w i **% **» £=> v *#»r, * .*»» »wf£ **i% i* j* '•*’«!*.** >r 5 ..•*«» »iZ* > -* l * v£f‘ . “ - " '' ■' *• '• t * y H k -v tV~ a **”v 1 - v ♦/< 4 vi? * - * jf 1 ■>+« ,- * 2: ,%v * i , v> y-cCi\Xi* s'• ,*w* -. ‘ * >. - i -- T v **,- r* •; 4 : ; ’■&. J.C*w%^*Tn».j-*l . 4* 1 *dr >.'j:n"!i ; ji-^+t^y* '" '. r - P >il s*■]&:! ~* - -*£■-"» * * • rt.iP9 l C 4 ol l * Ask , wv, v -A , .0-61. , Fr w,"" 4 -dist: 1 at , ik5 , ..,,i i ., -ry -- A • .144-44' 4 4.11. t4t , tf:: , 4,4 1 0,4 4 ' \* • WW I 'JO T4:-.0 WV e waLi.: Mr iiks4 !..o4 FfsWtpq |l||g| Jlftfef Mil NflNs Mil SXOnEZi ita. r 6cttd"i __. w -■ o_LiiAs; Per to cnrnew clock—the half of which hsj too!4 invito the particular at meictanto, Pedllra and SIMP worthy; cf their call. ' i "'7~: NEW ttOODSI *• ! .. - JCST KKOUIVED AT- YOENG> -STEVENSON' ■ & -ggßfc, tates. sign ot ih& OUJGJNAZ JBEESITJZ, JVo.J4c * feICTH xrnrZ+t'ffrM*: txtmen HurthStnd andilit Diamond -^B jBF&U&BrBh.' 'ThoKubacribers havo Just received a very largfrandboan taai Stock dTFADIr Aca/WUn^BDKT GOODS, Which hate ,-j fceanSelected with grabcoxe r frbntth©;Tßeent Ixnportationsj , -V sad.large EhDßdftl|)hlfl tuxiNewYaTk; and ♦wlllhe fieldfar cashes n very smalltt&vanca above Eastern coet : P utthßfiara nro wUclted, to giro them an . early, call, an&ffccure a goodbarsnin, as tho stockconslst* • -«f*jgenem Bflaartmentofihefollowing art fries: . ; ftcilCh'Marindosand^'hlßelCloths;'-. i ' ■' ; ''■-■.'■Ooburgs, P4raJn^d.to3al^dPa3ri^toY^R'lEs: , . ' -•. v High Col ? d Otdla PlaWsT -Mohair B,ndSnkLu3tor^'ifpaccas,jdlcclor^; ki Itatab&riuiss fiud. Persian ci6tas,.aH colors; ' - :Hfefr toti^-maJßhK^Bßtessr^tb«J. ..■.?/*- arul'W r fl£cped Sllbfi* .. ; - Blacktuld Chaffiolhm Silkaaod-TurkSatias; j,\ 'jr China SUisandDoplinsy plain audfe’dt . iSenchond^mateM^iitipbams, t HnnUah and Atooricaa Chintso and CaUcoea; - sjife- Prv'frAt wAvfj,feaTnta and »eckues; mores, MittSfHostry.anjl Sorprutlera; ■"”■ TtyVtftW; ana Brown Muslin; ‘ ?_ :iilal) LtSttbYaMeCloths,andßanuudal; ' iM Eje toad Iluisla Diaper, very dirap; „ Crash end Towels, at SO per cant below regular prices. - - Bed, Wblto and Yellow Mannel, eery cheap; nigh Coi'd Droaa ahd'Sfflk i’lonels, plain mul Fig d ; j 1 v e ciothfi» SatJncttsj KcutuckyJesn and Vesting - arulßonbet Hibbons, at bargains; ’• ' ■ FnJlond Winter Shawl*, general «,p3 YOUNOr-gIEVKNSOy A 1/)T&. _ _ DRY GOODS. • . .fo CWMK -i 'COKCEKII. ' 4 S ASSORTED ‘ EOT ?0F DRY HOODS, : amounting to' A about *4.000, will bo told, or bartered on favorable teraa. BRALESTATK NOTES, MORTGAGES, or desirable barter'otany kind, tekeirin exchange* if necessary ton trade 4 TiHifß WATCHES AND RICH JEWELRY.—The place i* ; . to-get-nveryfine Watch—one that can be depended ’ time; or to get any description of HOOD’S, Cl Market strccL " -rMo lnhtaJitJ the only opposition Jewely. Store West cf-frew Ycrte CSty/ ' rpJlil'Hiibscribor Would respectfully inform tho public that r A ;tw? haa'iftt theiiecfiasary moulds and ''* np'teh* in metallic packages of 1 ft, \4 ft and Kft* He will ' 'paeknay tmonut with neatness and despatch for any house lji-lli?dty;and reasonable terms, r-' octS 5 -^'■ eotnerof Wylieand Pultonstreets. Land Agency and Office* Tor JUoc»ttiiß Tv *.. fcondn lu tlae . e> 4 -NDftr the purchase and saitr of .lAnd.Waarranu, S>t. ’ ; - A.'Panl*fii'Mlnhei»ta, andpittshnigh, Pennsylvotoai' XhenndersigneiLhflS formed a connection with McSHrs. "Canw4y 41 s?® Is.' of "St* Paul's, JUlnncfioU, Yor tlio abore r purposes! /MessraiCv AX* hating been settled In the Far West Yor Acjnun'berof years, andbeiDg practical suneyors, erreir reliance can bo placed. on. their lntesrity and pru dence iuthe tnatterof purchasing . aep2B ’ , JAMES BLAKELY, ISC Wood at. A Robinson’s anJ Grant’s To . hacco; •• 12 "tto s*s andFs Stowsit’ado; , . ''da Lump do; 1 do do' dwarf do; ?ftrßre_Dikdcias^st> ‘ 'l5 kcgaC twlst do; • - Hl bbls Bayori&n cat and dry do; - 10 do Hungarian do ,^'iacS^ ■ jfcpX3 ..;.... ; ;:K■:;, 1 " finis ~'Tt'Tli; ahdMrsVN.WiMETCAIiF, will MfflTnraco.lhcirAu - piifrg HongH df :&Btnony** Hxghitxtotypf**. :, ' ’ "fT'HX ffixderdgnfed Would inform and leathers* that they, have removed from Burke’s Building doors ®3»ri! their c!4 st*od) srheie: up rooms forDagnonebtyping. Having a * Tery superior arrWigfcment of light; and tho most approved _ ■—■ HgaTy Jyillad-HgiopC&rpete; ■, . ' finnjmrmUMttp andOottoa Carpets, from M ta 44: .. :.:. T .BnpeyCftftmflleßuga; , ;Saper:)Rifte4 -r do t ■; ' • ,Tto« v ;-':' da do; <... vCommon do do; ;'BraspeUßdgsi' .. -CbeiaifloDoorM'ata: ~ .SheepAln-DoodHatßS-* ; ; f. , l „ Jeraj Wad Doq* Mata; * Tufted Boor Mate; J i .Coco, AUcaat, esd fficrieten i. Trimtif - Th° yfartfe IroywytMtnit wpyftnwi -i „■•••' ajof4fromthe.TaattnfectureT*,ve:jcoTftOTßiwl'toifli«J : lo# «s tta LoLsd la dor of the,Eastern &tUa, «Dd to «bieh - treinrite theattcnticto;©f tboao wiahlng toTSndah Steam i {ni|Orflb)UEBi ' "■■Don't ftafrt tbo |34& K •.; «tx - ; A'i •*<& - * * vi . vz it . -Aar -- C--' 1 -h ■ mms cublloretato™*! th»tm*«w t w n : SSw»*** arc prcparedt^fqrwanl Otdm transaflUni fhw of chorge.anbUoo* returned. by. a *mn?of , J§disiii!o-for tale on ‘England, Irclnn],tuuMs»b- InnJ. for nny- amount, payable-on principal Banting: Hbuses nr Prut Ofllcofl Intbo United .Kingdom.. ~ - - -"•■ j i : :- _J BAKKK & FORSYTH, Agent. ish ). /fttebU' ißt'uids' Ynrijf w, by t<»“i bouso T PenxityJiTSAirilitaUrOßd •" "XtJ"B are fonr aiding Produce, Ac. to Baltimore and Eblla> W delpbift, promptly,-on, receipt. Time, Ptre D*?h , v HATta.Qg^Biaoar.-• „ • • ••-••-:• - ..Buc^i4.Borltfinil'Bpei;v(Balhsd l * - On Lord, L&rd-0% Tallow, Cotton, .W'liiabw J Qlfis», 60c. \'A. :' :.. •: V> ' On Cheese, Earthenware, Leather. Leaf Tobacco, v."" -V \ • .