The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, September 20, 1852, Image 2

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    t.-t-t^K'«’v^r^oV^k ; > -W, - .*■'’- j v*-’ <,.•*. *\ v * **.'*' . ’ l ; v ' r ;; .1' * ' * > t * ; ,
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*£?&- <tltoa*l»aSsateJft
T.^T.-' :-.‘-:j7 Ti 'fWjTh fioVGnmd tispannaand wrists.
■iPBBttS - .-'**• V- ' : : ■ '1 \
||Nfedssspk f '• " ‘.^vvvo^-.''';-.' ; ’ '!%,.:•
' - " WS*
1 AtaJ -gAfeS huirdm^K.
* W n r usja commissioner.
or ii ■.tsmxoTox cousty.
District. .
. *4. Mahtix,
v;l Joint stru.tß.' ; ::■•
V, 4. JC W IUttiUVS. V:
5 U.3rC\r t Jt.
(X A. Apple.
• : . T.ITGtt.- S. StiucklilKO.
■•.: :• 8. :A. Peters.
9. fl\YTI> VISTER.
10.-K. K: James., ■ r
-.Hi JofiM M'Rtvsouis.
12. P. pAMON.
p. C. SHANNON. PittfJmrcb.
FOA skcoxd .wstbciy
A. .r. (iltnmKN, PuSsbursb,
SAMUEL McKF.E. Binnlnsham,
J. C. STEW ART, Plum Township. .
• ■■ SnSUFF,- .
CHARLES KENT, Pittsburgh. ■
' :potmtr-.COMMISEtOSE&,,-r
JACOB TOMEft, Ihtti&utgK
■ oouaxcai. r. : .
’ JACOB McOOLMBIIKtt, -Pittsburgh;^.
:>Atnaioß,‘ •'
■ ' , - '.ttMTHONiITABY, ' .3£;
: EDWARB MoCORKCB, rmlbms Tmnud®.
,&•<{.?• ' ■ . A'CIXTATK JUDOC. ■
- PATRICK MoKRNNA, Pittsbuiph.
loilij Josl.
Wt PUUipa, Editors ft Proprietor
von TICK MlfcPrpKVT,
OP crzHIXE fuF-OT.
Democratic Electoral Ticket tor Pennsylvania,
anoßan w. Woodw ana acusov st c.y.nduhs,
IX n.C.£mu
H.Joira Clattok.
15. Iruo Kobissox.
10. IteterFfimn. >•■•.
17. Jajks BUSXStDE.
18; Maxweu. MTCarus.
19. Gen. J oswn arDasAiP.
20. Viiaus S. C.uuun. :
21. Asduew Buesr. .
22. 'ViOXSXX Dess.
2-L"Gi»HSBIt; B.UIRET. ,5
•„ v’Tholtaaacnttte County Committee of Corrwtpoudcneo’baTe
' Uj»on tho following plares at WbU-h to hold
Mrsnjrus prior to the Staio election_ . , „ ,
At Seirlristeyrillo on Monday, September 20th,atC o clock
1 ' At Bakorstown on Tuesday, Septenrtxr 21ft, at 2J<J o'clock
; ' • ■---■■
■•••• Ai PtTfyK?illeott lVcdno>dnv, 22il, nt A o clock
■ ' AtTawntutn on.TtiutAlay, September fit S/£o cloclc
Vriday, 2lth, at 4 oVI-xk
- V AtVKergpnrtoaPatuTOny, at3 nnd "
* AX»
AI Tciason Mond»T. September KtH. nt 3 o'clock P. M.
■ At ElUaljetli'- on Tueedny, September tPith, at „ o clock
At on-.AVednraday, September ®th-.at2Va
:-- nVlnck P. M.
AtCfintnn on Thursday, ScpfomSor oOth. ntioclop- 1k.31.
; AtKoklwtown on Friday* Octoker, Ini, at ‘-ocloat r. 51. .
■: Mcssr*. S. 51- Pjrmsoiu. t Do, who are prompt, turn
ed uni Ecntlnnnnly la Uuir buriurn InmsacUmis. are the
onto Authorized flitcnta in tho cities of Naw soTk enUDot-ton
to r the Mirinng l’aA Thor ore antlioriiod torwclte Ad
' vmHnmootet sud Subsonptions for ua at our UfUftl kua , i | .
Tlu'ir TMvJpte are as parents. arc at
. A'ISIV VOHK, 122 Nassau rtrwt. .
IM)is*TON, 10 State tilroot.
. «a-nSU TOO P«XtISO.*CT •
:*lUifvtori*U4ltJ«u Bf stw I?rw*u tw
WlVboffu*i, we we *kWu i> Aw KUSTLMI
yrUteapwraU-. jV'jv’" - : . "'.■-
And the manner in which he was treated by the
whig party, was, really, disgraceful to our city,
Hia advent among us appeared to be more like
a day of “-humiliation and prayer,” than the
vlßit of the great whig standard bearer. He nr
-■ rived during the- gloomy shades of midnight.—
The fire bells were rung, and many of the mem-'
bera tamed out of their comfortable beds, bat
when they heard that the fuss indicated the ar
rival Of the General, they said it was only a
“tire in the reari” amiwent home to cujoy their
usual repose.’
- ■'■■.' We cannot imagiue why the whiga should en
deavor to keep Scott oaged up in the-manner,
they do, or why they conceal him in a mountain
pass to prevent him from-entering a populous
whig city, in daylight, tjfacn those who are ask
ed to vote for the man might see him. and hear
him. Bat whiggery will not permit him to bo
seen bydlaylight at an hour when the people have
, leisure to look upon his propor
• .tions,” and, accordingly, Qoy. Johnson kept him
• - at tho 'Mountain. Houao until it would be im-
poenible for him to reach the city before all
: Viuict citUonH had, gone, to bed. At 32 o’clock
«* myself and tbo General” arrived at the Depot,
accompanied by six Whigs. There were several |
boys aronnd tbo office who looked at the “Hero ,
-of Ihndy's Dane” with ranch interest But:
there was one fall grown whig present whose
ndmiration was excited to an alarming extent,
nod be did not know how to work it pff. Aft or
dancing aronnd for a short time, nlmost ohoked
with enthusiasm, he discovered n book of, geese
reposing on the opposite pavement; he rnßhed
- across, seized a venerable -gander (who did not
expect the distinguished arrival and had retired
to rest at an early hour) and bearing him in tri
umph to the oar from'whioh-the General emerge
■ ed, swung the gander over his head and call
ed for “three cheers for fuss and feathers.’—-
The few wbigs in attendance gave the cheers,
• the gander was dropped, the General thanked
him;'and be went table repose again in a rather
bad humor, and :tho othere went to- the Motion
gahela House. ; ;
••• • 'yf 0 cannot helpsaying that this reception, of
Gen. Scott is disgraceful to;-onr city, and: cx
■■ tremely discreditable to the Whig party. Be has
; been slighted Jn a most heartless manner by those
who profess to be hia'friends, and they have per
--mittod—and perhaps instructed—Gov. Jolinßoa
' t > keep him hid iu some of the mountain caves,
ho that bo could not be exhibited'to the people
of Pittsburgb-ia-daylight. We say again that
■„ the tieatmenthe Sos received from the Whigs of
Pittsburgh is disgraceful. Had be intimated to
' \ any member of tbe Democratic party that he in
■■ tended topass through Pittsburgh, he would have
*, received a reepeotfal reception,, and not have
7 " ‘ .been bid jn the Mountain House for the purpose |
■Vj -of bringing him in at midnight; v That bo was |
r kept at that hotel in company with Gov.! John* j
son, is a fact, and it will bo useless Jo?
. to deny it. Wo have our information from those
who traveled with him to that point; hc-desired
to proceed but those who bad charge Of him
. - thought that it would suit their p urposes to hide
him for a while and not permit him to exhibit
himself to tbo pcoplo of Pittsburgh from the bal
cony of the MonongoUela House, iu the glare of!
a setting sun. _ ■
Qgjj-gcojt has jnst cause to complain of tho
1 treatment he has received from his Whig friends
. \* in Pittsburgh, but we hope it will convince him
” 1 of the hollowbcartodness of those who have all
along been professing to be his ardent Wends. •
Dbisadpui Accident.— On the 6lh instant,
- Mrs.-Josophti Farrell, and her two daughters,
living near Goldsboro’, N. C., met with a shock
ing aocidcnb It appears they went to Mr. F.’s
.-" ■ brandy still,' during his. temporary absence, to:
' • •; attend to it, when the .daughter, playfully
. •" touched the bnng of a barrel with a lighted can
.. . die. The brandy took fire, and instantly an ex
- ■ plosion followed, winch, was 'heard: throngboot
’• - the neighborhood, F. hastened tothe Beene
' and on reaching it found one of his daughters
' - dead, and the other, with his wife, dreadfully in
■_ rlhey smiTed but two'dayST ■ '
iWrigroFtf ou>Bisidest opOmo. —Died,
&nesTUle, on the Bth instant, fleth Adams,
Vighty-Bixtli ynarof luXage. He
kvtrinted in Zanesville mow than forty years.
We learn Tram the N. V. Post tbit the scheme
for organizing a support of Webster has been
token in that city. A paper drawn op .with thl B
vie* expressing the desire of the signers that a
Webster electoral ticketshoold bo nominated for
the Statcof New York; is now handed about,and
we hear that it has already recetYedn consider
able number of signatures. 'By and by, when
thclist begins to look a little; formidable;- it is i
said that it will be.laid before-Beott T s friends,
through the press.
