i* * .j 6 v iv ~ *** *. | r « *■ * r >*>.***., **♦*- I « ? v ,wr *,* *•%, v** * * > *-- > >\ 7i \ "i; > f * , ■?„ '[' ‘e >_ - • ■' 3 r V’;;r -- > •-> ;*% :;k-ry; -...., , . ‘ ' ■J; : ; n, -«r >.; : .-. . y:>:,. .: ..' -Vv;:4- ■■•■..'■ .'T^.'-' t :£-! ;*s*»■* „,*’ ,? (, { v ~ 4 r.r. ► --> ,■* J - •- r % - * , ' ‘ , ’ ,' , . ‘ „ *, \ ~ 1 ‘ ' • ■ . '• . ■ - ' -' WSOSBSS^M itttoMl IMBililm f^WiPP ■steStes s£s}'t gmnttei IOMIM @|aji|Ss|sllK&!BSfc tggtiipgM'- feifiitwi t&mSmssm- PPlPfefewl ■HI wifte HM &gi I J^aKg&ssasll B wtaK&ntfMtfß %fc»SlPl§f _ , : ‘.^sf/^;-*;r: ■ - ■ X*''"^Sli? Goovention was aot quite broad enough to bold . Geo. Scott and bio big feathers, aad.beace be : concluded to add anothor plonk’ to it, called tbo • Wan Plank, on which be wishes all foreigners to fight for two long years, before they will be allowed to rote for President. There is some thing in this idea of Gen. Scott so ridiealons, so unjust, so tyrannical, so odious, so anti-Ameri con, tbat no right thinking man can contemplate it without pitying the weakness of tbo man who could come to suchr“hasly" conclusions. ; : ■ Just thiuk of it for a moment! The Whig candidate for President, if elected, will not allow ■ ' n German or Irishman, or nay other foreigner, ■who forsakes oppression, the right to-vote in this glorious laud of liberty, vnlit A« has seraet! two Hears in the Army or Xavy, dobing actual wae! If tbo country ehoald be so fortunnto as not to ■get into-war, then no foreigner has a chance of becomiug a.citizen of. the United States, accord* , ing to the conditions prescribed by Gen. Scott, ■ in bis celebrated letter to Geobob IV. Rebd, of ■ Philadelphia, in 1811. A largo majority-of those who emigrato to tho United States are peaceablo agriculturists, who are of coarse unacquainted with military life.— They have been raised to tho plough, the hoe and the spade. They coma to oar shores to get clear of the wars, the blood-shed, the tyranny, the oppression, which hare for centuries cursed Europe, and made it a charnel-house of murder ed men.- They settle on our beautiful western prairies, and under their industrious hancPs the ■ wilderness is made to blossom as the rose. .They • ' develops the resourcea:of our country, open out its hidden treasures, add to its population, in crease its wealth, and build up its greatness and glory. «But,” says Gen. Scott to these,men,you shall not become citizens of the United States, you shall not vote, yon shall not hold office, un til after you have spent two years hero first in fighting, in shooting down your fellow-men, and making tho earth ran Btreams of blood! ”r Oh, bow horrible is that thought I. It is-enough to make one think that the dark ages ore again to ; cam'o upon us, when lordly oppression and. mili tary despotism and wholesale tnnrder shall curse the land, instead of that glorious miUenium, that heavenly period, so long and eo aniieuslydook ed for, whoa the sword shall be turned into the pruning hook, and wars shall be known no more. The Whigs have nominated as their onngidale for the Presidonoy, the Commander-in-Cblef of tho Army of the United States; Gen. Winfield Scott, who entertains the obnoxious sentiments ■above alluded to. Long tried patriots; and states-’ men of acknowledged abilities, were “laid on the shelf,” because they were not *• available, ’’ and a mere military hero* who does not possess a single civil qualification, was taken up as the " standard-bearer of the Whigs!, Gen. Scow.is a ' mere professional-soldier, and it is worse than, ridiculous for the Whigs to urge his claims upon ■ auy other grounds.. ;. Fighting is bis trade, ■ and 1 he is unacquainted with any other. ois thooghts . ore ever concentrated on that subjeot, asw refer , . enoe to hi 3 numeroas “hosty ” letters will fully ■■■u. prove. He seeks to convert this into a military government, .which is ever the preeuwor of a military despotism - . > -v . - l)o the Pcoplewlsh to have-a change like thisT We hope not,'- —we believe not. They desire' to v see the government administered in tho'Bimple# quiet and peoceftd method marked out by the fathers of the Kppublio. They wish to have an. - . - ~ir- Execntive who 'is not only a Statesman nad a / Patriot, bat a man who will interpose no barriers tothotidc.of emigration; who wilt.administer the laws faithfully and fearfully, without being lIP |||t*L| SjfsK 01 ■ liiili; Stoing- i.».. kv uap.pkr ............i.... ~..,ino>w&TinaiP3 : Harpor & Phillips, Editors & Proprietors. ■; PITTSBURGH: SATURDAY MORNING::;::::: ttnifttauit?* flfun Cetmsna B»4, «b WILLIAM 'HOPKINS, of n'AsmxtiTox vouxrr. Democratic Electoral f 1 BR2J vro&u UKOKOK WOODWARD, UKN. ROEEir * Iksp&gses lK.lnci, I, Vcrrtt Lcwot. . Qeojwb If. Mabtuc. / U. dOUN MjLtEßi ' 4. Y. AV. BCfcnuus. 6. R. M Cat, .Jr. pond<'n(ifr-h'ave; "• uponiho following place# at whlcdi to hold Towsshif MuEmus prior to the State election: At ScwickloyrHle on Monday. September 20tb, at S o’clock ■ • pm. *;• / ■ .■ :At Bakerstnwuon TuftAlavvSoptcmbor 21st, at 2J/, o'clock P. M . • At PcrrvsTlUo on \\Vduoftlay, September .22d, at 4 o’clock V M itiuxv.on Thundav, September 23d* fit '2ll o'clock Athbarpslmrgon PrulAY, September 21th. at- 4 o’clock P, M . At ATKeespnrt on Saturday* September 2oth> ot 0 >tuid 7 oeirvkP.M. ' •At ITcxax on Monday, Sept«nl>er 27 tb, ato o’clock. P. AL . At .EluaUHh on Tuesday, September 28th, At 3 o'clock 4> \L .: At Slinnrotown-.cn Wednesday, September 29th. at.2' ato m f jmiittr speculation. l&Kttl ;::::BEPT. 11. :ot for Pennsylvania. .ixectojw. I WXUON N'CINDLKSS, tT PATTEaSON. ittvß'XLEcms.... . . „ .District,. 13. H. C.Evee. 14. Juus Ciattos. : 15. Isaac Komxsojf; ; 10; IIEX&T FETTER. 17. JAME 3 BUttNPlDfc. ' ■ IS. -Maxwell . 19. Gen: Joseph M*Doxau>. ,20. WILUAS & CALAIUX. Borke. 21. ‘WlUlAil DCSX. - . 