yjrj&S/jyyy yr- >.? ,: t v K-- J \.•' *,> 1\ ’ v..- * . .* . ■ % v ?«f ;:■'?%/ :: v -?••;'■■*-■•■ ":~- ■> , .* H ' ' * -V 4a . -•:,?4>#■•;."^r -' -'■:•*■ -•= ’-:?: ■... • w v•;.l'. ,-v# '\nri y.vy, v.-A. ->■■ /...>-r- ; ;’, ?- r>A'v : < . :'-■•>.-,.. 7V^/. -y*:. rV---' ,-M? '•• h%: ± _A<> ;A,. -. * •;y-w-s,. t '“A. fe«^j^%S£lg|3^tgft% , 4y ; ' ' “■ y 3*> ,» i j>7:. >, r ,trA \,\ rf f “S* i 1 »t < *./^**M*£W>. •* * J tes I - l I *V 1 ■** , *»‘s i-h f J eT*.r i^t*' : i tf l J; TjWrLv, *i^«'*»*^*« . 1111 l pp«e m I Mjjpjjpp|||g» ,fir 'elkt=l-NA, 4L- :11 -;r 4, 0 t, , ?Rzyire:k illllliltlglfc. iwri|MtBfeii^^^aw^^> -. " - - — ._ -- ~-'— • , -i. .. _ _ »-— *.** ->«~ . ... ......„_. 1 :mmi «mmwmmm* i ; : ~„,; MK#fg| iPr^§M v ' ; ‘ : :^^SS^ '7 l f . '.: ?: ' ' ltii tii11 5 4:04; ~ , 4: , pi ..- t‘... °lt - 4751 1 *, ; "q r „.„..., --- • •paT.T.- Aini WIKTEB'HBY gOODBT" '"1 mzua&m #&;> t = FRENCH S-T;ORE, ".. SO. 1 0 8 Market- St. • MV Rtock of Fali.ftcd- Winter FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, no\T. complete, and Is .-exceeded Jh rarity,. lalityi'Or ch north-vest corner of Wood I /. ftrecfc'nnd DiimondnlloyvTfn porters and Wholesale, Dealers InDRY GOODSand-VAitlETrESiare just, opening - anentire now and complete stock of Goods bad - Varie d-tins.--These Goods have l?eea selected, with great eare.by ■ --- OneofthemoPt experienced thenin thccity, which, ibr style, ■. •Variety, and cheapness, cannttboiTirpasfted by any bonso. . wart of the mountains.. Guretock consists in pari of— . French and English Broad Cloths; C&srimercs, Katioetts, Tweeds and Joans; . Fancy Prints, lu great variety; Drown and Blenched Muslins; . Satin, Velvet* Worsted and Cotton Vesting*; "Fresh Scotch and Domortic Ginghams ; Irish linens and Table Diaper; Brown ami Blenched Drillings; Alpacas, Delaines, Merinos, Woolou and Canton Flannels; Drawers, Under Shirts and Pea Jackets; Checks, Tweed? nod Iliekoryß; Hosiery and Gloves, a large assortment; Ribbons, Laces end Edgings; Qunbrlt* and Mull MukUds ; Veils, Collars end Cuffs; Dress Silk, and Bilk Handkerchiefs; Toaket and Table Cutlery, of cur own Importation; Combs, Threads, Buttons, Ac. . In connection with the above, we have just received, di rect from the manufacturers, a very large assortment of rQold and Gilt JEWELRY, Gold and Silvor WATCHES, Gold and Silver Pons nnd Pencils, Ladles’ and Gents Gold Fine, Eight Day and Thirty Hour Clocks, of all kinds; Per riunory, Drugs, Ac., to ouroeu stock—the half of which has not been’enuunsratciL We would invite the'particular at tention of city and couctty merchants, Pedlars .and Mllli new, a»thev may fert assured we will make it an obj<«ct worthy of their call. . D. GREGG A CO. - JUST RECEIVED AT YOUNG, STEVENSON & 'itSSL LOVES. Sign of the ORIGINAL JLEUIIVJu No. 74 -Jgjpj# Afarfa* Street, hettoeen hhurth Street and the diamond ■ -Itß&SrPittsburgh. • m JL Tbe subscribers have Just received a very large and beau* "tlfcd'stock of PALL and WINTER DRY GOODS, which liavo bean selected with great earn from tha recent Importations, ■ mid large Auction Sales in Philadelphia and Now York.; and will be mid tor cash at a very small advance above Eastern ' nvrt Purchu«ir» are respectfully solicited to givo them an early ml?, and secure a good bareaio. as the stock consists • Of a general assortment of the fbUovring articles: French Merinoes end Thibet Cloths; Ooburpv Pnr&mettas and Persian Twills; ffigbooVd Delaines; Cashmeres, and Galla riaida; iiohair za& Silk Lusters,.Alpnccos, all colors; ■ Bombarinea and Persian cloths, all colors; High Lustre, Plain. Black Silks, all wedths; Brocades* Plnlda nnf t Watered Silks; Black and Cb&meUcn silksand-Turk Satina; China Silks and Poplins, plain and fig’ll; French and American timghsms, all prices; English and American Chintzes and Calicoes; Needle Wprked Caffs, Collars,Cbtmizetts and Capes; Embroidered, ploldantl hem-fGtehcd Linen Cambric Silk Pocket Hdkfe, Cravats and Neck Uaa; Gloves, Mitts, Uosary and Suspenders; Tickings, Checks, Blea'd and Brown Muslin; Irish Emtn?, Table Cloths, and Damasks; Bird Eye and Russia Diaper, very cheap; Crash ami Towels, at 60 per cent below regular price?. Bed, White and Yellow Flannel, very cheap; Col’d Drew and Sack FI an els, plain and FlgMt Gotha, Cashmeres, Satinetls, Kentucky Jean and Testing -Bonnets andßonnot Bihhon.% at bargains; FnH and Winter Shawls, general assortment. ... fey* r YOUNG- STEVENSON & LOVE. "R HISSES AND CHILDREN *5 SHOES- —Purchasers of IYp there Goods should not forget tfaatW. E. fictmrarz, llTMarkct street, has the largest and best assortment to be found fn the city. r aep27 WOOLEN SHAWIA—A splendid assortment of all the newest and most fashionable styles, cod of every -quality, just opened at A. A. MASON A CO'S, ~ octl4 • Nob, 62 and 64 Market street. QXfcLATO CATSUP—-A good article, for rale by the bottle -ii : c? dozen at KEATING’S, corner of Wylie and Fulton streets, ami at Harrison A Andrew's, corner of Fourth and Feny streets. octfr hair chfjrta mt-»lium to extra ane Green: 10 do do in metallic J42>. packages; s .'V 40 do do Oolong and Chulan; 100 caddy boxes do; J. D. WILLIAMS & CO. Carpet* l Carpets t T>Ofel2{SoN & COm 47 Fifth rtreet, hare just opened ‘JX one of* the most full and complete stocks of Carpeting, OQ CJotluij. Druggets, Matts, Rogß, Stair Linens and Drug x gets, Stair Bods, Piano and TADJe Covers, Window Shades, Ae.,^vsroffered in the market, which will be sold at - • the loyestragh pricc*. Call and examine. QCtlS.y Tobaooo— • . „ • . „ gghxs'fi’sandS's Russell & Robinson’* anti Grants To* taeco; • 12 do 6> ands‘s Stewart's do; 20 do Myers’ Superior Pound Lump do: SO 4o do do dwarf do; 20 case Diadem Twist. do; 16 kegs 6 twist do; 10 bbls Bavarian cut end dry do; 10 do Hungarian do do. received, and for sale by MILLER A KICKKTBOX, : «epis yps. 221 and 223 liberty fativet. Jli«lucation—The Female Seminary, (LAIS mbs. poixuexteb’s-) -tirn.T. bo continued at the usual plaeo, earner of Wmb* W iogton street and East Common, Allegheny city—the .<*m /vimTnpTirinff on the hrst Monday in September next —under the efficient management of Mias Hannah K. Davis, who-hna {or some time had charge bb principal, and will have suitable csaistanco In Its management. In point of location and arrangements for the comfort of Cha pupils, itia not surpassed in the community. For t>»rma t ic M see Circulars. fra Professor Thompson’s Female Seminary* ‘1 ■ rTi3‘ open the Foil Session on MONDAY, 30 th instant, W and continue lira Months. As the number of pupil* H limited, early epplieatiou will bo necessary to Seen re ad mission. No pupil admitted for Teas Umo than a tesafon, and nb dednctkm of tuition except for protracted UlncsA One half of tuition payable invariably in advance. For further fcfonnation sec circulars, or Prof T. In person, at his rooms, Mliberfy street, (Irwin's How.) . « , , „ .. . ■ Pint-T. will form a small class or Bor 10 lads, In Mathe matic* and Languages, to recite from 3 to 8 P. 31.,0n rea tonable. terms. i^ lB _ Young Ladles Seminary, Allegheny* ME. end Mrs. N. W. METCALF, will commence their Au tumn Session on MONDAY, August 30th, at their dwelling, oq Federal street, “ >PLean’s Bow.” Mons. P. Yf -' 'Gengcmbre is engaged to Instruct in French; and Mon*. H.‘ P.Gengonbre, in Drawing and Pointing. Scholars may ou ter at any time, and will be charged tuition from tho time or '■entrance to tho close of the session. Cases of protracted nek* ness will be an exception to the above ride. Tuition bills will be received, one half in advance, the other half at the close of the session. , * All other arrangements the same 88 heretofore, which may be ascertained by reference to tho circular, or by applying to the Instructors. • ' 1 Allegheny. Ammst 2.1862.