The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, July 20, 1852, Image 3

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A Noted
Cincinnati papers that on Tuesday last, one of
their police officers received a telegraphic des
patch from the Mayor of this city, stating flint
Jack Beed, a well known steamboat thief, had
robbed several steamers at our wharf, and had
succeodeed in making his escape, and wob on
bis way to Cincinnati. Mayor Guthrie request
ed his arrest and detention, if heconld be found-
Officers Flannery and Bruen, of the Cincinnati
police left for up the river on the first steamer.
Near Maysville they met tlio steamer J. Q. A -
• aims from this port, nnd they immediately went
aboard of her. On entering the cabin they./ es
pied their man, engaged in a social conversation
with several of the passengers. They immedi
ately arrested him,. On his person, to tbegreat
surpriso of the passengers, to, whom he had
made himself bo agreeable, the officers foundtwo
“outsiders,” and a skeleton key. .. Bo bad_ no
watches or jewelry; and only about $25. in mo
ney on bis person. l He wasbrought to Cincinnati
on the Adams and committed to jail to await the
. arrival of the officers from thisoity. tthis is
the same gentleman, who, a short' time since,
robbed Bishop O’Connor of a gold watch and a
sum of money, on one of the steamboats on the
Ohio river.
, Bfi[®r Hague, of tho Mayor’s Police, left. for
Cincinnati., Some days Bince, for the purpose of
bringing th&whove rebrobato to this city, where,
we suppose, heVill undergo the penalties his
manifold transgressions deserve.
Railroad .Thursday last, /the
Directors of the Ohio 'iradJ’ennsylvania Railroad
took an excursion to tho r&radise Sammit,about
twenty roileß west of Massillon, Tha,first ap
pearance of the cars took the good people of
Paradise by surprise, hut they were much : de
lighted with the completion of the road that for.
The Board held a meeting in Wooster in antici
pation of the opening of tho road to that place.
The iron will he laid to within a mile of Wooster
in about ten days. An entertainment wbb given
to the Directors at Orrvilie, on their return, by
Judge Orr, and the citizens of that place. Orr
villo is fourteen miles west of Massillon, nud it
is likely to become an important station, ns the
Akron branch rnitroad is-, intended to intersect
the Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad at that
point. . . , . ■ _
A Beautiful Present. —The beautiful painting
of the Garden of Eden, of which we made men
tion yesterday morning, was.presented, on Satur
day, to Rev. Charles Avery,, by Mr. Vasbon, on
behalf of the arti6t, Mr. Duncanson,: Mr.. Vash
on made a short address, in which he begged Mr,
Avery to ncccpt it ns a testimonial of respect
and gratitude on the part of thß artist, for his
generosity and friendship, towards the colored
people of-this city and other places. Mr. Avery
accepted it, and warmly expressed his acknowl
edgments for the compliment;
Mr, Dnucanson was offered $BOO for the
painting in Cincinnati, but having painted It for
Mri-Avery, declined selling it.
Serious.Accident.—A Sir. Taafe, a brother .of
Luke Taafe, of the firm of Taafe, Maguire A
Graham, met with a serious accident in endeav
oring to open the store of the firm on Saturday
morniog. Mr. T. had forgotten the key, and got
in at tho second story wiftdow by means of a lad
der; 'on groping around .in tho dark, however,
he fell into the lower hatchway, wbich.was open,
and was hurt very badly by the fall. His thigh
was "broken in two places, aucf one of his wrists
was also broken; his shoulder was dislocated,
and he was bruised in other parts of his body
very badly. .He was removed ,to his dwelling,
and Dre. Root and Wilson callgd in. -
■ Tfappy larue. —Our readers- remember an
affray that-occurred on the steamer Brilliant, on
a trip between hero and Cincinnati, a short timo
since, in which a man named Greenwolf was
mortally wounded, by a youth named Homa.—
Greenwolf died on Wednesday last, from the ef
fects of iho wound, in the hospital in Cincinnati,
but before hio demise, lie acknowledged that
Homa stabbed him in self defence, and.that he
(Greenwolf) made the first attack on .-Homa.—
Homa who had been imprisoned to. answer tho
offence, was discharged, on Greenwolfb decor
ation being filed before tho proper authorities.'
An Examination.— On account of suspicions ®f
foul ploy in the death of Mr. Edwards, of Bi.t*
tninghrim, drowned a short time since tit Elir«-'
betb; his body was disinterred on Satnrday
by order of Coroner Arthurs, at the request df
the friends of the deceased, and «, post mortem
examination made by Doctors Pollock and Ml i-
Cracken. : These gentlemen made a minuteeiyv
amination of the:.corpse, without finding any
signs of violence. The Coroner’s . Jury, which
had been cmpanneled, returned a verdict simile ir
to the first—"accidental drowning.” .
AProfitablt Sett).— Ho Ohio and Pennßylva- |
ilia-Railroad, ■ from Pittsburgh to Massillon, is? j
now paying novcn per cent., although its eastern;'
connection by the Pennsylvania Railroad is you
ineantplete. lYhat may vo not expect when the
latter roadis completed, anti a great portion of
the travel which passes through Cleveland, to go-)
by the Dunkirk route, is attracted this way by,
■ " the superior facilities presented by. the Ohio and;
Pennsylvania and Pennsylvania Central reads,.
* for a' safe and speedy transit: to the eastern.
'i cities.
M . *•»»• '
Deaths in Pittsburgh.— There were twent2>
four deaths in thecityof Pittsburgh during test
rreelc. This iB a very unusual number alibis
season of the year. three of whom were drowned
and one died of mania-a-potu; seven of the bo
dies wero interred in the Allegheny Cemetery;
five in the Baptist Cemetery; four in the Catbo-,
lie Cemetery;-two in the German; three in that
of die Guardians of the Poor, and; three in the
Methodist Episcopal Cemetery.
Professional Debars.— Wo believe there is
eome law or ordinanoe against persons of this
description. It abouldbe enforoed by the prop*
or authorities, for our city is overrun with these
gentry, who arc both impudent and dishonest,
having a regular arranged system of extorting
money from those unacquainted - with their
tricks. ■ ■... •■■ ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■..
Success attend them.—Wo understand a num
ber of suits will bb brought to-day, against the
owners of the lota in which the stagnant ponds
are situated, oh the Fonrth .Street Boad. We
hope the prosecutions will have the effect of aba
ting these nuisances,—the causa of so much
disease. ' _____
The wharf yesterday presented a very dull ap
pearance ; hut one or two boats were engaged in
receiving or disoharging freight. The dulness
of midsummer is upon us, : and to . make, matters
worse, those odious sand bars are. beginning to
rniee their abominable hends-abovo water. .
: Juvenile-Court; —Mr. Kemmerer,gives a con
eert this evening at Bafayetto Hali, assisted by
300 juveniles—a rare feast.
Gas -in the Court jKaom.—lVorkmen were -en
gaged, jesterdny, iij putting up gas; pipes in
theroom ofthe Court of Quarter Sessions."
■t ■ ■ ■ • ■■ ■ ■ ■
Kuniels’ Minstrels givo-au entertainment this
evening at Masonio Hall. This-is a good band
and deserve support.
’ Mutilated •Banh :Nott».—'tixt> actionbrought
by a merohant of our oity against .the Exchange
Bonk; for the valueof a mutilated $5 note, which
the officersof. that hank'refused to redeem,came,
up yesterday, before: Aid. lewis. Mr. ■ Brown,
teller of the Bonk, testified to . the faot of such
notes being presented ;at the bank, and showed
bleating a portioned of five hank notes, the
-manner in which a sixth note, as good as tho
one In litigation, oould be obtained. This note
had about dm inch / torn out of the middle of it,
which it was contended by the officers of the.
bank, could, with a tike amount from five other
notes, form a Bixth bill, and one equally as good
and passable as that presented at/the . bank for
redemption. The bank give four dol
lars for the note, bat it was refused, and the
full value of the face of the note demanded. The
President of the Bank, Mr. Darsie, stated that'
It was hot the amountin dispute thaChadcaußed
the officers to refuse to redeem it, but they wish
ed tocarrythe matter before tho courts, and
have their decision on it. He also said a like
note to tho one in dispute, nnd one obviously
made in tho manner described,; had been pre
sented yesterday for redemption, but was re
The case will’be- held over .until ..Thursday,
when Alderman Lewis will givehis opinion.
Re-Committed. —John Thomas was recommit
ted by tho Mayor, yesterday, for a farther bear
ing on Friday-next. Ho ia charged, on.oath of
John Holienhorongh, with being a fugitive from
justice. This manwns arrested in Rochester,
Beaver county, where te had fled, it is charged,
with a young girl, of this city, whom he bad
persuaded to leave the endearments of home,
and fly with him. He wa3 arrested {here by of/
ficers Kelly and Reed, and a large lot of coun
terfeit money found in his possession. He was
brought to this City and committed to prison,
and his viotim restored to home and friends..
-Larceny.— A indy named Mrs. M'llwaine, who
resides on Walnut street, in the Fifth Ward, was
robbed of the sum of eighteen dollars, yesterday
afternoon, in the following manner: Mrs. M’ll
waiue, had laid aside her dress, in the pocket, of
which the money was, and/hnd gone into the bath
house, attached to her dwelling; during her ab*
■Bence some-phrson entered the house, and search
ing the pockets of the dress, found, the. above
sum of money, which was quickly transferred to.
their own pockets,, and the rascal had left, bO;
fore the lady re-entered the room, and found the
money gone.
