The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, July 15, 1852, Image 2

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- Harper ft Phillips, Editors & Proprietors. .
JPifrce. . . . v ■
ros vies tbkbidbnt;
: Ist, l'eter Logan. 18th, 11. C. Eyer. . .
- 2d, George 11, Martin. 14tb, John Clayton.
!s<i; John Miller. 15th, Isaac Robinson.
4th; F.W.Bockiuß, lGth, Henry Fetter.
6tli, R. McCay, Jr. 17th, James Burnside.
Gth, A. Apple. . .18th, .MaxwellM'Caslin.
• 7th, lloniN Strickland.l9th, Gen Jos.M’Donald
Bth, A. Peters. 20tb, Vfm. 8. Calahan.
9th, David Fister. . 21st, Andrew Burke.
10th, R. E. James. 22d, William Dane.
11th, John M’Rdynolds. 23d, JobnS.M'Calmont.
-12th, P. Damon. 24th, George K. Barrot
P. C. SHANNON, Pittsburgh.
JOHN BARTON, Pittsburgh.
SAMUEL FLEMING, Pittsburgh, ,-■■■■
A. J. GRIBBEN, Pittsburgh,
* -GEORGE F. ; GILMORE,- Lawrenceville,
. SAMUEL McKEE, Birmingham,
. J. C. STEWART,- Plum township.
■- SIIERIFP, .. .- . •
CHARLES KENT, Pittsburgh.
■ JACOB TOMER, Pittsburgh.
' JACOB McCOLLISTKR, Pittsliargb.
EDWARD McCOUKLE, Indiana township.
PATRICK McKENNA, Pittsburgh.
Rt-ABaenrtllng of tht State'Democratlc
Convention of 1859*
la pursuance with a resolution adopted by the
Democratic State Central Committee of Pennsyl
vania; the' delegates to the State Convention of
March 4 tb, 1852. arc requested. to re«asscmblO
at the Capitol, at HARRISBURG, on THURS
DAY', the 20th day-of August, A. D. 1852, at 11
o’clock, A. 51., for the purpose of nominating n
Judge of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania.
• W. L. HIRST, Chairman.
Wm. C unTis, . I Secretaries *
Wa. il. Welsh, f &ecrelan « 3 -
As wo intend to clothe the Post in a new dress
in the course of a few weefcs, vie shall then offer
. for sale three large fonts or typo, together with
the rnlea, title letter,: &c., fie., now in use.
There are about 1,000 lbs. of Nonpareil, 800 lbs.
of Brevier, and 700 lbs. of Minion. These fonts
will be sold very low for caßb or approved paper.
Those wisbiog to' purchase wilt please apply
.. 500 n...-/ ■ .
ggy Jon PEtSTOM, of ervery description, cx
.eented Btkhc office of thfs Morjiing Post in beau
tiful style, and oil the lowest terms. Particular
■ attention paid to the printing of Posters and
Programmes for Concerts and Exhibitions of all
We have said a good deal about the Platform
forced upon ' the Wig National Convention by
- the'delegatos in that body from the Slaveholding
States. Two of the principal planks in that
Platform are the Slavery resolution and the Anti-
Kossuth resolution. The Northern Whigs were
violently opposed to the Fugitive Slave Law* and
the- Southern Whigs were of conrse warmly in
favor of it. The Northern Wbiga went in for
Kossuth and Non-Intervention on the part of
■ Kussia with the afiairs of Hungary; while on
the other hand the Southern Whigs opposed Kos
suth and European freedom. Well, the Whigs
of ' the South triumphed iit their Convention over
iho Whigs of the North, and forced the Slavory
And Anti-Kossuth plants into the Whig Platform.
• Thai Platform is Gm. Scott's Platform— ho has
adopted it, must stand upon it, and, defend It,
• under all circumstances, or violate bis honor and,
the snored pledge made-to. his party*. Without
■ the adoption of that Platform, Gen. Scott never
would havo been* nominated; All his friends
; from Williasi H. Sewaed down toDeacon Wiiitt
• knaw that fact foil welland yet, strange ns it
may appear, ws find these fanatics now support
ing Gen. ScprT and the obnoxions Platform, pre
pared for them by Sonthem Slaveholders 1: The
’ Deacon at first wrotehome from Baltimore, and
bitterlydenonncingthe Slavery Platform, saying
tO hiS friends, “WB MUST EEfiUDIATT. it.” But
he was whipped into the traces before he left,
- Baltimore, and now dare not utter a word against
the Platform. The Deacon ia no longer a free
man—he is the servile slave of the Sonth, and
fawns upon and licks the bands of thoso he but
' recently denounced in language the most empha
tio and bitter.- We.may yet conceive it to be onr
dnty tp tell all we know on this subject, and
describe certain scenes which occurred in tho
1 ■; private rooms of tbe .EutaW:Houso. ■
How do the Whigs of the North like tbo posi
tion occupied by their pftrty at present ? -The
’ honest and conscientious men; amongst them Cer
tainly do; not like it; but what are they to do ?
The Rubicon has been passed; and what has
' . been done cannot be undone. Gen: Scott . says
that be accepts the Slaveholders’ Platform, and
of conrse will maintain it, shoald ho bs elected.
The fact is; the Sewardbranch of the Whig par-;
ty got more in. Baltimore than they bargained
for. They, took an encumbered estate, which
will never pay the expenses'of reducing it to
It isevident;that Gen. Scott is now- a mere
- nose of wax in the hands of designing men. It
is well known that for a long time he was the
> favorite of the Sewabd Abolitionists; bnt hav
ing accepted the Whig nomination, and planted
, • himself upon o Southern Flatrorm, he thereby
- ; pledges: himself to execute the Fugitive- haw,
and take sides with the despots of Europe. He
cannot escape from this position. . -
Suppose for a moment that Gen. Scott had :
■-written a letter three or four months ago, de
claring that he was in Xavor of the Fugitive Slave'
haw, and -opposed; to European Freedom; how
"manydelegates conld hehave carried in the
. North?- Notone, positively not one. Fjlmiobb
or Webster would have beaten him in every
Northern State, and he would bave been more
unpalatable to the Whigs .than cold and io6ipid ;
soup. - Is there an ‘honest, intelligent Whig in
the North, Who wishes to preserve a character
r -for consistency, that will support Gen. Scott, as
• he has Voluntarily placed himßelf before the
cotmtiy? The result in November will tell the
Mr. Loughborough, formerly one or the
most emleentlawyersin Kentucky, and one of
the authors of the new Code sr Practice, is now
In the Lonatio Asylum, at Lexington.
The JVhlg organs are sadly troubled to find
some subject on which they can get up an ex
citement In favor of-their candidates, bnt.ail.
they bare tried, thns far, bam proven to be
dead weights, and the . party is now in a more
lamentable condition than it was. when the nom
ination was first made. They have tried every
::::JUIiY 15.
means to get up a fuss in favor of feathers, but
noue of their efforts work well. They first
brought: the (Jeuefal out with a big baßia of
soup, iu his baud, which they thought would
make him popular; it didn’t take—4ho weather
.00 yroim for soap, and the people will ’not
take it in haste - anyhow. They next brought
him put iu the form bf n game ht-liddy, dressed
up in full, regimentals; bat this silly; device
proved asunfortunate as the Boup—it would not
take. They then changed the soene, and, in
stead of representing the General as a cock-a
doodle doo, they put him astride of a male
chicken, and represent him ns riding to the
White House, during which it is supposed he is
making some remarks in his usnal style. Hut i
i cone of - these tricks have proved of any avail, it is now admitted by sensible Whigs, that
they are all flat, stalo and unprofitable, and that
all the pictures had better bo withdrawn. Those
who purchased the life of Scott, with remarks
showing the propriety of electing him President,
now think that “ fools and their money are soon
parted," and that, if they had their dime hack
again, they would invest it in something more
certain. The fact is, that Scott stock is low in
the market, and there is no prospect of any im
provement. All the. quotations we can make
show a downward tendency, and if a change
does not tako place soon, oar neighbor of the
Qasette will rrpudiale Soott as well ns the plat
form. Ho will act right, according to his nature,
in doing so—and, ns a friend, we woutd advise
him not to labor any longer on the losing side.
