The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, September 11, 1852, Image 3

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    W) ' 3j-v':^vNf
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i ;.V»&!?%t4K^ji^^^K , ;t!ii^^?t#ili’l!f
"* SpwfefiM
, . ' . , _ - -* ;, ’vf .**««>%? > ** *» * -
ssi*;P£i W Ka:«■/;, ■ \
*<'pu *>s^I> U% ■ x s• •> 1 ■ , v <>* ft***-*•■. : -:-*?*"&&&%**< .. - -•- ;• , r' ■ N a- ~ , '--' s.?
tes«3S^ i^^^^mmm-:<~ s ■■"*,,..■,-. ■■.•■.. \; ..
; ,;K;■/..>:. - •■■-. V/'.'v'--.--: i*. ■.,
jOIDf UARTOS, Pittflbargb.
•JOB ASSKBBtT,. . • . .. - *.. .
* aJ U GRIBBKX, Pittsburgh,
*• GEOROE F- GILMORE, .LawreneevUle,
SAMUEL McKEE, Birmingham,
J C- STEWART, Pium Township
CHARLES KENT, Pittsburgh.
”f t «mt CDHJfII'UOSEB,; ' : ;
I , JACOB TOMER, Pittsburgh. ■
i ' ‘ \ OOfiOStB,
, JACOB McCOLLISTER, Pittsburgh,
i Atjumm,
* EDWARD McCOREXE. Indians. TownOdp.
- iUtio|f*>«Ursud» luptddiuns&r Kiw -m Tm t»car.ff«r*
iadJfobOOeca,iraaß» now sripttfet tc do PJUKTIKQ OF ALL BINDS, t& th*
n^trrt*tTU I *ai upantbt lcwnt taraa.Nßmrcb* uii ndit} of Tjp*. f»»
Oft? Ihwrfe* donut DmaaoJ, trill aim b* la ear cztnsrc Joo QtEee.
tilreMtcHL' " .• ■;•••,: '
Tke-Cqovtt Omenta.—Out readers arc already awate
that s serious difficulty has arisen between wveral members
•of the bar, headed by 3lr. Albex, and the Sheriff of the
county* Mr. Ctf&ns. Mr Alden, in a series of communica
tion* which havo appeared in the Dispatch over the signs*
tnreof “Observer,” lfes charged the Sheriff •with increasing
the expenses or his offlec oYer hU predecessor, and also, of
''illegally receiving from the tounly, about five thousand
dollars a year. This is about the total of the charge of Mr.
*A. who say* that the sheriff obtained this amount yearly,
by withholding money intonded for the support of the pris
oners In the county Jail. The friends of the Sheriff con.
tend he is inuocc&t of nil peculation, and that he has cos
. tom-onilawon his rfdeof too case..
Mr. Alden’s numerousfixUcleshatring failed to bring forth
any rejoinder from the person attacked hy him* he, on ibo;
last day of-August* madetoe following offer, in writing, to
tfac County Commissionersoffering security in tha6um
one hundred thousand dollars, farthe fruitful performance
of the duty>-
“To Vie Cbmmitsioners ~ qf Allegheny CVmnfy.—“Gentlotc?
.*•**<»• lam satisfied tlrnt of the largo mim assessed
on this county, from seventy-five to eighty thousand dollars:
a year, ono hair is illegally* and improperly expended, and
that this waste of the pnblle money is yearly Increasing.
: * T therefore propose,'’ for this sole ronrideratlon,-
Vlt: the gratitude of my follow dtixons, to correct the otII,
* which too existing Jaws are amply sufficient.
“I will also give ample security. * to effect this
reformih toe expenditure within twelve months from this,
date complete, and to savoand Indemnify and fcoep harmless
the conntyfrom nil costa and charges, to which .they,
by any possibility bo putdect, In carrying out the contem
plate! reform.
*«lt is to bo further understood, that la making this great
reduction in too country expenses, no part of the public kct*
vlceor. dutirsof heroSlcem ia to bo omitted •
“Respectfully, Ac., T. J. Fox AIDES.”
“P. S.—TU lierform this undertaking, my proposition must
bfeaccepted this wf»k, and ibe Commissioners, if they ae-.
. cent, will pleaso state In writing the amount of security re*
■ quired. T. J. Fox Aurnx.
- Mr. Mitchell one of the County Commissioners,. was in
favor of-accepting the offer of Mr. Alden, but was ovnrrul
el by tho other Commissioners Messrs. King and,Boyles. .
This is the way tho case Elands nt present, but “we shall
• tee what we shall see.” •
Coopt.—The following cases were argued in ■ the
SaprcmeCourVyostfirday, but no decisions were given,:
Curtis m County Of Allegheny; No. CO, I&JL This was
an action-hrooght by tho Sheriff to recover, money paSl
troops callcdont by that fiindionary duriTig the Bolling.
MBl lUots.- The argument lu the case wM. restguftl yester
day morning, by Mr, Loomis fbr the defendant, and . replied
to by Mr. tniUams for plivintiff..
Foord vs. fiioey, ctol, No. 32;-1651. . Arguc\l byMxvDuu
lop fop by Loomis for defendant.':— -; _ >;
* Soles Tsiffickman. No; R 3; 1851: Argued by Mr.-Wood
'for plaintiff} the Court declined hearing defendant's conn'
selr ' . .. - ‘■
Campbell vs. Brown, No. 34; ISSL Argued by Mr. Wood
fbr plaintiff;the Court declined hearing dcfrndaal’s counsel.
Irwin ts. TFicfcenjbtun, No. 35; IESI- Argued by Hraßlg
;hamforplehrilff.: . . - V-:'.
“Katy Dabliko’s Tauewssx.”—We have received from
Ktoimof Third street, • a piece of music—ond answer; to,
KatyDariiDg, entitled Katy Darlings Farewell. It U a beau
tiful song—the words are by Mrs. Harah T.Bollen, and, the
music by our talented townsman, Mr. 11.. KledOl It
ifully cj®bclli«hcJ with an elegant vignette, tuul
published by Prith, Fond A Ox, of New York, the mosicei.
ebrated music publishers ofthceast.- Mr. Klcbcr, tbecom*
po»crof thi« rsong. has achieved on enviable, reputation, by
, the £xercbe of his talents as a composer...; .
TUE greatest humbug of the season was the gift exhibition i
of Herr Alexander on Thursday night. It wa« very largely |
attended, and no daubt he by Ih.aaalwdU the j
jeweller who fumbhed the brass, nut it was no xuatteror !
onra, for whtws buainer* is if eight hundred of Hu* fot** j
'mTgwr'nt© “taken in' 7 by ■*' poU”'.o# the grand gift j
performance.' Tho next humbng aunouneod is one designed {
To gull the firemen: A silver horn will be pref*ttted to Uu? j
companysclliog r' j
Tub Festival, ot the “Sixth presbyterian-Churcb, on Tlmrs*
day eTeningj'waalßrgcly.ftlionded ly young niul old, piale
and female. It poised off'very pleaaautly.;and rvßeetcd
great cmlit on too originators of it. The tables were set iu
. the basement of thewlmrth* and they Cdrly'groanod under
toe weight of tho good tilings exposed for sale. The festival
must have brought a good deal of money, Into the treasury
■ tot the church. -It was eontinucil yesterday, and attended by.
a large number of the little ones.* .
Sntwua Assault.—A uian who gave hi* uame as Patrick
Keefe, entered Aid. Major's office on Thursday evening, < k o\-
<md with blood, and made an information which detiUliJ
the manner *lie ‘had come in possession or* broken head.
Mlcliacl and Sarah Keefe, it appeared, h*vlug something to
do with It, a warrant was issued. au{htlu>y wpre om>>teU on<l
held to ban—the fanner In *3OO nud the latter iu $2OO. Tlui
fight Uitwoon these persons took place at the. head of- YTy he
street. ■ • ■ ; '-'v
■;■■ a COtt&Knov.—The name of A. W, Lewis was substituted
lor that of oiir talented townsman, A. W. Idomta, Esq-, In
our court reports of yesterday morning. We also stated, in*
accurately, that Mr. Campbell was admitted to the bar, on
• motion of Mr. Hampton, whan itahnuld have been on mo
tion of A. W-liXHnls, JEsq. Tfaeso errors tire apt to creep
into our court reports, especially when tho reporter has no
-acquaintance with members of the bar.
. .> Auxgrmt Valiev JUllboad,—'ThePresident of this rood,
Wm. F. Johnston nrrivaHu this city on Thursday evening,
after a most encouraging tour, along the projected route of
the road. Since his arrival he roceircd ft tetter from Claris
on stating that the Qraud Jury .of Clarion county hsvc ro.
' eomtnended au appropriation of to the Alleglieny
Talley Boad.
Fqrtrait Gauxby.— We hate received the number
of-this valuable work from J. A. Hudson, agent fbrthoworh
Pennsylranlai tThhi number contains portraits
of Timothy Dwight, one of the most eminent of American
divines, of Joel Barlow, one of onr eartiest and. best poets; ,
and of John Trumbull, the celebrated pointer.
■ As Assault.— John Morrison made on Information before.
Alderman MTdwter yesterday, against o man named Bryan
KUldnff, in which he charged Kflldaff With assaulting .
A warrant for the arrest of the assailant was issued., by the
Alderman; The parties reside in Charlie** township, and
are employed in Ixirenz & Sterling's rolling mill..
Co-traaj^—Mr.-fleorgolC. Wilkin*, a celebrated vocalist,
»m five a concert at Wrltlns Hall tonight Mr. W Is nude
celebrated, tut a-roculist ,and Irish commcdlan, anil, no
doubt trill give satlrfrction torucb of onr citiccns tit pay a
i ldt to tbe ball.
Tbe flsm holds levee at llaU to-night,—.
■Me Will hbo <f beat hpme," to.Jiuch as cbopso to call on him
-during the day. KOne of our cituens Should .permit, this
r wouileTfuVmau. to leave our city, .without, giving,him a
PnonrAEix—The Chronicle says that Masonic Hall yield 3,
a revenue'of about $4OOO annually and Lafayette Hall abou t
«3000. ‘ - 'We.irsnt a larger: Hall than either 0! thum dovm
t >vrn, and one provided nlth galleries. . ..a ■■■■••.
: BUBOUSt —The bonce of Mr. J V. Riddle,-: of Sandusky
street Allegheny CSty ivaa entered, on Ihuralay - night and
the usual quantity of valuable papers taken, ;The. rascals
only got thirty ccnta in money.
Waoov Ltcivir—Snita have been instituted by High Con
s'AhlcM’.VMter, before Mayor Fleming, of Allegheny City
k-sainst ell delinquent!) who have nut paid their tragou li
cense, for the present year.
Buu- —There araa not a single commitment to tbe county
iall yesterday. There «-aa not a care before ‘be J ayor,ex.
eept a potty soretyoftho peace lnlbrmaUnn, and there it
a Tery, very dull time at all the ponce offices.
Aldouiah Pamkmv, who has been aickeinee Ida return
fromthe cart, transacted the first business in bis ofilce ««
*.somc weeks, on Thursday evening, by . committing two men
tojaUfordisorderiy conduct. - • - : • : v
. . .l*uonmirt Protestant As.Tcdationii'pa
ruled tlirongh the principal streets ofthin city
The prcceralon neither created an excitement or elicited ad
miration. 1
Odd Ftuows.—A. number -of the memborsnrtbl9,order
treat op to Went Newton yewetday mqrnlng, to attend the
• are broiighl to our dtitens from Philadelphia, by-
Xdams* eboapea: than they can bo’purchased in this
: THt MakKT ycsteiday .cvonlng presented an abundaneo
"of good things rarely witnessed.., .Peaches continue scarce
however. ,- -*—-
~—rnm- a «naWnl
TBBau A* «^jsssss»rssasw
* ft * ,Dd ' c, .— — — . sffssstt^r.
p^pt-iThejictaorr Blues «id DuqoesnG.tJreya paraded
jesteniay, la Victory.
By 'i the O’Reilly-■ Lixtes -tbrtlie : Homing Post.
-*■ New Yoas, September 10.
• > The steamer Europa arrived at this port at half pxjt eight
O’clock this morning, from. whence .she. sailed on
the 28th ulh at 10 o’clor.k A; bringing ono: hundred and.
