The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, July 30, 1852, Image 3

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Tiw PATOta la Diamond Alley Is undergoing repairs.
■3^t’ : .“* JV'^f*?V-«^fe‘‘-.
4^*'-' r 5~ -f^^i/Vx-* , T^' < l “"' c - r f iXV’\' 1 v K > V«-* * "* _ r c '‘’ <: V‘ , A "" ' jl'
' Msuosnsof The Bin A matin' oru.<-
n „mWi-.of Hidßm Md aft.retwil, Id Uu>
"■'Court House, to-tftkc wuitvniiiasuws to tho dram
orDnnda-. Mdk-. ItmuirallM Id order I>y tho appoint
■ •nirntorOol:lUM6o»CliianM ,1 ,a |, dJ, B.Sawyer iuklA.B.
4 ■ MeCalmont; os Secretaries. . - • .. ;■■
'not Block, on taking the"chair statui, that lio ueod. not
finnailv • announce tbaVtlfo'olticct of tha meeting was to
rivo expressiontd.thc, feelings tho untimely
death of ayonugmember of (be Bar t J; Durubw Biddle. He
■'merely tools advantage of. the occosioii to. remark, that lie
had known the dtecaaod a lons thno, and always as a gen
•Aleman. lie came to the cityeevcral years since, by tho mb:
' rice and under the instruction of tho late Hon. lUcbardJßid
■ die. then at tho summit of lib professional fouie—amanwlio
ne?er forgot ft kiodnciw nor neglected .a friend. But young
IU-idlc was. soon deprived of the assistance and instruction.
' of tint great man. He had for ycara pursued
:\l career alone. Tlwtwareer.bad been. prematurely closed,.
im<l ho anil liU old fr»ud were now sleeping sldohy sido.> It
. WM fit that they should rest together, for tin>ugbtUoyouu:;
uno had not attained the years necessary to a wide spread
-Vet la tuo memory of all who knew him,
• well he would In remembered and cherished as one having a
. hij'h wiw of honor, ABound intellect, and in no manner un
worthy to possess a nama which is never mentioned but with
. : ;v- .-..■•V;.'
:0n motiou, Messrs. Knox, Campbell, and Eyster, weroop
. p unted o committee to draft. resolutions, expressive, of the
- BeiuMj-ofthe-moeUog. Thocommitteo reported thofaUowing.
r resolutions which were unanimously adopted. •
ntvtrrJ, 'That with feelings of the dcofftst regret, we do
' '•plote the denthof our doceased,'fv'llow:memDor .and friend.
■ -•• TfrfohWj.Thatwhother wo remember the biuccrity of his
. frlc*Dds'hii>—Lbo uprightness of his honor, or .the soundness
• ; - ends legal mind, we equally must regret thu sudden stroke
that takes him from our irddsh . ...
i?rroi«il. That we. will attend Ws funeral in a body,-and
that we will wear tlie.nsual badge, of mourning.
'' Bwi&d, That the chair appdnt a:couunUtee of three, to
■ transmit a copy of these resolutions to the friends of Mr.
*“ Tho Chair appointed Messrs on
'paid'committee.• v
; After which, the meeting adjoUrnod,^
.. Concents Inquest.—Coroner Arthurs was called upon
yodridaynTtaraoonvto hold an inquest on the body of a
. young girl, aged about eighteen yearn, named Uannah Aun
.■Walker. She died suddenly yesterday morning, about eight
o'clock. Dr* 81mw, mristod by another physician, mode a
jost mortem examination of the body, and gavo It, ag their
opinion, tliat tho deceased camo to herdeath by enlargement
of .the heart, produced by sudibn; excitement. The young
lady was-an orphan, and at the.tima oT her death resided
with her auut, in the Seventh Word, on Duncan street.
The Miss Walker whose’ death Ls recorded above, Is: the
; same person wlio- mode ‘ on ; Information; before' Aldonuan.
Thorajwm, afttiejSevcnth Ward, oh Tuesday, charging Cap
tain William Chapman with violating her person, at Seven
Mile Island, where she resided in the family of Captain C.
A warrant was issued, and the offender arrested, and coin'
imttcd. lie was subsequently taken out on a writ of habeas
brought before Judge Forward, who held him
to bad in (ho sum. of bus appearance before tho
- next Oiurt of Qnorter Sessions, iyps also charged at tiio
•> Iboc, tli&tMis* Walker was InjarMio severely ns to stand
in dnngcroriasfng her-lifo* from the injuries rbe received in
attempting to jirotoct her • person. The: physician testified
however, tlmt such was the rtato or the system oF MLss
AVaTkcr, that any sudden cause of .excitement, such ns a
fright, would have caused her death, by nn. enlargement of
. -the heart, which had assumed twice tLs natural size.
The Coroner’s Jiuy'returned a verdict that the. deceased
came to her death by an enlargement of tlie heart.
Gas AVouks.—We see by tho pubiislied report, that the
gross revenue for theyear has been 59, being uttho
riite of£l SO por thousoxrl feet. Dividend 9 per cent.; £3>
CDS (or per cent.) has been added to tbo Contingent Fund,
and $2,090 57 to the Excess Fund, for further extension of
-tlic mains, llic total pipe laid amounts to twelve nnlca and
ooe-hflh, of whicli C.OSOfeetoftwo inch pipe was laid during
the past year, Coahuswl this year 101,105 busheb, casting
$4103 50; coke and. tar sold, $Ol2OO .00. :■
Cos c xnsutned, fi....
IhivalA: consmucrs.
Public 1amp5.........
y.. w Tho curiout year," remarks the engineer, Mr.W* It
CrL’p, lias U-cn one of entire repa?o, oxcept a few boun’
deprivation t*f gas to Ihc imblic on the 20th of April, civurcd
hj the extraordinary high freshet. Since then, arrange.,
ments bavo-l«cn mode to meet such n catastrophe, with two
fecthlgber wnlcr, without anticipating a return wiiliin any
iteflniteperiod/? •.. : : .. •
lupßOvrm ’the SteuLTS.—We are qlad lo mc that a coui
mcnccmeni- lias boon made. toward-T making fome of the
e tree Is on t!.e lull, which so badly need the fostering earn of
our city fathers, pa?«iblc for vehicles, without eiidangering
lives. W'ohMer street Ls now being graded' preparatory to
tho paving, and we beheve it hr to bo widened; if
fhould be. But part of Wafblagtou street, Vrojioct, and
many other avonuej on the hill, sadly need grading and
paving. Measures should bo tol;en ab-o, towards grading
tliat port of Woshlucnon street, where the steps ore located,
in Fudi a wanner mto allow vehicle:) U> pass up on:the hill’
■fromthe cuizd without taking therouml bySoVeuth
Lost-ItoRSR B time fiimsV, a Jlr. Fergu
i»n,of Beavvr county, lost a horse, which bo fouuj jvster
day, in the uull; or one of our ijairj-nicn, who hail the animal, fattened him, and put htui touovk.—
The dairyman said that when the horse was taken tucharge
by him, he thought lie had bct*Q turned out to die, and it
-was a charitable part in Lhn In attend m 3 to (he wauls of
the animal. -. A short conversation before the Mayor, made
tho matter all rfjht, aud the nominate, to whom the animal
approximated; was surrendered' to the gcnGcmau ftam Bca*
Saved,-—Jt will prove good nows to the numerous friends
of the lndits nml gentlemen from this city, who were'on
board the fdeaincr Henry Clay when the accident, fits! to- x>
many persons, occurred, to learn that they escaped from tin*
wreck vithout any injury. The followingpervonu from this
city were on board the steamer at the timer Capt. Samuel
Dean,-’of the Uucfccyo Shite, - together with his hulyaud
daughter; Copt. C.AS. Batchelor, of the Allegheny, together
with his lady aud servant; &. IV’. Mullcu and lady, and IV -
Toe <lr.i:ruN Crocus.—-Thl* classic company, consisting of
of .the country,lmduf
ding theJUvera fondly and tho celebrated Edwin-Derious,
%rhOj our rcsincstrim friends will, remember, ralsal sneb ait -
rxcitcmcDtsoincUmuMncc with tbo beautiful mare Haldoc,
which ho brought front Europe, Tho Clown, u old Dan Gar
dner,” is attached to tbte establishment, as witty and full C f
funasever. It is mlUiog a lca?o to imo's life (0 while away
an evening under the auspices of Dan.
Heave Bain Storm. —Wc hod ouo of thoVeverest storms of
rain yesterday afternoon, we have ever seen. The high wind
end the thunder and lightning must have done considerable
damage, if it extended around our city any distance. The
wind carried -away everything portnluing to. our Floras
and warehouses, that was situated so ns to catch tho hfcexc.
The rain will no doubt proro a blessing to our fanners, who
luive Locu suUoring from a drought for some time.
• Goods uxnui False Pbctcsccs.—A woman aa*
mod Ann Quinn vrty charged before the Mayor yesterday, by
E. iSchoylilo,. with obtaining articles of furniture from
him by protending io bo tho wife of a customer.- Mr. Sch<>*
-TiUo.kecps a furulture'storo on liberty streets The woman
was coinmlttei for trial.
.-.-A complaint was also lodged against her by A*‘W*. Ballar*
det ds acbnunOn nuisance. ... ; y - -
.Frekhit.—Forty-two tons of drv goods were shipped to
' Cincinnati, -via Cleveland, on Wednesday, by .the .Ohio and
'Pennsylvania aud Cleveland and Pittsburgh railroads, at 00
, i -centeperlOQ.ilis.-.':'o;
- ThoOhlo and FenußylvanlaltaUroad Company have made
■'permanent orrangemenhi tOFlilp merchandise .through .fibiii
the Station far Allegheny City to Massillon, thonce by canal.
.- Cleveland; at3o cents per 100 Ibfl. . r .
: • Aectnrjnv—An nccldeut occurred on Wodncfidfly morning
. on the Cleveland and Pittsburgh Railroad. between Clove*
. land and Ravenna. A locomotive, with no cars oUacUcd to
it, ran over n inau who was upon the truck, killing hbjnih*
Htontly. I\e wore unable toascertniu thonamoofthomoo
whawas kiliwl.
Assault ax!> Battery.—Jacob Dalcobaugb made informn
: lion■fcoforoAlayor llcininp, of Allegheny City, yesterday
''iii6rnltig,-agnihstlieopoldSmyUjorafor w»gaultand,baUGiy.
Smythor* was hi.*ld to hall In the sum. of. $5OO to keep -the.
peaco aiid appeto at Court and answer the charge. • • ••
-‘•lhs^&tT^iiuth-&ge:t^;p,ii!^P4Tia> : crocon^ttod.
ti prison' on Wednesday evening, by. Alderman Thompson,
oTlhe Seventh"ward, chnipol on oath of Dulcey’a husband.
It 1* needle** to add that these persons are colored and bail
from the dark regions of IlayiL .
.NorllEumOPr-A young mAn named Jamcs.tfoysyth left
tills city on Monday nintit, io go to Eostliibcrly, and has not
bean heard ofslniti. Being fiick at the time he leftj great un
ovlnese 1« fult fur Ills safety by his relatives.
City Councils appropriating, ai. one passion,
ouohundrcd dollars to iinprovefllass HotiseTUpplo, and ow
hundred and mty dollars towards buying M'Gowau’sMnp
of Pittsburgh* for their honorable selves. • l-Jl'
graces jjv middle cross on the St. Paul-
Episcopal Church, was struck by lightning -yesterday, and
knoclved oil -the pedestal, on the roof; throe or four, pieces of
date vero also but this was all the damage doco*
, •ItoupCD.—Adamß* Exprc.43 will In afew days reduce the
price of carrying heavy freight* from lids city W Philadel
phia, to $2.50 per hundred pounds, - •.••••
New Finok—Tbe new floor oa the Manongahekt-Bridge:
Which workmen have been. cinployod tiinopast in
laying, hhsboai allputdown.: ? ; 'l.
# • ihowif ,Dom—A ballolley on lligh street, formerly kept
by MoSdtt,.was blown down during the severo storm ofycS
-terday afternoon. .. •••.
• ImrßED.—The floating baths wore tnjuredyesterday eve"
fling, tiy fho severe storm—one vide of the s\7iiumlng bath
being hbvrn off. ■ •.
. - WcKom ore progressing slowly with the repairs on this
fikle of the Old Allegheny Bridge- ' ' >■..'■
• CoutKG.—A doer of wonderful things, l in the shape of Heir
Alexander, will bo along this way soon.
ISSI. - 1552.: Id«va«*.
