i V k V <■ r’ l 'i*? *„ * v A■» „*„ f i\ - If % c \ v fgggs \-nbx v. *s 1 ’■V '-'■»" , *7’ ' «i'vf’ ' *"* *\S . *.- * * ■ ~ , ’ - • >+,; - ' t, ‘~- t u ■> ’iv ! „ -■»--» 'i ** -n* *"7 ,c_ < < <-, **\ ~ :-, , „.■• ,• •■ :vv.-w B^aaaSiiSMfiS m- : ;*.... ;;.^v- y yy , ■"•-• ■■. ■■ • • •“ - • ' - ‘ ■'■"• - ,( *s> f 5 * c / {Si 3E *J .’£/ fc '*s‘ -5 V*' I s W* * 1 rV* "w- ti /. ?" ? v -V'. i Ifi*7#? *rr<|M ** k J z »V, n T*T>< »* Vs« * 1 § £*&*£%;?''[ vL'J f-^l^^-'if-i'h’’ 1 '- ■»%-*! i^EBWSfi e : w'^s&V“£Ss«? SSK^aI i*2v. #fc-•£■*£• *>f k ’? I *•! !#s£ssss&s£& SpMMiH IHiMM pm npsPPfi& tMMMg^ %|4slfe. •' rt r<^v £ - ■&s?** -<2is£gp S+JWj fgv liissii^ MMI HtesßHSi^ Iwli^i ■Wi^MWiMM 18381 Ml Jfetitjsil JBSI jnpftlf «^HPW K , " i * , '»*Mw« a , ( . l „^.. ’" m.:l SmenßSSmmram. . J ' HnrircerA. ■ ~ '•’'" m flßa»aMre Ssi*--: -«’ 9 - ; ' -•'7-7' - drtl)ins. tapjrcant »a 4 l'rutk - ▼ Beu HUd Closing StofevNb; 225 •I '-*• Wbftftf *treet: can «ll' fait ofSummer Clo* ‘ fhimr fuf and faster eVery defccxlptinnl very-lot? ■*Coatom madeiodtcer m - «rvfr» "jv* on •: |«prl7 • „u»l.t-v«ri>llq!lFS»]r«,«lu«tßo'l'rue « TT s raidibat HO'*iiYKß, at the Use rlfva Clothiso X Suits, UnMiS Liberty street, vetln ir-et-heapr-s; CIo “ IhtwTmibe City—TttltmOjS and fashioniiltiy cot Call -.nnd examine them;.Budyoa.wtlliioi bcdissppolmed. Jmirrceiycd, uY-'ExpreM, a spl*mlS'po'.»jJ jfXpreaaly for this market, and In superior style, >wo ere'dcterroinrd. td,sell low b'r oHt,: t>ur motto : | Sa'tt Stn*l& PtOjHS. • - . • - - Our W-ircrorm, up ‘SUHf-jiT u '**- ' largo stock of Cloths. Cnssimercs, iVesupgi,. hummer Qlotbo oLevcry.de£Cripiion,and.la fnet,e\«y oritcte are maLTngb“ l orter in iipenor >t S 'lc and at very low F»««„ Give use cal | ,.i.d o e^m^ [ for A^rselveßi MEECHAHiT TAILOB, " -Ifo 'e(? ■M«*k*t t ‘b9;iOi€n. Sinform his frimula and the public , that he hnaxeiomed from New York and iMiliadel rbis* having there fclecied from the Intcsuoiportations, v • 'id enilrfe new stock of Black and Colored CLOTHS, CASSIMEttKSaUiI VKSTiNGS, which for;newne*aof ' deslgiisaad rJQhnera of fabrics, are not surpassed by hay honse west of.NewTotk.—-Allof which lie is pre- ; . pnretuo jnzketo order la a superiority le.trl me lowest . price possible, and C'ldiolly invite purenasers-to call ’. Aiul eramnlQ me stbek before purchasing elsewhere. TO TAX have no authorized Agent in Una ■•:• > .■- > cuy,fortheanleofmy wiukontfAltMßNrcirniNG. ..It carroty be had at the sioro of the Bub?cnber,3fl MarkerßtTcefnuhefollcwlngprieefljVizvwiihiustiuc utraa,6\o; wnhocL £7. marl? * JAMES C» WATT* AfiiW CLirfUISCTHOUSE#* n&MUND waits a co, 'MERCHANT TAILORS, ■>> jyp* : 18 5 Liberty- street, above St,. Clair, ' TTUV K Opened a JiewClotUini? Store, at »ho above ar* now receiving a splendid hit of : the Intest importa-; ~. tion«, purchased with a i especial view to city trade, and. ' which they are prepared to make up. to.order m iho la .. testoadroosj fashionable,styles, /fhcyimend to .pay, •j: »trictaticjuionu>thi*hrancli of tticir Lunncßs, and ihf>: ‘ .diav* falHonlidenctt that they will bo able to give Uicir • :cu*toaierß enure sausfaciiox They are oho nianuuctu*. ■ . : ting' ft choice lot offRRAOV MAOK CLOrHING. of ■ the newest styles,Avluch they will sell low foreark . - • Asull iln*stock iff entirely new, uis wonM- the alien*, onofh»‘yt*r* rapfio y and SUltlm.. sc twH'BliG l ; THREE BIG DOORS 1 ■ No. 151, Liberty Stnct, Pittsburgh. ■ TOHNMcCLOSKEV l‘ as »° = pleasure; of an- to its nnineroas friends and the public in general} that his Spring and Summer stock If now ready: j?«tt Inapeciionv winch no believes.will be found to be one of tbe largest-ond; best selected slock* of Re.ady- Clothing to be found to the Western Country. - He has tfct* season paid mpro Iban usual attention tc ttm manufacturing and sivlc of his Garment*! aothuttbe very lowcjvpriced,. as well us the fiueBi } arc golup tail •tyle andrlegunctaoi to be surpassed.. • - He'would particularly call the attention of at* dealers •fcvCiolhiugto bis presentsplendid assortment of-. . iUaapQadc Oarmenti, Af ho ffcela confident, npon examination oi -nndpricesof his goods, be eanoGer them such induce monish* shall make it their mtereat to purchase at hu establishment . Mnnyyear** experience, and great success m.tbe bu siness, togotfierwuh tut unprecedented tokolcsali and is . fatl patronage,has enabled him to get,up Garments, to SQlt lhe bQßlneas habits and tastes of every location In the Union, which is of the utmost importance to whole eaTepurchasers. • „ • , . Iniha Cutting department will befoanaa choice to* lcction of the most fashionable goods, consisting of— French, English and American Broadcloths, Cashmeretts, tc ,&c. Also, sm excellent assortment oi YSSTIXGS,of toe latest and most fashionable style*— ell of which he laprepared to make to order in the bea saaxmer&ndnt the most reasonable prices. XOMK, THEN, ONE ANP ALt.l The Assortment, the Qualuy.and-the Variety, w thr most extensive, undoubtedly, to be To ind. in the Unitrt* States. ■ Co«P«rtaer»kilp-Siollce* fpHK subscriber* have this duy-ci't-red into partner- A-ship, under the style ana hrm of. l'A AFFiv, MA. GURfc & Hank for the purpose of currying oo,agen erat Commission and Produce Business} and. coniiileni- Jy hope their tong experience, extensive mcicanule oc« qnaintanecy nntf personal. attention to die interests, of ifartr customers, will entitle th«’in to a share of public cauonsffo, which itahnlt be their study to oeserve..- LUKfS TaaFFK. .riu.*i>ur .tn.'tnufaciure the same Cot Cemetery purposes, balconies; fences, gardens, window, guards, tree boxes. hut rucks-centre table?, &c.Ac~tn a style of *rntkrnan>hip an fi'shoeitoca’B Vcrtairaget • . • From a Jitgular Phyttnan,. JFrom DrJuhnSiinnan.l - - Ykll Oodnxt, (ArV) Oct IBsfi, : I AM a Physician by proio&Hon r of the regular order. and as *ueh, have always viewed patem medicmos with a skeptic eye. . ; . ~ JUait spring, when I sent to Pbilodebhla for my bin of medicines, 1 was prevailed on by my brother, to pot inmy biU an itera or two doien viol*, of yoar vcrmi 'fttgo; f>e stating to meihat it wasa valuable prepara- Lon, having tried It In hia own 'family.; Accordingly,.! font fori wo dozen vials; I unve use-fit nil, on J f mast confess that my expectations were more than reahteu-r. itt result* were truly astonishing, removing Worms in: every instance, when properly administered.- If you wp| send me a box contiirlnga gtoas, and fiend me the bill.lwiU send yon the money for them by mail oroih . erwise, as you may direct. • - - Beware of counterfeits and imitations. Prepared and sold by ' B. A. FAHNESTOCK A CO. TOV**d*wlm - • corner of-Wood nwl First sis. : SWTO jeiiiMiS...... .»■»» »»»»«»BVTNgMCIty • fof the late firm of Bnnds ARelnemaa.- HhOHiB aiaiwEnAS a cu.> ' IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN ' Cloth* WalehtSiJtvHtm- VTaith Materials, Toolsift^^t^ XirTR SIOEET, ONB 0008 Taox WOOD, KTTSBOSOir, OTAKE leave to announce 10 the trade and the public that they have themselves carefully se* keted ana imported from Europe, a large stockol Gold and Sllver ‘Watehes, J Walcti Materials,and Tools for Wateh makers; and a most elegant assortment of Jew* dry;from the best they oiler at prices as low a* they can' be ; purchased in the eastern, Watches consiPtfi of Hold nnd Silver Paienttieverej do Detached Lepines; t?u» ver Qaarders; and elegant French time pieces,d[ lb® most approved makes. Together-, with a stock of Clocks, and Time Pieces,from;the best American Factor Their stock: ofJewclry comprises" • description In this line, soeh ns Finger Rings,Rarßlngs, Breast PinS>Biacdets l Uo!d, Fob and Guard Chfli»*i Gold Goard Keys and fcfeal*, Lockets, Gold nna Sliver Spectacle*; Silver and German Stiver and'Table -and : . Tea Spoons, and every kind of fan*’?, articles generally; km In establishments of this description; • ■ .They would respectfully call the attention of the trade: ' to their eklenslvfc eiock of VVaich. tnoierials and Tool#, of every Toriety, which -they hovo most earefoll, se- leetcd. • They have also on hand a large assortment of Tele* •copes, Spy Glasses and OpeTa Glasses, from the best : . manufactory In England.:Together with a great variety; or olßß’- articles too numerous to mention.