Putsburghersin (California. —A Setter in the
Chronicle of yesterday afternoon, dated San
Francisco, June 17, gives the whereabouts of
the following Pittsburghers: Gallagher,G raham,
Coles and Fnlton are -still about Dowoievilie.—
Charles E. Smith is also in Downieyille, in good
health and spirits. Charles Kincaid is at Park's
Bar, on tho Yuba. James D. Moody is still in
the Cußtom House, San Francisco. There is
also in San Francisco, Vfm. R. Olden, John
Brickell and David M’Eeo. Joseph Long is in
Sacramento, having returned from the mines.
Got in Allegheny. —The Enterprise states that
Lemuel H. Davis, the energetic contractor for the
erection of the AllghenyGas Works, is now pros
ecuting, with great vigor, the buildings, Ac., and
will, in a few days, commence laying the main
pipes in the streets. It is expected that the gas
will be in use in the month of November next.
Many of tbo Federal street merchants are alrea
dy introducing the gas fixtures into their stores
and dwellings. -, - ■ _____
Trunin' Recovered.— Offioer Stecnburg, of the I
.Mayor's police, * recovered two trunks yester
day which had: been stolen -in-Cincinnati,,
from a man named Rohrep,.by a woman whorc
slded in that place, and who, on taking them,
immediately came to this city, and stopped at
the Mansion House, on Liberty otreet; but hear
ing that the police were nftcr her, she left the
hotel, leaving tho trunks,which were restored
to the rightful owner.
Cross Suits. —Jacob Zollcr, made information
yesterday, beforo Alderman Eewiß, against Fred
erick Pforr and his wife, charging them with as
sault'and battery. The difficulty was finally
compromised by hits. Pforr, withdrawiog a suit
which sho had entered beforo Alderman MoMns
tersj charging Zeller with the same offence.—
The pnTtics reside in South Pittsburgh.
Saks of Lots:— The sale on Saturday, at Wil
kinsburg, of the remainder of Kcis & Curling’s
lots went off well, ranging from $llO to $2OO
each lot, measuring CO feet front on back streetß
by about 200 feet deep. Seven or eight one acre
lots sold at from $250 to $3OO each.. One five
acre lot brought $246 per acre, and a five and a
half cere lot brought S2SS per acre, ■■
A Troublesome Man.—A. man named Timothy
Troublesome was committed to prison, yesterday,
for “violating ” to such an extent, that he could
not distinguish the pavement from the street, or
a police officer from i lamp post, one of whom
(a police officer we mean,) ho embraced in such
a paternal manner, that he generously provided
Timothy with lodgings for 24 hours.
■ A Correction. —Wo committed a material error
in stating, on Saturday morning, that suit had
been brought against the Merchants' and Afaiiu-'
factor tri Bank.: It should have beou tbo Ex
change Bank, as that was the institution against
whom the proceeding was instituted for refusing
to redeem a :mutilated.noto. A report will bo
found in another part of oar columnef the case.
Whipping ■ his Wife. —A German named Trent
was arrested on Sunday by the Allegheny polioe
for whipping his wife; lie drunk he had
to bo'taken in a wheel-barrow to the tombs,
where he was kept until yesterday morning,
w hen he was sent to the hill.
• Disorderly Conduct.—' William .-Maloney was
cammitted to prison, yesterday, by Aid. Thomp
son, in default of li fine of $lO, for behaving in
a -riotous or disorderly manner.
; Fined. —Mayor Fleming, of Allegheny City,
fitted a number of persons for selling liquor, on
S.vibbath, under the old law.-- . - ■
«2*IMT3 OF TUBPENTCNe-Ca bbli for ;al» liy
“rtooiior—Bft tbl*.. at 70,92 ondOftc. petKOlioUjfOf
AValehy tivl3l B A.’VAHNKSTUCIf & CO..
*i* imskki> 01L —)25 forsulfr .by ■■
I , rjt ‘ is, A EAIINEBTOCK fc CO.,
■ Iyl9 oonurof Wood and FirslMreetJ,
I'MrcKKTS AND TUBS— loo doi.BacSeu ■,•
= Al,w * ]« do Tut'Bi forealeby
\el4 _ STUART k SILL.
'll RAILAIOAD STOCK—For salebv
AUSTIN 1.00M13, »3 Fourth ■!.
BLACF-SU.K bACBS—A- A. Mesas * Co, have
jut received (per Express,) .20 pieces fine Nomiig*
tm Lacee. :.r -■ v■ ■■ ■• ~ " ■ 1 " '' ' l)flu
I'm "' No?, (ilnnrlM Market rtreei. -.
1 DROWN iiuSLINS.—A, A. Mason A C0.,;»r0 sell- :
15 iroroff BieirJargeassortment pi Brown Dtoptis-at
& |rc&i rcdaeiion from former prices. _iAjyjr_^
iy,o ■ Vj No 256 Liberty street
TrtTCKL¥:i> superior ariicte, pal ftp by
PBW.«a4fcCo.,^BW». S JW f g*.^fc».to.
-, g . _ No. 250 Liberty street, i
Vilibpl rtUTY INTHE NfNTUWAto'fr A vacant I
K s l SW°
i ig ™ r ®?- D ,r . N 0.92 Foqnhgireel.
•»*»inCuB"STOOK WANTED—In exchange (“or tome
mcrswbo wrlsbes to om “ A; . WILKINS A 00., : ■
Companies., ; stock anil Exchange Broken,
. . ’■■ ■« 75Fmmh »lreet.
i?W ‘
;.'3O -.!&<*. Scotch wpT.V fc CO .•
K eecivea ond for s»le b * x^'B \£SndGram,
- - gCSltlbenystfeot,
J .\ t. " I 1 \ , -V* 4 * ,
' . i'* '* J*w-‘
•*. -!/■'-■ ;i -. ; •--■ -V>'Tc •-vv,-ri ■"
telegraphic news.
• c WAsmsoTOK, July 19.:
House.'— A bill autbhmiflg IEo 'authorities of
Chioago, 111., -to excavate a portion of the publio
reservation at that place Withaviewto the im
provement of; the,; Chicago river,; was -received
from the Senate and passed.
a The House then proceeded tithe considera
tion of the bin . granting all .chartered Bailroad
and Flank Hoad Componies, the right of way
through the public lands, such companies to have
one hundred feet of ground on eaoh ; Bide, and
the use of woody earth and stone in the vioinity.
. Mr. Smart, moved to lay the bill on the table,
which was decided in the negative.
The morning hour having expired, the Indian
Appropriation Bill- was then taken up in Com
mittee of the Whole,Jand reported to the House,
and passed.
i Amessago was received from the Senate, ask
ing a Committee of Conference on the amend
ment of that body to the Deficiency Bill, disa
greed to by the House, nppropriating-$50,000 to
pay a balance due.for-.mileage and the per diem |
of members; or as was said, constructive mile- 1
ago of the Senators. i
On motion of Mr. Stanley, the liouso receded
from its disagreement, and this appropriation
was agreed to, yeas 70, nays GO.
The Deficiency Bill, now only requires the
President's signature to become a law.
The House adjourned.
Senate.— Mr. Mason submitted a resolution, i
requesting the President to transmit all the cor- 1
respondents between this Government end Mex
ico, in regard tothe right of way across the Isth
mus of Tehauntepcc, and all other information
in regard to the matter.
Mr. Mason said it was understood that the
right, of way was nowin the hands of the British
government, and remarked that it was the set
tled determination of the Ameriean people that,
come what may, the United States will never
permit the exclusive right, of way across this
continent to remain in: the hands of any govern
ment foreign to the Continent.
The resolution was adopted and the Senate
adjourned. :
Sew Vouk, July 19.
The steamer Humboldt arrived this morniog
at seven o’clock, bringing Loudon and Ifsvrc
dates to the ITtb inst
Tho America arrived at Liverpool on the 4 th.
The Liverpool Cotton market is flat, and at
Havre dull with declining sales. At Liverpool
on the Gth there were 5000 bales sold at un
changed rates.
Liverpool, July G Breadstuff's quiet. The
prices of wheat flour tire fully supported. Corn
commands extensive rates sad is scarce. Oats
and oat meal slow of sale. Barley neglected at
tho late rates. American yellow corn 81s Gd.
The aalos of Cotton at Livorpooi on the 8d
inst. were COOO bales, 2008 of which were on
speculation and for export, at steady sales.
The Loadon corn market is dull; wheat has
declined ls@2s quarter, a slight business hav
ing been done. Foreign wheat flour being heav
ily at a slight decline which was submitted to.
Ltvxitpoot, July 6.—Wright, Orandy & Co’s.
Circular says that the sales of Cotto < for the
last three days was 17,000 bales: 5000 of which
were on speculation and for export and of which
18,000 were American. Orleans fair GJ; mid
dling 5j ; Mobile fair middling s\.
Sines the departure of the Asia the market
has been tolerably steady.
' Thcro has been a liberal supply without much
change. Since the America’s arrival there hue
been muoh eagerness, bnt in the midst of polit
ical excitement, it is impossible to give a cor
rect estimate of the transactions.
Grain at Gd and over were firm nt fall rates
McHenry’s Circular of tbe Gth says that the
corn market was weaker. Flour 3d to Gdlower,
Western Canal 20a@20s Gd: Philadelphia 20s
6d®2ls; Baltimore 20s@20sGd: St. Louisand
Ohio 21s©22s; Canada, 20s@2le. Wheat os
10d@0s ; white do. Cs 2d.
Corn... White 28s Gd@29s; yellow do. 31s
Mess Becf...By the tierce 120s©130s.
Mess P0rk...87b Gd@92 Gd.
Lard...ln barrels G9s©Gos.
Mobf.v Market.—Money is unaltered and
abundant. The bullion in the bank is increas
ing; stocks were dull.
There was a firm business done in .Manchester
and Leeds: Tbo prices, however, were limited
j and in furor of the buyer.
