"•'’^y' <* *#&s "* ** ** *a $-'* y * f 4 a * % * **V va! ? 4 -* *- 1 * t j ► s » t c ~ *■ f ** * ~ * v - , * / / -*“ ~&M<4L*r* —/ * / *‘| '■ — *<• ' :, *’* - - - ' i ' ' '**-*' ■■■ 'W,s ■ \Z' ■# .. : rfi:«i;,r.«iM T ~ > 1 ? JIZ. * ’’"*-*‘if-i' r •*■'&■> S‘l - J , ri .-.,. 4 -w ■—■ - -«■••- -'•••y...,.,,.x -> ;■ ta>Kg^ a ,,.;V ■»..-■ •> -~> =* “ 5 -V**,-v*V -> „ . ,a *• a. v* * c- ■• “j V t * 3lr : . '.- ; \>;' ; -'-v, ■ av-; s. r-~nmuimmmm!mm-~ r • '■ - ■ 'tr® 525 ® 8 * 4-* , -- '~*' c ' “ -—"', -,—l! ”' , ' “-■' ~ ■ ■■ ' 1 -' ,!''■' uT^: -'~ ’’ ■'. ■"■ ■ ■ "■' ' ‘ W :;. ftV v.: r; ;:.:-.-.>, ; - T .,.^ M IP IN igftj m ssftj* as? 11$ ©S . J wi mm\ iisK&ii mmM y-*4y?t>»tj.|k*t^q*-1 ln^li "Mm A STS® Is i 'isi JI-® s M Tnafft, Hlagulre &, Bane, 5 lacrrr prepaid to pocolto ana CvuLßaUnod of Wat on, tnlll promptne* «.id regularity. They *iU also dcroto their attention to the purobnae and sale of Produce, Mer chandize, Iron, Pltißburgh ManuEactoTOß. 4c- and fiseline eoarincedof that ability to give peculiar VatSkdlou to all those fayonng them tmn commands; they mpcdfhllv m\i. nt orders and <»ttslgfan)Rntfi;. • w : r|§| m oarer,St..Xionta; ! Bntter £3to there, CinehmatlrGecW! McLain, Pittsburgh.- jp««»7 ®?gS3f| Sftgl HS VOLUME XI. rHE DAILY MORNING POST. rruJniarul Fvhhxhed et\*fy (3unddy < ex&v{ed.' BY HARPER t> "nFrir'BtEL&ra/'' * £ £3- n rcKf, payable strictly in. otlracco &s Dollar? will invariably he remiired IT not paid within _ 1 Bflle Bttho-ctJnuli'r in the xympo, find by tfatf Kero Boys. TEE BATDBEAY MOBIOHG POST Lf puhliahed from/ihe Fame. office, on tt r terin>vblank*t rfw- Fbc*ot. at T)YO DOXrfiAftg a year, in advance. /Single copies JIVE CESSS. irnper will tx* discontinued (unlessnt the dlscre* Proprietors.) untilall arrearages ufopalctxr -fv.-y «Q Attention will, be paid to any order.unless acrom .tl|pinnney. orsatlpfm:tory refi.'renceintlilsnty. 1 Va MobmrifrPost. *f *lf w« largest-Job j?rmhng OJJuxiin On city, when all kuids nf xoofh ts daftcoT} tht shortest, nolux, end most n autm»- «hie Isrmt, mates of advertising, Agreed ppox m' Tim prrTsKTrßtiH''Pß&& Q *■*- , ijyra farNPAfteiy os least -insertion,.-.;:-.. u u tm vr01eu,,,..« 3 oo ** “ three* .:. 4 00 *‘. ?*.-,• 5 00 u pvgrfhe. «... ~. 7 00 1 JfcpMntoa. 10 00 taaun& CArd, put lines or less* per annam.....VoM..„. 10 00 ,• ne sq.usrcj pcr tumtmij(cxclvmTC of. the paper}„».«;.. 15 00 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Ct Orlando Loomli, TTORNEY AX Fourth street, nboveWood. - jy4qr . .r :■ Tlioma* ai> 9l(urshßll t TTOKNEVAT LAW—Office, Lowric’R Buildings, Fourth - street jsn7 ly R* 0< Camaban< TTORNDY- AT.LAI\ —OlSce on f ourth street, between . Chprry: alley and Grant street; .•; : .jo2:y- J* Ni M J Clowry, TTORNRY AND COUNSRLIiGR AT LAW—Office ..in. . Bakon-eirs Bafldjpgs/on Grantutreot. .. ■ ■ je2 ■ • C* DarragU) TTORNEY AT LAW—Office In BaleircU'sßnUdlngSyQn .Grant fr beet, opposite the COUTrH&uac:: v -■ jygjily . D» C. COSSltt, TTOILVEY AT LAW—Qfllofi,. 137 Fourth street, above N Simthficld.. Pittsburgh, Pn. , '.apr3. , y ■ D» Ht Hazm, ITORNEY AT LAW—No. 127 Fourth street, above and u uearSmUhficld. sxar27? ' «Jame«KoafiSnoTvden, . TTOKNEY AT • LAW—Office and reddmccy No. 166 l Third streets Pittsburgh. moi2o Oeorge F* GUlmorc, A TTOTtNET AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW—Office, Kv il. moved to 2nd door below Grant streets on Fourth, to the oSico-latelvn«3i]ded by AldennauMPte*. . > iroar3o-;.~ J> S« Morriaon, TTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW—Office, re . moved to No 4lGmut«irofit, near Fourth,Pittsburgh, ftprtQ-y R« Diddle Roberta, i TTORNEY AT LAU—OilhA No. 132 tmtthfield rtrtet, L. between Fifth and Sixth.'. CoUcrtionscarefolly attend* to—ppoefal attention glTeuto.ConTo7anclng...,. Edocfcly.y ■ Tliomaa Jdeaiur .. • A TTORNEY AT LAW ANDSOUCITUR TN CHANCERY, StrubnnvUlyQhlo;- :roy4>-y-. ■ XV S. ]?• ltoss, ‘ 4 ITOLNITY AT LAW—No.IO3 Fourth XjL Pa., fourth- door Iclotr-.. Mr. • llod; - Patterson’a livery jiab.te jeSS - - it, RUChffiAßtcr* LDERMAN’—Office, Fourth street third...door above A fimithftelii, South side. Conveyaucingof all kintb done dtli the greatest care and legal jkecuracy. Titlea to Real K*-, ntc examined, Ac. * ncvlG J. H. Hamilton, A TTGRNET AT LAW, hnsroznarced to thecJßce hi Fifth J\ .street, between Woo-I and SmliMekt streets, foTtnoiciy scrupled by Thoa. ll&inUion, dee’d, aiulvrill attend to the : fmylU: Feliclou Snlataper, A UCinTECT AND CIVIL KNGlNxlEfl—Drawings and LTjl. Flans of E inklings prepared at short notice. Land 6Qr voying, &c:i promptly attended 10.- Office—Grant Rtr«*t r bc< .vr’ecnSecond and Third. ■, . \ ■» apr2:ly • -; : ' -Black & Washington, , T AW subscribers have AssOchtwl 1 4 themselves in fix! practice of under tho firm of [slack & AVAsmscwx. One or the other of them, when not found at all*times dn thu.Qffioe, on < fourth rtract, Vitfrdrorgk; now occupied.l?rMr..Black. [fcl»3 inrtn n, m’cai.w0nt.,.,...,..,.. j.srctSA??. M’Calmout & Keenan* A TTORNEYS.AT LAW—No. 120 Fourth strrivt opposite t X- Wilkins IXa.ll, Pittsburgh, Fa. .- •• .EUROPEAN LAW AGENCY. . $&.-Jtlr. I&skax. incmmoction iTUh Hugh Keeuam 'onnsellqr at Xaw v Dublin, Ireland, collects claims, makes carchcs, Ac-j ip-Eurt)pc; and one of them annually makes ■toifcHhropgh.~Grßdi Rritalu, Ireland «ndAtricrlca» fmarll- Win. *J. Hose, QTATK OFFICIAL ISMltWHrCMl—lnterpreter of For- O clca-lAnguages la anil fbr the Commonweal til of Piniu- torerido iu Uio CUyof Pittsburgh. County of Alle gheny, maybe found every, day, from I) A.X., until 0 r. V„ - Jko. lf>o Fourth utreet, ■ Bonds, DpaK MDrtpiiKCS Powers of Attorney, «ml: ill legal or other writing* whataover, translated from or inlo thu CcruuuL’ Frttncu. Italian and Spanish laaguagos, with ifiatneMribhd despatch v-- : .V opr2:Cm : •: ••••.j.;i ©tf. S* \ ru' V.iV fIONTINUES to Mirgery, -and Obstcrlrs O of Jlidwiflay, Eclcc(icblly, in accnrdanrrfated a Colors*Coldißronic,or-Black.la tbo most approved style, nd at tho most Ttawonaldn prieea.. i •. ■ ... octXs:ly ‘sos. J. cjjtfrErLL...-....J>AVtn .comes afXKion*. ' Caxxipbellf Che»s>4 Co* :: fltON CITY XACIv EACfIGRYW f arebonsc C 9 TTator L Pittsburgh- .The subscribers nmnu&cturo.and keep oon tantly on tend all sizes of Tacks, Ends and Sparables; Pin: I shins Clout and Hob line Blued Floor Sorrel and Atblng Nolls; Copper Noils and Tacks; Barrel Kails; Cop ter and Zino-Shoo Noils; Patternmaker’s Points; Riretv asorted cites, Ac. ~ - - ay3ly Austin Looml«> ORAL ESTATE AGENT, Merchandize, Stock, and MU Lv Broker, Office, No, 02 Fourth Street, (above Wood.) The übscriber having opened an office at tho&bore place, for.the itrrposo of negotiating Loans, Bills, Bonds, Mortgages, and J 1 ether Instruments for the security of Monoy, end for the mrchase and solo of. Stocks. Will also_give.prompt and articular attention to buying,filing, renting cfontLleas ng Real Estate, fJyTJ AIfoTIN LOOMIS. ifT*gr.Ta DoomJs A> McDowell, ’"I KNRIUft COLLECTORS, STOCK AND BILL-BROKERS. JP Office war 8. Jones A Co's, Bonking House, comer of Ybod and Tourfc'Bt«etsV'Rttabinsliu'\':'::. : ;'• andVoutltry eoUectlbas promptly attended to. and Wollt B. A. Fahnestock & Co-, Miller A Uickctsoni Win. Bngalcy ■& Co., JT P, Tanner StfOo., Jcorgc BrcctL Harper fc VhiHipsy fjcZ4 IV. S. Haven. I HE OLD POINTING; ISTABUSUHESTj : (LiT*. JbBS aTOS A. Stocrxos,) and BLANK BOOK *«► STATIONS iX WAREHOUSE--is prepared to '..execute' every style of />gal, Comjnerclnl,- Canal and . Steamboat Job' Printing and' lopk Bindingjnnd fanufih every article la the IBank Book, oper and Stationery line, at tbo shortest notlco ypfl on the abst reasonable •. v .. Blank Book and Kawerof Mnrket; id Socondstreets,-.'