*' s-v-'-;;; 7- F ; ,*' ‘: T~rzr~i ” 7 1 77 ' 'v " Kv V ' '7*7?V''l7 J-- f■■ ' '’■ * •.['■' 'V V ' ‘ ’’ ■*,' ’-’X * ‘ * , ■ ~-7" * -v '4:r , , , &s&s&£*£<*% :* 1 * *,£ *«~ m* T •*- 1 ~ ~*v * * -*W* - SK» f *3* • * - * *- ‘ r ' T ; * -* * - s^^~--:.., ... 'c-..;V^C^77 : 'Wvv7 .'* 'V. '•■ •. ;., I , lli, • ;f'- ,xS’ vx i ‘ _ " 1 *, • » ' 7 ! -""- ■ •• _ . ' - ' “ | i»*& ?• t,* Mi** «1' * f l •^^tst-ni-^f^t^^ 1 ;, £'s*' -b v>, f "V£ ®%Ks2i^ ff|ltl^f§itp»ts wtmtfsmsss mmmm VMpAWI 'iMMp 4|(HflHg jg&gi ft -ilfirfl *Bl| IHfl fiJJ gpfei tei .JMi MiM!SSMS&£ '«C?i*ycr N#§lltfew#sSs BraiS ditto Nalkmil &, ind UlltthranohM,rron» °“ T l^,. __ - ' -«sssggaf»af^ ■ Pnrolshlng, Foncj ind Virfc.. l?B«fiSSES^^®®®gisWS^*£«3sS^£6J-s£sfl of hi* own mina&ctnrof which, Sit w The wfcdlod,! Stock*, Hsndfeerthicfr, Hcrdery, GIoTS’S, Suspender*, ..^ -Garments, oferery description; together ; wltho . JwlS s ff|fe®KSia©s^S i fi^sa9SS'raa?« , iSKJSslffiH -Cutlery, Moneyßolts, Shoulder Bract*, tTrareltog Bae... ,g®SCravat Buckles cod: Stiffeners, Pocketßookß, Willett, Par- , in eConirtintly oh hand, * ltrs# «npply;6f Dm-, Sm,. IbreUMfOfeTcrr color,velse, kind' ond qhallfy,:it.nianti&o- anyiru. turaßWss. 7 • -> Mkti • tomdnidto rr^rhfrsmderßignedilmTingbamr&Vorea.lrithiQDg.expert- Übllsiunent Uw 'wtthpgatnaq J -dor*. ;aU lez&bj.«fod.iriaib*»ttmito4. liiilyij r?. »■*•«<•».«• *.>. * jyJ-, it ,**«,»*&?»*,-.j *, * v • v ** j, •:- - r> ‘*’»>'»*A *}£*£• - , -■ : ■> Iplll 1 m Ifliti m Illlg THE CITY POST. fOttDAy MOENKr£f:::::Tn:::::::OCTOBEE '2ST ■ •' ■ • —■ ’ / J ' .1 Pzatoc&ATio MisTtiraa^—BapubUcanSj- rcnicmber tlio Tfr&st ynttmife. in for pfcree and King. Yon hard elected youf State candidates,'TFood* ward, andMoptdast'by an average majority of can give (lie State to oar Nalionalcandidatesby i 20,000, ■Odr opponents are desperate their loin overwhelming 3cfcat,haa. alarmed.them, and they are now laboring ..with.onscrupp. ,lnna;^ptrn n lnivt^o r n themsclvos Id November,— They musrhe and again vanquished. Demo crat pntjda shoulder to the wheel-and rlotoryl* gaze. Tbo Oonhty Committee of- Correspondence hava appointed meeUngxin the following prior to the groat ■contest in November r . - .?-r . * .•. LawroncovWo, onMonday, October 20tb, at 7 o’clock, P.M -In Manchester, 09 Tuesday* {tei 264 b, at 7 o'clock, P.'S!. - onYPodnwday, Oct. 27th,*t7 tfeloek, p.jl , iniOJSIn tp^at-BlacWmmV-Mills,on Thursday, 00:28, iL&n*ciockj F M t ' In ShDtwetown. oaPEiday r Oct2ath,*< To’clockj'P.'^E In Afleghouywdty, bn Saturday, October 20th, at 7 o'clock, P.M. *■ - 1 : In Pittsburgh, on Monday,. nt 7 o’clock, P. Mi • ras editors of the eastern papers circulars, ; .to telegraph operators, newspaper genf* aadeorj* spondentaeamestly rarnfflUngthom to pay dto&ypS totfie following ruletfin relation at tbo insuing election* . thp actual .majority -£n each-county, on the ’residential ticket, as aoon as stating clearly the tame ofthßcandidataliarlngUio majority.' 1 •/. .- 2d—To send tbo probable majority in each county, based on • bereturnS from one. qaarter,. one-halC or of he towns of saftcouhty, when the fan rote cannot boob* alnod-refcaiing thfl number of towns on which (ho estimated Hjortty is based. - -■ ■SdrrTo mention tbo name, of the Btato to which, the county dongs. „ avold sanding the returns from single towns, ox, )pt thoseofa large city—ca large, fbr instance, aa Pitts-' nigh, Troy, and above thoeo in population. fith—3b atwd rumors cfaU sartt, and take rdumtftomr* alkiruitmduals only; •• *■• -\’-r •» v Cth—To avoid reporting losses and gains, os they only tend > etrc&mbcr the telegraph wires’, and cause confusion iu4he jtnfns. ‘ Ibeseynlos BppJy .well to tbU section j they are -laid down ? arcSd confusion, And enable -the press of the entire conn* jr? tQ Vie mom* nff qft&.thedonnff of polls* i Thodelays.-of-previous elections have also Indoccd tho joblicaUoQof tfra following notice to Inspector? of elections; JUI inspectors, throughout the country, are earnestly re |uoetcd> et the approaching election, to canvass the electoral first. Their eomplitfnco.vriUi this requcst vriU enable jbe Press of the United States. to ftaHsiy the. anxiety of the roblic in a few hours after the polls are-dosed; otherwise lays may the resultis known. .We trust that ho Press gonenily will.cmite in giving publicity to this re* iioesz.■ '•• «*■> ■■ • ■ • ■ ttj- • • ■■ Gsuctp Msmyo.—Thu Gcrmaa population throughout to.coantry are going with a perfect, rush for Pierce, King tho Union. Kjif'Friday evening last a largo and enthusiastic German unocratio meeting was held in Birmingham. After raising splendid hickory pole,tha meeting wasorganlted by the *p ointment of officers. Spirited and eloquent addresses were cllvored by Messrs. Bose, Both,- Addison and ftothacker.— here gentleman ■went' into an argument on the merits of he several questions now agitating the public mind, and the naUfications ofthe Presidential candidates—adducing con. taring proof of the purity of Democratic policy and the su» criar ahUity of our candidate tn carry outihat policy to tho dvantage of all dassca and conditions of onr people, native odkdopted. The meeting was also ably addressed by Mr., layer, of Boston. Xlu>proceedings wero interspersed with music, discoursed >ythe Birmingham brass band, and songs from the glee lube in attendance { and adjourned with loud huxxas for tterco and King. TimtTßX.—-On Thursday nighty the thrilling' drama of the irsican Brothers was produced at the Theatre, to a crowded rase. The scene of this play is laid somo ton years ago In brrica a@d Paris. If tho intention of the author was to rcsenithe public with the horrid and supernatural, dhhed p in a plausible manner, ho has been successful in his of irta The play was placed on our stags in fino style; the hasges were quickly done, and Mr. Roberts sustained the rindpal characters, of-the Twin Brothers, effectively. The lembenof the Stock Company, particularly Messrs. Brels* jrd and Boniface, 'performed their parts well. The drama ■aaalso performed on Saturday evening. It will-be soon by reference to the bill in another-column hat Mr. John R. Scott, an eastern actor of considerable cole! rity, appears for the first time, to-night, as Pamon—Phy> aias, Mr. BreiafonL - Canceral-Cale-vdee. —Tho following list is taken from the ill calender for October, 1852. It will bo found to contain 16 number of commitments, and for what crimes, entered i thejaH books, since tho adjournment of the June term of. ourt,. larder,.. ~ s:Larceny, -41 deduction 1 Assault and Battery, 14 urety of Peace,....-....-... Oj “ Inteut to kill, Ippung House,..— aßurglary, - 7 Lmon, - 2|Attemptod larceny, 1 Sail Piece, SlPalse Pretences,. ——.3 U0t,...- OjCcnsplrocy,.— - 1 buntcrieit Money - 2!To testily, . S lorse Stealing llTippling Houses 3 All the above cases will come up for trial at the ensuing erm of the Court of Quarter Sessions. The sale of valuable desirable building lots In Blr ilngliam and South Pittsburgh will be continued this after* oott at 2 o’clock, commencing at the School House in Bir* itngbam. A very large amount of property will be sold* rhich offers fine opportunities tor capitalists and others to Tim sale on Saturday went oil with spirit, from $25,000 to 30,000 worth being sold; but at much lower prices than the ixjpcrty.should command. Purchasers should be punctuaj n attending. Cousrr JiJL.—Duringthe past week, there havo been mt ity to jafl* of the number three .were uhmttled to answer the highest crime .known to our laws,' tjrd«s and f&utto appear as witnesses Ihnmrdcr trialw ro persons ioriafceny*oiifl ot whom had fijur commitments him; taro, persons on- chargesof rlotjtwofor iaioljt; and tottery; amltaro.fbrtcepillg* tippling honsci— 'hero veto also 3fly4bur persons committedfbrdrunkcn ieo, vagrancy and disorderly conduct.- During the wock, here were furty-sixj-crtons discharged from custody. Massluks, Bratus Register ha* already fifty three marriages, one hundred and fire births ind ninety-one deaths—occurring since July Ist—in the n>! onl books sent Mm from Harrisburgh, fbr the purpose. A tegular question has arisen, whether; in the ease of twins, wo entries aw required—or only one, as in the latter ease ho fob is butono half what It otherwise would be. In the ndyeade whieh has yet arisen, the Register has entered hem as one birth- District Oorer.