a-, »r*,\T:-.. / v:A ."• ••• *, VA, v-;- 7.^: -. 7-^A' ri ->•';*7>- : \ A«.v.r : ■• ' , * V* *ir *f *£/»' * ?•*&* '* >- v 5 v **, r.t, L %r- ‘ >4 k v '*, 4* ’ v * “. , &£-%' z*%&sr: -\ -' a tt- -- a .>;: t *■.?,.£■£:<•:;*> Ay-,-,r >v7 7 y ivr - v *-V -A-- 7, 3-.T* 2 &H i BMimjMJL . - 11. i Ji.fiHßgiH-;. I i "IHTH ,_JL. !.■.'' , THIRTY-THIRD CONGRESS ■ ** “ext Congress ooTmenoes Us exl 1 J ' ; The Hoaso of Representatives will oonsis ------ members. IntlibsqStates whereCongee &• elections hare been held, the resutf, as fin ■ f iJ^Sri&*^’Sf^t^* ,J i-S '-if^lf '%*-'^l*y^sS2 f f*'*v! # V t '' ’• MoBoB M'Donald, D. 4. Sami. P. Benaoi f v -===- 2 Samuel Mayalt, D. 5. Far. Washburn, j :l E - Wilderi '“ley. W. G. T. J. D. Pnll.r, '■• J ““ “—f «• a *-~ t~* i --.- ■ ■: “ 'iX-S---Vo#fft ,- | strei The Soott’s =£ -, r:2:‘; tone of coni *® ••" Dot be coast ’ t 0 B° for Bcol “ h ° W that Bc ° ties in 'ho Ste I>hilupfl & 3on ' ricr * is onc of ll -™-«i The Boston Bee consenUd to read Wcb3ter> boforo tion of that city, a mentfl will permit. Oat in Indiana U 1 busily engagod in co -. U.o railroad ears duri, for & * offioe of M,yor ’ and bas his rnnners out thought, by »ome, ** tteoDgh th ° ° Uy imp ’° rinB thC cUil6na 10 Sign a oolteoted up. in this a paper recommending him for tho office, and cer- g, ato to Scott. Ufying 10 hiß ercat oapaci,y for lh6 Cbief hast week, at St. Lou, traoy of our city. In hiß paper of yesterday, he sale grocery bouse was i published a long etriug of names, collected prin- The ljabilitieg wera „„ cipolly by his own employees, requesting him to $40,000. One house sutt consent to be a candidate. He consented to their q, )O request as modestly as Gioster permitted the T he operations of the , 1014 Mayor of LondoD ’ and othcrH ' *° “ bnek,e Mining Company continut fortm,e on ’ ,lB baokl ” “ d h 0 “ now fally com ’ success. During the last t mittea tOT lho But there are still seven hundred and fifty pig difficnUies t° overcome before he can reach the Mr. Anthony Christy, o mmm goal of his ambition. Where is tho friendly hand agod 95. who toted for Waebit that 1,111 bTOsb <> ff tbose s P idcT8 ' offeosite to his tbe p olls on thc u lnM , bul , Blghl? Who will strangle those two young Prin- toted, It la eaidirt refused °-*< Baekeb “ d SAWr,:a ' “ d P ermlt bim 10 milted to walk lot he polls. Withont interrOption *° tho offiCB be dc - Dan Rice was recently robbt . a raluable breail pin, $2OO in there is another Richmond in the field, Now, look at the nice honesty of our sanctimo- . Ta)lJfd ftt $650 tbc e,e '* ion 00IneB off ' " w °“ ld not nio , U9 ; o,emp ° ra 7 ,'° lb ° br9t p,ac0 ' he ' ,QI - Onc of tho largest .hips ever t lo hear our cotemporary saying, torly disapproves of tho frauds, and leave, those Portsmouth, Va., I» now being ’ yon ’” mcaning - ° f ° ourBC ’ onr r b °- C °“ miUed tbem '° “ tb<,ir juBt dCTtrt ' •■' Messrs. Page & Alien. ' itileD ’ Harris ° n PaTTy ' Mr T?■ TZ DCII 7r Un ? be n Pr °“Z am ’,‘ The article, for exhibition from ' bim 10 1D appr ° pr,ate roan - / r" ny ;“ r tht Be “ otlfal “-»>■ ba sent to the Dublin Fair free o. ' PlaiD tenDS 0111 the man y n?,b CoDalBten ‘ l)eaCoD t , k order of the President. ' of attemptine to paiiat °, ?r mr: ,”” 1 : , ‘ h ° same e “- c h nroh., bol ’ ia not tbC man ,0 T° e ” b * h 0b tb ° ed "° r of the 0a10,, ° “ dia - took fire on Sunday last, but the flam ’ ° moBt W ° nhy eiti - P rt \ U " 8 hIS feehng 7° Bt “ plain!y “ pressed without serious damage. ' Ce heretoforetrom , bC bfld “ apokcn OUI ln mettin - He s * yB tb »‘ An editor in ntiuois being asked a IODS life ' tallled “ “ atter bCen PaKmCd “ m ° re f ° r tte Par ' not publish the communications sent ban any otber POSC ° f GndiDß froudDlent TOtea t 0 b 0 useJ in _. .. -a- r fleo, replied, because nobody would ev, ' b6 “ ay g6 ‘ " 'T ” COS ° '° iB lhat ° f • «• when bo was a youngster, and he in '* f f m hi * b,a fncnd BA£a£EtL > wbo “ be is <">PPort't>g in a bo OTCn „ itb tho wofld for we quiet manner for tho Mayoralty, and he is vexed Tho pronheoy or tho lamented Polk i, ,hat the fraoda baTe beCD dlaooTered before he -“the man whose commission he was ,h 0 bad an opP ° rtDllity *° make tbtm oacfDl ln "“- iIS President of the Dnited States ! ' 1 ° tber Ca “”- i - e - ‘° VOl ° for ,0# BarkCT - ,f The Cincinnati totho penitentiary with his bless- pen.cn. wo directly employed and supported IlPtlSil Riutous:—The extraordinary vohe- The Coni.mplated Division of Texas ' ,icb tho EJitors of theOaxettoand A division of Texas has been in agitation mltaneously assailed roy official that State for moth than two years past. At tl of lho “etowtllxatlon I* b “ been repeatedly settled by the decisions progent time tbe beat's of division are main ‘ Bur P rlßed *»« I for nntH of • mww “ j“ dgCB ' botb m England and this j, in gMi*,,, where several newspapert ho Slightest idea that a country, that private letters belong to tho writer arc enlisted in tho feme. We are informed by h coted witb the fraudB - or h!a tepfosontativcs, if they cboofo to claim lb() Hon , ton TtUgr „ kt tbot tbo Bobeme isra id . t 0 "auction, let alone them, and not to tbo recipient. The justice of ~ growing Into Tavar, and that It is even propo.- ' Uch nn ontrage 0D “*"' dCcUion 18 ° bT ' OUB Tbo groBBCa ‘ breaobcs 6d to bold aa extra session of tho Legislature ' not bring myself of confidence might bo perpetrated but for this upan tba enbjcot . ip their party check. The “ roonaoing intimation ”of tho lito- i 1 crime rary executors, if such it cud be rightly oharac- * H "«• The ‘oriicd, was called for by tho appearance in w. •. V The print of lettcre which obviously did not belong “ i -n by *® thc P crßon who communicated them to tho {« wmmmmmm v ho I Public, and which must have been procured win ' witbout oflfhonty. Even if ho hod been the {£Sl, original reoipieot of thoso letters, ho would not .22. nder tho law, hove been justified in publishing J” i n It is to meet o&Bes liko this, and en- - POTI 1 ‘ho pnblio os to the law in regard to pri- J A j£ ’fo. ‘hat tho timely and proper card of v excoutors bos been issued Boston by O-1“- 01 Moct ■ traToUfog public tho following 1 **■" JjL cont ;■ issued from the office of the ctmjS^kL v ork ■ Waihlngtot - vr.-The fioo Locomotivei A Pr Stan forthwith for the n ° TlB stopping at tbo “Site *Pttt»lmi -■ Mint, Navy Turd, T Hl! r?, ha^ ' ; J- ®»dBtimh ‘Si »J*c & , t° pay into tho T N, Conductor. Isrs per ilmro, j nirineer and Five Dollar ° p; month thorcofU ’ lreman - Rcribcd for has bt : ’>™ will be Aa, °®’ been granted to th r for settle all claims ogs * ' '6 knowing themselra • Uflal to make imme duly authenticated ft noria-ct P “* NmBobb w north OAUOH.NA.-The Adjourned Bale : Uevill. North Ctnlinam states that io the riwißmleof LOIB,, of Commons Of Nortli Carolina, on the etUoumrfonaSJnnt" Mr webb > ° f * a “- ° ffo,ad a ’istructing the Committee on Financo ▼anbor 20th, and agait ' tbß oll B'hlo plan for gradu 'ee ncgroeB from Btate - and wSSSSidSSIE J&WS^^^o^Wl : fr§Mim was adopted. That the free 1 “«« b » B on tb ° body pou- i«m> ; fa, «i >d i and wo believe there —— v their removal, provi- pAPT. kvD;^?S?«rte 'ruelty, and at a mod- llSSffi ?)£?!?. ___ b n^fsr P^w o^„ < s UK cities 0 1)000 tfi o theme for «s®!^^l'jSP®feat^^JfSiffl!»^!E®E^!» l V.- 'ert Johnston. eeomiypMt This bold rover ™ ndiwltofrighUm children,bn 811 report of existed about the year 1666, wh ■—.L,,. Privateer, ho was of ® h h smnreler, and mostly a Piiwe: , the Ist varied oampatkiM, he so rocontui ;;• . . , ernmeut, that he was duly am qo - to cnllxo for pirates, on the prindi 1 '2?