* >' ■ ■ t-loeks. Watches and Jewelry repaired In the best: n^rafto onibemogif-a«onaul* t**rfrnr ,,a • |oettl?v ® CUtlO, HAtic hksirb M 1 nek ax? 'PAINT, ..ijk ' V Vobi, Dtrember ISih.lBsl. ' T have fi nalygf [i a.'vnpleo* MANOHK3YBH MIN* ERAUPAINTVfor fina Imo con. tnintho following - BUie% -. . : ForOxidoflf Iron, • Lime, ■ * . * Wa.ncsiS; r ■ * „ Oxide of Manganese. “ ' . Wntef and Loan, • * % 100,00 . The Powdered Sample) contained hi thebox, which l: aropoce *#*« the one you desired al*p to have analysed, lnn4Jo:diSer powdered] (UMlmixed'vo«eiher. Tiiiala3t ylelda as : > :Per Oxide oflroa, -- ■> ••.. ••- •• ..,; -$3.50 t Silica tod Alatnma. > - * 33,00 .M**t * • ',83 Magnesia,* » . - - , .18 Waiorattd Loss, - - 7,63; _ - 100,40 TUsotaerence ‘ being-ajuforna, some portions containing raorelron than - others. ' The analysis shows the article to newel! aoic-v edfara.dnrttble’paint. - f findthat by calcining ihepow derbye-prettyblgh heaVthe toldr is.mocb improved, oral feast converted into a fltie red. —....... ' JAMES R. CHfLTON. M. D. Chcm-it. ICy For sale by JOEL UOHLEB,9tt liberty street, * < 01110.7 its branches, JAMES R. DEED & CO., Manufacturers of Tksodo -IITE3, Surveyors’ Compas . scs, Leveling and Grading Instruments, &c,, &c.. ■ -MO. SO Smtthfeld ttrcet, ; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. An assortment of the a- Love named Instruments al ways on band. „ Also—Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, &c.« &c. April 6,1852-—2 m : ■ ALI.COO.BKT Cm, Pi* "SV, k C \ .qfc; transportation. PtaiiiylYiinl* tttttlrOtttl jjj?* ASTK fare now forwarding ;.% nml pointSi by,ilia ■bove luiOt .TiaQ & GRAHAM,Agwts Adams 4 Co.’i Expnai, NO. 80 FOUIM’IIUTKEET, PITTeIIURGH. viMIE public aro informed th:a we are uow r runmng | ' regularly to the East and Wesi, and arc prepared to forward all Goods entratfed to our core. - A SPECIAL MESSENGER sent dully for Philadel phia, ov4o’cloc&;,P.Al.r Also, ihilj' to Cincinnati, at 7 o ? e!t»ck’j>V M. . Ordoia transmitted free of charge, and Goods returned by first Express. ■ Rills of. Exchange for sale on England* Ireland and ScotlaniYfor liny ainount.payaliteon principal Ranking Houses or Poat Offices In the Unilbd Kingdom. dec24 IUKKR A FORSYTH. Agonfs; -flereU&atV Portable Boat JUlne. FortheTraiupOTiaibno/'McrchandiieandProduce, (Via. ERNR9YLVAW* cilttl&AtlU BaILROADS), BBTWjBR* mtSiIURGU AN!) PHltr^DEl.P4nA r . Jie-sAffpsti^, JET TIME, TEN DAYS. / PATTON A- REYNOLDS, < Depot 251 Market sti(hcttr4d»xth , ty. Philadelphia. C A M>ASOJLTY&Ct|, Canal Rasl» t 4*3-and 410 Penn street, Pittsburgh. •; vtaVING increased our facilities mid otherwise »m -proved our.arranKcmentrfof TrnnsponaUou, we nre now ptepuicd to receive a larpe aoiountof.Produce, and Merchandise, to+hip (on the opening of the Canals.) •with prompuies*aud dispatch. • The sec-lion Doat system of.transportation over oar Stnto improveraems has becu m. use about ten years. and the great success nml favor Jt has root with, Is a saf; yaaramce 'ihut it is no .longer .■considered n doobmu or.uncerlßTn experiment; but ts acknowledged i.y all us vastly superior to any mode of transportation uscdnuCnnolSi (when tntcrsected by Raiiroaos ) : . Goods loaded into «©ur Roata at Pitisbvrgbj Tcntfti-n undisturbed until unloaded at our Warehouse m Manet street, PMlndelpMn, thereby entirely avoiding the del*?; ■couscipAciit«n. three di2erent iranthipmeulfl, and eecu* ung tlic delivery of Goods in enure lots, the package* clean, end m order u» tvlten shipped. : Produce, Ac y consigned to our Houw ai Putehorgh. will be received: and forwarded always at tho lowest current, c.or.ul rwt£*» stritily according to instruction*} .without *ny extra charge to? conlmistias), storage, or :U» vnm Log charges, Ac. .. febJ3 C, A. WAMJLTY A CO "WEST-' NEWTON PLANK ROAD ROUTE; FOR RAr;nMORB. PrULAIUtt,PHIA and WASH INGTON CITY. Fabs Rkducsd. To Moliirnnee, S-wm less than Pa; Railroad To I’hilaildplna, 81 bit do do . • d> . To Washing-mi ■ City, Si 33, do .do.. . do This ti« Hie only Office which limiret, a TUKOUMI TICKET to Washington*and, by taking this Route, pas sengiuvwlU rave time «rid money. . : 7 ! ! " The Moil Bent Icarryinir Hie United States Mail,) leaves the Motiongahe’a Wharf, abovethd Wire Bridge, EVERY aFTFRNOON, at r, o'clock,via the Yonghio*. gheny Kiver. Passengers will lodge on the Boat, and tukc splendid United SloießMMiiCaai'berat West New* ton, next morning, over the Plank Road, crossing the mountains in daylight. Totre the magnificent Bleeping ; Car* of t:-e Bnlinnofe and Ohio Railroad, at 10 o'clock,. P. M. Breakfast nt B&Mwore and Washington Cit*, dine m Philadelphia, and arrive m New \oik the wme. evening*. • . , Fare toflaUim ore. - - - * 8 9,00. do* Piiiiad Ipiiia, - - • - *IO,W). do Wn hincton City. - * • 10.30. MONOGAHELA ROUTE. The Steamer leavcstae Wharf, above the Bridge, Dally, nt Bo'ctorlc, A.M.' Travelers leaving Pittsburgh by (he M'-nri: g Boat, will cro«The .mountains the came night, »nd arrive in Camhetland. ibe next morning tor iheho’clock train ofCtusfor Baltimore. Willutip m Baltimore and Wasaingtou City, and arrive to Philadel phia at 2 oVlncle, the same alant Fare to Baltimore. *v - • - 8 9.00. do Philadelphia. - • • ■ 10,1-0. do Washington City, - IWD. For Ticket®, by either of the above Lines, plea*© call at :the West Newton Plank Road office, in the Mouon nahebt House* Water street.. J;J. EVANS, Agent-.. ' bm6:: ' ■' ■ -W.- • • MICUtGAK CfcSXUAL BAILUOADt umyi 1852. assail CLEVELAND AND DETROIT LINE, In contirruon with ike Cleveland nntl Cincmnaii Raft* rood, Cleveland and Erie Railroad, Cleveland and Pittsburgh RuSlroud,attd Michigan Central Railroad. T)ASSF.NGERS will be Lscketcil through from nny i poml ottkote Michigan, to Cleveland,Cincinnati and ViU*borgb, and. from either of those placen to any point on Lnhe Michigm. This Line will bo composedof two aewlow pressure steamer®, built cxorersly for the route. CLEVELAND. - - Copt C.C Stakabd. FOREST CITY, - > Cap'. L. APiEncr A Boat willlcave Cleveland f r Detroit, and Detroit for Cleveland* every evrmnc, at GJ o ! oloclc, arriving m bo.h cities the following morning, m senson for the mor* ning train cf ca-s forChtcavo. Cincinnati and Pmsburgh, pitd for ibr lake Superior and Saginaw bonis at Detroit. Tl cy wi>i run from t*le vtlund in the following order: forest city. Monday*—Wednesday* * ■*»»■»» Ernlay, • CLP.V El ANi>. Toc?dav»——•‘•i*'*hnr*day »«Satßrdav. CLEVELAND. .Monday .Wcilneiduy** FOKESTCHY; TopwJat ••-lliurpilay. »•■»•«* Satorday. The nndcr*-igned are pupated lo make comrac«s for all.kind-* of Fi eight. from Oie-veland 10 Detroit M«ckt nnw, Sauit*. Ste MantP antla'l roit< m\ Lake Mjulni»aii. The OCI AN,CA«riAN ami ST. l OUtS will compose the line until the next Boat* nre ready aOEKtfl. ' C HR ADDER* A ■»;<), Cleveland. BITMAP., .TItOWBMDGR & JONES, Detroit. ap r t4flm . . __ —~N"KTW A - It R~A BQ£ Bl* NTi: WESTERN RAILROAD • rBOM Plttabargh to Cleveland, ColumDn* ftnd Cincinnati, ■■ . ALLIANCE, CAN CON AND MASSILLON, IN CONNECTION WiTH THE penna; central RAILROAD. Through from Pittiburgh to VUvtland in Un than Ten Jlvurif by deonUnuoui Railroad Lint t - TUiv Fxpre*s Train on: the Ohio and Pennsylvania Hnilroad,leaves Pittsburgh nt Si A, M., stopping xu Fewukly, Rochester, New Urlcliion, .fhvUrißton, hnori; Palestine, -Colarabtafiaj and Salem, and reaches Alli ance, €2 miles from Pittsburgh, at V P. M- leaving Alliance «m ibe Railroad aid P. M , and. reach Cleveland at CP. M. Betarning,-«he.pas sengers leave Cleveland at 9 A.M? Aiiiaitcs at J 3ti IV M., cnd feaelt Pittsburgh at 539 P M., hi time to can neet wi.lrihecvenuig train on the Pennsvlvnnia Rail road for Philadelphia, N«-w Voikand Baltimore,-and al«owi lithe YoughJOgheny Steamboat and Plank Hoad route. : IJ-W':.l J -W' : . . this route come from Cincinnati to . Ptitsbflrglt.Jniwo days!,Tviih'out night .ircvet, arid save: from mictotirb days in connecting with the Penaa. Cen tral Railroad.. / Passcngeus leaving Plilsborghat 800 .A- M., reach famon-at* P.M. nnd Maesiilon at 2.J>O P. M At Mas* «sl»Jq« the line connect* whb Mage iiiievto Wooster, 1 Mansfield Jfew.PhiladeJphia.and stEnon to New Cas tle, Hotmid.Warten, Mercer and Erie. - -- * /, • ' **• The Newßrlghton Accommodation Train leaves Piiwlmreb at to A. M. and:S2o P hi., and New Brighton at 7 ft M. *iid I P. M.,»ropptngut intermediate station*. EicurMbri-Tleketsgoori foriwodays, are void be tween PUtsburah, Rochester and Now Brighton • Quar tf-rly tickets are sbld dl low rales, and tickets by the pnekoge to some of the stations. The Trains da qot rnn on Sunday. . connection with ibo trains to and from the station oh Federal street. • Farc'by me rmly eoritiunocs Railroad Line from Pitts burgh to Cleveland, 140 miles, S4,CO. To Masstllpn, 109 miles, 83,01).. For tickets apply at the. Federal Street Station or the Oluo and Po. Railroad, to . GJEORGE PARKIN,. . Ttrkei Anent. Or lo LMESKIMEN, . .