The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, September 01, 1852, Image 3

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» r "PAST -- ' _o S a li vv^,' W *4 a , l 4,.j
*X 1 I w- J- *■/ -. tuUoh, which hM bnt just rommenccd cp«raUtms, prbmisox
WPftli}R«n*V -Mrtte>JTWft«*i-^" J '" i "BEPT. 1. to o o '®r. •* llc most.useful. losamico Wnpantes .In car
WEDNESDAY MORNING.. ° „ “?*• Dy an Bet of tiioLcgislaturoof tile IGthof April,
a jrLAra,Secretary; Wm. Buy, Alex. IfUmiJs,
" ”• O- a»lip, James Mstthews, Henry A. White, Wm. Bake
well, John Youns t jr..
> • The capital Mock Qf.tho .company consists of> $50,000, an X
may lie Incretisoato *lOO,OOO whenever itahall bo so decided I
by a majority of tho .stockholders. Tlio price of stock hns
bocn flxoi at $5O per shares The intention of the company
U briefly forth in the. following paragraph from tho char* ,
:terj;r; : i : : :v.-'J ;
- behocbMio comm ticket,
• ' fO* ■OQiraaXSS—TW*!rTT-?TiST OTHTEWf, :, '
■.. P, a SHANNON, Pitteburgh- iv .
rnrr nrrtnßTni—thithtt ssooxb dibteot,
- - JAMES JL OIBSON,:PIne Township..
- roafftAtxsK-aTOBj
JOHN BABTON, Pittsburgh.
■' SAMVELTLEMINfI, Pittsburgh,
A. J. QBIBBEN, -Ptttsbuigb,
, GEORQE K GILMORE, LawrcncerlUe, ;
SAMVEL McKKE, Birmingham,
J . - j. STEWAKT, Pium Township. . •
» . enDUFP, ■:'■■■■ ■. •■••■ a,.■
CHARLES KENT, Pittsburgh. •
: JACOB TOMER, Pittsburgh.
- OOEOJJIB, ’• - -.V
JACOB McOOtUSTER, Pittfsburgh.
. w -AifiitTOß, .
, -v- -.FBOTHOirOTAAT,
r: ’EDWARD McCQRRLE, Indiana Township.
; -judge. - ■
)Eho Democracy of Pittsburgh and Allegheny, aro re
quested to meet at the AMERICAN HOTEL, on Perm street,-
on FIUDAV- ETENINO NEXT, at 7Jr£o’clock, to hear tho
eloquent and gpllftht Senator.Thun Texas, GENERAL
HOUSTON, uddrcmtbem upon that occasion.
. TURN OUT! i and hear tho Bcaroovered veteran in defoneo.
of oar Party, its Principles and Candidates. •
By order-of tho County Committee of Correspondence.
S. M. Pmsonx A- Co., who are prompt, hon
est and gentlemanly In their business transactions, ora the
only authorised agents In the cities of New York and Boston,
tor tho Jfbrnfttjylbsf. - They aro authojizod to roedvo Ad
vertisements und.■Subscriptions far as at oar usual rates.
Their receipts ore regarded as payments. ' Their offices are at
NEW YORK. 122 Nassau street
.••••••;• i ; BOSTON; 10 State street- . -
A BLUroEBr-Slipa of the typo .will, occur—that has been
demonstrated .“many a tima and oft” -Bat we hardly khow
what eredsa to make ror a blunder in our paper of ■ yestor- ■
day, in an artido headed “Professional Beggars,’* In the fol*.
'lowlng.ctau&fc:—. •.
“The Alderman (Maim-) with bis usu&i n« rerea of-juß*,
tioe, believing that the county could better afford ten cents
a day. than a few private atixena. “sevcnty-Ave cents and
lota of old rlokhe.?.’", . "
We are not in the ha lilt of using lailn, bnt the competitor
thoughts to snake an improvement by the substitution of
vta «»*nx for. stna* of justice,- and liow faifho succeed
ed, we ere as yet usable to perceive.. l Aid. Major, to whom
wodesgnad paying a deserved compliment, got ono In rath
er a rics vena manner: -
“Whqxs CaiwroßD.*—William Crawford, restaurant keep*
er, dealer In clocks,and curiosities of every kind, from a wild:,
cat and Mexican sabro, to a curiously fanned root and cham
ber appendage belonging to Jenny Lind, ts having bis name
heralded over the. country as a loading Democratic politician
The ftfliowl&g is from the Louisville Courier:
“Tho Whigs of Pittsburgh held an enthusiastic meeting on
Friday evening, at,which Mr. Crawford, heretofore a leading
politician In the .‘Democratic* Tanks, came out for Scott and
ably vindicatedlitmsclf, torso doing.” .
:■ C&4WFOC& will treat the fellow who wrote that to a bowl
of tdsturtle soup, and a glass of 'af and *a£ If ho will show
him his phiz-
OufiirtTQ IUYE tUo tut authors of the follow
ing should -bo .presented with two gold" watches each, and
thou requested to leave tho city. They.were offered tor tho
gold Watch on Saturday nlgdit :
ls Herr Alexander like a beautiful girl?......Because
he is attractive.
. g\\ by. was Washington like a • .Father? lie de
. uverodlus country ont of the pavra of the lion.
. Why are the tricks of Herr Alexander like a meteor in
- the‘skicfl?...;..Becauso.tbey astonish the people.
Why is a lady atdred io tho'Bloomer costume. like a ship
scant ofprbvisious?»;.. n she's put on “short allow
.’-.antc., * -- ••• vy-v.
Naebow Escape.—Mr. James Dignum, master bricklayer
At SL Paul's Cathedral, lathis dty, narrowly escaped with
hmbfcyon Monday, by tho foiling of a tub on him. A tab,
which was filled with hnck, was being hoisted to the top of
the wall, and by some mismanagement became unioosod/acd
fa’bng, hitfilr. D. on the side of his head. The tub, very
fortunately, did not- foil fairly upon hlfl head, or the conse
quences would have boon more serious. Ill* Injuries. tho>
not foial, are of a serious natnre.:
The Nova Soorfi Oust.—We understand our citizens will
have the pleasure, tn a short time.of beholding this celebra
ted giant* Angus STKaskiU—•for such la his name—L* only
about-13 ycarsofage. and is near eight feet high and boilt in
proportion. 'Thelad Is still growing and if he continues at
it. there Is no telling how large he will be, in tbo course of a
fow years. What is more remarkable about this most re
markable man, Is that he was quite a dwarf at the age of
. twelve...:
PAJtoosm—Joseph A. Klinefelter, convicted on two char
ges of larceny at the March term of Court, received a pardon
on Monday from 6owmov Bfglcr. Tlic pardon was obtain
eJ by the interaqsrion of Mr. District Attorney Flanegin, the
prisoner having showed signs of penitence, and alsooneo
count of the serious Illness of his wifo; Klincfoltcr was sen
tenced to three months’ imprisonment on each charge of
larceny, in March lost.
■ Tag School Maxtbt Abroad.—The following conundrum
wo pabßsh verbatim. . It was bnc of the competitors for the
gold watch, and, as will be easily percoived. sparklra with
wit cod meaning:
Why is Herr Alexander, in the city of Pittsburgh, like
santaon at the battle of cero gcordo? Ans. because he
could not bq caught. .
. Om> PniOWSaiF,—A new lodge of Odd Fellows has .been
chartered in oar city. It Is. to boknown m the “ Henry
Lambert I/Odge, N 0.475, M in honor of the lata District De
puty Grand Master oi the order, in this district, and will be
iuttitntod at Reis's new Hall on tbe corner of Pennsylvania
Avenue and Bride street, Sixth ward, on Friday of nqxtweek,
by D, D.«. U n F.E. Yoltt. .'Lrmxo.—The Hudson Observer says that twen
ty-Uireo mUra.of the Akroq Bra&dj BoSroad to Millersburg
jiayo been been oantractod for, Tho bidding was very spir
; Ital, and the work, was let atmoderato prices to good con-
kvcragoj?rio<i- per' xqUs was lesa a ttian foriy
threc hundred dollars. . Th|s road runs from tho Ohio, and
Bynnsylvania Railroad, to Sfillersbnrg.’
Goon Buotess.—The hotels of our dty, nre doing at the
present th^e,- a ’very extensive, business.- As this is about
the time nouthetn mcrchanta.bctake themselves to the
to purchase tlicir .faU stock, tbo traveling population in a
grcatdeaj largerthan-usuaL The SLCharlea. Jlonongahela
House, BrownV, the Exchange, and others are well filled
ulUivlaltorfl to ogy gity. .
I^e-Aiiiusqxd.—Mr. U'Namara the efficient librarian of the
YonDg Mens’. Library of this city has rearranged the books
la the library In an admlrablo manner. Mr. M’N. deserve*
J . gwmt wMtt for nrranging iho books in the present convenient
1 pjnx Wo understand an addition will shortly be matlo Ip
the library,'ofttlotge number of now. works. .
Good Xntent Absekblt.— Tbo first of a series of enter*
tiinmeuts for the benefit oftho Good Intent Fire Company,
placer at tho Hall oftho Company, on Friday eve
ning next- Tho evenings are novrcaofand pleasant, and.
{bttc fond of Ibo (lance should not fail to attend, ns tho
determined to please.
Faib.—-The ladies of the Sixth Presbyterian Church, will
bold a festtvalon Thursday the 9lh of September (to-morrow
tfeek.) the supper will bo held in the church, and the pro.
ceels derived front the festival be applied towards furnishing
tho church. • Tickets are fifty cents and can bo procured of tho
lalies. ..
Sava o? Tn3n*EtAXCz Banquet.—The Sons of Temporanco
will hold a BanqUctrnt Masonic Kail to-morrow night.-
Tickets, admitting a taiy and gentleman, can be obtained of
A'. Aldermen Steel and ether gentlemen, for $l. The number
* of tickets lica been limited to two hundred.
Alj>. Taoswos yesterday committed William Blaloy, who
la one of a few choice spirits. who afford him a great deal of.
trouble—to prison, to de&ult of n-fine of twenty dollars?
imposed on ldm- (or disorderly conduct: the same gentlo*
man was also “hooked’’ for thirty days ibrvagrancy.
TfICBTEES OF ice Gas CajffAKT.—At a meeting, of Coun-
held on Blonday night, Dr. Alex ander Block was elected
one of the Trustees of tbo Gas Company, by the Select Coun*
dl.wa WilUam Wilson, of tho Common Council. Both of
tho«<? gentlemofi were elected unanimously.
! A tiiiiCTVzzss Bm come* off In tills city oa friday algbt.
It la confidently otpeUted that It will ecllpaQ.aay thing iu
iUsliaeithat lifts -taken place at Cape May, Saratoga, or
-- Newport tbc present reason.
, Tot -Wiaiuna I>ACKrSP-Tho Wheeling packets, Vto-
Chester and Diurnal hare again comtnonced running r*gu-,
larly to the Bridge City.! Ouo of these fine packets leayea
every dayyatlOA. M, ; ■■••••■■_
Jackson Blues.—The Jackson Blues, uuder comm Mid of
Captain Hay, passed pur office yesterday afternoon. .They
prcaoited a fine, soldierly appearanoc.-
thn famous anti-reflt<?rwas.
yesterday discharged from prison by a release from Alder*
man-Steel. -
SO!W3Ttt.~W. B. McOonlogue. baa published a Pierce A
King Songster. It is for sale at bis store on Smithfleld
street • ■ •*. .
• Aid. Bccxmabte*, who has been absent from this dty.TUi
tlcatlng fcr sometime past, lias returned to his duties in
good health. v
IXrBH AIEXASCia to night, • at La
fayette Hall. * Qo and sco him, and bo. amused' fora few
hours. • ... • •• •• • ■ • • •
£&» Stationers, merchants and others wishing a superior
artlde of lead pencils, paper or blankbooks, should attend
the sale this evening at Davtf Auction Rooms.
