The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, June 01, 1852, Image 3

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Jniltj Ittorning fW.
TUESDAY MOBNINfl::::::::"""
Moating Baths.— We were shownyesterday, by
Mr. Theodore Franck, a design of his contem
plated floating baths, a project which should,
before this, have formed a characteristic or our
city of smoke. It is intended to be moored a
short distanoe out in the Allegheny river, helow
the Old Bridge; being connected with the shore
by a platform. The dimensions, of the bath
house is to: be CD feet.longby 60 wide, with
apartments for private bathing 12 by 1C feet.—
There is to be one large swimming bath, 45 feet
in length by 35 in breadth, whioh is to be open
for the visits of ladies, one afternoon each week*
The swimming bath will also possess the advant
age of materially aiding beginners in the art of
. swimming. The private roomß are 20 in num
ber—lo designed for the use of ladies, and a like
number for gentlemen. There will also he show
er and “snake” baths in each room. A saloon
■ for refreshments forms another attractive feature
of the establishment.
The Floating Baths are now about half fini-h
-ed, and in the oonrse of two weeks they are ex
pected to be complete, when onr.citizens will have
an opportunity of bathing in the pure and limpid
waters of the Allegheny, with every appliance to
their comfort convenient to them.
Mr. Franck is about to present a petition to
the City Councils, asking for tho gratuitous use
of a portion of the Allegheny wharf at the point
he contemplates mooring his baths. The peti
tion, we understand, is signed by twenty-three
physicians of our city,.who recommend its adop
’ tion on the score of the health of the city, .which
would be materially benefitted by the,more gen
erous use of “pure andsparkling water.”
A Card has been published in the Cincinnati
papers, in reference to the great run of the'Al
legheny from Louisville to Cincinnati. The fol
lowing is the statement of the passengers:
LeftLouisvllle 10 o’cioak, 55 minutes.
From Louisville to 8 mile Island, or
ontofsisht....-—SI rain, SI sec.
From Louisville to Utica. 33 do
do to 12 mile Island. 43 do
do- .to Charleston land's* 53 do
do to Westport-- 1h 43 do
do to London-..-—- 2h 45-. do
do -to Madison-.*—-«• Oh 20'do
■ do to Osrrolion- 4h 21 do
. do toVetray -.-. Sh
do to Warsaw,s h 47 do
v do to Patriot ■ G h 2-t do.
do toßiilngSnn-..-..l 7b 5 do
Lost 30 minutes. atM, B. Green's wood yard, fixing
.supply pipe, one and abalf miles below-Atirors.
From Louisville to Aurora- ■—- 8 b 3S min, time oot;
' •' . to Lawrenceburg 8b 38 u . “ . “
“ to Cincinnati.. •• *lO bSS “ u “
Deduct the above 30 minutes lost repairing pipe, rook
- lag the actual ronningtime from Louisville to Cincinnati
9 boars S 3 minutes.
, The running time, from wharf boat to wharf
boat, as kept by the pilot, Mr. O'Neal, was 10
honrs, 5 mimntes and 30 seconds.
: Benefit of Mr. Brdsford. —This talented actor
takes a benefit this evening at the theatre. Miss
Davenport has volunteered in the kindest man
ner, and wtll appear in the character of Parthe
nia, in tbe beautiful and successful play of Ingo
mar. Mr. Brelsford sustains the character of
the Barbarian; which he ably personates ; also
as Mr. Flighty, in the comedy of tbe Married
Bake. Mr. B. has been very encoessfnl since
his first appearance here, both on the stage and
in private life, in winning hosts of. admirers and
friends. Our citizens, who wish to give a bene
fit to a deserving yonhg actor, should attend.
Mtich Disappointment was felt by all the circus
giers of :the city at the detention of tho cirens
fleet by fog, and hundreds wended thoir way to
the foot of Bt. Clair street nt night, notwith
standing placards on the walls, and announce*
ments in the evenjngpapers gave notice that the
Flotilla passed Wheeling at so late an hour as to
preclude the possibility of its reaching here un
til this morning, r The some cause may again re
tard its progress lost night, so that it is impos
sible to give any definite information of its ar
rival or the commencement of the entertain
ments until the palace. is moored at the Alle
gheny wharf.
The Allegheny arrived at the wharf on Sunday
nt half past eleven, A. M., having made the run
from Cincinnati to this city in forty-seven hours;
she was detained two honrs by fog, and made
thirty-three landings for freight and passengers.
The Allegheny bears the horns presented her by
Telegraph No, 2, as the fastest boat above the
falls. She leaves this morning, under the com
mand of Capt Bachelor; and, as Bhe has won a
name for herself as being uneqallcd in point of
speed, we presume she will have a heavy run Of
Drowned. —A man by the name of William So
lons, a brick maker, residing in Allegheny city.
Was drowned in the Allegheny river on Saturday
evening, about 10 o’clock.- Mr. Eolons bad gone
into the river, for the purpose of bathing, and
swam out into the stream some distance, when
he was. seized with cramps and sunk almost in
stantly. Efforts wore made on Sunday to recov
er the Body, but they wero not successful.
The deceased had recently returned from Cin
cinnati, and leaves a wife and four children to
amam his loss. '
’■ Father Kirkland was holding forth, as is his
wont,’on Saturday afternoon laßt, on tbe vacant
lot opposite our countybuildings, when the own
er of the ground came up, and ordered himaway;
the reverend gentleman protested, andforce had
to be brought into requisition to move him. He
Went his way, however, soliloquising on the in
gratitude of those he had come to save.
. “Much Ado, fie.”— Peter Syschwild, a Ger
man, made information before the Mayilr, yes
terday; against Mrs. Catharine: Jane'Ellis and
her mother, Mrs. Gardner, charging them with
feloniously appropriating to their use a pocket
handkerchief,- belonging :to him. - After consid
erable discussion, the matter was compromised,
Fine Appearance. —A company of oavalry pass
ed our office yesterday, under the command of
Copt Hibah Holtz. : They presented a very
soldierly appearance, and were on their way to
Haysville, where they paraded, and returned in
the afternoon, in the cars, v
The time appointed for the reception of propo
sals, for the graduation and masonty, required
on twenty-six miles of the Pittsburgh and Steub-.
enville Railroad, closed last evening.. The
suooessfal bidders will be announced iu a few
days..•. ■ : ■ X- .
Hungarian Meeting.— The Ladies’ Association
.of the Friends of Hungary will hold a meeting,
.-on Wednesday evening next, in the Bet, Mr.
.West’s church, when a lady of this city will de
diver an address.
Dubufe's Paintinge.— These splendid paintings
ore still on exhibition at Philo Hall. The price
of admission has been- reduced, to. 12J.cents,
which will be another inducement to visitors.
Fare Seduced. —The Pennsylvania Railroad
Company have reduced the fare on their road,
from this city to Philadelphia, to $9 by railroad
and canal, and $lO by railroad and stage.
' Copt. Cox, formerly of the steamer Empress
has dosed a contract with Mr. Fall & Co., for a
steamer, to take the place of the Empress for the
Zanesville trade.
. Returned. —Most of the delegates to the G rand
iodge of L 0. of 0. F. ftom this vioinity, have
returned from Philadelphia.
Poor Mary Htoie.—This unfortunate lady was
committed to prison, yesterday, for thirty days,
on a charge of -vagrancy.
A Drayman ms fined, yesterday mowing, by
the Mayor, for driving hie dray over a man’s leg,
instead «t the street.
Delegate Elections.—Vie knownotwhether
there was any thing very intoxioating in the at
mosphere, on Saturday.afternoon and evening,—
but certain it is, the watch house report showed
a very alarming laxity in the public morals. The
guardians had-an abundance Of the cases whioh
they so delight in—these that pay well; and .are
not very dangerous. A city hard, (of Mt. Airy,)
once tuned his muse to the pleasure derived from
the “sweet seventy-five cents” resulting from
such cases, and well described the pleasure a
faithful •‘‘Charlie” experienced inpooketing that
amount for doing “the State some service.”
:JUNE 1.
Conspiracy and Fraud. — T. W. Foster and Thos.
Waddington were arrested, on Saturday lost,
charged, on oath of Joseph Horne, with eonspi
:raoy to defraud their creditors. charged
that they procured largo quantities, .of goods,
with the intention of defrauding the creditors of
whom they procured them, out of their just dues.
They were arrested and brought, before Aider
man Baekmaster, who held them to bail in the
sum ofSOOOO. Messrs. Foster and Waddington
are merchants, and do business in the Fifth
Ward. - . .
“Faint Heart neverteon Fair Lady." —A young
gentleman, who was osoorting his “ladle” to her
paternal domicil, inMaddoch Alley, on Saturday
evening, was sot upon by a band of boatmen—
romance would call them’pirateß—from that re*
gion of country known as Olean. The young
man hastened to deposit his precious charge in
a place of safety, and returned to give battle to
his foes; though the odds.were against him, ho
bore himself bravely, until the police had woke
op, and como to his relief. The combined forcos
then put the assailant to flight.
Dastardly. —A resident of tho Fourth Ward,
Allegheny city,- named Patton, comjaitteda most
cowardly assault bn Sunday morning, between
one and two o’clock, on the person of his wife
and son, cutting them on the h T><*lv..qud in
juring them otherwise, with a 1
men, passing by at the time, heard ina-'cries of
the victims of his brutality; and went to their
assistance—when Patton flod. An officer was
sent for, and the coward taken to tho tombs.—
He was committed yesterday morning by the
Mayor. -■ ..
Miss Davenport appeared lost evening, (on the
occasion of her complimentary benefit) before
one of tho largest and most fashionable audi
ences ever congregated incur Theatre. Between
the pieces Bhe responded to loud calls from all
parts of the house,bnd appeared before the cur
tain amidst tremendous cheers. She thanked
the audience in the most winning manner for
their Madness'and encouragement, and bid them
farewell. , She sails for England in a few weeks.
