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TEBitSf—Vin- Delius: a year, payable strictly in advance., Six DoUara will iaTariably bo required if not paid Tritnin tboycar. ' Single copica fWU sale at the counter in the Oakland by .tho Nows Boys. • THE BATUBDAY MOBNIHG POST Is published from the same office* on a -large blanket size sheet* at TWO DQLLAHS a yoar, in advance. Single copies mscsaTß. tdH.-‘bo dlßcontixmcd (unless «t the discre tion of thefxoprtotore,) until all: arrearages are paid. . £s* No-attention will- be paid to any order unlew necom paniedby the moncyt or satisfactory referenoe in this city, wt&the Establishment of Uu Morning Post u one of the largest Job Printing Offices tn the aiy, where aU kinds qf work udone on the shortest notice, and most reason able terms. , v RATESOFA»VERTISWG, AGREED UPON BY THE PITTSBURGH PRESS. • «SUKE9SOS?ABJ34CRIIEaS: . Ono square, onainsertioa- 4 0 CO " each additional Insertion..- 25 w “ one wook. - 1 76 “ “ tvo-weeks- - 3 00 «• « three weeks...... - .: - 4 00 “ “ one month- - - 6 00 u “ two months ? 00 M . “ throe months 9 00 4 **■ four months-.....-, 10 00 », m0nth5;.........: i... 12 00 *• > « one year........ 18 00 Standing Card; sis lines or less, per annum- 10 00 .. ... CHASQEACt* JIT PIXASURK: One square, per annnm, (exclusive of the paper) 25 00 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. C« Orlando Loomli) 4 TTORNEY AT LAW—Office, Fourth street, aboro Wood. A jy-fcy , : ; ■■■ • - Thomas M. SlanhaU, ATTORNEY AT LAW—Office, Lowrio’s Buildings, Fourth street. . jan7:ly - R« B* Carnahan, ATTORNEY AT LAW—Office on Fourth stroot, between Cherry alley and Grant street. je2.y jr. N. M’Clowtv, • - A TTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW—Office in J\, Bnfreweli’s Bandings, on Grant street. Jo 2 C> Darragh, A -TTORNEY AT LAW—Office in B&kewoU’s Buildings, on Grant street, opposite tho Court Haute. jv24:ly T Coisitty ATTORNEY AT LAW—Office, 137 Fourth street, above Btulthflftld, Pittsburgh, Pa. eprA-y "TT" U. H. Hazen, . ATTORNEY. AT LAW—No. 127 Fourth street, aboTe and . nearSmlthfidd. matfTy James Rosa Snowden, 4 TTORNEY AT LAW—Office and reshlonce, No. 1« J\_ Third street, Pittsburgh. marts George P. Gillxaore, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW— Offloe, re moved to 2nd door below Grant street, on Fourth, to the office lately oocupicdby Aldorman ‘Miller. marSO J. S. Morrison, A TTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW—Office, re- J\. moved to No. 44 Grant street, near Fourth, Pittsburgh, Pa oprifhy R. Biddle Roberta, ATTORNEY AT LAW—ODice, No. 132 s-mithfield street, "between Filth and Sixth. Collections carefully attend <4 to--special attention given to Conveyancing. (Uec3dy Ttromos Means, Attorney at. law and solicitor in chancery. Offico, nest door to tho Tost Office, Steubenville, Ohio. my 4 ■ - ATTORNEY AT LAW—No. 10a Fourth street, Pittsburgh, Ba, fourth door bekrsr Sir. Rody Patterson's Livery Stable. jcSS B». Bnckmaster, ALDERMAN— Office, Fourth street, third door atove •Emithfield, South side. Conveyancing of all kinds done with the greatest care and legal accuracy. Titles to Real Es» • tatß'cxsznlsod, Ac. novio «J» S* Hamilton* A TXORNET AI lAW, has removed u> the office in Fifth |/V street* between Wood andfimithfleld street*, -formerly HDcpupicd bj Thos. Hamilton, K*}., dec’d, and will attend to tyho bwdOtaa remaluifts.uafipiahgd m*>D..ina.docfojt. (p3„t 13 Velicfton SalatnpcTj 4 ECHHECT AM) CIVIL EN'UlNliliK—Drawings and Plans of Buildings prepared at abort notice. Land sur -5 promptly attended to. Office— Grant street, be> J&fcween Second and Third. apnfcly i ■ i I' i " —*&**#»— -• *AHCXLW. W-f" iLKAm WASOEfCroa. 4 Black <&> Vubingio&t "j'lT A^PAJlT^Eilfilll^Xiz£Xj l nsspc&tetf Slack 4: Wasihsgtok. One or the other of them, when not in Court, eon bo found at all times in tbo ofltce, on Vouith street. Pittabargh, ccnr occupied by Sir. IKarfe. (fct& am n. h*calbont ... rnts. i. ktenak. il'Calmoxit & Keenan. TTORXEYS AT lAW—No. 120 Fourth sirreot, opposite . Wilkins Hall, Pittsburgh, Pa. EUROPEAN LAW AGENCY. Mr. Kxctas, in connection with Hugh Keenan, Esq., ounacTlor at Law, Dublin, Ireland, collects claims, makes in, in Europe; and ono of them annually makes tour through Great Britain, Ireland and America, [marll Win* J> Rote, 'tIATE OFFICIAL INTERPRETER—lnterpreter of For- J rfgn Languages Is far tbe Commonwealth of Penn* ■lraxua, to reside in the City of Pittsburgh, Oounty of Alle* ieny, may bo found every day, from 9 a. *l, an til Cp.jl, i the Quarter Sessions Coart lloom, or at No. 160 Fourth root. Bonds, Deeds, Mortgages, Powers of Attorney, and 1 legal or Other writings wfaatsover, translated from or into teGeanan: French,-Italian and Spanish language*, with wttwwai usd despatch. aprSrOni * - . ~ Dr* 8* Kylt| 'CONTINUES to practice Medicine, Surgery, and Obstorics jof Midwifery, Eclectically,.ln accordance with scientific indplc& and hence yrttb great success. 4S» Office and.residence, No. 68 Diamond alley. Office > urs, 9 to 12 a. v., and 2 to 5 *. a N. B.