From our newspaper exchanges from the north
ern and eastern States, we learn that the Aboli
tionists, l or as some of them chose to call them
selves, Free Boilers, are appointing delegates to
the Free Soil Convention, which is to be holden
in Pittsburgh on the 11th of Augnst next. - Thiß
movement is confined pretty much to the soce
ders from the Whig party, who cannot stand
on the Slavery Platform prepared by theWldgs
of the South, and forced upon the late Whig Na
tional Convention at Baltimore. Horace Guec
eev, who ‘‘spat upon” the Whig Platform, and
Deacon White, who talks about '‘repudiating
it,” should, favor the convention in this city.—
The movement exactly coincides with their
.views. ■ ■
We yesterday published a letter from Wm. S
of Louisiana, who wasa Whigeloc
tor in that State for the District in which Gen.
Taylob resided, declining to serve in that capac
ity, becauso of: his determination not to support
Gen. Scott for tho Presidency. The Now Orleans
Delta (n neutral paper) Bays '* he intends to en
ter into the canvass warmly for the Democratic
ticket." The Delta adds: "Oar letters from
the interior of tho State where the ucwb of Gen.
Scott’s nomination has penetrated, indicate dis
satisfaction, and convey tho opinion that the
planting interest will .be found in opposition to
him.” . v'.. •' '■'? : ...
-States sou PiEncF..-j-We observe that an in
telligent writer in the Detroit tree Press, sets
the following States down in the Pierce line, and
offers to wager fifty dollars that no Whig can
name tho State in the list that will casther elec
toral vote for Gen. Scott. The States arc, Ala
bama, New Hampshire, Virginia, Maine, South
Carolina, Texas, Arkansas, Mississippi, New
York, Georgia, lowa, Michigan, 4 Illinois, Indi
an!, Missouri, Florida. He' further, odds that
he will wager $lOO that no Whig can name fivt.
States of the following: seven (neither of which
is included in the above estimate,) which will
vote for Scott:—-Pennsylvania, Maryland, Lou
isiana, Tennessee, Connecticut, Wisconsin, Cali
fornia. ,
The following appears .as an advertisement in
the New York Herald. It will afford an oppor
tunity for gasceous Whigs to risk a tittle of their
spare change: . .
A Pbesidestial Challenge.—l will bet $lOO
on each State in the Union for Picrco and King.
Also, $5O that I can name ten States that will
vote for Pierce and King, and if one of the ten
fails to vote for Pieroe and' King, I will forfeit
the SGO. I will also bet $lOO on tho twenty-ono
remaining States for Pierce and King. Address
Joseph Wilkinson, Heratd office.
The Ontario (N. Y.) Bepository, a grove,
staid, and consistent organ of what are
nated silver grays, holds open the door and
bids the Tribune and its tribe to walk out of. the
church at onco. Thus:
“It is the privilege of tho Times and tho Tri
bune to defy, curse, and. “spit upon'-’ the Whig
platform to their heart’s content, if each is their
inclination and taste, but not with the sanction
nor mlhin (he pale of the whig party. THAT
Commodobe Stockton.—Tho Trenton True
American, in reference to tho falsehoods of the
Whig press respecting Com. Stockton's position,
says: “We have heretofore, upon our personal
knowledge of Com, Stookton, contradicted the
charge whioh originated is the State Gazette—
and we have note a private letter (which wo do
not feel authorized to publish) making ‘assuranco
doubly sure’ that our statement was correct, and
that the'Commodore goes for Fierce and King.”
ggf* The Savannah Georgian, closes an able
editorial in regard to the harmony at prcsont
existing in the Democratic ranks in those words;
“When we contrast this cordial and general
support of Fierce by the Democraoy with the op
position to Scott, every where showing itself
among the Whigs, wo feel anthorized in antici
pating tho election of the former by suoh.a ma
jority as no presidential candidate over received
in a contested election.”
Tire Piercer.— Wo havo received from Phila
delphia the first number of the lssued
from the office of the Daily Argus, by our friend
Jo, Severns. It is a large, well printed and
spirited campaign paper, and will do yeoman’s
service for the democraoy. It is Isßned at CO
cents per copy, or 100 copies for $B5.
gfjfp The Whig editors have actually found
ono member of Congress of their party who has
not bolted against the nomination of Gen; Scott
—Hon. L. D. Campbell, of Ohio. They had hot
ter hold on to him, for they will certainly need
his vote and influence.
g©" We would invite attention to the Sale of
-fifty-two-beautiful building lots at East Liberty,
this afternoon, at 2 o’eloak, on the premises of P.
M. Davis, Auctioneer.
Cars leave, the depot, Liberty street, at 1
o’clock and return at 5 o’clock, P. M. :
Our neighbors of the Cleveland Herald
have issued a campaign paper, called the “Scott
Soup Bowl.”. They will find : that the Whigs of
the Reserve won’t swallow such dishes. Scott
soup is too weak to ran down hill!
Nomination Rejection.— -On Thursday
the mayor of Hew York nominated Dr. Bey Drake
forHealthCommissioner. He was subsequent-
ly rejected by tho council, as had also five pre
vious nominations in the same office.
. Tesimost or as Athirst Refused. —ln the
U. S. CircnitCourt atßoston, on Wednesday,;
Judge Spragne refosed to allow WaUer Hunt,'
of New York, to testily in the sewing machine
patent cose, Jon the ground that he was an
, *-V * tv -*-**
4* » »
’ >•• f > ’
MoTemeat In Philadelphia?
Xho New York - Herald'says t Thcreisyet a
fair prospect for i the; organization of a national
Vnion parly, anil -the nominftlon of an inde
pendent Union ticket for tile Presidency. The
following notification, which we have received
from Philadelphia,' goes boldly and practically
to work in calling a natiotml Union Convention,
to meet in said city on the first of August, for
the independent nomination of Daniel Webster:
Will be held in the city of Philadelphia, upon
the Ist day of August, 185*2, for the nomination
of Daniel Webster for the Presidency of the,.
United States, and a suitable candidate for the
Vice Presidency* for the .support of tho Union
party of the nation, in November nert. •
Delegates from ten States now hold themselves
in readiness for this, step; other States are re
quested to choose suitable representatives with
out delay. • ■
;■■■ Friends of tho Union, and of its great oham--
pion, you aro now called upon to give evidence
of your devotion to that cause which has enlist
ed the talents of the most eminent, and the sym
pathies pf a mighty nation.;
The Immediate formation of : local-Webster
-Union associations is earnestly recommended.
A Washington correspondent of the Herald
states that there is not tho slighest doubt, come
weal or wo, that the friends of Daniel-Webeter
intend to ruu him for the Presidency; and if so,
the movement will cut up Scott, North and South,
front and rear.
Cassius M, ClatV Okisioe ok Fuaskun
Pierce. —The following letter from Cassius M.
Clay, wo doubt not, speaks the sentiments of
every man in the army who was acquainted with
Qen. Pierce:
tCorr«pnndence r-f the I ouitviUe Democrat 1
■ White Hull, I*. 0., July 18,1848.
Eds. Deraoorat:—ln your paper of thoOthinst.,
your correspondent, “C,” represented the Hon.
Garrett Davis as naming General Pierce as one
of the “bad” .appointments of President Polk.
I know that in the heat of debate, party expres
sions are frequently used, not intended to have
tho effect which they necessarily have when put
in print; and from the lion. G. Davie’ usual
character of. fairness, I am willing to award to
him no desire to injure tho character of auy gal
lant officer for political cuds.
But whatever may be the dosigas of others, l
take plcnsurc, in addition to the official reports
in regard to General Pierce, to say there was
but ono opinion ofhGeneral Fierce, so far as 1
learned, among tho officers of parties in Mexico.
Tboro was complaint of “bad” appointments by
the President—bad, not only by putting civilians
over old soldierß of tho regular army, but bad
per it —but of these General Pierce was not one.
No consideration ought ever to caueo injustice
to bo done any one. Asa political opponent,
though personal friond, of General Picrco, my
humble testimony to bis worth, intelligence'and
gallantry, can only be of tho least consideration,
because here in Kentucky ho is not well known,
and therefore less honored.
As Austuias Picture of the Usited States.