Noyontoen passengers,
. liivEapoo'LCorrox Market.—Tbcrahas been no quotable,
change iu Cotton ainee thmudliog of the Arctic. -' .Thoro U
an improved Inquiry which ia<freely in<fl: without rmy dbpo
• sltiou to press sales.
Tho sales fbr tlie three days previous to FrMay iuKht were
porters 3,000. The sales on Wednesday were 10.000, and on'
Friday 10,000. The imports of the week were^OOO
• • Uavbe, Aug. 25-—'Hie stock on hand Is .70,000 bales. - The
Mleaoftho week were 9,000 at an advance of from 1 to
figures; principally of toe lower grade. e
Ltvebpool Coen Maeeet—Although the wetrfher wos finß’.
themarkots were dull {prime flour being scarce, maintained •
Tuesday’s prices; inferior Sto Gd cheaper. Donnlson quOtta
Western Canal 20 6d; BMUmoroiO od@2la; Philadelphia
.20 6d@2o Odj Ohfe>2l?@!a OtL Gralo„.Wheat white, Os
(kl ; red and white mixed Os Id@6 3d; -yellow Com 29 UdCii r
23; white 2£>. od®3o; mixed 28®2 8 fid.
Provisions—Sales 70 tons fine Beef quiet; uo
salesfrom first\hanih; .Pork quiet .at ilQs; Bacon moving
. slowly at 48@5Qs» Cbcps<x fine, wantedat 42s 4d. '
. Bundncer-Salea WO bbis Rosin at!2s; Turpentine warm,
sala% 200bbU atSs. 3d;:Spiritv Turpentlue 37st l2OO
bbls Tar 11b fid.
Groceries—Coffee in fair demand from tho trader Jamaica
4gs Gd, ordinary 42(§>45fc fit. Domingo fine ordinary 44s
sales4ooo Bengal and Rio 103 3d@lls 3d, Sugar fixt; no
sales Carolina at Liverpool or London.
Loxpos Maueets.—West India rather higher,
full average of business done; CoSbe-wcU maintained; tlio
Com market dosed dull on Friday. Trad? in the manufac
turing. districts was Very flattering; ail classes arc fally cm
ployed at remunerative prices
More? Maukst.—Consoia had improved. 100; for
eign securities are hardly supported, American sixes, 1809,
103(^103Feansylvamastocks Pcnn’a. Bonds
Ofli* Ohio sixes, mortgage bonds, woo,
Frdgh unchanged
The Europa passed the City of Manchester on tho Bth she
passed toe Niagara near Liver} »ol on the 30 th, +-he aHo pas
sed the Padfle, bound for Liverpool.
Tho Hermann arrived off Cowes on Friday ntlO o’clock
. The general news is utterly destitute of Interest;
The Loudon Times has a leader la favor of the withdrawal
of grant# in favor of tho Canard and CoiUns steamers and of
throwing open toe championship ortho Atlautic to free com
Mr. Wobsteris letter on tlin subject of tlie Lobos Islonifa
has excited unfavorable commoat. Sundry labored artlcloa.
have been published to prove that. tho Islands- belong to
Peru, and consoqnontly that too revenue be appropriated to
liquidate the claims: of English bondholders. Satißfactory
evidence lashownthat-tbo Islands•.weresnrveycd for the
King ofSpaln in 1731,and laid down in a map published in
The agricultural reports from Scotland are highly favora
ble. They are also generally so InEnglaud. In Ireland the
.potato disease is stayed in its progress; the grain uud green
Fsance.—Ucneral Mageanunnouucefl to tho OcnernlCoun
cfl that tho President contemplates eskd-Jishlng a : stroog
mlHtary rescrre,whirb* without compr>mUing hfa respoct
and dignity, would enable him to effect ru economy Which
ho dcrirea to introduce In public taxation.
Papular demonstrations coutluue to be made in favor of
an empire.
•Mr Pondgnoy has bocn aent with a dispatch to London,
charged, It fa reported, tomako proposals res)x>cUag a modi-’
fleation of too tariff with regard to French goods.
Loyd’s paper contradlcto tho report that Uorgey hild Unm
sent to the fortress af .K&ufrteln, -
.The town of Find land, wav totally destroyed by fire
on too Uto of August.
A letter from Malta, dated tlui 17th, says that the frigate
Caxnbcrland arrived ttoro on the lCdi. - :
. Tho London Sun says that Mr. Marsh examined the
official papers rcialive to Mr. Kinn? imprisonment at Naples
who hcfounxl kud been fairly trio! by the lowsof
which he was bound to respect..
- Tho Canard Company’s screw stramshl)) line from Uver
pool to Now York; nod tbeaoo to will couimeucc
running in December uext. The Aiutcs will soil in Dixsim
ber; tho Alps in January, ond will leave Idvorjtfxil every
fourth Ifeiluesdity.
■ Bostox; Sept. 10.
A correspondent of the Boston Atlas, writes tliat tiieeoui
mandcr oftbo Englirii cutter Notley continues to annoy
American Ffaht nnen. - On the -20th ult. she. 1 worded the
schooners Powtona and’Leader., between C&mpo Ikdla and
Grand Menvr, whore there w<vre no fishing grounds, After
fiearching tlie vessels ho cndorj'M on.tho license, "found un
der suspicious elmujtttanoe*” The commander of the Net-,
ley told the captains that he observed the Yankee papers
bod stated that there would be no more trouble to the fish
ing vessels, nnd he would like to know where (hey got their
information. lie told them they would find him doing in
the future just us ho always had done. ••■•••
• • CiXkTXXATi, Sopt jO.
. -There have .been many deatov from cholera In thia city
within the pa u t few day.*i.
A watchmau was auunlered. In the street at o'clock
: this moming. ’ Two men were arrested oh n tirpjeiisn.: '
• > b'ept. ID.
' The steamer Kclodecr was Imrnt tbfa taornmg to titp
wwterV lfotliiug tnw Rared.. Sho waa lu New
York tor 'flu* fire was coiamnnieated hy an incen
diary. ; :
railroad accident.
: JiOSTa. - *, Sojit-10.
ITi* LoveU down train'.last sight cam*? in col Mon with
the freight irtttrioc which wa* Maashnl, ■-.Oho
brakesman** vw bruken; two otbwrbraktsimca wen? la*
: F>our...Ssl«.s l»Ms State at SooUa»rti £*.*&—
- Xijv Miip
&>: sale*) 13,00$ hua Coni. uiixt’J. r.t l‘toiLMoLiTs..iAlM*’t
Fork $18,23; prime ilo $17.75; kilm IGOUda Uml at H\Zss
Ikvf toatfuM. ’iVbKkjr.
.Jialw 200 Lbls Ohio at sH*-
Goitoa ...Steady ami uwsbnupcrl: sale* lOuU bales. Flour...
Sato-tBOO bbl* SLUo at s4<3fc Uenrtpww S4»G2;
C 2; loaeUTc;. role* tWOO buft'trhrtt* Unatam. SLGB for com*
won white western anil for ml, -S-ate* iSMXV) bus
eora ffilxinl at 732'-B-rn wvtrce, held at 86. prorijoous...
Sales 150 LU* Mew itak at $10.25: prime i10£17.26; aal*
100 this Beef, uuclianwNl: rotes !M> bbU l/aril atlfV- Sutfar
..-Mu-'eorado In hhiU < role* 4UO Iwiea.iln at U
Coffee...7oo bag* llio at *%. linseed Oil ...Sales fcOiK). gall?
atlB(a-70. Rtce...The rotes of ths wivk were 3,6t>0 tlercwat •■ 5OO bLl* Ohio at*J4; prUm Stoffk*
.:.U.S.fivi*vlSC3.loty£ •
- Tbp elror is stntiouary;. father warm and cloudy. Flour
steady at for good and common brands Whisky 17|,&
nothing transacted in PruvMcms market very quiet; sale*
J£o htidx Buga* at good demand for Lin.*ecd Oil,
rwhhti basodvauml to 72
The river lias fallen three Inctu:?*. . flour...Firin; sales
2000 bids fresh ground ot $3,3.1 JW}U'fcy...l74£. Cheese...
liutU?r...l2(dlG. .Nothing doing iu ProvDianu.—
fjnwtf OH.-Firm aud advancing; now held at 75. A better
hhd.i nt s‘4fo:G^.: Coffee
aUo firmer. "•
•-'■■■ SepMO.
Cotton unchanged. . Flour firm, sales. 500- bbh? fresh
ground at $4,50; fslch lUObbls llyc Flour at 33,02, Com
Meal Inactive. ;Whreit steady;.Sales 0000 bus ptfunftvxl at
$1; good new white prime old IVnna while $1,05,
afloat. Cbm dull: yellow 72Jafloat Whisky Wfe
Tir*AXSEISD tmrrels, tor sale by .
_C jy3l 0. It. KKVSHH. HQ ood street.
nfiIJITK~TEA, Sv'iNK V.—TlioB«~m wunt of
\f Uw aliove can, obtain them of the very beat quality,
and cheap, too*'“at MORRIS' TJSA MART, cast, side of the
Diamond. .
ceived from the publishers, vola, 7, S and 0 tiogllsh Law
ftcport.j by KAy k 55 Wow)
c* ERMAN WASHING POWDER,—A largo lot of this ox*
IT ccllcnt Washing Powder, warranted cheaper than any
other in use. and is not la the least injurious to the clothing. an excellent article for waphing. printer!? type,—much
cheaper and bettor than potash. For wdo at • •
Sy3l*diw 'KBVSKR-8, 340 Wood street.
Stocks fou sale—. . -
100 dumwlrou City Copper Stock;
- 2 do Allegheny Savjngaltoak;
20 do . .Braad«:fe’»Held Plo«kK<»df.
:SO.OOO Sdudy andßoiivorCnwd By ... ; •••
, jyX4 ■ : AUSTIN fIOOMW* OS Fogtik street
Great Inducement® -to- r *»wer*>
TITrK will soil our large stock of COMMON AND
W CHAIRS AND BKDSTKADS, at prices tjiat cannot
fkllto rriease cash purchasers. All our work 1h warranted.
\nnrOT, cor. Seventh and Liberty sta.
a t a Mooting of the Iktanjj of Pirn'tow of the PENA*
COMPANY.CoI. Vf. It. Moorhead was dutyolectod luspector
and Soliciting A#mt of the Company, Col. M. «vn bp found
at the office or tbc Company? ilnr}ngbiw[ncfij.boar3. : -
ncplnliir • : H- Secretary.
. _• ... Uiaiolutlun*
rrtlK Co-Partnership heretofore exiting bettreen the mib*
-■ |. peribers. nuiicr the Jinn Of M.TINDLE A
sotted on the 10th ultimo, by mutual consent. Eitherpnrt
ncr is authorized to use the name of tho firm In rottlciaont.
ffiixnnri *i» LOAN, AT six Will tiKNTIM'KRfcsr
®OUUu Five Thousand Dollars, on Ileal Estate tjecuri
& ln<rr near the' City; for the term of throo years. Sold
Iran contingent on the purchase or tup unlinprorod lots In
,he?lathtfart- Apply to t
’V>AC» Si'UKTU IiNOWINU.— VVium good, dura
'T'lWeahd'cbcapßooteand Show. ..Tlibtlic pubUpam do
by colling si the store of W K O -10* Market
street, near Liberty, who is.toow receiving a yew cstensho
fioek pi Boots- dlioca aad Gaiters of all the latefct rtjles,
most of which arc made to Ids order, and *rc ™rraiit(rJ-
Remember the minjber of the ?tore U on the Window in red
■.c .'bAiIiuIUK.VIUO COPKKK, of: siipiiriorquahty;
la do' : do; - - .
• 2.pip«porenollanaaio,dir«;tfrt>mCaslop> House aloroi;
100 lx.xr» Herman Clilyt warranted;
2!> tikis Jio.lßaUiraora Herring: J ; .■ ■ ■ -
• Ou constmment; aad for «Uc«a liberal lermß. by
... wpC.- ’ ;,••• 112Secondftrent. ■
V. J a m kTpTWs n eb »
*• TritOLCSAtE btiAiiiv-nr 7
; 3to. f&0 lltai --Street', liehotzn Third ■; drtiZ' fourth y .
