The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, November 12, 1852, Image 4

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- ~•- vi-rx. Arra mm dby goods: '
. . MILLINERY, .£&, i
Wo. 108 MaTket Bt. i. 1
MY stock• of Fall; and i
is now complete, ai)d is
not exceeded in variety,
' quality, or cheapness, by
any establishment west of
the mountains. I would
call particoiaraticntum to
'toy stock of RICH BRO
CADE SILKS, of o«*ry
grade and quality. In
SHAWLS. I haro a splen
did assortment of styles,
suitable for winter wear.
Including CHEAP, as well
as the richest Goods tho
eastern market affords,—
Alpaca, Colored and Black
Silk Lnsties; French, and
Irish Poplins Broadcloths,
( Linen, Sheetings, Moualin
| Delaine, Calicoes, Hosiery,
} bought on tho best
r ‘ terms, or the best quality,
ill bo sold on the moat pleaa-
Millinery Establishment
#3- M\D AHE A. GOSLING, has a 1» reeelred her FALL
AND WINTER FASHIONS, direct from Paris, London-and
New York together with a complete asrortment of now
stvles of Ribbons, Laces, Gimps, Braids, Fringes and Dress
Trimmings, of everr description. Ladies are -respectfully
Invited to call. The trade supplied.
45- No. 61 St. Clair street, and 108 Market street
j,- jt, No damaged Goods kept at this establishment.
DGRKGG & 00., No. 07, north-west corner of Wood
• street and Diamond oiler, Importers and Wholesale
Dealers in DRY GOODS and VARIETIES, are Just opening
an. entire new and complete stock ofDry Goods and Vario
las. These Goods have been selected with great care, by
.one of the most experienced men in the city, which, fbr style,
'Tariety, and cheapness, cannot bo surpassed by any house
watt of the mountains. Our stock consists in part of—
'""French and English Brood Cloths;
- Cassimercs, Satinctts, Tweeds and Jeans;
FancyTrintfvih great variety; j
Brown and Bleached Muslins;
jUrtn, Velvet, Worsted and Cotton Vestings;
Fresh Scotch and Domestic Ginghams ;
Irish Linens and Table Diaper;
Brown and Bleached Drillings:
Alpacas, Delaines, Merinos, &c 4
Woolen and Canton FlftDnel*;
Drawers, Under Shirts ami Pra Jackots;
Checks, Tweeds and Hickorys;
Hosier) - and Gloves, a large assortment;
Ribbons, Laces and Edgings;
Cambric and Mull Muslins;
Volls. Collars and Caffs:
Dress Silk, and Silk Handkerchiefs;
pocket and Table Cutlery, of our own importation;
Combs, Threads. Buttons, Ac. , x
In connection with the above, we have just received, di
rect from tho manufacturers, a very largo assortmentor
E3d Md Gilt JEWELRY, Gold and Silver
Gold and Silver Pens and Pencils, Lodics and Gents Gold
v Pins, Eight Day and Thirty Hour Clocks, of all kinds; Per
fomerr. Drugs, to ournow stock—the half of which has
•-.hotbeen enumerated. Wc would in rite the particnlarat
tehiton of city and country merchants. Pedlar® and sum
hezu, to thov may rest assured wo will makoittui object
worthy of their call.
Hark* Street, between fburfi Street and tie Diamond
Pittsbtere/i. ,
The enbecrihers havo jnrt roceircd a tm? largo ““''*»»■
tifol etock of PALL end WINTER DRY GOODS, which have
"Cecil Miectoa with great ear* from the recent Import.tionN
and largo Anction Sales In Philadelphia and hew York; end
will bo cold for cash at a very email advance above Eaaturn
cosh Pnrchaeers aro respectfully eolieitod m givei them an
early call, and secure a goo*J bargain, as tho stock consists
of a general aeeortment of the following article*:
PTeneb Hcrinou and Thibet Cloth*;
Ooburge, Paramettas and Persian Twllla;
' Col’d Delaines, Cashmeres, and Galla Fleldr;
High _
and Silk Lu*tens Alpocca.*, all colon;
Bombazines and Persian cloths, all colors;
nigh Lustro, Plain Black Silks, all wedths;
Brocades, Satin Plaids and Watered Silks;
Black and Chamclira silks and Turk Satins;
Silks and Poplins, plain and fig'd;
Branch and Americnu tiingbams, all prices;
English and American Chintzes and Calicoes;
Needlo Worked Culls, Collars. CbimiaeU* and Capes;
Embroidered. plain and bem-stitched Linen Cambric hdkfs;
fiflk Pocket Hdkfs. Cravats and Neck ties;
<3loTcs,-Mitts. Uosery and Suspenders;
lickings, Check?, Blcn'd and Brown Muslin;
Irish Liuins, Table Cloth?, and Damasks;
Bird F.rS and Russia Diaper, very cheap;
Oaah and Towel?, at 60 per cent below regular pricer.
Red, White and Yellow Flannel, very cheap;
High Col’d Dress at*d Back Flanels, plain and Fig’d:
Goths, Cashmeres, Satfnctts, Kentucky Jean and Vesting
Bonnets and Bonnet Ribbons, at bargain?;
Pan and Winter Shawls, general assortment.
TJEAJS— 160 half chest* Imperial, Ounpowder, Young Hy
son and Black Ten*, rocked and for wvle by
tatilKM kiiawls-a splendid assortment of all vhe
%T newest and most fashionable styles, and of every
onalltr, just opened at A. A. MASON A COS,
octli Nor. £2 and 64 Market street.
PfXiMATo CATSUP—A good article, for sale by the bottle
1 or dozen at KEATING'S, corner of Wylie and Fallon
streets, and at Harrison A Andrew’s, corner of Fourth and
Perrv streets. OCt5
Ohio and pa- rajuujai>—aou iiuuw ««« «
■ Vo ruble rates, by A. A CO.,
Bankers and Exehaupe Broken
75 Fourth street.
U-'-ilo "uulu lnlorm the public that
I he has got ihc necessary moulds and presses Ojt putting
up y>n« in metallic packages of 1 ft, }<j and A Ih. lie will
fi&elt any amount with nealnces and despatch lor any bouse
n tho city, and on reasonable terms. Apply to
Octs corner of Wylie and FtiUon streets.
Carpcti I Carpet! I
ROBINSON & CO.. 47 Firth Street, have just opened
ouo of the most full and complete stocks of Carpeting,
Oil Cloths, .Druggets, Matts, Rugs, Stair linen* and Drug
ceta, Stair Rods, Piano and Table Corera, Window Shade*,
<fce-, ever offered in tho market, which will bo sold at
the lowest cash price*- Call apd examine. octlfcy
x 25 bxfi s , BBndB’« Russell k Robinson's and Grant ■ To-
.12 do fra S's Stewart's do;
20 do Myers’ Superior Pound Lump do;
80 do do do dwarf do;
20 case Diadem Twist. do;
16 kegs 6 twist do;
10 bbls Bavarian cut and dry do;
10 do Hungarian do do, received, and for sale by
mis Nor. 221 and 223 Liberty street.
hJctncation— Tlie Female Seminary ,
Tirii.T. bo continual at Hie usual place, corner of Wwh-
VY ington street and East Common, Allegheny city—the
fell term commencing on the first Monday in SoptanbcTnext
under the efficient management of Miss Hannah K. tm T “,
who has for some time bad charge as principal, and will
have suitable assist: mee in its management, .
In point of location and arrangements for the comfort oi
the pupils, It is not surj*aswd in the community.
I For terms, Acu, see Circulars.
Profeuor Tbompion’i Female Seminary*
TT7ILL open tho fall Session on MONDAT, 30th Imftant,
W and continue Five Mouths. As the number of pupils
Is limited, early application will be necessary to secure ad
mission. No pupil admitted for less time than a session, and
no deduction of tuition except fur protracted illness. One
half of tuition payable Invariably in advance. For further
information see circulars, or Prof. T. iu person, at his rooms,
64 Liberty street, (Irwiu’fi How.;
Plot T. will form a small class of 8 or 10 lads, in Matne-
and Language**, to recite from 3 to 6 P. M., on rea
sonable terms. t & °^
tonus Ladles Seminary, Allegheny.
MB. and Mrs. N. W. METCALF, will commence their Au
tvtmn Session on MONDAY, August 30th, at their
dwelling, on Federal street, “ M’Lean’s Bow." Mods. P. W.
Oengcmbro Is engaged to instruct in French; and Mans. 11.
P Geneembro, in Drawing and Painting. Scholars may en
ter at any time, and will be charged tuition from the time of
entrance to the close of the session. Cases of protracted *lck
noss will bo an exception to the above rule. Tuition bills
will be received, one half in advance, the other half at the
close of the session.
All other arrangements the same as heretofore, which may
be ascertained by reference to the circular, or by applying to
the instructors.
Allegheny. August 2.1852.—au6:tf
Adams dc. Co *8 'Western Express.
FEOM Philadelphia and East, 12 o'clock, midnight.
. From Baltimore and South, & o’clock, P. M.
-Way Station*, between Phils, and Pittsburgh, 6 o'elk, P. M.
Bio West, generally, at 6 v. u.
Houns for cxosixn.
For Philadelphia and East, at h o’clock, p. m.
For-Baltimore and South, at 4 o'clock, p. u.
Way Stations, between Pittsburgh and Phlla, 4 o’clk, p. m.
Cleveland, Cindnnflti, snd the West generally, 7U a u.
AD. Goods and parcels left at tbo Office, aft«r the shore
hours, will go out by tho following dor's Express,
agio b BAKER A FORSYTH, Agents
Hougu » Anthony's UaguerreotjT>es.
ffIHE underrirned would inform their many friends and
I others, that they bare removed from Burke’s Building
toW 62 Fourth «t,(n fow doors above their old stand) where
they havo fitted up rooms fur Dagucrreotyping. Haring a
Tory superior arrangement of light, and the most approved
instruments now In use, with some ten years experience in
ths business, they pledge themselves to turn out as good
pictures as any othor establishment in tho country, and far
Aore Tiarrupu. likenesses than has heretofore been furnish
ed to tho citttedß of Pittsburgh, either single or in groups.
Qtitens and strangers are respectfully invited to call,
whether they wish pictures or not.
Our motto is good pictures, fair prices, and perfect satis
faction to our customers. HOUGH £ ANTHONY.
N» B.—We furnish all articles In our business to other
operators as heretofore. apl(j
Aw \j MANTTFAL'iCRER cf tho Celebrated
fj ■ *7 description of Ornamental Hair for
lr* *—~ and Gentlemen. No. 79 Fourth
- street, between Wood and Market,
Bletoher’e System enabled ladies and
Geiftlczncn to measure their beads
W with accuracy.
- *, FOR WIGS,
No. 1. Urn round of the Head.
s From tbo forehead over tho head to neck, no. 2.
** S. From ear to car, over the top.
m A From ear to ear, round tho forehead.
Jfcr TOUPEES , to cover th* top of the Head, only.
A Paper Pattern, the exact shape of the Bald part.
is 10 rrwla street, where areDyecl «iid
ehort notica, ALL npon‘ BOk-linen,.
