a; '- v ■ ’at •;.. a :>,n-v - • v|fr Vf ; - f ; >;%«, jiii*"*r- v Hg ■/'- *. ';’?-'r/,;' *-'*• '->■•; v < x •^‘^^ v - : -" ,;•.'• •vt.'i.-f.•.*. ?&■? . - r ~ ;_-V ” ' '"''sir - ' w'~ aaa.%... j. >. , ,y <-. ' • - :■(•■ ' ' ""' ' iMMhsirMs m i « ‘3. i % 91 | ft? |i s a ==g 5 i| w& i 'm~ ■ m s am « . ij g v i » f %. : f \ I g \ I i %. liSilitfiitl I “ --^... «l WI^MO^WMM ,—:■ ~ S :np*— - v u*Aio,«tnft«ti%»i.f > »»**—• ifiilMflßp. — ——■ ~~“ '*v W&%O *«o4:te:«iklb. /at:* ff*fc.«tTyieaa fre\ oa.h? oG ®*^ yt .^jqto^’ ill B[K^s*T l l' Uao lilgjwt*t*. iefifirr °"' n " "''''' jbm* ~ . «s*»s*a k 4r „.« s , ;''" ;v •. •"■ ' :% '* S —: . ... ■ *-;i 7 .. '- ■ • _^-_^* &!&■'■' **C . \iv»-r-L;. •♦* _>.v ,-. < - ;- *r *»' i -v .*: . % . ‘ *_ • ~ : - ~ ' .’ . \ .■ - ■ : ■ -■:%&&&- . \ fES^V-A^ifc 1 {. £**/>> Pdh^&r 1 , k IS*.&*c»*/ t*rv s K-r Et7v^r■< t£i <*-'fol& W^lWSi wSM %gsgg jfeltifi Mepmm -ISMf WO^i iaiiss fe^ltiSfil mMisißmg JBmmk ®s« glKSfißttfp w *% l tsi£ss!3 ft m 9B WWS ...-v'i'.'~.. ,y r ,~ ■«■■■--:.v ... NY 1 ’''(‘'l'cL';" t ,Y 'j z"> ‘ ’’■.’‘Yi., '’vf 4 ,*■' 1 - - '•> bjw "-*>*' i , ' >r ’KA.JszsKfas*®*. -v i i «*-. y ■fWjjWwf- s’' %Ti * r - - * , S - J 1 ' ' f "• ~ "*s^* ~ f ' - ’ *l' l - ” "•*!&“ ’ ~ - ■*:&/'''’ ” *-*«•*} , IT •""■*' „ « _ - , £ssn -V”»- - 'W-'l r f . *■ ” < g. - « “* - xr -' PUBIitBHEITI)AItrBT;mB?EE & PHtfcHPS, -At THE «PQS!E COftNEBOF FIPTHTAND W<3OD STREETS, AT sQiOfl PER ABOTM,. OH/ ss*oo WHEN PAID-STRICTLY tN ADVANCE. - -■ - aw—MW————— I V*,. gyiS:-**&*•& <1 ■« i 'I - ram&'tf*!# 'ibmagUSatOaj). tat&ei) - i ■'“ - wesra-Tragr cobber (tf-jnrpoa akjj yy? n - pry*** > l C^1 mZ f g» ■ w £ *• , *-'’CoDittw Vwtar/ {kyahlb-sbfctly la f *v- * t <■ i,.-,■ v 45£*:3JngKy aitlwJfouiitpr lrttW; r- twHowji Bojbl " &**-**? «■ 4V 5-x * *■* *s„ ; r t, THE’ SjSOTEDAt ilOßiraiQ 'POST * pom the wane >ootoetf iMaotet *Ue 1 DQp*ARS aypgr? |n sdTnin^'^^^Qpk® 4 jajKsr wfll be i ontli:Sli : pti&l* tl/: tiniesfr eajma* ; * taalaitef thft tfrtwty; jwjAtifdfotaqriglLitobttltt thto dty. *C-u dßa*JO*: Graves ob* advertises®, ?.. I 7f*(7§£2W i?ijw Xr .TMF PTSTS3SOIWB PRESS ' v v- ■wirMi«o*.«ttts&i ' * " rOnßEmi&fe,tH»'lD£ettioTi.,. ~ mto. *- 0 $0 im tSs73Tj« |« * >**• two wee&r ..} M . W^UM V *- ««*«. 300 _*■ ** three weefcs . .., ~ « .. r— *..«.<•* 00 => _ jibs ♦*-»- ... *, S Qf> ••—i JJ <, ' hs* * *s •«.,» .»**« * *— ~~~ 0»w • « < c <-fbitr'Sl9atiVk.« W rM M «.p 4 M&tM>><>t t».rt. w lfroo % ** r 4to3fumtU3.»,—««...►«. «»«*«»■ m« M 55 S > u paa yerec.-..*. *- ««rlB oft fcfcaßflfog . T * . IXUAjmSIDIS At HSjsrSfit /• ■*■ ;>Oae BJinDr^pcriininiin r £5 00" - % *pegmsignalcakbs,; ‘ ' ' r - ■ ~-- j., r TtfOßNlnf JSj Wooi_ ifc-su-**' 1 * s tT, L \ U.W—Offldc, I/i*rW* Bandings Fourth .my; .-’v - -t * k " _ - i»nnr .v- 'w.v.. <•> jSOWS,T SX 09 JFBBrth_«n*£, tfitfma „awry*l)ey«ft«iaastwn& _ jc£y 11 ,' j. s>n'ciotnrrt V - i-, - « aws?Eja»tt>T riw-oaiot in 1 BaKewelPg gnßafiffivoo Grafts street. «w 1 jfcj -I" 5- « , — <• 'Z - i ~ w"-* SRsBSHCAT.J^—o{B«i» s aa«tPsDJilmndliira,!3n a3t Q»»aF«tn«t,tipposltiCLtlro-C°wJt Honto. i_ “JiftDy ’ ‘ rjr ■ 1 TTOIUyKT AT LATT—Omce. 137 Fourth EtreeV-eboye - ftiHaania,iitt»ai»iai.y«r ■- . I / , yi - D» H* 4 n I 3sOfcsElF^4& I tr--l?0> 127 Souxih etcwt. *boro aod | *- " tnttgfT . JMtt«»«i»»«.gin>w4cSi ' ’ totmsKK'a.T IAW—PSW> ms£ ItMoa, J>°-153 L. Third rtreety ylttifouTKK ~ " naugO Ivi- i ' )3«WgB«>nm»tß <- j * IXOBBET 4M> COtTSSEMOK AI iOTf—Offlro, ro *■ -.aUjraTcdrtaSna floor Wow Gr/mi iftrwt, oa (Fourth, to r»nß3o * Jr B.Morrison* "~A JkND WCIrEJJUiOR AC UOT-OflUs, re •!-ft niftvnata , Rn;»4<}t«iitttn)tl.n~d. r ' ~ i i-{ * ’ 2 , 4-TTOnHCT At Jriw AXRSDLTCITURIJrCnAKCERTr Tofit Office, btc&bniTillejQhia. ... ngf . r >- -. 1 .. • *%>Z H-V „g»y.Uo»»> w- i *> , ‘v.t. L * wuum; at Ltw-r-iio. m yawn* >tmt, Htutogfc, ptr-sfi, fi, Jtoi-tti-GenE WoW JJr Itadj IWunotfe Umj L -StebJo - r i j jg 0 ilacAtttattgl'r - I*; A HtotiUS—OSdv*wi«& ttlW iottr «S»ye flow TJUfIt-toßosijaß-J * AtL * a »* j£ *« UPVjA L J. V JIJ - l l » A. street, befcrfi« 'ftbodMui gmtibfieJa efcreet*,-fcniicxir r ‘flotftttfca by TboClUmllßiS, Eiq., dertt» WH stand to thcriiQidiwpg gin flaflat.l w™; J ‘** U*licia»g«Ofttap«i> , "»* « l Boiltllgga prcparod at short natfoU ,Xcad«jir? B4sc»cto4Ux Offiov- . TT'AW PAMSKCBMU’urlfR»m'b^6^W«-*i*^VJ ' la OoxiTt, cart ** ** V2?*A n 2?°?fsK -ffoattfr street: ntfasbwiste on* ocgapfr&fay MfiUkdc* [few r •''Atttefc JfJcbwi* - swCabnoftt 4 ££«s**•**» . t . V a AS iA\>>-3*<^ oppose® v ~ <*• *, _ XAtf AOJ&CT* _/ narand otieafilieta ahttuallrinatay Amufaufmarll : >«*■ '“■ vv-j'V;, -.r ••••.., S&SBSS^.SW-2?asS • Boom* cr.rt- 2so*lSD. Foftnth *tret&- ficmdft Ite^vSlortip^; Fowcr?sf:Atiorney' ilUkjsd vyiungs«bstpptcr t IraariatoUrum thftGfona&r ,ggcoch;3tiilh^ftitf fiiSsfc ' L . Dr< S. Kjle, dhr. -«to •ita LiSplmt *teiy»i BMnrUfU) Tetter, Ctote» ■ Tffor6as,DUmfe£ii, Drßsabty, Asmtfcr Cholera, T<, teoil9« locVal-i^vf: frinaU; ' diseased; UJseoera ef.tiw-.livrr and;Mil 'wvefsetofujii, Bwjay, £<•-, P*^ lbrplr'JleiW, “ ltl^K?S? atrwrttjsrtlM tanwt, »n> mUrdj Wt -ga.bps .: fitt»borgh« w - -'*, *• KcUnchmao - ‘YMtliitf Cdi3fi*''rio/»'EB«CBHO4;Of \Ct l stflt*rafc : StpniV jftrtfyV nml at taffjtncgt twonaMe price*. -‘~. - ■■ uOKIJ.i . «tes rflwkiiiSnidj mul Sp»»W«ss Hnj;i 'lifuK’wnuTSppw Sail* txa Taeto|B»rrel •lSawM'»K‘ Patiarn Blfete, ,'toataiagg.ac. •. -r * ~ ”^7— s JSSSswcoodiui offlcn at thorium place, lot tta JS&Suittn# loßiu,iaU«i tatffc Mortgage, and InitwmmteforOu! storrity of Money, endfbr the 'SfrSdß of;Stockß. - Wlft-elio gttcjront* nod iWjtontfng Bope,aimer# b,.,_ JBJtoTSiitooiv'flto. BMatay 400, J? P»'CMmor * Co, nil r’SsaasssHfsassasffflSK OTerj-jrtldo in teffluSTSoolt, Uwiliartetn?Uo! rad on tto r:i?