The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, September 28, 1852, Image 2

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WWAtic,, ,IPragt
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Jailij Earning ffinat.
— .taoMAff wntups
Harper * Phillips, Editors & Proprietors.
roft judos ofthi: ~
v voft-CASAUCoJiMISSIONJBPn,. ‘ ~ -
william hdte:i^s,
, pgn'WUXCTO.V COUXTT. ' -
Democratic Sectoral -SHokot for. Pemuylvaiiin.
•*• - * > £S2«ATe&J*i
r v ‘ are: tiobjsrt Patterson.
-•. : i v^-' :
DidnJ ' J)tJnd.
1. Pex?h I*m vt. -1 *l3* U»jC. -Eras. :
• u. Jwrx'Slnxitß./: . : : l .v, ;. (15; Ifl aac-JiomN&ix*■•.
4 >. ■" 10. HctrYFujiTi.
D. Jr< 1 1?. BtKNunE.
G. A. AwtE. | IS MASERU. M’GiiiUN.
;• 7, :■!> HJ. <i(;'i?. r JosKpnM , DONja.p...
fl, ' 21, A’tfuuh'C.ButiEE.
10. K. K. Javks. 5 “ | 22. Wnirui Dt si.
i 23.-Jons S. xr M Cauioxt.
12. P.mai*. k I •2Li>noHns'R. liAEEjrr.
la au ntticlG-ivliicli appeared iuthe Post, of
* the 225Inst,'wo made the following assertion:
** NoUßHlms ever offered so high a price Tor Ihe
office of President of the United State ns Gen,
•Winfield Scott. Hr has offered to oy and
-,/ blast every hope of the foreigner front-tier-enjoying,
.Hie biasings o/o ‘citizenship in this free land." To,,
this Deacon White, tho editor ofthe Pittsburgh
Gazette, o- gentleman who is notorious for. his
opposition to foreigners; especially, tliOße who
adhere to'the Catholic religion,-Bays: “ Now if
-- the fact was not before him who .could believe
thatoay paper, possessed of tho, least ebarnoter
• fojjrespectabiUty, and with any regard for truth,
v tptddihavc uttered so barefaced tf falsehood, &c„”
Knowing 'Mri.Wijite, of the Gazette, ns wo do, to
: be unscr upulodo and dishonest-, in his course as
on editor; we would, .be-jSgrtcntyto leavo unno
ticed Ws'empfy denial of the truth wo asserted ;
but, os it iso sdbject in which we may say the
•whole ham£a family Jo greatly interested, par
ticularly that portion whose fortune, or misfor
tnaedt is, to owe their birth to foreign climes,
wo deem it advisable to say a few words in vin
dication of the truth of out declaration. It is
. ■■■■.- easy for men to make assertions, and it is, as
• easy to make denials; but we will have tho G
a■ setto man to understand .-that when we mate an
assertion, we hold ourselves bound, and in Teadi
' ness te prijve ivor if in error to magnanlmpusly
retract ilVe stated emphatically that no mauin
this'co.ualrv has crer offered so high a price for
the ofifee of President of tho United States ns
Gen.. ‘Winfield ’Sentt.. lie hat offered to destroy
and Hast every hope of the foreigner from ever cn
joying'iht blessings of citizenship in this free land,—
- and mow wo will prove it from tho publicly de
clared principles of Winfield Scott. In the New
- York Courier iv Ktujuircr of July “Ist, 1552,
edited by James-Watson Webb, awhig, and sup
porter of Gen. Scott, we find what tho editor
calls a-correct copy of Gen, Scott’s letter, written
in November, 1844, to' George Washington Reed,
of Philadelphia, As wo havo published this
letter lit full so repeatedly, It Is nnt important
' to our present purpose now to do so ; ; we..wiH
content onweWBss''nad prove our position by
J making' a short extraot. In General Scott’s
letter, he saynp«t>,Should any considerable nurii:
ber of my countrymen," assign- mo, or desire to
give mo n prominent position before tho public,
• 1 shall take lime to methodize my views on tho
great question you have proposed. Thoso views
y had their origin, iu the stormy election in tho
, spring oMB3G,.and were confirmed in the week
that Harrison electors were chosen in New-Tork.
On both occasions.l was in that city, and heard
in the streets, the cry; dovmsctth lA# jVetfctj/ It
was heard in almost every group of loreigncrs, as
the signal for. rallying, and outrage. Fired with
indignation; fwo friontesat down with me in my
parlor, aTtho Astor House, (Nov. 1810,) todraw
np nn nddresa'is-iesignei- to raily an American
party. ' The day after the election I started for
the SoSth; 'and have never known wliyon r-cj>-
peal Was cot published. Probably the election
of General Harrison rendered its publication
at that time unnecessary in tho opinion of my
two-friends. ..../sioio hesitate in extending theperiod.
of residence before naturalization, and a total repeal
of all arts of Congress on the subject; jit s«nt>
txcmhes xo run IA-rrEn.” Gen. Scott here .says,
, that should tho people of this country desire to
place'him Inn prominent position before tho
• public,"he-will take time to methodizo his views.
Those viewß-having had their origin in 1830, and
were confirmed in 1810,when he formed the
basis of a Native American party; and, in 18-14,
he avere that “his mind inclined to tho opinion
that all laws on tho subject of naturalization
should be repealed.” Thus preventing and dc*
barring all foreigners from becoming citizens,
.Hence wo said, and have hero proved, that “Ho
■ i has offered to* dostroy. and blast every hope of the
from ever enjoying the blessings,of
citizenship In this free land.”
The Gajette mau also takes his exceptions to
another truth-wo uttered. YVo stated that Gen.
SCott-had slightly, modified his views in regard
to the policy of admitting men of other coun
tries to, the right of citizenship, andsaid: “That
if elected; he.will propose an alteration in our
naturalization Jaws, 'Bo that a foreigner may, by
humhlipg. himself, become a oitizen, if he will
enter tho atmy us » private soldier, and fight a
■ year. -Now;wo re-assert, that Gen. Scott, did
advocate such a- chango in-enr-naturalization
. laws in a series •of articles which appeared in
the National lutelligeneer, over tho signature of
“ Amp.eiccs.” 'Ho recommcndcd the immediate
repeal of all naturalization laws, and the enact
ment of, a law denying the right of,
oil foreigners, except those who would servo o
cerlain'timo in the Army or Navy.
The Gazette also says; “ tho Post speaks of
tho hot of catering the army, in the time of war,
ns an nctyOf humility."
Now the Deacon'Unco this was a gross mis
statement. We said it was humiliating to a for.
eigoer, j„ order to secure to himself the rights
and blessings of a-freeman, to be under the
necessity of fighting in the rants of the Army
for n yew, as Gen. Scott would hare him to do,
and we flay® o 61111 -
We here take occasion to saythat iuooy ovent
the election L ol Gen. Wlhfield Scott would be a
great calamity, not only ta our country, but the
world. To the foreigner it would bo peculiarly
so. 'General Scott’has declared ho would only
accept the Presidency provided he would not be
required to renounce any of his principles, for
said"he, “hly principles are coimotlons,” and
seeing, as must all honest reading-men* that for
many years the General has entertained hostile
feelings towards the foreigner, “concurring
fuUy in the principles of the Philadelphia movq
ment;”—-a .movement which rcsnlted in the
burning" and desecration of churches, by an nn
ndymoh of Native Americans who were “ weed
with 'iSDiaKATioi” 'at tho' Catholic citizens of
our country, what are wo to expect than
that he would cany out his “convictions” in
bringing about, either a total repeal of all laws
t on the subject of naturalization, and thus ** ties-
and blast every hope of the foreigner from
"'l*/ '*•
-ever enjoying the blessings of citizenship in this
free land,” or cause him te fight a year in oar
Army orNsvy to eocureit- ■ <
Wears glad the Gazette has noticed us and
our article; it will serve the purpose of calling
the attention of a large portion of onr .popular
Gan to a subject in wb;ch they arp vitally inter
-y r H -a r-« 1»
WHAT DID SCOTT SAT AT CT.irtrgf.awni -
- This is a question which in ft short time Till
bo difficult to explain. -Wiien hntnipie his speech
at Cleveland, all the papers thhre agreed in their
report of it, and thejpi&ndo fj. HdicffloUs enough
in all conscience. But Bomo of his friends In
other places are not satisfied; - .they,make him
step further into the riiUculons!* - The report of
the Louisville Courier gives tho following versions
: to. their exposure to the woxthoraod his btdtis
oscurUxl t<> tho hotel in & lie saiil r This has pained;
nic very much,-os lime-always boon aechstomwl.'to oxpoyu
mynilf to tho-raln anil mud in common with my bravo sol*'
Oi' , rs in the army.; 1 bellow ritiiuins. I rvioml you.
ali AsmyXiaimr citUbnSi.. I have led many hraTa.-Iriah sol* .