• Onjßeeswax. Dried Fruit, Bristles, Cloypr and Timothy •:?On BoerShins."Hemp, Flax, and Eggs, "Oc. 100Ibp. t l OnTeathcrs, Fats; Peltry, Brooma and 9oc. •••'•■•••? • - • • OnFleur. ** barrek’ 4 ’; - -TYe are alsoprepared to forward ..freight' to.' Rbdeifaugh’a Station, near Greenabur&und intermediate Stations, r ; ■-i< i . COVOPE & GRAHAM, Agents, ' comet of Pena and. Wayne st&, Plttabjirgib. H.H, HOUSTON, - Agont, jy29 236~Mkrhetstic«VPmla^ftma. D. QBEOO i OOi Fbr theSransporHtio7i tf. AftrcftorKftw and PrOdupej /na ins wisNsn.TA»ia cabals asoeail eoam). wavtzx \ pIITSBBBfiH AND PHILADELPHIA)- Dirt ci, tmtfi out Rershigving. TIME, TEN DAyS: 'ftUSON t REYNOLDS, > I>(}pot, 251 Market Canal Bari& r and UOiPeanst^.PiUsburgh. HATING increased oar facilities and otherwUelm proved ! opr arrangements for Transportation, we are now pra^ l .parol to receive* lwgo amount of .Produce and Merchan dise, to ship-{on the;qpening©£ the Canals,) with promptness and dispatch. . . - ■ - The Bcctlon,lJoat patent of transportation over our .State improvements has been in use about ten years, ana the great success and. fovorit has met with, is a sufficient guar antee that it is no longer considered a doubtful or uncortain oxporimentv bpt Is acknowledged by all as vastly superior to any.mode.of transportiou used on Canals, (when inter sected by Bailroads.) • Goods loaded into our Boats at Pittsburgh, remain undis turbed until unloaded at nor Warehouse in Market street, Philadelphia, thereby entirely avoiding the delay consequent on tlireo,different transhipment*, and securing the delivery of.Goodaln entire lots, the packages dean, and in as good order as when shipped. ■ , Produce, consigned to our Mouse at Pittsburgh, will bo received and forwarded always at the lowest current ca nal strictly according to Instructions,- without any. ex . tra charge for commission, storage, or advantfhg charged k : fob 23 .• aa.M’akulty & co. UICHHIOAS qpTBAL RAIIiRO. . • : ASDDETIioiTIJSJi in connection vdih tho Cleveland and Cincinnati Railroad, Cleveland and Erie Railroad, Gore!and and Pittsburgh ftnfl Michigan Central Railroad. BABSENGERS vQJ to tjetetod through from any point on r Jjikm unohigun, to Gevelanil, Cincinnati and Pittsburgh and tfom either of those places to any point op Lako-Siiehi £rnn This line will be composed of two new low pressure steamers, built expressly Ibr tho route. CLEVELIND..~.~-.«.«.w .....Cspt. a C. Stxrabd. FOREST CETY»«.....*«m -Capt U A. Pines. A Heat wfli - leave CleTehutd for Detroit, and Detroit for GerelA&d, eTery evening, at o’clock, arriving in both cities the following morning, in season for the morning train of cars for Chicago, Cincinnati and Pittsburgh, and for the 1-n.bp Superior and Saginaw boata at Detroit. They will run from Cleveland in tho following order: FOREST CITY. Monday ....’Wednesday ——.Friday. CLEVELAND. Tuesdav_ .....Thursday.. Saturday. CLEVELAND. Mfmrtay . ffedf1t8JaT....~...^.....w.......Wdtty. FOREST CITY. Tuesday.,....- .Thursday .Saturday. The undersigned are prepared to make contracts for all ytn«i« of Freight, from Ireland to Detroit, Mackinaw, Saut Stc. Marie, ami all porta on Lake Michigan. The OCEAN, CASPIAN and ST. LOUIS will compose the line an.tß tbo new boats are ready. AGIZXTd, C-BUADBEttN & CO, ClcveUna. BprltCm] I‘ITMAN, TiIOWBHIDGS & JON'BS. Detroit. PABt BBDBCED T ’ WEST A’EWTOTf BLANK HOAD BOOTH. IM3B.RAUIMQIUS, PHILABEWIXIA Hid WASHINGTON CITY. Fans RmuciQ. «- Thls ia the only office which insures aTIXRQOGXI TICKET to Washington, and, by taking this route, passengers wilt save time anctmoney. . The Mall Boat (carrying the United States fBS3*§js*2£ Mail.) learns the Mouonaahda EZJSOCXZ&e >nre Bridge, KVXRV AFTERNOON, at 5 o’clock. Tiatho Youghloghony River. Passengers will lodge oa the Boat, and take splendid United States Mall Cfwrhi-s at West Newton, next morning, omr the Plank Read, etorj log tho mountalosln daylight. Take the magnificent sleep ing Cars of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, at 10 o*cß*sfc, p. M. Breakfast at Baltimore and Washington City, dine lu Philadelphia, and arrive In New York the same evening- Fcro to Baltimore - $ S.OO do. Philadelphia^— - 9.T5 do. Wasiilngton City 9*66 MONONGAUELA ROUTE. , I Tho steamer leaves the wharL above the Bridge, A. M. Travelers leaving Pit ts e£tfaa«is2ißbnrghby riw Mowing Boat, wm cross the Moun tains the same night, end arrive in Cumber lend tho next mcrnlus far the £ o’clock train nf Can fin* Baltimore. Will eap { a Baltimore and Washington City, and arrive is Phila delphia et 2 o’clock tho ansae night. Fare to Baltimore . —4 Q do. Philadelphia..—..——~ P,»5 do. Washington City— 9^o For tickets, by cither of the above linos, please call at the West Newton Plank Road Office, Is the Uononcehtda boose, Water street. (sep27) J. J. EY ANS, Agent. CH&KOE OF HOOEB. SUMMER A RRAXQEME*rT-FARE REDUCED. 1852. 1862- THE PESSBYIVANIA RAILftO&D. Only Ten MJes Staying! Tim PctHy Trains from Pittsburgh to Philadelphia end Baltimore. Only hours thravyh toxilher fiactf boih Trains connecting at Harrisburg with Trains for Baltimore, ttert&fii ON and ftfler Saturday, July 21th, the Express Stall Train will leave the Depot on. liberty street, aboTw the Cfenal Bridge, exery morning at®o’clock. Passenger* trill go by the ears 20 mile*, to Rodebangh's, (near Grcensbnrgm) where they will find the best ot Coaches in readiness to convey them 10 miles, over a first rato plonk and turnpike road, to Beatty 1 * station, (Conductor* accompa ny <»»■>> train of coaches,) and then take the can direct to Philadelphia Baltimore. Passenger# fin 1 Baltimore take tho cars of the York and Cumberland Railroad at Harrisburgh. Passengers who wish to avoid night travel, can lodge at UolUdaysburgb over night, and resu*je their tests the next morning in the G o'clock train, and arrive in Philadelphia or Baltimore the same evening at 9 o’clock. Tho Ernning Train will leave daily at Bo* clock p. M., ar riving at Philadelphia 07 Baltimore at 9 o’clock the next evening. We give through tickets to Bedford, via HolUdayibarg, for sfi,€o. Baggage checked through to Philadelphia. Passenger* are at no expense in moving baggage on this line.. The Accommodation Train will leave daily at OP. and arrive at Rodebangh’s (near Greensborg) at 8 P. Mi' return ing. the Trains will leave Rodebangh’s as follows: The Ai> • eommodation Train will leave at 0.16 A*IL, arriving in Pitts burgh at BA, First Through Train at BXOP.BL, arriving at 6 P. AL; Second Through Train at 10X5 P. &L, arriving at 12P.SL ToGreenshurg, $l.OO. Fare from Pittsburgh to East Liberty, 10 cents; to WU kinsburg, 20 eehts; to Turtle Creek 80 cents; to Rodo baogh’s, 80 cents. ■Passengers will procure their tickets at the Railroad Office in the Monongxhela House, Water street, or at the Depot Office, Liberty street. < * - / —ln case of loss, the Company will bold them selves responsible for personal baggage «nly,_and for an amounttjot exceeding $l6O. MBfiKIMEN, aofi , , Ocket Agent P loru ManiUoncmd Wooster, andihrovghina day to Manqfieldby stages from Wooster. T7IVE TIUJNB start from „ Pittsburgh dally, (Sundays ex- Jj