H / -%/ * ? *7 W ** ‘*t *%)?*, V +*k' * rL* - wmmmmmmmmmm^:: , ■* - * *£<* *a >», **- ■*'-’, ' c ,4?. - &• ->>* ** a k ‘ * **<■*«* fc> *4l*' c a h*- :fe ;. ‘ :i\>' ’!.'■' s - 1 ’ •■' *" * f'.. '■*> »*■ V - v* ■ f * ■*’’-%'» J ,^vv-It J4** *i* *«* f *■ V’’**- K ,'**4? *5 i ‘i 1 *1 * tf **■ «> * ■* I » } \ -r » i ?!Cs£ l r: r 'vSrfei^r " > -v' 7* 7 , ’ fc “. -,* \^ ; ; , ]„;> '’f',', f ” ' \ ’ . ‘ P £ ~ \ < fA - < i ->‘J '• i S*^.i-> i tes§^s©^sfs>3a «wl w ni. t»ij,t a: *;>£*, r iy,^ r l u*tv«'; %flfe^i aamsm iilfflitisli '^mmM0 r Stffl&BBB&$W& PPM&I piMißHa apSMMjppMpa I *IMBM Iggs&ttpg|M v i ,;;f s ll«%%tl iBPPMP' ISliS#lS®i Mfpggtf iMt: SsflK II tm f^Mmsm lr - Ssfesgg^ SS£gtf!®Ss?®s o?*s2^^^3*ss[?!S] •Try? r£> n >&fti'. v^jrfKw* gfry?C&. «^^fifV r £?£/* ! V.*''*s- .'• ffriiZpW&z: %■ fe,;l. ?Js2s£*WSSf> ti /.V&®'?i*V (fieftVVS, ■*£,-» * J-feftiß * * 4 -*»&* in ill < a *? »*>*- .* V *£'~\ , , * -« ’ s * < *%*%■ ** v t f •* , * •s*""**® B * o - - ” • • >,;Jis±£ -v/ 4^r - - iiisilliliPi (Slotfjmg. I Important nut Tfruc. r T JSOOItVKK, Jr., Bre lli*S C(olbbß: Sln»ej!No. 245 «| . JuilititrStreet,'can sell s«oa<) slut of Summer tiling for S'-' 60 i enU lirtier (fnoili.nf everjMltscripiiou,. . very- low for cu.ti-,..iCnuota--workmade .td : orner' in' : tniiuoonl'le sirletjuni oiy rCEzOU.iI.V lerin-. }anil? Wliot Bvery Hotly Sayii aftti't itto 'l'rjaeY '|T««Faiitt,aiiiOiJ JYER,nt the BfiEjltva-CjumuNo A 42* Liberty R.rce;, tel*s ti eobuipesiClo in tin. CM —• well made and fa htonakly cut Calf . und examine .U,cm, wul you sv lit : cot be disappointed. * Jdft l.7xprc?«»*' splendid ussoriraeniof re'!iev llrown J i t.rcou6ud Blur Clotua, anp • c !‘J e v^ ,; [;^ nua<, '! e X/o<>tl5 I :‘}uiU!)le forth**, season, wlikj I • to make to order, {without.dißapnomli unsurpassed mihe City. CortiH ana Kise.- . • : -v. * 'tnarftr CITTSBCUGU _ otoi lIISO'STOU ”•■ •. .j^-y..-C!wwr. of.-Wood -and-Water, •#(*.:• Callftb. , n i Coi, Proprl«tor*i■■.■•< : * I «*!!' puouc ia respectfully requested •to call and ex*- v.l umiue>oarslock of Roady-Mude Clothing, got up. . expresriy fortius market, ntid m superior style* which • we; are- deter.jiwil to 6ell low for cash.. Our motto liftinic * Qutei.f?c r ei and Smill >■ • r- Oar Wnrrwom, up st.*ur«, isfuUv supplied wnli.tt. . large vstnfck of ClolUvCtissnneres, .Vesting?, Summer: Cloths, of every description,find. ift fact, every article iiLOUr lmc suitable for dte .season. These Goods wc are making to order in'suDertor.style* ami at very low prices-' Give us a call, anil oxamm*: for yourselves. : .. Snyio. . i v john callahan & oa- JAMES C. WATT, MERCHANT TAILOR, No- SC Marktt. iaxonn Suond and Tfitid xweu. ■ BEGS respectfuiiy-lo tnfonn lus friends and the public, ihat he has returned from New. York ur.d I’hUadeL pbu> r ha*in« there teleeied from, tlic latest importations, on.cnihftnew stock of Block and Colored CLOTHS, CASSIMERKB and VESTINGS, which for newness of designsnnd richness of fabrics, nrc not surpassed by any house west of New York.—AU of which lie is pre pared to make to,order in a superior style, at the lowest price possible, and cr rdially invite purchasers (o call o-hdexorainfi the stock before porchaamg elsewhere. 1 . 2W.3yf--.OAS.