The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, July 21, 1852, Image 4

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    f.' W 5 % ,;*®afw k ■■■■ ..
» ”
•* *'«iWv.'V'C - , 1 !.: aMHBH— - •
iif . ' f . «, J U/ b
• f,7**»S^«BSS@9!
r ■:'•■'■ • ;.;'«!s?S»“SKs l SffiSssf’ii!
iS, : -ft j lfl . , L-^Tißn»bl«.»tyl<vgnioii-Wa«gn , :.iwffi7:
• _ .■®SSTitT«ysSsy3«y», jnu»t Bo True *
•- ' '■ ' . TT fcl Old that BOOBYKB, at 4he Bxe Htvx CiOTßia®
X B«s*,No.!KS Übtrtyaitert, Mila HmclieepeM Clo
thingitttheCity—arellntsulo-andftsiionaklycofc Call
v -* " * and examine ibemrani jou’will not be duappourted..
.m&M*?* * 'Jarttetelwat bt-Express
, PwiPTCaaliinsres, ntown. uitten are! Blue 01«a»t««P
;• Fflxkhmabl?Ooo<U,.«m^le l season, wwo I
to mate tU “ PP
‘ (gent,) ttt ft xivle unsurpassed In Its y“f- .
Comeeadaee. -
Hh Cv-*--';
/‘“ v
> ' -r a '
7 - -
- • . 100(40
- V ' ~ • ' Thia difference I presume aiuesfrom lha mineral not
•" ■■ ’’(AininitiU'atia) nme pottioiu containing mon bon than
•" > ■•'■■■ : the article to he welt tnit
«sifcr a durable palnu I find that by calcining the pow.
ttoeolpr is mich unproved;-
oral (oast con '"’^^ l {^cmiiTON i iJ.OiChemlit.
ICTfor .alaby JOB.MOHUSB.iII Utortya**,.,
M -
is [J r ,
X »nune onrEtoc t ofHeaa y m „ or ,tyfe, which
eipipraly/"’2sL??£ Jell low for carh: Our mono
•we are-'tlel^roincur lo 1
thing: “Cun* So » f JS*lnpp«c4 wiih a
• Cur Wvoroom. “P fSilili,,:s, Vetlingii -Snmifter
Urg« »tock of Cloths, C_ :.|J f aC f c lsry amelo
S*?*"S£sSl!iSSk?!s , »‘S!fO
. TOTIU. .-,■■■■■' .. ■ —-•
meechant tailoe,
*'». 30 Markilf ttmun Stnnd_and_ Titld sirtlll,
BEGS respectfully W InfctH hl» inends
that ho hasmurncd.front-isawk ork and Phtlailel*
nuai hdrinz there selected from the latest importations,
an cntlro new slock of Blech and Colored CLOTH*- j
CABSIMERES ami VESTINGS, whicn for newness of
-desimts and richness of fabrics, ate not surpassed by I
aayhoase west of New York.-t-AU of whicMto is pte-,
pared to make to order In a superior style, nt the lowest
price possihle, imd ci rdially invite pnrcltiuers do .call.,
and examine the stock before pnTchaeing.el6owheie.y. :
TO TATLO&S.—X have no authorized Agentm this
city, for the aaloofmy work on GARMENT CIiiTING..
It can only bo had-at the store of.the subscriber,-<u
: Market street, at the following prices, vlzrwith instruc,..
UO iaW* lo!Wi ' h,>a, ’ S * , JAMES C-WATT^
No. 185 Liberty tircet, above St. Clair,
HHVE opened a new Clothing Store, &l the obmo
nlnce* and are now receiving n splendid lot of
anfcraaimeies. Vestings, &e.,or the latest jmporta-
view to ■city mole and
vrhtcn they are prepared to make up to order in thole
■ St and most fashionable styles. : They intend to pay
strict attention to this I)ranch of their business, onuihey
' have “onMence thettbey will be able to give their
. oastomera cutitc »* l « l (JA u ®fe T !frn?M'oxHfKO. *s
on of buyers |apr • ?
A’o. 151, liberty Slrat, Pitltburgk.
. - TOHN McCLOSKEV: has now the «n-.
s 5 nonnclng to his numcrons friends and the paWicin
• trp neral. that hLs Sonne anil bummer stock is now ready
believes will bofMndlobe
■ one of the largest and besi selected stocks of Ready.
Made Clothing to be found in the Western Coantry. .
Be has this season paid more than usual ,
the manufacturing.and ctvle of his Garments, ao tliat the
very lowest priced, as well na the got op in a
': style and elegance not-to h® surpassed. , , n
He would particularly call tlie attention of all dealers
In Clothiog to Ills present splendid asaonment of
Baady-Ufads OarmeOta,
. Ashe feels confident, uponeiamlnanon of.the qualities
amdpricea of bia goods, he can offer them auch indnce
jnentaaaahall make it Uielr interest to purchase at lus
' establishment.. . • . • •
Many years’experience, and creatßuccessin the bu*
■jpiswK-tngether -with an nnnreceJenied loboUtnie and rfr.
toil pationaffej'bas.inablea him to gel up Garuienw to
onit the business habits and utsles of every location, in
the Union, which U of tbe almost importance M whole
• iß lnih« be found a choice ic
ieetion of the mort fashionable goods,consisting of-
FrwtcA, jEngK»S andJbnaican Broadcloths , ...
Cashmeretts.AO ,to. Also, an excellent assortment 01
FES2TN<3S»of the lateßtand most fashionable fiyles—
■ - all of which he iapreparedtomake loonier Ln the be?
manner and atthe most reasonable prices.
The Assortment,tho Quality, and the Vanety, !• the
most extensive, undoubtedly,to be found in the ~®}:f-
■OTXxsßtmoa Atsro Ai-t-tuTiENv cu-v uo^s
X —Wanted at best rate*, atthe corner.PjJS'i‘Si
Third aireetg, by 11e7} a. WILhtNS fc t ' < *~
— 1 Co-Partnerainp Nolle*.
fPHB subscribers havetius day e D *s*£d * n^J? r u e /*
X ship, nnder ihe style ana firm ci Th&Fb fc, UA
QUIRE ft BANE'far tbeporpow.oT carrying onbgen
eral Commission and Produce.Bq&iucssj and- coiiliucnt-.
t* bone their long experience, extensive mercantile uo
anftinuuxce. and personal attention to the interests of
their customers, will entitle them to & share of public
DatTon&£e< which it shall, be their study to deserve.
v • L.UKE TAAFFE. Piltlburgb, v . :
• ■ B AM’LM AGUWE, Corebcrl'd, M<l
- WH.S BANE, wdliungton, Pa.
FiitsbttTzli. April A. 1850. .■ W 6 :
■ ■ HOPS POO H UR I. :
GoolurftSi llcßrldo & Co.,
srAHUTACTVffJtasoV _ ,
Iron Sailing and Ornamental Iron Work, in aU
. itt branches,
SHE advertsen beg leave restwelfttlly to Inform their |
blende and the public generally. tbnt, having receiv- ]
a large number of ae-w pauernsfor Iran Railing, Ac., ,
which, togctherwiththose previously on hand,conipTise*.l
the greatest variety ever offered inthi* City—they are
now prepared to manufacture the game for Cemetenr
purpose*, balconies, fences, garden*, window guard*,
umeboxes, hat rack*, centre utile*, &o. te.,m« style of
workmanship and finish not to be surpassd, and cheaper
lhan any heretofore manufactured west of the moon*
'"aSo, cooking stoves, hollow ware,and coalings ofal
descriptions,asusual. . . ■ __ . _ I* 7
4/ rr - *N. MANUFACTURER of JheCcle
- )*§s. TOUiTEES. and every deacnpUonof
(asi Hair for Ladies ana
f T 'MM‘ j ttHjGCTtlemem No. ?fl Fourth air*et,be
~ Wr ** " ni * MrikeC Pittsburgh.
-BleteherVSysiem enables Ladies.
gftOTfgygßpSa and Gentlemen 1 <r measure tbcir
f47§S&]fiw heads witiLUccaracy.
v /'£liip&r FOB WIGS.
l i°t^»”tSft4«dfeehe»d«aueclt,N o .e.
- w O. From carlo ear* ©Ter the top. . •. ••
.... .*‘ 4. From ear to ear, round ibe f*rebead.
For & cover, ihi top nf th» , RtaAonly.
A Paper iSenWtbe exact sbape of ike Bald Fart
jylfh3tp ■
Agency for Different tine* of-weKei smps.-
JSo.4loljtl>«rty Str*e«j Plttinar»n. _
f p. ff. BTRIfSB i COJS3 Btw& ttrutittMrtf
Piat.Mw Yoil:3S WaUrhx>licad,LiwpMls
Mr ttria,ma Ortew. ;^
- - HASaLine of PMkeu _jrv»
■ fwti .. Liverpoollo New York; a
■ jQefaRN. Line of Fackeu Cram Lit- Wfßfift
XjKlxJ\l-%y arnool to Philadelphia, on
the e J fr bftee nt b of .t*tb*3SSSbm
«SrathiaLine of Pankeu to Balumoro on 4to jwm ot
Sack month. Alß>~a Line ol Packet* on llio Bth and
S4th of each month fnrarLondon and Porumanth to
9 marts (j, 410 Liberty «t..Pl»»batKh.
“CtopUnb and Pina Oil. Also, Lamps of every descrip..
aSI IL P s, Wicks,Globes,
ChtaPey Mats, Cans, and all things pertaining to the
oi Pine Oil,'regularly supplied
once or twice a-week.. ,
Altorders left strhh the wawn,which iS t Cons«ntly
v passing through the citv, will Beprmnpilyuuendedto.
<••.* r N.B. Lamps of aii kinds altered to. bum .the Ethe«
rtalOiL All articles delivered m any part of the city,
or in Allegheny, free of cost. w H . WEIGHT. .
!l NO. 63 Fourth sL, (Apollo Hall,)
- - 'tmrJ9y - :-between Market ana Wood slreeu.
* rntns nuntEMAIT* ■... . ..nrrt BuiNnaAe,
*1: . . foftbe late firm of Sands AReineman.
iiOOiMaKiKKaABrA 00,
' Oltda, WattAer, Je»<iry, Watch iUuttiah, Tads, fe,
tarn most, osb nooa reois Wood, nirguasHt;- -
; • mAKE leavato announce lo tho trade and the public
■ ■ l^enerelly.tliat.thcyiiave.themselves carefully se
■ (eeied andimportedtanEurope ,ala«e;stoclrof Gold
and EUvCT Watches, Watch' Materials; and Tools for
. watch makers; uad * most elegant assortment ol Jew.
elry.ftom the best manufactories—whleh they,
• prices as low as they can ho purchased In the eastern
"Theft"stock of Watches consists of Gold and Silver.
: Patent Levers; do©elached Levers; do Leptnes, 811*
- verQearUers: uud elegant French tune pieces,, of the
mostapproved makes. Together With.alaree,stock of
' - Clocks, and Time Pieces, from the best AmerlcanFacio-
Thelr stock of Jewelry;comprises-articles of every
description in this line, sneh as singer Rings;Ear Rings,
: Breast rinsvßiaceletj, Gold, »b and .Guard Chains,'
•' ©old Guard Keys and seals. Lockets, Gold And Silver
- ■ spectacles,‘Silver-and German Sllver.and Table and
Tfea Spoons, and everykindof'fancyanloles generally,
kept InasttbUshmenUofthis description. ...