■/■ Monongahela Houn*,Puisburgh. - Note—By the route. by st'amboaifUmtle* to Wells* vilte,And thence byjßcilroad 100 miles to Cleveland,the fare in 33 5V ; April I,lBs2.—foprg) ■ FamttyvGrocerlca. THE UNDERSIGVEUhuving rented the.stand late'y occupied by Henry O. Kelly., would respectfully In form their friend*, that they have opened a‘ l fdmily gro cery > w witli a Mock ofarticles selected m the Eastern : cities,-pipressiy for family use.; We assum thore who pAtrouize u*. that no ©Oort npon our part wilt be found, wanting lo those who give.ua aonll. Don’t for-, rget he place—corner at Fifilistreet anOlarkei alley. ■ myl7dm i • r . RtMIK.Ri h a- rn Noy :Bookf» st h«W ¥orkfji« e> i • Theological andmifceluanf.ous books* now opening from Carter’s,vFletcheiS, Harper’s, •ArpletObk*Scribner 5 -* I Dodd’s, Putnam, Acu New: York: Goofd Ac, Boston:; Manln, Ac, •Philadelphia j from the Drrsbyterisn Board of Publica tion ; arid Union* and Map Sab bath School Society. - , - ,1. . : Together with flresh impormtlons of standard Tbeolo gical and Miscellaneous works from Europe, and a large variety of Stationery. . -Clergymen supplied at - DavM' A AONEVV, 65 Mtwketst* : ■ my£2 - .■ adjoining Wilson’s Jewelry Store. . TaTlallroadContractOES. EROPOSALS .wilt be rcceived at'lhe'OfSce of the Steubenville. and' indlanaMlallroad Company, -in Newark,from the Ist tothe evening of theBih oH-Jitne," 1852, for clearing; grading, end masonry, of that portfon of the Steubeiivliic and Indiana - Rati-- Coshocton and Newark*: being About 35 xnilesxn length-and comprisTeg some heavy cats and fill*, arid a bridge across the Muskingum river.. • j v , Bids will l-eTeeeivedirisectbns of obout one mile in each,or for the emir© Biyisioft.:: . Profiles and specifitfltioHS, with approximate esti mates of : qunritiUr»,'Cßn be j ßeertrif the Offices in New*- ark and Sicubenville, after B e isr-of Jane; • J. BLICKENSIk RFF.R, Jr.- v : my7.dAwtd Chief Engineer.. 67,21 i rcU havob ee n a*cd by many ladies in New England * and has met with universal "ap« > ' r r They may be'baqof fhe^nfaMriber*by.wholesale, lri ; every vanetf: of aiyiereud ihe imaU price at.which they' are offered* mutt* recommend them to general ate. u -vinyM , C* Y£4oiilg| UO Muiet it. j *..} ■ ■>•.■ • . ••.••n* l . , r-;/ ■ f c 4, Fare Rcduord f ’ 1 ' *V . * '-i'.‘x'?'. * ', l ‘o’ v^.v insurance Coittyames Fir* flsd-SlMlftsiiiißrftiieii ' i ffIWE-'tJFFIC Eof the/ntiiranwiCo. qpNbni'Amtrtt* A has bcenttnuacrftothe.Warehouse fef Hardy, Jone* & Co., No. 141 From eireet,third house Ka&t of Wood mga onSbipmentsbySiearabooig andoUrerveB?eis v .forihe&bovfr old ana responsible. Company. .. fap3j WM. P, JONK9, Agent State Hutual Fire loiarancp company.’ 11ARRISBUHO, Pa. fT\"B3IONEDortty foiHUe sntcr classes of property, has: -X/ an ample nnd aflo-d?superior Bdvan ogc.at ih.poinioF die&pnesst' safety andacconunndatlon,to.cuy« ano country'mercbarr.s, and owners of dwellings*. and; isolated or country property. _ A. A CARRIER, Actuary* m ■ ’001271 ; Pronch■OflieevNovs4 SrndhfiHd sU PiilstvurghV: Hevr England Live Stock InenranceCo., Jfevf Haven, Connecticut. TTORSES. CaTTLE, &c .insured agA net death by : fl-dkeriae or accident. CaptUi *50,000, With .power■ to increase to 8100,000 .. ' - •: '■ - Thomas Kendrick, Alfred Edwards* .... ; J. Lew.. Taylor, John Saxtnn. NailmmclTlmiber, Win, W Kendrick Tnowxs Ks«dbick," President.; G»t« 3T. Rrynolds. Secretary, * • f ■... - CURTIS A DOBB3, Agents, -No 1513 cnrncrof Wood nud Fifth sis., my 29 (over Pmnck« & FrirndV BunkingHou»tr.) HK\V : YOltli. IiIFE i diSVIUNOHj COa past. , ACCVMUIATEU CAtU’Aty SSDQiQO.O,. , THE ANNUAL DIVIDENDS.have been.unusually. large* showing that the company.has been dt-iug-u very laTije and prospeTous liusiness. ~ Tije dividends in-3 were » 0 per cent. • . U . ti • |{j47 i. SO fO • A-:.-.-• • n • “ ' ' lb 10 *» . 40 , u ■ « it l8j(T • 4-> “ ■ «■ ■■■ •■ a ■■■■■■: ■ ■lB5l K -50 ;. u ■ «. ‘‘ 1852 “ 40 * Tliislsamonprtl'eoidestcoutpameilntfie United Slate?. Its aocbmuluied tmpiUl Ucon tuutly mcreaiing fori lie beneßiof.mcdtuerV.-present«ni : f*iUire. r.. ..r. . MOIUUbT HANKLIN, President; Piokt FnEKM»7t, Actuary- •.- CLRri3i.POBIJS.AsI' FiU«burgh,cor. of. Wood oju .Fifth street?, over Pat* •nek i-frritindVßank'iu fluti-i:, , CALIVORMA KI!?K?TAKBN Also, acenta for Protection mid FaTmeibiFireaud-M*' fine Insurance, copilot-Si.OOJo, anti-of liraucli.ctnce, Empire Stnte Hea th Asiocituun, cash,, maluaingaccu mulated capital *lB OWW i 'i-tr T’.. -- ; Abo, agents for the purchase mid. sale ofreal estate. mvll •; V ■ friHE DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSUJR. X ANCECOMPANY.-Office;Normßoom of the Ex: Change,Third street, Philadelphia. . Fins INsurakcs.—Rtuldlngs, Merchandize and other property in. town and country, Insured against lose or damage by firo at the lowest rate of premium. Alakiss tnsDßascir.—'Tney.also Insure Vessels, Car gpes aud freights, foreign cr coastwise.under open or special poHciea, as the assured may desire. ... . • iwLANnTfiAMSPORTxtro:!.—They also insure raerchan* due transported by Wagons, Railroad Cars, Canal Baals and Steam Boats-, on rivctaaudlalceB,onuiemoBt liberal terms. •.. BiHECTOR2t—Jo?er;h !L-Seal, Edmund A. Soader John CUavis; Robert Barton, John tl; t»cnro&p;Samuel Edwards.Gco O. Leiper, Edward' Barlinpion, Isaac R< Davis. William FolwcU,John Newlitt,Dr. R. hi. Himon* lames C. Hand.Tlieopliilux Paulding, H. Jones Brooksc Ueury Slonn, liugh Craig, acorgehernlhSpcncer Me llvain,Charles Kclk, J. G* Jolm3oa, William Hoy,Dr BiThomaB,'Joiin3eUer*. Wm. livre, Jr r .. ~ DIRECTORS AT PITTSBUKGIL—D. T. Morgan, Hnph Logan. * WILLIAM MARTIN, President. Thob. C. lUrto, Vice President. Joseph VV. Cowas, Secretary. : ITl**Oflice of the Company. No. 42 Water street, Puli': burgh- Oel0;dif) - I*.A. MADEIRA,AyenL; • The Franklin Flrc lusnranco Company. Of rua^DßUTiu. DIRECTORS:— Charles W. Bancker, . , George W, Richards,- . Mordec&iD. Levntj Tobias Wagner. AdolphlE. Borle,: • Samuel Grant, • : David 8. Browne, Jacob R, Smith, • Moms PaUerxon: CJJAS. N.BANCKERiPrcsT, Chas. G. BascsKß) Secretary. -- |o* Continue to make Insurance, perpetual or limited, on every description of property, m town and country at rales as to was are consistent with security. -’ The Companyhavere&crvcdalargeConllugent.Fund , which, with their Cnpllnl anu,Premiums, safclymvested* afford ample protection to the assured. . The Adsats of the Company, on January Ist, 1851, as published agreeably to un Act of Assembly, were as foi* lowsi vlz Mortgages ■ ■■■ ■ 1 * 018.12^63 Real festhte* —i—.— 84,377 79 Temporary Loans*'—fU,QGG 17 Stocks. ..«y» ~Gi,h£3 CO Caah,&c.