—lnfiUliblajrcmediesi.lbr Dyspepeda, Consumption in i Jndpient stages, Bronchitis, Rheumatism, Tetter, Cholera irbus, Diarrhcea, Dysentery, Asiatic or female diseases; diseases of the liver and kid* ya; Scrofula, Dropsy, &C4 and antidoneato all per is, prepared kept fbr-eale. Mercury, antimony and or preparations, os veil as the lancet, are entirely dis* BUSINESS CARDS. G* L< Hood, UPORTKR, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Fine WATCH ES, GOLD JEWELRY, PURE SILVER WARE, PLAIT GOODS, Ac. All kinds of Watches and Jewelry carcfnl iepaired. No Si Market street, two doom from Third iL, [decll BoUQebuoA & Haun^ein, rPHOGBAWIBES—Third street, opposite tho Post-offlce, /Pittsburgh. Maps, Landscspa, Bill Head*, Show BUI*, sels; Architectural sad Machine Drawings, Badness end \tin£ f>nit, cten EngrsTEd or Brawn' as Stone, Printed VjftT*, Gold, Bronze, or Black, in the most approved style, . at the most reasonable prices. octlfcly U. y. rkVtmnl. »U\VID CH£23~.......-CI!ULLX3 M'&KIQUT. f Campbell, Ch«sa & Co* CITY TACK FACTOBY—Warehouse £9 Water sL, Pittsburgh. The subscribers nmnuiactaro and keep ccn> * on band all elies of Tacks, Bnula and Sparables; Fin: Tlont and Hob Nails; fine Blned Hour Barrel end \’nlla; Copper Nails and'Tacks; Barrel Nalls; Oop* r Shoo Nalls; Pattern maker's Points; Birota, pygly Austin lioomlif AQKNTj Merchandise, Stock, and Bill ‘lSlce, No. 92 fourth Street, (abore Wood.) The toff opened, an office at tho abore place, fbr the i dating Loans, Bills, Bonds, Mortgages, and -nits fbr the security of Money, anil fbr tho of Stocks. Will also giro prompt and to baying, selling, renting of and leas f-jyy) AUSTIN LOOMIS. JL. P. V'DOWUX j£« &■ McDowell, > £CTOBB,STOCK AND. BILL BROKERS. 0 . Jones i (V*. Bonking House, corner of rarth streets, Pittsburgh, id country collections promptly attended to. -Whitmore and Wolff, B. A. Fahnestock. & Gx, letsen, Wm. Bagolfiy & 00., J. P. Tanner & Co., Harper & Phillips. W. 8. Haven. PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT, (Latb Josnr ■OCXIOX,) BLANK BOOK amp STATIONE* TJSB—is prepared to azecuto or civ style of 'tX, Steamboat Job Printing and ; furnish every, article in the Blank Book, at iho shortest notice vnd on the •tOnac ' * stationery Warehouse, eorner of Market tnd Book Bindery, Ko. 60 Third st nbria E* Ct StooktoD. & STOCETOS— BOOKSELLER, STATION ♦. AND BINDER* vrould respectfully in of Merchants and others, to his large and BLANK BOOKS, consisting of Day Books, s, Invoice, P«h, Order and Letter Books, of i of the test paper, and hound la tho .most •which he offers at prices that cannot tell to Blank Books ruled and botmd to .aqy.giv* Mng - of every description executed with v No. 47 Market street. Jy2B Stnurt & 8111) PRODUCE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa—Dealers in Groce- Wheat, Bye, Oats, Corn, Bariey,Porkf Bacon, 'ihcesc, Clover, Timothy and flax Seeds, Iron, Ac. Particular attention paid to tho sale ice. _ Messrs. Mfen & Hunter, Robt. Daiicll & Co., A King & Moorhead, McGUUA 1100, .Pittsburgh? Fenner & McMillan, MaraUon; Jos. •Esq-St. Loots. f»gp26 TiUlffC* FORWARDING MERCHANTS,: No* l Stwct, Pittsburgh—Are sow prepared, to -d. goods by Hirer, Canal, Ballroaaor.Wag* i 8 aid regularity. They will-alsoderote >the purchaao and sale of Produce, Mer* ittaboigh Manufactures, £&, and feel lop "ability togive. peculiar satisfaction to all tem wi& commands, they respectfully soli tsigtunentfl»' - -f*P 6 Si * ~ jivn COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 01 jSinMlO*—Having fcm «BRaged In U» , ttalirt tfr yc««, in tWJ dty.iroaU Tfr JSmmcntaofGoodJ, to bMoMln ttd» or; privoto nf Goods consirowi ustbr sals - King & Moorhead, GRuCERS AND' VkODiJCE DEaLEKS •yy . N 0.27 Wood itisst, Pittsburgh. [my23 Smith A Sinclair, WHOLESALE GROCERS AND COMMISSION HER* CHANTS—Corner Wood and First sta. [aor3 - , Isaac Williams* “JIXERCHANT TAILOR—No.I2 Smith field street, between' ix*. Eirst and Scoonfl etrecta..., .. . {oykj B. A. Foh&estock & Com *IM7~ MOUE&A Ip [doc2 ~ Jehu H. Blellor, TTrHOLESALR AND RETAIL DEALER IN MUSICAL YY INSTRUMENTS, Pianos, Music, School Books and Stationery, No. 122 Wood street. [janl Daniel Yonngion, HOUSE, SIGN, AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTER—Corner Penn and Hand streets. All work neatly executed. Orders punctually attended to. [mar22;y R. C. &toekto&) Late Johnson & stockton, bookseller, sta tioner, Printer and Binder—corner of Market and Third streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. . [jySltlf Thomas M. Little, "TXT ATCH AND CLOCK MAKER—Fifth street, between YY Wood and Market streets, opposite Iron City Hotel. All Kinds of Jewelry mado and repaired. [aps:ly Paul & Murdock, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANB, AND STEAMBOAT AGENTS—No. 7 Water street, Cincinnati, Ohio. (apl:tf Bonnet’s Monochromatic depository— no. 73 Third street Third May—New Painting*: The Garden of Gethso mane; Tho Cemetory of Scutari. myffctf W. W. Bl’Clnre, HOUSE. SION. AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTKR-Oom Wood and Fifth streets, under Patrick* A Friend's Ur ker office. Pittsburgh, To. marShly C. a CCHJUN3 _ ......TKOS- CCMMIJOJ. Cummins & Co., Forwarding t commission merchants—Wheat City Block, Massillon, Ohio. [Jci-r3.