ss®* 5 * i( A fL - > >^\^v. , v«“ r A tPM,?:-** , . • \'' s x yr ■ - •'* , c *,. nwWfTTn n ,-.- ►' v . ■ „ - » «\, —. «- -4’.' ’ j Psrv''^-^-±-;-4-.' .s' -,\ \ j’« • * •/-If* *, * -i ‘4' -■ i. , »'<-*- - * , ~-""m ’’’ ’ , ' - ; ••'•.v,:-.-.- -•••;;*%! -v -:• : ••-•■-'->: ,--r; =w^--v-. ■•• - •- ■ •>. . , * - r.v- v\..- ,*'■' : • *w?sS!*2tS - or „ btins: ■ Q-.e»S«e» , I( , a n : .Oar:W«et«;Bm, »p .Vettings," Summer large.stuck 6 C Cloths. am j in fact, every arucle , CIO*., o( every ; e enP\l«».»”tt So „. These Coed *c m our !’!’* fS'SSiSrta* superior style, and at very low • Bromakins l ? ® r ii,, am f eininm-i rur yourselves, price* Give a, a call, caL(a [, an fc cn myio WEECHAST TAILOR,- ! Jw* *u> Afarktt.'heiioun &ttOnd find . B* *£3o rrtDecirally tomfbrmhisfrtenck ondthepab ic., *rt2fftow«»nied-froni NewY6rk and Pfatiadcl nhin hivcinethere selected from ihelalest importations, nnH*ntirb new nock, of Block oud Colored CLOTHS* CAB3IMEKKS and VESTINGS, which for newncts of, dcatota and Ticlmccs of fabrrs, are not . surpassed b> onyaouse west oflNew York.—AU of wluch he i« . pared to make toorder in a superior style, at the Jotjm}, price possible* and a rdialiy invite purchasers to call; : and examine lb© stock Veforc purchasing elsewhere. . TO TATUiriS.-lhwt ro -n uibor* * c »' l “!" , lc the Union, which is of the utmost importance to whole B Tn the'cuninff department will be found a choicest- TES^NU^oi^didlatesl'tm^mos^fMhionable^yl^s^ all of which he is prepared to make to order in the bes n " ONEAN ? DALh 1 _ ■ The Assortment,the Quality.and j'^ most extensive, undoubtedly, to bo fo ind m tho Uujtd States:::, ■ • - ■ ■ €o*Pftrtnerthlp Notice. THE subscribers .have this day ( WMA ■liio under the style ana firm of TAAlrb, MA GUIRb ?, Jfc BANE foribepurposeof wry. Mon tm cm*Commission and Produce Business, and r '°“?v ly bone their long eipenence, extensive mcrcanii.cac nttainlonce, and pcmonal attention to die interea.s of tESaiomere, will entitle them to a shore of pnblio pat.onSe,whi’cl. it .hall he their stud,-to deserve. P B * LUKB TAAFFE. Pittsburgh, SAM’L, MAGUIRE, Cumherl’d, Md„ W,M. C DANE, Washington, 1 a Pittsburgh. April 3,13.12.. : .. n *' ■ — HOPE FOUNDRY- Cochran, Beßrldo a Co., HSITOTACTO EBBS on . „ Ina Sailing and Ornamental Iron »ork, m all its branches, NO. 26, WOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH. THE. advertisers beg leave respectfully to inform their friends and the public genoraily»that, having rc£ci\ • «d a larrenofpber of new patterns for Iron Uauiuy, Ac., ■which,wgether wilt thosepreviously on handvcomprisei the greatest variety ever offered in this -CH} now nreD&rcd to manufacture the same fo. Cemetery bScJS “s, fences, garden., f irmbores, hot racier centre tables, Ic. Ac., in a stj le of workmanship end finish not to be .orpeoad, and cheaper than any heretofore manufactured west of the rooun *“ Afso, cooking stoves, hollow ware,and castings of all descriptions. as usual. ■ ■ —. Igeuey loi Different Lines of Packet Ships. passeuoeb office, fio* 410 Llbtrtr Str«eti Plltrtttrgn* of Packets :Pf'. sailing everyfivedjjrs from i 4QP*» VP-yfc LlverpooHo New York; a i iBeBsKSt Line of Packets fremLir- «pßb» . UMfxmity erpooi to Philadelphia, on ZaßSSSnilbo e i*h teen ill of cncbsaSsmrwvEra Si-’iUuof Packets to Baltimore on the win oj iaeh month. Also—a Line ol Packet!ion the Bihand Mth Of each month from London and Porumoath to ** ALSO—Drafts at lightalwaysonband, for any nmoant, at the lowest rates of discount; and all information gtyeneoncerring passengers; that can lie mven, with their Agcat. JOHN TiiuMfc’&oiN, P marts 410 Liberty at.. Pittsburgh. [From Dr John Slirman.J Yell Coumy, (Ark.) Oct. 1850. I AM 8 Physician by profession, of the regular order, and 81 such, have always viewed patent medicines W |£si sprfngj when I ,ent to Philodelphia formy bin of medicines! I was prevailed oa by my put la my bill an Stem of two down vials oryour Vc.rim fare; be 'stating to me that il was a valuable prepare* Long having tried it in bis own family.,• seat for two dotea vials. I have nsed jt allj fliid-l.must confess that my expectations were more than its Tcsnlis were truly astonishing, removing Worais in every instance, when properly lf yoij will send me a box containing a gross, ana send me me bill, L will send yoa the money for them by moil or Olh* erwUe,as you may direct. - : Sewnre of counterfeits and imitations. prepared and sold by Fa „ ncstock fc co myB-dA.wlm corner of Wood and First sts. _ pwmnfiW.ww..«M.....r..»>..APiM BXIBUAS, . [of the late firm of Sands AReinemnn.! IiOXJIB RKIWESIAIf CO., IMPORTERS AND DKAL.ERS.IN ; Clods* WcLUheSiJewliTt, Watch Maierial» t wain stbkbt, orb noon from wood, pitisbubsi!, IT! AKEleave to announce to the trade and the pniilic l : generally, that they have themselves carefaflyse* leetel and imported from Europe, a largo stock of Gold ud Silver Watches, Waten Materials,ana Tools for. Watch maters’, enthtfStost elegant assortment of Jew, elrvTfiromUio best rntinufactones—which they offer at pricesiSlowas they can he purchased la the eastern “Thdrstock Of Watches consists of Cold and Silver Potent fievers: do Detached hsvorti do Lepinci, Sit* vt*r OHartiers* and elegaat French time pieces,-of the SSSiSfSSITtaSc BreaSf PinSjßtaceleis,Go d, Fob Gold Guard feeys and Seals, LocVets, Gold And Silver SDCotaeleS; Silver aud German Silver and Pablo and and every kind of fancy articles generally kept in establishments of this description. - ■ They would respectfully call the attention of the trade Watch of every variety, which they have most carefuuy .6e? They have also on hand a large assortment JjjJjT ttopes,Bpy: Glasses and Opera Glasses, from thhbw manufactory in England. • Together with agrcatvarieiy of other articles too nameronsio mention. ■ ■ * . Clocks, Watches and Jewelry repaired in l he best manner and on the most reasonable terms. • locliS-Y ■ . PTIDDER &FOaD,. . nsnumctureri and Dealers in tfANC HEST,ER MINER A L PAINT, v Auuairstrr Crry, Pa. New Yeas, December 15th, 1851. ' I have analysed a sample of MANCHESTER MIN’ ERALPAiNT.for Ppsossi Poes, and End U to con tain the following : Silica, AlamSoa*... . ' Per Olid* of Iron, - '.. . Lime, ■: Marnesia, . - Oxide of Manganese, . Water and Loss, ,03 ,24 ,12 - „ 8,00 The Powdered Sample, contained in thohox, which! suppose was the one you desired also to have analysed, 1 iind to differ from any average of the Ipmpa powdered, and mixed together. This last yields as tallows- . . Per Oxldo of Iron, - . - ®3,SO Stllea and Alumina, ■ - . . -■ 33,W Lime, - . , ,83 .Magnesia, Waior nnd.Loss, 7 pa ‘ . . . , . . . .... . .. ■■ lOMO : v Tbfadi&^ ncß *P rcattmear *s ftSfn,ni the mineral not bfilnir nniformi some portions containing more Iron than others. The analyslsshows the article to be suit* ad for a durable paint. 1 find that by calcining the pow- A** hvo pretty high heat} the color Is much improved, 2St fait converted into a fine red. , .i oral least co JAMES JL CHILTON.M.D.Chem-tt. gale by JQEh MQhhfißi «U Liberty street, (Slotljmg. JAMES K. SEED CO., Manufacturers of Theodo lites, Surveyors', Compas ses, Leveling and Grading Instruments, Sc., Sc. NO. 3G Smiihjidd street, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. An assortment of the a bove named Instruments al ways on bond. Also —Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, So., So. April G, 1852—2 m . :jff r fl f YermUagCi From a-JUgular Pfiystctatt. (Ercmsportat'ion. P«iut»ylvaula natlroatl KmlgH lhrec da>> >.riVODE_& GRAHAM, Agtnta Pennsylvania Raliroaa comp^^; urepnred lo receipt for producc,&o., to Vf V/>iM<2elpbia; imaiciliately • Time .five days., bates of fusigiit on TVicon, Lard, Poik,Beef, Lard 0i1,&c.,G0 cents -pop, too pounds . - • - . -i' * Candles- Cheese, Cotton,.Earthenware, Leather,Leal Tobacco and Window Glass. GDcents.perlOO pounds. Gccjwux, Drsed Fruit, Wool, BrastleStCloveraud Tim othy Seeds, Deer Skin?, Hemp aud Flax, 70 cents per .UKI pound-. • • :■; , %lr Fgtfs. Feathers, Furs and Peltry» Brooms and Mcr itliau’dizei 8U cents per ICO pounds. ! COVODE & GUAHAMvAgenIs, Canal Basin, Pittsburgh. . HI II HOUSTON, Agent, 576 Market street, Philadelphia. ' Adama & Ca.’< Express, NO 80 EOUSTII STREET, I'ITT.eBURGH. *i,HE public ore informed that wcore uow running i. regularly to the East and West, and ore prepared to forward all Goods entrusted to our ear*.