WABtWttJHBL—The TTeather yesterday was very warm,
■ll -thp poor fallows who were so unfortunate as to bo out,
did nothing but swelter, swear and sweat. ..
' New Msmb*SBj~-Slx. awßibera. have been added to
tho Mercantile Library during thfi &0Bt& of August .
• • .“Sec. 5., That it shall lie lawful for said Oompauy to lnr-
PUJre against the loss or nil kinds of cattle, live stock, ami
Valuable beasts arising from death, either by .accident, aa?
tural causes, or diseases of any description whatever, and to
•m&ko all and every insurance appcrtalnlng-thcreto.’*. -
i No policy will be Issued for a less sum than $5O, nor for a
leas premium than s2,so—exclusive of tho Policy fee, which
Will be $1- Theinsurance will cover all risks,—fire, and
water, and death, as the result of diseaseind accident- Stock:
driven on foot to eastern aud southern, markets, . will ; also
bo Insured. " >
f We have thus briefly stated tho objects and tho beneficial
'tendencies of this institution. To the former who can by
: tfiepayment of a smallsum; insure his stock,- the- company
isofihcalculable ndvnntago. It will prove os beneficial ,to
tho forming interests os marine insurance to tbo boating in
terest, orofordinhry fire insurance to the merchant and me
chanic. ■
: Salt op Lots.—As will bcsccn by a tofcrenco to oar ad
vertising column, a sale of lots will shortly tako placo in the
-village of Roscommon, about three miles above this dty, be
tween thoßraddock’s Fiold Plonk Bood and tho lUvcr. The
ground on which the town is located lies high above the riv
er, out of edDdangrr of being overflown by floods. Tha situ
ation Is beaaUftil and the country healthy, aud it is one of
the best locations in this, vicinity for country seats. The lots
are sUuatcd on. the ground, well known as tho Scotch Bot
tom.- There will,-no doubt; be a great deal of compotitlonat
tho sale, as the lota are very desirable.
The sole takes place on Saturday next at 2 P. M., on tho.
premises. Passengers will bo- conveyed to. the ground In
omnibußses, which leave the corner of Second and Smlthficld
streets at half past one o’clock.
TfiE Eaqls—This is tho name of a fine cotton boat, which
was lying at our wharf yesterday. The following wo her
dimensions and .builders:—The hull was built by Messrs. K.
& N. Porter, of Shpusctowu; length IGG foot; beam 32 feet;
hold SV<j foot. Tho hull was built in Porter’s best style, both
as regards materials and fastenings. ■ The machiney is com
plete in all Ur departments, built by Messrs- Preston A Wag
ner; cylinders 18}£ inches la diameter with ti foot stroke; 3
boßcrs 38 inches in diameter, 24 foot long- She ts also, fur
nished with a “ doctor,** fire englna and all the necessary
fixtures. The Eaglets intended for thoOhattohoochleriver;
and willonly draw about twenty-inches, water. She was
■built under the superintendence, anil will bocsnnnanded by
Capt. Henry T. Halls.
Tax Pewiession.^The Sons of Temporanco procession
takes placo. to-morrow.-. , Thosn?-desirous will assemble at
their respective balls, at 9 A.. M.j’-in this, county,* they will
meet in time to allow them to be on the ground a quarter
- before ten; and divisions from abroad, will oßßcmblc at Ma>
some Hall, at 10 A. M. The procession will form on Liberty
street, tbo right resting on Liberty and Fourth, U will then
march through the principal streets, to Masonic Hull where
addresses will be delivered by several gentlemen.
Accine.NT.—Whon the evening train on theCentraFßail
toad was backing, preparatory, to starling ou Monday, Uio
cars come in contact with uhorno aud cart belonging to Mr.
Rosemnn. of East lulicrty, who, fortunately, managed to es
cape. The horse and cart were pitched to a oonsidenvbta
distance, and the horse so badly injured that it has since
died. . • ■
•Tucdwlvq hcoxz3.—-Mary Mahoney, of South Pittsburgh,
was yesterday brought befure Aldermati 31cMastor. charged:
-with throwinj^fitoncaand bricks at Elizabeth Williams. The
matter wna compromised after tho Alderman had delivered
a lecture to the acrused.
4fctr“* Wcyrould remind those of our realtors who maybe
in want of foil and winter dry goods to attend the large solo
at McCartney’s auction room this morniog at 19 o’clock.—
The goods arc oil fresh, suitable for tho present and ap
IvsPLcvoiL—-WziiiAM B. Mooxqead was yeataixlay elected
soliciting agent axnl inspector of. tho Pennsylvania Lire
Stock and Insurance Company,
SAIiKRATCS—IOO boxes, superior quality, for sale by
fI^OBACCO—Jo boxes for rale by • . ~
• 1 1 ■ ■ A. J. STUART,
No. G hmltbficld street,
opposita Monongahela Houfc.
BLANR CliLCßh—Rlnnk Checks on all the Ranks aud
Brokers in tho City, bound and unbound, for solo by
d. IL VIKLDIN, Bookseller and Stationer,
au3l • No. 03 Wood, between Tldnl and Fourth fits. -
A GARDENER, who understands the business in all It*
branches, to whom liberal wages and a permanent sit
nation will be given, if found competent and attentive.
Application to be made at fjyJO] THIS OFFiCK.
JAMES RODGERS, who served fui a Musician in Company
G., Sixth Regiment L T . S. Infantry, in tbo Florida war,
will bear of somethin;; to his advantage, by calling-pa tho
subscribers, at No, 75 Fourth streot, Pittfiburgb.
-■ flas ■ ■ - ■ • • y,; A. WILKINS & CO- ....
M'COHD & COn corner of Fifth ami Wood sLI, Jm J.
introduce, Tms wv, tUrfr FALL STYLE of 6 **©
HATS. They would also call attention to their $3,00 and
$4,00 Fashionable Hat. which arc superior to any thing he*
fore got up at that price, . auShlni
Sons of Temperance*
TIIE Grand Division of renusylvnnin, will hold a snenal
session In the City of FiUtsburgh, ou Wednesday, the Let
day of September next, at 3 o'clock. In tlui Hall, corner of
Third and Wood street*.
aillo;dSw*w3t SAMUEL J, PICKANDS, C. 8.
A N application will ho made at the next session of the
■J\. Legislature, for the charter of a Bank, with a capital of
Three Hundred Thousand Dollars, to he located at Pitts*
burgh, and called tho u Western Bank of Pennsylvania."
Harrisburg Union will picaso ropy In Weekly paper.
fj&2B:6in- . - : .y -. • . - -- -
o. nricHHELjr, m. a....; j. p. i>ake,h. v.
4 S3OCIATED in tho practice of MEDICINE, from this
'date. .Will occupy the Office hitherto occupied by Dr.
Dnkc, 310 Penn street, between Hand and Wayuo streets.
' N. ILr-It desirnhip (o-have tbo accounts on Uie old
books eottlcd up. • aulhltn
rpilE Co-Partnership heretofore existing between the sub*
J. scribers, under tho firm of SI. TINDLE & CO., was dis
solved on tbo 10th ultimo, by mutual consent. Either part*
ner is authorized to use the room of the firm in settlement.
i J bio combs warranted tho b?st article manufactured in
tfio world, especially for retail trade, as each comb in tho
pack is equal to the sample, and ean be returned if not os
represented. Retail dealers will fluil it to their advantage
to koop no other than lliu Lancaster combs.
Jy2B j . <l. YEAOER. No. 110 Market street
highest cash prices paid for LIVE HOGS, delivered
I during the packing, season, at the W hirl Pool Pork
ouse, situated on the Ohio River, and Ohio and Pennsylva
nia Railroad, three mdeS bplow Pittsburgh, or at Depots from
Loudonvillo to Pittsburgh; Address
jyX7:lowd&ltw* . ■ No. PO Water street.
Stocks for salet
-20 shares Exchange- Bank;
120 do Noblpstown Plank Rood;
100 do Dpaddock’s do; -
100 do.. Colling Mining'Company; ..
75 do Bluff do . do;.
30 - do Ridgy do do.
For terms, enquire ot LOOMIS & STDOWI2LL. -
au3l over S. Jones A cor Wood and-Fourth sts.
Co-Partnership Notice.
r\ THE subscribers have this day entered into partnership,
1 under the stylo and firm of TAAFFE, MAGUIRE &
RANF. {or the purpose of cmrying on a general Commission
and Produce Business, and confidently hope their long expe
rience, extensive mercantile acquaintance, and personal at
tention to tbo interests of their customers, will entitlo them
to a shore of pnblle potronego, which it shall be their study
todeserve. LUKE TAAFFB, Pittsburgh,
SAM’LMAGUIRE, Cumberland, Aid.;
. WM. 0. BANK, Washington;-Po.
Pittsburgh, April 3, 1852. • [opO ,
ON THE FIRST BAY OF JULY LAST, tho subscribers
■fomed a Co-Partnership, for the purposo of carrying
name and firm of Hamptoh, Wilsos* Co. Thoyars now fit
ting uptho spacious Warehouses, No. 45 Wood street, opposite
the St CborTes'llotel, aud KcClo2'Third, street, which they
will open early in September, with a complete assortment
1 (of the late firm of Hampton A Smith.)
(of thelatofirm of Murphy* Wilson A C 0.,):
. (late of tho Houaoof H. Childs A Co.)
Pittsburgh, August ?, 185^~1m,, •; : :■ ! "
Building Lots, iu WellSTille, Ohio,'
TJ'IFTY Building Lota, in tho town of Wollsville, Colurn-.
JJ hlana Co, Ohio, will be sold at Auction, commencing on
• Wednesday, Hie first day of September l-nest, at 1 o’clock F.
M. These lots are desirably situated for huriuesa purposes..
Wellsville Is favorably Ipcated for business, being the ter
minus of the railroad froinClevelaud to tho Ohio river. : It
is about 50 miles below Pittsburgh, and4o above lVheeling.
From both cities there iSa regular line of steamers now run*
nine. It has already a population of nearly >2OO inhabitants.
- Since the completion of the Pittsburgh and Cleveland rail',
road, Wellrville haabccoraca point of great commercial hn*:
porlaaco and of an extensive interior trade. Any informa
tion given on the premises, byJAMESWELLS,
ou26;lwdAltw WM. A. HILL A CO., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Twieheli A Hogridge,
: Qrmer of Qmmerdalana iVne street*..
"\YTILL Promptly attend to all eoasigUmonU and Com-
YY missions entrusted to, them, and will ■ make liberal
cash advances on consignments or Bills of Lading in Land
Orders fbr the purchaso of Grain, Hemp and other
Produce, will ho promptly filled at the lowest prosiblo prices,
and on the best terms. .
They will also undortakejthe settlement and collection of
claims of importance; ;and hope, by their especial . personal
efforts pnd attmiUon to all the interests of their friends, to
giro general « atis&ctlo,^ mtErcl3 . ' ,
fieo. Collier, gt Louis;-ElUs'A Morton, • CSnclnnati; ‘
Pane A Bacon, - do; Strader A=Gorman, do;
ACo., do; : Hosca A Frazer, do;
ChSutoU* Valle, do; Springer A Widteman, do •
Doan' KinsrACo* do; E.A CXYarnnil AOo—Philadn;
n rwhiOo. do; B.B.Comegys,. . do;
Co. do; ; Shields* Miller, - do;
NowvS: JoslahLcoA Oa, Baltimore.
A, O. Tanrell i Co, Boston; ■ W. R BcynpWg . •.
TTntWfinl Hnn & fVi_ • dot' H.D. NOWCOmbA LrO-, <lO,
T Ci Twlchcll A Co, Commission McrChants, -New Orleans.
mms long established House confine: their attcnuoti
* X htricUy to solos and- purchases -on Commiflsipn, and to
Forwarding business generally. :: / - ': -v ~ •
. They solicit a eonUnuanoa of tho liberal patronage ;h«tr
' tofbro giycn thorn. ■
au2i oar^bßan
$■ i-i r - :
w - ' v -
*- >' '* '»• ~V , .‘C-
I *■ * ■s/ Jb. j ,v,*-'*“» , v ft?" I* -»< J* V ** *A** '
3 * o V
By tho O’Beilly tines tor the Homing Foot.
