f'" " ' ■' >r ‘ -V - %'■ i-.: cw*.i ;* .-; \ - : *1 a»-, , - 1 , * - * ■’ •_ - V, *L< ‘C ' Kj , S X V^, 'U'’Vv^UV*v»", ti / Aj’,. " i ~VTVvV £.** " 3' l ‘ .;,...■ wu ... . . ■lrf.ri: r >;.. #*>; *:*►■* t+vi ..■ j-j&kk > ; >i'J t l? »\i * v > £N v* 1 " :i V* 1 '£* i* 1 '**•■ i* /*•<» ■* j. s ’ - , *>< it K'Z \st 3\V iV >*i '-’W ' V’ i %<+£«>r 3‘if r :-^*SVu'-*+.•>! ?^t‘V' { ' hHw* * fHV* - w c f’ •■ *- , '‘'' l ■M *V-!»- 5 I\lj ali *> * <•«: '*: 5 t '■ «--!•-;* :l - ■j jsLyXrff* *f. *•*£#&* tf> t'$ r ' n ,-(-"‘ > lv ji *«■ !oM^iWl9i STiltfi't ! *^L , ‘J. y *£?!s I s3>r p-Ov - 5?Vv tsl*i -.-3 -' ‘ rL- .; CsO •*-_-*, -^' fife- ffe\ Jailg ffflnniing ffiost. WORT HARPER .....THOMAS PHILLIPS Harper ft Phillips, Editors & Proprietors. PITTSBUBGH: TUESDAY MORNING::::::; DEMOCRATIC TICKET. FOB BRBSIDEST Q? THB UHTFEU BTATKB J AMES BUCHANAN, OP PENNSYLVANIA; Euljtzt u ditision of the Dttnocraue Gtntuil C*Huntu>n. • - POB viob phe&ibbht: WILLIAM E. ICING, OF ALABAMA; 'Subject' to the tome decision. - FOII CANAI# COMMISSIONER: COL. WILLIAM SEARIGHT, OF PAYETTE COUNTY. DSaOCiUTIG EbEGtOBAt. tICKBT. . BENATOBIAL EtECTOBS. GEOBGE W. WOODWABD. WILSON McCANDLESB. Gen. R. PATTERSON. REPRESENTATIVE ELECTOES. District. Diitncl. Ist,-Peter Logon. 13tb, 11. C. Eyer. 2d, George H. Martin. 14th, John Clayton, i 3d, John Miller. 16th, Isnao Robinson. 4th,: F. W. Bockius. 16th, Ilenry Fetter. 6th, It, MoCay, Jr. 17th, James Burnside. 6th, A. Apple. 18th, MarwollM’Caslla. 7th, llon.NBtrioklaml.l9th, GenJos.M’Donald Bth, A. Peters. 20tb, Vim. S. Calahan. 9th, t)avid Fister. 2lßt, Andrew Darke. 10th, R. E. James. 2ad, William Dunn. 11th, JohnM’Roynolds.23d, JohnS.M’C&lmont. 12th, P. Damon. 24th, George R. Barret. ggjf* Jon PniSTisa, of every description, ex ecuted at the office of the Mommy Most in beau tiful stylo, and on the lowest terms. Particular Attention paid to the printing of Posters niui Programmes for Concerts and Exhibitions of all kinds. . ■ Meeting of the Demeoratle County Com* mlttee of Correspondence." Pursuant to notice, a meeting of the Demo cratic County ffemmittee of Correspondence was held in the offioe of the Hominy Post on Satur day, May 22,1852. ; - After a fall and fair expression of opinion from ;he members present, the following resolu tion, offered by M. C. Milligan, was adopted: Ketolvtd. That tho Democratic citizens of the different Townships, Boroughs and Wards, in Allegheny county, be requested to meet on Sa turday, the 19th of June, nt their nsual places of meeting, to select delegates to represent them in tho-County Convention, to he held on Wednes day, following, (Juno 23d,) at 11 o'clock, A. M-, at tho Court House, In tho City of Pittsburgh, for the purpose of nominating a tioket for coun ty officers. The Democrats of the various Town ships wilt meet between tho hours of 2 and 5 o'clock, P. M., and the Democrats of the differ ent Wards of' the Cities of Pittsburgh and Alle gheny, and of the several Boroughs, will meet between the hours of 4 and 7 o'clock. ! Tho Democrats of tlie First ward will meet at the “Fulton House," kept by Hugh Sally, Id said ward. . ; The Democrats of the Sixth ward will moot ht the Public School Houso, in said ward. The Democrats of the Third ward will meat in Splanc’s building, in said ward. On motion of IB 1 . Harper, It was resolved, that the Committee of Corresnondonce hereafter meet at the St. Charles Hotel, on the call of theOhair man. < The Committee then adjourned. > GEO. P. HAMILTON, Ch’n. i L. Harfeb, Seo'y. i S@* There is a prodigious excitement just now amongst the Whigs of this city and county, ■ relative to their nominations for county officers. The contest for Sheriff appears to be tho AarSn’s rod,-which swallows tip nil other questions and interests. The result wo cannot announce with any degree of certainty, as the friends of -Tonus and Maqu.l. are each claiming tho victory. The Journal is for the former and the Oacettc for the latter; and it is given ont in private oircles that the Deacon will not support Mr. Jones, even if he should be nominated. We have not learned that Mr. Brontr. has carried his threats so far incase Mr. SlAaiLt should receive the nomina tion. Bat threats of this kind before a nomina tion never amount to much; as those knights of th ~ 1 Delaware • 3 Georgia - * in —> —• Indiana - • - —— —— 13 —.— Illinois - • - K -mucky - - • . ——— .— i‘4 —— Louiftiftna - Maine - - 5 J| Ma**acbu«lts * - 7 3 l l I —— Maryland * - - 6 —— ■ — Michigan -- - * (J —— Misxi««ippi - - 7—— —■ — Mi«*?tm • • • 5 2 "3 —••— —- New Hampshire New York - - - 13 Mi New Jersey 7 ■—— North Carolina ; ■ * 10 —.— Ohio . . . - 7 3 2 2 ~ II Pci\n*yWama -•— 27 ——— ■ Rhode Island - ~ 4. —.— —•— *oaih Carolmu - • Not represented.. Tennessee » • Total • - 07 67 37 23 17 11 13 It 2 Whole number of voles - * VS3 Necessary for a nomination - ► • 103 Wo are dearly of the opinion that the vote of General Casa wilt fall off after the first and sec ond ballots, anil that Mr. Buchanan's voto will increase. Wo feel confident that the latter nil! distance all competitors on tho third and fourth ballots. Ills friends in tho Convention aro num erous, and vrtil he active, and nil! not forsake him, Hbilc he HiU have no enemies In that high* ly respectable hody—which is not tho case with some of tho other prominent candidates. It will be of some Interest to oar readers at this tune to know tho Electoral vote in each State, under tho new apportionment, as compared with that of 1818. We presumfc both Sooth Carolina and California will have a member of on their several fraction?, which Hill increase the whole number of members to 234, and of Presidential electors to 2%; making MO neces sary to a choice—l4B being a tie—or li*B, if tho two-thirds rale prevail*. The Electoral vote will bo as follows: States. 3802. 1848. Maine 8 9 New Hampshire "> C Vermont 5 . 0 Massachusetts IS -It! Rhode 151 and...... 4 4 Connecticut......... C 0 Hew F0rk...... 30 30 New. Jersey 7 7 Pennsylvania 27 20 Delaware 3 3 Maryland S S Virginia 16 17 North Carolina 10 11 South Carolina 8 0 Georgia.. 10 10 Florida 3 3 Ohio 23 23 Indiana 12 12 Illinois.. '. 11 0 10wa..., .' 4 4 Wi5c0n5in............. 6 4 Michigan C 0 Kentucky 12 12 Missouri 0 7 Alabama 0 9 Louisiana 0 G Tennessee 1” 12 Mississippi 7 0 Arkansas...... 4 3 Texas.. 