- , . , A SPECIAL MESSENGER sent daily for Philadel phia, old o’eloes, P. M. Also, daily to 'Cincinnati, at 7 o’clock. A. M. • . . ' . _ . ; Ordei* transmitted free of charge, ana Goods reiornea by first Express. .» a Bills of Exchange foreale on England, Ireland ana Scotlam’, for any amount,payableon principal Banking Housc« or Post Offices mine United Kingdom. > ' -dec*! BAKER & FORSYTH, Agents; BlercHaots’ Portsble Dost Line, For thb Transportation qf,Merchandise andProduce t (VIA PUSNSYLVAMA CARAM ARW BWLBpA»sKMnV*» PITfSBURGH AND PHILADELPHIA, Dirtej, \ciihovt_Re-:h:pptng. B - TIME, TEN DAV| ion fc RI . VNOLDgj Depot, cot a«kct « d Canal Hum, 4 ,i S and 41U Penn street, Pittsburgh. HAVING increased ourfucilliies and otherwise im proved our arrangements (or rraaiportouon, we are now prepare.! to receive a large amount of Produce and Merel'n;idi»e*to B liip (on tt e opening of the Canals,) "iW/iiEtoS? se!f transportation over our State improvements has been in use aboUa-ten >ears nrdthe ereaisuccess and favor n has met with, Is a suf ficient ganraniee that it is no longer considered a doubifal cr uncertain experiment \ butts acltnowledgcd bv all ns vastly superior to nny mode of irnn.ppnrtaUon u«ed on Canal*. (when interceded by Railroads) Goods loaded into our Roots at Pittsburgh. remain undisturbed until unloaded at our Warehouse in Market street, Philadelphia, thereby entirely avoidinf thedciav conscouenton three different tTansniproenW, and secu ring the delivery of Goodsinentire lots,thopuckagcs clean, and m as good order as when shipped. Produce, 4:0 .consigned to our House at Pittsburgh, will be received and forwarded always at the lowest current c-malrni's, strictly Lcco-amg to without sny extra obaTge for commission, storage, ora*- O. A , m-ANULTV A CO Fare Reduced* WEST NEWTON PLANK EOAD ROUTE, FOR BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA and WASH INGTON CITY. Fake Reduced. To liaWir.oee. 54,W) less than Pa. Railroad To Philadelphia, SI.CO do do d" To Washington City, Bi 3J do d“ do Thi* u> Ibeouly Office -which Insures a riIROUGU TICKHTT 10 Wnshinglon,and,by laktig this Route, pal ecnCciß will Fuve time and money. ■ M , "The Mail Boat (carrying the United lunii,; lenves ihe Monongahc'a-Wharf, oboyethe Wire Bridge* EVERY A FTFRNOON, at 5 o’clocMiathejrougliio cheny River. Passengers will lodge on the Boat, and .Sake iplendtd United StatesMailCoacbesat West New* ton. next morning over the Flunk Road, crossing tbo I mountains in duybght. Take the magnificent ®jeerjns i Car* of tt-e Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, nt 10 o clock, i F. M. Breakfast at Bal'iraore and Washington Lit*, i dine in Philadelphia, and arrive ui New York tho same evening. - conn Fare to Baltimore. * ®.ySJJ' do Philadelphia, - do Washington City. - * • 10,50. MONONGAUELA ROUTE. The Steamer leaves the Wharf, above ihe Br.uge, Dailv, at So’clock, A. M. Travelers leaving Pifsborgh bv ihe Morning Boat, will cross the mountains the same nighi r nnri arrive in Cumberland the train of Cars for Baltimore. ,n Bniiimore'and Washington City, and arrive in Fhiiodel phia at S o’clock, ihe same night ..... ■ Fare to Baltimore, - - ' • do Philadelphia, * - * - IJM®. do Washington City, - - - iC,jO. For Ticket 0 , by either of the nbove Lines, plea*o call at Fie West Newton Flank Road Office, m the Motion gahehl Hoorc, Water street. J> J« EVAN&, Agcnt nnrfi : _ SIICUIGAH CESTKUt BAILHOAD. 1852. CLEVELAND AND DETROIT LINE, connection. \»uh ihc Cinc^nwiU.Rai -rnftth Cleveland and Erie Railroad, Cleveland and , Pittsburgh Rni!road,and Michigan Central Railroad,, PASSENGERS will be ticketed through from any point on Lake Michigan, to Cleveland, Cincinnati and Pittsburgh, and troru cither of those places to any point on Lake Michistn* , This Line will be composed of two new low pressure sicaraere. I)uilifxprets!y for ihe romi:. CI.RVEI.AND. - - Capl. C. 0 StxXißO. FOREST CITY, - - Cop!. L. A.. Fijoco ! A Boat will leave Cleveland f r Detroit, and Pelro.t for Cleveland, every evening, at Gl o’clock, arriving in both cities the following morning, in season for'the mor ning train of cars for Chicago, Cincinnati and Pillsburgh, ann for the Lake Superior and Saginaw boats at Detroit : T» e v will run from Cleveland in the following order y FOREST CITY Monday——-—’ •Wednesday* • " ■ CLEVELAND: Tuesday Thursday--- * CLEVELAND. Wednesday* FOREST CITY. „ , Tuesday -Thariulfty. —•••— ••■•Satarday. The undersigned ore prepared 10 make coniraeiß far all kind? of Freight, fromCtcvc!&nd lo DclroU,Macki naw. Saule Ste. Marie, and aU pom on Lake Michigan. The OCKAN, CASPIAN and STuLOUlbwill compote ihe line until ihe new Boats arc ready Monday**- AOESIS. C-HRADBFiRN & CO,Cleveland. PITMAN, TKOWBIUDGB L JONES,Detroit. optl4:Cm _ —a ew ' n AB‘nAH6IIMKS®'I WESTERN RAILROAD FROM „ . Plttttarsh to Cleveland, Columbus ana . Cincinnati, ALLIANCE, CANTON AND MASSILLON, im CONNECTION WITH TUB PENNA. CENTRAL 1 RAILROAD. Through from Fitiiburgh to Cleveland in Im than Ten Sours, by acontinuous Bailroad tine I THE Express Train on the Ohio tred Pennsylvania Railroad, leaves Pittsburgh at Pi A, M ; , stopping at Sewickly, Rochester, New Brighton, Bajlingloii. Enon, Palestine,'ColatnbiaiiiT,' and Salem, and reaches AM ance,samites from Piustiargh, leaving Alliance ©n'tbc Cleveland Bailroad at 3 ind reach Cleveland ol 0 F.-.M. .- Retnrmng.thei pa*, congers leave Cleveland atO A. M., Alliance ul 1.3 U P. M.,nnd reach. Pittsburgh at 509 P. M,, in time to eon ncet wi,b the evening train on the Pennsylvania Rail road - far Philadelphia, New York and Baltimore, and also with the Yoaghiogheny Steamboat and Plank Road by this route come from Cincinnati to Pittsburgh in two days, without night travel, and save from one to two days in connecting with tho renna, Cen lfpis«Sngei leaving Pittsburgh nt 830 A.'Mj»Jreach Canton at 2P. JtL and Massillon at P. Ml Ai Mas sillon the line connects with stage lines oostcr, Mansfield, New Philadelphia,and atEnon to NewUaa tie.Poland, WarrcnvMercerand Lrie. - •*, • *l* The New Brighton Accommodaiion Tram leaves PlurtmVgh at 10 A.M..ands 20 P.M., and New Brighton at7A?M;and I P. intermediate simians. Excursion Tickets, good for two days, we void be tween Pittsburgh, Rmmcster and New Brighton - Qu&itetly tickets are sold at low rates, and tickets by the nockagO to ’some of the stations. / \ The Trains do not run on Sunday. . ' ;. - ■, Omnibuses run in connection with the triUnslo and from tbeßtalioh on Federal street. - . . ..... p| - . Fare by the only conuuuoua Railroad Line from Mtts burgh to Cleveland, 140 miles, 54,00. Tp Massillon, 103 - m For* Octets apply at the, S? Ohio and Fa, Railroad, to brio J.ME3KIM/N, ’ MonongiOiela House, Pittsburgh. Note— By tho route by steamboat 50 miles to we is* ville, and.thence byißailroad 100 miles to Cleveland,the fare is 53,50. Pittsburgh, April t, 1852.—(apr2) Family Groceries. THE UNDERSIGNED havingrealed the stand late y occupied by Henry C, Kelly* would respectfully in form their friends, that they have opened a u fatmly gro cery,” with a stock of articles selected in rho Eastern cities, cipreBsly for family n&e. We assure those who patronize.os, effort upon our part will be found wanting topleaje thobc who give us a o ulLs Don’t for get the place—corner at FiAh street ond'Market-alley. T. myirilm - • . ROBERT H. JACK A CO. Hew Booki, at How York Prices. miIEOLOGIOAL AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, s cow 1 opening from; Carter?