They would respectfully cajl thaauentioiiof the trade -
- totheir extensive stock of Watch materials and Tools,
i «r every variety, whleh they have most carefully «;
■■ looted* r
' They have also on hand a targe assortment of Tele«
scopes,spy Glasses aud Opera ulatseB»froin the best
. na&i&Qtor* in England* Together with a great variety
•of other articles too nnmeronsto mention. •• .
Clocks,Watches and. Jewelry repairedini the best
■ ■ Sluefsctaters end Oisliri In
AiLvoirare CRT, Pa- r.
Nbw.Yoxs, December 16th. 1851.
- I have analysed a sample of MANCHESTER MIN*
' ERAL TAINT, for Ptodea AFo&D,nnd find- It to con*
v tain the followlngi - :•• •
Silica, *• • - C7fil
Alumna, . • - Sfii
Per Oxide of Iron, • • * 18,41
lime, •* * . a p ,68
- Mairaesla» - - '• ”
Oxide of Manganese, * - ,18
Water and Loss, - • • 6,00
- lfte Towdcred Sample, contained in the box, which I
: suppose was the one yon desired also to itavo analysed,
land to differ ftomanyaverageofihe lamps powdered,:
and mixed together.. This lost yields as follower
. pet Oxide of Iron, « - . ■ •r: 58,50
;••• " SlUeaand Alumina, - : . • 33,00 * *.
Lime, - • • >f§
■ Magnesia, - • 40
Water and Loss, • * 7,80
rtflfttttn Uk3i and Weal, ami tjt prepared ur
®sf IpEOf d&y for ■ Pkibdet-:
pAaift'eroc£p?MT AUo t «»i)M«&dclimaa,*H
iWeofctSarg*, And Good» returned'
* ,s El'i» for sain on togleni, Ireland mid
ScOllamfi for B«yaraoqnt,pnyableon principal Banking
Houses or Post Omcea in the United Kingdom. ■-■■ ■ 1
I deoil BAKER & FORSYTH, ‘ Agents;
Clercbsat*’ PotUlitit Boat Unc.
1852. ateaai~^B]^^iBs2.
For theTrantpoTlationD/Merchandiie and Product,
; iriMDUI Jlt-shipping. _ . -- ■
Depot. SSI MOiket st, (near Sixth.) Philadelphia.
' . C? A M’ANDLTY TO C 6,,
- Canal Basin, 4P3 and 410 Penhatteet, Pittsburgh.: •
BAVINO morcnaed ourfacilitieS.-und otherwise lm»
• • proved oar arrangements u>r Transportation, wo
ore now pvepaTCd to receive a largo amount of Produco
and Mercltandi*ejto*bip(oDtle opening of the Canals,)
with promptness and dlspntch:-
IRte Section-Boat systenrof transportation over our
State Improvements ha*.been in- use about ten yeare.
and the great success nndfavoT ithasmei with, ua-suf*
ficiehV guarantee that u.w .no longer considered a.|
doubtful or uncertain experiment? bat Is acknowledged ,
: by alias vastly superior to any modo of. transportation
. used onCatiala, (when intersected by Railroads.) -
; Goods loaded into ;oar,Boaw M.Pitttbargb, remain
undisturbed until noloaded at our, Warehouse ihMarket
street. PhUidelphiu, thereby entirety avoiding die demy
eonseipienton three different transhipments, and «cu
vring tue delivery, of Goods in entire lots, ihepackages
clean, and in as goon order as wheni shipped. . - ~ .
n .Produce,&c-vconsigned 10 out.House .otPuishurgD,
will be received and forwarded always at tho
current canal rates, strictly according- to instructions,
. without any curac&argc for commission, storage, or nu*
vanoing charges, &c
feb*2& - ,
.. - ... RtdßCCdl „ '
V INGTON CITY- Fae* Rkdi;c«d. .:
"*■ To llaltiraoefv . *4,00 less than Pa. RailniaA
To Philadelphia, *I,W» do dp ,d*
T 6 Washlngiou‘City, ®2',SO, da, „
Thi> Is the only Office which insures n THROIiGH
TICKET to Washington, and, by uking Hus Emile, pas:
senders will save time and money. ; v
The Hall Boat' (carrying the United States Mail,)
leaves the Monongahe'a Wharf, abovethe Wire Bridge,
EVERY AFTERNOON, at S o'clock,via the Voogtno,
aheny River. Passengers willlodge on the Boat,.nnir
tak-6 splendid -United Slates Moll Coaches at West Now*
ton, next morning-over the Plank Road, crossing the i
mountain*in daylight. Take the magnificent sleeping]
Cars of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, at 10 o’clock,
P.M. Breakfast at Balitmofc .and Washington Cny,
dine In Philadelphia* and arrive in New York the -same
I l * Fare to Baltimore. . • S 0,00.
do Philadelphia, * - - • JO,OO.
. do Washington City.-: *_ * 10,50.
h The Steamer leavestho Wharf,, above, luc Bridge,
Daily, nt 6 o’clock, A. &1. Travelers leaving Fjt'sborgh
by the Morning Boat, will crossilie mountains the same
night, end arrive in Cumberland the next morning for
the fl o’clock train of Cats (or Baltimore. Will gup in
Baltimore and Washington Ciiy, and arrive in Philadel
phia at 2 o’clock, the same night . • • *
Fare to Baltimore, • - - ♦ e0»00-
do . Philadelphia, l - * * 10>$0*-
■ .do Washington City, * - -• 10,60.
• For Tickev, by either of the above Line*, pleasemu
at the Weal Newton Plank Road Office, Inme Slonon
#aheta House, WaterstreeL J. JT. EVANS, Agent.
■ • ttPTfl ■ ■■■. •■■'■■■
Jfet 1852. Sllß
In connection with the Cleveland and Cincinnati Sait*
road. Clevelard and Erie Railroad* Cleveland and
Pittsburgh Railroad, and Michigan. Central Railroad*
T>ASSENGERS.wiII be ticketed through from any
jT polntonLake to Cleveland, Cincmcau
and Pittsburgh, and from cither of those place* to any
point on Lake Michigan.
■ This Line will bo composed of two new low pressure.
steamers, bailt expressly for the route.
- CLEVELAND. .». • - Capt. C-C Bta*ato.
FOREST CITY, Cap]* L. A. Pimm. .
A Booiwillleave Cleveland f*r Detroit, and Detroit
for Cleveland* every ato| o'clock, arriving in
both clues the following morning, to season for lha mor*.
rung train of cart forChicogo, Cincinnati and Pnisburgb,
and for the Lake Sopenor andSagwaw boats at Detroit.
They will no from Cleveland in the following order :
Monday**™ *" , Fndny.
Tnesday*—— .Saturday.
Monday-****-* •»**•*•*» .Wednesday»*..*«• • **.. '-Friday.
Tuesday" Thursday Saturday.
The undersigned are prepared to make contracts for
oU kinds of Freight, from Cleveland to Detroit, MacU*
naw. Saute Ste. Mane, and *ll ports on Lake Michigan*
The OCEAN* CASPIAN and ST. LOUIS will compose
; the line until the new Boats are ready
*pr!4Jim • ■■ ■
SKI ttfSSl
The only WutcmrsUroairunninyouf of TiUtbtirgh.
lb Cleveland. Cincinnati. Tble&fr, Detroit,
and the van am Lake Parts. Only Direct Line ta Can
tonyMetaillon and Weouer.
T7IVE TRAINS sum /rota Pittsburgh, (Sunday® ex*
J 3 eepted)— ■.
Leave# Pinsburghat 830 a. m. Passengers dine nrAl*
liacceailp.M^ftndreach Massillon atffUtf?. k. This
Train runs through to Massillon. The Alliance House
i» notr open, and has excellent ace jumodailocs lor the
travelingpobUc. : *» ; ; - J
Leaves. Piusburgb at 11 a. w, dihlhg at Balere, and
reaching Alliance at S4£r. in time for.Uxc train to
Cleveland. Thistralnatepa only at Roeheiier r New
Brighton, EiiOi), Columbiana and Salem.' By either of
theselriun* passengers can reach Cleveland about half
past five o’clock, and. in lime for the Evening Boats on
"Lake Erie.- ■' .v-'
By taking-the Fast Train avll Aj. st. t they pan transact
their badness to Pittsburgh before starting, and save
three hoar® over the WeUsvllloranw. . •
• Passengers can take the FoatTram and be in Banklrk
the next morning, or in Chlcagoin the evening of the
next day.
Through from Pittsburgh io Cleveland, HO miles, in
about six and a half hours. Pate $4. Fare to Massillon,
Io9mile»iB3. - '.•-''“•"'VC; ■ -
-' The Express Train coming eastward, loaves Massillon
at Ita. h., reaches Alliance at IS 15 mwconnectingwitli
the line from Cleveland dines ih<re,and arrives avP Ills*
burgh at 5 imc, giving passengers time to take tea in
.Pittsburgh, and go o n pjr the Fennsylvanla.Rafiroad at
OfiOV.U. . - T
Passengers by this route come from Cincinnati to Pills*
burgh lit two day®, without night travel, and save Rom
one to two days in connecting with tha Pcnna. Central
Railroad. -
: Pasflenger® leaving PittfibutghatB.3o a h., reach Can
.ton-at 3?. at, and Massillon at 2.30 fm. - AtMassillon
the Une connects with stage lines loWooster,Mansfield,
New Philadelphia* and at Enon to New Castle, Poland,
Warren. Mercer and Etlo.
With a passenger car attached, leaves Pittsburgh at 4 30
A. u>, and waits at Alliance for the arrival of the'Fast
Train) leaves then immediately after,andrcaehes Mas*
slllon at 5.30 p. aa,
CyThe New Brighton Accommodation Train leaves
Pittsburgh at 10ii M, and 5.30*. and New Brighton
at 7 and 'stopping at intermediate jiauons.
Excursion tickets, good for two days, are sold between
Piitsbtngh* Rochester and New Brighton. ,_v - >
Quarterly ticket® are sold allow rates,and tlckctsby
the package to some of the stations.
. Excursion parties are accommodated at reasonable
. ; The fast train returning, will leave Alliance at 4.15 r.
ar., Newßrighton at7p. «.,and will reach Pittsburgh at
8 a.*.
The trains do not run on Sunday. -
Omnibussts ran in connection with the trains to and
fromthe statiotLon Federal street;*
•For tickets apply at the Federal street Station of the
-Ohio and Pennsylvania -
Ticket Agent,
or to J* MESKIMEN,
Monongahela House, Pittsburgh. ..
Not*.—'By the root© bysiearaboat 60 miles to Wcllb*
viife. and thence by railroad 100 milcuto Cleveland, tho
fare I* #3,50,
June 24,1852.
HIDES— 45 Dry Hides, iUBt- received 1 in store, for
sale by - Be 3) •: L. 8. WATERMAN A SONS, .'
T EAD—I,OOO pigs soft Galena Lead, landing from
Aj steamer Persia, and for sale by
CORN IN EAR—OO boa. prune. Yellow, just receive!
and for sole by :
Avnolesaie and Hetatl. ' "
YV MANUFACTORY i No. 143 Wood street; JOHN
:w< TIM, now offers for sale, at Eastern prices, a large
assortment of the above Goods, to which the attention of
dealeia is : invitedv • Carpetßags, arid Ladles’
BttAhVlt.-'-- -■■■- _ •. -V flmyl
Afitgamsatior thiflsnsAtof Creditors.
