v « ( V J £*-i ■#- h*i+Z ,*. t »'’\ '■"■'t-'^V' 1 - 7 I-'' - U V\ «■ -I ,’••,,, , '*‘‘‘i '''tds'jy-- - Xy; : i--'.’* -> • • • " “ psfe “ hmwMMe JIPISBI®I^ JMMi «IPHnpHm wM%Sfi#:i||fifi Mm** *3SS %| m ifei MM 4li itStlli i||§§g&fe Jg@S||| gig mm, m Imm* ■ ■ ' ii \ ; :,^:i?i# i \x* < -r- •• -v• ~• <• -■ • --vf * - %• >■;»■>•,'*/ ~.*-, * «-■£?■• • r^Jrarl. ■ *. <*:. -.. •■ •_- o • •_.- .>■ - . -'■ - v -i.;» «r» ~; ”-.- r *f^*c-~r«H-^-r-r^ ::j-;;. ,i ..- ■ ' WMx^m-SSKa ? #|§SSt ggglli VOL THE DAILY MORNING POST. PnU Si'JJtSiSS Jfcrwn * «•«) BT HAKMlB’^PHnjHpg, south-tost oossra : strictly In T - wiffiu lo^r 1J * n,l r a * tarartably be required if not fadd ‘ & Sale at ta the BATTJEDAT MOBHDJG POST Slit 1 l 'uTW0 I Mrj*n? n 8 ”S " 1 “S B blanket .lee •« ' cK^a;- 0 year, In advance. Single copies tiofSf b? aiaconUnucd (unless at tho discre nntu 1111 em»rogM «™ pakl. "® rttenlion vill be paid, to onj- order nnirsaceccin- by. the mbney, or satisfertoxyretire in this city. ' ' >VST tojwectal vntb Vie Esiabhihmc.:-■_; 'fi« J/brmwo Post iJfy- Job Pnnfingr Ojfrtti ut ccily, i ahtrt all J oWfern tCorfcu doTK m *b°*S**t notice*, and mad reason- 1 Rates of advertising, AGREED UPON' DT THE PITTSBURGH PRESS. TEX LCTES KOH PMU3L. OR LEB3: vno square, one insertion...—— “ “ eftch additional insertion"!!.,. “ v ona week— ” “ tiro weeks— /. .7.7'. .**.".*.. ..T.** tf u three weeks.. !!*!!!!!! v “ “ ono month **..".*. * “ two month* . . “ “ three months. —.!....! r ' * “ four months ’.. ”.*IT * “ six months.*.-..... . . Standing Oard'sETllnra or less, per imnum. v CHA3Q2.UILE AT njtASOIIKi ,gp» &uto, per annum, (ciciurive of the paper) , PROFESSIONAL CARDS. - i ®‘ Orlando-Looihw. " AT hAW—Office, Foorth street, above Wood. ;rnoma» si. nnu-ktudil TTORNEY AT LAW—OfEre, Loffric’g Building*. Fourth rtrect >n7:ly A nj HB. Carnahan, A 1 Offlcoon Fourth street, hetsreon Cherry alloy end Grant street Jciy . rrrrsxnn.,,,, 'N* M^ClOW TV, AS., 1 ?, ®®? 1011 " LAW—Office in -fX ‘Eafecnren « Bnfldmjgi. on Grant rtrwt. j e 2 , C, Darrachi ' LAVV-Oihrein Bakewril’n Bonding*, rasKLU)a" t tiw-oito. re y£X_ r mo?ed tp 2nd door below Grant street, on Fourth, to the Qlßee lately occupied by Alderman Miller. nmr3o J« 8> Horrison* l ‘ A^2sT r / ? ?!r? OTJ ? SVJJ^R AT LAW-Oflire, re XX. moved to No. 44 Grant street, near Fourth, Httelurgh, aprltky A ro , Biddle Roberta, AT LAW—Office, No. IS2 Smith field street, between Fifth and Sixth. Collections carefully attend eu M—spcdal attention given to Conveyancing. (decSJy A 1 Thomas MeanT ~ rTOENET AT LAW AND SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY uextdoorto thePoslOEw, Steubenville, Ohio. OTSomT ATTORN hi' AT LAW—No. IU9 Fourth street, Pittsburgh, PA, fourth door below Air. Body Patterson’s Livery ■oiaoJe.. jefft . N. Buekmaiter, rtreet > thlrd d " ,r * ioT « XVSmtthfieM.SouUislde. OsnTOjnncingcf aii kinds don* wua ute greatest care and legal accuracy. Titles to Real Et* tatpexnmiaod, kc. . no .lo , «y» 8« Hamilton, A LAW, has removed to the office in Fifth ±X- °? twsxn Wood and Smithfield streets, formerly occupied by Thai. Hamilton, Eaq., dec’d, and will attend to the purineairemaining unfinishedupou hb «tochct (inyl3 Feliclon fialataperi : Zg l3 **?* AND CIVIL JraGlNjtijt-Drawir. s * and ,ilans of Buildings prepared at shortmrtlce. Land ror ,o - -tv.- ' i. 1 — •- . apr—iy aixm *.wssSsnioi. L._ Blwh A Washington. AW PARTb ERSHT P—Tba subscribers have associated theiwelTCs in the practice of Law, under Uw firm of niACE X? i^. t ? al^ times in tboofficß. on sonrth rtreet, Pittsburgh, nog occupied l»y Mr. Black, [fobs *LTBn> ®* tubs. A__ M’Calmont &> KeenaiL Fourth strreet, opposite llallfTituburgh, Pa. iHiiOPEAN LAW AGENCY. <3L Mr. Keexaa, in connection with iiuch Em, Counsellor at Law, Dublin, Ireland, collects fining makes searches. 4a, in Europe; and on© of them auounlW makes »tour through Great Britain, Ireland and America, [mwll S_ ■* ui» uosc, TATK.OFFI(3AL lNTiau>RETEß—lnteprotar of For •CiSn languages In and for tho Cummonwraltfa of Penn mvaaia, to reside in tho City of Pittsburgh, County of All*- ghSOj, xnay bo found every day, from 9 x. until 6 i- x in the Quarter Sessions Court Room, or at .V- isq Fourth ilort S?W*, I’OK-cn ot A-.rn.j, lwi ~ “©G OT oti >« wliungsTrhitiovcr, tein.l-.fcd fir.iu nr into UtoGurmm. French, Italian nod Spanish lansmnte. with »«hw and despatch. afr^fc. CUT. 8. Kyle, WfTINTCES to practia: MUn, Surge; -. .1 Otwlcrlc of MidwUeir, LclccticaUv, i n accordance with rej. lhitic principles, and lienee Wlihgn-at anecew. 