2s.o72.isn 4,fiii.B2C
.. 1.145 1:540 IC7
.. ; 2TfO KG7 70
■*\\ TTn /?•
• Iwinrr.'Wi STEAitcoXT9/-~Quile n number of steamers wwo
injured by the severe, storm of yesterday afternoon. The
cabin on .- the old hull of the steamer Diadem, which was:
about -being removed ion new hull nlongNWo, won totally
.The cabin of a new ; Cottou Iwah hulhUng for
CapL lliih wan very much .mjured—emo-third behig. blown
awayj'lt loilgpd on- the largo steamer, Colden .State, which
wa.l lying nlonuaMe.v -The Golden State, however,
na damage. .Tlio stern part of tbo hurricane dock of a now
-.Cotton boat was blown-one hundred fifty feet up tho
wharf. A Coal boat was sank at. tho Monongahela bridge,
which wns also severely affected by the high wind—vlhratlng
to and fro like a peudulnnu Tho Fort Pitt broke both her
lines and drifted out Into the river, hut sustained no dam
age/ ' Tbo Allegheny broko hor stern line.
-:: A 9PE«Jt3ino3r.“Wo lcaiti that a .odmpftny of ; rapitdlists,
- several of them residents of thin city,have purchased IkNlfnnl
.The.prico poid-WAs^lOOjOOOL;;;.Attfong ttie nurabor
of gentlemen woseo the name of-Ex-Cfov. IVm. F.. Johnston
of this city. The gentlemen named willundoubtedly make
the Springs a inoskdesirable placo for a rnuuUcr tour. 1 '
. Dkuwkei>---A boy waadrownedlostnightjlntho Allegheny
river. Ile wosluithingnttlie time, at tlio foot of AVayno
street. Ills body :was recovered and taken to hts home, on
Washington street., AVo dlii not learn the lads’ name.
Missies—-‘rho large imitation of a pine ftpplo on Uie tier
man church on Smith Held street, was blown uway yesterday
during.-the stOttn.. v .
Tnuusuvr Moaxisa, July 2<>. .
There was. not. much doing before his honor yesterday
xpoming. Joseph 11. Carr- was arrested for being on tho
street at an unrcosonablehour. Joseph was found lying at
a door, and was brought up by oQlcer llocil; Ite was fined
and In default, committed for twenty-fourhours.......Thomas
M. Long udmiltcd he was drunk, and no wotchmau appear*
Ingihewnsdischargod on the payment of afmo or fixty-seven -
forbelngdriuk in thoi;trccts
last nigbt and avory disorderly nmnner; lie
was fined two. dollars and costs...... James Mulligan, fiir
drunkenness and disorderly oondnet, and raising u disturb
anco generally, was committed for two days, in default of a
By tho O'EoUly lanea for the Morning Post.
: (Our despatches wero suddonly cut off yesterday ajiernnor*
by the revere rtorm which prevailed generally along the
lines, prostrating them in every direction.] .ItcpoatEh. /
New Yoas, July 29.
The steamer Europa arrived todav at-half post one, bring
ing 47 Sliepasreii the Niagara on tholTlh lust
and a laige rieamer on tho lOlh. supposed to lie tho Atlantic,
Liverpool Cotton During tho week previous to
tho foiling of tho Europa, the demand for Cotton hoe boon
extremely quiot: but tho principal cotton houses inako no
change in their quotations, though all the flu.iH) los may tie
quoted ono-»lxtcenth low. • Tho week's transaction* omount
eil to 42,000 hale.< including 0000 to iqieeiilators and 5000 for
r.xi>ort. The Flock on baud amounted to 093,000 bnle«. of
which were Aincricnn. against lost vear'a 7"3.000
bales, c-f which 557,000 were American. * '
The weather \ra.* verv worm anil a gr«at fi.».tne« in
tho Corn market. Flour was lVl lower, and Wheat had
fart3»«>r declined Id: loth articlo*r wero dnll.
• Dates fioni the Cape on>o**l Hope to tho 30th June repre
sent ontrazos and munlers of frequtml otvarrence. Then':
wa* no safety for life. An anuyof^WOCafiresdescend/ from
tho mountains and plunder* Ifo--<-olonL*tft, who ore K , Hbn ,r
their anti emigrating to Australia.
Oen. Ciulicart Is r.lmd making a general onslonght on the
strong hold of the Onffrus. Fifiy-ono w<unen and spicy have
been captured by the KnrlUli.
Nnw A’niiK, July 29.
Twcnty-tbWH? b»>lL»s were tvcoveroil lad night: among them
are fiflit-Q ftavdiv, The folloviug arv tlu' namcs of some or
The wlfo of Sir, .Stacy Bancroft Merchant of Phil a.
Air. and Mrs. Orven Tenincll. of iYltmlngtai, N »rtli Car
olina. ■ •
A. U, Downiu/*, E>j.. Editor of the HnrticuUurolh:t,*NVw
•W. i\ Bay, wlS* anddauqbter. of CincinnaM. •
Goorgo 11. Marcher, resideuee unknown,
• Brofewor Barllett. Ci>lU*gi:iti? InstUution. lMuThki»ep.-I»’.
Stephen Allen, Ex-Mnyor of Ne»v York.
Mr*. Bailey, wife of Professor Bailor, IVest "Point, and her
two chlklren.*
. John L. Thompson. Lancaster. Pennsylvania.
Miss M«»ro» of Tcnr.tvwx*.
- The wife and chilli of Adam Murray. Cixirago.
. 7\'iUiani 11. Whitlock, of Now York.
Mrs. U S.-Haskell, Laurel Hill. N. J„ injured.
• Miss Tucker, of Millcdpevllty Georgia.
V lid* It Prescott, Louiohmo. ’
Fifty or sixty poßfiongcra are still tu»»idng.
Tlw Ijoatwasworth-fjjO.OOOnnd was Inßurwl for sVkiO. /ho
was owned by B illlara Bradfi/nl.
Capl, Collin's bvtimnnv f*efore the C..roner*s Jurv, ron
den* itwrtr.iu that the steaun’r war, racin ' when theno» id.!nt
A lot of without ownerr. inarkc*l M. A. F« WH
miiigtou; J. C. Ihxiugluim. TklrolU .Mb'.-) 11. Clement*. IUI
- has been recovered.
. ‘Boo-tox, July 20.
Tho schooner Klying Cloud reports throe Imtidn-J
In the (luif orSU lawronoe. and that Jlarkrot are very
scarce.. v
- Tho l>Tig Halifax, In tlio Uiy, has hcvn ordeßHl to scire all
rvejwds fishing within the lino InLl down by the ihi'l/li Uor
.erronmt, which cuts off vcsm is fl.-drimr in all groundi? pxivpt
iu tho neiabborhend of Jri>;ur and Magdalene lAhsad. A
duty of fix. {y.i.v? Litd on vessel*. for am-lrorage, by
the bos never been r*Muirvd before.
A schooner from the buvcf St. Lawrence rojjorts, that on
the 23d. a British steam fri_:Me was peon off Jasper, with
ttro American (L’dicrnica in totv.- There were fburteeu Brit
ish war v«tfvlr» on tho ffrouhdvand four others 'fitting out
atSlJohns. . •' :
IIALnMORr, July 2i).
The CVrtorod Meus Convention concluded their Lariness
yivtenbvy and adjourned sine dm.
The platform principles were aincnilftl ami. adopted with
great ummimHy. The platform divkhsl ground iuT.v
vor nfcmigrnMou, and, without recommending that place. L<
ftiTorablo to Ulvrh. It alr-o for th<« Mu
rallon and elevation of the colored }K'oj»le, and the obtain*
ment of proper infonnatiem hi. relation to LiU’rm, the West
Indira, and other point* of emigration. - •
The eouventhat will moot again uext y«*ai% .. >.
Jvlw York, July '2?\
Among thp«s roved from lhn Henry Clay are: Oiptolu 8.
IX*an, lady, and daughter; Capt. C. VVVUarhelor. lauy, and
pervnut; U. W. Jlulb-n. and n. A, Irvine, all of Httxburgh.
Al*vlb A. Spring, of Cincinnati; T. W, Mills* of Columbus.
Ohio; K Coor<cr, of 3lemphis; nnd John IV. Whiting and
Tady.ofNewOrlcans. :
New YonK, July 20.
A dispatch has just-hccn reixlvcxl which states tliat more
than tlfiy dead bodies liarc Ixhmi fnmil—makimr. In all, n'-ar
seventy llrvs which are ascertAlned to In lo*t. A gnntjetnan.
who has just come down fVoui tho tioaU sayslhcre arc now
fifty dead bodies* lying on the elioro.: •:
■ Tin* mail Is through from Now Oi'lcatts.
The Norfolk, jxipcrs rtahi that orders havo been meived
at the Uosport Navy Yard, to fit .out Urn frigates Columbia
and Savauuah immediately, for foreign rorvicc.
. . . -.Macux,- Gb~ July £O.
Tlie ficnlincl announces by authority, that Hcnotor Daw*
son will support Gen. Sccitt. .
. NEW -YoaK; JuJy 30—1 I. .
Flour.;.&ilcs4OoObbU at $4.18: Wo*t<*ras4,o<3.. tlrniu.,.
Sales 000 bushels \r«*U»ru MTieat at $1;. 0000 bu?hcl*.iuix<'d
Corn nfc <VJr<£G4. Provixtorui.M’rime i’ork 817,70; wr’M <lo.
SUO; Tlio mmoimcvmcat of tho Uuroim’s arrirnl Juis chixk
al business.
CiSCIXN-vrr, July 23.
The river Lsfalllng slowly. weather very worm. Tlour...
Dnehnnped; sales 400 bills at ••
352*.'' Provisions... Stagnant- Cofle&.,iSflle9 at 9J4. . .
A. TintUc f
■cr ■■■•.■;■ turtr, No.lOfl WocdHtivct, Viltslmrsli, l*a.
Alarcna W* Achcsoo,
* A TTORNEY AT XPW Office, Fourth street, between
./V fimlthfleld and Grant.
; Kcfercuces—C.lhmscn, W. & P, Wilson, aud MTCnlgnlTr
Brother. * • - . jyftfcy;
’WilUani m. Gormly,
• street, directly opposite Eagle Hotel, Pittsburgh, Pa. (jy2B:y
raAXCu flow; .John biros;
Pitfclmrsb. : • Maryland ••
.Sellers) Klcol* &>. Co.,
. No. SOO Überty street, Plttfllmrgh, Po.
Sperm, Uoeeednißl Lard Oil*. . • • : , Jy3d
JAMES OSTKOM^CO-Liberty Street, Kew Vork.—Having
been many years in the JOBBING SILK BUSINESS, Jo-
New York, the Undersigned has noticed, that to do a genertU
Credit Jiitsinctt aixry targcprofit on the goods is, Ueccyjmry'
ind Gmt a burnt; fast op tub niorrr is kam.vpox a:t>;w
articles, hobos. ihcrcfbro commenced dealing principally la;
¥o£££ goods, nnd upon the
Exclusive Cask System,
• Add can guarantee every customer a rav»o or at . least H>
list of Goods* of which acomplcto assortment will Always 1*
found at this establishments . .... ,
- Having Riven this. system a~falr trial, nud received nu
merous orders from tlrangen tn gyam, ihn uudrr
6i"nrd is convinced :that the above i» the only
-it true.system'*; of doing business, and Invites a call from nil
dealers visiting. Ncrwr. York, to purchase goods. ; ;
30 Liberty-street, next door to th© Tost Office,
1*29:101" (Intßof thafirmof Blcsifts. Snydon & Co.) ■.
XItTHITEFRIARS ; cb,..Tim iasttam o? ctfARLES tub
W Jin Historical Komautx: Large octavo, 2lo
races, Ulnßtratwl- Price 60 cents, ;;
This woifc-wblehhas achieved a great popularity la Eng
land, is now Ifrlhe first time placed; before an, American
nSulc It has been compared by English critics with the
Wks of 'Walter Scott* and ievmr pronounced ■ by some to bo
tfcb "best Ustorfeal romance pFncothp appearance, of “Wavcr
ly H ♦ply, period the scene is laid* is replete with
rome of the mo*t remarkable personages and incidents on
the Wes of English history, affording- the -richest of mate-
TUo 3 utbOTlas fkififully Introduced Into
• his Work idl theso personogesand inodents, thereby succeed
ing in riving. “ns aim«io mirror,-the very hue ond.lorra of
the time; the whims, the passion*, the crimes, the subtleties,
the very personages.** The plot : and incidents: arc of the
most absorbing and interesting: kiuL.’,The interest never
flags; situation upon situation, adventure upon adventure,
-crowd ona after tho other, enchaining tho attention, and do*
.lighting the Imagination,' The reader finds in every page
the stomp Of thorftuthor’A power, and he cannot rise Item
the perusal of the book without admitting it to be one of
the greatest and most powerful of modern romance*.
Publishers, 134 Nassau ht., New York*
Copies cnreoclpt of prtai as above.