TaVonletof voluntary assfgnjncnt. executed on the
. K fflhdaV 61 M«y;)n the year 1852, by; figure, M<-
GtaaM «a.ytd. Richard X.-Leech, Bald. Clarh,
■M’Gr»lh A Co„made ihe aaid Blehajd T. Leech, jr., a
Tnutee,for thebenefit of their creditor*. Allporeone
i haying claintt against the .aaid finn.&re reqaeß'.od to
Prewntthemtothe safcsoriber) and allperaonaJiwehted
to the firm, are notified to Call on the tnbßcnber, at ,133
“re""* 1 - «“*«*■«*•
.Hew .Book*. itHra IforXc Frlcei*
J row opening t nm Carter's, Belcher's, _Harper*a,
Philadelphia > from ifae Pretbyiorian .Board of Pnf'lica*
ba3i i ”' lly hol Dnion >
: Togetherwah fresh imwm»U6i« o f .tandard Tiieolo
fmna^i^SonS^' 18 work * fto ® Earope, tsi a largo
• adjoining WiisoAr "X
no. 130 wood st., ranp poor below, •;
BPwfl * T£TL£T t * 4LLST '
V WekeepagsneralS
■” ; : sorunenioftho abovearticles eon
stonily an band; togeiher.wiih a general ■ variety of
Fancy Herd ware. Also, Gnu,'Pistols and Bevolvcrs.
Flasks, Horns, Shot Belts, Ceja, Powder, Lead anil
Ballet*! Boirte, Dirk,,Hunting nndPocket Knives}
/Tailors and Heir Dressers’ Shears; pocket Scisson!
Ao. Also, Trasses and Bstpport*r*. ‘
Jobbing and repairing neatlyexcouted.
- RIFLES!—We arern, king Rifles of every dcficrip.
tioiu to order, of tire best matorial, and. workmanship
warranted. Orders tMelved ftrtten at Wholesale or
Ketaii,wQl lie filled with despatch. Hunting parties
supplied at Wholesale price*) fans
... . ' , ,<*» ■* , V *
V „ , 1 r M i_* , . > »»
r- r V ( *" V*"*- * **. 1 **
' ~'i < 1 *v
' , « • ' •* *
rtIHE OFHCEoflh&j&wunmn Ct.qf M Wrtii
rJLolroabcsartißOttdttnlio Warehouse ©fHaroy*jonet,
sTCo.fNo.HVFrtun street,third-. house Hast of Wired
tags and their ebnienUdnidonShipnienls by SWamoeau
and' after:yesselaj:fofc th*.abo»e_old toiyespoMble
Company. -.' [gpii] WM-*P. JONES, Agent.
Staiehlatnal .wu I *lnenrrince company.
only for'lho cuter cissies of properly t ha»
I I aa araplecapUal, odd affords superior advantages
ISpolht of cheapneM,safety and.accpnimoduiioti, to city :
aim country merchants* and owners of dwellings, tuid
Isolated or country CARRIER, Actuary,
- 00127] Braiicfr Office, NQ^Bmlthftc]daL,Pmabiirgh‘
Cask' autunl Fire lnnaranco Company} j
/TAPITAkrVIOO,OOO.—The umlereignedis Urn i
IT Agent of the above Company for. Allegheny county,
anh in prepared to: take riske on a 3 fevorebletermn no
any responsible Company In the Slate.;. All losses
promntlyZpaid in sixty days after, proof of the samo,—
'Also; Agent for the Keystone Life Insorauce Company,,
of lf&trtsburg, P^/varna.
Siv'Bagianaiil’rt Btiiok Insurance Co.,
jVete Haven, Connecticut. . . ;
HOBSES,CATTi.IS, Ac ,nwared ogamst dealh-by
dhcaseor accident. Capital 850,U110, with power
to increase to 6100,C00
■ 1 ■ smscToaa.
Thomas Kendrick, Allred lilwarda,
J. Lewis Taylor, Jolin Saxton,
Nathaniel Thurber, 'Vm. W. Kendrick.
Thomas Koideick, President.
- George T. Reynolds, Secretary. _ - •
No. 193 corner of Wood and Fifth sls.j j
n,y29 lover Patricks & Fttend’s Banklnir Home;)
THN' ANNUAL BIYIDRNDS liavo been unusually
iarge, showing that Iho company has been doing a
very large andprosperona business.; ■
The dividends tit 1545 were 00 per cent.
■ :■■■■.."l-'O ■ . a 1347 “ 50
« “ 1545 u 60 ‘ tt. 1319 “ 40 ■ “ -
U tt ■ 1850 -'t 40' “ .
it it v.' . 1381 <t 00 : " -
« t. 1382 “ 40 "
This ia among the oldest companlcs in the United States.
Its aconmnlatcd capital is constantly increasing for,the
benefitof memberi, present and future.. , . ■
Finny Fstaotitr, Actuate. _____ .
(50RTIS & DOBBS, Agt«..
Pittsburgh, cor. of Wond and Fifth streets, over Pat
rick A Fricod’s Bauktng lloure, • ■■ ■. , . ;
Also, agents for Protection nnct Faimor’s Fire and Mat
riawltianrancc,. capital 5450,000, and of Brnnch omce,
Empire Slate Health Association,-cash, .Including accu
mulated espilat 618,000, ... , . ■ ■■■
Also, agents for the purchnse and sale of real estate.
- mvll '■ "■ ■■■-. ■■■■■■ ■■ t .■
I ANCBCOMPANV.—OIHce.North Room ofihn Ex,'
change,Thlrdstreet,Fhtladelphia. , ...
Fiaa^RsuajiKcE.— BnllcUnßu, Merchandize anu oihfii
property In town and canniry.insnred against 1ob» at
damage by fire at lire towesinueof premium.
■ HUaran UuciuitieE.rrThey ako insure Vessels, Car.
aoes and freights, foreleu or coastwise, under open or
speclalpslicles, as the assured may decire. .
’ ititasnTaaKsPoETerton.— They also insure merchen
dlro transported by Wagons, Railroad Cars, Canal
Boats and Steam Boats, on rivers and lanes,on the most.
Joseph H. 9eal,Edmand A. Bonder
John C. Davis. Robert Barton, John U. Penrose, Samuel
Edwards,Ceoi O. Lelper. Edward Darlington, Isaac It
Davis,William Folwell. John Nowlin,Dr. R.M. Huston,
lamen C.Hand,TUeo|ihtlus I’auldiogi 11. Jones Brooks.
lleurVSloan, lineh Craig,George, Spencer Me*
Brain, Charles Kelly, J.G. Johnson, Wiluam Uay.Dr
pTISWIi -D. T. Morgan.
Hugh Craig, Jno.T. SIARTW] j, r4suiellt
’ Taos. C. Haiti). Vie* President. „
JosEPtt W. CowaN,Secretary,
rry Office of the Company. No, 43 Water street, Pitts
burgh. iinCnltfl P.A.MADUKA, Agent
Ths Pranklln Firs Insurance Company.
07 raiLsnxurata.
T) “chiSilfw. llsncher, Grorge W Rickards,
Thomasliart, .MordecoiD. Lewis,
Tobias Wagner, Adolohi L. Bone,
SamnelGrant, David S. Browne,
Jacob R.Bmltli, Morris Pauerson.
Cnas. G. Battcxsa, Secretary. ,
ID* Continne to make Insurance, perpetual or limited,
on every description ofpropertyln town and country
■at »nieaa§lowas'are.cpii»»ie<i.i with security-■ ’
The Company have reserved a large Comtpgeni Fund*
arblch, with their Capital and Premlnme, safely Invested!
The Asselsof the Company, on January Ist, 18il, as
published agreeably toaliAetof Assembly, wereasfol*
htortgage*-~*- #16,12? «3
ar 101 "------ «&»«
cSuffi.&e «,*» 61
Blace ffieir Incorporation, a period of 21 years.they
have paldnpwardsof Ont Htlhort tour Hundred a sou.
land biUtm, losses by fire, thereby albrding evidence
ofthendvamßgesofliisuraaee,as well as the ability ana
disposition to meet with^romgt;ie«^MUiabHiucs.^^
aprdil . Office corner Wood andild «u.
State Mutual Fire Insurance Company.
IIARItISUURGH, P-A .. M AY l, 1658.
* Capital oir 0300,000.
ERiIfCH OFFICE, Va. Si smiled arm, Pforlury*.
Total tua’t-of property atjri*k‘« • «—SHAIW-CIGOO
Aroouotof bill* receivable (in
fonaofPremiuo notciftom ■.««•&*«* *»•
numbers'*-* ui
Amount of Cash Premiums* • • 10
re-luturencc and cxpcnsei* •• O»>,HO op
Cask SBTplot—r*—‘■'••v •• •••
Estimated present value oi Sta*
UoaeryiOffiee Funuttire r &c« •
Total..™— *•*•••- W
• Onfi-halfof this amount expires within a-'year. • .
THE Directors, iupresenuugtbe Second Annual Re
port* take leave to congratulate the member* upon
the marked sofecesa of the State Matual Fire Insurance
Company; in operation only, wo years, it has taken a
posluon besldathe older institution* o' thekmd, and
proves by its very great succesathat tho mutual system
as jUlpp»ed by tbem isibeyomlaqneauoD, the best ana
only safe mode of insurance* - .
The beavy ioases cftfce past year whienhave anniM*
Icted many stoek-companies, Icave the State Motual
with a eaisa surplus- of upwards of thlny«oae tboupnnd
dollars, beside* a reserve capitaiof nearly two hundred
thousand dollars, which, J* constantly increasing.
Tho Directors aabmil fhattlts State .Mutual Fire Insu
rance Company oSer* to of; property iu- :
ducements seldom equalled pud never 0 • ■
• Eirettwf*?SQh&V+ Rutherford, P* vfjm*
Jbbn B* Fucker, A. carrier,
HJtfbnp-. J*B. Rutherford, A. J. GiUet,S v T,. Jones,
a john r!°Raiherfbrd, Praidtni; A. 4. Oljjeli s«r*?ary.
JelidAwtf / A. A CARRIER; Actuary.
lEbt Ftrncfi * a *
•nr&nc* Auoolfttlon*.
coßHSi'op nurcroLD akd tried sTKKSTft.
mms t« an assdolitlon eswbluhed for iho mtttoul relief
JLnfJU members. In ca*e»-of slekncwor accident, ay
lhAbaymenfof their Annual Deposits^Fersonsiti good
health may become memborsana be entitled ton weekly
benefit to casbofeicknees oraeoidcnL All who join .tow
Association are entitled to a votc-ia the election of
officers, and to participate in .the profits or the Associa
tion. It Ucaiablishcd on - & safe and permanent basis,
being both Mntnaiand Benevolent in its deslßrts,,wiUi
the lowest rate# consistent for Jib securiiy, ana connect
ed in amannerto insure Its permanently and durability.
All persons can see tbo advantages of taking out a
nolle? from the General Office.
8 2,00 per year, draws 8 2,00 per week;
3,00 do do . 3,U> doj '
. 4XO . do . do 4,00 do;
. 6,00 do. do . 6,00 do;
. 0)00 do do : 6,00 do;
7,00 :■ do do 7,00 do;
- aoo do do- 8,00 do;
: #,O) do do 9,00 do;
10,01 do do 10,00 :; do; t *
INITIATION FEE, for Membership, 81,50-whlclt
must be paid at the time of making application, and tno
first years’deposit within twenty days. Each, member
i entitled to A monthly report, gratis, .
