|HB&SS@'igS& w?i ■ #:?.- *m- : %i%v asp?y it-;-; >»#*•. :: v •'■?* x-s* "'it" - : •, :« ! > u v. * , : ' *> > * .** - -V * .'• ,',‘i ,-;;’ ' -, , , r ■ *V••--:■ W.v.iwr?-*. ■• •*:• W' v.V'.mV-' '”;' .-;• ” * 'r/.;;.-;.: * . &??' -Vv;\-.~v,;- L ' *\' ‘ % ta r l* ‘s-*V • '; /■' " , r , **.**' * i ''r t ’ J ’’V - • ■ ~ , ■/ ■ '• • V . ' . - ■-<„£**? mmsm . • ■ - : -.■■■-. --, -, Vh’ * 11111*111 • • » 1 I "■' I I ■■« " 1 " ' II mtmmm—mmmmmvmmmmmmmmvmmmmmmL-z J. . * ~ ■*, ./ • THE CITY POST. TELEGRAPHIC. COMMERCIAL POSTJ auction saUes. 1 miscellaneous. foe sale and to let. *1 ;: y^sffe#*%v r S WEDNESDAY By the O'Bailly lines fa the ’ ! I" t *. DEMOCRATIC COOli'iY TIOKKr " EUROPEANNEWS. ” ASSofftotof b -yiNM|AB-35 this.BelftapureCid|nlnMore. mmmmiricga roOMA3 MO%&j| l* ' s f V ' ? ABBVALofTOK CANADA. ^ ihM3 ’ °“““ I * nB,1!nt “« y «W CiV Tho *reamer Canola arrlral to ! h .!! saying tT> IBBTO.S-New F»U ami «inter stylw, by tbo carton or apSiT Sh '’ rt AW^an'pfn^iV.SFi 7 $„,. ; . s'* ,/' - V&**Wt§&-dtf The AtUntettrrivod at LSrorpoolon tho 15th ' p. McKEOTA, , , o pic SMttH & SIKCUIR. h?trtroct. pSwesslin, pi™on thMst nT/^fi • „*' ' ' oa th ? 14th, Df ar, appo Brito® to tho Erinripol C.ty McrgnntP. lj? < jaco tf Cllls, n!g^jSj f 4?ftsffig*-' ' f -• . ''’ • - -..:, ; .V;;, ¥; f-n->- SMI Sllfl ife SsSiSHk.* u&'Vs §i§i ml Sr/ ..ofer 4o2 , -.•• -7-ocorgavii,o4..# 0 , • . ..- -...-: ~....-.,"...,..... , . 1 ... h ., • - 4'-1` 7. .e.4-•'' y - " , • rt...,,,4•F1fts 4,110 . 4 2 . - " , -4• .....• ::.',/ . ~,..; ~ "t•ti• • 4 . X::k. , gfit '''...'''' .. ' 4 ~. '''s4; n `:t.l . ~ .ry.'z• • r. , ~.jo . I i ' ;.v.-.• .'. ide. ,i,., • .)i '- '... ‘'. i j', Al - 4.. ..' , 'Vki , .1%) ro S cffImBSSMWWTT-nßffl WSTMCT, PC sStNNOS, Pittsburgh. >da SSCOShhISTBCT, ; . - JAMKS A OtBSOV, Pine Township fOa stam sew atob, JOHN BARTON;. Pittsburgh, roB-ASancBLT, KjcMUKL FLEMINO, PttWmegb, aTj. OIUBBEN, Wttrturgh, ■ - GEORfIS F. QILMOItK, iAWTCneevUle, SAMUEL McKEE, Birmingham, J. C. STEW.AKT, Plum IWnshJp. ~ • ■■■ ■-■• :. BHEBIFVy :• CHARLES KENT, Pittsburgh. cocorr ooaoussuoam^ JACOB TOMER, Fittflburgh. CCmOffEJL . JACOB McOOLUHtER, Pittsburgh. AcntroE, STEPHEN WOOD, pEOrno^oTAnt, EDWARD MoCORKLB, Indiana Township. ASaOOATK JUDOK. FATRIQK McKENNA, Fittaburgh. DEMOCRATIC TOWNSHIP KEETXNGS. - The Democratic County Committee of Correspondence have •fixed upon the following places at which to hold, TowirsniP. : Hs&nxoapriori# theiftafeelection: • • • . 'Atßhousctown. on Wednesday/ Scptembor 291 b, at 2)^ -. o'clock p. M t • r, > At Clinton on ThursdayyScptembcr 30th, at P. M. At Nobles to wn on Friday, October Ist, at 2o T clocfcP. 51.: v- AtCTUkinsburgbjon Saturday, October 2d, at 7 o’clock, '’P. M. At: PefoyaVnld Monday,- Octo • bor 4tb 3 at 2 o'clock/P. 51: - .. . ; At Btewaitstown, Staler township, on Monday evening, October 4th, at 7 o’clock, P. M. - • - - • At “Rftat Liberty, Tuesday, October SUx, at 7 o'clock, P. M. At Ewing’s- Mills, Robinson township, Wednesday, Octo ber 6th, at 2 o’clock, P. M. At Snee’s, Jefferson township, Thursday, October 7th, at 2 o'clock, P. M. At iTDonald’s, (at the creek,) Chartien township, Friday, October Bth, at 2 o'clock, P. H. AtTemperoncaviUo. Lower Sinclair township, Friday eve ning 1 , October Bth, at 7 o’clock, P. M. At Lawrenocville, Saturday,Octobor9th, at 7 o’clock,P. M. At Manchester, Saturday, October 9th, at 7 o’clock, P. M. DAY® CAMPBELL, Chairman. Convention in Semocratio ’Westmoreland! JSS- Tho Democrat? of Allegheny County, tor rcqnratea to meet in WILKINS HALL, on THURSDAY EVKNINO, 30th instant, atlo’clock, to make arrangements to attend the Convention tobe held IaQBJSEh’SBURG,. THURSDAY, thoTthof October. The OLD GUARD, that stood by Old Hickory, and others,that prefer sound priori plea In govern ment, arc expected; , . £sep26] ; DEMOCRACY. . . Pole Raistot*-There will be a Democratic Pole Raising at. Deer Crek Lock, Indiana township, on Wednesday, October 6, at 3 o’clock, P.M. - sep2Sfctd Iliorat ljspo«AstDscz3iosisrߣScp&m(ECo7UV.~lnthe Supremo Court, on*Monday, Mr. Justice OtßSox read the fol lowing opinion in the case of the New York and- Erie Rail road. It -is of much interest to-our farmers and railroad companies; The case was on action brought by the plaintiff . In error, to recover the value of a cow belonging to him,: - which, was run over by a train of cars in the New York and -Erießailroad,- Judge Gibson’s remarks relative to the Court briow.&re as ylbilowßi- The charge waa accurate in its outline, but not In its de tails. Aa-haa already been said,- there was no evidence of -negUgeneo on the part of. defendant;, yet the.: existence - of it was left to the jury as a debatcable..matter...ln ' another part be -even took tho foct for'granted. .“Tbc • > slmplo tori,” ho gaifl) 1 * of permitting, fdr u limited time, the , easily and cboaply by railroad, intend exhibiting their . priaearticles at curfcur. If oar citizens only do their duty, 1 ■l /■'.* wefcavonottarof the result- The following n» the tulc s by which the fair wlUbogoycrnVdi I : • • .« > BUIES.' 'I All the member* of and all who shall become member* previous toortft the Fair, will be furnished with badges, which will admit tho person and his family..under the ago of-twenty-ono years, to the Exhibition, during , the 1 contiimaaco of the Fair. Tickets to admit a slngiu person, ■ ten cents. . | ■ AH exhibitors at the Fair, must beeomo members of the Society, and h&vothelr animals or articles entennlst the 1 traslneas office* beforotaklng them Into tho enclosure.. ; 1 • -- All tharewholotendtocompctofortkeprcmluinjiat the I Fate, should lmve their animals and articles on the ground, j iirilhout fa&j on or before Tuesdajytbe sth of October, at 9 1 o'clock in the morning, so that :lucy may be arranged > \.-v '■^i : -^, f; ‘\^--^^'j:-'^->^'\:-'. '' : " ; ; t : ,V'i‘^- ;\V/AvtT..V ; :V.’'' wkOT&?# : ’’ *siir ll»j»s»li&»l«iEgiipji»s«a^ HpK&m Razikoad accident occurrcdon the or flu Ohio and Benn’A niof oy which one man was killed Awnttww dangerously, if .netmortally, wounded.' Qeotge John Mur. phy, Innakmen .on the freight; train,-were the names of the unfortunate persons. They were standing on top .of the cstßj looking .behind, when betwecn.Baden ynd Freedom the t*Mn ran under a bridge, and they were both struck on tho .teck by the. bridge. - tYUllams was instantly killed,. and Mnxphy ao badly injured that ho cannot survive. : The body of Williams was brought to the cifcy yestenlay afternoon.—- : Both.of the unlbrtunato men wore unmarried. They been repeatedly warned by .pcnons connected with the.road against looking back while they were on the top of the-cars, but they did. not heed tho warning; hence the sad accident. Rule or Oobbi.—ln the Supreme Court, on Jlanday, the fblTowlng actlon was taken; Trustees of Bingham vs. James TT. Guthrie, Rule to show cmise why, £O4 Argued by Foster fog plaintiffs, and by Hcpbprn and tYilliams for defendant. And now, on tho argument of tho role, tt appcariQg to the court that the judgment of - the aifirmanco was entered by order of-a single: Judge Invocation, and the same by aamo Judge in vacation, was ordered to be struck out, It Is there fore considered that there is as yet no judgment in the case. and that the record la stiilin this Court, and therefore the rule was unnecessary and la Lewis difr seating. Tho cause was then taken up on its merits, and by Purriance and Foster for plaintiffs, and Hepburn and Williams for Defendant TaovEtt AS& Coxyxssiosr—Mary Ann Llghtcap mode an information before Alderman Mdjor,-yesterday, charglug a woman.named Mary Chroxdstcr,-with forcibly taking pos session of a trunk, belonging to her, which contained numo Tpits articles of dotMng, of the valno of S2S. The dUficolty was settled by tho defendant giring up the trunk, and. paying the costs. Margaret Bothwcll mado a like cmplalnt before tho same Alderman. She charged Catharine Sibren, with taking pos session of clothing, which did not belong to her*. The case was settled lathe same manner Admttu), —On Monday the following gentlemen were ad mitted to practice law In the Supremo Court of Pcnus) Iva. nhu A. B. Richmond. K*q., of Meadvdle, Po-, on motion of Da* vfcl Derickson, Esq. Matthew Taylor, Esq., of Erie, onmoUonof the Hon. Gny lord Church S. Newton Pettis, Esq., of Mcodville, on motion of the Hon James Thompson. . Georgo tnUiomson, on motion or the lion. Gaylord Church. Laucekt.