V>7s Zrjtfi r 'uVx %ti ?*,." \v' ‘ f > a • '. +-r 4 “t : ‘, ' : ■-v«-''V - ; ': ? ,r ;'.-:rjj ; -\ • - ; ; *‘ * " —- r ‘ V*" • l v^v^v4t^*'*S^ c v* * ’?*Avu* T "jtf i - *»., ; 4 **> v v *\ ? j *c i* \ , * * 7 K s J* 4 Sr vJStifeS&f frQ&jvitk*.*stv£#A, '&,*-- I t*f~*Lr* fritA i s £«v i . Jin gigy tm&SSSSK l£M9Bsji Mmm mhM* <&&f&B@g6 *mmmm WmlMMtMm Hi ■j||M( |WK»j9! aaißaßw^^Bß^g fltfMMfjMptfP , ' W? V «• *«'r-*/*i*V>* * , ,V*s • 3? * < * ~*•'. - * < e .*■ 1 . -• >~' “ w f ■» .■£ *■ - - \ IH|tf :^ia|pr-fP?::s |S:^ ;t ;-,. ■: ■ ..■ : .: - ~ *,. Jl<"? .sd , tt*h , t .* 'i-< ‘%X?->'H-r- ,:? >4.' -r. • sis ft® SIT 9IABBIBO DAftGBTEB* M? ntarrlod daughter could youfcce, 4*jai fluro yoa would bo struck: My daughters oil aro charming girl**, ftfwmQthere hate such luck. My .eldest thUd-** All hearts by magic wins; And myvwainrf so reliables her, Most peoples thmk theDi twins! My married daughter spoils her spouse, Sho’s quite a pattern wife; And ho adores hoc-—woU ho mer Tow men lead rodt a Ufa ; • She uo’er hod landed mortal man, Till hofcad wonherhoart; And mr &amd darling’s jnsltho same, They're seldom known apart Oft has pressed my htmti f . . While tears wot© In hla oyes, 1.. .. said,.** Ton brought my Sasan up— — •*. with yotfthe credit UosT* To makeJhejra domestic, wife, ■ t • X owaifas oll'iny aim* , « '~ T /t :.Au&ifcy?4fcoadfedome?tic, too— >My system. was-theiauae- » Now, da j'oujcnotr, 3?ro often .thpnght, * - r ' Hie &ttrfTrf tho tffo>. '.... ■. [StaV marriodsol may speak out J WoulliUst bare suited yoa/ i-.;/* j-.:vr»-': YounoversawherMiow shall I . - -My.oldostgfAportrajf. , oh! my Mood is bcrcotmterpart, Ami Asr>youTl meettoday. *•*" ■ '■ V.■ "i\ "j. i * M *r“.T?*"* 0 WHO HUBBESED DOWHIBi I*' 1 *' ! . ', A .,;A,bbattheend of the eighteenth coutary,iwhjih ever.any student of tbQ'Marischol College, Abbr -• ; deen,' incurred the displeasnre’ot the humbler ' citizens, ho was , assailed with. the question, . “Who murderedDownio? Reply and rejoln ; dor. • generally brought. on? a, collision- bewson. • “ town 5 and gown,” although 'the' young gentle, , men were accused of what was. chronologically .impossible., People havAa right,to berragryl at 'll,', '.being -stigoiatixed. as.; murderers;!' when their ,»- aoouaerrhave probability on their aide j but the . * "taking off ” of Downie occurred when toe., gownsmen',.;.ao\m’aiigned, were'in swaddlngclo - But there was a .timeij when to be branded ins, ill' miuooompließ in the slaughter oSHßiohord Down, ie, made his bioqd ran to the cheek of many a youth, and sent him home to his boohs, though t fed and SUbdued. I .DoWniewas saoriat or janitor . '."atlMarisohal CoUega. , One of-his daties oon ejste’d in securing the goto by a certain hour; previous to which all the students bad to asseip '- hie in the common hall, whero a Latin prayer was delivered by the principal. Whether, in discharging this {Unction, Downio was more rigid than his predecessor in of&ce, or whether he be • ‘caine stricter in the performance of it at poo time than another, cannot now be ascertained; , bnt there can he ho donbt that he closed the gate ; with austere punctuality, nnd that thoso who were not in, the common hail.within a minute of •tite prescribed .time, were shot out, ntid were of-’ ; tenrards reprimanded and fined by tbe principal null professors. The students became irritated , at .this Strictness, and took every petty means of • annoying the janitor : he, in his turn, applied the screw at other points of academic routine, andafiereewar. soon began to rage between the' collegians and the humble fnnotionary. Downie • took?care’ that in all 'his proceedings he kept Within the'strict letter of the'law; but his op . ponents were not so careful, and the decisions of • the,rulers were;uniformly against them, and in favbr of, Downie. Reprimands and fines having failed in'producing due subordination, ruatica , tion, suspension, and oven the extreme sentence of expulsion, had to bo put in force; and, in the'end, law and ordor prevailed. But a secret and dcadly grudge continued to be entertained against Downio. Various scheme of revenge ' ■were'tiioughtof. ■/] Downie was, in common > with teachers and students, enjoying the leisure of the short New Year's vacation—the pleasure being.,no. doubt greatly enhanced by the annoyances to which he had been subjected daring the recent bickerings - —when, ns he was one evening, seated with his family in his ofScial residence, a messenger in formed him toot a gentleman ntaneighboring . hotel wished to speak .with him, Downio obeyed the stimmons, and was ushered from ono room into another, till at length he found himself in a - .large apartment hung with-black, and lighted by asolitarycandle. After waiting for some time in the str.uigo place, about fifty figures also . dressed in black, and with black masks on their , faces,-presented themselves. They arranged „ themselves in the form of a court, and Downie, pale with terror, wns given to understand ho was about to be put on his trial. Ajudge took his seat on the bench; a