~ . „ „ . WwnrWTo-1. August 31.
SMATr.-I.Mt night tin* Senate pawn! a bill conrtituttah a
LlghtliouA. Hoard.
A rocclTod from-ths Houko rotumlne th.
. Army, Post ltonta and l’ortOflko Appropriation Hill,
the Bnnato refusal to recede from fa amendment* wu,*
wore not concurred In by the Home, end a commlttco ot
coufbrcnco. was .then appointed. . ■. .
. On motion or.Jlr.,Soule, thei.committee on Mexican Claims
. won .continued. -Tho Sonato. Navy Appropriation Bill was
l 5 11 lns “t«d onits amend
■ a t^ nm “^^.of : «?nferencu was appointed.
1 Mr.^fllason,- from the committee on; Foreign Relation*. re
"nMnot-.of: the Tehuantepec frraut,
• forth thatjt livxmt. computable .with tho dignity of
Is government toprosecuto the sahject-vby megbeiatmh*
that this government stands committed te T.rofeet tho inst
rights of in citizen, abroad, os well es at home, and slionld
Mexico vrithln a roasonable time fail to reconsider iier nosK
. tion concerning said grant, it will betho duty-of thisgov
ernment to adopt, such, measares jia -trill preserve the honor
of the coontryond theflghtv ofJW citizens. Thercsoliitfons
weroroadaudordcred-toboprintod '-v-
Mr. llrooko offered a resolution on tho same sahject, hut
. still morohelllgoran t, which .was . laid on thi tahld, ..MtW
vldes that tho lixecutlvp bo requested to inform Mexico that
traiess tho-American hpldara. of tho rightOfway acaon the!
Tehuantepec shall, pa or berurc the Orstdaytof March next,
be put la . possession of their property aiid.franchises, this
government will proecod to protoct them la the occupation
.and enjoyment and that If thisdetcnninationshOnld
oceastoß aruptoruof relations hetw«n the two RanubUcs -
this government will rely, for juatlficathm in tho eves of
mm&ininpontto phllgnUonbr.overy.gofffimment-topro.
teettto rghteofib own citizens from a flagrant and irntc
funsiblo violation of private rlghta and naUonal law by Moi
ico. ■ .--.A
The hill granting land for the bcnellt of the Insauo was
cOntdderod aud an effort niatto to: iniemltliy addin* otiiCr
. landliiUa.- IPehding the l Senatovmnt°into
oxoentlvesession and adjourned at: 11 o'clock, I*
lIOUSE—Tho Fortillcation and other hills wore debated last
.night.but nothing..was : done up to tho hour of odlonrn
:mont, . x>-/, . - 7~? r .
Smato.—Tuesday.—The reports of tho Confetcnro Com
mittees ou tho Aruiy Appropriations and Post Route Bills
wero concurred In.. The resolution offered yestonlay by Mr
James for the appointment ofaseloct committee to sit dnr
lng tho roeess, to.taSe depositions relative to gonaraphusi-'
ness and Importations for tho purpose of ascertaining frauds
to report hext session, was taken upland mloptnl by a vote
of 20 to 13. Mcssra, James, Shields, Bright, Dawson and
Bell, wero clcclod to constitute tho Committee.
Tho Senate then adjournal. : .
.. •«onsß—Tuesday—Tho Comiuittw af Conftirenw on the
I\)?t Route Billmnde a report that tbo amendment* mo«fc
obnoxious to the Hou*e were omitted. - Tho report was con
curred in as were also tho reports on the Army
Navyund Post Offifco Approprintion Bills.::
' Both Houses have suspended the 17th rule prohibitiag
Bills from being signed by the President on the last> day of
the session. •
The House adjourned.-
-.' - - Lotrisvjtis,.Aug.3i;
The Mbssouri Senate orgonlzed yestwiuy:. In the final
vote for Secretaiy,- Irwin (Benton) waa olcchxl.: pie House;
failed to eloet n-hpeaker.i each pnriy havini? uiaif* a nomina
tion. The candidate* were ctowdv adhered to. The Antic*
had two nominations, but bn the 4th bdllotone of them had
hut .eteht'.votcFu' -Simms (Benton) received 43 votes.., TVocxl*.
Pon CVHiig) S7jSotes.:: Pending the sfli ballot the Hbuee ad
jonrned.'untilten-thia mornmg. ;
Tho Cholera is raging with the greate.'d malignity, in Sootfc
county, Mlviouri.
;At Memphis the teccnt rpih storms have destreo’ed proi>-
ty to theamountof §20,000. •.Ttiecorn inid cotton fields,of.
the adjacent eountips ore entirely washed down.
Mr. Aubrey arrived at St. Louis, last night, from Santo
Fe. making tue trip iu 23 day* to independence. He left on
tho 31st of July. Governor Lane reached Fort Atkinson ou
the lGtb. Maj. Van Horn- of the Anny, *ras oue of Auhrej’s
party. Mrs. and Miss IQug, of Georgia, dledou tho Arkan
eaß, m July,; AIK Aubrey now'three hundnxl lodges 'of-Gar
tnanches and Keowo.% on Rnbt'it Eir Creek. Cnpt. Buckner
and'LiouUnont Woouruff were to leave Fort Atklnson on
.tho.2sthfor the States, , Mr. Aubrey .wnn informed by Maj.
\ ou Horn that atx>ut the first of July right Apaelie Indians
attacked fifteen Mnsirain* on the Jouuiad del Muertd. killing
bno and wounding ibur others, and taklog from them twenty
New Yohk. Aug. 31.
. Tho steamship Ohio from Applnwall. via. Kingston, arrived
today at haifiiast'twelve with 3W passenger* nnd$5W,(KK),
She left Kingaton on the 24th. .
Tho health at Aipiawatl was Improviog, and there wai
but little fever. .There was no cholera on the Isthmus. The
piuwngnra report that the Golden (Into on Tier way up with
the 4tu regiment of infantry loot many of-the Roklieraat
Kingston by cholera. The small pox wan abated but was
still prevalent In different parte of the islaud.
There baTo been recently ficverel sovero shwk«-ofan
carthqnako In various parts.of Jamainu
Tho Ohio, when two hours out from Kiugatou was board
ed bv a boat from theEngluh mail steamer Raraua, which
had broken one rylinder and was Iwhind her time. .-
The Panama Herald say« that 100 soldiers of.the 4tli regi
ment had died siuee thev left hmr.York.
A hail was given At Pamirrui on the 11th. by the govern
.raent'of New Granada to '.the officers of the sloop of war
Portsmqlfflj in return for services-remleml during the
biockademt Guayaijuil.
Tim Portsmouth was to leave about tlie Ist of S*'ptrml*cr
for Son Francisco. -
• JEVFOLSO.V Grrr, Aggust 31.
The Senate tide moruiug was cutirely occupied indLarusn
ing the projiricty of riceting it Chaplain.
On thnlltb ballot for Sjxaker, Sims lial 40 votes; Wooil
son 37: Acoke C 2; llunterlO; Jackson 2. T!io Hou*e tub
journixl until 2 I*. SI. Tho IVhigs an* going mlocauru-*-'.
New Yoiik, AuiMSl.—ll o’clock, P.
Tbo steamer America arrivci at tfaliiax at u o'clock tin*
evening, but in consequence of tho storm -cast of Portland,
tlie lines are hopelessly out of order, and wu- are unable tu
get any news to-night. *
l/>rtn-iLUk Aumwt 31.
Conway's majority I.h *5OO. The Democratic mSjyritv on
joint ballot is 32. -• - 1 '
.TAiti.svu.LK. August SI.
The first Ixile of now Cotton v.-xn received at Memphis t«>
The Naslivlllo Insurance Compstiy. ho* i*u.speud<\i busi
dc&l * ■
WAsmxotox. Aug. 31.
Tbo appointment of Solomon D. Hubbard; of Cohn., as
Post-Master General, and of Johu D. Towers as Snpcrhilen
tendant of-Printing, have bc\;u confirmed by the Simnte.
CrxcissATi, August 31.
Tho river has rhon sixteen Inches muco la*t cvcniDg; Mill
rUing slowly. Tlfoweather Is fino.
Yock, August f»t.
.. lftOObalea at firm rates; the stockut New.
York, exclusive of ship board. Is. 4500 bales.
8000 bids State at $1,37; wuthcni £1,02. Graln...salcs of
30,000 bus western Wheat at :.U3(sJslvo3 for rul; sales 30,000
Lua mixed -Com at 71c. . Provisions...sa2iis ltd bbLs mess
pork at $10,87 ; prime do at $37,75; Beof unchangwl. salpji
KJO bbls; pales 500 bbla Laid at 115{c; Sugar, soles 300 bxs
Muscovada at 43£c; Coffee, snlij* 5000 bags Klo nl Lin-
Beed OiU~*&le* 2&)o.galU at 78(5*70e.. AYhhfcv..,
sales 1000 this Ohio at 24}<jC; pidson 25e. ;, August 31,
Flour...dull and drooping.;, eiilea 400 bblsat $5,25. VTils-. demand, at NoUilng transacted in Pro
vißkms. Idnsced 0i1...65c, and firm. Sugor and Molasses
Tho river has risen 22 inches vrithln tho lust 21 honre:
weather fine, Flonr quiet; rales 1400 bids nt r 3O;
Whisky firm at lBJ<{; nothing done In Provision*; Groceries
undhanged; Llns«Hl Op CS(AGB. ;
- Flour...SOO bbln Ilowanl Street at $4.51’ V : sale* 3300 bills
City Mills $4,37}£ and 500 bbls Grain...MTicjit boa
decliDod and we quote red at 03{$$1, and white at $1(<¥;1,08;
a lot of 15,00 bus, bring dry nml prime, lirought $1,12. Corn
...Supply vott light; white 63@04 and yellow • Cats
for Maryland, anil 37yi)3S for Pennsylvania. XVhis
Cotton unchanged; Plonr.-q-iilct ftml unebanged; Bales 800
bhls. Nothing doing in Rye Hour and Com Meal.". Grain...
Wheat in good demand at tho late nduanro; pales 1000 bus
good Southern red pt 05@86. Com, yellow, 72. (Ulier ore
tides unchanged. ' .1
Cattlc.Mabket.—Tbo offerings of Boef wcro-lSOff heail;
'all raid at $7(5;53,50 100 fts. Hogs; offered 600-and ftold
. at $8(^8,50. Oiwk rales 200 at prices ranging from $l2 to
$33. Sheep and Lamia; : the former $2@S4, cud tho latter
XriNMAR-~30 IjWh prime.
V nun J. D. AVITjIJAMS i: CO.
BUCKETS —30 doz iu store and for sale by
nu 27 A. J. STUART.
C 1 LASS— 3OO boxes assorted Bizc.sTor-Eale by
r 0U27-. A. J. STUART.
Brooms— 07 do*, to ciono out, by
HOBENSAOIi’S Any “qunntity of (jib
pleasant and effective YermlfugCv kept constantly for
saJo at DR. KEYSEII’S Drug Store,
jy3l:daw. Na 140 comer of Wood At. and Virgin alley. -
Pennsylvania Railroad Emigrant Line.
TTfE are now forwarding poraengcra to i'hllndelphia and
y \ - Intermediate points, by.the abovo linn. Time through
three days. Forii $4,50, Only 70 miloß Canal.
n«27 00V0DE A GRAHAM, Agents.
' For Sale, •
/fyl at Pittsburgh Jiamp and:. Oil Store, 82
mUmX*Fourth street,.between Market and Wood.
au‘24 r- - ; W. H; M*RIOUT.
“pAGODA TEAjSTORK-Just rcceiywl out of bond. 10
X packages superior old Cognac Brandies,' Itchneney, Bei*
Hewer, Otord; ana Champagne brands, of various vintages.