^,S^£^. 0 VwdKimiliwrpcrof Mwtot ~-^^o»^ l *^ c:glnael;y^ o,i6 ”^ rt I ”” m ~ ■ Jpnrp&fo "malt boond In too most y^^^S^ J irtgkfi!h J :'yg.tf^lgricet' : gtrMfc. ~ --*^~- ~ V-' V 'W* * . „ BUSINESS-OARDS. ; •-■‘■'jf &itigi£ " , I„ "} AW> PBODIiCE f? go. 37 ffoofl fctrcet, pfttahffgbr . {mrs” smith SH»r.j«Lir, ' TrrUDL'ESAIE ’.aEOCEBSi-ANB COMMISSION unfit. ■fY -CHAMTS—Cotoct Wood amt Jint. ttt. —fro>3 Isom Viuu^ PEBCH4NT L JtortttHtsagqfta streets °* i SB. A. FUunitißk # Cg„ , i "HOLKSAtE DRtO SlrgtW -- Wood tlreotA,and lamer Wood and iiUtb.' [fiiby;; p£RGQ£SX'TA£l&lU~£to l r fifc? Marfcct [i-Secoim tod pa. ; : .vir.-^ ~~ Wfllluii St*Gormly, - ' IN J'BOBTICK ASD VV JIASCFACTCnES; Ho. SSI Hbwty ttKet.jUwtly opptaito ISglo Hofaj, Mttainugh, f»;~H j2B.y T*or*»y4fr i 'Wood street,sboonil Efriug» , B [marl&y ' WlillUß Olnuti oT Third omt.wood streets*above ;' J3 C,IL 'Kay. where halrprcpßralto d&evory deacrtptiaa o£Kttifog.and Blading. - „ (deeS ]l, fiXtUOf. »v iJXttmVR&Am&XJt BEYAIL DttALgft MUSICAL MualcySchool. fcooksjcuid '3Lg2 Wood stmt* ' ► Ottntel Yonxxgion, OtJS&fiIGN, AND ORNAMENTAL PAINXI-. j Pena nod Ilszul streets, -.AUvwork neatly txectited. ifrOcra pa actually Btttndad tti. fmayS2ry ' BtoektonV T at s johneon t stockton, jwoKSELtau stA- -Printers a&i JSiwler—enraor .<£ /Morfcct nn4 Tl4id streets, pjtUburghfftw . r 4Jygl,tf Tftnia n. Little, ■ rUICJI AXD- BEoCK AtAKEK—*Wh lllrMfcTjrtwdai iV«d jual-Mtrtat City;Hot 5 z l- . fapttf r » Beimel'* v (J JDfcPQSllQßY—tto. *3 Ulrf rtntei, L.of Ucth«y nance Tho Cemetery of Scutari, jnT&lf W. IV* Sl’Cture, JJtffiEE. atos, AND ORNAMEJ-TAI. PAIOTBR—Coro* ud fifth fJfricad* Be kernffiice+rittobtirgfa, Pa. margOfe a t& craoc.va. „... > M .... _..... tubs. rtuo » aptlfcly Maronx w< Aetio»oß t A rantNßY AT JXXT —omw, fourtl* stWctilstiracn J\. SmJtbficU ftUd Grant * ;:ildbsm»A--ai.c3ayoUier pcmolatbedt^; l -: r -''teeplgr gnuAx^niitiu •* SfUlev Hfeketioß| ’\I7IVJtSSSm OBOCKHS, IMPUKTUKS OTBRAKIftESy f f -vWJAc**»a ami 174, comer of Irwin ; ondXdberty i'ittabuish. 'lron,'l~CyM3U:*IUN SIEIUHIAttr, A?TD 'jJ’; Dealer imdJ kind* of :W*tertt"Prniwhrioa ilerelauat*,Bailer* to I Oognttf Ifroduno oadKttahurgfa.■M^tri^ute4.,a%rf3r r -jbarfloorsftboro-Fifth,•pftt'frnvrjg^^'T**, ,* v —-• "mSSST 1 Wt,W 1 -nncmtcß lnaoum '.Horuai 2lit AUbejud.in WJkhijibdrgK »iu*»hM»prewttjJto a,-«nßnioa»l»tr»rcllera najpwsriw Etf>n£ wt from Undtr. jcaatr, ~ ~ ,?>... \ . T>OOSBEtt3£R*ANO adway* ca Juttd J> awneralUßOrtliiiTfltofSebool, MUWiUjUjcdasand Clank Bocia,'TrtQiliic,Pi3*f ami Can Taper. Ae*, Jl holessteana Be t«U, So. 101 U art »{rwk below Fifth, Kiut #kta, Wttrtursli 03.yuntol. Ittffltnil Tinner*’ Strap.- *P‘v?_ ~ "" 1 r ' ■''' Joieph KUt, TTUSInONAItt'B MiaIQIWOT SAIWR—>O- ffl-JJUborty tl-i treet. I 1! U»b)Wgl>, Tiu WdooririowligtanoWJ— jj-SOW'fcoriTiaffftmntbo JCssia haosbaratvas^rtmeutof Cloth*. Gasdinerts and Inps nhirh l ;ke matte to o£ & the shortest and «t ib» Uftrort pricco-nrOR CABIL octirtf 3 ». xkswt. —n.iusim. Kcnnedr A Ifanlett* TXrnOI-ISAtBASI) ttKfAlh W Jewelry, iitttet Worn, Pancy nod Variety C»t li!r Mwketatm*. between Wtlrylwt •ana ' /gngresaorsto hlngfrfA Knot). Clocfca,- Watrhisaiid fevtiSvy neatly topalrofl.':: - • : > >w OUXAIUJAJttfc PAINTER* AND H p«a?r in i&lnte—Ra.i« tt.CWr nrn‘t,THt?liurgh. 'llaTtottrianUy all 3dud*- ritbor dryxff mixed, Japan tad* Cojwd ■ Varnish, s linseed Brfrita Qlott t>f all sbas, rflity» Paint jfrwhrt, la allof tb« ba*t quality, and fir Bale at won* Me Priofip. * . - K P II Wnthtiw. 7“, t ‘ A Third iloor from Market strot-rMnnn ■ A:lsidoresloonier ths test^quality of BttlUTis. Tlu>K: KcnUrmim .whft bare £‘und obtain a v*njiUittg mtw* hhJrt, «tn «.J*nit«a r qountily of Xtaij Ma 4» Shirt*, of all steal. fOrMcu ana Ban. ..■l*.. ■-L« TutenrA( Urother«4 , - •: * TMFORTEBB X\P DEALERS IN h'B4o.Clf BRANDIES, L WINES, Si,- warrantea pnreton/1 oimedtaßlylO'r pn okfor rarfo Al»,ln boUla*,tary too oU Champslgne - W&e, Jenny Hod, nH Port, fehcrrr. Mndeiraapfl jimcw »w*. ' .'iAUXifluoraaodWlnMat this estAWbhmtatjwlUly found craeutSqSity.* U TCTECR * BROTHERS, aolStor * So. 76 gmltfilkdJatrcct. me. a. JA3a » csbwb*. < Herron & CrUyrell* , ~ rTVffifr i’OUhDEUlk-'ManufactmyraiOi all IK kindaefßKwawprk, loeomoUTe, Stftam.Enpnor/ltm', US*, Acs Jd«k Cotton Batting manufarimeni. foundry on Bateon rirtof, Allcgbcny <3tJ—Office, corner of Mart** ana 41fUi PitUburgha -Old, Braa*. and Conpar .taken In ■axchanttß ibr worfc .