■" * *' :*•/*£>** ~ _*,. r- . ■ cZ.frJr&T SSssr*v3 isfe tl *&£ss§&% y@p^^niwif MSM^:I ; r r VKMriMMV I H$«M = - ;I „ V.V e CT Vatol Imes* •kN,. «#wSB* #W#fe§&SM mfegmfeglmtfz WfUtel fdsg£l w^m ■■«*sem*' 4 ®PSISiI »h^,^kv.«&y .«Ar. > n «*< - . • ...„**'>* ,- - ’. ' ' •• *„ wV; 7 **- 1 •,%>,.• ~s .-„> ? % >, J.• '* • ; - '- ■ 'v, ,-, ■;. '\ • ; ;:>^-'-•' ; ' V.: •. '. --.'. & • ' ■ .. S-" S ,VJ ’ * M ‘', L*~:* , Vjs „ *.', 1 ' "T *S*«. ,4* .. *„ >,' zC * r - t£ ' , , \i Pl&i r j 'i i v P t • i . ■fST' ~f 4 * J ; ;r" ~ -r? -f ‘' f - v '■ i '’ .- ? -V-. •'•-•• 5$ -» YXI.' THEDAILt, MOEteG^OST^ ? r -t Pnnttfm&Txltirtid nenTJ&n&ig, (Syrdor wgpJef) ST nAHPEB.-* FHELI.IPS, m.?xFts. slants. ygT TKJIV-S QjPoUapr;* payable drictly in advance. * Bl* Dollars wultaYariahlybe required u .nofpaid. :vJo^BingL copies Tsro at the counter in the .Oflfte* anopy the New* Boys. -*> ' PO&K ~ Is published-from tbosome" ctfpte&rOtf’ *r,l&fccc blati&fc ftfto sheet, stWO BOKCABSTa yea*,in odranfe. Slagle copies uvacuyta. , papct.trfll be. discontinqed (milca ai thodiscro thtt'OfthttPc(n»iefeois^)'imtUn!l,ftrreu«MW'F^.'''':^--. bb"pa3«'toimy paaifStHjy tho money, Or sattfcfectory rcfcroo.ee 4n this NUSSIt» OB VSSS'. One square, one Insorucra-......... ** > ,m ■ in5erti0n......,.....* * s« « « two ■wfcefcß.-',..:.., 4 . &#> ** « three weeks 7 x£ , ** one month.../....."*,,....“ £x M two rn0nth8..;...,...;-.........*..•«v.r..*«‘vv T ®x « m thro# m0nth5....... ................ *v* ~5 JJJ M w w , “ ; 'she months.;;-..—..-,...". Stsndto8 f 1000 citAantun*««EAsnis: •••■ One squerp, per ahnpm y {cscliuflyo of thh pa~pcr)~...«j -3 w PROFESSIONAL CARDS. c. Orlando liosmti, _ , TTOTINET at LAW—Office, Fourth Bttoct,BlOTOArnod. , J “ r ‘ . - 1 Ttiomar si- Jlariti&lX TTORNEY AT-lAtt—Offlrc; Urerrie’a Buildings, Fourtlf rfwet. ‘ JanTly H.BiOu:nal»ai TTOEKKY AT LAW—OSIco on Fourth rtreet,brturen _ Cherry nllcT and Grant sirrah ic2-T ; 3Tir. ai'ciomy, S*TTQBNKT AM> OOUASELLOE AT LAW—Offleo IB L BufcetroU’* Bundlnga, on Cant street. j«2_ C. Omagbi i 1 iTOttNEY AT LAW—Office la BatOTfeir* Buildings, on j\_ toot rtreet. opporile the Court fleag gSt-ly ; d. c* conitt) L'TTOBHET AT LAW —Office, IST Fonrth street, Above L BmldificliL Fttfabnnrb. ra. c rr3.y ; M. u. listen, ” TTOKNES‘ATLAW—No. IZJ,Fourth street, above aud nitarSmitMelj. t”™*.. “ : JuMt Rom SBowd«»i. " 17 A TTOKXET AT LAW—Qffioo and residence, ho. 100 Third street, Pittabnrgh, . ■ - tnaiSS... : Otorgo F. UtUroorc, A TTOHNEY AND COUNSELLOR ATLAW—Office. re _Al -shovel to 2nd door below Grant street, on Fonrth. to vbo office iotdr crcmdcd by Alderman. Miller. ~ psrSO J» fi. Morriion, * TTOEKEt AXD COEKSELWR A* Mf-Olta, re- A ntmjd to So.«Gnmt street, near Fourth, Httahnrjsh, • ■ aprifty ■ -.>v"r. BltldlrßolMrtty .... -• 4 TKttUrEY : A'T t, IAW^-Offioe, r N6.:}3&snltlsda : *tK i at r A• between Fifth ontl Sixth. ‘^OoUeettaMiCMeMlj cd tttonatton to OmrcyMidag..; tage3ar . 1 .'■ ■'• .'• 1 Thom*«itlca3M> ■ ■ •' •■ _■ A TEOR2»EYATI*AWrAM> SOLICJLToR lN! CIIA>GCRX- A; .Office, n«t Soor to the Tost Offices, Stsabexrnl lc,Otno. •■•'-C ; -•••V--7- ■ "• :■ '"» ' ti’/p* Kom» _ . - : ”A TKJBNEY AT LAW—No. I® Fourth street, PtttaWJSD, Al' Pa:, Burtli dow below Mr. Kody Patterson n -Stable. jeVB n. Bnckmaitrr, A U>ERMAS Fourth street, thirty door:eban> A_ '■ SmUbfleW. South side. CasTeywirtngof &U kind* dm with the greatest care and legal «rpnry.: Titles to Ufcji j»yfii^lnrf T .Ae.-: • • ••.;;■■ ■ ■ ■ . ’. ■ ■ • c P**r .. 3T575E55 i1t00, 1 TTOBNEY AT LAW, hasrtmoroi,to tbeoEicein tmo •A:strecW-betueen Wood and gmithfieW iticcte, fonnerty £cupiedsnr Those Hamilton,»»*,■decVl, .and.will attend to S?bndness ttimalnte? nafloisbed open Ms doefcrt. . [dvtl3 . . r *^Fclletan halatßpexy ■ ••■ i ncniXECr ASXHUTJL BNUINeXK— Drawing ami A Plans at IfniblliCT prepared nt short ndtie6.‘ *nr* vejtasi attended ta.r sweet. tween geoendand-TMrd.- ». •••.-■-■ • aPrrljL ttwrtr. ...AS4SC ViStBQWS. ' BUek A Wathlngioiii T 'AW PAIITNEBSHIP— Tljc subwriticr* h»Te A«?oeWea Li themselTes la tho practice cf law, ante* tlw firm of £u,ex fr WASHParax. One or the other of them, «ncn not emmcwl in Court; can ha found at aU tiroes la the office, on Fourth sired, Fitt*bun& now ooruy iut by 31r. ISack. jfcbS tinm JL Si’CAVSOVT . ——...TOttt. 0, £sl.l AS. ' jfi'Cialmont So Kcewn. A TTOBNEVS AT LAV,—XteiaiFourtbMrrwl, opposite AVUWns.U«U, Httubutgh, ra. ' " EEBOPEAX LAW AGENCT. rrr, Hr. Kti-Ai, lu eotmecueo sritli Hash Keenan, Eso,,: Counsellor at law, Beilin, Ireland, colltct* claims, make* MircbMrAt, in Enropet and one oftban annuaUy_t»alxs .toor through Croat Britain, Ireland anil America. (mart! Wm. J. Bout STATE OFFICIAL ECTEEMlETEH—lnterpreter of For rimXansuaues In and for toe Commonuraltli of i’onn sylyemG, to wdS in too City of Pittsburgh, County erf AlTfr i£eoy, mar bo found every, day. from 0 a. ji, nnul 0 p. M-. tnthoOiuirtCT Session* CoOrt Boom, oral bo, 150 tourth street. 'Bonii, Bools, Mortgages, Pwren of Attorney, ami all legal or other writings vrhatsovor, translrdodfrom orinto the (finnan; From*, Italian and Spanish langunsw, with: neatness ~ - ... op noun Ur. 8. Kyle, , „ _ CDNTINOE3 to praou» Medicate, bttrgoty, ana.Owtena or Midwifery, Edccdcally. in accordance with sdonlinr jsrtndplcs, and banco eltbpeat bomcs*. ■ D3*ol!lce and residence, No. 58 Diamond alley. Voice hone*. 9 to J 2 A. ribands to 6 P» m _ , ; ■X, B.*-ln6Uible remedies fcr Dyspepsia, Consumption in lla indolent stages, Bronchitis, Itoeumatism, Tetter, Cholera Morbus, Blarrhccrb: Dyßentary, Asiatic Cholera,.Tetanus or lodted-iair; fcmtde dfrrasoa; diseases of too .liver and kid neys: Scrofula, Dropsy, An, Ad and antUemra to all per tens, prepared and kept for. rale. Mercury, antimony tuid xhflr preparations, im well es tbo .lancet, are entirely u» nensedvrfto. g?*- BUSINESS CARDS. G, Xt ♦ Hoodr • " *napOEIEB» Wholesale and BctaU Dealer In >*ioo WATCII- I ES, QOLD JEWELRY, POKE SILVER WAIU, PLAIT XD GOODS.Ac. Allkind*of ‘WatcbcsandjeTreJryeirtfu>: i- Repaired. No 61 Market Street, tm) t3 tfKmanr. ** BoS '. J ' CA3irs Cftmpl>©U, Chew Ado. :^4Sll^A^Si^3gK. 2222_ - *** .-• " _ AmttP’ Lodmlßj . wsss^assssssss^k tiUK6«o.wrf "Sf„rS,gnniffr MliUeM sa“keiS-i^omis. CM toff House, comer of *gSSS is.} r^~ 'CtoMi«B*“i>gffitJmiSfcWo the Bleak Book, »ttS ttwteet notfee vui «»the -Wsrehmee. «*** of »>*“ ‘ - station- T ATE Joinms t re _ cctfully tapcriorftoclj: B»ta, 4- boa»ain tborost, «rery mcda C MH?. ,f*iiricca Uint cannot fnil tp -&* •** • - nMJ , 4 Co. ; sbtttffa ■ '(BDCcSsOES-TO KMHJPJJJJB® N .A < INT) POUWAKDCNS MKItCUANTg, No, '~7T MERCHANTS, -■• . ■ •■; ' ■• ' A *~V f* V 1 * -nv 5 - ' T >** F* •* * / l v' 1“ ■** -* j V ~ ! I •* y*' T % „ M ** *-c *■ *” -- ** V t x ?