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FRANKLIN PIERCE, OF NEW (HAMPSHIRE. ion viob pbesideht: WILLIAM ,R. KING, OF ALABAMA; FOR CANAL COMMISSIONER: COL. WILLIAM SEARIGHT, 0? lAYBTTE COFSXY. D EQIO CItATIC ELECTORAL TICKET. BENATOtUAI* ELECTORS. GEORGE W. WOODWARD. WILSON McCANDLESS, Gen. R. PATTERSON. BEPBBSEOTATIVS ELXCTOBB. District. District. Ist,' Peter Logan. , 18th, 11. C. Eyer. - 2d, George 11. Martin. 14th, John Clayton. 3d, John Millor. 15th, Isaac Robinson. 4th, F, W. Bochins. 'lCth, Henry Fetter. 6th, R. McCay, Jr. 17th, James Burnside. Cth, A. Apple. 18lh, MaxwellM Caslin. 7th, lIon.N Stricklnnd.lflth, Gen Jos.M Donald Bth A. Peters. 20th, Wm. S. Calahan. 9th, David Fiatcr. 21st, Andrew Burke. 10th, R. E. James. 22.1, William Dunn. 11th, John M’Rcynolds. 23d, JohnS.M’Calmonl. 12th, P. Damon. 24th, Georgeß. Barret. Job Pmniwo, of every description, ex ecuted at the office of the Morning Post in benu ; tifbl style, and on the lowest terms. Particular attention paid to the printing of Posters and Programmes for Concerts and Exhibitions, of all kinds. . ■ OXJR STANDARD BEARERS. : Well, the long agony is over, and .Gen. Fn ask- ( nsPiEECB, of .New Hampshire, is tho nomineen of the great Democratic Party for tho office of President Of the United States. - This result is -■—certainly unexpected to us, bnt wo cheerfully Buhtnit to tho decision of the representatives of bur party at Btltimoro, and. slinll support the nominee with all the energies in onr power, and all the enthusiasm of our natures. Our hearts were Bet upon the nomination of a distinguished citizen of our own State—the patriotic, high minded statesman and talented Democrat, Jas. Bocharas ; hut our wishes in this respect could sot bo gratified, and, ns good Democrats, we most yield onr personal preferences for the good of our party and tho success of our glorious prin- ciples. • ■■■■■■■■.,. ,•• .„ | It will bo seen by the hallo tings, which will ho found under our telegraphic head, that C.en. PiEBOP. was nominated on tho 49th ballot.., Tlio I stroggle was long and exciting; but after the 1 first twenty ballots were cast, it became evident. 1 that none or the old prominent candidates could receive the nomination. .Now Cass took tho 1 lead, now Bccuasax, now Doogeas, dowMae- J 0v ; but no one of those at any time received a I majority of the votes polled, much less tho vote I of two-thirds of tho delegates. It therefore be came absolutely necessary ; to bring forward a j new man, “fresh from the ranks of the people,” in order to bring about a nomination. That man •was General Fearkew Pierce, of the; Old Gra-| niteStato—a hero, patriot, and statesman a sterling Democrat, and an honest man. The friends of all the other candidates at once united j Upon him, Pennsylvania taking the lead, and ho was nominated by an almost unanimous vote.— All parties, although, of course, somewhat disap-. pointed, are satisfied with the result, and will cheerfully and enthusiastically support the nomi . no©. '. ■ Fa.AXict.ra Piebce has been -in public life for iaany years, ami lias filled'a numlier of civil sta tions in a manner alike creditable and honorable , to himself and bis country. He represented New ' Hampshire in tbo popular branch of Congress, , nnd was afterwards a distinguished D. S. Sena tor trim that State. Ho was also Governor of New Hampshire. In all these positions ho earn ed fot himself the repntation of being a sterling Democrat, a patriot, and a man of the people. Foaukus Pier.ee was appointed by. President Polk a Brigadier Oeneral in the late war with Mexico, and was greatly distinguished for bis gallantry, especially in the actions of the lOtli . and 20th of August, more generally known ns the battles of Contreras mid Cherubusco. It was in the former action ho so prominently dis played the qualities of a brave and determined soldier. Though badly injured by the fall of Ms horse while gallantly leading the giorioue j 9th, 12th and 15th regiments of infantry into the thickest of the battle, ho did not quit the "''field!bnt continued in command of his brigade. Atthe battle of- Cherubusoo, Pierce, though just able to keep the soddle, was orJered by Gen. Scott to attack the enemy’s right and rear,which order was executed, but not without great lobb to the brigade. Baring those two actions our loss in killed and wounded amounted to 158 men. Gen. Pierce possessed the confidence and rcs ■ pect of the entire army, from the commander ; in-chief to the privato. All who know him ad mired him for his superior intelligence and gal lant bearing on the field of action. Although our first choice for the Presidency, Mr. Bbobakah, did not secure the nomination, we are gratified that onr preference for the Vicei Presidency, Col. WitMMt K..Kisa, of Alabama, has received the nomination for that office. Late : events have given the office of. Vice .President more importance than was formerly attached to it, and vee are rejoiced to know that a man of aneh eminent abilities as Col. Kind is tho choice of tho Democracy for that honorable position. ■ • Ho is the bosom friend of Mr. Buchanan, andda very popular in Pennsylvania. • „ Oar ticket is now in the field. It poscsscs nit thcelements of popularity, and will bo elected by a triumphant majority in November : The gre'atestcxdtement prevailed thro’- out the city on Saturday, ns tho telegraph an nounced eaob successive ballot in tbc Baltimore Convention. Onr offico woe crowded all day by ’ persons anxious to learn the news* Whigs, as tvolf ns Democrats participating in the anxiety. In about fifteen mjmites , niter tho news came over the wires. that Gan. Pieboe was tho Democratic "ppTHjnnn, for President we issued an extra an!- nounciog the result, and giving nil the ballot - Inga of the day. It was posted up at nil the ■:< public places, and was circulated 11 from-Dan ,tt> Beersheba.” -In this bit of enterprise we fairly distanced all competitors L - ggp* “Who is Franklin Pierce!” naked a lit ■ tie.starched up dandy wbigling, ■on Saturday' last, with a quizzing glass in one hand and a. oane about tho size of a pipe-stem in the others. «>Who« Franklin Pierce?” “See hero.younj; fellow,” said -an honest old Democrat near by 1 ;, "did yon ever bear of one, James K. Polk?”—- Iho little dandy vamoosed t Jvitan or THE Shpbbmk Coi-nr.— Geo. Chant er,, of Franklin; Jamou Pollock, of Northunt herland; Wm. Jessup, of Susquehanna, and Mr. " Comly, of Columbia, havo been named as candi dates for the Supremo Bench, to snpply tho va cancy Occasioned by tha death of Judge Coulter, Judge Woodward bolds- the temporary appoint igont. . . FaairetfonT Smsas.— lt will bo -seen, by, nn advertisement in to-day's paper, that our old {fiend Dosqab "will open the Frankfort Hotel on the 21st inst, and will then bo prepared to re? f celve boarders daring the season. The Frank fort Springs are a delightful summer resort, and oaa be reached from Pittsburgh in n few hours. HE IS THE VERY HAN I. This was tho general exclamation of every ; democrat with whom we conversed on Saturday, aftcr it ■ 'became known that GOO- b’n.AKKMN PIBEOE,of New Hampshire,' ; waa thouommcoof the Democratio National Convention for the office of President. “Ho is tho, very’man l’- The; friends of BociianUk and Cass and DooatAß and Houston all unite in saying «Pibbce ts'hua cdfi elect /it'i'i like o jldsh l ■■ ■..'