7 swa^’', '**“'“s! i, ' afcte * s # 2ac!iaejo!a ■_’, V* ' . - - 1 ' c*sj? V&s?’“j H*~«' k * '-iv;,'^i bS3^ ' ~ — — ftsfgS'l wltaltflisflitt W^HM msy&ggiafefesg ms&Mi MMsfiig mmmp waiiNftg llpmpifiaaSfe : N. Bncfcmaiter, A U>ERMAN—Offico, ftwriti street, (hint door store A. SmUMcld, Strath side. Oonrejrsnijaß of ill Mods done -with the greatest earoond legal accuracy. Titles to Real &■ toto crandiied, Ac. notie fW r "i'V " .'": ■'3. S, Jtfnmiiton, .'. A TTOENET AX XAtV, has rcraored to theofflea In Fifth - J\_ street, between AVood cod btmthlield streets, formerly occupied by Tiics. Hamilton, jEsq-decff, and will attend to tho Cosiness remaining unfinished upon tfa docket, {toy l ■ j MMSfel IpSWJpIt JbHm jptaipt gllgg? wss is§Mi ri&te ggffig Iffl ' ' - ' ,■ ' .-,-...-. s ;:,•■? : B*ott A..0tU,~ -. , J^^2.Tv?^2^Bra§f^ liiiTttnisw'ftn'pP Wndg wßsfcned n&lbr wie here. ■’ I hy *■■-_ R wooepi Co-John X.-AatdflAJttij- Terjr lowest pricey y^ S- : 'Siaas: l *&S^l^s^'^' ,^ i^k^ K ‘ p ’-~ lr ’‘' , *' : *\'' i ' 1 ' > ' v J^^4>l,^^.i>V,^- f 4” •'ih.vv' , . t «T,. . & ft--':-ft. - ~S-~.*-*'.WH e i , <'i ••■ 'i-V' -=• •' ■'•■■ ~r ft< iglliiliilS®^^ '•£/' -ftft v/‘- -T''- ' :':v:: f -' v 'ft>iftft: :miiMii- ft ii a - . 4 • le"'• ‘,44, q4 l l -4:A toft* VaP- ,V" i ts *2?-gigwl9._.4 YOLUMI XI. THE DAILY MORNING POST. BY HAB.TPEH.&, • RQSTH>VOt:nAnr,i4.yeBr,‘l)eT»hleytrictJjria odTßß®..SlxDoUar9iriU iiWtlablylxstoaalrodlfnotcaia wlilln tho year. *St Hogl« MPtal *WS aoro-fbt sale attte counter in tlio Office, imd by Hie Heirs Soys. - ; v ■: - >. ~ ■ ■ , BATtmpATHOBinHa post la pabltohea -from>the Bon»;offlcc> oo&l&rira-'blai&Bt rix6 fttTWQvDOUiAItS aje&r-u} nitnaco-' *Biagleoopfes KVJt , • \ ; . paper will-be dbcQ&tixraed {unless *Y thedisero* ue.palcL ••■■ 4&?2i0-.attexxtton-Yill belo any unlesssecond panlcCl by isoney; or Eatwbetory VB&renee in this dtr.' Connected with the Estahlithmertt of Vie Morning Pott « one. of. the largest Job Trinting Offices ui the cUy, where aU /.■wuZrrjf work Udotuonthe shortest notice, and piost reason able terms " "KATES OP ADVERTISHfi, AGREED %POTT BY THE PITTSBURGH PRESS.: -*»nrjaisKO!trAߣni«anss: One flqaarc, one ..T...0 60 ** • 11 OT/»TnifTiHHnfti>il rHnr> , _, r i r . . . 25. “ a - one X 76 “ “ two:wookPM,««i.i^...;.%—3 00 '* “ three vecks...w... 4 00 4i one month 44 . “ two months... u . throe months. “ ■**, four m0nth5..*....., ... f* . M . six m0nth5.......... 44 a . nno year ... 18 00 Standing Card, tar lines or lessypcr. annum.. .. 10 00 . C&A£QEUitt*AT PS2ASUBB; One pqurcs per anntnn,{exclusiveof the paper)- 25 00 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ’ ' C. OrJanadXoomtt, 1 4 ' Fourth 45trtct,e^YeWood^ ■ ■*• v - Thomat iilillluthsHr • TTORNEY LowTiO’s* Buildings, Fourth .street. -y; jao7:lr . XU Bk Carnahan, . ' TTORNRY AT LAW—Office op Fourth street, - Cherry alley and Grant street,-. ■•■ {*-> Je&y ■.... " . • 0.25. RFClowry* A TTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR .AT-XAlp-Offlce In. BateweUVßuildings,qnGrant street..*• :-r Je2 : • tf» Darragh, • - -s ■•>.■ ATTORNEY- AT LAW—Office lu Bale*rcllVßaQdings, on AOrantEtrcct, opposite the Court Douse. jy2fcly JDft.C* C-o**ltt? , . i'. TTORNEY AT-L AW-i—Offiee, 137 Fourthstreet, above L’Smlthflold, Pittabmgtu Faj ■ aprifcy . ; D« B< Uaxnii A TTORNEY AT LAW—No.llfr Fourth street, aboTB and A- Smitbflftd.:., - - • - aaarg7y • vJame* Koaa, Snowden* A TfIORNEY AT LAW—Office and residence, No; 155 j!\:.ThigdirtreeVFittgbarBhr--, v r- ’- .•r-.---’t - tttar2B Ctoorge F* GUlmort* . ... - A- TXORNEY AND COUNSELLOR ATXaW— tts JJL mo red to 2nd door, below Grant: street, on Fourth, to the.office lately occupied by Aldennan Miller.: marSO Morrison,-• i TTORNEY AKD COUNSELLOR AX LAW—O£Eh», re xL moved loNo. 44 <3ranfc street, near Fonrth, Pittsburgh, ~ *. •, -.- : epriOcr PIL • &• Biddle Roberts* -v:? A TTOKNET AT LA'VT—Offlav 80. 132 SmlfhfkM:rtrect, J\. between Fifth and Fifth- Oolioctwna carefully attend* cd to—-special atttolicn#TeatoConrcyandng, {aoc33y Thomas Meant* A7TOBNEX AT LAW AND SOLICITOR IN CIZANCKIft. J\ Office,.next door to the Poet Office, Etenbennile, Olila my* •• 1 : / ji ~ p-s; *-.* ‘ ATTORNEY AT LAW—No. 109 Fourth street, Pittsburgh, -ftu; fourth door below Mr. Body Patterson** LiTery stable. * jc23 Fcltcian Salataper* ■ ARCHITECT AND CITIL ENOlNi&il Drawings and _J\ plans of Buildings prepared at short notice. *. Land enr reying,' Ac, promptly-attended to. Office—Grant street, b©> tween Second and Third. • • . # apr&ly ftittTra. TjVTrt-Arr_.— ........ .~..E£AI>E WASHtSQMK. _ : - Black A .. ! AWv anhaerttierab*v* ftnxi&ta! l i themselves in the practice of lav, under- the firm of BUCS-& tfAfiQSiGTOtf. One ortho other of them, when not engaged in Chart, can be found at «U times in the office, on Fourth street, Pittsburgh, now oemplej by Mr. Black. [fchB /tnirn J. ECQUS. M’C&lmont A Keenan. A TTORNEYS AT LAW—Na 120-Fourth strrect, opposite ,/jL. Vyilidiis Hall, Pittsburgh, Pu. EUROPEAN LAW AGENCY. Xgm Mr. Rmiv, in counectiou with Hugh Keenan, Esq., Counsellor at Law, Dublin, Ireland, collects claims, makes searches, Ac., in Europe; and one of them annually makes a tour through Great Britain. Ireland and America, fmarii VVxa. J, Roae^ STATE OFFICIAL INTERPRETER—lnterpreter of For -1 cign Inngtagea In and Ibr the Commonwealth of, Penn sylvania, to reside in the City of Pittsburgh, County of Alle gheny, may be found eroy day, from 9 a. H- untU 6 p. in theQaarter Sessions Court Room, or at No. 160 Fourth Bonds, Deeds, Mortoagee, Fowanrof Attorney, and aUJegalor other writings whateoTer, translated from or Into the German. French, Italian and Spanish languages, with neatness and despatch, apr&Cm . ■ - “ Dr. 8. Kyl«| OINTXNIUES to practice Aledudne, Surgery, and Obrterira of Midwifery, Eclectically, in accsoniancc with scientific principles, and hence wltbgreat succesb . -and residency N0.,6S Diamond alley. Office tol2^.iL,aiid2tosP.«. . N.H.—lnfolUbTe remedies, for Dyspcpeia, Consumption in lta iedpient stages, grenchiUs,:Rheumatwn« Tetter, Cholera Morbus,Diarrhma, Dyscntary,.Asiatic. Tetanus or. iocketHatf t fomale diseases; diseases of the . Urer and kid* neyßj Scrpfttla, Dropsy','Ac, aml anUdmics to ail per sons, prepared and &rpt -fo* sale. Mercury, antimony and their pxeparaCoflir as well os the laurct, aro entirely dis pensed with, . my 4 BUSINESS CARDS; O* L, Hood, __ IMPORTER, and Retail Dealer In Fine WATCH ES, GOLD JEWELRY, PURE SILVER WARE, PLAIT ED GOODS, Ac. All kinds of Watches and Jewelry careful ly Repaired. No 31 Market street, doors from Third sh, Pittsburgh. \ [dedl ■••• Schucliraan A Hnimletn> T rmOOKAPHERS—Third street, bppdslte tho Pasboffice, •l i Pittsburgh. Mflp.