Newspapers copjtng'tho above, (including tiii« notice,) nru\
railing attention editorially to the some, will receive o ropy
of the booh, froe of postage. Jy2B
’ ;l t ! a.
' /' ? -"v
_ roRRnMmtviU.TF.IR HC!
Patrick* &, Friend, Ej
United Stated Ga 1868.;.^....
United Stotc*sH.lsfiB;..;,. i , ■***
PcnnsylvaniaOfi.lB6B. *****
Allegheny connty 65;..-,..; ...■,
Allegheny county coupoas..--.-..--
Pitistmrgh city 05..:;;,...;.
-Pittfibufgb city payoUf
.Now York.i... .......
Ailogbany City Oa.
Allegheny City* coupons, payable
in Philadelphia
Bank of I’ittsbnrgli.....
.Merchants * Manufacturer**Bank
Exchange 8ank..;.........;.;...,
. Farm pry Deport 8ank.......
-Allegheny Saying* Bank ....
MonongaheU 8ridge..,,.,...;..
St, Clair street 8ridge..........
Hand street 8ridge......;.....,
Northern LdicrtlcA Bridge.
. Western liwuronoo Company......
Citizens’ InsurrmroCompany....,,
Associated Itremorfa Company.;;.
. Atlantia and 0hi0...:.....,....,...;..;
Mttsbnrtfh, Cincinnati * Louisville
Pittsburgh (las W0rk5..;...,.........
Monongabeta Slock water.......;....
Pennsylvania Rai1r0ad..............
Ohio and. Pennsylvania Railroad..
Cleveland t Pittsburgh Railroad..
•Marino Railway aud Dry Dock....
. Turtle Crock Pinuk Rood
Perrysvllie Plonk R0nd......;..
Greonsburtr Turnpike..........
Cluirtiurn Cun! Company-..
. Pittsburgh and Boston.
North American*.-*......
North West..,..
North Western—..;,.;
Ohio Trap R0ck.......
Pittsburgh and Isle Royal-...-...
Douglas Houghton...
Rtlge... ;
Fire 5t001......
Coiling - ..
Aster :
Forest.. .;
TronCUy ,
Hoot* & Sargent, Sxeliange Bankers,
t\intcr<if Wt/uft.nmib*rlh tirtrix, Pitlibutyh. [
Pittsburgh Bank*--,..,.., jur.iStntoßk.aiul liranf-hes...
Philadelphia “ pnr.iOtherwHent 8ank5......
UrownfiVUle “ par.lßauk of homluskv.-
Buckscounty a ......... par.1Grn0riH0............
ChcslyrCb.(ttcuvis*ue).~ par.) Norwalk..:: :....
Columbia Bridge Co par.jUrbana......
Ihnvlllo %k .. par.lWotwiyr
Itolrvvare ro. u par.l INDIANA.
Doylcstovn *•: pnr.!Btatcltk.flmllimm:)io4...
Easwm •• par.! ILLINOIS.
(icrmatitown.‘ v ......... par.|?loto Bank. Branch-,...:..
LancaMcr Batiks t ,~ par.iliatik of 11Mn01«....
Lebanon * *br.! KENTUCKY.
Montgomery ny Banks... parJAJI fcohent 80nk*....-...
Northumberland u ... par.) . MISNOUBI. i
JVHtfiTilU’ *• ... par.ibtnlohk.and branches,.. V |
Kciulitut ... porJ MICHIGAN. j
Schuylkill county •• ... por.l All solvent Bunk* n !
Washington . ... par.) WISCONSIN. j
AM Branch •* ... juir.jMnm;o 4 Pirn Insurnawt s
par.! Ci. at Mlhvauku'-.,..... d !
Carlisle . TENNESSEE, !
Chaxubersburg K! All ivilroat, Bank*.. a I
tiettysbunrh •KiAU solvent Banks I
Harrisburg... $$ SOUTH CAUOLINA. I
ItuwHlale £2l AH Mdvynt Hanks.... VA 1
Middletown to GEOWHA. !
Wayncsburg - to All solvent Banks..- 11-,I 1 -,
York Bank*. to ALABAMA.
ItehiTNote.? .. . to All «Jrent Bank*.*.-.... i>
Culled States Bank W | UiriSlAN.i.
: AllwtUrny CltyfcHji,-... par.lAU holvont Banks I*4
i I’UUhur/h tltv ** «.... pot-i —-
! Allegheny Co. * « ......pram.} EXCHANGE*
i NEW YOUK. tXowYork..; ~ V^prcm.
i New York Cut pnr.|Bhilnitelplua-......... Vipram.
1 Onsntry Banks.. Vipmn.
| N.KW JEUsEY. [Ciorinnntl - 1 dlw't.
j All evdri-ut Bank* .. tobnubvllle.... 1 dK:'t.
i OKLAWABIi. .. ISLI/mU iMdLc't.
t All solvent Banks} ——-■
i small Notes n« VALUE Of WIN*
i MABYLAND. jAnviiraullold{uew) par.
i.■ Baltimore Banks. par,; AnierUan Gold told)..' pr'ni.
I CYmntry Bank* _.£4 W
j VIIUJIXIA. hiulnean 5 00
1 B,*mkofYn. 4 toFrcderiekdor'C.,,-,.. SO
{• fonuoi>'Bk.4hran<!t(‘:... toTeo. Tha1er*...,.,,...., 4 7 M
I Valley Bk. 1 branrhc*...,. toTen CulMer*..... AIM)
1 Ktehnnseßk. 4 Branches to I/>ul*d'c>r........ . 4 £5
! Wheeling Ikinks- VrJ. Nap»>hTfn<. 3 M
| lJTMjrhcn • V..; DnuMpoil*, I'atnoU Kj *U
t NMVKNGL.AM), jDouhkous. .Sjian'teb 10 £j
} AU r-olfcnt Banks -J-iiDucats 2 10
wnRnTCDWfxKir r«v* tmk fmitiuvmT ov
•V". it A'iuj x!r*rf,o)>]*t£!jf lAc AJ<ra/Mgjh<L.t Ifnu**.
. .#in Cta'MfinrMKxv* Auuoituj. rfcx .
Norr.—lt musk V horarTn th? qnnUtfan* n*-
fcorted la this review, »‘vppl wlu-u olU<twlao i?j>.vjfrtvK ntv
ilm vludwale ndrs; ami that In nil «\*3»*,ln filling small
older*, au advamv of from 3to 6 iviil. will be added.
KEMAIIK3.—In review lug our market carefully fur the
past wvefc, we nre unable to note any movement of internt,
nnd our quotations of bud week, with but four cxcvpiloDs,
remain unchanged.
The weather ha* continued hot onddry, wUhouoor two
occajhmsl j'howerw, which verved to lay thedwt and cool
the olr for w-vcral hours. Our riven-Me exceedingly low.
and gradually falling which tnatca It now difficult for our
lightest rrafta to leave our port with halfloads. ■
Hudum generallylme, If anything, been tuotu dull and
.inactive tint j.ast wrek than the previous one, and until bar.
- verting *hall have* l*vn brought lo.a rlcse, there it hut Utile
pjvspeet of burtnrojv being active, '
It l< rath factory to know that the ham-rt prospoet* con*
liouc good, nnd every probability of trade ojculng with sc*
cowed energy the coining fall pwlsou:
The Providoa market continues firm, and a l * (lie ftcck in.
create?, price* grow more fim, the stock liclng exceedingly
light—much lighter than at lids time last reason. In drain
vre notice an ndvnnrv, iu. consequence of no nwlj-b', w lib an
active demand. !
Tlte Metal market I* active, with extremely light stock*—
prices continue to advance. Wo ore Infbnncd that good Al
legheny would couinmud $2? to $2B, four mouth!*. In hng-
JawL we notice Mctol very active, with free solos, and in ices
keeping on the advance. • ■
Hour, in conrequencft. of the very lhuitrd amount coming
in, has advanced, and the flock In sturu* becoming reduced.
Tho sales nnd demand ore-exclusively confined to home con.
• sumption.. »v■-•.•■>.• r '_
In Fid), for No. 3 Mackerel therein a steady demand, at
prices a shade higher than lost week’s quotations.
Wool ix in demand, end has fligbtly advanced for all do
. ncrlptions. p - . ■ •
Itarmonc, July *J9.
APPhES*—The market as yet. Is barely supplied with new,
and prices nominal. . .
AHllHB.—UUlcdoinjr. demand Marital; small wiles of soda
at cash and time: wiles pearls at £)).£, 4 mot*.: salern
pots nominally
Al.&—Thera continues a regular brisk demand for tills
nrtlrfo. We quote ManuftLcturm’ prices—regular discount
off for cash.
Bavarian Bwr, per. bhl. .........$OOO
Common perbbl. 0 00
XX do :, • 800
XXX do- .. 000
Common half 3.50
XX do : 400
XXX do .. 4 fiO
Common quarter 1b1?.... 1 75
XX do ;
XXX do : . 225
Uraoni Inqury fbrbloujus lu umaH lots
nnd prices liato slightly advanced. Wo note p&fcsof 40 tons
Sanlataatssotos6B, . . ' >:
BUCKWHEAT VLOlHb—Tho reason for ibis article la
‘ about over, and very Jittlo demand: wo. therefore quote
nominal at $1,37@1»u0 100 Ibw; by..ttm sack 75{p;b7c.
, rßßOQMB.~r'nje ptock Jh larpn and prices nominal. Wo
quote at from76e;sl, $1,26(«;1.75 worn, stows. :
HKESWAX—Thene U but JiUJo ottering; good lots of yel
low. w»» quote at32@24c.-
BEANS—Scarce and much wnutod; Email whltu would
readily commandfct,7s{£s3. .
. BULK MEAT—#o soles
BUTTISR-rDall; -solos at 10(312; demand limited, ;
,• BUCKETS ANDTDD3 Manufacturers"of .the-Beaver
Buckets and Tubs have reduced their prices, and sales are
now-puuleinlots,byour'merchants, atdl,7p(g>l,S7 for the
former, and o@7, for the latter, article,.
BACON.r-SiniubUr Inst, tho stock, has been considerably
worked off, leaving but light stocks in first hands, which has
reused a. corresponding. advanro in Eome descriptions.—
Among the sales of tbo week. wo note the following,—GSOOlbs,
Shoulders at 81£; 3000 do. ifAms fftf; 700 Hams 10; tiOO do.
• lOVf: 20Wlb8 Sbonldfiw-8% ; 2000 . do. 8U; -10,000 lb* Sides.
ffK; 3000 Bnc Sboulders B££; 2000 lbs. I lams I>X J 3 hhds..
IlmoslOf COOpw. Ham from Smoke. House, 10*4; 2 lihds.
3ootts..Shouldersftom Smoko HonseO; 3’
tierce? Sugar Cnrallhims 12; 11 Ro. at 12,000 lbs.
Western 4 monilif.
an) confined to small lots to city and coun
try trailiy with little or ho change in prices; Uio stock is
ample; by thohiig 11@11]4'
COTTON YARNS—Tho following is a corrected list of tlio
prices Of Cotton. Yarns, by.which it will bo seen that an ad
vauco has Ixwn made by the xnanufuctorew;
* ‘ \ ' ‘ POUM> TABS.
•: Nos.:s,C;-7.i 24.
8 a 10 10 20 _.....85
11, 12 - IT 18 23
Candle Wick.............. 10
Crnffirt Chain...«. .19
• 35 1 . 1 i;.,..V,«....„.«20 OoTerlet Yarn.....»,.M..‘22
Ifi. .21 Cotton Twine ~,...17
...22 Batting - ,
No* 600 1 -Nos. 800. fA
700 0| TIOW*
CORDAQK—Wo have no alterations nuder this head, . Tho
following Is. acorrcct listof f«rlc$»; : •.•,;•• :
Mnniil%bytbe_Coil.M.,“« .......16c.
* Hemp,'^
...loe. r.
•White •• •
•* »* when cut... «.«» •J2e«
Tarred. Rope, by C0i1.,« »Joc.
Manilla Bed Cords 42,00@i3,«K?2*4,00
Hemp « « 41.G0@52,25fc53,0Q
: CORN alEATf—Salea from stores at4s@soe. bus. • ~. ,
CHACICEBB—The market is yreU supplied. ,\\o giro our
table corrected anil quote: . .. . :
Water Cracker <*•
Rutter “ - fo*
ST' : ■::-::i::.:::: : :"::-:i::^'||i
COPI’KR—We give the Card prfro of tho Pittsburgh Cop*
• l«r Works. ' Ingots Io@2oc, Jh. Sheet—for . Braziers 24
DRIED PR HIT—We continue to quote light stocks with
regular sales at for apples, and $3@3,25 for peaches
. as to quality.'