—Before Judge Forward. In the case of foxnesYFofil A Co. vs. James B.Bushflcld and John H’GUI, >rtbe firm of Buahfield & Co., the Jury returned a verdict fbr The rest of the day was consumed in considering the argu* tent list. . . r f mrtCTT,—Offleer Dougherty, arrested on Saturday, WD frw on an infbnmsttan laid before the May. i t byMargaret Boyd, with stealing. sundry household an Ldos, from tho M Moon tavern, on Grant street. After hearing before the Mayor, the prisoner was committed fbr rial. » , • ~. YanL—Michael was arrested on Saturday, for iisprderiy conduct, and fined twenty dollars. The prisoner vw committed in default of payment, and wfllhare tow naln in jail, throb months. • TBTUM nocsn-John Adams wsa arrested on Saturday, bypffloer Barton, for keeping a tipplingbouse. Tho Infor, tnallon -was made on the oath of James &-Wclieteyi ■ and Alderman Steel committed him for trial. iKirafc—Tha Hma : John P. Hate will dellrer o loetnro efbre the Young Men’s Mercantile library Asmetetion, ihlFtTcning. iM.rrT Aro SAirgar. —Aid. Daft committed, on Saturday, Conrad IsScrt Charged with assault and battery, onoatbof •'crueJßirticry/’bts wlfe - ' A prime articlo of New (Means sugar, black tea, and glass, ware will be hold at M'Kfflai auction house this aUemobn atio’clock. . . .. jgOypffj. I** 1 *** 1 * » tee 8118 by A. J. BTPAHT. tags prime,** rale by (• '■•■ ccraa " ■ 1 ■gI’CaWHEAT FJWUK-r-S) KXto, In itore 1 CIU)DB-JS*tr* Buperto. way* nnKirite Mnoopgatoia Kongo. -> ■ ~NOTroK. • Kat s their Drafts returned ttSumi w fto Yarkirlththsmagnificent.and weTd^cn^ j jgW tneonlT'AgentliLPittebnrghfortbeOldSwallofl'-Taulinfi^ SwnrfTiy Meswuariniien, Wntom 4 Co " n^' l ?^ l SS ■ rhHaJdphia ancl Uvcrpool Lino of Steamers; and toa BlgW Dralb cm the National Bank, and all lte taanahWjSt™ °“® v*»* »» «* • s ' ~ , ' 410 tfl»rtT sCHttrtmnth, •-, ' «?p29_ Erl vote Dlitmei., .. , « DR. BEOWN, So. U Diamond Alley, JN>- n J? wrfMhls eafirecttentton toanoffiw Practice. ^in’tW«dWefi^' M P , - Bro t n TELEGRAPHIC. % the Q*Bettty-lEdnea jdtft r OWnrr?hig MURDER. .... - BsuntOSSf Oct 22. at/tho comer, of Fayette and yesterday afternoon. Geo., £ and Hugh Sloan, had agreed p f -fighting, to. aettia a difficulty -of At the appointed hour the numerous maids? but owing the- details, Sloan refused to ngut ? ZUnmmruui-tbra attacked him, when all bands drew pbtolfland Solves. -At this juncture: Edward Sloan, brother or lingo, drove up, ondsoring the perilous position of Hugh, lumped from a hack, drew a knife, and stabbed Zimmerman to the heart j he also inflicted a terrible wound lu the stom ach or a man named Merckleby. Edward Sloan then fled, but was Soon arrested. - died Instantly! Uerckloby is reported aa dying.- Tho coroner’s jury has not yet returned a verdict > : - * EXTENSIVE FIRE,—MADAME SONTAG. v- : . vNaw York, Oct 23. ■ Yesterday - morning at five o’clock, the stables of Widow -Potter, of West Troy took fire, which destroyed five stables, six dwelling houses. The loss Is principally suffered by Mrs. Potter, and Messrs. CoQios and Sweet .Mrs., Potter, owned three, brick dwellings, which wore entirely, destroyed. In Collin’s and Sweet’s stable, were 70 horses, of which 65 were. burnt.* Total loss $lO,OOO. A Paris correspondent pf the Boston-Atlas,-saya that Judgment 0L520,000, has been recovered by Madame Son tag ... Tho Nattonal Democrats, of tho district of Massachusetts, had a 'Mass Meeting, and nominated Gorman Brooks, 1 for Congress, in opposition to Mr. Banks, thejogul&r candidate; Tho trial of. Hannon, for robbing the Post Office, will take placo at Albany, in Decemberneav -•' ?' ;* ■ _ - .V. - • V ' Nnr Yokki October 23. Tho Court of•Appealß.atAlbany, have decided the ease of the Art Union with reference to the law forbidding lotteries. It l&agalust that law for tho Union to distribute pictures by toVbut the pictures are-not forfeited to the use of tho Poof by being offinred for distribution- • ' Horace Mann, addressod the Free SoUers at Newton, on TntOTday night, and repudlated both Scott and Pierre- Ho Mvised them all to vote for Hale, The Free Boilers have oo tuesood on state matters with theDemocrsta In Essex and Plymouth counties; ■ „ i L -\ m Bltmtoat, October 23. Gen. Beott, left yesterday morning at nine o’clock, for. Washington. He was escorted to tb° cars by a committee of reception.. -Numbers were in waiting, and*graded him with hearty cheers. He jmcaks of ids reception here as one ofthe most enthusiastic and gratifying he had received. No mail South of Richmond last night. JUasnraxD, Oct. 24—0 P. H. . Mr. Webster continues sinking, but la mentally uncloud ed; he occasionally speaks. IBs family contemplate his death calmly and are_ perfectly reslgnod. Tho physicians think he will expire before morning. JUtTMORB, October 23, John M, Sullivan, of Boston,-Assistant Surgeon on board the U, S. steamer Prineeton, whife-gettlng on the Philadelphia can last evening, vu caught between the can and so seri ously crushed, as to render recovery very doubtftti. : Niw-Toss,'Oct 88. Tho Franklin sailod at noon with 100 passengers and $338,- 000 in specie,: James Gordan Bonnet Is one of tho passen* -gore. PmusnraA, October 23. The City of Manchester sailed for Liverpool with 45 pas sengers and $BO,OOO. • . TELESJLAPHHABEETS. . - PmLinmmi, October 23. Flour-Market firm ; sales 1000bble, ats4*so; Bye Flour scarce; worth $4. Com Meal, steady at &25. Grain... Wheat la good, demand; prioeahavo further advanced; 2,000 bush prime Bouthenn-OS; a cargo of old PumuL to bo fixed. Bye wanted at The market la poorly supplied with Corn {.sales 1000 yellow at 7414; Southern .Oats, 37. Whisky acareo at 24& New York, October 23. The. m&rkcia are dulh. Sales 460 G bbls Flour, State $4,53 @4,63, Indiana, la good demand., Grain~.Kale* 6,000 bush Western, mixed Wheat, at $1,03 quiet Sales 2500 bushels Rye at 34; lower. Sales 7,000 bush mixed Ooru, 76 @7O, dearer. Provixionn...Pork, dull and heavy. Sales 100 kegs Lard at 11££; depressed. Beef unactlve. Cotion 300 bales; market unchanged in every res pect ; the>al£s of tho week, were 12,000 boles. Flour ...Sales 11,500 bbls; Genucsec, $4^25@4,5Qi Southern finer, ■ 4,QO@ Grain; Sales 25,000 bushels western Wheat, at $1,07 W @1,08>4 for wheat; Sales 18,000 bushels Corn, mixed, at 75 @76, scarce; market firm; Rye; solos 3500 bushels 84. Previslons..Sales 300 barrels alca Pork, $l7; Primo sls@ 15,12. Sales 200 bbls Mess Beofi Prime dtf, $5- Lord, unchanged 2OO bbls. Sugar... Sales ISO boxes Muscovado, at 20; Porto Rico, 25@28. Coffee; 1000 bags Rio, Linseed 011...4000 gallons Linseed Oii,7& Whiskey;i.BaW 100 bbls Ohio, 23; Prison, 239*. Tobacco...SaJcs 75 hltds, Kentucky, at 5}4@7. CmaxsiTi, October 23. The river has foUcn three Incites.; woather fine. Flour— quiet tixlay. No sales of importance. Prices firm at Sales of Barley at 45@5&. to 35 eta. Whisky 16J4- Nothing now in Groceries. BVXSZSO. Thedter isfitiiingslowly, with scant 4 feet water; weaib erfine. Flour.wßotter; shiptdng brands, - in good d*wnwpd; Whiskey, latft Solos Barley, 4&@50. Cals advanced to SO. Groceruau-Not much done today; prices unaltered; Prime Cheese, Bcg Butter very acareo; 15@17e. XTUT3IEGS—I bbl, for sale fey Vi octa * SMITH A SINCLAIR. PITTSBURGH TRUST COMPANY —3O shares of this stock for saloby' A. WILKINS t 00, . oct23 . 75 -Fourth street Youths* and boys* bouts and shoes—can be found fu great variety, at W. K. BCUMEUTZ*, sep27 • 117 Market street BROGUE SUAWiit 250; Long and Square Brocho Shawls, brilliant colors, just received at octl4 A. A. BUSON ft GO’S. rrvuMATU CATSUP—Agood article, for Mile by the bottle X ordoxcn&t KEATING’S, corner of Wylie and Fulton streets, and at Harrison ft Andrew*!, comer of Fourth and Ferry streets. octs OHIO AND pa. RAILROAD—aw Aaxta for sale at fa vorable rates, by A. WILKINS 4 CO, Bankers and Exchange Brokers, sap3o - 76 Fourth street 4)A BBLS. BALTIMORE HERRING—In store on eon 4AJ slgnmffut and for sale by TAAFFE, MAGUIRE ft BANE, oct2o 113 Second street FOR SALK—A Frame Dwelling, situate on the corner of Ledlle azul Beaverxtruois, Allegheny City. The bouse is 20 by 32 toet, two stories high, with porticos in front and rear! contains sis rooms, hall and good cellar. The Lot is 20 by 100 feet Apply to * oct23 TIIOMA3 MOFFITT, 29 Fifth street. Great Reduction In prices t LBEINEiiAN & CU, No. 42 Fifth sU near ym • Wood, most respectfully announces to the citizens of Pittsburgh, Allegheny*-and the sqfr.fl?-«jw rounding country, as wellas tor Watchmakers andwaUD ' Dealers throughout the West, that they hare jnst rewired their Toll importation, and hare now opened tho richest and choicest stock of CLOCKS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, WATCH MATERIALS and TOOLS, that was ever brought to this market Importing their Goods mostly from Europe, they are enabled to soD cheaper than any similar establishment west of the AUegbcnies, and as cheap as any bouse in the Eastern cities. It will, tberufbre, be an inducement to call at this honse, before purchasing ol*o«b«wv. octlfl H. CHILDS & CO., WHoi.fi 8 ALE SHOE WAREHOUSE, So* 133 "Wood. Street, Plttibmgb, Pa , HATE received their extensive tell stock .