—Austrian opinions upon the United States arc
not at a premium* but they may be interesting,
nevertheless. A late Vienna paper thus compli
ments us;
“ Austria is a small, insignificant spot on the
map, compared with the gigantic greatness of
America, says Daniel Webster. Yes, on the map,
that Is the fact Eut in tho world, in military,
intellectual and material relations, in might and
influence, Austria is, in reality, gigantio; while,
in the same reality, America, vast as it is on the
map, as but a small spot in comparison. And
against this Austria, Daniel Webster proposes to
make war by sea Bud land! In wbal does the
greatness of America consist? In tho tremen
dous extent of its forests and swamps. - 2. In tho
terribly immenso tedium of its monotony, in.
which it resembles tho desert expanse of tho
ocean, where he who has Been ono thing, has seen
everything. C. In the gigantic stupidity of its
conceit and wind-bnggincss. 4. In tho tremen
dous greatness of its humbug: only simple chil
dren and ignorant fops allow themselves to be
humbugged. But the true greatness of Ameri
ca, how is it with that? It is humbug.”
It is not suppossible that Austria, or any other
despotic power, would fall in lovo with the Uni
ted States. Tho,progress of our free institutions
is death to the cherished tyrannies of old dynas
ties. . ■’
Tun Infeus ok Oolii. —The tondon Tmes,
in an elaborate articlo on gold production, esti
mates tlio amount.-of the precious metals in the
world at £400,000,000. Of this, £150,000,000
may be assumed to he gold, and £250,000,000 in
stiver. Tho consumption issetdownat £0,000,?
000. It estimates the surplus in England, since
tho discovery of gold in California, to be £30,-
000,000. The totalinoreaße since the discovery
of California has been twenty per cent, on the
whole amount ia existence, and it follows that it
must have a corresponding influence to that ex
tent on tho value of all descriptions of property.
The increase, if it goes on in the same ratio,
must exorcise a like effect until tho increase shall
cease. Therefore, it argues, that in the course
of fifteen years, at this rate of augmentation, it
will require two sovereigns to bay what can now
bo done with one. It says: “Wo arrive, there
fore, at tbc unaltered conclusion, that tho Cali
fornian and Australian discoveries, even at their
present Tate of yield, will produce effects of a
momentous character, which nothing is likely in
any material manner to counteract,"
, It is stated that console had reached a higher
point than was known during tho present gene
ration. Tho largest advance, ever attained was
nearly a century book. In thoyear 1757 they
were quoted at 107.
Tho next returns of the Bonk of England, it is
expected, will show a largor augmentation,, and
may reach close on £22,000,000 sterling.—V. Y.
All over Indiana and Illinois tho fires are
sweeping, carrying all before them. .
Ton Waluolk. —This gentleman addressed
tho Democratic Club on last Friday evening with
great effect. Ills efforts will toll on the ranks
of Whiggcry, between this and November, or
we are no judge of stump speaking. —lndiana
Sentinel : - - .
Oar readers in Indiana will recollect the fa
miliar name of Tom Walpole, for a long time tho
Whig Senator from Hancock county, Indiana,
and the Whig candidate for; elector at the last
Presidential canvass; He never before breathed
anght but Wbiggery. ,
: We found on our late trip on the Jeffersonville
railway, similar changes in every town on the
ronte,and at Bookford-one of the orators of the
railway celebration was the late Whig orator of
the neighborhood, but now for Pierce and King.
—Louteville Democrat.
Military Power of the United States. —It
appears from oifioial reoords that tho Standing
Army of the United States, at present, numbers
10,129; commissioned officers, 895; non-com
missioned officers and privates, 9,233. The'
number of bngtare employed is CO, and tbe num
ber of musicians 268. The bead quarters of. the
Army are in Washington, D . 6. The number of
commissioned officers in tho militia is 74,8G2,
and of non-commissioned, officers, musicians and
privates, 2,105,524, making a total of 2,180,48 G
fighting men. Truly we are inolined to believe
that the United States are “a power on earth,”
whatever we may hear to the. contrary.—
The number of military posts is 9, and of ar
senals 20.
An Isthmus Plank Road.—-An association is
about to be formed in Loudon, England, for
the purpose of constructing a plank-road aoross
the Province of Chiriqui, in New Grenada. The
length of the road will bo about fifty miles. The
capital Of the company will he abont £200,000,
in' 40,000 shares of £5 caob.
Hiqh Phice tob Tobacco.— There appears to
be a sort Of competition at Lynchburgb,. Vo. ,
among the porohasers of ; tobaoco,, as to who
shall pay the higheBtprice.;;Soveral sales have
lately been made there at very high rates, and
on Thursday last, a hogshead was. sold at tho
extraordinary price Of $125 per 100 lbs.
Tkuoble auonq the Pishermes. —An Ameri
can fishing vessel was recently captnrSd by the
British settlers near Hie Magdalen Lelanjfe: and
taken into pert; bnt-dnring the-night the Amer
icans rallied and again got possession of her,
leaving the captain behind, he having been com--
mitted to prison.
... -V •
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Your obedient servant,
More Prairie Fires,
.v. - { if r l,* “v
v The lighthouse at theend of the .Government
pier at Milwaukle-fas carried away on Thurs
day by the storm and heavy eea on the lake.
.: The Dutch frigate ■ Prince of Orange arrived
at Flashing on the 19th of Jone in eighteen
lion. Alex. W. Duel, of Michigan, declines a
re-election to. Congress.
A militia officer being told lately by a phre
nologist that he had the organ of locality very
•large, innocently replied,, J' Very likely, I
was- fifteen years a colonel in the ‘ local mili-
The National Democrat, of. New York, nomi
nates Com. Stockton as the candidate of the
democratio party in 1808. This is beginning
rather early.
- The citizons of- Paducah, Ky., have voted in.
favor of subscribing $200,000 to the Mobile and
Ohio Railroad.. The county has also agreed to
subsoribe $lOO,OOO.
Joseph Belch, an old soldier of the revolution,
living at Johnstown, N. Y., went all the way to
Boston, on Friday, to see Mr. Webster for the
first time. He'was introduced to to Mr. W. by
Mr. Lord, and had an interestinginterview. .
The Extradition Case in. New York has ter.
minated, Jndgo Betts, of the U. S. Court, having
decided that the proceedings in the habeas cor
pus cubo were good. This is. equivalent to the
surrender- of Kaine, the prisoner, to the Bri
tish authorities. Thoro is somo talk of., on ap
peal to the U. 3. Supreme Court.
Col. John W. Tibbetts, of Newport, Ky., for
merly a member of Congress, and who served,
gallantly In the Mexicin war, died suddenly on
the fith lust.
The light; of the great firo at Montreal was
seen distinctly at Burlington, Vt., a dietanee of
100 miles. ■
The U. 8. Senate, it is said, has rejected the
California-Indian treaty.
The man who was injured by a burst of ap
plauso, is recovering.
A. Vi. Rand, arrested at Boston, charged with
having in his possession somo of the stolen notes
of the Portsmouth (Vo.) Bank, arrived at Rich
mond, on Friday last, in chnrgo of two police of
. Geers. -
There wero 107 deaths in Washington city
during the month of June; 77 white and 30
colored—under five years of age, 07; died of
consnmption, 8; diarrhoea, 0 dysentery, 4.;
measles, 2..
The . celebrated Mrs. Mary Ann Clarke, who
more than forty years ago caused so mnch sensa
tion in England, in connection with the charges
brought in the House of Commons against the
lateDake of York, died-in Boulogne, June 21,
aged 74.
The second assessment of personal property
in Cincinnati city and county, gives a return of
upwaTds of thirteen millions and a half I
Birds or a Featheb, &c.—The loiter of Gen.
Scott, promising to come out for the Compromise
in case be was nominated, Which was smoked
oat 'of'Bolts', pocket at the whig Convention, was
addressed to William S. Archer, of Vo., who
made himself not only conspicuous, but .ridicu
lous a few years ago on account of his Native'
ism. ■■
As Eimon ConitECTm).—-Mr. Gentry, of Ten
nessee, who inn labored speech in the lower
House of Congress, declared himself opposed to
Gen. Scott, has come out in a card, in the Wash
ington Union, denying the statement in the Bal
timore Sun, to the cfiect that President Fill-
MOnn had offered him tbs Navy Department.—
He says it 6ns not offered him.