Also, some very fine London Dock Port Wine. -
; . Tbe above can be relied upon nn being puru, and very suit
able fbr medicinal purposes. ' JEHUJIAWORTiI,
;.,au23 : -Vcomer of DiAroond aiiey and the Diamond.
■ Great Bargains!
PETS-r-whicli will bo fhund at tho Carpet Warehouse of
W. McClintock, 85 Fourth street are determined to
sell off our present stock of tho above goods at cost, we in
vite tho attention of those wishing to to great Lar
gaina. . , fjeiy W, McCLINTOCK.
Orncß OP the Alleohesi Valley Raiuioad Company. V:
•• - August Sd, 1852. j
TIIK Stockholders in the Allegheny Valley Railroad Com
pany, oro hereby noticed to pay a second instalment—
•Fivo Dollars per Bharo—to the Treasurer, on or before the Ist
day of September next. By.ordcr of tho Board. ; .
■ /: JOHN T. LOGAN, Treasurer.
pu6;lm Wood IMtt^burgh.
L> TnteUr A Brotheri, • .
rWINKS,&« warronted pure; and, exceedingly low pri
ces, for cash. Also, iu very fine’old Cbampaigue
Wiue, Jenny IJnd, Heldsick and locomotive brands; pnro
old Brandies; old Port, Sherry, Madeira and Juice Wines. .
' Ail Liquors and Wines at tiusestabliahmenVwillbc found
of a superior quaUty. L- IUTEUR. A BROTHERS,
au!4:2m No. 76 Smithfield street.
Office or Pittsbuboh Gas Company.) '
.. August 21,1852. j
THE Stockholders of**'The Pittsburgh Gas Company’'
are hereby notified, that ;tho - Annual Election, fbr the
purpose of electing two persons ;to serve as Trustees of . said
Company, forthe term .of throb years, will be held at the Of
fico of tho Company,in the Oily* of Pittsburgli, on Monday,
the 6th day of September, 1852, between, the hours of 2 hud
5 o’clock; P:M. . - . '
•■•••aq2&2w • ■ JAMES M. CHRISTY. Trensurcr.
Voang Ladles HemhiaTy) Aliegiicuy*
Tl/TR.and Mrs.N..W.METCALF, wilf.cbmmenco their Aur
■l3li tumn Session on. MONDAY, August 30th;:at their
dwelling, on Federal street, “ M’Leau’s Row." Hons. P. W.
Gengetobrois'instruet- in French; and Moris.iL.
P, Gengembta, in Drawing and-Painting." ; Scholars may cn
ter at any time, and will bo charged tuition from the time of
entrance to the close of the session.' Cases of protracted sick
ness will be an exception to the above rule. Tuition bills
will bo received, ono half iu advance, the other half at the
doso of the session. ....
( Al) other arrangements tho samo as heretofore, wblchmny
bo ascertained by reference to tho circular, or by applying to
the Instructors. .
' Allegheoy, Avgafif 2,lss2.—atffirtf
V 4i- ’ 1 1 4
' “S „ H*. V <•"*■ ■*'
1 \ ‘
The weather continues pleasant; trade continues limited,
hml principally confined to the wants of tho dty traded
Business on tha wharf, -for this season of tho year,in conse
quence of the fine etoge of water.wns quito-Tirisk..: in'the'
way of shipping. Tho river is.recoding slowly.
: : FLOUR—This article sema. to be the leading • article in
trade at present; the marlcot yestonlay opened' 'active tmd; :
"firm; wenoitf sales of 66 this at for superfine to
; extra ;. 40 bbls do in lots at from store, :iBobbls
in lobs>t \ not think Hbqt preMnt prices
■can be longshstainedi ..The in Europe,
as per by .no weans justify the advance, as ' :
already ,we.noti«& a declftt&of 18 to cents ; in. Baltimore,
and dullness in Philadelphia und New York, in Bread«tuffs
• ASHES—SmaII sales continue to bo made of Soda, at 3(5)'
1 APPLES—Further sales of 17 bbls reported at $1,25 bbl.
RlCo—Sales roported of three, tons at ’55,87, cash;. V:
.' WiriSKY—The market more firm, and {tales reported of
.IS bbls at 20c; lO do at SO^c; 20 do; at 20c.
SOAP—Sales of 42 boxes Itoau, at 4c, 4 months.
BED COEDS—-Sales of 30 dor extra long at $2,00, cash
of 11 dozJTow.aml Cotton at:s4,oo. V-.'-v
; EGGS^—Sales of 2 bbls ot7|£c. : .'"-'-ii-i- -..v';':';,'
OHOCI3HIES—Xho domand is confined mainly to the trado
of the city, fcnd sales aremado in smaU lots; wo r note sales
°f 25 bUa Molasflos at 35c. Sugar 1* selling'at as In
qualUy.;' Cbfiied at 0- '•• •■
OATS~-Salfe«rof 100 bns from 3oc.' \
■ BACON—Wenote sales •of abrihf ISOOIbs Hams at UUo*'
lOOOfts Snontdei's at . - 11
TOBACCO—SaIes 20 kegß Vir^laTwist at 7V£c, Amonths*
Stoamwr Atlantic,'Parkinson.-Brownsville •
f * Baltuvßennct; Brownsville- :
**■ Thomas Shnvcr, Bnlloy, West Nowton.
. ; Mfchlgan, So. 2, Bolo», Bearer.
“ -Exchange, Conwell, Wheeling-.
*• J. B. Gorlon, CinclimntV
*• Hnanricr. Poe, Cincinnati,
. “ Navigator. Dean, Cincinnati.
Slcnmor Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville.
“ . Baltic, Rennet, BrovrusvjlJe.
" Thomas Shrlrer, Bailey, West Newton.
Michigan, No. 2, Boles, Beaver
“ Alliance, Young, Cincinnati- . • "
‘* Julia Dean, M ? Yay,-fcanoBViHo.
v Mayflower, Devinney, SL Loula.
W Inchester, G. D. Moore, Whceling
■** Wellßrille, Chrialler,Bridgeport. -
. ; Financier, Poo, Georgetown. - : V ,
.Wednesday Packet fbr Cincinnati*
nce&> j. The new and fiu*t running Steamer CINCHf-
LsifeSttg'NATl, Boies Master,- vUI leave regularly every
. For freight or.passage, apply oa board, or to ♦■■■■.
: deepu : ; • . VG. B. MIWENBERGER.
For Klttonnlng and Catfish.
, ■ The light draught Rail pleasant steamer
Cnpt Milunciaiu will lenvo the Alle
nS-~i V -rgalghcny wharf; on Monday, - Wednesday ood Fri
days, at 3 o'clock, P. M-, for KitjaauJog apd Catfish. -For
ftciglit or passage npplp on .boanL - ; . , ■ . nov!8.
For tone Reach. Marietta* Parkersimra.
and Goliftpalts* .
nw. The fiuo steamer HOY. MKIGS, Sijuxk, Mas*
LsfteShfcßT I for, will leave foT the above and Intermediate
s&.‘'*rni*i^SKpoints every Tuesday, at d o'clock p: M.
For.freight or passage apply onboard, or to
fob 2 JOHN. Ft ACS. Agent.
.. . . For Marietta and Hockingport*
jtw*, T(uc fine steamer PACIFIC, Zasocrr. Mahtex,
LflfefojH*7MasU;r. vilJ leave for the aßove and mtcnnwU
sS2==2sSiaate ports, every THURSDAY, at 4 o'clock, P,
M.. For freight or iiassagu, apply on boant, or to-
. mnrlO. No. Cl Yi ator street, and G 3 Front st
Marietta* Parkeretmrc; and llocklnaport
■ Pack et*
■ «c»v . The rttamer HAIL COLUMBIA, A.S. CiW-TB,
will leave Pittsburgh every Monday, at
tsah*trt o clock P. M.: returning, will lcavo Ifocking
port every Tuesday, at G o'clock A. 81.
Passenger* and shipper* may rely on the utmost accom
modation and promptness. W. li» ’VVHRELEU,
tnarC • . '24 M&rjcet street- :
riiJIE undersigned, after au interval of four yc-ars, ho*
X again resumed busing. Having complied with the re
quisitions of the law regulating &il« at Auction, and having
procured. a first class License as Auctioneer for tbo City of
: Pittsburgh, ho oflVra Ids services as such to his friends and
the public generally. With an experience of nearly thirty
years In this Hoe of business, be hazards nothing in saying
Uint he will bo enabled to give entire ratudhotfan to all those
who may fed disposal to patronize him. .
P. McKENNA, Auctioneer.
Refer* to the principal City Merdianlu. jvfl
Auctlon**l>aily Sales*
4 T the Commercial hales Rooms, corner of Wood and
_/V. Fifth street*. at 10 o'clock, A. M.» n general assortment
of Scosonabl*, Staple and Fancy Dry Hoods, Clothing, .Boots
and bhocs, Hats, Cap*, ftc^
• AT '2 O'CLOCK, P. M.,
(iroccrloa. Quwnware; filw*waro« Table Cutlcrv. Looking
fllassw, Jsptt and Second Hand KourehoLd BOtUvltcben I'ur
mtun*, £c,,
AT 7 O'CLOCK, I>. M..
Book*, fetation?!*)', t'anoy Article Musical Inslrnmentfl,
Uardtroro aud Culler)'. Clothing.- arlety Goods, Gold and
fellver watcliog. &c. V. M. DAVIS. Auctioneer.
4 VALUABLE COlttiKH forT FOR SALE,.« Alima,
a t Ta bo wdib on Satuxdny;. September 4th. at 4 o'clock in
tbft afternoon, on the* premia's, comer of Duncan and Oran*
vlll* streets, situated In the* Kwenth Ward, a valuatlo Bond
ing LotvtUontinglifty-iourfeet three Inch®?on.Dancanrt*
amt extending seventy-eight foot fix inches along Granville
The oJ<OT« properly Is situated m a growing and healthy
part of the city, and m the vicinity oflho SeveuthWord
Scliooi nou&i. Tt-rrus at fiale. Title indiroutahlo;
jtuW ■ ■ P. M’KENNA, Auct r.
lAAtt.U FOR SALK—Situated twonty-tbree mtlw from
1 . Pittsburgh, in Bearer county, having the advantage of
tlia iVnimylvanta and Ohio Railroad passing through the
same, cnwaiderabld of which la river bottom. Enquire
of J. A. Sholes, F-sq., on the premises, or to P. M’Kenna,
Auctioneer. ..
Also—A House nud Lot, iu Second Struct, in the First
Ward, near Redoubt alley. Enquire of John Mellon, Esq.,
or to P. M Kenua, Auctioneer,;
Altfv-A valuable Lot, fronting thirty feet on Fifth street,
extending hack one hundred and forty-live feet. Enquire of
Mre. Matthew Stewart, Allcghchy city, or to
an. as. ■ _ P. M’KKNNA. Auctioneer.
P. H. DAVIS, Aui&tionoGiv '
IftA GROSS PENCILS, /bur. (.Uses. Keller Pape a and
ItfU JR re -fhwx Plank &*&*. it At'trnos. —On Wedne.*-
day evening, September Ist, at “% o’clock, at the Commer
cial Sales Rooms, corner of Wood and Filth streets, will be
sold without rescrTty to clcwo consignment? 150 gross pencils
; .r~fomprlslng suiper Ibigllidi and AiacriomDrawing, rubber,
memorandum, offies, octagon ami round writing
pencils, superior onamclhul cunl pencils, octagon and round
red chalk polished; four cases super blue wove past
pajKT, arid five cases blank, work—embracing medium and
demy ledgers nnd journals, full bound hands; full and half
bound; broad aud long folio and quarto blanks: copy books
steam boat books, leather and paper cover memorandiun and
pans hook*, bankers coses and note holders, port
folios, bill paper, Ac. The trade arc invited to rail nnd ex
amine. [scpi| . F. M. DAVIS, Auct’r.
