The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, October 19, 1852, Image 2

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The appearance of tho eiecdon table In oar pa
PM: yesterday morning, reminded us that «e
- stand indebted to Mr. Joscru Snowues, the gen
ii* .gi*S>lS*J tm 'Of the associated press In frestern
Pennsylvania, for valuable assistance rendered
*<mr reporter in compiling the table from the of-
..'flcl* l ,-roßord*.i*'": ■■■■■■ . *
A” ' ■ • -
MortlfieS. stunhVi ami astonished as are the
Wigs of this county with the result of the late
eleotioa, many of them sAem to derive n grain of
comfort from: thn, defeat of Joe Barker. Poor
feliowß! They Acre reason to bo thankful that
snake is scotched onco more—but we cannot,
for our. lives, forbear to impress upon them that
it was in the bosom of the powerful whig party
of this county, tbe venomous reptile was warmed
into being, '
- If a whig bo accosted with any remark, jocose i
.or others,lso, about tbe election, be very adroitly
passesover all such little affairs as Woodward's
triumphant election, and tells yon how rejoiced
he is that Job Barker is defeated ! Borry wc aro
’to abstract from this small modicum of comfort
any particle! Yet the truth must bo told—tho
whigamnst not bo suffered to forget that it is on
them—and on thom alone—rests all tho odium
Which attaches to the successes or Barker.
. In. the first place, let it be remembered that
Barker is nad always has been a tchig. Previous
to 1839, Ms history is obscure und nnromember
ed—Ms laziness, his idle habits, and his land
.Mothering in behalf of Anti-masonry, are 1 nil
the* can be recalled concerning Mm. InJanna
•rynf that year, be was elected Second Street
Commissioner by the whig councils, and we well
.recpUeef the surprise with which the announce
ment was received- It was nolioed inthe Domo
cratiopape&Jrtßtykßwgle note of admiration,
“thns i «■ Joe Barker pj is'Seeted 2d Street Com!
adasioner’t—for the “Washing honors i thb
Whigs afterwards awarded were net dream
ed eft 'and his oareer in infamy had just begun
In 1849, Barker was again eleoted Street Com- :
misaioner by the wMg conncils, and soon efter
that Ms labors., in. the wMg cause began to be
considered valuable. to the party. Hewentforth
with thebenisons orthe “Gazette" and “Ad
vocate,” to address wMg meetings all abroad,
tra find the following no Uoo of him in one of
the democratip papers of July, 1840:
“And that otberrviuiujy light of the whig par
ty, Mr- Joaepb Barker, leaves our Btroets to be
Cleaned as they may, while be goes to enlighten
the people In other sections of .the country. If
thewhigs.thtnk It wrong for office-holders to In
*«jew lU eleoUons, why do they permit Barker
to tfl&frgaoh asx active part ? n r
v • Bot'BMksr Waekguarded the democrats thro'
..the contest 0f.1840, much to the satisfaction of
_thewMg papers and party, and much to the do-
JvPPt pf ; his business ns Street Commissioner.
7 JWe now lose sight of the distinguished subject
of<.onf,eketoh far somotime.But iu'JB4f, we
Wgsinfind him lean office given Mm by tbe whigs
{Collector of Tolls at the Aqneduot,) associated
■' With JsJiES McCptohzok, and endorsed by the
Gazette in circulating the rascally Flag Slander |
o ®B*inat Shank and toe Catholios. And then it
was that .Barker seemed to have found his tone
vocation—“he stmok a vein "—the defamation
of the Catholics—and with the aid of bis whig
friends and their organa, he has worked it to a
valuable yield
Since 1844, ho has kept on at this business
pretty steadily—only dividing his energies to
zander support to Taylor. Johnston, and the
other Whig candidates. In 1844, as previously
stated, the democratic papers borethelr testimo
ny against Mm. The following appeared in the
iPoytieomfe.Umain thecanvass of that year • 1
Since .thecontraotorcommenoed making nro
raratfonß-forrebaMingtheAqaedaot, Barker
Irns, been employed by the whigs toclrculate toe
.'Slanders that havebocu invented against Mr
-Shank.-to hunt up grogshop loafers who Would
bp witling to swear to the falsehoods, and he has,
on, sayeral oceaaionSjShoWnMs nrdorin the whig'
Wanes by fienrishing.a pidol in the faees of those
attempted to.silenoe his blapkgnard-
TMs brought Joe down to onr office with con
ftsed threats of libel suits and shootings' with
StTS* especiallyths
maimer! UP “ the
A# berore stated, Barker kept on With httf
»J)Me°f the Catholic, growing more and more'
reckless and rnffionly-still sustaining thewhto
party and Its eondidates, and stUlrcoeivins
comftrt ” from its press. In 1849 Lw»«
Indicted, tried, coavioted and sentenced for a
rions violation of low by Ms slanderous hnran'
In Jattuar 7- 185 °. be ran tor Mayor
•gainst the regular whig nominee, Md bß a t him
scandalously. As a mark of approval GoT
Barker out of jail; The rani
-nad file of the wMgs knowing -that Barker had
held office of the party, and had been over and
endowed by their press-deserted their
-nomineeiad went for Joe. =■ The vote in Jann«—
IB6o,was:- |
Guthrie. MoCutohoon. Barker
2' ' 971 1787 '
. Tha whig vote of the city at this time was
*&bont 2709--the democratic vote about 1800 to
1900. .Bn the wMgs undeniahly eleoted Barker,
: democrats voting Almost entirely, for their
own nominee.. After Bus election, the Gazette
endorspdßarkerna "awMgandanoriginaliriend
• of Gen. Taylor.”-'.