It is with unmingled satisfaction that we an
nounce the choice by the convention of Goo.
WINFIELD SCOTT as the Whig candidate for
tho Presidency. —Albany lire. Journal [whig)
June 21, 1852.
Thorcis a WEAKNESS in all he (Soott) sayß
or does nbont the Presidency.— Albany Eve.
Journal (whig) March 20, 1848.
Pauson Bsowblow on tub Wmn Ticket.—
Tho Knoxville,: Tcnn., Whig, announces the
nomination of Scott and Graham with the figure
of n runaway negro at the head of its columns-
The firßt vote since the nominations, was taken
on board the steamer John Hart, running be
tween Now York and Newport, N. J., result
Pierce and King, .....
'Scott and Graham,.........
Democratio majority, 43
Whigs who won’t vote for 5c0tt,...24
Ohio is on firo for Frank Pierce. The Now
Lisbon Patriot says “ wo have yet to hear of the
first democrat in Columbiana county who will
not givo Pierce his hearty and cordial support.”
Old Columbiana can easily give over one thou
eand majority when her Mood is up.
Anotuku Stbaw.—A vote on hoard tho steam
er Phantom, near Bosten, the other day, re
Pierce, 14
■Wcbstor ...* - iG
Scott, v 1
The Trenton True American says that there is
a Pierce Club in Newark composed aftwohan
dred and fifty original whigs ; and further, that
Hon. Willliam Wright, of Newark, formerly
a whig member of Congress, whig candidate for
Governor, one of the whig candidritos for Sena
tor, in 1851, &0., and the Hon. J. Brick, here
tofore a distinguished and influential whig of
the first district;—besides an innumerable quan
tity of less important men, have recently re
nounced whiggery.” .
Hear Wliat a Leading Whig Says,
Mr. Gentry, of Tennessee, who is acknowl
edged to be the ablest Whig in Congress, and
one of the strongest stump speakers in the West,
thus speaks of Gen. Bcott and the prospects of
his election. The Scott enthusiasm is certainly
“ How, although it Is due to. Gen. Scott to say
—as Ido believe to be true—that his military
career has beenmore brilliant than that of either
of those distinguished generals, or than that of
any other general since Washington’s day ; yet
it' is a fact that ought to be observed by those
who are cyphering np the sum of availability,
that somehow or Bomchow else—l will not un
dertake to explain arid define it—be has not, in
his personal charaoter, those attributes and
qualities ■ which makes the people love him as
they loved Jackson, Harrison and Taylor. They
admire' him as a military hero, but that is the:
beginniog and the end : The ideaofhis
availability will turn out to bo the greatest pos- :
■ Bible mißtnke. He will prove to be the woakest
man ever run for the Presidency. He will be.
more overwhelmingly defeated, in my opinion,
than any man who has ever been placed in that
position by any considerable political organiza
tion. Why is it that-the Whig party cannot
nationalize itself by ronning him for the Presi
dency ? Because of tho auspices under whioh
he has been made a candidate, and the course
he has thought proper to pursue."
“ My present impression is, that I shall deem:
it mors Consistent with my pride of character to
Btand aloof from the oontest. _ But if I thought
one man’s "vote, or one.msn’s influence were ne
cessaryto cast the vote of Tennessee for Pierce
and King, my voice and my vote shonld be given
to them Unhesitatingly. And any - gentleman
who dreams that any Southern State wil* oast
its vote for Gen. Scott in the next Presidential
election, dreams, in my opinion, a dream that
will never be realized.”
. “ Makb woy for a bindependent woter”- said
a man at a recant eleotion at New Orleans, "
“Why, my gpod man,” said the Clerk, “it is
not :an hour since yon deposited your vote at
this, very poll."
“I know it, IknowiV says the voter, “that
was the democratic ticket; but this ’ere is the
. ‘‘But if you Etrive to vote twice, I shall have
yon arrested.”
“Yon will; Witt you?" shouted the eon of the
sovereign' people; - “ then I eay if Fra denied
the, right of voting fCr the: whigs, after going
the whole ticket for the democrats, tiiere ain’t
no universal suffrage, that’s all. It’s a darned
oneeded business, take it all around.”
* :A
% '^ fiv -:‘'-\
* * '
* <■ ‘ r^cT' l > 'i- v
liefi tbeeyoangandgi»y t Mory,“>
... . ihe thorn was while; -' 1 i- - r .
. . I wcntupon ray Mary.--
i the world sekraed hnght;
J*or though my love had ne’er been l>>ld,v
Yet, yet laawiby form
' Beside me, in the midnight watch; •
Above me; lu the storm.
And many a blissful dream I had; ,
That broughlihy gentle smile
Justas ft came When last wc lcamed
the Church yard stile,
Tin here to seek thee now, Mary,
-•-As all. Hove thebest; ’
To fondly tell thee how, Mary, ,
I’ve Md thee l» my breasti-
I came to yield iheenp my heart, -
With hope,'fcnd truth, and joy,
And crowu with Manhood’s honest talih
The feelings of the boy,
I breathed thy name*hutevery pulse
(irew Biill and cold the while,
For I w&s-told thou wen asleep,
: the Church y ard Stile :
. Mv messmates deemed me btave. Mary,
‘ Upon the sinking ship;
But flowers o’er thy ship, Mary, .
.Have powers to blanch my up,
. I fell no ibrob of quailing fear,- . v
. Amid the wrecking surf.
But pale and weak ftremble here, . ..
Upon the oaiered turf.
I c ame to meet thy happy face, .
. Andwooihy gleesome smile,
. And only hnd thy resUßg’place the Church yard Stile*
Oh year* may pass away, Mary; .
And Sorrow loose Us sting, > .
ForTimels .he kind they say, Mary,
And flies with healing wing : .
The world may-make me old and wise.
And hope may have new birth,
And other loysund
• May link me to the earth ;
But Memory, living to the last, :
Shall treasure up thy smile,
That called me buck to find thy grave, -
Close to the Churchward Stile.
- Eliza. Cook,
SOCIATION.—This association of free colored peo
ple in New York, organized for the purpose of
promoting emigration to Liberia and the estab
lishment of the colored emigrants in agricultural
pursuits, is meeting with great encouragement
and success.. The association, is independent of
the Colonization Society, though co-operating
with it in the same field, and receiving from:the
latter its hearty sanction and support. President
Eoberts, of Liberia, has made a donation to the
Association of.six hundred acres of land, Bitna
tod on St Paul’s river, sixteen miles from Jlon
rovia; and Abraham CaUldwell, the agent of the
association, is making arrangements to purchase
a large tract lying adjacent thereto. The dona
tion of Governor Kabcrts has been surveyed and
laid ont in farms of ten acres each, fronting the
river, which is navigable: for vessels of a large
class, and affords great facilities for commerce.
The association has entered upon the work of
clearing and planting two acres of land and put
ting up a comfortable farm-house upon each
farm for the coming emigrants.
Jayne’s Carnißialive Ualsam, It i-» the .most prompt,
safe sml efficient remedy in the world. For salesit the.
.Jy9 . ■ No. 3S Filth street. .
rp* \Vancedr~-A few men of thorough business
-habits and good address, fora safe and retpeetable bust •
ness; It h o business that requires no capital but good
character, business habits andeuergy. To men with
the above qualifications a permanent hu»ines* and the
best of wages will be given. Apply or address Wo. 39
Southfield street, corner ofThlrd : [apr23:tf
*O-7* We ndviic you, if you have not already done
so, la go at once and procure a bottle of KIETt’S ROCK
OlL,and by so doing you will save a gre«t deal of suf
fering. There is no telling how soon you may need
Read the following letter
Dear Sit: I purchased a bottle of your \‘ Petroleum,”
from your Agents, Magoffin A M’Kcau, in this place, to
cure a burn, which I received accidentally-; and in lets
ih«n twenty-fourhoursit wss much belter; and Icm
now sh*e>tn wa)ka.round- without- the: assistance of a
cane i was so badly burned that my friends hud to
carry me home- . .
if you think the foregoing statement will be of any
use 10 you, you may make whatever use of it you see
W °" r " P T.«oirX a n. BRADFORD
To. S. M. Ktsa.
To be bad at all lUe principal Drugstores,. 'fjylOJffw.