, diets ta-battle and to victory,-and always found them truo
.end -patriotic;. ■ [Hero an lrl'.bmfui i. Lao ted, hurrah far
EcotCj I lore to hear the rich .brogue. It-always -mattes,
me think of the noble, deeds of tho Irish in battle.- [CbeersJ
If that is not “piling on the agony” in his
efforts to catch the votes of qurlrish fellow inti
zens, we da not know how to designate if. v '
' Where is tho necessity for Gen. Scott to refer
•tohis Irak follow, citizens? When on Irishman
acquires citizenship he is an American citizen;
and in all elections ns much so as those who are to ;
tho “manner born/’- -This distinction la ntSther
complimentary or .pleasing te them, and. no sen
sible Irishman will thank General ScoU for con
tinually, parading before the people thatthereie
a distinotion belwcenan American cittzeh' and
am Irish American citizen, and that he haaion
ccivcdp most unwonted lovo for the “brogno"
of the latter. In alt civil rights they are identi ,
cal; and at the palls the vote of the native bora
anil that of the naturalized citizen-lias thesame
influence. Aa to his Cleveland speech and his
:notico of that imaginary Irishman Who ; shouted
“ hurrah for Scott,*' we agree with the K. T.
Day Book that it is all 11 blarney,” and the
very silliest kind at that. We oan only wonder
that any man of sense can now bo so crazy as
to contcnd for tho superiority of. Gem Scott's
quolifinations-for President. Wo will venture to
say that no country-justice could:; be soared np,.
who could not make n more rcspeotablespeech
than the above. .We shall believe before long
the assertion of Greeley, in 1840, that “Gen,
Scott is a vain, conceited:coxcomb, with more
epaulettes than brains.” He says he is travel
ing for.tho purpose of selecting a sito for a Mil
itary Hospital-;' from present indications, he
ought to bo tho first candidate for admission.
But it appears that tbo only portion Of onr
citizens of foreign birth; with which Gem Scott
has fallen desperately in love, ore the natives of
Ireland. Ho is, certainly aware that we have
among -us citizens frazn.: all- countries ; and pa
triotic citizens, too. We will -instance the Gor
mans. Is he, or are his friends aware, that a
Urge portion of our independent voters are
Germans? They have s dialect of their own,
aad their accents are aapeeuliaras tbo "brogue”
of tho Irishman which Scott so very unscrupu
lously draggedinta his speech (1) at Cleveland.
Wo would liko to know why they have, been
slighted by; him in his new-bomlovo for foreign
ers, and why their peculiar modeof. expressing
themselves should not excite his fraternal feel
ing, os warmly os did the remark attrihnted to
an Irishman at Cleveland.
- If the General desires to succeed with the
foreigners, ho must commence billing and cooing
with the Germans at once. His <• blarney”
with Irishmen has not worked well.- They all
know that he bos not repeated of his former
slas, when tho. party of which bo is the father,
maltreated their countrymen, and then hung
them - upon the hooks of the market house in.
Philadelphia, nndtbeywilbnot trusthlm uolm
ho does full penoneo for his former persecution
of them. His attempt to bo fUnny about their
“brogue,” is no apology.for hisfonzter denun
ciations- of them, and uotil ho explains what
“ fired him with indignation"at tho Astor House,
he hod better not affect the “brogue,” and he well let the “blarney”, alone, for every
attempt he makes at it only serves to show his
folly in a more ridiculous light. Wo would ad
vise him, now to torn bis attention to our fellow
dt!zoti9 of German birth, and inform them ond
tell; them how he “ loves to hear. their rich
brogue.” It would be . just os sensible and ef
fective as his jokes upon tho peculiar accent of
Tho Mass Meetings of the Democaacy this
year ore real terogea, and ahow. that the right
spirit prevails in onr good old party—* spirit
that will lead us on hr glorious victory in Novem
- The meeting which is to come .off nt Grant-:
burgh, on Thursday, the 7th of October, will,
we. predict, be n monster, and will outnumber,
ten times. over, tbo sickly federal gathering In
-this city& fhw days ago. Old Westmoreland will
beln herglory on that occasion,' and her gallant
sons wilt turn out in all their - strength and ma
jesty. Wo hope the Democracy of Pittsburgh
and the County of Allegheny wilt send a delega
tion of at least one thousand to Greensbnrgh on
that occasion. The Hon. Jambs Bcchahas,
Gov. Bmieb, Jons Vas Brass,. Hon. B. G.
Scon, of Vo., Gsn- Cass and Hos. S. A. Dor
anas are expected to be present to address the
- There will be a Grand Bally of tho Democracy
of Payette, Washington, Greene,. -Westmoreland
and Alleghenycounties, at Brownsville, on Thurs
day,.the 7th of October, on which occasion
Messrs. Black, McCasdless : and Maouaw, of
Allegheny; Dawsok and Flessiueh, of Fqjetto;
llopkiss and Mostoomebv, of Washington;
Bobebts; of Greene;-and others, are expected
to speak.
The Democracy will hold a Mass Meeting, at
the Summit, in Cambria county, on Priday; the
Ist' of_Octobcr. Col. Sam. Buck and P. C.
SaABBOK f ;Bsq., of Pittsburgh, and Col. Beau
pt. Doncaster, and Judge Campbell, of.
Philadelphia, ore expected to be present - Turn
out, Democrats.
~ A Democratic Mass Meeting will be held at
Hoilidaysbnrgj on Saturday, the 2d day of Octo
ber- lße bravo and gallant Irishman, Gen.
SaiEtns.of Illinois,and thodistinguished Penn
sylvanians, Buchasaw and Biqleu, are expected
to be present
DemoevaUc.Meettng - In Shnrpsburg.
There wns a grand rally of the fiemoersoy at
Town Haiti in Sharpsbarg, on Friday evening,
the 24th inst. The 'meeting was organised by
nailing Dames Causes to the chair,jand Dr.- Mc-
Quaid and Tompkins, Esq.; Vice Presidents, E.
MuCorkie Secretary. - Speeches were, mode by
.CoL James A. Gtusos, J. WHiTßsntlc and Tnos.-
Mqrrrrr, Esqrs. Tho meeting was the largest
ever held in Sharpsburg. Thoro was ft Demo
cratic Band in attendance, drums and fife,
which added very much to the spirit of themeet
ing. Col. Gibson took tho stand and in a dear ■
and forcible manner showed the faUaoynnd in
consistency of the Whig party, admonishing, the
Democratic party, to be true to their principles.
The Cdonetis doiug'much good for ihe cause
and will we hope be eleoted. Whitesell and Mof
fittentertained the audience with their usual
ability. The Dcmoorats in Sharp sbnrg will do
their duty inthe ooming contest, - Tho meeting
adjourned hy giving three cheers for Piereo and
.King andthewholaDemocratioTujkeC' .
£&* Cot. Ejiasoel- Shaffeb, of Johnstown,
has been nominated for Congress by tbs Sjnno*
oraoy of the 18th Congressional District, ta this
State. oomposed of the ooonties of Blair, Somer-
\, - ,
■ fc j~Z v, _ **
-v ‘l /
senior. - . i
The late “'MassTrootler Convention” of the
Universal Whig pnfty, recently held behind the
American Hotel, in thlk oily, was a great source
of amusement, bat the “funniest” we have seen
Is the following-despatch, which we copy from
the Iferth American:
. “PTtrsiHJnsn, Friday evening, September 24 v
u ni naa & most gratifying arid glorious aemonatration
jesterelay, both in numbers and The Gazette
estimates the guLLuriog fifloenuiul btttiuty thuiw.-
. XTpOtt this Ihe cdltoh of thd North American
■writes the foUowing enthat'iasUo l’emarkg, vhleb
may sound “demmedifoin” to the dandica T?ho
pernmbulato Chosxmt street of a fine afternoon/
but tbey vHt lie read.mth .laughter by all vho
saw .-tho , . Frontier Convention.” • Tha, Notth
American says:
u it bo seen. by. u special tdeOTjihlcdespatch In our.
columns tbb monung,tiiat tbo groatmooting, ntPlttfl- ■
bnrgfy on Thumlfly.irafl onn of tbo largest gatbermgs ivlilcß
has fcSßcmLTcd since Ui» canvnss opened, tuul oue of thojficmt
aulmahid anti oncourogbi/f iu spirit.: Nearly twenty thouo
atld pcrsonfl.aro nstlm&toU ta harc beoa present, nil patrioti
cally Tidug wUU each Other In .behalf of good catwe,
’and«H)pcraUng’Trltb a common Impulse and^wntimont~
XarKfftlcapgalioiis&tnivxQany of-the Western counties wira
• • “ Nearly twenty tiiousand - p arsons present 1”
Who, having control of a paper: in Pittsburgh,
except tho; editor of the Gazette, would make
Buchan assertion. We do not suppose that-,there
is a singlo onoin the city. Not even the person
who sent on the special despatch would vouch, but made tbo editor of the Gazetto tho
scape goat of his‘wild .assertion. We ’know
Something of that dcapatch -beforo wo read it in
the North-American,- and have a pleasant recol-
taction of. tho agreeable manner in which we
were informed of .the cunning to ode; adopted -by
the correspondent to make the Gazette responsi
ble' forn ridiculous misrepresentation. -The Qa
zette can bear it,-, however, its hide is impervi
ous; but the Journal is more thinned skin, and
affects to bs woroconecicntious. Will tho editor
of that .paper favor na with bis opinion as to tho
number present at the “ Prontier.Convcntion ”
His opinion mlght'.be gratifying to the editor of
tho North American. And os it has never
.becn : published,-it would, no doubt, be inter
- Ever since thonaminatlon of Jadge AVoonwAnn,
the unscrupulous whlgs have: been endeavoring
to impress up'an'thc .public mind that he had op
posed tho election of Jugde CAarcen, and- that
Jadgo Campbell was now opposed to him, the
following letter from the latter will settle this
Slander, and cause the retailers of it to blush,
It they, are capable of such a feeling of shame.