There is hutone way, that .we oan see, for
Gen Scott’s friendsfc extricate themselves from
i this difficulty and secure the support'of'the mal
content partisans of Webster, r The cause of the
dissatisfactionigVot merely that Webster has
not been nominated by the Whig Convention as
their candidate for.the Presidency, hut that he
will not he allowed to hold bis place in the Cab
inet; if Scott, by any chance; should be elected.
Scott has his favorites, bis personal friends, his.
warm political supporters to whom he owes his
nomination; and among these ho will naturally
:be ihoUned to distribute the executive depart
ments. He must need make n,sacrifice of some
of these preferences; he must offer to keep Mr.
ITehstor in office; - to retain. him in the office of |
Secretary of State if he desire it.; to : send him |
to England or France, if be.prefers, a diplomatic
situation, and receive him back into, the State
Department when he returns, or do anything
else that may he agreeable to him. In this way,
we doubt not, the matter may bo amicably ar
ranged, the support of-Webster’a friends seourod.
for Scott, and all talk about a third electoral
ticket effectually silenced,
■ As long os no such arrangement is made, the
friends of Scott may be pretty certain that the
insurrection against tho authority of the Baili
rnoro Convention will go on.
Wc have before ns the Address adopted yes
terday at the Webster Convention, hold at Bos
ton. In tho following passage it alleges the in
evitable exclusion of Mr. Webster from General
- Scott’S cabinet, as the reason for rallying in his
v. favor:-.. ■ . ' ■
■SEPT. 20
“In Ihp event of the succor of cither of tlu> other cawU*
dates for thol’n‘suloucy,tho public Ufa crfthp flm statesman ]
oftho «iU&ttyrMr. WdwUjTjmust bo.tCTPJiJtatiHl. Tho un* |
rival«UntcU(«l aai lofty pttUioltsm which Mafwiekusetta j
has, flir uiorw than thirty yeans given tp the council* of the ;
aiuatry. raiifit bofowYer withdrawn from every dcpartmeul
of tho public service. . U Is jam to whhow thUvoid Is to be
lined- Hut If it must happen before the ordination of £«» i
deuce tiring ltf upoo us is It » uMorU.y of
MMsachusettA, thaVtho last! honors which the ballot box
ean rvDdor, should bo twstawed upon him who Juw dyne so
much for her hemor* her luflucttwyhor pro* parity, and her
security.■ ■ • v v
Tho Boston Courier, whichscems to have taken
its position os tho organ of the Webster whigs in
Massachusetts, speaks of thoWcbster Conten
tion, of vthichan account is given clsewbcro in
this paper, says:
•‘Wo msy m well look at tho foots os they cllrt. Tlioro ora
WSU thousand. of Whlx* In Mnoathmotw—mom we tawy
i than Is generally supposed.—wlu» cannot* under <m> rlnrum
i ijumcps, bn Induced to vot* for tlen. iH’ott., l*popwmaj «lt
) thU the result oT personal dlsappomtmout* If they like. Ho
think that it 1* adherence to principle of the highest Mid no*
blest ctwle- But whatever the muse, the Du: tb» umiuesltan*.
able. Now, If this very numerous. blub-mindcd and intolH*
cnntTlas* of whigs, aro to. !*> left- without any candidal
whatever of aw big stamp, the quMtkm. must and wIU ari»
tn ; They , will tlthcr>lay
i'away from tho poll*, or rote a ticket which they would, lie
sorry to be driven to: and In tho latter event, they would iw
]«l to neglect thomil* State ticket; ortodolt scans barm-
It Is of no ujo whoever for any body to deuouwx those pvr*
son* a* traitors, or frtCtionUt*, or a* not being IVluct. They
alUuch clanmr. Tlmt bold thompelrw to be atteo*
' lately right, in tho course which they arc-taking. -They hnlu ,
"that no kind of regard v&*paM to U«» real loteruds of tho
oounlrv, by the couvcuhojfcwlufii nominated Ueu. Seott-su-J
they are-djsteijnlncyj not to Kine Hon the principle of rtch a
a tunnirtatfoh.*... >.,•-—v
The Bostoa print proceeds to say that in no |
event will tboso who tbus insist on giving their i
votes to Mr. Webster seporoto from the Whig
party. This, we have no doubt, is true. What
would a Webster whig do in tbe dcmoctatiopar*
ty'< He would find few measures which -he could
support, and no principle or legislation to which
he could adhere. Our party wants no recruits
from that quarter. It has already in its rank#
too many politicians who come as near to the
practices of the Webster school ns their position
in the party will possibly allow.
It is really amusing-to loot over the Whig par
peril of thi3 city. The editotJ ore drivonto the
wall for arguments ;wherowit&ta most the over
whelming current of pubUo opinion against their
candidates for President.and President, and
the ward resolutions, writers and speakers, either,
through ignorance or design, are engaged in the
work of exposing the weak points of Whiggory.
The editor of .tho Journal cries out lustily,
now and then, for the Tariff of 1812, notwith
standing the Whig National Contention repudi
ated-tho principles of Protection for Protection’s
eako, and adopted Folk’s principles contained in
tho famous Sane Letter."
■The editor of the Gazette, well known to be
exceedingly liberal in his religions views, and,
at present, quite voeiforons in the defence of tho
“ Irish and Dutch Catholics,” is “ fired with in-
dignation,” because of the’nomination of Judge
Woodward; He also tries his hand at tho Tariff
but the principles of the “ Kune Letter " adopt
ed how by the whigs of the Union, bother, him
amazingly. - , ■■
The editor of the American is all for Scott
and iron. The Irish and Dutch do not bother
him much,, since Bhunk tramped on tho Ameri
can flag, when he walked in the Catholic proces
aion. Scott Soup and Graham Bread are good
enough for him.
:; ,Wonld any person supposo after looking book
at the files of these papers for the years 1844
and JB4B, that they were managed and control-
led by the same persons ? When the Jonmol had,
the Tyler Gripe, the Gazette hod the Fifteen
Whigs disease, and the American was wrapped
in tho flag that Old Shank did not tramp on.
- The other evening there was a meeting of the
Young'Whigs, and they declared among other
things, “ that old issues had come up beforo tho
people,” and what do yon suppose tho “old is
sues” are I Why, they declare them to be “the
Tariff, SiavEnY, the River and Harbor, and Land
Bills.” Wo thought the Bank of the United
States, the Bankrupt Law, and the Distribution
of the Public Lands, and the Wilmot Proviso,
weresome of the old issues, but it wouldseem
that all the old politicians are dead, and tliata
Hew race of leaders havesprung op in the Whig
party, who do not exaotly know.what tho,“old
issues ” were. These young men are undoubt
edly bonnet in'believlng that their party basal
ways supported “the Tariff, SnavEßY, Riverand
Harbor, and Land Bills.”
Doubtless Scott and Graham are bothiToriff
and Slavery men: Scott was ouoo fired with
indignation ” at the free importation of Foreign
few, and was in favor of making a prohibitory
4iHff’fetf tbera. Graham; thought the Tariff of
1842 did not discriminate sufficiently in favor of
American manufactures, and he voted against
thot Whig measure in the U. S. Senate, which
was all right, of-course in him-; But ifcsecma
that Geo. Iff. Dallas, when he ocoupied the Vice
Presidential chair, undertook to vote and net in
about the same way, which very mucWuoensed
our Whig friends,' and they denounced the Vice
, President most unscrupulously- ShouldCtraham
happen to reach that samoplacej what do you
suppose would bo hia course?' iWould
for the Tariff of 1842? or for the principles Of
the Kaue Letter 1
■ Why ore tho .Whigs; not« fired with indigna
tion” at the nomination of Graham, a Free-
Trade Slaveholder, who, if Vioe President, would
vote as Geo. M. Dallas voted ? *
Jjgf* Wallace, the composer, it ia said, re
ceives from W. Hall SSons, of New York, one
hundred dollars for . every original, composition,
he furnishes them, of whatever kind and length,'
if only„a two page Polka. The Musical World
nays they have contracted with him for ten years’
of music at that rate, and have refused $5,080
for the contract < ft is also said the London and
Paris publishers pay Wallace more than twicens
■much as he receives on this side of the Atolntic—
so that he receives over threnhundred dollars for
eaoh of Us compositions. -
, + • < ji •» „* 1 . »»„*,**..-*
’ t , 1 ’
the ISSUE. „ ' |
a Tills is tho fhie i-aueinrolved in the coming 1 Presidential
.election, ■-fit to- an issue between American, prosperity and
American ladepoodencu, - and BriGsii-cipilaJUts and British
'fbeabovoquoiation constitutes a part .of the
specious- and infamou& pleading in. which the
federal press Indulge, to advance the prospects
of Scott nod Guaiiam, and again to delude the
American manufacturer with.ft shamefuVand do-
structive Tariff agitation. It ia sought by the
leaders of Federalism to. arouse.the meohanio,
to convulse the country by politick panic, and
upon the prejudices and feafi* of many hottest
secure the success of their favorite na
tional candidates. We have seen the same game
tried before—and as often; os ifc was attempted,
it failed, covering with disgraoe,those who labor
ed to perpetrate tho fraud.
! We have heretofore shown (hot William A
! Qraham; the Federal candidate for the Vice ;
i Presidency* toted against tho Tariff of 1842.