-cl upwards of 2000 cases of Men's and Boys’, Ladled, Misses' and Children's Boots and Shoes, Mexican and Kossuth Fur and Wool Hats, of every variety, adopted to the season. Al£o—Men’s, Boys' and Children’s Silk, Phnh and Cloth Caps, of latest styles and fcshkmjj. Their stock having been selected with great care, as to quality and sizes, purchased direct from the manufacturer, principally far cash, at the lowest prices, enables them to compete tuccwfidly with Sets Jbrfc, Vhxladdphia or UalU xnore markets. Country Merchants, purchasing In-Pittsburgh, or on their way cast, will find It to their interest to call and examine They hare also JasTrccelreii SOOO Sides Prime New York Sole Leather, all of which will bo sold at low prices. sgp2&2m • IHPOBTAST TO DEUGGIfiXS! »* B. WCnllougli, Manufacturer find Dealer tn Paints, Oils, £c., 1 i,l MAIDEN LINE, SBW YORK, offers for sale, on ■irrj. naaonablo terms: • *. - Whito LeodinOilj ln kegsof 25 to fiOOfia. ■ . BlacfcPalnt, Yellow Ochre, VenltLan Bed, in caL •v patent Dryer, Spanish Brown, Terra de Sienna, in oiL Cmber,Chrome Imperial and Arsenical Greens, In oil. Prussian Blue, Chrmpe Yellow and Verdigris, InoU, Varnishet'of . all kinds* ' .. . * Linseed OU, raw and boiled Putty, WhUin, Chalk, Lamp Black. . 1 American and English Yenltlan Rod, Chrome Red and Yellow, dry India'Red, Red Lead, and litharge, dry. ' - Stone, French and Yellow Ochre, dry. Chroma Paris and Brunswick Green, dry. oct&3m — : ~ FOB. TH£) ! 44 D E ¥B FB.UITFUI* AND Idtll/riPBYj”-is a command if that should bo cheerfully obeyed by the children of men. Dr. LABZETHTS JUNO OOBDXAL, Or Procreative Elixir, prescribed as ah effectual restorative In cans of P» biilty, lmpotency, or Barrenness, end OB Irregularities oi nature. 4 liisall'tbatifc professes to be, visi Nature's Great Eestorstlre nhdßemeay.far’those In the married state with out offspring.' It is a certain core-for Bemlnal Ercdirions, General Debility, Gleet, Weakness of the Genital Organs, Nervous Affections, Lcucorrhma or Whites. As an Invlgo* rating "laafrina it Is unequal! od. Also, a certain remedy 'far Incipient Omsijpiptioti, Indigestion, loos of Muse alar Energy, Physical Female Weakness, Debility, Ac. It is toj?lcase the uappjn any or the above com nlatota, and Is of countless value to thoep without offspring. &fm»—Jlnd the home of Cbpismck on the Tfrappcr, htidn&xrbuyii unless you. find the above nmMjswpiM fe n of tec. Avoid the couSoribli os y Agency at jHi^igly, l • 1 '."■•' NQ.SO KtUrRyIKLD ST. . DIBBOLPTIOS. . ... THE Co-Partnership heretofore existing under, the. tale of BYAN A M'KEB, was diffiplved by mutual consent on the 9th instant The accounts of the firm will be settlad by H. H. Bias A CHacdkerthicfft, Hosiery, Gloves, Suspenders, ■ Gents’ Under Garments, farther ::wlth*. largn va i riety Fancy' Soap, : Perfumery, Pocket [ CttUory.Mohey-Colts, Shoulder Braces, Trareltow Bags, ! Cravat Buckles ao& Stiffeners, Pocket- Books, Wallets, Por j 'eeii,'ftc.v&c. ':-Constantly, on hand, a iargesupply of Cm-, i breilas/of ercrycolor,‘.sire, kind and quality, at.mannfeo- I toror’s prices. ■ 1 - Tho jmderrigned,haTing b6on faVoredwhhiQiig expert i enca la tha above bnslneM, hopes to bo snpoeiißfbUnpleuing aU who may laTor him with a c&iy trusting, by at ten? tion'tebnslnes*, to merit alibcml ebsr* ofpubUe patronage. Gentitmen'i Linen made to order, with-neatness, dnra- Wltyanddaipatch, andip »11« mm» df worrpntei, _____ BygMlTgr ; COMMERCIAL POST. WEEKLY EKVIKW OF THE MkmrirT" ' bwicx o# ra* Djut Mobtoo Poer, y • Monday, October 55,1862. / : Saturday was warm and pleasant Business was quleL*- InprioeS w« found no cbango jo notice;'The Riteri contlai * lift low andftHlag- i -iBHBS—TIM market cout&nea moderate!, briekior for elgn ud domaatfa Sodru.irlth ate.of s caskaat3W- fca»W BLOOUS-We notice a Blither advance in BtamSfe hare a Bale of 10 tone Belief Juniata at $B5 per ton V A !*»«=» «4s reported ofSSO ? Tf W“-e»<*,'“o?'6 months l ~ SEn?,' private term, EJCOb-flalok of 3000 «*. Site at 9*, 2 hhd> Shoulder. APPLBs~saleaof20bbUafcsl,ftC WHIfiKT"—4O bbla at 20* ‘ PidbiMteeoipta Very light and hot fte note Bale, ot 27 bide uts3jCo. iMpoctcd, lit bhla, which Wa. delivured Q&previouft contract. ■ v:. : -w ; - r : Wenotc sales pf 10 hhds*atO^-Tv 'MOl4BSES T >Sftlofl6flQtbb.at3s,- 1 . <■ /Wednesday Packet for Cincinnati. ■ t JfcxT j£s ** fc/TT andpleasant steamer AHe ■awwrMHgggheny wharf; on Monday, Wednesday and Fri ® o’clock, P. SL, for and Catfish. For freight or passage applp on board norlS I* or Long Reach, MarietUy ParkerebnrK, andGoUipolta. • i fErP* W ®b®Ane. steamer UOV.MKTGS, Smrnx, Ma*- •- jagjQSßftßfter, for the aboYO and intermediate BBaaMfißßpointe at 3 o’clock P. M. Tor freight or passage apply on board, or to '.fcb2 JOHN. FLACK, Agent. Foi; Marietta and Hocl&lngport* ... tn» .Tn* toe steamer PACIFIC, Zahqur lUrtcs. IgUsSttffMaster, will leave for tfao above and Intern edl *E«k»3Bate porta, erory THURSDAY, at 4 o'clock, P M. For freight or passage, apply on board, or to T.'WOODS & BON, No. 61 Water street, and 63 Front »L Marietta, Parkersburg and Hoekinsnort Packet* . ire* The steamer HAIL COLUMBIA, A. 8, Csuxx. Pittsburgh every Monday, at ffißrfnnVi3 o'clock P. XU returning, nr ill leave Hocking* port orciy Tuesday, at 6 o’clock A. M. Passengers and shippers may rely on the utmost accom modation and promptness. W. B. WHEKLER, 24 Market street ADHESIVE PLASTER.—6OO yards spread. For rale by .octlg B. A. PAUNESTOCK A CO- SUGAR— -35 hhd* fair to strictly prime N. 0- Sugar, for sale by (acp2sJ L. B. WATERMAN A SONS. »ALL BONNET RIBBONS.—A. A. MasoiTa'Co., hnro just opened 60 cartons Pall Bonnet Ribbons. sep23 LOO ploceafoncy Delaines, at at • A. A. MASON k 00-’S- SOGAR— Pair to prime N. O. Sugar, in store and for sale Wp22 KING. A MOORHEAD. BLANKETS! BLANKETStxdustrecdTed, at A. A- Ma son A Co.'s., a large assortment of aQ the celebrated makes. oct2o COFFEE— 160 bags prime ltio? 26 do Leguayra; 20 do Old Gurernmont Java: Oct2o J. D. WILLIAMS A CO. FIIEAS—-JO half cheats medium to extra fine Green; _L 10 do do In metallic Wlb. packages; 40 do do Oolong and Cbulan; XoOcaddy boxes do; Oct2Q J. D. WILLIAMS A CO. FISH-JO bbls. and half bbla. Nos. 1,2 and 3 Mackerel: 10 quarter do No. 1 do; 10 kits No. 1 do; 60 boxes Scaled Herring; Tor sale by oct2o aJ. P. WILLIAMS A CO„ 122 Wood sL COKFU^ —bcun> prime green 1110 Coffee; 40 pockets best Old Government Java; In store and to arrive, for sale by - L. S. WATiiMUN & 60X8, Non. 60 and 61 YVatef.and 62 First at. BIUCK— '£K),UUO old llrirk, for saje In any required quan tities, and on terms to make it an object of adnuitago to builders to purchase,. Apply to / TAAWK, MA(JCIRB A BANE, octSQ 112 Second street Bute or PnmauxGjj, > October 13,1832. / €5“ As election of thirteen Directors of this bonk fur the ensuing year trill be held at the Banking House as Monday, the I$U) day of November next JOHN BNYDLH, octl4 Cashier. rpOBACCO—SO boxes prime s’n, S’*, Xu’s, and Lump; X fi do Esmoraldo and Eldorado; lease Diadem Twist; 1 do Crompton Strawberry; 20 kegr No. 1 8 Twist; oct2o J. D, WILLIAMS A CO. tNDMKS—IOO wcki One Dali; Salt; 2D do Hull'd Buckwheat Flour; 10 bbls. Crushod and Pulverized Sugar; 10 boxo CastUe Soap; * 10 do Bock Candy; For sale by oct3J J. D. WILLIAMS A 00. lO BAil9 ORKKN ait)CUFfEK; lO 70 do do do do; G 3 do do do do; In store on consign ment, and for sale on liberal terms, by TAAFFB, MAGUJUK A BANK, octlfl 112 Second street; AMi'tiLACli—OU tibl*. w Buw, M aborted; 6e&xkii do do; 10 do do Balk; noolbi Germantown. Foraaleby fi. A. EAUNESTOCK * corner Wood and Find rtrert*. Blerelmotft and Manufacturers* lfank, f PirrsbiTßGH, October 14, 1852. J AN Section. tor Thirteen Directors of tfri* Bauk, will to held at the Banking Mouse, cm MONDAY, the 15 lb day of fftrosibef ccxt. ootlfi W. H. PENNY, Cashier. TKT ASHING FLUID.—2O,OuO gallons of Kimball’* Pbila f f delphia Washing Fluid, for sole by the pint, niton, or barrel, at SKATING'S GROCERY STORK, corner of Wylie and Fatten street*; also, by HARRISON k AN DREWS, corner of Fourth and Perry street*, and dealer* generally. octll E WATTS A CO., MKB CHANT TAILORS, ISS Liberty street, Pittsburgh. Gentlemen’s Clothing made exclusively to order, and warranted to suit. Have constantly on hand, a choice as sortment of French and English Cloths, Cassirocrea and Vestings, of the latest styles, selected expressly for the cus tom trade. octD NOTICE. —The stockholders of the Allegheny and Butler Plank Road Company, ore hereby notified that as dec tjpa will bo held at tbo house of Jacob Roves, in Bakerstown, on Monday, tbo first day in November, 1232, for the purpose of electing officer* of said Company for the ensuing-year. -Election will open at 13 o’clock, M. JOHN N. PURYIASCK, President. . Attest: A. N. ilmxxT, Secretary, octB-3w SEIZING OFF I ABI wish to discontinue my present baldness, I will sell j\ anything and everything inthextoro at FIRST COST. Call soon if you want a bargain, pa 1 am determined to sell, and no humbug. JOHN 8. KENNEDY, No.