TTtfItOUGHTTRON SUAFT3~a.t - Auction.—On Monday,
YY September titb. at 11 o’clock, P. 31., at the machine
shop of SiesKTF. S. 8. Fowler & Co., No. du Water street, will
be sold without reserve, lor account whom it may concern,
to pay. charges, five Wrought Iron Shafts, from eight to tea
feet long, weighing 4127 pounds.
ficpl P, M. DAVIS, Auefr.
PIANO FORTE at. Auction. —On Thursday afternoon,
September 21, at 3 o'clock, at the Commercial Sales
Rooms, corner of Wood aud Fifth .streets, will bo raid, one
superior flno toned 7. octavo mahogany case Piaiio Forte,
which may bo oxiuniiiwl previous to rale,
fopl . |». M. DAMS, Auct'r.
ll*n DO/.. SHIRTS, (for City Trade,) at Avctidn.—Oh
lUu Thursday moruiug, September lid, at 10 o'clock, at
the Commercial Sales Rooms, corner of Wood and Fifth sts.,
•will he raid without reserve, on n creditor 00 days, on suma
over $lOO, for approved endorsed notes, .160 dozen Fine
Slilrta, for city trade, from one of the most extensive* eastern
manufacturers, comprising—super custom make flyjtoht
Shirts, L. B. AC. super make English long cloth, wide-and
narrow plaits, yoke neck and French slccvo, Ac., Ac. ■■ ■ j
rapl :• _ \\ 51. DAVIS, Auct’r.
Three biuck dwelling houses and lot in
SIXTH WARD, at Auction.— On Saturday afternoon,
September 4th, at 4 o’clock, on tbo premises, wilt lie sold
that valuable Lot of Ground; situate cm Franklin street, be-,
twcou Logan and Townsend streets having a front of 24
feet on Franklin fitroot, and oxtending back 120 feet to De
catur street; on which is erected three well flutahyd modern
style Brick Dwelling Houses, in good order, whlchjs worthy
of attention, as the owner basordered positive sale. ' Terms,
at sald. ■.. |au3o]~. : v ~ : P» M. DAVIS. Auct’r.
* COMMON.—On Saturday, September 4th, at 2 o’clock,
R 3L, vvill be offered at public sale, Two Hundred Building
Lots, in 1 the village of Roppcommon, sUuato between tho
Braddock’s Field Plank Road, ond the Stonougahcla River,
three and a half miles from the city, belhg one of the finest
portions of tho “Scotch Bottom "track. ,?
As tbia wfll probably be the only public sale,
wishing to secure dej-irahio surburbat; lots, will find It their
Interest to attend., • ‘ . ‘ v V
TmiS—One-rixth in cash; residue in five equol annual
payments, .with iuterestj secured upon the premises. ~
Omnibuses will Ipavo the corner of Second and Smithfield
streets, at lid o’clock, upon of sale, to convoy totlio
ground nil who wlsli to attend. Plans_ can be had at thu
‘Sales Rooms. fau2Bl' i ■.'-'-’"P,- M. DAVIS. Auct'r.
* ■ and American dry- floods for 1852. ■ I will .hold my Drat
fail sale for thb year 1852, on AVedncsdny morning at 10 o’-
clock,. comprising two hundred lots. of English, .German,
Swiss and American dry goods, embradng a large,
foil and. fresh assortment of woolen,' worsted, silk and cotton
goods, of fresh importation, just landed, to be peremptorily
sold, for cash. ; ••,
N. Examples of the above wfl] be arranged for examina
tion early on the morning of sale, when buyers will find it
to tbeir interest to attend, • , T . ...
Included in the first fell fade, to bo held on IY«ln«ad»y
morning; Sent lst, foundt large, fresh and desirable
assortment of staple and fimey articles for winter ealta, com
prUingin part Rich brocade anil figured alpacas;
• r . . . “ changeable . .- r
•' : black - “• v , “
. ■ « black and colored Orleans;
u : •••“ • cobreys; •,
n <.., « *•• merinos; .
“mohair;large*] • . ;
«<. fitrured worsted damask; -
■ /-: «t heavy blahketahawlß;.-
Comprising Louis XIV, Lonls XV. Elizabethan Mid Antique
■ M ith Sculpture Carving and Modem Style, 1 ’
In Rosewood, Walnut, Mahogany, Satinwood and Staple"
All of Superior Construction, : ;
And finished In the best etjle, equal to, if not In
quality, thc fiood3 or any Establishment
•• • • • •;•••:. ta the. United States, • : • •
■Tj>MPIX)Yp.'G none but experienced worSuien. (appren-
J_/ esicluded,) audtising thetestma-
tho work cannot fell to give satisfectioh to puxeba*
sera.- Amongst thomany advantagesoffered to purchasers,'
fetheFadlity of Fximishing a House, either in Elegant or
; Plain Style, tompletely from one by which
.means $ll the articles in each room correspond in style and
quality (and the Immense Stock always on hand, being so:
;Tnr i nsan design, enables purchasers to please their taste in
a selection, without the delay necessarily caused in orderin' 1 *
Furniture. .. - • ■.. ■■ y
To Kite an Idea of the finished Furniture on hand; I T.1..V1
1 o“>y ‘hut my Booms arel7s feet ■■lonK.hv^?-
- f«t wide, 4 floors to number; with Shops contismom turn
T~ O TAIbOKS-For Kile, Mid clent to employ 200 hands, which bi guaranteo tSt tS;
•opodwill oraClotiring Samoa Woo4Stiect,ina good iwor^irtldbnatmdermyownmimediatetnspectlnn
■ SBhSSKKSK T^assr
: « vclTet;. .. .
“ . colored satins; woolen Tarter plaids;
damask white table cloths; iro ? leo^ (
women’s and,children's woolen comforts; Bntish. prints;
.Earlston and German ginghams; neatntylo delaines, plaid
Unen: a&fcr, Testings;
spool cotton; gum suspendors; Madras hose; buttons; tapes;
plaid and check muslins, to- .■:• . . , • . 1
* AjnoaCAN «OOD&T-Furniture and apron chocks; Man
chester anebamsr black sail fancy deducts; railed and,
Wnd Jcaw fancy ana plaid tweeds; fancy cambric prints;
woolen comforts, dc4. Germantown bosjcry; alsoa ml ps
-3;odt of rich Paris style, fancy and black, silk mantillas,
richly trimmed with late; S 0 plecesFrench and English
broadcloths; plain nnd fancy casstme-ros hcayy satlnTesunE
Smdc« silk scarfs and cravats patent thrcad-paddlngs;
SSfsAc. Also, a Tafge lot of, tailor's trimmings. ■ ,
P ouM - ° tV. G. M'CARXNEY, JAuct'r.
~>■< Ovfics or the PiitT 1 Mownico Post, 1
Wednesday, September 1,1852. f
Auction Catit,
P.'HoKENHA, Auctioneer.
'.•Vy. '• V v ■y. i?* ■ v
VV TOBY. - -No, 3& North Iburth tlreeL> A lextdoor to
tho Merchants* Hotel, PHILADELPHIA. • _au2&3m* .
/“10MM1LSI0N MERCHANT, for the rale of FISH, PRO -
Ay VISION’S, Ac-, No.'. 9 North Wharves, PHELADEIr
I‘UIA, • Agent Express Line Boston Packets. au2fcy*
* TEA&'XcJ No/ 35 North Skojto , street, PHILA
DELPHIA? ■:■■•■■■■■• . . ou2Lly»
AL ARNOLD A S. N. SMITHS Eropnctors. ; '
igp-Terms, One Dollar pct: : Day. \: ■’ - auZljiy* y : {
—v: - f.ostheih, •
JL WINES, du., 8-I-South Frost street, (coraerof;A\al
nut,) PHILADELPHIA, • mu2T;ly.- :
JAMES B. FIDLER, • :--•••
i / Ac., No. 158 South Second street, PHILADELPHIA.
-N.. B/—Wotches and Jewelry .carefully: repairedion toe:
shortest notice; x ■. ; : - :an27:ly*.:.
MHOLESALI2 and Retail Dealer in. COTTON-LAPS,
WADDING, Lamp Wick, Tie-Yarn, Carded Wool, and
Twine, No. 3 S 'North Secrmsl sired. PHILADELPHIA.
. nugfrly* ■ •: , ■.•■••. '
YY Secoxo street, PHILADELPHIA, have constantly
On hand, French Brandies, Holland Gin, ond-a general as-;
sortmciit .of FOREIGN WINES. - Also, all kinds of Ameri
can. Spirits,Ac;.r- '.. ,- / v - : ■ apgfrly* '
i. t. buntik0.............. j.:%. 5h0ber.^...........a. &' abhmeau.
of every description, CANDLES, WHALEBONE, Ac./
•AVI4 South (between Market and
PHILADELPHIA. ____ au27:ly*
Thomas C. Gnrrett &• Co ,
and Manufacturers of SILVER WARE and JEWELRY;
1583 CHESTNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA, are prepared to
i®R at the very lowest prices at wliich Goods in their Hue
tire advertized, v/y v : an26;ly
HAVE removed to. their NEW GRANITE BUILbING,
108 North Front street, (above Arch street.) PHILA
DELPHIA, where they manufacture
Mason’s Celebrated Challenge Blacklngl
Ac. , 4E5* All. their..manufoctares warranted of superior ’
quality. ■ , : d U 2ik6m , --‘
Isaac k, sTAuypcn...... jacou c.\Kurr.
•f Y- WATCHES, A,o. 90 Aiorth Second mrcst. corner of
Quarry, PHILADELPHIA. For sale, an Gold
andSdvor Patent Lever,-. Lcpme and Plain Watches, Fine
Gold Jewelry and Silver W are- .. 7
; Repairing promptly attended to. ; . au27:ly
FACTURERS—No. 40 N Second street (below Arch
West eido, PHILADELPHIA, Lettered Shades, for Stores
and Windows, painted to order. Also,-Reed Blinds, Buff
Shades, Ac.
; N. Shatters and Doors, constantly on liandand
made to order. - h-:* •. a027:4m
Rice; Spirits of Turpentine;
Tar; Pitch;
Rosin; • Alcohol; .
Bumiug Fluid; .Pine Oil; '
au27:Gm ■ . Sperm, \Vhalo Si Tanner* Oil.
No* 17 North Wharves, PHILADELPHIA
CONSTANTLY on hand, at lowest market prices—
/ Bank Oil; TannerKOil; - Soap Rosin;
BtraltaOil; ; PaintOll; .. . Soda Ash/
• Consignmenta of \Ycstern Produce solicited.
■ axi2T:3m c
rivaIs popular House i# admirably, situated for the conve
;. JL': nleno© of perrons traveling either oh business or pleas
ure, being near theNovr York and Baltimore landings, within
a short distance of the Post Office and Exchange, where all
the different Lines of start, going to all parts of
theeJty. J. OTTENKIIIK, Proprietor,
an27;om . Lata of Baltimore. arid Cincinnati, O-
James Barber’s
.. SndJt East (timer of .s xond and Chestnut ttereir,
\\f HERE may Iw foand. one of the largest and Lost as-
YY • rartmentaof Clock% and Time Pieces Ih'the United
States, in quontities to suit-purchasers,.of from a single
Clock to-ons thousand Clocks; embracing every variety of
stylo and manufacture, suitable for Churches, Holla, Cohn-'
ting Houses; Parlors, Sleeping Apartments ‘ and Kitchens,
Steam and Canal Boats and Railroad Cars.
: Also, general sale .tgent for Itapp’a lately, patented Scien
tific Niche Gold Pen, Wholesale oud Retail; Gold and Silver
Penlloldersoad Pencils, .and a variety of Fancy Goods. .
.ThwewiHhlhg to purchase will find it to their interest, to
call, la*foro purchasing elsewhere. JAMF.S BARBER.
augSy* S. 3£ coraerChestnut and Second sta,Pliita; .
81. & J. M, ROWE»
No. 111 North Third Strai, Three Doors Below Pace.