We have proven that ho spoke flgainßfctbemeaS*
Aire—and we have fully established tho fact that
ho is a confirmed, radical and uncompromising
• free-trade man. ■ Dining tho discussion of that
question (the Tariff of T 42) in the United States
Senate, Graham violently opposed oyery feature,
of the bill—voting ngoinßt it at all tho. points of
its progress, and on its final: passage strongly
and indignantly protested against all its-provi
sions. He lma don© so, because the not was au
tagonistical to his free-trade notions.' Ho has.
done so, because, as ho declared himself, Ilorth*
cm manufacturers had no claims upon Southero
Senators for legislative protection. .We proved,
all this from the record; and yet the federal press,
strive to robe Graham; in the garb of a friend.of
the American manufacturer, and with tho factof
his opposition to tho Tariff of 1 842-staring them,
in tho face, Greeley and Soward preaoh falsehoods
to delude the people, and court them into ..the
belief that William A. Graham is in favor of pro
tecting American industry. But all tho facts,
history, nod the records .of tho nation f s 4 Ugifllar
tare prove otherwise. Provothat Graham is the
foe of every description of-tariffs—prove that ho
is in favor of direct taxation to supply govern
ment support and revenue—prove beyond con
troversion and doubt, that his past course and
presont position are the antipodes of the groat
and growing interests of American industry. :
Gem Scott has never expressed any opinion
I upon tho subject of n Tariff—aud therefore he
occupies a neutral position in hU relation to the
I question. Wo do know, *howcvor, that ho made
Ino effort to secure the passage of the .act of ’4-,
i and that ho professed to bo totally ignorant or
i the provisions of the bill of *42. With a nice
application of bis.meotal powers, ho disregarded
the study of duties and tho solution of "figures,,
to engage in the improvement of the naturalisa
tion laws; and Invent plans which would secure
ly debar .the emigrant from acquiring ft citizen*
ship unless earned by military or marine service.
Tho federal press, however, present Gen. Scott
as the champion of protection, just as Gen. Scott
now wishes to appropriate to himself all the glo
ry of every battle fought from 1812 to the victo
ry before the gates of tho city of Mexico. He
has as little-title to the one as claim to the other,
la regard to both the ißsuo-is easily defined. The
federal party has abandoned jibe real discussion
of the tariff, and history, pre-eminently impar
tial in this instance, records names equally as
brilliant os that of Seott, whoso deeds baveoou
secrated American valor to the odmiratlouof tho
world. • . ■
The issue with the Federal party is the name
on tho subject of tbe iarUf, as on any question
now exciting publio attention and consideration,
•Tlio Convention whieb nominated Scott, smother
ed a direct avowal of regard for all the industri
al classes of tho country—and the raeu who se
cured Graham a place on the Federal ticket, ore
the leaders of radical free-tradcism in the South.
They are disciples of that nullification which
Jackson crashed—and advocate to-day, the prin
ciples which years ago threatened the country
with a sanguinary civil war. Bigottcd, head
strong, and unrelenting in their opposition to
Northern institutions aud manufacturers,, tho
cliqao-wbieh Graham. leads at the South,. Is
equally repulsive tothogeniuß of Southern in
stitutions, and ambitious only to provoke bad.
sectional jealousies, nnd plungo the couutry,into
a social, burine** and political conflict.
Such are some of the issues or this campaign;
and such is the prciont true position of the
leaders of Federalism.— Ptnunjiviininn.
•Von- e/ Ms ' Now Orleans Pica
yune iuintains lire details, of llw news from Ha
vana, of which. we have already given the.sub
stancc by telegraph. A correspondent of that,
paper, writing from Havana, under date of the
3d instant, says;
tor the ’Mr-rmuiT I’tn-t.
“I am told that aspects! guard of twelve of the
police has been detailed to prevent any commu
nication with tlio Crescent City, which arrived
this morning.
“Anordorhos been received at the podt-office,
from the Captain ticnoral,prohibiting tbeadmiu
alon into tbe island of ill newspapers from the
United States. There arc four large bags by the-
Crescent City now under lock and key. Inm
also Informed that the purser of the steamship
has not been permitted to eoino nahore. It is
said tbe purser is accused of carrying exagge
rated accounts of urrests. hero. to sCew Aotby on
bis last trip,”
The writer adds that 400.= suspected persons,
including 14 females, arc now In prison; mid, on
the 2d instant, about thirty prisoners were Seen
to stop at tho commissary’s office. Among them
was n young officer of the rank, of captain, dress
ed in full uniform, with scrcral orders on his
breast, bat with his arms tied behind hlafcack
with strong cords,'
The Captain General lias written to Spain for
instructions. ; Ho docs not know what to dowitb
tho prisoncis. It costs money to maintain thorn, I
and to send them to Spain or .to shoot thorn
would make matters worse, in tho acknowledged
state of public feeling ail over the-island. - In.
fact the government is at its wit’s end, and.does i
not know wbat to do. . f . ■ i
The French oonsul-gcnoral haß written to his
government to send, a force to Havana; for the
protection of Fronoh interests, in case of distur
bance; and Mr. Crawford, the English consul
general, it is said, has done the same. :
Thial or Beamno aui) Mowimt Machises.— I
At tho late State Fair at Utica, N. Y., twelve I
reaping and mowing machines entered the. lists 1
for prizes: Among them wore Kotohum’s mow- i
iog maohino ond MoCormiok and Hussey’s reap-1
ers. J. H. Manny, of Illinois, seems to have
been tho most fortunate competitor, his maohino
receiving the first prize as a mower and tho se
cond ns o reaper. Manny’s maohino- seoms to |
have some important; advantages over all tho
others. Its cutting apparatus is moro perfect,
and it can be easily,-and while in operation, ad
justed to various heights in cutting. It has also
a great advantage in its peculiar combination of
reoping and mowing properties, by which it is
equally adaptod to both purposes; : th? re
moval orinsertion of a loose platform, being tho
only change neoessary to convert it from one to
the other.
■ Fubtheb CohfAbsiox orJahe Wii.i. lAMB.—The
Biobmond (Va.) Republican states that before the |
execution of this liideons monster, on : Friday
last, she confessed to tho Rev. Robert Byland
that she was murderess of tho child ofMr.(Win
eton that died some few weolcs boforo MrsdlVin
ston and her infant woro masaaored, and that sho
poisoned it by administering a. teaspoonfol of
mixture for the' destruction of bed bogs.; She
bound the Bov. gentleman to keep tho confession
a secret until after her cxeoution, fearing that a
mob would seize and destroy her.
I-* or titer from Unriuia,
Another Railroad Comfletbii, —The track
of the Montreal and Now York Bailroaii was
cohnooted with tho track of the Plattaburg and
Montreal Railroad, at the Provinco Line, on
ihursday evening ln'SQtthus completing ; tho iron
coiraeotioa between Lake Champlain at Platts
burg and the River St. Lawrence atCaughna
division of the estate of John Ran*
county of Charlotte, Va.,
known as Middle Quarter, on which wa6 his
mansion, was sold on tho 6th inst, at Charlotte
court-house, for something less than $25,000;-
Wood Bonlden, Esq., of the city Of Bichmoud,
was the purchaser. j ,
E@*Horae thieves are prowliogabout Wheeling,
and stealing alt the good horses they can set
their hands upoih
:•'■ V VS > ,♦■' v ; r V; VX;?.*
Sydney Smith's retdpo for a Winter Salad.
Twolnree potatoes pSfiffid through, kitchen defe,
Unwanted softness to the .
•v ofmorJ<*n mnsjflidodd *■ sjwju;
UWtukUUo condiment which hHcs po &duu
•Butd«jmit of heth?, amuJt
To add aUouble <iuantltyof . ■■■ ■ • ■. .■■
' Throo Umw thoj»poon with oU.of .tucca crown,
And onco with vinegar procured from town.
True flavour needs it, and yodf twt toga
- The pounded yellow of. two wei**DOjicu tgg9»
I Ut onion atomsltak vrtthin the.howl, -
i . Ani ficaro BUfpoctcd, aniionto tho whole,
AndlaHUy,onthe flavored compmuwl tofta.
; ; : A nmglc teaspoon of anchovy K ;
Then Wb gram turttelhU, though veuiaou a tough,
• And ham and turkey ore not boiled cuflMSb,..
I . Serenely Full.tlio Lpicare may .r. .
Fate cannot harm me—l have dined today 5
Items- of Haws and Miscellany-
The Fairfield County Agricultural Fair and
Cattle Shovrcotoes off at Bridgeport* Connect*
the fith, Cth, 7th and Bth of October- P.
T. Barnum, the President of the Society
gives two hundred dollars to be divided into
premiums for a grand union plowing matoh, opGn
to competitors from any State in the. Union hnd
Mrs. Herscheil C. Benson, of Palmer, Mass.,
ejected from her Btomach about the 2*th ult, a
live red evet, or water lizard, nearly, three inche? |
in length. It is supposed that Bbo earned the
animal'in her stomach, about three years, she
having during that time suffered much distres 8
in the stomach, with occasional spasms and a
•peouliar appetite. ■
The Fomological Congress, which has been in
session in Philadelphia for several days, has. ad*
journed to meat in B.oston in 1834.
Moses A. Dropsic has boon nominated by the
wbigs for mayor of the Northern Liberties, Phil
A man named Rains Is to bo hung in Wbitely
county, Ky., on the Bth of October, for the mur
der of another named McFarland. : ,
The' South Western Railroad of Georgia > has
paid n dividend of §8 per share, for .the. year
ending August 1, 1851, after all expenses, and
reserving a snrplUß fund of $18;749. , ..
Nearly Oil the omnibus lines in Philadelphia
have reduced the fare to three cents, and. their
receipts are said to he greater than ever, ,
The Chancellor of New Jersey has granted an
injunction against the Trenton Mutual Life and
Firo Insurance Company, oncomplaiut of sever.*
al porsons formismanagement,
Chris. Lilly, the notorious New York “ bruis
er,” has purchased a schooner at Panama.,
which at last accounts ho was fitting out for the.
gold mines of Australia,
The San Frincisoo Whig of August 14tb, con
tains auotico of the death, on the day .previous,
or the lion. E. W. McGaughey, late member of
Congress from Indiana. He arrived at San
Francisco on the 4th ult., laboring under the
Panama fever, with which ho was attached dar
ing the passage.