*%**¥x,J jd**' r *»i -t* V- vv I * *»«»,, f < t * * L i- -< > f. . <- * *1 „ * ? s > J ,> >, *■ <3T T <■ *''*» ».’ n S • «*“f* *r V »* ,j k .-<* *.f. il, J.V,. 4* > r ,*/* * V \ 3. 'y *• VI- J * ( ’3 * . ‘ v , t , ~_. e " 'f ■" ' t- - ■ '•,.*.*• ~ - 1 V f » . ' : --“i'':-v.. ; ..’-.;..,•' - .**;:> *,vv;,/■?>• v,v. : ;v ■.•;•.■ \>. :«;;•• Tv.,.-- -r..;'..-. •: *' :^:; i :a -•• "li . 1 '' • •,.- , A. -safe*, - ,4k life- ffaijii -| ' ■ - " „ |llr ,„nnr n-nnr-rmn »T -rr nr> PFB ftWWWM, OB $6,00 WHEN PAID STRICTLY IN ADVANCE. ' PUBLISHED DAILY BY HARPER & PHILLIPS, AH THE “POST BOILDINGB,*’ CORNER OP.’PIPTH.AND WOOD STREETS; AT $6,00 PE “ -.—. -t-T" f ’l'i'-v; BUSINESS CARDS. ?■■ 1 vt -■ :i antsssKing' £:S{bo);&6&d^ : ; s'■ •, TirHOLEaAtS OiJOOBBSAKIKf ROMICE O)MVSS&H VV Ao. 27 Wood rtrcijt, Fittatmigli, , [wy23 Smith & Sinclair, TIOttSALE 'aiIOCEKS AND COJIMEBIOh MEO t CHARTS—CoMOrWodd-and feet st?J -, - [pot3' i Cooley, St tmlrd, : MERCHANT TAILOKtt—Wood etrostj’seoand-doof ifnm , Water.. Will keep constantly oa hand a .well selected lotof Clothing. , [mnrlliy B. A, FshncitMfe A Co., ft IT'HOKKSALE DRUG' JVAIUJUOU3E—Corner rirelntul \y. IVpopstroete,and comer WoodnodHrth. IfcM* William Glenn, 800B 00 HBlNDElt—Comer of Third ami Wood strwtn, shorn O. 11. Kay. where ho is prepared to do every dcstnptipn or Ruling &nl nindlhg. ■.. •■: ■ [deej John H. Mellor, ~ irwriXOlESAliß ANU REXAIIi DEALER IS MUSICAL ■ Vf ISSTHUMENTS, Hattos, Music,. School Books una 50.132 Wood, street*:- [jnul Isaac WUlliuna, rEBCHANT SAILOR-rN0.12 SmUMU)Milrcotj.WitirMtt L-.Eirrt and Sofflnd'fitrMrta. : ■ - Daniel Tountrson, rjotiafi, SIGN, AN D ORNAMENTAL Pi . |J • Punn and Handfitreotoi-AU-work neatly executed, ►nleis punctual!? attendedto, * i- XU Ci Stockton, _ >T ATE JOHNSON, A STOCKTON, BOOKSELLER, STAi il'j' TIONKB, Printer aud of Market and Jnmei C* Watt, rERCHANT TAILOK—N'o.-SO Market street, between Second and Third, Pittsburgh, Vn. ~ "" ' w —'Uttlr Thomas M.IAtUe, . ‘TTrATCIf AND CLOCK MAKEIMWIb street Ixstwocn > Y \ ‘.Wood: s&cl -M&rkct streets, opposite} Iron City Hotel. AH kinds of JpMrclry mado nnd repaired, • . • . : Woodward & Howlands, T'iEALEES IN AMERICAN ANDiOUEIGN UOOKB,STA- I r TION Ell A, &c —Thlnl street, postoffice linlidin* <1)30? ~ ; ____ Paul & Murdock, _ /COMMISSION AND FOR\VARDING JIIERCHASS, AND STEAMBOAT AGENTS—No 7tVatorstrfut,Cmdnmtl, Ohio. ‘ t»pl» Uenaet'i •JIirONOCHROMATIC DmtSlTOItV—No IS ThW street IVI xhird May—Now Paintings, ThcCnnlcjn of Oetltfio knono; '1 hi; Cemetery of Scutari *ny3:lf IV. W. M'Clnn, TTOCSE. SWN, AND OMiAMLNI AL PAlXTDlt—Corner t~l Wood ami Fifth ftiwU, under Patrick* 4 Friond’r Bro. ter offlnv-PlUuhnrßh, Pa. »harJ>-tr c e, cnuus... » Cummins & CO.l T?OUWARDIX(J * COMMISSION MKUCIIAKTB—WIirot J? City JBlock, MwlUon, QhiOw Ci Ai M’AuuUy A Co f’r’lU-NSPOKTA'nOX, POlttt AltUIMi AM> OOMMIhSION X MEKCIIAAIb—Depot, Cana) Bi-In, 40s Penn ft., Pitts burgh. • .. •» b. Tnteoif & BroUierr T'YEALERSIN VINES, LKltlOltlV IMPORTED* DOMEt- J JTW SEGAJISpAc.—No, 70 SmUhfiohl street, near Dia mond .alley, Pittobargb. .. noflH G« V« AYtrauraot* SOAPAND CANDLE AXAMJrACTDKJiIt-Cttroer i‘oun tain and Setccth stret'U. Pemra* wanting anything hi that Use wiU ilo well totall, «l*m determine! to wllM cheap as any other penan in the city. BieJErrso. I *. Pittsburgh. . MUler & lUolcctaon, nii . TTTTIOhEAAUJ OJUXJKIIS, IMPORTERS! UEIUIANDIES, : W Vines arid Segarwr-Xw. 172 ami 174, ccrcur of Irwin and Libwly street* Pittsburgh, Iron, Naif-vCutton Tam* Ac* constantly on hand. • i .3)** . aVtf. Sheriff. AND COMMI&iIiiN MERCHANT; AND Jt. Ihraicr la all klndu of Westcnt Produce and aianufartun:*—"No. 110 Market street, Pittsburgh* He will promptly attend to all business entrusted to lu* run. ■ jyi» J.-fe ...... J. D. WH»#m* & COii . 4Vfk TCTfIIDIiISALE AND KiSTAit. VAX!ILV\JKOCKR9, AND ; Yf -• Forwsrdljis wrf MerrLantvlX'Oter* in Country Vrwluce dixT Rttibwjjb Msmi&tftiro —w«xxl vt. ( four dtor* Above Fifths Kltflbursfr. __ UMt *fr t. & £rar££rT..r. .77,....,*.....—.. ..-—.ft. «. iCrtnirily fe Hailcttf ITTJIOLESALU AND PJU'Ait DKAI.EKs IN Vf Jewelry. fc'Uver Van?. Fanr/ w*d A Kv'J <»cafc», Bas kets, Hftbrfwvt and thoDUlnoad.- {ducrt'wowtoliiuwy A Ktto*.) . ■ M **®» i *.AOtt ... . Armttronp 4fe Crowr» OCMMISSEON -MEKCHA NTS. AM) OUUCKfIS, DLALUIB la nuaburgb MattufortttJt*-'*-Na.W WtXcv atMICITIr?t Btroct, PUuburgli. VWIU attend promptly to Uio Mir oft Tt ty description of Western Produre, ami other artfcd** mlttedtothtircare. , •. ... w Henry ChigacllT ' ; a GENT, EXIPIIiKCU/illlNU iiALL—VVa>3/tr^t.,oj^ iAfiteKtot pmbytcriauChurrli, rc«]'<'clfuUy i\x frinid* and Gw nuhlte, that 1* L* no* prepared to fUrnW> errrytldac in the Clothing tun-, a* h«r?lywn», at lov prw», Ctuftoal trurk est-cutcsi lu a wiLdaciory teabiWi I'umtw tagtioul*alwaysonii*ad» - •■; ■ ___ - tK»v*- : : ""'"'“lVafiierP. flfarafiaJl*' IMPtiftTEH AND. DEALER. IN TAPER IIAMJIK Paper- to Jsanuwl C- lUll.) ho,Ki. Woedaim't,, bctwwn Fourtli ulr*el oul Uiimoa-l alloy,*«wi *Ua nil*' tmitfi.Pa,' ••"•.-.•■ ~\ ~ V.•' ''l J™— • ■rr~~ ““ ‘X C. Smith, ■ ■ - •■■ Manufacturer op comm, tin and sure?in«in If ARE—No. 1M Third rtfcct, «t;nhnrvb-*KeeM £-»* •twjtlv qq hat»l a generaln*»tTrfini , wl lUa>: C&ids d«w Eufframl vr Vrnva cd V-obc, rnotel in Odor*rtoliLßroose.of WadMn Dealer in TalnW—Se.44 Kl. Clair rtreel. riurtursb. Uu ronataallyoir lauH ell kin-N «t P»lnl<, Oll»r dir of miittL Japan and Copal Y&ralsh, Unwed OH. Bailed fill, gpirtia Turpentine, M imtow Uiaw of all fize** I'uttjr, Faint Brashes* *c4 all of Iha hwt «iuulity, and for sale at rctfcTi* tie price*. Blathewa, ■ „ 4 T Ko. 15. Fifth. Third BIWSH PACTOUk— J>». )SS, I i Wood alroet, abate HJUi. K«p» oonatanfly on band ] and manuiictnrw to order, rTfiydetartcUon of Mailt®»ny and Gilt Pramed looking Olasara; aim, looking glaM plate* by tbshonor dnglo plate. rtetnrea and l'ortrattAfesmcd with neatowa nnd-deapateb. A full aewrtmontcf Bnwbw on band ami maijo to onlor, of the lxrt malarial. Togotlwr with a TOricly of hoars furntobins good* Ttbolraaloor retail, to suit purchaser* at reduced pricer. ’ fooadd.m ire. a. **'*”■;• JAKSS fW,v':U -:; Herron & CrU^el!