*, Fletcher’s, Horner’s, Addlclou’s, Scribner’*, Dodd’s, Putnam, Ac., New York *, Gould * Lincoln, Jewett, Ac, Boston} Martin. Ac, Philadelphia; froth the Presbyterian Board of Publica tion J and American Sunday Schbl Union, and Map'Sab b>Tofe^erlwUh fresh importations of standard Theolo gicaland Miscellaneous works from Europe, and a large variety of . ■ Clergymen supplied at Eastern t - DAVISON A AGNEWi 05 Market su, my£2 ' " adjoiningAYilgon’s. Jewelry Store.. ' r "-\ • To RAliroftd contractor*. _ “fVROPOSALS Will be received at the Office of the r- Steubenville and Indiana Railroad Company, in Newark, from the Ist to the cveninig of theBth of June, 1852, for,the grubbing, clearing, grading, and “asoury, of Sat portion of the Steubenv Ue and lndiana Rail road, between Coshocton and Newark, being about 35 miles in length, and comprising seme heavy cuts and miZ nud a bridge across tbe .Muskingam river.... . . in. sections ot.about one mile in epecifiratfonvWith^ p^2, xlm f c K es^ mSSaf quanuti?s. can be *«n at the Offices in New ark BuiSmubenvilie, Chief Engineer.. ; tended. Something of the kind beeu needed, to hold or fasten their needle work whi 1 e*■ -L n sewing. Many a faU Torm is reined, «nd *bp“ J dered, by their position while at work, us health impaired, by sitting in siicit an uhhealihy position. Improvemohisareconstantly being introduced to lessen the labor of men, but little or nothing bas been done to alleviate the burden of the other sex; Thiaarticle, bowevevwiU greatly relieve, .while it : will facilitate their work:- The Sewing Bird* have been used by many ladies in New. England, and has met with universal ap probation. . Theymay be bod of the .sabsenber;by wholesale, in every variety of style} knd. the small price at which they are offered, mast,• recommend them to general use. ; myl9 - : C* YEAGER, 110 Market ss. » " ' Insurance Companies. fir* and Batin* Inauranco. THE OFFICE of thelHsurane* . JVVrffc Amtrtti i . has been runovfd to tbe Warehouse ofllardy, Jones & Co», Nq« 141 Front street,third house East of Wood streel.whcre thesubscnber will issue Policies on Buitu* lugs and their contents, andouShipments by Steamboats and other vessels, for the. above old and responsible Company. Up3] WM P. JQNEB, Agent State mutual Fire Insurance company* HARBISBURG. PA , TVSSIQNED only for the safer classes of property, has 1 j an ample capital, and afloids superior advantages . in point of cheapness, safety and accommodation, to city and countrrmercbnnis, ana owners of dwellings, anu CARRIERi Aclnary ., 0c127| Branch Office,No.M SmilbDelil au. Pmgliurßh^ England Stools Insurance Co., | • Hew Haven, Connecticut. * ,i SSaSI or accident. dapttal *50,000, with power, to increase to SICO,COO DIEECTOBS • , ■ Thomas Kcndnck, ’ NnthanUßThurber, «m W hc^dnek NaihEo!cnhurher, TiioMA9KEMiuciEi PrcEidenl . «•"«* T Bi ' JnMs DOBB3, Agems, No: 123 corner of Wood and Fil>h sis., • Friend’* Banking House.) HBSW YORK COM. ACCVMVLATEV CAPITAL, 3500,000. THE ANNUAL DIVIDENDS have been ( itnusuatly large, showing that the company has been doing a fFt»rv lame aud prosperous business. 1 The dividends in lb4d were oOpcr.cent. ;i 164 S ■“ *ll ' ■ ■ 1813 “ '4O • “ ii , 1800' i' 40 u •• 1851 “ ' SO “ i- 1852“ 41» This is amongtbe oldest coinpameam.the United Slates, its accumulated capital is constantly increasing for lhe ncneCrof Pra6ldcn , Pu " Fasotst,, Actuary uRTi? & DOB]JSi Pittsburgh, cor. of Wood anil fifth streets, over Pat ™k * TAKEN , Also, agents for Protection and Farmei>3 f- ire and Ma rin©insurance, ‘ capital SVoO,OOO, and -of Branch oilier. Empire State HcaUh Association, cash, including aceti mutated capitalSlS r OOO. • • - ■ : A\io, agents for the purchase ana sale of real estate, ■mall.' ■ • • .■ -- rSBUUABiCK. THE DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSUR ANCE COMPANY.—Office,North Room of.lie Ex cliange.Tbird street. Philadelphia. Fiau lissonAACE —Buildings. Merchandize ant. oili.i nroperiv in (oten and amntty, insured against loss or damage by fire at the iowestrate or premium. JlIniHK iSsumtic*.—They also insure -Vessels, car. justs and freights, foreign or coasiwiw.uuder open or tpecial policies, a*lhe.assnrcd may desire. 1 IlLl*tDTainsroßTaTlon —They also lu-ure lUvrchan dize Irnnsponcd by Wagon-' Riulrotid Cn.r Cana Coats and Sievra Bonis, on rivers lakes,on the most ‘‘DIRECTORS—Joseph 11. Seal, Edmund A. Soader John c. Davis. Robert Burton, John It. I enro'O.bainuel Edwards, Geo G Eeiper, Ldvvnrd fljrlin>lon,l«aa<. R navis William Folwell, John Ncwlin,Dr. h. .■!. ltus.on, James’C Hand-Theopbilus Paulding. H Jones Crooks Henry Craig'. George S-irriH epei.cer Mc- Ilvaiu. Charles Eel Is, J. t. Jolm-na,V\ ilnara .lay,Dr S DIRECTOUs n AT ITrTSCUi’tGIi -D. T. Morgan, Hugh Craig, Jno T yyfLLIAM MARTIN, President Tno, C. lU.VO, Vi=ePr«ident_ CoWAS Sccreulry . CfOffico of the Compatiy.No.42 Water slrecljPuls bnrgh _ (iclOldin P. A. MADEIRA, Ageni^ The Franklin Fire Insurance Company. A 07 rniLISSLPEU.. . . . D IRE ChtSkf\V. Bancker, George W Richard., ThomasHari, Motdceal DLewic, Tobias Wagner, . Adolpht.L. ** or * e > Samuel Grant, 4> David 8. browne, Jiipob R Smlin, Morns Patterson. Jacob u.bnmn, ci!Afe N.J3 ANCKEtt,Pre*’;. Cnits. G. Bahci on, Secretary. . . ..... ITT* Continue to make Insurance, perpetual or limited, on every de.crlption of property in town and country, at rates as low as are consistent y».ili security. The Company have reserved a large Contingent Fund which, with their Capital and Premiums, safely Invested ■JTord ample protection to the assured. ■ Tlie Assets of the Company, on January Ist, Idjl, as published agreeably to an Act of Assembly, were as.iol* •bWßvVit: w nip 12^63 Stocks———————— Cash, Ac. 01 - ls 81 #1.212,708 44 , Since their Incorporation, a period of 21 years,ihe> have paid ap-wards of One iliiiion Four.HvndrfdT/uiu land Ito Kan, losses by Bre, thereby airordinß CVicicr.ce of the ad vantages ofinsurnnce, as tveil as the ability and disposition to ra w«.^n^Uuej. nt< R p r 24] Ofi'cc N-K. corner Wood nnd .14 *i*- HOME TN SU&AS OK. _ Ttic Farmer* ami DJ«ohttnie» f Ilealtli Id* tnraacd ftnoclatlonj OF PITTSBURGH, PENN A. AID 7iV TIME OF HEED} OFFICE—CORNER CF BttlTlljntLl) AUD GtAHAfITT C4PM*AIm $30,000. THIS is an association established for ihe mutual Tcner of ils members. m cases or sickness or accidentally thtfpaymcittof ibeir Annual Deposit i'ersousm eood health may become members anu ho entitled to a weekly, benefit, Incase of sickness oracctdcnt. Allwlio join Uus Association ate entitled to a vote ui the election of officers, and loparticipate in the profits of the Associa tion. U on usafe nnd permanent oosift, being both Mutual and Benevolent in us designs, with , the lowest rates consistent for insecurity,and conduct* ;i ed in araanner to insure its pennonency and durability. AU persons can see tbe advantages of taking out a poliey from the General Office. ! r • YEARLY DKtOSirO., 0 2Xoper rear,draws® 2,W)per wcc«r, i 3,1 D • do* do 3,1-0 .do; i 4,00 do do d,OO do; i 5,00 do do 500 do; i ft,oo do do n,C3 do* too do do 7,00 do; 8,00 do do vpV dQj 9,00 do do 0,00 do; 10 00 do do 10,00 uo; INITIATION FEE, for Membership, Si,so—winch most be paid at the time of making Application, and the first years’deposit within twenty days, Each member entitled to a monthly report, gratis. ' ~..-.■ ....»■ Fn day. ’Saturday. Praidmi— D. W. Hkmjmoot. Vice President and Treasurer —Will. M. Wilson. Sierctarv— G. t>. Drown. _ , Finance Committee— A. J- ChiWa, A. D. Christie, and D. A. M’Haiien. lsarl^: ° m WatcUea, Jewelry, Ac. ■ HAVING just returned from tlie Eastern cities, i have brought with me one-of the most beaniitui mid carefully selected Stocks of Jewelry, Watches anti Fancy Goods, cvot offered to the Public. Persons wish in? to purchase any thing m my lute, can rely on eetUntra good article. I do no; advertise to sell good., below cost, nor 50pcr cent. cheaper than any house in the city. Give me a toll, and I nm sure you ''ill be satisfied that l can sell a good article ns chcnp as any ° f AnbUier (act I wish to keep before the- people- If you want your Watch, Clock, or any article o. Jewel ry, repaired in the best manner, this is the place to have H tione. To this branch of my business! will devote especial at jollSS’s. KENNEDY,-04 Market street feign of the Golden Fade. llpoyy Uicnasvikpn, JepyeMcr* HAVING re-fitted bis store in a handsome wanner, and but recently returned from the EastcrnxiUes with a fine assortment of Watches. Jewelry and Fancy Goods, would call the attention of his friends and cus-- tomers to the fact, that among his/Watches will be found the mostdcsirableatyics,patterns andmakers. Of Jew elry, tho latest styles of brochcs, breast pins, fob aud vert chains, finger rings, cur rings, immature, lockets, FANCY GOODS—Such as paper macho, work tables, work boxecs desks, fancy vases, perfume bottles, table mats, CoH’a pistols, Porte n}Pn»l e *rgreat vaneiy; china fruit and cake dishes, Ac,, with *n endless variety of useful and ornamental articles, which have only to bp ““Svl be ° [ ' predn ■ C ‘ l - NO. 81 MARKET STREET. — * and Strangera, iwo doors .norlhof TKirf, »nd lake a look at Msnew ■lock, iaal arrived, and yoa can there purchase Watch es or any kind of fine Gold Jewelry at their real value, and notoe charged two prices for everything, n».you have usually been; bat can got the very beat quallty. of goods at the lowest eastern prices. Do not believe what itors, latsrested in their own sales, tell you, but corns and see for youftelves. 4.11 lMDf)a 8 , ol ?