23. John S. Sl’CauioSt. [ 24. Geouceß. Barret. “FTTEHACES OF THE DEMOCRACY.” “The Post of Tuesday taa-tm Mtifle undor aio raplioo,. “(ho Country Is Sufi’,’’ which wraiioU t uur- noteo “nth m roundlntWoumot the Miorringpwograph extracted from it, noeomjwuiod with ronie “TTrnprhdu rommOnts. *> ‘We ateliar-Sy ti> enoiHiti'Co that we liavi boanl a voice from (Jorioft. which bnar. thoc ieoriii S uews, In clear tones, tliat tile OMlilry Is rofr.'rniJ dint sterling wnmty nil! ei.en larger majority for th° Democratic ticket titan has cv*‘P beqtiWeu bcrure»“ Tho runiara»of.thcl>omocm(y am In full "blast, w* 4 * that thcro In now not cufoubtbut that un wavering Dol&orotle county will turn, out a larger majority than it t*Y«‘.r.ha» bofom. Menro infonnod that the names of IjrbU oniHlraham nro scarcely ever heard, exoepfcto coimeet them.with Webster’s joke about tar and feathers.’ > •. .**i t TlieyhaveheardwvolcefromClnrionv'iiavotheyT- Well ' Fo IwTWV of tli« moctfty.'tf rtvto’ftUl mart.V.iH'e have heaitlthafc ibr. thp manufacture of Iron in county are nearly all but of blast, amt thattbe greater part of them hare fallen tinder ..the hammer of tlie >Shcriff., When the- latter wore : in tall : blast. Inter had abundance Of employment, and the thrmcr. ..luid a juxtdmarlcet tbr everything they could spare, hut liow is- it so 7. i*rthe ,‘fiimacca (if DcmocTccy,’ -wliirlinre* uow sidd 70 te in full blast, afford a good, paying market for. line du(\‘noJ.lokOr?..l>atheyenrich thecountry, hrin-comte it fiiu contuntmeat intotliodwellingaoftlmpoor.or prosperity ‘, u; eujucuUllrui clnsscst- .The very* opposite Is the fact— -1 heirfuil hlast has &laffrdlliQprosjH!rity.of that fine roiiutyv.- - put out the lift's of its -furnaces, and .-deprived its hitherto prosperous peopfo of thUmeaus of prosperity: Seveu columns - of sheriireudyertisemcnts aflbrda rad commentary ujwn the policy of-Uiopartyiovor wltosevhlasting' lnllue.nco the. I’ost vaults iu limyuieco that It tvoiiid not be too sfronu .terms lo .characterise as disteljcatmockeiy. l Could It not Sl-vak of.tho: doiruts of Us iKiliUviansiu thatcounty, without u slut: a theiiro whidninthe prereut prostrate nendlUonof the great Interest thut haa mndeClariou rountyinchand distlUguishcdt is lat terly insulting*’ ,jgg* Our readers mill excuse us for indicting them frith so large an amount of this verbiage; of the Gazette. We bail not room for it yesterday,, and: if we bad we would not liave oppressed their stomuebs with, it after taking tho dose they bad to swallow in giving an acconut of that “well ins formed Irishman,” who bos been caught by the Gazette and its friends away oat in Illinois. Can it be possible that tho editor thinks that his stereotype twattle about putting out tho fires of the furnaces, and seven columns of Sheriff’s sales in Clarion county, can fool the people at every annual election? Ilis lamentation is the same (that he uttered before tho last Gubernato rial elcotion; the same that has been kept up for years, and will continue to bo kept up until tho editor of tho Gazette can. become fttruthful chronicler of events. It would bo labor lost on our part to notice the absurd bombast in which the editor runs in an effort to make himself believe that Clarion county - is ruined. We give our- readers sufficient of it, however, to cuuso them to laugh at his folly, and to excite their contempt for his numerous false hoods. Judge Meyers and his fanny son retailed the some kind of staff in *5l; and what was tho rev suit? Why, an overwhelming Democratic ma jority in Clarion. The people gave ns littlo crc denoe to'the statements of the itinerating Myers as they now concede to the foolish inventions of the Gazotto, and every voice that reaches us, gives full assurance that the Democratic furnaces in Clarion arc in fall blast, and that on the day of election they will turn out on extra quantity of first rate Democratic metal. IMPORTANT CASES. On Wednesday, on motion of Job U. Tyson, of Philadelphia, and J. Ross fiaowden, llsq., of this city, the Supreme Court granted an alter native vimtlamus at the inslanco of tho Pennsyl vania Railroad Company, ngaiust Measrs. Gam hie, Morrison and Clover, the Canal Commiasian ers, for refusing motive power transportation to .said Company on the Philadelphia and Colombia Railroad. . And also a simitar mandamus was opened, on motion of the same gentlemen, at the instance of’ David Miller, of Lancaster; county. Mr. .Hiller is the owner of cars, and has been accustomed to carry passengers on his own ac. count from Philadelphia to. Columbia and inter mediate points. The: causes of complaint in these cases arise from the exclusive contract which* the Canal Commissioners have made with Mcbsps. Bingham & Dock. The validity of tlmt contract will he tested by these proceedings; and nlso tho ques tion determined, whether the Canal Commission ers possess tlio. power to exclude persons from the proper use of the public works, or whether, in regard to those publia works, their datics and powers do not merely consist in their having a superintendence and regulation of the same.— There may bn other questions involved; for we have not fully examined the petition and affida vits on file in the Supreme Court, ltscems that heretofore the: Philadelphia andiColumbia Rail road was used by any person or company which choose to embark in the enterprise of carrying passengers; it is an important question, there fore, whether a contract can be made by which a monopoly of that business can-bo conferred on any person. The writs in these cases are made returnable on the SSHlrinst., and they will, we learn, bo argued as soon thereafter ns the busi ness before tho Supreme Conrt will permit. THI3 I'IVE BULLIONS LOAN. The Philadelphia Ledger (money article) of Wednesday says: “We learn from Harrisburg, that Gov. Bigler has determined to accept no more of tho bids for tho five millions loan opened yesterday than will nay tho six per cent, bonds. The premiams oq this amount of the State debt will put aboat $53,000 into tbo sinking fand, and save an annual interest of about $25,000. C. 11. Fisher, of this city, who is understood to be the agent of some London bankers, bids for $3,- 120,000. Thus: •’ ; 552D.000 0 per jeeut. prcwitmi on every $lOOO ’ -020.00 Q : - -atl2 80 : “ '.