>s> *$ ; , %S‘t * 'WV -:4V , j *t •, v t y* * ' * rV, 1 t*\ y:v-v\ • 4- • ;. i 3. » ' ~>V- *‘^r: y - *•/■>■ - ~:-\ .-& . * *w> -,-v ;f ’ -•. 1 -. -.-> rr - y> ** * y- .y^.fc. -I® fl? 7 ' ’> ..;; 1 1 \l r. -i^4'' ilPifiiifii Mr wHßMßßBffl»te^paga«^ai lltMlfiaii jaaMmaMfei ill#; its mm THOMAS il. SILL ni‘l, r; **«"* * sin,. -' PRODUCE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 118 Wood street, P&Sojn. Barley, florfc'BtaSn, a»^ i^ a Ctorer,- USaptliy and flax Sfie&j* liob* j Parti ™te;»tt«ntioa jmid'ts ttoCmle Street, Kttsbnrgh-AiTMi » pimhMe andeele ot Predure jS! A®^SBa2l^&S^Sfg^®%i»'^«*'!si§^ lTorin S a ” n * ltb oommands, thcrrrapectiruliy Jir - \ ZT .seott * 0t4«, ; ~— ——- ! «fe d O» ! > , -*ir. Auction nr privnte eale-rpartleulaHy iifil|lll» mmtmmmmmmmmmmm wmmss itfistelfSl '^ffMp %a« s£BMs»(ss> i iifiil fill iifisi!@! SSiKSSS&SS*'*' •'jgggj ——la W n smsmM ,r 6 t 11 »*!- JOB ®-j>ai£y postT « ■» / ltL - nji *- ,£ Prefix pprf Euitufed qtry Waning, XSv&iay excmuai BI HAOBIPER & PHILLIPS, hobth cosssa or "ffboo -AJiii-nnn stjieet£l J, yeio > PayatlertricOy to liffiha TOlaWy *» tf not paid e counter In the , ™ H ,S^P I) *'XJ tOainHB ’ *°ST ' f® 31 ® )pffice,v.on.«.large blanket risa a Year* in odTancer: F Single copies pJiper/crili be (aoleesat the dlscre aSSvKS^S^^{)-011 arrearages aro paid*, , Trill fte paid toanyprdernnJCSa accom motioy, or Tefcrenpeln this dtv. v&'C&RiWctaitoilh &te £ttat)l\shmaU,(>f the Maming Post > ' te*ytslsbb jP nnhns Offices u> Oieaii/ x inhere all ™~w M&&.fctbnemthethori*ttiiaticej and'viost reason le farms. - RATES OF AmBBTISISG, ' •REED UP»X BT TITS PITTSBURGH PRESS ( *- ; > ’’l%H ll!U3'Bt»£A!lEaj OK LESS: o square, ouft ln9ertlon-.„,„-v...,-i. 4 v u each additional 1n5erti0n;...*;.....-. one H [‘ i ' -three r i ,l ,-ouo r r“ two toouths v....:. f* c “ -tlireo.JßiuUia: 1 --.’;. 'l i ... P lour, .... r 4 44 'eU months ... .. 4 ia* 4 : „ Ailing .Card, 6lx lines or'lcsa, per annatn~. , v--UrioA-^X&nAgagiUgg a* MJaumifc; *■ o »qiW3pe r pap6r)^...- PBOFESSIONAIrOMEBS. TVood. TTOJQfEY AT-LAW—‘Office, LoOTTze’s B oUdiiigA,' Fourth * / _jan7dy ,:f:;:^jr , :% B * Cftrnaha Pi "~ : : Fourth rtfect; betVaja l Ctimyriloy aM’<3raaat ? BAeet;- _■“«• •' ■ • Je&y « ~ “ “”’ ™pfßp. JM ) :.Oo’irNBEn/Jlt ;AT ? LATr— o®po ’ia t BaKeweiVa BnUdmgaj cm Grant street. j c 2 TT4ItNE?AT'IiA.W— O Ifioo tu Bait# .rell'a Buddings, on . fltttbt;gtrcct,oppodte the Court Boose: ' • Jy2*ty .v • P. c. coiiitt. • AT LAW—Office, 137 Fourth street, above . Sihlthfidd, Pittsburgh, Pa. apr3y TTQII^rEV,:AT-J*SW-*KtCI27 fourth abowand . nßay?rmU)tfela. ‘.: .v ' . , . . matfV.T • i-t’.i »>.'i Jamti Roiß. Sno«dcn f :. TTQUNEy., AT XjCW—Office and residence. No. 155 - Third street. Pittsburgh; . . . . , marif* .. - ■■> w ’~ Ocorse F* ClUmore,.'/ TIDENEI AND UJDNaiILLOIt AT LAW—Offices re . moral to 2nd door btitavr Qrant street; on Fourth, to -officgjatciy occupied by Alderman Miller. mar3o- • - /J» "V AMKCOUNSIiLLUILAT LAW—Office, rw - nearFoortli, Pittsburgh, - .. ■•• v.t. . :...■• . •-. aprXCfcy ‘■■■w a. UidOle lloberti, " ®S2S?i££ A‘^JtA.»'* =^Q^M*.h T O, JIJSJ fimithfiidd Btrcct, .. ycwroea l?ifth.aßdl3iith. .'Collection* carufully attend* >T«POdal alien tlangiren to Conveyancing. ((lccilv- 1 TTOBNET AT LAW-AND SOLICITOR IN CtfANCEIIY . Offic&TiDit door* to the Post Office. Steubenville, Ohlo fr*- -»r-* * - 1 ' 3~ ?~/ ——- &* JP-'ilosa,- -- - TTp®?nsrar LAW—.No? lOUiVorth utieet. Pfe* .fburth -3oor below Mr. 'Roily Patterson's'Liver? te. Je2S r > r $< BaGkmiitter f , LPERMAJTr— lourtb-Htreet, third door nboro . SroUfrßctd, South side.. • < of all kinds done thegroatest care and legal accuracy. TiUcstoßeal IV >xaainodrAc.—- • norlO • Uamtlttm, *' rtORNBY AT LAWj him remored to tho office In FiXlh eWeetj^tchrecD^Vood and Smith field -streets, formerly Thoft j Efa}.j dec’djsnd will attend to TgtefefiS'TPmnlnTTigTanfinjsnea-cpon hi* rioefcet.'" (mylS r •• Fellclan -Salstaper, aCIECCECT ■J&T)'CIVIL -EXQIKJJKi: —Drawiugs arid PI prepared at short notice. Lantistar iS 4fcjpwmpay attcnd&l fo.* be a Second iUKts!ftlrd: aprSrly .........ft - .V....JLBADU TUSJUBtfTIUI. >,« i. Juaok & Washlnffton. *.I7^ARTNEIiKHII'—'The eubainbcra liato associated [themselves In. tbf jjpractfco of Lav, antler the. firm of <«!