. ~ ?; ;... -■/ . , ~- ; r_ ' __ ; "- : ~ „ 'ww< >a. ,■*S\f ~, ,,c.-' *S*,, ~, ■* *V | t h ,- * , . ? <, ~ , - , - * * *' > a > J f ■ a f ;.;•: : .■ ■: r" ’ ■ ■•- - . ••. - •' . ; : v-, - '--.a .£v a-aar a aaar -a -a, ;/r„.a. * • a!V < -* ~ - a *«* .. , T -■.', * *?2M * *”* **t* ? * *■ -*v ►' ;■*> ?\ **m.**?vS* t" < r s-* ** s Z ? , ,C* . >,* (*■ *. * , t f > „ * s> ' ' ' ' :•■ ' ' ” ~ "* ' ; - " ‘ ~■ -" ~ -*■*&&* i^^V'’’ k * ' y r-,s-i : <,;%■>. jtti.vrt-r-.s- s - !.; - f ft+^3?t?tlfeliilj7ft (!■»;. ■♦• 4< “t"lS*-'"i •i;!i , , I *'- ! ' l, '(~ "’ii‘, f ' , « J MfiMM ; 1 ,, ata ■t‘*ai;» j ;24 "‘' hi la3xMi-'Jr'>-. \dv,'. msmm, tnl«*ss ill 1 PPslpPl »|4 J* tw^jfxlSSilfSE; Up 'TpW|^i gttßfe*-*** )&§om mmfcl tl§lii§ti ™.Si}4 ’ Mjflnsl -.;, wmgs&tim' 33= ‘' *JSTJ2 ~ • *ntl breast, accoto iM.atnigirta.tm, .»vt.‘hr tliron»h... iiut-rnas modi zsrsttf&i raplntatSjfcrmylii! - ' nowos years ol(L&a« : ‘tydMW.iiJltlf.lslU!) gsgasjft B , aaasswitf, «fs®ssg§s«««(»*. fflsss«sas^x Mg Jl] ; Cullender, SlostfTlUtJjiurtw?, 5i1.V: ;, "."."./ : .'' , l>£ -* Mwßwwtj»n Bimgnc;ton. -ft iyr^ljm,^:r^y;£ Crater,jr, Bram ■- -'■■>■■ ■*■■ ■ ■•■■■■■ v •^■■■. , £*OY ' SttlCf ' " .* -HOCSIi AM> LOT. situate oil rikti IUKIVOV linn a*r \>AT(I. . ■•■■■• •■■ ■ ■■■■■■ -‘ ■■•— .J . 7v~ : ' . • BAUi,.ohiFoorUi iwtof - r*:-W -jj-xy between Market and- Tarry*4o .foet-lmw.uy.• P®. taa; *LU eStaS for ftnlMlng pupcw. Title lutepafn* bll i im 1 iVS? r-JWu on iCf Son fifth ptreet. Apply to ion. WNT-lmi Ul-rn-r MrCW , ONT * Ktx X «, 0,0.11 Attorney? nt leiir. 120 Fourth ptrret. —T~ 'i.'»nd .For bale-. ■■■': riinvriUTiTn'-l’-S Cold Cbmpnti}- Mill sell Hnno Tory Iff. 1 situs ted. on andnenrlhu stou .'••> ’ V nMr tho routhpnitcnidnaaprtholr • «U) Iki divided, into To suit pnrehn - RA«.-ntid tho terW» willbo very easy.. Enquirenf -..=- Js*L_ /u REMINGTON, Manager. Higi EOM FOB SALE AND TQ LET. T For Sale or Rent* Wooa-Miilrtont.strceter-.. Yy - being KtandfarhuMimifa of any kind.-For term* emiuiio ul ... Z. .• ■ •. > CL. 11. Iti Ah, .. . . m 2. -.. At Ryans Buildings;No.3lFifth street. -r?GK new raidwntfortoble DWid-LLtfi HOUSE, ,|1 No. t9~Congress afreet. Sixth Ward. -containing six Ksoms, ,w«U finhished. Pc&iesßirin -given immediately ir re quired. For furtoerinfonnutlouenouiroon the premises or. of - [je2lj THOMAS T/)\YRI fl W LET-^A. DWJSLUNU HOUSE/oou talnirtgnino or ten .JL-- XOOms, m Federal street, Allcc'hen) ,0L nytlrantln .wbicb Ls large enough for a gar-. given •inimcdlalciy. . IL D. GAZZAM, Liberty stmt, : —i*:-/ ' r.-.-- - neartboraraerofThlra. . : - A VolnatolcUlcce of Property for Sale* CONTAINING SIX ACRblv situate lathe Jmmodlfttn u yvtolty of FaV&rd of the City of . WtUburgh, near High street, nml ; v bi-lug 2& fi*ot front on PonnsylvimlA Avenue, and Tunning btek 117 feet. The proiicrt> wOl be sold, eh or of oil incum - - - braaec, wept an nimtml ground • rent of one hundred and •l “ slity-flyc ilolliiTx t« uhlcli it h now rabjoct.. .(hfluwmft: tyaiPSClrt! cw.l I tu-L MKltwo frinia ■■:'.■ twi>«lorici> Mgli.'oml runtiiiK «w iilmiit live Jipiulrpa . UoUarsaniulltlly. , • , Fiire/Siaw: jmo rafllj and ..J J S O I t SS7& B °^ I : .end{»r-(d » « 1 + >d*itr - " - 1 Attorney nt.LftTr. No. l^Qlourthatrwit Property for hale. •mHK'Knb.wiber- ollumfor salmon .tout,- • ••. j I tho.foUi»wuicpropertjvvls’- , . v ; *'• , ~ A Tlirco Shiryllriek- inTclllng Hcm«s No. 110 street. bW\Teon llav street and fivans' nilev i and. Lot i> feet.front, >•*.• extcodlng bach IV2 feet to an &Hi { y;: The House is. one of the -. buildicjf** and hi one of the itiost pleasant neighbor- UtoOslotliodty. ■ ; - ■■.'■;■■ FiveXots —embraang-comere of iYontand Ferry streets, on* hundred and live foot front on Ferry and mty leot.on • - • Front street, trlUi a good'three, story Bricfc Buildmg on tho •' corner, h two Ftory Frame on Front fit. r raidtwo Brick Build .-\ InrsusedasshopisoiiFeEryst.. ...; - ~• :•> * SX iront hf S\J .ri>ct deep, on Front,‘between Market ami ForrystTocb'. . . : A TAt, with very convenient Frame Dwelling; Lot 20 feet -by 00, fronling onCongreiw and Mira sts. ; ‘ AHouse and’ LoL-oxt-'Wyno .ptrwt, near the , row-Court > Donsc - The lion** is veil- arranged and in good order, and • -is now occupied n* a hotel. - * • ■ ATbrccStoiyTlnck, on Fmtthfldd Btri'et, near Seventn— - being in an excellent business location. Tbo Lot fa 20 by SQ . feet deep, fronting on: Smithfleld st. A Cottage Frame and lot, 2$ by 12) feet, fronting on Anne auU Iwobinnon street-, Allegheny City. This is a Tory deslra - bio and pleasant location for-a reddeucc... - • - £hrw> Lots on Centre «trcet and Pasture Lane, in Alleghe t»v Clt\, SO by 00 f«t each, near the residence of Mr htir - ---. Dennings. • * • -..-■ Amo liOts In the- town of each 60 feethy 150- SeVcral < f these are on tho Main fitrw t Eleven Acres in Lirnctovm, on the Jlonongaliela River, on which tl (re are i In. uk*; there arc some t» or 7 tu of rx ' . 'ivdient rtone i-oal, and umbrawoflimestone, convenient tiU« lauding; and two coal juteopra. r . * Ninety Lots in tho town cf Columbia, CO to t b> 300 each, nearly *ll level,and well located The tenant cl caihLot has the privilege oCausing whatever tiouo coal lio may re quire for his <.wn use, from a pit near tlte toclo. Columbia Mtuahmi on the bank of thoMouongaholarir *" cr, artmrtdfatanrt-bclow I«k No .kin thomidstofaucx -- '-'tensivo stone coal region, and would bo a desirable point for ~~~«nftrmC!igtgrtPgestabUfhmc.nts...... .... Two Hundred arres cf superior Etono Coal, wiui House, Bill road, 4c This property hns a front of 140 rods on the Monomrahela river, an excellent landing, good grade and , foundation for railroad—with enough levd ground at one • • ' point for boojjf-?. andgordens, or locations for manufiictorhsu ' • The Tein fa deep enough v> allow horwis to 1» used in haul-. : ing ont’ihp quality of whkh, for. Ironwork, rteatn, - ‘gas, o»* for any ordinary u not by any in the ■■■ -. absence, my agent, Jnmc# Blakely, will give. - all necessary informatiou, and bo authorized to giro worran tee deeds for any property t*old. .. JA3IES.MA\, •.. ’ ' foblh ■ .•■*••■ .■ •: ' • • No.llo Pmu ptrect. CLOTHING. Important oad' Trw* JBOOBTEII, Beeliivc Clothing Store, No. 225 IJber . ty street; can Sell» good suit of Summer Clothing: for S2AO; and better Goods, of every description, very low for. *•' -cash Custom work made to order in fiuhlooablo stylo and ■ on reasonabhvtenng. ... • •■ • • °P r^ GathtcUftlL ; TTJLY.—In order to make room for Tall Goods, tho proprl* tl ctnr has determined to closO out hfa stock of Meu’u rmd Hoy*.’ Summer C?loihing at a grcAt reduction. ■ The inercdu loup nt-o tnvUcd.'to ‘roll;: Casit buvecs trail bo accommodated." We study to jitfcu. fjy2ll . K. CIfKSTKK. 74 \S o n\ st. What ETtry llodjr sny«, mu»t tie True I It hi Mid tli»t DOODYUK. nt the I!EE Itivn Ciotllcni Stow* NtuCiVLiboriy Street, sells the cheapest Clothtog in the City—well mode and feaUon&blv out. Call aad.es :_«Tntnrt thpm nrniTOD will not be disiiT>noinfod< - : • Jiuct reeeiTwi, by Express a splendid afportment-of Fariry Cashmeres. Browu.Gn.vn and Dluo Cloths ami other Fiwlk SunaWo Gottis. *uitAtle; for' the wuwn, whfcb w? are prepa red to make to possible, and cordially in vite* pnreha. , «nrfl to call und examine -the sleek before pur chasing übewlicw.- ' TO TAJLOfiS..—! hnxo no authorised agent in this City, for the wle cf my work on GARMENT CUTTING. Ttean only be bud fit the-store of the subsentour, 3o Market ftreet, nt the following prices. yLt:^^with. instruclion?,. $10: with out.