—John Dickson, committed a few days since for the larceny of a Coat from a man named MKce* at the Half Moon Hotel, bad another commitment lodged Bgalnst him yretcrday r by the .Mayor, for tho larceny of a carpet bag, which contained articles Over a hundred dollars In value, Tho carpet lag which was. found in. Dickson’s possession when he was arrested for stealing the coat,, belonged to a lady residing in SL Louis, named Louise Vbchesus, who sta ted that It was taken from her at Leech’s warehouMyla this dty, about three weeks ago. • DskocitATio Mecrnffl.—At a meeting of the Democracy of Indiana township, held on Saturday Last, it was resolved to have a Pole Raining at “ Deer Creek Lock,” on Wednesday, October 6th, at 3 o’clock* P» M* •' ' ' • \ . A rcsolntion inviting Cels. Black and Gibson. John Barton and Jacob WhitescU, Esqs., to attend ike'miring, was also -adopted. . Staoe Accident. —One of the coaches convoying passen gers from . Beatty’s Station to Groonsburg,. on tlio Central BoUroad, was overturned on Sundaynlgbt about ten o'clock. A man named P. A-Acklcman had his arm broken, amt .several of the othorpassengers slightly injured. -AcE^owLEoauEST.—The oDkiors of the Pittsburgh Infir- hereby, tender their-rioccrc thanks to-the Allegheny County Horticultural Society for their handsome and. very acceptable donation of vegetable*!. Wc would call the uttentiou of our readers to the aalo of : splendid-foreign prints and engravings, *at Gray’s store, cor ner of 4th and Market street, this evening at 9 o'clock, by W.o.McCartney, Auctioneer. : • • 3fjrs liKtmAScs.—3adge MeFariand, eff Hohdayaburg, •whose death occurred on Monday last, hod on insurance on hi» Ufcfor ss.ooo, in tho American Life and Health Compa ny, of which Dougi&as & GRrica are agents, in thi.> «ty. 'y?E wouid. remiad our readers .of! ,<)f. clothing, plollL l *, cuvunercs, cassincts, on this morning at 10 o', clock, at the store of H. Chifnell, No. livj, Wood street. - Cdxsrnucv^—&>th: Herbert■. was fully committed, by the. Mayor, yesteniAy, for conspiracy to break jail.. This lathe; person cliftTiwd with cndearorlng to release Jewell. Assault■ akd• Battcet.—Georpu-Boobyer was held to bail yesterday, by ; Aideriaaa. for an ailed assault ami battery on Susannah Dully.-. . r . DEATfTS.—Xho deatba la this city during the past week amounted to fifteen—of which numlitr right were under ten years of age. ' -• • • .’Susa* Di?ax was greeted with an overflowing, house on Monday night, pp the occasion of her benefit. •. / : •. :. Bhell Oyateta t—Received DAILY, at “OUR HOUSE,”: by Adams k Co.’s Express. sephlm a - pI*LE&--£0 bbls choice just rac'd nnd for sale by . A. J. StITAKT. r| vlMOTttlSKlil)--Aamali.ioi of prime, just reed -&i J, for leiie by . : A. J. STUART. SUUAK— tfo hhd* fair. to prism N. U. fcir sale by (sqp2&] •-■SU A WATERMAN A SONS. fIALL 8033 ET A. A. Mahon & OVhave just opetmd W cartims Fall jlopncfKibbtmsi woplO MISSES AND’ CUHJHIKN'S, SHOES.—Puiidiaacra of these Good* should not forget thntW.K. Suikeetz, 117 Market street, baa the: largest and best assortment to he fouudln the clty. . . ; v ...-•■■• : /■l UiNNJ’V UAOS—hKio C lmxhpl ha{!i<, Ixi ftore aud for \JC sale by A. J. STUART, opposite Utrufitf, . femithfiold AtreoL • CWpPfclS —•£& bac* prism? grrpsi KfolXitTee* / 40 pocket* bc*i Old Government Java; In store and to arrive, for «»le by •*: s- L, S. WATKRSIAN & SONS. No#. 80 nml hi Water. nod t)2 Fi rpt SUJNI>UIfSS^3&O '2soboxesr ' - : . liWdcysComUrbcim.*? ,r •' - 2ft Jos Bags: r>o Imlus No 1 unci 2 Ratting; 30 Impi* I’criper: .5 do Aikpfre; .. .2 Mils CIoy«?«: 1. do Nnfmep*; . - f.O doz Ucavrr Buckets; and for sale by • re p£2 KIXQ A MOORHEAP. SUNpltlKS —1 hlid bot quality. Umbra Mmldcr; . .. Ivcroon best quality Corscau! Indigo; . lObblsAlum; boxes extract togwood; 25 • do Chocolate; • 20 bhla Lorcrrag’s Crushed mu! Ihilr’d Bogan 2boxes do Double Uellnwlboof .do; . . 1bblCloros; • bbl Nutmegs; do.mots Cassia; 10 boxes No.l Ginger; 12 do Mustard; If* do Ground Pepper; &. do do AlsplCe; . 0 cases Groaud Cinnamon; - For solo by X. B.'WATKIIMAN A SONS.: Qfin DAUS IUO 'COf’FJBtS? OUU I '-30 bogs Laguayrn Coffee; - 10 tivrccs Rice; 40 half chest? choice Young Hyson Teas; ••••16 • do' • Imperial Tea;. 10 do GnopowdcrTea; ■v* "0 boxes assorted brands Tobacco; • •: 20 bblsNo 1 Herring; • * 20 half bbls No 3 Mackerel? ■.-•■ v. 60 bbls No. 3 largo : do;. ■. 10 bbls Tanners’Oil; • Together with o general assortment of Groceries and Pittsburgh manufacture*.. Abo, a -choice stock of. Liquors, foreign and Domestic, consisting of-Wines, Brandies and su* perior old Byo Monongohela Whiskey. Fot sale by , . IIENKY M’CULUMJGH A corner of Penn and Irwin sts. /*1 RUCKRIKS, *C. \J 100 bags prime Rio Coffee;- - 25 do" do Laguayra; . *2O hhde prime Now Orleans Sugar; 20 Lbls Refined uo; : lp hhd* New York Syrup ; ' CO bbft aud half, bbls New York Syrup; • 6QLolf chests Green amlßlack Toon; . • 75 catty boxes do do; 200 kegs Blasting and Rlflo Powder; 150 doz superior Cora Brooms; 30 boxes Clothes Pinß* . 25 doz patent Zinc Woßb Boards; 80 boxes Rosin and Palm Soap; 30 do Pease Starch; . • 20 :do Sperm anifitar-Candles;: <- 20 do jCbocolato and Cocoa; i • 6 do Babbitt's Yeast Powder;, [■:■;• 10 do Farina and Cora Starch; i 20 do Almond, Toilet and Sbaviog Soaps; I : 1 casc.BordoauxPruous, ia jars;- ■. sbblaSmyrna;- do;- • 5 do • do . Rsislns; \ ! 6boxes GenoeCitron;; : 5 fraiUValentla Almonds; . 60boxes 1 lb, fo, &’s, o’s, and B’s Tobacco; | 25 do Scalodlferring; • , I • For sale by • J> D, & .C 0.,. I m{)22 " ■ ‘ 122 Wood street. BxtenilTe ArrlTol of FALL AND WINTEX DRV GOODS! B ' GREGG & CO., No. DT> nmtlhvreatcorncr of Wood # street and Diamond alley, Importers. and Wholesale: Dealers in DRY GOODS and VARIETIES, arc just opening on entire new ond complete stock of Dry Goods and Vatic*, ties. These Goods bare been selected with great care, by one Of the mostbxpericnccd men in the city, which, for stylo, Variety, and cheapness, cannot be surpassed by. any house w*t of the mountains; Oar stock consists in part of— * French and English Broad Cloths; , Ca&itaotcSi Saunctta, Tweeds and Jeans; , - Fancy Prints, In great misty; ;; -. ; : Brown and Bleached Muslins; . Satin, Velvet, Worsted and Cotton To3tings; * i Fre?h Scotch and Domestic Ginghams; , Irish Linens and Table Diaper; i - '£ro«-nand Bleached Drillings; - [ Alpacas, Delaines, Merinos, *c.; ‘Woolen and Canton Flannels; Drawers, Under Shirts and Pea Jackets; CteckSjTweodsandlUckoiys; Hosiery and Gloria, a taigo assortment; Ribbons, Laces and Edging*; Cambric and Mull MusJinS; Veils, Collars and Cuffs; . Dress Silk, and Silk Handkerchiefs; I . -c, Rocket and Table Cutlery* of our own importation; I ■ Combs, Thrrads, Buttons, 4c. ! In connection with tho above, we.: harp just reorivcd,.dk i rect from the manufadamB, a very large essortment of 1 Gold and Gilt JEWELRYv-Gold and ©aver WATCHES, 1 Gold, ftwii Silver Pens and Fondlo, Ladles’, and Gents Gold : I Pins, Eight Day and Thirty Hoar Clocks, of all kinds; Pacr I fumeryjDrugs. tnournew fttock—tho half of which bns I sot been enumerated.Wo would Invito the particular ntr . 