The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, June 07, 1852, Image 3

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®ailt;staing I^-
Fourth of imßkingM
most of our eastern and western cities for the
purpose of celebrating the seventy-sixth anni
versary of the declaration of our Independence.
Oar oitirens, wo .think, should unite m some
manner to prevent this day from passing in the
manner it has heretofore done-rwithoutany no
tice from ourmonicipal authorities, and no other
sigas of recognition than such as are given by
the school boy, released from;the .tedionsnoss of
his studies for a day, for the pnrposo of making ]
tho day and night hideons with the ebutitions of |
his patriotism. Tho City Councils of Philadel
phia, Cincinnati, New Yorir, St bourn, and Bos
ton, have takenthe initiatory: steps towards celt
ehratingtho birth-day, of our country; and why
should the oity fathers of Pittsburgh and Alle
gheny allow it to pas 3 unnoticed?- Let us hear
from them.
Factory Strike; —Wo have seen several para-1
graphs in our exchanges relative to a strike, in I
the Anchor Cotton Pactory, in Allegheny city, I
on Monday last, but none of them appear, to I
have got the story right, ■ As we understand tho I
case, the proprietors determined to run their I
mill twelve hours per day-r-they had hitherto j
only run ten—and would not incraese.tho com- j
pensation of their employes, in a ratio with the
increase of the hours of labor. This .caused a
strike, and, if wo arc correctly informed,,after a
short delay, the proprietors gave the required ]
advance. None of the faotoricsin Allegheny ci
ty run ton hours. The Anchor Mill was the last
to give up this time of labor, but competition
required them to do it. Mr, AnnncKtE, tho for
mer proprietor of this mill, would, not allow, .it,
during his life time, to run over ten hours per
The Palace a IIH/e Aonyer.—The solicitations j
from' many sources have been so irresistable, I
that the circus folk have abandoned their visit j
to Allegheny, and instead, will remain here, at
' tho St Clair street bridge, two days more. Some
of -oar “ upper' tens,” we understand, have in-1
dneed them to prolong their visit. It seems to
ns that our cotomporarios have been so much
delighted with tho beauty and arrangements of
the Palace, as to overlook tho unparalleled skill
of the performers. Nothing to compare with
themhas certainly over been seen in this coun
try. Thnt boy, Lb'Jeuse Bubte, alone, com
bines Wore of the elements of equestrian great
ness, and excites more admiration and astonish
ment, than the whole troupe of any other circus.
Tho managers are well repaid for sending across
the water for such.a prodigy.
- The Board of Health for the city of Pittsburgh
was duly organized on Friday evening, Juno 4,
when tho following gentlemen were elected, offi-
President—Dr. 0. G. Myers. |
; Secretary—M. W. Lewis, Esq. .
Treasurer —Allen Cordell.
Apportionment by ballot—For 1 year, Messrs.
Cordell, Myers, and: Chas. Williams, M. D-; for
2 years, Messrs. Moorhead, M’Cuno, and Joseph
Pennock, Esq.; for 3 years, Messrs. Lowis, B. C.
Sawyer, and H.*N. Spear, Esq.
Geo. Fortanc, Esq., was then elected to tho
Board. ■ '
SwV’rt 5 '
An BzeitemenL—A majority of our citizens,
from nine o’clock on Saturday morning until one
in the afternoon, were in a state of ferment to
know tho nominee of the Baltimore Convention.
The O’Reilly Telegraph office and. the various
publication offices were crowded, with anxious
seekers after news, who were in a state of ex
citement caused by the conflicting rumors from
Baltimore. When tho announcement that thcro
had been a nomination waß made public, the ex
citement know no bounds, and when the name of
tho successful Candidate was modcsknowfi,*, every
countenance boro a cheerful appearance, and
the marks of care and anxiety had vanished.. ...
• Qukk Trip.—The Allegheny river packet stea
mer, Allegheny Belle, No. 2, has made tho host
run, considering tho stage of water, over made
on the Allegheny river. Tho'following is the
timet Sho left. Pittsburgh on tho 21th 'at five
o’clock and 40 minutes, P. M., and arrived nt
Franklin at five o’clock and 40 minutes on tho
following evening—making the trip from port to
port in 24 hours, including stoppage and deten
tion at '‘Charley’s Oven” of one hour and a half.
There was only 20 inches of water in the chan
nel at “Charley’s Oven.”
Mr. George W.Jamieon appears at tho Thea
tre this evening in the character of , Hamlet.—
Mr. J; has of late achieved much celebrity la tho
west by his admirable performance of the mas
ter pieces of our great dramatio writers; he has
but lately completed an engagement in St Louis,
which was of the most flattering kind. Mr.
Brelsford is well calculated to support Mr. Jami
son, and plays the character of the ghost in
.Hamlet, this evening.
-Mail Contract. —A oontract has. been entered
into by the lino boatß, on the Monongahcla riv
er, to carry a daily mail between, this city and;
Brownsville. This mail has been much needed,,
as the amount of business done between points
on tho river, makes it necossary that the boats
should carry the mail.’ We 'suppose, tho mail
boats will leave Pittsburgh at eight o’clock, A.
M-i and Brownsville at nine o’clock, A. M.
: Hail Road , Subscription.— ln , tho Allegheny
Councils, on Thursday evening last, tho Chair--
man of tho Committee on ■■■Finance, {to whom
was referred tho communication of tho Directors
of the Ohio and Pennsylvania Bailroad Company
asking Councilato subscribe to tho stock of said
company,) presented a partial report and solic
ited longer time, which was granted them.
■ Painful Accident. —Alexander Brown, painter,
formerly or this city, died at the residence of D.
C. Jones, on tho Washington and Noblestown
Plank Bond, on Friday. Tho deceased jumped
from his buggy whilst his horse was running ofl,
causing a concussion and compression of the
brain, also breaking his log.
Beating Children.— Joliu F. Hutobinson,. cn
tclfci a charge on Saturday,: before. Aid. Parkin-
Ben, of the Fifth Ward, against Hannah Morton,
in'which she was accused of boating prosooutora’
children; with a broomstick, and also applying
that useful article of household goods, to his
own'shouldcrs. Hail was given by the accused.
Inquest. —Coroner Arthurs held an inquest on
ibo body of a matt/ (name unknown,) on Fnday
evening, at Hugheß’ Tavern, on Water Street-
Verdict of Jury—“ Death from Diarrhma and
exhaustion.” Tho deceased was n laborer on
the wharf.
La Belle Oceana.— This favorite danseusc, «t
our city, appeared in Cincinnati, on W'ednosday
evening last,' on tho boards of the Notional The
atre, where wo understand, she is turning the
heads of the youngmeu” at afearfulrate.
Assault and Pottery.—Sophie Everhart,' a res-,
ident of the Fifth Word, made a complaint yes
terday, before Aid. Parkinson, against a Sirs.:
Howl, charging hoy with; an; assault. - The mat
ter was compromised.
The Keystone State.—This fine steamer is the
regular packet to-day, and leaves at-lt o’clock,
the regular hour of departure for. our Cincinnati
packets. • i
■- Bands.— An'ordinance authorizing- the- Issue"
of-fiye bonds of one thousand dollars, each, ;was.
adopted in'the Councils ’of our sister city, on
Thursday last,
The Template. —lblarge number;of-tho-mem
bers of the various Temples of Honor of our ci
ty and vicinity^.design taking: a special train for
Salem, Ohio, on Friday, July 2d, to attend a
celebration of the Orderat that place.
:JUNE 7.
The Allegheny Councils, held their regular
monthly meeting,-on Thursday last,- but no leg
islation, calculated to endanger-tho safety of the
Union, was done.
Quarter Sessions. —The Juno term of the
Court of Quarter Sessions, .commences this mor
ning, .Several'coses of importance will come up
for trial.
Poor Tax.—An ordinance levying an addition
al poor tax of two anda half .mills, passed the
Allegheny Councils, on Thursday evening.
Returned.—Hr. Charles Coleman, formerly of
this oity, but recently of Sonoma Valley, Califor
nia, has returned home. j;
In Market. —Wo noticed in onr market, on Sat
lirday morning, a fino lot of ououmhers, and cher
ries, not ripe, hut green—decidedly green.
Vjggp* FRESH OYSTERS received daily by Ad
ama’ Express,, at ■ the WAYERLEY HOUSE,
Diamond Alley,
Frota the Daily Morning Post Extra, of Saturday
National Convention.
Franklin Fierce,
Of New Hampshire,
If 3 For President!
' BiaTiMo&E, June S;
Tina-rv-rocnTU Bailor.
Cass ...
Marey ......
Houston ..
Douglas ...
Houston .
Dickinson ■
-Tierce .
Buchanan ....
Pierce. ..
Dickinson.'. ..
Picroo.... •■
Maroy ........
Butler ........
Cass ..
Marcy ...........
Pierce r.'
Cass <
Marcy •••• 80
Houston ■■•••
Pierce .....
Pioroo ...........i
Cobs. .......... ...••••
Marcy .••••■
Houston ........
Fierce .....
Cass, .....
Butler, ....
Piorce,’ .
l/utlor, .............
Pierce, ...
. FomiTV-Eianm da slot.
Cass <*•
•> Buolmnan, - fjj:
Marcy, * %
TIoUStOD, ; .
Butler, : 55
• Dickinson, i—
• Boyd;
Pierce “* „ 2
Douglas,. 2
cues, a
‘Houston 1
Dutler.; ......