V I ' l or •» -■
* , V j| ,* * t-M»
• '•; -:V. ; y'X'V^
= '7- :?T ! r - !^b ' V '4rVi.H -••-
* ' <1 4. ** •? *i* * , t \ t k * t! *r f « - v
- “I /- -
*V— ♦ V *
•• “i f-'l'-'.v' 1 ;. ' ,; vV'Wv ;'.■»>-•► -v.: '" ■ '" V < ■ .■
V .
. ' 1 n
PBltoEls OF
l xtrMs' l
Bml »
. $ 117,00
. - 100,00
igc Ur«
1 'AtiretL'-
: 10,00
- 03,00
; 0,50
OmcT or ran I>.\jlt Slubxiso Post. . )
;FriO»7, July Sh 1852. /
_ <• , e
DEICT of <><JW cure 4 moTasnol st
llcroe Common 9}£@loc.
EGGS—Iii moderate request at:9«slt.
* FLOUR—In conswiucucw pf almost a tottrt suspension of
receipts,filers Lavo wen very,meagre. Transactions were
mainly, from stores. ,Ou. the wharf, .woqaotewhat frwealc* ■
and jJ5.25@3,40 for
Extra; Trout stores about HWa hi»lj*. atfV2o 4 s3.2fr*ad *3,fio
for Sup.*rfiiio-to Extra. In tlw Eastern Matketsvto«w).titufl{»‘-
of all kinds arc dull uml Mined. Tiro hist/Stcamcr from
Europe brings a .further ..dedino in European Jtruulvtufby
caused by prospects of the groin erop.throughont Europe. ■
GRAlN.—Owing to thoJjght receipts, grain haS bocoiho
scarce, and prices baya-farUwr tuiranccd, with agood tbi
uianiL Wenoto bales or oW rms. Oatft at Co; 70 -do. -from
store C7J.£ 300 bus. In lots 600 do* to arrive, at 30; IQo
from stmfe nt4o.' Corni we iinoie46Q>4oiat : whkii Wehave
sa!i*a re|>ortcd. Wheat, we quota City Mills’ prices; Medito*
ranenn 62; C 5 for red;.7o^*7o,for wldte. Eve 4.Vtfrio Ibirloy
45@4B,froni first lmiids.'
GLASS.—There w a l*ottcr.feelim; In tbe market for GIo*V
caused by. tho stoppage of manyoftbc manufacture?... It- is
the Impression that prices wjll advance. We msote oouhtrv
brands of Bxlo, at£LS7@2LSj;- 10xl2, g2jr4@2!7o' *
&UMOf from,mmnuacturers. for
l>ox: 10x12, .There N more
CrmucjwontbopartofboldDrs,. - -•h-,'!
lirDlW—Me note, sales: or Cry Flint tit fltfMOe* Citv
slaughter, green,' at A ':■■■■ ■■■■■.
HAY—Sales at the wndcs at fcoui $0 to $l3-ji tn n ;
llOl'B—lie quotfl sah\s In a small way from stores oi 39
!@4o.cts». V ; ‘
11KMP—There is not much doing iu. this Arlicl* - Wc *iuote
HOMINY—From stores, sales at fc4,60®4.J6 » bbl.
... LARD—Wequote bblslf®-^,
-liKAD—The stock in first hands is larger limited sales are
ma<h>Ats{as!4torpig.nnd 3&<«Sofor bar. .
NAVAL STuttES—W e quote Koslu at $2.75@3,00 per bbl;
Tar $2,75@8,25; Turpentine 45(n;5p0.';
OlLS—WeqUotoho.l LardatBo@Si»; N 0.2,70.2,70 to7G; Liri
?<*od, CTayjTO. 1
IRON—Tho manufacturers? card prices forcommon bar 2
by y. Is 9 Un other sixes in proportion.
NAILS—The i-ard prices for nails ore:
From 104 t040d..
Cdantl 7d.
Bit. IW-
I $.100,00:
- 100,00
• 100,00:
X f*O,OG
GO 00
: 50.00
A regular discount off.
FIG METTAL.—Tho market Is Armband prices continue
. to look up. Borne of our holders of pood AUogbony, asking
higher figure*. W* note a rale of 60t ton* Jttxl Bank ot 527,
4 month.'-; the hhho inctnl, we arc informed, would readily
command SJ3. Hnnging Itack is bold Una; wo quoto'SdiGp
4*29. In Europe prices are steadily advancing under an in-
.... • . \ >.
. I’OTATOfcB.—Tho market la becoming bettorsupplled with
now Potatoes, -and.pales oro- loado. in market, at Sl{Srl,&{>
KlCl*—We quote s;di‘:< during the w«'.k in tierces at
; BYK FLOCK—Tlioro Isa good demand for this article with
nuipl* supplies?; prices not vo flmw we note ..sales at $&7& to
K,OO bblfromfirstbands. : ••- •■ >-.-=■. :•
. BBKDS—The season is over, no transaetiuns; Clover $4.50
&& TimoUiy
tfUOT—Sales from stores li)' the kegal.glS; by the bag at
BALT—Sales from stores by the dray load at $l,lO hbl.
SPIC Ki>— I We lave no transactions of consequence tonote
lu this article; we quote Pepr-cr la teg* at lu)£$lle; Al
itphv lPtfi.lftc; Ctniuinioii 30y:40cby the mat.
STAP.OU— Sales are regular from bythe
SHEEP PELTS—Prices nro nominal.
SMI* AND CANDLES—Manufacturer*’ prices: Soap 4c
aslc Mould Caudles 11« Ihpjtoldo.OcjUfc'countoff..
SOAl 4 —>Ve ijuote at 4CislV 4 c by Uw lot.
TALIjOW—AVo now quote Beef Tallow at 7&>7 *.& Sheep do
, .(£r-7 , 4e. ■
t n I WHISKY—There 1* a steady and good demand at 17 to
# j lSets.
;*? I WiXlL.—Sinco our last, wo have. not Iwn advised of any
‘ material change, Imtfonucrpneca are Troll maintained.—
•Wo quote al*pW os theout »kle figim* for full blood,
-v {at which n>ioUis rnvlily token. conresnandlng
' 4 | advance. In all the Eastern Wool Marfce.kvas'wHi Lie seen .
I from the Commend'd .List- of 21th, State* that a light a*h
r vanee htul taken place In tied market, over the price* of the
f> j preceding week; with rales during Ur; wook,. a* follow*:
v 1 ai t 35,U00
< K do. 40£H3 &r}£ to good % blood. -
Staiuicr Atlantic., Parkinson, Brownsville.
“ Halite. lU'mu't, RnronaTtlle. *
»* Thomas flirivcr, Halli-v, \\ cst Newton.
Ktcfiwrr AUaulio. Parfeinson* Bnisrn.svllhv
»• Ualtte, Iteunct, nrovrnßvHlr.
»• Thorns Sit river. .Galley, est Newton.
*♦ Uav. Meta*. Mmnk, Cincinnati.
»• Loudon.CinrlonatL
IVeAneßday Packet for Cincinnati.
I re*i=9> Tne uinf wul &** running steamer ClJiCIJf
i SATi. .P».4KB -Master. frlU leave regularly every
¥<*t . freight or passage,apply on Innnl, or to
•• ’O. 15. MILTRNnKROER.
I'dr tthfnimlng and Catfltth<
rtrt», • Tnu l!;ht draught oral pleasant steamer
l/.jlr LA BION, Capt. Mititxu ifl. will leave the Alio
uhmf, on Momtajv Wudttwd.iy and Ki>
<lav*, at y oclotW, I'. for KlftaruiiO}: ouJ CnttUb. For
fmUht or npplp <itt loanl. . ■ • novlS .
VorXoiiFßcac'F SnVlcUa, Parkersburg,
and GaltlpoiSa*
ever*,, The fine steamer (iOV. MEKJ? } SHOE, Ma*
TjJirU fcfVtrr, trill kave for tlxe nlx>vn and inlonnwllate
rFr-\v?f [imliilr rmrThihiliti nr fl rVlirli P M
For freight or pasrasp aj»ply on loanl. or to
f,U . . ; JOHN FLACK, Ascnt.
For Marietta and Ilorlclngportr
Tiwtiupsteamer PACIFIC, Ji\xuini
14Fi4»gMa^L i T, trill IcArr C»r the Mwvu ruKllntfruusil*
MsstesaSsialo jtortv, ctcnr TIItIUSJ)AY, ttf 4 o’rkvfc, I*,
M, i'or freight w MSfcwo; n:»nlr on ImM, of t-y
No* fit.Watt»f Miwt. and 03 Front st.
siarlctfln? Parbernbarg anil ilocklngport
.■ Thu sicnawT HAIL COLUMBIA, A. 3, CttASC.
will leaf* i*iurfcur£h <wery Monday, «t
o'rlook I*. returning. will- l wire Ihacking*-
port «vm Tac*Jaj, at 0 itVlock A. M.
w! may rely no 11* utmost ftrcnm*
mutation etui proroptiwk*. - •IV.ILWIIKfU.KU,
nittrO *4 Market rtrwt.
A rv WOOL DAUB, oa band and for sole by .
WU H.LKK. 13» Liberty »t
hlpbfirt prlcu IN CASH, paid foe WOOL by
1 jya> • 11. LEfblS!) Liberty <b
COFMaWPrlra* Rio oed Java, la More amfibr sat* by.
XT' ~<i. sl,'UAU~>air i<» prime. In store and Ibt sale by
j> . jyS) KING * MOORHEAD.
if IRINDs'DISE.**—A Kit on coirslpnmenb for tale by
C~i LA*.s—utHwxea 7by imUom, in rforooml for rata by
B"razil"sUoA*R— W Usp prbnv*Uhlfe7for« ~
jyli_ , KINO & MOORHEAD.
ITUIATIIKIU*— ‘AMID primtfdife Grew?, fbrwUe by
< Jy‘» > - - STUART k SILL
BKf^WAX— InKtorrandforraUjby •
7~i LASS—<Sub boxen a«.TOTUxlnlac3> for Halt? by
\ x ir-ii _ . • . STUART & SILL
BItUOMS— 170 dozen. to elw* AXifttyinmiL by
lytn ■ _ j stuart a sill.
TrVNfXlAll— IWjvm pure Cidor, In ptniv.
V _jy2l ‘; _ _ .STUART k SILL
OIL— 10 bbK .No. 1 llauk, in jiture and for tale by
X7’KXliSO.S~Ouolbs prime cured ((amt. for Mileby
PIG METAL—7;'i toris on band nud to arrive, focr&la by
S' WRITS Of TURHKN'fiNE—26 hbK for tale by
jylO • . , 11 A. FAHNESTOCK A CO,
(1 LASS—6O Ijoxoh Hby 10 and Id by 10, for talc by
BACON —llasi*, isidu*aud Shoulders. for salo by
EiCfc/ Q tierces prime:
60 Pjb superfine Flonr of llice.. for wile by
Jy2l 3. H. WILLIAMS A CO.. 22 Wood at.
BUCKETS— 76 do/.cu, in More and lor Nile by
jyftl . No, 0 Smlthficld street.
tIIIKAU DELAINES.—A. A. ALUM* A CO., arc uow open-
J inf! 10 ca«?s mote of those extraordinary cheap Delaines,
at 8 cent*. . • •■; • ■ • JyS2
BEDFORD mineral WATER—In )iair iiarrels, always
on linnd, anil for ndc by
riMIK WAV TO KKEI* (XHJL—Is to go to Hood's, 61 Mar*
i kotstriHst, and purchaw one of hUTpry flno B|>anlsli
FAN’S, which ha is rollin'; At about on&halftno usual price,
jyftl •;■ . •••■•■ .>■■■■••■•■■• ■•■ • ■ •■ ...
BKREGK DK liAlNl®—s caws Ihst colored Do
Laiuos, at 12*< ccnL», jvtst.rcrcivcd at
•- . A, A. MA6ON & CO-'S,
jy22 : . 02 and 04 Market street.
tV Of ouroTrn curtnir, in wnoke*houre and forfaloby
lIKNRV srpUfi^^J l A POn
jy22 corner of Penn and fltiycta.
P* EITKU BAUCKL—I& bxs. popper S&uco, put up by Un*
deneood, of Boston, for *pJo by •
jy24 i .. . Qrocorn and Tea Dealers. •
ffiABUS HALT.—2ft doz. fax*. fine gruuuil Table Suit, put
1 up expressly for family use. tor gale by
■ • I ,■■■■. w.-A. srcLuno & co„
jv2l ' No, 250 liberty ntreot.
U do -RurnaimifUto, Hue .Apple and Oinger do;
1 do '•' Raspberry Vlac{tai» for <alo by .
t\\ A. M’CLURfI & CO.,
jylO •' No. 260 liberty et,
Adams Ob Co«’s .Western Express.
