The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, September 22, 1852, Image 3

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    ,*^-;w,;‘.VAir” r-iuj, -;?."/---v;V~-. : •;-.. ?-■ . ..V -’>&::-. 'TA:'A : - - .i^^Wiiii
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-Ig-f-.AmAif, ? A^:tf^^::-jLv:>^?^»„v■ aa-aATv ' vaa, -% A,'r • ’a: i ,<v ■> •;• A 1 , ; a :j ** j^^ArA;Aaa#|
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DAY MoB&lK6dSgntggt"iSßPT. 22. gam at Snma mm »ha tutnvjtt, term toaaOt OAOiT’S EVusw ( O7 THE MABJUfr. ' irjre*<r»W •’ '-. ' "A-"'"-. "' c ‘ : ' inetloii~Cu£ ~ : ZT,. : " ' ,- ' SALE AND ' ,■•
t-fi 4 ?; ' 1 ' - . .._ IIJ Z~ ~ “fbntfe*. ft ippcm tiat Mr. iMaryjola batter to tha - - Omen OF ths Binr 1)„ % fIpHS-aaJmlJortjiJ*B«* <u* Wml of Cmr jasßr hot 'lJ'OPaH&AHmDNYjMTiirgmtiTedth.ilrlunTrgmip f TO»Cßrj,ilß.mrt«FT ’ ..'• *J* •
A t, I '. TinamiiMnmwi smut*, the prosecutor antges thjl Huteiinsoa opened: PJB METAli—lnonr «port yestadaf of «,ealo of2OOQ froctnwl atert OksElptos*os fcr >h»Clty of wto nw their<JdpM»BinmaaSiia«. v -I QLi__ ItnS^
EWJraON.HtubarEh. the chert and took ontaporUooof the butter-wren poonda tons Conti Metal, m ircwliiadc to or *22 Httrtmish,J»oireia J*>«frice« wsoch tohhifttoidcmj : #ng afiS; E2;2 - ~~ iS —W*
' »2»KS« potmd,^utttnurrtned. Bette •»■>«». (IM.
W»hcld to ball, in tbs Bum of 6500 This l» certalnlca ttOOtt-na. market Tertodsr dH w m atM. that ha iriU ha enabled to giro entiresatisfaction to alttiume .U.M BB »Pi®htf
s WHS . both case-* prtbysnmdaSer toma^lmtprices tre* rttegnL WeTatottoS * ta^^dbpoBc4top * ta olfcXlfA. Auctioneer. _ma4- W.g TOBMH-r THF f::SE; «^^SS
t i’AeV* A ->r A a»unrer. «*»!« tagolawtrtth. V, * t do a,60@3,T0j 50 do extra 3.T0: Si do lleftra to the principal City Merchants. iyi t ''XaH—16 bMsNo 1 HaU&iPfcUol Herrin*; ~ ket W % '' J v'- 5 '
a7j. _ TouTte*n_ir« m J ?' ~~W etot 160 hhls to lota at 160<aa.TO. AncuTn-DaUy 8nl«». ; A Wkorel; Jan&tf ™TSgff , »*
'mto^tTMlTH; 618 "® A T hr “* ® ‘ mm Store ' '-.A
•!»% 'llA<ul -o?* •*. '»?/.*: 3 0. BxUWAßT;_rhm Ttwrahto to the Wert Common grarejart. Thiaisrixht: tho A * -? t f?. Ib ’ 4 ®° nth8 ’ . of SasonaMa, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots salt Mn.r.m t- nrnrpTiuve' X.P«™®ioncanbflhaa<m I tti„ ' **
CHAJOBaS’Httsbtugh. gtwreyari Istobad condition, ittadlag, as It doos,pLitursgo U f!* and Shoes Hl^{^’lo! CLOCK. V. JL ' ""AOnas,» Co ,. i. - .
MiffiraJAßSml. &r cows and horaea, and Jt Is also tarfrom being on orna" OBOCEKIKS-Wih' 1 ** 0^!!/ 4 ! 80 ®^ 1^ Groccriej, Quesnswsre, GIaSSSe! Table Cutlgy.Loohtog ll “ t ™ a to Woos- -f-f;, .■, M ;: ■: . MOHmt nwn.. TlTn , 4 : v V
fi ment to that part of jot sister elty,or plosantto theoyes IMbblsllolte. Second Hand nonaehold anAKfahcnito- Good, and Parcels ftr “ ' - '-‘1
JACOB of those »ho hare frfends or relative, totmed te n. »”*“**?■ bogs "“?**» AT * O-CtoCE. P JL. S%oS? ‘ , I . .
s 5 , Ohto and PennaylrinTa Ballroad Company ocenpy one cor. 010 loU » t S«B*t -Soles by the hhd imi aurn «awivo7Sra BooiA Stotlonorr. lnrtrnoento aUia otai on Penn streettothe Ntatoyeri ?«», *n4 Lsrtto-
-1 ,g>g««»»»*»™|.»» Ea)A ; r-aonaj-ti—, KSsSei^sSSaStrassJSSSSSrl^ B -” • I-'
. -Oasmmßnuara.-'Bie AUcgheny Connells am eertatolr WHIBKT-Ssles»bbis rwtiiled at 19c; 25 do 20c. y lll SAbE-gltnatod mae9 lroro Also, Carpet Bapt and lariles-BateS 1 * n«H*toylt«l, bustooaaof any S. - V2‘.»>
•' rHSETQTGS. course to grading tho streeta and'alleys ■ BATIINOWffa note soles of S& hales No 1 Batting at 15c; most eefobratal artists a ririd and plettnu of the tho Pennsyltsoia and Ohio Railroad pasrinff through thff partnership hnetotinßexlsM tnayL. JAMjSB A JoSJBg. - H
. , Of that city. .It might as troll bo done early as lata. Within 25 d° No 2at 12 Emerald Me.. anmdcnr.boauto and totetert.eily and rolP «une, considerable nf which is rirerbottom. Itoqnlri JJ Oetthi ttilc ofHAWOETH t pKpPBBTYja, THU Bh.Vta.TH WAND TOK &u£Z• '
13 3££&£s^ 18, » a 0“ “•
&<* tr‘* (A semrasprior tathe SttUreledion: strtereontoaet,and are alnady, probably, pared and graded OIL—We nolo a sale of lp-bbla WbaleOllat 6Q cent*, CO ore vWidly pictured. ’ Also—A tlonse and lot, to Second Street, to tho Rat JKHU
'f’Cbelte At Serrickleyvaie On Monday, September 20th, at 8 o’clock KoUnson, laocock, SondnSky, Anderson, and many other of ‘ Jayi> - Agwopriato musie on eaeh Occasion. Henry D, (ntellly, Wanh near Bedonbt alley Knnulro or John Mellon, Esa, onl9 B.T.OAIBNS. ,«J“-<hi»talf cash, baltmco in two yearly parmonts. ~ ~ ‘
u ~ n_. v„ m _ »Jlo OtotoOgliaieo are either completed or undmeontrarf HAV-Sata IS loads at Sllfflill «»o Orator and HiimOnsMrlU give thaoralskotehes of Ira- ortol*. St>Keima,Auettoncer A I * ABSTEi XOOMIB. No 92gonrti street. ' ‘ ,'*■ '
JlttmThnn tmThnrrf.r B«nfsmb.r ■"« rtOisfrfeWk hbls and 1 box alga. »V.2 i P, M’KBHNA, Auctioneer Onrteimsare<&&*. JA3DK3 LOWBY, Jib, U»rircr-rrfU be rated lwtoa too! ' v ..
S 8 «tTtotsday,Bepteinbe!t23d,at2}S o clock rrithoflieon l in tho dlsdtkrgo of their doty. Hof. aeeusedof T. EL DAVIB, Aryjttoiier; Tnargft oof. SoTentfa and liberty ptft, | | }
AtSharpsbmgrto Friday, September 24th, at drfefcck endcaroringto prerat the oSlecm from errestlng MSekarel POBT OF PITTSBUSOH. <tl'Pinnn TO LOAN, AT SIX PKB CENT ItiTUBEST ' ■ >*MT <"i 1. v~XT:'r^_ B BB AJ<T. Ko.232miertirat. , r
sSsS»f*V®J^Sp , ‘M’S?&tTSSJ*t?y , .% f K , . and tho other persona concerned to tho riot on Sunday at —'—- " .. ’.. SPUUUURre Thousand Boßars, on Heal Estate Socnrt- -*- 50 seres ewes or bottom land; , " •■(■».*
AtM’KeMportonSatnrtay, September 25tb, at 3 and 7 ternoon. - - 3tm! tsCHsTtfitsa is rue an™ — ty; In or near the City.fbr the term of three years. Said Stone Grist Aim ha^S?iJ! 1 e “ fe l 1 «di on which is erected» , r„> ,-
cwxssi. loan contingent on the purchase of two nntotprorad lots to now. Situated tm Boo? CewfV 1 *?! atone—said mill ncatTj
ttotelffif. Applyto 1
on '
®aß&a?s sS
%m s
' *
.rffi-jSi#S?^^^^^vJs.S‘-ifs ,^*?^^^^,i^‘<?ci ?>3‘i‘ f i -,! '-i ,, % <■-* ; ;»^:^ .r*<\ - : -.]'^ k £ &^ r ili[?si^'i'-' , '-;' i C l*-; J.>■* vv ■?• j ;f- i^^ ■'",.*I * * > «~- ■.*- r > * ■*.< <■ * * * '*■ r -v** i » » »*■ *
■^^^fc^M^Ste&S^iaig^»^gagsgg»^-r:s;, V.--V ;^«S*::i± '.i'V^/'-X^-'-,
&%?+ >■;<;&»+ V>*~“" : ”*^&"’*/ : •-• 'V-' . -||.: ' ■ ••'■. ' \.\ ; ; .". • .
M Cllnfcm on Tharadayy September 30th, 2
AfStitilcstawn. etx*Frtuy» October Ist, *t 2 o'clock K tf. .
* ■ MVTOflAMPftßtr^llhnlwnim::
< Or Mosantg. MiParmrani* Co,*fao are prompt,hon
taol KmUtmxalj In thslybminess tiMii«cUona,are the
ty authorized agents In the dries of Near Toric andßoetofc
• the Mormag S»t ' They . are authorized to *«eWe AO
rUsoinonts andßubscrTptloM for as at our wnsJretes.