* TJEIL AND:BRASS £OC>'pKlU>—SlanuXwlurcra or AIK • i kiiidvof Brass lo«moUv© f Steam Kotilno, Plum* CSt AC4 ok* Cotton Hatting innjmtocUircw, . VoundJ7 on Fifth rtrecti, Httebargfc.Qll Bras BD ? exchange for vrork-or mh paid. .Order? W* nt or Office triU bo punctually attended tn> ; fcbftly —" v William TroviUo, v <>’• ’ TTItPEBTAKER—Fifth street, Immediately ppporite. the : J Theatre, wspcctfoDy Inform* hfc frtewLv «« P°£ Uc cencrallyithat be has resumed his buriticwM ft Jfurowor ins Undertaker. Ho U supplied with, andrtiw&yafceeps.un hmid, Coffins of oil rite* and kinds, aad fillotnCr articles noeefisaryon each occasion*. V . \ ' • , kt . :•••*- surer:Plate*, Ice Poxo?,and pcadon Coffin*, tflUboanp piled in order. A fine Hearso imd Carriage alteoy* to attend funerals. ■/••-- '. ~ > :• V: T ' r ?ep29uy ' J. J. GiUesple, . *\ro. 70 Wood rtrecUPUtebuigh—Manufacturer of Uwk i,\ ing Olarxon, and Wholesale Pooler in Combs and Varie ty Goods, offer* to his customer! and the pnWlo a most com plete assortment of Goode iu his Hue. cuttoblo, to the .spring trade. • ■ ••• ■.■ ■*•■ ■• •• T .r'' :* . . ■. v _...•■ ' Being extensively engaged Id the manufacture of every, variety of Looking Ohms, ho Is enabled to offer Induce menta to purchasers, oijunl to any house in tlui Union. : npifttf. ■ ... ■ • •. ■ ■ ■.. ,ft. P. ifi>Ws r' IVoguer, Buectmer & ; TITEVr UrUOQRAtJUO ESTABLISHMENT—OO Market \ street, bctwoch Thirl ami Fourth—la now rmnly to itimhih orory- Und of Lithogranldo work bubo most ele gant Style; euch as Show Blits, Maps; FOrtndtj,- Landscapes, Jarda, Bill Head, and Labels, printed in gold* colors, do. . -• At ftp Mono plnco Messrs. Mooser-A Hclmla bate otwnad a Drawing School; ahAexccuto on order Draftaof Machinery, EdHkes/Monnmcuis, As. wlft oil possible aceanuTand elegance, v Henry Demmlet, ' 7 : Manufacturer op.tin, com:R,AND.s meet iron WARE*. DfiAtra is Uocse 'Fctotrcat'. lutmvrjra— ■no- .80 liberty Brreet,i'btttiur2h— K6eprfpiw?cn banda largo assortment of Tin and Copper Wart, to., Wst finality, which ho will sell nt very low prices for cash, wholesale and s Country merchants ore. invited to call at Ilia stand. , ; All Job Work , in.fto above Iraslnosat also: Spoutiog and Roeffllng Houses, will We promptly attended to at moderate prlim [novl9 - /■WAIK AND BKDSTEAI?\IA«IjFACCTRER— No; 294 \i Fettermon’s Rote, Liberty street, basi (>u. hon'd’ p larg Utock otCbairs nnd Bedsteads or every d -the best matcVlals,--which he will sell tewerthatf articledbf the same nudity can behold In the city.; He wpnld call par ticular attention tb hid larKestockofMohoganyendAyalnut Choira an 4 he wlil sell fit- greatly nsiutea miceft ”jOpOilMnilnk of evcryUcscrlptiohexccutedin the. Sactest nuuincr. - Orders left nttho AVnw Itoomsi or ntTflib 'Ailii corunv of Adams ahd Liberty stwote, .vr Dl be promptly nttendedto. ’ ’ * 1 it- - . Jamei UeUlng^r) 'n fIfOXOKQAHKLA PLANIM*-lUbh—Would respectfully \ } \ fnfonn his ftibnds and. the • public,, that hbr no % eatab itflhment'l'j note in full bperatibn, and that he Is preparod to 1 -trithpromptnossittild *-Rdttflh CkdfSkiT»isounw7:;ilp^ , , v gkins, MoroocolMng -and beliove It the largest and best by any on&hotiso -in Pittsburgh.:--AIJ of 'Jfblpd te®. Wod to-BoU to icaah .and prompt at tbs Very loweit pricea ptotblo.. > * We takojiieaanrc In showing oue stock, and coruiaily In vite purchasers to call and examine, before purchasing else where. , aspfttf > t ■■ i, V < -V, * ~ » t* * PITTSBURGH, WEDNESDAY; SEPTEMBER h 1852. BUSINESS CARDS. ! - ' Calls tutu & Co.* ili/rEttCHAOT TARiOKS AND .CIOTUIERS. No. 1i Cor- I.IYL ncr Wood aral M aier rtrcotn. Pitutgryh, fjfll « Fennor, MeJiman *fc Arthur, PCTT HOLE3ALE GIiOCKItS AND : COMMISSION MER. W CHANTS* Eo 90 Broad i&eot, XisirYork. [mrtW William C. Mnrjihoy, ■•\irnOljaALE DEATJOI lalrtmmliig«* NoUonm.ttacy: : V V and Variety Goods, No. 01 Wood -street, between Third and Fourth, Mttßtmrgb. * . »• sop* I. WrChadwtck, TYJALKR IN RAGS ANDTAPURt Na !4a;W>nd Street, 1 1 / Fittaburgft: Tfco liighert price ineaih paid fbr rags. , myli-y . Card. XT LKE, .(scccEsson, ToMun-Mir *L£e;) VfOOL DEAL- JnL. ER and COMMISSION MERCIUNX, tor tho wdo of American TV oolen floods, No. 130 Liberty Attoct, [royl TnOUiCS VfWOT,... s. T. Wood* , « ' dcllvorod at Gift shortest cotktn -• L Ji tavcly & Co. f . .. _ Y\BALKBS IN CHOICE FAMILY OfiOCERIFA Tras, U pjcklcs, Fruits Ac., Ac ~>tfc 2C* Liberty street (north one door below Hand, ;—v. ■ . . . '*ny£».y. BmieU A.Joluuton, "ITTHOLESAI.K OKOCBtISi COMMISSION .MERCHANTS, i V y ' MiJOtKilcrt la produco.ind Wttsbuisli Mannftetnrea, 110 Water and 130 Front street IHtfebanflt t*°- mylt J, n. Weldm* , . TVfXIOLESAZiB AM> RETAJL DllAfcEK m Dlnnk ond W School Hook?, Paper ond Stationery, No* C3-Wood rtrect, (bettrccu Third and Fourth,) Tn )mr2o gCfri jj’cVLLOiWI- JOJIH IiAO !* HCLLUJCOn Hen vy M'Cnlloagli &* Co«» XVrHOLGSALb OKOCUUS, COMMIfcSION MJ.RCUAATS, \\ mj (l Dealer* in all Umla of Troducc, cormr of IVnn and Irwin street-*, „ n j!_ _ 0 s. KmExni-iwEn. M Sliltcnbergcr & Co.* _ AM) COUMJi&DS MLUCHANT3, and j; dealers lu nil Und* of Western induce nod Vitt?mmrn Manufjw*intt*«i, No 115 Front elrcrf, littolwrglt, I*ft» I.M _ Lockivuod'rt OTTaJIUTtOU AND MASSILLON EV* O FRBS& team P»tt4bcr?li -arul 9^ l, ¥!A.*? Iw . ft ? 3s ijdnwluj« and 1 rUa> e. B £ AJ»l •lii. *. —■ Tl,on - “flo^ BOOH & BABGEHT, BANKERS ANB EXCHANGE,BUOKERS, ; V Ji CORSOI or woao fc .BUTH STfl., TrWSMtC/J«, I*B. ' 1 In CWn, Bank Note* time Bills* Foreign ana Dmn» , n j h j> ai ta w Jaßvibw ca M rfu,e Vntoa ' 8t ,2j, 1 , < j ® l KAY it CO., /LATE UHAftXfNil U. tAT •> AND HKTAIL IKWKmwnSrMatton-. y\ «ja 6D d p&per Dealerseornerof tVo*l ontllhltu *td. v Piurfmr«h, I**. ' ■ ■■ •• •■ ■ ■■ • v • • A< Tlmtlci gSflft. - JictaUftADDI.KJiAUVI^ gIS§S'TtfIJNK, awl CAHWIT BAtf m*nuke o *"tureJ\ No. 10<»'W«o4*i*Tct, IV ■ “• *“ ‘ fiasm %TAflw»on, t TTOnNV.Y AT LPW Oflk*v Vcumil sirrrU UUoctJ j\. SmitUSeM awl (Jniut. . . . & V, an4 A Brother.. ■ < . . ■■ • . •■ U. W. Toj-lor,. vriv ra? tins. ■ ■■: . nyrtSlv jpttif 6irt t JR. tbAStt* ttuunv -jyas .nwuhv zr.x&t onsaß, Wittbureb Marylauii. •. mtbiuzh*- fi«U«rt> Jfleoia & Co.# • TJUODCCK AS&OEXfcKAL IWMMIiiMuN MI;r,«MNtS; X Libert) 1 «wt. r*> gpefixi. Lluscni ajTiLanljW}*. __ ■'. _._ ■ • i _ i -f~? .- - *“j|, \v. llorhncV, Tiiypixrw llv h? nas !>.* «rj "JtV ccuttfti, that he Jin* c.;>frtc4 tfco fc&itfK ti-TVKtTIf OCcuf.l' c 4 to 8 J.lu U wbvre M is ncp^* lo •tt*nmiaoaali*.-«vellm awl rm>h* goto* *t i-nfr* foil CASH. ■■■ • • . •- •••_■ w^tf- TW" - looct* A Anthony'* | .mnis uua*Ml}SJi*l .woafcf. infer© lbfctf.*vi«? fmn-.U &ni| i X ethers, that they tiaT«-ma«Tr*t frc>m Rurfcr * Utfiklins j ti> No. tiJ door* tJ?cr?r (hfiruM wbrft*.; thcyJw* fitted .tip jrwnxn.far l>a;ruf'rrpßtjfv«i.£. Ha»lt*s *■ i firrtncctnrtit of Jc^t'tfw*- Rpprtiftl IttfirattienU now in w*. «itb w>m»! t/:» year* eapertance. In ; the buslorto, Utfv j-lrJiro ta..tom.ciut.iuf < picture* w «iy otfwr c.ttabtaUs>r;il in to* v wsnlrTf.r.M Ur more- fßurnro likrtKswv* tfuwi 1&.