»*e>->4*i-v -v\>. -* V „ s 'V- ' V l--* 4 C f *’TVi-. *, « ,*!(,< ‘ * ’J ,* '> ►*\ * * ?t, ' i ** v**' i k 1 0!§&£&' 9:>\ 1"$ ~V\ ’;. * * *i? ’ - %^WZ ’ : i\"' 6 >*'" ' -*> 4^' -»t -* - >h 4 % c * uj-. . f #. * s *■*■***** »S ** *• , .lv*^^^' >v*'-fe' fc .^^ : “? J ’-?'T:'h'v^*'\ ~ : - c ‘>:s ;• :l t: ! V-'. -;. > -,v r: ?**- :’*<•> - v-i- *‘ ' : ‘ * \ 1 * * ?3^fd| »l»™.i2_. la* , Sf 4 i^te ;*?•*• t:/*v‘‘*4;^*Vsi*. < *. •„ >.&&*< ;+ K s v . y : *v- ; Y. \ ■ 7 % • -__----_> < A: '’ r rP‘: , i - . - - ■ - , X- IIor)U YKH , 3 > r <, , t BM , H'»*CloSJfng Store,No 255 . T oah *elln good noil of Summer Cfc>. tor « V ». ul belief Goodi,of every ddscriptioh, * i«ur r»r Custom work made 10 order In faduonable 'trie, on lon Teosnnaldo terms. loprir ivtincverv'Boily 8oy», «»« Ue'Vrue t at tlie Bea Hivb Ctoimao ’ Tsr,f*t. No. «5 Liberty street, •ells,tt.echeaiiMtClo mine in the City—well made and faabionaltly. P“.*r.; >Wv * ' <6nd-extunine lhem,*nnd yoa will roi tic disappointed,^. ■ Just received, »»y Express,® ispltndtd oswifinveni o: Fancy Hrownfhrecu anil Blue tdotn* *np • • olhftrViShlonalile Ooodn, pmtablft forlließcwon.w'b CJ. wears prepared to make u. order, (without il.rappottlh meW Ica-stvJe unsurpassed tn.Uie City. . • • * ■ H C LO'iWbioue.. Corner of Wood Woter s \ . John CAlUfaau €l go.» .. ..• . • >rnrps4lv forUiU market,.mid. m.superior^iyi.i»^vl>tea• &Wd2ffisl» ylltaSKXS 1 our mtmo - hM-ti# » M Quick Stfei and'-Srnw- /'*<’/»**•• , Our Wnrernom, up stairs, ts felts supplied Willi a Urea stock of Cloths, Cos ttnerc , Vesjirg , Summer Cloths, oNrvery deeenpiion, und m (net, every nruete in our hue suitable for the season. These booth sc are malting to order in superior title, und at. very low nrihes Give its h call,and examine. for,yourselves. < P Tn>lo JOHN CALLAHAN fc CO : ' • JABIBSC. WATT, merchant tailor, Afc aa bet*t''tn Stroud‘ make,t«ordeHhn.iBupprior>tylejaiHie lowest. priee'poii\ble;aad. ;; ci-Tdially invite parcuasersto call and .examine- the stock before purchasing 1 elsewhere* TO Agent jin this tfiiy* for thesale of my.work onIQXRMIiNT, CUTTING. . h pan oniy be liaU . authe store of: the subscriber, JO Market sited, tit the following prlcca, vizrwitn Jbsuuc* •tior)fl»«tos wahoutiS7. tnarl7 v JAMES C. WATT. ■' RK W ULUTIIIHG HOUSE. - KDMUND WiTTS k CO, MERCHANT TAILORS, ' No. 185' Liberty street,, above 81. Clair, . TTH Vl* opened a new Cloihing Sidre, ul nbave M Bltce and .are now receiving a splendid .lot of vClotbs. C«sira.«re*, Ac., of the latest importa* lion«, purcha , »ed with ai especial vtew to ciiy r trade,iioa which they are prepared to make nn to order in thu laj teat and »ost:fa*Monable styles. They iritend to pay strict altenUontotlm branch of their bn?iness, aiHt they baye fuU confidence tluithcy will be able to glve/tbeir cnrtomeraoMiie satisfaction They are joanuniem* jing ft chdico .iol Of KEA OY o( themewest style*, which they will selllow for cash . As all Ibi* stock is entirely now, ins worthy the alien-, on of buyers. ‘ -- faprtP.y. ; ~SPKIHQ AflfU SUMM* «*,i»uo * Uit»U V THREE BIG DOORS! .v , ■ Afo.lol, Sircrt, Pittsburgh, • TOIIN' MoCLOSKEY has now the pleasorc of'an* tl • notrneingio Ills numerans fricnds and tbo public in. 'general,that hi 6 Spring and Summer stock Uhowreauy for inspection, which ne believes will be found to be '■.one of the latgestand beptsciectedKtoclcitof.Reauy "AMndeClothinßio be foumlin the Western Country v . v lie has this season paid more, thanasuhl attention tc. •the manufacturing aito style of his Garments, so thallaC' ■very lowesipriced, aswellvisthe finestyare got up m a style and elegance not,to be surpassed., \ He would particularly call thr attention of alt dealers ia Clothing to his rilfesent splendid assortmentof ’ U«*dy-Hlado Gorments, As he feels confident, uponexumination of the qualities ' 'and prices of his goods, he can offerthem such induce ; snents as shall ma>M It their interest to purchase at hUi ; establishment*' * • v »- i Many years* experience, and greavsnccessin the bu siness, together with an unprecedented irfeeiesaie and re-; fatt paironnge; has enabled him to gel up Garments to. salt the business habits and tastes of every location m, the Unloni which is of ihe utmost imponnnce.to whole, j * a Jn department wlU^be found a choice sor; lection of thetnostfashionablegoodsicbnsistlng oi— : French) JSnglith and Jmericati Bnadclothtf . ?• CaShmeretts.&c,'&c. Also; an excellent assortment or ‘VESTINGS, of inelatest and most fashionable styles— all of which he is prepared to make to order In the bes* manner and at the most reasonable prices.- * COMB, THEN, ONE AND ALL! . The Assortment, tb* Quality, and the Variety, Js.tht most extensive, undoubtedly, to.be fo ind in tho United Stales: - martS Co-Partnership Notice* THE subscribers have Hus day entered into partner ship, under the style nnti firm, of TAAbFb, MA GUIRK & UANE for. tbe purpose of carrying oo ageii* eral Commission and Produce Uushmss, and confident*- ly hope iheir,!ong experience, extcnUve mercantile ac quaintance, and personal attention, to inc interests of uieir customers, will entitle them to, a share of public oatfonoge, which it shall be their study to deserve, v . -LUKE TAAFFE. I'iltiburgli, ■ • SAM’L MAGUIKE, Cuttiberl’d; Md,, \VM. C UANE, Washington, Fa ; PiUsburgb, April 3.1859, . : fnP G ' hope.\jr-o oi*i)R y. ■CoclirAUf Htßrfilo A Co*) i4amnracnmßa»oF v . • Ironßailing and Ornamental : Irons Work, in all . its branches, " NOR WOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH. • mHE advertisers beg leave respectfully 10 inform their JLfriend* and the pnUlte generally* that, haying receiv ed alargamnnberofnew patiewsfor Iron Railing, Ac., which, togethcrwitb those previously on band,comprises the-greatest variety ever offered in ihlrCuy—mey arc now prepared to manufacture the same for Cemetery narrows, baleohics; fences, garden*, window guards. ' tree boxes, hat rack*, centre tables, fcc. &c*, in a style of workmanship and finish not to lie surpass*!, and cheaper than any heretofore manufactured west of the moun* Also, cooking stoves, hollow ware, and castings.of all [eseriptions. as usual. JAMES ll* HEED d& CO., Manufacturers of Theodo lites, Snryeyors* Conipas ses, Loveling and Grading Instruments, &c., &c. . ; ‘ NO. 36 - Smithfidd street, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.; An assortment of the n-' bovo named Instruments al ways on hand. ‘ : 1 Also Clocks, 'Watches,! Jewelry, &c., &c. April 6,1862—2m , Igeney for. Diffcrent Linei of Paeket Skips. PASSENGER OFFICE, . • Wo. 410 Liberty Strict, I*mi*mrg». Per P: W. BYRNES Sr C0., 69 South urui, omtt . J ; • • HAS a Line of Packets i sailing every five day*from , 4QN.; .'Vcrjtv. , Liverpool to New York, a> lES'T'pRn. Line of Packet* from lav • Jf3[\j|xad3y ■ ernool to Philadelphia, on JmEaySfipt? of eaehflESssasSSX mouthiifaJneof Pocketsto Baltimore on the a«ui v‘ each month. Also—a Line oi Packet* on the Bth and 941 h of each month from London and Portsmouth to ?■ JrtMfS-hn ft* at slghittlwaysonhond, for any amount, at the lowest rates of discount; and all information &ra^r& nse " l im^N c vVoy^sro n Nr , '• • mails ’ ; 410 Liberty «uPiUBbargh. Bi'At FMidUiocti'i Vtrislftige. ' Ftcm o Rtgular Phytiaan. [From Dr. John Silrman.J YxlL Coukty, (ArV) Oct, 1850. I AM & Physician by profession, of the regular order. and aa such; have always viewed patent medicines with a skeptic eye. Last spring, whenl sent to Philadelphia for, my .bill .of medicines, I was prevailed on by my brother, to put in hit bill an item of two dozen ylaU of. your Vermi fuge; be stating to me that it was a valoable nrepara- having tried it in. his own I senifdrlwo dozen vials. I have used Uralljana I must confess that my elfiectiitions were more than reaiizeo-- ils remits were truly astonishing, removing worms in every Instance; when properly administered. Jf you will send' me a borcontaining a gross, and send me the bill* 1 will send you the money for them by mail or oin erwise*as yoa may direct. ; . . ' JBewnre of counterfeits and imitations. Picpared and .old bgr A FAHNESTOCK * co cornerof Wood and First sis. .. mvB:dfcwlm • U)UIS KIiHUAK •••••AfIAK HtfWBMAlf, ,-[of thelateCrmof Sands&Rcinenran. 