-*Iy«S C. A> Bl’Anulty & Co., Transportation, forwarding and commission MERCHANTS—Depot, Canal Basin, 408 Ponn st, Mtto bnrgh. aplS L. Tntenr & Brother, Dealers in wines, liquors, importeb a domes tic SEGARS, Ac. —No, 76 Smith field street, near Dia mond alley, Pittsburgh. botlB XTO. 121 Second street—Negotiator of Bonds. Mortgages, JLi Time Bills, and Stocks. Also, Pittsburgh Manufacture*, and Merchandise, always on hand, or procured at short no tice. qprlfcly filarcui W. AcbesoOf ATTORNEY AT LFW Office, Fourth street, between Smith field and Grant. References—-C. Ihoi&eU, W. AF. Wilson, and M'Knight A Brother. Jj2&y SOAP AND CANDLE MANUFACTURER—Comer Foun tain and Seventh street*. Persona wanting anything In that lino will do well to call, as 1 am determined to sell a* cheap os any other person ia the city. (ropi:y WTLUAM MtttEK Milln bickstsCN, Pittsburgh. Miller A Blcketion, *\TTUOLESALE GROCERS, IMPUKTEUa OF BRANDIES, Y Y Wines and Began*—Nos. 172 and 174, corner of Irwin and Liberty streets, iHttgburgh. Iron, Nail*. Cotton Yams, Ac., constantly on hand. jy2H 3r. B. Sheriff, Forwarding and commission merciunt, and Dealer in all kinds of Western Produce and Pittsburgh Manufactures—No. HO Market street, HtUbargh. He will promptly attend to ail business entrusted to his care. frH» _ j. D. William* & Co., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL FA3IILY GROCERS, AND Forwarding and Caxnmi&t> Merchants, Dealer* in Country Produce and Pittsburgh Manufactures*—Wood four doors above Fifth. Pittsburgh. mart *hascw KH-Ld GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. AOS Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Sperm. LiiLsoud and Laid Oil*. jy2S *1 RESPECTFULLY informs his friend.* and the public in ,1 L general, that ho has opened the house formerly occupi ed by 8. Hhep&nl. in \i ilkiusburgh, where ho is prepared to nccummodate trn Tellers and persons going out fruzn the city. dec2lkt£. BTTi C. Uorgan, BOOKSELLER AND STATIONKU—»m* always on hand a general of fvh«*»l, HL-cuilnatMus and Blank Book*, Printing, Po*t and Cap J*aper, Ac, Wholesale and Re tail, No. 104 Wood street, below Fifth, East side, Pittsburgh tgjh. W anted, Rags and Tanner*' Scrajis. aplfcly Joseph K.itt» MERCHANT TAILOR—No. 273 Liberty rtreut, I'lltsborgb, lbL. (oue door beUrw Eagle Hotels — 1a now receiving from tlie East a handsome assortment of Cloths', Cast&nere* and Vestings, which wfll be made to or der in the rhortest notice, and at the lowest prices—FOß CASH. oetTrtf WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN WATCHES, Jewelir, Silver Ware. Fancy and Variety Ooods, Rac kets, Combs, Ac. —No. Pi Market street, between Fifth street and tho Diamond. (Successors to Kinsey A Knox.,) Clock*, Watches and Jewelry neatly repaired. aug2G House, sign, and ornamental ; painter, and Denier in Paint*—No. 44 St. Clair street, Httsburgfa. lias constantly on hand all kinds of l v aJnt‘, either dry or mixed, Japan ozul Copal Vornhh. linked Oil, Boiled Oil, Spirit* Turpentine, Window Glass of all fixes. Putty, Paint Brashes, Ac.; all of the best quality, and fur sale at reasons' bie prices. sepll AT No. 18 Fifth, Third door from Market street—Manu factures to order the best quality of GENTLEMEN’S SHIRTS. Those gentlemen who hare found it difficult to obtain a uvtt-Jitting and thorou/fhly made Shirt, can be sailed by calling anil leaving their measure. ALSO—On hand, a large quantity of Ready Mode Shirts, of ail size*, for Men and Boys. J*B IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN FRENCH BRANDIES, WINES, & Melllnger) MONONGAIIELA PLANING MlLL—Would respectfully inform his Mends and the public, that his new wgfatb. Ushment is now in full operation, and timt he is prepared to famish Boat Cabins, and fill all orders for Plaued Lumber, with promptness, and at tho lowest rates. 1 ‘Udard and Plonk, planed op. ona or both sides, constantly on band. Bdsh, Doors, and Mouldings, of every description, made to order. Baudots and Carpenters.would find'lt to their advantage to ove him a call, as he can how furnish them with stus suitablo for every description of work. B* Bird & Com T> ITTSBURG H LEATHER lO3 Wood streetr- X Share received a Fall supply of'stock jnthdritoe.- timareand New Yoifc Bole Leather, Philadelphia Kips and CblfjSkins, French Calf Skins, Country UppoT, Kips and Calf Skinp, Morocco Unlng and Binding Skins; Tminers’ OH, and Tanhera’and Curriers’ Tools; and, taken all together they believe it the largest and best assortment ever offered before byafiyone house in Pittsburgh. All of which wis uepre- Tiared to soli to cash and prompt'paying customers at the yerydowest prices possible. Yfk t ake pleasure in showing our stock, and cordially In- VUO call and examine, before purehaatoj^ote*- PUBLISHED DAILY BY HARPER & PHILLIPS, AT THE “POST BUILDINGS,” CORNER OP FIFTH AND WOOD STREETS, AT $6,00 PER ANNUM, OR $5,00 WHEN PAID STRICTLY - IN ADVANCE. BUSINESS CARDS. G. W. T.r>or, G. V. Arbnthnot, 11. W. Horbac Kennedy dt Haalett, C. Hathews, Tutenr 4k Brothers, Herron A Criswell* W, H. W *•* ' 1 V. "H. \ BUSINESS CARDS. Fetaer, StcHtUan & Artlinr, HOLESAfcK GROCERS”*'ANII’COMMISSION HER- CaAjrrB, Broad teet»T{Cy-Yog>c. (margfcly* . . William C. JHnrphey, HOLE3ALE