^ WAsnzaciojfror th» other o| them, vhcp. not lnTCourt, can t'cTounil at 01l tunes in the office, on Mth rtHwtyJitielmrghJnoy occppkxl by Mr. IllartL • f ftftS J .TfloS, J. EESSAX. *.;■ ' H’C&lmont & Keenan, iTTOIt?iBYB JUT fiA^V’—No. 120Faurth-strm?t, opposite WBJctos IW,- Pitiwbuißh, J>o. '• “V’*-*'*" EUEOPEAN XAWJWEXCT. .Mt.Eeexan, IneoimccUcm trilh Hugh Keenan, Esq., cllpr t ftt. lav, Dublin, Ireland, collects claim*, Europe; end one of tlieni annually tnalnui Great Britain. Ireland and America. final'll • XU* HOSC* , ATE.OFFICIAL LYTEnPßETfiK—lnterpreter of Fur ilCTXfiikgiiag«s;izlAQd'f()r the Ccunmonfrcalth of Penn* niflj to.tcatde lfltheCity oT Pittsburgh, County of Alle y, maybefbund every day, from 0 a. m.. until fl p. h., nQuarter Sessions Court Boom, oral Nrr / my4> CARDS, ItTEIC W Uoicsale and' Retail Deal ctjn Fine WATCII- WARE, PLAIT ODS, Sc. All "kinds of Watches and Joweliy careful ired;'' No 61 Markef'street, two doors from Third st, [decll y —-fichuchman A Hannifin. ; street, opp^ite^thAPp^trofflce, rtfefcttfgb.' A Msp» f Bill Head£ Btibir BDIs, r Architeetnral - Dnd Machhie DrawiDgß, BasTjiess and g Cards, eta, "Engraved 'of Brawn on Stone, Printed rrvGofel, Bronze, or Black,in the most approved style, the most reasonable prices. octl&:ly . C43fPKE1X....,,», M OATIg CJTEgS... .OHAKLXS K*ZXidBX. . ..<■ Campbell, Chess tfc Co. f CITY TACK, 69 Water ft_ taburgh. The subscribers manufactoreand keep con • on band all sizes of Tacks/Brads and Sparables; Ra Goat tod Hob Noils; fino Blued Floar Rami and ff h’ails; Copper Nails andTaeka; Barrel Nails; Oop i-Zute-Sfaoe maker's Points; Rivet! PRODUCE DEALERS— Tt ; No.27._Wpod . ftnvSS ! BnUtH.ft Sinclair, ; grocers: and: coiimib3ios aim rlf iQUANTS—OcyfIor Wood■ fccd First staj ’ i [noV3 : • .H> -A* EMtettoek A C 6.1 ■ ■--* >-J(Uaeg€;-watt.■ MSSSar >treet ' «n»t, directly opposite Jjaglu noteUßtSLarsH, lx [jyM-y Jw»od door from lottfg^htor^* ll t ° Bduml Boats Mia Btononory, No. ljg Wood strwt ■ " jj.ni 1 75 .... 30Q ■'‘.hV.'* 400 5 00 :?00; 0 oo: lO 00 ...... 12 00 IS 00 10 00 • Daniu^Vomiffioitr’ TTOTOB,BIGN; PAINTER—Oonuir XXI Ponn ana Hand streets.. All work neatly executod- Onlera punctnally nttondod to. fmar2£y L"~ R« O. Stockton, * Am JOHNSON & STOCKTON, BOOKSfiLLKIL TIONEK, Printer and-Bipder—comer of Market and 'mini atroeta, PUtfifrargbypa. - (jy3l;tf K-■ : - T-homaa 81. liltUe. ATCH AND CIXXJK MAKER—fifth street, between Wood and MariWt streets, opposite Iron City HoteL nos of Jewelry made and repaired. [apbly Panl A Mairdotk. . "’’ ,,u ' l ' MERCHANT AND jO *No» 7 Water street, Cincinnati, - Ohio * (aphtf •'•' Bennefs ■ ”" ! ' :-.”j ■VfONpCHROaunO DEPOSITORY—No. 73 Third strict :IfJL*ThW May—Now Paintings: TUeGanJon of UetW . mane; The Cemetery of Scutari. ••• my2RT .j\j • - W, W. M-Clure, TTODSE, SIGN, AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTER—Corn' ■JJL KJUi.atPStfl,undctJ»africkrAr FriewTaßr k(a-offlcv,4»ittBbnrgh,.Pa.;. mar2o-ly C. Ti-. CIJUGXS..... A-.....**......,...*....,.....THU5. CCMlOXtfcl J-. * Cammini dc Co*% • . • FORWARDING & COMMISSION MERCHANTS—'Wheat . City Block, Massillon, Ohio, (jclTB.**lyss • . BPAhnltir A Co*, 1 FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS—Ifc'pot, Canal Borin; 40$ Penn st-Titta . *plh „ • L» Tntenr dt Urother, TV%!£B£Jfy! imported a domes ,9 SKGAfib, Ac.—No. Tfl btuliklield street near Dia* i oong alley, Pittsburgh- sorlB- i G. \V» Tayior, ” T ’' :■■■ ■ wrseeood atroet-Nesotiator nf Hoods, Marie*?**. X Timo Bills, and Stocks*. Pittsburgh Manu&cturos and always on hand, or jirocuml at rhcirt no* *»*«' aprlfcly Marcum Wv Acbrion, - A TTORNEY AT LFW —■ Office, Fourth Hrwt, between Smithfield and Grant' "• Ucfcrcuee*—C. lbimm, W. AF. Wilson, and 4 Brother. j "■ ■ • • jyjky SG. A r > Arbuthhot, “ OAP AND PANDLE MANUFACTURER—Conu?'r'Fonn tom and l'ereons wanting aurthiiic in lUftt.Uae will do well to call, as lam determined to as cheap as any other person In the city. ' [wpJ.;y ' ;WILLU2f Sums, l*hUa...~ _..W2tf. Ml'KtnoX, WtOdjureli. . Bllllcr. &- Rlckctian, \krHOLLSALE UKOCEHSjIMPORTERS OP BRANDIES, I tT W mes and Segar.*—No*. 172 and 174, comer of Irwin I and Liberty alruoLs, Pittsburgh. Iron, Nails, Cotton Yams, 1 Ac? constantly on hand. , . jy»»g j hT ~~ ~ J*“»;iric T r«r, t “•■“■ ~ i FQRWARDINGjAND commission merchant, and . Dealer in ail of Western .trddaooondi’itlsbarcb Alanufactures—No. 110 ilnrkat street, PUabumh. He will promptly attend to *U entrusted to his caro. jyift J. O. HiLUAitii.. .. —.....JOiUfHWJE. J* D. Williams STATIOXGIt—bss alyaji on htnd 1) ft pens ral assortment of SchooLail«cell*nron«»n.> nunt **£*?? Printing. Post and Cap Paper, 4r~...... . 8. UKh-JEST xTlu«st. WKenncdy & Haslett, lIOLESALK AN!) HEX AIL UHALKHS IK WAICUES, Jewelry, Silver Ware, Fancy ami Variety Qoods, iia* kel*, Combs, Ar.