Bloc), enjLraces every variety onljlyle of Boots,
Shoes, lionurts &c«,' purchased direct from the - New •
Kngland.ManuGicturerß, adapted expressly for Fall and Win
ter Kales, and will bo sold at- eastern pr}ws. I‘leusu call tiud
examine before buying • ■ ■. •- pep&2m
v. ob|o State Fftir at Cleveland* . .
ttiBOM Moud»y> the I3tb, until Friday, the 17th of Sop
.■.|v tomlicr, Tickets will bo sold at s4.oo.each, from I’lttfK
Larch to ClDYclftnd. «jd back, nail Ikkctswlll be fold by the
AeebU of thi> Ohio and Fwm'p. Had road Company. at the
Ktfiilftr stationa on Iho lltuytoGtevplaiKiatul return, at tbc
dmrtcfdro lbp tlw round trip. Tbe«a Kxmjrsiop Tickets will
bercceW winter Saturday, Sopteml^rlSth, JBy'l,.;
lart oerowm-u g Chief Eu K luci>r and
Buporiatondaut ot 0 A l* It It.
nnTEUIV. 4c— Rocelralby Esprcss, direct from the
■ , , in EurOM, ana from the best workmen In
»»= «ry rifh new style, of
¥£™l\iy% KSSn&a®.™* i*ui «en m tw.
J^' v JBto'6o nor cent.lower than the
jplenOM *s2*> “if"? cairbe bought for at any other estab
arff-intcrert rtnte
llahment in this
menta of other Jcweucrs. oe™ MJtEKKT ST.
[ JMITQge-ftt -• ■ . ,|PCpOj - -
**■ V *
- Omct of ih* Dint Moa-ora Post, 1
Satortlay, September U, 1852. /.
Tho wpalher yeslcnlajr itas very pleasant forbuMoor bn,
siness, the heary rain on Thursday night having laid the
uni a rise lit our ri vt’rs, nhlch hr now so much
tkslred.. We flni hut little change in the markets, cither in
price or in activity.
' ASHES—SaIes 3 casks Soda reported at 3}& Pearls, very
little demand; wo quote ; ralcratus 4}*ffir,: .
FLOUR—;TIio from first hands yesterday ns near as
we could learn was shout 180 hhis, as follows: 30 this at
$3,60; 120 In lots at s3.Si@3.fiO- 30 from store at $3,70: the
market was lev firm thau thaday previous.
- SUGAR—SaIes lbbltls sugar nt 0; 10 do b% all 4 ino*.
BUTTER—Wo no to a sale of 1 i bill and 13 kegs parked
v> BACON—-There continues agood demand for the city trade;
.Vo note vales of I&GODw Lagged .haour-at llj^;.500 sides at
Ghhito, sides at 10; S.OOulbs shoulders In lota at fle;
30099 a sugar cured nt 14.
. PIG MJKTAL—-There is but little doing In metal for want
of stock to operate on; prices, howovor, ore firm, with nn
upward tendency;: we quote good Allegheny $25<5*.528 Q ton;
Hanging Rock is bold at $23-to $3O; we'are also informed
that very little llangiug Rock will; be brought to this mar.
ket thb reason in consequence of the demand below and for
the Lake*.
JIAY— I We note sales of 12 ton at ton
LARD OlL—Soles 10 Lbln No 1 at 85, and advancing.
Boston* Boot \kd Shoe Hwkct, Sept. 4 —Tboßoslon Ship
ping List says* The same activity iu Boots aud Shoes is
manifested as noticed ln-t week. New buyers are constantly
arriving from the Sonth and West, and sales of the week
have bet'n to a considerable extent The stock of goods in
the city oa yet continues good for tbe'season, notwithstand
ing the extensive transactions for some weeks past, Our
manufacturers were ditenuined to keep up a good assort
ment during tho season, and as the trade developed Uself
they were induced to call in their workmen from thUr fannft.
by payiuga small advance on old prices, and in this way our
asrartmeut bit* remained unbroken. .Buyers may be assured
that Boston, bolding the same relation to tho Boot and Shoe
trade of the country os New Bedford docs to the Oil trade,
will always keep on hand the largest and best assorted stock ■
in the country for them to select from. Prices remain much
tho mai as.'heretofore noticed» withe* good .firm li'ellhe/ for
all scoAonoblc goods. Tbo principal sabs* of the week nave
been to South and West, now buyers from thalatter arriving
every week. The demand for California has fallen off some,
os the dealer* appear to think that anufllriout supply Ia now
on the way to tliat market, and any further considerable i
shipments .would'liave an unfavorable Influence. llfi.caws i
have been shipped from thl?«port for ihatdoAtloatlon during
F , NEW YORK, M 0.
Cattle -MAttKrr.—At Washington". Drove Yard—Offered,
2200 Beeves (800 Southern oud Western, tho remainder this
State.) A fair demand lias praVailcd during tho week, but
about 100 head remaining undisposed of. The tuarfedtclowd
firm at from fi to 8o lb for good retailing qualities.
At Brownlng’s-?< tower BulTa Head) —Offered 50 Cows ami
Calve* Demand fuir. All . sold. Prices ranged at from
Shecpaud Lambs—Booo on sale., Prireaonhe
former nt from. $1,50 to 3,&o{<i4.r>o; the latter, $1,50 to $3.50.
■.All SOld. -i .•■■■• . •• " • .
At Cbaintoriain'A—Hudson lUver Bull’s Hoad.—Offered
250 Coof Onttic. rales at from $0 to 8,60. Cows and Calves
—so,offered; rales at from.s2ofs:s3o to $4O. Sheep and
tomlrt—Offered, 4000. Sale* of Sheep at 2JUUa $4;
-Atud toHk&o(s'
. connKcrEP daily voa tub J
Patricks & Fricud, Bl
Corhfr of F<f\h avd Wood
United StatijAfifl. •••
United States 6*
Allegheny county
Allegheny county eoapons
Pittsburgh city Os.— -
Wttrinirgh city, coupons, payable
-.Ncw\orh. . .
Allegheny City o*..—. *
'Allegheny- City coupoiLSpayabfo
Bank bfWtt^uirgh.....................
Merchants * Bunk
Exchange 8ank.................
Bornitrs' Depoidt 8ank........
Allegheny Saving? Bank ....
/Monongubela Bridge..
St. Clair str«t Bridge.-....,.,...*...
Hand street' 8ridge—................
liberties Bridge.
AVwtoirnilnmranee Onnpouy
CUiw-nV luTOrauw'Gampoiiy.
Axoiviatftl Firemen'* Company-...
Atbuatir.and 01ikv...,....
Pittsburgh, Clnrinoat IttouLvviUe
Lake Erie..’—.;.
:T.iltahargiiGiw- Works.....
BJuiiongabcto Slackwuler..
Pennsylvania Railroad.
Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad—
Cleveland * Pittsburgh Railroad..
Mnriutv Railway and Pry D0ck.....
Turtle Cn»kT l lank Road
Peiryfville Plank Road
Urtvasbutu Turnpike -
Chartin'* Coal Company-.,...
Pittsburgh and Boston.
North American >—.»
North SV.e*t,;,.»i
North W?. a U‘rn
Adventure......u .
Ohio Trap 80ck................ ...
Minnow ta.
Pittsburgh and Jsie Royal-.,..
Dougla* Houghton
onionogan ... »
Flrt* Steel.—
Fcnlujiutar.. .
Avery ........
Vonst. -
Iron City.
■Nkw V»ir.K.£si'Vt. 10.
CISCttXIU, li).
lloou & Sargent* Kxchange Banker**
• (brncr of Hur</ and &st]\ slrtfU, Prfislwryh.
Pittsburgh Kankr? par. Stale Rk.nml brandies,..
Philadelphia u . pur. Other solvent banka...... . %
Browaovitlo par. Bank of Sandusky...
Bucks county *• ......... pat. Ufauville..,
Chester Go.Jnowlßnin).;, par. Norwalk*..
Columbia EridseCo...... par. Urbana.,:..
Danville ......... par. Wooster.
Di*]awn*vfo. *• • .... par.
Doylcrtown H ....—.4 par.:
Eaatoh par.
ticnnantown “ par.:
iAnraater 8ank5........... par..
Lebanon. ..... par.
Montgomery4.*o. Dank*,.. j«or.
Northumberland*' ... j<ar,
l*otlnvilly . 7 ... par.
i Heading ‘* ... par.
i Schuylkill comity “ ... par.
Wa£hlnKtott-;':; ‘U *,*. par.
West Branch • ■•/:■ “ ■ ... par.
.Wyoming., par.
Carlisle 'K
Chamb0n>burg............. ; %
Erie. .74
...... jKi
Jtamrtmrg ........... %\
H0nea1n1e,,..... Oi
31idiUut0wn.......,.....i.... '2a
Wayncßburj*,..,. 75
York Bank* ... %
Relief Note* %
UmUxl States 8ank....... 15
Allegheny City Scrip par.
Pittsburgh City >r ......-par.
Allegheny Co. “ ~....prem.
New York (Sty....
Country Banka.
Alt tolrent 8ank*.....!-..
. Allaoltcnt Ebinka....w..v par.
Small N0tca..................
Baltimore 8anka,.......... -par.
Country 8anka............. )i
BankofYa-abranchcfl;.. • %
Fanners’ Bk.a branches.. ■ %]
Valley Bk. * branches...... \
Exchange Bk.abrmVhca
Wheeling 8ank5...... • *A
Wheeling branches....... %
All Bolvcnt Banks «... %
Steamer Atlantic, Park!own, Brownsville.
. Baltic, Rennet, Brownsville. •
: <*• Thomas Sh river, Bailey, West Newton,
“ Michigan, No.- 11, Boies, Beaver.
Genesee, Sinclair, M’lveMjport. •
“ Huron, M’BlUton, Wheeling.
Ben Conrsim Gallotln,St.LonK. .
•' .<• Exchange, Cotiwell, Sunfiph.
ilall Columbia, Johnston, Marietta.
“ T.'P. Ray, GaskUl; Wheeling.
Steamer Atlantic, Parkin*m r ßrDwnsvillc.
.. ■Baltic, Bonnet, Brownsville*
- ; Thomas Sgjrivcr,JJaUejrWest Newton.:
• ajlchigam'No. *J, Boies, Beater.
Ucneseo, M'Keospart.
. Exchange, Conwell,- Sunflsb. ■ +
•:‘‘ v t p Ray, GaskiH;, Wheeling. , .
1* : Pilot No. 2,Stanly; Ciu. ■■■.■•:■
vl Wednesday Patfcet for Cincinnati!.
• uru3f_ • T”r new and fast running steiun«r CINCIN
! Jkt&AvATL Bona Master. will leave regularly every
Mght or I y o c a^S J i^tonEßoEn
" “’“For Klttanning and Cotflih*
: . .upjn-' • Tirß -llght: draught and* pleasant steamer
I Capt. Millwoab, will Icxvto tho AUe*
wharf, on Monday; Wednesday and Pn
days, ttt -3 p’clcx?k, P. for ,KU>annlng and Catfish. Jor
freight or passage appip on board. v _ nov is
ForXonirßettcU, Marietta, Porkermtourg,
imd Gallipoli*.
mw* Tile fine steamer iIOY. MKIG3> Sugnk» Mas*
' vrill leave for the above and informrdtote.
e3Sß3a&&>&po)nts every Tuesday, at 3 o’clock E. M.
Fought or apply °° *■%,«“ cfe< Agont ,
For Marietta Hocfelngport,
n*s» The tine steamer PACIFIC, Zanowi 51acte?|»
bfUaj&ajfrMastcr. will leave fur the above and intcnnwl*
ag g TT porta, every. THCRSDAT, at 4 o dock, P*.
M. For freight or pmsaire. apply on board, or to
-No. 61 "Writer street, and 63 Front at ,
Parlceratmrg and Hocklngport
Packet. '
e k*; .TbP Steamer. KAIL COLUMBIA* A. S. CRAKE,
Master, v?tll leavo Monday, at
Bsfi3i?iEßa3 oclock K Mi. returning, will-leave Hocltin im
port cyery Tuesday, at 0 o’clock A. M.
. Passengers and, shippers jnay rely on tbo utmost accom
modation and promptness. w, B. WHEELEU,
mart 34 Morkot street.
aOBBNSACE’S YBRMIFUGE. Any quantity of thin
■ pleasant Aa&effectho YcnnifagE, kept constantly" for
j»le fti w ; DR. KEYBEB’S Drag Store,
jySUdtw No. 140 corntr of Wood et, and Ylrgin alley.
N * *
*»* l .