At Nottingham there was a slight inorease of
operations in Consuls nt 100$. ■: ■ ■ ■
It was feared there would be riots dating.the
coming elections. A largo number of pikes
were seized nt a Liverpool manufactory, whioh
had been made to order for Orangmcn.
The continent was generally quiet
The infernal machine plot, was strongly' sus
pected to bo a government trick for ulterior pur
poses. . .
The President declines any .banquets daring
: his contemplated tour.
The Algiers insurrection has been quelled,
i Tho Swiss Government, at the command of
> France, expels Thiers.
j The Eastern Steam Navigation Company, nt
! London, purpose to build two steamers 700 feet
; long each, 14,000 tons burthen and 8000 horse
power, to run from Milford Havou to Alexandria
■ and Sues and Calcutta, to cost one million soven
: hundred and fifty thousand dollars each.
Boston, July 19.
TbcConricr of this morning publishes a doc
ument from the Btate Department at 'Washing
ton, dated July Ctb, signed by Daniel Webster,
which says that tho measures taken by the Brit
ish Government in regard to American Fisheries,
will cause the loss to America of valuable fish
eries, and a complete interruption of the exten
sive fishing business in Now England. Constant
collisions are expected of an unpleasant and ex
citing character, which may end in the destruc
tion of life, and threaten tho peace of the two
countries. The whole auhjeot must engage the
immediate attention of Government.
Three British vessels of War arc expected on
the North American coasts in July, when the
seizure of American vessois will begin.
Boston, July 10.
A special messenger arrived from Franklin,
N. H., yesterday, where Mr. Webster is, with
despatches for the government at Washington.
He left the document at the Courier officewhich
that paper will publish. The.trouble is said to
be about the Fishery Treaty. Il ls of a Ben
ons nature, and js likely to disturb the peaceful
relations between England and; America - It is
rumored at Boston that a very serious difficulty
had arisen between, the British and American
Baltimore, July 19. I
General Hamilton bos published a card to the,
Texas creditors, inwbioh be says itis uselessito
struggle longer for,the full amount of their de
mands, and calls upon all who are willing to ac
cept portions offered by Texas, to inform him ot
tho fact, at Washington, so as to enable him to
memorialise Congress to relievo from suspension
$5,000,000 dctalbed and to proonre money forthe
creditors as Boon ns practicable by such compul
sory action as will not deprive creditors of a fu
ture appeal to Texas and the United; States,
■Vxsceskes, Ind.,.Jaly 19. 1
A most dreadful and revolting transaction oc
curred on. Shaker Prairie, Knox county, lad., on
Sunday. The circumstances are these. Xanooy
Hall and Lysaumout Bartlett went to a hpaeo |
occupied by ob old lady and her daughter, the,
husband and father being absent. . Hall held a |
cowhide and a largo knife and threatened to kill
them if they resisted. Bartlett then
a rape upon the persons of . both mother and
daughter; - The facts wore communicated to a
magißtrote'in the neighborhood, apd oceaeioned
great exoitement and. indignation.. The. fiends
toft, fearing the just pnnisbment of an insulted
community. -
Ksw Yore, July 19.
Thß Daniel Webster has arrived from Sin Ju
an, whence sbo left on the 4tb, touching atAs
pinwall on the Blh, and at Kingston, Uth.
She brought $125,000 in specie, in the hands
° f Jan Juan is reported healthy. River Wgb-
The El Dorado arrived at Asplnwall on the
No news from Jamaica.
Senators Cass, Fish and Stookton, arrived from
Ashland to-day.
•» Philadelphia, July 19. I
The Free Soil Democrotsmet this evening, w ,
elected delegates to tho Conventw
They are directed to cast fte voteoftte “to
for John P. Hale, of N. H., for President, ,and
Carina M. Clay,’for Vice President.
< - >
> ,. ->
V•* <. l V' Jv
- «
- ' *
WASHisOTDJf tor, July 18.
The remains of Boger Janes werejfollowed to
the" tomb, on Saturday, by a largo procesmoir,
comprising the military : of tfcs_ District, Gen.
Soott, officers of the Army andUavy, the Presi
dent and Cabinet, end a large number of Sena
tors and Representatives. -
- The police of Washing tonhave arrested alarge
number of colored thieves, and. recovered about
$2OOO worth of property, stolen fcom private
Baltimore, July 19.
: The mail is through from Hew Orleans, but
brings no news.
A large number of the Whigs of. Baltimore
are making arrangements to visit Niagara, on tbe
Anniversary of the battle of Bundy's Lane.—
Over 200 persons have already signified their in
tention of going. ' ■ v
Ricbmohd, Va., July 19. _
- A mannamed Winston of this place, and bis
wife and child, were horribly butchered lost
night, and found this morning in their .beds.—
pis wife and child were dead; the man was in
sensible, There is no clue to the perpetrators.
A great excitement prevailed in consequence.
Flour... Sales 4000 barrels State at. 54,81,
Crain...Southern white Wheat ¥1.07; Rye 79,
Corn, mixed, G2£.
Provisions... Fork unchanged;'.Lard'Mi; Beef
Whisky...Ohiodll 5.
Cotton. ..Sales 1000 bales; accurate quotations
cannot be given; the market is unsettled.,
Flonr...Bnlcs 16,003 bbls ; at’ $4,18 for State,
and 4,07 for Ohio. .
Grain... Wheat, 95 for western, and 65@C8 for
•Pppor Lake; Oorn, mixed, 61; yellow 62*.
Provisions...Mes3 Porlc $19,37; prime -10,87;
Beef anohanged; sales 300 bble Lard at 11J; keg
Lard 115-
Sugar...Kio 9e.
'Linseed Oil... Sales 300 galls at G 2. .
IVhisky.-.Obio 21}; Prison 21J.
• Storks... Erie Railroad 86@87|; Kentucky 6’s
1081. . . ——
Flour... Nothing doing to-day in consequence
of wet weather..
Grain.,.The receipts have fallen oft'and an
advance In wheat has taken plaoe. We quote
sales to-day of red at .90097. ; white 98051,02,
white for family flour, $1,05. Rales white corn
69000 ; tcllow 01. Oats dO.
Cattle Market—The offering at the scales
to-day reached 800 head of Beef; 150 were driv
en off, and the balance cold at prices ranging
from $3 to $3.02 per 100 lbs... on the hoof,
which is equal to o@9 cts. nett; averaging $3,-
37 gross.
Hogs... The Bales at the scales to-day, were at
Cotton... Unchanged.
Flour... There is tnoro inquiry;. Bales 8000 bbls
new Penn. At $4,1004,12; western extra 4,76;
Corn Meal in better demand; sales 000 bblß Pa.
at $3,12.
Grain... Wheat ia fair demand; sales 4000 bus
prime Penn'o. at private price; red at 95097;
Rye in demand at 80082. Corn scarce; sales
1400 bnsh yellow at 81.
Provisions... Firm: unchanged.
Tho river has fallen six inches since Saturday;
weather pleasant.
Flour... Unobanged; sales good retailing brands
at $3,2203,25.
Sugar... Sales 80 hhds at s}.
The markets are unchanged since noon.
F10ur...53,220 3,25
Whisky... 10^016!;.
Cheese...o. . :_ ■
Bacon... Nothing doing.
- doing in groceries,
New Yoon, July 19.
Cattle MitnEKT.— Sales 2500 head beeves at
6@Bl. Sales 160 Cows and Calves at $20045.
Sales'lO.SQO Sheep and Lambs nt $1,25@54.
X^OTIOE—The partnership heretofore
LV tween the. undetußnedfitt ike tVoolomi Conunts
stun business, under we firm of Mexrnv & Las, was
dissolved on the first of April last, by mutual consent
The busiuess or the Into fir.n will H. Lax,
who i* duly autborited to u«o the nameof Ibe Srm -tor
tbni purpose. J; R. MU BP It Y,
in-,4 _ : H. LEL .
’ Great Sate or Dry Ooodtt
A A M ASON A CO, wttt commence iheir TENTH
Stock, on Tuesday, July Gth, al Nos. GS and Od Market
''on'ibia occasion tbeir Wholesale Roomi wilt be open
ed to Ketail Trade, and ibelniomense stock, recently
purchased of manufoctarers. importers. and large aoe-
Uott sales, at a grcsl sacrifice front cost, wilt all be
marked down and sold at fully one-third less than usual
prices. fir 3
To UallroAtl Contractor*.
TIBOPOS ALS will be received until after the filth day
1 of July next, inclusive, nt the Engineer. Offices of
the North Western Vintlma Railroad, in Parkerabarg,
West Union and Clarksburg,Tot <he Gradaauon and
Masonry of SO or GO sections lot about one mitoeach of
that Hoad—embracing nit the heaviest parts .of the
work an<l «outatmn? a number of tuunels, deep cot*
«:a«?s aril embankment*, as well ns a cOi»B’derttble share.
of bridge and colveri mtsonry. The lu»e extendi from
the Baltimore nnd Ohio Railroad. at the mouth of Three
Forks Orr'efc. two mile* east of Fetlermou. to Parkers*
burgoo the Ohio river, nnd isttboetHH nuiciiolength.
Specifications will be ready at the offices framed, jand
nlsont Feuerman.on and after tbc sth o- Jaly, proximo,
ond Engineers will he on me line lonflorJ information.
Th« Country through which the Rosd uases is ueai
ihy. well settled and culilvottd, and abuiw*M sappliea
may be had alont? the route, and from either end of it,
by raean*of the Baltimore nndOhToßaitros-.s,'heNorth*
western Turnpike and other good tfc&Ohio
liver The facilities for . cheap execution cMhe work
are unumially rreai. Hands mast be abundant. as the
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad i* advancing -ar diy to
completion,and Tc*lcasinga large amount r; oo
Bidden mast bring the best testimonials* end W.i late
what other work they may hove on hand;
Bvorderofifao Hresidentacd Directors.