— — Bl 31,212,:0S 44 ‘ Since thcir incorporaiioa, a period, or 21. years,they huve paid upward* of One Mdhoti Four I-hendred Thou sand vollart, losses by fire, thereby affording evidence oftlm advantages of Insurance,as well as the ability and disposition to meet wiih pfomptnesKaH liabilities; -v' J;UARDINHR COFFIN, Agent. OfDtx N. K.eornrr Wood awldd sis. lIOAfE INSURANCE Vhe Farmers autl Mechanics’ Us«ltb In inrtnce Atioclotioni OF IMTTS'H.r «0»; J’KANA* AID :i*V TWS OF fiESD! OPPICE—COaS2H iir £UIT!I*'IULD AJtli THIRD STBCSTS. GtTAUANTY GftPi &’AG, ?3U,OOt>. THIS is aji association established/or il:c mutual relief of tig members, in cuses of sicfcuess or incident, i>y the payment of tbe r. Annual Deposit* Person* m rood health mayberotne member*ana be entitled to a weekly benefit, In case of sickness or accident. All who Join ibis Association arc entitled to a,vote m the election .of officers) and tooaiticipotc in the profits of the Aasocla* tion. ltis*€Biuf)h*&cd on a safe and permanent bug!?, being both Mutual mid Uencvoiant tuns drsignvurilb the lowest rates consistent for insecurity,and co? duct* ed ih a manner ta insure it* pe.-inanency and durability. All persons can im-c the advantages of taking cat a policy from uie General {HTtoo. ;• . • TbAriLr otforiTS.' . f 8 Sjf'Oper ycar,drawss U,iUpcr week; U do co V 0 do; d.cu ds do d.on do; 6, do do SHO do; . C,OO. do do i-jy) doj 7. do do . 7.0 n do; 8.00. do do bLU do; 9,10 do do 000 ro; 1000 do do I*VO uo; .- ' •"INITIATION. FKE, lor Men.bersbip, must be paid at the utnnof making application, and the first ycnT*’deposit within 'Wrtny days. i.ach .member entitled to a mutably report, gratis, <>FPiCfens. Prefidtnt— D. W. T’EtruoNt. Vite Pttsi feni nnd TreasuicT —Wnt. M. Wilsou. S-c . A. M’MwKiers. . . nmill:Gm . Watclica»Jewelry, &c» HAVING jum returned irorn t;;c hntuern clilcp*.l have brought wuh me one of thc mo«l beautiful and core’U’ly selected Stacks or Jewel y, tVotclica and Kunev Goods,-evernfiWed -to the Public. Persons wishing to purchase-any thing m my line, can.rely oil getting a good a-licle. I do not advertise to sell goods t clow cost, nor DU per ctm. cheaper tlmaany house in the city. Give urn a .i-uli, atiu I am sure you will be satisfied that 1 can sell a good article as cheap as any of them. ... Anoiiicr fact ! wish to keep before tbe people,. It yon want your .Watch, Clock, or any article of Jewel ry* repaired in the best ntrtiiurr,lhi» is (lieplace (above It done To tins brancltoftay business i will devote especial attention. *. . JOHN .8. KENNEDY, 01 Martel street, . Sivn of the Golden bade.. • Henry Klchartiflon* Jewelteiv . HAVING tc fined bjB:«uire in a handsome manner* audlrnt recently returned frotn the Eastern cluei* with a fine assortment of-Watches. Jewelry and Fancy Good% would cail the attention or his friends and cus* looters to thefact, that among bis Watcheswtllbo found the most desirable styles, pattern* andmokers. of Jew dry, the latest stylus, of troches, breast pins, fob and vest chains, finger rings, ear rings, miniature, lockets, tc ,4c. FANCY. GOODS—Such as papermuche, work table** work boxeSjdcafcs/faiicy vasn?, perfume bottles,-table ranis, Coil’s putoiß, pone monnies, in great variety? china fruit anlcatatfi&hus, Ac., with an cikllcas variety of useful aud ornamental articles, which bate only to be seen to be appreciated. .*•■>. > v.-.: . . novl . , • NO. 81 MARKET STREET. Citizens and Straugers, DO you wish to purchase a fine -K-* «iorte*halflhe usual price? If so.cait attlODD’S J EWELRY STORE, 0 V Marktt strut; two dobra north of Third, and take a look at'hit. new Block, just arrived, and you can there purchase -Waich esor any kind of fine Gold Jewelry aiihelr real value/ and notoe charged two prices' for. even thing*, as you have usually been, but can get the very best quality of goods at tbelowest eastern prices.' Do not believe what others/Interested in'their own sales, tellyou, but come and see for yourselves. 1 Ali goods sold auhia establish ment will be warranted oh represented at time ofsale~ so that oil may nurchase.eou>»Hy <«fc and oheftp : Bptgi IP.Tirna ia money, surely it deserves to be watched, and,render, you tnay:tle < aJ!gurcdlh’l^— .• . %VaU'uesbe>ternr*er .• : Wketberofailv'erorofgold,- ■ Thau you wiU Gn J, when c’? r you go, ' Aud look atthose On sale below. b.REISKfiSAS&OO., FIPTIf STHEKTVttNE I>OOH Flri'M WOOD, . Importers nudDcelrra in Clocks, Watches andJitcettyt Uraic/i toanTiaiSi Waich Makers Tootsie. UhO leave to unnounealo the trade‘Und the puodo generally, that they have just received, from the best, manufacturers in Europe, a (urge lot of Gold and Silver Watches, Watch Tools: and Materials, and a most ele gant assoriment of-Jewelry,-frbm- the best mauufaeiu- they offer nvpriccs as low as they can bo putebdetd in the Eastern markets. Ciocke.'Watches and Jewelry repaired in the. best rammer, and on ihe most reasonable terms' - - - to orders from u distance. ./Itf’OTICE--'Tha partnership heretofore extstuig be*. J.v tween the andereigned. m; the Wool and Cjroisis* Sion btwinesis under tne'firrn .of Mubphv-&= Etc, was dissolved on the first' of April tast.-by-itiutbal-consenr The business of Uiclaie fir n will be settled by ll;'Lire* who Udaly authorised to use the name of ihr firm IjT that purpose. J. R; MURPHY, • . •• ■■•.•••■ ■ ■■ ■ •. 11. LEE ■ TWIOBBbL & CO.’S FORWARDING AttO COMMISSION- HOUSEi SAINT LOUIS. JOHN W. TWrCUfflL** • .i*. ... .. ..V. —• JO-EPII MOO&IDOS.' fwlcbdl! & norj’idfrc. COMMISSION AND FOwWAHUINOTSIKnCHANTS; Corntr Comnurcial and;Pint ttueta." 1 ’ prommly nuend tool! consignments and Com mUsioi.sentrustHlxo them, and »illmakc liberal advances on conFiginneuls or Bills of Lading in hand. • • ■’ • • ardors for the Purchase ,of Lead. Grain, Hemp and •other Prodoce, will be promptly filled at the lowest pos sible prices and on tue best tenns. Tfaer will slsb undertoke the settlement and collec tion of claims of. hope, by their espe cial per*dnal>ffbrOf anil attention to all the interests of their fiiedds; to'ffive generar »amfactisn. . n vsactos, Geo. Collier. gt. Laois}’ Kills * Morton,Cincinnati: Page &Bacort 7 • . -do Strader* Gorman; do Ch&riess, Dlow &Co i ;do.. Ilozra A Frarcr, , do .Ohouteaa-fc*VjilJf:,.--vv:.do\-.eprlPecrA>yh«^«.n ; tfo*-- 0 Leech 4t Co;, VVllltoti Co., J. AV. Bu.ler * Bro , Pittsburgh: l Morjiaa, Bdnlr & MoTgan, Philadelphia; Shield* & Miller, H. D. Newcomb ac Brov andW'. B. Louisville T. C. TWICUELL &. CO, New Orleans. COMMISSION HOCSE, WSW ORLEANS. quits long esiabliskfd I louse coiifintlWlr attention >X strictly to safe* *nri purchases o*» Coiniaissioni and to thfl .Forwarding fcasiiu-aageneraHy; ' They, solicit a eontinit&ncc of the liberal patronage heretofore given them. ftnxw* JJ3, |dW» Jmatfc Wes* ;i' GREAT BARGAINS IN I?UY GOODS.' ' SeUlntroff at C»»t TO QUIT TMB B USIJfBSSi TfIHE Subscriber. heinealiOUV: its jennsuis!* Ihr.reiall. X dry goods and havinßiuade such utiariec-> mems ad to reader it necessary to cldsq obi bis stop k by the lßtof July next will commence on Thursday. May. iSjtthiUeU' bis entire stock of Fancy and Staple dry „ „ L . . t i. Hw goodahnving been principally purflba&ea the pres* Cat Sanson* wiR be found-desirable bargains, being at IcaatySpercentlOffcnbon-regularpuccs. > . • .In S?APLKGOODS will bo-foUDa-!*/’ v' ~4*4nnds-4Frenchgtiighain*i . English cud trencU culn'.zrf; - , • ' Blfc alpacas and bombasines,’ Checks and mucins; • • ; .i Insu linens Biidcrashet, - , v- • : " Table hnenß and clothsj ,• : • Ilnckabaei toweis-and toweling,. Daffiaskand snow drop linen napkins and doilies; Mar* seillesqailis; furniture pr ms, plain, and emb’d aimiiyi linen sheeting and pillow linens table omfpiano covers »aad coveniiKipworßcd lace curtains and curtainmuslin*. FANCY GOODS -While cripe shawls, emb’d and plain white berege and thibevshawl*;;:- ■■ ■Fine..Frencb lawns and horeges; '■ Berege Ue lames and muslin do lamer, : TUiuts and grenadiers; .'•••• .o-j -• Blk and fane v silks; some very superior, ana a fine stock >-of goads generallv. : - EMBROIDERIES Worked mull and Ince ropes ami sleever, - Jaconrlt; mall and uuen cambric collars & jQConctt r inull edgings and insertions, - • htnbdhikoufliidcnmlmchdkf*;; \ ; Woikrd bands and flouncing*; and a magclGcenl sto-k of Valcncjeiiii- s cUginge; laces and mierunga; together with a large vuni'ty of oiher gord*, too - to. iaemion,all of which willftrtuaJy besoM:tttOttH»lNAL COSivFoR CaSli, Early cnlis-will recur* the best bargains = JaMFS A. M'KNIGIIT. No. 03,4*1 «V • P; S-*—All pcisot s knowinp ihciijielvc< iiidebted to the above ptior to January, ISOJ, are requested to pay the same, as all debts wilt be pul in the bauds of an at ir»rni»v.rorrollecunn. .