'ld 1851, Barker again took the field, and ng»ln
-’heat the whignolpineewith wMg votes, as thus; I
Gntbrie. Barker. Boggen.
1911 1178 1111
**QCt RiHfEEi '' r~". .. ""‘J
•''- * «,/.’• * PHILLIPS 1
& Blimps,JMtorg & Proprietor*.
MORNING:;;;::;:;;;;;.. OCTOBER 19
"VsTfc i*m OBmSrDENX “
fea3 TOLS?kce,
Democratic Electoral Ticket for Pennsylvania'
ssrAmoAL mofoaa.
v, - I ErpaESE-Twirra electors- '"' 1
JDistrtci.' \ : ■ ■ Dutnct; ■■-
L PCTEB LOOAJf. . | 13*. It C, Eter.
• 2.oK>iun:H.Almm.- T.ltt'JamrG&m*’
•3. JOIWMBX2S. • i 16; ISAiOItoWSSO* *'
.4, Y. Bocrrc3. 16. Udhst Fetter*' 7
6 K. srcir, Jr. H 7. mSS*.
'UtbSJp*™* jj|£2s2E»fiStt,
w r. a JutT i* &"*£*“«•
a. Joa.iil’Bin.owa. S amßafiT"
Whig JhqrtiMty on the T „ ttr
wmo 184a ’ WJI - iOBAIUM, THE
~ tariff measures of that session.
wathe and detest, and denounce as British I
-ORahah are elected, and soott does as har.
S3!* We bto indebted to Hcon Keenan, Esq.,
for late (ilea of Irish papers. ’
This time, aahe did not geithe offioe, the whig
papers dul not puff him so mnebeif It iabut just
to note here that, perhaps; 100 Whigs, respeota
ble men, despised tfie indulgent counsels of .the
whig papers, and-voted for Quthrie. - ;
Now we' come toi the Sheriffalty. With the
bistoryof this canvass all are familiar. Barker
has polled nearly 4000 votes, of which we"are
confident, seven-eighths were wbigs. This time
the Osteite and Journal took, the alarm and
Barker suffered a little. They implored' their
mentocuthim, for the breach was dangerous
the peril imminent g ous >
Now, let us beseech our whig friends who are
so rejoiced at Barker’s defeat, to go with us a
few moments while **? recapitulate ohd sum up.
the wv r M bad a ““ «»> now, when
n 1843, when tho whlgs gave him the Aque-
Wact, te keep, and backed him up in slandering
Shank, the democrats, their press and all de
cent n» e n» denounced him os they now denounce
I In 1850, when he ran against McCutcheon, the
democratic press denounced him, and the demo
cratic peoplo voted against him—but the whigs
I elected him and its press endorsed him.
In 1851, Barker beat the whig nominee, but
the democrats elected their candidate. Joe still
| hid tho largest part of the whig vote. In 1852,
for Mayor, he did not fare quite so well', but on
the he secured a large minority of
the whigs, and unless Scott can get the Barker
men, his majority in this county will be just no
thing at all.
We find, therefore, that Barker has been a
consistent whig, whose labors have been accepta
ble to the party, endorsed by Impress, and re
| warded withat least thru offices. Barker was
as vilo a oharaoter in 1844, as he is now—he was
as infamons in 1848, os he is now—yet, at these
periods,- he was petted by the whig press and
people I Ho baa not changed his course—he
abuses the Catholics ns bitteriy as ever. And
the whigs approved of this, until tho new tactics
of this campaign. .
Is it uncharitable to say that this whig dis-
I gnst of Barker is sheer affectation ? They feel
no disgust for the man, his character and his
practices. And when the election is over, and
when Barker and his fellow whigs have failed to
I e lect Scott, he trill do their cause sad his own
advancement good service by defaming that same
denomination as heretofore. Even now be is
spoken of for Mayor of the great whig city of
Allegheny: )
Ualer these olrcamstanees, let not oar whig
friends plnme themselves on his late ill soccea*.
Let them not abuse him, for they want his vote
and influence—if be can control any saffregea,
ho owes that infloence solely to his whig asso
dates and supporter*.
n a few day* more the Presidential election
ske» place, when the great battle between the
frienda of Constitutional Bights and their oppo.
neats, will be fought In this struggle great end
momentous Interests and questions of public
policy nre inToiscd, andmlllions anxiously await
the result. The Democratic party now, as It
orcr has, occupies lofty ground on the aide of
the Constitution and Equal Bights, prepared to
strike down Its enemies, who have been warring
against it since the days of the BeTolution,
coder different names, till the present time.
