:: -‘V:!"*%»i« ■■ '►■"- : -•• x?'• f I:• J*: . 'kt: .&*/.> \j*f x -.x-, • ,-, ,-•- '< .- ■>-:,■£, r>;sv • v<.<-/ ,-r; i£43^f?SfcatfW^' - . >V « * *#f vtic?4 *. r* ,*\*v J&uK ** 1 V- * ■*• * ' /t* »-* >***» * *•» • **-* «. * * - * M MM \>, - , *?* **. +* t* < r* -I 7* £ri * , -tM , '<* ? ~ A m * Mr* xM,, -MMMMr: .: ,• - .m •-- ; \ -* _. „ ; _. , .»'*.- ,:* .. . - , - , *--•,• • • ” 1 ,'--■? ;•.., .-- X ” *“ * . j-j. .Mi rui .. 1^— rt * * ,*- 7 - ’*'~^'™’ i ‘ -~° p sf^r w - MT '^- iU s * #£ %j m # ~ ■: ” 1 ’ /- OST I^— jS^gg ss CAEDS. ~_ BUSINESS, CARDS. BANKERS AND BRnmreg i~~~"' y^ r "~~ thiiiT:.. —£9. . -bt habpkrW^JSwwm/* 83^5 DEAL Sim* fl ‘ c TI£aKA -v VkSfiAKA'ca Jt)U3f “' ~~ w«oa & &»nt, r : l WffiTfl-ittST cOßitnt OT vtfaD Ax& mm STREWS r W OHASTB,Ng. 00 BrOftlgtfaot, Keg Vorifc [magflOily» r - * /i - # 1 f 1 ‘■ > ■ ¥ySS;w R 'gm caertage makers, «'i '- lot of Clothing * JJ^^ana ’VMlrts'fiooduKo 61 WaM street, hotwoenThlia rmifijtf W». ana , ?»A. ff«lE IIAOTyAOTOHT —tfiiiSfi chwtnut - HTA. vofane.toofc &■ Co J 2Ei_ TOES WOODS, 5 ~ XmrrOßX, TXrortn^«ij.i*A,T'l , |fi«HU«,aK„ ' W I “ M j 3AiE Mica WAltfclfocrsS-Sarncr Kmt nnii TvEAtEB IN IUO?AVn%[fSn iat t -»-» BANKER AND EXCHAJ.(ffi BROKHIt, „ u J®! l 2" Q> wiagii*Moinadiilnthls Qty.imiler our otm T il^i^^ A Wrt ■ C/?FO * ,S > 7 ;.. jno s.cosa»^ yy Wood Kxocta, uiKhcorocr fo?t" a I> t .A N ? K» ?*> y«J T\BALERioQoM.BIITtr toul Rank yotaa. m .i - suKsta Sm.Pmi' ‘ f ■’'» iii 1 * '"•i i't* “J -> , t v' ! **,{i»*r,;i , «-c?* &gmmm& Sttiiptisp SmsßSS&Kf’i listed MiX lIS .rfgMpjs, ■ '{• 'M&gM ' - -I - __ ■ .. v .. , - - ■ ... ? v;i»*K»W*; if:=f^ . Asc*y •-:■ •.’■Fi^v^X'■ .>^-.: v -~ ■ , \,;vw- <*.• '-;-• • r-. ■'•---' >. - - . rt V •••'.•?.- ■•-- \t< s s&Zj:\- : .■•;-■.■■• ,\• '* A. ' .• Thornng s.ji|«nliaU, .- ~ ■ k~b. Carnahan, r ~ A vTTORKHV at LAW-—Office on 3* onrth street, between? JX Cherry alley gtifl Crantstieet je2:y j» k« n’ciowry, •> A ITOKSET AND COU.VSEIAOJt AT lAlT—Office In lv Bakewelfa -BugSuigs, onOrant street. ~je2 , ~ c» Domghi , ■?A "TOQRNfiV AT LAWr-Offleo in BakewcftVßiulthsgff. on; •. JX: Hrant• strict,-oppofti to - the Court v l -* - 'JyIJ-idy ! ’ ~ i». C. COilitt, ‘ N trr ■ r A l AT^i‘VyT-Orcce l .fourth street* aboTo :\-JX Smithfiold, Pittsburgh, ftv. • . . . .. ' .• ~r ftpr3.-y 1 George Ft QUlmare r 1 ETOSNEY AM> UJUhSELLOB AT LAV-rOillcc, re moved toSnd tfoor below Grant *trefit, na : Fonrth, to She olHce lately occopwd'bv; Aidermatt Milier. - • •' marJiO- ; . Jt 8* Morrison, , > A UTORVEY AM) OOONgEIXGIfc A_C re- JX jootM to ho. 4TGrant-strect, nwir ronrth; ”■ oprKhy . B« Biddle Rohertt. - ' • - A TTOENET..AT LAtt’—W3fio, 'Ti.O. .132 nmlthfielti- street, JX 1 ifth and Slstli. .pflllftctioiw rarrfullv attand*- ea tt>-»spoaal attenUon given to Conveyancing.. • [do63:ly •■:■■ ■. ■ Tliomaa'Sremiasj--'' -' . A IrORJTEY AT LAW AhD SOWCHOftIK CRAKCKIiV ODloivnexttioor to the office, SlcuboorSlUti Ohio. my 4 v ■ s. Uoss, 1 ■ 1 A TOOIthET AT —h o, 10S# Fourth street, Pittsburgh, JX. l*a-, C)urLh door below Wr. Kody- J>!nUfersonV'. Livery ■ btakle v Jl> linokmuter* ,:A:hpiTa?lAN. .J'oumb .thinl door nhovo JX Smithfieit!, South vioe. £wv£ynucln3 of aU kinds done ■ VitU tha gw*it£At.caro atnlfrg&i Titles tolicnl Ea data.oxaaimxh Ac« ' ■ : - -• .■•■•■ - • . rinvlG ' . Ji ~ rr-— * A TTOuiCEY-AT JjtW, ha* removed to tb-o offlcc ia Hfth jcL.stroot, botwauu WPt STATE. OFFICIAL of Tor fdga Language* in anil fartho of puun *ylv*cU; toJtsdiltt inthe Ciiy.af l*jttaburgh T County of -4 Jle llheny, may Jic found D *. trad 6 p. jj„ Uv.tho Quarter £k*?tous Court JioaWi.«r-at bo. 160 Fourth street.- - tondjy Deeds, Mortgages, -Bower# of Altomss, and nil legal or othcr;iTTiting3 whoteaver, j£‘a£Ftet(\tfroni or Into tfae : r ■... • - •■ • . - ln practice Medicine, Surgery, and Obsteries Kj of JUultrLfery, .Eclectically, inoocordaocc with scientific principles,- end hencdTrUb groat succcs*. hour*, 9 to 12 ju rC, and il to 5 r. H, ■■ ■ bC &-T*ln£iiUbla rcxn«li£w • forUyspepsia, Consumption In its Incipient Tetter, £s«der> DtarrlKea, Asiatic XJholera.'TßUauslir tecknd-jaw; female cUscasearilfocaaes oMhc. liver ami kid< ■noysi tdroftila, Dropsy, . Ac,. antltlones to all j«r sons, pwparod.ond kept: tor- fade. - Mercury,' AdUmnoy and asTTcll aa thflUnecVa^enti&lydliu. BUSINESS CARDS. 7 itei ■■•..• •..■ . : •• • v G* - Im SoOtly .' TSIFORTER,'WhoIesaIe oiul Retail Dealer InUnn WATCJf- X KS, GOLD JEWELRY, I'URE SlLYfilrWAlbs. DLAIT-' ED GOODS, &v AU kinds of Watches and Jo wdry careful ly BcpalmL • No 61 .Market street, two doors from Third sti,- Pittsburgh, ’ > J Ideell bclvoctunmn r........ P. wnoWru? - Itoomf * MeDowslli z "IEKERAL COLLECTORS, STOCK AND BILL BROKERS. J oains oner B Jones & On’s. Bankrag IToui*, corner-of U.ood AndTourtli«frieet ■♦«••■■. . s- - .-? and countrycoUsctlous promptly attended to/-" B; A: TahuestbcK 4 O&i lTfllcr:& & Co, j. X*. Tanber A Co ? IeOiRO Breeds Harper :; r .i /•. . 1 rje3s-‘ . W. 8. Haven. - ± PJHB OKOTRINTINQ ESTABLISUMERT, Vl 4 ts Jonif -I.HTO- ,&■ SIOCETOS,) «ud BLANK.BOOK AHl> STATIONE ittWARBBQVSR** -prepared to execute every atjlb of bCgal. Comracrdal, Canal and Steamboat; Job Printing and [look: Bihdiog, and furniAb every article in the BlankUook, ’aper rena Btotton*ry line, at the.eborteßt'noticeTvnabn IbA Jiostxeasouablotenn*-, , 3Unk Boolc.«id Stationery warehoußOi corner of Market nd Second (streets. * - , / Printing Office aud Bocfe Bntdory, No. £0 Third ft. novip if V r, Kili ; II- c. s.oefctou, r ‘AT3S JOHSSTOS * SKroaro-i—BoosßjatEn, BTATIOS b EK,.>EftlEll AND BINDER, »oald jcsiwolftU, 4. ite Uio attention of Merchants and others, to his largo and bf BLANK BOOK%i»nei*tiiu of Day Books, ouroala, Ledgers, Ihtolcs, Cash, Order and Letter Booki* of very size, : mndoof the -host -paper, • and boand.ln tho most - iunUilo i&aancr/wh&di'hboifcrs At J pr{(VS'tbat cannot fiiil.to. XV&satis&rtlon. Blank :Book* wiled nnd 1 bound to wtf 0w n pattern. Printing of every dcscription “execat«i - with icatness anddegpatclr No. 47 Market street. jy2B ; i life .nl. jrmAAT,., ..........TUOiIAS U- fllUi Stuart &, KIU, EOCERS, PRODUCE: AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS,; JT No, U 8 Wood street, Pittsburgh,Piv^-Dealcra In Groce leSr-Tlour,: Wheat, ,Rye, Oate, Cara, Barley, Pork, Bacon, intter, lord, Choesc, Clover,-Timothy and ■fi&xScods, Xronr C&tiß, Ac^xAa-A particnlar vtfttnDtXozi'-ndd to: tho sale i Western Produce. « Messrs. Myers & Hunter, Itebt. DalzeU A C(U Jampten, Smith A Ocw, King 4r Moorhead, McGUl* A Edo, Famca JUy,i*itteburgh; VonnwisA Wr.xiiiif>>i i .aT»«rtinn; Jab, _ f«p2o Toaffc, Maguire do Bane, ! “ *> «Aoum*ruiw“* -co<) ;ASP FORWARDING MERCHANTS, No: j ISA, Second Street, Pittsbuigh— Arc now prepared to tacoiva and finram go6ds n,-with promptness and Mr attention tu -tllo purchase and solo of Produce, Mer handito^-Inn^ 1 IMtisburgh'. obvloecd of their aWlHy.‘ to give peculiar. antirikctioU to nil • hose favoring them- with thwy respectfully aall itordewi andconrignniente. 4 , - ,{apG s rT ' Scott A- otu, ? :: — A'TCiraNßKns and commission irKdcruNrs. ci aL'M/OS: sf,’ St- LoUl»,Mo.—Havlhg been enttaipSrf ixtthtf bove'hualnesa lbrtholstta|r jeare, in this dtr. wouldto pWfbUy mIJcU nonriguments Goods, to be fold in fhls cualcrt.;-clthßr:fry > Agrtion .nr ? private- Hanlwarc mulDry Goods; end *ill nuko liberal Atbsccs kinds nf .Goods oonrigned ux fbrialoh«?nu.' L • llavrett. Roe A IL YoHeL \7nr,' >. nood.'& tSo^'John 'J.-Anderson &' Co.,- E. IL Stone, Squire tßecd,Brownl«s .Ham« A larkin Dcavor, StiLouls;- hitter A Brothers, Ciutiiniati 5 G»rg» MoLatoi: p«a&7 THE HAILY MORIHNGPOST. havnhle strioUv' \h OBtay^ffifS?^ 8 - 4 * Hj< ’ 4tu ““»»‘« Itttho r, POST SMLSrnn^TV'fSS" 0 oil a ta H» Wankat sha , TiSfc u»n& T 'W LL * R & * in adviuic©. Single copies *9 Continue*! (unless at the dl*>crt> lion^ftlio'Proprietors,^«&tU all arrearages atefabL' ■VufSS^iX-^ 00 ® ■Wlil-bepald'to any onler tnuoarnocoEn; }.&niua money, refertneoih thlstitv/ ‘ *sr Connoted fnftf the FMdkilshmmt Of the Naming Pnfthng -Office* m the dig, to hert all >ltm tte JAortaf-noiiefc and nuul reason* BATES OF ADVERTISING, AdBWD UPOlf nr TOE PlTTSmuoa PRESS, t Tgft tores gQKPAttm., ■omwa» • ;». Pm? rquaro, ono insertion,,...,.. ._.« 0 fiO _ * f , ; l V.;ca£hiHidltioniUtosertion. 7 *2fl “ “Ifona track _-. _- lts ‘ ;; too mouth 5 to ‘ “ throe months . ... s oa -„ lour months. _ 100 a “ one year ... _ js 00 ttonctmgjsnl,eixuncjoclessi per Annum,.... 10 00 ■ v ■ e „ CUAMJEAELE AT PISUSUBE. 1 vne per annum, ~ t , * VigT'i >“ V..' y TT<&* SKBmXdWI^4SSS?At?iINTEn^CiornOT r> na Hand street*.- All work neatly executed, IhUers punctually-attended to, {marSiy _ , A , tt* C. Stockton. r T :4£E*2& , i II SS? s 1 &TOCKIUV BOOKSELLER, STA-> ■ JM ftnct Bixulcr—conitr "of Market &ui| Xbinlrtßata, rittjftrarglu Pa. (jyaiiif .■: M VIiOJUM SI. lilttle. , \\/"ATCII AND CLOCK MAKER—-lifth street, between Xt , '} wd Market opposite Iron City Hotel. Ail lands of Jcwelty mado apd repainiJ; - fqps‘ly- > < <■ Paul- 4fr~ftyi?Tfl4>PlEr ■ ■ ' • ■ » ' ■ AND,tOBWABDING; MKRCIUNS, AND ■ AUEN.Ii>—No t 7 Water irtrocit, Cincinnati, " [qpi-tf IVTOSOCIirWHAWG DEWMITOEV-Xo-JS Thjnlsliw*. .