« 1000 620,000 u :afc 1550 -• 1000 ;i •- ' 620,000 at 17 70 **.- “ 1000 - -6200)09 '. “ - -at 20 20 \ . - n 1000' -620,000 : “ -at22 70 - 100 Q , : ■ 40,000, Western Soviutf Pnuil 5 percent., at a prom.of' $2 CO for every $lOO, payable.Jn e»x per cent. *.rv ,-.*- bonds;.' -i'-'-'v''. .. GO.QOO, KUcsmxi, Urothors, ft percent., viz: £IO,ODG at , aprranlum oCSI 60 for every $100; slo,ouu do - 76 preinium; slo,ooo.nt $3; slo,ooo'at' ■ ' . $2 25,0 nd $lO,OOO at $2 50. 109,000/Cb&rles M’AUkUr, s®er cent, at $5 premium . ibr mb $lOO in 6 per cent. bond*. 10,000, Pcurmylvanla Life liwtirnnco Company, G per coat., ox $1 63 prcm. ■ ■■■■: 10,000, Bank Northern Liberties, 4 per cent., par. 10,000, Stephen^.'Cooper, 6' percent., at par. tributes to ogn. fierce. Notwithstanding the Whigs insinuate that Gen. Fierce did not do his duty in Mexico tm Com.—Two mon, named Trodden nnd Craighoad, the former o pclllorand tbo laltcr a boatman, have been arrested in Phil adelphia, charged with passing counterfeit gold coin. Tho police succeeded in obtaining from the party about two hundred dollars in counter feit money, consisting of-gold dollars, quarter, half and whole eagles. > The specimens were ad mirably executed, and .well calculated to deceive, tho unwary. A man and.his jwifo woro also ar rested, on Monday, on suspicion of being con cerned in the manufacture of the spurious coin. Tbo officers succeeded in obtaining from tbo premises a quantity of melted metal resem bling gold, and two moulds used iu coining the money.- A -Jodtcious Law.—The last Legislature of Maine passed an act making telegraphic compa nies liable for error in dispatches, either in trans mission or. writing out, la the amount paid for its transmission to-rits destination, both in and oat of the State- Ta case of unreasonable delay to transmit or deliver;'affecting the value of the dispntoh, tho whole amount paid shall bo re funded. Damngcs for falsifying a dispatch, l from twenty to one hundred dollars. Operators, ogont9, clerks, and other, officers are also held liable for any fraud committed or attempted by means of the telegraph. i ■. A Suspicions Vessel,—A deal of cseitemont has prevailed for the last few days among iho eastern house officials and insurance men of New York conoerning a British schooner, called the Mischief, Captain Morris, which vessel arrived on the9th ult., at New London, Ct., from Mala ga, by the way of Barmuda, with n cargo, as is currently reported, of wines, fruits, &c., and was nearly all of last week hovering below New York. It is supposed she was attempting to smuggle her cargo ashore. The collector of New York, on Saturday, despatched an officer in pursuit of her. ' Moke Lthchihg.—The Wilmington Republi can states that a colored man from Delaware, who had been lurking about the colored camp ground near Cheater, Pa., in company with two white men, received some pretty severe treat ment nt the hands of his brethren, on Friday night last Suspecting that his'intentions were not good, a poiumittee waited upon, him, and hffel! a ,hriof consultation, he was taken into the woods and beaten with many stripes.” He was then released and Buffered to depart, which he did in double quick time. • •-a > v-'vTTv-o --iV» Items of News and MisoeUany. lioßg lstodetitateß that sis persons— riiefljtjers of one family—died on the 12th ult., Within one hour of each other, near Rockaivay, H. £ The persons comprised a man and wife, a daughter of the-: same,v (a married lady,) two children and the mother of the former. , The di sease of which they died is not stated. -The War Debts of the European nations amouht to $100,000,000,000. It would the labor of four millions of men, uts IGO -per -unnum;: to pay the'iuterest of this sum at 6 per cent. , To pay the .principal, it.would be.neces sary to levy a. tax of at least $lO on every in habitant of the globe. The harbor of Boston has been swarming .with mackerel for somo days paat, and large quanti ties have Been taken at tbo wharves aud bridges, Following in'the trail'Of the.mackerel are a vo racious and troublesome fish called the ‘‘mack erel shark.” Several of these little sharks have boen.takeu within a few days at or near the wharf. From Saturday night to Monday morning the potice of Philadelphia made 209 arrests; about 60 for engaging in firemen’s riots. ; , Jones says ho hates to seo women buying furniture ut auotion rooms.. The prettiest then look ugly—their uinntcuances are so /oritdi/wy. Col. J. J. McCaben the agent sent to Europe by Pennsylvania,' - and - who returned in- the Arctic,: is said, to be lying dangerously ill in New York. : Senator Owin. of California, instead of sailing from New York, for Europe, on Saturday, left in the steamship Ohio, for SauFranoisco on Mon day. .Congress appropriated $8,743,14S 08 for pub lic works in California, while the receipts from that State into the treasury, were less than two million. At Brownstown, lud., last wefek, Samuel N. Davis recovered $509 from Andrew Iloush, in a libel suit. Davis remitted all but $125, which ho reserves to pay expenses. On tboSd inst. about two hundred feet of the bridge at Indianapolis, ItuL, fell. There was a large number of hands at work ; upon it, iwo or three of whom are missing. Five or six have been dangerously hart; three of them so badly that they cannot recover. It is said that Dr. Nswmnn will be brought up to receive sentence in - the Court of Queen's Bench, for libel'ingDr. Achilii, sometime In No vember. ;: The punishment will be eilber fine or imprisonment, orperhaps both. There arc eight men charged with murder 1 in confinement in the jail of St. Louis county, Mo., at the present time. Tbo receipts of gold at. the Philadelphia Mint from the Ist to the itb of September, inclusive, have been about $2,255,000. Belarus from 35 counties of Ohio, give the ag gregate nnmbcr of