■v . 0771CKU.-,- •
President— D.W.'KßattHOKf, r, • : . . ■> ■
Vies President and THwwrer—wm.M. Wilson.
. r&creterf—C.P*Brown. - ..
Pinanee CemwnU49—A. 1; Childs, A. D. Christie, and
D.A*M , Alaale>tB. , " , , -marU^m
U«ni7 BlohardiOB) JewtUeri
HAVING refitted fail store In a'hanUaomo manner,
and but recently returnedfrom the Eastern cities
with 8 fine assortment of Watches, Jewelry and Fancy
Goods, would call the auentioivof hie: mends and cuts*
tamers to the faot)lhat among his VVatcheswUlbe found
the most desirablft-StyleSjpQtterns and makers. Of Jew*
elry.tho latest stylos of broche*, breast pins, fob and
vest chains, finger rings, ear rings, miniature; lockets,
& FANCY GOODS—Such as paper macbe, worktables,
work boxes, desks, fancy vases, perfumo bottles, tabu
mats*' Colt’s pistols, pdrlo mocmet, in great ynrieiy;
china frait andcakcdtshea, Ac., with an endless variety
of useful and ornamental articles,which have only to bo
* e £il bB * PP “ C, * W4 ' NO. fit MARKET STREET.
Citizen* and Stranger*,
,43a DO yon wish tojintchuse a
K-T&cnc-Ualf the bsSal price call at MOOD’S
CSuKINEW'JEWELS'/ STORE. Ol jritTitt rlrttt,
two door* north of Third, and take a look at ins new
slock, just arrived, and y on can therepurchase Watch
eaor onykindof fine Gold'Jewelry at ihcir real value,
andnotbechargedtwo prices for everything, a? yon
have alaaUy beeai bat can gevthe.wy best qnaltlyof
goods at the lowest easterivprices* 5 po not believe what
others; interested in their own sales, teU you, bat corne
and see far All goods sold at tills establish
ment will be warranted as represented ai nme of sale—•
* ' “ hase eflotuly safe and cheap. aolS*
to ti]B< ali nwyonroh)
IF.Timelamone,,«urely it deserves to be watchod,
emd.rcEder, you may be assured that—
Watches better ne’er weto sold,
Whether of silver or of gold, j : ;;
Than yon.willfind, when e’er you go,
: And look atthnse on sale below. -
ImnoMcn and Dealers In Cloeßs, Watobes
aiSvnerlry, Waiek Matmab, WaicA Maim Ibolr, &c. .
JIEQ leave to announce to the trade and the public
Wnendlv. that they have just received, from the best
Sfilfiiftheinrera in Enrope, a large lot of Gold and Silver
wS?hu. WMeh Tools and Materials, and a tnostele-
SSMfS?, °oi&r'at pnrcaM low&slhey'cotf be
PU^c“s, a Waiche^nd n jewelS-’repajred In tho best
subscribers hove
.associated theiwgi»jw»» tagEthef an Banners, for tho
purpose of transacting aWhoiesulft .GroeerfiPtotace,
business, under.theflrmofi John
: Blwsk & Co»>NO'£lB corner of Libert y~and Irvrifl sts«. ..
' 7 ~l' * X *
030,478 CO
. 733 4G
Ittercpion Loans*-™-***'-*’
r 4 4 i"- ,
- Jorg ©oflfcs.
r JAMES & CO,,
-109 Wood ,Wood Street,
siriing m part of French and English Broad Cloths,
Tweeda. Casstmeirts, Oashmeretts,;- DMsklns, Jeanm.
Linen Ooanngs, Silk. Satin imd
FnncyColtonVentings. AlsoȣhoatlWCASES PLAIN.
ANDFANCYDRESS GOOB3, embracing the newest
styles of Bilk andLlnenPoplina, Delaines, Beragesand
Borage Dd'Lalhcsi-Black.Mo.nrnidg. and Faiicy Lawns,
Plain and. Fancy Calicos, in great variety French,
SCotch aniTDomcsuc Ginghams.; Palm Lcafi Leghorn,
Kossuth, Hungatian and Moxicanßats:. Silk,-Giogham H
and Colton I'&msolsi &c«, A c,, .which are offered at
Wholesaled! tho most accomoiOQatiogtenns, japru .
" Greet Attraction l .
TUST RECEIVED at Jaiwßrs 1 One Price Cash Store!
J No. 70 Matketstrect, PiUSlmrgh,between Fourth BU
and Diamond, the largest and inoßlbeaanfoi stock of
SPRING akd SUMMER 3>RY GOODS, ever offered to
the citizens of PiUsbargh* - . . • .. t; .
The subscriber wouUUnfornv those who desire to get
Gooa staoiutß, thht the greater part of his. block was
-parchased at the recent large Auction psies In New
York aud Philadelphia for cisn, which enabloß him to
soil goods 15 to 25 per cent, cheaper than those who buy
on credit. . We do not deem It necessary ts mention the
the different kinds of goods that compose our stock, bpt
deem ilfmfncicnt to aay that, it coiisim« of a full assort
ment oMadtes* and ffontlemsu’s with a.
neceral stock ef FURNISHING GOOD 3. We would
respectfully solicit an examination or our slock from
those who wish to purchase. ■ • •. imaria
V aAn*JB Jtt»OAJSUl4fcj»»^
TTrrflOLESALß^ Dialers in Farttgnahd uomtstic Dry j
W Good* are-now.opening their first purchaso .ot i
SPRING AN© SUMMER GOODS, selected with the |
greatest care, to suit the trade, consisting in part of the.,
newest sty lea of—
Dress Lawns andßerages;
Plain andFigaredAlpacca*;.
French,Scotch and Domestic Ginghams;,
Printed Calicoes, in great variety s
Cloths,Caeaimeres andVcaungs;
Summer Coating and Eanioloomng,
. Brown and Bleached Maslms;
Palm and Leghorn Ifsts j •
Btrawand Braid Bonnets. . . ■ a ,
, Together with a complete stock of Variety Gooaa and
Pedlars' Notions,Gold and. Gilt Jewelry; Gold and 81U
vrrWalcheß,Brass Clocks, Ac.. All of which ■aro of
i fered at; Wholesale, for a small advance oyer Eastern
price* ’ (feb2?-dm
SKUOaU OUBA'l' AltlllVAljJ
f\F TALL ana Wimot Dry Goods and Vantia at No.
At oy. Northwest corner of -Wood street and Diamond
'Mley£rituba(gb« Fir. & Co. T.-onld again an-
Ronuce to their old customers and dealers peneratly in
their line, that they are now preparedt o oner for sale
their present new stock of Goods atunusually low rale*.
And an oar purchases have been made ontho most fav
orable term'} tvuh .Importers and Manufacturers* we flat
ter ourselves, and hope to be aide to merit a continuance
of confidence and patronagepf our old
the public generally, whien hnsheenJtfireio&re so libe
rally bestowed opon us. Oar DRV GOODS. STOCK Is
in part of Broadcloths, CassuncrcsiySttUinete, Tweeds,
fancy Vesting, Checks, Flanncts, Drillings, Black and :
Brown Mus’ia*, Tickings, Ulankcts, Linsey Plaids, Air
pacas, Mcrinocsi Mnshn DoLalncs, Cashmeres* fancy
i Flints. Glazed Cambrics, Cloakings* Table Diapers,
I .Ginghams. Silks, mney lons fehawls. Silk Cravats, Fon
gee Silk Pocket Handkerchiefs, and Imh Linens direct
froto Ireland, and all other articles generally kept in the
Dry Good* lino Oca Vabiext Department will be found
on examination to be unsurpassed by any other of the,
kind West of the Mountains* and is made up in part or
Combs, Buttons, Patent and Spool. Threads, direct from ;
Europe { Port Monies and; Pocket Books, Hooks anu 1
Eyes, Pius imd-WeedlcSj Tapes*Thimbles, Spoons, Ha- i
zors,Table Cutlery anu Pen-Knives Jest arrived from
Sheffield; PatentNediclnee, Violin and Violin Strings, i
Gam Suspenders, Slates and Slate Pencils, Percussion
Caps, Spectacles, Pistols, Hosiery. Glove*, Lawns and
Edgings, Ribbons, Sewing Silk, Silk Gimp? and Fringe*,,
fancy Ncumggj Green Bandage*, Black Silk Veils, Silk
Florence together with a general.assortment of all other
articles in tno Variety line. Wo have on band and for
sale a large assortment of Gold and Silver Watchesand
Watch Materials. Gold nnd Gilt Jewelry, Gold attdStl
vn? Pens and Pencils, Gold and Silver Spectacles,
Clocks, 2fce., to which we invtin tho attention of all buy
ers, as we ace determined to soil our Goods on the most
reasonable terms, ouber fbrr.n»h or satisfactory refer
••once.'' ■’'\
N.B- Tne business of the late fiTtnofGßvao&Mc-
CAfffXiitis is to he settled by D. Grroo at the stand of D.
Gbkoo & Co., who in ftilly «uibor>2ed forsnch nndm
whose possession nretUopopcr*, Notes and Books Of
snldfirtn. {oCtls;tf
108 . FEEKCH STORE. 108
Ul GOODS,'opened and 'opening. ineroding: rich
• ~t
Ij«c'verjrlady caJlnad sec urn rpiandid
of Imperial Chinere manufacture, ' .
Lac«,'Baxlns.SllkiTlmwnvB f! *< l B**t^ ~u!, " a *> anu
Vlilicnj to match the Shawls. -
and MHUner>*, Gloves, Flswcr*,
Tuscan nu<i leghorn Hot*,
(Cenicstylcs,) SMris,Coots, &c. .
Mourning Goods o( every descripliosu
Mndarao iu ’be monthly
receip t of Fashions and Models* from rari*.Lonspn ana
NewYcik, at No. 61 St. Clair etreew and H* Market «t,
where ladies are respectfully invited to call.- . .
The trade supplied with model* and material*. taprH
Seillnff off stOoet
TUB Subscriber being.about to reliuQtttsh tbe.mail,
dry goods holiness, and having made suchananse
nient* n% to render itneces? ary tocloso ont hU stock by
the Isi of July-next, will commence on Tbursday/May
tell his entirevslock of Fancy and. Staple.dry
goods at COST, FOR CASH. * v 3 ;
Uis goods having beonprinelpallypurchat'edihepres'
eat seaton, will he f&una desirable bargains, being at
least US per cent loweribtm fegnlar prices.
In STAPLE GOODS will be foanc—
-4>4 and 54 French ginghama;
. English and French chlntxes;
Il)k atp*caa and bombazines;
Checks and muslins;
Irish linen* andemsbes, ;
Table Unennand cloths;
Huekaback towels and toweling;
‘Damask and snow drop linen napkins and dollies; Mar*
nellies quiitsifarnlttirc prints, plain and emb’d dimity;
linen sheeting andplllowiinens; table and planocovcTS
and covering*; worked lace curtains andewtam muslins.
White crape shawls, emb’d and plain white berege ana
thibet shawh;
Fine French tawfa and bowges; .