Woolec wid Oottorr Good?. All combinM. atw&'that oxb;
used, 6Qch «i Oottoa and,Wool; Cotton and 01 •
pgiftd fer ladlog and gent*? aj>* j
wSiL orfewrAit&lwflf dw«» in any andiu everyenapo i
ShtSxvaf aro Dtod cheaper. quicker and better» tlianajo&t
L-v.-r T •/;
dry goods.
Extensive Arrival of
George Bletolier,
' Atiama
fTWIE publiatasfoformed- thotTwe arc now running regu*
-J - 'iarly totha East and West, and unprepared to forward
ail Good* entrusted to our care.
2 A SPECIAL MESSENGER Rent daily for Philadelphia, at
4 o’clock P. M. Also, daily to Ciadzmatl, at 7 o’clock, A. M.
Orders transmitted froe of charge, and Goods returned by
first Express.
Bills of Exchange for sale on England, Ireland and Scot
land, for any amount, payable on principal Banking Houses
or Post Offices In tho Unitod Kingdom.
dcc24 BAKER 4 FORSYTH, Agent.
WE are forwarding Produce, to Baltimore and Phila
delphia, promptly, on receipt. Time, Five Days.
Bacon, Pork and Beef, (salted,) 46c. $ 100 lbs.
On Lanl, Lard Oil, Tallow. Cotton, Window Glass, 60c. ®
100 lbs.
On Candles, Choose, Earthenware, Leather, Leaf Tobacco.
GOc. lQOlbs.
On Beeswax, Dried Fruit, Bristles, Clover and Timothy
Seed, 70c. Eb.
On Deer Skins. Hemp, Flax, and Eggs, 70c. lOOlbs.
On Feathers, Furs, Peltry, Brooms and Merchandize, 90c
On Flour, 87)4c. barrel.
We are also prepared to forward freight to Rodebsagb 6
Station, near Groensburg, and intermediate Stations.
corner of Penn and Wayne sts., Pittsburgh.
1L H. HOUSTON, Agent,
j v 29 - 216 Market street, Philadelphia.
Merchant*’Portable Boat Line.
fbr the. Transportation of JfmAandue and Product,
Direct, without Rtrthipping.
Depot, 251 Market st_ (near Sixth,) Philadelphia.
Canal Basin, 403 and 410 Penn *U Pittsburgh.
HAVING increased our facilities and otherwise Improved
our arrangements for Transportation, we are now pre
pared to receive a large amount of Prodncc and Merchan
dise, to ship (on the oponing of the Canals,) with promptness
and dispatch.
The Section Boat system of transportation over our State
Improvements has been In use about ten years, and the
great success and fiLTor it has met with, Is a sufficient guar
antee that it b do longer considered a doubtful or uncertain
experiment; but Is acknowledged by ell &* vastly superior
to any mode of transportion used on Canals, (when inter
sected by Railroads.)
Goods loaded into our Boats at Pittsburgh, nfinain undls
tnrbod-until unloaded at our Warehouse in Market street,
Philadelphia, tboreby entirely avoiding the delay consequent
on throe dhlcrent transhipments, and securing tho delivery
of Goods In entire lota, the packages clean, and In m good
order as when shipped.
Produce. &C-, consigned to our House at Pittsburgh, will
be received and forwarded always at the lowest current ca
nal rates, strictly according to instructions, without any ex
tra charge for commission, storage, or advancing charges.
fcb23 C. A. M’ANULTY A CO.
In connection with the Cleveland and Cincinnati Railroad.
Cleveland and Erie Railroad, Cleveland and Pittsburgh
Railroad, and Michigan Central Railroad.
PASSENGERS will be ticketed through from any point on
lAirn Michigan, to Cleveland, Cincinnati and Pittsburgh
and from either of those places to any point on Lake Michi
gan. This line will be composed of two new low pressure
steamers, built expressly for tho route,
CLEVELAND Capt 0. C. Staxabj).
FOREST CITY ...-Copt. L A. Pixbcs.
A Boat will leave Cleveland for Detroit, and Detroit for
Cleveland, even' ovening, at o'clock, arriving In both
cities tic following morning, In season for the morning train
of cars for Chicago, Cincinnati and Pittsburgh, and for the
Lake Superior and Saginaw boats at Detroit.
They will run from Cleveland in the following order:
Monday - Wednesday..... —-Friday.
Tuesday .Thursday..— .Saturday.
Monday Wednesday —Friday.
Tue«lay - Thursday .Saturday.
The undersigned are prepared to mako contracts for all
kinds of Freight, from Cleveland to Detroit, Mackinaw, Saul
Ste. Marie, and all ports on Lake Michigan. The OCEAN,
CASPIAN and ST. LOUIS will compose the line until the
new boats are ready.
C. BRADBERN A CO., Cleveland.
CITY. Fab* Rxdcced.
This is the only office which insure* a THROUGH TICKET
to Washington, and, by taking this route, passengers will
save time and money.
>»r*. The Mall Boat (carrying tho United State*
MaiL) leaves the Monongabela Whorl above
BOS3£zS= Wire Bridge, EVERY AFTERNOON, at
6 o’clock, via the Y oughiogheny River. Passenger* will lodge
on the Boat, and take splendid United States Moll Caschc*
at West Newton, next morning, over the Plank Road,
tng the mountain* In daylight. Toko the magnificent sleep
ing Car* of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, at 10 o’clock,
P. M. Breakfast at Baltimore and Washington City, dico in
Philadelphia, and arrive la New York tho some evening.
Fare to Baltimore 4 8-90
do. Philadelphia - 9,75
do. Washington City 9,50
The steamer leave* the wharf, above the Bridge.
*&dally, at 8 o’clock AM. Travelers learma PiUe
®Smsaii££& burgh by the Morning Boat, will cross tho Moon
tains the same night, and arrive iu Cumberland tho next
morning for the 8 o’clock train of Car* for Baltimore. Will
sup in Baltimore and Washington City, and arrive in Phila
delphia at 8 o'clock the some night.
Fare to Baltimore .. 4 8-90
do. Philadelphia. 9.76
do. Washington City 0,60
For tickets, by either of the above lines, please call at tho
West Newton Plank Road Office, in the Monongahela house.
Water street. f«ep27] J. J. KVANfI. Agent.
Commencing August 18th* 1859.
The only Western Railroad running out from Pittsburgh!
max raon all th* scats or rni onio mvxa.
2b Cleveland, Cblumbus, Cincinnati, Toledo, Detroit, Chicago,
Jfdwauine, t£c~ Running in connection with the. Clerr.
land and Pittsburgh Railroad frxrm Alliance to Cleve
land. Running Direct from Pittsburgh to Otn-
ton. Massillon and Wooster, and through tn a
day to Mansfield by stages from Wooster.
FIVE TRAINB start from Pittsburgh daily, (Sundays ex
cepted) MAIL TRAIN
Leave* Pittsburgh at 8.30 a. u. Passengers dine at Alliance
at 1230 ?. h., reach Wooster at 4r. u. Fare to Wooster
For Cleveland leaves Pittsburgh at 11 a. m. Passengers dine
at Alliance at 2JO p. and reach Cleveland at 5.40 p. K-, in
time tor tbc evening Ixmts on Lake Erie. This train stops at
at Rochester, New Brighton, Enon, Columbians and Balem,
and at no other station between Pittsburgh and Alliance.
Through from Pittsburgh to Cleveland, 140 miles, in about
sis and a half hows. Fare $4. Passengers can take this
Train sod be In Dunkirk the next morning, or tn Chicago in
the evening of the next day.
The Mali train coming eastward, Icstos Wooster at 9JO a.
2L, at Alliance at 12JD P. M-, connects there with the
morning train which leaves Cleveland at 10 a. tt v and reach
es Pittsburgh at 6 p, il, connecting with the evening train
on the Pennsylvania Railroad tor Philadelphia and Balti
more at 8 F. and also with tho West Newton Steamboat
Returning leaves Alliance at BJO p. U-, and reaches Pittsburgh
at 12 at night- By this train passengers come from Cincin
nati to Pittsburgh in one day of less than 18 hours, instead
of several days by steamboats on the Ohio river. Fare from
Cincinnati to Pittsburgh $lO. Passengers leaving Cincin
nati at 6J5 a. and Cleveland 6.40 p. n., reach Pittsburgh
the same evening.
Stage lines run in connection with the road from Enon to
New Castle, Mercer, and Erie; from Salem, on the plank read
to Warren, and from Wooster to Mansfield.
Leaves Pittsburgh at 4 JO a. H-, ond freight Is carried through
in a day to Cleveland and to Wooster.
The New Brighton Accommodation train leaves Pitts
burgh at 10 A. M-, and 4.45 P. M., and New Brighton at 7 A.
M., and 1 P. M-, stopping at intermediate stations.
Excursion Tickets, good for two days, are sold between
Pittsburgh. Rochester and New Brighton.
Quarterly tickets are sold at low rates, and tickets by the
package to some of the stations.
Excursion parties are accommodated at reasonable rates.
The trains do not run on Sunday.
Omnlbusses run In connection with the trains to and from
the station on Federal street.
For ticket* apply at the Federal street station of tho Ohio
■nH Pcunsrlrania Railrood, to GEORGE PARKIN,
Ticket Agent
or to J. MESKIMEN,
Monongabela Houso, Pittsburgh.
Pittsburgh, August 20, 1862.
rpHK partnership heretofore existing under tho name and
I style of STUART A SILL, vu this day dissolved by
limitation, All the accounts of the Arm xrlll bo settled by
A J. STUART, at the old stand, No. 0 Bmithfiold street
Pittsburgh, August 24,1852. T. R. SILL.
fi3F* A. J. BTU ART will continue the Wholesale Grocery,
Produce and Commission Business, at tho old stand, as
heretofore. a. J. STUART.
P. 6. —In retiring from the late firm, I take pleasure in
recommending Mr. STUART to our former friends and rut-
Sportl Sport I Sport I
SPORTSMEN, now Is the time for you to avail yourselves
of a Good Gun, of the best makers. Just received direct
from the manufactures: >
1 do* doable barrel guns, real stub and twist;
2 do do do do fine do;
6 do do do do imitation do;
20 do single do do assorted do;
60 dox Vwlls o! wadding, Eley A Baldwin's;
400 canisters and half canisters of the best sporting
60,000 assorted gun caps, all kinds;
60 doz powder flasks of the latest styles;
20 do shot begs and poaches;
2 do game bags, assorted;
6 do cap primers assorted;
Together with all the trimmings necessary to fit out the
We havo on band and are constantly making our superior
Rifles, to which wo invite the attention of Sporting men. All
of the abovo articles for at BOWN A TETLEY'S,
sepll 136 Wood st.
Gentlemen’a Furnishing, fancy and Variety Goods ,
Wood at., second door below Diamond alley.
THE subscriber having taken the above Store, and estab
lished the same u a Shirt Manufactory, and Gentle
men’s Furnishing Store, would respectfully call the atten
tion of the traveling community, and the public generally,
to hia large and well selected assortment of Gentlemen’s
Furnishing, Fancy and Variety Goods, among which may be
found,-Shirts, of every pattern, ske, style and description,
of his own manufacture; which, for neatness, cheapnessand
durability, cannot be owned. Stocks, Scarfs, Cravats,
Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Gloves, Suspenders, Gents’ Under
Garments, of every description; together with a large va
riety of Combs, Brushes, Fancy Soap, Perfumery, Pocket
Cutlery, Honey Bolts, Qtoulder-Braces, Traveling Bags,
Cravat Buckles and .fitiffenera, Pocket Books, Wallets, Pur
ses, Ac, Ac. Constantly on hand, a largo supply of Um
brellas, of every color, sto,ltfhd and quality, at manufnc-
Aurer’a prices.