cattle, this year, as 403,495, and the. number of bogs 455,088. The same bounties last year coutaiccd 482 f bl>»< cattle,-and G 53,854 hogs. The apple orchards in the vicinity of Haddon fieid nnd Mount Ephraim, N. J., are said to ha literally groaning beneath the weight'.of their delicious fruit— The crop is remarkably fine nnd exuberant. Tbo Norfolk Argus hasbecn urging the .citizens of Norfolk to embark. In the'business of manu facturing flour with steam flouring mills, It says that the suggestion has met with favutt. Wo perceive by statistics published in the Buf falo Republic, of Saturday evening,, that tLe to tal number of deaths in that.city by cholera, du ring the month of AngusLwas SbS— an average of about eleven a day. The YiennaOaioUo of the 17th ultimo hastbo following: The court martial sitting in Vienna lias sentenced Maria Swobida, milliner, ti fifteen blows sith rods aud fourteen days' confinement In irons for verbal and actual injury to tho offi cers of pdWie security. They have got to growing chickens so • large in Massachusetts, that farmers havo to sell them by the quarter like pork: These arc chickens lo crow .aver.' . ■ At tho Grst three days’salcs on tho opening of the band office at Vandalia, (Illinois,) week before last, tho receipts were over $53,000 most ly in gold.' ■ ' It is said there ore 160 pmuibnses in Cinema nati, employing 100 drivers and 578 horses, with o capital stock investedof $200,000. Tho rates of faro arc generally five cents in . the city nctl ten cents in the country, not exceeding 4 miles. The French papers say Michael Ncy,. the : grandson of Marshal Ney, and sou of tho Duke of Elchingen, has cnterod.tho 7th Dragoons as a volunteer. He is only 18. • A business letter from Alabama says:—'“We havo but littlo to do in this State, ns it is certain to giro Pierce and King 15,000 majority. ; A bill passed both houses of Congress for the relief of Margaret L. Worth, widow- of Gen. Worth,‘with an amendment allowing her $3O a month for five years. - ’ - - ■ A new iot/omfcfl life-boat 4 has been invented in England. It will not- capsize in tho water, and is constructed that numbers -of lives would bo saved in case of shipwreck or fire. L WfIdMAUTiL CottTnEUAKX)'GooDa.Smzsii) on Boaiui Qpbbs VtCTOttiA’s. Royal SqtJAonoN.—Her ■ majesty’s late trip to Antwerp has"resulted ia the seizure of a considerable quantity of. contraband tobac co, on board her own yacht, the 'Victoria', und Albort, and the other Blips of the squadron,*-- Information has been sent to tho London 5 and Portsmouth custom house" offioials of the pur chase of vast quantities of tobacco of all kinds at Antwerp, by the people of the royal squadron, and,: in consequence, measures were taken to effect a seizure. Oil the arrival of the Victoria and- Albert, on Tuesday last, at Osborne, the revenue pffiosra,went on board,. and oommonoed a strict search, in which they seized about 80 lbs, of tobaoooi,but. which was not so much as was expected would ho.found. The other ships of the royal sqhadron were also searched, and & considerable quantity of tobacco was also seized' on hoard them. i A Thick Waie.—The British government are constructing at Dover an artificial harbor for the safety of shipping. It is to consist of a space of seven hundred acres, is to be enclosed by a wall more than two miles in length; more than hale of whioh space wjll at,all times securoadepth of water from thirty toforty-two feet at the low est tide. The wall will he ninety feet wido at the bottom, and fifty at the top i the sides will be eighteen feet thiok, and consist of immense blocks of solid stone, the middle . fijled in With artificial stono or.concrete. .- The foundation of this stupendous work is now laying by. compa nies of men who remain several hours, with diving bells, under the water. This gigantic display or human power and skill will, when fully.completed, ...coat more than two- millions, sterling.' New Wav of Fittina out a Baku.— A young man, some time sioce contracted for thepurchaso; of . a vessel, on the stocks at a ship yard in Mil ford, Delaware, witUfthe understanding that; he was to pay thoymee on her arrival at Ehiladel adelphia.: The builder brought'the vessel to the city about twu wecks* since,, and. the purchaser: having in. the meantime set the spar-makers,,, riggers, aailmikera and . joiners to work, the baro . hull .promised soon to be converted into a gallant bark. The purchaser, in the meantime, having ingratiated himself into the good graces of those he employed in fitting out the vessel, took occa-; sion. to borrow various sums ofmoney from them, and when at last his credit was worn out, he dis appeared. The suffers, it is said, are quite nu merooe. „ -,, .- ; *» ; ‘ -T'-Viv V p * r s "*7l'*3»- -i ‘‘, ’ ' , i _ . =BE ' FccAhftJlomlng Pest. ’EI.OQ,KEBCfi!. When wro consider whatporsfiasive powers elo quence formerly possessed over- tho passions of men,) another beauty seems added to it. We call perceive that it is a subject of beaaty.rAnd in terest, and also one of importance. Of impor tance,. becauso to what other source can-wo trace many of the decisions of men, from the verdict of a jury, to the judgment 'which involves the liberty, of ■: comtaonwealths f 5 One ■ may reply, 5 that'tis justice,mot eloquence, which thus deter-' mines the conoluaion of the mind, We believe this might be a little modified that Justice may exist without man’s being able to 1 perceive it; .then, .it 5 is necessary to place it in a proper point of view, in order -to be received in the apprehensions of all, before it. can be per formed. It is also sometimes necessary to place guilt in a proper light, .bofore .it is- really per ceived to be guilt, or before it can be visited with deserved, punishment.. The accomplishment of these ends constitutes a true and noble use of eloquence, the- one, in fact, to which it is most frequently applied.. Then, if. eloquence is ne cessaryfor the protection of innocence, for the conviction of