-vm ~ : : "T ' s - '<* %%■ S 4 -*y f > + 1 ■’Vi/ . i 4 v,*s ■'li " * .■v *- * . A> ‘ *• ■*• >~ <►» -, *,, - - t , , * r * *. < j' » r * *•, ! ' •***-, >?*y- * Ha*- - * -a- *■ * 1 V T , : -u v - ■»* ■> ** u , c>■ ij y>V**Vv»’ : /^f-- •« v?V* y- s -yy v * ’ v, •* . ' ~-~r t \ -j. * > ■- „.-, _w , » - /K \ T /'*' ‘4 "v 4 t --, v . ■•>• ***v » „ ~.c ’< l 1 * . 7 - '* i S VV - ' ■* , „ -■' r •' *s -VV:■ ■>• : ' ''■ ' ‘ s? vi SA»Vi;i^fiir.»?:•!s:& 'y&*sM -ft V-. 3 t - 1 4> ~ l§il|iflSgp|gls HIWH &0&&m '#|S£#®l ip is Wm^o "wl» :M mil W£® : jSMsM j|gjgg '^MH BhBMB MMi&Wii «l*il bihm bhhßsp HH m Bp ®|t ■HnHfiHRRS wtino^ if^f - M “ ,cC “**' P , '■‘Ejft«a«»e3i-qii&Ttei» wldettoaTUUtiowwi4flmomalcb l l '' M ,iie«. V V 6BOI J U'nON- T^a»,,er^»g^;lV V. *ndGold, C&irry JHomlc t Bias and-Gold; Gieenwia l JOHN PARKER Jttd wm.XJA»«s^ ? tr^-i I t-s.. i j &J‘> V» 4 < f •*££ < &l . 1 * ■;* -« - ■ * , - *»\ ‘ . * * * '<*.' / • •* v •.•■■■-•' ' v ,: ' • • • • -. . tV :>'-V *£■-'{. *:'ff'Cf*6%*-:~ ,7Vg, t ;.vj -■* : r.-.^>,» „, HH Ml i ' IP m • *» - ' f: -s,"-^ XI. iJlJje OaUg iScnung saot. _ primtd U4. HAHPKK & PHILIiIPS. r.v ':-: • COWfs* 0* WOOS AKO PIFTHj*taXBT9, cr TEfiMS —Fite Dollar* a year. payablesuicUj A advance. “Six Dollars wl) be requited tf • clwithin the year. : • . , •-■■•••j'*:. .*’■■:• • ity* Single copies two ccwTs—for sttlcailUs counter \heOfficc*anabytbo Nowaßoya. .••.*.. THE B&SVm&X HOBHIKO POST ' ’»'nnbllrhed ? ffor.vtha same ogee, ,on a lats't blanic . Vd «b«t, at TWO DOLLARS a Teat, in aatance ;■ l trjr iJopaper^HUbediscontmnei InnUsaatiUe dia e teflon of the proprietor.) until all arrearages are paid. '. rv .::•■ ."*«•■» Nb 'attention will bepaid to any order unless ac* : ; i' ponied by the money* ersiuisfaciory reference itului ifw iht Esiabltshnunt of ihs Morning '*'■'* Pattis orit ef thtlargtu Job fnnun# Ojicqin ths city ■ iintaaiiyCdscf iscik <3 asm orttSeffftorfttl notice, ana : " mexi riflwna&fe terms, : RATES OF ADVERTISING AGREED UPON BY TUB PITTSBURGH PRESS. *x» ffintanoHTMEO, oa iiffl i Onr«QOKeiOne insertion ■’■~B ® jj® i . « “ - each additional insertion—■ . “ « one week 1 IS « two «reek»—s ®® “ «> three-week*.--*— — —— * ®# -:<• n o nemomh>—£ |2! h k two months-— ‘ S « « three months-—————v-" ® ™ • «•...«• • fourmornhs ■w —« - rj za 4« • glrmoaihg ■ '"-linn k. - : .«./*« oneY*ET«—— Standing (exciusivo of tho paper,) vip grofeggjomtl (Sarfta. G ORLANDO LOOMIS, AUmuy as Low.—Offics4* . nL.ttiio«wooj. j«ty*-y IHOMAS M, MARSHALL, Aamuy alXaw.-OEcc, Lowne’gl3aildmgg,FomihfcU:. janv-ly CARNAllANyAftormy al row—Office on Fourth • au, between Cherry alley and Grant st., oe2*y JN . MCuOWRY, jliwmiy and Coumeilor of Lev » Gfficolo BakftWcllVßttildmg»on GrapietrefX icSJ J7-ly. (Y JDAURAGH, Anomtpat Low— Office hi Untscureh’s y* BalTdiDgs, on Grant aireet, opposite the,U»im iioase. . • j_y^^y_ TOtlN BARTUNv AtUjm*va\Lm» —Ottcc,NarU] side ' • J of Fifth street, between Wood and Smiihficl . : Ut 11. HA2£fi« : ■ ■■< A TTORNEY at LAW—No; WU Focam btRK«, J\ above and near SrouhSeld : . • {inartvy*. D. C.COSSITT, _ , A TtORNBY AT LAW* Office, 137 Fourth street, A: aboYeSmitb&eldyPuuhutgh, Fa. _tapr3.y. GILLMORE, A««my €mi Cc«w*iior al VX L*t» —Office removed to the 2d door below Lraot * t» . oa Fourth, to the office lately occupied by Aldermaajvui ■ ler. .. 1 • .v - . • ; Tanrdu J« 9» norrUon» . . . “ ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW >. GFFICE REMOVED id No. 44 Grant *treet t< uear Fourth Pm»Uorgb.Pa. japrlfry WDUL.U HOHiSKTH,4i»»n«» at Lav. Olhce No. il. ItßSnmh&eM »tr«eW*WMn Filih »nd Sixth. Collections carcfßUy xuentUtl to—special auentio tiveii to Conveyancing..-. ::■■■■■■■■ • toecAty ■ - - JAKIKS ItOSS SSOVVUKS, * ATTOKNUY AT IT7» OEli;n and residauce, No. ISS Tirn'l PiMn tnfsh t martB - TiionAii niaiiaii. ■ ATTORNBV AT UW, AND SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY »■ Office, next doorto the Pom Office, _ ■ ■ ■ - St«uli*a»llte» OHIO. XT BUCKMASTEK; Akkrowin—Office: Fourth Street <’ i•J^VthirddooraljoveSnflUiEeW I SonUi»lie. . ' Cooecytuicliigof nil kinds .font with the gTsetestcsrs ' and legal accuracy; , ■ , _ Titles to Real Estate examined, ace. ■ 1 ■ a. *>. itoss* ATTOIiSEY AT LAW, Ho* XO9 Foarth Stmtf pnT3fIVKGif,PA- Fourth door below Mr. RotfyPauer*o:»’* Uverjr Subic ltS3~ -'v.-r? J. 8. Hamilton, . . * t A TTOStNEY AT 1»A removed 10 tbo office in A Fifth itfeet,between wood and Srmlhßela street*, formerly occupied by Thos. Hamilton* decd»uft4 v * willftUchdtoihebssioesa remaining unfinished open nis docket . WjjL . Law Puttwnolp* : , ' " i.f-- -rnßEMßUtibeik hiiTe.associated tnemselyea m oiacucc of lh,' firm or UI.AC* W ash iSsroa. One or tic older of iheia, when noi engaged In • Costi. cad de found at nil uraea in lie office, on ronnn a W ewP.« !S bn rg h >noW oce^cd i |,vJlf v Bi«k b Tel»8 WASHINGTON* ATJtttro ‘. - TTUOS. J. WCUR M’CALUONT & KEENAN* ATTOKS EV3 AT I*AW, 190 tOORTU STHBVT, OoppaiteWaicLnsllall. Pittsburgh, Pa EaropeanLawAgincy. n3* Ma.KssiAtf. la connection vriih tinge Keenan, Eao7. Counsellor at L»*w, Dublin, IfSiaudjCOliects ciai/n*, mue*searches,&c, in Europe* and one.of tne.man* - 'iiuallv makes a lour through Great Dniaio, Ireland and Aoencs. . , (mirU_ ■. •• “V• •• ' • .•• •• card.' .'v> •. '._ .. T?EUCIAJfSLA.TA.PER; Aicntwcr urn CmtEsai vH jrssa. nn«l Plans of ilutluinßS and roa • «Utneryj>repared at short nonce. Land buw-'o< ■ ‘ jCholera.letanua or iocke&frwj female-diseases}-*** . : eases of the litrer and kidneys; Scrofola, Dropsy, Ac. fte.; orid antidotes to all persons, prepared and kepi for file.' Mercury, antbmmey pad their preparolions.^as - 1 as ihclancet, are entirely dispensed with. [rayU PHILADELPHIA. —..a* li. valCutiifiAt JSamtfdettirermd Dealer m , fycsupartni tVtndov Shade*, Oil Cloths t Cords, TcuelSf Bram*, sc. \R6.X® NoamTaißo smrsT, *»nn.Ai>BL«iu. tnarcOiußt ' ' ' j.a.UAtttiVd GALLEB7 OF PAINTINGS, LOOKING GLASS ■ • Aits ■ PICTURE FRAME MANUFACTORY, ■ tfo mo ChainutStTttt Philadelphia. Also, Restonis Paintings.. % ligtHltlial '■ vns, BAaiLKT,: . JKO. a.CQSGB.VX, ■ - SV,K WOODWARD, MALW BApAAET. 'BACAIEIt WPODWABO » CO., . . - • WHOLESALE GBOCEBS, MO. SSI MARKET STREET, PHILaDELHIHA, .. .... • rnartu . Bi A. CBOOKUU S VO>i: . i Imporlert, Mamifacturen, and Dealer) in N«,4T «nd*9 Sumi ß,»'U (W«-4.0 jr, U. BAOUS * 8«B|„ „ ~ Ko.l&i Chestnut Halt, 11 -^ ND goods, ; ....-,■• arm wui: continue to receive,\by every arrival, the A A iatest fiiyles from London and raci*» Persons vib-. ; it&ff the Ra»t arc-invited to call* . •. ; : • ... . AU business of the Jate.finn of Leeds 4s Baggs will ’ be settled by them. Philadelphia,March23,lBs2. • JMto a;'8C0FIKI»P» >. JAMMSD.SmTH ACO., f SdoK B&Uft Blank Book.Mchufacturcrti ,« "fSijrn of the Large BlaofcBooIr*;) > •• r.. <; * ■ Always na.hoo d, C ap, D t nyy ,M diom .caul ■ ' H Ro»alLpdEsr9, Journals, bay, liwoleeußd Cash' jksis3sdSTO?n’, Wkeu, Mlnate ana Lamer Books, - Receipt, Copy and Cyphering ’■ - ossoßment oi Medical, Miscellane* v Booksellers, Bank, and. Counting ßoom,supplied withevptyyarleiyoC Blank. - -sSStaaadSiatloperr.surety low!