>■>- IcCKIy--; • <*■/■ ' r = w.h, wallocer _ T OOKIbU CUSS AND BRESU TAOTORV—Xo. 126 Ti HfOcH;Kaep»xonrtaatlrtCn, hnntt and maira&cturM to order, er ray-description • of Mahogany nnd Gilt IWinCd looking Classes lookioif |do» plates. • bv thabbi'er' ripglfr plato. : IHctore* and Portraits framoa withncatnCftsaM Jeepatch.;AfulLawortitteiitof Bniijies iott hind raid made to ordorjnf: the heal material. a tjrifity of heuea for Dishing good?, wholesale orrttafl, to snit purchasers, nt todocod prico*. ,v fopyhoCT . , -.' ■' -' r '" :. ■- 1 ■ ■ ]| |y'f^|fn||]i. r ' > yy^Y|lfny..i -v'-.'s » TTOTERTAEEU—Fifth street, immedlatalf apposite the Thctito. respedfußylnfonna Ws friends, and.too.-pub* lio graterxßy* that hohsa resumed hb hnsincsaae a yumlsii ing Undertaker. H§ts,soppliod with, and alwnys Ju*p* on orantbßsand-kla'b, ghrq^b,and.oil other, “SWffiS'W" ,D pUeu ia order. 'A fine Hearse, and Carriage alwayaxeady,to attend fUncroU. jopz&slr J.jJ.GtUUnpkr,! Cor---'' •;! -\T0.79 Wood »tn»t, SttUbureh—MMro&otaW'orXoot ytne Glasses, aod WholnarteTXalai In Combs aodYari* tr Goods* often to hia customers and the pnbiie-a; wofitcoittf Sjt»X£stbiu«itorGooa«jV l W s u»»iiw*t»WB>.ft»p"*ig rjJjtag-fflrtrasiTdy engaged In* ihk mtuiftchno of ercry TaSrtjof IVMldnj Glasses,-bo to-enabled to.dfcr iiiil«w menlato tnnxhaserve'lttal toaof house In lUn Dnlon. . - mfetf g?.’> -*> Ti'/rAWFAO!ro^oi^™mB E jVL-WAUBv DkUS&t utaHotos sFrasimi..HAa»WiS*-* 80 liberty lares assortment or Tin and Copper Ware, £e* best maUJgv -wfiebbe will poll at very low juices tat wholesale sad, merchants at* InYltod to call athis stand. AILJob-Voric Inthe above tmrinoMj also; fipouUnt ana yy>Affl ,[nDTlg_ V 1 Jainei lioww Jtn • , * rwiA3& AN© BEDSTEAD MAN mrACTCJUSB—Ko* 2M JtettmnnaV Rovf,-Liberty etreat, has on hpnd s lar» utodt of Chain and'Bodrtpads of' cvcTydescriptioa, made of. thrfgst nuitertalg, *hictf bo■wUi. wll lowertban.srtktatraf' •tfiewwequallty canto toll in. tha city/'Hetrojald teUjpa** Ucalai attention t6llls largo CtataAhd Itaiitfl&dsfifbleh he *U! oeU ot: greatly jeftiaa. Xtfnlng: '-e? 'ejevf description exocutcdin tto i 'Stothit jhatuwr. - Ortcra: the Ware «rj& w f )IUIL tdfnM of "Adaina anlinietty strcstSj.wiU be ptowpwy i attended to. ’ * - 1 ‘ v ioaral> irransa AITEiaS PLANIMMItL—'WoaId renKcttWy .•JJfc. fcifcnn r&flilG&itHi.turn ortai*' -«gi{sSgSSSS^™Stt voA MboUlngn, of «W torriptlm, mfrfo to jlKiEßseaisaq* ±l} -ll'-C; l*l J*6ia’ilJnlld-l ■ WetaffijplauratstatfwtfiaStW rgSS^Sd£Sii».liaToTCtthfYomaMwft Ubnjy, *ta*.|bc*irfU 1* BM* I » „»pr7:tf 1 . \ f v * 1 Pittsburgh; eridlvy, October 29, 1852., BUSINESS-CARDS. ANB OOMMIBSIOH JlER ■■;■ OBAM3 > yrY School. Books, Paper awl: Stattoncryi : tM. ■O3 /Wood; ftlreot» (betygea Third an4Tv&fotav Ac.: Office, Spline's Bund*, log*, cornertf SorfttffioUt and Fifth ; streets* Pittsburgh* Pa. BXS2LY it'CUIXOt'QIL t , H«urr WGqUoqbli & Co«, mnciuxTS, •. jY widßeaWn ta,o}l kladff comer of Penn atid Trwto 'TTT'HOTJGSAEE" JLN D RETAIL DRUGGIST, rtHW of : :VV C liberty street* : w*arfcwmt. 6f l)m CbcralraJfraaa y«nlljrM«itWn*s alvay* mhofid. KprS, 1 , v y . ItrAKtfPACrtiKEK or all klml* of Trftou aud raAftvg 13fL I&ncsy BUvarth> Planing ..Mill, Grant street, betvero Bareath Ami Eighth, _ - -Boxomadr *t notice* • A JJa3 i. « ~j. umr - J* Lovely &■ Com TVfciLEESsXN CHOICE FAMILY XIEOCEUHa,; Tw», .-JL/Pickle*, Fruit* Jt«, 4c.—No. 2u> liberty atnwt, (north afatajonednoy’belowHand* •. r ;a.':vn> . mygfry/ ~ kaV & cv.f ~ (LAft CHAALCB If XAT,) ,-rt7HOUSSAiE*AM) RETAIL BOOKSELLERS, Station. Tf on sad Paper Bcder* corner of Vood.and Thin! :lfiUglmrplW fa. ■ ' - ••- • •• '■'•■' • - ' .. :• .JyflO ' 'XTA V A2* AKCIUTECX—A for ccpie* or tin ShlpwrigUt'* ,1V OtnaJßook, or UoatßuMcr’j Guido—by —in two volttmo* oonlklnlug if copper plate eugraTiug* of BrafU and Model* fer aalo ehcap>br jySD KAY k - W Wood rtregt. ML Tiadlfif : .WHOLESALE aad Itet&U SABBLEt HARNESS, TIUJNK t VALiaJS tDd GABPET BAG manufcfr taxer, &Or-100 Wood*trpct 7 KtUlnirgb, l*a, - - ' L. S. WAtermAA A B«nif r YI(7'i!OLE9AL£ OBOCEKS, Cbmmtrzioft curl /brvxmhftp If : Merdtanltf ds»lenin all kiads of Produce and PiU** burgh. Slaxmfiteturaf *rtfc]e*rod. agent* for - the sale of .Richmond And Lynrhbiirg manufactured Tobacco, J»oe. 80 apdlg "Water and BgPjftt rtr*et» Pittsburgh. ~ frctl . . (sccctisoa to »7Qa«t a *ni,) HjiniOlttALEflßOCEKt PBODLCB AM) OOMMXSSIOH f V'. Saul! Jttnda of Grain, 6c«la, Flour, Baepn, Fork, lord,: Butter. Csu«e f Te&tberfi, Ae* Ac, - ao. 0 SmltbficM street, aa2s .: ~ opposite the Moaongabela Home, VUt»bnrgh«: - K. 0un. nH .,.,. M ItMSUICTi , m* Gt*tr& co. / 11/rOTOD£RS‘- VAIOtfTdUSDJxY-^VIS^W«KI JjJL Htuborgij Pjl aiauukrtwtrutf Cootfn&SlOTcv*.'- ~ • ; X*Jala and Tanry Gr&tcv Coal sod ty col Status'- r im»i ~~ r ■ rirrlrifrrrm t r ■• ■■ ■•■•■ f: :•••/.•:•• • J _Mtrhltlniiir ii)ili I FrT-Y UurkMiUv ; ; ' • '[ Hollow Virn w *'*'*■« *'■>*■* 'VflgffftDosec^***» • fr * i.\QS* ut«vtr stmt, tt+ ■'-A. fttaJl Ume**'«i6lSxbtftil pta» of rwwtlbtJLftdl«;«ad. plate tft PIIPSJItftSTEKSi eoo*M tn rijto,™ mstttd in a tobtot Wi to Al*>—HOT COFFEE. TEV*Am\ v m* cjs*f ■TC&eihmt’nt*. at abort notice.-. A-PBIVATK 8Al£)02jl FOB LAPTEV , r J!*ir t»r a aqpsq. mabi jagMCT sJw? far Hotye©W..hnU«Fm Jtathvflrew U fcfcls - >/ TV, W, \\ AKD. y f Jh^tmUlMo , TirnowsAms axd itwrAiir plow uasofactp* -AV '■ BEitS, ettreorof Penn atreet and Oedfa alley* !«** ■wtiqyo hdWate the Exchange Hotel,) PUlsUargb, bftTe forMle drer one bnndfM dlSeretxf pattern* and rirrt ef PLOWS, of the most Improved fciutLvand suitable for *ll description* of Mfc r Attone them will bo found ibe cclcbral.'j first; Piyrai ■am fount Jrott Cbntrtf Plnwr.