Ohio polled *U the die* tentiughaUots.
' Sinajufiswiß, Jone&.
Two men trere ldlled Itcre t<wtoy, it
mature dlßeiarge of a cauwon*
for the putposo of firing o , ■
of Gon* ?ior t <jo.
TnißTv-nrnt Ballot.
.............. 25
rollTlETll BALLOT.
rourr-TnniD ballot.
fobrtf-fiftu ballot.
... OG
Boston, Juno 5.
• Qen. Plerco and lady were stopping at tho
Tremont House when the ncwsof his nomination
by the Democratic Convention reaohod him.—
He was greatly surprised, and has received nu
merous. calls and congratulations. He leaves
on Monday, for Concord, N? H.
A despatohfrom Concord says' the nomination
was received there with tumnltuouß joy. A
grand salnto was fired, and the bells of the city
were rang in token of the joyful event.
Wm. R. King was nominated for the Vico Pre
sidency on the 2d ballot. A series of platform
resolutions were passed, after which tho Conven
tion adjourned tine dit.
The nest Convention will beheld inCinoinnati.
Flour... Sales 8300 bbls. at $4,0604,26 for
State and Indiana, and $4,8104,50 for South-
Grain...'Wheat unohauged; eaies 2500 bushels
fair Geneasoo at sl,ll}. Sales 14,000 bnshels
mixed Corn at 61062}.
Provisions..,Sales of 150 bbis. prime Pork at
$16,25; mess do. hold at $lB. Sales 150 bbis.
Lard at 9|@loJ. Prime Beef $507,75; moss
do. $10014; sales 200 tierces nt $18,50.!
Slooks...Kentucky 98J; U. 8. G’e, 1867, $l,-
Tho river bos fallen 18 inches Within the last
24 hours.
Flour... Unchanged, if any, firmer, but the de
mand is confined chiefly to city trade; Bales 18,-
000 bbis at $3,1803,20.
Provisions... Dull; no sales.
Groceries...No new features.
Coal on Lake Supbbioh. —ThcLako Superior
Journal says that au oxtensivo coal bed has been
discovered in the vicinity of L’Ause Bay, It had
created great excitement in the mining region.
r EMON3—On hand and to arrive, SO boxes Lemons.
L For sale by \V. A. M'CLUKC A CO,
jet _ _ Groccrt and Tea Dealers
TNA RNI boxcTllectcr’a FaminTjui received and
X? for sale nulte lowest rotes, by or remil, by
jet W. A. M'CLURG
JKftSKY CluEiTVtNKUAß—Warranted pure, for
sale by J. LAVELY A CO.,
jet - . ggS Liberty S'reel.
FRUIT DUOl'S—tcasrsociualatcd Frau Drops-a,
sorted flavors. For sale wholesale and Tclml, by
'je3 Tea Dealers and Grocers.
BEENFIKLI) FOLISII'STAR'til —rouounced by
judges to be the best srtrcle In ass--. For sale by
■t SCO Liberty sued
BACON— 18.000 prime Moms;
10,000 do Sides; . .. ,
•! bhds.Coanuy Shoulders, . tor sale.
~~ Jplis WOODS,
IS Gold, Silver and Bank Notes. Current and par
filling received on deposit. • Collection* catc/ttUy n
tended to. Fourth street, one door east ornJontct,
Pittsburgh, Pa. fitlL?—
D : tißh-GO 9c CO., Imnoneiaoml Wholesalel>ea
# lerstn Dry Goods end Varieties, have utt band n
larfff find tomplete assortment of Gold and Gut Jewei
rv.Cloekt, Watches and Watch material*, together wnh
a largo stock of varieties, which we Oder at unusual
low prices. fjc-l] P. GRKGG fc GO. _
SALT— IIU bills Mo. I stall;
S 3 <lo S! Ilo;
' ]3 do «1 do; •
my a; . s.’l and ggl Liberty si.
BuctSrrs* and Tubss—
-30 dox Heaver backets;
lOdoz do |ar*enib*; ;
Sdoc do email do; received and for
fmv3ll -WlLtKtt fc BICKKTSON,
—OUT WINKo-fi Übd» cMnc)erio»'« pure Von Wmt
sqr eft«lr* HuntiCo V do*
30 q* do 00 «!o,
Now landing) ond pi ( .KBKO S.
<«1 noil 2»I LHirny «:
CJi ,AS IO batkeufchsmpajnie wine* Anclinrl»rsnd,
JO do do do Momm’* Verrarl..
10 do do do do do in tools,
received and fonaie fcy MILLBR& RICKLrfcON.
_ my?*
. 34
. 48
ACK£HI£i> —SO bMs Wo J Urge mackerel;
do do;
10 bids No l do;
10 J bblldo do do;
militdido do do;
JO t bbltNoS. landing *ml for sain by
my3l _
LOAl'SliUAll— ‘iubbla bofcmig'i O Uial ontar.
30 do da 000 doj
S 3 do do L crushed;
40 lo do C powder'd;
21 do do A clarified-,
10 boica do D refined loaf;
neccccd and for »^ ER fc niCKirTdON.
•221 and 223 Lilicrly tl _
... 28
.... S 3
.... 8-1
ISM Pale Cognac; .
fiqu&ncfcaik* 1300, <so on f 3 and 4
proof. imported per brig Chonc; .••. , , . QtJ .
V ~15 half pipe** tO qr caafca and & bbls t*lO oud ISM r 4
proof.imported porting «fa®e»i
P ' .a\*o« half pipe** Wiaad ocuvea* A Petgfteuc* Ho*
clifllc Umniift »ilh the “V?’VSTpirKriSON™' 0
.torched for .ale by MIMJR „,
. 28
.. 33
.* 86
TBAS-50 half che*u Gunpowder *««*♦
170 do do Y’ngH)*on do,
50 do do Hytpn «i>;
530 do do Pauchong do*
5> do do Souchong • do;
HO eatiy bores Y. 11.; ■. ■
No* receiving per
821 and 823 Liberty «t.
Another irresti Arrival at
DGRIitiO & CO ,nonh-wrsl corner of Vioai st.
. nn ,i Diamond alley, ure jn«i opening a linn
Siork of Fancy l’rinls.Sommer FanuJootas, balnea,Be
tare Do Lnlnes, French Manchester | nnd Uomciue
Ginchoms. Together, with * compl«tc
Ladies’ Dress Cmxln. Also, a inrge stock rf lJn^'Ti
niocci Ac. These, together with oof former pnerhases,
makes ouf slock unsurpassed by any wesr of ihe moon
lalns: to which we solicit the attention of buyers, na
weean offer them on the most CB.
NEWMQOOk^!' ~NBW BOOKS l~Ro*t Ashford, or
the Rained Gamester. ti , ,• „
Up tbc Rhine,being No. U of I’mnam’* Library.
The Throne of Iniquity, ot Sustaining Lvi! by Law, a
discourse by the Rev. Albert Bames
Viola, or Adventure# in urn SouUt'West.
The Nerromnneer, by Reynolds.,
Guy Mamierinff, Abbotsford edition.
IfaroVr! C3odey/and GrahnnPs Magazines for June.
Sust received and for sale at_ fc caLLOW , P)
jes N 0.74 TJUr^sUopposit^e_rost.9ii£ii
-1 Seven uctcs of Land, pleasantly near the
nroneitv of the late Col. Croghan ; one-half a mile from
fn?Cemetery; « delightful loeatloa for a country rest
dencc Kcc 01600-A5OO la hand, balance .In five
yt Aliso-nft«n acres of choice land i a new dwelling
hnu.r'woll arranged; oad an orchard ofexcellt-m
fruU-ulUn good order. Immediate possession. Price
*3ooo— c soofn hand, balance in ten equal yearly pay*
mVntT S CUTIIBERT, General Agent,
n*nu. 50 Smltbfiftld street _
.... 27
.... 83
.... 91
■" Slew Roolul New Books!
MFN and Women of the Eighteenth Century, by Ar
ecne Howeaago, with beautifully engraved por
• of booU XVTand Made, de Pompadour.
“lUngaryln 1851, with an experience of the Austrian
P GHdoroy/?he'*Frefeboowr, ™uie.of heroic deeds and
fema'o doring. _ f 0 m Scoilish History, by
rricc AnuiUr. author o? “ Woman’s Friendship,”
“ KelnUucncc,” “ The Mother’s Recompense ”
Pictorial Brother Jonathan, for the fourth of Julyc-
P ThV«hove n u?ifor.ale »t |f, MINER fc CO.’S Cheap
nnntr fttorc. No. 3i Smllhficld street. . , . |
received for any periodical published.