—fhaveno authorized Agent in this cuyuor the sale of my Work on GAUM ENT CUTTING. Jt can only, bo hnd nt the store of.lhc suh/criberjOG Markefsttcei. nuhe following prices, vtx: with tnstruc tionsjSlQj wuhoot*®7. *ttarl7 JAMES C. WATT. 111 W CLOTHIRG HOUSE.' T - . EDMUND WATTS & CO* MERCHANT TAILORS, - above- St. Clair, ; BUVIS opened tt new Clothmg Store, at the above place, and are now receiving a splendid lot of is,Ciesimeres, Vcstsncs, &c.,oftbe latest importa tioas. purchased with a 1 especial view toeny trade,and whfen they are preoared to make up to order in the la< test and rnon fashionable stvlcs. They intend to pay tlMct atlention to ibis branch of theu business, and they have fall oonfidnnce that they will be able to give their customers entire sausfactiou. They are aLo monofaciu* nng-a choice 101 of READY MADE CLOTHING,, of the newest styles, which they will sell low far cash *— As all - (bis stock is entirely 110w T it is worthy the atien onof buyers. . ronytuwj SPUING A 810 SUfimfin.VliUTUlfiQl THREE BIG DOORS! No: lsl, Liberty Sired, Pittsburgh. YOHN McCLOSKEY has now the pleasure of an- V ' nounclngto his numerous fneudsaud tuc public m general, that his Spring and Summer 6tock is now read; for inspection,-which ho believes will be found to be one Of the largest and best selected stoexs of Ready- Mode Clothing 10 be found in the Western Country. . lie has this.aeason paid more, than ushal attention to the mannfacturing.anu style ofhis Garments, so ihatthc very lowest priced,.as well as me Hoes:,are got up in » style and elegance not lo be surpassed. lie would particularly call the attention of all dealers in Clotlnug to-his present splendid assortment of RsnayalSadA Garments, As he feels confident* upon examination of the qualities and prices of hia goods, he can offer them such induce ments os shall moke it their interest to purchase at hit establishment.-. -■ :> • < - Many.years’experience, and great success m the bu siness, together with an unprecedented iehoiual* and r«- latl patronage, has enabled him to get up Garments to salt thc bneincßß habits and tastes of every location in the Union, which is of the almost importance to whole sale pnrclmsers. In the 1 Catting department wiil be found a- choiee ae lection of the most foshionablc goods, couebtmg of—: French, English and Jlmancan Broadcloths, Cashinerettßj&c ,&o. .Also, an excellent assortment 0: VESTINGS, of the laical and most fashionable styles— all of which he is prepared to make to order in the bes* manner and at the most reasonnblc prices.. . COME, THEN, ONK AND ALL! The Assortment, the Quality,and the Variety, 1? the most extejisive,undoubtedly, to be fo'ind m the United States: : mart;! JAHKS R.BEED &■ CO., Manufacturers of Theodo lites, Surveyors’ Compas ses, Leveling and Grading Instruments, &0., &c. : HO. 30 Smiihfitld street, i. : ■ Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. An assortment of the a bove named Instruments al ways on hand. Also Clocks, Watches, Jewelry,. &0., &o. i Apnl 0,1852 —2 m Jfimporium of LiEht t CELEBRATED ETHEREAL OIL AND LAMPS. \MF D.-TtYRIGHTt (anccessor to J. S. Tout?n). Munu fY-«iaetsrerof and Dealer Wholesale and Hctaitm the above namedDilnnd Lamps, is now receiving a large assortment of LAMPS,Tor bnnung the Ethereal Oil, Casipblne and Fine Oil. 0 Also, Lamps of every desenp tionffor burning Lord.and Lard Oil. Cnandehers, Girandole Half Lamps, Wicks,Globes, Chimney Mats, Cans, and all things pertaining to the trade*- ; Ethereal* Cainphine or Pine Gil, regularly supplied once or twice a week. All orders left with the wagon, which is constantly passing through tho city, will be promptly attended to. N. B. Lamps of all kinds altered to barn the Ethe real Oil. Ail articles delivered m any part of the city, or in Allegheny, free of coal. . . W. n. WRIGHT, • ; -No. 82Fourth Hail,)** qq26 \ between Market and Wood streets. Agener for Different lines of Packet Ships. 