The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, June 04, 1852, Image 3

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Wm. Wilkins presented
t 0 uie Councils on Monday evening, in behalf of
‘the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, a commu
nication relative to the vaoation of Eighth street
and .Plumb alley for the purpose of erecting an
inner depot for the use of the Railroad Compa
ny. A resolution was also presented, giving the
assent of the Couneils to the vacatlon of so much
of Eighth Btreet Bnd Plumh alley as extends
through the property owned by the Pennaylvaa
hiaßailroad Company,toy the purpose of being
used by the Company as their Inner Depot and
Passenger Staton, as contemplated by the Act of
Assembly passed 28d April, 1882, provided that
the assent shall only continue in force as -long as
the Company shall occupy and use the ground
mentioned. In the Common Council, Mr. Xow
rie moved to refer it to the Committee on Streets
—Mr. Riddle to a select committee—Mr. Fnnston
today it on the table, whioh motion ; was nega
tived by a vote of 4 to 18, and it was agreed to
refer it tea select commltteo by.a vote of 11. to
12. . Messrs. Riddle, Curling, and Montootli,
wore appointed on the committee on tho part of
the Common Counoil, j ..
Witte does it go ?—Any observer of tho com
merce of this city must have noticed the im<*
menßO? quantities' of whiskey," fresh from the
'‘still,” that passes through our city. It be
hooves the friends of the prohibition law to look
to.this. \The : Monongaheja volley famishes a
sufficient .quantity to supply tho home demand,
and immense quantities arc received by cyery
steamer that arrives from below; in fact, it ranks
among tbe first items in the exports of our oity
by canal, while the imports of foreign liquors are
very-small. During the month of May, the ex
' ports of whfekoy from this oity by canal amount
ed to 104|983 gallons, And since the opening of
the canal, 248,470 gallons, white of foreign wines
nni liquors only 1,705 gallons were received
slnoe the opening.' This shows a derided pre
- ferenoe inihe minds of the people in favor of
“old rye.”
Money Lost. —Eliza Jane Nesbitt, wife of Wm.
Nesbitt, blacksmith, who resides in. Mulberry al
ley, in the Fifth Ward, appeared before Aldor
tnon Parkinson; yesterday, and made thefollow
ing statement: "She went, on Wednesday- morn
ing, about-7 o'clock, to visit her mother, who
boards at the boose of Wm. Stevenson, in Mul
berry alley, in the Fifth Ward ; where she ro
mained all day; before leaving, alio took , her
packet book out to give her mother some change,
—she bed $B5O with her at the time, and- after
giving her mother the money, she laid it .on the
fable, and went bomr, forgetting it; She went
back and-found the money gone.- She asked for
a search warrant, which was granted, and . the
house was searched, but without any success.
Western Seamen’s .Friend Society,—The Rev.
Mr. Boughton, the agent of this Society- is -now
laboring to establish a permanent chapel for
boatmen in this-city. He preached lost Sabbath
in the Third Presbyterian Church on the subject.
.He stated that it is the design of the Soei
eiety to send a boatmen’s chaplain hero shortly.
Next spring a houso of worship. "Will bo erected
on Water street near Market ; meanwhUethe
clergyman in the employ of Society will labor os
an evangelist along the shores of both rivers.--
He preaches on Sabbath next, in ,Bov. Mr.
Swift’s'church, Allegheny City. The Rev... Mr.
Diehl, in the employ of the same Society, is now
laboring along the canal between-.thia oily and
Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad.- —-The busi
ness on this road -has - increased steadily - since
• the first of January last The number of* pas
sengers carried-over tho road, last week .was
* 6,150.' The a list of the numbor of
passengeTß that have-passed over the road, du
ring the past five months:
During the month of January, ..10,208
• February,...9,s2l
t - «t . March....... 15.0G0
’ «< “ Apri1........ 16,405
u “ . May,.... ...1G,895
- Making a total of«. ....G7,179
- Theatre. —The excellent moral drama of the
’Drunkard-will ho performed at the Theatre to
night. Mr. BrelsfoTd will perform the Drunk
mriL This play has a very good moral, and
■ought to be as effective as a dozen Temperance
lectures, but it laoka that, for the reason that it
■mirrors the life' of that ddbased creature—The
Drunkard—too faithfully. .-Black Eyed Susan
wrfH concludo the entertainmont.
Boats Cleared.— The number of canal boats
icleorcd from the Collector’s office, of the Pcun-
Oylvasia Canal,■ ■ during the month of May, . was
618, and since .the opening of the canal, 1,638.
The wholo number of miles traveled by passen
gers, eastand west, wa5.646,539 miles, and since,
.the opening of the canal in March last, passen
.gars have traveled both directions, 1,330,428
miles. . ;■■....
■ Artan.— Alderman Major committed a woman
Cicily Dugan, of Pcnysville, to prison,
yesterday morning, charged, ; on oath of - Hugh
Dugan; of the same plaoo, with setting fire to
his dwelling house.- Mrs. Dugan is deranged,
and I tho present proceeding was instituted to
enable her to gain admittance into* lunatic asy
lum; Not much damage was done by the fire,
however. . ,
Soap. —The “Metropolitan Association of
Neu' York,*’ give a grand Gift Concert, at Cin
cinnati," oh Wednesday evening—tickets limited
to 1200. “Notwithstanding the magnificence of
the entertainment,” the Association havo en.
gaged great talent,: at “ enormous, expense, It
instated that Prof. Gardner, of soap notoriety,
ais connected with this band. .
JVre.-c-Ilartraan’s foundry, on the triangular,
lot, between Second, liberty and Short Streets,
caught fire on the lower corner, on Wednesday
ovening, about nine o’clook, from some heated
•castings, burning a few patterns, but no serious
-damage wns done. . It was soon extinguished by
•4ho Eagle Hose.
' jifi 'Aewult —Alderman Parkinson held John
Shaster to bail, on Wednesday evening, for as
sault and battery on Phillip Wigle. Tho assault
was committed in a black smith shop, on Liber
ty street, where Shaster had left his wagon.
' The Pittsburgh.-—this fine steamer leaves this
morning, for 'Cincinnati, under the command of
Copt. Koontz. She possesses the best accommo
dation for travelers of any steamer on the west
ern rivers.
County Jail. —There were aiX'COnunitßrtßts t 0:
the comity jail yesterday, and
mostly vagrants—were discharged from custody;
their time ofHmprlsonment having expired*
■Bacon,—-During the -month of May, there was
shipped east, from thiß city, on the Pennsylva
nia Canal, nearly twelve millions pounds of baoon
—11,884,428 lbs. was the exact amonnt.
floating: Bath. —The petition of Mr; Francis
eras presented in Councils, on Monday, evening,
and referred to Committee on Allegheny wharf.
Refreshing. —We had, a, most refreshing rain
yesterday afternoon, which, laid the" duet, and
rendered, ft pleasant during the day.
: wonldhe no worse if it received a
little attention at the handß of the Btreet Com
missioner. . ~
v • ~ -f '■ ~
BetiA Warrant.—B.. F. Nichols tras commit
' 4ed, yesterday, on a benoh ffWiaot.
The Excitement at the Circus Palace'increases.
Hundreds who never before,have visited a Cir
cus, or, at least, who have not -been seen in a
place of. amusement, -.of - this ; kind -for so many
years, that nobody Tecollects seeing them there,
are now. found -luxuriating in those capacious
arm-chairs and cushioned seats. Circus? IVhy
this is dot a Circus’ It is Hippodrome, Amphi
theatre and all, on a regal scale, The vast Wa
ter Town seats about 2,700 persons comfortably,
Although it Is. worth the price of admission s
to enjoy the -Comforts -of - the place, and get a
glinjpse of its-beauties, the most rare and ex-:
pensive equestrian entertainment that money and;
tact can produce, is thrown iu free., They ex
hibit every afternoon and, night, and
wnys surrounded by the intelligent and fashion
able, of the city. V :
:JDNE 4.
- Duquesne Fire Company.— The following gen
erous resolution passed the Common Councils,
on Monday evening lasfj in relation to a -New
Engine House for the Duquesne Fire Company:
- Resolved.— That the Committee on Fire Engines
and Hose,' be and are hereby, authorized to sell
the house and lot on Smithflcld street, how used
by the Duquesne Fire -Engine Company, end
to apply the proceeds arising from such sale, to
the purohaso of a: more suitable lot, and the
ereotion of a convenient house thereon, for . tho
said company;. provided the purchase of
said lot or the erection of Baid house/ no appro
priation of money shall ,bc required from the
The Htbemia tfo. 2.—This favorite steamer,
in our city, which formerly - occupied the place
the Allegheny fills :at present as the Tuesday
packet, has been allowing her mettle in the West.,
She recently made the trip from St. Louis to
Lasalle, in 22 hours and 45 minutes G 2 minutes
less than the brag trip.
. harccny. —lllram • Rogers was committed to
prison, on Wednesday, by Esquire Morton, of
the Borough of -Sharpsburgh. Information was
made against him by M. F. Able, who charged
the defendant with taking a skiff belonging to
Assault and Battery. —Richard Latimer was
arrested, yesterday; charged on oath of. Mary A.
Smith, of- Allegheny City, with assault and -bat
tery. Alderman Hayß, after a hearing, oommit
mitted him, 5 to await: his*trial on tho above
. A Benefit.—The receipts of Miss Julia Dean’s
benefit at St. Louisa few nights since, amounted
to over seven hundred dollars. Such n benefit
will do.
Geo. W. Jamison. —This talented tragedian is
engaged nnd will shortly appear at the Theatre.
SGf* FRESH OYBTEEB received daily by Ad
ana' Express, at tlio WAVEKLEY lIOOSE,
Diamond Alley-
HIDES— 45 Dry Hides, -janreceived in. store, for
sale by Ue3] L. B. WATERMAN & SDW&;
CRADLES— 4 doz. Grain Cradle* for sale by
ROOMS—4O doz corn broom* for Bale bv
jnyOl MILLER * RinffvrranN.