-—aus:tr- . - Adams 6s> Co 9 e Western Express* BOUIiS OF ARRIVAL. TJtBOM Philadelphia and East, 12 o'clock, midnight; r Prom Baltimore and Snath, 5 o’clock, P. 3L ' Way Stations, between Philo. and Pittsburgh, 6 o’clk, r. to. The West, generally, aid v. sl l -;r a-.- -For Philadelphia and East, at & o’clock, f. B. For Baltimore and South, at-4 o’clock, v. to. • -Stations, between Pittburgh end Fhiln, 4 o’elk, p. b. Cleveland Clncinnoti, and the West generally, 7V£ A M. All Goods and parcels left ot the Office, after the above hoars, will4TO out by tho following day’e Express. . an lQ - : ... BAKRU k FORSYTH, Agent*.- Atxiltony’ii. Daguerreotypes. rf ittr undersighed would inform their many mends and 1 - others* thatthoy hive removed from Bnrke’a Building toNo. 62 Fourth st,(a few doors above their ©M stand) whero 'they haro fitted up rooms for Daguerrwtvplng. .Having a Tery iaperior arraugemeni of light, and the most approved 'ihsfritnenteiiDwla-tMc, with some ten years experience in 'the bhrineos, they.; pledge- themselves to turn out as good pictures as any other ostablishmeut ip*tfae country, and far more Tncrntur likenesses than has heretofore •d to th* dtized* of ntteburgb, .either ;ringls ,or in groups. • Gtteens and strangers’are respectfully iUTltcd .td call, whether they wish pStures or not . ‘ Our motto Is good pictures, fair prices,.aid perfect satis fiietton to bur enstomfers. HOUGH & ANTHONY.. _■ N. B.—-We fumirh all articles in oar business to other /OpotutogLashorfltafore.^- Sport t Sport I Sport! SPORTSMEN, now b» the time for you to avail yourselves .of a Good Gun, or the best makers. Just received direct' from tho manufactures: “7’ ‘XdM double barrel guns, real stub and twist! 2 dO do do do fine ft do do do do Imitation do; 20 doatagfo do do assorted do- - ALSO, ' 60 dot halls Of wadding, Bley 4 Baldwin’s . 400 eanisterS; and 'hilf canisters of thobtuu sportine powder.; - - £O,OOO assorted gun. caps* all kinds; 50 do* powder fiasks of the latest styles; 20 43 shot hags and pouches; 2 do: gamebags, assorted; . .. Odo.cap.pruners assorted* Togetterwlth on the trimmings necessary to fit out the sportsman, * <, We have cm hand and are constantly, making our superior Rifles, to which we invito the attention of Sporting men. All of tho.above, articles for sale at . BOWNskTETLEY’B. •.--aepll . iilCt Wood. st. * C. P. 83UTU, ' WSHIOtfABIE SHHtT HAHUFACTITREB, " J lane# and Vantiy Goods, ■. below Diamond Alley. . "having taken the above StorcjAnd estab < listed theooe Bft-a-, Shirt-Jlanufiictory, and Gentle men’aPumlßhfngStore,respectfully nail, the : Atten :tJon'of and thojmblic generally, •* vj tohiilitfga J assortinept ofOtratlernGn** 1 rrtfrfMng, Fahey tuidYerietyGoodi?, atbong which may be ■ v.. ::-TonJllL.Hhlrts 7 'Of«TCry ; jsAttem,Bire, stylo; and : description, »of hl»aiminfl«>rthfftiaerwMd>>for neatness, cheapness and ~r ; darah2ity» Bannot v6tocks,Bcar&,. Cravats, .j < bf everj”dC3eriptloii; 2 togetlrer with a largs ra s lriety3rf'o®t^ ? 'Faner‘;B'. -Manor Udts;Shoh!iier'BTaccgw Traveling Bags, ’J 'Cmr* tfev-Mfts arid - Stiffeners. Pocket -Booby Wallets. Par go, &<&£& : - Constantly >on ; -fcand/A 'laiige supply of Um hreliajyfif 6oles* :kta&*wftsn&Uty» at. mnnuCao luivlag been -favored trithSong erperi- In thenbove busiuCJWi Iwpefl tobesncasssfalinplciudng ' aUwh^mir&iwliimTrithacal^tnißttag,bystrictatten* Mow tebnamessito merit tt liberal ahnre patronage.* - ' -cctti ' li * ' . Adiii &. Co.’» KxpreMr ! 1 NO. 80 FOURTH SIRKETvJ’i'tXSBURaH. ®>» runnlßsrwjo 'larljfto *Dfl arerprepwtrf to/onreid. all bur • t j . i SPECIAL WESSKNGKB (sent : dailjrftr-PhiladejpWa r at . •*ydoclf J*. M.' 11 AJro, : daily 7 (/clod, A. M<- ' Orders transmltiod xif 1 -first Express.'’’‘ :iv ' w am* of Exchange. fotsaJa oiL-BTiglMtd, Irelana'eaidScot? lahdL fur. any amount, payahlaoa principal JSaqgnd Houses' of rl. ’•* i , •f;- decgl >vV'- N ►r; i BA&ER A gQBSYTH, Agent.-- . ITt7TE m Ihnmraing tedai», Phlk W~ s,;;, r; -, . ; y. - : ; • On Fi«?ur,:B7|4®* # barrel. Wo sire also prepared to forward freight to RodebaughV Station, near Grosnsburg, and intermediate Stations. VQBE A GRAHAM, Agents - corner of Penn and Wayno Pittsburgh. 11. IL HOUSTON, Agent, jy29 :t v.; gl fa Market street, Philadelphia. Merchants* Portable Boat Line* fbrQit Transportation qf Merchandise antLPrvdttct, (VIA TQE runcmVASU CANAIS AXD &AIL BOADS),. MTWXEX PITTSBUIUJn AND PHILADELPHIA, „ 1 DittdL uriUiend Jte^hippiria.l ' S fI3.TDiIB,t£ENDATS; 13 ' •Ti : * • PATTON A REYNOLDS, ■ . Depot, 251 Market st,(near Sixth,) Philadelphia. i.J r-. .3 J-\ {■■■>, A.M’ANULTY&OO., - c .rCana! Basin,4oB and 410,Pehn !W Pittsburgh. HATING increased ©nr facilities and otherwise Improved our arrangements, for Transportation, wb orohow pro* pared to receive r large amount.of Produce and Merchan dise, to ship (on tho opening of the Canals,) with promptness and dispatch. Tho Section Boat system of transportation over onr State improvements has: been in. use aoont ton fears, and the great success and fivvor it has met with, is a sufficient gear antes that it is no longer considered a donbtfhl or uncertain experiment;-but la acknowledged -by all as vastly superior to any inode of trnnsportion used on Canals, (whan Inter* sectod by Railroads.) Goods loaded into onr Boats at Pittsburgh, remain 'undis turbed until unloaded at our Warehouse m Market street, Philadelphia, thereby entirely avoiding tho delay consequent on three different transhipments, and securing the delivery of Good.'* in entire lots, tho packages dean, and in as good order 09 wbcnxhlppcd.. . . „ . . consigned to our House &t "Pittsburgh, will be received ana forwarded always at„tbo lowest current ca nal rales, strictly according to instructions, without any ax tra r cbarge lbr commission, storage, or advancing charges. fcb23 . C. A. MMNULTT & 00. HICHHIGAS CENTRAL RAILROAD. CLEVELAND AND DETROIT LINE, Ih connection with the Cleveland and Cincinnati Railroad, Cleveland and Erie Railroad, Cleveland and Pittsburgh Railroad, and Michigan Central Railroad. PASSENGERS will be ticketed through from any point on Lake Michigan, to Cleveland, Cincinnati and Pittsburgh and from either of thoso places to any point on Lako Hlcui pan. This line will bo composed of two new low pressure steamers, built expressly for tho route. CLEVELAND ... .Capt. C. a Stakaxu. FOREST CITY Capt L A. Pnaux A Boat will leavo Cleveland for Detroit, and Detroit for Cleveland, every ereniog, at G*r£ o'clock, arriving In both cities the following morning, In season for the morning train of earn for Chicago, Cincinnati and Pittsburgh, and for the Lake Superior and Saginaw boats at Detroit. They vQI run from Cleveland In the following order: FOREST CITY. Monday. —..—... Wednesday ......Friday. L CLEVELAND. Tuesday....—.....—Thursday Saturday. CLEVELAND. Monday.....——..—.. Wednesday.—......—... -Friday. FOREST CITY. Tuesday ......Thur5day............. .Saturday. The undersigned are prepared to make contracts for all kinds of Freight, from Cleveland to Detroit, Mackinaw, Sant Etc. Marie, and all ports on Lako Michigan. Tbs OCEAN, CASPIAN and ST. LOUIS will compose the line until the new boats arc ready. AQEXTS. C. BRAD BERN & CO n Cleveland. a?rU:6sn) PITMAN, TROWBRIDGE A JONES, Detroit FAUE EEDVCEDI WEST NEWTOK PLAMK ROAD ROUTE, FOR BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA and WASHINGTON CITY. Fahx Reovczd. This la the only office which Insures aTHROUGH TICKET to Washington, and, by taking this route, passenger* will save timaand money. The Mall Boat (carrying the Unitod State* Mail.) leaves the Mrmrmgshpia Wharf, above Wire Bridge, EVERY AFTERNOON, at 6 o’clock, Tia the Youghiogheny River. Passenger* will lodge on tho Boat, and take splendid United States Moil Coaches at West Newton, cextmomtag, over ths PtankJtoad, cross ing the mo on tains In daylight. Take tho magnificent sleep ing Cor* of tho Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, at 10 o’clock, P. aL Breakfast at Baltimore and Washington City, dine in Philadelphia, and* arrive in New York the same evening. Faro to ftaitlmnrp g B.U) do. Philadelphia .. 