^ New ciothing.Uottse* KDMUND WATTS & CO.-SlcnruA-NT Taitotys A'a 38:» JAbert') &)rfft r abort. bf. Ckur. • HAW. oitcju'd a new Clothing Store at the above place, ami are now n»cclvln" n splendid lot of CIeOTHS, CAS • SIMKIIES. YESnXUS. the latest uaportattons,jiar-- • v.;. with an .especial view to dty . trnde, And which they ala pro pored to make up to-order In thelatertauii movtlh?h* •. ■ ionablu styles ‘iltey intend to pay strict attention to this branch of their .burin««,have full confidence that 1 they will be able to give tbdr customers enUrcwiUsCiction. ■ They ore nbwv tnanulachmng a choice lot of READY MADE ChOTfUh’O, of the newest styles, which they will sell low. foroash. Aa all Ibis stock is entirely new, it Is worthy.the ntteptlon of buyers. . : . . . oplfisly. . SPUIXGI AKD SUMMEBs CLOTHING. ■■L:, • THREE BIG DOORS! JYo 151 Taberly Sired, Pittsburgh. , JOHN McCLOSKEY has now the pleasure of announcing to hin numerous friends and the pubho in general, that his SPRING AND SU3IMER STOCK Is now ready, tor in* • roactlcm,' which, he believes, will bo found to bd ouo of the largest and best selected stocks of READY MADE CIOTH*- ■■■ INU to be found in tho Rcsleru country. ..;.•. -lie has tills fieajtm pnld. mcrro than usual attention to ths ' manufacturing: nnd stylo of Ids garments, so that thf? Tcry lowest priced, w well as the finest, are got uplnastylo and ,i: - -‘elegahechot to.be sbrjassed.-: : r ‘ M ; ' • ; : - lfo‘would-particularly call- tho attention of all dealers in; Clothing tohisprosentsplendid assbrtinentof Bcady-Bladc Garments, As ho feels confidcnt, upon examination of the qualitlcsand ?■ t \ ' .prices-of bis goods,he can offer thera'snch inducements as . •./■■•- shall make It their interest to purchase at Ida establishments -• Many years.’ experience, and great success In tho business, together ;WJth an unprvtk&enXcd' Wkdttale- cnd;Rda.U pa- J. - trouoge, UaSermblcd himto get.apQanncnts.to • : ; Elncss. hubltfl. ibid' tastes, of every- loPAtion in tho Union, : ,- T which is df.thdntrnost'importauce-to wltolesalopurcluisots. r In the Cutting department will be selecUou r 4> - • of the fashionable Xft Frtnch, English and American UroatlelotJi*. tkshm/n-s}J*. {fi' ■. pw <»t«*»l* lent assortment of-VESTINGS, of tho iatcftt and most fosh- W; : .. fonable-stylcjS~fili of which he Is prepared to ttiwVi* to order ;; In the .best manner, and at the most reasonable prices.—- V COME, THENV ONE ANT) ALLI Tho- ABSorlmont, tho duality,: and the Variety, U the most extensive, undoubtedly, to-bo found in tliu United -7%’ mar2o - Land IVarrants Lost* •" T OST—-By the RUb«Tiber, on the route trom Cumberland 1 j to Pittsburgh, tt largo rOCKETBOOKj containing three - each,- assigned to the subscriber by R. J-'HoRWayV OfvWidOheator, Virginia, $2O in goW, and a - $2O blll on-Bcmk Of-Valley, Virgmia, besides several inoino ~' -raiidatintes, Any pOrson lcavingitlioPocket Book with - the editors of-the Post, or forwarding it to tho cditor or the ‘ - :Clevdand Plaindeaha’, will bo liberally rewarded. jyJJj If K DAVIS Kawßoolu. • * mHE Angel over tho Right Shoulder, by Author of Sunny Jl-Bide;-; :> '-V-.--" - . .n ...FomMf Patriotism, by Author of tho “Wide, TVido World. ..Tbefourth and last volume X - IVTiispors to a Newly Married Pair. . <• • ' * ’ . The Excellent Woman, by Sprague. - Tho American Farm-Boos, and a great variety of newond . : v - - popular works just-received from-the Eastom Pahlishers*. 7. Also a lot of tho now ccrtiilcatofi--of-Marriage, Births and • ‘Diaries -for -1853, ■ and -Writing :.books of - various kinds. DAVISON A AGNKW, v x ; ygp97~' ~ /7>7 v ,fis Marketrt.'ne'ar Fourth.;> ' - - E'ACELSIOR FAMILY SOAP.—DnujCTlONsyon. USA—Cold ' -jEi or warm water.-i-oithor soft, hanl or bo used with perfect Fuecessr Rub tho soap- upon..tho clothes and - • then put them to soak fi>r three or .four hours, then take - them and rub them nod rinwrthem ont.: They will require .' bat little rubbing after soaking, and no is required, ■'- ftslsuimal with other &apfu. A large washing can be done - to one-third irouble and. expense,.than with any * -other soaps known; * Thissoap is warranted not to injure in ony onr«‘<- fllsbln* 81>«\ or or 1 %*?- rliid to. It will re move any klwlo, Orras 1 , Point, Tar,lnk nr Bt«lns. ie., frtiin any Qocxlflj without the lcaift Injiuy.— «■: This Soap U manufactured solely by Oihlwclh * Co^ • 280itlvingtrm -street, New -AH-orderspromptly.,nt* ‘■tendedto. -Andfor wiluai • - MORRIS*-TEA STORE, ous . (Id the Diamond,) at lb; v. JUST PUBLISHED. • ' •- . iUTEFRIARS; on, TUB LAST. J3AXH-.07 - CfIABIET THT?' ■' f ll&faricc&'.&imancei- large the Kastand AVesf, and aro prepared to forward ad Gootfa uitixisted to our rare A SPFCIAL'MFSSiiNUtdt «ent dally for BhilailelphiiL at 4 o*clodc K'M.--: Al«v daily to Cincmnatl, at .7 • Orders transmitted free of first LxprLs. l ?. Bills of Excliango forealc on England, TreUnd and SooV laad; for.ony amount, payable onprinripal Banking Houses or Font Olhw,lntlie United Kingilnm ‘ - uu '™-“ aeeJ4 . EAiaitA tOHSTOIT, Ajrrnt w i c -> “> jwttlliidPhita. - * * . r,romptly 3 Tlme. Flve Day. „ ' ~wrsg"■:■ 1 "Wear© also prepared to forwaidifrelght to Rodel»ugh’s Station,mtar GreoDsbutgjimd intcnnediato Station?. . 0)1 OPR i GRAHAM. Agenfa, • ; comer of iVnn and Wavao sfa., Pittsburgh. II H. HOUSTON, Agent, • jy29 :- t - . .. ;..••„ 2«b Market street, Philadelphia. Blcrclinnt« T Portables Boat Ijluc* - Ibr die Transpartatuni of Merchandise tlnd Pt'Ortuw.i (YL\ TUB PENNSYLVANIA CAXAL.H AXD XUXI. HOAM), BETWEEN . . . mrSBURGH ANDPIIILABELPIHA; * •... • Ihrecty. without, lit-dupping, .. tS-TTNIR-THN’DAYS PATTON -fcItKYNOLPB, : Depot, 2»t Market (ucar I'lUladclphia. C A.Ai ANULTY A CO , Canal Basin.-408 and 410 Peun sL, I’ittsburgb: - . HAYlNGinereased onr facilities raul othenrfao improved our arrangements for Transportation, wo are now pre pared to receive ujiarge-amounf.nf Produce and Merehnn -dfae, to ship (on tho opening of tho OmnleO with. promptness .and dispatch. : vThc Section Boat system of transportation over our State improvements.has. been in-nso about: ten years, and tho greatauecess and faTor it Ima met with, faa aaflleiont guar* antoo that it fa no htnger considered a doubtful or uncertain oxperimant; but is acknowledged by .oil as vastlr superior to any mode*, of trankportlou'usx-tl on Canafa, (when Inter .aected by Btulromfa.) . r ■■. • • Goods Ipiuled Into our Boats ntPittsburgh, remain imdls turbod until utdojided at our IVnrehouse in Market fttris-t. FhDadelpbia. thereby enUrely avoiding the delay misiquent on three different.transhipments, and wnrarlhg tho Uellvery of.GoodA.iuonUro lots,tbe jiacknges clean. nud In ns good ordor as when shipped,* • c- u.: • , l’roiluco, ATr, conslgiiwl to onr House at Pittsburgh, will bo received and forward**! always; at the lowest current ca nal rates, strictly according Ur instructions, without any ex tra charge tor commission, storage, or advancing charges. . fob2l C A MANULTT A (X) WEST XEirTOXT }>LAXK HOAD JIOVTE, 7?GR BALTIMORE, PHI LADELPHIA and WASHINGTON J? CITY. 'FauxJlEirucED..-.- To Baltimore... s2fiQ fas? than Fn. Ilollrond. -To Washington City“ u u This fa the only office wliich insures oTHROUGH TICKET .to nhd, by taking this route, passengers mil save time and money; . . Tlio 3lwl Boat (carrying the United States . TspaSEjSsX Mail.") leaves the alonongahelA WhfirC above BVTT-^,,g^= tho \nre Bridge, El FJIY AITKRNOON. at 5 o dockvv la tho boaghioghcny River. will lodge on the lloot, and take aplmdld United States Mail Coaches ftt West Novrton. next morning, over tho Plank Road, cro**- iugthe monntahwln daylight; - Take.the ai«T> linr Cars of tiiu Baltimore ami Ohio Railroad, at 10 o’clock, P >L Breakfoi-t at Baltimore and Washington City, dine in PhihdclphLn. and arrive in New York the i-ame evening. Fare to B ilnmon* ~ ~ . $0 00" dy. Philadelphia... « .... 