7 PASSENGER OFFICE, Ko. 410 blberty Btrtet, Tor P: W. BYRNES C0.,C3 South *tmt, comer ef Bint,New York: 3d waitilooStead, Liverpool; and Gfl GratUTitretijNeioOrUans, ; . v HAS a Line of Packets i *KEv aailingevcryfive days from , ATTN. daTsrßv : Livcrpoolto New York; a ;gT*rik l Lmo of Packets from Liv ernool to. Philadelphia, on AHMXJiusy Ihfffliirhtpcnthnf each JV*5»p» month; a Line of Packets to Baltimore on the 20m VJt each month. Also—a Line of Packets on the Bth and S4Ux of each month from London and Portsmouth to New Yorir. ALSO—Drafts at slghtnlwayaonhand, for any amount, at the: lowest .rates of.discoant; and oil information given concerning passenger®, that-ean be given, with their Agent. . JOHN THOMPSON, - marlS ' : . 410 Liberty st.. Pittsburgh. ,"' '. ti iavo Your nouejr! CHABLES P. FREEMAN & CO. > (LITS VRVEMA.It, JTODGSS ATC> CO-) AiV» JOBBERS, 141 BROADWAY^ ONE BOOR SOVTH OB LIBEUVY STREET, , <** NEW YORK, HAVE sow on hand, and w\U be receiving daily through: the season* New Goods, direct from the Euiopean maanfoctarera, and Cash Auctions, rich, fa shionable* fancy Silk Millinery Goods. Oor nock of rich Ribbons, comprise® cvery vaneiy of ihc latest and most beautiful designs imported. Manyof our Goods nre manufactured expressly to oar order* from;oar. own designs and patterns, and stand unnvullen.sWeofferoarGcodsforneiiCusbjat lacrer prices thonnny credit.Housein America can afford. AUpurchaseiSrWiilfind it greatly to their interest to "reserve a portion of.their-- money;nnd make selections from our great variety: of rich cheap goods. Ribbons, ricb*for Bonnets,Caps, Sashes and Beits. . Bo&netSilkr, Sauns, Crapes, Llsses and Tarleions. Embroideries, Collars, CherolseUfl, Capes, Berthas. Habits,Elpeves, Cuffs, Edgings and lusertinirs. Embroideried Revlere. Lace, and llcmsticb Cam. Rkfs, Blonds, Illusions, and Embroidered Laces for Caps. . Embroidered Laces for Bb&wi<, Mantillas and Vcilb; . HoiUton,Mcch.len, Valencienes, and Brussels Lnccs. English and Wove Thread, Smyrna, Lisle. Thread and Cotton Luces. / Lisle Thread, Silk, and Sewing Silk, Gloves and French nnd American Artificial Flowers, i French Lace, English, American nnd Italian* '■ Straw Uonnetaand Trimmings. ; (mar32‘2m : IQUIS BKlKSiuil.> ' . [of the late firm of Sands AReineman. >* LOUISKBIWEttAN & CO,v IMPORTERS DEALERS JN mClocltS, TFctfcA MatttiaU, visthStebistv ons boob vaca# wood, htibbcmh, rpAKE leave to announce to the trade and the publie X generally, that they have themselves carefully se- Jectea and Imported from Europe, a large stock of Gold and Silver watches, Watch materials, and Tools for Watchmakers; and a most elegant assortment of Jew elry, from the best manufactories—which they offer at prices as ioty as they can be parchosedin the eastern markets* • »••••;. Their stock of Watches consists of Gold and Silver Patent Levere j do Detached- Levers; do Lupines Si lver Qaartiers; and elegant French time pieces, of the most approved makes.. Together with a large stock of Clocks, and Time Pieces, from the best American Facto-, lies- r / „ . .V ! "-‘ Theiratock-of-Jewelry comprises: articles cfeyery description in thisline,such as Finger Rings, Eatßings, Breast Pins,"Bracelets, Gold, Fob and Guard'Chains, Gold Gsard Keys and Seals, Lockets,‘Gold ond,SUv.er Spectucles. Silver and German Silver and Table .and Tea Spoons, and eycry kindof fancy articles generally kept in egiDbHshracntsbf'this description. - . • u They wauld>espectAiliy call the attention of the trade to their extensive stoct of Watch materials and Tools, ofevery variety, wiuch: they have most careftilly se : leeied.