%Xaudscapcs, BlUJ3«ids, Show labels, Architectural and Blachine Drawings; Business and Visiting Cards, etiL, Engraved or Drawn on Stone, Printed in (fclors, Gddfßroutc, or Black, in the most approved t»Trd &t the most reasonable, prices. octlfely tnoa. 4. ~hAvu> chesB..... l ;..xhasle3 x’cuqb?. Camp Dell, Cfaeaa dk Co. IRON CITY TACK FACTORY— I Warehouse 69 Water si., Pittsburgh. The subscribers manultoture and keepeon atantly on band all sizes of Tacks, Brads’and Sparables; Flu: iahlne, Clout and Hob Nails; fine. Blued Flour Barrel end Lathing Nails; Copper Noils apd Tacks; BarndNoils; Oop pernnd Shoe Nalls; Pattern mOkurA Pointa; Rivets, RRgorted siie9t Ac, . myShy ■ “ Austin Loomis,v " TiEAIriEEATE AfiENT, Menffiaadllß, .Stock, Kid lifll- Xtßrotei Office, l\'o. ff 2 Fourth Street, [above Wood.) The BatiCriber having opened an office atTEo abore place; for tbe purpose of negotiating Loans, Bills, 'Bonds, Mortgages, and all offiß Bslruinentalbr the security of Money, and for tbo Pdtchaa'dnd'Baleof Stocks, Will also give prompt and particular attention to bnying, Helling, renting of and leas fnTjST&ttato. fjy7j , AUSTIN LOOMIS. onsaixs Loowa, .................a. r. n’ootviuA Loomis* McDowell, /-* ENEHAL COLLECKIItS, STOCK ANB Dili BROKERS, lx Office overS. Jones .*■ Co’s. Banking House, earner at Wood and fonrtb streets, tfttsburgh. ~ , sod cooiitrycoUerfionsfpirapttf«t tt * ATE - A Srocfitoir—BCJOKfiiELLEß, STATION' Tj m, ®? uia Id; ererfdzi nuSoof the-iestpaper, andboand In the mi»t durable st prices thst rannsbSdl to etre Mtin&cUofti ■ Blank en p&ttern, Printing of Jg™ ep2fl . . Taaflc, Hognirfr &> Bftn« f - " T 7 ' -rW- - _ ■ (SUCCESSORS' TO HAGtfUfla BASK* CO.)‘ /COMMISSION AND PORHrABDtNQ J JMOHANT&' No. Becondßtreet, Pittsburgh^—rireporel to recejVS&nd forward goods Tjt Kray ftmni#w Wag-. aud regularity. They will also derate tidr gttenttfta to 4ha purchase and Bale nf pfednce, Ma*T «andncedoffthar abUlty togltne pcotUar jotidictlontomlL' those fevoring them with commands, they respettlhllrsoU* dtordepr»pd<»naigPPents. yjfefapfl ... . •-:•,, . ..., . . - ---.--.---.-,4,.,---,--4.•-ci....;-1...- -...fi5.-!....,17-.,-,:'t-:.:------.i..,,;.:.:-•-'S.:-,t1;,-;,-1.-.---1•-...".--:'-'-,-*---'"--• , _,.. ,,-, ' - ''' ---- 'l,':' , ',•:;--.4b--- . ,-_ -;:---, --- • —•-:. - ":—.-,-,-: ..:--.. .-• .. ...1 , . .. - , - ;4 - -., ..L, : ~ _ . Sr -•- ' - • -, • . .--. ''''- _,;.- . -. . - ..1..'...t ,: ;[ ,'--, ? , :.i. , ''':.41;::: . ,1 .. -::: , -;:,:_:. - ..' •. ' . •• . '., 1 ..' ... ...;:',. : :1 -- ;: , .;..... f :,....7-.:: . .',,rir.;.:!...::,...•,,-...; ,7., - .. - . .-. : ..-- : • .';...,.,..:_•'.- .. , .7 . . • . If. , - ,_,.,?_..•-_.•'-; • "•..• '. -.. - ' .- ~ ~ ... -. . - ...,= ~._.. - . . -- -1 , , .. g , - . •. ._ .- 2 -_. - ,-..;;-.-,. ,•'-:-,3 '',.. : ',' ' ' .7.7. : :::1:•",. - •..,''...•. : . - ':,'. :• ;. - • : , -, ' ,-; • .•.--•. ii • ,..;;:.., . ...-- . ~* •-- .•.:,;1 .. .._ .0, .. -, 1 . •.• ' - ..,:. 7,' ''. ::. ' 1 ". •.• :: ; P.-f; ''' . , , '.. f . '. ,' i . . - ''' . 7 • -- -.1 .' . • ... ilii:4 ..• • ~-.' /:: -4 ;' : . ' - ' l‘3 ` l. ' ''' '' '.7: ''''' r ..•:-.'"-. ..'t '-'.\-Ner , 3,t-4 ~ ....';t-•'1-7- • ; . 1,••-. - i,-: - :?:.:4 . -:?': , • ' ..--.. --, - ~' .. --,•. • - • .• -'.,i ,-•.: :. 1 L•.- 1 ..- f' . .-: .- ''!---_ ' f'. ' .7 i•:-: : -.A . f :.. ~.' .... .'- '• :-; ;i- . . ;I • :' ' ''' : ''i,...: - • -z•:- -.:•:.,:',:-•..- : - ..z d'- ' , -. ' -'i. r ::. WZil •• - .f , 4`,, . i.''. ::-;; ';',:fl, "''',"•' '''.' •- ' ..: ''' ' .', , ..--- ••' •• C , .• 7f.,' ,- ::,•.I', •...-j, 11 -: , :!..e : . 1- . 1. , ••• '' •'-• . • " ", --• ' '-'''-•'; : - . .1.. zina 1• ::, 4 :!- - • . .. -- '•••... j -.... - . F . -. ., .-- ''' - '' ' V Yr - -- -.-- , - .---- - ...7v9 , 4 Q -J... ,- ! ,_ ~,.: ,L.i. ....,- •-40 ... , . .. . . ,•,, ::-. •:: , . ... . ... .. . ...,• •• •. . • ~ • ,:, ' • • - - . . . . . .. • . - - -- ii:::'.-i. :. • ' .:'. ' ' '- '' " '';• l ` — ' :" -L ' . i";"- r *:-. ,-5 .;..a - i"? - _ , T.ii';.L , 52. 1 -.. , !;.... - .: - ..1' '''.'; ''' I. '- • • , -'- ' ':"'' .'" ,', . -- .., , t..-:...1. - .:,;,, - ..,. :,'• '• 7- , • ' .! - -.,-'.- i- .- ~.. 7.• i.. '. ...-....,:::: 2 . ,'.1 . •:'.' .v.• . : - ....f.:. ~ ..f-f, .. - , . - u... = . w - *■ txapted; Kind *• KdOtlieU) 'll/ HULESAM OEOCKEB ANP PBOBPCE DKALERS— If' N 0 .27 Wooa «treot,Plttabargfa. • -■■■■ i - [myffl Smltb & Sinclair, 'll rHOLESALE GitOCBKS,. AND, OOM3HBSIDN MKR : f f .• CHANTS— Coring- and. F&st eta. .. . , Xoot3' -■-I - Isaac, w miamii. - . ' MEECHANTTAXIOK— No, 12 EmUifeililjtteeti between ■Hirt and Eocond ptrocto. :-,r~ [apfcy B. A.FaluseßtoclE & Co>» "lITH'OLESALE DRUG tint and YV Wood streets, 1 and fcorper Wood and gry*v . [febv ■ “ Jamei C. Watt. • . MERCHANT TAIUJR—No. SfiMarket stroet,betwoon SocoadandThird, Pittsburgh, Pa» : ' ■ :WUlland:JU» GoxaiilTt MHOLESALK GROCER, DEALER MS VRODUOB AND JPETTBBURGH MANUFACTURES, Wo. 281 Liberty gtrcet, iUreeUyjOppMltfl lfotcl, Pittsburgh, Pa. [jy2B--y ■ Cooley iftliairdi i ■■ " T~- TyTERCUANT TA3XOIU? gtroet, sdAtod door from iVA Water., Will ktept»nsUatly on honua well selected lot of Clothing.- • fmarl&y WUliamOlenn, T- of Third and Wood streets, aboVe* A) O.IL -Kay, where ho is prepared to db every dcscriptioff of-Bnlingana Binaing. [dcc2 £ • "■■ Johnm-Mcilor. Thomas SI. Little, TTTrATCn AND .CLOCK MAKER—Fifth street, between . TV .Wood and Jlarkctrtrects, opposite Iren City QoteL Ail kinds of-. Jewelry made and repaired. [ap&Jy , * • • •.’ Paul & ainrdock, /COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANS, AND. STEAMBOAT AGENTS—No.-? Water streot, Cincinnati, Ohio. [aplttf Bemxet’a TV/fONOCURQMATIC DEPOSITORY—'So. 73 Third street lLxjL; Till nTMay—Now PaiotlngarTbe Garden ofGethse tnano; Tbo Cemetery of Scutari. ' tnyatf W* w. Sl’Clnre, 00 USE, SIGN* AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTER—Corner . Mood and Fifth.strata, under Patricia & Friend's Bro fceroffice, Pittsburgh, Pa. . raarSfcly 0.1). CUKiUf18.....U.,..\. -..TU08. cciaciss. Cummins & Ga, [TpORWARDINO A COMMISSION MERCHANTS—Wheat J? City Block, Massillon, Ohio. fjalv3:*lysS 7 . G* W7~Taylor7"T T TVfO. 121 Second street—Negotiator of 53fiYid*, Mortgages, d.' Time BHIjl, andStnets. Also, PtttaburgLMimufactarev SLnil Merchandise, always on hand, or procured at short no tice. J aprliiy > A ITORNEY AT LFVV Office, fcourth street, between nXjL Sipßßfioid and Oront. < References—C. Ihmsea, W. AT. WUaon, and JTKnigbt A Brother. jy2ffcy SOAP AND CANDLE MAN V K ACT U KKR—OorneT Foun tain and Seventh streets. Persona wanting anything in that line wtU do well to coll, as I am determined to sell a* chimp as any other person In the rity. . [sepfty iwmuH xnixK, Phils..-..; ....wiMuciinsoN, Pittsburgh. > Miller A lUclcetaon, rrxrHOLESALB GROCERS, IMI*OUTKKS OF BRANDIES, •f Y Wines and fcogare—No*. 