IUiDGCTIQN. OF FUEIGHT.—on and after
; MONDAY, August 2d, tho ante of frolght on hoary
geode will bo reducod to£2,&Q :10G£b&, from Philadelphia
to Pitinburgh...
jy2o DAKER A FORSYTH, F^rentfl.
For Sole* ■
mWKLVE acres of poodlatat well cultivate, with ft large
X ordmrd andnicadow,fUtuated in. Indiana
ou the rchrviewroad,'about* toiloanda half from Uio Ciw
tut), and about tm> miles from tho city, will bo rold at pri
vate >alo, fbr SCOO. - TcaTOsmwle.casjraiid tofluLtpurcliawre;
a cousMorabla Jengiikor timo will bo given fot payment,-
I’or further particulars apply to ;. -
On tbo Promise*.
“ifottce to Stockholders.
TUB Stockholders of the Pittsburgh nod Stcubenvlllo
lluilroiul Company, oro hereby notified, that the second
.Instalment of five• deltas per flmrelsnow called-In, and
‘will ho-paid into the Tivasury of said company, on or before
the 12th day of August next, nfc tho Treasurer's Office, No.
64 Wood st., Pittsburgh. *
By order of tho board of .Olrectorp.
jy2Bitf IVM. A, HILL, Treasurer;
TTM)It iUANSION, wUldn a few squares
•X; of tho Court- Houh> ; largo' enclosure, shade trees, and -
shrubbery r abundance of Irenes; Btnbling for,three orfoiuS
herpes. Possession given wlthlnthrce weeks; lease for throe
years from next April, without raise of-rent. This is o bar-
KUln. Setturity tor rent, iuul good condition of property,
wlil-be required.; The present occupant la going to tho coun
try. Apply to • ■ CURTIS & BOBBS,
' No. 123 Wood street
- - *■ f'
wy, . C cauftt Fnttcy Grey and Brown Mixed easaltneresj. >
■ x 6 do Black; Greon and Grey Tweeds; ..
•3 do: Blue anti Green Jeans; ~,
G do Grey, Drabfludßlock Blanket Coaling;:
. 1 do Super Black Casslmere; •
. : 12 do. Brown Flannel;. • ■
■ 30 piece.? Tow Linen;
On hand, on conslgnmcnt/und for sale on favorable terms,
by H. LEE,
. jy29 • • —street:
“ 9iuo to 9aoo Per Montlu
fpllf. abort? sum can easily be made by any industrious
1 man of respectable addros, who possesses good business
qualities, and who, can command a small capital ftQ begin
with,) of frota $25 to sso~tjo others need apply—by engag*
,'inff with the subscribers in the Hook Agency- Business, whoso
publications arerery saleable, andwhlch-thcpooplowUl buy*
- - £3* A Wholesale Price List, with full directions for opera
tions will forwarded on application, tost Tam, to
GED. H-PERBY A 00, Publishers,
jy2B-3t* Buffalo, N, T,
, r- V \
» , j' k >
53 00
3 25
* no
• .4 00
- a 4 25
133 Liberty
T *•
I FRIDAY taxd SATLRUAY, at and m o'clock, V
M Ptf scutiugr upon each occasion » series of perlbruumros
In whlrli tlw whole-Mammoth Troupc-wm appt’nT.
•'• ¥£¥* Adinovlon 23 cent.’, .. . •
/*£•r The Company will exhibit at—
. ; ,Ncw Salom, Monday, C*.l. .
Orecnsburg. Tuesday, August «d
-• Ulalrsrillc, “Wednesday, August. 4th. . n :
Indiana, Thursday, August sth
- - Übenaborg, Frida j r August Gib. . ,
Summit, Saturday, Au.cmt ith. J>-*
rnilE SYLVANIANS Bill commcura ihnr cbustcj ortnual
TIIUHSDAY EVEILING, July 2 '2d, atttllkins JlnlMo con*
tlnuo every evening, until further notice. . •••• . .
v The-Entertainments will eonwst of new Song,’, Glees, Rur
lesqurtvDance*. Choruses, Ac.
•• 4Bs"l»rogratnme varied each evening.
' gentleman and two Indies, 50. cents Front* i Served,
for ladles, and gentlcmcu accompanying them, : ■ --
open at 7l<; Concert 'commenced at o dock,;.
preoWdv. Y. SULLIVAN.Agent.
S. R.~TlIb Hall is Well i ventUated, rendering it,cool; and
pleasant. • , [jy22:tf
Ri. . . .^podGRE
CIAN AUKN'A, combining a fall and brilliant FQUEr 7 -
TJUAN TnOUPfl, with an extensive, talented and efficient
Dramatic Corps, cQmprchendtag In the eutertdlnmeaU-nll
the mort plcaririg :• v'. V -
Rogmscntcd by a full Dramatic Corp-S Kplcndid- Troupe • of
Ae* Ac. To perform utVITT9HUUGH; on tho ;
12tb> 13tn and 14th of Augnst,
- Commencing on Thursday - evening, arid; continOing Fri
day afternoon, Friday night Saturday afternoon and tSitur
day night in front of the AMERICAN* lIOTKb, l>enn rc.,
near the Canal Darin.
/ Tho procession Will enter the city ntlO o'clock, A. M.. the
Band being drawn by. the elegant POSTILLION TEAM OK
TWELVE CAPAKIwNKD HOUSES, mounted by riders,
nad drewedin a gdr?jebus manner. ••
VJKsrr For programme of performances, saosmaß bills. :
-Uoora open at 2 and 7 o’clock. Performance to com
mence at 214 Admission 25 cents, v
Jyoa a C. PAL3IEJIL Agent.
Pennsylvania Railroad Emigrant Liue.
WE ore now forwarding passengers to i*hUadelpbla and
intermediate points, by the above line. Timo through
;thi<» days. Fare &*,50. ; Only 70 mllra Canal.. ov
;.r m*27_: v • . - ; &>VOPE & QltAHAlf, Agents.
FEANKLIN HOPSEt Cleveland, Ohio.
Cl PATEICK A SON, PKOMitcroES.—This UaurO bas an*
Jm dergone thorough ami extensive -repairs, alterations,
•and large addition?, of new furniture, etc., and tho proprio
tors thcmselres that nothing shall be wantieg on:
their part to render the Fluxkict a plnce where all the cpm
farteof a first class hotel can bo found; , .'
. '-jy*df:: : a pAmrcK & son,
New Presbyterian Chnrch» 9I f Ketsport.
- A URAXOEMENTS having been made to erect a spacious
: jtll, Houre of Worship for. the Presbyterian Congregation of
WKccsport, contractors for public buildings, ia Pittsburgh,
Allegheny, City nttd count v.are hercbyiufomuxi tlmt Scaled
'Proposals for the completion of 'thc faino .will be received
from this date until Friday, the 30 th Inst.
l‘ton* and specifications arc left with Hugh Rowland, Esq.,
of M'Kccsport, for inspection, by those who may wi.di to aj>-
ply fiv the contract.
By order of tho Building Committee.
OLIVEIt EVANS. Socretarj'of the Board.
\V ILLI AM WHIG HAN, Treasurer u
* ...VAxitt mclkdv.
Reis & aVCuvdy. '
~VT ATIOXAL FOUNDRY—No. 2&0 Liberty street, corner of
'J.T Seventh, Pittsburgh. The subscriber* hare now on
lumd,:for sale, o large and general assortment of Parlor and
. Cooking Stoves of variouspatterns, Hollow Ware of all kinds,
Tea. Kettles ofthflereat gizes, &yl I runs. Dog Irons, Wagon
Boxes, lintels, SUls and Arches for balldings; Orates, Fend*
cw, and Casting? in general, mado from good patterns and
of the lest material tho,mnrketnffordsi.. V v ...
. We respectfully call the attention of the public to our new
and Improved ifruJor, tho Lady Franklin, which we.
«u rerommend as neat, cheap and. good. : "
All kinds of Jobbing attended to.
i’orsonv.wbhingcaj'tings from pattemsof their own, would
do well to give us a call. -. .
Call to tee bur stock before purchasing elsewhere —we will
'sell low. r .V.-.:
ptly attended to. and filled on the lowest
ifjoj _ KEis & •srcuitpy.
v. 4?3?"(jnk*rH promi
terms,'- 7 f
liednctlon of Price*:
j\. FtiU Ttreniij-fit* Hr <3*«b—Good Bonnetiibr 12b$ cl*.,
Bonnet Ribbons for 5, ctg. a yard; Calicoivv-4. ctAp Gocd
Slmwls from 25 tn DO cm bust Crape and Silk Sliavrls, §3 to
vCTy nice Lawns at S cPk a yanfe Beragc-S to 25 ebu
Silk Tissue* .11 cfcv only, and tlie exquisite new style of Mas*;
Undo Soitreducod tlyarvL *•".
My. first .annual sale begin? ttdsday,and-I la
dles of tny. fixed. determination to dear my shelves of my
largo -Black if Summer Goad make room for my Full
arid Winter supply, which wiU shortly arrive-from London,
Pari*, and New York. Some of my goods were only reeclv*
oil hist week, and yeti, will fell them cheap as the rau .
Remember, i have no damaged goods, or old stock, to put
<uT, but ail uew. fashionable, weasonabio and perfect articles.
: j - i JAMKS.aOSLING.
/EJ^MlLLiXEßV.—lilodaiaa A.<lo*ilust lias reduced ber
MlUloety to rolow a prico.tkai ladies don’t wish to buy
themany cheaper. ~ . • . • jyS
Clevcloud and Pfttubnrgk HaMroatl, to
Cleveland* Pore toClcvelaud $3,50.
Ttcltls through In Jiairalx.JJurd'xri:-, TiJnlo. l)ttro-.L C'hicvgo,
Qiurtfmsi ftnd. Cincinnati.
1 IKE new and Cut running- steamer FuEUbT Crrr leave*
"Monontrabcla wharf, ftot of ilarket street,- ft*=**n *.
every morning. (Sundays excepted.) at S odock.
competing at Hellrrlilc wiU* tho Kxprusn tminS«==B=S=»
of tbo Cleveland and Pittsburgh Railroad, leaving Wollsrilk*
at 12r ft 4 P. M m and arriving nt Cleveland at 5.40 P. iL, and
connecting with steamboat for Toledo, Detroit, Chicago, MU*
waukie. Ru!lalo, and Dunkirk.•; '
Passengers Irate Pittsburgh in the morning, and take tc-a
next evening in Chicago. . V '
Vareensers going to Cleveland via Ohio nnd Pcnnjy Ivania
Railroad, ora put optat A!nnnccr(by itlio S.ttOA. M. train) at •:
1 P.Mgand (by the 11A.M. traiuYat 2,15 P. H., where tlicy
have towalttul3P. M,tor tlie Express train from Welb
villo, which takes them on to Cleveland, arriving at same
time and In snrno train of cars as those who go by way of
Baggage checked through from Pittsburgh to Cktrland.
on bewru the steamer Forest City.
For Tkkets, apply to JOHN A. CACGfIEY, :
Agent C. A P. R. R. Co.
- Office in Mcraongahela House, Water street, recond door
frefiucornerof Smithftrid. ‘ : :
By the Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad to Ah
llanec, and tbo Cleveland and. Pittsburgh Railroad from Ah
Ilsitfo toChmdand, tho thro ■ jyft
Only Tcnihlej Staging? Tim Doily Trains/rtm Pittsburgh
la VhUadcJphia and lluUimore. Only i!o hours tAivuyh
to eiOtfi' place, both Trains competing at;Harrisburg ' :■
■ '.'■■with Trains for Baltimore. Pare $lO.
ON ood after .Snturdny, July 24th, tbo Rxprvfis Mail Train
will leave the Depot on Liberty street, abovo .tlio Canal
excry morning at tf o'cloeft,-
Ptuiscngcra will go bythe care CO miles, toßodoLnugh’s,
(near Greensburgh,) where they will find the best of Coaches
n reacUnc** to convey them 10 miles, over a first , rate plank
ond turaplke road. to Beatty's station, (Conductors accompa
ny cadi train of coache*,) and then toko the care direct to
Philadelphia and Baltimore.
• Passengers for Baltimore take the care of the York and
Cnuiherlnnd Railroad at lfaTrwbrtrgh.
Passengers who wish to avoid night travel, ctm lodge at
UoUklayiiburßUorer night, and resume their scats the next
morning Tn the 0 b*e3ocktrwn, and arrivo In Philadelphia or
BaltimweGresaroe cv?ningpi 0 o’clock, -
The Kvenlng Train will leave tlaily at 8 o’clock P. M.. nr
rlvlng.- j at. l -X*hilodelphia or Baltimore at 9 o'clock the next
evening. . *
Wo give through.tiokots to Bedford, via Uollidnvsburtr, for
fiqggfigp checked through to Philadelphia.