* They have also on hand a large assortment of Tele teopej, gpy Glebscb and Opera Glasses, from the best aolor y la England. Together with a great variety U 103 numerousto mention. V : ; repaired in the beet manner and on the most remnnnhln. terms. . focttltv ; . MA NC Hi?te ,n »n . Per Oxide oflron, ; * sqsn PiUoaand Alamma, ; : • Ttnn Lime, 1 • Magaesio, .'i ; Water and Loss, : . - . 7 £jj. This difference I presume anseß from the miMrel pet being uniform, some.potUops containing more Iron thn n Olliers. The analysis Bhows the articledo be well SSS ed for a dnroble pamb,4 fin 4 thaibyealcminsthe now: der by a pretty high heel, tbS colo/is much SnprovM or at feast convened into a Sue red. unproven, „ 'JAMES a. CHILTON,M.D.Chemi« fir Fox aateliy JOEL MOHLER, I 1 aarlQjy .j - ttPbifaal gransjprtation. : Coittpttny* ■ AJT/'E ate riot* prepared to forward-prodnce &c,ilQ • VY Piiilorfeiplita tmmediftiely.. tfayK: ••.;•-■* Hate&ior bncon;lttri;|)o[rki bccf,&c. *• v filter 100-fij.v C©iremcheo*ei earlfceuware, leather, leaf ; v i tobacco, w 5...... Beeswax, dried fruit add wio!. , bu a 10U ltoa Fury, jiehnes; tff-er andliufiato EkinB,egga -. ‘ :' brooms, adze • - ; • : ft)0o & KO B>«, ppM . COVQDK & GRAtIAMv Abu. Express* 'r:- 1 --.- ■'lijilv public are. informed; that, wcarc utw ruuitmtr i : .JL rcsulurlyvo.thcEasi ami West, and are prepared to : (or,tvaru all Gooils emroficU lo oar care. ’ : ECIAL MK&SEl^GERsent,daily for JPhiladcl-' PjMp* ftt 4 o’clock, F.JW. Also,dsily to Cmcuutati, al7 . Ordeia transmitted free of charge, and Goods returned ;l>y first Express. ; . flilU of Exchange fbrsale on England, Ireland and ;£cuifam l , for any uraount, payable on principal Baokin* Houses or. l ost Offices mlho united Kingdom,;:■•"■■■ cs4 BAKER & FORSYTH, Agents *> 1852. XX erclmntv Portable Boftt litne, For the Transportation of Merchandise and Produce, (WA PE MJjTLVANIA CANALS AND IUILBCMOe), SBTWKKN WnSJJUBGII ANI> PHUiADELdhrA, ' . -Dmer, zettAoiit-R6-3htFptni?. 1 . BT TIME, TUN WAYS. S •• , ■ WTTON a: REYNOLDS, Depot, &>l Market &t, (near Sixth.) Philadelphia. „• • • ■.. ■ = '-■■■, C. A. M'ANULTY A CO, and 410 Penn street, Pittsburgh. AVJftG increased oar facilities and otherwise im proved our arrangements for Transportation; we prs now prepared to receive & large amount or Frounce and Merchandise, to ship lon the opening Of Ihe Canals.) with pronipuiest&nd dispatch • •-•••• •Thcr Section Boat system of transportation over oar Slate improvement*.ha** been inuse about ten year*, and the great success and favor it has met with, is a suf ficient canramce'.that n iv.*no longer- considered a doubtful or uncertain experiment; bot w acknowledged by all us vastly superior lo.any mode of transportation used on Oauols. (when Intersected by Railroads ) : Goods loaded into our Boats at Pittsburgh,-remain andlsturbcd uutil unloaded at our "Warehouse mMarket street, Philadelphia, thereby entirely avoiding the delav consequenten three different transhipments, nnd secu nng the delivery of Goods m enure lots, ihepackagcs clenn, and in as gooa order as when shipped. Produce, &o, consigned to our House at Pittsburgh, wnl be received and forwarded always at the lowest current canal rates, strictly uccordtngvto instructions, without any extra charge for or ad vancing charges; Ac. fcbxff ■ ' .. C. A. M’ANULTY A CO. WEST NEWTON PLANK ROAD ROUTE, 170 R BALTIMORE* PHILADELPHIA au24 ■ :■ - .13 ” r 8,00 ‘-i "DILLIARD BALLS.