■ • 1 myt*.? ; cheap ory Goodsi 3AIIF.H M ’CAN DLK*S fc CO., 409 Wood Wood Street, A RE now opening n very extensive and well assorted A sloek of 6l* RIN(l und SUMMKRGUOD9. Con- RiviD g.m part of French nnd English Broad Cloihs, ■Tweeds, CasMmerrs, x a»hnierriis,...Bosskius, Jesus. Cottonodea, Dr«lm gs, Liueu coolings, Silk, Satin, and -Fancy Colton Vcsuiigs. Also, about .IW CASES.PLAIN AND FANCY DRISsS t»OiM*S } crobracinp the newest styles of £ilk and Linen Poplins. Delaines. Beraxi-sand. Dr,rage Do Lftines.. Black Mourning.and Fancy Lawns ; Plum uud Fancy Calicos, m great variety} French, s»cotchanrLDomeeUe Ginphorosi Palm Leaf, i 1 Brownond Bleached Muslins; - Palm and Leghorn Hats ; Slrawond Unud.Bonnets/ . . .. Together with a complete stock of Variety Goods and Pedlars’. Notions,Gold and Gill Jewelry, Gold and SiN verWatches*Brass. C and Pen lvnivce r jnst .arrived from Sheffield; Patent Medicines, Violin audYidUnStrings', Gam Suspendere, Slates ahu Slate Pencils, .Percussnm Caps, Spectacles, Pistols, Hosiery, Gloves, Lawn* and Edgings, Ribbons, Sewing Silk* Silk Gimps and Fringes, fancy Neuingg, Greea Baud«tges, Black Silk Veils, SUk Florence together witha general assortment of all other article# in tne' Varfety lino. -: -W-d have on hand andffor sale & large assortment of Gold andSilverWatches and Wotch Materiais,Goldtihd GiltJewvlryvGold. and Bil-. ver . Pens and PeuCilsi "Gold and Silver : Spectacles, Clocks, Ac., to which we invite the ottetiuotiof ail.buy ers, as we are determined to sell our Goods on the most reasonable terms, either for cosh or satisfactory refer* ence. N.B.ThC'business ofthe late, firm of GaEaaAfilo Caudlsss is to be. settled by D, Gregg at the stand ofD. Gbsso A Co., who is fully authorized for such and tn whose possession are the papers, Notes and Books of said firm. * • - ioct!s:if ' Hemo-vftl* TTOUGH - A ANTHONY hnve removed theft DA* Hi GUERXtKAN ROOMS, from Bdrke’s Building, to Eatons Raiding, over the Young Men*? Library; where they will be happy to see iheir oidbpauous and friends. . opr7:tf .. , . . . : • , . v Pur&uar* aad thatr Warerooahi. : S JOSEPH MEYER, 424. Penn sircetj' abpve the Canal Bridge, keeps constantly on hand and makes to. order, at the ietoMtj»rw«4-every. description 01 iy and PJaih FDRNITURE,SOFAS and CttAißi of the best workmanship and most approved styles. ‘ Purchasers would do well to visit his Wareroomi, ■ . tov97-oAwlt fpHEntideraigned begsieave to announcetobts friends -X aud customers, that he-has received a large, and with the greatest care sHected.lolof RHENISHand h RENCIt-WINBj wWcb hetcan warrant a# pure and genuine, and wfalcn he sell* either by.the bottleirrrensk. Besides, fcalreeps always :Ottband, a ta'ge-und well so lected stock of PRKNCH COGNAC BRANDY, HttL: LAND GlN,ana oberUcuore, tillof whichhtc of the first: qasllticr, : and w&rranUtT genuine articles.:.'rite feel# *1 rateful for former favors, and it shall be his duty totmendld-hiscaVtotner&fisformerly. > As he has mode iU* best and lattst improvement fdz rectifying Whiskey; he can furafth' ;thcm of the best kiad,ana at the lowest price. ii FiCKEIchN, r.myß : No td7 L»berlv. sireet.: rto. l3fl rrvTWjiD .p h>b below: viboih allbt. ; BOWS 4 : JfltFriaTKftS end msira'aciurer* ; C |TTLER Y . ftUHOIOAL ANO • ' CTBNTAU INSTtiUUKN'M, R! vfig —"■‘'s ■: FLAcs■;• Wfr lc re p a general as* aortmeni of t&e above acilelesron «aijuy oif:h»nd;*tt^iher» F twiliuii Kemrral variety of ► aney Hardsrure. Afw Gqi e,PjstoUnml Revolver*. fe .?> Rorn*> Siii«v& e i«, capBi -Powder, Lend and : end Pocket Knives;- Eocset fephsors, I 'AlßojTfßsstJaiid-iJupjffliiFrjt : |v &SB*HLS , K.W u fi««neatlyexecuted, • ES . 5 “ ?VVaa , re wilting RiSts.orevery, desotfiH i lioii, lo or Jer, of ibe best material* and [ 2?®*?*®**“? iwdei's refieived fprthtitt at’WhoJewle or 1 UaaUas i£J!ui”j Oroat Attriuxloui MARKET STREET. Mad. A. GOSLING, No. Gl, ST. CLAIR STREET, wholesale: ARSi. RETAIL Dealers m Fcrtign and Amtrican t Fancy and Staple - DltV GOODS, MILLINERY, <-6 ENTER? RISE WORKS. 'J? " ' ‘ ' V r "■ ' > , v '> /-ffIKCT \VM. E. STEVENSON-ennUnaea to manu- CABMET-ITABE at SViry descripj • 'i'iiTTrfc""”""T'* t h> ° oldsiand, comer of Liberty and. . EiaSSScvepiU-eireoH. ONDEBTAKlN&iatemieil to; In anitsbtanChc*?-"■■■-:■*• • c v mayll ::t . > Ai aitiiisss * co., ’ XTAVB ON tfANO uttheir extensive CABINET.and; JLI CHAiR MANUFACTORY, No.&l Smilhficld si. a laiye aisortmeut of fancyand plain Furniture, jvMfih (nay*will sell taper cenubclow customary rates. ... ••• , ljsytnfr fa *caaho l niy < ■» ; *ldcCs7:ly • • I C«buii»t and Oiißir ■ ' r i r.'-y? :• JO'EPll.AlEYhßtai dn Cabinet and ChairMannfaototy. No, 444 Peuß; jOT6ireet,aWiVtfthe Canar alliuuJftor FUKNITUftB, ®Bueh av Sol**, CentreTables, Mahogany ChaitV Mnboganyißedsiend& andait otber artless in ibe Cabi net hne-rwbich ary rates. Term*—CASH, ONLY; * Jf'XEPti MfcYfß, : .nprg - uvr . Np.4SlPenn street, Fifth WariLy O.C, HI&MXB. ; “H. VkVWI i - CABINET WARBROOM, SMITH FIELD STREET. - Bttvun Scvtnthstrteiand&lTatobtTrpalUyfPtitSbutfara . HAMMER & HAULER keep constantly on hand varieiy of cxceHeftt and fashionableFumilnro, jrj§>| warranted equal to any m the city, and sold ©a oa ’favorable terms as Can beobtafned at any similar eaiabhshmeutin Jte-Weau -Thsyhave now on band an unttsaallyexienmve stock; embracing all kimjapf.Furni ture, from the cheapest and plainest to the most.cosily and elegant:- All orders promptly attended to, nortLfim .-.To" Onbfn«t fllabeta* YtrtunjlilQbogAnyi ■ RcxtisoodandWalftutf •* Hardware and -FurmtUrt at:Wholesale* : * rgtßE subscribers have jusi.rcceived from New. York X' and Boston. &-most splendid stock of VENEERS, and aro maaafactu.nng.by machinery Furniture suitable -for the trade.• •All of which -we will sell at extremely. low prices.. * c As great care was taken in the selection of the stock, persons chnnot fad lo be bulledeither hB iO'quality or price; ctilnetFumtiure,qousbantly on hand—vizi Mahogany, Varnish; Hardware, Hai? Cloths^Springs, ftc., - - RYAN A ftPKEE, * Ryor’s Buildings, margbydaw* , N 0.31 Fifth Streep dourneymsttCalfldet Nakers Association WA HE HO USE. 110 SECOND STREET) (near the comer of .Wood.):::. ■ ••••. th its association; etn-f* bracing, already, twice tothreeWL; as manybanda W theJarrfsp* - -4g^ fcl ftag» gest and hitherto most renowned * X-- 1 business shops orthiscity, ilaVfc opened their Ware housefand&ro aide tofatiush the-pubhe,by - wholesale or retail, with Furniture of the follow,ng depcriplloa— VIZI . •,* ..... ; ■ ..• ■. , Mahogany Wardrobes; Dressing BareaQs; Foil Col umned- Bureaus;- 4 -Mahogany ‘Bedsteads;* Mahogany Chuics; Hocking Chairs;. Mahogavy Washstands; So fas ; Divans; Piano Stools;. Book Cases; Secretaries; Card Tables; Pier Tables; fine Card Tables? 1 Centre Tables; Hat Racks;--'French'Bedsteads; Ottomans; Poplar Wardrobes; Dmihgand Breakfast Tables; Work? stands; Cherry and.Common.Worksmnds; high post, common, tow, and trundle Bedsteads ; Cherry Bureaus j 'Cribs;Cradles,3bc. : • • ! - t.-.> . * Tiichdvaniagesofc(K>perat|on, . .• r : . . -(maTig> PATENT SIETALUC BURIAL CASBSi fa HEeubacribers bavins recenUy mode arrangements S - wJlh l'ie Patentee of tlns new and roluoiifl-inven lion for the manufacture and rule of the arifele 'ln the West;they haviug been manufactured faeretofare exda sivelyia the East, where they. are'superseding the use ol wooden coifins, take this method of informing , the public, thatthey arc now manufacturing eighteen differ ent sizesof the modem Sarcophagus, varying in length from 22 inches to Bffeet, with, width and depih suitable for bodies of ordinary size; and for those, who desire space for cashioumgt or for bodies of unusual dtmen etons;haveseveral sizes deeper and -wider- v This in vention now coming into general usC,isoronouncedcne of the greatest of the age. These arfi composed of vartouo kinds of metals, but principally of Iron. •.