■ Witli the Democracy there is no Buoh word ns “fail.” Wo are determined on,success, —this determination gives ‘confidence,' and confidence will insure victory. Wo have no more .doubt of tho ::::JUNE 7. election of Gen. Pieuce to tho Presidency | than wo doubt~our own existence. u Ho is tho very man 1 * J to lead on tho Democratic columns to glorious, victory. ‘ Tbo Whigs, who aro still quarreling Ttko oats and dogs about FiUmorc, Scott, aud AVcbster, mow seo that tho game is all over with Tbey arc compelled to admit .that very man” who can bo and will bo triumphantly elected ovor the whig nominee. . » 1 Gen. Pibbce is a National Democrat, sound to the core, and truo as stool. “Ho is the every man” to unlto all factions and harmonize all in terests in the Democratic party. ; Then, Democrats, go to work for gallant Fbamc Pif.bce, of.NBW Hampshire, and.rcsolve to elcot him President hy tho largest voto ever given to a Democratic candidate. Sleeting of the Demeoratlc Couiity Com* mtttee of Correapondencc* ;■ Pursuant to notice, a mooting of the Demo cratic County Committee of Correspondence was held in the office of tho Morning Post on.S.ntur day, May 22, 1852. L After a full and fair expression of opinion from the members present, tho following resolu- | tion. offorod by M. C. Milligan, was adopted: | I i Itesolvnl,- That tlie Domooratio citizens of tho I different Townships, Boroughs and Wards, in Allegheny county, be requested to meet on Sa turday, the 19th of June, at their usual places of meeting, to select delegates to represent them in tho County Convention, to bo held on Wednes day following, (Jane 23d,) at 11 o'clock, A.M., at tlie Court House, in tho City of Pittsburgh, for the purpose of nominating a ticket for coun ty officers. The Democrats of tho various Town i ships will meet between the hours of 2 and 6 } o'clock, P. M., and the Democrats of tho differ ent Wards of the Cities of Pittsburgh and Alle gheny, and of the sDvcrnl Boroughs, will meet botween tho hoars of 4 and 7 o’clock. ! The Democrats of the First ward, will meet at the “Fulton House,” kept by Hugh Sally, in said ward. : Tho Democrats of the Sixth ward will meet at the Fnblic School House, in said ward. Tho Democrats of tho Third ward wilt meet in Spiane’s building, in said ward, : On motion of Mr. Harper, it was resolved, that the Committee of Correspondence hereafter meet at the St Gharles Hotel, on the call of the Chair man. The Committee then adjourned. GEO. P. HAMILTON, Ch’n. L. Hacueii, Seo’y. ; IsoENirs Escape op aConviot. —The St Louis j Signal has received intelligence from Jefferson I city that Wheeler, who was sentenced seme time I since to a term of years in tho penitentiary for 1 counterfeiting, has succeeded in sealing the walls, and’has, thus far, eluded pursuit. His ! escapo was affected by certainly a most ingenius. artifice. Prior to leaving, ho cut open his mat- | [ trass, and taking the straw it contained, staffed ; a suit of his clothes vrith it—by this means mak ing afiguro resembling himsolf. This ho placed in a sitting posture in his cell in snch manner I that it could be seen by tho guards while pass iiug to and fro. While they took a peep occa sionally at his effigy, ho was Bcaling tho walls rat sowoother point. ! Mb. Ewron—l am pleased to see the name of W. J. Rose, Esq., suggested for nomination as State Senator, by the Democracy of .Allegheny. Of the peculiar fitness of Mr. Rose I need scarce ly speak, as in this respect he is favorably known throughout the county. He is, moreover, a ; Democratic Republican, in tho fullest and most ' modern neccptation of the term; cnergetio and fearless in his advocacy of tho Republican cause. Ho is, besides, n man of the pcoplo, and would be certain to rally tho Democratic masses on the Bccond Tuesday of October next. Ahotiiee Bask.—A Bank, to bo called the «‘Commercial Sank of Kentucky," has been or- Ranieoil at Paducah, —I*. M. Flournoy, Presi dent, J. L. Dallam, Cashier. It has two branches; ono at Hnrrodaburg— Elijah Hutchinson Prosldont, and D. G. Hatch, j Cashier, and ono at Versailles—Banicl Thornton, | President, and E. n. Taylor, Jr,, Cashier. Tho Louisville Courier says: “ Tho public can reliably confido in tho operations of the Bank [ as being legitimate and. based upon correct principles!” Upon correot principles, mark you 1 ■ ■ Bet. Wo learn that tho directors of the Pitts burgh and Steubenville Bail "Road Company,who have been all the past week engaged in ciamin-1 ing the bids for their work, from this place to j the Virginia State line, closed their, labors on Saturday, by allotting the wholo work to Messrs. W. S. Manful, Nicholson & Co., on terms con sidered very favorablo for both the contractors I nnd the company—all doubts os to tho vigorous prosecution of tho work immediately, are, there fore, groundless, as the company have now se cured the means to moot all their engagements and prooced with the work at onoe. The CuoLEttA. —There is no doubt but that I this fearful disease ia now existing in New Or leans, and is slowly progressing eastward, al though the papers of that city Bay but little about it. Its advance should admonish our city ] authorities to take every precaution to counter act its influence in onr community. Our Blreets and alleys, which are at present in a most filthy condition, shonld be thoroughly cleaned and pu rified at once, and every, useful means adopted to drive back the disease, if it should make its appearance among us. An Ukciiatkiti, Son. —Tho trustees of the almß-house of Portago county, Ohio, recently asked the Legislature of that Stato to pass a law to compel children, who are ablor to take care of their helpless parents. The request was mado in consequence of an unnatural son, worth $30,000, driving his mother out of the house, and sending his father, whoso head was whiten: ed with the snows of ninety-one , years, to the alms-house, .to be supported at the public ex pense. ' B®* A line of steamers between Philadelphia and Boston, will -commence running .on the lßt of July. - Tho importance of a direct and.un broken communication, with onr eastern sister: city, is at onoo apparent, and we rejoice to learn that the project, long in Its preparation, will soon be realized. • ; • jjgfTlie Erie Commercial Advertiser of tho 2d says; “ The Hon, Wilson MoOandlcss, of Pittsburgh, has been invited to address the Sons of Temper ance in this eity on tho occasion of their coming colebratlon, andit is probable that he wiU com ply/with : ggg* At Detroit on Thursday last, we see by tho Free Press, that 259 unclaimed trunks, vali nes and packages were soldattherailra ad depot, in that city'. The amount realised by .[the.