cepted) . : . MAIL TRAIN Leaves Pittsburgh at 8-30 x. U. Passengers dine at Alliance at 12X0 P. and reach Wooster at t*. si. Far 9 to Wqcster * 3 ’ 76 ’ EXPRESS THAIS For Cleveland leaves Pittsburgh Pawmgeradine atfAlliahce at 2XO P. at, and reach Cleveland at 5AOp. Jf, in time for the eyrmlng boats on Like Erie. This train stops at at Rochester, NewJßrighton, r Eson, Columbiana and Belem, and at no other station between Pittsburgh and Alliance. . Through from Pittsburgh to Cleveland, 140 roßes, in about six and a half* hours. Fare $4. ; Passengers can take this Train and be in Thinkirkthenaxt morning, oclnChlcafiO in the evening of the next day,., ThC wen train coming eastward. leaves Wooster at fiXp a.. vl, pittahnitth in one day of less than 18 houra, instead of oh the Ohio river. FaraDpm GadiluaUto Pittsburgh $lO. PwKngera len,lgsfClttClfl ttSb^£Sronln«>i^<:Uo '>'»4h tth rpxlfcoih Soon Ip. ifi«k w**; ~, . LeavesPittabajgHat4Xo a. ».,and fcdghi bearded through ha a,day toClevelandafid ;y r * _ d.* - V&rTko New Brighton AceommocUttofttaih teaTes Htto burgh el 10 A. M . AA& Brighton at ? A. aL j Ww>“’ r *?*burgh f Rocbcxteraad NflvrßiigntOT. zv r- - ; ;■ vackz£?Sj tickets arc sold at low ratc%nnd tickjctsby the aomeof ihe stations. w accommodated at-ws«mabl* nXes. i on Sunday.- H~rr “ " fß&eot.«a®n of thiOhjo urf FenmrylvMH. to qeohQEPAEKUT,'' ■ . .- . '' adert AeOnt: . -TTCEMEKINa.OAEPEUSO—SimTSiri.-', . X tockVCaipet: mratra. No. ,84 fSS ifawsto, of riKSmi .&cir ; fhnMM. m ire&efletennlMd. to «U iWp* ***> tr °g’ t jy~ | Vi rOl«tiC'.! , - ■ - ‘ A~J. flnjAßTi* . Angttrt24ylBH: ,y-ij V := T.B.:fiILI^ * , ' j&i'jL X STUAET TrfU Produce: Rnd (VgaralwTim- .gt tha old'etaad, u hesetoftm. A. J. £luABT.’ • P, fl.-—ln tetirfpgfrpm Ihe lets finn, Z .take*plfitturetn neoasanendlng WhSXtUBT to • oar . : (MS] " - • »8»SIEL; 1 TOTTED BTATEBMAIL. 'A-. « fY/y*/', I?.*" ... _ 6tat« - m - ffaerptoargi * * , - .< pjf the safer chiMea of property, nw an. .'dbrramp»«apUaVand'aflbrds anperlor advantages in pointy of cheapness, Bafetj' and'accomjzjixlation, : t6 dty'and country, rate rchantx, and ownem or dwcUizxcn, and isolated or countiy, property.,. - 5 a.A. CARRIER, Actusiy* •. oct27 . Branch offtco 64 flmUhflciaahVHttaUwgn^- ..Cuffi MatoalPlre; tsinranee Company, - - , —nnjfttnl *lOO, OOO. . . V rVIUS undersignod bt-tlariAmsntmf tho above Company for -JL ' ARogheny countyj tmd is prepared to taholiisiOf dh as . favotphlo' torzns ak-nsy company in > tho. State. All-looses pwwiptly.pyM -irTgirty rinyß after proolnf thfc game- tho Aeyiioße 'Li/* Jiuttranc* ■ P? Harrisburg, I*anasylvanla. TUQMAh MOFFITT^ jyU No. 29 Eifth rtrect, Pittsburgh Now England Live Stock Insurance Co., • • jN'ew I£aw*i OmnedicuL HORSES, CATTLE, insured against death by diseaao or aoddeni;' Capital $OO,OOO, with power to Increase to $lOO,OOO. «3vivs »•> .. JArectars—Tomnss ■ Kendrick, -J._ Lewis Taymr, NatWcl •‘Thurbcr, Alfred Edwards, John Saxton, Wm. W.Kenarick. ■ •j-r.' • 1 ■ GEoronT.RrtKOiDS, - • ’• - r -■ . CURTIS & DOBBS, Agents, ; 4Na 123, darner-Wood and'Fifth etrecta. (over Patricks A griond'a Banking Uouse.) ~ - '■ l: : [my2o •INS USANCE, • - • “%.-r ’ • ' , LOSS OR DAMAGE : . BY FIRE 1 AND THE PERILS OF NAVIGATION, BT TBB PEOTECHON INBUEANCE COMPANY OP HAkTPOBD, CONN. . I OLD AND RESPONSIBLE Company continues tocrant pal idea upon the most favorable terms. Apply.to GEO. E. A&NQLO, Agent far Pittsburgh and Allegheny County. New York Elfe Insarauce Company, Accumulated Copilot $500,000. TEE Annhfll DiviileUds have been uriusually large, show ing the Company has been doing a very huge and prosperous business. - . . .j , Tho Dividends in 1840,were 60 -ppr cent. >. ' « « l«7“ 60 •«*. .., A. r • 1818 : ..« 60 «. “ 1849 « 40 , ” •• 1860 “ 40 “ “ 1851 “ 60 « « 1862 .. « ;40 , « This is among the oldest companies:in the United States; its eocumul&tod capital U constantly increasing for the ben efit-of members, proamt and future. . - . Mrmsjs Frawcun, Phtriicni.. Pust Fbjzman, Actuary. CURTIS & DOBBS, Ageuta, No. 123, corner of Wood and FißhstrCeti, over Patricks & Friend’s Banking llouse, Pittsburgh CALIFORNIA RISKS TAKEN. 'Also—Agents for Protec tion and Farmers’ Fire and Marine Insurance, Capital $130,- 000; and of branch'office ortho.limpiro State Health Asso ciation, cash, including accumulated capital, $lB,OOO. Also, agents for the purchase and sale*of Real Estate. myll . Delaware BJintnal Safety Insnranc Co* Office, north room of the ExcJiangt, Third sL, PhiL FIRE INBURANCF^—Bulldiags, merrhandUt? and other property, in-town and country, insured againsLkwr or damage by frre, at the lowest rate of premium. MAbtiOs fcsmuxtx—Thoy also Insure vessel?, cargoes and freights, foreign or coastwise, Tinder cpen.or special policies, as the assured may desire. Inxanp Transportation.—They also insure morchandlzo transported by wagons, raßrood can, canal boats and steam boats, on rivers and lobes, on the most liberal terms. ihrafor*-—Joseph IL Seal, Btarund A'Bonder, John C. Davis, Robert Burton, John R. Penrose, Samuel Edwards, George G. Lei per, Edward DaxUtjgtou, Isaac B. Davis, Wil- Usm FoiwolL John Newlin, Dr. R. M. Huston, Joa. C. Hand, TheophUns Paulding, E. Jones Brooks, Henry Sloan, Hugh Craig, Goorge Scrrill, Spencer MTlvain, Charles Kelly, J. G. Johnson, William Uoy, Dr.B.Thomao, John Sailers, William Eyre, Jr.' Diredort at Ftftdntrgh—J>. T. Morgan, Uugh Craig, John T. Logan. Wiuua Martlv, President Tims. C. lUlto, Flee PraidenL JoiscPß W. Cowjpr, Scardory. Office of the Company, No. 4$ Water street, Pittsburgh. jelCaltf P.X MADEIRA, Agent Th« B'rtmklin Fire Dunronce Company, Of Pftßodelphia, Fknnsyicarria. TVinECrOßii--ChArles W. pnneker, Thoma* Hart, Tobias T /Wagner. Samuel Grant, Jacob K. Smith, Geo. W. Ridb aids, Mordeol P. Lewis, Adoibhi E. Boric, David B. Browne, Morris Patterson; ‘ Ceas. N. Bincxcr, Prrsidmi. Cuaa G. BakcxvA, Seordory, Continue to moke insurance, perpetual or limited, on every description of propertyi in town and, country, at rotes allow es are consistent with security. The Company have reserved a large Contingent fund, which, with thrir capital axul premiums, saLJy iuvsated, si ftjrd ample proteetkm to tbo aimred. The Assets of the Company* on January Ut, ISSI, as pub lished agree&blT tc* an Actnf Assamhiy, were as fallows, vU: Mortgage - - $918,128 68 Rwi wjn iS- Tcaiparary ii*us —-—~ 83.956 IT StoekT— - - 6LB&J 00 Chih,4c - Bl Total 44 stnr*. their In carpers, tfoa, a period of tweniyono years, they have paid upward of'rins Million Foot Huudml Tboo sand Dollars, leases by fire, thereby ttflbtdfnix rvklcoce of the advantages of insurance, as*wcil utho aWtity aotl di-Reiss' tloo to meet with all lisbiUtics. J.OAKDINRR COmX, Agent, ap24 Offloa. northeast cor.Tfoad a fct Hirit j catcnalTO 1 CABINET .mid ll> CHAIB AIANUFACTORX* Nd. 64 SmHMeld street,;*■ tancyvftn& stala fendtuiftr which ih4jr-< will Mills jeticjaiL'Jxilow'cuptomwyXßtcs. ' . -. i.: ■ vi-- j . •■• ■>•* =:,. ■•• .