-tharbdH and the* w*t m*;» to be bad |n tbr Cnjtnd Stijt6«ia£id,.al*\Bu>*oU * n « « ,u Plow* with Mow Feints and Caat ingaofomy dcxcripUon. . .. tbotiidvaU aiulftw, before rurehatipj'. MpZl&ta, ~ r ? CHASE dfc CO^S" Southern amp Eastern Freight andPaek* i\ iiilhe principal citio* Of .UUotailed taatoo. fot-tba ira assort* tVas of *ll description* vf Oood* and Janrchondls* at Mali Speed, and At reOMtnoble ratw.— Merchant* and other* woalrt. do volt to onlsjr their good* •ent by A Ctra KXPJtESd. Qond* mbipped to •Itpy fort of tba by hudrurtlonj at tbroSleti -1 . ritUbTa?b^Xo.llilari£et*ir«»t; - New York, So, 205 Broadway: > AVwtogion,comer of .VmmryJwnlaATnnno::: o. .-rl'MlMlsiiM* -Na 45 SonUiFwirth «W»f; >f . v 7tffit^wgr 4 Noug JarrUßnildlftg.-- v^/ s rort7:y - ■ ■ ' ■ Uollmiin & tiarrtioa, TjnTBBtJKGH roL'NDILY—ILarc wmorea to their ncnr - JJ rbtiUdlnp In Wnotashiuo, tuar tlw fmy; JU»ln« *ll tho lote ImpmemmU tot ln Xoroare*, *?•> with Uthct eiid Wher niarWnriTj end keeping »lw»j«tbo best tb&f.txv preparedto.fomlali ei-v cklnery,ir-t•withpioinptncft*. .■!•• ■■■ . ! At they atilt, retain thetratehoutecn BanthfiuM street, os lbc oil pnailnw, (abra »t.No. 4 IVood street.) pattern* or I order* lcfttto* will be ImrardloWy attondwl Ov . I Uarlog uaodatal John ilitanonslurltlt v us, the hiulneu I pill hereafter be traal acted In the came of JlolJninn, Oarrt !«n*Oa. ' lICiBY L. BOIXMAtt, ■ ; ABRAHAM. QAIUUBOK. ' JOHN UTDONOCQU. - sptatr - Co-Pnrtnerßhfp.'v a ;fPHE' witwyrtbCTW h»re forged-a-,. ul Co-l > 02tnmmp, atsd the CABINET,TUIINITimB MdfigBSSSBL >F\\cilAHl MAKKifI theOU? stand;’ NO. ai SMirimELD, fiTUKCT, wrier, tfrfr ftwn i* tavra t itenmt -" JOHN TkL IRWIN, . ~. ,u 5 JOSEPH MKKTKinR ■--■■«* it»rins itopwwd ofmy IntereaMn th* tima of MzzrAfl Turou * Co7in in* Cabinet, Fumltorer and Chair making inuim'to IBWIN k HKKTKIKK,! would mortcheer fully rccommf nrt-andwlldt for.-thnaa of patr "Sf> ? h r tow, ? respwtfitUy Inform their-Honda r-oblis tliat-they hare --.ySO^Qre J]T~- pTr'lltl""*'*' l ’* hi> .’""..apirtnr* *if fiarriaaos. ::'osrr*r\ST •, Kf^VftTTgyy.BußSic*, Weigh* and. ‘Cbtaiots, In Ulthcir Tjirfotni fWIos of flnhliom Ttopotton* All ardors will bo oxcrnW with strict regard to iluraUlUj - and bwQW of finUb. - 3lcjmlr* wUlalsobtf ottepdod to on •the'mort rcOSonabl* tonax.::: C«IW ta »n_thdr "beat Eastern Sharu,Mcs, Sad irfieel s tuffi they fed eonfl dcnttbit alf win be pcrfbctly Stttfstfcd on trial of iheir ■■■'Purchasers hfo ronuostcd to giro us »tail, before pureha alnjetowhoref „ odß-vr nimiwa - juimaa'cTOßi. . . BtlrA M’Cnrdyi '•. , "XTATIONAJ, JTQUhDRV—No, ?S0 liberty etrtet, earner o£ 31 Seventh, fittaborEh. TUo. sabecribore bye no» on imbL for sale, pfjarlor »®4 Warepf Aindnd*,; Tea Kettles of different ißm&Sad Irons, Dog Jtoa&liatels. fidk and Arches far bondings. Gratds, Fend*. -*»7snd Casting In general, mode from good pattern*, apd ofthe best matorW'tnffnaiiatafflml*.-'; --w ••; 'Weiwnxjctfally call the attention of the public to our not? an 4? taxprovod Parlor Store; the which we can recommend ns an -All kinds -of Jobbing attended toA * »•' 7, A. \ ■ • • Persons wishing castings ftonrpatterns of their own/would 40 well to-giro usa call.; •‘ Call to see our stock bcfbropurchasuig elsewhere-we wxu, v?»Orders proannttf attond(dto»ftndjMledon theifvgnt terns/ ~ CJygQ] : v > ; KEIS A MCCURDY. , I6WA, FOVurpHTT rr : ' NO. IO3*WOOD STItEKT, ' TOHK a FARR?,.(successor to J. O.Farry *-Oo.,) ; bciM ' *l'to infer® the customers-of thaold firm, and .tin ; fbr ifcevmftftuflwlnro. of Cano SoSfc 4hown m J. C, PanVs, and aro fbr dora»- rtlifcy to any other, and sold lower than, thoso made on, the . VH&ubw .TyABE-A sramd Kffiortment, ili tornot ind imjitowa prtlen it, Wopra Boxomßog Jrotu, &>d Irons, ° r w D i “ l v ls ' : “r r So Sjom; :EnWnriieOoo* Stores,foarfdKS ;Pjmhlno Coot SS?^’Effi3iWtatorCo l a ®rt>^ s^.. 4 A. ■•Tartar Grates ond Fandotfc ' 'A great variety of Ornamental Railing, for. Cemeteries fid . JPkrught and Ke«oh -gtock -of W 1 ti* •kinds■» use, andvriu.be sold at rcdacodprlocs,..,Halls :cnt! Leyfflv Tyno "American, Egan I *,:. Cranes, *», WaodfePeaboch's,RalTs, fmprpyedilqU, Ac. * •;'? lfettfi** iFhmgbf • hMtakenthoiprcmimn nt the 'BUlo; Pairs of hew. tor*» ; ;pgmgylTanl» f and Obfound whargyet It has betmeahjbltod. ’ vtlronMul flftlls* Stove Plpo andCa of which* L- ■• public to give meaealU atlhe old stand, Np.lß3sVood at: - [ a ttStor,- '7. - JOHN a. • ' V ■?: ■. ~ ■ A. ft* U ART, fID BROKERS. r % KffiIUXGE "BECKEriS, , fiOp}iSto , gA‘ (tad JHamondrAltty • t BANKERS A |: &r- Di iTlfclUt4lTj«i>»»■ ■ XZE&B/ \ SANKfKSAJfDE taAairt Xik9&v* O'COHBOB/ BaOXHEB & CQ. f BANKEBS AND EXCHANGE BBOh-KBS, rF\EAIiEB& hr Baiaextifl s&f JEUchim;?vTmiß&wi •A/ Sight Bill!, Coin, XJncv' ~\t aud Par Pawls, Stocks Ac.? r’Ofltet; tarter wto4«a<* Pittsburgh. 'h[ marir :t t JneuKmi id lift - fHN'wFoFs, -> lifaman BEOREB, «pd Hank 5ot««:. Current »nd : l d&paMt- .Collodions can;fully at* ; .CStJ door East of Markrrt/FUtv., a ■> -fv&lr uShtfßankj'ivUti (JoUtand SStftxn • J»s&CCftffWCt£»«?f Ui£* : - * ,■: *k\KX2U> & CO,, BANKERS- AND Jk JHANOK BROKERS* Notes r . tight and. I /. .Time. Drafts ie. •Colfoctioas; corcfallj• ntteummh ‘ * ■%■ vi v 74 Focrth door to Bank of HttrhTg, foelS ■ i n ~~ I * HllJy fe Co«|> 1 MAKERS AXD K£CHAisQJ? BROKERS, .coßwrttop.woqD ANo.nrrn'Hißcrni [ £ttGlIX KXCTUKOB w* *fro Rftslem'CiU» coufiiaaUx for 1 sail#.'