'V*- . * * -s*«- <** 4 *v* * 3»v KK"i' .’A>V‘ v-,<*;*•;’ -‘vv-'' ;-xV v'& 1 —Tr- v f{ i; ;.,;§!' ~ r ' '*- KSlSSiPtittw¥mlsa:^^ r 4'v^4, v, £T-ft- t;U* " ,l 'f •? o’ v a ->r-$| Vi.-.a: ** J.'*v-n v ■_? »;•:«♦ ■,--Wj.-'_l»-. if. *, ,t;.-.-tfii'iiui-sfX 7 ''*'-- v -'*• <'■*■"#?*•»»'•• f-V ' » ! . . .‘ ,;.:v ••■.:?*••» , -;•!■•. . -T--.; : - : .'-• ...•*> .-*- -.- ■•. ..-..i -?• <• !•<«’.«- v , '-:'*.*.r"v••►‘- - :/>■. - w-- .’;, -.< •-:' * : ,-w - s - a ' : --=l^V~rc%v.7'-h.r!J .-- -■ ' ■.— ■>:••• ' aPSv** * tf a*** T* {■ * r*y jjff-Jf. f (S.-*i-,V, ».V! M, sSt«?sr&»s- * c fSSI 4 ’IA.Si £• w.S* i. Src&ypjfl {oos ' ■' jßwp' %^ll wwwSfcjsgg’gp pfe p||||K mWBp fillips WH -met gjePPßitefdll nttraMßa HMM$| d®My w^mO^MOMM O% L*' t '; f.+;lj>.;.-»". + ;1j>.;.-»" v. -. •• 'K';-?’ r 2i *U ‘V*!-* f ?** r *f --W *<-..?*■ *> •■-;:• ;• ..r .■■■>•.- : •■ 'i,V•;; . ; ; -; •;.. >■-,<■.■. . • >’. >\* ": : .!' r: r ■}',■’ •'i. , , ;f pi«, de mock a tic ticket. . lo* FEEBIDEST OF TUB TJKITBO B ’^ T * 9 ‘ _ . •iAMESSUCHiVNA.N, ' JO* TIOB FBEStOBHTI W-ItlilAM E. KING, , _- _ OF ALABAMA) *• - subjetl Jo tht ,ame ef3‘on 'of fatkwb eoDHTY. ___ f agr^gjgggf^aM^ Sn ftps V * lailti ftinming .. THOMAS Ml HI • ttbCT bm®** m»****v ~ Hgrper ft Phillips, Editors ft Proprietors PITTSBUEGH: , SSmoSkno m*6roitAi. ticket. « ngwATOtrl SLEGTQB3 v ■ * - (IEOBGE W. WOODWARD - - - VviLSON McC ANDRESS. Gen. B. PATTERSON ;v-,- V - : imejIKSnSTAWE eikctoub.. ~ -i •• , -.■-•■■■■ • ■ •-SiS?S” K,¥S“- '-'Si®S£ SssSSfe. iar^“ a a-~ mu’ 21st, Andrew Burke. , - flth, David rister. 02a William Dunn. The truthfulness of this old saying was beau . Wally illustrated in the case of one of the gen- Lon who desired to be * J[*£. of Sheriff, by the Whig Convention. ?h«Mp" tletnan is the son of a former Sheriff. and he conclude in.his own mind, that, inasmuch as Ms father had been n Sheriff, ho had a const.tu- I t; otl) d right to follow in the footsteps and offices \'of his worthy progenitor. Ho accordingly an ' hoanced himseir ns a candidate for Sheriff, and - -managed to obtain a few delegates. On the ‘ coming of the Contention one of the prominent = em’didates met him in the court house, took him 'w the button-hole, conveyed him behind one of the euhramsdn the rotunda,, and told him that if •he would withdraw his name and get his dele-, ■gates to vote for him, (the prominent), he would: ■' ' give him a situation in the office, With a salary , of’sBoo- - The other replied he would think of ( it, and probably accept the proposition. They •paYthd, and the gentleman to whom the bid was made, at once sought the other prominent can didate, and told him the proposition that he had received.'; The other replied that if he would -transfer bis delegates to him, he would give him fl situation with a salary of $l,OOO That was talk enough, and the delegates were accordingly Handed over to the highest bidder. The ballot-. taecami'off, bnt unfortunately for the hopes or thf gentleman who expected a situationi and a salary of-$l,OOO, the candidate with whom ho had last bargained didn’t get tlm nomination, and of course he cannot get, the situation with; the $l,OOO salary. What makes his case still; more afflicting, is the fact. that the successful can didate, .who bid $BOO for him, now considers bun extremely “ spurious,” as the Colonel would say, and is already deliberating ns to the means he shall adopt to kick him out of the'Sheriff’a office in a pious and temperate mnnner-tr.Vn ho is . elected. • • ■ . . , , the conrse of events has caused a great deal of trouble, tribulation and melancholy feelings, to the gentleman who sold himself so essentially, and we understand that it disturbs tho minds of some of his nearest reUtivcs in a serious man ner- ' However, we can give him some consola tion in his trouble: We promise, with all sm oerity, that the man who wanted to buy him for SBOO, juBts2oo les3 than what ho thinks he is. wortS, will never be Sheriff of Allegheny county. We would, therefore, advise him, ns a fnead, to endeavor to make fair weather with tho Demo c ratio aspirants. Same one of them is bound to ' be oleoted, bnt ns they are nil men who practice ecou'omv, ho must not be exorbitant in his de mands/ If ho does not ask more for himself than ho is really ,worth, perhaps some one of them might frgy feiP* / THB ASSOCIATE JUDGE. Yesterday we received a note from a worthy citizen ashing questions-os'to the identity o John Gemiabt, who has been nommoted for the offioo'of Associate judge by thowhig convention. He nays that a man of that name is often seen “ diving into a doggery that is kept by colored folks at 127 Third street.” The writer nleo asks “does he go there for his refreshment? or i 3 he taking lessons in dancing ? They (the nwoes) often have balls therc-eometimc all night—-to the great enjoyment of the neighbor hOOd.” . . . .. : The gentleman -who eentus the communication baa made a groat mistake: the information dc gired should havejbeen requested from our con temporary of the Gazette. He knows aU about Mr. Gebhart, and understands aU his prodm ties, from "snowy white to sooty.” We cannot suppose that the Mr. Gebhart who is sominatcd for Associate Judge is the person of that name who attends the negro danee-house. To quote Doctor O’Toole, -without desiring to apply the . language in upractical sense to Mr. Q, our cor respondent must hare mistaken him for “some other blackguard.” We are told that the Mr. Gebhart who receiv ed the nomination was at one time ahigh official under Governor Ritner, who considered Masons incarnate fiends; and negroes, angels dressed m mble. The Mr. Gebhart we speak of was a man after the Governor’s own heart He loved ne groes, hated Masons, and conld devour any giv on number ot~“ littleJiogs,” when well roasted, if he dined with the Governor. If'our correspondent, who signs himself A Triena to the Maine law,” wiU address the edit or of the Gazette, we suppose be can get the in formation required. He knows Mr. Gebhartr we do not, and cannot eay anything on tno sun. ieet except that we do not believe that he .is tne Gebhart who visits tho negro danee-honse.