Position of Parties—Tho Balance of Powor.
■ Wo hare been at some pains to examine tbo
Genres, and see what the chances of the two
great parties, Whig and Democratic, in view of
their present positions, arc. We must confess
that the hopes of a Whig triumph m November
are opposed by astern array of facts. _ Except
in this State, Vermont, Tennessee and Wisconsin,
the Whigs have not a Governor ; nor a Legisla
ture, sate one In Kentucky, which off sets the
Democratic Legislature of Wisconsin.. Ip Cott
cress the Whig shoo ts equally bad—nay, worse.;,
la the Senate, against 93 Whigs are 91 regular
Democrats; 3 quasi Democrats, alias Free Boil
ers, and 2 vaeancida. la the House, against 73
Whigs, are 140 regular Democrats, anti •> Free
Thus far, the account stands 4 Whig Governors
and Legislatures against 27 Democratic, leaving
a Democratic balance of 23 States; joint Whig
Yotsio Congress 101 against .174 Democrats, 6
Free Soil, end 2 vacancies, leaving a Democratic,
balance, withont Free Soilors, of <*3--a pretty
, . . , ,
We have found it impossible to give, in tabular
form a final item, to wit:-the largest popular
vote of the States which the Whigs hate to over
come. A portion of the States elect.their Gov
ernors by Legislature, hcacc the popular vote
of 1851 is divided-between Gubernatorial, lon ;
grossional and other elections. Wclmve, how-,
ever, by going back to thoPresUential election
x>t 1848, in three or four States, got an average
of the strength or the two parties according w
the latest. - . „ ... ,
Leaving Georgia, South Carolina, Minnesota, ;
and (.’tab out of the question—they nro all De
:mocratio--we find the Whig strength to l>e not
far from 1,260,000 votes, while tho Democratic
vote stands about 1,440,00 G n Demo*
cratio balance of 180,000 votes,.: We have not
recorded tbo Abolition vote of New York—same
6,000, ns cast for Chapin; nor.the Native vote
of New Jersey and Pennsylvania; some 4,000, mi
cast at late elections. Wo find also that in 1848,
had the Democratio party boon united ns it now
is, it would have carried even against Taylori—
' Ohio by some 60,000, New York by over 10,000,
and Pennsylvania, 1 counting the; Native vote
that will now bo cast against Scot t, by a small
majority—thus sconcing the three great States
depended on to elect Gen. Scott.
' What reason then has the Whig party for ex
ulting too loudly over its chances ! Can it ex
pect to carry a stronger veto than Gen. . Taylor
polled—and that vote, with the Democratic party
united, will bo of no avail. , . ,
To our mind the picture ie by no means bright,
and short of the utmost unity in tho Whig ranks,
now shaken by independent movements in Geor
gia, Massachusetts, and elsewhere, and the de
termined organisation of the Native party against
Scott, there is but the smallest chance of euo
cess; We trust, therefore, that Whigs who “Bpit
npon Whig platforms,'’ &0.,". will see that quite
another sort of work will have to bo done to elect
Gen. Scott.
As an adendn to tbo above, you may say that,
since the election of Gen. Taylor, or the latest
trial of tho national strength of the two parties,
a large crop of Democrats have been naturalized
and eeme of age—for it is a fact that youth in
clines to radicalism and Democracy rather than
conservatism. That is, we get up in the morn
ing of life progressing, and lie down at night
Y. Affrror. ,;
Spiritual Rapping®—A Poetical Poem*
Oaco upn nmidnight stormy, a lono baohelor
attorney pondered many acnriouß volume of his
heart’s forgotten loro—while ho nodded, nearly
napping, as of somoooo gently rapping, rapping
at his chamber door. “’Tistho spirits!" and he
started, rapping at my ohambor door!: Oh, for
help! I’m frightened sore!
Then into this ohambor flitting, (not even once
permitting him to fly into the closet, or to get
behind the door,) came the ghosts of fond hearts
broken, (with many a ring and other token,) and
they set thorn down beside him, on tho dusty,
book-strewn floor—set them amid the volumes of
most venerable loro. - Qaolh tho lawyer, ** what
a bore!"
• It must bo something serious; this is certainly
mysteriouß, quite an advent of tho . Bpirit—res
urrection con ntnorr..’ But. I understand, thorn,
mostly! -
[Hero there came a rap: so ghostly that bo
Could ho more dissemble as he had done before;!
and his foes grew paler and paler as ho started
for the door—down he foil upon tho floor.]
Then there came a clatter, clatter, and his
teeth began to shatter, as the spirits gathered
round him,'and accused him very sore; now with
handsome face' Oil smiling, and with.winning
words beguiUng, he had charmed away the senses
of fair maidens by the soorel and each lass had
fondly fancied ’twos her he did adore. Quoth
the lawyer, .“Nevermore!” ;
Started at the stillness broken by reply so opt*
ly spoken, for the answer, strange enough, quite
a relevanoy boro; they began a noisy rapping—
sort of spiritual clapping, which tho lawyer;
thought canid he bnt a fashionable encore—and
again, aa if his sonl in that word he would out
pour, did he groan out “ Nevermore!" ■■■'
I Presently his. soul grew stronger; hesitating
then no longer—“ Oh!" said he, “ sweet spirits,
your forgiveness' I implore; on my kooes to eve
ry ghosteßS, who to love has played the hostess,..
I will promise to recant tho many faithlessthings
I swore! Will yon promise then to leave me?”
Here he pointed to the door.; Happed tho spir
its, “Nevermore!”
“Be that word our sign of parting,” said the
hapless wight, upstarting; “hie yohenoe into
the'darkness, sockye out some distantskoro.
In the noisy oamp or fornm, .in .the lonely sane
sanctorum, snob ghastly, grim, ungalnly gnests
were never seen before, leave my holiness un
broken.’’ Here he opened wide the door.-nap
ped the spirits, “Nevermore!”
Bo those vixen gnests of evil:—spints
thtmgh most uncivil—they will never leave the
lawyer, thongh in tears he may Implore. At his
fWsc.heart they are tapping,- they mo rapping,.
I rapping, rapping, andhe wishes, oh howvwnly!
that his haunted life were o’er; and he often
aigjba, “Ob, could thnt recall the days of yore,
I would mat—" Nevermore 1"
Wedded ere I roiched the twenties '
r l\i tbs one I lovtsl the be* t—
•Young, Moved, raerryhearted, . /.;••••
-Who ahull-say l am.not blest!
But that bliss mdy hot
Fate presents one cruel ban,
lb the &ct that my/ dear husband.
.• Is a literary anant -
You may see ;ttre poet-spirit i :‘r
Shining in bis’ careless dress;'.’ >
Thrown unthinkingly ohout him,.
- With nothbnght of cleanliness.
By the stole of wild disorder,
Which his hair to always inr-r
By the soiled and dog-oared collar**
Curling ’neath hlsTiushayed chin,
: s'j •-.. ‘r~’ :
: By the ink upon hia flngere;-..
And tho dark ond dismal stains .
Soon upon the toblo-coveTr r-
Splto of nil my care ond pains.
By the thonaaodilkeatlractlons
Which the;poet-gift confers,
You may soo that ne Is numbered
?. With the maa/s worshlppere. .
I must gpeatr 1 a smothered whispers,
• And on tip-toe move around,
Lest I rears his dainty fourics ..
By some rude and jarring sound. ■
And to draw his Wrapt attention .
From hi* pdh I vainly try,
And ray kindly wordod question, •
Meets somoihrcign> Rtrange reply.
Worse than tills, and more perplexing,
he is the best of me&r- ■
ifooflateilha*really fancied.. .
. That I too might wield the pen. ;
That I too. must spehd long hours ;
Daily o’nrtho sbtsdof post, • ..V
Dabbing toy bewildered fore head, .
Courting fickle fancy’abost- ••
And if I attempt employment
While he pens romantic lore,
He abstracts my knitting-needles.
Rolls my sprols upon tno floor--.
Till I, sitting down beside him,
Just to pJeasoUio anxious man.. -
WenvetoDgrhymw and rambling
Rather on the prosyplan-r ■
Till my head U aching sadly.
. And my fingers stained with ink—
And tha editors and printers
Are quite pttiiled What to think.
Ah« I should, be *eaUy_happy.
.Did not the fate present aimn
In the fact that my dear husband
:Is a literary man. .- --v ’ .
Ole Boll's •Nob.wat land
purclmsod by Ole Ball, io Pennsylvania, to form
a settlement for his countrymen, lieaitePotter
county, and embraces 120,000 acres. He mode
the purchase from John P. - Cowan, Esq., of Wil
liamsport, Pa., and already some twentyJrardy
sons of Norway have proceeded to their new
homo in that county.— Ball. Sun.
Dtcl>ane’s • WormVemlfcgc.
The Allowing onlcr Bhows at once th? demand for
and the excellence of th!accent medicine. Certificates have
been so multiplied In faror of this Vermifuge, that we con
aider It unnecessary to add any more,
. Bocnmi.tEr Indiana, June 3,1851. ;
Mfstrs. J. Kkd dl hcre, lrftwith
ns twelve doaon bottles - M’L&ncV \drnufugo, wldoh ; is
nearly all sold. Plcaso send quickly tweWodcttonmarOr as
wc do not want to get outof it: for wo consider It the, best
Vermifuge crcr need In tins part of
For sale by most of tho and Mcrehantj, and,
from tho sole proprietors. 52T’ k ;
scp2£fcdAw DO wood street
cgj-Keohftnical Heme4i«#*"CndOT j
we designate a number of articles thatbarolx-ca.introduecd 1
lately -for tho purpose of relieving certain diseases., and do-1
fortuities, that cannot bo readied by the application of nicdh I
does proper.; Atnong. thd important' of .these, are-?. |
SHOULDER BUAC&S—tho object qC which Is to cure stoop-1
a habit- of letmiugYorwardihQUQW and flat-,
client* and very frequently removes a tendency todiwosjs.of
i the itoltnonary organs, dependent on the® dispositions.—
i Three Braces are strong, well made, owl adopted totho use
| of ladh’#, ndasos, !x>ya and meu. • The Gentlemen a BrncpJs.
formed in such ft way as to answer the double-purpose «r a
.Brace ftni suppondew*' $ - PT^ 0 , abovetho.