4S-Oace imd residence, No. 68 Diamond oiler. Office honrs, 9 to 12 A. SL, and 2 to 6 p. H. AX I „l‘l! libie rcmedi«lorDy e p«p.la, Conanmption In it* incipient stage*, Bronchitis, Rheumatism, Tetter, Cholera SSES?’ fyixntary, Asiatic Cholera. Tetamw or lockad-Jaw; fomale diseases; diseases of the liter and kid neys; Scrofula, Dropsy, Aa,-*a; and antidone* to all oct £"“» prepared and kept for sale. Mercury, antimony and aro ontirel^ta. BUSINESS CARDS. G, L. Hood, TMPORTER, Wholesale ud Retail Dealer in Fine WATCH* -L ES, GOLD JEWELRY, FORK SILVER WARE, PLAIT ED GOODn, 4c. All kinds of Watches and Jewelry carofnl ly Repaired. No &1 Market street, two doer* from Third at. Pittsburgh. fdecll Schuchman 4 Hantii#ia t LITHOGRAPHERS— Third street, opposite tho IVwt-nfiice, Pittsburgh. Slaps, leandEcape*. Bill Head*. Show pjflg, Labels, Architectural and Machine Drawings, Business aod Visiting Cards, eta, Engraved or Drawn on Stone, Printed in Ottorg, Gold, Broruc, or Black, in the most approved style, and at the most reasonable prices. octlidy TOO* j. cAitram#. -David ciieas. -cimois u’lmoar. Campbelli Chest & Co. I BON’ CITY TACK FACTORY—Wjrchouui 50 Water st, Pittsburgh. The subscribers irnmuCicture and keep con •tooUy on band all sizes of Taekft, Brads and Sparables; Fin; iahing, Cloat and Hob Nails; fine Blued Flour Barrel and Lathing NoBa; Copper Nails and Tacks; Barrel Nails; Cop perand Zinc Shoe Nalls; Pattern maker’s Points; Hi rota, assorted rises, Ac. my3l:y . Austin Loomis, EMI £SrBaSB AGENT, Merchandize, Stock, end BUI Broker, Office, No. 92 Fourth Street? (above Wood.) The anuscnber having opened an office at the above plaoo, lor the purpose of negotiating Mila, Honda, Mortgage., and *U other Instrambnta Or the security of Money,'aud for the purchase and rale or Btocka. Will alto give prompt and particular attuntlon to buying, Bolling, renting of and lean* Ing Beal Ertate, • [Jy7] AUSTIN EOOMIS. cakßisa wdMis, p. M' Mwm Loomis & SZcDowell, rTENF.RAL COLLECTORS, STOCK AND BILL BROKERS. VA Office over S. Jones & Co’s. Banking House, corner of Wood and Fourth streets, Pittsburgh. 4©* City and country collections promptly attended to. Rtfcrences;— Whitmore and Woltf B. A. Fahnestock 4 Co., Miller 4 Bagaicy & Co., J. p. Tanner 4 Co George Breed, Harper 4/PhiUips. n W» S. Haven. fpHE OLD FEINTING ESTABLISHMENT, (Latm Johw- JLbtok & SrocKTO.x,) and BLANK BOOK A!ft> STATION E SV„ VARKHOU3E—Ia prepared to execute ©very style of Legal,- Commercial, .Canal and Steamboat Job jMntim: and Booirß&ufing, nafl furnish orery article in the Blank Book Paper ond-Sfetlonery line, at tho shortest notice and on the most reasonable,terms. Blank Book tod Stationery "Warehouse, corner of Market and Second streets. Printing Office jmd Book Bindery, No. 60 Third at norlO ~ 71.. , • . R« Cf JtoektoiT “ ' LATB' ; Joh3OT(W A SrocKTOJr—BOOKSELLER, STATION .ER, PRINTER AND BINDER, would respectfully in cite the attention of Merchants and others, to his large and ' *Vperior «tock,cf BLANK BOORS, consisting of Day Books, Journals, Lodgers, Invoice, Cash,,Order and Letter every else, made of the best paper,-end bound in the most daratyle.manner, which booflers at prices that cannot fiiii to giro sailfifection- Blank Books ruled and bound to any giv en pattern. Printing of every description executed- with ftcatness and.despatch. No. 47 Market street. jy23 a. * " ' - ............. .... IV ...taoiua n. sni STDAST, _ Stuart. & Bill, PRODUCE ANDOOSDHBSIGN MERCHANTS, VX No. 118 Wood *treet, Pa—Dealers in <3roee* "Wheat, Rye, Oata, Com, Barley, Pork, 5“. V* 7 Tsniolhj,anil fiazSeedvlrtm. C " aJ^“u^ar paid to the sale Myew * Htintor, Botitrilalieir* O9J *• Co., King & Moorhead, McGill** Roo/ ' Twflb, Maguire «fc Ban«, “ • V v.-i.-1- (HHCCES3OBS TO mgmnw iuhb- . Pittsburgh—Are «ot prepared to wcdroAaO-lbrwßrfgood*by River,Canal,Saflrcador Waa eiandiaf lron, Pittsburgh Miuintutgrca, nSfelinu mriteoijfstbiauriJllto to giro peculiar mtirfactdon- to aU flWoMtoSoffitJ'eia :inm mmmcml", tflo; respectfoily ctmFipuncnlg. . ... f mS ** - t Scptt A * A tronoNBERS axd commission merchants. «i i /V l :MiiN yr f . St.-LopS. Har-r-H&Ttng been enraged in the . Jartelx' yOQTS. ifl this city, would re- to bo sold in thin ma^4^:-cltber-Ibr' % Aact|aii, or^jprixato^KaW'portlcuinjiy. llarcKrai®; andllrr Good*; liberalj 32. E. Vollot* Win; J>. JolmJ. Ahdo]wnA pix, R.B c t & Reed, Brovnleo, BatterAßrotbers* CSndmnrtijGeorge < owO* • ' J**" y Lit l - ••••■• •"-- ' V "~ - ‘ I- :-•-.*■•••»•.; ? XI JwgWBJBTO stoeot, ttirgctly opposite Eagle Hotel?Rtfa{,tm r h VtZZ iottfQothing P “ nBtenU J <» hood . wcUml^M “ todt> "*’* d^P«on RETail'wSlee in mdsioal H°S 81 d N i PADiTß®—earner T/SvkKS * STA- C°B^lSSoAT A A(?i.