>"”■ (mn.t9o.gm ■ ■ fihnirs Ite a sanaFamtly. Groceries*. . <' wmild resoectraTly oall tho attention or those odvanuirc, if vUiliog,oreveoiotoake f P ec io!tnplo .- p»tladtljlS«,ta call andoeleMTOe); , ttli2S®!S2SSr • ' wlih from oar exteaslad'and well'seleol^al^?nrtmcnl■ cr good* constantly on hand, ortticlf at feast 15 or 20 for cent . cheaper than ;■ floods neatly nßelred and swt Patuea l&t attention paid to Teas. Some ooco and you win cornea gain. CatnlOdiMs containing a list of*he vatlons articles tn store may oeobtataed onhe office of this pa "£ ‘ per. _ COLTON*-BURIY • ... .. Groocra'andTcB Dcalertj s ’ ‘ NoE.«or»Chcsinat nnajOihwa.»; • • s -. • oiSOjjr ! > t - : : -Phitad6lply*«. - CABINET FUBNITUEE. -«• CBAUI.GSHWUITC. Hi. 850 Chtsinvt ttmt, obovt Ninth JPhiladiljpkitf < . „ * 'sacra siott, » > i •/ l'/\TF|!RBfota>*ieifti Reduced price*,* fine assortment »- > Vir of Ready Made FURNITURE, or-Supenof Work* ~ asnabipt; C99prialog‘D3l tho latest European style* ot ~ ' * EtP _ *.I«o, Sofa «.'*n.■ ■’ . ■r.-'TSfe-- ... \; ■■■ \.jtT ... •'«. ■ v- 1 ■ ••.•■■.v n - PUBLISHED DAILY BY HARPER & PHILLIPS, AT THE “POST BUILDINGS,” CORNER OP FIFTH AND WOOD BTREETS, AT $6,00 HSR Business (Sards. ING & MOORHEAD, Grcttri and Product i DfairovNo. B 7 Wood street, Pittsburgh. - [my33 SMITH attsINCLAIR, - Wkottsalt- Qtcctn . ant {.Com* oomcrof Wood and First sts; nnv3 /IOOLKY & LAIRD, ATircfcant Taitor*, Wcbd street, second door from water, wiU keep constantly. on band a well selected lot of Clothm*, . mutiny • Ba. Fahnestock & co.v imusait urug wan • four*, corner ofl'irst and Wood streets, and; comer of Wood and Sixth. : fcbl • li'STfil. GLErJJOooitWniisr, corner oi Third and Wood -fY streets, above C. H. Kay; where he js prepared to do every description of ruliug andbmdmg. • pec*-,^ JOHN H. MEliLOßTlFfatools and ilttaxl UcaCtr tn and Mtia/cal DwmitnenrrjPianoßjSchooUhnjkfi, and Stationery .No. 122 Wood street. . ?» r »l, Isaac WllUazao, ft/TERCH ANT. TAILOR, Smnlifield stTCf.l,No.l2,be' Hid., tween Ist anu 2d atreew> ; • np-*y> J. A» Coulter) :' M wholesale and retail druggist, eor- W - ner of Wood and Third streets, under Si. Charles Hold, PUlsboieh. Pa. 1»1 ,t3 »an»el If TTOUSE, SIGN, AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, JjL Liberty atreei,opposite Ilaml. All wou neatly executed. Orflera punctually attended to. [mftri.Jiy . : • ■■ ■ . ■ K.C. Stootiton, - . _ r ATE Johnatou & Stockton, BOOKSELLER, STA- Lj TIONER.PRINTEK and BlNDER, corner of Mar ■ land Third streets, Pittsburgh. Pa. • tr-.ttt ■ - JAMES C. WATT, MERCHANT TAILOR, Ho. 38 Karlict elrcet, ■ Between Second and Third .sis.,- Pu!:i'ur^h, Pa Thome* la, Little, WATCH AND CLOCK MAKER, FIFTH STREET, between Wood and Market streets, opposite Iron fcity Hotel. All kind* of Jewelry made and ronur-d. . ••■■■■ . toprfl>ly._ Woodward A Rowlands* ~ DEALERS IN AMERICAN AND FOREIGN COOKS STATIONERY, ETC., ' '■■■ 1 Third Street, rorr OJlut Bmldings. Inp3ll:y ; —: — ~PAXJI, A HIUHUOCK, -.r ; COMMISSION AND FORWARDING Jil-RCHANTS, an d STEAMBOAT AGENTS, No. 7 Watch etesst, OtncmnMl>Oh>o« ftprlrtf . B«xmett’a~&oao«brom&ti» Ucposiioryv tto, 73 Third Strtei. TIJiaD MAY—W£W PAIRTIUOB* hf Qntiin of tfeihsemane Cemetery of 3cnt»n. py-Bilt ' _ :■ ■ W. W. a’Clure, lIOUdR. SIGN AND ORNAMKN TAL PAINTER, coeies o»-woo® iSD nm( sTassra, (Unilef Patricks &• FilenJ s Moker* office,) m-irJ) Ic i'ti!jl>ur S 4, Pa c n. cnuna' .tiiovVs cc.msum. ... CCaiDIINS »inlain.aud Srerntt. Person* wanting «n» thin* iti tbaUtne wUI do welUo;cnJl,flsl am dciernnncito *eH n* cheap «» any otUet person m the ct>y L t^P 11 * wm. ticssisp.S) PirrsßcaaDf 'TLjriI*LKR fc RICKETSON« moltsah Grows, ant! Ira- JKL porlersof Urandtrs,V.,.ra and Ser-rs, No* «ai?4, comer of Liberty and-Irwin «ireew,l‘ii«ti'ir s ti, VarM-fce-.con^ion'.lTonLand.. M’KINLKY, Komi, Stfn amt (n-tiuiunial fmmr, Jibddealer in PAINTS, No.-4i Jt, Clair si., Piiu burgb, fcasconstunliy on, band all kim-aof Paisn, either Dry orMixed! Japan and Copal yarn,sh; Linwcd 0> , Dolled OH i Spirit* Turpentine i \Vmdow Oloae, of all. llM*; PUtiy, Point Bnmtej, Ac., ait of the lmsl quality, and for sale at reasonable price*. , —r ——jruTgif&ttU'Fi FORWARDING & COMMISSION MERCHANT) and Dealer In all kinds of Wistem and IStttHrgh Mcitufacluru, No. 10 Marliel street. Pittsburgh, Pa , JET Will promptly attend to all bast iter* cuiruiied to bis care. • ~ . ; JUUn fi. ISNSKDI. ;■ ■■ MASUCTT KENNEDY A HA.SLETT,- BUCCBSSOR» to Kl SSET & , WUlaaU and Rmii Draltrttn Wauhts, min? t Sura Wart, Fancy and Vnrxtty (roods, Baibas, Como*, se. N 0.94 Market street, between Slh si.mui the Diamond Clocks, Watches and Jevrelry neatly repaired. ■ piUsbtlTjtbp A0ga«1.26, I*3o. • . 1 . jaslsi xaaxsTtw.-io xumcsi, cuoiica. Arrailrong d Cozteiv_ COMMISSION MERCHANTS, GRuCERS, And HmUrt in PiUtburgh Sfaiufactura, SO, O!* W«SS, ASB 04 SUtST SlUßil, rtmuEUliH, TA.. Will .Him) promptly to the wit* or every tlcserpuoit of Western Trotlac&,aml other .articles eotnnt.ttca ip .lheirctirc.. - trnttrl i n. * * 'Jotttt iivrr, itt. ■ j; 0. W11.1.1A818 * CO., „„ „ WHOLESALE AND IIErAII, FAMILY GHOCEIIB, Forwarding and Communon Merchant!, Ar.tl Dealers in cotthisr Psonecß eho pirrseeKOtt-MAWeesoinass, Wood-seat four .dean al>see. Fifth, rr.„S ■ I’m.horeh . Einiiire Ctotiituft Ilnll, . HENKY CHIGNIELL. AGENT, Wood ti., oipo!ilt Firtl I'rabytenxn Church, EESPECrFUGUY Informs Ills friends Soil lbcipoblic, that lie is now prepared to' Patnisti every tluop in the CLOTHING line, us heretofore, at to-.v prices. Cuf tom worli executed iit a »»tisfaetn«, manner. Furnish injCood* Rlway# on hand. .. - (novl P» fiaratißUt (Bneceisor to Saraoel C , Util,) IMPOBTCU AKS PEAZ.HR IS FBIiTtCU A!fP AMtUICAtI PAPER HANGINGS AND BOUDttRS, Window Shadtr, Fir# Board Fnntj, 4*e., ,$/. ■ Also—'Wilting,'Priming and Wrapping Paper, No. US Wood sired. between Foanh si. and Diamond alley, west side, ijg _ PituburgA, P*i tnoa. J- CAMPBELL PAVtO CKEP?*—CnAS. M’ISZOHT. Iron City Tack Factory. aiHB eubicabera manufacture and keep oonstatuiy on hand all Aires of Tacks, UradB,aod Sparables j Fm< Isbinc. Clout uad Hob Nailsi fine UiuoU Flour Darrel 'and L.athtnic Copper Noil* ami Tacks t Darrel. Nails \ Copperttnd7i.no Shoe Nait*j Paueni Maker 1 * Points; Rivets,assorted tires, Ac,, Ac., Ac. ' CAMPUKU., CHESS * 00., my3liy• Warehouse, 5d Water si, Pittsburgh. Looking Uioob and Draih nlitnnfnciorr* W li. WALLACE, No. WGWood srußxr, (nbovc « Fifth,) keeps on hand aori mannfaetures to or tier, every description or GDI und Mahogany Framed Looking Classes. Also, Looking Glass rlci«, by the box or single pUte. Pictures ami Poruaits/ramed with neatness and despatch. . . . A full assortment of Brushes on hand and made fo or der, of tho besi material. Together, wih a variety of House Furnishing Goods, wholesale or retail, to *uu purchasers, at reduced prices. ttcL^o.Cm waj. a; cbiswxll, - Herron A Criswell, BBLL AND BRASS FOUNDERS, ManrrAOYUBEBfI of all kins* 07 brass wohk. Locomotive, Steam Engine, riumben,, sc., sc., Atso—Couoa Batting Manufucttircrs. ■ I?OUN DRY—Rebecca Btreet, Allegheny City. Office, ;.. corner-of-Marketand Fifth sts., Pittsburgh. N, U-—Old Brass and Copper taken in exchange for work—or cash paid. / Orders left at the Foundry or Office, will he punctually attended to. (febp:ly Lowry« «lr M /TffAlß AND BEDSTEAD MANUFACTURER, No. ' j J 194 Fitttrmnn't Kwi Libsuv iir«r,bas On banda large stack er Clmlrs and ilcdttcad* of every dwcrlp* lion; made of the best materials, which be will sell low er fu&d articles-.of the same quality can be sold in. the city. Tie would call panicalar ouenifon to hi* large stock of mahogany and walnut chalre and -Bedsteads, «hlcb be wilt sell fc at greatly reduced prices. Also, TURNING of every description executed in the neatest m oSerfl left at the Warerooms. or at the Mill, oornoroi Adams and Liberty streets, will be promptly attended to. • mar2l . ■■ v- •• ■ ■ tnarf>4:dly TUTONONGAfIELA; MjANING MIBD.