9.75 do. Washington City....—......... —. ©NO MQNOKGAitELA ROUTE ww, The steamer leave* tho wharf above tho Bridge, J*s£s£rid£Ntaßyv*t 8 o’clock A. M. Traveler* leaving Fitter by tlio Morning Boat, will crass the lloun* tains the same night, and arrive in Cumberland the next morning for the 8 o’clock train of Cars Tut Baltimore. Will sup to Baltimore City, and arrive to Phila delphia at 2 o’clock the same night. Faro to Baltimore— .. .$ 8.00 do. Philadelphia.. 9,75 do. Washington City—.- - - 0,60 For tickets, br either of (he above lino, please call at the West Newton Flask Hoad Office, tn the Monongahela house, Water street." (rep27] J. J. EVANS, Agent FALL A K HANOEULNT—FAEE HEUOVEU. 1852. 1852. THE PKNNBYI. VASIA UAIEROAIJ. Only Ten Mila Staging t tchich will be avoided by the 20 Ih qf November. Ttno Daily Train* /ram Pittsburgh to Philadelphia and Baltimore. Only HA hour* thrauyh to either place; bath Trains connecting at Harrisburg with Trains for Baltimore. litre to PhUcuiel phia, $9,87 U- To Baltimore, SP,SO. Thirty term and.a half cents erira being imposed rm. Philadelphia JVnrrf, by the. Canal Commissioners. rpUE Express Mail Train will leave the Depot on Liberty I street, above the Canal Bridge, every morning at 0 o’dock. Passenger* will go by the cars 30 miles, to Rodcbangb'f, (near Greensburgb.) where they will find the best o! Coaches in readiness to convey them 10 miles, over a find rate plank turnpike road, to Beatty 4 * elation, (Conductor* accompa ny each train of coaches,) and then take the car* direct to Philadelphia end Baltimore. passengers for Baltimore take the car* of the York end Cumberland Railroad at Ilantsburgh. Passengers who wish to avoid mgbt travel, can lodgu at HolUdaysbargh over night. The Evening Train will leave daily at 8 o’clock P. M n ar riving at Fhß&driphla or Baltimore at 0 o’clock the next evening. Passenger* can stop on the war, if they choose, as their tickets are good any reasonable thno. Baggage cheeked through to Philadelphia. Passengers are at no expense in moving baggage on this line. The Accommodation Train will leave daily at 6 P. M., and arrive at Rodobauch’s (near Greeasburg) at 8 P. 31; return ing, the Trains wUI leave Rodebongh’i as follows: The Ac* eommodotion Train will leave at 0.16 A. XL, arriving in Pitts burgh at 8 AM; First Through Train at 330 arriving at 6 P. &I; Second Through Train at 10.36 P. M, arriving at 12 P. 31.' 'To Oreerisburg, $1,00; ■ pare from Pittsburgh to. East Literty, 10 cents; to Wfl. fcinaburg, 20 cents; 'to Turtle Creek SO cento; to Rode bdngh*'*, 80 cento. Poßßcngcrewlll procure their ticket* at the Railroad Office to the.Depct Office, Liberty street, above the Canal Bridge. N. B.—Messrs. M. A J. Brelilcntnal, Omnibus proprietors, bare been employed to convoy 1 pawengers and baggage to and foom the DepoL at a charge ti6t to exceed cents for each pasxeoger, and 12% cents for each trunk. SF’NoncA—ln caso.wloss, the Company will hold them selves responsible for personal baggsjfo only, and fur an Amount not axooodlbg,sloo. J. MIaKIMEN, uovS Ticket Agent P. IL R. Co. inf! BBLS. NORTH CAROLINA TAH—Jost arrived IUI/ on consignment, and for sale by TAAF7E, MAGUtRE A BANK, novl3 112 Second street. WANTED— Twenty shares Life Insurauco tknnpany Stock. By AUSTIN LOOMIS, gtock and BDI Broker, novl3 ■ Office, No, 02 Fourth street. IIQR SALE—Twenty shares W^torolnsurancvCompaoy 1 .Stock. By AUSTIN LOOMIS, Stock and.BUl.Brokcr, novlS Office, No. 02 Fourth street. TEA— 200 half chests V. H., G. P. and Imperial Teas; 60 do Block do; . 180 eoddjs Y* IL, G. P. and Imperial do; novll * For sale by - SMl6l k SINCLAIR. SELLING OFF) AS I wish to discontinue my present buslbess, 1 will sell anything and everything in-tho store at FIRST COST. Coil noon if yon want a bargain, as I am. determined to sell, and no humbug. JOHN S, KENNEDY, Np: 04 Market street N. B.—All persons knowing themselves Indebted to me, will -please call and settle the same without delay. octl& LIVGEY Kl'A&Lie, v Comer of SmtthJicUi rtrezi and JCitmemd alley. __/JS THE undersigned haring added largely to his STESnL stock, is how prepared to accommodate the public Vv II with toe finest Buggies, and best Homos, both for Saddle and Harness. Gentlemen wishing to have horses kepi atjjivery, will find superior accommodations fot them atihls stable. .The stalls orb largo anil new, and the pro* : prletorpays every attention to thdr .ease and comfort. oct6ar P. DEVLIN, ■ NEW SEED STOBE. JAMES W&RDBOPrbfis opened a Seed and Horticultural Warehouse, No. 49 Fifth street, In connection with his Nursery ; and Bout a long practical experience- la the vari ous Horticultural purshibyhe will keep none but the choi cest fresh Seeds; Fruit T?ree«.~Bbrubbery, Plante, Flowers, Implements, 4c., and fTOni the liberal patronage already be stowed, he will study to ‘lntroduce every artfclo that will tend to benefit the lovow Of’Fruity Plante or Flowers. ' - =• novl New CiootUi Heir Ooodi* . £. watts . A_ NO. 18fi LIBERTY STBBETy, . , KB now receiving our FALL , STQCK* and are enabled to. present, for tho inspection of our customers and the Pi U °i unequalledflfisortment of-new, •foshionable and GOODS at moderate prices, and to exrelintheibaroo-, •wf Sn style.UurnbllUy.ond comfort. •:« on “and a choice aasortment of ready mad#- clothing of our own mannfiictiire. , , ■ tl/RAPPLNG PAPERS r ■ , V ' vv wr r ,Di i p r r ' % ™ & S' £ it T 1! X ?fi 5° *“w m ? lium do do do; 100 do do do THE PERILS OF NAVIGATION, ■ - BT T&S PROTECTION INSURANCE COMPANY OP HARTFORD/ CONN. ’ ’ ' £5“ This OLD AND RESPONSIBLE Company continues to afraht polices upon the mostfaVorahleWtns. Apply to GEO. E. ARNOLD, Agent sepS&n for Pittsburgh and Allegheny County. Delaware Mutual Safety Ixxsnranc Co* Office, north room h s&rplus of upwards of thirty-on* thousand dollars, bevidcs a reserve capital of nearly two hundred thousand dollar*, which Is constantly Increasing. The Directors submit that the State Mutual Fire Insnrenco Company offer*, to owners of «a& property, inducement! wd dom equalled, and never exceeded. Directari— John P. Rutherford, P. C. Sedgwick, Samuel Jonsa, Philadelphia: John B. Packer, A. A. Carrier, Pitts burgh; J. B. Rutherford, A. J. GUlet, 8. T. Jones, Robert Klotx Joint P. RcTuxnroßn, President A. J. Giturr, Secretary. Jebdawtf A. A. CARREER, Actuary. PhlUlpsbnrg Water Core Eitabllilunent, IN PiULUPS&UDQ, Beavar county, Pennsylvania, on the South side of tbs Ohio River, opposite tho mouth of the Rig Beaver Creek; twenty-eight mile* from Pittsburgh, eight from Wheeling and one hundred from Cleveland. The Proprietor has hM twenty year* practical experience as a regular physician, twelve of which be has practised under tbs Hydropathic system. Trrm* only FITE DOLLARS PER WEEK—payable weekly. All Banco* or* adapted to Hydro pathic cures. Each patient is required to furnish two heavy woolen blankets, two largo comforts, four sheets, four tow els, one camp-blanket, or India-rubber sheet. DR. EDWARD ACKER. l*roprietor, marls) Phlllipaburc, Rochester P, 0-. Boarwetmnty. Pa WIL WRIGHT, (Suecwwor tv J. S. Toccn) Monafa*'- • turer of and Dealer, Wholesale and Retail, in the above namodOU and lamps, is now receiving a largo assort ment of LAMPS, tin burning the Ethereal Oil, C&mphlcr, and Pino Oil. Alio, L&mpsof every description, for burning Lard uni Lanl Oil. Chandeliets, Girandole Hall Lamps, '(Ticks, Globes, Chlm soy Mata, Casa, and all thins* pertaining to the trade. Ethereal, Camphlne or Pino Oil, regularly supplied once or twice a week. All order* left with the wagon, which is eomtaifllj pas sing through the city, will be promptly attended to. N. Lamps of all kinds altcral to burn the Ethereal Oil. All articles delivered in any part of the dtj, or iu Al legheny, free of cost. W. 11. WEIGHT, No. S 3 fourth st, (Apollo Hall,) *prlO:y between Market asu wood streets. jgShi IMPORTERS and manufacturer* of SURGICAL AND DENTAL INSTRUMENTS, RIFLES, Ac. Wo Iplf . . keep a general assortment of tbe above articles constantly on hand; together with a general variety of Paacy Hardware. Also, Guru, Pis tols and JloTolren, flasks, Horn*, Shot Belts, Capa, Powder, and Bullets; Bovlo, Dirk; Hunting and Pocket Knives; Tailor* and Hair Dressers’ Shears; Pocket Ar.