•- ■ *- ■ - They are thoroughly enameled, inside and. out, and thus made impervious to air and'indestructible. They are highly orimmental, and of: a classic -form, ate light and portable, while they combine the greatest strength which metal U capable of, in & given quantity . When properly secured with cereenl they are perfect ly air ugut. and frce:ltora:exhnlauortof.o.ffrnsiye gases l hey cost no more than good wooden coffins, and are hotter than any other article In use, (of whatever cost,) forlranxportatioiuvaullft.OTordinary interments, as has been proven by&ctual experiments,.and ccruficd (o by some of our most eciennUc men ; nlso. by.ihe Honora* bles-.Henry Clay. .Hamel Websfer, Lewis Cass,and other tdsungoislieu Senators who have witnessed -then merits, and whose tetters, together with other evidence! of their worth, may bo scen at our Age nts’JJariai Case Depot, No. 374 Main street, three doors nboVe Ninth, where we intend to keep on hand al-all times, such a stock of all sizes and degrees of ornament end will suilthe most diversified.tmiies. - -v-; . kVemvne the aitenhouof the public, and of under taker*. paruculariy; throughout ike Weßt,to ati exafm natioirof the ATtu:ie,and requvn them not 10 rely ;?apon the »eprcrcntauon of undciUkers not using.the axucie 3 whose imercst it would be to mlsreprcfem them, marram W C D-tVi^&CO. JAEIKS W/WOUUWiSU, m CABINET tfgft&a FTJRNI TV RE MANUFACTURER) Warc«rootni 0.7 and 90 Third strficti : T- W. W. respeetfulJymfomisblsfrle.ndsaifdctfsioni * ers that hehas now completed bis spring stock of Furniture, which iadrcidrdly ihe largest and best ever offered for sale in tins City, winch wul he sold at pneci as tow uf ony in the Umted Mates Kual or West. • As he isdetenmned to uphold jihe cmaijty .with well seasoned - maiurialA. best workmausuip,- and newest and from the extent of his orders and facility in mm ufactumie, he is enablcd-to produce-warranted p.tthe lowe>tprices,-- . 7 He baa adopted the principle of .identifying the; cus tomers’ intert Pt with his own, in .quality.- and price, and keep* always on imml the greatest variety of every des cription of furniture,.from tbcclieapestaml:piamest,io the ioo»i elegiinvand costly, thaia house, nr any-pari oi one, maybe furnished trom his siock, or mamuactured expressly to order The- following articles consist,' m part, of his slock, which for richness ;of style and finish, cannot be «arrm*sed many ot the Easterncities: • Louts XI V iclt-iete-a Sofas;- . 60r'ofa**,in plaCommon do; * I 20 Prcßsht; Bureaus; . v \ 49 Mahogany Bedetcuds ; \ 2(1 Walnut - d 0;.., , ■.. ! 60Cottage dot • ■ i -3.9 Cherry and Popiar.Bedilcadet '"m 2o Mahogany Wardrobes; 10 Walnut do; lo Cherry do; £0 (Mainßureaus; 70 Dining and Breakfast Tables; . 13 Secretary and Bookcasea; .. . 20doz CmcSeat Chalrs;- .. 7 . .. 24 Cano Scavßochipg-Chairat‘ 13 Ladies WritingPrsks; - ll&tandTowelSlaadsi What-Nots;. . , .. Etiguues? • PaperMaChae Tables; . Conversation Chairs;- • Pcr6naseuji3d*y /.associaiedtheraschreß togeiberiis F&tio'ers«forthe purpose of transact' np aAVdoiesalo Grocery,-Produce, LiquorandConuntsuon bailness.tnldcrihe firmofJoftn Ulaek ACo.yfto.- comer of Jabeny and ii win sis. - • : ' JOHN BLACKV V. ; V M M’CULLOUOHy JR. WIUUm W. Wollaee, - PITTSBURGH STEAM fhAhBLE' WORKS* ' 319 V 381 tHhtf * n trei've»e»i.<>, dobn Ulaqk.iti said il: Jle.«nUou?ft'having‘the r ght to■ a** ih*» name of thulale firmm settling the nuruie*B,et d the exclu c ive'right la receive all notitaLdmg debts, audio pay all debts duo by the la*e firm. , * JOHN BLACfr, HENRY McCULLOUGn. - N. business will ho conUnurd by the sobscri ber ns usual, at bis old stand.cornerof Pc.un end j twin streets. * ItENrtY McCUILOVUH. _ Pittsburgh, March KlflSSi munhif > *.. • •• 'OaUROB^AIiBRK*^: iVb. 71 corner of'Wood. and- JPourih stsi f ‘. * . . m. RAS.just received f|i=aperlor BOOT& ard SHOEt?, of . stock workmanship that canbe got together. * niiWin''frir -r~ establishment;oflike amount, in the ; v> esu Nearly ail made to special order, free from cuts, Country./Merchants and others are re* ispeotfuKy invited tocall and examine the stock, wfiiih :is offered for saielow for cash, - • N. B—G A. has paid particular attention to have a: igeueral acso tmentof (he best stock of Bootsand Shoes l rtor the Retail trade, from toegqod low prlcertiithe besi m&de-caMom :work, ; cousi*img of.every kind of colors and fashions now in Use. Individuals and families may ; rely on always: finding a general assortment, as H* re< >latcs (osizes, widths. JasHron and quality, at No. 71. : ALSO—Men, Boys, ami Children’s Palm Leaf three ■ Straw Hats. : ;• : • =■'»•• .. ». r- {hprflgm ry 1' .-v '* '■ SiOllCCt THE pnrtnerthip hereloforo enstiag between the un derilirned iit the Coramiflftion ana Forwarding hanl ;n«Bieto>underlie fi ia oI.S. P. VON BONfiHOHST •:& Go t is due day divulged ay .'.muralconsent; Phe ibneinesaonfcelate firta wiil be eeillid by S P. Von .'i’o(inhars',wliots»nihori;edioose the name oPtlibfihii foi-.Ue«-potpo>e- ... . WILLI EICIIBaUM. • ' - ‘ S Ft VON UUNISHuRST. • I’ittsb orgb, May 3d, 1852-my4 - v 00-Partnerablp Sotlee. inpllEnnderß'giiedh&vethLailay.fornitdaCo-PBrtner. 1 tte tfansaOdon of a, Wool and General CommiMton andTowaolitnrlnijlnesirrandeMbe firmnf iVuti BONNHORSTt MURPHXV 'frsreliuaa Nofd? Water and lib Ftoar »trtels • JAMES B.MI'RPHY. s. F._ VQJiBONNHQRST. •••>‘«t!r>V'' te /^-''- T: i?^'--' , '-V>’;r : a ,-v. :•; -i .v.-v- 'v..;..,-'; , ‘-,;>:■;!• ■. - ,i. r •'■"■: ~!■■ >. r , , i Jyrng* ons:|tte^i?'mtti.,. , U«dleit«a tfmtf dfiui <'*fllHS:Bmele|a imtii4«4ifoeiiir&ijj.a>6) olid stroaldbet 1•- found m ibe poasewjoi? of every family in the land! . TOethanie* who dte to conetdof ddtiWbfWJury <6 iMdrt , fhc-impropcrof carelewf. ['usor twl»i wiirfind iWs’drtiijW. to* ; ■; ‘‘This mny certify ihbt^^the understated, h&viugj ? l‘rtdueoi^madeusfrcfJnaawediodted'L&oiifiG£nnsle > l' i prepared rby. ifcomifecueut* chdfcniiliy tecdmmendlno ou* profession-* i cfbretfiteiifW an.eXcetfeqtfabwiiate far drihesit epias-j i ier,iadreuingburns; cuU^aewdSabriuses,and alUinds! l-of ftb'sb 1 broitnds f Uf*oi for'poreWnpTej, aremedy- due-: ntwto.’ J H&MI1/FON BREWER M 0.,' EULBWORTII. 8U88.M.D., Botanic. Comprising «!1 IhepraclMufc physicians m the eiiy Of M Fo d r e s!3e by B. A. FiHtteSTOCK fc CO, Myt * ■■■••'•' •• • f v - cornerof - Wood and Ytrmatf ... .i - r-r*" -.. . --.weniionot i» u. f Tf®wioVdd the tldfrtfrfadioi tTtfeiise'ft fciVftefof j J’sM?? l ; c Wi*V‘iVrr-audu«ft.niw» who .will* Dow:aUovra v MOIL H u • .”. er . n l a toprdfrtcd tinUfacrinriltloh ofthmgSißuroWoc* Comnoand Syrnp of Yellow Doekßaoti fiirsHdvlaie bw-thcknlfr 'of n'lkitfa. D' CGUPIKS ike from rank among, too tpropneioryj jJ.^i'Ytlnoxco.able. l A ropiofr in 11. oidl icdTciesai ifa-cffontry for completelycnnng; " f 'h Propriety,™ left 10 'the pwon .kervtm t Hhaim'Bryaipelaatand nil other diseases bni to*o«s anus} person* -fn imnoresuw or Ae blood. Afo, Liver Jo, bfnhnntrVjn a bandOge 01 any kind toreinln ft, or uyspepsta;Headaches, Diiifnerf,’ J!^Jh" I a fJ?jJ?s?' K <, P t,T,t< ‘, , 'rS , «b»<>'(lwillile,andteadr about the Chest, JJron-; H r nm - often hn S?ftSoWoarseness, DryncCnttd a tickling sensation ®> W™')^mvhath“?^ n m' TF*’ aboa I tl^,' r ‘ r ri, tt,l,llapS ' a WlU * ■ u >P« ce&med '“°- every u\Wn'dM PIiHALB Wi'aKSKSS ANDGENEttAIrDBBIUTV. 1 il'fnV*l li™}? **” ’’S [. • fiumngd!n^*ln.|re^ngtMtetgittWMM!# ; A« (j *^ U abWnes*’ofpieMbre'ifmt aoe»' T noiibefoi* E i*Ssj . all parts of the country, can be relied upon, it I* snigh- rf foi” llhairßandiaain!jh?aio I larly efficaciousin coring off Humor*, and restoring See i bllnated and broken down consolations It is pnrely {OT r d“ta* rP«.