Joe Barber Again.—ha. examination ofthe
ohargb against Ex-Mayor Barker, for üßing fil
thy and obscene language, at a meeting recently
held in Allegheny city, took place yesterday mor
ning, before Mayor Fleming. Tho charge was
sustained, and Barker was fined $15,00, and
costs of suit. At the dose of the case, Barker
made information at Aldcrifian Barclay’s OfSro
against Mr. Glennon, (informer against Barker,)
for obscene language aud conspiracy.
Boyd’s Hill seems to be a favorite place to lo
cate marvelous stories. One of Our city cotem
poraries gave us a most startling account of
“ grand and lofty tumbling,” from off that bill
some weeks since, but that Btory, marvelous ns
it was, is beaten by a venturesome Sam Patch of
an Irishman, who on Sunday morning, jumped
fifty fret—pot a whit less—perpendicular from,
off the hill, over rocks and trees, and escaped'
unhurt. ■ So Bayß tho Chronicle.
Lost Money.— A lady named Mrs. Friel, ap
peared at the Mayor’s office yesterday, in the
greatest trepidation; she hurriedly, and in an
excitbd manner stated that SISO bad been stolen
from her house daring an absence from home.
Two iofficera accompanied her back, and in
searching tho house found the money concealed
between two beds, where she had placed the
money and forgotton it •
Fjtyie.imis Character. —Officers Dougherty and
Kelly, arrested, o;t Sunday, in a hay loft, near
the canal basin, a man named gam M’Naughton,
who Mid secreted himself there, to escape an
swering a charge of larceny, in stealing a pocket
handkerchief and some papers from a Mr. Buff.
“ Samivel,” having made away with the articles,
was comjnitted to prison for thirty days, as a
common vagrant. ______
Assault and Battery.—A p lasterer named Thos.
Brooks, was arrested and held to bail, on Satur
day evening, by Mayor Guthrie, charged with
having mado a violent and. unprovoked assault
on Sebastlnn Haller, a laborer. The assault was
committed at the Third Ward School House, and
originated in: a quarrel about their laboring im
ployments. [They were held to bail in the sum
of $2OO. ' _____
Jfcprly Drowned. —The Allegheny Enterprise,
of yesterday morning, says that a little boy nam
ed Campbell, whose parents reside in Boyl streot,
in the Third Ward, accidentally fell into the en
nui, on Saturday, between Sandusky and Feder
al streets, and floated under the bridge. He was
resoned from a watery grave by a young man
named John Love. He is now perfectly recov
The Circus Fleet did not reach here yesterday,
but is expected to arrive in time to-day to per
form. ' . ' . '
Parade.—Several of our volunteer companies
parade to-day. ' / ' -
SH. MOLABSES—IS bbls. “Bailie G^otmd, ,, for Sa.e.
. insas JAMES A. UUTCHISOfi fc CO.
TTaYH* botes,lust receive^, Ü B for,^ R b^ Fi?|
Tsj3i. : ._ _ to Markewitreei.
TlVHExubscHiera tothe DiamohOlarkyt Bona, mill
x please take notice, thatthey aro hereby called upon
to pay 20 per cent.: of their subscription, on or before
MONDAY,the 14lh -day of. Jane next, and twenty per;
xhirtxdayfl.thwreafter, until au ia paid.
ißy order ©fU)e BuUdingCoramitt*©.
my2o:id 1 IT. P, *ING, Trcaturcr.
• 30 do CreamNuu;
! locates Praties, {inglass inrs.)
; 5 do do : (fancy boxes.)
10 do Common Pmnes; .
i 40 do Corranisr In store snd for sale by
my 23 JOBnUA RIIOPES, Wo.O Wood st,
A- ‘‘Fifth Ward Savings-Bank” will beheld a; the of
fice of the Bank, No. 421 Libertystreeiiba Tuesday, the
SOthday of Jane next, at 10 o'clock, A* M», with refer
ence : to having the stock? consolidated into a corporale
company. [apr2o;gmi JOHN STEWART, Secret ixy.
‘ " wnoUsile and tietall. - t
W i MANUFACTORY, No; 143 Wood street. JOHN
W. TIM. now offers for t aTo, at Eastern prices, a large
assortment of the above which the attention of
dealers is invited. Also, Carpet Bags, and Lad lev
Satchels.' • ;•. ■ftayl".
/rIUST RECEIVED, at KErtSiDY’B, No. tH Markets!,
tl « large and well selected;itockjof xGOLD AND
Hunting and Open Dial LeverSj'of the best quality and
finish, which I offer to my friends and pattons at such
prices as cannot Jail to please -
; Ycm wilLalso find at theabovajilace a nice assortment
of Jewelry and Fancy Goods, to which your attention
Is roost TerpeetfnUy solicited. ' (tny2C
undersigned, having . t divided ibeir property into
. country. ssatß and boUdlnglots have finally aeionnincd
to comply with thc ■wishesand desires of their numerous
friends who have called on them to eypote io public
tale on the ground at Wilklnsburg, on Saturday, June
sth, the remaining parts or parcelsof ground,consisting
of «■- 70 building lots, laTge slxe;.
1 » one acre lots;
1 two anda halfncre lot;
1 threeaere lot;
2 four acre lots;
1 five and a half acre lot; I
1 ten and a half acre lot;. i
: v \ large and beautiful two story I>rtek house, i
together wall two and one fourth acres groped attached.
The above property is roost beautifully and pleasantly
situated nesrthe DEPOT at Wllkinsburg, a distance of
five 'and one-fourth miles from the cuy, and affording
ourmechsmcs end business men of the city. & rare op*
ooitantty of purcliasing.a HOME, that lent all times ac*
cessible, both by RAILROAD, TURNPIKE or PLANK
ROAD, This property is too well known to require any
We have deiennloed to arrange our terms to sun any
person or persons that would desire to have a HOME
that be may call his own. Onr terms are one-fifth cash,
balance in five equal semi-annual payments. ,
;•/ N. B.*»Any persons, wishing to purchase at .private
sale, previous tp out public sole, can have aoopportu
i nlty by calling or • . . HENRY REJS*
t. , > At the warehouse of Reis A ftPCunty,.
cor, of Seventh and Liberty sw., or.
‘house of Curling A Robertson,
1 v 1
'.'T- .Jtj T* i: -,'
'f'J , M
* 1
Vi -t f » ,
’■ 1 ■ » • U ■ '- ' * • . .1 'r
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Washington, May 30.
House. —Mr. -Hall moved to postpone until
Tuesday week the consideration of the bill to
re-oonslder the votehywhloh the lowa Land and
Railroad bill was on Saturday rejected, assign
ing as the reason, that tho measure was import
ant and the House was thinly attended. It was
decided in the affirmative—yeas HO; nays 00.
Mr. Orr, from the committee on Public Lands,
reported a hill granting 1,600,000 acres of land
to Florida and Alabama, for tho construction of
two Railroads. ono to connect the Gulf with the
Atlantic, and the other to connect Pensacola Bay
with the Georgia Railroad by Montgomery, Ala.
Its consideration was postponed until Tuesday
Mr. Harris moved to adjourn Congress on the
first Monday' of August. Mr Houston moved
an amendment, to adjourn on the 10th of July.
The resolution and amendment were postponed
Until Monday nest.; The House ! thon passed a
resolution that when it adjourn to-morrow it will
stand adjourned until Friday. The House then
Senate.—Tho Senate passed a resolution to
Thursday, on account of the Democratic Conven
tion, and then took up the Deficiency bill, which
after discussion, was passed, and the Senate ad
New Vouk. May 30.
The steamer Arctic arrived at 8 o’clock, hav
ing sailod from Liverpool at 10 o’clook on the
morning ef the 19th. She brings ninety-nine
passengers, .
Liveufool Corros Mabket.—Tho sales on
Saturday were 18,000 bales at adyanoing rates,.
10,000 being for speculation and export. On
Monday it was more freely offered, business
reaching 10,000 hales, 3,800 of which. Were on
speculation and for export; bat Saturday’s ex
treme rates were . barely attainable. Tuesday’s
sales were 7,000 bales, of which 2,500 wore on
speculation and for export; the tone of tho mar
ket was quiet yet steady, without noticeable
change from Saturday’s prices. *
. Breadstuffs.—ln Corn there was a bettor feel
ing with largo transactions. Flour was about Gd.
dearer and Wheat Id. to 2d. per 70 lbs. ; Indian
Com was hold firmly at previous prices,
LivebpoOi, May 19.—Flour commands more
attention at on advance of from Bd. to Gd. There
were large operations on Taesday in Wheat;
mixed and red Gs. 6d.'@los.; white 0 to Gs. 4d,;
Western Canal Flour 20s. to 20s. 9d.; Philadel
phia and Baltimore 20s. to 203. Gd.; Ohio and
Orleans 21@225.; Yellow Com 30s.@80s. Gd; :
white 28s. 6d.@295. Gd.
In England, money was abundant; Consols
There was unabated activity in tho manufac
turing districts.
• Accounts from Austria have caused an unsat
isfactory feeling in the woolen dlstriets, and
prices have an advancing tendency.
The Birmingham hardware and iron trades
were quite active, ,
The metals from tho Australian mines were
absorbing the attention of n largo number of
miners and metal workers.
Lobboh Mabket.—Sugar: active, Gd, dearer.
Coffee, plantation Id, to 2d. lower; other sorts
declining; Provisions wholly Unchanged at Lon
don and Liverpool.
The Asia arrived at Liverpool on Saturday at
5 o’clock, P. M. ■
There was no political news of great import
■anee. ' v' ...