1/OUIBRBIWESJAN A CO., ' IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Cltfrkti Jewelry* WatekMattnatt, Tccls<%c.)sc n iirrri srarßT, oroj noos from wood, pittsbueou,* ruAXK leftyo to anpopnce to the trade and the-publie 1 bnvo themselves carefully se* iScted and Imported from Europe, a largo stock of Cold and Silver Watcher, Watch Materials, and Tools for Waieh makere; and a most elegant aMortment of Jew elry.fromihe best manufactories—which they offer at prices as low as they can .be purchased in the eastern of Watches consists of Gold and Silver PatentLeveTs i doJteieched L*ver»; do Lepines, Sil ver Gttartiers: Q nd elegant French tunc places, pf.the makes; Together. wilha large stock,of 01ocks,and Time Pieces,from the bestAmencan Facto fl%elr stock of Jewelry comprises article* of .every description In this line, such as Finger Rings, Fat Rings, TtreaM Pintvßiacelets, Gold, Fob aud Guard- Chains, Gold Guard Key* and seals, Lockets, Gold and Silver * Spectacles, Silver and German Silver and Table and l£a Spoons, and every kind of fancy articles generally kept in esUDlishmcnls of this description. :.•■■. • They woold respectfully callthe&uentton of the trade to their extensive stock of-Wateh materials ami Tools, of every variety, which they have, most caTCfnuyßc have also on hand alnrgo assortment of Tele scopes' Spy Glasses and Opera Glasses, from the best jnanuSctory in England.. Together with a great variety of other arrfdes too numerous to mention. t . . ; , Clocks, Watches mid Jewelry repaired in. the best Manner and on the most reasonable terms. footlliy *■:, - f * FUi>DKfT& FORDf Bsnnfbctnreri and Dealers In: MANCHESTER MINERAL PAINT, . : . Attaonsnv City, Pa. Nkw Yurk, December 151h,1551. 1 hn*e analysed a sample of MANL'IIESYGR MIN ERALYAINT, for Pocdsb & Fobd, and find it to con. tain the following •/ Silica, • • ' ■ ‘ Altunina, : - * ■■ Per Oxide of iron, : ■ Lime, . * Marneaia,. -bb*: Oxide of Manganese, Water anil Loss,- , * - ■ , 100.00 iPhA powdered Sample, contained in the box,which 1 •nnSS« wm ie one you desired also to have analysed, fffloSferftom any averaseofihe lump, powdered, and ad*ei ,o B el S? f ’ This last yields as • PerOxideoflron, ’ * IK'S . Silleaand Alumina, - - "i™ -fcfane,— - • ■ * - Marrnesia, * * “ -‘iX Water and Loss, * * 2_ , . , i» t 4o ' , ipht* aufereaea J presume arisea/rom mineral not Arable DSlnt. Ifind Itattt by calcining tliejioW' k*“ nV iM W R CnTMON.H. P, Chenu.l.:. nr Ar Ba iobTJOEUiromEB l iuMb I my^t ) (glottjing. 67,21 Sfli - 19,41 ,69 ,21 - ,1* - 6,00 firanaporiation, - L*eu)f&yiv«nt» "M*W* ?5f to *rooil&entrust£W •do Philadelphia, . - . ■*• - - 1 do ’ Washington City, •» - - • 10,^0. MONONGAUKLA ROUTE. ... The feteamcc .leavesthe Wharf, above the .Bridge,■ Daily, «t 9 o’clock, A. Mi’! Travelers ItavihgTiPsburgh by the Mnriiiiig Boat, will crofft thc mountains the same nigh*, and or five in Cumberland the morning lor; tlieH o'clock train of Cal slot Baltimore,: Will sup in BhUiraorc and Waihlngtou City, and arrive in Pluudel pldo-at;3o I clbbk, the same night • • • Fare to Baltimore, 8 ' do PhiladeliHiia, . r .*■ * 10,01). dq ' WashinvUm City, * 10,50. . For TfcketSybyeiiher-ot the above Lines, p!ea>e call at-ilie West Plank Road in the Mpuou gahchi House, WalerslrerL J. ; J, EVANS, Agent. ■ oPrS'' moaiata cdstiul baiiko. 1852. CLEVELAND ANO DETROIT LINE, In connection whit the Cleveland fcndr Cincinnati Rail- Tcadt Cleveiaiii .and &ie' Railroad;.Cleveland-and: Pittsburgh Railroad,nod Michigan Central Railroad. PASSENGERS will be ticketed tbrongli froai point on Lake Michigan,- to Cleveland, Cincinnati; and Pittsburgh, asd.iiom either of those plaees to any poinidnLftke Michigan. • This Line will-bc composed of two hew low pressure steamers, built exprersly for.thp route. - . Capu C. C. Staka.bi>. FOREST CrrYi : - Cap'. L. a; TUsbc*. : A Boat •willledve Cleveland f r Detroit>undl)etrOit for Cleveland, evory evening atO| o’clock, arriviog .in .boiUc.Uie* the following morning, iii season for the mor uhig trainof cars forChieagOjClncinnau and Pittsburgh, •andforlh'cfcake Superior and Saginaw boatsst Detroit Ti ey will ran from Cleveland In the iailowiugotder FOREST CITY.; Monday-— l • -Wednesday*« CLEVEIiANB. Tuesday Tburfday • • ♦—•— ;v : CLEVELAND .... forest city. Tuesday- ♦•i - * *.~ -Thursday• • *« * • »Satttrday. Ttc undersigned die prepared lo mike contracts for ailJtimls of Freight, front Cleveland'to Detroit, Macki naw. Sauie Stft.Marie, and all ports on Lake Michigan. The OCKAN, CASPIAN and ST. LOUIS tvUl compose the line niittl ihenaw Boats are ready C BRADBERN & CO;Cleveland. PITMAN, TROWBRIDGE & JONES, Detroit * nprl4:om 18 52. Summer Arrangement-Fare Reilncea P Bit »SVI* V A » 1 A BA I O AD, Two i>aHy Train# From PlttabargU to Fhlluaclphlaivad Oalttmore. OnZtfB& EoHrs Through! FARR 610. mflKExprcas mail train will leave the Depot on Lib- X erty street,above the Canal Bridge, every morning Ot Of O’clock. • r~. i .-y. ■ • : PasseJigerswillgobytbec&rstoTurtle,Creek I2milc* 5 where they will find ihebesiof Coaches in readiness to convey them 23 miles, over a first rate turnpike road to Beatty's station; {conductors nccorapanyeach itoiii of Coaches), aad then takethe ears to Hollidaysburg; and then take the splendid sleeping, cars direct to Phtiaael pbldahdßalliidorC. . - '- w , ■Pasfierigerafbr Baltimore take the cars or tne York and Cumberland. Railroad at - Harrisburghj arriving, at Balti more the same morning. , - ", ; . „. _ ’Hie Evening Train will leavfc daily at C-50, Pi M n at riving at Philadelphia next evening. - Baggage cbeckedthroßgh to- Philadelphia. . D. Leech A Co.’s ExpressrackelLine will leave dally, ats o’clock, P; connecting at BlairspiUe with the Pennsylvania Railroad. -Through ~~from Pittsburgh to Philadelphia and Baltimore in3S hours;- j FARR,aO._ Pleasure parties and others can go oui on the train ol Of A.M. or-Gf P.M., and return to the city at 8f A. M. orS P. M. Fare to East Liberty Is,cents, to.NVilkins burgh 25 cents; to Turtle CreekGD cents. -We.are.pre pared to run special trains to Turtle Creek, or any inter mediate point, for parlies or 50 or more. -> Passengers will procure ihelrUekeis at the Railroad Officein the Monongohcla House, Water Street, NOTICE.-rln caseof loss, the Company will hold themselves responsible for -personal baggage only and for an amount not exceeding 0150. , _ • s jet . J. hfItSHJMRN; Ticket Ae’t P. R. R; fig w iSa/CS^KuIE ii W i•„ ■ WESTERN RAILROAD v " VBOai . V- ; ,v«. Plltsburgh to ClevelandrColumlms and ClbeHutatl* - ' - ALLIANCE, ;CANTON AND MASSILLON, f . IN CONNECTION WITH THE FENNA. CENTRAL railroad: Through from Pittsburgh lo Cleveland in Uss than Ten Sours, by a continuous Railroad Sine l THE Express Train on the Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad, leaves Pitlsburghat 8} At M.j Ktopping nl Sevnckly, Rochester, New Brighton,'Darlington, Knon, Palestine, Columbiana, and 3alem, and reaches Ail!