Berege delaines and muslin delaines; ;
Tissues and grenadiers; ■.■■■•■ *
Bik and fancy silks, some very superior, and aunestock
of goods generally. ■■ .- ■ ■ ■ *
Worked mult anfllace capes and sleeves:
Jacoiiett,muU and linen cambric collars & chemireUoS,
Jaconett,rciuU edgings and iniertlngs;
Emb’d linen and cambric hdkft;. '■•■■■:.■. . ,
Worked bands and flouncingipand a raasclfieenl stock
of Valenciennes edgings, laces and in«erUngs? l togelljer
wilh.a large variety of other goods, too numeroaß u»
mention, all or whlcn will actually be aold at ORIGINAL
COST* FOR CASH. Early ealU will secure the best
bargains JAMES A. MTCNTGHT. No. «2, tin »t.
; p. S-—AII pcisoraknowing themselves indebted to
the above prior toJaquary,l6s3, are requested-to pay
the tame, ns all debts will be put ln tho hands or an at*
torney for collection* : - - . - ' mylk
Third Arrival of New Summer. Goads,
W- THE InrgeM.cheapeßtand beststoekof FaN
jsK@£lCY DRESa GOODSt'ever offered in litis city, is
opening at YOUNG.-tJTENENSON A
Obioinal Bbb Hivb Stobe. No. 74
Markoi etreet, between Fourth street and the Diamond,
Pittsburgh. v ' . ■ -
The proprietors have lost opened a large--and most
beauumi essorUnentof-the newest and most fashionable
styles of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, whlchhave been
purchased since the groat; reduction in prices at Ute«
tairge clearing out sales In New YoTk and Philadelphia,
and will be offered to CASH buyers at from 30 to 93 per
cent, lower than former prices.; . ,
DRESBGOODS,of every description, such as a very
largo and baautiful stock of the following articles *
High Lustre, ; Plain Chameleon and Glaca Silks.
• do ; Plain Black apd Striped do;
do Brocade Annores and Ponlt de Soles, nil
> colors;'
Black and Chamoldon Turk Satins and Water’d Silks;
Chone and India Foulard Silks;
do Printedard.Plain Silk Tissues;
do rdo Alberioes nnd Gronadlnea;
Plain, printed and embroidered Bcrages)
Cheneplalnandfigured Silks and Poplins;'
Paris jrimed Berago do Laines, Die cheapest ever of-
Paris prlated Lawns and Jaconets,: do' do;
- Plain ami embroideiTetfMullß and Swisscs;
Plain and printod Cashmeres, Dolaluesnnd Alpaceas;
Frenehand Domestic Ginghams;
English, and American Chintzes and Calicoes, at' all
prices; ,
Needle worked Smevcs, Cuffs. Collars, Cheraixeua;
do Lace and Maslin Copes r
Embroidered, hero siilch and plam Unen Catnb. Hkfs;
’Fancy Silk Pocket llkfs, Cravats and Neck Ties;
Gloves. Hosiery and Suspenders, r large stock;
Irish Linens, Tabid Cldths and Table Damasks;
Tickings, Checks,Crash, Bird Eye Diaper ANopkinr;
Bleached and Brown Muslins, from 6 to 12c. s>*, yard;
French Cfothi,plain andfancy C&ssimeres k Baimeis;
Caßhiherets,Twedds,Merin6C&ssimerea& Ky; Jeans:
BiackSaiin ondFancyVestiOgs, Ac.;
Bonnets and Ribbons, at great bargains;
Spring-aiid Summer Shawls, Rtgrest bargains.:
The proprietors Would respecimUy. solicit an' early,
call/rom all their friends, and the public generally, feel*
ingconfidentthnt they can offer gxeaterluducementa to
Wholesale and Retail buyers than ever have heretofore
been offered in Pittsburgh.
- Removal*,
HOUGH & ANTHONY have-removed their - DA
GUERREAN ROOMS; from Burke's Building, to
Eaton’s Building, over the Young Men’s Library, where
they will be hkppy ta see their old patronß ana rriQnds;
y apr7:tf • vt: :; - ; ■ ■.
Furntturs and Chair .Warsrooms* .
fg JOSEPH METER, 424 Penn street, above the
BLCanal Bridge, keeps constantly on hand and make*
Bssta order; at the lenetst pnees, every description oj
Fancy and Plain FURNITURE,' SOFAS and CHAIRS
dt the best workmanship and most approved styles. '
: Purchasers would do well to visit his Ware rooms.
■ roygy-d&rwlV
rjMIE undersigned begs leave to annotmee to bis friends
I and customers/that, lie haß received a large, and
with the greatest coto seleeted, lot of RHENiolf and
FRENCH WINE; which he can warrant ns pare and
genuine, and which he sells either by the bottle orcask.
esides, ho keeps always on hand, a large and well so
lected stock of FRENCH COGNAC BRANDY, HOL:
LAND GIN, and other Liquors, all of which are of the
first quaUUeßi and genuine .articles. - He
feels grateful for former favors; and it shall be bis duty
to attend to his cQstojnersas fonnorly. . • /
- As be has made the best and latest improvement for
rectifidng -Whiskey,he can famish them of me best
kind, an? at th* lowest price. D. FICKEIBEN,
'mvff No. 137 Libsity atmt.
3 , t ,“»
/Sjffiga , WM. E. STEVENSON continues tomantt*
<mMßltff aeure CABINET-WARS el<evetydescri|£'ß old stand, comet ol.XntianJM®?;
tMfflSSovsnlli streets. imDERTAKING atteadcd
w.lmUJlts brtmcliM. , ,7 : _ . insyH
- - ' - d.miilKßß«Co 4 ,
Tfj AYE .ON- HAND.ottbeit extensive* CABINETanu
•XL CHAIRIMAmiFACyoBYi No. 64./SmMifieM;%
a large aworttnent of^aceyantf ; plainTFornitUTe»ivhicii
: they "will sell 15 percent. below cbstoinaiyraies. .
v'-Tena3r^aalxoiUyr-';-':7nv : , j; : : --cvv2;^ ldec27:iy : ''
* Cabinet Aadj}bßir F&ciory»
SJOSEPHMEYEItIjasott handjat bis exten
sive GabmetatidUbairM&nafdttOTY," No. 424te
stteetj above ibeCanaJjainiuidsof FURNITURE,
such &» SotoayCentre Tables,Mahogany Chairs,
gnny aU other articles ia the Cabi
net line—which he will sell 20 oerceat. below cnsiora
ary raiee. Tcrma-*OABH* ONltTj
No. 421 Penn street. Fifth. Word.
e. C. BAUMSU. r
Rftmmflt ft Oaalir. .--•■.■■■.
Eatwttn Stvtnthstreit and Siraieberry alley,Pittsburgh Pc*
H AMMERADAULERkeep constantly onhand
UL_ a variety of excelleni aml fashionable Furniture,
'Rpvwan&ntedeqQaltonjtyirrthe'oUy) and aoldorr as
«H ■favorable tenns as. can bo obtained avany similar
eetabUshmeniin .he West. They have now on hand an
anuguallir extensive stock;embracing &U kinds of Farni--
line, from the cheapest and plainest to the moslcosily
and elegant*. All orders promptly attended to.
r fO CftblQSt Alak«TB»
VtneArsy Mahog any, ilojewood ;andX7dJnut;:.Vamuh i
Hardivan arid Furoimeat Wholesale;
THE subscribers have last received from New York
and Boston a .mostsplendid stock, of. VENEERS,
.and are manufacturing by machinery Furniture suitable
for the trade.- AU of which we will sell at extremely
low prices.
•. As great care was taken in the selection of thostocL',
persons cannot fail to be: suited cither as to quality or
price ;and, as It is well toibwri that Furniture: can be
made by machinery.superior and much lower than by
hand r iho attention of the trade is respectfully invited.
Turned Work, In ail its branches, carried onas: ostial.
Hankfbr .hajidTails.'fofCarpenters, and ail articles
required in manufacturing Cabinet Furniture, constantly
ion hand—vis: Mahogany, Varnish, Hardware, llajr
Cloths, Springs, Ac., Ac. :. RYAN A M’KEE,
Ryan’s Buildings,
-nmrZbvdaw-' . •... .n . Nd.3lTifth street. :
Journeym«tt cabinst Slalcers Aiooefatloa
-(hear ino coroerbf Wood.)
i grag&MtfgSgajifr'hTacihfr. already, twice, to threeuJL
' times as many hands as thenar*
i BjgF“* Sia ®«isJ gcfit and hitherto most renowned * t 1
business shops of this city,'have opened their Ware
house, and are able to furnish the public, by wholesale
ot retail,with Furniture of the following description—
y tjj; : ■
Mahogany Wardrobes; Dressing Bureaus ; Full Col
umned Bureaus; Btaliogonv .Bedsteads; .Mahogany
Chairs; Rocking CUaira; Mahogany WashstandsySo
fas; Divans; Fiano Stools; Book Cases: Secretaries ?
Card Table*; Her Tables; fine Card Tables; Centre
Tables; Hai Racke; French Bedsteads; Ottomans;
PopldxWtt^o&^Bminij sl2l,l Breakfast Tables; Work
stands; CheTry'nndTCorumon Workstands; high post,
common»ldw f and trandle Bedsteads; Cherry Bureaus;
Cribs; CradlesjAc,
Theadvsntagesofco-operation, on ancxiensive scale,
permitthero to sell at the lowcstprices, and they areue*
termlnedto soli,lotaerthau any compeutors, an equally
good, if not better article, and warranted—'as the public
will understand by giving them a call. ■■■
work of ail descriptions, and other
articles of any description, made to order in every style,
aUbesborteat notice., .. . ■ {mars?
ywsrs jamKs \v. woouv*a;<-i., pi
O7 sad 89 T'blrd street* >
Y W.W. respectfully informs his friends and custom*
*jr*-er* that he ha* now completed his spring stock of
Furniture, which is decidedly the largest ami nest ever
©fferedfor sale in this City, wlnon will be sold at prices
as low a* any in the United States East or West, _.•....
As fee b dnieminod to uphold the quality with well
reasoned materials, best workmanship, and newest
fderignsr and from the extent of bis orders and facility
In mVnfactnrinej be iaenaMcd to produce warranted
fiirnigire t at the fowest prices-- . . .
He feat adopted the principle ofldeniifying the cna
tamers’ interest with hi* own, iti quality and pnee, and
keep* always on band the greater variety of every des
cription, of furniture, from the cheapest and plainest, to
tho most elegant and costly, that a house, or any part of
one, may be furnished from his stock, or manufactured
expressly lo order T.tie following articles consist in
ptunof his stock,tehichfor richness of stylo and finish,
i cannWbe *ttTpas*sd in any oi the Eastern cities:
I LouiiXlv teie-teut-a&ofas:
SOdot-Whhogany Cbatra, *
80 do Walnut , . do;
50 Mahogany Rocking do; <
20 Walnut do «u»» . i
fiuMahogany Divans;
20 Walnut - do; „ . i
60 Marble Top Cemre Table*;
fid do Dressing Bureau*; i
30 do Washsiands;
. -40 Enclosed do;. .
100 Common do;
BOPlaia Dressing Bureaus;
- « Mahogany Bcdstends;
20 Walnut do;
CO Collage . ■ do* ■
SCOCherry and Poplar BertiieAda;
20 Mahogany Wardrobe*;
10 Walnut: do;
lOCherry do;
50Tloin Bureaus; v. •-
•• 7frDiabigaad .Breakfast Table*;. ,
12 Secretary and Booker*;
29 doa. Cano. Seat ChalM;
UlCanttSeat RocMngCbaira;
12 Ladies Writing Leake;
Itac <uid Towel yuods;. What-Nots;
JSUgulte*? : ' PKperMachabTable*; .