-, X- :: v-v— cc'i:!.:- 1 --..--..tV. Printing Office and Book Bindery, No, 60 Third at, nov!6 r R» C. Stockton, T ATE JonNSTta & StoCETOtf-BOOKSELLER, STATION JLi KUy PRINTER -AND BINDER; would respectfully. In* rttatlm&ttcntiomCfoMerelumtsuhd others, tahialnrgoand superior stock of BLANK BOOK 3, consisting of Day Books, Journals, Lodgersrlnvblce, of (Very size,'-made of-the'best; paper,'and bbnridinrtbo'most larable manner, which be offers at prices tbotcannot tail to dre satififhetiont -Blaik Books.ruicdiand; bound to any gir* mi pattern. Printing of every description executed with icatnes and despatch. -: i' v'r'vJySSM ' 1. J. hTL'AET, Q. GILL Stuart &. Sill, P ROGERS, P3IODCCE AN D COMMISSION merchants, Ur No. 118 W ood street, Pittsburgh, Pa—Dealers in Oroco* ics, Flour,-Wheat, Rye, Cats, Com,-Parley, Po;rk, Bacon, Butler, Lard, Cheese, Cloyfe/, TimuthF-Sni fiat lycra, Satis, Class, 4c., Ac. Partlrul'tr attention paid to the sole >f Woßtom Produce. 22 r -TTrnouaAtis MCO 'WAiiwioußß-Oomcr Tiret toa If »Ml rtroct*. and corner Wood rad sixth. ffcM ZrT._,__j_ wuuwi Olewii TiW I S a^ Di:E r Cor ?“» ° r ttw and Wood stnxls, oTxrte ■‘t* *>*3 »• Ju*oro heds-prapared to do ofcrv tloscrlptlou or itfeilpg ana .Binding - « * JFohh. Hi aiellor*' " W IIKTAI k DKALtIB IK MUSICAL ptotl(.nfliy r Ko. ptroot. • .:• 1 • ‘ fjanl = IVT TAm>n-K 0 .12 SmltlilKild’ativefc. between “ -' ••'•>••••.- • . - Daniel Tonnsaon, TTOUSE. SIGH, OliN ASIBM'AL PAINXKJt—Corner Ixtim undHandstrects. Ail trorlc ucatly executed. Ordera punctually attended to. [mtaVLy 4 o co •: 25 , 1 75 __ R> C. Stockton, -T A]®; JOHNSON: &, STOCKTON,BOOKSELLER, STA : -Li: nONEB, PrifttcfXttd jander-rootnor of Matket and ltotd rtrccte, Pittsburgh, Fn. Qygi-tf Tkontu M. Little, 'TTTATCn; AND CLOCIC MAXEB—Ftlth. street, between i: T f >vooU nml Market streets, opposite Iron City Hotel. All frlnda of Jewelrymade end repaired. • •: fnps-lv /710MMI5SI0N. AND JORWARDINQ aUJIICnANS. AND v_V STEAMBOAT AGENY3—Na 7 IVatcr street, Cincinnati, Ohio [nirt'tr Bennct’a Tk/fONOCIiaOMAIIC Thirdstrcct. XrX Third May—New Paintings;. The tionlen of Gcthsc mane. The Cemetery of Scutari. ayg-tf W.W. JU’Clnre, TTOUSH, SIGN, AND ORN AMEN TAL PAINTER—CoYnex XX IV ood and Fifth streets, under Patricks & Friend's Bro ker-office, Pittsburgh; Fa.-- t :■ -- marJOOv; • c.». ciautosi... ctianiixs. ■ CQmmlnßACo., qn&RWAßmxaa coiraissio.NT. srßucnASTfi-iwiirat J? Cityßlock, Ohio fjolv&*ljss C. A. 2l'AnnUr . Tutrnx A Brother, TYEALERBIN WINES* LKHiOKS, IMPORTED A POMES-' JLr lICS LO AH S,£c. — So, iC SmllbficM -etrccti npar Olv mood allay, ftttelmrsli. hotJS <3. W, Taylor, "VTO. 121 Second rtxoct—Negotiator of Zkmtbv Mortemas, J«x Time Bilfs, and Stotts. AJeo, Pittsburgb Maimtictoros, . and Merchandize, always on bahtl, or procured at short' nim(b. . , " Miller & Blcketson, *T\7TrOtESAI*TS UIIoCKUS, iMPOM-THS OP BItANDIES, T f V> Inca and St Xos. l? 2 mi 174, comer of Irwin . ftnd ;lil»Q^st3nocs';l , ltfßhdrglil.'' Grttoir Yarns, : ; t;^- ,: ; °, v : 5y^SV : ';- d, B, sheriff, \ppi;WAKDINO AND OOMMJSSD N MERCHANT, AND ’.A .Dealer in all hinds of -VVcsuirn Produce and Pittsburgh Aianulacturoe-rNojno sUrhct rtroet; Pittsburgh. Ho will prnmiAly attend toall buuue*s entrusted to his rare. . ifl'J J*|). UILUAUS .. ...JdU'f HUT, JO. ■v- ' . JT* U* IVUllftJiia dfc. TrrnoUSALB ANMtJfA‘AID>AiIILV ODOCEnBfAND r- ? f ‘ :f ptwerding :and C^hUDlsSpa' Dcnlera in Oounfry ProdntS! • and Ihftsbttrgh Jfnnnfactnrcfr—M oorf .fiug rigors al*gTo Vlfth. Pittsburgh. • . maro •• pfUAXI-li* .■y-jons . XICOIS, IU'KaC owzl\k, i 0 • . Maryland. >•• ■■•;. nttflbuwrh. I • ,•• ■ SellfiMj:Tffcols &. Coi, .• • i T>RrtDUCk ttmOKSBiUIt COMMLSSIO.N AtEnCIUXTS. •••J_ • fco.SOOlibcrty.jjtreci*l*a, • rijwrm. Umeed and fan) Oil*. ■:■.,■ - Jrs3 STw* iiOrbncJi, : “J 3 ASPECT 1- £XLY mSirnui Ma fciontls oml the public in . -jAf. tfeusrnl,■■that be Us*. opened thohouso fcnnoriyoceujil fad by & Sliopard, in AVilklusburph*. where be U prepared to ntidpctfcccs f^u^OutlbooittecJty.' _ is. 7. c, Morgan, *TYOOK3KJiIiKH AND SrA'nONFl!—altroys on band J> « grocral ttpj»rtnnrn< of School. Blank Books, Printing, Ph-d and Cap IMner. VVholwcil* and taU gentlemen vh<* have found It difficult to obtain tyiCflfyfUliTiff kuii Ihorfuiijhly tipvfr. £hlrtj eail ha Suited .by tolling and leaving their muaihure.-. ; AJ/SO—On hand, a Inrjte quantity of Heady Modn Shirty of all rises. for Men and Boys. jeS W. XZ* Wallaces T OOKING. GLAMi AND BRUSH FACTORY—No, 120 JLi Wood street, nhoro Fifth.- Keeps "ecmriautly cm band and manufactures to order, every description of Mahogany and Gilt Framed Looking Glasws; olio, looking glow plates, by the box or ringlo plate. Pictures and-Portrait* fratneu • with neatness and despatch,:. A fall assortment of Brushes on baud and made to order, ef the best material. Together with a variety of house furnb-bjnggooib>, wholesale or retail, to suit purchasers. at reduce*! prices • feblM-iim - WK. A. 1tt81t0y........ .4A3t£S CRISWOk Herron dfc Criswell, '•■:;•■ BELL AND BIIASiJ FOUNDERS—Manufacturers -of all' kinds of Brass work, Locomotive, Steam Engine, Plum bers, Ac,; also, Cotton Batting manufacturers.'Foundry on Jlcbocca street, Allegheny City—Office, corner of Market and Fifth streets, PiUnburgb. Old Brais and Copper taken in exchange for work,'or cash paid. .. Orders loft at the Foundry or Office will be punctually qtumdod to, fob Oily , v £ • WUUam TrpvUlQt TTNDEKTAKEIt-Fimi street, immediately opposite the U Theatre, ra*poctfuily Informs his foiemlSf ftml tho pub lic generally, thatho has resumed his business os a Furnish ing Undertaker. ITo is supplied with, and always keeps on hand, Coffins of all sizes anil kinds, Shrouds, and all other - V r::. Silver See Boxes, and Leaden Coffins, will be imp* piled in order. A fines llcarso and Carriage always ready to ■attend faneralg..- - ■'• sep29dy . J* J* Gillespie* /VpO,.7o‘Wood;street* Pittsburgh—Manufacturer cfLook* li. ing Glasses, and Wholesale Dealer in Combs Varie ty Goods, offers to his customers and the public a most com plete assortment of Goods in his line, sunnble to the spring trade. 