Pi 8. Cleaver** *Frl*e Medal lloncy Soap**
jC/* The jcouiluued and increasing demand for the
above desirable article, unquestionably demonstrates
from actual experience* its superiority over all similar
preparations' !l has now. slocd the test of careful ex
amination, and the approval of the public for a period
of seven year#; and, under an unbounded patronage,
and unexampled circulation,ha*triumphantly survived
all Us rivals ic the art of imitation and imposture. Its
extensive merit, (realized by immediate use ) places u
roreuiositri the llsiof uM those toilet f*oup«, that by on.
overwrought perfamety, have found tbtir way to an
aiubisuous and lempoiary notorietyr
Por talc by J. KIDD Jt CO,, •
. ~ Cti Wood street.
Wholesale Agents for Pittsburgh and its vicinity.. Also,
for sale,uionDiipensiug Drugstores. fijlb ;
A Sure Reliance.
So certain ore the effects of Dr. M-Lane’sLiver
Pills in razes of disordered Liver, that they are regard*
edas the Specific for that complicated class of diseases
known as Hepatic. The patient has a medicine at hand
upon which he can always rely. All that is necessary
is to purchase anil use Vr.Ar Land's Liver Pills, to secure
a restoration te health. Bead this
Wiluss Township,Allegheny County, Pa.
J. Kidd & C\>,—Pleaso let rac have two boxes more
of Dr. M’Lane’s Liver- Pills. My -wife bos used two
boxes of the Doctor 1 ! Pills, and I assume you they have
done her more good than my lamily physician Las for
two years, during which time he was in regular attend*
once. These two boxes, I think, wijUffeci a cute*
For sale by raost Merchants and Druggists in town
and copulry, and by the sole Proprietor*,
J. KU)D It CO.,
60 Wood street. -
BRAZIL SUGAR—SQ baea prime White, for sale by
jyl 5 KING * MOOftUKAP.
N O. SUGAR—A prime. article, tn sure ana for
» sale by [jylSj KING & MuORUfIAD
CuFFKh.— A prime aruclc of tiio nan Java, lor s«te.
VINEGAR— *0 l>bls. Cider Vinegar in store And for
_ji»le b>'_ IjytSj KING A MOGKUKAP.
G~ RINDSTuNtS—A foi on ronsigrilndnU for sate bjP
jyJS y ■: j KING ds MOORnMAO.
i~lt»ASS—GOUoxea 7 by 9 Ula«M, m siure and .for Pile.
■JjKbFuffD'MINRKAIj WATER— In half Wfels,
r> always on hand and for sale by
llonse Molasses, in store and for sale by - .
jyis king & Moorhead:
New H^NRY—I3 boxes White, Clover, Honey in
the Comb, very handsome, just recM and for sate.
jy!s Grocers and Tea OeMen,S5G Libeity alreut.
U do Sarsaparilla, Pljic Apple,and Ginger do;
do Raspberry Vinegar; For sale by
W; A M’CLURG & CO. v
5". No. SCO Liberty street
Powdered; . Clarified;..
Criuhed; and JLoufj .. s.
In store and for sale by V v
_E< Books on Patricks &> Friend; ilill& Co., Hbon &
iiarßeut) a'Ad William Larimer, Jr. For sale by
6 * il. T. C. MORGAN,
jyts . . -. W0,.101.W00J street.
Burlington hkkking—
-20-boies G, P.MUcheH’s “ extra.”
•30 do■: ScotchHerrin* •
Received and for sale by Ji tjAVELY &CO j- '
Tea Dealers and Grocers,
205 Liberty street)
)v*s %
3do French do : V' .
100 Bine Apples. Just received and for sale by
J f.AVELY * CO,.
Tea Dealers and Grocers*.
Jyls . ~ .... . , 065 Liberty street.
jjßßfe, A good bQsinesstUndend Dwelliog,situate at,
Jim the corner of Wylie and Chatham streets i would
suiuaV a ConfectlonaovShoe, Dry Goods, of Grocery
Store. The Dwelling, h&s ultra rooms} store fixtures alt
complete.' Reiki•low*' Enquire at Esquire PARKIN*
SON’S, Perin street.FiflU Ward. liTlS:3t
JLand"Warrant* tost* ; .
T OST,bythe subscriber, da the route from Camber-.
I a land to Pittsburgh, a large Pocket Book, containing
three Land Warrants, 160 -acTea-eaeb, assigned to the.
aubseriberby R. J. HoUiday of Winchester, VaySsiO in
gold, and a #2O bill on Bank of Valley, YU., besides sev
eral memoranda, notes. Ac Any, person leaving the
Pocket Book with the editors ofJhe Forii-or forwarding
it lo the editor efthe Cleveland Plamdealtr. will fra lib
erally rewarded;. • . UylS) il> K. DAViS. .;
V of l feet on P«nnstreet, by IStt feet 10 Duqueane
Court. Also, ft lot of 20 feet on Fifth street, by V 25 feet
10 an alley. These properties are very desirable for le'
sidences, with business offices. :
'Also, ft property of 25 feet-on Liberty street, by 100,
situate above the Canal bridge, an excellent place lor
any business.: . • • , ■ ■■■■..
♦Bargains can be badln the above. Terras easy:
Alsoi several Farms iu various locations. AUo.'im*
proved lands,in lota to stilt purchasers.
tf.ij—No charge for information, only, whon your
bavedone your business go about your business, that
I iftby iuend to my busmess. •
y j3.CUTiIBF.RT, General Agent,
50 Smithfield street:
' urphaue’ Court Sale. '
BYVirtoeof so erderol the Of Phans* Conn ofAlls
ghenyCoanty, dated Jaly !3tb, 1852, Will be tx
posoo to Public Bull*, on THURSDAY, August lab,
1852* at 3 o’clock, P M„oivthepreautt9,al)4hos6TwW
CERTAIN LOTS OP GROUND, l4lon|lOg £"be m
tatc olUiB Join llßlUjdecßaaed,. being marScaaild
? u P oP 8 S lO Pl»" of low laid out
by WilUaro Bell, Hichari Edwards and George Dreed,
10 the of ;Birmingbani, Bounty of Allegheny,
Pennsylvania; and bounded on the north by lot No; M.
-in aald plant on the east by Orinaby street; on the sonth ■
by lot No.4o;andon ihe tceit byan alley 22 fee l 2l
inches_ wide. Containing in froni.onOrmsby streei,
each2l feet,andin depth same, width 110 feet. On which
are erected two goodiwo story Brick Dwelling Homes,
containing font rotunseaek.
Title indisputable. Terms of sale CASH.
JAMES BARB, Administrator, .
jyls;4tw Estate of John Hollfjdec’d.
• r ‘i t -
V«- ' ‘ ' ' i . '' , >
s 'Of ’ » ' , r I '* I * ' % , ,
*S&* ’s*l- % *’V ' " . , , *
■■i '>*•: . J! t ;•
■ > -
.‘A TUlag of Ucmkf *• ft Joy Forever.*’
|D* Why Will people endue pimples on the *«hnrann |
face 4llvinc»”:pr eioptionftof fttty kind* when it is a fact I
so well known, that J)r. Quint's .Yellow Dock «mf I
Saiiap& Ti tt a i cleanses the skin, from-#U impurity- re
moving Pimple*, Sores and Bloiehw, leaving the affect
ed p&itft as iieabliy, smooth,and soft -as the..flesh of a
hiihe It is really priceless to those that wish the rosy
'beamy of childhood.
It causes all sores and poisonous Wounds to discharge
aUinfecied matter, and eradicates every Irapuniy from
the system. , _ , ~ . .
It does its work mildly* buleffeclually, giving consrU
(jus beauty and blooming health, iu the place of ugli
ness and soul-sickening disease. • • _ . ••• •
■ See adverusemeru in anothercolumn. ijyu.UA.w.
: ter BLA.CKTRA.-For the l>c»l Onlone Tou in Pm«-
burgh. at Oflo. tr B)., go to the PekmTeaSionv3B Firth
street, where the very , best Black.and Green Teas can
always be had. . . !)>“ .
11. A III*)
(strccsssoa ov. o av;biddlb,,
m)3:vl No. m SmltbfULt street.
Vs A» O. 0.