DEALER la Trimmings, Notions, Fancy T T aod Variety Goods, No. Q Wood street, betwoem Third sad Fourth, Pittsbnrgh* «cp4 I. W. Chadwick, T\EALER IN HAGS AND PAPER, No. 149 Wood Street, XJ Pittsburgh. The highest price La cash paid ibrraga. mylby Card* HLER, (succzssor to Muarar* tat,) WOOL DEAL • EB AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, tor the sale of American Woolen Goods, No. 139 liberty street. [my4 Roiiell d> Johnit. M'CCIXOCOH. Henry Bl’Cnlloagh dc, Co., TTTIIOLESALB GROCERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, TT ond Healers In all kinds of Produce, comer of Penn and Inrin streets, Pittsburgh. marll 0. B. UILZZKBXSG7 ). BCOOAC SlUtenberger Co, Moulders* union foundry— no. 124 Wood street, Pittsburgh Pa. Manufacturer* of OookJng Stove*, Plain and Fancy Grate*, Coal arid Wood Stove*, ** “ Feudera, Parlor Stoves, Sugar Kettles, Sad and Dog Iron*, Tea I’lattoriu and Conn ter Scales, Bark Mill*, Hollow Ware. Wagon Baxes, Ac. (»gp" . JOU3 IiXTT, JO. The Baleons, AT TILE ATIIENASUM BUILDINGS, Liberty street, are at all time* a delightful place of retort for Ladies and Gentlemen to enjoy a jdato of FHKSU OYSTERS, cooked in the various style*, and served in a manner that cannot fait to please. Al*o—HOT COFFEE, TEA. PASTRY, and other rtfrmhiacnto, at short notice. A PRIVATE SALOON FOR LADIES. - fixr THE BATHINg ESTABLISHMENT always in ottlor tor Hot, Cold, and Shower fixer 7 x. u. t/> u r. x. Tl/TIOLE&ALE AND RETAIL PLOW MAXUFACTU |y RERS, corner of Penn street and Cecil’i alley. ('me square below the Exchange Hotel,) Pittsburgh, have tor wile otct one hundred different patterns aud sizes of PLOWS, of tbo most improved kinds, and suitable far all description* of «rfL Among them will be found the celebrated ftrr.t Pnanh uio Patent Iron Centre Plows, the best and cheapest Plow* to be had in the United States; and, aba, Sub-aoR and Hill Skl«Cotton and Sugar Plows; with How Points and Cast ings of every description. Merchants should call and sec, before purchasing. •opSlrOm X, Southern and Eastern Freight and Pack i. v age Express Office* in the principal dtie* of the United States, fur the transportation of all descriptions of Goads and merchandise at Mail Speed, and at reasonable rates.— Merchants and others would do well to order their goods sent by CHASE A GO'S EXPRESS. Gcnd* shipped to any part of the WOULD by leaving Instructions at tbo office. OFFICES: Pittsburgh, No. 41 Market streert; New York, No. 2 Astor House. Washington, corner of Pennsylvania Avenue: Philadelphia. No. 45 South Fourth street; Baltimore, No. 3 Jarvis Building. ra-tTy ar rl ■ on, PITTSBURGH FOUNDRY—Have removed to their new building* In Birmingham, near the Ferry. Having all the late Improvements tor heavy work in Furuacrs. w XfoundkyT NO. 103 WOOD STREET. JOHN (X PARRY, (successor to J. 0. Parry A Ox,) begs to inform the customers of the old firm, and the pnbuc generally! that he has now on hands, and Is extensively en gaged in manufacturing, every description of CASTINGS— such os: Patent Chilled Rolls; large Kettles and Curbs; Patent Kettles, for Soap, Pot Ash, Boda Ash; Bugar Kettles, for tho manufacture of Cone Sugar—off curt on a paUtU process, known as J. 0. Parry’s, and are superior for dura bility to any other, and sold lower than ,lhoso made on the old plan. lIOLLOW WARE—A general assortment, all from new and Improved patterns, Wagon Boxes, Dog Irons, Bad {pons, Ac, Ac. Rolling Mill Castings, and Machinery of every description, always on hand or mode to .order. Cook Stoves, Kitchen Ranges, and Coal Stoves, of orery description; lowa Cook’ Stoves, five sizes, which received the first prize for ISM and 1851, at the Agricultural Fair of Al legheny County, Pa., and recommended by fifteen hundred persons; Euterprlze Cook Stoves, four dies; Premium Cook Stoves; Egg and Radiator Coal Stores; Parlor Stoves, Ac* Parlor Grates and Fenders, great variety, beautifully enamelled. Common Grates, and building mnt/»rinl of every description. variety of Ornamontel Balling, for Cemeteriesnnd Hough* and Hough Catting*— A. large stock of All the kim|s in use, and will be sold at reduced prices. Hall’s Pat ent Lever, True American,' Egan’s, Crane's, Kinkoid's, Woods’, Peacock’s, Bull’s, Improved Bull, Ac. , Double Plough*. —The Michigan Double Plough, which has taken the premium at the State Fairs of Now. York, Pennsylvania, and Ohio, and w herever It has been exhibited. Iron and Nails, Stovo Pipe and Tin Ware—all of . which I will soil at the lowest prices; and respectfully Invite the publlo to give me a oall, at the old stand, No. log Wood st. an2l:v JOHN 0. PARRY. Hough a ANTHONY have removed their DAGUERRE AN ROOMS, from Burke’s Building, to Eaton’s Build ing, over the Young Men’s Library, where they will be hap -py to see their old patrons and friends. apr7:tf - v . - 1 “ 1 H PITTSBURGH. SATURDAY,NOVEMBER 13, 1852. .a. j*. a watoaian. \V. W. WARD. HALL * •* c BANKERS AND BROKERS. a. c. thshjw, .