1 Being extensively engaged in tho maunfacture of aver? ■variety of looking Glasses, be is enabled to offer induce ment* to purchasers, equal to any house in tbs Union. - nprfttf . ■ Henry De»mler« MANUFACTURER OF TIN, COPPER AND SHEET IRON WAKE; Deaier. is . Uocgp. Fc&situbb -HAnnwAhfi— ■ No* I£o Liberty StrcottPlsttburgh—Keep* always on bond ft large oFsortmcntofTltt and Copper Ware, Ac., tent quality, ■ which he will Mil at very. low. prices for. cash* .wholesale and retail, * • Country merchants arrt Invited to coll at his stand. -All Job Work in the above business; also:.SpUnting and Rboffilng Houses; will bo promptly attendwito at moderate prices, [novlfl r r :<„. Jn.tae»S4o\vrytJft»t- OHAIII AND BISDSTJ3AD • MAN UFAUfUIiEII—No. 20i Fottorman's ltow,liberty street, bos on band a large, stock of Chairs and Bedsteads, of every description, modo of tho bust xnftterials; wblch:UowUl sell lower titan articles of . tho same quality can be sold in tho city. Ho would call par-, ticular attention to his largo stock of Mahogany and. Woluut Chairs and Bedsteads, wbidi lio will sell at greatly reduced prices. Alsp, Turning of every description executed In the neatest manner. Orders left at tho W arc Kooms or at tho MAI, corner of Adams and Liberty streets, will be promptly attended to. mrol; ■ James fflellintreiv TVTONOKGAUELA I'MNING rcappctfally. XUL 'lnfonn his friends indithc. public that his new estab- Ushmont.is now in full operation, and that he is prepared to farnlGt Dost Cabins, and fill all orders far Planwl Lumber,: with promptness,and at the lowest rates, • ■ Board and Blank,, pinned on one or both Eidc.*, constantly on hand... ' ■ \ SaPh, Doors,' and Moulding?,, of every dpscrlptlon, nuide to order*- ;;: ' “V : V : , Bnilders .anil Carpenters would find it to their advnntngo to give him a call, as ho can. now furnish them with planed gtuff suitable for every description of work. ■» ■ • H« Bard & Co<» T>mSBUnOU LKATUEJI DKPOT— No. 103'Wood street— -IhaTc recflTf d a Fall supply of stock lu their line; -Biil*' itimoro find New Yoik Solo Leather, Philadelphia Kips su'd c Calf Skins, French CalfSkins,Country Upp«v lUps and Calf : Skins, Morocco Lining and Binding Skins; Tanners' Oil, Aftd •Tanner3 t nnd takon-nllioftt'tber,'thoy. beliere it tbb largest-and best assortment ever offered befora by any opo house in Pittsburgh All of whirih wo are pro pami to sell to cash and prompt paying customers at the very -lowest prices posable. uetoke pleasure in showing odr stock, and cordially In vito purchaser* to call and examine, iK'fon* jiurrhnMng else where ___ wplfi'tf Hough 4 Anthony’s Dagaerrcotypei, rpiCß unilersigned would inform their many friends and J. ( otiurs. tliat they have removed from Burke** Building to No. U 2 Imrrfch st(afi w doors abbro their old stand) whore they have fitted' up rooms for.DagtterreotyplDg* Having a vere superior arrangement of.light, and tho .most-approved Instruments now in use, with anmo ten. Years experience in the,burincas, ther pledge themsdvesto turnout as good pictures as any other establlshmont iu the country, and for more taernm. likenewe* than has heretofore been furnlsh- cUtteds of I’utebnrghi'either singlo-or In croups, Qmans and strangers are respeetfially Invited lo call, 1 they wish pictures or not ♦wHi? otto H Pictures, folr prices, and.'perfoct satl?- w«ion to our customers, HUUGH A ANTHONY ntimif l *’::. i all articles In our business to other as heretofore. o pi 5 I 'l: . • ■' •- ". PITTSBURGH, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1852. BUSINESS- CARDS. . - -Fencer, McMillan p4. r _ ' ' t '* I* W* Ch«dwlck) rTVRAIiEB IN HAGS AND PAPER, No. 14fl Wood Street*. iIL/i Pittsburgh. Tho highestprico in cash paid for rajjs; tnyltyV - _ _*> "P j / < .4. CUdty J, ~TT ' WKE, (sncctasojt TO MntPHT * lot,) 1 VrOOL DeKU JJ. .vKB AND COMMISSION" MERCHANT,‘fo* ttu ealo of. American ’TCoolen (kxxl.> M 0.153 liberty strot-t. (tnyl . ‘ dame* A. Joneii AKD ’ItbTAU/ DlrtfaQlST, cGrixf' Of '.. Tr. llberty. Mid llanrt street*. A complete assorttneat °f Brngs, Chemicals and rumlly. Medicine* always on hand. -r ~r > . v,.,- . B* 9. Officer. ..!\T JCSW ACrtmER of *n•-kinds • or Trank ami .'packing worths Planing Mill, Grantstreet,rbctireen Seventh find Kiphth. 4 Boxes .modft and delivered attho shortest notKa. fja9 I-.*.'...a,.. ...J.LAVELT. J. Lardy & Co., T\EALERS ; IK CUOICJv 2AMILY/; GROCERIES,' Teas,. • X/ Pickles, Bruits, Ac, Ac.—-Ao. 205 liberty street, (north sldn,) one door* brio\r Hand mygfcy ■■■ ■■ •■■ Bnaaell & Jolmston, ‘TTTTIOLESALEGKOCEIiS, COMMISSION SIEBCIIANTB, J Tf and dealers in Produco and Tittsbnrgh Manufactures, , 110 rWqtor and 166 .Front Btreett PUtstmiyh, Pa. my!7 d. K. Weldin, ■" 'T-."'- TTrnOLKSALEv'AKD BBTAIIi'BBAUm 1 In Blank and ■ : If School. Books,. Paper and ..Stationery, No. 63 Wood street, fbofry&en Third an« kourth,) Pittsburgh. Pau fmr2o i_- v Sl'Cnllongh d} . GROCERS. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, vf f . anU Dcalcrs to tUI kto&i ofPrbdure, comer of. Penn gnAlnria streets, JMttflburpb; jnarll ' 3liltenl»ercero, 115 Front struct, Pittsburgh, Pa. [je!2 jLOCICWOOfI’* ffILEVELAND, PITTSBURGH AND - MASSILLON: EX- V-/. PRESis Leuvea Pittsburgh and Gutclmul, Mondays, V edncsdays and Fridays. BAKER A FORSYTHE, Agts, my 7 ly William 91. Gormly, MHOLISALB GROCER.’ DEALER IN ' PRODUCE AND PITTSBURGH MANUFACTURES,, No. Eft Liberty strop t, directly op}»osHe Eagle Hotel, IMtlsburgh, Pa. fly2By KAY & CO., ■ ; (tATt OUABLJCS 11. X-AT,).. . “fTTnOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOKSELLERS, Station ■ t f: eta and Toper Dealers, earner of Wood and Third rts., •Pittglnirgh, Pa. • ■ = • •: jy3o XT AVAL few coidea'of the Slilpw tight’s X\: Own Book; or BaatßuUdoTrGaMe—by.ti, W. Rodgpm, —4n two rotames. containing .1* cupper plate engravings of Drafts And Models, for sale cheap, by JyCO KAY i CO, 65 Wood street A* TlndU, fem WHOLESALE andßefcul SADDLE, HARNESS, ISIBOTRUKK, VALTEE and CARPET BAG manu&c* ® turcr. No. 100 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. IJ&7 r (SCCTESHOB 90 STUART ft SILL.) TI7’HOLJSALB GROCER, PRODUCE AND OOiiMISSION VV MERCHANT —Deals in all kinds of Grain, Seeds, Flour, llacon, Forte, Lara, Batter, Cheese, Teamen, Ac.,Ac. No, CSmUhdeid street, 0n23: opposite the Monongahela House, Pittsburgh. ftt. G8A1T......,; BL Graffs Co. XyfOULDEHSP UNION FOUNDRY—No. 12i Wool street* XfA Pittsburgh Pn. Mamifnoturers of Cooking Statc-v ■ .Plain aud fancy Orates, Coni and Wood Stores. « , » KendnA Parlor Stored, •:. Sugar Kettles, had and Dog Irons, Tea .. “ . Platform and ttmntcrScales. BarkMJlls, Hollow Ware. ■ . _ Wagon Boxes, Ac. fsep7 - i MALL A BPKEK. \rrjIOLESALB AND RETAIL PLOW MANUFACTU- I f ■ ItLBS, comer of Pena stmt and. Cecil’s alley, (onn , fcinsreMow tht'Kxfltango Hotel,)Pittsburgh, hate tbrwile oter one hundred different patterns ami sizes of PLOWS, of thp to •,»st lujprotctl kind*, and suitable fbro.ll descriptions of soil. Among: them will be f jund the «debrotcd first Premi um Patent Iroa Centro Plows, the best ani Plows tobehadin theUtiitod Stairs: jand. olft>,SulM»il and Hill 1 rWetottpo and hugnr Plows: with Plow Points and Cut lags C’tervTT dwrriptiou. Merchants shoulclcall and see, Iw'foro nuwhi'dnt ggpgpOm " . ■•■ • ■•, 1 '•■ : ■ Notice, . I ,N appUcotiou will Uv made at the next resskm of fho il Lcvkiftturr, for tbocbartcref a Rank,-with a capital of Three Huhdrod Thotfijinii'Dollars, to bo locat'd atpitts burgb, jmdeallal Bank of Pennsylvania";. I nm win plcaso copy in Worklr narcr. • \ jcilfcGm.". /■■■•. • ■ .' Co*t*(urtner»tiiik A THE ratocHbm Jwtc fonnwl CVylv*rtr,or»hsp, wwl will oontfnu* j|^pjjgjgg|g®» Out GAB IS bTV, . VURNITCUE *n4 .iCUAW .MAKING UUj*lNK*3, at"-- the Ott>fcTAKlvNu at yyiTIfHBMI itntKCT, lincTer thrfln&of lima * MecT&nts: JOHN M. lUWI.V, , ■ ■ ; JOHF.PiI MEWKIRK* • US? Having dlrpo.vxl pf my interrst in the Arm of Mpws •Titcole k Co.. ia the Cabinet. Furniture and Chslr making busing to IHWI.V A MKKTKIRK, I would most chee£ fully recommend and solicit for them a rontlnunnco of pat ronage,*o liberally bestowed • : sportl-SporU Sport 1.... . POBTSMEN, now ,1s tho time for you to avail yourselves O ofa Good Gun, oftha best makers. Just received direct from the manufactures; • :-•• ■■ 1 do* double barrel-gans, real atahaud twist; ~ 2 do : do do r do fine-'i • do;. .. v 0 do. .do- do.. . do' ImttaUon Uc^ 20 doainglo do* do . assorted“dor *.'