Erery means in thspower of man has been
used by the friends of General ScoU to raise hint
in the estimation of the American People and to
disparage the high character of Franklin Piereo;
eren Scott himself, under the pretext of attend
ing to official business, has rentnred to truce 1
orcr the country making a great (anything bat
creditable) display and electioneering. For a
brief moment the name of a military hero, as the
nominee of the Whig National Conrention, rung
out upon tho breeze and was echoed from Ml
and Talley; but suddenly there was a pause, and
the people began to enquire itHSb thojirinclples
and qualifications of this nfflifiSj candidate
ThfrwStffc*a*«htt with all septt*s generalship
in the battle field, and tho high sounding title
giren him by the whigs since his , nomination
{some people now make it conrcnlentto forgot
that there onco lired a man qalled “ Bough and
Beady,” who was a great General) of tho -Con
quorerof Mexico," hole totally unfitted to
goeern this great nation, both by nature and edu
cation—being merely a military hero. In their si
lent cogitations, many wondered why Fillmore or
Webster did not reoeire the nomination—both
able statesmen- but the answer was, neither of
them WOB available; and General Scott was,
therefore, nominated on the ground of AVAIL
ABILITV, and NOT on acconnt of bis merits as
a wise states man. For availability gate FHi
more was refused the nomination! for this the
groat expounder of the Constitution was cast |
How different it is in the easo of Fbaxkus
Pi&ncn; the more his eondnot is scrutinised tho
brighter do his acts shine for good. A man of
powerful intellect, possessing a targe knowledgo
of govermejjtal affairs, and dearly prising onr
free institutions, to secure which hit patriotic
ancestors fought and bled, he would take hold
of thuhelm stith h aMter hand, and with his
®ys fixed upon thisCobsUtadon aa the polar star,
guide theehlpofState eafelyonwsrdto her
rious dlatiny. And that Gen: Pierce will be can
ed npontofiU thePresldentialCbalr thereean
not be a doubt—facts odd figurea can lead to no
other conelnalon. hour for the past two
months has passed that'did-not leave behind
some fresh indication of tho snocess of our can-
didates and the triumph of onr cause. Look al
the late elections In Pennsylvania and Ohio.—
Hove the'whigs anything to hope from them, af-
ter seeing the tremendous Dsmoeratlo majorities
rolled up by these States? Bore!y nothing
And candidly speaking, it ia doubtful whether
Soott. carries a single State. He ia not tho right
kind of a man for President and the paqple know
it—they oannot confide in him. They pjay ad
mire him ns a skillful General, but cannot trust
him with tho administration of onr government.
Prom one <md of the Union to the other, feaya
the Louisiana Courier,) the Scott party cannot'
pofnt to the defection of a single Democrat of
influence or good standing with the Democracy
who will sspport Scott, while we can point to
.Whole brigades of their most distinguished lead-
I ere/, who.: ore in arms against him. They are
|Just now making a particular “fuss” over what
I theyteta a monster nccession—Ex. Got. Incas
!of lowa. What are the foots ? This man quit
i the democratio party’of lowa, before Scott was
i nominated, and on some prirate speculating in
i terest connected with a railroad, opposed the re-
I enlarly nominated ticket, at the last election;
®nd yet notwithstanding this “ distinguished ac
cession" to the'Seward Scott party iqlowa, the
Democratic candidates were mfoSEJfcnr a iaboeb
i MAJWUrz TBAH was gives io on# pAptjr
sxnce tjie onaAinzATx ON OF ths State. This is
“T“ e “ tar y B P on the inflaence of the
“most distinguished democrat of the West”
He subsequently went on his marrowbones
and begged to be re-admitted into the party, bat
was unanimously ruled out, and then wihh the
impotent resentment of dotage he pronounced
for Soott! lowa is Bure for Picroe by a.oodma-
eighteen counliesleaTe
np leasonaMe doubt of the eleotioa of James E.
* aoerat > “.Poremorj Augustus E.
“**•*ll, democrat, to Congress, and s demo
cratio majority in the Legislature.
*?** *“•*“* 88 y«"> a®
8 avwg gained one -member in Bnoba
wnnty, and lost one in Sohnylkilt.
t(l -j/ gained saren membera-of
sln T* l: 1 lin Dauphin, and
n Philadelphia oonnty, and lost 2 in Northo'm
| land and 2 in Schuylkill.
®** w * li 8 9 bare a majority of 2in the Senate,
nbd the Damocrataamajority of 17 in the House.
•The Democratic majority on joint ballot, will,
thereforo be 16;-'
Btat« s<inAtora Elected.
i®* City— Chat. O'Mill.
-M—Philadelphia County—Wm. Goodwin.
Bd Montgomery— Benj. Prick.
6th—Borks—Wm. M: Holster.
6th—Busks— Howard K. Saegor
, Oth—Northampttm and Lehigh— Wm- Fry
12th—York— Jacob 8. Haldemsn
Ce ° tra - *«■—Jas W. Quigglo.
Jn^ T . IOB VS ttor ’ Bjron D. HamHiT
* t “ d Crtt ® ford — S. Skinner.
“ —Allegheny —George Dareie
28<h—Schuylkill —John llindricki
Whiga in Italia, 6 ; Democrats, 7.
Whig. Dom N
Netf Senators elected, 57
Senators holding over, 12; « j
Total How Senate, 17 1G 1
Armstrong, Clarion and Jefferson,
Bearer, Batter, and Lawrence 3
Bedford, Fulton, end Cambria
Blair and Huntingdon
Carbon and Lehigh ”
Clearfield, "McKean, and Eik."
Clinton, Incoming, and Potter
Colombia and Montonr
Crawford 'J'
[ Payette and lVestmoroland
Franklin ;
Mercer, Venango, and Warren
Mifflin .... ....;
Monroe and Pike
Northumberland... .
Philadelphia City...
Philadelphia County
Somerset "I
Susquehanna, Sniliran, & Wyom'g.
Union, and Juniata,
A number of persona In Norfolk hare signed
on obligation not to toko any note* below $6, cx
! c «pt those from North Carolina.
; John B. Gough is delivering temperance lee
| tores ot Utica and other place* in the interior of
j New York.
! The locating corps on the Cleveland and
i Wheeling read commenced work at Bridgeport,
| on MosdAj.