« jobs w. nm^ TIEBHAS & CO., bankers and exchange bbokees, febgkly] " No. S 5 Wood Street, and Diamond Alley O’CONHOB, BBOTHEB & CO., > BANKERS AND EXCHANGE DROKERS, DEALERS taDomcrtfc and Foreign Exchange, Dine and Sight Bllla, Coin, Dnomrent and Par Fonda, Stocka, 4c. '"'ice, corner Wood and Thtrd eta, Pittrtm ' 'mar 17rtf JOHN WOODS, BANKER AND EXCHANGE BROKER, DEALER la Gold, Silver and Bank Notes. Current and par funds received on deposit Collections carefolly at* tended to. Fourth Street, one door East of Market, Pitta* burgh, Pa. _ f^*3:ly Domestic and fbrdgn Exchange, Bank Botes, Gold and Sdtx . nought, Sold taut Exchang'd, at the EXCHANGE AND BANKINO HOB IE OP WILLIAM A. HILL & 00., 0i WOOD ETTEEET, PITTSBCHOC. .flowed op time dtpoalts. [ang2S O. E. ABSOLD & CO., BANKBBB AND KXCHANQE BBOKEBS, DEALERS in Exchange, Coin, Bank Notes, Sight and Time Drafts, Ac. Collections carefully attended to, and proceeds remitted to any part of tho Union. Stocks bought and sold on commission. SO, No. 74 Fourth at, next door to Bank of Ptttsb'g. [se!3 HILI. & CO., BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, coajrrß or wtoon srs nrrn stuects. SIGHT EXCHANGE on tho Eastern Cities constantly for sale. Time Bills of Exchange and Notes discounted. — Gold, SiiTcr and R*nb Notes, bought and sold. Collections made In all tho principal cities of tbs United States. De* porits received of Par and Current Fnnd*. [marSTly ATJ.CT Off ABO EAfiK. rU>B£SCB EKA3g K&AWiiH &. RAHM, BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, BUT AND SELL Gold, Sliver, and Bank Notes; negotiate Loons on Real Estate or Stock Soeurltiesjporchaad Promissory Notes and Time Bills, on East and West; buy and sell Stocks ou Commission. £ Oollcctiona made on point. iai£e tJpioo. Tmyl A. WILKEKS fc CO., BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, no. 75 fourth sr., nrrsncßon, o?K6m basXof Pittsburgh. THE SUBSCRIBER, under new jad more favorable auspi ces, will contlnuo tho B&nkingbnsincss and Stock Bro kerage In tbo house formerly occupied tor Messrs Palmer, Hanna A Ocx, and more recently bj the Pittsburgh Llfo In surance Company, where be will 1* pleased to sea bis old friends and customers. ' (jy3). A.- WILKINS. N. HOLMES AtBONB, BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, EAT* MWOVED THHB BASZZSQ AXD'.-ZXCQAXQX OmCS TO RO. 67 uakxxt front,'roc* noaga bhow oin ward. N HOLMES A SONS, Bankers hud Exchange Brokers, • and Dealers In Notes, DraftA Acceptances, Gold, Ell* ver and Bank Notes. Exchange on the Eastern and Western Cities constantly for sale. > Collections made In all the dtlefi. throughout the United States. Deposits received In par fouls or current paper, No. 67 Market street, between Third anX Fourth sta. [jaSfcly JA&. S. DOOR, .. •% ~.TBOS. BABQBRT, HOON A SABGEHT, BANKERS AND EXCHANpE BROKERS, r. & ooiucEK' or wood a- seem rnrsßUßan, pa. T\KALERS in Coin, Bank Notes, Time Bills, foreign and I / Domestic Exchange, Ccrtificatef of Deposit, Ac. Exchange on nil the principal ritiop Of the Union and Eu rope, for sale In sums to suit purchasers. Current and par funds received oa'depcslt- Oolleetions made on all parts of Usd Union, at the lowest fates. * (sepll.'lT Rcmovaiv PATRICKS A FBTEHD, BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, Bane Removed their Office to the Cbmer qf Fifth and Wood sis. PATRICKS A FRIEND, Bankers and Exchange Brokers, and Dcalen in Notes, Drafts. Acceptances, Gold, Sliver and Bank Notes. Exchanges on thd'Eastem and Western Cities constantly for sale. Collections made in all the cities throughout tbo United States. Deposits received in par funds or current paper, at the comer of Fifth and Wood Streets. [fcb3 Dlasplutlon* THE FIRM OF a. WILKINS A 00, has this day been dUiclvod by mutual consent The business will be do red bj Thompson BelL A. WILKINS JOHN A. CAUGHET, THOMPSON BELL, mnereos THOMPSON BHLIr A CD., BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, (u\to or a. uaxi>'4?* oo,) XlflLL continue tho Exchange land Bulking business at TT the old stand, enmer. Third and Market sts. [ EXCHANGE AND QAirKING HOVSE. S. JOKES & CO, Qittut of Hood and Fburt\ Streets, Pittsburgh, Jhrm’a. BILLS OP EXCHANGE and notes discounted. Bills of Exchange furnished bn eB the prtnclpai clUca, East, Mot and South. • - r . BUN of Exchange also fortdxhcdin large-or Hnall sum* on Loudon, and various places In Wales, tS-'otland ««h Ireland; also, on Paris, Bremen. Hamburg and Frankfurt, extinctions made la all parts of Ibe United Stale*. Gold, SDvrr and Bank Notes bought and sold. IX'ponUs received of-par and Current funds, and paid on calL £ Ttmo Deposits alro (vccirod, and interest. allowed. Land Warrants pinxhaMxJ and sold. jr2S HOTELS, &c Iron City Hotel. L. W. SMITH, Proprutor. Fifth street, bd-ieeai Hood <£ M&rizt, Pittsburgh, Aw** Good Stabling ettechod to this House. [epr7:ly auxr uwmx,...... _ .