* ance, 82 miles from Pittsburgh, at 1 P. At. Passengers leaving Alliance on tbs Cleveland Railroad at 3 P. AL, and reach Cleveland at GP.:M. . Returning, the pas* sengers leave Cleveland at GA. Alliance at 130 P. M., and reach Pittsburgh at 5.39 p. M., m time to con nect with the evening .train on the Pennsylvania Rail toad for Philadelphia,.New York anil Baltimore, ami also with ihe Yooghiogbeny Steamboat and Plank Ituad • route* Passengers by this route come from Cincinnati ur PiUsborgh in two night travel, and save ftom one to two days in connecting with the Pennu. Cen tralßailroad. •, • . ... . . PasseDgCJS'leaving Pittsburgh, at 830 A. M., Mach Canton at 2P.hl. ana Massillon at 250 P.M. At Mas sillon the hue-connects with stage.Hnet to Wooster, Mansfield, New Philadelphia,and atEnon to New Cat- Ue,Poland, Warren, Mercer and Erie.;. . ' V The Ncwßrighton Accommodation Train leaves Pittsburgh at 10 A.M. and 5 20 P. M., and New Brighton at 7A. AI. tnd IP. AI., sjonpingat intermediate stations. Excursion Tickets, good for two days, are sold be-» tween Pittsburgh, Rochester and New Brighton- - . Quarterly tickets are sold at lowrates, and tickets by the package to some of the stations; The Trains do not run on Sunday. Omiubnees ran in connection with the trains to and from the station on Federal street. Fare by the only continuous Railroad Line from Pitts* •burgh to Cleveland, 140 miles, 34,00* - To Massillon, 103 ■miles, 83,00. - . * - For tickets oppi y at the Federal Street Station- of the Ohio and Pa*Riulroad«tO’ GEORGE PARKIN,:/> * * Ticket Agent. Or to ' J.MESKiMEN, Monongahela House, Pittsburgh. Note—By the route by steamboat 50 miles to Wells? vilie.snd ificnce bylßailroadlOO miles to Cleveland, the fare is S3£o. Pittsburgh, April 1,1852.— lev BoDkt) iit Nmtv Tort mHEOLOGICAD ANDMISOKLIiANEOUSGQOKS; J[ now opening from Carter’s, Fletcher’*,* Harper*, Appleton’s, Scribner’s, Dodd’s; Putnam, Ac., NewYorfi Gootd k Linnolii, Jewett, Ae, Bo5ton; Marita,, sc.) Philadelphia; from UraPresbyterian Board of Publics-, lion londAniericanSaiidaySchol Union, and MapSabr. bstltSeliagl Society, Together with fresh importations of standardTheolo- I- iicSl aod MUccnnneotts »otks from Europe, and alarge: variety of Stationery, ~ ■ i mySS - ' : '< l adjoining* Wilson's Jewelry Store.' I#io « o “.«^C b fesON. rjßou— [ P »131 * i 1 1l * f » - 4 » -t » » l » Jnsuratue Companies. Pir« and ttatlue Iniurauce, .fpHR,OFFICE oftho /iw>»ran«« Co. of Worth X has been remottdio the Warehouse of Hardy, Jones •A Co^No.l4l' FrDut fitreetjthitd hous&nastoT Wood street,where |be subscriber.will issue Policies on Build ings uird their cdhientSjundonShfptnents by Steamboats snd othcr. vcssclß. for the above old and responsible Company; (ttp3l i: WlVt, P. JONK3»Agrni Stale Atatuat Fire Tniurance company* JURBIBSURO . PA. iT\ESIGNKD only for the stuer uassqsof property, has an ample capital, and uffoids Supendr auvan.ugca u* pomtor.cheapneßs, safety and accommodation, lochy artdcountry'merchafits, ana owners of dwellings, ami ißotaicdurcounirypTopeny, v ■> . A, A. CARRIER,Actuary, \ x ' • oct2?l Branch Office, N 0.54 Smnhfield st. Pittsburgh* JN«v* JSuglfUMl fclv.e Scoott Inanrhaco Co., , Haven, Connecticut. TTORSES, UATTLK, &c . insured apa n t death l>y • I'fii .dißeaae or •accident/?,Capitol 850,000, \\till power to-mcrcase to $lOO,OOO , ::?;>• j: " DraECTOBS , - Tlu>rams.Keoctalioti,caBh, including accu mutated 818.000;: '•- - - ? >A)ro, agents for the. purchase and sale of real estate. = : IHsuuascs. THE DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY 1 . INSUR ; ANUECOMPANY*—Office.Northßoom of ihe Ex, ohangevThtrdstreetaPiiladelphia. , ' FiEXlNscitAZfCß—Buildlifgs, Merchandize anil olhei properly ia , Viee:Prcsldeni.. ' ' Jostim .W. Cowan, Secretary. ; rrj-Office of the Company,No.42 Water street,Pitls bqrgb. _ _ Qcl&dtf), - , P-A. MADEIRA, Agent Tlio Frtuklln Fire Insurance Company. -o» nuLAinr-rittA. BIRECTORS;— ■ . ‘ Charles W. Banoker, . GeorgoW. Richards, Thomas Hart, MordecniD.; Lewis, ■ Tobias Wugner, Adoiphi E. Borle, Samuel G rant, : David S.llrowne, Jacob R-Sutliu, - Morris Patterson. CIIAS. N.CANCKER.Pies’t. Cues. G. Banckb, Secretary, , - 'IEP* Continue to mairelnsarance,'pcrpetnnlor limited, onevery description of property in town uitd country, at ratissas Idwusnre consistentwitli security. ' The Compahyhnve reserved a large Contingent Fund' which, with their Capital and Premiums, safeiy invested* afford ample protection to the 'assayed. - ■' '' ■ The Assetsof the Company, on January Ist, 1851, as published agreeably loan Act of Assembly, wer.e as fol fowa. vixs—•• > Mortgages ■ '** * ***" "*" 918,12 d €3 ~ ReolEalaie* 64.377 78 Temporary Loana* *-r~—r ]* • Stocks ■ i ■ i ■ ■— Cl,feB9 00 : Cash, Ac. _W£4ABI ; 81,Via,709 44 . Since their incorporation, a period of at years, thcj have paid upward* of Qnt Million Four Hundred T&ou* tanit lhUars, losses by fire, iherebj aiordinß cvidepce di the ad vantage* of lnsumncc, as well as the ability and OPFICB— oS* ?iUTUfIELD A3D TBtnn STBETTB. GOARARTY CAFITAL» 030,000. THIS is anasroclation established lor the mutual relief of its members, in cases of sickness or accident, by • ilicpaymeniof tbe:r Annual Deposits Persons in Rood health may become members and be entitled to.a weekly; benefit, to case of sickness or accident.'-All who jmivtbb Association are entitled to a vote iu the election of officers, end to participate in the profits of tho Associa* tion. Uisesiauliihed on. asafo and permanentbests, beinff both Motoal and Kcnevolem In tts-drsigns, with: the lowest rates'eonsistent for its security, and conduct-: ,ed in aroahner to insure its permanency and durability. All persons can see thoodvantnges of taking out a ; pplky from the General Office,- -i • , YBA.KLT DEPOSITS, 8 per year, draws $ 2,Wpeifcweek;' 3,t'U do do 3,1*0 do; 4,00 do do 4,00 do ; 5,00 do do 5,00 do; ■ G,OO do do 6,00. do; 7,trfl do do 7,00 do; 8,00 do do fc,oo do; 0,00 do do 0,00 do; 10,00 do do 10,00 do; INITIATION FEE, for‘Membership, SI which mast be paid at the time of making application} and the first years* deposit within twenty days. Each member entitled to a monthly report, gratis,. ■Saturday. •♦•Friday. Prrjtimf—D, W. HBauMORT, Viet. President and lyrajurer—Wm. M..'Wilson. £«erdary-*G, B. Brown. % Finance Commiuu—A. J. Childs, A. 1). Christie- and P. A- M*Mn«ters. marlttCm State Mutual Eire Insurance Company. HARBIBBUUOIJ, PA., MA Yl, 1808.' ; Capital 0*3200,000. BRANCH QFFSCEiXo.M'SmuftfielitstTeetiPittsbnrgh. 3ECOr*D STATEUEST. Total am*t.bf property atriik—'*'* •-•••*.814,633,016 00; Awcmut of bill* receivable (in : .- form of Premium notcsfiom . members—**--*-8179,527 91 Atnoanl of Cosh Piemioms*** *5125,625 IG Total tostes, returned premiums; rc-hisurance nml expenses*— 93,140 5G ... 530,478 GO Intercston Loans*-"-**'*'; 73J 4C Cash fcarplas- Estimated prerent value of Sla :;titmery,office Furniiore, Ac * * One-balfof this amount expires within n year. ■< THE Director*, in presenting the'SeeomLcAnuual Re* port, lake leave to congratulate the raomfccrs upon the marked success of the State Mutual Fire Insurance Company. In operation'only Wo yCafs, it has token a position: bepldc ihe older institutions of the proves by its very great success that the mntual system eg mlopied by them is, beyond a question, the best and only safe mode of insurance. -; - \r ' The heavy losses of the past year which have annihi lated many .stock - companies,, leave the State tMutual with a cash surplus of upwanls of thirty *.one thousand dollars, Ifeildus a reserve capital of nearly two hundred thousand dollars, which is constantly Increasing. The Directors submit that the Slate Mutual Ftro Insu rance Company offers'to owners of safe property in ducements soldotn equalled and never exceeded. - -■ JWrwim—John I*. Rutherford, P. C. Sedgwick, Sam uel Jones," Philadelphia; John lhPacker, A. A. Carrier, Pittsburgh} J. D«. Rutherford, A. J. QUlet,S.T,Jones, Robert Klow. ■. JohnP. Rutherford, .Ar'J.fliUet, : £«r«torp. jel:d&wtf A. A. CARRIER. Actuary, WatcUe*,o©tr«ljcy f &.c« EAVINGtJusv returned-.from the liistem cities, I have brought, with me one of the most beautiful ana carefully selected Stock's bf Jewelry, Watches and Fancy Goouib averofferedto ..ihel’ubUc*J*brsous wishing to purchase any ififag in my line, can rely on geuingAgcnd nrifelfl; J r do hot advertise to sell goods below cost, nor 50 pe r cent, cheaper than any house, in the city. Give me axealh and't am sure you wilt be satisfied thallcanseH a good article as cheap .as any . of them.. . • .