* Uoerßilla-Of .EX&&ngn «nd illsronntcd^—< : QoM; Jwught .and fdil.r Collections 1 | : mod? In all the t>ri&apftl dtfes of tbo ■'Dultal;Stßtcß. -: Du t poglta Tvcolred of Ear sfld Qa**ont FnnAa. {miu^yiy I AUlilf SlUafEB, .iS&ffAfiK SAIUTf i ' TIAURXCC KBAXSB.: inmnsß & EAmr, 1 EASKEBS AZiU BROKERS, I -T>BT: and Banknotes; negotiate !, . :Xcß9* ctt Bcal .Ertato or-Stock Sw3UriLie?i; FramlatoryNotesand.Tyna BUI*, on Kart,on4:W«*t? buy • and fteß on OaautfiAajGE* j '-‘-CxSiatSSpus xdadeonnUTOlnUln tlieUnloru. i - (royl -> m ' • > - t v A . WILKIHS- & COif ' . , ■ > vauTft KMBts cpposjijvnijnt or yimron/ja. rroa SUBSCRIBER, mdqr new tutf mbro fuTorahie nuspi* X :c vltt conilofe»flJislxcDklng buriocns Anjlßtockßro ta the ttoojtt &Ra#riy wcuylml by. Mown PaUnrr, Hanna * Co**ndin«*TW*nt)jr Ivp the litteburghlif* lo* gmtuacp Dttfircuir; whci*ho- -will fieplcvM to nh* hte bid frfentUbadcastaaatau r fj 3] A-^vnutlNS. * H. BOX&ES & SOHS, BASKEBB ASP £X.GOA2tGK BUOKERS, fIATW ■r»rvgp. ttiijtt. frAmsn asp txaLisog omcs to ho. 6T KmJT 'BTmr. yors jxwas ;hl mu j ■pvBALKRS la'CbW, Tina Bill*. JTardgn and ■ 1 / Domaitig farhsnyfciT&irtilkatefl of Deposit, it. • *2l tho principal titles of tbo Halos tsd'Eo* xopc, fat sale la caas toperttwer*. •,. CMrrcrU airf fuadsft?«iTrU on ilostL , , , tba tnlon, , n4 the In weft ntw, ,i - f*epilty ?At3io&B ft mum &ANKE&O ANKEXCiIASGX HOOKERS, J&xrt Removed UuSt Qjjleatotfit Oonurof FifUiand Wood tis. fVrtttCaaff, *A. T>ATEICE& A 75IESP, Iteaicr» and Xsefcnqpe Brokers, -Jr • «nd Dealers hi hftttJfr Drafts, Acceptances, : Uold. £flr«ir am]Dufc■■STotot':'&tfmgei'6ntb« Eastern *a’Ufr «l*y been I dtMolrpOtr &utssl Meant. Tb*bo*toc»tnli be.do* i+ibjrboa&KM iwjr! a. imgFss 1 JOIW A CACGHEr, 4 THOMPSON I&LL, TgQMpaoy grrw. i. A-cxcaStr, THOMPSON BELL ft CO., . BASKEHS ANfrEACHANffg BBQIOSB& .W- exchange: JLtfO BASUING lIOrSK. & JOSES & Cfc, Ocraerct fTCwf «wt**i*niV &ftdt, -J>ShbopV Aaata BIELSOy BXCtIASUE spd :rpl« dlswuntflit >liwU of Exchange IbroMidoo »U tlw prluds«t atlc*, East, We&rtA of UreUnltedStaiev.. • taosht JtfcpodUr«dT*t of tfxtowt Currrttt Fundi, wj4fftWon ttU. Ytma. Deposits also refrired. end Interest allowed. - ta»vi Kdd.--' - r >.-r r Jpt HOTELS, &c. T“v :' iron .City Hotel*- * % 17. -fiSim Pacmtnja. , !9>Uood SBibUog attached to .thifl Uomr- ;-?■' (ar* IUdtOTJ,:.-. D«rarn’« Hotel, er «/ SmUitrld nod Ttrini Sintit, PMifyirek, Ron'o. IIWJWJf S COS SEIM, PMrpinuM. CT-Ooo]Uigm»ciwHothanon«>-. .■ ■ . AVe»*em B:fCl»q»W HqtfJ, VjrUl d, Wtf of nna .'quart* uturty opposite toe snsral . ... , asset i*i, Vail Stood fbpot, JCbMaddphui. ; JOBP.IMI WATJBBMAW, l'.optutTo*. - j j65"Th« •tiwrri&er repprctfUlly iolWw .a j*hir« of th. tiartlUng J»troo«sa- - ' ' ~ ■■ TdU»-*-OneDollar perday..'. -, -i [igM6.ly Ow*ton’*ExeJiAnß© r . i- TWTOt-17 ST. ChAIK huuseiha* been •|\ kco by the und*?wijrnui, fllhxl up in rtjTpaur»M.—'Thi* House ha* un- V/; dcrjcnae thnrtrafch and extensive r*r*h% aaillsrc*-addition* nf new fQtnituKs etr* and the propria* tors tbafc jjoUiiDg shall bo wantlus on thdrpart to render, the Faunam a place where all tbeeom fcitinf a first da« hotel con be finmd. ' j T 4 tf C. PATRICK A FOS Charleii Hotel, - QMVfr of .Wrxxi un& TMnl tUteUi tf&n?a. «■ .••■.; WlblMil i CA.UPBEUa.X'Eorolßtafc fTTIUS too establishment tuning cmne Into the hands of * X> new Proprietor, uffers great IndueemcnU to thetrarel- Itogeowlinmutjyina'alsQ lo rejcularhoardctr. -Brcry deH« cacy and loxuiy wUlbe-provWai is iU.fleason, and no pains wilt ho spared tosnake this Hotel a comtortaila-mmn to all who wi»y call there. (pylfl.'tfl.M?.- B».CAMPBELL, Trophy > Grant Home* , Oirrur ofJburth Md. Qrant itr&ts, f**tt/hwrg\ ihrni’a.;;... fVMIIS SUUSCRIBfcR hdb leased the larcn and well hamro X HOTEU (late Lamartine House) attho corner and Grant streets, wMeh has been repaired and newly fitted Up in pH It* apartment*, aoastoglTo a targf' and mom libers •nf arromniodatkm to • tray**! i era. end board nr*. JHa -liffdAr wUibe stoml with the lmwtfhoiee wlandx -thsinnrketQaa; afford, and hi* bar wlth blip-best, flfa would rt>- specUolly > marie • .■ • ■■ •-•j.B.;FEIIRT.- v iviudnji HaU| TT . m JFburth tired+inevn ffaiUtJUlUSUaUjfbUDd.BitlUClX'plaßßS.;>''^^.v/.;-r,'>,'':-C'i;iv;-.f‘.,-v’:; '3 '< :v J r Alt of the dellcaclca. bf ;tha seamttjin the way bf OA-tfR, nSH r -SoBm.Ac4^tesarVed^^^ to ; >; «a.ljefiAHiMuppiiod wtthvUQUOBS of.tha finest brands, ondtl» atf murii.inTOgue daring the waaxx Mue Applp flobblcrs, Attut Juleps,.Pmtchos £inashes,wtU be served up ln.ft.Way.tbat will please*bs tasteofalL - -. . , .*.• •;* . ■IiUKOa is scrrcd up fifpry morning, at: U o’clock, -,to which the altonttnn of customers is so»icitnL- [inylo. Great Jtedaeementa to CashiPurelwinjci. Sinrrii wiU seU our large sto* of CCUDIOif» AKH FASfCI v.W CHAIES ANH IIEPSTKA'DS, at fail to please cash puTcfcr,«ss. . • 411, our da wnontod.: Onrtcmsaro GABIL' • JAMES/I«OWIiY f .Jlli,'”. ;:..