guilt, what subject can be; more important ; and viewing its importance' can we, with propriety, neglect any accessories,, even those sometimes condemned as trivial, as ges ture? f For,proof that legislation is the aourco from whence have emanated the most remarkable dis plays of oratory, aro the names of Mirabeau, Pitt, Curran, and Canning, of Burke, Demos thenes, Cicero, and tbo majority of all others whom fame has immortalized. The ends ..for Which the flattery of Tully, and the oratory of Demosthenes wore used, 1 have long since passed: away; but their works and the imitation of their talent remain as actual guides to tho attainment of the art. This.attaiument some gentlemen are occasionally met, who regard themselves ns folly possessing;, and,'ns being peculiarly gifted with the qualifications necessary for votaries at the shrine of Pitho, whereas they might be told, with more justice, Cui prmsturet in Apotlinem potenotnm CBt, or *‘ Who would excel in defiance to Apollo must first be blessed, with the ability:” The utility of eloquence when exercised over the passions of men, is its commendation. to the the notice of the: politician; its elegance forms an attraction to the student; its beauty, to the man of taste: and its real value as au agent in effecting righteous ends is its guaranty to the special attention of all. A. M. Gen, Pierce and tlte Pntiltoans. The Sentinel of yesterday quotes and gives currency: to the fallowing statement of the. Al bany Evening Journal: ■“ In 1849, a bill came before the-Scuato of the United Slates, providing, that when any of the pnbliu lands of the United States have remained nuaoid for the space of fifteen years; they may he entered and purchased to the number of 80 acres, by actual settlers, at 50 cents an acre.— The vote was taken and stood. ayes 22, nays 24. 5 There were just two majority against it.; These twowero FK4NKLIN l’lElif.E and WILLIAM R. KING ” These few linos contain just tho nnmher of falsehoods that they do:,ot!itemeiils. Tbo bill was introduced iu 1841; und crime up in tho shape of on amendment lo the: Lind'Distribution.' bill, offered by Me. Youug, of. lUiuois.: It pro vided, when nny of the public lands bad remain ed unsaid for fifteen years, that the same might be entered and purchased by actual settlers at 60, cents per acre, for any quantity less than 160 acres. ..Upon this amendment, the vote stood as follows: Ayes—Messrs. Allen, Benton, Clay, 1 of Ala., Folio i, Kititj. Linn, Meßoberis, Jlouton, Nicbob son. PtKBCEi rievter. Smith; of Conn.; Tappon, Walker,' Woodbridge, Woodbury;; Wright nod Young—l B- -; All Vmocrats, except Sir. Wood bridge,; of Mich. Nays—Messrs; Archer;: Barrow, Bates, Bay ard, Berrien, Buchanan; Choate, Clay; of Ky., Clayton, Dixon,.'Evans; Guajiaji,: Huntington, Kerr, Merrick; Milter, Morehead. Porter, Pren tiss, l’reston, Rives, Simmons; Smitbi of Ind.; Southard; Sturgeon; Tullniodge and Wtiite—2l.; ■All except Messrs. 1 Buchontin and Stur geon- ‘ " Among the ayes are the democratic candidates for President and Vice'President; Among the nays is-Mr. Graham. tho candidate on the ticket withGeu. Scott ~—J[Jwaukie yttts. A Slailvvlio dorrs to iln Rtglit—accordiug - to Wiilg noii- ns. - • : Tho, Washington correspondent l of tho New York Tribune says of the great Scottmanagcr ot the Federal Capitol: ‘‘lion. Truman Smith, of Connecticut, will re main hero during the campaign,-superintending the dissemination of correct political..informs million. Holms been faithful to; his party and his priuciplcsgpnd white lie has sacrificed his ease and comfort, has received tho abuse of the Locofoco party without stiut, He is an honest man who dores to do right.!’: - The name of Mr. Smith is first among the sign ers of thatciroular gotten np, published and cir culated over the country, under; the franks of Scott members of Congress, by the Whig Execu tive Committee at Woshingtom ondin which the signcrsdeolare themselves to.he Democrats and Republicans,-and that for certain reasons given they would be compelled to ,withhold their, sup port from Picreo and King. Now, if Mr. Smith is an honest man and dazes to do right, why: did ho allow his name to appear to a notorious false hood,"gotten np for tho purpoßO of imposition ? But he is to superin tend.the dissemination of correct political information! That moans, wo suppose, tho sending to the South statements calculated to. create the impressiou that General Pierce is on abolitionist; and the sending to the North statements caieulatod to create the impres sion that Gen. Pierce as at heart and soul-with the slavo-holdcrs of ths South ! That is what he has been doing, and is, wo suppose, on evi dence .of his honesty, audits nerve to. da right! Ha will, too, Saperintcnd tho circulation; of a spurions llfe of Gen. Pierce, gotten up to impose on the public. That, too; is, doubtless, in the estimation of the Tribune’s' Washington corres pondent, distributing J'correct political informa tion,” and additional evidence of Smith’s honesty and daring to do right! • CniNF.SE Thirvks.—The’ Chinese nro farther advanood in the art and- mystery of mbdevn civilization s than most .peoplo will credit them for. . And there is corroboration of what wo say in this paragraph, whichive cut from the Boston. Daily Advertiser; “ The exportness of thieves in Cbina-is well known; but-occasionally they givo-the outside barhariaus a touch of their quality more a-ton- Jshing than,: agreeable. .The :sbip.-Roliance t : of ’Boston, while lyiugin the river at Whampoa, had 58 sheeta of copper, stoion from her bottom at such a,distance below the water line that the theft could not heeaaily noticed.” - Bggp 1 Mr/GtiAY-once fervently * anil publicly prayed that Heaven would. visit our ,country -•' with war, pestilence, and-famine, or.any other scourge,'’.rather than permit our people to give themßelvcs to mere military ment in. voting for President of tko United States ;■ and the whole Whigparty fromMaioo to Georgia solemnly res sponded amen! Prior to the last Whig Convention, in a letter, which was published, Mr. Oeay recommended Mr. FiLLMonE ns the candidate-of the Whig par ty. < But Gem Scow was selected on account of his military successes, and nothing else. .Thus, while the Whigs; defy Cew, they treat his admonitions with perfect indifference.