1000 do. CB> ... 10 60 MO.NONuAIICLA ROUTE. nen> frtcanicr leaves the wharf,above the Bndgt*. at 6o'clock A. M, Trai tlcreleavingPitL*. tfSa- 11 -f ■*' aihurgb by 11 j? Morning Boat, wUltross the Mourv ■talus the same -night, aiM. arrive in Cumberland the next morning for the bo'itnck train of Cara for Baltimore'. M ill tup In Balhmcre ami Washington City, and arrive in Plnliv ileii hia at 2 o’clock tho tamo night. Fare to Baltimore . . „. $OOO do, Philadelphia. - . 10,00 do W ohlilogton City- , . ~ . .10 50 For tfoketa, by either 1 of Um above Jlnei, flcaae can at the tVc a t Now ton Piank IU-.nl Office, In the Monraigahcla hous-\ ftr-tor *tra t. |n}£ff} J J EVANS 4gcnt miuuuTgan central UAiiaiojuiT 18515- 1852. In connection until tho CTcvpland and Cincinnati Railroad, Cleveland and Erie Rmlreiad. Cleveland and Pdfaburgh ‘ Railroad, and Michigan Central Ballrbad. "OASSENGKItS will to ticketed tlirough from any X Brito Jlii-blgan, to Clevoljui-.1. Cincinnati and HtfahnrgU and frwm cßUcr.of tliofie pfacr.i to any point c*a Loko Micld gira- Thfa lino will be of two new low pressure built exproKdy'for the route;"..' CLEVELAND ..C»rL. . FOREST CITY...—...UCapt. H A. Picncß. •■. A Boat will .leave Cleveland for Detroit, mill ivtrolt for Cleveland, evening, nt o’clock, airlving In both ; riUes the foUowuig tnoming, In tendon for ttie morning train :Of care foT Chirngo,-Cincinnati an-l Pittsburgh, and lor t!n> inke Superior tind-Ssfrfnaw boafa.at ik-irolr. ■ . . They will run frotn Cleveland to tho followlttg order r • FORINT CITY. M&udny.. .Frilav. CLEVELAND. ' Tuesday .............Thuivday .^atanlay. CIMVEIAND. Mondnv..;.,AN MniwlaVr,...Friday. ■ FOREST CITY. . .-■■■ Tumlay.. The underugtiM nre preparwl to mnke contmeu for ail Itlnds of Freight, from Cltjvelnmi to Drtroit. Markinnw, bout Ste.Msrie,and nll jvrUon UikrMichigan. Tho-OCEAS. CuISPIAN oiul 6T. l«t)U!to will eociprw the lmo nntil the now boalit are ready. . ■ -. ABXXTS.- C* BRADDKRS & Ci>.. Cletelana. aprll-fip} : PITMAN. TKOWDRIDGK ft JONES. Detroit. ■StTMUIEIi ~A HU A XOEMENT—FA HE REDUCED. THE PENNB7XVASIA KAIIiROAD. Only T* 3l Jthlrj Stagivpf Two TktQg TrainsJt'om PiltslninjU ■ to Vhdadrlphui uv/i lktUtmorf. Oidy “£> fmurs Vir<»t>[h . • Ip aOterplace,both.TrainsGxnTkdiitgof llamsburif ■■ tnUi Trains for JJ-d/iWore. Ahre £9.;*). ON and after fiatunlay, JulvSllh, the Express Mail Trrtln ■wtlUoavH the on Lllsirty street, abovo the Cana! Bridge.vxerj-morning at 9oelof.k. .Passengers will po by the care HO miles, to Rodebough's. (near Greensburgh.) where tlw»v will find the best of Gooch;* fu remilness (o convey them 10 miles, over n first mto plank .and turnpike ready to Beatty’s ststion. {Conductors am>mjJO* ny Jlilwau7at*» .... -r ■-. ■ ' KXPRESBIJIAIN ■ i Cleveland leases Pittsburgh at Ui. jl . Passengers dlno at AllLmrc at 250 p. jl, and reach Cleveland at 5-40 p, Idl for,the evening boats on Lake Erie/ This train stops at’ ■ at.Jtocbcrtcr, New ilnghton, Enou,.Columbiana and Salem, oadat noothor station betwcohPitteburghandAlliaoav ' • ; .Through from Pittsburgh to Cleveland, 140 miles, iu about fA n / r T? ou rf', I’l-wenscrs can take this Train Mid l*s lnlhinldrk thonoxt morning, or inChlcoco io. .tlio .evening of tho next day; ■ . . ■!. Tlip Mall train coming raurtwanl, leaves Wooster at o.r,n * n dines at Alliance at 11L30 P.V., conn jLiterellfttho Il tL tro } o T“ el ’ at 10 *.«., nnd roach c»Kiiabnrgliutj.p.M-connecting withtho evening train on tie Pennsylvania Railroad for Philadelphia andßal ti me™ at 8 p. si., and niso-n-ith tho West Ne»ton Steamboat,- route. ■ ...... . ; • ... ■■ e: - THE EXPRESS TKAIJI P.^andreachwTittsbureb* *ll2 at night/.; By this train passengers como from Cindn* nnsl to PitisburchW one day of loss than -18 hours, instead’' 'of several days by steamboats on tho Ohio river- * pare from Cincinnati to Pittsburgh • $lO, Passengers leaving Cinrin nati at 6.15-i. iff., and Cleveland 0.40 P, tr., reach Pitteburch the same nveningv... Stage lines mu in connection with tho raid from Enon to New Custlc, Mrrcer, and Erie; from Balem, ou the plank road.' to Warrou, and from Wooster to Mnnsfleld- TITE FREIGHT TJtAIV. leaves Pittsburgh at 4,30 a. m„ and freight is carried through' in a dayto Cleveland and-to Wooster. . “ - t&KTheXew Brighton Aonmimolaflon train Icares rut* WiKh atlO A. M., and &3!IP. m, awl New Brighton at 7 A ana 1 P.M., Stepping at IntemiOdinte stations. •:'• tacilWlon Bdttte,■ good -for two'djijm; nrosold hotwocn: •Blttsburglvllorhoster and ?Jew Brighton. . : Quarterly Uohetii aro «old at low rates, and tickets‘hv ilia ..pactftgotoeomoortimiptations, •• ■ Excursion partlra two accommodated at-msonable "rates. 11 The trains do not-rtm on Sunday. - • ' Omnibus run in connection with tho trains to and from the station on Federal street*-■..■■.■■■• • • For tickets apply ftttlw Federal ptroct. station of tho Ohio . anil Pennsylvania Ballraul, to.. . (JfcORGE PARKIN. • V v.i^to'AgeiitV' or to JLMESKIMpS?. . M-! ~ Pltebtugh, Augusts, 1852. h s- Dissolution* T stytoofSTUART &SILIv-WaS jthte.i3sy limitation.' AUtlteaccounts ofiheten, will be nettled bv A J. STUART, at the 1 old stand, No agialthfleld street. - A. J, STUART,- Pittsburgh, August "21,1652. H E. SELL. -OS** A-= J: STUART Grocery, ond u Comm!sidon at the old stand* os Jusretofijte _ A. J. STUART, P. B.—ln retiring frofh the lato firm, ! take pleasure in recommending Mr. STUART tocw former ftiends and cua toaers, [au2s] ‘ T. B, SIbL. fHU' . FARE IIEDPCBDI CLEVEfiAND AND DETROIT LINK, CHAHGE OF HOTOB~ UHITED STATES MAIL. INSURA.NCE -COMPANIES. ** n *l Marine Insurance. - I '*y< “Me or the Lv.esA.cE Compact dp Mum Asduca JL hoa heeu wmorc 1 to the Warehouse of Hardy, Jones t .r?e;vta.lAl v Trtmt street,: thlrdihouse'cast : of. IV oodptreeti .whcrc. thQ.aubxcriber.wiU. fasue Poliric3 on Buildings and »nd on bhlptttente ;by steionboata and other Ycssein, for tho Above obTand rejßpottfiiblo company.' ap3 WILLIAM P JONES, Agtnt> 1853. State Mutual Fire Insurance Company. .: r rlfixrrislmTQy.pi’nns'jtvanxa. ... Only Jbr the ■Bafct , 'clnrecB dP-ptoperty. has an -capital, aml'afford-Hanpenor adVantagc«in point erfcheapness,-safety and accommodation, to city and couutry merchants, nnd owners of dwelllngsi&nd teolated or country , property. . A. A. CARRIER, Actuary, , .i oct2T- -■ . office Smith field st^rittßburgh.- Oosh Mutual Fire Imurance Company, ■Of Itoiuylvama.— C&piZol $lOO,OOO.- .r -v: ; .fTIHE underaignai fa tho Agent of-the above Company for: X-. Allegheav cottuQr, aud-fa.prcpared to take rfake on es fovorablo. terms as any responwiblo company in tho JStst/*. 1 All lopwm-promptly paid.in sixty dnysaffcrproofof tho namo.: Also—Agent for the Acyrfonc L\h Insurance. CbmpanifiVt. Hamsburg, Pennsylvania. -• * - THOMAS MOFKITT, , jy!4 ~ . , . No.-2Q Fiftlnitrwt. Pitfahurph. New Eugiaud Live btookTnsurauee Co., ■.;■•• r r . -.^JVcw? ITavenf Gjnacdicut. ■ - .. •-. • ■ -.. . HORSES, OATTJ.K. Ac., insuro-l doatb by disease* or aef-alont. . Capital $50,000. with t>ow'{*r to increase to $lOO 000 : Ihrcctora —Tliomfus. Kendrick, 3. Taylor, Thurber, Allred Edivnrds. John Saxton, Wm."W. Kendriclc. • . v - TiKm.iS Kckukick, Eresidcni* * ,GEonoST^Ro«ou»s,Ai i axfory* ' / - . ; •••'••.'