1 tenUonof city and countrymerchants, Podlars aud.MiUJ- I'ncrs, as they may rest assured wa will make it au object 1 worthy or their call I D. GREGG & CO. rf/; 'nS v-S* *aNh? ; - tho defence: of Caha, wa® launched in the Thames ’ The Bank of Rnglnud has declared a ini-annual dividend of per cent. .Louis Napoleon has commenced "hia journey,- - ; . filoop.of.wnr Bainbridgo was at Madeira on the 4th; ’ difficulty between England nnd Turkey has been ad justed. *• . • • • •• .. The arrival of the Indian mail has bean telegraphed W -news. Tho Marquis Lnoto»n<>w Dube of-Weningtorubas arrived from Ctetend. Thofuncral of the late Duke will, be a na tional affair. ' Tho IUU of November is fixed for tlio meeting of par liament :: : Thephip Windsor Castle, 140 guns was launched at Ply mouth,: in Urn presence of .20,000 spectators. - • The Intrigues of Sir Henry Uulwor in Italy have caused the Austrian government anxiotj. •■,. The garrisons atFlorenccandEoiognaaro to be reinforced. The Democratic MaxElal Commlttees of Tuscany antl the Roman States havo been formally united. . -.Grcst damage has boon. done, by tho recent eruption of Etnario the vineyards ; The difficulty .botweon England and -Turkoy respecting the attach oathe frigatoModesto hasbeen adjusted. ■•••■ . Lord Onaham is appointedliterary oxecutor of the Duke .of Wellington. I'rinco Albert, tho Duke of Cambridge, Lord, Fitzroy and Somerset, are already named oS the Dnko’s suc cessor. * ; The London Morning *llorald is authorised it> announce. for uiainfonnation of the pnblie, thatthennnexatibnof the whole oT tho Peruvian Island, Including Lobos, to the main • land, v The government of. Pern ha»: permanently "forafied Ixts Afduro, and none but vessels under contract with the Peruvian government will be allowed to loaj guano All vessels anchoring in tho roadsteads of the island will be con* disrated* .and if guanos be on board, the Captain -and'Crew will bo proceeded against for robbery . . The English papers publish Nova Scotian petition to the Queen on the Fishery question. The subject has, hove pit. lost interest. ; The projected Telegraph to America via Ireland, Ah, has received ft further impetus. The exclusive right from the ;Danish- government to .Labrador, has been obtained by Messrs, Harrison sailed for Australia on the 7th • Therois a great scarcity of silver coin in-" England, Awing to the exportation to Australia. The new palace to be built for the Queen at Balmoral,«111 cost £lOO.OOO. Pugin, the architect, Is . Tho harvest was gorferally over, and fulfilled tho expecta tions of; plenty. A : petition was -rircutailhg dir Paris, among” the poorer- Vdasses* to tho Senate,'for the re-establishment of anemplre. In reply to the address In fovor of an Imperial rrffme. the President has made -the significant reply, that when thogen* oral interest is at stake ho will try to anticipate public oplu*. ion,.but that ho follows it in o ewe-which may appear- per sonal. • ■ . . The CouslUulionel, In nn article on tho French Steam Nn* vy, assumes the probability ofA successful inyhskm. of En gland. The Paris Patria and Press indulge in remarks deprecato ry of the Duke of Wellington's habits, and give a biography without.other comment Tbe Ooustltutioncd praises him.— Qthera merely mention Ms decease. - . There is no truth lu the reported free trade treaty between Fr&uce a&4 England. . \ Bpais.—Five Madrid papers have ceased' to appear, the publishers being imprisouttl. COMMERCIAL INTELLIGENCE. ; - V LIVERPOOL, Sept. 18. Oottoo...Tlio news received by the Canada had a favorable effect, and caused a speculative demand. Tho intelligence by.the Atlantic .hail, however, a depressing effect and chirk ed transactions. Since then a moderate bußineiw hasbeen doing at former rates, except .for -New Orleans middling, wfilcm bos advanced l*l6d. - The sales of.; the week reached; 40,850 bales. ■ Near Orleans Orleans midriliuc ; Up .land middling demand from the trade has Ixsm moderate. The soles to speculators were 17,U0 Ikilcs, and to exporters SOU) bales. .„ Corn MarUet...Wcfitcrn Cit)al : Flour Ohio 21s, Corn.;. Yellow 28s Cd, white do 295, FBOM HAVANA. AimiVAL OF THE STEAMER CRESCENT CITY; j “• v (CkUßtEsio.sVS. C, September 27. i The Havana paper? are filled with long ood scurrilous j 'diatribes- against the American government, pcoplo : and | press.. : So strictly Is the -espionago obcertod that two Eng-' j ilsh officers attached to ailritish steamer, who, during a | walk* had pointed to fortifications iu sight, were arrested i and imprlsopc-d on suspicion of being FiUibttslers taking ob- ] nervation*. The: British Consul procured their immediate ; -release.': Mr.' Moreland the acting .’American Consul cannot .receive a eingie newspaper.' The pilot of the Black Warrior;, .who left hero for hi* home at Key-West, hud alt the New Orleans papersWhicb he was taking to his finally seized at Ha vanx ; Tim. baggage of passengers is 'strictly Overhauled for papers, and. sometimes private loiters are read. This oc curred with Copt, bhfclder. of New Orleans, whose letter bag wo* examined. • A secret police, officer. Is placed on every American vessel entering Hftvaoa, buf not on veselea of other nations. Ibn French bng Ovarte, commander Polxal, arrived at Havana on the* IBtb, in rixUvu day* from Porto Bella. Hu haft offered hi* fcn'icer, to thu Capialn General, in cace of : Eoglish national • ye«eljs . are looked for every day. ready to perform rdmllaroffices. The Dianu tauroa that lt is already tletcnniuikl to replace the Pizorroby. another, vessel, of equal size and force, which will arrive in lcs*.than.throe mouths. . -Sickness prevails InCuba ton great extent. It U wjxiried that five of those miuccU\l with the revo lutionary journal, will L* paroled, aud tkn remolniiT ixn* pti*«oncd yearn Lu Spain; . . Thoabovc eiiibradag every thing 'interesting, is from the oomspondeuce •of the New Orleans ayune and Crescent City> of the ISth and l'Jth; SdUIHEtt.V NEWS. lUijixiobe, bept. *B. TUexn&U Is through from XW Orleans. : c •■■■; The I’lcayunehtw Tampico news U> ttavlStb inst. Efcry* thing hi quick - . • 'Y : ■. ■TbeMexican war stearaer CWy-of. Mexico,and fhoslbopof war.Puohla, are iu port. , • : TUo excitement regarding tint usurpation by Cardewvt* of the goveraorpldp in tins btate of TauuUipafl, utßi continues. One third of the LegidinUm l , widely.to beeultrely subservient to the will of Girdenas, liava lysnod a decree conferring qu the Go vornorwhstevetpo wer* may bo required to repress the revoliitUmary>pint' at TampicoY If the Gov ernor consider* It npeefjßary-to employ Don Antonia CahaU'S In thejuatter. the necessary license is conferred upon him.. The AyontamtoLs hnd prepared, ca a la- c t jrowrt, an appeal to ties General Gongrvsa to declare the election of Cardenas null and void. ■ Preparations arc making at Now Orleans to give Mr. Soule a public diuuer on his return from the North. : CaL Eaklu. another elector on the Websterticket, has.doat was injured for;$8,000. ’ . The river la receding slowly; w pother clear and warm,— No cliange in the market, Then) arc 26 Inches water in tho Illinois river. Tbo Missouri is falling, with scant three fret .oh'the-hars. RAILROAD ACCIDENT. Chabustov (8* C~) September 2s. An engine, on the Goontfa Railroad, ran off tbo track, on the 22d instant, -near Chickamaogo creeks Two dromon, were killed, and the engineer badly rcaldcd.. The passen ger* were unhurt. . There were five death* from yellow fever, during 2d hours, up to noon yesterday, _______ THE GREAT INDIA RUBBER CASK. TOESToif, (N. J.,) September2B. Tho United States Circuit Court, opened to bear the opin« lon ia tho case of Goodyear t*. Day. The Court aworded the injunction prayed for by Goodyear... DEATH OF BISHOP CHASE . • Alsam'.N. Y., Sept,2B. . Bishop Cha»\ preridiog Bishop of the Episcopal church, died in this city, from the injuries received by being thrown from-acoacheoroo timerinca.