—In store andforsale;a few set J-> 2! inch Billiard Balls. JOHN W. TIM, - royl ■ N 0.143 Wood street, ; mm? Kottcei PMtsbar K h 1 Apn13,‘1832. ’ h ] r;Ai- t '-,-*• >/■^ t . *V. ■- *■ -, >: ■Mp 7 Fare dUducrd I ftTaUran os übnt t WESTERN RAILROAD IlllSllliSiSi Jnsurame (SompanUg. Firfißmlflarinainsurancc, THEOFnCKofiheJrwurarttt Vojpjitfmk Avitntm -haabeenj'crncH'-diotheWarehouse of Hardy, Jane* * lo.j No. 141 Trout street,third house East of Wood auect,wlieretheBabscriberwiUissuoPdlicieBonßand lngsaiultheircouteuißjandonShipmenisby Stoamboals and. .oiiier veBBej8 y; for Iho. above old ana responsible Company. fap3l WH. P. JONES, Agent , SttLtQiAiutußi'-Firfifflflsuraisce- company* TTkESlGNEDonlyfunho 3rtecrcrasßes of property; has . JL/.-anample capital, ami affords -superior advantages : nv point of cheapness, safety and accommodations to city nno countryrmerchuuls, and owners of dwellings, anil isolated orcoumry property. : • : > • .■ ■ ■ ... •. A,. A . CARRIER, Actuary, ; • oct27), ..Branch Office,No.64 Snmhfidd su.Piusbureh 1 N£uVV VOR& liIFB I ftSUKANCIfi COM PANY. ACCUMULATED CAFJTAL. QG OO.OOO; • f'3'lflE ANNUAL DIVIDENDS havo been unusually ■ JL ; Jitige, showing that the company has been doing-a very loigo and nrospfrous busmesß. The dividends in lWff were 60 per cent. . “ « : • : isir so . « ‘ lfc4a “ 40 » 1849, 4(1 - H ’ • , » . 1850 40 - “ ' - «c. u ISSI “ 60 u <* «» 185-J “ 40 f - Thte is among Uiepldest companies inibe tJtiited States. Its accumulated capital ia constantly increasing for the benefit of members, present and future, MORRIS FRANKLIN, President. Pjuist Freemaw, Actuary. ' V CURTIS & DOBOSj Agts, Pittsburgh, cor. of- Wood and Filth streets, over Pat rick A Fnend’s Banking Rouse,. . • v- CALIFORNIA RISKS TAKEN. - Also,agents for Protection and Fnnnoi’s Eire and Ma rine Insurance, capital SijO.UOD, ami of Brunch office, Empire State Health Association, cash, including accu mulated cnpitol S18,01K). ' Al2o, agents for the purchase and.sale of real estate. ■ invlf ■ ,-• • . inBUKAHCIsT “ r~TTT~. TUB DELAWARE mutual safety INSUH ANCH COMPANY.—Office, North Room of me Ex) change>Tiard street, Philadelphia,. • Fibb Issubanck.—Buxlduigs, Merchandize and other property in tot on and country, insured against less oi damage by fire ut the lowcstratc of premium. * : Marine Insurance.--They also insure Vessels, Car Opes and freights, foreign or coastwise, under open or Special policies,nsthe assured muy desire. Inland TiiANsronTATioTJ.—They also insure merchan dize transported by Wagons, Railroad. Cars. Canal Boats and Steam Boats, on rivers and lakes, ontiiemosr liberal terms. DIRECTORS—Joseph 11. Seal, Edmund A* Souder' John C. Davis, Robert Burton, John R. Samuel Edwards. Geo. G. Lcipcr. Edward Darlington,l«aac R. Davis, William Folwell John Newhn,Dr. R.M. Huston, lames C. Hand,Thconhilus Paulding, H. Jones Drooks, Henry Sloan, Hugh Craig. George Serrill, Spencer Mc llvam, Charles Kelly, J. G. Johnson, Willum Hay, Dr S.Thomas, John Sellers, V/m. Eyre, Jr. DIRECTORS AT PrfTSBUUGH. —D. T. Hugh Craig, Jiio. T. Locnn. WiLLIAM MARTIN, President. • . Thos. C. Hajto, Vice President. JofcSPu W.. Cowan,Secretary. . |E?*Ofice of the Company, No. 4d Water street, Puts burgh, (jclCldtf) P, A. MADEIRA, Agent. The Franklin Fire Insurance Company* of yttiLAnarniA. BIRECTORS:— Charles W. Banckcr, George W.Riohards, Thomas Hart, MordecaiD. Lewis, Tobias Wagner, i Adolpbi E. Hone, Samuel Gram, David S. Browne, Jacob tt. Biafth, Morns Pnuerson. CHAS. N.BANCKERjPresV Chae. G. Bi.vctxu, Secretary. K/* Continue to make Insurance, perpetual or limited, on every description of property In town nod country at rules as low as arc consistent with security. * The Company have reserved a large Comingeni Fund* which, with their Capital and Premium?, safely invested* afford ample protection to the assured. The Assets of the Company, on Jununrylst, 1851, as published agreeably to on Act of Assembly, were as fol lows,viz:— - Mortgage s r~ ——— Z 018,123 03 Real Estate . &1.377 #3 Temporary Loans-—♦ ■■■.