-• . . v..- Another tact I wish To keep ,before the people. If you want yonr WatcfvCldclrJ ofrany aiticle-of Jewel* ry, repaired Jn the best manner, this is the place to have it done; To tills : branch of my' business ! will devote especial attention. , . -- ‘ : , ■ JOHN 8: KENNEDY, 04 Market street. Sign of the Golden- Eagle.-^ Henry Hlclmrd«oii, Jeweller, HAVING re-fittedbis store in .a handsome manner, and but recently returned from the Eastern ciliea with a fine assortment of Watches. Jewelry and Fancy Goods, would call the attemton of hit friends.and cob tomerato the fact, that among bid'Watches'will be found the raostdesirable styles, pntteriis and makers Of Jew*, elry, the latest styles of broches, brean pms, fob and :vcsl chains, finger rings, car rings, miniature, lockets, ? FANCY GOODS—Buch as paper mache, work tables, work boxes, fancy vases, porfnme bottles, table mats, Colt’s pistols, porlo monmes, in great vanetyj clilnafruit andcakedisbea, &ci, with Ad endless variety ol useful And ornamental articles, which have only to be seen to be appreciated.. : » novl - • ■:•••• • NO. 81 MARKET- STREET*' Cittsens and Strangers, BO you wish to purchase a ;' Sraii GOLDorSIEYER WATCH, Slone-half the usuul prtcc? If so, call at UOOD’S ; eiilfiSNEW JEWELRY STORE, 01 Market street, •two doors north of Third, and take a look al bin new stock, just arrived,andyou can there purchaseWatch :esor any kind of fine Gold Jewelry at their real value, :and.not do charged two prices for everything, as you ‘have usually boon; bat can get the very best quality of ; goods.ol tbe.lpwest eastern prices. . Do not bcllevo what tolhers, interested in.their own sales, tell you, but come land see for yourselves. All goods sold alibis establish* rraent will be warranted as represented at tipie of sale—* :W that oil, WT purchase equally safe.and obean. aal9. IF. Time is money, surely u deserves to bo watched; and, reader,” you may be assured that— •* * ; Watches betterne’er were sold, Whether of silver or of gold, Than you willfind, when e’er you go, .T^.,. atthoscon sale below. - . ■*. ]i, BRTXNKSIAN & CO., 1 : FIFTH STREET, ONE BOOIt FROM WOOD, v . luportsN andDcuJera In Clooh.fi,Watoliea t. at%d Jtxßdry y Walch MaieriahyWatch Makers Tool*,%c, ■■ v BEG leave to announce tothe* trade and the public generally,that they have just, receiyßdifrom the best . manufacturers In Europe, a large Tot of cold, and. silver WatehetyWatehlools and Materials,.and .ftvinottxle* Igant assortment of Jewelry, from ihe-best manufne in i' rets—which they offer at prices as low as they can be 'purchased in the'Eastern markets. “• : * .Clocks, Watches.and Jewelry, repaired in uwr-tyest imanner, and otUhc-foost reasonable terms.: ?, prompt attention paid to orders Dorn a distance. )- v marSi,.^-.i: •: D e ?J US. WATERMAN &. SONS, - H OMO* INB URAN G E ...5210.54D, OB IMPORTERS And manufacturers of CUTLERY, SURGICAL AND A£&v£> DENTAL V INSTRUMENTS, RM •• •'■•■* FLES, Ac. -We keepagencfalas* i . ,7"r soriraentof the aboveariicles con-: I .stanriy on jmnd; together, with a general vanCty of i -Fancy Hardware; Also. Guns, Pisiols aniLßevolvers, Flasks, Horns, Shot. Bells, Capa, Powder, Load and i ißulleu; Bowie, Dirk, Hauling and Pocfeet 'Kmves;- i Shear# j; Pocket. &ci*sor*>i rftc. Also,Trusses and Supporters. ' ■ i j lobbing and repairing neatly executed. ?: RIFLES ore nuking Rifles of every descrip* liojw to ordhreof ths,best material, and workmanship warranted. Orders received for them at Wholesale or unii-be filled with despatch. Hunting parties Supplied at Wholesale prices. ... imylO ~ l ~ ~ J . r , At * '£■ '. ; '':.'\-f- H'! 1 ’ ' *. k * sPrj)©ooi^s. GREAT BARGAINS IN DRY GOODS. '■ - Befllritfoff*tCa«t . • TO -QUIT THE BUSINESS-! rpiJß Subscriber beingabout to ißlinciuisli lho reiail • i dry goods business, andhaving made huch arrange-, menu. as to render it necessary toclossotiwila atocW by the Ist of July uexl, will commenceon 'I hursUay. May 43»:ind sell Ms- eniirer siock of Fancy and Sjaplc dTy goods at COST, FORCA&H-.- ‘ v r.; ■:;.■■■■ r Hisgoodslmvmg boon princfpully purchased the pres* i ent be fouiul desirable.: bargains, being at i IcusiU&per cent lower than regularpNces. • ; In STAPLE GOOl)B'wilfbe found— . ;4*4and 6*4 French.gwgboms; . r . > ; • : Kngh6b and French chintzes; . :./ :.Jdlk alpacasand.boHiba2tneSi • Checks and mushns; - . .■*...■■ ; itish tmenraiidcrashet;. ... Table linens andcloihsi.^. . ; • ■■■■., Jfuckaboek towels nud toweling; t : Domaskand snow drop linen.napkins and doilies May ... scilles quilts; furniture prints, plain aufrcmb d .dnnU), linen sbectmg and pillow linens; table Biid Tnano covers., and cove rings: worked lace cottAins undent tain muslins. FANCY* GOODS. . : While crape sliawls, emb’dand plain wtulc betege and thibet shawls . Fine French lawns and bereges; . Hojrege dc lnines and rausim de laines; “lirtsues aud grOnadieir's}'; ' ' . . . ■ . . ' Dlk ami fanny silks,some verytropenor, and a fine sWck of goods geuerally. . .. ■; =• EMBROIDKRIE3. Worked midl and lacc capes and sleeves; . . . , Jacoiteit, mull and linen cambric collars & chemisettes,. Jnconett, mull edgings and inscniogs, .-- .Kmb’d linen and cambric hdkfs; ..- ' Worked barids and flodifclogfr dud a mugcmccnt stock of Valencicnuts edgings, laces ijmd inserungs, together with a large variety ©T'other goods, too numerous to ' mention, till of which willactuailybe aoidnt ORIGINAL COST, FOR CASH. Early calls will reccre the best, bargains ■ JAMES A ; . M , RNrG'IIT,No. C‘4*4i‘i st.; : . P. S—All pci sons knowing ihemselyes indebted: to. • the above prior to January, ISTi, are requested to pay., the same, ns all debls wULbc putin tbe bands or an at-' toruey for coliccuon. ' ■ ■ :. , ■ mylfl. Cheap orv Goodiil -.J & CO., ; 109 Wood; Wood Street , A RE now opening si vert extensive and well assorted . A.Btock.of SPRING and SUMMER; GOODS. Con sisting in . part of French and English Rroad CIpUiS, Caasliheres, CashmercitsV Ijoeskuis/ Jcanfr, Cottdnades, OriUirgs, Linen Coaling, Silk,. and Fancy Cotton Vestings.- Also, about fOO.CASES PLAIN AND FANCY:,DRESS- GOODS* embracing the newest Myles of Silk and Lt tien Poptins. Delaines,Beraecsand . BeraffeDe-Xialnesj Black Moarhing ntid Fancy Lawns; Fl'iln and .Fancy Calicos, in: great variety i-French, Scotch and Domestic 1 GineiiamsrFalm Deaf, Leghorn, Kos3nib,ilnitxariaß aadJdcxicartllatfl ;;Siik,Ginßhttm and Cotton Parasols, Ac., Ac ; , which ate; offered rit Wholesale ontherooitacdorntn'otiefinff terms* .foprlS ■. Orest Attraction ! JUST RECEIVED atJarews 1 One PriceCasliStored’. No. 70 Market street, PiUslmrgh, between Fouhh st. and. Diamond, the largest and most hpauiifui stock. Of SPRING anu SUMMER DRY GOODS, ever Offered to the citizens of Phtsburgh. ,-v ■ ; i- The sabsetiber wou’d inforarthose who. desire to get dooD:BAS(iiisB, tliat ; the greater part of his 'Stock was purchased at Xkt, recent large Auction -Sales in New? - : Yorkarid Philadelphia ;fdrc'« sit, which enables' him'to *eUgoodslsta : 2sper cent.-cheaper ihsmtbose'wbbjmy on credit. We do hot deem it Heee?sary ts mention the thQ djfferenl kinds of godds-tbai compose our stocfc> but deem it sufficient to say that ilcimsisis of u full assort ment of ladies’and gentlemen’s wear, together with* a general stock ef FURNISHING GOODS..;. Wo would respectfully; solicit aii examination of our stock; from tbosewho'wish to. purchase. : 1 • fmarlS JAfiIKS H’CAHDtiISSS « CO„ *OO vroou STREET, KHOkESALEDeirferrin Foreignand Domestic Dry \ Goods, are.