-James Mat.*- - VI mosE wonid respeetfaily inform his friends and the mSue, that hi* new establishment is now in full opera- UoniSmd that he la prepared to furnish Boat Cabins, and filial! orders for Planed Lumber; With promptitude,and At the lowest rates; : , • ' . ,m Board and Plank, planed on on* or both aides, eon ; stand?-on hard* ; ; . . . - flasbj Boors and MouldlngajOf every description, mads »nd Oarpentert would find U to their ad*an tagetoglve him a call* as he can now famish them.with plankedstuffVsaliabUfor aVsryd«sorlpiloDof work. ■ . TI7TLLIAM TROVILLU, tfttd««a4 attend foneraifl aepgfl It PlUlllUrglt Dtpoti BARD ft CO., No. 103 Wood siekit, have Juki it. received a Fall supply of slock In their, line. Bal timore and New York SOLE LEATHER, Bhlladclphlo aha and Calf Skins, Flench Calf Skms, Country Up- Jar Kihs'and Cnlf jiirins, Morocco Lining and Binding &Ins ’Tamer’s OilJ Tanner’, and Carrier’. TooTs.ftc And, taken together, they believe n the largest and. Vicst Aver ofleted before, intone, house in Pius* AJi hf wUch are ate fprenared to sell to cash I and prompt pa>tng customer. at tfie very lowest prices P °wn take pleasure In showing our stock, and cordially lh‘Step«eh P «ers to examine,before Purchasing^. „?J;S oMrtartn TUB MSrWWFICE.MTTraUJtOH VETO aTn^o«gg»^j^g dßahow .biii», Labels, MMachine Brewings, Business o.tlS dtv tVM.SCIIDCHMAN, _ ~ ting Sttsintss (Sarhs. C&LIiAtIAS S 3. CO.. MERCHANT TAILORS AND CLOTHIERS, So.l Corner Wood and Wat«r itreets, Ift7 I*!TT < BUBOn. li. s. Officer* :\IS ANUFACTURERSof hu Kinds of trunk anilPack iU. ing Boxes DiUworUfs Planing Mill,Groat street, between Seventh and Eighth. . Boxes made and delivered ai the shortest nonce* tjafl CABO. H LEEi succassajv i-o Wnurav A. Lse.). WOOL • dealer AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, for lt» sale -of- American- Woolen. Goods ,NO« 138 .LIB ERTYBT. - l . pny4 TQOUAS WOODS.*-—^*-•—•'-•*^—- , 3*iICSL VVOOOt‘. T. WOODS Cs, SON) PRODUCE DEALERS AND COMMISSION MEUCII&NrS, - . jaio. y No.fil v/ATas grursT, grmnocaH. 1. W. CUADW ICK* DEALER IN BAGS AND PAPER. So* 140 Wood Street) : . mTSiIURGU. PA The hlghett priccin cash pnidforjrogg. [my 1 l:y JAMBS ft. JOKESr WH OLESALE AND JRETAJL DR UGGISTj COBtna (BT LIBXBTT Xtn> HAND fIraSETS.' ■ A COMPLETE assortment of Drugs; Chemicals and A: Family Medicines,always on hand. . |aj»r9 > H« W * florbncU). . • • • KESPECTFULLY informs bis friends and.the pnblic . in genera], that he has opened the hou?c formerly occupied by S. sbepard, in wllkinsburgli, where be ja prepared to accommodatetraveler* and persons going out from tae'City. fdectflhtf . lUPOBTKB, WHOLESALE AND BKTAII, DCALKB ITT FM ' WATCU2S, GOLD JEWELRY, T>URE SILVER WARE, PLAITED GOOD 3, Ac.— X All kind# of Welches and . Jewelry carefully re paired, No. 61 Market rlreet, two doors uom Tntrd Pittsburgb. . (deetl. C. T. C. nUKQ/UV. BOOESELLEIt AN D STATIONER. 11 A9 nlv?a>9 on hand a general assoitmeut of School* IjL Mitcciluneooa find ttiunk Boot*, Printing, Pom uud Cbp i T uj>rr t ftc , wholesale and rttaa. No. IUJ. iVood si., Driuw Piftb, Eau side, Pittsburgh, Pa. fiy* Warned, Rag? and Tanne«\scraps • VV. pTILCOBN. Co-Partnerahlp. IMIE have entered hno Co-Partnership, for Uie pnrpore of carrying on tho Mustard and fcpice* and general Sliding business, at 1 1? Third creel, where thermit be pleased to pee the old customer? of Wright & Alcorn- [declOj - M’KKtf ec- ALCORfC - Samuel Bal*l»y» EEAL ESI ATE' AGENT. Clßce, comer of Wot it* and Elftii streets, (above ftliti &. Co s Exchange Ulitcc.) .Having opened cn Cfucc nt the above ptnee, for the purpose ofjir pouattn? Leant?, Wihs, Nolen, Bonds, Mortgages, and on olher uislruroents fonhc Bertmty of Money, and for the purchase an i *alc of Mock* UoVizy ■ ■ • ■■:■■■■ Salooui and £iatli»* \\T M. M. WaJJD woul'McspeatfuUy announce to •VV tiro Latliesand Gentlemen of EiusLurgb end vi oimty, that the spaciousbatoaus Budd ing*, ore now supplied with a Fopenor quality of lee Creams; Cates, Fruit*, and other refreshments. Open frooifl A.M.toll P.M. ALSO—Tim Bathing department will always he found 111 order, for. Hot, Cold, orbtowerXtath» r an almost in dispendble requisite for the preservation of health. r “Austin Jbooml«, KRAL ESTATE AGENT, Mcfchandlie, Stock and Bill Broker, Office, tNo.Pi Fourth eitcet, (above Wood). The subscriber bavin* opened an Office at the shove place, for the purpose of negotiating Loaas, Bills, Notes,itoed*. Mongager, and all other instruments for the security of money, and for (he parch&se and nolo of Mocks; Will-alro gi7Qprompt and particular attention to buying, Belling, renting of and Jessing Kcal Estate. ]>7 - ' AUSTIN LOOMIS. CIUBUB UUttUS .it p m’dowell LOOStIS & BI’DOWKLL, OIS N I'll A L V QLLE CTORS. Ovftcxovcr S Jones&Oo.’a Hanking Moo?©, corner of Wooiani Foutih sircci*, Pa.: tD*Citf and country eoUeeiion* promptly attended to. Rtftnnm TVUiimore & WoUT, H. A. Fahnestock &. Co , Miller & Rlokeuon. AVm. Uagaicy 4 Co , J. P. Tauuer Sc, Co , George Diced, Harper 4. Phillips.- UcSI Il.nrr Ucmmlar, No. 180 Liberty Etrtet, PitUhvTgh, Manufacturer ©v tin, copper sheet IRON WARE; DtaJer m Haust Furnaurt Hard uate, Keep* always oh hand a large assortment of Tin and Copper Ware, &c.»befti quality, which be will sell at very low price* foresub, wbolesalcnod retail. Country merchant*are invited to cafl at his stand. • All Job work iq the above business; also, Spouting and Bonding Houser, will be promptly attended to at moderate puce*. . (nnvlfctf The Old Priutlagiciubltmuuui, .- (t&r* TDtL'rsro.i 4. BTocrron's.t \dnd Blank Book rwti Slaiumtry Wartkouzt. T XT 9. lIAVEN is prepared to execute every style or Vf • Legal, Commercial, Canal «nd Steamboat Job Printing and Book Umdinffj au:J tarnish every article in the Blank Rook, Paper and Stationery line, at the shortest Douce and on the roost reasonable terms. ' Blank Book end Stationery Warehouse, corner of Market and and Second street*.- By Priming Oi£ce and Book Bindery, No. 80 Third steel. ■ ~ novlO B. C. STOCKTON, ■ {ton Jafowisn iStcciren.) —— Boobssilsribtatlooer, PrlatorA Binder, \¥TOULD respectfully invite theattention ©f.Mer* If 7 chants and other*- to his large and superior stock of BLANK BOOKS,consistingo ( i)ay Books,Journals, Ledgers, invoice,Cash, Order and Letter Hooke, of every «i*a, made oi the best paper, and bound in the most du* ruble manner, which tie oflers at prices tii.n cannot fail to give satisfaction. Blank Books ruled :md.bound to any given pattern. • -Printing of every description exe* cutrti -mth neatness and dispatch; N 0.47 Mnrket st. a. i. rrwjf.