« Market street N. B.—AH persona knowing themselves indebted to me, will please mol and settle the same withbnt delay. oclls INVESTMENTS— We hare ou commUriim T the following Stocks, which trQl be sold at low rate*: Mechanic Street Bridge Stock; Mo&ongaheta do do; CUlrsmi Insurance Company Stock; Westers do do do; Firemen’s do do do; North American Mining Ox do; A. WELKINS k 00-, Stock ami Exchange Broken, octlS 75 Fourth street. ~ 930,00 Hewardl TAKEN from tbs stable of tbo subscriber, an Monday, September 27th, 1862. under pretence of hiring, by a man calling ldmaelf C. B-Xowrle. a light sorrel boMoued MARE, wuhastaroa bar forehead; about fifteen and a half hands high; carries up well, both head and toll; has a tampon right side, over point of ribs; had, when taken, a boot ah left fore foot,'u she Interferes; and a dark men BUGGY, with light-green cushions; three cldcs of cushions being black, and'one aide light green; y»rnlnft for thftmSftlgQ*. - - subscriber offers for-sale his com plete *° favorably known and generally UKd-JbJrttQ. trade or this city, Cincinnati, Philadelphia and at the following prices, via: With instructiopfSawDOj without Instruction*, $7,00; The Book and Ruler, l foil and accurate directions v- i..' Teacher otflarmont Catting, octll . •• -HO Market street. Six riBST CLASS. FBBttlttUS, Awarded for the best saddles, harness trunics, and TRAVELING *•: jUtettev Coim* AGRICULTURAL AND MECHANICAL EAIR, of October, 1852. The subscriber having lust returned from. New York ana r Philadelphia, is njiw in receipt 6fh& Jtell .JStoQk of Goods,. 'consisting of tho Tatest &nd most fiudrtpuablQ.Mjlcs of Saddle, Harness and Trunk Mountings, to he found, in. this dty. \ He has op hand, of his own manufacture the largest ana best selected stock of Saddle/*, Harness, Trunks, Carpet Bags, in any like establishment. : JJois ajao prepared.to md* to order any articles in his line of entirely new style*, which are admirably adapted for use In the and will, favorably compare, both In quality .and workmanship, with any article of the kind in the-east,- ..All- of which be is de», to aell on more fbvbrable.tenni thanany o there** tabllahjnent that pretends to make goodwork. Ho also continues to manufacture all kinds of Riveted Hoee, and also,Machine,. Bands, stretched by powerful mai -Chinaiy, cemented ana tiveted. A general assortment nf. aljlengthi ahd.widihs, comtantly onhand. ' V ji - R. IL HARTLEY, ocU!fcd*wla No,-SB Woodatreet J * -» s " < AUCTION SALES. ’V--. ; - “Auction Card*. - - ■ TTTB 1 after jl au ! hderral- of four years, has again tafumod business. HaYiflg complied with the . qulaltlons of the law regulating Sales at Auction, andhaTlng procured aftwt da«]Scez« as Auctioneer for tha CltyS Pittsburgh, he offers Ms services aa such to his friend* and the public generally. - With ah experience of nearly thirty yean in this line of bnrihWhe hazards nothing In saying that he will be enabled to giro entire satisfaction to all those who may fool disposed to patronize him. ■ ■ . .p. McKKNNA, Auctioneer. ; Before to the principal City Merchants. Jyft Auction— Daily Hales* i I T the Commercial Sales Booms, corner or Wood and vJx Fifth streets, at 10 o’clock, AM* ■ a general assortment -ol>Scaaonabla. Staple and- Fane? Dry-Goods, Clothing, Boots find-shoo*, Hats, Caps, Ac., _ v AT 2 OCI/)CK, P. . Grpcerb*. Qucensware, Olaasware,.-Table Cntlorr, Looking Olaaew; New and Second Household and Kitchen Fur nitUrC’ AT 7 O'CLOCK, PM, Books, Sladoflsiy, Fancy Article, Mold lotrnmcnts, Hantwarc Had 4>.:ilsry, Ulotllioy, Tandy Good., Gold .mi SU.cr watchfeiA&L , P..M. DAVIS. Auctioneer. fja3irtr [A, Auctioneer. Adjourned oitiW.V court balf. r/ w ohas wick Property-^ «»« sold BfreeaMj to adjoummenti on Saturday ncxt, at 10 o dock in the forenoon at the Court House, InTsikdUr- cf Pittsburgh, by order of Daniel IL Ffallcb, tne will annexed of James Chadwick, late of in said county, do- valuable tract oCl*i«i ln thomcstdellghtfo] part of Allegheny county, ftpAdfigoo Pennsylvania Avenue or tlio plank road leading tosF*fi;LlbQtty, adjoining proper ty of Messrs. Eichbwun, CoOal'J^- ; naniic, containing 22 acres, 7646 porches, dividetfrittWw loi*i of 6 and 6 acre* ■each, which will be sold sep4rsi*ll, ■ for private residence, the location is unexcelled in bia&JW scenery, and its con venient distance to the city. U the most valn ablo real estatooffered at auctiiuLfoj: sdrcral yean. Title In disputable. Terms at sale. Aife&rifl bo aeon at McKen na’s Auction House. DANIKh aK-PBALICK, Adm’r. nri*? p. Auctioneer. NEW ORLEANS SUGAR AT This day. October 25th, at 2 o’clock, In the afternod), Yin be sold at Uc- Kcnua’s Auction House: V-Y > 4 6 Barrels New Orleans Sugar, a 0r.t25 P. M’KfilS' A Auctioneer. DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES xi On Mon day next, October 25th, at 10 be sold at M’Kanna’s Auction House, a large and assortment of Dry Goods, received dinct from tho cities, on consignment; comprising— • Alpacas, Merinos, Blenched and Brown Shawls, Blankets, Table Cloths, Broad Cuinets, Twoedk, Ladies’ back Cloth, Irah linens, Cloths, Cravats and Handkerchief, Under Shirts, Drevg&iftnseys, ■Scotch Plaid, Checks, Patout Thread, Ac. ;< a At 2 o'clock—ls half chests Tea, Glam Jars, ers, Glass Plates and Dishes: and Immediately after, *s!;vpf Dry Goods resumed. , Y~ \\ At early gas light, same evening, Dry Goods -wiincy articles, now and second hand atchcs, Boots and 'Shoes, Clothing. An. foct23] P. M’KENNA' A’Asfe'ri. ; SPLENDID FASHIONABLE MILLINERY, at £&?>**« Salt.—The Millinery and Bonnets advertised for-®&n}fc time, have now arrived at srKeuna’» Auction Hooa&:£Q& ore being opened in tbo second story. All are of the Pariwlan styles, and will bo sold at private sole # to dcab&s - Monday next, and each day following. * oct23 P. tTKENNA, Aucmh> P. M. DAVIB, Auctioneer. Black tea, glassware: At, .t Mofef day afternoon, October 25tn.'at 2 o’clock, at thp Odp morrial Sales Rooms, comer of Wood and Fifth streets, w£& be sold, 16 half chests fine quality fresh Black Tea; ll packagus assorted Glassware: a variety of groceries, ware, brushes, ax os, hatchets, table and pocket cutlery,* fancy soap, blacking, Ac. « **' oeR3 P. M. DAVIS, Aoct’r. * PKRKMI’TOIIY tiAJJS OF DRY GOODS AT : On Monday morning, October 26th, nt lO o’clock, at th-Y Commordal Sales Rooms, comer of Hood and Fifth streets, * wiU be sold without reserve, for account of whom it concern, on a credit of nioety dava, on sums over $lOO, fo+£. approved notes, a very largo ana dedrablo stock of frcsjl and seasonable Dry Goods, which have lately been chased iu tho Eastern dlire, for an extensive Retail Stor**, comprising, in part— -35 pieces super French, English and American Cloths, assorted colors; 23 pieces Beaver Cloths, Coalings and Felts; ■■ ■. * 5o do Satinotta, assorted colors; . v4> 85 do French Merinos, Cashmeres, Tldbets andiAl' pacas, choice colors; ' V 8 bales Red and Yellow Flannels; * 3 do Brown Sheetings and Sblrtlngs; 1 4 do Heavy Ticks; -I Delaines, Ginghams, Prints, Linens, Checks, Paddl&gs/ Caloml Cambrics, fcllldas, U bite Goods, Locos, UcsivO* Oloves, Suspenders, Coat, Vest and Pant Duttons, Binding*, Needles, Hollands, Unscys, Wool Plaklx, Kki&Sb Linen and Cotton Threads, Shawls and Cravats, &Uk£Ji|«sa and Cotton Handkerrhiefs. wlth.a full assortment of goods, which ore particularly worthy tho ottention' &t' (be trade. Sole oontinuod unul oil Are sold l oetZi P. M. DAVIS, Adri'T- W. G. < Damaged goods, at acctiox—On iioadaV at 10 o clock, will bo sold the balance of a■' \r&:Ktt da* magal cwxlk whteb luis just cotno to band, c ( ng of Print*, Muslin dc L&lnes. Cashmere, Stockingf totts. Under Shirts, Drawer*, Shawl*. Spool Cotton,;:, .jndors, Gloves, Alpacas, Mohair, and a Tariutjr of other f '‘too nu merous to mention. ocO .«nrt, aidsptiDg itoddn^^^^ne' W. 0. McCACTSEY.agiWStoer. -«iw&TOit latt#*s»rtmcni rjpyfflflpnoa in SSjpJ GUOCERY SSTOIIK at day, October 25 th, at 10 o’clock in the / on, at the earner of Logan and Franklin streets, a Isq rtment of Groceries; among the ansortmeut mar be m • - xl inpart the following, tJj : Imperial, Yonng lljrsoQ w .Gunpowder Teas; Black do; Coffee, Sugar, ttoluscfl» Nutmegs, Indigo, Allspice, Pepper, (Jinger,Alum.GinnTobacco, Mustard, Ssleratus, ic-4 Queporware. Gla&*f&!