-.nw*eMi - « . cor. Seventh andliberty ctft-'’- : Wlioleiale Rnd. Retails' 'saddle,' UAKXDSS AMIWVSK. MANCTACrOmr;- T) OUERT- H. nABTU«rlx«s ltaT» to infom ■ Jv friituls kml ttopuWk£opocu)y t ttai continues to oqnipy tb»t lm* f . . itoefc* &Lj No; AP, xoropr oMtismond ■.Ajfe.wii/Wood *t, i' -A *W : .l»U*Wg>Mg»»BO»Csr . NEW YORK. . ' : Wood . •\TrnOLBSALB GBOGKttS* ufdDealers. In -Tens, Soft&V ff- Indigo, Ac 4 Ac* -jfa. 60 JVon/ r/rwiiVl'TF TO-RJS- ilereiiaataylslUng 2tijy -York, ire respect folly larltod. to give pga call, v ■.,^»ri2sJy»r. . JOINER * STtfraSS* : ”, rsjg3gjt> GABBIAGE MAKERS, - .■• >’ Nov 365; Broadway, >. ' ■W. , ■ TBr ■, jryjr TOBK. . Carnages Rns mads In (Ws-City, under ourovro. guppiraion* „ < Au27-6m , SI E TUUPOUT AN Vt Q * BROAD WAY, - 2TEW TOBK. ' : I . rpUEMqtropolUan.'trUl be: completed and, opened fbr.tho X rccepuoQ. of company, September tbe inti Price :of Board, Tvo-ZtollarspertUv.. ,; aolfl , . ; >. •• -finiEOSIJXANI) A CO., proprietors.--. ii.Vf. n^p^rp^xgTL » w; CiSFIFIiO A FOWLGBf l. SIIIBT -MANUFACTORY AND QiIiiTLKiIEVH OUT FUTUiG STOBE. Ab* SOS'jfroorftcav* {near Warren ttxwly) «in 7 TORHL l*rs, made toordar. at sliort notico, »ud -warranted to ■ jnaror ea 11... jmxnot ' BAItXTf.TI&ACK As, CO, :, i.f/h ..i -(SfcCO£SSOBS.;TO JUEOWK» &. C 0.,) •Ayf ANUIAGTUIIEM ASD -IMPOETEBS OE 811,TER IVJL AND 'PLATED 17ABE, WamOTii," WalchulJas-- MnitrtSi (Slpwr thedoldciLE4gie!,)fl4T Bsoipwjr, NEW i<)ilK,roaU. corner of Murmy street, tifposltothe <3tf liali, - • ' ».••■■>■<■ ■ .* v-.~ *»•••.. • Fail and Winter «ood»J MERCHANTS'. TAILORS AND A E.TAY'tOa ft CO* 6 ft &Luosx Luce, J«nr You*. 1 Juv-Tbo nndersigoni are aow/offcneg ■ oaentiro new ami ! pbolcertflck ofGood#r,flrfAlrt*d cooiisti&ic' of n*d PU TUIM2JIM<9t &&,.wUb every' desexipUafa'or Sc&sohaLlb floods. oJaptcdto iho trtde r towbiciuihcy Invite theattentfonof their friends anddealers generally--- - Thoao trto wish to proenre tbe latest styles, at the lowest* prices,.c&a fiod Uiextt by us.: • - . r:- UUk IS E. TAYUtfI ft CO* " ixOiLm K Y, Cheapest Printing. Cards dt Cord gUMti IS THE ESTIBE I.'MTED STATES, : J I AT $O. 4, EEADE STREET N. T. - n/jplfK subscriber luis had tlflrca year? experience in the i - L'czßflntjfoctnre «r Printing Cards, nndia: eoxamendns rcrwlnes* ibr having «rrery £acUlty6f thomcsliia ! proved incphiaeiy,-juul;heingjs pnwlinUr worfcnwaXiinlands i to purxuo a c&sb badness >ar.tt sell lower: than any-, other i manufacturer In tlir country.- All cards ofblsi&jmniacture i 6XO WAmntiti-to pnnt.irolf, endjtfl orders, will ho sent by i Mpresßi Tfc/ft cnd*ixt*ni qfGood*,l?\j}\ partleularrand -BBinpl«pan beobtaJnalbyaddresMnfi, permeli,:- ' B. W. BOBYj 4 Head* street. ?fcw Tori. 'ScpTtfmcl' PIAHO FOSSES FSOH KEW SCALES, t J*P Warner 4fc Co*« 4l* BUOADWAX, « • • BEG to inrite public tttentloa tcr their: BOSBffQODBIAyO FORTE 3. last inT o'JTTßm«nuJ&rwir«i from.- their. ABW AK;D *■* w i - Jf *x3miATLY: larwionar scales. ffinal, and net to be (baud in'eny* others ctklm Mates, such, fi>r«xamp!c, as suudrjr material itaproreiuenla In, tha bcalcs,ihoGlobular Sodratod Tabular lfcirs,Ao.,i Ac, Tuer are made of the Very b«* materials and by the ablest vurkmeu to be (baud in iac couutnrr aroTeiTaatediii all. pro sold on CsTorable terms. Second band Pi* ano* taken 1n exehaujre. > ,»*W*rcrootu.v4U Broadway, Kew-York. j : . IMPOEIAHT 10 DBTJGGISTB! D. 6. M’CnllooßU, ■. ■ ifasufacturcr-taut Dtaler in ■ Faint*, Oil*, ie., : . SIfiJBEX .XAXE, A’Z-’JP TOlUCjOKer* for oa . .Tti -iraumiiaLlo term*: ' —•»: - - AYlxllo LcadjnGfl,tn kegs of £5 tfc ' i BlarL Palui, Yoltow.OchrvVonJtUA Had, IncQ. '■ < • Patent Dryer, Bpanirh'Brovn, Terr* do Sienna, in oD. ; •( .> , Cmbcr, Chrome Imperial and Arsenical Greses, Inoil* i Tnxsrian Blue* Chroma YcUotr and Verdigris, inedj, ;• - Tamfcheaof alkldmlff. , linseed Oil, raw ana boiled Patty, Whitin* Chalk* lamp Black. * American and Ecgli&h Tenitiaa Bed. Chrome Bed and YcUow, dry India 31& Bed I > Ynwij, astd YeHov Ochre, dry. Chrome Paria findßrnncvlck Green, dry. . • •- FLUUKSCE HOTEL* V7V NOi-400 auoADWAr, tfjsfr yorjc - ? rTUEE;propnetnr oC Uiiß-.veU knei»n -Hotel, Ktosiaj on X thocornerof £Kttd«r»yt2u3 Walker streets, fci.ro ♦Hr* ongbly reooroted and partially nvfuinisbisl *r_ >rfi nr*- ja-epMttltqoffotthdtifliElina^^^wdwseaggffirliAitlfl* KUUUI iu>f rpSdQurbal(jyorcrentnj. . ».■ '■The Homol* cmteally located raid Tlihln forty yards of - the- Kew.-HATta itidlrcad JJtpot,. yrtarre the - porters of; the Uoum are always In cotutioit allßnilanrc. . i : :• pMwmg trs srnTins in >ew \«i£ tan ixranaQatcly.'raßc in. the House* dHtrcTtheir choefes -at the office, and harp, theiz bapjage tonreycU iotbutr Room. I *, wUhatit any charge-whsi trfcr; (whteb 1* no small pT expense Text) v l The Ham© t> farnVufxf vltb -a .fine suit ofPanomro Broadtmy Bath 4ioota*,inrf all the modem ; iaq\roTencats, irbUiiJcnd to afford'lbe tweler pleasure and cojnfbrt; It li jhefery centre all' the principal places of amusement, and,infocL.every -nay calculated, to >»pg with their families, for pleasure, or men- of JmElness, that are so occupied as to be unable to cbne at set bourn.; Meals seat to room* without extra charge, , -BEUUbN LOTEJQT, ;i ■' , 4 Oovan'£Ga,*s£ng)U& *wt Scotch TTrittas tapers. • They are also Agents tor Ilia Principal Paper Maim