[ price of suspenders.: The public: may rely ©n the® Braces,
as being what they are represented; many persons of. weak
I and hollow cheats have born completely cured,and, in some,
| tho circiuDfcreneo of the ehestiurreaseda* much as
four inches—thus giving to the-Bungs a fuller action, ana
I adding to.thogcncrnlhcalih and strength, ©t
I TP.rests, AffiwMiNAt surroaTKES, Spi
| nal Suaiwnsary Baiulagetsof e>ery variety now
1 MItUFO. ll,'- K.EYBEH,. Wliolc3ale and Rotoil Druggist,
| So. 140 Wood street,corner of Ahpln.ant’V, Fa,
fr-r^^iIrtRTIL’YLTUB AD EXIUHITIOX— Tljo onuual Y.x
-hlWtlc-n of the Pittsbargh Ilorlicultural Society will
WXoM at ITAsOS-IC HAfifi on the JAl,2il, ao*l= 24th
l dayOf September; \A\ l ftrtldesJbr e tldbitiou :niUsVbe
t iiortod to tbcCohimUl«> or-ATvamsmuMixs Ivfore A
I Miontlur 2lEtof A'plaralwr. -. ■ .•••-.
rftn»lrtifkelsst, VMs2.»ct*. Ity order of
sppUtd h\FoCTl>« tViMMUTKE.
,V'y ; Vi(n(.£.s,\Lß tK-
doots, shoes, SOHHEIS, &c.,
•?/.», . bfrr<u Jkluyen Ztxnl ami. ......
aTiirk embrav'es t»very vanaty. nod ft v.lo of Bools,
S»U«4. Bouneta* &c. k . ptnrhajwl direct from tha Sew.
Bnjiland MfltiUi:vturers,«dapta*t<Tpressiy&rVttUand\V in
ter Kales, ami WiU be Mid at ciortmi prlrtvv ana
cxamhio befbro. buying. ■ • • fepS,2m ~
CA Vim ES IUCH PRISTiID CASUMfiRK.i selling at
OU hcp2o A A MASON A CO &.
LAPIK3 r CLOTH CLOAKS;—A: A. Mmus"* Cn rt will
exhibit tbr sale, on- Monday, ait tirfforUmtafc of fashion
able Cloth Cloak* ami . •. -. wp2o
lAOlt SAlili—Two shares in t,Old, i Savlno Uauk, Alle-.
i gheny. W, MILINfOCK, SJ-Funrtlt street.
Subscribers to the >’uu>i of uwDinmoud Market, wIU pteaae c»U anil nay (he fLW(wneutfinow duo.
Mpaa IL ix. KlN’ft frraumrer.
SAtK-~A(iL*sirahle iuttrfflroimd oh SheiSeld street,
AUeßhcny.-neardlu* residence cfWa terms u
Km.: Cj by iiti which will -r>ir»rcd low; if applied
for soon. Knquuv of < . k -M’CLIMJOCIC. •.
: Sep2o. nt the Carpet \laMimmvBs Fourth street. .
Market street, the rmo:<t;wof t nu» tit in the city, nod tot-
Aalo at Now \ ork City prices, and. from, Aito GO per cent,
cheaper than at any oiiior establishment uj ilnscity, and no
mistake. ;/.■■:• ■ • . sep2o .
SPLENDID GOLD W IUMDJma this morning
-received a Ifirgc additional assortment of due etches,
which he will sell as usual, from 25 lo Go per cent, cheaper
than any other dealer lu this city, at". • -;
Administration aiottee*
'VTOTICE Is hereby given, (hat Letters or Administration
-J3i upon the estate of. DAVID DICKSON, late ftf Sligo, tie*
ceased, hare been granted to the undersigned, residing there,
and all persona having claims or demands againstthe estate
-1 of eald decedent, ore make known the same to.
me, without delay. MARTHA ASX DICKSON,
sepdO-oawfilw* Administratrix.
Magazine* ft>r October s
/TEST received, at II. atom & Co.’a, Nq.32 SmUhHoIJ st i
J Lady's Book for. October;.
Graham's Magazine for October;
The Black Avcmgerof the Spanish Main; by Nedßohtlino
—prico 25 cents;
-The Adventures of a Gentleman In scarchofMlss Smith,
by Eliza A,Thxfiy. ■ ■- i-..
'Unde Tom’s whin as It Is—fresh supply. • - -i , . •
il meter & ca,
/‘'WUSTKYPOIt CITY PltOMSliTY.—Por sain,:* dealra-'
\j bio property of 297 acres of choice land, with. valuable
Improvement?, and very desirably located In Bakorsville,:
eUty miles from Pittsburgh,-on: the West Newton and
Cumberland Plank Bond, Somerset county. A-largo and
convenient dwelling house, now used as a Tavern; with.large
stabling and oat buildings;-also, wagon maker and smith's -
shop, tenant house, £O4 ISO .acres la cultivation; balance
prime timber... The whole well watered;- 1a a woll and taro*
rably known tavern stand. . Prico §6000.. Propcrtywili he
recofvod for the whole; or more, or in part; and payment
given, or received, or for cash, terms liberal. . .
S. CUTIIBKUT, General Agent, -
_SOSmithfldd street.. •
w T7‘INb(JAU i ~oO bbls. liclpro pure Cuter, iastonu
BROOARK SILHjS.—-A, A. Jlabo!T& have jast; re
ceived another lot of 20 pieces Tlchbrocado Silk, from
$1415 to $2,00. goplB
TJORDKRISD PRINTS—Just received; at -A, a. ; &U&05.&
;fi Ox's, 50 piecesnew stylo Bordered Prints, expressly for
Kobo’*. ecplB
SIIAWLS! SHAWLS!—A. A. RUfION & Co., hovo just re-
a largo assortment of rich.'printed 'Cashmere
Shawls, brilliantcolors ■ .■ . • . • seplS
-REPORTS.—Just received; 17th vol(Gth Harris,) Penn*
pylvaniuState Reports, and Jbr sale by- , /
wp!B- .• .. KAY & Vfood eh .
Emporium of Llebu v
: H/ WBWIIT, (fiacwssor to J. S. Tocon) Manufoc
f V • furor: of And Dealer. Wholesale and Retail; in the
above named Oil and Lampn, Ih now receiving a large assort
ment of LAMPS* fur burning tho Ethereal Oil, Cacnphlne,
and Pina .OIL - Also, Lamps or overy description* for burning
jArd'ftmt Lard Oil. . - . .. ••-••• :. ■ :
ChondeUcts, Girandole Hall Lamps, .YTiefcis Globes, Chim-.
ney Mots, Cans, and all things pertaining to the trade.
Ethereal, Camphlnr or Pino OJlj regularly supplied once or
twico a week.
_ All orders left.wKh the wagon, which Is eonstnuHypos
i sing through tho cUy, will bo promptly attended to.) ■
i N. B,—*hampa of oil kinds eitcr»4 7 to burn the Ethereal
OU. All articles delivered in any iiart of. the cjty. or ia Al
legheny, ftva of cost. \V\ H. ttriuiit,
No: 82 Fourth st, {AfeoUo Hall,) ■
between Morhetand afrentr.
■V :&pvr
■f f 1 Undo Tom’* lament for little.Kva }:■ ■:■■■: !
■■ Eliza* Flight—a Scene from Tom’fl CoLin' ;’ - •••••
■v Ihmth of XAtllo Evs> or Fa Going There; :
Deathof (Uttla.ETa.'BFatheri>: :
Old Totfcs at Home;
Oh 1 Boys, Carry Mo Along;
I bareflomothlng sweet to.tell, you, or, In TnhtSnsrin
My Sleep ’’—music dedicated to Catharine Hare* *
Echo of Lucerne, pr the Sufes Mothers with colored
*■ ■ frontispiece;
La; Serenade—-by F. Schubert;
Thou Hast Wounded the Spirit that Loved Theft
. The Bnrmnn Lover; . - j -
rdoftertbee this hand of mine* - >
Ka C W^riSg dflPolka(l<,€oI * eert,forljVar 'Wallace;
nomeAgkin; 1
One -Kfcs of Thine; “ w >
Sb SbTO f ; tbe ' OC “ n ~ W ’ 1 WsmtoJfco the Eea-beat
Ihoßockßesbietbo Sea:
Spring Floseis—iUznrjm;
Gen. KraaUin Phnrce’j) Unmi .March: ,
,; A,«CTiS«ott’».<lnkkStop: '-' s. ■'. •
Rainbow Schottfach: 1
Together with a largo collection of Violin Music, just to
ceitw by AdaffiS & ©j.*a Bxpnss.