172 and 174, corner of Irwin and Liberty struct*, Pittsburgh. Iron, Nails, Cotton Yana, constantly on hand- Jy2B ; /. B. Sheriff," FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND -Jl Dealer in all kindsof Western Produce and Pittsburgh Manufactures—No. 110 Market rtrfct, Ktuburgh. He will fprompOy jittend to all to bU can>. a.li. vuxiuts- -.i-.jouar uaft, /a. i J. D< Willtaas Cth* »IXTHOLE3AU2 AND iIfTTAIL FAMILY UUOCFJIS, AND : f V Forwarding and Merchants, Dealers in Country Produce and Kttsburgb Manufacture*—W ood dour doors aboTe Fifth, mart tea*cis axu.vrs, 40u» iutoL&, owxaa, ; Pittsburgh. Maryland. • lltlahurgh. i Sellera, Nicola d; Co,, PRODUCE axe GENERAL OOMMIBSIDN MERCHANTS, No. 3U9 Liberty street, Pittsburgh, pa. ; Sperm, Unreed and lord Oils. J>23 ESPIXITFCXLY' infcmns his frWiadi« and the pubUr in 'JLV general, that ha lias <»fon£d the hoiu>e tbnnrrly occupl -od by h. bhejiard, in W wht>n> hr U prepanG to accommodate traveller* ami persons going out from tbr dty. . dec2Shtt fi. T* C.'Morgaa, Bookseller and stationer—iuu* always on hand a general assortment of School, Miscrllanmu* ami Blank Books,.Piiatinc, Post and Cap Paper, Whokwal* and Re tail, No. 104 Wood strwl, beluw Fifth. East suir, PUtsborgb. i tgLWantwL Rags and Tanners apliciy joupifKiir, PASIIION ABLE MERCHANT TAJ UW—No. 273 Überty street. Pittsburgh, (one door Inlow IlotelJ— -Is now rocH.'jving from tho hast a handsome axaurtment of /Cloths, Cuwimcns* and 1 Vestings, wldrh will t&> made to or iUcr In tbo shortest uotlci‘, and cl the iowext prirrr— FOR ;CABH. o47df ;i. a. sxxazxtr - a. s. HAflxrr. I; Kennedy & Uailettf , irCTTBOLESALK AND retail dealer# in watches, { f f Jeweirr. Silrer W uro, Fancy and Variety (Joocljh Bae ; Sfceta, Comb*, 4c.—No. 04 Market street, between Fifth atreet ■and lhe Diamond. (bucnrcKm to Kinsey A Knox.) Clock*, ‘Watches and Jewelry neatly repaired. enyltd i 8. Sl'Kialey, ? TTOUSE, siay. asj> ounamuntal paintur. axd » ra Dealer in Paints —No. 44 M. Clsir *trtx»t, Ifttsburgli. filar constantly on hand all kin«la of Paints, oftlutr dry or >mlxcd, Japan und Copal \arnbh, Lin**"! Oil. lWlcd Ojl, tSplrfU Turpentine, Wiudow Gin** of all sires, Patty, Paint {Brushes, Ac; all of the best quality, and for tale at rvasona [bla prices. _ R'pU li C, Mathews; " il A T No. 16 Fifth, Third door from Market street—Mann factures to order the best quality cf OKXThESIEN’S tHUlflTd. Ttuvo puJitlfincn wlio hs»«« found U dltftrull to i (Obtain a wtll’fiUiivf uni Uwrouyhl y mod* shirt, can tip suited i!by calling and leaving their mnasiircv * AI/SO—On hand, a iargv quantity of He.tdv Mode Shirts, ; rof all slice, for Men and Hoys. jcB ) It. Tut»ur &. Brother*, nr-UPOffnatH AND DHALKIId J.N FRENCH BRANDIES, ■ i_ WINES, warranted pure; and ejccnaliugly low pri* cee, for cash. Also, in bottles, rery Arc old Lliojqpaijftip Wine, Jenny Lind, Heklriek and I>xyjra.6tive lirond*; pure old Brandies; old Port, Sherry, Madeira -and Juice Wines. _AU Lhpiors and Wlnesnt this eaiahHahmcnt, will be found of asuptifcr quality. L. TUTEDB &BB OTHERS, ao2t;2m No. TCSnUthCcld street. yrjL A HESACBo..' Herron & Crtstwell, TJELL AND BRAiiS FOUNDERS—Manufacturers of oil Is kinds of Brass work. Engine, Plum* hen, kcA also, Cotton Batting msmlEMUirers. Foundry on Rebecca street, Allegheny City—Office, comer of Market and Fifth Btrects, Pittsburgh. . Old Braes and Cbppor taken 1 in exchange for work, or cash paid. Orders left at the Foundry or Office will be punctually attended to. foHfcly ' W. it Wallace. Looking glass and brush factory—no, 120 i;‘W6b«X street, above FUth, Keeps constantly' otf hand and manufactarestd order; every description' of Mahogany’ and GQt Framo&Loofclng Glasses; also, looking glass plates, by 4 the box or single , plate. Pictures and Portraits named ,with, neatness and' despatch, A full assortment of Brushes io'hh&Bd and made to order, of theliest material. Together 1 with a bouse fumlsh}ng goods, Wholesale or retail, jto suit pftrchaWs,iATnlacadpriccs, , fpMftfija ’ [™ William TroviUO, “ "‘ • ‘ ‘ * IT-T NDERTAKEIL-^Fifth. street, immediately opposite the i V 2 Theatre; respectfully intern* his friends and thepub* i Itegenerell y, that'he has resumed his busings as s Furnish* [lng undertaker. Heis supplied with, and always keeps on >band, Coffins of all dies and kinds, Shrouds, and ail other iart&les necessaryoh such occasions. | Silver Plates, lee Boxes, and Leaden Coffins, will bo snp .plied, in order. A fine Hearse and Carriage always ready to fettendfoneralrt.-... J~ ... ... «cp2ft?y' ! ' , J. J.GiUespie, ; “ rVro.7oWood street. Pittsburgh—Manufacturer of Look* jjjvj togGiasseSyandWholesaleDoalcrirfOombsond-Vario* jty Goods, offere toihle customers and the public ampstfeoih* pjete assortment of Goods in his line, suitable to the spring | Being extensively dngngedf In the manufacture of every {variety of Looking Glosses, he is enabled' to' offer Induce ment* to purchaser?, equal to any boose in the Union. jWlfttf -- • -•-:? •' ■•••••• | Henry Demmler, r iTIyfANDFAGrBRER Ok TIN, COPPER- AND SHEET IRON UXL WARE; Kxsiza lirvilotJSß Fumomx llari>ware JNo- ISO liberty JHstfburgh—Keep* always on hand a ;largo assortment of Tin end Copper Want, Ac., boat quality, vsrhich ho wUI cell at vcry ioy pricss fjpr.pash, wholesale and {retail. ...... • i : : i Oountry merchants ore invited to caR his stagd..? . 1 All Job Work In the above busings; also:'Spouting, and jßooffiing Houses, win be promptly attended to & moderate [prices. . - ; Tnovlfl No. 50 Third at, norlO James LoWry, Jr;, AND BEDSTEAD MANUFACTURER—No. 204 |V> Fcttennau’s. Bow, liberty street, has on band a huge •stock of Choirs and Bedsteads of every description, mode of khp best materials, which he will sell lower than articles of {the same quality eon bo sold in. the city. 110 would call par* #cular attention to his large stock of Mahogany and Walnut and Bedsteads, which ho will sell at greatly reduced prices. Akoi.-Tnming *if evgry description executed in the ;neatest.mkhncf."Orilars left at the Wofe noonifl, or at the •Mill, corner of Adams and Liberty streets, will be promptly to, • . j .. ", Jamet M^Ulngert jH/rONONGAHELA PLANING MILL-Would respectfully tfjjv intom his Wends and the public, that his new estab* ilishmont is how in Dill operation, and that heta prepared to fnrnlah Boat Cabins,-and fill all ontes for Planed Lumber, ? WithTOTinptneSß, and at the lowest rates. ; : And ; Pl&hkf Fuelled on : bne or both sides, constantly ter ■ f Sash, D6ors, and Mouldings, of every description, made to -ted -Carpenters would find It to their advantage to rive him aeaH.ashe e»n now furnish them with planed B. Boxa & Co„ _ -T-HTTEEUItaHIJJATIIEa DBfOT—NO.IM Wood utroot— ■' P haw rcoelrci i VaH supply off took (a their line. Bal. by any one house WptttfTmrgh'.; All of .»hldt.TO sro pre ipiiSf to ieU ;, tp:T®Cin4ptositl^stoK | *t *b c : WettoiSraiarelaßtoiringcor la-, tocaU#a d sexamftiß,'befbrt whew, ~ | : . . . . PUBLISHED DAII/V BY, HARPER & PHILLIPS,. AT TEE ‘‘POST BUILDINGS, ’> CORNEB/qP FIFIB A!RD WOOD STREETS, AT $6,00 PEE ANNUM, OE $5,00 WHEN PAID STBICtLT IN AUVANCB. BUSINESS CARDS tcheson, G7.V#/Arbiit bino't t ‘ BUSINESS- CARDS. j Fexm«ri HoUiilan & Arihor. ]\TTHOLKSALE (3ROCHES MEE. ♦tt " yo.9QB«XKi-Btfect T Ngw'york. fmar2Q:ly* L CnANTfi, lynrßotffim toil 1 .uLKSALK 4>£A£KA. Jji'TrfnrniingB, Notloa« r £ T and.Yarietr QooiJ%-2f0.