]unc4 • "r. r ' •• - I '' ~ r •'/ " -■ ' \ ;/ ■ z* —*
.... 27
.... 83
.... 91
•rue Great Veeetablo 4»emjjly I
5 * br!" B NYE«S> EXTRACT, ,
Dandelion, Wild Cherry and Sareapanlla.
jt THIS valuable mediciiiarprepora
lion differs entirely from miy simple
c , tr] , Pl 'of Sarsaparilla” or com
- mOiipuripingme d u'ir.c . Itl« o cora
acting directly on the Kidneys, or
miJ&A having immediate reference lotherc-
V lief and cbminaed healthy operation
_ ,jL. ••” : of some internal organs. It. con*
; tains article*which enter into no
\3sSBaßßgpimtt; other preparation in existence, and
■ : in the market. Personswliohavetakcn
bvnsiaßtwo orlltteo bottles. Thu is
IS?nn\ f ?CoSpo«nd in which Dandelion, Witd Cbctry
tho ,9, n L„il./ilr. ilre so nrepuecl to Oder the peculiar
eac!l, in comb?natlon with pure extracted
virtnes or oacu, ra m a hj . ( co „ coolr , ue a atato.
other hexliug crt* c punELYVEGUrABLE, ami are
. :■? diseases.'•'•Dropsies,‘-Kidney 4Som*
To care taany- _ j^ nn j or g ftom the Blood,.
p ' mt lisSt’andUriUiib(t^aecretioiui of diseased organs
or corrupt and ,i, P uioroach operations on the
from the medicine. No other extracts
Kidneysitu' “"SSPJsbel lii fact,this very operaiiot,
even P. c »' c ? 4 1 , °mtWculetiy compounded, differsfrom
It will relieve. _U has cpred when cUfej , f „, iy .
WwSod to make perma
nemeures,-j„p ppVER I SHIP FEVER! I
: u "™
wo aldeeematmo^mlraole.y
And 0 ' *
er»’ Extract, Danilelton. Wiid Bncrry ® i name-
We select '^ e /®'' 0 S' n &“f “ nc £ of tbU medicine in
rons testimonials to tboepciency_ . * wex
inßuffalo,N.Y..andonewhohasdevolcdtoselt pa
ticaiarly to the stady attdeure of the_SMp re«r, ,
almost every phase of which, he fa. ctmTPJ? *’ y Ihij
■ the following tesumoavtn relation to theeuccisoi
m^to%Vbe%^fefhS! ve tised Dr. H. B. Myers’
Krlraot of Dandelioa. WUd Cherry, and Sarsaparilla,
CnTa&olo MvS
pl P No. lLWarren street, NevrVoik.
gptfdMdfcw N»;« WoodWet.PiH.bnrgh.
... 98
... 28
... 32
.... 98
Officb o» Tfl«;DAitT MoaHiFo Post, t
I&mday,June 7; 1652. . • i.
•• Saturday lost was one of tho dullest days of the sea*
son. The weather was warm and pleasant. .
ASHES—We have no change to note; the stock in
first bands is ample, with but a : moderate demand for
Soda, at 3 to 3£e.
FLOUR—TIio market was dull, and prices unchang*
ed. We note sales ofthe followlnglots t &D bblfi.ex*
tra at 83,00 } 20 do nt 83,05; 28 bbls, extra at 83,19; 40
do superfine at 8-3,01; 27 do at 83,00; Cdo extra at 83,18;
20 do &l S 3 00.
Baxtimore, Juno 3.
OATS—Sales of SQObus. nt 29c. .
DAGON—The market wasquiet, and solos confined t >
the retail tTadc. We quote Hams at 9*oos c.; Shoulders
Bto SidesOi^DJc; sugar eared Hams firm at lie-
MACKEREL— I The demand seems active for country,
and vales are made at 53,2509,50 for No, 3 large; 97.50
@7,75 for small 3’s ; No. 1 Shad, trimmed, 813,50013,00;
■HerringsBsoo7,oo. . : v-.. " ■
CHEESE—The market is bcller supplied, wuh in
creasing receipts. Wc note a dCi-bne tn W. R. We
I nowquoteatOo7c., astn quality. -
WHISKEY—The demand for Rectified continues mo
derate ntl7@l6c.
WOOL—This article is jafit beffiriningto come in,nl
though in limited quantities as yet. The great excite
ment witnessed this lime last year, and the lively com
petition which existed among eastern manufacturers,
in the purchase of last season's clip, are nut perceptible
this year ; on the contrary, bulimic desire seems to he
manifested by eastern dealers for the purchase of wool,
and they seem to be more cautious in TCgard to the
price. We saw a. lot of Wooisold yesterday for 20
i ecntß—tho same quality last year, and off the same
i sheep, bringing 40 cents. Merchants inform us that an
I average decline of 10 to 15 cents per pound, from the
priees of lasi yenr, may be certain.
et has experienced much activity during the week, and I
Q considerable business has been done ntUmherpTices
Laree orders have been given out to . the Staffordshire
masters, and the prices of lower qualities of Iron arc
advanced fully 5a & ton. There has alro been con* \
slderable done in Scotch Pig Iron, principally, however, i
on speculation, dnd the price of first brands has advan
ced io 415., f o b: at Glasgow. Some irutisacUons have
taken place in Rails nt X 5 10s V ion.. Lo; b- at Wales,
and common liars ate now worUi£4 Ijs., f. o.b. in
Wales A large business has been done in Tin Plates,
! at improved rates. Coke Plotes have been extensively
I bought at I* V box in advance. Copper baa also ad
| vanced & &,ond Lead Is held very firmly at former
r,< NEW BEDFORD OIL MARKIST, (wetk ending
May 31 l-Scerm i, very quiet,and we have no sales lo
I reporiin this rnnrket. - A parcel of !M) tibls. received
iiv the Wiiliam Henry, from Ft Thomas, at New. York,
was sold there si fil;9s f gallon; ensh. at which price
I the market here remains firm. A aalo of 1&0Q gallons
I unbleached Fumraer sperm was msde nt 81,*/, cash**-
Whale—The market for also quiet, and wc
I have no sales to report since our lasi. A pnreel of oip
I bids. Polar was sold a few days previous to our last, at
75 cents 9 gallon, ul wlncii price it is held firwly,.;we
1 notice a sale of 1000 galls. Bleached Spring whale ut
I 7<3 cents v and ICOO do Whalefoolt at 50 cents P 1 gallon,
I cash Whalebone—We have only to report a sale of
I 050 U lbs. Polar at 25 cents to.
OyTho Stsubenvllle Messenger, of June Oii.says:—
Stumer Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville.
“ Baltic, Rennet, UrmvusviUe.
“ J. M'Kttf, Hendrickson, McKeesport.
“ Thomax Shnver, Hailey, \Vett newton.
“ Grnc3«*e.Conn«t, West Newton.
«« • t 4 -Baynrd, Peebles, Eltzahtth.
“ Miehtpon N0.3,80ic», Beaver.
“ Forest Cltv, Mordoek, Wellsvme.
“ £hurual,Cmiwcll, Wicding.
(l Keystone State, Stone,Cincinnati.
• l Paul Anderson, Gray, St. I.ouiSk
« Halsic.BenncuHrownsvtUe.
“ Atlantic, Parkinson, do ■■
14 J. M’Kce, Ilcndnckenn,McKccsjiOTt.
“ Thomas Phriver, Henley, NVcstNewion.
« Gcnesscc, Conant, West Newton.
«* S- Bayard, Peebles^Elizabeth.
Michigan No.2,HuiC3, ItcaseT.
11 I-'oresi City, Murdoch, WelHvlUe.
o Winchester, G. Moore, Wheeling.
Buckeye State,B. Ucan, Cmcinnati.
« Messenger. Klinefelter,Cinemnau.
“ Daniel Conver«,Guthigher,/anesVillc.
■ Persia, lluiehuon, 91. Loulir,
fixarleua* Parkirskargh and nocklog
. m h port Packet*
Jyrslj&X y rhe steamer HAIL COLUMBIA, A. S.
C**VB, Master, will leave Pitivbureh every Monday,
m 3 o’clock, P. M.; returning will leave Hockingport
every Tuesday, at C o'clock, A. M. .
Passengers and shipper* may tely «n,}he fiC ‘
cotnmodauonand promptuesa. w.-H, W IIr.hLLK,
marO No. 21 Market street-
Ailicbtny iiiver Tf
nsoviSn fuankun packets.
Tus hno steamer ALLEGHENY BKI.LE
LBgKSgaC.'qo. 2. Cunt- Was.' leave* the Alle
gheny wharf for FraitkUnicvcry Maniay and Tnursiiay %
’“ThcfinestestnerAlXW.HnNV BE!.LBNe3,CepU
Jqus Ussss, leaves the Alleghesr whari for Wank*
lin-every uiiv* Fnrfay, at 4i• M. ~
For Freight or Paisittre, apply on Hoard ftnttr2o
~ Kor aarUtu"»Jm Ho^wagport.
1 feSH-nTy Tus&ttesicamerPAClFlC* ZanovrMax*
te&G&i&hr b-4, win leave fur We above and latermedi"
IwpSniTvtry ri!U«siMV,M'J<>;ciock,ivM.
Forftcightor l)»»nK<',>>PPl> T '>‘‘hj»<^ ! ot J , to SON .
No- fii Water al-, and M Front m.
ifor Klltanalnjr mil Catflsli.
I TUB lisMdraughl and pleasant steamer
Jrg«tawtr!i.*il[OX. Cnpl. Stiu.fflo»B,r»iU Iroroihe
Alles'ieny wharr on Monday, Wednesday amt V rainy*,
ai 3 o'clock, l’. M.for Kmannlsg and Catßsli. Por
frtmbi of pusangn apply o» boorJ. . ; _ InovlH
iror bone ueacli, Marietta, t'orberebarg
and Unlilpollß* ,
- n The hoe Steamer GOV, MEIGS*
tfSacw-jfc Svtvxi* Ma»’er, ■will leave for the above
FoM«. gll , o, ”PP»y-^r A
~lV<dac«4>f Pft&ktt for cincMiiiAtU
Tim new anil fiisi running mcmum Wfc
aSSSV&CINN’ATI, UiuJiinaiUM, Master, will lettuo
isSsds&iTsnlQrly rvery Wkdiieib»t.
