P-feV 3v» ~ - - - - — 1 t”**-' s-rtSf <& , J igragt^lpM wsmmm f?'*o‘ \ JBfW^W JPttS&ud every, a&minj, (Sunday e®e ' tlon of thtf Proprietor*,) until All arrearages arc paid. - &%??Wrftl* i * i w i? ** Vi * attention will D6T»aJJ.to any orderimteu ram- ***» to* a** to- thi* city, would ro i BTWsajtCo,John J, AndersonA Co, K.H.Stowv Squirt ! *s*4*'S»w»> l ». HoranrA or>4 Lukin. Denver. St. lauis; , - ——i » v:u,P;.v > ■ ' - ■■■ -: ; wmm titiiSi tills IMI Jpsglii WSS&& '* l mm mgm M M Wff > <■ ■- •* -M -1 t r v ■Jt ’**'*'*' , f 3%? i£' *i££ A, ->*♦ * “ *N* , "£~ 1 ** ~ **• **- *4 < ft ■* * THE mn/y^OItISING-PO'ST. >' BITES of advertising, AGREED ' UPOk BT THE PITTSBURGH PRESS. ■>, J- *‘ „ tsa uses kospabeo, on. less;. . , One «iuaro> oneQZ»9> «3f ; one :wc0k.v.«.... 1.7&. i Qtt ; _ three-ircelcs, 4 GO, vX,-. ■ ftnn t...... 6 GO twomontlm..-.. * —* *O9 . a - ; *•*••• ■ ■: {hMrJftiftptha- . 10 00 .< « .v.« '■ One JB,W StandingC«dj Bis,UnoBorlea8 T lO 00 PWmnKnaj? AT PISAStTB-E: One (exclusive of.tlw paper)——- r PROFESSIONAL CARDS. . i ' -©. Orlando Loom!*, r ■ i- Tronssr AT Fourth above W ood* -A Jrfcr -•-- ; : Thomu UtSlarsUalli_ .. .. j 1 4 TTOUN3SY AT LA LowrioVliaildin??, Fourth, J\. street. jmTsly . R.JI» Canifthau, ( Fourth pireot, between LHGherry alleywi«u?v«.-.:w -. ‘i‘.r ! «: u;H*Kaxcn, ■ • ! ■A AT 127 Fourth «traL above and /%•: r .ir.-:t; •'*■ ; -.'V. ~ , _ jZ&tZhS . James Rosa Snowden, } A TIfoBNEY AT LAW—Office ami. rttfuitruco, bo. Josj r A Third gtreeu Htt*frirgTu V f - > ; , George F. GUlraoM, , . » TTOBNKT AND COUNSELLOR. AT LAW—O(h«% re< iCA. moved ta2nd dooc-'belQw Grant, street* on FfTurtu, hi - tbftfrffitg lately occapled by. AldftnaflnShilcrt..- -_ iRmSQ !• »vw-c >. j - A TTQB2reVANIMX>UNSELLOII AT LAW—Office, re* ■i-Av nioTcd to No;« Grant street; near Fonrthy KUnlMrsh* * aprlfly H R. Riddle Roberts, r A- TTOnNET , 'AT Np. EBbmithfleM stream A, between Fifth mid Sixth. ■ ftftcA-lj ; •' Thomas Means, _.■ . _ ; :rk' TTORNBY AT LAW: AND SOLICITOR IN.CtfAJ.CLR> ,- - A aobr WthA’.Post-Offit»»:Stßab«mfle, Obto^ r _^_____ .( S.,2*. Rosu, . . ,i : • A ’iTORNE Y AT LAWr—N o. 109. Fourth Vnt*mj ; -fijjarth doo* below Air* Body -PMterison’a livcrj ; - ,r : - ' -•- - < - . ' % Fourth street, third door nbo\ q side?- 'OaaVejsncingrrtf a» fcmU? j J : ‘ .- s; .Pcuclon Salntaper t -i BCmtECT AND CIVIL ENGINEER—Drawmv an 1 Of BuUdiag*'prci»rednt RhortiioUia). LumJ.fUJ-‘ ; attended to. - Odl« —Gnuit street tweea Second and Third. apr±ly , jiCAiiii tTAbins^Tes. ; ,v ~ Bloclc d& Wnsliinston, •T AW -PABTNELSinF—The subsnmwrs have iwsoi alittl in:' Uas practice of. Law, ccdcr tut tiro of In4.CK, &WisinKOJOx. i Ono or the otlu*rof wliou not oUROOTd lB Court, can t* found at alt times in Uie ofliw.% on -&Sth;stt«rL Kttabnrgh, cow l** 5 ! *Tgirgn l n ii f grLir0wT...^............ v . L£C*i>< " .;•• Keenan* ■ - T TTORNETS AT LAV—No. Fourth strrwf, oppose ,/11-Wilhins Pittsburgh, fcu . - AGENCY* : Mr. KEEXAU. in connection with Hugh .Keenan, fc*q.» •Oonnaellor at Law, Dublin* Ireland, collect* clahun, w»w* RwrchoAXeiin Europe; aod.ouoof thorn ammnlly maften ■ft tour through Grcak Britain, trelond and .Auu.nctL jiwrl 1 Wm« *?• Bounf (■ CfTATB OFFICIAL INTKRPJU3TKK —Interpreter of lor* '& cijm Languages in attd for the Commonwealth of i'enn* gyivHTiin, to reside in-ifaa City of Kttiibargh, Comity of Ail* 1 -, cbetjy, awybofiraiid every day* from & A. al, unul o i. m., la the Quarter Sessions Court Hoorn, orot Ao. 1,»0 fourth '|sb*et.- :;, Bd6da»Xteedtv r 3l*»rtßa(» RS » Power* of Attorney. nn.l tdl leal or other writings whatsover, irmMliuwl f r.»m or into theGemaji; Frenchiltslisa.«id Spanish wiut neatness and despatch. ...-•■ i. .... , . • c/ ppr^6m - ' n / T~ J3r* v „ _ v/IQSTDnffIS *0 Jrtctko Medicine, Surgery,. and Ohrterira ; r 6f MJdLwlfijry, Jtdectkally, in-accordance vilh scjontlta wiadciest andhence with great success. - _ * . _ ' ~»fcrfdenear.So. 63. Diamond sfley. . O.ncc toon, 9 to 42 a-*•!&»<* 2 to 6 p.x. ” - ' lf t j :-': retnfidlea tor-Dyjrpepft&j-CcHLfiiunpUtJn. In ItrftWpf”"* ChoKra -Alorbus, Diarrhoea,- Dysentery, Asiatic Cholera,. TulanUfl . f ‘ c kl ' Jr iiCTfi Scrofula; Dropsy*-*!, oU. i careful ly EepslreS Nosl Marketstreet,twodoM» tomIliiniid-, Pittßlmihd). - 1 * Selraciiman & Haanicliif libels,-jUcliiWilona anil Mncbinn DnLw'mK«, I!OMMM aii'j TTsitSa OmI», etc, Knfraral or Dawn our (stone, tto mosLopproted rtylr, null tttHhemostWMQttiiMe pnoM. ' ; otiw ,f. p*nrPTtKLL......>-»JA.VO> CUE85.~....»»,.CH l AIILL3 H ESIGUT. » • Cbcif, & Co< TRON CITY TACK. FAC'l'OUY—Wttrchouw M M atcr rt., I vittsbtirdi. The PUbecribew manufacture tuul kwp of-ui itk&llf lcs; Hn: FsSnS Cbat -wul Ho* Kalb ;T»na 'UlueJ. floor BnrreV tmrf Nail*; Copper jJaUa-amlTucist B.urel.NaiL% Shoe Nulla;.Pattern maker's Holuts; ££Jt£itwsi£ 5 - Austin lioomlsf _ __ : ■ -I*l E IT. ESTATE AGENT, Merchandize, StocS, and But K, Broker, Office, No; 92 Fourth Street, (above Wood.) The mtacribor having opened an offico at Urn above place, (or the purposa of negotiating Loans Mils, Bond*, Mortgages, and riT* eeluns A^rUvi,'r Islillfe'l diumis £ Mc i>oVeU, C * “777 n EinaiAL collkci’oha, stock ajjd mll unowSis. \TXMSce'over 8-' J CO-) • 3OHS§I.OK AND JOHWAItDISQ MERCHANTS,' iNol l2t;socond £trcfit, Htpsburg}*—Aro amr pruparrd to receive anffj&rwam good* by. Hirer, Cnna!, BaUKpd or Wag a?*. regularly lfcey * will also derpto their ftUentxpttlo -of l>roducc, >ter chao<3ifO, Jroo, Thtitfrargh. Masu&cturc% 4c:, andfeolina their ability 4n gITO .peculiar Kitip&ctiQn to nil 4ba» li^oringthem,^ithjconiiimii^as > Bolt •Ht orders mHI ~ ■ [apß • J$ l &53!£$vkvsi?&e: . * _ _..— ’. i. *«—. -_i_ -.*- ’.' "'■' ""7 v f . ' * V'* '" •-" *- ,‘ ■*-«-* T - " . - - " ? ,~ e j "t-*\ "; ' \ ;/ ' v -; ,'^ - - - -< * * ‘i, ’ - -■'«#»- - , , - „ *yr : -fsfe, : :|H«ttW§;r PUBLISHED- DAILY BY HARPER* & PHILLIPS, AT THE “POST BUILDINGS,” CORNER OF FIFTH AND WOOD STREETS, AT $6,00 PER ANNUM, OR $6,00 wHsN PAID STBtCTLY IN ’ADVANCE.