■ v ■;• r :,• .-qecgLly* /}. c. UAMXE&.. Wafnmtr & Pattlcr«, " . CABINET aMITHIKLD StREETi . i :j Bdtotcn PitUlmrah, Jw»,; : *s\ . 'i UAHAIKR constantly;©:! haodsa AU- . Tarigtv of jXffilTpirt |ad jaabionoblo -Fnmlttirc, yar sntudto©iy in. tie cityi jdul sold on as favctPv '• " I able terms as be obtained atany similar establish* *nont in tho Westi They hava ncnr on band an unusually extensive stock, embracing all binds of furniture, from the -cheapest aniLplalnfirt'fco- ttio most costly and elegant. _ All orders promptly attended to. < my23jdom> To Cabinetmaker*. . . _* ' Tcoza%- Mahogany, Roszvxxxi cmd Wabmi ‘ '' ' ‘wart-arid, FurnUxrt &t Wholesale.; ; "• 1 ■. ; - THE subscribers Jiavuju# reqoiv«l/tom SiewTorkjmd Boston-a rad axe manufacturing by machinery Fuiniturer suitable for tie tmdo. All of Which wo will eell otcxtrcmely low price*. As great caro was token In tho aclficiipnqf. the stocky pe2>.. sons cannot fim to be suited either b* to otaVas It ia well known that Furniture cm l» made, by ma* chiocty superior U«d- much lower than by hand, the atton tion or the trede-bxsfcecttally invited* - r : ; \ . Turner! Work, innmts branches, carried pu ts usnaLi - Plank forlxaxid ; Tdns,‘for'Corpenters, anißallarticles. re quired in ihanutoturlnc Cabinet 1 constantly on Mahogany, Varnish, 'Hair Cloths, Springe, Ao-,Ac. ‘BVASSM’KEE,. ' Byan's Building®, ‘ j inm22grdaW Mo. aijifthrtreet. Journeymen Cabinet Maker*. AnorintloiT. WABtWO&SE, 11» SBCOKD STREET, : f *iu: THE COENX® orwocn.J ' ' > ■ TIH3A£SOCIATIOS,emfirtLdng« already■• twice to.three'time«‘aaujL. jn*.«y hffPd* *S- ihfl hi th ertoinost ‘renowned 7>ttrMess • * J* shops of this city, 'fcsVtK opened thblr Warehouse, and_are able to furnish the public, bywbolesalo prretail, , wltbTi»‘ nlturt of tho.follp^ringdeßcnptlon—tit: V, " . : ‘ Mahogany Wardrobes; Dressing Bureaus; FullColumhed Bureaus;-Mahogianyßeusteadst'-Mahogaoy Chairs; Rocking f!hwb-a; \V)Ui>iKfnruT.tq Soto;. Divans; Piano-Stools;- Book Cn*s: ;g»3!4arto;. Carl TnblMl.Pter InblMj too Cant Tables; Cefitre Tables; Uat Banka; Frenchßodrioda;; OUomansj'Poplar Wardrobes; d)ining acd BrcsWastTaples;. Works tends ; Cberry and -Common Wortatandathigh post, common, Iaw t Rcriataads; -Cherry Bureaus*. Cribs; Cradles, Ac. -<■-.• ’•'•■: ' i : . The cdvantages-Of co-opcratkm, on an extensive scale, per-, mit them to aril at thn. lowest prices, and they iradetßp. mined to sell, lower than any competitors, an.esinally-eood, Jf not better nrtldo,'and w®rmit«t-r®a the public willttn dcrsbiml by civic;; them a cnlL - ' v. J .t§,Sluimboat ieork of nil descriptions, and other articles of any description, made la order In eyery style, ntthe snort estnotice.. ~ ... . . ' '. ' .- ■ • !■:. ■ JAMES W. WOOBWEU, • • ; CABISET EVJtSITVRE MANUFACTURER. Ware-roomi 07 and 09 Third atreet.s =• ■■,,, 111,,1,,. ■ J. W.-W, respectfttlly>lntormsaj* ; . his friends and customers that haWL 1 baa now completed his spring stock. . Furniture, which:la.deddedly' T* the latest rad best «ver offered forsala ln this Ci£y,_whkh • wiU,be add der. The 1 fbllowlng articles consist. In part, of his stock, which fcr richness of stylo and finish, cannot bo innny of the Eastern cldcs:. Louis XIV tcto*-tete Soliw; 50 Sofas, lh plush and hair cloth; 50 dcx. Mahogany Chairs ; 20 dot Walnut “ to ilahogtny Rocking “ * 20 Walnut u « - 50 Mahogany IHvras; 20 Walnut " « 60 Marblo Top Centre Tables: 50 “ « Dressing Bureaus; * •gj Washstands; “ 100' Common u 20 Plain Dressing Bureaus; id Mahogany Bedsteads: 20 Walnut ** 60 Cottage “ < 800 Cherry and Poplar Bedsteads; 20 Mahogany TTardrobca; 10 Walnut u 10 Cherry “ 60 Plain Bureaus; 70;Dlning and Breeiktot Tables; 12 gecremry and Bbokcaw, 20 dOi. Cane Scot Chain!; , 24 Cano Seat Rocking Chairs; 12 Ladies’ Writing Desio; flat citd Towel Stands; Wh&t^Xoto; Btigutoa: Paper Macho Tables: Conversation Cbalrn; Pembroke ** Eilfiabcthau ■ ** ‘’ v UailandTkr “ Reception * f Ladl^4 f tTortt “ PcarL Inlaid u Rxtcnskm Dining Tables ; Ann . • ** Ottomans; .• Gothic and Hall Chain; A largo assortment ef COMMON I FUBJiITVRE and WINDSOR CHAIKA CtUNfr Msksss aui»ptiod with all ar ticles in their line. STEAMBOATS and HOTELS, furnished at . the shortest notice. All orders promptly attended to.. - mars .414*639,610 00 ' T ~'” r " 1 CltlMiui ana Strannrii DO YOU WISH TO PDRCHASB A FINE GOLD OB SIL VER WATCH, fctebaut onohnlf Xbk usual price? If coll at Hocd*# New JrmxT gruar. 51 Market stoet, two doepa north of Third, ohd take a look at Ids new stock, Just arrived, and yon can there purchase WotoboA'cr any kind of Fine Gold Jewelry* <* Gich 1 real Talne, end not be charged twtf prfces fbr orctythiiiji. a* you have Usually bee®, but cin get the very best quality of goods at the very lowest rastern price*. Do not believe what utWrs, interested In thH- own taiefl, tell you, but come ond *«e fcr yuursdTvs. All goods mid at this trill be warrants sl« represrated at torn of sale—« all may purchase equally soft and cheap. . ; J , auiy 178,62? 01 Henry BlcbsnUon, Jeweller, 7^ HAVING rowed his store In a handsome xuanner.And but recently returned from the eastern dtfes with a fine assortment .of WATCHES, JEWELRY, and FANCY GOODS, would call the attention of bis friends and custom ers to the tot that among his Watches will be fimtul the moat dedrabjc styles, patterns and maker*. Of Jewelry, the latest styles of Brooches, Pius, Fob and Vest Chains, Finger Kings, Ear Rings, Miniature Locketa, ete* etc. r ~. FANCY GOQDS—Such a» rapier Mat*©, Work Table* and Boxes, Desks, Fancy Vasco, Perfume Bottles, Table MaU» Cult's Pistols, Porto Slnnnaies !a great variety; ChinA Fruit and Cake Dishes; with ra endless variety of useful on 4 or namental artklm, which have only to bp seen to bo appee dated. (Pori} NO. S\ MARKET gTRBKT. Watches, Jewelry, HAVING junt returned tom tho riastirn dties, l have brought with me one of the moot beautiful and care fully selected stock* of Jowdry, Watches and Fancy Goods, over offered to tho public. Persons wishing to purchase anything In my Uur, can rely on getting a good article. 