* Crack* eryware; together with au assortment, e£ rarieiy gondu, counter scale?, platform scales, store flxtun£*.«*• bale posh tire, (octSl] Vi. 0. MUttf Auct'r. -*jrtmeoc. v;J _. _ acta A. WXLIUSS HW. iSroorthrt. , JaUtTs wood edition; of •* Tbo Maiden lBstory, by - 55 Wood ftreet m-^sssT *\nsw BOOKS f—Mosings of wf In Xl 1 *©L 12m0., doth. 1 Tha Use or Strosbina: by B. 11, at Aunt;" 1 toL 12m0.. ckith. The Daj« of Brueei « Eton ft Groce Aquilar: 2 vat*. lino., noth. The above for rale by oc£22 KAY I'HK KRKEMASO.Ve MOMTOR-A@»i«inlDg*n of the fundamental principlejCteC Srcemajiongy, opera tive and m otII in q as a moral view, with explanation* and plaUs of emblems of the de grees of entered apprentice. fell(?w-£rajt» master mason, mark master, past master, royal anjfcfnASon. roytt) toaster, most excellent master, select mastert and order of priesthood. Compiled anti amngo» ■VTNOttTUERN, Southern and EutfeHt'Staght and Paek age Express Offices in the principal] diiea of the United State*, (hr the tranmortatlon of all ;«t«92ti|>ttona of Goods and merchandise at Mail Speed, end tatfroa*onabte rates.— Merchants and others would do veil it!l'CT\Jw their goods sept by CHASE & 00’S EXPRESS. •Jfcwda r**hJppod to any part of Uie WORLD by lea ring Insihiidionj ** the oflic®. OFFICES: fl:v . Pittsburgh, No. 41 Market streeel, V. New York, No. 205 Broadway: '' V': Washington, comer of Pennsylrarift Arcnun: Philadelphia, No. 45, South Fourths St£jet; Baltimore, No. 3 J arris Building. oct*:y NK\V MUsXCrT HKLEUniI just ra-eired. 1 • 010 Folks at Home; by S. C. Foster l Uada'b In do Gold Ground. Dolly Day. Oh! Boy#, Carry Mo Along. do; v V •. Nelly ffly. do; : Mountain Chapel Duett; Two Bongs, by Mrs- Norton { Maggie by my Side —written and composedby {jC-C. Foster, apd dedicated to Miss Elisa T. Denniston; The Hoar for Thee and Me—Duett, by Foster fct Old Boxton—Row, Row Your Boat—-to the “l&apkela ; n Constance, Pearl, Evening Star, Rosebud, BaJryiapd Flirt Polkas, and all the late and popular compnsitfotuy~of Wal> loco, Foster and others. NO. 101 THIRD STREET, oct23 Sign of the Ooldepy tlarp. Tbe Only True Portrait of j JUST PUBLISHED, . *)': - T. R WELCH'S MAGNIFICENT POBTBAIT OF WASHINGTON! ! yngmycd (by permission,) from Stnarfs only \ trait, In the Atheneum, Boston. ' TlflSsuperb picture, engraved under the superinfetriOaco j of Thomas Bally, Ekl, the eminent and highly 'j£tftod | artist, la tha only correct likeness of Washington eyeSr.ppb- \ llshed. It has been characterised as the greatest.-iddrjfl of j art ever produced tn. this country. As to Its tidcllfrfiwe 1 refer to the letters of tbo adopted son of Washington,© oo * ; Washington Park Cnstis, who says, “it Is a 1 sentatlon of the celebrated original,” and to Chief Taney, of the Supreme Oourt of tho United Staicß*-*?ho says, “As a work of art, Its excellence and bcautyrmnst l strike every one who sees it; and' it- is no less happy-in dts ; likeness to the Father of his country. It was my gpjwl' fcr- ; tupeto have seen him in the days of my boyhood, hla.; whole appearance Is yet' strongly impressed on my mi&Rdry. The portrait you bavo issued appears to be ap exact IrajaiHiss, represenUngpcrfcctly the expression as well as tbS&rm end features o! the fcce." And says Senator CasAffcji a life-like representation of the great* origin ah more says, “ the work appears to me to have been bly executed «ntl eminently worthy the patronage-inf *h° public.” Bays,Slarchant, the eminent portrait peihtejvhnd the pupil of Stnart, “,your print to my mind Is itojirtUre* remarknblo than any otberl have seen, for whole Individuality of the original portrait, togethaSrlWjth the noble and dignified repose of air and Wpapi all • who ever saw'him - considered a iparked fcharactenstifttot-the illustrious man it commemorates.” *£i ■.? Tor the great merita of this picture, wo would, rpwff every lover of Washington, to tbo portndt itself to be ctoSI kt the office of th|s paper, and to the letters of the following Ar tists, Statesmen. Jurists, and Scholars, accompanying «- Artistt— Marcnant and Elliott, of New Itothermel, «t>h Lambdln, of Philadelphia; Har ding, of Boston; Charles Fraser, of Charicgtoq»yj*4 and to the adopted son- of Washington, Hon. Geo. WOJ* himself an artist Statesmen —His rHusrd Fill more, Major General Winfield Scott Hon. GoM- Dallas, Hon. William It King, Hon. Daniel Webshop/ Hon. Linn Boyd, Hon. Lewis Cass, Hon. William Hon. John P. Kennedy, Hon. It a Winthrop, LL. Horn Roger B. Taney, Hon. John Duer, Hon. Rufus Choate. Sch&art —Charles the well known Librarian of the Boston AtbenwwV *ho says, “ I would rather own It than any paJnteilr£®Py \ have ever seen;” E. P.Whipple, Everett, LL.D., Jared Sparks, LL. D., WiUiariilft/Prescott, LL-D-, Washington Irving, Balph W. Bne rBQ"*/"*0•, Prof. T. C. Unham, J. T. Headley, Fits Green Uj*L#** H* low, Win. Gilmore Simms; and Lord Talfburd, T. B. Macauley, Sir. Archibald Mayor of Lon don, Ac- Ac., Ae. The J*rrt»— throjigjip?* the entire Union, have with one voice proclaimed of this aupetb all to possess this rsj'ukble treasure, It li sold •fttthelowprieeof $5 - per cojraggjL _ D Published by-GB?J§s? W ■ CHILDS, N. W. corner of wtoftagLAreh ats., Philadelphia. This Portrait can only laj uttaineel front Ur. HUDSON, or from hts duly antborUei Ajs#gt»-. „ . - __ Arrangements hare becip' made with the Poet Office De partment, *>y which copier l of tit” Portrait can be sent to any point, per mail, in perfect order. dSrPcrconj by rem«tfng Pf B Douaasto J. W. HUD SON, Pittsburgh, ttgmfprfA copy-of the, rottreltsent t °.^ ! S»‘'• •• ' . *.•• ;.'. '.. Y:. £0 to&s Shmnro, reoeired and l&rtato W- X ocUr v•'? ■ : ■ > _;■• KINO * MOORHEAD. STAR CAMRLESr-ao boxed, for sale by octs .SMITH A SINCLAIR. INK WfACR TEAS—For fimnUruae. In email bores, for .* feoplfi] SMITH A SINCLAIR. > askaprah liAllK—26olhfcforAaleby r “ . R A. FAHNESTOCK A CO. Raisins— a? boxes bunch ? •« . 20 UW* r . o*"** l ' AtR ri,m .. SAUiU ■ Wint.liAlK- -r KTCHOPS Tomato? Walnut and Muahroon, prepared \ hr w Underwood a Ooi Boston, and for sale by W. Unaerwooty a’qo., 265 liberty rt. M gl wMScift 00 A UB oX~ IO M TKAarocH a, CO. -OP^ I bT ESTOCK t „ LAKD OLL—IO bblsNo,lLanl OilttocelTai amifor oeto V MILLER * RICKETSON. BRAZLL SUGAR—6O bags BraiU Suzar, reodroTand .tor «wie by [oct2] KlhQ A MOORHEAD CLOVES— 1 bbl. tor sale by uutga-i DU., tur , SMITH * SIKCLAIB. EIIOOM3— 100 dozen, ibrule by octfl ‘ 31HTH A-SINCLAIR. I^UBACCO —il> kegs Virginia Twist, tor sale by octo SMITH A fIniCLAIS. c a SHARES Pittsburgh, Cincinnati and Louisville Tele* a/U graph Stock, for sale by ecp23 AUSTIN LOOMIS, 92 Fourth street FOB. SALE t TrntF.r, nav EIGHT HAY TOWN CLOCKS, $! the best material—cheap for cash. AUGUST KICLBLOCH, Allegbody City, East Lane, acroes the coracr fm Halo st oct!o.2m* Fresh Arrival. IAA Pr. Men's Fine Kip Boots. lUU 100 pr. Fino Calf “ 24 “ “ Morocco u Just received at oct7 * FALB OPENING I y\ ON THURSDAY, October 14th, at the old stand of UtadMm. A. Leech, a full assortment of Bonnots, Caps, "VIC* ncad Dresses, Mantillas, and Trimmings, Of the la test styles. M. WItSON, hctll:2w successor to Mrs. A. Leech *\TOTIOEia hereby gtren; that Loiters of . Administration i.l upon the estate of DAVID DICK BON, late of Sligo, de ceased, hare been granted to the undersigned, residing there, and all persona haring against the estate of s&id decedent, ore requested to make known the same to mo, without delay. MARTHA ANN DICKSON, sapghoawflw* Administratrix. COMMISSION AND FORWARDING HOUSE, sons w. rwicam............ .... «.jobjjh uoobxpgs »T«rlohell & MonidgSr • .Corner of Qmvtcrctai and Ihne ttredt . * \K7 ILL Promptly attend to all consignments and Com* T T missions entrusted to them, and will make liberal cash advances on conslgnmenta or Bills of Tiding in hand-’ Orders for the purchase of Lead, Grain, llemp and other i.Produce, will be promptly filled at the lowestpassiUe prices, ;Sad on tlie best terras. V: They will also undertake the settlement and collection of xJalms of importance; and hope, by their especial personal efforts and attention to all the Interests of their Wends, to give general satisfaction. £ } xutousstcb: „ Geo. Collier, StLoula; Kills A3lorton, Cincinnati; • Page A Bacon, do; Btrader A Goman, do; CbarlcM, Blow & Co., r do; Hoxea k Frazer, do; :Choatesa A Tail*, do; Springer A Whiteman, do; ? Doan, King A Ox, do; hiu Yarnall A Co- Fhflada; A Morgan,J.M.BaeksUorgan: ji D. Loeeh A Co., do; B.B.Oomeg7s, do; I? Wm. Holmes A Co., . do; Shield* A Miller, do; fj Blow A Bl&rcb, hew York. Jotd&b Lea A Baltimore. A, Q.Fonreli a Oo.,Boston; W.B. Boynoldn, Howard, Son A CVx, do; H. D. Newcomb A Bro- do; T. 0. Twlchell A Co., Commission Merchants, hew Orleans. THIS long established Hooks confine their attention strictly to sale* and purchases on Commission, and to forwarding business generally. They solicit a continuance of the liberal patronage here* to fore given them. ; an2l. . mar&bfrm THE GRKA'r VEGETABLE EEMEDirt OR. B. B. MTER'S EXTRACT, DandtlioSj Wild Cherry and SlmparUli mins valuable medical preparation differs entirely from 1 any simple ** Extract of &arsaparfSa, w or common puri fying medicine. It Is a compound of many most CLEANS ING MEDICINES, with others acting directly on tbs KM* ncys. or haring immediate reference to the relief and oontls* nod ntill thy operation of same internal organa. It contains articles which enter into no other preparation in existence. AND IT IS UNRIVALLED In purifying and refreshing effects, by any Medidno In the world. It is put up in LARGE BOTTLES, is rexy pleasant to the taste, and is more concentrated, BTKONQER, BETTER AND CHEAPER, than any other In the market Persons who hare.taken “ Sarsaparilla 0 by the gallon, without relief, hare been rad ically cured by tudng two or three bottles. This is the only compound In which Dandelion, WBd Cherry and SarsapariJ* la are so prepared to offer the peculiar virtues of each, is combination with pure extracts af other healing articles, in a highly conoentrotal state. - Its ingredlenta are purely re. getable, and ore such roots and -barks as are found, though chiefly affecting certain porta, in their general tendency, to produce d l * wywt cleansing hpftitrm pff>ybn IT IS IMPOSSIBLE > ; To core many diseases. Dropsies, Kidney Complaints, Ac, draw off Eatery llamas from the Blood, or corrupt and ir 'ritatlng socretions of diseased organs from the body, without the thorough operations on the Kidneys, os caused by this mod id nc. No other extracts eron pretend to this effect— In fret, this rery operation, for whkh it is particularly com pounded, differs from all other preparations, and it the best compound in existence. IN ALL OASES OF DROPSY, use this medicine. It will relieve. It has cared when life itself was despaired oC It contains articles that will cure, if anything can, and takes the only method to make permanent cures; SHIP FEVER! SHIP FEVER! & To produce testimony in proof of the cure of this disease UaCknowlodgudly new. The public have so long been taught to regard it as utol, that its. positive cure would seem al most a mlrocio, yet . BIUP FETEIt HAS BEET CUBED. And by the Great Vegetable Remedy, Dr. IL B. Myers' Ex tract of Dandelion, WUd Cherry, Ac- alone. We select the following as a specimen of the -numerous testimonials to the efficiency of this medicine in coses of this malignant disease, which we hare to exhibit. TESTIMONY OF PHYSICIANS. Fronds Tfblimeee, M. D., a skilful physician, residing in Buffalo, N. Y., and one who has derated himself particularly to the study and cure of the Ship Fever, with almost every phase of which he U con Tenant, gives the following testimo ny in relation to tho effects of this medicine, os prepared by himself: :tnro erill pay “ This is to eertify, that I hare used Dr. Q. B. Myers’ Ex tract of Dondeleon, Wild Cherry and Sarsaparilla, In my practice, in cases of a number of patients sick with Ship fe ver, with very beneficial results. And I consider it a gener al curative In that disease." 1 Prepared by Sold by apribleodAw'l GEORGE P. SMITH, (LATB HAMPTON & SMITH,) WHOLESALE DEALER IN DRYGOODS. So 94 Wood Plttilmrfbt 18 NOW RECEIVING » largo assortment of FALL AND WINTER BET GOODS, Foreign and Domestic, to'whfch he tnvltca the attention of tie Western Trade- In his stock will be found— Sheetings* Shirtings, Tickings, &e* Broim Sheetings and Shirtings, all descriptions. Bleached Shirtings, quality and flnbh. „ -7 -/enr qtiw., Otunburglu, Drillings, Bagging* Tickings, all leading make*. Shirtings, Stripes, varioos fall asaortmejih Apron Chock* Tweeds 'and Stripes. Diapers, 64 Jacquard, blue, grey. brown, and bleached. Flannels and Domett. 'An extensive assortment of 44, scarlet, white and yellow, plain Flannels, medium, and extra fine heavy scarlet, green. Indigo, bine, and mixed twills, ' Linieyt* . An wool, Stillman’s and Westerly; Ugh colors; plaids, large and small; rod and blue camelions, stripes, Ac. Also, wool and cotton, high color, Philadelphia Llnsgyt, medium to extra quality. Ll&lngi and Cloakjugi. 9£, V 5, and 64, all wool, high color plaids, waved and mot* tied, printed and twilled. do; 1 do; Blacks; fancy colors; Belgian and Domestic, Piece and Wood-dyed black, heavy goods. Also, Beavers, Felts, peter: shams, unions. €asatmere** Medium to extra, Wooded wool, and piece dy%. Black Doeskins and Caesimeree. Fancy, new and desirable styles. Sheep’s Grey, Plain aqdTwilled Unions. Black and foncy color*. Bafinfttf l Medium to extra Oxford Mixed Cadets, Blacks, Blues, Faneycolora, heavy makes. Printed. Striped, and MO tiled Styles. Tweeds and Jeans. All wool and cotton warps, in great variety. Steubenville Jeans, and heavy Tweeds. Cords* 8 Shaft Genoa, Miners Cords. blew Fall styles of Spragues, Unions,Perkins,Globe. Mer rimack. Allen’s, DunnelTs, Manchester, American, Rtafcaa, Garnets, and generally of other styles in Madder, Chint* and Steam work. Blues, jttuo and Orange, Blue and Greon, Scarlet, pi jin colors. ' _ Hoyle's Double Purples, 34 and 4-4. Mourning Prints, In {Treat variety. Ginghams* Trench, German, and Scotch Ginghams.-v - Glasgow, Lancaster, and Philadelphia countymakes, all widths and styles. * > . Press Goods. Printed and plain, English and- American Delalnts, new est designs. Rich Printed and Plain, Persian, Parisian, apd Cloths and Caahmpres. Paris printed, Mouaelino Delaines, of medium and very, rich styles. Silk*. Plain and Figured Black and Colored DreasSllks. SM&ff Goods. 64 Alpacas, Black, Mode, and fonigr colors. . Real Alpaca Lustres, low to superfine. Mohair and Orleans, figured Lustres. 64 and 74 high-colored Ooburgs and Paramettoa. ■ C 4 shot and new styles Lrohese Lustres. Scotch Goods* A very large variety of Laces, Edgings, Insertings, Linen. : Laces, Fringes, £ ■ ' t . -• •;»,‘J.,A .*. * • ' —' -" V'*'; *V **./. * '< '■■:.V‘ki*^V; , .' , i<'L-'' - ; . - .i.>• v."--. t ». *.*. • > - ••• ■ rir r - r v > ■. . ■•:■■.< . :. .:• : . ..- 1 . u ■ v* r * **• v *•' ~ . j- .. v - £* MISCELLANEOUS. W. B. BCHMEBTZ, 107 Market ft Administration Notici. ST. LOVIB COMMISSION BOUSE, NSW ORLEANS. MYEBfI A RICE, No. 11 Warren street, New York. B. E. gyr.T.rußj No. 67 Wood street Pittsburgh. Gloves* Linens* if • v* i*V"- :.>*/■ * . : MISCELLANEOUS. far «•!•'£»?' r Wt». •- J v,v ' - SMITH:* fflsflT.tra. ; PeaiuyirAbla stmnromA unugrant IW. im jwir Ibmrdiiur psasessen to «ZMi -Yy.' potota,By ibeaboTvline. Dae through, tbiwdin. TtnliSk-.OiuTTOsiiltiCi&aL rnsZT r : COYOTE *fIRAHAM, Agents i ' Bteim Easing lbr Sale*;. : AN UPRIGHT STEAM *2«H5£; 8 iachea cylfodor; 12 Inches strok*—fi>r tale. \; Ear farther infijnnatian, enquire *t .- ocatf: •'. .. '•--" n'-'v THIS OFFICE. ' JSU.F« WBDDRfcZ* , ~ ' AGENT forthep«ichft»aiti*alaQf K«m Estate, dealer 4a Bonds- Notes, Ac. \ •OfSce.SplanVs Build ing* »w» of Rmlthflcld aaUmh «h*et%Pittsburgh, Pa. - octay, ; • '.,. v ;• . _. v v"\'• i»’ -,-m.kviszejua, i Li Si Sonii ' ■rxrnOLISALE GfiOC£RS>\to»niiaian. and ftnearding _YY_ Jfcrc&xnix,dealarßia& kindsof Produceand Pitts* targh Mttu&cture*«tfcles, and-agenti ibr.tho sale of. Bicbxooad and Lynchburg maaufwiuredTobecco, No*. 80 ,-andPl Water and 62 Hat streets Pittsburgh octl 'V ’ :: * "'/ •'' • Bast or Pnrsacxan, •' ’• > . I October 19 lfiS2. GONPOBMABLBtnthe Act of the lOth lB6Ol rerouting Banks, * general, meeting:of Stockholders; win be>eld at the Banking Ilouae, oa Tuesday, the 2d faj ctSomabeTUßSL' ".- -' - ': r • - .■ v-. oct2fetd • . .. JOHN SNYPEn. • ’YTT&API'iNU PAFKK— . . f W-. S9O roama siitgleCrtnnx Wrapping Paper.,- r*g; : 'lOO do : doubla .do j.ao d o l do; . 100 do do do do . do- straw; 200 do single 'do ; .do ■ .do do;; 100. do : do medium do -do do; ; 76 do doable do. . do r do. do; : loo; do ; do do do do r*g; 200; do 'Singledo - ••• do- •• do . -do; ; Por tilo by * • • J. R* WHDIN> . . . Bookseller end. Stationer, 63 TToodei, between Third, and Fourth. COUNTY, fIS. , In th* matter of the rolnatary V• ©$ A. 8. Waogenheim Court of Cbm, Picas,, to . • Ko; 37, Oet Term, ■T Jamesßcamfr. ••■•-• :.. 1552.' ’■:• And now,to wit: October 9th, 1852, the Petition of ffmgmHfla, presented In open Court, praying for as crier on his Aadgnoe to missigß scd dellrcr to nim the residue of his estate,. 