^ -BUSINESS CARDS. - Hlns Moovixcadi ... •-t *T)rrHOLKS AtK GRuCKBS AND -PRODUCE DEALERS—: W No 27 Wood street, Pittahargh, -[cty2B { bmlth A SincUlri 1 \X rHOLLSALh GROCERS AND- COMMISSION : ,MEfV . f f ~ Mid: First Ftsu- - . (dot 3 ; Isaac WlLllams, | [EBOIAM TAJIOB-2,0 11 SmUbfleM street,betwesd L -Fiff* mul Second, streeta. ~ [ap4.y i • B. Ai FatmeatocU &'Co., ■■•nv.j TrOLKSALR 01iUG‘. First and corner’Wood and aixth/-[febl~; . r- Jame&.C« Watt| .. . w .. -• *7l TmiCUAXT. TAILOU-t-Xo. 2Q “Market street, between : JJXjSuwxul and Third, Pittsburgh, P*. - . ... I 4 . ■ .. , < Wi'uiftm at* Gormlyv \rriIOLESALErUKOCEE. DEALER IN PRODUCE AND YY .PITTSBURGH MANUFACTURE No. 28L liberty -■street, directly opposito.-Kaglo Hotel, PStlabnrgh, Pa. E jy 2&>T '■■'•••,•••! .Uooley . , - [tnar22.~y ; " - C- Stoclcton, - - . .. - ;• T- ATK JOHNSON & STOCKTON,- BOOKSELLER, BTA» I J TIONEK, Printer and Cinder-comer of Market and Third streets, Pittsburgh, tfrw - v 1 > •.'•■•■• fjj3l:tf • * Thomas SI. Little, -\\rATCn AND CLOCK MAKER—FUUi street,' between yV Wood. and Market streets, opposite Iron City Hotel. All-kiwis of Jewelry made and-repaired. ’ fapfrly , - . Paul ib Jlnrdoek* COMMISSION AND FORWARDING SLIRtCIIANS, AND STEAMBOAT 7 Water street, Cincinnati, Ohio. .-■■ Input* : Bexmet’s ■■•••■.-■• Ti TOXOCHROMATIC DEPOSITORY—Ncv73 Third street 'ltx Third May—New .Paintings: Tii© Garden of Qtdhso nmno-; The Cemetery of-Scutari. jayitetf " W. W.’ Sl’Clttre,' r House, skin, and ornamental painter—Com •? . Wood and Fifth streets, dudet Patrick* A Friend’* IV Jcer offitvi, Pittsburgh, Pa.. . - - mariShly C. U. CfMJUas, Cummim A Co M ITIORWAiairNO A COMMISSION MERCHANTS—■Wheat < tntv Clock. Mormon, Ohio. [JolTS^ly^S C. A. Id’A-nnlty A Co., rpUANSPORTATION, FOKWAKDINU AND COMMISSION X-MLRCH AM’S— Dejiot, Canal Dario, 4Cks Punu jL, Pitts, im rgh. _ •■ ■ ap!s . L. Tutenr ds- Brother, •|r\CALI2HB IN WINES, LIQUORS, IMPORTED £ DOMES .JJ TlO SIXJAUS, Le-*-So. '. 121 Eoroml struct—Negotiator of Bonds, Mortgages, ±\. Time Ullta, and Stocks. Also, Pittsburgh Manufactures, and Mcxthandi&s always on band, or procured at short n> tice. , ■ • t - •• . . ttptl&ly ", .. Marcus W. AcbewnP 7 .• ATTORNEY AT LPW—oil!*** Fourth street, between firailhfseld and Omit- . C-Thih-Vn, W. EV. Wllsou, and M Knight k Brother. t«, V. Arbutlmoti SOAP AND CANDLE MANUFACTURER—Comer Foun* txia-imd Suvcuth street*. Persons wanting anything lu that line will do wi-li tr* call, as 1 cm determined to seii.aa ehetfi* tw tuiy other ijonon lu tbe city. . [sepl^ wuiriii aioxoL. lliiia .7/vnt. mcamuM, PitUhui^lu Miller A. lUcketaoo, 'II7'U°UESALL' tmOCEIUS,iMPOUTIiR3oK BiLANDIES, yy Uiji<-s taxi S^vin.—Na-OT- and IT4, comer of Jxvrin ami Literl/JdrccU', Pitnd*uTgh. Iron, X&Ha, Cotton Vnms, (tu j)'—l - . J, 11* sn«rur, TjUtatt'AlttffSa AND COilMlSisKiN MEROIAST, AND jC IVakr to *ll kiu-ts or V»Usni Prodarp ta*l WttsUuifcD Matn^acUm'*—No. lit) Market street,l k Ut»faur&h, UtflfiU tUtetri t;> nU *.u>inen entrusted to üb» care. W™ .jwj* turr, jm J. X>. WIUJAHfi. J, D. WUUanw & Co^ •ITrilOiES M.L AM) KiTiXIL FAM3LVWUOCERS, AND YV Forwarding and OisuniasiiHi Merchant**, Dcautrs In Country aiul Pittsburgh Manufacture*—Wocd fit-, '.■j'npnlfv.imxlirVf Hftiu Pittetmrgfr. Ciarfr , rLr.xt.-ui jottN VKJows, REEfit trsTPUfi, l*ituburgh. Maryland. . PiUatattgh.. gvllernr Nlcolk yb C JiriPEOTiUJ*L» snl*/TOS lit* friends niul the public In JLt faterui, . -U M. Olair .treat, Httabafigl. ILv cjmrtanUy on hunt all kltwfr of Faint*, either dry ut mixed, Japan tind Copal Varnish, Lhw>««l Oil, Boiled OIL SplriU Turj'*cnuu«\ Window t’.ljf# of all sixes. i*utty, Paint Brushes, &<%; all ofth* Ivrt qualify, r.ud far «dt* at reasona* bfepitaM. _i *T>U Mathewa, i x No 10 Fifth- Third tUiiy and (kuiaxyhl-j pinfc Shirt, cap he suited Jiv railin'.* and leaving their measure. ALSO—On itand. n large quantity of Heady Uado Shiite of all rases, for Men and Boy*. i°B L. Tutcur & Brothers. " IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN FRKJWJJ'BRANMES, WINES, Ac.; warrantedwire; .mid excitingly idwpW ce*«. fur cash. Also, la bottles, very Hue Old Cluunpalgne ine, Jenny Limb lloidsick and Locomotive brand*; pure old Bnindits; old Port, Sherry, Madeira and Juice Wines. Ail Uauors and Wiuc-Snt UifaJVftablULmffUt, ■Prflihe found of a superior u uahlA. LI TLTfcUi* & BROTHERS, ault'Jm " No. 76 Smith field street. A Oryfloy . n ......... J A MLti CEWILU. T)ELL AND of all n kinds of llnu>s work. Locomotive, Steain Engine, Plum* bens &cj alw, Cotton Batting manufacturers. Fotrodry'qn Rebecca street, Allegheny City—Office, corner of Market and Fifth streets, Pittsburgh. Old Bituo and Copper taken to exchange for work, or cash paid. .Ordersleft at the Foundry or Office will bo jHiuetually attended to. fcbfrly "W. lirWaUMe. Looking glass and brush factory—no. 120 Wood street, aborte-Fifth.-Keeps constantly no,hand and manufactures to order,every description-of Mahogany and Gilt Framed J/wkla&UloWJ*; also, tooking'gla®plates by the box or finite plakv'Pieiurcs and Portraits framed with nesaiuoss and despatch. A full assortment of Brushes ou baud and made to order, of the bej't material, together with n variety ofhousc furnishinggoods, wholesale or. retail, to buH puTcliosons at reduced prices. faKEOaha 'William Trovlllo* UNDERTAKER— Fifth street, Immediately opposite, the Theatre, respectfully informs Ids friends, and the pub* lie generally, that he Ims resumed bis business as a, Furnish* lug Undertaker, lie is supplied with, ulways keeps on hand. Coffins of - nil sizes ami kinds, Shrouds, a#d all other article* on surh occasions. Silver Plate*, h-o Boxes, and leaden Coffins, will be sup* .plinl in onlux. A (Inc ilcareo end Carnage always ready to attend .funerals. . f aep&hly a. J. Gillespie, NO- 76 Wood sir**et. of Look* inj* uhtsscs, ond Whohuado Dealer in Combs and \arlo* ty Goodi? oifewto'-ldscnstomcrs and the public a most com* plete 'flflsomndnror Goods in Ids line, soitaWe to tbp rpring trade-' - • . ? ikdog extensively engaged in the manufacture of every variety of Looklrt* Glasses, ho fa enabled to offer induce* mentjj to purchasers, e cod strcct,bttwe«*n Third .and Stonrth/Plttoburgh. "" ":~ m - **& i il, W. ChadWickr ' IN RAGS AIJD’PAPKB, No/145)AVood Street, I / Pittsbursh. '' Tlw - hijh£at rrioo ln cash paid far ««*• my 11.7 ■■■: .v ■ ■ •. ■ '■'■.. ■•■: .■•••• - • .