clerk and. public,.prosecutor. sat below; a jury was empanelled in front; and witnesses and specta tors stood around. Downie at first set. down the •whole affair as a Joke; but the proceedings were conducted with each persistent gravity that, in spite.of himself, ’he began to believe in the gen uine mission of tho awful tribunal. The clerk l Wad an indictment, charging him with conspiring against toe liberties of toe students; witnesses were examined in due form, the pubUa prosecu tor addressed the jury, and toe indge snmmed up. “Gentlemen,” said Dowoio, “ the joke has been carried far enough—lt is getting late, and my wife and family will bo getting anxious üboot me ' If I haviTbeentao strict-with-yon in timo past, am sorry for it, and I assure yon I will take more carein fature.” “Gentlemen of thejftry,” said tho judge, with out paying the slightest attention to this appeal, “considsr your verdict; and if yon wish to re tire, do so.” 1 The jury retired. During their absence the 1 most profound silence was observed; and ex-: oept renewing tho solitary candle that burned: beside the judge, there was not tho slightest :: movement The jury returned and recorded averdiet of “Guilty.” The judge solemnly assumed a huge black cap and addressed the prisoher. “ Richard Do.Wnlei The jury. have unani mously found you guilty of conspiring against the just liberties and immunities of the students of Marisohal College. You' have wantonly pro voked .and insulted those inoffensive lieges for some months, and yonr punishment will assured ly be condign. You must prepare for-death, In fifteen minutes the sentence of the court wlH'be carried into effect.” s . Tho judge placed his watch.an the bench’ - A block, an axe, and a bag of saw-dnst, were brought into tho centre of the roam. A figure more terrible than any that bad yet appeared, came forward anj prepared to act the put of the doomster. It was now past midnight; there was no sound audible, save the omimous ticking of the judge’s watch. Downie became more and more alarm ed. ■ “ For my eako, gentlemen,” said the terrified man, “let me homo. I promiso that you never again shall havo cause for complaint.” “Richard Downlo,” remarked the judge, “you are vainly waisting the few moments that are left you on earth. You are in tbehanda of tUoso who mast have yonr life. No haman power can savß you. Attempt to utter one ory, and you are seized and your, doom completed before you can utter another. Every one here present has swoinm: solemn-Oath never to reveal the proceed ings of this night; they are known to none bat ourselves; and when the object for which we h*ye met Is accomplished, we Bhaii disperse un known to any one. Prepare, then, for death; the other five 1 minutes will be allowed, but no more.”:. £he unfortunate man, in an agony of deadly terror/ raved and shrieked for mercy; but the avengers paid no heed to his cries.; His fevered, trembUngiips than moved as if in silent prayer; forhe-feltthattho brief, space between him and eternity was but a few more tickings of that otninious watch. “ Now 1 ’’ exeloimed the jndge. ikinr persons steppod forworn and seized Down ie features a cold clammy sfrent bad burst forth. They bared bis neck, and made him kneel before the block. “ Strike I ” exclaimed the judge. ■ The: executioner struck the axe on the floor; an assistant on the opposito side lifted-at the same moment a wet towel, and struok it across the neok of the recumbent criminal A loud langh announced that the joke had at last come to on end. But Downie responded not to the uproarious merriment; theylahghed again; but still bo moved not; they lifted him—and Dowaio was dead! Jisright had killed-bim as effectually as if the axe of a real beadsman had severed his head from his body. .. / . It was a tragedy to all.' • Themedicalstudents tried to open a rein, but all was now.over; and: the conspirators bad to bethiak themselves*of safety.* They , now in - reality swore an 'oath ‘ among and the affrighted young ’men;* carrying' their disguises with them,' left the body of Downie. lying in the. hotel,, On? of the number told the landlord that their en tertainment was not yet,over, .and that they did not- wisfc to . be* disturbed for some hours.— This was to'give them atl timo.tp.make their esr cape. " Next morning the body was found. Judicial inquiry >asJnStitnted,but,no satisfactory result ■, eould be arrived at The oorpse of poor Downie exhibited no mark of violence internal or extar- J nafv- ThS ill-will between him and thustudents ' wnsiknown ; it waa also knawn that the students had hired apartments' at the hotel for a theatri caTreprwantatiou. Downie hod been sen tf or by theraydmt beyond thisaothieg wna known;'. No noise dma been htard, and . nq proof, of Border Coaldboadduced. Of 200 a indents at the college, who could point out the guilty oraospeotedfifty ? Moreover, 4 the atadenta scattered orfer the city, and the magistrates themselves had many of their nwn families amongst the munher, and'it was not desirable go into the affair tod Downie?a widow and family .were, provided for— ahd his alanghter remained’a mystery; until, about fifteehiyears lifter its occurrence, a gentle* man onhisdoath*bed dlsolosed thewholepartio* dlare, and avowed himself to have -belongod to the obnoxious class of students who murdered Downio. - Mqftimning kt EAEPza •*•••••••*. pnnjips Harpor & Phillips.Eaitors & Proprietors. • i PITTSBURGH: MONDAY, MOBNIKG:n4::;!::]^:NOTEMBER 8 * S« JL tomcitL * whoare prompt, hon gentlemanly in thotr tmataafr. transactions, ore tho agents. in tho cities of Now York and Boston for .the v Thsy-/,aro authorized to receive Ad* ,vnrusodjhnt4' for us at our usual rates. Their offices are at ' NEW xuRK, 122 Nassau street. .. BOSTON,- 10 State street. 