— Also, Trusses and Supporters. Jobbing repairing neatly executed. RIFLES l—W« an poking Rifles of every description, to urdor, of the best moterial, and workmanship warranted.— Orders received Car them at Wholesale or Retail, will be fill ed with despatch. Hunting parties supplied at Wholesale prices. Py 16 * Blank and Scliool Bboltaj aud Stationery* THE subscriber is now receiving largo addition* to his far mer stock of Blank Books, School Books, Paper and Sta tionery, to which'he invites the attention of merchants and other*. Ill* stock consists in part of mediums, demy and cap Leger* ; Journals; Day Books; Cash, Invoice, Sales, Or der and Letter Books; County and Aldermen's Dockets, in various styles of binding, paged and plain, equal to any ever offered In this market, and at reduced-prices. A general assortment of School Books, Memorandum and Copy Bocks; Pocket and family Bibles, plain and fancy binding; Blank Deeds, Mortgages, Common and Judgment Bands; Cap und Letter Paper, a great variety plain and ruled, at exceedingly low rates. A general owortmant Of American, German, and English Stationery. J. R. WELDIN, " Window Shade and Oil Cloth Manufactory, 48 IRWIN STREET, E. H. KERNAN % 4 1-2 FEET LAN DSC APE SHADES, 03>$ and ?5o pair. & do do do 76 to 87 do. 0 do do do $l,OO to 2.00 do. .flowered, Gothic and Plain, assorted price*; Buff Llnan, 44 26c„ H 33c,; Buff: Gil Clotb» 4425 c., 64 Wc., 04 4001 Carriage Oil Cloth, black, 4-4 64 O-4 40c4 figured Back.. do . ,4432 c., 64 40a, 44 44a; Euameffed ■ do 44 83c., 6440 a, W 6Qc4 Mahogany and Rorewood 4-4 62c:, 3*4 T&e., 6-4 87c.; Table Covers, with centres, 44,62}£, 76, and $7 each; Flour Oil Cloth, 44, 45, CO and 70c. per yard; Hearth Rug*, (oil doth,) $l,OO each. CLOTHING. Long Black Oil Coats, SL?6 each. Jackets $l,OO. Pants «7>£e. Hats 62Uc. GOODYEAR’S RUBBER GOODS. Long Black Coat*, $W>O each.' Short Black Coats, $4,26 each- Long Paata, $3,25 each; Leggins; $2,00 perpalr, Beware of imitations on Transparent, Emerald,G reen, Buff, Blue, Yellow and Crimson Window Shads OU Cloth, as this Is the solo and original Manufactory. All Good* warranted not to stick, fkde or ctffck. ' novfcfim PIANO FORTES, - . MUSIC, AND .'MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. , CHABLOTTE BMJHE, ■ -i 'AfcllS Wood iSttfci', Second Poor Above Fifth . ' ' PmSBUBOH, PA. " TS Just Falliupplkaor good« In.tea abore 'V Vtte) which 11*7102 been Klecied with great caro, act! 'Pojwimiifl>r'M>h,«im£loluttobil«reUobg Inducement* loiltoA tomtamlne her, gfryfr, RTnCTTg-qrhich'flie*:- ; . pr a KftS~Al gfeTendld gielftctloa, comprising All tba latest . iWlesandprifies,am6ig' iirethe celebrated Hamburg 1 1 jirob 3CCY atflef also Gals & 00% J NeW'York;'Bii*in ft Envcifa Is'enr York; Belchenbech 4 Bra , s. , PbMdpbii J ft^;ftc.‘ '" AthomaorihrOadf ftlibat purchasing Kano Fortes, be jßjunC aadon aagoodterms, Tarying.ln price ftom £2OO to $BOO, with a written gnairante& v , • . flmrAftfl—A.flnnealflctionof^Frenchand Bpaaiah, which : fhv -Hftor,*** ,-h»Atity'erift’pOWCTOf-totin'.?** unsurpaMaiile, . FLUTES AFP nLARIOFETTS beat French, fttefafrhTlttiWTVnfhffo*'*' '- • French sift .English make. Also Damn, Rm, BakjOb, Bows, fe, Ac, . s. • BTEINQS of the rerr'best Italian, French and. German. .:... . All llusiotl lartrnmflote repared with dorabOHy, coats eg «od’U INSURANCE COMPANIES. $30,478 CO 733 48 Emporium of Light! CELEBRATED ETHEREAL OIL AND LAMPS. BNTEBPBIBB WOBKiT no. 130 vrtwr» snor. viuae ebo* szlow vtaaci suit. DOIKiVrf TBTLXr. Bookseller and Sfatlpupr, 63 Wood street, betweon Third and Fourth * V-** - ' -- ■'A -,-' . if- >, a, , WM. £» fiT^VKNS^>N’.continues to CABLfrFfcWAß%ofcv,erYdeßttiptlon T nthlßQld ftdbdj’. :Wa«in)ff of liberty and Seventh streets. UNDERTAK • T *lXG ott^ndedteV&M^Atsbranches. myXI., > A.antUKKN^co M , ~ B&Vjfr ON.HAND.-at-theiriexißnfilVe CABINET and MANUFACTORY, : N&«4- Smithfield street, a Jargea&sortineiit'-uf and'plain : furniture,-irhich they will.sell lS per cent, below customary rates. - • Term*—<»sh only.' •-•-> • •' dec2?:ly "O. C, nnrvnt. . —.JL DACLxa. Hammer & Dauler, CABINET WARKKOOM, SMITHFKLD STREET, Bdtoeai Seventh street and Strawberry aUey, fittxbvrnh, /b. a HANQX£E.a HAULER keep Constantly on hand a U 4, , variety of *>r«*3bw*fc.~ap‘d fashionable Furniture, war* i lablo terms as can bo obtained at any dmiliir establish* mentin the West. They have now on hand’an unusually extensive stock, embracing all kinds of Furniture; from the cheapest and plaincst-to lh» most costly and elegant. Ail orders promptly attended to, my2lai6m Journeymen CaDtnet makers Association* WAJ££JiOVSfi t 110 SECOND STREET, (SCAB the consia or wood.) •• ' - ; THIS ASSOCIATION, embracing s*S fisraagaadgga**. already twice to three times as W. giany hinds as the largest and KM hitherto'most renowned miriness* shopa cf this city, -have opened their Warehouse, and are able to furnish the public, by or retail, with Fur* ,niture of the following description—-tix: - .v Mahogany Wardrobes; Dressing Bureaus; Full Columned Borcausj'Mahogany Bedsteads; Mahogany Chairs; Bock In g Chairs; Mahogany Washstands; Sofos Dirans; Piano Stools; Book Case*; Secretaries; Card Tables; *Ker Tables; fine Card Tables; Centre Tables; IJat Backs; French Bedsteads; Ottomans;- Poplar Wardrobes; Dining and Breakfast Tables; Workstands; Cherry and'Common' Workstands; bighpoat, common, lowj'and trundle Bedsteads; Cherry Bureaus CribS; Cradles, Ac. . / The advantages of cooperation, on an Oxtenslteseale, per mit them' to sell at the lowest prices, and they are deter mined to sell, lower thou any competitors, on equally pod, If not better article, and warranted—os the public will un derstand by giving them a C&U. 03* Steamboat work of &Q descriptions, and other articles of any desoiptlon, made to order in every style, at the short est notice. . mar 29 JAMES W. WOODWELL, CABINS# FU’ENITC&E MANUFACTURER. Ware-rooms 07 and 00 Tliird streets J. fr- W. respectfully inform**?* .. his friends and customers hey-L has how completed hli spring stock p§3 of Furniture, which is decidedly * v ■ the largest and best ever o Sc rod for salo in this City, which will be Bold at prices as low as any In tbo United States, East or West As he is determined to uphold tbs quality with well sea soned materials, best workmanship, and newest designs; and from the extent of his orders' and facility in manufacturing/ he is enabled to produce warranted furniture, at the lowest prices. He has adopted the principle of identifying his customers’ interest with his own, in quality and price, and keeps al ways on hand the greatest variety of every description of fumituro, from the cheapest and plainest, to tho most .elo gout and costly, that a house, or any part of one. may bo furnished from his stock, or manufhetured expressly to or der. Tho following articles consist, in part, of his stock, which fur richness of stria and finish, cannot bo surpassed In any of the Eastern dtics: Louis XIV tete-a-tete Softs; 60 Sofas, in plush anil hair cloth; 60 dot. Mahogany Chairs; 120 dot. Walnut ‘‘ 60 Mahogany Rocking “ 20 Walnut 60 Mahogany Divans; 20 Walnut u 60 Marble Top Centre Tables: 60 “ “ Dressing