■■ ■. b3,WC 17 * Stocks 61.559 00 CashjAc.— 64,340 81 SI ‘212709 44 Since their Incorporation, a period of 21 yeare.ibey have paid upwards of One JtfiHuin Four Hundred Thou land Dollars, losses by fire, thereby alTording evidence of the ndvatiiaijes oflnsunince, as well ns the ability and disposition to meet wiihprompmebs, nil liabilities. J.GARI>JNf2K COFFIN. Agent, OSiceN. Roomer Wood nndild nn. . HOME INSURANCE The Formeri anil filecliantct’ Health In* ouronce Aftcocfatlon. OF TITTSHURGII, PKN NA AID IN TIME OF NEED! OFPICK— COOKED or RMHUFIEIiU A!tJ> THIRD RTCKSTS GUAXtAHTY CAPITAL, ©30,000, THIS is an association established for . the mutual relief. of its members, in cu»ra of «jukne:s3 or u:*i:idenl ? by me payment of ibe.r Annual Deport* -Perron* fa coed health may become members ana be entitled ton weekly benefit, in case of sickness oroccidcnt AH who join ibi« Association are entuled to a vote m the election of officers, and to participate m the profits of the Associa tion. ItlsestabHfhod on a safe.and fcermaEtsnV baste,, being both Motaai and'Benevolent in ns dfsign.", willi the lowest rates eonsistemfor its security, nnd conduct ed in a manner to insure its permanency end durability. All persons nan sec the advantages of taking out a policy from the fieneral Office. ykasly nsroitr-: 3 Proper year,draws ij djCOperwcek'; 3, do .do 3*<> do i r. 4. Ml do do . . 4.0 U doJ * £,UU do . do SOU do; G,<;o do do t-,OJ do; 7 oil do do 7,uu do; O,UO do do e. 09 do; 0,(4) do . do 9.0 t) do; 10.00 do do 10,10 oo; • IMITATION l-RR, Tor Membership, Sl,so—which must be paid at the time of making application, mid the first year*’deposit wulmt twenty day*. bach member entitled to a monthly report, gratis, ’ OrFICEHS. PrMdmt —D. VV. nsfcUMotfy. Vice Ptesidtru and 2>«uw*er—Wm. M,. Wilson. Surtlary— G. D. Brown. Fttianee Committee—A. J. Childs, A. D. Christie, and D. A> M’Ma.sicrfi. • -marll'Cm State lulataat lanoraneo compaav, BRANCH OFFICE, M Smithkhld ST.jPmaSGXG9, . /’trrsJ > urfe’A > May Ilf, IW l. TilEbestovitfanceof.lhe bucccp* of the director* In endeavoring to =URke the “STATE MUTUAL FJ RE INSURANCE COMPANY** meet the wants of the community, is the unparalleled amount of business which has been done—liaviuff issued 7,000 P>li cies daring the past year. therchv adding over 8130,000 to the funds of the company. Nearly ail the property insured is of the safest emu, In small risks, and a large proportion itisorcd far only on* year. Whole No. Policies issued- —«* 7,000 do do expired, terminated A canceled’—-’—- ■— do do in force— Amount of Propertymsiired—• • do Canceled,tenmnatedand ex* pired———— —•» 201,'788 do do mforce” • •• $7,OS4,Ci)i do PremiumNolen———— ■ 73,670,87 do Canceled,terminated,expr’d, 637,10 do in force—™ * 879,03f,7? do Cash Premiums received • —*951,057,14 do do canceled’ 321,21 ——861,235,00 Whole amount of losses and expen ses paid* ».** 23,411,45 Balance in favor of the Co-, in cash, 027,824.45 To city or country merchants, and owners of dwell* logs, and isolated or country property, it is believed this company affords advantages in point of safety and security, inferior to no Insurance Company in this country. Conducted on the equitable and greatly improved »ys* tern of Classification of Risks, excluding all Hpeclal hazards, insuring only a limited amount in any one lo* Cftluy, thuspreciuding tho frequency and occurrence of laigc fires, and also, on both the Stock and Mutual plan, it not only possesses the cheapness and accommodation of both methods, but enmtes the insured to aparticipa tion in theprohts. •It Is under the control of the following Directors? —J P. Rutherford. A. J. Gtlleit, John H. Packer, Samuel T. Jones, Alonzo A.Carrier,Philo C. Bcrigwlck, Robert Klotz,Samuel Joneß, John P. Rutherford. J P. RUTHERFORD, Fres’l. A.J.GILLIiTT,Sec’y. • A. A. CAhnißß, Actuary. N, D.