-■ . ■■>■. • *• HLE£, (ficocrasott TOiluwar-fc^LsA)^.WOQLrDKAL , KK AND COMMISSION",MERCHANT, >r the »1« of American Woolen Goods, No.lSSTLiberty street. (m>4 Bnaiell A Jobsttont •tirUOLESALEOROCEKS, COMMISSION 1 MERCHANTS, f V fend dealers in Prepuce and Pittsburgh MAnufactures, U& TTater and 1&6 Front street, Pittsburgh, P&« toy 17 •*. k/'W.eldln. • TTHIOLESAtB ANb HBTAIL‘ OHAtER in Blank and VV. School Books, Paper and Stationery, Na ft-Mcad street, (bctweotf Third anti: PoiirthA Pittsburgh? ***** fmtfO UC2TXT K’QGLLOCOD*. .JOHN M'CGLLOI.’UU. Ilettir H’CoUongh J TTrnOLI2iALK U ROGERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ff and Dealers in all kinds of Produce, Pnnn and Irwin street*, Pittsburgh.?. •-:::, •;■«; : nmjl J. WHSING. q. b. aaLTcrimGC&....4.... < Btiltenberffer &> Co** 17 OH WARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, and ; dealers Id all kinds of Western Produce ami PiUsbnrish Manufactpro*, No. 115 Front street, Pittsburgh* Pa. (jc!2 PITiaBDBQII AND EX* \j PRESS, - Leaves. Pittsburgh and Cleveland, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. BAKER A.FORSYTHE, Ayt*. my7:ly > - James A« Jonei, ■fTfriIOLESALE AXDRfHAILDiUJGGIBT, comer of ?y Liberty and Hand rtroot*; A complete assortment of DrugvCbemlcals and Family Medicines always on bond. apr2. ’ : • . " - • K; S* Officer* ” ' MANUFACTURER of all kinds of Trunk, and Pocking Boxes, Dilworth’s Planing Mill, Grant street, between yiglith. - Boxes, madcand delivered at the shortest notice. [ja& u 8. JOlttU.. JvLavelr & COn Dealers is choice eajuly uroceries, Teas fickle*, Pnata, Ac; Ac.—So." 205 liberty rtreet, inortli nkloi) ooa door bclow flaild. . i > C r,- / ? ’. Pyfcsy j*a>- «. co., ; ■txrnousiiK anb iiktajl booksixlkrs. wauon- Y y era anil Paper DnU&re, corner of Woodjmrt Third etj*., Httcbnrgh, Pa. TVTAVAt AIiUUITISOT.—A few toplM of tln> MUinrrfgbt'a Xl Own BooV, or Boat BuHdcr’a O. V. Bodgcm, —jw two vol umos, containing IT copper plato cugrarlngc of Droit* and Model** for k&lc cheap, hr • j y ao '■■■ - KAv i M Worxl A;Tintllc. frfrpegjCV :. WHOLESALE and itotafl BADDLB, HARNfcSS, VALIdK and CARPKT BAG manufno* p tarer, No. IWI Wood street, Pittsburgh, l*a. jrffcj. . . . . • . ■ - A. tti VAUT, (SUCCESSOR, to STUART 4 OILL*) . "TIrUOLfcSALB OIIOCER, PJtQDUCB AND COMMISSION VV SIKKCHANT,—DuaI* In all -kind* of Grain, Floor, Bacon, Pork, lard, Butler, Cluxsn, Feathers Ac-* Ar. .... No.OSmlthfieMrtrrct, eu2S opposite the Monopgaibftla House, Httetargh. u> ... u. umiMiix M.Gr»ff ACo« ATOULDEUff UNION FOUNDRY—No. lili Wood street, ill. Pittsburgh Pa, JlauukcturvTs of Cooking Sieves Plain and Fancy Grate*, 000 l and Wood Stores •■■** ** - Sender*) Parlor Store*, Sugar Kettle Soil an- celted In- ihacuhactlbejyAgant for VFwfcwn J*cnn?vlTania. JAMKS EARDROP, ilanfhttfUrNurwrj. N. Dv—Mr. BACK V, i’roprielor and Author of the fruit ; osnfco, Stand* oa ohr. of tnemost comet. in the country. ... l . ( . «ey33 '"" ifoSiMm Mr Ganiiott, - . SITTSBUROri KOUMHlY—'Jlave rosuned to tbdr new building* in Birmingham, near the Ferry. Haring ail lata Jpj|>roTeni*ats Ibr heary Work inFuroaees, Ax* &r_, with lAthcauui otbw mrcrhlnery, and keeping afrray* tho best qualities of wrtal, they are prepared to ftjraJsii m»* cliiaery, 4c., wUhpromptnes*. Ai thcraUil retain tbo Warehouse on SmlthfioH Atrret, cnthnold premises, (also at No. 4 Wood street.) pattern* or orders left, then will he Immediately attended to. Haris? aasbdatedJobn M’Doaoagh-Wilb u*, the biiidarMi will hereafter be emdorted in the oatnn of Boilmao, Uarri *on A Co.. HENRY U BOLUUN, ABRAHAM HARRISON. aplttf / . v JQ|iy f ,\pDONOtQU. " Cc^Fairtnerahtp, a THE Aoiaerlher* hare formed 'm^'wvmKmmernk. iIL Ovlt)rtnmhliv andwM With* CABINET?FDItMTUUK andgaWMBBSI I V'CUAIB MAKjSa COSINESS, ot®«» the OLD STAND, NO. ill BMITUFIRLD STREET, ender the firm of lznm * Mestsxex. JOIINM.IKWIN, llavtoj dfapofMi ci (sy interwt in the firm nf Mn cs Trems a Ctx, in Gi» Gobi nr t. Furniture emi C|tair making Imsinett. to UIWIN A MKBTKJJIK, l would tuoetchecr* frilly tmuntncod and aniiclt far. them a ccntiouAnre of t-at* rouge, tio liberally bcatowod on the old firm, aufi SIINAB TINDLE. Reis A Bl’Cardsr* ’ RATIONAL FOCNBUY—No.»» Überty utreet, corner of ,3l Seventh, Tho «übacribc» have now on hand, fair feal*, a largo and general Mfertmant of Fferlor and Cooking SfcprprfcfTßftonii {iittern*. Hollow Ware of oil kind*, Tea Kottias of different #lw*y Sad Itaai, Bag IFnguu Boxes Untofa, S)lfa anxl Arches far building*, Grain*, Ferns’) ere, and Caxtiagx la mitral, made from good pattern*, and of the head lnarkrt offbrtf. . We rwpcctfUlly (Oil the attention of tho public to our new uprt lmptovell l’arior btovr, (he Lady Franklin, which wo can recommend ae neat, cheap and good. All kind* of jobbing attended to. Perrons wishing cutlngH fruta |attem* of Uielr own, would do welHo os a calL Gall id ore oar etoeb-befare purchasing clxowhcro—we will kHlqw. ' dQKhders promptly attended to. and filled on tho lowest tenns.' ' [JysO) RKIB A M*CDItPY. Sport! Sport 1 Sport’S SPORTSMEN, oow faUiu Ume for you to avail yonrwlvcs of a Good Gan, or the btsj. maker*. Just received direct from 4b» manufectare*: -i double barrel ’guns,-real stub and (wtxt: 2 do 'do do fino do; 6 do do do do imitation do; 20 do single do do assorted do: tV V *» ;••:. ALSO, . I 60 doa boll* ol waddiug, Eley k Baldwin's; / 400 canisters tmd half conUtcra of the Uat xporting powder;- 00,000 assorted gun caps, all kinds; £O. dot powder doaks of theJatost styles; 20 do' : £iot-hoga and pooches; - 2 do game bags, assorted; 1.6 do e&P primers assorted; . • Together with all Uio trlnunlogs secossary to fit out tho sportsman. - • . ■ We havoonhand and are eoosta&Uy making oar snperior Biflcs. to which wo invito the attention of Sporting men All of the above articles for solo at DOWN ATETLKY'B, Hjpft' 136 Wood tt> New Supply o t Chfaker!ng , « JUST JIECEICFD, direct grom the cckbra* «*«ew-T _ ted manufactory of Mx Chlckcring, ton, the fallowing NEW SUPPLY of * Two splendid carved Rosewood Plana Fortes, full seven ortkves, with all th» recoat Improvuneuta mado by Mr Chlckerlng: * > Ode ftosovooj carved, uoublo round comers, six and three-quarter ociaves;. One KoAowood, douUo round ooroers, full revea octaves, ' Two Rosewood, double round comers, six and three* quarter octevca; • One Ko&owood, round comers, six and a half octave , Two Rosewood, six octavos/ square corners. The above Piano Tories are ail manufactured from the best and iqont thoroughly seasoned materials} and ore fully warranted. . Tho prices ore the tamo as those ehargod at the-JDanufac* lory in Boston, and will bo sold on tho usual acootnmod&Uug terms.