«: ■■ :jysp»The most complacent piece of impudence, we Have seen for some time past; was the.re* ■ marks of the editor of the Gazette on the rcanlt of'the nomination for Sheriff in the Whig Con tention of Wednesday. He assures his readers that Mr Jones and his friends were satisfied with - - the' result. This is simply a bald-fapedfelse -1 Uoodp and: to proto it to ho such we need only remind the editor of the hisses and groans, both loud and deep, with whioh the announcement of JlhgUTa noinination was received by. a large por lion of the members of the contention. ,We do nottew'hOwTUModes felt'on the occasion, but * much mistaken in the man if he Jußj'jfaScient of the oraten in him to admit that Itiaall honest and fair for him to permit such rnSas MaffU iaud' the editor of.the Goatt* to gwindle'him out of the nomination, and to make Mm bow complacently to *• they have defrauded him, and propose towhmtlc him down'with thecdol statement that the editor » WBS pleasedfo-seo'Mr. Jones’ -ready adqmes eseein the- decision of the Convention. Mr. Janes acquiesced in nothing of the kind. His manly feeling and self respect not permit ' him to applaud thehase triolmtlmtcheatsdbim and thewaority of the party to whi& he m.at “t Tf the expression^of his,friends are the feelings of Mr. Jones himself, hich the ffasrfmfaUoi- heso pteas?«»twliai the votes sre eouafceff off iieitt ttetoDer. VVKKKIiY SIOSKY ARTICI.B' ItjriH be seen by our tables pubTishedc wheretbat'there baa been cons.derablechaoges in Stock during the pest Btmk stocks have greatly advanced ‘ in pr.ee, Mid so have Pittsburgh City 6Jr- and Css stook- Money iB .considered abundant There is no change mthe rates of discount ; - Money continues - uncommonly abundant in New York and other Eastern cities. A New York paper of .Monday, Btates that /.‘loans, arc. freely made at 4(2.5 per cent Loans at to days have-been made at 4 per cent. First class short paper is passed at 4@Gper cent. The offerings at Bank are quite small. One Wall street Bank it is' Btated, liad only fen thonsana dollars at the last offering day.”- - - The Philadelphia North American of Satur day says: I ‘Money continues very abundant at previously,'quoted rates. First class' paper, very littlo of tvhich: Uiofloat, is placed at 6®G per cent.' Second class and long, paper, ranges from GJ to 0 per cent.* ' The Boston Commonwealth of Monday says: ■ The Money Market continues remarkably quiet -with no change in. rates worthy of. moto. The demand is very limited, while the supply iB over abundant- Very largosuma aro at: this moment lying'ldle in the hands ofcapitalists, the present. I iigureß for paper not meeting their ideas, and ["with the libpe-of returning-stringency they arc | looking to the future to Tolieve theui, but at the pxpeuso of others, should theiehopos bo rcaliicd. We do not, however, antioipata any euoh result, anil the next three or four months, and perhaps longer, must' naturally, keep -•good . the present favorable condition of finances, and most pro bably increase the already large amount of un employed capitah ‘ Thei/ondon advices .continue to show n con stant accnmulation or idle funds, and a very low rate for the use of money. 1 Farther reduc tion in rstes'ean hardly' be expected as capital I has been so long n drug on the market, so far ■as regards the moans of its profitable employ-, ment-. The railway. companies arc taking ad vantage Of the. cheapness of: money, and aro paying off their- loans-at high rates, and re borrowing tit lower, generally ill@4 per cent, per annum. A telegraphic despatch announces, the suspen sion of the -Government > Btock Bonk, at Ann Arbor, Michigan, in oonsequcnco of a heavy run upon it for specie. The hills of this Bank are secured by depoaite of Government stocks, and no lobs will accrue, to the holders of bills. Onr information leads us to bcliove that the sus pension will be temperary only. The coinage of tbo Philadelphia Mint, for the month of. May, 1852, was as follows: Gold. Doublet Eagles Eagles..., Half Eag1e5............. Quarter Eng1e5...*...... One Dollars 107,382 18,505 32,445, 108,120 218,140 630,542 Silier. 2J V 5OO HalfUollara....... 100,000 Dime 5....... 1,820,000 Three Cents..;.,.. 2,481,042 pieces 200,280 Cents - 2,744,922 pieces...-....,,..-.—...-$4,210,355 80 com bullion; pebositeii ron From California W *lB@W From other sources... —. *°"i uw uu Total $4,330,000 00 Surer Bullion!-.- 2O,OOO;0O COI.l) DEPOSITS. • •1851. ..55,071,007 $1,101,080 . 8 904,970 3,010,222 2,880,271 8,892,150 2,878,368 8,091,137 8,209,491 4,336,000 January February,.... March......... Apri1........... May... T0ta1..........§17,104,752 §18,401,095 The new hanking law of Illinois is about to he worked very jactively. A fourth bank is an nounced as that of Cairo, at the junction of the Mississippi and Ohio rivers. The circulation is to bo based on a deposit of §lOO,OOO Virginia State stocks, which will form the capital. When the Illinois Centralßailroadia finished, and tliat from the opposite side of tho river projected to run to Mobile, on tho Gulf of Mexico, Cairo will be a great city. Tho new bank is to be denomi nated'tbe' r Virginia State Stock Bank. A new bank has been organized in 'Washing ton, D. C., called the National Bank, tkenotes of which have made their appearance, The issues arc folly scoured , by United States stocks de posited in Washington, .although the Congres sional District has not adopted a Free Banking law, requiring such deposits, as it should do.. A new bank, with a capital of §500,000, will soon be put in operation at Alton, 111., under the, new banking law of that Slate. _ The Panama Bailroad Company aro abont in creasing thein capital stock from §1,000,000 to $2,500,000. Present stockholders fire secured a preference of 11 new shares at par to one old one; which will be a bonusto them, as the stock is at present at 14 per cent premium. ■ The following is tho debt of California, show« ihg the amount of interest and market vMuo in San Francisco: . . . . Value. Amount. Seven per ct Bonds neatly all P»Ta- : < ble in New York, «3f eB Fundable Warrants, JJOJ3 .8 0M Uhfmtdable Warrants, ~ •'Sfflad 3J#,HIO Civil debt of the Slate, bearing 3 per et per month and 7 per et. per a*^ War debt, . _ , «®» MOO.OCO Three per cent, per month gos|ooo 83,410,000 The interest on the first item above is paid ai the office of Winslow,’Lanter & Co., New York. Tbe.tax for this pnrpose amounts to $86,65108- Tho Edgeficld (8. C.) Advertiser says it is be ing established beyond a doubt - that the region surrounding Dorn’s Gold Mine, both inEdgefield and Abbevillo, is a gold bearing section. The residents sin that- locality are busy in the work of investigating its hidden resources. ■i The trustees of tho Bonk of the United States, underTho' assignnient to secure the notes-and deposits of the bank; give notice,that they aro prepared to pay a dividend on the claims estab lished against their trust, in pursuance of a final decree of the Gourt of Common Pleas of Phila delphia county, on presentation of: the, .proper vouchers. . 