—No. 94 between Fifth street and the Diamond. (Successors to Kinsey & Knox.) Clocks, watches and Jewelry neatly repaired. ang2o - S. JS’Kinley, . . HOtfSfi, SION, ANp ORNAMKNTAL TAINTER, AND Dealer in I*a^nt*—N>, ij St, p/air street, Wtfeburgh. lias constantly on hand, all kiiuL of feints, either dry or mixed, Japan and Copal Varnish. Linseed Oil. Boj)cd 0?|, SjdrilK Turpentine, Window Ola*s of oil sizes, Putty,-Pamt Crushes, Ac; ail of the beuttiuallty, and for sale at reasons bio prices. per,!! C. llathewi, a A T No. 15 fifth, Third door from Market street—^MTOq jt\. fact ares to order the best quality of BUIRTS. Those gentlimen who hate found it difficult to obtain a * otti-fUling and thoroughly made Shirt, can be salted by calling and leaving their measure. ALSO—On hand, a large quantity of Ready Made Shirts, qf all rites, for Men and Boys. ’ j & mostaom- Plcte assortment of Gooft in his llfie, sultalfie tfru/eWMhir trade.' b Being extensively engaged'to the manufacture of evoiV variety of looking Glamts, he is 'enabled to offer induce* monts to purchasers, equal to any house in the Union. apriktf - MU Bpwt Demmler, ~ ANUFACTDRKR OFTIN, COFFER AND SHR£T IRON WARK; Dr.Ai.Ea. 3 House Fujuayun* lUk&WA&* No-180 Liberty Street, Flstttmrgh—Keeps always on band a which, ho will sell at vory low prices for cash, wholesale and retail. Country merchants are Invited to call at his stand. 'AU Job Work to the above business; ol«r. Spouting and Rooffiing Houses, will be promptly attended to at moderate f DOVI9 •• • T_ . ilamra Lowry, «jr», “ AND BEDSTEAD MANUFACTURER—Ko. 294 V/. Fettenzum’s Row, Liberty street, has on hand a large stock Of Chairs and Bedsteads of every description, made of the bept materials, which he wffl sell lower thanurtlrlos of .the samo quality can bo sold in the city. He would cali par ticular attention to his large stock of Mahogany and Watout Chaira and Bedsteads, which hourM sell atgveatlyreduced prices.* Also, Turning of every description executed to the neatest manner. Orders left at the Ware Rooms, or at the Mill, comer of Adams and Liberty streets, will be promptly attended to. * mara • James Bfclllhger, MONONGAHELA PLANINGAtIIX-Would respectfully. inibrmbis&icnds and the public, that his hew estab lishment ishowin ftiJi Operatk)D, and th&t he is prepared to furnish Boat Cabins, and fill all orders for Planed. Lumber, with promptness, and atlhn lowcst rates, . Boardand Flanfcypjiififripn one-orboth sides,.constantly on band- - , 4.. Sash, nude to order.! ' :* Builders and -Carpenters would find ltio thejr advantage to give him a call, as he r>ags, f H rvv , S'. ; . 0 C»rd» v-:.- ;• , Lc-E, (successes to Mcwdt * to) WOOL DEAL • COMMISSION MEROHA^foriheialft oi American Woolen Qooda, Ko> 139 Liberty afoot (m*A •' ■' i • •Rmiell ;■. WHOLES ALE cmocasns, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, •..ItProaaeoAni«ttBbufgTiMlnuflu*tjnjs, 11$ Water and 160 Front street, HitsbargliT IV- ■ my!7 TjrHOLESALB: AM) RETAIL' DEALER, fa Blank and .■“x, Sciiooi Boolui, Paper and Stationery, Mo: 63-Wood street, (between Third and Fourth,) Httsbuißh; Pa. [mrf» Uurax ;~jou* m'cpllociol ••-j • H«iuy M’Cullough. So . > . . il* Si Officer. ~ ' ” TV/TANtTACTUUER of all kinds orTrtmk J aud Packing ITJ. .'Bows, DU worth’* W*nlng Mill, Grantitrwt.hctVMu Sovrnth snd Eighth. - BonntoftdonoddnUreml nttho :■ , Jr Lovely (fc 0a„ TYEAIiKttB IN CHOICK VAiIILV GItOCEItIBS, Ten* -L* minis FrulU, 4c, 40.—N0, ItM Utarty ntrwt, (north oitlo.) one door below nand.~ ~ •• 'uij^hy KAf 6 Co.i ~ _ (LIT* OUABLCft U, fAT,) ■\SpXOIXSALE AND RETAIL BOOKSELLER*, 8U«od • ?? ‘v : .. . - ■ KAY A CQ,, 60 , WHOLESALE and Retill SADDIi, U VAXJSK and CAKPET UAQ manufiuy ■ toll taw, s* mwott amiffMijismgmr*--* _"£2[ " A, - ~ L _ .. (Bt7CCB3BQH,IO BTCABT * BltL,i jrasasssga reg£s3sK[ Hour, Uneoa, Pork, fjmJ, Batter, OSeiwi, Feathers, *<■„ If’ no. (J Southfield street, Monottgiihehi {foigeTHttalmrgh. ~n. uxsuruut., tLffIUFP Bl* GmkfiT dfe'iDor,"’ Moulders; union pounpuy-no. 151 Wood street, Pittsburgh Pa. Maim&rttuvrs-tif awjang Store*, Ilain and Fancy Orates. Coal urn! Wood Store*, « *- iwieM: Parlor Store*, Sugar Kettle * oOd . e^’- Ead and pog lroun, Tea <*■ - PlaUbno aud Counter Scales, Hark Mills; goliorWaro, _ __ | \*cxT> HALL BPfi£H, W I !?