% IwTctfkn' usmuh-. • CUlieu* ftikl utrunjrr# &r» lutucJ w call, •UellwTtbfyirM'pitfiiritfctm*.::- • Our CWtto Up**! pMurr». Cvir. j?»W*. ani fall.*- ftrtiosi to onr cu*l&:a*r*. . . £ aXTU^NV. . Jf, H-Wo fill ftrtlctr* iu oitt hu«on« b>cthc.f operator* m ®f*ls Co*Partnerah(p< f*\ THK aul-smVr* Iwto r>y|u<^ Ul tio-t'orlnenlita, will crftill nut« \Sso! > z . 5 KSIthoCUUNtn 1 , ¥X UMTt'HK :#T“CIIAIR’-MAKIXO at*w* ■• . ' ' J y* ■ tho'OU) STAND, Nrt, 81. BMITUPffifittETHRttXV u«Vr tbftfnu eflßWin • SUcrjcms. ■ AiltY M; RIWIN, ; tt as J\Wl\ MmiiMK. ■ G£* iU*jx*M Of uiy Inttfwi In tb* firm of Mm.* Trentc c Ot. lO'lh* CaWnirt, .Fwrnliuro coil iThrtt niafciuc twtann, to UWLV A Sir.CTKtUlii I WiHiU maarhort fully rectum lu'ivJ and elicit fortlnua n rotsnntian/v of j-nt n>nsm% jk> literally bwtowrd on tin* «dtj firm. «*& ■ ■■ - _ : . MINAS TINDIAY. ntsr.r w-ts hVou-j, . ReU &> fll'Cturdy** National Fot'Nimy—no. as» uwrty street, conK-rt* PUtßburiSlu The. jml-wrih.T/ |mv« now on hand, for wilr, a laryc and £Tn.ra) as*»rtinnit of i’arlor and CoctMsg Stove* of ta-rfou* Lattcni.s Hollow \\ are of all Mml-Y Too Kettle* or different *u«w».Sad Irons, Dc# Itoixy Wagon- Do*<», Lintels, Sill* nml Arcln* for Urates Y i»ctel>rn- T gi *T7f7Lcii tod mauufcctory of Mr. Gdokpriuff. BofrwpMMEggßKl ton, tho-feUporlus NFW i?UIM, l ltV of : 1’ lAN OH FQBTEBI : -.11. ■ «.W * Two «plondld canod Jlusewowl Hum Forte-s full w>vi-n octave, with all th* roceut ImprovA'iueutx nmUo by Mr. t- One ilqscub6(t can*ed,; doubkv roumV rik and thr«tMiuarteroctov*a; . .•- - . • :■ Oao Kowwood.donblu rovtnu wv*>a ortarr.i: | : Xwb Rosewood, 'double: round oorurrsi rix and ..three- ] ouartercwteTC*;/... .. . -. ; . • ... i One Row'Wood, round rix bijd a half octevys; i t Two Rosewood, six MuiuuT-orattft.,, J ' Tho obovo -Plduo. Vortea aro alt muuufnctuml from,tho I i warranted;.'';'e.'‘■- .j. a ■ I: The prices are the stun© as: those, atthe manvifae torvin Boston, eid teUlhe eoldtbu thotwdal nccozamodatiug, te&. ‘ JOIIY H MKUXHI, . . ’ No. 81 Wood street,- 1 Agent for the: manufoelnrer .for Pittsburgh and Western Bennsylraolfls ' ■ • 1 ; ’ ■ - • tow A VOtmDRYi NO. 103 "WOOD STREET. TOIIN C. PiRUV. Isucccßoi'to J. OrPsrty i Oj„) be*# .1 „ to Inform the pustonieHOTAhd old Aran and thn. publlo Senernll v.timthahMTiow on hand#; nod 1# otienalvely on, § W cd in manufcctolng, every description of CASTINUS— Suih Mi Kettle# »nt| Curb#; ■Patent Kettle#, far Baaia I’ot Aph, SodaAnh-, Sugar hcttlcv furtbo mnnufedta'ro'®f Cane Sugar—all cost on tn yof-nl. in-nreM, known as J. G.-Pam’*, ami are superiortor duro- Ibmty to any other, and soldtowor than tlitwo nuido on tho WAKE—A general assortment, all from-new land Improved pattern#, wagtm Boxes, Dog Iron#, Sod Iron#, MDt Castings, and Itachluery of, ovary dewrtptiou, always on hand oflriotJtj'td.order. ■i _fiook'Store*. JiitcKPtt Tlaugcft, cud Coal -fctovfs, ofoyery 'description j >*ft.Ck»k Stores, &c aUe* which rwuvcd the 'first prt& for 1850 onlUK)* nt Vxa AgHaulturol TidrW Al - Coilnty*Tn., nod fifto.cn htyulrcd | .personsi EnfcrpnioObok.S.t6yi3, JToqr Hlwsi Tremluw.Cook , iStoves ; jEgg and -Radiator Cbal StoVOs; :Pftrlor Stoves, ffc. •„ \ t .. 'Pcr]or; UrAtefl.aud-Fendent l great .variety,, becutlfally ; - * j A groat variety of Ornamental Ruling, for Comeieriea and. kinds In-iiioa'and will be eoW at reduced ,, Halt s wt* ient-loTer, XrUa Antericau, Egan*#, Cnmcsj ; Kinkaids,. moods’*'Peacock’s? Buiru,lwpro\t*l .. - • I THrim^ffouato^ The Double Plongb, which Ihaaiek&i'ffiQ prouitom' at. \the State. Pairs of hew. York,: Ohio, nndfcbcrover it has been exhibited; &n iiiulNftUSi’Stoyo Ylpo and Tin Ware—all of -which I twill cell at Hrt lowest prices; and respectfully Invito the gwTm« n at the old rt^So^lOToodat.- J -"X-Jb.' > -Cl'-'-" ifl. Cl TXEO2CAN txebhait * CO., , ' BASKEBS AND EXHUME BIWKEBS, ■ fob2&lyi • -Jfa'flfr HfoMiEfrcrf, ot»M?tqtnsnrt..Aßey . O’COHHOE, BabiUiilt ft CO., BASKSBB AKB EXCHANGE BROKERS, ’T\EAk*ERSIn Bomorticona.rordgn Kiclumgo, Ilmo awl. 1) gbht BUI*. 0010, TTScnmot and Par Food*, StocJm, ic. :"*Offldiv corner VnoaenU Thlri Ms., RttshurglL" ' [marUrtf ; JOHS woodsT BAJJKBn. AND HEGBMiGK BEOKEE, TVEABEttIn Gold, HlvofTM .Bank Notes- : Current and U pw fundi received on deport CollreUons carefully at tended to. Fouttli Street, one door East of Market, Pitta liureh. Pa. ___Oc3Xy DometHc am Itiraaa Hxthmgt,Bmk Kata, No. 74 Fourth, st, ncxtdodrto Bank of Pittab'g. ftclS HOt 7 bankers ajto' kxchSnoe brokers, ;-- -ncoatreft A3tt rurn BxttEm,:n SiairtEXCUANGE oa the Eastern Cities constantly for sale. EuiaßUls of Exchange: and Notes discounted.—■ Uold, surer apd Boult NotOiy bought and soli Collections made in all the principal dUM of tho: United Staten. »o pogjts rocclred of Itoand CdrtcafrEunds. . .{niacCTy. Z..\. J. LAVKLY. ■n.t.rw miiVCT: - £DTTAEI> HAlfflt . JFLP&ESCE.JBLUIBU ra«M*R ft HAHM, BASKEU9 AND EXCUANGK BROKERS, BOV AND SFXDGoiJ, gUror, ami Bank Notes; negnUiito Loons on Ral Estate or Stock Securities ;jpnichas3 Promissory Notes and Tlmo DUb, on East and West; buy nod soil Storlu on ComtuisidflU. Collections roodo on nil A. WILKIHa & CO., MSKERB AKD EXeEAhOE BROKERS, so 76 rommi sr.. rnrsncnon, crpoorrs bask of HTTssronaiL FIIJIU SUBSCRIBER, undot-now and mom fnrorsMo auspi -1 res, will coptmuotho Banking butlncs ami Stock Bro kerage In tho houso formerly oecopiod By Messrs Palmer, Hanna 4 Co_ aud more recently by tho ritUtargh Lilein enianco Company, where ha wtU be plresod to reo his old friends and curtftgieff. *VliaKL>p. J 3 UN'HNO. H. HOtMES ft BOSS, BANKERS AXD EXCHANGE BROKERS, mm Eonortn tiieih mnp>'j aim ttotwon wins to ko« CT «t«»r eratrr, rocs noons nsjotr ou> wasp, TOT IWLME3 & SONS, Banker; and Esrhangc Brokers, IN . and Dealers In Kotos, Drafts Aceenttncre. Gold, Su rer and Dank notes. Krebange oa the Eastern anil tVcslcro CltleaeonstAntly for solo. . , Collections made In all tlwcihor tbrooehout Uie Cnital States Deports rocoi red In por flandsorcHrrentpßMF, No, totMt hi, lUUi an] Wood gjrtrta . t fcU ■■' ..“ ■ Dissolution. . ■ ■ mill-; nun 01 A. WHJUNS i (X>., hsi Wi to to*n I di.«.MH'UiT mutual nffinl Blip IntdnacrwiU be an ** '* tmuI ; CATOHET, YUOUPtfON DELL, tac&m tm, —*■ teWß**-. THOMPSON BEU. & CO.. nASKKEs as» excoanoi: BEOisiaw, ' (urn rr *. Kivtm * >»,).. . ... Ti r JLL«ia‘.la«r «i» iat'bans» *l*l Bsaknwbunm**»t \\ tiir oU «*nA eraser ThWirasl MwtotH*. |3r2 TixtTi/ftoiEsSiniXSKiHo house. S. JONES & CO* r.jmr *r niwi »*t Kr*x. noOtagh, ftm'.i. Bliu OF BXCHAM'K »ml.oott» Ml* of lto-Jong* fiiruKliel P(«: elite frriuoptl eitics tail, \Wrt and tauth* i»' DULi of R»lnw»«]w faroWwd !a lirgr or null tarn* «» l*in hi HYaM#. ■Wectlaifcl and Ireland r fclio. ' jyff"Thrt anbßgrfhty rapeetfuily atftfiu a xhrnrot the IrxYcUtog FatmtiAga tmo ItoUar per flay. X T *> ST* CUUK KOUihT.