’lr receipts mo regarded as payments. Their offices mat
- NEW. YORK, 122 Nassau' street, ■,
BOSTON, 10 State street.
trvppt ?o& HCOXSO
sr»>ta> fiunm Tin taoo !?m
i;AMea,«»M , -m SOTOS,tatka
*M*tf«vaad;ttpaK.tfc*']o**R urn «rtT»ri«w* Tn**«a'
t U»««n»nt» ZHwm4,vQl -px&ulf* jtTote
Att the qood wronwt In relation to General SootPa arrival
M» jjptyßt been chronicled.- W* looked anxiously la the
ftzefte «ad Journal yesterday morning, bat then irate no
gaa,la either |fee*e papers.of the best one. When the
tmeral hadbeap. safdy placed da - Cho carriage - at the KaU
sad Depot, on Tuesday nlghi, apdbttfore either General Zar-
Ber, Captain Jf&ylor, or Mr. Sfrrftrtrp/gdsr, could stow them*
sires on the soft scat the hero, were,
ahen possession of by a gallant young WMg> /typo v,eh*d
Uoost wrote,} -who bad grown patriotic white waiting for
heGamaL Our friend deposited himself In the seat with
be greatest gravity, and he could not be bought off, either
7 the gold of General Larimer, the eloquence of Captain
teflor, or the desponding jgJls of Mr. Swariiwelder, who
ad calculated on riding “In the rear**—of the carriage—
rtththeGcneuL Gekoptjhis seat bcffWoijp* General, and
anuplringinilgTaadtappoi&ted. -On the arrival c£t>m
arriago at the Monongahcla IJouaj, the typo took, the arm
if the General and escorted him to the *foo» On Smith field
drcct, where he took leave of u old Chlpppvp. 1 * Jn a few per*
Jneni and brief remaxks, vfcieh gtmuyexmtw Mwjeitotuy
>f • few who were ambitious of doing ell the honors.
jloarrccirtmAL Kxmcmax—The annual sxhJWtten of iha
Utegtepy county Horticultural Society, was opened-Jester*
lay nt:'ifasoolc Hall. -The offrulta, vegetable*,
towers, £r.;<exsoalB by &r that of any other year. Apples,
ggjß> peaches 'and grsjpps» °f BTfery variety* were exhlbUcd
n -thtf jnost temping Thodisplay of peaches,
though notlargc; was of the finest and eUdtod odmi
cation fro®. all titaviritonr.- ■•,
Thercgetahle fclpplcm waff well represented, and tea
tracted much attention.
• ITo- hare not time today to apeak oftfce bamUTdl
maimer inwhieh thehall is decorated, Gtttywityfql display
af flowers and the admirable snrasgqipent.of the Managers,
hot will do so again
: Urtr Cbcsrrßnrr—-The editor of the American was
resterdsy ißOßdngrn new aranter&it that had been offered
mMcB*T*.3UG £ thc Sprlnjfidd JSank of tfac Ohio
Stock Banknrganteri W*The counterfeit inmost admirably
iagxuved and executed, and so pearly resembles -the ggan
io*,Utat we can only advise a. goqerpl, pypetion of the .notes.
mlbs Lank, when offered.- The shading cm the Gorman
taxi, Of “Ohio State Stock Bank.? Is dark andbs&Vyinthe
omxnterifett* but In thogcnxdno there is lUtto.or no shading.
ipg,nnd then ran over with n pan- Many of the notes hare
been passed in this dty vlthloja few days. : .
f’&SftXKa Cassr—'Rut ca&c. of Peterson’s Execqtqr'* -vs*,
cama upj U xns argued by Woods fbr plainly ami?
Carson & H T Kuigbtv& DailHe; argued by: Shinn for the:
plaintirc, and Stowe and MTCindlcA* far defendant.
.-■John, itoemp. vs. Allegheny.c4t?r»twD rases fargaed. by
Kerr and Slialct for plnintiQf and Qeyw and CantUesa fur
- Hcntfond.Treasurer of-Allegheny : canotj ra .yreosiyerf
of Fiitribprgh and Alleghenydtics; oxgusd hySeviUoiul:
U. F. Hamilton for plaintiff, and Mellon for defendant.
ATisniEEDOt's Bcjasxsa won dons oa tho two railroads be>.
hreen this city and Covclaod durfagtho late State Fair la
-QutdljvOa one Occasion a train of about J\fty-Jcur cars,
contain?' ocar -three thousand, persona went into Clorelttod*
on the Pittsburgh and Cleteland-Hood. Ttro,and some*-
dimes three loconjobfrs wero found necessary to propel tbe.
Ltndzu ..Tho paasensCT tare rare at! brought Into use, and
.sdll there were not are enough, c»tU* 'cars were sub
aUtotod ibr the paareogo? cart, made oa
.comfortable aa po?*lble.:On Saturday, whin tho p*wgg**r*
were returning, the rush tu also Tory great.
Sb. maafr Lbot?!,—Pr.’ Bairdleciores tomorrow error
lng*in the. first: Ti&bjtafkm CJmrch, ;of ihfe:<diy, <m
Oertimoyrod Hanstay..', Thii r grotlroiro lectored ©stMon-?
day *reaiog, cv tb* roltfectTo* thaScsadJnariiaiWßijtdea?
Dromarfey Itorway-nftd Sweden. Thotectarafiijpofero of *4
hating hero fijnost eloquent address bn anlnteresting rob?
jeet Xcctorea onGeraany and-Hungary f> Bsrlttcrlan& and
Holland, France, Great Britain and-Ireland, Spain and Por
tugal, ttily, Greece and Xarksy Trill foUtf y.
... .(ARzwAsn of two hnndrc-ddollars tuts been peered by
ifayor Fleming, of Allcghony&ty, for ibo Arrest and con*
; rirtfon of tho person orpersons engaged in. the attempt mad?
on Soadaynlght to xnnnler: JSlixa Stevenson, the young wo
man lath* employ of Mr. Schwartz, of that city.
-iliffl -Stevenson • stfll- rcoudsß in >
though hopes ore entertained that she . wOl recover from Ijbe
wounds inflicted on her, by tha unknown and cowardly a*
ntfant. \
• fir, Pauls’ BTzspix.-r-Tbej»tceple of this splendid church,
onbesnt Street ia now nearly completed, thewfcote height
of the Btozie .work is 145 f<»t; to tbo belfry 70 foot
. thfo thespireis. 75foet. hlgh; sunaounting. is Iron
worfc to the height of nbont ton foet, and a largo copper,fig
-proofa the wholo height from the- ground
about 155 foet
- & Tss magnificent Panorama of Ireland was again visited
by a densdy crewdal aodience. It is aplty that Philo Hall
:■ 1 is pot Uigwy to acoommodato.lbonumbers who nightly vlrifc.
- :vthis superb-work of art. We would recommend those who
. cannot obtain aests at .night lo attend the exhibifcionai 3
: tfclockthis afternoon; Go early If you wish to obtain seats..
" IkrQUiSMEßosoctSft—’nils.enterprWng little borough has;
usothoziied'the burgew .to issue bonds to the amount of
: fA'cesrtiScnted of $lOO <aeb, : to bear an interest of six
.per end, payable on the first of October of each year. This.
. -jmn Is to be expended in improving the whar£ and repairing
- dhe bank of the liter at the borough.
Russ* Obtaijoko JXojtzt— A warrant was Issued by Aid.
i v SFHsster yesterday, for tho arrest of a nm& turned:David
-Grilßn, who waa charged by Richard Kelly, of WUkius
township, with falsely and fraudulently obtaining the sum
of five dollars, by representing that be was a laborer on the
railroad. «
. hAßCENt—GatharineMurphy was committed to jail- yes-,
- texday morning,by.the Mayor, charged with larceny.' The
prisoner, was accused, by XlconorCainpbell, of stealing a
•pocket-book -containing clght doUars, from:the house of
iJohn the 20th of September., The Mayor com*
mitted her foe trihL
iVe-jrould call attention tp the largo ado of dry goods,
. ‘. fcyortpr of -fihcrifT-Curtiw, at tho store of & JeffietyVa 76
.'3ltrkctrtrwt,at 9 o r d6&k P vlti. BaTts,-
AncticmcGr. The splendid stock Of dnw sU3w,'Rorenc«i aftd
Starts -will bo gold at 11 o'clock.
I Buikos AscExsm—Wl3e’s balloon
i: Xoeedaynext, in this dfcy.-'Tho ascension, will takeplacoln
and in the evening there will tea costly and bean"
i t&ol exhibition of fire works, in the pavilion, together with
« Or variety of other entertainments* • r
Rsv, Dr. B*m> will deliver ft free lecture on “Xha WWL
denars,” m Dr. Kiddle'll Cbnreh, on Wednesday evening,
commencing at half port T o’clock. The lecture trill be Ulna
tnfad by mips, tc, ani the cUiens an earnestly rcqueatal
to attend*
Bxcubsxqx Tickets-will be Bold on the Ohio and Pennsyl*
- - Tania Aud Pennsylvania Central railroads, this In or*
"r dortogSvogood Whigsanopportunltytoliearthetfratoreof
their party on Thursday nest, luthfa dty, atthe Scott Cdn*
' weailom
‘ *U® Emrerafc—Job# Dillon nos conimlttai to Jail bn
: "MonaaTibr AMcrman Btoel, charged with fraudulently ob
’ ' -talnlng goods to tho 1 amoant at forty <Jol|n* ftoin Joseph
®gt .
'■-■ JOES'WiS4SS ( tiecomodianatthe'nuatro J la&aold-PlttJh
baiEh JiTorlte < hartn s P ! »3 ri > 4 in this Otj- wtna ulna or tan
miM' __
i■;.pitsn , !rSM3 ttmfrnmthe dgrtcultnrii and HorUcidinhJ
vnejrt !-■: Itayin Masonic Hall, to the radona outages la the neigh
bothoodof tbodty. j
\fmq Oopktt Oorvwtkw.— 'lbs delegates to the last Whig
County OonrenUon will at the Court Houro on
pmet Friday,the 24th Instant, to place in nomination a can-
Judge,; to fill the vacancy occasioned by
the death of Jgjgp OjAhart^Ksc^
Assoam JtrDGtVFha names of Ma«* JJojjfnd* jfcq., of
Allegheny <Hty, aad John Herron,l£sq;, of MtoemUte, have
been: Spoken of by tho lThlgß as fit to bo candidates for that
high civil station—-Associate Judge.