1 do not advertise to sell good* below' cost, nor 50 per cent cheaper than any boose- In the city. Give mo a call, and 1 am sureyou will bo satisfied that lean rell a good article Oe cheap aa sny of them. I■ Another tot I wish to keep before the people. Jf von want your Watch, Clock, or any article of Jewelry, repaired In the best manner, this l* the place to have it done/ To this branch of my business 1 will devote especial attention- JOHN B. KENNEDY, M Market street,' apiT . Sign of the Golden Eagle. A. A CAKRTKR* Actnary. If Time la Money} SURELY ft deserves to be watched, yoti may be assured that— . L. REINEMAN A CO., Importers and Dealers In Watthei, Clocki and Jewelry, Watch Material*, Watch Maker? Took, flJjenti -Tbe'hurfneSs of the late firm will, bo settled by S.F. Von Bounhorst, .who ia authorised to 'use tho Uaino of tint firm &f that purpose.. / WILLUM RICHBAUM, . 8. F. VON BONNHQRST:' Pittsburgh, May 8d; iB624ny4 w ' ; INDIARCBBERGLOVEB,aiITTEIIB»4rt* eOUNTRYMERCHANTS, :in I making • their : purchases, should nqt neglect these desirable and saleabta Their manufacture £m. been much improved. recentiy,-aud they-ara. madtrTery durable. Partxcular. attention to ra quested to tba WOOL UNED GLOVRS AND they are indispensable in caldand wet weather. XodirawilF fina thnm GloTea hsefhl ia any work that wiR soil the hands, .at thaa»|fta they wll 1 pp** the went Salt Rheum. .orrChapped ti"*ry if f < ** <>T y -Tboy’aremadealllengtto,: toprotoct the Anna andwrists.-• • v • For ssleby Bowen A M’NsnWL.-'NewxYork; NotctooX: Towne,Boston; Jghn.TbornW, Philadelphia; E- M*Fun*; deraonACo,Baltimore; GiO Brotber r Bt*Louis;;B«rt A by allßubherDealOTiOW Oulon. For sale at retail by Country Merchants thruuglmgt tha Voitod State? and Oiaada. v * i V H. WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c. . WATCHES batter ne’er were sold, Whether of silver or of gold, Than you will find whene’er you go And look at those on sale below. [Of tho late Finn of Sands and Rein Naan.] LOITIS REOE9IAN A CO., CURRANTS— 25 casks Currants, of. superior quality, for saieby foplS 1 SMITH & SINCLAIR.: Notice, to Stool CtHPartberahlpNotfee* fpHE undersigned have; this day forined a Copartnership ' JL for the transaction ofr* Wool and nrmntfgdm and Forwarding business,' under ;the firm of YONJTJBONN HORST'A MURPHY. Warehouse No. ST WaierandlU Front streets. JAMES R. MURPHY. A ■ . RF. VON BONNHOBST. ; Pittsburgh, May 3- ~. FuUdlreetiona encloscd.Tritfaeachbox.fdcclfclTdftfr^ OJU7LCB. ' T ’ ... i, • . AhewLof jAlli,. r -- ’ '’ ' * ‘EXTRACT Oy J AHKRICAiroIIfc ‘ PREPARED and sold -ty? jyp. ;YOUKGSOX, L 2ooXS>crty street. This poiter&lly. concentrated pifcnsratic*, the\ .medical virtues of jrhlch. ore-found to/beeigaV tim** tfttf _ ■strengthof the original American Q& It la pulupln tleaa* 25 tad its- its efficaey ; in TeHevtog wffortog afid' rwtorlog' health. , _ •• rr->; i\sli ■ ‘ The quantity of worms expelled-from iwmAdifldren.ahßoat'l exceeds belief; every thmilyshoald haveftsupply constantly, oh hand. lam out and want a supply « soon os po&ihle. - : . ; . B.'Ti B3L3IES.'. Prepared and sold by B. A> E AHN ESTQCK.A 00;, 1 • 1 .corner Wood and first streets, Pittsburgh. ; ocDdiwtf-- - ' * - - DR. .KEYSEE’S .i P E C T 0 EAL STB HPI FOR THE VARIOUS DISEASES OF THE StJCH Jr-000011, ' CBOPP, -nw -,^d !OKCHI ??^’ (JOISZT, ASTHMA, INCIPIENT CONSCMPTIONVumI to Various diseases haring-theirorigin' la An inflamea. con- or hirpidcouditiOT of this orgMS of TfsspiretioiCr; This Offered ebOTe name,is rmedy of'immenw rafue -ln.lho-diseases for ivfalch it falracbinmend«Land ho* been used to considerable extent throughout this aty, as %ell as in' other’ localities, with* success that has'rarely; attended My medidOe,'fcot heralded thrbugboatthe vbole country by the press.' - f D*. Keyser** Fectorol .''TjrtlmprettrtpUon DTft-regolArphysician, it for s^ren»l v jf|Ci la;blftprertic^r the Pectoral Syrup that it isan EN'UBELI NEW diflißTing la ereryrespect from the rsrious zdxwdißft.no'w in use, ibr the diseases ,of the Polmo nary organs;' 1 rTDOES^NOT BICKKf THE STOItACH, ly’containing nauseating .'dosea brTsquSlla,' antimony, end ipecacbuana/. It has in It no opiates, to. eonstigatcctbe bow els, and dry Tipthe secreting.oigans; but its aenorils wholly dUteent from the action of any of theabore named drugs. IT IS *v wvpryyTViRAXT, that dears oot the. tnbes .and air ceils of itirt I*ntgB ftwl Brihchla, in ft marmar- that ishot equalled by anyotiß* remedy** Itdisaolrcs, tn a great mea sure, the greatly increased the rations disced sf the air cells and bronchial tubes.* It allays alt irritation, almost u aoon aa it is takea r and it baa been known to weeks’ duration, in hare wreral remarkable < noted; down, "where It succeeded in curing earn Jiavlnjc-eTor appearancc.pf . - ' CiSl I.—A young-can,aged. 19;-of cough; expectoration t'f'dark matter Crum the Chugs ami Bronchia, tor threeweek*; pulaaup tol2o;hoctitfertrnral night sweats V great exnajdxtious pain in the breast* times expectoration of matter-streaked with blood ;ba£ fulo'e»of th*head,-uo«and throat; end idiiwdmrge of »**• rid accretion foe the nostril*; yarious remedtes_badh«h; used; several physicians- consul ted, without tairip)* the Pectoral Syrup, lutlie ttiiiicj; that night ahc-cougbcd but once; took another dose of IYctoral, and slept wvll all night ;:continnod: the syrup nett day, and by night was entirely free from the cough, ani oil the bad symptoms* She is covr welh remarb able, couldbe gVrca,if space would permit. rniambcr of oar own csUnns,ia proof oUtacfflmqr. .*■ s i r ? T:s",4 lie *4l Re fed XI Renat It - We,ibe -having. used* Pr..Key«rt Pectoral Caugh-Syrup npoannrwlTe* a«l in cur tomiWes,-do respect* fully recommend it to ft*h*r* an * safe and efficient iDfdbrinjn fbrlhepurposrarectmimendMl: . < James feKcnnA, Jameafpwlrr, 'WLToulk, ; John Fowler, . Xff Bwyer,'.Jr Alexander* Robert iaugblln, John JMltchel, Jkm&i K Lender, ». J Porter, Wm O M*Cartn*v, Joseph Tborapeoo,; Uuih Sail!*, XdwD Janes,. WH Anderson* P MilieutMk Michael Kane, Jr John 8 AgCy r v > Thomas MXUnin, J SlUjan, Fraud* Du wit* J P Smith, • ••' JobWhyaall, - • Joseph ODHcn* *. Maurice BrennCn. • • • t - COUNTRY STOREKEEPERS wM find this an excellent article to "Xell, «nd trill giro general sa tisfiietion to their cus tomers. -liberaldeductions trOl be made to retailers and' othi rs purtharing by the dozen—-price single bottles. 