U7* Meets above thc G’Beilty Telegraph Office, cor
ner or Third and Wood streets, every Monday evening,
|J7" Angerona Lodge, L O. of O* F.**The
Angerooa Lodge. No. ifcO.l.O.of O. F.y;meets every
Wednesdayevenlng m Washington flail,Wood street.
C7L O. Of 0* Fr—PlaceolMeetlngjWßshtngton
Hall, Wood street,between fltb.and Virgin Alley.
PiiTflBUBoH Looea, No.-330—-Meets every Tuesday
MsacftitriLaSncAMPuatfT,No.S7—Meetstst end3d
Friday rgeach month. *nar2s—ly
' Cbntnberlln’a Commercial College, cor
ner of Mnrket and Third streets* Dook'keeping r Pen
maiifthip and Mercantile Computation . taught from fl
A. M<toloP'.:M- Persons desiring ihojoughtnstruction
In any of the above named branches, are requested to
call and learn the particulars. -
Ladies meet fromU to 5 P. M. ■ . |j>7
No. J5l Third sTBSFr,
. |£7* A few doors above Southfield street."/ Office lip
sibiis. Dr. F. has ocen connected .-with,the esmblisU
ratuit of Dr; Hullihcn, of Wlicehng, for the last , five
yeatfi, tapr£9:Cm :
Collecting, Dill Pooling* 6c>
10* Atteiidsio Collecting; BULPosiing, Distributing
Card* and Circulars for Parlies, Ac., ftc.
Or Jets left unite Office of the Morning Post, or
al Holqies I'eTfodjcalStore,Third at.* will he promptly
attended 0). , • (my2l:iy ••
. Of ilartford, Conn* ■. -.■
C&pllalStock 49300,000
Aasets -w.........,.;489,173
. Office of t|ie Pittsburgh Agency in the Store Room
of M’Curdy & Loomis, N 0,69 Wood street.
nov4:tf R. If. BEESON, Agent.
Ladles* ciasi»«>DaiPi Colltffe* .
.DRAWING* under Mr. J.ii. WILLIAMS, and Mr.F.
SLaTAPKR, amkm allibe higher branches of an Kn*
glish and Ciastical Education, under Mr. P. lIaYDEN.
Two spacious room* h<ive recently been elegantly fined
np for their special accommodation. Call and see the
airangemenu. |aprs
10” J. C. Asdsbson And Minas Tindle have this day '
.entered into partnership, under the .firm and style of J. 1
C. ANDERSON & CO, in the Wholesal- Fruit and
Coufectionary business, at No.O Wood slices I’l.ts*
Having disposed of my entire Interest in ihe Wlioto*
sale Fruit and Confectionary business to Messrs. J C.
Anderson & C0.,1 take pleasure in recommending them
to my former friends and customers; and hope for a
continuation of the liberal patronage bestowed on me.:.
Kelson’sDaguerreotypes, 1
v Post Office Buildings, Thtr& SiretU
T. IKENESSES taken Infill weathers, fromB A.AI. to
JLi A Pv-M., giving an accurate artistic and animate
likeness, unlike and vastly-superior to tho 4*com
mon cheap daguerreotypes. ** nt the following cheap
prices:—3l,so, $5,00 and upward, ac
eordingto tue size and quality of case orfratne.
fp*}foar» for children, Rom H A. M. to 2 p. M.v
N.. 8 Likenesses of sick or diseased persona taken
in any part of the city.. lnov2s:ly
Msscbs, June 4» ISK
- • 1 ' ; ..LS-Vv--’
ILr'DEAENESS.uoiBes iiufaeliead f atid all disagree*
able discharges from the ear»speedily:.aud.perninnemiy
removed wubnutpam or Dr. HART
LEY*Princjpal Aurist of the N. Y; Ear Surgery, who
may be consulted atyU AKCH street, Philadelphia, from
9t03o f clock.
-. Thirteen yearaclose and almost undivided attention
tolhis branch of special practice has enabled blm to
reducehis treatment to-such a degree of success as to
find the mostcon&rrnedand obstinate cases yield by a
teady attention to the means prescribed. • - [aufti
Cur toln Trimming* of Every Description
|o* Furniture Flushes, Urocatelles. Ac., Lace and
Muslin Curtains; N-.Y. Fainted Window Shades,
Gilt Cornices, Curtain Fins, Bands, Ac. Ac.,
.. At. Wuolsiulb and Karan.
W. H. CARRYL,IH9 Chestnut Sj., cor. Fifth,
{o* Curtains Made and Trimmed tn t As Ntwut French
Style. l»*r*A>:ly*
Designed only for the safer classes of property,has on
ample capital,and adonis superior Advantages in point
of cheapness, safety and accommodation, ,to City and
Country Merchants and owners of Dwelling*-and tsola
ted or Country Property. • ■ . •
novlS Branch Office, 54 SmithfieM &t M Pittsburgh;..
Associated Firemen’s lasunnes Comps*
ay of the City orpitubnrght - :
W. W. DALLAS, Preset.—ROßEßT FINNEY, Sec’y.
10* WiU insure against FIRE and MARINE RISKS
Ofail kinds. ; .>
Qffltt in Alanongahela IlcuSt, Nos. 124 and 125 WaUril.
■ uißtcTOSa:
W.W. Dallas, John Anderson,.
U.C.Sawyer, ■ R.B.Simpson, „.
Win. M. Edgar, H. B. Wilkins,
• RobertFinuey, v : Chnrles.Kcm, -•-
William Gorman, . William Colimgwood,
■■■..- A.P.Anshntz, . JosephKnye,
William D. Wrighier. :[ja9
Improved Sboutaer Bracca, ',
flyLadice. Gentlemen's, Misses and 11-ys Shoulder.
Braces—a large lot received, of the most improved.and
fashionable kind, intended to relieve fctoopeti.sbouldcrß,
wealf back, leaning forward, &c.v-These': Shoulder
Brakes are an article of great value,and aro vastly.fQ*
perior to most articles of the.kind-in. uw. Tim gemle
men'a Brace answers the parposegf suspenders,a« well
at Shoulder Braces, and ata very ■ little' above the price
of *u*penders.
f or sale at i)r. KEVSER'S Drug Store, N 0.140 corner
of Wood suret and y»rgi».alley. {je6:dAW’
s iuit f lHlwtm Wood and Smiitrfield
fcDCumiimcnt,No.*2,ineeiBlstaiid3dTtteBdftysof each
month. -t.■..v
FiUsburgh I)egreeLm)gQ<No.4,i&eels2d&n(f4thTues
.days/- .. ■
Mecbanlcfi’f.odge, N 0.9,.9, meelsevery Thursday even
fvestern Star Lodge, No 24 j meets every Wednesday
Iron City Lodge, No. ltS2,.meetaevery Monday ev’ng.
Mount Moriah Lodge, No. tiGO. mecu every Monday
ivening,at Union Hall, corner or Fifth and SmlmGeld.
Zocco Lodge, No. 335, meets every Thursday evening,
it their llali, corner of smitbfiold and Fifth aireets.
• TwinCuy Lodge, NosiMLoieetsevery Fndayeven
tng. Hall.cornerof Leacock luidSanduakydirects,Al*
leghenyCity. lmay29:ly'
Insurance Company of Pittsburgh;
C. O. HUSSEY; President.
SAMUKLt..MARSIIEt.U Secretory.
;•■ between Market and Wood stuck,
-■ Inioru Hull and Cargo Rig fee,
On-the-Ohio and Mississippi Rivers and tributaries.
. INSURES against Loss or Damage by Fire .
ALSO-: Against Uio Peril# of the Sea, ami Inland
Navigation and Transportation.
PtttßburfftL Life iMaranet Company.
OF P2TTSBVHGH, P£m'A. x ;' f
CAPITAL 9100,000*
President—JaraeiS.Moon; ;
: Vice President— Samuel M’Clurknn.
Treasurer—JoscpteS. Leech. -
Opticb, NOrSfi FiPfH STtt«T,iK Masonic Buantwo.
lO* This Company; makes every Insurance appeir
mining 10 or cohpeeted with Life Risks. •
Mmuatrates are ihtr same as those adopted by other
safely conducted Companies.