-N? >^ ARr>ING AND BTUAMJSQAT AiIKVTS—No. 7 Water street, Clnrtunali, -■ - fapl.-tr M°i^s, U ?f UA ’7 c CKTOSITOKr-Nc. 73 ThlnJ .IroU. ~“1 • I T^r ll 7 r' NeW , : Tho (Judra of Gethso- m °ne: Tbo CcmclcrT of Scutari. my j. tf W. W. M’Clure,~~ O wS S , | I m^? D » OKNAMBNTAL WISTKR-Coni jffllTwKi*,£*** onder Pa£rlctj * Frfcwfn Ur -i olse * Pittsburgh, Pa. mar2 rhlr c. a. cn«vid * 0 axd commission bi K h tKHCUASlS—D<,ol,Canal B " ln ' 108 p< ' nn “-• D 4 DOJIES t?L .n,fp -’ bmUin< ' lJ , s “ wl —^'So Ua “ r ®f Bond*, Mortg« t Ts J lm ' Hills, md Storks. Alro. ntuWsh MuiutiSuSJ MerchamliK-i a; ways on hnnd, or procured «t Khun S ?? r, L'J_ mnsa W, Acheaoni A™S^o^,r 0!!! “’ I ' ourtb •»«'**««> nun«n, W. It y. wibon, and M Knigbt i iru.y S°*P , t V? AN V L!i MASinrjcrciiMi-c.«uTr iw. ,trecU - wan Una nnrlhlnc In If*!'”' wm Jo wtll 10 «11. a» I am deUrmlnml imiu cheap rs any other perron tn the dtT. ieehl.-r WJUXU, fSata'^h. Miller &. Rioluuon, Yl/ IJOLES-ll*!: UJiOCKIUi, iAUUitTltttttOF IIfLANIIIE* V. ■, *’ “ 1<) S«gar»-NW ITS and 171, corner of Irwin i? 1 I ' ilUbur '” h - Iron. Cotton Verne, ° f w OP h&nrt . ““*> IJWRWAMBa am’) aiMHIASJwi MKItCIIA.VT A\l> Dealer In nil kinds of AVeatcrn produce and Pltutureli atannlnctnrea—bo, 110 Market street, Httaburgb. He will “ 111 busliuwa entrusted to Mj care. J. l». \VIUAUt3. J* D» Williams A Co., V\^H? LES ijV E AJiD KErrAI L t'AiULY UROCEHS. AND f f forwarding and OommL'simj Morcbantt, Dralom in Oountry Pnxlu«» ancl PUk-burjrh .’lUnuliirlurc*—Wood »L ibur (loots alpTO TiftU. Plmbunrh- m*i.A rBAUCIS SfcLLEM, Pittsburgh. Mary Land. P Sellers, Nicola lflh ’ £“* ‘id», HtUlnirsh _ *S» ”fcntcd, Baga and Ttmowrn* Sctbjul apliJr F Joseph Kltt, ’ A3HIONABLE iIEKCiUVT T.IFLOK—No 373 liberty rtreet, Pb_ (on<* duor below Eacl» Hotel >— £?i“’ 9 a “ i f"' n! " and > «Mlns», whicli "' W «•»"», hatnrei Fifth alrert and tlw Diamond. (Sorre-rer. to Kliuey 4 Kdoi.) Clocia, Wntehcw and Jotrelry uratl/ rcpnlml. »nr2A H™,. s» M’Klnley. °-^ S , lo *’ ORNAMENTAL PAINTER. AND Dealer in ralnbf*--No. « gL Clair rtiwt, llUabumh. ““ coMtanOy cm baud ail kind* of Painta, cjtbrr drror S.Mt!.’'Ts apai3 m 1 ** 1 Vorubb - Umswa Oil, DoQa/ou TujpenUno, Whutow Qls*» of all i* u ut, Faint -- Mepll A C* ffathew*, T No. 16 Fifth. ThlrO door from Market rtrwt-Jlanu- HT?“ri lh " <' r (iKXTi.KMKN’B . t ' T’lo. c p-nticmi-u who ban round It dilllralt to obtain n Ktll-fiinng ini\ Unrougljy agd, shirt, can tag ,oilod by caHlnp and tearing their measnre. * lar P l I 01011 1? of Eoatlj Math) Shirt*, of an tlze*. fbr M«ll kinds °f Bran vork, Locomotive, Steam Engine, Mum Batting manutattneom. Foundry on Cit 3 r —Office, comer of Market and Fifth street*, Pittsburgh. old Brass and Copper taken In s%sr«Sf ";a, s&atr lgft * *■£&*> L _ "W. H. Wallace. OOKINQ GLASS AND BRUSH FACTORY—No. ISA _J It ood street, above Fifth. Keeps constantly on hand “ ni i *° order ! BTeI 7 '■raratpUon of Mahogany and Gilt Pnuned looking Ulaivo*; aim, looking elm« SSai !?,?“ OT ° P l * l *- Hctura sod I'ortniti fraiiiwi ~! e ? dos I> Bfci ' A full assortment of Urnahea on hand mrri niodo to ordor, of tho brat malarial. Togo the* U. mil afh °'f° fontlahtng graxla, trholaaala or?*all, to milt purrluwn., at related prfeoa. fcMMm William trovilla! W ®pS lh t , h ,° tMtnnod hU bmdnonaa a kurnlah- Q qi» 69 Bccettaxy on such occasions. Silver Plates, Ice Boxes, and Leaden Coffins. will be «nn. £££££* A - . . Hep'JDcly Gllleaplc, TV 0 ; 76 < Tf ood of Look iiLifjs G^* e *: 8 “ d Wholesale Dealer In Combs and Varie ty floods, offers to his customers and tbo public a most com- osttortmeut of Uoods In bis line, fiultahlo to the spring f***£**lyne*ff* 1° <■** manufacture of every ▼artety of Looking Glasses, ho I a enabled to offer Induce monte to purchaser*, equal to any house in the Union aprfttf Henry Demmler, ATAJJUJACTUEEB V* TIN, COPPER AND SHEET IRON "X ;\AKK! Dtxixn m Uocgi Fgiottubb Hardware— Street, Pirttburgh—-Keeps always on hnnH a !25Vf ,!O Sji u,, n 0r 130 “)** Copper Wore, best quality, wWA ho will sell at very low prices for cash, wholesale end 9??? t ? 75J er ? lmnts “* ißtiied to call at his stand. nivtiiiSfir ork aboTo Lualuew} also: Bpoutlng and Booming Houses, will be promptly attended to at modonrto . [novlfl /THAIR AND BEpSIKAD > MA?