4 4 California 4 0 Total - We have marked in italics the fifteen States that wont for Taylor In 1848, giving him 163 votes to 137 to Cass. Tho samo States would now oast 161 votes, or 12 more than a majority. Illinois and Missouri each gain two; Massachu setts, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Mis sissippi and Arkansas gain one each; New Hamp shire, Vermont, New York, North Carolina and South Carolina eaoh lose ono, and Virginia loses two. Tho othor States have the samo number of members and eleetors as before, and Califor nia is added to the number. Since tho foregoing was written and in type, wo have recoived a telegraphio despatoh from Baltimore, which wo publish elsewhere, indica ting that after the first ballot, tho contest will be between Bcohanan and Douclas in the Na tional Convention. “We shall see what we shall see.” In the National Democratic Convention af 1848, there were bat three prominent candi dates for the Presidenoy, viz; Cass, Buelmnan nnd Woodbury. Tho vote for those gentlemen, respectively, oa tho four ballots : which were ta ken, stood an follows: ; rmsr ballot. - . 3?or Cass, ~..125 vote 3, 8uehnnan............... Woodbury For Ca55...;....:133 votes, Buchanan 66 11 W00dbury................ 64 “ THIRD BALLOT. Tor Cass Buohanan. , Woodbury, Tor Casa.... ..170 votes, , 8uchanan......... 33 “ W00dbury.................... .......i... 88 11 i figgs* Our worthy friend Col. Geo non W. 34’Cooe, of Steubenville, Ohio, has - been ap pointed Reporter to the Court in Bank, in that state. We fully conoide with the Steubenville ■Onion in saying that there are few men in the State who would-perform :ita duties better than Col. McCook; -The forthcoming volume of Re ports will lose nothing in comparison with any ■ of those which have preceded it. J6®* The Steubenville Herald has been great- JJy enlarged and improved, and now looks more l ike a city paper than one half of the journals issued in places of ten times the population of 1 Steubenville. It is decidedly the best ‘‘Whig pa- I ierln Eastern Ohio; and its enterprising Edi t jer, W- B. Aixisoß, 4eserveß the thanks as well it @ the patronage-of Ms party for his labors and egpaiditnres in their behalf. ..;... 65 « 63 “ SECOND BALLOT. ..160 votes, .. 41 “ .. 63 “ FOURTH BALLOT. If.; * ‘ ' 1 \ PiitsbuigUand Erie Railroad* The Directors of this company met in New Castle on Wednesday: last, for ; the purpoßO of making arrangements.; for- the prosecution and speedy completion of. this-: important improve ment to WesternPonn3ylvania. - - - ■ A slip containing the proceedings, from the. office of the Lawrence Journal, states that the Directors were all of one mind to push the work onward as fast os posaiblo, and that a portion of .the line from the summit south-—where there,is no rival route-vis to be located immediately and work commenced The Shenango route is yet to be survoyed, and will bo commenced soon. The; route from New Castle to tho- junction with tb e Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad, has not been fixed upon, and the Editor of the Journal has been informed by the Chief Engineer that tbe location of that portion of tho road will depend very much on the part of tho laud holders-m giving the right of way. The question whcthe r the Commissioners- of Lawrence■ connty, shall subscribe to the capital stock of the above Rail read, will bo submitted to the grand jarors. The following resolution was passed unani mously by the board : Resolved, That a committee be appointed in tho oounties of Reaver, Lawrence, Mercer, Crawford ond Erie for tho purpose of taking proceedings to secure the subscription authorized by the-char ter, to be subscribed by the said counties, and municipal corporations therein. Resolved, That the Directors residing in tho afore mentioned respective comities be the sev eral committees, and that Doctor William Gib son, Samuel Goodwin and John A. Wagli bo the committee for Crawford county. Resolved, That C. 51. Reed, John 11. Walker, John M'Clure, P. Jletcalf and James C. Mar shall iu Erie county. Dr. P. H. Powor, Wm. Power, Hanson Leonard, Joseph 51*Arthur, Les ter Griwell, Uiran Butler and D. A. Finney in Crawford county. Wm. 8. Garvin, Samuel Griffith, John Hogc, David Himrod and Wm. M’Kean of Mercer county. Joseph Kißsick, Alexander Newell, John Reynolds, R. W. Slow art, Thomas Cairns, Thomas Fisher, 3d, J. R. Imbrie, Thomas Wilson, J. D Raney, John Fergosou, John L. Hays, Thomas Pamroy, Da vid Forbes and David Saukoy of Lawrence coun ty. Benj. Rush Bradford, Edward Hoops, Jas. Richey, A. Robertson, Wm. L. Dickenson, Robt. Wallace nnd John White, Esqrs., of Beaver oounty, bo requested to assist the Directors in carrying out the provisions of the forgoing res lutions. That Cobuesfondence. —Tho Richmond En quirer of Thursday says: ‘‘ln order to allow time to all the gentlemen who have been written to on tho subjoet, to respond,-we shall defer un til to-morrow tho publication of all tho corres pondence between Robert G. Scott, Esq., the Democratic Elector of this District, and several gentlomcn prominently named in connection with tho Presidency, which has been placed in our hands. We have, now letters from eleven of those gentlemen, who all come up to the mark, wo ore proud to say. Other answers we expect to receive, prior to the time of publication of the whole correspondence." The New York 'Herald’s, Washington corres pondent, referring to this correspondence, re marks: “It is evident the Democratic Convention will not remain silent upon the Compromise mea sures, but that a full and frank expression of opinion will be required from all the candidates. Tho prompt and decided manner in which the different candidates have met the issue, will do the party material service'. 