AidbuiavXtwiß has presented the Mercantile' Library of
this 4*7 two very rare and valuable volumes of steel plates
representing characters in ancient myiboloey.
BtsoannuY Connect —Mayor Flomlng, of Allegheny City,
Jpsfetda&eommitted throe persons for drunkenness and dir*
orderly'eoudnet, in default of their fines.
were six eonu&ltmrats to the jail
tsfcccjfjr, for drunkenness and vagrancy.
JS&* Sbell DAILY, at "OUR
HOESE,” by Adams&Oo:» Erpcaa. *
'Bf tha ffßeffly tdoes for the Horning Post
Ibe steamerAWca4rrirotJthlaor«alQgjit®o’fiaQs) JJbe
ieft literpool cm the 11th. £he brings no BrttUh political
Anoprictahlp has been. scat to Y*nDS«non r i 2*nd, not
withtfrinrilaglho colonists protest against it.
The Canard propellers to Chasm via Kew York are to
tohfih w SrOfti£pd and Boston.
Sir. OUiiTezx, U dead.
A difficulty exists Wtvoefi it&UM end Mexico respecting
a Frenchman wunel iCorenti ftnpriwuXLal by. jjiifup tl’n'hlhi
The minister insirta opera mtfe&ntion, and Mexicorefuws.
c■, The Rmch claims upon Hkytisettled..
■ The returns Martinique and tioadalonpo are farora
ble and productive,
■;' UmP6Wr C«T«r MspttS, ScpUnhbcx ii.—Thu sales fbr
the Inst tbna days ot jrejw to
Speculator*. Md 1000 U) &pGfi£Tß... pxe 'Mfs‘lcHj&y Still
reach WOO bales, a*k for it 1«
not generally granted by-thaholdcrs. Tho sales aro chiefly
.-to the home trade* . The brokers' quotations are as follows:
Fair Orleans Orleans middling &<.; Mobile fair
•CtixGj'fi* middling Mobile SW; Upland fair 6;. middling Up*
land She imports for toe week were 11.900 bales. The
stock atUrerpoohexcltuto of ship board, is $55,000 bales,
ofwhich4gQ,QS<}tales are American. v
Com •of Offbeat ate unchanged. A
moderate business Is doing aipraTlwwrato- Tho market Is
poorly, supplied with Flour 1 , and 2k!r quaXitnMliave improv
ed,.but the lower qualities baTe declined. In Cbm but
ssfctii bnriacsii U doing* but - pikes > are “firm, Berm lstou'e
Similar quotas white wheat *to G@6&{ red wheat A2&&3
mixed; ; kfarar.f.yewtwn canal, 20f022; Philadelphia.
20fa21; Baltimore, SW&SWjlCfcky Sltffcai-a.; Corn-Ycl
low, 2WV&3O; white, 2MK&3O; mixed, J®@ £££
PsorcsjosMjakci—The market Is dull. The laid maikst
has rscoterod from tbododiuo noticed in Iho Ust rcpori—
vlti»nowqw»telAt:fi7<@S74. Esef, prime, mm and old
• Fork, ptioio and se» new so@97, M!re firm at
3T<a-SO. 4
fioiea TOO racks Afthet; pots pearls 25g£2&.
ftarosr, &cpt/2L
. Mr* Bcha ed£, tin? American M!nW« to Bnull, sent by the
tiovf roment to Bttiow* Arc* to negotiate tat tiw to* osyl*
gatfaa of Ibo riven, Yiaftea Crania* ontbe 2Gth
af JaJyt io company with Hr. PendUttea. rarttfrM
vltb uoeoxaanD faoiunv. A ealtttc vu findtimd
tery. were; ordered oat. - t’rtjaixaV ftpooch. ehcnrjt a rwr
friendly feeling toward* tfcb roaatiy, ; The - Allow lag: ywK ’
OUr va» fcvhsTean 4BterTfe«~iriLh-lh& gore fn own tofCrn-
KngtUb and French ConunUstaircn were at Xlonlß
redolbrlfls wipf) tmiracr The ettfeen*of Bueno* Ayna ■■■■-- ._ ,
were modi opposoffte&<luJ<£' wjjt wornawaiting anoppor*• ' 'fT!llfttiA& M.N&N UANlJtifcJtejlLEFiWuft rccrifed m
tunlty to np«t him. AllMhe tfovwriiow hj hUa \j A. A, Uuox ACW vSMjOOQ do* UnroUatuikcrcbMv
immediately resign, and tel*acting nbmwr-wUh tfcepriyy «W»i at "&/.z. *ep2l
•CoondL . • ' %sio OGP'
New Yottk, Sept 21.
.. fnm Faro, August 2), date that the yellow fever
fa tyjag pipCnod chiefly Co the shipping, A ftw
days previous $• Ptcijrii s?*f.drainer cam® Into port from
Cayenne in search or oed pporlnl that tha
Fn»ndx colony was In a slarr/ng iktjidmop.-’
- Tbo sloop of way Yjrtfvnnciv Ittidtfn. commander,
arrival fmm Valparaiso, having Ml thrre on fhfo Hfb July.
She ha* been absent three sailed fi3«00O mile*, and
vldtal thirty-two ports. .
PanAnctnu \ r Soph 21.
The New York Times ha* a-sprefal dispatch from Wash
ington saying th&t*thera- was & great explosion; today con-:
nocted with the expositions of the Gardiner Commlttoe, Sec
retary Corwin Is exculpated, but another party fa found to
be in fault There fa peat excitement in the Commute* In
cQn/MUencftr The dispatch says that- the Committee will
cxhQaerate Mr. fionrin, and reftenitw the story that he has
sent tahfa resignation. •••.
s BUTtumra, September 21.
The Grand Lodge of Odd Frllovrs today elected the foil*
lowing officer* >-Grand • glrtv Wilmot G. De Saussure, of
South CaroUooa; Deputy Grand Sire,.Horace A. Manchea
ter, of Khndft Island ; Grand.. Secretary, damn* L. Bblgcly,
TKarylto id; Gnaut Joshua Van: Zandf of Jury*
land. The election occupied ijC4*)y tip entire day.
- No other business of Interest was traruacied.
. Cn.utLssTos, S. C., Sip*. 21;
The Board of Health reports 15 deaths from Yellow Fctct,
■pjr tJm three dayß.endine.ou Sunday evening. The Increase
Is attributed to the Weather. The new eases are not num*
reus; thou hate pnenliy laid themselves opch to
the disease,
•• ~ ' - viilrrr 1 ■ •••••-
. Rnmtbs&FßU, September gl.
John tfNolrba* boon .nominated .for. roclectiofiy by the
Pemocxatsof the Fifth Congreasloual District, composed of
parts of Philadelphia and Montgomery counties, .
St, Loins, Sept. 21.
• Last night the stables of jfr. Alexander were destroyed
by fine. A largo number of boggles and wagons were burn*
ed, but tb* horses, 160 in number, weresayed. ; Loss $lO,OOO
—uninsured*'- •- .
CIXf£MSfP» dtfpt* $1; ;
• Gen. Scott arrived in this, city yesterday by Üb> evening
train. Although it wss rniniog rerybard, his reception'
was veryenthusiastic. About 5000 cufaou wore present: at.
the depot, lie was: escorted to tire American Hotel by the.
military of Cleveland : *hd- Ohio i city, where he delivered a
brief address to on immense throng.
Sr, &ocxs,Bot. 2L -
The river fa at a stand, weather eloar. ’Arrived yesterday,
steamers Prairie Clty and Hiodoo. Departed* Gen.Pikc and
Tuscarore. - Nothing new In markets.
WismxoTos ftrr, Sept;2l. •
. The report that Secretary Corwin has tendered hfa reslg*
cation fa unfounded. .
New Yobjc, Sept 2L.
:. FJour..*Sal«,s,OQO:bbteStateats4,2s&4,43; Southern
. $4,43(5)4,02. Salea 10,000 . bus .mixed Com at C!U W . Hess
Pork $10; prime do $l7, dull Lard in Jbbla
scarce. Prinm Beef me«s $l2. Sales W5O..bW
Whisky, Ohio.
Cotton—Dull: Rdca3oo bQlcs. Flour...«des 8600 Siato at
$4,18@54r31; Southern SM& Graln...rah»6obuflh RyoBs;
sales 20,000 corn,
Mesa Pork $18,75;. Shoulders, $8; sales 200
bbfaßeef, unrimngod; sales 2,250 bbfa tod keg
do IIUt&UX, country press. ; Goflbe,;,Sales 1000 bora Bio,
8%@9. lOO boxes MuspaTodo,s. fiues 70
hates Hemp $l2O, Llnsoed. Dll..,sales GOOD galfa 78@70.
» , hiskey...Raiea SOObblsOhio 23$>2L
• RiTer stationary; weelhct ftno.. Flour firm at
for anporfine.' whisky. 17%. Pro visions dull.«nd Inactive;
salea l&OrbagßcolEoe at o>s prime sugar prime cheese OJ4
xvmnzra. ’*
; lUvurstaiiouary; .weather ftae; Flcmr firm at
;for«nperflno and a,40@3,C0 fbr extra; Whisky 17%; noth
ing iloiojt lir Provisions; sales-:150. bags Oadco ftt 0%; .IJn*
seed GU tS@7O; . Castor (Ml 80? manulhctare! Tobacco active
sales 200 boxes today atftUl prices.
mumormA, SeptemborSl.
Hbnr.MDuUaMlnadJte; fresh groond- Bye
Flour... Steady at 53,75. prime new Wheat at
03@06ibrred Southern* and.: $1,02: for Southern; Corniu
limited request; Osfa.B3%e, -
PaiwmpmA, Sept. 20.
CAtyu Maekbt.—Thfi' oiTerings of Beef Cattle for the
week were 1400 head, selling at from $7 to 8 per 1,00 lbs. Of
Hogs riiere.were SOO.ifosiaribe^selling fromsB io'B
’ fts. - Cows;, at prices Taryingilrem $l2 to 40.