The case of n British subject named Marray,
sentenced to death for political offonces in
Romo, was before the House of Lords on Mon
day; also, the case of the Protestant Missiona
ries banished from Austria, whioli caused a warm
discussion, but without any definite result.
The Dissenters’ Bill, requiring the oivil regis
tration of only dissenting ohapels, was read a
second time.
A committee has been appointed to report
upon the value of Warner’s long range and in
visible shell for war purposes. ,
In the House of Commons on Monday, the
Colonial Secretary stated that the Government
was dovjsittg means of assisting the starving
A large number of distressed hand-loom weav
ers in Scotland were about to emigrate.
The Militia Bill was discussed in the House,
but thore being no quorum, it was postponed
until Tuesday.
Lord Liontenont Cleveland hns refused his
countenance to a petition in favor of the libera
tion of Smith O’Brien.
The new Constitution for Now Zealand has
been published. The Colony burthenod
j with a civil list of £19,000.
Tho weather in England and Ireland is ex
tremely favorable.
Despatches from Paris state that Generals
Bedeau and Leflo had followed Cbnngarnier’s ex
ample in refusing to take the oaths.
The news front the slavo'caast is less favora
ble. The King of Dahomey Jias refused to sign
the Treaty and threatens hostilities.
Tho premium on gold at, Constantinople was
rising, the new coins of 100 piasters being cur
rent at 115.
The two month’s grace allowed foreign hold
ers In 5 per oente have expired, and the repay
ment of the investment is demanded to the ex
tent, of thirty five and a half millions of francs.
The Emperor of Russia has left Vienna for
It is understood that Russia, Austria and
Prussia had definitely agreed with reference to
French affairs, to uphold the treaties of 1814 and
Tho census in France have been published,
which states the population nt 35,781,620 per
It is ramored that tho Minister of Police has
b?en invested with discretionary power over for
eigners in France,
Parts is now connected by telegraph with Ar
miena and Boulogne.
Gorgey’e book on Hungary has been suppress
ed by the Austrian government In oonsequehoe
of his asserting that the Hungarians were on le
gitimate grounds in their declaration of indepen
Baltuiobb, Mey 20.
This has been n day of political excitement,
caucussing and speculating. The friends of
Cass, Douglas and Buchanan ore hard at work,
but the Buchananites exhibit more energy and
determination .than all the others. Six Hundred
friends of Buchanan, from Lancaster and adjoin
ing counties, have taken Carroll Hall, one of the
largest rooms of the city, for head (jnartovs pud
have arranged for a bountiful supply of refresh
ments to which several thousand tiokets of ad
mission will be issued, to he good until after the
adjournment. The Pennsylvania and Virginia
delegates are called upon to meet there Mon
day night, when the festival will be opened and
plans adopted to fnrther the interests of the fa
vorite candidate. The general impression ie that
the Cass men will go oyev’ on tho second ballot,
part to Buchanan and part to Douglass, which
will give Buchanen 120 and Douglass 110.—
Ab to the third ballot no one attempts to make
any guess, bnt Cass is supposed, to be out of the
question. The New York Delegation, it is
thought, will hold the balance of power.
Tho cars this evening brought In a largo num
ber of delegates and strangers. :
Thonew steamer Eastern City, while prepa
ring yesterday afternoon for her trial trip, buret
one of her boilers, fatally woupdu.g her captain,
W. H. Stearns, and the- engineer, and seriously
injuring several hands. Two are since dead, and
threo others cannot survive.
. , New Om-bans, May 29.
We have Mexican dates to the 80th hit,—.
There-ia nothing important except the report
that the Chambor of Deputies pMsed a bill
granting the right of way across Tehuantepec,
to Col. A. G. Slum, of this city.
Cotton... Quiet opd unohanged. , j .
Flour—Dnll at 54 for standard brands; other
brands unchanged, ■ ■ - ,
Com Moal...Scarce at 53,12.
Bye 53,25. , _ , 0
Grain... Good Penna white wheat 51,f12@1,08;
reds 95096. Bye 76076; scarce. Yellow Corn
64*065; white 02; Oats 44,
frovisions—Dull and unohanged.
Whisky...2l. •, >
F10ur...260 bbls Howard Bt. 54.12 J; 400 bbls
oity mi11554,12J.
Grainf..Red wheat 95@98, white 5101,01;
whito corn 66057; yellow 60. Oats 40.
Beef Cattle,..Boo head offered at 53,7604,76
perlOOHis on the ho’of,equal to §7,60@59 nett;
averaging 54,25 gross;-200 driven off. '
L H0g8...57,76@58.
.> > ’ r
Cotton...Uplands.9|; Orleans 10; dull.
Flour...State' $4,00; 'Southern $4@4,GO.
Grain... Wheat .$1; mixed Corn GOe; yellow
do, 62J; Rye 75@76; held at 77. ,
. Provißions...Mess Pork $18,12J; prime SIG,-
25. Lard and Boef unchanged. ■
Sugar... Mnscovado 0; Havana s.
Coffee... Rio 9J@9J. -
Linseed Oil... Selling at 62J.
■ Rice...4@4J.
Whisky,.Ohio 201,
Tobao2o.,Kentnoky 7 h.
Cattle.,Beeves 7@9J; Cows and Calves from
$22 to $85,60; Sheep at from $4 to $7; Lambs
at from $1,75 to $4,50.
The river has risen ton inches since Saturdoy
evening; Weather fine. .
Flour, : .Dnll, business being confined to small
lots at $3,16@53,20.
Whiskey...lG ots.
Cheese,.G}@GJ ots. . . 1
Butter.,lo@lB cts. Advanced.
.Provisions.,Bacon—shoulders at 7J; sides
9.J; buyers offer 9 ots.
Lard,.lol; for prime barrelled 9.1.
Groceries., Unchanged.
Sugar.,Fair, SJ.
Molasses.,B4 ots gall.
Coffeo,.Rio 10$ @lOl.
Cotton... Sales 4000 bales at outside prices;
sihoe the Cambria’s news Btrict middling 9J ;
good middling 10, being an advance. •; The >e
celptß at the Southern; porta amounted to 670,-
000 bales; stockjoa haud 102,000 bales.
Freights have declined l farthing; sterling OJ.-
OFrictt or tun Daily Mormpo Post. I
Tuesday,iant 1,1852. l
The weather, yesterday, wai delightful for out-door
business of ail kinds, The river* are Infins boating or
der, and our river men are doing a very brisk business.
ASHES—We have reported several smsU lots soda at
31. Pearls, we quote in limited demand nt 5$iZ?G, cash
and time.
CHEESE-120 boxes at753;25 do 8.
BACON—The market continues h'%avy.and dull ; gale
43 hhds shoulders at 4 raos; 6do hams 9|, c&sb; 1000
lbs sides 0i; 2 tierces sugar cared at 11; Ldo beef at 10,
SUGARS—SaIesO hluls Orieaa* at C; 7 do 0*; 10 bbls
crushed at &l, cash.
WHISKY—SaIes 50 bbls at 1C; 50 do 17; S bbls old
rye at 51,25.
FLOUR—Receipts yesterday were large; the greater
portion, however, was for shipping: sales 100 bbls at
Tor superfine to extra; 8 bbls do 83,06; 9do
83,20 for extra. •• \^;
MACKEREL—IO* bbls No3al 83,53 to country, 1C
bbls Trout at 89,60. \
GRAIN—OOO bus Oats 3t; 500doCom4D;
Strainer Atlantic. Parkinson, Brownsville. ■
u Bultic, Bainet, Brownsville.
a J.M’Kec* Hendrickson,McKeesport.
“ Thomas Shrivcr, Hailey, West Newton
“ Gcnessec.Conaiit, West Newton. .
S. Bayard, Peebles, Eiixabeth.
“ Michigan N0.2,801e5, Heaver.
“ Forest City, Murdock, WellsviJle
“* ” Allegheny, Batchelor, Cincinnati.
“ Cincinnati, Boies, Cincinnati.
u Editor, Goidsng, St Louis.
“ Gdv. Mciga.Shnnk, Gaiipolis.
; Ben Courein. Gnllatin, Wabash River.
u Julia Dean.McVay. Zanesville.
“ Baßie,Bennet.Brqwniville.
“. Atlantic, Parkinson, do
u; J. M’Kee,Hendrickson^McKeesport.
u Thomas Shriver, Bailey, West Newton.
“ Genesaee, Conant, West Newton.
M 8. Bays rd, Peebles, Elisabeth.
“ Michigan No. 2, Boica, Heaver.
*' Forest City. Murdoch, Weljsville.
Milton, T. 0. Davis, Louisville.
“ Diurnal, Conwell, Wheeling.
“ Buckeye State, & Dean. Cincinnati.
11 Granite State, Hazlett, St. Louis.
“ WcllsvillejChristler, Bridgeport.
BROOMS— 40 dos com brooms for sale by
EDINBURG ALE—S casks sluir’s Bcoich &Je,4odoz,
for sale by lmy3tj MILLER A RICKETSON.
SARDINES— 500 half boxes sardines received and for
gale by |my3l) MILLER A RICKETSON.
JA V A COFFEE—zO pocket* Java cotfee, received and
for *nle by fmy3l) MILLER A RICKBTSON.
LASS—2CO boxes bxfu and 10x12 g!ais~in'store and
for sate by {my3t3_ J4ILLISR & RICKETSON.
/^IQPFEE—UQ baas prime areen landiag
\j and for solely [my3l] MILLER RICKETSON.
PIPES— 50 boxes white clay pipes for sale by
T^A.S'INS—2SU boxes M It raisins, received and for
It -sale by tm»3tj MILLER & RICKETSON.
CATALONIA WINE—7 bhds la store and for sate by
*my3l 221 and*223 Liberty *l
INSEEITOU.—4ti hbts Linseed Uil; in store and for
m>3l 2JI and 123 Liberty ft.
