The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, June 12, 1852, Image 3

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SATURDAY MOBKB?OI::::-""=" ::::::JUNE 12 -:
A large number of the Democracy were gath
ored together in the spaoious grounds intho rear
of the American Hotel, laatevoning; on the occa
sion of the Ratification meeting.
Mr. Fleming, on, behalf of the■- Committee of
Arrangements, reported the following officers.
—R. Biddleßobeets, Esq.
yice President.— Col, Henry M’Cullough, James I
Taylor, Thomas Blackmore, Jaß Cooper, AndrewJ
Barclay, Martin Lytle, R; H; Patterson, John M. I
Irwin, Wm; Alexander,- John-M, Baris, Edward i
Thompson, Perry Eater, James A. Gibson, J. D. i
F.- White, Br. Wemeberg, J. A. Ackerman, Thos.-
Edwards,; Thomas Weel, J; A. Both, Enoch Allen,
James Cunningham, Jos. C. Kichcy, Geo. Wilson,
Andrew Scott, C. A. MlAnulty, Andrew Hunker,
Robt. Thompson. •
Secretaries. —Lyndo Eliot, Thos. - Phillips,
James-P. Barr, L. B. Patterson, Jas. Blackmore,
J. G. Backofen. •
After the reading, of the tist of officers, P. C.
Shannon, Esq., moved that a committee of twen
ty bo appointed to prepare resolutions for tho
consideration'of the meeting. - .
The Chair-appointed the committee, of which
Mr. Shannon was named as chairman.
In tho absence of the chairman, Wm. J. Rose,
Esq., addressed the meeting in au eloquent man
ner, in favor of the nominees of the Baltimore
Convention. He pledged himself to support,
with all his ability, Preacß and Wtt-
LIAM R. KlXll.
Sir. SnAxsos, on behalf of the committee, re
ported tho following scries of resolutions:
Resolved, That (is a portion of the Democratic
citmus of Pennsylvania—a State tholtm the ro
cenCTfational Convention presented to tho Union
one of tho prominent candidates for the Presi
dency—after fWI. consideration of the proceed
ings of that Convention and examination into the
principles adopted as a platform by that body,
wo feel actuated by onr sense of duty, and by
- every consideration of devotion to tho Ropubli-1
can Tcnown of our gloribus Commonwealth, to
endorse not merely the resolutions but also the
nominees of the Baltimore Convention;
Resolved, That with, a political faith that
knows no'scepticism, with a love of onr country
and of the Union which has never and shall never
admit of any diminution —with a steadfast and
unwavering courage and earnestness which can
not be weakened by reverses or slights, we will i
harmoniously and fraternally, as of old, press on
tho advancing column of Democratic Republican
Truth, until victory shall oneo more perch upon
onr banners, and the American; Union shall be
come as firm and stable ns the Granite Hills be
neath whoso shadows onr presidential candidate
was born and reared;
Resolved, That to all the principles embodied in
the Baltimore Platform wo give on assent,which is
the result, not of hasty thought, but or careful re
flection and deliberation,.based upon a know
ledge of the history, institutions and progress
of the country; and to thoso principles wo give
and renew every manly and solemn allegiance
which freemen can honorably give.
Resolved, Thae the* delegates of the late Na
- tional Convention deserve the thanks of the par
ty throughput the republic, for this, that amidst
tho clashing of adverse sectional claims, the de
sire to reward distinguished merit and services,
-and the Zeal and devotion of adherents. to par
ticular favorites, likely tomninto acrimony and
• strife;' —they did not forget tho great interests
.of the country and the. success of the cause,
.but wisely disbanded the heated ranks of per
sonal favoritcisru, and by tho nomination of Gon.
Franklin Pierce of-New Hampshire, and Win;-
iR; King, of Alabama, placed the Democracy of
the Union far beyond the possible reach of tho
• defeat and disgrace which might otherwise have
•overwhelmed them.
Resolved, That to the delegates from onr own
county, and to the whole Pennsylvania delega-j
tion, ;who straggled so gallantly to secure tho
nomination of Pennsylvania's eminent and dis
tinguished son, James Buchanan, wo extend tho
thankß and approbation which their conduct and
bearing; through a long and exciting struggle,
• so well deserve; and especially do we thank
them for the last and crowning act, which left
the Keystone State still to occupy her proud po
sition, and her ancient reputation for magnanim
ity and unselfish devotion to the Dcmocralib
party. One of the greatest of tho States, and
perhaps the least favored, still she is always, in
benrt. true and steadfast to Democracy, and to
Resolved, That we recommend a speedy anj
thorough Organization: of tho party in this coun
ty. Wo ask tho yonng and ' the old—all who
claim to be Democrats, and glory in the name—
ns well thoso who sustained Jcfierson, Madison,
Monroe and Jackson, ns those who have new
voles to give and ;fresh offerings to make—to
arouse for the contest, and, aware of the vast
importance of the principles at stake, to rally as
■a band of brothers, one in heart and in mind,
•with zeal, earnestness and courage, around, the
;standnrd of Picrco npd King. - -
Tho resolutions were unanimously adopted by
tie meeting.
After whicli/SAirrEi. Fi-esung, Esq.,addressed
■’the meeting; His remarks were received with
much applause. ■
Col.i Samuel W. Blace was lewdly called for,
and- hiß appearance on the stand, greeted with
- enthusiastic cheering. CoU B. stated that ho
' was badly indisposed, and it was with difficulty
he addressed them, but ho would endeavor to say
a few words in favor of our nominees, Prance i
■ and Kraa; General PinnoE was a man who had i
not thrust himself forward on the country, but
had rather kept back—his neighbors and friends
had pushed him forward, but he clung to private'
life. When thewar broke out, however, heen.
listed bb a volunteer —learned the manual as a
private soldier, in order that be might servo his
country. He was .afterwards chosen Colonel of
ono of the ten regiments, nnd President Folk
seeing the man he was, him Brigadier
General. Gen. Pieroo hurried to tho sent of war
he was not there in time, liowovor, to partici
pate in tho capture of Vera Crnz, and ho set out
with his brigade for the scat of operations.
Von coaid’ have do idea of tho ground over
which the American flag was ■ carried. Ho was
not thero at the timo of the action, but visited it
afterwards, and consequently could describe it
without danger of fault being found; The Tough
ness of the ground was such that scarcely a goat
could pass overit: Ontha night of tho lflth.of
August, Pierce arrived .there, and amidst tho
storm of rain, went through it to attack Valen
cia, withont'artillcry or dragoons. Gen. Smith,
a Pennsylvanian: born,; commnudcdthe division,
Gen. Cadwallnder, a Pennsylvanian,, commanded
a brigade, Gen/Biloy; who married a Pennsyl
vania wife, commanded a brigade, as also did
Frakklix Pieece, of New. Hampshire. Woll,
these men, withtheir commands, whipped the
Mexicans, before they had swallowed their gin
. cocktails or their breakfasts, in: the morning, in
just seventeen minntes.
We did not ctaim onreandidato to be the great
est soldier, bnt he was treated oontemptoualy
because he did not possesasupreme command.—
We claimed for him that merit, which he was
entitled to by his good actions. General Pieuce
had left the comforts of ahomo, left his wife and
family', and all ho had. Did General Score do
more? Vet Bisect: wa3 treated with contempt
because he did not unite all the power in his j
nefcWiP Were’ the private soldiers to be treated I
With contempt because they did not unite power ■
witlxthcirOtherfinalities. WaspoorSAjiSEWnu,,,
U 4 Iny on the field of battle, covered with
Wo uud S , any worse he wos a private sol-
M was dOH.v GitcnnisT, of Westmoreland
their mothewieei tfi* loss if these young men as
much, because they wore B ? )die , rB ;, o
Gen. Pieuce fought gallahlly through thebat•
do of GoStreras'/ ono Of tha ooatestad »
Mexico; and twards t£e close, his horse fell,
and crashed his body 'with his weight—but he
went through the battle'. At Churabnsco Pierce’s
brigade weat into the action; and after the hard
est of the battle was over, General Piekoe fainted
from the injuries he received; and yet the Whigs
took occasion to. reproach-him for that.
We claim nothing for Gen. Pierce as a soldier,
but what he has- vron by hia bravery. No one
conld point-to an instance where he has not be-,
haved as .a man, a patriot, and a soldier. The
Convention had-nominated him because he pos
sessed this qualification. The delegates went
through 48 ballots, and fought a manly fight for
their.individual preferences; but .when that.was
over, they stood firm as friends in the gloriouß
Cause; Col. Black’s remarks were received with
great applauso,iand wo are sorry that the-late
ness of the hour compels us to omit.;the latter
part of the speech entirely, and give our readers
the above short synopsis of the first part.
Judgo Siuleb followed in a most eloquent
gpeocb, The Judge.wasvery severe upon Wliig
gery, FOgyism, etc.
R. Biddle Roberts, mado the concluding
speech, in his usual happy style.
A motion was made to appoint a Committee of
twenty to moke preparations for a grand festival
on the fifth of July—which was passed unani
mously. .. ■
The meeting: then adjournrd, with six cheers
for Pierce and Kino.
■ Arrcstof Mail Robbers. —We Baw a telegraphic
despatch, yesterday, from Mr.-Soott, superin
tendent of the western division of the Pennsyl
vania railroad, which stated that threo brothers
were arrested on Thursday evening in Greens
burgb, one of whom had in his possession about
$15,000 in money and drafts, supposed to.have
been taken from the mails. This will ease the
minds of our moneyed men who had investments
in the mail of tho 4th, and displays a remarkn
hle activity on tho part of tho officers; of the
Bailroad Company in catching the TOgaes, and
we hope no less coal will ho displayed in bring
ing them to jnStice. Officer Hague started on
Thursday night for Beatty’s Station, whore tho
prisoners were detained. v
Since writihg the above, wo-have learned, the
following particulars, A man named Joseph.