■•; • CURTIS A D0885J,, AgcntS r ' No. 123, corner Wood and h Itth rtreefa, (over -I’atrlclca-A Friend s Ban king House.).-. - - - r -. -•- • - (my 29 To Cabluet SlalserN* - Venrcrs, Mahnt}(iny,ltmnxood arid' Watntd; ■Tamijh, Hard* iwirc and JftirnUitre at Wholesale. . fl HIE subscribers- have jost rcceiviri from New York nnd . X; Boston n most.gpleudld stock of-VENEERS, -and ura inanufocturiug by. machinery Furmturo aultablo for thy Inuie. AU of which p-e vnll sell at extrcmelv low pricvac' . ..JU great Cara was taken iu the selection of tho fvtocjt, pere pous.canuot fad to Ini nntod eitlicr -ns to .quhllty or prlco; nnd, as it fa well known that Purmturo enu bo nutdo by ma chinery: superior and much loweMhiui by liand, the atten tion of-thetradols-respectfnllyinvited, ••-.•' : . TnrnodMork. iu ftlUts branches, carried on us usual.. - ~Plank for hand rail*, for Carpenters, nnd all articles to-. qulnxUn manuCuctunng Cabwet Furniture, Constantly on. hand—-via : • Mahogany, .Vnrnfah, Hardware, Uxtlr Cloths, Springs. 4c RYAN A M’KEB, •i . Ryan’s Buildings, • i mariStyxiaw- No. ta Fifth street. I X S U E A N C E , - AGAINST LOSS OR DAMAGE MY FIRE -uvd an PERILS OF NAVIGATION. Bl THE PBOTECTION INSURANCE COMPANY OIV CONN. OLD AND RESPONSIBLE Coinjwny conLtoues" to grant policies upon thumortlkTorable terras. Apply to GKO E. AUNOLD, Agent fiap&3ra . for ntfaburgh raid Allegheny County. - ; Blew York Life insurance Gomptuiyi ■Acctanulalcd Cijnttd $500,000-= - mut Animal Dividcmfa have been unusually large, show* X tog that the Company lia, 1 ? becn tlolng a very large and prosperous hmlncsa. • . Tlio Dividends In 1846 were 60 per cent 41 ’ . IW7 «* • •* • “ «■ • 184 S 50 u:.; “ <{ JB4O “ 40 « » ‘ it.- - - 1850. :« .40 - 44 ' k ISM *• 60 <• 41 4 * 1802 w 40 « - This fa among.thc oldest companies to tho United States; Its are.'umulati'd capital fa constantly 1m rcaslog for the ben .cflt of membexy, present and fuixms. ? Moublj J iLWkiiv, Prciulent. PuxrFimraiiN MliMiy CURTIS A Agents, No 123, romcrofWoJaniHßh-'treifa, over Putricks 4 Friend'iftli.iiikitig House Pittsburgh. CALIFORNIA TAKEN Alio—Agmts for Protec tion and Farmers* Tire uud Marine lummijoc, Capital $130,- 000; and of branch office or the Empire fctaic Health Aj£q» clfttlou, cash Including ncrumulated capital, fIS 000 .. Also, agents for the purdiora nmi sale of Real Estate. m>II . Delaware flntual Safety Inauranc €o. \ ■ QglctiVnrthr&fobfUtt Kedtang'i Third st.,Pfiil> Tj'ntU INcC'l»ANCH— fliilMlngviswrclianUiie and othrr -J_ jmwrlTj la.towu anj country, insured against lo,«a or damage by lire, at. fee lobtkVrate of premium. • ■ Masisr 1 ksv&\ nce.—Tli*y also Insure vec?u!a, cargoes and £rcijbt«v IbrdM. or efiMtwiiv under open or rpccfcil policies, As the assured may desire. • ,; lsiAin> TBAxm^tATios:.— aim insure mcrchandlxo transported by wagons, 'rsllrrstd «»«, enna! boats and sleam b»W, on tircra and lakes, on tiio taOid HbeiaJ teraw.- . ' .trirerton-ri'mph Jf. iieal.'Edmund A; Sender, John C. PavL\\Roly , H Burton, Jf>bn l!» rmro«v Samuel Edwards OeorgO; 0. lAljicr, dilward Bnriingtom t«saoitl>nvis, Wil liam Folwefe JohuTvewUu, Bn R. M. Huston,. Ja«*.felDmd, .TUoqpbiJas Joncpi- Droobif. Iltaiyjr Slotm, Hugh Craig, George KrrriU, Saucer M'Uvnin. Charles Kollv, J. O. j Johnson, William Hay, Dr.;% Thomas, John Sailers, millADi limjr. •■•-■.'.•••';. --• ... Ifin&'/rS ct I*ittstnirrjh-~l\ T. Morgan, Hugh Craig, John T. hpsan. n Wiuum auimsr. Prrtiii^tl, Titos. 0. T 7« PrttidmL - Joswil : Office orfey cbmpauy, No* 12 Water strwstvPittsboTgli. jclfoitr P. A. MADEfIIAv Agent. The FraaUUii Fire iuanrAucc Gompauy, Of J*hS‘itleifihid t l$ r :iiiiy?!>ama+ ■ . J: BnUvCTOH.v-Ch: ITU's V.\ Banrhtfr, Tiioma* Hart, Tobias Wagner,>’o ntv,el'llmnt, Jacob It, hmilh, Geo. W.Rlrh* -ards, Mcniectu I>. l/rvVy AtlolpM -K. ltoric. DavU S, Browne, Morrisl*»ttroon. chas. N. Bvsrcntt /VwA/nfl ' CHA3.G, iUXOCiX Jv'Cr^ory; or limited, on xnf* >4.li77 7a Tmrorary ...... .. K.J.O&', 17 Ol.Krt* t iwcnty IX)UAn<, \>y fin v ; thofrby &n*mUiig crkJruw cf tho taltAntaftwof rut well ta tint nMJity onJ dispo.*|- tlrm tomwt vlthpKunptntoKftH ll&fctUtw*. J. W>mN, AtfMit. n;>Cl . . Offloo, notth-cw. !■» .Tolnl jiTtnnhnup, re-lnsurance ainl U5.T46.G0 Interest on Lean#....... Cash Surplus lfrUmstoj present value of fctntiim • cry, offleu furniture, etc...... Total.. .„ . $210,M9 PS One-half of tills amount within n je*r - The Director*, in the Second Annual Import, taka leave to congratulate tho members npon the marked gocce** of the State Mutual tiro Insurance Company. In opera* tionobiy twoypaw, Hhas taken aposltton besldo-tho older losUtutlons of the kind, ami prof c* by its vrrv ewat suwy*ffl that the mutual system, u* adopted ly them j Is beyond a question the best atul only safe liuxlo of iu*urouco- Tho heavy lojwoa of the past year; which have annlltilalod many stock cbmponiw, leave tb&StaUj Mutual with a cash surplus pfupwenls of thirt j'-ono thousand dollars, be of “• * 1 l: " K ’I' I '. |>nd a feng» variety ■■■-■ t '!« t l7nn‘n surptlc! nt Kfwiom prto. .' • : ■ ;'' • - r - - mv nn DAVISON & AOM.IT, ViLso» * Co.. They ore cow lit-, t ?£5 P £k JTarcbous«s ho 45 Wood street, opposite •S?i^3^ rl > a ? ot S , » and lfo * i oa Third street,.which they assortment of FALL AM) TO.TJOI DRY GOOD®, , „ WADE HAMPTON, (of the into firm oMlnmpton A Smith,) : , „ JOHN A. WILSON, ■•■ -•■•..■•. (ofjtlio latofSnn of'Murphy, Wilson «fe C 0,,) .x SAMPLE CAMPBELL. ••• ; ■■■■■ •■■•••. (latoof the House of IL Qulclb.&Co.) ~.i ,-Pittsburgh,Auifast ?llßsa^lm ! ■-<:-:-• -.---' -. •- /•., Agency forDlffercntlilnes ofPacfcet SWps • __ PASSENGER OFFICE, No-410 LIBERTY STRBETi PITTSBZTR QjK>. < For ,Pa -'tV^BYRNKS'A-:v'•:;'■:•••=••■.. S , v «3&££ daysfironrliTcrpooltoNew/Yorlt; 5114u.0s l I 4 u . o a * mmaS , lavjjrpoorto Philadelphia* on fach month; tfLluebr Pockets, AfiJtelttaoro on ol - each month. of Parkotson tbo Bthnna i»fli of each month from X^donand.Portsmouth to New York. ••.. ALSO—Drafts at sight always on 'hand, fcr any amount, Mtho lowest rates of discountf-juid i#U Information given S*a^ T -aw IS «0 liberty rt, Bttahwgh. NEW GOODS 5 * J JCSTBi'CmRD'JtT YOUNG, STEVENSON* ifiSLIOVES,Sign ot the ORIGINAL UEEUITh, M 74 W*-*&ifarkd Slr&tSbitu&nl&urih Strtet and Viz Diamond wtPtitsbursh* '' ' The subscriberahavo-jUstreccivalaTery large ; raid beau tiful stocfcirf: FALL r and WINTER DRV GOODS,whicklmvc beeU selccted with great rare ftom the recent -Importatfono,: andlargo Auctldn'SalefilnThilftdelphift-tmd will bosoldfor rash ath very Btcailndvahee above Fob tern cost.':Purchflserrf-ttre reapeetfully'flolidtcd-to giTe them rax rariy call, and geoura Agood bargain, &a the stock consists of ageneral-a«>ortmentof.thctlbHowlng.fti'tic)es; . - : French ilerinoc-i and Till bet Cloths; Coburgs^ lowi st eastern prices. Do not before what others, interested in their own soles, tell you. but come and see for jour'elvcs. All goods sold at tli&establishment will lw warranted as represented -at time of iato^-sothat :all may purthasa eqnaUy safennd (heap. 0u32. ._ JHwuy Ktobardson, Jeweller, , TT’AVIJiG refitted bis store la a bandstoiie: matmer, and . JuLbui recently, returned from fee eastern cities with a lino assortment: of WATCHES,' JEWELRY* and FANCY ‘ GOODS, wouldcaJl thc RttotiUon of Jtl#friends end custom* cm to tho lnct that tunony bis. Watches ttfll be r fonud fen moat desirable styles, patterns amimakers.' Of Jewel rr, the latest style® of llrooches, Breast inil Vest Chains, linger Kings*Ear Rings, Miniaturel«ketv ctc4eta. • • da Macho, Work-Table* and Bore*, Dcjkjfj Vancy Vas«s; T'q , fQine Bo!Uc?, Table Motx,' .Cottk Mnnuaioa to-great varied; China Fruit oad.Cake OWiMj.ffith an cndieKS rarlcty of useful and or* tiAmcutal axtidc*?v which liavo caly to bemn to bo apTiro riat*L - [notl] XO.SI M.VRKKT STRKbT. ■ " Watcheir, Jewelry, Cfcc* ■■•■'“ TT AYIKG ih«t rctuttxM from the Eastern chits*, I have XX ! brought with mo otm tho rnoft bOautiful and ca«w RUIy scloctiid SfccK-ks' of Jewelry. Watches and Fancy Goods, ever offered to tho jmbHc, liirKoiis' wishing to anything ip my.lhui, can rely; on getting a good article. 