- ; , - : -Kg- Especial Attention la Directed to tbo .advertisement- of lIAESEY’S.' FAOESTvWINB, a medicine. of'groatcelebrityin "the care of various morbld'and on* healthy eoudttiou'i of the huumtibefly, from what ia usually terms! 'impurity of tile blood;,. It is recomineuded for the cure of. Dropsy, Gravel, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Cos tiveuess, Bhamuulfara, flout, loud ilieeasca or the Hoar!, Liver-and- Kulueys.. . Dr. dco.ll. Kvyaer,,No. 140. corner of Wood street and Virgin alley,is the agent for Piltsbnreh. .See advertisement Inanotbcr columnofthispaper. ; ■; aulS daw . Jtchane’s Liver Fills, lEu.naTO now become the gnat Specific fur Ifepatis or denmsemmtof tbeDrer,ioit»•m6.■t-aimpUcate.l-f. wpll KAY &CO,&syooapL IV* E. Scbmertz* "VTO. 107 MABKETk STREET, is uow receiving a.very eJ tenKlvo stock of TJoota and SWes of every stylo and size, oil of which aro warranted, and will be sold. nt extremely low prices. ThepubUcaro nm&trcspOctfUUy invitcdlocoll aud cxamJiio elsewhere; Whole l fale.huyors arealso. inyited to call aiul sce his stack, as they -canlmytothcix advantogOr-termsCAßH. ’ - -scpll - Mann’s and Chase’g . A EITUMETfC, practicallyTappliedy ihr advanced pnpils, xX and for private reforcace, designed as a sequel to any of t|id ordinary textbook# on the subject;, Mann, LL 0, the first Secretary of tho STassachupctts Board-of Ed iicatlon, aud PHny E Chaw?, A M, author of the common school AnthnieUc.'-For odohyr v? 1 M’plX t BTC MORGAN.TOi Wood st A HATCH -OF NEW BOOKS—Emma D E NSonthwark’fl Xk.' lost "novci has - been Tocoived St A- SUNEJI & Co’s Book . btorc,N(j; 32 Smlthfleld street;, itls entitled f* -Ylrginia and Magdallne, or the mid mast add much to the already cnviftbltt fiuno of the lt? oontenta will furulsh food fur thought;long:after tbo book has been roods .3Uner*s hnve alio roeeived acouplo of other ueir works ;the first isjmiitlal ‘.'Cecoluvor the . Memoirs of. ob 'Hulrw«, n by Miss Jlumoy—irilLbc found deeply iutere«Ung. ; Tho oilier .is etiually gool and writteuia tlie author's host style; It- la called The oilvcnturcs of a..Gentluman Ja search of Miss Smith’—by EhmADopey. «p2t few- Music* ’rpiS pleasant la beJYoung—a new son£ by W VWallaec; . A Thou art among the few, ; da ; " . Be watchful and twwore; ; :. / • i • r bahor Boy’s last dream; < - • - Homeagolu; • .j.-v.: .. Lone.starryhonm;-. " ■ Conununcoyediirklp? aUj ’ ; • 1 ' • Oh I Boys carry me long, by Foster; : • ■ r.Cncle jPem;/- ;.;••••' : : y ; ? A i. *-'r •. .BeathoflittteEv&’Or.rm.^iogthere; . ■. - - ... Death of bt Clare (lUtie Eva’s, tafher;) ; - - Jenny Lane; Koscbad Pulka, bj 'W 'S W&Jlarc: Fowl Volka; -. Knlnbow Schuttlach j « ■ Alhoui . ■ ■ ■ .■ \ byFotitcr; Fosbibn l’olka, hy Hewitt; - . - • Albo a largo supply of Snil popular fangs, Polkas, Ac, just roc’ir and for «»lo by . ; JOHN TL MELLOIt, s _ Kpll 71 Wood st 9port tSport ISport I.;; SPORTSMEN, now is the- time for you to avail yourselves -• of a Good (sun,'of the best makers." Just received direct from the manufactures r • • -■•• . : • ,"l doz dmibltvbafrel.guns, real stuh'Jind'twUt; ii do . dir • do ;• do "fine • da; 7 ' •fi do :do • d»o ; do ilnutatiiin- v-do?i do ; do -assortivi •• ■ ' do;• * ALSO, 50 dor talbol wadding, Eley A Baldwin’*; 4od caorders and. half canwiersof'the beat sporting ri.-,.: -' 1 :v- .; i L>; i ,yr"-, ■a ) OuO assorted gun caps, all kinds; ;/. CO doz powdt'r.flasla &f fhe lflt«fc rtyfe;V- \ i i V .V ;"V;‘ :V : - Zdo game bay*, 4 - . - : o.du tvtppnmers assorted; •• .. .• Toother wab all tbo trimmings to fit oat" the rfliiortemaiu; ;.?■>' -i::' We buYeon hand and are eoustantly making our superior Kitlo'yto vrbiili \re invito the attention ot Sporting men. All • of."tile aliove uilidw for sclent - • BOWN A TJ?TLEY?S, 1 13b .Wood'at • (Criion oopy) PIANO FOETES, MUSIC, AN& MUSLCa\U CKAELOTTE BLUME, ' aVo. >lB Wood Sircti, Second Oaor.Above Fifth ' piTOßiman, pa. 1 S Just nwivitur her Vail supplies of goods fa the above' j - line, which having l*cen fleeted with great core, nod for cash, enablws ber to offer strong -inducemepta lo purrl».Ver. £ vwko i nre ruj-jKiclfnHyiAvltftHofrJcaudne her, .-'Ai . l'''-- ;-_rr-"-; ;:^ : I*l A-NOJy-rAvpteUdldflection,;comprl^incall tlw latest .ftvle.i and celebrated Hamburg .Puxnw; Doable,Corvid Lorno XIVEtyJo; also Gale: & Cd’-s Jic-,r Yorki Bacon Raven’s New. Yurk: . A £*H*V, I*lMlodulphis, &i'~, At .t’oraons at lumie or.&broad. about puAhafingThmo would do-we!? to call; ns I .wiH sell as. good>a artWo as can bo found Antlbrt4u»gf4od tcarroiL. .vaTVlng"ln pried" iu&hOo.TvUlx r -swrittengusrtanUwl -1 G UITAJtS—A fine election of French and Spanlfih, which for rxchucKH. Jjcauty and iJOwiT of tone.aro. ntntuniaiaable. *I,I)TKS AXJ) OIAUIUNETTS of tho very French, Gernmn wul American mannfiictun»i . v i - . AOCOItDEOJiS, from the mnpufortory. i ■f YDjLI^S - “Tlie-fittWt'ltoliiUj French and 22ngH$h make-- , ...AIAO.DUL'StS, PIFEH, B.tyj»W,TAMliemX£P, TBIAXGH.% VIOUS Dows,-'&c;r"Ac:;* . STUIN'CSot the very lx»t Italian, French and. German. %. : All M usical liL-flrumentM re pa rod with durability, -neatness hud;dispatch. r "• pepll v Wistar’s J&alsam of Wild Cherry! - THE BEST KNOWN' TO’ MAN Ibr ■, (hughtj .CWffo,. . Crerup, Brmichilts^hifiitmm. . JiJftiiinij .0/ tfie .Lungs,;lhf7i k 1 The extraordinary: inedfclbal powers of thero tWo- flub*- stances are now* for thoilrrt time combined ami embodied ih DU. WIOTAR'i BALSAM OF Wild) CHERRY. By a nice chemical process,- every thingdoTeferlons oruselessis-reject ed, so that what remaius Isthcmofltejctraordfaary and truly efficacious remedy for all Mad* of pulmonary andltfer'di*' cases over koown to mom To eonviuce all unbeliever? ut»* our theory:!