* y* '*■ j
£ *
t "'■al'”
-i-.•, K, 1- •_ •• ’-w •
Xcliangc Brokers,
! rtiYW.t, l J itisbilrgh.
I . Bui. : i , } r a?.
$ 117,00i$ '113.001 $ 100,00
' 100.00 1 100.00-
• • 'I - 100,00
! I ioo,t)o
. . « :loo,oo;
. . 100.00!
,95,00] : j
100,bo! -103,00
I 87,00;
'• '-V- ... - - vl
191,50 j ; 9^501
.60,00'- • ‘57,00
60,00; . 57,00
54.00. . 63,00
1B4.0&I 190,<
29,00! 00,00;
40.00 ‘ 45,001
31.00 : WO*
.14,00! 15,001
H.QOf 12.00
: c.oo ; . 0,00
■ 4--
42,00 4i00!
42.00! 44.00
, i 25;oo
54,601 .
. j 60,00
45,00; 40.00
40.001 41.60
' 43 t uo: 40g0oj
10,00; IC.UOj
20,00? :: I
.•■:-bJoo! 10,00
- •J "18,50
303,00; IIOOOj
, ' S-OOi ’ > .9,60
• 13.00,
:•. --! iu,oo{
3,70] >,ooj
4M; 6J»!
M 3 1,76
. - 2.00
l,©; fy) o!
' 2,00]
4 f st r t - r>,w]
;q,6bi B,OU{
Q,6oj .- . 4,2 is
cor.arrTcncmr voavnE poor er
State Uk.ainlbranrhcs... ■[K !
iSlote Rink 8ranch........ f>o i
ißank of Illinois.. 75
iAllrolrent Banks.-. J 5
' ' MISSOpW,
Stateßk.on'Himnphi’S... %
All solvent Banks 3
Marino a Flro Insurance
Ox atMßvrauUw........ *1
Alt solvent Banks.. 3 .
; All solvent 8ank5......... %
; AU solvent Hanks.—.... , 1%
AUPolvcnißnnkA......... VA
; All solvent Banks.—..... 5
All solvent Banks.
Sew Y0rk.;.,.. l^prcm.
Philadelphia.... Viprenu
8a1tim0re............... ft prcm.
Cincinnati............... 1 dlsc'fc.
L0u1ftv1U0...............l disc’t.
American G01cHn0w).,.,.. par.:
American Gold (Q!t1) , jn.
SOTprcitfnf* &3
—. 5 QQ
Prcdcrlckdor*,... 7 SO
Ten Thalers...... 7.80
Too Guilders..;...,.. : 3 00
Louis d’0r..;..........—.. 4-25
Nap01e0n5....... 3 S 3
Doubloons, Patxjot.....Mlß 70
Doubloons,' Spanish...-.. 16 25
Dattite...... 2 10
rattle Entertainments
s~\x SATCEDAV EVENING, September 11th.—Mr. GEO.
ij K. WILKINS, the celebrated Versatile ‘Voedl* aid
Irish -Cornedhux of the principal Concerts and Theatres of
Europe and Am(nrtcarespect£aUj thatbe will give
: a Concert on the above evening, at WILKINB lIALL. v :■
. tSU A -splendid netr piano will be used on this occasion—
pianist,-Mr. Mott.
Admission 60 cents. Doors open at 73r£—concert to
oommenco at 8.
J93f~ Foe particulars see hills of the day.
/"'IO3IMENCINU this Ttbdayot Sept;doors open at 10 In>.
V/ the forenoon, and at 3W in tho ofternoon. and crenln'i-
Xhe great NO* A SCOTIA GIANT BOV, Trill hold a serial
of Reception Jjerecs at the above Hall, during: th* v remaln*
drr of thlswwk, This.jrouth iaonly 19 yenifß old, nearly S
feet high, and 41fi pounds weight, -the largest giant in the
world, and only a beanllwalioy .atUtgrowlng.'-
Tfaifl youth who in called the physical wonder of tlio world
and haa tocn ykltod by over I.OOQ.OOOkuIIt I .* and gentlemen
. m both North and South, will continue to receive visiters at
theahove named Hall,"for the remainder of this woek;. All
who are admirers of the groat and marvelous In: nature, will
be abundantly pratlfiod by paying him a visit, • There Ls no.
god or deception in this advertlscmenty. which • wreqr visitor
will confess when they witness the of
this young giant. t
- Admittance 25 cents. Children and servants half price. ; -
scpS 4t
Kinney’s Mammoth Balloon Museum t
JOHN SI. KINNEV, Maxaoer a-vd Pbopeietob,
THE PROPRIETOR rpppectftilly on*
'tuxs to tlio citfccaa of Allegheny
iity, that •
-ofessor JOHN WISE I
q tho interior <jt the above estab*
intent, at Pittsburgh, on
IN TUB. EVENING them will bo a
and dlsplsy'of FIRE. WORKS; novor
irpoasod In the western country.
- addlUorvtO the unrivalled attrarv
i of. the Balloon- Ascension and
<< Works, Ihorcr.wjll bo given seven
.liferent exhibitions ■ without extra
’barge, consisting of ;•
NECROMANCY, r. v i. •. .
[ENT .’will •commence exhibiting on
’URSDAY BVENING.'Sept. 23, and
week, during wbich lime a benefit
oo civet* Fhw Deportment, and a magnificent
SILVER TRUMPET will be printed to the Flro Company
selling tho largest number of tidkßbv
The whole combination of Talent, ke„ Ac., will he exhll»-
fiirnMiod with raised seats, capable of accommo
dating comfortably 7000 persons, and tkParqu/tU, famished
In handsome style, with 3000 comfortable seats—tlie whole
being suflldeut to uccammodate 10,000 persons, nud every
one iu the Pavillion bear, and see tho performances, with
ease.: • ■ - -
Admission to the whole Exhttnlian —Boxes, 25 cents
oaly i Parqtiette Tickets, numbered, and every one ‘guaran-
Uxsd a seat, 50 rents. , .•
J33f~ Fop Tull particulars, seo posters and small hills.
*ep7:lv?dt2Ur MAJ. J. BURNKfjL, Advi»rUser. .
j • „ •, ; - 1.00M19 4 M’DOWKLL,
-#ep2 over 3. Jones & Co., cor Wood and Fourth KtP.
IfkfirY BISHKLiJ OATS-rlleceived and for solo by
• «>po . ‘ Na. 755 Front street
fija lioiKN OOHA BUlK)si&—Ju.*t received and for
iOUrolehy . MttTKNBKBUBU A CO.; »
•sepO ■: • • .x- No, 153 Front street.
EONNkT WMKDSt—7S gross Bonnet Boards, on hand
and for salt* very low, by , J. H. MGLLOU,
wpG" ■■• •; • ■ 8t Wood street
LKATnKK— iuO side.** iirimu Nmr iork fcolo-Lmbcr, for
sale by
iTI liAhS—CiiK) tote* country attct city brand Window Glims
AJT.assorted, forsnleliy
sepU . L. S, WATERMAN & SOX3.
CANDLES —4 boxtH, nnd O’s, m-eired and fur
O by J. LATELY * CO.,
-„■• wp4 ;
?■ have Just opened over 100 pieces .rU'lifigareil Wool De
iatggfl, brlMbvut colors. Also, 50 pleens plain do. • fep4
BLACK SIIJW—A. A. AUsox A Co., hare just received
(t»er Kxpni.v,) 25 pieces more of tbowhigh lustre ?<j yd
tfidolllack bllhsatfi7>£c(g;frl,ot)per yard. . . scp4
BONNET MimoPrfil—6o cartons Fall Bonnet Kibbons,
latent and mrwt fashionable styles, jnct opened at.
sept , Nos, CSantl 04 Market street.
GOODS I—J us t TccoffiHl fat A. K Masox & Co.’s,
y\ a chr.Sco a**ortment of White Goods, coinprwi ag plain
and dotted plain and barred Jaefconets, mull, naiorook
Jrfiwn. Cambric, Ar. .■ sept
■f bbU No 1 Lake huperfor White yUh:
ij *JO half do. do do;
Far sale by L. S. WATERMAN £ SONS,
sepO Nw So and SL Water, and 02 yirst at.
J>iTTi>UUUGII GAS COMPANY—IO .stiaresor thl* stock
wanted, for which the highest tnaflcnt price will bo paid.
. . stock ond Rxcliau&c Brokers,
*rp4 . 75 Fourth street
YAHNs—'JuuOmim 2 ply, w.wrt<sl colors: ..
. 550 lb* 1 aiul 2 ply do; forweariuj;,
Received from th» manufacturers, and for sale by
w.*i4 2b6 Liberty street.
I.MSH— I.Vbtti* No 1 Mailtos Pickled Herring;
»■ ■ 60 do {UirgeJNooMassachusettsMackerel;
Gu half tyd# Up "• .• do . df»; .
Ulqr hhle No 1 • ■■* do; .
In store and for sole by
STOCKS— 25 share* Firemen’s .Insurance Company:
. .100 do Colling Mining Company;
luO do Norwich do;
.60 do Iron City . do?
For sale by LOOHIB * arHOWELL,
rep 4 over S.* Jones 4 Cou cor W col and Fourth rts.
IJAtJOPA TEA ijrOHli—Just-received out of bond, 10
package* superior old Cognao Brandies, Jlcnnesey, B?l
-dower, Otanl end champagne brands of various vintage*.
Also, mans very fine Londxm,Dock Port Wine.
The abova can be relied upon as being pure* and yerysult
abja for medicinal :: ; JflliU HAWORTH,
nu 23 eerngv of DiaoiondaUey and the Diamond,
A. 4. fiTDABT,
RIRUCIUNT.—DeaI* la nil Mml* or Grain, Seeds,
, Dacmi, l*ork. hard.: RuUnr. Chcesa, Feathora, &e., ic.
No. GSuritbtlcUi struct, ;
ftbcU Konw. Pittsburgh.
j . . Acidulated Fruit Drops;
Coni la) . do;
Love . do;
' Chpcolate . '. v-do;
Kecehotf aud for sale by J. LAVKLT k CO.,
aet4 : . aofi liberty street
r Pfcfclim*
rurvCUfirAloogjir, gallon;
Kxtra Strong, lo do; .
ImporU.'O Frmirli do; • ••■
Tim obovu arc oil warranted pure. For sale at
ccp4 . ■• to tlio Diamond.
Cliiekeriug’a Pianos*
JUST rt'i'clvM, a now supply of the abovu celebrated Pi*
riuosv six. rix and a hair and men octaves, of beautiful
tnpo anil finish, which will bn f*ol<l • at tho some prices os ftt
thn Factory* In Boston, without cddinjf for transportation or
rlsh. JOIIN 11. SnCT.LOIt,
. 81 Wood street,
Solo Agent for. CUlckcring-'s Pianos, for Pittsburgh ami West
ern IVnopylvanlq. . . ■ . . ; .wpl-,
UcnrU’s aildwifery.
4 N Improved system of Midwifery, adapted to the Re*
J\ formed practice of Medicine/ illustrated by numerous
plate?,—to wiili ji h onnwpd <j conlpend}uu) of the treat
ment of female mu! infimtllo disease*. with remarks on phy?
- slologtoal end moral uleveatlon by W. Beach, M. I>., author
of “The American Practice of Medicine,” Corresponding
Member of the Royal College of I‘hyßlclana owl burgeons of
Berlin, etc, For sale by ; B. T. C-MOItOAft,
«>pT v r No. lOnVood at-
K- (iiuTF.i.. ••».«*—«i.D. Bttsncot
*4fc Co* .
NttPburgh Pa. Manufacturers of ...
Cooking Stoves, '• . Plain ana-Fancy Grates,
Coal anil Wood Stoves, u • - Fender?,
parlor Stow, ; • Sugar Kettles, :
Sad and Dog Irons, : Tea -.‘r
Platform and Counter Scale?*, Bark Mills,
Hollow Ware, ■ Wagon Boxes, fsrP*-.
Engineer** Stationery,
“TfrHATMAN'S Drawing Paper, of oil ateaa;
tV Tracing Cloth, in rolls 38 inches wide; . -
1 Trnutwino’s Crow* Section Diagram Paper, for embank
ment* of 14 and 24 foot bicodway, aud excavations of IS and
28 feet roadway k V ;?v v r \
: RollUrawiog Paper. 60 incbca-mde;
Log . do,, do, • Double E]ephant;
Profilo Paper; .
iw nnps,<tUK}> divided .