{ficJ'iniEß-No. 294 Vy PottOTuums llow,liberty street, haa on hand alum fh K 'L^ Clt^ r i a i nti of nm T description, mnd^of tho best materials, whicl, he will soil lower than itlcles of thosamo quality eon be raid In the city. He wouldcajlLwC tlcular attention to bis largo stock of Mahogany --■* Walniit ratalr. and Bedsteads, which be will «dS Also, Turning of every description executed In the orders left atjto vU 2 ffi A ÜbOTty Btreot "> WiU *» James Melllnirer« MONONGAHELA PLANING MlLL—Would respectfully pnbUc ’ “““ MsnwcwtaS »HHiaent la now in.foll operation, and th«t ho la rirmwiT*d ♦« Cabi n s ) and ,^Sr m d m X ntaSTKSte. with promptness, and at the lowest rates - ’ oml Plloi ’ ptolDd 02 °no or both sides, constantly Doors, and Monldlngvof oray description, ntadeto i Builders and Cnrpcnters.would Bnd It to their sdvantaWa. toriro him a raU, ashecan now tarnish them with, plaSdi stuff suitable for every description of work. pumea, R, Bard fe Co.. PITTSBURGH LEATHER DEPOT— No. 103 Wood rt—rf have received a Fall supily of etock in their iiI”ST timore and New York Solo lleather, PhllSelnhfa ** r •» Qentlemon’o OF? t U I 6 Fancy and Variety Good*, No. 03 Wood at, Kicand door bolow Diamond alloy, Plttabursb, Pa. octlSy u. V. WEDSuiii,, A IDSLS' t , h ,'P nn:hjLV! ™lc of Krai Estato, dealer .a. In Bonds, Mortgagee, Notes, 4c. Offleo, Bp!ane'«Builil *°£™ of Smlthßeld and Fifth Btrrats, Plttstargh, Pa. X'CfLWCaU joHS llXli? Ji'CUI&OUQH, ___ Henry Sl’Cnllouffh & Co.. TTZ-HOLESALKUEOCEBS, COMMISSION HKHCHANTS, •wf.l d ES"“J® P ll ltindj of Prod ace, comer of Perm Mid Inrto street*, Pittoborgh, marll o. a. uim.Tpnwnv , Mllttnbereer a. [J O I2 C,. ' riTTSBOIIon AND MASSILLON EC ,™ySS - Lm*™ PlttsbOrKh >Bd ClirvrliEij, Mondajn, * nd BAKJSB A FORSYTHS, AgtuT ___ James A* Jouet. W n .n LE f ALR /.? D DRUGGIST, comer «f / T Lllwty find Hand streets. A complete assortment spS 5 * 1 ChemlcaU 111111 Famll y Medicine* always on hand. M. >TZT R* S. Officer* ~ " ' ANUFACTURERof all kind,, of Trunk and Packing JJilworllj , » Planing Mill, Grant street, I'ctween £»Tenth and Eighth. Doing mads and doUrem! at the *hnrt**t notlm {jal> ...V... J DJ> Lavely & Co« EALERS IS CUOICE FAAIILk GROCERIES. Tea*, riekie*, Fruit*. Ac., At—No. 2GS Liberty street, (north BMC,) one door below Hand. mjiSry liAi i co., (LATE cy mtl n. UT,) TIT'IIOLESAUi AND DETAIL BOOKSKLLKRS, ", '"And P»Kr Dealer*. comer of Wood nnd Third it, I’luetrarph.p*. J y a> N*J AL AUCIiITKCT.—A few rnpiuj of the hhh.wrijrbt'i Own Book, or Boot Builder'* Guide— by 0 W hndrcn, Drtkl'°odl“r“e'ir ,^ec^p.T, P " ' '’**"»*' "< J*?? M Wool street . A. Ttndte, autl SADDLE, HARNESS, tALISE and CARPET BAQ outfiu&c- i ° turor. No. lt>o Wood street. Pa. j U 8. *ATIRXAS ft. fl. WArCKMAS ..H. a. W. !*•»•« aterman Run. lIOLLrULLK UIajCJiRS, Qanmunwi ccd 4tor4mi6, dealer* in *ll bind, Prulaea anti PJu* """"’ iUnufartnml article*, am! for tb* *al 9 o S loml ami Lt-nchburjc manclartumj Tobarco, No* 80 ! « ater and 02 First rtrocU Htubuijrh. M i l a. j. stuart; GROCER, PRODUCE AND COMMISSION Cl J* tEcl iA- s T —ln all kind. cd Uraln, Seed., Plunr, Bacon, pork, Lard. Cotter, Cheese, Feather*, At^ir. , , -No- 0 Smith field tired, * U ' the Mnnongahela Uouve, PtU*bnrell. m. «W a plan, of FRESH OVailaiS, cooked In rarknu strlcn. «» -flit, (bund the celebrated 8m PremP lron O-otre I’ejw*. the best and ehenpret Wow. r 111 United Slate.: and, aim, rnUe-Ci and um j-Ue Cotton and Bnpr Plow.: with Plow pvjnto and Car tog. of orerr description. tbouldcal! and «r, before pure haring ’ ~ UHASE A CO.'S V-Mlll-niERN, Soulliero and Ea.r*rti Freight and Park i«ale.°':r't J | l !r n | O0 ' r ” *“ to' principal due. td Ut. United Stale, 6r the Iraußportation of all drtcripllomi of Goal. >tolr l h ,n t 1 ‘ !lDd , U ” 1* 11111 Sf*** 1 - *">d «• reasonable ratea,— Merchant. and other, would do well to order their croda tout b CHASE A 00’S EXPRESS (hrri. t •UJ pwrt of the WORLD br leaving tnriructinn. at tlSfCfllee , OFFICES I llbtburgli, No 11 Mantel .treittl; New York. No. 2 Astor lloujie. - II, 11 !?!;?' r ” r “ r I'cotu.jrlranl* Arena, i biladctpb-b. No. 4A Buuth fourth street' uftlttaorp, No. 3 Jar*Building. ft oilman Alfarriion P , S^ r b , l f l: , N ' 0 J! Y - |U " - their ne .4 rui.dlng, hi Birmingham. Dear the Ferre Ua.inc a tr Itoproroinenu tor hear; work to Sava ir tr with Lathe, and otlwr m«rh!n*ry, and keeplu- 01w... u, ben qnallUe. of metal, the, are prepared V turn Jh mi c-tun+ry , sc., with prcmj>lnp*A. Ah “Tf ,* UU rntain the W anbonaa on SntltbfleU .treat, on the old premt«», talao at No. 1 Wood .treat., pattcroa or order, left then, will bo Immediate!, attended be ■J o*'” 0 *'” with dc the tend non *! 