«*»*****-*-*' BTOAKT A SIU., Guocs&s, &90 PnoptfczCositnesnn MsncHArrraj tfo. H 9 IPooiX sirtn, Pittsburgh, Pa. BEALERS IN GBOCCKIK&, Flour. Wheat, Rye, Oats, Corn. Barley, Pork. Bacon, Buticr, Laid, Cheese; Clover, Timotxy and Flax Seeds;. Iron, Nails, Class,Ac.,Ac., Ac. FarUcularaticiilloupßid-io'thQ salo nf Western Produce. AarensNcae—MoFSt*..Myers A Hunter,Robt. Dalzell & Co., ILunplou.Smith A Co-, King A Moorhead,McGills A Roe, Junta* May, Pittsburgh; Femier A MeMtUau, Massillon: Jos $. Morrison. St. Cool* tcplM ■. SUOI'Y A tM'tS, AUCTIONEERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS; 01 turn STBBCT,*T.locus, Rir-soum. HAVING been engaged lu the above business for the last six years, in this city, would respectfully so* lien consignments of Goods, to bo sold iu tins market, either for Auction or nnvatc,sale—particularly Gins** ware, Hardware ami Dry Goods; and will make liberal adirar.ee* on all kinds ot Goods consigned us tor sale here. . ■ . Will refer to Messrs, llewett. Roe A Co.,E.;R» Vol* lei, Wm.X>. Wood A Co., John J- Anderson L Co., R. 11. Stone. Squire A fferd, Brownlee, Homer A Co., Larkin Beaver, Suin’. Louis; Butler A Brothers, Cmclnnuu, George M’Lain, Pittsburgh. Eniafdtby Philfpatmrg Wale* Cur* uuttbiuiuntnti £N PIfILIPSIHJRG, OeaverCouuty, Pennsylvania, on ihe .domh sUlcof tue Ohio River, ©ppostt> the- mpuih of the Big Beaver Creek j twenty-eight miles from rUis burgh, etghl from VVbcelingy ond one bundled .from Cleveland. The Proprietor has had twenty yeara prne liealexperlence as a arezulnr.Physlclon, twelve of which he Uni practised under the Hydropathic system. Terms only five dqllaes per week—payable weekly. All fwiudns are adapted to llydropniia cntc*. Each Patient it furnish two heavy woolen , blankets, two targe comforts, four sheets, four towclF, and one camp* blruiketjor Imllvrubber sheet. ' r DR. EDWARD ACKER, Proprietor, Pbtlipsburg, Rochester P. 0., •" . ' ~ Beaver Co:, Pa, WbolosftliaidßiUth SADDLE. nARNESSANDTRUNKMANUFACTORY! T>OBERT H, HARTLEY, begs leave to in-_ I Xw form his friends and the public generally, *jjgp%& - hat he continues to occapy that large andcom aodionsStore Room,forineTlKoecupied by Samueilvahn attock & Co-* No. corner of Diamond alley and Wood e tree t,wh ere he keeps a laroo and general assortment of Saddles, Bridles,Harness; Trunks, OarpelDagjL Saddle Bsgß.VdlUeSjßaffulo Robes, Whips, and all other arti cles inhisllne. - ' ;.--V-V Healsokeepsconsiantljon hana.nnula prepared to (tmxlsfcto order, altklndsof Riveted Ilose, manufactured of the bestmaterial,tndln a style of workmanship equal to the eastern manufactured article,and at 06 per cent ' cheaper, • ■ " Country Mmktnu and Pamwr*, would do well to call andexaminehla stock before purchasing elsewhere,aa tie is determined to sell first rate articles at very low . prices. ■ jp**Don’t forget the plaea, No. 86, sorner of Wood L itreetandDlamond Alley r _______ ap5W lossra LtFrancot»>- a*na • JUiPPKHOO TT ftßA&n, (Litb J.S.STBlcUjra* Co.) flannfaetoKß ot Phsuix Fite Proof Safes, Stund WoeiandSmi&fiM. r\NTue»dayaßernoon,Jaly 23,1819,the undersigned 11 were oafied open byMessrs.Lippencott k Barr, to Witness an honest and fair test of one 01 their Phoenix Safes. The furnace being prepared, too Safe was placed Inside thereof, with books.agpefe and epmemoneyiwhen the door of the Safe was closed and the fire kindled at a anarter DaatS o’olock. and in a sho« time the Safe was red hotianddontinueatill halfpaateo’eloefc,being about fcorand a half hours, when the aoramiuee expressed Ihelret'lsfaotlon that the time occnpied with such heat wss sufficient. The furnace was then pulled down,Safe cooled, and door opened—the books; papersand money safe.- iho heat was so great as to melt off the bran mountings; ’ VVe therefore take pleasure in recommend entirety nrepreui NOCK ft HAtVSON, CORNWALL Is BROTHER, BRANNON A THATCHER, BENEDICT k CARTER, ISAACCROMIE. I am engaged in the format* business, and know something uooirt farnaocs and heat. I witnessed the bamine iff the above Safe; and osn freely say there was SShSStWihontit,and withplMsure recommend them to the public as being, ia my judsmen^emu^-fire* the EboYC waUemen fortheJJ” tures; they e.lUpoke In the highest terms Af fuirbMi of the testj aad their fall confidence of the Safe s bemf entirely fire-proof. We have consnnily.tm hand and fqi lajejrfaUmißonmani of the above Safes* „ v TAAFFE, MAGtjmK BANK. I*" :• • to Maguire, Bane & Co.) v; Oommlsilon .6: Fottrardittrj^jchwtf* No, 124, BBCOPJB STREET, yfrTSBUROH. 4 RE now prepated to receive ond/orwata goqo« pjr A; River, CaOnii Rftilfoad or W«gon,wiUipwropW« and regularity- They will also aevoie their attention to, •the purchase and sale of Prodaqe, lrpnj; I 'Pittsburgh manufacture*, of -tfceirabUUy to give peculiar aaUsfebticm w ail lhoie fa- I'VQtlhathem vruh cotamasda, thay respectfully «ujcit order* and eonflgnawtiu. PITTSBURGH, FRIDAY. JULY 23, 1852. -L, 9. JOHNS' **•••:• ..........J.X.&V&LY. J* liftvely 4 Ccfn BEALEB3 in CHOICE FAMIIV GROCERIES, ■ Teas, Fiekles, FnJit*,Ao.,4c.,Ko. £Bs Liberty *u, (north doorbelow Hand; / ■ fmyfrfry . . ' . ttiiiseii A tlohnjtoai • trrHOLESALE GjtOCER!?; COJOMtisSION AIEB f f CHANTS, amt lieaiersin'-PWwci hnd Pit tburgh Manufactures, 110 YVMcF tfHd^lsC ; -.FiCnl Elieeis.Pits ■burgh,-Fa... -.if ,tmyl7 J. K. WEI.DIN, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL HEALER IN :Blank and Bikool Booke, Paper and Stationery, No.GJ Wood street, (beiween finrd and Fourth,) mar2o ■•-m:-. .. Pittsburgh. UENH7 M’CDLtot/GH: bVculLoiTgu incivaT uroubioviii 4 co.: TKTHOLBSARB Grocers and Merchants fy and Healers iaallkindsofsProdacej corner of Penn and Irwin fits., PmsbaTgh. (marll r attrpbey, "* WHOLESALE DEALER IN Trimmingt y Notion*, J?ancy and- Vanity Goods* NO. 61 WOOD STREET, ccp4 btiwem Thtrd and fpunh, Piiisbumh. FENNER MoMILLAN £ ARTHUR, •wholbsalaE’* : . ■ . ■■■ Qroeera snd Xoiasitiautn filerchanti, NO, iHrIiRGAD STREET, NEW YORK. : • . marSChlT* 0-C iIILTENBEOOKII ......... i..v .... nuuDb«rg«r 4i|:o*) For WARui mg ANiicommissionmgrcu. ANTSyfcnd dealers In alt kifida of Wepierrr Pro* dueo and Puuburglr Manufacturer No; ISS, Praia at., Pittsburgh, Pas . •' • ■ ■: • JjelS T ~' bOCILWDOIE'* ' CLEVELAND t PITTSBURGH .MDMASStLON- EX> PRESS, < Leaves Pittsburgh W€dn«tdavt tnd Fridays, MAKER B, Ag’t my7:ly ■ •'• • • v Q» Wr Tttylbr) A r o. 121 SecondiSireet, -■ Negotiator of noNlfcj, Mortage*,Time suie, and Stock*. Also* l*iUsl/i)r;£i) Menafac-tures and Merchandize, always Copper and btieet Iron Ware, and makes 10 order on Urn shortest notice and most accora modaung terms. Wholesale nnd Remit. ftnyio.d&wly fiitfrt* JRatfte to Order* At Mo, 15 ThtrUJ)oor from Market strut. riiUE subscriber raanofactarcs to order tbe bcsiqualuy. X orOENTLBMKN’S 9HIRT3. = Those gctiUemOn who have found il difficult to obtain a vxflijitting &iui thoroughly mads Shirt, can J>e' sotted by culling and leAVUK.Uteif mrasurc. ALSO. Oq hand. a large qaenmy of Ready Made Shirts, of ett sizes,for Men and Boys. iaS 0. MATIIKWB. GAKU. State Official Interpreter. WM. Ji ROSE, InitTpuurof Fojcign Languages vi. *mlforth* VcmmoArztalihcfPesntylvania, to re* side m the City of Pittsburgh. County of Aliegbepjvniay be found everyday, Irom a A. lyf. until b P. M.,in the Quarter Sessions CoQrtßoora.oi at No. 150 Fourth rt. Bonds. Deeds, Mortgages, Potvcrs of Attorney, and ail legal or other writmgs whatsoever, translated from or. into the German, French, Italian and .Spanish lan* gauges, wt-U neatness and despatch. __ - ap£6m J, J. OtGLKSPIK, ito. 7b Woe# tintt, .Pittsburgh, MANUFACTURER OP. LuCJKING GLASSES, and Wholesale Dealer in Corahs and Variety Good*, offers to in* customers and the phbhc.a fflostcomplcte astertmrm of Good* in hw urns, rentable totbe spring wade.