v^v--j#%.>A VT-vf ■ &■- ■^■'^ > -' At-/-"-' • *c ?"&" *i‘> s'”;\ * \ >r • '* a , • ■ . ,< ■■■>-- ■■ V : ••• •'■' .'StVS.r Jf ami ?r wmsmmmsM WBEm®s^Mos ill H pM^fl mmWi n$M; gssn J%WwM I 'soWimwM '■^p,»#il 'fMiiyia %rfspw Tspsl§gi| ‘^SfP^Sfc, 'Hp <4M J^mSS f I SST^f^. L Inito^hopMtw i SSES m &«n itonaatts, * »*aa»f i«k»j *lfi '* 100, deUvcraSe^ » **ma * ■ \:4 r:; '-■ ■ v " ;,; v ; a ■ ■ A T^ tOBN OtQ^^;Si:i;:i:HOySMBEa6. * QoAlffla Bzw<™.-mnaday November 3- tn* MoKeBM^w^^Aa^ji ** of ““?“ we#Jn ‘ «->mi«a Long. ErfOnaMtoTgutety j-j. »QU bath otTyilliain "Wirt-.The prisoner plead CTfltTjandxraaremandocL / vs ThomaaLowo Indictment Assault and ' AmifZ’rv■ l “ tliofSlra -Lowa. Tho prisoner pleaded guilty, **“ oourt »<3itoncedhlmto puya-flneofOU cantstnd the costs of prosecution. /* wmmyaa ‘Commonwealth vs. John Ycnloo. Indictment, lummy ihoprtsonnt was charged with breaking Into tho stow of f-heglcy Agon, In East Liberty, and stealing therefrom, of mcrchandlrc. Penloo plead guilty.bufc ! t’rasremanded la Answer a, chargo of bursa Itealing, which preferred against t him- Commonwealth vs.* Frances Colonbnrg. Information, Earotyof tho .Peace, on oath .of Sarah Bottles. Tho Coin sentenced each party to paylalflho dosts of prosecution. Commonwealth «! John Bmlth. Indictment, Larceny, ■tonoath of Jacob B. Young. Ho was ehargodwith steijg - ™ aai '<*&*«& ’aonmvsomo money kndgoodalKim -Hr. Yonsg. John was remanded for sen tence; .after having entered a plea of gSfliy. : . Wnh.ua.—TFe omitied to state yesterday, that arsey Williams and ha talcntaniady were engaged at tho fceatre. : Barney appeared last erening; he was tho same, teetty, Mi®. .rolicking, roaring, Patlaador, as ewr,— ipator A fight or lore soaking. Ho has not lost a whit of lat« rich Irish brogue ” that. General Scott lpyee to hear 5 ideas ■dog aa well, his heels as elegantly se »?er. ite.-WiUiams, ~ too, lsu.the same charming, lady-like ae prittyandomuaing... Thertvc,; Barney .and js «!&, harealiraj-? proyeasa attractive cardin Pittsburgh, id.thotimo has not yet arrived fijr theif popularity to J ana. • • ••• - i iijja ial Oat of Place, Bora to Qooa icX, and Jorrny Litul inNew Tort we bclierc, meet this craning; k amouff nmttcrs to be brought to their attention, will bo o question of opening Hercer street, between Bedford and ebstcr streets. Considerable IU feeling has been created r the manner, in which councils continually put off the of pelitionoxa for tho opening of this street so as to mit of the passage of drays and wagons, where foot png agers cannot, at present, but with difficulty force a passage, w opening nf.thfo street would bo a great convenience to rgons Hying-, in the, neighborhood, and, wantd ensure for lncflsmore -prgyerg than .generally obtain v oouifcflj st their res. the. stockholder* Hank Eoad Company, on officers were elected for the ensa Junes Anderson, J, wker, Hugh Lee end J. Phillips, Men- . si^ixt'^^av^4 : Sre&sarer. .'^^■■"iT".'; 1 ■■ Bccbnd;Ward GlceClab has consented ipsTtmishoul'i appearcnco more, before taking their rtur|i : oa'tße .^ : Fa£sfliid FeatherB, n for Salt hirer, liny me«iht;tho,Wtlg Head Qaailers, and sing «Ilark from “Tas Pope, he leads n h appy nained' Shoemaker was badly injured flooring mill, now in process of City. The lad was engaged Inpicking iekswicn wood fen on biro, Injuring him Mb® : ELEacf'G "jcsterday. Robert Grpene tr of tha.Pe&cc, made by Adam Nay* ‘nje.’.eafle taurro up ; fihortly afterwards lri Ooxitt, •whan ; t<> p»y the costs. s vtentlon of oor tdtlacnsiothe aaloof al^'to&^liblJ , 'fUriiltoTpttt'tii®‘hbn».of;Mr. ToHaa .■- ot Ohio andChestxmfc. street, In AUo* TV >TEl>— City Warcnnta. By -■ - SK.Lt. list Patterson, of Birmingham, yes- Ly committed Jacob Kauff, to prison. Kanffwancharged, kthcf John with obtaining goods tmder false jsTj > usAST : £BOPBZSioBS, end Loot end shoe. m*. finm the usijnrfif nmffliarlcfiepolitScnl erguraenl?. LriWim.—Abraham comgStted for an Walt [iDifinlff Mil sferoane mwi'nsmed Gilmore, waadla* gcd from eostddy yesterday- aiS«' tortima lw • oM a>l " »?*?■ afrßVctock,-ai itorita'.atcßm roams, coourof Wood V ~S jo etcck of flnw shfrte,, clothing, clotty Ac-, wfllba* i mopping at ldVdOcfc# * ; ' ' ' *'*' . .‘r,4t - - - 1 “™ boen ta ’® 6 traoiortlniu to American and B£tnStocl«. C. a fires, 1865, «8@99; U. B. »w 1802, U. a Sixes, 18(8, UWU@no ; oTifflS Tho Herman arrived at Southampton on Friday. Tho British government do not intend to revive the eon vocation of the church, at London-or Liverpool. The .North American 3®ew Steamship Company have an coital of £600,000, in shares of SsfiTihev have’ applied for, and w*U probity get« charter.' —££*** -dnal httwecu two French refugees, occurred at Wiodflor, which fa*a made some sensation. CapL Ooumet, of the f»ach navy, one of jho parties, was shot The cause os (zte duel u mysterious. i A letter from Capt, IngloficM, of the steamer Isabel, writ ten pn the 12th of August last, states that this vessel was refitting at Qodharen, Greenland, and would sail next day for Smith s Sound. Ho believes that tho Squadron, alter finding Wergnit Sound were blocked, and returned South to take the other Lav. The other ships, not having returned South from Maville