INuamgora are at no expense in moving baggage on this
The Accommodation Train yjll leave daily nt 6P. and
arrive at Hodebaugh’s (hear Greensburg) at S P. M.; return
ing, the Trains will leave Rodobaugh's ns follows: The Ac
commodation Train wIU leave at 0.1 & A. 31., arriving in Pitts
burgh at BA. M.: llrst Through Train at JUSO P. arriving
nt 6 P. M.; Socoml Through Train nt P.31., arriving nt
12 P.M. ■ ' ■ ' .■■
Fare from Pittsburgh to East Liberty, }0 cants; to \VH
kinsbnrg, 2p cents; to Turtle Creek 00 cents; to Rode
bough’s, 80 cenb*. •'
•: l*MsengPTB will procure tbplr tickets ut the Railroad Office
In tho . Mbnongaholft House, Water street, or at the Repot
Officcy Liberty street -•-■•■■■
/J4jr*NoncK.-T.lii'caso ofloss, the Company will hold them
solves responsible for personal baggneo only, and for an
amount nert exceeding 5U50.,- J. 3IESKI3IEN;
. Jy23 . ■ ; Ticket Agent P. R; IV.Go; ;
Local and Traveling Affdnts
WT ANTKD for Popular had Useful Books just published,
\\ CALIFORNIA; ILLUSTRATED, Including a descrip
tion of tho Pannnm and Nicaragua: Routes, with 48 superb
Tinted Lithographs, <124 pages, Bvo. Price $2, This work,
byJ.MLeite, has been adjudged by the unanimous voice of
:tho Props tobo live most elaborate; and:. intensely
intercgilng volume thatbas yet been written upon, thisgold
cn thenier- SSinco the publfcation Of Stevens’ ‘Journm of
Travels,'-no work has appeared that .hiss created sneh a thril
ling sensation, It 1b pre-eminently practical, npd is Inter-
vrith incidents of the .most .amusing character. In
tbo'lausung&of one of the city .gditorfcds, »*-it Is. n perfect
daguorreotypo of CalUbmia, 'tokeri, by the light of,a noon
day suiiAbio, Dr. Bcdch’s groat work on Medicine. THE
pages, 200.engmlngs, Bro.'Bhoep.; Price $5.. Dr. Beach is
at the head of Uio’ccloctio practice: in this country .Such
. was the demand v ihflVekriitoen thousand copies of this work
were printed ;In onO edition. Also; fir. C. D. HainmomVß
work oh the samo principles of practice, MEDICAL INFOR
HEALTH, 12mo. doth, 628 pages. Price SI,&Q cloth. SI pa
per covers,' 4tli thousand. ; ALSO, WOiLAsTN lIEILYA.
iUOUfiRELATIONS; containing practical rrilesfor Ameri
can Females; for their conduct in the detail of every domes
tic duty. clotb, UlustiutedraSi-pogcs.--
Prico Wl centa, This work should bo4h the hands ol overt
lota, cspodolly the young. , Sudi is its popularity thM ncar-
thousand -copies have been sold In the xcMon of
New. York alone, within a very few months. Also Anew
and very useftti article of stationery for Hie preservation of
valuable papers, &cv needed fiir referoncU, such as lettere.
invoices, 4c. Lte fbria b that of a scrap-book, with leaves
prepared for the receptlon of the article to bo filed } thus
superseding, with many advantages, the practice of lrjnding
The Tot&B prices areas follows: ••• .
. : fipprot>cdvtdftgripe Xctfer, Invoice and Music FiU
Cop « «... ~.i
Packet P0et.^.,,....................
Letter. ....I
miw „ i
Do. htmor- cloth 5ide5................
Do_htTnr. do ..........
N. B.—Orders for peculiar rizoff.or styles of binding fllio
with despatch. - , :
Special contracts made for large lota. ' ' ’ •. ‘ .
Orders for Books above advertised, with cash or postage.
stomps accompanying, will be promptly OUcd, prepaid to any
s nart©fthflTJnUou States. • Address . .
( Wn. Holdrwlgo.V
No. 140 Fallen street, New York city.
Editors dying this advertisement two or three insertions
entiro wfll be entitled too copy of Califurnla-Dlnirtrated. I
■ JyS9om
a K _r - *■ " - K *
* 1 * ' r ~ ~
. ■ r -• ;: -’" • y ' .•>;:•*?;• ! .':>i ; : .:;:,v.''- ; -Vr. >•.. .
I * -' \
~, ~ .. ... „ .. „
mmmm^mMKm p: '
" r/ *" **’ ' *V'«* *' «" f 1 i’o’
Auction Ca*rt«
TOIIE hlL*r rui iulerrM yoar>v Jins
-JL resumed Jfaying complied wltli the re-.
HUislticms of tho law regulating Sales at Auolton, and having
procured. a first as Auctioneer- ibr-the City of.
Pittsburgh. ho offers his sen-fees tut such to hb friends and.
tho public EoncriUlv. With an ox.jxtkjiico of nearly thirty
year«in thw linc-nt hnwirrts nothing u» saying
that he wilt be give entiru i»atwfactu)u to «H thowj
. who mny feel dispowd to patronize him.. ;. • . '
; • -IV STeKEWA, Auctioneer.
■ .Itefrra to the.principal City . - - jvil
. Aucttou-«DaU)' &aleu..
A T Uifr -CommoiTbl bales • Koomj*, corner-«C Mood; and
■ A. Hftb streets, at 10 A.general Ai'sortmnnt
and bhoes, IIaU», Capfi,-Jtv.;.. -v . .'.■'■■• :•■ .•:. ..
AT 2 l* M,
Groccriosi, Quwmßvnrtr,. Gl«?fiwnrv. Cuttefy. laxiinj?
QTasws, NcnranrtSecond Hand Haurebotd hud KJtdieu’Fus
xuturc.* &c.»
At 7 O‘CIjOCK, V.
Books*' -Stationery*- Fancy Articles, Mnilcal / iDidrumebis.:
Hardware and .Crttlory,. Clothing. Vnr»'ty.UoM9. Child raid
SHyst w&lcbeSi &c. P. 3L DAVIS, Auctions*- fjctfWf
X; 'extensive.assortment of Millinoy, • Silk,*, Bonnets, Dm
broiilnred Lacwy Ac* received at McKenna’s Auction. House,.,
and will remain open for this day only.
■The trade arc respcctfnllYiuvitcd to call and.examine the
game. fjySj p McKKNNA. AuctV
'TT'ALUAIUiE URAL iibTATii AT AV ono.v,—U n aa t u nmy_
V afternoon, August 7th» at 4 o’clock, will he sold on the
premtoee, south-west corner of Webster and Illgh street, all
-those three. Brick-Houses? of three stories each, witli-the'
. apurfrnnneofl thereunto:belongingtwo of TrbichiVont 20-
foot cru'h, the third.2s feet on High street, extending hack
feet to a three feet Alley. And Immediately after, on Uio.
premises, those • three Brick Houses, also, of .three- stories
each, mid. fronting on said Fifth street. Tbofrontand deptlr
of these lota wDI bo .dcsiguoted at the timo of sale* which
will be positive. - The terms cosy, and title indisputable- - -.■-
jy3o l>, M’KLNNA, Adct’r*
BOOKS, Ac* at Aucrnoy.—On SatuTdny evening,July
31st, at 3 o’clock,'at the Commercial Sales Booms .rorr
nor of Wood and Fifth ntreote, will be sold.— ft larjce collec
tion of valuoblo Miscellaneous Books; among -prhlch. Jire.
standard library editions of choice -works, on Theology, Ills--,
tory, Travels, Poetry? Fiction, Ac..
. Splendid Family Bibles, in rich binding. .
’ Blank Books in great-variety* Letter, and Cap Writing
■ ■ .Paper, . •*■■■;■ .. ■ ■■■■•.
Quills, Pencils, Wafers. Bnvelopc.s, Ac;-- .••• : • •;
- Aho, aq u&ntftyof second hand Clocks,-Gold: dud. Silver:
Watches, Muricaflnstruments,~Ac; ' -
jy29 P, 3J. DAVIS, Auct>.
T\UY GOODS «TOKK, (iSo. 88 Market street,).at AUCTION.
:Xf —On Friday morning, July 30th, at-Db’clock, at the
store of'Al Fink A Co., No. fcS Market street, ncar tho Dia
mond, wfllbatiold .without reserve, as -they, are declining,
business, their entire stock of seasonable -Foreignand Po
Mnestle Dry floods, Ac* comprising splendid Drees Silks and-
Satins; Beregta, Tissues: Lawns, Delaine*French Cash*
mures; Coburg and Fnrametta Cloths; Alpaccas'; FlimnetoT
French nod .English Glngh,m3S ; Press anil Furniture Prints;
super Cloths, Casslmerea .diul. Satinetts;. Tweeds;-Jeans;;
Drills; Cotton adcs; Tickings; Checks ; Jiasllnff}ia'upcr Thi
bet and. Bay State Shawls; Silkwnd Thread Laces;Edgings
and Insertions;: Capes and. Collars: Gloves and Hosiery;
Parasols; ; Umbrellas; Threads;, Cottons; Fringes and
Gimps. • With a full assortment of Trimmings, At, usunlly
;kcpt In'ah extensive .Retail Store. ; >AN •- -. v i :
. Baltrou Saturday, at.S o’clock, A.M, A, - , : . - t
JyS „ t>. M. DAYJ3. Atirt'r.
House and lot in temeekanceville at abc-
TION—Will be.sold on the premises. on Monday, Au
gust Oth, at 2 o’clock in tbe aftcrnooiu a lot ofGronnd, front
ing 60 feet on the Steubenville Pike, and extending back cmo
hundred and fifty feet to ft" thirty feet street • On which is
erected A gwd substantial frame dwellhigjhoupe, four stories
high, with twelve rooms, a largo tall room,,' 28 foot by 4i}<£
tect tong; : a good well of spring the d00r.7 Also, one .
small frame dwelling bouse, wlriehrent*for s?pet month.’ .
The above property ia In a healthy situation, and a good
stand for business. Will bo sold at ft bargain, as the present
owner to determined to sell. -v; 7; - r-.y
For further partfcfulars, enquire of 11.- Espeer A Brother on
the premtocs.' Terms at sale. ‘ y '■ V-'-.
jyll - W. O. M'CAETXEY, Auctioneer.
BLOOMS.— 1.5 tons Juniata, Maria, Gap, and Bedford
Forge Blooms, for sale by .
jy23. ICING £3loollll^o.
EX.TKA HTA-KCIi. —Boubripbfs superior Starch, pat up
in sroalt boxes, of convenient .for always
to be had bv the quantity- or retail.'
Tt)IlUNE3.—a kegs Gorman VrunuK >
i . -- l enso French' .. do; :in gla.v jar£; •
Received and for sole by J. LAVELY & CO.,
i _Jy24 Ten fieafcrennd;Grocers,
bags prime Rio:
10 do Laguyra: fcrVale’ "by ■ j :
jv2l J.-D.-WILLIAMS &. CO., 122 Wood Ft.
.£<UGAIt HOLSK MOLASSES—Rclchcra St. Louis Siltpir
O Mouse Syrup Molasses, in store and for sale bv
jytfr KIN r Q & MOOKHEA'D.
JLV J’owdcred. - Clnrillwl*-
Crushed and • ■ Loaf,
In store and for ralo by : 7 ' ' ' - .
Anott&er Fresli.: Arrival at No< 97.
D ORKOO A CO- north-west corner of Wood street.
« and Dinjaipud alley,.are just'opening a fresh stock of
Fancy Prints, SummerPcntaloons, Laiues, BeivgoDeCaines.
Vrrnch, Manchester and Domestic Ginghams. Together,
with a complete-assortment of Dress Goods. Also, a
largustock or Hosiery, Gloves, Ac. together with,
our former purrhfwcs, makes dut 'stock 'unsurpassed by any.
west of the montalcs—to which wo Folldt the; attention of
buyers, as we can offer them oh. the most lavoraalf* terms.;
EducatiotiM>Tbe Female Seminary) •
■Tinu. bo cantinticd-at thciisu&l place, corner of Wash
? f ingtoii street abd East Common, Alleghcnycity—Urn
till tom comsscnems; bh thefurst Momlayjn J&ptember jxext
—trader the ctScfcait mahOßetuont of
•wholias forfmAo Urao'liad charge ; as principal, aud will
hare suitable nks-lstance in lts management.;
In point of location and arrangements for the -comfort of
the pupils, it Is not surpassed in the. coinmnnitjv •t
Furtcrms, &c., see Circulars
jvCl . • .■• It. W. POINDEXTER.
nro authorized 1 to sdt TOO shares of u Minnesota ”
f T OopperStock. atoin exceedingly low price. •
: v Tula magnificent mine how ranks among the finest in tbc
world, and will, without doubt pav a dividend of $l2 to SIG
a pliarc for the year's business, with n prospect of yet larger
dividends hereafter. . ; -
To capitalists and others. d&Mng.aprofifcable investment,
these stores present an opportunity rarely oITomL
. • Stock and Exchange Brokers,
. jyfiO . - 7f> Vonrtb street./
"XTOTIOE TS HEREBY GIVEN, to all purchasers oF Fine
1Y JEWELRY Mid tVATCHES, that HOOD Is now Jeadv
to supply you with, the best and most fashionable FINE .