- ■ . .■ Being extensively engaged truhe manufacture of every variety of Looking Glumes, he U enabled to offer m* dcceaeiil* to purchasers equal to nay house in the Union. ap*ttutnTtuni IS NOW ready infer rnsb every bind of Litliographie wore in the most elegant style, enuhasSaot* ofUj, Naps,Portraits, Landstapts,.Cards, &\U ktadtjand to* printed tn gold, color*, Ac. Aube fame place Messrs. Mocaer fe llelmle have opened a Diuxmo £cuoOL, and eiecntc on order Drafts of Machinery, Edifices, Moaucient&.&c., with all possi ble accuracy and elegance. 1 ... . al&ly The Baiooflii :■*■* . AT THE ATHENA2UM BUILDINGS, LtesßTT 6T., arc ot all ume* a delightful piece of resort for La* dies and Gentlemen to enjoy a plate of FRESH OYS* TKRS, cooked in the various styles and served in a manner that camiotfoii to please. Alto—HOT COF« HSK, TEA, PASTRY, and other refreshments, at short notice. A PRIVATE SALOON FOR LADIES. Ip* THE BATHING ESTABLISHMENT always in order for Hot,Cold, and Shower Baths, from 7 A. 51. to IIP.M- (feblßW. W. WARP. k Jlope IliUi In Full Dpsrstlon Again i ' v“ ~RkaAV£tftk3X7fc, fVH ■ Strut,. ffMlEpropnetor, thankfoi to the public for past ess* 1 X «nn, ventures to solicit a continuance of the same for hut present emcTpnse—the establishment of Ftow? and Syiet Mitts within the city—for the accommodation of hit easterner*, aad all who wish to have really good Fiour>paragrottud Spices, Ac., Ac. The attention of Families, merchant and others. Is Invited, and aUI ask is that they will give me a trial. f;r. dkavo, No.l Diamond. N.B. All artieicstaken hack if not found good, and the money returned.. fmarlD •—“Tnosr.4* a.»tu. A otic* to iUtiruad Contractor*. 'gill tv subscribers having uadcriaken to complete the X grading and masonry of ike whole of the Pittsburgh and . ttuheuville ftaitrnsd, from Pittsburgh to the Vir ginia line, respectfully invite such contractors as have made fair bid* for poruottsof said work at tbe late leuing and any oihorsdeMtousof having work on the road, to call without delay at their office, corner of Grant street ur.il Diamond alley, up stairs, where one or more mem ber!* of the firm wih be found, prepared to make salts* factory, umner.raeuii with contractors for doing parts of she work. None but re• L‘"’ .. Sngar~*£iedes—For the' manufacture of Cane Bagar. The Kettles are cast on, the process patented by J. C. Parry, and ate superior for durability to poy pther,' and' sold lower than those made on the old plan. - .' i.i.;: Stoves,: of every descnpuou, Stove Pipe ahd Tin Ware for Stoves, and Castings of every description •*» Also, IKON and NAILSj&U.of which; we oflelatibe' very lowest prices, fnovlflsvl JO, PARKY fcCft v ■ ■ Wa-rarlyHouaa, ■■■■; DIAKOJU) ALLEY . RKAE WOOD STBEVT, ; , VnLLIAH QALIAQBEB, J'raprtuer, hi * iMiHUnmii THlBfaahion*bleaadpnp.T r lli- , ialar ‘cdinlj'been fittid np fa a atyfe*>£"M®S jHHEr OUEarpruled by aavaimilareaUibUShment - -the CUy;aAdiiov Proprietor 1* preparedio/anuiOila friends and lire pubup generally with every article uia alirfdondatßttch places: ■'./ ■ ... .■ ; All of the delioacjeaofjho aeatopt la tiawap 01: GAME] FJBy,SOUfSj tony*!* l be Wiped npin thebeit i •' : " ~ - BU V'AND SEGL UoW,Bil»er and Battjt /’Jt gotiiiif Loanson Rea!Estate or,Slock SeepriUe*i purchase Promissory Notes and Time BiliS|OU t«asnuiu west; buy and sell Stock* on Commission. i Collections made on all pointshi;4hc Union* Removal. Patricks & Friend, BAHKEHS AND BXCUAJfOIfi BttlrtKJSßßi HAVE REMOVED THEIR OFFICE TO THU COBSKR OV F FTH AND WOOD STgEBT^ : Pittsburgh} Pa, > PATRICKS A FRIEND, Bankers and exchange brokers, and Dealers JnNotes,Drolls* Acceptances, Cold. Silver* and Rank Nolcs. Exchange ou the Eastern and West* ern clUcsconstantly for safe. Collections made iu ail the cities throughout the Uiu ted States. Deposited received in par fijnds or current paper, at tbe corner of Fiflhand Wood streets. ffeb3 Domestic and foreign Exchangei Bank Notes, GbldandStlvtr^Bougkl.SoilandEzchangtdy ...... ITTB g.- BXCnAROfi ASD RAHKIBO IIOVS& ■ . .nr..., : . v' William A, Hill & Co., Wood Street, PITTSBURGH RylWTgßrtratXQwaaoNTWßDßyoarxa. r*o*S3. aomovait IT. HOLHSB & BOBJQ, BAVB SIXOWD TIISIB BANXtnS A!fl> EXCHAirOV OFFICI 7b No. fi? Market attest, faur.doon kihxo old Hand, N. HOLMES A SONS, BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS*and Dea* ler*ln Notes, Drafts, Acceptances,Gold, Silver and Bank Notes. Exchange on tbe * Eastern and Western cities constantly for sale. CollecuoQstn&de ta all the clues throughout the Uni* ted States. Deposited received, in par funds orcirrr&nt paper. No. 07 Market street, between Third and Fonnb streets. : janßMy; faa.a.HooTi. thos^bacoxnt HOOHdSAROBOT. BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, : N.E. Corntrof Wood and Sixthstrieis., PttlsburghiPa TtEALERSin Coln,BankNotes, Tune Bills, Foreign JLM and Domestic Exchange,Certificate s o f Deposit,*© on all the principal Cities of theUnlos and Europe, for sale in same to suit purchasers.' v * CURRENT and parfundtreceivedondeposiie . . COLLECTIONSmadeon allpms of the union, atihe lowest rates sepU-ly o*ooll SOR. BROTHER A Co., BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, DEALERS in Domestic and Foreign ExehanxeiTime and Sight Bills, Co’n, Uncurrent and Par. Funds. Slocks, Ac. - Office, corner-Third and W’ood streets, Pittsburgh.- • ....■ jmarl7:tf. • tt lbn o 00., BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, Corner of Wood and Fifth streets. SIGHT EXCHANGE on the Eastern Clues constantly for sale. Time Bills of Exchange and Notes dis soanied. Gold,Silver and Bonk and sold. Collections made in all the principal ciuesof the United States. Dcpositsrcceived of Par and Current Funds.: • murtf7:y. ~ JDiafiolatkom fIiHE firm of A. WILKINS A CO. , has this day been x dissolved by momal consent The business will be elored by Thompson jBelL ,A. WILKINS, JOHN A. CAUGHEY, THOMPSON BELL,' BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS. THOUMOS ........ a. CAUOKX7. . Thompson Belt Afe Co*, {Late of JL JFifihns S Co.) . Will continue the Exchange and Banking business at the old standj corner Third and Market «t«. - ftvQ PITTSBURGH, JULY Ist, teoa ■ ' Exehsoge and Bsubiag Home : A. WILKINB &. CO., NO. 75 FOURTH STREET, PITTSBURGH. PA., . (Opposite the Bank of Pittsburgh.) ' : The subscriber, under new and more favorable auspi ces, will continue the Banking business and Stock Bro* terage hi the House formerly occupied by Messrs. Palm* er, Ilanna A Co., and more recently by the Pittsburgh: Life Insurance Company, where h© will be pleased to see his old fnccds and customers. jy3 A. WILKINS. G. E. AHNOLD €t CO., AND HEALERS IN EXCHANGE COIN, BANK NOTES, SIGHT AND TIME DRArrS,*e. f Ac.’ Collections carefully attended to, ami proceeds remit* ted to any part of the Union.. i... a .■•»■ STOCKS*^ BOUGHT A!TD SOLO OZt COUBXSSIO!!. : No. -TA Fourth ■■ sepl3) Nextdoor to the Dank of Pittsburgh, fioUls, s?t. !*• W* Sizifekb, • IRON CITY HOTEL F\fi\ Sirtst.bttvnm Wood onil Marie . ID* Good STAPLING attached toth ase. fapr7;> ALL KM UnOWJI. ...» ... v* .viinaiiii: QBQWff>SROTEb, CORNER OF SEITHFIELD AND THIRD ST$~, POi - ■ BROWN A CONNELLYvPROrRIBTORS N. B —Good Stabling attached to the house,- : Owstou's Gxohangst NO.L7ST. CLAIR STREET.—This house has been taken by the undersigned, filled up in style, furnish* cd with the best of LIQUORS, and everything the sea* ■on can afford. An excellent LUNCH every day, to which attention Is especially called, lanlfi JAMES OWSTONr Western Exchange Hotel, MAUKKt ST , WEST 0? TUA BQVAHE, FKU4DSZ.PJ3U, Neatly oppnue the Control and Pinna Railroad Depot. G7*Tnesuhscriberrcsoecifully share of the travelling. public, JOSEPH WATERMAN; Proprietor. .Tams-Onc dollar per day. . • • ffrhlflity. . 8 T. CH A RLE SH O TV22 t, •- Com*T of Third and Weed ■ < WILLIAM S. CAMPBELL, Proprietor. ff'itlS fine establishment; having cotnc uiiu the hands 1 ot a new proprietor,ofiorag-cauuduceaieuisioiho traveling community, and also to regular boaiders,— Every delicacy ami luxury will be provided iniu sea son; and no pants will oe spared -lo mnkc this Hotel a comfonublu Aowe.to all who may call therc m) Uitf W. S. CAMPURLL, Proprietor. * THU URAKTUOUSB, Corner 0/ Fourth and Grant Street f. TitHE subscriber has leased the large and well known X- HOTEL, (lato Lamartine bouse) at the coraer'Ol l ouriliand Groat streets, Pittsburgh, which h&« been repaired and newly fitted up m all us apartments,so as to give a large and more liberal accommodation vorraw tiers and boarders, ills larder withbe stored with-the most choice viands the markets can afford, and his bar farcished with the best. He would respectfully iolicite • share of publio paironage. . B. PERRY. , marlg , liaßalle Rcßtaurantf No* 4 Smitjhfield St.) opposite the Manongahcla Mouse* T P. YEH.GBR has lakes this large.mid handsomely ■ (I » arrangedbuilding v&ad put it in most thorough .re* having enureljr refitted and retaruishtid it in ele 15am style, in amatuier hot cxcflleld by;any simile ea* '.ablisbmenlintho city. 1 BAR at all times furnished with LIQUORS of the choicest brands, and every delicact of the seasonjsuch a* Oysters* Game, Sotips, Ac,, ab waystn readuiece. ■ ■:• . PiNftK&s and Surfaju served, and Pailorsprovided for Pnvatepataca on short notice: [mylO *WUKUrB U&LI.I FOVRTHSTREET, NEAR SmTHFIELD, ' TOI2N WAkKEßtake* pleasure inannouncing to his friends land the public that heims/takea tlte above . splendid establishment* and afier.considerabta expense has made it a delightful place of is perfectly: prepared to eerveup at the shortest notice eyery delicti* cy whiohmety tempt the appetite' of theepieureor the fancy of the mastf&stidious. . iJinhorwill be ta readiness eyety day at i o’clock,for any number of persons» eomraoncinffthis day,dnneirtBt Partio* can bo accommodated with Supers in’ the most ruhiurth* mnhnen Oya wrsr Game }J fcc,, jwilt £«* lodnd thero in their season, la proprietor intends’ that no expense or trouble shell bp spared .to niake this already .popular.house tko best in the Western countrv le&kiy • . 1 St. Cltlr Hot«i, : . {Formerly th© Exchange.) . , • Corner of Penn andSL-Clairitrattißiiitburgk fHIS jspacioiisjcentral, and -conveniently: located HOTEL).having been completely remodeled'And thoroughly repaired and improved, andlsndw open for lhe accommodation of thepublic. « % : . ; • « • l. The sabßcnber, lessee and proprietor of tbe St. Clan i Hole!) respectfully informs his friends and the publlci that he has furnished it in the most elegant and comfort* able Biyia.and employcd cqmpetfeiii nssf&ianU and at* .I®“*!.?© aad faitbfQ) servant*, apdr will apare ne ® *? Q f 6 it equal to any house In the country; - ibe well. known central location of the Haase; an£i ctmvemcuceofJuarrangementSrf rendering-inh©-most.: absixablC)OUher.to travelers-or permanent hoarders, in* duces him 16 Soucitand hope for it a liberal share ofpa* ttonage. (apr22J __ C W. HENNFrrT. MISCELLANEOUS; SUGAR HOUSE MOtASSES—IB l>bb. St. Jame. i "in da St. Bernard Sugar Home Uolanes, iu atore and for Mie by firia) .MILLER & BICKETSON. ■ ■■■.CKrß'niele'and Journal copy--. ■ ; . - - TMJROPKAN LAW AUUNOY—for me couscnon of T?clairasin Creat Britain anil Ireland Thomas J. toehan Europea rr Agem, will leave ibiacuy previous Ibe office of i£o Fourth street. - ,'7 Boi.t.M'AN & GARRISON - have renovedto their •New Bulldwgs. in: Birmingham, near,.the ZjfP'iiZ Having ail the late improvements for heavy work in FornK &c; with Lathes, and other machinery, nnd k?epm* y rtho best qualities of meial, they are prepared to famish dtachinery, &0-, wi * i y th ß v adll WUUi the:.WttrehQU?c.J>ii >yl n ‘ lh “-5;“ fc ®;V» business s hereafter will be consumed in the name of TOLLMAN, GARRISON * CO boLLVAN, ABRAHAbI GARRISON, JOHN M'DONOUHH. April 18. tSSh—tf _ Pftmbnrgfa, fTtHE undersigned, 44 European Agcn»,” •'•l' the American Baft siitl continue to collect debtSj ler mciwandclaims,rfinuimanles l procure’copie* of vuH-, tierdfi and documents, condttot sails, obtain. tcßtiinonYi makS aearcUeo nil olhf -usiiiqM 61, England, Ireland, Scotl-nd, Wales, &c. • Tliey are aj all time* In communication, ,r«cei»fng documents to and: fro! and one ol thcnij,regularly m each a tool through tI;C PW 0 ®‘ ,le S,? f Europe and America,-on professional nextannual tourwiHbevbctwcntyraixtbofiibU Agency. Innnmerahlerererences 5 «en M A g rpjyto EENANi 120 Fourth street, Pittsburgh, Pa., 11. KEENAN, , , imersian Place. Pnblin, Ireland. ITfNMiNLbK’S STATIONERY 'Wbaiman’s Drawing Paper, of aUai2es., TracingCJnth+inrollrMinch’.s - - : , Trautwine’s Cross Section Diagram paper, for em . bnnkmeniß of 14 anil 24;feetbTcad«ay,nnaelcnva uonaof 18and23feet.roadwqy.. - • Roll Drawing Paper, 69 inches -wide* : Log rlo . do Double Elephant.' .; Profile Paper. - -TapoLtnesvoiled. divided ifl tenths. >. . JacksonI*, 1 *, Faber I#, 1 #, andßrookmanA Langden s Lead Pencils. Buperlndia Ink. . : Inaia Bobber. AlouibGloe,Aa ,v , * , - The above, with a foil assortment ol all otner kinds of foTsaleby • ' ;J- R. WELDIN, Bookseller and Stationer, je26 • No. 63 Wood street, bet. Third and Fourth. Saw Supply of CEICKE&INQ* 8 FIAJTO3. •.. rrffT - .. • Jast received,direct from lhe celebrated ffISBMMBi manufactory of Mr. Ch:ckenng, Boston, following ncvr supply afPIANO i! v I ffFORTES:— •• Two splendid Carved Rosewood Plano Forte#, foil seven octaves, with all Hie recent improvements made by tfr.Chickenng; -Ope Rosewood carved,double round comers, six ana ibree-quarier octaves; Oito Rosewood double round corners, full seven oc taves; _ - Two doable round cornets Rosewood,.