MANUFACTURERS and W holesale Dealers in all kinds
of Brooms, Cru.«hea, Buckets, Cedar Wore. Willow aud:
French Bftskete, Shoe and Wall Brushcrs, Scrubs, DunterH,
Mat l ?, Blacking, Kastem-made Wooden W ore of every do
rarlpUou, Ao-, at the lowest market prires. In store and for
rale,. 2000do*. Fancy Com Brooms,
..OOOdox, Painted Buckets, assoTt<?d colors, .
> SOOffoa. Cedar Chums, •
000 nests M ash Tubs.
- 800 ncsta.WlUow Baskets,
200 dos. V\ all and Scrubbing Brushos-
N*B.—Orders promptly filled and goals packed ih'thobest
manner for transportation.: - -'. • . au2s;3m : ;
fTHIE subscribers having just entered Into the above husi-
X In allita branches, take this mode of calling the
attention of Country Merchants and others, to their new
style and patterns—alra. the quality of inatoriaP-ns we
flatter ourselves not to be beat In workmanship or material.
The following, in part, consists of our assortment.
Lamps and Lamp Screws; ladles; Castor Frames; Bt\l
Pans;- Tumblers: Pitchers, with lids; Coffeepots and Tea-
Pots; Slop Bowls; Sugar Bowls; Cream Cups; Beer3lcas
urcs; CVjffoo Ifoppers; Candlesticks; Spoons, of oil sixes.
Wo will be happy to receive orders for samples, by mail, at
Our plan's of bmauoas. No. 109 RACE ST-, or QUARRY
ST., oliove Second,.PHILADELPHIA.
N. B.—The snbscriber.still continues to mamifactureCan
dloYlonlds, Syringes, Surgical lustrumenta,: Ac., at his old
place of business, No. 109 RACE ST., Philadelphia, to
which I would call the.special attention of Candie Mnnufae- -
First Class Hotel—Terms, sl>so Per Day.
THE sulßcriber, having lately l>ccomo proprietor of-the
FRANKLIN HOUSE. Chestnut street, between Third
aud Fourth, PHILADELPHIA, and having reduced the
price of board to $1,50 per day, gives notice tliat, notwith
stondiug this reduction, ho will still continue.toheop a first
dnßs Uouso.
i - ’ißoTranWin House has just undergonnextended altera*
I: tlona, and is now fitted uj> and superior style,
| for tho reception of visitors.. Tho lower' floor, forim-tly oc
cupied by stores, is now Included In the Hotel, forming a
.spacious - Reception Room, .Gentlemen’s Parlor, and Dining
Room, thereby allowing an addition of. thirty cliambers ahd
several beautiful parlors, fronting on Chestnut street The
.Rooms of this Hotel are superior to tnost others, being <»n
■ptructed with, alcoves, forming parlor and bed ehamberat-
well-lighted and ventilated. The location ia unsur
passed, either tor business or pleasure; • 4 -
! BEN; 11. WOOLSIAN, Proprietor, - : '.-
&u2&3m* ~ , ' . ~ ~ F/iiiadeipJria.-
■ Xo. 139 Xorth' Third sired, between Jiacc and Vine,
AXLMOND &STE3I, Proprietors.
rpERMS, 91,00 pet day,—The 6ubscribop»havetho plea
-1 -sore of Informing their friends andthepublicgenerally
tbatthey have taken the above named well known and(de*
.sorvedly) popular House, which theyhave fitted up wtfth en
tirely New Furniture and. Bedding, of a superior quality.—
The House has also been renovated and improved, in a man
ner which'will compare favorably with tbe first-classlloteh?
in the' city, and cannot foil to give satisfaction to those who
may patronise it
The Toblo will always be supplied -with the choicest and
most wholesome Provisions the market affords; and the bar
with tbo purest find best Liquors. _
Nothing (in short) shall be left undone to niake.tho Guests
comfortable, aud tbo Proprietors flatter themselves, that by
strict attention to business, thoy. will merit uad receive a
liberal share of public encouragement. * • au2o:3nv
. ; Hall -Boardman,
MANUFACTURERS . ami Wholesale Dealers, 03 and 95
Arch street, Philadelphia—Are constantly:prepared to
supply, of the best quality, to any extont,; the following ar
ticles, and every variety of waro manufactured from-Brltan
-nia Metal.
Tea Sots,
Coffee Pots,
Tea Pots,
Cream Cups,
v Sugar Bowls,
Slop Bowls, •.
Molasses Cups,
Children’s Cups,
Pitchers, -
. Beer Mugs, '
Mint Julep Cope,
Plates and Basins,
- au2s:6m*~
A r <X 173 CHESTNUT ST., (opiXi?rUt Indepcndencr I7aU,
... ..^V<v v.
; >K
T '. .vj -i-'-ir.' i:?- : £‘. ‘ ‘ r ' v "
j* ;J •<*>?'*'■■?•£:'=:*.•**%•■,.:£'•’:■?■*<&
■ - A* H« Terliuien* ••••"• ■' •• ... r.:
ItJ. dotrc Shades, ,03 ClothvOords, Tassels, Drasßes.
No. d 9, North Third strocV Philadelphia. 1 tQ&r2frCpi •
street, Philadelphia. Also, Boatoring Paintings.- [marSO-Cm
w&LiuaAtrr............... i.......... jxo. s. comblavk.
turfim, -
Bagalejr, Woodwwd & Co.,
GROCERS—No. 221 Market street, PliUa-
T T delpbla. jnnigO
R» A« Crooker A-Co.> - .
• Goods, Sjlki^'RilibbnjV :
nery Good**—So. 47 find 46 Chestnut street, ami No. 66 South •
Second street, (West glde,)Phnfldelphto. : • -•' •- • mar2frly •
-J. J 3« I3ag;g;B & Son*
MO.IBQ Chestnut- street, l& story, opposite SEa-sonlcflaU,
have received .their. Spring.. Fashions and Goods, ami'
will continue to receive, by every arrival, the latent styles
from Paris and London. Persons, visiting the east nre invi
ted to call. All business of the late firm of Leeds &■ Ba-hrs
mIJ be settled by them.
: Philadelphia, March. 23.1850. ■ • - . - ~
> Flags I Flags 1 Flash I s -
J\, NESS fend FLAGS; or every dcsiTijrtion—fcilk: Bunting
and Cotton, with orvrithQUt.mcrttos,.aiul staffs, suitabfe for
theapproaehinjcampaigirl.'. ‘
MasrfV ippptingSy cl anil dealers,- cap! bo'
plied with any. quantity,, wholesale and retail. at low prices.;
Also, Bmitmg, ter sale by_tho piece or yard, nt
•- Fringe, Cord and Tassel Store,. :
aulftOnv ° ' ■ •-No. S3j N. Third etreot, Philadelphia.
JAME 3 V. 5MTH1...'.....-
James B* SmltU & Co.,
Book sellers: and;blank book manupactu
■ REKS-rSign ufthe IlargeDlin'k 800k5.N0.2G7 Market
Street, abovo fifth, (north side,) Philadelphia—Jlare .alxroys
on hand. Cap, Demy, Medium and Royal Journals,
Day, Invoioe and Cash. Books, Aldermen's Dockets, Minute
and Letterßooks, Memorandum, Pass,-- HecdptV- Copy. fthd-
Cyphering Books. ALSO—A large assortment of Medical,
Miscellaneous and.Schoot Books.-
■ tED, Country Merchants,-Booksellers, Banks and Counting
Rooms supplied with every .variety of Blank Books and Sta-
at very "low priam. -marffiflar ~
' David S* Brown & Co*, *
iV&r. 38r<m<f 40 SoidK 'front siriel* Philadelphia.-
F From many of tho most approved manufactories In tho
country. - i .
• PRINTS—Pifcm thcMemmack, American, DlmneU A
C 0.% Washington and Manchester Works.
COTTONS—From the Conestoga Mills, Lancaster, Hams*
burg. Walsbam, Hadley Falls, New Market, and many othecA.
-WOOLENS—From Scagravcs, Sextons, Brood Brook, and.
many-other superior Cass Lucres, Satinets, Je&nx, Broad-and
Bearer Cloths, Flannels, Blankets. Embroidered and Plain
Shawls, Ac. ~ .
• ■ *. Colton & Bart,
\JT nut and Tenth streets, Philadelphia—Would respect
fully, call the attention of those- Families in Pittsburgh, and
vicinity who are wishing to obtain at any . time a stock or
quantity of Choice Family Groceries, Teas, Ac., to our adver
tisement. Wohavo no hesitation m saying it will bo greatly
to their benefit, if, visiting, or even to make a special trip to*
Philadelphia, to call and. select such.articles os they- may
wish from . our.extensive and well selected assortment of
goods constantly, on hand, which they can purchase at least
15 or 20 per cent, cheaper than in Pitteburgh
, Goods neatly packed and %ent as requested. ' Particular
attention paid to Teas. ; Come once and you will come again.
Catalogues containing a Hst of the various articles in store
may be obtained at tho office of this paper. - 'mr2oiy-
Charles H. White,
• XTO. 250 Chestnut street, above Ninth, (south side.) Dhila- •
XI dclphia, offers for sale, at Reduced Prices, a fine n*»rt
meat of Ready Made FURNITURE, of Sapcnor Workjnau-
Rhlp, comprising.all the latest European styles of Tete-e-
Tetes, Bo£tyu Chairs and Etc gets. Also, Sofa 'fables, Exten
sion Dining Tables, Refreshment Tables, Music Casco; Piano
Stools, Ac. Ac. CHAMBER FURNITURE, Dressing Bureaus,
Wardrobes, Bedsteads, Mattresses, both of Hair and Spring •
—a fino article.
Just opened, s fine assortment of BROCHATELLES Extra
Beven-quartors wide, and narrow widths to match,: of all tho
following colors, which are very desirable for Curtain Hang
ings viz; Crimson and Comet, Crimson and Gold* Cherry
Damask, Biuo and Gold, Green and Gold. . - mori&Qm' •
• Clctfia/—-An Immense stock for-the Trade and House
keepers, imported by J.Sidney Jonoa, at
the same old successful place .w business where fbr
half a century, himself and father have traded: with tbo
public, at the moat reduced priced for Ca3t or city accept- 1
ohces, Interest/added.
Three hundred hand and power looms ate now running
by the Carpet Jlall Association, of Working Women and
Men. Fifty of their sample looms can- bo inspected at CAR
PET lIALL, 18 and 20 North:Bccondstrect, first door below
Cbrud where -upwardfl of 5000 . jdeces of Velvet,-
Brussels, Tapestry, Vcnitian and-Ingrain can also bo ex
amined. -
Ourdifferent.Agencica ih,Bostou andNewTork exchange,
forjill the various fabrics made m the United States, en
abling us to guarantee the lowest prices for what we do not
manufacture ocimporL ' i augHStflm:/)
So* 80 .market Street, Philadelphia;
• •• • njKmtras asd jcsbees Or.- : .-r ' v
RATES.—GoId English Hunting W atches,fine, medium
and low priced; .
. Gold English opcii face do; fine* medium and low priced;
*• Swiss Hontuig do- do - .do do; •
. “ open face do- do do . do;
SilverEngllah Hunting do . do- do 'do;'
• . open face do do do do;'
“ Swiss Hunting do do do do;
, “ - openfiicedo do - do do:- '
Gilt - *• do
“ *• Hunting do
Gold English and Swiss Chronometers.. •' : : v c
;The abovo Include the celebrated-makes of -Johnson, 25
Church street; Tobias, Cooper, Robinson, Favre, PCyUeu, Ac.,
Ac., and are Imported direct ftom lho man«fiir.turers, thro*
arrangements miule on' the spot' of our firm. - We
also oiler a large assortment of Jewelry, Guard Chains, Eyd
Glasses, Ac. •- v ; - ~
Bronze Mantel Clocks;'
,'Marblo ‘ \
-. r ßronte- Ornaments;:
Fancy Table Bells; ’ v;
Opera Glasses, F'ans, Ac., Ac. Alsc^—.