.Bheep and latter from $1,50 to $2 50, according
. - 4 New Yom, Sept. go.
disns, 2lOO -head: Beeves'at o@9, and
(Jews and Chives at prfaearenging4rents2o. and.s3o tos4Q.
-801a57,000 Sheep and Lambs al 3>4;@5 fbx tha fonnw l and
2%-for the fatter. *
tAA BBLS FLOUR? {fdfph,) just recU and for sale by
No. 6 Smlthfield street, '
sop 22 opp&ritotheHozfongabela&pnsft.
a#UU ty, for sale onUberel terms, by m
scp22 r , », _ 112 Secono street.
UagaiUieilbr Oetehert
TTJST received.' atH. Monfa A 00.% No. fi2BtsUhaeld at;
tl -Godey’sLady’sßookforOctoberj-
Grahanrs Uagazlne-for October f - *
The Black Avenger of -tbe Spanish Maln/by Ned BunUipo ‘
—price 25 cents; -» ' *
The Advontores of a Gentleman In search of Miss Smith,'
by EHxs A Duffy.
Gncfa Tom’s Cabin asit supply:. - i j. -
_ • H- anNEB A CO. ?
* >99) No. 32SmUh$rid street
Steamer Attanth, Tarklwnn, BtowmvUlc.
" 5f lUc -U™tut l E ß nnMrflle.
“ Michigan. >0.2, Boles Bearer.
“ graewe, Sinclair, ai'Kocsnort.
M ' Ololxs! vratilno, Wheeling
« Bolted States Aid, - —, Cincinnati.
“ Clarion, Minima?. iSZi ''
Stc«2ss Atlantic, Barklnson, Brownsville.
* Baltlo, Bonnet, Ikwjmrrilto,
“ Thomas Sbrirpr, Bailor, West Kovton,
“ Michigan, NfcS, Bole,; barer.
“ Oenosec, Sinclair, MKcwport
■ U. T. Yeatman, Marshall, St lomls.
“ Cleopatra, Grocnlce, Loulavlllo.
“ Hall Cblnmbb, Johnston, Wheeling
1 Financier, Poe, Cincinnati,
f WedUejflßr Faeket for Cincinnati.
i «f w snd fo4 running ftramcr caCDf.
JgßßßSawwrfefsiK y‘ uU "’ ™* “ aye wjnlnrir otery
r /.FOTtrelght. or passage, apply on loan], or to
■k 63 ** O B. MILTESnEEGER.
'. v ; For Klttanmng nxidcatnali, 1
: 1 IBS* hn dnmght, and pleasant steamer
jgjggßMjCtAßlOa, Oapt Maurara, arm leave the Alle
/‘fWWWS*®*”! ;W» Stonday,:Wodnasdar tmd Frh
■&&!&■'> cRMh Wilts ftp WjanpSm and Catfish., tat
freight or passage appl p on heard, purls
far Long Xlcncb.Marlcttn, Bnktnham,
and Gallipoli*. '
r JCff* J*. riCsmcr Sot, MIOGS,SmtM,Has-
IjeUßßifctgtor. wOl leave for the above and lutmtoedlate*
BHMBMMpolnta every Tuesday, at 3 o'clock p. St
tor freight or passage apply on board, or lo
feba JOHN FLACK. Agent.
For marietta sad Hoeklngport,
md. 'J’ilt fine ctcnmer PACIFIC, Zmijua Manria,
UjtßgittffMaafa’, tfrll 1(310, Sir lntcnned
i*WWt 'to- ports, every ’nMcßitTl 4i"4 o clock, I>.
SI. For freight or passage, apply on hoard, hr to
T, iroons It SON,
marlo So. 61 Water afreet, aml63 Front at
Marietta, Parkersburg and Hoeklnirport
Packet. . v
. IPSB. steamcr llAll. COLUMBIA, A. 8. CCAkr,
1 will leaver Pittsburgh every Monday:, 'at
. o’clock fr.Slg rctpm|hg, ■Will, .care I locking
port tfittf TuoHlay, at 0 tftloac A, il.
Passengers and shippers may rely on the ntmeat aceom
mislaUon and premptores. ■■■■■ W.B. WHEELER,
n«ri SI Market street.
BONNIITg— A, A, JlASOjr A CO, have just melted, tier
ekpft-TJ, jwlpMrimanlof Falliloimota. atpr ■
IjLCITOgrfiO SlOfp Mid fotttaby 7 •
X> sepll A. J. STUART.
doa, In store and tor aide by ■ . ...
■do? A. J. STCAItT.
ISFtCIV A.\—A small lot on hand, to close consignment;’
r lUMOTHY has prime, to store and tor sale Vy
X sepll a. J. FT DART.
1 JUI.HIV— I superior new liuggy, In store snd tor ssie by
•P- A, 1. STCAItr.
and fornlo by r ’
JX »epl7 a. J. STUART.
Q Satinets, eompthdiig all the best eastern makes, sepia
"\.J* UPTAUIiu-ilScins, aCr,tralearOcle,fi)r sale by •
3XV A cut FSB—Sd yieliets Pill Uoremment Java; Hit
>l.hy -psplt}' "SMITH X SINCLAIR.
X)ULTRIUSKII SLUAIWIn bhls Lovering’A tor aale by. '
/TARKKTIi SSUFF-a bbts, tor rale by
XiHfrK BLACK TSASe-For family nse, in smalt boxes, tor
X saloty fseplg) SMITH A SINCLAIR.
T~ILAKIFISB SCO AH—2O hids,axriylng and tor sale by
V fW»_ tanTH A SKCLAIft
sn mciaititUpawTsu~OASiiMir(i^,'wjjm7‘ot
UU Sep2o A. A. MASON A CO.’S.
X^'ANKOAlb^Ky.hhla,ilclprepnraCider, Instore. - -
T an* rfuAtm wtr.
’prlmn .Ufe» MTiri&j?and
BUOCADK 6U.UE*.—A.- A. luto Jojt n
celred wiilm jolof phxc* rich btaetdn £U)I fwm
SWsto*am.; wptß
A-. 60 plocr. nf. vtvlo Bonirrnl i'rmts.cpmvl. fc.
S<|A\yijrfl tSJrr:<V* A. lljm* 4 Cu* 1»M<» juat re-.
»»w .WWWJMiV«ff« rfrh- printed ca*hmere
fttmwK fafllimt'Fotoff. •,. ; V jgftlfl :
T AJ)m? ifwmi CVMhS.—A- A. -IUM*. &
JMrohJbitfbrttlfl, an SteuAaf, an assortment of ttahion
•UlflCkith Cloak* and Mantillas. - ■.■:■; .•: tcpaJ
17011 yAl,B—Two 6han» to (.Old,) Jftnk. Allfi
tshcuy. ff. MVUSTOCK,
. »ep3o . Qu-pct. Wm-honw, Si Fooillt street
/ WfJSK-ji tag* JUo;
V/ . - 20 eio lasasyra; ln>!OT»ondrorndobT
wpl- A. J. BTL’AKT.
IWJflWft—A «B>»H iUprighi jstcam Kngiuiv Mx
fcorw J»wer,*n»l«. AtJ». 4 J. irnixs It&eCar-
Factor? Pa Alhghimir nitwit, Xlnth TVMd. rcplleUw
. •••• ••• ■ =••. ■ • • nOUOC*.-. ••
SUBSCRIBERS to the Fond ftf tlw. Pfopyrtud' Msrkrt
-Bouse, will please. call and pay the amusements now dap;
■ ectftb •••■ • • iL P. KiyQ. Tnatfuror. .•
SFICKS— 73mataCawla;
.. • 10 bags Pimento; •-■:■••■•...■
_ gO do Popper; For sale by
TjUAIUR—6OO bbla to arrive, and for sale by
X* A, J. STUART, ,
No. 0 timlthfleld street,
■ pop!" ......■• oppositeMontmgahcla Q6un.
fHumisi cuxrusi—a.jl maw* * co* hare JoTt
V/ opcuod 10 ease* fine French, English ami Axnorfcaa
Bmiu Cloths; assorted odors. 'Also, 10 cases plain and fimsy
Casrimere*. qcplfl
I4DIKS’ JIAUIT CUJTIb-Av A Maso* A Co. faavo last
A reodved 60 pieces fine French Habit Clothe, splendid
and fashionable for ladies' Cloaks, Sariu>, : &c.
SALE—Aderireblo lot ofGround on tihettield street,
JC Allegheny, near .the . residence of Waterman Palmer,
.£sq«; 65 by 27u feotj whlcll willbo offered - low, If applied
fifrfooxr. Enquire of W. M’CLIM^CK f
kp2o /V at the Carpet WawhouM, 86 Fourth street.
PUdMUI>GVmWATCiDSS.— LiOOD,hasthis morning
U received a Lugo additional assortment of fine Watches,
which bo will Bell as usual, from 25 to 50 per cent-dresper
than any other dealer in this dtgr. at
ibLOOMS-W tons Gap Forge; T
. 60 do: Bedford Forgo;
160 do Juniata Forgo;
On hands and for salo by
irCUatof fe 1b nowreedving And opening
\j hjs FaR stock of now. and. rich stylo Carpeting, at: the
Warehouse, No, 86 Fourth rtroet, to Vfidch wolavßc the at
tention of thorp wishing to fUrnishrteambootsor Houma. -
PsansylTMUa 'lUdlrMA findgrant hlne.
U/is are ;bow forwarding . poswngora to Philadelphia and :
fy-inUrmwliate pclntSvbytheabavo linc.Timc through
tlireo days. Faro $4,00. Only 70 miles Cana);
fo*27 • OQVOPB A GRAHAM, Agents.
THE rainy season haring eommmioud,' ovorylady should
be supplied with a pair of those PANOY'OUM BOOTS
now opening at.W. E. 6CHMJeitTZ\ In : point of comfort
elegance ana novelty, they are unequalled. -Also—Sandals,
Gossamers, and Jenny Lind, Misses and Children’*, of every
style. [Bwpl6] •«-. - 107 MARKET ST. -
\KriNDQW GLASS—mbs* b by 10;
YV 150 do 10 by 12;
60 do 10 by U;
20 do 10by IS.