Joint Stock Rates at a redaction ef ope-thlrd from the
Mutual rates—equal, to a dividend of thirty-three and
one-third per cent., paid annually in advance • '
■' |««ks taken on the lives of persona going t^CaJifoT*
The ibna . Stagei of Goniamption*
. SYRIACUMi-HBlaei Pick and YeU
tow Wrappers. Eachbottledesighedto meet one of the
three different stage* of Pulmonary Consumption.
"It is but very short timetfnce'ibeimrodtfciion of
this remedy into- the city an«i-already
some important cures can be. referred to; The wire of
. & man in an adjoining' township, who baa labored, un
der all the bad symptoms of thesecond stage, has been
restored tohealth and usefulness Another case, of a
man in Allegheny city* whom his physicians bad aban
doned,as in ahopeless condition* has, by jhe.usc of six
bottles, taken, to' conjunction with Cod Liver Oit, been
restored to health,and Ins withered.&atne covered-with
new and healthy flesb Let Consumption look, to this!
free .distribution at the AgejiU.;
Ffoi £mx«.—Cough* pain in the. breast, side, head,
back; Joint* and limb*, inflammation, soreness, and*
tickling in me throat/fever. difficult and quick breathe
inzJexvtctoTisdondiffiiultt rhgk* »
■ Stamd State —Coatm;pea«, .ptumodte coogb,violent
fever, night, momins; anil mid-day eweau, hectic Both
in t tie fnMendctoeke, auminghcat in Urn p.lnuof the
hands end eolee ef Jihe...feel, cxptcivtatwn eaJYi eepfout
And *t'«*fd with M«d., - ' •
yiiri fioge.—Diairhma, diminished fever, coni;n,and
niorni eg eweata, greet and ino waflngdehlUty.treSheht ■
fainting fits, sligfttdeliriuin, and awetilngexiremltfe. -
tail Brag Bwre,No,l4o corner cf Wood street and ViN'
tfmlloj. - Uefcdsw,
: ;.v.
\. V lJ
t , ’
; * -"V, - ,
~V--' V "'’"'
1111 If p p P'P
CG. Hussey, , VVm Larimer, Jr.,
William Bagaley* SamUM.Kler,;
Hugh D. King, William. Bingham*
Rouen Dunlap, Jr., ■■•••: -. D.Dehaven, . •
S.Harbaugh, .. *■Francis Seilers, ,
Edward Jieazteion, J.Schoonmaker.
Walter Bryant, > Samuel Rea
- Isaac M.Pennock.
JameaS. Iloon, , Joseph. S. Leech,
Cliatles A. Co ion, SamttclM’Cliirknn,
William Fbitllp., John A. Wilson,
mart]:6m John Scott. •.
"" ' "'” v " : ’
r ?*r ' r ",
I - f‘ * • r *F- t
,* -
f . ' *■
- -a******:
A PAINTING by l?ii, AniMibesnogtoeappyeiUlOi
A :!« now e»tiiUii«K »l PHILO HALL. .
. Ticket* 25 eenM.. Each ticket »draiMH>B 'k® P'R®®**'
cn) 10 Visit the painung at often ns. they raay..wiso. .....
»I 4 Iw
Runkal'd Nightingale EGiloplati Opara
Troapa I
Organiztilin: in 184&.* ■. r
■\\riUa commence on Monday evening, Jnljr.lOth, anJ
| v? continue oue Wfek oaly—lnuodociag each eve
ning new-aad pleating Novelties, portiaylng-alt the
| Dancef,and Burlesques v
I Each evening an enure change of prograraroN; '
1,... Admission tiocent*.' Front seats' reserved for ladies,
j and gcmleinen Brcoropanying dicm. '
f: Drtoraopcn at Vi o’clock ; <ntenammcnt to commence
}-at a quAricr put b o’clock
[ jy*< JOHN T. FORD, Agent.
ci g? <
jjSfe 'Bfe
..... -s ... .:. .. ~'ll ..
Tickew ihroagb Tolsbo; Deiboit.
' • CHICACOk AilLWAmtlEf i»OLUHRTO,VA**» :
The new andfast tanning; stenmetf FOREST CITY
■leaves Monongabela wbartiioovof Matkeiliircei, cveiy
i morning* (Swidaya excepted) av.B o’clock'-coiineeUng
l at WelfiviUe with the Expreai TrnJn ol the Cleveland
I nUd-Piltsburgb Railroad, leaivlQg\Veil*vlile ai laas p.-
Mv ond : AftWjt\a at Cleveland at ,4b .minntea past S
o'clock. P. M-» AndoonnccUhg.wiin Steamboat for To* ■
ledo. Detroit, Chicago. Milwaukte, Buffalo, aod.ounklrk. .
[ . Possengeißicave I’ltubargli In the motnlngaud lake
4ea next evening In Chlengo. v „ ‘
I -Passengers going to Cleveland vm.Ohlo ana Pennsyl*
I void* Railroad, nte.pttt out at Aifiance.lby tbeS3l> A.
1 M.Traim) ®M o’clot k, and(by 11 o’clock, A M.
I Train,) ui 5,45. V; M. where they have to wall till 3 ov.
| clock, P» M: for. the-Express Train from AVtillaviile,
I which takes them, on to Cleveland, arriving at same:
! line, and ui came tram of Cars as those who go byway
t of WclUv.lle.
I Baggage cheeked through from Pittsburgh to Cieve-
I land, on board the Steamer Forest City..
I For Tickets, apply to JOHN A. CAUGHBV,
| -,
I Office Ja Monongnhela House, Water street, ibid door
1 from corner oi iSuiithfield. • . ■:r
the Ohio and Penrta. Bailroad to Alll*
tLiice.and tlieClevrlaud-snd Pittsburgh. Railroad from
Adionee to Cleveland, the fare Is >4 00. v. JyS :
ptnnftyjvanu tivllroaa Emlgrtfii :
YJSrE are now forwarding passenger* to Philadelphia.
YV and intermediate points;' by the above line. Time 1
throach, three days; Fare .tfcSte only 70 mllss canaV.'•
■:._mySr CQVOPB& ORAIIAM, Agents.
Pennsylvania Railroad Company.
TffE prepared loredeipl for produce, Ac.,ro'
YV Philadelphia, immediately;;- Time five daps; ■ •
... BATE 3 0F FEBl6irr ON r .
Bacon; Lord, Poik,Beef, Lard Oil,' Ac.; SO cents per
100 pounds .
Candles. Cheese. Colton, Earthenware; l<ealfcer;Leaf*
Tobacco add; Window Glass, COcents per.loopounds.
Beeswax, Bred Fruit, WoolBocts.<*looltJs.;Flottr
-67i cis.^bbl^Biisilcs.Clover aadTimoiby Seeds, Deer
Skins, fleihp and Flax,* 50 writs per 100 pound#; : - '
Feathers, Furs:ar,<T Peltry, Brooms aud Mei*
chaiidizCt^OMerits : .' .
„ . Const Basm; Phuburch. -
v R, H HOUSTON) Agent, „
07G Market street) Philadelphia.
Sommer Arrangement--Fare Reduced.
Two dally I'nlu Vnm OPltubtargb to
; Philadelphia and Uaitlinorc*
Only 25 hours throueh iff. either flaee t boih TYains
connecting, at Hajrisbutg with . SWrfn* fni Baltimore!
FARE 810
/“IN and after Thursday, Joly lfilh, the .Express Moil
v/ Traln..will leave i&eDepoion Liberty street, above
the Canal Bridge.every.iiiornlnvatfi o’clock...
: .-Paßsengerewillgoby-ihecafa OOratlestoßodebangh’s,
(near iGreeh«burg ) 'wfiM&. theywill find the best of
Coaches m-readiness tocoavey themtO miles,over b
first riteplarik and turnpike road to Beatty’s station:
(condnetora accompany. <aeh : train-of Coaches), and
then take the car) loHollidaysbarg; and then take the
splendid sleeping cars direct to Philadelphia and Belli*
: Passengers for Baltimore take the ears of the York and
.CambeTfendßaUtoadatltarrisbQrgh. v >
Passengers who wish to avoid night travel, can lodge
overnight at flollidaysbUTg, and resame their seats next
mornlnglnihep o’clock tralo,nnd arrive in Philadelphia
or Baltimore the same evening; F
The Evening- Train will loave daily at o*3o, P.:M*» ar
rivingat Philadelphia ncxievening.. * • •.