—A Scrip Dividend of fifteen per cent, on ei ni« ring policies has been declared by the Directors, and is now receivable at this Olfice for renewals, or reaeema* hie in cash at the end of ninety days. myl7:d&w A. A. CARRIER. Ajjeni. WAtches, Jewelry f &c« HAVING just'returned from the Kimern cities, I • have brought with me one of the mc : • » , * ***?■=-V•'* * .».v-..,. p>ga.@flo&3> ... ..... GREAT BARGAINS IN DRY GOODS. SeUlne oIT at Oo»t TO QUIT TI2M BUSINESS! 71MIE Subscriber being; shoot to- relinquish the retail A iSry. goods busme6s r ami having made such arrange ments as.to render it necessary to close out his stock uy the Jetor Julr nexl.’Will commence on Thursday, May )3 t and cel] his enure stoclrcGFancy and Staple dry goods at COST, FOR CASH. v.. Htagoods having been prineipDllypurchased the pres culsea?on,,wiU be found desirable bargains,, being at cernlower thaii resularpriCM. - In staple GOODS will be found— - - »■ •r.;4-4and s-4 Frenchginghams? . ~ English arid trench chintzes; :J -; . Elk alpacas and bombazines;. .Checksand muslins;. . . Irish linens and crashes? . -r..= • ; ► • : Table linens and cloths? i Huckaback towels and toweling? r Damask and snow drop linen napkins and doilies;.Mar i' settles quilts ; furniture prints, plain and emb’d dimity; i linen sheeting and pillow Imen*? (able and piano povers [. and cove rings? worked lace curtains and curtainmuslius. „„ tancy goods while crape shawls,'crab’d ana plain while teregc and * i lbibc-t shawl*; .. ; Finc French lawns and hereges? Berege devalues and mnsliri de mines; /v . • - Tissues and grenadiers; .. . . - Dlk. and fancy silks, some very superior, und a fine stock , of goods generally. > .. . EMBROIDERIES : Worked mull and lace capes and sleeves; : Jaeonett, mull und linen cambric collars Sc, chcmizettos; .JacoDeu,inuUedging3andinßeningsj- . ; linen und cainbrtc hdkfs; . ; ?Yo'jked bonds and flouncing?;, arid a rrmgcificent stock. 1 i• Y a * en^es,nis edgings, laecs aud iriuertings; together. : with u large variety of other -goods, too numerous to i mention, Rll of which will actually be sold at ORIGINAL •COST, FOR. CASH: Early calls will secure the best i bargains ; JAMES A. M’KNIGIIT.No.OJ, dthst. : F. S-All. peieors knowing themselves indebted to i the above pnor to January, IS&J, are requested to pay t .the,same, an all debts will be putin the bands of an at i tnrmiv for collection. my 12 Cheap cry tioCKl* f JAMES M’CANDIiESS & CO.. 109 Wood Wood Street , A HE now opening a very extensive and well assorted . stock of SWUNG nnd SUMMER GOODS. Con sjMtng in pan of French and English Broad Cloths, .Tweeds, Cassimerre, Cn*hir.ereits, Doeskms, Jeans* CoUonmies, Dnlhrgs; Linen Coatings. Silk, Satin and Fancy Colton Vesungs.. Also, about 100 CASES PLAIN 'AND FANCY PRESS GOODS,embracing the newest styles of Silk and Lt nen Poplins, Delaines, Be rages and JlerageDe LtUnes; Black Mourning and Fancy Lawns; Plain and Fancy Calicos, in great variety ; French, •Scotchand Domestic Ginghams; Palm i*caf, Leghorn, Kossuth, Hungarian and Mexican Hats; Silk, Gingham nno Cotton Parasols, &c., &c., which are offered at. /Wholesale on the most aceommodatiagtenns. fapr!2 JUST RECEIVED at Jevfjlu’ One Price Cash. Store 1 : No. 70 Market street, Pittsburgh, between Fourth st. and