(IASSI A— lUO mats Casria; received and for sate by
my3l - 221 and 223 Liberty wt.
CSIfOCOLATK— 301 boxes Norfolk-No 1 chocoluie,
t landing and for sale by .
S ALEHAI US- 50 boxes McFariand’spulvcrized sate*
rems. for sale by MILLER AKICKETBON.
myQL . ■
YEIIMicELU— 10boxes Italian Vermicelli, instore
and tor sale by . MILLER ARICK.BTSQN,
my3l . 221 and 233 Liberty at.
SALAD Olio—lo basket* sweet salad oil. received mid
ra y3' SKI and 223 Liaeny »t.
I OAF SUGAR—6O nblsNo 9 loaf sugar, St James’
a Refinery, in'store and for sale by _
SNUFF— 2 tierce* Garrett ft Co’s Scotch snuff receiv
ed aud for sale by MILLER A RICKETSON.
my3l - • .
S~ TAR CANDLES—too boxes Oiucinnau 4’s, s’s> and
C’s, star candles, forsale atmanufactorersprices by
ivr O. MOLASSES—4O6 bbl* N O molarsc?;
st)blfbb)i do for pale by
SUGAR HOUSE MOJ<ASSB4—I3 bbja Bernard”
soger house molasses, landing from steamer Mes
senger No 2, aud for sale by
Has 0U A U—so hhd s prime NO sugar landing from
• steamer Messenger No 3, for Bale by
my3l 221 and 223 Liberty st.
flMJßACOO—boxes and half boxes Grant’s, Russell
I A Robinson’s, Meyers’, and other favorite brands, in
store and for sale by. KIILLER & BICKBTBON.
tny3l •
OILS* —Bleached and natural wlaierand spring sperm
aud whalo oils i lard, tanners and linseed oilskin
Store and for sale by MILLER A RICKETSON, *
my3L 221 and 323 Libert* *t,
Pepfkr and PIMENTO—
-10 bags pimento;
5 do pepper; for sale by
-50 boxes No 1 Herring, Lubrtck;
50 do scaled do; forsale by
CLARET WlNE—Ghhda Claret Wine}.
20 boxes Morgaux aod 81. Julian;.
In store and for sale by MILLF.R‘& RICKETSON,
my3l . 231 and 223 Liberty su
Malaga WINKS-Sweei and Dry Malaga Wines;
in Ktorn and for sale by
my3L - • . 331 ami 323 Liberty Bt.
OU. old London particular Madeira, mature and fruity
flavor; also,S S.s extra fine pale Sherry; instore and
lor sale by MILLER k. RICKETSON,
inyfli , . 221. and 223 Liberty si
SALT— ICO UMa No. I Sail;
25 So a do; .
15 do 3 do; -
for pale bv MILLER & RICKETSON,
my 31 OR and 333 Liberty at.
-30 do* Beaver backets;
lOdo?. do : large tubs;
J! S doz do small do: received and for
fialft by ' fitiy3l] MILLER & RICKKTSON.
IJORT WINE—G bhdasteiiUerrioa’s pure Port Wine}
y fi-qrcaskiHunt&Co’s do;
30 t|r, do do do;
Now landing, and for sale by.
my3l ■ . *3l and 223 Liberty st.
Nrw Yobk, May 30.
10 baskets ehoropagne wine. Anchor brand;
10 * do do do Muram’a Verzany;
10 . do do do .'do do mpmi
received and for sale by • MILLER & RICKETSON.
." my3l. / '. \
5 boxes Swiss Absinthe;.
4 do French do;
'd do Rhenish winti
10 do Brandy cherries; fur sale by
jnyUl , _ _ __ MILLHt_&_RICKKTSON
MACKERKL-iO bbl* No 3 large mackerel;
100 half bbli do . do;
10 bblsNol ; . do; ,
lOlbblsdo do do;
10 £bblß do do do;
10 i bbU No 3. landing and for sale by
«IKAS—so imlf cheala Uanpowder Ten;
I 170 do do Y’ngllyson do;
• 20 do do Hyson. dos
250 do do Paucfcong do; •
55 do do SoochODff .do;
140 catty boxes Y. H. A imp. do;
Now receiving per 4*
m ylU 221 and 223 Liberty «u
T OAF SU(?AH— ' *O bols LovenngV O Loaf bugar;
| j np do do 000 do; •
• i/5 do • do L crushed; - :
40 do do- - C . powdered;-.
U 5 do do A clarified;
10 boxes -do O refined loaf;
Received and for sale by
•221 and 223 Liberty si
T 5 25 lilf pipes lSlfrand 1814 Pale Cognac;
2 quartered*leop, do doj 3 and 4
Droofc imported per brig Cbonei .
v 15 half pipes, 10 qr costß&ndC bbls 1840 and 1844* 4
nroofi impound perbng , •
AlBo,halfplpeB»qr, and ociavea, A Setgnette. Ro»
<khellebrandy, wlth.ihe abave^nowin Custom House
stores, ond for Bale by MILLER A RICKETSON.
k royOi and 253 Liberty ft.
a AtteUon Card.
mllb undersigned, after an Interval offoor years,has
•A again resumed, business, • Having complied with
tbe reqaUiuons of the law regulating Sales at Auction*
and having procured a first class License as Auctioneer
lor the City of Pittsburgh, he otTcrs his services as such
to his friends aud the publicgenerally. With mi erne
rience of nearly Uurty years m tins line of buslncssJhe
hazards nothing in saying that he will be enabled to gjve
entire satisfaction to all those who may fee) disposed to
patronize him. P.McKtfiNNA, Auctioneer.
Refers to the principal City Merchants. iyy
AvctlonM|)fti|y Balo»> '
AT the Commercial Sales Rooms, corner, of Wood
Jr. L and Fifth streets. at tOo’clck, A. M,a general as
sortment of Seasonable, Staple-and Fancy, Dry Goods,
Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Caps; &c. • ■
ATTwcftfckV p^i.,
Qaeensware, Glassware, Table Cutlery,
Looking Glossess, uew ana second hand Household and
Kitchen Furniture* &c*
AT 7 O’CLOCK, P. M., '
Books. Stationery/ Fancy articles, Musical taslru
menta. Hardware and Cattery, Clothing, Variety Go ode
Gold and Silver Watches, Ac. P. M»■■DAVIS,
_Joainf Auctioneer.
P. n’I£BSHAt guotlonssr.
EMBROIDERIES, Silks, Laces f Fringes, Ae., open
Tor * few'days, at 'M’Kehna’s Auction Haase, (sec
ond floor). A laTge assortment of Embroideries, Silks,
Laces, Ribbons, Kid, Silk aiid Thread Glovob, assorted
colors, Silk Fringe, with a variety of fancy goods. Ijel
p. m, DAYISi Aaottonser.
stock of Coach work, Trimmings- Tools, Ac., to
be sold by. order of assignee, this nfbinmg nt 10 o’clock,
at the factory of Clarke,ott’Graih A Co., Irwin street, by
jel ' P.M.DAVIS, Auctioneer.
Blue and orange prints at auc-iior—on
Wednesday morning, June S, ni.t.o o’clocs, at the
Sales Rooms, corner of wood ana Fifth streets, will be
sold, by order'of underwriters, one case superior Blae
and Orange Prints, slightlydamaged by wateT? also,a
large and general assortment ofDry Goods. . -
jel P M. DaVIS. Auoiino^oT
Wednesday morning, June 2d, m 11 o'clock, in front
of the Commercial Bales Rooms, corner ,of Wood and
Fifth streets, will be sold, one suhsiontial well finished
light two-horse second-hand Carriage.
my3l p, M. DAVIS; Auctioneer.
-f\.. On Tuesday morning, June Ist, at 10 o’clock, at
the Coach Shop of Clarke, McGrath A Co., Irwin street
below Penn, will bo sold without reserve by catalogue,
by order of R.T. Leech,-jr„ Assignee, their entire stock
of Finished and Unfinished Coach Work,- Trimmirgs;
Tools, Ac, Ac., comprising Clarence Coach, Cbariotee
and Barouche Bodies ; Rockaway, Buggy and Wagon
Bodies; Baggies And. Wogons; Poles jShafts; Wheels;
Springs; Trimmings; Tools, Ac , Ac.. Also—3 setts
Blacksmith’s Bellows, AnviL, Vices, Ac.
Terms—under BUIO cash; over SlOO ninety <lays, and
over 5200 four months’, credit for approved endorsed
paper Catalogues can be had at the Auction Rooms,
myl? . P. ItL DAVIS, Auci’r.
New Goods* ■.: ■
E WATTS A CO., 185 Liberty street; have received?
• This sat,by the Pennsylvania Railroad, alarge
loiof new spring style CASSIMERE3. . :ltny23 .
dlovcft l Cloves 1; Gloyis l
OPENING THIS GAY, at No. 91 Market street, a
.fine lotof Lisle Thread, Silk and; Couoa"Gloves,
which! will sell at wholesale pricesby the single pair.
Persons wanting to purchase will please call .early, as
I want to close the lot out.
T>V order of the Trustees' of tbe Bank of the Umtefl
1 9 States, under deed of assignment of May 1,1841/
will be sold ax Public Sale, at tbe Merrick Ifoase ln
the Borough of New Brighton, Beaver county* Pennsyl
vania, on THURSDAY) the 10th of Jane,l*s3, alt the
right, title and inleren in the following Real Estate, held
by the said Trustees fa Bearer ebamy—-viz: :
No. 1. Six acres of Coal Land, adjoining the village
of Sharon; bounded by lands of Gareh, This
lot has valuable Coal privileges, and js in the immediate
vicinity of the markets. A portion of it is cleared for
cultivation, having a suull Dame house, for a tenant.