5E> cts,' or 6 bottles for $2J>O. CAUTIQN EXTRA.—Many persons will try to indue©7cm to boy wane other article, stating that It 1* m good as.-this: bnt we-advise you to cut oat the name, a DR- KKYSERS PECTORAL SVEUP,” and buy no other, and you wßlnot be - - <, ‘ The Pectoral Syrup U prepared and sold byLr. Geo. IL Key*er, wholesale and retail LrnggUt, No. 140, corner of Wood street and Virgin-alloy.' *or»lB;dAw , What Every Body iayi, must be Tract IT is raid that BOOBVKR,-at the Vtz Hiyx Cwthiko Seorx* No. SE2o liberty Street, cells thc.cbeapcst Clothing In the City—•well made.and fashionably c«L r Call andex aml&e them and you .vill not be disappointed. Just received, byExpress, n«plendld assortment of Fancy Cashmeres, Brown. Grepn sndßhie Cloths* and otbepFash tunable Goods, uuitablefor the Beacon, are prepa red to make to order, (without , disappointment:) in a style unsurpassed in the (Sty. tgL.Cometnd pec. mar 31 • ACABB,, E. Watts &' Co.’* Tailoring 7 Establishment,, ND 185 LIBERTY STREET, 1: -< ‘ FALL ANT) WINTER STYLES.—The subscribers have iust opened their Fall and Winter styles of. MERCHANT TAILOR’S GOODS, to which we inrite particular attention. We flatter ourselves, that' we hav* in,store altogether the richest stock of Goodslaoar linei this city. Our stock of OVer Coatings, arc Of the newest and most. eirablo styles in market, and Of every variety. Qur tstock) of fine Blacky Blue, Olive, Brown and llmberrj^TrCnch: Cloths, ere of the latest importations, and was never so good, norprioes so reasonable, as at this time. Our stock of fancy ami Black are of very, 'choloeseleetloxis,-both-as-regards quality andrtjlo.-TtK gether with an-asaortmimt of frtch plush Silk TelvetrCash-- tnere and plaimSQk Testings, which are-pro nouhced,.by.air who have seen them, to benmeh the best variety for gentle-' men's wear In this dty.- : ; .''V JAMBS C. WATT—Merchant Tailor. JVb. SQ Markd* . bciwvat Second and. TferdlStr&ts, .. : BEGS respectfully to Inform Wyfriofcd* and the public, that he has returned from NevrYork and Pbiladelphla, haring there selected from thelatertlmportotlonsr'an entire of - Black and Colored' CLOTHS, CASSIMERE3 and TESTINGS, which tor newness of designs ami richness of fabrica, are not surpassed- by any house west of New York.' All of which he'fe'preparcd .to maketooxderlnia supettorrtyle,** the' lowest.price - and cordially in- : rites purchasers. to'call; and examine the >tock before ymr ebaaing elsewhere. . , ... :' .. s -- :T 7.- 1 TO TAILORS- —I have no authorized agent in this City, tor the solo of my wnrk ou GARMENT ,lt can only be had at tha itore of the subscriber, SO Market street, ‘ at the folio wing prices, tfs: with Instructions, $10: with out, $7. ■ . [mari7} .- : ; ~ JASIE3.C.-WATT. New; Clothing Home, EDMHNI>i W.ATTB & Co.—Mcttcnast Tauoes, j ; .-‘-• JV’A 185 Liberty Stride above St. CldxrS-X^''- H AYS'opened a "new Clolhlng'.Store "ftt - the above y^ace, . and are now recfcfytng* splendid lot cf CiOTHS, CAB - de, ox the latest ■lmportatiahs, 1 ' pur-, chased with’ an especial view to city trade, and-.wblch they; are prepared to make dp to .order, in the latest and mbßtfosh-,; ionanle styles. Tbsy intend to pay "strict'attention to thlsu branch of tbdr burinoss, and they have toll confidence that; they'-will be able to.giro tbelr cu^tomera.entire satisfaction.. They are also mauniactaring a choice Jot of READY MARK CLOTHJNG r uf the newest styles, which they wB) sell low) tor castoi .Aj all this, stock'is entirely new, If is worthy the attention of buyers. . aplShly'. SPRING AND , SUJttMER CLOTHING, THKEE BIG POOBSl.;; S' '... : iTOHN ttcCl&dKHY'haa-now the pleasure of announcing to Ilia numcfousfriencb and the public in general, that hi* SPUING SDMMEB STOCK i* how ready Sot In? speeUoruwhklvhe belloyes, will, be found to beoneofthe; largest and beat-selected stbchsbf READY 3IAPE CLOTH ING Western country. . teflon. Jffid mm than usual attention to the imanufecthringand-atyleofhis-.gannentaj-so-that the very i lowest priced, «U^<«iibt'to;l»Trot^ttaied:v y 7 tha'«dt«2rilou 'offflJ dcarcnm i . ,°*V Garments f i« theqjidiifieaaad price* of his goods,'hi lean offer than such, inducements as «inp«q haMtai nrwl tXSteS Of GTGTJ IOCaUOQ' hSltheUfilOD, which ia of the utmost importance to wholesale purchasers. In the Cutting deparimeid.wiJilse&aitd.ichtdca'aelectian’ of the-most fashfenabli goods, and American Broaddcva, excels Uqt assortment of YJ23TEiGS,-of.t2te and most fmy ionaUestylcs-reU - of whidihs is prepared to majeeto order - vCOMBiTHEN, ONB.A&n.Aia.l ‘ .p- The Assortment, the iinality, end - th©~ Tsrietr, is. the oust extensile, .a&clo.nfctodlj, .tarfce found in the United pHEBSY BOAWjS-lWOp.fci Chmy Bd ilgnmentoM for salebj. . - , r - • ~:^ep2B^ ft B ! U ff flßtt & ltut trimtr pen»nt.tH«spertEsm tnd wmiua ■ TV - ... —= cgmltuercrr ntttck-.:;. ~' i.-,'. . -j^is«m J UTK>^.—Ttapirtacwhiphwetcfoycei£siarcii. tndmrred*. : .(gMgnt- ■“- .■ = :,. s«3oraarat,dla*lT«iontl»l3aiJa&i' C x • -•■•1., -tu '-.v •. . i >,- -.V'.t-•:*<#•..•■ - fc - V * * « * * < » \ ' 7* S' * , „ ‘ *■ t* ' .. w ? *- 4 . 4 , i* "• ■ ■ ■ ~■•■ • : •■ *?• -«. •Wife - - r * TBK£E~DOBES! CLOTHING, ► r ' f . ' < , r -J r « ' ' - * ** ' , « 4 -~ ' - .** v *v.* : :-::- • /!V ,'•; -?■- -_v~ • :- - -- * . ; T) HliUiti'JlSiL* l -■ 1 - JLv IT* tbatoijraWtrtublff:*'K*fl«jTerftila. » u< ''^ fe > *' > ’’ - - 08iei»fi&a IWa E 5 Consul Utiim'BdbtDiT?oi^4llFlAilo3®,' Pena'a. ■ • Th»,,B6ea»ti-aly«r» at tome;- s : -- • ' -•■'• i J*- *^.:<- ; r c v ‘. « Diamond ’*w jflK entire ettotrtioa mriicet:««■ >TOrtusifieM. is/iftdstfy £ |W; - •'Rpiirwi?’ _£hje> ■-'offlcelSiPnTSte OGißiilitti l»amga*j%;' T< W .* > '•■ , r 7 'V-. HOTCCUffW-" Judd’* Medicated Liquid ■ ■ ■ rpais nttic-l&- is intmdod.ior «jd should “■ V (luma in kWpossesjioajpreTcry.vlimjlr “.S'EKK"- IrtfoTi --•irfrVr yrn > '-^n'' |"' |jffiM?dgPg6£; ttf persons through' a»kd£ht, : «iHtt&tf improper osreicasjiso of tools, win find this hhcr.a'fiiir,tsSal;-iwill "l} •>. \;. a Thl> nia 'thb'-.imdarsigned} naytnjrfl*' Palfield tC^p/Mladlotmnij'Cahncwrat,. ' cheerfolij recommend' tc fercrcrprofbsskrtisl hrethigp ? >s an : excellent substitnfe’for adhesive plastor, : iildresßUw;_bortis J * ; cnt^Eailds, : Ijrtdsesi: andf fbr sore nipples, a remedy lineqnsllecL.