LvV’M. v- „ ' -w^fv 4‘ •' •j t , ;. ' ~ \ , * • ■ ~* - f ~r »-y ij* *• * k / \ o *i fr-****** t. / *t - ' '“• »> 1 ’ ...-y'f :■ 'y:= V-y--:-'^ * -~ , l'M**' * r * **■£ * » n , * < *.>«V * J T 1 O* y l jl ] -"v.*,-. ,1 v - 7 vy '. ,* . v * v ,,.- v *ted>*l > ><■*■ 4* *; . '•>V'‘-X‘ , ‘'.- . ‘ y '* \ N ‘ ‘mv^V v' 7.*;,:: _\ ’ •■ ’ , . v '** f- - t'v , ';- \~ : ~&Ni *’ .**C ~ s - , r . , y,fi'%^V^y , ‘.v»? v’,V - IiTJ"V' ■; •;"' 1 < ,; 1 '’4l' v > -^ w J- -. j v'-^^ ’-' S3r --c* r r " ■■■■■' -V'■■■!■.■:■■.■-■:.■■■: -i'-. *t-w rl \ -MMwm* s "»it* t- >ffi-'J' f‘ && 1 cctfAvl > tVdi |I»W«^I®1 |f|l§ ni&a&ig ■PM &ss£&£» M&MS] • iflUMw. ' ■^■Ppite'- ApMat jPmAI^pI w. &2i toT’SS# *fe Vr*A# I^MtaM : ■ - ■ : iv^ltW^WTr;MErC4liF,wiU«immoil«Ui*'Aii. Jxl tamo, ftwlon bi m. I MOSBAY I Ahgtat SOtto at their n»tS&J'®S? ! l^^P^¥?f f t’Ss^Ss&W : K«'!J f ?i‘ , '-55\®'Sl ~ s»£ita'%BJniterflfttfwi, “.M?&an'*HMr.* ’ Hone. P. W. * a®pttWWl«iaJigii«orfQ'Jurfrurtin French; and Mon AH. /£^;Jt^’^'^B^>,t'c*^ l g4i:^V,'--t^,'J's6t'\^&''-'ftT' f 'Sw i! - ,r 3'?4':'i ? i £« ' P. Qraspmbro, Pptatinjp --Scholars maj-ra- tho Bio of " Snmoifewclosaofffisadiliii.-Caseaorprotracted rick aVfiSl an exception to the ehpjre W- TuWoa HUr ■t9 s&*:■ I !>fiM Sffitbe recdTOd.-otu! half to ,adr«ioe,,Uwoth» hair Brthh u^maisiisesmsi r. - -| :- ■ *cju* n***f +. — l - 1 *" 1 f*-^IC y^Vnv^‘i\.y • * ~V Ifes DRY GOODS. TILL AND WDSTEE DBY GOODS! . *- ■=■-- tp*7F S' i ios "MortiVst. I i •••>••• *■ •-“ ,' L MY stock W Pall and )RISGN AND 0 BUY GOODS* >mpfctcv and Is sled ;In vwwty, jt»: cheapness, by >liohmbnt ynstpf. -.contain*. t would oarticulaiTiUentioato. ■ ’ of IUCIIBUO*. JUS, of ercry Quality;. In ~1 havenspien -rortment ofjd>l«»v >r winter wear,- .. 3HI2AIVas tfeli' richest ;Uoodstbo a. market affords,— a, Colored and fUark iiustros; gnaiclKtod PpplinsrEroadcloths*- ogs,Cossiiperes,Xnblo Uy-SUecUnoa, HouKltn iue,Oalicocs, Ilosicry, •bought ng tho best Mhe the most pleas-. GOSUXQ,. .. • Millinery Establishment. —— A.G6SLING, has aUd'roeclral’her FALL cr t r>,- * '•• j£fj> VtiNinit FASHIONS, direct from London And * ' p N'ev York, togctlijir with a complete Assortment of new *- <-s - styles of liibbans, Laces, Gimps, Bnllds, Fringes *mT Dress J Trimmings, of every description Ladies Are respectfully _, invited to call. tftfc.'Xhd twdo supplied 49* No 51 St, Clair afreet, nod luft Market street, f it B-—N6 detf hagcdGoods kept at this/establishment det!9 - , | HMV GuODS I ; ' JUST RECEHEXi AT YOUNG, STEPSON A the DRIQLXA L £EEffIT& A 0.74 11 ' rtof Street, bthettn FbtnrUi Street and pie Zhamcnd - sfipPjHttahtayA The HUbscnberp bnvc.ju£t received a very largo and be-ui -4 - tiful rtockijf WD,T£B DRY GOODS, which have w ,heea«eloctcd vrtl}igroat cfti l o from the recent importations, <;,u. and Jorge Auction tfaTes-la Philadelphia olid'Now York; autl r k -' be sold tor cash-iit a very small advanoo.above: Eastern cost; Turchascw are resf-cctfally solicited (o give ;thcm an v - n- - EngUrtrand Amerlenn Chintzes and Calicoes i » *• • r. Xcedlo Worked Cuff*. Collars. CbimlEcttf* and Cape*: Emhroidered.^ldtneudhem-stitched Linen Cambrifrhdklk; ,SiikPocket lldkft,Cravatsnnd Juvktics; .... Gloves,Mitt*, Howry and Suspenders*;. .... lickings. Chocks, Bicad and Brown Muslin; * ■ 'Jrish'jLinins.Tab)cClothstaniM)ainasks: : > ; Bird tyo and Kiusia Diaper, Tory cheap; — 6 Q 6Q percent below regular price*. • Red. White and Yellow Flannel, very cheap; > High Col'dHresa and Sack Flanels, plain and Hg’d 1 -= Cloths, Cashmeres,halinottsyKentacky Jean and vesting Bonnets andßonnotßibbans, at-bargains; ~ Fall-had Winter Shawl;*, general asßortinonL - jtcpSi -TOPSO, STHVENBQM-A LftVK. =;.M v inA BBLS. NORTH CAROLINA. XAR— Just arrived y> >AUIAon consigoment, and lbrfcfle by , - • TAAFKE, MAGUIRE & BANE. 112 Second street. AliT£l)—Twenty shares 14fo lnsurtmee Cuwpuuy Stock. Br * AUSTIN LOOMIS, Stock &d do Black do; . :i. ; r 180caddytiT. H-, 0. P, and Imperial do; :-..n0T1l • ■ For sale by SMITH & SINCLAIR. selling off) A & I wish. to discontinue mj present business, 1 will sell >t\i anything and everything In the store at FIRST COST, * J "*tAH l toon If-you wftat a bargain, &a I tan determined to sell, ... ■ :im4i»;hnjnbUjr,- ■•••■-’ • JOHN S. KENNEDY, No, M Market street, v • ... Ikemselrc* indebted to mo. "* will please call and settle tho same without delay, octlft ■•‘."r! co*Partnerihip. HATING associated my eon, S. L. CUTURRItT, with roe. in the Beal Estate and General Agency Business ire trill give oar united attention to the purchase and fait) of Real Estate, Collection of Rents, Borrowing and Loaning . Alouoy on mortgages, &c„ Ac.» under Ibo nemo of b. COTHBEHT A SON. ' ' • f i\UBAIXX>—J4O kegs 0 twbt; cJL"■ ’• SOboxesEussiill & Eobinsona &*is and B*s; . 