T- AND WARRAft liousm autl mhu hi iavu» .uid
l i rales, by V Hel] A. WILKINS A CO.
li>W TAILS—'2 ssclkß on consignment; for earn by
r - liell > H. LEF, 139 L*h*nv «tT^*r
Sli. MOLASSES—Id i>i>is.*'lia<UcOr(Juui/.'- mr aa e.
HAY— 00 baie*juii received ami tor wile by
• my3l : Market street.
WOn'Li- WOOL'.—The iiicash paid for
nil iheduterent grades of clean washed wool
jbl 11. LKE..I3I> Liberty street.
DRAFTS ON CINCINNATI constantly lor «aie at
the corner ofMaiket and Third sts., by
jet A. WILKINS & CO.
f.OUH—4O Dbla. Estra uinl Superfine Family Float*
for sale by RUSSELL & JOHNSTON,
_ : Hi? Water street*
T>QT ASH— Kiev casks ol first son PolasMn stare
jL- and for sale by
■jt 3 - .US. \VATERMAN_fc
SCVTHE ilo», ejetra afd'
Sneaihs, in store nnd'for «tl6 by
jt3 : 1,. S. WATBBAUN It SONS.
FLO UK—l23 bi>U. Superfine nndExira Flour,rccM
:uui for sale t>v
je3 ' I« S, WATKEMAK & SONS.
MACKLKBL.— 150 bbls. large No 3 Mackerel, (Mans.
• inspection.) to arrive am) for sale by
jc3 • ? h. S. & BONS
-10 bags pimento; .
5 do nepper; far sale by
• 50boxes Not Herrin;?, Lubnclr;
.: SO: da -sealed do; forsale t»y
(CLARET WINE-fi’hhds Claret Wine;
j 2U boxes Mnrgauz and St. Julian;
In store and for sale by MILLER A RICLETSON,
my3L _ 221 st._
TURKR~CI'iN 7 r’COiN—We will furnish Three "Cent
Coin tn nuy amount, free of charge, far Pcnna. fund*.
Apply al oar office, No. Fourth street. . .
jel • ADAMS A CO.
Cold. Silver and Bank Notes Current and put
fuiid* received on dtposit ColleciioHS ut
tended 10. ‘Fourth s’icet, one door east of Market,
Pittsburgh, Pa. _
BACON— ?c«ks prime Bacon Side*,'
s 5 liercts do do llains;
25 do superior Sugar Cared ifamv,
Id ‘do do do CfanvnmdShoulders;
• For sale by h. S. WATERMAN A SONS,
jeT No-€ 0 and 81 Water and C* Front si. _
JUa t KbulSlVfcU, at Kessbuy’*, No,W MnJjtet am
a laree nnd well selected etnrk or GOLD' AND
Hunting and Open Oxal Lever*, of the best quality and
finish, which 1 offer to my friends and patrons at such
prices as cannot fall to please % ■ .
Yon will also Cud ntihe above place a mce assortment
of Jewelry and Fancy Goods, lo which your attention
is most respectfully solicited. tmy jo
For tlsle. -
uated on Penn im-ei. in the Olh ward. The lot U
S 3 feet front by 100 feel deep: front building 21 byJ2
feet; 3 stories high; back building 10 by 10 fcet,2 stories
hißb,'containing 0 rooms and wide entrance hall—also,
parlor in second story; 21 by 10 feet rorltcoln front,
with Iron railing. This property will be sold very low.
Apply Immediately to ■ THOMAS MOF.FITT,
)[./ __ 2!> Fifth street. _
T netlaeeil Prices.
jt A MASON A C0.,03 aud 01 Market street, will
A-open this morning—
-7 cases Borage DeLaines, 1055124;
3 do Dercges.lSo; ~ . , , •
40 piece* Ftgored Changeable Silk, very low ;
. 800-Crape and Summer Shawl*; .
15 Printed Lawns and Muslins*. .
17 do SummerDeLaines, some aaiowaslOc;
Also, Laces, Embroideries, Hosiery and Gloves. Jjc2
: Watblnc Blade Ea»y«
SSALO & CO.’S OHbMICAI, SOAP—For wailing
„ ail kinds of clothes painted surfaces, &,c. This is
a now article) pronounced by those who have used i.t» to
be superior to any soap in *he markei, for common o*e.
It saves iu soap, labor* weur and tear of clothea,one*
half. Warranted not Injurious to the skin, nor tothe ar
ticle washed. Its excellent quaUttesean only be real
t«d by mal. For sale, «£>£>>•«£ j"£o ,
je3 tChroniete copy.] 250. Liberty street,
f''”" For Sale at a" Bargain.
A SPLENDID FARM, and choice Coal; the Farm has
A. M acres.COof whichisinahigh state of eu'uva- 1
Hon, nnd about CO in Coal, of the best quality, with a
good landing add safe harbor. There is an abundance
-of Lime Stone, and a choice quality of Flag stone. A
new Farm House; well finished—a good garden; paled
in* a stable and out buildings; an orchard of welt se
lected finit; good water. The whole is in complete or
der. pleasantly simme shove Dora No. 2.0 n the Yough
iozbeny River/ 3. CUTHUERT, General Agent,
j e 3 - ■ • .. SO Southfield street.
Keea 11. Jones, -
No. 283 Liberty stmt, PXuibureh, Pa ■
MANUFACTURER and denier in. all kinds of To
bacco. Snuff and Segars-Bespoctfuiljr informs the
public ibatbe MB lost received a large anff general as
sortment of the most celebrated brands of Tobacco and
imported Segars.and is now prepared to fill all orders,
. wholesale orrelail. ■ AU lovers of the teerd are in vtted to
call, i He al*o manufacture* spun ralMadlesUwiat, Vlr
cinia lwl»u4&lflmPis andCa.gWhitsh lie warranu equal
to anv made west of the mountains. ; v ,
. A general assortment of Half Spanish,Meleo andcom
mon Segarß coust »nuy on bond. ■ ■■ u e r _r
Two ilally Tiains From pimonrga to
Philadelphia and Baltimore.
' Only 30 Hours Through l
FARE 810,
milE ExpTegs mail tram will leave the Depot on Lib- -
X eny *ueet> abovfthe Canal Bridge, every morning
will go by the cars to Turtle, Creek 12 miles' I
where they will find the best of Coachcsm readiness to i
' cohbhy them 23 miles, oyer a first rale turnpike road to .
nV-auv’s station; (conductors accompany ench tram of
rwfrs.larHi lied take the ears to HolUdaysburg; and
then take Se splendid sleeping carsdireet to Ptuiadel
pip.s“n«e«'fbr0 RUUmore lake the care oMhe York and
Cumberland Kailrood at Ilamsbutgbgrnsmg al Balu
“The E«n?ng m leave daily at<Wo,P.M.,ar.
rI ISS?£S-S^tlne n^aveda^
KsSKissa- I** 1 **
PhDadelphia and Baltimore m 38 hoars.
bdtgh Si cenuf loTimnCreekOTeems
pared to pm gpecwl trains to- ; jr
mediate pornV forp wMcaof w i? ihAltftilroad
Passengers willprocure their tiekeu at thetomroau
Office in a>e Monongahela House,Wkdet Street.
NOTICa-'n case of loss, the Company’ “J?
themselves responsible for personal baggage only ana
for e .aamoantno^x«^n^«l». iAgitp Bißi |
•1. '-..a-".' i- .:
. k> V
1 ■ ". l v
L-l ~ t '
sr n
[evening session concluded.]
Baltimore, June 2^—Midnight.
In relation to Sontii Carolina, the committee
say that documents were presented to them rela
tive to. tlie proceedings o T fortycitizens of that
State who sent to tbeConventiouGeneral James
M, Commander, as a delegate. i(lianghter.) Now,
itdid.not appear that' lie did not represent any
district of the State, bnt the committee decided
that the: paper was not such a document as enti
tled him to a seat in the Convention.
Gen. Nye. as a member of the committee on
credentials, made a minority report, whioli was
read. lt sustained the olaims of Mr. Ban tool
against tho decision of the majority.
The reports closed with- the following resolu
. Resolved, That Robertltantonl, jr., be admit
ted to a seat to represent the second congres
sional district of Massachusetts.
There were bo many delegates upon their feet,
that it: was a diffionlt matter to see tho faces of
the speakers, much less learn their names. A
noisy discussion continued onthe resolution, un
til, upon a question of order arose on the motion
to postpone the furtherconsiderntion of the sub
ject until to-morrow and to print the report sub
mitted by Gen. Nye, which was agreed to.
Mr. Borer, of Va., offered a resolution to the
effect that the two delegations representing the
two divisions from Georgia bo allowed ts unite
and cast the vote of the State.
A most inconceivable state of confasion . fol
lowed, amidst which tho Convention adjourned,
at two o’clock in the morning.
Baltimore, Jane 3—ll o’clock*.
: Ballotinqs.— The Convention has almost unan
imously resolved to proceed immediately with
the ballotings for President.
Cass, ....................110 Buchanan,..
D0ug1a5................ 20 Mnroy,
Houston . 8 Butler.
King, 18
..118 ] Buchanan, ....i.
TltniD BALLOT. ... ;
..........119 | Buchanan,......
Ca 55.......
.....115 ( Buchanan,
nrm ballot.
Ca 55,............. 114 | Buohanan, .88
On the fifth ballot Casa lost 1 in Ohio and gains
1 in Tennesce; Buchanan losses 1 in Tonuosoe.
The following, table exhibits the position of
affairs in the Baltimore Convention, up to the
dato of onr latest telegrapliio advices: .•
Baltimore, Juno 3.
n es e 2 w . a .p • f *i g§§.e
■ § S “ -7 § 3- ' -? 7
./. a- • .■- « ■ ts• • •
3d, 119 94 21 20 i 7 1 13 « 1
4th, 115 89 31 25. 1 i 1 12 3 1
stli, 114 88 84 20 1 8 1 13 3 -
- oth, .114 88
7th, 113 88 : -r -
Btli, 113 88 34 —' —— -
9tb, 112 87 39 -
10th, 111 80 40 -
11th, 101 87 50
12th, 98 88 61
17th, 99 87 50 20 1 11 1 13
Necessary to a choice, 190.
- The Convention -adjourned until 9 o'clock to
morrow morning.