1: do not advertise to. sell goods below cost, nor fid jwrr «vnt. ehfjaper than any housein Ibocity. Give me a-rail, mid 1 am sure yon wQI bo satbded lhat 1 can. sWI b pocxl article ar cheap as any of them. Another.ibrt I. wi*h to kcep before fee people, If yoit want your. Wahl Clcxrt, or any article of Jewelry, repaired mauner, this is tlieplaee ter have It done. To tlds branrh of my btudmvs 1 wUI devote r,nw?lnl attention. JOUN S.lCEXNKDy;eniarketstreet, _apr7 . ~ -. ... Sign of Ghl llii | [ K £l < V. rrt,m * Inrtfrtrtocte-otttOr.D AND SILVER VAICIIkS,^ATCiI MATERIALS AND TOOI.S Ibr wateh muLera; and n most ologant assortment of JEWELRY. from the Kxl moirafiirtorUw—whfeli they oficr at price* ms low a* purrbnwxl lo th« <-aj?t«^rn- Their *Ux\k of \\ ntehe* cnnsistsof. Gold end Silver latent IATL-ra; do. Detached levers i do. Lupine?*; fcjlver Qunrik*tß: nnd elegant tnnrh Time riwav of the most approved makef/ wUh n largo Mock of Clocks, and Time Piece*, from the bust American FoetorieJi. • /Their st»x;k ofjcwelry eomjsriscs articles of: every descrip* lion in thU line, such as Finger King* Ene Ring?, Unjvt }>»*> BrocckUs OoM, bob mul Guard Chnliw, fioldGaaril Keysnnd Seals, Jackets, Gold and tUvurSpectacles, Silver and German Silver Tnblo ami Tra Spoons, and every kind or *ncy artldw gracrallr kept linwtabllshmCnU orthiadiv pcrititlon They vronM respectfully call u» attention of tho trade to thei* extCTwlvo stock of W ATCH JIATEUIA lit and TOOtA of every variety,,which tlu-y buvo roost carefully selected. ■ They bftvealw.on band olatgottwortrowitof.Telescopes Spy Glasses and Opera Glasses, from tbo best manufactory .in Knglond.. Together rrith a great variety or other articles too nnaemu* toiopution. : ITB.f»L*T 01 $50,478 GO 733 40 $31,212 00 : . €OO 00 ClorlvS, YTatclieftand Jewelry repaired la tho best manner and on the moat reasonable terms- [octllTy ridHUKK DM' CARl»irr»-rßrcetTCd tins day at tho Carpet JL W nrenouso, No. 85 Fourth street, of now and rich styfoi at prices as low. as can bo hud In any of tbo custom cities ■ ■ 7 ■■ •■■ ;■■■■■■•■ ■■■ ■ ■■■■ ■ .'■ \v M'CUXTOCK. £* ll M?P >^nr ß w “*«i: Core EatnbluHHeST, ;.T SillbbUSUtjntJ, Beaver county, Pennsylvania, on tbo X. South ride of thu Ohio Elver, opposite tlmmouth of tbo I K. l iL” l T.,S rc ?. k! 'hreutSPolght. miles from: Pittsburgh; eight from ATbooUng end emo hundred from Cleveland. The Proprietor hoa. had • twenty. years practical experience as a ix gulor phyiddan, twelve of which lie -has.-practised under tho Hydropathic system. Terms only FIVE DOLI AILS PER tyjSEK—payable weekly. : All seasons aro adopted to Hydro pathic cures. .Each patient Is required to furnish two heavy woolen hlanketa, two comfhrt»i-four-sheets, four tow-' els, uud,one cawp*blankot* or Intlia-rubbor sheet KDWARD ACKER,Proprietor, marlfil PhlHlpshnrg, Bochostor 1\ Beaver comity, Pa ; BSTBBPRISE WORKB~ • *O. 13Q Woot> StRCtT, TfllßP DOOTL ilEtow Yrn/iI JiO)V^4 Co-PortnersliipNotlco. npHE undersignwi have this day formed a Co-Partnership J -for tho transaction of a Wool and General Commission ond Forwarding badness under tho firm-of AONN BONN-- HORST & MURPHY. • ’Warcbouso No. 87- Water and 118 Front streets. - - JAMES R- MURI J UY. - 8 F. VON BONNHORST Pittsburgh, sa, 1852-mv4 - RpencerianCommercialCollege,. • . (lATB 0. Kt C2AMOERIKI'B,)- OORNER OF MARKET AND THIBD STREETS, . v-■’ • PUtibwyh, (Tlnrd Floor.) • T7t‘ rp, (IOODNOUGHj lToctical ; Accountant, and highly -jCi*' acooptiblo Prceoptnr,.rpeeptly, of Cleveland Commcy- ; dal tOoncjte, wiU diroot, permanently and efficiently, tho • Bookkoepipg-doparitnent.: . .1 - . B. (J. SPENCER, Asaociate— I Teacher of .Commercial Cal*, cnlatuss Ond Practical Chirograpby. The present propriatoTffttmfidentiy assure the sober mind ed public, that no pains, or. reasonable expenskhavc, or will bo spared, to tender tho advantages of this Institution sec ond to none, and* profitable in'.eystexaaUxing: the business em-rgica of tho aspiring youth of our country. ‘ iSS^Tersb—Full Oourse, $40,00. . ' w - P. R« SPENCER, .. « v - principal and Prctoor of Penmanship, , * aulfcdaw and Teacher of Conaaercfal Conespondenw; * DRY GOODS. I ABIES GOSLING, SUnKET bTREET UaO. A. GOSLING, No. 01, ST CLAIR STREET, HOLE»AtE A RETAIL v " Dealers %n Foreign & American : FANCT ft STAPLE" BE Y G OODK, Bfllllueryy&cc AND FUMMKft GOODS, Notice. , : : -.1.:,-...,:,..: .* .*• •• •.*' Sli! ; SSp S 'vS’£-r-i *v < 1 ~ ~-* : gs»cV■ *- ..*.. A. .- /I KRMAN WASHING *his at tlof* at 2d and 37V£ each, with full direct! onsfor its u£e. ’ In every disease whera: the. oxiginol American-. Oil-has-been' found at all -efficacious, andlt so for exceeds the oridnal iiy power, as to render it the CHEAPEST; MEDICINE IN-THE IV ORLD. Call and try it JOHN YOUNGBON ” N. B.—The original Oil in.lts natural state as-taken from the bowels of the earth, can bo hod os will bo found /jeninne,; notwithstanding a certain -firm claims to be. the only Proprietors:*—• ■ v --- J~d£w;tff >. ■. >., -.J. .Y ;•• ;IOE TFrt CtrRS'OP COUGHS, COLDS, UOARSENEBS, BRONCHITIS, TVHOOP • ING COUGH, CROUP, ASTHMA and CONSUMPTION.: ; MANY years of-tri&V.inrtoMl of impairing the .public : confidence in this tnedlcmo,- has won far it anapprdota tion and notoriety by for exceeding tlm most sanguine ex*, poctatfonsof its friends. Nothing but its intrinsic virtues and the. unmistakable'‘benefit • conferred on thousands of sufferers, could originate and maintain tbe reputation it en joys. While many inferior remedies thrust upon the com munity. have foiled -and been- discarded. tbiK-has gained friends by every trfoL conferred benefit* on tho afflicted they, can never forgets and produced cures too.numerous and too remarkable to be forgotten. ■;. While it is a fraud on tho pnblie to pretend that any oho medicine will infalliblyr-ure—still, there mahundimt proof that the Cirnanr Pwroiui.does not only as a general thing, but almost iuvarlably cure the maladies for which U is em ployed. As time makes these facto widernnd; better known, this, methane bos gradually become the bcst.rcUauco of the af flicted, from tlm log cabin of thu American peasant, to the palaces of European Sings. Throughout ■ this entire coon* try, In every State, city, and indeed, almost every Juunlet St contains, Cnranr PECttraAL is known as the best remedy cx ■font for tho Throat and Ltmgs, and in manyfor*- cign countries, it la coining to bo extensively used by their most intelligent- physicians. In Grcat-Brltaln,’ Franco and Germany, where the medical sciences have reached their, highest perfection, Uiict&T DEcroitAt is introduced, and la constant two in the. Armies, Hospitals, Alms Housav Public Institutions, and !