20 do Grant’s do, i -2& :-do Webster A Sons da; .... —• •„ i . . .15 do Ryland & Myers do; ; ■• : l&Odo various brands; 6 cases Myers - superior half pound lump: ■? * 'i 6 do A.Cabaricr* do do; V ‘ iPorlO For salo by SMITH i: SINCLAIR. .. . ' ' Dlaaolutlon. -IXtHE partnership hereto fore existing between SETH ' “i CLARK M. TiEltN AN, Ranker* , end dissolved by tho death of llio former, on ■.Tburrday, October .28tli, 1852. • ■ hereafter be continued undertb« .. old name and style of TIERS AN & CO-, at the mine place. ,ho.QS Wood street, Pittsburgh. -John _M. Tlcruaa will set f > buslDeteof ths late ftnn of Tjeman A Co. nov3 iilVEllY STABLE, Comer of S)rnV\fidd ttrcrl arui Diamond alley. t ■ r ■ ■'THE Undersigned haring added largely to hfc stodU'ia how prepared to accommodate tbe> public finest Buggies anil best Horsecloth for Raddle and. JJnracjw. jGcnilezsea wishing tuiliavo hnr**** -sTfll find superior accommodations for .them at this stable. The stalls are largo and new, and the' pro •brfetot'psy* every alluntton to their ease and comfort. octfry . ■ P. DEVLIN. : atW hEED stobe. TAMES WARDKOP, bos opened a See*! and TTorUculturol tf. Warehouse No; 4SX Fifth street, In connection with hi* Nursery; and from a-lnng practlcalftxpmcttce In the vari jpwjßfcrthmliural pursuits, ty? will keep none but the choi cest fresh Seeds, Fruit Trees, ShniUxrry, Kants, Flowers, r Implements, fttun ‘{heTihera! patronage alrcody lx stowed, l» will study to Introduce every article that will i.tepdfco-bruefit the lovers ofTfnit*, \cgctablcs, Kants or Flowers. hot 1 - Setr Goodly Jlew Goods*. >. i lrjrrc a jwzors, NO- 185 ÜBEKTY.STBEET, . v s.i}U>tibd our- If ALL STOCK, anil aro enabled , te prosgnt. tolhe inspection of oar customers andtbo jroWk,an.unequalled assortment ofncw> foahionahie sod afcjila GOODS At moderate pnc«s,aiid to.cxcel in tKedu ras ter of our Trark for fit, ttyleydoroblllty and comfort. » WoisriilteepOirhttDd achotc© assortment of read; cindo cfctbUigftT.oar ovn manufacture. ■: •. ecpB ■ i “ Ti'ake r"T~7~" "* ~*#s BATHS justpurehasfldlho stock of Watches and Jewelry 1 JL fa the store formerly occupied by my brother, G.JL, Hood. 1 dnr'nojr ’prepared to'4isporo of thli stock, together with an ftddlticm&l assortment ©Tall the latest styles of goods in my ttne, tit the wholesale price, by the single article; and'all goods guarantec •. • ? - .»• •• . - No»21 Fifth strret. FRESH. OYSTERS—Received daily, at Nor 41 Market ’ Btntei; ths £est Oysters In the City at the cheapest rates, wholesale and rolalL The pneo ban been and Is uN K DOLLAR PER CAJj—P ( im CE> , TR A JIALF. CAN,- The dtitepiofr Pittabp,rgh,ad well os-tlic pnblio generally,- know thattbey-’hatd heretofore been charged too high by a mon opoly. Tho citizens should patronise those who deal fairly with them vlthontpompulsioiii > It will bo on otycctio put up expressly for this .market, the best Oysters that can be hod In the Chesapeake Bay. Also fresh fruits and vagetaj tajtdesjraf u> in cans hermetically scaled. poalUha-- •; ISAAC Q. ROBERTS. iHcroe BtlUs la. Fall Operation Aguln! ■JYTA&g BUILDINGS, RfUwtreetJ—THE PKOPRIKTOB, Xv:thapkfcl to tho pnblio for psstqnstom, TentureBto so* licit fl-contiupftneft of the s&fcio for bU present enterprise— the-establishment of a• JTour and Spice-Mitts within the for, tbp accommodation ■ of his customers, and all trho wish tdLavo really good Flour, pore ground Spices, Ac., Ac. Tho attention of Families, Merchants and others, is invP ted*’find all 1 ask is that they will give-m o a triAl ,:rv:v;,;‘, • • F. R. DRAVO. No. I KakofuL' B. Ifc—All articles taken back If not found good, aufl the • money returned./ : - ■ mar!9 ~ A CABS ~ PR>OFB#BQ&:iL T, TP A3IEL ISK “IjrrOHLD'itsbectftxlly Inform tho eitUeus oMdttsburgh Tf andvicinity,that ho,has permanently, located him self at Pittsburgh, to give Jcssors onPfano, Organ. Guitar, andhi-efagTng. • All orders loft at tljoMusio , Stores of IL Klebcr, J. H. Menor,-OrslW.C.'lUuino, wiULo promptly attended to. He respectfully tenders his profis&jonal services to all who ZDarfWfor liimwitb acall. ~V f The following pieces of music, .composed - by him, «ro for aatoof H>KL'EbER*3t D-jUbt N6U A Balled.. Tho t*re patio “ffaUz. 'j-.octlSalAwi-- tjlTitAliTiSQ ~ :* ' f T 300 reams single Crown. Wrappinß'Pancr. rßg; : .:, 100 do double do do -'do '• <2o» "' ■' - £22 —' s . :..?s4p.. .. do do - do straw; • do smglo do. do do 1 do;, w i-5° , dQ Tncdlnm. do- ' • do '‘ 4o; > ’ •■ do^ # - *> do ■ - do '> do; : £29 f° t do do • do Ttigl ' *CL^w : - (Killfiio ao do do do; ; ' v _ J- R. WEEDIN’, Mini-:-'-:-* i&veA& and BtaHoper; ” 03 wood et, between Third unit : ' AdUOl & C»: , l W«>tcrs^sri:-. MOM& OP AIUUTAL * FROM Philadelphia and. East, 12o , clock,midnj £ »vt .pro© Baltimore a&& South, 5 o’clock, p 21 b ** Way Stations, between-Philo. and Pittsburgh, 6 o’dk' t> u 2IM- : ' H HOUBfI FOS 'UIOSIKG; For Philadelphia and East, 1 at 5 o’clock, 7. u. For Baltimore and South, at-4 Velock,?. V. W«l Stations, between-Pittburph- and PhUa, 4 o’clk, 7. u Cleveland, Cincinnati, and Che West generally, " l A a. m. All parcels left at the Office. after the above hoars, will go out by the following day’s Express. aulO-.. v‘. BAKER & FORSYTH, Agent*. c:C. - I>fB»QlUtlOU. riVHßpartnership heretofore existing under the-naamand X ityTcfttf-BTUART JtSILT* vu this day dissolved by- 'AU the hccormts Of tho firm .will, be settlodE by A. J, gEUAM** tto'olir staiitl, No. 6 Smithfleld street . - A, J. STUART, • Kttitrargb,JB62L „<,... t. it sill. 49> A. J. STOABT will continue the Wholesale Grocery, Produce and Oommifirioo Business, ntiboold stand,- as bmtafise. . . «L_ STUART P. firm, I take pleasure -in recommending Mr. STUART to ,onribjrmflr friends -;. T. It BILL.* v S- CUTUBKUT, Otccn*' Apcnt. . >-.i 60 Smithfii*ld strrct. TRANSPORTATION. ' Adams & Co.'