&x and three? quarter octavos;. - - • •. .:.••• , One Rosewood round corners, with ear anaa half octaves;'' , Two Rosewood- six octave: Pianos, with .square cor* new. ' The above Piano Fortes arc-all manufaclured from Uie best midmost thoroughly seasoned materials,and fully warranted. The prices aie the same, as charged at ihe manufaG torr in Uofllon.'andwill be sold on the usual accomoro dating terms. JOHN- H- MELLOII, • • ■: •-...v. BVWoodstreet, . Agent (or the manufacturer forPiUrburgh and West ern Pennsylvania. ... Qys.; ADARS CO.*S WKBTBt&N ffiXPlifiSS OHIO XINEB* HAVING purchased Mr. J; S. Lockwood'sPillsbcrTgb - end Cleveland and Pittsburgh and Massillon Ex press, we shiuleommeuco running the same oa .Tues*. day; June Ist, 1852 . A messenger, provided with an iron ■Safe forcarrymgmoney and valaabfeparcels, will leave our office, Bl> Fourth street, at 8 A. Mi, for Cleveland and Massillon; and returning, will arrive dally at 5i P. M. • Gold, Silver, Bank Notes, Jewelry. endotheT valuable, parcels, together with goods of nil descriptions. will be carried at mail speed, and delivered at any of the stop ping places on the Ohio And Pennsylvania, Cleveland and Pittsburgh, ClevelamLColarabus and Cincinnati, SandoskyiMansfield,Mt. vCrnou,.Newark and Zones-, viileßailroads. - . Our Ageitfs; or. the Agents of the American Express Company, will forward goods from any of the important points on the above lioeof-railroadcjtolownsand places adjaeent, we do not to.. Nor we responsible, as ear* ner% to points beyondihe.lmes over wbioh we run mes sengers. We can now reach by railroad* almost every town In Ohio of importance. Goods for northern Indi ana, northern Illinois, Michigan, and Upper Canada, for warded dntty to Cleveland, audihence to desiineuanby: l American Express >. ; - • v _ fTT'Please mark goods distinctly t and on the packa ge z; not on cards orldbels; also,mark the name of the county. 'The collection of drafts, notes, bills and accountant-, tended to atalL points on our diderent lines-■ mcltl ItMfRR »■ pnagypw. - NO HVMBUQ / Orafid J SAtlous! AtiDlietiary Sale-of SPRING AND SUMMER DRYGOODS! AT JEFFERIS 1 ONE PRICE CASH-STORE; 0 Slatkst gttttubelwitn FmmjVancfr t&* Diamond. TilEsubscriber will commence a closing oqi sale of the entire Stock of Spring and Summer Dry, Goods, on Monday, Jane 23 1852-Rdrchasers may rely that the following deductions will; be made on. the original prices: Crape Shawls have been selling at <.O revluccdio 81,00 do-- ■ -do -'-do - JO,OD . do. ~ 7.00. do : do do . .1200 .do -0.00 ; do do ' • do : 14JHJ do : 10,00 do ' • • -do - - do. - do i ’ IW»0 do- do do . 22,00 do. ' 16,00 SuperGlacia Dress Silks EeUtcg av l&o do 80e do ' 'do ' do 135 : do - < 1,00 - do - do rdo.•l 50 : : do - 1,15 Turk Satins selling at ' v. . l,G2i .do .1,25.: Ch&mehon Silks Brocade selling at 1,25 -do • 1,00 do do .-: -do. 1,61) .. do. • ‘1,20 do black do 1,7 S do 1,37 Printed Lawns have been selling at , 12f do 10a do - do do 10 ..do • r 12$. do do . do. Ifcf do • 14- • do “ CO -■•>■ ••■•■.•do- r-25 do Super French Jackonet Lawns, celling at : r ’ 37} * S 3 Super Plain . ;.-‘.rdo'--.;.,-..-.44:;..-'--dA--i ■< / 3IJ do Figured, do. 03 ...,: do :•, -•••35 • Baregeds LaineS) *do .sffdo - - 3l| do • ' .do ... . do. ... 3r|.-, dn• Mb . do do do 31 do 20 Onr Block embraces every vinety of-Fancy and Sta ple Dry Goods, whteh We will sell at|reddced prices, re^ftlvtng.FaltGwxla. *.. - - • : r>Y THU COfIMON'WEAIiTH OP PENN3YLVA; D nia. . . TjjgxspaY department, > “ ~HABBttECOO, ( Ju1y2,i352. $ : •Q-AttC cT4fceGerf«fikl l Ats«mUlyv ap; . proved 4iU day.of and State Treasurer are authorised’to' on the faith of the ] Commonwealth, any;*utnfhot exceeding; TlYfi MIL-1 UONS OF DOLLARS v aiarateOfii'letesl not.excced-1 ins fiv« pef cant peranimiav fdt ft''i*M}od not-exceed- 1 ;ing twenty-five yeaw,Afld , i -numwealih for - the stubuvW'lTH COUTONS-OR IN-/ TEEEST;CEaTIFICv , tiic'scnji-aoDoatintcrenthereoDj Wnicb Coupons shall be redeemable iii gold anit flilver,or an equivalent, and the bonds hereby.authorized.to b,o -created: shall «or ft* • sufcjtat itf tQzaH&iferf tihy iiutpoH'ithaitt'er. The mms bo borrowed ihdii btapjludipihfraymmic/the six pit e«»ttoB»ii'..that;a» i J»yahlft:M.th6 optfo!i of the ; Com monwealth, after the years of 1818 and 1847* aodthe cancellation' of -cerUncates.of deferred- interest, sucb of.tho five per cent, bonds, as may be subject to canceUaxioaifytheSt&tfc. ' ‘ \ . And said actTdhlierprovtdesr M .That, at the u»e.of making proposal* for said loan >; appneauon may be msdeJbr ony parv thereuf, at an interest of foar per cent* ore less rate,upoaeondiupa.ihatthelcan shall be for u greater perinu v and not cxceedtog- thirty-fife -NOticfi Is thereibre ■fcreby"given» .that, proposals .will be recciredafi 2 o'clock; ,of TUESPAYr the 7 th-of :Septwnber jwxwforJoaning. iothe CdmmonwealthorPennaylwanlsC, fortiie purppaw aforesaid,the sum of FTVE MIuLIONSOFTHjLvARSi at ajme_of intercttjootcxceeding five per cenUperaß*; mun, paydW# «J4 ttxtfmo£«D MUTftj iTbacerUfioateS.or. '«id lod h sAflZivwttii tulgtct is anftaxtttit&frt dwyfWr «a:e wftareter, andshall havceottpow«tf«cAid,s®eeeoiy. -tdTh4'-ietiak-orYheribr^ihirlm' / and; «»dw?ruflcaiea rthall botnadcinßomscf <**&£?} *». dot iThemfopMatmnst.state*dtsttneilytha lowest ‘ia Tbe proposal Mil not ■^^©?asagssg»&Bffiss the* aforesaid,eetoi■ the General AVTcmbiy, andby/vittnejof tbs authority pr Up’same, £f,Ssi SaWhereW Sy«n,nlat «etU6catti of Wan of I SaCMasioa'oreal'teafT»oO'S ,l ' t «bia,b*tt«nr'amta’of i «■«■>««. I : iitt^elplmdonofW^iw^ODd^^WVooiet, : ! iws46SS^‘MSifflS>awealtlt«»*oc&, Siionson UU..abj99tOM £o SHKJ , «S SS*®!**** nor,at H»ni»bni¥’ ]. . iQHN M. BtRORL, |y»it»»97 9w»Tcawmw, * it'v' *r i , ■* v \ v L-u, *?*•^r ? ; t .?g t «.g4"i^^ ; t > .-g-» ■£-&%.&Ci^ St V'f---'r.^--{^, : ! f yyJi l^M^-ill NUMBER -4. Jar Sale j; t t. /■ For Sale or Kent. - “lITABEHOUSE No. M, corner of Pt*** M. , s^ e x^ Wejiond - ma ai Ryan’s Dmldingo,No.'rSi F.rlffiy ’ .'K iinrSV n w W “>• «omfortabte * £ LING HOUSE, No 69 Congrctsnrcel, Sixth ffW' '■ Ward, cOaUinuig nxrooras, well finished, PoS«SL Msaion given mmediaioly dfireqniretf. For farther I*. - 1 formation enquire on tic prcmirca.orol * ne ' l 0" f igg ; THOMAS LOWRY- , T° U3T.-A UWBLUWi HOUSE. coniaitTSi^ X In* aor 10 rooms, in goodrepair.on Federal <“««. , Al ‘esl-eny City.'HsdHUH a tbVSSri *B. which Is. large enough tor a g»rdea.“Rjm , iow « t ,ii possession given immediately. . cn; *ow>»B« £> D.GAZZAM, Liberty street, -r • ' nearthc comsr of Thitd.' • :iPor' ,• Fot particulars, rnqiUre of Altlermarr-FAPg¥£S?i«' Penn streeuFjfth W*rdv. • ;■: - - J IL'OH on iouna su«l,’ OM-iteVd oare ■■»■«„ Jc. No 329,belwernmarlt(iiarwFerry,.« 85 back i well Bulled for building naipowS! TW*\n aisbutabVand iero»ea<>y. Var renlT TWO S.™ Fifibblrecl Apply lo m, »wu cffieeion JPOAIiMOJiT Sc KTIIWAN, ■ Ailemeyg at Law, dgO Foatii. lui; :; ehaaera, and the term# or payment will be verreiisi Enquire of Z Vf EESUNGTCxT sepd Manner. A TainabU ■; f leo* of Proparty; for gajai /CONTAININC. O.ACREB, wtunte In the immediate V vidniiy of ,Host Liberty, adjoining lands of Thoa; Mellon,Eiw.