- . ; TELEGEAPH MAEKETB, New York; Sept. 25.- . G0tt0n...500 bales firm nt unaltered prices, F10ur...11,600 bblfl Stale.at $4,37; Southern, $4,60(w4,82. Grain—lo,4oo. ■bush Wheat, westerut red, white, Gcncssco slj* 08, ocUvp; bO,OOO bum Corn til; Ryo «0@75. 200 bhls Mesa Pork at slB;tprlmo do, $lO, doll. Sales 200. bblfl . Beef, uuchangcd.. • Sales 250 bbls lurd at huger... 200 bxs"Muscovado, at market.iirm, .% higher. Coffi»«.soo hags lUo, Bl- iJethcr with an afpottraent of rich plush E>lk Velvet LtlrU marc anil plain Silk Ventings, w h lvh r. rep ro u o unc e J .by e; 1 who have seen than, to he much tho boat yarliity men’s wear in this dtr.. .. - . ——l . ft-RHAT -RKIITTCTIOM OF fBICES! /-IUAKUiS A. MOOBK, Km 110 "«xl SlI L/ sale, at unusually low prices, all kinds of BUBSUKSanu VARIETV GOODS. Ho manufactures and to lig and oacollont assortment of strong mid rrcll Tuau Mit, Sweeping, Scrubbing, Black.og noir bnll u'j'l Cloth BUUSHBS, mode of tho bwt material, ond^P'jf use In this orany olhor market. He.would sdao gwe “ teution to his Slat and oUior VABhISU BBUSUSB anu lIuSdeUS, which ho (s determined to • porci-nt. cheaper than be pnrohasjd PalhterHand otUprs wanting orp Invited to^alitthp examln6blBftrticleHaudprtfpB. • • ALSO—Looking Glasses. Pjcturo Frames, Clocks, Port Mon ntiss. Pocket Books, and all other articles . kept for ttloin to rci?. Allpr which he la doterminedto sell at tho loWßStprJce for cosh; ;. . : . ' • 4)S'Rem“mbe» , ,MOnßE’P, k!0 Wood street, next .door to, Davia’ Auction Store, «p 23 OFncx op-tub Danr Moßjrrro Post. > Wednesday, September 23,1852. j . ASHES—SaIes coniltmo to bo made in small lota to man afacturera at previous rates; for Soda3@3*£' pearls are in active, prices range from as In^^quautity.-: w GJI(XJERIE3—There Ls a fair demand for Sugar, -Molasses and Coffee in smoll lots, to tho trode—-tho market Is pretty -firm. Wo quote safes of Sugar .at by-the-hhd:Mo*' lasses Coffee 10@10)4, OILS—We continue to quote No. 1 Lard Oil at 85@90; No. % 75@$0; Linseed Oil 70@75 -- demand yesterilayvas moderate and less firm. Wohavesalesofthefoilowinglots; lOObbl? from store at $3,65j 63 bbls. from first hand at: ; bbls do, $3,58; 2Sbbb,s3,s6,fromßtores.-- Sales by the dray; load at $5,70@3,85. BRICK—Sales of 3000 Bolivar at $3; BACON— Weuotice sales of-2000 lbs Shoulders at 9 p 8000 do, 8%; 4 tierces sugar cured Hams at 14. v ' Tho demand Is active and prices woU.maiu talned. We note sales In lota of ISO bbls at 20@21; • • BUTTER—The demand for. shipping has Improved; tho stock and supply-oome forward slowly. Wo notice a sale of I4kogs at I4c;vlbblroU afrlG,;. : TOBACCO—SaIes of 20 kegs, G twist, at 4 months. •: APPLES—SaIes of 20 bbla at $1,62. WHITE LEAD—Sales kegs at sljuB, cash. HAY—Sales of 31 loads at slo@l2. 2 teet 2 ntottra water jra the channel j AKIIIVED. Steamer Atlantic, Parkinson Brownsville), “ Baltic, Sennet, Brownurillo “ Thomas Shriver, Bailey, West New ton “ Michigan, No 2, Boies Bearer *• Genesee, Sine-lair, M’Keesport. DKPARTKD, SU'amor Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville. “ Balth, Bcnnot, BrawnsTille. “ Thomas Shrlvor, BaUcy, Most Newton “ Michigan, No 2, Boies, Beaver < Sinclair, M’Kce^port. <• .7 B Gordon, Ytuiderjrrirc, Wheeling u T P Kay, Gaskill, Wheeling “ (ilohc, W ntklns, W heeling. “ Huron M'MUlan, St Loma Wednesday Packet for Cincinnati* r Msa* : Tiibuow andfost running steamer CINCIN* 1 *Jl=:-CQ*i- SIIOHS—Gan be L found in great variety, ofr W. 12. SCliitEliTZ’, m|>27 /- : .''.'..ii;.'--'.:- /; 117 Market street. T/Tl/fClUiFft—'Tomato,. Uulunt and MuehrooD, wepmsai IV by IV. Underwood A Co., Bastou, amt for sale Iv . . gcp2S . J. LAVFLY A CO.. 205 LiWrtv sL MACKERKIj— 100 bbl« No aiarxje; ■■*•••■■' oft balf bbls . . dot For «=:ale r by BCIJIO SMITH & sfecLAlfl." t jflf Y • BW*S -\. C- arrive, and for sale by IUU TAAFKE, MAGUIRE A BANE, T .Aep22'. ' . : ; 112 Second street. OATiWKK) jusf roc'datid forsalt^by - A, J. STUART, No. GSmithlteld fttatfL J AVA 4O to 50 ft*, each UM Uov ernment Java Coffee, ju*t received and for ralo at the eep,S VERIN TEA BTORik 38 Fifth st T\AfV DDLS PieOUR. (fresh.).just icc’dioDd^ioraaleby OUU ' A-J. STUART, .vC c:Smlthfleld street, - *ep22' - 'V, -' opposite theMoaongnbela House. eU^FEE— 200 bags f*lr to prime Rio Coffee; 25 do prhne'Java :do; \ • Arriving and for sole by . - • »ep22 . lONG A BIOOUIIEAD. CtARPETS.— W. BTOlntock buiuw rocidvmg and opening / hifidTdlrtodcof ne.tr.and .rich, stylo Carpeting, at the Warehouse. No. 86 Fo«tUj Rtroct, to which wo lnvlio tho at tention of those wishing to furnish steamboats or lluuaes. • '*epS -. /, f4>i’isViusk Sk'pt. 28. LOTUS! (JLOTII3I—A. A. Maso.s* & Co., have just V/ opened 30 .cases fine French, English and Amerlcoji Broad Clotfok OEMTUri colors. Also, 15 eases plain and feney Casslmeres. „ J "• 1 ■ ■ arplO T ABIES' UADIT CM/l’lL—A* A.Maso.v & Co. bavo ju*t JLj Tocuived 60 pieees One French Habit- Cloth*, fplendld colors, suitable and fashionable for ladies’ Cloak*, Sack*, Ac. *cp!6 ..- T kURK TEA, WINE AND BRANDY.—Thoso in want of I tho above can, obtain thorn of. the very best quality, and cheap, too, nt MORRIS’ TEA MART, oast hide of tbo Diamond. >. . -.v LA B IKS 1 aosU It ESS “a N lT" LA C K GAITEKB French Morocco. KnflmcUxl lioskins, and Jenny Lind. Just nwolvcd. Wi 11. bCHMKHTZ, . seplfl ■ - ; 107RInrkctstreet. . IVOR fiALE —Ten area of the Fayette Manuwcturtng 1 Company will bo wldoroxcbiuiiphlni a bargain* if ap plied for won. THOMAS MOB FITT, scp7 - No. 23 Fifth rirect.. T> lIEUMA'HSM—Br. Brown’s newly discovered remedy XV fot Rheumatism bt a speedy and certain remedy for Hint • painful troublp. It never foil*. 1 v Office and Private Consultation Rooms No. 41, DIAMOND, Pittsburgh, Penua. "Tho Doctor la always at homo. - sept XI ri MR)W GLASS—2OU bxs Mby 10; . \V 160 do 10 by 12; : 50 do 10 by 14; .20 do 10bv 15.. , -.All ofcoodbrasids, For sale bV • wplfl . . SMITH & SINCLAIR. ~V’'vWantedi-:; '■ ' A JT-experienced (Protestaut.) TEACHER OF VOCAL. jfX and INSTRUMENTAL MUSiatotako of that; department in a- Female Seminary in thin vicinity. Salary, (boarding Included,) $BOO per aunum. None need apply un less fully and enn coine well recommended. . ‘ffij** Address Box SOS lAttsburgb Post Office.- .sep24dß* :i. Notice to Contractor*. SEALED PROPOSALS will bo received at G.T. COUL TER’S MILL, up to the 15thdayof October, for Grading aud Bridging that- pnrtiou of the Millers’ Run and Cross Creek Valley Piauk Road lying botweea Stewart’s bridge, on Miller’s Run, and Venice. Any information wanted with Tcftml to the Road, can be hod at any time, by calling with -Mr. Ooultcr. Tlve Road will bo sold In sections.. Letting to take'place on tho'l6th day of 1852. • Mp2l-td _ 0. BORLAND, Sec’y. Blniult and acliool kloolta, Paper and A * Stationery. T HEfmb?cribcrl3 cow recciying large additiona to hU for mer stock of Blank Hooks, School Book r, draper and Sta- Gonery, to which ho Jbtitea .iheattetttloa of merchants and , others. Hls stock conriHU ln part. of.mcdimiis,-demy and cap iATjera; Journals; Day Books:.Caßhi Invoice, Satai, Or* dor and Letter Books; County and Aldermen’s Dockets, lu various styles of binding, paged and plain, equal to any ever offered in' this .market, and at reduced-price*. , . . : / Ageneral assortmoat.of School Book*,'Memorandum"and Copy'jinckß; Pocket and Family Bibles,plain and fancy, binding; Blahk De«jd?, Common and Judgment Bondß; Cap'and. Letter .Paper^a;great; variety/plpln;.and; rtulod.at exceedingly lo>yratufj, v; V : •; mherol assortment of Aineilcan, German, and English Stationery. ; - .. J* ," .