Bay, probably made an ear)y North pas- ‘ sago. * louis Napoleon’s new title wHI be Emperor of the French, King of Algeria, Protector of Holy Places. The Senate will be ronvoked on the 4th November, the empire will then be submitted to the poojdo, and the coronation by the Pone will take place probably by May next, Algeria wijl be governot by a vice-royalty. It is reported that Laden Muritt will t» An imperial guard oflo,ooo mentis spoken ot The Press has changed to the Journal del Empire. The Saltan has taken the stylo of Emperor of the Turks. rrinfbreementa are embarking for Cuba. Yresels from Charleston, 8. C, must quarantine in the Sardinian ports. Austria has invited the German stales to discuss tfle cus toms question. The Senate at Frankfort hare disfranchised the Jew*. Turkey has recalled the Envoy from Paris. The Turkish loan has not yet been MASONIC CELEBRATION, J „ L Cwtcnnran, Nov. 4. The Masons are celebrating to day, which is the centennial anniversary of Washington’s initiation to the Order. There wa very largo attendance, ami collections in this city tor the Washington Monument amount to $1,210, _ Wisuxxoiow, November 4. Commissioner Everbonks has resigned, and Silas Hodges, 2;% Y? nnonl ’ bos ***“ appointed Commissioner of Patents to till toe vacancy. He will commence his duties on Monday. PMfesrar George C. fihaefer of DanrUle, Kr., hu boonap pototed Chlef Exenilner to place or WlUlamCoopor arul Z, r. Smith, First Examiner. New York, Nov. 4. Cotton—Sales 4000 bales; better for low. grades. Flour .State and western $4,68; Gencsoo $4,75@54,87i sales 360 -Southern at $4. Grata... Wheat, sales 32,000 ba. In cons©- tucnce of the steamer’s nows wheat has advanced; ljoB@sl,lO. Sales 30,000 bu Com mixed at 79@80, round yellow W. Mess Pork prime do SI4JJI 8@514,44; starket firm. Beef unchanged, Thestock markstopenod heavy, bat Improved; close. Mo- exchange easy. ' ’ ' EVENING. , Cotton firm, but not so active-Flour state $4,67@54,75; Miehigafrsnd Indiana, $4,75@54,93; Gennesseo $4,76@54,87; Southern ss...Wheat in better demand, sales 46,000 bush. )rim© white Ohio and Michigan at sLoB@sl,lo...Corn in better demand bnt market qooriy stroplted, wiles 22,000 bu. Z2S3P S?l xcd *t 79U@80; round yellow 8); whito southern «o@Bo.^Whisky, sales 400 bbls> anchangcd,..l > ork, more i , octnre, now more plenty, and prices nominal,. 7 00 ® ld » unchanged ...Sales 450 bbla Beef bams at sl2© and mesa in demand; sales 400 tierces now, 2 i?£*kTT& e BCa f? n , at P rirata Bales...Lard,CTles 900 bhls. at 11K@UX. and in toga at market rrfc*. OimZSi d>j-. Cl "'SoS...ln'p»d feS?il E hl n y r,^, a, S’ M ® J3l7! tee oo * aodeatraftmt ca£let . Whlakv ...Unset. ttod,hridhigher. Nothingof importancedonotop^W ■SEeSS&asara^S mUky-BoMoo; l/bhlx. *° ch “«°- 2 DOZ. Cholco Madeira Wine; C dr*. Port Wine; in coses of s dozen each, for *ale low, to close a consignment, by ‘EAAPFB, IUGUDIE & BANE, 112 Second street. i mJq in any regain'd m„ n - Jtesssa? • JOHN MUEPHY. ’ HUGH MUBPHY. - »tt£ou°^ a “‘ Trmb,aurrled<,ab y HCQHMBEPHT, r- { .. aortfcwSt •j 'i j *sl» Wehi T « tdb» ftobcei tho ax of'Tattler -rt'Cartla. ItWApt* r~* SSSSSSF* hbsbS&^MsWShb ; to »t forth to lim In Her to,ho “-. ■ iriSh ?“ 9th rf AfrO, IBiQ^ exempting *3OO * p»dj from szamHon, l?S?»ppUaMb <»* partnership goods under a part* ; *l^,or-exemption under tbatact — Partners jointly-or VeYexaliy, or by SSwSH&SISS£ ~a tabaaU ■» ... That ihoSheriff was under no legal obligation, uponibo of Joseph 8, .Turner, dated “Pittsburg, May 14, • exempt any partoftho goods levied neon by virtuo Of ho. 3, of, JoJy Term, 1851, from -execution, to up* ;: praise or set apar tony ofsuchgoodsibr the rue of the plain* i • tiffin this case, and for-refusingfniv»V * n fi nw rtioh, ho cannot •ho enhiected to anagtlon-y -: tbhnra the goods of the firm act off to hare,bcon made'-by plaintiff,as'ls alleged by him, ha «umot TecoTer-ift acilotU' V . thepieiiffjffbound to exhibit property sold byhim *vphonffßalo, to:.tho bidders, and that a sale without such exhibition of theproperty sold, renders the Sheriff tiahu to .an action for damage*: w r .. The Oourt rcsbiredliw point,” as > whether the action was the name of one of the in - A.The jury returned a Verdict fbr plaintiff for $2OO, subject to the opinion of the Court upon the point rcserred, . i Swan yb. Birmingham. Magcaw fcrplalntiff, and Staler for defendant The months-ago was a pas., senger on the pf which Mr. Birmingham was Captain, and a difficulty occurring between plaintiff and the barkeeper on board the boat,* ft* alleged that the de fendant interfered and dnflfcted injuries on the plaintiff, to •recoror damages fer which he brought the present action.- Tho jury returned Yerdict of $32 for plaintiff. The Purity o? tiiz Ballot Box.