- JOHN II MKLLOR, • • No 81 Wood street, Agedt-far the manufacturer far and Western Pennsylvania. : . Jy^ lOWA FOONDRf, NO 103 WQQD STREET. ' TOIIN C,SPAWIY> (aucwoor LoJrO.Pnrry A- C 0.,) begs ,1 1 tblnlbrin thtfcuetomen of tla aid-firm, anti the public mhcMllTiithot'blj'btanowon toudj.-oml l« jartnnrlvcly en -1 eacnt in manufacturing, of err description of CASTINGS— sueHas- Patent CblUoci.lWUftlnrße 1 KcttlcjandCurta; Titbit KUtUeA'torßoSp; Pot Ash,SodaAsh; SugarKettlps, fcrWio maaufiirtotb ofOma Sugar—oH cart on a pal'nt rnwrrl. knowh nir J. a ParMV. aii'l nro (mperlar ror darn- Hilly to oihor. niul Sold tower tbnn Ibnue tnadeon the - OI TWLU)W rraml &asortomtaU from new and IntpfpTOd pntlortiJ,. Wagon Boxca, ®«81™“? Sad Hons, Mill Cartings, and HadUnery of OT“J! description, •*gffSS£ SSn an4 Coal.StorM, orternj igtttgagassffiisaaass •^sssfisatesawsijs! 1 I PartorQ rates and Pondera, gt»*t -variety, bajUjUTollj immeilocL' Ootnn»nOmtoe,iodnaiMlngmaterialbrevery variety of Ornamental -Railing, for Ccnuiteriesond -Tcndng-' • ' • i iv ptouaht and Ptowh terg*: Stock of aU th* Usds in übo, and will be Bold at reduced price*. 1 HalPrf Patf tmt lererj Twe Crtatfs* i 3infcai Ho<6!fiortio«naltoreiOTt«liiilpJ»-Tiing,-ana | >. Sieht hhi«; O)t0r Bncorroat mil i-"-r fcuu>!fl. ‘ OlllKVMmer Wmrl mJTIdnUU., TmSKilf : JOHN WOODS, ■ ■ " : B4NILEB A!«J> rniOKHl, r DEALEiUnOoliLßilvpr.aml Jfcnk ««t«- .MWuVtBl . Far funds TOtelved on dcpodt - carefijUj|at tended to. , Fourth Street, one door Kant of Slaikf t, lUta burgh. Fa. ' ' ■ : ■ | r 3a »- ! Domestic and? Xbrngii . ■£amht t -Sild banking 11 oy ji? of WILLIAM A. HILL & CO., ; * •* 04 WOOD .BTBSZT,. i’XITSH'UEOE. 33U Interest allowed on time- jcpo>l>f. _- faugflS -—aehoid & co.; BANKJSK3 AM) EXOIUNU)'. BHOKjaiS; [, DEAUIhS in Excleulgtv'Coto, Bank Notes, Bi s ht-and Time. Drafts, I'c.- CaUcctlonH nmfullj ottcniJtji to, and proceeds ocmltlod to eoy part of .the l> uhio, Stotfi* bought and »1J on comuftsdlln.. ■■ • ... . ■ l '" 74 Fourth fit., next door, to .Booh ofPut.bg. twdo t3-%i bhi. & co., : !‘J EANKKItS ANH FXCHANOh BUOKEKSj • ' ; aafivutop trooo and nrrn.ffntiETS. . SlQirr KXCIIANGU on the fcoplfru CUjo* toOstauDjr for Kilo. Time Bills of and holvstH-tiiWDtod. — Oold, Silver end ltioli Notes, houpltl rnd «'d Collections nudoln nil Urn principal titles of the Inlicil Boitwe De posit* rocolved of Doriuid Current tnnil*. , «r.r.irV rTMtfgn, SDKARD ILSHJ?, - JiRAM^S. KRAMEB& BABM, DANKHtS AND EXCIIANGIi mtOKRRS, u : ; T>VY ASDSKLLUoId, Silver, and Bank Note* ;.n?sntlato X> Loam oil Keal b r*WUs ©t Stock Kocnrlik*: pwrhasy •Pronibomry^ot\tit, buy and neUStockn on Commission. 1 t i- Collection* mtule onalf polnUMnJ.bc Union. ZTwilkihs & coo BAHKWUJ AKI) KXCIIAhOK lUWKEI-8. i ' no 73 roFßrn 6T« rrrtßuowoT, oftoota Easeor rnrfimjEcn, rjillß gi’BSCIUBKU. mnftrnon- and more favorablyiurpl -1 iw, Nil! continue tiro Ranking butlnra* anil StiyK Bro hcriKo m UiO liowo: formerly. ocrnidod liy MwwjWmar, Hanna & Co, anil morn n-rmUy by tbo VllMjnrjch lift Jn anrance' Obmiany. nluiroho v'Dl-bo ploasol toM:bhnl[l friiimlw and customer*. .. fjy3l • • , A- .iH.LnINs. - SrHOUUJES 6 SOKS, Bif ICTUS AND IHCCIUSGB BROKERS;:*-.'- niTE &otov£i> tnap ; nAirii.'O-asp *jicu*s««E , ui , no. 07 jLißcrr cthekt, rocm Toma iuo/nr ou> etand. XT HOLMK3 & SONS. Bankm and Kxeluuiga Broker*, jS • oul Dealer* In Note*. Draft*, Acceptance, <*«»& Sll- Ter and Bank NotoA. Kxcdiangn ou ttio Eteiem and M Cstorn CillaN-eonjUautlT fljr sale. . - ,• . Cullncttotw made in all Uio cltte* Uiruuffbmit tko Tmitod Staten. Dcixwito n*crtv«l iu par fund* w««rpcntt»T'«^ 67 Mar ket street, between Third end tottrtU»te.ri{jH33;ly JAS. 9. lIOOS, - • . HOON & S&BGEBT, BAXKEKS and KXCHANWs UJtOhEBS,- v V- e, *? a bixm &ra~, nnviiuwiu, 7*6. DKALEUS In Cola, Lank Notes, Tune lull*, and Domestic Ccxtinmt»:s of Ac. ou a|J lljy pnUfip&l cUi'-* of toll LUiJtt 8|»ll to rope, tor mlo *n sums to «at *.<» .;. liar funds reeeirod mi deposit. .V>. CoUocUonH mttOrt on all parts of the Union, fcillieJQWMt rate*. . ■ IwfWv Item oval. PATRICKS A FRIEITIK i BANlwOiiS AJS'D EKCUJtNub Uia>Ki3vi? t l IZtM Bemoccd tJicir OJtce taihe (Xrr.ts efytflhand IHoJ tit* pmsuPß-iu. pa. ■• • r PATUICK9 A FiaiLMJ. Bunkers an;l hxrbampr Bjr and IWlen in Note*. Draft*. Aoecptanet:?, OvMl Suver And Bank. Jiot/-.* 1 .. Lirhantfu* on ibo Kudera. «u*i Citirn for v < Collections madu hj nil €bi \\ '»»! afrbd Uistotutlott, rpilE FJIIM OP A. WiUiLN.2 4 OU., ha« lidj U*y town A dusci-roJ try Uidtua! V«r Winn** *llibo eio- by lfc?U* *A. '> j Wi.\ -■■.■■ . 3 '*joi« a. ciuoirav TUOML’&M t r SJ;i^. TRC3U*W3 asu.. THO&PBQX BELL & CO., I'.ANKtILS ASH IACUANUU (l iTt ..} *!TriLL wntiour tlie Excitative and kaj.kins bu*ißej*»Ai yy tLi* oM ftU»nd. iv.roer Thml hh>l »i«. ; EXCHANGE AND XJA.N'IUXG HOUSE. s. xohes & ca„ ft/ lltxsf ctjcl iltirt/* luj-Tiii: I\:id l yj-r:K,:Ti'7i7i t a. ■ BILLS* OF 'EXCHANGE UBd nutc*'-dw«>oatts*j.. • kffll* of Exchange fnrru.Ahod >•?;! oil U:u prluapej cities, East* \Yr»t end South- ' ---..r CiUi ci RxcbaasedLto fciravuOiJ ia ter.TUorrmAL trdira ca Loodsa, and raritrd* fs.w.im V* &<:*. heyUund sad tr«l>ad; slv>, oa Paris. r.Atrun), JLunburrcnl Fma.fcfc’rt.' • • ' ti.UortiqQ* uiaiii.ui ali cf LtiviJU Gold, Efiyerani I&iik N«»tes Uittsr.l and *o«d- . ..-i DepciiLimttlrcd cl parand Correct Funds and paidgo lSepcalts nl«> rcceirwL end Interest idlowid, i . ; - tend lysrraobyaArdiMrti ar.d sold. -- ■ . •* i Iron CltsUqtcl, ' . * iL Wr SUlTll, PsorWtr«u Tijlh Uitctfn T7U*f 1 KUJuergfi.