1 ’ THE TWO THIRD RfLE. It Is probable that the Democratic National Convention, to assemble in Baltimore this day, (Tuosday,) will adopt tbe two-third rule. It has been tho rule of every Democratic convention since 1832, when it was first adopted. The ori gin and history of this rule is os follows: “The convention of 1832 appointed a commit* tee to report rules to govern its action in making its nominations. In this convention the ques tions whs raised, and discussed with some feel ing, ns to what should be the rale of voting— whether the vote should be confined to tho ma jority States which had voted for Gen. Jackson in 1828, or whether the minority States, which had voted against him, should also be entitled to their full electoral vote—when a memher.frtm Ptnrteylrama, now deceased, proposed tbe two thirds rule «» ft compromise, which was adopted, andreported by Col. King, its chairman of the committee. This rale was intended to secure the majority States from nominations against their wishes, whioh might have been effected by com binations between a portion of their strength nnd tho minority States.” —— —. Packets on the Erie Canal. We understand that a line of passenger pack ets lias been put upon the Erie canal, which will leave New Brighton twice a week, Mondays and Thursdays. Tho boats plnccdin tbe line ore of tho first class of packets, provided with every convenience to render the voyage pleasant to passengers, and they ore officered by gentlemen who will spare no painß to make tho voyngo comfortable to those who may patronize them.— Tho canal is now in fine order, baying been com pletely repaired sinoo tho Into freshet, ond at present we do not know of a more pleasant route for a trip toErlo than by the Railroad from this city to New Brighton and tlienco by the packots wo havo mentioned to tho place of destination. Tho Merrick House. We are gratified to lcara that tho proprietor of this excellent hotel, at Now Brighton, Is do ing, what la called in the west, a “land office business." Ho deserves It all, for wo eon say with perfect safety, that a bettor regulated house in all its departments; a bouse where more neat ness is observed, more excellent accomodation furnished, and more courteous attention to visi ters paid, cannot bo found any whore. Wo are pleased to learn that many of our Fittsburghers havo discovered this delightful retreat, and after visiting it once, it wilftie hard for them to re frain irom making it a permanent abiding place during tho hot summer season. Tire Atlantic Steamem.—A statement rela tive to tho business of the Collins and Cunard lines of ooean steamers, shows that during the year 1851, there wore carried by tho former line, 4,166 passengers, ami by the latter, 4,118. Tho average length of tho Western passage per formed by tho Collins line was 10 days 21 hoars and 10 minutes; of tho Cunard, 11 days, 4 hoars and 13 minutes. The amount of Custom House duties paid by tho former, was $2,122,- 637 60; l>y tho latter $2,829,001 31. P utnam’s Libba ry.—No; IX of Putnam’s Semi- Monthly Library contains a “Book for the Cor ner,” by Leioh Hurt. ' It is mado ap with ohanco extracts from the best literary works extant,and will be a pleasant companion for travelers dar ing the summer months. : This volume, together with a large stock of books on all subjects, and suitable far all classes of readers, may be had at tho bookstore of Davison & Aont.w, No. 665far kot street. B@w A gang of thieves and burglars have com menced their devilish operations in the vicinity of Steubenville. An old man named Morton living in Island Creek, was robbod a tew days sinoo of $7l, and Sir. Rickey, in Wintersville, had his house broken open and was also robbed of a small sum of money. ■ ; B©„ The proprietors of tho Boaton Common wealth, an Abolition or Free Soil print, hnve quarrelled, and Elizur Wbioht, the founder of the paper, has been compelled to leave the con cern. He complains bitterly of tho injustice done him by his partners.- The Baltimore Daily Argus, tho only Democratio paper published in the city of mon uments, appears in a beautiful new dreßß. It is a spirited paper and always does good service for the party. B@» Harper’s New Monthly Magazine, for June, is in all respects a treasury of good things, .especially literary gems ond pearls, which will do to.entwine.around the heart of every reader. It con bo hod at all the Bookstores. IS sS'S®§i Mr. Webster has got theoretics this time. In .his.Fnueuil Hall speech he quoted two lineß from Ooldsmith's Traveller, ascribing them to Dr.; Johnson. Aa it: turns out, there is good evidence of the.fast thot the lines were written by John son, anduocepted by Goldsmith as on addition to his great poem. The niokname of “Fo3s and- Feathers” was given to Gen. Soott by the whig oditor of the New York Mirror, in his zeal for "Old Rough and Ready.” The Jemoeracy of New York, through the gen eral committee, have made arrangements on a grand soale for a response to the nomination of tho national convention. An actual famine oxists in the Grape dis trict, Canada. It results from the destruction of the potatoe and grain crops, in September last. ■■■ •■■■■■■■ . They had a row at the. Temperance meeting held at Fanouil Hall, Boston, on Thursday night last. A Mr. Lord, of Maine, at the same time, had his pocket picked. The Montgomery (Ala.) Advertiser says that Bocbsa, who leads M’me Bishop, is the own half brother of Louis Philippe Egalite. The National Democrat announces that the city of New York alone will turn out full one thousand persons to attend tho Baltimore Con vention. Several daring robberies were recently perpe trated at Havana. Munoz, the head of the police has been dismissed by the captain gen eral. Tho Maino Whigs arc bent npon running Mr. Crosby, heretofore a candidate, for the Govern orship of that State. Ho is favored by the liquor interest, and the Whig leaders hope in in this manner to defeat Gov. Hubbard, the dem ocratic candidate, who signed tho famous “ Maine Law.” The reason why tho foreign ministers in Wash ington did not attend tho funeral of Mrs. John Quincy Adams, it is said, was because they were not invitod, as usual. Five hundred German and Irißh emigrants ar rived at St. Louis on tho 20th instant, from New Orleans. They were all in good health. Bishop Yandcvelde, of the Catholic diocese of Chicago, and C. M. Wilkins bearer of dispatches, will sail for Europe to-day in tho steamer At lantic. LolaMontoz is playing in tho Broadway The atre a drama in which sho is the heroine. It embraces mainly the events of her Bavarian ca reer. Mrs. Wright, wife of Gov. Wright, Indiana, died at Indianapolis, a few days ago, after a brief illness. Dr. Perkin’s extensive sugar house, at Baton Rogue, was entirely consumed by firo on the night of tho 18th inst. Loss . about $200,000, and insured for $70,000. It is rumored that an