1 !T lta U “tolnctod in the name of Pullman, Oarri * 01 HENRY L CULLMAN ABRAHAM UAKRISO.N ap!2df JOHN M’DONOCQiI . JOH9 HaTT, JE. fttfSK OWES A, Wltibarph. Co-Partnership.' TIIE subscriber* boro fbnxml UjL Co-I'tirtnrribip, and «m CABINET, KURNITURU ' " *CUAm MAKING BUSINESS, at fci, c|| A -' U ' - V . ) . ** SMITHFIELD STREET, on Ca T£i»Ke Factory i JOHNSTON, S CO. * Comer of Mecca and Uclmtmi ttrecil, Attealuny Odu inform their friend* ©ftEQSgSr ,n “ Uio public genenUlj, thct thur have coramenenj the manufacture of Carrie,.e, norlafe 1n.,1 ,luck »' r “; «. Hu«icj. Sleigh Tum! >?' rariou ;* l» Attended to on tfap moxt reasonable tonn*. Using in alt their work ih,» best Eastern Shafts, Pole*, ami AVhoe) stuff, thrj feci ooafl deut that aJI who faeor them with their patronagu, will bo P*|s*t \y «U*n*d on trial of their work W rts*sfe” miu “ tcd toglrniuil <*«. w» pd-h» • -? octal - OTSf N i-T Reli <£. M’Cttrdr. Bores, Uuteln, Sill, md A rebel for h^Udb? 11 If™"’ ",f*°“ s? >~7^ “A.^r:fJ„^tSd“reKrf do »“£ rrom '» U ‘«™° f tJ»>r own, woulj "“ ° Ur StoCk fon> P arc ßasiog „[ll premnUy attendpd to, Ol.ed on the lowest a—\—srri ™ * M'CURDY. *«wa » o v aiohv: ' J o “tafSm p^cu;£SSS!^ ry^J 1 »ff* geaeraUr, that bo has now on tn,nda anTl’ ? “V 1 ? ub “° gagod In manufiicturin ■ w •;*■'** • . fr ! *„ H 1 « j * PITTSBURG BUSINESS CARDS. .DAjiin u'cvacr. •»’ ’ :,• ‘ _.i ':'■•<■ *■- ■ ■-"- - - ... -. . . - ■ * BANKERS AND BROKERS. 10. ntaus,. loss «. mum, TTEEHAH & C 0..- BANKEB3 AND EXCHANOB MoJCERS. felg&lj] JTo. W.BSoJ aired. . » , ...P’COKKOB,. BBOZHEB & CO., -r\E*r^. It lL AN f- EXOHAN OE AHOKEEb, T) ®^ c s?«d*«lsnaßai»ngo, Time and X/Bjght BlUaOoin, Uneurrent andParEonde, Stocks, &o - Offlce, comer Wood and Third sta, PlttsWglT fmarfotr • • JOBS WOODS, _ T ,. I BAi’KEE AM) EXCHANGE BROKER, THEATER In Gold, Silver and Bank Solo. Current and ££2?? f “?* ra r d ' cd on deposit ftUccUoMirufunyat to. Fourth Street, one door Eaatof Market, Hit*- gg 1 " 1, • •- (WklT „ _ - „ . Jr2?W* fiW artdj2rcAanpjd, fli tte BXCBANQK AND DAN.KHf.fIi 110U5.E OF WIT.T.TAW A, OTT.T. ft.pp T _. t ~ . W "Wood STfcm, mrsscMrt interest allowed on time depots. • [»ng2B* Q. E. ABHOID & cC D K fND EXCHANGE BBOKJ2US, RJLKBgia Exchaogji, Ctoln, Bank Kotos, Sight .and Xiao Drafts, Ac. Collections carcfOUy attended to *ua proceeds remitted to any pan of tho Union-' * Stocks bought and sold on commlajijoa. J -^■ y ****6* *u the house formerly oecuptod by Messrs Palmer, Hanna ta. and more recently hr tha Kttaburgh Life In eurance Company, »bcre bo adll be pleased to see his old friends,end customers. [Jy3] . A. WILKINS. N. HOLMES Sr 80Hi ~~ BANKKHS AND iIXCHANOU BROKERS, HATI >MOmi Tnnß lUTIISH ATO KZQUJJQI OTRICE TO R 0 JURIET STRICT. FIITB DOOBJ ZZtffW OLD UTiTB. 'XT Ut)LM£S & tiONS, Roakera and Xxchaoga Brokers, 1 lo Notrs, Draflu, AcMoWra, Gold, fir tct Red Hunk Note*. Eichansßon th»EM&rn Rod W«Um wum coasUntlj for rale. -j made in all the dUc* thrwfghoot the United Btate*. BeportU reoelrod in par funds crtum-nt paper, 5a , CT M> *j Cot _ lrt . rw b t**trccn Third and tvmrO h. v m * ' JAJL 8. uooa, ~ '*"" i ~.«.....TU05. BAQaUfT. HQOH & SABGEHT. BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS D!». M. CDESTB Of WOOI> * HITU BT&, KSTOBCBCII p*. KAEUiS in (W Back Note#, Ttaio m% Eoreifin afid Domcxttr Exchange, Certiorate* of BcpodU 4r °, n all principal citle* of suit nurckaivn. Current and par fund* racrfred on depaeiL made on all pan* of the CoLn, * Urn I OWI * t PATEICKB & FBIEHD. BAMCEKS AND EXCHANGE BEJIKEBS. Baa Bcaoad UuSr Offia toOu OmrrjofJyViaaut Ifbod ,ia PWn*BUfc£JH, Pi. ATRIOCS A FRIEND, Banker* and Exchange Broker*, and Dealers in Nates, Drafts, Acaeptuiees, Qoid Silver JST* on t2rsss^& e .CUl«tkmj made In all tbo rftfea thrcajbool ike Uoltod Sui«. Drjwdto in par fund* or corrcni ,t the corner of Fifth and Hcul Street*. , ffr)»3 • Dliaoladon, ~ ' .°*’ A WILK,NB * OG, iu tkil day boro Ji «* h J mutual cxmJvnL The bu*tn«» «Ui \» #rf £. r^S, r “ ral ■» •*■ ~5“ U ° r '■“'‘“i' •!»> furoWiKl to Ur*»or mall «m. ca Ha«a In WalM, SrolkaU m 7r»)..,5* ** DrcsteJ »* ILunborj; »r*d Froaitort. nHIf C S?' U mll<,, lD 111 P* rt ’ ° ! U» t'nltal SUIm QoU, SiJrcr and Sank Not** bomftf. «rfT»nM. rvetir* d 6/ t«r Kur CimfiT FtuC!*,Mfct J*U ca Tima Jtopotlt* *bo roreiml, *sfbed tn thi» Unw. frprT-lr sixes scows. ... ' —-— - - •— ’ *• c. crasiut . Brown*! Hotel, G*™r «/Sma &eU and Thud PMdmh Pb*n' Ba _ 4l * ttww-u-v. rtabUDs H'fcchnd tf> the Hou*c. „ . c*tera Exehance Iloi*l. itarkxi HVrf o/ /hoi Hjwire, nearly rrmasOe L\i Oniral cnrf n. r&j rZj / w rliSEEfilr *d?£* v i!J!J rhU3i *X' *"“ rUi •^ ,h « ,Uy ftblltl t _ _ Ow«on’i Kiohann, \ TO „I' f T ,S LXI ! 1 tTltm.