1 The following- are the rates of domestic ex change between Philadelphia and the points named:. • - Portland; Me., \ -Jr * 1 '* * \ ty owned absolutely by the Corporation is valu- . ..... cd at $2,839,349. ' The Maine papers complain of a long con* ; For a few days past, there has been more ac- tinned drought in that'State. Thp Bangor pa tivity in Warrants in New .Y-ork, With 1 a good en-. pers say th'at the forests continue on fire to t e quiry for 160 acreaCertificattp, (oineet western eastward of thntcity and that groat damage has orders. The Homestead Bill docs net,seed to been dofie.,; Tl>o Halloaed Cultivator consi - effect prices here- to* any extent;but atthelYcSt, j ers tlie mbiith of May- to have been t e with the large number of the smaller denomina-1 since 1800. -r oIATI tiona-pouring in for location, it has bad a ten*. . The. clipper ship Nightingale, om _ ’ dency to depress prices. 'We quote: ~■■■. Ock 19 arrived at-Sldney ?: N. S. * For Certificates, 160 $125@12& each. after a passage of about 91 days, with a cargo, . , i , v.t: 80.. - consisting in part of -.wooden bnclcots. or .. 41 * Australian gold miners. There continued to bo a fair demand for ArnCr john Collins and Turner Clark have been sen riean securities in Loudon. tended to bn hung in Greenup county, Ky-> » n the 26tb inst., for the murder of Justice Brewer and wife. . In Fhiladelphia last week, there were 184 deaths; Of consumption 33, small; pox.fi, mea sles' 6, fevers -10. In Boston there were 63 deaths. Tho Whigs of Missouri have nominated Jus. "Winston for - Governor, and.. Andrew. King, for Lieut, Governor.: ■ : - - Bernard Rogers,.agent of D. Ecech &.0.Q,,. a Columbia, Pa., was killed on Thursday last, by the cars running off the traok. . Horace Millikin has been arrested at Bos ton charged with - obtaining $4OO, frop Adams & Co., on a forged draft. James Wollack, Sr., lias obtained a lease of Brougham's Lyceum, in New York,aud will open it in September next. v ", , * : ; John Sheoffcr-bos been arrested at Columbia, Pa., charged with robbing a man nnrned Johns, in Somerset county, Fa., of $BOO. A rich silver mine is reported to have been discovered near GaUntin, Saline country, 111. It was made while working a lead mine. Elizabeth Richards has recovered $2,000 damages in: New York from John O'Bncn, for breach of promise of marriage.- - _ , , Tho Cannelton cotton-mills, at Louisville, Ky., have been sold to on Eastern manufacturer for tho sum of $204,000.* Tho democrats of Berks , county, Pa-, have called a mass meeting to ratify-the. nomina tions to be made by the Democratic National Convention. ' The Doctors of Boston have raised their, charges; Sickness wilt soon become one of the luxuries of life whiob a poor man cannot State Senator —The following communica tion was banded to us by one of tbc best Demo crats in tlio circle of our acquaintance, with a modest request for its publication. We insert it cheerfully, and will add that we do so with a bnowlcdge that Mr. Roberts is worthy of the compliment paid ■ him by the writer. He is of the “old stock” of tlio Roberts in Allegheny county, and there are hundreds of men still liv ing who remember well his grandfather, and thousands who venerate the memory of bis ,fa ther, and who believe him to be a.wovlliy scion of his progenators. . ■ . ’ : ; WbfiSßS. dlAsrr.it & Pmixirs: Gentlemen—ln tho course of a few weeks, tho Democratic County Convention will assemble to put in nomination a ticket j and ; as it is desirable that tho best and most available men of thoparty should be soleotod for the different offices, per mit ineto suggest tbc name of R..Bibt>m: Bon-. EBls, Esq., for State Senator. Ho la in every way eminently qualified for that post. As a ready debater, he stands in the foremost ranks Of our young men, to which we may add that he possesses .legal. qualifications of no ordinary character, and is withal a gentleman of finished education and manners. Let the democracy consider Ins claims. ■ Pitt Towssmr. , ,$3,340,C40 00 . 135,050 00. . 162,225 00 . 2J0.300 00 . 218,140 00 $4,132,355 00 $10,750 00 10,000 00 54,618 00 ......$4,207,723*00 Copper. 2,032 80 J, * 4 \ 1 ~ \ l* *• * A 4 T - l - ' ’ " s -• * s *„t' * , „ , t 7 ■ ■••• '7 ... • v.-jf i • V 7. " -* ►«*»* * ' * “■ i * * » r V7* 4* A, ' , yV . ‘ ■»». -~ y ’ -T-i ■>- * ■’U-cur- ----- - - • • ■ For the Daily Morning Post. ■ state senator. •• " SEW PtiBMCATIOKSi EoTsnunan BnvxF.v.-Tbc April number of the Edinburgh Review. (Leonard Scott & Cos., American Edition.) has been received at tbc pe riodical depot of W. A. Oildcnfenny & Co., Fourth street Its contents are ns interesting as usual. GH.nF.nov, toe Fnr.KnooTEn ; A Tate of Hero in Deed, and Female Daring. This is a novel of the Radcliffian School, fall of the wild and mar vellous. It is from the publishing house of De wjtt & Davenport, Now York, and is fov sale al Gildenfenny's, Fourth street. BnoTOF.u Jonathan.—The Double Sheet Pic torial Brother. Jonathan, for the 4th of July, has ] already been issued. It contains a represeata-1 tion of the American Revolution; Portraits of the Presidents; a fac simile of the Declaration of Independence, and the signers ffiercof, to-; getlicr with a largo number of. comip wood cuts. For sale at Gildenfenny's and Miner's. Tue Steamboat Explosion at Nf.w Youk.— The following are the names of the killed, and j wounded by tho explosion of the boiler of the steamboat Eastern City, at Sew Vork. onEatnr day. John B- Curtis, engine builder, billed ; J •William H. Sterns, captain, Charles Gorton, en gineer, and Charles Hall, fireman, fatally scalded, and tiro latter died the same evening; Francis Mayo and James Smith, badly scalded, and sev eral others slightly. The explosion was occa-! stoned by a flaw in tho boiler, which was a new one, supposed to have been made in the best manner. It was made to carry 30 inches of steam, and had ononly 14 inches when it explod ed. The boat, at tho lime, was about to start on a trial irip, but bad not left the wharf. ■ . Caufoujua.