The steamer United States arrived, via Kings*
ton, this morning, having lcft : .Aspinwall on the
25th ult. She brings SOI passengers and $70,-
000 in gold dust on froight, and $140,000 in the
hands of passengers. She brings no later dates
from California or Panama. ;
The steamer Illinois arrived at Kingston on
the 26th nnd left on the 27th.:
Aspinwall is represented ns prosperous.
The roost energetic measures oro being used
for the completion of tho Panama Railroad.
The Crescent City, with tho California mails
and some speoie, left Aspinwall six hours ahead
for New York direct.
The United States, brings Kingston dates to
the SOtli. •
The American schooner, Monel, from New
York, bound far Navy Bay, was wrecked on the
beach at the East end of Jamaica, on the lGtb.
All the ciew was saved, but tho cargo was dam
aged, and tho vessol a total wreck.
The small pox was very prevalent in many
parts of the Island and In Kingston with great
virulence. The" disease is spreading to an alar
ming extent.
X'anama dates to the 22d represent the Win
field Scott as having made a paßsago from San
Francisco to Panama in twelve days. On tho
6tb of May she passed the steamship Panama,
and on the 21st the propeller Cobus, both bound
Tho steamship California broke her shaft du
ring her upward passage on the 24thtApril, and
was lying at Pueblo.
The river is falling and the weather is cloudy
and wet.
F10ur—53,15@.?3,30, including fair and-ex
tra brands,
Whiskey—Sales 700 bhls at 16J; demand equal
to Bupply.
Provisions—Very dull; only one buyerm mar
ket. Bacon—Sides 91; Shoulders 7,}; No 1,
country Lard, 9s.
Beef—Firm at os.
Sugar—Orleans 0}; Dutch crushed 9; white
Havana 7|@B.
Freight—To Pittsburgh 12@16; Whiskey 40
@6O to New Orleans; Pork 40.
Sngar...Muscovado in bhds 55,87@5,G5; in
tierceß $5,55@5 f 261; in bbls §5,35.
Molasses... Sales 55 hhds Cuba and Muscova
do at 21J.
Flour-Sales 200 bbls Howard st. at §4,121;
it is generally, held higher. There is nothing
doing in City Mills.
Grain... Wheat and Corn as yesterday. Oats
Edinburg ale-5 cun Moirt scnichais, to doz,
for Sole by fmy3l] MlLLKttfc RICKKTSON.
SARDINES— 500 hairboxe* sordines received and for
rale by Imy3l] . MILLER A RICKEfSON.
AVA CUFFEE— iOpockeiß Jova coffee, received end
for snle by Imy3l] AIILLKR ArRICKITTSON..
/Y LASS—KUO boxes Bxlo »"d 10x19 glass in store and
lx for sale by fiayHl] MILLER A RIChETSON.
lOFFEE—ISO bags prlmo green Rio coffee. landing
i ar.d for sale by (ioy3l) MILLER A RICKKT.3ON..
piPE^ 50 box g .wh lt .cla^^o 5 .a l^vsorj
rnv3l asr.nndasa iiiboiiy st _
L’ST ° IL^U for
ro*3t - . . ail and 183 Libetiy 81.
rtASSI A- ISO mat, JStlSwoSt” 7
Mny3l git end 223 Liberty st.
/ynOCOLATB—3OI boxes Norfolk No t chocolate,
and for sale % ILLKR BTCKCT3QN.
myni 231 and gat Liberty »i.
irijS'* 1 ' by '• g-H and 828 Liberty »v.
lOAFaUGAK-OU BbluNo S loot sugar, St
ter y ,i °‘ tore — mll£eß a BICKCTSOW.
my3l • ■■■'• •
—ta « boxes Cincinnati 4’s, vs,.and
3PcSfor B ~|^ K^^>
Vf mo 'di‘fcr snleljy
■Hj'si miller* HICKKTSON
mifiAß HOUSE MOLaSSES-VJ bbH .-‘at Bernard' 1
S .a£.r h„u,e mol 9 ;« e Vandrng from .learner Me.
.eager N ° a “ d f ° r feRICKKTBnM.
“Sr* o. SUGAR—BUhiiie primenußußauenauiffnoui
W . .wamer Me S .e.. S erNo < Bfiß. ( ale i b^ ETsoNi
• 221 and 223 Liberty su
TOBACCOt-TS botciana ba f boxet Pfanu. Bosse'l
tc. Robinson'*, Meyen’. oihef fajoniobrands,m
store and for Bite by • MILLER.&RICKET3UN
tny3l■ ■•••■.:■■■■■■•
/•vu-s—Bleached and nalarol. winter and
* / and whale pi a; lord, tannera and Jrnsced oils, in
store and for sale by MILLER &
m y3l ' adl and 2B l.ibert* at-
5 boie* Swiss Absinthe;
4 do French* do;
: * 3 do Rheniih wine; ■ L .
*■ * 10 do Brandy cherries; for sale by.;
4U' 30 do CwatnNnia;
10 cares Pinnes, lm glare jare.;
5 do do (rancy boxes.)
- 10 do Comtnon Prones ,
tm-in vln atoreand Tor ante* by
W yi» JOSHUA RHODES, H 0 ,5 Wood 41.
t- 1 ' ' ,
-'** > t.-v *< «<«■
Patricks A Friend, Exchange Broker*.
Corner of fifth an&Woad. Stmts PiniluTtfi
• United Staieß (J’s •
do\; da ; s’a- •
do , s<*. *
Allegheny county GV •••**•••■» ■
do coupon C's-••••*'? *•*
do scrip---*-:-’*"*-' --*
Pittsburgh city fls- • .-.**••«••••
. do coupon 6 t fl>payablein
Allegheny City G’s**•*•**
- do coupon G’s payable in
.Philadelphia* *• • • «*■•“»•»
Bank of Pittsburgh - • ► •««••*••»
Meicbanta. and Manufacturers'
Bank-*** ...........
Exchange Bank*• *•■•*•• • • •
Farmers’Dcpostie Hank--** ••
Allegheny Savings Bank* **-•
Monongahela Bridge-•
St. Clair street do • *
Hand street do • •
N. Liberties do
Western Insurance Co- * *
Citizens' do do-.*-*
Associated Firemen’i do-
Atlantic and Ohio, Pittsburgh toj
. to Philadelphia---<•-*• ••-I
PiUsbarghy Cm. and Louisville-j
Lake ICncLlno--****-
Pittsburgh Gas Works* •*•••* *
Monongahela Siackwater I
Voughiogheny do .......
Pennsylvania Kailroad -•• •••
Penna.and Ohio do -*-
Cleveland and Pillsb’h do- * - - - *
Marine Railway and Dry Dock-
Fayette Manufacturing-Co - • * • •
Erie CanaJ Bonds, olu- -• •
• do do do new***
PiUfib’gh.anti Bosiou(ChfTftftnel
North American*♦ ■•• ••
Norm West*»»*•
North ■ Western**
Iron Cuy*v*»»**-
Earckn* •
Pittsburgh and isle Royal*** ***
Adventure * - *♦*< * .•? * «—r-
Ohio Trap Roclc
Ridge Mining Company* •• •••*
Fire Steel * * • ► »*~-~ *
Ovnci o* ths Daily Mostnpe Post. >
Friday,Juhe 4,1852. \
Since our lasi the weather for the most pari has teen
warm ami pleaaanl,with
er shenirknd lay the dust. The: markets h&va
col presented any. ne w feature,but generally there has
keen a fallihg off in the regular trade, as is usually the
case at this season oftheyear.Tho demand forproduce
and-merchandise generally has materially (alien oil
Bacon and Provisions.bave continued}qui<&dnd''dal!.'
Sugar and Molasses continue firmj'prlces tend upward.
In Fzoar we nbtc a decline;' receiptslargej our rivers
are failing; and ia a few daysraore will be too low for
oar first class steamers; oar canals continue : to do u very
heavy forwarding business, both east and west. ... .
APPLES-The season being over we bimtqloiation*
ALK—There continues a regular brisk demand.fortius.
article. We quote Manufacturers’.prlces—regular dis*.
count off for cash. . . . .
Bavarian Beer, per bbl«* «—♦• »- ■—»— 80 00
Common, per bbt g 0Q ;
XX do . 9 liO'
XXX do ——i-.......- !)00
Common, half barrels.— •••••«*••• 3 53
. XX do - .4 00
XXX do 4 50
Common, qr. barrels. 175
XX do .... :™ SCO
XXX do ... 8 25
ULOOMS—The demand lor Blooms continues limited,
and principally confined to small lots to manufacturers;
we quote at 554055 per ton.
BCCKWtI EAT TI/OUft—Tbe season for this article
is about over, and veryJUlle demand; we therefore
quote.nominal at lOO lbs; by the sack 750
fc7 cents.
BRO.QMS—The stock is large and prices nominal.—
We quote at, from 75c; $l,OO to Si, 1 2501,75 from stores.
BEESWAX—There is but little offering; good lots of
Yellow we quote at 22024 c. ’ . -
BRANS—Scarce end much wanted; small whits
would readily command $1,75033.
BUTTER—Since oat to review the market hasbeen
argely supplied; prices tend downward; sales at 9012
for roll; no sales of packed.
BULK MEAT—No sales.
BACON—’ThemarteetUasbeen exceedingly depressed
and Inactive; prices slightly declined; sales 40 hhds
shoulders SJ-, 4 raos; l0,CC0&)sdo 8; 1800 do Si; 10 hhds
western rough inferior hams 74; Cdo shoulders salts
hams and sides ia small jots. at 01010; sides 909}; su
gar cured hams firm aill. The Cineinnau Provision
market on theDOtfr, was as follows: .
PROVlSlONS—Thentarkethas again presented adull
and heavy appearance. There is no speculative demsltd
for any article,and sideband pock have farther declined.
Sales 505 &b!s Mers Pork at SIC 37f; SCO dq at 810,00.