VaberVead- Broolannn &.Languon , sLeaa
■ Pencil*; ■
Superior India Ink; - .
.. Indiaftnbbcr; .
Mouth Gluo, 4c., £c.> £c. . ;
• The above, with a Dill assortment of oil other kinds of Sta
tionery, for sale by 4 • J. It. WELDIN',
• • , . .. • . Bookseller and Stationer,
j 026 €3 Wood street, between Third and Fourth
mUK subscriber has ou hand and Ibr sale* very low Tor
A'- cash or approved endorsed; papef, the following eccomk
hand printing:m»terinlft:-\r
70 Mimon, do;
24 pairs Cases,' do, . .
1 act Column Rules for a double medium sheet;
1 Slarblo Imposing Stone;
4 Composing Sticks;
■ ■ V: a Single Stands; ■* ■ •• .
Several fontvof HeadXctto Ibr-advertirament^
4c- fonnlng a complete office for a country .paper. -
j P IB ’ - r Agent ibr L. Johnson &Co.
CtUIAUi —15 MNo l'Ctrts. * Sous Principe Cigars;:
, yo do ii w do do;
12 do Cannelle'Oscuro do:
8 do La Amelia liar do;
12 • do Cilcoihplw 'do; •
-..-’8 : do. Kmbcasadorea ' do;
. 12 r dd'El Noptuna- . do;,
... 3 do OarsoiWß dor
3U <&bano« do;
8 "do Ln JusticaUeftftlla-. do;
4 do:Mons&gen>- do do;
11 do LaTrep.Marina . do;.
7 duJSlSol do; ■>
Now rrtxdvins per canal, andlbr role by
■ ■ ■” ** • MILLER i WC^ETSON,
221 and 223 Ltt»rty at.
rijHlii-HKAI* “ UNOI.IS TOBI.”
“light. Mire light Stmt" ■ I
■ 4 BOOK TOE Tills TIMK3I—Now ready, and contains |
A Eool2mb poceSi beautifully Illustrated with qrlginal
®sd"ns, 'and neatly bonnd. EnUtlcd,: UJE,
nctncNsmitlvba.Seoniß'OPd lcciaonta in ThoKcol “lifo I
■ ~<? nJX T^c 1 v '' : Uv W. L.O-Bmllh. Esq- - a ... I
The Sector the author 1* to represent the condition of
Msrud.butcamtotabTerabto; his dally oecu
naUottt and postimen-tho relations between master, and
etatetthc inlstatah topnbffls and misconceived views of the.
Snrthsin VbUsptissptbt lc>) 4c. and to represent tbe
on° rto wntlmcnte to their natural fonn.v» the rame
K dimbrvWin the'hntnblest lot to human society, thus
theslare, at least, contentment
f hannS tlinn. freedom; and at the Mine
ttoStonwrescK itis*aciasBof people, vtot the Planter,
;r„hli,,‘(o«f3eelms been seldomdono.andirhosa character,
day life* is well calcnlatedto win tbe
wowUI -toward a copyof tho abOTS
tbe United States.
Liberal discounts toad* to the '
«014 No« $2 Sntthfleld street, /.
t ~ /■
> t ** A <? -
Suitable fur
; ‘h’
5 -
Auction </»rd* . .
ITHIS undersigned, after an interval of four yea*. has
Haring complied wlththere
uUltlonji of the law regulating Sales at Auction, and having:
• pinenrod * a first -class Uceuw aft Auctioneer for the-laty ox
Mttflbdrib; be dffere hIH services as such to his friends and
the public generally, With an experience of pearly thirty
years in this line at business, he hazard nothing in »yiu&
that he rrillbebnabled to givo entire satisfaction to.ali those
Vho ““ST aisposed to patemtohit^^
• Jtofers to the principal City .Merchants.
Auction— Dally Sales* , _ ,
A T the Commercial Sales Roomv cornet of- wood ana
A Fifth streets, at 10 o’clock, A M , n psaicral assortmont
of&wouabls, Stajilo otnl-FancyDry Goods, Clothing, Boots
and Shoe*, !fata,Cap& 4<v v „';■■■
AT 2 0 CLOCK, P. M»
flrocetles, Quecngtrare, Glaajwaxc, Table
Globes, ?*ewand Soi’crod Hand IIouw?lioM jinu Kitcusn *ur
ulture, &c,,
Books, Stationery,. Fancy Artlclev Slusicnl Instruments;
Hardware and Cutlery, Clothing. Variety Goods, .Gold and
Sliver watches, Ac. • P. M: DAYIS; Auctioneer. fja^litf
P. MoKEHNA, Auctionoor.
TjIAJIM FOB SALE—Situated .twenty-thrcc mile*' .from
. ?• Pittsburgh, in Boater county, having the advantage or
.tho Pennsylvania and Ohio Railroad passing through the
:«uno, considerable ofwhich is merbottom. .- -.Enquire
of J»A; Sholos, lisq., on tho promises, or to P. M’Konna,.
- House and liOt, ia Becond Street, in the First
Ward L near Redoubtalley. Enqnlre of Johu Mcllou, Eaq.,
or to P. ITKcnnn, Auctioneer.
Also—A>nluablo Lot, fronting thirty feet on Fifth street,
•extending bock-one hundred, ami forty-five feet. Enquire of
Mm. Matthew Stewart, Alleghchy < ity, or to
an. 25. ; P.3FKEXNA. Auctioneer.
P< H. DAVIS, Auctioneer.
ARGE SALE OF STOCKS at Acchot—On Thursday
±J evening, September 16tli. at IY> o’clock, at the commer
cial rales rooms, corner of Woodond friftbstreef*, will be sold
01 shares Exchange Bank of Pittsburgh Stock;
5 do Citizens Dcpo«lto Bank do;
ST do Pittsb’gCiu A Jioulsvillo Telegraph Co do.
1 do Pittsb’g aud Baltimore- do do,
00 do Citizens Insurance do do;
.45 -Associated Firanftn’sTusurnnfxr - do. da .
- - . 4S do ~ liraddocksfleld PlonkKoad do do:
15 do Cliff Copper aimin' do da
•z 5 do Ohio- • .do done;-'
25: do AxeteoCopperdo ■ ■: do do;
75 da - Iliuff do do . , do do; •
. ftQ. da. . Bldgc do do . do da •
70 do . Norwich do ~ do -dodo;
. GO do Iron City do do . do dta
•200, : do ’ -Colling.:do .do->-.' - r - - do do; '
Bcpll « P. >L DAVIS, Auctioneer. .
JjX ■—On Saturday, evening, Sept, lltb, at 7 o’clock, at the
ComT&iles Booms, comer of Wood and Fiflh streets, will be
sold, a. largo colleetion:t»f valuable medical and miscellaneous !
hooka, embracing Lambert’s anatomical plates, colored; S '
Key's operative Rurgety, Cooper.on tho; breast. ldernia and
testia, plates; lligby’sßums’ .and Ryan’s midwifery; Grif
lUh's medical botany, Taylor empoisons, Chapman on gout.'
Ac,; Goddard on the teeth, Ciymor on fevers, Billiard, Lbor
lo, Evnnwm and Maunsnl on children. -t>olly on the brain.
Curling on the testis. Liudluy’s Flora Medico, Smith on ■ par
turition, Williams and Ciymor on the lungs. Ac- Abcrcom
blo on the stomach,. Eberlrr’fl practice and therapeutics, Vo
, gel'oarul Hasse’s:pathological anatomy, 31rCelltm*a surgery,'
Fisher .on small pox, Acw4to; Bnxlio 1 * surgical works, Dr
Gall's phisiology, 2 toIs; JBorrow’s life of Dr. Jenner, Gvolfl. -
ALSO, Patrick; Lowth.&c.’s commentary on the Bible, .4
vdls; Baker's: Lirey. 2-vols; Dick's works, -2 vols? Scott's
Napoleon, Percy anecdotes, Gibbon's Romo, 6 vols: Shak
spearo's plays, Ac., 8 vols; British drama.2vols; Waterly.
6 vols; British poets, 3 toIs; Napier's Peniosnlnr
war, lComn of Mabommcd, Ac.
at Arcnos, on Saturday Sept. 11, at 11 o'clock, orr the
premises, atthujunrtionoftheTempi'rancevHle.lNobhs'town
and Washington. Plank Hood*; and also where the Steuben
ville Railroad crosses Charticr’s Creek, will to sold, 07 desi
rable country scrota, vniying from 50 feet front )>y 110 feet
deep. to C nenrs.
ono-Ufthau approved endorsed note at.9o days, re
mainder in fire equal annual payments, v
Omnlbusaes will leave on day ol rale to convey purchasers
tothe ground, Plana nan to had at the sales rooms.
' scptK „• P. 3d. DAI 18. Auci*T.
Village of Mansfield.
VfcritorMvingdhidodpartoftho Farm now occupied by
MB Brown* rituated onChartfep’fi-Crcek, at the forks,
of the TempernDCCvllie and Nobleatown. and Washington
Plank Bead*, and also at the point where the Pittsburgh
and SteulxmvQlc Railroad crofyea Clmrtier’s Creek, 5 miles
front the dty, containing CO or res, into ..convenient lots, as
dftdgu&tcd ta the Diagram,;WlHoffer tho .name for saloon the
premises* at public auction. on SATURDAY, the 11th day of
September, at 11 o'clock. A. 31.
Tbh property has bctrn loid out Inlotsof front'so feet to.
6 acrc% with a-view of mating pleasant Conntry.ftesideucos*
and Gardening Plots.
-Per«m* wishing to procure healthy end pleasant locations in:
a {mod ncij’hborliood, sot rounded with enchanting sct-tiery.
will find this property every thing that can to denired.. The.
land ts of excellwlt quality, andia a high, state of cutara*
: lion. Water, coal and. limestone* can to had in great abun
dance:.ln tho vQlsgc a newebnrch building fe now erected,
and M. Keating’s popular Academy is in full view.
TERMS—One-filth, a note at 90 days, approved endorsed
paper and balance in five annual payments with interest, to
to sccnrod by bond and mortgage.
.Further particulars can to obtained by applvim? nfc the
Real Estate Omw of ••. .-.V.3FLAI.NVJI Fifth at,;
wpiMtd or P. 31. DAVJS. Auct’r.
W. 6. McCAETHEY, Auctioneer.
PAWNBROKER'S SALE yif Unredeemed. Pledges, of
Watches am! Jewelry, nt Auction.; On Saturday eve
ning, September lltb, will be cold at ’McCartney's Auction
Itou*e,*a largo lot of :)Yatel)«i am! Jewelry, on account of
Eastern Pawnbrokers, viz: 20 gold lever watches, 10 gold
i’plne watches, 50 silver wsldue?», 100 ladies gold shawl pins,
breast pin,v£c.. 23 gold watch keys, f* dozon p.'us, dia
mood point} 100 ear rings, 3doz gold cullpms, gold pencils
fur ladies and gentlemen, gold tup chniixs 200 assorted p:;ld
finger rings, gold reals, ic.
; wpQ
iV' Ay 111 lie sold on Sejntcnlhirr, at 10 o'clock
ih the fbrvnoon. M McCaatoeyVAncUcrtPrTldtWVH targe va
riety of seasonable dry geotlav takni to ekeeutiog a foreign
attachment, and wilt bo sold on the- place above
mentioned,. unless redeemed before that timis by paying
rash and charges,. Wf may mention In part the following,
Tiz r: French. &gU#li and American bine black broad cloths.
French and English cawinobv beavcr cloth for
over ccata, tweeds, coating, cloak : lining, ' padding, canvas,
jeans, Prince Albert cord, red and yellow ttatineU Canton
H&nneVnlpacemt, cashmeres, 31 de 1 sines, prints anghniita,
berages, linen comb bdkfi*. silk pocket mnsUh;'
bleached and browndo, tohlediapcr, linen towels, laces edg
ing, boWcetts, udder shirts and drawers. Scotch diaper,
suspenders.- gloves, cashmere; and alpaccastockingv cotton..
and woolen patent, thread, and : spool..cotton.- _Tbe
goods will ho arranged on tho morning of sale. : - Terms :par
funds. . .. . -[wpioj AV Q SIcOARTNEY, Anct’r. :
PIG/METAL— A giuMl lot Hanging Rock, for sale by.
'sep2 - -/ -V KINCIA MOORHEAD.