1 . .oasßaiMi—Mi———ii THANKSGIVING DAY! BBf ' ' • la fo&mriwrtpcalih of Po^ WILLUn BIGLEB, GOVERNOR.#THE SAID COMMONWEALTH. ! ..... /r : :a' , . TiXlow CrnzcrsirrTho'Almighty, and mettdftilGod has eoutinaM Mls'guardia&smpoverourOommohweMthduHng thayearthatlspaat Esceptiuaslnglo community,-which claims our. sympathies*.“thojpestllence walketh in darkness,'atuKho' destruction that -wasteth at noonday,” havenot had His leavo to smite. - Health has generally preyed. - Tbetdmultof intorual strifehashot been heard. Unexampled prosperity ftai attendedthe peawfal pursuits > Him nur thanks are dac>- .r- /• x . Under this solemn conviction, and inub&ibnnlty with the wiahisof manygood citizens, I, WttLr.ol Biotxn, Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, do hereby appoint ; TIIURSDAY,£A Sato.—The Buffalo Courier, a sterling Domocratiepaper says, “in'View of the there* 4ht election itis really a matter of surprise that the Whigs should any longer think of going on siaparty.” 1 • Voar colleaguo. WJI. BOTIIACSEE. ■' The rote stood, for Scott, 1032; for Pierce, 858. Scott’s majority, 174. A largo Democratic gain. The following was the result of the election In tho various wards compared with that of 1848 - ■ 1888 . 1848-^ Boott Pierce Taylor Cua let Ward 430 907 473 604 2d ~.289 806 867 654 3d “ 710 789 667 601 4th “ .............62i 612 736 460 6th *• 884 898 866 880 6th “ 457 691 657 629 7th “ 410 827 407 627 Bth “ 420 1020 416 780 9th *■ 316 498 609 697 10th “ 426 386 662 306 Hth “ 689 603 659 448 12th “ 640 671 667 675 18th “ 484 337 688 826 14th “ 667 637 601 398 16th *• ...028 719 744 681 16th •• ~.368 669 418 420 17th “ 276 936 866 669 18th “ 886 1486 694 892 19th. “ 469 797 466 678 •20th «. 884 768 816 478 Mr. Hale (Free Soil) received 4 votes In the sth ward, 8 in the 6th, 2in the Uth, 2 in the 18th, 1 in the 14th, 2 in the 16th, 6 in the 18th, 4mthel9th, ondlinthe 20th; total, 25 In ,1848, Mr. Van Buron (Free Soil) received 72 votes in - the oity. Total camber of votes pollod, 28,628. The number polled for President in 1848 was 21,681, and for Mayor at the late election, 21,768- In crease since tho last Presidential aleetion 2,092, and since tho Mayor’s election 1,856. ■ A Boston Miluonake. —Tho Boston Mail states that the yearly inoomo of a cortain rioh citiien of that town would bay twelve hundred farms. His income—six per cent on his entire wealth—wonld amount, daily, to more than tho wages of two hundrod hard working men. His Wages wonld buy a bottle of Schneider or a pair of boots every three minutes. Every breath the old man takes is worth another mneponce. His enormous oapitn! commands the toil of one thou sand laborers and mechanics yearly to pay the Interest. i E®»Lord Qadsby, over the entranoe of a beautifal grotto, had caused this inscription to he placed, “ Let nothing enter here but what is good;’ 1 Dr. Beanel, tho master of tho temple, who was walking over tho ground, with much point asked, “ Then, whero does your lordship enter?"' - : jggy» It has been remarked that ladies have generally a great fear of lightning and this has been superficially asoribed to their natural timi dity ; hut the truth is, that it arises from their consciousness of being attractive. • 82?* A western paper,-in describing the effect of a severe thunder storm, Bays: “A cow was strack by lightning and instantly killed, belong ing -tothevillage physician, who had a beautiful oalffourctayßfld," ~- u;:.;:4;i•.' ; PESNBTI. VASIA HETCBSS. . Item, ofHew aad Ifißoenany. i stated Z S , e0Wltl “ ° f . th . e A <=<**«"* *•' been "taken in Philadelphia, by leper to build four propeller steamship* Jnat w£ OarionX How on hW own account upon epee- SZ° f “StorvaKon among. : A order was forwarded from New York, four * fo - E;i Und r „ botte eao ° n ’ *** tead “ gft# and the ateamerPadfio brought, the artiola last relorna from this noble ooonty: Saturday. ' --!*&»». • aojtotaw* for building the Cincinnati and ships in this county (Clarion) are all in buttwo, "ay^PphertLin o Railroad has been awarded Democratid majority so far 1209; the two town- win eastern' company for $1,710,000, including tohear from will make tee majority about the runing stock; The ; work is to be Completed 1400. The day was very inclement, raining from ?*, - , i .? ; ry ■ morning till night; hid the day been good; we -.