* totarn Pirate himself,sod - ■ ■': “econrgo of the ocean.” '■ Th, J' ork *> olcgaatly printed, oj S«6S6r%SSS9 ! J^®gfew s s!Wi®i^§Sbsf®?4^^B i tSf|fo.t- Bw rale by fefsiliilMlif safamßsioo%osf&:. Hmtfr tl -n v > P* “7-'v-'-.-7^l-. '-.',”^s.-v*=>_-••• ' V l -:;-' ‘ 'v*» V - 1 P^:^- V <“ ■;"v ; -.^: : mmsmm gag S?Msse Drib; doming THOMAS PHILLIPS tccsr Harper & Phillips, Editors & Proprietors. PITTSBURGH s WEDNESDAY MORNINO::::::NOVEMBER 17. ~~Z alswtth. no Jlsst, bo Wert, »ad« th» CoiutJtßtioiM but> oCTrf —A. iinmißca ifeiids Mfi tm AowUob to tht Common Brnthorhood. ..p« iwia Puck. • . #s* Me*ir*. S. M. Pettinoill Si 0., who ore prompt, hon est and gentlemanly in their business tnuisßCliuns. are the only aatbonted agynts m thu cities of how ork ana Boston for' the Morning Jbrt. -They arc authorized to receive Ad- TerUsefflents" tind Subscriptions for us at oar usual ratCT ; Their receipts ore regarded as payment.*. Their office? are at NEW YORK. 122 Nupsou street. • BOSTON, 10 State street * • job rr.uYTi.NO. -e* WiVX*""’ raiSiSeor iLLKnuTi. IS Qtra su tcall. UIDOtB v.. BARKER Wo understand that a grand struggle is going on between these two leaders of the Whig party. Baukeh considers that he has the advantage, inaßTDueb ns Dcncon Whits, the rival of the Journal man, has endorsed him aa ft “good whig.'*. Barker will, most probably, be the favorite can didate of the Qazctto. The natural proclivities of the editor and the aspirant nro congenial, and it would be nothing strange to find two bqoli per-' sons working harmoniously together. It is well known that when Barker was first elected, the editor of tko Gazette gate him a notice which - may well be called a “bigbfalutmg” puff- This Tjas done to secure the patronago of the immac ulate Joe. But Joe would not bite at the mea- gre bate the DeacoQ tempted him with ; ho gave our cotemporary the cold shoulder, and found others equally willing to do nil the dirty tricks the Gazette bid for, m case it would be paid for its services. On this tbo Deacon and Barker quarrelled, and the Gazette, most unexpectedly, opposed Joe nt the Sheriff’s election. We* say unexpected, because it was supposed that men of such genial feelings would naturally impel them to move together. But, although you may safely conclude that you cau manage two nags of equal temperament when they ore before yon in a mmole, it is hard to hold such tlighty colts as the editor of the Gazette and Joe Barker in tho traces, unless it can bo clearly shown that their interests would be mutual. This was tho caeo at the late election. The editor thought that Mt- Magilt had a better chance for election than hiß former favorite, mid he, therefore, deserted Joe. lie wqs wise to do so, for be has secured the Sheriffs printing. It is now said that he is endeavoring to have another string to bis bow, Snd is, in a quiet umuoer. advancing the claims of his friend Barker for tho Mayoralty. This wo believe to be a movement prompted by the congeniality of feeling between tho two men, but Others assert that it is done from a malicious spite towards bis colleague of the Journal. It is very welt known that Mr. Riddle is an aspirant for the office of Mayor, am) has his runners out throagh the city imploring the citizens to sign a paper recommending him for tbo office, and cer tifying to his great capacity for the Chief Magis tracy of our city. In his paper of yesterday, he published a long striog of names, collected prin cipally by his own employees, requesting bun to consent to be a candidate. He consented to their request as -modestly os Gioster permitted the Lord Mayor of London, and others, to “bnekle fortune on his baok,” and he is now fully com mitted for the Mayoralty. Bat there are still difficulties to overcome before ho can reach the goal of hts ambition. Where is tho friendly hand that will brush off those spiders, offensive to his sight? Who will strangle those two yonng Prin ces, Baekeb and Sawyer, and permit him to march without interruption to the offico be de sires ? Hot, there is another Richmond m the field. and before tbe election cornea off, we would not bo surprised to hear our cotemporary say tog, *'i7rtrrv, I hate you. meaning, of course, onr worthy fellow citiren, Harrison Parry. Mr Parry will reply to him id &u appropriate man Her, and tell him in plain terms that the man spotted with the charge of attempting to p&liAte frauds upon the ballot box, is not the man to sneer at bim. Mr. Parry is a most worthy citi zen. He has never sought office heretofore from his party, but he has, through a longlife, talked more in favor of those who did, than any other man in Allegheny county. We hope he may get the Wbig nomination, for be deserves it from his party, and wc would like to defeat him, for we like to oppose a dtcuUd whig. Bat we arc apprehensive that Barker is tbe man the editor of the Journal must keep a vigilant eye upon, lie and tbo Deacon arc work ing quietly, but, os they think, surely, id a man ner that will knook tbe pins from under oar as piring coterapornxy. Wo have good reason to believe, that Barker has now a list of names, colling upon him to be a candidate, outnumber ing the call of Mr. Kiddle tnoro than two to one. Joe and the Deacon are still busy. The favor withwhich tbe Gazetto received Barker when ho was first elected is made a strong argument for his nomination, and it is sold that all this is done with tbe consent of the editor. We understand that the list of names m favor of Joo will appear in a few days, but, from pru dential motive, the editor of the Gazette has dc dined to sign it; but, as Gen. Soott would say lie “throws bis heart among them." Visit of Gen. Pierce to Sew York. Tbo Democratic Republican General Commit' tee, recently passed resolutions, inviting Gen. Franklin Pierce, President elect, and Mr. Wm. R. King, Vico President elect of tbe United States, to visit the city of New iork, as tbe guests of the Committee. The Chairman, Au gustas Schell, Esq.; and Messrs. Molntirc, Barr, Francis,. Diilion, and Mitchell, were appointed to convoy this invitation to General Pierce, which duty they had tbe gratification to perform on Wednesday, the lOlb inst., at Boston. TheCom mitteehad an interview with .General Pierce, at tbe TremOnt House, where they presented tho resolutions, and a letter of invitation to him, to which* he gave a verbal answer, accepting the hospitalities tendered to him from the New York democracy, and promising to reply soon in writ ing, fixing tho day for his departure for the me tropolis. Monroe County. At tho late election hold id this county tho vote in four of the townships was as follows * M. SmithfieliL Jackson Eldred Polk The other townships presont almost as sorry an appearance for poor Whiggery. There is ono pleasant aspect, however, for tbe woolly heads in these townships. It does not require much trouble and money to get the voters to the polls. Gold and tub Money Mahket. —Privato let ters by the late steamer from California state that the gold* on freight, by the Panama steamer, would be two and a quarter millions, which is larger than was anticipated. This continued in flax of two to two and a half millions of gold eemi-monthly, with only a moderate export, must influencematerially tho money market for tbe next three months. New Youk Congressional Delegation.