UENJ. If. BaTROUE, Chief^.
Baltimore. June Bih, tHSJ. _ . .
f PalHmor* n.nat
v. u, TV'iciiisiiii et co.’S
TwlcbeSl ft nogfldgei
Cotnsr of Commercial anJ Pmi slum.
WILL promptly attend to all consignments and Com
missions entrusted to them, ami will make liberal
cash advances on consignment* or. Bills of Lading in
for the purchase of Lead. Grain, H«mp and
other Produce, will be promptly filled at iheloweßtpo**
tible price*, and on the best terra*.
They will also undertake the Mttlemem and cetlec
lion or claim* of importance; and hope, bythelrespe;
ctatpenonal-etfoiisand attention to all the Interests or
their friemJs, to give general satisfaction.
Geo Collier, St. Louis; Ellis * Morton, Cincinnati;
Pace & Bacon do Strader * Gorman do
Charles*, Blow A Co, do;. Hozea* Frazer, do
Chouteau A Valle, do Sprrager*\Vhuemamdo.
D Leech*Co., William Holme* * Co., J. W. Batler
* Uro, Piusburghi-Mornatu J
Philadelphia; Shield* * Mi Her, PhiladelphravlL D.
Newcomb * Bro., and W. B. Reynold*, Loui%vilte;
T. C.TWICHELL * CO, Now Orleans.
THIS lone established Home coniine their attention
strictly to soles and purchases on Commission, otto
to the Forwarding business generally. ■ .
They solicit o continuance of the liberal patronage
heretofore given them
PE PS IN. v,:'
«From Dr-HmthKn't KpH
Biiktf Casa and Corns
A. Ranged S 3 This ledy
was very spate and fallow
paiti ana
stomach. Two or three
time* a day the pain in
creased to saeh.a degree
rony. • IhMfl 6ttw*i fiip*
pened sometimea after raoa. (rom
afld been taken. She rai&aa mush war, clear unuMnHii
the stomach indie nionthtß. The rt^achswolted mneU
life forehe^^Co'mplainUoftwo VMM OaTC.
Bald thi o paln P hod not been •'“beMnStStl
cleaner; bowels regular, and pain In
every trace of the stomach complaint was ismo^r,^
the pain Is as if .onto hard body werejbemgwrestjm »
ness of the stomach. tfo Mav. 1651—0 n
nndSclmht rf P al ”i.o was much relieved the first day.
ThethitS day he left his room, -The .dßytWWeh.,
«ri« excessively hot, ho rode ten miles with, no bad ef-
SSf-on the elkfrh Cay he went craa visitto the.counlm I
and* on tho thirteenth day, thoogh not enurely restored
an? ; ?“ , ura l Etieneih, he was so far recovered as to go
lmmeyarlve hundred miles, where he amved
fhcShtyimaeJimproved in health,haying had nt) dis
turbance of the stomach or bowelsaflcr taking the first
e«e of Pepsin. These are Gtcurnotcontroveriable, and
Sr!i !« ii ease which ought to- convince nilskeptics that
retail epityHO
i noon « l
i .Coma if Weod.and B
Pittsburgh Banks !>*»■
Philadelphia J
Brownsville —~ "
1 Backs conaty“ ; •“
i Chester Co.ttewlssuel “
i ColwnblsßiMntCo.. v «
DattVUlo “ «
Delaware co.*J
Doylestown £ J,'
Easton „ ‘T .
Germantown “ ,
Lancaster Banks ■
Lebanon "—— |
Montgomery co. • >-- •
Northumberland " ,
i Pouevnle “ •
t Reading,, 1 .. ,
BchßTl&Uco. “ JJ ■
Washington u K
West Branch ** •—r— “
Wyoming -**•■•»» ~•••-.“,
Carlisle* I
Chambersburg* ««•-•*• I
Erie** ..**.*r*.o»o-|
I c«iiy»borgli»****** ,r «’ i *»'t
Harrisburg’» *. I
HonesiJale**«»»~»«****? -t
[ Middletown I
t-Wayaciburg " f ;
York Banks»»****»<**«* I i
Relief Notes • ••••> I |
Untied Stales Qank'**-*'l3 |
Allegheny City fccnp**-pur|
Allegheny Co. w ... premi
Pittsburgh City “ -•*- pail
New-York City •pan
Country Un.iV*... -1;
Ait Solvent Bunks.
All Sol vent Hanks
Baltimore Bauks-“"‘par
Country Banks-*-.---- I
Ok of V*. ond Branches I
Farmers’ Bk Sc Branches i
Valley Bk and Branches }
Exchanger Bk A Branch’s |
Wheeling Banks •«*«»«.s
do Branches****!
All Solvent Banks -f
Otticb of thi-Daily Mosnivo Post. I |
Tuesday, July 2U. 1852, I I
Ycsieidi.y was decidedly a dull day, wiui very little I
doing, except in a leiail way. Our rivers continue to fall I
sl<vwbr*jsn4 receipts are almost reduced tonoiblng--.-]
FLOU K—The only sales we could hear of were made j
from store, viztluO bb’s a 153,20; 40dn. $3.25; tales by i
the dray load at 53.258330 as per quality 1
RYE FLOUR—Th re in retail demand, with i
sales from store* at $2,75(& > ;!,s7.
LEAD—We note a sate of 4(Ui pigs lead at 511,4 raos;
SOOftsbar, ai.C|c.
OILS—We quote Linseed Oil, Jail, at sale3 of
SbblaNo.l Bank at 75c per. Ballon.
SUGAR—SaIes of 2 hbda, common fair,at .Ok;; sdo
prime, atO{c.; 2 hhd* clarified at 72c.
RlCE—Sales of 3 tierces als£-c. •
BACON—The market Is firm. We quote sale 3 ofj
hhd. hams at 10c ; 600 Sis. do. sic.;3hh>*. shoulders
SJc; *2 do. SL i".
HAY—Sales were made at 89:311 pur ton. .
WHISKY—SaIes of 30 bbls at lei«.
CHEESE—Regular sales at &37c„ as m quality.
Si.-fcissr Atlantic. Parkinson, Brownsville.
“ Baltic, Rennet, Brownsville. :
4 \- J.M’Kee. Hendrickson, McKeesport*
. 44 Thomas Shnver, Bailey, West Ncwinn.
“ Ge»ess«e,Conant, West Newton.
44 . •8. Bayard, Peebles, Elizabeth.
11 Michigan N 0.2, Uoies. lleuver. .
44 Forest City, Murdoch. Well aviile.
14 Exchange, Con welt, Wheelina.-
u iuliaDean, McVay>Zar.eaville.
“ Envoy,Rodtrer».Si. Lems.
44 Baltic, Beimetj Brownsville.
44 Atlantic, Parkinson, do
“ j.M’Kee, Hendrickson,McKeesport.
44 Thomas obnver, iialley, West Newicn.
Gcnessce, Conant, WeslNewiou,
“ S. Bayard, Peebles^Elizabeth.
44 Michigan No. 2,Boies, Beaver.
“ Forest Cut, Murdock, Weltssille.
(< - Cornplamer,Gordon, Wheeling.
*• Justice, Skelton, Wheeling.
44 Jane Fr«ukim> Benedict, Louisville.
Oultua, Fulunliarg)i and Hocking-
I ■»« P° rt
The steamer HAIL COLUMBIA, A. S*
CbSS*I Master, will leave Pittsburgh ever* Monday,
&i J o’clock, P. M.; returning wilt"leave Hockingport
every Tuesday, at 0 o’clock, A. M.
Pas*onger» and shippers may rely on the utmost ac
commodaiioa and promptness Wa ft, WHEELER,.
mart ■•■'No. .34'Market m«t el.
*or bong tteaeb* marietta* Jb**liuxg
and Galllpollfl*
nr.—nj, w The fine steamer GOV. MEIGS*
ffiiiiTmW' Snu«, Mayer* will leave (bribe above
and irtteraedrate pons, every
Tuesday, at a p. m.
For freight or passage apply on board* orio
frl>a JOHN FLACK.ASent.
For Marietta and Hoektagponi
I-JsBh»& Tirefinestearaer PACIFIC, Zawotto Mar*
±2&£&m3>-tß*. will leave for ihe above amHntermedl
ateponsevcry THURSDA P,ai4o’clock,F. M.
For frclgliior passage,sppiy on board,or to
h ■ v T. WOODS A SON,
No. Cl Water st.< and C 3 Front at.
For and Caiflib.
I MtSfe-fti THE light draught and pleasant steamer
MiaiBB&SACLAttION. Capl.MiM.nw4a, will leave Hie
Allegheny wharf on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays,
at 3 o’clock, P. M-, for Kuiftaning and Catfish. For
freight or passoge apply on board, , fnovtB
AlUffhefiy Htvcr Trade*
I sHfc-.Bs Tub fine steamer ALLEGHENY BELLE
g, Capt, W«. lUsru, leaves the Alle
gheny wharf for Franklin,© very xgonday and Tfcuryday,
“The fi£i steamer ALLEGHENY BELLENo 3, Capt.
John iUxta, leaves the Allegheny wharf for Frank
lin, every Tuttday and Friday, at 4 P.Mv. .
For Freight or Passage, apply on Board [marSO
Wedsssday packet ror Clnclnnatt*
xm. •- Tn* new and ftisl ronnlng steamer CIN-
JySgL&fIINNATf. BiKJiwauAa, Master, will leave
MaßWregnlarly every Wepmsspit..
rorfre , gh««rp« 6 age , a £ plgonhom| } orto ioE H.
9 TONS Kentaeky Hot Blast Metal, received and for
>ale by IjeStM MILTBNBBRGKR *. CO.