, i Tber * vm 114 JraVbs at St Louis daring the
| week ending the 4th Inst, s
| A woman, named Winn, died at fit. Louis
j« n the SJ inat, from an application of chlons-
The Ohio Democratic papers, rccelred by the j f®rm
last mails, confirm the telegraphic reports, that j Mr - Daring tbo English Banker, arrived at Do
the Democrats have carried that state by a tat- ! trio * on the 9th Inst
jority of nearly 20,000, j Tho Central Ohlb Railroad from Coljtmbus to
We think the Congressional delegation will i Nowark, is being rapidly finished, j
sund 12 Demecrats, 7 Whigs, and 2 FrteSoUer*. j M***» A. AB. Harris, *f NcrfolkJ received
A despatch to the Philadelphia .Yorth Amrri'on of j 08 Monday, per railroad, a< consignment of new
Saturday, from Columbus, concedes the election ! CO,tOD 15(018 North Carolina,, being tim first that
of Ows, dem., by o majority cf iO, in that dl»- ! h*« B received there this season.
triet. Instead of Gallowat, whig, aa previonslv : &
reported. Ex Governor StiASHtwhasLneleJ [ PF ' SSSvI t«au
el in tho Belmont district, at presented repre- ' Supreme Jndgo and Cansd Commissioner,
sented by Banter, whig, which is a gaio. £ <7. Com. 1851
The Legislature, we presume, will be largely ! ■ —-
W« hare not full retains, bat presume the
members elect from Ohio are as follows :
let Diet.—DariU T- Disney, dem.
2 J. Scott Harrison, whig.
3 L. D Campbell, whig.
4 M. Nichols, dm.
O—A. P. EJgertcn, 4«tn.
G—Ami. HUisoa, dem. '
7 Aaron Harlan, whig.
8— Masep It. Corwin, whig.
O—P. W. Green, dem. " . .
10— J. L. Taylor, whig.
11— Thos. Richey, drm.
12— Edaro BcOids, dem.
13— W. D. LSnaUy, duo.
lA—ll. H. Johnson, dem.
15— In doubt
16— Edward Ball, whig. !
1 * —Wilson Shannon, dem. j
18— Geo Hilts, dem. j
19— Ed. W«do, free soil, i
20— J. R. Qlddlngs, free eoil.
21— And. Stewart, dem.
ICOrrotponfenee of the Daily jlarnln* rorj.j
Kittajixo, October 16, 1852.
OmtUmm: I lead yon a list of tbo majorities
gi»en for the several candidates in this county,
taken from tho report or tie return Judges last
evening, vi»:
Svpmu JKfyo-BaOnjum hid aandarhrof. „in
anjfrwi—Dram, -Al
Qmal Cmmtaiina— Uopllni «
M»gw .< ™ — IS
ItnicbJiuoa - Z'Z'ZZ^i
Sir well was a volunteer osndldato In thiscoonty
for Assembly, which U the reanon that Fulton is
behind the others on the ticket. Folton is o
temperanoe man, and ho had it reported, that
if he was elected he would have a law passed
to prohibit the pee of liuqor, without leaving It
to a vote of the people, and several who deal in
the article, and othors, front in against him;
otherwise it would have been a different resalt.
Tho Irish and German foreigners, many of
theta, went against Woodward, on account of
what was charged against him when n member
of the Reform Convention, and Mr. Buffington,
being a pretty popular man and residing In the
ooonty, will account, la part, for Uto vote he got. ,
With this one exception, Armstrong county
has done well, considering the great effort and
exertions made by tbeiwhigs throughout every
corner of tho county.
Our whole county democratic lioket has been
oarried—Commisslonor, Auditor, Trustees and
From what wo now see and hear, I have not
the least doubt -but Pierce and King will net
this State by-from 10,000 to 16,000. Oar vio
toiy In this State at (hit time it all important, and
a glorious thing indeed in many rcspeots—and I
hope onr Mends will turnout at the Presidential
election and ahow the whole Galphin and Gardi
ner tribe of Halbert that the peoplo have weighed
them ond Jound them unworthy of confidence
and abosed tho trust oonfided to them'
and demand a surrender of the high places of
trust,- to be filled by honest men, which I hope
wiU be done. Jam very respectfully, youra &o.
‘ B, 0.
George P. Putnam & Co., No. 10, Park Place,
New York, have published “Eeeolteotiong of a
New England Bride and of a Southern Matron,”
by Oakoub* Gmjujf. The fair anthoress tells
us that her object in writing this work, was tq
present as exaot a ploturo as possible of the local
manners and habits. Every part, except the
“love-passages,” is founded on events of actual
occurrence. Tho book 1b written in a lively,
Chaqte and pleasing stylo, and aims to be truth
ful and entertaining. It is printed, like all of
Putnam’s publications, in beautlfill stylo. For
eale b/N. B. Boswarth & Co., Market street.
Godet’sLadt’s Book.— We have reoeived&om
W. A- Gildenfenhy & Co., 78 Fourth street, the
November number of this popular Magazine. It
is riddy. embellished, and contains its usual
amount of choice literature.
Boackwood,— W. A. Gildenfonny & Co., 76
Fourth street, and- H;,: Miner .& Co., Smithfield
street, have recelYed -the October, number of
BlaokVood’e Sfagasine.' ■" Its contents are—“Cor
neilleaadShakapeare"— "Katie Stewart;" “Are
there not great Boasters among us!’* “A’Jour
n^toMadeira;” <‘Jefrcy, J ’part2; “MyNovel,"
continued; “Day Dreamsand '‘lhe Death of
Duke of Wellington, 1 *
itemsof tevn tutd MUoaJlsny.
A'A-. BufkejV M-i>.* John Biter, sni p.
"• PWlppt, have -withdrawn their name* from
tho NatiTe American Electoral Ticket for Penn
. .Among the lecturer* -announced to speak be
fore the N, York Historical Society,- the coming
season, are Edward Everett, Washington Irving
and Eofoa Choate
3 A hotel called the 1 “Ocean House” , will be
opened for the accommodation ,of invalids and
the travelling public at Key West; on the 24th
The Bight Rev. Bishop O’Reilly, of the Cath
olic Church, will sail for on the 16th of
During the last -month there were 680 aliens
naturalized in the Court of Common Pleas, in
New York.