expedition is fitting out in N. York against the government of Peru, in anticipation of the war threatened by New Gren ada. The New Hampshire Legislature meets on Wednesday next. - A U. S. Senator is to bo elected fdr six years from the 4th of March next, in place of Mr. Hale. Judge Charlton, of Savannah, appointed U. 8. Senator from Georgia, vice Berrien resigned, is a Union democrat and an eminent lawyer. He hes accepted the appointment, and will servo until the 4th of March next, when Mr. Toombs’ term commences. It is asserted that Generals Lane and Butler have authorized tbelr friends to withdraw their names from the Presidential canvass. A German Festival is to toko place at Colnm -bns, Ohio, on tho stb, 6th and 7th of Jane next A large number of eoeieties have notified their intention to bo present Tho iate G. G. Howland, of New York, be queathed to the Sunday School Union of the Methodist Episcopal Church, one thousand dol lars. C. IV. McLean has commenced a suit at St Louis, against del. Bisselt, for $50,000 for false prosecution. . The report that the amount of defalcations of State officers, reported to the Pennsylvania Legislature at its late session, woe $3,000,000,: is erroneous. The whole amount lost daring the last fifty years, it is said, is only about $207,- 000. A Ccrvcau, of Savannah, Geo., fell overboard and Was drowned on the last trip of tho steamer Florida to that port from New York. Geo. C. Whiting, Esq., has been promoted to tho chief clerkship of the Interior, vacated by tho resignation of p. C. Goddard, Esq. Elijah Arnold, aged 17 years, sentenced to be hung in Columbus county, N. C., on the 21st inst,, for murder, has been pardoned. Wm. C. Kimball has been nominated by the democrata of the 4th district in Maine for Con gress, vice Andrews, deceased. Tho Scaato of Virginia, on Thursday, pass ed a bill to establish a direct lino of steamers between Antwerp and tho James river. It is said that tho Sioux Treaty, which extin guishes tho Indian title to forty millions of acres of land in Minnesota; was ratified by the Senate on Wednesday. Tho Washington Republic announces the ap pointment of Wm. H. Dnndas as temporary Assistant Postmaster General, in place of Col. Fitz Henry Warren. A Mil for tho abolition of tho manufacture and sate of spirituous liquors, provided the same bo oalled for by the popular vote at tho next Presi dential election, passed tho Maryland Legisla ture on Wednesday lost. Salaiues of OrnciAis is New Obleaks.— The salary of tho Mayor of New Orleans has been reduced from 4,000 to $3,500, with an al lowance of $4,500 for clerk hire; the salaries of the Comptroller, Treasurer and Survoyor, were reduced from 3,000 $2,500 each; the Recorders in two districts to $2,400 caoh. Tho salary of of the Chief of Police was increased from 2,000 to $2,500; tho salaries of the Captains of tho Watch wore fixed at.from 1,000 to $1,500, ac cording to districts. - |@* A recent divorce oaso In Indiana, is thus described by tho Versailles Whig, — ll Josinh Squires was divorced from his wife, Frederica Squires. Tho cause of the divorco was, that the reconciliation was hopeless, and his wife had abandoned him from tho fact, as she states, that he did not furnish her os much liquor as ho agreed to, and that they had been married very nearly two years, and he had only purchased her one keg of beer.” Postage Collected is Cities It appears from a statement Horn the Postoffioo department that during tho fisoal year ending June 80th, 1861, the postage collected at some of the prin cipal offices was as follows: New York, $681;880 89; Philadelphia, $197.- 019 08; Boston,. $170,750 63; New Orleans. $117,880 85; Baltimore, $99,070 87 ; Cincin nati, 82,888 10; St. Louis, $58,082 81. The New Methodist Episcopal Bishops.— The oorrect names of the new bishops eleotcd by the M- E. General Conference, a few days ago, are as follows? Mathew Simpson, D. D., of the Indiana Conference; Edward B. Ames, of do., Levi Scott, D. D., of the Philadelphia Confer ence; and Professor Osmon C. Baker, of the New Hampshire Conference. Thp. Debahqeheht of the Rails on the Washihqtos Ralleoad.— The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company offer a reward of $2OO for the detection of the person or persons who wantonly deranged the - rails on the Washington branch; on .Sunday'lost, .whieb-oome near prov ing BO destructive to life. It la to be hoped it may lead to their detection. . •• J • i > NEWS ITEMS. " V V ’<’ .. . ■■ 'I * *-•* ; 4 n Vr?'^v s w*- vA r *‘ &\ ,< ’ ' , i „ ■" j. > ■•*. .-V-t , » , j > - V.; For the Daily Mtmun£ Poet. Mb9se3 Editors:-—We "Koultl*■ Teapsotfolly suggest U> tfae'consideration of the Democratic voters of Allegheny county, the Dame of Jacob. McColustbr, as Or statable person to fill the office of Coroner. Mr. McCollister, belongs to..the old- stock of Pittsburgh;- and is emi ently qualified* to perform the dutießof any office he might bo called upon to fill- - It would give general satisfaction If the Con vention, which is to meet on the 23d of next month, would nominate Mm for this office. MANY VOTERS. Messrs. Editors : We understand that Mr. S. Fleming, of the Ninth ward, has consented to let Ms name come .before the approaching Demo cratic Convention as a candidate for the Assem bly. Mr. F. is a zealous and ardent Demoorat, devoted to his party, and Ms nomination will bo most gratifying to his numorous friends. Pittsburgh, June 1. Firm Ward. ProtUonotairy*—The undersigned respect-, fully offers himself as a candidate for the Office of Pro thonotary, subject tc lhedecision of tho next Whig and Amiraascmlc Convention. - -aprl7:d&wtc JOIIN CALDWELL, F.S. Cleaver’s fFrtze iHedal Honey Soap*’ * Q7* Tbisinvnlaable article, which obtained the Prize Medal at delate World's !Fuir,in London* has taken the place of all similar compositions; and tbe demand is sdgreat for its immediate rise, that it is "with difficulty supplied by the inventor. Iu fragrant, refreshing and softemngqa&lUies, and tho smooth and white appear ance which it imparts to the hands and face, are stri kingly obvious to all who use it. - A single trial of ibis article will amply prove its superiority over all others of a similar character. For sale by J. KIDD A CO., 60 Wood street, • Wholesale Agents for Pittsburgh and its vicinity. Also, for sale, at all Dispensing and Dmg Stores. my2S:d&w Dr.llffiane’i LlverJPUlflln Hew York. By-Tbe fame of this invaluable medicine has ex tended with earpristng rapidity, only to be accounted for on the ground of its great merit.; One trial alone is sufficient to establish its title as the only specific for Liver Complaint. The following, from a New York Druggist, gives evidence of the high estimation in which these Pills are held In that-sectlon of coun try : : Hemlock Lons, Livingston Co., N Y.. Da. M’Lsrre: Dtar&ir— lhave sold out all your Liver Pills,and am anxious to have another lot immediately. These Pills seem to take most wonderfully. 