Frankfort Springs* ; .
GW. DUNGAN respectfully informs his friends
• and thenabUc generally, th&Ven the dial June In*
itaut, the FRANKFORT HOTEL Will be opened for
the 'accommodation of BOARDERS, during the suet'
met season.'
Frankfort, Juno7:£m . . • . ,
CARPETS—Which will be found at the carpet wate<
house of W. iU’Clmtock, 8S Fourth street. As wo are
d-ierraiued to sell off onr present stock of the above
goods at cost; we Invite the attention of those wishing
mfara!,!,mg«„bargmn,. w M . OUNTQCK ,
T HR highest cash prices paid for LIVE HOG 3, de
livered, during the pucklng season, at the Whirls
pool Fork House* shouted on the Ohio River and Ohio
and Pennsylvania Railroad, three miles below Pure,
burgh, or, at Depots Rom LoudonviUe to Pittsbargh.
Ad&res?, WM. B.: HOLMES A BRO.,
lyi7:lOwdAUw» : No. 00 WaterstreeL
milß AIAUAZINUS toil AtHiU^T-—Just received,
JL ai 11. Miner ACo.’s, No SmUhfieM si reel, the fol*
lowing Magazine* for August: .
Godey'z Lody,s Book tor August;
Graham** Magazine do;
SimainV do
Petenon'e do
' INB,roamifao<qrcilbyJ.D, bTCreaiy*.
, Co., New York, in cam and kegs, from !fi to 100,
(Jom as eenu.lo SJ V Bi. Also, red, datlJ and light blue,
dark ami lleht green, In cans of 1 A, tomll c'nw tp
81,50 Ui vnrtilsh in 4 end l A c»n*,alSo cia-V A
Gold Sen In * A«»ns,*4 «> A. „
For sale oy J* R, vVkLUEN,
llookseller and Stationer.
jpatt 113 Wood atioet, between 3d and 4tl<.'
Oincs oe Firrsßujan Gss Cohp»nt,l
July ia,issi. $
nrtHE Truttces of tire Pittobn alt Can Company , liavn
5 tbiaday declared a Dividend of Five Percent, on
tho capital stock of at profits.of
tbe laiilUmQrubaVPayabletostooiaioiaorßorJieirlctal
JAMBS M. CBBlSTVyTrengurcr.
"•! Aaoiltw ywitt
1% GREGG A CO., north-weal corner of wood si.
11» undDi&mond alley, are Just opening a. Fre»]h
fitoek ofEancy PilntSySntamerPajttaloons,; Lames, Bo
race De Laioev French Manchester and Doraeatlo.
Gfoahoms. - Together, with a complete; assortmeni_gf
Lames T Dress Goods; Also, a large.stock <f Hosiery,
Glovep.&c. These, together with oor former purchases,
make* our stock unsurpassed by any west ortheraouu*.
tains; to which wo solicit the attention of bayers, ai
we can offer them on the most : >
fkiltE subscriber hat on hand antifor sale. Very low for
1 cash or approved endorsed paper, the following sec
ond-hand printing materials: - , V
Long Burner, in good order; ■ :
70 lbs Minion, . do ;
24 pairsCasesi. do;
1" set Column Rules Tor a doable raediamsheet;
l Marble Imposing Stone;. :
4 Composing Bticks; .
3 Single Stands,:
Several fonts of Head Letter for advertise
ments, lonnlngn complete office for a country pa
per. , A< JAYNES*'
je!B . Agent fot L. Johnston A Co. ■
Sitabtished in 1840—/rwotporalcd by iht Legislature <lf
Pennsylvanitty.uUn Ptrpetuat Chatter*
T>RINCIPAL—B. Dorr: Prolcssor of Thuretical and
X Btacucal Book-keeping and Commercial Sciences.
N. B. Haicn, Ksq.,Professor.of Mercantile Law*
- Jonn D. Willujisjone of-the. best Penmen in.the,
Wesi, Professor of Ornamental and Commercial Pen
manship. v , _
P. .JUinat. Principal of-the • Classical Department,
Brofesaor of Matheraarics-and CiassicaLLajigooges.
Those who aspire ta the higher, rank jbs Accountants,
are requested to call and examine the credentials of:this
Institution, from upwards of oue hundred Merchants,
Bankers and Accountants in tbiscuy, who have been
trained for business in It. Ai<o, the. emp&ati& iesutno'
male of the American Institute, the .Chamber of Com
merce. and many of the leading Merchants, Bankers,
and Bank officers, of the city of New .York, appended
to the pages of v North American . Accountant,”
and “Western Steamboat Accountant ”-
Duff* Book-keeping,l92royBl oeiavopagetfHarpers,
New York—price Daffe Wettern? Steamboat
- Aceonntaftfi completei with Hand’s Time : Tahie,*Ww-^
Merchanu and steamers sopplled- with Gioiroagnij
, | trained accountants, onapplicaUon at the College-— _ .
I Seed uud ffct by jnnll, C®^
' 'V „-- . - - •*' 'V' *'
" ’ -• r*-'fi.
■ ■.. ~; .'-■ ' V’-
™.vC:s..:-f.» ’
:, • ■,; '
■.‘- , .*•'/' <r ' C« -
. ... , ..' -’v\* .-...
•f . *' v’*'-;.-/
■• ■ •, •....**: .i ’• ' ~i ;
"•■. s \*>.: * - ■ ■
K ‘ * 4 * * • +
: L :: >’A'y\j-y;
:v«. ; ;.• ■' ■ : • .-■■ • y.v .* -
t 1 " *
,J~ . ‘ r
,< <
■■ •■, -
•c- r/-. S-'L-'--
— 7.... ;
K,‘r*r>>. : • G-H'',
TV - '® -V': ;
tcxcbflKffe’J ante*? *>
Sixth, streets, JHttsburgh.
State Bk and Branches i..
Other Solvent Banks*,* r?-f
Bk ol Sandusky ?-?-*-•• ?V, ;
Granville ••••••*Tr*r* ,, §v;:
Norwalk ?*rrr* ’JO'•
Urbttjma-.»«««*** • ***>o
Wooster • *25
State Bkandßtancheß-.f;
State Bank Braneh»rr*/50 ;
Bk of Dllnois- —•-••••75
Aingolvent Banks--—■ *
State Bk ondßraimhes.* f
AU Solvent Sinks*w vp *
Marine & Fire ins, Co. at -a
All Solvent Bonks*——• & |
All Solvent Banks*** -* * * j
AH Solvent Banks*--*— U ,
fAU Solvent Banks*-*— It
I All Solvent Banks* m -».* A
iAll Solvent Banka. . .*. If.
INew York*** •■•*• v.'tpfc®
(Philadelphia*- —“
Baltimore * “ ,
Cincinnati* * l d«s.
Louisville*»*• *1 ■. ■
Si.Louib 14 **
American Gold (new)*par.
do • do' (old).sprein.
Sovereigns* •* ■• 8.4,88
Guineas ••*»•»•* 6,w
Fredericfidocrs.*.* •* 7,80
Ten Thalers-*-**-** 7,85
Ten Guilders 3,90
Loins d’or**** 4,25
Napoleons*—•*■•»••• 3,83
Doubloons, Patriot* *■• 15,70
•: do Spanish-* 36,25
1 Ducats — .-..2,10.
““il. MINER t CO.
. *. * *
niUE undcrslßued. after attlntemlof. foorytars,h»»
the requisitions of &e laW nffgulating Soles av Anctfhn,
and having: procured a first ofass Lioensfras Auctioneer
for the Cityof : PiUabttTghvho effervliiS.sprviccsM such
■to his friends and- the public renerallyv : Witb-an-eipe
jrienee of neailrtJurtyyeawm this line
hazard® nothing in saying that he will be enabled to mye
entiresatlifsftuon to all those vrho may feel disposed to
patronize him. ■•».■•■■ s. t .•‘P. MoEifiN«A» 4®cuoneerj.
:■ Refers to the principal City Merchants* iyP ,
v ; Anetloii«*nßUy JiUM*
■ A T iheCommercial: Sales-Hoorn*, corner of Wood
-T3L and Fifth streets, at fiL,a general as*
sortment of andFancy Dry Goods,
Clothing) Boots and Shoes* Hats*Caps, &o.
' • OA.T 9 O'CLOCK) P. Ml,
Groceries, Qtteenswarci Glassware, -Table Cutlery,
Looking Glasaess, new ana second hand Household ana
Kitchen Furniture, &c. ;
AT 7 O’CLOCK, P. M.,
Books, Stationery, Fancy articles; Musical Tustru
raents, Hardware and Cuiierr, Clothing, Variety Goods
Gold and Silver Watches, Ac. ■ M. DAVJS, .
. jafllnf. ■:■ ■?. -■■ Auctioneer. ]
p» n'KEiTNA,Anctioaier,
: P ondcrtensive ussoriipom of Nitlirttry, Si'kii, Bon
iieiJV Embroidered I,anee, Ac.*tcccnvd m ftPKenna’a
Auction ilovisc*, ami will remain open for thu auy ot ly
- /I lie trade are respectfully invited to rail omi-ejj.ifirine
•lie swne.- (jvOJ". - •••, F» : JVFLI£P»Na , Atu iV
p,*~M« O&VISi Aacltaa»«r.