Xho undersigned,havingheen fbvtnpa ■with long experi
ence is the above business, hopes to be sueeessfol inpleasing
aUvrfco may favor him with * call, 1 trusting, by strict atten
tion, to business, to merit a liberal share of public patronage.
. ■ Lin*** .mada to'prferywith &eablfies,.‘duift*
despatch, and in all cases a t 0^ n ”^ L „ „ r •-
fitate Mutual Fire Insurance Company.
. ■HarrtibwrgiJfaoitfMsnia. - '' l
DESIGNED . only for the safer classes of property, hasan
amnia and affords superior advantages in point
of cheapness/ safety and accommodation, to cityand g>nntry
merchants, and owners of dwellings, and isolated or country
property. A. A. CARRIER, Actuary,
oct27 Brandi office 64 Smlthflcld sU Pittsburgh.
l 1859.
Cash Mutual Fir© Insurance company,
Of Patsixylxsmia.—Qipital $lOO,OOO.
THE undersigned is the Agent of the shore Company tor
Allegheny county, and 6 prepared to take risks on as
fovorahle terms as any responsible company in the State.
All losses promptly paid in sixty daVB after proof of tho Bame,
—Agent for th. KtytUmt l4' ° f
Harrißburg, Pennsylvania. THOMAS .MOFFITt,
j V !4 No. 29 Fifth street, Pittsburgh.
Now England Live Stock insurance toT,
Hew Harm, Connecticut.
HOUSES CATTLE, Ac., Insured agßinst death by diseaso
or occidout- Capital $50,000, with power to increase to
Directors —Thomas Kendrick, J. Lewis Taylor, Nathaniel
Thurber Alfred Edwards, John Saxton. V m. Y>. Kendrick.
’ Tuouajj Kendrick, President-.
Geobae T. Rttnolds, Secretary.
No. 123, corner Wood and Fifth streets, (over Patricks &
Friend's Banking House.) [my29
The Pennsylvania Mutual Live Btock
Capital* 850,000!
THIS Company is now fully organised, and prepared to
insure against the combined risks of KIRK. WATER,
ACCIDENT and DISEASE, all descrlptionsof LIVE STOCK,
such as Horses. Mules, Cattle, Sbocp, Ac.
Office, Ho. 91 Fifth street, Pittsburgh, Ftt.
ALEX. JAYNES, President
BKNJ. MCLAIN, Secretary.
Win. Day. James Mathews,
Alex, Hilands, Henry A. White,
Wm. 0. Leslie, Wm. Bakewell.
Forms for proposals, and all necessary information, can bo
obtained by calling at tho Office of the Company.
mr th*
43F-Thia OLD AND RE3I'ONSIBLE Company continues
to grant policies upon the must favorable terms. Apply to
sepSJm for Pittsburgh anti Allegheny County.
New York Life Insurance Company.
Accumulated Capital SSOO,(XKL
rpilK Aunual Dividends have been unusually largo, show-
X ing that tho Company has been doing a very large sod
prosperous business.
Th® Dividends In 1846 were 60 per cent.
U i. 1647 •* M
*‘ •* 1848 “ 50 »•
“ - 1849 “ 40
<• •• IRT.U “ 40 "
“ “ 18;,1 “60 u
.. .. 1862 “40 “
This U among the oldest companies In tho Unite*! States;
Its accumulated capital is constantly increasing for the ben
efit of members, present and future.
Mounts Faxaurt, President
Pujit Fuzxxy, Actuary.
No. 123. corner of Wood and Fifth streets, over Patricks A
Friend's Banking House. Wttsburgh.
tion Farmers’ Fire ton! Marius Insurances, Capital $130,-
000; and of branch office uf the Empire State Health Asso
ciation, c-iah, including accumulated capital, $lB,OOO.
Also, agents tor the purchase and sale of Real Estate.
my 11
Delaw are Alutaal Safety Iniuranc Co.
Office, north room of Vie Exchange, Third it-, Phil.
FIRE INSURANCE.—Buildings, merchandize and other
property, In town and country, insured against loss or
damage ry tire, at the lowest rate of premium.
Majuxx Insltuxce.—-They also insure vessels, cargoes and
freight*, foreign or coastwise, under open or special polidc«,
as the assured may deslre.
I.vkssd TRA.vBPontATiox. —They also insure merchandize
transported by wogous, railroad cans canal boats and steam
boat*, un rivers «»d lakes, on the mort liberal term*.
Dirrctar* —Joseph IL Seal, Edmund A. Boudrr, Jcdm C.
Dnvi*, Robert Burton, John R Fcnrorc, Samuel Edwanl*,
George U. Leiper, Edward Darlington, Isaac R Dari*. Wil
liam Folvdi. Johu Newlin. Dr. R M. Hustou. Ja*. C. Uazxl.
Theophilu* Paulding, 11. Joucs Brooks. Henry Sloan, Hugh
Craig, Georg® Svrrlll, Sj«nrer M’llvaln, Cbari«?s Kelly, J. G.
Johnson, William Hay, Dr. a. Thomas, John Sailers, Wflilam
Eyre, jr.
Ihnctors at Pittsburgh —D. T. Morgan, Hugh Craig, John
T. Logan. William Mahtix, President.
Tcos. C. ILIM>, Fica PtxsutenL
Josxrn W. Oowm, Secretary.
Office of tho Company, No. 42 Water street, Pittsburgh.
jelCaltf P. A. MADEIRA, Agont.
The Franklin Fire lxxsuroLncc Company,
<jf Philadelphia, Peunsyicania. ?
DIRECTORS —Charles W. Banekcr, ‘Thomas UarL Tobias
Wagner, Samuel Grant* Jacob IL Smith, Geo. W. Rirb
ords, Mrmlccai D. Lcwtv, Adolphi R Boric, David S. Browne,
Morris Patterson. Coas. N. BA-ncKxa, President.
Chas. G. ILuvckeo, Secretary.
Continue to moke insurance, perpetual or limited, on every
description of preperty. in town and eoirntry, at rates a* low
as ore- consistent with twcnriiy.
Tbo Company have rcservvd a large Contingent F'und,
which, with their atpital and premium*, safely Invested, af
ford ample protection to tho a-amred.
The Assets of the Company* on January Ist, 1861, as pub
lished agreeably to an Act of Assembly, were a* follow*, via :
Mortgage. - $918,128 tA
Real Estate WJ77 7^
Temporary Loans b3.!’.>G 17
Stock# - GI.SS9 oo
Cash, Ac - G4J4C 81
Klnr». their Incorporation, a prrvd of tweuly-one years,
they have paid upward of One Million Four Hundred Thou
sand Dollar*. losmy by Cre. thereby affording evidence of the
advantage* of insaranre, a# well as the ability and divpwl
tion to meet with promptness all liabilitfes.
ap24 Offiee, north-east eor. Wood and Third ft*-
State Blutnal Fire Insurance Company.
HaiTxtburqh, Pa., May 1, 1862.
CAPITAL, $2h0,000 —branch Otficn, No. 64 Smith field *L,
PUUburgh. Tho following 1* the Second Annual State
ment ;
Total amount of property at risk. .$14,639,616 00
Amount of btlls form
of iteomiom notes from member 5............. 178,627 91
Amount of Cash Premiums. .$125,625 16
Total kwaea, returned premiums,
re-insurance expense* 95,146 56
Cash Surplus
Estimated present t&lu* of station
ery, office furniture, etc
One-half of this amount expires within a venr
The Directors, In presenting the Sere.od A ntuial Report, take
leave to congratulate the member* upon the marked suree**
of the State Mutual Fire Insurance Company. In opera
tion only two years, it ha* takeu a petition beside the older
Institutions of the kind, and prove* by its very great success
that the mutual system, as adopted by them, t* beyond a
question tho best and only safe mode of insurance.
Tho heavy losses of the past year, which have annihilated
many stock companies, leave the State Mutual with a cash
surplus of upwards of thirty-one thousand dollar*, beside* a
reserve capital of nearly two hundred thousand dollars,
which is constantly Incrcaslug.
The Directors submit that tbo State Mutual Fire Jmruraneo
Company offer*, to owners of safe property. Inducements sel
dom equalled, and never exevodud.
Directort —John P. Rutherford, P. C. Sedgwick. Samuel
Jones, Philadelphia; John li. Packer, A. A. Carrier, IfitUw
burgh; J. B. Rutherford, A. J. GUlct, S. T. Jones, Robert
Klotx. John P. ltcTarKrotm, JbxsidenL
A. J. GoLrr, Secretary.
Mi r--. AND LUlUntto oHotjß. ruruhiu*ers of
these Good# should not forget that W. 11 Schuxrtx,
117 Market street, ha* the largest and best assortment to bo
found in the city. *cp27
OIL CLOTUB.—Just reoeived at tho Carpet Worohouso,
No. 85 Fourth and 7U Wood street*, of now and rich
sty lea from 22 Inches to 24 feet wide, cut to fit any sire Room,
Hall or Vestibule. W<> invito tho etteution of those wishing
to furnish. [octl2J W. M’CLINTOCK.
PhlUtpibarg Water Cure Establishment)
IN PUjLLIPSBUKG, Beaver couuty, Pennsylvania, on tbo
South side of tbe Ohio River, opposite the mouth of tho
Big Bearer Greek; twenty-eight miles from Pittsburgh,
eight from Wheeling and one huudroi from Cleveland. l k he
Proprietor hm hod twenty years practical experience tu» a
regular physician, twelve of which he has practised under
tb* Hydropathic system. Tnruxaonly FITE DOLLARS PKB
tVF.P.K—payable weekly. All seasons are adapted to Hydro*
pathlc cart*. Each patient Is required to furnish two heavy
woolen blankets, two largo comforts, four sheets, four tow
els, amt one camp-blanket, or India-rubber sheet.
PR. EDWARD ACKER, Proprietor,
marlS] Phttlipsburg, Rochester P. 0.. Beaver county. Pa
DIPOKThRS and manufacturers of
CUTL £fiy t 611110ICAL ANP I)E>iTAL
l|B|r keep a general assortment of tbo a bora
articles constantly on baud ; together
with a general variety of Fancy Hard ware. Also, Guns, I*ls
tnla and HevolTars, Flanks, Uorus, Shot Belts, Capa, Powder,
head and Bullets; Bowie, Dirk; Hunting and Pocket knlres;
Tailors *™d Hair Dressers' Shuars; J*oekot Scissors, Ac.
Also. Trusses and Supporters.
Jobbing and repairing neatly executed.
KIFLES!—We are making Bifles of every description, to
ordor, of the bout material, and workmanship warranted.—
Orders received tor them at Wholesale or Retail, will bo fill
ed with despatch. Hunting parties supplied at Wholesale
prices. HU 16
nnA School Book*, Paper ftnfl
TUE subscriber is now receiving large additions to his for
mer stock of blank Books, School Books, Paper and Sta
tionery, to which he invites the attention of merchants and
others. Hia stock ooncjsts in part of mediums, demy and
cap Lexers; Journals; Day Book*; Cosh, Invoice. Sales, Or
der and Letter Books ; County and Aldermen’s Dockets, in
various styles of binding, paged and plain, cqmd to any ever
offered in tills mnrket, and at reduced prices.