«y? ALiJ Ai VL Kt:TAIi plow_ auxufactu- T T .lUat3, romrref Ptimrtnwr aml.’Gxii'stklkt, /on® i*qww below thoixctangw Hotel,) Pittsburgh; ftirVafe over one hundred different patterns acdslrea of PLOVVB,«f twj mast ImproTml kinds, anil suitable (br ail dewrlptiau* of coil. Among them will he Ibund theoelcbratM Unrt VnrnU nm Patent Iron Centre Plows, the beat and cheapest Plows m ix* had In the LoJtiribtatrs; and r also, Bul>soiJ ami irni fW* Cotton eud Plows : with l*tov l\Ants and Cast- i lns» of aTimr w«rfP«ac,Tvteit. " - A of aTI UwrrlpUona. Irani JX the A onetfyof lOlwanwr and Barry, Bor tester, Xetr *£f*—BUia}r of.ttum largo trees, .Specimen* of B@a^SSSS3SB^S&K ais@»ai» _T!T «<-?»>. and Autltorof the Fruit Garden, fu« o#/.» of lb© moat correct l*ociolt>jmU In thg country, ' ; r "' 3,21 P . Hoilman A Garrlioa. ITPSBUBaU FOUNDRY—Hare ramrni to their new buildings in Einninghain. near the Ferry. Hsvln* all tu© late improTTOiratJtbr heavy jrort la Furnace*, icStr with Utbee and other machinery, and keeping always the best qualities of moial, (buy are prepare to furnish ma chinery, with promptness*. A* tlier affll retain the TVorcbouao on BmlthfleU *trwL on the old premise* (al» at No. 4 Wood *troet,) pattern., or ordoia toft be immediately associated .htofllrpopeyafo q* tho bnrinew will hereafter be conducted iu the name of Roll man, Uarri- HKNRV hr BOLWiVv, ABEAIUiI GARRISON. JOHN .SFDONOCGIL Co-Partner thin, ' ~ " fjl ' TUB roUcribem have formal V*v. 00-Portnerriijp, and will I^3the CABINET, FCBNITUKE • 1 ICHAUI MAKING BUSINESS, tb. OLB STAND, NO. ill BMITUFIELD SHUSKT, tAJot tbe Ann of I&wxs * Mcsnust. JOHN M. IK WIN, ' ftU& JOSEPII MKKTK7RK disposed of my interart in the firm or Blnus JBfpU * 00,, i« (ite Carnet, KurnJtun and Chair making Wums U> lit VIN £ jikktcwk; i vcwnmcboef fully recommend and illicit fcr tbom a continuance of pat nmaffo, bo Liberally bestowed on tha old firm, etts MIX AS TIXPLK. HJKfBT ~ —n'ccnnr. N He la A M'Cnrdj’. ATONAL FOUNDRY-.Vo. 28U Liberty street, corner of Seventh, Ibtteburgh. Tbo subscriber* haTo now nn taml, for sale,a Inigo and general assortment of Parlor fid Cooking Stores of various patterns, Hollow Ware of aU kinds. Tea Kettles of different ska, Sad Irons. Dog irons, Waeon Boxes, Lintels, Sills and Arches for funding*, Grans, Fend e»,.and Castings fa General; mode from good patterns, and oftho best material tho market affords. Vfe respectfully caH'the attenitoittifctiir public to onr new «w ÜBpfRTSi Pwtor Store* the Lady Franklin, which we can recommend as fefot, and rood. - All kinds of Jobbing . M , Perwjna wishing castings from patterns of their own, would oo well to give os a • ; Call to seo onr stock belbre purchasing elsewhere—we will i sell low. | 4S*Ordera promptly attended to, and filled on the lowest tenn * LJjaO] EEIS k SPOPRDY. ' Sport I Sport I Sport I Q PORTBMEN, now la tile time for junto avail rourfeivc- O Of » Uood Dun, of the best makcra. Just nScoivoddlrect Irom tno manufactures: O 1 doz double barrel guns, roal stub and twist • 2do da do do fine do; ’ 6do do do do Imitation do; 20 do single do do assorted do: AISO, 60 do* balls of wedding, Eley & Baldwin's -400 nnd of the best sporting 60,000 gun caps,fill kinds; 60 dp* pqwder flasks c $ tbo latest styles; $0 do ebot bags and pouches; 2 do gwns-bagßfnsaiorfeed; • " fl do pap.pdmAir bl&rt#; "* ’ wjth nil the .necessary to fit out #u» sportsman. Wo h»v« on huoiiind aro constantly making our superior rnaea,loKWchtrelnritefthektttetloirof SphWng of the aboTO articles fcr aale at BOWN* TBTI.EY’S. W P. U ! - ’ 1M Wood st . iWetv *»•- ' J J tcdmanufactory-of Sir, Cbtocorlmr, NEW 3Ut*PET nrt .Sl # Sf"* «o»»(X)d liana Portes, f* »»*» octovta, with all the roamt Improvements made by Hr ■VnJflKering: « *■ d ° Ubl ° roUM K *‘“*>‘ U «“» ' Ope R6sovoodj double round ootnofS, ftiß MTcnoeUves: i.*iro .Bosoafood, doable roundcorUsea, jix a xuX throe quarter octaves'; . , ;.. _ »4**w • jjp£ corbcw, Irtk and *;half octave*; Waaro corners. - • wore Hano *°rtce ore all manufactured ftom the bestim J° iost thoroughly seasoned raateriala,utydaTofolly JSWJS!"'” ‘l* 6 «™<> «n th«e choked at (he tnumfcn. tory In Boston, and will be sold on tbe usual accommodating toms.