01 DO Z FI NR' fill! RTS a? A vt'ims —Oo Thuradnv
O i mbrnioi; July d'ja.aHO oVlocfc.aithe CoramercWl
Sales Roonn, coraci-of Fifth and AVoia streets, will
be sold,-on a credit ofmaetv dftvs, on scan over
SlOO 31 -doz.Fine-Shifts,compn-irsjT *oppr \orlrMiil
nnil EiieliAhLongClolh Shirts,wuUertra ldnea Bosoms
nnd Collars, Yoke Neck and Frencn Sleeve; French
Needle work and Embroidered Shine | Sommer, r fluey.
und‘McrrimacSMrls > &c., Ac n . Vfa
• jyotr F.-.-M. nAVus^Atidvr,
O —On Wednesday Afternoon; Uo e’oclt,
at the shop of Theo. Franck & Co., on Dutjaesnc Wd/,
neat the Foini, will be sold, wuhout reserve, l sicam
Engine and Boiler, Turning Lathee* aiul a quiimty o'
other machinery* *<V • . , .
:- oag two atotyßnekShop^
Arir<BTIiKN~CASKS IiKANUV, at Aucriuh-On
Tnesday:afternoon, Jnly 3 oclock, *- Uie
. .Commercial Sales Booms, comer of Wood and Fifu
iTlreeiSi-will be sold, 10 clghih casks Champaigne lain
: Brandy; 0 do doMaite! A'nei'r
GOQD3 at Auction —Om Tuesday monilnj, .cfv
20;|i, at W o’clock, at the Commercial Sales Rom e i, cor
cer of .Wood ami Fiflh slreeisj will |>e soli, a large ai d
*«oeral tt?eortmem 0/ seasonable foreign wd uofiiesllc.
Dry Good*, among which are ,,oii»^<?a^‘-
TnereB,-*aUfleis r superprinij,gingbaros t -delaHie?»l.awM,.
slieeticeb. checks, sliawiS, handkerchiefs, ; .»#spendera,-
paienl thread, lihbnn^ •Bilk
colored cambrics, irimimaga, Ac.. - v r.'
jvl9 P. hi; DAVI3, Aticvr.
W. Oid’CAUTHKYr Auctioneer.
V be sohtf on Saturday evening, July 24ia.atBl
o’clock, at W G. M’Carlney’s -Auction or p vale*
able Lot of Gtouud, in the Borough of Manchester,
fron‘l j*23 fceiSinchea on Ohio -Lane, and extendirg
hack 133 fret loan alleys of which it has the privilege.
The above lot of gronddrls fc.eaudfully saoated in a
healthy and pleasant,part of the-borough of Manches
ter, an excelfent view of tiie Ohio River
and surroahdirig country, end will make amc*t dura
ble site ot«priva»e res«Je»c.
Perrons wishing to secoie tbemselve* a homo should
'not neglect to atieud ihcv sale . .Title . . W. C. M’CAKTNEVyAoctta.
A'-Awtiow.—Wil! be sold, onThuradoy, JniyjKd, at
10 o’c-bck ia the forenoon, at rM’Cartney’s.,Auction;
HouECjby oiderof Asiigoee, a: large and general ns
sortmem of -fnablonsblc .and seasonable Dry, Goods,
Hardware .ail'd Cutlery,Boo sand Shoes. Amoug the.
assortinentmay;-bameatione«fini.part l thefoHowjug—
French, English, arid -American Bioad Cloths, various
colors t Casumercs, eassiriets, tweeds, plaids, iUiruicU,
mohaircloth; linen-drill summer cloth, velvet cord treed
casshnere*, romia do jaules,
boreges, poplins; drdrs silksj Irish linen, silk pocket
handkerchief:* and crava-s, suspenders, stockings, gloves
and fthawKtonrfy iackohet, book, swba and cambric
moslins, bleached and brown do^ together with,an
sorttnenVof fancy articles and variety goods, a lot oi
hardware and cutlery, boots and. shoesi-also, qucons.
wire, glassware amt crockery-ware* Ac sate.
- A*s:gnee of Willliam Freeman.
lylO IY. C. MACARTNEY, Auctioneer. :
\ UGAR—ISO hhds. Ptontaiion Fuffar,jn .? tor ? q nd ,., fnr
\ sale by ■ AHI.LER A RICKETaON.
ICObo*. 3uu received imd for sale by
& jyfl KUaSRIil* & JOnNSTON.
baleg P r ) me
,OUR—7S bbls." just rceeivrf and for Vale bv .
BMP—ffl bales Missouri IKK.Oletnp, ftir «a!a
er»RN .MEAL—7£ IjUb" (Vci>k ; Rronildj la*l TecM.ctt(
lliglMK— m bx*. Wi orjer/;;
j j e jj> . CARSON & M’KNlfiMT*
GOFF EE—A prime article ofliia anJ/®7‘'i„ f “ r , E “ le '
jy 15 • ’ •-• •• •' SING -& r MUOItHEAO*-.
bb»a. r cU^ i o
j y 5 Nqv6o and 81 Wmer uml 03 From H».
T7LUUR—£O bbls Extra Family l 7 iour, (Worth brand*)
% £ SW,e Drd "'l by MU.TENBCEGER & CO.
T>OCK CANBY—Bed, foil's l>y.
■ fca -’ 265 Liberty street.
DlAutsM TWiSI , fi«arC boxes
dera TwUt Tcctived.and
lor sale by - 7 UICfftITSON- -
,e rdo « n >.' 37 ‘°- P^?, i rß’lS* r TEA
;»!« latha Diamond.
*1 TheGia-.itoSiauisinan— wiihaßiosrapmeal Sketch
of .Hon. William Bufoa King, JioePrciideatof the Uni
ted States. : tiy Ueimitasc. Forsaloliy
j r lO •. • " ■ C,T? Cv lOl AVoOd 3t
" = 5 ” harcs forsli6 by A WILKINS &CO *
Stock anO Exchange Brokers,
iy l »» 75-KQDTth »i.rf el,
i UJf-.A-t' yft* tiuui/s- ■
\j : 0001 yard* Beregcs, sit I6e.
• 2000 do do titl2ic- .
3W:O do LawiiP,atBandloc. .
Jouoiiencdat . . A. A MASON fc.CO.’S,
Jy 10 ; - 6a and 64 Martel otreet
—‘ ‘ ' ' ' " ~ T '
s Adam* * Co.’» Mpm». : - :
T?REIGHT REDUCED.—From anil afier Ib is ■ Sate,
r our rates on pomnl. freight, from ..-Philadelphia to
FlUabuiKb, will be S3, (JO per 10# &9.—aieduclionof 23
per cent. Time, from Philadelphia lo l’iUrtmrgh, 30
6„nr» {nprSl HAKFR fc FOURTH. Agent*
T ATE PUBLICATION!?.—Just received at MINER
ij A CO. t No. 33 Smhhfidd umcn
Magazine for August, volume second Waveiiy’ Novel?,
published by LippincoU. Grambo Be Co \ Alexander
Tordy y The Poisoner,orPimte Chief ofSt Domingo.
Moiioe* . ..
AN ftpplicatlouwill be made at the next session of
llie Legislature, forthe charter of a Bank, wijh.a.
Capital of Three Hundred Thousand noliars, to, be lor.
cated at Pittsburgh, and called the 11 Western Bank of
Pounsyivauia V • ... *••• ..ue^om
filarrhbuTg Union wlliplesse coin m Wees ly paper-].
B'" ~Ranlh Wi—lN BUND—A. Scigiielte and Pctlevoi
<un Brandies—-dark nndpale—iu q<* casks: also, Na
poleon; in; octaves—under Custom houae-churgefto
cether with. J 7 varieties of Rochelle* Cognac and Bor
deaux Brandies of the most superior qualities; n store
and for sale cheap* by • JACOB;\vJBAYI2R> Jr.»- ,
: nivSC .... cor. Market and First sU.-
Juana iv nr rants bast*
lOST. hy the j-uhsenberi on tho Toute from: Camber
j land to Pittsburgh, a large Pocket Book, containing
three Land Warrants, ICO acres each, .assigned to the;
subscriber by R. J* llolbday of Winchestef. Va ,820 in
«-old, and a 1520 bill on Hank of Valley, Va., besides sev
eral memoranda, noteA&e, Any person leaving the.
Pocket Book withthe editors of the Post, or forwarding
it to ibe editor ofthe Cleveland JP/aem&afrr, wLu be lib
erally rewarded. QylS) IL/K. DAVIS..
CIUPtSKIOK PaCK-ED TEAS.—The aueniion of _Re?
ft lailere is requestedto our superior Teas, pat. up In;
Quarter,half and oue pound packages, aecttrelyeovcred
with tin foil, and warranted equal in every respecuothe
►best put up in tho East, end the mojonty of
them Every package Is. labelled withour name and.
guarantee, subject to be returned,if not approved, on.
rriaU Dealers will be supplied at rates as low as the
tamo quality can be hadiu the Eastern ciiies. - ...
k-or saie by - . W. A. M’I.LURG & CO, ■ .
jeB • Grocers and Tea Dealers.
N"" o tick.—TbeTAnnual -.Meeting or Stockholders of
the Allegheny Valley' Rdilroad.Company will bo
held at the Office of the Company, in the city of Pitts*
bunt li,on MONDAY, Aostial2d,lBS2,at 10oVlocka*Jt.,
when a President and six Managers will be elected, for.
the management of ike»flairs of the Company. -v,
me man s p R BRU NQT, Secretary jw itm.
City papers, also Free Press and Demooiatr Kittan
ning, Jeffersonian, Brookville, Dimoerat and Register,.
Clarion, Elk County Advocateand IkVKean Orbit, copy
until dayofmcctiny. v , : jvstd,;
'LiuMtSXttINU. INKW—ASmoBt every day m IluuD’3
This day received,anoiher invoice of Tme Gold Watch
es jost imported, expressly for. this market, AIao» a
tarrelot orfiae faahionabta:Go!<LJ[twt!ry, (tom&_vexy
ricb.) Vliich will- be sold as usual} from- »to 50per
eeut lower than good* of the same quality andnch*
ness have ever-been crffered ior atony of the other es- :
tabUshmcnts In ibis city* No mistake. Call and «ec»
and you will be satisfied. *
kliidsof-Wotoh repamdg doneaa welt as
at any shop ta Europe or: America, at. short notice.