1 could have sold atnucb largerquastity if 1 bod been provided with them. The inhabitants are sending to Rochester for them, but, whethor there are ony there or not, l do not know. Ploase send me another supply, immediately. F. SUORT. Druggisr. For sale by most Merchants and Druggists in town and country, awl by the sole Proprietor*. . J. KIDD fc CO., my29:dlwliw €0 Wood street. DIED) Yesterday morning, 4AM Ed M’AFEE, aged 28 years 9 months and IS days. The funeral Will take place ibis afternoon at 2 o’clock, from the residence of bis brother Daniel, near the ferry landing,in Birmingham,!© proceed to St. Mary’s Ceme tery, The triends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. Del LAND WARRANTS—Bought and sold at favorable rates, by Dell A. WILKINS A CO. CIUW TAILS—2 sacks on consignment; , for saie by f pel] . H. LEE, 139 Liberty street. Wt>uLV WOOL*.—Tno bighesipnce in cast/paid for alt the different grades of clean washed wool.. .jel 11. LKF., 139 Liberty streau D 'RAFTS UN CINCINNATI constantly for saio at the corner of Market and Third staJ by jel . A. WILKINS A CO. THREE CENT COIN—We will furnish Three Cent Coin to any amount, free of charge, far Penno. funds. Apply at oor office, No. 80 Fourth street. : iol ADAMS A CO. ri BEEN WOOD GARDENS FOR SALE—This beau- VX ufuiend well known place la how offered to per sons detirnga delightful and healthy country residence. The whole will be sold together or iu qaautniea to tail purchasers.. Apply immediately to jel THOMAS .MOFFITT, £9 Fifthst. GREAT BARGAINS—FOR SALE, or exchange for Pittsburgh tnanufactures.Fivc Lots,each 109 by 2Jt> feet, ei touted ! a Thomsonßeil’s plan of Benvilla,/rout ing on Willis a reef, and in said pijn known tis lots Not. 18,19,29*21 and2L Enquire of jel • THOMAS MOFFI fT, £9 Fifth st. Mercantile library and mechanics’ INSTITUTE.—New members added during the mouth of May,lSs?: George Moore, dames K. Dickson, Charles Grass, John T. Beunitton; James D.Reily, J.M.' ilutchincun. FRANCIS S. M’NAMAKA/ jel • -■; “■ =•• librarian. tjiQR SAi.E—A Cbo»ce meee of Property, situated 1 .Within four miles of the city line, containing some CO acres, partly improved, and ha* a large collection of •elected trim trres commencing 10 bear... This property is retired, and most dolrable for ccuntry sea’s of any offered Those wish-ng to purchase must apply soon to jel;d THOMAE bUIFFITT, 29 Fma street. • ■ Great. Barfralnal"" TN VELVET,PILE. TAPESTRY AND BRUSSELS JL CARPETS—Which will be found aube carpet ware* bouse of W. firCltmock, 85 Feur-h street. As we arc determined to sell off our present; Rtock of the above goods at cost, wo invite the attention of those wishing 10 famish, to greavbargaitis. jet . - ' W.JTCLINTOCK. THKA'I'U.K.' ('IAR&—J P. BasisroEi> tate* j-mav pleasure in sn j nounclng to. his friends and the_public generally, that bis Benefit will Lake place on THIS EVENING, (Tuesday) June Ist, when will be presented the new. and highly popular play of JNGOMAR. Parthenla by Alias Davenport,who has in the kindest manner delayed her departure from the city one day longer, in order to appear.; on this occasion, tor which she has generously volunteered her-valuable services. . fjel For Sale. AFA RM—On the Yiougheny.Oi miles above M’Kees port, containing 147 aeres, 70 of which is prime riv er bottom; about 100 acres in cultivation. The whole Farm is urder good fencer-a new Brick House, of six rooms and cellar, with a double porch, excellent spring and spring-house.'oot.oven, barn* com crib, granary and wagon apple orchards; also,peaches,plums and pears of an excellent quality) a cider press and su gar camp* and anhereof coal in working order. Price 60,000. Terms easy. S. CITtHBERT, jel 50 Southfield street." BmportamorLlghtl CELEBRATED ETHEREAL OIL AND DAMPS. TE7* 1 11. WRIGHT, (sdccessor to J. S. Tough), Manu* ff • facturer of ana Dealer-Wholesale and Retail in the above named Oil and Lamps, is nowreceiving a large assortment of LAMPS, for burning the Ethereal Oil, Camphtne and Pine OiL Also, Lamps of every descrip tion, for buroieg Lard and Lard Oit. Chandeliers, Girandole Hall Lamps, Wicks, Globes, Chimney Mats, Cans, and all things pertaining to the trade... ■. • Ethereal. Camphlne or Pine Oil, regularly supplied once or twice a week. All orders left with the -wagon, which is constantly passing through the city, will be promptly attended to. N.B. Lamps of all kinds altered to bum the Ethe real Oil. Allartiolos delivered in any part of Uie city, Or in Allegheny, free of cost. W. JL WRIGHT, No. 62 Fourth st., (Apollo Hall,) apr.tSy between Market and Wood streets. 1852. Sunt met Arrangement -—-Fare Reduced. PK SriaYLVASI A RAUao AD, Two Dolly Train. From Pltt.bnrgh to Philadelphiaand Baltimore. Only 80 JJoura Through! , FARE SID. rpIU3 Express mail train will leave the Depot on Lib- X erty street, above the Cana) Bridge* every morning at G| o’clock. Passengers willgoby, ihecars to Tuttle,Creek 12miles‘ where ihey will find the beslof Coaches in readmes® to convey them 28 miles, over & first rate turnpike road to Beatty’s station; (conductors accompany each traiuof Coaches), and then take the cars to Holhdaysburg; and then take the splendid sleeping cars direct to Philadel phia and Baltimore. Passengers for Baltimore take the cars of the York and Cumberland Railroad at Harrtaburgb, arriving ri Balti more the same ttorniag; The Evening;rraln will leave daily at o*3o, V. M., ar riving at Philadelphia next evening. : Baggage checked ihroagh to Philadelphia. 0. Leech k Co.’s ExpresaPackct Line will leave daily, atso’clbofc» P; M,-connectingat Blalrsvillc with the Pennsylvania Railroad.' Through from Pittsburgh to Philadelphia, andßaltimore hi 33 hours. ' FAUE ,*!). Pleasure parlies and others can go out on the train at CJ A. M or O|p.