* Express, - -v . , NO/-80 jroWtXlf gTIUSETiy PITTSBURGH, rfrtilfl ■pabHe r oi‘e-iofijrmod tliat we arc now running rcgu- X larly to tko 15aat and "Westland are prepared to Ibrv&id nn Goods entrusted to cur caro. - ; ......... A-aPRCCAIy.MKSSENaER EenVd&tix&r < Fhn&dtipbiv*t 4 o'clock P. M, : daiiy to.Ciocannitiy At 7 o’clock. A*/M Orders transmitted free of Goods returned l y first .Express. • , ~sr..\- r;~-, ~r:-v - Biiifl of Exchange for sale on EnplnnJ, « Baaklojllaohj _ BAKEB & FORSYTH. Agent Pennsylvania ilallroad Company. uaoiaaoin Baa% Pork and Bod; (salted,) 45c. » looin, 1(10S^ m4lal .The ateomer leave.* the wharf, above (he Bridge. ■ at Boclock A. M. Travelers leaving Pitts gswfiini iSaihmyh bv tlie Morning Boat, will eroxs the Moun tains Lho fame night, and arrive in Cumberland the next morning fur the 8 o'clock train of Cars for Baltimore. Vi ill smp in Baltimore and Washington City, and arrive iu Phila delphia at i o'clock the same night. Faro to Baltimore $ 8.00 < do. Philadelphia. 9.lB ®nd afford* superior advantago in point .™rj|? B accommodation, to eity and country mctenpgt&Airt^TWitarfdwollingS'h&disolated orconntrr A. A UARRIER, Actuary, - . ■•■•_; Brqachcfflcd 64 SmlthfleldgL, Pittsburgh. ... .vCasll Alntual Fire Iniurance Company, 1 »■ • Of-Pennsylvania.— Ctijntai $lOO,OOO. 'PffiTinlmlgnßi !a tho Agent of tbo abovs Company fer ->L; • Allegheny county, and is prepared to take risks on aa Javorablo terras ns any responsible company in the State, All Irwsaa promptly paid in sixty days after proof of the Banin. Also—Agent Tor the Keystone loft Insurance Company, of Hatriabarg, Pennsylvania. THOMAS MOFFirF, Jjl4 - . • •■• • N 0.29 Rfthstreet, Pittsburgh. . 'Pennsylvania Hutaai lave Stock ' "INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital, 950,0001 CHARTER PERPETUAL. rpHIS Company is now fully organized, and prepared to A. insure against the combined risks of FIRE, WATER, ACCIDENT and DISEASE, all descriptions of LIVE STOCK, such as Homes, Mules, Cattle. Sheep, Ac •flesf* Office-, Ao. 91 Fifth lirtf.l, Pittsburgh, /fc. DIEECTOaS. ALEX. JAYNES, President. IU3NJ. MiAIN, Secretary. Wm. Day, James Mathews, Alex. Hilands, Henry A. White. tV m. 0. Leslie, VV m. Bakcwetl. Forms tor proposals, and all necessary information, can be obtained by calling at tho Office of the Company. *ep29riaw ' INSURANCE, AGAINST LOSS OR DAMAGE BY FIU E AND THE PERILS OF NAVIGATION, BT TBS PROTECTION INSURANCE COMPANY OF HARTFORD, CONN. A3** This OLD AND RESPONSIBLE Company continues to grant policies upon the most favorable terms. Apply to GEO. K. ARNOLD, Agent sopB;3m tor Ihttsbnnch and Allegheny County. Delaware Mutual Safety Imurane Go. Office, north room of Uie hxcJuxnge, Third sL, PhQ. FIRE INSURANCE.—BuiIdiugH, merchandize and other property, In town and country, Insured against loas or damage by Pro, At the lowest rate of premium. Mahibk IxsoiLOtot— I They also insure vessels, cargoes and freights, foreign or coastwise, under uj>«n or special policies, as the assured may desire. Isiakd Tuanspouvatiox.—They also insure merchandize transported by wagons, railroad cars, canal boats and steam* boats, on riTon and lakes, on tho most liberal terms Directors —Joseph IL Seal, Edmund A. Soudcr. John C. Davis, Robert Burton, John IL Penrose, Samuel Edwards, George G. Lolpcr, IMward Darlington, Isaac It. DavU, VV [l - Folwcll, John Nowlin, Dr. IL 31. Huston, Jas. C. Hand, Tboophllua Paulding, 11. Jones Brooks, Hunry Sloan. Hugh Craig, Georgo Serrill, Spencer MTlvain, Cliarlcs Kelly. J. G. Johnson, william Hay, Dr. S.Thomas, John Sailers, \V lliiam tyre, Jr. Director* at Pitttbuigh —l). T. Morgan. Hugh Craig. John T. Logan. William Maethi. J*reudenL Tnufl. C. Ua.vh. I ice President. Joszpn W. Cowax. Secretary. Office of the Company, No. 42 Water street, Pittsburgh. jelCaltf P. A, MADEIRA. Agent. The Franklin Fire Insurance Company, Of Phttudrlpfna, Pennsylvania. w. Bancker. Thomas Hart, Tobias Wagner, Samuel Grant, Jacob IL Smith, Geo. \V. Rich ard*, Mordocal IX Lewis, Adolphl h. Borle. David 8. Bruwnc, Morris Patterson. Cius. N. Bzxcxzn, i^resuiaiL Ohar. 0. lUxcaer, Secretary. Continue to make insurance, perpetual or limited, on every description of property, in town and country, at rates as low as aro consistent with security. The Company have rvwrrod a largo Contingent Fund, which, with Undr capital and premiums, safely Inverted, af ford ample protection to the assured. The Assets of thu Company on January Ist. l&ol, as pub lished agreeably to an Act of Assembly. were as follows, vis: Mortgage .. ...$918,128 CS Real Estate 84,377 78 Temporary Loans _ KL9GC 17 Stocks. C 1.889 00 Cash, 4c 81 .Friday. —.-.. Friday. Total -.51,212,708 44 Since their incorporation, o period of twenty-one years, they have paid upward of One Million Four Hundred Thou* sand Dollars, losses by Lrc. thereby alTonling evidence of the advantages of Insurance, as well ns the ability and di-tpesi tloa to meet with promptness all liabilities. J. GARDINER COFFIN, Agent. ap24 Office, north-cast cnr. Wood and Third rte. btate Mutual Fire Insurance Company. Utiirulnirgh. /%z„ May 1,1852 ('CAPITAL. 4200.000. —Hrnnrh Office. No. W Fmithficld st., j Pittaburgn. The following is the berond Annual State ment;— Total amount of property at risk... Amount of bills roceivaM* (In form of Premium note* from members— ... Amount of Cash Premiums. -$12u.u25 Id Total lotisoa, returned premium*, reinsurance and oxpenses OaJ-id 58 Interval os Ixjoa.