-.TMrf M»y-X« K nunttog»: Ilio UiunSca of Uetljso- Muie; Tho Ceinetety 6t gcotarl myatf , » iv. w. M’CJnre. ■proreE, SIGN, A>P ORXAJJENTAL PAINTER-Coracr i*-*■ iuiA;r JMncks S JMi>n Go., T ,J VS?.?£ >n ' tATWJf * KuiwakdikhandWuanssiox .i MERCHANTS—Depot* Canal ltasin, 40$ Penn st, Hit*. ' apis . ' ' ‘ i- Tntcu* (fc Brother, UQUORS, tUrGHXEDA DOMES ““L^?£®[GM\Bt iS.tr*-No. iO: Smilhfiold street/nenr DiaA anood alloy, Pittsburgh. nurlS W« TaylorJ 12tSw»ia *£Don >- - Marco* W* Acbeioni "" ' A ~ Office, Fourth, street, between £%l fiyiithfioW and Grant. Bother. r- jygfry ' G. v* Atfnitlwct*"" QOAP AND OANDLK : MAXOi'Am’RLTWbnior Foa* - rersen.-? WfintlnprunyUiiiiffin thatrlico will do well tocall, jva l tun. determined tosril ajj \os. lidnad.l74, comer oflrwla and Liberty streets i'ltt lrx»o, Nc*h, Cotton \nriw, - • 7 :.- .. Jr IX* bhcriflfi TVtORVFADDING .Ul) MMICHANT* AND i , IfcaJtr ljcr oli kind#; of \\ estern- l'roduee and Mltsbmrh liafcu&ct.arp:.*—No. 110; Market street, I’itlslncrch- ' !fo wjil ;sit>]U£jiy gUrjiid. to alt businesseritruKtod to his rare; ‘ ~ Ay 19 J MWWb. » . JDli'f nAFT.JIL »T* D, WUtiiimtf Co.! XtriIOLESAU-' AM) KLTAU. PA Mitt OilOCrjtf AKD ..f.l. ..lonrajiUng anol Commission MerdumovDealm in , Country lMitaburpb-Mrmufufiurra—Wood nt fouTdooxnfthoTo MUjdrargh. ■.■••' " TO arO TJUJiVM JilAUXfl, ~ • , .. JGIIX. XjqyW*, : ' BC£*B ovrtss.- Mnjland. Ibltsbutsh. Seller*, Xlcolß &? Co., TJI.OKnCf! Jit 01i_\>;HAL OOMMiSSIIXV MEKCIIASTS. jL. -2»0,-titt9 l*a i?T>cTnu Unwed ami UmlOuv ■■*' • "ORSPISCTFtftI/fc inionuA. lib friend-Mind. tho in X\i ■RtTioKil» that, *„• has ojwnci tlio Ison*? formerly occani «i Ijy b.-f-trcparO, ju\\ wkiu«ltixgli F wb<:jv he tvprrpami lo ftod'Fcyayns eolas‘ouU«)xa thodir - - - «. - v ' __ ’'i** P> " • AiJj j*l ways on.hand : a-genemiassortmatitDtScl3oC)l f iXific«jiUa&£.ua'3o3d Blank Boukf«. Printing, Port and Gap Par ir. ic, w»il Rc t&il'AaluVMooi fllrcvt, bt«iow i iOh, side, PitUborsh v JRa§a.and-s‘-’Wmftts' Scraps.. --/apiS-ty * Joieph I£ttt« TCASIITOXA&MS MERCHANT TUl»R—tfo. 2T3 tSb&tr i. Ptr«2t, mttfbunru, ftmo (fanr below Eatfft Hotel, 1a now fBovltloj; from iho!Eii«t c JlitiJwixjs assortment of Glotli?s.CttA'*lioer«« ac.l Y<*Un£a, whloti , to Or der In tho shortest notice* tmil at the lowo«t r AblT. octTif Su K, IXASLETT,: ■ Kennedy A Hulett, TTTnOUSAIK ANto W.-TAHiHEAUCES IS WATCHES, , TT Jewelry, Silror Wnra. Vam? orj't Variety COolvßas- Ma Ctimtw, Ac.—No.:M Market ttwl. totwiwo pith rtrect cndtSa Wamoßd... (Succcasaw to Kinrey k Knar ) Olofts; ■Watcbeatuid Jewelry neatly.repaire-'E ■ . atinOfl 8. M'Klttlcfr TTOCS& 510 V, AND ORN 4MKNTAK PAINTER, AND -LL Dealer m i^r^—No 41 bt Ch«r street, Pittsburgh. Uhb cousumUy on.lwruJ «U of Paints,clllut dry or .mixed; Japan and Copal VwulaV Oil.. Haifa! Oil, Bpir»ti Torpcutmo, "Window Glass of shl'mnJt Ahir t. ran lw KuUcd by calling sod leaving lluur measure, ’ ■ ALSO—O& huluVa huger quaimt)* of Ready toadeSUirts. i of all sixes, for M*‘n and lion*. . . ' 308 1 ' ~ W. II» Wallace. ~~ T OOKINO GJ,Abb AND liitt-bU PACXOn7~No.: 12G _lj "Wood >Dlla . Jfi»)o}w.cvnslapuy.on hnnd ;, eMioi* ui&ti'X. byibe bmt or. single plato.; Picture* ami .'portrait* framcJ /widi neatness an J despatch. A full assortment of Brushes on temdaml nmd« to order,-or th« hcfct uutiadiU.:. Toother wiih.avarfetj.efhoosafuriur.hlns good.?, wholesale or retail, iogult putrhaßrwyai-jtilncod prices. • • : . feb£i;*tlm • .jAios cwjnfHt Herron & Criswell. • jL)ELI AND n}iA£ifXotJM>£lK£3—Mnouihcturerr of-alt 1 JjMundj of Dm* a work, LoeomoUtt}; Bt«mv Eucluc, pitua*! - Rebecca rtrect, AUcglwmy wruer of Market'and fifth streets, Pittsburgh. Old:-Srft£s and-Copper token in exchange ibr work, or cash pakh Order* left at tho Foundry ; or Office .will he punctually attended to, fri/Hy I • William ■;,,’ j *• TTN»ERtAiq3lWfimi Street, inuiifdlateiy: opposite' UlO U Theatre, respectfully inform* Ms friend* and the pub* okvi Ae ■ ing Ghutses, and Wholcnaio Dealer in Comb* and Yarits I ty Goods, offers to his .customer* anil ihe public a most com plete aasortvjcnt of Goods in his line, .suitable to the spring ■ Being extensively Acgsged thO;inaimltetij«j of every variety of- Looking Glasses, hpi Is ppalded to offer i Induce ment* to purchoaora, equal to any house in thaDhlon- - npxti-tf r n ' Heuty Demmler« r TiTARUFACrURER OP TIN, COPPER AND SHEET IRON ifi: WARE; Dmra w Hodsb Fuasitimr iurhwam— ISo-180 Überty Strecti-Plstthurgh-- Keeps always on hand a .largo assortment of. Tin and Copper.lVaro, Ac.) best quality; which ho. will sell at very low prfces ftr rash, wholesale and 70(011 v -Country merchants nfo inribKl to coll at hi* stand* - All Job W ork In tJjo above bnslaeM; ah* o -* Sl loa tiug nnd RooflUug Houbos, will be prompUy-ottendod.to at moderate price*. *, [novlS James Lawry, Jr«, . •. I /TIHAIR AND BIIDSTEAD AIANUTACTUREII—Na ! V/.Pfltterm&B’*- itewy Liberty, stroeti'has on. hand a largo j stock of.Chalrs and £als tcadg .of evciy dedcriptiom made of the test materials, which hs pill Fell:lower than articles of the samo quahty.con -bo pold in tho c»ty, }fc would call par ticular attention to his largo slock of Mahogany and Walnut .Choiraand-Bedsteads, whinlrhe wlll fell ot groutly reduced J prite«»; Al*o/l'unilng -,■•■••. -.