“M. t and return to the city aigi.A, M. or BP. M/ Fore to East Liberty 15 cents loAvilkina-; burgh 25 cents} to Tortle Creek OQ cents- We are pre*. pared to tun special trains to Turtle Creek, ot any imer* mediate point, for parties of 50 or more. , Passengers will procare their tickets at the Railroad Office In the Monongahela House* Water .Street. NOTICE,-Iu casc of loss, the Company will hold .themselves responsible for perscmalbaggoge only-and for on amount'not exceeding one hundreudollara.-V jel J. Mt-SWIUEN; Ticket Ag’tP.R.R. Co. State Mutaal Fire lasurance Company, HARjffisfoßOtffcßAW w* VI, I 8&. f, OIfUIIofISOMOOI BR ANCH OFFICE, No. Si SmuhjUU itrtrt, Piiulvrgi SECOND AItNTJAL'STATEttERT. ,• Total nm’t. of property auiak<»** • '*»•* *514,639,616 Ofr Amount of bills receivable (m form of Premium notes fiom member**»»•»•••••»• •••■'•»• ••*■«•»»»•»• 31»8,5 &7 91 Amount of Cash Premiums*** •3125,625 Id TotaUoaßes,reiurned?remiumß, _.. rt-iniarance and expenses* «• 95,148. «>Q 530,478 00 • Interest on Loans ■**.***»* 733,46 , : Cast Sarolua—" : 8)1,312 CQ Estimated present value of Sta- ■... tionery,Office Furniture, Ac-• SOB CO Total-""-- ••• BB One-half of |his amount expire* wthin a year ITUiE nirectors, ,n presenting tne Second Annual Re-' L port, take leave to congratulate the memhers-opon iho marked success of the State Mutual Fire Insurance Oomnany. In operation only two years, it tins taken a ooaiion beside the older insulations of the kind,und Droves by its very great success that the mutual system is ddop'edby them; is, beyond a question, the best and only safe mode ofinsnrancp-. ....... .. > The heavy losses of the past year -which have annihi lated many stock companies, leave, the State Mutual with a cash surplus of upwards of-thiriy-oue thousand, dollnis, besides a-reserve capitulofnearly two hundred thousand dollars, which la constantly increasing. . ~v,: The Directors submit that.the State -Mutual Fire Ica ranbe Company offers to owners of-safe .property in ducements seldom equalled and never exceeded. ‘ ’ jHrtcttri—John P. Rutherford, P. O. Sedgwick, Sam uel Jones, Philadelphia; John B. Packer, A. A. Canier, Fitnborghi Jr B. Rutherford, A. J- GiUet, B. ,T. Jones, Robert Hlotp. John P. Rutherford, Prttidtnt; A. Jr OUlet, Stardom. joltd&vnf A-A. CARRIER, Actuary, ;"'rv... /j 4 TK^^ > >••■ *“ •■! x:- - ’' 1 -V-V; ‘' ■ * V * For the Daily Morning Pe*t. ‘i& ‘ V l , V ,r< .'Uw ■' ’•W---:'. - *! C, * t*■ > 4 r ~ 1 t ■< f ■V! i’xS# *l4'*vV,V-^'^l l^‘'’; ‘- Office of the Pittsburgh Agency in tbe.Store Room ofM’Cardv & Loomis, No. woodstreet. . nov4:if H. 11. BEESON, Agent. Ladlea'Olasses—DtifPe College* £7* IN PENMANSHIP* CARD WRITING - AND DRAWING; ander Mr. I. D. WILLIAMS, and Mr. F. SLaTAPER, and in all the.higher branches of an En glish and Classical Education, under Mr. P.HAYDEN. Two spacious rooms have recently been elegantly fitted up for their special accommodation. Cali and see the arrangements.. , fap?s ChamUerlln’s Comtnareftal College*: cor ner of Market and Third streets. Instruction in Book keeping and Writing both day and evening.' Ladies* Writing and Book-keeping classes meeifiirom 9to S in the afternoon* 'The Principal will attend ,ta the.seiUi 0g of Partnership Bocks, opening new setts, correcting er rors, Ac;Those having need of Ills services will apply ai.lhe College. .: OK- CHAMBERLIN," Principal and Prof, ef Book-keeping. P, R. Spskcub, Prof, of Penmanship. , .ap!9 Bobemla Glass Worbit ADA MS. RO SB MAN Sc CO. , : MANUFACTURERS of FLINT GLASS, in all its variety. Wo have, also, on hand, Lightning Bod dnsulators, of a superior pattern to an f thing yet pro* duced. Dealers in Glassware can save from ID to 1$ per cent, by giving ns acall. Warehouse, corner of Water and Ross streets, feblC3m; . Pittsbargb,ra Selion's Otguomotypes, : JPcst Office Ruitamgs,. Third Street T IKENESSKs.iaken in all weathers, from 8 A. M.to JLi 5 P.M., giving an accurate artistic and animate likeness, unlike and vastly superior to the “com mon Cheap daguerreotypes,” at the following cheap prices:—3l.so, 82,00,83,00.34,00,85,00 and upward, ac cording to the size and quality of case or frame. O*llours for children; from It A. M. to a N. B —Likenesses of sick or diseased persoHs taien many part of the city. , [nottUtly ILr'DEAFNESS,noises in theheaa,and all disagree able discharges from the ear,speedily and permanently removed without palu or inconvenience, by Dr,HART LEY. Principal Aurisl of the N. Y. Ear Surgery, who may be consulted at9S ARCH afreet, Philadelphia, from 010 3 o’clock. A ; ; . -Thirteen years close and almost undivided attention fo this branch of special practice has enabled him to redace his ueatmenvto each a degree of snccessns to find the most confirmed and obstinate cases yield by a teady attention to the means prescribed.' • - (oa^o STATBSCTOAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. HARRISBURG, PA. CAPITAL, 200,000 DOLLARS. Designed only for ihe saferclossesof property,has an ample capital, and ofiords superior advantages in point of cheapness, safety and accommodation, to City and Country Merchants and owners of Dwellings and isola ted or Country Property. A. A..CARRIER, Actuary r novl2 Branch Office, 54 Smithfield si., Pittsburgh. Associated Ftrsme&’s lnsuranee Compo* ay of tho City of Plttklntrshi: : W. W. DALLAS, Preset—ROßEßT FINNEY, Sec*. JET Will Insure against FIRE and MARINE RISKS oral] kinds... v. t:■ Qffktin &Xonongah*la House, Nos.lnland 125 Vaunt. . diukctoes: : W.W. Dallas, John Anderson, . B. C. Sawyer, R.B. Simpson, •Wm.M. Edgar, 11. B. Wilkins, • RobertFinney, . Ch&rlcsKcnt, William Gorman, WiLiiom Collingwood, A. P. Anshutz, Joseph Kaye. William D. Wrighter. flaV K 7" In calling attention to Dr GUYZOTT’S Improved Extract tf Yellow Doekand SarsopariUOyWe feel confi dent that we are doing a service to all who may be &f -llicted with ter^fulousa nd other dißcr«Jera origfn&llng in hereditary taint, or from impurity of the blood* We have known instances within the sphere of oar acquain tance, where the must formidable distempers have been cured by the use of GuyzoWa Excmtt Ytlbno Dock and Samrparillct alone. It is one of the few advertised medicines that cannot be stigmatized with quackery, for the u Yellow hock" tmd me 1 ’ are well known to be the most efficient, (and, at the same innoxioQsJ.ogumsmihe whole materia Medico, and by far the best andpurestpre partitions of them is Dr. GuyvoW* Yellow Dock and Sat • •iparilia. See advertisement - : RT The Best Possible Remedy for Con* sumption.