- All of good brands. Forsaloby .
f J UIK CoPurtnonhip heretofore existing between tbs sub*
J. Kribera, under the form of M? TINDLK A CO., was dis
solved on the 10th nlUmiyby mutual consent-' Either part*"
ner Is authorized to use the name of the firm in settlement-
a TOBACCO—2S bxs W.JL Grant’s; ‘ ' ' • ‘ -;.v
• 10 do Russell A Robinson's, 6’Sj
10 caws Myers’Aromatic;
10 hxs By land A Myers’, fifa
r 16 bxs Webster Old, 6’s
On'hand and for srio by
y| / ■■■ - Sheewkin, Manilla,
Adelaide, Jute,
AUoaut* Oxo,
and Fancy Mats,
- Jnst received and now opanlngnt thc Warchonsoof a
qcpl7 , , W y STCUNTOCK.
TV BRUCKLOCHKE, Mbwha&* - Tamos,
= hns lnat his : 3tßogn establishment,
No. 108. FOURTirfaRKETj FTPPSDDRGH, acompletß &S*
aortment of Cloths, CoMlfoare^- -Vcattngs,: and‘.
articlß in his line necessary to make..* foshlonoblo suit. : Bis
frlcndsondtho pnblio genmany.bre requested togivehlm a
call as-above. nqplfra**
1 D Admfthutratian: Rflticcr -•
’Xftm.Cß is hereby gfren, 7 that betters of Administration.
1\ upon the estate of DAVID DICKSON,'Jafo of filigo, dc
ccasad. imTe tecngmtfidfo the there,.
- and all .’peaona.havlng claims <wdamanaangaihst tlm estate
of said decedont, aro requested to make-known the some. to
me, without delay, ' MABTUA ANN DICKSON, 4
MpZfcoawflhr* > - Administratrix:
FOR CiTF sole, ndcsira
\j ble property of 297 acres of eholceland, wlth ; vidaable.-
improvements* aid very desirably -located' in BakefcsviUe,;,
sixty..miles dhsn iPitfismngh, l onrthc West ?N«wtou and-
CumberlandFlanh Road,Somorsot A largo and:
nottventantdifelling bottsajnowuwsdMa TWvmirWithl&rge.
stabling and oat buildings; also, wagon maker and £mUh!*
shop, tenant house, Aa;-16Q acres : la .cultivation \ balance
primo timber. The wholo well watered;b a. well and favo
rably known tavern stand, r Price; $6OOO. - I’roperty wIU be
zeceived for the: whole, or more, or in . part, and payment
r glnm, or received, or for caah* terma liberal,- .-
3- CUTHBERT, General Agent,
6O Smlthffeld street.
i * *** uz-i -£ i
tsssa Am> Masageb....- iS ..iOSEPR c. josteb.
Romeo -..Mlaa Snsan Benin. •
Joliet JRtaKato Drain
rotor John VFlnans.
Mcrcutio -.-. Mr J. P. Brelstord.
To ooneluile with tbo langfaablepeUtoComedy:as brigtoiOlr.
played by Mr, John TFlhans 2OO nights of '
Charming 80y.,, ,Miss Kate Brain.
Joe- . 31i. John ITlnans.
: Mr. tkiylcr.
Jenny Mis IVhoelcr.
■ , day Thursday night, the Misses Kato and Susan Dent,
will appear in two ckoellent’ptoees.
Raymomdl A Co,, ud Urtetliaclr A Co.'s.,
memagehies united?
, . 1 1 FOR 18091
0. BJBBttr.,.. MANAGER,
Tt» pcwir- nr© thotttosMw&TMt
Henagtrfcj*, onltM wr Cto present weson, firm by-ftf the
largfit collection of Uririg AnimAU erer «xhlbtto<3 ia this
or MjyoUier country.' 1 ( *
OrerlßO AJOMAM AYDBIUI® ton l» racn nnder
their Sjartmw Vnrilltm; tiS4' fret In lonth. FOR -ONE
How* of EitOWiioa—ftoni ,* to**, MV *oi 7 tolO lo
: tbo ©venieg. , *. . *
Admission,Ssmrfv- Nohirtf-prtro.
TI»CCt/fC2WWaiTUTlrtiti tfctP«d>T.att._lbo Tnnrrtng of Jh©
- iojitAot, about the Carriages*,
«t containing Ui© Animat*. dra#» bjr l&Q XPLEKDrD
IfO&SEXl bpadort byNKUl’Ktt’S PlilkAttKLPni A UHASS
BAND? win tws tlimugh thffv<nrfxu'Jpal:»tnast®,ttfltihUnrc
on Ofipnriuuuy at Ifcht&iinKbua c? U»p' jn«t GGBGEGUS
AX© OIPOcUA’ff WIOOBSSIGNSnr tt» klutl oVttr «cim. ■".•
In Three unmenee Parfiming ©itti I -.
GO JaUw other..
: In tbe course of. esehes lilUtlcm, HERR DRIESBACIL the
forfismM LION KLNU, will enter the Denscf his Wild ion*
antsuf thoporeet—> . • :* ■ .v •
- And give tbe ssma a? when mdrroft. tty the spo
rial coiomand tf tJm’eJv Tteroriai' Lonts * pidlllppe, (Info
King of the French,) Emperor Nicholas, of 8U l*etersburK,
tuwl the Royal Family HapsharghyUottse of Austria.
sliiNO)Uv IUOKBAbUG-wul also perform his highly
trained animals,separate and entlmly aiffin'ent from Herr
DriesbftchXsbowlagr thd different powers of mind over the
Animal Creation.
J. G. CxmrxLvtLEß-M. ..Equostrlan Pirectfo 1 ,
J. LAXonoavny. .Master of the Circle.
R. w..Ut Buffo Clown.
E,DArw^...., r ......2ndBhnksperianClown.
Among the most promment of tbe artistes; may I>o' found
the following names—vlx t ■. .’
. J. G. CADWALADEIt—the nnxurpessed Four and Elx
Horse Rider.
, THOMAS MTARLIN—the greatest Somerset Vanltcr in
the known world.
. L. J. LlPMAN—Dramatic, Swmlc and principal Riders - -
DAVIS RICUARPSrrthQ world’j only
whose daring fonts ovcrbkN, gatou,' oa his Wild Prairie
Stood, strikes the beholder with wonder and astonishment. -
E. M. DICKINSON—Uia celebrated Comedian and Comic
Singer, acknowledged hy on to bo the greatest ringer of-tho
; J. SWEET—whosoatyle and skill In personating the char*
aoter of the Aborigine, ,or Red Man of tfaeForost, stands nn*
.. MASTKR.MiILIJAMS—the Javcnile Gystnostlo and An*
tlpode&n performer,—whose truly 'plearing performances
must bo soon to bo admired,
tav though not least, the two unrivalled .Clowns. WIL*
LIAMs and DAVIS, whosoßans JpkM» Boa dfots, andlVlt*
tielsou, nover foil to kccpiho audience in a perfect roat of
laughter,".- . ••
, N. B.—Poritively but one price of admission to Menagerie
and Circus combined. * sepsidot
. TAVA COFi'Efe.—Go pouchns,.4O to 60 foa. each Old Gov*
$1 ernment. Java Coffee, just rocelted and for sale at the
acpS * BE KIN TEA STORE, 88 Fifth Bt.
TpURE TEA,' WINE AND RRANDY.—Those lh want of
-j”,. tire above can,obtain them of tho*-very-best quality,
and cheap, too, at MORRIS’ 4 TEA MART, c&t rido of the
Diamond. • 1 :■■■■■ ■■■•> ■. ' • aeps •
Tj'Oß SALE—Ten* shares of .tho Fayetto Manufacturing
- Oampany wIU besoUtfr exchanged at a bargain, If op--
-piled for goon. THOMAS: MOFFIIT, '
Kp7 . A T °« Fifth Rtreet
RHEUMATISM— Dr. Browu’e hewly dlsnwered'remedy
forßhenmatismr ts aepoedy and certain remedy for that
: painful trouble. / it net or nils. *
• Office and Private Consultation Rooms No. 41; DIAMOND,
Pitt3bnrgb,Pcuna.-The Doctor is alwaya at home. >v:.acp7 ’
|f« Tatenr A Brotlicra, : / :
dL WINKS;-Ac* wanantfld nnrprppd expppdingly low.pri
.cos,for capju . Also, in ironies; very -flue Qld Champaigno
Wine,- Jentiy Unit* Ueidrieh and Locomotlvo branda; pure
old Brandies; old Fort, Sherry, Madeira and Juice Wince,:
All Liquors and Wineaat wiUDe found
ofiasnporiorquality. ■h> TUTKDR A BROTHERS,
• :anlfc2m No,76Smlthficjdstreot.
SHIPWRIGHT’S OWN bring a key to most of the
dllforent kinda of lines made use of by Shlp BuOdcrs.
Illustrated by. ILfine copper pUte engravinge of drafts and
modelfl cimjruljy amused, uid -explained in so plain and
correct a manner as to bo nsdorstood by the most ordinary
capacity, together wlih useful rules and tables ‘-of measure,
moot - of solids' and supcrficeA : by Goo W KogeaL 2 vols Bm.
A fow copies of the obove valuable work for salo'cheap by :
soplS KAY A CO. 55 Wood Ft.
Emporium of Lights
XT H. WRIGHT, (Successor to J. Mamrtoe-
H « turerofand Heftier, Wholesalfiond. Retail*!]} the
oboyo named OJI and Lampa, ls receiving ft large assort
meat of LAMPS, for the KUjoroal 011, Camphin<v
and Pino CHL. Alm, Lamps of description, far bxmiiDK
lard and Card Oil; ■•••’.•
• OwmieUetii, Girandole Ilftll Lamps,- WlcXa, (3 lobes, Chim
ney Mats, Cans, and all tilings pertaining totha. trade. ■
. Ktlifircal, Camphinoor Pine OQ,Tegulaxly suppliedonco or'
twice a wtsek.
Ail orders left with the vrag©n r whlch I*- constantly pas*
sing through the dty,willbe promptly attended to. • i '
if. B.—Lamps of all kinds altered to bum the Ethereal
OU. All articles delivered *ln any part of the city, or in Al
legheny, free of corf. •. W< H. WRIQHT, -
•••; > 82 Ponrth sti (Apollo TMQ >
> betwoen Market and wood itwot*.*
- flfeir SXuito*.