„ a , t | < ime C of cale— menf will be warranted na represented atlippof f ale— Srtbat Oil an purehase eouullv .of. oml Cheap. aul«, IF Time lamonoyrsurely it deserves to ho Watched, and, reader, you may be assured that—.. Watches belter ne’er were sold, Whether of silver or or gold, . Than you will find, when e’er you go, And look at those on sale below. nFTII BEG leave toannounco to, the uadc andjiie pui)Uc -gissssa^^^s^fss^^-issasg; rers—which they offer/at prico. as low as .they oan lie nd'jrwdt? repaliei I a «to »•« manner}and on the mostreasonnblc terms.- _ Prompt attention paid to.orders from a distance. • marfrf ‘ -. v- ‘-- - - -•' ~ ' ■— OTICK.—The pax in e rsblp h o re to fo r e existingbe ]S tween the undersigned, in the Wool Qiid Commis irion Sl”!Ser toe . firm of MoSpht & woB dissolved on tie first Of April last, by The business of the, late firm be settled by who U duly authorized, to use the name of the Hrm tor that purpose. J. R. MURPHY, my 4 , '. , B..IiEE- . - *. O. TWICHEhL * 00,'S FORWARDING AND COMMISSION HORSE, SAINT LOTUS. JOHN W. TWICUBLL-. • ♦■• --.JOSEPH MOO HEDGE.. Twlchell £& Mogrldge, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, Corner qf Commercial and Pine streets, SILL promptly attend to all consignments and Coin missions entrusted to them, ana will make libexnl advances on ponsignmehts or Bills ofLadingin for the purchase of Lend, £min, Hemp and other Produce,’willbe promptly filled at the losrestpps :sible pikes, and on the best terms. . ' ’- . They wUI also undertake the settlement and collec tion of claims of importance j and'hope, by their espe cial personal efforts and attention to all the interests of ihclr friends, to give general satisfachon. ■. Bt ySBKSCBS, Geo. Collier, St.liO»if; ElUs&Morton, Cincinnati; SSs£fSSi*co, -o WA&V.SJ- T.C.TWICIIELL &CO , New Orleans. COMMISSION HOUSE, mills long established House confine their aUenuon 8 strictly to sale* and purchases on Commission, and toihe Forwardingbusiness fcenoraUy,. , ’ They solicit n conunuunoe of the liberal patronage hcretoforegiven diem, January®, 18®- < f •' ’ iiiiiil!l OFFICERS. [mart:Wem ' «•.'*:«** K - • -<■ T T - . \‘ t *j}.s* •*■; -x * ' 4 '- - I*. *• *,« ■ '• Wv '■ • v/ -. vl r, 1 ' •>!••. •■*•. .-'■* •■. *KiS. •>., «#• r* **’*-•- ' *.£■** '•- ',', .. v ■-.-•>■ r '-- ’-. -t-.-'- .’ r ■ ■ ■' v • ..;• -. , * 1 . • ■r~?--_ r ?' : .- >• : \:v' :r_ ‘>. T .- f' v r '.V-~ _. >7* vC'iV*';v V' - *-;.*/ jUrg (Boaibs GREAT BARGAINS IN DRY GOODS. TO Q U , f 9 T , ’TJItf*B VSIN£SS! milG Subscriber benig about to relinqulshjhe retail . JL dry goods business, and Unvingraade.sucu arranger mtnts as 10 render it necessary to close out .his^toch: by the Jsiof Joly next, will commence on Tiiuretjay* May 13. and sell his enure stock of Fancy and Staple dry goods at COST, FOR CASH. - n • e ' His goods having been principally purqnasedlbepres ent season, will be found desirable bargains, being at least2s percent lower than regular prices. lii STAPLE GOODS will be foand— ■ 4-4 and 5-4 French ginghams,. English.and French chintzes,. ■■■■” Blk atpaeas and bombazines; ...... Checks and mnsllns; •. Irish linens and crashes, - Table linens and cloths* - Huckaback towels and toweling, ■ , Damask and snow drop lmen.uapkin» and scilles quilts j furniture prints, plain .and emb a dimity, linen sheeting and pillow linens; table and piano covers tnd coverings; worked laco curtains and curtain muslins. ' FANCY GOODS. . ■ . White crape shawls, emb’d and plain white berege and thibet shawls. ■■■■■:* : : Fine French lawns and bereees* . Bercgc dc lalnesand muslin ae lames; Tissues and grenadiers; . „• ' ... Bik and fancy silks, some.very superior, and a fine stock - of goods generally. ■ embroideries* Worked muU and lace capes and sleeves, ; , - Jaconclt, mull and linen cumbnc collars & chemisettes, ; Jnconett, mull edgings and inserting*, i Emb’dhnen and enrabne hdkfsj . •• • Worked bands and flouncing** and a of Valenciennes edgings, laces and inserungo, together with a large vnnety of other goods, too »uenUon,all of which will actually be sold at ORIGINAL COST, FOR CaSH. Haily secure the best bargains • JAMES A. M 7 hNIGHT.£Jo. C 2, 4ibBL • - P S—All persors knowing ihemselvoß indebted to ; the above prior to January, 1e52, are requested to pay the same, as all debts will bo put in the. bands.of an at-, lorney forcollecilon. . ■ : myi^ Cheap Dry Good* 1 JAMES JPCANDLESSfc Cp., - 109 Wood Wood Street, f A -RE now opening avery extensive and well assorted A etockoflrßlNG and SUHIitERGOODS. Con siting in pan of French, and English Broad Cloths, Tweeds, Cassimeres,, Ctinonades.Dnlarga, Linen Conuiigp, BilL.Satm and ***ai,ey GoitonVeaiings Aleo.aboutiOO CASHS 1 LAlnt UiD FANCY DRESS GOODS, embracing \be newest ileles of Silk and Linen Poplins..Delaines,Bcraees and Borage De Ltiinesjßlar.k Mourning and Fancy Lawns, Pl'.in and Fancy Calicos, ~in great variety .French, Scotch and. Domestic Ointbams; Faint Leaf, Lechorn, Kossuth, Hungarian Mid ;-ici:can Hals; Silk, Gulp ham and Cotton Parasols, &c/, *c., T which are offered at; Wholesale on.the most accommodating.ternig. tapri^ .Greatnttmiloal VUS V RECEIVED at JErrius 1 One Ptjcc Cash Stoic . •jj No. 70 Market street. Pittsburgh, between Fourth st. and Diamond, the larges!.and moat beautiful stock of SPRING am) SUMMER DRY GOODS, ever offered to the citizens of Pittsburgh-. .. . ; , The subscriber wou'd inform those who desire to get Ooi*d BAaoiXNs, that the'greater part of lus Stock was purchased hi the recent large Auction S>{c» York and Philadelphia -for c.stl, winch enables him to sell goods 15 to ‘2O per cent, cheaper than those who buy on credit. We do not deem it necessary ts mention the the different kinds of goods that compose our slock, but d*em It sufficient to say that it cousins of a full a.«-ort merit of ladies’ nml pcnl • c ea r, logo th l r W.itha stock of FURNISHING GOOD-s. We would, respectfully solicit an examination ot our stock from ihose who wish to purchase. L _ JASIES n’CANDLESS €b CO., 10p WOOD STREET* . ■ WHOLESALE Dialers in Foreign and Domwiie Dry Goodx. are now opening «heir first purchase of SPRING AND SOMMER GOODS, selected withi tho greatest care, to suit the trade, consisting m part of the neweststylcsof— Dress Lawns and Bcrogesi . Plain and Figured Alpaccasj # French, Scotch and Domesuc Ginghams \ Printed Calicoes, iu great variety; Ribbons, Laces and Edgings; Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings; Summer Coating and Pantalooning ; B*own and Bleached Muslins; Palm and Leghorn Hats; Straw and Braid Bonnets. , , Together with acomplete stock of Variety Goods and Pedlars 1 NotionsvGold and Gilt Jewelry, Gold and Sil ver'Watcbes,Brass Clocks, &e. AM of which are of* feredat Wholesale, for a small advance over Eastern prices- " • ■ - tfeh2B.fim _■ E — fIEW OOOD6I YOUNG, STEVENSON * LOVE, Sign of tke ORIGINAL BEE HIVE,” Mattel st. * FRESH ARRIVAL OF New Spring and Summer Goods t THE subscribers {feVe just received by Adams & Co.’s Express and the Pennsylvania Railroad, one of the largest and best-selected assortments of Fine Dress Goods ever offered to the public. One of the Firm having been in the Eastern Cities before the commenceraentof the Spring trade, selected our Goods, with great cate from the Importers, at such prices as will enable us to sell cheaper than the cheap* CS Ourvery extensive stock eomprise;t In part the fol lowing—viz: • Chenc and Jasper Chenc Si ksj • • High Lustre, Pla ; n, ChameUon and Glassa Silks j do Sttipe do do; do . Plain Black do; Tark Satins, Foulard and Watered Silks? Tissues, Betages, Plain and Fmired Poplins; French worked Sleeves, Cuffs.CoUars & ChcmiMtts; do J,ace and. Muslin Capes; Black Satin and Fancy Vestings? Cloths, Cassimeres, Satinets and Jeans; Bonnets and Bonnrl Ribbons. , The proprietors would respectfully solicit an early call from their friends mid the public generally, feeling confident ihat they, can offsr greater inducements than ha. b« n offered ST p iV KNSON A LOVE. 108 FRENCH STORE- 108 |g§gll||||l§|g JAMES GOSLING, MARKET STREET, ■ . 