—Tholaws of iho gtato anil coantiT, very justly punish Boy attempt to dostroy the pn rity of tho ballot box either by Illegal voting, or trbat la worso, by employers striving to exerclße unduo anthority over persons In their employ. Wi hoard of an lnstanoo yes tej^ny—» working man named Laflerty wa» discharged from Urn employ of a well known Arm of this city, because he refused to vote for Scott. laSorty’s employers solicited him to Torn for Scott, In opposition to his avowed principles—ho rerased and was discharged. Perhaps Mr. tafferty’s em ployer was not aware, that he was guilty of an olTence which would consign him to the Penitentiary, IT the discharge man had thought proper to prosecute the culprit, bolbre tho proper authorities. TELEGRAPHIC. By the O'Reilly Lines for the Morning Post. TENNESSEE AND KENTUCKY. „ . Loemtoib, Not. 4. Tennessee is claimed By the Democrats, as well as Kentucky, though the returns from Ken, tacky indicate as far as received that Soott has carried the State. PENNSYLVANIA. Cumberland county gives Pierce 77 majority Clearfield—Pierce 860 majority. INDIANA. The returns from ten counties give Pierce 1712 majority. The same ednnties gave Taylor 897. Democratic gain 2609. The majority in the State for Pierce will be from 18 to 20,000. VIRGINIA. The returns indicate a very large majority for Pierce. MARYLAND. All the state is heard from except Charles and Bfc. Mary’s counties. Pierced majority is 5780, which will be decreased by the remaining counties about 600. NORTH CAROLINA. The returns from several- counties Indicate .gains lor Pierce in the last 'gubernatorial elec tion when the Democratic candidate was elected by £OOO majority. Sampson gives Pierce 264 majority, Richmond gives Soott 621 majority. Raleigh gives Bcott 94 majority, /whig gain on August of 260.) 1 66 NEW TORE. Orange gives Pierce 989 majority. MAINE. pae hundred and twenty-nine towns show whig gains of 23,000 over the vote of 1860. Pierce’s majority will be about 6,000. SOUTH CAROLINA. The South Carolina legislature has cast 136 votes for the Pieroe electors. The governor Bent in n message relative to the deaths of Clay and Webster. Appropriate resolutions were adopted, after which the legis lature adjourned. EUROPEAN NEWS. ARUIVAL OF THE StfiAMER AFRICA. ““«*>«• »iti ! s*tw’ to tne23d utt. She brought now* of very Utile interest. Theaalea of the week of Oottoo were 86,000 bales, at un changed prices; of which the speculators took 41,000. Consols par, to premium —Flour 225; Ohio 23. Com, ,ell jU , les £2; s % c ! t L c ° o P' mj > p»r»iiiN Artec _ „ Blnff. !! Peninsular jacrj... r z Foreat,..„ m >m Pha8nix.;„.. M .„«...,.. M faMpjQr-., ~,--^...::.:.:.z; urn ffi aaaacm utar rrn Boon * Sargent, I -vJSJSt SC ,r “i t “w? y Is moderate, and sales are nude at f 1,65631,76, as to quality. ASHES—There is an Increased demand fbr Soda Ash for purposea.with aales of Ti casks, fa lots, at • Pot* nominal at t@4U; Pearla dull at sl£@6V; Balentna4}£(»£««« & regnlftr brisk demand for tbi* o?for*cJh! qttot ° Prices—regnlar dtwouni Bavarian Boer, per. bbl... m OmmonperbbT ' '*555 XXX. do ; SJJj Common half barrels ** 36Q XXX do Common quarter bbl*... J jfjj xS £ ”””“””1”;;;"“;'; BACON—There b no uttnUKhanci In the Bacon inarkot since onr last; tf an, thing, holders seem more snalous to So k |L'“ I .'lii^»‘«* of aboot 10]- £ r a ° uW ' r ' for Bides. TT' s*f®s»sincooor Jnet, of tho following; ot&VMS 5 ' 20 d 0 •» *nd Arm BUCKwiiEAT Eu)Uß—The season for this article ha* to “ min * fcrlrimi “re freely soles am made B BOOMS—Tho stock b eonsldernbl, reduced, with but * u,p^w ** notiai “ odrance, and now qoote $1,25 . BEESWAX—There b hot little offering; mod lob of eel low wo quota at 25@210. 8l “ or V* BEANS—Scarce and much wanted; small white wonld rendUT oommand *1,760*3, . wouia BULK UEil—Ko sucl BraCEß—The demand for packed and roll continues mod; peeked Batter for shipping, and* 801 l for cite trsrtr Vequoleßollall&aiSc; Salk^sli*li r V,n ‘ a, ‘- of the Bearer Bneketa and Tuba boTO reduced their prices, and sain are now made jn lob, by our merchants, atsl,7S@l,B7for the former, and o@7, for the fatter article. , ■ COPI'KB-Tho market has not undergone on, material change eineo the dnto of onr lash Beceipb haro material, 20 < SS^^ ma i tho ' toC .a no T oa , hlind * ~m PrataWy «act bag*. Among the sales of the week, wo notice ahnnt 200 do at 0%; lOOdSin lob at e«@10 S£ kets continue active and firm. market la tod, supplied and tho demand good, with ready sales at 7J^@B. VABNS—The following b a corrocted Ust of the prices of Cotton Varna, b, which it will be seen that an sd ranee baa been made by the manufacturers: pound tarn. ~,,,16 No*. 18. Nos. 6, G, 7... 8, 8,10. U, 12.. -20 .a .22 17- ,23, POZEf No*, fioo 81^1 600 Jl}2 700 &% • CORDAGE—Wa have no alt Allowing is a correct list of pi - ' Manilla, by tho Gofl— ... H ™P> “ " ._ 30c. u r' ■ when'cut ift, :White Bopo, byColi ..:vh . , u • “ when cut ijc,. r • Tarred Repp, by C0i1.... ; u “ when cut. :..lie. - Manilla Bod ’Cords ....^.;.»..-;....52,00®53,00. Eboet—for Bmiers 24 @2scts. ... COPPERAS-Sella at $2,870342 bbL - CRACKERS—Tho market is well supplied. Wegiveour table corrected and quote: •' Water Crackers .*3,50 Butter “ 4,25 Dyspeptic « 3,60 ' Sugar « ..........at Soda “ Pilotßwnij ,- ir ,i, . BEEF—Sales of sugar cured eanrs&ed «SlO@ll, *“•£««■ Common o}*@loe. rW;"T'AOniodeTato toquert at'o@lo-’ e UJUK The tnmractlcns doling tho paatweek hove only ■ noon to n moderate extent, owing toth. limited Mia coming b y tie continued low stage of water.