‘tktax* joe the jtagon?
\\ \ UnclO'XDm'aldUKCntftjrLUtloETa; ■ ***;■;
-T- iaUoi'sFlight—aSccTiofrom “Undo Tom’s Cabin; ;
Death of XitUo !Brnj o r Dm Going Thero j •
Dcathof St Clanv (Little Era’s Father;) ,
OMFolkstfct Home;
OhJ Mo Aleng; * ” *
. ' X hateflomothingirwoet to.telt yoivoiy* 4 Id Talking !n v
,j-vvMV'Sleop'VHniulodedlcatodtaC&tharUieHayaa; ;
. Echo-ofi<Qcenu^ : ot :tba -.Swiss Mother, with colOxfcd
frontispiece: < '
La Borewle—hyF. Scuaoert;
-JPd ofta band y f Torino j .
•' Sccondo .GnuideMkada Concert, for Win. V. Wallace;.
: Katy Darling; . ,
Hqmo Again; , . ,
• OnqKbaofTMne;, - . - j- ' I
Bhollaor ttju,Oo6S»—or, I Wandered on tho^Sea-beot 1
< Stew--',. „ ;
'.:■ / The Kocfc Banda the Seal ,
OaHiSoottla Qnlrk Step i
, Bainbow BchotHsch; , ,
Twrethcr’ritba largecollection Jtuafc, lustxt
ctitadbr.A(iaxnBAOa., —-■:;7 !
saplT ’ TTy^ctfceti.
A SALE OF A _ pi? Qoons STOREj-On Mon
-fX day nion\UJg, Soptorubor 37tb»at 10 o’clock, at the
.fifoe : wf:A. liwWimgonlichnwNo. CO Market stroot, will bo
*»ld wlthoutrcsorTo, by: onlor of Capt, Jameg Rcamer.
■ ragnoo, tho entire atoek of Fancy and StepJo Dry Good* bo*'
■JPWOJSto that concern, embracing the.tuoal’Variety kept
. in an extenaivo city- Detail fitotc. .Bale to continue from
oay to day, until all ore sold.
*3*22 R M. PAYISy Auct>.
«‘HR WARD, at AucaoS/—On Thursday afternoon,
September 30th, at 3 o’clock, will bo sold on tno 'premises,-
that Valuable Lot . of Ground,-situato on-Centre ATenne* op
posite the residence of William ftrCoteheon, - having o teurt
of 60 feet bn Centre Atenne, and extending back 94 feet to
5s t, ' ec 'P® which (sfirected a well flalabod tbreostory
Dncl( pTOtling House,
i Tho.pbQTe property Is in a part of tho city which Is In*
provtag rapidly ;, would ha very desirable Bit those wishing
J Pnfete residence in a respectable neighborhood, may
bo divided to suit purchasers. Terms at tale. ' + - - “•
W P22 R M. DAVIS, Auetfr.
/J DOiSrsIIANU IiUXKS—Ar4ICItOS-. , mQ WedDcalay
I'W aftemoom Sept. 22d,at 3 o’clock, at «je Cpmitfrrcial
Sales Booms, corner of Wood and FUlh streets, -will he sold
143 dozen superior quality Band Boxes. ’ v
! scp2l p ji »aVIS. Anr-
W, G. UdCAfiTSEV, ARoboneer.
JljL at Aactjon.—-Will bo sold.on .Saturday orcnlnjr, Sep*-
tamber 25th, at 8 o’clock, at 3f Cortnert Auction House, tho
icaeo had. good. triH of. a. tvo.. story Framo Housej on- the
north-east corner of the Diamond, Allegheny (Sty. Tho
honao Is now occupied by Mr. Runqfd m& Watch and
S^jx t vroijid raahoiitt excdlient stand fob
Gropery gtqre, or a Bakftiy, having a large hake oven In the
year, and near tho market honsc. For further particulars,
enquire at tho Auction Store of the subscriber.
Jep22 Bafo positive. W. 0. MACARTNEY. Anet’r
OYRUP—3obbls sugar house Bjrup, fo sale by
(^UOCOZaA i K—20 bxahol, forrslo by
GUIUIAhTS — 2ft cUvkS'CurTlih&V of superior <br
galp by » [acplfl SSUTIt A SINCLAIR.
HERRING— 20 bbls JTo 1, for solo by
yppio gMrnTA Sinclair.
fTIAhhKRS iJlIr-.'O bblg Rank Oil, arrivlpg rolf,
IirrHALE OIL—I 6 bbla,Winter Rlcached.Whalc Olh fo
if wle by freplO} SMITH A SIXChAIR.
'IMJOHKD SUGAR-» bblv LovcTlns 4 *, foMdeby
SMURED UEKKINO—IOO bxaNol Uerrlnß,fosaleby
'ATADDRII— 2 casks, lor sale by
-TFAISINS—oO bxsprime bnnchSaUiqi;: -
Xv pObplfbxa layer’ ’do’: Forsalaby
Mackerel— ioo bbia no a large:
- ; . 30 half bbta • do; v-For sale hy 1 • • - --
I^IL-^lobbls No.l Bonk Oil; :
‘ 5 do JPa.tentl'atntr 1 . In.storeand foenloby
scpl7 A. J. STUART.
I^UGARS—33,OOO CcmmoiH
\j ... 10,000 Spanish; inclose ouL -
'«PIT ' w A. J. STUART.
JLi ’Morncre, Enameled Baakina, and Jenny Und; -
Just received. W. E. SCH3IER77;
acplfl 107 Market street.
U Tor raid bjr JL WHiKBH# P 0»
...-Stafciu&EiailijWßrokotv ,
" ' 75 foartb street
O cnoi
various diseases - hating their origin in an : Inflamed, con
gested or torphl condition of tbo organs of respiration.
This Medicine, now offered to thp indcc too, abora
nunc, iii ft feffiCdy of-Immense value In the diseases.far
which ft la recommended, anil has been used to considerable
extent throughout this city; os .well os in other localities
with a success that has rarely attendod any jaudHqej, not
heralded throughout the whole country t# theprasi'
Dr* Keyaerto Pectoral Syrup,
Is tho prescription of nrcsularphyeldmVWhd ulw&itfar
several years In hfe practice, with a success unequally) by
any other medicine In ore, and it was only upon 1 £bo£reat
and daily tacrearing dematul far it, thaV he was induced to
put It up Id bottles fbr a more general and extensive rale.
Wo claim {or tho Ptctond Syrup that It is an ENTIRELY:
NEW differing In every respect from the i
Various remedies now in use, ibr tho diseases oftho PUtmo-i
by containing nauseating doses of squills, antimony,-tad I
ioecaohuana*. It has in it no opiates to constipate .the bow-;!
els, and dry up the secreting organs; but its action is wholly i
• different from'’the action of any oftho nbovenamed drugs.,
IT IS AN .EXPECTORANT, that cicarsout the tubes and !
air cells of the Lungs ond Bronchia, In a manner that tsnofcn
equallodby any other remedy. It dissolves, inn gr?at tnea- 1
sow, Uio greatly increased secretion of mucous, attending I
the various diseases of tho ait polls and bronchial tubes. It i
allays all Irritation, almost oa soon os it is .taken, and it has i
twch known to opr* a cough of several wcfcktf duration, in i
Wo havo several nmarkablo cases noted down, where it i
euocoedod in curiag cases having every appearance of - - -i. l
■: Casb lv—A young man; need. 30 ;of alendor make; had
cough; ospoctoraiton of dark matter frony.tho Xungs and
Bronchia, Ibr threewceka; pulsqupfQ lflO; hoctic flrreradd
night sweats; gpst emaciation; pain in tho breast; some
times expectoration of matter streaked with blood; had to*.
konTaxtauatamedkaftom physicians, with. ft*
lief; commencedtaking thc.xbetoraf Syrup inhalf the usual
doses; tho expectorationdiminished; tho cough abated;
the; and infbur days oil the had symptoms
had entirely disappeared, and the man ia now entirely well.
• .Curs 5.-?-A, lady, Sgod4sTtrqub]{>d r wfth,a RUgbtOoagh
■ during all o? the greater pan : of lost summer, • which, to
wards fall, greatly Increased, andcontinued night and day, involve the lung* and pulmonary organa to
aserious extent; there, was pain in the- palpitation
of tho heart, and headache; os almost constant attendants;
staffed condition. oT the vessels; occasioning of
fulness of tho head, nose and throat, and n discharge of ac
rid socretton Hum the nostrils; various .remedies had been
used ;. Boveral physicians consulted, withont relief; 'She
: taking tlmPectoral Syrup, in tho evening ; that
night sho couched but once; took ahothen'dose of Pectoral,
and slept well all night; continued tho syrup noxtdnv, and
by night was onttnuy free from tho cough,- and all tho bad
symptoms.. She is now well, • Other casus, equally remark
able, could bo glren, if space would permit. - ■
MQf .Wo furnish below a certificate, elgnod by a number
of our own cltlscns, to proof of its efficacy:
? U.-A O A A A
Bcaitl Bead!! Bead.ll!
We,the undersigned,. hating used Dr.keyscfs Pectoral:
Caogh Syrup upon oureolvosand in our flunilios, do respect- J
fully recommend it to others as a safe and cflldont medicine
forUiauurpos&recommendod:. • ;
James McKenna, : James fowler, -WLlibulk,‘ r
JohnPowlcr, ; EPDwyer, Jr . .Alexander Wright*
Robert Laughlin, John J Mitchol, James K
J Porter, . Wm G U’Cartney, • Joseph Thompson*
Hugh SalUo, Edw D Jones, • Wif Anderson, ~
Ptt'Kenna, : Mlohaol Jr John 8 Acer,
Thomas M'Olrop, J M’Millan,'. Frauds Dunn,
J P Smith, Job Whysall, . Joseph OUrion. -
Hauxieoßrenncn. ..••>. . . '■
COUNTRY STOREKEEPERS will find this an 'excellent
ortielo to sell, and will giro general 'satisfaction to their cub*
tefaers.’ Liberal dalucttaw *rUl< ho mado-to wtaflew and
othirßpurcUflslngby thftdozcn—price single bottles 60 of*
Of 6 bottles *>
CAUTION EXTRA,—Many persons -will] try to induce von
to buy some other Wticle, stating .that it Is ns good as this*,
.but wo advise sou to cut out tho name: “ DR.