GOf.D JEM El.BY.aud at lower prices than any other dealer
In the city, lie buys for cash cheap, and cells for cash
elieap---mak enlarge rales and snwlk’pro'fits. Therefore, all
persons pnrchasitJ!; Gold Jewelry, line SUrer Ware, Watch
es, Ac., from. this establishment, will bo sure to get the yr,tpa
of 100 cents for every dollar iuvertel. • Gold'ft'aU'hes from
.’520 to 100; Silver M niche# from &G to s'2o; bdver Spoons
from $2O, and other Ootids .equally cheap. Please call
at 1100P.8,61 Market street tbo only Wholesale price Jew
elry Store In the city, • /: : ; je3;
Slonongahela Cemetery*
fIMIE Corporators oi tho Monongahola • Cemetery,-lccor
•JL. porated by. tho Legislature ofPennsylvania, on the 2d
or May, 15562, are. rwjucstedto gieetbt. No. Ui. Fourth gtrecV
on THURSDAY, the il2d lust/at 2o*clock, P. M.
Josiah King, . . .• William Holtpcst, .
Roberts. Hays, .. . • Ucix.MlJleiiborgcr, •
Robert Palmer. Gco.'W. Jackson,
Joseph P. Grizinm, • James & Craft, ■
George D. Ilruce, Georg© C< Reoa,
Audrpw B. L'rrger,. . 8* It, 'lJvtngatoik
James Upponcott, i£il Hartley, v: -
C, S, Eystu, C, G. Magee, *
1 George F. Qllmnro, Robot t Robb, jv2o:td •
■. Now Ulnslo; ‘
ifi Melody. By S. C. Foster. - -
■ “Oh 5 How I Love.My Mountain Home,” a new and beau--
tiful Duett aa sung by.tho Allcgiiatuaus.
. M hero Can tbe Soul Find Rest—aa Bung. I>y the Baker
. The Happy Family .Polka.
The Cally Polku;-. ThpCottafi*.. • ••• •<• •: ' /
Pearl. Blppcho Alpcn, . ,
Emum Dole—an. Ethiopian Melody. .
- Imum Lea—By 8. C. Poster, ’
I Forgot the Goy T\orld. .
. There s a Good Time Coming. •
Garland Polka. Received and for sale hy
jyld JOHN IL MELLOR, SI Wood ut. •
House oXßcftxgc*
TyROPOSAIS will bo received until 0 o'clock, P. 11., of tho
J_ 2uth day of July, at the Office of J. W- Kerr, Architect,
Tor the construction of tho ifoupo of Refuge. "
rinns and Spccillcatlons will bo exhibited 000 wcok previ
ous to tlio time of lotting. |
.liida piay be made fiar tho following items, separately,' via: i
Lumbar, delivered on the Ground; Grading, stone, Work/
-Brick'Work, Iron Work, Piapb ring, Painting, Carpenter
Work, sc. Also, for a gross sum for tho entire work.
Building OommUteo.
-To Civil Knclnecrs* n
mnE Yield Practice of Laying out Circular Curves for
1 Railroads*-.- A pew. method of calculating tho cubic con.
t* nts of excavations and the aid or dLv
JohnC; Tnvntwino. , • •
McthcOsof Location, or Modes of Describing and' Adiust-
Ing: Kdlwav Curves ond Tangentt, ns. practised' by Uitr En
gineers or Pcnnsylvanluj bvMm’l Mifflin. v •
s'f CiTjf Enjcineetlng,: ibr lie liso of:
the Codrfs of the Bnltal States Military Acaiomy, by D. If.
ihaiim, 31. V l'rof<»or of Military mid Civil Rnslnefrinj!,
ill the Militftty Academy, AtUl edition, with IhSmaddendn 1
noil many how out*. "
A Manual of tho Principles and PracUco of Road Mnklns.
.comprising .tho .location* construction aud improvement of
liooils, (eonnnon, moradamlwd, paval, plank, Ae.l and Kiil
*™K By \V. M. Gillespie, a. M. C. li. Fifth edition, tilth
adaitionfl. -Just received and for salo by i :•>
j>22 : No. 1W Wood street
Dissolution ot Partnership. -.*•■■
; rpHR Partnership of J. C: BARKY* CO.l* this daydb-
J.- solved by mutual consent, John C. Parry is charged
with tho wttlemcut of tho occounts, nnd thejiaymeut of the
debts, and is empowered to sltm the nanus ortho firm in Use
■ pettlcmcrit of - die bttsihera of said firm. ;; v >
joiin c. Parry.
cOrneilius firorNNis.
•riMIR Partnership of PARRY, SCJOTT ! ACO:;is
JL dissolved by unUual consent* and J. Cl Parry, Is charg
od with liuVFeltlpmcnt of tho business of said 'firnb
rpilK burincsa of to lowaTtondiy. y I,I J?" , ,"‘!”“ cJ v 0 y
1 J.C. Party, our late phrtoor, at to -Js'
liW Wood street, nod at to conioridGes t^aul
Pittsburgh. Wetahe plMrawtn recommending hhn toour
tinner entomere. itEXiUtDER SCOTT,"
■ 4'; -- -1 • : v.. |Doj,‘ dr
■- Tfclckness.*Sinßle* more/’
. 250 leaves. SIOO $.O 00
. 250 leaves. 1:00 -. *D 00
. 250 leaves. 1.00 .9 00
. 500 leaves. 1.50 16 00
, 50Q leaves. 1.60 15 00
. 500 leaves. 160 *JS 00
. DOG leaves, i . tOO 000
. 80 leaves. :1 00 - k
. 80 leaves. 25
80 leaves. ; 1- 50 •
A Road,
tor.attlieten£j^ t °A^ Pmna, iWlrcaO, 12
' and ncar-thopTcecnt te . _ jj| o reception tit Vmb
y. miles from ihe,^v®,sJof o»Spit4r tUe iiegt of :tbo; city
> lies and 2lS'-i®adotwittW fedngnoar
, Uurics tluj river,- ami pianfe road
hotels suit® eta.
Srtto preprfetofe l »* aJ ?!H.? i^ t,rent y J®»™ «rpe
iiYtoo toslneai wUleßoblelitoto secure the com&rt
sstisfiictiiiuotetl-whomayrlrit Um to Ks
loeattoto “*’■ luy2B&h4
s "-.Vi'-
«. * * - ■' ~
,*■ * **t t
P. McKENHA, Auctioneer.
P,: H. DAVIS,-Auctioneer.
W. G. HcCAETHEY, Auctioneer.
W. A. M CI.UIiO & CO.
A Good Investment* ■'
Hoar Ycl Hear Ye t'
■:&’: s'!?
’V- '■ r\ '.
v *
■' •' -.r>../-.
•V» ■ ,
< ~. .. *■ •- '
C V,. /*- <4- J(i
V*'- ‘i w -v
TJ ItECl'iti'J'XSMj—:Dr.’llipsrnlflUuwty 01‘KOrttul trirmM^
sSJnMgr <w,, °
fcretnnl iL-tuun Imitmtyortbo Blood. vlti/toi&!w *>
wof rt» j Yen *ro if rji w, al In 1»
*r-% Ini| w * .uv.m-r, Mi-urn .tf-w* KiWr '
Ann, Nervous Affections Vain* lu ftie n.«.k Riillxitfjfa i»!£ V
tatioo of the Bladder .nd Kidneya, trcdlod!- *
Cure guaranteed , -. .
sixteen }pm*f>r < K > tlre(Kbemlh'{jirlfevj)<iin>i<,»l)t > 4RroffSE -t-rr- -
1o offer nssnnniMsn>ru fo
derhlacarp •'‘'S'-
• -Office and toivateConsultation Hoorn** 41. DiamondnlJr-e J
Charge* modi rota " iwy3 dAvrly*
DR IT. D.M I'EJCa KXTICACrr X* - ' '
Daudelcon, 'Viltl Chcrry ~ r *>
ITHIIS Valuable: raedlcal preparation tHffcw^eniirelyfrom v:.
: Avnoyslmple , u Extract of
tying medicine. It la a compoand of Maniy' ja<Bt CWJ\sSi
MEDICINES, with,other**acting ilbvfctly on
oeyn, or having Unmodlate, coutljj- 1
uedheaJQiy operation of aomoiiilenial organs.'-It coirtaii » 1
articles diMi tmter into no-other pnjparatiaUio*oxhtcnr<v
' t • ANI) IT 13 UNItIVAhEED
in puriiying and rqfrer.Mng effects, bynuy •Aludidna In th y—
world. It h put up iu LAUGE *«rv pKwam
to a»e taste, and is more ccytfrrntrated, . r
than any other In tiio iinrrkeU • !Yr?.ons. wholiitas t*jYpn> '■'■•>- •
< .fßfliwa|wirilia!M^dlie-|rollon,:'withont'rcUefi.Uii.tE}^oo6'ra(f ; '- V:; "•
icallycurd by usiog two or three bottles; 'Till? I'rttie mxly ’*
wmpound iu whirJl Che?is* antl : SarfifprniK • ■' *
la areso prepared to oiler -the .peculiar virtues of each. In
• combi nation with, pure oxtrafcteof oiluirhealins artfefo«f bi 7V •
?aWchly v -' • •
golahle, and are such toots and, hark? ns are tbunddhimgh
I chieOy.offiecUng certain partita: theirscneral-.fcndencv/td>•-.*
I produce the most cleansing and healing-effects.'- ••• • :,v••-:•.-•*
U 13 ttimSXULK 5 ■
To-outumony diseases...Drop;-*:*,: Ktdney Compl-duta,
draw off Watery Humors from the Blood, or corrupt and ■■•■'•-•■
•ritaUng Fm-elton&ofdLseriwd organs from thchotly^wilhout''-
the thorough operations on the as causedby tMir: •■- ?:"
mcdlcuie.-•KooUujr-extrucfe.orcnpretcnd to tijlseffcet^—• - • '
Tu lhct,thiKveryoiKgatlon T l^r.wymit-is:parikadarlyj«ini-''- ; '-
pounded, differs;froin.idl.;<^eryprepiLrations^and-jnakca4t : ' -~
the beat compound in uxfitenco. , ,
IN AIX CASES OF DROPSY* use tills medicine 'it will
relieve- -rlt-has-curcd.-when lile -Itself wafr-Ucspalmi-of." Jt" x *,
• contains articles that will- Jakefli' -‘r. <: ;
the only method to make permanent cures- TIT- r^- ••-i--.
To produce
Is achnowlcrfgcdly nw.
to regard it as fatal,, tluit loi jKwitlro -euro al-’ '
most ainlracle, yet ,
And by the Great ; Vegetable RornrHly/ Ih*. I!. C. MyfTrft’ Ex- - ;;.
tract lVßdCherry, Ac.valdnc;',* -v:- r.v .-i; v : •:
We select the. following as a Hpwdmou of the tmflieroui'
testimonial l ! to the efficiency of.tfus haedlctne iti'eases o/this •-. .
malignant w© IwmHo exhibit*
. ,lTrftncb/ribUmesc, M. n shilful phyl'lcian. teptlijigln
Buffalo, If.-Y., and one: who has devoted Wm.^lfnaTticnVarry' Y v --'- :
to tho study and cure or the Ship Fcvor,: with a&nost every' ; ■•'•"-• ' -
phase, of which he ia conversant,'givcdlheHjllowhiz^testlmo* >
ny in relation to the effects of this medicine; 03 ptfcparedby
himself: ■*
■“This is to certify, that I have used Dr. Ifi • :-v - .
tract of Dandeleon; WDd Chcnry and - HafeapariXL^; irtnup -
practice, in cases of a.nombcr of patients Birttwith..-7:
: ver, with very hencffcbl results. :‘And T confided* ageheiy '
• ol curatiTe-iu that disease.” : : ■ -•.-•• : .- x c-^V-^/:
Prepared by MYEKS &' RlCfV' ' :
N*o. n.Warrcii-strcet.:>'e!i-yoriu : -. •
; ; . > • B: u;
.No. C 7 Wood street, Pittsburgh/- •
•'- &W by
for Nil* by J, LAVAL^'fc
■ jy2J :.: .• . ; .•: ■■•..,■■; TfcTpenleraaod Grocers^-
tACON*—lo,ooott> ilartt% jtjnt from atfiokolioase; ;
►. ...-10,000 R> riiouldtirSi ‘-'For gobs by-' :-*~ r
r2l ~ t STUARTS HILL, Xo; stroflt.