■ ;> Bookseller and Stationer, : sep23 v ; • : v -63 Wood' street, botwecn Tblfd aadFourth., . Kroporliun of Lights CELEBKATJU) ETHEREAL OIL ANB LAMPS. \\ f . 11. 'WIUQHT, (Successor to J. S. Tooon) Mnnufac* •VV * toicr-of and; Bpala&'.Wholeeola and-Retail, iu tbe boots named Oil and Loi»pa» & notf receiving a large assort* rnont of LAMPS, for burning the Ethereal OU, Camplnne, .wid Pme OU« : Al«t-LampaoLeTerydeficription, forhnming Lard and Lard Oil. cpy Mato, Cans,'and all thinga pertaining to the trade. . Eihcreal r forriphlnß or Pine Oil ? onoi> 6r' twice a weolt.7 r' All oniora left with the wagon, which Is constantly pa* Bing trough the dty, ; will he promptly attended to. • -N. B Lampn of all ■ hind* altered to hum-the Ethereal Oil; All articles delivered .In any part of the dty« or in Al* legheny, free of coht. . W* 11. WRIGHT, . No. 82 Fourth at, (Apollo. Hall,) •. between Marfcct and: wood ptreet*. MTJSIOi AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. CHARLOTTE BLUME, A T o. 118 Wood Street, Second Door Above Fifth PITTSBURGH, PA. IS Just receiving her. Fall supplies of goods in the. above ltue, which having been selected with great care, and purchased for cash, enables- her to offer strong inducements to purchasers, who are respectfully mvUpd.ta exam!no her, : stock* among -which arp ; i PIANOS—A splendid selection, comprising all the latest Styles, andprices, among which aretbe.celobrated Hamburg Pianos; Double Carved. Louis XIV stylo; also Gale A Ctfs, New Vorfe; Bacon A Daren's New York; Relchenbach A goa’ri, Philadelphia, Ac., Ac. : Persona at home or abroad, about purchasing Piano Fortes, would do well to call, as I will sell as good an article as can bo found and on ns good .terms, varying in price from $2OO losSoo, with a written guarantee. „ - * GUITARS —A fine selection of French apd Spanish, which for richness, Ircautv and power of tone are unsurpassable FLUTES AND CJUARIONETrS of the very bast'French, Germannod Americnu manufacture. "• •. . .■■■ ■ ACCOUDEONSjTrom the best Paris manufactory. ■ , VIOLINS—The bneAt Italian, French and English make. Bows, Screws, Ac. •' BTRlNGS.of.tho very best Italian, French and German. All Mnsind lustrnmentarnjmindveitbdurahllUyyiuatnefiA ■?y ' "" * —A Ilouto and Lot, in Second Street, in the First Ward, near Rcdoubtallcy. Enquire of John Mollou, Esq., or to P. M Kc-nna, Auctioneer. , . Ab»o—A valuable Lot, fronting thirty feet on Fifth street, extending back one hundred and forty-Dvo feet, Enquire of Mrs. Matthew Stewart, AHeghehy city, or to : am 23. ' . . . . V, MCKENNA, Auctioneer. P. H. DAVIS, Auctioneer. Three biiick dwelling houses and lots on CENTRE AVENUE, at Auction,— On. Thursday after noon, September 50th, at 4 o’clock, on tbo promises, will be nold without reserve, that valuable Lot of Ground, in tbo Seventh Ward, having a front of 20 foot on Centro Avcnne. (adjoining the comer of Roberts street,), extending back 94 feet to alO foot alley; on which are enacted two well finish ed Bnck Dwelling IfouMs, two stories high, with- finished basements, one at each end of lot. which will be divided, If desired; . Term;;—On 0-third cash, remainder In three equal annual payments, with interest ALSO—One other valuable Lot adjoining the above, hav ing a front of 20 feet on Centro Avenue, extending back. 04 feet to a 10 feet alley; on which is erectedonoexcellent two Htory Brick.DwulUngilouftj with finished basement rep 27 . - P, M. DAVIS, Auct’r. Biuck dwelling house and L mats Cassia; . 10 bags Pimento; : '>V" -C-; ■•- - “ -SO- do Pepper; ’ For'sale by scplG ; •.■■■. -v SMITH A SINCLAIR. IILOUU— COO. tibia to arrive,bud for sale by k' • ■ ■ •: A. J. STD ART, ■ . • - ' - . . No. 0 Smlthfirid street, v neplT ■ opposite Monongahola House, QPLKNDID HOLD WATCHES.—HOOD,has IhU morning O received a largo additional assortment of fiao "Watches, which howlU wll ns usuaL from 25 to 50 per cent, cheaper, than any otherdcakr In tills city, at . egpSQ ' • ST MARKET STRUCT. BLOOMS— GO tons Unp Force; 50 do Bedford Forge; 160 do Juniata Forgo; On bands and for sale by . wp2 KIKQ & -MOORHEAD. JUST RECEIVED—U) cases tattea 1 & BOOTS, Jenny Units and Uniters. Also, a large stock of ML«*es and Chil dren’s BOOTS and SHOES, of every. stylo, for sale low for cash, at No. 107 Market street. - ; '•'£ : sejVj;; • W. K. BCHMBRTZ, - Fur Sale** A GOOD FAMILY HORSE FOR" SALE—En-. the Pittsburgh Lamp and Oil Store, 82 Fourth street, between Market and Wood. an 24 W. 1L WRIGHT. TUB. Co-Partnership heretofore existing between the sub* scriberp, under the Arm of M. TLNDLE & CO.* was. dis solved on tbo 10th ultimo, by mutual consent. .Either part ner la authorized to use the naiao of the Arm in pettlcjuept. MINAS TINDLE, aus JOSEPII MEETKIRK. : Notlee -To stockholders. milE Stockholder* of the Pittsburgh and Steubenville. J. Railroad Company, im> hereby notified, thattho second iustalmeutof five dollars per sharois now called-in,and will be paid Into IheTrcaaury of said company, on or bofiiro the 12th day oT August ucxt,nt tho Treasurer^Office, No.: 40Woodst,,lMttsburgh,.' By onler oT the hoard of Directors*. . ; T - jy2B If WM. A. HILL, Treasurer. STOCKS-^jW.rtmreA Minnesota popper Stock; : • 22 do Adventure - do; ■ . 60 do . Ridge do;. . -00 do Norwich .... .do; 176. 'do Colling do; . .. 250 do -Iron City . do; , 75 •do . Aztec . . do; .■.. . For sale by • • LOOMIS A M’DOWELL, cpp22 over S. Jones A Co., cor Wood and Fourth sta. BANNER COTTON MILLS. Warehouse*, iV<>.. 149 i\rsi and 120 &cand ,vts. f Pittsburgh. Warner, Paris & Co*, Manufacturers of— .■ 5 ■■■ Banner A. No. I b«wy 44 Sheetings; do - do •: do . do Shambniys : do.allcoloTs; Dyod Carpet Chain, of.all colors and shades; -. ! - Cotton Twino, : white and variegated colors;./::'' . .Do Yntus, Batting, Caudlewlck, &e. : ' : 'fiep2hd*w3m 50,000 Dwarf Pear Trees ! 4 ND OTHER FRUIT TREES, of all descriptions,-from J\, the Nurr-erles of Ellwanger and Barry. Rochester, Now York—mnuy -of them large bearing trees. . Specunent .of fifty varieties of tbe Pear Fruit, grown ou Dwarf Treos, may btf aeon, and descriptive Catalogues obtained, and orders re*, ceived by tbs subscriber, Agent for Western Pennsylvania. : JAMES WARDROP. Manchester Nursery. . N. B.—Mr. BARRY, Proprietor and Author of tbo Fruit Carden, stands as one of .the most correct Pomologista lii thocountry. . .. ■ >■ : ■. :...Rep2%-. ■■ H. CHILES & CO.. WHOIiE^ALE SHOE WAREHOUSE, No. 133 Wood Strefity Pittsburgh) Pa , TTAYEroccivwl tbeir extensive fall stock* of upward* Of |1 2000 -cases 'of Men’s ; ahd Boye’, -Ladie3-,' aiiti' Boots and'Bhoes, Mexican'ahd. : 'Kossuth' Fur anti . Wool Hats, of every variety, adapted to the season.