Of Bacon *2O hhds shoulders Friday aV?} pbd; 6Q do. sides
at 9i j; I*2 do ehoo'ders Monday ut7{ pkd, 55 do sides 9|
pkd; 700 pcs plain hdsisdi.looser We quote fit close 7$
for shoulders, and Of for sides pled, with rooresellrrs
than buyers, althooga the principal holders are not offer
ing their stocks at current rates. Plain ham* 94094 pkd
Sugar cured bams lie; 200 bbls prime, lard 04; 1500 kegs
do at 194; 40 bbls No. 1 alopatflc. Smoked, beef 10c.
Grease ranges from 5 tofij.
The Baltimore market on Saturday was at follows:
BACON—The salesof the week exceed 1100 hhds of
shoulders and sides; the sales arly in the week were at
001&40IO4 but subsequently market declined, closing |
84010 for shoulders and sides. Included in week's sates I
are 300 hhds sides at 104, 8G do lt'l.'flO do lOf 23ail0f ;
CO do 3CJ.2BS do 10c.. Shouhlers, 1000 pes eanratMd at i
9,100 hhds 9c time; 55 do and 12,0001 b at 6|; 15tcshams \
and7oopcs at &7tcsand 1300 pes anUc; 30DBpcs .
at 11 and I*2oo at Io|c. . „ , »■ •■., i
COFFEE-Sales were confined to small lota toeity i
and country trade, with little or nochange in prices, the i
stock is ample; we quote iivlots at 1010104 ; by the bag ,
110114 • 'j
BUCKETS A»n TUBS—Manufacturers of the Beaver ]
Buckets and Tubs have reduced their prices, and sale* i
are nowinade in lots, by bur merchants, at for
the former* and 007, Tor the latter article. ; •’
CORN MEAL—Sole* from stores at45050e per bush.
COTTON YARNS—We quote Manufacturer's pneci
No. 5,6,7,. ......154 No*lB,*"~
B*9, to, —~.17: Candle Wick, ..—l6
II—12“ . '—lB." Carpet Chain, • --—2 O
13 iuCoverlet Yarn.—2o
j 4, Colton Twine,* ~20
17 4 2D {Baiting, -——••—-‘■lo
CRACKERS—The market is well supplied, we give
cur table corrected tmdquote : .
Water Crackers—
Bauer do .... . 4,1 j
Sarar rliC Jo !...—per pound<4|j6{
, . Soda do
COPPER—We give the Card price of the Pittsburgh
Copper Works. Ingots 19 to 20cls per pound. Sheet—
for Braziers 24025 c. ••••.,„ • .. •.•
COPPERAS—SeIIs at $2,8703,12 per barrel. .
CORDAGE—The following is the card price. of. Rope;
Manilla, by the Coil,*r rr * v —*lsc .
« • . -when cut,****v*r*toc *
White Ropei hjr Cod, * r rr* •••*?*•*'*llc
“ ; • when cut,**'-.-i — .—•...♦•12c
Tarred do by Coil, —r—• r**loc
Bo . when cut,— ~»»■ *—*»■*no •'
Bed Cords, * *815702^003,20
’i Hemp do
DRIED FRUIT-4Ve continue to quote light .jstocks
with regular ealos at 81,8702.00 forapj les, aud
Dis Tor peachea ns to futility. -- , - .
BEEF— Sales of SoCTTrCured canvassed nt
10c by the tierce. . Common SO9Jc. . J
- FGGS-—ln moderate request at &OS4. , 4 , ,
- FISH—Not ao firm? No. 3 mackerel sl-ghtly declineil:
sales No 3 large $8.1203,37r by thedray oad 83 250
8,OT: noNo; D in market? good demand; No l Pickled
herrine $0.2500,50, ‘- No I shod 812,600815, Bake fiah
$3.2503-50. :
. FLOUR—Receipts large: prices have
notwiihsiar.dingthe favorable newa ano >nkhl odyauce,
inEoropei our market has not been favorably.effscua,
aHtontth nriro* have adv&nceu a shade; the solea reach
SOOObbls ati 830322; at the close.buyers were, unwtk
iuig;to pay over 82 which it wosieliing freely^
sales from stores by the dray load 8342®3,25 . .
FEATHERS—Thereia.a briskderaaud for good, lots
at advanced prices/ The stock is quite light. \V e quote
ealenfram stores ot 35040 c. . , .
GRAlN—Receipts and supplies large and increasing*
which has caused quite adeciiue in soma desanpuona
Sales 11,000 bus aurdm fflT; to 03; the latter wuapa«din
the eatl y portof the week j.Uter, sales at 2G0»....C0rn
38040., : Rye in demanl at 00053. > Wheat 00055 . , .
GLASS—Bales of Country Glass from raanutaeturers
for 8x10,81,7502 per box; 10x12.82,2502,50. - rhere Is
more firthnesson thepartdf,holders. ■ n: .„
; HIDES—We note sales of Dry Flint at 9010 s; ;; City
: anghter. Green, ni44041b. . ,• , ■ ■,■ M
'lfAY—Sales attlie soales at frotasls taBl3 ...
. liopS— We quoic sates in & small way from stores at ,
is-not much doing in this uriicle,; Wo
quote at 81080110 ton. «V inmn in » hU
HOMlNY.—from stores, sells at 84^004,75 . bbl..-
IKON—The Tnanufaejurers 5 card price* for . Common
bar 2 by 4 U2Jo2|c per pound.; Other sizes in propor
tion: NAILS—The card priceifor nails are—
4d .. 4,50
‘ ... s^o
New York, June!?.
Par value. Aiktd \Offtttf:
ie iuo,oo siiB,asiSiiB.o“
100.00 102.73 102,0“
100,00 102,00 vlOliS®
100,00 .HM?:
• 03,00 -i 02,0®
08,00 .90,0?
99,00 97,0®
03,00 111,0®
.. 100,00
■ 50.00
M undersigned, having divided ihelr property into
A regular discount off fwoajn- _ ,_i, ...... country-seats andbuilding' lots have finally determined
qnota keg»9l®loc._hhls BWjt. ... to. comply wiUUho'WUkes add desires of their nomarooa
LEAB-The Btook itihrat handa .Slargo umiteti fricni33 „ ho have called bn tlism to!expoieto public
of l».^ -
* 5 piG METAL—Wequote Allegheny at 82025) canal acrc lo ‘<
8UM?:20; HQnßin?BocltSaB©S7. r . n . „ rt - 2 foar acre lots; I
POTATOES - Readnta are light, ihe dtmand con. 1 fivo and a hall acre lot; I
linues active, we (jaoto Neshannoclca at 87081, Keda no Hen and a half acre lot, . , „
quouPsales during thn weelc torTicrces at
FLOUR-There 1, a good demand *, this
article,»iAGinpiamßi«j»,priw«JjWl.,*». nole £Ve“and one-fourili buiei from the“Vi 1 i
sale* at 82,75 per bbl fromurstfliiQQS*, , ourmcchanics anil buguiesflni£p °/ c, ,*^i!V rare I
•BEEDS—Tho fettson la over,; **■» iransncuonj, .Cio- rintlnn ;tv n fnnrrhnftmeaHOMEriliEtisaiullumcs ac- ]
ver « 50055) Tim0thy,81,75052) Flax 81,0601,10, by EuiISoAD,TURNITKE or FLANK i
SHOT—Sales from etores by the keg at SlSby the ROAD. This property istoo well known to require any
hbT N ’ „e,«on or Dersonrutat would desire to have a HOME
■ “sPICESt-Wo have no transactions olconseqneaee to; hisown. Oar terms are one-fifth cash,
nhie in this article.v We quote Pepper in bags at lO}o, HS-in five eqdalscmt-onnual payments. ;
lie- AlspicelBoJ9ei Cinnamon 3904Q0 by the mat,’ 'ei n ß— Any persons wishing to, purchase at private
'STARCH—SaIes are regular from stores at <HO7c l>y i. ~ previous to onr public sale, canltave anonportu
lhe box. • ' rdtv’bv calling on HENRY REIS.
-SHEEP PELTS—Prices arenominal. ; 3 ' ; - -At the warehouse of Reis & M’Curdy,•
1 stoAP—We'ooote at 404$c by the lot. cor, of Seventh and Liberty stator •
( TALLOW—We BOW quote Beef Tallow at 707|ci r: .r. robt.CBHLING, :
Sheen d0,7071c. ■ , . , Jkt the warehouse of Carling te Robertson,
WHISKEY—There is a. steady, and good demand A 1 myl*■ •• ' ' cor. of Ist and Wood sis. -
17019 c f-gallon fpg Rectified.
Rotes of miscount
•' . •• ■ - "■ CAHSPtILLT C<
Pa trlcfe* « Friend^
.. Corner Wood and &
Pittsburgh Banks • * ’^•‘••paj
Qermantovm *r*-?j»ar i
HdtLWttre county***-* •par■
Montgomerycauntyr±-~~par ,
- Norihumbmandcounty* -par •
'CQl.Bantt% Bridge Co. »ar
lUading.\+'*~ —par
Lancaster* • •—•—• • • .per >
Easton* w"» »**.«—r—npor l
.PottsviiUr - -r—. —par
-ffhrAingfcffl.-— '>■« ■■■■-par
SfOttnflJiC«,rrr-r- * ——-par
v**;-- —* *
Gertys&urg --■••i «
CarWsto.»—r—• v f
ifafm&wrg-.—••* i
iifon«£a&. ••.•••
£«sancn.* . • -par
Leuristoirru • * • * *- •■—
Wtyomine • *f
SuotrtAannaeotmty- -broke.
Lehigh eouHly ■
l/.S/artj 8an*........ ■.. >2B
> Wort 5*.......... . .
City Scrip -—. .par
Cetmry “V.-; .. s prcrn
Start Bonfc and AraneAe* I
Start 5crip... ......... I
All Banks* •
2?asrtrfl£anfo‘ i
Uftalmg. .... ..f
Brancto* ;.. |
. Bran*i'a t •■•!
•■ fflUilirfoWD/
• Couno^BanAg.. r iv
fii,oo oo t oo
'575 55.50
55.00: 54,50
/a oo!- 52,67
185,00 j 160,00 1
23,00- 00,00
:32,00! 31,50
40,0 ft 42,00
33,00! 30,50
15,001 1400
11,00 00.00
0,25 5,70
: 40
Ctly 8ank5..........
Country Banks. . .