•■/*■. ALSO, 60 (loz baDsot wadding, Eloy ABaldwin’s; 400canintors and half canisters of the bestsporting :. - ■ powder; ' 1 ’ ■ • .•••-'• ■•.'■■■ , . 50,000 assorted gun caps, all kinds;' v fiOdoz powder Basks of the latattstyles; . .. 20 do shot bags and pooches; ;. • 0 do cap primere -ussortcU; . ■.!•..... . Together with all the trimmings? necessary to fit out the sporfomau. '. v; - We have on hand and are constantly making onr superior Rifles, to which wo JnTjto;thoattcnUon.of Sporting men. All of theabovoarticlcfiforpalept. _ DOWN A TETLEY’S, gepn 130 Wood st. New Supply of Gbitokeriitg’* Platfos* JUST RECElGJ2D,directgrora thoealefie.■. te&manu&ct&ry ,of .Mr.Xhlnkcriug, Bnflj3aE33ggH~ too, the following NKW SUm\Vof FOBTJESI Mf ;Two splendid carved Rosewood Plana Fortes, full soron octaves, .with allvlhe improvements tpatto' by -Mr, Cbickerlngj - " •- •• One Rosewood .curved, double" rcmod comers ale and ’’tunrtar ottaVcs;,■ .. u, Ono Rosewood, doable round comers, full seven octaves; -Two Ita»Wood, doublo rmind cornohv sit and' throo iurtcroctavesj;'lf - r . ■ Ono Kowwood* round corners, six and a half octave*; •TwO Rosewood* six GctAvo% square oomors; - • The atom pbum' Fortes- aro ail mamifacturodfrom. tho best and most thoroughly seasoned materials, and aro fully warranted. , * .The prices nro tho wuru> as thoao charged at tho monoTn©* . tory in Boston, and will bo sold on the us uni accommodating terms. , JQ£LN H. MJJLbOH, / •. " ' No. 81 Wood street, ■ :?/AgenU'orthe manufacturer for.Pittsburghand Western Pronsylvftnlqu. • . jyft lOIV.A FOVNJ)IRT, NO 103 WOOD STREET. TOIIN C. PARRY. (successor to«T* 0. Parry & C 0.,) bogs tl- toinfofth the customers of the old ,flnm pnd.-tho public generally, that ho baa now on hands, aud is extensively cn* gogWdumanuforfnrtng, every description of CASTINGS-* such as; Patent Chilled Kolia: largo Kettles'and Curbs; Patent'Kcttioflf'for Boip, Pot Ash- Soda-Ash; Sugar Kettle?, ■ for the iriAnufiwturff'of :Oano.,Sugiu , r-ai!:c«<07017 description, ala ays on hand or mado to order. Cook States Kitchen Ranges and Cdal Stores, of every description; lowa Cook Stoves flioeizcs, which received the first prize for 1650 and 1853* at the Agricultural Fair of Al legheny County, Pa., and recommended by fifteen hundred person*; Entorprize Cook Staves faiiirsi2ca; Premium Cook Mores 1 Egg and Radiator Coal btoves; Parlor Stores 4c, Parlor Grate* and Fender*, great variety, beautifully enamelled. Common Grates, onrVouilding material of every » > . .A great variety .of Ornamental Raillng,for Cemeteries and, Fencing. Pfnu'lhs-avd 'rtdugh- A-large- stock oT tilV the klnds iE JUsfci and. Will be soldatrcduccd prices.: .ifaU’a PAt ent Lever, True American. Egon's, = Orano's, .Klnkald’s Woods*. Peacock’s Roll's Improved Jlull.Acv ' .‘Jkmbfe- Ploughs.—The Mlehlg!in 3)ouolo 'Plflugb, wh'lcli hM taken tho .premium. at the State, FaimofNew York;: ' Pennsylvania, and Ohio, and wherever It baa been exhibited. I-■ -Iron and Nails Stove Pipe and .Tin Ware—all of which I ’will sell at%be- lowest prioes;-and>rDflpeftfa}ly- invito tho public togivamoa call, at fhealdstimi. No. IWWoodsL &U3l? JOHN Q. PARKY, JANKERS AND BROKERS.', s, c/trawL . joto ar. ntxem ! - TffiBHASL&CO,, ' ■_! . i JiANKcaa ams hxciungi: xmottpps, ■*. fepS&lyfr'. • JVTx PS Wotid Strfft, and -Dmnc-mtiMint? - O’CONHOR, BROTHER ft CO.*> ' ? _S*3IK£BBANP KXjOUABOf: BROKERS, 1 TTVEALKHS in Dorocrtte mid Forelpju ExcLangOtTiiuu ftjul ,i_/[Blght Bill®.' Cota, TJnflirrcnt mid TnrFandjy Stocks, 4c. corner Wood am! Third flto,, PiUßhurgb; ■ :jmarl7K JOHK WOODS, > tIAIfKEIt AND EXCHANGE BUDItER, ' XVKALEH, in Gold, SUror and -Bank ftotcs. Current and X/ pnr fund* rwelvod on deposit Collodions eorefoJlyu* FcmTtligtrWit, owj vdqor East-of Market, Rts* NKPa. (JoS.!# binyvftu . . , jtomeihc taut IbMgit JSschantie; JkaihXt<%frl‘ Odd andrSOsfr » J&Htghtt Said andJßxzhanged, at iht > | EXCHANGE AND BANKING HOUSE QB J WILLIAM A. HILL A CO., '} '/ . J 04 yroa © sm*?,. smsssaas.} . .tEfe-latercflt flowed on timo dopotflta. • {anjtSy I G. E. ABHOLB & CO H f RANKERS AJiD JSSCIUNOE BROKERS, * •TYEALKRS in Exchange, Coin, Bank Notes,. Sight and JL/ Time DrafbvAc* Collodions carefully attended ,to, remitted to osy pnrtoftbeUnloiL . • : Stocks bought and sold on commission, . . •'. .•?*:. • 74 Fourth st>» next door to Bank of PilfaVg. HILL 4k COh i > fiASKKBS fiXD KXCHANOJ2 BROKER J ■ 1 TSHWEffOr *oot> AM> RWastSSElk Q I£3irr £XjCUAKGI3 on tlw Eastern CHie* oonstanUjunr 'ij :eale:.''Tbseßtn& of Exchange and Notes fliicounteO.—■ f-hjld, Silver noth Bank Notes, bought and,sold;;, .Colleetfoxu modoinall thn principal cities of thn.United-State*.-']s&< porito received of Par and Current Eante. - fmaggTar AttXH''BUltE&t '' 'EDfWAncmmi,' '' » gLQggcgg.gftJtontLV KEAHEB ft BAHH, ? BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, fFVUY AND SELL Gnlthfeilver, and Bank Notes; negotiate ii Loans on Rea) Estate or StackSaurltlesMytirchaso ■ Vromtasury Notes and. Time Bills; on East- and 'Wat ; tray and soil Stocks jjy33 . :• A«~WILKffiB. ::.j. j.cwxi.'io. H, HOXJSE& ft 60NS* , BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, iuto morayxn tnsm nasusa OLaBTAsp,-;' ' .■\F- HOLMES A SONS, Bathers ami Exchange Bibkera, i.Y'« and Boater? In Notes, vDrn/U, Aaceptilitt*, Gold, SR ver and Bank Notes. Exchange on Ute Easters and Western Cities constantly fbr solo. Collections made la all Ihe tftwfc throughout the United States. Deposits received In parfiifyJs or Current paper, No. 67 Market Thlnl aadjFotmth ata. [j&Styly , r jAs.,g r hoot,. :TZ..~ .. race, saxskst. ‘ 1 HQOS ft BABGKNT, V BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, . m oaKam op wooc* a fiarn pmscDtaii, px. TkEALERS la ©oiu, Bank Notes, Time BRlft, Foreign and JLr Exchange, Certificates of Deposit, Ac. Exchange on ail tho prinriixd. cities of tho Union and Eo* tope, for sale in sutns to suit purchasers. Cnrrent and par funds received on deposit Collections mode on all parts of tho Unton, at the lowest rates, fsfplt.lv * Removal. PATBICKB ft EEUENB, BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, Biive Rtmctfd thnr Office toftc Cbrnrr of ft/thana Itftxlsfr. TOTsm/Wiii, rx. T)ATRtCKS.