-, sale was about SGOO. ; warehouse and tavern stand owned :by. Jerenuol* Bonner, at the mouth of Mahoning: Oreek.in-JefforEon county, together with a large quentity of tocrehnndißß; were destroyed )by fire, a few days B?£ce. No insurance. For the Dally Morning Port ALixanssr Cirr Democrat. ''V *•4 t INTERESTING CORRESPONDENCE, Chicago, May 31st, 1852. Deae Lucky— l have been traveling so much to-day over tbiß prairio city that 1 am really .tir ed, and in Bitting down to rcst iuyeelf, have, con cluded to occupy tho time hc giving yon an ac count of my trip hitherward,' since I parted with, you in Clevoland, The impressions which ,the, “ Forest City ” made bo agreeably upoh my mind, were heightened eb our Bteamer dashed through tho bluo waters of Lako Eric, and the setting sun gilded tho handsome, buildings; along .the shore. As soon as daylight faded away, tho moon shone bright over tha still Lake, and ns the air was mild wo remained on, the dock until nearly midnight to enjoy tho novelty of the scone. I went to my state-room reluctantly, and at day- break was upon tho deck again. Wo were en tering the Detroit Itivor, which was as smooth as glass, and as wo passcdclose to.the green islands, whichure numerous in that.river, I could hear thousands of birds singing amongst tho foliage. We stopped for a whilo, at Malden, and us wo plowed our way from that point in Hor Majcsty-.s dominions up to Detroit,. I ,waß charmed with tho freshnoss and beauty of the scenery. Tho straits wore whitened witii the canvas-of quitc a number of schooners and brigs. On. tho Ameri can side the land is mostly low and level, and looked like an immenso moadow. On the British side tbero seemed to bo most improvements.— Detroit looks well in approaching it, but I was disappointed with it, poßsihly from having eorao from the beautiful city of Cleveland. We got there at G o’clock, A. 51., and as we had three hours’ to spare bclorc the oars started west, We drove over the city, and although we saw quite a number of elegant houses wo wore so blinded with tho dust that wo were glad to enter tho cars. I think Detroit is tho dustiest city over I was in. There seemed to he considerable activity in the neighborhood of the wharves and Railroad. Jefferson street will not compare with Superior street in Cleveland, and I saw no residences as tasteful ns those on Euclid street, ilauj, how- ever, boro evidence that our enterprising citizens of tho Lake cities are nhead of us in Western i Pennsylvania. Thefact is, we are behind in our | ideas of taste and beauty, and our builders are vastly iu the rear —-possibly slooping. to invigor ate their faculties for a great effort in tho good time coming. Tho Michigan Central Rail Uoml is flow com pleted botween Detroit anil Chicago. It is 203 miles in length, and mostly laid with T rail throughout a level country. The business done upon the road is very great, last week the pasr sengora numbering fourteen hundred. The way -travel is considerable, and as I went fromchoico in the hindmost car, 1 amused myself with the variety of faces that came and went, the sharp intelligent Yankee outnumbering all others.— The road is mostly re-hid, and sometimes we flew along at the velocity of 00 miles an hour over a track which ran in a straight line ns far ns the cyo could roach. Wo took dinner at a town called Marshall, 103 miles fjrom Detroit, and at 101 o’clock wo reochol Chicago. The road passes generally through an uninteresting country, with but few good improvements along the route. I was touch pleased with the land about Kalamazoo, which is fine for farming pur poses. From Michigan City to Chicago, the road passes over sand flats and morasses, which are called “wet prairies” very littloof which has been taken up from the Government. As we approached Chicago, the wind changed and blew cold from tho North, and the mighty w iters of Jjtko Michigan rolled up the sand/ shore like the waves of the ocean. In fact, this great inland sea, when it gets into an angry mood, is as rough as old Atlantic himself. Yon will expect me to say a good deal about Chicago. Well, it transcends my expectations. Its destiny iB fixed by an inexorable fate. No man can see it and doubt its future greatness Its natural position ut tho heud of tho great in land seas of the country, and thrusting its arms of railroads in all directions, through the finest agricultural country in tho world, it wili soon gather into its lop tho commerce and riches of the Great West. Already the evidences of its Future is foreshndowed in its present prosperity, and the hopcfnlncßs and sanguine expectations of its citizens. A stranger is struck with tho number of buildings which are going op every where, and houses arc ao much in demand that rents are fifty per cent, higher thau they are in Pittsburgh. There are threo classes of buildiugß. here. First, the wooden makeshifts that were erected in 1830, and up to the grand explosion that followed that eventful year. Next, the pretty frame cottages, painted white, with green Bhutters, whioh followed that period, and mark tho taste and thrift of those citizens who escaped the crisis of almost universal bankruptcy. Last, tho costly and elegant mansions of wealthy mer chants and speculators, magnificent stores and warehouses, superb churches, and a public hotel that casts ashndo upon the Monongnhcln House. The material of this-third class isclthor of brick or stone.' The brick, which I liko much, aro of a cream color, and arc brought from Milwaukio. Tho stone is cither freestone, like our own, or a marblo that looks liko Quiucy grauitc. The Se cond Presbytorinn Church, which is of the latter material, is a beautiful' building of tho Gothic style, with etained glass windows, nod whioh shows the progressive spirit of that body of Christians in thin city of the lakes. A friend is waiting to take this letter to the Post-offico before tho closing of thomait, and T must cut it short. Yours, truly, J. 11. Tboubi.es at tub Chablestown Nayv Yabi> —There, was considerable oxcltemont among the workmen employed in ibo Charlestown (Mass.) Nary Yard, lost week, in consequence of an or- ] der issued by Commodore Qlynn, in which ho j direots that “buckets, kettles and other such [ vessels, mußt bo earned bottom up, with tho i tops off, as they ore passed out, and persons carrying bundles, lor closed utensils, must stand I aside from thij crowd, till it may bo convenient I for the porter to make the necessary examina- I tions.” Com. Gregory has since countermanded I tho ordor, it being issued without his kaotvl edge. _ ■■■ . ■ The Citizens of Vicksburg, Miss., gave a complimentary dinner on tho 22d inst. to Wm. Sldnoy Smith, Esq., secrotary to the British Consul at Havana, for Ids kind acrvicesto the Amerioan prisoners of-the Lopez expedition.— The hffair is said to havo gone off handsomely; reflecting credit alike upon the givers, and re ceiver of tho oompliment. ' Commerce or Boston.-—Vessels arrived during May, 802; foreign, 253; coastwise, OOP; clear-: ances, 65-1; foreign, 250; coastwise, 40-1. Im T porta of gold in May, $189,808; Bilvcr, $80,490; since January 1, gold, .