The Ron. Horace Mann has been obosen
president of Antiooh oollege, Ohio.. The Bos
ton Commonwealth says he will probably accept
•». Tto soll ool of the National Academy of. De
sign will be opened in Now York on the let of
Yho Fair of the American Inatitue.Xew York,
still continues open and is attended with a throng
of people. •
F. R, Oriffing, Esq., of Guilford, Conn., Prcsi
dent or the New Haven and New London P-ail
toad, died onWedaesdiy. r I
The Masonic fraternity at Norfolk are to cel
ebrate the 4th of November. L. H. Chandler,
Esq., has been invited to deliver an address.
A resurrectionist waashot dead at Cincinnati
lost Thursday night by Mr. Swain, sexton of
the city banal ground.
Ron Edward Beecher, V. D„ of Boston, has
been invited to the tbe presidency of Cleveland
(Ohio) University.
The New York flour Sad grain merchants aro
about to establish* Rack and Insurance Com
pany, to be located in the new flour nud Crain
Exchange, to bo erected ; in Counties Blip. Mr.
N. W. Wolfe is to be the ’ President of the -
Bank, which is to be called the “Mark Lane I
Mrs. Annie Forrest, an actress, and wife of
W. 8 Forrest, late-managsr of the Cleveland
theatre, died a few days ago.
The Legislature of North Carolinahas passed
a bill provUEogTor the election of Presidential
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Crswfurt . !2662!2197i266S 2!7u! 3102 «.
auii a
Da«pk!i : „...„..j261ft3071!232I I '3lCoi 2690! 3(
! p,? allro "'*""—i" —[|4T7j— •;.•> 400: 1594! 2i
• «£..».*« —«..g16538«218°j8287| 46a! j
jd ■
i«IS»S 202 i 241
R0a5ter,....,.. 3526ja74*iiS08s|9Se& C22fl t’iQft
}&2?f 1079 m
1949 '292
LntrrnK -1—4j692! |7o2| 8196 28lt
f?* #a S*. "*f|aKWM,fa«|«So6 4909! 847(
Safrr **»l
Hwtt. »o«| isod”'"' «76a 2tt»
Montgomery.JsiSijllSS 4276 4070 6742 4P'®
jfc&i 83ft .li
83a3 *’t“ ®*® a'l
g™r -*W; r -. I18A.;”: 14 4'
J 662 851 1659 '. 859 1898 1*
■2!®i ?i60...... mo ..V;.. 124 a 111
8798 3816 30.76 8740 89161 4ft
SuSi-"■<•:—•■" f1i00.;.... {1300:..... 21821 10
WyoSn* “ ” *Wr {2132!-r
-ont - - 11M7!......|{iim< 68881 4727
Democrats In
$ Reported mi
Full returns of the Congressionalrote ta Maine
, " * Democratlom »jority oreri the Soottites,
of 7168, and yet theFederal.papora talk of oar
tying that Stato for Scott! Why don't they olaim
New Hampshire?
wSt?" ‘ ,a “ e 40 P*'» jPetrolenm to m,
#od W less cost or inc<mTcoleiM» to the patient,
tb thousands ol cortiflcatM; In the hands or the tnobrie-
r ’“" y °f wh . ie ' 1 “®*°» well knoro ritto, of tho dw
of Kttsbuitf. andtta Immallate Tldnlty.go. to shots dearly
end bqrond nil doubt, jthat Kinds Pmoucxls a
ofnooomaonTdac, not only mo local rwnpdy In JWy
**«*“*• W« a«luoblo
InTiflng lho Investigating phyddann, u
KiaehV <4beoofflotonutotrtiSlb.
l h™ b«n oo UdJy afl
Snol S r tt'°t , “ tl! JTHiyetra that most of the
and mS^r^^ lll? l3J ltt ® nd to “JT kind of fciutaeevl
b«J,SSta; o i^^l 1 ;“! No to walk aid confined tote?
PByafciuu *™"W:ntarly all tbo time br tho best'
at onoe, and-j ctnOcrfi^i’? t^°, the gurfaM
and canfotjrtdcfr ** ** tßsmmeviti, |
*K* i2*& StaSgSK,
For siie br»n „ n. y. roor, m. d.
'p* tao Btojflrtsin Eltoburgb. [onZfaHir,'
, ..r -
•■; / ;j!> ‘ ’ ‘
' t?l- -*-• v .
i.: 1 * ■
%r~ : f v^vV'. w't :
IrW** r,tyy> V>4^~i^4rCi-
=? ? e
r m f
AM?*TnN'XEIYFj!'sHK) S vjF' d < ?^f s nwircd her FALL
-v*» Tork, “im’t Lta ' 4t^ wi
,m M/Jo* of Ribbon*, Lxwi Glmns. iELr?_ assortment ct xxerr.
il Trimioiass.of aadDre®
>24 W 6t.Ciair<trftrt.-i>Tvjjfjs , .
m_ ? '
149 refer tothe letters of the adoDtodain ro l v. Vo !