-'Thii homo bw W*n ts 1\ l»y «l»o nnrUfflri ro*l, i % di>renn» thorough and eslea*ivc repair*, aw! large ad-mino* of *«w faroiture, rtr„ w»d the proprie* lor* luma'll** Usat twtbloa absJl tw wwittojp ©a rhclr pan- in nfftcler the FJwxsuva ptn«> vbtru all Uw cow* forU of n flrrt rlawtlunel «u> l« found. jjilf Q. IMTUTCtt * SOX.'-- - St. Cltarlea, UOtcl, ::v - tw to giro alarpo onri more liber al nrcommodntioD to trovollew and boonler*. HU lower wW bo otoreri with Uw most ohoieo viands th-. market eau aftiri). ouri liL« bat fumlrtiori will! the !wt. Ho would re rptetftrily snlldl a rtaro or public patronage. .' maxlO ■ • ••. / '■ B. BHRRT. : Wilkin* Hall, - 5 MtM. ntcreAnn'o. . ■; TOILN IVAIKIiiI tate pleasure In anuouuclns to his «l friend* ana tlWpuWle ttatta Iras taken the above splen did establishment, and alter cTOdderaMuosie'lira has made. It adellßbtfulplaeo of resort, 110 is perfectly prepared to aervaupat tlw shortest notice ou'iy delicacy rehirb may tempt the appetite of the epicure or the fancy or the most .t-:-- • Dinner trill l» In readiness orory day at 1 o eloc*, for any number of pontons, commencing this day, Juue dlst. Par ties con bo accommodated with Supper In thy moel-recfterffc manner. Oysters, (lame. ic„ still ho (Bund there in their reason. In abort, iV Proprietor laleuds that no eapeum or trouble shall be spaced to make, this already, popular the bout luthn jnuUy -- Tns ixciiAsae,; ' Com* of nnn tmd&ftUiir iW>uH|r | wly P'-3iilar P.^Ull> «-».lnU»«r of GAME, MaThewUr l-Xta K> innA jn thi tram snown. sueU tw Pluo Apple Cobblcrnj Julopp, l . and Smithes, will be emed up ,lo ft way that will pleartc the served" UP eyerf- moralogj .at. 11 o’clock, to. wliiob tho Piwclnl aitcptltm ut d, li 'th<* temrtiftfc tnrt'rffcy MonoßgfrfrEflg rtrer, anil plafek irom PSSf® SSTtW fltted aj> anil torhHwJ with everj 1 lmproremtmt '55-?SS^«l'fl^S«»nS»# YAN’S BUILDINGS, Fifth street—THE PROPRIETOR, Js-thankful to the public Ihr part custom, ventures to. bo-. licit a continuance of the same for hfapreseut enterprise— the esiahlfahmont of a Ffour.and Spice Mill* within tho city, Ibr the accommodation of hfa customers, und all. who. wish to have really good Flour, pure ground Spires, Ac., Ac. The attention or InmUici, Merchants and others, fa invi ted, and aU I ask fa that they will give mo a trial ¥ It, DJIA! O, No I Diamond. N. B,—All articles taken back If not Ibund good, and. the money returned... - : . marltf BoUman dfr Garrison, FOUNDRY—Hare removed to then new \ hidings in Birmingham; near the Ferry Having Ml the Into improvements far heavy work in Furnaoc*, Ac., Sa%, with. lathes and other machinery, and, keeping .always the, test qualities of metal, they ore prepared to furnish ma chinery, ic-, with promptness. A« they still retain the Warehouse on Smithficnl street, ou the old premises, (also at ho. 4 Wood street,) patterns or orders left there will bo immediately attended ta Having associated John STDODougb with ns, the ousme'n will hereafter be conducted in the name of Bellman, Garri son L Co. HENRY D. BOLLMAN, ABRAHAM GARRISON. JOHN iTBONOBGII. JVoUcc to Koilroad Contractors* rpKE subscribers bavins undertaken to complete the grad- I ing anj toaftmry of the whole of tho Pittsburgh mid bteubwvillo Koilroad. from Pittsburgh to the \irgiulallne, respectfully invito such contractors as have made, fair v Wd* fin 1 portions of mid work at the late letting, and any others desirous of having work en thu rood, to- call without delay nt their offlee, corner of Grant street and Diamond alley, up stairs, where wyj or more members of tho Crm vriU 1» fouud prepared to make satisfactory nrrahgomoutfl with contractors br doimr parts of the work* hone but responsible eontrnct oi*. or thofc» who cau cotno well recommended need apply, m vonrcdetraalned to hare tho.work vigorously propecated.. je!7 MANFDLL, NICHOLSON A CO. , Ilmld and Slesnenwr, and Wheeling Argus, copy one week, and charge Post, nnd send one copy to adver tiser*.) .• : ■ ■■ ~ ■ Karopean Agency* fpHB undersigned, Larcpcaii Agents, members, of. the -X American Bar, still continue to collect, debts, legoclea, and claims, remit monies, procure copies of wills».dccds and documents, comlnct suits, obtain testimony, moke searches, And tramofct all other law bmdnciw 1u .England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales* Aft; They arwat ait times in eomraunta* tion; forwarding and receiving document/* to and fro; nud onoof them, irgularty in each yrnr, makes a tour through ibe principal cilice of Europe and America, on professional burtneo. The «rtt annual tour will bo the of this egenry. Innumerable rcfenmccagiveu. Apply to THOMAS J. KEENAN, 120 Fourth street, Pittsburgh* VxL t - IL KEENAN, Jc23 27 Palmerston PI are, ImUin, Ireland. Engineers’Stationery. ‘lirnATMAK’a Vnpcr, of all fIMS; Jf■.■■Tractn»tClolli t 'laTOllsSli.incbM;WWo; . .'■■■ ': TratitTßlu* Ciwm Scot kw Diagram Taper, &t embank-, tnent* of U anJ £4 feet brodiray, ana cxcavatUm* of 18 and 2? fret toad var: • , IWI Drawing P*p«r» SO Inches wides do. da Double £U'[ihant; Profile Papers Tape line*. ellenl. dirUnl In tenths; _ , . Jftcksoa’ij a®l A Longdnu s Lead IlcociLi; •■:.• i1j»; ■■ Superior India Ink; TudUliatoftr; • Mcmti tiJucv, 4-?., ir n , . The AtoTi*, with ft fult as-wrtxuenttff ftll other kinds of Sts* lioncrj, £>p &&* \ty ■"•. 100 : do do do ISO do 115 Turkish Fatina relllnfi at 1 G2V3 do - 125 ; ChAiiunoieoaisilk Brocade fold .ot 125 do 100; do Qo do 1 SO do 1 20 do black do 175 do IST Priutod Latm.»thit bato wW at 12}4 do 10.. do do do 10 * do 12V£ do . - do • • do . . IsJ£ do : ■ 14 .- do do do 25 ■ do 16 French Jackonct L.vmß sold at - 07 do . : 22 . Super plain .Poulins, do 44 do 31}-£ • do - figured. ' do 60 ■ do • S 5 • Borneo do LtUdcs do ; 60 do SlV£ do , do do 37d0... 25 do do do 31 Vi do .20 Our stock embracos crery Tarioty of I’aotx.and Staple Pry Goods, which wo will sell at reduced prices, preparatory to ro&mnglfrdt Goods. '• rf > , 3025': . Padder S: Kortl, MAKVFACrURKHa AND DKALEftS IN MANCHESTER MINERAI* PAINT, AU£OtoY,.dTV PA. Not Yom, December lfij lSOl* 1 hare tinaiyflcd ft wnnylo or MANCIIESTEII3EINKUAL PAINT} for PuoDEft * Fonn, and find it to contain thof&K lowing;-.-. - SUica, Alumina, ..... l*nf Oxldo of Iron, Mirny-v I- JUaitn051a*..,..,.... Oxklo of Mongnncsto,.