Wnutji G lasses sel ai jnslhalf the ST
New Boolcal New floolrt t_ ,
JUST Published and tor sale, at H. Miner* Cp?s, ; No.\
as SnnthHeld street — '
•The Prairie Scout, or. A galone, the Renegade,
mance of border life. The greater portion of Una work
orieiiinllyappeafed in Blackwood, and is of, the highest
order of talent, a» every thing mum be to obtain admis
«inn Into the pages of that oldest of British Reviews.
* Whitefriars.or the Bays of Charles 11, art historical
romance, illasttatcd. This work has achieved a world
wide repaiailon, presenttng the mast brilliant picture
which the truth of history otid-the magic of romance
were ever onited in effecting, of. a period the most inter-,
e, Knlr l RoEMnoltd, or Queenls Yjclira,.,by. ■.Bierce,
Evan. Era., author otjjcJnionMotseya., ; , ■ i j '
Inbscupuons recef J for *wPe'»dmaI j pnbnshcd
)jl9 No.SSSmUbCcld street.
_ fl&£»nfhbons for
,-riOOB BONNErafory.* ’j . Sbawls'from
U Scentsayard j Cahfoes,gg , o , r e “
SS to SO Ms i best Crape ami „ eiafreS)Bo toss ms; Silk
lm M e n M l Smal d iaio begins this day,.and I assure the,
. $ y -fiivfiwd determination to clear my shelves of
laOlesofroy of Somalet Goods, to make ropra for my
which, wtU shortly anlve.from
f’f'SSf Sriviand now York borne of ray eoodawere
OTiylreceivv^i** l week, and jcil.williiefl^uiemebeop,
**B?m«nbcr. I haw no damaged good *,«!■‘old slock, to
putoftbet all new,flwbionabfe,
JrMillinery to so low a puce that Jadjeadon’t wjjh W
hujttheta troyohenpw, -’ Uy?
•• • S'
• t » *v*
J Vf A iv: v*; .
*. * ; r ‘y, , *«■: ' J >' <.
t »' « ~ *■ *- ~ ■£# *■
X . _ «.% , - t
■- - ■ r.-. --t. < : ; . - r, : »-; : v.^ -< \ r. I r >' • l ; .v‘,; ; .^v c v .^7^?J J iVSi : - i
"? r
.--...V.-r-jv. , r .>. 1 i, M - -.|'4> s ?'i-;.-i;*.;-|*y/;;; , :,"
* ii
. H. *
,10 £exutoksbc>b&iioo& / - *•
A occupied bv the «abacrlbsr. PdatMtotr jITCH «t " ~
I 1 .
~4BBt .TO LET I —A. STORE BOOM,—Wtf«l4tejttiM*•* } , -’ ,'"
W ftSbooi Prr V ■
m«3O . ligMarkaTitreM.. , y *it
fHREE Bplt*Eßß— 2Cf?tt!onjf,ftn3j.4DincllfiliSd|*. -V-;- -:;:- ' /' .
ameter, In ose a aliontimc- Tor ** < * *;* t g
je7;tf Njmick. as co> ps Watwretteefc■ y;-* " I,
/TUMjET—A large Cel:«r,aw36r NO.;i?0 «fw?^- v * i -
JL convenient (o the market house, arid aaftfiiita »fty " #
any baalneaa requiring a cool place. , " XX< a
Apply on thepxemiHoa, to THOMAS *?- *>
in- _ ?°:”. I! *' ... ,| ■
, . THE MISSOURI EXCHANGE. oilJifeiuiVg£ "
4|Sga pear Ut6 comer of’Sfiori s rent. Hattera&ag*
-jjjKfll • ply to AitlenPon PARKlNsOty>stjl '■:■■.■>.■:. :■■■■.• , { \.
apr§2 !f_ __ .. . , for V '% .
rfltO ti£T—The aubccnber olTcm for ftettk me 5? *
J[ store rooo now occupied by Messrs-. ;q„ <*
&oavia.No.B: \Ta**eUtrecT. to t
on the 1«; ofApit Knqplre«r w * * w f
C»Afat. 11 IvAULSON.1 v AULSON. No - ii
“* ' Forwent. _ 1
DE9IRABM2 mfrlKllßa eTANB-L <,ifer CaTAtf<, + x
the warehouse nn\r ct*oc| t"il bj* ttio as a 4 ,
on tbe ron er of litbect" a)’d »ti!Ml r sUe.rt?»t A % \ * *1 _ c
good .J(i£!attort ;ftit i im?-irrCBJf'Of-/arvy -Jrtn*! < : • •--
j.ivcn trnraetirriH.y 1 ttjiy!£f A J
JL' on U*i;pr e x tenpin S’BfcJ* 1 HO feetto a« 1 3
unify,. 1 t,or iji ‘ x,i Urarepmi •ftfefcso't f aJrreU *s^
’fljf properly j-vvcii tfr.uaM »y?»» <’w«*llln? y t A ’ t
•wij« Apr»>w "TUOMAri MOpmT, J/, t
s - |
Kt»(Tvi> lkaaq tfoa sAtfS—** 1 ! VeOevul eirniti otf-. |
*VjT i»o«ne t*tto Van M!r,>heny City'. TllOleasA »
frain&bUUtJingyr.vr. -
1© fov any kmd&f r
APr»> seen, 10 THOMAS
J? l7 No,go Fifth airecjlf ’
rF- SAl.b-A lot on Cen‘re Avenue, front, ana ?
extentltngbacl. mreet 1 dVi*»g»»n )iatwoj;tory Bri-t" s
.Uoos«,'goo'J , w’eu, aa<i otUst oof -' '■ :l<
Tpiit.v—O ‘c t» l f cash, halance- m two Dsf J,v ' • •
AI7aTiN L00.M151 ‘*‘ r4^.v
)>ll , -.- ■, • -.•.-. •• :rrT "
fl ’
FOK,R l or» r f —ri<ifn thciss Ot-Aprtfcnext, the .'S’
Shore* » jih liwel.bisf aitaclifia, v ■:w- ■>
Martel nnl nr'Uireets—agopdlnrelnewnwui • *-•
foTaSiorc orTftverrt. n J.c'»»;cnly * * ?
river—win be remed iowrfo a good tenant Ani>lsoo?73 cv
wau::r - V *
no v& t«nteay 4 . / 4 >
to-ui&t, ' 1 * 7
•.§3ft v: ; :A BaiXli^eHm^f£iTUafp'^ t , >;<? : i
\t&g& •the-jwtriwt of - r ''
suit for a Goq'ceiitoury, Sfcrtc v DryCo'>t'#>crurocf f n't
Store, --Tbe Dwelling Una.nine .room? L piJoreaflt:' I .' l
complete.. Rent Jon:.. .'Fnquiro;iu.K?.quir'ft-i*A-KKlK'i' V,.
SoVS,■_P ciin b 1 r (• et-TiftbAVatd. ;>
**’ ‘" "EforSale* - l( ,
I£*(\ ACRFS £/ANf>- L« Ir&wrence ■ccanf7,nenr, r A>';
i OU Ctc*s Cut Canal, mce quarw/of ft'ftrito
Kdinb«rab^ivs ; mil<?B from New Cavtlejtb acre* bottom;
hi?fii’e tract good tuy r Jer;*SQ ncrcs Lr*t c«»Ij ai>oonrf*
with limestone, end Is well watered} itTee flouring 1 r
in the vicinity,, Arj>!y ip , CUKTIS. 4v GDOiiSv - ? jj;,
5> g U>3 Vt ood «nrecr ...
SALB-'t SfOKehou the -corner.-of^s.': 1 '
High rdrcH and Fcim&yIventa Avenue,.'ffaft.«Tocif, i v> i ‘T.
'consists 6f a v/is.lftalfieted assortment of Drugs, Paints,
Ac*- A good bu«mws is: now-established* wulca,jca^..-.-
easily be lenined. , ,-j
Terms? half cash, and balance on time.- AppU^^/ro-r::
THOMAS HIOEFITT, KealiJatatc AgenL . .)>-<•
• j v i 7. - ■: ,-.•■ ■ .•JOFiftii street.
- gAliiv—'A llcrne Mury Ikisik.. itnTisc. filiapteii on* ...