- ■: - ALSO—Men’s, Boys’ and Children's BUkj Vluslt and Cloth Cape, of lateststyiea:andfashions.:- - Their stock having beon feolected with great care, as to quality and sizes, purchased direct from the mauufilctnrer, principally for cash, at the lowczt priccx, - enables them to axptpcU.:iwxe^iMy.At^tH/NtioYwkiVUiUidtivhia.or Balti-: more markets. . Country Merchanta; purchasing to Pittsburgh, oronlheir way onst, will find it to their ■interest to call and examine . their stock, before: saichssing;ds6wbjete. : - ~’• They have also just receivedSOQO Bldca Prime New York Sole Leather, all of which will :be sold at low price*. ' •- ; /•? -THE RATS AND MICE; IN COUNCIL.! constornation 'has been produced. among tlie VJ thousnnde.of Kata and Mice that infest the city, incon sequence of the introduction of KEATING’S RAT, MOUSE; ROACH, and BED BUG DESTROYER. Thousands have already been killed by this most certain .and .safe Rat and Moose Destroyer* irat there are thousands sHIUn tho cellars of this city, as well as in the granaries of the conntry, to the greatdcstmctlonof propertyi.tbatought : to. be fed on Keating’s' Preparation.: Rata and Mice are not. only deatmetivo to valuable property, but they pvcu, some times destroy tho lives of children by their bites. Wewould anggest to all who would get rid of thew troublesome anM mals, to try-a box of KEATING'S DESTROYER, at onco, and they will aoon be. missing. They may be destroyed, at tlvis tbho of year, without producing the disagreeable smell attendant upon tbo explosion of their bodies, and a conBOH ouont decay"of animal matter.. .In tbe spring, Keating in tends holding a Rat-ificatiop. meeting nf :all tbe live: rats, in nroof of tho salutary effect* of his ltat and Mouse Destroyer Tlii* propamtion, when used; according to the directions, istcadily eaten by Rats oud-MicOj twd'wUlcertainly destroy Manufactured and sold, "Wholesale and Retail, hy J . p pTKEATING, comer of Wyllo and Fulton streets; also, by Dr. KEYSER, 140 Wood street; B. A. FAHNESTOCK ' COm comer of -First and Wood fits; J. KIDD & CO., corner of. : -Fourth and Wood sts; and by-Druggists and ... V-* '.T.'Yj.' y • - v'V' 4 ' ; ' . <•« >. - p*, - 1 ' ' - *j , • »;• - 4B i » *■ 1 *; (.t “w . 1- * 1* ’S-T*' 1 S* ' ’ , \ k - „ r * / J s * ' ‘ jfiw*' v- . “ IT^ ~ % ’ r , j. r L r _ ’-fot , ,?y.g&v V* 1 * : & ■* . a l V ' *. "’V K a * " '» -? ' -'" ■4gtSiiitl@it§iiiS^^ tJ : ' t - .... A: J. STUART. Dlssolation. Z ] r v T AND WARRANTS WANTED, by I i Ilo COFFEE—4OO bags prime KIo Coffee, arriving and XV, for sale by SMITH A SINCLAIR, sep!6 ■ - 14 and 10 Wood street; T>KOCADB SILKS.—A. A. .Masos A. Co., have -just re*- ‘ 1> ccived another lot of 20 plows nch brocade Silk, from $1,25 to $2.00. scplS IL—lObbisNo 1 Dank OiTT ‘ ~ ~~ '5 do Patant-Dalnt; In store and for Rale by ■BplT A J. STPART. • TO'IiET. i TWO STORY BRICK DWEfcUSQ HOUSE, on Second A street, near Rosa, now painting and; fitting up. I’oa eegtog,giTen on the let of street. lAALI/ GOODS—Attho FEEMCD StORB, No. IQSMnrket st.. v JAMES GOSLING has received one of tho largest ana most complete assortments. of- DRY GOODS ever, submitted to tho inspection of this Ladles i and la determined to selli as clioap as the cheapest, and of .tho best Quality. .., • .yep**? . Removal* HOUGH & ANTHONY have removed their DAGUERRE AN ROOMS, from Butko’s Building, to Eaton’s Build ing, oVc* tho Young Men’s Library, where they will b© hap py to see their old patrons and friends. aprTitt Adams & Co’s Western Express X A PTES this date, wo shall extend our Express to woos- J\_ ter, Ohio. We will also receive Goods and Parcels for Ashland, Medina, MlUeraburg, Coshocton, Acu to bo forward ed from Wooster BAKER & FORSYTH, Agents, auld SO Fourth street Wholesale and Retail. 'YTTIUP, CANE, UMBRELLA. AND PARASOL MANU VV FACTORY, No. 143 Wood street. JOHN W. TIM. now offers for sale, at Eastern prices, a large assortment of the aboro Goods, to which the attention of dealers is iurited. Alto. Carpet Bags, and Ladies’ Satchels. myl I KATliiSlt—The subscribers having returned from tho j East, oro receiving: a large stock of Solo Leather. Kip Skins, Upper Leather, French Calf Skins, Morocco Lining Skins and Shoo Findings of all descriptions; all of which wo are prepared to Fell fbr a small advance above tho Eastern market for. cosh. : sepB mOUAOUO— 29 hxs W. U; Uront’s; - • JL 10 do Bussell & Robinson's, G's; 10 cases Myers'Aromatic; • . 10. bxs Rylond & Mycra*, s’s; . - 15 bxs Webster Old, s’a; u. • On hand and for salo by . ■.? seplO v SMITH A SINCLAIR. .T\OOtt MATS— . . 1/.. Sheepskin, Manilla* Adelaide* • Jute. . .. Alleaut, Coco. . • and Fancy. Mats, Just received and now opening at Iho Warehouseof sep37 W. BrCUNTOCK. Administration Notice, ATOTICB is horebygiven, that Letters of Administration. JL\ upon the estate of DAVID DICKSON, late of-EUgo, de censed, have been granted to the undersigned, residingthere, ; and ell persons having claims ordemands against tho estate of snld decedent, ate requested to make known the'fame to me, without delay; ‘ ..MARTHA. ANN DICKSON, repghoawfOw* .Administratrix. Assignment* •. • • HOTICE IS HEREBY (JEVEN, that JOHN P IIOPE- the City of Pittsburgh, has made an assign ment to mo, fbr the benefit of biscretlitors, Persona indebt ed to the said Jobn P. Hopewell, are requested to-call at my Offioe, NOr4s 8t Clnlr street, hi said city, and make payment to me, on or before the iHtday of October next; and those haring claims against him, ■will prwcnt.them for settlement.. A. 0. REINHART, Assignee of John P-Hopewell. - ausa!6awiUwaw6t Home Industry* IT’S pronounced political economy to-encouragehorao lie Uuatry. If poUtically, how much more socially, to carry out the principle. Examination. will. produce conviction. Gail at Gothic Uall—~tho largest- and most complote stock of MEN AND HOYS’ CLOTHING, -work equal;.to customer make, at per cent, less than the customer- prices. 1200. SUITS BOYS' CLOTHING, which for variety of style anti fiibnc, fcj not equalled ia the •'West. All of which, is manu factured in this city. Wl2 STUDY TO PLEASE^ . oep22 ■ CHESTER, 74 Wood street. T Tbe Saloons, A T TEE ATIIENAJUM BUILDINGS, liberty street, are at all times a delightful place of resort fbr- Ladies Hud- GeaUumen to enjoy ft plate of FRESH OYSTERS, cooked in the various styles, and served la a manner that cannot fail to please. Also—HOT COFFEE, TEA, PASTRY, and other refreshments at short notice. A PRIVATE. SALOON FOR: LADIES. THE BATUING ESTABIJ9HMENT always. In order for Hot, Cold, and Shower Baths, from 7 a. si. to 11 p. u. fcbia W. W. WARD. • BANDINSTaVUENTSr c . JOHN U. MKLLOB, No. 81 Wood street, is now opening avorylarge and entirely new stock of the latest . r.it tdlxs and greatly improved SAX HORNS, and at greatly reduced prices. - • K Fiat Soprano Sax Horn 3;.; ■/■■.r-'-; EFlatTeaor-. '. .- do; :• . 1-1 Flat AUo do; B Fiat Baritone do; Baud AFlatßass da; K Flat and F Centro Bass Homs; . New stylo.Post Horns; New style Coruotta, la cases;. • Graves & Co.'s Bugles, of all the different keys and styles; • < COMPLETE SEIT3 OF SAX HORNS, of eight, ton and twelve instruments. The above will bo warranted, and sold at New York prices. «p 22 JOHN 11. MELLOR, 31 Wood street. . Books 1 Books! Books! ■\/rSQUfTIE'S, Swim’s, Town’s Emerson's, Qomley’s, Gum 1H mcre’s.Webatcr's v Cobb's. anil United States Speller*. •Swan's, Town’s Eclectic, iuul English Headers. . Ray’S Grcenleafa, levies’, Smith's Adams’, Smiley’s, Mann's,Chase?sandEmerson'sArithmetics,. - - Green’s Klrkham’s, Smith's Bullion’s Plnnoy’s, and Bar rett's; Grammars, / . . . Comstock's Parker's and Olmsteod’s Histories. r Daveonort'iv Frost’slV'Hliard’iY-and Goodrich's Histories of the United States. Goodrich’s-Pictorial History of England, Franco, Greece and Rome. . MiUhcU’R, 01uey»8,- Smith’s, Slorse’s,- Parley’fl, and Tut hill’s GtfOgrnphlea Davies’ Algebra. Legendre, Bourdon and Logic of .Mathe matics. Ray’s Algebra,:parti and 2. with a general assort ment of other Books, Paper, Ac. Forsale by . scp22 B. T. a MORGAN, 104 Wood street. . Journal and Union copy; . ■■■■- ~ .■•••• GfiOllGE P. SMITH, . ' (LATE HAMPTON & SMITH,) WHOLESALE DE&LEEIN DRYGOODS. No 54 Wood Street, Plttzburgh, ; IS NOW RECEIVING a large assortment of FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS; Foreign and Domestic, to which he Inviteathe attentlou of tho Western Trade. / In hia stock wULI» found—.. Sheetlngß) ShlrtiogS) Tieklngs, &o. Brown Sheetings aud Bhirtingfi, nil descriptions. . • Bleached ShirUngn. every quality and finßh.; : Osnaburghs, Drillings, Baiqjings.