Bureaus; 30 ** “ Woshstands; 40 Enclosed u 100 Common “ 20 Plain Dressing Bureaus; 49 Mahogany Bedsteads: 20 Walnut “ 60 Cottage “ 800 Cherry and Poplar Bedsteads; 20 Mahogany Wardrobes; 10 Walnut " 10 Cherry “ 60 Plain Bureaus; 70 Dining and Breakfast Table-; 12 Secretary and Bookcases; 20 dox. Cano Scat CSudr*; 24 Cano Scat Rocking Chairs; 12 Ladies* Writing Desks; Hat and Towel Stands; What-Nots; Etiguires; , Paper Mache Tables: Conversation Choirs; Pembroke 11 Elizabethan u Hail and Tier “ Reception u Ladies’ Work “ Pearl Inlaid u Extension Dining Tables; Arm - “ Ottomans; Gothic Tlwli Chair*; A large assortment of COMMON FURNITURE and WINDSOR CHAIRS. Cxantr? Makers supplied with all ar ticles In their lino. STEAMBOATS and HOTELS, furnished at tha shortest notice. All orders promptly attended to. marS WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c. Henry Btcbardnoti, Jerrpller, HAVING ro-bttod his rtoro in a handiom* manner, and bat recently returned from tho eastern cities with a fine assortment of WATCIIES, JEWELRY, and FANCY GOODS, would call the attention of hU friend* and custom ers to the .that among hi* Watches will be found tho most desirable stylet, patterns and makers. Of Jewelry, the latest styles of Brooehe*, Breast Pins, Fob and TcstChaln.% Finger Rings, Ear Rings, Miniature Lockets, etc., etc* c FANCY GOODS—Such as Papier Marhe, Work Tables and Boxes, Desks, Fancy Vases, Perfume Bottles, Table Mats, Colt’s Pistols, Porte Mounaics in great variety; China Fruit epd Caka DUh<*; with on endless variety of ascful'and or which have only to be seen to be appro ciated. _ [potl] NO. 81SLVRKET STREET, Watehtet Jewelry* dbo. HAVING just roturneu from tho Eastern cities, I have brought wtth me one of the most beautiful and care fully selected stocks of Jewelry, Watches and Fancy Goods, ever offered to tho public. Persons wishing to purchase anything in my line, can rely on getting' a good article. I do not advertise to seli goods below cost, nor 60 per cent, cheaper any house m the city. Give me a call, and I am sore you will be satisfied that I can seli a good article as cheap as any of them. Another fact I wish to keep before the people. If you want your Watch, Clock, or any article of Jewelry, repaired In tho best manner, this Is the place to have it done. To this branch of my business 1 w ill devote especial attention. JOHN 8. KENNEDY, 94 Market stmt, aprT Sign of the Golden Eagle. $210,649 98 If Time it Money, ~ SURELY it deserve* to be watched, and, reader, jbn may bo atftmxl that— WATCHES better ne’er were sold, Whether of silver or of gold. Than you will find whene'er you go And look at thoro on wlo below. L. REIXKMAN A CO., Importers nad Dealers in Tfute/je* v C loci'j and Jcvxlry, JFoteA Material*, Watch i/aim' Tbol*. dc. lTfth street, one «locr from Wood, beg leave to an nounce to the trade, and the public general!}', that they hare just rpcehred, frcin the bext manufacturers' In Europe, a tore lot of Gold and Silver Watches, Watch Tools and Ma terials, and a most elegant assortment of Jewelry, from the best Buurafertor&rt, which they oiler as loer tu» thoycan bo purchased in the eastern market*. Clocks, Watefec* and Jewelry rep&lml in the best manner, and on tho most reasonable terms. Prompt attention paid to orders from a distance. LOCU EOKOUX BXCTCM [Of the late Firm of Sends and Rrincuigp ] XOHS BGISE3US A CO., IMPORTERS AND DEALERS LN CLOCKS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, WATCH .MATERIALS, TOOLS, 4t, ; Fifth Street, one Door freon Wood Strut 2*Utsburrjh, JU, fI'ARE leavo to announce to the trade and tho public geo* X orally, that they have themselves carefully selected and Imparted from Europe, a largo stock of GOLD AND SILVER watches, watch Materials and tools &t watch makers; and a moat elegant a*w>rtmrut of JEWELRY, from the best manufactories—which they offer at prices as low a* they can bo purchased In the eastern mortals. Their stock of Witehts eonAistfrof Gold and Eflver Patent Lorers; do. Detached Levers; do. Lepinen; Silver Quart! era; and elegant French Time Pieces, of the most appro rod mates. Together with a large stock of Cloeks, ana Time Pieces, from tho best American Factories. Their stock of Jewelry comprises articles of every descrip tion In this Una, such ns Finger Rings, Ear Rings, Breast Pins, Bracelets, Gold, Fob and Guard Chains, Gold Guard Kern and Seals, Lockets, Gold and SIjTTT Spectacle?, Silver and German Silver Table and Tea Spoons. And every kind ot fancy articles generally kept in establishments of this do* scrip tioo. Tuey would respectfully call the attention of the trade to their extend™ stuck of WATCH MATERIALS and TOOLS, of every variety, which they have most artfully selected. They have also on hand a large assortment of Telescopes, Spy Glasses and Opera Glasses, from the best manufactory in England- Together with a great variety of other articles too numerous to mention. Clocks, Watches and Jewelry repaired In the best manner and on tha gnat rpa*QTjaMe terms. [octll:ly TEAS —150 hair chest* Imperial, Gunpowder, Young Ity* son and Black Teas, received and fbr Bale by octl3 KING A MOORHEAD. OHIO AND pa. RAILROAD—2OO shares fbr sale at fa vorable rates, by A. WILKINS A CO., subscriber would respoctfullj Inform the public that _L he has got the necessary moulds and presses Car putting op teas In metallic packages of 1 lb, Utt> and Ho wRI pack tar amount with neatness and ties patch forany home In the city, and on reasonable terms. Apply to •iatch Balboas Roots, Preih Imported I HYACINTHS, Tulip*, Crocus, Snowdrops, Jonquilles, Veonens, and other Flower Roots, for Fall planting, ar rival J* fine order.. Also, Dwarf Pear-Trees, FraUTrees, Falftorta; Evergreens and Shrubbery, Ip great variety; Gooseberries, Straw bo rrt os, RaspbarTip*, Asparngoj and Rhubarb Roots, from tho Nurseries of octlC JAMES WAKDRQP, Manchester. Co*Partnerihlp Notice* THE subscribers have this day entered Into partnership, under the style and firm of TAAFFE, MAGUIRE A BANE for the purpose of envying on a general Commission and Produce Business, and confidently hope tbetr long expe rience, extensive mercantile acquaintance, and personal at tention to tha interests ofitheir customers, will entitle them to a sharp of public patronage, which It shall ho tb dr study to deserve. LUKE TAAFFE, Pittsburgh, BA3TL MAGUIRE, Cumberland, McL, WM. C. BANE, Washington, Pa. Pittsburgh, April 3, 1852. [apO THE partnership heretofore between the under* slgued In the Commission and Forwarding business, &c n under the firm of a. F. VON BONNHORST ica, Is this day.; dissolved by mutual consent. The business of tha lata firm will be settled by B. F. You Bonnhorst, who Is authorised to use the name of the firm fbsth*t purpose. WILLIAM EICHBAUM, a F. VON BONNHORST. Pittsburgh, May fid, 1&53«mj4 Co-Partnership Notice* TUB undersigned have this day formed a Co-Parfaershlp for the transaction of a Wool and General Commission and Forwarding business, under tho firm of -VONN BONN* HORST A MURPHY. Warehouse No. 87 Water and 118 Front streets. : JAMES R. MURPHY. J ' : B. F. VON BONNHORST. Pittsburgh, faay 3d, lSS^aiyi SKPHESS TOR <* It DODGES DYE HOUSE GRAin> DIiPOT for. Jteofirlflgi perflinniosand do* JL lO Indiirtr«t,irheroar«i)ytdand- JtaWwd*ifebortnotice. AIA SUkj linen* Woolen and Cotton-Goode. xwnMnw rtufli tint lire generally uaed, euch a*Cotton and Wool; Cotton and Wool; iQiixad together, and utedfcx ladles and genttfwcartog i jarel, cr fancy articles of dress, Jh any end ianreiyjJiape i whatever, art Dyed cheaper,-truicber andbettcr, than are at {hladty. fl. B.DQDGB,OTprffitor; «t&tf . Ofllee, No. lQJnrinatreet - *■■■: ifr •' ... . K v AHV-' '£ ' ’ '->- .' Bankers oxu) Exchange Brokers, , • . ; 75 Fourth street. J. F. 0. KEATING, corner of Wylie and Fulton ■tracts. Notice. .O-'i:-D'IB-. I&3PH&WS;-■; “' PI FOR THE DISEASES OF THE SUBH' W'COtDS, INFLUENZA, WHOOHXG COUGH, CROUP, HOARSENESS,; COUOIISi BRONCHIIIB, QUINZY, ASTHMA, INCIPIENT CONSUMPTION, and the variods diseases h&Ting their origin in an. Inflamed, con parted or torpid condition of the organs of-respiration. This Medicine, now offered to the endec thd above nnyifl, is a remedy, of immense. value. In. .tho diseases for which' it Is recommended, and has been used to considerable • extent throughout this city, os - veil'as lit other localities, with «succc*a.that has raroly.