Campbell was arrested in Qreonshurg, on Thurß
day night, charged with stealing $2OO in gold
from Beatty’s Station. In Searching him, be
tween $l5 and; 20,000 in money and drafts were
found in bis possession, which was stolen from
the mail oar n few days since, and of which car,
Campbell was breakman. Officer Hague, arrived
at Beatty’s Station on Thursday night, and after
consultation with the Greenshurg officer and con
ductors, arrested two brothers oftCamphell as
accomplices, and they were both lodged in
Greenshurg jail,- yesterday morning; Tho
brothers bad charge of the switches near Beatty’s
Station. ;■■...■■■
Another Mas Rachel. —Capt. David Holmes
has contracted with E. N. Porter at Shouslown,
for the baildiag ofthc hull for alargo and splen
did paoket steamer. She is to he 815 feet long,
32 feci beam, and her wheels 38 feet in diame
ter. ■ Her cabin is to bo built by Jlillinger, and
the engines by Nelson. She is to be the largest
boat afloat above the Falls, aud in stylo and
splendor of finish will exceed any thing yet put
OUt. • ■ "I ' ’ ' .
Assault ami Battery.— Michael Collins yester
day made a complaint before Aid. Parkinson,*
against a woman named O’Brien, a resident; of
the Sixth Ward. It appears that Mrs. O’Brien
made a violent assault on Collins, and threat
ened to “rake-him to pieces.”. Michael bolding
tho lady to he a dangerous subject, had her ar
rested, and held to bail.
■ Splendid Building.— Messrs. A. A. Mason &
Co., tho well known dry goods merchants of
Market stroet, have purchased the lot on Fifth
street, near Market, owned by Mr. Samuel Mor
row, where be has kept; for several years, a tin
ner’s shop. It is tho intention of the firm above
named, to put up on the lot, a fuur cr live story
brick store bouse. .
Allegheny Oas IFor&x. —Tho contracts for the
erection of the Gas Works havo:bccn given out
Lemuel H. Davis, of Philadelphia, is the con
tractor for the whole works.: Frederick find
Martin Loy, 'bricklayers; Walter Blythe,- stone
work; and John M'lntiro digs tho tank pit. The
work will be pushed forward rapidly.
Sentenced.— Solomon Clemens was sentenced,
yesterday, to two years imprisonment in tho
Western Peuitcntiarj’. Solomon pleaded guilty,
to nn indictment of grand larceny.
Mary Matthews, also convicted of larceny,
wa3 Bcuteaccd to ono year’s imprisonment in tho
Tjpcmnotioe;— Alarge locomotive, manufactured
by Winau, of Ballimorc, arrived by canal on
Thursday, and workmen were engaged yesterday
in placing it on the track, in, Allegheny City.
It is intended for the Pittsburgh and Cleveland
Bailroad Company. ■
Sunk.—tho little stern wheel steamer J. B.
Gordon, No. 2, ran against a snag at the head of
Zone’s Island, opposite Wheeling, on- Wednes
day morning last, and sank. ■ She was ladencd
with tobacco and cheese for this oily. No lives
were lost. . .
County Meeting. —A meeting of the citizens of
tho connty. 'to tako. into consideration .tho pro
priety of authorizing the County Commissioners
to subscribe $lO,OOO to the contemplated House
of Refuge, is to be held at the Court Houße at 3
o’clock to-day. .. ..
A Race. —■Tho_Pittshurgh and Diurnal went out.
yesterday morning-at tho same time.. They, both
left the wharfabreast, and kept so until they had
been hid from the view of tho numerous specta
tors gathered on Water street.
The Messenger No. 2 leavesto-day for Cincin
nati. She arrived in good time on Thursday af
tornoon, with a good lot of passengers. Capt.
.Klinefelter is an accommodating and gentloman
ly officer. .
Taken Over.— Solomon Clemens and Mary
Matthews were taken to the Penitentiary, in Al
legheny City, yeßtcrday, immediately after they
roceived their sontcnce, by Jailor Fos and his
son, Mr. T. K. Fox.
Arretted;—A. couple of colored women wero
arrested yesterday morning, in Allegheny City,
on n charge of- stealing beef from : the butohorß’
benches in the maTket house. Mayor Fleming
sent them to the county jail. ,
Native Americans. —A moss meeting of the
Native Americans of Allegheny county will be
held at the American Hall,. Wood street,. this
evening at 7 o’olock, to choose delegates for the
State and National Conventions.
Accident. —Wm. Owens, brioklayer; residing
in Allegheny City, was severely injured, yester
day morning, by the falling of a portion of the
will of Irwin’s now .warehouses now erecting on
Water street
Rtfusing to Pay Toll.—A ram was arrested
yesterday, and committed :to prison, for disor
derly conduct. 'His crimo consisted in refusing
to pay toll on crossing the aquoduct. . ■
Re-Planked. —Workmen have been engaged for
some'time past in laying a new door on the Mo*
nongahela bridge.
Assault.— lho Mayor committed John Lowrio
yesterday, charged, on oath of Catharine Hun
ter, with an assault.
A Pair. —The ladies of the First Cumberland
Church of Allegheny City are-about to hold a
fair for the bsnefitqf the church.
5 ft: ■ r "ff.*"-- "
Coart of .Quarter Sessions. *
Friday, June 10.
On the Bench—Judges M'Clurc and M’Konna.
Commonwealth vs. Henry Victon; Indictment,
larceny. The prisoner was found not guilty."
A man named Colvin C. Tarr, with half a doz
en aliases, was found guilty of passing counter
feit money, and remanded-for sentence,
Peter Myer was found guilty of assault and
battery, and sentenced to pay the costs of prose
cation. ■
Michael Dolan was also found guilty of the
same charge, and sentenced to pay the costs.
Commonwealth vs. John B. Beck. Indictment,
conspiraoy. The defendant was acquitted, and
the prosecutor senteneed-to pay. the costs.
James Doan was convicted of assault and bat
tery, and sentenced to pay a small fine and tho
costs of prosecution.
j tCommonweaUh vs. Mary Jackson. ladiotment,
keeping a tippling house. The jury.returned a
verdict of guilty; and the prisoner was sentenced
to pay a fine of $2B and casts of prosecution.
James Sammons was indioted for assault and
battery, bat the matter was compromised by the
payment of costa. ,
# A charge against John Breidenthal was ig
nored by the grand jury, and the prosecutor
sentenced to pay the oosts.
Tire Ladies’ Central Association of the
Friends of Hungary held its last meeting, for
tho present, on Tuesday-last, Bth instant, in Dr.
West’s church. .
The Association received and approved the re
ports of tho Treasurers, Secretaries of several
committees. Tho Treasurer’s report BhowS the
amount collected by the Association, sinco.tho
departure of Gov. Kossuth from this city; to bo
$331; of which $lOO was paid in April, for
bonds, and tho remainder, $231, has been sent
to Koßsuth, at New Pork.
The Association resolved to adjourn, without
disbanding, retaining thoir present organization
and officers, and holding tliemselveß in readi
ness, should the progress of events render it ex
pedient, to renew their efforts in tho causo of
Freedom and Hungary. . ’ .
The ladies wish to return their grateful thanks
to those editors who have uniformly and gratu
itousiy published all their notices; and to the
churches whose doors have been opened for
their meetings. •
Mrs. Edmund O’Flynu, President.
Sarau Caskey, Recording Secretary.
C. L. Wills, Corresponding Secretary.
West’s Minstrels. —This excellent hand were
compelled to postpone thoir Concert last even
ing, owing to the uuavoidabio absoncc of one of
the principal performers. A large audience was
assembled at Lafayette Ilall, hut tho manager
was compelled to- apologize and postpone the
Concert until tills evening, when they will ap
pear in a vnrieiy of songs, glees, and burlesques.
We call attention to tho advertisement in anoth
er column.
Recovery.— Matson, the man stabbed by M’-
Clintock, atßcavcr, on Thursday, is getting hot
ter. Ho was stabbed with a dirk knife, on tho
breast, near the throat; the knifo was about six
inches long. Matson is from Poland, 0.
Mr. M’Clintock was fully committed ts answer
the charge of assault and battery, with intent
to kill.
* Theatre. —A great hill is presented at tho The
atre to-night. Damon and Pytheas and thepow
erfnl drama of Presumptive Evidence in one
night, shonld attract a large audience.
We, Uie undersigned, proprietors ol the Louisiana
Minstrels, beg leavo lo state that ihe cause ofla-l lUßhi'i
detention, and non-performance, mi o*os to ihe un
timely arrival ofoarTambcmnisi; hut the perf, nuns of
the other part of our company, which is now in New 0r...
leans, having arrived,-we wilt give Threo Concerts 111
this city, prior to our departore for St. Louts, commenc
ing this evening run! continuing until Tuerilay, being
poritively oarllrl oppearancu mihtscny.
We reiurn our stucern thanks 10 the audience present
last evening, and promise a parformance. of Glees. So
los, Burlesques, Dancing, Ac.., unequalled by ony com
pany well of New York, where sve hove icceiuly per
formed lb crowded houses. It* WEST
jet-lilt Hi BUCK LEV.