„n. c, ooxauxi. Brown'i Hotel, Cbmer cf SniilhJUld and Third Streets, Pittsburgh, ftnn'fl. BROWN A CONNELLY, Proprietors. rta tiling attached to the House. VYcetern Exchange Hotel, Market it, M’cjt of Perm tipian, nearly njmjsile the Central and /U RtsQ Ziou UliertjiKt josrpa uppnrooTT „ _ ft . B _ LIPPINCOTT & babrJ* (late j. a (muciLEa a co„) l'liuLNUiway ,proo? saees, JUT 4. Second btracl bchiwn Wood and Smithfidd-Cta ftralay MUraoon, July 25, ms, the undetsi-uod wcnToh lod upon by Messrs. Lippeucott 4 Barr, lo witness an honest and ddr Leal of one of their Phoenix Safes. The fumaco be log prepared, the Safe was placed Inside thereof with Books, lapentand Mmo money; when the door of the Safi was <52 sed and th» too kindled at a quarter past 2 o’clock, and in a short tima the Safe waa rad hot, and continued till half past 6 o clock, being about four and a half hours, when the com mittee expressed thtir satisfaction that the time occupied with such heat was sufficient. The fumaco was then pulled down, so£> cooled, and door opened—the baafcs papers and money aafeu The heat was so great as to nick off the brass mountings. We therefore take pleasure In recommending these Sales to tbo public, as being, in our judgment, entirely fire proot JARVIS * TJtABUE, NOCK A RAWSON, CORNWALL A BROTHER, BRANNON 4 THATCHER, BENEDICT A CARTER, ISAAC CKOAIIE, I am engaged in the foundry business, and know some thing about furnaces and beat. I witnessed the burning of the above for*, and can freeJy'say there was no humbug about it, and with pleasure recommend them to the public as hwiny, tn my judgment, entirely fire proof WSL KAYE. In railing upon the above gentlemen for their signatures, they all spoke In the highest. term* of theihirceasof the test, and their full confidence or the Bale’s being entirely fire proof We hare constantly on hind And for tale a fen assortment of the above safes. [marOlj RET.T. 4 TEBBY. *- * ; i , *r. ■ •..= *. •' _Jti V\»oLV % i*S r S-S <; , i *_%. *r p„ * . v •* .t ’■ -w ESEVEZZH MDXEOS. .TO. BLACK.. 68,50 - -....33,00 7,98 ■ •> r f 'r * v: ,' * "* * *’-£* * r _i_; ■» PHILADELPHIA. .A* H. CLAYFOOLE tho Merchants* Hotel, PHILApELpffT " 1 DAVID COOPER; — r H'i GOMSHLSION MERCHANT, for the sale of Vimh pwo.- VISIONS, Ac, No. 9 North, Wharves, 'pfiffl, PHIA. Ag* Agent Express line Boston 1 Packets, • JON. PATTEKSOA, JIC, ISIPOBTEB AND DEALER IN LIQUORS, WINES, TEAS, del, NO. 35 -Noam Secosp stkxevPHILA DRLPHIA. ' -...1-,.. - au27:ly>., MOUNT VERNON HOUSE, SECOND ABOVE ABCS, PHILADELPHIA M. ARNOLD * S.N. SMITH, Proprietors. Terms, One Dollar per Day. ' ; sn27:ly* - F. OSTHEIIM, - " IMPORTER AND DEALER IN BRANDIES, GIN, WINES, . SHOBER, BUNTING A CO H C COMMISSION MERCHANTS, and Dealers in Pure OILS, / of every description, CANDLES, WHALEBONE, Ac- No. 14 South Wharves, (between Market and Chesnutsts-j PHILADELPHIA. -- J. B. Boggs A Sop, . T^"o. 180 Chestnut street, 2d story, opposite J. 1 have received their Spring Fashions *rwi Goods, and will continue to receive, by every arrival,: the latest-styles from Parte and London. Persons visiting the east are Invi ted to call. All business of the late firm of A 'Rare* will be settled by them. Philadelphia, March 23,1850. maz&Ldly JAMBS S. MASON AUO., HAVE removed to their NEW GRANITE BUILDING, 108 North Front street, (above Arch street,) PHILA DELPHIA, where they manufacture Mason’s Celebr&’ed Challenge Blacking! ALSO—A beautiful BLACK WRITING INK, BLUEINK, Ac. US* All their manufacture* warranted of superior quality. •. : ISAAC K. SXALTTEB STAUFFER & HARLEY, - -(gUCCXSSOEB TO 0. nnvain,) ~TTr4TCHHAK FIRS, JEWELERS, and IMPORTERS OF T T WATCHES, No. 96 North Second street, corner of Quarry, PHILADELPHIA. For sale, on assortment of Gold and SUTer Patent Letter, Lepine and, Plain Watches, Fine Gold Jewelry and SilTer Ware. Repairing promptly attended to. ' BOITTOS & CO*; “ TTENiTIAN BLIND -AND WINDOW SHADE MAVTT. V BACTUKEBS—JV’o.- 40 JT Second tired, (below Arch, west ride, PHILADELPtiTA. Lettered Slodcfj lb? Stores tod Windows, painted to order. ai«v Pwvt TOtefrt, Buff Shades, Ac. N. B.— Saab Shutters and Door*, constantly on *nri made to order. aa27.*4m ALLIBOBK <£• ~ 16 NORTH WHARVES AND 39 NORTH WATER Kt, PHILAIIELPBLA, OFFER FOR SALE— Rice; Spirits of Terpen tine; Tar; Pitch; Rosin; Alcohol; Burning Jlnld; Pino Oil; Sperm, Whale t Taimera Oil. tTftßT.ra B. BOWLZT. T 3. EJT7Z3L. . jrowlky l&Kiii'riEk, GENERAL commission merchants, ASD TCHOLESELS DZALEka DT ' NAVAL BTORE3.JIND TANNERS OILS, Ho. 17 North W Oarrei, PHILADELPHIA. CIONSTANTLY oa hand, at lowest market prices—" / Bank Oil; Tanners 03; ' SoapKosLn; Straits OH; Paint Oil; Soda Ash. J 3&" Cocsignmentyof Western P?»!nr» an27:3m* MADISONHOUSE, NOS. 37 AND 39 SOUTH SECOND ST (AXM3TZ JU2XZT 6TRIXT,) PHILADELPHIA. THIS popular House is admirably altanad for tho couTe uiruce of persons traveling cither on business or -pleas* ure, being near the Now Yorkand paltimore landings,-within a short distance of tho Post .Office and Exchange, where all the different Lines of Omnibasses start, going to all parts of tbadty. . . J. - : Late of Baltimore, Mcb, and rHnHnr, w H ; q. isvcs b. EMim. —— Bconax»; Jamet B. Smith & Co*« SELUIRS AND BLANK EOOK MANUFACTU RES—Sign of the Large Blxnk Rooks. No. 207 Market ‘treet, aboTe Filth, (north side,) Philadelphia—Have always on hand. Cap, Demy, Medium and Loyal Ledgers, Journals. Day, Invoice and Cash Books, Aldermen's Dockets, Minute and Utter Books, Memorandum, I‘ass, Receipt, Copy and Cyphering Books. ALSO—A largo assortment of MedicaL Miscellaneous and School flunks. . * ftjk. Country McrchnatJ, Booksellers, Banks and Conntimr Kooma supplied with erery Variety of ttlsnV Books and Sta tiongry, at Tory low price*. marSkem ' James