RHEUMATISM— Dr. Brown's newly discovered remedy
for Rbcmnatiamiit a apoody Mid certain remedy for that
painful trouble. It never falK ■;•:.■■■
• .Office and Private Consultation Booms No. 41, DIAMOND*
Pittsburgh. l*enua. The Doctor!* alwaya at .homo. wp7
BLOOM&— 50 tons Gap Forge;
W do Bedford Vorge?
ISO do Juniata Forgo; • •
On hand* and for salo by -
G” AKPETS.— W. M ? Clinlock is now rreeintig aud owning '.
hi* FaUfitockof new and rich-style Carpeting, nt tlie
IVorehouFe. No. 85 Fourth street, to which we invite the at
tention of those wishing to furulsh steamboat* or Houses.
.■ Mp 3 1 ' ■ ■■■■■• •. ;
peu&sylTanlo Kailrood Emigrant Line.
"VTrE are now forwarding paKsengers to i’bilodelpbLo and
f Y intermediate points, by the ribovo line. Time-through
three day*. . Fare $4.50. Only 70 miles Canal.
ma 27 OOVODE & GRAHAM. Agents.
For Sale»
Squire at Uio Pittsburgh Lamp atul Oil Store, S;
Fourth street, between Jlarket aml.lVooJ.
TT. !L Avmairr.
I«. Tutrur & Brothers,.
AVIN.ES, Ac.; warmntod pure; nud exceedingly low pr\-.
ces, for Also, In 'battle* very fine old Chmnpaigne
Wine, Jenny Lind, lloidMck anil Locomotive brands pure
old Brandies; old Port. Sherry, Madeira and Juice
v- AU Uqiuors and Wines at tnts estiibUplimcnt, viH be found
of a«upenor quality. I*. TBTKtJII A BROTHERS,.
nuU:2m ■ • • • • - . - No. 70 Southfield street, -
WELL, of tlie City of Pittsburgh, has made an assign
-inont to mo, for the benefitbf Ills creditors. ; Persons indebt*:
eil to the pnkl Johu P. Hopewell, ate requested to rail at jny
Office; No. 4ft St Clair struct. In until clty.niut make payment
to me, cu or before tho Tpfc day of October next: ivnd thusd
having claims against him, will present thorn for settlement
nusrdoaWfl>w*ffGt . Apslgneo of John P. Hopowel], .
ppnsp For Sato*
i GOODnndwoUbuUtTwoStory 8rick.H0u,«0,.32-by32
containing JO Übotns and Cellar* is for sale. .The
Lot 50 by 188 fcet, ood a garden attached to at,: iu which arc
a great qnaoUtyof grope planted- • The place la well adapted
for a tavern. Tho property will be exchanged
In the vicinity of IMctaburgh. For particulara enqinro at
EngUeU and Classical Seminary.
\rR, \VM. T. FTDON'ALD, A.M., latuTutor in Genera
IYI College; has beeninduoed, at tlio .earnest solicitation
oTlus references, to roopon hla SEMINARY FOR Bo\B, on
the 7tlx day of September, instant, at No. 51 Fulton street
The numlier of-Pupiisbelng limited, applications for edmis-;
sion beyond the limitation, harp relative- priorityof claimn.
Tebws.-“$50,00 per: Academical year. For':further inlbr*;
matton, application may be motto to cither of his . .
JSffervncrs— Her. Win. 11. Paddoch, Hon. A.W. Loomis,
.Charles Kniip, Jr., John Harjtf'r, Hon. Vf. M*Candlosst, ; ; .jj.
ficpQd^d : • ' ■
mmi wmi: I'Amti- ;
lOQbundleaCrnwa Straw Paper} .
' CO do Straw Paper i ’*;
12. do Double Crown Straw Paper;
15 . do ' - Medium . . ; do. : uo ;,
; 40' do' . : 7 -do Tea . do;
. 14 pieces A Envelop© do; -
12 do Printing do;
8 do I|oaty Pooh paper, 24 by iIS:
Quarto Post, Folio Post, Foolscap,: Flat. Cap, Ac.,
sale, Wholesale and Retail, by
sepS B. T. C. MORGAN, Ito Wood street.
: Spenccrlan CommercitU Colleger ■
(u.T£ 0. K. OUMIDEBUS’ai) :
. P<*frbws7i, ita* (TAird F^oor.)/. ;
E.... P. GOODNOUGII, Practical. Accountant, and highly
• Preceptor,-reconlly of Commer
cial iCoUcgc, will direct, permanently and efficiently, the
Bookkeeping department. - . ;•; •
It C. SPKNCEIt, Associato— I Teacher of Commercial Cat*
natations and Practical Chirogrophy.
cd public, that no pains or reasonable expense have, or will
bo spared, to render the advantages of this Institution nee*
ond to none, and profitable m Kj-stemotiiing the buainKw
energies of the nnpiring youtb of our country; .
Tbiims—Full Course, $40,00. .
Principal and Professor of Penmanship,
nnl3;dtw and Teacher of Commercial Correspondence. ■
For Bale. •
V HOUSE and Lot of ground containing two acres, tuo j
XL; roods and .twenty perches, situate in Churtiers town* 1
RhJp, near the Plank Road, two miles from Jones* Ixiwer j
Ferry; rmo story frame, 38 by 50 feet, with finished garret- .
ALSO, three houses and lots, wlth.two story brick dwell*
tags, ra tho North side of Washington street, nciir- the East j
Hdoof. the East Commons,- . •• j
, ALSO, a two'stOTy brick honse and stable 08-tho
backport, situato on the Sooth fWe of Lacock. street, near
Federal stmjL 22 feetiVont by IKT back; I
ALS0 V the undivided half of an unimproved , lot, ;sltuat<*i
on the North pkta of Robinson street near Corny ptrcot, 30 :
feet by 100.
r ALSO,*an unimproved lot, sltnate jon Juniata street. In
ThOmasSampie’s plan of Chatham, 25 by 123 feet. i.
i ALSO, two-shores InthoOld Allegheny Savings Bank.
ALSO, five shares in the Manchester Savings Bank. ; . .
The aW property will bo sold on SATURDAY,Aha 25th
[of- September atlheCourt House steps,•ntpublic sale; no*
hlesasald at private sale, bofim said-Hsth of Sept. For. fur
l thsr particulars enquire of
J JOHN Grantfd.:
I oep9al2v;wlt Consignee of CAMPBELL A KENNEDY.'
1 N B-Tcnas 6f sale made known on day of sale.
0 ™*«, Ifn-iwunf new fitvlefle lames. !JE'
EIBUUNSI RIBBONS!— }Ve havojiwtnOTHwlabriutimc
osagrtmeiifc of Fall MMON*
■ *m*l • ■ ~' V ■. ■■■■■■ ■■ ■ 1
SUPERIOR BOSTON SYKUP-~3up e i , ior to oi
! -
TVdSOLIj JTDN —Ttio Partnership licrcMlorn esMtait te
tween John Parker and wnumn Girr. unuer the.finn PUIKEK &CO, I* thiiidArdissnlTed. fenl.'tl
lasses in-ftore and far wile by - * - •• = • l;' .
STTMAK lIOUSB MOl.AaaKS—lu IjlilAiit. James, lddo. St
Bernard Sairnr Ifoueu. Molasses; in ftioreandforwUQ by .
pnmo IHo CoiTco. juaWrorfelved and for.
jyl2 221 and 223 liberty street
Ti'OU' SALli—Ten shares "ortho Kayette Manufacturing
|i Coinwinv will be whl or exchanged at a barßoin, If ap
plied fi>r *lOOll. IJIOMAS MOlfPIlTv
p n«p7 so oll - No , Hfth Btrcrt.
••••■■; 'Wanted.
A FALES3IAN iii o Fancy Kotail Dry Goods Stere.. Ad*
A- drops Box 685; Post Office; Inference as to good moral
character and qualifications will bo required Fop< .Iw
o W M’Ciintoeh's Carpet i>o,B.> Fourth street,
comprising the richest anil newest styles far the fall gales
We invito those wishing to purchase to
/’'IENEItAL AGENT—The undersigned i» prepared to at
lj tend to purchasing and selling Heal l>tote, negotiating
BomU, irortgagw, Stocks, Tima Bill?, City and Land V, ar
rant* AHbnsmess entrusted to my care wUI boftttcnaeu
to \7ilh promptness and fidelity. THOS. MOFFICT,
Jy 3 29 fifth street
DISSOLUTION —Thu partnerihip heretofore existing tm
<ler tho title of lIAWOBTU £ CAIRNS, was, by ma
llei coueent, dUiolveil on tlio 13th July. The acconuteof
he firm will be settled at tho old stand, by Jehu Haworth
R; T. CAIRN'S. ;
A N replication ■vrill be cisde at the next session of tho
J\, Lcgißlature, for tbo cbortcr of a Bank, with a capital of
Threo Hundred Thousand Dollars, to bo located at Pitta
burgh, and callcdtlie *• Western Bank of Pennsylvania.’ /
. llorrif<burg Union will please copy in Weekly paper.-
IjtOlt SALto—A Hou-e and Lot on Carrot street, Allegheny
' city. The house is a frame 10 by SO feet, ono and a
half stories high, with a back kitchen and good cellar.< The
lot is.2o by XOO feet, fronts}oh : Carrol . street, and pxtenda
. hack to Jefferson rtreeU -lTitl 'be sold low”.. • Terms
Imml. the balance to suit purchaser. Apply io . v
w*p7 THOS.' SIOFPITTy No. 20 FlflUst.
IN ctuiKCfittouce of the loto lire, TAAPI’B, 3IAGUIKE &
BANE, hare remored to 112 Second street, within one
•door of Mood street, where they will continue, as usual, in
the ■ ComiuiHalon, Forwarding and Produce business, being
f l \lly.P re paithl to.flU orders, effect sales, andadvaucoon con-’
rfgmneuts, and fuel', confident, of rondering satisfaction to.
thdfg who fitvor thetn. with commands^' -1;; aulfl -1
rpilE Stockholders of the Pittsburgh) and Steubenville
..-X- Hallroad Company, axe hereby notified, that the second
instalment of flvo .dollars per share Is now called in, aud
will l«o paid into the Treasury of, on or before
the 12th day of August next, at the Treasurer’s Ofilce, No.
4dWood fit.j Uittaburgb.:. . • : ■ . / :
; By otderoftho board -
j?2B:tf - . ..•. • WM. A-. HTTiL,Treasurer.
P 31 DATIS. Auct’r.
JEdncation— The Female Seminary
{late ams. Fom>em&'&)
'TTTILL !>e continued at the usual place, corner of Wapli
.. if ington street and East Cominonf Alleghany
tail term tb© first ilondaylu tieptemlier next
efficient management of MiM HannabE-Davls,
ivbo has for noihe time, bad chargor os . principal/ and; trill
harp suitable assistance in itfl mansgementr-' ’ :i -' r tr - ;
In pcuai of location and. arrangements for tho comfort of
tiro pupils, it is not surpassed In the community.
' For &c^.aee Citcoldig/ ' ' ’■
■■VTEW BOOKS! NEW BOOKSfXAnotliL'rlargo: Jot of
'LLi New Books haretfciKday. been received.„• Among them,
in Disease; . ••
; Bickersteth-on v - - - • ; ' • ■ :
Barr’» Catechetical iartrtoctiohn fcryomig'Cmnmahlcftht?;
BamrwV Late Sermon before the General Assembly, N; 8.; -
' : Connelly's Lettor te' Earl of Shrewsbury, ogttih3t Popery
.. Webster's Unabridged Dictionary;
• Barnes’ Notes; - ./- ■ -'' •' ■'/V - .'.
•Jacobmtf Notes And Questions; . ...
Liturgy; Ao,Tor the use of Sunday Schools, by the Epis*
. *opal Sunday School Union. •
auG : . DAVISON. & AGNEIF. G 5 Market st.
Fine Oolong Black Tea* .
“\T7rE would coll the attention of our retail customers
yy to our large stock of Black Teas, selected with great
ente in tho New Vorli market: . ! ;
Souchong, lb,. . 35a; English Brealdast, ft 8>690;
Fine Oolong, . &oc4 Extra Oolongs .