C Penn strict,' Ward-: The 10t1*93 feet . -
front by ICO feel deep. Front buildlagai byStfedltfl- -
stones high, budding lfi byir* fceuiwo.sum ■-* high,., i
conta'ninp nine rooms and entrance hail; also*fl park)* » ■,
ia the second story, 21 by Iff feet} portico in fro?itytOtt& xiar. r
an iron tailing/ 'fins property will be gold very low. It - *
applied for immfcdliucly.. •:. • ,/',..;c,.;, ~ v.-. :•
‘ No.SSFifthelreer. ■■>
MUUfiip AND LOP FOB For «O'P, * ««0
tioryDnctlJoupe, of-fftur iro»us»iitcLen wjdeeKv'“-
lar« finished gaud and "wide parch'to :
out oven, pardon and *hftdev rreiw, ft large ;grape arbor -
of choice fruit ;-ihe lot ia 48 feel front by-fin deep—all lit .
complete order; jiituate in the Filth' SVard,Rearthe-- J '
Sixth Church 1 >s *
balance SSiifi a „
•;\S, CUTHBBttT.Genei
" 1 ' *" ;-,‘> ; yoso:Snttt
A - OtlttAtf ANirVALUABLE i»IU
/V BALI?—A projieriv of CO leet na Bf
gheny City,£oo,feetde€sVlLO Itebec.oaoi
story house., haUytvro .pail
ning reora, kitchen, goad cdia*;fdu£cjaftra
oarefi; new brick Viable? ulot treynru and
fmi ond fhude trees, flowers*
eellcm order, nitd pteasamlT
Terms—SLOOO ia haurt 4 ;bn{anee In;T»to -yeßwy .pay** 2 >
mem?. S.CUrmsEßT,*Genernl Agent,,r.?\.V ‘ ' 1*
t jyl9 ...*.- . aireet-> • 5!-
'pIFTEEN ACKIiS FOR 80501)0 —Toa BUr-rA. *
Ji valuable property at T& and g.Ddlf.miJe*.
from the* canal at Fairview; ten.miles ffonl t lhe..CHy,;v«T\
two acres m meadow* ten and a hatf ul grata,&c i bslr .
ancc fine tiraborj a good dwelling-house and out bouses;
cxceHeatfruii, with the smaller fruity also, a fine young.^
• nurserv-of cboice jrnu •, all in good order,
opted for amarkel garden. -JraraeaJaicvpas2mwQa>*-catl*i«* :
bo hod by poj.r ß
. jvto -- . - -;.••=■• • : •'■SO SypUhfieldattecto •>
V subscriber offers for sole one hundred and fifty
snores of choice river bollortc and bill land; under which:
are two vetnsof coal offOOaerescach—sitnsws - - -
•MonOueuhela 'river* at pool No. 3. Aboui uO . acres of
bottom, and 2Q acres of lull land ore cleared... TbefOi* :
a good log bouse and a. number of never fauißK
The Cnnl is ftHin front* and cosy of access, • Therefore ->•
about7o acres of liuul covered .'wlHi v«rs’»fiue-liHlWbr*t-c
Tiileindisimtable—olearof incumbrHnce*,^.--^^:.
• ■ Enquire of ' ’ ■ 8/5 MTELi BALiSLKY, • - >. -:■>
jyl2 N E cor of Wood and Fifth sir, <O4
•■■ ■■ ■ •• •• . tor state, . .7*:*>
* :•• DESlßAßliEriocaUou; for a SADPLER,.-In .the-
A. thriving town of HANOVISR r
Ohio The buildings orube pTeimsee were^cTepua.arr—
the express pcipoie of tarrying on me Har
ness manufacture* and an excellent businest has been,
doseia Uiatline.: For.forihcr Information, to?*,
seph Keith,on the piemises,™ ' LKi:aHa £ f
103 Wood Miect, Fittflbwg&r£v,
N. B. If not sold before the fimtr day of Septessiber^
1852, the property will ou that day s*
public sale; - (Gatcttc cop? and charge ro«.t) 3 eSwfog
)-' ■ ' • '-
■ ‘i ■ v.v ■'
". ■ , v ■.. • ■ ’>•: >■ v 7 ■■ ■ • ■
- 1 1
. - <• t
-.'■ V. V- ...
v- ;V. '• ’•' ■'.‘i ,'-.t ■
"■' . ' V 'k . V'* 1 *• -. '•:
*' ' ♦
> 1 1 -i '
/ * v * J-Yi Y
< */ ( r
V o> B!i feel on Penn jueelj.Jby a€Q feetUtipMuelM.-, «■
Conn Al-o, a 1.. t of 20 feeton Fifth street.
to an alloy. Those properties ore • :
sWuicss, with busircas offices. ' ."’r-'.'iai"
- Also, a property nf 2j fret On Liberty Btrcct. by 1C0,.,.
simile nIiOTO the Ooilal bndgeyon excellempliCA lor ;
anytmsmess. . ’ .
• Bargains can. be had m ihe above.-' Tcrrasreasy.
Alscr, several Farms in. various iocailona*' AudfiOfo
proved lands,in lota to J ‘
Ti.-il— No charge--/or.mtosmmioa, only v whervJP.®* •
hove done 'yous business -o a bom -yoor business,' the*? : ,
I may ailsnd lo my Imsine**. ' ■ ,
S. CIiTHBGRT. Geteral Ayent, -.
,yU - SOSmiihDelil street; t *.
THUIK CRACKEKB—Afresh loi jeslreceind aoitiaii-. .-
JP sale by JAMIiS M'CANJILESS & C 0.,,
j C t4. lug Wood-Sireety »
T> .»»<* itiraslwiffe
It in r W and for -to % & ,
US vyatfr street. ??..
" jyl?
pine ooiowg - »♦ ?
.ttjt* E wouldoalUfeeaitewion q£ oorrew.) WWSQMt*:# :■•>••'
-YV Jo our large stork of I3lnck Teas*
greatcare in theCsew Yorkmaiket: 1 f? “
-Souchong; Son.;. English 6(!c.* iff : -•
rino Oolong. 00r»; Eitra Oolong, - -
Oolong, - Sl,<Jo * v ■*
/ Young Ifyaou, Iropcrtal, ind.Gunpowderf MtacpßMo?. , / *
os above, pure and fragrant, -
JRetail-Groccra are^invited to call'■ani. OXSBiuiOvOU*i , ‘.ri:
stock, either packed In oaoueror
or in bulk, by thebulf-enett. __ v ’ ,v *
A. JAYNK9, PekmT>aStof&.* <
jeß 39 Fifth stttet
Home of Bcfnff«i . M ...
"PROPOSALS'wiII be received unul 0 o’etocVP* J&t ■.■-•■.■
ot.the fcOib day of Juiyyot the Office Of J*,w*JCert, >
Architect, for the coaeiructiou of the Uoiuoof Rcftge- .
Plaits and Specification* will be.eihlullcd'outfwesk.-o .. .
previous to die time of letting. * *
Rids may be made for the foUowlne Items, -• •
viz:. Lumber,delivered on the Ground—Gradjnjff Sjoftfi#,
“Work; Bnck Work* Iron-Wotk; PJastermgrrawtlflg> •>:*.
Carpenter.Wbrk, Ac; Ateo, fora sum fottfceenv
tire work. GEORGE JJARSIE.
.James chambers,::--.
Xtailding Committee. v
New a cubic*
HKLBBERJ No.lOt ha* JailTec;^
• Mass&’s in deCold Grouddi*l>ewufttfnCwEihK ■
opian Melody—by 3. O Fosiex. * J ~ s
I Fonreitho Gsy World,,aaimsgto? the HttnaoniaM ;.
TheMoont&m Wave, iff do -• ■*
The Hutum* Glee, do do ► *}*■
WeCmne Again v?iihSong*wGr«iyoh,«£. ; • /
Farewell, To -r - . ii : **_, •
Earth with her Ten Thousand FiOwew, Duett & Trio,
Jenny Lanei Oh< Coiae to Ale. * " ~
I’maPiljnia Elsaa Polka, ForyEoika. <■
Dels; hb.F<«telf|^
' SUnroftfw Golden
• N
hy B?er!e'» Bund, will be oulij, a few diva. . {iyl2;
Wlilto Sulphur Sprlnci, , . ' '
fitHlS justly celebrated mountain reitcat, bo woU : and . - *■■■/.■
|t favorably known to- the ciuzena of PMtedelphU,
Ualiiffiorr, Pittsburgh. end other places, will beopen for ■.
visitors oo and after ike FIRST OP JUNE: -Theimlld-: -
logs have been greatly enlarged and Improved* la,order: : t,
lo meet the iiicrertalng patronage. For families, invalids,'
nnd those who admiremoanvna scenery, this place-Of- , ■ ■
frl* permanent inducements, whiehoannniho suipasaedu
by any ttuleitnit place hi the United States Front Pills- -
"burgh, (bore Springs are accessible ir> about twenty P
hotira,>byjtac way of the Central Radioed to Bettis*,
bnrtts'tromilnrrisbttrato tbo SpnitKSr 'Vln.Carltlle nnd -
Ncw»ille,eu the CamberlatidKaiiroad,liis3Sjpiles;--~,■ • '
We ore pledgedto make visitor; comfortable
moderate- ’ r L SCOTC PGtjftLtE-'t-
K<*rcne»—MenTt. J. I>- Williams, -Joseph, H. Hill,
Hotter! D Thompaon, Major M’Ceudlesta, S.'JO. H’COrd
. ieZB.dim
" ■ p &rg KTTATSFUISQS 4MU w,OPttk.!"
mins hiably ami fuWoaablo "WATER
-1 been leaaeii,ipßetJier with the ■*■:■■
SEKINGS lIOXEIV' ardent thereto, *
by the proprietor of the “ Faimlngfori‘ £loteil l f- On the ;•■;■•■
-National Road,: who he* secured the best cook* auAthe '
best supplies of svery kiad) with a to -
please ait his.visitors. A new Building* with forty
Rooms* Jiai recently ib the#*to|?ll*niWtat
: ; These SPRINGS are surrounded by tho raost delight*-
fat and rocranuo Mountain Scenety t ,in a, cool olimptef
with pure-air&pd
fyme properue* of these waters have been fully eitab*
lisbedjby the faeiihat they have ne*"" *'
the yroTfitcasesor^e.rofulai^*
and other d»settsrs.of the hi
steamboats at Drow^syiUt
L 'nas߻ui a drive or four or u.\
i an «ccUeiit.>VAdamiMdJ
through one oHhe.nrliest'
! tßt n'giops »n the
t mtien tofthce over thy Daun
: its fii'pes and aumoutj »p!cj
tarn Velleyj with all it* n
l scenery. .„. ■?
--la jhpTVli :i* toonfideMly,
wutermgplaco .In the Count
traoiiona .to 'those sechiug.^.
;U RlvtWtv. tits';. 1 Epfr
w-very certain.they fan no/
sifldn tarleasoirHs wore
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