*. Cash Burplus - Estimated present value of station ery, offire furniture, etc —. Ono-bolfof this amount erpuva within a year. The Directors, in presenting the Second Annual Report, take leave to congratulate Lho members ii;vn tho marked sucre** of the State Mutual Mre lusuranre Gunpany. In opera tion oulv two years, it has taken a pwltk>n beside the older institutions or tho kind, and proves by iu very great sumT-ji that tho mutual system. os adopt«ri irv them, is beyond a question the bust and ouly safe mode of Insunuiro. Tha heavy lasses of tl» past year, which have annihilated manv s(M*k conijumlcs. Ivavo the State Mutual with a ro«h surplus of upwards of thirtyono thousand doQarn, beside* a reserve capital of nearly two hundred thousand dollars, which is constantly increasing. The Directors submit that tho Btuir Mutual Fire ln*uranco Company offorn, to owners of *«ft» property, Inducement* sel dom equallod, and never exrtHxied. Dircdurt —John P. Rutherford, P. C. Sedswtet, fcumuel Jones, Philadelphia; John B. Packer. A. A. Carrier. IhtU burgb; J. B. ltuthorford. A. J. GilM. S T. Jfmns, Rulicrt Klotx. Jwix P. HrrKsnFoaD, President A. J. Qaur, Secretary. ielalawtf A. A. CARRIER, Actuary. Phlllipaburg Water Cure BatablUtimem, IN PHILLIPKBURG. Beaver county. Pennsylvania, on thu Bouth ride of tho Ohio River, opposite tho mouth of the Big Bearer Creek; tweuty-eiglit mile* from PitUburglu eight from Wboolmg nnd one hundred from Cleveland- Tbo Proprietor has had twenty years practical experience as a regular phyriJioa, twelve of which he has prartbod under tha Hydropathic system. Terms ouly FIVE DOLLARS PER W LEE—payable weekly. All Acaxons are adapted to Hydro pathic cure*. Each patient is required to furnish two heavy woolen blankets, two largo comfort*, tour sheets, four tow els, and ope camp-blanket, or India-rubber nh«L DR. EDWARD ACKER, Proprietor, marls] PbJlllpsburg, Rochester P. B«av«r county- Pa Hongh A Anthony's Daguerreotypes. undersigned would inform their many friends and I other*, that they have removed from Burke’s Building toNo. 62 Fourth few doors above their old stand) whore they have fitted vp rooms for Daguorreotyplng. Having a very superior arrangement of light, and the most approved Instruments now fn use, with aornu ten years oxpnrle&eo hi the burin css, they pledge themselves to turu out as guod pictured a* any other estabiiriupeut in the country, and for more mmtrci. likenesses than iu« heremtore been furnirii od to tbo 4tUods of Pittsburgh, either ringlo or In groap*. jQtisons apd strangers are respectfully iirritod to caul, whether they wish pictures or not Our motto is good pictures, fair prices, and perfect rati.*- faction to oar customer*. HOLGIJ & ANTHONY . N. B.—We furnish all articles In our business to other operators as heretofore. apls Emporium of Light 1 CELEBRATED ETHEREAL OIL AND LAMPS- WH. M RIGHT, (Successor to J. 8. Touon) Manufac • turer of and Dealer, Wholesale and Retail, lu the named Oil and Lamps, Is now receiving a large assort* ment of LAMPS, for burning tho Etherooi OR, Catuphiup.- and Pino OH. Also. Lomjvi of every description, for burning Lfuti aul Ijvrd Oil. 7 Chandelietx, Girandole Hall Lamps. Wicks. Globes,Chim ney Mats, Cans, and all things c>ertninlng to the trade. Ethereal, Cam phi nc or Pins Oil, regularly supplied ones or twice a week. All orders lalt with tho wagon, which Is constantly pas sing tlirougb the city, will bo promptly attended to. N. B.—Lamps of all kind* altered to bum tbo Ethereal Oil. Ail articles delivered In any part of the city, or in Al legheny, freo of cOrt. W. H. W'RIUIIT, No. 82 Fourth st, (Apollo Hall J aprlfl.-y and Wood street*. %STERPRIBfi WOHLKST ' wo. 136 woflb CTWtKi, Taum nooa nsiovr ti&uln xurr MOWN PIANO FORTES, MUSIC, AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. CHARLOTTE BLUMR, JVp. 118 Wood Street, Second Door Above Fifth PITTSBURGH, PA IB Just receiving her Fall supplier of goods in tho abovo Una, which having been selected with great core, and purchased fax ash, enables her to oiler strong inducements to purchasers; who are respectfully invited to examine her, stock, among which aro ’ PIANOB—A splendid selection, comprising all the latest styles and prices, among which are the celebrated Hamburg Pianos; Double Carved Louis XIY stylet also Gale A Go’s, Now York; Bacon A Ravonß Npw York; Itekhenbech A Son's, Philadelphia, Ac., Ac. Persons at liomo or abroad, about purchasing Piano Forte*, would do well to call, a* I will sell a* good an article a* can b« found and on as good terms, varying In price from $2OO to $BOO, with a written goarrantce. GUITARS—A fine selection of French and Spanish, which for richness; beauty and power of tone ore unsurpassable. FLUTES AND CLARIONETTS of tho very best French, German and American-manufacture. from the best Paris manufactory. vIdLINS'Vhe finest Italian, French on Glasses and Opera Glasses, from the best manufactory in England. Together with a great variety of other articles too numerous to meutiod- Clock*, Watches and Jewelry repaired In the best manner and on tho mqst reasonable terms. [oc^l-^y fl^hAS—l6o half cherts Imperial, Gunpowder. Young Uy- X son and Block Teas, roceivud and for