-attended.any .medicine, not heralded throughout the whole country bribe press.: . . Dr.Keyier’i Peet oral.Byirttp, Is the prescription of a Tegular ipbyridan, who used It-for seTeral years in his .praetfoe, with a suceeffl-'nnequalled by any other, medicine inure, mid it was only , upon the great and drily increasing demand for it, that he'waslndnecd to 1 put it upltt bott!ea, for amore general and'axtensiro’fiilfc' ; We claim for.tha Pectoral Syrupthai it is an .ENTIRELY NEW PREPARATION,differing ineTeryre«j>oetfrom the various remedies now infuse, for the diseases Pulmo nary organa.- TT DOES NOT SICKEN THE STOMACH,. ,by containing nauseating doses-of squilla, antimony, and Ipecachuona. It has in it no opiates to constipate the bow els, and dry up the sochding organs: but Its action is wholly, different from the action of any of the above named drugs. IT IS AN EXPECTORANT, that clears out. the tubes and air cells of the Lungs.end Bronchia, In a manner that is not equalled by any dther remedy.. It dissolves, in agreatmea-'. sute, the greatly increased secretion of mucouß, attending the various diseases of the air cells-and bronchial, tubes. It allays all irritation, ahhost assoon asJtis taken,-and it has been known fo cure a cough of Several weeks’ duration, in THREE DOSES! .y ' . ; We have several rciheikable cases noted, down,, where it succeeded in curing cases having every appearance of PULMONARY CONSUMPTION/ Cast I.—A youhgmanvAjed 19; of slender make; had ooogh; expectoration of dark, matter from the -Lungß and Bronchia, for three weeks; pulse up to 120; hectfo'fbTer and night sweats; great emaciation-; pain in the breast; 'some times expectoration of matter streaked with blood; bad ta ken various remedies from physicians, with little or no re* lief; commenced taking the Ptdaral Syrup in half the usual doses; the expectoration diminished;-, the tough abated; the hectic fever left; and in four days all tha had symptoms had entirely disappeared, and the man is now entirely well. Casx-2.—A lady, aged 46; troubled with a slight rough during all or the greater part, of last summer, which,, to wards fall, greatly increased, and contjauedmlghland day, threatening to involve the lungs and pulmonary-organs to a serious extent; there was pain in the breast, palpitation of the heart, and headache, aa almost constant attendants; stuffed condition of-the vessels; occasioning a feeling of fulness pf thehead, noso and throat ami a discharge of ac rid secretion from the nostrils; various remedies had been used; several physicians consulted, without relict: She commenced taking the Pectoral Syrup, in tho.ervenlng; that night she roughed but once; took another dose orPoctoral r and slept well all night; continued the syrupbextdav, and by night was entirely free from the cough, and all the bad symptoms. SheisnowwelL Other cases, equally remark able, could bo given, if spw» would permit 3£T Wo furnish below a certificate, signed by a number of our own citizens, in proof of Its efficacy: M M ,H I :§ .1 Read! Read*! Read HI We,4be undersigned, having used Dr. Kisser's Pectoral Caugb Syrup upon ourselves and in our families, do respect fully recommend R to others as a safe and efficient medicine for the purposes recommended: James McKenna, James Fowler, W L Foulk, John Fowler, E P Dwyer, Jr Alexander Wright, Robert laughllo, John J iiitchel, James K. Leader, J Porter, Wm 0 M’CUrtoey, Joseph Thompson, Hugh gallic, . Edw D Jones, W U Anderson, P M’Kenna, Michael Kane, Jr John S A gey, Thomas ilXHven, J XlTdillan, Francis Dunn, J P Smith, Job Whysail, Joseph O’Brien Maurice Bmroen. f • . „ . COUNTRY STOREKEEPERS wID find this an excellent article to sell, and will give general satWaction to their cus tomer*. Liberal deductions will be made to retailers and otlwra purchasing by the dozen—price single bottles 60 cts, or 6 bottles for $2,60. CAUTION EXTRA.—Manv persons will tty to induce yon to .tray wms othrt irtfcle, tilting tint it H m good w H4a i but weadvisoyob toeutjontth© iuung« **DR. KE»pER!S PECTORAL SYRUP,** and buy no other, and you will not be disappointed. ** „ _ _ The Pectoral Syrup Is prepaid and sold by Dr. Gqo. 11. Keyset, wholesale and retail Druggist, No. 140, comer of Wood street ami Virgin alley. ' • " aeplgslAw CLOTHING. What Every Body cays, nmit be Truel IT is said that BOOBY EB, at the Ria. Hite Ciotjoxo Sroaz, No. 213 Liberty Street, sells tho cheapest Clothing In the Qty—well made and fashionably cut. ex audno them, and you will not be disappointed. Just received, by Express, a splendid assortment of Fancy Cashmeres, Brown, Green and Blue Cloths and other Fash ionable Good*, 'suitable for the season, which we are prepa red to make to order, (without disappointment,) in ©style unsurpassed la tho City. ’ _ Come and see. par SI A CABD. E. Watts & Co.'s Tailoring Establishment, .VO 185 LIBERT* STREET, FALL AND WINTER STYLES.—The subscribers hare J art opened their Fall and Winter style* of 3IERCHANT TAILOR'S GOODS, to which we Invite particular attention. We flatter ourselves, that we have tn store altogether the richest stock of Goods in oar line, CTer o&red in this citj£. Oar stock of Over Coatings, are-of the newest and toast de sirable styles in market, and trf every variety. Our stock of fine Black, Efcie, OHro, Brown and Mulberry, French Cloths, are of the latest Importations, and was never *o good, uor prices so reasonable, as at this time. Our stock of Fancy and Black Cawtigteret, and Doe Skins, are of very choice selections, both a* regards quality and style. To* gutter with oa assortment of rich plash Silk Velvet Cash* mere and plain SBk Vestings, .which arc pronounced, by all who have sora them, tb be moch the Lest variety for gentle* men’s wear In this city. : , « sepS3 . ' James C- WATT-Muchant Tailor. jVo. 3d Market, ixitaea* Ssetmd astd Third 'JStTteh, Begs respectfully to inform bis friends and the public, that ha has relumed from Kerr York and Philadelphia, having there selected from the latest importations* as entire new stock, of Tflsck and Colorod CLOTHS, CASSX3IKRES wtv> VESTINGS, which-for newness of designs and richness of fabrics, are not surpassed by any beuso west of New York. Ail of which be Is projiaml to make to order In a superior style, at theMowcst price possible, and cordially in* rites purchasers to call <*T nTT n nM the stock before pur chasing elsewhere. ■ ». TO TAILORS- —I hare no authorized agcntin:thls Oty, for the sale of my work on GARMENT CUTTING- .It can only be had at the store of-the. subscriber, 33 Market afreet,, at the following prices,-riz: with instructionsrflQ; with out, $7. [marl?] JAMES Ci. WATT. Mew Clothing House* - EDMUND WATTS A CQ.—M£CCU4ST~Ttf«£S, JTol 185 Libcriy Sirta, abac* St Clair.' " • HATE Opened ft new Clothing Store at the above place, and are now receiving a splendid lot of CLOTHS,' CAS -81MEI&8, TESTINGS, An, of the latest pur chased with *an esnedal view to city trade, and which they ere prepared to mace op to order in the latest and most fash ionable atylee. They intend to pay strict attention ;to this branch of their business,, and they hare full confidence that they will be able to give their customers entire satisfaction. They are also manufacturing a choice lot cf READY MADE CLOTHING, of tho newest styles, which they will adl low for cash- A* this stock fa entirely new, (t is worthy the attention of buyer*. 