From the Centre Betncerat
The following excellent letter from the Hon. J&ua Curp
vau to a gentleman 5a this town,lts* been banded to tta for
publication:-* *•
I’zzaADanin, l£6i
2tarr &r.'~l fc&ffc been ; laftotned that souio persons
In jroTir oanty hate been circulating a rcyort that lodge
■VtQOß9Ma>tfpytisa& menttbo foteelcc&io; X con tuurtJyto*
Here thaltacit U the im Tbaso guilt? cffiibrirating such:
report, must to actuated b? the worst motlrr.i l fur nothing
alnho farther fpein the troth.lodge AVcfliwtta) xtsjt toy ■
■ vum end ardent friend, amt guriug the whole campaign
dhl tai great and mftsteCSefont -amicer for which! *baU ni* ■
wa?efedinjK*lfundtfrUied«rpwt <)htlgntSon3f to hla. The i
manner, too, to which he ufal It tra* meet grateful to i
my. feeling*. Without' Wty roUfJfoUsn.ou mypart ot
that of xjf CrtmiU ho IGOU the. stump: fur- me snide* i
tbmtcd me against the religious a»r.cihiTawcault* which i
hod mm were making. Thetlortri&e of' rcllgtou* t rwloto':
aoulfotetnalon &.mud tu Judge ‘Woo&u'AittKfin elixjnenlend
.' lu oddirtoa to thl*; Judge - Woestrairo is mo of the .tort
taro who eonld'tore tom eetectAl frtr tto Suprwn*Bench'
Tsitnl tiotee? .foyoa that he l*a Jewcai and tn» hbto sub 1
end that to l« atotw alia tkmusbly tacert one; poanwalas
ell itoraiulsiU* wwssarr to U>e faithful end aMs-pcr&ttii*
anceof. utltodutoj>hf: hie staitou. Ife tom*. 1 !, tofiUcs,
/t«ranportlonoftlav Stale whosegmt Interestsdcu&bd »•
rnpmtcntat fou «n tto Sapreme Bench. -.
These CoaridmUcu*. wUh thcstnmg j wrso&al aUaihtaeol
I Ure to the tD»u, cmnt*! Juaig tmUcttUh ft&rodv
in (Jormitir \SiZLs2L \v U&Str LoUtm (he appoint*
mroti ftml th?jrc» n*»\ime, t.w, tour«:o gjvtb -4i4go Vion>
.WAB»theicrepteew©ftti*9Wcintiw*nt*. .
Y«ir* w*»t resiwctfiiUr tat Iruijr. • • v
Will the retailers of llio slander pnUialMbe
Thf P(Mi;lt>n(a lUUmd-A DouMf
Ata meeting oftheßoard of'Dircelors of the
PeassylvsnlnlUilroad Company, held oaWnd
nesdsy last, the following resolution was mlop
Retained, That UtoChief Engineer bn and bn
!s hereby authorised and instructed, to cause-the
whole of the main lice of the Pennsylvania Rail
road, between Pittsburgh and the Juniata Divi
sion of the Fcnnajltaoia Canal, to be completed
for adouble track as soon ns it can be economic
caUyexecuted, with » view of finishing the whole
rood in like tnasner as early ns practicable.
This is a very important movement, and wo
hope it will be carried oat ns early ns possible.
It trill require a docble track to do the immense
business which will bo forced upon the Pennsyl
vania Railroad, when it is completed. We pre
dict the stock will bo the most valuable Railroad
stock in the Union in less than two years from
this time.
We learn from the Genius of Liberty that in
one of the wagons which carried delegates to the
recent Democmtio moss meeting nt Unlontown.
there were eight old veteran soldiers, and five in
another, each with nband round the hat having
Inscribed thereon “A sotnixa or tut: watt or
The Oeniut also states that there was another
wagon containing all soldiers of tho Mexican
war in favor of Pixrce. to front they carried
a banner upon which was inscribed,: “WE ES
TABLE- GRAVES;": There were twenty-seven
of Company II; from this county, who survived
“Camp Misery” and tho Mexican campaign,
and the following shows how they go for Presi
Fumes .........21
5c0tt.............. ,0
■ By a telegraphdespatch from? Hollldayshnrg,
we aru pained to hear of the death of Judge Mo
. Faklaws/which occurred yesterday morning nt
that place. It appears -that white he was engag
ed in Ula foundary nni macliino ehop, superin
tending some work, n large easting fell upon
his head,-and almost instantly crushed him to
death. >
Jndge MoFaelane was one of the editors of
the Hanishorg ■ EeytWne. a Domooratio paper,
and was-n useful and enterprising citizen. He
was an active member of tho Independent Order
of Odd Fellows: and tho Sons - of Temperance,,
and acted aa a chiof Marshal of. the: celebration
of tho latter association in Pittsburgh a few
weeks since- He leaves a family and a wide cir
cle of personal and political friends tomourn
his untimely loss.
That Jacod Hoitmah, thomnntbo Whigs have
upfor the responsible office of Canal Commis
sioner, is nqt only charged with defrauding Mr.
Ely, of Lebanon county, out of property to the
LARS, but bos been guilty of many disreputa
ble acts; some of which are too Joatbsomo to
publish for the public eye.
Keep it Before tile People.
-:/■ That William Hopkiss, tbe Domooratio can*
didate for Canal Commissioner, ■ ia a Fanner by
frodo, and la an honest bard-working man, while
?ASGr Hoofmah, as ho is called at home, is a
pettifogging lawyer, who resorts to tho meanest
acts iiaaginahle.whichare utterly dlßgracefal to
the profession.
: 1 The ETbsusw-Fasi nf NsWi YQBK.-rThere was
a total suspension of business among the Hebrews
of New York on Thursday, and religions exer
cises were observed in all the synagogues. At
the Sbarry TephOla Synagogue, Wooster street,
the minister, S. M. Isaacs, addressed a. congre
gation-overflowing tie church. Mr.-Baphatt
preached eloquently, is the English language,
upon the nature of the observance at the syna
gogue in Greenwich street. At the Beth Israel,
Centre etv there was the same large attendance
Let tbePeople Remember,
-. ''.',.V`- . ::: -.-, ' ,7 Z
'.'.!...':.''..i .- : ..:j';.ZZ''.• ',
> Etploilon of a Federal Falsehood.
Federalism is becoming desperate, and its vo
taries atop at nothing to accomplish their pur
poses. Last week & paper published in Wash
ington, Pa, called the Commonwealth, and edit
ed by Skth T. HiißD, contained an infamously
tneon and lying article, alledging that Wiimam
Hopktn3, the Democratic candidate for Canal
Commissioner, when Saperintendont -of.-the Na-:
tionsl Road, had done'various wicked, illegal
and dishonest acts, and especially had,charged
for his service on tho Sabbath day. Tho Wash
ington Ezomtner of Saturday; contains a complete
and triamphant refutation of the false allega
tions of tho CommontoeaUh ; and yet wo do not
supposo.that ntmiuwiti’havo the manliness;to
retract his false and slanderous statements,
TPhe accounts of Mr, Hompus for his services
ns Saporintondnnt; were nMued and-allowed by
Messrs. Murdoch and Wilson,’ the former a
Domoornt and the latter a whig, who were acting
under oath; The Hon. Jons 11. Kwrso, {whig):
the other auditor, was not- present at the audit,
and never saw the account;,the. wealth
therefore gives currency-to the monstrous false
hood that he disapproved of tho account. Mr.'
Ewisa's note to Mr. Hofkiss. nails this wicked
This false and groundless charge against .Mr.
Hopkiws; was intended to operate : against - him:
in parts of the State where ho is not so well
knawnasinthe West. Here H will only make
him friends; boconso'thoso who are acquainted
with him known that he 1b incapable of- doing a
mean, dishonest or dishonorable act. There is
not living inPennsy Ivanla n more pure-minded,
honest and incorruptible man than Wittujr nopi
. Below-we.pnblisha letter addressed by Mr.:
Hopsies to Mr. Gravsos, of the ; Wasbington
Examtner, in reference to tho -lyingrioharge of
Skth T. Hdri>, to which we invite-the attention
of the public:
Wasiusoton-, Sept. 2Srd, 1852.