FRESH OVBTEKS received daily by Ad
ams’ Express, at tho WAVERLEY HOUSE,
Diamond Alley-
oun on thk Dailt Mounido Post. I
Friday. June 11,1652. 1
FLOUR—Sales on the wharf of 101 bus at 82.03; 14
do extra S 3; 3t at S 3; 00 in lota at SI; from store Kill bills
atS3 2S.
UACON—SitleaSSßOfin shoulders 81; 2100 do livin'- hi;
lllHlHucountry shoulders 7|; sidcsOSOl.
CllEESli—Sales 125 boxes OJ; IS do cream *t
■ FI 311—Sales 4Shbls No 3 large mackcict 57,75. cash.
OATS—Sales 20U has at 29.
EGGS—2OO do/, at 9e.
SUGAR—SaIes U hhds al 0; 5 do ill.
MOLASSES—SaIes SO bbls eyprnss at 311.
|1 Y;*—scaTre and mdemand at 55000; vale 30 bus 6.b.
NefT Orleans Market.
New Oh leaps June 2.
COTTON—A fair demand yesterday resulted in sales
ol 3500 bales, al full rates for the better qualities. The
Arctic’s news, which appears under our telegraphic
■heod.wasnot received until after business hours:
Inferior---—■— .0107 I Middling Fatr-—IOJ©IOI
Ordinary--•-•••••■.7I©SI I Fair -■••—..•■ nominal.
Middling . 6IOOJ i Good Fair-—nnimifal.
Good Middling*——96olol Good and Fine— nominal.
; Jbboreo—Trices firm. Sides 250 hbds, mcludmg 43
al4l;Toot3|; 25 al sj; 5 ulCie, uadalargclot onpri.
vote terms. - .. .. . . ■
Sugar and Molaais— Sugar lit limned request na j®
©sje for fair--.Of molaases 500 bbls sold, mostly at 27,
forrehoiled. ■ ■ .. . . . . . ■■■■ ■
Flour— Buyers for export came forward qutto freely,
and took fully ooou bbls, including 2000 Indmna in sioro,
and 000 Ohio on the Levee, all at 5330, two flatboat loads
(1750 bbls) to be delivered alongside ship, bi 83,40 1000
bbla extra Ohio and 1000 do at 4,02 J; lOe two
last lots for shipment to a Brazilian port.
Tno Shipping List says the market has been quite esc!-,
ted the paslweek-' The pricesbf Sole Leather have ad
vanced rapidly, and are »Ull tending upward, amr tins
has had a corresponding effect ou the pr ices and
Shres This advance wilt, in all probability! ho sustain
ed for home months. Parttesacquainted with thedetal s
ot the leather trade for some Umc part roust he aware
that it has been sellirighelow the true vaTue, trod the pror
daclioahas in consequence decreased. The importation
of hides at all the principal pons have greatly Wien off
comrared with previous years,and the. prlceer this-, ar
ticle has advanced lately fully Se t*-lb, which will also
have a tendency to limit the production of leather and
make it cost high. 'These facts tendlo give apefntunen
or to the present advance In boots andsiloes, and hold
ers mo very sanguine of a higlvrauge of prices for lhe
full trade now commencing., The demand for Califor
nia continues for eertninT£inds of work, and shipments
are rooking every week, SM;cases having cleared for
that markotthe past week. . = Metallic Kubher boots and
shoes sympathize to some extern with the movement no
lited above, The raw material out of which these goods
are manufactured has advanced considerobly, and it is
understood ihauboquantitytobe made thisycai will not.
equal last year by ovuronomillion pairs, and prices are
in consequence very firm*
14 rm wavsa m the cnatmu.
Steamer Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville.
“ Baltic, Bennet, Brownsville.
« J.M’Kee; Hendrickson, McKeesport.
•«* Thomas Shrlvcr, Bailey, West Newton.
. GeneBSee,Connnt, West Newton. • :
“ S.Bayard, Peoblesv Elizabeth.
• « Michigan N 0.2, Boies, Beaver.
:■«« ". ForcsiCity, Murdoch, wcllsvwe.
«• Winchester, G; Moore, Wheeling.
“ . Buckeye State, S. Dean, Cincinnati;
.« - Bwamp:Eox,Cad\vaUader,6i Ecuik .
u BaUlc,Bennci.Brownsville. .
. « Atlantic* Parkinson, do •
« JhM’Kee,UendrickBon>McKeesport. .
«' Thomas Shriver, Boiley, West Newton.
41 Genesscc, Cohanl* West Newton.
S-Bayard, Peebles. Elizabeth.
41 -Michigan wo. !i,Boies, BeaVer.
44 . -Pittsburgh* Kounix; Cineumuti.
“ ForestCuy, Murdock, Wellsville.
Diurnal, Conwelh Wheeling.
' u Justice, Skelton, wheeling;
44 FortPiU, Miller,Louisville*.
4t ' Malta, Dexter, Zanesville.
■■■ For Sals* ; -
THREE feet long, and 40 inches in di
ameter, in use u ahnruime. <For sale by
je7. t f: NIMICK A CO , «S Water street
' . Waaiilug Dladr£aiy.
• nil kinds ofclolbep. palmed surfaces,Ac. This h
a new article, pronoanced by those who hnve used it, to
be superior to any soap in the market, for common use.
It save* |n soap, labor, wear and tear of clothe*, one
liatf. Warranted not injanousto t]ieskm,noMoUici ar
ticle washed. Its excellent qualities f 011 ;®.?*? ‘ ,e * eal "
, lied by trial. Vox sale,
I JeS [Chronicle copy.] 250 Liberty street.
! ■s£s&'&>%** • : -f* &*&> %
Washington, June-11.
Senate. —Mr. Dawson presented credentials
of Robert M. Chnrleton, appointed by tha Gov
ernor of Georgia to fill- the vacancy occasioned
by tho resignation of Mr. Berrien. He appear-,
od, took the oath and was assigned a Beat.
On motion the private calendar was postponed
to one o’clook.
Mr. Mason from the Committeo on Foreign
Relations reported a bill directing that the Sec
retary of tho Treasury, in paying awards made
by the Board of Commissioners on claims ogainst
Brazil shall bo governed by tho terms of the law
regulating the payment of awards by tho Board
of Commissioners on olaims against Mexico,
which was passed.
Mr. Soule offered a resolution requesting the
•Secretary of Stato to communicate to tho Sen
ate whatever information bo may bave obtained
in Mexico or elsewhere relativo to Gardiner’s
claim. Adopted.
The Senate then took up. a bill giving further
remedies to patentees. The bill .as amended
provides that if any person or corporation shall
hereafter import or have in possession for the
purpose of traffio. use or sale, any articles im
ported into the United States from any foreign
territory adjoining or near thereto, knowing
them to have been manufactured in whole or in
part in any such territory by any .process or ma
chine or by any substantial modification of any
process or machino for whioh there may bo at
the timo a subsisting patent owned by any citi
zen of the United States, such person or corpo
ration Bhall, upon duo proof, be deemed to bavo
infringed said patent.
After some debate the matter was postponed.
Tho Senate then went into executive session and
afterwards adjourned.
House. —Tho House by a vote of 88 to 98 re
fused to lay on tho table the motion to rooansider
tho veto on the bill granting the right of way
and land to Florida and Alabama to certain rail
roads, which was yesterday tabled. Tho House
then voted on a motion to reconsider, and deci
ded in the affirmative on the pending motion,
shall the bill bo laid on the table?
Tho Houso thon wont into committeo on the
Indian appropriation bill, and after a Bpeech
from Mr. Itnntoul, the committee rose and the
Houso adjourned.
Charleston, June 11.
Tho South Carolina Whig Btate Convention
met last night. Dr. Parker was appointed Pre-
Bident. Hon. Wnddy Thompson and Wm. Gregg
were appointed delegates to the National Con
vention, ami l)r. Samuel Dixon and S. Tupper,
alternate delegates. The district delegates are
W. Whaley, George W. Brown, H. If. Williams,
R. R. Payne, Wm. Patten, Thomas J. Kerr and
G. T. Bryan. The Convention was fully attend
ed, and there was perfect harmony with great
enthusiasm. A resolution was adopted aDd a
preamble, setting forth the many sacrifices of
tlio wliigs of South Carolina in their devotion to
the Union and asserting their readiness to stand
on the compromise and maintain it as essential
to the harmony of the whig party, and the in
tegrity of the Union. Another resolution de
clares that tho whigs will givo n cordial support
to the whig candidate, and noae other, who ex
plicitly avows the finality of the compromise.—
Another eudorses the present administration,
eulogising Fillmoro and expressing admiration
for Webster. Neitherof the resolutions instruct:
the delegates, but the first choice is Fillmore
nnd the second Webster..
Albant. Juno 11
Yesterday morning tho saatb gable wall of a
building jnst erected in North Ferry streot for a
planing mill, over 15G feet by 118 and 15 feet
high, was blown in by tho wind,. whioh carried
away ail tho timbers and the north and west
walls. Thirty men were at work in and about
the building at the time, most of whom succeed
ed in effcoting their cscapo uninjured. Several,
however, were lossfortunate. Martin Wilson, a
boy in the employ of Mr. White, a master ma
son, was killed; two masons wore injured; Wm.
Hoffermau, a carpenter, was crushed and will
probably die; John Dowd, carpenter, bad both
legs broken, and is in a critical state; three oth
ers wero severely injured.
Baltimore, Juue.ll.
Tho Webster Block is rapidly rising. The del
egates aro arriving. Calculations by tho Mary
land Central Committee indicate that on tho first
ballot Fillmoro will receive 133, Scott 120, Web
ster 4-1. A number of Scott delegates will pre
fer Webster to Fillmore, nnd a numbor of Fill
more delegates will prefer Webster to Scott.—
The Hon. Edward Everett has been mentioned
os President of the Convention, but ill health
will prevent his attendance.