& YRIEXp, Bankers and Exchange Brokers, JfT and Dealers in Notes, Drafts, Acceptances, Gold, Silver and Bonk Notos. -Kccoansca on thn Eastern wd-Wcstcm Cities constantly frr sole. ColUstioasJCnndofn all Ihe dtitHi throughout lhc fJulted States. Deposits received in par funds or current papfcr.at Urn torner of Fifth and Wood Streets. ?v ■ •• . f • 1 Dissolution* ~r\ V “T Tnft FIRM OF A. WILKINS & CO., has-fbi* day&Kj* dissolved by mutual con-ent,. The hurfness willtoeio sad by Thcunpeon 8011. A. WILKINS JOHN a. cAunnrr, THOMPSON BKtL, mow?** c0x,.:.... j. a. «toiiet. THOJdPSOH BELL ft CO., BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKER**, 1 (late 0? a. vmxro a ro«) *TJf/ILL mntimu' tho Exchnnjro and Banking business at T y the old stand, corner Third and 3 jarket sm. . fjy2 EXCHANGE AND BANKING HOtlßEt 6. JONES 6 CO,, Gjnurr of IJLrvf and Jtrtnifi Strutt, TMUteryhj J\ya?a.- BIL1&0F EXCHANGE and notes durouand.-ilUilsnf ; Exchange furnished on aIL the ■ principal citi(jv£a*t, ■WMtuiJfSouth. J ' , BUlsofExcbangenlßj furnished Inlarge or email £um.« on London,, and various places la Wales, Scotland-and Ireland ; «also, on Farts, Bremen. Hamburg and Frankfort. - • * . ' OolloetioUj* made la all part* of the United State*- Gold. Stiver and Bunk Note* bought mid told. ►: ■ , l>eposltA refviTrd of par and Current Funds,-alufcjal’* Call. ■ ■ Ttmo lfcpoidw nlsd received, and interest flliowoi# tond Warrants pnrchased and sold. ■■■■•■• - 5 .HOTELS, &c. Iron City Hotel, • SMITH,-Psop&muß. . Fifth tirrtf-, tythtvm Hltod iC Mnrkf! f Pittsburgh. Ag’Oood Stabling attached to this Hon-g. fnprT^ly aiuapßoww,.c,coaxzu.v, Brovra’aHotol, Qrmrr 0/ SmifhfirJd avd Third Streets, Pittsburgh, lYnn'a, . BROWN A-CONNELLY, Puommm. £d*Good stabling attached to tho House. IVcilern Excbange Hotel* ■ Markets!., Wrstof Itnn Sguate, mariif opposite. Ute Ckntrol ■ : and Pa, RttH Koad Dapat, JOSEPH WATERMAN, PBopßiaTon. O'The subscriber respectfully , solicita a share of the travelling patronage. Tttß3~onn Dollar per day. ' ' ■ ' - • ■ 'ffrMfrly Owiton'B Exeha&se, XfO. 37 BT. CLAIR STREET.—-This house baa boon tar Xl kcn by,tho undersigned, fitted up In stylo, famished with tho best of LIQDOU.S, ond erorrthsng tho season eon afford. An excellent LUNCH overy uny, to which ottcntioix Is partipularly railed. fJnnlS) JAMES OWBTON. GFRANKL3h HQVBEI P|pyeinnd, OJti3pr ; PATRICK & SON. PnopEtnoßS.—Tim House fan* un * dergoso tliorough and. oxteuvivo repairs, oltcmtiom, and large additions of now furniture, eta, and thepropria tom; pledge thcmsclvcu that nothing shall' bo wouting on thdr port to render tho FsAXBLcss;pl&co when all the com* forts of a first don hotel can bo found. jy*df r a PATRICK A SON. : Bt> Cbarleii Cbmcr 1$ Wood and Third streets. Pittsburgh, Pcnxt&i IVTLLIAM S. CAMPBELL, Paoraicron. fpHIS fine establishment having come into tho hands of & X new Proprietor, offers great Inducements to the travel lingcominunity, and also to regular boarders. Every dali cacy and luxury will bo provtiod in its season, and no pains will be spared to make this Uotol a comfortable bomb to all Wbomny callthorc. (mylfrtf} W. 8. CAMPBELL, Proper. OwAiitX. Houst)...: ■. r ."V .■!• ". 1 _ ■ _Omi*r of PncrVs and Grant stndt, PiitsbuirgTii ftnh'tu :: rniUß SUBSCRIBER has leased tho largo and: well known X HOTEL, (late Lamartine House) at tho comer of Fourth and Grant streets, which has been repaired and newly fitted up in all its apartments, so as to give a largo and more liber*' al. accommodation to travellers and boarders. Tils larder wflt bc stored with tha most choice viands thr> market can afford, and his bar furnished with (he bosk He would re spectfully solicit a share of public patronage. tn*rl& a PERRY. Wilkin* Hall, - r ■_• Pburihtired* near.SmWifietdi Pittsburgh, iftnn’o, TOHN WALKER takes pleasure in announcing to his U firlepds and the puttie that he baa taken theabovoaplen-’ did establishment, and aßer oonridcrahle exponso baa made it a delightful jOaco of resort Ha is perfectly prepared to serve up.at. tho shortest every aclicacy which may temgk the appetite of tho epicure of the 'fimeyof the most - Dinner wUI be |n readiness overy day at 1 o'clock, for any number of persona, commencing this nay, JunaSlsh Par*' ties can be*accommodated with Supper In tho mbs t XcAsfeAe monncr.r Oysters, Game, 'trill bo found, there in thdr season.; short,. tho Proprietor intends that no expense ortrouole shall be spaced to make this already popular House the best tn the Western country; ■ v - jeZkly : 1 fit* Clair Hotel) :: ‘ • ftoaUBUIT TUB«tCaA3iex,) : / ... ; - CarnetSL Clair st9.inasbitts7u ’ : . SHIS spacious, central, mid conveniently, located HOTEL, having boon corapietcly remodelled aud-thoroiighly re ftl aucf Improved, and is'mow open for the accommoda tion of tho pubuc. , v ■ The subscriber, lessee and proprietor of tho BM33air Hotel respectfully informs his friends and the public, that he has furnished it ia the most elegant and -comfortable style, and 'umploycdjcompctent. asslitonU and attentive, end faithful xemnta,.aud that be will sporo no exertion tomakelt Mual to any house In the country. • Tho Kell.lcnawn eoutral loadion of the Ilousc, and ednvo. ulenco of'.its arrangements rendering it the most desirable either to travelers or permanent .boarders, Induces him to jojldt and hope for a^liberal share of patronage. * Epr23 , VT, BENNETT, - ! IVftverly Hotsae, u... ; - v ’)> IHaTMTid.Alley, near Wood street . Pittiburgh, ftsin'a.' >■ T iWILUAitf '.G. GALLAGHER, Eeopxixxoii. . This Fashionable ond-populup /~v RESTAURANT haareoontly^been^ f&A fitted up in a Btyle of elegance un- . TTJSSB surpassed by any similar estab- . lutluxunt in tho City, and. tho proprietor Is prepared to far nisn his friends anti the public generally with every nrtlcle usually found at such places. . Allof thn'delicaelpa of the season, in the way of GAMEL FISH, SOUPS; Ac., will he scruod up in the. best mamicr. - . Tha BAR is supplied with LIQUORS of the finest brandy and tho»ucy ; Drinks somucli In vopue,during tho warm sebiou, such as l*iue Apple Ooblfiere, Mint Jalcog, Punehe* and Smarfios, wid be bcwhl up in a way -that will please the taste ftfaU. . LUNCH.is; served up every morning,, at- U o’clock, to which.tho special attention of customers U solicited.: Fmjl6, JJPWK00W,.......,.,., fV Tunb' • tiPPISCOTT&BIRBr "" V :-(UTB J. COhVW- -‘: -r “S* [ $2F Wt'iWpcjPlKliPKbdtsAFES,; htrcch .bctmion Wood anil, SmUhilold-iS Tuesdayafternoon, July 2S, 18«,;tho undersigneditcren?- >^. u Stom. Wppcneott * Barr, to Viltficißiir Mid fair teatofono of their phrnnU Safes..- Tha lug prepared, the Sail! was placed inelda tocreof WHhßook? japersundaomcmouoji whenthadoor.oftheEarrwnscS awl and thei lire kindled nt aquaacr, past 2 tfdiJfc niTi„ !«! 