9. Three acres 124 perches of land, in the borough of
Fallston ; bounded by Front street on the east, John*
stonA Stockton on the south, Benjamin James oVt .the
west, and John Pugh on the north. The improvements
are a convenient and substantialtwo story brick dwell?
ing house, about 20 by 40 fee t, with' a wing about 10 feet
in width,extending bapk about 30 tect; wash house,
smokehouse, and other out buildings,and a choice sd
lectionof fpm trees. This lot basafrout on Main street
of about SO feci.
3. Undivided moiety of : U2 acres, 154 perches of land;
situate on Brady’s run, adjnhingJudge Carothera and
others. This tract contains a valuable and extensive
bed Coal,” convenient to market, and is
well worth the attention of persons engaged la the Coal
business. The superiority of this coal is acknowledged,
and it readily commands one or two cents per bushel
above the. rates of bituminous coal. There are, also,
about2o aefes cleared, principally meadow; log cabin,
srpallorchard, Ac
•4. Lot of ground in New Brighton, opposite the resi
dence of BL.Gilliland, lying betweeu Water street and
tow path of canal, unimproved. "
5. Lot of groom! in New Brighton, bounded on'llie
east by Main street, G 7 feelG inches, south by Johnston
& Stockton.GO feet; wistby Uha les Lukens.G? fceiG
inches; and north by N.'O. Manly, CO feet. Improve*
tPCola: tt two story frame dwelling} about 32by 04. feet,
paimed white, divided ami occupied as 4 tenements,
bavingeach two roomson a floor, with a garret finished,
and excellent cellar.
6. Lots No. 5, G, 7 and 8, (part of l&rgcr.JolNo. ?, in
Fallstoc.) boundedon theeastbyßeaverrivcr, north by
lot No. 4, west by a 40 foot street, nnd south by a 30 foot
street, measuring together, on said 40 foot street, 272
feet; may be sold together or singly, to suit purchasers,
7. Lot on Main or Water street, Bridgewater lm
proveroents: a substantial two story brick dwelling
house, about 24 by Si feet, fiargo stable. Ac.
8. Lot No. 2IQ m New Brighton: bounded on the west
by Broadway, CO feel; south by Falls’ street, ISO feet;
cast by Front street, 60 feet; and northby No 215,150
feet, Improvements; two story brick and frame .dwell*,
ing house, 24 by 40 feel, including porches; one and it
half story frame store house and office, about 10 by 47
feet; frame t table and other outbuildings.
9. Lotin Sharon; boundedon the cast by Main street,
sooth by an alley, west by a street, and north by John
Dickey. Improvements:, a story frame dwelling
house, about IG by fli fecu with a porch.
JO. West half of lot No a inFallstoo, bounded by
Creery on ibe North. Bank sued on the West, on
alley on ibe South, and byC. Beisiuger on tbe East;
Iraprovemenis—a two-story brick dwelling house, two
rooms on a floor, and an one story kitcheu, Ac , in tbe
rear. • ~
11 Lot No. 12, of lots laid out byThooias Williams
In Foliaum, bounded 00 the North by. M.T.C.Gould,
15Q feet, East by Second street 50 feet. South by Mr
Williams 153 feet, and West by an alley 5p feet, en
closed and cultivated.
19. Lot m Fallston, bounded on the North by An
drews, East by a street, South by Thomily, and West
by meeting house lot; being 50 by 150 feel. Improve
raenti—a two story frame bouse, about 16 by 24 feet,
basemen; story of stone.
13. Five Cosl Lots adjoining Mcllroy’s heirs, being
toffothcr SUO by 250 feeu
14. Lot iu Fallston, bounded on the North by an
alley,. East by Front street, Scuth'liy Thornily and
Townsend, aod Weitby Bark street; improvemcnisare
a two story brick dwelling bouse 50 by 21 feet, frame
•table, Ac.
15. Two water lots, hounded by Front street on
tho West, Bcaoon on the Norm, Bet;vey river on the
East, an<l an alley on the South.
16. Lot No. Uin Fallston, bounded on the East by
Front sttcet, North by aa alley, Wert by Back street,
and South by Stokes’heirs; improvements, a conveni
ent and substantial two story brick dwelling house, 41
by 18 feet, and a wing 13 oylS.feet, with porch, Ac;
frame stable, smoke house end other outbuildings. .
17. Lot No. 23, in Mendehab’s extension ofßridge
bounded on the North uv Mcfyroy’ji heirs v East
byiKashkushxestreet, South by lot No. 39, and
Pakanko street. '
Lou No. 31.32. 33 and 34 ft Bridgewater, bounded on
the North by Gilkbegau street, East by Kushkushka su,
South by Beacon Alley, and West by Pakanko street
This lot may be sold by separate numbers or as describ
'Lot No* 30. bounded op the North by Beavpr alley.
East by street* South by lot No. 39, ana
West by Pakanko sireet.
18. Lot No 10 in Dickey’s extension of Sharon,
bounded on tho Fast by Main street, South by‘Wblimab,
Wenbystreet, and Noitliby John Dickey,—enclosed.
19. 11 Lots in the Borough of Rochester, viz : No.
9 and 10, bounded by Wasson on the North, Brighton
sireet on tho East, Lot No. 11 on the Sooth j and Gould
street on the West. Nos. 16,17,1919 and 20 lying toge
ther, boupdedon the North bv Wasson. Eastby
mand street, Soutli bv Lot No 21, and West by Brighton
street. Nos. 95,25, 27 and 2£ lying together,bounded on
the North by Georeo street, East by Dalton sireet, South
by Lot No. 2-i, aqq West by Warixoinftnd sireet.
559. Lot Of ground in Sharon, bounded ab the North
by Purdy’s heirs; East by Main street;.South by other
lot of J. Dundar etui, and West by aCQ.fool street- On
this lot is a iworstory frame dwelling house, aud frame
Jdi. 6 acres of lend, adjoining the. above, bounded
by Dickey, Wray andotherr. having coal privileges. .
5951 Two lots in Bfldgpwqier; No. and purl of
No. 22, bounded on the Notthby N 0.24, Kasvby Publie
Square, Boatu by Part of No. 22, and West by Kush
kiishke sireet
; 533. Undivided 4 6th of. water lot, .Biiu.ated iu the
Borough of Falbton, on die East side of the public road
of street, and between said strtxVand the Beavercreek
—pan of Lot No 49 extending 40 feet on the fttrec.i aud
49 feet on the Creek.
594. Lot in F&lUton, No;2, Mahsiail Square, bound
ed ou tho East by Main street, North by nn alley, und
Weal by Back street, with a two story brick dwelling
535. Lot adjoining the above' No. 9, of Mansion
Square; bounded ,by the same streets on the E&m aad
West, and by Stevenson’s heirs on the South. Improvo
ments—a large brif k dwelling honse, 2 etories high*:
536. Lot No. 0, EngUsh’apian of Bfldgewater,bound
ed by Bridge street, and an alley 59 feel, and by Lots
No. 5 and No. 7,125 feet.
- Lot N 0.5 in the Borough of Fallston, bounded
an the North by an alley, on the West by Back street,
on the Soatli by Lot No; C, and on tho Fast by Front
street. ■
538* Alsoylbt No.being all that certain niece or
parcel of land situate in Now Bewickly fownship, Bea
ver county, bounded and described as follows: Begin
nlng at a itickory, near where a white oak formerlr
stood, on the East bankof ibe Big Beaver creek; thciice
by Lot No; 99. north eighty-seven degrees, east forty-six
perches to n black oak ; thence by a line through the
tract of which this Is a patt, south forty degrees, eastone
hundred and forty percheE.toastake ona lineofLot
No. 97, of Hugh M’danis* heirs; thence by
the same south eighty-seven degrees, west thirty-seven
perches, to a stake ot the edge of Big Beaver creek:
thence up the same, north forty-two and one half de
grees, west mxty perches toa stske; thence by the same
north fifty three and one-half degrees, west twenty per
ches to a stake; thence uorih forty-seven and onb-half
degrees, west twenty-eight porches to a stake; thence
by the same north thirty-six degrees, and one-half, west
thirty perches ttr a. stase; thence py same north
thiriy-eUc degrees ; and. one- half,, west thirty peri
ches .to. a; stake; - and thence by the nonh
twelve and .one-ha!f:degpoeE; west eight perches to the
plane of beginning,'conioinlng thirty acre 9, atrict ifea
aure. As the same' 1b described in a certain deed be-,
twpen James Patterson and Elizabeth his wife, of Brigh
ton, Beaver County; Pennsylvania, of the first part, and
James Dnndas, Morde'ctri u, Lewis, Samael W. Jones,
Robert L. Pitfield and Robert Howell, Assigneesiu trust
of the Bank of the United States, offoe City
delphla, the same lo> be sold by the acre, and according
lolhokeiual adipeusorement upon the ground fAi v <rA . -
it is believetl that capitalists may wakera tho foregoing
teal estate safe e„a pto6iable itvestmenthand to thosj
of small mean? the opponunlty is
home, ae the property will ae sold at teasoatoie tales,
ano on easy teiins of payment. .• -
TEOMS-Five per cent of 2. 0 ”5 y .j°
be paid atlhe lime theproperty sold shall be fittaekoff, the
balance of one thlid of
liverv of thedeedio ihe puicbaser, the remainder in two
equKtafmlnm 'payable ■(> one and; twoyears from
the dayot sale, with interest, payable half yearly, se
enred by bond itd mortgosc la the usual manner. If de
fanlt bemade by any potohaser In not complying with
the stfiitemm, tho Property, sold may be resold ot his
* lS Pn«hiue» e not exceeding- one hundred dollars
oaidiScuh- JAMESDUNDAS, „ 1
pare in ca»i MO RDECAI D LEWIS, 1
SAMUEL W. JONES, I Trustees.
myl4-3lawtd ROBERT HOWELL, j
■ ,-r ., - \V^..v«*4' ri \ *•* ' ‘
,1. ~- x r. : v
'L / - Sr A' * -
V- • ’‘ a ««r i,
, jl*i» 1 1 , ,n. , , t
L r
' ■ ‘ “r • ,s **viv.ysv.