- = : JOHN H. MELLON a , * ... No. W Woofr street. • Agent &r tllo manufacturer (Or Pittsburgh and tVejtem PeansylTßiila. . . „ . lOW A. POVSDHV. NO. 103 WOOD STREET. JOHN C. PAKDT,'(saccM»or to J . C. Parrr i Co ,) w, to inform the customers of the -old firm, and the nubHc geuenOl/, that he baajwron handa, and is cxtoasivoly on gaged in mannfartming; aTery-deacriptlog Of CASTBiaa— *■£ Petont Chilled ItotU; large ‘Kettle* and Ctolri* P»ten< KotUw, fcrOo»p r Pot Art, Soda Art; Sugar Kettle,’ . for the manufacture pf Cane cast m a »nd m superior for, dura- and jroid lower than those made on the HOtXOW ~Sonora] aiaortaioht, all from notr and taptOTod ffagnn lrops, Sad I,S£J ali^n J KSe a Sv ( S h>llC, ' r ° f Mlog.foeCem.teiioaai.d Ftenoh Outings— A larw storv lr‘.n *va fcfida in ose, and will be eold at nZnP£s .ent ,Wrer, Tra* American; J^X'^ 3 S' S“t . l-Woodif, P ; BANKERS. AND EXCHANGR.BRQK RRB, fcfrg&lyl •:>: 10X95' Ufod: XlnrrA and Diamond MUy - ■ O ? COra£)B,BKOTHE&&CO.» ■ "f BANKEBJT.AND EXCHANOB BROKERS, in Ikunoitia amt Fandgn Exchange, Time amt . JL* Eight Bllla, Coin, Uncurreol tjull Ffcfr Funds, Stocks, 4c. , Office, comer Wood and Third .[martinr - JOHIT WOODS; j • ; : BANKER AND-EXCHANGE ,BROKER, TVKALKR fa-GoLL blltcr and Bank,holes. Current and JL/v par fund* reroiTod on deposit, CoOpetions carefully at tandod to. Fourth Street; one doccr •£&s of Market. Pitts burgh. Vu. ■ . > ■ {j«iS;lv Demotic and kbropn Jicchanaa, Bank iWw, VtM and SUryr _ _ Bought, Slid ana Urcharotitat Vie EXCHANGE AND DANKInIf HOUSE OF william a.hul&co., 04 wooa sTEWt prrrsaoßaii. ,tHB» Interest allowed on tlmo deposits, • tnug® V: OTeTABHOLD ft CO., BAKKERB AND'EXCHANGE BROKERS, TYEAL2R.S in Exchange, Coin, Bank: Notes, Sight and A/ -Tima* Drafts,Ac. -Collections' carefbUy ettoodei to, and proceeds remitted to anypart cfthoChlon. . Stocks bought oad solilonaanmlssionk - gSiNo.74 nextdoortoßahk of Pittoh'g. feels ; ; : BAKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, i ' coaxja or to® ajr» nrrit bteots. OtOUT EXCHANGE on the Eastern GUie* cmwtanUj for O »ale- Exchangeand Notes discounted.— * Gold, SHVeir and Itank Notes, bought and sold. CoUoctioos made in all tho -prinplpal ortho United States. D©. poritarecelml of .Parnrnl CnrrentFuodA: [m&fdTly uabc amryn, “• xottakd oau a, - ; ebajus. ' gRAMTO & HAHH, . _J. BANKERS AND EXCHANGE-BROKERS, TyUV AND SELLGoId, EHvcr r and Ban It Notes; negotiate J> Loan# on'Real Estate or'Sfock~'Securitlc»; purchase Jhwnlwary Note* rod~ Time £a&. omLWcst; Luy ant) sell Stocks on Gommibslon. , r s - CfeHecUonsmade on nil points jo tha-Palon;' [myl , A. WILKZH& & COi; , . .’i BANKERS AND EXCZtANGE r &ROK£RS, iw. y 6 ronsTß sr„ wrrsßtnuja, opposits wse or. pnrsDirncn. fF*lB ODEOGRJUE& uftdor.WW BOdmoroCitoraWe auspV* X «»* w hl continue tho Banking huritwa and stock Bro kerage in the house formerly v7 U&sts Palmer, Kailua A Co., ipd Rjore recently .oythirjStUburgh Life tn* •uranco Grtnpany, wlterehovnllWplcafied.tnAte his old fek'Ods oml -customers. [i*3) V. r v A. WTLKINS. ; - IT, KOfcHES ft 50*78. BANKERS AND EXCHANGE JDtOKERS, , oati onrovED TnEa DAxn.\o Asn;excnASoe omes to ho. 67 mixer «Tcxrr, rocs wxms cxlcw old snsm. XT UQLHES t SONS, Banker* and: Exchange Brokers, ii • and DealoXB In Notes, Drafts; A«cptanop», Gold, fill, ▼er and Bank Nolo#, Exchange on'thn Eastern and : Western Clwca constantly Ibr tqdo. : '."poltacUonginada In ail the cities throughout Sjates. Deposits received in par fUndsoremiteut paper, No. . 67 Market Ptrcet, between Third and Fourth ste. (jo3o:iy SAS. AJ1001f...... i ...V.7.TsnoB. SASUSST, HOOK ft SAEGENT, - ' BANKERS AND EXCHANGB BROKERS, DSfj&S 2*»a op woot> k po. .. . . KALERBin Coin, Rank Notas*TiineßlUa, Ford^nrnd ~ Domestic JRxchaagn, CWtlQtnteshf DepaeivAc^ -• on nlf the' principal dtics’of the tTniou addEd*' R>pe{ tor (talc in sums to suit purrijasCToT:^ - Ourrentaad par fund* rcce{r^Jon'^enoAili, ; 'ji; polloctlonii EsiuieUi «B pnxU lowest ratea, •- - . , facpihiy Removal. . . PATEICKB ft JKIEOT, ki JhkNKKRS AND KXCU4NOE BROKERS, n* BriUml Oteir OjJict ioiht UofTter of Fifth and. ll 'bnf-tii. __ . rmsacaom. pa.^ A FRtIJND, Bonkers and Exchange Brokera X and Dealers In Notes. Drafts, Acccptinecs/OoUl. Silver add Bank Notes. Exchanges on the Extern nnd Western C3tx* constantly for sale. . • Collections made in all the ciUci.throughout the lilted States. Dopoflit* received in pat funds or *Um?ot nacw, at the corner of Fifth and Wood Streets. • ffeb3 -’2l Dlssointibu, 51 ffIHR FIRM: OF A. WltKiNb k OU, ha* thU >jL divojvrd by mutual consent The budnos# will be cU> »ed by Thompron Bell, :-v A. WILKINS - . i . j JOHN A. CACGHEr, THOMifON KEI.L, raoamwa A . carorra. THOMPSON BELL ft CO., B.kNKF.RB ASP EXCHANGE RRGIvKRB, (HT* Of $ fif.