—lt is a fact, though by no means a singular one, that while California has already j supplied $100,000,000 to the circulation of tho world, she, herself, has retained; not .more than §8,000,000 for homo circulation. At the same time, money commands 3, 4 and 3 per cent, per month. The main cause is evident enough. I Everything that California has, comes from abroad- Her agriculture is in its infancy, and she has no manufactures. For nccessnry arti cles, she can only give in exchange that which she has, and at present she has nothing but •cold. The times will change no doubt. PnoSECDTiox von Witcjjcbaet!—A proccation was instituted bof.ro Alderman Crowell, of Phil-, udelphla, lost week, for witchcraft! The parr ties were colored, and it was charged that the prosecutor and defendant had a quarrel, which terminated in the latter offering to shake the other’s hand. He did so, whereupon the prose outer was seized with a fit and fell to .the earth in a state of insensibility. Ho was afterwords confined to the house for several days. The magistrate refused to bind over for witchcraft, but held the defendant for his future good be liffrior. - , • • • .- Batabo Tateob— Tbe New York Tribune of to-day, says this gentleman writes us from Bey rout,in Syria, under date of April 21. His eyes are perfectly restored, and he is in excellent health and spirits for his projected Syrian tour. This will emhraco, besides the usual route, Pal myra, which is rarely visited on account of the wandering Arabs, with whom, however, somo kind of treaty has been recently concluded, ond the city of Bagdad-dear to all subjects of Ha roun El Knschid and readers of Arabian Nights -and Ninevab. Mr. Taylor expects to meet Dr. Robinson at Jerusalem. . One of tho deck hands of the steamboat Superior has been arrested at Cleveland, ..for setting fire to that boat on her last trip tom Toledo. He bored a hole into abarrol of spirits, which he set on fire, and the barrel exploded, spreading flames around. One hundred barrels of-tbo same inflammable .article was stowed around, but only one barrel : exploded. He was detected in the criminal act, and when the boat arrived at Cleveland, he was handed over to the proper authorities. He merits eovere punishment for endangering the lives of a number of human beings. Mciimcr.xT' Bhqcest.— Thelate Hon. Georgel Howland, of Neif Bedford Mass., in his will, be queathed $50,000 to establish a Female Semi- J nary, and Mbo left it disoretionary with his exe cutors to bestow $50,000 more upon the institu tion upon the decease of his widow. Tbe school is to be established where tbe executors of trus tees decide. Ho also, bequeathed to bis widow, the sum of $lOO,OOO to each of his children $100,000; to each of his grand-children $5,000. The whole of his hequeßts amount to 9C5,0Q0.. - Msssas. Euitohs : 1 deem it necessary ..to say., that the unruly and ’ abominable way that the ; Whig Convention was conduoted, : yesterday, will ever' preyont your humble servant from voting a Whig ticket. Tours,.truly, ONCE A WHIG, « Now a true Domooi-at and for temperance.” - PiTTSBtiaoH, June 3, j 852. Chobeba.— During 4510 ,ast two weeks the J oh olero has boon prevailing nt Cairo, 111, to a considerable extent, principally among German emigrants, twelve of whom have died. Two cases, one fatal, also occurred at Vevay, la., I lantweek. » „ _, •There were 36 cholera deathß at New Orleans during the week ending tho22d nit. Mr. James Dalton, of Canton, Miss., has lost ..ten negroes fre ‘in the disease. - i v Grace Greenwood, thoaccompliaheil poet esit Sidled for Europe on Soturday in the same shite.with -Jenny Goldschmidt. -This visit Will undoubtedly jesnlt seme delightful additions to mnr national literature. . 'V' • -::-y •-: - w.-\ ■ • - , • * »• ' 1 in Chicago fins contracted for 3,000 head of beef cattle, delivered indboToH, nt 3 -o @s-1 per cwt., according to quality. The female seminary, at Zanesville, Ohio, was destroyed by Ore on Saturday. „ John Wise, of Lancaster, has gone to Ports mouth, Ohio, where -be will make his first bal loon ascension of the, season. The block of marble for the Washington mon ument, presented by Kentucky, lias arrived at Louisville. „ , , Madame Celeste toot a final farewell of ber Philadelphia friends Ot the Walnut on Saturday e ’&. alias “Ned Buutliue” has been in dicted at St Louis, for .rioting at the last mam cinal eleotion in that city. , Tho nousc, by a majority of 103 to ,0, agree to give away abont 2,000,000 acres of land to a Bailroad Company in Mifsouri. , Hon. John Barney, who has rendered bimseH •somewhat notorious for his quarrel with the French Minister nt Washington has been hound oTcr in $5OOO to keep the peace, on complaint of the Minister. . o«>trueU»« Fire* Ahoat halt past eleven, on Monday night, the rinlne of the boils announced the of another extensive conßagra- S itfound almost imnislle To lodge of the location of the Ere, ftom thc fact thaf the light was notviSibtc ot nnv irreat distance from tho scene of disaster. members of our gallant fire departmeot were promptly on the ground, anil found tho Smeato be issning from the wholesale grocery C9 -’ No ‘ :i,U ' cvcc * be ' tween Olltc add Jibcast streets. - , • Tho largo stock of merchandize, owned by this firtm was speedily consumed. Their lower Kbfa n”^ ‘Sock of groceries was also burned up, or I so areatlv damaged by lire and water as to bo : nnSeable. A. MoMecban &■ Go. had recently received » considerable addition to their stock, and whet* the firo broke out the amount at mer chandizo in their warehouse WO3 vatned nts;3-,- 000. With the exception of their iron safe, no insured for s2o,ooE),in_the.Onion office Of this city, Western Agency of and the iEtnn and Protection offices of JTnrtford, For ihe Daily- Morning Post. NEWS ITEMS. C< Mr McCartnoy’s stock wasworth about ?25,« ; OOO.uponwhich he hod effected anmsuranoa of $lo;000, which risks were equally divided botween the Union office of this city, the American Insurance Company of , Meesre. Ma4OOU in tne Union office, ,of this city. The geowd.flow of . their warehouse was oconpied hyM«swß.Q. & •IV. Bogers. The loss sustained by ttiaßm is about|s.ooo, hut they are insured for in the \&tna and Protection offices. Their lmsi nesß will suffer no interruption.