—Dß. WiSTAR’S BALSAM OF WILD CHKKftV,is jast the remedy that a pure minded, un prejudiced man, thoroughly acquainted with every sys tem of practice, and well-acquainted with the whole Materia Medica, and experienced In general practice, would recommend a* the best: possible remedy; for the care of Coughs, Colds, Asthma,' Bronchius und Con ■ sumption. AV.-...'; .Tlii#'jemedjr aouiains the extraordinary mtdiciu&l virtues of the Wild Cherry and the Fir,vrhich are com bined and embodied In their ulmostpoweiria this article. Ilya nice chemical process,everythingdeleteuousor useless lx rejected, so, that,/what ..rematog; is the most extraordinary end truly eiucaciou's remedy for all tinda of pulmonary end liver diseases ever knowa to mutt. See advertisement m anothercolnmn. . iray27:dA\v • ILr Odd FeQotrD’ Belli Odtvn FourlJl Wood Q'ftd Smithfieldstruts.— Pittsburgh Encampment, No. 2, meets Isl and 3d Tuesdays of each •month, v .. Pittsburgh Degree Lodge,No.4,meets2dand4thToes* days. • v , Mechanica*Lodge,No.9,mcei9evetyThursdayeven* ?VesiernStarLodge,No.iM.nieetsevery Wednesday evening. ‘ XronCity Lodge, No. IS3, meets every Monday ev’aft. Mount Moriah Lodge, No. 360. meet* every Monday evening, at Union HaU, comer of Fifth andSmithfiela. Zocco Lodge, No. fJBs»meet*every Thursday evening, at their HaU, corner of Smiihfield and Fifth streets. ■ Twin City .Lodge, No. 241. meets every Friday even ing. Hall, corner of Le&coc* and-Sandusky streets, AN leghenyCity. -■ , - {may29:ly PlUshorgh Life Xasttranee Oompftoy. OF PJTTSBVUOH. PSNI^A., .capital Oioo^ooo. Pieeident-* i James&Hoon; . , Vice President—Samoct M J Clurkan. Treasurer—Josephs}. Leech. Secretary—G.ACoUap. n \ Qrvtcß, No.TS Fouaru Stun-r. X It/”This.Company m«ke& every Insurance tsliung to or connected with Lite Risks. : Mutual rotes are the same as those adopted by otter safely conducted Companies. Joint Stock Rates at axedDciion of one-third from the ; Hutoal rates—equal to a dividend of thirty-three and one-third per cent., paid annually in advance. Risks taken on the lives of persons going to Califor nia. ■■■ . . DIRECTORS: James S. Hoon, Joseph S. Leech, Obailea A. Colton, Samuel M’Clurkah, William Phillips, John A. Wilson, marllrCra John Scott.-. - ■ - CITIZENS* Insurance Company of Pittsburgh. C. G. nUßSßVrpreaideht. SAMUEL U MAKSHELLtSecrelary. OFFICE, 94 WATER STREET, • • ", between Jlfarkerond Ifood strict*, .. Qj' losnres Ball ana Cargo Rubs, On fis Ohio and Mississippi Rivers and tributaries. INSURES against Loss orDamage hy Fire- ■■■•■• •? ALSO—Against the Perils of the Sea, and Inland Navigation ami Transportation. DIRECTORS. C.G. Hussey, - . • Wo Larimer, Jr„ . William Bagaley, BamUM.Kier.J Hugh D. King, .. : William Bmgnam,. . RooertDanlßp, Jr n . D.Dehavcn, 9. Ilarbaugh, . . Francis Sellers, . . Edward Heazleiou, J.Sclioanm&ker. ■Walter Bryant, . , .. Samuel Rea. Isaac M.Ponnock. oas , - p* A Voat Remarkable Case of Total Dltndneai Oared by Petroleum— We invite the artenlion.of the afflicted and.tbepublic generally to the certificate of WiUiam Hall, of this city. r The ease may be seemby any person who may beskenUculfn re lation to the facts there act forth; • - -S. M; KIER; I had been afflicted several years with a soreness of both eyes, winch continued to iucrease until lastSep* tember, (IS50), the i nfiaramation at thuitime bavin* in volved. the whole Unlng membrane-of both'eyes, and ended in the depoatfe of a thick film,which wholly de siroyedmy sight. • 1 had ait operation’ performed, and the thickening removed,"which soon returned andleft* me in as bad a condiion as before. At thisstageoflhe complaint I made application to ; several 6/ me most eminent medical men, who inforraedme that" tar wes would never getweH.”. ;Atthis timer 1-could not . guisn any object-. By the advice ef BomefriendslconN mencejl ihe.usoof thcPetroleum, both internally .and locally,under which iny. eyes have improved daily tmtil the present unhand I have recovered mr slehtcntirew }f- My general healib was very much improved bv the Petroleum, and 1 attribute the restoration of-atf *lAi in itsjise. i reside, at No. 102 Second sfreetVih this city, and will be happy to give any information in relatiorito R F p r Smr K . EVS /;«> »«>Wood St eeple EB3 ' 57Wo ° d8tr,:e, ‘' lnd by t! ><> Proprietor. Ep-Dy.pep.lo, or lndlgc.tlon, is thu kind' ol derangement of the Btomach which interf«es with iho conversion of the food into chyle. ■ .v. SxMii'sftte gouniensnce, lan gonr,.lassitude,onwUßnghess to move about, lowomi or spirits, palpitations of die heart, and dtslarbed sleep. These symptom* nary in different in dividuals and constitution*, and In many cate*htine on" kidney disease, dropsy, Uver emuplainvanda debilita ted condition of the whole body and a aha tie reds tale of ..the neTOmmttmtthuseitaera lift bnrtton»m».«''--r-'--- all “d JK* * *, '*!.*• . v. * * ' * * ■* « l- . h, i V“* %, * r* * t , j » -, ‘ %' * ,4^ “' v '’ '' b 1 •. ' ' t ' * r / <■ 1 ' * Jf , c i z -V r f AMUSEMENTS. Lmn iiu Uiuatl'"' 'JOSEPH C. FOSTEgj Piic4j cf Admiition —FJral Tier and I-arqueita 60c. Second aid Third Tiers 25c.; Reaerved seat* InDreu Circle, 75 cents; large Private Boiei, entire,BB,oo; email Private boaesentire, 85,00, Doors open at 7, o’clock. Curtain rises flt 7#. , of Mr. DRELSFORD, on which occasion “•*» Davenport lias in the kindest manner consented to ferelsford'* stay one night longer, in compliment to Mr, Ji T Jn n e 1/1852, will be present ed the beautiful playof „ - INOOMAB. ;„ a . I “* rilB -, - * * - •. - Mist Uavenport. iiv * Mr.Brelsfsrd. O npncladewlih the comedietta of ■ i SI , THE mabhjed hake. m • ‘ ' - Mr. Brelsford. 'i™ 0 ’ - - Mrs. Wheeler. in preparation, ibc.beapiifal play of OUILPEBQY. SPAZDING $ ROGERS' CIRCXJS FLEET! w,^!iSSS»^s y 31 **' (By n’PmnoForte of the most lively,a, welt ' A Gfaflii AqUQtlcAmpbiibetttto, sumptuous .spacious SPECIAL AGEIST IN EUROPE. • Aswell, as. called, frora.