$022,090; silver, $-12,231. Exports Binoo January 1, gold, $720,300 33; silver, $74,770. Ab-»ee-Kadeb.—An amusing anecdote is re-, luted of this illustrious Arabian chief, who, to the otornatdiegrace of France, is still a pnsoner of State at Ambroise. Ho lately employed a competent person to-give his four children les sons in writing. - The teacher filled his task in the most exemplary monuer, teaching his little pupilg with tho utmost kindness. Tho brave father, being very grateful, bethought him of making the teacher a present as a mark of hid esteem; and, after much cogitation, concluded to give him one of hiß five Arabian wives. -The Frenchman in vain attempted to explain that hq already had a wife, and that tho European law. only allowed him one. Ab-del-Kader thought the writing master wished tobe ceremonious,and persisted most perseveringly in his offer, utating, in a courteous manner, that ho would still have four wives left—enough,-in the name of-Allah,, for o poor prisoner. ■ The matter ended and tho, writing master was rescued from- this ludicrous dilemma by liis wife-—carrying hhu offfromthe chief s presence, and prohibiting him from ever returning there.. '1 '*'**», ‘ r : -f ‘ -ts 1 * A 1 « GRAND RMIMMOB ■rami Union and Victory! ' SSy* The Democrats of Allegheny County aro requested to meet at the Court House, this eve-, ning, (Monday,) at 7 o’clock, to respond to; tho nominations of GENERAL FBAKLIN FIERCE, and WILLIAM R. KING, by the Baltimore Con vention. Let us bare a glorious rally for our glorious old parly, its principles and its Candi dates. ■ J. B. Guthrie, Wm. Wilkins, W. 11. Smith, Chas. Shalcr, Thos. Phillips, Wilson M Candless, L. Harper, W. W. Irwin, IT. Umhstncttcr, .J. K. Moorhead, , .. , J. M'Callister, James Ma J> Thos. Farley, H.S. Mngraw, C. 11. Paulson, Androw Burke, , John M. Irttin, P- MoKenna, P. C. Shannon, • J.)t. M’Chntoek, 1 Oharles Barnott, John D.Miller, Charles Kent, Adam Wilson, D. Fickiesou, F. G. Schonok, John R. Johnston, J. It. Hunter, J. G. liackofen, J. C. Davitt, Morris Martin, Francis Felix, M. C. Milligan, John Layton, James Ilcrtlman, M. M’Dpnald, John Wilson, T. R-Stl\> Jas. K. Hem, Wm. Quail. _ 8. Mason, Jus. 0. Ritchco, James Barr, Jas, Scotty Thos. Blaclimore, R. Morrow, Joseph M’Clurg; v I’i Qmnu, ; L 11. M’lllhenny, R. Benny, • Jonn. Largo, Jesse Sill John S. llnmilton, Johmltf! Davis, 3. R. Snowden, John Quinn, Geo. M Cook, Michael Kano, jr., J. P. Glass, T. B. Graham, J. liorflingcr, J. Hunker, J. Smith. P. 11. Hunker, Geo Funston, J. J. Binning, J. 11. Phillips, Jas. Blaokmore, J. S, Craft, J. Pollock, A, M'Common, R. B. Roberts, W". W. Dallas, D, Campbell, G. 11. Keyser, Wm, Bonnet, C..A.‘M Anulty, D. 11. Toomy, J. Wernebcrg, Joseph Cooper, ■ W, B. M'Conlognc, J. A: Gibson, W. AL Porter, Thos. Gibson, - Alex. Black, Thos. Neel, Jos. Birmingham, 8. Jones, Henry Ren, W: J. Ross, John Ren, Henry Spronl, ~ 71- J- StuaTt, Henry M'Cullongh, Wm. Trovillo, Jackson Duncan, J- P- Bops,, , Henry CaS3iday; A. I>. MCnlmont, S. Fleming,, D. H. Harcn, Beni. Latsharr, J. J. Mitchell, D. W. Boss, J. N. M Clotrry, John Coyle, Thos, MaSt,- It is amusing to read the correspondence o the various letter-writers at •Ballirooro at tho present time. Their thousand and one specula tions are not only nonsensical, but egrcgiously hutabageoas. Tno sons of Mr. Ogsbur/y j who were bitten some weeks since by a nmd dog, died last week, and a nephew, (a graduate of tho Normal school,) who was., also bitten,, is dangerously ill. Robert Swan, of Cumberland, Md., who was recently on trial at that place, for the murder of tVta. Sprigg, has been admitted to bail iu the sum of $20,000. This is said to be tho largest bail over required in Maryland. Wendell Philips says in a late speech about tho church of his country— 1 * Such ato tho dirty, cruel, despicable people that call themselves the Christian public of. tho United States.’ , Com plimentary! 1 At Bridgeport, Conn., oa Saturday evening, Sidney J. Beardsley, of Stratford, was instantly killed by being run over by the express train from New Ilaven. Dca. Ray, a respectable old citizen - was killed wliilo crossing tho track in front of tho cars at Salem, Now York. Tho Irish residents of Boston arc preparing to : do honor to Meagher. An expedition to explore the South Facificleft England ou the 12th uit. Mr. Forrest closed bis engagement at tho Na tional-Theatre, Washington, on Monday evening, to a crowded house. J. R. Blodgett has been expelled from Mus kingum Lodge of Odd Fellows, Zanesville, Ohio, on tho charge of .embezzling $2,200. Tho amount of -gold received at the mint du ring May was $4,800,009. Exports; $1,957 ,000, leaving an excess of $2,348,000. A very beautiful bonnet arrived in tho Hum boldt, a present from a lady of rank to Lola I Montcz. Tho crown has a wreath of artificials of very high colors. Miss Clara Fisher Macder,aged sixteen, daugh ter of Mrs. Clara Macder, is preparinge for tho stage under tho tutelage of her aunt, Mrs. Vcr- I non. t)ur British friends do not seem to suocced in abolishing tho slavo trado on tho coast oi Africa, though their cannon did abolish an “immense number” of negroes. Tho latest nows is that the King of Abomcy refuses to sign the treaty, and at the samo timo threatens to attack Bada- grn.' Bates from Blorra Leone are to tho Cth of At Detroit a mannamodLaphau has just been, sent to prison for life, for tho murder of his wife. by poison. There wore two crises of Cholera in Centre street, St. Louis, on-Wednesday last. Pending tlio ratification of the treaties nego tiated with the Sioux Indians, for the relinquish ment of a vast trnot, of fertilo country in the Minnesota Territory, wo may, porhnps, üßofully prosent tho provisions agreed upon in each in stance by the commissioners representing tlto Government. • . . By the TraVcrsi) dcs Sioux treaty, signed on tlie 28d July last, tlio Daliootas cede thoir lands east of the Sioux river and Lac Traverse to tbo Mississippi, except a reservation one hundred [ miles in length'and twenty in width on tho head wators of thoßivor MitmcsoUi. They are to romove to this reservation- within two years (torn the date ; and, after removal, are to receive $276,000 to start them fairly in their now: locn cation. $30,000 are tobo oxponded in breaking land, erecting mills;. and establishing a manual labor school; and they are to recoivo for fifty years on annuity,of $68,000, pnyablo as fol lows: Cash, $40,000 ; civilization fund, $12,- 000; goods and provisions, $10,000; education,- $6,000. j By tho seoond treaty; concluded at Mendota, tho Med-ny-wa-Kan-tonns and Wah-pay-Koo-tay bands cede all tho lands now hold by them in loWaand Minnesota. For future occupation,; they are to have a reservation of the average: width of ten miles on either sido. of-tho River Minnesota, bounded on tlio east by the Little Rock river, on the west by tho Tohny : tam-boy and Yellow Medicine rivers, aud south by a line running- from the mouth of tho. Little Rock to tho Little Warajo river. $220,000 are to bo paid to them for the settlement of debts and to aid in removal f $BO,OOO for : tho erection of buildings, opening of farms, &o.; $12,000 an-, nually, ns civilization fund; $6,000 annually,: as educationalfiind; slo,oooonnually, forgoods and provisions ; and $30,000 in cash. The an-: huitles to continue, , os in tho other case, fifty; years. • The Pembina treaty is, : for the present, held: to be of lessor importance, and. comparatively: little interest Is therefore, felt in relatiomto the, action of the Bonato upon. it . daring the present, session. By this treaty the Villager bond of •Chippewas cede . a country mxty-fivo miles in: width by one hundred and fifty in length, run ning on beth -sides of the Red river of the, north. • $30,000 to be paid in cash, .with a cash annuity Of $lO,OOO - for twenty years.