-61-Wood utroet, between Third Fomrft, .PlHabaTgh* vi'n*;,t j c ;r: —' • «Jp4 i- . I. W. Chadwick, T\EALERINRAG3AND PAPKB, No. 149 Wool Street, iLA Pittsburgh. The highest price in cash paid tor rags. 1 mylly •■ • ■■•■- v v • ■ * t Card* TT LEE, (sDCcxsaon to Murtut * La,) WOOL DEAL jLX. Efi AKDCOiIIiUSSION salo Of American Woolen Goods, No. 139 Liberty street (my 4 ■ ■ - Iftaiiell & Johniton, TtA rIiOLESALE GROCERS, COMMISSIOMrERCIUNTS, >YY and dealer* la Produoe and Pittaburgh Maanfrcture*, 13.9 WatcrandlfiSFrontstreet,Pittsburgh, Pa. myl7 1 tTXTHOLESALB AND retail: DKALEB in Blank and fYV School Books, Paper and Stationery, La. 63 Wood Streefc(botwupnThlra and Fourth,) Pittsburgh, Pa. frnrg) frmßr'M'ciiXxoynn—jokx i sfcuuDuaß. ! Hem*y BPCnllonch A Coi, tYTTHOLESALE GROCERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS* i Y Y ..and Dealer* in, all kinds of Produce corner of Penn and Irwin Httsburgh.' *-■ ‘ * - . , : mayfi p.n. j.j. nennao. Sliltenberger «fe Co<, fTJIORWABDING- AND OOSIMIBSION’ MERCHANTS, and ; dealer* in all kinds of Western Produce Pittsburgh MannfartureyNo. 115 Front street, Pittsburgh, pa. [>l2 Loekwood's /CLEVELAND, PITTSBURGH AND MASSILLON EX \j PRESS, Leaves Pittsburgh and Cleveland, Monday*, Wednesdays and Fridays;- BAKER ■'& FORSYTHE, Agta. myT.’ly . ... , ; __ James A* Jonei. . rTTTHOLESALB AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, comer or YY liberty and Ilond streets. A complete assortment pf Drugs, Chemicals and Family Medicines always on band. ;apr2.,, •, ; - ' ,■ • - 1 ' “ a. s. officer. TITANUFACTUREU of all 1 kinds or Trunk‘s- and Packing U.VJL Boxes, DQworth'sPlaning Mill, Grant street, between jSevunth and Eighth. Boxes made and delivered at the shortest notice. (jnfl L. aijons* ...... ...J. LATELY. j* Lareiy A Co., Dealers tn Choice family groceries, Tea*. llcklcs, Fruits, Ac., Ac.—No. 205 liberty street, /north side,) one door below Hand. , my2&y - (LATI CKiBIKS U. lAT,) 'TTpIOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOKSELLERS, Station. Y.Y ers and Paper Dealers, comer of Wood and Third stw, Pittsburgh, Pa. Jy3o 'VTAVAL ARCHITECT.—A few copies of the Shipwright’* LIK -Own Book, or Boat Builder’s G aide-—by O. W. Rodgers, —in two volumes, containing 17 copper plate engraving* of Draft* and Models, for sale cheap, by JygQ KAY k 55 Wood sftpet. A. Tftndte, /SjßgSk WHOLESALE and Retail SADDLE. HARNESS, *g&|BS£TRUNK. VALISE and CARPET BAG manufec . turer, No. lOC Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. ■ A- M i CAET, (fltCCfcSßOb TO BTUAfeT * gilt,) TTrnoujaALuaEocEß. produce axi> ownnssioN T T MERCHANT.—DeoJ» la *ll kind* <£»!&, Seeds Flour, Bacon, Pork, Lard, Butler; Cheese, IvSggfra, £c. fio. 0 BmiUificld street, auSB opposite the Mocongahela House, Pittsburgh. X- caiTTc ...; M...:.-»Jmasiaton. fit. GralT A Co, TITOtODEES’ v>7OX FOVTOmT—No. 124 Wood iliwt, JJX Pittsburgh Pa. Manufactorcr* of Cooking Stores Plain and Fancy Qnlex, Coal and Wood Stoma, u ° Feeders Parlor Stores Sugar Kettles, Sad end Dog Irons Tea “ Platform and Counter Seales Baric Mills : ii' llollcrw Ware, Wagon Itoxcft. to;; fsep" HALL tz SPBES. WHOLESALE ANI> RETAIL FLOW MAMJFACTC- IiERS, corner of Penn •trret and Cecil's alley, (one aqaar* below the Exchange Hotel,) PUUlmrgfa, hare for sal© over one hundred dUTetvm pattern* and size* of PLOWS, of the moot improved kinds, and Rttltahlo for all description* rff soil. Among Ukem will be found the edebratodrfint Preaii um Patent Iron Centre Plow*, tho beat and cheapest to bo bad in the Butted State*; and, alsorSoLoodl and lim Side Cotton and Sugar Plow*; with Plow Point* and Cast ings of every description. KSjf* Mordant* fhoald call ami see, Ivforo purrbasins. *ep2i.u*, from the ttsawrte* of EUvst&er ftodEatry, Rochafer, Nay -¥ccfc~!H*6jr- of them- hurcr- : tic«rtts r tm*.:” BiwefmcnV "of ffniifrtrogn aatMirrttaytSST b* sreo. and dcwrtpUrc Catalogue* obtained, and orders t*- cdrrd by the sQhwribor, Agent for Western PnooivlvaoU. JAMES WAIIDROP, iianrheatrr Nursery. N IL—Mr. UARRY, lYomictor and Author of list* Fruit Ogrden. susad* a* one of the mt*t correct in thy country? *rp23 • floilm inAG nFrUon^ J)l’iTSirCnait FOIrNTDRY--tEaTe removed to their new building* fn Birmingham, near fh« Ferry, Haring all e late improvement* for heavy Work In Furnace*, to, to, with Lathe* ami other machinery, and keeping always the beet qualities of metal, they are prepared to furnish ma chinery, kc~> with pramptaaiu. A* they still the Warehouse on Sndlhfield etrml. on the old premia*, fs2w at So. 1 Wood stn-rt,) pattern* or order* left there will’ve Immediately attended to. Haring assoristed SShn M’f*mough wlftf'ua, the buxines* will hereafter te eoodacted in the name of tollman. (larri tap 4 Co. > HENRY L. HOLLMAN, ABRAHAM GARRISON. *piatf Z' JOHN iTDONOUQU. Co-Partnership. (% TUB subscriber! have formed -_.huij._i rirmi Ujy Cb-Portncrsbip. and will IW the CABINET, FURNITURE anjMlf Smm&m • i ICUAIR MAKING BUSINESS **«®r*^*“«@l the OLD STAND, NO. SI SMITIIFIELD fiTIUSET. under vheflrtn of Irms a Umuu. ' JOHN M. til WIN, •hi JOSEPH UEKTKiiIK. Haring disposed of myjntemrt In tbo firm of Mixta Tisui* a Co., in the Cabinet, Furniture and Chair making business, to IRWIN k SIKKTKIRK, I would most dicer folly recommend and splteU-for them a continuance of pat ronage, bo liberally bestowed on the old firm, an* MINAS TINDLE. J, V L Uela 4s. M’Cnrtljr. NATIONAL FOUNDRY-—No. 2So liberty street, corner of Seventh, Pittsburgh. Tho subscribern hare now on Wand, (hr rale, a largo and general assortment and Cooking Store* ofVorioua iiattema. Hollow Wane of all kinds, Tea Kettles of different sue*, tbul Irons, Dog Irons, Wagon Boxes, Lintels, Sjjla and Arches fiir buildings, Orates, Fend* ors, and CasttiigsJn general, made frost good paUeme, and of tho best nurti*rfi»l the mantel affords. Wo the attention of the public to our new and Improved Parlor Storp, tfco IxjUy franklin, which we can reaommend as neat,' cheap and good. All kinds of Jobbing attended to. Persons wishing castings from pattetnsof their own, would do well to give us a call. Call to see our stock before purchasing elsewhere—we will sell low. 49-Ordcn promptly Attended to, and filled on tho lowest terms. [jy2o] REIB k M’OtIRDY. Sport 1 Sport I Sport t SPORTSMEN, now is tho tlmo for you.to avail yourselves of a Good Gun, of the best makers. Just receired direct from tbo manufactures: 1 dor doable barrel guns, real stub and twist; 2 do # do ’do do fine dn; 0 do* do do do imitation do; 20 do single do do assorted do; ALSO. 50 doz ball* ot wadding, Elcy & Baldwin’*; 40Q canisters and half caaistcra of the best sporting powder; ' 60,000 assorted gun-c Ups, al! kinds; Mdos powder flask* of the latest stales; 20 do shot hags and pouches; 2 do gene bags,-assorted; . 8 do cap primflrs.a6«»to4; , . Toother with ali tbb'trimihtngs necessary to fit out tbo sportsman.: -y* .. We hare on hand and are constantly making our superior Rifles, to which .weTnvita the attention of Sporting men.* All of the above articles for sale at , BOWNA TETLEVS, sepll - ISO Wood st New Supply of Chickerlng’s Ptahoi. ■'■ JUBT RECEIVER, direct grom tbo celebra- jijgg^CT—r tod manufactory of Mr. Chickering, ton, the following NEW SUPPLY of PIANOyW?U jfl U H Two splendid carved Rosewood Plana Fortet,Hruß seven octaves, with all the recent hnprovemetjts mado by Mr. Chickering: ' * ' One Rosewood carved, double round corners, six and three-quarter octaves; Gnb Rosewood, double round corners, full seven octaves; Two Rosewood, doublfl routed comers, six and three quarter octaves; One Rosewood, round corners,-six and a half octaves; Two Rosewood, six octaves, square corners. The above Piano VUrtos are ah manufactured from the best and, most thoroughly, seasoned materials, and ore fully warranted.’ The prices ore. the same as those! charged at the manufac tory lu Boston, and will be sold on tbo usual accommodating terms. JOHN H. MELLOB, ' No. 81 Wood street, Agent for the manufacturer for Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania. ’ jyg I S® ’“?• Kgan’e, Crane's, Klnkaid'fi, (Woods, Peacock’s. Boll's, Improred Ball, fa.. i.flmMe Michigan Double" Ploogh, which fhaa taken the pranlam (rt. the state Fairs of New Vorb. ! sto which I. , "j .WSfey ,!;> JOHNC. PARtjV PITTSBURGH, . J>AaiO. W'Clini. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1852. BANKERS AND} BROKERS A c. a. niMA* * tX&BUV' (SCO., - < BANKRJIS; AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, - fubZfely) JS'o. 05 WuocL Strt& and Ihamorui Alley . O’COHKOB, BBQTJEEB & CO., BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, j\ HALERS In Domertic Foreign Exchange, Time and XJ ■ Bight BUbkColnrUmncrront and Par Fund*, Stock*, Ac. Offlco, corner Wood and Third etfe Pittsburgh. [marl7:lf r wooss, JOHN! , . ... ..:, BANKER AND KXCIU&fcK BROKER, T\EATifcE in Gold, Silver and Buak Notes. Current and i/par funds received on deposits- CoUectionscarcftillv at tended to.. Fourth. Street, cno docp East of- Market, Pitts burgh, l*x ■ fje&ly Domestic and ibreyn £xchance. Bank 2*oUx, Gold and Oliver Bought. Sold ana Ezchh nged, al the exchange and ban ring house op TOUAM A. H32X & CO., &t'TOCl> BTBXIT, MTTSBCMB. ■ allowed on titao deposit*. (aop2B 0. E. ABNOED* CO., BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, T\EaU2R& tn ExtimnfferKXrtn,'Banlc Notes, sigtst sna~ XJ Tlmo Drafts, A&.'Oolieetkm? carefully attended to, and pipODeda remitted.to an; partdfthe-Unioa. : Stocks bonghtaml gold on comtafasDm. : 74 Fourth *t,n«nir ; io Bank of Pitteb’fr. [m33 ■ ’ mu** c0.,~ : • RANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, irep&AMnrtrra. trranrrs. rjIGHT EXCHANOKoathe-Eastern Cities cniwtantly for O sale. Time Bfite.of ExduAge' bd Notes discounted.— Gold/Silirerond Bafik end Boltl. Collections made in all the principal -dtieeofAbfi United States.. parifai rocclrcd of Par and Current Panda. [mar27lj ' uinuutn, c?yAtu> iAiqt£ L noscrcg krajc BANKERS. AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, EUY AM) SELLGoId, Sflrer.ttnd Bank Votes; negotiate Loons on Real Estate or’Stock Secnritfaa; purchase Vromtraaxy Rotes aid Time ; Bill**.on nnd West; buy and sell Stocks oh Oommf wfon. . c- Collections made on &H potato la the Union.- A WUKIHB * CO., BANKERS ASD-EtCEASCK BROKERS, pro. 75 rousts ctfr gHMBC&Qgy WPOQn &ASX or'yrrrsiruMß. TIBA&UBSCBIIXE&t tmtferoov *°d more favorable aospl ces* wil] continue the'EanWc# business and,Stock Bro kerage In the home fi>nnerty occupied by- Utm* Palmer, H&axmA Cfe; sod more recently''& the IRttaburgh Life Id puranceCompany, where bo, wChho pleaded to.sec his old Criend* and cuitomanu ' [jy3j: A. WItKIKS. H.HOLMES&BOHB, BANKERS AND BXCHASOE BROKERS, BATS BSXOVZD TfiXXK' ZJISSESQ ASB'IXCIUXCX omCXJtO SO. G 7 ynyryt mm, KVKUOOSLS BELOW OLD tftASD TLT HOLMES * SONS* Banker* and, Exchange Broken, 1.1 • and Dealers to Notes, ‘praftfc* acid, Sil ver and Bank note*. Kxc&sngeoftutt Eastcmand Wertmr Cities constantly for «d*. Collections made in all tsedUe*:thrcugnQtrf-the United States. Deposit* received in par funds crcurrentpaper, No. Ct Market sitaet, between Third anAgoorth sta. paafely 1 US. 8. .. . .—.THOB. SAXOSST, HOOH & SAB6EHT, BAXKEttS AND EXCHANGE BHOKKRB, h. e. ooßsa of voo* a sbtra b*l, pYrTSßracn, v*. DEALERS In Goto,' Bonk sote&3iflfe BfflJrFarefgn and Domestic Exchange, Certificate* of Deposit, Ac. Exchange on all the principal cities o t the Delon, and £n*- rope, for .aaJe In sum* to suit- pTOchafem. • Current and par fund* received on deposit Collections mado on..ail part* of the Union, at the lowest Talcs. « {acplUy Rework* - . PATEICKB « yWKHD, BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, Havt Removal (heir OfE&ioOteCtrrnrtqf ftylkand Wbadsti. PATRICKS £ FRIEND, Bankera and Exchange Brokers, and Dealer* in Notes, Draft*. Acceptances, uold, Silver and Bank Notes. Exchanges on (ho Eastern and Western Qtka Constantly Ibr sale. Collections made in all the cities throughout the United Stales. Deposits received in par fund* or current jfflper, at the comer of Flflb and Wood Street*. (fhb3 Dissolutions. THE FIKJLOF A. WILKINS A OK, ha* this day been dissolved by mutual consent. The.business vGI be clrv ecd by Thompson Bell, ' A- WILKINS JOHN A- CABGHEY, THOMPSON BELL, BJXL* - J. A. CACGIHT. THOKPSO& BELL ft CO., DAN KIUIS A-ND EXCHANGE UftOKEBS, (uiu or a. wiuuxa a oo,) WILL ctmtinuo the Exchange &od Backing fcnsjncx? «t the otd Hand, comer Third Mad Market wt* fjys EXpHASGE AND 8A5K156 HOUSE. 8. JOHE3 ft CO., Cbran of FTjrtd and Fbvrfh SZrott,' PiUbt{rg\ Dam's. TRILLS OP EXCHANGE nod B$W dlastmled. BUI* of Jj Exchange funushedxm aU-tbqtlffindpnl cities, East, lywtaodSgqth. _ • Eflli of Exchange *l*o faro Wffl* IjT^Tg l ** l ? fnms on 'tefnflSTT, ItiiT TUTtStJ pliKniPffalftvSrotlaail and IwJitrf; also, on Pari*, Bremen, Hamburg and Frankfort. Onllrrtlons made In all porta ofih* State*. OgM, filrcr am) Bank Note* bought e&dtold. Ziepodta leodro] of par am) Current Panda, and fold on nIL Time Dcprwta al*r» reorirfd. ans tntcrcflt allowed. Land IVarruut* patchaMd and'aobi HOTELS &c." Iron City Hotel, L. W. SMITH, Pnonurroa. Fiflh fSrrri, Uturtn TTooi 4 Jtfarlet, Piltitnirgh. GST Oood Stabling attarheO to tbi* Hem*. faprTilj *ucs iicoirs, er. c. coajrnxt. Brown’s flotcl* Clrrntr qf SmiO&eld and Third Street*, Penn'a. DROWN * CONNELLY, faorajnovs. rf ftUachod tc the flow, Western Exchauffc UotelT Jlfrrttf *L, II wV .Spjjrr, tuurfji pppraii/'thr Qmtral , auti fh. Eail Read Dipdt, PnQadetrihia, JOSEPH WAtERMAX; PBorsitrot. 43“ The spiwariher soikiu a share of the tr*Telling potrcmsre, TdXfr—One Dollar per day. Owiton’a Exchange* * kTO. IT ST. CLAUt hlnn* has been ta . ken by tho undersigned, fitted-op in sfcjle, famished vita (ha bad of LIQUOHti, and cren thing the aesaem can aifcrM. An excellent LtfN'Cft every dar, to which aliention U particularly callod. fj&ttlfi) JAMES OWFTOX. FRANKUIi HOUSE, Cleveland, Ohio. I "t PATRICK A SOX, fjtonuTQSL l —This Uauahas nn- U • dcigono thorough and extensive repairs, alterations, and large addition* of new furniture, etc., and the proprie tors pledge themselves that nothing shall be wanting on their part to render tho Krasxu* a place where all the com fort* of a first class hotel can be found. Jy*-tf C. PATRICK t SON ■° St. Charlei, Hotel, Ojmtr of Wood and Third gbrttlx , Pituburoh. f¥nn'a WILLIAM 8. CAMPBELL. Paopmcroa. fine establishment haring come into the h«»*u c f » 1 new Proprietor. offers great tndueementa to'-the travel ling community, and alao to regular boardent-HCrerT deli cacy and luxury whl be provided in It? season, and « Q paia* will, be spared to make this Hotel a ooafortabio'&QSK to all wlio