^...... . Water cmu 100,00 1 Tbo Powden.il Sample, contained In the bos, which I sujh i poso van the one you desired also to have analysed, I find i to differ from any average of tho lumps powdered, and mlxt cdtoffeUicr. This last yields as follows; .• Per Oxide of 1r0n>...‘....v Silica fynd Alumina, . lime, Magnesia;;./.......* . Water-mill Loss,. 100,40 Tills didcrcncc 1 presume arises from tho mineral not bo- tmlfonn, aomu portions containing tnqpo Iron than otli* crtw. Tbennalysta nhows tho article to bo well suited fry a. durable point. ~ I find that by calcining tho powder byn r pretty high:heat, tho color la; much improved,, orot least converted into a fine red. ASMS IL CHILTON, M. D., Chemist . tjat-Yor Sole by JOF.L MOULKR, 211 street, marltlly * * Joseph; ufmncott. LIPFINCOTT ; £ B&RR; iLAtE J. B. fiIIHCKI£t;*.COn) - ’V . HERS OP WICBNIX'FIEE PROOF SAPfA iTt 'Second BtweV between Wood and- ’SniKhtlold-^Ou Tuesday afternoon, July 25» undersigned were cal* led upon by Messrs: Uppencott & Barr, to witßcsshntanesF and &ir tost of one pf tndp PhoetilX'Saflja: ;Tho foitoafebo* prepared, the Safe waa placed Infiido thereof with Books, pflhere and some inonby; . when the door of tire Sftfo was-clo* aed and the fire kindled afca quarter. ptus So’clopfoondiu o abort time thb Saferwip tUl half past 6 o’cloQkj.betog aboubtour ttod a half vheb the com< miltec expressed their aaUßfiwtion that the 1 time ocenpied withsucfibeatwassitißcieiit." The furaaccwas thcnpiulod down, Safe cooled, and door books? papers and tttoimy safe. The heat was so .-great os tomeJtoff tho brass mountings. We therefore tako ; these Safes to the public, as being, Ih oar judgment? onttrely 4re proof. . • « NOCK * RitWSOT?. ' - . s^ea • BENEDICT & CABTEB, ISAAq CKOSIIE, i lam engaged in thoftrandry business,.?°d knowsaae-. thing about furnaces and heat. I witnessed tnff burning ol ttoraboYOgafe, nudcan- freely say tboro^as no.'h9Wbug ; about it, anti with, jileasure recommend ihem to tha public, bolngi In'my jadginout,' entirely fire pfooC - Vv \ Incailihg.npon th n foc their aigaattffea« r [gy oll6pobo In the highest term* oftheMrnesa’of tbo their foil cmtfidgnce.-of'th&raafe’tr-heipg epUreiy; iproot v We have constantly, on hand and for sale a toll assortment of Ib* above safcs. [m&rflj JE3IU & 2E&K£j ► 'i » «■; r,* ~ , f ' ', ' *,, *',, * ,V»“ t v .»',w V^ - , •> ?' * m’j ~ ~ - ?'■' .*•<*' • / f „ s* ’ ' , "V , ' * „ « J jr c ’K*'' 'Cr’ V £L ILAXSEED 01I»— Seventy barrclj, for sale by jyJU Q. tf. KEISEB, 140 Wool street. Ofin nnHiraismnN.titUieoar.lnstoreonj ror falaby dUUj ...mo™ SOtJQH A AWrnONV hsyo rumored' their pAGubluitr AS tom SurWe Building, ‘S, ins, over tßoYonng Men’s ffiw, w&cto <&ey nr to ecd tllcir 100 shares Iron City Copper Btock; 2 do Allegheny SaTings Bank; 20 do Braddock’fl Held Plank Bead; *O,OOO Sandy and Bearor Canal Bond?. . By. ' : . : Atrsm IfIOMIB, 02 Fourth street. 10 DEAWIMG ANV PAINTING BCHOOW.--.Wo bam ■ » ‘JnrtopenedglnrgeInyolcoof..ForeignsteelEngravings, T>rints, Studies; Drawing Cards, and Copfayrfbt.Teachers and ■ These sketches are.the best published, anti adapted to all classes. They embrace Elementary, »l«ndscape, -Architectu ral, Object, Fruit, Flower and Animal studies, Drawing. Fen-. cils,'Pafats, Ciraybnsidc. For sale hy • • -..••• •> DATISON * AONBW, I Booksellers and Importers, [ jeOO C 5 Market street, near Fourth. The Saloons, A T THE ATOTMiEUM Liberty street, nrc J\_ &t »1I times a delightful place of rerort for ladies and Gentlemen to enjoy a plate of FRESH OYSTERS, cooked In iho various styles, and served In a manner that cannot mil to please. Also—HOT COFFEE, TEA, PASTRY, and other refreshments, at short notice. A PRIVATE SALOON TOR LADIES ' _ 43** THE BATHING ESTABLISHMENT always in order for Hot, Cold, and Shower Bnths, from 7 a- m to 11 p. x feblß W. W. WARD. Fine Oolong Black Tea* , Wfii would call tbo attention of our retail customer* Y V to our largo stock of Black Teas, selected *171121 great caro in the New York market: Souchong, B S>, 35a; Rtglfcb Broakfiwt, ** D> -SD&; Hue Oolong, OOa; Extra Oolong, „ * ?sc.j Delicious Oolong, $l,OO Young Upon, Imperial, and Gunpowder, eamejpricee as above pure and fragrant Retail Grocers am Invited to call and ek&ixta&nir stock, either packed iu quarter or half pound packogesJorT&lmlk, by the half ehest. A- JAYNES, jeS ' < No. 33 Fifth street. p. 4>lillUpilmrgr Water Cure Eftabltshmentt TN PHItiLIPSBURQ, Beaver county,'Pennsylvania, on tho. L South fide of tho Ohio lUver, opposite the month of the Big Beaver Creek; twenfy«eight piilcs from-Pittsburgh, eight.fro® Wheeling ami caC-hondml frota Cleveland* ?Tho ! ■proprietor hna bad Iwonty yean practicalexperience as a j regular physician, twelve of which ba bas practirod under tho Hydropathic system Terms only FIYEIXtf'LAUSJPEft I WEEIC—-payable weekly* All seasons are adapted to Hydro* pathie cures, v .Koch patient .is required to fttrniAh ttro benvy woolen blankets, two largo comforts, fonr ehccts four tow* «*K and ono camp-blankct, or Indfo-rabbcrfihoet. DR* EDWARB ACKER, Proprietor, / mnrl&l PhtUipshunr, Rochesterl\ O m Beaver county, Pa T ‘JIB Kubrcnbrr lias on- ham! and for - sale, very low for X- wh Of approTcO c.nJarsod paper, the following second hand printing matcrialß: : . . 2C9ft.«r..lxjng ?‘rliner, in good order; -; 70 fi>s. Minion, : • do; . pairs Ctwe*^ •* . - do; - • • . 1 Marble Imposing Stone, ■ •.■■;/.•. i Composing.stidc^ ■ 3 Single Elands;. Several fonts of Ilend Letter for adTertisementß> kc., forming a complet* office ' ■ liadics Senrlns Birds, ITItIESE useful articles arc Introduced to tbo public by the X Inventor, and especially recommended to tho notice of thAUirth*. fur whoso particular use they are intended. • ■ Something of the kind-has Garland Polka; ,■ • - MoUy’s Dream Waits ; v El&n Waltzes, complete. •• ; With a great, variety ofnew. and popular Songs, Polkas Ac., received by Express, and for sale hy . an 24. > JOHN JI>MELLOR, St Wood vV y; . i . IiBW 2U75101 . . ..... . KO SIAIOKK. MABKY 9l£ f :fV P* Siubas; Mtißicby Hesbx Kicteb. . : : who Ifror Lost by Loving; a pocred melody, fiJr one‘or more.vofccs..;:^ i Be Thou Oh God by Night by Day; sparred melody, lbr one or more voices. • 17maPilgrim. . . ... ■ • ; By thn Sad sca Waves. •• 'Ol&PfcteTreij. • s ■•■.i : Hnpq.and the Rose.. , IHcmember tlio Hour xvhoik.Tro Parted. Wert Thou but Mine. • ‘ Lono Starry Hour, ■: ; Tho Sailor Bely's Last ©ream. Sly Dreams oro nov no more of Tbco; Kato Hayes. - ■ Como WhcrotlioFountolus Play. • • ~ IlWCalmty Slots the Parting Sun: a sacred Sons. ; * Officers Funeral.: . • ' ‘ What Shall I Call Thco. , . ! Jlidntzlit Schottisdi..; : Hello Kate Walt* ! ALSO—A t fin© cdlloctioh $f Variations; PWkaa, Waltzes; gchottisches, ic., - HENRY KLEBEB, ’ ■ ' • No, 101 Third street, 1 • glgn of tho Golden Harp. POETICAI* WORKS. I British ruJSTs—select works of thoßritish poets, with' l biographical and critical notices by Bf.Alkln,3 volaS i vo, doth and morocco; . 