—®. Loua Vn., May 25. - ■ ’ ... - ; The Susquehanna Bau-uoad Extension to | Bu»bdby.-A largo number of the citizens ot Coal township, Northumberland county, Pa., have addressed a memorial to the county com missioner, urging them to mdko on absolute sub scription of $100,0003 bonds, towards extend, ing the SusquehaniJa Bailroad to l ? a conditional subscription of another $lOO,OOO. They pledge tho township to pay the interest of I $lOO,OOO, the amount subscribed, and exMess the belief that the principal can be paid long j before it becomes due by the increase value of the lands aud coal mines of the county, consequent upon the conebruotion of the road. I The company, which will ho organized .on tpo lQth instant, will immediately place a corps of engineers on the route between Bridgeport, op posite Harrisburg,. and _ Sonbury, to locate the road, and BSSoon as this is done the work will Ibo put under contract.—Haft. Sun. The National intelligencer, states, - from tabular statistics, that there ore in the United States, 10,108 deaf and dnmb persons; 9,702 blind; 17,768'insane, and 16,700 Idiots. Taking the entire population of the United States at [2B 000,000, the sad aspect is thus presented of one insane or Idiotic person in every 730, besides a still larger per centoge suffering from depriva tion of the powers of speech and the senses of sightand hearing. Thirty-four ears, containing 2,79 J head of cattle, hoga and sheep, arrived at Port Jer vis on the 26th of May, on their way to an eas tern market, from Dunkirk. -Of these 287 were cattle, 996 sheep, and 1,514 hogs;. the longest I train bnt one, and payiiig the most freight, of any that has ever passed that station. Whole amount of freight $3,118 30. Lenth of train I more than a quarter of a mile. Wise, the celebrated JEronaut, is getting up balloon nscenaionf in Ohio, for his own profit and the people’s amusement -He is announced to make an ascension: from Massillon and Can* ton, August sth; Akron, Aug. 12th; Bavenna, Aug. 19th. | -J5@P Dr. IK, Worrell is to be hereafter asso- I milted with Mr. Stuart in the editorship of the jBteubenviEe Union. ■ -v ■ ; r. .■«*'?' ■■■: ■ - " D.hUn HVXJyjy.; WEWXMtB AS FIOWER9-W • -^r^ n g«,„„aLodee, I. O. ot O.BWThe . tfcr * BniUoi'U€an^a*«ore, ? and ,ifce te&i^ywcue* 1 '" ? . .) R ■■••—*- • •-—• ■ : Heteye, ftUh« door, orvtbai eveJn,M®y- v ;.• •, “And lake,” site mti, to her young >»»«’* PJ* 4e » •** Front bojy-uaji . i A titie.lovc*iokenof fond vowa ipoken . ■& Thai may not be broken—these flowers of May “In life and in death,if you hold »yo»? ir.aK pvfrihia wituthi ’will be sweet inuccßyi _ Comepoor or WithwealtlijCOine in To my heart yoh’ll bo welcome as flowers in nth >., “ Yet oh! if ever t when ufide seas sever Our hedrtayou waver m faith to me, A true Irish maid Will never upbrniil. p Affections betray’d— from thot hour you re li ‘\l set small store. upon.go}den : 9r?, ' . - ‘“ n caniHdnto fin Sheriff, hnbject w «* 0 U,e Democratic Convention. Bh.TliraHy.— w« ate uuiboriiea tojiiinoubM lion gyCOSOUBSS<-rWe orer«lJ“lejl ®' r * Mnle( i iheir nomination to congress _____ JBBB&BSaSB2SEj}& sireci, near ft nter- „ ' WIM Medal Honey Soap.’ IP. 9. Cle *▼«* • - , ltol » cleaver’s noney | ID* U is a remarwab e wcl, hi h obtained:! w: ™- ihe Pnrc Medal e.\\y . - a ‘ainndacknowlcdged&uC‘ is accounted for by 'to “l* 6 only in England, bat in ■W which it Coramiuee Iho award i cdTh/ " Qt anrSa'S^We w« - » incomptttiwe and boncfi rial qoaliliev For sale by 3. KIDD &CO., 4. ■ co Woodaired, '•vxta&ssat&st jc4: defunct American Vermifuge h> ner have I (oand Df- ‘ f ) )d opcraw«nwims,ih<«edre»aio _ Ve ferret,;ewers tut» of cbildjcn. -Tlhs t oi m ito«mthB cttilctjbunii ibc apeuare of the '4f ihe ivonn*. shakes ihe round ihe etwdttclrjjay clean iheit Aen,and car life but or the replies. swccP' e'ean ', yfUm . This, a. [i",,?tasTefnTe effe 't ef Ore Vern-ifege »po« my child’,rn." Roulalt, Mr.Johnßrigga, adopts to Simile «. Um Ifter bwOnTX-e/ut operation upon,heir « children. lown 6 nd o «”nfr,,V,.dby the soie * C O., . Ctt Wood alxetl r>KOO\IS-l-0 a Atfisit-7# »««“ VoLS? 1 . -1 bbla.'in «o« £ f siM„ V i=> i.' _ —rrT-: T~ “ >vATfiauibin f-JTBale by • • btila rt it Sit 1.- ■,jgXpf=iai.bbVs.No l for »>? ‘-^ r HART & 511. t.. wirniiw 2jj C M(i_C3TSii-F'iin= W>’ EOur ' u ■ K > rcce, ' eli vcr Pcrw%ana s f« Ule y^ruESrsYMil^iS'ball Dbis ini 10 S*»on keg*, \JT for sale by JAS j ES a iIuTomSON & CO. i®* - —- : ' - * -*(*3 Le* ms. fEMONd-yn hand andto ij_ tor Bile yy • G„«n«ndTea DeakfS._ Jj for, ante at Ihc lo»re»'M’CUlHq fc CO. fhRSF.Y ci uEiT vTNiTu Vcu.’, || sale l»y gfiS Liberty riitoP*—CTose* QCiuuiaiuJ. iTuii as *ale wholesale and relftll, by sorted flavors, -tor sale & CO., Tea Uealers ar,d Orocers. . S£o Lihctiy Mice! STARCH— O boxes Osweßo prepared Corn or C Co”lT a «h,f6r PoddipgSj Blnuc Mange, *c„ .a -1 • ff. A- MWM»” & Ca 31ISH— 50 bblg. large No. 3 Mackerel» —AUON—IB,OOO prime Haros;. lihds. Country Stoulie™, torn*. pTjfXNOtcS—On han.latnl to arrive this d«y,3o bxe. prime Orange*. F^A.WmCfcCO, ... „ No.aSG Liberty ttreet. r , h « G£ .un r i lowpncca., •»"*»-- ——-— — - Biceolora' Notice* t 1,1, persons interested in the estate of II|CIIAHU w« v ?^?e7^fpre^«"em’daVi“- c ,'“ l for rettleS and those .knowing them se'ves fndebted, will please mjte immeiliaie payment ta'thC'snbßCribers* WM. M’CANDLESS, ■■■.. Executors I rnuliuTEnlU ArrlVel «it No. *»• ' :| t CO , north-west corner- of .WooJ^sj.; nUdWomond *re juM-opeßlw JL/* Prints Snmraftr Pantaloons, £inftes,Be*. Btocfcofiancy Enms no , Man(!llt9te i o nd Domestic. rsgoPc Sol * eomplsto . assortment? of, S-fsßSrtKsfAsri. we cun offer them on the most co I jed -JZ. .r- V“ New Books! Sew Soolcsr . I P Giw«roy C lhe l Frls»"md“a(«i C or heroic deed, end fe ¥h°e o » eror, Pr ihcnb‘o«’’£ to,:"» B.MWB* * CO.’S Cheap B | o ahfcnptio N «Br?eeivedifen r ; p’er.od.c.l prtMrt. jone4 |>enn»i«erli« - iTbispropertywillbedis less.lo teSsai will secntetoihepurclm p°scd or opon toctt ca , litt ,, tying conligu-- sett o profiiaWem«“m=^ fc ii(y Bf Ccll i ra | Rail ou»tolK B „'Jl,s?™ n ja Canal,itoffold# faywnble ailes rood and Batt no ronae&lemly. divided Into for VVarehoast». _“ a “ 4 t become. nptm ihe com- S lbncU^“^emeft s,iiowii;ptog 5 ,iiowii;ptog« S .itn pleuon of PILE iitvj'gteitf J'entmnced In valne. for bu ana oround tbocnyvgrejuj , fonnoflon apply lo sines# pnrpojes. ronuiuie R q> LEECH, JR , No-lsaWood irtreel,Piustmigb. nufl \V rt ’ B vK:XO H A JSIG Ifi .. 