JnpannedWaitors, of every style; .
.-. Silver Plated “do; -
Britannia Ware;
.'.''SUvar ; -.;> .
- German Silver Ware; ■; .'r\ . i
.■■Plated' .do;.". .
Fine Table and Pocket Cutlery: •
. As well os every variety of. Watch materials.
.auitldm* -80 Market Philadelphia.
... Wood A> Grant,
VirnOLESALE GROGERS, and Dealers in Teas, Cofiec,
H Indigo, &c„ So: W Frtmt street, NhW YORK.
• A®?* Western Merchants visiting New Tork, are respcct
fully invited to give us a call.. au2s:ly
- ;• MINER \<b STBVEJfS,. ;' -' - v
oakeiage makees,
No. 308 Broadway, :
- • : NEW YORK.
45* Our Carriages are made in this City, under our own
supervision.. au27:Cm '
fTtHE Metropolitan will completed' and opened 'for ihe
X reception of company, September the Ist.. Price. of
Board. Two Dollars per day.
aulfi ..SIMEON liELAND A Proprietors.
FITTING STORE, So. 3613 Braadtixiy, (near Warren
6trect,) NEW* YORK. • dy* Stocks, Shirts, Bosoms and Col
lars, made to order, at short notice, ond warranted to fit.
• au27:ly* ■ •
irexnr balu ...wm. nui08:....f?.....mx5E5En mon-sou.
(successors TO MARGUAND & C 0.,) •
i.Vi ASD PLA TED WARE, Diamonds, Watches, Jcu>-
elry, cfe., (Sign of the Golden Kaglo.) Bboadwat, NEW.
YORK, south comer of Murray , street,, opposite the City
Hall. nu27:3m*
Fall and Winter Goods I
KUFUS E.CRANE A 69 Maimw Lake, New Yobk,
are now oflering an entire new and choice, stock of
Goods, adapted to.MEN’S WEAR, consisting of-CLOTHS,
TRIMMINGS, Ac., with every-description of seasonable
Goods, adapted to.ihe trade, to which they invite tho atten
tion of their firioid* and dealers gehCTaUy.- *’ v i ::
Those who wish to proenre tho latest styles at the lowest
priw», can find them by calliog upon üb. • *: • .
• : A'O. 400 -BROA&WAT, NEW YORK, i ,
THE proprietor of thlswellknown Hotel, situatedon
the corner of Broad waynudWalkerßtreets, havo thor
oughly renovated and partially rc-fumiahod it,, are now
prepared to offer the treveUog community accocnnodatienH
upon tho moat lUTOroblo terms and in the best style. 1
. The House being conducted on the European plan, haa the
most oleSßntana Bpaciousealopuln the 'Uulted States, to*
gether with some thirty , private eating rooms- attached,
whereimliriduals, families, or parties, ean be furnished with
meateat any hour of tho day or evening.- • •'
- The House is centrally located, and within forty yards of
the New Haven Call road Depot, where the • porters of the
' Hausa aro always In constant -attendance.
Passengers arrivlhg lh Now York can immediately walk to
the House, deliver their cbecks-at the office, atel have their
baggage conveyed to their Rooms, without any charge what
ever, (which is ho smalHtemotexpense in New Yorlci
The Houso.isfoniiflliod with a fine suit of Parlors on
Broadway Bath and all tho modem improvement*,
which tend to afford the traveler pleasure and comftrt. ’lfc
Is the very centre of.all the principal plafces of amusement.
- a S?- m ‘.Sfk fl T Cl ? 5 !?,S r <alcul “ tei «o please gentlemen trov
eUng with thelrfamUlea for pleasure, or men of business,
that are so occupied'os tobounoble todlnG at set hours.
r. Mcala sent to rooms without extra charge' '■"■■■ ■
. ItECDEN LOVEJOY, (late of Boston,)
au2s - 1 y - • ■ Proprietor.
Soup Ladles,' /
Gravy Ladles, »
Table Spoons, -
Tea Bpoons>- ; v . ;
Spittoons,. ... Jr-
Fluid Lamps,
Oil and Lnnl Lamps; •
Itecanter Stoppers,
Bed Fans,
Chair Pans,.
Communion service :aet3 ; &&
; Cyrus W/Field & Co..
/-COMMISSION - MERCHANTS, No. II Cliff street, New
VA >ork, are SOLE AQENTS In the United Sates for
Muspralt 7 s Superior Bleaching Powder.
Victoria Mills Celcbrate&Writing Papers.
RuwcllMUls’Superior: « - “ '
Oenesßco Mills Superior Printing “ •
Rawlins & Sohs’Engliah Tissue “
- Cowan &00/b English and Scotch Writing Papers, '
They are alfio Agents tor the Principal Paper * Manufactu
rers inthis country, and offer for side by fir v the most ex
tensive and desirable stock of Paper and PaperMahu&ctu*’
rera’ materials that can bo found in this or- any other
rcountry.' xiV v: ' -1 v , ;/
Thcy oecnpy tho largo and commodious 'Warehouses. No
U Cliff street, ,ISo. M Cliff street, No. 94 Beckman street,
and the Lofts over the large Iron Stores, 7 ahtl O Cliff street
: Their business is strictly Wholesale, and Writhu? Papers
are sold by the Case only. '
Their extraordinary. Jadlitlcs enable them to offer a»
Goods both Poreign and • at tha lowest possible
• prioes.
Paper made td order, any. sire or weight. Übeml advan
ces made on consignments of Paper," Paper Stock
The highest markot prico-paid in CASH for all kinds of
• Rags - r . apriaiy
irpHE RISINQ edurattonr and
X i respectable dre as, goes far to promote thatmorenty ana
-Virtemdearable in youth. Parents are
GOTmC HALL, imd-examine the stock of BOY S CLO
TIIKO—the lowest in tho city-oil mimnlictuiud under
tho proprietor’s cupcrviAm.
aa2l . CTIESXEB, Pi PToodTtrcet. ’
—— Kcmovnil 1 7
TV mnseonenoo of the Into tim, TAAFFfI, JIAGCESE ft
removed to lIS Second street, intbln ono
SKct,ttlhot they wfll. continue,ns-nsual, in
SSaHt-sstsar* -a-
■: ‘** «> *- v *
• - -V ’
: /v '*'•* /-“r'.V i'V: •
j * . ~
v - -. -.
.’• *. A ;•*> /
£”vT:>>.' v
J ■>- * S lr *#^ v^i.-v -
* t „ ( t,.
*7 *
4- '
fnpjJStf— A BIOIUS ROOM—would lolt-ftra tfbaa,-. Dqr
-\ w *"*? a *TrlnunJnßor GrDpcry gtore.,.. Rent tow.
?ya>l Apply In ' a. ooptMA\y. ng Maiitot st.;
cellar muier no. imbuttMt, odd
•nfcn'T2SsS’-market house; and iraJtabJofor any buM
' inr^* I *'JSSI tlace.-; Apply on tbe-pmokea to *,
- 1 THQMAft- Mf>ffVlT«P r iJci. «9 Fifth street;-■'
T™n^ I rofStrtM? A i^ t ' l “ ,hlkr sttt(!t > ncar tho -
1 now oc<:i^ a K J.“ttiohiUliJ; iiouM •
Ve*«trwt Po'WUßlbn ti^.? 1 ? b ’. 1 ' 0 - 81 M»r
j“*» nia.Ti’sjsasff s*% »g*? *
rpo lET-THE faTOJtH IWibTfW > ixri7>Tj~~"—
, X by thcrubecrnwif,'; S?’'i. O S‘ '
imp For trna* enquire of:. vn.tb,.- 131 U
■ : _..._.:&.£‘»STK!PTlS»,ltbCo!,l« , ?
T7OK s VLK OR ywmwni-i Lot
X On irlilrb mo irwtai thrro Iiilr!: nnl £„fS,
Houses* on the reAr; t ThcMlible xeht.i - foe ftOOOi ocil L» •
£ted on Femi street; in the NinltrlVarC . : ■ ■ -• ••.:>-vv?,;-T: v
hU2 THOMAS yptFITT, No 20 Uflh rtreeU
? ’ For'Kent. ‘ '—~t
AIRINESS SXASD-I pffer for nn( -the
i/ :WAKKIIOt»E now occupied by use as a Drug Store on '
the corner o?liberty raid Hand streets: vAgocxl3c^Cohfcr ; ; :
lidpinijss of. any kind, . iinmedhiteTj"' ‘ -
Jj'Oß bALV>-rA lot in Allegheny Oty.flnonUug 20 on ;
?.;Beavor.street, aMextcndtng brtet CO’ feetW an alloy,
ncjsrtho wraid<bf : BM^r^^-'Jacl^(kiFtt^et&V'' , !FhlBr'inwi:-- r '
erty ia/Troll eitijnted.for' A dtrelling-of thislffwsstandi' : -i;
. Apply to THOMA* MOH'ITT, ~
_jylj No» Fifth Street
faALJ-J—ln >jist liinnlnghnmy three substantial and •
? neat imiCK. mVECLhVQ HOUSES, - containing thJee
rooms each.- The lota hrelSQfect front by l2&feet :
Saia-houFen am In. tlio-rear end of the lota, leaving- *ufß4fent' : ' ‘
apace m front for thncmction. of other buildings. Annlv fa * '
jy2o THOMAS MOWTTT, No. 29 Fifthtf.
A'l‘ on Crafre feet ,fronfc : nha --
bock 318 feet, having on It.nTWO STORY IJRICB: llODM? s:
good wrli ami ptlipr convenience.,. ' .*. • • • • -y
Tormo—Ono-bolf ra.»h, balftnco in tiro ycoriv
;jyl4. . ... •• .
Dwclling pttached, on Ujo corner Of MutkoV dndvFlrrt •*
streets— 3 good business rtmid fornStbrour l~
onJypne square from >lioTfte>~vzl] he wntedlowtoo'cciod
tenant. Apply to •. ; “• -'. ‘ v ■;■>:?-
marlS tf WALT Alt TJIIANT, No. S£2 Liberty st
■pOll SALE—A
most :doslrrtble- wjh ' r
.taluing abootfiro acres of LiukK fijtaiteortlb'ei’ourtb'.;
Street Road, nboot three miles from tlto.rifcy * bnvrhichthetfi
is.anew brick cottage.? Dwelling Hofcse, Of rninerooms, con*' -
vonlentl/ arranged; a good well of water clow atthedoor;--
a never foiling spring ■•pf;wator,.:-frafr- , jß'.few;feet-Aoiortto'i'’
house; a well finished ■ stable,, and; •
kinds of fruits, apple, peach, pear and cherry now m-•
tearing grupe vines, &c. All for rale at a speculation- -
8. CUTIIHEItT, - General Agent, r
.. .. . ■ fiOSbiltbficid-,•
For Sale, r
mnißXr-ACRES OF LAND near theßutler. Flank Hoad,
r l —milea from il*oCity, on which Is .a Heamo SICKLE -
FACTORY, 40 by 23-feet, one story-lugh-'-also. a Btfihlhig • : •
connected with the above 18 by!B feet One Dwelling House d
23 by.7o.feet, one story high, vr.ith -etbae.bajsemehtuhd
taihs.B rooms, tonlsheir-m' good '.style. • i Ateoi two fitAbldS,./ •
ono 20 by 14 feet,-the otbcrl3by.B feat.; Twenty acres of the •• >
aboyelsgood bottom land, the.'balanco'weU timbered- ;„ :-ri
.: : Jib 29 Fifth street;
For Sole.
.•■A BKSHt ABLE location lor a SADELER;In the thriving '•"■
u%. town ofHakovjeb, Columbiana county, Ohio The
buildings on the j>rc:“iso "wore erected for tha ; express pur*'•
pose of carding on the Sajltfleaud Harness • manufactured
and antixccllmit buslnoM ha* boro done In tbit line.' For ■ '
lurther lnforroaticni, apply to Joseph Keith oh the [promises, .* '-f:
R* T. LhECH,Jr-»133-'NSoodstruct; Pittsburgh: :.'•••
. -N. B.—lf not sold before tho firstday of.