— The Tribune publishes a full list of Congressmen elected in that State, at the recent election, and classifies them 21 Democrats, 12 Whigs, 1 Abo lition, and 1 Independent Land Reformer. In the present Congress the delegation stands 17 Democrats and 17 Whigs. The State loses one member under the new apportionment. Tbo. whig organs have becomo alarmed at the effect their foolish articles about the Frauds may have upon tbo public mind. The Gazette is ei- in its folly ou iheeubject, and although we have not much/ room to spore we will aid oor neighbor in showing tip hla knavery. He starts out with the following paragraph: The Ibit. of yestorday, makes an elaborate defence of the conduct of the Mayor, in relation to the natanlizatiou madsy which was commented upon in thfe Gailtte of Satur day. W o made flvo syoclflc charges of Improper procecdine. to wit: 1. Requiring witneasrato answer on a ovsziul in- QUiar as to their knowledge of naturalisation frauds, instead of examining thorn solely In reference to a particular case under consideration, thus constituting the Mayor’s Oourt iuto on unconstitutional inquisitorial starckainber 2. pgr miulog a witness to criminate himself, as was done In ro poated instances, as appeare from the evidence taken before him, and published in tbo Post; and for which it l* hichlv probable• the persons, so criminated, will be obliged to an swer. 3. Choosing, arbitrarily, from among -tbo alleged guilty persons, those he saw proper to commit, and letting thl E? I? *7®* 4 * ? uf “ si ®B * person brought before him orhitant tail* CoQnsc l- demanding unreasonable and rs- The editor of the Gazette, if he knows any thing at all, knows that all ho bos stated above is false. His own party friends will tell him bo, if they are not sank as deep in the mire of po litical knavery as he is- The testimony given before the Mayor was given volantaniy, and the witnesses t cere instructed not to Bay anything *hat would criminate themselves. In reply to our dental of Ins statement that the cnlpnts had not the benefit of counsel, he says: In reply to this, we assert that our statement la substan tially true. Thn person charged was Henry M. Smith; tbo coun.scl, fcdwln It. Stowe, taq. Sir. Stowe appeared before tbo Mayor as Smith s counsel, and cat down In the front of fice. Tho Mayor and tho informer retired to the back room aivl called Smith to come in. 110 went, and Mr. Stowe wont with him, and took a scat at the table, wheu tho Mayor cither told Mr. Stowo to loan.* the room, or that he wanted the room to himself as he Intended io have a jirtvale conver wvtioQ with Smith. Mr. Stowe, thereupon, left the room without any remark. The Mayor knew that Mr. Stowe was Smith a.cou»wl,*for bo hod appeared on hi* behalf but three or four days before. If Mr. Smith has ecn9o enough to know who his counsel was, ho will at once inform the pub 11c that tho editor of tho Gazette has stated what is not true. Mr. Stowe t eae not his counsel, and was merely an interloper in the office. Mr. Smith had two interviews with tho gentleman whom ho designated as his legal adviser, and nfter deriving all the benefit ho could from bis advice, ho was hold to bail for committing a fraud which he darst not deny. Mr. Stowe was a mere lookcron, and had no more nght m tho private room of tho Mayor, uninvited, than be bad m tbo private parlor of any other citizen Ho was not tho counsel of Mr. Smith, and has no right to complain because ho was not permitted to domi cil himself in tho private offioe of the Mayor.— He then goes on to say: *‘Tlzat the iuxinoaUon of the /’ofl, that the Whig jnrtg. as such, cither by any of Us vo for tbe vindication of the law. Now, look at the nice honesty of oar sanctimo nious cotemporary. In tbo first place, be "ut terly disapproves' of tbofroads, and leaves tboso who committed them to "tbclr just deserts ” bat m tbe very next sentence, be protests agamst ferreting out the caaet of fraui. Beaatiful moral ity, moat consistent Deacon. But there is another remark in the same sen tence with which the editor of the Gazette is dis pleased, bat tells his feelings jast as plainly as if be bad "spoken oat lnmeetin." He says that ibis matter bos been pursued "more for the pur pose of finding fraudulent votes to bo used in another ease " Tbe case be refers to is that of his fncod Baclkeo, whom be is supporting in a quiet manner for tho Mayoralty, and he is vexed that tbe frauds have been discovered before be bad an opportunity to make them useful in "an other case ’ —i. e., to vote for Joe Barker. If theso fraudalont voters bad only been permitted to run at large until they bad voted for bis dear friend Barker, tbe Deacon would then have con signed them to tho penitentiary with bis bless mg. . Messrs. Editors: —Tbo extraordinary robe mcnco with which the Editors of tbo Gazette and Journal hare simultaneously assailed my official i acts in the investigation of tho naturalization frauds, has somewhat surprised me; for until they did so, I hod not tho slightest idea that a solitary individual, unconnected with the frauds, coaid be found baso enough to sanction, let alono defend the perpetrators of such an outrage on the public; and even now, I cannot bring myself to believe that the whlgs will suffer their party to be brought into the defence of this crime. A great pubho wrong hoe been done. The seals of oar courts have been prostituted. The courts have.beon deceived and imposed upon by designing men and unfaithful officers, if tho actors and perpetrators of theso crimes are to bo allowed to go uawhipped of justioe, bow long will it bo until the public records will besabjeo* ted to the capneiouß acts of interested persons? If the Editors of tho Gazette sod Journal ox peot to intimidate me, and to oheok the investi gation of thoso iofamons frauds, by publishing tho falsehoods of their coadjutors, and crying “ Inquisition,” they Till find themselves mista ken. I promise thorn, as soon as my health will permit, to renew the investigation, and now give them notico, that if any of their friends are guil ty, and have not already been brought np, they hod better “ leavo their country for thoir coun try's good.” My friends need bo nnder no apprehension in regard to the charges made against mo by tho Editors of tho Gazette and Journal; they arc simply falsehoods when stript of tho voßtige of the editors. Pierce. .. 298 . 109 ...16b ...189 Scott. 0 G 0 1 In regard to the Editor of the Journal, I have this to say: that he presumes too much upon his personal relations with me, when he makes insinuations against my integrity ; ho knows me well, and knows that I never suffer any person to take such liberties unrebuked. 1 havo not tho time or tho inclination to enter into a controversy with editors of newspapors, and mast therefore decline taking any farther Dotice of the putt and disinterested editors of the Gazette and Journal. J. B. GUTHRIE. The Baltimore Sun of Saturday publishes the fall vote (nearly all offioial) of every oounty in Maryland, except Calvert, whieh is not reported, from which it appears thot Pieroe’e majority in the State is 6,060. Total number of votes poll ed this year, 74,276, whloh is an increase of 2,040 over the vote for President in JB4B and 8,068 since the lost Governor’s eleotion The demooratio vote, since 1848, hoe increased 6,136, and since the Governor’s election 3,313 The whig vote bliowb a decrease, compared with 1848, of 3,089 votes, and 246 since the Governor’s eleotion. The fall vote of Calvert county, and the few thrown for the fires soil ticket, will in crease the aggregate number cast in the State to about 75,000, against 72,280 in 1848. THEPBAtJBB. MARYLAND. - *. t' -J 4 ■ . . THTBTY-THIED CONGEESB, The next Congress commences its existence on the 4th of March next The Senate, consisting of 52 members, trill be strongly Democratic.— The House of Representatives will consist of 234 members. In those States where Congressional elections have been held, the result, ns far as as certained, is as follows: .MAINE. ./ 1. Mobcs M'Donaltl, D. 4. Sami. V. Denaon, W, ~ Samuel Mayalt.D. 5. far. Washburn, jr. W •l. E. Wilder Farley, W. G. T. J. D. Fuller, D. VERMONT. 