K" I*'" 1 *'" 0t P ” T l 5. O MI£TtsURttGER. •
T~ANO niftvorablp
I 4 ralfH by (iotl . A.\MiihlW*l/U.
C-imw ■i'ails-.’J on conucniDQntf - for tale by
J li?U __ _J •_- ll> IJfiEv >tt> Lihr.av Blreci.
oTnTTvuol.!—l'ue hnkesiprico w cask pnul for
... all .k' E rml,s wool tt
TvSXtTS ON oiniTi'nNaTl' oomtaiiily (ur eaic m
1.) (be corner of Mukei «ad cO .
GULDEN' BY BUl’—lll lialf bols. nndiu Ballon kegs,
for sale by A. llUTCnisqN_fcCa_
FiIoUU-40 tiMa. lfxira nud SuncrUne Foiajly-riour
i'i>r sale by JtU£SKLI< &> JOHNSTON,
loraaiou* no Water street.
TTJor ASH-A jcvv eaufcs of first sort
X tmd for sale by
CtOVTHIi SNKA rUA-'iiH"doVeJUru tu:U common
u. .lure A SONS.
M>U. Superfine *>n <t Kxira > lonr, rteM
and for sale by , s. WATPJiMANjV SONS.
M— ACKKIIUb—ISU t'Uls.large"No :JMai.kcTel,liMass.
ieJ w & sons.
I 10 bngft pioifuto;
5 do pem-u-r; formic by RjfcRIc) . CTSON
H*'* W boxes No 1 Herring, Lubrielc;
SO do -sealed * a rirlceTSON
«*'« -<■ * H,u *gi S,SSfISS.
mTini.-I'C.KN'r'cOrN— 'lVe will faimalrTlirco Cent
T coin io any Loui” free of ctarßO.Ur I’ennn. fumla.
Aljpty olOuromec. No.SU foanh au °^p AMF , 4 CO :
nuUSEMOIiiSSUS-l-.i Bernard"
S'suifar house molassei, landing from summer Mea
sonKOjr No S, and for Bate b^ IIXKR & RICKCT3OR,
vT4rsT?OAU-sirilha»Tr‘Ss N l> spmir'lamimg from
2-21 anil M 3 Liberty st.
/ anil nature' wmtor ami *P ril 'S *f e, “
( )"£T*S 01. i CKCTBON, ’
BtOTC nini fur sale by MILLER * n -jIS 3 L i| )C nr »t.
my«U ■•• ■ ■ 1 ~~
r- M „, „, ' ‘ Sectelnry,
Executors* £ioiic*.'_ BIPI ,
A L M P OBNFY n or r Norl Faye.°teJoTnshiMeiased,
4at LeUetsnf A^n^uon^ve
been grained 10 rhe undernsned, A ihemdaty aa
clalras ngaiml said estate, wi Pf c, n kuow | n(: tt,em
tlienlicnted for sett cmeiu, and nbosfrdfnowinjr
selvas indebted, will pleoßO make itomediata pa} men
to the subscribers. w6l. M’C ANDI-F.S3,
e»«y Hrnl “cakes onJ andsweet.
tS. iSS ferollielwllibescrvedwitoaUn^.cles^ey
mny order, on iheahorlesl noUce ihe^ao^^strt^
factory terras- -Bemeinbersbo_pl® c ®»w •.
nlleyla few doors rouih of iho Diamond, lmyld.s
TTOOD’3 NEW UOOK—X'p the Rhine, by Tiiomas
ri Hood, with comic illustrations. ? ■■ - - ■« ((w . %
and Cents, said to be by ihe author of AyaUe,
W the Rulnctt Cnmeß E.L. Elan-
Pierian Church, Harrisbursh, February 59,1E54,
Knickerbocker for Jane.
: The Horticulturist for June.
Tlic Cultivator for June-
AUocw book? rcccrecda soon “issued, and sold at
the lowest Prices, N^SefaS&t.
AucUon Card. _ . • ■■
THE undersigned, after an inierval of four yean* Wf
again resumed business*. /Having coraphcd With
me requisitions of the lawrcgulating Bales at. Auction*
and having procnred a first class License as Auctioneer;
for the City of Pittsburgh, Ha offers his services as such
to his friends and the public .generally.'. With an expe
rience of nearly: thirty: years tn Una line of busmess-ae
hazards nothing in saying that he will be enabled to give
entire satisfaction to all those who moy feci disposed to
patronize him. v P» MoKENNA, Auctioneer.
Refera to the principal City Merchants. - *v* _
Attctton—natiy Sale#* ,
A T the: Commercial Salesßooms, corner-of Wood
A. and Fifth streets, af tO.o’clck, Aj. M.,a general as
sortment of Seasonable* Staple and Fancy Dry Goods*
Clothing* Boots ond Shoes, Hats, Cops, Ac.
AT 2 O’CLOCK; P. M.,
Groceries. Queensware, Glassware, Table Cutlery,
Looking-Glasses*, new and second-hand Household ana
Kitchen Furniture, Ac. -
AT 7 O’CLOCK, P. M > , _ 4
Books* Stationery* Fancy articles, Musical jnstm
mentfl, Hardware and Cutlery, Clothing, Vqnctv Goods
Gold und Silver Watches, Ac. ,T. M. DAVIS,
• ja-)l:tf • Auctioneer...
Boots, shoes, chintz, parasols, ac., at
Auction.— This afternoon* Monday, June 7th, at «,
o’clock, will be sold at M’Kenna’s* Auction House* (to
close consignment,) one case Boots, one case Ladies
Shoes, comprising enamelled Slippers, Morocco ana
Kid Buskins, Black Gaiters, Bronzed and Kid 5 »PP”?;
A1*0,30 pieces Chlniz, assorted colors, and ?i dozen Silk
Parasols,with & variety of other/articles.-; . ..
j C 7 V P. M’KENNA, Auct’r,
SHERIFF’S SALE of Mahogany Veneers, Cabinet
Mikcrs’Tools Patterns, Hardware,Ac. On.Fri
day* June 11th, at 2 o’clock, P. M * at the Commercial
Sates Rooms* corner of Wood and Fifth streets, will be
sold, by order of Carter Curtis Esq , Sheriff, for cash,
par fands—four boxes Mahogany Veneers »a quantity of
mahogany, rosewood and walnut carved .mouldings,
cabinet makers’ tools* patterns and hardware * a quan
i myof Upholstery ; colored engravings of specirnensof
i Furmlurc; a variety of Jewelry. Fancy Goods* Ac. At-
I so, one cask and one can Copal Varnish. . . .
jei • . r. M. DAVIS, Auct’r.
TvESIUABI.E country residence and se
tion —On Saturday, morning, June I2ih, at .lo o’clock,
at the residence of Mr.E Dyer,in Lower St. Clair
township,on the hill above the Temperance vllje Metho
dist Church, will be sold, hi* enure slock of superior
i Household and Kitchen Furniture, which has been but
i a short time in use, comprising superior mahogany
spring seat sofa; chairs and rocker; centre, side and
dining tables; dressing and plain bureaus; Windsor
and common chairs; high and low post bedsteads; pot-.
I lor* chamber aiffl stair carpets; iugs,'mans, window
[blinds, brass fender, fite irons, looking glasses, china
1 glass and queensware, kitchen furniture, cooking uten*
[ «ils, t fresh milch cow, 5 hogs, Ac., Ac. Also, a new
| two story frame dwelling bouse, finished in tbc best
| stvle,oH h corner loi, seventy*four feel front by 100 deep,
| with a newcisnrrn, irult andßhadelrees,thiubbery and
other improvements. *■ . ■.
| . . P. M. DAVIS, Auctioneer.
LASS—2UO boxes asrorted, to clow consignment.
IKAS-23 half chests Young Hysnn and Dfack Teas,
forsalcby . STUAIti A SILL.
hbK fc SILL
A PICK—7S reams Medium and Croyn, in store and
foriaichy • (je4j STUART & SILL._
V~ INt«AIt~3U bbls. in store and tft cci rid
j 0 4 STUART ft SlUi.
n AT^-0i0«... .or sale by STUART p lljtj
u l:f b -' w " h CiP,C SH.T,
ALT—ISO Hills. WO lforr.sleby; ■ ■,
(IOFt liE—:o tiuasprwie (tin jun landing, for fiilaliy
, jo( . STUART fc SILiU-
SUUAU— SOObhds. :nr lopinnc N. O. Sueur, lor sale.
HKMP-03 Imteic prime Missouri I). R., received per
Btcamer_Persia._ __ ■ ■ ■ ■ .
lEAI>— EUO pigs' soft Gftteua Lend, landing ..from
j steamboat Persia, and for sale by
GfiRN STARCH—Oboxca Oswego prepared Coroor.
Corn Starch* for Paddings, Ulanc Mange, Ac. v re
ceived and for sale by
jr4 [Chronicle copy] W. ■A.-.M*CLURG.& CO.
lISH—4O bbls. targe No.SMackerelj
10 do Slinti - t ■ ■■
SO do Pickled Herring* Forsaleby
.4 •■OTPART-ft SILL-
old Londonparticular Madeira, matorcand ireiiy
flavor; OUO. S.S.s extra fine pale fchcrry, instate and
m y3l 221 and 223 Liberty st; .