- Sale. HiS °f about 1000 btla,*omlrettinaa,-ranging Swv Towards the doeo of the rma atoreflat $3,8704,35/ OBAlN—Baoelpta of Oats moderate; priaTnot iiotlttn: ralOßOf about 500 hue Oate at 30@32e. Wheat to-70c. HOGS—Since tbedateof our last wehaw—wi/«s-«.l'a.i lowing Bale, and contracts for dsUvera 'l?JflMlfawS,' that in some instances an adraira note a sale of SOO head at 5c & 100, deUwrahte,w! month; 600 do deliverable early, at « lOOO brad at % live Wcightf®^^ d“ *9»« 20 Oandlo Wlr>— Carpet Chain Covorlet Yarn-. Ootton Twin#, patting I No* SOO [ 900..... ;.8 • I 1000...- ...,o . eratlon* under this hod. The lew: i i * ,• Thm»faßotßoi*adiiglii tosttisles *»quDto v<;y;T' .A*«lUo@lloStoiL *' x ITOI-BT HOMLNY-rfitomi stores* isles st 1 87i00 10000 *T c iip c otine,4s@soe i . •?: .1 k 3«Sss&iss^ t( «»,<» . r ••■•3M Ml aaaiiiu_ ~~._....„ra as co - ■•■'• -Wii>*sc—.— < sto* ■•■! in' . ——.3 76 '.f*-:.'. •—1 r —,.....; 425 i Aoo, i ,;•§' -' g : .--\ Qqq No. 2,76t050; Lin- S'jjjJ' Pip METAL—We are ata compelled to notice an ad- 1 w w w raaepio Hg Metal since tbedate of our iast reriow, with i still farther upward tendency. 'The stock now On hinds 1 ; U droiiowpriii. i *5 oo clpalij madifbrddireryj bytheforst rise. We hare heird g’/jA, ofaumnberof contracts,fordsllTcry,afcsSs@3S?ltan, lor V£L Allegheny; some mann&ctnreni refusing to sall anv $> IBON—Themanufacture# card prices for common bar 2 9lb; ; 6tWrsizesin proportion. POTATOES—The demand. continues good; Neshanodks ,... t gQOQ We quatoaoles daring the week In tierces at S% MM BYE PLOUlt—There is a gpod demand for this article, with Men Ample supplies; prices not so firm; we note sales ftts&2s to SMS 3,50 9 bbl flam first handa? , 00,WJ SUGAR AND MOLASSES—There has been maze activity gAQA in Sugar and Molasses. Sales were made at prices a "Jnrr lower than the previous week. We note sales of about 80 gj’XX hhds Sagarat6-X@B,moWl> st% Molasses—ln the be rjrt’ofl ginning of tho -week, holderf of Molasses were disposed to an* t* nn cod ® to lower rates, and s&lo# were made of some 200 bblj at Z 6,00 32@33; in small lots, sales K 84^35. * BEELS—There has beeo-Aomo enquiry for Timothy for m rwi pipping; we note sales *>f :50 bus In lobs at £h2o@JUs. *** Clover seed~.Tbe market is bare and prices nominal. ...... SHOT—Sales from stores by the keg *£ by the -bag at *•• s** * ■ > ' I '■ •*,' '* ** f gAM-falra from rtoira »7 tbe a«, lo«l bU SPIOES—We hare no iransactionaofeonaw tiencs to note —•• tothb Kttdormunoto ftppor In lag. mt 10J4@U(; 41- «plm JSfMc cannimoa 39@10e by aomat • .^JJJ’AECH— Soles ire from stores itby tho 1 SHEEP PELTS—Prices tro oomiw.l. 604 P AND CANDLES—Afs&nfucttiren’ prices: Sosp 6(36 ••■ cash; Mould Candles ISUc; Dipped do. lire discount off - •• • - JgS*"*** m ««**■«“—sb«p do wwlr—Receipts are falling off both for the Eastern and our own market; sales of small lots at 32(345, u in quality WHlBKY—There is an attire demandfor Rectified, with sales of about 200 bbls at ’ 103,00 1( 87,00 1( t 02,00 1( .67,60 < i'67,00 l V:,60,00 t 100,00 25,00 S 32,00 2 .'60,00 £ fi -ifcoo 20,00 * •• 8,00 .65^0 ISifiQ 23,76 .26,00 42,00 ,30,00 - i4jdb 16,00 ; A6O 65,50 50,00 42,00 46,00 102,50 10,00 28,00 8,00 46,60 < 42,76 I 47,75 • i 105,00 II 12,00 1 120,00 .33^0 •30,00 nfio 7,00 12,00 125,00 10,00 6,60 4^o 1,12 2,00 8,00 1*25 6,60 1,75 3,00 &50 2,00 ria KOEJfCra. POST BT S*cbange Hank«n t #£r«<* rittebifryk . 0410. Htatoßk.ftndh»ncbe*-. Other actant Bank* V Bank of fl»T>rtn«frj,„, Grairrfllfl--..60 Norwalk....- -.. 60 Urbans..-.. 60 W005ter....,,.- - 26 INDIANA. SUießk.aodhnmehtti-. V ILLINOIS. State Bank Branch- 60 Bank of nUnoia 76 KENTUCKY. All solvent Banks...— %£ MISSOUBL 4 'lJuand branch*!.- V MicmqAN. rent Banka 8 WISCONSIN. * Firo Insurance *. SlBwanklo- 3 • TENNESSEE. , AH solvent Banka 3 NORTH CAROLINA. I All solvent Banka SOUTH CAROLINA. All aotaat Baski ' GEORGIA: All solvent Ranks.. ... ALABAMA. AU solvent Banks LOUISIANA. All solvent Backs EXCIIANOES. NtvTork \A pwn Philadelphia- (Ipma. 8a1tim0re............... define at! 1 dise’fc LonhnrlHe.; 1 dlnft. SL Louis J^dbe»L VALUE OP OOINa American Gold (new)„.._ par. American Gold (oU) prto. Smudga*. I 4 63 Guineas... ..... b- 00 7 60 Ten Thalers. T 60 Ten Gnfldcm 3 po L00imT0r...... 4 35 Napoleon*.- 3 83- Doubfcxms, Patriot l& 70 Doubloon*, Spanish 10 25 Ducat*...:... 3 13 Chaleo Stack ofPianaas *‘**o-- TlrKanhserlberij now receiving a scry choice lot of rIAJiOU, selected by Auwl/. JT|rrTl? llh great rare, at the Factories In Nmr * .7 , * * • York and Bouton. Among others, torernl TOUreljf new styles, of peat elegance and beauty, win be opened. Those instruments are unsurpassed Car sweetness and reluma of tons: and thp stylo of fßmttarp, |a of an entirely now and report design; the materfii uiedin their construction being of tlto moot substantial and thorourtily Masoned quality. Tholr durability, and rapacity for Itand “Vf. 1 ? P** l to all climates, csnba rolled upon, and y wammtod. Purchasers, desirous of buying d - Plano Forte, reporter at an« In point of richness of tone, durability, and eleganco ofdeelgn and furniture, arc re quested to call and esamino, bcloro selectingelMwheiw. ' I h. Be-Ths prtoea of tho abora will bo intoriaWy tba ramoaa those obtained at tho Factories at Kew York and B “ toa ' Ho. 101 Third street. V tEd mum&etory of Ur. Chlcknin*. ~S SEW satwr of tiE off®g s || Two splendid carved Sosewood Flan Fortes, foil seven ?