A general assortment of School Books, Memorandum and
Copy Bocks; Pockot and Family Bibles, plain and fancy
binding; Blank Deeds, Mortgage*, Common and Judgment
Bonds; Cap and Letter Taper, a great variety plain and
ruled, at exceedingly low rate*.
A eeneral assortment of American, German, and Lngiiah
Stationery. J - WELDIN, j
Bookseller and Stationer,
»ep23 63 Wood streot, between Third and Fourth
No 118 Wood Strut, Second Door Above Fifth
IS Ju»t receiving her Pall supplies of goods In the chore
line, which fasting bam se I octal with great care, anil
purchased for cash, enables her to offer strung Inducements
to purchasers, who are respectfully incited to examine her,
stock, among which are
PIANOS—A splendid selection, comprising all the latest
styles and prices, among which are the celebrated Hamburg
Pianoa; Pouble Carted Louis XIV Stylo; also Oslo 4 Co's,
New York; Bacon 4 Haven’s New York; Bdchcnbach 4
Son's, Philadelphia, 4m, &c.
Persons at home or abroad, about purchasing Piano Tories,
would do well to call, sal will sellas good an article ns con
be found and on as good terms, varying in prico from $2OO
to $BOO, with a written guarrantea
GUITARS—A selection of French and Spanish, which
for richness, beauty and,power of tone ore unsurpassable.
FLUTES AND GLAEIONEITS of the Tory best French,
German and American manufacture.
ACCORD EONS, from the best Paris manufactory.
VIOLINS—The finest Italian, French and English moke.
Al«yy DSUKB, Fprzs, BIiCOS, Taxso&ixxs, ZSUKGLESjTiOUR
. . *.
STEINGS of the very best Italian, French ana Qermaru
All T««tpmMrito're|nrad wHhAusabllteT. nfsitniaa
and ; Wpl*-,
„ % ' *• ‘ *
- - -
~ 7
.sljn2,l<Vs 4*l
$30,47* 60
733 46
$31,312 06
$310,549 v 8
A. A. CARRIER, Artnary.
' f, i
‘it ..‘Vt •
; > * V - • *'
• *, i, N »
*. I ..-*»;«• y |r,* ,*.«»*'
“\ * \* *'
v * -* ?
' WHL E. STEVKNSON continues.; to manufacture
;Wj CABINET-'WAEB df fcrery fcecripilotL ithlsold stand,
{ i ' iNQ attended to, in all Ita branches. mjU
HAVE ON HAND at their ertenshre CABINET and
CHA2B MANUVAOTOBY, No; 64 Smlthfield street, a
larggjuanrtnymt-' ofianey: m»1 rplain fiirnitan, 'Which they
will aell 15- percent below customary rates.
Terms—cash only.
G, G. wivmib,,!.,.., . JL BAOLOL
Humtmr P>ajcr>
Between Seventh street and Strawberry alley, Pittsburgh, Pol
a HAMMER A DAULEB. keep constantly on hand a
Y>L variety of excellent and fashionable Furniture, war
ranted equal to any in the city, and sold on -as favor
* i * able term* os can be obtained at any similar establish
ment in the West. Thoy hare now on hand an.unusually
extensive stock, embracing all kinds of Furniture, from the
cheapest and plainest to tke most costly And elegant. All
order* promptly attended to. my2bd6m
Journeymen Cabinet makers A.aaociutlon«
- THIS ASSOCIATION, embracing^
already twice to throe times uUjl_
many hand* as the largest and fC2|
i ' iTi '' i hitherto most renowned Business ' “ "
shops of this city, hare opened their Warehouse, and are
able to furnish the public, by wholesale or retail, with Fur
niture of the Ibllowing description—viz:
Mahogany Wardrobes; Dressing Bureaus; Full Columned
Bureaus; Mahogany Bedsteads; Mahogany Chairs; Rocking
Chairs; Mahogany Washstands; Solos; Divans; Piano Btods;
Book Cases; Secretaries; Card Tables; Pier Tables' fine
Card Tables; Centre Tables; Hat Racks; French Bedsteads;
Ottomans; Poplar Wardrobes; Dining and Breakfast Tables;
Works lands; Chary and Common Workstands; high post,
common, low, and trundle Bedsteads; Cherry Bureaus; Cribs;
Cradles, Ac.
The advantages of cooperation, on an extensive scale, per
mit them to sell at the lowest prices, and they are deter
mined to sell, lower than any competitors, an equally good,
Jf not better article, and warranted—as the public will un
derstand by giving them 8 call.
Igh. Steamboat work of all descriptions, and other articles
of any description, made to order is every style, at the short
est notice. mar 29
Ware«roomi 97 and 99 Third street.
J. W. W. respectfully informs*?*
his friends and customers that hoWL
has now completed his spring stock KySl'
G f Furniture, which is doddedly * " *
the largest and best ever offered fur sale In this City, which
will be sold at prices as low as any In the United Stales,
East or West.
As be Is determined to uphold the quality with well sea
soned materials, best workmanship, and newest designs; and
from the extent of bis orders and facility in manufacturing,
be is enabled to produce warranted furniture, at the lowest
He has adopted the principle of identifying his customers*
interest with his own, In quality and price, and keeps al
ways on hand tbs greatest variety of every description of
furniture, from the cheapest and plainest, to the most ele
gant and rmtiy, that a house, or any part of one, may he
furnished from hi* stock, or manufactured expressly to or
der. The following articles consist, in part, of his stock,
which for richness of style and finish, cannot bo surpassed
in any of the Eastern cities:
Louis XTV tete-a-tete Sofas;
60 Sofas, in plush and hair doth;
60 das. Mahogany Chaim;
SO dox. Walnut “
60 Mahogany Rocking 44
20 Walnut “ “ ' 4
60 Mahogany Divans;
; 20 Walnut 44
60 Marble Top Centre Tables:
60 44 u Dressing Bureaus;
30 “ “ Wa&bstands;
40 Enclosed **
100 Common 44
20 Plain Dressing Borons;
40 Mahogany Bedsteads:
20 Walnut “
60 Cottage u
800 Cherry and PoplaT Bedsteads;
20 Mahogany Wardrobes;
10 Walnut “
10 Cherry “
60 Plain Bureaus;
70 Dining »nd Breakfast Tables;
12 Secretary and Bookcasos;
20 dox. Cane Seat Chairs;
24 Cute Seat Rocking Chairs;
12 bodies’ Writing Desks;
Hat Towel Stands; What-Not*;
JSUgutrcs; Paper Mache Tables:
Conversation Chairs; Puinbroke **
ifltTahfrthnn M Hall and Tier 44
Reception “ LariW Work 44
Pnarf Inlaid 44 Extension Dining Tables;
Arm 44 Ottomans;
Gothic and Hall Chairs;
A large assortment of COMMON rURMTURB and
WINDSOR CHAIRS. CaBOSt Maxxbs supplied with all ar
ticles in their line.
STEAMBOATS and HOTELS, famished at the shortest
All orders promptly attended to. ' mars
Citlaensand Ktrangeri,
VER WATCH, atabout one-half the usual price f If so,
call at Hood’s New Jcwxlut brou, 61 Market street, two
doors north of Third, and take.a look at hi* new stock, just
arrived, and you can-there purchase Watches,'or any kind
of Fine Gold Jewelry, at their real value, and not bo charged
two prices fiic everything, os you have usually been, but can
get the very best quality of goods at the very lowest eastern
prices. Do not believe what others, interested In their own
sales, tell you. hot «■«*»* and seu for yourselves. All goods
void at this establishment will bo warranted as represented
at time of salo—so that all may purchase equally safe and
Hexary Hiclt&rdaon, Jeweller,
HAYING re-tittixl his Store lu a handfome manner, and
but recently returned from the eastern cities with a
fine assortment of WATCHES, JEWELRY, and FANCY
GOODS, would call Iho attention of his friends and custom
ers to the fact that among his Watches will be found the
most desirahle styles, patterns and makers. Of Jewelry, the
latest styles of Brooches* Breast Pins, Fob and Yes* Chains,
Finger Rings, Ear Rings, Miniature Lockets, eta, etc.
FANCY GOODS—Such os Papier Mache, Work Tables and
Boxes, Desks, Fancy Yasca, Perfuxao BotUea, Table Mats,
Colt’s Pistols, Porte Monnaics in great variety; China Fruit
and Cake Dixhes; with an endless variety of useful and or
namental articles, which have ou!v to be seen to be appre
ciated. (novl) NO. SI MARKET STREET.
WatcHc»irJewelry, Ac*
HAYING Just return od from the Eastern cities, 1 hare
brought with me one of the most beautiful and care
fully selected stocks of Jewelry, Watches and Fancy Goods,
ever offered to tho public. Porous wishing to purchase
anything In my Une, can rely on getting a good article. I
do uot advertise to sell good* below cost, nor 60 per cent,
cheaper than any bouse ra the dty. Give me a call, and 1
am sura you will be satisfied Unit I can cell a good article as
cheap as any of them.
Another fact I wish to keep before the people. If you
want your Watch, Clock, or any artkrlo of Jewelry, repaired
la the best manner, this is tho place to have it done. To
this branch of my business I will devote especial attention.
JOHN 8. KENNEDY, 04 Market street.
aprT Sign of tho Golden Eagle.
If Time ta Money,
SURELY’ it deserves to be watched, and, reader, you may
be assured that —
WATCHES better ne’er were sold,
Whether of rflrer or of gold.
Than yoa will find whcne’fer you go
And look at those on sale below.
L. RETNEMAN k CO- Importers and Dealers In Watches,
Clocks and Jewelry, Watch Materials. Watch Makers' Toots,
dx. <£n, Fifth street, one door from Woo£, beg leave to an
nounce to the trade, and the public generally, that they
have Just received, from the best manufacturers* in Europe,
a large lot of Gold and Silver Watches, Watch Tool* and Ma
terials, and a moet elegant assortment of Jewelry, from the
beat manufacturers, which they offer as low as they can be
purchased In the eastern markets.
Clocks. Watches and Jewelry repaired In the best manner,
and on the most reasonable terms.
Prompt attention paid to orders from a distance. [mar24.
Louis acaoixy .. ...v.... ...mum Rgivnu?i
[Of the late' Firm of Sand* and Relncmazu]
Fifth Street, one Door from Hbod Street Pittsburgh, F&-,
rj\AKE Icavo to announce to the trade and tho pabllo gen-
X erally. that they have themselves carefully selected and
Imported from Europe, a largo stock of GOLD AND SILVER
makers ; and a most elegant assortment of JEWELRY, from
the best manufactories—which they offer at prices as low as
they can bo purchased In tho eastern markets.
Their stock of Watches consist* of Gold and Silver Patent
Levers; do. Detached Levers; do. Leplnce; Silver Quartiors;
and elegant French Time Pieces, of the most approved
ptakes. 'Together with n large stock of Clocks, and Time
Pieces, from the best American Factories.