. the property -will on that disposed of at public «do:~ ; • • <
,G&2cttec6py andicbar(to^b'sti. : t-jnflrt-w’ 2 •"
JL/ SALIi—TJwo Lola, each 20 feoi iniront on Overkill fltr ■
r by lOOdeep outride alley-of 20 icot; ou'6ne lotis w
Bn«:k House of two atones with a kitten and cellar, anall," »••
two parlors, throe chambers and garret; also, a largo porch • •
io the rear.. On the lot tufcoining tho aHej,- ia agood-Frame ■ -<•
House, a largo yard and gardon, with trees,io; tho location- '
is.pieasant., The whole will be sold undivided, nnd can be -.
bought at a. the. dwijGpfhna'mOde arra‘ngeihfflQt»'
to go East/ - Inimedlate possession given;- l'
& CUTIUJERT, OcnU Agent. *
50 Smithfield street.' /. : -
A UOHK IN Tnr COUNTRY-ON LY $l4OO —tor rate,
xA a snug little tonn, of 41}4 acres; CO in good crritira :
taon; 5 acres is choice meadow ; Tsaianco.'say. 11U is prime
.timber, and smooth land; about 4 acres of cohl. (tic bank ia '
open,- and a good road); an.excellent Hmo stone quarry;—
comfortable farm house, frame barn,-anil other outhouses*,
fina water, choica-fruit,' pliima. and pekehea,
with smaller fruitsagreeably sftuatrone quarter of a mflo
• from the Monongnhwla river, 2# from .WKeesport, and 12'
from Pittsburgh i»rira $1400; $7OO in hand, bnlahce at
$lOO a year. ‘ ' > *
S. iCCTiIBRIIT, General’Agont,'
* WllklnsDurs Prop©*ty 5
... ij'QR SALE.-—ON iu LOT; coutaln!ng:otie ftufl a: hajf acre*-
JL-vJh)ntingonPennsy]vanfa-Avßrmr'.:- ' v ■■. ;:■«
Twelve Building Lois, of large size, iu East Pittsburrh. Qa
Otjguialiy-Jflia out by lUjls A Wthridge-• :■ ■
: ALSO—One substantial iwo.story; ftriclt House, and iwen • v
tyruiiw Building l^tsilitiho.village'of^ilkinsburg.: Also,
©no, two* three ana four acre- Lots adjoining/
Tsbms—-Onodwlf • cash;■ -balance m- five, ten, -or
years, os purchases inny.xeqxiiTO/ Enduire of/> v •-"
rat Wareliotiscof Reis AM’CuSrly, '■■/■■* *"
' ' .; / '\ -''-' v:! '^'-'-' ; /^U>lBS : Liberi7:s{fieoti
0. IL RIPPE\; Attorney at Law, ;■:■ ■•••
Xo. 14-1 Pourtli strcoh r-v
,T>OTASH—IO casks prinie, for r
X nu 27
-A small lot just received by.
!T\XS{»OLli!n.ON.rr*3!ho l partßi!r9b}n'hrreto{bro:oxtetioK'-i]U'>-'
XJ dorthe UHo vOfIiAWORTU.&:CAIIINS, was*b»nn»
taal ojjlU» ifU)>r3 * , i x v»jri ■«awtutfir<r~
‘ ‘ JEJia HAWORTH, .:
It. X. .CAIRNS. •.:.;:;■>■!
\jT ccllentWashingPoTnler, >mToutedcUeapßT‘ithan‘ out -i:
other, ls not ia tho least
cheaper and. better than potash. ' •JorHalfi nt’ : -i
X* WELL, of the Cl fcyofFß has made 'anasslgn.'
mfint to me, for tho benefitof his creditors: jadcbt
ed to the said John P> Hopewell, are reqnertcd to call at toy-
Office; No.- 45 .St.-Clair street, in said city,' and make p aymeht
to ine,.oaor before,the Ist day- of Octobercort; and those
hating claims against bim,wiirpresent them for nettloment.',
• r , " A. G REINHART.
. auSaloawfGwAwGt J6hn-P. Hopowoli;:
v Another Fresh Arrival at iio. 9T« l. ,
B GREGG A CO., north-west corner of Wood’Street ’
• and Diamond alley, are just opening a fresh stock- of T-'
Fancy Prints, Bnmmerl%italoDns, Laiheflj -i
French, Manchester and. Domestic Gioghotoa.-, Together, -'' -
with a complete assortment of Ladles'Dress Goods. Alro. n
large stock’&f.Hoslory, GloTegj Ae.' -
our former purchases makes otm-stock,unsurpassed by any
west of the montains—to. which we fiolieititheattedlidn -of -;-
buyers, as we con offer thent.on Ahe most fevOraale terms. - • =
jol 1 D. GREGG A CO.
• B> A> Fahnestock’s Vermifagfi, '. , '*.■
,T> EAD the following testimony of its efficacy*- ■ - • - ..
it Tioxesta, Tenango Co., May 29,1851:
This is to.ccrtlfy that I havo bcon using B. A. Fakncvtocfc’s '
. Vermlfag® in my family, for thelast ten years, mid'have-at''•
ways observed. Its good.effecU in expellingworms; nnlikeUW
have uaedy it dcc3 not
leave a fever on;thi? child, but expels the worms without any :
injurious effects, following, - About six .months ago,- T gave
one teaspoonful of It to my little girl, raven years old; after •'
taking it she passed two hundred worms.' I otdy dneoabn
this as one among many instances in which-r have observed - v
the good effects of tho Vermifogo; James a.'DAWSoxr *:
Prepared and sold by B. A. FAHNESTOCK A CO.,
. ongSGrtAw : -corner of First ami Wood streets.. • .
' Notice; i.. ■
THE partnership beretolbro existing between tho under* . .
Signed in tho Commission and Forwardid z business, A<u *- .
under tho firm of S. F. VON BONNHOKST A tXX, is this day
dissolved by. mutual consent.' The business late firm.? :
will be settled by S. h\ Von Bonnborst. wbo is &utlwnsvsi to
use the namo of the firm for tliotjmrpora,
„ , , w S.K. "VON BONN HORST. _
Co-Partneralilp Notice. .
miEE undersigned have this day formed: a Co-Partnership
X for tho transaction of n Wool and Gimornl Comtnlaaion
and Forwarding business, under the firm of VO\N ROW;
HORST A.MDKPHY,- Warehouse No. b. Water and *llB
Front streets. . . - . JAMES R. MURPHY;
, . ~ , P .„ &• P* YON BONNUORST.
. Pittsburgh; May 3d, 1&52-my4 ~ • • ±
, Wine; =
riIHE undersigned begs leave to. announce to his frlcn& : '
X that lie has tccoivod a larKci j and with :
thegrmteßt Mre selected, lot ofcjttliroiisttok KiIENCIf >
“ puns aliit gennlhfyinid
which ho BcllB oithor ty the bottlo or l!Mi3cB, ho
KfE’.Sjuu Jupro and well selected stock o£ ,
iiiq.aors, all of which arc of tho first qualities; and warrant
teu genuino-articl<S.'. Hofccla grateful for former favor*,
nnu it-shall bo. hb duty to attend to hb customers aa for- ;
-As he lias mado the best and latest knpnOYonieni for roc
tiiyrng whiskey, he can furnish them of the best kind, and * ’
at the lowest price. i\ FICKEJSEJf,
tnyS Ko 137 Liberty street
Emporium of Light I.
\\T H.TYJtIGIIT, (Successor to J; & TocOH)/fllami£ac-‘
TV • • tarcr of and. Dealer, Vriiolcsolonndllctall, in. the, ;>
above named OU and Lamps,hr now reccivinga large-rnwirt-.-.- ;
■ ment of LAMPS. for harningtba -Ethereal :Oil, Caxnphimv
and Pino .OIL Also, lamp* of every for burning
- Lard and Lard Oil,
Chaudeliet#, GuandoleWoll Lamps, Wicks, Globes, Cbim---
•noy Blais, Cans, and alt Uiings pertaining to the trade*
Ethereal, Camphine or Pine QiVregalarly supplied onco or ..•>•
twice a week. •
.'All orders left with the wagon, which ia constantly pas* - -
ciM through the city,will he promptly attended to. / •: j
■ N. 8.--Lamps of.all kind? alien'd to bum the Etbcrcnl
OiL All articles delivered iaonyTartoftheelty; orin Alv .
legheny, free of coat. • - ‘ TV, H. TVJUUIIT, :"-’Vv
No. 82 Fourth. Ft, (Apollo Hall,)■. ■. ;
between Market and Wood- rt*»ctr. -
*> T)B YHFIiUJETSTTL AND ls a ftoramand, •
■ li that should I*e cheerfully obeyed by tbfi children ot -
men. Dr T,AP7PTTR'fI JVXD CORDIAL, or Procreative,• ;r
Klitir, prescribed as bb cfioctual restorative, in ca.wof Do* -
bUlly, Trppof/mry,' nr ■ Darrr.BtißS?. and all Irregularities Of •, .
nature. It Is all that it profosses fo bo, vis; Nature’s Great :
Eegtoratire and Remedy, fbr those in the married state with- . •
/CiuhotTsprißa. It is a ewrtom cure for- Seminal Kmbstauy ..
.General-Debility, Gleet* Weakness of (he Genital -Organ.*,.
Neurons Affections, Leueorrti<rjv or While*. ;■ A* an iDVigtv. ,
rating pjdQJdne it-Is unequalled.' r AJ a ;certain remedy;j
• fotllticlplent; Contain ptfcm, lodißestiptm'losa.- of Muscular' . :
Energyrßhyalcal Lowdtudc, Female Weakness; Debility,#*:; ;
It is warranted to pleas© tbe.uscr in any. qf the nboTa com-; ■/
pliUnts/Mdlsof couhttesS raluo to :
~ Otutwn AWra.—Find tha name of Comstock 4. .Brother on
iho Wrapper, and tievt? buy »f:unlcf* you fiptf lbct-aboro.
name, os;lt has been l
' the counterfeit os yon would poison, f Ajrency at:<f- V ; •
atigTritwly NO. 50 SMITHHrJ.D ST.
FrivafewDiseases. ...
. 0 PR. BROWN,-No. 4.1 Dinmond Alley; Bo—• • .
- ▼otos hiii eiitiroatteiition tonnofficß Fractfob. -^^C.^;-
- \Blr His ir mostly-;
r 4B» : TtnertcH DistaitkjixnA such; painful affer^tfip^ t .vJrSaj ;
: brought bn by imprudence; ' youthful indulgence
i Syphilis. Syphflitic Eruptions,GoboTrtie^aieeLStric&rr^ ; -
Urothral Discharges, Impurity of the Blood,wl&aR-DiS*'• * “
scsof the'VtmeroalOrgnn v Shin Dlaea.^:BcorbutieEruiw''•
. tions, Tetter,' Ringworm,- Mercurial Diseases, Seminal WoaN" ■
ness, impoftmey,: .Piles, lUioinnatisinv TQmftio WcaVu<i.
rSoPl?^^*'‘XfccaiSf :o?i the:. Joints,vFistula la •' ' -
Ano, Nervous AUectionß, Paired in the Dark and Loins, Irri
tatton of tho : nnd
Cure guaranteed v
"Sixtceoycara’ p,7>ctii»(six icthi»cit.?)c»»Wcs Br.Bnnrn
■ tpoffer aastuunctsdf a'Epfeeiiy-jjure to'iSl^ntarcoma un- -.
OfflwendPrt-rato Consultation Hoorns, It, DitmonJ nllev
l; moderate, . BorfcdSwly'’' -
l 'J*
r u, ,r ’ -
“ '* ' *' *
’/ v
>’* '■ -:i $?• ■■ s' -_'/V<
1 4 - •<? A
4* Y; r
A:. J.grtjAJlT.
C'*';' '
' . -V^AtA
C r '
(yw m : -.V