}' ' TX/ILL eontinuo the Exchange and Banking teeduess at ff the old stand., corner Third and Market ate. [Jy2 EXCHANGE AND BANKING ROUSE, S, JOim ft CQ., ; OirxtT of IRicd and IburCi Strait, PiU&urak. Pain’d. BILLS OF EXCHANGE and notes discounted, tol]* of Exchange'rarnfchiNbun all tlib principal citirs. East Weat and South. : ■ ' L of also fumiahcd ln larged «nall ramsoa and vanous place* in tUalea, Scotland and irelaml r ofecs on Pons, Bromon, Hamburg and FrenkfcrL > - - Deposits TDce]r«l'of par and ' ?imo Deposits also rcceiied, and lotprfttt allowcl. 1 ••and Warmnts purchased and tanlJ. jy^g HOTELS, &c. Iron City Hotel, - ~ . ' W. SMITH, PBopcrtToa. *V** &***• Uticfm iVuni <£ Market, i*StUburgh 6tabling attached to till* nousc. [»pr7:ly A.LLr.I 880WN,.. .V c CO^SCIX^. Ootkt of Snio>f.t§ond t ?hirJ A OOSNiIiXV, Paoramwpu stabling attachet! to the House. Western Kichiagc Hotel, ATarktt ft, Wut oJ firm Square, nearly appoxile. the OaUral and lit. Unit Road Iljpot , Philadelphia eJOSEI'U WATKBMAN, Peopsisto*. aa-.Tis fttbperibet rcroctlulljr K'Urfb, a (hare of 4h» tnTeUlQg patronage. ' w TgßKa—4>pe Dollar per Uar. N a Owiton'i Excixauccl : 0. IT BT. CLAIR BTIU2KT.—-This house has been ta- S??;^^ g ? e ' l, Ctt4sd «P*» furnished *nm thd best of LIQUORS, anil every thsnir the season can LpNCfJ ©vary WcbStetiSjJ la particularly ralleU. fjanUj JAMES qWSTON ° HOUSE, Cleveland, Ohio. 1 MSBICK * SON, /. dingnno tliorough and extandfe repair*, nUorotlonj, larg" aildJUnna of new ftirniloro, ott,Md the proprij nothing ehnll be wonting on X » l'‘«™ "here oil the Sam xbrt« of ft first eloas hotel can be found. iy * :lf : c. PATIUCK & SON. Charlea, Hotel, ° JTncr K.. 7 ' hxrd ***** Pittsburgh, Ptnn'a. ______ IhLIAM y. CAiII'JIELL, fttopnuroa. T^^SiSf blishmont having come into the hands of a X new l*roDriotor, offers great inducements to tho travel- S?ss a x®y» GcftQt &oiuo> T BOTEUnSr^.^.'"^ 1 U ’ ,> ’"S” <“*f well known i,, l late Laniartino Hoose)at the corner of Fourth uni .troon., which baa been repaired mrdMwtyeUed up In all Its npratmonta, so aa to gin, a largo and more llW ai accommodation to trerellers amt Sr re uoore. *9* k” 1,10 n>o»t cholco Tiands th-. market call idJbrd, and hh, bar rumlshcd with the best lie wtddrS spoctfally solicit o share of pobUc patronage. “ JS£“ I R PERRY. | Wllklna H»tr “ •in a' *'“ftf P“ a “ a ro In nnnouncing to hlj H d ,' l,lOT «>ni*tot»ble exponne has mode It a delightful place of retort He t, Mr rJm- miZrZli" aorro up at the ehorteet notice o,ory dLfe™, 7 tcmguL apatite of the epicuro o/thTSy ££ Dinner tIH bo In readlncnt erery day at 1 o’clock for env number of persona, omunenflng this day, June Slit. Pa£ F iUl »»Pt« « the met n* manner. Oysters, Game, tc., trill be found there In their season. In abort, the Proprietor iatetuls that no expense 1 !1 "P?™ 1 to m * tal 11115 broody popular IlOttM the rent Id tho » extern cony try. Je2fcly St. Clulr Hotel, ftnnand st ” * °P<®** the aerommodo- I4i T’ “ d proprietor of the St Clair Hotel roXub™! Jl tS* M?" hls frißulls end the public, that he has “J™ ** in *“ 0 ®<»t eloguut and c-omfbrt&bla style, mul employed competent assistants and sttentivo and faithful seryants, and that ho will spare no exertion to make it equal to any house in tho country. Tho well known central location of the House, and conve rt? I *. it* artnngenurnta, rendering' It tho ipost desirable *«?er to travelers or permanont -boardsrs, Induces him to Bplidt and hope for a liberal share of patronage. a - •. ’ o. vr: BRNNETT. Woverly Hoose, Diamond AUry, ruar Hood strrrt, Pittsburgh, Ftnria. WILLIAM O. GALLAGHER, Peopiuctos, _ sa , This Fashionable! andvpopalar /«s jr~*\ SGfgjYfffe. RESTAURANT been (Syi [p j fittedup|Q ftfl tji e< lt . **&*, by any liraUftT estali* >l^pr in tho City, and tho proprietor Is prepared to fur nish his friends and tho public generally-wlth every article ntfually .* v* >. ■All oTHir' dellefcdcu of tho season, in the way of GAME, FISH, SOUPS, Ac., will 6e**crireif nb in the rest mannor. Thß.DAKiasnppliPd with LIQUORS of lhaflnest brands, ana the Fancy Drink* so much In vogue during the warm season, such as Pina Apple Cobblers, Mint Julep*, Punches' anil Smashes, will be served up in a way that will please the taste of all. UTSCH is served up every mpfniog> at 11 o'clock, to* which, the special attention of imstcmers Is solicited, [tnyio Oreat Indacementa to Cosh .Purchasers* 'VfTR will sell oilr large stock of COMMON AND FANCY ■IT CHAIRS AND D£D3TEADS> at-prices that cannot fall to please cash purchasers. All but work is vramuitod. Our terms are CASH. J4MES LOWRY, JR_ ' inarSs - ' • . cor.Serenth -and Liberty «s. -Wholesale 1 and 'Recall* SADDLE, HARNKS3 AND XRUNIC MANUFACTORY T>OBERX Ua.HARILKy, begs JeaT*,tolnfana . Ik/r'his friends and the public