-Thi, ha, u- I L ljT ’JaJwilpttd, tsttttl up In ttrla funiUhMt -ith U>. l»t of Llyuwts, id atTurd. An rxrrllent LUNCiI rrrpv d>* t 0 w bj r n ~ ~ (Janli) U JUiL übw” ” fL-sssxz; M szsssi c PATRICK A SON , Hotel. an>er of Wood anti Third anrU, Paubumh. ft.--, r „„T„ - " ® CAMPBKLU IWuSi | Hlf! ottWWua.BLli.rtaß cm. tau, th. fund. or . I now Proprietor, offcri matlndotomenu u> th. in...) «d jlto ft «Butar ! and luturr will U nmrtdnl In IU ««*«, and Z7r£l„, will b. tjmaod to malt. t£u lloUl a onmfcrtahto K ▼ho my etil thrrv [mylfrtfi W 8. CAMPBKLL, Proper, . , „ Uomc, CwTvr of RrurVi and GVon/ ttnrii Piikbumk ry».... X'aOTt U, “ ' ,IU S» “»* *»I1 known j i IOT “ I '’ I IUt l«n»rUn» Uoumjat thecomn- of i'uunti M d ln SflV tr " , 2’ ’ rh i Cb **“ re P**™l ul nowlT fitted Up In ill lblipartmoou, »uto gito • larg* and morn Ilirr ai •ounimodatico to traveller* sod boarder*. Hi* larrh** b« floral wlib iho mart choioe viands tb% market can rtlurri and hi* bar fumiihM with tbobuLlSwSdS. * P m«l6 Jr BOUfit “ of :^ ublk patronage. Wilkin. H«ii, .1 (KuLs AL rr l P lK «“n> in announcing u> hl» J.H U ” publfc “>at I'" l‘«* taken the ,bo“. ,p]e U . * nd ,* flcr erpenso Ins £JL It » delightful place of naort. 110 Is pcrteUy prenand to MTV. up u tho sliortrat notice every delicacy whichmay SdJow apP ' Ul ” ° f thc c f lcllr ” cr U>« Gmcy of the most , wUI *» ln «adltMss erery day at 1 o’clock. for any number of persona, commencing thlsday, duns 21st. par dee can be accommodated with Supper In the most rerfejriL manner. Oyitcm, Game, ic„ wIU bo fbnnd there ln tbetj "“J nn ’ ln * h " rt i, the Proprietor Intends that no expend >S.? It ■E5 re ? 10 I“** dll' already popular Houw tb* beet la tnc Weutoro country. Jo2lly St. Clair Hotel, _ . _ , (roaMuaT Tax rxcnxsax,) Comer of Penn and St Clair tU, ftttsburah. apaciou*, central, and conrenicaUj located HOTEL. X uftTing been completely remodelled and thorouabU ns UoiTortbe pte”' 1 ’ ol * n f ° r °™™*<** The subscriber, lessee and proprietor of tho St Clair Hotel roapectfullv informs hi* friends and tht public, that he has fumUhoditln thr moat elegant and comfortable style and employed competent aaaiatanU and altentire and fkitbrnt Bervante, and that he will fpare no exertion to tnako it eaual to any hou*e In the country. ™ Tho well known centred location or the Houso, and eonvo. nlence of Its arrnngementa, rendorlog It the moat desirable either to tia*elora or permanent boarders, Induces him to solicit and hope for a liberal share pf patrenafre *P rI3 ' w BENNETT. WaTMly Home, ~~ ~—- Diamond JJUy, ntar Mwt i Ural, pittibumh, Penn'a WILUAJI G. UALLAUItPH, toanuwi ■?**** .This Fashionable and popular >av RRSTAPRANTbasrocontly been f-j JjfflpHgSmSir flttoduplnactyleofelegancoun* ~T 3SBt surpassed by any similar estab- !*£“?“{? ti , < ’ WW the proprietor Li prepared u> fur nish hbfriendj and the pnbllo generally irtth ererr article usually found at such places. 3 AH of tbo delicacies of the season, in the nr rt r n 1 *»■> SOUPS, 4c., will bo serred up in the Tbo BAR Is supplied with LIQUORS of the hmnH« end the Penny iflnks «n much in rogue Mason, such as lHne Apple Gobbler*, Mint Julena. jmdHmtgee, *lll be tuned up InTie, th.Hil'pES^g LUNCH is sorrod up etary morning, at ll o'clock tn which the apodal attention of customers U solicited. [mylC a - »eat Inducement* to Cash PttrchM#,»« Tirß Trill uU oar large a lock of COMMON AND VAvrr VV CnAlßfl AND BEDSTEADS, at price a Dill to plfiaao cash purchasers. All our work Js srarraTvS? Oartermaare CASH. JAMES LOWn/j^*^ mar2i tor. Sovma anj LibcrtCA. Wboleiali and Retail. ~ SADDLE, HARNEBB AND’TRONK’IMKtTMrw.nc’ Robert u.-hartley, begs i an to inform his friends and the pnblic generally, thnt he fcQa oontinnes to occupy that large and amuhodlon. Store Boom, formerly occupied by Samuel fiRnJ *Sp®®K stock A C0,N0.«0, corner of Diimond Alley and TYnM where bakcepe a largo and gentry assortment of BaddW tonnfned tor £ll first rata’a-UdSatrery loum-f™ **'“ de- place, Remoral, n. pEmir. ... dt Ford, iUJMHCTT, OTT PA. * 1 a 1 » lowing- ' contain tho foi- Silk*, .. Aioinipn Per OxMe of Iron,!!. Lime, Magnesia, !!! Oxide of Uannuxune Water amiiSy ’ TUq Powdered Sample contAimvi (•* »>. i 100,00 10 1 £5 “* t °S e ' l ™:, TW” >“t jtew, S'fonX * nd mil ~ “er Oxide of Lron r ._ Silica and Alumina, Magnesia, ■Water and Low, Thia diUoronee I prramuc niUa from ,i,. i 0! ! J ’' ltl . v lug uniTona, Homo Mrtioni containl™ “* inor!d Bot bo ere. Th. arrival, Sho*,^ h r?^i n f 1 . 