- . ; Tickings, all leading makes. . various makes; fhll axsoflinent.. r. Apron Checks, Tsrreds and Stripes. Diapers,.64 Jacquard, blue, gn'y. brown, nod bleached. Flannels and Dometa. ■ Anextensive ossortuiontof white And yellow, plain ITdnnola, mid medium, and extra -flno and heavy ficarlot* green, indium, blue, and mlxod twills. / lanseys. Alt wool, SUUman’P amt Westerly; high colors; plaids, large and small; rod and blnocamelloiwv stripes, Ac. .Also,: wool and cotton, high Color, Phitadclphl&Xinniys, medium to extra quality. Xlnftngo and Cloakinga. %yi, and &4y.a1l wool, high color plaids, waved and mot tled, printed and.twillcd. Cloths* Blocks; ftncy. colors; Belgian and .Domestic, Piece and Wood-dyed -block, henry goods. Also, Bearers, Volts, Peter shams, Unions. • .-Vj ■ Coastmeres... .■■■ • Medium to extra, Woaded wool, and piece dye, •- -Blai'k'DocskinsandCosffUncrca.:: Fancy, new and desirable styles. Sheep’s Grey, Plain anil Twilled Unions. . Black aiid'fancy colors. , - Sailnettf. • ■ Medium to extra Oxford Mixed Cadets. ' Blacks, Blues, Fancy colors, henry makes. . .;lMnted,Strlped.andMotUedStyle».' Tweeds and Jeansc. All wool and cotton wanis, in great variety. : Steubenville deans, and heavy Twoeds.- • Coras*- 1 8 Sliaftflonoa, Bang-up and Miner’s Cords.? . ■ Prints. . New. Fall stylos of Spragues, Unions, Perkins, Globe, Mer rimack, Allen’s, DunueU’iyMancheAter, American, IMpk&v Garnet#, amt generally of other styles in Madder,Chiat* end Steam work. ; Blues, Blue trad Orange, Blue and- Green, Scarlet, plain • ■'•colors.:-; '--"r i- Purnitnres, English lino block Work Chintzes. -Hoyle’s Double Purples, 34irad4>4. Mourning Prints, lu great variety. • v . Ginghams, . French, German,and Scotch Ginghams, : Glasgow,Xanoaster, and Philadelphia county makes, all widths and styles.. . ■.:■•> ••.• Dress Goods* • Printed nud plain, English and American Delaines, new est designs. • Rich Printed find plain, Persian,-Parisian, and Damn Cloths and Cashmeres.' - Paris printed, MonsoUne Delaines, of medium and very rich styles Silks. Plain and Figured Black and Colored Press Silks. v Stuff Goods* 04 Alpacas, Black, Mode, and limey colors. ... Real Alpaca LustrftS low to -n; . Mohair sod Orleans, finurcdXuatrefi. . . . 64 anil 74 bigh-oolorod Coknrgs and Paramettw. . 64phot-aml new- Lustres. . Scotch Goods. A very lorw.-variety of Xaocsa, Kdfflng3, la«wrbngs, linen IfiCes, Pringfev Ac.; Joconsta, CamDrlas Swiss Mulls, Victo ria Lawns, Hair. Card aud fancy. jrtnped .Cwnbries; Tape, Satin nod Swiss stripes, Ac. Vestings* • Valencia, Cashmere, Silk end Satin Vestings. . ■ ■>' . .v. Hosiery* Women’s Cotton and Wonted, Cashmere, Alpaca nod Mo* rino, pl&lu&nd fancy half-hose, Shirts andDrawen, m great ■varieties and styles. .. st."LOUIS ;■■■■.. COMMISSION' AND iWW ADDING HOUSE, *Si «, joiisw. Twiartt•••r«v;-jpsispa »toq«n«* ' t * • Ttvleli©U'dfc' -Mogrldgej ■■.. ■• .& :■■■.■?. :■- ■■ ■ Cbrner -V s . , 1 c«u advances on consignments or BilLrof Lading in hand} ,K.v Comforts. 4 .. ; - • % . v „ I ' Orders ibr the purchase of liiad, Grain, Hemp and' other.. •: :-v,: N 'fT5 - Wpolou Cravats, Neck Ties, a largo assortment ;or meu bb promptly, filled at the lowest possible pricra, 1 "-’V i> anißoys. - end on the best terms. Ribbon*. . „ owcH ri M } They-will &Uo undertake the settlement and collection of • Fancy dark styles Bonnet, Co? and Nock, new eijiew.. . ~ of-importance; and hop©,- by their especial personal ' '•• Hnndfcerc&Uw- ChJntsWoTk . , uffoxtß acdattenUon to all the interests cf their fr&nd* to *» Printed Pongees, best style*; j > * Bandannas, SpUtaficlds, Cotton and ml dye *iags, i-m©« | * B - JTOCM; Cambria Handkerchief, all. ™ f c “ es v ... }.Geo.OoUißr, St. Lords; Ellis & Norton, dnehmatl; \ • rrfln: Sonar© Pago & Bacon,.. ...do; Btrader&.Gorman," ' " doi. - >'• law priced Waterloo, Scotch > Charless, Blow & Co., do; Horea £Fmcr, do; » , . < , and Long Shsyflvnffi"*n.i fancy.- ~ . *’VaUe, ..;- do;.. Bpritreer & Whiteman, do??. : r :<• [•:.•.. ,/ andother.mak?S *U , |L olia ; - •.; , , , Doan, King A Cp«, ■• - do; 13. 4C:Yorna3l ACo~Phnada: > rw-risfr--- x,u'-„« -chectlnff3»nd Cloths, Umbrellas, Saspenv f v v Irish. Silks, Threads, 4e^and ©Tery |D. .,do ;. B.B.Comcgys, dot -r*t*. ■ •”•... • der3 v BpoolCottan^v trt j , er3 t ulJlErate(^to XUi ,il o ln ll .BiCo. r . - do; ShU Ids & duller, do; *. *.*■ "■ JJ^ynadgantry dealer*. * }Wm & March, Sew York. Jorfah Lee *Co > BalUmowl - . wilbokeptfuU throughout the season, jA. C. larwcll 4 Boston; \Y 4 B. Reynolds, LeulsriHe; , V osk»*ll who v * sifc the market,to c *dl} Howard, &n 4 do; H. D Newocmb & Bro., do; «-*»■ * ’ ’ Thfy will prore to be as low oa the Merehdnts, Xew Orleans, 1 ' s*s«S2ffoin bi bought by the piece, East or West. ' who may ho?c been at the expense of COMMISSION HOUSE} NflwYork or Philadelphia, will find In this market, . JTBW OJiLEAXS, iargo assortments of every description- of . npHIS long. estahllahed-nousc confino thehr- attention ' 1 • offeral at such prices, as wUX convince meza they would do Bales and Imrdmscs on Commission* and to *■ r better to lay In supplies here, every month or bo, than to he Forwarding bosiscss generally. », v '. 'attfcplo»o? expand and thnn, and maWng large ptorchases ' ®zey solilt.a continuance of tho liberal patronage hem' - in going East. Come and see,and Judge far. yourselves. „ tofbre gfocn them* » I'ittsburffh, September} IS&2. sep23slftWlm vaSX ' - - ' J • ■ • • • . ■•■*•■■■•■ •■•■-•- & - •’■ '"■■■ ■* ■ ...... Glove*. ' Cashmere and fancy lined Berlin, Woolen* Kid and Buck Gloves, and Mitt?. •> '■>• - **r T.~.— . .- <«■“.* j,V' /T/Ttr r- - ' by 275 fcfit; which Will bc offorod > for fioon. Enquire of W» M’CLUJTOCKI^** -gpj)2Q at the Cnrpe f TTan house, 35 roarthgtwjet T7IUR SALE OK KXCUAAUE—A Lot Ot 4a brlftfuw J?. .On which mnyia JAMES A. jfaes. ' - EROPEKTY IN TUB BKVKNTII WAiU) ALot onCcnlro Arenuc, 02 foot- front, and extendi**#'""- ■' •back llS'fiieti having on It a TWO STORYBIUCK IinTTCTL good well and other canvcnloncea;.. >-•' *..v j.. Terns—Onc-half cnflh, baianco !n Wo yearly wmnsniii-’ ; ■ jyU AUSTIN LOOMIS, No ftg FonrS g£ojt HKNI-rFyom the lstof Aprilncxfc th&iymitKj iriii» •■ J_ Dwelling attached, 6n the comer pf Jtfajfcet Sint streets —a good business stand for a Store otTavenu it btixur paly one square ih>xn tho rfror—wiU be rented low ' tenant. Apply ta B marlC.tr W ALTAR BEANT, No. 232 liberty at ■tplt SALK-Tcn Lots offlrtjundfia th* ._Jy» * ' ** -«r K ‘ • ~ w > £ being 24 feet front each on Crawfort street, extendhuc _ - *Jsl ''- » -y « •** 1 back 133 feet to T.iUr\y hill street; these lots Brorifrutedla ,* • * •* ' -iT a port of the city whici i* rnpidly improving, and woulh *‘i- * make convenient place* of residence Tams easy. *• ' c* * - * » Enquire of AUSTIN LOOMIS, ***» r * *’ - scp4 Noo2Eburthatteefc.' • • .■•* .■.-■■■ ••'*??. - >'•' . Jr - ft g,^;^,: \ 1 >4 ' *>:i£ v -|P. ' pr ..,4- T?OIV SALE —A Vann containing 45 acres of bottom land: _I? 30 acres cleared and well fenced, on which Is erected a Stone Gnat Mill having two run. of stone—*aM mfll **">*»« new. Blunted on Deer Creek I]A mile® from the AHejzhanr nfer, in a fine-wheat growiop'ndghhorhoocl. Kattulrodr gepis Taos Momrr.as rath 4r To Let. i XtABQE and well finished throe story brick dwelling. /V with hot and cold on Anderson. street, two doors flrom the corner of BoUasott - stroet. Bent low to n good tenant.; Possession - diately; ' Enquire of A. STUART; . • scp2& - .yo.Bfimlthfleld street, Pittahorjifo. ■ -pOB SALE—Desirable locations forßodnossb tends, with JP Dwelling*. frdntinjr.SOfton Federal fit, Allegheny, by IQO deep toon alley, boing bnt-H ftfrom the comer of Robbs® St. This Is among tho lost vacant ground between theßalk rood Depot and this city, and will besoldnt $lOO xriboty|n . lota to suit puicUafier.s oue half iu hftnd, 03laixco et 2. U' and 4 years. ri CUTHJIKIST t Gen Art' sepl3 50 gmltbflelflrt. IV. BABD & CO. MANCHESTER PROBERT*—For sale a Bridt; ltoua • of the befct motcrM and substantial inanner>iutM®B4:; : with boll, pirlor, .dining room and kitekenjthxeO. chambers nnd garret, collar, outuren, cool hon£e,,a.woUof .