solo by octlO KING. A MOORHEAD. OHIO and PA. RAILROAD—2tX> shares for *ala at fa vorable rates, by A. WILKINS k 00-, Bnnkort and Exchange Brokers, “pSO _■ 76 Fourth street. r PHL flub.Hcnb©r would respectfully Inform tho public that X bo has got the necessaryJudulds and jjresacsior putting up teas In metallic packages 6f I lb, UT6 and Jdlb. Ho wUI pock opy amoupt with neatness ana despatch for any bouse in the city, and ou reaabnablo terms. Apply to >- .. -- ’-J. F: #• EEATiNGf, oct6 corner of Wylie and Fulton streets. >• uuteiTßull)oui Hoot a, Fresh Imported l HYACINTHS, Tulips, Crocus, bnowdrops, Jonquilles, Fconeos, and other Flower Root*, for Fall planting, ar rived in flue order. Also, Dwarf Pear •'froos. nnd. other Fruit Fall sorts; Evergreeuroud great variety; Gooseberries, Currßnte. Sfcrawbcrries, Raspberries, Asporngua and Rhubarb Roots, from the Nurseries of octld JAMES WARDROP, Manchester- - Co-Paxtnerahlp Notice. rpHE subscribers havo this day "entered Into partnership; X under the stylo and firm of TAAFFE, MAOUIRK A BANE for tba purpose of errryingcu a general Commisdou. and Produce Busincae, and confidently bopo thdr lose expo-' rience, extensive mercantile acquaintance, and personolat' tentiou to tho interests of their customers, will catltle them to a share of public patronage, which it shail be thdr study to deserve. LUKE TAAFFK, Pittaburgh -BAM’L MAGUIRE, Cumberland, Md .‘ ’ ..W&L 0. RANL, 1 Washington, -Pa: 1 - * Httsburgh, April H, ISS2. . r --.j. > [qpfl THE partaership heretofore existing JbChrfcen th&under- 1 signed in the Commission And Forwarding'basidcas*~£c.i under the firm of B. F. YON BONNOOUST thisday dhwolvcd by mutual consent The burmess of the* latefirm' will bo settled hy B.F. .Von BonnboTst, who is authorised to' use tbo name of tho firm for that purpose. WILLIAM ErCHBAUH, ... VON BOXNUOIiST ' Pittsburgh, May Sd, 1852-my4 Co«Partn«rstilp Notico. rpHE undersignod have this dry formed < & Co-Portoarahip X for the transaction of a Woof an? General Commission and Forwarding bu.sine*s, under the firm of YONN BGNTT. HORST i ill/RPUY. Warehouse No. 87 Water and 118 Front street*. . JAMES R. MURPHY ' • 8. F. VON BONNHOUST-i Pittsburgh, May,Bd, !SS2~my4 \.Du, PECTORAL sYRLP/ 1 end-buy no other, and you will not be disappointed. > 1 • SSt* The Pectoral Syrup is prepared and soW by Dr. Geo.. XL Kejser, wholesale and retail Druggist, .ho. 140, corner .of Wocdstreetand\irgm alloy. . seplSM&tr. Wliat Every Body boTruel IT la saU that £OO BV tilt, at tha list litre Ctonnsa Store, No. 225 Liberty Street, sells tbo cheapest Gothing tn tha City—well made and fashkmablyr cat. Call and ex amine them and yon wQI not be disappointed. - Just ruaijrcd, by Kxpras* a splendid assortment of Fancv Coshmereryßrown, Green and Blue Cloths, and other Fash ionable Goods, suitable fcr the bouitt> spection, which, ho believe^will be found, to boononf the largest and best selected stocks of READY MADE CLCHH ING toJ^efbusdintho Westerncuuutry-,- .v Ho h&athis season paid more than usoaTaflentloato-the manufacturing and stylo of his garments, bo that the very lowest priced, os well oaths finest, are got up In a stylo and' elegance not to be surpassed. . : He would paTfarnlnrly theattentioa or all dealers in. .Clothing to his present splendid assortment of- ■ - ReadY«Made Garments, ' As he fuels confident, upon examination of the qualities and prices of hi* goods, ho ean -offor-them luph Inducements as shall make St their intercstttfpuichasa at hlststshUshmeut. Many yean? experience, ana fcreat success in together with'an unprecedented'TfTicttsals end JktalLm . trunage,'has enabled him togetupGanscnp) to spit tbs bu*- rinc© habits and tas(es-of lac&ttoa In the Union, whjchfa-cf the utmost fcap&rtaacd to wholesale purchasers. In the Cuttingdepartmcat will he found aeholwjsdocdoxfc of the mo^fwQiQnahl&good^consistingtrf ‘AfcheftfZSfetJiiV. and American Bronidctht, Ctuh/merttU, effc. J Alan: an excel* lent assortmont -of!>£SHNGB, of the latest and most ftsh- which he Is prepared to make to ofde?' in the best manner, and at the most reasonable prices^- . COME, THEN* ONE AND ALLI : • ■ : \ x . ■ The AssprtmßUt, ihs..Quality,-and-tbo ■'■Variety,' Is tho extensive, undouht«Hj, to bo found--m the United Stefo. - > J - ■' mar 23- "pßlMSTONE—lffbhla.Rol4 fbrsalo by ■'.-; 'r.r\ J> 0ct35;.... . ■ -. :FAgNE3XOCS *C£4A' - Lena's SUam Plano Porte Factory."^ jirfgtei _ r ■ X* L-XEASh haTlpg nppUed tnachinciy tO- of PiANCkS, ho is enabled to mpH!! H «kU , at least pen cent: dieapcr Uxml: * ;*NByhrnught ffem the warrtmted equal in eveiy respect. * , " 1 t Sit octere Pianos* and -upirarilsr- Sevan-oeta^o" - .**- * . 1 Plaho Wareroom, on Hand street, over John’s'Sflnetil ; Water Warehouse. - .'TAccordooag, Violins; Atu tnned and repaired.-; * •-'Jyfity • • . . , BOOKS.! BOOEBI . "" TEST UEdaVEB by ILMINKIVi C&, Ho. S 2 SjaHhflett' .U gfrfet>afreahhopp]T-ortb&-fo]lo\»ing r latcrsj < Htig.BoQ^ J . - Tbel>orgßeti6 r DjJ.iL l Marver; prko : i-ir.n' KoTctloLofaßacbdcar, u i « *??£ IVefih Glftipings. *1 b f Jfccwp lAft,."' ' . o-: • « ••• «• fg - Xotns Eating,a.Summer Book, by Qeo. W- Cartier 'f£ lajarda-Popaiar ABcOuat cfJib Toh, with engnrrinM,*. •.. .. , 7*: Pcep at Kaflber nfe, or. Scenes In tho aCitV Pastor, i'« •45 Blr JahsTranklin Mjd til6,ArcticEegfoim . -•. .'j o§ , Glance* M Europe/tiT. Horaae Grcolcy, - ■■ - fg by the natbor of. Wide* Wiilo. World, akols; .l’w .....Dollar* alrfOr&ta, Iff Am/1550p,-2Tobu " -7 50' Tbe Lift ahd PahUci&rTteca of I&nrr CUT, down to : • Wltai .aiid completed; at Mr.'