■/ • 4'.j BulMerfr and Carpenter* would -find It to their advantage to s re ,r£. R .S aU,toho , cmi «**fiiruWi them with Plowed stuff pnltdble for every description of work It. Bard A CoV, npIXTSBCRGU LBATHBR DKFua-.No. 10*1^Wood xtrect- JT lmvs rtwlvfd a Taff simply nf flock in their line. UaL •tlmore end N(JIV; -VoiMote, Leather, Bhtiadclpbte KtbV and i Skins, Morocco Lining and Binding Skins; Tanner*’ and Curriers’ Tools; nnd, taken all thev -. bollovo it the largest und. hpst assortment ! hy any one house In Tittehuigb. All of which wo are pro. 1 pared to-soU -to cash ond prumpt paykig custemew at yorylowfift prices; possible. -j 'W’e'tAkeplearareln Bhowing our. fiock, and cordially in'« ] vite purchasaxß to call and oxamiiuvheforo purchasing elso wbmw wrulPdf - | | Hough. & Anthony'* OagncmptypM. i rrsH3s tmd«isifsicd'would inronmtbeir many friends ahd Building I toJfo.X2 , nlm thdr oliA'Rtnsa) vluffo i [they lure fitted up. rooms Ibr. Pngucn^cCypiiig 1 . llarlugn I very fmperfrnrnmngcmonfcctf llgbvftti4<4ha anoatttmjrovod i i jnStrumaute now in use*with fomo le¥orhxpeneocc in \ ihe business, .tiicT.pledge -thomselv^Bto tawnut;B»good i ! pictures ns any other establishment H ihet©nntry, and. to moro.Twrcflrcn UkenesACs U3sn.bns*hcrotmbss ten itarabh* i ed toilm ciUredsof ;, -ClU«>u3 bu 4 strafcganr&re to result i whether they wish pictures or not. * ■ - Ourraa tto j$ ©ooa pictures, fair • prtces;and : perfect sntts : touon to Our customers, HOUGH * ANTHONY I ,^-' furnish. aIX -artlcl£s la our business to other j wherctato. " * 1 j^gs&iSSfessss Boius matin and tlellrored at tho shortcut noUre [ja9 l.s mass T^ E i« I S s!S i£‘'\< C " l L O,C . 1! SAMILV °GItOCEUIEB, H*l Ac<—No, 205. Liberty strw-t, {nortli dJo.) one door below Hand 1 ttyiSy OUMMIS&ION’&nSBCHASTS* Produce noil MtMinrgbHcuu&cturaiZ 119\Vatcr ana 150 yrootrtreot. Httstursh, Pa. lu WmH. and s™°“' B *2*\ Paper anil Stationery, ho 03 Wood ytrect, (bctv-oim TMrd noil Fourth’,)-pltteburßh ltt;' [mr2o •““* - • Joirs ilu«. ... v. K’cuuooon, W 7lCl ?Sii^? loCla i S, i »S§ISSW^ ! Mii!CH AhT3, ° f l>rodUre ' 0 B. . ... . .J J wntM - Zautenberger A Co.« and comsjss#>n MaucuANTS^^nU ; r • ..dealers |n fUlklnds of estern Produce and Pittßbnrch' fl flauwctin-pg, NffllS Front utttxft; frlttslmryh, P&. .v [ jol2 CWMXa. ' 1 ■ ■• ijocltmrooil’s' '•• •■''''•■ ■'■ 7rr - : : i Piwanunull- ANDMASSILLON EX- V/PttKSS, leaves Pitabnrgh and Cleveland, Mondays, ,nJ ytHO3? "' BAKEttJt fWISIWitASi Wttltara 31, Gormlv, - V GIIOCER, DEADER IN PRODUCE AND ,VV POT3BUKGU MANUFACTURES, ho. 281 liberty street, directly opposite Engle n o tpi, littrturph, p a . fjjgi y KAY &. COT 7 -w-W-fj':.. _( 1AT * Ciusua 11, ;J£At,) n TTHOiESAER/AKO :IU?£AIL. BOOKSKLtBBS. StoUrin i taper of Wood and HUrd »ta iltuburgh, pa, jj3o copies of tbe Shjjiwright’s -L* y*n Book, or Boat Builder's auido— lir Q. W- fiodgers, f , ” to ' n S raw >«« 0f j^ Bo KAt i CO. 65 Wood rtrcct. ». A.~Tlndle# WMilgAlK and Retail SADDLE, HARNESS, TRVXIL- VAUfiK Mid CAR LGU RAG manufius lowr, No, 106 Wood *troot,.PHtabuigb, Po. , A. JrS-IUABT, (scftcju# to amour * eitt.) ? nOCEJ! SI’ItODUCE ANB COMMISaiOK ,j V MKKCIUM'—DeaI, in nlj kinJ or Grain, Senir, Hour, Boron, I\»k, Un), Butter, Choose, IVotlion, ir_ tt _ 0- - . . , „ No. 0 SutUhlioM street,' nuSi opposite the Home. Htteburch. *.cwr .. . . ff - g j. ar . s -,„ ; -humra. • a,w —^ nffSSiteo Plata aca I'onrjr Grates, uwl ooU SttmsL ■.u > ■ •.•■■■■.« ;■■'tvntto* • SosMKatrcs, hn4.«tul Dog Items, Tea '■ • « • ttajntr-rScalfiA, BwkMM-t, Hollow \Vaxu r Vax*ifincfi t £? fc, p7 TV’ I m L - toTAIL K pLOV 'IAXOFACTC. • -ft of iVnartTuct and Cwil> allev. (ona sik» nr ptmvs, nr thipnK,! Imutrtrd kind-.mul nntnMc [> nil dumrjfhins rf JfjJv to fouiiil ibo wlobntcd flm Prcml tua l fcfant Iron Ceiiteoylora, tim test andahwipeat Plotf* «?Y vs*' 3 |p i>t4(ei«; ju?(l t also, Sulwoll nu.