We give ihroagb tickets u> Bedford} via Hollidays* ;
burg, lor $7 25.
-Baggage checked thrpnghto Philadelphia. v
: Paasengersare atno expense moviogbeggageou this
line. . • v.
The Accommodation Train willleav-5 dailyaliXSOP.
M.,aml arrive at Rodebaugh’s, (near Green»bnrg,l at 8
P. M. Beinrning, ibe. Trains will leave ttodebaugh’s aa
follows: The AccontmadeitofiTrainwill leave at 630
A. M , nrriv]nx;in Pittaburgh oi 8 A- ftl; First Through*.
Train at 330 IVM, arriving ai5lV:Mj Second Through:
Tra n ot 10.35 P< M , arriving at t 2 P. M« /
Fare from Pittsburgh. to JRast Liberty 10 cents; to
Wtlkinsburg 30 cents ;to TunlcCieekSQ cents ;;to Ho
debaugh’swJ cents. - . • • '
• Passengers will pro'cqre their tickets ,at the Railroad
Office in the ..Monongubela House, Water Street,or at
the Depot Office,Liberty street.
case of losa, the. Company will hold
; themselves responsible for'personal baggage only end
i for ari amount iiiu exceeding 8150.. -
I jy!4 ; J. HESKISTRN. TlcbetAg’i P. R. R. Co.
Stocks foksau£—
lUUeharea Iron City Copper Stock;
.■ 2;do AUesbeny Savings Bank $
20. do Bracibjck’s fr'ielaPlankKoadv
so,oooSandy and Heaver Canal Bonds. -By'/ /
iy 14 AUSTIN LOOMIS, 0* Fourth st.
“pßTßKiiiar hovb&l
Cl PATRICK ASON;: Proprietors. This* Hotite
/« baa undergone thorough and extensive repairs;
alterations, ondiargeadditions ofvNeruParaitdjre,-Ac.>
and the proprietors pledge theuiselveathiUioibißgsbaU
be wanting on their parl to " render -the FRANKLIN, a
>hice where ail the comforts; of & first' Class Hotel can
be found; . Uyl4:tf] C. PATRICK .fe SON. 1
Cash Ratnai Fire lnauranee Company*
/CAPITAL, sloo,ooo.—The undeTsfgned is ilie
\j Agent of the above Company for Allegheny coaniy,
and is prepared to take risk* on as favorable terras as
any responsible: Company ,in .- the Slate. All losses
promptfr~pald in sixty days afterproof of the same
Also, Agent far the Keystone Life insurance Company,
of ilamsburg, Vennsylvama- .
ftew (9oolc»
,'%/r.ASSAYS IN OK CtVLD GrtOUND. A new Elht
iXl opian MeJody, by $ C. Foster: -
Oh, How l Love -my JWouoiaiQ Home,” a new and
beautiful D&eit, as sung',by thcAtleghaut&ns:
! Where can ibeSoul bad Uesi—assungby the Baker
Family » -
1 .-The Happy Family . i t . t
* 1 he.Cailjr polka,: .The Collage. .■■=
:Pcarbi uloncbe Alnen :
; Vinraa Dale—an BimopianMelodyv -
Laura Lec~by S. C Foster. :
i : 1. Forgot the Gay: World. ; . ; i : ■
I. There's fc Good TuneComingv ■•••■'/:. : ’
i . Garland JL*olkdr..v Recelved.andfor sale by
I jy!2_ JOHN iL bIHLLOR r 61 Wood at
7. c. twigbsli. a co.*s
lonn ysr. : tmcntty** ■ jo»Krtt umbidoe*
TwtclseU&Jaoßriiise. (
Corn** <iT Coi/unmtai and Pitw iirtefe/ •*
TItTILL promptly attend to alt consign menu and Com*
y¥ missions entrusted to tbemv&ntfwiU make liberal
cash advances on conslgwnentror Bills of Ladinvm
hand;- *
• Orders-tor .the. jmrduJe of Lead, Grain»Tlnni> and
.other Produce, wilt Ife promptly filled at the lowestboa.
sible prices, and on the best terms; . - *
" They will also undertake the settlement and ‘collec
tion of claims of importance; and hope,-by their esoe*
cialpersonal effortsand sliodUou to mttne Interest/of
their friends* to give general satisfaction;
E'J?B<tCTC£S v
Geo.Collier*;. St t Lotus; KlliaAaionon,Cincinnati:
Page & Bacon do Sltader AOormart jo ’
Chariesa, Blow ACo>• do Ilozea A Fituer, 'do
Ctouieatt A Valle, «lo -vpringerA
D. Leech A Co., VVtUtan Holmes ft Co.. J. W; Bmler
A: Bro*. Pittsburgh; Morgan; i M. Back A Monran.
Philadelphiaf Shields A ftliiler, Philadelphia; ir nT
• Newcomb A Bro.vand Wv-U. Reynolds; Lotitsvilia -
T.O TWICHELL* CO, New Orleans ‘
rpHIS long eslabliihed Mouse eonCno their attention
lp ?, a !*? ‘‘H<'P>»'eh«»e3 on CoranUsaion, anl
to the Forwarding business generally. /'?■■■
-Tlrey solicit, a comliioance of the liberal patronage
heretofore glveu them, * “
January)*. I*SL _ fmar4:bfrm
nr i» a ®L ,KE Vaoor SAkEat -• ••
mTiProflfif tilsitj>titoT(luaUty6fMiisra.£urke&'
Stmts* Ce timed Fttg Pro# 80/a.
fTITK character of these «AFIS3, n St Louis, was
x , A 0 **iablnhed,tbav any.fimber test or
proof of the fact of their beingr sapenor to all oiheis.
would have beertonneoessarvi but, in order to accom
modate Mr Had,the rotemeo and maksrof«Hall’s
PalentConcrste Safes,” which boa burutup nU other
maker* ofany note in the United Stater, (Wilder’s pat
ent included,L we tookup lit a ch&Ueuge, and the result
is given below,'by. the; Committee, who ♦ uperlntended -
the burning of the Pares/’ We . only krgretihii they
were not leftli* the fife two boors longer. •. -
TUe-Safc which we tested is to be seen at oar stdfe
and we inviie ihejmbhc tocaJl and examlne ii. u W J
are coofidentno oao. will ever- doubt thetr fiie nroof
Saahtles, after having"seen ine specimen which
lrPngh the fiery ordeal on the lath ult« -' v ' SWI
r . „ »»• VIOLETT A CO.
.Sole Agents for ; the Alanufacturers* Np* J 3 Levee aim
No. 20 Commercial street. cvte » ™
Mes*r§;.iLlt.Yioleit ACo.jtuageut*of Mes'«ri*<«»pW
* Barnes, of Puubarah, to ten theiiteprooi
tire Bares, made by ibeir respective piinemafi!?re£m
that we have this day subjected a Bafr ? ofiSJr«Kh '
facore, of similar s%, which Ud been
diffaranJ n m*.kl 11 \ af€ *»and the only perceptible
the ™^i.h m^ h .V ap f )earBn “ of'>l*o interior, was, that:
Saa eMiiS., n V*? wo ? d 'wort of BarkeAßarnesWe
Jv i. C S2i? * “"tolared, while Oil that or Bali, Dodd A
WiatoreU aad. blacteoedv Id cottoletiio,
JSl?2r?. ,e , nu, ' lc > u >»* <■«“-»« resalt of tiia ten, we
nave aobeaitauon ia recommeadirig the-Baft* at ooib
parties to tbe eon£jeaco of the nitme.
iv^Sulrenia,JunelOih. 1832. ‘
„TbU cenifioale, it vvlil be teen, tbotva the Pittabhrab
Safes of Ueaara.Barke A Banrea Msawtau, kMo,«
lAe/enure the Sqf. lint hat bum t<p WA
u glory gam tsoagbilt wili.
bofoandt fbrßitrksABarac% *UiV
v-’i,/.;■«#’'<•'.•*•.■■•<" "•■•■ ■->. ■•■••.■; -■ 'j r, K >v- : .. •
•S • *• '—" .'L'--:--'■■•'■-'• ••'■•. '■ ••’- •
r 1 .« " _
•* r *,,v»