~~ 43*000} Stabling attgfhfdto tfeUHou**. (>pr7:ly ,....w. c, c&ctaxx. BravroVlloicl* 1 Ct*rn*r of Smil'i/lekl f Jio*t Spurt, ttxtgiL* Uu-Ctelttl -Opa pillar ppr d*y. rfchlflily Ovrstou’* Exchange, -VTO- 37 ST. CLAin #T&KK&— ThS* builh« lijl* ttott ta- Xi kfa I»t llw un»lrr>Urnul,-£u«> op to farnp-heii Vitb tbr bot of I.IQIaUIS. eml irwry itang.lUft «fc.«uu cam sflwrL, Aji-cxirili'Ot LbMJt fxny ciav. U> whlca *U»*mk>u U p&rtirubrty rjßivlW_ JAM F£ mVSTPS. JOSKTU MJiKXKUK. "FHANKLIN UOITHK, Cleveland, OUlo. Cl I'ATIUOh A n»*. l»a-M*»itToc.v —THisllempeliMon- y« thorough anil. exlcwlte robins alter atiym, anti liuye otMUion* of new furniture, ric.. otul tbn propne* Urn p'rdpQ Uunoficlrcj that nothinc hlihU be wanting On their part to remler tho lc.t.\UJN a place wheru bII OiocOin* Xorti) of B lint cltutA hotel cau l* found, jjttf .JJISUL Jl'CUftliT. Nt. Clmrfc*, Hotel, Qjmet untr> j< Jtely St. Clair Hotel) ■ (roaamT vu* excilc»oe,) Comer of fcnn arid •SGCUnr stxj Pittsburgh. Tins spacious, central, and conveniently located HOTEL, having been completely remodelled, nod thoroughly re paired and Improved, and h now open for th© accommoda tion of the public, - The subscriber, lessee and proprietor of tho St Clair Hotel respectfully Informs his friends and the public, that bo has furnished it In the most"elegant and comfortable style, employed competent assisUnU.nud attcntjre and faithful sorvanU, and that Lc will hpare no exertion torn-kc it equal to any. house Is thu oouutty, ; > The well known central location of tbo liouso, and ecnvo* nitmeo of its orrangomuntk, -reudcrlus it the-most desirable oltUor to travelers or iwmianeut. Ujurdceq. ludutes him to solicit and hopo for.a Uln-ral Rhure’of patronage. ' G, W, BRSNKTT- Waverly Hvuae, &umond Mlev.'ncar'Wvott xtr&t, ftnn’a- UlLLltMa (IALLAGIU.R, PoosnifTor . This t ashlonable. and- popular RbSkLAURANT has recently been fqA 'SinSSir* ■fittoduplnastyle-dfclegancoou* : surpassed by-any similar' esti\l> ■ fchmeut in the City, and. tho proprietor is prepared br fur* nlsh his friend* aud the .public generally with evojj article usually-found at such places. • • All of the delicacies of Uia season, in the way of GAME, FISH, SOUPS, Ac „ will be Hyvtd up iu the bv»t ou.nntr The BAR U anpullud with LlQCOfvfe of the finest brands, • and the Fancy Drinks so Uiuch In rogue damif tho warm :aeason,such as Pine Appln Mint Punches and Smashes, will bo served up in a way that will please the taste o£ All. .... LITNCH is served up cvcT mom ng, at 11 o'clock, to which the special attention ot customers is solicited. [mylG Great Induccmcuta to Cash Ptuchaatrsf \% Tb will selhour largo sto-k of AM> FANCIf \\ AND P&D3T.KADS, at pricto that amnot fall to plots) coah All our work is warranted OurthSUiOtfiAbH. 1 JAMES LOWRY, J£L y mar 2s cor. Seventh and Liberty »ta , Wlioleaalc aud Retail. SADDLE; ILAHNKhS AND XltbNlv MANUFACTORY, ThOttBRT H HAUTLBY, Legs leave to Inform tv bis ftlcuds nod tho public generally, that ho raagHk continues to that larga and oowmodlous Lfc3BSS5 Store flbooi, formerly occumodby TssmuelTahno-. S\ stock A Co* No-80, comer of Diamond Alky ondWoodst, Bridles, Rarims, Trunks, Carpfct Dags, Saddle Bogs, ahses, BufWo RohW, Wfopa r ftnd ailoftipr articlts Utnis line. Ho also keeps constantly on hand, and is prepared to ftir nish to- otdeft all kinds of Bftetod DCose, manufactured of . W-in % YpritfoaasWp eonal t 6, tho Eastern nuuiufacttircd artido, and at Co pc* rent, eheojpcr. „ Country Merchants «uul turners tronld uq well to call wu {txamlnohU stock, before purchasing elsewhere, ha he-lson* termined to sell first rate urticlna at very low pnucs. jp» Don’t forget the place, No. Bfh oorner of n ood tL and Alley. j jsi ma%A\ ....THUS. SA&nSXTj HOTELS, &c. KIiOWX & C4XXKLLT, PtonuETOW. C. 'PATRICK A SON. . . W6oa & Grant, .. • A -_ Y*niOLE3AXE GROCERS. and Dealers Ojnw^ T? Indigo, ic.,- .ProßittrteAf-XiLW^iVP^ 4fis“. Western Merchants Tlsltm? .yprkj-aw fullylnrhcd togivo us aeall. . ..aa^.iy.., ■■"" .. .. CABBIAGE MAK.£BS, KrtfcSSS* So. 308 Btondvrq't ■*ir V< • * yurr YOUX.-, 4Q- Oar Carriages arc made In this CSty, under our_trm ggperrlglon.. - • - aug«a>m ? METEOPOUTASrHOTEI', r . BROAI>}VAY r A'i’lF. iOItJC. ■. , > . THE Metropolitan will be completed and opened for the • reception'of company, September the Ist. Price of liqard, Two Dollars per day. ;. ,v.i • _ suU) . SIMEON LKLAND & CO., Proprietora. ■ H. W» CAXnZLD. * D W/CANFIFLD zDYOJBKyi BKGtoinrita public attention to their; «tockof -ROSEWOOD PIANO TORTES,' justf manufactured from their- h KW AND il|«| iftimiAlLY/IMFJIOVJED SC&UE&. Those instrument* embrace noma points of excellence entirely ori~ Klual, and not to be found In khy dlhfcr* nUt/t* In the United. Suites, eneb, for example, as eundnr tnaleriaiimproaemeats In tbo scoliM, the UiobuJar.boc&ctai TubaUr Bacs, They axe made cf the turr best materials and by tha ablest, workmen to be found In.the country; aro warranted In all respects, and are-Sold on faYorahie terms. Second band Pi auo* taken in exchange.- g 9" arcrooms 411 Broadway, bew«York.... »cp2l:3m FLuRENCK HOTEL, | SO. 400 HIIOAUWAY, NZW TOBK. I rpUE propnatyr .oXtbij Vftjl known Jlotel, situated'on J X ttfiwracroMJroadwayanti Wclk«-street^hare thor>! oujibly rpimatcd and partially ro-farnlsheil it, wo now i •prepared to offer tba traveling community i ujxm the most hivoralde terms and in the txet style. ■ - i fho House fcclnj; conducted on the European Uio i ckiptutuml Tpadcms Saloon in the -United- btates* to-- fcttbftr with po-mo thirty private eating rooms attached,'! where Individuals, bundles, or parties, can befumlshed with:i nirois at any Lour of tho day or evening* \ i ThaJlGuso Is t.mi trail/ located, and within forty yards' of t!wjva» Harm HaUroad Depot, Where the jertont ©f the 1 Ileus* ara $hr *js hr ctiastant attendance. • I'Awus'.Te arcUlug la Now Ycpk can immediately walk to:. tlwliou**, .dvlWur their chock* at tfc» office, and have their. b*''Ci£3 ocuYtiyul to their Kooma, without any eharge whai-i err-A li oo small item o!