1 T 1n th *a oth durahls paint ’ i tl,id that h» V *\ , w '' *ultcd tor a pretty high boat, the color ii n ; n *‘' Ul< ’ !x; ' vjcsr by a comerWiotoTfiurrci “ Uch lm i ,ro '“ 1 . or «leLt JOSEPH UPPUfOOTT,. L * p (Si? 6 '®»'" s " s aSbT c - M™it RS bc°tw™*l| 1 ‘' i ß' , ; p - (wF short tlny> the «*> ««* ■P a v.* y .oek, and in s ESLS^SP^sSES toilS* „ entirely Mi Jufwsosr WtpWAUi 4 SROxhsb, BBANhON * THATCHEb! * cSm™^: ISAAC CEOMIE, ’ l*£sSSfißss|£«SlSi. In calling upon the aboro gentfemendbr thril'i?’ KATE, thryhllapokoia tho highest; tarm,,ofSirfrwS aature! ? ttet,aod%r %,S?% ai »lPf tte fire entirely ortho ihoiretefeu^tS^BmiAiTOKy > ♦ « v" f NEW YORK, Wood &• Grant* (iBOOERS, and Dealers is Teaa, Coffee. jL.Srs°’ * < r> *rrri2 CiSFIPID * FOWLEB, S ANI) GENTLEMEN’S OCT •toetVvvw vorS®* i°i? 62 Sroadaay, (near Warrra S, 1 ,?®” *° KK ; (f®- Stocka, Shirk, Bosomi and Col anCTJ^* to onter ’ at ‘ hart noti '*> and warranted to 4L heiit BiLL. . rLACI nimn bomuji. Mbai/l, black & CO , ~.l?.?0 0EasoIla to habodanq & C 0.,) AND IMPOBTEBS Or SILVER jd A /?, Y AICE ’ Dimmit, TVatcha, Jcw »OKK, south corner of Murray street, opposite the City au27:3m* TO w »“ter Good*l Emvs £ r trivYXS’J£f L 2 RS AyD clothiers. iS”"*"-*™ sygfKSSSS** RUFUB E. TAYLOR t CO., 52 Maiden N. T I Uh ®“P'“ Prlntin B Card. £, ’roar sissaaKsiseffiSw^ s?ws , S 3 ? , ' lfaref^'S €pHSHF®»- •^'■°’' k <“t«n«iuw x wait to Brogdvar r»«k Mnt% «»wk* °P Parlor* 04 which te£d to tawronanenus to the twt ccnSi«f »»*>* It Md, to Sl «.tS »tr JXJFf?? 1 ?*“ of amu^menti eiiog wi^heiTLnQjL^K? to AsrnLs tjT Ule 1-riiidn.J Ita? M*nSttn ™ s „ ** m as sssssgFfcS-i-tafs. Thoir «t r « r >u mJ 7 baitfe, cmbla u, ra to ££ r ° r ' iSa “'* ***** « th/toJSt^g made on conrijpfmonti oMwT'jSi Mui other merriiaDdizr ***' Maker** Stock aS* ‘ ,W>at P-U In CASH for .11 tin*, of ’^J'I’TMKTiS —1 bbl, for sale by —-4! Wi , B SMITH A SINCLAIR. .1- , “AaSKH COTTOs nisi i * TLf AXOTAcSSSI&i- P “ k * c - XTA lUnncr A. No. I he«Ty 4-1 ShmUnjj ■ r&£XCH (SomuolbLinD?*Jim iTt!4 seK>Clud >tDCk of Liquors, aU of whfch 7?* U™' u* other Uri pnnuiqo article*- He ful'f WKlfldiAll bo his duty racr &?OT *« marly. y tuxcud to hi* customers as for* tiWn**infek^ho'a>a > fbr£kh u 1 "* *?P n ”' c ' n "> l for rrc f“ral ' h “““ °, “*!*« Mod, and zqtB % . p FICKEISEN, No- 137 Liberty rtreeL For B»l. by wif MOHL rA « ''' OSTHBfw, r—■ Ft^®wv.' aj S. £5, ai, 1 r ra bbakdies, anr, D- m JAMES a. FIDLEB, 'WABE, r tc ♦J a strut, PHILADELPHIA. »a27ay» T?£TCHEB iS&D WARE, “* pnces “ » hld » StEine J 4 S, d l , sf i P tlo o. OANDLES, WHALEIiOSE, i£ Pim.ABELWIIA U ” e,r * 1 *' tWeen M “ k4t “ a - : &n27:lj* SS2ftsg tal toSS h„ „? »WUn x th« cut nreiiri °f *' *» a™ of Lecd. 4 Philadelphia, March 23^1850. /ajie3 a. juso.v .... txavp JA S, ES '*’• HAsoa*caT JCISEL H NEW okamib- Wdeso, ™ia, 4™ £££&££r Arch fiula: quail nnm&Oma vuramtal of raperio? aaS&Gia tSAAC K. sTAtiwEatiHiitr aism &™sg£i^SttisassM “ d PWq wto4^-"« - Repairing promptly attended to. *° order - -Mao. Eeod Blind., Buff m£o£^ aut£CT “? hMduad ftxz27:4m Kcw-York. *gp2l^rn Spirita of Turpentins; £**.' Mtrhj w Alcohol; ftlraiQg RttU; . K&SSsIHSSps -g«a=“i£is<- g; t- OOTor Chwtnnt and Second «t. gfe. ' *AJH.T ROWi_. m. £’j!~hY iiowi? — tcuu *• lawt - w ß ?i°i 0 w J b N P, WOOUEfi ware STORE, Thlni stnc ‘’ .rim Boor, JsaowSco,’ 5?bES£ »SS2i2£ *-*-■*»% 600 nests Wash Tabs/ 600 nests Willow Baskets, N n^J 00 dot *od Scrubbing Broshes. -i^tayss& ota,, “‘Ss.»-*sia«b.tat • j I bbitahbu wake maotfactusj^s Hatter oursolrcs not to bebea* In material—oa »o in put. wnrirti of ,m^^£ l ?^ t ' ri!a guw; Tumblm; HteSi "wlthp'L’- I fe& r £»»«: Bed Pou; Slop Bowl,- SuctTbowS.SibS* ai Tea *|s; a, SX*» above Second, PHILADELPHIA, °* QUAKJty N B-—Thn subscriber * lIOLiI ES. , die Xlonldn, Syrinxes. nanaes to mnnnfactnreC&p. »«•» f bUSfsfTSa u* -w «hloh I would call the special Slf't.S.' 0 t "" 1 I » aat &f u “‘“'JSg p.-., TO THE THAVEUKG FBBIia r PHK sulSrihShUii‘72toiT , lcSm? jso^*r D*y -1 FIUSKLIN IlOnSfoS, I tau I fSS!.L P J!S!! eto ' of “« end Fourth, «m.ADKU.uTi “,,r t f Mt ! between Third Prieo of baud to ttß «hujdin s thlsreUucti! ) a!liiiiSl«itto»i?i !lW O'* l - notwith claw House. ■ * continue to keep. * fljjt s^&sssnr I"** 1 "** «w ror the reception afvWt£,, Tie eupied byttorthi, «*»<■«/» epeetou., Roeentkm Room. GerdW,. .SL I ““tei,forming a Koran, thereby ellotring 5 tidditLnor "«TenU beautiful parlor*. ctamberT«d Room* of thie Hotol erei^perii rtrncted With .Wes, toE wS'&S toeheU, well-lighted end vriS S--- * pn-vwd, either for busincM o?“l«Sure™° loration L ' mwn- Hil.v. a \VOGL_\uj,-, P«|Hotor^ M. Al.L^l OXb. tiit ihcr hVv O A i ?l' nd -'' “ d ‘h»paUlcgen<>£u],- aervodlvi nnrm»«7w 0,8 al £ v ? named well known and fde tirolr NewFnilStJ 1 taTe fltted °P with eq- TheHnnw.' 