may call [mylfotf] W. S. CA’SHMIELVProp’r. Grant House, \ Cbmtr of Fimrth and Grunt tttzeU, Pdlsburbb, Pbns'a. THE SUBSCRIBER has leased tho large and well known HOTEL, (late Lamartine House) at the comer erf Fourth and Grant streets which ba£ been repaired andhewly fitted up in all Us apartments, so as togtora large ahd more al occummodatiun to travellers and boardcrSv liis lazdbr will be stored with the most choice viands th-> afford, and his bar furnished With the best Hewoutd re spectfully solicit a shore of public patronage. marl ft . B. EERRK WUklna Hall, ' Fburih street, near Smithfieldy. piUsbttrgh, Ptnn'a, JOHN WALKER takes pleasure in announcing to his friends and the public that he has taken the above splen did establishment, and after considerable expense has it a delightful place of resort lie is perfectly prepared to scree up at tha shortest notice every delicacy 'which may temgUhe appetite of tbe cpicuro or the' fancy of the most Dinner will be in readiness every day at 1 o'clock, for any number of person*,,commencing ttys day, June 21at Par ties can bo aocommodated Supper In the most recherche manner. he-ibund there in their eoason. In short, tho Jproprie toxin tends that no expense or trouble shall he spared to make this already popular House the best in the .Western country. Je23:ly - St. Clair Hbtrt; (fOBSUBIT TBS' EXCnABQn) i . , Comer of Jknn and St Clair, PiUibwgh. srriUlS spacious, central, and conveniently located HOTEL, i _L hating been completely remodelled and thoroughly re paired and improved; and Is now open for tho accommoda tion of the public. The subscriber, lessee and proprietor of the St. Clair Hotel respectfully informs his friends and the public, that he has furnished it In the most elegant and comfortable style, and employed competent, assistants and attentive and fhithful mtvants, and that he trill sparo no exertion to ft equal to any house in tfed country, Tiio well known central location of the House, nnd nience of its rpmloring it the must desirable either to travelers or permanent boarders, induces him to solicit and hope for a liberal share of patronage. apr22 v, O. W. BENNETT. W overt y Home, Diamend Alley, near Wood street, Pittsburgh, Penn'a. WILLIAM G. GALLAGHER, Pxonarroß. -gn. Thi. Fashionable and. popular /gs /• —\ RESTAURANT hss recently been (OVQ I qA fitteduplnagtyleofelegance Un-- N^j*|^# r ' BQ> comer/Of st and fire proofi., W© hand «s4SS^2sfl ! ; ~f^' .•/ { , '~'r i Wood & Grant, X \ GROCEKS, and Dealers in Teas, Coffee, f V Indigo, Ac., Ao.-90 Front street, A EW YORK. Western Merchants visiting New York, are respect fully Invited to give as e calL • : Au2s*.ly MINER A STEVENS, CABEIAGE MAKERS, No* 308 Broads* 1 tfy t r V - ASIY YORK. ■■ Qur Carriages are mmln in this City, under our ovrn tuparislon. tm27:6m i ai^TBOPO BROADWAY, NEWYORK, THE Metropolitan-will be completed »nrt opened for the rocoptlon otcampanv, September the IsL Price of board, Two Dollars per day. euia ».* SIMEON LELAST> A CO n Proprietor*. D. W. CANFIf£d (fc fowler, SHIRT .MANUFACTORY < A2fD« GENTLEMEN'S OUT FITTING STORE, Ao. 3G9 Broadway, (near Warren street,) NEW YORK. Stocks, Shirts, Bosoms and Col ters, made to order, at short notice, trxrn»nt.»rj to ft an2T:ly« 1 ' HEIEI BaU.,. WH. BLACK .mcxTYrr? MOSBOZ. t BjILL, BLACK ACO/, M(auccßBSoßa to habguand & c 0.,) ANUFACTURER3 AND IMPORTERS OF SILVER AJVD 'PLATED fyiAJZE, Diavunujk, Whtch&y e/ry, dse„ (Sign of the Golden Eagle.) 94-7 Bloai>w.at, NEW iORK, Rooth corner of Murray 'street, opposite the City UiU - an27^m« Fall and Winter Goods I -^ T JU rESCILAyTS ’ TAILOR 3 AND CLOTHIEES. O UFUB E. TAYLOR A CO., 59 SlaiDtfl l.tvt, Vnng. SX The undersigned are new offering- an entire new and choice stock of Goods, adapted to MEN’S WEAR, cbnsfstine of CLOTHS, CASSIMKRfIS, VESTINGS, BEAVER and Pl-. LOT CUXTHS, TRIMMINGS, Iwn, with, every description of seasonable Goods, adapted to the trade, to which they Invite the attention of their mends and dealers generally Those wbovisb to procure the latest styW at tho lowest prices, can findthea by calling upon us. RUFUS E. TAYLOR & CO, 52 Malden Lane, N. Y. au24:3m v Cheapest Printing Cards & Card Sheets IK THE ENTIRE tsiTEP STATES, AT NO. 4, BEADS STREET. N 7. TUE subscriber has had fifteen years experience in the m&noldctun of Printing Cbrds, and In commencing business Ibr himself, haring ©Tery facility of the most im proved machinery, and being a practical, workman, intends to pursue a cash business and sell lower than any other manufacturer in the country. All cards of his manufacture are warranted to print well, orders will ho sent hr express, Quh.on delivery of Good*. Jail -particulars and samples can be obtained by addre&*lnir,- per iaaiL' K. W. ROBY, - i 4 Rcadestreot, Xcw Tort Sep7:6md PIAHO rOBXES FROM HEW SCALES, J# P Warner Co., . - AIX-. BROADWAY,' NEW-YOBK* . ,' . BEG to-invite public attention to their stock of ROSEWOOD PIANO FORTES, just 1/71 from their NEW AND M * I f* GREATLY IMPROVED SCALES. These ioiWiXMiita embrace sozae point* of excellence entirely; orf ghul, and not to be fixrnd in unvoihen tn&T» in th« Doited State*, *nch, Sbx- example, a* sundry to atari rd improrements, in the Scales, tbeGlobalar Socketed Tubular Bars, Ac. They are maaeaf the'Tory best materials and’by the ablest workmen to bo touhdln the country; arc warranted in all respects*and arospidon fiiTorable terms. .Second-hand Pi anos taken in exchange. . . • c . * . 9Sf" Warerooms, 411 Broadway,ycW-York. sep2l ; 3iu ‘ FLORENCE HOTEL. xo. 400 bboadwat; "n&fttork. r | 'HP proprietor of this wdl known Hotel, sitnsted en JL tfioeonaei of Broadway and Walker streets, hare thar oiighly renovated and partially re-famUhed It, aw. now prepared to offer the traveling community upon the moat favorable terms and in the best style. Xhe House bdngcondacted op the European plan, has the mast elegant and spacious Saloon in the United Stated to- with rome thirty private eating zooms attached, where individuals, families, or parties, can be famished with meals at any hoar of the day or evening. , Tbo House is centrally located, and vifchla forty yards of the New Bailroad Depot, where the porters of the House an always in constant attendance. Passengers arriving in New York can immediately walk to the House, deliver their checks at the ofßw>»V Victoria Mills Celebrated Writing Paper*. Kassel] Mills Superior u m Qenessw ÜBls Superior Printing «» Ravdns A-Son*’ English.Tiara* M Oauxn A Co.** English and Scotch Writing Papers They are also Agents for the Principal Paper Mannlactu rew is this country, and offer far sale by far the ex tends* and dcsirahle stork of Paper and Paper Maanfoein. rert’ materia ie that css be found in this or anr other coon try. They occupy the large and commodious Warehouses, Nd H Oilf street. No. 68 Cliff street, So. W Beckman toot, aitd th« tofts onrr the largo Iron Stores, 7 and 9 Cliff street. Their business Is strictly Wholesale, and Writinir Panera aw sold by the Case (tnly. •• * Their extraordinary farilliica enable them to offer all Goods, both Foreign and Domestic, at the lowert possible *- • Pap& made to order, any site cr weight. Liberal adran ces mado on consignment! of Paper. !