1 ' apllhly SPRING AMD SUMMER CXtOTHXXG* THREE 810 Dooaar ‘ fTo. 151 Liberty Sred, Jfittstngrgh. JOHN MeCLOSKKYhaa now the pleasure of annoxmdng to his numerous friends and the public In general, that his SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK .& now ready for in spection, which, be believes, will bofbUnd tobo one of the largest and best seloctcd stocks of READY- MADE CLOTH ING to be fbmnd In the Western country.', ’ - Uo has this season paid more than Usual attention to the manufacturing and ttyleof his gajmpnja, ao-thattfce TW (owesTpricea, as weU aa the finest, ere got up In a style and elegance not to be surpassed. ! 1. He would particularly call the aUenUon.of alTdealersln Clothing to his present splendid assortment of . Ready»2ladeGarments, As be fbels confident, upon examination of the qualities and - prices of his goods, ho can offer them inch' Inducements at shall make it their interest to purchase at Ids establishment* Many years* experience, and great success:in the business, together with an unprecedented Wholesale I*s Eating, a. Sommer Book* byGeo. "W. i ,75 iAjftrd’sPopolJijAcccaiitof bjs DiscoreiiCT.ntNiQ'®. - * Teh, with engraving*, ' - =75; -Peep atUanber tfjfe, nr floeoasin-thell&of «Gty ‘ Pastor, by tha author of 44 BuanjsMe f M ' : '45 SirJohxt Franklin and the Arctic Regions, - rgg by HQEaee.tJreehjyf -i ~ iW avi y : y V 1,60 : : peachy, tbMnUa*r ToJsil 75 lwltart siui Qents, by Amy lothrop, 3 to1j»- : . ;:i!so Tbo life end Public Serrtcer.of Hrair Ctar. down to '' S 4B ! 1 ?. E P C ? E JTE nlt i -Jditalendrcampletedet Jir. - j Clnf'eDeath, hf HnmoQrecly, ' - ;j or ThoUfiiortho ¥mpiew ! 'Jcwpl l ljie;ai*t~wlfobrS*.' rr poiooa, ;•;■ . ‘ • ; - -■*■ •■.--■ "A Step from the No* World to the Old, «™tW "• :with the thought on the goodnnd etil in both, hv Hear? ' • P. Septan, Svoli, ~. Jus £lhe True-Book of Test, to Science end Art, byjoho r SSsibUz.■ < : n...■ , 2.00 j Jtesslteof the Greet Exhibition on the ProgrMj of . Art end Bdeoeo, --- n- -..-. r . lor. Erery noerßook puhllahed In tile oonntrr, for rale »t the CheepßooVrtore of HKim 4:, ®et2l • Ifo.S3Smithfleldetreet. *c- ’ - *'• V : * •>' '•• 1 * I£- t *>V- * . , ' * - ■- - y *„ \, *, *-*- V - ~ ''* " * ..DRIIGS^ANH.ft GERMAN WimKa-POWBZBj-iA liHWfc of tlila ex cellent Wiping Powto, .wmhtoa e£££*f tfcxn enj other lnuM,tißd. Is not lntheleMtlMarimatoiheclD&lner _xt la an excellent article for -washing printers’ - ■I IjStoUw ■. - ilCTBEß'S.HO.Woodetrtet. .-‘...-.i Important to semales.. - ~ Boctoe LAiitOßira feekch ermale puls, aria accent, safe end effectual remedyferChloroelsor Ones Sickness;' Flonr Albns.or Whites, Bnpprescinn,. X’yßaco orrhtra; Kerrous Debility, .general Weakness; Kanaea, Pains in-the Head and Unit*; loffl of Ametite,-..MtJtaiha;Tn>: inorK-JM*eased'Splne, : CosUTenea; Ifflt»MUty,.Dyrpcp»ix cr IndieesUon, Flxhilenoj cr Win3 r nnaxllVt4Tin» rcmplaints. Price, 25 tents; or five bofcd'lbr’gl* '• fcldjwhdfesria andt* ta!T& W; C JACKSON,-2tt liberty: street,he ad of Wood B. A* F&bneitooK’i verauAtge. , . V . ProtoMK £.;SI..WOIiFE, MOTh»at'. ■ : a T•-.: —*pr»n< HJtr^l^MU^Norep^erS,iWl^. jugl* l«n*£erjtmy bcS tatimjay toSa raluabje pro&ssBB-‘{o bOp and ifl conslifrred, by a2l who ■havo used a* an tnyaluahlg family BjgdfcipOv. Resnectfdllv. .■■ £• S»-WolWt • Prepared and told {iy 1 " BL.'A.'YAHNIErOCKjfctXU .. noTl7id4w^... -~. comer of -Wood and Pirflt streets. .. . AhMd.OUUUr.r . EXTRACT OP AMERICAN OIL. Prepared and *oid tr ‘JNtt'.yoßNflsosr, 2» liberty. street' Thfr pcmrifally concentrated preparation, the WM<»h yra'ihrmd'.to-he. eight timeS lB» strength of the vwigfo*! _ QiL It {& put tip inbob? ties at 25 and 3IU each, .with foil directional Jot. fta use,.: In evety'disease 1 vmeto the' 'original * Am'pnran Off; ha* .been fhntui ut aff'efflcadouSj'inddt-Bd Ikrexcioedsdhie 1 original hfc power,.astojendexitthe CHEAPEST; MEBIGIN H IN THE WOULD. Call and try It MHNiYOUNGSW.:.. N., B. —The ongiiml OB in Its tiatuhil>tafe. as. taken goal the&wels hid' tf trill bo found tfomrrteinotwithstanding * pertain firm claims to be the only Proprietors.:/ ; fdhWTtf}- y - ; •J. .Y ; 3)r.;De lizmey , B Celebrated Cnratto: Instrument. - . TJu oa£s hifaHibU Curt /or that DreaSful XHttcae. ■■-knotti.as SpernatcrThei, cr JaeoZushtry •• JYoctunwi Emiuion*. ■ SO and productive of so much mischief to the nerrous syriem, ioeapadtaUng. man, for ■ basingys/goefetyandmatrimony - .' : 'V : - I ... .This instfvme&t=it simply comprehessitv Azsl. SSTsa* uscxLwithout' the,slightest.inccnveni l enco, or thoknovlcdgo Of the moat totimatefciend.: It is .to ' bo used externaUy, pr^ndiiffnb-pain or injuiy^whatnTCTj, ' nor preventing any one from attending to his brmness;''ftXa ; , while in nse, iud a tingle, emission take^xux t thepryani ina thort tivie crlatt thai. they r*yoin_ OairpriiitfiioejpaiTof reientiottjtbß'loß yfelchj Cansw by eaily abuso, Is tha . disease in. qncstioSp &ndtho.caQse of the thousand ooinplamtSp'Tizi .KezToixsnesSr - Prostration, Dyspepsia, Pain in thOj Head catl THmness o£ "Vlsicm, Weakness ofthfl Back' and* Lover Extremaes, J&&>. tions of the Eyes, Impotence,.Kmples on tha Foce, Prcma Mental Application, Injection, Areiskin tO: Society, Timidity and ScfrDistni&LoTu df Soßtmlc, tc: All those complaints, invariably disappear as ebon "as - tha. lit stopped frozn which'theyefeanated. ; * -This Instrument has • exsjiihitd ahd 'approved of by. the highest aatboritics in- Europo and America, U riwixa by the-most of all countries, &s lha only .Certain Heroedy existing for--those complaints,' and has now completely jupereededL'tho n»i of- drugs, the bougie, -cauterimUon, etn, not so;tg»ntiog*&g thonsand ad-' jrertised BQgtrnms ofth© day, as etc. It constitute* at the same time-the safirtand most pleasant, and by fair price being allowed for the instrument, efterthe de sired effect has been ittained. - •'•* ' ! Be it also.remcnibercd, that those complaints aw bat little understood by the profession' ini general, and the PirditW in the world never has; and nrnn* wßl,stop those losses, which, If allowed tqeontttme uncheckad, are sure to prodacethe most distressing consequences..; It has been a matter ,cf- surprise to same, that cnydsanf respectability and of profesahmal atfaimufmtsaboqM derota his attention to diseases whidt/ people-of otery description pretend, to cure.so casßr. Ii; Iwwever, but the coe4hcu sandth part of .the rnhwAw these papie bring npohaodety were known, a very different opinion would' be termed. It is not only tne: present misery and preying upon the mind as well as the body, that la dep!ored, lrat some are : of such a nature as' to affect posterity^and evea : todestruy. the reproductive faculty altogether.:, It Is m-fict that; when jtol properly treated, they may remain so in the’ consritution as to eppetr in no other way than in: their fects upoß undervtood, are moat easily and speedily removed. The abore, so ingeniously ccm* triTcd instrument, 1 ■win doubtless, In a'great mearur®, con tribute to check the evils of quackery, n prevalent in this class of diseases thrirngbout the^Union. . ; Theprice of the cmnpicta Instrument, carefully secured ogainsc-all obserratton In a box, is qnly sloi.’ It can.be sent by exprea, to any address to any part of tho DnltcdStates, 4&; accciding to ordcor, accompanied'trf -full direo* tions, and important advice to tbo married-Cia expenses even to the' remotest'parts ef the oountry but trilling. '0 r/--' The unexampled; success since its iutroductiouin Aineriesirhas Indncedaoxtte unprin cipled person In New PhuiuZdph2ft,'Albsny,'Bcstosr &L, to get up some ridiculous things called nsrixmxenla,” which, howercr, bear not (be slightest rcsemhUiicg, neither h»lbrmncr my own invented* long tried, and universally apprerred Instruments; and which aro as rimilar tothemnsl^ti*tohlght.S.'Evesyattesipt itbsellsuchln - strumentx for mine, wai be : prosecuted* to riie faD«t^'extent of the law, J bring sot willing to. connect thff well and hon estly earord reputatjon of Jin’ invention with and theirworthiesa prodcctionaL No Instrument la Genuine and none can befWarrantedbatthoseordered&umfiiysrit -.