fo? Washington Park Coatls, who im ,V *ifi??? 011 > 6 ®-,
.il J£ at ' Lltnr > of the reletaiSi origins!” Ln!? < reHl2 ll rcpr *'
142 T»M7, of the I^ij ! e^; n^ Cl^. Ja ' U «
140 K o' B > Asa verborart, ®*t<»,'»ho
r one who scm l“’ Sd ltSlyf^J?? Uty
S JUrerewto the Fetter of his eonatrr? ?? It*
S^todisuSSi?raf o ttfi
thetiobh and dignlUed nposSu^rXrfSl 4 ’ to ß otho e *ith
who crorsaw-hS considered a mirkS?^* wlllcj * «tt‘
illustrious man it cilArae teri?tlcpf th*
office of this paper, ***** to the letfa^^S^K 0 0011 ** the
»jo&^S3SS s &^^
himself an artist ''’.I 1 . CnsUa
ESS^e^^®S :
I’.Kennedy,' Hon. jt~3a 11 *? 1 *Hon. John
Kegcr B. Taney, Hon; John BnS°&Ae l {iS u,t ~ u ° n
fcoono librarian of thr£^^fSSSv s £fc ,u “ wea '
wonld rathefoKa It
at&p ri t^^^. Td “ Uo tawaMth sou
TU. ' ■ f
flmnhls dniy authorised “““^-'HTOSOSrOr'
; Arrangements hare been, made srltl, it, ~ ■ 7
Portraits, throStel atlireU^fffflffi 1 * <fr Mrae
- «• Ik
• - ,
';V .
’ * I *■ -s
Aiz—B&aort.flf G7enn.—BT gtxstx P&scr, zsq^
Our bugles are sounding/ , !
-' Aad Ihrir. «ebotti rcboofidisg ;>: r ;
Whilegloomis surrounding '■•’•■ ••
\Thacocsfiio; pfiorsoaLu'- •
• «n»«H-ng *ry\ riMfnfo -
In no place long abiding, r
And Joking, and biding
.:• -.-Away ia.ibelr boles.
Vomfeeno more trapping
. Ton bear no more whooping,
}io stomach lor souping, •
? • ,H*TB the coops any
In dark alleys tbey*rb scowling
, And bowling and growiing,' ‘
I*ike bear* -they are prowling-'-;' - -j
• Withaconees alTsore. ■ 1 '•
BiHJohnatonthetndtor, ••'•?••■•.■
Quite true toils “natur,* T ’ r
WsVthe great -.V - •
’-*Gainrt Woodward the Jadg*
The recTeantcaliia;-
GrawiitnpCTitfTe.;:.' - V;
Gelled Woodward a Xatire—
The people said u 7ndget H -
Sinee the fed* bare been beaten.
They <alled a«3j nteetin’,'•
But gloomy eadrgreetin* • > -
, jntfrirand pain:
, Bui few wozde were epoken, ;
TheirspiriU are broken, ■
they gar* oat no'token '
.That rally again, ,
And get a stone mason
To wall the irhole plate la -
•iud filJ It -irftli toap: ' '
# Ttwrointo thomUdJe:
Ho»re WhU« «ad B—b K~d—«
AadafteT-Oiemß—d-^ 1 ’
iJVquw to iho group.
firing cut yoor big cannon,
TbeeoonahaTe a baagin*'
. Their ncdiyalang whangin' - “ ■
Sidoneibr this year: ■"'■'•
Scott's Journey 1* ended.
To' his heme be has vended,
Bonfire in hi* rear. v
TTS s> .y* > * • EUcttOtt of the Mahtcert of
jNf Tczopertncerin* sad NoblwtorsTi Haak Eoad
toWootb» flatSorieinber, fttl2o'ctoch,
tha office of Ihe TreasurervJSa 92 Fourth street '
& »♦. BROW S, President. '.
Arsmr Looms, Treasurer and gee’/.". ~
„?°OT3; I?? 1 ?' ® o ™ l ® 3 . «*•.
£*&£?■ “PES^TSa-MKad-ffta
ur »‘ci, an;l »ni be acUi at eaatrra prioca. Plc&M call cod
malMtctolmyiaj. .- . - ■■•■■■;■
“** l?a lostaat, TXEOKIA, in
faMdantfaterof Wfuuaam EiaanaMaaxt,
P ' "««**«■
W» Had to abors asaooocemcat In the Ckrasidt it Sat
onlay. HU the record of tin(irperturecif anotberold .".i
Taloal Wend- , man ciio hoa 'beta Mentis*) uitf, Pltts
bwsb fcreny a good oldasa, nrftli
oat leaving an enemy fchibd m™. 1- >~, f —[ '
A “**•' W— W *<S» l'o»a«oa, forMlTEr -
4A-^ l3 . 1 11. A. FAIIXEiiTOCK A CO.
o W^f^ «•*fcrnleby ?. " ■ '•■ -'
• 19 P- A. TAHATSSIOCg jt CO
T M i*» .'
Mt—-; '■ '■ aA. FAIDTESTQCK a (X).
I'inHUK lirr.V'U—M Jr*. fjr?a!u liy " .
1 - aa. VAKKRtroes * ca,
<nnter<7f Afood tad |lr*t *tg.
- 113 Secoaditffeet; :
I £V WZ. Chokn MAdeijt tvhm»-
■*'%, WU»; iscaae««f aUazettcaclu
For «3c low,to a cottfknrocnLlTy
- : -_•__ H3hgeoa«| rtroet
• j goa
«“«- *&Z£SS^i^S?^
' XI2 Second gtrccU
*rtrwQif»‘-. •*;...svvUor ■■■■■.- '•-■
f wS£££ rto!oatt * or „.
Jio.lTlfß(«l:nt<afc ‘ ■
• • -.Vo. SJ tt.
So. 108 Market Bt. 1 r
of Pill aut
winter fOKEB7Y »ST>
«S; sov easpltto, .ioj; jj
oot.fcrtwdea la variety.
quiUtj-.or <bapnv£°hr
‘ any oclsbQaluaeat vest cf
lue oKmatalan I would
rail partfcuUratKmUon t 0
my stock of RICH BfiO
SHAWtei. I hate a Sfjcu-
Si.?? 0 "®® 1 , 8
putable for winter-' wear
th ° “MtpleS-;
..JAMES oosuxa. '
, « k .*v * <
* *■>
-„■ *
• 1 <" i
t %*.