Allsoititht banks.'. * • ••in
hewjebsby. ...
Allsdfant Banks..—,.
■% k 2S
' 10,00
3.00 f
Fuemer Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville.
*'. •• Baltic. Bennct, Brownsville.
* l ~ J. McKeesport.
H ■ Thomas Shriver, Bailey, West Newton
** : Genessee.Concuu, West Newton.
“ 8. Bayard, Peebles, Elizabeth.
11 Michigan No.2,Boies, Beaver.
u Forest City, Murdock, Wcllsville. . ■
U Diurnal, Conwell, Wheeling.:
“ Fitt«burgb, Kouqiz, Cincinnati.
“ WcllsviJle»Ch:isller, Bridgeport.
° Baltic, Bennet.iirowhsyiile.
w • Atlantic, Parkinson,; do
■ u . J.M’Kee, Hendrickson, McKeesport.
• w Thomas BhriverjßoHey, WeslNewton.
“ GenesseCj Conani, West Newton.
“ 8. Bayard, Peebles^Elizabeth.
V MichiganNo,2,Boies. Beaver.
“ ForeitCity, Murdoch, Wellsvilie.
<v Brilliant, Grace,Cincinnati.
<{ Winchester, G, Moore, Wheeling.
“ Mayflower, Deviuny, Eouisville.
“ Malta, Dexter, Zanesville..
. r‘V.- Navigator,Dean,Louisville.
. “ WcUs7iUe,.VhrisUer, Bridgeport.
THE undersigned, after an interval of four years, hah
again resumed business; Having complied with
the requisitions of th? law regulating Sales at Auction,
and havingproeured a first class License as Auctioneer
for the City of Pittsburgh, he offers his services as such
to his friends and the pablic; generally. Wlthon/expe
rience t>f nearly thirty yeorsin this line of
hazards nothing In saying that tie will be enabled to gj ve
entire satisfaction to all those who may feel disposed to
patronize him. . P. McKfiNNA, Auctioneer.
Refcrsto the principal City Merchants. • iy9
: / Aactltm«~MaUy Salop.
A T the Commercial . Sales Rooms, corner of Wood
A. Ond Fifth streets, at IOo y clck,A. M ,a general as
sortment of Seasonable, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods,
Clothing, Boots arid Shoes, Hats, Caps. Ac.
AT 2 O’CLOCK, P. M. }
Queensware, Glassware, Table Cutlery,
LookiogGlasscss, new ana second hand Household and
Kitchen Furniture,Ac. ;
‘ AT 7 O’CLOCK, P. Mw
Books, Stationery, Fancy articles, Musical Tnstru
ments; Hardware and Cnilery, Clothing, Variety Goods
Gold and Silver Watches, Ac.. P.M. DAVISi
jafltnf . : , ; ; Auctioneer.
EMBROIDERIES, Silks, Laces. Fringes. A;., open
for a few days, at M*Kenoa’s Auction House, (tec
ond floor); A large assortment of Embroideries, Silks,
Laces, Ribbons, nid*Silkand Thread Gloves, assorted
colors. Silk Fringe» wnh a variety of fancy goods. fjel
p. Bl> DAVIBi Auoßoriesri
BUGGY. AND HARNESS at Atrcriotf.--On Sator-
Uty-mornihgj Juue sth, at 11 o'clock, uJ the Com
mercial Sales Rooms, comer of Wood and Fifth streets,
'willbeaold.lsuperiorfalling top Buggy,nearly new
and made lo order ;1 sett brass mounted Harness.
je4 ■ •-»: - : P. M. DAVIS, Auct’r.
BOOKS at acctios— On Saturday evening, June
stfc,at7fo’clock,ht theCommcrcialSalesßooma,-
eornerrf Wool and Tifth streets, will be sold,alirge
collection of valuable • miscellaneous Books. Among
which are standard library editions of works in various,
departments of literature and science: superb family
biblf-s, in splendid b’ndiog; blank books, letter and cap
writing paper, pens, pencils-,envelopes*Ac. :
je4 P. M. DAVIS, AucPr.
CITY PROPERTY, at Auction—On Saturdayeven
ing, stb, at 8 o’clock-, at the Commercial Sales
Rooms, corner of Wood and Fifth sireets, will be sold :
'One Lot of Ground, situate on Strawberry alley, be
tween Sraithfifeld street and Cherry alley, having a front
of S 3 feet on Strawberry alley, and extending back 40
feci, on which la erected a Frame'Dwelling House,that
rents'for *0 per month, subjecUo a ground -rebuff 623,
73, payable semi-annually f . r
Also, the aoexDired term of a lease having four years
to run from Ist of April last, rn a lot of ground bavlnga
front of feet on Prospect street, and extending back
100 feet, on which is erected a two story Brick Dwelling
House, which rents for S 3 per month, and Is subject to
a ground rent of Sl2 50 per annnn;
Also, one other House and Lot of same size,adjoining
the above, subject to same ground rent, and rents for
64 per month;
Also, the lesse of a B ick House and Lot which hag
six years to run from Ist of April Inst, situate onTunnel
street, between Webster and Wylie Streets, free from
taxe*, which jb rented forSICO perannom,and subject
to aground TehtbfStlU: .
AUo, Lot N0;43 in Cook and Cassat’s plan of Dots,
having a fiont of 21 feel on Carsat street, opposite the
residence or Mrs! Totten, and extending back 122 feet,
snbieet to a ground rent of 20 dollars per annum, paya
ble semi annually. . , . ,
Terms, one-third ca«b, residue in three equal annual
payments, with interest. >
■je3 " " P. M. DAVIS, Auctioneer.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to ail purchasers of
Fine Jewelry and Watches, that Hood isnow ready
to supply you with the' best and most fasluouabl* fine
Gold Jewelry, and at lower prices than any olhtr deal
er inthe city. Ho buys for cash cheap,; and sells Tor
cash cheap; makes large sales and small profits
Therefore, all persons purchasing Gold Jewelry, Fine
Silver WaTe, Watches, , from thißCsiablishmeni,
will bo'aure to get the valacof 100 cents foreverdo lar
invested. Gold Watches from S2oto Sloo{ Silver
Watches froth 60 to 20, Silver Spoons from $5 to
62b, and. other goods equally" cheap . Please call at
lIOOO’S. 51 Market itreet, the only -Wholesale price
Jewelry Storein the city. _ __ tie 3
Emporium of t>lent I
Wir. WRIGHT, {successor to J. S. Tosoh), Mann
• facturer ofand Dealer Wholesale and Retail in
the above named Oil and Lamps,is now receiving a large
assortment of LAMPS,Tor burning the Ethereal Oil, 1
Camphine and Pino Oil. .Also, Lamps of every descrip*
tfon, for.bttrnlng Lard dud Lard Oil. < ,
Chandeliers, Girandole Hall Lamps, Wicks, Globes,
Chimney Mats, Cans, and all things pertaining to the
trade. . ■■
: Ethereal, Caraphlne or Pine Oil, regularly supplied
l onceortwica.aweek, '
All orders left with the . wagon, which is; constantly
passing throngh the city, will be promptly attended to,
N» IL' Lamps of all kinds altered to .burn the Ethe
real OiL All articles delivered in anypari 0/ the city,
or in Allegheny,freoof coat. ■ .
1 * W. 11. WRIGHT,
- No. 82 Fourth BL, (Apollo Hall,) -
between Market and .wood streets...
Eilablbhcd in the Legislative of
■ Pennsylvania, itiui-Perpetual Chaner.
T>RINCIPAb—PrDtrFFy Professor of Tburelical and
J Praciieal Book-keeping outl Commercial Sciences.
N. ILH4JCH,Fjq.;Pioreßsor of McrcantileLaw,
JohsD, -'WjU.iaks, one of the best Penmen in the
WestvProfessor of Ornamental and Commercial Pen
manship. - »
. Pi' • Hayz>k& Principal of the Classical Department)
1 Professor of Mathematics and Classical languages.
. Those.whoaepire to ihe.blgberrank asAccotmtants,
are requested to call and examine the credentialsof this
Institution, from upwards, of one hundred Merchants)
Bankersanil Accountants, in this city, who have been
trained for business in it.. Al»o» ibe enaphatio testimo
male of the American Institute, the CbamberjHSSCom
mercc, and many of the leading Merchants, Bankers,
and Bank offieerstfor* the eity of New York) appended
to the pages of American.
and > Western Steamboat Accountant w
DafT« Book-keeping, 192 royal octavo pages. Harpers,
New Yorkr-price- St,so Duff’s: Western Steamboat
AccountdnVcompleieVwhbNand’sTime Table,Bl,o9.
<; Merchants and steamers supplied: with thoroughly
trained accountants, onapplication at the College.
* Pcndnnd gefaCiroolar by mail. ■ (mys 7 •
■ r ;. v.. ■•4.. . •!-■■ <
~*■• ■:*
‘ *. • -V -.V
tj-- • . .. -.J.T* * -■■ • «••*.••• . •. I. - • . i, . -
•: i':- "• " • > -*>- • * • . - t-
*i v ~v-.V “■ . ..V,...
vs&r #: ?:>:■?,.
r«fvfv*'v : ''r S r-■• .v •' •, ...
\L > ~ „
%psr \ ?’* . »y, i\
DctlueOf Coins.
» KiQhßntfe vßfroisert
fifth Struts Pittsburgh.
Stateßank andbranchu .« -ft
Ctnetnnartifaftfcf.**'..*..} •
CirtltviUt {Latorence) }
Columbuxßank' >j
Xenia.... .......... ...|
Ma55i110n........ ~|
Geauga.. .«• •. •»• ♦
ChiUico'.he* . »*|
we pay *- . ...gU
Xonoalk, “ “ ......70
Lancaster^.}\ . lt ......00,
Hamilton, .90
Canton, .