— Washington ife | pußlic, - - * '> *■ u r '*f§?~ :r = ’'- r \ f C ‘ ** 'V ' * c * 7 * ir» ' 4 y * * y *• J* *f » - * *■ ''■ .* -tf * f '*» 1 ’ y ‘ * ,/ **- * * -v ? » ,> * * T *" * -* f s i -» ~_V' 'V...v;..^ j^..v<^ , r ) A ?:/ ; .•'• -" • •*:>’ •. •’■ : . ‘ ■I-':-./*'- ;.,; ••,■■> ''■ **T.', •/'•'A .•;■•• ; ■;'. •' >?-'.. •.£,%•>; % 4? *>;. . , ~- >'>c ■;,! .? -J- ■■■--. '.'^' r ±.. 'c - U.--*-_■ ..• £. / .jV" * V • ' ' 5 -T r ■SBWBITBWS. Tl>« Sioux Trentles. * J * * A New Motive Power. I We cxtrnot tbo following frpmj l letter from I Baltimore to the Washington Telegraph : ‘ I “A young roan named Force hns hecn rest*! ding partly, in tbifc city/and partly in W. a PJ? lD 8' ton for some months -past. Ho ..is originally 1.-, from Bt. ionise hot mortfl:recently from ; . TcsaS‘ 1 | I leartf, upon whdt may be deemed good author-1 ity, that he is about to become distinguished as a mechanical-genius- He is said to have invent ed a now motivo power, which bidß -fair.to an-1. persedo both steam and water. It is Btated that a modol of the machine is already in existence, and that it has been patented with an injunction I of soerosy for a certain time. So cautious lias | he been to avoid infringement,, .that: lie had .one 1. part of the machinery ueoessaty to the comple tion of his engine made in Now Orleans, anoth- J or part in -Baltimore, another inPliiladolphin and another in New York. The separate parts thus constructed were, in due time, collected in Baity I moro and put together - by tho inventor himself, I in a room ■ into which no person has been per- j mitted to enter. : It is said to^ bring tbe atraos- I pbero into use os anew .andlmportant agent,! amounting almost to independent self-action; that this new.'momentum can-bp so-increased, as ] to propel tbo largest ocean steamers, or adopted to tho delicate movements of: n watch. The in ventor is about to leave for Europe, to nave it patented there, and until ho returns,"the prinoy pie of the invention will not be made, pnblio here. The correspondent referred to eaye that ‘if the invention proves to bo what is claimed for it, the world np to this ago haß neverseen its equal.’” Mubpeii on tiib Plains.- —A gentleman from the neighborhood of Council- Bluffs, who come passenger on tho Robert Campbell, informs ns that on Tuesday, tho'lBth‘ inßt, intelligence was received at Kanesvillc, to the effect, that a- few days previous, four: Pawnee Indians were mnrr dered. by a party of California emigrants, near the mouth of Bboll Creek, n tributary of the Platte. It is said that tho outrage was entirely unprovoked. Wo hope soon to bO able to obtain additional particulars.—Ni. Louis Union. H - SUerllT.—Wc ate authorized to announce the name of JONAS RM’CLINTOCK, as a cnndldulc for the offirc of Sheriff, subjccuo tint decision t)f llto Demo erfitie County Convention. i> cslc {0- She*Hr»lty.—‘CHAßLES KENT offers. him. self as u oandiduto for Sheriff, subject In the decision of ilte Xloinocrolic Convention, . [j-adAwic j ry s liarlffal t>".«lVe are nnlhorizcd lo announce Mr. JOHN 11 MILLER as acandidate for Sheriff, solo iccl lit llie decision of the County Cemoc ratio .Conven . non. lieSuc gj-COSQUBISSt—We are n-qacaieil to stale lhat the itatee of the Hon. W.W.UIWIN will he presented to the BetnocrolleCouniyXonvcntioinas acandidate for their nomination to Congress. [myaStlo. . •r ; W'outeti. —A few men of thorough business babits and good address, fora safe and respectable buti ness- if j - it lui-tihess that riquires no capital hut good character* businessrhabits .and- energy- Vo menj«* th‘above qualifications a permanent business and tbe Lest of wa?« will be given , Apply or address No ~0 Smitlificid street, corner of Third v v P.S.CIt STU'a ‘Prize Medal Honey Soap.*- jyyy* ji jq o remursuble fact, that “ Cleaver’s Honey Soap " was the only article of tne kind which obtained die Prise Medal at the World's Fair, :in Iroedon. This is accounted forby the universal and acknowledged suc ce«s which it iiad obtained, not only ; in England, but in other portions of Europe. The Committee who award eii the Medal, not -only did jnsliec to Mr. Cleaver, us the sole inventor, but afforded u safe and unraistakeuble guarantee to the public of'its incomparable and beneli. cial qualities., . ; For sale I>>‘ J. KIDD & CO., GO Wood sireet, Wholraale Agenus for Pituburgh'timHtsvicinity. Also ; for *alo, at all Dispensing ar.ili>rug siorcs. je-i'diW A Good Comparison. [Jj“ The Hcv. William HotdaU, awell-known Metho dist clergymen, rcsidiog.at Naples;draws the following umuipgr-'bnt apt comparison, between Dr. M’Lanc-s celebrated Vermifuge and a ferret. . o a terret, when placed at the entrance of a rat hole, enters the apertore, travels along the passhge, Err«B anon the rat,c*terminates bis existence,ami draws the animal's defunct carcass to, the light. _ And in like man ner have l foaitd Dr. M’Dant’a. American Vermifuge,to opera icon worms, those dreadful and dangeronMOimen t.jrs of cliddien. This remedy,like the fcrret, er)iera the OM-ilureof the moaUi,travels.dowiuho gullet.Jinnis found the stdmaob,!ay6hold ,*f the worms, shakes the life ootof the reptiles.sweeps clean the.r.dcn.and car ries their carcasses clear cut of-too ■system, l lus, :i iear4, ha? been the effect v( ihc Vt-rn Huge upon- tn> children/’ A neighbor of Mr. Ronlatl,Mr; John Briggs, adopts the'simile of the. reverend certifier, thus both giving iheir most unequivocal approval ot this, great rpecifie, after, having, witnessed its operation upon their, own children: . Let others try it, and be satisfied. , For sale by most Mcrelinuts and Druggis - *. in town and country, nndby tbe sole k qo., • jeJldtwttw. • 6U Wood street JXMKS* LAST-PeyrumUo, the & R; James has been rfceoivcdai &!lNfc*R>,Npj}\. Smltlifieltl streein . . V-l I lirrSUUEGtt AND ALl,V.i;llhN\ U V UM) r —Warned at best rales, aithe coriicr of Market and Third Streets, by .lje7 I^_pAl i ÜbKUUIBNY SAVINGS FONO Op.MI'ANV 3 A utotc* for sa’e at a bargain; if-wplirf toMcojj Is? Ao WILMN» * tU. For Sat®. •• fIMIREK BolEEUB—feel long, and 40 inches .in ut' 1 amctcr, In use a aborilime. *?..•••••-• ■ - -^ c7 j{f - • - iNiMICKJk CO, 05 Watcrstrceu_ “ FRA SK~SVB AKE W kLi, . A Pt>TaECAItY ANOCfIEM!Sr,--Souta-wes.l coP A nor of Pcin U, Vrewctiptiou* filled atnH hour*. C' UKVKIiANU. ANU, WTfSUUKUH HAUjKOAO STOCK—Warned to fill .an,orfcr. Rt rto^isUest jn-irtol nrice. by •• .:: 5 .A. \»IbMNV a w.