Conversation Chairs; Pembroke do;
. Elizabailicu dn; Hall andTior do;
Reception do; Lime*’ Work Tables;
lnlaid do; Hitetirion Dining Tnblos;
Arm • ••• do; O:ioinans;
Ooihic and Hall Chairs. . ___ -
A targe assortment of COMMON FURNITURE and
•WINDSOR CHAIRS.: CAtttUxr*uisks supplied with
all articles la their Une •
STEAMBOATS ami HOTELS, furnished at the abort*
promptly attended to,
No. SI,
footer*} la
FbUign anrf Asjurictnj
Fancy and Staple
MILUXSti Y, *e
X' havu just opened a large Invoice of Foreign Steel
Engravings, Prims,Studies, Drawing Cards,and Copies,
for Teachers ajidPupite, - - . v • • # ,
These sketches are the ten published, and adapiedlo.
oil ctasims. They embrace Elememoiy. Lan 'scape,
' ATCbitcCtoral,Object, Fruit, Flower and Animalsiwlies,
Drawing Pencils, Pamts, Crayon*, Ao .
For sale by DAVISON A AGNKW. v
. , Booktclicrs and Importers,
: 65 Matkf.i gtrgct. r.ti-T Fourth
' - aiaic’s Bf-cAm ptKno a'orte Vactury*.
" : T. L.-LEASE having npphed machi
to the.manufacture of
is .‘enabled :to sell at least twenty.five
II n 9 ff per eeht.eheeneMhtnhoy brought from,
tho Fasi, and waTtnniedrquaUn every Tespßot^
Six octave Rosewood Piauos, from 81SJ*,00 and
' upwards. , __
Seven octave ro • do.
„ Piano Wnteroomi on Hnud ptreet, over Johns’ Mine *
ml Water Warehouse, ■■ . ■
AneOrdenfl*, Violini, Ae., tanrd anl repaired. fjeS:y
JJUaoluUoa or Partners hip,
THE Partnership hitherto exiiting the sub
ecribers,.doing bn riness in the name- of John Black
&.€o., is ibis Oay dissolved by mutual cnnscirv-H. Mcr
Cullough purchasing the entire interest o' Jolin-Blackin.
said burines*?"in':JlcUul]otich having the right to
the nonic of aftc late firm in sotilmg tho bpsine*s r anu tho
exclurivo right to receive ail ouutandmg debts, and to
pay all debts duo by the late firm.
N« business will be continued by the sub«eri
ber as usual, athlsoldstond, comer of Pennaudlrwm
•treeii. - HENtIV MoCUOLOUGH.
Pimbargh, March V, 1853. manMf
Wate&eii Jevreirjrj oc<
SAVING- Just returned’ from the EastenrcUles, I
have brought with me; one of the most, beaunfol
carefully seiectefrStocksof Jewelty, Watches and
Fiwoy flcoda, ever offered :to: the Public. Persons
Wishing to purchase nnjr thing In. my line, con rely on:
getting a good mlicleV I do not advertise to Belt goods
telow cosk nor 50 per cent, cheaper than any house in
-the city.' Give me a call, and ! om.suro you wilt be
satisfied that l oan sell a good yticle as cheap as any
of them. •• .
Another fact I wish to keep before the people. If
you want your Watch, Clock, or any crude of Jewel
f’, repaired in the best manner, this is the place to have
done- To this branch of my business 1 wilt devote
I especial attention,
JOHN S. KENNEDY, 91 Market street»
Sum of the Golden bade.
THE partnership heretofore existing between the un
dersigned th the Commission amt Forwarding busi
ness, etc "under the firm of 8. P. VON BONNHORST
4: Co., Is this day dissolved by mutual -Consent. The
business ot the Into firm will be settled by S. F. Von
Boanhorsi, who is authorised to use the name of the firm
for that purpose WILLIAM EICMBaUM. ..
Pittsburgh, May 3d, 185*-tayd
Go-Partncrililp Notice.
rftilE undersigned have this day formed a Co-Partner-
Jt ship for the transaction of a Wool and General
Commission and Fowarding business, under, the firm et
Water and U 6 Front streets
, Pfltahiirvl,. Mow 0.1. ISSU-n,vS
Mors Proof of lAa Superior Quality of Irfwn.Bu.7lt Sf
■ Boron’ Cciibtatcd Firs Proof Boftj.
rriHE character of these SAFES, la St. Louis, was be
-3 foto so well established, that any further test or
proof of the fact of their being superior to ell others,
would have been unnecessary; bat, in order to nccom-'
modem Mr Hall, the saiemee and maker of, “ Hall’s
Patent Concrete safes,"-whioh. has burnt up all: other
makers of any note in.the United Slates, ( Wilder’s pat-,
ent included,) we lookup his challenge, and the result:
is given below, by; the Committee who superintended
the burning of the Safes , Wo only regrei that they:
were hot left in the fire two hours longer., :,
The Safe which we tested is to be seen at ourstore,
and we invite the public to call and examlnelt, its we
are confident no one will ever doubt their fire proof
qualities, alter having Been the specimen which passed
iUagb the fiery ordeal on ttjUjb CQ _ .
Sole Agents for the Manufacturers, So. 13 Levee, and
No. 26 Commereial street.
. .The uodersigned,u Committer appointed by E. Hall,
on behalf of Hall, Dodd A Co., of- Cincinnati,■ and-
Messrs. E. R.VioletttCo.,as agents of Messrs, burke
A Buntos.of Pittsburgh, to test the fire proof quality of
the Safes, made by ihetr.rcspeouve principals—report;
that we have this day; subjected a Safe of-each- manu
faetcre, of similar size, which had been n ass' two
years, in ovens, to n fire made.with dry oak wood, end’
I'ntsburgh stone coni, for the space of five and a half
hours, and, daring that tune, wo ltelleveihe.heal applied'
was for greater than any ordinary conflagration—that;
at the expiration of that tunc, on taking the Safe from
the fire,and cooling them down, we fonnd that the iron :
casting on both was m places entirely burnt offi but that
the hooka were nnirjnred j and, on -opening: the -Safes,
we.found books and papers entircly unlnjored; eicem
slightly by theWhterusedjn cooling off rfafc we fiJund the case with both Safes, and the Only-Oercemihie
ditfortmce in tho appearance of the interior
the warms!; on the woodwork ofßarkeA
was entirely nnimnred, while oh 1 that of n*n‘ n%ut'£ was blistered and blackened* In eoncfmhon
we would remark, that from the regnlt of thistesKwe
have no hesitation in. recommending tho Safes of both
parties to the confidence of the hob/icf' ‘ .
« Warwick p. miller,
„ . , gerard. b. ai.lbn.
Su Loots, Jane UJtb.lBfl9.
e "v" 8 ® e 'J l 6 c it will be seen, ehowsthe PlUrhn'gh
f. a “* Mossra. Burke & Barnes trvumvkant. bearing**
tMjumace.t&c Bqft that had burnt vp all 01 hers.' this
w glory enough for.Ptltsburghi and gam enough, Uwtlt
bn found, fat Barks A Barnes. R US9
■**•• ..■'•■:■ ... ... ■ rf. . *. : > • '/■■•:..■■. ...;•• r. ... ■ •• v ■-'. .•• ■■ •■>
v- Vi :• :
' v '.
-f ■' . *
- , ♦ (i v r • ' , 4 > '
c ‘ U-' * 'Tr4s~lf .^.. ..
'■ ' ■';'•:v'|:.'
-* 9 . t
* 4 , r
• ’ 'A.'.',''-'
D " 1,0 ‘“■^aajaa* Cttrouvo *«* h
The only TnfaUihJt Cure for that Driadful Ditiaii 1/ an Inßocem, *af« anJ effecioal CW°n* [? ,
known <w SprnnaiKrnhcacrpitaUintari/mctVT* g,SS,^J^mMrSSi 1 F N«»»“ l fl» b 5 1 S{'/
Mi &imwiMi tr - Pains in the Head aßd Umfij U*« ;i * -
SO tarojsla| acd dMttactwejW, prodnctlve of ay «f. Appetlio, PalnnaUonjTrcmorii, BiEetiKdSpitat. Ctat -
jaueh mljcmef to- ihs ni-rvotfe system, fne'apaoitat- 'tWaies.,' rmtabfiity, BySfipS/A or Indlgeaiiom Plato- 3 .
me thomia for basmest, »ocleiy,and matrimony. lenco Or 'Wind, and IUI -fcariae Complaints, Price as u. _•
This Instrument Is simple. Comprehensive, *na nntr-. cents, or five boms fit 91JSV- Sold ■nrJiotcsnlC' and. «K (£,. *■; >■:;
failingi 'tutsmM;b«.mC9;'tnthonitboslij-lnertinefcnvi-; -
iuonceorthe tnowleaso-ottbc ntostinumatofriesiL—, Wo«fntebu®ftmbnfgiiandlly.*Ulh»Dn!gßWl« £
I'lt'iSlobeuseaclUbrnnllyi pnrn oriqiuiy' ,* fflrecllon»eiicl6se<ll«tb*aclib<wt.
wbmever, norptnvendsgsnrpne!>onnitendtogtob& ;HffiltMyM* •' •• f t ■- - r
bn«ibess; and while tarnso ito<ia«wgi«emmnm cun. *■ (t
tako'plßcc,' .Wfigerattiig.fhtjirgagt, in a sfauttuns, w Ef
tiich on raicnc W t%*sSAU»rßMaTaiHrnTMovmi gr *
, at BKTSOTioS/atbloss of wbicb, caused by eariy abase, R.
le thS diseaieVqnestiooj. anddiecausoof tba-iiaassuid.) «
con«mitsmcotr,plniats ) vit:Netyoa 3 neEs ; Prostratoq l
BvemsMia. Pamrin. the Head and OintnCsa.of Vtsloni
TAa&WofefiS-aaflititia *gy^”i^l£y r A %r
lions of the Eyes, Impotence, Pitnpjcsof the Face, Pte- ;
mature Decline of Virility, \<V«aMeM of aWy «jd
Power.for Momal Application, BcjeeUon, Avendonto
I Society,Tlniidiiy,.Solf-!i)iBtrnJt, Xovp Am
rAU.tht&t-complaints iniiaritibly atSdFjpeartu Mi
sotDcvisiiopvcdfrQmishich they wwtQtea.
i • riiii Instrument has been-exammed- trad opproveu .ci
by lie highest authorities in America, is re
commended by the .moßliJrominent.'Physicianß oraji
.countries; a* i he oHiy «rtotn . remedy. jor. tAost.
r complaints, end'has nowcompletely superseded tho use <
tof drugs.'tho bougie, cauterizationrdfcCi, nMtomention |
.the thousand advorused-iwstraniaof jhedayyiwcojaialf, 1
’ antidotes, &c.;&c-‘ It constitutes, at the same ilu>o, the
safest, the mostpUasant, and by far the cheapest treatment
ever offered to the afflicted,:a fair price- being allowed
for.the instrument, fuler the desired effect, has been , at
■ Be It also remembored, that those complaints are bat
ItiUe understood by;the profession :in general,- and tbat
all the medicine in the world never has, and never willj
Slop those lasse*; which, if allowed io contidue un-.
checked; ore Imre (o produced the most distresalng ooa--
• It has beenamatter of surprise.tosomei that any one,
of respectabiluy and cf professlonal attainments should
! devote bis atusiuion t»dt»e3ses;.which 'people orevery
descripiioh pretend to cure so easily- If, howeverjout
the one thousandth partoflhemteenesthese people bring
upon society were known,a very difTerentbpfcqionwquld
be formed;- ;And it i» not only the present misery and
dejection, preying on the ntind as weu aa the? bodyy that
is deplored, bu* some are ofsaqli a nature, as to affect
posterity,, and even to deatrdy the reproductive faculty;
altogether. It is a fact that, wheii upi propertytreated,:
they may remain so dormant in;tho cohstUutfon ds to ap
pear ifi no other way tliah in their effects upon
yet,,if properiy ui\^ersiood ; arc mosi.easlty.ana speedi
ly removed. The abbve,so ingeniously contrivedinstru
ment, will doultfeßsVin a great measure, comribuie to.
cbecithe evils ofquackery, so prevalent in tliis class of
diseases, throughout the uoion. .