-now opening lheir< first purchased NG AND SUMMEtt GOOD 3, sekoted with the greatestcare, in partoftbo newest styles ofr- . . . Drees Lawns ondßerages > Plain and Figured Alpaccan ; French, ahd Domestic Ginghams; ;; Printed Catteeesj in great variety ; - . Ribbons, Lacesand Edging*; • - Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings; ■. . SununerCoatingand-Pamalooning; B'own and Bleached Muslins; - Palicinitl Leghorn 1 Gals; Straw and Braid, Bonnet*. . Togctherwith a complete stock of Variety Goods nnd Pedlars* NotionSjGola and Gih Jewelry, Gold and verWatclies, Brass Clocks, Ac. All of which are.of fered at Wholesale, fOr aimall advance over Eastern a rices. lfch23.Cnt. « fBBW GOODS! YOUNG, STEVKNSGN -it LOVE, Signor thc u ORIGINAL BEEHIVE" Market si s - : FRK3U ARRIVAL OF •New Springand Summer Good** ; flftHE subscribers have just received by A Jams &? i of the largest and best .selected. assortments of Fine- Dress-Good* ever offered to the public! -:' ' 1 One. of the Firmhaving been .iu the } EasteraCilies; before the commencement of the Spring trade, selected; dotOoodKjVrith greatcarefrora the Importers, at such: prices as will enable u* to. sell cheaper ihan the cheap- - '> ; " • '■ ' r :• Oar very extensive slock comprise* m part the fol* towing~vlz: ■,.... Cliche and Jasper Cfceae Silks; High Lustre, Plain, Chamelicti ami GlossaStiks; do , Stripe do do; ■ .-.do- ,- - Plain Black. . . do; • Turk Sating Foulard and Watered Silk-?; Tissues, BeragesvPlaiuaud Figured Poplins; French workcthe ■ • v - Ladjes» and .Chuaren’s Millinery, -Gloves, Flowers, men's Biontl Clollus, Tuscan imd Leghorn lints, (Cenin style?,) Shlrto,Coats, ; Mounting-Goods of every description. Mndnme "A. Soiling, .((ironl France,) is in'Uie monthly TefiejntofFaßiiionß anitModclSjfrom F.aris, London and New York, at No. 51 St. Clair street, and 103 Market st > wlioto ladies are respectfully irivited.to call. ; > «• The trade supplied with inodelsand materials.. Capri* 831.21 a 00 SEGOSO GEE&T AUIUTALt. /XT* FALL hhtl Winter Dry Goods and Varmos at No. \J 07, Northwest comer of Wood sweet and Diamond Pa;. D.GBKod & Co. would again an nounce to their old customers and dealers peuerally m -their-line, thnt they a» how weparcdt o-offei; to*Brie their present hew ■stockdiGoodsafunasaally low rates. And as out purchases have ; been'raadc on ; the oiosLmVr orable terms with Importers and Manufacturers,we Hat ter ourselve§, nnd hope to be aide toincrjiaeontiHunnce of confidence and paironuge of oar-.ola -.customers, ami thc'publid cenetally, which has hecnjicmofore sohbe* rally bestowed upon us. Our DRV .GOODS -tq in part of Broadcloths, Cossiraeres, Sattiuets, Tweeds, .fancy Vesting,Check*,'Flannels, Drillings, Black and Brown Muslim*, Tickiogn, BlanketSf Linsey Plaids, Al pacas, Metinoes, Muslm.De Lsines, .Cashmeres, fancy Prims, Glazed Cambrics, ‘•Cloakings,'; Table Diapers* Gioghainsi Silks, fancy long;Shawl3. Silk Cravats,Don* gee Silk Pocket Handkerchiefs, und Irish Lnicns direct from Ireland, find all,otherirticles generally kept in the. DryGoodalinc* ; Obb Vabiefy Departmentwillbc found on exnininatloni'to be nnsurpassed by any other of ilie kind West of tlie Mountains, .and is made up m partpf Combs, Buttons, Patent and Spool Threads, direct Irom Europe vTort-Monies and Pocket Books,'Hooks and Eyes, Pins and Needles. Tapes, Thimbles, Spoons, Ra-. iors. rable'Cutlery and Pen-Kniveß just arrived from Sheffield* PAlenvMedtciiies. Violin and Violin. Strings, Gam Suspenders, Slates aha Slate "Pencils, Percussion. CupsjßpecteclesiDifetols, Hosiery; Gloves, Lawns ami Edgings, Ribbons, Sewing Silk, Silk Gimps uitdFringes, fancy Nettings, Green Bandages* Block Silk Volts, bilk Florence together.with, a general aseortmanlof all other articles in the Variety line;' Wo hdvo on hand and for sale a large assortment of Gold and Silver Watchesand Watch Materials, Gold on&Gill.Jewelry, Gold and Sil ver- Hens - and Pencils, ;Gold and Silver--Spectacles, Clocks, dec:, to which we mvito the attention ofuJlbuy ers, as wo are determined to sellour Goods ou.tho most tcasonublo terras, either for cash or sausfactory refer ence. ’ ~ N.B. The. business of the late firm of Ghb -'f JATtIES GOSLING, 'MARKET STREET. Mod. A* GOSLING, No. 51, ST. CLAIR STREET, WHOLESALE AHD IfETAIL Dealers in' foreign onUY GOODS, MILLJKER Yy sc. **• V^ 1 — : - * r •“- - -.- .-,*: - v.- v '-<-• ” v ;..fVT ‘ ■' '■ •" ■ -•-■ •_ - / ..; > «..,.K • --. .-.0v.: • .--.i:. .R- ,f-. ... ■ .. •jk± * ' " ‘ 1 *• '" r «*V Jbrmtart, ssi. ••••/ssgsa:. WM/li/STfiIVfiNSON-cdiiUnocaw-niaao faciure. CABINE ?- WA RE . oleyery descflp at his old stand;corner. ol .Liberty aoiu... PrfoGifAgSeventhstreets,- UNDERTAKING attended to, iii nil na branches. -7 * * -tnayil A. miililK£R * CO*. ' - I fZff AVE. ON lIANJD at their extensive .CABINET and XJL. CMAIR MANUFACTORY, JtoCd SauthSeld :*t« a large assortment of fancy anti plain which they willsell 15 percent, below customary rates.' Terms—cash only. Idcctffcly iC.abtntv &i*4 Clitttr:Pactoxjr.«::y U|.... . JOSEPH. MEYER, has on. band,at -hlsextcn v»L- Bive Cabinetaml Choir Manufactory. No. 424 Faun -r|3 street) above the Canal, all hinds of FURNITURE, * 11 "nuch as Sotos, Cbatre Tables, Mahogany Chair*; Mahogany Bedsteads, and all other articles.ifMhcCabl* hot line—which be will sell 2b per cent, below custom-* ary rates. Terms—CASH, ONLY, JOSEPH MEYER, >aprfl .. y ; ; No.424Tenn BtreetyPifth:!Ward; r. O. C. QAMMB&- . H. PA.UI.tB - ■ Hammers DaiaKer, CABINET WAREROOMjSMITUFIELDSTRBET, : Bstiseen StvtmhMren andSuaTsbmy alieyjPTUsbruTg, Pa, , HAMMER&DAULERkeepconstanUyonhand wLI a variety of excellent, and fashionable Farnltnre, anyinthe city* andfeold on as 9 “ “favorable lermlf&s can be obtainedhl arrysiinilftr establishments .beAVesC.Theyhavenawojvhandßn undanally extchslve'slbck, embracing all kinds oTFurni turc, trom the cheapeauand plainest to' ihVmost toslly • fcQd elegant. All orders promptly attended 10. .mr2l:Cm :•,;,Tp. ! CaWiae.t'-MAfeei , a*-. r ■yimaarj, MahcgtinYy'.Raseioootl and Wabiu t; ParnwA, . i: 1. - rpHE subscribers have jast received from New York Jl and Boston .a- most splendid of YENEERS, ami.are manufacturing bym&chtnoryFurniture suitable forthe tradc. All of whieh'we will'sell at extremely lowpricc • As great care was taken in the selection of the stock, persona cannot foil tobc suiiedclthcr as to quality or price as it is well-known: that; FurniVure can be made by rnacluhery sapeTiorand much tower tbtfti by . band, the attentidn:bf .the trade is. respectfaljy invited-i' Turned Work, mall ilsbrariches, carried on os usual; - Flank for hand 'rails t for- CUrpentcrs,-ah'd : aH- r articlcs required in manufactunngCabinet FunuturejConslauUy on hand—vizMahogany,' Varnish, Hrirdwarey Hafir Cloths, Springs, &c.,&c»- M?KEE, » “ Itydn’s Buildings, - mariiydaw;-• , Nfr^aiFiflhStreet. , JourneymenOfthlnetlllßkflri.AflSoelAUoa WAREHOUSE. II© SECONi) STREET^ , (near the 1 corlierof'WbcHLy , • - . . . TH IS ASSOCIATION, em -js\ ; to three viv!- r jjßßßfilWigfe tidies- as many bartds.j&s4life;to*t nR| geat and hitherto most renowned « 1 « -businCss shops 01 this city, havc*opehcr&rtbeirWarn- arc able to furuteU. the lmbHcjby. who!cs&l s e ’ or Veiair,'With Furniture of the' following description— ,.y[2 J •: r ;;, v‘. ; ; -'r{; '. ' Mahogany WardrobcsjDrcsslngßurehtis; Full Col umned Bureaus;'• Mnhogany'BeUateadff;-‘■mahogany. .Chairs; Rocking Chairs.; Mahogany, Wasbslamlsj So/ • fas; Divans; Piano Stools'; Book- Cases; Secretaries^; ;Card;Tablesf. Pier -Tables;; fin©' Card. Tabiesi Centre Tables; Hat. Racks; French Bedsteads; Oxonians; Poplar VYafdrbbh'slDinihgaridDreakfastTableßfWbrk- Btands; Cherry and Common .Workstnnda; high post,, common, low, and irCndle Dedstead's; Cherry Bureaus; Cribs; CradleB,.