ITrbana, a . .•■•»-00
Granville , “ “ •••.*
Stfubmeitfe, • 40
Marietta, • li -«.-.*.00
Miami Exporting Co*• • • *6O
Slae Bank and Branches 00
Bank of Illinois'- .....•••75
Rtairin.- ..••>«*--—r v.v; ““
Insurance Company • •».•■ -■5:
Sfalfl/ifonfc.«•*”* • —. «r** *5,
Farm, and Mech.Bank’.Vt-
St. Clair nosale
State Bank •«-••• I
jlW&an&s* ".S •
iVetff ypri (prem.) • ~ I
PAiiarf«JpAta.- u< ! • • **l
Baltimore .* •.•*“* ■• •* r I
Amer. Stf«r(prdn.). • • • »—ls.
OW«.. •do. • »*rfo* *
0Min4»05*...»«..... v **Ss €0
Sot'erfffgTii ••*>••4 83
Fredenekdors . ....••.7 80
Ten Ihalers- ........ ~-7 85
Ten Guilders- • • .3 90
LaMitjfors* 25.
Vapoleons- ••• • •••••*••• *3Bl
ftmbtam.Spanish 05
Dueau.-r-...:* 2 05
Auction Cord*
Hear Ye X - Hear Ye X
_>: r
■•/ «».; .•’■ v/'' 4 V. «.
V - • - .V: .£' t
. i t '* *■»*
BEUMATISM-— Dr: Brown'* newty awcovted jt«a. ;
edy for Rheumatism It a speedy andcertotnremt dy
forthtipalnfolirouble. hncvemj!**
Office and Private COhsuliauon Room* No. 41* DlA*
MOND, PiusburghvPenns.Tho *iW* *
hom* March 83>d&w.
Prepared and «oia by jno; yqbngson, 209
Liberty street. : This powerfullyconcentraied pre
paration; the medical virtues of which are found 10 bo
clglu times ihe strength of the original American.Oih
It is put up in bottles at2s and 271 cents,each, with full
directions for its use . In every disease where the origin
nal American OHb&sbeen found at all efficacious* and
itso far exceeds theorlghmlinnower, as toreuderuthe
N.B. The original Oil in Its natural state as taken
from the bowels of the earth* can be had as above—and
will be found gtnuitUi notwithstanding a certr ‘n firm
claims to be the only Proprietors,
d& J. r.
S' DBTOTBJ his entire attention lo an office
practice; Histbslnessismoatly conSaedio
Frirar*cr7fn«r*o£Du<«*j,ttQd such paio
folaffectfonsy brought oo by imprudence,
youthful indulgence and excess..
- Syphilis*: Syphilitic Eruptions* Gohorr,
heavGleet, Stricture* Dfethral Discbargeti
Impurity of the Blood, withiiii diseases o* the veneres,
origin. Skin Diseases*-Scorbutic-, Eruptions*; Tetter*
Ringworm,Mercurial Diseases,Seminal WeainjcsSjfm
potency, Piles, Rheumatism, Female'Weakness, Month*
ly dappressions,Diseases or the'Joints, Fistula in Ano*
Nervous Affections* Pains in the Back and Loins,.lrriia
lions of the Bladder and Kidneys,successfully treated*
Carcgnaranteed.. . . ... .
Sixteen years’practice (sixin. this, city' enables Dr.
Brown too ucr assurances of speedy cure to &U who may
comounderhiscare. .
Office and private consulting rooms,4l Diamond ay.
fpr Charges moderate. ' .. novfcdAwiv :
.From Dr,Houghton'’s Ifo'c
fSooM of,Coxes and Cones
pcrtidince.’*‘.C*«s l-r Miss
\ A, R.» aged 29 Thia lady
vkls very spare and sallow
• ~had incessant pain, and
uncosinessin the pilof the
stomach.' Two or three
times a day the pain in-,
as to make her scream wlmogony. These attacks bap.
pened sometimes, after-food, and sometimes When none
had been taken. ' She raised mush soar, clear floid trom
the stomachinthemorning.ThesiQmacbatraHeuTrmch
at* night- Tongue coated ahd clammyj ranch thirst; no
appetite. Bowels costive; doll, stupefying sensation in, j
the fofeheadv. Complaints of two years standing uare
her some Pepsin ©n-MOnday. ' Came back in a week, j
Said the pain had not been halt so bad 'since taking the
second dose t and was doily growing less. ; The conat'int
gnawing was also gooe. Appetite improved; tongue
regular; heaa still heavy. - In another
week she was entirety free from uneasiness and.
the stomach—raised no acid fluids—head felt clear, and
i every trace ofthe stomach complaint was removed. -
i Cask 2.— Married Lady, aged GO — Paincifiirtatmg.—
•Very stout lady. Had suffered-pahtf usually
. vere,intho region or.the stomach, for three years past,
and particularly intenseafter eating. When at the worst,
. the pain is as if some hard body were being throat Into
thepitoftheatomach andboredin every Much
tenderness on pre*sore. Tris lady used the Pepsin with
surprningeffecl • Sdortaftefthc dose the patn ceased
—sue Tell some’ nausea, and retched, but nothing came
up. . Severer months have pas*ed, buttbere has been no
return of the pain. Tongue clean and.moist; no sore*
Bemarxable Cvwz—Louisville* Ky , May, 1851—On
the 7tb offtlayvlSGl, Rev. AI. D. Willmmt, pastor of the
i Fourth Presbyterian was.and
i had been for a lotfg time confined to his room, anu most
of the time to hUbed^with. Dyspepsia and ChronicDiar
rhoja. and was to,ali appearance on the very verge of
the gravei'and acknowledged to be so bybispnysician,
i who had tried all ihe ordinary means in his power Wiih
i ont effect and at the above named timtfy tbe.patienvby
l the consent of hiaphyMcimi,-commenced the. aseofpr.
i Houghton’s Pepsin, andMo.the as'onishment f su?prise
and delight of. all. he was much relieved the first .day.
The tbiid day he lefthis : room: -Thejeixtb 'day, which
was excessively. hotyherdde ten mile* with no bad ef
fect; on the hfehth day he went cha visiud the country;
and oh the thirteenth day, though nofentirelyrestored
to his natararBtrehgth,"he .was so far recovered iis .lo go
alone a journey of five hundredmiles, Where he arrived
in safety,moch improved inbeallhihaving.htrd no dis
turbance of the taking the first:
dose of Pepsin* These'are factsuot contfbyenable, and
this is a case which ought to. convince all skeptics that
there is a power ia Pepsin. Letphysieiansauadyspep
tiesiiiyestigate. DR. GEO. H.iKEVifERr
Only wholesale and retail agent, 140 Wood st, Pitts
burgh, Pd. Jmygftdkw :
OATS— 193 sacks prime Oats, in store and forsale by
A e«r tioods*
E WATTS A CO * 185 Liberty street, have received
• ibis osYiby the Pennsylvaniaßailroadja large
ot of new spring style CASSiMERES. |my23 .
t;-S. I.AVSLY.
J» liaVely & Co»*: *:
JL/? Teas, Pickles, Fruits, Ac^&c.,No. 203,
(oorUisidft,) oncdoorhelowHand; . ftnvSß:v
. tlas»eli a joniuiim, •
WCHANTS, and dealers in Produce and Firj&urgfc
Manufactures, ifo Water and. i&5 Fiont streets, Pus
burgh, Fa. ' J.:• • ■ Imyl7
OotUtcHatl. -■•
CELEBRATED for neatness of fit, fineness of quality,
durability of vrorkraaophip, and low pricer. Men’s
and Bovs’ Clothing.. Great inducements to buy
ers. -WsifuAy td'pUase. CHESTER,
: •••: ■ .74 Wood street
annual meeting of. inc.SiocKiiomersot .tne Pms.
1 burgh. Cincinnati and Louisville Telegraph' Com-,
paay will be bcltl at the .office of the Company,-in Cin
cinnati, on the let Monday of June next, (June at 10
o-’clock, a. at., for the election of Directors for the ensu
ing year. <. ■ tmyjj - JOSUITA tfANNA.
J\ “Fifth Ward Savings Bank 1 * will be held at the of
fice ofthe Bank»No.4i4Liberlsr.6lieet*onTaesday;ihe
29didayof June next,'at 10 o’clock, A. M.,.with refer
ence *tb having the stock [consolidated into a corporate
company. taprgB:2m} -JOHN aTEWAßTySoaretify, V
BRANIHKS— IN BOND—A. seigneite autl feiicvui*;
sin Brandies—dark andpaler*in qr casks; olso,Na~
poleori, inociaves—under Custom Hous& charge; to
gether with; 17 varieties-of Rochelle, Cognac and Bor
deaux: Bhlhdies of the most superior qualities; in store
and foi 1 sale cheap, by ; JACOB WEAVER, Jr,
my*26 '. cor. Market and First sts.
Gloves! Gloves! GlayisJ
/OPENING THIS DAY, at No; 9>'Market street, a
Vy fine lotof Lisle Thread, Silk and. Colton: Gloves,
"which I will sell ai wholesale prices by the single pair.
Persona wanting to purchase will please call, early, as
1 want to close the lot out. \
. Great Barfratnit ■.
A CARPETS—Which will be found at the carpet ware*
house of .WwAPCHhtock, 35= Fourth.street; As we arc
determined to sell otT.our present , stock of. the above
goods at cost, we inviie'ihc attention of those wishing
to furnish, to great bargains. - ,
fviHtC subscribers to me uiaraouu. Market Mouse, wi.l
X please take nonce, lhaUhcy are hereby called upon
to par SO per . cent, of their subscription, on\or before
Alow DAY, the 14th day of June next; and twenty per
cent, every thirty days thereafter, until all is paid,. .
By order of the. Budding Committee. . -
mygO:td : • H. P. nING, Treasurer.
Wholesale andl&etall*
MANUFACTORY* No. 143 Wood street. JOHN
TIM, now offers fortale, at Eastern prices, a large
assortment of the above Goods, to which the euention-of
dealers is invited. . Also, Carpet Bags, and Ladies >
-Satchels. ■ •- Ifnryl- •
Saloons and Baths*
; TirM. M. WARD would reapeplfolly announce to
W ; the Ladies ami Gentlemen- of Pittsburgh and vi
cinity, that the spacious Saloons at lheJAthenasom Build
ings, are now .supplied with, a superior quality of Ice
Creams,Cakes,Fruits: and other refreshments. Oped
from 0 A.TVf. to 11 P. M ,
. ALSO—The Bathing department will always be found
in order, for Hot, Cold, or Showerßaths, an almost in*
dispensable requisite for the preservation of health. .