Barber’s l— ' " TOOLiSALE AND RETAIL CLOCK ESTABLISHMENT. Urnla East (xnmer qf Second and Chestnut rt+**f* * "W nE SE 5® firani. OM'of thfteq^STbSta f T Mitmcata of dock® -and Tima Pieces in thb United -Elates, lo quantities to suit purchasers, of from a rte-t. Clock to one thousand Clocks; cmbrsciau erery-mrfetTof stylo and manufactnrc, suitahlo lor ChlSches, .Halls, Coun- UnsUons» Parlors,-Sloopinj Apartments and^Sohens, Steam sod Canal Boats and Cars. Also, general rale Agent for Rapp's lately patented Srffm NkheGold Pen, WholesaletSd Retail; SSdS Mrer Pen Holders and Pencils, and a variety of Fancy Goods. TbOBB wishing to ptirchase »iu Sod it to their interest to call, before parrhaslne elseubcro. .KVtfu n»nmm a 0207« S. K. corner Chestnut and Sceooil si phUa. ILUaT E0vrk....w..-„_.„.,_ : —TOHS *. eoi^ _ M. &• J. M. H.OWE, BROOM ANI) WOODEN WARE STORE, A'o. in North Third Strut, Thru Doort BdotTltact, MASTFACTDREtS and Drama, Brushes, Bucket*, Cedar Ware, Willow and rrench Basket*, Shoe and Hall Brushets, Scrubs. Dn«tm Mata, Blacking, Eastern-made Wooden Waro of ©Terr <£ acription, 4a, at the lowest market prices. In store mid far sale, 2000 don. fancy Com Brooms, 600 dot Painted Backets, assorted colors. 800 do*. Cedar Chums. 600 nests Wash Tube,. 600 nests Willow Baskets ' . IW do* WaU and Scrubbing Broshe*. N. B—-Orders promptly filled and goods packed in the best manner tbr transportation. ' • • BBHAHNIA WARE HAOTJEACTURERS. THE subscribers haring just entered into the nboro busi ness, in all iu branches, take this, male of calling the attention of Country Merchants ana other* 1 to their new style and patterns—also, the quality of material—as m flatter onrsdves not to be beat in workmanship or material. The following, in part, consUt* of oa* assortments*-* Lamps and Lamp Screws; Ladles; Castor Frames: Bed Pans; Tumblers; Htehera, with lids; CbSeeTota'and Tea Pots; Slop Howls; Sugar Bowfcrr Cream Cups; Beer Ileus or“! Ootoo Hoppers; CandlosHelta;,Spoons, of oHsijcs. n 6 will he happy to receive orders for samples, by mail, at our places of business, No. 109 BABE ST, or GUABRT ST, above Second, PHILADELPHIA. „ „ „ CALYERLEY 4 HOLMES. ~ N. B—Tho subscriber stßl continues to manufacture Can dle Moulds, Syringes, Surgical Instruments, 4c_ at his old place of business, Kn.i‘lo9 BACE STvPhHadelphla. to which I would call the spodal attenUon of Candle Mannao turera. ? (an2&3mj JOHN CALVEELEY. TO TEE TBAVEUHQ PUBLIC. ~ Fftrit Clast Hotel—Terms, $1,50 per Day. THE subscriber, haring lately taoome proprietor of the FBANKLIN HOUSE, CbestDut street, between Third ood Fourth, and haring reduced the pneo of b<»rdtosl,&O per day.giTes notice that, notwith standing this reduction, he will still continue to keep a first class House. * The Franklin House has just undergone extends altera tions, and la now fitted up and refurnished in superior atria, ibr tie reception of visitors. The lower floor, tormorlv raided by stores, Is now Included In the Hotel, fonnhara spadoua Reception Room, gentlemen's Parlor, ims ratLt Room, thereby allowing an addition of thirty chambersand eeTeral beautiful parlors, fronting on Chestnut street The 5“ Qa “° r *“• Botal areauperior to most others, being con-' structod with alcoves, forming parlor and bed ehaiSrS T,?' U S h .^ 4 ; Ed ,ent H : ' tcd - The location is mm. passed, cither for business orpleasure, ' B£& d Wool*ll A2f, Proprietor, - Pkwtddpkui. CEAfI, Mo AUUOOT...„ _ ; ; u >n n ß'^« eagle hotel . Ao. 139 liorih Third ttreet, bdtvten Bat* ami Ttne* Philadelphia* • ALTiMONI) & STEM, Pkopjusioiis. rpEEMS, 91,00 per day.—The subseribershaveth® plea* J_ ®urocf informing their friendsmid tho public generally that they have taken the above named well known and (de servedly) popular House, -which they have fitted up with en tirely New Furniture and Bedding, of a superior quality.— The House has also been renovated and improved, tn a man ner which will compare favorably with the first-class Hotels' in the city, and cannot fan to give satisfaction to those who may patronise it The Table will.always be supplied with the choicest and most wholesome Provisions the market affords} and the bar with the purest and best liquors. Nothing (in short) shall be left undone to make thetiuests comfortable, and tbo proprietors flatter themseltcs, that by strict attention to business, they will merit and teceiTe a liberal share of public encouragement. au2s^m GEOBGE J.- HENKEL'S] CITY CABINET WAREHOUSE NO- 173 CHESTNUT'ST, ff’ffj FUHNITUEEi IN EVKliysTlxS bi!U In !e > .- And finished in the hot etjle, eqnal to if not . quality,the Cteods 5 * in the United State*. EMPLOYING none but • " * lira being positively tenaiSj the nork omnot fhil to Ei«^tiSoa ?X ptaKSSJ' StJleeither in £legint or •>,“ laI ?n tdyono establishment; by which tnmUtv^lndlwT lM K»m'eerrcspond in Kyle ami quality ,and the. Immense stock alwayson' li-iTirt, beinc a) rShSn!? en^ ea porchasera to phase thcir.tasto S -without the delay necessarily caused iit ordering. To give an Idea of the finished Furniture on hand,! need 2“* «y Booms are 175 feet Jonr.