generally, that ha- fWW&i, conUntteS'to occupy that large and eommodloua |iS|aj§jggk' Store Samuel Fabne- of™: stock * Co, Na- 88, corner of DUmondAlley&adWoodrt-' wEeto he keeps a large'anil general assortment of Saddle! Bridlei, Horacs-v Tranks;Carpet Bag*,- Saddle Bags, Tallse* Buffalo Robes, Whips, and all other articles in his Tin* * lie olsi kceps'constantly.on h«ul,aiid is ptoparod to fur. nidt-td Stdfer; all 1 kinds of TUvoted Htw, jnanuhuinred of the bejtnuteriaL'taddna: Votfemanuhlp boual in ihnfiaaiWlWS&ctotcd arßclVuid tttOCpwepi^^^^ examine fils BUfck'belbre-pUrchftsilig.elwwhfire, aa hnk*del terhdnod to sell first rate TCTy-lovrpiices,' l *3" Ikra’t forget the place, No, corner of Wood rt. and Diamond AUey. f &p 2S *-.1 « *'▼*''* "" T- +~ . '• .r. : p .t ■PIAJfO fOBXEa gEQg HEW JinAT.BH i . Warner ib Co., 4-1* BROADWAY, NEW-YOBK,‘ iwggjaV; £ - REQ-to laTlte public attention to their ! lost ITO fTI tma.'Uielr SEW AS D rnrtri,’mJ;..JL , i£. RI:ATty ISPROYM}-SCALES. Theso v!tS> msa , TC S; toatoHa&uiia bjr the Ablest Ey Wftp to too eoaotrj; on rerouted in *ll * ronhu ietm _geffmerom, 4U Broadwor. Bmr-Torir oepiaam. „„ FLuttESCB HOTEL, *oo bboadway, sew-tor jc ' known; lintel, situated on streets, ha-retto? cughjy renoT&ted ud nuti&Uy rMbrkisJMwf •- *2; s£Sl unm?*? 1 to °^^ ho terming <»i^S§^ocxi^mcxbtioM ra^saaasssssSSs ThJ Dou® is centrally located,andrWnforty yjjj, of n^ 1 wtorcjfte p£te£%\£ Uouee ay© aiyaya Ju. constant attendance, . J inXnmdlatcly'Wilk tri thelfotue, deliver their eiuiekS at Ule c12.~0, and hsre thi'ir th M iJ Ji red<> :,,ttht ' nortTOWion of th» of * Baak, with a capital of h.'tSh ““? dr fJ -Dollan, to be located at Pitto b ca i*ea -.do, all colors; Chain. of >U wlqy and shades; , Cotton white and Tariegaicdcolortf: GBEAT EKDHenOR OF FSICESI j 4: nnuuxs.s, MOORE, No. UO.Woo/SSTote. *» nUktodj of BRUSaES.mJ * AKlisXi GOODS.. lie manufactures and has' on hahd,& larffe ana excellent- assortment' of strong and Veil mad* £r?l t \.£jr*?P ln E. Scrubbing, Blacking,- Halt, Xail -dml- Ooth BBUSULKS, mado of tho best material, and adapted l&r usqin thla or any other market He would also Invite at-- tentton to bis Rat and other VARNISH BRUSHES and BLKNpKRS, which ho ia determined to sell at from SB tn 25 per ceht cheaper than the/ can bo purchased elsewhere. Painters and others wanting Brushes, are invited to call and examine bb articles hod prices. - Y~' k pirtur* Clocks Port Moo nlfi*f Pocket Books, and all other arlklea generally kept for rate in Variety Stores. All of which he Is dfetenninedto sell at tho lowest price Ibr cash. . Remember, IdOORK’S, 110 Wood street, next door to Paris' Auctloo, Store. sep23 Pnddei* A Ford. MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN StASTCHESTBR nisBßA{i FAIHTv AUXQKCfT, cnr PA.' • ' l5, Mfit I hare analjwl a sample of MANCHESTER MINERAL PAINT, for Proves a Fosv, and And it to contain theibl lotring ; BUica, Altunina, ’ Pir Oiide of Ihra Magnesia,....—.... Oxide of Manganese, Water ami Loss, 100,00 The Towdered .Sample, contained In the box, which I gap* pofto Waft the-one you desired also to bars analysed I flaf to differ from any overage of thelumps mix •d together. This last yields as follows* • Per Oxide of 1r0n,.'.. Silica ami Alnmln^, 8ine,...., Magnesia, Water and Loss, 10040 TUlji difference I preoumo arise, from the mineral not t» lng unifbrm, Borne portions containing more Iron th.™ oth ers. The oimljsi, shows tho arttclo to to well suited ten anrable pnlnL 1 find that bp calcining the powder bra ssaUftStf'''. i* “v? h «,«»«?« AitRS R. CHILTON, M n.. Chemist. bp JOEL MOULKIVi-U LUsSpSS Joseph upeescote. n i liIPPINCOTT i BAEh! 1 W ! ifutTi j. «. sanna * ca,) ' M'^S P 4 C i£“ t:K8 O f! ratESIiHUBPBOOp SAPESJ -iVi Second street, betwoen Wood and SmltSwHg ™dcrai*h,a weiaS IBcI npon by Mourn; Ltnpencott 4 Barr, to witmaa an honest andfcir taitafomtof lielrFhcrnli Safe* ThafUruaraSr lng prepared, thoSafowaapJarcdlrtßlda thrreof WthßobV? ■™>«““»y;T»tati!thedobrof tin tomkat-’. *jf “« ““' UoilM aha quarter paat2 o’clock,' * niS 1 ! E^boLsudcontlnuoduahSnast e o’doch,bolngatwutfourand a half honrsT»b?t. (W *»tr JatlrfLcthm- tkaTtho tiS?Srtp£d ultb anch heat waa anffldpnt; The flgnana waa-thea puilgl down, pafeojobd, and dqop opened—tho hooka, paperaand monejiMlV Kie h»t was «0 p^Mtd.mnWoff^lS mountings. It e ihcreibre take .pi css urn In rucarnmendin r to tho P “ helnfftrajn^S^vSdp ofinfmof. JAEVISt.TiUBUE, ■ , NOCK A RAW3ON, ' . , . " BBAiramkTnMwig BENEDICT * CARTER, V ISAAC ' ‘ _ lameo@ipid In thefoundry: hindm»y and knar tomar I hnrnluHf ISiotl^wa'WlthTiSm? Ul ftßJ.nUiqSStiTii their fall confidence of the fire pcoot We hare constantly on hand and female aSS assortment of the ahoTesafes. [marSl] rkm. ft TEttRY, rv.