#=pK CHABWnE BIBHE, US Wood street. ■
JfS?* Tn tho lata firs at Saw Francisco, wb notice a largo
quantity of Ayer’s Cherry Doctoral burned* livthe possesflion
of one of the Drngglsts: that city. ' (Jol4 Will not con-,
trol disease, ami even in that Opbir country they must pro
vide tills best of ail.remedU*s for colds; roughs and affections
!of tholunga. Indeed, we happen-to know that ilia »n al*
i most Indispensable companion or ; Ihctnulcteet?WxJ inlncrß,.
| • who ore bo mucll and ® continually exposed to tho ereiv
jpg* Especial Attention In Directed in tho I
>iYertiscnriht cf HAILEY’S.; FDREST:>VINE f a raedlclno. J
of zrcot celebrity in the cure of various • morbid nud un- |
healthy conditions of the human body, Arlrins4h>m what is
; usually termed impurUy of the blood. It is recommended
I for tho cure of Dropsy, Gravel, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Cos
■nhrtimfttism'. Qout, -and dlscasoSyof .tto.Heart,,
MS, «lIH H. Khymf, Na 140, corner
Virgin alley, uthoageotfbr tiUahurgh.
another colnmn of this paper.
I aulS'daw
gg- Dr. Gnjnott’s Implored Extractor
Yellow Docl£ and Sarneporllla iaaSure Emu.
; ; -y:'::' .if'-' v : v-'V
TSmusands oflodlvldiials ore- cnrsed with i?n>?wiis cam:
plaints which they inherit fttifl -their pawntA. ;Tho nf .
tUo Yellow fiocli'ttiul Sarsaparilla will:prevent olI,wV
an«l snrea Tost amount of mlsorjyandmany. valuable
for It thoroughlycrpeUfrom tht system thtbitint fafrt/,wbicn
is the Beed of disease, and so takes off .the curse .by. wluch
i the sins or misfortunes of'iho parenta-ard so. often tod
l apon theirtanocent.pftepring'. •:•-
Parents owe itto their children to guard,them ogaius&tho,
effecU of maladies that may bo , communicated fcgr descent*
and children of,parents thatbavoat any time boon affected
with Gm*umplicm f Scrofula or Syphilis, owe It to themselves
to take precaution against the. disease being rerlredinthoin.
Guywtt’s Extract of Yellow-Dock and Satsaparilblanmiro
antidote in such, cases.
4&-ScrofttloU—lt ia du* to',. Kief* Petroleum to say
that if has been known to completely eradicate every vesta go
of this drOadfal disease in less time than any otber.remedy,
and at lees cost or Inconvenience to the patient. \ .•••'
Thti thousands of certificates in. the hands of the proprfe*!
tor, many of which arc ftom well known citizens of tho. city |
ofPHtsboritll and its immediate vicinity, go to. show clearly, J
and beyond all doubt, that-Kma's Pstroleus Is j
of no common value, not only aaVlocol remedy in Jitf-aty-. I
sis, Ehmmativv, Ikafruu, loss of* Sfgty hut as j
Intotflai remedy, inriUng the Investigating physicians, wl
'woll-aa the atiflerlng patient, - to bocomo.acquaintod vrilh its j
merits. , ~ . |
' Those having a dreadof mixtures are assured- that tnis i
medicine la purely natural, imd is bottled-asit flows from I
i the bosom ortheearfli. • . . ♦ - •• •’ i
I . The following cerUJhale U copied frcem\a paper puUuhed at. \
I tfi/raeiae, X. Y* and bears dale Avgust 2,. 1862, io-trAfeA i* j
alto appended the caTiJlcaleofUitcdobraledD* Y. JFbof, i/. D n |
I- This may in truth- certify, that I have been so badly af-1
I Sided with Scrofula tortholastsevcnyearathaimortof the
I time I have been unable to attend to any kind of bus Incas,
I and much of the time unable to walkamrconfined. to my j
I bed, and havo been treated nearly .all the time by. tho host i
l Physicians our country affords occasionally - got Borno re- i
I Ucf.butuo cure, and continued to grow worse uutllDr.Foot
I recommended me to try,thePctrolenm, or Rock Oil, as evo-
I rythlns else had failod Tdid » without faith at first* but.
I the effect was astonishing; it threw the poison to the surface
j at once, and I at once began to grow better, and by using,
1 aeten bottles I have trot a cure worth thousands of dollars. .
I This may certify that I havo been acquainted with Slcr’s
I-Petroleum, or Sock Oil*' for morethan a year, and have re-.
I • peatedly witnessed Its beneficial effects In the euro of indo*.
j lent Ulcers and other diseases tor. which 1t is recommended,
| : and ean with to be amodidnowor-
I tby of attention, ami can safely say that success has attend-
I ed its use where other medieine had tolled.. : > v., -i
| D. T. FOOT, 31. B.
T For salo by xJI the to Pittsburgh: {augnl&w.
liASS—lflO bxs Oby 12, lOby 12: and Why H, In store
r ibr gale by •• •. - (scpll] ■: • A. J: STPAHT..
.TJOTAIOI^— 26 bun, to close, by
■Jt: ■ aepp? - ■• ■ ■■■■•■ :•■■■■■. ■
doz; In store aadtorsaleby
► scp!7 •; ■- .•••••■• . ••• A. J. BfrITART.
>lU)oM£—to doz. m store and.tor.salo.hy: •
} scpl7 ' *■ A. X BXCAUT.'
iy. I'^wa\—A small lot on hand, to dose consignment.
> H.»pl7 A. J. STUABT,
riUMUTiiy 3EEl>—-20 bns prime, in store and foe sale by
X sep!7 A. Jl STUAKT.
UUtil —1 snperior ncw.fiuggy, m store and tor sale by
scp!7 A. J.SIOABT.
tor sale by
JyJL aepW | A. J. STUART. -
[ ATIS MS.—JllKt opcueO,st A. A. HiUMA Ca.% cases
I Satinet*, comprising nil-the best enatenrtnnkes. scplft
~\ rLM'AKl>—can*, a nm rote article, for sale by
JA VA COFFKE—2S pockets Old tioronunent Java; lbr:
foie by [wpiq SMITH & 3ISCLAIII.
T) U LVKIUZLI) SUG AH—lO bbls Lovering’s, lbr sale by :
J scpli. ~ . SMITH A SINCLAHI.
C 1 AKBbTS Sh« H—3 bbls, fur sale by _
17IN11 SLACK TKAS—For fainUy'nfc,ln»maUbttxesfor
C sale by [srplol bMEtll It SIXCLAItL
eILAKIFIKD SCG All—2o bbls. arriving nudfcf Klleby : I
. seplt, - SSUIU A SIiCLAIIL
oTltl I‘— ST bble rugar bonv rup, for ialo l.y
O w-plO SMITH & SI.NCLAIH. - 1
, VtIoCOL-VTI-—d'l bvsMol, fcrraicby
V.. „ r ,jb S' 11 !!* & sixcr.Ain.
Y'f citKAXTS—temts o'rsupcnor quality, fur
.sale by • jfeplb ■. ■ • SMlfll «t SINCLAIIt.
riiltltlbG—J> bi.l, \” 1. hirlole by
El nq>iu * stnTH & siMiLArr.
-cntUiNUSK OlL—iu bids Bank UU."airlvioß jede.
HriIALK iUL—IS bblsWinter lUca< l;c»HVlmle Oil, for
W snip by [.vpM, SMITH A SINCLAHI.
SUUAlt—ii bills laiyenufflbiir Ralo byr
Vj tapis _ _ SMITH A riItiCIAIM.
S- Mo'KKH 11KI1HISG--IUO tout Sal- Hen-lng.fiir kale by.
vaplß SMITH A aIXCmiL
MAUDUt— i casks, for Mile by
vapid SMITn & SKCLAHI.
i 3 AISIJiS—!SO bxa priUJB bunch ilmsius;, - \ v •
ft, subalMwa Iftyi* dovtfor hM« bj'
T* lO COF*'i£i>—4oo twins prune: lilo • Cotfw,- alid
K, for solo hy i43imt £ metam,
wlO : 14 and ti> Wood street
MACK.KRLK —100 bbl* No IX large :
SOhnWWh do; Forwloby m
No. 1 Utmk m ;
• 6do . latent l*nint; In f»torc aud /or sale by . •
■■ ’ ■ • A. J. StfUAKT.;
GIUAltt— iikwo Common; - •■ r: ■
10,000 Spanish: to'claso oxit. • : ’ ■ -
sepir A. J. STUART.
f'VJKkJSIS--' JUo;
\j a> do Lacuayra; in store apd forsale hy.
eoplT » A. J. SITART.
O TEAM 'ENQINE—A' email upright Steam Rnguuv slx
• horse power, tbr Bale. -Al IJ. A J,-LITTLE'S lilfle Bar
rel Factory on- Allegheny street, Ninth Word. -sopllwllw •
Carpet Warehouse, S 5 Fourth _ ♦ • i-
apply ** __ W. M CtINTOCK.
T^WUK—SOO bbls to arrive, *nfl for Kilo by - * ;:,vr
r ' A. «!.. UTUABTi
Ko. 0 SnuUificid elroetj : *
opposite M'oaongabeta Houses:...
. ..... .. - ..
/*1 LOTUS! CLOTHS!—A. A. MjVSu*i & Co., bavo just
! opened 10 cases fine ymncb, .English and -American
liroad Cloths, assorted colors. A 150,15 esses plain aniTEuncy
Casslmercs. x * -
T AWES’ HABIT CLOTU.-~A. A. MAbos & Uo. liSV* just
JLi Revived 50 pieces lino VrencU. Habit- Cloths, splendid *
colors* suitable and ftsliionabte forladies’Cloaks,
I i Morocco* Enameled Baskins,and Jenny Untl. <■■.