> ■■. Stock and Exchange Brokers* ic? ’ corner of Market ann Third stree t*. Sj»r»ng»* . '/■'l W; DUNI3AN respectfully informs htfrtncmis It, biuJ thenoblie fjeneraliy. thatoniheSlsi June in -sshi fi!i FRANKFURT nOTßL'will .bp openo-* for the accoinmodalion o'f COARl>h.RS>*lmfinfi: the sum mer Reason. • . Frankfort* June 7nhn T»SSvKR*IuiOK3 AND ISIUI.KS -U ifc' piVincm 1' hndinok cicjtoni bindings, of *1) size* and puces. i's ™ Davison &^AfiNEW.C^Markets- -r ~nM FOR THE CBmCAI. STUDY Ol’ l'IlF. A SCRIPTURES ngaiusv Romanism ana Hauonal* im i,v Rev. M W.'Jacobus; D. D. for sslo by . ■■■ ‘ “’5 V ' DAWSON fc AO MEW, W Market st. ■ a *aScTls*-*■ Anolhet large fot of ihcso very clicaj -Jt W-*. i-> receive ut A CO.’S, . , ip s ■■■. 01! anil M Mutlpi sireet. /•‘YR’anOES—Oil hand and 10 arrive ihia diy,'JU brs. U prime Orange.. A CO., ie3 No. gSP Liberiv meet. -SiTAUAUA WINES —Sweet und Dry Malaga VVmcs; M. 1" «ore « U d f<.t aalc J b £iiß & RIcKK igQ N) 231 and 223 tibeny tuj. /I ROUND .LEASH FO« SALE-Oit "Federal street, VX opposite tho (*oBU)fficc, ill AUcghouy City. Ihe lease has seven years lo ruit. On ; vue lor-».-a ??°«r IVorae l.uiiiiing, IS fcy 80 fc *‘ijffiSK|-.t%go^ n ' l -'. or bt f‘ nc “ a - Ap[,lyU> ~ -''Valuable Property tar Sad*- rruiß subscriber,.us Agcntfar uie ovntcr; offersat pu -1 vme sale, the wo Lois'of Ground, numbered td the Penn street 1 120 feet, and extending'?so feet, more or lest, to,the Allegheny Riser. Thispropeity willbedts nosed of upon, such terms as wtU seome-to theparclm. sers a profitable Investment of ca->ttnb . Lying contigu ous to the cntinnee lnlothe Jityjofthe Central Un.l -rottd and Pennsylvania Canal, it affords favorable sties for Warehouses, or- cati tie conveniently divided tnto ellirlble building lots; and mast hccotae, upon the com pletion of the public improvements, now in progress j in i inid around the.cily, greatly, enhanced in value-fur hu -1 slncsa purposes, ,tor furtherinformathpgngply tt^^ 1 No;i33\Vo6dStreßt,PlttehutgV. IS fct-O WN ’S JfI.XC BAH G.K > • : TURTLE CREEKyjP&i t ... . A LLEN BROWN. Propm&r.—This splendid , and, tcimmusof the Braddock’sFleldllnnk Koad.'nndoear the present terminus oftlte Fennn. Hath, road, twelve miles from the city; ia.now open for the re ceptton of Families anJolhcrsdeiirousof escmdrnr lUe hoot of the cily dunng the summer .TOsepa , cioasliotel being neat,the railroad, Wtnptlcc.MOttpnga-, helu river oild plank roudi is readily, accessibleby all, tliose means of eonveyance.fromthe.eHyf and aSordsii, -delightful, summer-retreat, with pleasant .winJks_ttnU dfiv?*; nild. beautiful scenery^it.is’magfuifiocntly fittcajl upanil furnished'with everyimprovement of hrsfelass modern hotels-rsuites of;rooms,parlors^bin-: Aniomm. ; l>n» will convey passengers, to and : y©m the. ipitroad. Ur not, on the-nrnval and departure orirslns* • lb"-rho proprietor feels as IMM’IMM improve*! Shonider Braeoa. fU* Ladies, Gentlemen’*, Misses and Shoulder Braces— a large tot received; of the most improved and fashionable kind; tntendcd tnrelieve stoopeashoalders, weak back, leaning; forward, *c. Those Shoulder Bra'cs are an article .of great value,and are vastly *u~ nerior to moskarttelea of the kind in use. The gentle men’s Brace answers the purpose of suspenders, us well as Shoulder Braces, and at a very little above the price ° IVr sale*at l)r. KEYSER’S Drug Store,No.UQ.eonfer ol Wood street and Virgin alley. !JcG;dfcw '■ rfho tHree Stage* at Con*umptlon. ITT- NOrALL’S SYBfACOM.—BIue, Pink and Vel; lowWioppers Each bottle designed to meet one of the three different singes of Pulmonary Consump ion. . It but n very short time since .the introduction of Ob remedy into'the city «f a^-^ f some important cures con be referred re. ine^wot Se?n?l the been r m“n in All.gU?ny h cm?. whom J.U P'*" dbned.as inn hopeless condition;haa, by Ibonse oisuj boftles, taken m coniunclion ivnli Cod liiver Oii, Men iCsiorcdto hoalilh andhia withered frum.e covered wt*t new and''healthy flesh ..■.■Let* Consumptionlook 10 uus ■ .pamphletsforfreedlstribgttoaaUbe Agept*. SYMPTOMS* m , .. . - . • First Siaee.—Cough, pain in The breast, side, beau, backvjolntv 'and Umbsi Snftammaiionr soreness. ana tickling in the throat,fever, difficult nnd quick bream* \nx,*xpuiofalion frothy. . v. Second Stags -rCtosnvcneßs, spasmodic cough, violent fever, nighl,lnorMhgond iriid*day,sweai6, becuc ttflsq in 'the face arid cheeks, ouming heat ra tho palms of ( tua. hands and eoiea of.ihe feet, exfietorahon cfljy, copious and sneakediaithblood. - m ■ . 3‘Ainf Stage--Diarrhaiß,-diminished fever, cough, ana morniDir sweais.greal and mcreasingdebiliiy* frequent Tainiinir fits, slight delirium, and swelling exuemiue*. , ■For foie at Dr. <5. 11. KeVsEK’S Wholesale and Re tail DrujrSloTO.'No.'MO eornerof Wood street and Vit, giaal.'cy. . ... . , U'*r.d«tw ftyAny person desiring to purchase an interest in a well conducted CloibingjitoTe, can hear of a bar gain by calling on R.LAIRD, al ins store, No.y Wood street,near Water. li e — w in* Atieerons Lodge, I# O* of O. Ft—The Angerona Lodge, No. 269,1. O. of meets oycry Wednesday evening in Washington Hail, Wood street ja-My, Cl A- O. D. 10- Meets above the O’Reilly Telegraph Office, cor ner ot Third, and Wood streets, every Monday evening. aprSS |O-1* O. orO. F.—FlaceofMeetlnft, Washington Hall, Woodstreet.between sth und Virgip Alley. .- dfirrsaußßU Lodgk, No. 33G—-Meets every Tuesday : MraArmL* EnCAMMiRT, No. 87—Meet*! st and 3di Friday of each .month. . marLi—ly^ battles' Olasae*—»DntTa Cotlepy. 10- IN PENMANSHIP. CARD WRITING, /AND: DRAWING, under Mr. J. D. WILLIAMS,tind MfvF SLaTAPKU, and in all thehigher branches of an Kn eliali ar.d Olasi'ical Education, under Mf- IMIATi IlhN. Two Kpactoo* rootniUnverecentlybeen elegantly fitted up for tlicar special accommodation. Call and.- see tac ; utrangvments. «apio Chamherltn’s Commercial College, .cor- ; ner of Market and Third streets.. instruction in_ Book« : keeping und Writing both day and evening. .Ladies • Writing aud Book-keeping classes- meet from-2.t0 5 in the afternoon. The Principal will attend to the.setUing of Partnership Bocks, opening new setts, correcting er rors,Ac. Those having need of his service* wtllappiy at the College. • O. K.-CHAMBERLIN, : • V. R. Si'ascßßj.Prof. of Penmanship.. . apl& Bohemia Gla» Works* ..'J DAMS. HOSEMAN & CO.j MANUFACTURERS of FLINT GLASS, in alUts vanety. Wo have,also,on band, Lightning uod tlu&ulaiort, of a superior pattern to any thing yet pro duced. • • ■ ' Dealers in. Glassware can save from 10 to 15 per cent, by giving ns a call.. Warehouse,- eornerof Water and Ross streets, febUttm: . * ■ Pittsburgh,!**. Belsoa’s Daguerreotypes* ; : Post Office Third Street* T IKENE3SKS taken in all weathers, from 8 A. M* to : 8 i SF. M., giving an accurate. artistic and. animate likeness, unlike and vastly superior to the ‘‘com mon cheap at the following cheap price5:—51,50,02,00,93:00.04,00,65,00 and upward, re cording to tfie size and quality of case orfrarae.’, £0- Hours for children, from 11 A.