-c*pcii$c inftev kork.) r ; lb« llouw fofurordiiKi with & fine suit of i’aiior? on £rv*adway JJalu and all the - modem ‘ Improvement,. whirl] to afford Urn traveler pleasure and comfort. It: Is th‘>%ery cmweof all the principal pUuvs of amusement,- find. iu furt, orerr way calculated to plesMJ gmtletacn Lfnv- their lamjlies for pleasure, or men of basnet that axfranocsfupiod as to hi} usable to-ditto atAettotmt : Ilcals 3***i;to rooms charge. UEUBEN LUVWOY, (iateofßostaa,) i •; Proprietory • .j. s. c.jr~WtT- PMEB WAREHOUSE. ™«yru*W.*ieU&Co.,. 1 „ ! COMSn:*SKii.'4DJKCttiKIS,; Ni-R'euf Vtrect, lfDrt,aWSO£BAO£SlSiathoCnitoiSlatsjfat. > ... Mu3;rraU‘)i ~r. ■ YirtoriaMilfirQdilbrated'WrilhafclVpcxgJ • ; Uus&cllMills Supctfar .... *’•* •. * . ; Gencssoo Milts Supiaior Printing “ ’ • KawUtts £f\a^V£ugiWt : Tlj?»nxe : ' u . Ocnr&o k G>,V£agli«ii.n»d iicotcli Writing Papers. They *ro also fijMheiMisdpol SUttßiheta* 1 rn» la this count*y, ab«l offer Tor site, by Jar the dost ex-! tensive and deslrali* x!»eL-cf-Paper und-petprr 3lanfcflscto4 mV uuUcri&i* that can be* found la: thfcr or. ear other eountry. They occupy the larg? wul onwandlctis Warehouses, Now'- ll Cliff street, So. &S t3iff street, XoCHtt BecfctrtanirttseL! and the Loft* orcr the large Iron Stores, 7 sod 9 ClUC«trr*L : Their basinm* Is stricUy , Wholesale* and Writing fapes* are soil by the Case only. Their extraordinary .faclUtfc*'wabble theartfl'offer all; Goods, both Foreign aud iXmiestir, at the lowertpcisalble prices. ... , t - .. ; Paper made to order, any rite'or‘weight,* nberaf adT*a- ; cos .made on consignments of Paper, PnperMakits* Stock and Other tnqr.handizg. T ...•; Tbo h&ust market pice p&U la CASH for all ttodabf' Rajs aprEkly CAN AB Y SEED—IO bos Canary good Sbt sol® by : - r : CO, Tea Dealer®.and Crocera. Removal* - ‘ TOCO II k ANTUOXY have remorwl thdr DAGUERB&* . JL AN ROOMS, from. Durkc a Building, to Build up. am thrl liundrod Thousand Ddllara, to be lootel atPUla-’ -burglb *ndcalled the dWestemDank ofDennsylvania.” narrisburg Cuion will please copy In Weekly paper. ' [Je2S.- lams, Batting, C&ndlewfck, Ac. . sep2l.*d*wSci • - -• GREAT REDUCTIOBr OF PRICES 7 ! , A. MOORL, No. 110 uood street,.oilers for wde, at LiuuJuiiUy low prices, oil kinds of BRCSIIESand VARIETY GOODb. 110 manufortnres and has on hand, a: -large and excellent-assortment of strung and well-made taint, bwreplng. Scrubbing, Blacking, Hair, Nail-and Cloth BRUSHES, ~mmle of the. best mate rial, and adapted for nsein this or any oilier market. Ho would also intUc at* 1 'tentlon la his flat uul tilh& “YATIMSIf BRUSHES«ttmh IHdIN Dhßh, which he is determined to sell at from 20 to 25' air cent- cheaper than iboy can be purchased elsewhere.- *aintur» and others wanting Brashes, areinvlted to call and examine Ida articles and prices. ALSO— Picture Frames, docks,Port Mon* nlfis, Pocket Books%u!ndl other articles generally kept for Kale in Variety Stores. All of which ho is determined to sell) at the lowest prlcefbr cuh. ► - *«*• Uemcpaber, MOORE’S, 110 Wood street, next door to DavlS' Auction Store; ■ • 1 - sep23’ • . - Pudder A Ford/ ; MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN BIANCIIESTEBMJHEUA?' P A IH T< aluquess-, citt pa. > t New York, December 15,1 SCI. I hare anjujsed & mmplo of MANCIIKSTKIt UINKHAL PAINT, ft)r Pud)£H * Food, and find it to contain tbo foJ* lowing: tu1ica,.—...... .. Aiuml pa, Per OxUu of Iron, Lime, «. .. Magnesia, OxUo of Manganese, M ater 0*.4 I«o J, 100,00 The Powdered Sample, contained in tho box, which I sup* po>e wm thoono you desired also to have knalysed, I find to differ from -my average of the lamps powdered, and mix* ad together This last Yields as follows* Per Oxide of Iron, - - . . .. „ fiS^O &Mca and ......83,00 " Lima, - . S 3 Hagua-0a........ IS- .- \Y uUsr and Loan,. . «-, n - 7,96 100,40 This difference X presume arises .firem the mineral dot he? iug. uniform, some portions containing more Iron thah otls or*. Tho analysis shows tho article tit he well salted lor & durable point. 1 find .that .by. calcining the powder by a pretty high heat, tho color is mudMmprored, or at least converted into a fine red. AMES R. CIHLTON, M P- Chemist filler Solo by JOEL MOULhK, 241. LU*riy street , morlCily - < ; • , i Jimtd upwvoow . „ - wx. a «>»» hIPPITfCOTT 4t BA.&R, , M(ura j o a co~) ANUFACTURBRS OF PHtEMX F3JUJ PROOF SAFES, ha»nd Street, between Viooi an l Snuthficld—Oii Tuesday afternoon. July 25,1848, the undersigned were cal* Jod upon Jb} Messrs. Lippenrott A Barr, to witness an honwt and fair ten of ond of their l’hcenix The famaca ho* mg pH pared, the Safe was placed Inside thereof with fi»k& papcm andrcmemoMT, when th» door of the Safe vuci» tied and tho fire kindled at a quarter pArt2cmg about four and a half hours, when tho com mitteo expressed Oieifi futtisfcctlou that the time occupied with such heat was sufficient Tho /unzaoowaA then pulled down. Safe cooled, aiui door opened—«tho hooks, : papers and money soft The heat was «Tgrrat as melt the brass mountings >\ o therefore tafro pleasure' in r* w 'TTTT ngrif^n g these Safes to the public, as be mg, in our judgment, entirely flrepTX>f JARVIS AtfJUBBf!, nock: a raison, r . CORNWALL k BROTHER, ’ BRAKKO’’? THATCHER, t k CARTER,- \ „j .. I asrengaged In the fbundry business, and know aomft* thmg about furriacca and heat. 1 witnessed the battling of -the »bQT» Bale, nqfi can freely say there was na hamouh about it, ai?d with pleasure recommpod them to the puhlm M being, in nfy Judgment,.«»t& l el>“firwprpofi WM.'&AYj In emng upon thfrAbOre gr-nttemmi. icuteto tfgmtgtta, tteyslitpoW J» tbp highest tenn»..fif thoajmSrottt lest, and their foli confidence pt this, gafo?» .flrejprdbt, constantly- on ISm&txA feate* foil f assortaiaVdf the ttoft [ahcSlJ 1 ij t 1 j? - is*'- 1 1 w 1 1 * f* *. * T'.'i'i-J'i' - - -*• ft .■ •» - .« 1 j.. v ‘•rr'<«: NEW YORK. . ...... 67,21 s^l «18,41 f * . r L>* '* . ~ T " PHILADELPHIA A. 11. CXtATPOOIiK. LUBES MOOT AND SHOE MANUFAI3 ' Yy. -V<7. 3 -YorfA jawe, jtnEt^Bax&dnor'td the Merchantf Hotel,’ PHILADELPHIA. .. ' an2fi3m* - ; DAVID COOPKII, i 5 nOMHILSIOS MEBCHA'ST; Sir. ton- sale of nsitj 1801 Vj VISIONS, At, Jfe.V JVortA. IRtamo, KUEADEW PHIS:.i an2&y) 1 JOS. PAITEBSOS. aB., 'i TSIPOUXEK ANDDEALKB IN LIQVOItS, w /A £3, I- 'TEA&'&J, No. 39 Noftta Sicoto srasn, PHILA-. mrT.PIITAj ' ■ - ‘ v aa37’ly*' ' ~— MOBST VEHNON HOISEi__ 1 ■,s£coin>^sT-i : ABarB abcb, .wn^KUPWA, ■f* vt - -. j£ AKJiOID AB. N. SMITH, Proprietor l • fj Temp,OasUonarTeF Pay.; 1 . -.