-fcy si feet wide, 4 floore In number; with. Shops contiguous, suffi cient to employ 200 hands, which is a guarantee that' the work is all done under my.mrefantrfArt^t^in«p*»tf»n The Packing is all done in .the Store, and Furniture warranted to carry safely 'any distance. -Tiiiters to PhUsr dolphla are respectfully inrited as porchasaraor otherwise, 'to coll and examine the Goods, ftoS&ly* 'K *'r-S.T>•-• ■! {.■ _ "i. ' :^vvf£^V*Ss^'{»w£* ■■ -■ **?&**?*■■''■ V » T - + " ' ' ■> •* r «r * * -.'if* ** .3.. • “"V' , V ft' k >. 7 4 » r *J V, .^4 m- , i„ A.H.Tegßnen. - MWffisgsjssessasgafa North Thirdgtwct;' s pbaaaelplU‘o. 221 llarket street, PliHw -..r.*.:; aagj,. ~' CTa tti-ttt, ffIILAjEUIITI.- So.’MiiibaiEt-SaiJi Socond street. nTct^M.una.Si>:s6Smit& A FI “B» 1 7 • A NEBS mnl PLAQS, J Oll mippljr of £X$. Ate),. Bunting, ibr ate by ihe Pteaao^fclV?S ' ' --,, '-' Vri~F*FS,' - i so.g i g s^g^gs^:. i^Ssassasa aaKßMsaaaaatt —■ ■ - ~ - - ~’»ul9 - , :\T nufcaod Tenth t > C- \ ort3er 0f Chest' •ftUX call the ‘ Mp,!c * ; Ttanity who are Trithfac to ialltiabutih and.: quantity of Choice FamfvQrtSSS^ri 07 '£?*■ SXotkUim ' Usemont We hiTo no hesitMWi? S 3 ’ toOur odTet. :ta their benefit, if . yingit1 ' fll^»6re»tSi •5$ frtm on* extendTe and%SiS5S“ - fiatalngngs rorrtfitTtfpcy B H»t of t . - eonte again v - : .- - 1 "' ' j-an^Dry rionDining Tihw•ftpfr^fr t £ ;..;' 1 Half & B c ■ACANOTACrCBEES tirf-v AM. Arch street, FhiMeiphi: supply, of. the-best qnalitjy to tfcles, and erery rsriety of.tra nia Me tall ' Tea Seta, -•- _ - Cafleepots, Teapots, Cream Caps, Sugar Bowls, Slop Bowls,. Molaiees Caps, Children’s Cups, Pitchers, Beer Mugs, : Mint Julep Caps, Plates and Castors,- - - au2fcCni* JOjnst j? ceired xvo cases new EtyM-Mous De LainSS *»' ~ s2= i -= --• l- : -- :: ••-:•/•-• •■• * OCt2 mnwn ,i ladles Sewing Birds. .7: —v introduced tothepcUis bythV z ‘ J " # t~ t J? ut^ r » espe&llj necojaincnded to the nctir* th |££» tor Wta* partidtar ' StriPrSvf ZTz? m ?, vbn * C “S»S«1 ia sewing. Jimr » ®o l iil£?wMw d •“!?■“'f 0 MomKh'oulteS”^W their : 1, bein? EiOTC -. loipnevemeoLS ora conntat- . c-, Mthinif to lessomthe Übocofmen; buth'ttle cr- ~ 10 ? U ? Tia to the; htmlen of thcothST ■■; S^^^i?££? Ire S? VJ 5 lU '.BtoaOy retfeVfcwfaiS itVffl ■’ ■ J man v «- ort T . Th . 6 Sextos Birth. hare been saci by- W En S «™t his mcKwiffi i nugr be hai of the subscriber. liYtrhoieiiiirHrrhtoir*' -■ arecSJlvS 0 * tteamffi J prfc6 otaSicbtor^ «reoffered mast recommrafl themto-geSeral - —“ ' L‘ ■'■• - C. YEAOHE, Tiff Market strait.'' / . Trmv u -Y?- , 81 Woodstreet.is mwr opening u - imsslSeSS^ d cntlre stock of the uiili id*-T ' reduced pnSs° y lmfrJTetl SAX HOKsS,:ttntl at groaily *~-i ISSIS aoS “ ,I< x= ■■**•■*■■ ••••'*•■•'' EPlstAUo T n ’- v iwc.r.Vi BFlatjiiaritoae .£:, • B and A Plat Bass ' 'lo “?* or > l,lo - : ««i , . df a SereM/il'M Jl '^' 4sso, *‘ PirDrife,'p2ro*-r '*' Capitol City, and titntai&%£&Tmiia r: S'r rrrq Sprtjngipiffsr Open. ,w “f, W. attractive sang ■ fawhiroahla • 'iTATtfteyn - ;•!>. has been Jeased,topethcr iriih the ** hATEITB HOTEL- - ‘ tho “Famhigtnn Hotel” on the National Bflad.,-ghr> 1 •.• eurM.tha best coaia 'andthe bert'supplies -fcf CTery kin^"' vi with a determination to please *1 1 Jiis Tutors. A. new hmn*s ..-. f ins, with flirty baa recently been added to iheWab* ■* • ■ These SPRINGS' are sumxmm by ~ and Homango Monntaln. tonerr, in a ‘ coot pare air and puw.waten -.^r parties oftbesewaters hire fnUy feet that.they hara cureths ' . '-V thertdiestand “e «&{Vr country to UniontcrsTi. 'i'°nrt-^v,J? r^ a i! regions in Hie mit, splendid views ? iopcsamtßcm. .. "?' 1 no tbe.andereignfid LTrery ccrfelir there mi' - mnd, Hng -* •. i poo leu: iM*ofeaT - r - 2 • • I-I l n£»^ t,fl T o, P« HusbandsHou^ekeeperandMother* U -*-*f British; and -Amends E>mg]p •~gac»° , ‘'EnlftniTf.-*- wa :: flam edition o' the '■■ i £™ t , , B^ a JS'de; Bush'SXoteron tlsB - j^ritataiel?; -'gpiiir'."’ -"":' , wojhl; Htmia Ss.Jhflueais; Dr. ScL-in 'Sr,AVr -V*T.I /■./ >' y^tt* s , /^S GS ’ r-Bontanisni si ETotoeLTr? ‘ —-*.: Christ; roirler's CTammnr'cf lnventions; -Sings andQaeehs^Ab'“•"' ihanhiin, 8 illustrated: ;ISosweil7jbfc&r **,-< ' : £jfti..^rr l^ s '~2i c^oa^?7; - . twkL?^ Wcrfia; Xettersl-to young*.Xodles’and‘- : , : ' yionderBor*atOTo; lJock of HomerlJeautr:* - . ~ hilhmype; SpirttffiirHeroes,'lPurtians;. -,^ 4 ' •. CSartotto EUis’-Worka, cheap; -Abbott's Cconet Standard Way to do Goodj.-Practica! Astronomer: v•’- - ■' itrs. ; Com be on; the Constitution af-Mani ' - 3 '• £docation:.Conipl£to; Bhrenologrind’ h n* f:-£? : Phy siclogy £_ Food and-Kct; -Hareditaiy v"' -; --' 4Jl—pl^^r r dinap;t^d^;; : ?daferEiity; Water Cn» ilwxual; ! Tnnncnearly.anthor--■. * * v : -: i' :•* ■'•• ;v C- ’ v r *jr <_ /*■ t J :-e-y : ;■ . ...-...: : .-r.:`,.;: ,- -; . , , :i - :_':7: ,-,- '..5. - '. - :: , ::: - : NUMBER 101 ' PHILADELPHIA., -f •SUIT ASS f A WABE. > , >ardEiaai.; - - v --- v --'- --x iteajei^ : ; ; eonstaatl^pr^apolto;,',- tie re -.rcaamtsdiGsoi to [Scdp -Xaai&v - *.■- ["TabJe Spccaß, _ . TeaSpooaj,.■ . .. ' SpittwUjJ, ; GixSlsstick.% ”■ fluid Lgmpgj ; vv v . Oil ajiJ Lard £ampa. Decanter Stoppers,- ‘ ’ Beajrtms; ** -v Chair.Pans,-/'■■- •'• ~. Comm union scrrice seta, ic.‘ r- „V ■■ ' •’«..••« •,.• w .'t * \ < ,;U>' •; U • L ■■ mm .. •>? •'. J, * \ s 1 - - : -i * ;