The price of Uie complete instrument, carefully secur
ed againstall bbasrvauoa In a only * It cun
be sent* by express,; to any address in any purl of the.
Unixed Siaies, catiDda,:&c4 according to order, accom*
nanicd hy/uli. direcdoßS, ;and important advice to-tfae
married and single; tlic expenses, even to Uieretnotoir
pans of thecoamry, being very triffing. , t - _
: >,The unexampleo sQc.cessthia Insirumeni nssobtainea
since iis Jntrbuaction in America, hairindueedsome iin-.
princlpled/peraohs in New 'York,Pbiladelplua > Al^hny,
Bo3tbni Ac;, to gev up eome.ridiculous:ihirgs,- xaued
,»tnVttamenis,” which, however; bear jtoT'niKmaar
ist teaemblancej neuhir in foTm noT
! own invented, long trted, : and n'uversatiy approvedln*
sirufnent3, and which are-is simUar io them aa nlghns i
to tight.-- Every auempt to selUocb ‘Musxramenu»;fpr .
mine will be prosecottd to the fullest; extent of the law,
T being not to connect the well- and' boaestty
carneu Topataticit of my inventions with'qaaebs
ihcir wortbief-6productions.: M Instrument u genume
dnd non* tan bewarranted biu those ordereaftom myself.
• All applications and fecmtances must be directed
(post pmd) to the-Doctor himself, lie having no Agencies i
established but jn London and Paris. •• i
Address, post paid,Dr. H. do Chaney, 61 Lispenaru st 0
New York. ■■■■;•:■.
Office hourE, daily, from 0 A M. till 3P. M., and from
7 till 8 P.-M-, the Sabbath excepted.? --S :
i- ID* The undersigned certify, wnh great pleasure, that
the above-mentioned Instrument constructed
ou ?ciwitific:pr»ncipfee, hut that from ita use the happiest
result* may- alwflys v wi;b confidence, be anticipated,
there behiff. for me cure of those diseases, NO OTHER
; HENRY'S. KELLER. M. 0. *1
Oil. GnE'rZEi M D., 00 Chamber street, : v 1
C ECKHAKDT, Howard sired,.
■ ' Nkw Yonx. -
Dr. ns Lasct U prepared looxecuie nil orders for sut-.
gieiilappatatasi viz; Ariifieial. Arms and Legs, which
move like naturaliricrr.bers; Apparatus for .Luxauon,
for-Contracted Legr;Tor. eorvaiure .of ihe : Splne; .*nd.
Waist; for False of the Arms and KHeest r for
Paralytic Legs; for Club Podt; for Lacrymal Fistules;:
for FalUngofihe Kectum ; ilypogastrie Belts; Beds and
Chuirafor SietPeraons? Crutches,Trusses,dim; Ortho?
pedic Corsets, Ac ,*c. All work warranted. Letters
must be poH pahJ, containing a propariiouate Tenmiance
or city reference.- • - -• • ! •••■•• ffebVs:ty;'
Dr» Cfttyzott’* Improved. Extract of
Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla,!
The original and only genuine preparation for the
permanent cure of Consumption and diseases
of the Lungs x when they are supposed to
heajftcttd by the too free use of ;
Mercury, Iron, Quinine, se. ' .
Scrofula, >
> or King’s, :
Canccr» r TQinors \irap-r . ■
Vron* of the Skin, Krtsipclas,
Chronic Sore Eye», Ringworm or *Tei
tewr Scald Head, Rbeumaustn, Pams m the.; :
Bones or old Sotes-and Ulcere* Swelling of
tho Gland*. oi
the uje of Mercary. pam m the Side am!
.. Shoulder*, (Jeneial Debility, Drop* : :
• . ay, Lumbago, Jaundice and -
‘ •. 'CosiivftViepa'-' : - vv ' ••
Vhe Best Female ZQediolne Knowal
THE3halret prepared “Yellow Bock,” end the u Red
Honduras Sarsaparilla,? are the Invaluable reme
dial agents from -which Dr.-GuyzoU’s Imptoved Extniat
of Yellow Dock and SampariUais formed, anil the la*
boretory of Dr. Guyzoit has given us the virtue of those
roots in their perfoctlpn- . His preparation contains all
the -restorative properties of tho roots; combined and
concentratedin tneir utmost strength and efScnoy.
Experiments were m«dc in the manufacture of this,
medicine, antll it was found that it could not be further
Accordingly, we find lrresotied to almost universally
la cases of Hepatic, Beorbulic, and Cutaneous com*
plaints,- for general prostration of all the vital
and all those tormenting diseases of the skin lorrying to
the*pati<nce and so injurious to hcsltb. ■■■:»•
P P P P'f. P. f .
Scrofula, Syphilis alarcunal Complaints, Cancer, oan*
; grene, Rheumatism, onda vast variety of other disa
greeable ami dangerous '■diseases, are epecritly and
perfectly cured by the use of this medicine. • •
SaiWKv Michigan. October 8. UQI;
Ha- JoUN D. Parx-*Dsot Sir-v-lt I* with unuttera*.
Lie feelings of gratitude that tarn able,: through the UI-.
vine HoVideuce of God, mid by the wonder-werking
agency- of that excellent medlc-ne, GuyiotiV Yellow;
Dock arid Sarsaparilla, to givo you a few symptoms. Of,
my almost hopeless case. .. \
In the winter of lSSOlwas attacked with a severe
paini which was gradually extendmgthrough thewhole
TiRUt Biile and leg} atthesarao time, a tolnt prostration
of my physical system; also, my leg had shrank to about
twi-ihtlds of its cdmtnon size. I procured the attend
ance Of a'skillful my dis
ease one of tfce worst forms of lrver complaiat. ■- He
sai l thy enso was one not easily handled,l>»t proscribed
-for me.- I remained under his treaimehtanUl i wns eat-
Ufiedheceuld not belp me, itlien procurcd of your
agent at this places two bottles of Uuy*
soli’s Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla, from which I re*
ceiveda vast amount of benefit. After ; having taken
four bottles more, X was able to; pursue my business
without any inconvenience; andn have been since that
time teweli man, while but a short, time sines f was con*,
fined to my bed of the timejaailicannot
ascribe the retVrn of iny health to any other cause than
by the- agency of tbantraly valuable medicine,:Guy*
zott’sYeifow t)pckandSaisaparilla. : . . »,
Ma-J. D, Pa^k—Diar Sir; I send you the foregoing
certificate, and, so far as Cam a<gauinted with tha case,
ills all true.: 1 procured It, tblnkiugii might be a benefit,
to you and io tho afflicted.; Youhavo the privilege of
using it as yon. think best. -
Yours, W. A. BEERS.
J| ! 1 ? f f
../■ Thafoltowmg teuer is from a bight; respectable phy*
syclan, who enjoys an extensive practice* : v
' Nayaors, BtarkCp.nntyja.vNov 1,1651.
-Da. Joins D. pABX*-/'«arSir: MD,\ Gayroit s Ex
traet--;.of'Sarsapariiiav%'>TbiB: baa been pre*
scribedby me for the Isist three years; with good eifcci,
in Oeneral .DebilityVßivsrComplaintj JawmlcevDya*
popsiavChrmiie ahCNerVouit-Diseastß. to all * female
complaints UeemUnly isunequaUed. .
In me - iise of : this utedlcinothe patient constantly'
galDsjstrength and Vigor; a fttot-worthy of greatponsid-r
erauon. Ills pleasant ttf the taste and smell, and can
be used by persons, with the; most delicate * stomachs, 1 unaer any clrcamstonoes.: I am eoeakins
from experience, and to-ffie ailUcted’l advise its u«b. 5
F ®“ tlll ,l i^ ’ Va ' an ' s,r “ l9 ) c >n;
add&d ’ G “ l ' Bgen,> 10 whom all orders mast b,
O* Pries 81 per bottle-six bottles for 85.
N oS wftam “h ™4 E M“««iSn’c
"'SxnSS .whom all orders nnmba addressed
slre^an*ihe , B/amoasP/ l it*A^Pal!ne«ock 0 & Co^lh.
inn Tt ni ■."'H* Washinßioa; WJI Lainber
i°> h B Wnlontowßill
Bedford‘n^.^ 8 ». < K 5! , f, OUI i lz> Somerset; S D Scot!,
trarsh-g“Ktori<WjMra. Orr, Holliday*
i 0o A lu 3t*na; Foraey ft Kaclay,
ifc J os.^??. n 5 i Btooltvlller
j’ m ,I, R eEhar d il i M’Farlond ft Co, W
& Cp, Erie; Henry For-
Bailer; t PoualnssftCo.-
Beaver; J l>Suramertm, Warren; F
~!^i» ® Conaersportf P Crooker, Jr.,Drowns
vi » g « fjoneiadAW
A* FfthUßitock’S Termlfagtt 1,
f |*HE safest and most effective remedy for.worras, in:
•JL Children and Adults, thathas ever been discovered.
The following te*timohy or its good effects is ofiored.-*
Tiomß.K, w. WUstach, Druggists
Dafavbtxs, (Indiana l Nov.lOylSjJ.
- Messrs. B- A. Fabn6»rock 55 Co.—<3enw; I have been
engaged in the Drug busmessTor a ; numbor of ydsrsj
nnu Lave known your Vermifuge sluce.l hayc- been In;
the bnsinessr. Jn thisViclrtuy it is.verypopumnaad the
sales ore largo ond yearly infcrearing. Of olLthe va*
rious anfcle.of Vernufaso J» ?°
good a ieputiUoD as-yoara,.and rone rnalmalaa
ehsroeierso -well. I coald maltlplr Instances of tho
Rood effects resalUng from tl» #n, but preoome such
would be annecessary. .Several ofottr topst respeeta.
ale phystciacsuse It m thetr praouee here, Bad leiom
mead ftns agoodaad safe article for tho expulsion of
Wo ton from the system. ~ : .