□ domestic-practice, as the Barest remedy their attending physidins can employ for. the more dange rous affections of the. lungs... Also In milder eases, and -for children, it is safe, pleasant and effectual to cure. In fact, eomcof the most flattering testimonials we receive, have been from parents who have found it efficacious in cases par ticularly incidental to childhood. The Chejuvt Paroiui. is manufoctarcd by a practical Chemist, and every ounce of it under his own eye, with In variable accuracy and care. It is sealed and protected by law from counterfeits, consequently can be relied on os gen uine without adulteration, tYohavc eadmvorod hero to furnish the community with a medidno of such intrinsic superiority and worth as should commend itself to their confidenoo-ru remedy.nt once safe* speedy and effectual, which this has by repeated and count ies trials proroditsclf to bo; and trust by great care la pre paring it witij-chemical accaracy, of uniform strength, to af ford physicians a new agent on which they can rely for the results, and the afflicted with a remedy that will do for them all that medicine can do, Prepared and sold by JAMES C. AYER, Practical Chemist, Lowell, Man. JCv" Sold in Pittsburgh by E. A Fahnestock a CO4 In AJ logheuy, by 11. P. Schwarts, and by Druggists and Dealers in Mcdirjtto everywhere. anl&2mdsw EURNITDRE. VVM; >b to manufacture YMI _-QAmNET-WARK of every description, othisold stand, rspj comer of Liberty and Seventh-streets.' UNDERTAK • 1 »IKG attended to, in ail its branches. : - •• myll •. A. MIIHtKJfIK 4k CO., TTAVE ON HAND at their extontfro CABINET and II CHAIR MANUFACTORY, No. (H Smlthflcld street, a forge sworlmont of fancy and plain fundture, which tliey wlUeell 15prrcent,fo»low customaiyrutos. Terms— only.: : - • . docgTdy . (’ablnct and Chair Foctory« - JOSEPH MEYHII has on hand, at hit extcmdvo: Cabinet and Cltair Manufactory, N0,'421 Penn above the Canal, all kinds of .FUJtNITURE, such as * i »fcofos, Centre Tabl(*s, Slnhogony : Chairs, Mahogany and all other articles. in -the Cabinet linn—which ho will sell 20 per cent, below enrtomary tutw; "Terms— CASH, ONLY. JOSEPH MEYER, nprO ; ••■■■; , ; J’ifth .'R anL - Ilammer dc, Danlcrt CABINCTAfARKROOM. fiMITIIFEhU STRRKTi . •JWi/w* .Sfroith tttVri (Did Stwv&errif altey, l*Mibirrrjli J T\i,' <7\ IfAMMEK A* DALXER keep eonstantly on hand a Variety of ■cacvllent, 6nd. fashionable Furultarp, war :. ranted «tiwl to any In the city, anil sold on ms favor* l *{ 1 aMe torms ns can be obtained, nt any'rimilar rftablwb meutin the >VpkL They have now on bami im.'nntLvually extensive stork, emhrarlng.all klnds-of Fuxcltnre- from fee' eheai>r*t :mtl plainest to the myst costly'and elegant. All bnlets promptlyto. myfflaiCra •: The 'Pennsylvania Mutual hive Stock INSURANCE COMPANY; CAPITAL, $50,0001 CUAKTER PF.R^ETTAL, fTWIIS Company la now fnlly orgimlzed, and prepared to JL injure a-runf.t the cnmbmtsV rial:* of FIRFk W ATER, ACCIDENT and LIVE STOCK, filch as Horses; Mules, CatUe, Siieep. JEc. -... > Sfzr -OjJicft ,Vo 31 i'tfth ftwtf l\tU\mrgh, ib. • • v - VLFA. JAINES, Pn-ident RKSJ. M LAIN, rr-tvry. Woi.Day, JotiiesMathaws. Alex. Uilathlt*. ’ ■ llrury. A. W bite. . . . W*m.llakeweli,. ? - 'Fprmft for and airvnefvs.'yiry-' iu formation, can.- be ohtalnwl by calling at tho Ofllceof tius Company. . . nuSOclmdiw (Di?}satx , h and Journal copy.) Journeymen Cabinet Makers Association* 1 rAXJiIiOCSXi 119 &ECQXJ} bTJtEST. ■ vi fXfLUI TBC.COnXVn Oft V'OQD.). '. ; .'v. ■■■■, , TUIS J^-OCrATlON.embracinger% twt*v• to three tlmea mpL ltantl,* tm tiie largest and . iutberto most umowned business * 4'*" chops of tlus city» have opened their W arahouso,: and - are' able to furnish the public, bv-tcholesalivor retails witlt Fur* nitnre of tho following dewriptlon—-vis: Mahogany W onlrolies;. Dressing Baraanst Fall Columned Bureaus; .Mahogany Bedstea'. Waslistantb? Sofiix: Divans; Piano Stool* Book Ca«w: Card-Tab)rs; I’iCT Tablw; fine Caril Tablea; Centro Tables'. Hat Racks; French Bcdetwda; Ottomanx; l»oplar W artrohesj-Dlning aud Breakfast WortcxtiuitD; Cherry and Common IVorkshxnde; "high port, pornmou, low, and Lrundlo Cherry* Burenu* CnbK CradleSf Ac.-' :-.V. .v ■ : -. 33ie ■mit them to aull at tho lowest price*, and they aro detws mined to pell; lower than , any competitors, an cxpialiy good, if. not better article, and. warranted—os. the public wilt un derstand by giving them n call. ' Steamboat icork QtaXl descriptions, and. otlier artirles of auy. description, maths, to order in every style, at the rhort* est notice. , : . r mariJO - ■ ;; JAMES W. WOODWELL, '" : ' CABINET i'UHmTtrRE JIA trVPACTUREB Ware-rooms 07 amio9 TlilxrriLstreet. J. W. respectfully informs/-* friends and. customers that hevii. • has now complet«nti3 springstock K&9 .~ 1 T - of Furniture,' which U dbddwlly * 1 .1; too largest- aiul best ever offered for sole la this City* which' will ho sold at prices os any in the United States, East or West. , As ho is determined to ttphoM’-tho quality with well sear sonwl materials, bast'workmanship, and newest designs; and from the extent of his orders and facility in manufacturing, ho fs ennblod to produce warranted furniture, at lhaiowcat prices. "Ho has adopted thoprinaplcof identifyingbis customers’ Interest with his own, In'quality and price, and keeps al* ways on hand the greatest vanoty of every description of fhrnitare,. from the cheapest ond'plaiocst,to, the most gant and canly, that a housey or any .part of one, may be : burnished from his Stock, or manufactured expressly, to or-; tier. The following-articles-consist* In part, of hia stock,m whlcli for richness of style end finish, cannot he surpassed in any of tho Eastern cities: touls XIV tclo**tote Sofas;. ' • ••/ . v. >•••60 Sofas, inplushandhair.doth;\. . 60 dost Mahogany Chairs; ■. . ' 20 dnz. : Walnut; . •; ;,•••*.. -• -v : - •60 Slohogany Hocking'.,**;- 2Q Walnut , • - H ;... . 60 Mahogany Divans: .v - - 20 Walnut “ 60 Marble Top Centre Tables: . ::- 50 ..« “ Dressingßureaus; -SO u .Washstands; . ■ , :-40-Enclosed •-.- • I :/100 Common -••.-• « . i 20 Plain Dressing Bureaus; . i . 4ftMahogany Bedsteads: • . - i- 20Walnut : 60Cottage... i QOO Cherry and Poplar Bedsteads; • 20 Mahogany Wardrobes;. »* 10 Walnut “ "-••.' ; loCherTy'. . 60 Plain Bureaus; -- r ’ . . 70 Dining and Breakfast Tables; . 12 Secretary and Bookcases; ..... ‘-.20 do*. ConeSeab:ChaiTB;' - f ... .-.v-.l . .24 Cone heat Becking Chairs; • 12IacUor’ Writing Deskif; > • •■■■<-.■ ■ Ilat and Towel Stands;- What»Nota; < .'- Etlguircs; '; . Macho Table?; .i ; . .Conversation Chairs ; T.. - Pembroko v '. ;, : ' Elizabethan .naHanctTicr:**';''--" Beerption?; ■ ; -vlAdles’'Work ' . Pearl Inlaid *• : Extensiou Dining Tables; Arm *« Ottomans; : . Gothic and Hnll Chairs; - •;/. ; A* large assortment of .ii. For Baltimore and South, at 4; o’clock p.aj *BABm « JQESyiH, Ajftitfr ■' I rpRUOg AND' MEBKJINESr Batts', OWIr dlw«e«flr KJBOiJ- Ksra rortain " *- Fitvate uue,Mei, ■ i/l 3)B, BBOWN, Ho. 41 Bituaa&a Alley, be- ' im votes hi, entire attention to on office 1-mtiee Bis tradness is -tnorfly -confined 1 .to' Private. TH- Tea. Trnerenll4oi&2*cevonl EOr.hj?a!nfill aJlcctleo,. tjromthtili liy impl-iui( i r.co..yojil!ifu] inlfllyeuee ooilexcec-l gvphlli,. Sypliilitio Eruptions, Gonortheo, Gfeot,St«ctiirei Brelhral Blflthargra, Tmimrityef the Blooh .itßailoDiroi’ ses of tho Venereal Organ. ; acorbntie Eran- Uonß, Tetter, Bingnomvilorfnrial ScmlnaTWeaS ness, Impotency, Eilei Bhenmatirm, FemtOe Weakness. Monthly' Suppressions,- -Diseases- or the JointB, JPljtala.- in 'Ano, Tf ervous AJJOctions, EiiUßiirtbo Back and Was, Irri tattonof the JBWdor and. Kidneys, successfully trealal.— Cl ?