-it."-: ■ i- * t V NEW YORK. i -vir. • . ' Wood db Ozvit* HTHOLESAU? OBOCEBB, ornTßeslfnl in Ton*, Cbfli*. ’’ •k'-. 4f -> *«■ 60 Prxmi itmt, KEW TOSK. fnlKr -Merpbantflv!ritinffXeT_.Ypric, ».m r«;pcct ““rim-ltfj toßiTo w a f a n. ._ .. . ■ auS'lr : * BTETESB, CASB IA a E MAKJBES, No. 388 Bro»dw»y, . aa» fht>Lw • v &EWT YORK. r^lgesaTD nuulo In thj* City, under our own &u27;6m MK^K&po.iITAH HOTEI, rrw rairrowr. completed and opanod for the ‘to Ist. Price of ——hSIEON’ LELANt> A eg. Proprietors. D * W - C.vsmaj),. n w ;rr a «»..h. p. remix. Slum MANUrIcS,*? 1 '. 1 ? * FOWI.KH, MTOINQBWIIR OK-VrUaiKS’S. OUT •tnnit,) NEW -Wanea iao, 2ad e to StKka, Silru, Bosom. apd CoK _au*ply» ■ • ’ ■ “'Tnoiice, and warraatod to at OENBT ■ wif'i" “ ' (SCOCIBSOBS M> MW?™ !’ v •■•■•'■-■’■ *»•*■> (Sign of tbe Golden S»So2^'^l WaA:,ia > v “’- '°i tK i »uth comer or Mnr»»^®* ? NEW Hall. fopposite ( “ r- " —" ' «i27;3m*--.'| . Call and w TO IIEUCOANTS, TU/iOto ?,?®* 1 * * Tj unis n tavloe A w, oa ju£ clothiers. - XV The undmigtiKi o lfrriii? IU LL! '*! Nnr Ton*, choice utoct afaoddj. idental to HE*® 1 MU»'heTr rad ChOTns, ciaSmßliEg, VESTINGS, F'i 11 ’ conrtnioi; M»TCIOTBS,TBIMuSros,^IfSh-CT^ TEB “« Be&fion&blo tolh? fiido, to w dcscrtptltm of tliiisttt'ntfpn °r their friends Ond denlerr mtS!? ti3e y iurlte filQeo who wish to procure tile ialeet etrieioY 1 !- prloea, can find them bv r*THn„ ..J-,',. „„ •tho-lowest BOt'CS K TAYtOli 62 Maldgp. LiqiSr’y Cheapest Printing Caras * Card »r~~ WKIE ESTIBB tffITED STATES.' -!?*• AT f£-’ 4 ' WAVE SWEET, if. 3% I ™/vhK. d ac^l>.|’> u iP< ! » srai sell lower thin tor other Rianu&ourwia mo eotmtty. All earth Of Ms mradWnre eSSfrt,!* P J L ?.‘ IroU V O ??“p “Were'will bo soot bj W*** '; iAJRY SEED— IO bus Canary Seed for sale by,-, 7 J. ULTELY * COi' , Tea Dealers and Grocers. 1 PHILADELPHIA •{*. : ■ ' -Ai&-CLATPOOI.I& "r the MCTi!hnntB , notcl,PHttAPHjaEt/t^^S,eifeSf.* l> WOT. Mb. DKrPOT? PHILS vroiruiA. . i z - li > ;;i ; j -r. an27ly« SJ Al '£ I! oik I fM ” ator,- W«t- E iS E "' ake . 2£ar ssawsafeKfi. _j2_ - tniSilyii | C wSKf&,™ s& ta ™*as - . . ao2&ljiz '• .v«*ft otAxnerf. ~ __L . _ au27:2y<-~. J- t i Egana'o...' v - -■,■^7^ — — ipitsisfe ' * -- • —' «... . ■JAKJ3 S. iIASOn. , SfS&SgiaftAsis j*u26:Qm MAC X. fiTATOTftft,, ~ : ~ •■i'! v nj^T sfeaS#»sspas.» ’-^ *lna ' V^^iy'r. -trijat- fc c&. md UttaS r.^^aarkssagf myl» to order.' Ijy.ttrt. Cay, „„ 10 NOETII . _ aZ7 .'*”j, AFFES FOB " ATI:I£ ?£> - Borfn; VHte&jt T* . ■■■ • Burning- Rufat, Alcnhsl; ' ' "’' ', Pina Oil! ; = -’lt. ~ ~~ ' Svfaale & TVinr.rrwfm CRifitEs u. RornjT - ..... qeneral? - “ r7TL M v t B^3t^““ ahis ' . (• *** 'h* atlowestl PSILATHiLpm * ■■ .Mc&t prices— Paint Oil; \Bcaplkainr- WertemPnjdSodaAfili.. ... -_***j_*a£ : : ... ~.^Viid . MAUISOS HOCSI ■ifc . - ui»ot tutsaa,^ f U&STch* > (|^?f t f} £lrd %&**, JrK3 !, fe'?JW ! *"» fc>a u touStotSSt to U*,r» ptfrchutoe JAMtsafEßig? to Sr'- 7 *• «gnef Chestnnt »nd Second «t«. M. XASI.V &OVX.. BROOM AND WOODEN WA£S STORE. ' aPfIOSWX&II . i- .-,$ v->. 500 nestgJWHicnr Jfcui e fm s n n/J? 0d “- v ‘‘ - raunrFALTUßflgg r fe^*'®’ T *W , \' l p»n,^o°B?tocf^inrm>arta 1 iS l t?^.- t^L rnm^rnm sSStSffetsfe; s^SS^^S^SSi SI ss^ssSsssS^^^ ftEJJ. ‘J^^OuislAK^'Prbjirietor - ' r ' •-'•/: -0 oPM&sfefp&a:. ? 67,21 - 5,34 >...18,41 ciua. M. ALUtfOM),,.. ' : • eitovsT’cTo <• ««g»j*«wW , *£tt*«&&6ig3S,W2!g£ .^““J 1 wWtfce firsS»s«B«eU ma^p^^ 1 l t ra “ atiia to S*™*»art««™ Wth»(- *ik.- mS*S? < ’' Wm S! lni^i ' Vtth tieclLfet-iia *• te: ; (la short) *litU bo left mylofcp u> mal* tha Oaeifi S2? r^^ RO i tl L° §PBKWt«*.llaU«r UtfUMelrea,tStiy rtrW attention \a btufctt*v - ilDftg&l share of public encouragement. •' J GEOBGE J. HKMJUX’B, ~~ — - CITY CABINE9fiW-mß#ftT B r. nft'a- I*3 °"j-y ' | ,IIT?&JTITi£, IS &&w}n§z£t kk *', ‘ 'limsssass^B&s^i sspaffi^gg*^ Sfc Mafii Befit; completolyfttra’ to. macnSiailiiteUaeiAtt SocJi *o6a eßrreipoai infitvkiM TM&ratadwtoieSS'SjShVy~ >T *<« r? :To,S*oT>h.^ J j' bM< j * Aa?the VtcbinzS'tn donala ’ - I ■ trtrmntod to carry aaftly anj ■ tUnttous.- Tlfifen delphis too rwpertCiny invited u parchtstf* or nth-_5r a ‘ to »U end exsKaHS Goods. r" 1 "*” ' 'j y H 3i A'dlihi munnss, • - piaupeiM ‘V ' 1 **v ''l V 'r t 'P * " ** +" % •-'-. r.''. 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