£., 1“*, recent Improvement* ««h«i h» m* Quckering: * One Rosewood carved, double round corners* six »M octavos; One Itanwood. double round corners,fUD seven octaves: Two Rase wool, double round corners, six »M three* quarter octaves; ... . One Rosewood, round comers, six and a half octaves: Two Roaewood, six octaves, square comers. Th* above Piano Fortes are ell manufactured fhan the Dost and most thoroughly seasoned folly warranted. .^y. The prices aro tho came as those charged at the tory in boston, and will be ibid on the usda! UnM - ’ . . ltd. 81 ttrott, PeuSyltSbu nianufkctuier fbr Pittsburgh and Western S_ rt _„. r »P° r tt Sport I Sport! PORTSMEN, now is the time fbr you to avail yourselves of a Good Gun, of tho best maker*. Jtut roctircd direct irom the manufactures: 1 do* double barrel guns, real stub and twist: 2 do do do do fino dot 6 do do do do Imitation da 30 do single do do assorted' doc ALSO, 60 doibalU 01 wadding, Eloy A Batdirin'j; 400 canisters and half cauls ter* of the beet sportlnx powder: r ■* 60,000 assorted gun caps, all .kinds;. 60 dos powder flasks of tho latest rfylw; 20 do shot bags and pouches j ' - f 2 do gamobagsj ossorted; 6 do cap primers assorted: Together with all tho trimmings necessary to Cl out tho sportsman. - * “ • We have on hand and are constantly our superior Biflos, to which wo invite the attention oripotting mcn/All of tho above articles lor sale at BOWJiATBTLEY’B. "P ll IBS Wood bL c. P. SMITH, FASHIONABLE SHXBT HA2TUFACTUBEB, AND DEAT.rrt i* * Oentlcmen'e Furnishing, Fancy and Variety Goode, OB Wood et., second door below Diamond alley. rpHE Bubseribor taken the above Store, and estab- JL lishod the same as a Shirt Manufactory,, and Gentle mens Furnishing Store, would respectfully call the atten tion of tho traveling community, and the public generally, to his largo and weir selected assortment of Gentlemen's Furnishing, lancy and Variety (floods, among which may be found. Shirts, of overy pattern, £iio, style and description, of manufacture; which, for neatness, cheapness and ► durability, cannot be excelled. Stocks, gcarfo. Cravats. Uandkorchleft, Hosiery, Gloves, Buspcnders, Gnats’ Under Garments, of every description; together with * lance va riotv of Corahs, Bruflbcs, Fancy Soap, Perftimory, pocket Cutlery, Money Belte, Shonldor Braces, Traveling Bags, Cravat Buckles and Stiffeners, Pocket Books, Wallets. Pu£ ‘ J 08 ’Constantly on hand, a largo supply of Um* byellas, of every color, size, kind and quality. aTmannfS. turer’s prices. ; f •’ Tho undersigned, having been favored with long experi ence In thonbOTo business, hopes to besueeerafallapleaSmr all who may favor him with a call, trusting, by strict atten ttqn to business, to ment a liberal share of public patronage. ■ uon tie-men’s Linen made to order, with neatness, dura bility and despatch, and ia all cases a JU warranted 1 00118 : o. P. SMITH l2 ,‘ST. LOVIB r .COMMISSION AND FORWARDING HOUSE, Jons w. TWicunj,... .josxru kogxzdqx Twiehell &• JlZoeridgef Cbmer of Qminurrial and Pint sired* -■ Vl/ iidi Promptly attend to- all consignments and Cam- T v missions entrusted to them, and will mako liberal cash advances on consignments or Bills of Loding in hand! Orders forthe purchase of Lead, Grain, Hemp and other Produce, will be promptly filled attha lowest jposstbleprloes. and on tho best terms. * They will also undertake the settlement and collection of claims of importance; and hopc, by their especial personal efforts and attention to all the interests of their friends, to giro general satisfaction. > * i-.-> Goo,Collier,- SL Louis; EUis&Horton, Cfcdnnati: PageA Bacon, ' . ' do; Stnuler& Gorman, do* Charless, Blow* Co, do; noxesAPnser. do; Chouteau A Vallfi, do; BpringorA Whiteman, do; do; K„A p.Yarnall AOouPhflada; J.W.Butfar*Jßro.,Plttahh; do; H. P. Newcomb A Br& " do; T. 0. TwidieU A Conmarion., Merchant** ffariQrZeans. t COMMISSION fIOTJSB, 1 jvzrrr ORLE2F& rnins long established Bouse .confine their attention: I : strictly to galea and on .Onniatolnn, and to ForwardingbualneMgenerally. . ■■ They solicit o continuance of tb* lQjeral patronage hm» ttdbrojghmi thorn. " * POB? OF, fITTSBUBGH. 2 rax 6 nycgxa Irma ut rax caxastt. AHRTVZD. Steamer Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville. “ Baltic, Rennet, Bhnrnerflle. M Thoma# Bhrivw, Bailey, "Wost-Kewton. ** MfcMgjuu N 0.2, Bale*. Beaver. u Genesee, Sinclair, IPSee sport. “ Clarion, Cincinnati, DEPARTS). Steamer Atlantic, Parl&ison* Brownsville. “ Baltic, Bennet, Brownsville. M Thomas Suiter, Bailey, West Newton. M Michigan, No, % Boles, Beaver. u Gcncfce, Sinclair, McKeesport " Globe, Watkins, Wheeling. “ Gonlcn, Vandergriff, Wheeling. Wtintiday Packet for Cincinnati. I fT3> rtounerClSOl- N ifartCT, will loan rcgslulj .T.rr for bright or pwsogo, apply on board, or to . 3?