« Wkwc.'The ' ifr Vllt teßSsdl li lias removed mmy chrome diseases which has bafj dnfuncrca'n - have 1 fhsmcenf By fled me skill of ihc best physicians, and has alto cared *«£»■ J, *'"s' ?,, SjS h e t, o dv ’“* Canker, Salt Rheam, Erysipelas and Scrofula, which rending the roeasore roondl the tcKJy. Sarsaparilla Syropa entirely foiled to make the leustim- - ‘ 14D Wood sl'reeL sol-agent for Pub-bureh' Pr itbas been'tested In many cases bfCANCEBODS ; ' ’’ ' marll'dSiw 1 HUMORS. Toe most obfiiiuatft Cancers too been cured by this medicine liib a valuable Ctrditimefoall BILIOUS COMPLAINTS. removes all obstruction tn the circulation, reml-niiff the Liver free, active and healthy 1 . U removes Palpitation of the Heart, ar>d relieves rn altcase&of Asthma, and may be used in alt climates,and at all sea«ons of the year • This Syrop is prepared uitly by C. MORsB A CO^at; 102 Fountain street, Providence, It. I,and.sold whole* : 'sale and retail,by S. N. WfCKERSHAM; "Only Agent for Western Pennsylvania, ' *)eftiyt' ■Warehottße, cor Wood antique thstsiyPiusVh STiiASI BOAT in parj therpildwin*: 'Table-. Uneir,'tiuekftiude. Dispen ishßa(ib:b£tip» Table Covering and TabieCcrven, iNapiiofc&tti'wkteh we «ittcpjulantlMeeei*ini (frciitt lha ifflporwr»»BffiiianafWt»iet»< -Call aINo.SS FOBrth WWW . ( twu . -yt. WQUNTQOft, •• .-V • ■ ■ **•:'*. *it ■ " •'. 1 . •:<■ •.,■ .' . • r^Nv v - r) -v? t >..-..lit*-- -■ ~V •• —• , ■ ' •>•: -,i■ .{ - r ,.-.-i ■ .. V -"- ; J..:.\ •;•••% ,_ :n \'- • - ,' .S-,,.:.-\'y.. :■■■'.. *.%IV . '*'• ' > yV,-; , r \ 'H: . v v ■i: . * v , "" ►* « t’i\ jV'-i „*■ '' v* * .» 1?- : NESS. .BRONCHITIS, W HOOPING COUQU CROUP; ASTHMA and CONSUMPTION. In offering to the commnmty this justly celebrated re medy for diseases of the throat and lungs, it is not cur 'tvish to trifle withthe lives or health of the ai&Cted, but frankly to lay before them the opinions of distinguished men aodsomcof iheevtdenceßOfiis*uoces3,framwhlch they can jadge fbr themselves; We sincerely pledge ourselves to make no wild assertions or false statements of Its efficacy,cor will we hold oat any hope to suffering humanity which facts will not warrant* . ' Many jirtc/r are hero given, find we aolieit us Inquiry from ihe public into all we publish, feeling assured they wiU 6nd there perfectly reliable, and ihc mcdicine wor thy ibeir best confidence and patronhpo* ‘ Frt>fnthi dvtinzwkt& Professor, of Chemistry and Mats* na Medico, Bowdotn Calif £»• • Bear Sir: I delayed answering the receipt of your preparation, until I had eno port unity of witnessing its effects in my own family, or lit.the families of my friends. ’Tins ! have now-done, with ’ a fcieh degree ofsatisfae* tion, in casesbntb ot adults undchildreii. ,•■; I have found it, as it* ingradients show, a powerful ro medy for colds and.coughs and pulmonary disease*’ • - 7 pakkpr clkaveland, -M. 0, Beckswich, Me n Feb, 5,1847. -From anOtmesr in-As Hamilton Mtilt. fn this City,.. .Lotycti, Aug. to, lew.r - Bt J. C- Ayer: I.have been cored of: the wotstcoaph I ever had in my life, by your i( CnsusT p£croßACr° iaid uevcrfai), when I have opportunity of recatnreendmgi’ toothers. > yourSjTespeetfully, ,-■> > B .D. EMERSON/ {jy Head the following, and see if this medicine ia Wurth a trial. The paiient had become very ierble,anu the effector the tr&dicitie was unrairtakably. distinct:—< UfiISED STATOS liOT£X, SARATOGA s?Bl2l£a, 4 f >. July 5,1849 J ' Dr. J.C.Ayeiy-Sir:! have been afflicted with a para* ful affection of the longs; and all the symptom* of settled consumption, for more thann year’-T could find, nn me* dicine toatwould reach my case, until 1 commenced the use of your‘'CfTBSBYPacTo&AL, 1 ’ which gave megradual relief; and I.have'been & caddy gaining ray strength ~|ill my health ia well uigli restored. ' While using your medicine, I had.the gratification of curing with it my reverend friend, Mr. Truman, of Mwnjj tcr Utstrict, who had been suspended fromhia paroohia) duties by a severe-attack or bronchitis. . Inave pleasure m certifying beae facts toy,ua - . And nro > fir.ynurs Tespeetfuliy,-• :J. F. CAlfHuU it, of tooth Curolaia - (p*‘ The' following was one of the wore! of cases which the physicians and friends thought tobc incurable consumption ... . Aug. 22,1819. : J.C. Ayct,—Sir: I wse taken- with atemblecough, brought on by a cold, in the beginning of last Febnlary,- and was confiuetrtO' my bed more than two months.— Coughing incessantly mglil and. day, I.betaine ghastly and pale, my-eyes were sunken and glassy, and tny breath very short Indeed,! was rapidly fading, and m such distress for breath, tbnt hoi lit le hope of my recov ery could hc.euiertatnea. WhUeinthissruaiiotva:friend of mme t (ihc Rev John Keller, of the Meihnhncbiireh,} brought mea boiilcof your Cucbbt Pm.TceAV which i tried more logrouiy turn,; th’ui irora nny expectatior.of obtaining reuef. Its.good effectinduced.me to coirlnnc it? use, uii pain ;oy luiu»y; whatever, norpreTenui.g nny bnc ; frorrrai tp nd in »to bis Business; and Id jise bW «««§/?can takeplace, tn'ci«crarfnjfj ft e .rganSj inhskeri imiß.-io such an ixreni Vial: they BfOAin raiiaißJKrnvs >oWfia of BSXKjhioN,' the lb's of-wbichiCaased by eaily atiUße,- MLtheJdlteafce in queaion, and the cau?e of-ihe ihdtuahd coneomnnut conplaiuti.viz; Nervousness, Prostration,. Dyftpepsioij .i’ata iiuthe Head and Dimnesvof Vision, Weakness of the Hack and Lower Extremities, .AffecV lions ofthe Eyes, Impotence, Pimples of.tbo Pace, Pre* mature Decline of Virility* Weakness of Memory and; Power for Mental Application, Dejection, Averwcyi la Timidity, Self-Distrasu Love of gnliiado, Ac . Alt these -complaint* inrartallp as toon e complaints, and has now romp * neiy «Bper*eded the use of urttg* the boacic,eaaierta«,;Jn, Ae., not to mention the ihoasat>d advertised rostrums of ibeday, as cordials, antidotes,Ac.,Ac. Itrenstitdtes, nl the same time, , the tqfestj the most pleasant* and by *ar the thtapni treatment everoflered tothe afilicteit, a fair pri«e being allowed for the Instrument, after the desired effect has been at* lalned." ' ‘ 1 Be it also remembered, that those complaints ore bat Uule understood by the profession in and that all the medicine In tho world never has, and never: will,, stop those losses, -whleh, if allowed to conjiauo ianv checked; sic sdre.to prodoecd the most distressing con*: sequence*. *v.- \ .--v - ill has befn a mailer ef to some,thnt any one of .respectability and of protesitonai auaJimtemsshontd devote bis auemion ladisehses;which pedple ofcvery: : description. pretendt&Cuxe soeasily. bin iheohethouscuidthpirnofthejnißefieathesApebplebring upon sbclety.weie known,® verydifleTentbpimon-wcald be - Afirf lt-ift'not only the Preicnt miseryand dgectionVpreytngpn tbemiml as well ns the body, that is deplored,ibu* some,are of such a nature as to aCect posterity,"and, even to destroy the reproductive fatuity; altogpther. -Jtis a foci |hat, when notproperlytreaied, they may remain so dormant in the consmubon as b* np- ? pear in oo other way than lu meirtfleci* upnnposterhyr r y-pv improperly unirejrsibdd, are'nibst easily and specdi 'ly removed. Tbeabovevffo ingeniously coutiivcdinsirc* meht, wiUdauirles®, in a great messore;.contribute to ;check thecvil9brqaac leery,so prevalcntia this class of diseases*.throughout tbn Imion, • . •The pnce.of the complete instrument, carefully secur edagamst all observation lu a box,.is only £lO. It can rbe'>ciib'.by express.-to buy adaress in any port of ihe United 'States, Canada, Acv according io order, aecom* ijpanledßyfuiit .directions, antf. Important advice- to the: iheremotosi' p>rtBofttiecoumry,bcingverytri fling. ; The; unexampled sacceß-tliis Instrument hdsobtbincd' since iUlmrodTJction}nAmeric4i,liaj»inducedromenn* ; .princlpiedpcrsbba Ih Pie'w-Yorkj'PhHaUelphlai'AP Bostou; Ac.,'to get ojp-B6me ; :tidica!oUs tbivgff,'culled' which-lidwcver, bear not tub suairr ;;xsr resemblance, nciihtrjinf6m nor principle; to my i own invented, long tried, : and u ’iverfiOlly approved In struments, and which arc as similar to them as night is ialight^'. 3 Kverya«empt'td:aeHsach.** I^svluotel^t^' , *or ; mine the fallest extent of tho law, 1 1 beirc TtdV conneCr;the4rell> and honestly tty luventionahviih quacks.,and Hheir-wpnhlesaprodttctions. r ‘;ysri*iifumtnt , dai 'y. ftomSA Mnmap.k r :imd from *7 till 8 P. M. f the Sabbath excepted. ; ■ . untTertignhdecTiify, with great pleasure*, that , the obovr-tntnttoncd’liisiriiment la not oriy consuueted: .