Louisville, Jane 11
The steamer Banner, loaded with railroad
iron, struck a rock below Memphis, Tenn., and
sank in two minutes. -No lives were lost. The
boat is a total loss.
The Banner bad 100 tons of iron for tho Mem
phis and Charleston Railroad, part of which can
bo saved. The boat was insured at New Orleans
for -$5,000.
Louisville, Juno 11
A large Scott mooting was held last night at
tho Court Houso. J. S. Speed, Mayor, presided.
Resolutions wero passed endorsing and compli •
menting Fillmore, and expressing unbounded
confidence in Scott, giving assurance that be
would carry Kentucky triumphantly. Speeches
were rnado and great enthusiasm manifested.
Washington, Jnuoll.
Samuel Stokely, of Ohio, Chief Justice-of the
Court of Utah; Johu li. Adams, of Mass., Con
sul to Singapore.
Cotton...lnactivo at previous prices.
Flour... Dull; holders more anxious to sell;
sales 600 bbls standard brands $4,25. Corn
meal *Eoarco $3,25. Rye flour soarce ot an ad
vance; sales 200 bbls at $3,50.
Grain... There is liltlo wheat offering; Sales
4006 bu. at $1,05 for prime white; redp, 97.
Rye in request at 70. Com in demand at 64;
sales southern yellow at 60@61J. Oats dull;
sales 15,000 bushels southern at 40.
Provisions..-Stationary.-'"Rather more doing
in bacon and lard.
F10ur...54,12©4,25 for State; $4,06@4,06J
for Southern.
Grain... Mixed Corn 61@G2. Rye $3,18.
Provisions... Mess pork $18,12; prime $16,12
@16,37; bbl lard !)J@lOJ. : _ _ _
Sngar-Muscovado 4-j@5J; Portoßico4J@CJ.
Coffoo...Rio advanced J. Laguyra 91.
Linseed 0i1...4500 gala at 62.
Flour... Firm; goodfcrandssB,2l; extra .$3,26;-.
choice $8,60. *
Whisky.. : .lol. .
Provisions...Lardat9J; .
Grooeries...Quiet and prices firm. Molasses
34* Sugar fifc. Coffee 9s@loi, Bico .4J.
! Batter.;.iOj@lVfor good firkin.
. Grain...Earley 40. Oats 23. ; Corn, without
sacks, 30.-
The river has risen 12 inches within 24 hours*
Weather pleasant. ___
: FJrnnUfort Springs*
G - . W. DUNGAN refipccifally mibrms his friends
• and the public: generally, thalonihe2tst Juno in*.
Blunt, Hie FRANKFORT HOTEL will he opened for
the accommodation of BOARDERS, during the sum*,
met season. ' .. :
Frankfort, June ?:3m
(Star Bakery and Ice Cmm Saloon*
A & I*., SCtiILDKCKER, re&pectfttily inform their
• old friends and customers,thatihey are now: pre
pared, at their Saloou, No. Diamond alley, to serve up
puce ICE CREAM,of the very best quality, aiall hours
of the day • and evening. They always keep on hand,
every kind of Cnkes nud Confectionary, fresh and sweet.
Forties and familiCß will bo. served with all aruclestney
niay order, on the alioriestnoUco and on the most salts
factory terms. Remember the place, No. SW. DmmDitu
alley, a few doors »ouih:of the Dmmoud. ; jntyl4;Sw
liCttie’fl Stcnm Piikno Forte FBC«or|r. i .
■■■•■• ■ Tri -" rT. Jj. LBASl3having applied tnaeui*
figjjSlßSranery tothe roauafuciureof M&NOb, lift
.fWWI i 8 enabled at Uast twentymo
i I k | f I per cent, cheaper than' nay brought flora
l " e *SU »4
■ seven octave do do .W..
■ Plano Wareroom, on Hand street, over Johns’ Mine
rat ; rpl , >irf>l , , je3:y
T Heir Yel Hear Vel
NOTICE IS UEUGIiY OIVUN to .all porchaiere of
TmcJywclry and W.ichca.tfist flood |« nowrenily
10 supply yon wilUUie ben oiid,mo»l fashionable fine
<;old Jewelry, and or lowcrprices fban liny olber deal
cr In the city, lie biiy& for cash cheap,:*nu cells tot
cusheheup;. makes large sales aiid small Ptouts-
Therefore, all. persons purchasing Gold Jewelry, Hue
Silver WareV Watches, Ac., from this establishment,
will be sure to get the value of lUdeenis for ever, dollar
invested. Gold Watches from 320 io StOOj fcuvet
WatobcK from SC to -JO, Silver Spoons From. «.*■ “J
320, ami other goods equally cheap w Ploa*e cau av
i. HOOD’S,SI Market •treci,the only Wholesale price
l Jewelry Store iuihecity. u •
Auction Card*
rfUlB undersigned, after an interval of four years,has
X egaia resumed, business, .. Having complied with
the requisitions of the law regulating Sales at Auction,
and liaving procured a first class License &b Auctioneer
forthe City of Pittsburgh, he offers his services as such
to his friends and the public generally. Wuh an expe
rience of nearly thirty years m this line of businesses
hazards nothing in saying that bcwiUbe enabled to give
entire satisfaction to all those who may feel disposed to
patronize him. P. McKjSNNA, Auctioneer. ■,
.Refers to the principal City Merchants. ; ■ . iyO
Auction—-Daily SaUs.
r A T the Commercial Sales Rooms, corner of Wood
'J\. and Fifth streets, at tQo’clck, A; M.,a general as
sortment of Seasonable, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods,
Clothing; .Boots and Shoes, Huts, Cops, &c. .......
AT 2 O>CLOCK, P. M.,
Groceries, Qaeensware, Glassware, Table Cutlery,
Looking Glastess, new ana second band Household and.
Kitchen Furnliure,&c.
AT 7 O’CLOCK, P. M., • * ... .■
Books, Stationery, Fancy articles, Musical instru
tnents, Hardware and Cutlery, Clothing, Vanety Goods
Gold and Silver Watches, &c. P. M. DAVIS,..
. jaihif Auctioneer.
P. ftt’KKBfHA» Auctioneer*.
T\AHLIA9 AND VERBENAS . at Auction —On
if Saturday morning, June 12(h,ai 10 o’clock, will be
sold op M’Kunna’s Auction House, several thousand
Dahlia* and Verbenas, being the largest and best variety
ever offered at auction in this country.
; Catalogues furnished, with number, name,«c., by ap
plying at tho Auction Booms; •
•j„H v p, M’KKNffA, Auct’r.
p. a. DAVIS, Auotloneor*
BOOKS at Auction— On Saturday evening, June
lfiih,nt o’clock; attheCommercial Sales Rooms,
corner of Wood ami Fifth streets, will be sold, a large
collection of valuable Books; iimong which are stun*
dard works in various deparlmems of literature ; superb
fumily biblc«,in splendid blading; blank books, tetter
and cap writing paper, steel pens, pencils, envc.ones,
Ac., Ac. liclO] , P. M: PAVIS. AucPr.
at Auction.—On Saturday evening, June I*2tli,al
8 o’clock, ni the Commercial Sales Kooms, corner of
Wood ami Kuih street* . wtllbe sold that valuable i«ci
ot Ground,Miume on Warren street, between Webster
and Bedford having a fronl of *29 feel 19 niches on War*
ren Aired,unri extending back I(‘0 feet loan ulli:ylofeel
will'*. <m winch 19 erected u twos ory frame Dwelling
limine, wnh basement, fruitlreeH, shrubbery, Ac., which
may be examined bv calling oa James O’Brien, on the
premises. .Terms cash.
iliL I». M. DAVIS Auoi’r *
A \KSIUaUM: country .kksidbnch and s#u
xiov—Ou Saturday morning, JnnellMi, at 1U o’clock,
ai The residence ofMr.K i)v*er, in Lower Si. Clair
lowiiabip.on the It ill above (lie Tempm ante vi lie Metho
dist Church, will br sold, bis enurc-Stock .«f superior
Household ami Kitchen Furniture, wmcb has been but
a short time hi u««,comprising superior mahogany
spring real nofu; choir* uml rocker; centre* side and
dining lables; creasing and nlam ..bureaus; Windsor
ami common chairs; *lugh ami low post j'pof-.
lor, chamber tuid stair carpels; logs,,maun, window,
blind*, br.iss fcnder t fire ironß, looking glasses, chum
glass and queensware, kitchen furniture, cooking uten*
ails, 1 fresh milch cow, 5 hogs, &C.* fix. Also, a new
two story frumc dwelling house, finished m . the bevt
style,on a corner loi.sftveniy four feel front by lOOdcep.
with a new cistern, frail and shade trees, shrubbery and
other improvements.
I\ Mi DAVIS. Auctioneer.
">LOOMs— iOO ions Juniata hand and for
> gale by (jeior KING fc-MOORUKAP.
-IG MfciTAL.—.”oo ion* 44 Sharon,” to.arnvo and for
pole by- Ijel(i{ KING «fc MOORHFAIh _
Slm>a«—Juo ti!iU*. 'air to prime N O rngar, for sai
TTEMP~G3 bale* prime Missouri D. R. 7 received per
XX steamej 1 Perftia; - . • . ;
I ARD-9 keys ja&t received and for rale by . .
jcB • • , , HO Water street.
lEAD— soO pti*s tod Oalena Lead, landing from
i steamboat Persia, ond for sale by
1 GRAVES Hu OKS AND HIULHS —ln the plainest
■ and moat elegant bindings, of all aizca ami puces.:
5 UaVISON A AQNKWygS Market's*
QRANOES—On hand and to arrive Hus day, JO bxs.
prune Orange*. For sale by
W. A. ftrCLURO A CO.j
je3 No. S.‘sfl Liberty street.