Carta* rers ln Mils eouutir, and offer for sals ly lar the moat ex* i tenrirn put desirable stock of Paper, and raper Maaafscto i pira’ raiUfrtaJa thal cm be found la this or-any othr ! tootxtry. - - They ctffitpy the l&rgrand H Cllif street, Mew 58 Cliff street, Mo. M Bookman street,! and the Itffla orer theUrgo Iron Store#, 7 and 9 OUT street 1 :Xhdr badness Is strictly .Wbolcsalo, : end Writing Papers i eye seta the coir* - . Their rxtraordmary.focfllllM enable iaom. to. oScrvall qoodfv both Jtaialgjjriuid Domestic, *«t tho knrwi pop rible price*. - Paper made to order, any abs or weight.: übenl adrsa* oc« inadu on Paper,-Paper Makers? Stock todother jmorrJuuicttee, --a -: ■ •••••. •* . The highest market, price panl In CASET for all kinds of Bags - aprl&l* BUtXEK COTTON SIU* : disiu)«lor»s . .1 'Dyed Carpet Chain, of »U colon tnd Andes;. 1 Cotton'JVinP, whitejujdrwrieifotod colGre; ! Do yarn«, I!.'Ulnf ! Ctal!ewkk,'to. .. . coi)3l.*tUw3in ' OBEAT BEDDCTIOH Of IBICES l /THARhKS' A. MOOIUS, Stti: HQ- Wood Street, onto) to eele.iitanuaaMlyloiritriccvillkMeof BUCSHESand -TAKIKTV GOODS, lie manultaturoalmd hat ten band,.* exreUent.wwrtnwntvof strong. wnlvoll nifujig l'alnt,' tjtrtoplnfe SmbWt®; Tiaß had. Cloth 8K CSUJSS, made of the bMtm»te*W, and adaptofftir osoin title or any other.market. He would aliOlnTiio at ffTUlcnto hU Hat aiKi other "VARNISH .'IUtUSHES ton ULKNDMW, which he is tic terminal to cell at tom 20-to V* percent.cheaper than they can. to purrhaeod elsewhere. JkddtcisaEd others waotmpEnivht^aromTltcsllocall.asd examlnohls articles and prices.: - ac- ■: ■ ■ i! AlSJO—TooklngaiaSBea;l > tott»Trtnu*,Eloc3o,.PottMmt .ales, Pocket Cooks, and all other arlMra generally.kept to salotn-Variety Stores.:’ All of which he la detormineato.sej| atlbolowestprlcetoensb. ' ’ , its- Remember, MOORE’S, iKUTood street, neitdodrto D>Tia T StarOarr-vT. . *-ta.jppgg : 1, j._ . k i . M AJTD?ACTOBIiKS 'AHD DKAUvBS Df M is C HEB TERMtSEftAX. PAISff, UMOBEjriXSTLPJ— , mr^^n i ;. . Not December IS, 1851. - 'I hats analysed* sample ipF SIANCmSTEH-iiIIfEEAL PAlliT, ibr Pcnnja * Xoap, amifiml H to contra. fo}; lOWhlg:" '■■■" •.'••*••">■ . ■■*• • v'j.-S'-,, i •**«*--JW; . ■?>:•; r-Per OxUo 'Oflwpj.w—.--v.•;•• i yw „ t 6S 1 | ■■■•"—? 24; : |o3ddO .Of ;«iw, : i WaUrnna 8,00; -. 1 - wpS i - The Powdered Sainolp, retained peas irw th» ono you? desired nlso-to ham analTE©d» I-flna to dlftbr from any average of tb© lumps powdcreu, and mix* . . j.Vcr Oxide of InQjw,..,/. ...............k J 4 [ K>Hm» — .:::.'—■:-—..j-.-fiSyOO •■-! i Magnc&b,~ • W-. »;■ !■■ 'VToterand lijjs,;.. i - - ' J r ’ - J*oo£T .: ~TbladyTereiic«.l;pr©snmo adses fro©-tbfrmineral be ing uniform, some portion* containing.cng&Xfdn thairoib* '■*rs?. i Tho analysis-shows the -article-. tube vellwnitzsd 6r-V durable paint. I find that by calcining the powder ;by,V pretty high heal, tho;colnr;is much improved, urattaUi converted Into a finored. . *, kk.-iv^.-vV-i-;- r ; , * ' For Sola by JOKL &IQULHB, J»1 Xitxirtyrtroet. niarl&ly • ■ v J *: ' ■;•--- Joseph a bjlbh & BA&tt, (LiTK ooki,, paper* and wprrog wife^' The heat xtm jo greei *>toraeß off the bnu* ''mounting AVpthtreJaflJ'tnkeplcorare In rßconqnfnding -these SAfiscto the pufcUeuS&feehtftlinttirlndgment, ejdiWjr •UropKtof* JAIuaSA.I'KABOF, • ■ . . ! ‘ BRAXNON * nIATCUHV “~t! -i, .. < UESKDICX* CABTEH, ! -1 i - ,' ' , • - ißtsecaovm, - 4*. (i aartoOrfroMn tnoir } Tttessed thebigafag-of tV?JuSkeftfUKT Idgjiort terms'tf tto &irißtfor;uS f»pro£ .WeUßW^MistmUT^teiflJß^te^^f fpSBT, I ' j- " PHILADELPHIA. ; ' A. 11. C&AYPQO JiK, ~ * -\\l iiQLSiULH iaPIE3.BQnn' X\TH!iim»_lrrCTTi'«n; ,Vf Forth IbartAjfrttLnSt door to flwAlmhantf Hotel; - rTOMMOSIDH HEUCJUST.&rUw raso of FIEIt fRO AJ' - "VISIONS, it, ‘jVo. 9 Farth lHm.i, l'im,.eratei,PlllLA- Mpaa «arjy*_ MOUJIT VSBSOS HOUSE!, , SEOOSD SIV ABOVE ARCS, rUILMm-PBU, 3L ARNOLD *S N. SiUHT, Proprietors. y OnepltalUrper : i: ~ aag?3y g •. • .*.•.• *■*. A. •'• > •• • »"t *•- 1 ~ • TirPORTER-ANT) DIALED IS ’jBBJFDIES, G£tr r 1 WZ2WSR die, 8* SoGXß'lteEr siWff, /comers! Wol* natp PHILADELPHIA tmgjy TVEAim Vi WATOTSS, JEWKtEX, EIkTERSTARE, U *c, ; ffi?, i» «mft ¢f ttr«t: PQILADKLPIIIA- ' if. B.—Waldiw and Jewelry.-esrcnilly rewired, toffa* shortest notice. - vaZSJij* , • 9?&o»»rc. Co.*^v f'lne-WATCHESsodPLATg&'WABB. X and Slumifartorera of fiILTEB WABEandJEWELHX, laa CHKSTNtTT tbeirliiia. og admtiied. , aoU&ljt GKOBGE& JAM KB BkSSEES. ; i TrrmiMJ uquob mebcoams, -i 1.7 vara ? f : £?CTO» RTBtET,. PIQXADELPHIA*-J»fe coaxtaatfr: oa hand, French Holland Gin r 's m antment of FORKIGS-WIKK&. iJfo*all him!* of Anwri-: am SpWtejjtc. - ’ • —■! T* ti-tTJTTxn.-anftfap^^-Rr ISHiojux . v,. i gHOBEBt BSHTXSfi A - /COMMISSION. MKIiUUXTS, nnd Dealers in tail* DDLS, V/ of ercry dceoritfUotf, CAMILES, TVJIAtECONE, i 2 South. (between Market andCbesnut&ia-V PHILADELPHIA. i aa gy tjr« JUKstJusmf .wcTSshl rTTATE KBW OBASIUS BCItDDtO, 11 Front jtrrtt, (ntxrra Azchstnct;) pmr.A. DU.POJ A, whew they minulkrtow rm hi Jl»«on’» Celebra cd Clitdlenge tn.etlnK! -■ ALSO r -AbcmtlfaU)tACK \nUTL\u IKK, BUM INK. *■«. AH-thdr rnan»fftfto7r»'warranted of'«n>erior Qugaty. + Eu2ftCta ISAAC Xr BTAITKI-. JACS3B mniy.i STirFFS&« HABI^ST, -.'.V.-:..'