-- CUy'a Pttthv to Horace Greelj, . ... ...■ *26; IbclAftof tno Emprew Josephine, tint wife of hV • - - pOldOQ* ....&. !.jf.yr<.,,'^OJ -A, Step from the‘?ta*'Wcrld \o ilia Old, and *■<»» agaio.‘ s?i - Tlth Thu ttooghi on thogoodnnd writ in boUybyiSnrj V. TaptßiD.-STOIS., „T- ■ 11:1 Tit - ■ The Xrte-Book of Parts In Bwlts «the Great: EiiTblUoo . - CLOTHING. A CARD* •»- 1 • -J ' , ! •■ • ,V .. r-. ..-.-it-- -DRUGS AND'MEDICINES. j MEDICAL. ibt of aim- MUcot WMhtag Ulan «i>j r ia ose, *nd la not to thatauHajmtoStoSoHiitbfii*;. It la on axaUcut «rtW» (at , troL—ma3! cheaper end better ttura potMhTftSSgtf W-aoett It3ljUt - ymiBEE-a.-WWottl ttrat Important ;r—- Docrroß LAiSoßggrßiacfe yaiAi.RCTT.To lucenVaalolehdeffiKtualnimjlrJbrChh^SiOTQrOT Slckneffl, lienr Altra* or : Whites, gnpprtasimij Drnaen- BeHUty, IntheHeadtod UmiXvLoss of Apprtlto, Palpltotteclro mon.DisahgSptoe, Imllgeettan, Wotolimni orWind,and oltUtenae con tiokita. JPri AiFAtfXRSTOCK'A, actftl :D* : formany-.ycartffcs*genfclor;tfce,aalfta£ytmr Yermlk fuge» I'conslder iunydaty. to bear testimony toil* valuable qualities professefl to be, and is considered, by.ailwha have used it* as an lavalnahle femily medlcing*- ■••- .: a - jfeswctftiiiT, < S. ‘Wdme. Prepared and sold &y •• .- • This instrument is simple, comprehensive, snduxvxa-: . ruuxe, and may bo tued without tbo slightest.mcoovanl ewe, or the knowledge of the most intimate friend. Jt Is to bo used externally r pxodnciii£&o pain cr-iujary whatever, nor preventing' any one from attending to bi*haslficssj and. whflo in sso t netetsutgle , taleptaccytnmgaratMg. .Lhacrgantm-a thari itmeliyntch ccn cstati that Vieyrepatn thetr pwnxbecpower qf retention, the loss of which, caused by early abuse, is the disease- Ip- question,' and'tho causa of ■ gnnfK»alt«r»t NerVOOSnCSS, Prostration, Dyspepsia, > Pain in the Head and Dismiss of Vision, Weakness of the Back and Lover Extremities, Affec tions of tho Eyes, Impotence, Pimples on- tbo Pace, Prema ture Decline of Virility, Weakness of Memory and Power for Mental Application, Dtyectfoo, Aversion'to Society, Timidity aadSelMhstrastfLfffaof Solitude,'Ae.' All these complaints disappear, as. soon tho oource is stopped fjpi&- which they emanated, .i This Instrument has been examlntd and approTfd of: by. the highest authorities in Europe sod xnended by the most prominent phyddans-of all as the only Certain Remedy tnr tjwiw* and-has now completely superseded the use of drugs,'tho' -. bongte canteritatVm, cto,-not to menQm the thousand Tcrtised nostrums of tho day, as cordials, antidots,- etc. Tt constitutes at the same tune the safest and most and by far the cheapest treatment erer offered to the afflicted —►a loir prico being allowed for the instrument* after the do* sired effect bos been attained. - - Be It also remembered, that thaw complaints are hut understood. by profession in.gcneral, and'that all the medicine in the world never has, and never wIU, stop jttm losses, which, if allowed to continue arujurq to praduco the most distressing consequences.* It has been a surprise to any one of respectability gnd of professional attainments shooM devote his attention to diseases which people of every description pretend to cure so easily.' If, however, but the -sandth part of: the miseries thesw people bring upon society were known, a very different opinion would be ortaai. <: It 'is'.not only tho present misery and. dejection preying upgn the mind as well asthd body, that Is deplored, but soma are of such amotnro aa-to affect erai'tordestrqy tho reproductive lt Ii a feet -when 7 not. properly treated, majr-iemain ao dormant in-tho constatutionas to-appear other way than in their ef fect* yef, if properly understood, arwmpst removed. ' The above, so con trived instrument, will doubtless, in-h measure, too’ tribute to check tho erils -of quackery, so prevalent in thrr dassof diaeasea throughout thcTJnion. -- - ■ -- '• - The price of the complete Instrument, carefully secured against all observation in a. box, is lt can be sent by oxpreas, to any address in any part of the United States,' Canada,' ttz, according to order, accompanied-by full diroo* Qons, tmd important advice- to the mairied and sm^e—Uie expenses eTcn to the remotest psrta of the country being but The unexampled has ohtained, since its introduction tn induced ««n« Unprin -dplod person in New York, PhnafTaiphtaj pq«{pp t -&C,, to setup some ndieulous thmgs called which, fcowover, bear not the fltfghtosfc resemblance, neither in fbnn nor .prindpter to myown hmmted, long tried, and universally approved w^rimnnf to them as light is tonight Every attempt-to sell aueh In struments fcrmine, will he prosecuted to the fuUcstfixtcnt jrf.thftjlfrar^-l~br4wr «gfc TgffllnjT.-jr. wn^l cstly corned reputation .of my isTentlou~with quack* and their worthtesspradedtoho. - Kbßiatmment is Genuinaand, •none can ho '\Varrazjted.bat thoee ordered from myseH:; ; . xAD applications and mnUtancya murt be directed fcoct prud) to the Doctor having no Agenoea estahlish edbutlnLandon and Paris. ,r.r u;- . • Address, ipestrpoid, -Dr. B. Do Lonoy, 61 Lispcnoril street, .New. York. Office hours-, dally, Crpm.9. A- IUtHIS-P.M-and from. 7 till 8 P. the Sabbath excepted.