*aper Makers’.Stock and other merchandize. •_ Th» highest mnrlet price paid in CASH fbr nil'tlaiitir' s f|£ aprtSay I "IANAR\ • SEED—IO bos Canary Seedfor gait by V/ J. LATELY - A CO, Tea DcAlcra and Groeci TOUGH A ANTHONY have removed their DAGUERRE XX AN BOOMS, from Burke’* BaUdlng, to Eaton'# Bond ing,' over the Young Men** Library, -where they ■win bo hap py to #w thdr old patron* and friend#. - apr7-tf AN applitsGon will be made at the next session of the Legislature, for the charter of a Bank, with* capital of Three, Hundred Thousand Dollars, to be located at Pitts burgh, and called the u Western Bank ofTermsylvania.” Harriaburg Union will please copy In Weekly toner. fJoS&Oa * - Hayneb COTTON AIU4LS. — 8 UferrAmurj, Ao. 149 First and 120 Second PiUsburah. M Warner! Park A Co., ANUPApTUKERS OF Ihimw A No. 1 heavy 4—t Sheeting? ; i ,n do do do Shambraj 1 do, all color*: | Dyed Cirpot Chain, of all color* and shades; * Cotton Twine, white and variegated colors; Do Yarns, Batting, CandlewJck, Ac. gopa.-d*wOm GREAT REDUCTION OR PRICES! CHARLES A. MOORE, No. 110 Wood street, offers for Prices, all kinds of BRUSHES and VARIETY GOODS, lie manufactures and has on hand,'a large and excellent assortment of strong end Troll made Paint, Sweeping, Scrubbing, Blacking, Hair. Nail, and Cloth BRUSHES, tnado of the beat material, and ijdaptcdfbr um In this or any other market He would also invito >&&> tentian to his Flat and other - TARNISH BRUSHES and BLENDERS, which be La determined to sell at from SO to 25 per cent, cheaper than they can be purchased elsewhere. Painters and others wanting Brushes, are Invited to dall and oxamlno bis articles and prices. ? ALSO—LookingGlassea, picture Flames, Clocks, niea, Pocketßooka, and all other articles generally herd Car saleto Variety Btorea. All of wMch helsdcterndnodto sell atthe lowest price for cash. Remember, MOORE’S, MO Wood street, next door to : Paris’ Auction Store. sep23 ' Pudder & Ford. MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN MANCHESTER HINERAL PAIHT, AUisHonr, an xa. - „ , , ’ NkwYoAx, December 15J185L I hare analysed a sample of MANCHESTER MINERAL PAINT, fisr PtnmiK a Form, and flail tt to contain the fol lowing: Silica,— Alumina, .Per Oxide of 1r0n,—.... .Lime, Magnesia,....,. ... bT Manganese, - Water oou Loss, r 100.00 The Powdered Bsmple, contained in the box, which I rap* peso wasthe one yon desired also to'ha.ve analysed, 1 find to differ from any average of the lamps powdered. mix ed togethor. This last yields as follows: * PcrOxide of 1r0n,......., * ' : BU1» and I4me,.— Magnesia, Water and Loss,. 100,40 This difference I presume arises from the aot'bo ing unl&rm, some portions containing more Iron tt™™ otb era. The analysis shows the article to fcb -well suited for a durable paint. I find that by calcining the .powder bra. pretty high heat,' the color is much Improved, or a* least converted into a fine rod. AMES E. CHILTON, JL D-Chemist Sale by JOEL MOHLEE, 211 Llljerty street marlfcly ■ josspb Lipmcxrn. —..... _ „ ,wv r _ w.** HPPJSCOTT dfc BARKT “ M(UTa r. h. BTBxciiEß a oou) - ■ - SAPES. Second Street, between Wood and Smithfield—On Tuesday afternoon, Jnjy 25,1845;the undersfcned wcreSd and to tost of onjof tbdr Phoenix Safer. The fn mace-be ids prepared, the Sale iraa placed inside thereof toh-Books.’ papers and aomo money; aSien the door'of the SafoWriS eeJtd the fire> Mndtai £ oJI'ISS.S" rofflrtenv The (hraace war thmmSS 22Sw%^k 4, fc !n f the books, papeSmd- Mto “dtolft&bnua mounungs. • We thcrefisra take- pleasure la reeomfiundln* tothe public, as tKing.imour judgment, entirely, “tep™ l ,J Alt VIS A Tg.Rnp : v ,'NOCK A-lIAWBQK, ; COBNWALL A/BBOTHEB, • tBBANKOS A jnUTCiPEB,- BESEMCT Ar'CABTEB, ' ISAAC CROMIE, ■■■"'■ a '■■ ■*' .v-V' V NEW YORK; Notice* •H 8,00 'Z<: c-5 J ; • .‘llUfcxz-: i-i -r& r'.C • i ' *, * ; -'i T \ f ;<* - - :•' c? ;£r»V&W K.+.: jk*" *’ * * V..V.a V’.-- -• V- y •• •'• 4 , PHILADELPHIA. L-_- l - * A, H. CtATPOOXiE, W JioCn! ASJD SHOE MANUTAO i.'' M *9"Y Jburt/* next door to >hg Merchant’ Hotel, PHILADELPHIA. an2fc3m* ‘ _ DAVID COOPfig; r'IOMMILSION MERCHANT, far the sale of FIPIL P2(V U 'VISIONS, Ac., IV o. 0-IVbKA HW*«, PHILADKL Pul A. Agent Exprc« Une Botgon Picfcgta. na2fcy* I JON* PATTERSON, j£J MPOBTER AND DEALER IN' LIQUOR* S; No. 35 North Sccoxn stuxt, PIULf- DgLPBIA. an2?iy MOUNT VERNON HOUSE, £F<7OiVZ> NZ, ASOFff ABCfiT, FMLAVZLPBU, M ABN OLD iB.K SMITH, Proprietor*. 4Eg» Term, One Dollar per Pay. mgjy* F. OSTHEIM, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN BRANDIES, CIN; WINES, tfc~, Bft Booth -FBtrsr step?. (comer-of Wnl fiut,) PHILADELPHIA. X aa27jy - JAMES B. FIDLBR. T\EALEB IS WATCHES, JEWELRYV SILVER WARE, XJ No 19 Sotdh Second tirtd, PHILADELPHIA. N. B.—VVotchuu tuid- Jewelry carefolrr "repaired, os ibe* shortestnotice.' • . • .. ■; ‘ . au27:3j* Thomms C. Garrett & Co.; . IMPORTERS of-fine TVATOHEStmd PLATED WAKE,- and Manufacturers of' SILVER WARE and JEWELRY,. i 1535 3: CHESTNUT ST., PirTL.AT)y.r. < PiTTA J are prepared to sellnttbo very, lowest prices, at- which’Goods. UitiKdclins pi9 advertized. an26dy GEORGE A JA3IES BESNERR ” v FfTKINE AND. LIQUOR MERCHANTS, No. 117 Noam TT SECOSD BTRtET, PHILADELPHIA, have constantly on'Uand,'French' Broodies, Holland Gin, and general sqrtment of FOREIGN. WINES. Also, all ktmi« of Amerf. can-gplrlte, Ac! '• - • ~ r * f z ■ I. B. jmnraiTL: SHOBER, BUNTING 4o vV West aide, PHILADELPHIA. Uttmd Shaded, for Stored *nd windows, painted to order, Also, Hoed Buff Ae,v v ;. ; , Ll .? :-T? 2>-•.; 7; i N.JLp-Sash Shatters and Doors, constantly on. h*i»nd and taatla to order. ;>• i-.c-y. ' .V--7 •--£ *: ••• .-iu2T:4m - : AiiLlßONE>fc.TP.\Trg. 16 NORTH WHARVES AND 39 NORTH WATER ST-.' ;; 1 f ! philadelfbiA) .T . ; . ....... vv , M Cc *» 1 ScfciUof TarpckiinV; ' J r - : ; Rosin; * Alcohol;. ! Dialling Fluid; -Pine OQ? - f i .v.;/. : &a27:Cm „ * ■ .. . SpcrmJTFhale A Tannery OIL bHiSLZ3 ff. EOWXETi. v KOWIEf Fmjr’iiEr 3 £-*raau , general commission mekchanis,, { &SJ> viIQL£3SLB,Dtu£SS IX ' _NATA.L STOBBS A3fD'-TAKNgR3 OILS, ' ? rto ,*^ e *»r -/ PHH< ADKLPHIA. on hand, iaarket prices- ‘* ' / BaakOH; ~- .TannersOfl; • . Soapßosin; ; : Straits Ofl; Paint OH; Soda Ash. ' ' £&*■ Oerndgmaents of Western PmductßoßdtaL ■ , au2J;Sin*. i MADISON HOUSE, f : KOS. 37 4JH>39 NOSXU -SEOONB BSL : ' : i - (ABOTZ habtet snzaA . . FH2JLAJJELP,HL£ •• rpulS popular House is admired? aUuatod'fcrtieronye-' 1 meoce of persons traTCliageiUjerOTiinsioesso^tleafr xm, being near the New Jork and Baltimore tam Eras! within a short distance of £ha Post OSce and Exchange, where alt different Lines of. Onmibueseajrtart. going to-all carta of the eity, 3. OXTESKiBKTProprteS^- < an27;flm Late of Baltimore,Md* and-Gnanust*, 0- > WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CLOCK SouiA Hut Comar r>f SecoTui aoid Chezbivt'*****!, yxrUE&Bmuy he found,ana of , TT sortmentA of Clocks u«llta Pieces in thoEnited States. In quantities to snit parehaser% of fioth•»'sliude Clockioone Uyuaqd-.Qocks embracing ererr variety of gtylo and manufacture, salable.