| JUII fcfda.poi &nsM £TX?wMn>rD Bonk of Pennsyltnnia.'*' f je^-Gni r^Q , ' V 'PF to uglily pspfr. ■ ; ••" • Co»pftrttt«Mhlp7~ ttSphcCAL’lNKr, fPUSITUBF. nn.l BHIIIBMBB 1 1 *CnAIJI JUKD.fI 81/SI.NESS, »t«W jjtfOLD kmm», No. ai ssrraim'tD street, maor thoiinn of r&i j-f f Mtetwat. JOHN SI. niWJN, >■■■■ oa '’ i.'fHWlt MEWKIRK. _ MS' Having disposed of my tstermt In tl» dttn or Mixas Furniture-and Clinlrtmiklng bn«Ui.va. to JUjVIN- 4 MEI.TKIIIK.I wouM mmtdiior »ll«t li>r them * ccntltunnm of jwt toMßa. H) lilstoll/ tostowod on UlO oia (lira. 1 . ••• ■ JItNAS TINDLK. -__ T rr» 4 KtWOpcatt AgCUCV* a an4erfil : 'nn\’-r>(o. &o iaticrtj- street, corner of I PMtaburgli. The subscriU'rs have now . on XftwU lor snip, $ Ufgp and ©mcnl assortment of Parlor and -i [ OooUng Stem of roriou* wittofhs, IZGlloir JVft» rtf all kind*. I i . Tea keltic* of ilifTcrent mww, Sftd Jrou.% Dog Irotuv Wagon I Vax&, ltatrin tWIx an£ Arche* for buildings Oran-*, jSnd I i BnU.wJfiUngp In gcner&ktnad* ; fa>m< good patterns and ] thc'JnarkctrvirmTls. ; :/.• • : r W<> Ttwpoctmilf «at Ibo ettrotiou of the public to our nflW atnlimprovai lurtw Stott, the Franklin, which wo ran recommcna us neat, cheap and good. • * .. • ‘All kinds of Jobbing attended to. .1 'person* wishing omjtipgtffrompittcfnflofthftirdwtii would Cowell to gimps a call. Call.to «« our stock irilll *Oll IoWV I pUyfettotidod fev and-filled on tho lowest Jy2o) REIS 4 SPCUBDY. - -OSF'Ordert promt forms. [ h • • ■ Bportt ijMttl Soiortt ~ " V nowisthfli tlmoTor yottto avail yourselves I jo ofa Good Oun fete Smokers.' Jost received direct i from the manufitctunu: f i: ldos double barrel £nns,*caUtub and twist; i; . 2 : do do do 'do 'flnb:•' do;' ' 6 do. do do • :do Imitation' ax'’ • 20 do slnglo do do assorted do: * ALSO. - 60 do* balls ot wadding, EtoyA Baldwin’s; 400 canisters and half canisters of the best sporting powder; , &0 } ■ 60 do* rtvfdor.flaßka of tho latest style* j ' .. 20 do shot bags. nod poaches t - ' > . - ; • •*' i :i»-dp game bags; Assorted;. ‘ . 0 do cop primers assoricdi•••.-. • ‘ ; .. Toother.with all the trimmings necessary to fit out tho sportsman, . Blflcs, to which, wo invito tbe attention of Sporting men; All of Ihc above articles for-sale rit ' • JiOWX&TV.YLEYB, ‘epH _ 130 Wood g K : ■ Jfew Supply of CMckerlng»a PiSTm. • < T..UST. lilXlKiCtilJ, direct grom Ancnltifirn*.: ijw., M . V tod manufactory of Mr. Chiekprinjr, fioa^QBSSBMB new suih>ly ° f f . .Two sploiidl(lcarrta-Rosowood'PianftFortc«, ftil! «aren : octAyoff, wltU .oU ■ t|y> Tpppjrt Improtcmonta: made by Mr.’ Chickor£nj?t ■' '-• • •• * • ■: s ::.Qno .cttircd, dpuble.ronnd comcrfl, plx wid thrcc-qunrtor octaves;, i •> - :. One Rosewood, double round corners, fUllsovcn octaves; i Itro Hosuwootl,. double round coruum, wx oinl thkW' ; quarter octaves; ■:r:Ono l .. Tiro Rosewood,.six octaves, square comers. - ; The ftbora Bnno are alt maniifrcturcd Cron the best and most thoroughlyacaaoned mntfrriols/and orofullr' •warranted. - - - „ -Tho prices arc tie some os thoso charged at tho mtmufiio tory in Boston, and trill be aold on tho usual accommodating term a, JO ID? If MEIAOB, - • ' " ' Na SI WoodsWct, Agoat fbrtho manufacturer for-Pittsburgh anti Western. anmylrftaift. jys_: I lOWA FOUNDRY* / KO 103 WOOD bTREIJT.V . j TOIBI CL PARRY, (suotpswr toJ.C Parry & Co,) begs }tr'toioformlhocufllomcxaof.tho.oUl-fina.oml:thopal»Uo I;generally,that he has.no VMon .hands, and la extensively on* | in crcn-doscrlpiinn of CASTINGS—. I such ost Patent CliAllwi RolIfl; largo, Kettles and Curbs; I Patent KeUlos,Tor Soup, Bpt;A*hj Soda Ash{. Sugar Kettles, |.,-for the; manufacture ot Cana Sugar— all-cast on a'patcnt |.^m)ttor i teoiririsB'J^C.'’FBßs^'S9fl ; sxo superior ftr i | bUlty tn any other, liiiasolil lower than. those caodeou tlm. < | «old -plan. . J | • HOLLOW; general. ftfi&ortmft&t, &U from new. ] I and improved patterns, | £c,Ac. | and3Jftcl4oeryororery description J | alwa> b on bafid or ipado to ordjtf. ] j iCoot.:Btovofl, Kilchtm* Kangefc Stoves, of ovpry j flefiaiptlon; rlowaCook vrlilcli receKed thbj j first prize fbr.iSijO.