Just ■- • B. BCHMI2XITZ,
ccpls- 107 Market: street
S WCISS—76 mats Cassia;
10 bags Pimento;
20 do Pepper: Tor sale by
V/ Jtor salo by , - A- WILivTNS & G).,
S tock «n<i Exchange Brokers, r -
75 kourUt street.
rv tOIIAC(X>—3O kegft 0 twin;
1 20 bxs 6's do;
' 10 do'Bte doV- '■ •
20 cones pound lumps j In store and fin sole.:
' “ A* J,.STUAHT, -
Situation as Buolc-feecpec Wanted)
By a young tium competent to take entire charge of the
UpoKB of a>Vhole«UQ c!itobliflhmcnt. lJcst ofclty re
fers nreafurniaheU. ' linijoUc aV l?- M. j - DAVTS 1 . -Auction
W , ooU Mul £ifUi BtTeoU». :: : ••■•■: geplfl :
milE xiiny foason haying commenced, oeery lady •: should
1 bo supplied with apair.bfthose FAJ<CY GOM HOOTS:
now opening at W; 12. SCIIMEIIT2*VIn point of comfort?.
elegance amlnaYoltyytbey arC’aneqttalled. Also—Sandal*,'
Gossamers, ami Jcnuyllnd, Hl&cs and of evfery
style, [scpltil 107 MARKET &T.
*IH7XMX)\> GLASS—.aw bxa Bby 10;
VV m do 10 by 12;
CO do 10 by 14 ;
do lObrlO
. All of good brands*. . For sale by , l • •
ifI^OHACCO—:JS bxs AV, H.Oruoft;
J_ . . . ' -10 ila HuK}teU &HohiawDn’a, &*s;
;; 10 coses SlypTa* Aroumtluj ■•■
. 10 bxa Bylanrt&.Hycn?, s'&;-'
15 hxA AVub/rtcr Old; pa;
: OahrmU and for sale br; : ;i. m Vj:
scpio PM ECII l BISCIiA.nL
I 7 - Sheepskin; •• .•. . Manilla;-;
Adobdde, * Jute,
Alieant, Coco,
anil Faney Mats - -
Just received and now openin'? atthn IVarchouso of
w. arcuHtncK.
Political Economy. “ “
purchase homo manufactured articles; as well
X t& thir use dMiifiied, m, j-ood in rnotfriaJ, and
better work; tlum topolßa , vork,'do- tt. • Fifty pep r?nt, bf
yout money must stay here, unit b£> MM?nMn your taidSt.—
Coll &t GOTIOO lIALL, wul examine the Fall' : ■• •
• . IM)XS‘’CLOTIIINti-r-cmilJnw.lni?’ -
Bojra 254 years old, and :upwaiUft—numutertured -iu this
ell?, under the proprlutor's iramedlote* suporrhloa.":.
J?K S£VX>r ?Q ftKASZ, *
FeplG 1 - CUE3TKR, 74 Uood street,
•*tnv liucrltlu, or Xlu Bomu>i»'«( \Vor,"
IS thn title <jfunawUookjnstpuWWicJ,- in -Star
and for sole at MISAK'S; Eto;32-The
incidents throughout are ;iof the
tending Inthalr rauaev.fro» i the^eW:of-^ t tle>.an4thi»«-
Tfintures among Querinahamtitflj to - the-hftdlOTy: w&oro thw
.no&aof’warare hushed "by those ol love»; /The wojthturi»«
out displays a master hand. „ , - . .
•Another exceUout Boot jwtpuhVJ'rd. onaalso «1«
ftt n. MINKR k Co/a Book Store, “ pads and
Heart r, or My Brother, ttoCotoioL” written. fcjrßfi
author of marb ctleWtv-oui uUt to (bund highly Intercut-
Ing. r . ‘ M IJ6
I JebocW not neglect these tfosirohlo and mjeahlo articles,
to« (ind i
HSasiSS s #!;
: S£ffigass®
! or Chapped Hands Immediately. IheyaremadijaUJengtJu,
Itb prbtecttio arm*and wrtote. <
| foraalo hr Bowen & ITNamee, New Tort; Narcrcra &
Townoi; Boston ; John. iPwrnto, - 4?hUaaelplila: &at piina
demon* Co, Baltimore; mi £ Brother,St I<W Bait *
Hfclttfflt.Clwtaasll, and by aU BatberDealcre lathe ViSo*
Far solo at retail hr Country Korcfcanta thron£hon*.tliß'
Voted State* m& Canada* _
' V *♦. ' vr # *
Jt'- ' -‘
dX/ r -i? X**
tv ;i- a #
Eumey’s Mammoth 7 BaDooa -HiUfliHft
JOHS M. KINSEY, Utauns aS» Imwbh
* '■ElETOB«»j*<!tfiißr »n
-' dilwn* 0/ Allegheny
astiisit- . ASCKKSIOX,
atior of the übora «st»b-
Httebnrxh.oa :
INUfaUiers will bo»
j western country.
j> tb« unrlTOltal attro>
Balloon Ascension »na :
QMTOwiBIM riven
ibitlons, without «tr»
1C Ol ; *
commence exhibiting on
KYEVING, Sept. 23, and
tog which- time a benefit
, .v -.. . ment and a magnificent
SILVER THUMBET will be presented to the Ptto Company
polling the largest number of ticket*
The whole combination of Talent, &c*r trflt to exhllv
itci from vxksasrs mammotu museum patillios,
ihroWted with substantial raised *cata, capable of accommo
dating comfortably 7000 persons, and a Phnj nett/ f furnished
Ul h'irulsorao style, -njlth UOOO comfortable reata*-tbo whole
bclnjz sufficient to accommodate 10,000 persons, and overy
om* in tho Pnvillion hear and sva thv-perfbnnahces, with
ea &- Admission to SinWiton—Boses, 25 cents,
only; Purquctta Ticke&v numbered, ami otwy one gnatao
teed ascot, fiO cents.
JES~ Yor full particulars, seeposterfl and amali bUIS
! gcp7JwiU2tir yT. BURNELL, Adrortiwr.
' A NB every night, and TODXESPAY and SATUUDAY
•/%.: AFTERNOONS, nt S-tfclock.- -This magnlflcontaaiilex*
quirftcly lltjished work of. art baaboco.pronounced by the
most celebrated artists a vlxid-UJid lifelike picture oCtiio
Emerald Isle. Grandeur, beauty and ritvAnd aoU*
tudo, mountain, lake and wood; ilia stately .edifices of h>
day, and-thP mighty ruins that attest theglaryofthe past,
are vividly pictured.
,Appropriate mu/dc on-each. occasion. Henry D. O Itciuy,
the Orator and Humorist,, will give the oral sketches of Ire*
- land magnificent scanery,-- J • •
JJS* Tlekota 2i taenfs? children li»If price.
Say* Doom open at -7>. to. begin a t 8.
§• ''fV
| ;
- - JSPEOIAIi NOTICEg~^' [ :>/'
>R. iaii t Surgeou bentlgtv-{SaMS»oioT :
Si. W. Biddle 1 tig 1M Broitbßeld lit. - [mySrf
A. O. D»— Meets above tiioO'BclUyTclegrsph
Otllce, comer of .Third cu&TWaod streets, erepr Mon-
Ui*y evening. . ( w - .. .■■ ■ '• - :■ - v. - . ... 1 npiis
IiODGK* l. Oi Oi -Fr—tbo l .. -a
Angerona-L0dg0,N0.250,1.0.0f O.R, tottiM ercry | , v
Wwtoealay ovetnng mi W’ojhtogtog Il»n, Wood at* tiylqr:,
rr^BDACl£?riSA.^ortb®bcatuouwa'miftpnte-1 ; • 1
No;3& rinu
Tcaacan always bo had. - Ciy° %
rr-=r»l* O. O. JbV-FJfieeof UaU, : ft
Wood FNlb istecotjuid aUeyv .-: *
• ttrraDCßfl«-LoD(UV»o.3ofrr-Meel» ovory TacsOstfvrcnlnff. g
■: SLEacAXTM 'EsfC4JI?JttST,'No; tnlra.
Friday of each-monUi. ‘ [mar2s;ly
F. Fintf»ENßE*te, Dental Bw
(i^§r; ThJid stn^erfeV'.’dodt*-obof*.
SmithfidU. Office vp stniffc . Ur, F» has been connected ynth
i the establishment ofltr. flulUbep, of Wheeling)
fiveycars. r
--cqOTAjfjvS r:
IhS? 7 Hartford, Coim*--Capltai auxll s3U&Ci^ s A**
sets $189,172.- Office of- tiltt
Boom of SPCufdy A 59 'Vood P«w«.
■ nov4:tf •-R.:HrlMSlifiOy» Afemf. ■ •
’ ; A. XBtUAKT.
corusU ComiU AKMt i&w
b^> J rods are drcAdlfally toraeatetf. srith eprn*.j.'A certain
remedy will T»~fouji4 in. Dr. •CoifSift'CMur PlastEh, lot
sald by W, GEtfc 8/«KnSKK, 140 Wodtl Afreet.: - - -
; Pries,retail nMSMoiul 2a cts. per'box. : •■, • , ;i ;.<eopB ..•.
•' ft&.Mbcrnl dedaeuong to thoso who bay to bcU egata. ..
(£■*£>?. CShamberiin’el}—C&reof of .-Thi&lmiuiVar&et streets, $
(third Pittsburgh, Pa. H P. GOOOXODGII, Pruett-. g ;
fiol IL C. BPZNCBR, Aw»cl&to.i AtWrera,
P; B. Teacher oMVrUlug. toiil..O3in
modal CorrcKpondfincfc, Eooexteniial notice ia-att&tbcr f ,
lYJnmn * Bttli j?