BACON— 7 casks prime ilaconSides;
5 tierce* do do Hams >
25 do superior Sugar Cured Hams; .
18 do do do Canvassed Shoulders;
For sale by L. S. WATERMAN & SONS,
Je3 No- SO and fil Water nmtoa Front at.
"USlNTUt'VKllt&Nldii WINB, Casams—
-6 Loxet Swib» Absimhe,
4 do French; •
0 do Rhenish wine;
U) do Brandy cherries for mIo by
vff'l DAOS FILUBtt !*s-•-
HU SO do Cream Nais;
locates Prune/!, (tnnliua jars.)
a do do iiancy boxes.)
10 do Common rruncß ; r
40 do Currants; la store *nd for sale by
my« JOSHUA RHODES. No 0 Woods*.
1 UST KECGWKD, ot Krsmedys, N 0.94 .Mai^clat,
tj n large and welt selected •'took, of GOhV ANI
lluiuiw? and Open Dint Levers, or the bcßtqoahly and
finish, which J offer w my friends and patrons at such
prices us eannotfail to please •.
Yoa will al«ofindniibe above place a mce assortment
of Jewelry and Fancy Oonris, to which your atteiiTlon
Is most respectfully solicited. _
Reduced Prices*
A A MASON A CO,W and Cl Market street, will
, open this morning— • ■
7 cases IVerngoDe Lames, IOxPLSfc;
3 do Ilerrges. ISc; ■ , ,
4H pieces Figured Changeable Suk>vcry low;
Hm Crape and Summer Shawl?.;
15 cases Printed Lawns and Muslins;
it <Jo Summer. J)e Lames, some as tow ns 10c j
Also,Laces.Embroideries, Hosiery and Gloves,. |)c2
AVaihlng BUde £aiy«
S SAt.O A CO.’S CHKMICAL SOAV-~For washing
» ail kind* ofclothes painted surfaces, &c. This is
a new article* pronounced by .those wbo have used u»io
ha superior to any *oap in *lie market, for common use.
It saves in soap, labor, wear and tear of clothes, one*
half Warranted not injariouslo the skin, nor to the nr
tide washed, hs excellent qualities can only be rcal r
*ied bv trial. For sale, wholesale and retail, by
•* W. A. M’CLURG & CO.,
•T 25d Liberty strert.
jp’j {Chronicle co]
: uecs 11. Jouei.
A f o-253 liberty sittet , Pnhfturgh, P«.
‘ft/rANUFACTUREU'and dealer in all hinds of To*
m bucco. Snuff and Sugars—RcspectluUy informs the
public that he bap just received a large and general as
sortment of the most celebrated brands of Tobacco and
imported Scgars, and ts now prepar'd to fill all order?,
wholesale or retail. AHlovorsofthetefedarc invited to
call. He also manufactures spun rnU,ludicß'twist, Vir
ginia twist, $U> lurop a s ondOi , which lie warrants equal
ito any made west of the mountains. .■_
i A geneml assortment of Half Spanish, Melee and com-
I toon Sugars constantly on hand
NOTICE IS HKREUY GIVEN to all purchasers of
Fine Jewelry and Watches, that Hood is now ready
to supply you with the best and most fashionable fine
Gold Jewelry, and at lower prices than any othtr deal
er In the city. He buys for. cash cheap, aud sells Tor
cash cheap, makes large sales, and small proEis—
Therefore, all persons Gold Jewelry, Fine.
Sitver Ware, ■ Watches, &0., from this establishment,
will be sure to get the valueof 100 cents for ever do-lax
invested Gold Watches from. 820 to $100;. Silver,
i Watches from SO to 20, Silver Spoons from *.8.3 to
1820, ami other goods equally cheap F!oa.*ecall at
HOOD'S, 51 Market aired, the only: Wholesale price
Jewelry Store in the city.
b, in eiorc
To Italtroacl Contractor#.■ •_ ,
PROPOSALS will be received at the Office of ibo
SirubenviUe acd Induni* Itvlcoail CoropDii'* 4 m
Newark,from the Ist to ilie evening of ihcSih of June,
1853.T0t the grubbing, clearing, grading, #ml masonry,
of that portion' of the Steubenville ana Indiana Rail-,
rond, between Coshocton and Newark, being about 3o
miles in length, and comprUlag some heavy outs and
GH«, and & bridge across the M usVingum nver. .
Bids will be received in section* of about one mile m
each, or for the entire Division. ; .
Profiles and specifications, with approximate e?tt»
mates of quantities, can be seen at the Ofiices iu Now
ark and Sieubeuvilte, after the Ist of Juno.
J ■ BLICKENSnvUFiin, Jr, r
Chief Engineer.
p, m’KEHSA, Auctioneer,
p. m. DAVISi Auctionear.
Hear Y«J Hear Y« S
—These u ful articles ore introduced to tho. public |
by the inventor, and especially rceommended to the no- ,
tlce of the Ladles, for who?o particular use they ore in- j
tended: Something of the kind-bus ever been nteiM,
to hold or fatten their needle work while engaged m
sewing- Many a fair form is runted, and made round
shouldered, by their position while at work, as well as
health impaired, by sluing in such an unhealthy position,
improvements are constantly being introduced to lesson
the labor of meu,lmi little or nothing hus been done to
alleviate the harden of the other sex. This article,
: however,will'greatly relieve, while.- 11 -will; facilitate
I their work- The Sewing Birds have been used by rutiny
ladies in New England,"aud bus met with universal op
r r Thoy-may to had of the ruUscriber.hy wholesale, in
every variety nf stylo; and the small price at which
thev aro offered, must recommend them to general use-.-
‘ mylO C. YEAGER, 110 Market
" Emporluin ofWRttU I
-rxf 11. WRIGHT, (successor lo J. SiTonpHl.Mnnn-!
W • facluterof anu Bealer Wbolcsule and Retail in
the above named Oil and Lamps, is now receiving a large
assortment of LAMPS, for burning, the Ethereal Oil,
Camphino and Pine Oil. Also, Lamps of every descrip
tion, for burning Lard and Lard Oil..
Chandeliers, Girundolo Hall Lamps, Wicks, Globes,
Chimney .Mats, Cans, and all tilings pertaining to the
'llthercal, Camphino or Pine Oil, regularly, supplied
once or twice a week.
Allorders left with the wagon, which is constantly
passing through the city, will be promptly attended to.
N. 11. Lamps of dll-kinds nltered to burn the Ethe
real Oil. All articles delivered In any pari of the city,
or in Allegheny, free ef east. HWUIG „ Ti
No. 82 Fourth si., lApollo Hall,)
between Morkei ana Wood streets.
Eatab lifted " 184D— -7rtMrj?ora*«f by the Letulatute cj. ,
Peniuufaania* witrt Perpetual Chaiter. ,
;T>HINCIPALr-k*. Dopp, Pxofessor of TUarcUcai anc*
:J? Practical Bookkeepingand Commercial Sciences*
N. B. HMCH,EBq.»l*rofeß3orof Metcnnulc Law.
' Jona I>. Willuuk, one of the best, Venraejrini tne
;West v ProfcBßor of'OrQQEQcntal and Commercial ren
“p^W Principal of ihe Classical .® c P aI “ cW >
Professor of Mathematics and ClasMctdliangengea.^
Those who aspire to the htghorrankM Accountants,
arc reQMsleUtooaltanAoxamme ifeccreflenuaißw w ?.
l &nd Steamboat Accountant”
Accountant, ?ompleiefvc«h.Hand;aTiin o Table, 81 Op.
Merchants anf steamers supplied with thoroughly
MOND, WMbnrgh, Penn». Tb» Dor }SJ ” k
-horn* .. . ■
Thifr powerrttllyconcemtaKd pr«r
parauon; ihemedlcalvirtacs.of which dre foil
eight limes the strength of the orig Inal American U
Ills putup m bottles atSSand 271 cents, cacbjWltliu
directions for its use. In every disease wherc|beorigi
nal American OH has been lonnd at all efficacious, and
N. B. The Original Oil ini its natural slate as taken
frbm'lbe bowels of the earth, can bo had as above—and
willbe found gtnvint. notwithstanding a cent -a firm
claims to be the only Proprietors. , ,
dfcw.lf 1 I-
. PlrrateDlscnies. ........
Divots*' his entire attention to .an office
*??-*?&$*%* oractice. ilia business is mostly c online dio
f SK5* -M Prfooraor TtrurialDiuasu, and such pain
fnl affections, brought on by Imprudence,
fJcSslfa vomhfolindnlgenee and excess, o
MiMm h Syphilis, Syphilitic Eruptions, Gonorr,
*££w!ir hen, Gleet, Stricture, Urethral Discharge*,
lit-purily of the rflood, withall diseases o. tie venerea,
origin. 1 Shin Diseases, Scorbutic Eraptions, Tetter,
Ringworm,Mercurial Discos,Semmal Weakness,lm
potency, Plies, Rheumausm; Female Weakness, Month
ly Suppressions, Diseases or the Joints, Fistula in Ano;
Nervous Affections, Pninß in the Back and Loins, Irnta
tidrts of the Bladder and Kidneys,successfully wealed.
- practice (sir in this city' enables Dr,
Brown looffer assurances ofspeedy cure to all wboraty
come under his care. . ~ . _
Office and private consulung rooms, « Diamond ay,
|o* Charges moderate,. ■...■■ novSulfcwlv
B? E F.S IK * ; --v!