« a months; *j- \ ; : ,• * r WonlcLhave. got ihairgun, . The rote .we think - of.NoTember r the Centennial An will not neat reach that given last fall for Gov«» niTersary of the lnitiatiou-of George Washington 'ssiissszg* sasr'.r ”*?**■■* • W. M. A. orolly celebrated by the Fraternity throughout the Union. . ' . j The Halted States nr majority wttl bo over 1400, you may send us np that big gnn;— Tell Messrs. Black & Snowden'that little Clarion has givon Gen. Bcott a terrible “fire in the rear.” Judge Myers and Amos hare got the bines—most awfully, . Respectfully yours in Caste. „ . Armstrong county'.cbmes in as follows: : f 1 Kittannlng. Nor. 4th, 1852 GbStiiEhss :—I have jnßt time to say to yon before the mall closeS & Eng bars a mqjority in this eonnty orer Beott& Graham of abont 830 or 40 as reported. Yours, &o.» 1 ' B. O. Old Berks!— Well, what of her? Why hero she comes rolling on tho Ball for Pierce and Eng, withamajority of 45181 The extra from tho office of the Beading Press says, “the oppo sition were met and vanquished by tho Demos raoy in breiy quarter, and rictory streams in light npou our banners. The following aro tho returns os brought to tis bythe messengers, and may be set down as official:” Pierce's majority. Crawford eonnty is next announced with a ma jority of 700. This is a giorions rictory. Washington poontygires a msjority for Pierce of about 250. This county, if onr .memory serves os rightly, gave about this mqjority for Taylor, in 1848. ELECTION NEWS. Wo give below the various items of election news brought to ns by our exchanges.' The fol lowing ia the rote in New Yssfcb city, by words, compared with that of 1648: ISM. IMS. ' , Svott Vlerar. T»jdor. C»ol V«.n !*• «»nl WO IHO 1077 7ll 5769 2298 1445 401 lsth >; .3....L533 2887 1430 MS 255 19th *< _J.JODS 1235 total from 12th want 29th “ 079 1805 “ 10th " Total. -SOM 34.115 29,067 ISAM 3,100 Mora owr Scott Tqrlor over Cans 10J76. The following Democrats were elected to Con gress, from the city: Hiram Walbridge, Mike Waisb, Wm. M. Tweed, John Wheeler, Wa. A. Walker, Franois B. Catting. The entire Democratic ticket for city officers was elected, with one exception. Jacob Wester wlt Was elected Mayor, and John Owen Sheriff, by large majorities. ' The Totowaaas follows: - ' - 1 ..'m i • Scott- , Ptercf, . Okie. Ist Ward...,,.,,... 888 460 182 2 ■■ i : The tori Lieutenant of Ireland, Lord Egffn ton, has sent £6O to the persons who were ins tru jhental in rescuing the passengers and crow, of the ship Bhartpore, wrecked recently oh the coast of Ireland. ; ■ a ; -i The parties apprehended In Ireland, on a charge of murdering o-soldier of the 81st regiment, hare beenliberated on their own rpoognizances,. the affair haring dwindled down to a simple brawl, ''/v ■ ■ Daniel Merrill, a Bevojntionary Boldler, 91 years of age, died at jdollis, N. H., on the 25th ult. He was one of the Life Guard of Benedict- Arnold, just before the treason of that arch-. traitor. ’ The journal of Organio and Medical Chemis try Is out ogalnst pork, and defies all hog-eat ers, chemists, and physiologists to prove that hogs flesh is a healthy article of diet; General Don Carlos de Alvcar, Envoy Extra ordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the Argentine Bepublis'near this Government, died in New York on Tuesday, i Miss Shannon,- a young lady, was killed In Philadelphia, on Tuesday;: by falling from the fourth story of her boarding-house. Leroy Barney, a respected clliien of Buffalo, while trying, to jump on a train of cars, at Nia gara, on Sunday evening, was run over and killed. 9,827 4,809 Bev. Charles Hartwell and family called from Now 1 ork" yesterday for China, missionaries of the American board at Hong Kong. Beten persons, including three printers, left Cincinnati this week for Australia. Tho Philadelphia papers record the death of Capt, John Green. Tho steamer Oaeco sailed from New York on Monday for Australia, with 160 passengers, chiefly Canadians. There are now no less than eight vessels at Now York np for Port Philip, to soil all In tho course of the month. Thos. Lippencott, a young man now lying at the Commercial Hospital,! Cincinnati, has In jured one of his feet to such an extent, by the practice of wearing tight boots, that it is neces sary to have it amputated. ; We have received the Valparaiso Beporterto Sept. 14. Oo the ISth tho 42d anniversary of the independence of Chili was to bo Miebratcd with the usual pomp, which marks the d»y in distinction from any holyday in that country.