4c, - »hereopon, on ' motion of Geo. V, Hainil ton, It bordered that Saturday,:the 30th be appointed tin hearing said Petition, and that notice thereof be giren by publication in two daily; newspapers of the dfcy of Pitts burgh once a week fbr threa succeajiTa weeks. ; .Fromtherecord.. •• • • G150.8.11AY8, oc!4;law3w .- • . •• ■. .•• v - Prothohotary. Sew Coach and Carriage factory 11 : WHHsxoir, safimSs & co;,; - ; Corner of-‘Rebecca asid-Selpunt struts, JBeghmy.City, . . ."WOULD respectfully Inform theirftishd*- . the public generally* thattbey hate . 102fig5f|g». commenced the xnanufecaireJof Carriages^ Chariots,in all theirvarioas All oederatrfll.be executed.wiflt strict regard to dnrahfllty srd beauty of Eepjiira 'will also be attended to on the moet reasonable- Csing in alt work; the best Eastern:Shafts, Poles, and 'Wheel sto3i they feel confi dent' that all who feTor them with their patronage, wd be perfectly satisfied on trial ot tbeirwork. - - Pnrihaam an requested to give ns* call, befere purcha sing elsewhere..., 1 -. , •: :•;. : :•-'**;oct&ly ■.'■ Chinna and India Powls t f XEDSsnbsczfberhAsnoW'OnhAndafineixdleetkni , jsstof CHOICE FOWXS, bred from themost celebrated in. the United States. heo£fer» to Amateur* and Poulterers, this Feu.. Jia Incites attention to his extensive Poultry yard, is Bast Liberty. His Fowl* have been bred with the greatest eare; and gentlemen wlm desirt to obtaln thcrough bred Fowls, in their purity, can depend upon' getting some supe rior specimens of young stock, on application,-by letter or otherwise, of the lbllowing- rarietjes;—ChitUgon& EcTal Cochin Ch ina, Hong Kong or BiackChinese, 80% Bag and- White Shanghai*, of the celebrated Marsh, White and Bid ley importations; Brahmapootra (India) agrey IbwLTery large and much admired; Great with deop orange colored rump and < seek; hacklcsjof great «rfga «wl beauty; WDd Afri/»y> very choice varieties. - Address, - AUGUSTUS K. GB08& WHiinsP.'Q- /- Allegheny Conner, Pa: CHABLOTXZ BLUiIE, No. 118 “Wood street, haa juitre-- edved;the fcllowingnew Music: • , The Harp of Affection, Serenade, by J.P. Webster. Gentfoßra, just published. Undo Tom’s Grave. Gcntle’Nelt, and answer to Ben Bolt Songs of the Boudoir. Pm Weary of being in Bore, as sung by Atli • metrics. Think bf me when thou art happy, only. OM Folks at Home. ' ; ‘ Wife—-sang by the Sable ; ~ Take me The Barber’s Shop—Suez by ’RnjrpyymntW. . . Way dorm in Quro. Eight Dollars a Bay. SCH(XmCUES—La Ooralle. National and Rainbow. POLKAS—BIuoBcU, Show Drop, Tamo’s Favorite, Party df s Serenading, Capitol CXty, and Btrakoscb’a Favorite. • octT ■ • Emporium or Llghtl CELEBRATED 3STHEEEAL OH* AKD LAMPgT : WH. WRIGHT, (Successor to J.' & Touoa) Manafeo • turer of and dealer, Wholesale and Retail, in the obore named Oil ami lamps, la sow receiving a lance, assort* tcent of “LAMPS, for burniiig the Ethereal Qfl, fs.mpMng t and Pina (KL of every description, for horning Lard end Lord 00. a . r ... - : Cbandellets, Girandole Hall lamps, Wkka, Globes, Chim ney Mata, Cans,'and aH things pertaining to the trade, - Ethereal, QimpSfae orHce Oil, regularly supplied once oe twice a week.,• .? 7 -. Affordera left with the wagon, "which is eonstaotlj pea* aina tbeeiiy,will6c promptly attended to. N- of ail kinds altered to .bom the Ethereali CfiL AH articles delivered in any part of the city, or In Al-: legheny, free of ebet " W. H. WRIGHT, I -Na 8S Foahh st, {Apdio Baiy- : 1 between Market and Wpcd-strfetK.;' : j THE BATS ASP MICK IB COHUfmi. t , **l RKAT consternation baa bed prodoebd among the " JF thduaandsof Rato ami Mice thß infest the dty; la con sequence of; the Introduction of KSAXZKCTS RAT. MOUSE. -BGAOHJ«odBED-BUQ DESTROYER. Thousands bare already been fcffled by thi* most eertain and safe Rat and Moose Destroyer, bat then ace stiltin the cellars of this city, as well as in the gnnaziw of the country, to the great destructfonof property, that orabt to be fed on Keating's .Preparation.' Bats and Mkearo not only destractife to raloaHa but they eren eomo times destroy the Rt« of children by their bite. We would suggest to aU who would get rid Of tbo» troableeome a box of KRATOffiS BESTROXER,nt onto, and they will soon be missing, they may be destroyed at this time of year, without prodoefeg the raell attendant upon the’arplofiion of their- bodies and a conse quent decay of animal matter. In the spring, Keating in tends bolding a EaMSc&tfcm meeting of an the lire rati, in proof of the salutary effects of his Rat and MaoseDestroyer. This preparation; when-used according to the directions,’ hr readily eaten by Rats and Mice, and will certainly destroy «~Slmra£Ktarai end sold, Wholesale and Retell, t>y j. F. D. KRATING, canter of Wjlle *ttA Saltan itntU: »i*n byDf.KKSSHVUO Wood etreat; B. A. FAHUSSTOCK, 4 CO, cornnrbf Find end Woodita; 3. KIDD it CO_ earner of Fourth and. Wood sta; and by Druggists and' Star* keepers generally. i . 1 nsiZMlxwtr P ***»B'* Btmittiuwti I JOHH THOHKOS, AgTOi, i 410l2beny street, Pittsburgh, Pa* ! . so* •• Mwrs.iOTOAHvGED»SEEL4 oa, - » 85 South street, New York, end , . it ,, . &Regent Road, Clarence Dock. liircreod. T L sail from Liverpool on the 6th JLi anu 21st of- each month. • . “ SWALLOW tail UNE. From New York. £Mp CONSTITUTION, •) Sept € Cept Britton, VJan 6 Feb 21 1600 tone. j May 6 June2l ShIpNEW WORLD, 1 Sept 21 Not 6 Cent. Knight, Wen 21 Mcb C _ 1600 tOM. i Mey 21 July 6 ShIpUVERFOQI* >Oct 6 Nor 21 Cept Gardner, l Feb 6 Mch2L 1500 tons. 1 Jane 6 July 21 Ship ASHBURTON, \ Oct 21 Dee fl Cepk M’WlHiains, S-Feb 21 ApT 6 1200 tana J| June 21 Aug & Ship HUGUENOT, ) Nor 6 -Dee 21 CapiCUnilaer, —>Meh 6 . . ApT2l' ■ UOOttma, - ljuly - 0 Aug 21 : Ship CONSTANTINE, ) Not. 21 Jen 6 1 Cepfc Duryes, VMeh 21 Hey: 6: 1000 tons. 1 July 21 - -Sept 6 Ship Al££RT.amATlN,l7toc 6 Jen . Cfept-Dalano, > April 6 MayiZl 1660t0n5.. 1 Aug 6 Septal QHKBN OT THE WEST, 1 Doc 21 Feb ? 6 CactHallett, VApril2l... June 6 .. , , .11600,1011*. , >Aug .21 ; , Oct ! 6 * Beddia Whkh, they deejfttch from' Urerpool Intermediate Pechet»,;saaing-woeltly.v • - Passages: by cither ofthe bhoxe magnifk»n tßickfi t Ships' ENQLAND, IBEISkISokS^ ' ~;’ L,.-:V..V AND;WALES. j:-,. V ; i - We issue* draftetronvJil and upwards, .which will 'be cashed, at 4dght, by'the oMreteud, i Dublta, find all Ito branehes throughout the country, or by any of. oh? Agents in England, Scotland and Wales. u ‘*.- ? JOHN THOMPSON,Agent, ? pcslBd£w. v . f - 410 Liberty street,' Pa, Xa; vf Wood e,V ‘2250 9°i!J™ rr » <■ Melbourne,. ‘ . . 2000 VEteabotaShlp* for the American fora&hed ■with the ftUowlng ftwiriimi Jfor each, passea* SreTvdttragtheVdytgoj—zsft£-ISacolt: llQ&rFlotir:; iolbt QstMeal- ;2G!htflUcer S&a iragar; -Gibs Moliwses; lUjb qw end three quarts of WaterdaDy. In.atldltlcavio tbeaborc, ! Mallrinh: ana~ Medkal Atteagance • provided, *«U of artdchj arith* Medical Fees, Gareroment and other ' are re***g* »Qpoy- r ’-' "•••••■ - *. -i . rypgpftaaegetnenyoftheahoffgg^apgij'to^^ :VlßjSa' :- -■■■ - is?WoodLawnyrtw&v 1 Br&in Ilncis, CimiTic,, ‘ ' : "■*'* ’ * » * c. •■ * ■ V •.• ■ •\ *7 - *■'. ' ■ ' • ! .**•:.*' : .•„': <5 , ' . f,‘ <. , .. *v * ; f ' * - -•- • "7" A " ‘V <( r 11 ' "3- r * •** * *** -* a. r l_ -w _*!! L*2 _ •=* ■' * » 3 < - JW-r-BSlSHSlfif Bia—A raloabS . \of At© acres^.beaTrtlftilljf;attested i».Jfew '• Brighton,a abort, distance &jnr tie vßafljoad Depot;-!aad>:'--- oniy oneiwurs traTel from tiecttj—a neir" firfe* fettage: _ portico fa front; hall.' poxlori bcdn»saj' gtw. r \ . . . XcDTnBEBi, Genen.l Ag«a^ ■ .VALUA&LiS xva:HALX.— a :*ana Of 24C CV *ae*; 80 in eoltiraitoiL. Price S3XO. • -■ •• ’ j • _ A IfcTtni Bland axsl Farm at SOT B£fe&i m SG'iuxt3 ••■ —price $6000; znay be bartered tor city property... • ", Al*>r-a)0 a Grist and. 2 Saw Mill*: 120 acre* in Frice $BOOO. . *-y“ n Al»~fl4 acre* 55500. • .. Ala»->l?daezea; 35in enltiT«UoiH-^zic^SSoool -Alio—lis*erea;7o In cnltiraiion—price $4000,^ : TheaboTß are in darirabto «t*a Jiar© ralmbl* Improvement*. S Ganerei Aeint. v- ~ ;v-•'y 60;; fan i iMeMstreet. -r ; ’ A-rery torg^'U-o. rtory Brlc&i Dwelling J-\ Hocsoi delightfoUy situated on thfi flroesitrarg Turn- m tboborocgbof JjjtwrenceyEleL; yorrentckevp.— Pc»esrion kUyn imnurtisteTy; -. Said property may be well . known attbe late Fiske illusion Bourn, :£nqnsreeif .=■•’■• - oet& -. V;-: '-~t •' - BAJUSON A AON£W, 05 Marketat. • « xo» wxsra; - . .2000: • J2OOQ < 10001 .1800 2500 2250 J. 1800 • > 2500 . • 2000. - jam ;2SO 2000 2000 1800 .1800 22501 ISQO 1800 1860. .2000 1800 ... 1800 ' -1800'" • -1750 2000 - 2000 v : 2500 1800 3000 3000 ; - «~ *;/■ X:4~ •ryi*-*v^V'>'^'' r / *■■■.-•■■■■ : n_; -,n. * i *..