ALAUA WlNHtffSwcei und Dry Malaga. Wines;
in store nnd for sale by .
inj.'U » *<£2l and *223 Liberty 5L
(Tor Sale*
M . A three story Uncfc House, situated on Smith
t£*S2 field 6treel, east side, third door from the corner
P&z3 of Third street. Enquire oil. the premise*, or of
•j>»llTi*2wr • ’ ■ H. WILKIfr*OM.
S MORROW—' Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron Mumi
* fncturer, his removed hisestabhshmentfrom Filth
street to Sixth, near Liucrty, next door to Lacnhcrl fc
Shipton. ' . ;. ! A {TelthSt
pif\ CbNT OOLONG TEA—Which has given such
isvs general satisfaction to onr retail custom, wc can
now supply to any extent, having just received a largo
lot. U'-od Black Tea at J7fc cents. Sopenor and extra
do at 73c. to Si,' 2s.
IcS W. A. M»CLUfIG & CO.
I)oftT WINE—S hhd* pure Port Wine;
y sqrcait>ilunt&.Co ? s do; .
a®qr do - do : do;.
Now landing, ami for sale by . .
_ &2L and ft# Liberty si.
_ my!)l
V; 10 baskets champagne wire, Anchor brand;
10 do do ’ do Maixun’s Vcrzaoy;
10 do do do do. .do m pints;
received and for sale by MILLER &
rayOl , _ ___ _
Farm for
'rye* ACRES GOOl) LAND FOR SALE—Four miles
#0 north of Tare-iuum; fa.; f>o acres cleared. Im
pmvcnicnis arc a good Frame Dwelling lfou?e»otid an
ricellentlarge Framo liarn. Price S 3» per acre. En
quire of the orvmir.fiEOlMiE CIIiLFTTT, on ihcprcmi
sea; or K. WILKINS, Marble Works, Pittsburgh.
MACKEKLL— 5» bbl» No a mackerel;.
10(1 half bbls do do;
10 bbls No l do;
* ihjbblsdo do do;
to j bids do do do;
10 1 bbUNo ‘2, landing nwl for sale by
my3l c. MILLER & RICKttTSON.
L~OAF SIIG AR—VO bbls Coverings O Loaf supur;
30 do do 000 > do;
*js do do L crushed;
40 do do O powdered; 1
ijf» do do A clarified;
10 boxes do 1) refined loaf;
Received and for sale by
my3l 11*21 iuul Ml Liberty *!.
BRANDIES— ■■ '~* V " "v
•25 hlf pipes tt?10 and 1844 Pale Cognac.;
• 2 quarter cask* 1300, do . do; 3 and 4
proof, imported per brig Chone;
IS halfpipes, 10 qr casks and C bbls lslO and !5t4,4
proof, imported per bri;? Jarnrs;
Al«o, half pipe*, i;r, and octaves, A Seignette, Ro
chelle brandy. with the above now in Custom House
stores, ond foe sale by MILLER fir. RtCKETSGN ...
tnygl . . ■ 2it and titl'd Liberty ?t.
Notice to School Ttaehfiri*
milE Booid of School Ulfector* of tower Si. Clair
I township, Allegheny coonty, Pa., will ine«t in the
School House in Mount Washington, on Satutday, the
3d iluv of July next, til 10 o’clock, forthevpurposcof ex*
nmimng Touchers for their several schools, for the en
suing school year.
For fu rlhcr particulars, nddrcß«T.J.lsigl»ani, Michael
KnotvW, A. 15 Sie-ven*on, Arthur, Abram, or Irvin Huh
ler, Pittsburgh Post Office. _ j ._Uc9:lwd&3ww__
Notice, to Klrl<lKe~Uiill<fe'rfl«' ~
T>lftS for the construction of five Bridges, on the Cir.r
|> iy*» Run Plank Hoad, will ho received until 10
o'clock, A. M. of tile Ulti June, IS5‘2, at the office of
Win. A. Hill A Co., Wood street, near Fourth, Pittsburgh.
Plans and specifications may be exnimnctVnt the Kn
glneci’aOffice, Wylie Btteet, near Ike Court House, on
andaAer the 12th instant. Contractors are required to
state how much, (if any) stock they nre willing to lake.
Chief Engineer.^
LaWRENCEVILLE PfiOPfcßrY foe Sall—A de
■ nimbly sUimtcd property, of SO feet from on Boro’
pireet, by 143 deep; well mocked with fruits and (low
ers, shade and iruii trees, with p rapes of a choice
quality • A two story house, well arranged nml in good
order;' rooms rurally papered*, a large wide porch;
purap of jrood soft water. All well feoeed-m; palings
in from. Price $l5OO. Terete; SSDO in hand—balance
at $350 ft year. S. CUTHBKRT. General Agent,.
j«l0 50 BmnhfieU Btr»w^.
lmpartanl lo Csblnst niut vliutr fliaatri,
"YUrE have just received direct from the Importer, u
'W consignment of SbuIesCHAIKCANE, forwarded
to us immediately on Its arrival-from Canton, and which
we will noil to the trade at a lower price than such has
ever been offered weßt of the mountains.
Also, 2,01/1) sett of machine turned Hickory URD'
PINS, ul a low rani, In mummies to suit parchnncrs.
j»*to 124 Second street.
Flue Oolbug Ulaok 'Peas. • :
F* would call the auentinn of our retail customers
yV to our large Black 'leas, selected with
great care in the New York market:
Souchong, GSc.j Knglish Breakfast,t> lb. 50c.;
Fine Oolong. . • ."'.soc.} Ettfu Oolong, . 75c.
"Delicious Oblong. SI,OO
Young Hyson, Imperial, und Gunpowder, ssme prices
•us above, pure and fragrant. . .
, Retail Grocers are luvlled to call - nnd examine* our
stock, either packed in quarter or half potmc packages,
• or in bulk, by the half diem. • .
. . A. JAYNES, Pekin Tea Store,
jps • . - ■ .33 Fifth street.
Valuable Property for bale..
npilE eniiscriber,ns Agenifortne'"&tvhciVbfl>rs at pii-
X; vnto oale ; iho two Lots of Ground, unmbeied u the
plan-of the city of Pittsburgh, 71; and; ?2‘ fronting on
Venn street ISO feet, and extending ?sQ:fcet, inore or
less, to the .Allegheny River. This property will bo dis
posed of upon such terms as will secure to thepurcha
sera a profitable investment of .capital,,. Lying contigu
ous to the entthnee into the cuy ; of.thc Central Rad
road and Pemiaylvania CKnalj it affords favorable
for Warehouses, or can be ronveniently dlvided inlo
eligible building lots, and must become, upoii the 1 cbtn
piotionof the public improvements,now in progress, in
and around the city, greatly enhanced in value for bu
siness purposes, rcr further information, applyno
Ci K. T/LEBOa, 4R.,
N0«.153 Wood street, PilipliurKh,':
r t* c. vw'iohisLl a vu.%
TwlcheU Amofirldge*
Corner Commtrciaiand Pint strteis.-
“ITITILL prompity aueml to aUcon&ignmcnis and Com
f f missions entrusted to IhCMiima will make liberal
paßh adyauces on coij?igumcnis or Dills ofl.aihug in
Orders for iKe pnrclidsc or Lead, Grain, ll#mp-an“
oiherProdnee, will be.promptly. filled at the lowest pos*
gible prices, and onthebost terms.
: They wilt also undertake the sculcmeni anu-eojit.c
lion of claims of importance; ami hope. by. .* nf
ct&) personal eftotiK aud atieniiou to. oil the intc
their friends, to give general satisfaction*
„ ’ -•• • , KiFtHwesj, ■ Cincinnati;
Geo.CoUi e T. Si. Louis; ftGommn do
I'age&Bncon ;; do.Slraaer Je
Cherless.BtowftCo , do | lo Wbueinamdo :
Cliomeao.ii Valle.- d“, I s{Jf‘3®* Co;, J: W. duller
». Beeclift Co., j-M. Back
ft Bro, Piiuburgn, Philadelphia::H. D.
’'.Philadelphia; ghw“J j ® w . li. Keyaotds, LouWvilld;
'■' v #BIV ORLEANS. .
mtnQ Jnnr established House confine their atlcution
T sales ami-purchases on Commission, end
lotlie busiuesjgenerally.
They soticii a continuance of the liberal patronage
heretofore given lUetth
/anufcv&i 1863.-
O' -r*.
/-y- r ;'.
1 r . * * "
’ •I* * *. ► '< 1 ' . *
\ 2 >*v , * *
was very spare tuidaallqw
—hod incessant pain and
uneasiness in the pit of the
stomach. -Two or three
times a day the paid In
creased to
gony. -Theseattacks hap*
pened sometimes after food, and sometimes when none
hadbeen taken. She raised mash sour, dear fluid from
the Biomach.nrhe morning. -The stomach swelled much
atnlghL Tongue coated and clammy; muchihtrsij-no
appetite. Bowels costive; dull, stupefying sensation in
the forehead. Complaints of two years standing Cave
her some -Pepsin on Monday. Came. back, in-a week.