&c. - . r <{ -■. K i '* J v The advamagcsofco-operalion,on an extensive scale, permit them to sell at the lowest prices, and they aredc tciminedtb sell,lowerihan any .competitors,an equally good, ifilorbetier artfereiurid warranted—aa the public will understandhy givingiacm ; a.calb I tcori of iiU description*, and oinek ariicicsof any description, made to order In everystyic, at the shortest notice. ■.■. . fmariS--- ts X with the.Patented»of this hnd : ;vdluaWft»t«K xion forthe manufacture'aT3'd'sale-6ftbfraTiielc in West,they havingbeenronnofacturedhereiofote exclu sively in the Easl f .wbere they are Superseding the use of wooden coffinr r takethia:methodof Informjngthe public, ihattheyaxe now manufacturing cighteeadiflert cut sizcfcof the modern Sarcophagus* vary wgitt length from 24 inchesto 6irfeef»wtth tpidlh and- dcpt&smlablc for bodies of ofdinaVy size/and for those.who desird spade for ctt'shionihgfbr 'for?bodicd 'ofhnh9ual dimen sions, have several, sizes deeper and wider. TThis.in vention now-coming into general use,is pronounced one of the greatest of the. ogc.-Tbeso. Uusiax. Casks are composed of various kinds of metals, but principally of ,r< They are thoroughly enameled inside and. out, nnd : thus made impervious' to atr and indestructible. They, are highly ornamental, and of a classic,form, ore .light and portable, while they combine the greatest strength i which metal U capable in a given quantity.... • When properly secured with cement they are.perfeet 1y uir-iigklj and free from exhalation of offensive.gases. They cost no more ; than coodwooden coffins, and ;are. better than any olher article Inlnse, (of whatever cost,) for transportation,^vaults,or ordinary interments, avhas i been proven by actual experiments, aiid certified to by, i some of our most scientific men ; also, by theHonora-t i bles Henry Clay,,Daniel Webster,,Lewis :Cass,ond; [other distinguished Seriattfrs who have witnessed their; i merits, and whose letters, logeiher withbiher evidences of their worth, may be seen dtodr Agents* Burial Case' i -Depot;- No; 374 'Main street, three doors above Ninth,: | where we intend: to keep-on: hand at all times,, soch a stock of all sizes anddegrees of ornament and fiiushar will suit the most diversified tastes. . vVe invite the attention of the public, and of Under takers, particularly; throughout the West, to an exami ’ nation of the article, and request them not to rely upon, tlio tfcpfepehtaUoii onindcrlaken not: Using the article, whoso (merest u wouldbeto misreprcsenUhetm mar22:3m - W. C. DaVIS & CO. •/Kaff*?JAMKSW* 'WOUUWfi'Wi («• CABINET MANUFACTURER Ware-room* 07 and 90 Third street* T W.W. respectfully iuforms Uisfriends and caitoro- U « er* that* he bos new completed .his spring slock of Furniture; which iadccldtdiyibeUrgest and best ever offered for sale in this City; which-will be'sold at prices, as low as any in the OiiitedStates. East or . West. As he is determined touphold the quality with: well* seasoned material g* -heat -workmanship,/ and- newest: designs; and from the extent of-his orders and facility in rnai tifacinringj he is enabled to produce .warranted furniwre,auheipwcsl prices. , He has adopted the principle of Idcuufymff the cus loinewUiuermwUhhi4own;in quality; and price v and keeps always on band the greatest variety of every des* cription bf fumituni, from the cheapest and plainest, to the most elegant and cpstly,ihatnfcauBe, Or nny.panof oue, may be furnished from bis stock, or manufactured; expressly to order The following articles, consist in part, of his Block,which for richness of style and finish, cannot be surpassed in anyof the Easterncities: * Xoais XLV tete*teie-a-Sofas; 30 Sofas, in plush and huir cloth; 50 doz» Mahogany Chairs r- SO do .Walnut. . do; . . . : . 50 Mahogany Robbing do; 20 Walnut ; . . do. do; . . : 50 Mahogany Divans; 20 Walnut do; 50 Marble fop Centre Tables;. •$0 ' do Dressing Bureaus; • •IK) do - Washstanda; 40 Enclosed . do; 100 Common -* * do; • . SO Plain Dressing Bureaus; . 49 Mahogany Bedhleads; SO Walnut do; i 00 Cottage do; i -550 Cherry and PoplaT Bedsteads; • . 20 Mahogany Wardrobes; 10 Walnut do;- * i 10 Cherry do; .50 Plain Bureaus; 70 Dining and Breakfast Tables; IS Secretary nndßookcasea; • 20 do;*: Cane Seat Chairs; ! 24 Cane Seat RockiugCboijs; 12 Ladies Writing Desks; . -Hat dud Towel Stands; -What-Nots;'•* , . Ktiguires;; > PaperMachaeTables; . Conversation Chairs; Pembroke; do;'- • Elizabathcu • do;:* ■ - Hall odd Tier r-do;-:.-. Reception do; Ladies* Work Tables; r Pearllnluid - do; RxiemuanUinuigTables; Arm , - do; . Ottomans; . ... Gothic and Hall Chairs. •' - A:.large assortment of COMMON; FURNITURE and WINDSOR CHAIRS. Cabinet baabbs supplied with all.articlea in. their line i : STJEAMBOATS and HOTELS/farnlshed short estholifcc. ‘ i v All orders prong jpUyauendedtp. T>Al£IN3—C5 boxes l/f.ONUMENTB, Grave Stones, Mantels, Porniture DrX' aU kinds of manufactured Marble, 'air ways onhand»ond made toroVderoaihe-?hortcßi notice: Several hundred designs for 'Monuments, original and selectedion hand;=‘The;trade flitnlslicii wiibiMaiblo ta the lowest prices. Orders promptly, attended to.. ,•• marl:4m ~ , -TV. vV, WALLACE.- 1,000 Ca*e#Straw G6oila; • mHE subscriber having made, arrangements with the 1 NORTON STRAW MANUFACTURiNQ COMPA NYyfor the fdala of offers for sale a* large assortment of STRAW HATS and BON every variety-of fabric, style nndpattern;adapte3to' the Spring trade, which will be sold,by the package, at J the lowest figure. Cases may be ossorted fc»‘:fcuix pui chasers.i*' *- 1 J - J, WVALBEN, i mar24:9m-3taw • No, fiSMilk street. Boston. Olssoiuttonofl*aniierinip« THE- Partnership hitherto existing between , the sub*. scribers, doing business.m the name oPJolm .Black & Co., is this dissolved, by • mutual.'coiißEnt. Culloagb purctosing the entire interesV<>f : John Jllackin said business; -H.'AlcCuV.ough havitig ihe nght tau^fe tile name of the late firm; in settling the basinets, and the t ‘exclusive right to receive all outstanding dcbtß, and to pay all debts duo by the late firm. ' ' ' - - >* K JOHN BLACK, . , 11ENRY' McOULtOtfGHr '' N". B.—The business will be continued by the Rabscrn her as usual, at his old ■land, corner of Penn and Irwin streets. 1 ' ■ HENIIY McCULLOUQIIi : Pittsburgh, March 1,1853. : , . marhtf •.. ‘ ' GIfiORGE AIiBRBB, fro. 7V tomerof'Wood and Fourth *ts. y [sbeslstoek workmanship thalxsan be got togfclhet i§ in any one establishment, of like amount, m the West. Nearly all made to special order; free from cuts; blemishes, Ac, and others are .ft apeetfally invited lo cal! and examine the stock; Which isoflered for salelow for cash. .;.V7 i V/V. : -.