.««*V-*'.- -* <*
■■■■■".■.■■. •i-.'i'.>v ► • ) ■.:
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■' i • «?’'**!*lt.' • ’
<•; ■%■ -V. -i
•-... i’f , -\ t •■ .•;
.j- o'* l7 ’ : \-
EBUMATISM.~Dr. Brown's newiy diacovred ren»v
•dy for Rheumaiismtit t speedy andeer tain remedy
MOND, PJtMnch, Penn,, no
AHi£/VU OP 41*1*1 „„
T>KEPARED:aud sold by JNO. YOUNGbON, 500
jT Liberty street. Thia powcrfullyconcetilraled pre
par&tion; the medical virtues of which are found tobe,
eight tunes the strength of the original American Gu.
Itis put up in bottles at 25 and 27 fc cents, eUth, with .full
directions for its use. In every disease wheretheorigi*
an! American Oil has been found at
irso far exceedstheorjginahn powers astorcnderit the
N.B.The original Oil in its natural stale os taken
from the bowels ofthe earth, can be had asnbo^e—and
.willbe.found g«num«. notwithstanding a certi firm
claims to be the only Proprietorn
• ■■ ■■ Plrvate Diseases*
sspbopg!*' Übvotej bis ernirc attention to an office
V‘E»*r|& practice. HtaLusinessismosUy conGnedto
jjgsK|lj» jPn'oaudr ftnersafiKjiajir.andsucb pain*
' *fleciiofia,' brought oit by iraprudeuec,
ggjPMga youthful indulgence andexcess. :
' Syphilis* Syphilitic Eruptions, Gonoir,
• hea.Gieet,Stricture, UrethralDischarge*,
of the Blood,with all.diseases o. the venerea,
origin. . Skin Diaeases. Scorbutic Eruptions, Tetter.
Ringworm, Mercurial IteeascsjSemijtnl Weakness,lm*
potency, Piles, Rheumatism, Female Weakness, Month*
& Suppressions, Diseases ofthe Joints, Fistula in Ano:
Nervous Affections, Pams in the Back and Loins, Irrita
lions of,the.Bladder and Kidneys,successfully treated.
Cure guaranteed.
Sixteen years’ practice (six in this city* enables Dr.
Browntooffer assurancesofspeedy cure to aii who may
come under his care. .
Office and private consulting rooms. 41 Diamond ay.
IC7* Charges moderate. nnvSMfcww
zjV t iffliroiv l s
'From Houghton's A’ov.
'Boole of Cases and Courts
panama.—C» se l—? MiSg
►A'; R.,oged29 Thi* lady
was very spare anti sallow
..—had incessant.pain and
uneaunes3 inihe pit of the
• stomachi . Two"-or three
• times a day the-pain iiw
mini i to such a decree
as to make nor scream wub ogany.,■ These attacks bap*
peried sometimes after food, and sometimes ’when none
nadbeen taken*. Sheraised rousb sour, olear .fluid from
thestomach in be morning. The stomach swelled much
at night..-Tongue coated and clammy; ranch thirst; no
appetite. Bowels costive; dull,stupefying setiattion in
the forehead.: Coraplamtsof twoyears standing Gave,
her some Pepsin oh.Mondav. Came hack in a week.
Said the pain had not been half so bad since taking the i
secouddose,and was daily growing less .The constant
gnawing was also gofie. Appetite improved! tongue
cleaner; bowels regular; head still heavy. . In another
week she was entirely free from uneasiness and pain ]n
the stomach—raised no acid fluids—head felt clear, and
every trace of the Piomachcbirplaintwas removed,. .
__Cass2.—Married Lady, azed 50—Patno/^rean'ng.—
- Very stout lady* : Ilad suffered pain, usually very se'
verc, in the region of the stomach, for three years past,
and particularly intense after eating. Wbenav the worst,
the pain is as if some hard body were being thrust Inio
the pit of the stomach and bored in every direct ton. Much
tenderness on prepare. This lady nsod the Pepsin with
snrprislngeffe.ct Soon after the the pain ceased
—she/eK some nausea, and retched, but nothing came
up. - Several months have pa< cd, buithere has been no
retnrn of the pain; Tongue clean and moist; no sore
nessof the stomach. „ L_ -> r :i_;i
Hkhabeabi/e Cues— •LouisviUe I _Ky i May, 1851
the 7th of May, 1851, Rev M. If. Williams, pastor of the
Fourth Presbyterian Church, inLouisville, Ky.,was and
bad been for a long' time confined to bis room, and most
of the lime to his bed, with Dyspepsia andCbronie Diar
rhea, and was to all appearance bn .lhe very verge of
thegrave, and acknowledged to be so by his physician,
who had tried all the ordinary means in hispower with*
oat effect? and at the above named time, the patient, by
the conscrit of bis physician,-commenced the use of Dr.*
HoUfjbnn’s Pepsin, and lo the astonishment, surprise
and delight-of nil. be was much relieved the first day.
The third 1 day he left his room : The rixth'. day, which
was excessively hot, he rode ten ratios with no bad ef
fect;-on the eighth flayhewenton a vhitto<he country;
and on the thirteenth day.though not entirely restored
to hisnatnra! strength, he was so far recovered as logo
alone a journey of five hundred miles, where he arrived
in safety,much improved in health, having had no dis
turbance of the stomach or bowels after taking the first
cose of Pepsin. These are factsnotconirovertable,and
this is a case which ought to convince all skeptics that
there is a power in Pepsin - Let physicians ana dy*pcp
tics investigate. - - DR GEO 11, KEYBER,
Only wholesale and retail agont,l4o Wood st., Pitts
burgh Pa - ■_ • • [tnySo:d&w
Rhfltdl £t Johnston,
W CHANTS, and dealers in Produce and Pit shutgk
Manufactures t U 9 Water and 150 Front streets, P Us
burgh, Pa.. • ; .• - . •; : tmyl7
TflE public arc informed that the price of Fare at the
.Franklin House, Cltesriul street, Philadelphia, is re
duced freta 22 00 to $1,50 per day, aud offers accom
modations equal to any other Hoteliri the city.
N. C.-i-Furniture for sale; and a Itaso oh the house
my 2 r4t - • Owher of said House and Furniture. ;
. y\ MBS. E. DAVIDSON Tespectfully.-infarms the
OgriLadiea :of l ittsburgh and Allegheny cities, that
*>sc* she will have open for their inspection, a splendid
assortment of Imported BONNETS, {silk, «■ rape, gimps
and straw.) Also, a Variety of rich MANTILLAS and
SHAWLS) idgciher with ageheral assortment of Fancy
Goods, at her New Store, N« 41: MARKET ST., be
tween Second and Third, on THURSDAY, S7ih instant.
Pittsburgh.Mav 37,t852-—lw« . •' ’
ABitgument for the flenefit of Greatcorii
BY order of voluntary assignment: exeettied on the
Bth day. of-May, in the year 1852, by Class, M’-
GRAtn & Co, to Richard T. Leech,jr.,ihe said Clark,
M’Grath &,Co.ymade the said Richard T. jLeccb, jrya
Trustee,"for the benefit of their creditors. Ail persons
having claims-against the said firmware requested, to
presentment to thesutseribenand all persons indebted
to the firm, are notified to call on the subscriber, at 133
Wood street, Pittsburgh, and puy or arrange the same,
mar ‘ ; R. t. lf.ecii, jr.
: btar Bakery Qad|Qe cream si a toon.
A& P. SCHILOECKEB, respectfully infbrrn their
• old friends and customers,that they are tiow pre
pared, atlheirSalcoti,No. 22 Diamond alley, toserve up
pure ICfi CREAM,of the very beat quality, etalllnnrs
of the day and evening They always keep on hand,
every kind of Cakes and Confectionary, fresh end sweet.
Parties and families will bp'served with all articles ibey
may order, on the shortest notice and oa the most satis
factory terms- Remember the place, No. 22 Diamond
alley, a few doors south of the Diamond. Imyl4:sw
Notice to Contractors*
SEALED proposals will bo received at this Office un
til sunset, on Monday, the Olst Insuiot, for-ihe g rada
ationand masonry;requiredon 36. miles ofthe Pitts
burgh and Steubenville Railroad, from Campbells run
to the Virginia line Plans and profiles will be exhibit
ed* and the necessary information respecting the work
given, by the Engineer, at his Office, for five days prior
to theletiing. By order of the Hoard.
Office, ) D. MITCHELL, JR.J
Pittsburgh, May G,lbs‘L V Chief Engineer
mjH Pittsburgh and Steubenvil’e RTL Co.
DaLUAs, Verbenas, Plants*
fTIHKI best: collection of Dahhii3 west of tke m«-un-
X tain9, one hundred and fifty varieties. Thorborn’s
and Ilovey’a .Verbcuas, which are unequalled. In fact,
Hovey’s America, and Orb of Day,and Thor
bum’s Heroine, S’Eclipsc, and Sir S. Blanc, are admit
ted to. be the Gams of the World.- The. above/with
every variety of Greenhouse and other Plants, for. sale
at the Passenger and Remittance Office of
• European and General Agent,.
tftyg . . j . ‘123 Wood street,
. Proyosalt. for Coal and.biuk*
SEALED PROPOSALS for delivering Fu the Stores,
at the-Works of the Pittsburgh: Gas Company, IW),-
WO. bushelß of Bituminous Goal, and 39,(300 bushels of
Black, will be received at the Office of the Company, un
til Thursday, June 3d, 1852, at 2 tfelockcP. M The
Coal and Slack to beof such qaaliiyyand delivered at
such timet, and in suchqaamfties. as shall be uppnmd
of and directed. 1 The standard of compctai.on for Goal
and Slack to be 70 pounds per btiahel.