* 6ne ‘?toamer GOV. MEIGS, SaBXX. Uu> Wll leaf* for the abor© tatd intertnediat© every TWlay, at Z o’clock P. 51 For freight or posag© apply on board, or to fcb2 JOHX RACE, Agent. For filftrietta and UoekingportT" r (Err* fct „ Tfra fine steamer PACIPKV&Isoc* Uaitzit, J»gfu§rtgf3lassCT t "Hllorefor theaboT®and fcotennedi cTtty TItUGSDAY, at 4 o’clock, P JL For freight or pa&cige, apjily on boater to v ««-i - - WOODS A BOS, No. 51 W«t®r rtreet, aod.r themselves. j 4 Uto m*!? offer* for sale hb com bjr ths **•*• ®fiS^SroS<±SiS rhO>do]pLii and eUowliCT«;-»»«Uie foUorrfnsirioM,Tii: ■ With IntoncUdiM, JM.OO;. without InSHoM, *7OO p« Oookand Enter, eanialnlng fall and accurate dtrtrtlona toeacoMSfaldrmDghtiag, ftmra&al to ant part of the United Btstia, on receipt of $7,00, bj . JAMES oNv ATT, Teacher of garment Catting, 36 &larkat*twgt 1 i J' J.'.'l •' ■' 'l" ' ■! - i ~ "* -• v-_y.r' v __ Auction Card. SSSSJiv“Auctioneer for theaSof s™?!?3rte£S!?' i^S? T!cc * “*“*» toll. Mend, Kid i * tt; 6Xpet|eitee of hbuit uuny XMasintiuslias of'bQfilaesSt hahazardsnotMnirin tSS who dfapoeeiito jarfnsilie him- Haftato tha principal AuctiDn ; AocUon—DftUy Baie«, -. .A T tio Commercial Sales Booms, corner '& Wood and -cX FUlb rtrecty atlO o’clock, -A. >L,a general assortment of Seasonably StaplQ and Fancy Dry Goods, dotblntr, Boots and Shoeyllaiy Cray Ay, ■•» " • O'CLOCK, P. SL, ‘ Grocerley Qnimiiffey - CaaaswaTe, Table Ontlery.'tooklne' Glasses, N«tr and Beoond Hand Household and KUcben Fn£ nltare, Ay, • AT 7 O'CLOCK, T. SL, Boota, Stationery, Purer Articles, Jilnafcal Inatrumenta, Hard iraro and Cutlery, Clothing, Variety aooda, Gold and SQrer watchea, Ac. P. H. DAVIS. Auctioneer. fja3l.-tr 1 SS* 1 * rAT2 ' ** aronox—On Saturday, w Novemberl3tb, st 714 o’dfick. P. wfll bn OPJ W Ottfeo'TßlcaHa lota of ground, Mch fronting twcntyfeeron Centro afreet, Bimlnghamland extending back one hundred feet; aaid lota on 5ri 14.15 .^«^ss*asi?a£rgsas3, taahMlttar end ptarant part of theborough, and la n« I mrpaffiodby^Mty: property no* offered fcrsaie. The aale vnuTSToM, ssfSbs: t r TS“ s* **” Te property lepleesinUjr situated st the haul ofWebJL of be sold «tl «*pto to thorn intending to pareh&w. • —•- Titnu made known &t time of tale. "" ' >•■ W- G. 3TCUKTNET, Aucfr. § U A F WUiiLK BACKJii) l£££2a rAL k JBWELEI > ENOLIHIL PATEOT " •iccnotr.—'TOl boeold *t>d>K«i. »JrV^VWk S^^ n ' T ' nin * n Member /SF®*" “““* h «“J E«W double wckaapatent Tery hearr cue, fall itfwelaL' cade by Jema Gordias, lirerpool, »n exeeUeat timekeS er-tte property or »soottem»u compelled to eellfbr auß. noT4 J_ ~ PTffiiyNA. Auct?i s^s^r^ c t oction Howe ' **■* nor 2 . . • - HAMPmaDOM TWI'RT lI.IIIKI BABBETiTO TO\nJSO PIECE, a aoonox—on Batnr a» erating orat(Not. 8,) at TWrfekrk, win be 8014 withl 0110 amble “Trenea trwUag piece extern finish, end moon ting, warrant ed genuine twist and patent brlteh, eboota correctly, tonal ted expressly fore gentlemen of this dtr.hu been rued only in eftwexenrsions, and weir taken cart ot this article can* not bo too highly recommended to sportsmen and others- Such an opportunity iff offored.' P” 1 - P. STKIIrSA. and : Oftf) 000 ,5f TAKA OI°a wal «fS wrote, Ml! be cola a largo collection of choice nov Books, Among »hl* arc—Memoirs Margufa Wellesley, 2 sols: b£ Aflren ana Frost’s BrltUhPcets, 3 sols; Ooleman a Practical Agriculturist; Jarris’ Church lEatory: *&W s s *ffLS£Fte of Deaa Swift; splendid Family Bibles ami D ° , -‘ P- JL DAVIS. Ancfr. & GteyiUl&ui at Accnos.—On Friday cnfiriimz, . MhjiotMt, at 10o’clock, will be oddal to the Urcc uu ofCWta, Fine Shlrta, it, a quantity of new Olothlmr, eta: 12prirate unilbrtncoals; 10 prftato itotfteh'jacketa: 10woolenOTemlta;'22 flannelchlrta; ftcreat coats;’ ■ TetSta, tisSf-pattonili. Bj> orter. ~" . n 0” P. 1L HATTS, Ancfr. wM&rsss November 6th, at 10 o’dock.at the Commercial Sales TLoobul emuero# Wood end Fifth fleets, will be sold, on % rrcditcrf nta«ty tinjs, on sums cmr $lOO, for approved endorsed JSjix*. fine stdrta, embracing roper York min muslin •hirto, Haco toaSmt, yokaneek and French sleeve; do apurtef ana narrow plmitrf; Jenny do; Cmey and Misrnmac do; drift drawers; merino shirts and drawers. Sapextoo French and Knglish broadcloth*; brawn and uses cioths; dotafciA caaomeroj black and fcapy cassh mara. Alagt stock of superior satinets and tweeds, assorted colors; sHldas, padding*, wool and cotton lining*, cambrics, hnllsndi, silk twist, sift; and lasting buttons, reaUngsi 4e. >• M. DAVIS. Aucfr. T>*UOTE OP_A- RETAIL STOCK OP DBY GOODS it brown nulling Ensliaii, French and Amedan caltaa, J-f S lawns,chlatze*, Bootch. American end French Mntyfrtrmortd lames, chores, flannels. toaekfcrair and' English point tlani. bets, a large assortment of dress shawls, silk handfcrchleftf and carats, patent thread and sewing silk, ladle* and gent? bosterj, glorea, colored moaim and llfllng, flaemexmo Ahrt* and drawrre, eoperfifie Imported and AmerieantoSd flloths, casshneroL carnets, fioo sack CazmeL'hearT ere£‘ coat doth, bad tains. » &g» lotdrdSKi Fnd *r££ good* *c. [nort] P. iTKEiSA, Aact’r. rpUIKD BALE Ok WHITE GRANITE QUEEJisWABS i ar accnon.