-M. totilVM. n7B—Likenesses of sick or diseased persons taken in any pan of tbe city. •_ luov2s:ly [O-DEAFNESS. noises in the head, and all disagree* able discharges from the earispeedily and permanently removed without pain or inconvenience, by Dr. i! ART- ; LEY, Principal Aurist of the. N. Y* Ear Surgery, who may be consulted ato3 ARCH street, Philadelphia, from oto3o’clock. . , , . ’Thirteen yearg close and almost undivided attention to this branch of special prnctfeehas enabled him to reduce His trcatrueni to such a degree of success as to find Hie mustconfirmed and obstinatei cases yield by a tcady attention to the means prescribed . {au CURTAINS, CURTAIN MATERIALS, ■ ■ AND Curtain Trimmings ofEverjrDescription in* FurmUire Plushes, Brocatclles, Ac.,.- Lace and Muslin Cmia:n»j N. Y; Painted Window Shades, Gill Cornices, Curtain Pin*, Banda, Ac. Ac., f : At WuoiiSSiLtinn. Retail •• W.H. CARRYL,ICD Chestnut St , cot. Fifth* PHILADELPHIA*--. ■ in- Curtains Made and Trimmed m the ffewut Frenek iStyu., ■: ••• • ... - •-V • ''v.inaraotly*-,... STATS! BIUTCAI* FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Harrisburg,"' pa. CAPITAL, UOO,OOO. DOLLARS. Designed only for the safcrclassesof property.has an ample capital, and Ailotds superior advantagesJiapP»«J of cheapness; safety and accommodation, to City ana Country-Merchants and owners of Dwellings and isola ted or Country Propeny. • A* A* CARRILR, Actuary, . novlS Brauch: Office, 54 Smiihfield Pittsburgh. jrj* 1,1 palling attention tof)r. GUYZOTT’S Improved Extract of YeUow Votk fceicpnh- j c n; that we are doing a.eeivice lo aH ; who muy pe .af flicted with SerQfufeiM and .other disorders ongmnung ia hereditary taint, or from impurity of the blood, >v.o have known instances within the sphere of our acquain tance, where the most fonrtldablc distempers iitive been 'cured hy ihe ntzof GutjzoieeEztraeiof Yellow J)ockand Sarsaparhia alone, •• \-■ ■ , - ■ It is one of the few advertised medicines that cannot be sUgmatiwd-wiib- quackery, for the YeUoW: Voek . and tiic 27.u&.w..., rrj» odd Follorwa 1 Holly Odion Building P ourth street , between Wood and Smilhjield sirms.— Pittsburgh Encampment, No. 2,meets Ist andOdTuesdaysof each -Fiuaburgb Degree Lodgfi.No.d,tßcets2dand4lhTttesr meets every Thursday even* No. 24, meets every Wednesday evemn*. ■ Iron sity Ledee, No; 182, meets every Momlayev’ng. Mount Moriah .Lodge, No. 3SO, meow oyory Monday cvciilnsr, at Union Half, corner of Fifth and Smitnheld. ZoccoLodcu.No. 385, meets every Thursday earning, at their Ball, corner of Simthfield and Fifth slreela. Twin City Lodge, No. SH, meet* every JPriday even ing. Hall, corner of Leacock and Bandosltystreets, Al-. IcghcnyCtiy. InmyiMily f Flttetmrafc Juire Insurance company, OF PITTSBUBG H, • CAWTAL 9100,000. i President—James.S; Boon;. Vico President—Samuel M’Clnrkan. : Treasurer—Joseph S* Leech. • Secretary—C.A Colton. ■ . Omcs,Ko. Fotrsni Stbxit, ID" This Company msltes every .lHsuranco apper taining to or connected with late Risks. * ■ Mutual rates are the some as those adopted by outer safely conducted Companies. . JomtStock Rates at a reduction of one-third from, the Mutual rales-—equal to a dividend oftblity-lhree and one-third per cent., paid jmunally in advance; . . Risks taken on the lives of persons going to.Callfor- BIUECTOUB: JamesS.Hoon.r: . Joseph S. Leech, Charles A. CoHoiu . Samuel M’Clurkun, William Phillip*, -. ~ JoHh A. AYilaon, msrllKJm > - John Scott. CITIZENS’ . Insurance Company of Pittsburgh. - ■ C G. HUSBEV, President. . . . SAMUEL 1.. MARSHELL, Secretary, i; OFFICE, 04 WATER STREET, • - Jnsurea Hall onrt Carco Uisfca, Ort the Ohio and Mississippi Risers and iribtUarits* - INSURES against Loss or Damage by Fire. ■ ALSO—Against the Perils of tho Sea*-and Inland Navigation and Transportation.; > v ( / - “. : ; DIRECTORS. C.Oi Hasscy, . , Win. Larimer, Jr., ; William ’Ragalcy, . SamUht: Kifcr. J Hugh D. King, ; 'WiHtam Umglmm, s' Robert Dunlap, Jr., -D.Dch&ven, •••*. S. Uarbattgb, . Francis Seller^ Edward lleazleton,:-: ' J.Schoonmoker. Walter Bryant, SaraoelUca. ; Isaac M# Pconock.... Eas : [D* A Bloat Rsmsrhahls Gass or Totsl Blindness € axed by Petroleam»~Wo invite the attention of the alUicied and the public generally to the eemhcaie of WiUiatn Haß, of this city. ' The case may be seen by,any person who may beskepucaiin re* lauoa to the facta there set forth. • S.M.SIEK. . “ I had been ailiicted several yeors .with of both eyes, which continued loincreasc untiU«t»cp* tember, (1850), tho inflammation volved the.whole luung membrane prboth^eycgww ended in tho dcposite of a thick pi? and stroyeamysighL I bad on operoUon perferaed, the thickening removed,which, «>on.^aSrSaßeof the meinashada condinon^as niost complaint I made apphcalion to several ms eminent medical men, who inarmed me that m^eges rrouldnevergelwell.’' Atlb.sUm^leoeWMrje^ guish nny object- By l be ad internally and was very ranch KoproTe4 hylhe )v. Mygeneraino resloratioaofniyalgiiito it l !Se CDI I«”wJSf No 10S?eeped street, ie.his city, A'tnnn. 10 Kiyeany information utrelttnonto end will be hnppy w ***“ .WILLIAM HALL,” :;V I'f-V.'-Ir'i-H '■'*■'£■ v -* ’* -e 'v.w < v >** s -s, ir ' /*£/* ** rf * + <> .'-T ' * * e ~ ■ L*m. in Mmon--- JOSEPH C. FOSTER, Ptiut cf Admiaum-Vitsi Tier and Parqaetle OOe. Second and Third Tier* 2Se-i Circle, 75 cents, large Private Boxes, enure, WO, «a*lt Private boxes entire, 85,00 «,e* Doors open at 7J o’clock, Certain Tisesat?l*. : First night of the yoang American Tragedian,Mr. C. ■ June 7ih, 1853, wili bo pre sented Sbakspcare’s sublime Tragedy, of HAMLET. ... , , _ Hamlet, - - - Mr. Geo W. Jamison. Ghost.- - . • Mr. Brelsfonl. . Ophelia, - - - Miss Stewart. ■ TO conclude with the laughable farce of i ■'j.. WHO STOLE THE POCKET BOOK. Tomptiriß Tipthoip, .• - Wr.J. Weaver, launy Stnatt,' 1 * 1 - '*> «•••:•• -Miss winiclflr* ,• To-morrow evening Mr. G. W. JARUSON will appear iinafavorit-'character.: ■■■ . SPALDING & JttUOjSBS’ . CIRCUS FLEET! I H7ILIi arrive at; Pittsburgh MONDAY, May . . YY . amidst the stirring neat* «f the celebrated . - CIUMB OP TWENTY BULLS! By a Piano Forte attachment, eusceptibJeof the most. ivcJyjUSweUaaraostmeasarcdtunnie.lon the FLOATING PALACE! .A Grand Aquatic Amphitheatre; sumptuous, spacious , and elegant,,beyond description ;*wiih■■.■all lue modem improvements that minister to luxury ‘and comfort -■; In theOrctiesvaisaKrcatCaihedralOrgan.BM) ihoTroupe of Perfoitners selected by a ' - SPEe|AL AGENTIN EUROPE, A* well .as culled from:.thfl. cUolcest borne stars, has never had a parallel, on either:Continent, Monsantl - Mad. IlenorJj from. Vienna; Non*., and Mad Le Vater Lee. from London and .Pamf: Mils. Ko&aleUaerand'Le . Jean Rente. from Paris ; Miss; Rosalm© Siickney, John tiossln, John Smith, H 11.I 1 . Madman, R Perry, BiU Lake, 1). W. Stone. Mesdames Lake, Perry, M*digan,&c,;Jcc» The Fleet wiltrbe moored-at the foot of ST. CLAIR STREET, below the Allegheny Brllge. pur exhibitions will he given at lift and 7* o’clock each dayf at Pittsburgh, one week; Allegheny, WondaV ana Taes*. dav,7lHand Bib; Sligo, Wednesday, June olh. ; .