* ? : , -«ia-ty» t TMPORTEB' AND DEALEK IN SRJJfDIES, GTJ£ Jj WWESy dfc, 8* South Pactrr Btainy (comer of Wall nut,) PHILADELPHIA.., ; .. .v ■ - aniriy . JAMBB 8.-FUaiiKß, TrvEaiEß-OT WATCHES, JEWEUJ Y.SILVEtt WAEEt! J_/.4c* So. as jSottlh:&amd ttrat, EUXIiABIMnWf < N. B.—Witches mud Jcwetiy caiefally isjalreion the shorts nittas. ■> »n27.ly* Thomas.C« Garrett *'.C9*v.fv IMPOBTEBS of Tina WATCHES afed PLATED WAJIE, sod Jl&anfcetarers of SILVER WAEBjmd lJia CHESTNUT ST* PHILADELPHIA*.are prepared to -sellattl>every'lowest-price* at whicb Goodff arc advertized. ■ • it * ; GBORBK &, JAMBg.BBraSBSj ■\TrriXV AND XIQUOB MERCHANTS, So; Vy SEXOT-eTMET, PHn.Am.PHU, -hate amrtantlT onusnd t ftcjich Oin* And % general BLPHIA, where they mamiC&etare ■ / Blaion’t Celebmed Challe&ce Blaeklngt. ALSO—A beautiful BLACK WBIXISU INK, BLUE INK, Ac. JB3* All ‘their iminniHctum' warr&ntedcrf v *ujseriaj' - . ■*: ■-/ ■•’ toMap. tUuLC X. BTAPFFXH. - - -JACOB HAB&XT. • STAUFFBB «fcHAIU*KY, -/9CCCZ23SC2IX TO 0» 00S31AJ>,J "rirATCmiAKERg, JEWIXKRS, and TMPOETEES OF .yy WATCHES, Jta «ofnerof QaarrTj PHILADELPHIA- io* talc, an assortment of Cold trad fiflyer Patent Ixrrer, Xeptnr and' Plain 'TVatch«v rlaa Gold JstrolxycnilSilTfr Warp..-' , lie pairing promptly attended to* i '• « COV : ' 'TT'ENITIAN - BLIND AND WINDOW- SHADBKANU ' V* 4O JV &eond (below Arch,’ west side, PHILADELPHIA. Lettered Shade?, tbr Store* and Windows, painted to order-' Aiao, Reed Blinds, 'Buff Sbadee, Ac,-"■ •-- - *•*;-*••. ; Ju, b.—tosh Stutters and Doors, constantly on hand and. made to order. &u27:4m t • ' •** ALIiIBOITK A. JEHKS. 4 ia aonm whajiyia. and. »o koutji water st,’ "*'''' • PHILADELPHIA^ OFFER TOR SALB-.. .. ;• : Klee; Bp&i4a of Turpentine;. Tar; Fitefa; • Roam; ~ Alcohol; • • v.-r •» .-v-. Burning- Fluid; Pine. Gil; ■ 'au2fc6ia •• gpona;" ' CSAILEti U. ££fiTLETw.~~. D. ZUTIXE.' BOWX.ST A BITTER) ' GENEBAL COMMISSION ’MERCHANTS, < J . ?. Asl> WaOLBSELK JJZALEES « NAY AI» STOKES'AND TANNERS OILS/ ; If o» .IT Worth Wnarreij PHILADELPUIA €ION£TANTL\. Os hand,- at lowest market prices— /-BankODf •••■•• - TazmersOil; - Soap Roam;- v> • , .Straits Oil;. ..I’aintOil; Aafa. Consignments of YTestem Proaaco solicited; , Hl-4I>ISON UaCBK r . . . V • NO2L' 3T AKD 39 SOUTH SECOND ST- : ‘ ... SLL&ttS caCDST t >;.' .. . - PHILADELPHIA.: * rpHls popular House id admirably ritrau*# for-tbo conve- : , J_. nlcncy of persona traveling either on business or pleas- ! urc, being near thehev lockwl Baltimore-landings, within a tfhort distance of thorPost -Oifice 'and Exchange, wheruall ; tbe different JLanca of Otanlbtwaes start, to *ll-parts of the city. . 4-OTTHSKIItK,, Proprietor- : auSTifico --LoteofKftJtiiaoreLMtL. atrintn^mn^^ ; ■-••- .-r x-K-r. ■•.•.■■n'-; YvHOLhSALE AM).ttETAIL CLOCK KSTABLISXDIENT, : South Jiut Cfcmer-qf Sestmitand CAafrtttf iSeerfr, w ■. • • ■ -...-'r -• ... .'PITILADKT.VmA. \ vTTTIEIUJ may bo tbdnd, one or the Ingest aini belt'si-; ■ ■T. f:.t sortmejatai?f aopks aniTtoiaPisccilti-.thfiUnited- States, in quantities to suit purchasers, of from, a ClOdtio-cnothbdsani! (Sochi j eautfseing every Ysrfetv -cf forCharciies. Halls. Conn-; ting Hottsoa, Shaping 'Apartments “and * Kkj&ehs. « fstwa and Canal DcaUamLEellrcadOm. .» Also, general sale Agent -Jfcr Jluptt lately patented Scfen-- IIQ3 2Skh» GeldTcu, Wholesale end detail; -Grihl'asd£Btor . Pop Holders and PeanLs. and a-raoetyof ftno Goods, - *• Tbose-rtriilng to purchase vUI flnd’it to their Intcrest'to call, jbefore purehaaDg cfantbere. r JAMES-r• • - * . auSuy* S. K. corner Chestnut and Second ats, PhUa.' 1 BOWK, lEROQXIXND WOOPENWARE STORE, -‘ 2V&.' HI fCdrih' Thirl sfr&i,- TJSree Ihxjrt IkiouD T7”~ : ' Ti ! ‘' ■ M Of Br«au, BnisliM, Bucket* Cedar Ware,Winow*iKi French Backets, Shoe and Wall Brmbecs, Scrub* Jluairn. !- Mat* Blai3dng,-EaatEriHaade Wooden Ware of oTerv- ecnptlon, 4 2000 tioz. faneyGara Btoghlv ‘ ■/ ■ M •:• .- •* -600 deg;Painted Bada • • ?. ■ ■■'. * • •( 500 acstr'W&si Tub* - " . -| !• " 500 RmtWty- . ■•: ] • ' ‘: :c ffled goods packed in m»nra for transportation^.. ~„ .. .. i BEUAHBIA WARE tfAHU?ACTTJBEB3. HIIXE subscribers having just entered into the abort bufr : X •nefiSjinaft lUbyanehesriake this mode oXealfta* t&* attention of‘Country Merchants and ethers, to their nsw style aad:patteras— duality-cUnateriat—ulw* flatter ourselves noj to ho boat In workmanship or material. •Tbu&Upwiuff, iapart, consbrwof our assortments *■ ; jPUmps and Lamp ScrewsrUdlesj Castor-Pramea;-Bed- Pass; Ttunhlers; Pitchers, with Udsj CoffeeXWs and Tre PqtsrSop.Bavli; Sugar: Bawls stream Cops •;!!«£ Mis urea, Coffee Spoons, of all sixes, " • five will be happy to receha orders for samples, taymalL oar places of btwin«s. 2fo, 109 RACE ST- on UCABEY ST., above Second, PUIIiAIJELPKIA "i^ 1 : ■■■■—: L- rv- : ouiTiaiiiEy i. ~ subscriber still continues \o manufectureCkn* die alooids, Syringes, SprrfcaJ Instruments, 4r-at-his old' .P 1 "®. of ku-rtnesj, Ao.-, 109. RACE Philadelphia, to wpich I would call the special attention of Candle iGnnfeo* •tnyers.'. .. . ; [au2t3ai) ; Jomr CALVTRLKY. - NOBZB WHARVES, PIOUS] 173 CBEBrXUT Sf, (t equal ln ' tlm Colled States* T j SJWPL OSISG bane ticca bring pwitiTdy excluded,) sod nebypthe best &&• ru3S) the work eaanit foil to grre to pureba* tent Amongst th« fciMjJj*dT*ai«gs* qfferr£fc> jmrchMsS Vutnism&g p House, either in Segant or ftahiStyle.-toaplefcelyfroia one-establishment; fay WhSeh means all the articles in each, room correspond, in «tji* and qualify;amthnStackalwayion hand,befogi* 'tttiaoglS design, enables ourshaw# tapftaae!ttaEfe faataia la Selection, without the ddaynecessarily caused in ordering furniture. TbgiTftanidea&f the fintehftl yornltnra on hand, I seed only inform you that .my. ftoqnw 1I& feet* long, by 27 feet wide, 4 floor* in nralnott^ t wfth t Shops contiguous, Bofifc denfc to employ -200 ii agusjantee that the fcozklt all doneuhdfc*:»7 own: IrittftKTfafij ihss&eßdifc? { ft £^'^ioi*ackiagis,aUjlajre l iiLths Sttggj end Hrsrrtktsd to carry* fcSdr 5 say* distance. tocaftainisiiurflnothe Goals, asS&lnT ■ ‘jr- -' V'- I? Cl •• ' 5 t- -v. -••- •-•-• ••- - 7 7>'^ l %* V,- -'C« ?V’7 r * *SI. " 1 •* A i w £ £- =, * - elf - ;'- J " "* r> '"'■?