*■ ■ .. » \ "" *J- ~ v- il FOE SALE AND TO LET. n'ujxer—A’l*rg»CEl£Aß X «niint to tha m*rk*t temae.iairnitifckfia' *ny basi *“** « noiom^Jf i i ul^ ter aßmSat&cnt thoKKUUi &wn ;.. kMWß!oek*l>*rfcKo. 87-SU* '' : - - — CMa - n. PATTTAIV Ko. 73 Wood St _«PlOdtf .■■ :..: .-; ... OKOBCB HTm.gTva *pUSiiAlttf~A4earit)fl jotof tifimwrt . ..- ; 1 :AD«imy, near Uie 63 |?S7Spstt»hlch»fll b* foraoott-- inquire of>-;■■- TT. arcusTorS 511 * 4 *ep20 v - *i tim C&ippt 'Vrartjhcmse, 86?onrth rtSet. ' - TO-liET. A . -LTtfQ STORY BRICK DWELLINGHOCSE, ots Second -**'■ J\. street, near Rosa, ncrvrp*ln.Ucg and ffctiaz' .np.; Po** - acssiongiTeziontbftlftof October* -Knquireor : aep23 . 0 JL- JASSB3, 38 Hflh street For Sale or V| j AJIHIIOOSE 2io. 14, comer of Wood and Swot streets; /YT stand fbr business of as jr .kind, por terms enquire of . ' . 2L IL RYAN, ■ n>2 At Byan T B Bn2diag£.ya 31 Fifth street. ■•• • EQK MHtcomfortatojtWJiLlilNQr ' © (Jtmgwaa: street Sixth TTaz^:'containing. itx . ;••:• .Hpoms^well.fißhlSed«~ : -Poasesstoo giren ftrirtwltotelylT ro» v Qnircd/! For ftrrthrar tw' tofttmtibrth. orj^xbuild. £)!£JSi U nhafSTten i, SS’S' ,”SSStt •dau- •■ H^loir>and.p6«sdS^^^s^^ te : >BM> E> B» Q AT?; VM, liberty street, --. • iMarUia coxpcr.ef Third. • -'.v “• For BenC • V\ESIftABLB BUSINESS STAhD—r tsffer- m » 4\\m JL/,WABEHOU3B now occupied by mewaTW the confer Of Liberty and Hand streets. . A good location to business of ssyjdnd.. poesesden given - - ' natyl2; - JAMES A. JONES, •paop-KBir ik the seventh ward •■;■ i i Lot on Centra Avenue, 32 feet -front, sad extendica hack llßfeat, having on Ifc»IWCE4>TQBY BKICR Bomnc. good veil and other conveniences. T-*. , rash? balance Intwyesrlyraynunta.. - frI4•••••: -rAUSIIHXOpagS No « Fourth street. "ITiOßßEiiT—Prumiholst of April with Jlv Dwelling attached, oh-tha-corner fcf Market and First streets—•& good bnsinass stand for a Stone or Tavern, it being only one square from the river—will be rested low to a good tenant. Apply to ■•■wd&tf - : ■ WALIAR ÜBAST, Ho. 23S Liberty «fc SALK—A Brick House and Lot sitfiated on the cor* .E ncr of Third and Ferry streets. ;The House i*£s ty 60 feet; twogtbriea;lrfgfc.and finished in.- : modem style. The Lot oa.'lhlrd gtroet, and 23fe«t on Ferry street.— : . : °cm ?grtTf TittOMAs' ; MOFmff^miistreet. . Ij'Uit SALE-a. House, and Lot os Carrol - street, in Ail®* .JC gbenyOty; the house is a frame, lfl by 30 -feet: ona and a half storieshigh f ;with a,backkitchenandgobd cellar. pxelMisJaatar 100 cn Carrol, street,and-es teuds back to Jefferson street. This-property will be sold at a Apply to THOMAB MOFFITT. • oeta ;■• 29 Fifthstreet'•' i-.' -j r \' * •*./- r- -To Let* "■ • • PT” A LARSSand well finished .three story brick-dwelling, 4%. withhot and coldbathflxrvgtainfaigntoe wnpi^-rtHrjfijSj • on Anderson street, two door*, from tfra.-eorner of Bbhinson street. Bent low.to a good tenant Possession given Imme diately.. Enquireof - 1 A; J. STUAR3I * sep2B.: - ;.. No. 6SmithfleTd street,nttgbargb* • • ; ■' ■ ■ For Sale, r."c^ A HOUSE AlfD-LOT, situated.-cn Pike sireet, between fX .‘Walnut and Factory streets, Fifth' Ward. '•> The Lot is 26 feet front and 100 feet deep, on which there are two small Frams-s>ne2nentj. Tenns 'easy—lstler good For particu lars enquire of Alderman PABKPfSON; Penn street, Fifth Ward. y ; ;V:,v '{ffljfctf ' 'OH. SALK, on ‘ Fourth street, one third of Ixxt No* 329; between Market and Ferr^'4o feet acuity $5 back; well suited for hnnrimg.jmrprerar :EtlßindisT«it*i bleand terms easy. FOB BKNT—Two. OFFICES on Fifth street Apply to V - • MeCALMOXT & KxfSJUf, Attorneys at Law. 13) Fourth street. •- - - BOR RALV, I BUILDIKQLOTS, fhasttog co Gsntre ATBaoa ami Clark lc/ street, near Fultom-Tbeae Lots aro within firem&miM walk of the Court House, an&unsurtassed-fbr besntroflo estSoix. Enquire of• /• , v ■•-v. i:. r .B. F. TFEDBEH; i v . Beal Estate Agent, Splase’g -Bgn*ft^r r SXiSAai jfLUUKIAtI MILL Mill:** l,K—.Uj^ : a tor rode of the East- liberty Siatioa cftiejPennayK -TaniaElfljtod.-' Tb*Mfif fa.*M~hy 19. fffryrfg*^- ®£d hastvo'pafcof Ifceneh-hurra:and onepair cflsiaiS -HiUatone; TbemaddaerrEaa hemia uso butafeir month* . aua is ?sto 100 ■ harrelrrf . °«gt i • ; THPius Momix. anm *tn~t :N: JA l Valuable Piece; of Property for Sale* SIX AC33IS. titnaia in - of Mel -tt&Mn-'ifcgehj, about-V-of* nri}* toritbe KMrod. property baa on it a.fine;fcMSpfcrinsr¥ottnc • r ordiarS, and is fcTtry desirable a cctrotsy - aenes, being a few hundredyards feem: the tunm&e, iand : toU^bn,theold, : M*nstett-BoaiL TMa prbpertyU etao ▼eryroitehlft ihr persona desirous of purchasing K'or 1 acre • i ot *» M pednta on three different streets, . If nw add in a body, it *pi be »U in 16U toauitpuxdaaia. •Pariaferm** r -' tiba enquire at this office, v ...... ... . . -■.••- V 1 : PolTSale. • 1 "■ A GBOTOD-. Jn- Hoe’s Plan of Lots in.the Third ‘ JX Vteiotaaaty of lutsbnnth. nearlSglntn^Mrf: front on 'Teaßsylraßja-’Arenße,- and running • back Ut feet^.Theproperty- sflintS trance, except aa'anhualgrouißr rent of onelmndrta and - On tha proper*- ty ?ood and tirofiame stones high,, and renting &r about Are hrasbter dollars ammally. ' - - » Rice, $1200; $BOO cash, and $6OO in 6. Tnnnfhfi~~b7 sood atuSorsed paper. WM. a PBH2ihf Attorney at Xer,yo. ISO poerth street r|\SAS— 150 "half chcatS-inmeiisLUnnpurrfgy, -(. son and Black Teas, receircd and fcr sale by : 1 l EXSQ A 3fOOBH£32>, QTOCKS WA«Ti£l>- - TT 13" * and Boston mntw fiwpww« -»j .. St Clair Street Bridge Company;' -Eaak pf .KttslKirgh. -A. VWZLKINS * OOL ; octlB - , g&torthrtSt /?105ac XAOTRAfrHISTOttY OP THE JBOMA KEAC£— v Kj# Comic .Natural-IXistoiy of the Uaxoaußaco. desbnv* eduutiUnstrßtodtyHeory.SkStepbeas,lToLBTO.elQth; % tew copies cf 4be tboro this daj rcct-tved and for gale by KAY A CO. SS Wood itegt. = :■■ ;• • • .Hgaovityv ■ •' ECSfiEIL & JOIISSTUN, TOolwale Crown, Ctarmb- Merchants And Deafen InProdnee and Plttrtsfcrch h&rs remored tbeic SlcfettomNo. 119 WV 297 B!d!Jia S ! ') M«*SbS*l LswraacßTille and SharpahnTp pinnfc Pm*!ffn■■'■■■:■•.■■■ rpHE fitociholtes »N hereby notiW.tb*t'tte ■•nhttil''- r: , ”g ~ •• - -W. o. LBSME. Secretary.' • -i .. ~ Carp«ulCmmu & £XXj 47 Fifth struct, hire gait opened XV fallaad eompfeiartock* af CMpettag; v Si?st iincna *ad JOrng •<^L*>iTf*y i inhlnft^*^ . : Tbe Soloons, -- ! = - A T lihertr £reefc an .~£3L-e£ all tides* Aelight&hplnce of.ttgprf'&r'Xddiea and Qeotjanea to enjoy aplstoif JEISH OySEEBSiQQottd la' the rarloas stylesrana Berred in a manner tlial cannotfell .ionleaee. Aleo—HOT COJFEE, PASTEY; ahdhther mreahmrnta, at abort notke-APRTYAIK &4AOOH..FOJL TiA!RIE&... •- -■ , ■ - ■■ ■ ./. .. ■BS-THE BATHKa ■ESTABUainrEKTBtweji in order tor Hot-Cold, anil Shower Baths. from 7 a_ sc to 11 p n- ' r ; . fehlS . W. w. wiSx' ~Winb ~T~~^T — • rjIIIE undersignedbegs.leers toarmoimre tdfclaSienda A andenatojnea, that hehae;received a large, and: with tbegreetgt rare eelocted, lot of BIIEKKn(SS rSEKCff vv INK, srlilrh be can warrant as pure nndnntdnfeaml nUch he Bella- either hy the bottle-or cask.?Be«Heai he asa it shall be his. doty to attend to his customers as fcr* CHfrlywi • .;;Vr-V>; r • y ; _‘_ . . ~!' rnede tiiebeefand latestlmprovementfirreo- . tlhhsTOihj, he ean funnah themiof the tel Hna,eßd ’r etthaloefestprfce. , : : . . ty rrntnaiiK ' - p ayf Noaar liberty street: ;' Koeehee, Keu. aiee(.*i» . •. !■ iTIIESR are trifling ' V - J.><>d&leTilgrlHitiv^QnßCand^T i _tKAt'aTA bedbttgs &rtd cockroaches j[tbeir: ; v v Toy nameaare t} irhich swartnlh stt qi&trten of / ; - the eitr andconairy.: The 'extent to.whfch thtaw-creaiares' r' multiply is almost tocredlfclB,ahd strongly demands aciiTeri measure Jbr • oxiermfimtiag the pests. .n-'Fot'iiistahee, in >1- *.. Paris, less tbaii‘'che-lipaiidreiL'--- ' thousand of themxroeab^htaed^-Ifjot£ '> i; premises dearedfreto; -ihse Tennipj hijy-a- boxlof EBAT- v r it: _ j-flw : ' / . THE subscriber ia now xecstringyeiTeiy' - 4s. fpjj^jgßSS'cbcdcelot vf'FlJJiOSr;.4ekeied:l^%tiu^/l -.sfTT§ 'f 5e y}* ia * greatgg^rt jSeirl ;".i- ■;■ entlreiy at'eira^le^^- : : . opened*- -;. toae;;6iid ti» *n - > : ; entfaelyieiriial superb d&tign construction beittg of tbe mosfryubgiaarrtifcl atuTibdrOdgyjl' l seasoned quality. vTbeir ing in good ttm&ixx »U cfin^teSea^j^ind''ll will -toe fully .warranted*-. feeing *; . . -:1 : * Plan £> Eorte, at ofJielnins* cfitone* durability f 'e»d elegaa# ' guested toi^end^ijnnia^iefQre.Sciteefe^'t'l^trb^i" ■ K &~-Tbo prices of thevabote will :be ihe : sameaa jfcboso obtained at fteTactoHerait and; ;V ; ; Bceton. - HEKCY ; : 1 ; . • • /filen pf ■ib» y~.~: ■ ' - • •;'-. ’V' % . >,;• : « ; - v - > .’• - i<--'~'\-.: V _ 's 'S> : .'•vr-,.,.-;: • -ft. :V" ..-■*■ .Vv, -V. > V y ■ “- -i' V ' 5- tes