1. James Meacbam, \V. 2. Androw Tracy, W One vacancy. M ASfIHCHUBETTB. 1 Sami. H Walley, W. 2. Wm. Appleton, W Nido vacancioa. NEW YORK. 1. Jas. Maurice, D. 18. Peter Rowe, D 2. T. W. Cummmg. D. 19. Geo. W. Chose, W. 3. H. WalbrlUge, D. 20. 0. B. Matteson, W. ■l. Mike Walsh, D. 21. Henry Bcnnott, W. 6. Wm, M. Tweed, D. 22. Gfernt Smith, F. 8. <> John Wheeler, l). 23. Caloh Lyon, lad. 0. 7. Wm. A Walker, D. 21. Darnel T. Jones, D. 8. Fm. B. Catting, D. 26. Edw. B. Morgan, W. 9. Jared V. Peck, D. 20. Andrew Oliver* D. 10. Wm. Murray, l). 27. John J. Taylor, D. 11. T. R. Westbrook, D. 28. George Hastings, D. 12. Gilbert Dean, D. 29. Azariah Boody, W. 13. Russell Sago, W. 80. Benj. Pringle, In. W. 14. R. W. Peokham, D. 31 Thos T. Flagler, W. 16. Charles Hughes, D. 32. Sol. G. Haven, W. IC. G. A. Simmons, W. 33. Reuben E Fenton, D. 17. Bishop Perkins, 1). NEW JERSEY. 1. Nat. T. Stratton, D. 8. Samuel Lilly, D 2. Ch&B. Skelton, D. 4. Georgo Vail, D. 6. Alex. M. C. Pennington, W. PENNSYLVANIA. 1. T. B. Florence, D. 14. G. A. Grow, D 2. J. R. Chandler, W. 16. John Gamble, I). 3. John Robbins, jr, D. 10. W. H. Karls, D. 4. Wm. H. Witte, D. 17. Joel B. Danner, W. 6. John McNair. D. 18. J. McCulloch, W. G. W. Everhart, W. 19. Augustus Drum, I). 7. Sami.A.Bridges, D. 20. J. L. Dawson, D. 8. 11. A. Muhlenberg, D. 21. D. Rtcluo, W. 9. Isaaoll. Hiester, W. 2*2. T. M nowe, W. 10. N.Middleswarth, W. 23. M. C. Trout, D. 11. C. W. Straub, D. 24. C. B. Curtis, D 12. H. B. Wright, D. 25. John Dick, W 13. Asa Packer, D. DELAWAUE. 1. Geo. Read Riddle, D. 1. David T. Disney, D. 11. Thos. Richey, D 2. J. S. Harrison, W 12 Edsou B. Olds, L> 8 L. D. Campbell. W. 13. Wm. 1). Liosley, D 4. M. fl. Ntchols, D. 14 11. H. Johnson, D 6. A. P. Egerton, D 16. Wm. R. Sapp, W. 0. Aaron Ellison, D. lb. Edward Ball, W. 7. Aaron Harlan, W. 17. Wilson Shannon, D. 8. M. B. Corwin, W. 18. Goorgo Bliss, D. 9. F. W. Green, D. 19. Edward Wade, F. 8 10 J. L. Taylor, W. 20. J. R. Oiddingn, F S 21. Andrew Stuart, D. INDIANA 1. Smith Miller, D. G. T. A. Hendricks. D 2. W. H. English, D. 7. John G. Davis, D. 3. Cyrus L. Dunham, D 8. Daniel Mace, D. 4. James 11. Lane, D. 9. Norman Eddy, D 6 Samnol Packer, W. 10. k.M. Chamberlain, D. 11. Andrew J. Harlan, D. Wisconsin. 1. Daniel Wells, jr., D. 2. lleny C Eastman. D. 3. John B. Mrvcj, D IXK'IIIO AN. 1 David Stuart, D. 3 Samuel Clark, D 2. David A Noble, D. 4. Heston L Stevens.l> lOWA. 1. Bernard Henn, D. 2 John P Cook, W MISSOURI. 1. Thos. H Benton. D. 3 John 0. Miller, W 2 Alfred W Lamb, D 4. Mordecm Oliver, W G John S. Phelps, D. FLORIDA 1. Aaguatus K. Maxwell, D. The delegates of some of tbo States, it will be observed, are different in the next Congress from those in the present. This Is owing to the new apportionment law, which gives several States an additional member, while others lose one. RECAPITULATION OF FUIURBA. OoijTre** Oonjjrrta D. W F. S. D. W F. fl. Maine 3 6 2 Vermont* *2 3 Massachusetts! .. — 2 1 * Now York 22 10 1 17 17 New Jersey. .41— 4 1 Pennsylvania... lb * ~ 1;> 9 Delaware... 1 - l ... Ohio 12 7 2 11 8 2 Indiana 10 1 82 Wisconsin 3 - 3 - Michigan 4 - - 2 1 lowa 11 2 Missouri 3 2 2 a Florida 1 1 * (hie rar&ncj 1 1 Mtw »»*. Ownenhlp of Prftrote Lctterii In referring to tho card recently Issued by the literary executors of Mr Webster, the New York Times says: 11 It will bo seen by a notice in Another column that Mr. Webster's literary executors request that all persons in possession of letters or papers from this illustrious statesman, will ploco them in their hands, In order that they may prepare such of them as may seem adapted to that par pose for speedy publication. Although they have chosen to occompany this request with n menacing intimation that their Legal rights and property in tho letters will bo infringed if they are suffered to reach the public through any other channel, we trust that it will be complied with.” It has been repeatedly settled by the decisions of eminent judges, both tn England and this country, that private letters belong to tbo writer or his representatives, if they cbooso to claim them, and not to the recipient. Thejasticoof this decision is obvious The grossest breaches of confidence might bo perpetratod but for this check. The “ monaomg intimation ”of tho lite rary executors, if such it can be rightly charac terised, was called for by tho appearance in print of letters which obviously did not belong to the person who communicated them to tbo public, and which must have been procured without authority. Even if he had been the original recipient, of thoso letters, bo would not uoder the law, have been justified in publishing them. It is to meet oases hko this, and en lighten tho pablio as to the law in regard to pri vate letters, that tbo timoly and proper card of the literary excoutors bos been issued Boston Transcript. To tbo travelling public the following tickets bavo been issued from tbo office of tbe Astor House, New York: for Salt River. —The fioe Austbian Despot, will start forthwith for the above delightful locality, stopping at tbo “Site touching at tho Tost Office, Mint, Navy Yard, &0 Bukecors Down, Conduotor llion Bbogut., Engineer. FiEnr Ikdionation, Fireman. To preveut acctdenta the Firo will bo placed in the Bear. [Copyright aecorod] Omnibus Ticket. —This Ttcket will entitle the bearer to a seat in the Omnibus “Protection/' for the Steamer •• Disunion, which leaves for Salt River at 12 o clock, precisely. For the convenience of Passengers, it will touch at tho “Custom House," “Post Office," “Navy Agen cy,” &o. No Auitnan gold roceivoil for the Fare. Ttcktl for Soup. —As the Steamboat passes the “Site of the Military Hospital,” the passengers will be regaled with “Snapper Soap,’ oooked in the water of the “Blue Lick," and waited upon by “ Old Soldiers.” [Copyright seoured.] Putty Dispensed With. —Some down east operator has got a way of setting glass without patty The inside is framed in each a manner that-the parts can be readily removed for the purpose of inserting the glass, which is placed between slips of Indla-rabber, which when the parts of the sash are replaced, causes tho glass to be perfeotly firm. The movable parts of the sash are secured to their pleco by a knob scrow, which makes a pretty finish. Conoeesb.— The next session of Congress commences on the first Monday of Dext month, (December 6,) and will continue in session until the 4th of March, .when Gen. Pierce will be in augerated os President, and the term of the members elected to the third Congress com mence. ? * J i ►. r * » _ , t j t e . »j (j 1 ■* > ■'■ s'", i ' Ai .*, .' •*.. v .fc.