- 'V'-, • CHABLESWQODWAED, H.IX* .f T73i; K dfiEr, M. Dw • : . ' D. FTAKRISOX, *LIV 1 -' F* WOGDECTiV > - , , ■:-• • ;• :ELI£WOBIIItBBKB^ 3L : Comprising, all- ihe:practisfajg -jphyridaM ;to.\tbo^iity.pt -SEWdletowrUv -.vi ~ --•- ~ - Ibreulrby- Jyi^ Dr. Be Laney’a Celebrated. Curative The only JqfalUbU Cun far Dust Dreadful. Distant : - fcunon as. SjxrguUcrrhea, or. hnouailary ' -.• *. V.- ■ 1 JSmsaum** -, ’ -■ and productive of Bt> much . mischief to the .nervous. rystemjincap&ritatJng inan tor busiDe^'£odctj _ and niQtdmony. . -' • .« Ihlaiinstram^tTls'simple, .comprehensive,; and', kiyeo-^ p A'njvn,'fmri m«y beusedwithout the slightest-inooavwni-:. «oce»«r the kramlcdge of the most intimat?. friend.iritis tp. Reused ‘oxlsrnall/.’pfod 'or'in) isy whafever.. 'nor pTorentihg'ahy one ficohi attending So Hi juuii while In use, not a. tingle emitsum 'can taii'p&Sc£ theorgarn'in aiJiort iruitfo'iuch- ur..y mhnvwEi ba prosecuted to the'fnllestextent of the law, I being cct.willlpgj . e?tly earned rcputaUou. of ray lnyfstion wUh. quacka and their wx»thlesA pttHicciionac - No Instrument is Genuine mxd nomcan be 'Warranted but ihoeo ordered from mjrpll. • • .r AU applications and .resnittiaces xan3t bo directed {post* -paldXto tlm Doctor behaving potencies MtahUjlv •d-butinLohdon'.aad Paris. ■' •" •, -. : -, • Address, I)« l^iaey street, . NewTork- . 5 ->t . OSco bcrnrs,dally, from 9 A.M.tniU P.M.,and from « .till S P.Sh».tho Sabbath; excepted. .hS?-The undersigned rsjrtiiy, with peaiiueasuru, that th? •bcreozuenUoned lisfcnuocat is not qidy crnstructsd. onsrir principles, but fora its. Uie tbo happiest, results may always with confidence ta. aniWpeted. belns'.Sar.tha edra of those diseurc»n£>cihvreertaln.rcaiicdf.extanti,:-. -■■■ a.^v-:' . • . ; for .Fahins ■ of-UnjlKectum , -Bods, and Chalra-fbr Trusses,OrthopedicCorsrf^&e» •', ... jm wnrrantal.-''Lettei3bepost-paid,cgntam- ing aprojcrteJaateTmittanecdir rafcrence.- '.ffeb22;ly:- ' - DR. HALSEY’S FOREST WINE! Thtdixortry of ihc.FOREST TVtNE islfc fircafest tthtchdoa-manffccdia)dg6cfJarUie>'i»iktaire ■ o/ 7>isazst*i tA&ntM bcXlesof cny&zrsa-, . S- jwrflfci in 'tat,' and warranted (a aert •■'••• " iffiMOttlmiy tarpliafonts* . ■= 4 . -• •• •• : : . wafxmnff tjftd*' > -.■■■•:■■ ■■■• •-•-• •: ■•*: 1 ?■ TUB method by which. all : barsapaiißas, amlolhor aim!' lar medicines are prepared, is by boiling the Hoots or Plants* to obtain the'extracts! Theta edical ATt; thuy jffari pally♦TmpryrntiHlanddestroy otL • r :■ i. .,->■ ‘ ',V^ ~ It is not to bo tea acAtwen ty bottles ofthese;Safsaparilias aresoraetunra tajera without any perceptible benefit': Notro wißMhe Forest VYinel By the Invention of a wonderful. chemical apparatus, a perfect wine is produced vrUboot "beating; : retaining at the; mine time, all thieprlittltive heading propertir# ofthorammedlcv nal plants of which it U composed,' tho* rendering tbeTurest Wine the the world at the same time the most agreeable.'/' • 4 • ' . "NERVOUS 4 DISORDERS : Are disease* of the mind As well as of the bedy, are brought on by troubles and afflictions, -and oro most com:; montopersons of deUeatecoEostitations andsendliTeEhind&- I>3w'Hpirita,-m«lanCholy, dreams, and fearfulanti eipatioasnfevilfrom the shghtestcaupej*, generally accom pany herrous disorders!.- 1 Tlle Forcst Wine tmd Pills are an energetioTemedy in;lhese'«csnplainta. * Extract of a lettertromHr.Joseph-C.Panldrag t dat«dV :'PhiUulfiphiaj September■■ Da. <5. W. ITawet :•;•-■ ~ > : » - Dear Sir; Your Forest Wine And. Pills ha*erured my wife ; ofa dreadful ferrous disorder, with which she bad been af • 'flirted for many yeafa. ;Hcr *b6dy was almost wasted away. ’ -Sho was frequently disturbed in her BJccp-by trightful dre&ms,-awakwg quite exhausted and cGYerwibwltii pewpfc-' -. ration, and .Mtinics-iaSbiing under th 6 fusion some thing dreadful was wbaut *6 happen -Byths use of , four bottles of the Wn£todi£bpxof the is now • : ih perfect health. Shehasregalned ber fleshohd color! and \; enjoys society as well aswyep. J. C. PAULDLNO. . GENERAL W OF \THE;BQDY> Ac. * - - * Many persons areaffl feted with some of the above com : -plaints, without to trace it to «ny r particnTar ■ cause, ftud.thpmlbrp delaytbe us& of-tbe proper temedyctfa! :til the disease -Becomes .constitutional.*-'•=xhese tilPOrttet* are 'oftcnbharsrterixed by h cabins -1 thm-after ejerdse.; L lk^expeTfepC6shigg&hness,lateitude, 1 .and at times, palcneaaqfftcabin'gbf the countenance,orpal pitatiohoftooheart,orltosymptoms!S ■ ; The oxcdlehfc eflbcta w hfch have ere? attended ’ the Forest ’Wineand Phls, tn everyspedes of debility; is con ’ clutireeTidcnce of.its bappy/iretilts in : disort. denu Jdanyhare T?9oftcd;ti> these medicines as an yJttima ■. -hfITK 'ahd boen Epecdhy cqred, : ForNerrouj disordkaund ■. -DcbiHty.ti?e Wine and Pillraxe taken aocxirdlne to thediree ■ - Art cause&h/the ;miashlatic efituyis arlfrpgj&ota marshes,. decayed'. YegetatlqnVahil Jodi dainpsUaatians.' In. Ferer • and Aguef tbsFbrest; Wind ana'FiUs awusOTerelgu wmqdy.. 'When they, hare beenl taken the directiouv*©. haTenerex knownthcta ttf mt!n effecting adoinpleta core, In thn Cnt place take the Forcet Pills In time that their operations aisy .subside Lcfdrt tberetura .!Q»e stomach being now.'-Yf-eH cleansed, take thrs .•fir-four large doses of the.Winec'at intervals of half an hour, couk in eating abont ’twu hours' before the period for ■theehill to return. Thisbicakslibo ague, after which ihe-Wleeshould. ho continued in. small; doses to restore .strengthened'foil directions awund this bottle. ; DK. HALSET'S OCItCOATED EOKEST PIUS. Are an Important txcjjunctf to the Forwt Wme. -Thay-are coated frith pure gum Static, an iuTeuticu for rrhlcft Haleoy has received Uie.’onJy patentever granted -on. £ill«r. by the Government of the tJnltcd States. The Forest Wine Mid _gum ; coated forest Pills unite fa ms complishing the sanlo'ereat end* the' Purifidtvch -of 'the ..•Blood, and resthratou oftheStctoachand Botpcl^' : Tbe Forest Wine are recommended sS ao’dSeumt and certain cure :la thft'tbllosrihg - tever fails to. oure* jSroftda, - thy QXorqf iht^Bk&i t Wcaldy aruiipp.jxdred SvatetftfieOrr* ZtUutio s. o> ■ " - : f . " vTO T.A'ferpq > ‘.Nothing In the-, world Timers '•■fowmf'thMi using paints, chalks, to improve tha amnienancc. Irae oeanty and loveliness 'accompany the highest perfection of health, which again Invariably fellows thtPiarti-stete qfXht. Stood, What artificial equarthaf vivid «spre> L slop of tmm blooming heal tfcj. Wbat paints 3ta brilliant roseate hheth»cghthetnuispfiient'tettnre,«f ’ the skin? . Whateharnia aye more captivating ‘nature, in her sct’* Forest Wine rupply-fSe placeofall cosmetics.