- All applkations and- remittances must be directed (pogt paU) to the Doctor hhu3elf,ha haring no Agencies, estabilsb*. cd but in London and. Paris- :. j Address, post-paid, Dr. B. Be Lonoy, a Lispenard street, Ncw.Tork, L. Office hours, dally, from 9 A. JI. till 2P, 3d, anii from" taisp.m,thesabhaUiexcepted. ;>• - undersigued certify,with great pleasure, that the above mentioned Instrument la notTonly constructed ifir»rt3trrtinTMrftrt^fflwiriHtri»wrfTid • " ' DR.‘H4tSET3 GmKOATED FOBEBT TOLL?, 1 ;i Are an important adjunct to the Forest Wine.' They are coated withpure gum an luTeutlbn'fbr which Dr. Habey has reedvyd the only patent ever granteiFou.Pills, by theGdvermneht. of the UnitudStabau' - • The Forest Wine and gum coated FOresi Mis ia ac complishing "the same great tho of the Blood, and mtoratbn of the Statmach and Bbweli . r ' • -Tbe Forest Wine and Pills are recbrnmchdcdru an effirien t • and certain ‘cure;iirtbo following complaints:' - Dgrpcpria, Rabitualaxtimu,, Z>repy, Omplaiizticrf lhizLM-jth - - THIS IS NATURAL BEAUTY. • .... '"iHf«frf>brtßr.JCßTSß3rBflr»sBtOMf-So. l*D,«meral Woat jw-J;. 4.[»ag«3tfer.-j ■ MEEIKOa— N. I foandja li»poo««ion of erm; Cam!jT tntbf I*=A r. - mnu Uuoogli *odd«Bt, Mi ttotaprej** or <»«!«* u» |v - i «f tods, jrJU fiaiWWa-ItttielfttD t&d •|*.- ; • AltSTkif trial; vUI coi aida It indtopen»Ha. • ft ' ty.-KTjiUjjikytjeißff that *fba • gpdcraigttftE fcirifij fra* u fwarMT Maaßaifflaf if t 6 *» «a if ,- ssfesss^MsaSsit WM-P. CAM 7, tL P, - E> P. HABBISOS, M-P, • • £ -> : --''’''&M^^igra| r *i> ltatail .L l • : ■ _ -.'' B, . i.;Omii , iUla*,:«a tb» jmctiitor pbyiclua to tb» eltjr afg ~. .luoalCtOTfEL ; . fc- '.. £«ial.br ', : U ! A. ?AHIrE3TOCK 4 00, . jy* ~ .- v •■• Wood tad Jhatwa. . . ' fl- THZCELZB&JiTBDCQ it STOCK KEPlOH^Z^'j rTTUBST—E» o*t4T Pia {CbreruT* fi Daßtf f-fibea&[&£ini. .>• -■>. •• : s-| .. , forDeafneas. h ■■•'■■ fortbePfien. . • . h\~ -; Jtaoce3»for Co&*£2..:v "Reilpgy and ■ preventing; lereraj for ■' -' • i l2tcr'€biiipteinty - ; -' diggstldo .for Castfriaaneia Female? .- toßtosac& :. 1 Py«pejgS% Pile£ lU&tttt) artwny 4c. .lli« great points arc, ifi • ' Is not tad tcftake, nerer gives pain* and never: lama owj *•;’ icoaiftg;-' 'C'lii-t --■ b- V- -i-- \ i//-jr* . • PULTrOmwccy*. Yeraifugti {XT pna gfllgr) for efrgdrea cfe :->■..» g jy»u~p*tW u ■-*-’ ■ -•- ~ S'; BrounCt Great ftrtnr&Ber.- Sd teftflrfne haQ.•••'•'•" been distjerensl that tan happily adapted tame internally* • 7 aidropato! he taken» and yet perform: cach.weQden »hetj . appliedextmxdZ^aaavtab or tatb, bylrtcticn. from 12W cents-'earhu * * _ ' -l mulßsd'Sbp^Saii^'fordrlii&s * :-v ; namy Vetminia aafiert •.:• ;l l v : • 12th.—Hmeclebiated Zvf* XCfir P3U end ToßperoxA ‘ : JMtehi- : r. it r : >S~\y * ~ - ~ J - , BarCtdctxc&i 'P&k Syncp* the -popular B 3? •. *■ ■. . PECTOBAKT FOB COUGHS* COLDS, 4c. | ' r - lish..~ The East India, and A’ao TcrklfcirPyc*, the onl|_!-, ; BUBEccSccnjffortliaialr. • • - - ' • J .! .- .- : lsihrrZlit^ , * Halm qf'Clatia, a Chinese -Bcaedy for Cute : Bruises,Sores*4c. • •.. -r .'. 10tlL~2S jindr-C* -W..: This:.medicine :haa attained aTßCtorietj • popnlarto nB3?«r before .equalled by any preparation at r ana. itt ante haa'teen''- commensurate vlth.hainerit| :iihichare'«rtraotdihß^.‘- :^''''\'-';i .’':-..v’fv^-vr-^ JSonCE^—Aßprepamlions,.heietoforo knorra-aa- “Cos . v i srocs’ttT or.“Cojistocx 4.Ctfa," always beknged,and :. bo2mgs'EXCL'OSITBLT to l)r.7Lncdtur S. Coxartcck', art-" ' :: thragntbe signature ofComstockiCajwlllhowmtionei; 1 this extra label irMh' of Dr. L.B.f >••' i TrtU la future designate the G£NUXS£^~..V- ; ,i v r^. I --. r : : . ALL OTHBBS MUST-BBStmTOD&V-I {’ “V/pANT years cf .trial,' Instead of impairißg.-the pnhK ■IYJL-confideneein fids maSon tca 'tioa and-notoriety -hy.fcr exceeding theiacrtcsasguiße <££>*' pectarices of its triends^Xothisg.rail4ts : :and.'the nimdstaltoble'benefit thousands ■soflerers, could crigfcateaud hmlntaintberepHtatias: it joyi kVWhfle many inferior, remedies thrust upon the ';v ,± Enmity, hare~fa2&r,and ■ been this haa-galnlv-rj*- friends by 6T07 trial,'conferred benefits on can neter forget,and produced euros too numerous and 1 remarkable.toteforsotteiLr . ' - : - | .- . While it is a fraud on the public in pretend that any of l rnrtC—is aliUJldsat that tha.Cssssr Prsyomi. does not only as & cenenHhlxi JtatalinostiaTariaMycorg thorn aladlffi for.trnfch.lt is e| ployed. \ fAs Hob makes- these Ikcts wtiat and-tetter, knoiriv tLv- ; h*M gradnnlTy tha best rtUafiCOOftbO -- fiictai, from t£»logfitd^ciftte^inirriranreasant,;totg:^f ftT 'THw**.' TKrprvrwhfvn tfh Bra.*nr§-'- r ' : try,in erery lndeed; almost every con&iiiis, C^a^TftSTOT^i^tuownwJho'bestießttdy eign countries, it is corning to he extensively wathy; th§^*' - inogtlnt^lligentj>byskiac& : la.GrgutEritaha, : l > rmioe : af..V-y-;-: : Gemahji vher* the f medical- sciences; :-fc»C«se3sedVthg ; highest. perfection,jChebsx PrCTaaAi l* introdceedt Eid | ; constant use in the -Inrtituticnvand their attending phjsiciajw. eanemploy■ fifethedherd \ rotm aSeclimsaofjtfceluhgs.,Also'inmHdcreases;and children* U U sgfe,plraraatand effectual to rare, via fe£ some of the 'most fiattcring-terttaoalftls vo' receive, tu&i>, been ftenxpaxratgTghOhyvefoondit dScarioaS Incas^p|_~C'-:v:'r- by - and his otrn oye,-with r_ . - .▼aihdfeaodoiacyandcaTe,>rltis scaledand-uroieesed £ .lavlrom eoraequoatly-caa. be reHedonas uiM.rrithratadtdtezaiion.-: .\2t l :• We hare endeavored bere tb fiirnlsh .the community v| a medSdhoof snchihtr£oric'roperioiityaitdiroilhtu*ao« ■' _ . commcnd-itielf to,their.oanfidcKer*»ires»dy at o2Ea v " speedy.asidefibctnal r . J Jetii trials profeditseLfto he; andtrustby great'care In - paringU'sriihcb«micalarcni^,ofii&iiJ3emstreiisth t to!-'- < a-nev-aiizent cot -vhkh they 'aurrely far i- • ■ best Tendril end the afflicted' irith -a rezaedy JhaS willb - fortbcmall that mcdtdne can do. .. .•.... * j^sa-.v. •----Prepared and sold by■ JAMES 0.. AYES, j Jt3~ Sold in Pittsburgh by B.A.Tahnestock;aCa: .in f. '* hy H. P; Sdnrartx;; and :ty ' " ~ 4n ModfcinfleTErytrfaexg. : > ~ : i ~ '; - =->::a»l£teda'g. - • - J&WCiWtfc : t^Bit r lAmst i '-D^iaiU-UrmVnitffjrlava’ 'Jit w lsk&nm&Uut&ta& that wkatremafnsls the roast extraordinary and £“:*• . eScaeiona .remedy fen*U.fciods;,bf.pahnonary.andlirer| _.■. eases eTerknown toman*/.To eouTiace all unbelieirjjnr our theory Is really we to a fewcaa«ofearesi. - ;- t . fermedby thiswonderfuTmedSdne: t : - ??????? i i - .'Tieohttt Saoedby thtvx&qf-anl?Three J&tkt-qf / ■ BtUamof .WUd Chary. ■■.■■ ■*. J.- ' 1 Mr. £nor» Ey, July 24,185* > Messrs, HarcOTJrt, Eownrd^Oir—<3ents: i -Tlja Dr.~l- - Balssm or WQd Cbezry; that I y Bcti B- ?varcy. iriiOrfiftrtl&ato £s abore, isiniaar. ffi«a:i»'ti».«6t «f-XSI2,-.€are4 ct tM-v -“ --ficss Cuaats^-ftirfeld pa?ftb. 25,18£t ' lifelL«becagmtlm vloured bylar- bdis ea^'-c^Ccareiaptian.by *•■ ehmr: : t;-xtin states •Symptoms of Btfcerrrlatiikrly affiktcd: 'mgi-'S^r iMacrftofly tti>fanrahMMgTcgwdy^-fl'CxperSQa : Mea4iiHe\Bsrtca fcC Henry JoS -Mereen JBnOTiQ^Bat^XpcmsiairApxdoi BJJ - OS Ja ' o«S«wp«fe * > :fwplhar ’'- -.'- mmn DiT QaP&^**<^* J. *my3»ar^ r ... ApSttfloft*. a 1 HHllttfl ll II Mf 1* i -'. T.v>-i c .V. .;•:. tv: -v.:v mssT - JAMES BLXEja,T,JB«WR4< 7 -,i -r‘4r' ■■ * -a/; •, . NAME ■y ma Stele. BEM -.-,, .-; , i - 77 .- -:... , ;. , : - . t , ; , ,'- , r.' , ., -, w -- .: - .= ,'_,•:.-