Said the pain had not been half vo bad since taking the
second dose,and was daily growing less. The constant
gnawing was also gone. Appeme improved; tongue
. cleaner; bowels regular; head still heavy.. In another
week she was entirely free frnro uneasiness and pain In
the stomach—raised no acid fluids—h6ad felt clear, and
every trace of the stomach complaint was removed.
Casa 2.—MarrjedLady, aged 50— Pain afurtaung.—
Very stout lady. Had suffored pain, Usually very se
vere,in the region. of the stomach; for three years past,
and particularly intense aftor eating. When at the worst,
the pain is as if some hard body were being thrUßt into
the pit ofthe stomach and bored tn every direction. Much
tenderness on preisure. This ladynsod the Pepsin with
sarpneingeffect Soouafterlbeii'stdoeethepaiivceaßed
—sue felt some nausea, and retched, but nothingcnrae
up. . Several months have pasted, butthere has been no
return of ibe pain. Tongue clean and moist; no sorc
nessofifie stomach.
: Feuabsablb Cpßß Louisville, Ey ,May, 185 L—On
thc7ib of May, 1851. Rev. M.D. williams, pastor of the
Fourth Presbytenau.CUurchvin Louisville, ky.;was and
bad been for a longtime fanbned to bis room, and most
of the time to his bod, with Dyspepsia andCbronicDiar
rhcea, and .wan to all appearance on the. very verge of
the grave, and acknowledged to be so by fats physician,
who hud tried all the ordntaryjnenns m his power with
out effect; and ul the above named time, the patient, by
the cortfcenlof his physician; commenced the use of Dr.
Houghton’s Pepsin, a nd to the astonishment, surprise
end (leltght of all. lie was much relieved the first day.
The third day he tefi.his room. The suto day, winch
wus erccaeively hot, he rode ten .miles with no bad ef
feci; on the eigluh day he went on a vitluo theconnury;
and on the thirteenth day, though not entirely restored
to liisnatural strength, he was so far recovered as logo
alone a journey offive liuodced mites, where he arrived
tit safety, much, impioved-ill healUi, having had no dis*
turbancc ofthe stomach nr bowels after taking the. first
dose of Pepsin. These arefacisnotconlrovertal>le,and
ibis is a cssp which ought to convince all skeptics that
there nra power in Fepem.: Lctphysiclaiisanudyspep-.
Ucs investigate. DR GEO. If. KEYSKR,
- Only .wholesale and retail agent,.l4o .Wood st.vFitts.*
burgh, Fq. .-.-[mydCsd&w,.
OATS— 193 sacks prime Oats, in store end
HERRING— 20 bhis. No. U just rec’d and tor sale Dy
J\. shares for sate nt a bargain, if applied for soon.
• New Goode* .
E WATTS A CO.flbS Liberty street, have received
• • this dat, by the Fenrsylvunia Railroad, a large
ot of new spnngVtyle CASSIMKRES. |my23
J\. SCRIPTURES against Roraartera and Rational
ism;-by Rev.hT W.-Jocobus, D. D • for s<Je by •
Vs DAWSON & AGNEW,CS-Martelflt.
|>AKASULB—Another large lsi. of these very cheap
Jr x masols, just received at
: , Ai A. MASON A CO’S,
jeS ~ fi2 and 64 Market street.
■ *••* r * •
4 FOTHECAHY AND CHEMIST,—South-west cor-
J%. uer of Peun and Wttlnutatreeis,Fm«bareh, Pa.
• Fre-cripliotf filled atall hours. Qe/tlw..
l. s. Jonas-
... J, Lavely 4 COn
Dealers in choice family groceries,
Teas, Ptckles, Fruits, Ac.,Ac., No. 265 Liberty et,
(north side,) one floor below Hand.- froyfcfty ■■ ■■
HuiieU a Johnston,
f ? CHANTS, and dealers in product and Pittsburgh
Manufactures, lJo Water and 156 Fiont streets, Pitts
burgh, Pa. • fmy!7
'Gothic llafl.
eELEBRATED for nearness of ht,fineness of quality,
darabibty of workmanship, and low puces. Men’s
and Days’Clothing. Great-inducements to cash buy*
crs. We study to please. CHESTER,
Jy je2 ' ... *4 Wood
Al- “Fifth Word Savings Bank” will be held at the of
fice of the Bank, No. 424 Liberty street, on Tuesday,the
29;h day of June next, at to o’clock. A. M , with refer
ence tohuvingthe sioek consolidated into a corporate
company. [apr26:Sm] JOHN STEWART,Scereury.
Gold, Silver and Bank Notes Current and par
funds received on deposit. Collections carefully at
tended 10. Fourth street, one- door east of Market,
Pittsburgh, Pa. . . • fj^3:ly
BRANIUfcB— JN BONt>— A.Seigueue and Feiievot*
sin Brandies—dark and pale—m qr casks; also, Na
poleon, m octaves—under Custom House charge; to
gether with 17 varieties of Rochelle, Cognac aud Bor
deaux Brandies of the most superior qualities; in store
and for sale cheap, by JACOB WEAVER, Jr.,
my 26 cor. Market and First sis.
Oloveil Gloves! Gloves!
OPENING THIS DAY, at No. 94 Market street, a
fine lotof Lisle Tbiead.SiU and Cotton Gloves,
Which ! wdl sell at wholesale prices by the single pair.
Persons wanting to purchase will please call early,-as
I want to close the lot out.
• - ■ Great 7 Dargaioal '
CARPETS—Which will be found at the carpetwme
houac of VV. M’CiimockjPS Fourth Direct. As we are
delernitnod to sell off our present stock of-the above
good* at cost; we invite the attention.of those wishing
to furnish, to great bargains.
f BUltu biiuacnbers to the Dtankiiul. Market House, will
X please tnke notice.lhatihey are hereby called upon
to pay 20 per cent, of their subscription, on or before
MONDAY, the Mth day of June next, and twepty per
cent, every thirty days thereafter, until all Is paid. •
By order of the. Building Committee. . ..
mviHhtd 11. P. hINO. Treasurer.
• iPamktsr Groeerlca*
THE UNDERSIGNED having rented the stand lately
oecupied by HenryC.Kelly, wouldTesneclfullyin*
form their friends, that they have opened a a family gro
cery,” with a stock of articles selected In the Lastein
citie«, expressly for family uko. We assure those who
patronite a*, that no effort upon our part-will be found
wauttng to p»«<v« tho*e who give us a call. Don’t for
ce! the place—corner at Fifth street aml'Martet alley.
myl7;lm ROBERT H. JACK » CO
. ‘ tlecs Ul Joucs,
A f o. 253 Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pa.
MANUFACTURER and dealer in ull kinds of To
bacco. Snuff and Sugars—Respectfully informs the
public that he lias just rereivcd a large and general ns
sortfhent 01 the most celebrated brands of Tobacco and
imported ScgaTS, and is now prepared, to Gil all orders,
wholesale or retail. Ail loversof the uvedar© invited to
call, lie aDo manufactures spon rail, ladies’ twist, Vir*.
giuia twist; Jlb lump,s atid Oh , which lie warrants equal
lo miy made west ofthe mountains. .
A general assortment offlalf Spauish,Melee nna*com
mon Scgara co>i»t*ntiy on hnnd ... .(jtfhtS .
tiarhul'i luprovid filckodeon* : - -
—■ v. • THU attentionof Dealers andUie pub :
.fSgggSSna3pl lie Is respectfully called to the-Improved
(pgP“&ris23«jM Melodeous. manufactured ; by : the .sub*
8| s? | 8? setibors. Tor purity and richness. of
tone* they are unequal led,.not buving the uneven* sharp
and reeuy sound of those made by other* They nre
made, of rosewood, of superb workmanship and orlgi
nu! design, makingalieuuuful Parlor lasiroaient, and
are nJinirably adapted for,church music. Dealers sup
plied oh the mwa liberal terms. AH orders by mail
promptly attended to, and Instruments sent to any
pa „ of ft CO.,
49-Causevrayinreei Boston, Mas*,
Books will be opened on Monday, ssih
day of Junonext) alii o’clock, A.M«,for subaenp
lion toiho Capital Stock of the >‘Pittsburgh TrnsV and
Savings CompanyQt the Office • of Messrs*- If A\ S
PAIN TEE, Liberty street, Fifth Ward, under the cL
ruction of—. > • : V
- J. K. MooreheadyCharleafihaler Thomas Bakeweil,
Morgan Robtrtson, Joslah King, Wilson M’CandleßS,
John B. Butler, Win Larimer, jr., Body Patterson, John
eoialU W.J. Howard, John Morrison, J.-S. Craft, Reu
ben Milter, R ll* Hartley, Wm. Hchbaum.E.‘D. Gax--
zain, Wm’ Kerr, AKred lv. Marks, Dr.fl. WillsonyDan*
iei Negley, John Anderson,L. WilraarlluC.Bunsen. G.
R. lUcdre and Thomas Farley.
Capital Slock, £‘4)0,000. To be divided iuto: 4,000
shares, at $5O each—aSlO per share to be paid at the time
of subscribing. • • • . |ntv3:ld •.
Established in lBAi)~rlneb'j>Qmted by iht tegulatute of
-- Ptnnsylvanidj uiin Pcrpetual Chaiter^.
T)RINCIPALr~P. Processor of Thoreucaland
JT Practical Bookkeeping and Commercial Sciences.