< t ~. -i -., - ■ -1\ „ - %- 1 *■-**- -cil r t - : ',U "• ' i * « * ■*».**< _, * , V % •-, _ _ » PHILADELPHIA.--. ' * r ~~ ■\TAKTJFACTUEEK AM» Z>fc*L Hit fzr Trseijarent'fcEa. -IJA- do w. evades, ,oil<3oth< '■■*■^ yp. a 97 forth Thlrt street; jeHlbdgJpbla. ~~ S AH* £ftzmr L H LOOKED 6U£S AXIS Mr \JT TCEJSHSASIETt4SCE4Cnjarr-So. a«jQl«rtm* J street, Philadelphia, Abtsßwtoriag Paintings.. fjoartWa' •::- ■ks'x-av ~ -v>-: y L fr fl j° AaT - —" -.w,*..jso.a,caaaij4nfc V- ft ajtatrgy- - - •>...;. v -v..:•:- TrrnnT??*.^ y,-WMdwud & Go** { ' t W l 2Shl£ , ‘ B aaoCKRB - No ” !:: l | __" •• - • By{) - - ? SPHsasaaßß?. ;-, stwt, (ffgtAfr) mggglgf' “??£*££** _ risslpilii ■telto aIL • iil trosima* - c.-^ cnaoTiet,! t*3Ss*S» IMadolplib.Mgth 83,1350 , - » ■ ■- Wl*-ml giMa! CTKaa ?y f , •rj4-l®®WOX A/ Jgpoly o# "fti ‘ j ••• - thgappnaditng ccrrpalgn. ■a.-* r ~-i J&a ndetU«,*nd dutavcua o» . Aljc, Banting, (az saia bf lhk pieco or yank at- - ->. ■■■.■/-■ . WM. Q. aftSTZQJSB'SZiU ~ „• i.. Wage, Coni OUTueol Stow* - - ftnTTtegqv - .lups-B,aim- ■■ —-—,TVr;acorafi»; ' Jtmer ff. Smltb & COM ' :.v BOOS KELUSKS AND HUSK-SOQK MiSUPAEfe SKHS—SJga of theLftxnrßfoak BookJ,;i*P- 27T33ij0*t itroct, abcre Fifth, {north ewe.) FMlnrirlxtTtrv- TlurtijUrjuii" -oh hand, Cajyßdmyy Mfdtnm-gad Royal Lodgers, AaiwX'-.-’ Day, Invoke and Cash Book*. Aldrrm«ti , a DoeSfehL2ai^e : ': and Letter- Cbpr aud - Cyphering Docks-, ALSO-—AS large aMartaamti Miscellaneous ami School Books. ... .*.<• ✓ ■■;.• •••.--.■■■*'.. tQ,. Country Merchants* Booksellers, Baak£end fSsa&ias '• Boom* supplied with every variety of Blynfc• : • tkaery, at very low pneeg.-.' . .•..-»*«»nfwfr l • ,•••■ ■• . David S. Brown &, lkh. v ; ' , v :iVb#. 38. and.&O ISacth JPrml xirtet. - . S£EED»O AQESTST ' *pOB AMEEXCAiT, 'COTTON AXD- WQOXEK GOQM- / JC Prom maaj of the most approved m«n _ : - . ERLh'te—Prom the,Merrimack,--American! C 0.% Washington andManeheaterWork*:t^ v ‘ :: --OQTTONB*-Prpn : many other superior Cosatoeres, Beaver Oothg, ■• Shawl*,Ae^Ac.' * '' " „ amos . »q37:ly ■ ~ - ' Colton A'Burti J - » d, EOCEKB AND- ffiA DEAIEBS—N/E. Cnasruf Ckit yfcinfcy whoare viahlng to obtain at' Bi^lto9v2sitS- ; 4 '"•■ quantity cf Cbeipd ftaUy Grooertet W «a*io tiaement. We hare nohesitationihauimr&w&l t» Si??.*!!*!* Philadelphia, to «JI artides mStv S? • " wish from om* extensive and well selected hxxr*r£L**7r -• • poods an whichthey-caJitaarchaaafciI#>a*' ! '- - 16 or 50 pe® cent, cheaper than in “ Goods neatly flicked and -■ jggjttoixpald.taTiraa. Come once aiul jod wHlcccajagafe. Cetalmcs eontaitdng a list of the various arfiSteS may beobtamed-aj the gfflee-of tins gaper. ~J ST&OneisOtL. -JLY ddphla, offers for e&lftAt Ucdnced-lMMtAfliSrj^? ; : ' : 3g&MrS«gESSSSgSS.JS^' >ol f* ±e-£=. CHAMBh’3 gPBhTTI^ , Jast opened, a fee ssKKfamt ct BEOCHiIEEiEKBifc* I vide,-nod ■■i-r W wTS? whsd i "e Tery Se-tohJo [ and imd Go£L - ■ | Itoaat,Ene tn 4 Gold, GtroWrfrM '-j " 1 *f-«y'y , r~T MAJSCTACxnmG Uain aasaaiiSrthTSiSiSSt^ 'mcjaoui cilßacccasful. place &£asbd£jrhmteTTSrW i: S2SSsssfSria«s*J® |||gH|s§p2gSgg aaai^a^s M^HBSgSwsBrS - : >'§£»*£ w ’ '- .< - 3£a»£r’ -- • - CunUeaUdtt, - ~, :^S? Vttap8 > ’: ■ - &drtutt, ' ~ OuUrjSia,- ->! | fJgggF, ~t- Oonmmnton oerri® - PRATT* &BlTh; 1 (scccßsaoßa to mesa os & corV > * Ho - 80 PhuSi'/pJ^,. ___ . _, - • ■ • , DtKutieaa Axnwwiw« n% *v .•>*_.■ Wiyffllflro - ia-^^ aca ' Ba^* hHnsaB s lir * K “«.«4S^ .... „; ? < vda'-v.vi. 2 Swisr Huattogdo do S Si ‘ cm « -«I*»fi»do do do -S' 3 .gasS^Sßak;!, *sli HS«£.--«KSB£sSS. «•• • .BroH2aMA I nt»|f»}Ai»w« *..>.- Marble ,*»•; «•’ • • S 00 "-'- “^ olc^»J “«i. -fiaps*®**-'-;-”' ■Brliannto Wsret ~ _ .. i.Sitset dot. . _ . . .. - OinmnSlrcj Vm :~ 1 ’ -~ • Haiod do, . . y >72s?’s'* “* rwatcwiojf . 7, _ ->~ •■' aoS&lzn*' ' • Otat^JShS!£s LAtSKS—A JVJtct readiedtuocueanew gtjfcHone ; tH ,4 “? «pee»Uy IMimtmWt to the nottenf Nr nesdte-rtrk wfaU*iagfl£«t-ia Ms?, aU&*« feirfona is ruined vri Iratlon, *iUc vofk, in auctina unhealthy pasture. improimaata a» conataafc IT Ulag: iatrodnad. (o Iran, the itbor of meof tat mtilnglu bran (tow to aliertaie- Uw-lnnSeo rtf Arnetto* sexi tbuattiele.howrEii Trill BreatlTreljcfe, ejulali w 5 adMtatethiirwrK The Se»tegHrf*lareb«a*&W -meoj hiiiraiß Js«w Bngto.l, and has cist Ifitij’toamid ' imt or the subscriber, by ertmterafeor re£«a. Jn mrr-wietrat etjle, end the emallm** at whldi th«r ere oflsmt meet recommend them.to iub. - - C.YKAQKK, 110 Maritct street.^ TOSKiSSsShBS I • m^^aaa&£*2&ZP' sssssr 16 *®®"’ £ Hit Alto . do <-' |,-HitEtoiton» ’do; find A Hatßaa do; ’' J-iWiafl»Ceati*B»3sitctor ■- Aeir*iyl^'o3fji£2 Sj la coses;' ~ ~ rtylto? 7 *’ 4 <3?, ‘ b< «N.bIUI ihe dlSereai'fcj* ttd "** TheiSoHenW be wmnfal, end soil itKew York srfcra. ■tsa . _ JOm H. Mmog, ai-g-aed strtSc: hirfSi aetS^S j^^^jffissfra^as: SSgffiS&gSgSgsg m^s^si assiSS3s@Sv ~ay“ J '"ini . ~ 4 'i j - —r c v ' yhpi&rji •' JW - * * P&raa'B&OT; t ; B&Jg&rfcgfc PWbtfclpW* --ti " r/' Tv-..-' -r , \ , ' V"-* - ■* J *‘ > ~"-rv *=—i •’*--2 jsai* *i ‘ J _-v r.-. -zr.f^'bsH * >r « _ JE-*. <~ £ *% *Vi :-r 7~ -■• :.-. £• •-'^•.a*.': "Va.'vV' * _ **>/*] ••• 1 - *-v •;> ;• t _ '~. fc i w* ** * • 4. - 3 *■ ** -f* * 'C "" 4- . jrr m Ijpl' r - f' = = 4 S-"‘" ''VlSl fev, - zM f- - I/V /|p la*-' ‘ 1 ’ t. , - ± '' „ ' ' fj- r ’ r * - , *&■' r # -s - -TViT^,v \Jth% -< ;■-: : ~ T %'V' - •< -Jr I f» v * *• £V<- «,’• A ■ t _; 4 . r 'j{ / i ■%< l v a :.'. C~5? -I*. -£-*vH -ft, 5 - * - -if -is™ - .s. - my *-.41’ -■§'* ' I> v . 5 ' 1<- ‘C V * < :ir.' "*■ f - * *■% ,7S£' -• afe.’'-t *T* -*" li . w < ’ > ''* - V- '-- -- IM-'F-- ; \t - t i— “ * *-'- , , % , y ■-'. r Lrs?i- •-.-. •-. .■-•-»••<>•••. -' * •*• ■* _ _ V-, : !j - :_;--' : - f; - ' ':v> -1! - '' zi " -it-'. 3:r.' "... ft, ■• -“l7?i;-r -r - ■ />|i/ ' , l '- t ft " S: 'W§M 0-- ' '*:-&■■; ■-•' :' i , 71 I! lr ; :; ir-r,gzs: --f :i it i~ 'I ' sb, -if” ' ' * - - ' *T I U - ir I "■rs-rl r‘ ‘ \ .. 4SI '< - "r-‘ i-_£r j_ jr * v U - _ * - fl >■ ’ ; ’i-.l '.l.'-.. c 'J**V "it t _ i '* * * _> Xs > "‘L - Xf&sp- , i p* - , Z- ’ ' _ is? y : - :; •-..la 1 ": - ' : ■E-’Z. jC . »\