21111 * superior quality neT wbfcWnS£ and InanL* uT.v VT 111 co ®pa» farorsblr with the fii*t2a« t££s2 With the purest and best Liquors. bar Nothing (In short) shall M l*f« undone comfortable, and the UroprLtore flatter thaiSSrJJf ♦v° a f t 3 strict attention to business, they will m o *4» '"f** that by ’ibcral Bbars of * 1 an2s^m CITY FURSTTjms, IN .EFPPV CtnnprijtaglouHXlYSmljXV YU,«\Jil ri ' l ‘ l r Antique All of SaDerv?fti , ( s^ o r ood tndWfe And finished In the bat ?§£ S^w 611011 * ? * «uaa^,tl»GoStf2SE^hSs lrtweaUta « ** \ ™u>ri San £*ms&^ t meansafli^artfcka'h?^! 000 “t»Mislmleat; br«ileh : * t 2£i s *** doTJo nD i"i \‘ J : \ jV* ".i. ">"-74-^ PHILADELPHIA., W MASDKWV IIAVT|> COQPRH. ~ r^ 05 VT?SSa S i. IIEI SP H^r ,T ’ 1110 ral ° of FISH, PEO pTrrA yl *»^ o Ifarl/i Wharves,‘ PHLL _' l^A g |! ° tE *P r e«Btoo Barton Paricrtn. .noiw I' . ' JOS. PATTEHSOS. JR,, S&H? 2 m _ LIQUORS? WINES, i r .J~, *•> 35 Noun Ekxjsd mm. pmr VERSOS HOUSE, . SECOND Sir, ABOVE JBCB, VHTT,ATtI>T.T>mi. ■SS-TWm. ™' OLD N. BMHH, ftoprfctai. Terma, One Dollar per Day. .... a^T-Ty* -r.t ; . 4 \.■ .. . ... f 'j r jj. ***** * U jgas^^gstSg3a%gggg|ji&%garaß^t^j|lg^gjBS%^if!g^ . \ j-- PHILAD£LPHfr^~- • ;-•»•- -•• —. ■ r —•*• ■:■■•. -• **wactBa • v-- - : as cSUg . - Tm«aw~ ['*♦#■ TrobaginpT*/* ■•* ••**- —**.«~*. -raori eoacsAT&. : Wi , IfCtc, eu h-V‘tattti, fcnbreidergi snd pljJn ' “(W *“ e ? nt - liM ta‘|%,^L p . nit:iiSse •> least Goodjs neatly T.ack^*r>TT^ A7tWsar S i3 * - r sttentitajpaH tolas. - cumemm? 5 'T IceJtoi RertfcuJar mar24aUy Sol^br£S£ MsjSs; '-^k?^^'^ S ' ilittrX> * 3»'.hct^°’''^SiSS?^g °* Ea OCHA!TEIiE S : E a i , ■ ' cf tog*» Tii: CJrtojoa sad: {j*miZ rsSE?^ G Curtain Haag- tioamisold successful pW^SsS/'i^fC ?“>=<«* half a tgatmv. TrinKo?/xv^feF^V^bgrg jbnsmHr publioiat dSkTrea^^er£™ £*l«i anew, interest added. -•.. . >rtfies, r or dt^-accept ■Sfen.- ,Hft*hr -Sf'Woxifce;, WomoTfsg jgr filtli u af cS? CWst CJarti, where miranij ?Sm^, ta!lte, » lt ' /£» ife^aSL^ fcp^^o^Sl^S’ Kw .WexehreU oblins as ta tha Xnlted StSeTS- " manufacture or Import -. ,;*?**« petes fot irhit-tredoaot " BOjSKSa *- BiS I-T"A-y.3f;--... Si “W *7> ofitte best qn^ f to^t7.S??is ll ' )r to Tea-Set«j * - Co£&e Pots. _;: Tea Pots, - cogat • “‘rKleheS . - Batt3Jogw x . T Mint Jafcp Carat.’' asjT*^' 5a25,-6ni«j j WintCT oa, _ — .. mujler & Ricmwsm? J • -cet^ T«aii«^jgggSsSES». ttjdlo-irork wbife to tea or air fcna is ruined - and ' u T~wT.f 3 f Haar a lalmfacoS "amMtan l VKiWiK. j:.-. "‘S‘ Ami , and tm met Trith lafeyteteatoia- r*.n ~ IIO Martrt v John £ W a rery larjs and entlre]y n e^^s^\s *f 'rSSTpgS^ iSISiS 20^ : . "■'■ *VaU2tl> - Si : - ' : » EwJtonfi •-- Rnl i Ti B!l!5 da; i a rasa style*; ,<3 i f O-8 BaE!e3 > 0f dilTereht ieyj-^ijf HBeilP**"*"- ■ f . o&a 'Kic“ :iT? " :'. oSSSSte •*•*»*& *£ ;H -: K SotolS?BhS2!?; ° r ’, Tbo *«* Eamert. W«ydoiniii Ca^ 1 - u . n Sl'Jf Ihe BakSKmny.'*. „MLKaS— KitioniJ onj EilnSoir. ' ‘ ssstssss??^ 'T’HIS hkSffii*?, 1 ?' I "®* Open; sijUNGs^HOTlaf. llwiti »detcrai4iinioDto P Jc«/« Sfhj, <3f , ££“ o *j , feptecesk i thd'|STOg ttin linovratef'.. sxcK. VR in i. “ootu* Uook»'i - . jJ British ’, - PWnaiitlona of Um Poets; Bk^AlsSlL iT £'°®‘ 1 - “£-• ■ Rve; SunaT Skle * i7 n ,»,». v., OC*--A.phtbti8 i ftm 3So_- _; n °rfd; Home Spirtt • and Child at Hama; OUin-« Work*; Cosies, t Sii?SLj£-?“ lw ¥ , »'" i *i'»•'' Klrwin; lir o ofehna: fo»& Homs^hr ’-• lazcojtge; VfoaacrfoJ “ Onmaar of the EnrihS? t*jlts; Cooper's Xurirfeid'nirtl™. ’ andOnecns; At,- , or Bettf sSaPtSSto XB» «n; Johnson’s Work*- JlSfeiw ra^ d: Boswell’* John- -' «io; Farmer's Di-Srellw““."“oßert Receipts i.Jlilit’lo-:-;' phus; 11. ’ Beals, Puritans; EoUia: Joso -Mothers, ’ 1 ot V !rs *° Youne Ladle** »*.> 1 Troßd«rsrf > xJ2re : j£S^'tSS? t ßi,v“ l isf^’ ort ’ r “ u S *' Scenes and Thcoe!** Hcbg Beamtr** J Chsrlotto W kfSj£SS^ !^SSif r Sf loes ’^Sf g™® Stone, and to I? : vri„ chop tmHHW* Koipa 15c i Jlronai; Phyrioto' of Infiueoco—by atft£r°ctf vs^^~^'^P ^ur a* liters ef fflfth. Tfc.a»>; a .«d t? m> . Womauj'Beg-*' •2tonr; Scrap fcaoy XtoyirAciexjeah * Bo6toa cOlticm■ b>lfcn^ ■ HesaJts of th? W-jfo pif S?. s -- £aj ? h V** ot; Art; Younr AmJbjHf «Uhlt:ca; Auncat iifmta?* tad land* Abroad s.Jlrst lniprc.vipas of oeditkinoT£vkrtXn>r SPJ^ s ”’ * po< * of > /I * K* trie ly . 3UTEOS * AUNEW, ‘' • > TO=U I i 55 Jltcket atiostfheoT Fotatln : ' : s?' * •f-i “% < ~ r { ;; S . -fl Sopp Ladles, - OniTjrX*ulw. T-- 2° tie Spoons, - ~; Teaspoons, .■'.: s<-'Jr i CgndleaKcVa t Flnfrl Lamps ■ Qttlf •-•.-••.•=-- Coaummim ierri» stta, fe. .:- ..