* 43*Tbe undersigaod certify, with great pleasure, thst~the above mentioned Instrument, is not only cnnstroctod on sd> -entjfigprincfphd, hut from it* use tho happiest result* may' always with confidence h»-anticipated, thaw being fcrthe enre of thoae diseases no other certain Btogr 8. Ktmw, ann, . Ch. Ccctss, acn. 96Chamber st, ' . C; fcaauxw/jtdt, 2i Horwfd •: » •.-•:.■■'■ New Tork.-;. Dr. Dx Xisxr is -prepared so execute all orders for .surgical apparatus, via: . Artitrdal Arms and Leg* which more Ilka natural members; Apparatus: fbr Laxauon ; for Contracted Log*? ferCorraturaot the bpine and Waist; &r False Joints of the Annsand.Kppfis; fer V*raljtlo begs; lat for Lschxymal Fistulas; fbr Falimg-of the'Rectum; Ifypo piatric Belts; Beds and-Chairs fbr Sick Persons; Crutches, Trusses, Orthopedic Corsets; ir_, Ac. . ~~ Allwaricwamzdqd. ..Letters must he posb-pakL eantain* lug a proportionateremlttanco or dtyrc&reuce. !feb22:ly ' DR. HALSEY’S FOREST WlffE! ~Th*dtscor*rjt of. tftt FOREST> Wiys iftfic grtulat Uortup of Vie i 3 UTup 'ui~<£uar( Bottle*, a tingle, bottle of \eh\chdoamort goad,and goesfarther %n tAfmrt of &on len bodlet qf anyt&rxt> fe cure _.,. «»p2ettan< or v tcettvntn^-/ff&ct methol: by. which all SanaporiUas, and other slml- X lor medicines arc preparecL Is :by boiling the Roots or Plants to obtain the extracts. - The medical virtues are thus principally evaporated and destroyed. It u not to be wondered at then, that-oven ten and twen ty bottles of these harsaponllas art* same times token without any perceptible benefit. Notso with the Forest Wine! By the invention of a wondfcrfiil-chemical apparatus,* perfect wlnois produced wlthout heattug; retaining at-the same tlmo, all the pnmitire healing properties of the rare medici nal plants of which It is composed, thus rendering the Forest Wfria the most efficient medians theworid ever produced; at the same time the most agreeable. '- - - NERVOUS DISORDERS : Are diseases 6f the mind as-Well as of thq body, are‘usually hrougbton by. troubles And-a&hctions' and an most com mon to persons of dalfcota constittrtifiTiv and Low-spirits,,melancholy, -frightful dreams, and fearffu) antk .rlpaQpnaof evil fema tho-alightcst catoox, generally acecm-' jponynervons daQTdmx. TheForoat Wise andPßlSmtean energetto remedy in these complaints.-- • j-: Extract of a letter from- Mr. Joseph C. Pauldmg, dataf - - Dr, 0. W. lUlsxx: ' - - Dear Hin Your Forest Wine and PIUs have cured my wife of a dreadful hervous disorder, with which she Had been af fiicted.foraany yeark Her body was almost wasted awav. She .was..frequently-disturbed in bcr sleep'by frightful dreams, awaking quite exhausted and covered with pewpl ration, and-at thnesJaboxing under the delusion that some thing dreadful was about • to happen to her- By tho use of fbux the Wine; and a box- of the Fill*; she 1* now Inperfect health. She has regained her flesh and color, and = enjoy* society as well as ever. ’ ■ ' J. C/ PAULDING." QRXRRAL DEBILITY, EJUCUTION/'W A S TING. OF THE BODY, Ac. 1 Many persons' are offiicted with some of the above eats*. ■ plaints, .withonfc betag W -to tri«' it' to' any pSttfealaf cause, sod therefore delay-the use of the proper remedy nn • til the discaao breomes cb&sUtuHonal.. These disorders are often characterized by a sense of sinkiDg, or entire exhaus tion alter exercise., gome expcrieuca si ugguhno«, lassitude, and at timer,' or flushing of tho countenance, or pal pltaticnoriheheart;or like symptom*;.- j . - Theexceßart.effects which cate ever attended thq wqof thoForest'Wlneacd'Finsjln every apeaci ofdehiliqrji* •elusive fTxleneeol Its happy .-te*ults.m~t!usciart of disor -dcrB* Many have resorted to these medicines as an tilhaa* hfla, and been speedily cured.' For Nen'ons and Debility tho Mineand Fills or* taken acoorduig to the diroc» tionson the laboL - .. v AG OR ASD FETKE, OP- CHILLS,-/ Are caused by. th« tniasmat|e.£i2aTia arising-front uzsrshes, decayed Tegetatlous, and W,.: damp situations hr'gvrtt and Ague Abe Forest "Wine and Pills arc aeoTenugn remedy Wben they haro been takes agreeably to-the riiwx-tfoyy, w hare nett?. known them to Xsil< in effecting a complete cotj •ln the first place take a lafge dfce ,.v r : • ..••The Forest wine and gom-coatcd Forest Klla unite la «>' i-complhhmy the aame great’ cud, - the Purification of ti» Blood, and of-the Stctoach and - •• •' .- Tbe Forest'Wme and Pills m recommended as an efficient ■*asd certain edro In the following complain ia l Ihtm&taiir • SaMtuACUitmut, Dmajy, Oftr&iruStf Q* K rXOIiC/- thocrimaoacctad biood-ewrting- Jtt bijUUnf xos«te hue .through jjbo ,-fcanrparßnt torture of .Ihftskipf ..wliaicharm? are moreeaptirallag thanthbaeof ln her highest perfection, of hestUrt Zat Urr. aiO se/ayorrstijinesnpplyth*place cfnilcoscici&S. Tlumse ofthlsi«J afaoatS 15! ‘ft;v&tzaftirU»?o»««k» H:mrj. nantor to : -M»i«bW »hn iretniflßrfeatiUazcrcf tolarr to oa: < .; pencmi.throoßfa ertiStttewSflWtaprejw «aato»«f-. SISi&WvWM liivjlsaHjf to Baa, «rf, gmflderlt [ndtoraaUe. «■ “TtiteTiwiy eaßftiHatlwtf fr? - gaenily maden»« ofJndd’ffcattdo, pr^s... pared br MessraPaUWi A‘C*»P, MUiOsSWa, Comwalctr 1 . rcb&zdul? MiiiTiTniinilft'tb f, .otgpr^faßfeDM^wyttoig . :k . .tsceßcn* *uta*itiiU ftr jA&Ut T tit&*das. fco®; coU, sealiv braise*, -indaPrfclriai , ' -j - . -P. HABBI6ON, K. D, ■ 3 ,7 .