* really true, wo refer to a feweaswofeuresper formedbythlswonderful medicine: w 2W hres .Sktted.bg the use of onty Three Battle* 6f o HTs&r’a Jltfsnm of \)V.d Cherry. ‘ ; ' ;-. ; Mt. Ki>EN, Ky., July 2 4, 1852. •Mossrs.'lfareonrt, -)loiroiti;£Go.*-tiente;—Tbp Dr. >Vls • tar.ft Balsam of Wild Chcjrry.thAt l boUght of .you ■ has bestir of such slgnaThcnefit m my family, that I wish tomato its virtucskuown for the benefit of dhe pnblic. • ' ..My who took-cold nt.'thellnio-of her, confinement.which seitiod on her Lung?;.. ThopbyaJdana pronounced: her c3aqconsumption. v.SbivluuioU^u.prpfiptenighfwcatK, and had coughs; she was given up, for we despalmf of her caverjy and her child partook of hcr ( complaint. She then commenced taking “Wistur's Balsam of. ivUdCherri}, n and. three bottles clfccted an entire cure with her and'tbo child both. f l have no doubt that they would luve now hcen.io their' grave* if they had uot hay* jiscaWlstar’a Balsam of Wild' Clicny* SETO Si. SBAHCT. Seth K. Soarcy. Wlmso. certificate Js above, feam&ii of W’ much -turacity as any In'tlils countoy, and a man of good Judgment, and \re placo.enUre reliance on his stotemenL- ■ - - IfAUCOURT, HOWARD.* CO CONSUMPTION CUBABllS; Hubert: Sanderson, Justice of the Peace, la Iturh iCreefc township, Fmrflold county, Obw, and brother of.“ Mai JBtm 1 Sanderson,", an officer in the war cf 381'd, cureiof Con .sumption by the use of “WfatarVUalaii of Wild Cherry „ tosa Cava, tr, Falrileld Ca, Feb. 25, tBSL Bear Slr—Aj I consider that my lifiihaa been gtralff mo longed by my being Hired of Consumption by the hL of ‘•Dr. Wlsbir'aHaJaam nfWDd Cherry," I wui atalffh. puiptomi of my case, that others similarly afflicted, may li iuduccd to try thfatuvalnabto remedy. Xeioerienced nient diUluilt} iubreathing; bad the bcStfc Sivct witlTvffii Hushes of heat aud Aeqaent coldehUfa, with severe pain lo my side and breast, accompanied by a very bad eoiurtt-wlfa v.Ty restless at nights, and haif great night swcatAne’rm r ing, T should say, at least two gallons a bight, wottffir the bed completely tlirougb. I had not been aMe to work ffir years*. Dut I was mach .emiidat«l; aiid almost below when I commenced using WMn'i'Smnn i/ WOi Clirriv lMtc, used-in a)U3 ix>ttioa,and IBm nowfree from ail they* complaint*,lbriny hfialth iagrod ' Ja® cow;ss yftars ljaTOiiDfi token Ony.of thcinat ■?am 184 G, tecatLHo my health fo so good as not to require any medicine. But if l filjoiild iaTe-nny return of my for nu*r symptomfl, I should -uae-WMat-’g Bafrura nf WHrf fi/ioyfy L ’ 1 procured the medicine of M&ars. -Fall A-Sl’Crackani your ngents in Lancfwter. O. - ;. JIOBERT SANBH&SON. -v -• The genuine Wu'lar’s. Balaam of Wild Cherry Ims a Jk« olmde of the urgrcUurc of Henry Wifftar« M Jh PhnnJt»lpM« ■ and “ Sanford 4 Bark,? on n finely. credited steel cngtaTcd wrapper. No other can hoyenulnp. $1 hottlei for $5. . Sold by J..XL&AEK*Fourth,aj;id Walnut fitreet*i, Cindn nati/01Uo; Genßral'sAgGnt, m whom nU orders x&tist be &d< dressed PricoslpcrbotUe-*SixboUl£!Stesa. , J.KlUdtfeCo- > ji^t6lraj^;l*.:WEcox,jr. > cornerSlarkfft street and tbolMaiaaßaj XsA.jrcmemPUtBTOrgb>, Lee St Beckham, AlleSinnvf®!’ B. Ybtrell, Washington; Sfe l' Memo; Oo, Butter, I nan,Beaven J D Summerton,Warre7f-Fi X k^A® 111 ' Conderrportj P *l ,v '''?"» / 1- , ---i , > tholatofijc at San Francisco, wo notice a \sj%P quantity of Cherry Pectoral burned, in the potteftdon of one of the Drugglsta of that city* Cold will not eon* *rol -disease, and even in that OpMr countiy they most prp vido thlabcat of all remedies for colds, coughs and attention* of the lungs.. Indeed, we happen -to fcuaw that Hisan ah most Indispensable companion of the muleteers and miners, ' who are so much and socontinuallyexposed to the ever changing atmosphere of that climate. eepl £5-Mechanical tbh head we designate a number of articles that have been Introduced lately for the purpose of relieving certain diseases and de formities, that cannot bereuchcd bytboappllcaUonof mcdl chttspropeK iAmong':the most Important of these, are*- SHOULDER BRACES—theohject of whlcsfi la to cure stoop ed shoulders, tf. habit -of leaning forward, hollow and. flat ■.s!£*& ami very frequently removes a tendency to diseases of . the Pulmonary - on these-- dispositions^— , These Braces aro strong, w ell and odapjted to the u.» of. ladles, misses, boys and men. '-Tha tientlomon’s .Brace-Is Q **ya* ~to anflwertho double purposo of a ‘ saul-at» prleevery lit Uo: above the 'The Public may toly on these Draws, *** »pr««nted; many persons of weak and hoHowchcatsb&'yg beep.-completely cured, and. In somo 1110 increased much as SSilSS® l, 5 n * to Lungs a action, and tbebSly. Ur&idiDKto ttff PUKtal health and strength ot § ! n^rS P J B J JBSE3 ' ABDO SUPPORTERS, Spf* Saspensary Bandages, of every variety now Wtolmlftand Retail BruggLd, au-LJa^ art^P ° rnaroj Virgla Pittebargh, d®- Scrofaln*—lt Ls drift to Kter’s Petroleum to say 1 :that ithaa-been known toeomplctolyotodiicaletfrery vedage [> - ot this dreadful disease In less time than any other remedy, K .and at.iessrostoeinicottvetilenco to the patient. The thousands of certificates lu the hands of the propria $■ tor, many of which are from well kuown cltimns of the city «- of PUfoburgh and its immediate vicinity, go to show cleorly i andbcyoncTall doubt, that Rjxu’s PErEOinm is a mcdldne-! - fpf no common value, not only as a: local remedy ia Parahj- 1 - sis, JViettmutirmjjDecfneM, loss of. Sight, but as Avnluablo i T iuternal remedyj- inviting the Investigating pbysTdans, as I .wellns thovuficricg pattentlo become acqualnted-witblPi merits. s~ . Those having, a dread of mixture* nro assured that this S'- medicine 1% purely natural) and b botUed as it flows from thebosomofthoearth;. ' ' > _ .