—On Thursday, horember U, at 10 o’clock. the forenoon, and 8)* In the erenlng, will be sold atM? Ctetnay’* Auction Utmae, Ho. 135 Wood street, 18 Packard or superior queenaware, consisting of complete dlnuuracrtfeo, tea and otdleeectta, toilet aetta, it, wlthagteat Tcrliity ; a!: Desert and totaliocwrt wfll Und It to their Interest to attaial the tale, a* the whole must he closed out Ut settle un the consignment, and will be ofliered In IntaiA anti .n •. ■ . . bOTI W. Q. McCARTNEi; Auctioneer. "pJiElUSO—OrboiiaNarUcrrlEg; - -IX 60 do mild; imndudfornltbr* MHiICT * ETOKEMOIy- SKJU>«-GQ bua. Clorer-Bood; ' ' 4$ do Timothy Seed; For ole by octg ‘ t% ’ SMITH £■ STKCJ.k'tn r£AS-~SO half chqgti medium to ertra nw»n • 10 do do hi metallic packages 40 . do do Oolong and ChaUm: 100 caddy boxes -do; octSO j. j), • Fwih-ArrlTiL Ifin Hde Kip Boots: JLUU 100 pr. Tint Calf *' • 24 “ “ Morocco h Jost rtcdred at . oct7 " U ÜbU Dr. Brown’s uxrwly discovered remodr JLv for Rnmnnatjina la a speedy and certain Remedy ibr thatpalnful trouble.. It never foil* .■»:* -• narehSfcdtw. ' -ry- Uaxilunte and ntmtketutrK BuSTT . : PntraVMU, October 14, 1852. ■ 'f ' A « Exaction to Thirteen Directors of tide Bank, sill be xl held at thii Banking House, on MONDAY, the 15 th der of November neac ' ox^ s : W-H- PENNY. Caahler. hfaxenla Imported I ACINTUB} Tulips, Crocus, Snowdrops, JonoulHes» taws, and other flower Boots, fcr Fall plkatJni* hr to® o,rde. Also, Dwarf Pear othw ErcrgrecnaandShtnbbeTy.in neat variety; Oooseternes, Currant*, Strawberries, R&spberrte, Asparagus asd Rhubarb Roots, from the Ndwerics of ' • • JAMEB ffARORQP, BELUNGOFFI ASlwlshtodlseohtinuo-iayprtaentbuainMs,! trill sell enythlng and everything laths store at FIBST COST, uau soon If *ou want a bargain, u I am determined to sell, and do humbug. JOHN 8. KENNEDY, No. W Market street N. a— All nertona knowing themselws Indebted -to me. will please call and eettle the nmo without delay oetlb r~ M VKBlilMiTa Wo here on fnmmiim'fiTi lh« fn)[n-qrlnf> . Stocks, which will be sold at low ratoa: 6 Mechanic Btrcet Bridge Stock; Monongahela do do; Citlxens Insurant Company Slock; Western do do do; Firemen’s do do do; North American Mining Co. do; A. WILKINB & CO-, Stock and Exchange Brokers, 75 Fourth street 8i0,60 licwardx TAKEN from the stable of the subscriber, en Monday, September 27th, 1852, under pretence of hiring, br a aaa calling himself a B. Lowrio, a light sorrel bob-tailed “ARE, with a star on her forehead; about fifteen and a half hands high; carries up well, both’ head and tall; has a lump on right side, o*er point of ribs; had, when taken, a boot on loft fbre foot, and a darkjfrecD BEGOT, with light groen cushions; three aides of cushions IdnßhlMk Jina oil dda light green; end trimming! of top oluo, with a.sm&li rod stripe. The abort reward will bo paidJbr the return of the Horso and Buggy, atid auwehen*; sion of the this! JOHN KELLS, St. Charles Hold New BOOKS J —Just rccdrod, by H. Mwxtt A Co_ : 82 Smithtield street. A-MUlin Slgbte.Mid Jnmch Principles, u seen through Air. an can Spcctßdoe—lllustrated. Price 25 rent* Jetkßcmnymedeme Man of Many Thank»-by Douglas letrpld. Price 12}£ rents. 1 B m» Adrontnra of Lily Dawson, or, the Smugglers of the S™—JgtheaathoTof Busan Hoploy. Price Sorenta. ™ KotaPWorijKnehlDobk. Price 25 rents. Na «0 Uttell’e Li-ring Age, - Price 12}< rents. ta2d*K?StoiSS' WeUlng „ a. MINES* CO, no. 82 Smlthfield itoccte .. FOB THE imtHTPny r AMD MUITIIU" 1. obeyed by the children of Swi; COB ®' IAI * OT froawtlT* «J«neffi>etual rertoratlTe In caseeof De. ■ bOlte Xmpotenqr, or Berreanea, and all lrremlrttfee oi r *? b0 ' Greet in tlie raerried ante irlth-. S“?sFs2fc,i£ : ™ ! e S to am 101 Seminal Emiwdcns, Sco«t»I Pjboity, Gleet, Weatnesaof the Genital Organs! Nemjnt ABtetiont, teueotrhma cr Whltee. Aaea lrSdS rettM TOdldoeJtt isjmoqualted. Alao, a cortalnremedy Ibr Oanauuption, Indigestion, lota or Muscular KSnsrir, Phyatad Lyaitodo, Tcrnafo Weakness, Bebmty, Ai It la warranted ta please the uaor In any of the ater* “SJif? ■" te# *°<*«>“withoutoflheST '■■; a fS* OT ■Ettna-—ltalthe name of Comstock ABrottem sSßSggg&EStiXsa •aaalwly W?9StymafVBf~- ;.,:;.,: ** 1. ~' . O'- •: • - -./ •,J •• r • v : < • ■■ - •••>' -ll’.V . - -T. . ,- t .. fi V, « _ - ~1S? ‘ -V V U C‘, , >y.JA .» O „ a-.-t^S-r .-.v : •-'V, td.' Wrfl, HcCABTHEY, Auctioneer. Owners. IF. G.-McCABINJSY, Anctloneer. P- M’KESSA, Aaet'r. ; F. H. DAVIS, AnotionMr. F. HeknwxtA, Auctioneer. w. R SCHMfiinz. - 107'M*rk6t *t» „ t . „-t' V • ; .r. .. '.v.r. ’■>' * <' ‘ 1 v 7 4. * « v FinlNMP'Mmt&=.•: - u%l= . ardBuut,'lbr vBM i nAß'hM»n«; QUALIJi;. for sale atjnAouJacturar*' at tta NKW CASPET BTOBE, near Wood. fawlttfl EOMSSOyjto^’ ■ . • Stem Engjiift ftp «■!«..- A™«^ §SQDiE SS.W.I u For further lnformsttoo, enquire it -22HH I__ THIS OFFICE. A__ . • • t* "• • •■•■■;.■■■ •- IfOUSfr-CoaTenient to «e-reral' -fstabllahrcen ts. , -Also*a -STORE and- EOT3.IW --' tofifl:-, MATTHEWS 4 00, - - T . - . WmdTlHfatCTrtrat. Or tITOBURfIIf, ' •) ' ZSSSgss&SSte li>ar lraj r»pSnM,™ I foS,SS ik * eto * bMa *° t '' - JOKf SSTOBIt. Cuhler. —- — :—--' "• ' • - ~~ - ; - 7 •-■••?•• v ••■•... • iSSSSsSsISsPSg mMMW? : __ , lavara; a l«.w r ,r— —: —- .. -#!£?**■ Ptonmd.dlUir. - zyt/P ' a,u « . to hi« /r*>H SSn j", pgpsng to the public “BWt : BtlKifi£ «ii 4 V«{ HoTSBL hut) 4m • 7 ' P. DEVLIN. „ J»JB w SSiiD SlOfiE.' ■. . .^®^S&SS!ft£2S&2ra ' Mrt i ■MTKAPPDia PAPEB— r g» | H&'JL * uo do do n»dfcim do do do: Hdo douM. do do do do; J 2? J 3 <& da do do" rag; *££ *>■ _ **»*!