— The vastly improvod oondition of tho republic since the last anniversary affords now occasions for gratulation and rejoicing. The Valparaiso and Santiago railroad was to bo begun on the Ist of Ootobcr. There had been transported on the Copiapo railroad since Us opening; a period of eight months, 20,- 603 persona The Bodgetof 1851 showed a retenoo of $4,- 428,907, and an expenditure of $4,712,147, leav ing a deficit, occasioned by the extraordinary expenditures of the year, of $285,240. This was more than covered by the surplus in the treasu ry-fit thoelcso of-thflryocedinff vear. enue rortheTffsfltalff cT-the eurrtnt year exeeed-i cd that of the same period of last year by $583 There was coined at the Chilian mint in 1851 gold to the amount of 22,406 marks, $3,800:119; silver 1,368 mark5,.517,930; and copper 20 quintals, $l,OOO. ‘ The prodnets of tho - brineral regions whloh S?l d^ port dotic » in tha year 1851 were, sliver 856,220 marks at $9; $3,107,433; copper, 159,- 289 quintals at $l3, $2,070,107, and ores 486,- 160, ® 27B » lB7 “ m ahiug a total of There was a prospect of an abundant crop tho ensuing season. *. Tho steamer Lima arrived on the 14th, brine tog 240 passengers and $201,000 to specie Coinage at tbe Mint for October, 1802. G00n—142,062 double eag1e5..—.52,841,240 P 8 * 186,000 28,210 half eagles.;.;..;.;. 116,050 ' 142,036 quarter eagles 356,090 173,046 gold dollars.... 178,046 498,964 pieces..,.,— ......$3,606,026 Silveb.— l4,ooo half dollars: - $7,000 80,600 quarter dollars..,. 7.650 200,000 dimes ...;. 20.000 106,000; half dime 5.......... 6,800 2,666,800' three eent pieocs.. 80,004 8,616,854 p1c0e5..,.. *..53,785,980 CorpHn—l2l,26o cents.....;.j^2l2 8,637,614 cents $8,787,192 Gold bullion deposited for coinage in October. From California .'..54,065,000 From other sources 76,000 Cbuifaone.—The average quantity of man lno champagne annually produced Is said to ox cced nrky millions of bottles! a quantity, or, quite insufficient to meet! the; public demand, oa the groat number Of establiehments for tiro protection of epurious ohadtoagne attest I have' heard it statcd on good authority, that in one es tablishment alone upwards Of‘ 600,000 bottles of so-called champagne, mode principally from the etooke of rhubarki are ammaHy sold: Some idea may bo formed of the relative consumption -of real ohampagne by diffcrentcountries from the following return of the sales In 1848 of the De partment of the Marne.- The totßl quantity amounted to 2,689,000 bottleK, which were thus distributed: England andßritish India, 467.000- Snsaia and Poland, 602,000 Germany, inolud tng Prussia and the Austrian dominions, 439,000- JfS, lt nna Btl i ,e 8 of An >«riea and the West Indies! 400,000; Italy 60,000; Bolgibm 66,000; Holl lono, 80,000; Sweden and Denmark. 80 000* Switterland, 80,000; ■ South America 30,000 ’ Spaiu and Portugal, 20,000; Turkey, 6,000; and Fronoo, 620,000 bottles,—2/tj. iG'tutUft Corra. ptmdcnce. . . J , Dunn, whom Eraßmns-calloS the wonder of France, woe a thoroughly absent man. One day Jus domestic broke into his study with the intel ligence that Mb houBp was on file. “Go inform my wife,” said be, .‘jyon know I do not interfere In household affaire !” J A Scotch PobtuUl Economist being asked the meaning of metaphysics, explained it ns fol lows . “When a patty who listens dinnaien what the party who speaks means, and the party who speakß dinna ken-what he meads himself— that is metaphysics:” *■ **■ ■•■■■■ •• Ohe of tub Jiqar Important female qualities is Bweetness of tttnpgr. Heaven did not rive to women insinuation and persuasion in order to be imperious; it did not give them a sweet voice to be employed in scolding. ■< ■ XiOvb is ■ like .a -hunter, who cares not for the game when once caught, which;he. may-have pursued with the moßt breathless and intense eagerness.- levels strongestiapnrsuit; friend skip in possession*— Emerson, It is Ussuisa; to look forward to'a future slate °* Prosperity, if the present bo not occupied to wpl laying--up the foundation ’-of it Many cling to a distant hope, and ittfwti progressive certainty. . r-•, i . * „ - ‘-V: '-A,- ’ V Prom Chill, t $4,140,000 /. -wT - .-i."j. * i!.. ■: .--ii ■ - f - -iO'-V* 'f- "-t *, ’ >■ .t ‘ ~ 1 1 ‘ it" IsJ ’» „*V« ' ‘ V‘ 1 *--- •«•> * 4v> i>.. , v.t - .>,-«-‘- H . -u •-. t ..v JC@*'Xongfelloir , 8 Unefljtb a eeason&biofrealmesS about ihemj ■which ereiy body wiU.relißb, as they .read. . Thoa_ comas^itrfama! heralded by -t£&\ Jv-.'v?*-' *■ .with bannersby greatgaleslncessantfimnad, brighter thflu.the brightcsttflka of SasurraxiAf '••&?■*-- to thy frqlnL-4*, ,- ; £;V fajdgo of Eold;tby S| Potaggched with fchedleSonj o’er th? land; • j ThyshieMU thflred "lk long beneath the hea Ten’s o > grhnn^n'y<>^n»^ r •.. . Itwtßpi are by the (Una’s prayers attend od*y'~ c I4ke flames upon the altar shine the sheavra; And following thee la thine oration splendid, . - ..