Their stock of Jewelry comprises articles of every dewrrip
tion In this Unc, such a* Finger Rings, Ear Rings, Breast
Pins, Bracelets, Gold, Fob and Guard Chains, Gold Guard
Key* and Seals, Locket*, Gold and Silver Spectacles. Silver
and German Silver Table and Tea Spoons, and every kind oi
fancy articles generally kept in establishment* of this de
Tnoy would respectfully call the attention of the trade to
their extensive stock of WATCH materials and TOOLS,
of overy variety, which thoy have most carefully selected.
They have also on hand a large assortment or Telescopes,
Spy Glasses and Opera Glasses, from the best manufactory
In England. Together with a groat variety of othor articles
too numerous to mention.
Clocks, Watches and Jewelry repaired In the best manner
and on the most reasonable tanas. [octllfly
/TURBANTS —26 casks Currants, of superior quality, for
\j sale by [acp!6 SMITH A SINCLAIR.
rpjSAB—l6o half chests imperial. Gunpowder, Young Uy-
I son and Black Teas, from good to fine quality, received
and for aalo by (wp22 KINO k MOORHEAD.
iras—lQ half chert* medium to extra fine Green;
10 do do in metallic WTb. package*
40 do do Oolong ami Chulan;
100 caddy boxes do;
Dutch Bulbous R.oota y Fresh Imported I
TT*Yi-CI>'TUB, Tulips, Crocus, Snowdrops, Jonquilles,
_tX Pconoos, and other Flower Roots, tor Fall planting, nr
rivod in fine order. Also, Dwarf Pear Trees, and other
Fruit Trees, Foil’sorts; Evergreens and Shrubbery, In great
variety; Gooseberries, Currants, Strawberries, Raspberries,
Asparagus and Rhubarb Roots, from the Nurseries of
octlO JAMES WABDROP, Manchester.
o-Partncrahip Notice,
THE subscribers have this day entered into partnership,
under the style nod firm of TAAFFE, MAGUIRE A
BANK for the purpose of crrrylng on a general Commission
and Produce Business, and confidently bopo thelrlong expe
rience, extensive mercantile acquaintance, and personal at
tention to Lho interests of their customers, will entitle them
to a short) of public patronage, which it shall be their study
to deserve. Lu&K TAAFFE, Pittsburgh,
SAM’L MAGUIRE, Cumberland, MiL,
WM. 0. BANE, Washington, Pa.
Pittsburgh, April 3, 1862. _ [ap6
f~t 'HR partnership heretofore existing between the under-
M signed In the Commission and Forwarding business, Ac.,
Zander the firm of S. F. VON BONNHORST A is th<« day
dissolved by mutual consent The business of tho late firm
will be settled by 8. F. Von Bonnhorst, who is authorised to
use the name of tho firm ibr that purpose.
Pittsburgh, May 3d, 1832-my-l
Co-Partner chip IVotiee*.
THE undersigned bavo this day formed a Copartnership
for tho transaction of a Wool and General Commission
and Forwarding business, under the firm of TONN BONN
HORST A MURPHY. Warehouse No. ‘B7 Water and 118
Front streets. * JAMES R. MURPHY.
Pittsburgh, May 3d, mg-my* ~ V —' A W ‘
rSL>KAH.Hb«Hitoi:bV~Kij,MirVEii > , ri,^.
COUNTKY MEBCHIAKTS, in nraMng Uwb .poichwn,
tacrahlnot neglect tha» desirable uni rateable articles.
manufacture ha., teen mneh itnproYcd recently. *ad
they ere nml. very durable. Particular attention , b re
uiw are indispensable incold and wet Lcdieawill
find -there Gloves useful in any work thst will soft the hmd P
at thoaamfl time that they, will .cure tho worst Salt Rheum
or Chapped Hands Immediately. They arc ail
to-protoetthe arms and wrists.
For sals by Bowen A M’Namee, New York; Korcross A
Town®, Boston; John Thomley* Philadelphia; E. BLPun
derson A 00, Baltimore; Gill A Brother, St Louis; Bart A
Hlckc&x, Qmdnnatijftnd by all Rubber Dealers in the Units.
* *-V
*>. * ■ ' '
T&rlous haring their origin in an. Inflanind, eon*
gested or torpid condition of tho organs at respiration.
This Medidno, now offered to the public, under the above
finmp, is a remedy of immense value in the diseases i bn
which it is recommended, and has been used to considerable
extent throughout thi» city, as well as in pther localities,
with a success that has. rarely attended any medicine, cot
heralded throughout the whole countoy by the press.
Dr. Keyser's Pectoral Bymp,
Is the prescription of a regular pbysidsn,. who used it for
; several years in bis practice, with a success.unequalled by
any »th**r mwitrlna In are, it was only upon the great
and dally increasing dmmmd for it, that he was induced to
put it up In bottles, for a more general and extensive sale-
We for the Pectoral Syrup that it is an. ENTIRELY
NEW PREPARATION, differing in every respect from the
various remedies now in use, for the diseases of the Pulmo
by containing nauseating doses of sqnflls, antimony, and
ipecachuana. luhas- in It no opiates to constipate the bow
els, dry op the secreting organs; but its action is wholly
different from the action of. any of the above .named drugs.
IT 18 AN EXPECTORANT, that clears out the tubes and
air cells of Uxe Lungs and Bronchia, in a manner that is not
equalled by any other remedy. It dissolves, in a great mea
sure, the greatly increased secretion of mucous, attending
the s various of the air cells and bronchial tubes. It
allays all irritation, almost as soon as It is taken, and it has
been known to cure a cough of several weeks’ duration, in
We have several remarkable cases noted down, where it
succeeded In euring cases haTing every appearance of
Case 1. —A young man, ogod 19; of slender make; had
cough; expectoration of dark matter from the Lungs and
Bronchia, for three weeks; pulse up to 120; hectic fever and
night sweats; great emaciation ; pain in the breast; some
times expectoration of matter streaked with blood; had ta
ken various remedies from physicians, with little or no re
lief; commenced taking the jftcioral Syrup in half the usual
doses; the expectoration diminished; the cough abated;
tiie hectic fever left; and In four days all the badsymptoins
hitd entirely disappeared, the man Is now entirely well.
Case 2.—A lady, eged 45: troubled with a slight cough
during all or the greater part of last summer, which, to
wards fall, greatly Increased, and continued night and day,
threatening to involve the lungs and pulmonary organ*: to
a serious extent, there was pain in the breast, palpitation
of the heart, and headache, as almost constant attendants;
stuffed condition of the vessels; occasioning a feeling of
fulness of the head, nose and throat, and a discharge of ac
rid secretion from the nostrils; various remedies had been
; several physicians consulted, without relief. She
commenced taking the Pectoral Syrup, in the evening; that
night *he coughed but once; took another dose of Pectoral,
and slept weD all night; continued the syrup next day, and
by night was entirely free from the cough, and all the ted
symptoms. She is now well. Other cases, equally remark
able, could be given, tf space would permit.
gy» We furnish below a certificate, signed by a number
of our own citizens, ia proof cf Its efficacy : .
We, the undersigned, having used Dr. Keyser’s Pectoral
Oaogh Syrup upon ourselves and in cur families, do respect
fully recommend tt to others as a safe and efficient xnediciha
for the purposes recommended: i
James McKenna, James Fowler, W L Fonlk, j
John Fowler, E P Dwyer, Jr Alexander Wright,
Robert Laughlin, John J Mitehel, James K Leader, i
J Porter, Wm G M’Cartney, Joseph Thompson,
Hugh Sallie, Edw D Jones, WII Anderson, ‘
P M’Kcnna, Michael Kane, Jr John 8 A gey,
Thomas M’Glven, JM’Millan. Francis Dunn,
JP Smith, Job Wbysall, Joseph O’Brien,
Maurice Brenoen.
COUNTRY STOREKEEPERS will find this an excellent
article to sell, and will give general satisfaction to their cus
tomer* liberal deductions- will be made to retailers and
oth> rs purchasing by tko dor on —price single bottles 60 eta,
or 0 bottles fur £2,60. ;
CAUTION EXTRA.—Many persona will try to induce you
to buy noe other article, stating that it is as good as this;
but we advise you to cut out the name, “ DR. KEY&KR’S
PECTORAL BYRUP,” and buy no other, and you will npt
be disappointed. '
iEjp» The Pectoral Syrup is prepared and sold by Dr. Geo.-
H. Keyser, wholesale and retail Druggist, No. 140, corner bf
Wood street ami Virgin alley. acpl&dAw;
Whet Every Body says, must be True*!
IT Is Raid that BOOBYKR, at the Bn Hit* Clothwo
Storx, No. 225 Liberty Street, sells the cheapest Clothing
in the City—weD mode and foshionably cut. Call and ex
amine them ftrai you will not be disappointed.
Jest received, by Express, ft splendid assortment of Fancy
Cashmeres, Brown. Green and Blue Cloths, and other Fash
ionable Goods, suitable for the season, which we are prepa
red to mwfa> to order, (without disappointment,) in a stylo
unsurpassed in the City.
Come and see. mar SI
E. Watts & Co.’s Tailoring Establishment,
FALL AND WINTER STYLES.—The subscribers have
just opened tbeir Fall and Wlnterstylcsof MERCHANT
TAILOR’S GOODS, to which we invite particular attention.
We flatter ourselves, that we have in store altogether the
richest stock of Goods in our line, ever offered' in this city.
Our stock of Over Coatings, are of tha newest and most da
sirable styles in market, and of every variety. Our stock
of fine Black. Blue, Olive, Brown and Mulberry, French
Cloths, are of tbo latest importations, and was never so
good, nor prices so reasonable, ax'at this time. Our stock of
Fancy and Black Cassimcres, and Doe Skins, are of wry
choice selections, both aa regards quality and style. To
gether with an assortment of rich plu*h Silk Velvet Cast*
mere and plain Silk Vestings, which are pronounced, by all
who bare seen them, to be much the best variety for gentle
men’s wear In this city. *cp2s
JAMKH C. WATT—Merchant Tailor.
jVo. 56 bettoeen Second and Third Street
BEGS respectfully to inform his friends and the public,
that he has returned from New York and Philadelphia,
having there selected from the latest importations, an entire
new stock of Black and Colored CLOTHS, CASSIM EKES
and VESTINGS, which for newness of designs and richness
of fabrics, are not surpassed by any houso west of New
York. All of which be is prepared to make to order in a
superior stylo, at the lowest price possible, and cordially in*
rites porduuer* to call end examine the stock before par*
chasing elsewhere*
TO TAILORS-. —I hare no authorized agent in this City,
for tbfi sale of my work on GARMENT CUTTING. It can
only be hurt at the store of the subscriber, 36 Market street,
at the following prices, viz: with Instructions, $10; with*
out, $7. [marlT] JAMES C. WATT.
TTAYE opened a new Clothing Store at the above place,
Xl and axe now receiving a splendid lot of CLOTHS, CAS*
KpußßEfi, YEgTINGS, Ao, of the latest Importations, pur
chased with an especial' view to city trade, and which they
are prepared to make up to order In the latest and most fosb
lonablo styles. They intend to pay strict attention to this
branch of their business, and they have full confidence that
they wili be ahle to give their customers entire satisfaction.