The payments to be made monthly, retaining 20 per
cent, as security for performance of contract.
' Proposals lo be oderesred to Thomas Bab ewell, Esq.,
President Of the Company f and endorsed. “ Proposals
for Coal and Slack.” ; THOMAS BaKKWKLL,
President of Pittsburgh Gap Company. ■
; ' M ■'■••••• TH E attention Of Dealers and the pub
is respeclfally called to the Improved.
Melod,eons. rocinttfacmred by- the sub*
,1 B ?sc«bers. :For purity and richness,of
tone, they are unequalled, not having the uneven, sharp.,
and reedy sound of thore made by Others:. They are:
made of rosewood,Of supetb workmanship aud : origi
nal design, making a beautiful Parlorj Instrument; and
are admirably adapted for: ebureh mnsic. Dealers sup
plied on the most Hbefat . terms. Ali orders by mail
promptly attended to, and Instruments: sent lo ony
pan of the country—and warranted.
T, C. CLARK & CO.; .
my 0 2m A - Causeway street. Boston. Mas*..
Books will be opened on Monday, asm
.day of June next,-at It o’clock, A.M., for subscrip
tion to-ihe Capital Stock of the- 11 Pittsburgh Trust and
Savings Company,” at the Office of Messrs. HAYS A
PAINTER, Liberty street, Fifth Ward,* under the di*
■J. Moorehead., Charles Shafer Thomas Bakewell,
Morgan Robertson, JoslrU King, Wilson M’Cuudless,
John B. Rutler v Wra Larimer, jr;, Rody Patterson, John
Small, W, J. Howard, John Morrison, J. S. Craft, Reu
ben miller, ft: H.'Hartley,.Wav. K chtmum,tlD/Gaz
zam. Wm. Kerr, Alfred W. Marks, Dr. R. Willi-on, Dan
iel Neeley, John Anderson, L. VVilmanh;C Ihmßen. G;
R. Riddle and Thomas Fartey;
Capital Slock, S2oU,Otil>. To ba divided into 4,fi00
shares, at 85b each—Blo per share to be paid at the time
ofjubseribing, unybud
TURTLE CREEK i PA, , . . mtlA
A LLEN. BROWN, Proprietor.—This
J\. commodious establishment, recrutly crecied by the
proprietor, attle terminus of the Braddock sField l lanic
Road, and near tha present terminus fotihß re;
road, twelve miles from the city.
rbn«rance from the city; mil liHards n
driiee ana liMOtiful scenery; it is magmficemly flued
UD end furnished with every lmjirovemem of Erri-claw
modern hotels-sniles. of rooms, parlors, etc.. Anomnf
im. TOllI convey parreuger. to and from ihe Railroad
Dfnoi.on tie Brrival and deparlore of Wains.
irrVtic proprietor feels as.nred tlmtxweniy years ex
nertence in the business will enable him to sccute the
comfort and insure the satisfaction of all who may visit
him In his new location. - .. . tmy£o:3md--
EstaJ)lished iri \&Ab-~lnco*j>ojaiut by ;h* L»zislatUrt'cf
FroniyZtania, ictifi PirpeiitaV CiHt'ler,-
T)RINCIPAI>-'Duff, Prd/essbr of Thureiical and
X Practical Book-Keeping and Commercial Sciences.
N. B. ILlich, Ksq.;Piofessor of MercanUloLaw.-
-Jons D. WiU4*Ms,one of the beat Penmen in the
West, Professor of Ornamental and Commercial Pen
manshlpo ....•
. P. Hatdejt, Principal of the Classical Depanmdnh
Professor of Mathematics and Classical. Languages
• Those who aspire to the higher rank os'Accountant?,
oro requested lo cal! and examme tiieciedemialg of this
.Institution, from upwards :of onehundrcd MerchautF,
Bankers and- Accounuuim JnAhi? city, who have been
trained for business iTr tt. . AiJo I tbe ,emphtUic testimo
nials of the American Chamber'of Cdm
merce f and many of.xhe leading Merchants, Bonkers,
and Bank officersvol. the city of New York,aopeiided
to tho pages of 1 DuS’s North: American Accountant,”
and w western Steamboat Accountant”
DuCPa Book-keeping, 102 royal octavo pages. Harpers,
New York—price ;. DufPs Western: - Steamboat
Accountant, complete, with Hand’s Time Table, 81JKK.
I - Merchants and'steatserj supplied with tborottgbly
trained the
fiend and get aCircular by mail, (myS7
fi v r '-: :
' \ J ■■■■■. : \-
TOXKT-Tlic sfonlfHOOM unj'nXTUnKS'now
occupied byite .ü Ponctilcn giten on .
me iSthiust.-Por teim« enquire of ■ - • 1 •
-S 1 ”* h. cnK9Ti:n. TiSrmihfieid.i,
<asa „ sroßirßooMtrwJSTj^r
-BfeP.a ' y 5’° 0 , dß : Trlmmin T O'- Grocery Slope,
—niarOO MS Market .trek
THE .MISSOURI yxcn A\cr, on Wild , um
near the corner of short street p or td/m J nn
gM3 ply to Alderman PARK INSON. C^WaVd" 1
unragrtf . •• - '■ ■ ■
»■ for Rcni t "ihe~~~' •*-
i store rcon now occupied by Messrs. Willock VJS&V
A Davis. No. Bl Marketßtreet. Possession given Kg»:R '
onthelstofApi;. - Fnquireo/
iwnfrtf--'"- CIMt-. U. FAlir.onV. No.-7.TWnM ftr
■ /ion ft LN l’ a Cimage utidutt, co. .sisnug or twenty
-4; alx acres of Land. There are on the premises a
good Frame Ilouie,. two Darns, four hundred Fruit
Trees,and nn excellent spring of Water. • Situated on
the Beaver Road, four miles from A Mcgoeny City. ;
ray 27 THOMAS MOFPITT, tO Fifth street.;
" — r '"'por Heat*
the warehouse now occupied by mu as a drug *
store on the corner of Liberty.ond Baud streets. A
good location for business of any kind.. Possession <
riven immediately. (mylffj . JaMES A. JONES.
. ■ .. For Saia*
A FRAMEDwellittg House and’lot, situated on Clay
alley, 31. -The house is 1C by- 18,2su)rie» high,
«‘r l 15 b F Bh Lbi-is 2t> feet front bys7deep.
Price SOW. CURTI3 & .
m • • No IGl,cor.of Woodnnd Finh star
M. TOU IlKN'r.—From >he:Ut oC April xextf Ihe
.tore, w»th atlackciLorvthacorncr of
e U* '^‘ r ? l , B K e ® lB ~~ a goodbapiiies*'Miami
r;o?r dl ™4H O hL^ aV ? rl l , | l^Gm ' :01^i, ' one3< i Uare ffoin
nver .will be rutu d low to a good tennot. -■■■•
No. 232 Libenyst. •
. For Hale.
A FARM, containing 3o acres, situate
:A; >* W’uanaicM township, Allegheny county,about
2 miles from,:or midwaybetween the Franklin and But.
ter plank roods, and 10 miles from this chy./ Iswell-wa--
ercd. bas*n vuluable orchard, goad wood lois; and is
mostly improved. - Buildings tolerably good; For tetma
enquire ot CUKTIS & BOOBS; Agents;
myB ~ .... . No. 123. cor. Wood and Fifth
toll gate in .tteborougU; of South Fiusburgb. all
£iihtn five minft*e*’.wallc of the Monongohela Bridge,
These lots are of largc riz?, fronting on Carson sireet
the Brownsville turnpike, and ore among the best
lots forbuildmg purposes oh that aide of the river, one
of these being a large jot extending from one street to
the other, and adjomingtheloU boTse lot- ' '
They will be sold iow, and on reasonable terms: Title
perfect, and clear of mcomfcroncffi- Enquirr of v' :
No 51 Grant at.
• . Houi« and Lot for Sale* '
ft THEsubscriber offers, for .sale a two story
Nwfe BRICK HOUSE, fituate on Chatham : felrcetj bo
; SmS. tween Wiley and Webster. The honse contain*
seven, rooms, iud is well finished throughout. Being
convenicni to iho most active business parts <f ihe city,
iiiaa very desirable dwelling tor n private residence
H not disposed of before the t’4th of June.ifwili be Of*
feared at public sale, on that day,ai tf o’clock,!*. RI.
* rS 3na Ashing to purchase, will please apply to Mr.
Jackson Duncan, corner of High street find l*cnir«ylva
ma Avenue, who will give all neeo«sary information. •'
myitku .. JOflN HUGHES
V-- .. . Farm for Safe; : r ~. ”. r ;
jfv Sewicklcy Creek, fifteen. miles below Allegheny
Cuy, and sbout.ihrce-qumters of a mtle from the Kail.
Toad/comaiuing*lB acres, ii3.ofrwhich is rich bottom
laud, well :adcpttd ;tn. gardening or agricultural pur
poses. The balance is upland, well, situated, and well
timbered; has u young orchard of about 100 thrifty trees,
It is well watered. It has a small house on it, and ma
terials ready to pm un a new one 13 by Qi>. U is expect
ed that a railroad station house Will bo put op wiihiL 1
mite from it. For terms enquire of
Real Estate Agenisj over Patricks *nd Friend’s Batik*
iittr House. 12d,cor. Wood andSth sir. • (myg)
GORN lN TiiE EAR—IOO bushels, Just received dud
for sale,by. . . JOHN B. SHERRIFF,
myfH : 10 Market street.
l« s. Johns
. ... J, jLavely fk Co<«
.L/Teas, I’ickles, Frurs, &c,,&c..N0.-2WLiberty ah,
(north s>de.) emo door below. Hand. . fmyfchy ,
rj «Hti annual pxeeiingof the Stockholders of the Fitts-:
X burgh. Cincinnati and Louisville Telegraph Com
pany will be hcld at the icfHce of the Company, in Cm*
cinnatiyon the let Monday of Jane next, (June 7) at 10
o’clock, A.M., for theelection of Directors for theeusu*
ine year. ■ [mv4l ; ... - JOSHUA HANNA.