>uit'i 61 rn.Neglcy, about Jofamilolroai the ; : Railroad. This property has on n a Sue, prospering yoapg orchard, and tsn-my desirable situation for a * 7 coamry:reeidence,bemgo few hundred yordriromih*'- ;> tornpike r «nd fronungon the old Mansion road.- Thin properly is also-very snnableior perßons dcsiron* Of purchasing i or l here lots, as ll points on three differen streets, if not sold tn u body, it will be sold in lots to - suit purchasers. Tor information enquire at: this office, ' anB FOtt SAZjj^U A LOT OF GEOUNDju orl»olsia thft > ■. f\: ■ Third Ward, of ihc Chu oi Pniaburgh, near High street* and being sififfeej front on Pennsylvania Avenue, and macing bacif 117 f=et. The will bo *old» (clear of all incumbrance), except annnnuai ground rent of feet, from* , log the Monongahela 203 feet, fronting 011 Miltenoergcr street 4001eei. : One other Lot* adjoinlngthe above, in FiU township, fronting oh Locnst streei 244 fect,frbnttng on Milen bergers street to tlte bluff 323 Teei, on tae-bluff over looSiog the MonoDgaheixi244 fceiyioa. line of the prop* ertyof iho late-Jamea Irwin,2Co feet 10 Locust street. ::OnooiherLot.mFiit township jfronungon Locust st. 293/eet, fronting on Millenbergerslftetlih) feet to a 24 '■ feet alley, Ironung on saidalleyiM lectio a line of iropertjr oMaje James Irwin, from Alley. .10 Locunafc 120 feet One other Lot! in-tbe city 01. Pittsburgh) fronting on Locust street 293 reel, fronting on Vanbraara street 123 test to a 24 feet alley, fronting oiv«Qid alley 293 feet; fronting on ftiutenberger sireef 120 icel to Locust st* ’ Oneoiher.Lor,iromlt»gonForbosßtrcct4B feet,front' ing.onMiltenbcrger’street ISO feet to a 24 feet alley : on the «aid tulcy 43 Teel to Lor Ho. 42 in filmenbcrger 1 * plan of Lots - * - One.caherLot,fromlogonForbes RtreetSd feet.lront* ing on Vanbraam street 120 feet, to a 24T fcet oiler, fronting ou said alley 72 feet. : > ■ ; l;will: seUforeasn, on:lcag.' umey or on- perpetual tease*; For particulars, enquire of the anbßoriber, on the corner of Sandusky street and Boalb Common. Al legheny City. nmrgo:4m • GEO. MILTBNBEBGER:- FOttBAJLffiT r|*Hß subscriber oilers for sale, on very reasonable A terms,the following . A THREE: STORY, UiUGK. DWELLING HOUSE; No. UQ.Fonn street, between. Hay street and Evans’ al ley r and Lot 25 leet frout, extending back 112 feet to an alleys The bouse ia one of tbo; beat buildings* and - in one of themosu>leaaantneigfcborhoodain the Cltr. FIVE LO'l'B—Entbranngeorncrof-Front and Ferry streets; opehundreU tuid five feet front on Fcny. and 60 feet on Front street, with a-good three story brick bnildingonihe jcprncr-a 2 story ;frame on Front at— and two Brick Buildings, used as shops.on Ferry su LOT,3I feet from Oy Bft deep, on-Frontj-bciwecn Market and Ferry greets* . . : - „ALOTjWith very convenient Frame Dwelling; Lot doling on Congress and Elm streets. "VTWybeetreet, near.- the new Coon HoUBO. ' Tbe boose i< well arranged and 10 good -order.ond is nowoccupfedasa Hotel.' • . A THREE .STORY* BRICK,'on Bfnithficid street, near Seventh, beingLi.an excellent badnes* location.— • The Loria2o by 80 feet deep, fronting on Southfield st. A COTTAGE FRAME and Left, 28 I.VJiU fMI .fronting on-Annc and Robinson streeuijAlleehenyCity. 1 This i 9 a very desirable andpleasant location foi a resl dence., h■: ...a .■•. i- r .• --t -<.l . : THREE LOTS, on Centro. street and Pasture Lane, IP Aileghen, City, 30 bySU reel each, near the roji deaco of Mr. Peter Jennings. 1 NINE LOTS, ill foe town of MTtecsport, each 00 fe Sr »■'H® Pi ?f pieM wo on the Slain street. ELEVEN acres in Limclovrn, oa the Monongahola Hivcrj on which there ace foarhonses. There aresoma allot seven acres of excellent Stone, Coai and abnn- • dance of Limestone, coaventehl to ilie landing i and two Coal Ptisopcn. ' 7* 90 LOTS in the town ol Columbia.OO feet by 100 -. each, nearly, all level, and wtlMOcated.' The tenantot each Let has lire,privilege of using: whatever Stone ' Coal he nfty require lor bla own nseiftoWa pit near ' the Locks. Colombia « a pleosant situation on the bank of the Monongahela river, a short distance below Lock No. 3,in the mldstof on eilcnslvo Stone Coil re- desttablepolnl /or manuiaetoring rn T »r V< i f? U ji DREI> i, A , CH^ S t of «P«tlor STONE C ? AL . , 7‘; i ;„ iio “ 20 > lllulroad > fcc. Tlus ptorerty has k front of i4O rodsou- .the, Monongahela‘river ;an ea. cellant lomlipg; good grade and foundation/or Itailrood. —with enoogn level ground, at one Point'for bouses, gardens or locations for manufactories. ' Too vem w tleeo enooghto allow horses to bo hied in hauling ont the ieal-tne quality of which, f“ lroS Z£y?nti£Z r £££ r 0, -‘ n,uy “«■“«'». fy : ; ln -m absence, toy Agent, James Blakely; Esq.i wl't give aU.neccsgary tnfoimaiion. and be authorized to give warrantee deeds for any property so'* ' c.Mfi JASIE3 MAY, No. IXoPeon street. QflQ M CORN, IN EAR.—»In gtote and far an u MILTENBbRGER & CO Sides aud£hoaloe«s 3 rorVaU t>v CAR&ON * M’KNIQriT SES 7“'“ ou kbls.iMamationMaiatses, tin oa’i PBekagc«,)in store ttncTforsalo by' ■: l * WILLLR & RICJCBYSQN. fwo*' 5 ? orown, yoilow emi * witiic r forfainllypße. formicby ■ »* l s w 1 a l m>cm;bg * Co. T 7 JVATTS k:CO.,jlfcSl,iliei t y Mreet,liavciccelvcv,w'r /OPENING THIS OAY;at No; « Mfi>w t n U. fine iotef jUsIo Thread, Sljfc an'acouon Gl?ym wtuchlwili sell at -wholesale prices By the iin'.le Dnl?‘ il tayig ■■ ■ j -• ■ ■ john w.'Kennedy. wort 1( warranted, Our term. onf m “* s -- cornero{ zaveniiilSiMAbmh,.- cboste GunpowderT«at t *s° Y^gtty B on do; •' -*£ 52 5° -S auch °ns do; ' Souchong *'•- " • - ,HO catty boxer Y. H. * imp. tfit Now receiving per canal, aria f.reife by ~ MUitEE&RIOKBTSON, '■• Ml anil teg Liberty Vt. ANU s'ationebv— menlorb^nt&v.i hand» r weUeeleoied aaaoit- St rSL.i^ k **’ fla Honery, caji, lttior, note, draw- SF!i?S?I* n A ao^„?' ra l PI ,I,T ff,PW e ,'j nonne boarts. 4 e * s'tT«f«Uon. he * UI "• pricea canuoi fall tagira oUw * iewriptfo# of Job Pimf ’S?.a x S£a te i? yyi jkj‘« a t | iess:a , id dotpateij blank book* S?nn^ ao A booad lo anr givcn paitera rold bcoki rb boond.-Cashp*Ujorßags.'-: ;J.K.'WeLdEN,: - i-tm „„ ' Bookeellar *nd Stationer, je2o .03 Wood stteet. between 3dmid a’h SUril>Kll&—3u Lbts.iforUandSTronj’-t. ' •' JO do NewYdricLxtregy™; ' I bw. 5Dp; Cub. Foia;' " • i ®l"=no t^UttI *BteiuineCaJiaje« (*»' ' 100 a °*- Com Broonu. Farads br „ JrS_ !■ o TVILUAMB *-CO. rlinr i n ii ' - _■! 7 _ ■ r l 'abpartaerthlphoretoforeerXaUo* tietwein James ! H!J n ®*, s s nnlel Cratier erwTCltfirHa.Barae*, Sw££j t!i} 0 of A fOSttoSE. Croiier & ,Co-*M dlia day da»ol»eaty mmmd •giwOTtoi, Mr; B»rn» taring dUj r^Bd«f,hwiueTest.in4wllhdiaM.n>«a4Mg«an«io. .« • I JAMBj) AWJWPBONO, . SAMUEfr CKOZIEBt .* FeVy 21,1852. ’ °n k RT.TS BARNB3. *' Ihk Forwarding, Cofflm!wi»a : Ma Fto4iW«B»daeia will be continned'et ihelrjiroeat aland, Not. €2 Water, :, end 64 From eircn'J, Or James Armstrong and SttßMf Crotfcr, coder tba tmoof w«rtr AIiMSPUWCI $ CRQZKK, - . ** V >"5 J't. J < j Ilmargiof .V'-,. -J.