Yoare ( &c. . B.R.TV. WItSTACH.-
fteparod end sold by - B. A. FAHNESTOCK. &CO
* :-i earnsrof wood and Fust slnsstti Pittsboreh
let, dftwlci * .
riIBER VINBQAR—SS bbls. oa bani and for sslobv
L* 1«U * ARMSIRONB ft *
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TJREfAMJD and solii by JNO. TOUNOSOW, «#.-
X;lUbeny*iieeti:'TU4'powerfaHycoaccniTOteo pre*
parnionHhemedlealvirtuesofiwbiob are found to. too
eigbvUmcathe sirenglb.>6f thft original Arderlcan ON#
It 15putupinVottlesat‘25 ahd27i cems,:eaclijwUufaJl
;fiinjctton»forSt*iiisS. Ificvery diseiuewheietbecrlgl*
i nal American OUUasbeenJoand stall effieacxocsyand.
itaedrigln&tfh'power*' aaiore&derii the
original OH la its .natural state .astakea
.tremibebowuleof the e&rtb*canbe bad as abo*?e*—and
wm be joimd genutrw.: aotwitbfitafidln* ft certt <n fina
* llK.\r b “- e ?*>» ;?»oi>t!«w«:
Xlqnlit Cuticle. ,
article is.intenc(«d foriaimls use, and should bft
• X /founurnibopossessionof everyfamily in the land*
Meclmiucswha&r©incortsianidanffer ofinjurytothelr ,
pCTBonsihrougfa,hccidettt, ind:iho ; improper or caw le«
nse ofJOOl*, <his aTrti3lo:to bB toirii|ttfljhle to
them.and alter afmr/tilal,winconjil<let it indispensable*
Liquid Cuticle,
prepaicd by Meeira, PettfieldACeiap^Middleiown,.
tfonneoticnl/dhOerfiUly recommend It ioou* profession
al brethren, aaBh ( exceUentsabftutDtefor adhesive plosr
of fresh woundsj also, fofieore monies, a remedy nne*
ELLSWORTH BU ft R, MD.» Ifotonlo/
- Comprising all'the practising physicians in the city of
Middletown...... . - .
For sale by . B. A.FaHNESTQCK A CO-,
jy 1 corner of Wood amlFimsis. •
.|p»TapoKWM to THasiArFi.teTaj) with Hrbma os
Huffman of l>a. liußr&Si&’s Trojs baa
rendered thdeare of this dreadful disease a matter of
lerlect certainty; and the man who will now allow a
Jernia to'pfocsed until a condition of things is produc*
,ed that nothing'Can alleviate but the knife: of a skilfu*.
.surgeon* is.wholly Inexcusable. . A rapture jn it* oidl*
nary, form, may, with proprieiy, be :Jeit to thepcrsoni'
: afflicted and the IrußS-raaker ; but to go as many pereoua
do,:y?Uhout'even a bandoge oi Any kind toretaTriit, ot ;.
ten renders tho cafe perfectly unmanageable, and Jeada
to wh ul is termed StrangukUtdUemiaf which often has ,
no relief but in a surgical operation. In the Trus3to
-which wo invite the attention of the afflicted, therals
e?*ry superiority over thc. tvnsses atid bandages in
common u?e It is perfectly comfortable, and can be
made to fit any case of Hernia with an exactness and
equableness of pressure that does not belong to any
othor Instrument with which we are acquainted ; and.
wilt retain any rapture with eare and eotnfori-io.thc
wearer.: Phys’cians of Uie blpbeststondingin the pro
fessionbavtgivcziteniniooytoitßgTentsaperioriiy over
the ordii'arv »raft»es In. a*e» The/Truss of Dr. Hub
’ hard wilt nure thc cases ©f ordinary Rupture?
'We-hdrir© tiose afflicted to-make application in time.
inferences cfihe character can ts giemtfi
this CUuibucaUinxonthea/seni. . * . •
•. Persons from a distance can. htfre them sent], by
. sending the measure -round the body,
- 140 Wood street, soli agent for Pittsburgh
'I7IR9T. ThC G t-EAT PAin Extbactqb IConniTt.f
X? Daßy's) curing all Bants- una nil External Faina
and Sores. •■■•■*■■■•', •' ■ . .
:' 2d; Balm nf Columbia for Staying or Restoring (he
Human Hair. _ „ .
• :3d. Eei9c's>JlsrtttandSon*Umme»t uni Indian Yig • -
«table ELixir, a cure fcr nil cases of Rheumatism. •
4th. McNair I .* Acousite 'Oil, a contain cure forDeafness*
sih. it»fmcnt.o known core tor the Piles.
6th. Spokrit Sitk IleadatheKemedy.
■■Yihs-JUother's 2Uh~tf r Cot allwomen injhe family, way,
Bth. Lcng/ey’s. Gr#af_ Wetum Indian Panacea, for
Colds and"ievcnsh feelings aiid prevenunr fevers t for :
ABthmai Liver Complaint and Imlous Affection* \ m for .
JEarrhma,‘lndigestion and Lossof Appetite) forCosuve
nessin females andma!es,andnflrvouscon)plafnts * for .
'Stomach Affections,Dyspepsia, Piles* Rheumatism, Ac. ;
The greatpolnisare His not bad to taka, never gives,
pttiu, and never leaves one costive.. • • • •• .
v Bih- iCoimrMcPs fcm*ftf£«(Worni Killer,) forCluldren.
or-grown persons. .. .
10th. Eta- PainßiUfr. . No raedicina
has been discovered mat. is eo happily adapted to *».
inumaily asdrops 1© betaken, and -yetperform suefr
:Wortdei*when applied extemclly.u& a Warm or bath, by
friction. ::Ih bottles' 7 from-125 to 00 cents each.-
Uih* r SauhhcUz's Roath.and Bed BugßaiUy for arlVv
ing away Vermin in a short tltno. <• • .
' r-lciL. The celebrated Lin's 14/i.Tills and Tenrperanc*
13th. DrlS&rlhalamtyfsTink Syrup, the pop alar EX*:
SURE coloring for the Hair. ... . ‘ ••• , .
ISih. Lin'sßatm ©/“Cftfoa,a ChlnMsßen.edy forCntij
BrnlflefS_Sorc?,A.c. .
16;h, Extract<tf £ arrayar Gta.- Thl a artlel er has outliv
ed all other Sarssparillas, and still gives &g great satis
faction an ever. . • - v . « . •
17th. The celebrated spread Strengthening
mads from Dr. Lia’s recipe, and tho roost popular in
market. _ 'i'..•
lßih'l>r.EUnt'* Tooth'Aeh* btoss* A certain and easy
aura for Tooth Ache- , . • • v- , •
"19th. Dr: Comstock has lately.bought toe ught for the
United Stales, of the celebrated Concentrated Mineral
WaUTf found at the Salr Springs.; of Doctor Wm.C.
Chase, at St. Catharine?, C. w. Thismfedietne hasat*
tained a notoriety andpopularity ncver.before equalled
by any preparation at that place, nnd its saje ha* been
< commensurate with its mortis, which are extraordinary,
i AU the remedied are fully.described in ALMANACS*
to be given to all who call- where the Alecncluea art;
kept. * .
NOTICE. -AU preparations heretofore known as
« COMSTOCK’S » or COINSTOOK & CO. 1 * a! way* be
longed end now belongs EXCLUSIVELY to DrLuciui
S. dotnßiick ; and thouchiho ot Coroitock &
CoV will beconunucd. thi* extra label with the fao-simlla
-signature of Or. L. $, C.'wUl la future designato the
•; ry The above medicines can be bad 10 this place ol
ftb6 william jackson*
Np.OiO<i.lbcrty street, head of Wood. -
In offering to tie community'-this Justly celebrated re*
mcdy for discuses of the throat and U is not cu?
' wishto trifle with the-live* or health of <fao afflicted, but
■. franklyio iaybgfore them the opinions of distinguished
- men and some of the evidences of iu success, from which
they can Judge for themselves. Wd sincerely pledge
ourselves to make no.wild assertions or false state tnenta
of u& efficacy, norwill we hold out any hopoto suffering
humanity which faotswill nat warrant. •
Many pratfiiwehero given, and wo Solicit an inquiry
from the public into atl we publish, ieeiing assured they
; willfind them perfectly reliable, and the medicine wOr
•thytheirbeslcnnfidenee and patronago.
Prom lha dutinguizhed Btqfusor of Chemistry and Afail*
- t . ria £UdUa t Bowdain CoUtse.
Dear Sit s.l delay c d answering the receipt of-your
l preparation,until 1 had ano ponunlty of witnessing Ita
i effects in my own family, or in the familics of my irienda.
t This I have now done with a high degree of satisfac*
>. tion, in cases both of adults and children.
i. I have found it, as Its ingredient* show, a powerful ro;
t medyfor colds and coughs and pnlmonury diseases.
BauKßvn«,Me.,Feb. s >lS4T.
Tfrcin an Owrjar in tkt Hamilton Mitts* ih (A# Cirjf. *
Dr. J. Ci-Ayer; Ihsve been curej o'? ihg
I.eyeihsil in mylllefby ■your“Caiaßy
never fiul, wken l bsye npponutuflf of recommeniiaW
looiheie. c <iirally, B
if thUmeaieine l«
ikKff&wVi. T^6 ,?“ ieul ,I “ <i become very [eeble.anu"
tno efreoioflhe.meaiciae v»a« unmmalcablyd]»ilnei>—
. ; V*®.®® Status Hotel, -■
rni°oir?;S^ y f fr*? ir1 kav , e been wfihapam-
S!ni?rtH«?®w O Jir 0 anss d an<l ‘lie symptoms of sewed
conßort#iion,to;niOTe.umn djeat. tedaid find no me*
diciatthat would reach my case, mutt 1 conuaeneed the
SSet i Pn w .b‘bh ga»e me gradual
I.™ln bpensieailily gamingniy strength till
S llh .i* welt nißb, restored.
jffag-TjWg'rttaidatf »had die.gnttfleodoaof
’g" l -SS'2 , ? SiunM
l l? ,ka badbeen Sfispendcd (torn bis parochial
■dalles by a eeyere'anaek. oi btonohiue. '
; *fOaT© pta&gQTs iiLcettifyiug heto Dicta u> y,oa
*•■* :*■ Antfrnm, «t*youT» TeapecifttUy*
| JoF- CALwOUiJ, of Soath Carolina*
C3* The. followins -was ter, of the worst of caso'
•which the physicians and friends thought to be incur* ..
consumption.— T
. ' . 'CHBTEjt.Pa., Ans-Se,
V J.C.Ayer,—Sirs l.waa üben wuh
brought on by a cold, Indhelbeginnlngof
and -was confined to •my. bedi more tha? „„°J?l ary ’
Oengfiing: incessgntly night and
and-j^o.'xaytnyoaiTme saakenA’n I .^?™?^, 1
•breath very abort; - Indeed, ! w»*. nd •“*•
wterellyrgatUr'tuidJi .Pquglass, nnd.byJrcffW*
' Qreennoine Plant*.
Ist.ioilecUon ofDahlia* wcrt of4ho.p-iui-
X taint, ono handrcdaatl fifty varieties-' Thorbarn’a
whiiSareunequalled. .
America? Republic, cad O.bofßay, and Tier
burn!aHctqlnr,B'EcUpsa, amt-sir S.Blanc,areadmit,
led to be the Gama cl llicWorM- The above, with
every variety BfGreenbcnfeaml Other Plants, for rale
at the Pea,eager and Kamluanre Offlej of Ngwf(
S&,mS£S. l&y.'T r^o^^i, ' Ci,u mi
Mechanic*! tJnjiiieer. F«*aio MORGAN.
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