N. B. Haicu, Kjq., Fiofessor bf.Mereantllc Law, ...
John D. Williams, one of the best .Penmen \ in the
WeswProfessorol Ornamental and Commercial Pen*
■ P, Harden, Principal of iheClassmal.Department,
Professor of Mathcmaiies and Classical Languages, ‘
Those who aspire ie the blghor rank as Accountants,
are requested to callandexamine ihecredentlalsof this
fiistiiuiion, from upwards or one iftiiidred Merchants,
Bankers and Accountants id this
trained fpc business in It Al ?o, the emphatic testimo
nials of the American liutilalCj the Chamber of Com*
mefrce, and many of the leading Merchants. Bankers,
and Bankofficcre, of tim city or New Yoik, appendeu
to the poges of t; DuS’aNorth'AracriCanAccoanlsnt,”
ami " iVestera Steamboat Acioontsnt^
• Du CPs Bfiqk-keepingjthiroyal bctavdpages, Itarpersj
New Yorkf-price JUoiPs'Western Steamboat
Accountantj Hand’s Time Table, 81,00.
Merchants aml steamers supplied;-with, iboiooghly
trainedac.conntiniB,dh,BppUcaßoQ ot?the.Col!ege.
Send'and get aCirenlaroymaU. •'■. v -: •
V Alarm* Honpital 8»pp;« fc „; .
Custom Horss. ynwosou,.
Surveyors Office, June 4,183-.5
SE ALEP PROPOSALSwi]I>e ««;»«'} »«Office,
uoiil 12 o’clock,'the Mth «W of W«.»Pl»*y
of the foUowinir articles, for .-.tlio use -of thesick al ihe
|UniledStatet) M ll xlll e Hoipual, near tins cily,unul the
° Utb ß«f! l MP^ , aV possible from hpney Price peril);
Brown Pogar, oi ihe best quality, .do
Rice, - - i V * uo
■ Tea, Hyson,
Klee Floor, -
Soap* • • “ * “
; spnun Candles, -
• ; Ccffee,-, ■■■. •
Bulter,br«t qu*l ty, -
Middling llaeon, ..
: Hants, . * - . • * . .
Laid, * • . - , -
f Floor, best superfine,'
Mrlaisses, - • - *
< lNm-Wmc, -
: Vinfgur, -
Milk, . - - •
Best Boiled Meal,
• Potatoes;. , -..-
Beans, - - . - •• .• v vu. ..
Kgus, - * - - - - - per dozen.
'<Sa!t, - - - - • -,. per peck/
Hominy, - - • .*, ■ ; do
.Wood, do
Coal, . w ; \v ' t - per bushel.
Allot the within (nr abovi?) articles tote ofihe very
best quality* and. to be.tarnhdied. at such ttmesand In
Bneh quantities as on Ihc .requisition of the Steward or
the'Hospuoi, approveu by the Surveyor may be u qu«rtd.
- Any other articles that may beewamtd, the contractor
tofornirUauhe lowest market prices: It is estimated,
that the number ot patients to he supplied wilt average i
about-20 per day, id . addition to which ibero wifi be 1
1 abdat ten officers and servants to be supplied.: ■v. ■'
iAny information concemingthecomract will bcglven
On Application alibis Office.* •••- -v. *'
[ * fIBNRY WOODS, Surveyor and Ageut,
.je3 -% XJmted States Marine Hwpuah
~ . '•*■'■: ... V; -.^*Cw:;Sn‘Y.
'■ l vN.-
, t \.« ■ S-
' x : ■;. * ‘•■Sr..*.
v -
V 4. :
A. v>V
tIL left? b S 'tie .«qb«eTiber, Po*«e«sion giwn.on »
.no ,n,l ‘ For 'e«n<ennnimof
? n — R C?t ESTER, 71 Fmillifielilj^
IMI n a i fu f tti KWM-Watild Mil ter
mttl3!) ■ 118 Market lut’eu
i'o Lett
mßa jieorthe corner of s*hot» #tree»V F«f lnT^aX,*
plytO AIdettnanPARKINSON,-^ 0 '
apra&if __ .
f|U> LET—TUe suUscnOer offer- for RemVuie ..V
1 store roon* now occupied by Mcsrra, Wiiiock' ASBk
£ Davls,-N0.9? Markelstreet. Possession givenJHHL
on the Istof Apt*. Enquire of « J -
W.” OIIAS, ir. PAXJLPON. Wo 73 Wood ? t .
V =• etkii- -4 ;i - v ;y : .
Desirable business stanim offer for f*.? a -
• die warebouso now. necopied by me .as a -drag?-
store <m thc corner of Liberty and. Jland streets, a, ••
good- location for'business> of* any. ttuid. Possession .-
given Immediately’; •'. - finytSJ - JAMES A* JONES* -’
For *»«!••
A FRAME Dwelling House nnd.lot, situated on Clay ,:.
alley, No 34. The bonse is iOby 18,2siorie*hfghj
with a wing |5 by TO. tot is 20 feet front by.o7deep>-'
Price SCUD. - CURTIS & DoßßSiAgts., ■■*,.
myB . No IST, coiyof Wood ond Filth aft. ?
Y>HEENWOUD Gardens FOU SALE—This bean*
\jr Uful and wcUkuawii pluceisnoto offered to per-'- .-■
sons desiring a delightfutand he&lihvcountry-residence* .
The whole wlll-bc sold togeiherOr ia qaantmes to suit
purchasers. Apply immediately to
l p * THOMAS MQFFiTT, 89 Fifth at' ‘
■/ij.-K&AP, SALE, or exchange for * .
VX Pittsburgh mundfacturrs.Five Lois,eachlOOUy23Q- »
feet, snooted m Thomson toll’s plan oißcnvilla, front
aid 111 Ea,d Pi™ Snown bs lot a Noa.
19,19,20,21-and2d.. Enquire of •
Jel . :• ’ THOfITAS, MOKFT PT. iQ Fifth at, ’
: 'V. For j'"- - r .S'’j '.v'vv..:'.
A LOT. m Allegheny Cfty-Froming 20 feet bn lfea- v
.'A-, and extending hack «a feet to on allcvt * •
very near the corner of Bcaver.and Fianklin sts, Tits •
lot h weil snoaled for . business or. indwelling 'Annlv-’ -
immediately to THOMAS '
JC? >.i *,• 2 • 29 Fmli■ street, -•
MFUK UKN t\-rFiora die lai of April pen: ite
Store, -with IlwcUmj attached, on.Ujeeoroerof
Market und First slreeirt—a jfootl aiahii
Tor a Store or Taver»,-it betnj ciriy-otie square from-tWe
river—will be rented loir to a pood lenaat. Apply!to •:
Pno- gSa Liberty at. v .'
IPor Sale* ' ■-
r% uated on Penn ?lrm, hr theyilrward: The-iol n
23 feft front I*7 lUt> feel deep: front lUfrdlnv StrbyW'
.feet, 3 dories lugU; tmek butMtng 30 by 16 Jeeiig stories ; -
ln/ih> containing: 9 rooms and wide entr«u<><* iiatl—alsu, '
parlor in by IC feet f ortieo in frohi;
With iron roiling; This property willlie soldvery low -•:'
Apply immediately to S THOMAS MOFFITT, v •
ie2 5i9 Fifth street.
Kor-Balc at a. ttargaui«
. A SPLENDID FARM, nnd elioice Coaljihfi Farmbaa'
J%. 94 acres, COof wUlcbisiiittbighiStaieof cniiiva
uon. and about 6o jii Coul, of the. best quality,-.with.a
good loading and safe harbor. There is anabundaiiCA:
of Lime Slone, and achoice quality of Flag stone; A
new Fatm Hoasc, well finished—a good pa?ed
in; a stable and outbuddinirs; an orchard ofweu’se-'
lected unit; good water. The whole uin complete or
der, pleasantly silnauiabove DamNw;2,onthe Vouch*
iogbeny River. 'S. COTtIUEaT. General Agent; >s ’
. )f3 , SOSmnhfitldstreet. :
Uo.u>« abd boi tor bate, ; . ; ■•, • ■
•f. - . THE subscriber offers for sale a two sloty
ga»Bft BRICK HOUSE.tituate on Cliatbnni street, be-- '
jOijjQS. tween Wiley.audAVebstcr. The honae contains* •
seven rooms, and is well fimabedibroughoat. Being the most ncuve business parts of the city, :
uiaa very desirable dwelling for n private residence-•
II not dispasedof before (he t*4ih of June, it will be of
fered. at public aalo,on that day, at 3 o’clock >P.M. .
Pcisodb wishing to purchase, will please opply-to Me.
Jackson Daucon, corner of Highstreet and Penn»yiva-.. •
ufa Avenue, who will give all nccesearyinfoimation.
my&fcts L JOHN' -HUGHES.
~ Por Sale*
X 101 l gale in the borough.of SomhPiitsburgti. all:
within five minutes* wnlJr of tljefllonongohelaiffldge;
These lots are of. largcnze, fronung' tin CursOnarreet
ocdlhe Brownsvilie turnpike. und aire among the best;- -
lo;s forburidlng purposes: on that tstdeof the rlverjone .
of these being a targe loj extending, from one street la v.-; .
the other T ana adjomingthetoU hense lot.;.
They will be eold.low, and an reasonable terras. Title
perfect, and clear of incumbrance. Enquire of ■- l-
No ft! Grunt 0f....... .
■ ■ ft'&rm for Mile*
XX. Sewicklcy Creek, fifteen miles below Allegheny
Ciiyy and about three-quarters of a mile from the Kail- ’ “
rood, containing'4B acres,23 of- which' is rlok bottom
land, weUcadapted to gardening or agricultural puiw ' t >.
poses. The balance is. upland, well snuated, and'.well ±
timbered; has a young oiclmrdof aboutlOO thriftytrees.’ <?