&nd 1851,"at Pair of Al* I leghotiy- County, Pa;, amj reeommeiideilby fifteen hundred. I-persona; tores, fbnr *izcs ; Premium Cook I j3tov§s i Eggnml Radiator Oonl'&tovcs; Parlor Stoves, Ac. 1 I I .Parlor .Uratea and JEmiderfl, great variety,' beautifully j nnameued, Common Grates, andbulldLag material ofeveryl | description. „ ’I Ornamental lUdlfng, for CatneteHeitaniLj f Plough large Block, of all:tttO I .kinds in .use, and will l* wold at reduced prices. ' Jlall’a pat* I Wit fc&ver, true American, Crane’s, Kinhoid’s, \ Woods’, Pcdcock’s, Bull's, Improved Bull, 4c. 1 * Double Ploughs,- Tba Michigan Doable Plough*Which! | has taken the premium at the State Fairs of Sow York,! PmSmyl vania, andOhlo, and whorover It has hoenexhifclted.' I i Iron tnjdNullS.Stovo TinWortwOl of which I 1 f wSR sell fttlhe lowest prices} and ftspfictftfihr invito the I l.bublln. to giro me a call,afc the pld 6tKna, No. 103 Wood st. I 1 KlSly JOHNC.PABBY. * ABHOLD ft CO., ®XOUAiOK IIRQKEIiS, .TVjMaaSS la: Eichaogo,: Coin, Bank’ Note*. .Maht anil JLJ Time Draftivic. Collections caraTallyrtattimdixl toi andproorateremittea toanypart oftheCuion. ; Stfvkfi bought and wild ob ecmmivlrm. 89.50. ?4 Fdttrthut, pent does to Bank nf PUteb’g, f■■ BABKEOS AND EXCUAKUiI BfiOKEBS, count. or woonasp mn sraxcm SIGHT KNCHANOK tin the Eastern C 3 tlen constantly fiir 641,. limn Bills of Exchange anti Botes ilxamtal- OoU, p»er mil Bank Notes, bought AoSSuL nmdoinnil the priodimldttesofttallaltoaStatMc On l>osl ts rvcvl fed of Pnr unit Current Ponds. [tpar^Tly^ Auumuura, a ti Tu / £Z*£ S, h- _ U ?W» P| M ktUMES , BAhKEBS ASD EXCHAMbMokERS, TIH' SM.I" SoM, &lT»r, and Bulk Koten; negotiate JD pada on Beal EstatA at gtockSecurUtas- ptSehnse .PromjssatyNote* end ..Haw Bills, on BM and West: buv and mU Stocks on Commission, - ’ * ■ Collections made on ail .points In the gsfcn. (myl A. WILKXBB « Co* T BAKKEKS AMD EXCIIAXaE BBOKEBS. s£iiSj^F* xn nCTaBOBoa, omsat aiwt «p jmmmum mtffi SPIISCISUmB, unOer now and jam lavoraMa auspl ■J, «*. wUI continue tho ainklnsbuiOaMß irtidStOck’Bri fci'mgokitho houmfonnerlyoceupted. br ilerers Palmar, Ilannn 4 Co. ana more recently liy tho '.RtUftateh life lit sunineo Company, wicroho will beplraiat to md hu da PicmU»ndanjintBCl3,:. : ■ fjyB] ■■:■■■ WILKIXS. H, - -JOIiMES & BOH8"; BASKEJIS JW> EXCHANGE BROKERS, IHT* anromi thou nmra jiot jaatcra* omra i» m. __ StSSS?*.®***"' “X® 4 “» ou> *rw». WT v. HOLMES ■*.. SONS, Bankcra «n 4 .Exdumgo Btoltent jl *■ “5? to Jfotav Draft* Acceptance* Gold, s£ a^^aXS^ as<,m ‘ L ******* <ecUoni>nu>do.tn all thodfta Ihroughont thefnited Srrf 8 *;, wpcwitii reeelteUia par fuiula of current paper. No. 67 Marbpt Ktroott between Third and fourth Eta. (jaSfcly *■ 'HOOK ft fIABGENT, &UloBiI ' .BANKERS XXD EXCHANGE BROKERS, ' ■*l «■ “MOB t>t moo k SECTH STS, PITTSOTSOff, Pa. TjBAKEBS taOito, Bank XotciTlmc BUB, Foreign and •Lf DpmesUo Exebnogo, Certiorates of Deposit. A V&SKINa HOt/Bfi, ' „ ZO*m * £O , Bifto* Iterceto* 1 terceto* nti&iash, Pknn'a.. JQvCilAJnUßflniJ Rotes' di«pqntAl. ran»^f »S I gSv. ftt,nW * t ' m *“ **" Pltnap “ «** &5, > lulls of E«bangsatf»furbiah(*Httls*£& of small sums bn 3 '? w »>“> frrfiad; • “'*»*? a Bremen, Hamburg noil Frankfort wHeettoua made Iji ail part* ©fthft UnliiviStataa- Silver uni Uanfc Note* taught and wold. nrrirpl of pi r e,>4 flwrqtf fun;i.i, nmUrail to Tims BoposiuI *lm weired, mu interest allowoO. lAoti »> arrant* purchased amilaid. ■.:* . • • > HOTELS, &c. Iron City Hotel, StsJjltng attached to thiiHmiid. - “ O-flwm «t»hling attached ip tha Ilomo. ■ u ':; Wcitem ‘ aarket ttr . Wai qf Sinn &pare, nearly (nipotils Vu Omircl . aruf Hi, J tail Unad ifepot, • E PII [JV ATE lISIA N, .Pup ' tmtxcriboT respectfully spirit* * of the tr&velU&g c&tronsga. . Dollar per day. INTO *. ta* *. CFKA..VICI.IN HOUBK, Cleveland. onto J» ucTROno iual wpalrCßJlcrationji. ?i U « er«l tho propriS thM-SiS? tlicniselTes that notton* shall ho muitlnerra U»dr m»rt to reudor tlin Fba*eux afitatu-irhcro al! the com fortsuf ftUntclushptclciU) bo ftniodr J?iS C. PATRICK & SOS. arnWT ■*»"*»• T^Mr ! p«“rtS Uaß i l»h «nn’«. .1 Hfi" ;W“MS. tatee tlcaauro In annotfacfair to bin J?. <“! P»blfc t£at he hu taien the abore splS < SS l ’ufS l f E ? Wttod .“ te ' “notablecxpcuL haa iado ltagellghtfalplaca of resort Ho |a perfectly prepatedto notice.. orcry Soatr -which may of Ihoepicureor tho fimcyof thomast 1 ®!aaqr will bo fa roadlncsa «sw&iEfis«sS | St. Clair Hotel* „ ffoanmr the nxciuxot) minS*?& Btan « nd SU latr «*•» PiUshutvh. ** i ; JL having been complotclv-remodellod end thorbuchly it SKrtoprtSE" ’ mia " ma for «“ : 5I 10 “’J'aortto, lonTOsni proprietor of the Bt dhlr llntci: lo«>ni« htsfrhwilaami thopnblli., thatholms - Worfulegootwia nmiHatablo styloTrmJ otlontiro Bal {faithful thoSttetaS I 0 I? 0 !* t 0 t»rotes or permanent bonnKra, tadueoa himto solicit rmrt hope for b litral share of palroAnco. ““ “ -SHS? * ... avv?BEteCTT ... WoTerly Houser. ' Zfanona AUtlr.ntar Waal find, tt&burnK Atui’a william a. OALLAQH&, .■.ajgft yraMonaWo nail popular ffiSEfttadl ml’l n S^SiVX Pm ' cJ *** i -üBTOlly, Kmnd at TOch pffi bU eenoraUy OVCI 7 PMIT o vSnnf 5 ! 