&ffiyera?praetico (six ic'ttiyoitrtcmiljlesDt.BrotTn i to offer assurancgi of atpeedy enin to aB -who may como an- Primtc Consultation Booms, 41, DiamonJalley., . - -. r ~.e-, -novadAWlyi'} ■ judd’H liledieated' Liquid .Cuticle, ; mHIS orttclo ia intondedefor Family. userOnd fihouldl-hoj • JL fouml in-iha pos&casflDJS Of every -famlljf, m-tno laud.—, .Mechanic®: who are in-coußtant danger: of injury persona, through accident, njifl the- improper • or corelesjf URo of tools, wlirilnd this to-bo'inToluable trf. thom, nud after a-foir trial. Trill roUadct it indisponsablo, - - . ; ; v‘-This. raay certify - that .wc, tha, underKigncd, h»vli){? Hv .qnoatiy-made use of Judd’s Meditated Liquid Culiulei pA> pared oy Messrs. Pe Fare, Pn>ma* turn Decline of Virility f Weakness nfMpmnry and Power for • Mental Application,- AveWlnn to Snooty, Timiiilty and Self-Distrust,' Love of Solitude, AU these complaints invariably disappear os soon, a&.tho-sourco Is from . which they emanated. . . This Instrument has been examintdand approved of by, the highest autharftiea in Europe and America, is recom - mended by tho.'inofit prominent physicians: of all amtitrics, as the only Certain Remedy existing for those complaints, and has now completely supersodeartba wa of drugs, the cauterization, ctoi noflo mention the thousand ad vertised nostrums of the day, a*-cordials; antidotes* ptc. It constitutes at tfacr some! timetbe safost and meet pleasant; and by for the cheapest treatment eyer offered to the afflicted —q folr prico being allowed for Lhe tintruiaeul, afterlboilo flred effect hapbocnattdbraL- Bo it also rrmemberod* that those ccmplaiufo are but tittle understood by tho profcsoxm Ld general, and that all tho medicine m the world never has, and sever stop those losses, which, if allowed to continue unchecked, are sure to produce the most distressing consequences. It has been a matter of surprise to some, that any one of respectability and of professional attainments should devote his attention to diseases which people of every deteription pretend to cure so cosily. however, but the one-thou sandth part of the miseries these pooplo bring upon society were known, a very different opinion would be formed. It Is uot only the present misery and dejection preying upon tho mind as well as the body, that is deplored, but some are of such a nature as tooffdet posterity, and even to destroy the reproductive foculty altogether, it is a foct that, when not properly treated, they may remain so dormant in tha constitution as to appear In no other way than m their ef fects upon posterity; yet, if properly understood, are most goril v and speedily removed. The above, so ingeniously con tnrcdmstrumcnt, -vrlU doubtless, in b. great measure, con* tntnflgfeo check tho evils of qunckcry, so prevalent in this riasv of diseases throughout the Union. Tho pnee of the complete Instrument, earefally secured against all observation in a box, is only $lO. It can be sent by express, to any address in any part Of th 6 United States, Canada, according to order, BcqcmpaiwJ by full three* ;tion®, and important advlco to the married and expenses even to the remoteßtporfonf the country being but trilling. The unexampled wuoccss this Instrument has obtained, sine* Us introduction in Amcrlcn* hoa induced eomo unprin fiplod person in-New York* Philadclphta, Albany,. Horton, J Are. togetupmmeridicnloosthlngs calk'd^^lnstruments,” which, however, bear not the resemblance, neither In fijnn nor; principle, to my invented, long tried, and universally approved and which are as similar ;to them as light-iis to night.. Every attempt to sell such In struments for mine,-wiirbe prosecuted. to thefullest extent' of the law, X being not willing to connect the well and hon estly ekmcxl-reputation :of my invention, with quacks and theirwortbicssproductions.' No I&rtrumentis Genctinoand* none can ho IVarranted hut tiiose ordered-from myself.-.:. .l All app&aticms and remittances-must paid)to the Doctor hinwolf. hr having no Agencles •cstaMLsh* . ed but inLomion and-Paris. ... Address, post-paid,- Dr. B. Be Laney, 31 Linpeuard Btreet, 'KoW Yuris. • ‘ • ■■ ' ■ OOlra hours, doily, ijom 0 A. 31. till 3P; M., And from 7 tUt 8 P. 3L, tbe Sabbath excepted.;. • J63rtCti» uiulerpignai certify, with gnat pleasitnvthat.thp; 'abOVe'ynctitioncd-inrtt'uim'Dt is not only constructed on «i -«ntifl‘e principles, bnCfnim Its use the bappiesrres'ults may always with confidence, be. anticipated, therebeing forthe care of tbosa diseases no other certAiu remedv extant, Itomr S. Keujeb. in. rC, • On. fIoCTiE. st.i*. 90ClmmW st., •:•. C. EcsaABDR si; d„ 21 Howard 9UI • .. ■ •;New’- York. • .: Dr. Da Lurcris prepared so execute all order.-i forrurpcnl ; apparatus viz: Artificial Arms .and wlnch- ifiovo like natural members; Apparatus tfrr.JLnxation,; for Contracted If ZhuatfSf.Uian ten bottks of-anySarea- : : pmnUautUK. and xcarmirtal iu cure ■ icttfi‘>ut-any iaiplioxint or <.. ■ .•■■ • . ■ tfletl, .r lUtfi method by whichall'BarpapanUas,Aiid :otheriiimi • 'X - lnr medicines am prepared, Is by boiling the Boots or Plants to-obtain, the extracts , Tlio medical virtues are thus ant^ '.••••? •*'■'• : Jtlanottobe wondered at then, that icn and twen •tybbtUescf these token without' : any perceptible benefit -Not so with the Forest WinnJ*By the invention of a wonderful. chemlcaV apparatus, n perfect wine is produced without beating; rofcuniug at the same tlwe, alt tho primitive hc&Ung properties of tbararemedici nal plants of which it lvcomposed, thus rendering the Knrest Tyine the .most efficient .medicine the .world over.prodneed; at tho same time the most agreeable, 1 .•■••• NETtYOtJS IUSORDFJta Are diseases of the. ntfnd nswell aa.of the usually brought on by a’ffliciionfv and are most tom mem to persona of delicate constitutions and sensitive minds. Bow spirits, melancholy, frightful dreams, andfisirfol-imti cipations.df evil fttun the slightest causes, generally acrom-' pany nervous disorders. • Tho Forest \Vlne and Pills are an energetic remedy in these .complaints.- '.••< *■■■■■ < Eitract ofaletter ftdm 51s.- Joseph' o.;PMmihg, dated ■ > •■•■' -:rj- : J*ft£ZfldrfpAirt,.«R3^l lows tho Pufeii slatcof tht JUooct.r Whai-artificl&T Tvppcmlflgwj piual*fhat vlful expfes-v fiJop.ofconntenaDco which health i What points compare with ihe crinujpn-colorwl-bloo*! casting its brilliant roseate hue through the transparent texture of tho.akmt What charms are morveaptirnting than those of noturcvln her highest.pcefiartioa: of-bcoittl h Tx*t 3)r.llixl wy*a forest Wino supply thef place of all cosmetics.- The. use: of this excellent'Wina Ibr & short- time creates pure, rich . blooU,-winch, conrsmgthrongh thPTeinsjpmjefrates Uicmi nutest r fibres -that i.verge, toward tho surfiuss of tho skin, pausing all unhealthy pimplcs anji blotches to dhiippcar;- impartinga Tlrld, ,rOsy *° 'the -skin, amlbTjUiant ex jiressJontG'K': •‘••'•.■ry"-, zpifia IS NATURAL BEAUTY. L, ; In, corroboration of these facta, Dr.. Halsey has many tarti i ruonlals ftom Jodies of tho most fcspectablo btauding in «£* clrfcy. » * > \ 4 - * .ss;a«g3«ai£iSK D' ' ' ysssffi'ffiKS*"SSSiSSS >. Bickuess, Jflonr Albas at mite* riupjttMter {• orrbica, •in tho Hcadcnd IdiobsyXoss of Appetite#-Palpitation* Tr®*. ; ■.... f/.* toora, Diseased gplno,- Oosllvcncs* Irritability, Dyspcpate or &,*■.. Indigestion,Flatulenceor.Wind, asil*HUterinecomplain W, ■■:/%$ '■'Prk , e,2S'«entfc'Off-'llTe> : • . toll by W. C, JACKSON, WQ liberty rirect, bead or Wool r BtrMt, PlttBbcrßh,ftndby,all t!iQ l>rugKlrt». V v’’. . . jp 1 ?