”rom Or. Houghton's hole
look of. Casa and Corns-
J/nTafred S9 BB Tln» My
ra* very spare and willow
-had incessant pain and
neasinessmtbe pit of the
Lomach. Two or three
reased to such , a degree .
ony. riiefe attacks hap
pened someumes after food, and sometimes when none
nadbeen taken. She xaisenmash soar, clear fluid from
' the stomach in : he morning. The stotnich swelled much .
at night- Tongue coated and clammy; much thirst ; no
appetite- Bowels costive; doll, stupefying secssltonin, ,
the forehead. Complaints Cf two years stundiug Gave
her some Pepsin on Monday. Came back in a week.
Said the pain hnd'iiot been hall so bad since taking the
eeconddosc,and was daily growing less Thecoryst'int
gnawing was also gone. improves, * ° *
cleaner; bowels regular; head still heavy. .Inanoier
week she was entirety .free from uneasinessand paut. in
the stomach— raised no acid fluids—head felt clear, and
every trace of the stomach complaint was reoioveu.
Cass 2.—Married Lady, aged 00 —Pam o fur eating -
Very stout lady. llad-sufTercd pain, usually
verc, in the region of the stomach, for three years past,
and particularly mtcnseoftereatiog.Whenat the worst,
the pain U as if some hard body were being thrust into
themiofthe stomach and bored m every direction. Mac i
tenderness on pre«snre. This lady used the Pepsin with
surprisiiiireffect Soonaftcrtbcfi'stdoPetbcpainccased
—sue ieL some nausea, and retched, but, nothing enme j
up/ Several months have pa**ed, but ihcre hasbeenno ;
return of the pain. Tongue clean and molstj no spre-
Lmiisctl/e, Ky , Mny,l6st—On
the 7ih of May, 185l v Rev. M. D.■ WiJlianjf.pasW.o^ bo
Fourth Presbyterian Church,m Louisville, Ky.,was and
bad been for a long tune con bn ed tohis ro £™;®
ot the his bed, with Dyspep.naand Chromc Dia -
rhera, and was to all appearance on Uie W ° f
the grave, and acknowledged to-be so by his physician,
who had tried all the ordinary means in htßpower wJ
out effect; and at the above named time, the patiisrn, by
the consent of his physician, commenced : i.e useof Vr.
i Houghton's Pepsin, and to the. asioalshment, surprise
I «rid delight of all. he was much relieved the first day,
The third day he left his room The. sixth day, which
wb* excessively hot, be rodeiennules witlr no bad. el
feel; onlhe eigluhdayhe wontona vir uto the country,
and on the thirteenth day.tbongb not entirely resiored
to his natural strength, he was so foe recovered as do go
alone a journey o r five hundred miles, where'be ainveu
in safety, much Improved, in health, baying-hod no dis
turbance of the stomach or bowels after taking the hm
cose of Pepsin. These arc facisnotcontroveriabte, and
[ {bis is a case winch ought-to convince all skeptics that
there is a powertn P*p«tfc-3L«iJ*Tßei«M»MO^pep
and retn^Vo^f V
horgh; Pa. tm,g> di.w
~iTS-10 3 s Oa^ M aadft,r. n a)e s hy
fIROQMS-170 do? ~0 Close «onrtjgggjU t g[U
”—■ ■... Now Goods.
E WATTS. & CD., 185 Liberty: street, have received
• this the Pennsylvania Railroad, a large
otor new spring style CASSIMKRKS. |my29
X* S. JOUBS - .J. LAVfiLT.
J« Lavely A Co*»
Dealers in choice family groceries,
Teas, Pickles, Fruits, Ac.,&c*,No. 285 Liberty Bt »
tnorihside.) one doorbelow Hand. fnutr.fcv
itusselt &> Joaiutou,:
W CHANTS,and dealers m Product and Piusburgn
Manufactures. Ill) Water and 156 Front streets,
burgh, t'a (<nyl7
Gotlklo Il&ll* -•
CELEBRATED for neatness of hi, fineness of qdaltty,
durability of voikmansbtp, and low prices. Men’s
and Boys’Clothing. Great inducements tb cash buy
ers. Vre study to please. CiihvVhKy ■
j e .j. -• •. V 4 Wnnu .
fpHE&nauai meeting of the Jntoekholdera oi. the Fitts.
A burgh. Cmcinnau and Louisville Telegraph Com
pany wjll bo held at the office of the. Company, .in Cin
cinnati, oo the Ist Monday of June next, (June. < I - ut it)
o’clock, a. X* fat the election of Directors for the ensu*
iuc Year. o*l*4l JOSHUA HANNA.
A. Ward Savings Bank” will be held at the or :
fice of the Bank, No. 424 Liberty street, on Tuesday, the
29Ui day'of Juno .next, at 10 o'clock, A. M., ■wuh.rcfcr*
eree to having the stock consolidated into a corporate
company. [apr2or2m| JOHNSTF.IV ART,Secret*rv....
X> RAN DIFS—IN BOND—A; Seigneue uml Fellevut-
Jt> Pin Brandies—dark and pale—tn qrcasks:.also, Na
poleon, in octaves—under Custom House chargerto
gether with 17 varieties of Rochelle, Cognac- and Bor
deaux Brandies of the moat superior qualities: in .store
and for sale cheap, l>y - JACOB WEAVMt, Jr.,
my 26 cor. Marketand-First sts>
OUOveit Gloves t Gloves I ■
OPENING THIS Market street, a
fine lotof Lisle Thread, Silk and Cotton Gloves,
which 1 will sell at wholesale prices by the simile pair.
Persons purchase will please call early, as
I.want toclo&e the.lot out. , - M -. ffpMVPTV „
' . Great Bargainfll ■■■ • „
CARPETS—Which will be found at the carpel ware
house Of W. M’Clintock, 86 Fourth street. - As wc are
d-termined to sell off our present stock of the. above
goods at cost, we invite, the.attention of those wishing
‘o.farn-wh, to great bargain,. - w JSTOOK .
ffTflii subscribers to the itiamuud Aloixei House, vviil
-JL pleaso lake notice,thatthey are hereby called upon
to pay 20 per cent, of their aubscitpiion, on or befon-
MtiNDAV. tlin Uih day of Jane next, and twenty per
cent, every thirty days thereafter, until aUispattf. ..
lly older of ■ the Building Committee, -
tnySOud li. P. hING. Tren.arer.
Wholesale anil Uxtall. _ ,
W NANUFACTORV, No.lM Wood street. JOHN
W. TIM, now offers for sale, at Eastern priecs, a large
assortment of the nbove Goods, to which the attention of
dealers is. invited. Also, Carpel Bags, and Ladles’
Pamlly Oroeerlsi. ; ,
THE UNDERSIGNED having rented the stand lute'y,
occupied by Henry C. Kelly, would respectfully In
form their friends, that they have opened a u lamiiy gro
eery,” with a stock of articlos selected in the tustern
cities, ©ipressly for family use. •. We assure those who
patronize us. that no effort upon our part will be found
wanting to pletur those who give us a call. Don i for
get fhe place—corner at Fifth street and'Markct alley.
b inyl?:itn ■ ROBERT H. JACK > CD
" Saiooni and Uatha.
WM. M. WARD would respectfully announce to
• the Ladies and Gentlemen .-.of Pittsburgh ,
cimty, that the spacious Saloons auhe'Athcnajam Baud-:
■mgs, are now supplied with a superior, quality of Ice
Creams* Cakes, Fruits, and other refreshments. Opeo ;
from 6 a.M. to UP. M - »:• 4
ALSO—The Bathing department will always be fqirnd
In older, for Hot. Cold, or Shower.Bsths,.an almost »n
-dispcn'itblc requisite for the preservation of health,
myll • 1 • • i * *
Asikcmne&t for the Bsnsflt of Crediiorß. |
IYY ordor of voluntary assignment executed on me
O Bihday of May,in* the year. 1852, by..CtASK,M>-
GoaiH & 00., to Richard T. Leech, jr-.the said,Clark,
MG ruth A Co., made the imid .Richard T, Leech, jr , a
Trustee, for the of their creditore. : Allp®^®* B
having claims ngatnsl the. said .firm, are-, requested to |
presentthemiotltosubeenbert and uUpetsous indebted ,
to the firm, are notified to caUon the aubscnneT, at:iJi»
Wood street, Pittsburgh, and pay or W*-'
my!7 . . . R. T. LEECH,
Ualiilas, VerDeaftßf GreenUoat© Plant**
TUB best collection of Dahlias v?csi of ioo rainxn-,
tains, one hundred and fifiyvorieuea. Thorbarna
-nod llovey’fi Verbenas, which arc unequalled, .ini'£«*».
Hovey’s America, Republic* and Orb,t>f IJiiyjaiiu inor*?,
burn’s Heroine, STSclipsc, and Sir S.Blano.aTeadmii
ted to be the Goins of the World. The, wiin
every variety o( Greenhouse and other I’lants, for. sole
at the Fmenger aad S« ra ‘“^ u o v ffi^ B f INBON ,
European and General Agent,
123 Wood street.
■ Proitoimla for Coal and slaoU,
SEALED PROPOSALS for delivering in the SlorCJ,
at Hie Works of the Viuatmrgh Gna Oomliany.lOO,-
1100 burhelaof BilnnHnpus' Coal,. nod 30,000>UBheIs.of
Slack, will be received at the Office of, ite Company, un
til Thursday, Junc3d,l6Si, at 2 o’clock, P.AL The
Coal and Slack to be of such opahty, end deUvered at
such timet* arid in tdefa quaouues; •
of and directed;; Tfio eiaodart) pf cr.inpuiat.on for Coal
“Tlibpaymenw to retaining SO per
?o r r'fe^
l’tMident of PinshorghCus Company.