T, IF. Crayton, Esq.:
•Dear Stn.—On my return home from Greene-
County last evening, my attention Was called to.
an article in tho “Washington. Commonwealth, ’’
relipcting upon my official integrity, as: Commis
sioner of the Cumberland Road. I bad hardly
supposed that even party mafeMbmer would have
prompted any cue, having the slightest - preten
sions to decency, to make such & yrozi and
groundless charge against me, in the midst of a
community where I drew my first breath, and
where I hadspeat ray entire life, andfrom whose
good people I have received. sa many flattering
evidences of tbeir confidence and esteem. If
the circulation of the Commonwealth was confin
ed to the limits of Washington county, wbere
its character and mine ore bothkno wn, ! should
aotdecm it nesesesary - forms to sotice.tbo arti
tlo refemd to. But, knowingthat it Is intended;
for a foreign market,-and- Apprehending that
some innocent person- might be misted, should
it be permitted to pass unnoticed, I, therefore
ask n small space in your paporfora reply.
Tbs article referred to alleges thaViujtiesct
tiement of my account of tho receipts and ex
penditures of the Cumberland Bead; ! charged
for 172 days, from Vie Ist of January (o tht ifk
of Jnnt, TAii. Now, this is untrue, and the
men who: control the Commonwealth ought to
have known it. It is insinuated, by the Com.
- monwealtb men,-: that there has- been an attempt
to t/ff/e investigation into this account of mine.
They say tbot they *♦ happened to stumble on a
No. of tho Examiner, from which they gather
enough facta 1 o starlit the . honest xalerf IoR. o It
would seem to me that thcfivct of thli, together,
with oS-otiters of my nccauntß,-having, been pub
lished in this and -Fayette counties, for three
. tetris, and havingbevn within tho reach of every
newspaper reader, ought, nt least, to have re
lieved the subject from the -charge Of stereey.—
But in order that there might be no room left to
doubt my entire - wiUingncss, yea my anxiety to
have my accounts /«% investigated, as soon as
I learned that inquiry- had been made ,of
tho Prothoaotftry for some of the papers,
connected with my nccouats, and that he
thought that ho was forbidden, by a rule of
Court, to allow theta to go out of tho office, I call
ed ou Wm. S. Moore, the individual w^ohad made
the enquiry of the Broihonotary, and request
ed turn to accompany mo to the office, which he
did, and after bunting up two of my reports, and
the vouchers upon which they vrera predicated, I
told the I’rothonotary, in tho presence of Mr.
Moore, that I wanted every facility afforded
these gentlemen, to enable them to make a fall
expose of ray <«»>r official conduct. One of the
reports which I gave to Mr. M: is.the one which
contains the- charge relemd to. Had they
availed themselves nf the opportunity thus af
forded, thqy would have found that the charge
of 172 days - woauot exclusively for services
front the Ist of January to-the 7th of June, but
tbatitincladed “the settlement with thevnrioua
after tho appointment of my sncces.
sot,” That there may bo no misrepresentation
about this matter,-1 herewith append a copy of
tho Ml a$ furnished by mo, and audited by
Messrs. Murdoch and Witsoo; the two attending-
Audilon. .
stock or ynu oesintntANu road.
v7i>;lF«i. Jffept.ins, late Commissioner, Dr.
, To services from the- Ist of January, 1818, in
cluding thet settlement with the various contrac
tors after tho eppointment of ins successor: one
hundred and seventy-two days, at throe dollars
per day—'£slo,oo. AVSt. HOPKINS,
A word with regard to the justness of this
Claim. It Js well known to tho contractors oo
the road that ! did not complete my settlements
for eoTOral months after my term of office had ex*
pired. I was obliged to go to Brownsville, Union
town and I’ptonburg, and, all-the intermediate
points, time after time, daring the entire summer
and outamn, and a largo number of tho vouchers
will show that they were taken, one, two, three,
and same of them even five months after I went
out of office. When the Auditors had-finished
this examination of the “ receipts and- expendi
tarcs,'.hr:l. submitted to them whether they did
neUthihk. that justice demanded dhatfl should bo
allowed .something for this extra expenditure of
time and money. They at once saw the Justice
t)f 4he claim, and the bill was made out and
pasted by thorn; as hero furnished. ■ Tho amount
of Compensation, ollowcd by the Auditors for
:thi| extra e&viee was, I believe, about ono hun I
St would noi more than reimburse the amount
Which 1 had actually expended of my own money
in traveling, week after week, over 80 miles of
road, in order to make a final settlement.: Now,
if lbere man'ko ntypard/yas to.tblnk tiiat
I ought thus to have fcxpondod my timo and mo
nejl, without remuneration, I cannot say that I
cadet either bis good opinion or his vote. The
allegation that I nver oharged for a single Sun-
ls without foundation in truth, as atimy
reports wfll'uiundantiy show,
i, Very truly, &0.,
■ P. S.- Will the editors of the Commonwealth
do tne the jpßtice-to copy the abova communica
tion! l AV. H,
§cotr Tactics is tub South. —Tbo Scott pa
pers in the jßooth,' while they are - representing
General Fierce as an Abolitionist, are claiming
aidjJTor Scott inthoatave States, because he ia a
Sl,m holder ) The Mississippi Argus, which
has Bcolt arid Graham at its mast, thus argues
the point. |
. ~ “But Gem Scott is also presented tons by his
friends os t) e man whom it is our interest to
derate to th i Presidency; and to Southern men
withSoulhei n Interests, ho presents claims for
tbeitfsoffragb of no small weight. Bora among
ns, reared in ourmidst, educated-in the South;
Identified in person, and properly with us—for
Gen.; Soot to ms slaves, though it, is .not gener
ally known.’- •
W<t wonde how it came that the Louisville
Journal did not hare this item the other day
when it was tlown so sternly,on Pierce for being -
an AboUtionfat— Cm. Enquirer.
And we winder how it- is that Gen. Scott is
not aware ofi the nurnbor of sinvoa.he owns, and
tbair whereabouts. True it is, he owns no black
oaes, bnt frofcn the lies circulated in tho South
i and Westhy'Scott, editors,'.we are inolined to’
think<he is -|n possession of a score of whito
slaves, who are ever ready to do the dirty work,
over ready td do the dirty work of Bitty Seward,
of Billy Seward,'their abolition master, in whose
hands their damlidnte for the Presidency is for
safe keeping,ithat he may .write no mare letters
to come, bactt and torment his friends!—-Louis*
viHe Democrat, - - -
Several ofitfie most prominent nndekillTol en
gineers in thi V. States are now in Albany, for
the purpose of examining the plans and specifi
cations for th& proposed tnnnel nndertha Hadson
v , -3. f J." " , . r ' >- -i^J
« T n t *~ r -* f 3 J -t
f "
_ ' '-A
IteMa of Kfitf s and Hifeelliiiy*
Tba great snake st<Sry which has eieitSd so
muob interest in New York within the last few
days, loses nil its mystery in the simple feet that
his snakeship was one of Barnum’s anacondas
which died fast week, at the masemn; it was
pat into the oshes-barrel, ap4i damped some
where in the vicinity of Trinity church yard,
where it was found.
The'laws of the french army prohibit officers
of : all’arms, and every grade-from marryiog
without permission of : tbeir/-snppriorS,-.;and the
bride in eaeh ease mast be ef ; good moral ohsr-.
noter, and endowed in her ownright'with an In
come of 1,200 fmnos per annum.
Bishop Scott, of the' Methodist Episcopal
Church, is to prooeed to Africa in time to be
present at the Liberia Conference in January
next, and will be accompanied by Bev. H. ferry
and Kev. AI. Homo,who will remain with the
missions' ' 1
The Lake Ontario, Auburn and Itbico Bail
i road |s undor. contract for grading and masonry.
l ltis to connect the Lake at Little Sodas, new.
called EairHaveo.withNew York,audalsowith
Philadelphia; ft will cost $1,200,000, of which
$000(000 reliable subscriptions are stated to
have been obtained. _ „
' A iaw in Massachusetts mokes absenteeism
from school a crime, and a truant child can be
taken from the care of its natural protectors
when its parents fail in their duty. The city
anthorUics Cf Boston are takingtbe most vigor
ous and effective measures to j enforce the sta
The American Fisheries appear to be pretty
well broken up. The Newbnryport Herald
thinksit presbablelhatour markets willhe snp
priodby'theß the daty/nn
der the tariff-ofl&iD, Is abodESJcents a barrel/
at the rate thC British' fiab coWe invoiced.
This mysterious disease is making alarming
baroc on many farms in Massachusetts. Pota
toes when potfeefly sound and office appear
ance trben gathered/ -in certain localities, are
suddenly seized with diseaso, and entiroly-psnsh
within a short time.
A font murder was committed in Polk county,
Arkansaa. on tho 19tn ultimo/by.Albany, Bom
nel and David Qointon, three brothers, on Geo-
W.. Crittenden. One of the brothers held Crit
tenden while the other two catbim to pieceswith
knives. A reward of one. hnodred dollars has
been offered for their apprehension. -
- A committee of the Royal College of Agricul
ture, in England, recently made a report upon a
a trial of the reaping machines of Hussey and
McCormick, both of which they say worked
well, mod possess many merits/ althongh suscep
tible of improvement, especially in cutting heavy
Mr. Charles McGee, the contractor for build* State. Capitol of Texas* died at Bas
trop on the 3d instant. ;He was married on bis
death-bed a fews day a before bis decease. .He
wag a man of great wealtb, and the purpose of
bis marriage was to secure odower Intis proper
ty. to the lady who possessed bis affections. ■ r ■
. 'On Tuesday, o couple of men walking on the
iS ore ester Railroad track across the Back Bay/;
were obliged to jump in the water ta nvoidbeing
run over by the ears. .