1 _ ••.;• . . • Tho Poets ami Poetry ofiho Ancients, by Wm«l?cter,A.' M.y 1 vol 8 to, doth, gilt and plain, illustrated, .. i The Poets and America, 1 vol 8 vo,tnorocco gilt &> jdo do Europe, by Henryk LonrfeUoVx vol Svo, sheep and morocco* gilt and plain. • . Tho Li&nnd Works of LprUßyron r T inversootiU pt<«e; complete luiYolBvoy morocco. Do* do do do * 4 votn 12mo,*c3othl po do do do; 1 vol, ehcop, illustrated. Do 'uo . do. , do. l vol, Turkey moo do RUt. i Maoro'sCampletm Port led Works, :l:yol tfro, sheep? Do do _ do do 1 vol Bvo, Turk mco gt - ••'■••• pft ; do/ ••••■dp.- / do . l Tol Svo, clogt, Ulust '.;Do.: . -do -do* Up ..1 tol. lJbno, .* cloth and morocco gilt ; Barns* complete works,'Withllfe,by'ACujininjrhiro.Lon* dna edition, Svo, cloth, illustrated. - BnrnV Poetical Works,Lockhart edition*, Bvo> doth. • ' : :,,do .r./do., v do Iyql Bvo, sheep and morocco gilt..- ./ do do do I and 2 vols, l£mo, sheep & clo, gt Wordsworth’s Complete Poctical Works. I .yol 8nv ehrep-i do v ;do,_ r..;/- da. do. 1 Tgn2ma,ctotK-j The Poetfcnl - Works of Coleridge, Sfcpfly and KoatSf «M ; ] vul Bvo, ehccp. % _ . -• : I The Poetical Works of Howitt, Mbmond and Krats, 1 voj j Tho Poetical Works of Rodger* Campbell, Montgomery, Lamb and Ivtrk White, complete in lrol . ;• Tho Poetical' Works or Jamw Montgomery, 2 volslzmo, Oompleto Pocflol ’ Up Up. do. Up - 1 tmJ2 T°b JStavmcp gilt, . Uo Up Uo Up 1 4 /. to > ahsxt • WooU 6llwt , ..... ~...... 6,34 ..23,00, ss lO 7,08. .*sm. c. tuiia , Payelte Opeiu mma-MiMy .tmKtftr WMEBISO 'I i^ACEtoabeen)c^,tomtbCTwSth.the‘J-F f \YI.OTE afthiSia kotEW a4i«»nt thereto,- by -the nrotirietorof iho “Farmington HotoV! on ttio?i&tiQt}rti Heart, who has se- »nil.:Uio best supplies or cverykind, wltfrtt doteminatlon toptoaso all hJa’vtotew. ? Anfetr build* in&wUh ftrty Rooms, oaarecentfy booh added to-iho estab ; Tlie* BPRINQ3 arc sarronnded by the most delightful: ind lloioantio..s3tottDtaiU:.sccnc3 , > in a : cool dicyxlo, -with puxoafrand'-pureTOitcr,.! The carativo and purifyingjiro pertiGa of these havo fullyeitabfohcd;' by the hare: never..fjiHod to cure tho worst cwica of Scrofula, the most Inveterate Sores, and other dfeeasos of tlie blood*- * * ' > - ‘ '»'»• < STAGES AND RACKS will arrive et and leave the steam-, boats at Brownsville: daily, whence; visitors -Will -pass,' In * drive offOpr. or five bourse to the, Springs* over an excellent sjcAdamiiedEoful, about half the distance through cmeof the richest and mDst. delightfca figricalturid regma ; hr the Bitry.to Dniontown, and then; clghtmUes farther, over ! tAurel Mountain, ttescntlnar.diroia Ite; slopes wtrafcp splendid-views ortho great western valley, with All its' tich, variegated ondheantifal sectary. 1 ; Inihort,lt isvcftfttaUybellevsii.'tbat there iano water- Sine placein the. conn try presenting stronger attractions to iifoSfi seeklnfe HEALTH ASD FtRAiiCKIi, than the « Pay ette, Springs," and tho .uptosgnedjtevery -certain, thevom nowhere find a greater fltaxaitlmtojßleasojoa moTeeccom .modattng terms. (jnlj3lBs2*} MwtlSW RUSH.' ' *- + * k ■» 4 n * -*■?«• !l_j ’ ", * is vv *- > j . + t ■»»*-v j p «?,■*,<* sf /«-, ti 'j j. * ' -, * * NCTMBER3B. Edttcatlon—Tbc TVmale Seminar?, . f . 1 VUTE MSiv Jpcw>jitev T s)i-i V { 1 r** iTJtfJlti wcontinued at tfaouiraal -pl&eo, comer of Wish*"' • ; f f , lngton street and-Eist Gammon. Allegheny clty—tbo • • faU tenn commencing on UiofirstMonaarlnfieptettbernext • rounder tbccffideritinaringeirientofjliwirtmnab Vrho has for pbmc. limp had j£jsargd.ms mribcip&Lmini ' have raiUbla'asfliataficoln '■ ■■’-A ’■ ■■■- locatlonend ttrtangGnkfnls fat Iho .comfort of ■ v the pupils, itls.nofrearpassed.ialbe community; > Fur terms, 4 c., sea Circulars - W' 1 v * ’ t*oindextjsr* * JWQhBI—AuQtbcr 1 —AuQtbcr larRC tot«f A^S)^^^ 7Dib,SdarbecnTCCClTe * 1, :• Blckenrtcthoa r Prayer’ ~ " k [ Jinnies* Notes; Jacobus* Notes anil Quostdonpr JAtursr. ic, lor the nso ofanndOY Schools. IwthirVnts. copal Sunday School Union. wlefa , oett Phaa.aodKttebirrgh. The IVest, generally, at G r an [ r-:> .• •- ,-i bq m,rpnclosbkl. I • For Philadelphia and East, at 5 o’clock, P.m -| ,■ Tor Badtfcnorß aactSonth,- at 4. o'clock, JVM.j - : - ... i v Way Staiions,be tween Pittburgb and Philo, 4 o'clk, ? *, t . Cloveland< Cincinnati, and 7VJa. at.',:*:.-. i i All Goods and parcels left Rl tl}e_o/neo, after tub aboro : -- - J t boars, wILI go outby Lho following day’s Express. ' anlO ' * BAKER & TORBTni,.2sadv, Professor THompson’arFemale Seminary, - ;T* riLL open the laU Sesdon on XFD#DA\ ,* 30 tfr instant, ■. .f f and continue Five Month*. As the nranbcr of pupils .. ; i 3 limited, curly application wIILbo necessary, to secure ad* • mission. : ■ No pupil admitted for leiw time.than * Bca?iloJj,nn4 '- no deduction of tuition except for protracted Illness. One half of tuition payable invariably iu advance. For forther- Information sco circular?, or Prof* 1\ in person, at bis rooms, 54 Liberty street, (Irwin's How ) * prot T. will form asmAll-daos of 8 or 10 lads. In Mathe matics and Language*, to recite from It to 0 l\ M., on rea sonable tenbs. , fouIS 3 vH£b Manufacture of Iron, Jnnil its .various branches,* s3 ’' ?'*••• eluding a description of Whod-cuttlng, coaWigglfl", and tho burning of charcoal and coke, the digging and roasting ofironore; the buUdingnml management Of blast furnaces; : working l>? charcoal, coke, nr anthracite; tho refining of iron, ami the conversion of crude Into wrought iron by charcoal forges and puddling furnaces. Also, a description of forgo hammers, rolling mills, blast machines, hot bins!, eta. etc., to which U added, an «aay ou the manu&eture of steel. By Frederick Ovtnnfm, Slfnlng Englncer—witbonO hundred and fiftv wood Law, Theological' and Miscellaneous -Bookivfor.'sale cheapo. nuSl T KAY & CO., A 5 Wood street ; /""i BITARS.—Just received, onew lot of Guitars, from tho ; AJT celebrated manufactories of-C. F. ami WruiAu Hall a Sox, .Slew York.- ;• • These instruments an? manufactured in the most sufcstatt- ;*’• . tlal and scientific manner, and have received tho approbation . •of all tho best teachers of that instrument.-. The paces'iaroiii? ; follows :hr. v ,-V ' , 'S'-:.