■■■•> water with, pump; all in good order, rocm&and Ball pep®Bfe.,.r-, ; Three.lots of ground each 20 ft front on Franklin at,. hy 188. - ’ deep toa24 foot alloy; ogrocobty located and equal to acoufl* try residence. Price $2lOO. SCCTUBEBT,-Gea A«h' .• gepls ~ 50 ftoithflaldgt BUT A UOMK—Foa Sale— Xwo well tmUt JBrlejc Hotaa ■: andXota, each 24 ffect on Chestnut streot, Alleghany,' by 83 deep;. each house ia arranged with a. wide hall of on- * trance, parlor, dining room, pma, nnd kitchen" 4 chain hew, finished garret, vault, cellar, hydrant; yard, well pavedJ all in good order; immediate can be llail’’of Ittco for each llouso and Lot* $1,600. Torms—ssoolo hand; balance In one, two ami three years.:. 8. CtrriEßJsßXv;Genml Agent, ; 6U Emlthfleld atwpt_ -JPor Sale,.- THIRTY ACRES OF JOAJIIX near the Boiler Flank Road.. ~ —miles from the City, on .which 19. a frame SIOKUa FACTORY, 40 by 23 feet, one story high—also, a BtUldteff ./•: ; r*. connected with the above IS by 13 feet- One Dwelling-Home w 20 by 70 feet, one story high, with fitono basement and con* talas 8 rooma, furnished in good style. • Also, two stables, one 20 by 14 feet, the otborl3 by 8 feet Twenty > above is good bottom laiul, the balance well Umbered.- ■ ' • • Apply to TUOS 3IOFFITT, nngl" - , ... 'No-29 Fifth street. Real Estate for Sat*! THE subscriber,- wishing to retire to a. more private- test* dene© in the. country, ofTen* for polo the property irhera ho at preseut msidtsr, adjoining the. residence ofttobertWat son, Rsq.» ou rennaylvnnia Avenue; This is a bcautiftil Bit nation fbr b private family rciddoncc, orfor men in business,- ■ oa live minutes'walk will take thenr to the middled tho '.- city at any time. The title is Jiidlspatahlc, and dear of . all . ' Incumbranecs-whatEoavrr. For further particular^enquire . of the proprietor, on the premises. ■ - 4 PIiKAS.INT KfSIDEXCK FOB SALE.—A. valuable /.■■• XjL -property, of 60 fbet fronton Bank Lane,Alleghany, *4* joining the residence of Samuel Snowden,-Esq*by 200 deep '■ :• to ttebecca street; a good duelling house, of hall and twn . parlors, piazza, dining room and kitchen* vide-porch: and; : cellar, and four chambers; stable; largo yard and gardes;: .' fruit and ahadu trees—-all in good order—with.lmmediate. possession,' if required. . Price, $4,000.- . Terms, $l,OOO in hand; balance- indvo-ycarly payments; as thoabovewould divide into fivo largo Building Lots, it will bo soon that tho ground alowvis worth $4,000. - 8. <3UTHBKRT.'€teneral Agent, ' ' ‘ XrO Bmlthfield street : f] < "i-i - If ft v'-f J -- ■ ■ ■ ■ .... _ t» ..<■■:• - •■•- ‘ r-.—•. - THUNK I?ICH JKttELllY.—lho place , r , fin^-Watcb—ouo tbat caabodcponded apon to. keep; correct time; or to get any description of J( : at its true value, ia fit HQOD% 51 Market street. t 3 v- . - -> No mistake's- Call atrd wee tbo only oppo-ltion Jewely Store- h- * *•' * * westofNew York City. sop2s - - 1 1 vr - a_ •i; - R -V ’t • fi - -'Ji:.-- r\vvv i , ,V_'-‘ * - --1 • 4 •";*-■•-•• '' ‘'i r «„ ■! * * **_ r*** i 'I -T*' ' ' PennsylTffUla Railroad J3mtgr&nt Line* *TTTB arw now fonrardiits; passengers toPhiladelphiaend •\ j ■ Intermediate point*, by the abovo line. Timethrongh three days. Faro $4,50.- Only to mUes Canal.: mz27 , OOVODfi A GRAHAM, Agents. Blogazlnes for October I TDST referred, at XL Mine* & Co.’s, No. 32 Smithileld ft: (J . Godey’B Lady’s Book for October; •. Grabam’e.Ma£azino for October; The Block AVcogerof tho Spaw*h Main, by Nod Buntlino • —price 25 cents; * j . •••••;, ■. Tho Adventures of a Gentleman in search of Hiss Smith, by Ellta A. Thiffy Uncle Tom’s Cabin os U Is—fresh supply. - . H. MINER & CO., No. 32 Smlthfleld street v mOBACOO— I a bxs 6’a and &’a Russell A Robinson’s ami Gnat's T> ■bacco; 12 do and fPs Stewart's do.; . 20 do Myers'Superior Pound Lump-/do; SO do do -do dwarf . do; . 20 case Diadem Twist. • : > do; • 15 kegsotwist. do; 10 bids Bavarian cat and dry . do;. . 10 do Hungarian do . do,recoiv'ed,andlbrsaloby MILLER ABICKISTSON, and 223 Liberty street Education—»Tbe Female Seminary, (IATS sms. MXM>KIIEB,’S.) "TTTILL bo continued at the usual place, corner oT Wash* .f V ingtern Bfcrejrt. mul East Common, Allcghonydty—the , fail term commcncing-on. the tot Monday in September next —under the efficient management of Miss Hannah E, Davis* ' /who ha* for some time hxul charge - as- principal, and’ will . • have snUablo assistancein its management.; . .. In point of location and mrongements Jhr the comfort of the pupils, It 1* not ln (he community:- : : - For terns.;Ac.;see Circulars,:. jy2l : R, W.-POINDEXTER. Professor Thompson’s Female Seminary*; - YT/'ILL open tlio Kali Session on MONDAY, 20th instant, - -■ f f and continue Five Months.. As the number of pupils : i& limited, early application will bo necessary to secure. sd* > . mission. .Nopupil admittedfbrlesstimettianasession,and:-.' . no deduction of tuition except for protracted illness. 'One ~ half of tuitlnu payable invariably in advance. - For further information see circular*, or Prof. T. In person,t»t hiarooms, v> 1 64 Liberty street, (Irwin’s Row.) . - Ih’OC T."will form ft fimaii cliu-s of 8 or 10 lads* in xnatics and Languages, to recite from 3to 6 P. SL,on rea*. stmablo terms. [aa!B . Young XndlOß Seminary, Aliegheny* . ■jt TU. and Mrs. will commence their Au- j ijJ. tumn Session on MON DAY, August 30th,.at that? dwcllmg, on Federal street, “ irLeah’s liow.” Mods, p.W. Gengembrc is engaged to. instruct in French; and.Maas. lL P; (lengemhru, in Drawing-ami painting. - Scholars : ter at any time, and will iMVcbargcd tuition from the time of •- entrance to the close of tlio session. Caws of protracted sick* • ness will bc an exception to tho ahovc rulc. Tuition bills : will be received, one half .in advance, the other half at the : close of the session. AU other arrangements the some as which may be ascertained by reference to tho drcular, or by applying to the Instructors. Allegheny, August 2,lSs2.—aufctt Wine. fTtnß undersigned begs leave to announce to his. friends . -. X and customers, that he has received a large, and, with the greatest- care selected, lot of RHENIfIU and FRENCH - WINE, which he can’ warrant os pure and genuine, and which he sells eiUxcr by tto hottlo or cask. EteidesJ h* ; keeps-always on hand, a large and well : selected.stock of 'FRENCH- COGKIAC BRANDY,. HOLLAND GIN, and other Liquors, oil of which ore of the fln»t CUSTOMER W stoefc adapted to this branch ci r tbo bußihcssls full and complete.•' Having sccurod tlxe. son I Vicea of Sir. Canto, p£ New Yorir, in the cutting department, I the -proprietor IsenaUed to give to all | wi i t S cHi > srauw^»t. I 'jk „ . n % "S -T * t M ■ ' f : " ty -;V;%’ X : W&1 - o '<>V H J f x ■*’''* u r** >4 ' \ \ ’ A -r’W * * * * : < ■ . S ' v - A ~ -v-' I-VV.-A; r t » *■**.*• ~~ *i J** i> r .£7-* n 1 V 7 *• ** f;T^ v * ’^l j > sfj *r^ r ' -C 'V-** "* * t "* J - *'l L 1 , n : - „ ' t■> [" , ' T’ v 1 T * 5 t + > l . , ■ Si • . -4-1 ' M ’ v' - V n ¥ ■:-y M-.- ■- h> c ' - f “ ■ ' ; ®|f v # * s. „ j- th ' { • . '' . i ; , - • liplfi® v~ -,*:^ l7 lit# I& 4~- . 3 I j y## '•-' l vi v Wx v a* V * 1 -r f 4* * $ « \ « * * V v V * * - _ -’Cr ■* , V T\* --xi** « *■ * * ~► 4 « * r * , -r j-Q r ( •x „ *. vv. M IA \. \