- She use of this excellent :Hood, whlch, Coloring through the Tdn*,penetnt^toai. r "hntest fibres that''Verge'toward unS££ In oftbasStf?, Dr. H»l*y hssmaay teti . iwpectebla ifamdiag feuso 'XToci* vh * arJ gfe*~- ' 'faUiWatir. - hi V- ■ i\ Z%-%, w - G 1-;" **^- >'" - * ‘<-' r 'jT'-^-'^ „i '-'/I 'rsZ'i-^//i^~ z : t -.-- T^v£ J^''*3%rJ^> .■•>.• ” ,y - •• • *%* ■i . - :-Tj - h . -\ ,r -iff • •** * f^*- - ~-J ' r '" , <.-• ' „ " i' ► - B. i COwL ; ' Cortoerof Wood asd First, sts. 1 * * J IV . •fe»iTTfetpfar^vor»igLnwpHf>^r^a^getffiß^^fe^^^^^ a f'' ■ ■ =t" gsgrfa.wy.^gjg^*^^^? i • h-: ■ ING XXJiattOOOiiJtSIHMA m 4 CQESGKEWQS. |' - 'll TASj yeaU'Of'tsW,?!®'*'*! ,q?:inssirfeig.-tJI? .johlls I .'. JVI tn thlqTn»ylirine. iLaa&ccrCTrijSr; I Bon e*- f ~- i ■ -t.,1 w.j-iirtWrf.Vuhla-fea'ffl: ‘«mTeiT«l~mt'OiimBana» af i. giulJ lTiail'iahltteCTfatiiiaa fteo- |- .■ _ rwi tidied icad. beeo- disQg&ed T ISis'-tote i? ' ■ 'friends by every trial* confazred begefits on the gfillrfedthey - $ •.• r--. cau^iw^r.fiiffgetj-iod.tJTpdßeci'.cnrßitwiroSMWOPßttdtoe. $:•• >-»? tfmftrfcnlto to bo fcrgptteu.- - k> *7- «V f *' lx-' !SfHlal£lsjaT*aad on tbe-ptibUfi to.pirtcnd ihat any go* imkliefiJ® BfifralSoi ; TWiof::S .,•* > tiai tlieCiaa&T Palais dbei ‘aor:onlya£ahEEeml wag* ?: * - jlQyrt;: ',. . .. - „ fpnrtnany--hero»ft tto Scst“ reßmass gf-thgAfi - tscanaat, to the . - jjsla^of^uroncaa,Kings.-. Througiibqt tnis entixaebun* V : 07Vte':eTery Sta&rd^}.ajidfedse(fr a^ bainl2tit fr •»“-» ,ftmtai!^^Hßaf~i > r j« . 'acignecg ’ bffro - congtanVcse;frt theAgnfeygospfeals,Ahoy r / &k!ti£iiOTß?Mi4.'Mdna»^' : *—r\ : thetesttroEagtpbirfdaaiß'Cßa - . .--* % 'cldldrßii*ltlfl'«^j^easanpMid«aertnal < tp,enEß..-InKict, &6me of tbe. taoet^ flMtetiog teStUuomala "iwfaira, tore tfaralflriy jt^dgn^I todiildhond." *’ ' - v --H " - • 'CSkemis6 r &w»'orit ttnder Ws • ■'lfclgscalegrgftfr'pTOtrtrtaSrby lav from can cn as gen- *S* < nine iritboutadnlfcatian. " „ _ 1 3rqfctTgende3Tbftdliere •*-•■:■:£ tfe&fcr • 'which thej.eim iel£|tar -tho best reaults, : ffiiil'tbe;ftfli«iaa-«it6.‘A remedy rth»vSX'3o , L .^ A ibemall that taedirfnaeaada'-.h" - ’ ' ~ • - Prepared-sad solibj”' 3 ' ; v" -JAJiESrC.. AY£B, . ■». % JP«ctfc«a v CiKOiist,Jfiwd^SLas; -; Sold in Pittsburgh by &A. Pahnetftoch inj&l. HiP. Sehwarts; and by Druggistsand Dealers] inHeclicineeverywhere. TBS -CZLEJtRX TEJTCO H^TOaKMSDtVIIfsS^y iijjmsT—ih* ’Gtier&iu r iV'Ciaiflgall Rfmyaatf kn Srigrpfll Rn3os«nd'Eares. •-- 7 S .;''-i fS^^oßief-CtiimbSi -i/dyg£r^ 'Acaatidi^ a-ccrtaia curs.fefDeafitfgfc. I.%^.*>. fbr tbs.£fte& ;; - A Ttb,—£■ .■ f ,;• .Bt^~j ia3 : Bni&iiß : ~ . diction and less cf AppeUte ; Dor- CostifctwaS litKsaafca ---A- ~ . sad Males, and nervosa gotojpjL&lafa jffl; ' „ 'Dyspepsia* Khaamarfcn, fc. Agfeffeasjtfnt9jirBj.ltf ;> v. : . - lA' affihkd* to • takflf cetier- sixes', and' naTcr le&roscgU . . -coslire, %-•<-' g?o.tfn pix*sz&~ VA-:'‘ ■■;■.*-'A''A7-vv;§ -A/" . 10ti>—Afry. ■Brtncn’a QretrtJ&t KuUr.- -. » - . . aJ -‘mid yittperfbrnA scdi vrcafl^.fflHrts' '': .’ 'A-v -v=^.^ r-AW * s: ’- *: an^i^-*&^:'^^^ ; ’A away f?VV-.: -- •■■ rekhrated I&i -v-ALA ■•,; A A-v •;' ,\ •■■ A. :> '' P&'Jfynq\. theporailw.lJXf -•.... pixrraHAKTT(«r nfemssgfe^.L;- - ' aAnAA-*; > AA-iAAAiAA^iv-f .*:" -. 15th.-AtvftZßi&i fir CafeA" *. .7 7 :- ,: -16th.—"TIus. articTa has ooSf?s% ~ all atiier-^txapaiillfis,aad - sißl giT« •; e?er«v-.:-A"?-;v i;- • , -. f . -■ lTth-—rThereJebralrd meed 3nsd<;i.. . *-- from aaatbo raa^tpopular ■* A • -IStbi—Dr. Klmc’a Itwft Arf«'l>j*sfc'''A:Cßrta!tWEod;cagK •*'*. cars feg.gpoftihehe. "' ’ “ »’-* •. -•-• ' v ♦’ *S ' * • of tho-ceTottated asioinmiSrf Sfesergi WalcfC -f&TUrd a^tlsiaSoltSprings df Dr. TTeIU. CshW6,'at&.CatteK J haa altfttned-s notorietyiml>" • popolirity iisT«rl»£[ro hj wy at tfcsf , ' .. •; v 1 w l — J- * '- -.v Nu!HUtA~All.pg?p^Atoa>-l«aTt^re-:kE6Tg:»• * f ‘ sroert^«rCtfs,” alvxra Jx?lxmgHJ,an4im bplongß Dr, |«oefiu-:8; Oomstoek* axu 1 ; «• - this extralaiel-with'the laixMe«igiiitnre-'crili.L,S7tfe . * -v -- _ VAO* OXUEKS MUST BE SPUBIOtrS, "“i .'•' ' ! 1 ‘•'■•■“ - LIJCIUS S. OaSSSOCSTH: y. • •4^ > ThaahovpTffWffnttPg*-7 •-- -“-v TN abqrfctH*Balsamis perallariy ndfptrf foeyejy d&esj : X of the Lgcgs /Smi Utor, yhfch is producedty &3X£Tt -'. CbgrryhM loan been :■■ in oorljuiaj' iirescribett ■" . farms fid; a TSJiefyQf'ccaßjdaititi: T&JV a!*S hi* Ksciwqtti- .v; ly noted fbriia tlrtnag ;~aßtPgfliicr njus fc&J :- la do obtain their Igoowtn r» Itt y r»pn rh?“j *{ " ' ~ rnedidnal. powers - •>?•' . stances crs time »w 4 ■ :-.-r-.o PIWroSSAtfSBALSAit O'P'WILD CHERSY.-.-By-sni. ‘■; • ■•■'>■ entryefang wanedy ferall•a^pfalmnrivj' A ■;. --C eafefeve r toyrnto m^;-!lN?o^rb^jdlngn^^pgaQi fonntd^Ak&wpndeifulxowUdne: - ; J Zrrrxfirerfby ite use. of, tnhrSitrußc&let -- 7 '; ;' : ■; ;v^v : i ">r BsUmef^lid-Cherr^lSv^^ uV3feg»HateomV 2cgntt£ - r * tar’a Bal®an ef of ytm has be* of aoch sigaanjeneSt lnrxß/ I wish to males r - - r ■■ : viitßC»luK>intCa , lbenjenimtaCi&BpnbJxc.| My vife: took «55 st : •'■_ - gettiffl ' V .ease consuinptipu.. EheJsadoaeitirro&eQ aJ{& nrartSi#3 -' liadcoi^i«i r tr&'Jte^^d&pjdraiffofljpr| ' : •./ •* camyyahdhor child-partook of ' „ . tcxeoiotlks, cCcciEda3i.-• * - - ‘ SETH B. SSABOX| P- Swrcy. vthp?orcrtiSeaic » sman-cf| : • [.mach aattby ia this eoaatoy/tad * cam. of i-judgmentj'ahdVQ'pucc entire ■ - : • rr_ , HABCCUST/ HOWABDX OCJ i COSStJMPTiaS’ ClBißlßi'*' ' J . » Bobert ■ Sanderson. Justice -of tiio Pcac«i io Buah CrO " • -' - • fcajaienaio. n an oScerih cased. nt'O] *.■•' ' sutTipt.nf..*<^fli!tla.T / J-T>wlCTa .or.'Wiid£3yqT»y-: Vv • :o:.Riag.CME.qg» . lOnettfhr pxy being cured .of CcffugipUoifc tha i»qif symptoms of zsy ttsc, that otbess shn3Mrlt-a3Sfeg^TTry>j^ : ted ixmacat -cOkfdajis.sHUi ;. • tot TEStl£&3 at nighty and had .great '— t^>-T«hbqidgsrvtficattiiro v t^ocgkii^htj' • when ■tfata&ffegpisfrrt^fc?3nyJt£ttlthls ~!<- zz "?!- : I tm noTrss and has*iu&t;talaai*aifof ' - .. i • ■ -; - sirpJlacftfie_Bg^atQreaf EmrfATi«tar.M '"- c.oovier cam tegcuiriHi ~ .< ' ■ - ; -.4»feM»yij«rtea« ilx h&B£itseSC-.-% ■ Fctrrth ani : '-. -nail, Omo, UiaU!naigEtit,-to Tftaan »U cnitn oost ii. s , - teased. i -friMtLpe I • jwt ■*"