-. ; ''Vr'r. I r£\'\'<-cfh:; i r j< ; - No. IjSlahogany,.with ca.se. and cxtrastrmgfl,sls,W) l ’.- 2, Rosewood, d» do 20.00 • U, f . do . do v . .. .do . .v * 25,00' •- •4, . do. ‘ do :do . fIO.OO ‘ o, do do do 40.00 * • . ■ 6, . do • • ■ do . do ; .. 69,00 .". For sale by JOHS 1L MELLOR, Agent for Urn Jlanofcurtnrerv ■ ul2 •■. • No. Sl’Wood.Rtreot •.••• , Wliltc Snlphur springs,w DOUBLING GAP, CUMBERLAND COUXIY, TpHIS jnstly celebrated Moun tam Retreat. fa>. well anif ft* . X vorably known to tho citizens ’of PhUadflljibbiy BaJti' ' - more, Fittebuxgh and other-places wiil.be open for.wtoitarr*.-; •. . •on and oft or ihoITIUSTOV JUNE/ Thc buUdinga. iiaYcr : greatlyenlarged and. improved, Iu order to increasing . amlthoflewho r : admire mountain, pceberyi thfcit pinedoffers - ducomcnts, which: cannot bo surpassed- by any 'watering ■ place-ln tile are accea«ible.iti about, twenty hours, by.^;the woy of v, • tral Raiftoad io llarrisbtirg; fromllarrisburg'to ihe Springs ’ viaCarllrionud NewviUe, on tbo GumberiarDi Railnffid, Itia r . - tnUea. ,; : Wo are.{dodged to make-visitors comfortable and bills mo- -- derate. SOO{CT CGYLE. • 3, D. WUUam.v dbscph - crt-D.Thompsoti,jrcCanilU?b,XD.McCord.'^ '}■ to snVpcribo.--for this, publication* will saro. money by, - procuring It from the. underslgnod.- The ; worthr sohlby LttaTClipg agents and ctherjvat 25 cents per number,, or v [;for the worfc complete. Now,we propose to furnish the Ka* ••• r tlonalPortraat;Gallery.at 20 cents per fcr the ; : - i work complete. .And,asnew enterprises of .this kind fre- • ; qucnUy.CUl before .half the numbers ore publiebcdjSubecrPv ? ;• hors to irrcftpQnsiblQ.personSf who rcptcsent-themsclrea oft.»- .the only persons fromwhom.Buch .and such worts ‘can be' ' ; obtained find themselycs minus their money,forth© conslif-'' v - ernfcGn:pf a few.stray numbers ofa ac m quantity of republished matter,.and a parcel : r ■lie do not say thatthe. National Portrait Gallery yrilinotbe completed; but, we do say, sboxitd it not be pufficlently gp- ' 'predated by the public, to warrant its completion, we ohu : gate ourselves to. every one vrbo subscribes tons, for it; to refund his money and taho bock.all tho numbers hetaay : * * have received.. So, come and subscrilie, and: by tho opera- ' tion save $3. ' U. SflNElt & Col nuftt No 32-SmUhfleld afreet. THE KEAI< UVHVLE TQH,’> “ Light, Han Light Stall » A 150011 I'OUT UK TJMF-S!—Now fcjidy,omlcTiDtajujs ' A. 60012m0 pojtca; beautifully illustrated with orMnol dwigus. and orally bound. Trlra $l,OO. Entitled, LIKE ■ ' AT THE SOUTH, or “ UNCLE TOM’3 GABES','’ AS IT 13. Being UnmtiTrav Scenes ond lnddonts In Tho Heal "lift- ’’ of tbe Lowly.” By WvUG. Smith, T2sq. •> „ . • The object of tlie author 1b to represent tho'condiUon of the Klare, iri hisrude-lrat comftirtabto cabin; woolly «cu--- ' pattons and pastimes* tho telations 'between-master and - 1 slave; the mistaken impalswandmlsconcclted vibwß oftho 'Northern PWlanthrophist, At, &c; and tarepnaent th»s « : passions and Bcntimcnts in their natural forms, as tbs «yn»» /••• - - are displayed in the humblest lot In .human society, thus' */:■■■ z showing thaty.in the casoof the rlotcj at least,' contentment" , bestows mare .haoplnessv than ■freedom ; ana. at the 'Bol4o' "■ timciio represent, os it is, a dess of people, viz :■ thePlantaV. to whom justice has been seldom done, and whose character, as exhibited in ovf»y day life; -amiable, judgment of •.•.•••.v-: "•••.• . OnToeeipt crf ST,SO, we xrtll forwntil a copyofibe abore "" ■ work by mail, postage pafck-to any part of tho United States. •Liberal discounts mode to the trade. XL MINER A CO**' . nul-t •' , Kb. 32 Smithfield street; ;‘;yv : THE CASS IS THE OHLY TBUE SYSTEM! • •• • TWESTt PEB CSST BAVE&IIt TAHESOSTROM, SO Llbcrty Sfereot, i! ' O been many years in tho JOBBING SILK , - : New York, the-undonlgncd haa noticed, that to do n general Credit Businta ayert/large projll on the goods Is and that a labos past-of Mue.psonT xa Mica ■cpctn-a fkw : .AimtXES, he;hafl therefore commenced dealing trfndpaUyito ?; ■ Tnaaa coons, and upon, the - r »- ‘ Exclusive Cash System, And can guarantee every customer scamno of A 3 UUBl'2o> - ;-•• > per' cent nELotf- tee vsoAfcaLmrriuciS. B hoGnX and Traveling Agents i TUT ANTED for 1 Popular ml teruluoolmjnst published, TV - CALIFOItNIA IUAISTHATKO, including ndcserip. 'tlou of the Panama and Nicaragua. superb,, , TinlolllU)osnipl)?,af*P»S?> ,f ntc This-wort, ' fc y j m XcUa has Iwsn adjuu/rey uj*tiio unanimous voice of practical, anti intensely ißtcrtattng volume hcon written upon this gold nft theme. Since Uiu jHihUcatlon, of .StcrtnV :Joumal. of , . • ■ Snivels, no srork no., appeared that,has created fuirh u tliri!- ; , .: HngsensoUon. Itis pr&cmtoaiUy practical, and i-t infer apcrecdirltiJoo'dono'.Ovtno most ainueing chttracier; In'' : v tfolaognasaof onoof thneity editorials,-“It Li & perfect dosuencotope ofCali&rnia, token by the ligU of nnoon- ASIEKKAN HlACTipi. AND-PAMILV PUygterAJi, 80D PJEJW, 200 cncrninga, Bto. sheep Price |5. Dr.Jßcdchla ■ the eclectic practice, Ip- this country. - Siich . ’ , 3u. t £ii2? ll tll n t eighteen thousand copies of Urfi mirk ▼do printed, in oho odlttou. Also, Dr. ft D. HammtmdV , , , r i} princip 1c- of practice, ' ■ ti (k MILLION, or TiiE TKUH GftIDR TO ' HEALTO. 12mo. cloth, SSB pmps. I'rioe 3d,6d cloth, SHe -8«. ware, 4th thonsaad. AtSO, WOMAN IN HEH YA BKIMS EEhATIONSi containing practical rules fin-Amcrt-- 1 ran Females, for their conduct m the detail o£ crery domes- . aeduty. Royol red cloth, illustrated; US ■ Price Cacents. Hits work should bo nr Uie hands,of wmr . the young. Such Is Its popularity thotnea£ .ly ftmio i thousand copies, have, been sold In tho region or >• Now York olon?, wjtbln a vary. few- months. Also, a-now and very useful article of stationery for tho- preservation of" ' valuable papom, Ac., needed. for reference, • such iw letter*-..' invoices 3c» Its form U that of a. rcrap-Look, with leaves 1 prepaid for the reception of the article to bo tiled' thus ggperaedlng/srilh many adfratagea, the practice of binding Tlmretailpriceitaxe asfliUawsr*:^ t .1 Inyproxxd Jhcoforpntl Music Fitei- Cap.: PaQ.,htTur.;iaor;do. d0:.y... , Special comracta made for lnrce lata. orpodo™ part of JlffiS" ly ffllol5 * f,rcpa,d te * U T [ ! ‘ KOBEEt>. IfIOTO, • ' - ' '*y ; * ■>£ e EWE -,£*‘ I tJJOIL. Off: / moTe* S 9 00 00 9 00 'lt, 00 ' 15 OOt 15 00 9 00 I-- . j'tWckDcssJsiiiele f leaves. $1 00} leaves: :l:oo| leaves. ; 1 ooi leaves. ' l‘sol leaves. 1 50} ..l&OQleavca IGOi •pDOleatea h SP.Jenves 1 00| .~|£o leave#. l-:25l 180 leave* 1 oo] i I ft ■' •Hi =WM