0 O’clocu, lining nlxrnt four Mid nvffif hm«CVtieiß?S £“* inlttennxfcreascd their 1“ with rach heat was suHrient, ffhe furnace wasthenmSiSi idowneßofe cooled, and door ' 'Wholesale anil Retail. Sonn'tw' StStoMM^“ 10 SADDLE, HAJINKSB AND TRUNK IUNOTACTOHr, themfafastoth ß nnWl^.UM 0 P ’. <, "" Ure , lnreoolmuendUl S ThOSKKT H. irAML'Ky.heg, leave to Inform >CaT te creS P ’ XV hH frlenda niul the public generally, that lto rahZflh. , ■,■ r $?9 3 ; ■, p : 1 RAIjUK, flontlguaß to occupy that largoaml'comm \ Stow Boom, fomujrjy occupied by SmmwlKohnp* cr "*• " ' J *LBHOTHEBy stock & Co* No. 80, corner of Diamond Alloy and AVood sU, - THATCHEB, ' A where he keoji. ft largn and geilenilMsorfment of rSjm > rmiMTe UITH, » " .Briai^lll*^t^viTnmhs > BBff«k VnH«‘V t - ? • IaAAfI.CBOMIB,... .. .. Duffaloßohc^ Dilips,andallothero^lclnsJatfaUna. in tWnimlw r I , - - - Ilealso kcepa constantly, on hand, and is prepared'toflir* 'tttinir iwhnnt fSn««.ikt.ii o iKn?J y boanessy mid ■ tm au?f»:ly_ uiner'Tstevens, CARRIAGE MAKERS, :ea§3s£3ip’ Iffo. 308 Brotulwrfy, .W , ! 'W yjspf- XORS. ■ . -4S* Our Carriagos arc maja ln this our? own euporriston. * au27:fim .. ME TEOFonTAFHOfBE, ‘ BHOAbWAYi NEW YORK. - fTtUE Metropolitan \frill bo .completed and opened.far the J. j reception- of company,. September .the: Ist: Trice: .of Hoard, Two Hollars per day. * anil) SIMEON LEtAyp & CO., Prop 1).-,W. CANFIKLPv-.'.'.U4.».,....^.; k .11. P.* TQ37U3V B W. OAKFIFIiO «fc FOWLBB, SnmT vMANUFACTOBY AND ; OBNIIiBMBN’a ■; OUT FITTING' STORE, street,); NEW- YORK. -OS* Stocks,' Shirty Bosoms and Col* Jars, taado to ordor,at Bbortnotice, and warrnntod to fit..:;. au27,ly» Berar iicfjmo£. BAIiL, COy: .. (BPCOEBdOBB TOjMABOOABD & C 0.,) ■jVTANDFAOrUBKBa Am> IMPORTERS OF SILVER SjX.ANBJPLATBD WAB£, ]hQm L - Fall and Winter Goods} :_XO JuEHCffAXTS, TATLOHX ANP CLOTinERS.: E.TAYLOR & Sa sUmcx lissfe, New York, Av Tiib umk-rsigned ore.now. ottering- an. entire new and obojcoetock of Goods. adapted to MEN'S WEARi consisting of CMTIIS,C\BSMEIU,I}, VESTIXQS, BEAVER and p£ •LOT CLOTHS* TRIMMINGS, wltli every Ucscrlption of seasonable Goods, adapted to the trade, to whidrthey invite Uionttenttmi cftirdr friends and dealers generally.- ; , Thoso.wbo wfcdi to procuro tbe-latest styles, ap tlio lowest prices, can find them by calling.upon us. ' RUFUS E. TAYLOR 4 CO _ an 34 3m 51 Malden lone, Jf. Y. Cheapest Printing Cards & Card. Sheets IS THE ENTIRE UNITED STATES, AT NO. 4, BEADS STREET. N. T. rpJtß subscriber baa bad years dXpcrlcnco In tho JL -i manoCocture of i*rintlng Coni*, ana itt commencing puslnesa Ibtblmeclf, having every ffrcQUy of the xaost ini prated beluga-practical workman, to pursue a cash business and pcLI lower; llion-any other manuactUrer lalhe-country... AH.i*ySfny are,■warranted to prlnt wcl£.and all . onJcrs.iviU be pent by. .express, (Xith.on XSodds. Foil particulars and samples can bo obtained by addressing* per mail;- • • v _ 15. W* ROB?/ ?’ ' PLANO FOBTES FEOM BEW SCALES, i AP Wwner - 400 moADWAT, SBW rornc ’IJE proprietor -of this well known Hotel, situated on l* comer of Broadway ami Walteestreets, hare thor •ooithly rcnoTated and partially ro-fnrolshed It, are now . U> oflor the traveling, commanlty .accommodations i--PPg® themost, favorable. terras anil In the best style. " , The House talogcenducted on tlio Kuropreui plan, baa the and *?*$ 0 ' ia **i°° n ia lhe Cnltai Stales, Uy **•*•,«*« rooms attached, "£3? parties* can bo ftirolabed with tnanlfl at any jbour of tho a«y or. ereubs^.:; .>: • •. i T"? *«m» ,1s -centrally located, and within forty yards of tho Jtevr -Havon lUsUroai Depot, wbbrv the ■; porters- of thp «p? ow In constant attendance- ■'■•"'• «*?iB22F f 2^? rf^SP- i a <*uimmediately walk to • tho Ilonay deliver their,check* at-the otflov and have their Housedsfamlabed withJlo* suit of-Pariowon Broad wflyJJath Doonifl, and all the modern improvements, wnicli tend, to (UTori the traveler pleasure and comfort. ; It v Terj-erntro of all the principal places of nciusement, ."£“4 in tact, oreiy way calculated to plnaae gentlemen tr&v* fling wua.'thcir families /or pleasure* ormenpf business, that arc,epticcuple4 a 4 to he nnablp todinn at scUionrs.. .oieaift.seiu to rooms without extra chanre.' ■■••:• ItKCBKX.LOVEJOr, (late of HostdnO ' . PAPER TV ARE IT Of? 8E» ‘ ' Cyrus W. Fi&M & Co.. /'(oannssiojr mkhcuaktv x O . n cun street ’k>w York, mc HOLE AGENTS in tin* United Stats* ft? ■ Musprati’s Saperior Hiewhuv Powder. Victoria Mills Celebrated Tf'ritiu*? i*i*i*w. : vUns?<*il-l!|liUs SjiprrioT •_ :** ■ . 06iiiMiie©'Xnns>«ujwrior Printin'’"' * ■- >, v '• - l 1 , Jtawlizu 4 Sons* >;nj»li«-h Ttai«o ■ •"**.• Cow&n&CV* Enghshaud £roleh Writing Papers*, v The* M Agent* ftr the Principal I'ajvr Jlannfectn ttts fa this country,, and pffpr for sale by; far tlu* mostex nnd desirable stool; of Paper; and paper Manuftetu-. WMf .iSilderials that- can be.ftnnil ia this-.or any other > cotuxtry*- ««%£ <* cu P3 r 'lmr* »ti YAN’S DDIIiDINGS, Fifth street.—TlUl PIIOFBQITOB, At thankful to the puhUefor past custom,'▼ttntntcs’to' .licit a continuance of the same, for hia present enterprise— the establishment of a Flour xm& Spice 2/tfa wlthin the , city, for the accocnnodailou of his customers, and all who liwe really good Flour, .pure ground Spaces, Ac,. Ac, - xhoatlentlon of Camillas,'Merchants and others, isinvl* ted, andnll I ask fo thatthey will give mo a trial, ir « . 4 • , • F. R. DILA VO, No. 1 Diamond, . N. Br-Ail articles taken hack if not-found good, and the ; money returned.' t miirltf ‘ Bollmtm &'Garrison, jymmmQH FOU2sDUTrrßavQ;reinovcd.to thfclr tun?' X buildings in Birmingham, near the Ferry. Having all the laio improvements for heavy work in £cV with Lathes and other machinery, and keeping always tho best qualities of metal j.thoy are prepared to furnlahin> chtnerytA&f-wUlvpromptncnk ’•. As thoy still retain tho Warehouse on Bmithfleld street, tm the old’premlseSf (also at No; 4.W00d street.) pattens or > Orders left there will he immediately attended to, - ' • . Having associated John ATponougb with will hereafter be conductod.ih.thu-n&m& QTJBoUm&n, flmj» »n * CP. v ffiSNBT L. BOIiMAN, ABKAHAH GABffiEON. JOHN &FDONOOOEL « pwdr so _ i., j » • MANUFACTURERS AND Di2AI£R3 IN 1 UAKCKSSTEHUaNERA^^AINT. „ AUsauEnr, cm pjl / ‘ ‘ . New Tors, DeoemtetlSylSM. I bare analysed a sample of MANCHESTER MINERAL PAINT, for Pudder * Ford, andfind it to omtala the fbN lowjnc: » ; Suta»,w< !s =,-. • Alumina, ...... - PerOxWo of Irwv..~-.. liqff, ......„. 4 .. k !kingncrfa,.. w Oxide of Manßanc3c,«.. Loss ■ • " 100,00 • ; - Tho Powdered Sample,contained in tbo box, whlchTsui* pcwa was the ouo. you desired also to have analysed, I find to differ frdm any average of tbo iumpa powdered, and mix cd together. This. tot yield* w follows: • • V : • Per Oxide Oflron* ' aiUc&wid Alumina, ; BB Magnesia,. , 10 (Water and L 055,.,...... ' 1 . 100,40 ; This difference I prosnmo arises from the mineral not bo log ■unllbtmvßomo portions containing more Iron than oth «*»,; analysis shows the article to be well united for a durablo paint I find that by calcining the powder by a' pretty high heat, tho color is much Improved, or at least converted Into a fine red. . .. • AIHE3 TL CHILTON, M. D, Chemist. JOEL MOHLKK, £4l LfljertyatrceL NEW YORK. 4 Roods street,-Key Sort, .67,21 =M OJAfVo'o WUi.. A, g - V „ _;„ », r 1 ' ’•' ii r. . ./:■■ -;■■■,■ ... ;-■' ‘ : ' i '■ '~ 7 ‘. ■ ■ ■:: ♦ >" • \ ' V % ~v ' ----_ - - ~`P~[I~ADE~PII.9 theMerchant'll 1 Hotel,.PHl“^.vSTt 10 DAVID OOOPKU. wlo PiEII i>pr. Ly VISIONS, 9 North Wfiana. riflLADrfc I’fflA. 4S» Agent RrpTeggUtto.BostohPaclEefai. JON. PATTERSON, JR., T3IPOBTEE AND DEADER IN UQVORS, WIRES, ; TEAS, «&, No> 35 Nosiu Sscoa® unm*, PiuljC MH.FHIA. ; auZl:ljr* BIOUIST VERSUi* HOUSE) SECOND ST, •ABOVE'ASCII, PHILADELPHIA, • >L B) K. SsllTHvPtopriotott.T . AB* Terms. OnoDolliir per Bay. * ogg7:ly* F. OSTHEIH, ~ TMSOBTER AND DEALER IN BE ANDIES, CZN, ■A. NINE, %Oc, 8* Socra Erost atsm, (comer of Wal ant,) PHIEAPKEPmA. 