0 Konev and Siaple MILLINEB y, ie TVTEW ARRIVALS-OF- SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, opened and opening, including rich Shawls, from S 3 to fit/* 8100 each. Let eyery lady call und ace this splendid production (fcutleraen’a Broad Clolhs, Tuscan and Leghorn Hals, (Cenin styles,) Shirts,Ooals,&e. ; . MoarningiGoods of every description. Madams A. Gosling, (from France,) Is in ihe monthly rcceiptof Foahiona and Models, from 1 an . d New York, at No. 51St. Olatr street, and 103 Market st, where ladies are respectfully invited to call. _ , The trade supplied with model* and nweTiols. topn^ SECOND great? ARRIVAL! v OP FALkand Winter Dry Goods and Variliea at No. 07, Northwest corner of Wood street and Diamond alleyrfousburgbjPa. D. Gbego ACo. would again an* nouncc to their old customer* and dealers ff«J°raUyin their line, that they, are now prepared! o offer forisale their present new stock of Goods at unasually low rotes. And as oar purchases,haee on, the roast fav orable terms with Importers and Manufactarers,we> flat* ter ourselves, and hope to be able tomeniaeonun.uanoe i of confidence and patronage of our old< customers and ihe public generally, which rally bestowed upon us. Out DRY GOODS STOCK is in part of Broadcloibp. nnd fancy Veslines, Checks, Flandelß, Drillings, GloiA an Brown Muslins, Tickings; Blankets; Linsey PlMds, Al pacas, Merinoes, Muslin BeLaincs, CaAmcrcs,, fancy Prints, Glazed Cambrics, Cloakings,.Table Diapers, Ginghams, Silks, fancy long Shawls, Silk Cravats, Pon gee Silk Pocket Handkerchiefs, and Irish Linens direct from Ireland, and all other articles generally kept in the Dry Goodsllne. Ocn V.mtrrr Department will tic found on examination to be- unsurpassed by any other of the kind West of the Mountains, and ismade np in partof Combs,Buttons. Patent nnd-SpoolThieads, direct irpm Europe; Port Monies and Pocket Books, Hooks and EyeSrPiiU and Needles, Tapes, Thimbles, Spoons, Ra* zors. Table Cutlery and. Pen-Knives jasL.amved from Sheffield ; Patent Medicines, Violin and Violin Strings, Gum Suspenders, Slates ana Slate Pencils, Percussion Caps, B'peotacle&, Plstots, Hosiery, Gl.oyaa, Laps and Edgings, Ribbons, Sewing Silk, SlUc Gimpaand Fringes, fancy Nettings, Green Bondages, Black Silk Veils, Silk Florence together with a general assortment of all other articles in the Variety line. Wehave onbond andfor sale a large assortment ofGold and Silver W ajehes and Watch Materials, Gold and Gilt Jewelry, <**<} ver pens and Pencils, Gold: and Silver Spectacles, Clocks, Ac., to which we invite the attention of all buy ers, as we are determined to sell our Goods on the most reasonable terms, either for cash or satisfactory refer- The business of thelale GaEao AMc^ CxnpLßss is to be settled by D. Gbboo at the stand of p. Gbboo A Co., who is fully authorized for such and in whose possession are the papers, Notes and Books of said firm. , . .locilSttf ' Removal. HOUGH *. ANTHONY have' removed their DA , GUERRBAN ROOMS, from Bitrke’e BpDding, to Eaton’s Baiitßoffi over the Young Men’s Library, where they will be happy to see their old patrons and monds. apr7:tf Furniture and cnalr W»r«room«. t CT 'JOSEPH MEYER, 424 Penn street, above the tA.Canal.Brid.ite, keeps conslantlyon hand and makes nrder at die foutstvncu, every description or fgg Snd Plain FUbSit£rE,’BoFA% and C&AIRS of ihe t>e3t workmanship and most approved styles. Purchasers vrcnjlddowell to yisrvals Warercomi. mv37-dft.T>tV : ' ' . , r^ “T Wine. mHB undersigned begs leave to announce to Ms friends 1 and customers, that £!®S|=s|gsgS| arid manufacturers 1 SURGICAL AND MjrCg>< DENTAL INSTRUMENTS, RI HI FLES,*c. Wekeepageneralas- Borimenioftheabove articles con stantly on hand; together, wUlra general Fancy Hardware. Also. Guns, Pistols andUevolvera, Flasks, Horaß, Shot Helts, Caps, Powder, Lead and Bullets; Bowie, Diik, Hunting and Pocket Tailors and Halt Brewers* Shear*; Pocket Scissors, Ac.- Also,Trusses and Supporters: Jobbina and repairing neatly executed. , *:■ RIFLISI—We are making Rifles of every descrip tion. to' order, of the best material, and workmanship warranted.- . Orders received for them at Wholesale or Retail, will be Ailed with despatch. Hunting parties supplied at Wholesale pnees. l m yi® :?•"j-ity&.H '?•■■' -V; 'M-' : • i*- % '-f'T - WM. B. STEVENSON continues to nmnu* fciJmTfdetttre CABOfET-WAMB W cveryaeBori£ old stand, corner of Liberty,, ana streets. UNDERTAKING attended to, in all its branches. mayu* - A» £UIiI0 ■ Bammir a Paalir. ■ I . CABINETWAREROOMjSHITHFIEiDSTREET, •; JBitvun Stvenihstuet and Strawberry alley iJPntibUjg^Fai (7k HAMMER ArD AULER keep conatanUyonhand ,uL.avarietyof |vi*§ warranted equal to any in the city,' ana" sold on u terms as-can beobtaidedatany’ sluuiai establishment in .he West. Theyhave now.pnnana an ttnusuaUy extehsiye.stqck,embracing alllonas of Furni ture, from Hhecheapesr and plainest to : the ihosl cosuy : and elegant. All order* promptly attended to, : tnT2l»m : 'Do Cabinet V-';--' I '. Vtnurty Rosewood, and Walnut} ryarHuh^ ; ,HardwaraandFurmiursat,WbpleBaie.. v_ j milE subscribers have just received from X and Bobioh u most splendid stock ofVENEKBS, and are manufacturing by machinery Furniture satiable for the trade, AU of which „we will sell et ertremely low prices. ! As great care was taken in the selection of the stock, persons cannot fair to be suited either as' to. quality or price; and,as it is weU knovm that Furniture can be made by machinery superior and much lower than by. hand, the attention, of the trade is respectfully invited. Turned WoTk,in all its branches, earned on Us usual; Plank for baud rails, for all articles required, in manufacturing Cabinet Furniture, constantly on hand-rvitr Mahogany,; VMmshrlfardOTrej-.Hai? . Cloths,Springs,jfcc-V&c. .v ; ' *■* ■ - - Ryan’s Buildings, 'No.3l'Fiftfrstreefc t mar22:yda , w JourneymvitCftbliiet Ai^oclatiour • WAREHOUSE, IX&SECO&D STKEET, (near mo corner of. Wood.). T H IS ASSOCIATION, em-fft Cf'&gSSßSg*, bracing", already, twice to three VML * Ume s as many hands as the lar* laSgyflga&wttSja geat and hitherto most renowned*/! *• business shops of this city, have; Whw-j hoase.'flniJ arei able to famish the public, by wholesale, or retail,with FaraUure of the foUowiiTgdescnption~ Mz Mahogany Wardrobes; DressincßtireatU; Pall Col-, -umned Bureaus; - Mahogany' Bedsteads *• Mahogany faaDivans; Piano Stools; Book _CasC3i Secretaries, Card Tables; Pier Tablcsf fine Card Tables; Centre; Tables; Hat Racks; French BedsteadarOiiomans; PontaT wardrobes; Dining and stands: Cherry and Common AVptksiands; high, post* common, low, and trundle'Bedsteads; Cbcrry'Bureaas; ; Cribs; Cradles, &c. The advanlagesof co-operation, oaan extensive scale, permit them to sell at the lowest prices, and they are de termined to*en,iowcrthan any' competitors, an equally; good, if hot better article, and warr inte: W&rc-Tooma 97 end M Third «t«et. JW. respectfully informs hts friends andcustom * ers that he has now completed his spring stock of Furniture, which is decidedly the largest and best'ever offered for sale in this City, which will Re sold at prices as low as any in the United ftaics. East or : Aa he b determined to uphold the. quality wuh well seasoned materials, best workmanship and newest designs; and from the extent of ins orders and facility in mai ufacturing, he is enabled to produce warranted fttrniarc, at the lowest prices. ' i-; v He has adopted the principle of identifying we cus tomera’imprestwithiia ovfp, in qdiUty olid price, and keeps always on'bona the greatest variety of every des criDtion. of furniture, from the cheapest and plainest, to the P most elegant and costly,that a house, or any partof one, may be Wished from his stock, or raanuiactured expressly to order. The following articles consist, w cart, of his stock, which forrichness of style and finish, cannot be surpassed in any.of the Eastern cities: Louis XI vieie-iete-a-BofiLs; • - 50Sofas»inplashan4haif siptfij r / 60dos.MahoganyOhairsi . /. 2h do Walnut . do; / 50 Mahogany Rocking do; • /.. 20 .Walnut do do | ./ 50 Mahogany Divhnsj 20 Walnut do; . 60 Marble Top Centre Tables; 50 - do Dressing-Bureaus; : 30 . do Washstonds; 40 Enclosed do; 100 Common do; 20 Plain .Dressing Bureaus; ; - 49 Mnboganv Bedsteads; . 20 Walnut" do; , 5n Cottage do; . . 3M Cherry and Poplar Bedsteads; 20 Mahogany Wardrobes; 10 Walnut do; ID Cherry do; 6O Plain Bureaus; 70 Dining and Breakfast Tables; 12Secretary and Bookcases: 20 doz.Cano Seat Chairs; 24 Cane Seat Rocking Chairs; ; U Ladles-’ Writing Desks; • Ilat ana Towel Stands; What-Nots; • . ■ ■ Etiguiresi- PuperMachae Tables; Conversation Chairs; Pembroke • dor : - ... Elbabathen do; . . HallandTier .46; Reception do; Ladies* Work Tables;. Pearl Inlaid do; Extension Dining Tables ; Arm do; ; : : Ottomans; Gothic and Hall Chairs.- ■ i '.v A large assortment of COMMON FURNITURE and WINDSOR CHAIRS. Cabinet maxbbb supplied with ail articles in their line . . • . . STEAMBOATS and HOTELS, fttrnished auhe short est notice. 4tU orders promp attended to. EAI3INS-4S boxes “J. Ktislles" brand for sale by ' myl3 " ! SMITH & SINCLAIR. GO-PARTNEKSHIP.