-i,'.' f* r -~~n ■* '* Items of Hews and Hlacollany. The Princess Anne (Md.) Eastern Shoreman statos that tho dwelling, with its contents, and several out houses,'owned by Mr. Thomas Ward, in Annamessei, were completely consumed by 'fire on the night of the sth lost Boring the year, closing with the Ist of Sep tember last, nearly twenty -one million feet of timber and steam-sawed lumber wore sawed and shipped from Darien, Ga., making the amonnt shipped, nearly double that of the pre- vious year. W. W. Corcoran has given as a donation, $l,OOO to the Metropolitan Mechanics’ Institute at Washington. ‘The Canadian Parliament, a£the late session, passed acts to incorporate the'Mam Trunk Rail road; to amend the charter of the Erie and On tario Railroad Company and to authorize the Montreal and New York Railroad Company to extend their railroad. Mr. James Orne of the firm of Orne & Co., Philadelphia, fell down in (ho'Btreet, on tho 12th Inst., and Boon after expired. At a Bate of wines in Baltimore, on Friday, Borao of them brought as high as eighty dollars per gallon, or $1,25 pcrwmo glflßs. Mr. Parvis, an architect at New Orleans, fell from a scaffolding at the St Charles* Hotel, lately, and was dangerously wounded. A fellow In Texas has joßt invented a strengthening plaster which will enable you to “ tako up" anything, from a four months note to a hogshead of sugar. The Madison, co.. Whig accounts for Gen. Scott s defeat in the fact that his “military ca reer disqualified him from -running V ’ He bad never ran and cooldn’t learn how! Sherrard Clemons (Dcm.) is elected to Con gress from the Wheeling district m Virginia, to eupply the vacancy causod by the resignation of Mr. Thompson. Tho Albany Register, in referenco to indica tions that an attempt will be made to reorganize the whig party upon “ an Abolition basis,” in a tone of confidence, predicts that tho schemecan- Dot be consummated. Michigan was ono of the States that wns gure to go for Scott, before the election. Tbo returns show that Scott has majorities in but two conn, tics m tho State—loo m one and 60 in another. The "Eclipse” t?ork»hooso, of George W. Phillips Si Sod, of Ma3won, ImL, Baja the Con ner, is one of the largest and most complete in the West. It h&s a front of oinetj feet, and is ono hundred and ninety feet deep, with walls of stone. Tbe Boston 800 states tbat Mrs. Mowntt has consented to read a poem, on tho death of Mr Webster, before tbe Mercantile Library Assooia tionof that city, at sacb timo as nor engage' tncnls will permit. Oat in Indiana it is said ibat tin agent is now busily engaged in collecting tbe rotea taken on tho railroad cars daring tbe past summer. It is thought, by some, tbat Whig majorities will be collected op, in this manner, so as to give tbe Si&to to Scott. Last week, At St. Lotus, the failure of a whole sale grocery boose was rondo pablic oa 'change- The liabilities were stated at from $3O 000 to $-10,000. One boose suffers to the tunc of $10,• 000. The operations of the Chester county (Pa.) Mining Company continue to go on with great Bucoeu. During the Inst week they turned out seven hundred and fifty pigs of pure lead. Mr. Anthony Chnsty, of Wilmington, Del., aged Oo.wlio voted for Washington,refusedtonde the polls on the 2Dg westofthe Blue Ridge andeast of the Megh%p# : between' the first of Jannary aadtho Ist of August, he shall forfeit five dollars, unless- the deer shall he his own, tubed or in a part. Valuable Testimony in Favor of an Invalaable loto to neon! the tes timony of medical men in favor of Dr. M’Lane’s medicines. It is gratifying, because tbo Vermifnge and Liver Pills of that distinguished physician wero not invented Crr specnla tioo, bat were introduced .into bis practice with the design of effecting good, and they became celebrated through their great merit. They are not, therefore, to bo placed in the same eafegory with tho patent nostrums of the day, which are so extravagantly puffed in the advertising'columns of the newspapers. Drs. Newcomb and Duff In common with others of the medical faculty, are simply doing justice to these Invaluable medicines in Ujus speaking well of them, and truly imitate tho benevolence of the. "good Samaritan” in endeavoring to extend their use:— JoHKimLLS, January GO, 1850. Genilcmen. —We have used quite a quantity of H’lo&e’f Vermifuge Id our practice, ana find ii to be a valuable arti elo, and one much needed in the country. If wo can get a sufficient quantity i we will use some exertion to dispose oT Messrs. J. Kidd & 00. Drs. NEWCOMB & DBFT. For sale by most of tbo Druggists and Merchants, and by tho sole proprietors. J. KJDD A CO, novl7:d*w 60 Wood street j Birch Wine, Wine of Tar, and Medica ted Wines, of various characters, have been before tho pub lic, but it has remained for the FOREST WINE to blend in’ one compound the peculiar medical virtues of garb of those important articles, whose' actioti has a specific influence in curing those peculiar chronic, kidney, stomach and nervous diseases, causing debility and prostration, often of a serious nature. The FOREST WINE is one of the bat tonics in use, having all the strengthening properties of Wine, with the healing and medicinal qualities of the roots and herbs from which It Is distilled. 4tw“Soe advertisement in another column of this paper. Sold Wholesale and Retail by Dr. GEO. IL KEYBER, 140, corner of Wood street and Virgin alley, Pittsburgh, Buj al so, by JAMES T. SAMPLE, north-west comer of Federal street and the Diamond, Allegheny City. novlGaUw LIBUARY LECTURES! THE REV. HENRY GILES, of Maine, will give u-T~r his first Lecture before the Young Men’s Mercantile Library and Mechanics' Institute, on Tuesday KVExisa next, at Lap*tztt£ Hall, commencing si 7s£ o’clock. The course will consist of Six Lectures, w follows : I—Reading. ll—-Love of the lII The Coat of a Cultivated Man. IV— The Inward Nature, Its Relations nrd-Fcculties V—The Worldling. Vl—The Enthusiast. Tickets to be had at tho Library Room, and from tho Lec ture Committee. Parer—Members’ Tickets, for Course, $1,50*, with lady, *2,00. Citizens’ Ticket, for Cuunc, $2,00; with lady, Tickets for Slngl** Lecture, 50 cents. WILLIAM FREW, CHARLES M’KNIGUT, WII. M. HERSH, R. E. SELLERS, November 11,1852.—1 w Committee. On Thursday evening. Uth instant, by Rev. Mr. Tnigg, of 8L Paul’s Cathedral, Mr. JOHN GBOUTT to Mrs. MAR GARET PATCUELL. both of tbia dty. In San Francisco, California, at tho Marino Hospital, on lb© lltb of September, of Panama Fever, PATRICK LAF, FERTI, in the 42d year of hii age. /The deceased vu a native of Pittsburgh. HEW ADVEB' BOAT OARS—I4O assorted sixes, on consignment snvi for rale by [dotl7] KING t MOORHEAD. , . Stray Cow, tffßSSf CAME to the residence of the .subscriber, living in Lower 5L Clair township, near Mount Washing tSS&Ston, on the 6th Instant, a eommon sized Dark F«St ; with white on her belly; and crooked boms. The owner It requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges, and take her away, or sho will bo disposed of at> cording to law. ROBERT TORRENCE, on the premises. Information Want re} l OF the whereabouts of ELIZABETH VANBCIVER*ale of yoar Vermi fug*l, i consider it my daty to bear testimony to its nUoable qa&Utitt* and uninterrupted popularity. It is all ibatH profevsu to be, and U considered, by all who bare u«*d iL as an iQT&luablo family mrdirine Urspcctfolly, I’rcparcd and mid by Dot 17 aii w P«wl Keys. r | , IIK (olmnUiff hw jwt received [oniird of KTeral m- X pcrb Pianos, 7 octaves, made bjr SUNNS A CLARK, and DUNHAM, New Vork; the key* of vb&eh arc oa . tirely of PEAKL, and very highly polished, the apporun effect of which U IxTyond conception, rich and beautiful. Prarl Keyed Pianos are already very much admimi and soojiht after by the wealthy and fashionable of the Atlantic d til's. N IL—The public »rc mpactfntl? Incite 110 mil and ci unioe the same on their arrival, of which dun notice will C l,cn 11. KLRBEIt, t *''T l ! No. 101 Third street JchnsyF la Mali: id tone- _ Ivanta ttallroai THR winter Rato to I'hfladelphla a fallows: Iticun, bwt, pork, Urlry, OrU, k -Trio, I _ l raj, j lOd D>«* . Gsr Butter. ranJlra, cheese, cntton. earth- | etiware, hklea, hop*, hair, lanl, lard l oil, leather, tallow, tobacco leaf, w la- f dov glan, Bitwwri, Ixmw mj honus bmUt* rli Tor, timothy and flax awd*. deer "kins, dried fruits, glassware, hemp sad flax, leather, rags, snap, starch and voul. Bnxrais. (oorn,) egg*, feathers, fars/t and peltry, ginseng, merchandise, / “ s*>oo ** oa *» , per hbl. 1,00 Apply to 00V0DB A GRAHAM, Agents, POT ” cop* Penn and Wayne sts., Pittsburgh. VALUABLE PPBKACE BBOPEBTY FOR kat.k r |' IIE undersigned offers for sale that ralnahlo Iron prop i. erty known as JEFFERSON FURNACE, rttuaied (n Clarion county, Pa. This property courtstj of between eioht hundred and nine hundred acres of LAND; on which is erected one Furnace Stack, Steam En gine, and tho necessary buildings far the carrying on of the Furnace business. The Furnace has been in successful operation for wreral yam. Tho on) on tho tool In tho rldnlty, Is conyenlom to tho Furnace, and in mat abundance, and much of thoUnd “ nil! colored with Umber, which abound* In tho immedi ate neighborhood. Tho Furnace 1* arranged for blast both b, rtrom and water power, being situated on Bearer creek.: Within three tulips of Clarion riTcr, and consequently in the midjt of the great Ironiegton of that country, and near the re Preyed route of the Allegheny Valley Railroad. This property will be sold on liberal terms, and an indisputable title elren. If not sold by the loth of December next, it will then be open for tent Apply to I. PAINTER ACO . rt7 J ltr ' : ? t VKU^Orgh; or to SAMTTRL F. Pl.iwwn Oallansbnrgh Post OOea, Clarion county. Pa. norlT:3td*dtw- 7 ’ FIX)tJ&— Kxtraand'BqpQrflna fay wl» ~ t- A. ITONTEE, ?° Tl 6 No. 251 Liberty street. JAMES’ NEW NOVEL FOB TWKNTY-MVii CENTS,— Just published, and for sale ui MINER A CO.’S, No. 32 SmltWVeld street A Lift of Vicissitudes, a Story of Revolutionary Times; by 0. P. R. James, Eaq., forming No. 174 of Harper/ Library of Select Novels. Rurope In a Hurry; by Qeorgo Wilfcce, norl6 * HO I FOK lOWA I —FoftBaiX~A quarter aertlon nf T-wry* containing 160 acres;*located in the most desirable portion of that rapidly improving State. Villages, church es and schools, within convenient distances, &tr. Reed. of Washington county, owns three-quarters of the see'- tloa, (No. 31.) <• Apply to THOMAS MOFJTTT, • nOTI6 No. 29 Fifth street, f ilrargh and Steubenville Railroad HE nobsorfbcn to the Capital Stock of the Htbbnivh andSteuboosille Railroad Company, aw hereby notified to pay into the Treasury, the fourth Instalment of Fire toi lers per share, on or before the Ist of December, proximo, and Fire Dollars per share on or before the Ist day of-each month thereafter, until the whole amount of stock sub* scribed for has boon paid. noTl&Gmdaw Administrator** Notice. LETTERS Testamentary on the Estate of JANE LIQIIT CAP, deceaaod, late of Westmoreland county, haring been granted to the undcrslgnod, tfho la duly authorised to wsttle all claims against said estate. Therefore,. all persons knowing themselves indebted to said pstate, an hereby no tified to make immediate payment; and an perams haring claims against said estate, are requested to present them duly authenticated for settlement. nOTlaet JOHN OALLAQHEB, Ailm’r. Adjourned Sale of Bplendid Building lots. aUIB ulo of UTTS, on the UIU, north of W. iifalntoeli'd, in tho Reserve Tract, recently advertised; haring been adjourned onaccoont of the rain, will take place at the Sales Rooms of the aubecrifaer, on the north aide of tho Dia mond, in Allegheny (Sty, on THURSDAY EVES ISO, No vember 20th, and again, on SATURDAY EVENING. No vember 20tb, at 7 O’clock. In th® meantime, tho Lott have hoot* marked with btakes, with number and description of each Lot; bo, that parties visiting tho ground ean seo and understand what wflibe of fered. Thlj property Is rery desirable; entirely tree of enenm. b ranees; and tho terms will be liberal. J. H. Ingraham’s Great Work! C APT. KYD; or The Wizard of the Bca. By JIT l n ™_. ham, author of “ Lafitte," “ Boathwert.” Ac.', 4c, jS sale by H. Jlnu 4 00, No. Si Bntlthfleld sltwt “* Who hod not heard of Copt. Kyd, the celebrated robber bnccaneoe and phate »hoeo unparaUelcd morderaand atS cities haao been the theme ibr many a pen for maißrtMrT. century past This bold rarer was no BrtlUotS S,~?„ raised to frighten children, but a YeribSe ttoJSSES s? Prlrateer, he TOeomethtog of a trader, SS r} ! smuggler, and mostly a Plraie; and hr fabltfSiaSbf.Si railed occupations, he so mnga ernmeut, that he «aa George ILL, and put in rf ! nn? l rifL-?~..ri^ r to cruize for plrmtes, on the prindpW SSEapafaSSSa: Thework inelegantly printed, on gopd paper, makiar a targe octavo volume, of tiro bondrod * ™ ins * For sale by H. MINER & CQ„ No. 32 Smlthfleld rtreet i >- ■ -« * **-*t*, - rncr of Wood and First nlrwL< company. til Baltimore, arr os “ Tic WIL A. HIU*. Treasurer, Office. 64 Wood utroet. H, M. DOYLE, Aurt'r. i,T < ’ ‘ ' v /\' ■*, V j ..»■ -. . ■ .M- •, ■. - •-I- V ' - ■ - ■*■ 'V v , V* « \ * * I • * * * ■» * ‘ Dr. improTea Extract oi Yellow Dock «nd Barupari|U(i4SaT&ai6 dp for BeredUary Thistii. '*• Thansmdj.or todlridmlj u» ca»d *Hh grrtlooj inbety, and min, fthttUillTM,’ for 1t ftcroupily the system the latent tainLsrtiich la the seed of discaso, tmd so takes offthe the gins or misfortunes of the parenta ero so often upon their innocentogjprta*. /--v -Vv. :^ Parents owe U to their children to guard effneta of maUrilew that maybe descent, and ehlldretk of parents that bate at-wny time been with Cbnsioaptum, Scrofula or Syphilis* owe it tothemseVres to take precaution against the disease being revived In them. Guyaotra Extract of Yellow Dock and fiawaparillalaaxare antidote in such cases. £s* See advertisement. A.eepl&daw 43-Hieldness Positively .Cnred*«*The pro prietor of the article called American Bair Restorative, has met with snch nnhoonded success. In the use of his article, as to justify him in taking bald cases, and a written gattrantee.- That livhe willyfor a 'price agreed upon, by himself and the perwn;nslng tbeaxUcle, restore the hair c£ fectuidly, or refund ih<*amount expended; or, he will xelt at the usual price, without the shore guarantee. The following instances, of individuals who have had, their hair restored, ought to convince any one of; its efficacy. They have allowed us to'uso nnmfHi -as references :'. John Hofler, Woods* Brewery, cured of _ baldness of 24 years* rtaodlng; .Holmes,Captß. Morris; James Guthrie, 131 Grant street, was totally hald—now his bead is completely covered, with new. hair ; also, John • Oberly, Ta-' routum. We WOUld invito partlffTilwy nttgnfinn to th© fol*. lowing;— -- v r - - • ’--'-v : • due of BaJdnarof 20 years* standing, cured hycsU Bat&r * wifeof-William Alexander, who resides at Na. 46 Pennsylvania Avenue, thst sho has been bald for the last 20 years; the head, on both rides, : was perfectly smooth and .without any hair; when she com-' using thd Restorative. She has ruow nsed a bottle and part of a bottle restorative, and :has used It regu larly for the last six weeks. Her bead is>now perfectly cov ered with a thick crop of new hair, firm and strong, as any. one can see by coifing." Mrs.'Alexander has no; objections : to the publication of these statements: ■os** lam a brother of Mrs. Alexander, whose statement is written out above, and know personally that the state ments therein made are correct A. U. DAY, Pittsburgh, Sept 17,1852. No. 95 Fourth street; DR. GEO, H. KEYSER, Wholesale and Detail Druggist No. 140 Wood street, corner of Virgin alley, Pittsburgh, Pa. OCtS&dAW ASF“ Scrofula.