"Oox&ort’a improved JHeiodeon*
ffijggsfeflpa lie is respectfuilycalledAothelmproved
Melodeons.manufacmred by the cub-
J | ff | . | *scribers. For> purity: and richness of
looei thcy ateuaeqimUed, not having the.uneven, sharp
and reedy Bound' .of those made by others; They jue.
made of rosewood, of superb workmanship .and origl.»
naldesign,'making&benulifol Parior InstnimenVaud
ate admirably adapted fop church muric.. Healers aup*
plied liberal terms. AH orders by moil
promptly -attended no, and Instruments sent ~iq any
pariof iliO ccmniry—umi wuTTanled. .■
- \ T. C. CLARK $ CO.i V
49 Causeway street Boston, Mass.
Notice* I
D day of June next, at llo’elock{ A-M,, for subscript
lion to lbe Capital Slock of the “ PiUftbotgh.Trnat and
Savings Company,” at the Office of Messrs. HAYS A
PAINTER, Libcrty street, Fifth Ward, under the di
rection of—
i,K.MooTehead, Charles Shalet Thomas‘ Bake well,
Mofgjux jloberuon, Josiah King'y'WiUon M*Candlcßff,
Johnß. Jr., Body Patterson, John
SmaIUW.J; John Morrison, !. S. Craft. Rea*
ben Miller, R. IE Hartley,.Wm; Richbanrayli*. D> Gaz-
Izam. Wto. Kerr, Aifired w, Marks; Dr. RlWiltioniDan'
lei Negley, John Andejsonili. WilmaitluC; Ihmsen. Or
R. Riddle and .Thomas Farley.
. Cnpithl. Stock; To ba divided into 4.C00
shares, atS5O chare to bepaid at.theunie
V ,
: - .'i.-T-t, *.;•.»• • '
fIAOLCT—The store tiop>t4n4 nmT
i.t-?E e , u P leil tv tlto.rtibkcrttfer. J’oeMsjipij ,(!>«& ott
“■o lath m«l. For terms crnuirc cf ,
n wir it. trfiKaTFR. btSmuhlicMn
mass nonocjOry (joo<l«,Triramina or■ Grocery;Store,
low. Apply to ~ 8, GOUWANN,
nior3o . ' Its Market tlrect.,
jwa WJSSOUni exchange, on Water «ireet*
to Akctm»n rAHUINSON,iiih Wordi
apriu. __
.5.0 tEI—J lie jubtcrilicr oifrr-'foVlieiiTThi"
.J , 6torcroonm.w occupied i>j Meet r »; wifiock ■&B%u
& Davis, No.ri.: Marfceuirncu l’osstislon irivertliSia:'
on lUc lstof Api - Inquire of .
j„ns:if■.: i OIIAA. II- PAUiaroN. NoiW Wnrutsi,
r -"7. .Kor itoilt#. 7\.7. • T- ••
1 ) the warehouse, now occupied, by. a druß
mr* on tic corner of Liberty ftmt Uimd fltrecu*. A
gonJ locaiion lor bu-incs. pi nny kind. Ppauwum
ifiv/*n ifnmprttn>piv*. i : ftotl*jl. ■■. JAMr-S-Ai JONgji.,.,
1 t'or aa-ac*
AFHAMKDweItiW' House mid lol.tiiualcd ortClay
alley, No 31 ■ The haoso is.lo by lfa,U>lorie«Ugh,
lO. Lot ‘““‘H?7'f p -
Price S6IIQ. OBK-HS fc.-DwBJ»LA*«*.» - ‘
: myS No 1- I. cor; of UpoO oiul f ilih sis.
/~1 IIKKNWQIiI) OABDENS Foil SALK—ThI. beau- .
\X liful an 4 well known place is now; ollered Ip per?
Bona dcsinntra tlellalitful and health? country residence. ...
The whole wlllbc sold together or hv t}ttanuuc3 to tint
purchasers. Apply immediately to •:;■■■ ••
»>1 THOMAS MQFrrrTv £9 FiAhSt*
'*>beatßakualNM—FUK-SALE, or excbtoiffeftf.
\JT Pittsburgh manufactures, FiveLots,each lOttoy SSO
feet, situated in Thomson Bellas plan of-Bunvwar front
ing on Will.P s redt-, and m said plan known a#lots Nos»
18. 10,20. 21 and 22. Knqmrenf . . >. v
jd TUOxUAS MOFFirT, SO Fifth SX.
’■ '7^For SsbU. ■
«' LOT in Allegheny City—Fronting 20 feet dnßea-
ver street, »ind extending buck 00 feet to:tiii alloy?
•very near the corner of Heaver.find. Fiankho st». Tins
lot is well situated for business or a dwelling. Apply THOMAHMOFHTTv v
je»j ... • 21) Fifth street-
- boK .UKN’i*.—From ihe Ui 01 April next* the
Store, u-nlt Dwelling attached, on the coroer-df
Market Ami First street3~o good UoslneM stand
for a Store or Tavern, u betas; only one square from the
river—will be: rented fotfio a
Wo. 232 Liberty
" Silt.
r\ unied on Peon street, in the oih ward«. iThe. 10l ls,
23 feet front .by 10U feeUdeeprfronrbuildmg.2ti>y ; t« .
feet, 3 stories high} back building 10 by,lo feol,usto«ea
• hit* ft, containing P-iconM and-wide entrance hall^“ttlsO<.
: parlor .in accord-sioryf -21 by 10 .feet foitico in front) •
: with iron railing. This property will he sold very low<
• Apply tfflmeili nely to.. • THOMAS MOFCTTX» .•
j P 2, . • ■ HQ-Fifth atrect*
J -- 7 V«r Sole at a Har^atn.
jl SPLENDID FARftlj flml choice Coal; the Farm hftr
J\_ 94 acres, UOof which la in. nh igli -st ile of eiiUtva*.
lion, and aboutfiOm Coal, of: the best qunmy, ; with a
ffood landing und safe hutbor. There is an uuumlance =
ot Limc'Stone, and a choice quality of Hag. stone. A
new Farm House, well -finished—a; paled
ln; n-Btahte and outbuihhngspm orclintd pf well se-;>:
lectcd unit p good walcr : The wbolu is in complete of?' ;
der, pleasantly situate. nbove Dam IN*. 9, on tbe-YougU
nogheny Bluer- b. CU f llll&UP, General Agent* -
■.■!. l j . .50 Smnbfitldstreet-
Huaie uDil l*ot for Sale*:
THE subscriber offers for .sal© n t\yn story ;
BRICK HOUSE. fciiUHic on Chatham Refect, be- ::
mna nveen Wiley and Webster. The house «oniainß\
seveu rrtom*, aad is well finished throughout. Being . ,
convenicnt to the most active bualijcas-paus of thc ciljy. .
iilsa very doiratdc rtwelliup'for a unvote residence- ,
If not disposed of before the ttfih of June, it will be.Ob* .. .
fered at public sulc,ontbat day* al 3 o’clock, P. Mvr-. . -
. Poisons wtshingto pnrebape,will pleaseapply to.Mrv'-- ;
Jackson Duncan,corner of High street and •
nia Avenue;who will give all necessary mfoimalion.
f*'or Sale. .
toll gale in tie borough, of South PitlsharjT&* aU
within five tnlnu'cs’walk ot the Alocougahcla Dridge..
These lots are of large. size r froauiig.on Carson street
mul Uie UrownsvilJe.turnpike, uinl are best
jo* s for building purposes on that side of the uver, one.
of these beiug a largo Jot extending from -one street to
the others nntl adjoininglhtrtoll hoise lot. ■
They will be sold la<v t and on teasormbleierms. Title
perfect, and clenr oC Incumbrance* Enquire ,
1 JMrt 51 Grant st.-
• .. _T Karin for sale. •.
A VALUABLEFARM Foil SAIiE-rSlluatcd.ohßig
A. Creek, fifteen nulcs below Allegheny
City, and about threc-quuTiers of a mile .ffuin.tho.;Kaw*.
rood, containing 48 acres, 23 of which is. rich bottom
land, well ndupud to paidenlng or agricultural .puT*
poses. *lho balance n.oplaiid, well.situated,
limheicdvh&s n young orenurd of about 100 thritry trees.
It is well watered. It has a small house on it, and ma
terials ready to put no n new one 02. It is eapept-,
' ed that a railroad station house wjlfbe put up Wrhlft I.
mile from u. For terms enquire of .
Real Estate A gents, over .Patricks - and Friend’s Bank-.
>nv ri’t./’nr. Wnott urd sth *t«. . fmTitt*
propoflali for ! ttio Fabtlcftitou:
• .. n . , ~
Scaled Proposals, endorsed severally ' 1 Proposals for
Publications of the < v Pennsylvania-Archives,” and Pro-, /
nosals for * l Re-publication of the first three volumes or - -..v
me Colonial Records,” will ;:be received' until the 13th
day of JUNK uexv in-tlic cilice x>f.tlve Secretary of .iho„
CcramonwCalUi, for tlie puliUeatlounf tlje*‘Pcmißylvff.; •
nla Archives',* 5 ami also for the re-publicatlon of the Cm •
ihrceyolumes or the “ Colonial Records,” agreeably to.
ihe provision* of ihe following sections of Urn following 1
Aciflof Assembly: « . .