1 B “ TURTLE CREEK, PA , • i l FN BROWN, Frejmeicr.—This splendid and A ttUTmnitions establishment, recently erected hv die A niae w'ndnus ofihe Bradilocl’s Field Plank KESS-abd’neoT the present leiminusafthe-Pennn. Rail -sS3\«rlve mites from the city, ia nose open Jor the re- Snadr Families ana otheredeslron* of escapin? the S>»i of' the city daring-the Snnuner months.' yThinspa cfoaahotelbeingnear thertnlroad.inmpiie.Mononra. Sinn river and 'plank toadiis readily accet»!ble_by oil those means of conveyance rrpm the cltyj and affords a sliivhtfnl summer retreat, ■tstlli pleasant wallin and 1 drives, and beanufttl acenery; It is mogmEcehllrCued ap ana fonlished with every improvement of modern holels-sultesof roote,psrlots,etc. omm^ bus will convey passengers to and from the Depot, on die arrival and departure of trains. _ __• £&&&&%& him in his new location. imyotwaw, i ’ -{f v? y £ ':fP* '' > r ,-*- t* * ■ r 'lT 4.' * * " 7 J-$l. f-■< T S- - ~:n '-. Ct, •- ’, ~ ~ - —* « c« a. o. n. iri»Meet3Sboro the WKellty T«Tegt»pli.Office, cot nerot and Wood streetsyeveryftlonday evening. O. Of O' ®V- PlaeeofJHeelingj Washington TSUbbJIW No 87-HeC.lei .J.d3d FcidtY of<&ch moniP» _ - attended to. * -• • ■<■ ■•. •■■ ■ ■•■• -• jjjTNA INBOBANCE COMPANY, OI Hartford, c0^.. 83 00,000 Capital A Offi«if toiho store Room Of M’Curd, ALoomls, No ® Agent. - I.adte»' Ola»»«»--Dufl’fl ColleB*-„ rv in*-IN' PENMANSHIP, CARD WRITING -AND DiSwiNO; under Mr. J. D. WILLIAMS, end MrP, andin all the of an. En . eli»Uoiid Classical Ednenuon, under Mr-P-HArOEN- TwosnncioUß rooms bare recently been elegantly rnleo up'foilfelr special accommodauon. Call and seethe «TMmgemeaW> -- • • .:•; . ... nhsmberlln’s commercial College,-cor netof Mnrketand Third streets. Insuuction lq■ Bort; Ireeninr nnil Writing ; both 'dQY. Bfld'-CYCAIDga. id#WWB... Wrftlnf and Book-keeping clcsses meet the afternoon. The Principal will Bllend to the settling of Partnership Bocks, opening new setu. correetmger ■ of PenmaQahlpr • - a P |J , ' -BobemiaGift** Worb««- , v «tf»SfHSSyfejS U^sstssss^i&ssi dl Deaier* in Glassware can aave.'from : lQ,,.loW : .pei* , . STeltonU Daf?tiei r®otyp«» Post Office Buildings, Third Street. T IKBNESSBS taken InsH 'wcailier*, -frtfinS A- M - to \i 6 P. M., giving -on aecnrote liiccrie««» unlike and vastly superior the £ 0^ 1 ’ mon cheap daguerreotypes.” at *&e. following cheap priMi,:-*l m%a,W,85 00 84,00,85*10 andnpwnrd, ac cording 10 »lTe ttze andqoatliy «£«“*£? r *™Kf\L, JET* lionra for children, from U A. NTB—LUteuesaCßOf sickor diseased prraonf tnicn in any part of the city. _ Uov2S.ly fr7*DKAFNESS,noiaes intheheaa,and alldisagree ahlSdircharßCa from ihc ear,speedlly and pemancntW ..mAv/d wiiKou; pain or inconvenience,by Dr. HAU.IL i kv FrlnciparAOTiM of ilia N. Y. Ear Bargeiy, who maytaconsaueci atS9 ARCH street, Philadelphia, from Thirteen yea’rs close and almost undivided nttcnlion tft this branch of special .practice has .enabled him.to redneo Tils treatment to snch.a degree of sn.ecess arto Cnd the most confirmed and obsunate cases yield by » i “eady attention to the means prescribed. l»“ •' STATE IBtfTBAjU 1 FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. HARHISBORti, PA- ' " CAPITAL, 200,000 DOLLARS. Designed only for the safer classesof properly,has on amide capital, and affords superior advantages>tnjoint «r ohrnoness. safety and accommodation, . to .City and Country Merchants and owners of Dwellings and isola ted or Country CARRIER, Actuary, ndrlff Branch Office; 64 Smilbfietd ay, Pittsburgh. 'S' - w * ■' Associated trir«Kien'» Insurance Cojnpa azsisssss;.S6« 115"WiUiiuare agauwttIBE and MABUfE BISKS JtfS’ Nv.Vll o~» »"-S **"”*• Charl«K*v’ , William Gorman, VV.UlmnColHngwood, a P Anshuiii Joseph wyc» < ■ .• • a A. V. Al,a ““.^] iam q wrighttr. fi«» rrj» i D calling attention to Dr. fttprawi I E Uvact of follow Dock aut SwapanUa,. wejEeelccofi- I j.r. that urc arcdolnc & seiviccto til who mw be flic led with tcrofulcus anil otter di sotderso rig in &l>ng in tttinuoi from Imparity of .the blood. We have knoMminsiapceswiiblnifießpoereof oaracquain . where the I00 : l fotlflWttblc.OlsHlDpCM. IIWOhtCB iurS&y the USialrtto«w/ Vdlw Dock and Sa h g’SmfhfuE' few advertised.nediei , &«^’’ o «rnwelfLno;n.^.hfm r eflieient /»ud al tbe same time* lcitoxiDua) Bgenislnibe aparilia. See aJgetiitcment rn- The Belt Posiible Remedy for Con ■omptlon.—Dßi WiSTAR’3 BALSAM Ot WILD GilßHKVtis jnfct the remedy ibal a pare minded, an rnjadicca main thoroughly acquainted, wnli irm of p>acUce,ondwefl aeqaimted with ihejvhole Jllaterlftktrdicn, -and experienced fn S c "^tj , ? n c _ U l c h e e r asiho beat pbs«ibic remedy* for the, cure of AJlhma, Bronchitis and Con- C Tl«" tf r n emdy contains the exlioordiusrymedicmal virlnci of the Wild Cherry Eiidlhc Fir, which are eotn lilned'hud embodied in their ulraost power in this artlcld-. •By a nice chemical process, every thing delelcnniuoT uselera is rejected, so, that, -what remarns.islie must exiThordSatY and irnly efficacious remedy for all Studs of pulmonary und liver diseases ■ See advertisement in another colamn... ttnysr.uAiv. Knhampmeni, No. s, mccls lsl and 3d Tuesday s of each Degree Lodge,Np.d,meets2dand4lhTues-, No.9, meetseveryThursdayeven. ’"ftresternSlarLodge, No, ad, meelsevery Wednesday Lodge,No. 18-2, nieetaeveryMonday ev>ng._ MoOnt MOriaS £odge, N0.3G0. mectaevery Monday evening*, atUnton Hall,corner o/Fifth and Smimfieli Zoceo Lodge,No. 385, meeUeveryTfcnrsdayevenlng, at their Unlit cornet of fcJmUhfieldaud l*i&h streets. • * Twin City Lodge, No. 241* meets every: Friday even ing. Hall.corneiof Leacock and Sandusky streets, Al leghenyCuy. ... lmayJy ' ly Plttstmrab Lira jMur«BC« oomp»njr, OF PlTXSbVt.au, PS.StVA., capital ®lOO,OOO. President—James B, Hoon; Vice President—Samuel M'Clurkaji. Treasurer— Josephs. Leech. ' Secretary—o. A Colton. ■ - ■ ■ Omc*.,Nm VS Foohra Siam. ; rri- This Company m«kes .every, Issuranco appei "iBSSSSESt” by other * ! JofntsSnclr t tote°ut'a redaction of one ? lnrd from the MotnSl reteS-equ.l to a dtvtdend of thiity-lbrce and one-third per cent., paid annually tn advance Risks taken on the lives of person* going to poUfor nia DIRECTORBt Jame• S. Unon, Jo*eph ChailesA. Cotton, SamueUrClurtan* William Phillip, John A..