Tbeyare also manufacturing a choice lot of READY MADE
CLOTHING, of the newest styles, which they will sell low
for cash. As oB this stock Is entirely new, It is worthy tho
attention of buyers. tplfcly
Jib) 161 Liberty Street)
JOHN McCLOSKEY has now tha pleasure of announcing
to his numerous friends.and tha public in general, that
his SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK is now ready for in*
spection, which, be believes, will; be found to .be cno of tho
largest and best selected stocks of READY MADE CLOTH
ING to be found In the Western country.
He has this season paid, more than usual attention to tho
m&nafbcturißg and style of .his garments, so that the very
lowest priced, m well as the finest, are got up in a stylo and
elegance not to be surpassed.
Ho would particularly call the attention of all dealers in
Clothing to his present splendid assortment of
Ready-Made Garmenti,
Aw he feels confldentvupaa PTnminntiAn of tlioqualities
prices of his goods, he can offer. them such inducements as
shall make it their interest to purchase at his establishment,
Many years’ experience, and great success in the business,
together with an unprecedented TFbotesaie and Retail pa
tronage, has enabled him to got up Garments to suit the bu-;
sinew habits and tastes of every location in tho Union,
which Is of the utmost importance to wholesale purchasers.
In the Cutting department will be found a choice selection
of the most fasmonablp goods, consisting of Frm&> English
and Avuerican J9madc&aw, (Jntancre#*,. die. Also, an excel
lent assortment of VESTINGS, of the latest and meet fash
ionable styles—oil of which holapreparod to make.toorder
in tbo best manner, and at the most reasonable prices^—
. . CQMR, TIffiN.ONB ANB ALLU^.^-y^
“ Tho Assortment, the Quality, ami the Variety,; Is the.
. most extensive; undoubtedly, to be found* In’the Uni tod
; States. xnar2s *
b get a very fine Watch-r-nne that can he depended
upon b keep correct time; or to get any description of
Jewelry, at its true value. Is at HOOD'S, 51 Market street
No mistake! Call and see the only opposition Jcwoly Store
west of New York City. _ l *ep2s
Lenie’a Steam Piano Forte Factory.
iifflii,- T. U ERASE having applied machinery to
manufacture of PIANOS,he is enabled to
IrirTa* no 8 * 11 at least twenty per cent cheaper than
V *¥ « any brought from the East, and warranted
equal in eyeir respect.
Six octave Rosewood Pianos, from $lBO,OO and upwards.
Seven octave “ M • $25O'OQ.
Pfcno Workroom, on Hand street, over John’s. Mineral
Water Warehouse.
-Vblina; 4c, tuned and repaired - , jyfty'
fust Eeeaived, at the Carpet Warelionje, '
Atoll assortment os. seasonable goods-
Comprising the following seasonable vaiisties:
Extra Velvet Pile Carpets;
Extra Tapestry Brussels Carpets; • . •'
Extra Brussels Carpets; . >•
Common Brussels Carpets;
Extra three jdy Imperial Carpets;
Superfino three ply Imperial Carpets;
Superfine Ingrain Carpets;
Tine Ingrain Carpets;
Needham Indian Grain Carpets;
Common . do. dot
list and Bag Carpets;
Heavy Striped Silk. Carpets;
Heavy Twilled Hemp Carpets;
Common Hemp and Cotton Carpets, from M to 44;
Super Chemille Bugs;
Soper Tufted do;
Fine do do;.
Common*"'do'’ ’doj'
Chemiße Boor Matsj ;
• Sheepskin ppor Mata;
Adelaide Boor Mats; ‘
Jenny Lind Boor Hats;
Tufted Boor Mats;
Hemp'Manilla "Jot®, Coen, Allcant and Skeleton
Boor Mats. '
ALSO—A very Urge and desirable assortment of new style
OIL CLOTHS, from 27 inches to 24 foot vide, eutto any do
airablesixe. Tbe above stock being imported and purchased
diroct from tbe manufacturers, we are prepared to sell as
low u can be had in any of the Eastern Cities, and to which
we invite the attention of thoea wishing to furnish St**™
boats or Houses.
Don't foegot the place, No. 8C Fourth street
* lfc '' s -*t 'iv \f‘ r - ri -' v' -,.
V: \ . t-
V** 'v v
Readl Read 11 Readl! 1
New Clothing Home.
EDMUND WATTS A Co.—Mntcnsxr Tailors,
I Vo. 185 Liberty Slrett, above SL Clair.
TRACT GENTLAtf—4O lbs. for raJe by :
oet!6 B. A. FAHNESTOCK fc 00.
• V -'.
\. VV ?0"» ■ <-:■■» \\ ■*-■ • > .f-te >-S £
. ■< X
* * *.
'*•_ <• '»» ' ' V '*»* .-*.. *
■> " , * «*
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, V .V
f»*: C' *
| V._ -„v• ‘i:r 1 -- -
. _ ' T '“ '**"***V U ' V - "
■Afr- jr.j r r,, -^.,^-^w *"
German washing powser>-a of
CrileaitWMhlng Ponder, tEf
other Sn tue/and isnottn theleesttniaricnutotheclotMi&
It lit &s ex&Qent'«rtide
.-_■ ?.:-iit-r. t~'
, lySlaU* v -;-gglߣR^-14QWoal>tr«i;-
{Set irnlbyMlttoDreggbSTV ~ '■
era? Stn*
B. A. Fnlmeitocb:’. Yennifnge. i
[From B. T. HolUm, mUabaro, Tain, Jalj 1,1851.) _
-11T£SSRS.B.A. FebtMbxk & Co. —Gentlemen: I_btT»
lYi been selling your Vermifuge for sareral jearsimtha.
pIES, tod can freely gay tbatltnasgiTen. entire gatirfaroon.
-xtis aq <wijH«rw > wM»'Mi» txt&lo In-tnany ftmilies,
no other Idna will do; scores of persons far my Tidnify tjoald
testier ta its efficacy .la mlieting suffering tod restoring
health.- •■ ; '
The quantity of worms expelled from some children almost
exceeds "belief? erery fluhily shouldhare asupply constantly
on hand. lain out and want & supply as soonaa pbsrible."
~ - - .B. T.-HOT.MKV : ;
Prepared and sold by B. A. PAHNESTQCK k CO* -
corner Wood sadTirststreets,'Pittsburgh--’
oc9d*wtf ' : i
Dr. Do LaaeVi Celebrated Curative Instrument*
The only InfaJtibti Oitrt far that Dreadful Disco*
known as Spermatorrhea, or Involuntary \
2/octismal Emission** '
Sty Vrwuwfag >nd and ttrodaetira of ao mneh j
mischief to the nervous system, incapacitating man for]
business, society and matrimony. J -'I
- This- instrument is- simple* eomprehensive, and 3XVES» 1
PAOCAk mA> bemused without. the slightest ineanveni
eneb, or the knowledge of the meet intimate friend. It is to
bo used externally, prbdcndng no, pain or; injury-whatever,
pny pyyrnrntWig any opfrfrpgi attrrmfnirtb bis business; ana
while in use, not atingle emission con take place, imqioratittff 1
Vie organs in a short time jo such-an -extent thalthcyngain
thar primitive povoer tf retention, theloes , - of which,'caused
by early abuse, is the disease iu- the cause or
the thousand concomitant-eomplaiatj, viz: 2»erTousnesx,
Prostration, Dyspepsia,; Pain in the Ilead amLHimnaes of
Vision, VT eakneaa of the Bach and Lower Extremities, Affec
tions of the Eyes, Impotence, Pimples on the Face, Prema
ture Decline cf Virility,' Weakness of Memory tudPower for'
Mental Application, Doecttont Aversion to Society, Timidity
and Self-Distrust, Lore of Solitude, sc. All these complaints
invariably disappear as soon as the source is stopped from'
which they emanated; ; - J - '
This T™** 3- "™"*- has been examined and approved of by
the, highest authorities in Europe and Amenca, is recom
mended by the most prominent physicians of all coup tries,
as the only Certain Remedy .existing for those complaints,'
«n<i has now completely superseded the use of drugs, the
bougie, cauterisation, eto,not to'mention the thousand ad*
vertbed nostrums, of the dav, as cordials, antidotes, eto, etc. .
It constitutes at the same jjmethe safest and most pleasant,
and by far the cheapest treatment ever offered to. the .afflicted
—a fair price being allowed tor the instrument, de
sired effect lias been attained. - f ;V ‘‘ ■
Be italsoremem'beredi'thStthoseeompUinta are but little
understood by-tho profession in-general, end that all the
medldne in the world never baa, and xtgrer will, atop those
losses, which, if allowed tboodinue unchecked, are sure to
produce thomest distressing consequences.' -- - - r
It has been & matter of surprise to some, that any, one of
respectability and of professional attainments should ;deTote
his attention to diseases whhsi-pebplo of
pretend to cure to easily. H, however, but the -one-thau
•saisUh-paciof <ths miseztts these
were known, a very fij ffrrerit' cjdnian .would. 6s farmed* It
is not only the present‘misery ehd dejection' preying upon
tfcn-mind as-weliaa the hrriy,that la-deplored, bat come'are
of ffuchwnatureaa toaEect posterity, and even to destroy
the reproductive faculty altogether. It is a fact that; when
not property treated, they may remain ao dormant in the
eoustttutfcn as to appear in'no other way than in their ef-
Tccts upon posterity *ye£, if .properly understood, are most
easily and speedily removed. The above, so ingeniously; con
trite-instrument, wBl doubtless, in a great, measure con
tribute to check the evils of quackery, so prevalent ?a this
dasa of diseases throughout tha-Uulon-- - .
• Tbeprice of the-eompleie •Instrument, carefuiiy Secured
against all bbaenratidn Ina bat, Is bnly slo.’ It can be sent
by express, to any address in any. part of the United States,
PS.™**, 4*l, according to order, -»ccompahled.l^f;ftill.direc
tions, and important advice to the married and single—the
expenses even, to the remotest peztanfthe-country bring but
f pVw> simeesa this Instrument has: obtained, i
sfnee its Introduction in.Ammca.has Indscedaome usprin
dpled-person-in JfewVork, Philadelphia, Albany, Bonon,
Ac* to grt up some ridicalois things called “I nztraments,”
which, however v bcar not the slightest resemblance, neither
Inform nor to my own- inTenteQ,Lang: tried, and
><p twoliy Approved InatnTrnVnta. arid which are as frfmiTir;
- to them as light Uto night' EveTyaitempt tosell snch In
struments for mine, will be prosecuted to the fullest extent
• cf&elawrlbeingnot-willingtD connect the .well and hon
-tesilj-earned reputatton°of my invention with quark* and
their worthless productions. TJolnstromentisflehuiheand
none can be Warranted but those ordered from myself ;
All applications and remittaees -must bo directed (post--
paid) to the Doctor hhnsrift he having ho Agendas estahliah
edbutln'Lohdon and Paris. 1 ' .