—lt is due to Kser*s Petroleum tosay that it has been known to completely eradicate every vestage of this dreadf ol disease In less time than any other, remedy, and at less cost or inconvenience to the patient ; ; ‘ The thousand* of certificates in tibhauds of: the proprie tor, miny of which are Crom well known citizens of the city ■of Pittsburgh and its immediate-vicinity, go to show clearly and beyond all doubt, that Kzxx’s -PtraoLroac Is a medicine of no common value, not only na & load remedy in Purely ri*, Rheumatism, Deafness, loss of Sight* but as evaluable internal remedy, inviting, (he timsrigating'physicians, 89 well as the suflering patient, to become acquainted with its merits. Those having adreadof mixtures are assured that this medicine Is purely natural,' and is bottled as it flow* from the bosom of the earth. ThefcHouring certificate is copied from d paper puliished at Syracuse, N. M, and bears date Avgust 2, 1552. fototecA u also appended the certificaieqfiJtecelebratedD. 1~. Ihot, M. J>_ of Syracuse: < ;. This may In truth certify, that 1 hare been so badly af flicted with Scrofula for the last sctco years that most of the time I have been unable to attend to any kind of business, and much of the rime unable to walk and confined to my bed, and have been treated nearly all the. time by the best Physicians our country affords; I occasionally got some re lief but no core, and continued togrow worse until Dr. Foot recommended me to try the Petrcleuzn,'pr Rock 00, as eve rything else had tailed. ItZU so wl&crut taiih at first, but ’the effect was astonishing; it threw the poison to the surface at once, and I at once began to grew better, and by -using {seven bottles I have got acute worth thousands of doDaßt MRS. NANCY, if. BARKER. This may certify that I have been acquainted with Ekrife Petroleum, or Bock Oil. for more than a year, end have re peatedly witnessed its beneficial effects in the cure of indo lent ulcers and other diseases for which it is reeommeaded,- and can with , confidence recommend it tohe a medicine, wor thy of attention, and can safely say that success has attend-' cd its use where other medicine had foiled. D. Y- FOOT, M. D. For sale by all the Druggists In Pittsburgh. [au2T:dvll No-188 Liberty »tr«t OFiCES— 2bbls-Clovw; ~ O X A tb. Nutmeg*; 2uu mats Curls; SO bags Pepper; 10 do Alsplce; In store and for *nl<> by A. HUNTER. f I^OBACOU—IOU boxes b’s Lump Tobacco, various brands. X such os u Bussell k Robinson,” u IV. ILtfrsot A Co.’s,' J lo store and for sale by a. niTvrttu n orH No. ISB Liberty street DY E STUFFS—2 ceroona 8. F. Indigo; 1 libd- Madder; •JO bbls. Alnra; In store and for sale by iwtJLI A. HUNTER, No. IS3 liberty &L MACKEItKL —27U bUs. prime Ho. 3 Mackerel, just re ceived and for sale by A. UUNTKU, DOV H No. IBS Liberty street. O! Li—'is bbts. Tanners’ Oil, on bwr>d timi for X by A. HUNTER, n°*l2 No. 183 Liberty street BUCKETS AND TUBS—at) dux. buckets; 12 do Tubs; In store and for sale by A. HUNTER, noT H No. 183 liberty street. IAA HALES bATI'LNUT^ 1 ”V/ 5,000D15. assorted numbers Cotton Tarn; 100 reamsassorted Wrapping Paper; In store and for sale by Ai HUNTER, No. IS3 Liberty street. CORN BROOMS—SO dot Corn Brooms, in store and for sale by A. HUNTER, POT H No. 188 liberty street. Don't bo Afraid to Uso Keating's yTn ' T * Q * f ' Tl T QOME persons object to this valuable because, O they say/the Rate and Mic© cat it,and then die la their bole*. This is not the case. There have been thousands uf boxes sold In this city, and no complaints of the kind ever ! made. It Is, also, a warranted artkte, that the Rats and Mice will eat it, and it will kill, without doubt. Sold by KEATING, at the comer of Wylie and Fulton streets; Dr. KEY&ER, 140 Wood street; by ail the Druggists and Grocers lathe Union. ocl3o " : NOTICE. ALL persons having sent for passengers, or tent • Agg£Drafts to Europe, through JOHN THOMPSON, 410 Literty street, Pittsburgh, are hereby notified to call at hia Office, with their Drafts and Passage Tickets, when they are returned to them, as he mmif» arrangements In "New York with the magnificent and well known Swallow-Tail Lhaes, to faring out and pay all drafts engaged by him, at his own expense; and has now been appointed the only Agent in Pittsburgh for the Old Swallow-Tail Hbm, owned hy Messrs. Grisnell, Min turn A Co., and, also, the Philadelphia and Liverpool tJna of Steamers; and has Sight. Drafts on the National Bank, and all its branches, from one pound to any amount—paid without discount. v - JOHN THOMPSON. sepg* 410 Liberty *U Pittsburgh, Great Reduction la Prices'! LREINEMAN a 00., No. 42 Fifth sL, near _ • Wood, most respectfully announces to the 6a citizens of Pittsburgh, Allegheny, and the snr* £7% rounding country, os well as to Watchmakers Dealers throughput the West, that they have Jun received thair Fall importation, and havo now opened the richest ami choicest stock of CLOCKS, WATCHES, JEWELRY. WATCH MATERIALS and TOOLS, that waTevcr iSaSt tothis market Importing their Goods mostly from Europe, they are enabled to sell ehcaper than any rim ii w establishment wost of the AReghexUes, and as cheap os any house in tha Eastern clUcs. It will, therefore, be an Inducement to at this house, before purchasing elsewhere. octlfi GREAT BEDUCTIOH OF PRICES 2 CHARLES A. MOORE, No. 110 Wood street, oilers far sale, at unusuaHyjcw prices, all kinds of BRUSHES and IARIETY GOODS. Ho manufactures and has on h«nd, a large and excellent assortment of strong »nA -veQ- made Point, Swooping, Scrubbing, Blacking, Hair. Nall and Cloth BRUSHES, made of tho best material, and adapted for use in this or any other market. lie would also invite at tention to his Fiat and other VARNISH BRUSHES and BLENDERS, which he is determined to sell at-ftom 20 to 25 per cent, cheaper than they can be purch&scd elsewhere Painters and others wanting Brushes, nro Invited to call and examine bis articles and prices. n »*«*>“*» " Teat S Teast ‘ 500 Half Cheats^ Green and Black Teas. 38 F'f ol Sii, Wboleraleind *“* Collee > «“4 Shew*. InrltM lha atteaUonof hismjtomera imdCountry Mmtiint, ama- X}£ JSS® ,loc * °f Grera and Side Teas, sdecteS ta with matrare, and wilt special reference to bis ttaTd^,siJrt? 1 w Imperial and Gunpowder.— Fine Oolong, the sweetest and most fragrant in tne Ammcan market. Also, Lorering's Crushed and Pul» yeriied Sugar; Rio, Java and Mocha Coffee; and New Or leans Sugar. Pittsburgh, November 3,1852. w DISSOLUTION. ’■’HE Co-Partnership heretofore existing under the title of X BY AN A M’KER, was dissaved by mutual consent on the 9th instant The accounts of the Unix will be settled by H. H. Rios'S Co- at Ryan's Buildings, SI Fifth street. - H.H-BYAN, AGARDmE H. RYAN & CO. inrite the attention of the Houae-Fumishlcg Public, to their extensive stock, ot Cabinet Furniture and Chairs, now on hand and in pro-' ce4s of finishing, and would especially solicit Hotel Keep: erB,SteambastFnntehers,«nddealersthroaghouttheBomh' and West, to call and enmtae their stock. They poaesats dUties for manttfoctaring not etyoved by .any other estab n«hmDEAE , JnBSS, Noise* in the lfoad,-aad all dlsa greeaMe discharges ftom: the ear, speedily and peraia^ lirntly removed, Without pain orincohtenience, by Dr. Hair t*t, Principal Aural of the N.Y.Ear Surgery,who mar Le- TOmmUed at 99 Arch street, Philadelphia* .from 9 A. M. to 3 Thirteen years of close ted almost midlrUed attention to this branch of special practice baa enabled him tOTednce his treatment to socb a degree of bmcmm to fed u»» rgp finawl and obstinate eases yields by a steady attention to the means prescribed. - ~ y ■}' Jxa&S j.c.ASi>zsaoa. - -■ :-'n- i - r - C«Andefton«nd Mlnu Tindle hsvr f.\ 'S~£r tali day entered into partnership* tinder the ten and style of J. GAndersoa * Co* in Wholesale Fruit and ContoUciiary bnsin«s,atKo.&Wooasta«et,i > - B*Ti»S disposed .of imy entiift intern* ta the Wholesale **" Frrnt and. GanfectSoaary business, to Messrs. J. G Anderson v*\ * Co, l ake pleasure faweoanmajdfastfcemto my farmer t j meodsandCQstoxnefs; andbope&r.taaanjsntiaaaaseof f the liberal patronage bestowed omae.:’ .