- 1 ! dlrtctionannclosert yrlth cach.box. ftlrelO:irdAvr pa: [• FOK TK£ 3TABKIKDI I# . 64 T0 YB FKOrmJL A Nl> it V MMPtV n is ft command l' Xj that should tec&WtfWly obeyed;by the.children of/•..•(?$.•: men. hi- Kllslr,tinacrsbcU ioi'an‘tQisiuql i tte9b>TStlvq)'inca«c»of Do» *•£ . impotoatft-w Boixennoss/ond alb? Irregularities ol ; t,' . nature, it la alt that it profi*«»i* to.be> yfz Natan?* Great; ,•££. forthowinthpinoTried state wltb*,; £**■ out.ofTiJjrrinff, it Is a'-certain- cu3»for iiomlual EmivjoiisV j\i>. QCmral BeUnty, GleetsWcaktili^of-the n?: terDtorrhoea, la- & ■■■.■ digestion-and Loss of Appetite ; -ft»r-.Coßti?encfw-in:J'#tnalca •§•••-", .and Males, anAttannufl complainta 5 for,«t: T - PKCTOttAhT >QU COPUIIS, COLDS INTXTTtN/A, Ac F : .14th ».*Thr. East India mid Xrut Xbrk Hear Dyei, the only | •■’'-*■ StTBE coloring for the hair. i ■ 16th.—ita’i Buhn of Cftina, a Ohin&so* ihr Ctrte,|» •. . Bruises, R T • ■•< 16th.-* hrtmd. tf SaTxiparilla, :This.nTtte , ln basoutliTcdjJ 't ail other Sarsaparilla.*, and still give? as great satisfaction wg '. --- qrer t .. 17th;—Tbocelchvaieti spread from Dr. Lrs’srccJpc, audthe most popular Intbomarket. -• § > >:: ••■:■. lStlii— Dr, Kiintft Tooth AchtJ>rcps.- A certain and casyg,.;- ’ euro for Toothache. 1 g , 19th.—Dr. Cokktock lias lotely txiught tlig' rightfor they-- •UmtodStates,lpapyjfi; • found at tho Salt Springs of Div-WimC. Chase, at StrDatbJHf jincs, p. W.. This medicine has attained- nndt-.-- popularity never before equalled by. any.preparation, at that;;. place, ana its sale. has teen-commensurato vrith its - '- v which are oxtmonlman'. ]* NOTICK.—AU heridoforo known aa *‘Co«-;v' STOCK’fr’ 1 or “ Comstocs X Co’s,” always belonged, and nov. belongs EXCLFSTViXY to Dr. Lndoa S Comstock, and *- thoagh the slgnntnro of Co nu Lock & Co, will tv oontimiedS this extra label uitii tbo -ihoßlmllo Rig tutu re of Dr. I*. 8. Cg-*- wiUinfatnre designate the 6ENU7XK. jv* ALL OTULKS MUST BK SPUItIOUS. R i LCCtUS S COMSTOCK. £ JB3?*The above medicines can be h\d m this place erf i v WILLIAM .TACESON, 6 * JcbO No. 2-1 Q Liberty st., head of M ood. THE .GREAT VEGE!EABIiB REfiZCDTIi - • hVJl+rMr.l-psSM-TEIi'&jJSJrTJiA C'£. r, Dandeleon,'WildCh€rt r ynndSarsaparlllt l *r 'ri^inSiTnluable'mcdlc^'prepdratidh- tUnerS-itttiraly froisi ’ • X Exiracb of SamparSla T ’’ or common jrarp . fyiugmedlcine. : It is o coTOpouncl pf?many ‘most {REANsB! XNQ M£IinCINES T :Witli cthera'aolibif dy orrtho KitM ■ • ncya, dr having r?fct , •compoandiavriilcJi Jpandclion.'Wild Cherry and iiar«tparr^ In am so prepared ito offer tfio peculiar tlrtixe* of each, i combination with pdre extracts of other hcallng'artir.le'r, *4‘ -- r'o stable; Mid aroirirh-r< draw cfT-Wfiterji Humor* ttomtholUiwdf ofcprniptVintl vf-> v TitatingVccrctlonidf ai^ea^oi^j^fromtbdbtidyjwlthofi. - :, the thorough operatlonjcnr? l .! hff.Kitaeyi* jiacaused .by, Ug v.i> V 3 t6’ibls r eTfect.^'' : - . In fact, tWrtqrybpcratioin fbr particularly ;wundeß;diffcra v prdparaU(mFf.ahdi^kw&'- : ' ’ • the host compound in exlstoucc. - IN ALT* CASTS OT DKOWSVuro this medicine. It w* ;Teli6ye; ; . It has] cured;, : f ;; ; contains articles that wilt: euro;, if anything can.und tek-- ; ' thboalymetliod toliiftko peroaaentnifo£.v-.;• t san» Ffrvi.Bi seui* f. ■t Td produce testimoiiy. »n-proof of- tlib.ciirn of tbtqtflaofg'.V : v" isAcjpipwlaigodly.n£!W;.'TijepubKrh>iVe'Kiloijgbi»dtaag? v. - ' ‘ tbiegaidrit;r. n. 1); Myers' Ij. • i tract.-pf Dahdeleouj A VIM’ Cherry :.atid- SdrfenjMiiitlQ,. in I*' : V ■' practice, in' cases of a number of patients, sick with- blilp f . . , very Wilir very.bcncCidaliresults.' Aadl-cornddcr li a bct| ftl cnratiTO to that discuses • | Prepared by MTKRB- & BICE. £ ♦ u • • : -No. 11 Warren atroety-Now Torit’ • Soldhy" " ' - IU E. SELLERS, § ; aptsaioOTAwl. ' : H-yo^fi7sWhcd;'fitrpet,‘Pitfaburgif/ > ; ; .v tttf- Qvgfey Otfdji Asthma, Croup Y Brvn 7ry?yJ’ :'illimsj jxxiin "Jm ;•>; i if-c?; : <^<£:' 4r , ;.'v. '?•*.;’>-.•? •. f-' : iN.^^thiai^^miVpwaifeiy^piba^'^eiTdia'- of.tiia Longs. noaXlvtrr ; _vrWoU ispioduttfa.by our > '■:• varying cUinat-'. to pofiscsjr impoc rocdidnal properties This Toet -fc.Xamfliar.to every ioaj in our ]ond> anil I’hyehanns oftfn ■ pTOs?rSbo it:ip tf jjjfc. ■'' ja familiar Co the whole countrt;-fcave:£One:sa Jiir os '{j'.-v ■»' ’ claw that royhl be ootwl by that&w- , Another was.nearly. .Talntes4 owin'* ■^dod^to-tUolg|gi^rnncoJnp^pttHriyitT»^^fr^^ I jff:.^V:^; ngir^tiw^obfiati^';%‘ ; pa : - • ■ and long-erpcriinttit l a-^a^rojbrdinisjj^-v.iwarers ‘ offKcse two f" ; ■ [■ stuncc&ore poWiXor .tho tot time cbuitiued TOd ombc.iiL’ : '' ; - I)fl. WISTAiv S BALSAM 01? WILD CEZERBY. Uyi >• •cd.-BoXhatwhfltromams.i*tham(»tcxtKionlinan’ ; find< ' • -efflcaclona remedy &*i4t kinds of. piil tnonary' and lirei ■' • ; ' -caspserer kncrwn tomnn. To convince rdluribclievers I • ••• .oariheory.js really f^.raseaofciirf^; ;r i v ttraittlbythlswontteifnlmedicine : '■ ~ • . -j -N '£-■■■' feif M mB Taolifa StmdltjMir.iucof only Hm UW« of «««. j-,";V of 1 JTl-xii o tlr ■ ■ Ltar'sißjljam orKildCJicnT: «wt I bought or you h,u Tirtuai known for the hencJU 01 tho public. | My wife took cold et tUo time of her confinement. r, I Wtucd onto lunge. The jihyfKluu* pronounced he) raw consiunpUoa, .She lwd oiton profile nfgh eweatJ' hed coughs, die tree given up, for wo desp Jred of hi ooyery, pnf I.c? chiui pfivtook of hcrccmpliint. pho ‘ «muucn«d tnMo~ “ffeiar'r JBattim of )nid Clmrv, ;thr» hqtUiw.clToctocl:i\n entire cure with-bef andthr botJi, - .gmcft Ifthcyhad not .bav&DifLt. Wfcttar’ft Ba3«ua or : - Uitrty. - * SKTn K SEAbC v. r.-.Sethc,it bji K; •" rouch .vcraelty as any or - ' stntrrnp* ', - nABOca/iT/uoK-uu) & \ . coNsinupnioi cmß&Ei j 1 ..Robert iJamiersoib Justice of-tlioPeace, in iloph i L •>■ ■■ township, Pah-field county, Uhfn, afid brotlu/r of fl officer, in .-■ of iai:» ; cu*hL cr\ sumption .ivjrtlic. use of *: IV istor's Dafaiav oftYild Ch> , . llcsu Csces rp„ Fairfield &>„ IV}* » w % tl{ • .' Dear Sir—Arf I isnsMertUat toy Uffe baa hfica cn«“• *-• v: “Dr. mitaT**-Bnbwn‘on\lU Cherry.'* £ w* “ •symptoms «C-my ouettimS ulkm-tbßfaWz&x^rZr; ': •• '-« induced: ' i - difßcuityJn,breathing; IwtfMSfi-'hcoHn,y -:- •flusltoaniea^dfeqUfmtcoiachi^ ■my glue ond b»aat, acwtapttnied by-a Vbrv bZi ‘w? v‘st- '-*->.■•*■ f very rretlc.jsatnigbtft, and hwl g^-at" -'• :; t ing, I sliouldi»y fc atJcflst tro- cMionsn ni^bf 'V 1 : L years. Hut r-feM TOUdl fauWated,S n!mrf,? £ ’ ' whenf foontooared.«dt>g,:J(B/urrja6ifSos^S; t , J != . I liavt.wfd in all 13hwles ana f l' JJ , CI those.complaints, tomy.l»iutH ; Uc&a noIT floe fror .-. . .-: : lam nowos years oldi ai'd-h'i^n'•' r.*.. ■■ ■. sam&incelMu, bccausomybcaHh' anymedidne,, Entlf Ishmaia W?^ 6, I procured the medicine or tin * xV2, • agents In Lancaster, O. , - in iiiUifnu.SjS*'* cn - ‘ cclhogonnlnocmstar-s JhUan*rf^^Sffi BS ‘ doulo ot tho signature of IlehTV'-Vi.i-iVJet^i? • andf Sanford .Cpart- on “ £.? D ' ™l3dc nmpiKT, No cJlicr rantVpi'ntnnc. nll ' a i,^i «5-I*rico $1 pepbottl^-six Potties far $i t ■ rAKK, Fourt!i nr,l .. , : ' General Agent, to *tan " J-s&* f &%BS££g&&';; H!. ' i Af*W>M3ttenirgh; Xcc A Health. i n K «'i^ <> V ■<, », vowca,-wastuiigSs w.ir.-xaStetS,' T,“- v P> “ & CnkmtOTrp - u 1 .Korat*. Bwerastf SB Scott, lUdforiSnS? iTI? I '- 1 9bt£'Mn'f)rr> L^ u< 7 * - Scrney-A Madsy, Kittiunlnc. jj, l.Si™,. A c '\ In,' > kßiwteiUc; A ’WGatitt ftßoov'vvsy < N Gdlonder, MesaTflle;jSeton Ulaca * Mercer; J BoryaA Co, Butler .1 ncnS ■*. ,;* eur y l> nanrECATeri A B sSnmcrton 'VVaSfn'?n'T^ vll< ‘ ; 51 *'■ -,y __ <_ * _ =ME