WTIL M. WARD would respectfully announce to
the Ladies and Gentlemen, of Pittsburgh and vi*
cinity, that the spacious Saloons utibfCAthensom Build
ings, are liow supplied with a-superior quathyof Ice'
Creamf,Cakea, Fruits, and other refreshments. Open
fromO A.M.'toll P. M ’ • ' •
ALSO-—The Bathing department will always be found
in order, for Hotj Cold, or Shower Baths, an almost in
dispensiblc requisite for the preservation of health. . - "
mvlt .'■ :V ' •
.Proposals for the 1 Publication - . ~
; Sealed Proposals, endowed severally “ Proposals foj
Publications of the ” Pennsylvania Archives, 0 and Pro
posals for rt Re-poblication of the first three volumes of
the Colonial Records,” will i ©‘received until thel2th
day of JUNE licit, In tbeoffice of the Secretary of the
Commonwealth, Jor the publication of 1)10 u Pennsylva*
nia Archiveß,” and also lor the re-publication of the first
three volumes of the!“ Cotonml Records,” agreeably 10
the provisions of.the following sections of the following
Acts of Assembly:
A» Acrp> oviding for the publication of the Colonial ftt
cords, nnd other original papers in tie tfitc of the Setrt
■ tdty-of .th* Commonwealth;
Section l. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of
Representatives oftlte Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
•in General Assembly mot, and it ishereby enacted by
the authority of the same. That the Secretary-of the :
Commonwealth, be, and heisherebysDthorizcil antire*
qairedto continae-Uie prinling of tho fiMnaiCfl of the
Proprietary Government and Council of Safety, down
to iheaddptipnbf;the Cori-timtion iAfiie yearonethon
sand seven hundred and ninety, from the point at Which
the third volume of the Colonialßecords terminates, in
the same shape and: style : in which-the:yolames of the
Colonial Records, already printed,, a republished—each
volume to.contain notlessihan eight hundred pages, and
that the munberofcopiesofeach volame shall be fifteen
hundred. , . .
Section 2. That it shall betfre daty of tbe Sccretaiy
of the Commonwealth, immediately after the passage of
this Acij io wriie:propoaalr.<or the publication of the
records aforesaid, giving pablic notice -fortu least one
month in two papers poolishcd in Philadelphia, Puts*
burgh and Bamabate,* which proposals, shaft state the
price per volume, and eballincliide die faithful andlilcral ;
transcribing of UK. recori s nfoiesnjd, tiEfler the super
intendence <ifiheSecreiary.thepulUcat,otfiinfl binding
in a manner uniform with and not.iiUerioT UMhq.yoluEles
of the Colomal.Records already publijhed. dhding -fill
material, and tire delivering of them to the Secretoryor
the Oommuiiweitlih: which proposals *hnll be ppentd '
at the tune appointed by the Secretary m presence of
the Governor. Auditor General and State Treasurer who •
shall then, with the Secretaryv proceed to allot lliecon*
teaet to the lowest and bc>t responsible bidder v Vwvid* "
edj Thai before asrig ing the contract as afoi'esahli.'the
successful bidder shall euter into bond to the ■■
wealth,'with two or.raorc sufficient sureiies,ln the sum\: ■
of teniboasauddollars,conditional for the faithful
meutofMiis contract which boiuLshall be-approved by;
the Governor before bemgreceived.
Section 3. That it shall be the duty of the Secretary of
the CommonweuHb, so boon astheeniircnumGerofcog»j -•
iesof any one.voliirae shall have been deUveredifltoha*; :
office locerth’ythatfaci tothe Governor, who shall then ;
draw, his warrant on the State Treasurer for the amount
UuetheContracioraccordingtothccontract,whichshalt ;
be paid oat of any money din tile treasury not otherwise
appropriated; Frov ded, That the Secretary shall not
certify as aforesaid,until upon examination hebes&lii&ed
tnat the contract has been curried out in accordance with
the true intent arid meaning of Ihis-act, andcspeei&lly:
that the ospubliih&d,is alaithfat and literalcopy .
Of the original.
Section 0 That the Governor is authorized-and re«.
quested to appoint some competent person; whose duty
it shall be to select for publication, such.ofthe orijginel
documents, leuera,.treaties; and other papers, prior in
date to the peace of one thousandreven bond red and;;
eighty-three, now preserved in the SecreuvTy’ffofficejas ,
may do deemed ot sulScient : importance to bo published; -
: aDdtoarmhgeihemuccordinglodateandßiibjectinone
for more volumes, not exceeding -five of tho sneof the .
i Colonial Records heretofore printed which sh&U becdll-*
[ ed tho‘‘Pennsylvania'Archives.” »
i Sections That itshail be theduty of the Secretary of
the Commonwealth, immediately after the aPennsyjVH
•nia Archives,” as aforesaid,' are prepared for publiea* ..
lion, to procuTO.the printing offiflecn hundred copies of
the entire m the same manner, .and
under the sarte rOstriciionsias are provldodlnlheßCebrid
and third SeCtions-of tfaii Aci t in rcfereucc lDtbepuWi-..
cation of the Colonial Records. .
An Act supplememary id aa Acii €nnuca.'‘An Act
providing for lho publication ot the, Colonial; Records .;
aud other brigmalpapers intheofficeof tho Secretary t»f
llie Commonwealth, Feb. IfyiSSh *
Whereas, From the nature of theeontenlaof the ronn*
sylvrinia Archives* now;ieadyrorpablicatioa,itijinui*r
pensably necessary to .thcproiwr^xociiaw»*J^J^s'a :
that its publicationsbaH;OC.suP. 6tJ o leO<^ -
®^V e competentpeno^mfif^JJ w and House of
In Genera, AtKinblr»o^“_ i^?[llOll(!t u alzar tl be, tmd
th 6 aQlhcnlyoUlieiiiraj (^.l!iß((gijptrma , tlli |lle pai _
ho is , llcr “J > >; "PKJjyiroma Archiver, omhoriMd to bo
lc - a V°i’h^^L b r fcl W ">Wrh iiiiß Is a supplement.
pnmedbjtho «CI.I ilh 881 , aea „ or l 0 io .
" to Hie publication of stridor- ■
eki^ioptcpi'' Bll " e «s' a nf^notes. icdicc», oppen
fS.wfMdwcii oiiirrmauer as may bo nteestory and.
Smntjviu doing which he shall beauthonzed lopublisp
«ae» papors of a date lttlcr lhanseycutcen bandied and:
gjpjjtf-illreppassliaUiu hisjurtgmect be necessary logive
aclearandcomprehensiveview.ofany irunsacuoncom* .
fficneing befirte that year. ....
Section 'd. That the said Editor be and he is hereby an
thorized to procure the liiboaiaplung ofsqcli plans of
battles* foruncotions; Indian m»ps,lndian deedsorother :
similar papers nowexisting among said Archives,ashe i
shall judgflf necessftry tu/the proper Ulusmuion ol the
said Archives,?’. inecxpense-Of which.*
shall be paldout of any moneysin the treasury not other
wise appropriated, afterbeing endued ap.d examined in
the usual manner.
Section 5. That should the number of .volumeifixedta'
the'Act tor whicu ilMs is a supplement, prove insufficient
to contain the cadre number.of papers now seleqtedlor
publication*-itshall be the duty of ihe SrCrtidry of the.
be necessary to contain the entire collection, to be pub
lished by the contractor lathe same manner as though
no huxnber of volumes had beenfixed by the Actio which
there is asupplement.
•Section the SCoretary of the CommdnweaJtb:
i be authorized to procure the re-pubhcauou of the first'..
tbrec volumesof the with the
present edltiait tabe published ontl di inbutedaccordr :
lugto ihe provis’oris of ikisiAct, and the Act lo whica 7 .
thisla'ttsupplcmenn undlhatin the makmg ofaconlract
fnrthe publicurion ol the ■.i , cnn*ylvaniff.Arcmves
'firsiihieeVolomes tff the Beiord*, the . .cfretnrvpfjho
CommbhWdaititbudirecied to provide torihe publicatioa
of atlehstonervolume per month, and be authonzea to
take sachmeusures i*s-wiU ensure lhe.fttiihful perform-
of .to Oolmtalße.
coito T) rovifli'ffJof i»IS 6aJ etlop ofthoAicl dwi »bo»e *
quoted htisalrcQdrbicnmaJe. andblddei.wui eonfinn
tueirnroptiFttls i o ihc '‘Pennsylvania AichiVtaami ibo
riStfcaiion of tlie fiielttnee yolunies of ,be 8 Colom
aJ Record.,” ofFtb either one oiiheo-ber, neeaeliwill
’ edns itute the subject or aseparate contract
;••• jjigder* wilTobfotvo the requiremem of the»cr
-1 ijon ortlic Act first aboye quoted, and of the 7th Section
of the Supplement, as no pTOposal fnihng. to embraco
them in every be coiiriiloVei). -Tee asmes
ofSuretie9,.for the failnful fulhfment 6f the Contract, :
shbuid accompany the proposals. * - :.ri.r
* - ' * *Fr \r. HUGHEsy;
Stcre T ar\i of the CmwmKnUh.
*foTC"*- l ffce ritwevoiumes of tbo Colonial
ready published, may be found In dU the public
of the Slate, W 4
-4;.. "5. A.' . .'
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'~Si I'Cz.y. /s r l 2'
For Sale,
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