The Hew'Haven Courier gives a deseriptionof
a car ventilator invented by Messrs. Waterbary
A Atwood, which is regarded as possessing some
advantages over Veiaa’B luvemion.
. : The following is a list of tbo electoral votes to
which each Slate is entitled under the lost cen
sus, at the election Tor President- itiNorember:
Maine. 8 Illinois 11
New Hampshire.,.,.. 5 10wa..................... 4
Vermont 5 Wisconsin &
Massachusetts........ K 1 Michigan....... 9
Bbodc Island.. 4 Kentucky.......,..^.12
Connecticut,., 6 Missouri 9
Now .Alabama..,, ~*»><...... &
New Jersey.,,...’. 7 Ccmtsiana...„ C
Peanaylrania ~..27 Tennessee,.,.., ...„.,.12
Delaware 3 Mississippi 7
Maryland.... .'"8 Arkansas 4
Virginia 16 Terns 4
North Carolina.. 10 California....-...,,..... 4
South Carolina 7
Ge0rgia................. 16
T10r1da................. C
0hi0..«. .Y.............. 23
Indiana... 13
«* roman tots fob rntsurar ih 1848.
The nominations. of both the great political
parties of -the country, for the Presidency and
Vice Presidency, being cow made, the data on
which to base calculations as to their success
will he of particular interest. Wo, therefore,'
here annex the popular vote at tholastpresiden
tlal election;
Slates, ‘ Taylor. Cass, V, Surest.
Alabama, 30,-182 31,303
Arkansas....... 7,388 9,300
Conneeticut 30,310 27,040
Delaware 0,422 6,910
Flerida . 4,633 3.23 S
Georgia., 47,644 44.802
Illinois 63,215 66,629 15,804’
Indiana G 0,907 74,745 8,100
lowa 11,178 12,126 1,126
Kentuoky 67,141 49,720
Louisiana 18,217 15,870 1
Maine ; 85,270 40,206 12,178
Maryland 37,703 34,528 125
Massachusetts : 61,070 35,281 88,058
Michigan,.'.....,’ 23,940 7 30,687 10,389
.Mississippi........... 25,922 26,687 —.
Missouri.... 32,671 40,077
New Hampshire..... 14,781 27,763 7,660
New Jersey 40,015 , 30,9Q1 J 849
New York -..218,683 114,319 120,497
North Carolina 48,519 • 84,669 86
Ohio ’. 138,869 164,778 35,347
Pennsylvania 165,730 172,186 11,177
Rhodo Island 6,770 3,640 780
Nouth Carolina*..,.
Tennessee 84,706 68,419 '
Texas 4,509 10,668
Vermont.... 28,122 10,948 13.837-
Virginia 46,266 46,738 9
Wisconsin... 18,747 16,001 10,418
Total ..1,862,242 1,223,795 291,878
Late Commissioner,
Taylor over C&ss 138,447'
Cass aqd You Boren over Taylor 162,931
electors chosen by the Legislature.
Resistance or thel'isbebmen.— ThoGlpueea»
ter (Moss.) Telegraph Btates that Some of the
fishermen from the United States haTeganela
the fisheries with the determination of nevereur
rendering their vessels; to the Eritlshcutters.aa
long as life remalnain.them, and if any of the
outtera unileriaketocaptoretlieinbyforoe, they
will meetwUhrealataaoojand where there are
so many resolute men together, Bhonld the cut
ters unnecessarily annoy -them, trouble ' will as
suredly result
S-thamem tolbehasd.— The Nov York Times
favprs a line of steamers to .Ireland, if tinder
proper management Snob * line,—fitted np
with special Tegatd to the wants of emigration,
and plying directly hetween. that city and some
Irish port, conld not fail to bo profitable, it
thinks, and in the highest degreo serviceableto
the comfort and welfare Of the tens of thousands
of tboso. who annually seek new homes upon onr
Dr. OTcliOne’s Ltvfr Pills,.
f . OSS- Mr. W. Q. Butter, of Ulllerslurgh, Centro ceanty,
Pa., hod been .afflicted with hirer Complaint ibr a number
of years, end was cured by the PUIs. A young lady of his
acquaintance was also greatly cellared by them.
JaooMViducr, Postmaster at Covington, Chip, rays that
they soil very But, and that bo does not consider that bis
stock of medicine complete without #rem.
Tho wire of Mr.Jamra Stewart, of fifcbmomj, Jelfetsoo
county, Ohio, was cured of most distressing pains by their
,n W 'L A !r™?’ °fjwyabargh, New York, considers
thrae Pills the best medicine of the kind ever offered. The
le on handhold rapidly, a nd gave ' (he highest ratio*'
James Jones, of Wilkins township, Allegheny'county,
Pa» rays his wife need two boxes, which did her more good
than their family physician for two years.
. For sals by most of the Prnggista and Merchants, and
Rom the sole proprietors.. J. KIDD A Oft,
eep27;lSw eo Wood streets
' *
r- *
-vi. r .'^ C "
° ''i
Whole number of
votes 295
Necessary to- a ■>;
choice... 143
. KxUiulm AniTni ot ' “ ■ ?, :
GOODS! - i
TV- 1 OIUSGO 4 CO4 No. 97, north-ireat comorof W«i4 '■• v
lA, f-treot and DlsnioncE alley, Importers and Whnlrcnf!. Sy’.
■vS£n taDHXOOOßSmiaTajaUirDiS,.
iTO en to aewurt comp Wo rtock of Dry <W*nnilY„?|L‘ ' „
I iie-VjTb**® 9ood*bajo: boou - ! 'U '
. ririrtr. Mrtctojnwai,anootbe,ur I . m ., al lyiy El K~-
,TrestofUremoonWiis..our,f(w’*«>MistaMti!^tot_ o^
•>-.•■■■•;•:■• JfrenchandKagilakßrnaJOthfy. ® : v ;
:■•.•*.. Cavtaeres, .
•• Itacj;:Print*iagreat mietr; - ’ S
Brownamlßlcacliwlttasllnji;. -..•:?•* •...■••:./ .-v -"■.■§■ a
’ J d ™ t > ana Cotta! TMtimra: " f
1 f^\¥ oteh ' lMl,omra,ku ‘ n Bl>ams; • il
. . Irish Itonw and Tab!* foiMr; ■<.■!| •
totrowrtßlewbedlMlllnW ‘.’ :. r : 5 ,■.
' -;
• .• • . VrooloniuiaO»ntoiirtsMnot!t: - : '-'.E-v'-.:-
; .... S.. J ‘‘
: ; Checks, Twwdsand Hlctotys;: ' a
- ■■?• Hosiery arKtOiore* l&jge assortment, , f
V - * -
■.tv-Cnmbricana Hull Mt»lku; * 1
.-.Veils, Cotlaro trad Cun*? w *»
' i Dress SHk, mk!Jflk Hmafewhl. f»**-
’f. ■■".:■] ofonx S
IncSStm^^Suwibove,fe lure just tfl. j
tfOiff tliof’iDsaufectunsw;*;inery Urjsa-nmocrtnient oT :>
Goldman* oat SUtiup<VrATCHEiai : v.
Gold and Hirer Pons and: PeocJ?, toJLea'-ttndOenUGoS ••'•. i..':
■ Pins, Kithl Day and Thirty Hour Cfock*.of all kinds? IWX ;? * ;
faxnegv-brng?, oapaetr stocJt—Ua half of which. fcka» \
not wonoatunended. - VrerfooKt fatita ttMrpwtfcal** *t* ■■ I
-tefctian of chf trad country merchants, palhn sal Min** 1
:&Wtf iWnsrmtunna we wiUvmafa*. it -
mqctbyoribiSto&y '
*p& D.aaEGaACQ^
w j c rf=
' •«•.•..■:- ...v .- a i..jv. ;-r> ';.y^:v.-•■ - - i"-. •.<■ ■
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*' *• ’/“ j, f>—' ilj.% , vi- - “ - '-‘ t * •
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! ‘ v ,T pp '*'■ **■ *4 %* ' j ' i>?