\> *>«>»> marlltCm JohnScou. CITIZENS’ . Insurance Company of Pittsburgn. C C. HUSSEY, President. SAMUEL I* MARSHELUSecretsry. OFFICE) 04 W ATBB'STBEETj itciotirt Mart:! and IVosd S'.recc.', ■ ■ Insure* Hull »as CMJ» Bl>*«) ■ Onthe Ohioani Missiisippi Rmt* andtribuiarta. INSURES aiainslLoss or Damage by Fire. _ ■- • ■ ALSO—Agoinlt the Perils of the Sea, and Inland Navigaucn and Transportation. ".. . DHIKCTORS , rt r<. Ifflftcpv.' Will William Bagaley, ::... Stun’l M.Krtr, 1 Ilngb I>. King, . Wlllinm Ulngaam, Robert Dunlap, Jr , 8 JJfJj? «£??.„ -S. Harbaugh, 1 - FttuiCisSoUciw, : . Edward Heasleton, J. Snhoonmater. . * Weller Br>aut, Samaelßea. ' : i )i?aao M.Pennocfc. -Ll*?. Itj- A Hostßtmaranhla Case of. Total Blindness Cured by petroleum,--We lim e the auentionof.lhe afflieted.and lliepublie.generally?“ the cerlißco'.e of William HalLof this cl Vl’_ may be seen by any person who may beslsemicalln re jaliou lo lbe facls there fievforUi. S. M. Kifcit., . ««I had been afflicted several years w»Ch » soreness . of both eyes, which continued to increase until laatfeep* tember, (1830), the inflammation at tlialtime bavingvin-.. volved the whole Hning raembrone of:bbth eyes,aiid. ended mihe deposited athidfc fitm.wbich wholly de sttoyed my sight.. 1 hadron, operation perfoiraea* and the thlelteninf lempTed, which me in as bad a condi ion us before. Alibis hjageof. the comoinint 1 1 made applicauoino. several of ihe mosl eminent medical men, .who inlormeil,me lhat _my eyw would never get well.”- At this tune 1 coold nor diatin gaish any object.- By the aavleeßf,someTiießdelcomj menced the nse of the Petroleum, boUi internatly m 4 locally, under which my eyca have improyeddailyuntu the present lime, and 1 hare recovered my . sight entlre lv My general health was.very mnchJmproTedby the, Pettoleum, and Intlribate the restoration of my sight to Its use. I restde af No. 109 Second .’street, in this.cay, and Will be happy to give any mforrnnttpp inrelauoH to ; my ease: ■ ;WILLIAM. HALL.” ; ■■ ‘Pittsburgh, September 17,1851. :. Porsale by t>R. CEO. H. KEYSER.I4O Wood std Hi E. BELLERS,S7 Woodeireet.and by the Proprietor, soplfl JU*Dy»p*pßla, Orlndlgestton,is that kina oi derangement of tho stomach which Interferes.wilb the conversion of the fooi mlo chyle. Tki Symptom* o/Dyjjupria are: loss of appetite,nan sen, heart-bom, flatulency, acid,-foeild- or inodorocis eructations, a gnawing sensation ra the siomcanworn empty, great costiveness, chilliness, paleness of the eountenance.iangbor, lassitude , nnwllUngnessmiiio about, lowness ofaplrH*, the adapted tot£dcrang*Aco'U“ iuo^ oJ i sj l< L^ji^S on ,^tto , a healthy condition*. ftledloa, of the rn ■ tl , toawil to and oio partloloof at* lh ?. P i roP „i i™ Weftly taft In their opefation onihe cohol. andare P^ cc^ j Qac uve and doprayed coadi. baman system, aje in by one bottle—all rtienoftho^oMWfYl^S^Ottmf^spirits, an et,. eaa ■ man be in henlth.vrttbtt that £«T«£Xdir U diseased’ Coirecl the morbid state of &«u£E£l>y dl)yi,pepai *^ ttb all itsgtim horrors,wtllfly ftPRt JOT- . - 3>r.O.H KEYSER, ' at his Drug Store, 110 Wood street, spiStilßEd&ff - - Pittsburgh,?*. .‘-- ■-■ ~gwßlllll THEATRE- LOM • ,09EPH FOSTER! Circle, 75 cenisj large PrWate Boxes, entire, Sty'd. ra * * Doors openat 7$ o'clock. .CartalnTisca JFHIDAV EVENING; June 4tlt, 1552, W ‘ ! JP/'" sealed 1 lie exec lien V dram a of- - - THE BKUNIfABI) Edwanl Middleton, - - Hf B iSi“2??T Mary,- - - - • - Miss Wheeler... To Conclude with -the nautical drsmaot BLACK EYEtt SUSAN. William, - - - -Vi, blr.Brelsrord. ID* Mr. G. W‘. JAMISON la engaged and will shortly ippear, • ■ - • ■ ■ - C SPALDING 4- ROGERS' IRCTFS FiEET! ■WlltWiw au Piushurgh.-MONDAVi May 3lst, ¥V... mrndst ihosiinlnjrpealsef tfie celebrated ..... , CHIME OP TWENTY BELLS' , a PiauoFoueattachment, susceptible of the most livei7,aa wen asmojttneasoxedimjeie.Jon iije FLOATING PALACE' A Grand Aqunue Amphitheatre, sumptuous, ipacious and*legant, beyond tleacnpUon; with all the modem Improvements that minister to luxury -and comfort. in : the Orchestra is a great Cathedral Organ, and the Troupe of Perforate™ selected by a SPECIAL AGENT IN EUROPE, Aiwell os catied from.- the choicest home stars, has ita verhad a'paraliel ou. either Continent; Mona and M&d Benort, from Vienna; Monp. aria Wad Le Vater from London and. Fans J Mils. Rosalettae natf Lo Jean Bent*, from Paris: WsSvßosollineSilchneyJohrt Upssln,Joint Smith,U KMadiCßD.KPerry,Blillaje, D' W» Stones MesdamesLafce, rerry, IJl»dignn,Ae^^. iry-The Fleet will be rnoprtd at the foot of BT. CLAW STBEKT, below the Allegheny Bfltge. Onr exhibitions willbeglven atVl,and «s: o’clock.eochday, at Pittsburgh, one*week; Allegheny, Monday andTaes* dav,7ihaidBih; Sligo, tVcdnejiday.June 3th. * Circle (alfariU'Chaira) *>o cts» FaSly Circle (all cushioned) children hdirpriee: armchair* may beseemed front l~ Q nd : 3 tos o’clock* by application ai the office, lo h IH.Wi K* Btxow,Eaq.' . • - r imyvwivi- ■ itt* Wanted .—A few men of thorough business habits and good addre«s, fora safe and respectable busi ness; It iaa business that requires no capital hut good, character, business habile and energy, fo men wan the above qualifications a permanent business amt toe .beal of.wagcs wUI. be given. Apply Or.address No 3£> Smithfield street, corner of Third. (apriM.lt , _ H. AUlji ~~ 1 (succvssoß.or n. w. aipniK,!- . 80RGEOK DENTIST, msStV) - Ko.l** SmtUrflelil atroet,. ■ DBSTAIi StTBBEBTf,/ W. F. FUNDENBERG, M. D., fro. Ist Thibd sxawr, C 3» A few doors above SmUhfieldaireeb jOffice.op etatM. Dr. F. has been esunecleir with tbeTniablish. ment of Dr. Hollihen, or Wheeling, for the lost five years- - - .lopiSMlttt.. . CURTAINS, CERTAIN MATERIALS,- ’ AHD CQrtHJttTiimmlngwlKvteyJleKrlptlo® fry Fatmtnre- flashes, orocatcUes. &c., Xace and. Cartains, N. Y, Painted Window Shade* ■ GiltCornices,CuTiamP4n»,Bande,«c<«c., , - at WfiobsssCß Arm list ait W. It CARBYtjICS Cbestunt St., cor. Fifth, PHILAVKUPHIA. ::: JjyVurtainjlilacUanS'TunmUXw. Hr A r A«MTrrSc4 - ipßlNff'AßiaffllßEMESTr - 3852. Cleveland. nttd Pltl*l>orgh Rallrottil, _ Tii ctwsUßo,-ToEiiro- > 'S*«iiOTKr,-stenrt!iTf'.Cnic»oi> 1 : T MimSrou*, Uorrtui! Ddhsisk, Cu-osaos, 4S» Cli ■' Ttie*uew Uul fast running steamer KORCST CITY. u> Vf * Mononenhela what f» tooloT Mukti tlftci f .cycfjr ; morahie, fsttSays «cepied) ai Z ■at Wel&ville >ho ‘ E»r«e«» Tr ail,^‘ f andTiusbareh Railroad, leaving at ‘Jo/'P'MVjM* attlving niiSevslaitdatb o’cl«fc h t -Mj,and aof'nr®' , !'B with the Steamboat and Railroad ;JUnea. for Tdtedo, Sandusky, TJeltoltrClueago, JSlilwaukie,/Buffalo, and Daniil*. Faro to Cleveland, S 3 SO. , . OFFICE—Coiner Water' tuif SmlthfieU- s«eeu»(ap staVr*,) opposite fiflonoDgahela ITousc. " m^NoT*—'BVi&e Ohio and FeJina. BftiliOad io Alh-, once* and the Cleveland and PiUsbargh Railroad from Sliance td Clatrcland, the fare from Vittsbnrgbto «e»e. land’is M 00. Po««engere by both routesffmte tn l&ndtU tht xajnitiin&j and mlht lomerram pfears. .