1^0 ?!,£ 010 *»“«> the <*ray of GAMR jsL*«S4!£“SSk^fs SSasssftaasfsrSaSJS Gj -' eor. Scyenth andUbertYKfrL ! SADDLE, lStNKls‘^f U , Tnp N^ e 5?fJ 1 ‘ r , ! continues to occupy that IMMMubT conuS&SMHtt ; Cflwwjy tecuplod ty fiaaiail stj«srassisgia'asi s»«sa»?R*saas3^!s: itnlahto order, fill lUndn at ■the best material, and ta a style of ‘the Eastern inium&ctuwl nrU&e, and at SJ? I jealmilnn&s stock before termined to sell fltstrtte artkicsit veiy tow «5cS & i)^t^«bepUce,B^<^^^; w=rar msem m n > BAIL, B|bA€K & «a, •. ■■_• Ti i »\™VF^£S S0B " 10 “ABOPAHD & C 0.,) ' M 0* save* lf»ii ’ th cornor of Mttnoy street, opposite tl» CU# TO JirFHrTrjvro^Vii^ l ** Oood»l 'T» Vtmwvlmm’stP : 9S a '~ JUri> CLOTRIEBS. i aB2Sfl&sS3iiS SMMP&* . 021 ~„ «W JB. TAVJWE A CO, „»a2A3m 62 Maltjen lane. N.V Cfacapert Printing Card* * Card Sheet* ._ M THS EKKKB UNIrEO STATES. , mr *T NO. 4, READS STREET. N. T. 1 r l' ~, i. ' r ksfi finft fifteen .years erperftaice in the ll ■ X Of 'frlnHw Oner mL in'nufimnirfiin tahrafebtey, having, every facility of the month!! r provwlmachinery., and_being a practical 'Workman. fntmuio to pursue a cash budneiTSd MU S ftns Trarronted to print yreif, Atifl «n oittersxrill bn wnt hv ©ipraw, -(htlt ort delivery of Goods, ' ¥all bartlralaps jferoplcscanpbtftlned&y mMrtsring, : , PIABO fQBIES Faoa .HHWvfiflAT.ra %4H U»OABWAX* r Tniw“¥o«ff, Tfrnf»OTSr»vMS is g " tmm - B “‘ ,n ‘* hMd H WOHESca nOTEI„ rritl „ Ay Charge • •miTA■ ®,“? KQlul luEttQ of OXDCQBO I'D NnW Y«n*K\ ' X^»v^blK h a^Xb ? *n I ™V* *SS.«i •• whir-Vi *™_~l tho • modern improvements, ja »hrt w■■^ n t w^CT pleasureand comfort.- S *‘ wjuptaJ Mtobe unable to dine at eat toST Meals sent to roonawttbwttcats charge.” 1 UKVliKVtOYlaol, (late Gf Boston,) Itoynfctor* ■•••• P A PE E J W;jA R E U’O C s " . i • . r -Printing'.■•■ ...J< •: «. tlngJWlTwUd l :••«■■ • «*l naS^Ko 0 SiKaTft Sg™*** °¥ or tiialW3 Xt msmjssS® As : they etlß retain tho Wairhuaw, onEtalthfiold jttwrt. soa4Co - HBUBV-t, BoStklT" AURAHAM OARIUSON. _; JOHNAPBOKOTOH. ■• 'f „.™ Puaaw « Font. _ , DEALERS IN nANCHKSTEHIUJIERAtPAriIT', AiumiErr, or* pi. - ■~ T ’ - v ', : ■ ■■ • ■ ’ : Nkw Youk, IVoombor'liiJlß-'d T>&& TO fs^^L a “S 1 ** 0 MINERAL UX>W * R ? oll ®> and find It toeontaln thofbl snica, ; A1umina,.,;...,../...,.., : Per OxWo qf iron,..-;. • t1inft,..:...........'..?....,;.,;.. . , • MnmfcsiJV.,..,... . Oxldo or -Manganese,........ i ■ ■ - -Water and Lois,,. JjaswusttiattssSa ss&mEsssss.*"** ■** Per OsJdo Sihcaani Alumina,. ■ • ' : Magne5ia,,..,...... ■>■.- ; Water and Loss,. 68,50 — 88 ITUs difference I presumo Mires &on> the minejartmt be lng uniform, scans portions containing mors IronthanoUl «m -The analysis shows the article to ho well miitaftwCt;' durable paint, rtod that bv Sifng tto pS b?n Jbuu3> “W’S^Sfe JMpMOISjSfjSi [ Jisua urmcotr,, '""« r « UPPINCOTT& BARR? C,BA “ * % ‘ (UX£ i. 8. BtRICKLEft. t OD-\ * , PH£ENIX KEIUS PROOF SAEE3. wd apil thofire kindled at a quarter oast Za’doev^Kfi^V .rhort time the Safi) trai red hot, taS aStmJd fre’clock, b«iug about fourqud mittcoexpressed their saUsfhctton th“® a£?cSsha I with each heat waaeuilldeut,' ; The.rarnaie wSShaftSSiS' |dQwn,BaCJCoolijd,-aiid dooropeoed— »afe.- aSiehcat wassotaratea^.meitti^'SS™™ mountings; TVfi therefore the public; as belnj iuoSjoaeteS'SSiSf' ifirepreot , . JAEVl3TtffiE’,™‘ i . v frOCK;-* V v r 4 ’ BBASNoy ft TnATnngt)' _ • „ BENKDICT ft CABTKB, ’ . .... Ti -r- -ISAAC CEOIHE^ i Tam«ns«#ea To -tl»&anary tmdftHftrJfeja [about It, and with pleasure recommend tlie^&ilSSSStiS' l " ee ? Market and Chasmtst*,); . au2?:ly« j JAXEB JB. ttavb ft'a Asbii"* coj* ' H Bomoiso, qujUUj; ■*“ “ fc “annfacturra wamptwl of ropcrrior ■’ ' "•• .migftftm ; JEWELEB B;^d ’ , mpoBTEBS OF &SSH fapifeS GaJdJcrckyandgivor’slS? 18 ““ t Pl|dll Wntcllra > tljM ■ag-Repairing nompay attended to. nn27.lT ' I west side, EHlti»Elj»in2 hJw? Q*l m ’***&> SigST'*** X^SiSTk^S mideto^“ uR * 3#a heßdsna au2fc4m : FOR SALR-T^ g^rfatajenttu,, an27^n ßQln!oS ® taUs ! ■ 7, -~- •>■ Spenn,Whftlfr&TßPgafo OlL OHASLIS B. EOKIZT . - “• MTOa general commission merchants, SSMafS'SffiTSgin iBS OIES SKS'!"’ . >. _"«JCAIWSUBI- HOUSE. •• ' • 1 i • , - ifoB. 3y AJ»D,3O JfOK!tll SEOOVD ST T ; ' " TS’SSSa the different Line* of OmSbnfeS «hf?f W all. tbielty. _ .taU P»rte of ■*£*“—!«»«*«gSten Those wishing •■' ~3i—S. E. ehiTOrCticanot rtlpwia. ....... Ao, 111 north Th,nl Sfi-at; n „ 3 £&s%*, ss!@§sSgg&ssts&tas sr'WitefslS- s «s * : fOOnMteffiwli-fuV MO nestaJVMo* BsS* ta. IS^^^^ I1 M°MiijßMktt»laaiebeBt i ■■ > n^-^Tfl •StetS^^tS i S’ii^.