PECTORAL SYRUP,” and buy no other, ondySnrmbot
be disappointed.
49* The Pectoral Syrup is prepared and sold by Dr Am
aKjmcr,ttholMlJojmdwtiJlDruggist,No. 140.W* of
Wboi street ana > trgta olloy. RcplB^Sw
No. 118 Wood Street* Second Door Above fyth
TIJMtoMnkSS store
topurehareta, who are respectfully inrited to B her
stock,umonE which ere ’
PIANOS—A feplendid selection, comprising all the latest
styles andrajas, among which are tho celebrated Hamhurtr •
Pianos; Bbdble Corvod, lonlj XIV style; also GoloA Ctffc 1
&&& Ncw ' or6; R “ od \ s
.MXiSff 1 "' *'***«#»
,: GUITARS^-A fine selection- of French and Spanish'which
: fbr richness; heanty and power of tone are. nnsuttm)K«iS£>
FLUTES AND CIABI&NEITS of tho very bestwwa
German and Amortaa manufacture. “^-Krcntlv
ACCORDEONB, from the best Faria msauSictare ‘ -
-VIOLINS—The finest Italian, Preach and EntJlsh m.V.
. STOIKQS Of the TOT best Italian, French andOerm^!
- -- • ' >«: I .
v >v a r
>;i ?:ua ;
T EATIUSE—Tho subscribers having returned from < thp:
Xi East, ore receiving, a.l&rge stock of Sole Leather. Kip
Bkins,.X7pper Leather, French Calf Skins,Morocco Dining
Skins and Shoe Findings of all descriptiozm; all of which we
- ore prepared to sell: for; a small.advance above the .Eastern
market for cash*
sepB R, BABB & CO, V
. . FMI Q<(od»,
: A.v .vAr.JIASON: 4-CO. ar? 3SW receiving cases andpack-.
: ages of Npw, Jfap Croons, conjprklngSllk*, French
Mortnofts,Jßannnaafls, Cobnrga. De ladnes, Cash
mere?, poplins, Chlnt« Prints, Tickings
Wannds, Chocks, Muslins, As,Ac. Also, Cloths,'
CaaaUncrea, fiattlnots, Ac. scplO
■A‘ Napplicstion wflt he made at the/next session of the 1
■;J*L Xogialatuer for the charter Ota Baskr with ft capital of
Tnrw Hundred Thousand JWlaw*: to bo located at Pitts
burgh, and called tho ? Western Bonk of Pennsylvania."-- ~
» H«*faburg Union will please copy in Weekly paper.
_____ Caution*
'piiE pabUc are hereby cautioned-against purchasing !!
•X PtomiMarr Hole, drawn by mo, payable one-month af
tor data, to. GEORGE THEIB, for Ono 'Hundred and Tcn r
UoUfflre-eald note dated 16th of August, 1862. as I win ro
alst the payment of the same, JOHN BOYLE.
Indians Township, AuguH 1852. auSO
Xj bla Combs warranted tho best article manufcctured in
the woud, cspedaßyfor retail trade, os each comb in tho
p&ckia equal to the sample, andean bo returned if not as
represented, Retail dealers will find it to their advantage
fe> keep no other than tho Lancaster comb*. ~
Jy2B q. YRAQKR, No. no Market street
TTJAGODA TEA STORE.—Just receded out of bond, 16
X packages soppTiar pkl Cognac 'Hetmescy, Bel
flower, Otard and diilmp&gne brands, of various vintages
Aba, very fine London Bock Pott Wine.
Tho above can bo relied upon as being pure, and very suit
able Ibrmcdictnldpurposes. JEHU HAWORTH,
ap23 comer of Diamond alloy and the Diamond.
< (suocssaon'To stuaut a siil,}
Jf? - Deals 1u..a1l kinds of Grain, Seeds,
Flour, Logon, Pork, Lard*Ratter, Cheese, Feathers, Ac.
__ No. 6 Suilthfield street*
; au2Bi. . opposite th» Blonongahela House, Pittsburgh.
.fpIEB highest cash prices p»5 for delivered
iX during-the-packing soaspn, ai 1 tho Whirl Pool J Pork
situated on the Ohio River, and Ohio and Pennsylva
, 4 WM. & HOLMES * BRO,
3jl7;lowdAUw» No. 60 Water street
Notice to Stockholders*
.rpHE Stockholders of : the Pittsburgh usid Steubenville
:-i Baflrtod Company, arehmby.ncaifl®d, timt the second
iustaJmcnkof Jlvo.doiiat3.pss-Sharols now called ln,«nd
will be of, on or before
m 12th day eff . August next,, at the Treasurer's o®cc, No.
40 Wood sk. Pittsburgh.
By order of .the board of-Directora
’iygfctr WM. A. B3XL. Treasurer.
fiLGrafTfeCft. T*-* ,
'M a SPEKW K>m>HTf-f.o. rn Wood street,
ATJI Ptttabnifsh Pa. of
Oooldugßtovn, Plain and Fancy Orates,
Orel Wood Btores, u - “ Fenders,
Parlor Starts, Sugar Kettles,
Sad end Dog lions. Ton “
Platform and Conntcr Scales, Bark Jlffla,
1 follow Ware, Wagon Baxes, dp. fsep*
TVr < $S^ IS L EER^l^^^n| *» t JOHN P HOPE
i.a.«WBUo odthe CMyof Pltfetnoßh, haa made an assign
meptto iM, for toe benegtof hta creditors. Persons inrfcbt
ed to too said Jton P. Hopewell, are reqnosted to call at my
Office, .Va 4!jfct. Clair street, In said cily, and nialiepaytmmc
to Jne, on or.before too fainay. of October next; and those
haring claima against him,Trin preaent tomtorMttlowht
, , _ A. q, HEINOAIIT,
anfolo&gtawtgCt Aastocpof JohnP.HopewelL
. A tTHK EOTLDIKGS, liberty ntreet, are
■ JX. nt all ttoeij * deilgttfttl'pUce of resort for Indies »nif
llorHtmtn toepjgy APISte OfWHSU OISTWtS, cooked ini
tn» rations atylatt, ana tarred In a manner that cannot fhil
toploosw. Also-HOTOOITIOi,XRA ? PASTKt, and other
Mporiupcntot at abort-notice.* A pfIiVATH FOB
LADIKS. - ••■ .-i j
for Hot,Cold* and Shower Bath?, from “ a. m, ta U n» k.
foMB ‘ "W, \E» WARE.
Kducatlcra—Tbe Female Seminary.
_„^ TI . JBW,wmonTEa’a)
TiriWbo conflguedattho usual place, comer of XVash
rT,f; Jogton atreetand &st Oomuwn, AHegiouy dtv—the
all tcnarommwirinitonthe ilist Monday luSopiaahcrnea
—under the, cfflcfeut mauogojiicnt of ilisa HaUnahK. Dairti
who has-ftreoine time had chaiEO os- ptlncipal, and w£U
have suitable assistance iu Its management.
point of location and arrangements fiirtho oaoibti of
.to 21 B. V. TOIKPBSTER.
\\T HO, open ibo RUi Seaton on MONDAY* bSSSXS
‘i TiTO Month*. A$ the number of pupil*
nccewary Eonecittetid*
“J^iSSOj o for Its* time,than a Kps^arid
> frw>* gswjiqlasa oj g ojlo latte,ht si»U»
tu& interests of their czutoz&en. vfl] (miuiafK^m'
BAAn« MAGjJTRVt PmnlipiflniTrt Mr<' v '
a ‘ MISERU No. & SmltMdißteJt
tocHento throughout an of thq. most Sn K SSm «
JflfiWta,us.Mjßro{her, thW CttoneL , ’^Tfc'uwi!»
gathor of modi wmbo fciSai^jy^^g
Saras: wtt &dg^S£
d£S^£JS2£ < ?SJ-°S
■PnitedBtoto,SdC«ato. M”*'"* ««TOShm*Htt:.
v a ftrat variety of nH thft niitoa J >
MW eU.ftho ! o fa) nX^WA» 0
B^te. 8 ’ BWI “ % and the Hectic series of
aSta* Swarfs,Town'sand Bander's Spelling
01 terles, Smith's and Bays
tooks In langnimcs, MeUi™rSrnfj U>ohigher tent
loaophy, Ac, aiauiemaaoi History, GSbgy, Phl-
books , fcr
Association. 7 8. S.UMon, and the Boston
-as iffa
™ Jurt received direct
s? T B T’S !^ tabandt d T :
20 d£slagie do SSJS' 1 Sg
. . W dra tails ot wadding, ufoy * Baldwin's;
60|000 assorted gnu espial! kinds; •
50 dox powder flasks of tbo latest stylos;
20:ao.sbot bags and pooches;
- do gamfl bags, assorted;
.■ ••0 do. cap primers assorted;
with nil the trimming, neoessary to fit ont the
omeabove articles ftr saleat •
* 188 Wood st.
A —, two
bflck>houae so<l let, with stable on the
QItCK part, situate cn the South Elite of Lacock street, near 1
, F “«“tt™l r 22 feed front try 110 toot
halfornn tmtoproTwJ lot, ultoate
«»the North nldo of BoMnaoa itrect neat. Cbrrey rtreet,3o
AISO.J&n tmltnpromt lot, rito»te on Juniata street, In
TbomaaSanipla'B plan at Chathanv2s by 123 feet.
4ISO, twoatarotlnthoOWAllislwnySaylnM Bant I
ALBCVflTOabaroa In tho Manehretor Sartaraßank.
The afore property Trill fowll on SATURDAY the 25 th
of September «t the Court House at public ante nn
hSsajwM at pkrateeale,befiire said 25thaTgept For for.
tber particulars enquire of
JOHN BlABG&No 73 Grant bL
; -sopS^Swnrlt: Omigneo ef.OAMPBELL & KBSOQSDY, -
/« . ». ’*
Bft, cftnhfcli la erected a lot W by lf»,
on BBitoa cKh eU “* hoMM (Wtltaf
North Common. TEtiapropertv rsm rcT fronting on
ptmlnMM. Applyto ” m - JttMatofsaitS'-
•. sopia a uus, uosyiTiv
•UUK SALB-Xon Lots or uJSSourTTrInP
J? being 44 feet front each on Crinrfcia'iSJ?^ 11 Wert,
hade 133 feet to ttrnny hm street;
apart of thecity whteh is rapidly
make convenient places of ~Ten»i?JwN> .
of . AUSTIN iSjgrg.
