v treatment to suck a degns of snccessas ta find the mart com - Unned and obstinate cases yield, by steady attention to tfca meansprcaoibed.- . > ■■•••■■.•.■ y. [*»£?*- t ■-■ '■ „ -. wtfffff gam g -•••- ■m^SSSSS^SSi £££2B2B253? V i;aA^aeta6 n i:Ca,fc tbrWJwteata ftult UidS ■'■ Csmferftaagj buidncss, at No. 6. Wood glmßt. Pin.vn>->. a : disposed otnij'cntitainjerestla UmWbolasata? - - Projt ami Conrad tin firybiaiaen, to Mesto.J.C.Ajhlct»oh; * “» *■«*• plasms la recommending Ihoci tq mrlcraser," Irlcitila and cmdoaea; and bopo &r tet contla erases qj?:• tlie liberal paironsgo bestowed on me.- 1 • Jy7« - t ; :c3cemAßmmfe•'• •■ ISSSC3EBB:'-' ■■■“'->•••' '. '■•••■ .r • JtdmAadenoß.' '* I •. ?' aafjwjrw, ••••I-- • ym.il.ajgar, H-RWnidS - - ! ''- | WlffiajaOonoaa,;.. .: inillamxsita*mb So,4,i 0 e t u - Pffa.OTgg TharadiTarming:" 1 .1 w«KSy ~' So-J%;inoaU'«»MT ♦jjalsi, »i thrirUnll, conut of Smith Said nod «fUi i&o«Lt ff _ ■ g^gagsi(saayas:ggj ; - : -T ; '- '-na'-o' : ' : 7 unatcnaair '- 'fj f .--.-•:gsasg >jr , - SdS 86 ”'- -•- -•- & Harinnafty - - ■'■iftMiftjW’ -' ---' *;r.•. J;&&QQttna*av: Walter BrrroV- ■-•» ,;a Sjtrrm.i '■ - liir»HuawiietCiim r . B :; , - OP PIT I IsBUBOU, yx—Ciirm. $10OTOOa? ■■-■■■= PtesUenir iXSSBS a HOOK; ' ■VlcoPrraUimt: SAMUEL ITCLUKKAW. - ■ 'i InronrrJOSEPH a LEECH. . .. Socrctuy: CA. OQLTOS. - --i- '7 Qma, HUosw i - otwWi \ -' iiiaesßyaap'jfaaiaarag.*; USto/uoSU ~ . - SShSS’ .---' r- - .*3chnScotfc A * Wo * a > “ *; mriagw.; - ? *, • ,' v ..t TJOTPIiV 1 js«% **tar&ea tothen, uh« fc&s. Buds anuraaeßts izrJfait *■• Jcdc vith thajaaJmlficeijtaad v > ' - PMB.iiM»gmgyna; .and hM aw tay; nwSjIvJT-—_ t&aofilrAnatin ~ - ■•,.*.-•.• Dr*JUoatb«K»acmlßulk,«ndUlto - jOTa4to»oj«Boaßt-i»M*UlMntdKßoßat ? ■■■ . « * ~ V \ - - *i-i +* ,r ■■—i y ~Zr '■?*% V* * ' ar i __ -*•"■* J'f - fc -> - iz~ f *" -C T * _ * j .. ~ ■* > * .1 Y\ : - AMUSEMENTS. Brela&nL Urs.Uftner M . M . M .. MV^....MM»^.M^.Kzi.AR«a.. «* Jr®***®*® andHr* QS&ert -4r?T»Web, .ti».pOToittUsaa*of ~ Y m .,.„ LOCRETU BOEQI/L • S®S=i==»2=- ' My. jßreli23KL tASBXS -gill Appeg.- : ' SPECIAL; NOTICES. Q« TBtwwN^w corner of Biird'ttd.Wobdtfaiet*: ef«rrSs£ tycTentog. .^ :L .-, -,,y : . :•■ WUta«&4 Sottt; fertafe far if 18. [ H*- IME --F ■*» *■-» ft- : I'::-*