Delicious Oolong. - $l,OO. •
.Young Hyson, Imperial, and Gunpowder,: samejptfccs as
above pure and fragrant. . ;
Detail Grocers are Innled to cull and■. examine our stock,
cither packed in quarter or half pound packagcsJoriu-bulb,
by the half chest, •• A. JAYNES,:
Profeßsor Thompiion's Female Seminary,
I STILL open the-Fall <3e*sjou. on MONDAY, 30th instant;
y\ - and continue Five Months. -AS the number of pupils
is: : limited; early application wltf be'necessary t& secure! ad*
mission. No pupil admitted for less time than a session, and
no deduction of tuition except for protracted illness. One
half of tuition payable invariably in advance. For further
information.see circulars, or-prof T. inpersbn, atTtisrooin.V
Liberty street; tTrwin’fl Bow.)
Prof. T. will form a MtisUela.-fi of $ or 10 lads, in Mathe
matic* and Languages, to recite from 3to U IVM.,ouTfla
gonshletenaia;-.; l ■ [anlB. iV
• Tike Sattoual Portrait Qailery.
WF. YOUR MONEY.—Those of our citizens who wish
) to subscribe for this publication, win save-' money-by.
procuriog it from the. undersigned.: The work is- sold by
traveling agents and others, at 25 cents per number, or $lO
lbr the work complete. ■ Now, we propose. to furnish the Na
tional Portrait Gallery at 20 cents per number, or $7 for the
work complete. And. as now enterprises of this kind fre
qucuUyfail before half the numbers are published, snbftirt-'.
bore to persons,'wbo‘-represent , themsclres as
the only persons from whom such^andsnch works can be
fiad tlxanselvKi minus their money, for the cbnsfcK
, erstion of a few stray 'numbers; of a booth containing a
quantity, of republishod.,maUcrj-aml aparccl of wood cats.
AVe 4q not say that the National Portrai t Gallery-will hot bo
. completed thut, we doasyy phould‘ ft' kjotha suSlriehtly ap
- predated by the public, tu warrant its wo obli -
gate ourselves to every one wbo FuhscTibes. touff, Tdrlt, to
refund his money and take biwk all the; numbers homtiy:
have received. So. come and subsorllxs and by the; opera
tion save $3. , H. MINER & 00.,
au24 . No. 32 Smithfield street ■
•. ~ - vv
x ™^r toto^™ g “^ e
aW rtiurat,lW<^™£ £
...sep4_ - ' •• • ■ *- ■'* ■ -■-■
« sttlefleJwnw. •• • •
Removal l
Notice to Stockholdcri),
Fresli.ArrlvalMNeir Bookal
MODERN CIIIYALRVi-Or the Adventures of Capt. Far
rago and Tagud OT.egan—by 11. H. Breckcnridgo;
second edition; with a biographical notlco; a critical. di>
<lulsitioh on the work/and explanstbry/notesj-witit illnflr ;
imtions from original designs, by Parley. - •'
The Arabian Night Entertainments; -embellished with,
nearly on* hundred engravings; a newedition—Bvo; .care--
fully revised and corrected. ••
The Standard Speaker; containing exercises In prpsc and
poetry; for declamation in schools, academies, lyceuip*, col
lege*; newly translated or compiled, from celobrafed cra
ters, authors and popular debaters, ancient and modern—a
treatise on Oratory ond Elocution, notes, explanatory'/and:
biographical, by Epes Sargent, third edition. * : .
A Fathers legacy to bta Daughter—By Dr. Gregory. Al
so. Sirs.-Chapones Letters.
Coe’s New Drawing Lessons—Drawing for Schools. ,:AMe»
tbod by which'aU the meznbera Of a largo class nrc taught
to draw at onco, w*ith uc-atocss, nuiformlty and accuracy,—
in six parts. By Ben. JL Coc, Teacher of Drawing. :.: .. . t
nu2B : • B. T. C. MORGAN, 104 ’VVoodst
Adams do Co« f s Western Express.
AIIIO LlNES.—Having purchased Mr. J. S. Lockwood's
Rittabtirgh andClcvelaudandPittsburgU.ondFiat'sillon
Fixpross,-we shall commence running the. same ou Tuesday,
June Ist, 1552. »
A messenger, provided with nn Iron safe for. canyius
Vy and valUablb parcels, will, leave burofllc*, SOFdurth.stV
at 8 A. M.; for Cleveland and Massillon; 'and returning,:vrill.
arrive daily at V. M.:
. r Gold, rilver, bank notcs, and other valuable par*
oils, together with goods of nll descnpUons, vrlll be carried*
at mail speed, aud^delivered at any of the stopping places on
the Ohio and Pcunsylvanln,Clevetand and Pittsburgh, Clevo*
Innd. Colnmbus and Cmdnnat], Jlnnsfield, Mt.
Yetuon. Newark and Zanesville Railroads, ;•••••
Our.A or the Agents ;bf the American Express Cbm* ,
pany, wui fj^-ord-goods from any.of-tho important points
bn the of to townA and places adjacont;•
v . ;ta-. points beyond tho
lines over which wo run messcngcrH.
: -IYo can uot? roach by railroads almost every town In Ohio
of importance.- Goods for, northern Indiana, northern lUJ*
ttois, Michigan mid Upper Canada,. forworiTod dirortly. to
and thence to destination by American Express
goods distinctly ; ;ahd on the padsage, not :
oii tabelflbr cards;*: Also, msrk the name of the pouiity,‘
.. The collection of draflsi bUls.and accounts attended
tb at all points onbiir different linos. ; . It
iny3l : BAKER J; FORSYTH, Agenta.
i-j New Illasln>
/“N IPSY'S SONG, as sung by. Jenny* Lind; ,
VX Songof the Exlio; by IV.T.‘Wallace; ’ :
Elira’a Delight iUnolo Tom’s Cabm.) • > *
. Grave of .Washington.. • i .
■•’. Early Lost, .Early Sava3. : v' 1 : f..::
Sailor-Boy’s Last Drestu;*: :
'sly Soal’ivDaxk.r.'-'.:'.. -; '■
. tMiere Con the soul Find Rest.
. Echo of Lucano, or Swiss Mother. ■>
• A HundredYearsAgo.. .. < . ' ■ r:
Jamie’s on the Stomy&a,
: Will no Malden-Marry: Me; bvKleLer. T -
Poor Old Slave;
: The Better Land.
S«oud Grande Volka deConwtti b, Wallace.
RnTlcw lMlka, nltU abwmMdl ftontisplm
Fly Baby ■. Polka
‘ Glendon;;; l’C ■ *:
: Olympic • do. ...
Albion SchotUsch.
• Castle Garden SchottirohV ■ .. ' ' - : .
Grace do.
Talisman Waits; byStrako-ch
i*■- ; *Aurora.-WnlUoscomplete,-.
i . tiuoon of.the Famcrf IValtr.
-;7 ./ /r KnlckcTbockbr'QirickStop,-
: ' - -.. General - • - • : A - ;V; 7'7 : "’'
I Death of St. Clare: and Eva’s Parting;-together with many
j-new Songs, Polka’s, Waltzes, Ac.t- .
1.. .. Just, received and fur. sale by •- • ... . .v
tt\>\ JOHN U. SIELIX)IL 81 Wood street.
Twlcliell A Dlogrldge.
of Commercial aiui Pint itred *.' :
YTTILL Promptly attend to all consignments: and- Com*
. %y ■■■•mlsaltma entrusted to them, hud wIU make liberal
cosh advances on omsiguments or Bills of Lading in baud
Ordors for.thc purchase of Lead; Grain,’ Ifouitt and other
Produce, will bo promptly, filled at the lowest poa3lblopricefl,
andon the host terms;'- .•*••■. v
. .liiey will a)fi7 undertake the ; scttlemout- and dollcction of
ctalms of Importance; and--hope, by their especial personal
efTorts mm attention to all tho interests of their friends, to
give genfiral witlsfactkm.
T v: BETEasiTCCJ: ■-;
Geo.CoUior, St. Louis; EULs&Morton, Cincluitati;
.B«»n7 : : do j- Strader S German,-. : : 4pf
Charlcss, Blow & do;* Hazca & Fraser, • * ' - -do;
Chouteau & Yalta, - - do;. Springer A Whiteman, - do;
Bonn, King&Ca, : do; K. 4 CTnnmU SCa, Pbilndn;
i- W- Butler 4 Bro.. Pittsbh;. :Storpm, }. M. Buck * IMIW
D. leech 4 Co, do; B-B-Cofflogj-V " do;
>\m.Holme* & Co. do; Shields 4 ihller, i, “»»
I Blow 4 Moreb, Kcw York. Joatsh Lce 4Ca, : BnlUmore
i A. G.Farwell & Co.. Boston';'.' ::,Bcnds»Bj«
Howord, Son iCo, do; H.B. Newcomb 4 8r0.,;. do,
T. C. Twiebell * Co.: Coßnnlseion' MorchnnW,; Neff Orleans...
i. mias long established ■ House. coniine. thelr_.n-kendn
I X palcaamJ purchases*on Commission*ami w
[ Forwarding busineiSH generally. .» , , L[ ,. r .
• They-soUcit acontinnapoe pf tho hheral patronagO Here*
j. them , ■ xmdi.hfaa
Ws '“‘ A naW chrtjMteetwl*,
J- .—w... lasffm;* jqitxaKKg; '
r TVlinmr 1 * B,t ®«* Shw, b„
Triuimfnr; <n (Stactty Slow. Eentlw, ’ '
m!I, M *PPIT fa y. tWDDIASN, JlB Jlarkot »t
obu-akTUbSSTST® iTnff«ra-t, «n
-• A votjteiir.lp.tho nUrlvol 'imlffulTfiMe £bi«
T^‘S,fS : i^S-jx, -*»»'
k %i\7f L
_L cupiotl by ttio pubwnler. PrtwutaongtTcnontlu.l'M,'
inst. For terms enfiolro of U 1
opr9 ; 11.’ll SmliUfcU
•'IjIOK. KENT—A.flncdtoowm*. the ccmerTifKean'aod iuJLV
Xi-flfcrpeU, ho* forui(ir)ybwu occupied os a prtfg
U considered irCno stand fi»v that.htwmuHa..: -Applvio ■■■
scpff A\ g>nV LOOMIS. TU *L
To let*
7FTJIE Store House and Dwelling; X 0.283 Liberty street —•
X possesion am bo had ontlio l*t of October. Thfc Uotj? -
ol the best stands to tho city, Knqnire oJV
scpiO'dtf mmay. kicharm
SALK OR JiXCIIANtfB.—A Lot nf 4S.'bylOO fo«,
X 1 On which are erected- three- Brick and :two Froow
Houses,'-on tho rcar. Tho whole rentfl, Tor JGOO, anai»?iliv
a tod on Penn street, in the- Ninth IVanf. • ..« .i,,
au2 THOMAS MOFPITT, No. 23 With stmt.
: A STOCKof Groceries romprialngTlkmily teas, ragar, coT---
ix. fee, molasses. srvcral kegs nails, spfcujy-one platform
scale, best qaality brandy and Scotch) whisky, for medicinal
queeneware, store iixturcs, Ac-, will bn bold HiL*» inoru
lug at 10 o'clock, at the store of Tho Appclbe, corner of Tnn
nell and Wylio streets, ns ha ht doelining-buriDcss. sepifclt d
TVEStRABLE BUSINESS STAND—I offer for rent the
XJ WAREHOUSE now occupied by mow; a Dfng Store on
tho corner of Liberty and Hand streets A good locaMon for
business of any kind i*o<e-csrion given immediately,
may 12 JA&ES A. JONES. *
BALL—4 lot in Allegheny City, fronting 20 feet oa
JC Beaver street, and extending back CO ftet to an oiler,
pear the comer of Beaver awl Jackson streets, Thus prop
erty is well situated far n dwell Ingor business stand- - --"
. Apply to . ; . 1H051A3 MOFFITT,
jy!7 . • No. 29 Fifth Street.
170 K sALKr-ln East Birmingham, 11 1 ani. su bstaiit la fa t i'd
: r '.neat DRICKPWELLINQ HOUSES, contrfnlng three
: rooms cach»,TheiatA nrels\> ftjet:front by deep.—
Said houses aro in-the war end of tbq.lots, leavingaufllcScnt
;spare ip frcntfor.the erection- of oUier. btiildingP. -'Apply to
jyfl) THOMAS MOriTfT, So. 29 Fifth st.