Address, post-paid, Dr. B. Dp 6l Lispenardj street,
• New Totk. . r '
Office hour*, daily, from 9 A. 11. till 3 P. 'Jll,«iid:fioia7
till 8 P. 31, the Sabbath excepted. ‘
aboTe mentioned Instrument is not only constructed on sci
entific principles, but frum'ita u»4he happiest molt* may
always with confidence be anticipated, there being.'for the
eur» of theso diseases no other certain remedy extant. - -
Hshit-B. EtUO, ahn,
Ca. Gesxxx, s.n. 96 Chamber at,
C. Ecmuxzrr, sc. n, 24 Howard at,
■ Neij jJTork.-
Dr. Ds Lisst Is prepared » execute all orders for.suigtaa
apparatus, ris:. Artificial Ami which more like
natural members; Apparatus for Lnxabon; for Contracted
Loss; fiarCurraturaof the Spine and Waisf; for False Joints
-ofthe Arm* and Eneejjfor Pmlytte Legs; for Club Foot;
for Lachrymal Fistnlaa;, for Falling of the Bectum; Hypo*
g«tric Belts; Beds and Chairs for Sck Persons; Crutches,
Trusses, Orthopedic Corsets, ; :, i !
All warranted, letter* must be post-paid, Contain
ing a proportionate remittance or dty reference. ffobSMy
Thedisanxry of VieFOBEST WINE is the greatest Hosing
ef the age. Putxtp in Quart Bottles. a single of
which does snort good, cad goesfdrther in the eun
of Diseases, than ten hotOes-ef anySxnar
parSLa in and warranted to cure
without any unpleasant or ‘ *
toecitrcing effect.
THE method by which all Sarsaparilla*, and- other siml*
lair medidne* are prepared, fa by boiling the Root* or
Plants to obtain the extracts. The medical virtues are thus
principally evaporated and destroyed. !
It fa not to be wondered at then, that even ten and twen
ty bottles of then Sarsaparilla* are sometimes taken without
any perceptible benefit. Not so with the Forest Wine! By
the invention of a wonderful ehenaeal apparatus, a perfect
wine fa produced without heating; retaining at the same
*tTTw»_ all the primitive healing properties of thoTsrcrmedid
nal plant* of which it fa composed, thus rendering the Forest
Wine thwnoft efficient medidno the world ever produced; at
the ttmw the most agreeable, ,
Arc of the mind as well as of the body, are usually
brought on by troubles and evictions, and are most com
mon to persons of delicate constitutions and sensitive minds.
hbw spirits, melancholy, frightful dreams, and fearful anti
cipations of-evil from the accom
pany nervous disorders- The Forest 'Wine and Fills are an
energetic remedy in these complaints. : i :
Extract of a letter from Mr. Joseph CLPaulding, dated
Fkxladeiphia, September 7th, IM2.
Da. G. W, Jlaxstti .
Dear Sir’. YourForest"Wine and Pills have cured my wife
of a dreadful Nervous disorder, with- which she had been af
flicted for many years. Her body was almost wasted away,
gho was- frequently disturbed in her sleep by frightful
dreams, awaking quite exhausted and covered wilhperspl
rniion, and at times laboring under the delusion that some
thing dreadful was about to happen to-her. By the use of
fourhottlesoj tho Wine, and a box of the Pills, she is now
In perfect health. She has regained her- flesh and color, and
enjoys society as well aa ever, J. .C. PAULDING.'
. THE BODY, Ac. . ' !
Many person# are' afflicted, with somo of -the above com
plaints, withoitt being able to trace it to any particular
cause, and therefore delay the use of the proper remedy un
til the disease becomes These.tflsorders.are
often characterised by a. sense of sinking, or entire! exhaus
tion after exercise. ' Somo experience sluggishness, lassitude,
and at times, paleness or flufiLingoftbe cquutensuee, or pal
pitation of the heart,'orlik'e. symptoms. ' !•
' The excellent .effect* which have ever' attended the'nee of
-the Forest Wine aud PHISj In every spocSes ofdeHlUy, fa con
clusive evidence of lb* happy results in...tfcfa class of dfaor--
dera. Many have resorted to these .medicines ulUma
turn, and been speedily cured. For' Nervous disorders in& :
Debility the Wine and Pills arp.taten according ioi£odlree
£onson the labeL . _ ' * , •.
Are caused by tho miasmatic effluvia arising from marshes,-
decayed vegetations, andrtow,, damp ln Fever
and Ague the Forest Wine arid Pflfa are asovexieigui remedy.
When they have been taken.agreeably loth* directions, we ;
have never known them to foil in effecting a complete cure.
In: the first place t|ke a large Uoao of the Forcst PUls in time
that their Operations may sabdde before tho return ehilLr-
The stomach being now weQ cleansed, take three or four
large doeosbf tho Wine, at intervals of half amhqur, com-'
mflndng about two hours before the penbdfor thp chili to
•return. This breaks the ague, after whkhthe Wh» should
'be eonfinued in' small doses to restore.strength. .(See full
directions around the bottle,. •- .
Are an important adjunct to.the Forest Wine. They are'
coated with puro gum araHc,^an. inycnlioh for-whkh Dr.
Halsey has received the only palant eftr granteloa PBfa,
by the Government of the United States,' [ ,I‘V-
The Forest Win® and gum. coated Forest PSU unite hr ac
complishing the jqbu>, gro*t.:eha, the !Purificat»u‘of the
and rtrtaratcin eff the Stctamch and Bowels.-i - .
Tbe Forest Wlne'and'POla firft MttyimTrumftivt yA
and certain cure .hxthe'following ccmplaintat-Dvspgxi&i,
Habitual Qjstseeness, Drops y,' Ocmplainlsof the Kidneys%fi
apient CbAnnaptioft, Decline of-General J/roilAT arid Female
' W?ofcn««, for whichitfaa Sexxrtigu Remedy; - Lanmadness,
Bight jSfweafr, JSVrcoui Disorders, Lass %ovs
fix; and want of Nervous Energy, Ague and Abeeiv which it
never foils to cure, &rqftda± Erysipelas, Jaxmdict, l VnheaP
of the Skin, WcaZHyand Impaired SlalccfJhc Con-
Nothingin the world fa more absurd than the custom of
using paints, chalks, Ae*> to epuntenahoe. True
beauty and loveliness accompany thp highest perfection of
health, which again. Invariably follows iba Barest ctaieefth*
'Blood.' Whst artificial appendages equal that vivid expres
sion of countenance whicn fromilocming-beaith!
compare with the crjgfaoh-cotewdhtooch^^^
the skin T What charms art more captiWtißg ttian. Gkw of
nature, in her perfectfoh hieaßh?.-X|st Dr. Hal
sct*s Forest Wine fupply,the place of all coamefiOLi .Thf-O*®
or this-excellent Wufa fbr^ "%Bhdii jur^rich
blood, which, coursing through the
hhteet fibres' that'verge toward thAsurfaco otjhe *P°>.
causing all unhealthy rpimrfes and
imp^Scg' awivid, roeynblortotha fkin,and-triiliantex-
prwafontntheeyes, • • 1 •>'
' In corroboration of tha* UM, Dr. lUi»y bM nnmj tacit
menfafa from ladla of the most standing in so-
Forest Wine iafarge «jU» ; *3g*h
six bottles lbr $5. Gunwcafad Foreet centa per box. #
Fbr'safa at Dr. Drag Store, N&. IWrCOBCT of
Wood street and Virgin Alley.'-V. i-'L ISPgltalAW-,-
TMSSOLCnON.—The jaotnen&to heretofore existing vm
i/derth* tHiacf
tual consent, dissolved on tha l&h July. Tbe : accounts
the firm will be asttled at the old by Jshu Hawojth.
au!9 ilWqasb£& ’t 4
~x- -
T * \
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-r' ** l' > ~
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■;;i-cj*tir *. i ... • • • • •
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Jatfd’* aeinwjrf eg**"**./" *
rrmis*rtfcle;l» Intmitel/fitt Fcaily a»i•» 5- .■>■■
. 1 “fcind in Uw posawion ,of J^J“g y 8 ' : ’ v
nfcfrmla .ThgtTß to ccmAmt iza&r QtißjartJo ttejr £ ,
HoenSmJsu w i! JadTJ. £ , = j
excellent ralatitnia tor-«dtoly? P.^?A g 8: ' “
cnta,«oM«, broieoi, «nd tB HadijttrcahfaasdM, *l** , 5
ibr k,™ nippl*,» ia^g|ggl^WlßD I M. D-> S ,
wst a CASBT, SLB, . Bi.-
D. gtKBIEOS, M; R» ?
p: -ffOODKCCT. M. U. „ • vv; B: ,
iumh/tos bbxweßjlL-b, fe^-;.-.-
HiawomaßTOait % *«*“. § -»>
■ ts<i - c - .-
fflfltilctoTlL ' .: k;-:- : :-
Forwtabp RA.?jLmrraTOCK*CO-» H ,
frl , .1 . - <h. -
•»a cough, cboup, asthma ui oossmenoK. | jj&c,
TtirASY real* of trial, Instead of topßirtoy Ua piiHle,;' - .
iVI lyipfttlfnra-fatihia medicine. - has won ihrltdn ~.
tioa an&nctafisty tar fiur cioeedicz thewcst sanguine ex-?;; • v' v
pectitipnjibflt# friends.'INothing. 1 Nothing. out-U*infemfetirtaa*|~
• .benefit conferred cffi
'sufferer*; could origfaiio mnd lt .
jot*; Wfc2a ;xaahyinferior remedies - thrust uppnthe
■fesends by etwr trial, conferred benefit* on the afflktMtiwys. V-'. ->
remarkable to be fergottax. • . •- •
TThQe st'i* » on the public to pretend that any* wig yy- :>>*
mMidne exire>-<dlVtherbia abundant-poc? yyyC
; ihatthcCHXZST Pzcroiui.does not only m affeneralrthlng# ; : vr:(V>--
j‘ but almost inrariably curb the maladies fiat Tthk^JiTai
I V Z time makes these facta wider end beiter. known, thki r! -- 'V:
medldsbiia* gradually -become the beat relisnc*;of the s&tn
[ aided, firoxa-tbe loggia of the/-American' peasaat,>t*th<L>;ry sk
; palaces «f Xuibpeaii- ICngri-- Throughout isi*, fetlw sou*£. y -J~jyy.
:. tryyin ctcix State, city, nirf indeed* elmoeteyipry.iamfetif
■ contains, Cffitarr' Pcczoun hr known u the bestrwraay
' taut fee diseases of the Throat andlrtm»>s4
;dgn countries, ii bcamingitb- be', extendsybssd-by
mVNiit fntj»THggw€~ • In Greatßritain,jraspee
' Germany,'where lSs medical scienceai haye rsichetl-thee
- ’PHaouait'. if introduced. Ica- a&Jf
use hi the Annies, HosphalyAhna JTrwiiifs,. -*
Institutions, id'’dcmesfcfc'pnKtfcb, a* ihe txixetsxestiA^f^fftj /
can cnployfenthe
. rous affections of thelu^^4il»- ; ta ; mQder ,
hf« pVff««nt and effecbxaijto cure.7^l.
eoineiortheinad • t»nilnQniajg_j*e. receive. caTj- yyy
bein&cia-parents whobiriTe fbuad/licffi carious £*:■>'
; "j-/-
' The CKrsii Picro2ja, is uianufartured by■;affirnyry.|.. ';.-■
end ereiy dunce of-it tinder his own ’with .-ht^“>v \-'fA
reliable and care..T It is dwled, and-.' jffdected_b|/l ~
larsr frcia counterfeits, eoneequeutly csn. be relied on erger! y’- I y.r
ulneTrlthout’iidnlicranom;-.;•- a ->..•;£:lA-i/wT-.:
V" We hero mideeroredheie to.fttrniah the[CfflßxataiUy'irty
-% T«»dtana cf <rnrhmtrinjdg' imperiarity and ~i*ortha»; sbbun
■ cbnuneai itself to - their ; rembdy cnce.eaft v ;2-
tpeedy and.eflectual, ■which this has by .repeated and'.’dfen,
■ le» trialsJroTedltselftobo;andtrudby£nsstca»tai^|-- :
;pS2ing itwith rherniteal accuracy, of.