• • . k Ti’pTn nriniP ncc, in slorc nod for sole. jjICE-10 & niCKCTSON^ l UalOttaorc Herrings riet received nni OU for«ue.to»by MAGUIRE fc'BAN^ 124 Secondalfgely. MOKtiP SALMON-110 lbs Ptim-JUp * ,ui fof sale' liy • • IV . A. M.C Li) RG ®. yU ; fi lor sue y Giccers and Tea Dealers. . AOtlce* npHB ANNUAI. JIEETUNG ; 1 'flie AU.tbßSJ.tC. tmskS, W>ll be belli atibe office Abe grounds, onSuturda, l Secrcrtro.: / Y L.U MUIHUNOMibIA HVKWIII & rif* 0 ( I cnme old Hyc WhlsVeyvof J44i(* ’45 *S.*49 and ’5l; aiw>j2o W)la Hoaiboni distilled in 45,. , ibr'*«l« wholes or by the *“>^ aVEKj Jt , - ■ ; -' cor . BlarVey and Funt «u; .falfli* halfbMa*»ad ntJllT |or Mess do do do very eapwlorj - No, 3 do do doj - Ja U t 1 WC “ W Agt CO.'SaS Libe.ty »u_ 1 . •,;■■l r;. \a£'; iiS - J \ » large CRLLARon Fifth aired, be-.wcen Mailcet A and Wood, soluble for any- badnea-requiting.A c.ol place. Apply ta THOMAS MOFFITT, . iankhi> ***•■£J[?J lot is well situated for Apply imm.d.&.riyto THOMASMOFHTT^ tAUR ncvr lwOBtoTy iJtUCKirWh|jl#lPtO 'aad Stort Itooittj wiiUabogt acre ofgroond, . in tie'vUlace Of BaVingtotJ, Wastmglou county, Pa, and PituouTj?h,btt the Steul>eavHle wadv The bniidinsMs now occupied: as; store and postomee. It will be offered on liberal terms to a parchaseti by cau -Ins on W> M’Ciintoclf, ni4he Carpet Warehoose. No. 85, st.,. • . • foy 3 * " Trfriiw Ins on nallroad Cnrvth TIIE field t>raeiice-t>t loyingont circular CDroeefqr HRllrodd«,fiy'.J^mC.a;ioolwiaej L Civil Engineer. • TiHUttointohixtavationscfkd 2?m6a»£wetti#. • .. Anew meUiod of calculating thd Cubic content* of Excavailot s and Embankment*, by the aid orClngrams,. By John JCf.Trawwine,Civil Enstoftr. ~MORGAtV " No^urtWoodsi*.- my3t ' Cabana* lj’iand ys*frflih me colours* j .ted factory of M.C.CamjaJ,llavar«i . • 5000 No.l Neptone* - daj * 7000 tarnation Cylmdrados and,Km* V . •• naiado?*, MaDaJfis*.. do; ; SOOG Miliar KGtttienrci, da; r SOOO Panßitilaß Alaba, >-■--■••■ up; . 1 0000 La Amalia, . do; OOOOCoaboes, do* .■OOOOCftbanas, . • » do; OOCUiaslicaltegaKa, . . do; - 10,000 Merisojero do, do; . SOOOOEt Sol. do, do; _i 10000'# res Marios do- - - ---< -—uo;.' - ' 20,000 Crut* Sons Principal and 2;; r-- SOOOlCanelsA Scnro do; : ; . 15,000 Sieamboai do; .15,-000 Havana Sixes; IlatfSponiab and Common; : , , si! and 223 Liberty at/ ADAEXS Yfc CWS WKSI'KttS KXPUJfiaS. OHIO LINES-. HAVING pnrcMsedMr.J.S. Lockwood’s PtUsUoreh and Cleveland and Pittsburgh and Massillon Er press, wis shall dommence" rnnnint;tße sanieiOii Tue«.. day, June UU1643 A mes3enmr,diprtded-wUhdn Ixock Safe foreaminfftnonsyandyaloable parcels,willfeivi*. oiir office,Bo Fourth street,ntSA-.-M ,for Cleveland ajult Maisillontaudrelnrnmgi.wiU,nulyt.4BUyat6iJLM Gold.SHver,Bank Notes, Jewelry, andoihervalaablß-r parcels, together-wlthyrdodit oralldescrjplloni; will be. coined al-msil.speed,and delivered at any of the siop uinn places on ltio Ohio ami: Pennsylvania, and-Piitsburghi Cleveland, Colombus and Cincinnati,: - Sandusky, Mans Geld, Mt. Vernon, Newark nndXsnea- Ville Railroads. . „ , „ - _ ! iOur Agents, or the. Agents of Ihe American Express - Cotopanyfwtll forward goods.from,any ortho important - points on the alioveltneoftailroadstio towns anaplaces - adiaeent,wodo not io--Hor at« we lesponsiblßi-nacdS'- v rlers.io poinuteyimd the linesnverwliichwe run tpes-v* aeiiiets«. Wj6 can now teach byTallfOads-almosl every town in Dliio of importance.-- Goods for northern.lndtv .anav nbrlTiemllliiiotSf Michigan, and Upper Canada,for-, , warded dally to Cleveland, andthence to desunaUsiUiX;... ■^ljy^M^^arkgwd» a disiineilyjand t oiftba,paelra-- ges, uoiou eaTda or labels ; .aiso, niaik tlnfllame 01 Hie ; C Thedollection of drafts, note*, bill, and aeconniaat. __ | tendedtoatajlpoin^onourdifferco^a^ State Mutual Ere Insurance Company - HARai|Bw«o“veab’ofooo. 1 ’ lBa - BBANCtrpPMß,X^J™*W™',r italUTgh . ““■wvjw oo ' fojmofPreaiiani note* from . . A B ‘ 79 *= W9t re.ln«raneeaao«*P®* fISiUC SO , 830,478 •Inteisuon I',oans-—- - Cast Surplus* *••*«... .»,* . ' Esiimstedpresent value of&a iloficry, Office Eurmucrot^c*- One-half o'f VhU S?v V s Be-' J £?S™SJ.t***!* 0 ! Bne, :M9 ihai Bio matnoUrfcm Mh?SSmse , rtTn&te? r '?" ,Uo,, * lto besl " i / ' l iteMr*«fiho p«BVyear w|»icUhawanallii- '• V Jwca.many. stock companicn, leave the. State ftlautal V ':5 r *}J l; **r**p Starpltte *j#r upwards Of thirty-one ihoosamt;.■■< * ■Jwstiwttt resemcepita! or nearly two hundred ! .^tnuftagitfDniiMi^rUehrinconsMaKly.iMrMida^r. '.> ■ The Dirtetora •about that the Stat&Nn tital Firclwn* ranc«sCompaDy‘offeT*;too wneraof «fopTpP«rjyio-... 4aeeaieut* e*ldoßL«qaaHcd and never exceeded* ; v. :. „ D&tttttt—John P.Tftnthertbrd, P. C. Sedracfc ?an« - * . Qcl Jones,Philadelphia; Jobatt Packer, A* A Cawte*, Pilfebawfi* 3. Us Kmherford, A.J. GDkt>B. T. done* Robert vfoiz. _ » John P. Eaiherford, Pfrst<&»f;A.JMJtUet> Semtar* jrttfSWf * A. A- CARRIES, Arnary, ' ;v,\\ t V ~, **• 1 * * * u ': -V'.: • v:. ~ -V.!' : V;w Cr 1 -r. •- v; - V; r-* *: - •/! :v ;-V \ ' \ V .. ... ♦• ■ ••• •-=■ ■■:•-■-•>•'■-A-'-V-* - -'-* * '< <. / ->% r /<‘ w ’ ''•-SV> <^Vv’; '^’^%^.if^^7:, , ' .Vfv,-' ; */. : t^ F j~ * jv t r % ■> v // / __, J -A , J * , l > ■** r > .... 'i.' ._ a.-*' .*• •»:.■-• ■ r .-••• •».'■■ '•>.■• l .fc ' ■*» s _ ‘f. ,£ , £ . ■» ’ V ’ ? I ■■ if- * ? v SL J r ■*%* SP? r£s' r &: ' %'’i^l^ r^’-i^,'‘ ■ i ’ -<■ kcy*' r ' *•• 'a.,. ■'■'■ . ' •♦':■• . • •>. ■* : :. ’ .-j .-.•r.. r-■ : •? » ; fit n*v t- tv ’ ' if V -;V'■ "'• '..-■ ■-•. r fS.-V - K ■V f ■ ■ri\r ' I v•.: ?T-- .V ‘U V; :• J ; .-*- r , I-"- - \ i t- zs? ; & • ■ =KvEiws:®S k'-*-V! • 1 ' - ■■■ *- t y-■**■■;: ;■* mmßp, I 1 • -{L*iwv ,v ■ t-'" . »“• .* WIDISH®- ' 800 CO.