Aulgnmsat for ths Benefit of Creditors*
BY orderof Voluntary assignment .executed-cn the
Bth'4ay of the year 1853,cby CULSX, MV
GuAtn A Co:* to BtchYrd T. Leech, jft* the said Clark,
M’Gralh the said Richard T. Leeob* jr, a
Trustee, for the benefit of their creditor*.- All persons
having- claims, against the. said-firm, are reqaested to.
present them to the subscriberj and dll personaindebted
to the firm, are notified to:call on Uie.subscnber, at 133
Wood'street* Pitt§burgh,and pay or arrange the samo.
niyl7 ; - : ;v -'. /•R.fT.rLKECHr'JR- j''
Sear Battery and lcrtlreaia 6alOOii* ; - ;
A &P. SCHILDKCKER, respectfully inform: their.
jCX « old friends and customers*tbattbey are uow pre*
pared, Diamond alley:, to verve op
pure ICE-CREAM,dr the very-best quality,-at all b6nra r
of the day - arid 1 evening. Tbey always keep on hand,
every kindofCabesnnd Confectionary, fresh and aWeeL
Parties atid families wttl be 'JcrV'ed with all articles they
may order, on the shortest notice and on the most satis*
I factory terms- Betdember the place* No. 22 Diamond
alley, a few doors south of,the Diamond. tmvl4:Sw.'
Uafcilaa, ~V«ri>fcnas, .Grconhbuse Plants*
fflHB best collection of;Dablias'west of the tnnun*
i hundred and.fifty varieties.'. .Thprbuin’s
and HoveyWerbeaas* which are uncqaaUed. 'ln fact,
Hovey'aAmericav Republic,and Orb of Day', andThor*
bum's Heroine, S’Ecltpse, and-Sir B*Blhnc, arc-admit
ted to be- the Gerasoftbei- World;--. The above, with
every.vaneiyot Greenbouf&and other Plants, for sale
at the Passenger and Remittance Office-of 2 ,
Eatopeanand General Agent,
~~ 123.Wbnd street .
- . Bropoial* for Coal
SEALED PROPOSALS for dehverias intbo Ftorea,
stlhe WorkB of the PiusbnrghGaa Company* ico,-
(JOO busbeis'ofßUnminau* Coal, and3o,OWJeasbeli of
rSlaek. will be received at ibe Office of the P°l?
til Tharsaayi'J'ane-3dylBsa» :ai £ S.bcloelrjrr. M *ne
Coal and Slaelc to be of and t deUverejLat>
such time^.andxnsachquapues.aa^halfbccppTOvcd
of aiidilirceted. ;The suindartLof-compaiaLon lor Coal
retaining 50 per
Present of IMn.lmnrii G»» Comixnv
• -•. TREaitentionof I>ealer*andthepab*
■*^Hgß>graggß^J^ c ; is respectfully called to the Improved
MeTodednsi manufactured by the: eubr
« I w& 0» Bcribers. -For puntynn&richnesa of
ionev they ftre unequalled, not having the oneven,sharp
and reedy sound of those made byoihers. They, are
mode of roseyroodiof.soperb-workmanship and orijti*.
uai design,making nbeautifol Parior-lnstraraent, s onU
arc admirably adapted for church mDMC. Pealers sup
plied on the most : liberal, terms. . All orders by mail
promptly attended to, and ; lasuuments sent to any
oortof ine country—and warranted. . t; -
p - T. C. CLARK & CO.,
’ 49 Causeway street Boston, Mass; .*
-is ; ;Botleo. ; rt-yp.
lUyof June, next, at It oxlocfc, A. hi., for snbscrip*
lion to the Capital Biockoftho“ Filtshargh Trost end
Savings Company,” at: the,Office of Messrs. HAYS *
JPAINTSBi tiheny-Btreeli Fifth Ward,: under the dl-
XeeliOD ■ - - i -t ■ "',v '.r : : : . ■
j. K; Mnorebead, Charles Shaler Thomas Bakevrell.
Morgan .Bobcruon.Josiah -Kiogi Wilson: fil'Candlesi,
Johnß.Bntler, Wm. Lnruaer-jr., Rody Patterson, John
.SfflaU, ; W; J. HoOTrdj, iohnidortison, J. SiCraft, Beov
ben Miller, It. 11. Hartley, tVm. tuchbaum, E. D< Goz
zamt Wm- Sen, Alfred W.Maths, Of. It. Wiliion, Dan
iel Kegley,. John Anderson, L,- Wilmaxth, C. Ihmscn- G.
I B. Kiddle and ThomasFartav,
1 capital Stock, 8200-000-' To be divided inlo djOftq
1 shares, atBso each—Slo per share to ho paid at thetuae
I Of subicriblng. imyihid .
’Sky "VT *- 1 '^* fl?6 *.’ :,V ' t *
’• : -v's , -' -•'■ '
VV-*‘* -*V:
■•.•••••;:••. ’•• -•*V A f £‘‘ .- *" J *l.. ': •f -
■ £y<?„ '
1 *s' * ! *7.
•rs-V)."rv«' TW
•■ ■- : ■ ' -.-■
, fV ‘‘
f %;.*#«--vt
®^ ORK Roo « * ni nXTPHES now
itolithfinf b x l,1 « »ob»«ribef. ; JPo*ioMl»B gfrta'«B
amti 'ouerm* enquire of
ft- CHESTER, 7t glnllbfieldT,
jlii **S*S tail (at
— na Market (met.
corn?i‘ of* himliS®.' Bn , ? Wa,eT «««r
lo Alderman Pa " P ‘ • ‘
'| ilt I.EI—I ho«uu,c.iur,
■ X moro roon now occmnrd bv Mrfl.Vcfvvb, u f' t,.,i
&J>avu,iVpJ3J Matkeinrew,
on the Ist of Ann.. rnqmre'of K “ lo *> PWoJMU.
lanSilf CltAtt. H. PAULSON. Nn 73 Wood RL
V Rjr acres of Land. Then* arc on the premiw* a
good Frame House; twoßarns, foarfcuwredFrtili
i'recB,and art excellem poring 0f -Woter. SUaoted on
the Bcnverßoad; four miles from AlJecoenV Cltr ' -
Ttggy . THOMAS MOFFTrr.asg Fifth street. -
■ ••■■Par Kent*
1/ ihe tva'reliouse now occupied by me. &i r & drag >
store on tste comer of Liberty and mod streets. - A
good location for business of any kind. Possession
gjyen irnmndmieiv. fmtiat JAMKS A« JONES, -
Por^Saie«~" * -
A T.*fAwJ3 Dwelling House and tat,situated on Clay:-
'•A »Uey>^o.-31../;Tfie;boaett.isaO by-lS,Satorie»Jilgb, -
piiL a crt!.« K bjr 10, ol l« sl» feet from byS7t!eep.—■
Price saoo . CURTIS 4 D«BB.<Agl»/'
■?y B ‘ 1 No laa^cor.of Wood.andFifthala;.
O ARDENS FOR Sale—This bean
. wtli inosvnpfacc is now offered lo per-
Thl- 3 TOhnr»"is.n d i''i' B^ 05 an <y>aal‘hvcoonuy tesidence.'' sold together or m quantities to shit
Apply immediately to H
j£i THQMASiroFFITT.g) HAh sb
■ or exchange for
VXPiusbargh raanufacinrcßyFive Lots,each iOOtTy £SU
. fca, situated i»n Thomson Kell’s plan of Benvlllt ftont
-011 .Willis s reel, and in smilplim'knawn aalois Nds.
18,19,20,21 and 24. Enquire or
id THOMAS MOFFirr, SOWth st.
TPOH SALI->-A Choice, niece of altttated
1l? vMlunfour mites of the city lioe,contiuning,some
60 dcresyparUyimproved, and has.alargc collection of
selected Roil trees commencing’ lobear. This property
is retired« and ntbst dc(iral))6 for country terns of any
offered : Those wishing to purchase most apply soon to
jeltd THOMAS MOFPITT, 20 Fifth atrcfeL
Fuk KENT.—From the Ist of April next* the;
BHa gtote.-with Dwelling attached, on the corner of -
anil First streets—a good business stand
for a Store orTavemy it being only one squarefrom (he
river-will be rented low tor a good tenant. Apply to
mariSitf , ' • . .. N 0.232 Liberty sv ..
A FARM—Onthe Yiougheny.Oi mHesaboveM’Kees
- Xa port, comaioinr I47acrea, 70 of which Lsprime riv
er bottom; about IUO acres in cultivation. The whole
- Farm is under good-fence; a rew Brict 'Hußse t of six,
rooms ahdceltartWiih a double porch, cxceltentspriDg
ond spring Imuse, out-oven, barriycom crib, granary
and wagou shed, Supple
and pears of an excellent quality;adder press andsu
gar camp, and an acre of coal in working order.- . Price
86,000. Tcime easy. S. CUTHBERT, -
Jet 50 Smilhfifeld street.;
M TIIE subscriber offers for sale, a two -story
BRICIC HOUSE, situate oa Chatham street, be
tween Wiley aod Webster; The bouse contains
seven rooms,-nad is welh fintshedthroughout. IJelng
convenient to ihe most acUvebualness parts of the city, ;
ttisa very desirablo dwellicp for a prLvate residence,
if not dispoaedof beforeyhe a4Ui cf Juue,it wtU bfr of
fered atpnblicenteion thatday,'at3b’c!oek, P. M
i Pereons wishlng to purchase, will please apply to Mf-
Jackton Duncan, corneroi High, street and renniyWa*
nia AVenne. who will give all necessary infonnaUon. -
JL, toll gate iuiheboroughof South Pittsburgh,: all
within five minu'es’ walfc of lbe Monongnhela Bridge/
These lots ore oflarge size, fronting on Carson street
and theUrownsville turnpike, and are aroongthe test
lots for baUdingpnrpotes on that side of the rlver r one
of thesebeing a large fdt extending from onCstreet to
the other, .and adjoinwgtfietoll hoidd lot. L >
: TheyWiil be sold low, and or reasonable terms; Title ;
perfect, and clear of inctunbranceir i Enquire or v.
r.vNo 51 Grant sr;' v. »
xV/Sewickley Creek, fifteen nules below Allegheny
City, an>l-aboattbree-qaarters of a mile. from the -Rail
road, contaihmgflß ncres,23df’which: TsrlclFbottom
lOnd, well adapted to gaideDtog -OT ' par- ,
poids. Tho baiancels upland, welt-situated, and well
timbered; has a young orchard of about tOUUirsßylrceo.