It is well watered. ~lthas a small bouse on em- ; > .
.tenuis ready to put no a new one IS by 32/ ltuexpeftt~ - <
ed that a railroad-station house will be put up waning r
mile from ii. For terms enquire of /
Real Estate Agents, over Patricks and Friend’s Bank- . - •
• jng WV>ort fmv29 •
Proposal* for thePnblleatlau-
Sealed Proposals, endorcedreverally 41 Proposals for -
Publications or ATchiveei 0 and Pro-.
pbsals for M Re-publication oftho first tliree volumes of . .
the Colonial Records,*? will-be/ieocived junlil the 12ih- *
day of.JUNE nexi, m the ofiice of theSecrct&ry efihc ?
jmbbcation of ; •'
'nia Archives,”aad also for tho re-publicationofthefim:-*
three volumes of the“ Colonial Records,”, agreeably .to ::
the provisionsof the following sections of-tha following''
Acts of Assembly:
As Acr providing far the publication of the. Colornt& Re*
: eortij, and papers in cf ihe Hetri*
i laiyof iht CtmmoiMDtbUh..: v«v.-...
i Section 1. Bo n enacted by the Senate and J!ou*q of .
(Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania ■■'■■■
rjn General Assembly met, ami u kb hereby enacted by v : /
I the authority of -the sapie, That IUO Secretary uf the
[ Commonwealth be, and he is hereby authortzeu and re* .
quired to continue the printing* of the AJJimles of tlte v
Proprietary Government and CouuciL .of Safety* down
totlieadoption of the Constitution in iheyear onedtoo- : v
sand seven hundred and ninety, from thepoirirat which
the third volume of the Colonial Records terminates, in *
the same shape and. style in which (he volumes-of the >
Colonial Bocords, already printed, aro published—each
volume to contain hot 10-s than eight hundred p«#es,and '
.that thenumber of copies of each volume shall be fifteen'
Section 2.-That it shall ..ue-the duty of ihe*Secretaty ■■■•■
of the Commonwealth,- immediately after the pussage of •
ihisAct, to write proposals .(or the publication of the - ;
records aforesaid, giving public notice for .at least ohe
month-in two*papers published m Phtladelphihy-FlUa- '
burgh aud.llarnsburg, which proposals, shall stalothe "
price per volume, anashall include tire ftmhralujudliierar :
transcribing.of tna recortfs aforesaid, under* thesuper- * -
inlendence.of the Secretary, the publication and binding; <;•
in a manner amfoxixl with and not inferior to the
of the Colonial Records already published, finding all
material, and. the. delivering of ,11mm to the Secretary of :
tbc-Comuiuiiwenlih: which proposals-shall be opened
auheiimc appointed by the secretary itrpresepccof <
the Governor, Auditor Gencralaml s<aieXrea«urcr wha ■ /
shall then, wnhllie Secietaryy proceed toalloulie con*
. traetto thelowest and beslrcspoiisiljlebidder. Provfd* *
edj Tliatbcfore aasig ing ihc.contract as aforesaid; the-;*
successfuihldder shull enter mio boud ; to the Common*'" >
. wealth, with too or more.suffictcntsuietres, In Uie-sum'-' -
of tealhOUsanddollars,<“OiWnioilHl for the.laithfof fultilv 1 '•
jnentbr Ins contract which bon-1 shall be approved by:: v ‘.
the Governor before being received.. /• .
: Section 3. That itshallbe the duly of: the Secretary of’
•the CommonWealihvSd soon tiatheeimrenumbefofcop-” ■'*
iesdfanyonevolumesliaUlmvebecndeliverediuiQbiS i "
"office to cerufy that fact to the Governor, who shall then - •’
drawllns war runt on the SiateTrciHururfor theuraouni./
due the Contractor according to ihecontraci, which shall ' *■
bopaid out of any inoncysm the treasury not otherwise ’ , •
. appropriated: Provided, .That • the Hi-crciary ehaU not ;; •
certify asafoiesaid*uniiluponca«tnmatton he be
that thecootrjcihasbceucaTrifcdGUliuuccordancawiOv-'*
the; true ittem. and meaning of thm act* and especially^
pftheoTiginal. , \»
- Section 6 That the Governor:is antboriz/'dand-re*
quested to appoint some competcut perEon,whdac duty :- > ■
itehallbe to select for publication,-such of the drigmal- - -
documents, treaties, and other papers, prior itr? ' ;
date to the peace of one thousand * even faundred and l :
Eighty-three, now preserved m the Secretary’s cfGce, a® ' - * ;
may oe deemed oi sufficient lmportanceio be pabllshedsV*
and to arrange them according to date and subjectin one * -
:or more volumes, not exceeding five of the sbteof ifie;' ■'
Colonial Records heretofore pinned wliich EhaU bacall- ' • ■
edtho“PeansylvaiuaArchivea” ,
♦ Thai it shall tie the duty of the;Secretary rX ‘ k *■'}
the Commonwealth, immediately after the u PennsylVc-' -•-
hta ATChivcß, ,r as aforesaid, are prepared for publiet* "
liotij to procure the prlnung of.fifteenhundredcopiesrf
the eatiro series immediately in ilie same manners ei d - '-
-un’der the samerestncuon?, as are provided intheiecor d v
: and tlnrd Sections of this Act; in reference’ to the buhU i! ‘ v ‘
cation oflhe Colonial Records. • •- -
[ An Aet supplementary to an At
providing for the publication of
and other anginal papersintheof
; the CommoawcaHh,uppioved, F<
I ; Whereas, From theriamte ofih<
i sylvama Archives, iiow ready for
pensobly necessary to the proper
nhsl its publication shall be BUperintentled by some 1 sc
.curate and competent person, iherefort. •. u -
Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and nousO of ■
Representatives of the Commonwealth of ' ;
in General Assembly, met. and it is hereby enacted 6y.\
the authority of the same, That SavnaellUxzard uhd T .
Ae is hereby upnointed to edit and sapenotend tbe pub--; v
lic&tioaoMherennsylvania Archives, amhorizid lobe :,
primedby the Act to which thisia aßapnlcment. ' ’ . .. .
' Sections. That it shall be the duty ot (heedltortq it 2
-Vote- his entire attention to the publication.of said Ai« .
Vchivesi to prepare all necessary, no:ea .indices; oppe/-‘
Uixos and such other matter as mhy be nicessary and ’
proper, in.dolng which he thali be amhonzcdW puhU*h- - f :
r sudtt papers of a date later than-scveiiteenhaudred aitd;,' >v.t - •
elghty-tlirce,as shallin his judgment be necessary toglVev v
: a clear and comprehenrive view of any tran*acuon,com% f :.
mencingbefsrethatycar. -
: Section 4, That the saidEditorl'enmlheisheribyau- ’
thorUed to procare the of such plans of '
ibanle?, forducaiions; Indian maps, Inaian d-eedsor other 4 ' "'
similarpapers now exisuns omongsaid Archives, ashe
ahair judge necessary lo iho proper illbatration of tKe ' k .- L v
said >
.shall bepuldout of any imoneysnf the
Wiie appropriated, aftefbelng audited and examinedill ‘ ' J - *
tbe'ushal 'reanneri';'
Section 5 : TlJot should the number of volumeafixed In"-* ■'
the Acuu which this is n feUppjeraent. provfc iDSLifficieot '
to comalnthetniiue number oC-paperenow selected tor
publication; jt abaJl be the duty of the the Avs ;
Commonwealth to cause sucbaddiisoQ&l volumes, asniay
be necessaryto contain the enure collection* lo Liepub- .
ilahed by theoomraeloc lathe vnme,maimeras though
no tiomborofvolameaiiadbecniixed by the'ACitowUch-^ 7
theteii a supplement. j r; >
Section ?- ’i’hat'ibe Scereiary of ilie Commonwefilth - i: ,
be authorized to procure Ihete-publicatiou nt ibcfirai /
three voluraesor Ute ColomuLßccordii.miKnnirwliMli*-- -
present edition^_li>\be published und di»tubuted t<OdOrd- ‘
inp to the provisions or ibis Act* and the Act to which !.
tins tsasupplement; land tiiaiuithe making Dfaconintft ':
for the publication o* the renu«yivanla Archives* and t.-:
first three volumes Of the Records- the -ecreiary of lho
Commonwealth be directedtoprovideforthepublication
of at least one-volume per mouth, mid be authorized 10
take such measures.*l will encore the faithful perform' <.
ance of the void contract.
•'lhecomract for the publication, of the Cohmlal lte- : I
. cords, provided for m the 2d Section of the Ac t first mbofei;. i.
quoted, has already,been made, and bidders will confine - -
Uie!t proposal* to pie “ Peunsylvumu:Arcliivi*9 l ’*aJidihe :
re-publication of the first three volumes of the “Colon*- <>.
ol or jo cither oncurtite osher, as each will:
conrhnte thfcsbbject oi a separate contract • • ■,? -v
: Bidders will observe the reqatrctneiils of the 2d Sec
lionlol the Act first abovequuted. and oi tiie7{hSeetton. n
of tbo Supplement, -as no proiHisal -fatitiigi *
or Suietiea<.for the fatlbful fulfilment of :
-should. accompany the proposals. - *- c
, F. W. IJFQItES, - -
Secretary cf tkt
. NbTK.—The three volumes of ibe r Co!oaUV. .
ready published) may bo fooudin all Uie pdblm Hbrariea ;,,
of tbo State. „ y»yw
Piicc perl
per fcail •
• do •
per baahd
1 ■ .. fl
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