*! Wttrq ■ ** «- Paaenzew willJba broughtftm SSii iMiirfl Scotland andVFalej, direct to Wttobnreic j BQWIim. B»11, li’if . bnlno onccandeny that* Taat amount T, j“ u “ abgnit.latobßlaidto of the rata,mice, bedbugaand eockroaeha (their nnpleaignt) which swarm In aH quarters of thc^tty «™rtrj-. The eitent to which those ereainrej multiply is almost incredible, and ’itwiSr toSSJhS fa orterminsHng the pests.'' pSrXnSil ”* h ? n1 ’ “ lraa than onehundred were slaughtered. If yon want iw INWEMKXrmir™ mo® I T ,°r nln ’hoj a hoi of KKAT pcr ' • ; "•-"- ■■- ■' - octll r TsSintenenanlPanatHi IE sobseriber has been appointed’ Agent, hr Ucssri. Thorp, Smith, Fanchett 40a, Bprocuv, JfejrTorfcfa S® ealo of Fruit, Ornamental Trios, Green Honae Plants, Bulbous newer,' fecal, hi Their S 0 ??*! *2 celebrated as the largest and moat, complete in the United Slates. As a specimen, I would sskattentiaa to * large lot of standard aaOJJwarfPcar I selected while East, for Ur. John Mtndcdc, Jr. Ah ao, ordOT will be rccdTed tbr his 'Jinrsepy,. who will attend to selecting trees and filling orders; also, laringout RKrunds °f«*V ocfißSSm - J. B. SEOLST. QjL*]j!fD L4SIP& VV H; VflUGirr, fiiuecagor to J. S-Jotas) MnWnffa* • tare . r °' »?d Wfcolesala tad Esau, In tio *” mw “mg slargo assort boroi* tbs JSUmsmsl OQ, Caraphinc, ”1£ *£• ?**<>». whjEh 11 eonimtlT paj •iwlbitragJithsQtjr.wiU bs promptly attmdad to. 5 ( vf'- str^S?. ia^ SEuLS?? *£!?#- to tMaThsEthercal __*p4ftT feetyeenM«rtgtK^^S^ _ £££?**° todx» finrlil. ' : j£ar -■*«^fss aei,ber “a>oowonban£raffDßcoUfirtfr»i f P' l^LS >-^ r ti to™ tll« s»»t WltStS “if?* 3 VOW kogra la the Coital Slates, to“tow ini Poulterers, this tort otthtte greatest iSS£,^r»Er!. Uem? 2. wlw u . ratgliy Madam* AM*. ££L' hoa '* t ■“»* wS^ , Ste«as? r tto ****** sasss^w*^ „ ®Tjt PoUw» ft Day. ■ ! f Ornlfe; Naiiosal mad »*W ' B*Dt Sa „ *'» • :v t . % » S' if- f f-' ; ~ i * s ■» > ~ linteNo. ® Hah «trtet,«n **“ Jufewttiatf jn&M*lhr--«af -|«w.^ BESJRABTjB BUSINESS JtSd—-I offer ’ W W™V 4V. bccirpieiby jn* gs a Z>nur-6tc» cm conigr of Liberty * nf i pywy< i**—***- * *g*.«r«»*4 '--ihm*Ss£ ------> JA3IBS A. JUXTSt ' IN ItUS SHYMSXU IfAKD «nvg«r»_ '* m^s^g^£S££ ' JBWlfctf -B-AXTAIt nm-T, XalZXlWxiter TlMgTjpcrty-rTOtifcrtan.dSo I ? rtxwO- S3£H£g33Ss _ XHOaiAS- MOmJT r -2D yma gtrert. * “•*■ _ patisos * Ao.virav «. gj; ftories high, with * kjtehaa of 16 hr 20 ' »' oct23 PP3,tp .. . THQJI.4S SlOmpt ~- ~ -yo.aintbte«t.- &UiSO.NTp^S^KS ' ■ ' •-■-• ' ■ ' fnjSttt . S'?, EtrmvOTo tWrtt w a &kfwO?SS^wi? sl^?enj ’' 40 tetbrntbr-W - - buiUn «. EWSora. 108 KEST-rwo OFFICES oaraa street 4™**, ' » ' " ' MtCiESION-r* ®qUbl i -Attorneys ot Fourtbetnj«t%' oetftf *■* UTJSAM axoQKWa. iULL FUJI m,^ tw Si IlrD, ? rtoc!i «»* - S b«n la MO httt*Cnr. mratS : ort^l - . :- - ."■: fury.mtfmax jok W-* ■ kon asSsSSSSSagSHfi ** tS^ 03 »** «“** aCITOBiEt GSenUAmaL fesgs&sks; tSt l ®® • J matoH “ i*S2£ "» aeonßßß^togaggj^ to'SatMteTftiSS»ix lW '“ 4 vo tan tapromaen!*. & ]V bcr V''” Mljta'ua UMsof SotmsS J" 2a aTerydesirablo >. temttng ro tSo OU iJinion Hoad. ™* , wra«t&s ; m£" ■ ffiS^SSte-gsg^SSS; ’ttrffiSE a MflllllpS-;; SESSwaajaaSE ~ KocelT'id thls.daT, : at Wl M.’CLUmv t TT , Jt '" ' 0127 - coTQDE t Xpprf. • > : .oilw..- Tito- v»v»&. embraces. &- Itm xsunnf - - GRADING AM> 51A30.W, %£?SZ- ~ EutuSu* rt?er, « • ofaboafc oMmU* *£S* : - •-' •' asdprtpwßlsreceived fcrcjjeop imatiitm*- &&?%r • - •: 5 s * A^i? a 2? mde ia OASHI • •,'-':"A:;-“;: : - PI&QS> SOd fm >»» l .«■*_* --'■*> ~~'- -~ r-t^a^asis Allegheny County, ir ; jJjsjfis&e. ratter °f *u fiitota oMJbbu* * QI3W - Coart ta -' - A®* non-, So vU • October- I6Hv ISO. tin ' • CHatjon liMilig tnen iloSrcuTeA'esit V S; - *rartV JPOOt by conatntror conaab Site Court «v, ’ 3 " pointßjTldD.Broco, Esq- reportram the pro- : . PJlotyof grantfcgaaidonierof Balfc.to*sccrtaJntlißaiaqnat •■ ' debts and irhetberd»&oce should be taken - toany cf them by Administrator. and dlscharga- mA - v . outer duty** nsq aired by-the art* cf ArsßiabJy andruJescf f ' : the-Court, la each *aso made and provided. -; ..• .* v•<■* .* s By the Court JAREB 2L ESVBB, ofrfc 2 * > Tha tradenrigned-irfi} discharge tiw dafiftg'bf H*ajmednf • meat cn.Tlnir*iijytbß>l£Ur 2 o’dodc, P. SL, «tmy offlc%-Ktth'oSwtJ ; .- -orgLar PATH*!). BBCCE. Anattor ; - f SXX HESI CLASS PRTranrMß, ■ A 'WABDEDCjrtiaibrataADDLEa,JXiENESSTSCBKS ■ ;CL «ni TBL4VEUSQ EiGS» at - •iflaiciwcßAL AsastECHsiaaa; : IS3£; v : tHia rahvribe; taticg fast nstmai tmm S’ewjrta'kßal; rhlbiitlphla, Inunnortcdptof to J»a-aipeit of-Gooda, ' eomd»tliigofthßl»tHitiuidißi)«t(ii»Mom»M»«gfa»nf B>dd%^^, ■ TT»»n»«« Tm,fc Hnaittill tatg SnfflAlS fllilritT. - ~ - n>t»^^£«rJ^onsuai>£BtDZs,ttßUigasUit test selected *toc* tf Saddle* Bum* Attain Ctawt i ßaia; , 4d, to»nj UkaeateWblnneuC -Ha todtoopiraaratf fo imtet to nswsJjhj.jfj if , which ere »todniilT«d*Ftolto£«M to the wot, aodwlll t . tenaliu4 to sell*® jatfwfenirtblo ienw Uxsa #ajL.otliet «#*•*... VjVfrjrmftttlthat prctcndJtoaUtßgoodYork. ~, a.••»«.•:?.•. . Bxmes aat »teo? Sfachfe* Baafla > «trgfefcc& far y p : '^:' fT' .> •'•-^TI-.V/ 1 '"'V.f'Ci « ’ 1 w t;; ■< r *&+***' • - ■■■. tiiw"' • I* V * * 1 ! -sites '**'-*V: y ••.