For the Morning Post.
.~ T .:■ , opk7 .
■ v k_A:idfSS f' KB . XXI *I'. So-M sri.ko: ,! TOt '
ItaUt TroV Fall «*t»;'*"? ot “ er
tto . james wStpg&ry,^„.>
'ff ° ilaaratiie Beading lota, aiii ->iv
- °-
& CUtHBERj, General apvnt,* .
60. SoteMeM *tm€
their Jail aad haTe Toccired
' *«t of the Allcgtanira'ina “dg-W“M «t?bHjhnmit:
Ewterndtie. -ftTrtiSiSJSe taJ-ffiSJ Bouwia the
at tM. bcf^^h^?±ff.i? Jn " meo »°«U
T»v^rT s ‘s*® llA| * , s saeet
JtsWctof Pemuylranl*: ana
iIOM&Y. tbb Sth dar nf °f Pi tfc&arch,- on
of Greenville. Clarion eann«v«?.' f ;s'r‘^ ll * J<ane »
Krttln tract of land; atiuS &^i a ,«“l to s ;
Factory, * Foundry, end bctdh Frama*r?MnT ted .r 11 , ' 00leI1
ii. JVand, JamcaHarJer, at the rr **?° property cf
to * ° f 4J - G ‘ “«*
ocaaaidast, Joilv picket.
rTOircd > ** n.M««4 00, hu
“SSiJS**! ° r “*
; • App!gton>poptjlarXl&tarr mntain^^f?? 3 *
ton and Peel, feea 50 «Su - —,*£*». of Wetting;
H h,m * t
8-HXHk ’
tßn irATWOOD 4‘ CO. ]
; -A^Uio llcmss.Fnrijjjjijj, PaWif o^, 1 ??- tho «*t«atioaof
ot, thdr '^tensirejtoct
“to of finishingaadiiSaldmS n ,? lron h*MMHttopri
jod West, to
JWmeatin £ »ny otEeretab
;-rr-r : - ■■■'■'■■■■: i - SI. UTAHt CO. :
wait. meechaot iaelos.
k* o '" l &owi and TMnf&Zu, ‘
2w!LvP? ho J™?™' llo m * Ju> ®P ta >=polor «»Soi
eraUemeo Jnwmtof
* ’«n‘».«riSSL
g"£ *■ ~m
fitito, oa receipt of J 7.00,
jSßMsxtoUtitrt.- r
i ■"
* T }
A"' -'*V’
« » •* -5*
y *'*' *t.-» * in*'* , ; *
•.> . h. :*■■ -:■ _ ; -■.
. • • »/ •» V:
* ,
I YMlow DmS. of
\*J*i J££’™** Wm ** TiUmi, ° atnSme -
«\r*r —
I tho refloat Soti and SmajxarOa
I is the seed of ta& ■’Si
££S££tt3gg ?«**
antidote In such-cases. .. - . sa^
-OS-See advertisement. _- j. Scpiai** '
OTt S'liuu’t liver Pills i
1 . W Yfennot, like tht/qnacfc nostrums of the day, got profit; tratwerodlscoverod after many
j -yean of study,' by. one of the to t physicians -fat the United
I Btates, and used la his private practice. Tbeir marked sue.
I cess elldted.the most unqualified approbation of physicians :
I and others, who had witnessed their effects. Possessing all
I the sensitive feelings of a thoroughbred physician, Dr
1 5rUne dxc&dod telnj claaaed .with iiie BfcaUov.piletixateni
I -ft 0 rcogdiho coJoaos cf thflinew-jpapera l irith pa2a of
I loagliaw declinedthe re
I rir r ’ ****** finally, after, ranchp«TMq*vft7Ti fnr'ftiepojt
I OowdtoKt i^"'it '! esswl **“» troodeSS;
LYSmSdW * 'fe,%r^ Ul^ha -consented topnnnreit
to this statement ; £t is valnahie as
efflcM 3 r Bf ttfeo® Hlisr—
I iriSt i haTe bam associated with Dr.
the. piactte, of medicine, fer nearly tiro Years
oftSuTerlWtv propcrtfcn nf theSstoS'
. ceamtw . - CO Wood fast.
j Dr« Fltch f i Abdominal Supporter*. -
j tS' These are tetmiraK, whiefa, by the mechanical'
I support they giro, are Intended to euro ftrilipsus Ctoti, or
|Fifflngof the . ofconsldcraMe
t ot the present day, andono no question his' era bocneurcd
wiUjout an instrument of this ldjojJ, to gire support to Urn
| broad musees which Seep the abdomen supported.
• JlaUdaes areorTefyHttteWla' this disease,' withont
I a “* rapport, which Is effectually ,giiren' by this ihsiro-■
-S’H'SS 0 ‘ a P& ia * »»Te been Snown'to cum rervbod
UtMi ’ *? 11 ,hortttma Falso fceepother :