‘pti scientiffcprlnciplesfbnt that from its as© the happiest, ..results may always, with .confidence* bp. anticipated, ■there being, for me'cure of those diftease&.NOOTUßil; CERTAIN RKMKDY OCTANT I 11RNRV S KELLER. MD, - CH.Cf»KTZB>MD ,SS Chamber street C M.O., ii Uowind sireet, -; : Dr. nt 'Lakey U prepared toexectfoallotfersforsar* igfcal apparatus. viz:'Artificial.Anns.andJrfCTriwptoo, !movo JikcrniuralnJemljerß;App«rmuffor LuMUOnj ,f«r Contracted Legs; far carvttiOre:or tbC'-?plpe ; piia WaUi; for False* Joints ofiho Arms nno KnMjo»aftl, containing apropMuqitf»io.Tem««ance: oi*#refe/efcce/ - ; (frltf&ly ~ w t r y' > ~ * * *s&* 5 ,r < c ' * >• - ! -r i • ■> - ," '■.•■i'.i ,j>'s ffltSUaL T'.'-o - r ' U satinoceiiMafis and effectual retted; for Cfdors* •i* or or Orem Meiiieji*, piear, A.tß:» orfy Mie». 1 "DP' preaTod, 1-jrnttnorrtara, WrtSWffeWJ*;/ Aeteral -WeaJtneM. in.lhe Head and LimlnvUMt : ■of, Appetite,' Palpirallon, Xiemors. IJii-con* d >l’iljfaf'V** u»eiic;»;'l(riMtsri's' > |i}»pep>la"arfno)|eat)eD, ? l?faia> -lence nr VV'jnd. end Jill, Uienu* Complaint*. ,r;tce4l cents, or fire bojtes for 81, no Sold wliolente *n < »e« tail tiyJY.fi JjtfSHSSOU, SIG-fiib crip etrect.-fiend of rWopowreevFdisl'arjrti.niiolrynil the.ltruMlnv/ ,; v. fo*.FdlldTfeeilovterrefoseffwltd ttfdfcbul.-' rr* " -r . , , r ,r -T.-t 1 ..... TO lav&bios ASD TBE aiCK." TCH& CBLEBHATEb COMSTOC& MXDIOINX& KIRPJ* Tbo 0.-B4T Tai» j Emucroß.(i?tfnn#Pj % BuraaiinUail kJOeraail’diiia and goira , yd "Bdlot ef Colubttia tot Slaying -lir thft tfknjtlfctfov perre and Bant Xlnimeni and IVttftan Tif* ,4ih Mt’ynis'r-AtQUs.tefuL ncortam cute fpr.D^afacs^ - SiM: Wny'4 Xi/i>jwem a ibfiTPaes.: :: CiU. Sjmx n's Ffrk Htadathe tfanetiy r ,r , r •?th. AMArt’i Rd efy Tor sH w>mftnn ihe family woy fJ Blli;'io^f^s> , 6*MBndliPf9'o£rtf>jwlieVffirt;pftti^e»: ! no™ in f«*ftn!e« and.nifties, wuf.nerva4i*Conpl»*»ni3; for. • SiocaftrhASVcilotiey . 1 -Tlio grenpoins are il is iiqtbaiHptake, n?ver gives _ ■ polo, ond never leave* tvnr costive. * • '•••':••. . • • - • Oth KofastotV* Ifamif-utiV&QTm JCin«'j)forGJjHdrtii ;•• or grown persons. .: •• • lOib -Mrs Brvym 1 * Great Paia&itter, No tSedicfnd has bee* di&covercd mai ls so happliy ndaj>!ed.!o;use v tn( lutb DT'JZUne'a-ToQthAtltoVTOjit.i A certain and easy core for Tooth: Ache." • ' ■'.'■••■ :•••■. .:.7- 10{b. ©r.;€omtoot-*lsBlately bouffMihcTfght fojtha United Slates,: oflfte celebrated Cipirtniraut Mineral . ITUrir, -found it the SaftSpiln**!:£f i twior-'W ari©; : Chase, aiSi;Ootbar.!ite^,.o. vV-i.Thisroed.etno.he-* at- • tameda noorietyriad'popalnTtty ncTrrteroHe'eqoaifea by any prrpar&tionut.tual aiullu bß».bcea commensorale wlib rs merits, which are ej'rnrrdinary. -M\ the. remedies arc fully 4csei;«verurA'r:M AN ACS,. •: to bc glTea: lo aii ’Wbb ca:t whcnj ibo ftleoWflesaro kept. .. NOTIctV Att preparations heTeNifutiT known* u| * * ALT. OTHERS &JV*T TIE SPURIOUS LUCIUS-S. COMSTOCK, » .■ E7* The above medicine can be bnd in this pioco of fab® 1 WILLIAM JACKSON : • .- T i v No. head of Woody- , • Tht-y... — v ~ ,~ r ,ian f,.r.%...jshsy. CrO"p> Btonthiusjltfjtvenz'ii B.e&ijnn oj - . jJ Vii iLunrSv qf. S caihmx, . ram*crJVeajrr-‘«fl nearJy.vutoelcns owing,no doubi, to iht-lr ignorance:))) prepming" uml Blp r» je<-red t ‘ so that what remains Is ili** nv * ex« iraordiMityaadimly efficacious rrmt-dy for&Ji fcihdjtof. pulmonary and livorditeasesever known to man To ciiiivinee aU unbetleyer* that our ttivory ift riany irar, we refer to a frw cases of cures performer by this won*.: derful medicine:' ' * >t, I^lbasabtßnjos,Ham,co:,o^Sept.l27. - k I. D. PasK—Dear birt I take ibo liberty, of advising ‘ von of-the' benefit have derived frnat Mhe use of Dr. : Wistar’sßa snra of Wild Ohetry. % l was prostra’ed.bjr thnt lerrl’ le scourge CosaampUonvin Mayhisl.'>Tlirat» tack was truly for five- otoar fami y Con»a|iipiion .l I. was afflicted wrh nearly ail the "worst fenturr* of the di«ea£o I codpb.iand:expea , ohurd *v great deal of blood, hectic fevrr*sevcrepainsin the side and ch *Bt. cold chills* altcraaUng with flnshesof-beuV* and copious nightsweais. , % - : I was adder the' care of n skilful pTtyrinlhn frota'thfe lime I was taken sicfcuntil ftboul six,weeki.since; being' theaohotubelpiessi.and tny fnci(dAconrii'eren my c&ie Uopelessyor at It&st be 1 ) end our pby*ieian , s-«1rl ] ) f cd tbense of \Yi«mty Balsam of- Wdd Clerry,- \Vtih«, i cut my knowledge my father procured u and commence A' i administering it la me, and ftora th&firn dvy lcnjSHocn- v 1 ced taking it. my health iaipxoved v .and in two weeks.l I wa* able to be out and oversee my business, andJaberj i wbieb I still continue to do.' l havo token four, brmfea ofiberaediclue.-andnoveoißld* rmysrifparfec’iy well. . JEHEMiAH JSCUIG. ’ ’ ANOTHER ASTONISHINCI-CUREII - ' . Kus&TUiK. FftiyEeTd co. 4 0;1851. • r rarlf—rfearS r:I wish toaiaie toyoa ibat, • my danchter AtDßnda, r agrd l6yccrs, h£UJ nbont a year sincett-rerr »evf*re-flttuclf : her verymncbc and 'lefl her-w*th:& r&ckingcobeh '' I , employed a/ioflbe pbyitci'aria' wiUdn olt'idachfor ther :'purpose of removiagtheicohgß ibab-witboai sotcr** tb" apposed-to be.finktrig Into a decline. v»iih every aytoptgmof Whsampriidti-• Hbgrt’s Lfv- •> erwoa and Tar but tbi* -aggravated. fcer coß*n r eUd l rive hersvrDplODQaV'fft>Uliinore mallguarit cbnr&ctir.’ was and (twos with trem« blfngfeart-'fllifMmidrfyibdayiiwlbeTJfbgrevrefihßt ray.daQghteys fcdbveryv: Dut thff oenificateof Jo7ißtban > CoftJ£on- l Jane, washured of Consatnptfbft by Wigtare Balaam of,- : lliat ii might? help mj.daosbier. end iJmmedisUlycoitimeaced outre wbs* ‘ iimprovwfiiTUipiedi-* ■ P'jftd to a cough- T wllleayio niUkaiarp afflicted with. any disease lending 'oCdnvordpuorf, do not despair,- far Dr. Datom o£AV*MK»hcrfy will erne }on if you wilibutiry it -*»? • K'KAJ4L t ?.? f? ? ? * AXOTIiKR-AStoSrSJMNaCDBRt , . ; :..WiU.oiiraple»:Ucver r censeT; More evidence of Its ’surpaggtng vmuv»V 5 > •: 1 ■»:■ .IFiom Dp. Uftkce, Wa*Ui» g«on ro, Ky 1 - „ Sr «6nßt6,Ky.,Siav li, if-» , Mes*»s Sasfobu A 1 take this; opportunity of performed up* .00 me by the nse ofDr.Wiaisn’a Balsamof Wild Cher* :ljv ivV .?r :■ In ear 3640 J. wasiaktittwHih die icfl'nimaiion of Jhe bowels, which 1 labored under for s-Z when-. Itaadaatt?4&ov*rrd -. * linuefait of IMt 1/tros ail*ri> •edwiil\n,B«voro.colU : wurch*ccscdit*olfupurnnylonga, an'tf Jortbe epaee o? liirecyrory l was-coiiSnrd lotny i bed, l.ificd-aliJ:irtdsof inciileli>e*:aiid :•«**> variety of-. i aid.without b'eiiefiij and £ho» I.wearied afongunifl tho winter of 1845, when I heaMhTDXc Wja'.ar'g Balaam of " * . • My.fdciwpersuadedme tf!»i, thoagh I ; hid givea toil hope* of rr covery, anoft ad prepared : myself fo*ihe*rbsn£aflf'4moifl«T> world* Through lhtii\ :sdlictutions 1 was Induced t inake ii?e or the ccnnfno AViitaHb BaUamcf-Wild.Chd fry iastonishing* After five years of offl cUon an i Rtflering : and after bavins, scent roar or five nundrtd doTiars To no ’- purpo.ae, an£. the beat tunf motl WspeciaMr phyelclana - ■■■ dadproced nns vail ill!?. 1 wa.« fconu r.Btr/rea to crAlm . beolti oyihalj'Msmfi of Cod end die uaeotßr.VVUuii’* " ; BBlaam of vrildCbf!n7. - - ’ - . - »ley lbo,bl«i-irß,pf Cod, reslupnn Ihe. proprietor, of '•o vainabie a medicine as Wismr’s Bnlsstn'ofWiid Cherry. -Yoursrerpeclioly. W„?l, BABER. : Genuine." mar’s ifacrslmtlp nf Ihesijoninrepi Henry \Vl«i«r, a.D, Phik ft-yarfc"oif h'finely Oiieoawt steeteDKrfrvea-wrajner. < Soother .can tnainnTue. , - ; K7* Puce—B.l perliOnfc—#l,bonles fbr ?5 ■’ ■ VAfiK, foanh and ’lValnoisireew.ClK. adtewdw.whorn aOlmde^aMito" J%iZ33ass§zsL ' 'S I KTd?frr^ t pi?J\? ni “Ml fie BddnrjsM. «ii»V«ni? I .Pi >, n 1 i ls^a^ t, i^‘ l^?COl i' ,r ' <:or,i e f Mark*! “A' Fuhnesior.k.i Co, Piiu • iinlUJejf' bunshiHildehra«d:ft.Co.«lnai»aai,FMiity * W«cl«y. KirtanftuiaiJrß Ev«a»,,Cßmniliw * Blow), BnwlwiMy e«noa4e»;-M«ad*a!ei»Bteon.fcCWEf>ei fSei,ja«reeif> i Bn-go A Oe, •BoileulOio^i®.*^ tdo; Hlltnnin, Beaver; 3 u Boniaierti® ; *»y> 8 #ea»s, CwJs«np«nrp-cwokw, V. V