—The subscriber* have ibis bay ; associated themselves together aa Partners, for the purpose ottransaciing a Wholesale Grocery,.Produce, Liquor and Commission business, under the firm of John Black ACb.iNo. 819 corner of Liberty and Irwin sis. ' JOHN BLACK, M. M’CULLOUaH, JR- .■ . William W. Wallace, ■ PITTSBURGH STEAM* MARBLE WORKS,- 310, 331 and 333 Liberty, appcnie Smilhfiud a. MONUMENTS, Grave Stonoa.Manlels, Furniture Tops, and. all kinds of mannracmreilMarble, al ways onhand, and mode (border on the shortest notice. Several hurdred designs far Monamenic, originM and selected, on hand. The trade famished, with Marble at: " 1,000 Caneo Straw Goode. ; THE subscriber having made arrangements with tlie NORTON STRAW MANUFACTUIUNGCOMPA NY; far • the sale of "their Goods; noW.oflefs for sale a ; tome assortment of STRAW HATS and BONNETS, if; every variety Of fabric, style and pattern, adapied to . the Spring trade, which willb e sold by the package,: at the lowest figure;. Cases may be assorted to son par chasers. ■ Alil>c*N» mar.H:Sin-3taw No.(S3 Milk street. Boston, ~ mssolaUon ori'artneroulp.' THE Partnership hitherto existing Between thß .snb-- soribers, doing business, in the name of John Blaejt A Co., is this day dissolved by mutual Consent, H. Mc-, CuUOugh purchasing the enure interest of Jobußlack in. said business; H. MoOttfipagh. having the. right to.nre; the name of the late iirm insetllmg the business,aDd lhe - exclusive -right to recetvoall outstanding debts, and to, pay all debts due by the f ™ BIiACK , . HENRY McCULLOUGH. N. B.—The business wiU becoiUiimedby ihe'sabscri .,l. itenn] ftl his old StQUds COfDCT Of Pfißll flDu IVWin stream ■ uENHY MoCULLOUGH. Pittsburgh,March 1,1852. . : -i ■ marihtf ■—: : ; obokobaiibboe, , .. No. ll comer of Wood and Four els., -fUsneerior- BOOTHS arid SlfoES, of the Sbestslook:woiltmttnshipthat«anb o got together lnnnv one establishment, of Ulte amount,Ju the West. Nearly nil madeTO Bpecial from cute, blnS'shes. Acf-Country Merchants and otheraareTe. sneetfully invited recall undexamme. the,stock, which is offered for sale low for ce*b. 18 n It —G A haspaid particular attention to have a general ussorimcntof tbo best stock of Bools and Shoes for thußotall trade, from the low prfae to the best Side- chßtom work, consisting and fashions now in nse. Indtvidtfals Md families may relvonalwaysfindiopa general asrprunenl, as il re fatTs re sizesfwidths, fashion and quality, at No, M. 8 ALSO^Men, Boys, and Children’s Pateleaf Ihrpo Simw.Hels. (apfStSfa - fiottee* - mHE partnershipheretofore existing between, the on- I dorsignedin the Commission and Forwardingbusi hes'sfetoijnnder the him Of S. F,VOM BONNHORST ACovis this day dissolved by-mutaal'cotioent. The easiness of the late, finn.will be settled by Si F, Von Boanhorst* who is authorised to UEe thß name of the firtn for ihai purposo ' ’ WILLIAM EICHBAUM.' - • S. F. VON BONNHORST. Pittsburgh;May3d)lBs2*myV :* , 00-Fartnerftlilp Notice. • * ' rpHE undersigned have this day formed a Co-Partaet* 1. ship for the transaction- ofuWool- ami • General Commission and Fowarding business, under the firm of VON BONNHORST ft MURPHY; Warehouse No. 87 Water, and U 6 From streets. JAMES B.MUBPHY. » S.£. VOH BOKNHOB3X. Pituburgh, May3d« IBK-my4 t i » * A' -''. - C-J . p , ■ ,' w , *' t' ’• ‘ ' " : ' :9 ■' •: " Judd’r Meditiated Cuticle.J. i *TtHlSamcleis intended for fomilynsejand should I>6 X found in the possession !n the Thflq. Mechanics whonm in Constant danger ofinjurjr-tcr their persons through accident, and the.improper, or careless , fise of tools;- will find* this artlol* to he invaluable ® j. ■ them, and anerafair)ilal,wiUconsideritindiBpensable. ** This tuny certifcr that we, ihehndfcrsighed, having ■ freanßUily made use ol Judi’a Medicated liquid .Cuticle, Drenared- by Messrs. Fenileld & Camp, Connecticut- chebTful\y recommend it to ourpTdfession «ti ns an excellent substitute for adhesivcplos i’Sr iS drtssW buttis, cuts, acaldSjbtuises/and all kinds quaucth -WM.B CASEY.M.D, * : ELLSWmTH h{j>.,T!oUiiile. Coinpri.lng all the praclislngjhyoteiansln.the oily of "Middletown. |i A FAHNESTOCK & CO., )i ' for taleby .. of. Wood and Firmsta. .... r" ]HOUBU*B* “fnifiSShg Xe*Mopr!ewry o^™»rt^«™MßSS?di2J3 chilf»» andaliriElwffsensatm abooithe Throat; and is used with unprecedented buc. F&MAUS Strengthening tho weakened body, giving toyejo Hid various organs,and mvlgoraling theen tiro system. If the testimony of thousands of living witnesses,from oil nans of the country, con he relied upon, it la alngu. I larly efficacious in curing all Humon x and restoring de, bilitaied- and broken down consmnupne.. Il;» purely vegetable in its composition, and so. accurately, com bfiied in its proportions that theohemical, botanical and medical properties of each ingredient harmoniously unite to PURIIY THE BLOOD, , , , . It has removed many chrome diseases which has baf fled the skill of the best physicians, utd« »P cured Canker, Salt Rheum, Erysipolos.and Serofala,which Sarsaparilla Symps enurely failedto.maketnelensnm- in manytcasea.of.CANCEßOUS HUMORS. The most obstinate Cancers, have been cared by this medicine: We say that it is a valuable medicinoin all BILIOUS COMPLAINTS. It removed all obstruction in the circulation, rendering the Liver : free, active and healthy. It removes Palpitation °f the Heart, and relieves in allcases of Asthma, and may bo osed in nil climates,and atoll seasons of Ihe ■, j Thte Syrup is prepared onIy : by C. MQKSi* * w>> a; 102 Fountainstreet, Providence,R.l ,and sale and retail, by §-N. wICbELtSIIAM*. Only Agent forWestein Peiuisyivamn,. - tell:T - WarehougCjCortWlqod tutri Sixth Bta;yPUtsh?h; - nessT bronchitis, wLooping cough, CROUP, ASTHMA and CONSUMPTION. ■' In offering to the community this justly celebrated re. mcdy for diseases of the throat and lungs, it is not our; wish to trifle with l.he lives or health of the afflicted, but frankly to lay before them the opinions of distinguished, men and some ofthecvideaees'of its success, from which they can Jedge for themselves. We sincerely pledge ourselves to make nowild assertions or false staterqenisi of its efficacy, nor will we hold out any hopeto suffering humanity which facts will hot .warrant. , . . ; . Manyprfy/r are here given, and we solicit un inquiry from the public into all we publish, feeling assured they; wilt Ondthem perfectly reliable; and the medicine wor-s thy their best confidence and patronage. .: FrxmOit dutinguirSei Frofasor of CkamstTti ani Malt’, ria Medico; Hbwimn College. . • Dear Sir :T delayed answeriag.the receipt of your preparation; until I had an opportunity of-wiinessmg its effects in my own faftitly, or m the families of my fnendn. Thisl have now done with a high degree of iausfacr, lion, in easeaboth of odhlia and children. . , ■ . I have found it, as its ingredients show, a power Ini re medyfor colds andc^^nd^monu^aiscases^ Bagnswicg? flten Feb« 6, ISAI. Vroman Ovtrmrift tht HamiltonNiilsrinihu City, Lowell, Aug.,10,1849. Dr J. 0. Ayef: I have been eared or the.worst coogh I ever had In mylite, by your “Chesbt. Pectobal,” and never fail, when I.have opportunity of recommending n to oUiera. Yo “ ra ’ ' ID* Read the following, and see if this medicine is; worUi a trial. The patient had become very feeble, ana the effect of the medicine was unmistakablydisiiqct:— Uhited States Hotel, Sabaiooa SFEiNtfs, I > July 5,1849 . i Dr. J.O. Ayer,—Sir: Ibavebeen alEicted.wiib apam* fal affection of vne lungs, ond all the symptoms of settled consumption, for moret&w»year. I could fiod namev dictne tost would reach my case, until 1 commenced the W of yoar “Chbubi wbicb.gaveme gradual relief, and I have been steadily gaining rat strength till. myheolih is well nigb restored. • V < While using your medicine, - 1 bauthe gratification of. coring with it my reverend friend, Mr.Trnmuu, of Sump ter District; wbo had been suspended /ram hts parochial duties by a severe attack qr bronchitis.;:. I have PleßSuje ia. certifying hese facts to y.oa And amj sa vours respectfully* ;«■J. F,qALHUUH,<)rsbalh.CaroUna try The following was one of the worst; of oases wfiieh die physicians and friends thought to be wearable conaumplioa; .. . . . CnmEß,P*u*A«g,22, c !BM. ; . • j. C. I was taken with a terrible cough, broaght on by acbld* in the beginning of last February, and was conlined to ray bed more thari two triQnthß.