-Lho choicest home *iar« H*« never bod aparanol qa. cuber .ConUuent Mad. Benon, from Vienna; Mons» and Mail LeVaier Lee. from London and Paris ; Mils. Rcsaleiiae Jeajjßente, from Paris-; Miss Rosaline Stickney:John UosEm. JohnSmilW. ll V.MQdifan»E.PcrTy»BiliLdLk e D. W. StonevMesdomesLake, Perry, : Msdigan,Ac.,&e*. C7* Tbe Fleet wiJl be- inoored at Jhe fobtof ST. CLAIR STREET,- ?belqw life Allegheny BrUgo. Our exhibitions ,wiU be-giyen at 2J an3;7i o’ctock each day, * at Pittsburgh.'one'week; Alleglienjr. Monday and Toes* day, 7thand 8lh; Sligo, Wednesday*June 9l&. i v lC?rAdniiBslon- : -Bress Circle (ail arm-chairs) 50 eis; Fumily Circle (all cushioned) CO els.; children halfprice; Gallery v 5 cts. . r ■ F v • ET’The armchairs may be secured from 10 to 12 end 3to 5 o’clockvby application at the office, to the Parser. , R. W; K» Bixpfl, Etq, [mytffclOt ■’ C7COS G&BSS*-Wg are requested to state that the name of the Hon. W. W. IRWIN will bo presented to the BemocraticCOonty Conveniiootas a candidate for their nomination to Congress.' - [mySftto .-OJf Wanted*—A. fewmen of thorough business habits and good address, for a safe and xespeetabls busi ness; it is a business thaf requires no copltarbax good character, business habits and energy.:- Ta men with the above qualifications a permanent business and the best of wages will be given; Appiyor address No. 3» Smithfield sme%,coraor cfThixd- [aprtltf H • AHL, (succvksob OP O. WVBtDDtB,} : SURGEON DENTIST, my3;v] - Hot IH Bmlthfleld street* ••••v DENTAL. StmOEHY,> W. F. FUNDENBEBG, M. D., „. „ No. 151 TmnD sravrr, Ip* A few doors above Smitbfield street. Office no stairs. Dr.F. has oeen connected with the establish ment of. Dr. Hnlbhen, of Wheeling,- for the last five •years. .. .v. •.■ .•.. lapr29^m CURTAINS, CURTAIN MATERIALS, A2JD Curtain. Trimmings ofßvery Degeiipttote O - Fttmuure Plashes,Brocatclles, 4o», :Lnce' and - Muslin. Curtains; N. Y. Pointed Window Shades, ' :• Gilt Cornices, Curiam Pins, Bands, Ac. Ac., •• ‘ At W.UOLkSALB ARD Katsix. .. W. 11. CARRVL, IC9.Chestnut Bt.j coi. Fifth, , . PHILADELPHIA, By Cwrxai/u Made ami Tnmmeimthe Ntwut French SiyU. - , tuarSOjly* SPRING ARRANGEMENT. 1852. Cleveland; andPittsbnrglx Hal Lro&d, aaa sgjMtaUfc To 'folii-Duj Detkoit, Cnicsoo. • MawAuxnsj IftJWALo, Ccuimsus, akdCin cinxaii. . The new and fast.junning; steamer FOREST CITY leaves Mocongohela-wharf, toot of Market street, every morning, (Sundays excepted) at 6 o’clock—connecting at Welfsvijle with the Express Train of the Cleveland and Pittsburgh Railroad,'leaving’, a; 12 o’clock, M., and arriving at-Cievcland at C o’cto'ck, P. M/,and connecting with the Steamboat' and: Railroad Lines for Toledo, Sandusky, Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukio,. Buffalo, ahd Dunkirk. Fare to Cleveland;.S3 50. ■ For Tickets, apply to • JOHN A. CAUGUEY, -' " AgeutC.&P.Raß. to y OFFlCE—Corner> Water duh Sinithficld streets,(op etairr,) opposite tfonongahcU. House.- . - irrNo«-hy the Ohio and Penna. Railroad to AlU .anco,.3nd.lhe Cievrlsml and:Pittsburgh- Railroad from Allisncc to Clevelar d, the fare from Pittsburgh to Cleve land, is 94 00. Posscugersby both rente* arrive m Ctar*- land at the jams r-.r/i;, and in the tame trawefeats. opnJfuf. IiULS Na l DalrtrnorvJlerringfl Just received and t/v. 10/ «aic;ow by • -■ -u ■■': • TAAFFE, MAQUiRE 4 DANE, 124 Second street. CiMUKtSI# SALMON—HO lbs prime, just receivedanti Dfor sale bjr W. A. MmUHO ft CQ, Grocers and Tea Dealers. 256 Liberty street. DIG B Y HERRING—S boxes genuine Digby Herring 4U .do. No. I scaled do; : Just received and for sale by W. A. M’CLURG k CO., my3l ... / :.s : 25CXJbcny street. ■ &QU*t. ; 7.' ‘ . THE- ANNUAL MEETING of the Corporators of tbe ALLr CiMETKiVt will be held at the office on the grounds, .on Saturday pen,-June sth: atSo’clnck. P..M. JOHN BISSELL, Jr., ’ • nivfltiflf . • ;S*rr*l»r^ tu outs. •* pnmo old Bye WMskey,«f the years JB3S>,M3, M 4. MS, ?46, M 9 and *5l; also, 2b bols Booibon, distilled in Md: for sale wholesale, or by the demijon. by ' ■■ _ , JACOB WEAVER, Jr, . my* B COr>Market and First bis; Mackerel— • ...— *——. ■ No 1 in bbtsr, halfbbls. and kills; •$J M V d ,° do yery superior* N0.,3 •;. do. do • do; • .. . Just recelvcdand forsalcby . .. • my3l . • W.A. & CO~ 2G5 JUiherty at. ' f?OR SALE—A new two story BRICK DWELLING T and'-Siore Roomy.wilh about £ of an acne of eronnilu in the village of Bairingibn, Wa&tiijieU» county* Po » and ‘JOriiiles from Piu*borgh,ori the BwabonVllle rood; The Jiuilduj*; is novy.ocenmed. ashore and post office. 11 will be offered on liberal terms to a purchaser, by cal l ing on W. jvrcimlock, at the Carpet Warehouse, No. 65 Vourihst., Pittsburgh. r _y ~ rmv3l T »r. T r ra > ut X>£rrei7 ed practice orlavibg out circular Curves lor Railroads, by Jnhit Engineer. Ttautvnne on E?cavaticns amtEtnbankTJient3. _ A new method: of cttlculaUmf the ; t3abiß' content* 'of and Embankment*, by the aid of IHagiama. I John C.Trautwi]je,Civil:Eiuireer. Fortaio ov Vk. U. T. C. MORGAN, I, • *nT3l.- - tVp.l&TWoodet /'IG^RS—SJOU Cnbatias. I,s2ana.Ts, froth ibeccicbra* .V Carvpjal, Havana . 7000-rtp&Uo5TOSaSo»BOTto , ? 6, '"“ s ..- .boiadoifri Mabbjasi'' * >BOOO Millar. F.Gutieirea, 3?! 2000 Panotebis Alaba, fliTOXaXmolia, ' 50!K) roitoncs, ,®f - SOMI Cabanas, - SOCOJasiira Regalia, ’ . ' -.10,001] Mebsajero do,' ■ J '- 20 OWEI.SoI, do. s®: 1 a oo«'»res Mario* do. s®: Flinch*,l and ± ' . . fOWCaneluft Scuro do; • ■• ,15,000 Steamboat do: -15,000. Havana. Sues; , HsUSpanisbanU Common: Now la store and for pale by •■ . ,* . . MILLER IbBiCKE-fSOrV, 2?I on. aaatlberiy *1 r | Ojl>B Honorablo iho Judpea of the tionnof rcen.ro> .y of Q A*"|hwT <>nS ot Uw I>Mce,,n ona wimou of Mrs. W.Sweney, of the Fourth Wo, j Piiiaburghiiir the. County aforesaid, bumblyahew!3?_.’ mat your peuiioner.lmih provided herself witkmT terW. for the accommodation of travelers and others at Wj,'l aoiliog house In the Ward a/oVeioid ' anS prays ihal your faer a l.iccnrc lo keep d.pdW'^ihoafoof^SitSnK 1 , And your reuiuoner, on m duty.boflnd,'wiil ... „ . . MKS WINJPrfED SWlney i W*. ite.subscnbeM,ciiizens of tbn WirS .'aSonnM dooerdfy Ant ike above petitioner Is of good SS bodesty and (umpeiancc, dnd is. well pS»S»I-wSh hoosotoom ands conveniences for the accoSmodSn and lodging of irayelere and strangers, and that“Hdd avem la necessary. ' .* IU “Wsaw T B^^ am . 3cil ■ ■