-. ;The fottoiernff certificate is a paper published at k : and bears date August 55185 i fotoftitA fs 8 -also appauted the tsrUficaUqfihiceltbnrted J>. S'. Foot, M. &+ ?.:■ of Syracuse? ' - > f, f.Thlsmay in truth certify,'tliat Ihavobecnso badly -flicted with -Bcrofnla for the hud seven ymvrs tlist taoßtof the - time ! to attend to any kind ot-baninass, V, ’ and much of the time unable to walk and confined to my bod, and have been treated nearly aU the time by the boat Physicians bn* country affords; f occasionally - got some rl*-L-:/- .'llc^bUtnocurc ? amlcontmucidtogrowworBeuntHDf.Fciots recommmnlodmwto • try, tlw Petsoienm, or Itock Oil, as eve** - rything else had failed; ; Xdld so without fidth at first,' buttf. - the effect-Was«stonisUlng;dfc threw theJ»lsoa to the surfiwc i at once, andl atoncelmgon .to grow by seven bottles I have got a curcworth thou sands Of dnll.nr*. 1-v ' * MRS. NANCY SL BARKRg « This may certify that I have been aoqualnted: with Aier's Petroleum, or Itock Oil, for more than ayear, and havo rc* ' r peaicdly Witnessed Itsbenoficial e{Tecfo:ui thocaTO of indo* ’ lent ulceri and: othcndiseascfffbr rwhls-h U Is recommeiided, •and Can with confidence rocommehd It-to be amedldimwor-l 1 .thy of attention* and cm Rafoly say tliftt Fuccess has attcaa-f ' |.- " * D. Y. BOOT, M- D. I ' For sale by all tile Druggists In Pittsbmgh. | --OONNET&—A. A. MASON A CO.,have -just received, peri AJ express, an assortment of fhlbßonneta.^: v wpT 1 -. received In store, for sale I Xl_Jfi3 ‘ L. & VATERMAN A BONB 1-4WLLLINUS and Stores. Rented,: and; Renta collected, by! U . AUSTIN LOOMIS, : Bep9 - No.-92Toafthst, abovo Wocsl gt. | - TAYACQFFEE.—SO poaches,4o tOAO lbs; each Old OoV' tl ortonent Java Colfcv just: received and for side at the pcpS PEKIN TLA STORE. 33 Vi/th j QUPUUOR S lIU AIOLAhSES—COc gallon, or 41i JO gtdtDUby-trm:laml,fors7 * Iu the Diamond « 1 OVWtIAG'a SliQAK—S»bbls Lou‘riiiS'S Crushed and Ju PulvertaSl Sugar, just received and for eato at tlio f) ' ■wpfl PEKIN TEA STORE, 33 Fifth nt Js * “IMU’D AND BAR’D BLACK SiLKtJ-aopieces beautiful .J? fig’dandhaiTd>black silks; jnst received at v . l 3 J* Pto MASON ACO P Mm dkXIKA—MINERS SmithfieUl :; received sevornlimw apd very lo toreatlfig works—ljghti:- grave and instructive—even the ttflw of which, we cannot? gn a today, J Go and examine them. - sepB !] H.TJdAS^—scafle»pxtraDno Young Uvsan, in Locauel Boserv— chop Yonng Ilysaum the Amcruaim e V : :Weinritoour CmuonlCra tatrylt; . .. -g-. PEKIN rt. b BanbiJiock; - ' ~" si 2 do V: Alllegheny Company Stock,' fox? sale bj * AUSTIN LOO3JIS, } - - -No. P 2 Fourth it > ;MriNlfflhr2U.boxe?.Mu9cat wiu»»; •<■v..- ; i\ TT , 20..d0 Claret- .do; . - . •• j! . • -. lu .do. • Giogiuy rec*d nud-lnstore, bv|. J C ANDISRSUN *(i)j sagap; • ■ ■•£■. - . k? 20 Mil* crushed do; £ . :.v .• 15.-.da do, aud In store, f«s£ [sept>l J C ANQKRSQS jtrOO f 4 OK lU4Xiti k- S-V 10Q ~ J(); IroUsOity -. dtr • da; ■ \{ • ■ For tnlctgr AUSTIN LQOAfIS, A ' ... >1 No! S 3 jFbogth street. /rniUNßiujuatt window shades, ftuxfod ■ X *6 W. -McOliotorfc'fl CafpctsWarQliouwv coiDpriaJiSfr tbf ’ tlthcst and Uislijnv to wttch we the attention «• ofvpuivhtuter*. ‘ ' w.aiooirsTQCfe'; PKACIICAL Cyclci . • P*di* of Prnctteal Sledk’lmycairrprWntf trealbw on tb'f •- iiatujß and treatment of dfartn*,. Mattup MttUctt- andThi* •-: rapfcnltoy Medical Jttrigprodwjeo, lrt 4 volß-Bva,&fr«tl?' ■'■•■■•■ h y GfplOl SAX 55 Wood Ft. £- ’ T OUIC , wiUi tbo best method j of iaHtrncUon, '. ptmned andilltißtrated byChark“ADaricurth st. f / *IIUAUS-~s(Jljaxes Havaßft cl»rft; ■ : ' V f V/ 10,000 Prludpjg best hrhn/ia; ■■ yv • j.; . .. . . ' - - : . 12,000 Regailla U»3»—3oo boxes prime itaiMua r' •- • •£• • •XV '*2oo half boxe?o tla; ■ fc • -100 quarter do-v .■ do? :•.• (*• GOlspg* peedless do? -• W „ ?“ ra’ l ! “ol for sale by r . 9 J o ANPKBSpy 4: CO, 6 Wood nt.l TtTUTi—iitfOu ULsiujlfl poa auta; . ■ , "■'■—-i X\ SObagßTralont*; , 20 doitfbexta; ' ** 20 ..do cream note• ..: •••..••.• .Si 10Iialcs UorUttKixalmoftd*;' • ■ !-'• d 9 .Sicily ... da, recrivttland ftttßalel ' J C AKDSKSQK a oa-•: T ItofoJaeriiipM Baring returned ftom t' < JU &st, am receiving a largo Ftock of Sole Leather, K-. awns, VppCT Leather, Stench Calf Skins, MoroccoSnh Skin? and Shoo SiniUngoof all description?: all of which s' < ore prepared to roll far a- small- advance' above tha Koala'* market lor cash. f' ■ 3 - R. BARD A Ca\ ~ b H«w F4U Good#. -j.! v. • * a -- •" Aj■ A§wJ ir A 00. bto/how, receiving coses and j£i, OjjM otJfew'WlOoodii, compririoz Silk*, Mcnnocs, Pniamattm, Oflmrgn. A!pa existing unto tlio Him!' A MtOjuma,, Mats? *fio_ Sectl*w X„. 10, ll,nni'> <■ fittaborgh and Steubcnillls lMr.Jt,is tbls day dlwwlt'i ‘ by mutual omwnt. The buslnranf tfm latollnn will ‘-r tarrinl on by .Miller k Co. M McCOSMICK, Httab’ghi BopfcA 1552 fropl oat»l jffiujf ’[’ Kew Book#, ' >■? 'pmjjtefi- OTer tlirtlUslit Shoulder, l*'Author of Simj \ ifaualle PAtrlolfatnJ “by Author ortho TO», ttiJrf Wor ; 3!ho fourth oid lwt volume of ‘‘OomOck” '* ! \Vblspers toftN>wij Mamcapolr, ' " *1 u& Excellent Ifcoown, by Bpragup. " l l . AmertrauFanuJJoofc, aud & groat ■variety of- nrw d* sK?ftj o, r?.. Jusfc r^sJ fd frm *b«*tet«n JPttblbhf. .thu rujw.-ccartificutea of jMftKUfffe Births rf< : 1 peatbs-Diarts for.lßW, au4 ofvkrk’ - »AVI«S* 4 AQNEW, | : "S' 8j MarfaUd- near rcnrttr’ ' _w._ SetooolTjjoofcs, Scltool Buotta. > TTST Oi«nlTOit the now Booh store,-No. 63 Jfarket& , Ova great Torictj at all the Class Books, naat iiTth,, c’- , wnntly ** ™! LttyU “ se ia mora SV ' U * : *’ Ma “ lßTmo ’* noJ Hw ElttUo seric,' ModuIT/s, Swan's, Town's and Sander's Spoil* AriufrSuS r " 30r0rMnl “ f ’ i '- Solti,’, and Ha! Matbcnufare, History,flooEgy. ti *&*>■ a foU amorimrat of all the books for SaHo- . A«orfatlSn 1i 11,1,Wl An> ' s S- Dokm, and tho Bos SlO DAVISON t AONi,^ rcPj u . in fancy lioxw 40 baskets wiliii oil;; . : . ,• .300 half boxes iwrdliy». •,. - ' 3)0 qnaHerJo. »lce. .>• lOOboji* lemons •; • ■■ v jUXI desjemcm *yrnp ®*| E»Uand J£bsllJ» pickle. , IOU.(jQ fiepp*y'sauci*i- •• •.•.. ’• »■,.■* . • 40boxe»cJtTQjo; * ••' T '. ; : •20 do. • • - v. ; . . ...♦M. tla .•■••'*■ - 50. Uo.-. ju