‘ lmUt L. ,5f ™torW-ui to isgi&&&Z3^BZS£Sii ■W S!^? t TO™!^Mten i ek«^S i rt 'gaafiSajSsarartwas 1 SSsS^SS i «‘r^ b V tOT^ la w * included4 >0 ' mts&fSaSSSSga ‘ Bu2d3m«. BES ‘ jpMjiiiot/- <57,21 - 6,34 ~.4iui CB 24 , l2 B,OO H. * l3O rrami slooS?/ rtpW '" SSSssa* raffiS^Ssssssass® Tht i^i? mi i tu, J lnd HoMtoff. ora«apwio> quality b «>«™OTOtal >ua Ittprored, in a man “ _ * fiU-to gire tstfsJactlon td thflso 'who !■' XhnTablo will always ha roppUalwlth the choicest aha mo ®t nholcsomePraTisicns the market affords; and the bar with the purest and beat Liquor*. • —■„.. q bathing (In short) shall be Loft undone to make the .comfortable, anil the-PrOilriotora flatter. themsolseßl'that' w- 1 "Wftdtta'Uonto business, they trill ntorttajtU recSvea liberal ahareof public eneouroKenK’nr.- ' nT,olioli a j aKoaoBJ. hehUi?!: — ( CITY CABINET WABEHOTI-fm. |AU 173 fva'xmt&E, is £TEsrmzte la “‘ ' 'SfjfeWwaitSflßalhbarhttam'namspDiulWgiiterSa 2Jff‘sfe* a^*Jw l ln i mo , t3o Stock always Obi baniLTjelngafc yararaffln design, enables phrehaaers » phpso their taste in . a«elactflnv,wttSnafthßdelarneceaBarily«atta*ria ortterlae sonutore,*■■•■ ■■■ ,'•■'■ *:••■, •■■ ‘ ;'■,;■ :■*■'•*"■• • Toglve-anUoa of the finlsbedTornitttre on ham}, I 'need onhrinfcra-jbttthat fitfugoaratL we feet-tpng, by’aj I feet wkle,l floor* fa number; with Shops contiguous, aaffl-I ctenttotOTpto’jSWiinndS'Wfildr-iaa'gtutrantew thotthe' work fatalT dnuamider, mj own Immediate inspeettan - ■ -1 !S«-TlidWckfiilt<»»n q *. < au27Uy» ggHateSsSSSaaajjp Snl J “" «»««« ttelr BMOfalcgall. Will contimmto receive, brVTtm^SS!?? 4 *“* Ooali. &om Paris and Iroilott. KotmJ vStaS,' Jj!? T**** ntjrlea AllbnalDessof aw iatfl flrrojvrl?eafi'»rt>invi wdl 1* settled bv them. , “““not.lecdsi* Bams [»'- Match 23, KSO. -* W. Third street. PhUmfalnht.. SAsain. ramr . - „ . • Owtotot JJfaiS Cyphering Books! ArSC!?Ctopy and UtaellaSLs^s^^^ljf I ® o BB * rtJarot * ««*«*», »T,.gSwS.Boob,agasff Xbt 3sH^i r M^L >,toMn Bmd wfrS. • H ™ f ■**”**, IVutadthftla. a^sSSSSBam: Jssjsj=SgWspßgaß jscssJssssssssasassia I O' Stasl T Otmcat dun. StSSsSSSSssSjg -BraSlsr" 1 ““* . ssw^SwaFS^ aruci %^« and daS™ sssaws^ess n&jSSSamfc PamHak,Blne n^dO^|,o^,^g 1 t g 1 «"* f tail a csatnjy,. [jolOic,an tS!m£tMo^ t) 7^'Cß l . l ? a ? Bir ,J™* «w ~ lancas/infcrtst nddaU P fcrCMh “rcitj-nropt-, toWnaatae isafr ***:*** tacbbar^. aaaSSgsg^sa^aTO ' Bal • 93afalJS5 SffiSWSsSasaSßSt ' 'Hr &&■ ■ ■ fj“ggW • PP °“> i**ih ■■■ ■■ au2s:Sm». LGimnmnkm MrTlcfl.Mtjjif, . EHATT A HEATH, „ ift ,^S KBS ? tt3 10 WCKSOK & C 0.,) , So. SO Market Street, HfcUttdeV»la» J GOODS ($. ™BT*OtfESE „ ' l 4B& /.f s and low priced * gltoh Hunting. , r s . *'* •fc «S"9*HS*«S S s s! ' ' ~ Jj :v- asst s s g , ,„ v - 1 oat « w,n « a “J® do ; to toj _,>■© l'/ oi-d few's ChronoiiMtera.' P ‘ * . - ~ Chttttß street,Xubll» > axM^lS'bMsrm a r ra ■ iju‘ £*X* and arc imported < iiu£?t r < > *?»?**** ■; • - ; •v.?w?.l^3 mw7S^ c rr h vst; *£«**««* s? »* t / ,!. Bronze Mantel does*; Marble ** u i' 1 ■ Jitonie “ Ornaments •• • ri-SOoisiaiiblo Bella; ’ • .9P“»W»*»AJtatti.fcj ie: ■'jUjoi. w ■■•■ ■, •*-.••>:•,.• ..•• .,. : dot •: .v.O«aa»B-BB«rVi»t--.-. , -''-.-> ■>•.•■•••• J .■..<■-■ do* j . 0 Md Eodret Ctattny; A* well aaevery variety of mS& material ’> v. fSATT 4 BBHTB,: r' "^T^UAB— so^bbiajram. wnLADBCpm*- > &n26;lm» •jJSjfSJW/gf &e kind haaerer. been needed, to hold car occdto-worfc while engaged in iwwlng/' Mitrtr ir tairwna Lvzuinpd and "mad* .round-shouldered” bytae-Ir ftVwojrk, ps.woU ashealthtopalred, tor sitting .feS* anunhealthypoatam InmroTemenis axcreonatant -to;taiwi:tbo laborof man,' hat little o* nothlag has been itona to olievisto the bordch of thnWtfcei gww. thisarliclty howrerer, will Ktt»ily?s!lkrre, v hflo u facilitate their work. The Sewing Einla hare btSRi?S /; manrladififflitKcw England, en| has net TflSfiSSlS' approbation. uaiTBrBa * ThaymayhohWof tbosntecite T bTwhfiJftttfl tr* ia every variety of style, ana the smalToric^StlSk 16 aroofftjrod miut refioaunend themto mm 3: .V.DATZD BfEtf. sfe ««vi*Bageuaem6ri: whrrSXii^LH* I .*** 2 * greatest : PoTrJa. in tfiiH * "’"•t 0, «e*iro V , 3. P. WmiAMS A ca * r » * J V * , i *“ •s* V - S *%,*>' • '-A* 7 »VH - ZCk •' ■ 4*2?t - - W- {*■»>* ■■•SSV i t . >r 4 '£ ' r ti '* >u * * \ $? i\,f r , “ft «- * v pPT*f ' ‘-. > * / >. - A* *\ .*3 «> 1 1 * , S ' ~ #r 4%* & 1 . i - w § ' > ff ' \ )■ -zi s#- ■- ■i S&*' ■’ f! ir !" -A > 1 *• 'Sr t /i 3 if * u V & 0 ' ; ; . v; |-V y> ;.'j § - ft it' i v S. '■V “VI . i ■}; - „,;j - ■ - f *J?S .'mi: lIMIMI *» it * ~.. ** _ 1 ~ r w fVt