“5Ef ftoflgXmrihilL^
lcxavtlDnHr m ,Rmiffn> T) .v» Wft -r~‘-~r7y
<*■ ™* •» among the laat vacant ground between tbWwSi
**d Pepot.nnd thla city, and will bo gold at MOO afiotto
lota to su&-purchasers; ono .half la hMd, tolanca atVa
and 4 years. 3 CTJTHHBhT, GenAst**
6O "/ ■
TVTANCHKSXJiIt fiala &:iWck JH«x» *'>>
.Ix 4, of the. beat material arufrabstantial nurnacr, snißsed
with hall,parlor, chamfer
and garret, cellar, out oven, do&niotae, a wdlctfoxrelleiit
water wttli good order, room* ana hitfl tiai*rtd~ - ;, r '
Three lotaaf ground each 20 ftfixmtoa-yrfinklia IUB a
deep toa24 foot alley: furreuably located and ' '
fayrcdttence. Pricos2lflO. SCETIIBEET. GenAjrt*
«P*g 50 Bmltfrfefdil
_ Pox Sale*
rrmrotr ACHES OP LAND near the Butler Plank Bomb,
n L ß e, Ci W, 0,1 a Oaune SICKIS
PACTOBY, 40 by 23 feet, one story high—also, a BaSHtUa
S° n . ao Sjfi with tb» ahors 18 by 13 feet One DwSlimr Hsuw ‘
2) by ,o feet, one story high, with stone hesementand eon
tainajß rooms,fiu-nlshca in Rood style. Also, twoetahles.
one 20 by 14 feet tho other 13 by 8 feet Twenty ntarek of the
nooro Is good bottom land, tbo balance wen timbered.
Ne29Hflh stmt
.-—The Partnership hcrctojbre eadfltQur fe*
JJ tween. John. Parltorattd William Carr ntutw fhn n
Of JOIIS PABKEIt & CO. fa thisto dtoSwgftrng*
rnUBACCO—So kegs 0 twist ■
•'JL;• SObxs 6 T O d(j;
lOdo.# 1 * do; -.- ■ . . ..
20 rases pound lumjs ;in store atitai ni K \
a, j. agPABi.
A T fIVJV?V?i JOfWlDetOlS «f 5» Vtissr
STOOff :DrsmuS&'
ct tt ° Jari °g. t g^, -
I received Ih!a. day (tv “
JL McCIUNTOCES CSttEet Warehouse, coJSSi
nor “‘r ttt P**”? M W. ls -
SS^of»S^J rotariteßred “ 1 * ttmttal, > to
Warehouse, Ho. 85 Fourth at
rjTOCKS l?01l BALE—' '
lOO shares Iron. City Copper Stock;
•' ■■■■' ; •' Swings Bank:
•-20 *l° Byaddock # sField Plank Bonds.
# 56,000 Saudy and Beaver Canal Bead*. By
ton AUSTIN - liX)MI3» 92 Fotalh. «treat-
\/. Faring
Flour of Itzeo;.
Pearl Sago;
Arrow HOO4 .• • i '- : -
Tsploco, received and tot sale i
- J. LATEST A CO, 265
i ; 2000 boahfllfl-pea nnfgf
'J.I • 20 bags walnuts •
.20 -do-filberts;. :
20ito cream nuts;
.10 holes Bordeaux almonds;
10110 *** J ?cia^y
.\j. Addolatoi
Cardiol rffi;
have * . , '* JrZ dOi. '
Chodolala A>;
and-fa^lwfoWr, j LATJOiV Jk £»,
•”P* , 255 Liberty jtrat
, dt J'7 Dotw l‘£»buuUnit; wlfSitlimt at»t»-
SjS!? «? oUM,r J««ellois» Hmito; at): rad; aeafot youi.
fsepfll 61MABKEC gf.
mOBACOO— **“ ,
JL 2J> bxa s’s and Russell £ Hoblnsctfa and Grants To
. ••■ , nacco;
13do6’a and S’a Stewart's do j
SO do Mgers’ Superior Pound Lamp do; -- 1
2® do da dwarf do t
so coso Diadem Twist doo
IS toga 6 twist do
-10 bbls Bavarian cut and dsj -dot
10 do Hungarian do do, received* and fcr salt by
_ Bg T ll3 - bos. 22Land 223 Liberty street.-
tv A SJ{ft® r fc ?' cah Arrival at Ho- 9T*
Ti 00., north-west corner of Wood stmt
XjJV and Karaon a alleyy nrejurt opening a fresh stock of
s£S*. Pt fe te ' lmmor Pfcntaloona, Loincs, Beregeßelafes*
Uanchcßter noA Domestic Ginghams/ Together, 'j
will; a complete assortment of Indies? Dress Goods. Also, a ~ *J
of Hostay, «ow* Atu ThmkfegeffiwTrtth
our&nncrpurchases,makes our stocknmnupuaediv-asy -
jtjst of the monfailng"'to .which wo eoUdt the atteoi&zi of \
r a ? ( ?*f tis FV .w®. o2e» them on the most IhTomlfe terra**
M d. qrbqo a qo.
ti 2o u *KlS.**w Ue * Hemlnun
Tl/13. Mhffcra. N. W. METCALF, will commScetb* At*
tnma Session on MONDAY, August 3Mh,'at fbetr
dwelling, on Federal stroot, ‘'Mlesfi Bor." Mona. F-W.
Qoogcmbre Isengaged to tastrnctin French; uod Mum. H.
F. Gragembro, In Drawing and Painting. Scholars may e»-
*" •* “» and will bo charged ffim ftrotteSSe Ot
?* ““ 1:1086of 016 session. Cascsof protraiteleUb
ncra will an exception to the .lore rale. Tuition Mile ■
lll odvaaoo, the ’tMatt half *t tha uiv
cloeopf Ujesc3rioo. -
same as heratofitre,'wbfcb ttay
Sn^SSilS? 54 by rufcrcnco to too circular, or by applying «
Allegheny, August 2, lßs2^wrSltf
WlA9* ■» f
'TuIE undersigned hegs leave to announce tohEj Mend* *
i-Jr ■ yg. ctmtomerB > that he haa reoeircd frlargc." aai with . j
«« raJatol, lot ofBHKKISHadd IBBTOH t
mwsnt as pom-andgonnlns,sad
*!“ f * aßi dUwr thobotUo orfflak. *&»(*», h* i
rSwvm a I ® 1 ? 9 and well reloctalsfoekat f
G°GM[AC BSANDY, HOtLiND OUT, and otta* I
JJquora, nil of which are of tho first qualities, andwwraa- , ,8
Hofcols gratelW ftwtemerfetors, , ‘ S|
morly Btasllxs bls dat y *° atteni * to his customers as'lbi* S
As holos iruuio the best and latest toprotement for ne- - -
furnish them of the "beet kind, and ,
at tho lowest price. P. HCKKEKS, ", J
- m ? 8 yo.i37Ui*nyktwrtr - 4
——J* 0 ** o .® to, itallrooil coßinutmi- "'r - -I
* I ■ ,- sa, ‘ }sc^1 k CT3 having undertaken todoffiplotetbe gflifi*-
oTX„v S ““miy Of tho wholo of the Httrbwgh sad
&0m Pittsburgh to toe
rapwUJgr Inrlto such, contractors a* ■■ hava made lift: bids;
pil'TOitat the lata lotting, and Wj-oOw*
dcdxous of having work on tho rood, to call without d*o
!?„£““ Donlcrof Grant streot and Diamond sta,tO *
“» <* more members of tho firm wfll tated --
fSLv „ 51AJJFULL, hICHOIMr If 00.
IStcubenriUo Herald and Messenger, and WheeUngAlS®)
«TCOneweek, Mil charge Post, and Mndoaecepy fo
Fall Campaign,
Small Pfofiit, OneJPnct, AUArticia Wmmttt,
\ * OfßftMs' cash:.' ” A
rITHE Proprietor would call the particular sttettflMtOfw* «
1 public, to bis Fall purchases of Cloths, CatAaa*t?4& " j
lags. Over CoaUpaa-aud furnishing goods. ntartocktflMrt . i
consistaof *■*!
MEN’S WEAJL—Coats, Pants, Vests and K "4
ill© material now in vogne. Under ttft %
&e’ Qaitere > Cone** whips/CmtoeDMjOat Kflft
rallatofit from I l}i you* '
®? te >®™ WCTI Shirts, Collro, Crifus, iWW <*>•. \
Men jSl£s, in tart orory rnttMef - -I
the hnrin»Bb foil and complete. HsTiug; seemed ]
Ticcfl of Mr. Cargo, of .New Tori, In the cutting dafW*!**®}!
the proprietor Is enabled to giro his personal attenti« *»•»* \
who may give him ncalL WE STCDV TOFLKAS& '
eopO E. CiraSTKB. 74 Wo«t*t_ ,f
commission and pobwakbins flow*
joffir tr. ....... wcww
- TwlcheU ft
Cbmer of Gmtnerdal amPto u ‘* trtg ~' , o*,.
TTTILL Promptly attend to all
YV mtedom entrusted to ttezo,»?d ??**?_ 4g£S
cash advances on comdgnmenteor BMf at *““* “ *5“;
Orders for the pnrehasa of lead) totof®j“2Ln2nr§E
Produce, will bo promptly filled at the lo west paeablA priflsS)
I ami on the best terms. . . '*
They will also undertake the settlement nDd«jmW ««
claims or Importance; and hope, by their
efforts and attention to all the Interests of thair amt, w
give general satiafiicilon.
Qeo. Call lor, St. Louis; a ° dmi *£:
£«»* Bacon, do; - do:
ESSgf* S mssnshA
* no- do, Shields A Miller, do;
Kate York. JoslahLoeiOo,, Baltimore.
ATow2Sni<£,Boston;.\r.ailaynolds, LoninlDof
do; H.B.NewcombAßrO;, *>:
““ffllX Commission Merchants, New
mHIS ions established House ,
1 strictly to sales and purchases on Onnmwm,aau w
P~» hmo, *
them. msrfchfca
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