0u273y FIULER, ThEAUEB IN. WATCHES* JEWELRY. SILVER WARE, I I &c., No, XH~ South &cor.d slrcri, PHILADELPHIA. : : N. B.—’Watches .and Jewelry, carefully.repaired) entile shortest notice* anYT-ly* . • .•/' - Tliomaa C> Garrett 1 •^• - TMTOUTKIIS - of . Finer BATCHES and PLAHED WAKE, JL. And Manufacturers of SILVER WAKE end JEWIILEYj laa CHESENCT STvHIILA&ELPHIA; aro prtparcdio sell at thtfVrery, lowest-prices at: which'Hoods; in their lino ago Advertized. . . • > . an2&ly 'GEORGE & JA3IES BEKSERS, ■KfINE ANI> UQVOIi MEBCHANTS, No. Jl7 Nous . fV; Second street, PHILADELPHIA,-have constantly on nKn«!, yrcncli Brandies,- Holland Gin, and a general ti*- Bortmeut of FOREIGN.WIMSB. - Alsoy all kinds-of Axneri-. can Spirits, Ac. * ’ _ au27Js* SHOBER, BUNTING & CO., ■ iTtOMMISSION, MUHCUANTS^' and Dealers In Pure OILS;> V/ or every description, GAN&LKS;: WJCALEBQJfE, r Ac* JVov l* 4S«dA Wharves, (between Market and Chesnutste.,). PHILADELPHIA. au gny* /AUES 8. j. p^frrn- H, JABTKS 8* BTASOBI & CO., ATK TanoTat - to tbeir ; NKW GItANITB -BUILDINOi >f,9® Aortfc l-Vonf «Zraf,(at>OTe Axch rtreet,) PIULA* manufeeturo - BlacWhgl - A? ! iJO--Ab«auiiful BLACK WIUTINO INK, BLUE INK; ,4c.; W'Ail. thcSr mauulhctarcs warraiited of Anperior quality. ouStUm idUc £. ..........jacob » > BTAUFFEB. & HARLEY, - ! •••«•"•? .1 . .• (SIiOCESSOM TQ.O. COXEAD,) I ATCIDXAKERB# JEWELERS, ana‘TaiPORTERS OP I Vr WATCHES, „Yo 90 North Saxmd. rtrat, corner-of PHILADELPHIA. Por mle, on assortment of Gold' i an* Sttw Patent Lcrer, Loplne.. and Plain WatclicarPine i Gold Jowcliy and Sifter Ware, ;.gy» Repairing promptly attended to. BBIITOJT « CO., T/'K.SxmN bund . and window. shade jiantj.: » ; PAtii t.ltlT,3—.jVo. 4-0 ]Y Second slrvt, (below Arch, itc.'rl *ide,I’HXLADKLI’HIA. Lettered Shades, -for store.', and .Windows, tainted' to order. ’-Also, Boed BlinthvJßoff ■bhaaeSjvatt ." v: • : ; ... . ;, N. Shutters and Doors, constantly on hand and madefoonfer. - . J o n2Um ...AILIBOSE da JESKB, 10 NOETII WHARVES AND 80 NORTH WATEB ST. _ PHIL A DELP3LI, fVFFEB FOE SALE— ” 51“’ Spirits of Turpentine; . Pitch; B«in: Alcohol; Bnrninfe Fluid; Pino On; jian-im Sperm, Whale t Tanners Oil. CHUttlsJ.Bowi.Er_ JOUST) rrrrnc „„„„„ SOWLET dfe RITTER, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ' ■ ■ . - AMI \mntjjntrp ebat nra jv ' -BJony;s and tan it nits oils, /^?nVSTANTI t ? h PHILADELPHIA- ontmnd, atlottrct Tnnrkrtprifes— Tanners Oil; ftTap Korin ; grata Oil; Paint Oil; SotaAsh. •; Crmriffament* of Western Frodnc* solicited. - • aU27An* f : MADISON . • KO3. 37 AND 39 SOUTH PECOXt) ST., .• (ASOTS XABKE* street,) : . PHILADELPHIA /THUS popular House br admirably situated for the conre -L : nlmicu of porsona: traveling oitheron business or -picas- Mt*± txanff near.the -Sew York and Baltimore landing*, within ?^nt‘ Us,^ ort ¥J Pos !, oma> nnd all tho unxeront lanes orOmnibnsscs.stari, gains? to oli parts d S r ; T . J. ornaioKE:. proprfcm, iuu t .Cm,'. . lalonfflaUkaoro,MtUandCiiirlariaiL ft. r-j if ‘ - . ■ .. James Barber’s , HOLESAIE AXp KKTAIL CLOCK:USTABtISttMEXr. 4:.' ; Sitifh East'Ormrr cf Secomi • » befcnnd,ohe of tho ruficstand JwUb* is,l ? :Sprtmcnt3,of Clocks ana lime : Pioresin llietrailed ■*uaatUto'to .suit purchaser* of fraax* /single .CloQß.to crabrsdniy ovprvvorirtrof rtyln animqtmTwture, suitable for Cbnrchos. Tfalla. CoUn- Jileepliiff jApaTtraenta ana Kitchen^ Steam and Canal Boats atui Railroad Car* . > *-«T^r n M T ?i , S re^e^ t / or . RD PP ,fl,ate, s‘ parted Srfon- Mchc; Hold Pen, Wholesale and Itetall j Gold and Silver j*3j® Uoldors anil Venal* ofcd a variety of Fancy Goads Those wishing to purchase «!U find it to their interest; to call* before purchases elsewhere. . JAMES BAKBKIu S. R corner Chestnut and Second st* Kula. Ju* &’ RQW HSi , BROOM AND WOODEN WARE STORE •S'” o - 111 A'orti 37drtt Peon Below Baat, .■VrANOTAPri%BS TO i or Uroomfs Bruahes, WiHowand S £°° ' VjUi Brasher* Scruhs, Dusters, Mabs- Slocking, Jiasterti-made Wooden Wore of every d£ tajjat theforestmarket price*: %n store and sdr raloj 2000doz.Fourty Core Brooms,■ ■:■■•••.? -•- • I - " SF&Jj** Babrtwt BndwU aborted color*. v •'-! 800 dox. Cedar Churns, '. ••■■■. • ■ >5OO nests Wash Tube, . - itehcrs ) with lids ; Coffee Pots and Tea Pots; . Slop Bowls;.Sugar Bowls; .Cream,Caps! BeerMeat' “”£• .P?®K> lloppera; Candleslieks; Spoony of all sires. Wetnli be happy to receive orders for samples; by mm,at onr iphTOp.jf hnstocss, IUCB 6T-or QUABiiy ST, abbTOSocohd, PHILADELPHIA, -' 1 ' ■ . - CALYERLEE &,HOLMES. V, 1. Tl ~ eoosoriocr still continues to manufacture Can dle eloulils, Syringes, Surgical Instruments, Ac, at Ms old No - 100 RACE BT„ l'hllSlelphla, to which I would call the special attention or Candlo Mahntao turers, ■- [an2S;3m3 . JOHN CALVERLEY. att2fe2ta " { ,i :c :(I v~dt 'lo v'bj/I kfc; Fi„ t cS?,saw,' w :•»*■ ■ - l“ rt »8 ecdacod ae Tor ttp recoptioß of .yUitoni.: Xlio lowpr floor, Tottn,.ri» o». eOpkdl>y_storcs, la now Included In too HoteL rormiicV Ewopttofioon 1 , Geatlemen’aParlor, and k£w wyeral tyjutllliljpMloni.fSrontlng on Chestnut street : The ’& 1 ■» ■Mipheto most otters, stroctal with tucorca, forming p U ior and bed chamSratl me"-. •,*? l '.~^ < *‘*ftßtt:’. cHAß*tt..Aixsmx>;;. ' 1 ' A KAGJUK HOtIT; ■■■■wvmOTßa. Jfo. 130 .VoMA Third sttu!, IxSwan tticrami fine mraius. «*“> iSSSSS? ’ l“^ n sssss mS KtowSSfJKt,^ 0 ™PP l! '*l' ,rilh «>* choicest ana Wleltuadtwjetomak<*theGuests ; SSStSS^ilSfl!^^® 1 * 1 ®*^‘tfcc£SSs£?t£rtS «iSSSS wm »«4t Wrocdvoa ■Ujwralfliaroof pu bh 0 encouragement. au2s:Sm . CffiOBUE J. HENKEL'S, CABINET- WAKEHOVSE. ■ ittt'.STfi IT. ,ST.. ipppostia Jndrpcndaicf Ut;lL) FrsxnmE, ix rP3Kr ? asra^ ,Ua ' . Comprising Inula XIV, LauU XV,Hlxtibeth»n nn.l ■ \flthScutpmro Carting .ndjrSle“a We llK ’ In Rosewood, Ifalnnt, Mahogany, gattnwocd sJdilaplo, All of -Suporlor Construction And finished lu tho best style, equal #*, ir «- ■EKKiSSStaSBISaigis: fail to topoiSa: uthß 2W Vantages offered ta purchasers, m • £ Ifotniabing a House, cither la Elegant or 25- SWftwniplfttfijtfcopi ojw cGtabUalnuezit; by which tocans ail the articles in each room correspond ia style and .quality•oudiho Stock alleys ."being, so- Yanouaindcslgn, pnables purehasara to please their taste in affection, withouVthodolay necessarily caused in ordering PurnitnWj £i' ; v,v.s .