• -ah Acr pteoMrag for tU yullication-of tt« Colomatßfr-:
cords, and afar anginal yapsrstn the of tk* Sure?. ~ -
lory of, the Commonicsalth. . r , • .
i Scciioiil. Ee it enacted by the Senate and House of
f Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania' . • .
t'in General Assembly mej; is hereby enacted by
i the authority of the.same, 'ihut iho Secretary, of the .
1 Coramonweahh be, andheishercbyauthorwedantlrq
. qahed to contiaae .Uie printing of the- the
proprietary Government toml Council of Safety,' down
to tne adoption of the Con«tuut<on in the yenr oneihou*
sand seven hundred and ninety, from the point atwUeh
the third volume of the Colonial Records lerramnice,. in -
the same shape ami style in which.ilie yoliiajes of the •
Colonial Record*, already printed, njepublishcd-reaeh
volume to contnin not loss than pagCß,and :
ihntihf iiumberofcopiesof each volume shaUCe fifteen .
jiiindwA . • ■ ■ ■ .<
accubn 2^. That it shall be the duty of the Secretary
of ihe Commoawea'Uh, immediately after the passage of .
this Act; to write proposals ior the publicauoft of the .
records aforeMftidi givmgpublionotice for al least one
month in iw.o paper? published in Philadelphia, Pitts*
burch and.Harrteba-Cy wlui*b-proposals the .
price per votumei aDd slintl Include the,faithful and literal
iranactibiiig of the reebri'B"ftforcsßid, tinderth&6nper
inuhdence uf theifectetary. JhcpUhlicat«ohttnd.bihdin'g
f inamannerunitorra withandnounteTiar tothevnlujncA'
bMhe ColdmQl Record's already paiilUhcfl, finding 4 oil
mateunT, and thc dfilverma of thenl tot&'c BecrelaTy'of-
I the Cdmrat)hweuHU: whieh proposals fhidl’ bc opened
: nt the tune appointed, by the Secretary, in prascnee'bf
! the Governor, A uditor General and State Trea?mcr who ;
shall then, with the SecicmTy, proceed to allot; thoepn
i uaet to the lowest and herf responsible bidder. FroVid
! ed.'Tbaibefore ossig the contract as afore«aidi*hb -
I succes3tuibidder shnH entor into bonil to the Cpramon'*'
I wcalihj WiiAtwoormoTe BufSciem'Baretieffjdn;Ule^sulH , !
ment orhis cbatract wbVch bond shall be approved by
llicGovembrbeforfrbeingre"ceived.“ ; ‘ ,
Section 3-Thauiahallue tne duty of the Secretary tif\
the CoraittOjiwebith; eo soon as theeutirenumoerof cop
ies of anr otie volume sliaU have been delivered into hia- •
office to certifythntfaeiib the. Governor, who'shall theta/.’
draw hit warrant oil the State Treasurer for theamoimr i
due ilie Contractor according to thecoiitract, which sfmll
hepaid but of.any moneysiii ihe not ojlierwise
sppropriatf’d: Prov.dcd, TliaCihe ( Secf,eiary. shall not ,
certify'asaftncsaidjbmn upon cxaininfilton hebesaiisiicri. .
that the cbnlmcl has beencarnedoulih nccnrdonce with
the true intent and meaning of this oof,mid especially
that •
oflheoriginal. ,
Section d That the Governor is authorized and .re«.
quested to appoint.joine competent pcrrqn, whogq duty . »
iißlnll bc to select for. puijlicu.lon, >uch of Uuroriginal..:
documents, Idicrs, treaties, ami oilier papers, prior in
date to the peace thousnnd and -
ciffbtY»tbreo,ijow in
suffiCKnbimpoflnncetobo published;.,
anAtoarraose them according to dnieand subject jnone,
of more .volumes, notnjcecUiiigjlvoof.tHe.sjie.or.Uie'.
Colonial Records herelbTore.puuied.whieh shall he call-,
ediho -"PennsylvaniaArchives.”
-j^cU<mS/That ilidiaU Le the duty of the Secretary efi
the Commonwealth; imthediaiely nfterthe AM'cunsylvr -,
iiia as aforesaid; ,are prepared for pablicit- .
lion, to procure Uic-printlncof.fiueouhundredcopieaof
ihe entiie seties lmmcdiately tu the «nme manner; and
under the same restriction*, as ate provided iruhceecond
and third SectioriSoftbi* Act, iu reference- to tho-publi
cation of th&Colonial Records. , • *• -
/ An Arf BUpplemontary tp anAct, entitled ‘VAn Act
providing ot the Colonial Records -
and other original papetsintheofficoof iheFccretaryof '
thV,,ies2. • >
Whereas, From Ute nature of the contents of the Pena-.
aylvanlaArchives,how readyforpublicutioiMtißindfs-' •
pensably neceasory3td theproperexeeuuou ofihe woilc
thai ita puhUcdtinn shall be superintended by
coritte and competentpcTEohylherefore.
■ Section liTJd it ensctCd by_thb Be»iutc ni‘d.Hou#e'‘af'
Representatives of theCornmonweaUh of Pennsylvania >
;iu General Assembly met, and it is.hrrrby enacted by >
;ilie authorityof the fchrae, That Samuel;and '
he is hereby appointcil to edit and sopertuteml ihe ptib-
libation of the Pennsylvania Archives, auihphzed to bo f
. primed bytheACUb which thistsa supplement.
Section 3. Thai It shallbe theduty of ihe editor to tie
?vblh falaentiro a;uen»ionno the.publrcution iof haid At* '
Chives,;.io prepare ail pecessury noteiif indices, appen- ”
dixei-andsocu othermatter aamaybeVntbesiaryand
doing which he rhall be authorized tb'publNh
such EapeTß ora. dale iaier.ihan BcbCmcen hundred and'
/aelenrand comptehens-jve view of any transncuoncom''''
meheingbeforethafyear. •;
Section 4. That ilia said Editor he and heUhCreli; ‘
thotized to procure \he hthographiug-of plansof
:baßlepVfoftifications r Indian maps, indwndeedsordlhet •'
'simlihr papers now existiiig oniphg sold ‘
Bhall judge necessary/ to the proper illaiiraiiod of the
,said 'SPennßylvama ATCbives;? tf.e expense of which
shall hepaid out of any money s in the ireaßutyiiot other- ■
wlae oppropTiated, r after being audited and) crammed Ift :
lhAUßual rtatmer. " ' • *... 1 ,
! SectloniA.'Thai should the-numberof Volumes fired lit
;the Act to whicn thls is:asupp;emv*m;pTOteinitUfic r ent n
'to contain the endre number of papers now HOcctrd lor
jiubHcaiionj .it shall be the/uui.y of the.Sfcfrtajy of the .
Commoirwcolihto causesuch additional volumeßraHinarr
be neccraaryto fontuui the entire collection. toWftuD
lished hy the conlractor. in (lie shihe mnnncr us -
-Ao number ofvolumes.hudbeci^fired by the Actto^which,
there is asapplemeni. . ~ *,
■v Btcupn-7. That the Secretary.of the Commonwraltli
benuthonzed to procure the re-pubUcation oftbcfiiß 4
rdiree volumes of .tho Colonial Record?,uriiuiin wide -
present be poblished and.dn tnbuted accord
3ngto4heproyis)ous.rif tltlr Act, dad; tlie Act to .which ■
and that lit the making of n contract .
for thc-puuhcaiion oi .ihe l‘cnn<y Ivanla Aichives; and
firstthteeVolurdce-of .-ccrelaryof4ho •
Commohwealtii be directed to provide for die publication
of at least one volume permortlh, and be uavhorlxedta /
iake each measures as will ensure ihe fairhf&l perform
•ancebrihesald contract. . _
'l ; The contract.for <ba publication of the. ColooiolUe- ■ -
! cordsjprrtvided form the 2d Section of the. Act first above. .■$
! Qttotcdihasailreadybeciunodc, and bidders will confine.^
ttieirpropoValiiorhe 11 Pennsylvania Archive*,”and the
1 re-puuHchtiou of the firet three volumes of the ** Colonl
-1 hi Reeotdfi,” or to either one Or tlm otht y, ascach will
constitute the subject of aseparatc contract
..7. itiddets will otf.Hcrve'ilie re^uiremans
tlon ol tlie Act fiist above i]aoted. and of iho ‘7Lb ?t , fcnon
pf the Bupplemcnt, as no proposal failing to embruco
them in every parliculaT;c.'vnbecoasidered. /.Tnenamßf , ; -
of Sureties, for the faithful fulfilraenv bf the. CoauacL, j
should aceompahy the ntoppsals*' ' » *
‘ ‘ F. W. HCdIfES,.
1 ' ( ’ SuittctryoJ Ms < _
f Note —The thtee volumes &{ the Colonial Records aL* '..
ready published* may be ioundiu all tie pubto hbrajaea
olftaSwa, !•»«
~ ■*- ’
■ .»• ■.■'■ *! ■/; •. t,..-
if. V.^-r-.: - ' f i''
■ « ■: if"" >! :r 'k ■•,••;•’’
":' ■■ ; /V, " ; ,■ > . : ■
';: ;V,