, / r t •*
S 3" * f
■< '
' ;!s;
lh% AWominnl
These are instruments,-which, by 'thcTmechanirtl
support they-give, are intended to
PallinffOf the XV omb, a disease of considerable prevalence
at theprescnt day, and question has oyer been cund
without anlnMrnmeiitof- this kind,.to give, support to the
broad musoea’Which keep the abdomen supported. »
Medldnas nro of very little use ln this disease, without
that ls effectually
merit Those supporter* have been known to rare very hod
cases of Prolapsus TJteri, in « Bhorttlmd. I also keep other
Supporters, at prices/mylng from $ 4,00 to §8,00.; .;■
also keep tho - genuine WASHINGTON SHOD!**
DKR JBRACB,cOmbhiing Shoulder Braoo and. Suspenders,
for Radies, Misses, Boys and Ken. These Races aro now
wornhynearlydverypcrson*troublod.trtth ahabitpflean
ing forward; stooped' shoulders, .uantrw- or, flat.chest, andin
fact'ln every caso whew ft is increasethe-volume
;and power of the Ko
Bnwe, will ever do wiuiou6 :ifc : ! Ahw,‘.ll9XlBB)2B, ,ofrUVcij;.
variety, for tho cure and-itelief^ofrDernia.or Buptute. ; r Tho
Truss lot children will invariably cure.
targe discounts to. Wholesale dealers.. .;* ■ . •
• DA. GEO.- IL KEYSER* Wholesale-and'-BctaO Druggist,
No. 140 Wood street* arnetof Virgin alley, Pittsburgh, Fa
< snp2&dfcW
<lh£y> Cbuntrfrl Oflermysclfas acandidate forthe office of
SHERIFF,'for the-ensulng -term, and without -any party
: nomlnation, as-anXndopenriftnt anil would-thank*
folly solicit the voiesofmy felloW'ClUzcns‘ of all
-After a residence of thirtv4hreti yeart (say© threo mouths.)
in Pittsburgb,in active 'business I trust my 'character'la.
Ttxmwn to the entire as- not any - en
dorsement, and hope I may be deemed trustworthy;*- Please
giro your suffrages to the oldest-(but not iho-most '£?rta>
nate,/ Bookseller In Western. Pennsylvania, oblige, gen
tlemen, your obedient servant.
CipEBM £AKDI»E&«~9tar Candles, 4’s, Vb and (Ts* fbrKale.
O sep2B 3. lAVELY * CO.
/CHERRY BOARDS—IO,OOO ftot Cherry rßoordSj-on con*
V/ slfmmcnt nndfor sale by
SKKO-10 bos Co nary Seed for saloby :•
• tod Srocoys.
*|7 r '£TCnCTS—Tomato, Aslant and Mushroon, prepared
IV by W: Underwood ft Co., Boston, and for sale-by
aep23 J. LAVKtY & 205 liberty fit.
T>lCiLLES—<3alions»' half gallons, qtmrts ood' pints, frpnr
X & Co/ft, Boston. foraale ■whoiesalo and
tail, by JT LATELY & CO^
scp2& » Grocers and Tea Dealers.
\ -LARGE aud velZ finished three sterybriefe dwelling;
A. Trltli hot and cold tatlisjfiontnlnlng nine room*, situated -
on Anderson street, two doors from:tho cnnmrjofrßdbiqson
•street.'■•. Rent lots to a good tenants Pn£esslon given. imme
diately. Enquire of ' STUART, *
. sep2B • • • •v-• -j • v.r No. OSmlthflalfl -Pittsburgh. ?....
k S ASSOim® LOT OP DBV GOODS, amounting to
/V about.&Dofe'VilL .bo;sold; or bartered on.favorable
terns. REAL AGES, or desirable:
barter of any Jdnd,ia3icniiierxhatigc,lf noeessarytoatrado
—some cashtrnt be dreo Inqnireof
sop2&tf - GEO. K. ARNOLD & CO.
Bur A HOMii—i'<a:3AU—Two w O U '-tfafftllrick Monies
4nd Lotß,cach2i ftet on. Chcstnutetreet, Allegheny,
by 83 deep; each house fa arranged -with a wi3a hABof en*
tranoc* parlor, diningroom* pizza, ami kitchen; 4 chambers.-
finished garret, vault, cellor, hydrant, well pared; all:
in good order; Immediate.possession.can hehad otonec—
Price fin Uoose and hot* r Tcnns—syOO in hand;
balance.inonfe-teoandthroe yean. <
i • • .z—tSZZ*- S. CUT2BEKT, Geh&aJ Agent,
4>ofind tjjfieldstreet.
' sep2B
Luidi ln the Westt
• i .the'; parcta£c and _6alo of LaibJ Warrants, SU
\J% Minnesota andPittsbarßh, Pcnnßjlranla-.
. Tbc nsdersignedixas formed :a connection'Tvitb Messrs.;
Convoy & of St. for the. above
/purposes.'. .Messrs. C. & N., having been.settled intbo For'
.West toe -a number, of year?*, and betas practical surveyors,
every reliance con bo their integrity and.pra
dence in the matter ofpaichaslDff or.locatinglands.:;.. . :j:
gep2B:v • -: JAMJEB BIiAKEEY, IBfl-Woodgt> y-
V/ undyoatb, who accepted. Pledge Books on tb»X7tii,lBtb
sad 10th of Slay, from, the umlcr&igned, are requested toaa*
scxnblo Tritli thdr companions. :ttho Baro slgfrbd thejPlcdgei
at the lecture. Boom of; tbo Third Presbyterian Church, im
. TUUBSDAX afternoon; at aqoarter- past four o'clock/-
The BOOKS stoold bo htoaght: to tbe: meeting,and ft fa
dcrirahle that each parents as take an internet in aw prefect;
of uniting ch&drea of bctft-gcxea In a grand Jandeoin pro* :
bensiro seheUic of Ttempemwe
cat. liOBT. 3!. JUPDLE, -
• **• TrcgTY.TiCT. AfyockUon.T. :
Fttblic Sale of Valuable 'Watat* Tdvei,
dWzLLTsa houses BUTcmxa axd out lots.
f|Ml£«ttb«ribe» will sell-at Public Sale; upon the preml-.
-X jusuiniiewCasUe, lawicdco countj r iVnn:woaTinißB-.
UAY; October 7th,-1852, cme-two story Saw Mill, SO by- 70
f«st} machinery complete tor sawing purposes. Ifchaxobo,
a lAtgo QTcr'shot'wheelr 9qunl‘ to. home power, imltnblo
for dririnjc Tumtog lathes I?lanlng-. Jfa£iinDsvAc. Said
machinery ts entirely new; v Oue-fourthot IfcwWftter power
t}( the Shebang® eoalKeahannock rivet*, sapplylay
the ean&V which takes trot a .Small portion: -oftfio .whole,)
will ho jokf with the Saw MHL/The-purchaser will have no
expense ih Itoopinhilanuja repnliv.flnilena.n& fhe logs
unl hQ&t tho'lnihbcrr.frQm the-MIIV without any linaliag;
Also, seTurt WVJ&tINa HOUSES AND EOTS. -Also,
Chut Hundred Building and Outtota£
The ftboroembraces Bumd-ofthe must valuable properly
•in h’oW Castle, ami is worthy the attention, of persons wish
ing to make. that will pny well tor private
dwclUngsniid manufacturing purposes,. .Tho Pittohargh
A Erie land Pittsburgh A Cleveland: Railroads, will: pass
through or nearttua property. Considering the location of
tblipropcrty tor renting, wel If and tho continual rise in the.,
•value of heal £UUie. Owing (o tlio rapid iccre&w of business
mri -Rjcood investment of
'capital Addoin to Be ulet wiUu*.; NewCStstlo contain* u popn*
:- Utiim of About four thousand,' and Us manuhtctnrlog fttt&b*
;Rsluneotojimluwoverttvo.ltunaitrtiboa*and dollars worth
annually. One of the boat Public Houses • lu thn Slat©. has.’
tieon built la the Iwrough wllhiu the past year.
Any furtherlufrrurattou. (n regard to
the tibpvo property can. obtain the same by. letter or by per*
f*mal call on the subscribers wliowlHkhow the. premises. •"
Term* of sale will bo oue-ihird in baud*, the balance- In
equal annual';
with Interest, fede will commence at 10 o’iiock, A«:Mp • ; l
ft«p2frwd2g« - - -A.-t,; A ft. W. CKAWEOnP.
TMtffltthe Account* of JO3KPII CLARK, Snptrflwt .on
X Hi* lower Western- Division oCthePeimsyJuania Canal,
an exported by hljnfor tho montb ofJutio, lssi showing,
the average price of labor, the detailed pnee.paKl formate*
rials and the names of tlur persons fwn whom purebred:;
Prepared agreeably so the.ulth section o£ tiw act of 4th x>t
May, 1852. • R.HANKS, Auditor General' .
September 20th, 155 i
rorenxao bis sul canal, per
Laborers do do ,w\« ■*. i 'ST*.j
Quarrymcn •-do •' • do .■••: l,OO ;
Uead do do do . I,A»
water,} do 1.23..
Carpenters do do r.51,'25 to 1,50 . •
Hoop gaWjcrs do - ilo 2,00 v.
2 ho«o teams do do ... .. 2.50
nor^ohiro l do do „ 75
Stone MasGnsnxul Slone Cattero do to2,OQ •••;.