.’,-.':-'’?,*-:, (gCCCSBQSB» TO-0,.00;gCAlO ,; r: jewelehs, wurmpoßTEßa 07 '■? V: - Quarry, PHILADELPHIA. For wlevao Maortnwijt of Gold and Sther Palest Lcrcr T lepiDe jmd ;; i , lala ITateha'i Rno 1 Gold Jewelry fcmi-pilycr.Ware, -.v -i - •■CST 1 Repairing promptly attended to. :• v ’-.%tSSily .•.••-h bHittox * cST, 1 TTBSimS BUND AAU TTKOOW SHADE SlANtt T rAOTUttEBS—JVTa. 40 A” iVaavZ tfrerf, (below Ardl, Westrtle, EHItADKLMUd Lettertd Shato,. fcr State* end Window*, painted to under. Al*o, lUed Blinds, Ball Shadow ...■■• » -sT? l ■ • •If*, Br-Sas}i Shutters sod. constantly ca; Land and • made to order.- ; ~ • '.'suJEkto-- : 16 SOjSra. WUAKTEa AND 39-iiOBTn WHER E!- PHILADELPHIA, TSESt son BAEK— ■- -> £*oe» . Spirit* of Tulpcothre; •• • Tar; ■ Pitch; Basin; Alcohol; Earning Hull; Pino 03; ■• - «ug?aBnt ; :• , • 'gnermWlulgtTiAnmfHl: . B* • . L-.: imw n m»rr* KOWtET ifc HITTEBt ' I GEHEBAL COMMISSION AIEHCHANTS; AS3) wnatmta raitrpn ix - • .. tfAVA& STOBES AHD TA3XESS OltSi f ao* nuLADHLPiQjL at jknrtstinarfbt price*--• , Ifj/ BtokO&l; • Tanocr«Ofl: '-Soapßcdii:-: ' ' -'fitaOtiOal; : Faint OUj • Soda AaH. - i of Western Pwßnea " an2T4aa* . : . : HADUOS HOOsKr . . i. 1 - * XOB/37 AXS 39 NOKUI SECOND SE, ' -‘i Uparmaxst losses,)' . pmr.A^Ef t pmfr ■■ ■lu rrqns popularHma*fa tdadratdr situated for thacom-! : X' Jitaxceuf penta&fe&TeUn»:«lUter onbtubsffl b* plea* i Urty bdn« near the X£LPmj^ »-*T)|7EES£ tß*y ■ boOae: oflbtt aiul liest ev If afcrtxn*nt»of Cock* asd Tfaw: Vinca* fcx t&atidied t States, ixi quantities tff* suit purchaapr* of Xroou* faggte* i{Socktoan* t&ottaaod of gtyl»ddjQggd*cttti*,sdtablg.ftg.Cfaarcocg ! /tingHoams Parlors, Sleeping Apartments and Kitchens, -Rtrtam»*wlranaTHnaionrf Ttftfferad ftnwL ■ r-,, --• JUso, general *aJo Agent fcr Rapp’* lately patented- Scte*~ , tifle 2ik&e Odd Pbis ■’Wholesale and Retail; 3lofel and Sfirex P*a UoldennwdPaocil*, end* TWtety of pancy Gpoda* Those vfch&g la frorchaaoiilll find it to their interest £> ,1 ea^before pcrcfaasfrtgeiyeyhgre.'& S'sVi'v i. ' y r'r>'-^-~' - SbrrraniUn. Bozhas jtutunfctgcoiaexitnd&d.&Uerae la nor fltiedupsbtfrefartiialwdio. superior etj Jbr the ofr bdtnrs. • ,lba lower' {toe?, .tbrmfrij oo>_ ' copied by 'a tores, Is sow. Included ia'tfia'Hotel, fbrjainjr"* ypfffrwT ? jfrpupifcyq yfatfiya, fl»ntlyn»TctWnfng Eoom, thereby allowing addigc&oi 1 fidrff«itanjbMsruij4: seyend beauufol pSiic^^rcafciQs j an pbeateot' streeC. .^tie. >lb£lDcatloa ir tmsur* tjacMjdlier&buaiflooOT pkaaare. - _> '. *^T/:• ; - JSBSsTL WOOUUIT, &ki'. . ri*3 addf&a.i': cnas. x. nxanrcj.. — „,._2ATID toss* -- EA qtc'B .HO 'lf E 1., •_ - ,Kb. 139 : JVo7tA Tivrdi6^ri J ‘&eh«rn A’a«a7»df Hatj"b«s remnratelaiitl teprored.tn.’SiMO-. ner Tihldi win ewopara ftTOriHrialth U» tetdw* Hi)W» ja-th* air, <&a wusstaa to «us*usa« »tto* .»&» 1 wppU(il-wia-Um’ia»tet«a4 most vbchsaisia'StgT&gais Uia market alwras; «ia the bar to maiS the Oust* cDm&riaUeptttd the PHinrlttera Batter, thmaselTea, lint by strict attention to hroinw*, tbty.*m. mrrit and reed Tea liberal thereof jobliir «u«mr»B°tßent ~ • ' •''- ■aaS3ia,.v : C l Xr CABINET WAUEHQCBE, xo. iw agysrcT A&s,) . 'jvs&rauUiff Jrasr sm^**' Cbm prising V,lbuk XV ; glte>bethfln aritV AnUgqa, ■ Id Miple, i is * ./i-gjttPjJj jg-^TOLtf^a^Mawfainaent,.j ; “ : IASIiLOi ihG aims frot^xperW>r* «eJ nring the fistina' cannot &n ta_ to purcha-' tai^to^cto^ifia^w^Merrto-ptaiwttSFtS&fc -to call Mtyisaa^» ,^to"fl6tS^r?-;^:X-^ - ■•.;;>.-.-••--■-■■ ■ - -• -- • -= - JjX fio» Hh»^jarc646^itori«>.'®vws^ or PAEmxaa, KJT HTBBJE43«EJBiN^ anefcHatafclp&l*' isK^^SSie \WuOLSSAIdS;s»£B«aU „W TOcte,in>.roßfttaaay*d. «aa. - Ewamu atrfet, CW*9tj^a.)j > fagadH Pufi,V*ictK\s.u-*r iwtr^j^y-^r^ig. ssa-ssssstt SMasasss^^^ww-^ r ' fc3SES*“"*^ lAMBS. T*M£jKg»t£J -AM> BLAStf *Q^k*!mife& ! ‘gj'J^T'^jfcV'ileni'gjßilinafTHft^EwS^^j*^^ 7 : wr “ n) * *«*•&*«**» . I eDod.«artS»^ I S£^j^^|S^;^^^f IS or 20 per - - -fl??**?®""* ■: Jmtofeeo tt,if tlTUKlllrtWl •" -\TAXVtj. jjl CbOuI—HM. rtoqsg, raam&etiagl ■ the Run* old soeccatfr rh*Jf*-«oiajyj'V iter sn»itrain byjte CKfot 'lUnfiWßji ' pgrxm.r.,l Oirist Churrfc, « Brunei*, .Ttecsfcry. iwMwirt, * Q»4!fieranf ' ftralijbMttr > >, __ * H&R & Jktsrdmss. - *■**«**■ 'M^ssss^SiS^ss&s liSffi^yssSSggg [ ■ ' ' • ' itof-m- rc '-^ L;«r- ‘ ' is?a s - F OnßaGrre, .' ■ sfc*SpoaoJ* ' - gpSf ■- Sas*"* 1 ?* ' - Mola&MCapv *»* v - £ *s=&| [ -- ■ * ’ 1 J . - ; gtativ.H£-SS .S&& lowrosto *»/>&&, *• - *qnus* measJi'msJ - picSsSar® 00-dr-s- So. so awbt Sltwt., WATCHES, \ rXTF&ES. ID tUS TRABR A 1?: VBS rairaflp x* jftßftefr.: “a^y^^onmaAda-fei ‘ _ *» Swi»£Jjmt&g -da’ gg*-^ _ '* 'E'ffjfcr, .;*«i-aass£-’i! - -«- « . -HunUnjra* ’‘ * " ' i i ■ BvtafcCtoooDactoa; ? ■-* .-^lg ‘Thu »boT«indo Bn®» r T * 'tmaeaSn T t-. / ?J; ’ ..-sutt'- - - ■ doj' ;:. *.». ■' U*artAyi«i!i; 1 ■'%*"'■?«* ,^-■ Coj Bode»,of^a»;4m^ent l )uflF^«*. • •■ • OUMELETK SETS Of: «13& WBJE&it gfi&Ttßk ' ! csßamtiwt ooicf- «trf,thy imrrifiar i&iFTWfffab T ffl T'frrffija* T'lif wtmtn Itoe BEBJKQS nr rarron»iaJ_l>T tb» txzZ&H&l'fel rod Romantic Mountain fioetury. ta g coot c3hrrrf* psy« at Gttaßr.vfttees - ptO?t U»y Jam am* raflOc. ~ .*,-. —s- r '.^-:.:— -■:<-' ~ - -’-''Sr - :-Tr _r -->■ 1 * -'i -r- ~ ~ ... f J, -J. 3GGLAS4.SDHO. ■—sa. 2ierawts«t .... iy -a TtStU »y..T