-. i.. .t- \,■'•■ r■■ :-n : :■'■,, ..' i :y -' toriTO an iS« of the finished furniture on hand, X noed 'Only lnTorm yotfthat- feet 27- 'feet wide. 4 floors Innmpber; with .Shops contiguous, soffit clentto ennrtoyflOO binds, which "la i guaaatea that the ‘ work ia fell done uMer my owp itn foodlate inspection, r Supoltare ’warranted to carry rafcly- an. distance.. T-Mtcrs to-Phlla djt.'ii. .i« nwi«gtfl>l)T,lnTited, MggrglWteßanr.Otbarwl— to Si and enaStne tIW Hoods. _ TOZsajr 1 szj ! ttaj ’i-l/rj.s. -J * /; i PHILADELPHIA.' " _ A. H. Terluuni T»yf ANBFACTUEEIt AND DEALKttIn Trtahwmit Win. ■iJX I dow r 1 Shiides Olh Cloths Conls, Towels Draw.,~ ISo. JO, North Thirdstreet. Phili;doiphiQ. ' _ . J. s. Eule>< fyALXjBRt OP PAIHTINfIS, J/OOKINd GLASS Att&lHO.' vor TORE TOAME MAOTPACTOItr—No. 218 Cbwtnni sttoety Philadelphia. ltoatorlnj; Paintings fmarSO-Gm H o !^2 UST JIO.B.COHQSATI. BH»H DAQUM'. WoodsfaJd do Co.. VV deh^ LK OKOCERS-No. 221 Market Btrert,Bill» • SnOMw.yj 5 *® 14 K> IAHfIiS, ~T “d Retail Dealer In COTTOK-LAfcS, s A* a 8 Wic Jr2:ie.Tnrn, Carded Wool, and an27Jy« Amai A®™* atttrt, PHILADELPHIA. eery Goodar-No; 47cnd5D^^S^?^^5 s » tttl * er M01f» &i«ma rtret, (West ■ TVfO'-ISO Chestnut street* cPDrmftn v#«mr tt ■« j\ hAvo received their - &i&zr£& MASSES?'**" “■ &«SKSf ns? Philadelphia, March 23,1850. nma-Ji* • ' , Flags! Flogs! ~ -Ar £'4P®[- rPUUTII/iAl»flJ—Av fud"supply -cf TtiV-'" "-■ tWr£ «^-S5fS Shuts moetlsgs, data, societies, and dealers, caa U pliad with any quantity, wholesale and rctaO. at Jrtr'|MN& 41so> Banting,IbrPalobythepleco oryara.al , MrM. g. ms'izom j a ' • . and ISubcl Store; •■>'No. 83,N, Third street, Philadelphia, iahl3:3m. JTAS£9 n.B3smu ... .... ~^~....r.soDn*uu B. Smith & Co., f * TJOOK SELLERS A«\l> BLANK BOOK MANUFACTO. » P Si«» Of the ta»o Blank Book*, No. 207 Market •treet, above Fifth, (north ride,) Phlladolph!fr~Havd alwar* Q on hand* Cap, Demy, Medium and Jtoyid-lAigQtt, Jottnak Day, Invoice and Cash Book*. - Aldermen V Docket*, and Letter Book*, Mcmoruidum, Pam, neceipt, Copy and Ciphering Bpok*, ALSO—A largo assortment ofMedlcal, MiHceUanoous and School Book?. y , - ®H-Conntry MerchAntfl, Bookscllert,BaokKand.Conhtintt Boqinafiupplied with every variety of Blank'Books atut sS' :v; '' very low prices. • 'ntar2oAa' - David 8. Brown A Co.. jAm. 38 and 4-0 &ml/t Pror.l - ■ SELLING AGENIsT TPOII AMEMCAN, COTTON AND WOOLKST GOODS— -I-; .front many or tho moot nppmTod manuCiciortesiathe ' 1 f coicitry. tof.MMrimacli American, Donnell A 1 CaX.ffimMngton and Manchester Works, v vvOXTONS—From the Conestoga. Mmp. farirnfifer 'ir*i+taf „j},2YTri! S—r !S m Sesgrams, Bartons, Broad Brook, and numy otter superior afcTls.At?*’ W ' Dlonltctjs totaSSK - Q027;1y Colton A Boil 1 ANBIEA DKALEHB—N. E, Comer of Citßt^ JJf nnt and Tenth tfiwf*, Philadelphia—WooM iwpcet of fh°s« JhmiUes in PittsbmS'aS „ wuhinit lo obtain at any time a imk.hr oTrlli,C" 0 Tr ll i, C " Flun J)y o««*rica, Teas, ir, to our adreh- SthS^L3l < i i ie''"S?, hl,rital “ n ia bo greatly . w.«ti u iwriting, or even to make a special trip to Philadelphia, to call and select guefa articles as they mir , irfsh Croat out and well selected aasortaentof * goods constantly on hand, whlelr they can purchase at fact l 5 or 20 percent, cheaper than In goods ncatiy packed and senios requeued. Particular'- ‘ attonUon paid to Teas. Come once and von will com® asaTn • ;Catilogu«» rantahUng aJbrt.of the various articles faifftoire : ’ may be obtained at the office of this paper;' ■ mi&ty' •■■j. ■ • " ‘W o^!?( ’2 ,lnt / “toTB Ninth, (ronth aldi) phlliu tor wile, at Reduced Prices » Jme —* '' ■ meat of Beady Mado FURNITURE, of SuSrEKT ship, comprising all the latest BtoimS, rfftS' Abo, xaOles » Ileirfeßhmcnt laities. Mueto n«iwiL' w.w, . §ttS’SJ® . * M° e aB f rtmm t or BROCHAJEttBa EvT™ MTCMnartem wide,and narrow widths to natchTofidlthi ‘foS'iS® rSL ' ?hlcl i ’“'‘'Wi desirable far Curtain Han 17- a ; : OIiIDWO ClifilfiOS And HaM rhn*nr ' v Damttffca Blfie. ao4 Cold j Qroca and Gold. - ■ - ~:..;•••: »PI|UiAD|S|«PUIA CABPEIF tlAfiT^'' CloiJi&!--Ax± immense stock for iho Trade am! Hbii ’ ■ Or»vj ladles, ' lahleßpoon-s , §3!!?w 1,5 » ,/ ' Teaspoons/ • ••’ pngw Bowls, Snittc ” f ‘« ao do toi ** u Hunting,|r> U ! h Swte Chroaomoters. Church str^viS 4lmoir« a iam“^rtn‘f 0 / i^L“lor^'Hylrmr «* ’ Classes, 4c. b cnt or Jpw€lr 7» SuartJ Quia* Eyo itomso Mantel Clocks: t Marl)lo ** « 9 , Bronze « Ornaments; , Fancy Tablo Bells; Opera Glasses, Fdjcls &c» A> at-- Britannia Ware, Silver do; Ocman SUrcr Ware; Plated . do; i ***« *ad Pocket Cutlery: - ** well u every variety or Watch materials. on .. -PBATT & BEATS, ' 80 Market et, HUladolpiia . ■ , au26dm* —■ > if* JL WILLIAMS A 00. SSffSSSSi.'' ‘o lesson tho labor of men, fcotliffleor ?«-S?i?^^ en v done ' to «Ueetol» n» Wtea of tha oU>« Srff.ffn'.Vfl <,! l ! >?! 0 ’' r «»«‘> TrtU grcsOynilfare/whilolt *ai. ™sSh^iP , *J t ?.“ tfc ' ■ Sosrfnjr.Hilda hare leoh uspd by ‘■ 7 thay may T» lad of tho robacr[lCT, by aholeaalo Of reM >, in oyery wlrty of styla, podtiio eaiall piloo »t »Mch U»t - ..arooffeml xauat recommend them to RcnoraltLso. - - r • •:>• •.• - ■•••-•■■.-;■ C.rtlAQiSttvllOMxrket -stteeL J ’’-' Cl»lms«L «ma indla, Fo*vlax ' J> THKrobscrlber fang naxr on» finrmUrrrtmi Mf ofCUOJCE FOWLS,brea stocks ]S know^SflJSSfStotef ,4r jrflr wffeyft, to - A tnateuxa wui 'Fonltarers* tiS.' ’ • **U. . ifelnritcs atlentioix to in. • . Xast Liberty, His Fowls hove been timfvHKuAvnMkt 1 . r> - ■23isv\l? , y^ ttn i n ***** Do * ro to obtain .thorough hr« 4 K»»a,e * lwai and much admired; Orest Hoaog with deep orengo colored rump and neck* hackloacf great' ■ u *^! WIU India, African Ihotamj, and other -m: rciy choice Yarictlre. Address, AUGUSTUS 1L GBOSS, irailnsP. 0, ’' ' auM-Sin Allegheny County r Pa. _ lrt . Piiyeu# Spring* uov Open. hlshly attractive ami ftaldonalile WATEMStt 'r?** 1 ’ "Wte with the "SA.YBBE ■ fil-BINOS UOTEU ’ adjacent Hereto, by tlie proprietortrf ' Op* “Hnriogton Hotel" on tlio Saaon3BjSad,*fli» *»«#>■ j cored the l*rt coota and thohent aopplles or every kind, niuindctotolrmuoa toi pleaso all htaT&itors. Acetrlrolld ingjWßh forty nooms,iaa recently been to to (stole. . . J?£I!L? e i? S 2 8 ’ "p "wnonndcd by U» moat deD*htftl and fiooantle Mountain Scenery. In a cool climate, witta ‘ *2Si IrS? ptu * wat ®’ ®he canurra and tmrfftingpro* j^^£? esq 4 Watcr * l««n four ratablWi hyq* act tnat they have never failed, to core (he worst cats* of KiwuJaj the mi&t inveterate gore* and other dlne&ee&tftfco STAGES AND HACKS will arrive at and leave thertcam* . " ,°t BrowngvQlo •; dafijv whence. Tijitara vrIU puc in »> •• dflTeof fbur or fivehounv to the springs, otcr an exeellWu McAdaoaliM Boad. about halfthe Stance; through one or too richest and most delightful agrlcnltimU rrajona ' < - country to Unkmiown, and then eight mUt*fsrth*jMfrer 7 s' .tho laurel Mountain, prreen ti&g - from Jts: riopes andram-- mit, fplcndhi views of the great wertcra Toller; wi& alHttr; ; '- - and feauttftl Brtae*y. * -• In Aptt It confidently -haieved t ; ttiat.the»laDo.!ii««nNT'/'.: ing placßln tha country presenting stronger atfaactfana to .ttattseddn*.mSAtTu &J&A BUffi? than U»«y»y and the ondewlgncd ia tciy certato they cul J® Where find aureate* dtepetition toJPtaMhoa xucto acecoK-.; - ■ . fffiBAS^IANECSW, * r *- " - p 3 NUMBER «. < t r;X-^ r ;-s ** * >• h % -v ' i if'- ~ cl - 1 1 -c Xr\ * ytj?&± ' ->•.