UorM and Cart, per diem pay , « 2,00
Graham* 201 porches* stone, at 08 centa per ' •
porclL... M * .. ... .. ..4120,03
Gan^-Shannon, 21days hauling stone, nt $2.00 r : ■>,
• -| 1 /.-. :\L r 48,00- -
James Milligan, 1690 feet tlmber,at J10pcrM......' I6ho
Murpby&Quffer, 20lb3‘tTodgi»,at8o%>lb. v ....„.*..1.t0.,
SlarpbyAQuder,! largo wrcnali 4 for:l(x v >. 1,00 v
Murphy Aduflfcr, sundries, ;«amo bill to amountslo,23
J,K.ltupp,4 stone barrows nt53dj0....,...4U.G0 •-,•>■
-.. do • sundsy items, same . -
OiawlffoW‘, 1030 foot plant $10,30
do SdsyshanlingjOt $2.30........... 6,00
J. AR'Forrester: 30 perches stono, at $1 430,00
do 25 I.KUWiO
do * aomlrieswmohil!toftm’t...
logs ats3,so. il£s*
TT. &E. STCutcheos, 4 teas Bock Powder, at
• do- • :.3©tws£lron,ats3,6o 3ty>l
do 2 Paddfo Gates, 3931b5,
t at s3£o 13«3 k
" do- sundries. halaiK*coft)lJl 19,00
—, 3ijoa
Bobcrt Morris building. Bum bridge ......,$26,50 .■
do sundry repair*. &e........ ... 8,00
Si, 50 -
StephenSfCafferty,2odays boating- stone,2oddi* - A
: tfonal hands ana horse,-00 ;
S, Colhett, blacliSmUh Mil, sundry rmaß v
items »» . •». ....... 14,4*
JamosPnmy,' 5
and horse, at so,ooper day 25,00
Aggregate amount settled i 5............... - 1
,- so. 87 southsmEEZsEirrosK,
Ani So. 180 Cjmcr cf IKwti and Liberty tts, IMtibtash.
npflE splendid vc&sels named bebw, itill sali regnlariy on
X their appointed davs:
- - ICR KfiW-TORE.—
smrs. * 'cAmrsK* ' toss bomen-
Ewaana, ' MUU, ' ' *2OOO
Wkst.Polnt, Allen, » 2000
Cars Con, Hopkins; • ■■■*■ • 1000
OanucK, O Eldridgc, 1800
Josh Stoa&t, Terris 2500
lUmuAMSocx, Cushing. 2250
.A. 55.,. . _ Chandler, 1800
CosSTEtUTwr, Allen, 1 * 2500
AttttlCAX Cniov 7 Chase, « 2000
HotMHfos, .. . ■ ;. Duane,- l- v.'.-.-'.’-:' j*oCKl
■•AKiAscftc, ~ Zerega, gy.t>
ABOTc, Zerega, 2000-
Sr. JPi.TUcx, 1 -W&tenn&n, - ; *•'■' • •' 2000-
BooftA, Bartlett, igoQ
WnuAat Purr, Tnlger, igno
'UEtaT Cur, " Hur, £250
Kicdau) Mouse, Perry, icnn
StIEkIDAX, ;; - ...:■-■••• •- PoitcTi > ■ ••'.-'i' - ' JBOO
. yannwaiTta,. Shlploy,* . 25©
WMwm, , E. B.Hrumtnond. - 2000
Asdbew Poster, Uoiborton, . isoo
KCdEOtC, Smith, igoo
&WWXS * Briggs ' 1800
Oeouie Greek, Redmond, "* {750
ITaTxrioq, H&rvcy, £OOO
Bekj. Aiums, (new.Kljip,} , Hnunmocd, • • 2000
Psopnsss, Chase, 2500
Robots Miilonty, . • ,• • i.. i&x>
Great \Ve3Tert, P arbor, 3000
. li> KcmtSTER, Briggs . .. ©OO
Anil'Succefdlns Paekob every three days
- Mlskelly,
Ftohs 3rDassu>,
Jjorcroirc, ..
Scbak ITcicss,-
Kn «rn, J[eU»ilrilc, • .. 2250.
rvSSfi. Melbourne, SOOO
r SH(U! far to American Ports. arolumlihcd
ofl’rovWons for, each paaaen
tot,MMde*BUll»Bl«». Mbasngar; libs Tea,
ln addition lo tho alioie, I
‘iMtanes and Medical Attemtanco are protUcd, all ot
'uhlchwltb Medical Fees.OoTermncnt Mid other charge?,'
ere inducted In to paaaago nioncy.
For passage In auyrrf to atxive^g^npply^to^^
• -r lSQTYbtti ami liberty street • •
mftQXKfl QKRMAN CLAY—-Wartautedbost quali
ty, for gale oallbotal terms, by
*ep22 Jl2 Second etwat* '
-r c A- 5 v
\ * *■ 'V t
K r 5 **
*.T ***~ "■"*
vl - *
.Jgpjti the late flfo ck fern fitttletf « Urge
quantity of Aycr'e Cherry Pectoral Lamed, Itt tha poeseerfott
one af thff Drngglste. cf that city, field trill tat aw-,
trol disease, andevea in lh*t 01-hir country they fcnlet pie
; ride thlt best of #D remodfea for; cold»,Kmgha ami affiirtlaM >
of the lunge. IndeeiVwehappeutoluiOfr'tbatltlaaaal
moat InOispoieablo companion cf the xoaletMna&d WlßCra,.
'who are so much and so continually exposed to the ever*
changing atmosphere of that climate. sepl
Oapsott’s .Imprexed BxtrutM
YeUotr DockuilBar»pulUauafbtAiu.
dp fw Bare Wary Ibinlf. ,<■ '
Tbooaandijojrjndly)da»l> are enraed irfth graiioas cott
plaintswhich.tjMTinherit front their parent*. .The tw of
e / ,itCoro Doc* Grid &xriaparil!a wilt prevent All this,
Save 6 mat amottnt of misery, ami many valuable liras,
for n OarmtoKu a&ltfnm Oe n/tkm Ole latent Cuint, which
la the eml of tliseaae, ami so iakca oil the curse tiy which
V 1? °o ffilsf&rtuncsof. the. parents -are so often tdalt^d
.upon their Innocent offspring.
Parents owe It to their children to guard thcmegalnat the
ofTccte of maladloalhat may he commufifcafca by'descent,
and children of parents that hare at any time herit affected
with Gauireipfum, Scrofula or Syphilis, one It tothcnaelTes
to take precaution against the diseasehclngrerlTedin them.
Ouyeotfa Extract of Yellow Dockland. Sarsaparilla is a sure
antidote In finch cases.
&&• Soo advertisement. . se^l&daw
; t 7 —J. t
SoroiWa.'-It id da» fat Kfer’f* Petroleum to g»y **■
fihat it baa been known to completely eradicate eveiy-vtstage
of this dreadful disease hr lens time than anyotber-rfcmedy; v *
aiid At leu cost or Inconvenience to tbn p&Uent.
The thousands of txTtiflcotes In tbo hands of dfceproprte* ,
tor, many of which are from well known citizens of the city
oCPlttstmrgh and ite immediate vfclrnty* go to show clearly
ana beyond, all doubtjthai J&E&'fiA’.crsoLßtra is a medfrfoft .
'joS no common value,.not only as a local remedy In ’ < : j:
itiy ttSiaunaixmi Dtafntu, lost af Stffid, but as ft valuable -
Internal remedy* Inviting 7 the investigating physicians, as v
• \*oli aa tha suffering patient* to become acquainted with Its
merits, t.
- - Those having atojad of miitTmaf aw assiirwl that this
m&UdnoJB purelynatural,• ami is bottled tut It flows from v: i -
the bosom «f the earth. '
Tftcfdßmeing’certificate it copied from amerp&tinhe&ct
Syrtupitr* JT. X\ and heart date Avausl 2, 165% <0 toAiefc xt
, afro append(aVitcertiJkatc<ftfiecd*&ritt*dl>:T*Jßb&M P* ' ’
.ofSytacv&r' *
' tThis moyin.truth certify, that 7 have been badly AF '
.alotedwith Bcrofhlafbrtbs lastaevmryearstbataoatitftbe
' time I havo bwrtr iinahie to attantl to'anykhidof imdstts.'
-ond mhnlt of tbo.ttmd tmhble td walk and coufcwA io tty ' ■
. bod, ond havs beesrtmted nearly aUihtf time by the beat
dountryaflbrdsi I-ocCaFdonaiiy goliom®TO*
Ucfi.btttrno cure, andnontinoed to rtow worse nntU Pr. Foot:
-recommendedme to try tho '
-rytliing cleO 'had Xailcd. I did so-without frith at first, bat - -:-
•-theoifrci was astoahliing; lb throw the poison to the surfthOß ’’ • >'
and l atodcc began to Stow better* and by ludsw ’
uSeronbotUes-X have’gob n-cure worth Ehousnids of oniTara. <• . 7 j
-. ThlsmayTcerWy that t have been acquainieci-vmniuurV
Petroleam, or goek Oil* formore than a*vear; and bate to*
; pestcdly witnessed Its beneficial elTeCta'm the earn of indo* '
lentulcers atidfHhor diseases for Whidi - "
and-can with confidence recommend Ittobeamedldnewui> ''
thy Of and ftan saihly 7 say that success hM attend* - -
. atita uso yherc-other mctUeino hadfrlied. -v■' - -v - "
- ” *“ JO/Y. FOOT, St I>.
-fonJTKliw, - v
r-.f r. • W'HhUSAIS niULEanr • 1 -■ •
- SHOES, 30iraBX3 ( Ac., _
-i~v iVix fitt'fßwi Street, Jtetioeen Third and lUcrtfu / .