Curtolu MaterU
; of evory aoscrlpS(tfi» > 3 dtaw t
i MtuhcsyltfocatcHe?, &&9-.IM& ana <Aiosllii Curtains, K. T£. %
Fuiatcd-WindOT?. Gilt Custom Fin*; Bands, 1
Ac., nt wholesale and retail* . •. ’• iLOARSYSr .fi
Curtains 'Made tmfl I'rimmciiin theTcry-noweßti'roncTMj
Emartfcly -:f
Fire insurance pomp*- S. ■
nyi—llarrKmirg. fa. OnjUtal $2Wl,O<». Borisned 8 .
only for'Ula saCit classes: of property; has an amflo capital, rf :
anil olTocd.s aupenpr advantages la point orcbeapneea, Minty £.
-ftml DfcommodnUon, to city uml .conntty ararcbdnta ■
anil councryuropcrty,,.--- ,r ■
A. A. CABIUhU, Actuary* 0
iiovl2V- v -- -Tlranch office {•s• •
\Yloulow S&«uo SlmiuAc*;; r •
miiTJtni?r;i»mA- Ouy motto ij>■«.» Quick Mileimtid Sawtth
'■ * < Q®' Store r Church; im<lioJgftßooiOi-SIL'V.UE8 J .iaa»lfl *n»rj- -.
others ore U»v*leu fa give ua a call, l*e-iv • . ..
fore purclmalns elaewhrte. ‘--'• tF- Xu Y- .
• • corner fiOoonfl nad Arch BtB..PhiU» I; ; •
rin'fiJt kitirlfl'OC : :
i nnd animals ltfceijes9, ua!iX/? and vastly ;
periorto thO CimuoioiichcapiUigwscreotjfpcßjat tlifrfoUovujg,:.} -;-
cheap pr««*. SI.W, and upwnrJ K Bwordinß to '
thn Kl«*aodq»aUiy ofcase orfiromc.;.: . - , ...:. ?•
1- IfourßflJf childrens trom 11 : A. 51.t0 2iV.M. •..■•• . 5'
I K; 8.-*—hlkeods^ l . l * or&lcfcoc deceased peruana warn in any};
|partortlwcjfv* ' „ {m>T2o:ly. fr.
li» yonv - HOTs«»r*.»Bifa ZlO>T3,f
public as a guaranteed. corefbr thtvht&ywlnliOTjHis, and JU S..
the cmlymedirincvkxKnn> JidST' l^!o ' ■>■
beenuwd, inthepmato vftfarmarypHWUwra;
: tor (bribe last
of that noble animal, the hoist*, far labor, ys beu troubiedl
with this common disease, shouldinduceemy pooluiongs
ttneh, to apply ImmediAfatyTorthlsreinedy. iorjtalß'«lioi&,,
Kalomidrctan it Dr. K>.TT3FJ , . 1 3I>ntytetore,Ko44ll, ?
jy2b <l&\v corner nf Wood fit., ahd 1 iiKta alley, j *
Noises alltUßaj;
greeahledischarges from tUe Bndpinaai. >
rieuily removed, ■without paia«rln«mTomence t >»y Dr-llm*
ur, Principal Aunst of UwN, Y. Ear Surgery,irho may bt<
oontrultcdtiKW ArcliPtweljMiilatlclpUi3ifrotn9 A, a
P.M i ;
thisbrrmeh reduce •
treatment to rath a degree of ennxa»9MtD;flß<lthemQ3t conj .... ,
firmed nud obstinate caseiyleldjby attention fo-tM .-••,»
gteao3pruvribed- • [abg26 ■, | .
J.C.A'fDZttSON i.rt....... M 3 AS TISDLEf
C. Andersoa avd Mlaas Tlndfle bavo
tULs day entered Into partnership, undo? tho firm mu]
style of J..C; Anderson &■ Co.; Intbivmwlesalo.lfruit anu
Confcctioxmsy bosincx.*, Xo- 0 \Tood Ptrcetj Pittsburgh. - $
Havirtg IlLipOßOd of my entire interest in the IVbolcfoJJ!
Pruitaod Co Dictionary bUfduew,to Mesanu J, C.
A Coi riake :pioas\ir» in wmnnmdJngiheTO to &rlne\j
frfendsand crattuticra; ‘and hope for them n. continuance o>
SkerUEalty—2b ite
Cbimfy; 1 offermysclf as a caruliOato ftrthafclflce tf \-.
aHJSBIFFrfoT iIia erumlng V&i '"'
hDmißatlott, v aa*oiilwiepciuJctltCandiaato,attd ’cyouldthaDfc:
fUUy* solicit tlio totes bfiajrfcllow-eilijeii*'of <JlpartlsVri
ft rtrfilonttj of tbirty-ilirofe 7ca» (ttM tto»B*ODthSji .
lia Pittsburgh, In'active buKlnesp, 1 - truatmy. diameter -
i known to tiiis eattre ccmcmulty > os crot to tcq.ttlrßany cnj :
| doracmeot,amUu>i>o Imxy View
give ytrarsuHragiM to ’tl» dost fortt^. .
[ oato,; Bookscllcrrin Westernyennsylvania, and oblige, gen? ;
UeJhen, yourobedicnt servant* L «
| : iuao MKE JLOOiIIB. j-
Flrenun’s Inraxuci .
Company of tl»oCltfofPitt*bnrghi ;
_W. W. MIMfWf, Secretary
..;/■ Will Insure and 31AKINJ5 BISKS of.olj
kinds. Office:- la AlaiWßgr&ola lloase, 2fos* 124- snU Vi. .. .
Wetter street - ....... ; \
un&crow: r <
W. W. Dallas, John Anderson, \
11. C. Sawyor, ItlkblitaMcn, i
Wm. M. itfgar, JL a WUVdtm, }
:■■ lloljerfcliTnnojv'- ' ;.• Charles Kent, ' . $
■■■ WiUlamOennatt,'" ; • • • WnilamOolliagtrootf,
■* ’ -A. y. AnshoU, ■ : 4<»epli Kayo,
• / William DrWrljtfiter,
FellcmV Httll* Odeon Ibirri, ■ v
U*t£r grot, between Jfoorf xtrni JSouihJield tfxtxU<~-ViW -v''
burgh Encampment,*No. ‘4 and third Tuesday* 1 - ■•■•■'
Pitteburgh Degrco Lodge, Xo. 4, jaeote imocmd and fourth
Tuesdays. , . $,
: .Wwtcrii Star Lodge, No, SI, meets - every, “Wedn egda”
evening. - 's
. Irott City Lodge, No. IB2jxaooti.oTcry..Manday evening. ■&■
. Mount Moriah Lodge; sty., sto* moctj* cteiy ;
pffjftt UxiltmllaUj eomer of/yifth and BB&Unflald. : 'i ' 'b>'
No* 38T?, :inc«t& eTory Thursday evening, nT •
taur Ttall, career of SmHhfield and .Fifth atiwrta. • :.• J *
TwJnXJits",l<s<lce f mcots every lWdAy «renbig«-S .
ttllj corner of XcaeocK and SsnUafifcy rtreet£- Allegheny. -
T« , J mygfaly g
j\*^?»Cti In&uranee Company oj
lrt£?: G. HU£S£Y, President: SAM.
CKL L. 'MARB7IELL, Secretory, t.
■ Office:
plppf Rivers and tributaries. * - \
. Insures against J«worXtanjago.lorPira.: - ? . • 5 ‘ r :
- • the Perfta of and Inland Navigp •
Uon and Transportation- \
- .. : .XSKIC7OBS: * \
CO. Hussey*-. ;? '. ■ \Vin.lArimer f 5r.,.: - ■?■- /
iky OF FITtKWTJiaB y SloSfooiP
Piwident. JASU3? & HOOX; «*W«»UOIT
> lee President: &AMOEL M’CLintKA'M ."••■" •*■.
Treasurer: JOSEPH 5. LEECH. . *
Secretary; 0 A. OOLTOX. r *
OrncE, So. 55 ftJrnjTter, n Mistmc Emma -
” lt °'° «.»«*;
o KOuc tioo of Ono-tllnl £nan too MiS
“JSSt^S^C?^.! 0 * of thitottnsliS c£'
Odrt per cent, paid annually m nJxzaaL
£bk» token on iholiTconTperwiis going to Muiirnio. '
’ t _ - „ METctom:,.
datoea 8--Hoon* , Jw.epbS.,Xoft&,
tSmi A-Co'ton, Kaimid M’Clurk&B, « • .
WUUiunPhillips, John JL IVflwn, t" "
wwnieto' Jotosrott- --- -
r,,„*rt*o* Pay andEv«nlOg School, if; ■■
iQ- retimiiagltiaiiks -tor the liberal par* ■
■ towg® -
and thepnhlte, tlmt he eRt, at the rtvi[ii>t of some paeflil
namaa Ms MHRCA.KTISB ANU MATOTaufxfr,:
-EVENING SCHOOL, an StOXBAr, theSOth lastanMn 5*
Methodist Chorch. wilto street, hetycoa High and Toodelto'-
/wheroheteadif* hU DsySchooi. \
„ SPho wpabOltiM of the spheetUmrar* weti fcoown, ana a/
plodgwhSiolf todoalltoJMapowM'toTOdAthatounKUatK ■-
Improyemeotif thaw aho-may become htvjmaus, jtm:
Jtathcmltio, aa well at Bodt-kseplne, iti alt their denrtT
meats, »Ul tx>t»o*M; saltho Srhoti aappUed with Mm*.?
Globes, and the other aeceoai? Mathematical Instrument?. ■■’■'■■
tSf HoochHost6 to:# *fel«k. Ifmr terms, apply at tS -
&*»!. (stflTtKl dOattUjfi»S,
William nasally, i BmraolM. Klcr.
•; Uugh D. King,; .AVilliam Bingham,
/P.JX>hatonf- v
* B.'Hartaragh> Pnmcls SqlLtjv
. ■ J.Schocmnakor,- -
/ WaiterltayauV bataocl Roo,. >
Isaac P^nnock.
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