S, A Lot on Centre Aveuucv32 feet, front, mnl extending
back 118 loot, having oa itu.TWO; STORY. BIUOK HOUSE,
good well and other conveni/rfim*. - • . 1
. Term*—One*half cash*-,balance in two yearly payments.
jy!4 • AUSTIN TJIOMLS, No 92 Fourth street
17011 RENT —Krom tbo April next, tho STORE, with '
•JD Ihrellingatha»died, on the comer of Market and> Find
streets—a good busineft} stand foraStorebr Tavern; itbelug square from Hie river—will be.rented low-to a good
tenant. Apply to
marlOdf WALTAR BRANT, No. 232 Libertyi t
SALE—Ten Lots of Uronml. In the Sixth Ward,
. being 24-. feet front'eachon Crawfordgtrpclve.t tendihg
.back*l33 hUl;slreet;. thcisa lota are situated In :
» part of tho city. . which- is.rapidly improving, arid would
make convenient places of residence. - easy.;
Enquire of AUSTIN,LOOMIS f
. - Bep4 -■•...• ■ .. . ■•..... • ■yo62.Tdnrih< rt reet.-•
EOR SALK—A fumt ofabuptXl.'JncrwwUh ;übout6o In
; tevetii 6im?«v a frame
bnrnandfit atte,MHt other and orchard
of bearinß applctreea ana other IhiiKimd it gooa
water. Situate obUlg Fuekcta, OntUesitam Loipm’s l*o*ry,:
20 miles from the city, ami pleasant .and healthy location:
AH IngoodorderandirilLbeiold entireibr- $2,500;. --v.
8 CCTHKEIIft Gefi Afft,
>5O-SmitbCefil st.^
ITUSDiIHAL bTKEiri.’ WiOWam r —i’Oß BAlfe,tWo volua-'
? ble Building Lots, each iSXfeet Trout* on Federal street,
Allegheny, by 100 ftofc-deep to tm alley. ‘They cry eligibly
rituated eitfier for bUßinraaur ft'short -
distance from the bridge, and a central locnlkm- to both
clUcs. They wDI besold separately, if required. Price foe
.each,s2,soo? .ctiforms acconimodat fog.
" S. General Agent,- -
•• 50Sgntfaficld.street.- ; '• :
EOJI tfALB—A most dujdrnblo Country: Hcsidcnco, ocn«
taming about five acres of land, fiituato on thn Fourth
Street Boot!, atxrat throe .miles from the city; on vrlilch there
is cottage JhVcIUOg House, of mneTOoinv: con-:3
veniently arranged; ngood. well of wniercloseratthodocr;
vn neverfftiliag spring-of t?ateT,'..'bnt ft tho :
house; a well fi/uflhea "£tahle, and .pihltry. hdtise; yaridu-V
‘ hinds of;fruil/v apple,: peach; pear, .oiui'.'ch'crryi'trees/ hcw' ;
hearujggrapevines,&c. AHforfateatafipcculflUon.'
" wSmlthftelil street.
-v-For 8ale»-;:-:;;^r,y:;.
TpHUITY ACRES OP LAND near the.ButlerPianfc Road,
i --milcp from the City, on which is n. frame-SICKLB
4O by is feet,ono fitory lii^h—fllao, a BailiUng-■
connected withtho above 18by.lS Dwelling Uuur.o • '
. 20 by TO fcctj-oiif! «toty with r. tone basement and cou* '
S ' rooms,Tornifihoi to.;good style, : Also, two stables, •
one 20 by 14 feet, the other ltf by 8 fret Twenty acres of the
nboro is good bottom land, the balance Well timbered, ' -
Apply to , , * TIIOS MOFFITT,
naglT No 23 fifth streets
A DESIRABLE location for a SADDLER, in the thriving
. town of IlAStrvniv Columbiana county,; Ohio. ; The
buildings era the premises wero crectwl for thcr csprcM pur*
pose of carrying on the Saddle and llamcaa manufacture,
and an excellent business has boon- donefu that line. - Tor
further information, appl/:to Joseph Keith on the premier,,
or to R: T. LEECH, Jr« 133 Wood street, Pittsburgh.
: ,N.:R—-If not sold befbre the,first day o£ .September, 1852,:
the property win on that dny .be disposed of avpabMc
Gazette copy ami charge Post.; • ■ j026:2ni r
No. 38 Fifth street;;
SALE.—Two Lots, each 20 fectiafrontou OverhUl sf.
by .100 deop on a Bido aUoy. of 20 on oto lot :H a boo 4
Brick- House of two. stories with n kltcbettand cellar, a hall; -
two parlors, three chambers oral garret; olite.-. a largo porch - ■
la the rear. Ou tlie lot alining the alley* i* a good Vrame*
: Hotise* s large yard and garden, with trees, At; tho location
is pleasant* /The whole will bo sold nndiySded, and can bo
bought at a bargain, os the owner has made arrangements
to go East. Immediate possession -:1: 1 - . ,
5G fimlthfidd street.
JSsTATE i'OK SAUv—Fifteen Acres, with im-
Xi provemenls; KitoatolO miles from, the Caual. Will he
baxteredfor improved property ia Allegheny City, worth not
more than $100& *
. A property la Lawrenceville t desirably Minuted—lo feet
front by 143feot. deep; good : improvements ;■ price $1&00. —
Terras easy. .
A valuable property of .W feet front by 100 loct deep; Im
provcmenta&H ncvr (uxd- good; pleasantly ■ fdta&tcd above
Temperaueeville; will be sold cheap, and terxos easy.
S.-CUTilßiaiT, fienetal Agenfc, •:
.-y-V.X::;).SQ&idthfiel& street.'-/-
: wCjL s rougiittia. 'Farm, of 41}<j acres; 30 in good cultiva -
.tion; 5 acres ta choicu meadow; "balansc, nay, ta prune ■
timber, and smooth land; about 4 arxcs of cool, (tbe bonk is
open, and a good road); an excellent limo stone quarry
comfortable.£orm house, -framoitorn,and other out house-',
: fine-water,' chcfce--.fruit,appies,;pe&iBj'; plums and : peaches*,
.with smaller fruits; agreeably situate ono qunrtCT-of amUe
from tho -Monaugakela rircr, from M’Kecfipart, and 12
from Pittsbutgb. - Price $1400; %TOO in handt batauw at
sLooa.ycar^-.-:v*.x-i -V
EnstPlttstrorgh. & Wilkinsburg Property
■npOß SALK.-rOKJi LOT, containing cmo nuU ft haJf ttcn*,
JPlxontius on .
, - Twelve Building. Ix>ls,'of:iarffegi2e» In East-Pittabmgb, a?
onginnHy laid out by Reis & Dithridge.
ALSO—One .substantial two story Brick House, and tvren
ty-nlne Building Lots,' in the village of inifciushurg. Abo,
one, two,;thr£>e end four acre Lots ndjulning.. .
._'T£EKs—-One-half ca?h; , <flTe* ten* or fifteen
years,ns pttnrfc'tses .may r»jquire;: rEnqixire of V ; V>. ’
at Warehouse of Pels L SrCurtfy> >
. . KO.ISB Liberty street ,
O. IV JIIPBEY, Attorney nt Law,
Ho. 344 Fourth struct.
BBOOMJS--fl7 doz, to cJo«c oat, by ■ • <
nog - A. «T. STOAKT-
Just received 10 pieces rich new Full stylo Brocade
Mia. seal
mOI)AC<X>-070 ho,res, pound, half pound, lump, and Si.
X 8 and 10V, port Of which are choice brands, received on
consismncnl, direct from the manufcctamra of Richmond -
'and l.rnchlsurph, Virginia, and for rale low, by : :
fsa FdLL FASHION. : ' __
&I& M’-COIVD £ CO, corner or Fifth ami Wood ste, J§7
, ' lJ i} lltro duc t >, rma dot, their HALT. BIIXE
i' uuoy would alsorail attention. to their £6M and
Fashionable. Hat, which are superior to on? thin 4 * - be
fore got ap at that price. oubifm
B A »iotncr vreuik Arrival at No. 97.
& north“T?Mt j comer of Wood street
• and Diamond alley, are juat opening a fresh stock of
tfancy.prints, Summer Dental cons, Laincs, JtorcggDoLaineß,
CTonchj- Manchester- ftnd'DoiafeatlorGi3Qghflms.--®)^thcr f
jrtth a complete assortment of Indies’ Dress Goods. Also, o
largo Block pf Uoslory. Acj , These, together with
pur former,purchases, makKi:onr stock unsnrpftsscd by any
west of tbeniontaius-^—l<s' which we solicit the attention of
buyers, os waoanoffijr them on the most fhvor&alQ terms. 1
jdi ** D. GREGG A CO.
:Jf 'j?-Vy -* 1 :v *
' r
; " V/, 1
S. OiiXIIBKET' noncnl
boxes, superior qoiility.-ftrjaJe'by 77
smith; l &Xii CLAIR.
Young Ladles Semluary, A£ieghcny.
\7. ; MKTCAIiFr their Aur:".'
XVX. tumu ScAuon on MONDAY, August 80th, at their '
dwelling, ou Federal street, Itow.” Mona. P. W.
'Oengembrelfl engaged to Instructin- French; audMona. U. r
V, Oengrwbro, In Drawing and Pointing. : . Scholars may en
ter atauytime,aad will Bo charged tuition from the time of: .®ioiu
door will W&n exccptlonJtOiflie ahovQ rulG. Tuition lulls .
will be wceWcd,onebalf ln half at the -
:d6se’pf:the,sessipn; i vV--'- : ''oH : '-'' V:’
AU other arrangements the same nshcrctofore, which may -
be ascertamwl by referonan to the circular, or by applying to
the Instructor*.
. Allegheny, August % 1852.—au5:tf .-v-i
riIHE undersigned begs leave to announce to his Mends .
X and. customers, that he has' received a toga, anil «*Uh
.the greatest care selected, lot of.imEJifMft-andi .yiIENCII
WINE, -which bo can' warrant as .pure Itadgtmalnc, and
t?lilcli/he ; pclj3 tbe bottlevor'.casfc h» • • -
keops : alwdvs’ ott-hahdV'a hirgo. antl'yell^Belfidtdstoclc^il.
all of-which are tif the first quaiUca, and warrant
ted munUaa articles, ■ Hefeelsgratdut, faMfcrmor f&vnrs,
ami it sliall ho-hIH daty to attend toldn customers oa/or
mjSybe has mad* the best axul hdert Injprorcment for rc> -
tiding Whiskey, ho can furnish tli.ia of and
IjT celebrated taannloctorlcs of 0. .P, 3l«iTW,anil >\ XLLUM
Haix t 8on» JtotrYcrlta: v •• - • ••-. - /-
Th'o-m ijofltrwncnta arc mnnutacturod ih the mo=t su wtan* ; , •
Hal und scientific pjatmer,, and hare rtcclTed thonpprobation
of all tho bost teachers of that instromenh. ;
-The prices areas - >. - j„^ r *ik n.\ v '
No. 1, .MnbOßMy, with cose, soj ellra ltrlng3, $15,00
2, RMoiood, Jo do 20,00
i do 'do do 26,00
i *®,_ do 3° 20,00
T ' do do - 40,00
S do da do 60,00
ralo W JOHN E. MELLOR. '
, fotru? p> tbo^lmmlioturera,
n j2 i " * 81 Woofl^treet.
r . ivtiUccto-UallroaaCoiitractopa. '
mJEB *ufcseTib*«:«* Tfn i? ttnUftrtaken. to complcrtO the grail-'
VI i D * piwwMy ox lb<ivhoW of littfibttith and
I sfeuljcin'iJle BaUro&ftftom-PUtabtu-Rb: iothoTlrginla line,
i Tespectfullyliwlto ffnch oontrttftort t» hirre made felt fcjda
i ftr portion* of. isdil work ofcjth&Jato lotiltog* and.’toy olhura
I dosirttuiorhATlng Tfork oii lbn road, to e*U without delay
uttludr ofllai, fOTnferortlnmtßttwtimiiDfetaoudalley, up
i ptolrs, wliefts one br moromumbdrs of theflmnrlll bo found
i mvparcd to mako satisfactory arrangflmonts with contractors ••
for dohig-perta of the work* Kane but rcsponsib! a contract*
or £teoeo wi:o can-«mfl well dbed apply
'■'< {aUrubenvlUe Herald
copy one woefc, and charge send o&ecopy to ufrS
r *
1 ;