- Ceughrag' incessantly night' add dayrl net araeghanly -arid nale, my eycs-were sunkea and'glassy,, anu ray: breath very short- Indeed, i was TBpidly filing; and in ! such dia«reqs bTeath,tbat butllulebope of my. recov ery could be emertained. WhiieinthissitaaUon,afuetid of mine, (the Rev. John Keller, of the Methr diM cborchd brought me a bottle of your Chehst whic h.l tried more lo gratify him, than' from any .obtaining relief • its good effeet induced me to its use, and 1 soon found x%y health raachimprovcd.*- Nowin three months,! am wbUand-strongi andean ar*. tribate ray enw only.ta your great medicine., : : ,liihedcep,: “ sr; tti^SiFßEy. Prenwed and sold by James C. Ayer, Practical Chem ist, liowelt, Mess. "/. -, .... „ iry Sold in Pittsburgh wholesale an -. retail,by B. A Fahnestock, and by J. »I. Townsend; in Allegheny City by H. P. Schwaru, andJ. Douglass, and by druggist* gensrallT ~v ; dec3o Dc« I>e ItftUty’t CifilebratttL Curative In strument, The only Infallible Cure for that Dreadful Diteate - Jmoim r as Spehndtorrhca oi rnvQtvnfdry'lfocVyir* • not Emissions; , SO harassing-and destructive, ivndprodactive of ?o raueli lie' nervous systemslii'capacuat imrthpman tbr bnsines'% society, andm airicony.: ’ This Instrument Is simple, comprehensive, and never failings and way be used without the sushtCshir;convc nicncc or the kuo wlcdge ot the mosiiniiqut'S ftleud. it Is to be used exieniatly, pain or injury whatever* norprovedtiiig any one froth attending to his business; and while.' in. use r .fiot a tingle «n«#ion can Uiko place. MitigcrbfSng. ifie -rgons, m_a .tnoit I «,eA an extent that they -keoxis limn pmarmyß po\ysb -oy.iETßStioSi .the lo?s ofwhich; caused by earl? abuse, is the disease in cnesuonj and thecause oftne thousand concomitant cdn*plalnts,viai Ncevou^ne s s>F ro sireUon, Dyspepsia, Pain in-the Head .and Diinr.es3 of yinon, weakness of the'Back and Lower Exitcimues, Affect Uohs of the Eyes, Iranolence, Pimples Of the FacqjFrej mature Decliue ofVirUiiy, Weakness of Memory and Power for Menial Application, Dejection; Aversion to r Society,Timidity, Self-Distrust, Love of Splitade, &c, 'All these complaints invdriahty auoppeds 1 tis-sooft ■ asths seuteeis stepped from which .;,v'v : -r r This Irisicument has been examined and approved of by the highest authorities in Europe and America, is re commended by the most prominent Physicians of all countries, os the only certain remedy[extsdng for -fketf complaints; and has no* completely superseded.tfce use of drugs, the bougie, Cauterization, &p.,noUo mention the thousand advertised nostrums of the day, as cordials, antidotes, Ac., Ac. It constitutes, at the same time; the safesu thetnoi*ii&a*a«<,uhd by fat \\ie cheapest treatment cverOflered to ihe*affiicied,.a fair pneo- beiog uUovyed for the Inslriiraenv after the desired effect .has been at* -that lhosocomplainlßarebut little understood by the profession in general;: und that all the mediciaa la Uie world never hits, and never will, stop those losses, which, if alldwed to cpaiinue'.uh-, checked, are suro jo produced the most distressing con-. sequences. - : . >r ' It lias been a matter of surprise to sorqe,thal any one; of respectability and of professional attainments should devote his attention to diseases which people of every description pretend to cure so lf, however, bnt the one thousandth part ofthe miseries these pcopteoung upon society were known, a very diflkrem opinion would ibe formed* And it U not only the .presennnisery and dejection,"preying on the mind as welt as the bodyr th&t : is deplored, bu‘ some aire or such o- halureas to aflect posterity, and even to destroy.tho reproductive faculty, altogether. It is a fact that, when hot properly treated, they may remain so dormant in the constitution as to ap pear in no other way than in their effects upon nosterity; yet, if properly «n«ieratoodi are most easily and speedi ly removed.- The above) contrived instru ment, will doubtless* in a great contribute to ! check the evils ofqaaclieTy mlhis class of dweases,’throughout the \Jtuon» ; ■The price ofthe complete instrument, carefally secur ed against all observation in a box, » only CIO. Jt-cun be sent by express, to any address in any pari of the United States) Canada, Ac., aecordingtoorder,accom‘, panied byfull directions,-and important advice to the married ond single; th 6 expenses, even-tor thoiemotest ports ofthe country, being very trifling.-vtV'.? Thennexampled-saccesithialnstrumenthasobtamfid ‘ since its introductionin America, has induced some un principled persons in New York, Philadelphia, Albany, Boston, Ac., to get up some ridiculous things) called “ ihiiruments^whlch;'howeveri bearhot tbxslight resemblance, in form ; nor imntipfo.'io roy. own invented, iondtried, and universally approved In struments,; and .which are as similar to them as night is to light. Every attempt to veU such,-“ Instruments” for mine wilt be prosecuted to the faUesfcxientpf \he:lhw t I being not willing to connect the well Land honestly earhea reputation of'my inventions with quacks and thpir worthless productions., - 2Yo Instrument is genuine and'nonc can he warranted but thosc-ordered fum myself. All applications; and remittances must be-direeted (postpaid) toihc Doctor himself, he fumngno Agencies established but in London and Paris. ' -• .1 ' Address, post paid, Dr. B. do fancy, 51 Lispenard sri, New York. • Office hours, dally, from 9 A: M, till 3 P. My and from 7 till 8 P. My the Sabbath excepted/ «' • • ' Oy The undersigned ceiufy, withgTeat pleasure,that the^above-mentioned Instromeni isnotoaly eonstrncted on scientific principles, bdt thatffom its aW the happiest results may always, with Confidence, -be. there being, for the cure of diseases, NO CW HLtt CERTAIN REMEDY EXTANT. HENRY S KELLER, M.D. L ' ■ CH. GOET2E, M D.; W> Chamber street, C ECKHARDT, Howarfstreet^ Dr. ns L4SCT U prepared toMecnie gleal arparatas, viz: Aruicial Arms.nd LegSi wmeh move like r-atural memhers; gnlSSw Cori^"^ nS! *"k' laSea?'’lSl« S i a or city reference. jijitiaa.iy , . HuKit»i»“« w *« conatamiy, raedvinr from: « 0rt c»aa~« W: « ? . ••• v J . . V ’> v* > ■: , * • V-' V ■ v'U-’ V-. ; -r J. 'O ; Tt* r '''‘ l,r'f ' ’ , ■■ ■■.;■ .■■•• ,\ ■ <■>■:.■ . •■•;* •• w/v. r >- v --v - -..v z«, .«**v+\* * *’ f ' : J * IsSiHSil ’ \\ : jrI'ZL 'A- W ■•fi.-'. > <« t ~ * P ~ " £ » -' i '* £ 4 .;' w " '" r. r ■': i tth-iii*' s "' : u£ssi&aitM<#.Tß , eiini»l«*VrHjWfc'?.S' 1 •'Trvfln’flß LATROBB 1 ? FRENCH FEMALE PILLS, wior or Green eickness, DriTim^emnS 1 of Appetite, Vnlpiiation.Trtmois.Bisetwd SpinejCojt -sets isr*sS^or®E^4‘ . boxesfor- 51,09-•?Sdld*IwKotea4lc 1 wKotea4lc an* .tail bv W.C. JACKSON, 240 . Libertystfeoj? ‘Wooffatreeti Pmsbargh, and byail iheOrnggiffis. . , lU~ Fnltdirecponaenclcsed witheaeaDOX* v ♦ declO:tvd&w ; • .■ .:•■.■ •'■■■■.: - ■•; ■ ■ • r' .lO TQOSC APPUCTKD Rtipnnre-—ThcTdVentton-or Im. HtfßßAto’a Truss baa xendered the core of, tbisdreadfuL disease perfect ceriainty-randtbo man who ■will now oliow a Ilerma,to'ptoc feed.canila condition: oftbiflßsiaptouac* l.edthat nothing can alleviate but the knife ofa.siilfq* } surgeon, is wholly inexcusable; Atuprorein its orui - nnty form, may, with.propriety, be-lcfMo, the ; afflicted and the trass-maker: butlogoas many persons r do, without even a bandage of any amd fo retain *V®i ten renders the care perfectly unmanageable, and leads io whst is termed ftrangtifmerf-Hinraa, which often has norelief butin a.BUnucal operation: 'ln the toMW which we invite the attention of the afflicted, ibero is ; every; superiority overiiHOotwisseavahd batoaagea m common use ; ju» .perfectly and made to fit any case of Hernia with "on exactoess and equableness of prersuie not belong: to any other instrument with which we arc acquainted; and . will ratain any . rapinrc dnd comfort to'tho wearer. Physicians of the highest standing in the pro fessionhavcgiven tesumony wits greathnpenomy ovet the ordinary trusses Jn usc. ; of Hr.'Hub bard will cure one-half the case* or ordinary Rupture Wc advisothQSe afflicted lomakeeirplicaiion intime. srjpp Rjftnnee* efthi hightst iha,tacter eon 6«. given rn this Cityiby tatting with* agent. ; - -i ■. ■ Pcpsons-fjfom'a distance>:can haye..them sent, by; sending the measure '"‘"body.^ ' MO Wood sttcet, Bole agent ■ «To' IN VALIDS AHD IHa SICII. the celebrated comstoce-medicines, -OIBST. The G.eAt Pali Eitmctob (CmniPa S- Daily's) -'coring all Bains* und .•all internal rluM anti Sores •> _ <>d. Balmetf-Columbia for. Slaying'.or Restoring t he Human Hair. _ , _ , 3d Jfeve's Nerve and Bant Liniment and Indian Y*g» • tftble Elixir? acureforfllt cases of Rheumatism 4ih forDeafaws. 