- far Churches Halls, C6un-' ,tIOgHoUSCS. ITOi»W«'r»- Hearn sMChuirßoatiohdßAilxoad canC : PenHoUeraand Pencils, and a raxlcty of Fanir Good* ” Thnsowishtairto pnrchasewiH find ittathulrSStttto can, before pnrehasing elsewhere. JAMTa anani ■ B.' E. comer Chesthnt and Second sts, Phil,. r J srsau- lOWI —.Jam s. nowt Jit c 8? J, Hi ROWEi BBOOM AND WOODEN WARE STORE; - As. 11l Xorth Third stmt, Tkm Boon Edom Bate,- Hy-A.WACTPREBS.nd YFhniesSScSm iffitefls IJL of Brooms, Bruibes, Burkets,Cedar Ware, Wfflew and y«ieh WaU Broshora* Scrubs, Busters,' r&st*, Blacking, Bastonvwada Wooden Ware; Of SS** ***«»* *0 $OO nests Waah.T»V,- ’ . • 500 nests Willow Baskets. ***** P ° rtgl , jurt entered intoth* above busk ?& ta ka this mode oC^allWth* attention of Country Merchants and others, te-thelr-new « Bn^_.F, Xttern *Tl* 1 ? 0 ’ lf r Reality of material—as, we ■?Wbiw? T< ? nDt^obo^ sl ‘ 111 maieriaL Ldluein;:. in parti consists of pur-aasortanunts-i ■ .-.. ■ I 'MthtP* Lamp Serous; Ladles; Castor Vrame* ■ Bed ,Rmj; Tumbters; vuaens-iHtli-iidsi CoifrePott anilSt SS? 3 5?’ rIj ; S®S“ Cowls; Cream Cups; Beer ilea*. “S’ £™“ Hoppers; Candlesticks; Spoons, of aH siies. - AVe will be happy to recei T o ordersfbrsamnles. hernsn -.e • OOT places of business. No. 109 RACE ST, nr QUARKV ST, abose Second, PHILADELPHIA • . ? . KUAJUtIi d c Monlda, Syringes, Surrtcal I ostraments, Ac, at. his old: place of business No. 100 RACE ST, Philadelphia, to which I waul'd call the special attention of Candle' JJanufic. tlircra. [audfelhn] JOHN CALVEitr.ET, , »naSAa ' -:. ■ - TO THE TBA.VEUHGtFVBLIC. ' First Clnss Hotel—Terms. Sli&OFer Dis. rpiffi mtoiw, toting A t ' B ''-N®XINHOC3K, Chestnut street, bct-econ Third “* PmtADtaj-HIA, and taring rednoaFtho p . rice .? t fior wninim€diatelji*peeiiciw „'-v. ! The Pacldng Is eUdonelntli*'Store, and Famitur© tThmate4 U> carry.safely- any.dftta&ce, 'Tlateri-teEhii*, idelphUare respectfully invited', as purchasers or otherwise, ‘f ' - an2sdjr' ` I. J ' i _.r; A .»I * " . _ , f * T f ~ ~ V * '* ■'- .- *■ - -V ♦ S j -i . v-.:, '•■ •'; '. '.i- ’it"._ » ' •«. •■ •■ -i" i jV/'iSafv-'-K-; ’ ~ t A* B>-TerbD:«Ot j . _ - AM) DEALERIa {r»aspansistnii- JjX dotr Shades, 00.. Goths, Cords, Tassebv Na 33, North Third street, Philadelphia. . . ' aarSftCia ... •:7 "■ •. ■ ••.;; • -/J.’ S,Earlfe , tf ••*—■■•.•■ v ■•• AIDERT OP PAINTINGS,- LOOKING CLASS AND PIC<. ,\JT XTD R K JIIAiLK ’itANCP ACTDBY —Kg' 21G Chcrtnot street, Philadelphia. • jUso, Bcstoriag Palntlcpi. :.(TgarSQd!lß- . wa. aAOAixT...^...v.—...jsg a. cccGam. i■ * ■ f ßsnler, Woodward €o^ ] - 4 •'.•.• i\\f UOLKSaLE. 221-,Marfcet-street, PhO» ;TT dclphia mariP ' PBT£B Ki ZiANPIS* \Vf llOL'paiTrV and KetaiKDealer ln-> l_T T • WADDING, Lmnp-Wlek, 80-Yam, Carded Wool, aznj •• aSsffi 38 - Xarth &a>nd rirerf, pTfITADELPHIA^, -, A. Crooktt & Co>f ’ A-Jpoods, PJbbcmfc Plovers, Feathers, and othe£ SDHFV S O7 da -’yo.'47- *ndA3 Cherttmt street and Rg 66 Booth /■..' Seq3adatgeet,(Weadae,)Phgadclphla.‘..'-:-.-- ImstfOJyv : ~ A?, ■ ■ • - ••■ ...-■ ."v W*™2d*toxy,opposite. MAsfißfcHall, : will j Iheir.'Spring Fashions and-Goods, and - the latesi/stjles £??J>sk ; i ’ er ® sna vlaltig tbettsfr are Inri* : Phfladeiphla^Siareh-23.1850. _ mnSiaiy -„ rf -rT rrj » l | l-vrfptTrr- fifur Booling Jcp.; : 7j-' jj*«; ; -;ir „.. - rinhw, Bodfrtcns«mf dealerycaa bo rap ' pug viw. 5 Al 3D > wtntiug r fi>r.«alo fcy the piece Oryard, at' -': •■»•' ts *‘ - - ♦»* SJUTTZOBR'S -. . s - v • - Fringe.' Oard sjki.Tapael-Store. •. • X. Third-gtteetjffiißadeiphiaLr- "»al&3ni~- : 14C •' Jaane*>B. J Cov, : 1 fDOOK SELLERS AX U rMiXtiyAjCfTC-' :-E>KKS-rSga oftixe Blaiifcjßonfa, Xar2b7 Market » tr^t > aborsilfth, (north sidejPbHafelpliia--Hare always 0&p»-DelBy»3LxTiaiafljid-KQya^ J r>*3g<*r<. Jniimn!*. to#* 7^MewsesT* 22?^ : Copy sad Kooms supplied -wluievery Tara>tT«f Blank BootaandStv ■ J - " t . I- ""'Jj Brown. v» r -.:-? • .! .. -Wii 38 wrrox soaia-, We hare no ItesJtatioa srsasiae it Trill be ctwhi*-” lf ' V or " eTe “' to ' srisb from oar extensive and well select*! MsortomtaT• roods eoastantly oh* t^ni is pr 20 per cent, cheaper than in . . T ICSS * ' MqnStk. Jartfculir': attmCmiipida to Xga... Cams once lad too irin wim» «p.h.. . CatiloguEsOTitaliitoj; oil* of the TdrioM artidMia item’ T may be obtained'at the oEßce of thio joper. . meat of Besdr 3lade ' pssBs»siiis^ mS ,tepeis, mamriadatcd md imports!*brJ^ltoCTJrS^ SSSS? ■ ofSOOCKpi-ecs olYalret; ■’ YraiUaa: and Ipgrsiif cm also be «-' ‘ Zr 7 ,? IS t 7 ar:a ' la *^ na rasap. iothe t’nital bS^Z pSssSggsS!^^^?M*?^^g‘ | -r..-.' ' SSIT AJISI A .W A a E ; -;gSg*. ‘ ' ''' e2wSv,ni TrtOaSpoonsi. • ' S** 0 TeaSpoSuP'- ; . . -Spsarßowli , gpttfeSK* •■'■'' ii * S3 ,BoW -!t'* '' ' ' >~ " - -?•->- IggreafCufay ■ : ; ' - =- , ■ gsto«B4auiniv . ~v CtataSisi -. . I iM§aS* - ■ . •..•• : _.■ 3 ---a-'V':-:'.MttWJ &KEATH, • . j. W’-WWMIH & CO.,}- . - - '■ : ,r?°* ?° Market; Street, BMladeJokle : :■Ji-. -'—jliXh2c&es23 : 4xiijQßataaa?-' * v >i WATCfIES, JEWELRY, te P4xr{iYOOQr>a. MCS MWEST SIA&KEI ; . .g-'sjr;- “ -*£■ - ■ GUt “ oiwn&cedo do do da;.. ’ : EfflJtinsUa ’ ’ . ,_• ■> t ll . s S i “'' Climaoioetars, . j . SSSSSk^sssksm* :, Jlantrt Clocfa: - . Marble «; ■ -~p. Ornaments. Fancy able Bella} - Fans, it, it Atol - - r t.^Bdtumlalffitot:. 3 ", -•-- u i •.,!•. Surer do; German surer Ware: •• : Plated- .’. .... do; . 1 - r , Bne Sable and Bucket Caller?- Aa : wcli aaercry iariety of Waai 'materials, - - Bsiaiasi.*. rnUL-.tfOit & recommended to tie notL of Ja ' i ' ,r filgi;iiid> “ d net -. ■*?}?£ s*F° «**»»«, byrtoleaifeor retail: te of fte oivbi* ar ? v ?® ereil aem to: gnSrS “**■ ' iy ” r ~ • C. YgAOKK-nn t:;: - jSsSISPIpSHS®.~*. ■ vS^S pnu “' s “~ Hor “'; - ! ■ . B R&t Baritone. - h 0« -Centre Baas Homdj - • -F^Cigaa^^ ; : -•• • l - ■•■' •• gtyT^t« &Tq 8 ifegles, of ail tfao di&ieni key* and - The aborv android at SewTarifEricea. sgpg : ~ r 30HX H..STEIXOK, 31 Woodatreet. •- garette Springs note Open. 14 'iixb -highly...attreeaVii .n.f f»*bl7ATl-'KrVft r. PLACE has been ieascd/toectfcer eith the IHTWTE SfKISGS HOTEL,” idruxat thereto, hr theprenrietarcr thq -“figmfttgtnTi Hotel,*, an the y«Mm»lßraul. »fcvtn.. Ry eared the best cooto and the best supplies cf ererT-Jnnd, «iih»aati& Mountain, Seeaeijy in & ■dictate, -witix - - pure dr and ‘pure Tntt£s.'- ! 7bo" tamttn -and podCrfe? pxo' pgrttesot these y&tctaLhayebeen tact that they hare nerei fatted‘to con theTworsteaae» of iSemftUa, IhlotxL- . . .-i „ ' : v BTiffES‘jt3?l>’2A^S r 'riU*rrfra'itiafrleste t2tflsteaa>'• boat! . drire«3f firapGr ta the 6pj±ogs,-iWEr_Bii, crallart c frf f Vmt hag-gw dkhrnei*iWmagfr rif~ 'the richest and mqgt.drilghtfttt- agricoitraai. regfeagJa the •-■ - - Jeoantry tdUxitontoTO # , »jd.th£n'dgiittri2eafarther,orci ,( ' |the fteotitt dopes end tscfz imitj'fjJlehdid rieirf of the great western ratter* with allifci . jrjdtyTßriaptffltatoftaatittftJ adeaefyr- . ? In4hor^ill3;cj7nsdenUj\belleTed^thattherei»Cß3»#^r-, ;lng p&e* in the gtroojer atthutfacatg .those eeeiaaf. UKALjU.AXTL than: the* Sfrfpgiy* ioA ifaa mrf«»wagTtwrf jx rerj certain they caa _ . I Tft> fr*p?