I ""Worters,atpriresTsrjln^than*l^lotorts, 00. ■ ■ •
13. , "‘ Shoulder Brace and j
**“*■ Hen.
Truss fee children will ftmiriab!,- ‘a™- The 1
10 Whole-Sle dealer* i
Fniolesalcajßt-BetaaDnmrist, I
ipSS?" 1 Cnn “ r or Vbsia •“«* j
T'* Co. hate Injt
Ptf" 8 £? A » l iA£ AND B KAND la wantTf
cxa, obtain, theta .of the Terr bcstanßlitr •
» uoisa » i*a jiakt,
“■* Ifajoue Au£i3isSlW
AL’cSSS 7 UI ' KH,lr eichiDßcJ «t a tiofainUlS
' • tuomas awn-ny -
p * ■ Ko.lOJWihstrek
bags Sairto prime HfoCoiiee;
— » ?5 prime Java do;
ArnrJo~ md for ale Ivy •
*cp22 '• - -' ••- ;•• ••• -
hbto* giipgrfln^;
A.. IS <2b-KxtatT - ■- --
12 ilo Floe:- on and for al« Irr
"W^nd 3 D^OTta^2P S ’ OT -'®I^o” , 3IEECHAXT3 t
- X Watttiad t :
O 2 S^!SIm 0 n 1 u n ,*? d -of PUtsb^h.ittiT
octlfc3t». -'-'a - -
aintoe * : ««ntnrreedrlng anaopcnior
OonaoUatictt Booms No. 4LDUMOVD.
Rttgbgrch, SheHortog bt 1?
60 bWs. asaurtßir
- ' ' .; • 5 cuslo v:. <lrt • ~ '-titf. "
"<Jo :3ulk:
Gjnnantown.-. ~ FornJebv
-* V‘i * A. &IQ2F£StOCEE ± CO.* .
•..comerlVool and i frrtr sinMts;-
[ SXerebaat* mid aiKnnrietitrets! BaatT)
■'^^ r '^ kla£ ao!aur r *rtiS^
* rtta V,
Marketat-betveenThlrd and Fourth/
— /•'j *^
* z ~ * j
■* ~ <-- j~ i’ 1- z '-, -* * A ~ *
i ' * ~A J " *. l i“'
r ,i t * *- _ ~
’ ~ t r "~ „
-» l' ~~~ y * f *- -■•■» -i" _»
~,' J V , tiT
'< *- "'’ - ,J ' J r*£ 1 -r A^ T
<-„ -X r~ t _>. - .»-; vf
* “l* ' ~
»■ ~ ? *■ " %** <*£.-■ -*'
J * ’ t * -A.*,
t r-*'
< i * X f
, '“ - -*
» * ” F ~ ~ ** ,•
J "' " 1 ~ VW* . ,
f i J* 1 - -- - * -
\~£V, , ' - V _ ' -
t v-'^^~7?s^Ar-fii j * "i .* 4 -v
of Schools, bs„
A-Hn? 1 ? niSu&i
A * “HILOJTat/t !
Wtrimsduy ll*l , '£3 s”g ?«T !i.
ssms |.
— : - i". ' •{« pmsur-'.i
*zgg***r. * ** *%*• t^~
j» "N'V
teiaaaw»iaB^^i^^jaj>it a^iW .to^a i^gg 8 *..'...,.
t eS££'«jia£'gs>“Sr-
-- — - ''“■' - , --''«sia'\} .
.Painted tTßtdmr shmr*i>z /?fj» Pcrr.lrr' f*~iil. • - J '.'
te, M *bql«a. --■
- . Irra»Mdintha Ten,- mnmtifrgntil V’ -> s
'Fjg?:wuaw amtbh.—--
jWUIbU'iIU, Ouracto !s,-“«iri(*- ssS'
ra^SSS nrch ’-“ a 1„
,aaste g- ?. «■» gto'
■ v':
Hoare&rcMldren,SonU jL M. to 2 jf>. SL . „ f
3Sss£s®SS£®gSSi ■■
•msrn^mss£SM^Si ! ?;
- - :
g'g ut « 1 “ » Aith ateLtha^ hh^j%iB3^'\
g!*^ 1 ™ 1 , 10 » of tacra* as to X^^SuSS?-
T^t — ' ■ : fonr2s f .
~—■—■& > ,
” ’ '•• • ■’•’. JOBHgA-gnfmgg f‘ -'
',-: A..R Aa»hn6t!:v;,.; ■.■..VjtSnSSSS^t .~:~;S
W&z£S^£^ is '
tog i
hajnor-;r»J tfc 7>k£ o S^ m, - < l f tt6i “ ill ®? B > !
tatriaHtsWSs?" IWskttooinnlMßfoaiirS.
xito 9r^ M ']"” r 3ior »s»}-
fc ■“ 4 ** ho ~ »«*> TOy= WeSSi, -
l' * ■’
i'SSStfEt'lffiSSSSg."-M, ..
'Hall, wnS'^rS^M?irSrf^ t S 6T 27 BHday«r«lag i -4
* ntf **”***» stwci* aSSK -
1 : ' -r ~ mvSS-l* 3
SS&P? 6 . • SaS: ; ' : i - •>' . -,c
- ‘ -■: - I. ■ .- ,:,, •, ,
„ .: -
„**"*“#c^cMirovr' 31 ' " -1
>artb6a • :ygTO *» ; ■ r;!
CJAMAFJUS mBR-JJns* ar '« l j*| l! ; '
\irppti fI V . |
So>-8. «
tton % • '
SSSSSSSi' * '"
tmg-Md <J«s*4di, ud to «I! csara* jst w ££i3?' s'?* ‘
ccU ' " - c.Rsana."'
'~ 4r
Ixssu as Oman —, Stfemt ’
** 7 to aoaaw,
j,fSK? Wrf th *
«£g“®“' ET ®s? f£ f octoiwjsa, «m b.
great tiagodrof
te==^£4£23“ fc
• sgsEE&ua*
StttaadißleTithUttijnghflbto firoof’
' »w «mu». - -- .
MjS*" 4 "’'
lit xar«ie t>*. ..rrr*~
* >
•?/:• 1} -t:
t 5* .TV,
' /\
V '
' V