FPO. MKltClFAXTtf—Ayouny matrixl- mall,' jC.''-
X in tovanc*“ifor Uiela.-jtfl\e yeatr, in this city,
Obtain, n situation, as or' Cldrk^ ;
-some bbh?e,‘>The-l«st of
givnu Apply at THIS OiyiCll ' - r
& CX>.; :
22 SmiUtEelii Rtm i t-rrSartnlu’s .Uniott Mhffa2ihO foC
.August;; volume 2a
rofV* Co;, Alusander Polsoiicr, ofcX'lraia-CliJe? '
: Wanted, -- -o->- iv
A GARDENER,;who iuidemandsthohnslnminailtfit-
J7jL trMchca. to jrhom JtbexaV Jwh^aiid'(fc : pCTirkih6^fft-''
uatioawfll bo lf fotuid coni potent aidattefctivci :/•'-••
. Application to ho rnndo at jjygflj • -.-■ THIS OFFICE. ’
; ■ ■ • Adam’s &< Co’ji.liitnresß.
ItEDCCEI).—From and nlXcr-lljSs' <iatc*,' our ; ;
J? ;.ratoB‘ori pound freight, Item Fliihaolph'ifttaPitt.s'bTmdi, ; i -
trin be $3. ptr3 00- IbfU~s. reduciion fof£svrfci'rcoitt. ; Emv;
.JCi - . Lfcifion*. ..... ."Yutiillaj -. • 'CitfcaMau-
Clotc,< ;: :^Giojzoiy 's-V-i-.;.?.
Nufcmi^r,' : : r '
. ' <
■ ..'..'.Notice*'" . •••'. .• '
/. A; K applitfatibh ■ ntticli*- at' Hie '-tieit ?es=dim o( the :
UTrial.'vturft, lor the charter of.:vUan!c,'’irith ficapital of
Three II twdred Tbouaaud Balltitty to* lie located
•but^h;-and called the->* Western Batik oEPcn’npylvntiUi-'”’
;Him-lshursHnioa-will ptoa.«e copy Jit IVeeklr'prirter. T
I( 'IS- UOXJJ—A..\tacj£ne*te ami ’ ;H‘licvotolU' •"■ •
.13 EfaoUwiSrrila'rk tia<l. p3]o--~ii* qr«'ca&ksiaJ9<xN&iiole(m;'v; '
.WOctatw-^-unclcr,Custom :noaso-charjjß;togEthrr t?U& H '
•varieties of Rochelle, Collie nni'Bbrdoaux. BriullPs tif tba * •
m\vt in gioro aodijr salq c T> f*pp. by- •' { • • - ■<
i*T v. JXCOir-T7K.\TEK,-;7lf *->
OoraerJitst. and Market sfroto. *
':itorgalu9l<-\ —;-
PKT3 —winch will be fmiutl ut Urn Carpet WarcfiQqar-of
\V. MeCimtcck, Sa Fourth street. As-weareUotcrminnl'to
roll oiT cur prudent stOdcVof the abate
vile the attention of those wishing to furnish/ to raeafrTwuS '
r»Qg» fjel] VT. SIcCtiENTOCK.
/pH* holiest icarh price* paid fin? liV&UOa& deUteral*
..Xvuanns.tlio;.padkiniS ooason, at Pool PorV.'
Ueuse, situated on the Ohio Jiirnr. and
.ulaßaDroadr,throe mile* blilovrPUtsbureiLpr at ifetafroiu' 2*^
LoudohviUfi toPittshar2h.‘v'A»ldr<*sS; ; ~ : •
WM. a IIOLMK3 i 81t0.,'
•No. 00-Watt}r.strj>eti . . .;.
/pllh MAGAZIAi« l.ult\AUOUbi-—Justr-recßUca ivt IU
X Mmer&Co <?. t No. thc‘vfi>Uow»m-
Mtunalneaibr Au"uat:: •. . . , A '" , ‘
Dool: jCjt August;. • •' • ‘
•.'••Gra!mu’s : Miia;a2^ej.'.;C:
Sarlaln’a'. >
••/ PotcKon’a • do: •
. jyn ■
■ Wrfftied.
, A i'ABM, of about ISO acres; good: and wclUiniwoved ; ■
-£A. land, wlthmvMy miles or this city, slid within'two
units of the Ohio and IVr.ur-yltan'id. Krjirosd; ■'' -
'trocts-of from . 6 to,;® acres ftoid-riafij;
within 20 milesof this city,and near clihuraf tlfo rtallristd*’
Apply to CUltm A BOIIHS,
l.tyilAh TO AC'aU.Nflty SKAT roll KAhK.—AMrgo ('
iu and valuable property, of Gilt feet on 80-ley’s lane
Allegheny Cay.-hyaaidocpto AlKrgEcny.tvenhMmving n '
K°°d2 story dwdlthg -homo of fcnr roomoyakifeiven .and - -
cellar, front porch; -rodtian atjil closed - ■ v :
acmveU arnrngcdwUh fruit Ac. AlUnraod orJetr.
ilyurantocd out otuo. -AU -troIL enclosed tmcL -■■
Eituatwl-'Priec's2ooo; : . . J .v-v-v
-Si CUTHBKHT, Gcu. Agent,
■l* 2 * Sd fcfaltbfieMrtrfret.
X the Culture. Prorogation and Jran-.gcitK-nt in Hit* Oar- '
;dcnond-Orcb^;crPrultT>i^{roiierally:wtthiic&!tif)libh-» ■-' :: ’ :
of all the fuicattTßXleticsof Fruit; «atdv-u and ftrolgn, cult?- :
rated in this country. .By A* <3. Dooming, corre-pondin**
•member ttf.thalloyatßoclcty.oM.flndoni v
cultural Societies of, Berlin. . tho Xowor-Cohntfloq, -Mawiiv « '•
c 7Hf ottSr T s en ® >, s r l 7anla *'k nn > Cmcinnai i. :4c. '
odjtton. For sale b> B. T, C v MOUGAy*
& 2k yp. lfrl. Wood Fitrtt
■ • ■ To Printers* -4 •• • •
..pnam-0 INK » mamt&icfcunHl ‘’CVoarr & Cb
i7eo ™--wS rk, .\ n Cims Wb frmi ' W> to KXUrom 25c.
. t 052,00 Jl lb. Also, red, (hrrftma light blue, darlJand l&st'
groan, tn emm of lib, tom 73e-to SOSO’S lb. -V/irnkih. fcf > <
andljb Gold-sizohr.£•
lor sale by J.'IL VjiLffiFKT'
. " , Bootellcrand gtattaife-;
l°~ s 63cal at.. bet Third andi'onrth. '
_ Warrant* Loati
I ~.y 'd*e B'lhrriher.on the route tom Cumberland . ■
rl-l 'ordtjburgh, a largo I>OCKtfr BOOK, eqnlalntorlhwo
l^ 1 ! 1 V'stom 3 c y assigncdto thefiubscri derby ■■■:■■:
Cb,, m o y > , of ,^‘ u y hcstM >. Mrgmla, s2ft In gold, ond a .
*2O bdl onluiuh of Valley, Virginia, Insides sevi'rsl nu‘iiir>
;;Any p'orson ; leayihcißol’ochet:lj(ndc>with
the editors of thq Bo3t, or : lbrwardlhg if to ihe-CdltdrSof Ihtr. d'l -
wlirbo llbernllVxoirardali'erf-”::
Iflb H. K. DAVIS. • -
- . . .. jnljr»; 1832. * ) -
■TWTOTICEIs t& all pcrsotu iwdaiM/irf?.<ho -
ill - dticß of Pittsburgb;imd AHegb*uy*43«uiJy,-'
lint halil their. Mercantile, iJcwlwuse «iJ all otlufl; - •■
1 duo payment of :tUe : 3aro?i. l?o' ttoUeitof-H \i.
roe immcdlate]y» rtaiC Jbo; hronjjlit’ for'
■ Karl ojt dad* yhl* reiani'
timeisincc.- " 3-_Y.-
rnilE Annual Stockholder* ofcthD'AEEliQJIiJ....
1 J»V \AIJ4LY JIAILUOAi> GOjrPAMT, trrtL-fctfhrid at -
tKo Ofllco rf tfie Company. in Urn City of lUtt?btLrgb*“art ; : /,?v
■'IOKDAY,- August W, l»u2, .at IoioVrA\’?i.A*;M4*wbc!i iv>-
PmjJilwitoxiJfixMaaagow.TviU Jxj pleri«^4or/t?io-jttdr^g^vc ;
nicht.<rfjbfi ; affairs
r, TL iJIU/Nuf, profcirtn. ..
4iSP 4 Ciir-Paper? ; al'«o,' Pn* Vt&s nml .Itoraoiwi* KiJiao> - .
tijag; Jeiferitrtnau, Urookviltei sßtUiiUcmtr and;iia®litmy ; v :
Clarion; Klk County Advocate;.tod -M'i&»o-OrMkfaopy: «t* •
tU day-of J -■ -w* vi - v y^i^r-yjyfctdfe;
rWO^ETiIIXQ r NEW.— Alm«t«ivffiry dKjrat.HGS>ft'S.?Sl3®'
S YOBK JI." HIBY STOI'.F, a Tl-lrtet Ih,,
cTnoO, auotln.r irnolca of Ado CjM Via'i lifs.ju-t imports
■ViDKSaiyfir IhisdsfirtoiAlso ft. Ifiigd J6fcofflud sfihTOTfii ■'■' Vfi
MHMd Jin<dry-(' ao ‘’ »3l U. raid JfT
njmaViiffln&dnW. &T cent j )s»t ttoijmjbif Uwraind'VSK(
niiaitr end ritUifefrfciyo CTcr Ixea ctil'.rt'dkr at anyof Urn- -
.f t i !or ;.-.taM!''lin:l:ii!«Uy. niirtata;. ,Cal(nii,t«>! vfe‘;
find yen wU! t-n cfitl-fled.' * ’ ■ ~.v-■
■ N -By—All. kind? or. M atcU repairing donfif as KcU fig' at ' 1 ■ .
finy chop tu Kumpo or! Amerirrvat Yhort noticev iVatcU
Gla?f-erfiotnt just linlf the' , ' ■ ".a
jyiO SI AUl'.Ktrr 3T, j
i - r cVu ; \vicuei<l.& co3s
at. zom* *
.jqiw.w* twicnn0..................... j...... .roazHt moummi*:. r
: Twichell«Jlostidge.
(hmttr rif Lbvnntrtuil
TrjriLL Promptly attqml to aU. consignmcnte- tmd Cttafc*
|V ■. mlsMony • them, aiul will mofea 1 jbetffT. ; '
cash advances oo cowslsuwents ox- BiUa of XatU&g Ja. JuitkL
Orders IbrJho Hemp *nrt other
. They wtfl olpo uwdfirtahotlie settleinnit and cdltertlQa of
dainwof iß&pprhttteoj pad hop<\:by,tticjr especial person*
eflbrtH find Rttootlon to all Uio interests of their frtem*- to
gWcigenenil.Batisiiictiotb..,). . • . a .
.GfiO.Conifer : St-lotdfl; jklHs&.Morton; -’CjQdntjntiV
Page&U3epn s .. r „ .. do; Strader(fe Oartoao* -' -
Charles* Wow & Co., do; Hcaea d ai
Chooiraui VaUc. a<« Springer kWMfcfaan.r . *>;
T. •> )'-BnSteriltßni,
PittelmSk Mofyaij, a JI mibdcipUM
W.B ISrynolils, JjoirisvUlcj T. C. TWICHEU, 4 VO, New
OrjennsA--. • - •• . •
« yEW ORL2ZA27SL - '■' K \
rpuis. lom? established Hoo» 'cpnilufe mtentar
.JL strictly; to ftticszoul'■ purchases* on pataial3gwD a .altd t» ■
x orwanllD£ v bualiieaa generally*
acontmunnceof tbtrlftcnU patnxnago beie* :
tofiuregtvijii them. * -'•.■■■.• • ■ ■ . ■■ ■■
/animrj 4B ! iwj, pan.Tjfem
"’v' v'V/tf- "I'-i
-v iv. H
•n -,l ■>
I ‘ ( f
» «- t te
U v,'
/ "*
t < f
v r :
- **'
V * /
Jv ** a*.
11. MECKR -i CO.
; 3frc«wwror of' Alii*
* ' '
IV •
e '