- - HAMIiatWBRETre&itDe , j; „ _- ’ - ELLSWOBTH Botoi ' in the ■ ■ v!r a x Rahs Stock * CO, ?’ w- - . , - _■ COHnSofWoodiniUTntrt*-!? ' . ■ -*u» B&dHu tieK) . ■■ ;■!. ' . THECEZ2BSJT&D COMSTOCf MKDIOIXt* *■ 'n'lHfiT^-lh*sEm--p Jl ir E CT tj uwj7 mimctt axmOrJ- X r*. - -'flj-— OtuaHa ftr, Baflae.orJfa»tafe!a # ‘ jat—ifcAmr-, Amrntk og, .ftrUiotnWßaflMftwfe ~ ; tthj—g&»*« JactmU. iTaiarum ftSh. B -■ 6th.--*iS'peAD 7 l .Sj eh Hfcad ** i- - ■-. ' • . - 7th.— MoOia*» J3eiqft. te-rit^gmartw*h* ftmiiy vr*q , , k : ..-, r tUis-Lon(fov , t Qrtat Western .A/tomflag? ■*-.; •*-; :uu& fbv&ish'ftoßßg* and p%ve&Usg frmtfjbr A*t2m£^- V -: [•limOomnlattA is •- ■^--- [ dlpcstkm and. Lott. of — a>-- : t sad-Malca, aad'Boroiu v tes»thßdta~takc^iis*«f *ut JUrvarlenaaaT ■-■■"■■ v r ; y i‘ »Ul— KSkr) fcjsfciHreo I IQtb—J&x Broxrtft GttnX-ftda £& er;~ KoWdfeiaail : begadiacerered that te to happfly adapted to tea- internals -■• ; u drop* to be takers and inch tronden »b f j i aorflederfmiaSVssairiahori&b. OT&cttaa In/bott* •iOT^J^toWfaentreacbi'v*‘'\-‘'' : *'.';'*v-'-. - ■£,. , .llth.?-&umAoZc’r‘itec¥dk'4aditei-J&v~liiBH»\ibrdzfr&. •-••••. stray Verminiaashort time.'.•: • • ; • § ;; :•' -12thl—The Zin’i Xife PSj eadJbapq uu •■'■ • • v - tbe r popular Xf ;•' ••"•> - •TBCTasasrrpa.conGHH* CQU>s,lxninls2A, dS#--/*- •; - and Jfaa SterJc J&axJ&r*, the q£ yV;"fi «* > 16th.—£^f^s^:0iiaa^*Qaiaefl*-BesSfi&rferCct 4e. fc ' : 16th:—jErfnK* of Sirsfrvbrina. . This Article hu ■ all oUtcr.garsapiginafra&d gtffl gfoaaagrcrtfafe&cUooS tTt£i : . __ - --L- • i celebrated .pZcp&r, sua *** ) from CrrLi3*s ami the most poplar hi the nnriat?^ -^ , : > 18- Jbo&i X ectaiaandei?'^ '- ; cure.fcr,--Topthachft." r - i:' /P^v ;; •''' ■r 12f}Lr~D?' latdy^booghitl»irfehifc r~ ofiiiß T % . . ftmxd .at lt Spring* of Brw-Wia JC. Bt C&U •:_.•■• jiopmaijtT fitfTer before eqsallsd by snyprepar&UcuY at ih. -. *' plice.iii.l - commansuma'WiUiits^meri trhSch areextraanhrgsrr;.' _ - ■ 1 " ~ . *-=•••=; Allpreparations. beretofcxs- woocV 1 *; Ctffl.®; al«ray*,beJ<7BE(d,*aDd - brieraig»>EXCLrSlTKLT ta T>r. Ladus v H. Comstock, tf'•:_:- thougU the «JgastariofCoaistock •eiD bceoattiml •. 7* this extra label vith the /. ? will In fotoredesiCTata theQlsMinjiK*- . ; . ;' : i. j v"-;. - - - ALL OTiUifiS'SnJSSrßir SPOEIOUS.- P : ; ; .if tccnia a. aaoKßtt,.,.^. 43“ThoaboTemaiictoeacaiLbehaainttil5pUr«c>f 'p' 4> J ■ • " items*, tioa and most* sasguJai^l-’' pcctatknispf Us -Mends, --■ h’cthing. but dtatotrinsie :■ tffldthe-nhmal’ikft&la r beng^-rnnforrHl’m ffintfomrtm q- :± .-. munityi hato /ofled and -been - i friends byeyery trial, conferred 'benefit* cn the aSktcdtl? ' • ..J&- ~'- dssynsv erfbrgetj.aad produced aijjl § *-••.-» -$r .-■. ~r*rarofrahletohe-fcrgottgn. ■ -* - § WliUeitiat/ftand on thepublic to pretendßuy c{ - medkina-will infidffbly cure-—still, there is 'abuadas t ■■*-■• '■'/■ ■■ that the CKTBftT PzcTOßAidoes not onlyAtfaroucpri thii' :but ahsast iufsrlahly euro the maladies Jor which; ltftjc. • ■v...<.. v ~ - _-' ‘-.-v . , < ** r. : . -A* time mftfcee : tfcss thoy-csitTelyfbr(j.:''' best Tfccalty the afflicted with' afcaa^y-Chat will |' for them aUthatEudlrisacsadA,'' ! Prepared »nd sold ky i' .:' ' JAM® C. : ..PnctJeal Chcs&lst*' ZfiWdly'SZsfST: ■.. ' ! v ’ legbenjr r by JL P. Schwarts; and'by Pruggftttsga.Xteal»a- • .; 7 - laMedionearnywheWLcv ■-;• '•-''iaJßamdaw ' JbT Cottg&j^fTnlrl^JA tfrf Xsmpjy Difficult Jfrtctffamr, Zit&Jtjjl r . tumsipaißor.Wcnixta of-Uu Braal orSide, ■ c/.OMfiimptten, tbe, xta- ■■ - •« * >* - ■“* * ~ : t • IK adapted td'msyjcOse*? .of the.&angs. -and Lbrer, vtdeh laproducedbr 9m 1 ••• »aryingdiß»te. - - - s - ,' - , ; WiU (3i<>rryi«Jc^-beqn-kiiotrn-tQpdsscss‘ijn^drti? medicinal sropartMa.r/Mdaart li flufalliartoatwy «nf^»* in migjaod* ami Ifrvgicfcn* oftenjpreicrfhedfc'ttt. - - tinaj Tarirty^«3mpia2nt^T4r£a3ai^ ; • ■::. ly joted for Its/rlrtaei: aMmtr » faraiHar-tothal.’mbokeoantry/liATe to#- : . r -; - ; In. other hand*,- again, nearly £ % • donbW igncngtt» ia tagtaTfo> *drntwt(»»«»flus . ext*isr l :' .:fcaHajg.experiawßt. -v;'s‘ a —V.• -'•.■!■ <• - : ffca.^xaordfco?inaQdiia3 r :-;. ;' tla : PB. AVigTAhJaBArAAif oy yrcnymrgniYr -'•■••. ed,*oUjatyrliH remain* ' 6f pohnaanir ymTJWer’gj - To«ayixieaall ttnbSllffT«L ft£ ' cu».t&oiy la really - fcHa^hrthhMwfarfiitlitettM^a.r 1 .. • •*«■' -*$ £'■:?..* - ■ " ;• X ; : ••. If*. HfcSi Xy, JdT24»']£2&£ Hescra. Hareourt,- Howard JtOov—Gents fir.. w*> - tart Balaam tf%radCherty that I fccngbi if roa h»jb*f •- r ” .xixtaa kxum fer th* .i * Mywifi-took cold «^t£Vtiis9^iief/amJiiimsnt.':wtir 3 corera-iad coo2^^3^^«uSi^rifctei * 004 * “.» .. 11 1 ;] cossuayrrrtTg myr* J .-.-,g • -.v,- '•^•V ■‘ Hobqrt 'Saadoaoot-Juatica'or ?: • ‘ eocrfri-CbbytntT’farthrfaf-g^alJHl> ’ SaDdejSDa,**toi -ofll£xa'ia JSX2« ■ cured o£ OoV" - : «nznptloa^th4a»’-. /:.■ -' EOBERT utaßiorthe«lgn»towo( ; -: ; PCTTwWt-dx tottleg &T gajl t»ao»l jjttljie whoa ,anrt M - . H =^^^Sr,2lmdTillri^Q*icn > * Ccfc£tte; ' Mfi? cn! t • Bgi,ftftT«r^3-B^aaia»rtgg.\ff»m!ii-yj > a/OgJcßi» Ooad«t»aart;>C*telt«'B«»a«yg?«- ■;-'-" {n®jis«r- v -v ■•> •" V l -’ V * \ - > ■-V 7 O .. • r - *> - ~ ' • i £ . at " S'* £ ft- A 5 - . - ~ * t-/~ 3 . >A. -