-.Thine almoner,the wind, the gntrinp in^TC g r - ~- vPEBBDOHL i „ , - ; While Am erica, ode own free and beloved coun ty* ..baa jost furnished another evidenejoof man's, capability ,for self-government, a refrogade move ment haa taken place in another'-portion of the world, as regards progression.: TEeeffortawHch a portion of , the French people have for years been making to secure iibprty have signally fitt ed, and the Empire declared: The friends; of freedom in that anbappy conntry have been com pelled to yield: to a superior power—many! of them having been pnt to death and others incar cerated within the walls of a prison. The Press, the guardian and fearless defender of popular and just rights,' has been mnmled, Napoleos. has reached his ambition; he Is'Emperor, King and Defender of. Holy; Pla-’ ces. Thus has- perished the last hope ef the friends of. civil and .’religious liberty in France, And it is to .be feared that its defeat' there* may have, a chilling effect .upon the cause of liberty throughout Europe. . _ Americans ecem to be.the only .tnjly democratic people on earth—the only pedplo who can stand up m ail the dignity■ of manhood. and. declare their entire and perfect freedom fromeveryapo cies of tyranny. Their will Is the law.of the land. It ia hot, then, .wonderful that many iff those who have for years struggled in vain to ob tain their just rights frour their own.govern ments, should so earnestly ffeeire to be encircled by the American Flag. Of themselves, under the iron rale of despotism/; they are weak and pow-: eriesa; but once nnder the protection of the United States, they would enjoy a realization of all their dreams of glorious Liberty, and become ambi tious, like ourselves, instead of the miserable slaves they now ore. D. P. !?•. • Messes. Editoes Wiilthe eitixcna.of Alle gheny county suffer the recent outrage on the sanctity of the ballot.box-to go unpunished.?—' Will they allow a young fledgling who hdsyet to oast his first ‘ballot, tho privilege of manufac turing legitimate voters out of foreigner* who have yet on tho soles So. Od Fourth at- (shore Wood.) ANTED—3O Chases Old Allegheny lbidsro Stock,* tr? „ AUSTIN LOOMIS* I ■•■/..•Jifr gl.ftturUuttobij:(abore Wood.) Frencb Cloaks, jost received &t •• . . l r‘ir FRENCU 31KKINQS.-— At A. Uasos 4 tre now open loj abeantinU assortment of French Merinos.' of the mast anhhmabte colors Alaa, Lyohcse Cloths. Coburns, Ac„ 4c. V .. qots Foil BAM*—Oco Acnxf Utoand,on Trormu-~€t a b&rv gala,—Application moat be made Immediately; < AUSTIN LOOSUS, Ko. 02 Fourth atreeL ; MascctA Co., are noy ex« O WbLUng a Jug* jhkJ anriraJlod assortment oT all ‘ the and Winter Shawls, eomnri sStf&Sgl?*l^Palo,).^> y Btate.-Wntcrioo,; Emigre M . „ . £* Fincli,- Pollee 'Oflleer. ' ■ •nw ® ,UI “ I attho Offices of Aid. Parkinson, Lewis. arMasteM; and Major.'. •**uuuu,.ijewis 1 Strirtend prompt attention wiU bb paid to allhosi. cess entreated to hlscare; : . . - • r \no T s^ni • SXCSIASKa Biss OP -FITTHBUBGH V •• f (uuaamtljaa thbday dedsrS’lMrtdSofroraPßt JL cssr.on its capital ,«foek t payable to stockholders or their legaj reprettatatires, onr or after thelSthinstant.' p o * B ~ •• " JAME 3 B.VMURRAY, Cashier. P6xwjyfra&i& Mutual Live, stock Insurance Co. T)OOKBaroijov ©pea at tha Office of Pennsylvania Mutual JL» ute Sh»k Insurance Company, Ka 21 Third street: for an additional subscription of. ThreeHundrod Shares to tho Capital Stock: of said Company.: - - :, . • ; * \v. A ?5P >r? ?55S^ fir ? ilen ’ of good capacity, to esmnss in the Cities of Pittsburgh and-Allegheny, and County, for the Mutual Lire Stock Insahuro Cbmnaar. Men or encagy and Jodaatiy caajnako good aalariraSTSe boslnas. - . .Apply.to.: :• JL JTLAIN, Secretary, - ., ., .. . - Jfq 21 Fifth street. Conn *- &te. ultoK3 4t,Mn ' Tfflwl;itolt And now, tosritL Norembcrß, .1853; the account of Ad tmd ramo day, on motion o ‘‘*; °l Attorney, for Accountant, the Co art ep* ■ B. Brady, &q, Anditor, to distribute the-hilanSi la thetanas of tho Administrator, to end amonwehweredi tors of aid doceasod. .By the Court. .... ■ ... r- . JAMB M. BBESH - , Clerk.'- Person. Intorosfal, us hereby notified, that I will attend at my Offloe, No. 89 With Unset, Httabmgb.on Slenday, the «tb day of Doomber nor Vat 2 o’clock, P.H- for o>e-'pnr .poses of my appointment - 1 . *;-• , . porBrisUw3t - .... ■ J. E. BRADY, Andltors : BALLARRANdEMUNT-PABB RED VCBIX 18C2. JEBfcSfeßgHMjti44bl.fi 1852.. THE PMTO^^^^aaOij,./, Only Ten ilOa Staging! toMchmUbecitoidtdbj/VicinildU Tma * /ran PkHaMplaa cad aufunore. Only W hum Ovnuj/h ■ ■ toatlurpla«,iM TraSm earned at narrtibttrir '« :: vnth Tmnt far Baßtman.- Ftinto PKOaddr >■■ ■ pbia, Jbßaltmm,&SO„ Tkirfy- ' ’ ■■ Ktcn and a .half cents extra being ■■ * tapcarf on iftifadcfr&ia ghmt,' 6y : . ■ „ T , „ ibe Qmal Qmmuxtcmert: ■ rput Eiprew Mail Train will iesio the Depot os liberty Canal Bridge/every motning at 0 . Paaacngera win go by the can SO miles, to Rodchangh’fc Greenabursin) whom they will «nd the beat ot CoaSra la readiness to convey them lo miles, over a Cist rate plank and turnpike rood, to Beatty's station, (Conductor* accSmr£ r^MSffla" 4 ttea i »M»»‘wSSPE cSjS’IM I^Ea^SS. Ca?B « “»■»•*•«* I •*"*“ «*- rfJwfHlK? J ? TO c*ponso to mowng 'baggage oulWs I, J?“ aa ?» n ' »D 1 IMvo daily at 0 P. SL,ani K3 T «A£!t( neor Gtwnsburg) at 8 P. JL; rgtnrn *”&» Trains will leave Ztodebaugh’s ufidlowßt -Ihe Axs eommodatiop TnOnwOl Icaro at (U 6 A.lt,«rrlTlM4hPiS ThroughTrmlnat&SOPiiLssnd-riM at PeiL, 4rMosS 12P.M. 6 * k Pare from Pittsburgh to East Liberty. 10 cents; to WH- Hnsbnrg, 20 cents; to Turtle Creek 30 eents; to Bod*, baugh’s, 80 cents. . . w nooo« . Passengers will procure Cbelr tickets at iioßaflrtad fa the Monongahel* House, Water street, or at the Deoot Office, Liberty street. . M. & J. BreUenthal, Omnibus P »s s®Beta end bagoKto ■S3 1 “*-—*»» “ nOTa Petet Amat P.8.8.Q0.