- «r7-Admis»ton~-Oress; : Circie (alt-artn-chairsJSOcl*i Family Circle (all cushioned) &U cts.; children half price; try The arm-chairs may be secured .from 10.i0_12 and 3to 5 o’clock, by application at the office* to the Parser, 11. W. K. Dixon, Esq. [roy‘jD:lol- * *** -f 1 «■ H ' „ V-v a » . * *' . i r * *i' >1 * . TMSA.TIIE. U. .Bli, ■> ■■■ { successor on o w.-ninnis,;- SURGEON DESXIBT, myS:y] 80. I*4 Smlttafleld. .treat.., DENTAL StHOBttV. W. F. FUNDENBERG, M. D., No. 151 Turns sTBKsr, ID* A'few doors above Smilhileldr hireev Oulce up .loire Dr. F.- ha* tieen connected with the establirh* ment of Dr. Hullihen, of Wheeling, for Iho hut five years. " LaprCNiflni Collecting, Bill Porting, fee. . JOHN M’COUBHY • g3»"Attend, to Collecting, BillPoStmgyDlaUlbuling Cards and Circulars fot Parties, 4c,, Ac, , Orders left at Urn Offiee.of the Morning-Post, or at Holmes’ Periodical Slorc.Tblrd swwrU be promptly attended to. [ntydlily iETNA INSURANCE COMPANT, . or Hartford!, Conn. Capital StoeK 8300,000 Assets ' - 486,173 Officeof the Pittsburgh Ageueyinthe Store Boom of M’Cardy A Loomis,No.oh wood street. ■ “■ nov4:tf 1 R. 11. BEESON, Agent,. Associated Firemen*# Inenranee Comps# . ajr of the City of Pittsburgh. • W. w. DALLAS, Pres’t—nOUKKT. FINNEY, Set'r. Will insure ogznnsi FIRE; end MARINK BISKS orwl Wiidi. : QffUi in .AbnongoAtta Hoiut, JVo j;124. and 125 Wattr «f. • DIBZCTOOS:. W. .. Job* Anderson, : B;C. Sawyer, - R.li.Simpsofc, - Wo. M. Edgar, H. B. Wtikir.s, Robert Finucy,. ; ChatiesKcnt, • ••.. William Borman, William Collmgwood, A. P/Anahulz* -Joseph Kayo, ; :• . William D. Wrijjhier. 1862. ~ SPRING ARRANGEMENT. Cleveland null TMUSlmrglinallroaa, mjmasi . To CiETStesß,.Toi.a)(>, Siuimsiii Peiboit, Cniciao, MUAVMKXE, HMfiLO, Besilkll, COIBXUEB, AHB Cm ■ 'CINSAII. ■ The new and fast running steamer FOREST CITY leaves Uonongaliela wharf, toot of Markei sueeii evety morning, (Sondaya excepted) at S o’clbck—connecting at Wel&vilic wim Ute Kspress Train of th*Cleveland ondPiUsburgif Railroad; leaving at l£o’cloCk r M.,aiid. orrivitrg at CicvelandotO o’clock, P*fiK»®bd connecting with ihe Steamboat and Railroad Lines for Toledo* Sandusky, Detroit,; Chlcogo,..MUwaukie, Buffalo, and Dunkirk. Fare la Cleveland, S 3 jitf. • For Tickets, apply to yv.’ XOHN .A' CAUGIIE^, . . Aeent&kP.ll.lMoi OFFICE—Corner Water on« Smitkfield streets, (up stairs,) opposite Moiiong&heta House*.,. |Tjr*NoTK—By thff Oliionnd Railroad to AlU anfcvand the Cleveland and Piusbargh Railroad from AHiehcfeio Cleveland:; tbc/arc fruin Pmsborgli to Cleve land is S 4 00.’ PMsm>aera byboih routes arutt in Cuts* Jartd OTtktfam&l mtjandin tfu*6tne tretn {/fairs. gprtUtf. "XI ICE—IO tieieesirfinitf'SAJ nee, In store and for sale ri> bv fmyOU MILLER tc KICKETSON TTIOULAND SIfiKS:—A. A. Mssorr A Co. havelust jp opened pieces iteU Foulund Silks, Alio, 10 put-, ccs new style 4-4 do. . : ■■lies MACKEREL— . No-L in bblsv, half bbU. and kilts; . 'McfS'>---:drtrvr... do very superior No 3 i*o' do do; Just rtceived tind-forsnleby' - ;- e . . rty3l W. A.M’CLCRG &CO. SO5 Liberty »u To Lit. ALARGRCELLARon Market and Wood,-suitable for.any business requiring a . coCrlacc. Apply to THOMAS MOPFITT, Ira 89 Fiffli al.eelv TVT ufiCK —The. pu rtuerahipheretofor© existing be .jy| lween tbemMlcrsigned, in the Wool and Commis sion business, under tne firm of MtJUP.ui & Lse, was dissolved on tne fitsi cf April last, by muitLii ’ consents- The business of IUo liuc fifin.'wiH be settled by H. Lxc t who isduly authorized to :use the name o’f'tucSnn- tjr ihatpuipose. - '?• R-vfJURPU^, rov4 ' ll> LEE T?OR BALK—A Slew two story BRiCK.irtY£JL*MFy V 5 feet, one and a halt stories high, finished in mod em style, containing five rooms. ‘Also,u good Jog bain anil’pther out buildings oh the premises-. There.are ajU so iwoliuudred choice young fruit trees and fine springs of water on .the place* of' i**s THOMAS MOFFITT,BB Fifth it; Cabanas. l,*JrtmUtt. fromltio celetora* led factory of M. ti» Carvojul, Havana;. • r . SOOONo.'I Nepione*’; doj 71HW plaaiailonCylimlrodos and Era* . bajadots, Mabnia?, . - • do; • .• ■ SOOO MtUor F< Gatierzetj ,: .; v . do; - i>GOOropalelHs Malta, do;.- 5(100 l>a Amelia, - : do; .. *vOQOO rononea,: • doi- SODO/Cabanas, -do; • -. '• Justica; Regalia, - do; ■. 10,000 Mensnjeto d 0... * do; .-JaiOl-OEI Sol. ’ / do; • ■■■■.:. ID OUfl’ires Marios do: • . do; v - v- iiO,U(JOCniSt i SonsPnnpipeil and *J; f*oCoCanels&Scuro def: j 15,0110 Stearnhoav : ' do; ' 10,000 Havana jKxcb; . ' - - Half sty.anssli and Common; Navrinsioroand for sale by " MILLER * RICKETSON. 2il anI IVAi.- Gold, Silver,Dank Note*.Jewelry.-fiTidother valuable parcelevtogetbervviih goods of ail descriptions; wilt b* carried at mail »peed,'an&dofivered at any of the atop ping plaeeaonlhe Olnd fmdTepnsyjvamo; Cleveland ana rliubnrgh,Cleveland, Columbus and Cincinnati, Sandnsky, Mansfield, Mb Vernon* Newark and Zailea vil’e Boiiroads. Onr Agents, or. die Agents of the American Express Companyvwill forward good* from any ofilie important ; points on the abo.veUue ofraiiroadB,u> tow na and places adjacent, we do cot to. Nor we responsible, at cat* ners, to points beyond the Knee over which we roo mes aengera. VVo canonow reach by r&iLrodtfz almost eveyy tovm ia Ohto oft importances Goods fotfnortnflrn liuu* -ana,norlhernlUlftois,iSJichigaji,andUppef Canaan,for warded daily-tO:C}eveland, aadtheziee to destination by American Kxpress Company. t o . * nj-Pleasomarjcgoods diflincilr, ami on tlepackn ges, noioa.CATds pr labels i »lso»|raai& iue name of the ■ ■ county." **— 4: I '* *■••• * /*••• r ~ - ¥ . 1 ' ■ ■ Th 6 C6l)ec!ionoPdr»il3, nofe», Wllii.onil accounts at ««U 0 “ H . Agent-. ». c. TWICHEI.L A CO-’S FOHWAHI)INg/NO,cP»»j|SlON HOUSE, 10BM w. M°M“OE COMMISSION ■i.' • Comer, of CemtrttTCuu- and Ptne strtets: Tf TILL promptly aibwitf to nil consignment* and Com- W ; missions cntrnsied to them, anawill make liberal cash advances on consignments or-BUIs of Lading fh! hand. ' : y. «ible prices, and on the besuerms * They will also undertake the settlement and collec tion of Maims ,of Importance; amlhbpe.by lieircspe elal personal efforts and aucntloato ill the Ihtetcatsof' their friends, to give general satisfaction _ „ _ diuamcscis, SLLflni s; Ellm ft, Morton, Cincinnati; P“S«;fcß«con_ do Strader ft, Oormnu- do e. < t?o cCo ’ i a HoieuftFraxcr, do Chouteau ft Valle, do Springer ft Whiteman, do O.HeeehfcCp., William Holmes & Co., I. W. Butler fc xS2‘b^ lt !*, bu:, s, l !i Morgan. S M Back * Morgan, Philadelphia; .Shields & Milter, Philadelphia: «£ ’».' ooil W. B. Reynolds,Xonlwille; C.TWlCiiKi,t, ft CG ,New Orleans. ■ COMMISSION HOUSE, * NEW ORLEANS. TOPIS long, established' House coniine their attention JL strictly to sale, and purchases on Ccmaussioa, and to the Forwarding business generally..;. • V ; : Tkeysolleit a • continuance of the liberal patronage heretofore given them . ~ , January 59,1853, (me Ah fen N ■* » \ # *t‘ \ , -ir