It is well watered. It has a small house on It, and ma
terials ready lopnt tn> a new one IS by-32 Ills expect-,
ed that a radroad station house will be pat up wilflin i
mile from it. For terms enquire of 1
Real Estate Agents, - over Patricks ondT Friend's Bank*
ing.Hoase. sls» * •> • fmy29-
C\u*av uh Tnli KAtt—ltiu ijußtielsriusi received ant!
; for sale by JOHN B. SHERKJFF, -
- - *• —— --*• -lOMarkcrstrcetr^
rxupa>Kii for the PnbUeadoa
Sealed Proposals, endorsed severally w Proposals for
Publications of ihe“ Pennsylvania Archives, 1 ’ aml Pro*
posalsfor" Re-publication of the first ihreevolnmesof ...
ihe Colonial Records,” will bo received.until the 12rii
d«y of JUNK next, in the office of the Secretaryof the
Commonwealth, fbr.the publicaiionof lie “’Pennsylvu- .
nia torihb'Te-pubficßtion of the first
three volumes of the u Calonial:Records,” agreeably to
the provisions of tbe following sections of the foUowisg
l Acts of Assembly:
i An bctp’aviditig'foT tht. publication of .tie Colonialßt*
eoidSf-andctfier original papers in it,a cjfice qf the Scert
wrp Common tceafia.
SecliotrU Be it enacted by the Senate-and House of ;
Repiesentaiivesdfthe Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
ittGeneraTAsserablyinei, and H- is hereby enacted by
the authority of rihe same* That the Secretary- of the
CommonWealthbe, and he is hereby authorized and re* •
quiredto continue llie. printing of the .Minutes of the ..
Proprietary Goverame'ii and Council of Safety, down
to the adoption.of-the Cdn'limttonin the year onelliou* - .
sand seven hundred and ninety, froth the point at wUch
the third volume of .lhe.CdloniatHeeOrds-ierininafes,' in -
the same shape aud style in which the volumes of 1110%
Colonialßecord* .alreadyprinted.ttrepubUshed—each
volume to contain uotle« than eignthandred pages,afid
thatthe number of copiesof each volume shall befifteen
hundred. v
Sections. That it. aliall beihedaty-oftheSeeretary
of the Commonwealth, immediately afierihcpasiage of
ihisActi; to "write proposals lor the publication of the
records aforesaid, giving public notice ft»uHeast one
month in two-papers published inPhxladelphin,Pltifl
burgh andHarhebum which proposals shaft'state the
price per volameiand shall Include the failhlaland literal ■
transcribing: Of recotuaiaforesaid* under^tbesuptr
iniehdeiice <.£ iheSceretaryiihepnhlicauonandbmding
. in a tnahnef umforin Wiihaiih ndtirileridr tplfie volumes
of theXolonialßcCords.already: published, finding all -
material, ahd.thedßliveringdf tcem'to ihcStfcretaryof .
the Commbjrw'eftllh rjwhich proposafs "
at the time, oppoimed: by the Secretary, fit pTOihnce v of :
theGovernof, Auditbf Gen'erai-abd State Treasurerwho
shall thin, with the Secretary, proceed 16 allot thectw
tract to thelowestund b'e»t responsible bid tler.l'rovhlv
ed,Thatbef6ren3?ig iiig the contract a* sfoYesaitiylhfc
succesiftiibidder shaftciitef'into bond-to the Comim^*' 4
wealth, wi!h txcHsWiidieSaffidehtsureties, iivihe -ftoni* 4 -
of forihe taitldhl fitiS}* 1 ' “
Went of his contract wbtch;bond‘shall beapprovedrby'
the Governor before beingreceived.; r
. Secxiorip. ;Thal Usball be the dniy Of the Secretary of
the Cqramonwealihveo Soonnstheehureritthi&erofcop- -
ies ofaiiy one volume shall havebeen delivered Into hia 1
office to certify thatfact.tethe Governor,-who'shin
draw his warrant on the 1 - .
duetKfiCoiuractorflCcordingtotheconiract,whiOh shalL.
vbepaid.cut ofaay.moneysinthe treasury hofoibsrwtsd .
-appropriated? Provided, That.the Secretary shall not •
that the contract hasbeen carried out in accurdanee with
the traeinlent and meaning qf.this act. and espcrially
that tire volume, aspublished, is a I aith/hl and Uteralcopy'
of the original. r C
SectionG That the Governor Is authorized pad-iv •
quested to :appoiat some.competent person, whose duty
it shad be .to select fof publication, such. of ihe:originalt
documents, leuersj treaties, ondjothet papers, prior in s
date to thepeacfcofon&llioasandeevcn hundred ajul v
eightyHbree, no w preserved ip theSecreiary’sofficc aa.-
may ee deemed 61 sufficient Importance to be published f.
and toanunge thcmaccordirigto datcahd subject in one > <
or more volumes, uot cxceedhtg five of the size of the
Colonial Records heretofore primed: which shall be coll* •
*"•- '
• SectlonS-ThftUtshaU.beUiedntyjOf the Secretary of
the Commonwealth, immcdiavelyutlertho , ‘Pennsyf?fc..
nia Archives, ,v aS aforesaid,UTe prepared for publica- -
tion, .to procure, the printing of fifteen hundiedcople* of
the efititC'Series immediately in the same manner, and
under thesamereitiierions,asareprovtdedinihesecoud -
and third Section* of this TefeTence-tarftcpairnyt
cation of iheOoTooiai Records.
; An Act supplementary to anAct, entitled AaAet :
the publication of tbe-Colomal Records :
and other original papers in the office of . the Secretary ofc
the Commodwcahh,approved, Feb. 15,185i. .. .. .. ....
I sylvdiila Archives,ndwreBdy:forpubllcaUbo,itisindls«i
\ : pensably neeeasary io the proper execaaon of the-woifc j
that Jls pdblicaUdh superintended', by.some ae- ...
curate and compflteniperion^tuefelbre.
• 5 Uia Senate »r.d BMW of
Representatives of. the.Commonweatth of Pennsylvania
. fiHuillKe'» of Uteedtiorto-t’e-,
eo'te WenUre intention lo lit# publicalitm of Ar
ehiTO«. to pinpntn- - neccsßtXT, ; n oie a, (names, nppen
dSM.animcHbUmrnistteJas.may be necessary aud
nrooer. in doing whtc.K hi eballbe anthpnied to publish
such pipers of a date later than aesemeanhunired and .
eiabts>ihree,as?baUUi:btBjadgmentboneceasarytoglve‘ : .
i a oieafamlcbmpfehehiive view ofany tracsactfon com«-‘--
. , , - ,
Section-L-Thatthe satd Editor
tharixed to pTbcare:.tbo lith.ograpbtnff of such plant of
imitles,fi>rtincati6Di«,lndian mopsj indiandeodsorojher t
similar papers now existing Archives, as he -
ahalliudga-necessary. to iho. proper illustration ofthr**
Vaid u : Pennsylvania the expense of which. -
shall he paldootOf anynmoejsinthd treasury ' -
wise appropriated, alter being audited and examined In' <
ihcnsualitamier..... , . . * .
gecU6hs 'Wat should the numbetof voluthes firodin V
the Act4o-Which4hUis a supplement* prOveineirifiMetii
to contain thdomirejSuudierof popersnow sclceted for
i publication, be the duty, of tho Secretary ofihc
Cominon-weaJtlitocauscßachadditionarvoloineß.asrnav -
be necessary to coiUalntthe enurßohllettlon, to bepnhi
fished by the tfoniractor in thosama manncr-os thouMi
' ao number of volumes had been fixed by the Ac tto whleh
there isa supplement. • -- yt
: cßcctioh7.-That the-Seerofaiy ofjhe
be authorised to procure the te>pal)licadorv of tbefirw-'
.thre&voTui&eaof tito Colonial Record?,uniform whh lbe,
present ediriony to be published and dh inbotod sccord- j
lug to ihe ptovisions-of this Act, acd lbo ACi lo whlca -
this isasupplement;-and that 10-t&emaklflgofacQntract
for the publication ot the yennsyWanla Arehlvesr and 1
first three volnmesof-the Keeord*,. the <. ecretanr.of ,
Commonwealth be directed to provide for the pablieation .
of ntleasLone volume per month, .and .tie authorized to •.:
talcoaochineaxures as will ensurethe faithfiilperlonn*. .
i ance of Uiosaldcomracu " _ . . , "
The contract for the publication of the ColoslaL Re- -!>;
1 cords.p ro vided fo r in the ad Sect ion of tho Act fifst above •
ottotedihasjiaready beenmaaer andbidaerswdJeoßilpe
ueir Proposals to the Eennsy Ivonia Archives,” and the
rc-Dubllcaiion of ibo first three voUunes Colon- :
hi BeeOids,” or to.eilherOne or the other,- aseachwill
• - ,; v .
- vTßldaerh wilt observe tbereqaireoewa! of
tlonot the Act first above quoted, aodof the7thS«Uoa.-
of iheSopplement, as no proposal fulling lo embrace,"i.
them lacvcrypamoolarvcanbe,considered.^ ,
of Sureties, for:the. foitbfal■ fafiUme&L of the'-Ct^lWtt U -•
should accompany the 1 ,
- *• Sscrcfafy qf tit CwieiaOWrenA. **
rtadyndblWttdinmy.ta foundinelUmfaijrio Uiirjtfe, .
oftoHwe; , IWt
*' r .'-‘ '■•v
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— t 4 J i' * . ■>/ -r 'j - "*
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For Sale.
Ilauis ami Lot (or halt*
farm formate*
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/« * -'V s 1 d
* X
V v 5