- kISSS SSHf w 3 «. no complaints. oftba ktSrSre? i S43fis?®atsfi3wf **r 'i^Mr^Kmvi’‘i'S^rF ,tott 0,w J lio »al Poltan'l .•S'V -c ' ;», -v ' t - - , "' f - - --} - &.> ?. z~, * ~ * , - i ~~ ~ ’ "-- -Vlr^a -Vi*/-:' ' .-.V- . ' > ■ • -OV ' 1 . ■;■ jv. " ■ IPo'ittlnly prfaior of the article called American Sadr act with such unbounded success in tb© uso of hlsaztfcle, * A&tpjastlflfhlin izx&kisg gnarimtce. v Jbal is, lie tbe^person^ng'ticjirtideir®tcro the faff & agxanled; br, t® VdH sell •at the, ustuarp^^wiifenS^thashore, gaaomlatihe' IbUgging lnv . . ’' ; TtejbUouriTM certificate is copied from apapcrpuH&ial at N.x n andbvu*'4aia.Aiimst£, 1852, la which it <^qp^Tui^thu^JkaUqftMcdim2tidD:T.l , txst t ofSsmtsi:^ - Thlfljnay in truth eertuy, that I hare boeaJO:b«dlya£ flirted with Bcrofhla fortlw lastesyen years that mostoffho .time Iharebeotf.enable, to attend to: any id&d of>btuß&ea&!' and much of ' the ’fiin.e unabl e to walk and - -confined; to my '. bcd, and have beeh treated aU Cmc by 'Pbysklanaonreouhtty aflbrda;-lhccfloohanyV 7ff± SviiOijid&stneL'. -- L - noyj ciitsGrandDanh God Pish. >«Tw90.: "t • r- - ,• -norl OHCESTKR.-i|lll;K SJ.t]Ca—ia Woreeaemhl Sauce, received tai ten etSa bj ' potl KICKETSOJf; MUSCAnyoil^— 5 Vacs Jordon mver-Muscat Wise,' receivedandfcrssle b} • .V •• • . - • ■ novl :-~ -i-’.- - ' >■:'-,vMXt,LEB k SICiyEISOS. jlnciimy \J, emlxiUicr end finrralo 6y„ .. nt»i aoU Ttiois, Scots. gxU'ttfisc, isitcse *cvi cBe T: Nos.fis ymfffh«n.r 79 Wood n»cts;> very, large sasortmcni of J 04,154, 4riau<22-4 woo!lcußoc'bing;lo vhieh'vs InTiiotho aUantiooi of yotchflgg?* u & cbcka asd ■h«odWffio.srtfclfl.--: -J[oetU].-: i- : - • A. A.SUSCW4 OO.’S, 63 rod 64 Market street.' SAXiB—A’ isrgo Brick' €bttago v Hoose, toixtaiinina * JC •Boor} foorfocEia,mctd a garret of tvro rooms,; & flue portico: jnCtofrcnti&zHi aspadoas'poreix in; Uiq mr t '9 Stood staHe, carnage booseand yard; «ttoated »>«■■»»• {>■» jof Gea. aiooreheacLr Tho lot b CO 'feet 3hinf“flO Centre .Arena©, by 20QLdeeptoLocoit8tre*trwltiajafttes aadchcteiMpie trees. - This property is ▼eli-rorifaysh* at tennon.a£ loose desiring a .fag. good i«ighbortj(>6d, conrenient lohositicss; and, a mod --paved -rfr^Ughtedidlhs^ ? Ptos5 t Soa^TeHaa«a»T, & CUTHBKBT 4 SON, r Jteal Estate Agents, V-: 5Q Smithfleld street* r PEKIN TEA STORK, 38 *FjfUt ttirtL. ■ ‘WhoWxV anfl \ detail Dealer- InTeas, CoffefeyAi&F tho attOiUopof h& customers. Sr* Stock o£ Groen nud JJlaxfc .Teas, selected in • and witlLjpedsl «?folds tocrcafitogretail trade*. : B&vi&g derated icvsi-enOit ‘attclh tioadonnßtlw loti:scYeajeaotot&eTcatrade, we ft*l assured U»at db > oar nnmorpn*: w^wi* Betaß.Gtoeetaar* tari ffs* WjW*ndgH*aaplesortoediflereaSgtacte; 17* par* ttenlariy umiQ the sttentforkpfpar customers taonritoek Hysoo, Imperial Also, Jsxtra tfeo nreetestTind most •frasran tin PuT. «al Sfnr .Or-: leans. Sugar-; '_•- -y- :* .- •■._>• -.'.-.-rr'.-- £-. i ~y Htfafesgfa;'K6teatffic 5.1553. : ?/;} : .:;v V. • ! f * NOTICE, . AUj persona haring sent fbr pasStogors, or sente to Europe, thnrogb: JOHN. THOMPSON, :410 Li&crqr street, Pittsburgh* are hereby rrotifiocl to call at his Office, with thcirDrafts rod Passago Tickets, when they ore returned to them, u he has ; made arrangements, in Sew . J«k wiUithe magnlfl&at and well known: Swallow-Tail Lues, to, bring and pay alldrafts engaged by him, at his own expense; and has now been appointed tho&nirArentln Pittsburgh Ibr tha Old Swallow-Tail Lines, owned'by Messrs. Griunell; MintomA Cb-. and, also, thb Philadelphia and UyoipooT line of Steamers ;>ndhas Sight Drafts on the National jß&nk, and all its branches* from one pound to any amount—paid without - 7 , JOHN THOMPSON; * g3n r-_ < Rd-tiberty st HUsbargh, Allegheny, erei the nr-£7% •rounding country, es well awto. WBichmiii.cn. they haVo jtWrSSS thdr JoUta portuUna, end hive now.opcned thorichestand s?!SS£ ®f CLOCKS, WATCUJES, JEWELBY, WAML MATERIALS and TOOLg, ever brought to this Sujirtet. _ toporticgticlr (food/ mostly' rronrEuropr, tier are enabled toeell cheaper, thin any similar establishment i®s of the Alleghenies, and as cheap as any house in the It,*lll, tLerelhre*ho an- Inducement to call .attmahonsc, before pnrrhafing elsewhere, ■ ' ' " octlfi '' ouuaxk-, s& • ■ . ■ • In the matter of . tbe volantary - Awrigrungnt ot A. S. Wangenheaa Court of Ojsl Kear " to • Ko.37,OcLTora F ■ . Jamcatßeamer.". /■ *r " '• ..• : :. ll»“J nowyto wit: Ociol*r Dib, 1852, the' Fell Am of A*E. J’anmnhJrai, preental In open Conn, praying for anoriS cn hu Mfewto twrfga a ad deiiYor to Lira tho residue Lf htt n-hereopoa; .on motion of Geo. P HraniP’ £omit Is ordered that Saturday, lira 30th IniL-be aooolnLed Petition, bjr pobiloodn In rap daily newspapers oftheatrof HtS bn%?ioe» week ftr thro sucrassrrt weeks; 1 • • From tte record.' ‘ GEO. S. HAYS, ~ - - —Protbonotajy. - • or pairw! r /TtITAKt.B3 A. SIOOHE, So. 110-Wood umrfsS il {l 1 ° F Sm»v»U Unto 0 f BEUSHEa »ud b££SbsB&^SS3 sS«as^ga» PWg«» elxwh«S-: M9taTtei to «“ “4 hWlh< ’ iJdtomlnedt0 * !1 Dol* iSS^ [1 Uw titlecf ■ H>aßT “ 4 ' .