1 sili KflyV£irttwtfn<:aknowncure'loru»cPiles. Cih Spain's Sick Beadache Remedy , / i 7ih Mother's Relief, for women in the fnmuy. way. Bth LcnxlcyY'ffTeal ■; VTeitem Indian. Panacea, for Colds-and'fcvoa a h jcidings eiid preventing fevers} for. •Asthma, Liver .end. fpr lndigestion andXoss of Appetite! forCosuye* ness in feinWqeatid.ihales/ohdijefMiisco.aiplainiA; jor Stomach Affections; Dyspepsia,-Piles, Rheumatism, ox. The’gredi points are it la not baa tb take/ never-gtves pnin,andncver.leavesone,costive. ■ • • -Olh KohnsUieVs 7.r ■ .-,■■■ • ■ 14th. TSeSastlndia. s flfeti Fori Hair Dyes, '*eonly SUREcoio'ringfor the Hair. . . .. „ „ i Jsih; 'JlSrfis'Bahn of Chinas Chmeseßemedy for Cnts, BruiseSjSorer.&c. ... - . . , * . . 10th..£zfrcel of SanapariUa* .This article has.oamy ed allbtliefTSnTsaparillaa, and stilt gives as-great satis faction hi 17th- The ’celebrated spread SirengiXening saade from DrtLia’s recipey-and the most popular in ihe 18th; 'ijriicitn* 1 * Tooth Acht-Dwpi, A certain and easy cure for Tooth Acbq. ; ; ; : i l l ' 19th. Dr. Comstock has lately bongnt the right fiar the United States, of the. celebrated Concentrated Mineral Wo{ir, : fotfnd at ; thcSalr Sprinpp. of-Doctor- Wrn.C. Chase, at St Catharines,; C. W,. Thisihed f etne has at tained a notoriety and popnlaritynevet he fore equalled iby any preparation-at that ptace,iaud its Bala has been commensurate.■with us merits, which uro,extraordinary* AUthc remedies arefally described m ALMANACS, to bo given to all who call wheTft the Medicines axe Alb preparations . heretofore.- known tw « COMSTOCK’S ” or COMS TOCK &-CO.’« f always be -longed and now belongs EXCLUSIVELY to DrLuclu* ,S. Comatick r and though the ..signature, pi Comstock & Co- Will be continued, this cfctt a label with the fac-Binllle. signature of Dr. L. &C; will in future! dnst&nate the G N ALb OTHERS MUST HFTSPUKIQUk’ * - - ,LUCIU§ S.COMSTOCK.- ■ • T7* Tha above medicines caii be had in thift blnceuf ftb6 WILLIAM JACKSON. " Liberty street, head of/Woou. . ' IVlfltac'K Balram of!Wild Ohcnsr*;; . The best remedy ever btiotcn to man for Ccvghs, Colds, Asthma. Crot'p % BTOnchitiSi Influenza, the . Zungs, difficulty ef Breathing AJfeeiionof the iiwr,; Tains or weakness of the Breast or Side, First Stages of ■i €onsumplani In shorts this JJatiaox is pttvUany adapted,™ every disease tfthe. Lungs, andL*ver t y>hith • ■ is pridu&dincuT ever varying elbnttU. ... TSriLD CHERRYhas locgbeenknowntoposKMim fy poTtttntiacdicinuVpippcrUee. Tbiafactisfamular tQ every mairon in our land, and physicians oflea pre scribe ithi different form* forn-variety of complaints.— Tar also hasheen equally notedforits physicians whose names hie familiar to Uie whole coun try has-Ktmeso far aSitodeelaro thateveaCONSUMrj* TION could b^.‘cured by that alone* : Inother honds scnin.ii whs neatly vafueleM/owing/na odobt/io thelc ignorance in preparing.aad-admioJsmnogß“-a difficulty now entirely obviated by patient .long medicinal powers ofjbftse two sub* Stances are now foir‘the first lime combined oudembSd** WILttCHKRBY* By aniceCbemrcal prreess. everything deleterious 03 useless is rejected,:so thatwhit remains is tb^mdHtex traordlnary.and:tni\y efficacious renicay.for;all imds of pulmonary and llver diseases everknowntd man. ' To. convince oli unbelievers that onr theory is really.true^ werefer ioi aTew cases of curesperformedby thiswon dcrfiilmedielne: - ~ Pxeasakt Rutoz, Ham. co., O-, Sept. 27. ' TDtPABKr-Dear Sir: l.take the liberty of .advising Vdti of the benefit ! have- derived front the use ofDi. Wistar’s.Balsffm of/wUd Cherry.:wasprosuatedby thatterrifiie scourge CossuriiplJon*inhlay last* Tneat*. taefc waa trolyiiorrifying to:-mfi. for. &ve;ot our family juty brothers and sister?-) had fiied.of Con^arapuon., 1 was': uffiieted’ with iieariy all tlie -wdrst features-of the disease.- I had a distressing- cough, awf.expectpratcd a great deal of blood, hectic fevei> severe puinslii the Bide and ch strcoltfchiilsi. alternating- yrfth flushes ofrbent* - :^ d wal the time J was takeasiclfc umiUboutsix weekssince,being then about lieiplcss, and niy case boneleßs;orat:RaßibeyontLour:phy«itiahXiitfll»Wi«* eddhe use-of .W' Balsam of Wild Ciidny* - With-- out iny bhowledge my father ftfoedred it andcbnJtneitceu. administering itto,tne.,and.frcni the riTsijdiiylcoiameii ced taking It my health improved, and in two weeks! was able to be out and oversee my bu«jms?>afcd.labpxi r which 1 soulcs of the medicine,and now conßider.raysfdf perfectly - .r JEREMIAHISCRICb ANOTHER AtSTOpiISHING CURE \ i • • . i .RvsuVllX'2y FniTfidl(lco: f O Mr. 4 D Park—Bear Siri I wish; to stfiie to you that, my daughter Amanda,. ogt?dld yosrfl hadabout a year fiiacen very-re veto utiaclc of measles,-, whieferedneed her very.rauchj and left her with a racking cough. I employed allof ihe physicltth's Wifhlii onr leach for thd purpose ofremoving.hcreouslH-buVwithcmtfiuccesß..—: She appeared io bo iinkUig fnto eVetf symptom ofoonsamption..T.lKcnfrted. i ßr.Rogej'ajuiy* erwortaud '?ar. : Bqt this aggravated her cough, add rive her symptoms of a still nioro pialianant character* wastiowmofeiecrjoueTyalQTmedVandflwaßWiihtfCm-' bling fearxnat I/rom:day4oday.4awtho progTeßa of that msaUfibte dißeasb^ despairca of my dnughter.’axecoveryn dRut 1 1 pTdv;dentally saw tho cenificate.of JonathanCquUon t whosedaughicr.Sarah Jane,wa3 cured by-Wistar iWiW Cherry.xThiycreajed.;® faint hope .that it might help my daughter; htidnraraediately commbiiced uring ib'and nalmaht itistahUy gaveftpUot,.; improved fromthe first bottle," and by. ihe use of twa boww of Wlatari* Balsam <*f WIM-CUerryshewasreM tored to perfect health, und she is not now at ull posed to a cough, I will say tj> j»U thatare afflicted with any disease tending to Consumption, do noldespair, for Dx.WisiatV Balsam of Wild/Oherry wili.curoTrouiif yoa willbuttry iu. .. .. . ... . E.,KALB.,, ANOTHER ASTONISHING CURE! ' . . Will miracles neverucaße? * More evidence dfUtß . surpassing bealih-testorative vlitueaV . IFrom Drißhkcry^pringGßld,'Vlfnshingion cq.,Kyl '■ . . * Spmsofjeld, Ky„ 6lay 14,1P5Q.- • Sxflvoss dd Pahs t'l tako this informing.ypa of. a moatTemarkablccure performed ap* on mo by the’use of Dr. Wistat’s Balsam of Wild Cher- - jy i i ’ti -’I - ‘ Is ■•.(*,■*, \ '•:'" Si--' 1 - ■ In lb&ycar 18401 -was takco'witli ihe Jiid.'mraalion of tlie bowels, v:il!cU I labored under forsixweekv.'wnea I fcradnally recovered.’ •In ib« fall of IMII ’ wa * ea with a eivere cold which sealed iuelf npon ray-lungd and for tlie epace.:of Uirce’ydars Twas eonunea loiny bcd,i tried otrkindn of mecicisc»>nnd®T?f*? al '| a H , °f aid without benefit;. and thus winter df 1845; when J heard of Pr. Wiaiar a Balaam of ■^My i fiidtu& to give ft n triaVtiiodgk l . had given nrt all hope* of i. ana_had prcparcd mVßelftorthe changeof another wurld. Through their fiolidtationa I wda iodaeed t; make u«e nCifittgenaino wSe Bal/em of Wild Cherry. -The eiTect was truly ™iShimr' -yifter five years of aid(01190 and saffatuig and idtorhaVina epeiafour or five finndreddolHra td no Snrtidifei Md-thefoestdiiid mnstrespeetahla^hysieltma SofnToved unavailing. I waa soon restored 10. entire b'evsing’of God nod thenseofDr.Wistat’S Balsam of WUd Cherry...-.-- ■: l ’ ■ May ifio blessing of God rest upon the pfoiirletors of .0 valosble a -WieiuiV Patsam of -Wild Cherry- iVonrsrespectfaily, : try. Genuine vt isiar-s Balsam uf tVild Cherry hasa tieibtiwat the'signatntOofHenry Wisfar;M»D ; Philt ndelphia) t Parkl on a finely executed ateel engraved wrapber.’Nd dlhir can he Kenifihe.'' f‘ ITT* , ■>'r gold by J D. PABK, Fosnh.und.Walnut sueets, Cin cinnati. 0 1 General agent, to whom all orders must bo addressed. Hy Price 81 perbottle—six Bottles for 85. ' ' " - Sold by ■ J. J>. .PARK; CindijutaUi .Ohio; ■ North-east coiner of Fourth and-Walnut rU-.—entrunca on Walnut—to whom all orders mUit honddressed. .. ■ J Kidd ACo, PiUsburgir; l.Wiicox, Jr.earnerMsrlcr otreel and the; fliamondi B A 'Fahaesiook:ft:Co; Pin* burna i J AJfonca, Fittsburgh; Bee ft .Beckham. Alia gheny City t j .U VoweUtWashnigtOaV W H x.amber lon.FraniUn; J Bleakioy,do;.lrß Bowie, UnloniowniH Welty Greensburgh; S Koniur.Fomtrsot)« PScoil, Bedford ;ReedfcSoirrHiintlhedon;MM.Orr,i_loll‘‘laJ'' Kittanningt i BBvaust Cummin* ft I^o, BwoHn 1 ?! AfWtlahnio'Sdm WayVeshtelrghrhPlw^^^" Callonder, Mendville; Burma ft ker, Mereer; J Burge ft Cd. gutWrS Cn, do; H llamranrßcaverf d-B^e^'gJl Vft C 8 Jones, Condenyott; P wwto. •• "'.'.xi.'er - J ' r * V .* - - -*vv - 4- y ; 4'^'.:'Y4^^T<^/ ; /V^4? : ’V''-'-;;''-‘;:"'''' r '-'-.-' ’ ' VI ; , i r» i ° *" ’'J V V;l,rV"V«.'.c - t' . I