-icsrd, pbySdaiia a haw; agent on-. Trhfchlhey am rdyjfer
best resullsland tKe aSUcted-wiih a. vtll c ;' v ,
fer,them/^tl^n«ididae'e>n - dix ;^;;yyc.^xv-V. , £rbi : £v.
Prepared and eoldbr . ’* JAHES C.fAYEßri‘
: a?“ SbM fa ntiaTjnrgh-bj B. A.rslmcsk>* t
legheny, bj H.P. Bd>wnfa».«ad feXtevtfittudJMlt
•faSTedidaeOTer^gßerg.,.' ■: , , .. ; . •. ftolfe3afa*y
>To Inrollds and the filch* v
T?mST—The Gmi Bin Emuoca, ({bimeF* -?
F rrtripgailßnrTM asd all fcctamalgalni and fiorca.~• f.
2iL-—i&iis* fbr Staying or Bestcrtag the H| >
TTk!V_ = ; .v: - ‘ -.i i - *■.
•’ 3A—ffia^a'jftrwcH^lSwe Jtetisuxtt midlWfewTijpdJ*;;
iZe cure 2hr.all cases of -Bheniaaiism.•••'> - •••• ■
O3, acertetocareibrP«tafoßn.|.^- r *
-&thw—fiay’rZtm'meytf,a knawriesre fcr theP2«. •
v SekHexd^Ac&eSanedy. .-.. . . . fcl-;*r
"ih.—Mother*z TVB*f x fbr all women in the Yarn fly n*w.v
Grtai Western Indian IbnacttL, ibrC6k|gr
and feteriali fedioga'ai^ r prcTen&ig fct isQjfflKi
lirgrCoropfoint, and BUiions -JUTee-icas IHanhcea, Ir; :
digestion and Loss of Appetite; fbr Costteenes»lnJ?w3aJ£.>
andJleles, end nerrous complaints; for Stomach AflectaSyr
• Pyipepebg Kies. fte. -The great potato ar^tc': 1
la sot ted to tafcs, neT«r’ giTea pain, and nererteaTes
COStiTe.:'"'' - ':■: ,• {>;*-;
.- BtiL—CtoufocFs Ttradfngt, (Worm Killnr) fbr chflsren f' -"»,
grownpenon*.' : ■ v.-' "V
-r 10th—ifri flwn’f &sri Pain KiSer. ‘Jfo. medietas hr^-: '?
'bees discerned thaii* so happily adapted toure : t>:-.
asdnxpsto be tiken, and: yet peribrm; such wchdera iebj ;
applied eg&rnaZTy as i washur csth,~by friction." \ln bow- '*••=> - ;:
’ *.-»£ -
-: Ht2i^*-Sitaifto2s I x .EoccA and Bed BugScaUj far.anTi^: --.v
away'T-erainina ibarttime.- I a- '--.
- 12th_—-The' celebrated X-in’i Life PEx iad' TesgicrcTg: .-.-V
SiiteTSi • ' v ■"*■■• ■ . * •- - • 'y.: .* ■ $":
13th.—Z>r. BccrQicioßittch l Tin i Syrvp t thopopnlar Eu ■<?_
East India, and JVoo York EatrLtytSf the Od.;
• SUBEedlaitoglbrtheltfir. :• - - i
-. lStfc—2aiV.Bifc» Ctewr, a Chinese Beaedy’fbr.Cra • ,■■ ,-r.-v
Bruise^Sorts, Ae. : ‘- " ' ‘ % ’"'s'-
SjrsaparHla. THs .v
■ *3l n tbfT & , m t p« T TP**j B«d riffi giragaa great mtiwfartimia:
•rer. .••>*-"••*;■- .'-i."; -'V
17thj—®ieedebrated spreadSrcnffiteaaa Plarier, j
fibm*S recipe, and tho most popularin the market-; .
KUr&s Ibotk AchtPrcpt. ' A‘certain and ,
enratbg Toothache. •
has lately bcoght f:;rv;
United States, cf4l» celebrated OmoortrotefJfivraf TTati.-
loond at tlaSalt Springs of Dr. Wm. C.Cba«, at Sfc,Cat^| i -V ;
rines. tt W. - This medHne- has attained.' * notoriety «|
popmaritT borer teSsn equalled by any preparations* tig’, £
place,.and itsstlehas been commensurate withftrmeyg-; : . : ~' Vi : - : i
-which are extraordinary. - : -•.l - ';
• NOTICE.—AD preparations, hereto&re fcnown . ar^CS'^
stock’s" at "Qasstocz & Oft,” always"bdohged,aridV“
beIonga'EXCLUSITELY to Dr. Lncka S. : ;.C«n«ock,-
the iisnatoreef CoihSodc ft 00, w^beecmtintf-•-s**?
this extra label with the faOHdmSe irignatnie of Dr. It Br
•willltt future designate the OEfOiyEr - l / f;T‘V 'A
’LUCTDSB;.CGUBTOCBc;-'./.- *•'■
£3TTheaboTemedidnesean j
Wistu'i Balsam of 'WiU Cherry! '•
Jbr GeugJOy
SUtdisig cf Gtt Lungtj JHffiniU JJitßth&tg'j.lxstT. A£.
Uaii,patnor TTidhius of tM Breast or Side, Jfint
v ef dc, eCc. . :•--. - i]
Ist abort, tfilalfcusara la peculiarly adapted, to jtoj dtov '; ;
.of tbeLmiga- aiidliTcr, which is producedby our - ,-
▼arytagclimaiw.’- -
Wild Qierry has lcn&beea kfl<?wn to.possess Import* r .
imrilchml properties. VTbla fact la famfliar ioercty -
iaour land, oitca prescribe li ia-rdlfta 1 :
fonarftir a ccaaplaihte. -Tar, also* has been e£| -■:•■
Iy noted for iM Yirtaesj-tiud sogtephyairiau*, whose ~ss\ -
is familiar to thswbola country, b&To gone-SO'fcr aa to*
clare,caiodoy.thafcft>oft2- ; - r -
In other hahds,;.«galn,/H .was OTiag/* ’■
donbt > ~to their Igaciaace la preparing and artraiafoteTiPi.i. -
—ft. difficulty now entirely clmated by .patient experie::
imd Iftwg ~ - - v . fe
- ;Tho> extraordinary. medicinal - powers of ,these two-tK
stances aw uow»iifar.tiifi first time combined andctabodlsg *r-' t. --
chemiealproeess, thing useleaji rv~
ed, so thss vhat remalns most and '
efficarions remedy for aHtindsof.puhnpngryaodilTcrg
casceeTerlmoWntoffiam. ToronirinceaU tmbeHmni v .
our theory* la reaHyitrue, we refer to a fsw cases of cures*.
? i -
TiooUvet SmxdiglhetuccfOßiy ThreeßotQex - *.
■ BsUcmcf WUd Chary.
-c?Mfc Knrs, Ky n Ju1T54,185;- : r /.
• Messrs, Harcourt, 'HowardA Ca.—-G«nts :—Tho - Dr. ?.s . '
iftf cifli 7yiy fkraflyythafclwishia tasker -. >
virtues known for the- benefit of the public. "
Mywife took cold at-thd-timeef beroonSnemesi, wl> ■ .
settled enter Dongs. . The pbpiaana' prononaced her*
' ease consumptions Sbo had r - s f:
— • -•
coTeryiendMfdiildpexUic* of hereommaiat. •-She t!-.
mmrawn/wi Tfetter’l Balsam, of WiH (7krrry»,* v, •_
three.bottlea efiected an entire cure.with .bErsndtie cf ::-
both. „ f ,«; w
..'l hare no donfct that, tt»y w o*3d hare now - been to t'f •.,.
CTaresif theyiad not fcaTSUJKd TYistar** BalaacTV-.
-••• .* SETH&S&SBO; ;
Seth S. Searcy, "whoso certificate fa sherro, Is* man q. . v
much Teracity oa&siyin this coxmtoy,:sad* mat of g'" ■
jodgterat* rad we titan rathe reliance on hirst* temem. .
COSSUMira CtlKißlEi
'Robert fifrTuitmßwi.-- Ran, in Bash C?
■.township, Ttdrfield rafrbrgthecof \ ,1
■ Sradersml 0 •: the- war - aflSl^-cnwd 1 of: -f r > v '-- ■».
iumpfifattr, the o«> bt “WiitartHWMtrcf I WildC&n> -■
v Kcsa £ezzxfairCfldOc-,Yeh.2s, ISS -
.' Don Sfc-rAa I cOMito t^myiffi>S«baMpj*il7j- -
Tended bj my beieg cured cf Ccsminpdcn '
- 1 - iSTWtoUrt' Balraci cf Wt' Chcrr.* 'ljral jtale;. . -
myito.W<rt l totol!Mft'aslfctea ma: ..- •
Induced to try CMaicrcicable randy- -tvxfmimG g -
fa Whlo*>taß>a» Tta ■ •; ■
Sfl j}u>nld«iy,»ttea»t-two ’•rettiagt.
Sd ebipWtijrtlnoiigß. I WUmrt iMMhteio TOk:• '.
tbu*. BgTitraa gngh ■ ymarfatwt,: rad. afcmtatbelf -
when I ccncrtiiced arins Pfltfcr’r Blhcix cf Wild Cfit . .
ri»T« intd !n»nM t<*il^*o‘liJ“a-ao»ft*» ; fcisa' >■ ;
ffygpl^lntayfcrmghealthisgood. ~v.:~.r>:- -A..*+..■ ■
1 «a now 65 years old* rad hsTonot-tahra say. cf. ths£
rr* rax
Batif Iti»nld iATeray retonsolmre •
should twe KirUrtMlalaaia of WEd Cat • ■••■■*•
T»f r y»yn4 th* fajJA STGraglmv y ••; -
■ypj|ty .~1 lißkSfli , v
•ibegeotdoe W&&* - Balsam lof Wild Cherry has a£ --
rfintu of the rignatoxe of: Henry Wfchr. M D.Ehfladdi r.- v ■
finely executed shalragn? .
wrapper. • No other can bo grantee. ;....■ ■? -
eis bottles for $5., " . |
grid Iff J 1 B. PASS,
ozdezs-iaist oq.
dltiMßli. ■ • •■.'••'.•'•■ ■:%-•. ..--~r.:. ■ -•■■•: *>*■'.•• I .
■':’ o£dc*slperbottle—Six bottles fors3. • ' .- •}•.••
‘ XKJdd * GuEttaburKhi t Wfloox,/
sheet ealthe KaiiKad;'B.A.E»hi»fitn«Ch 7 fitter -. .
Jon; to fiW.bnuid it Ctej Mi
■ wnS
r»iwrs -DAT BZCKITKB—Wrw* frea tb* Fstiuiw,; :
'P** BaaeUai '
; 3AMSS 8tA833.T f lMWaal* V
". , ''~_
V- %v c .
- i- -*’*•