•••* . f v '..:" , i ■ : ■> . - IMgs anh, IHt&Uintt. ■ Mld'i Medicated Liquid Cuticle. i ':! *|MUS article ip Intended fot f&mijyjpte,and-ahoolq be ; JL found hi the possession of every • family In the Alechamos who are in constant tituigd i 1 lof Injury 10 tileli.: perttmethrougu ftccujent, andttreonpJoperorcartsfetje i uieof toolajWUtfind .Uua artkleto. iie-inYaliialild no \ tfcimi. and. after a fair trial,willconsldei U mdlsheusaole; i "“This 'we, frequently made use of Judd’a Meaicaicd:twuld Cltuole; | prepared by JMeesrs. & Can*p,;MiUvnoiovn, Connecticut, cheerfully recommend iuo v : Hamilton brewer, m d., » KLLSWORTIf BURR, ftl.lX, Botanic. Comprising all me praclifing phyeicianc in tlieciitf of “KSy B. A 'FAHNESTOCK *CO * fyl 3 corner of Wood and Lmismi Compound Sjrvup of Yellow po«kßpOt> QCGUWES .Ihfr front medicines. o£ this counliy for.completely curing Cent or', Sail Rheum, Erysipelas, and all other «3»e«ea arising from an impure state of the bloods *H‘H c f Complaint, Catarrh,. i>yspepsia, Headaches,. HrtXiiicps,- Cough*, Soreness and. Tightness.aboul the Chest r Bron chitis, or Hoarseness, Dry ness, and a Tickling sensation ahohi the Throat; and is used wilhunprecedeiited sue- ; WEAffiSESS ANDGENERAL DEBILITY. Strengthening the weakened body, giving tonejo- the, varioiiflorgQnßrahdihvlgoraUngilmcnnre system;-:; • IMhc testimony of thoasandsof living wanesßes,frdm; all- ports of the country, can be relied anon, ilia smga iarlyefflcacioas ia cdrmg alfiTamori.ann ifestorlug .da •biliukleddiid broken ■downcoUßtltuilonai'' It lopurejy, vegetable in-lis composition, and so accurately com bimuiin it&proporuonslhai tbenhcmlcal, botanical.and medical properties- of each ingredient narmonlnusiy unite to PURtfY THE BLOOIg . f _ , ‘ \. ; iiiias removed many chronlc.diseases which nw.bat .4ed the Skill of iluUieatphysicians, and-Uttfli atspr cared Caiiker, Salt RUeum, Erysipelas and Sdrofuia, Which. Sarsaparilla Syrups entirely failedto.make the lenatim- haa been lesled in of.CAN.CEBDDS HUAIORS. The moii obstinate Cancers have been cured by‘-this medicine. 1 We it is ’ tf valuable medicine in all BILIOUS; -It removes all obstruction in the circulation, rendering; the.LWCr free, active'aPd heatihyv;Ut remoVea Polplwuon of the Heart* apdvelieves in all cases of Aslhma. and may be. ' used iri'alt Climates,and atall seasons ttfih£ year. \ - This Sytap ia prepared (V MORSE A.CO,,ai 102 Fountain street, -Providence* R. I- t and BplU whole sale uud reuiiUby. . •. • S* It*'» (OnBUUilhM,. . . "i • .. . Only .Agent for Western Pennsylvania, r ; ‘’ Jeti:y cor Woodnn'd.’Sixth atB.,rittsbm: TJIOR TUi2 CURE OP COUGUS, •1?: NESS, BRONCHITIS,‘WHOOPING COUGH CROUP, ASTIIMA and CONSUMPTION.- : .. /Inoffering to the community" thisjustly celebrated*e*v| medy for disoases Of the ,throat andlunga,iti»fiot ooi j wish to trifle with the iivcaor healthof the afflicted, but frankly to lay before then* the opinions of distinguished men and someof.tUeevMence&ontasuccessrfrom whiph they conjadge for v We. sincerely pledgd ourselves to make no wild assertions or false ataumenU or its efficacy, nor will we hold out cny.hopeto s offering bnm&«iiy\vl»ch.facts will uot .warrant. s! ; 7 - , : I Many vxtoft are here given, and we solicit an inquiry from the pubtie into all vre publish, teelingaßßuredthey will find them perfectly reliable, and the medicine vfor-; thythclfbesteonfidenceand patronage, , * From iht dutin&uished Prqfessar of C&emulri/ arui mats* \ v• CoUtse. / ' • -Dear Sfr : I’delayed,ausWering r the Tece»p\ of your preparation, until I hadianjoppottanity of witnpswig ; ita effecis in my own family, or m the familfea of my trhmds.; TMa I have now done yvitlr a high degree of sdusfac* tionv'in coses both of adults and ehildren. - .• : ‘ . * » 1 have foundit, asiiftingxadiehts show, apowerfuiro medv for colds and coughs and pulmonary diseases. - . ■ - v PARKER CLEAVfiLANB, Mi B. • BntrsswtCK", Me.,Feb. 6,1847. ••< . ‘ From an Overseer in tht HomUton Mtlki xn.lhu City. ■ LoWELLj 10jl840« -: J,C. Ayer: 1 have been cured of the worst cough, I eyerhad in my Hie, by your never fail, when I have opponannyof recommending i»; to othere. Yours, respeetfally, .. * S.VD. jEMSItSON;* ! Jtjr* Read the followingv and see if this raedlcmo : Js; wortfifc trial. The patient had become very feeble,ono? the effect of lb© medicine was unmistakably distinct:-- ; Übitkd States Hotel, Sab ) . ! July 5, 18-jy J- Dr. J.C; lhave been afflicted with apam fol affection of tne lungs, and all the symptoms of settled • consumption, for mom than a year* -1 could find no mc* : - diciae that would reach, my case, anul X commenced the ' use of your “CnRHBT Pectoral," which gave me gradual relief, and l have been steadily gaining my strength till my health is well wgh restored. - .i.- \Vliile using your medicine, X had ihe gratification of caring witn it toy reverend friend, Mr. Truman, of Sump ter District* who had been suspendedTroru his parochial duties by a severe attack of bronchitis,' v > : r.v J have pleasure in 4 ccnifying bese facts to y,oa , . ‘ And ora,sir,yours respectfully, ‘ ; ; ' J.. P. OALHOUJI, of Sooth Carolina. |p* The following was on© of the woTBt of cases t winch the physifcmna and friends thought to beincurablo consumption.— : Chester, Pa., Aug; : J. C. Ayer—Sir: I wasiakenwiihaternblo.cpqgh,- brought on by a eold, in the bCginrung of IhstFebrUary, and was confined to my bed more than.two months,-- ! Ccughing incessantly.night and day, 1 became ghastly and pale, my eyes were sunken arid glossy, und , my. , breath, very short.’ Indeed,* 1 was rapidly failing, ami in; suchdislfessforbrcathjlhHtbutliule honeofmy recov-. cry could be entorTatoeu:-:Wiiilciu tiiissfiuatiou, a fricad , ofmjue,(the Rev. John Keller, of the 51eihr.dtstchureh|), brought me a borileof PricTcriAi; which !; tried more to fcratify-hitoi^ihaa : front- any eipecuuion.of; obtaining relief. Its-good effccvipdoced me to continue: its use, and l soon fouud; my health much improved.— Now in three morith*>T.atu welf arid,strong, and can ai •tribute my cme only to your great medicine.- ’ 14 . wutM'#Bali»no{WlW Cherry. , TKtT bui iemciu etir knmqhbman JoT Ctmgka, Colds, ■ t . 'JUtUniKCrmp;Bratuhtib,:ltyvinzit,-Bleating et the Luntt. Difficulty of Btcalhxnf, Affcalmcfthe Lever, Painter mainesitjftheßreastertiiJe,rirs(Btaite»of adopted, to every disease of fas Lungs t onaXteer, UASfii ■.. .u^iiptodricediti'viirezitT'toafifing'clisTiaUe : <*■•■,.;.•■<«■••• "STyiEDDHERBYhaB locgbeenkaowntopoasess im.- r- V? ThisfiftiiifiunlUttr . -■la every matron io,onf l&o*k andphyrioians:Ofleii'pre ’fiCTlbeitiadifferentforma for oyanety. of complaJntarr ’fatolsbliasbeeneqnaJtynottiiifofiwyirtiiesfanaanne . physicians whose W"&Ie conn* trvyhas gonerco : faras todcciare tbateveaCOjNSUMP- , ,TfuN could, be byjbaS aloney hands again, Itwas nearly valueless; owing, no: aoubt>to Jbeir: .. Iguoratictfin preparing and administering it--a difficulty nowentirely obviated by..poUenucxpenmonV.wid long . po wy raof these two sub-~ stances&ro now for the first limo combined ana embod«. iSi^B^WISTAWSBALSAIttOK.WILD CHERRY. By a deleterious or * WaeetCd, so thatyirbatteniainsis the most ex ; ttuordinary andtruly efficacious-remedyfor alVkuidsof. pulmonary nud liver diseases ever known to man. To \ convince all unbelievers that our theory Isrcally true, we refer 10 a few.cuses of cures performed by lhis'won- - derfulmeOicmct * * * 4 * * * ' 1 ‘ •’.iV* ■ ll 1 . •. pLUA.smrr Bm&ByHum. co^'o.,Bcpl.^. ■ TD-Pask—Dear Sir: T take the liberty of advising you bftho benefit; I hive derived frbm-tbe.nso:Ofi)r; twas prostraied by that terri l >leBCourgeCosBuro)>uoli l inalbylaflti The ttt« lack waa ttulyhorrifyinEitp; uje, ; for five of ourtanuly* (my brothers and 'sisters) bad died ofConsumpuatu £. way affiietfid rieailyallithejwdrsr.fetttuteK.of4toc disease. I had a distressing cough, and expectorated ti. - ■’ gteat deal of : blbdd; hectiefeveT, sevorepainsin the side :\ and chilly, • alternatingwu|t r fiusUes of jjeat* and copious nlghtsweata. . : r ■ / Lv?as wuley \ho cve' of a skilful phyaiciatvfcomlhe rime,l was taken sick until about six weeks*tnw> being then about helpless* and my. friends considered my efiser bopelcssVor at, lensibojond onrpJij^iclon?sskiU t adyis* edibe ÜBe' orWislart iralßani ol'Wld Clicrty; With aniiiny kndwlddge it addcooiffiCndCdl' administeringil.to me; bnd lrom the first'dsy.l.Couiineit ceil taking It my health improved, and intWb'wefekat.