*- • ' a--.'--,.- pftTSBUgGn. : ■ ••
Tpi§»3fS:atock embraces every variety and stylo of Boots, - ..
Shoes, Bonnots, Ac.* pttrehaaed r direct from tho Now
.Bngfand Manufacturer, adapted expressly fi?r.Fall nud Win*' ■
tcrsulcsjandiwlli be sold at eastern; prices.'. Please caliand
examine befbre buying; scp^2m
3'UMOTQY BKKD —A small lot of prhue, Justi recll and
. for sale by » A. d, srCAET.
S\i(iAhr-S5 hhds; fulr-to -strictly,- prime Jf. O.fcTugar, for 71 "
raleby r {eep 2Sj r Xu~Z,*Vt&£EB&IAK 'dr SQN& -
J?.- iostfipeaodfiOcartpnsPollßopncfcKlbbops. pypia
i nnSA3r-Xsfi half chests Imperial* Uubpowadr, Young tty*
: J.-eon and lUaclt Teas, from good to fine qnalttv, received
and-fbrsale by (sep22 KXSQ & 3loQgHfiAt>.
f\f\ ; £UARSS"fittstrazghf dnclnsati
,*J\J Krapb Stock, frr sale by -
vr-Eopgg;-.,; * AUSEUf tOOMIS, 02 ? :
i -"fiJßXliliCKlV£U, ot tSiSt Salt
<tfr~wmr<wOat Kip »nd*btek B00I3 ; aocases Jlfsn'*Sip, :
-Ybickjuul Calf BOiflß. Q»t>33J W. £. SCHSUSBJX ” -
y\TOLA&aiS&—lftU bbls i/rimo Stow Orleans Mciaases, la. -
. oat packages; S&bbls&t. James Sugar Houso Molafl- ' ''
>w,fcr sale fry fsefiSTj • -
-.T,UKU—IB bblal*ke Superior W&ito Fish; - .-if, •• ,
J* .- ldb&lfbbU do do; Fofsnlabv ■•■■■.
.ywpgT.-y-; L. 8. WATEKMA?Mfc3ON T &, ,' :
•TOUCivIPTS AND TUBS—eu dox Beaver Backets; " ~
X) ‘ LD do Tubs. (Urge,) fat telds’y ■*.
, JWpZT . - L. &, WATEK3UN,* <
,:JJ. .Wrapping ft*jpcr,fcr «do by . *
. Xacpgr :.:. L. I: 302TSL -r:
.f IXEA-110 bail chests and caddies oO'crung llvgun, Im*-"
X patUlj Gunporwder, and Black Tc-nx.-ibr sale by • '
■■ -sepzy.:,;. * - u a. WATERMAN 1 A SONS, '
/“IKNTii JNUSNCiI CALF SHIN IJOOTS—A largo Btock r : ;
vSTjuat received afr W-J2. SCOMERTZ', : i :
■-..■stpZl; , 117 Marketeteoot. .'
<X ■ found in great variety- m W. K' SOII&QMCTZ7. <• •
• *cp2T.: . 11? Uitfcet rtvccfc; .'•:•••'
KiAUViatiJ.—Jastivecjrcd* at 2L.JU SUsax'-'Ar-v
; -Co.'s.*.a Urge assortment of tieiriy imported Jfrunch-;
FJoircrß and ’ - f r«„ -*up2T'
Bilk. puish-a. a< uisos tuoJbmflnffnSnSir^
assortment of Silk mush, en g»» ft-ffiwlnfr ■•—.
> ■*i»\_ m pay*”
SILK AND JjAXLN DON'NfTTS.— A, A. MASOS % Cq., faa?fr :
jost received 20 tloa Silk acd Satto unrlvel-' • •
led assortments ’
M W AND CIULD&KN'* SllUfcS.—PllrclimJew Of
’AtA. theft) Goddrf aliAulil • not forgot ■ihftfc.lg:-lE r ftfeKhnny, r-v- v.:
117 Market rtr«t, ha«ilbe.lirgestaiid'bestaaaorfß»nt:to b©' 1 ' .
foqpd la the city. *> wpSti *
•IMWSPr-IUW) 3, Imxftel .feiW. fai MMetawtTbf ; .
KX eate by . ' A. J. STOAKT,
- opposlU'SX&fcagabclalTdni??,'.^'..
scpg ■ ' - . ,'K:? ‘Sadllifieia^tweti? •£
l)LAAfl£ijT&2 : <antt•:tfaniteMW^''|»lp...•■•:
AJ jufftreceived, so toe. extra at • . - •
* AtJU 3IASOX--& C(X
;y.sct)27 r -s N :, >■•■• - yo&62tuidG& Market street. ' .
iiis bfun»priiuc(gyaeib£io ODff«}; .
i ,V/ •.= , ; :Miapork«ta fe& Obi Oovar&Rent Java;
i . :: Jxk store oxul to amve, for safo ity
} ' ' 24. S-'WATEBafAN & SOxVS, '■..■.»*
i-wp27r. - ••.. - >.. BO and 81 Water, and Cgglffijut;- • ’.• ■.•.
F|IHK greatest iJook eVcr- written :ta :
JL th&ihigUsli lithoaborahook^liis pttbUfth&F
-complete mcnolM£ooctn+o -?o}dme r pages: Price -
50 cents a copjvJust reccivodandibraeleat - *
IT. MDOSfc k CO.’S,
■ tcpa? ' Ko.33Smlthfi«
OUSDKIiB—&>O kegs&aU»7
O -230 boxes Gldsa;
, 125 tfwGsrti; _
, 2&doaßogs: ,
50 boles Unwinds Batting;
10 bags Pepper;
0 <io AlLitaeei ..
, &bblsQsrws;
1 d? Xutaopi; x ,
stt;.dox Bttfuet Buckets;
Received and fbr sale by
sep22 KING & MOO&tffiAt); V
SUXDRIJ&— -l.litul vuiiJru jatuusrtfi- '
- - > ;l.<«iooirta*q!uAUey Caiwym laiigoa -
20-boxes tjxttaei Logmxft;
84 da Gtaocohtc,
20 bbblATcrisg’a Crustal andPulVdSafiM;•'.> v'
, 2l*xe» ;^;do:vy ; J)oobtoBffl^l ) oeX^«^..v.':---.
- - Ibbldoresi -
uegsj ■* - 1
<OSX&BC6£GU»;< <■' 'J t
10 boxes s*. t Ginger; t
' 1 2 Mo Mustard?
14'do 'Ground rcpp*f{‘ - , *
sdo do 'AiepiCDy ,
6 cases Ground hf »t r ■
' sgp27 Ik &■ WATfikll&y & 80SS.
£>rm ~ n: r , ... •:
OliL/.^bagj l Laguavns Coffee: * |
iatterceslSc<e;‘ *
4a half: chest* ctuttte Youotr Hvstin Teas j
r l5 do Imperial TVa; » < . I
10 tin Gunpowder T£a;
•.' / -TQhoxiH'asaartad'hranda Tobacco :* •v- ’.
• ' a>fcbbXolllwring; .
- •>•
' _ SObblaiio 3 large do;
- 10 bbla G3; , ' ~ “
Together with i» ftfitstoant of Groceries and.
; Plttsbursh x^XiSitbxm.^Mss^ ittchcioe stoefc of-lianors,-
Yordgu aud Domoatic, isawipUatf Bnmdidr and so
pcrioroltlßye3lononmhcla.Wsiflker. .FoT BalobT '' *
xoroer of ftmn-ftnd Irwin sfa.
Ajr iW v
.25 4o Lagusyraj •
: • lO.hhds Now-Yctkijynip; >-i * ;
CO bWasnaliaJf bblaJiew York Synroi
M half Chests Oraafixtd BiaekTeas/
75caity bates do do;
200 kegs Powderi ’
150 dorsoprrfar Com BtOotas;
SOboxes Clothes Pins? • -
••/.; .^Bsd^pttttot2incWtohßotodj;
80 boxcar Rosin end l»jdnt Soup?
80 do Pe*so Starch;
/■■* 20 do Spcm pmifitw^isndl«i;'‘
* - 20 do .CtaxfolatoMdCbeWf
> ’ -., 5 ,-do. ItablitV* Yearf Povder;
IQ. do Faria* and Com Starch;
Xf r 2d do : AlznoDd; Toilet and Sharing Soaps ?
•.>•%-. - -.-1 casoßordcnmc tnnusJ, Ja jaw*..': '
c 6 bbls-Smyrna dor
frdo : . do'-' -Bsldns; ■
>-S boxes G«moe Citron; v-. <- .. ••
& frail* Tdentla Almonds;
f»0 boxes! ft, j£ft,s’s».6 T s»«»d B , s , .!roTwtsco; • ■
H do acstanierrfM; *
:v. 'Forßalo-by..-;...:-. . r /«CO-» •
eetfS 122 Wood rtm?t.
'. t'-•••.'
- 1 „ -V L , V, <,
4 > s’"' 4 «, . . „ TB*,
& t -*i» £/,