*. rRiTKBa ’ . ' : . iEVIIUSTTOOD A QX i ! octll »», Cabinet «*«* aasiaßia^SggtSSg asߣsssgasrss»Jw® contaStoFS W H-H.EY4S4CO. " it ' ■■ t * * J * -- ' v ' r S- - ' r y; - ■ ** « ‘ v '-**«. * %> e j '■ " ' •. \ ’ t ' °oy*ott’» Irayrovoa Extract ot Yellow Dock and Buil««oetiraot-wlth Bx*&xa oos * plilntoahlch they Inherit tho IHfcta pojk-gi&Sampirina uflf pfsTeat'«U thl»> " Bd “*»»nluifellwa, i Ijtlw wedof matt, £Sj& &££%'! the rinj or mlstortftaMoTeio parcnti. «, *, upon their ■- • , "r" 8 : . Parents owe iUothcir effects 1 of malariU 1 * that may-be : h&AZZZ* end children, of parents thathaya at any time beeaafoetrf with Consumption, Scrofula or Syphilis, owe it to tbesiaelTes to take precaution against ihe disease being mired in them. Q uraotfg Extract of Yellow Dockand Sarmjtf.rnu-fft timr , ahudota in.sach . l ~*isp! See adrerflicarienf *** V - *-h. J '" j 63? lam abrothcr of Alexaoich' wixaai^aiotaiient is written ipGisonaU r that ths state* raeuta tberefomadg are oorrbcL : IL ; DAY,r , Pittsburgh, 5ept.,17,1852. :r: •.; - ' No. 25 Rnirrtr sfaaefe - ’-DB. GKO. K. KEYSER,- Wholewiaahd'Retail Drc&gssia' No. 140 Wood corner ef "Virgin alley, PittsburgSTpSL • OCt2MSW : t.V- i,* "'--. ;JtSr Scroftiln_.~lt-if doeto Petroleum to say thatit luwbeea knownto completely eradicate crery Teetage oflhla drei&foi disease fa less ttnie” titan any other Remedy, or-liyrarhdonce.totbe patient.- ■■?■• ■■ ‘ Thft nfSCTtfftra hunt!* of the pmpAP tor, many, of .which are of ihi dtty of Pittsburgh nod Its immediate ridaily-, g©to shotrclfeady andbeyond alldonbt T thAt tun. of no conyn°nralue, not only as r •. • . '• PUPCHB BHAWI^.—A large ami bcaolifnl L> Fine Broeho Shawlsnow exhibiting at --.•-: - • - t noVl 1 :A:A.slA3Qsr,ACo.ai&nd64Markct6L~ w;:T:T.ea* l ,'tai l>,4MaaJ» • 000 Half Chests Green ; Teas« : JL »±'*'l±W2tJ&' s. -V ?,-> » * Zcssn iso C, J7D9ZS& 1- Poors open at . :J -at T Mr.*iiri.^~r. Made .MFUM la the Toy newestSmkli f ■ - - - ; - [meegar tod j : £** °.^ cftoktefl propertj./ -Vj'-"- v: nerlg}, ~HttlteSh. * * £ss= Wlndorr Shad eMan refac- ' I-'s. oSrrirJS^Xfr^xJ!? 1 olf SECOND A3D ABCH STB, i " KUEADELMILA. „ Oar motto Is, “ Ciaefc Si2a . tsfa £noi{ [ - \ Driers sad others are tart ted to cine us »~ni—■t- • • ■ • forejiarchMiugclaewhere. a. X, MTtxto 4 oa, {' , ■ uOifla &W.;AmgrSagmdsadArriirts, Phils. {•- »* ~ [/■ f *"£; SaU rt .‘gft«w , ny«srsr I& utter inccmhSracj . late, when- troublS - L'; - :< induce eray anshaing , snfotospplyim mortis tely-for this remedy. ror-salewfco£ - Kdomd retMlst Dr. KETgEVS Drugstore, Kaiifl, r-gaamr- u ggrorof Woodst:sodTlrfffc»«niy J y-- DAGCEHaKOTYPES— UT£y''gS!tOacaItaIIiIIDgs T TliWstrett. ! fa allkfadsjof weather,tranSA.M-toSP.M,giTluJf to 5' - "- V; . unlike andTMtlyso- .■'£ ■•'•■ * __ from 11A SI, to 2P H. * j -~ ncaUywihoTOcl.’rithootnsfaorlooonyenltotobTjfaEtUtt. J - -:• • ixg,Krtedpal Agitat o/ the h\ V. Kar Surgsryvwho mar be S ~ * - «mmltidatP9;Arch street, Philai3dphls, fi(to® i-i£tD 3 l ■ '• almost tmdlrtled attention to r ■•■'■• of sparfaXprectka has enabled him to reduce his £’. ' . V jhnnßdaretgbsttnata cases yield, by a steaifratteniiaatafho t, ~ • L-nemsprescahM, • £ B^ I ttis^r^fefasj^SSd2 1 t S^5 1 1 SS if -sSSL2T*•&£««*»*»;A:Co7fa:them*sal« ; ftuttS J Oonfcothmary .bmiaess, at Sa d Wood street, c , - . , _^ttiTiaa : dJsw»4 of mr enure interest fathoTHiblesalß ? I Itadt tod &m&ct)nn*T;Wmass, to Messrs. J. a Andersen ■ jW, Itake Jiicasore fa recommending them ia my ibnner I - / - fHcudetofcustoacrsiiand Lope ibr them a continuance of f :- fheitbexsipstrenage bestowed oirm&,~- ■■ - - ■ ■ . *- .- - -afctf- - - ■ - JOSHUA BHOgBa. , Secretary. f tile?-!?? 1 ™ end KAHBiE BISKBufSI’ WtolTKca lSt toJTSS f - . Joha-Aatesem " i -, ■ ■i. , 'ar.;'BobeitFSti£ey > : \. >■■:••• ChsrteScat*''— ■ • v.:*:; e- ■■ : .WlH2&xaG Degree Ic«lgo,.So. 4, meets secondand&ttrfh If. ■ ilrehrmfcs’todge, tfa S/meetseTerrEiuTsdaT ,™'i~ “ t »®- Sl. 'Sots «TWMmd»«nnlu*. :< B6Ojia?Bta«T«yjo&mavno* n5i^5SS. I Srfe~v S&rHre; -1 . -, .Vi. V' '•'...- f> * '?: 7 r *• tei.B'in imrV- '-»VV--- ? v~_•-* " 8.-—*VV> : ' ts&* 'Ssaate -I'”' ■■iggsu-,- stdlh, •__ _ • - • • ~ I*saeM;.?oxaock, -• SlllUssjssl! ISpaS® 01 ?* i iiwXSSitefe g™ Bvtar, a Utasai ßsnaoto. g .«^^^|feS^ lßrar * n “ . ‘^s^^sg^ssESSsr.si^; a liyi a *,iTW “* ““tf- . i - Jasto Ukeaca tbo Urea of persona going to -j. :■ r -.."v ; •. -:_ •■• ' tmimuu&v .... *-<* .. ■ -fgatf§&, ■sssasa* °V% •- - rnsAziLSi JDtr POAB~grlmo and fcir y«r - * VSSS&gSSSSa^ ! KINO £ MOOKHKUC ' .'- - 'ljgproßPiMuuaaL- w*tbh™l* - - r^S£^ lffl>la g , P ame >fcr relebr' T : : ±. z&SipS&sss&sssxi. •;■ ------ - - KAY Jt IS Wood street. "VT - .' ' ■ g.I&qEAgAM, SctrubUT.' * - : . „ Jfcmue Teaebei; H/utti ” —> - .Feinate- ->v. , itaonlh. Bycrdg Bcaan tocroa ftn s££■£," * .*' coafcSta ■:■•.■■■• ••. ..•. ,>.-•.■> .... ' f. it V ’■% . ■> ' *-f ~-f-: --fv-x *v -V / -s. 'l* ' AMUSEMENTS. V V V »„ - ~ 7 N.V