-| r - L 30SHPA RHODES.. ! ; ftrenen’i Insurance t'-, tf T>\C om P an y ortheCUy orPUtatmrgb. • —w.y. Dallas, l'resiient—eobeict HNSKr.secreuiT. r Will insure against FIRE and MARINE RISKS of ill " ' kinds. Ofiices.ln Monongahela Honso, Nos. 12i and !25 . Water street. : ■■■:■■■ - W.W. Dallas, John Anderson,: • B-C. Sawyer, •. B. BL Simpson*. Wm. JI. ttlgar, H R . ■ Robert Rimey, ' Charles Kent, v William ' William GjlUngwood- A. P. Ansbotr, Joseph Kaye, " • '.-'WilliamD.WrightCT. • - , jo"- • f rTsT 0 , I*'* 1 *'* t'etlowiMlalJ, (Mem thaklin?, Mur# r. [ IrKT : ttrai, between Hl/ccl ctul sirtrU .—PStla-v i bargh .Encampment, No. 2, meets first aai thtal Tuesday* i of each month. - . ■■• : \ Pxctsbnrghltesree Lodge, No, 4, meets second and firarth • .Tuesday*..... Meehanks’ Lodge, No. % meets emy Thursday erenla?. A " Western Star ixdge, No. .34,- mens eY*ryWednesday evening. . Iron City Lodge, N 0.152, mocti every Monday evening, alotmt Moriah Lodge, No. 363, meets every Monday even lag, at Chian Hall, corner of Rfth and Smlthfield. Na 285, meets every Thursday evenin'?, at their Hall, corner of SmUWLeld and Kith streets, . No. i 541, meets every Friday evenin'^—... flail, ;eon»r of leacock and Sandusky streets, Allegheny '•••-••- mysay Inmranc* Company ot Wtf&.Strtet.UtweaiMarl£landlSTx*lttr+*tj': , x^ res *od CAEQO RiskA.oa tbo Ohiotod JCisls- ”• i trftntarica. •':. lunra against or Xbxnago by Fire. •••••■ Mailtos - - ' • witcmss: -- 00-noMy, - ffn. larimer, jr, Wmj>a firatejr, ftunnei jj. Kto-, Hash D. King, Wlllisaa BJnjduim, BotartDnnlißjj, D.Dehsroi, " - SlcboOT-naSr, ! • Walter Bryant, .: • .-Sanaelßea. »:* J •• 1‘ ; :-• IsaacliLPepaoek. ~ ■ hS---' I i Prreiinjt: JAMES 8. BOOS; 1 • Vice Preildimt: SA-MUfX SrCLTOKAN. : f Tremorer: JOSEPH 8. laascit ■ | “ : -Soaetaxj: C.A.OOLTOIf. : ■ i - Omra, Ha « tors cr Mjsqto Bonrasn. - I ICmrlD “ to oi 3 £S^“t^^sS£ggs“ i Sr*!: K *, -•• __ MMCTOM::' ••■ «82!i Homt- -- , Joaephß. Uech. , SamnelSrcatartaß, .■>. 3: jmt recdialud 1 X»tos»lety ...■■ inmrio) A nnxrra 3 *fSfr bM ?~ ol f B J e - iorratobj . . foOTle)- .; v a. HIJA’fKu ».. iUi.KS.-A. A.iti^FFca, irt plaea more- of i wide Ejch Brocades, vhk&aM selling at s3,ooper tfftrtL 5 _.• HOYJS. ••■■■ * opening, et A. A. JUaojr &. « 9 Oa« t lßc!tuiSnsalif>M - drsTrafriaccJora, towhksh they iaTite tba n» * tenttoo-of the Wholesale trade? =.; norlS - A A. .MAJBOjf A OQ, wooH tortia to thnlr - ' -ca.* largOTarietycffarfs pattern Cloaks. AlBo. : to thn£ largo stock of Ladies Cloths, to Ooafa and THrn%w» theoaioe. s ' £ OO&CKLLAII FV& KllNT—Bnitftbio- fcratarSTSKL - aied on lUrd fftreet -Apply lanoedktely to s * S: ■■■•.•/ :■•■•. B.;CUTHBEET S SOS. . 'Sogmmaeidfltr^ MaXIXO AXD yAKAatATTAAjUUKR..vl Sl»bK« 7+<3nen l'? 'SSSSf ® reeß Hoese, fa celebrated as Ufa largest 'and ? UieUnifaaSfatei JU» specimen* leroald t.: to. a large lot of-standard acdVDwarf-Pear f • Trees, I.aelerted while East, tor Mr. John Burdock, Jr. At * • 'wail» T eeelTaljOTbfa Nursery, .vha will attend. 1 ' ~» ? rtin S twesmll *fli^DgorUers;tilso, ground* f .-, ana planting, if desired. Bis experience and promptness i*. 'i * - weuimowtt. ; v ' - S. M’EJJR LETT HATWOOD k CO. C*tal•"- *«' v' - "'T i^plfliSliiSl®' AMUSEMENTS. Loss as© MtfiGB..—™ r w«......JOSEPB C. POSTXE 4&* Doors open at o’clock; performance to coanaenes al7o’etek. Last night hot three ofthe engagement of Mr. and Mrs. E WTLTjAMft. . WEDNESDAY EVEfINO- Norember 17, will be presented . the great Irish Dmaa, entitled. - - IRELAND AS 2? IS. Ragged Mr. & WUUan*. JadT QfTrar- I-.- Mre. TL Wtllhm* ChajactCTDanrff^.^,. —i—Gilbert. After which ell! becroented the Yankee farce of T CUSTOM * 3 (*ong,Kid.daaee,} ...™Mrs.Eimi*nu. ; -Mr and Hat Gilbert. Tb eondode wtth-tte UnfaxaUe'tee of - " ij-aa-V -SRBDYjnOi.TILEIt; vV' - ofiir.enijlri.il. eels at the 3S393E@SS& or ?oni "’ s ' nau * m ° ■*»&*•;; 4S?“ Beanlltal3lusje.anil a DeacriptlTe ~ nj the Panorama while “c*ora,em>apa- , 25 cmtapChlldrea half brig. ■ n .. ? atS&gdeAcTtommmegroatmjo’docln ' mSiT\ SPECIAL NOTICES. 1 Surgeon of thgr 0:W. Biddle-] I^SST trS»V. A. O. Di—ileett aljore tl» OTWIIy Tulrntrath Ih~yofflcB,cornero/Ihiid MdWoxljtrofeLmrT Mm dayereniog.- -: < ; (apSS IiODfiB, 1. 0. 0* #— Tto -£=Sx -Angorona lodge, Ho. 259,1. aofa *, meet* nesr Wcdnesdayorening la Washington Hall Wood sfc- f jyfcy frS?‘P I, f CK TKAr—Foe the best Ooloso 'tv. in Fliti. ': SHS? I *?* “ "p*”^o>,Bo to tha Pekin Tea Store, io. S 8 TUthstreet, There the TOj-beat Black and Green Teas.can always he had. ■, - - tiytt -- ]T3=-J; **• p- ®V-Blaco or mceUcj, Washington Hall, - tfey Wood street, between Fifth street and Vtr3n alloy. . RnaucsoaXoDG*, N0.33&r-MectserOT TaesdaT‘STemn*r. _Mammx Ercun'jtEiT, So. 87—Marts Brit acdUiKi X Friday of each month- - [marißtly F.“£t/ME*BERG, Benta! gar- Btrcct > * finr doors tbon SrnitMW Office op state.'. Dr. F. baa been eo&sccted with the establishment of Dr. Hullihea, of TYbeolina fi>r the lut greyesrs-- —•- ;•• .;-••• fsjgftCni {TsyBiETKA ISBBBA3CE COMPASY, of H*rtford, Comb—Capitol Stock s3ooo-, A*, seta *189472.: Offleo of too «U»bnigß ArencfintEo Start Eoom or 21’Cajtfy A Loomia, No. 69 TVoodetreet. - -• E. H-UKESHT,Agent. TT^ B Cora»I' 1 Corii»I! .CoxtuHf -Agreat many per- IhSrT sons are dreadfu3lY Uxnaented vrUhxonis. A certain remedy will be fcmtid to I)ri Coai3*a;c»j|-EiAST£n,- J t&r sale by Dr. GEO. 8. KKYSEB, 140 Wood street ■***■■■ , Pries, retail at nmd 20 eta. perbox. • tgtUheral dadaetwig-'te tboae; wfae.btiy io ITS 2? SPENCEItIAN COMEKRCIAL COLLEGE—fIaio Chamberlin's,)—Oornerof ThirdandMsrketstrcets, (third Boor,) Pittsburgh, Pa. EP, dOODNOCGILPractiI esl Accountant, 4t;‘B. C. SPEN CEB, Associate."AtHres<, P, E, SPENCER, Principal Teacher of Writing: and Com mercial Oorrespomlmicc. ■ See extended notice In another column- ■ ' *Ol3 . Curtain. Haterials, and “■<£>; Curtain .Trimmings of every description, : Furniture S? a te’^ ocsl * Lace and iluilia Curtains, N. T. Painted Window Bhades,CiU Corniest Curtain Hnaßands; it, at wholesale and retail. • W. H. CAISRYB, No. 1(S Chesnut street, comer Fifth, Philadelphia.. Curtains Jlada and Trimmed in the very newest French Bt^e * . . fmartghly Fire Inmraute Cornu* . Paui Capital -iwfljpMi only fir tno s6£er ciaaaea of property, bar maniple capita], ftsd affcplggcpertor adrantages ixr point oTdieapiiesa, safety sad acecenniodatioa, to city and -country merdamt»' »rn,t . owTiers of isolated dwellings an4«niniryprOT^tTV JL idssty; - Branch office frtfimithfleld it;-«ttgbogtb J f§* Hiller’! Window Shade 32jmnfae« ' tor y» OP SECOND AND AKCiI sr&/ Onr motto is, H &rick &Oet and Sswfl -*®“ Church, and Lodge Room SHADES; made In* fgperformaaaer. ; . . .•••• • other? are invited to give na a calL be fore purchasing elsewhere. ... . • a l. Mifj.rw > nv . augdia 8> W. corner Second and Arch sty phiV - OACCEHEKOTYPES . Pod Offiorßidldlngs, Third streets Likenesses taken in all kind* of .weather, Dorn S A, M. to S P. M., giving on accorsto artisticand miim** likeness,unlike »iyt raxtly sn« perjor to the common cheap daguerreotypes, at the following pnaa; the, sea tod qoallty of eflgg or fHtjrti*- - Hgum for children, fhmiil'A. aL to 2 P. 31. K. &<— fa part of the city. - - -:y - v > . Tr^ 3 Honesv*-DL HOYT’S - 'IIBAYIS POWSfclL—This* powderis offered to the ' public «* guaranteed core Car iho heaves in. berate, and i*, the only jacdidne known odaptei to'tEat punose. faarine been used, In the private veterinary iseGsrpetency of e animal, the horse, for labor, when witb this common disease, should induce every one having lmmediately for this remedy; Par sale whole- : sale and retail at Dr.KjiySHE'S Drug-Stow, N -W'' -.■ •:■ V • . -: h:. >- <• ' *«V