- . was abas ia be oni labor, which T sliil continue to do. J have taken four hollies ofthe raeiUciite,'mvdnow. coßSidermyselfnerftcUy well. , r ... JEREMIAH ISCRIG. ’■ aNOTHEU jASTONISHINO CUEEM. ..1' • Rusimixs, Fairfield co., 0 1651. vMr^J. DjPark~Eear Sir.: i wishio state.toryoothat* my daughter Amanda,-aged JO years,,had about a year since a yery sovere attack of moasles, wmch reduced kekvvOij. : mubpj^Uv J ,1 employed aU of*ihepbyriciap> within our jeachxor the puTptfte ; Ofrmovlflgbairioogii, j tibe appeared.tohe.smkmg.into a deoline, ’wjihevery synipioraaf conadihp\ion.Mihen‘lnetDrv Koger’slifv gavelher symptom? of, si. giiuinofeinongnant character. i.Wasnowrmo>iserioui}yataiiiifid,andiiwas:mthirem bling fear that 1 froovday to day saw.tiie progress of that Ihkaiiable disuse/ Cr.wiaiy. despaired of certificate Sarah : df-Dotf*ulnpttOni»yiXViiatrisßalsani o£ - Wild Cherry _ TbUcreaiod iaTaint hop© thaUt.juighl ilielp'inytdaiigfe'er/Tiud thdraedfatefy commencedusing-.: it- - > f.:? # f-f. ji.f , \r " ANOTHEK ASTuNiSIUN&CttAE] . . . - Will miracles never cease T. More evidence •of Sts surphsaifnrfiealth-testoratrve vlrtoeßhv * • . i .[From pr;JUaker| Spnngrieldi f L aeutSGFiELD > Ky.iAray'l4,‘Wso7‘ . .Mss. ; off tae by tnC tiie of: Dr; Balsam, of Wild ry. i t - ■. In the year 1810 I waa thken wnh theTnflsrumaiion of ithti ppwelgAwblcb.l labo/ed.underforsix;weeks,(t. ,J E’ Prepared and sold by James’ C» Aycr>Pracucai Cbem* ist,l#owellvMa?B/ ‘ . jT~j*SoJa m Putssnr?h wholesaiean* retail,by B. A* Fahnestock, and by J. M. Townsend; m Allegheny City by U. P- Seaworu, and J; Douglass, and by droygifclß generally- «" , , ■ dac3P. 0r« De Celebrated Curative In ll ' .. . v The only Infallible. Cure for that Dtcadful J)isease r knoion as Spermatorrhea or Involuntary Noctur* rial jEmutwne, SO harassing und destructive, and productive of.Vo much mischief !o the nervous *y*iem, incppacilat i ms iheman for bnsincss v socieiy, and matrimony. _ Thi» InStriuneutis simple, cbmpreh emivei and never failing andmay -hense-i wiihout raence or the knowledge ol ihe jnosi iDumaie friend.-- Kiato be used externally, prorfndng no poiironnjunr. whatever, nor preventing any one'frqm.attenumg to bis business; nnivvclnle in,. u.«efl?f-A ji«g« lake place, invigorating thiergans, }n.a short time, to su&an't^i'ih*t'tkwvioAvx:rtsin:-¥umriYzicnfr**-;\ op BKrEKTiojfj ihd lossbf whicbTj CauseUbyeatlt-abaKe;; ialhe aiseasem-queeiion, ana theeauseof.ihfcihqusand concoimtani complaints, vu: 4 Nervousness,T^rosiroilon, Dyspepsia', Tain iji the Head and Dhnnesr of Vision, Weakness of the-Back and'Lower Ext riemiiirs,vAffec-i lions of the Eyes, |iapot^ce#-PhmpJes : of;tho;F:aee/;F/e:-'- matuießeclincbfVmiHy».-Weakness,orßlempryand: for Mehta! Application,- Dejection; Aversion.ion Society,TimTditn Love of Solitude, &c: ! £UfoesercqmstetnU;invariciblit disappear as soon rusiho soul it is stopped front which th*y , i ■Thislnstrument has been cxondnedrand.ftpprovcd/ofH By thb liighcsfaulliofitieS iu Europcand America, is re- i commended by ihs rapstprominent physicians ;qf~»U CoUntriGß, d 5 ifti wilyccTtain temedy ezisang for skoie tontptaxtits', aridhaa now’cbmpletefy superseded the use of oragßi ibo b6agic, cuuierizationi Ao:, notto mentioir the thousand advertised nostrams of the dpy , : a8 cord jaisi antidotes, AchAc; -It constitutes, at the.sarae time, the safcsLiht masi pleasant, and by far the cheapest treatment ever oQered to aic o£Qicied, u fair ptifo being allowed i for the Instrument/ after the desired effect has been plr tainedf - ■■ rßeit olso remembered, that those complaints are bur .UtUennderstood by-the profession mgeoeral, and that all the mediciueiutlte world never bus, and neycrwilli stop those losses, which, it allowed to un checked, arc sure to produced thb most distressing con- i 1 j • hlias befin a muiterof surprise tosome,. that any one of respectability and of professional attainments should dcvotelusauemiOnio which, people of evety r description pretbud to .-cure so ehsilyv -'if,’ bow ever/ but i bring ; upon society were knbwhisi very diffcreutopinion wonld be formed; / And it presenfmisery ari'ii; i dejeciionVpfeyihgbnUio mind aswcltnB t the flf posterity, and .even to destroy ,tiie reproductive faculty, laUbgethcnTtiaaifactthan'whenjiot properly treated, ; they mayrtmolnsodotma'ntinlhdconsUtuilon as toap-. >pear in no othei* waythan in their effects open posterity; jyet, .if jiroperly understood, ate mpstenßily nmispeedi-, rly reittovcd; Tho.uboveisolngeniouslycohiavedinatru-. i jmeuti .will aoubttess,-in measure, contnhuie to-; checfclheevile.of. quackery, 50 prevalent in thU elms OJVI idtseases, throughout thelinion. ... . „ t , * ' i The price of the complete instrument, carefully secur- ] jea ugamsiAlldbservatidit iii a hoXviaonly « can .| sbe senvbyexpress,to any address in anypait .o/.lbCi 1 ;-Uciied.Slaics, ccc ; ording to ordevaccoui- | (panied by/ufidixections/Tinilimporiani advice to the 1 Iraamed nndsinglet even to thcvetnoiesi- j nans ofi&ft.cimiiliy, l«SB4 viSry.ttißing. , tThcpnexammedsQCceßsthisiiisiianieniiiasobtainedi .since its inlfeductiOn in Ainerica/ hh» induced fiomo.dn- . ‘principled persons laTfew/York, Philadelpluo, Albany,* •Bdstoii, v &C4 >|o get. called >lnitjTameium»»-^rMc)uVowe«)rv-.beftLJt« 'BST reBemldahce,' nrirfAer in!/on7t rjor princtpk.vd my ! {own iavenicd^iongtried, 1 and uviverSaily approved In-i strumeufeiidia wmekw aaßifittilartifrtiiem as nlehUa’ to light. i:Every attempt to sell 6dch Jof: mine willbeprosecutedtothe fallestcitemof the’law, I .being not willm'g.tct connect the well-olid - honestly < yarned renutatioxi of my inventions with quacks ai)d* lheir.wortnlq«»prcduc.iionsiJfo.Jn*rmmrnit4g«rtwins nn4 noris'eari be>warranied but those otdeted /torn myself. ' AH appUcatidns aiid remittaiicca musc be directcd (post paid) to the Bpetdthinisclf,. he Having rw Agencies eatablishedbut inLondonand Paris. . : r .. ... ( Address,'postpaid, Drvßido Laney, SlLispenoxd ■ Office horns* dally, from OA. 3 aml froa 7UH £P. M., the Sabbath excepted;:, .r., - •«:: ■-•■! * with greatpleß«are, that: the dboYC-mentioned lnstrumcnl is not ofify constructed i on scientific principles, bui that from ito a?e the happiest :; resolia may always 'confidence, be aaUcipaicdr ; there being; for the cure: of those, diseases, NO 011IER. CERTAIN REMEDY EXTANT. ' . .HENRY S KELLER* filjfc « c , i - . CH. GOETZE, M.DmlWChamber,street,, ,i • | -C .ECKHARDT, M.IL, 24 Hoyrilid street,: | 1 T New Yobx. { IhvDxLASKsJa prepared:toexecpte all Orders forsur*>, gleal apparatus* viz: Artificial. which, move nkc nalnral members. Apparatus tor Luxation.] for Contracted Legs | for'.curvature of tbe Spine and Waist; for False t fot: Paralytic tega; for Club Foot; for-LacrymalAislales; for Fatting of the Rectum r Hypogamric Belt*. Bitfs unff. Choir* for Siefc PersonaCrntehen.Traaee.t, Ac.fOrtho- Jedjc CoraeiSvtc., foe. All work warranted, lertlera bob be port paid, coattunlng a proportionate remittance or .city reference. r >V-' ‘ T ' ' r * ; V.; ' ’■j..'*' «■ ~ » 1 * . - ». - & V S , ”■' • ' *. «* r > S t i ~ Xjrt *-T, > _ \*i ? 4 j- '* •*“ ■? * t f 1 v ~ ' ~* 1 T r j ’~ Y f , , “-* *■> < ' jf "' T V 5 1 ’ , K , ,if / * V.-,.>; •* /*■ ? v '’ i * „ -,- -j v ' j r- “ ' - < *if - ffltfoual. ■TV JI SPKMALB fTLLB, U an Innocent, tafo and effectual remedy for Chloio etsorotGrcen BiokneiU(-Ftem AlbuCjir. while*, Bnp* App«tlle/Parpuaiion,Tremor9,BJseaMd Bpinc,Cost '*nd^r jifa plroxp* ■" '* &J,ooy .6tg a matter of pexfeftveertalnty i ajjd tr» mart who* will/ now allow a Hernia tft proceed anUtacbnditlofl tot things U prodoc' cd that nothing, can alleviate bat the knifeof a ikilfa* *nrgeon» A»rWl}oUy. ineycttgablo-- A.TUplßreJU4t».o/ai* nary form* be- lift lo the person afflicted and Uieinm-makertrbttUo so as many persons do, without even a bandage ©* afty find to retain it, ot leads .to what la termed Strarjß«iau4|ftrWfi