Diamond, the largest and most beautiful stock of SPRING and SUMMER DRY GOODS, ever offered to .tbe citizens of Pittsburgh. - - • The subscriber would inform those who desire to get good biiigalns, that the greater part of bis Stock was purchased at the recent large Auction Sales mNew York and Philadelphia forc«sn, winch enables- him to sell goods IS to 25 per cent, cheaper than those who buy ou credit. , We do uol*leera tl necessary is. mention the the different kinds of goods that compose our stock, but deem it suxucicntio that it consists of a full assort* ntcntof jadtes’anri acmiemen’s wear, together with a general stock ef .FURNISHING GOODS. We would respectfully solicit an examination ot our stock from tho»o who wish to _ [marts CO,,' ~ • ■•■ ■■■ WOOD STREET* \\T HOLESALE Dtalcrs m Foreign and Domestic Dry V? Goods, ore now opening ihcir first purchase of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, selected with the greatest care, to suit the trade, consisting m part of the newest styles of— Dress Lawns aud Reragcs; Plam Qnd Figured Alp&eeaa; . French, Scotch and Domestic Ginghams; Printed Calicoes, in great variety; Ribbons,l.&ces and Edgings; Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings; Summer Coating and Pamoloomng; Brown and Bleached Muslins j Palm and Leghorn Haw; Straw and'Braid Bonnets. Together with a complete stock of Variety Goads and Pedlars’ Notions,Gold and Gilt Jewelry, Gold and Sil ver Watches, Brass Clocks, Ac. AH of which are of* fered at Wholesale, for a small advanco over Eastern pnees. _ Ifeb2B. And fis our purchases have been the most fav orable terras with Importersnnd Manufacturers, wefial teronrselves, and hope to be able to mem a eonunuanee of confidcnce and patronage of our old customers and the public generally, which has been heretofore so libe rally bestowedupon us* Our DRY GOODS STOCK is tin port of Broadcloths, .Cassimereß^SaltlnetSrTweeds, fancy Vesting a, Checks; Flannels!Drillings, Black and. < Brown Muslins, Tickings, Blankets, Linsey Plaids, Al nncasj Merinoes, Muslin JDeL&ines, Cashmeres, fancy Prints, Glazed Cambrics, Cloakings. Table Diapers, Ginghams, Silks, taney long Shawls, Silk Cravats, Pon gee gilk Pocket Handkerchiefs, and Irish Linens direct from Iroland,and all other articles generally kept in the DryGdodsline*. .Our VaatSTT Department will be found on examination’to be unsurpassed by any other of the kind West of the Mountains, and. is made up in part of Combs, ButtohsVFatehi and Spool Threads, direct from Europe; Port Monies and Pocket Books; Hooks and Eyes, Pins and Needles. Tapes, Thimbles, Spoons, Ra :zors, fable Catleiy ana Pen-Knives jast arrived from Sheffield; Patent Medicines. Violin and Violin Strings, Gum Suspenders, Slates ana Slate Pencils, Caps, Spectacles, Pistols/Hosiery,' Gloves, Lawnß and .Edgings, Ribbons, Sevving.Silb, SilkGimns and Fringes, fancy Nettings,Green Bandages,Black Silk Veils, Silk Florence together-with a genernl assortment of all other articles in the Variety line. We have oa hand and for sale a large assortment of Gold end Silver Watches and Watch Materials, Gold-arid Gilt Jewelry > Gold andSiK •vet ; Pens and' Pencils,,- Gold: ahd : Silver' Spectacles, :tCnocxB, &cto which we irivite'tho attention of all buy ers,'as we are determined to sellunr '•* s'"--' ’ T ■ *rj it-rv .1 ■ Jnrntinr- /s£'S2 ; WM. 13. STEVENSON continues lnmanq «"@p' factqro CABINET- WARE-at every descrip tloq, ai bis old Maml.ccKner of.Liaarty cud ““*=23 Seventh streets. . UNDERTAKING attended -ItMQalnts branches... . f .pmyU S' •• '' ,iU '■ J3ZXK«JUIJES£■ * iargc assortment, of fancy, and pi am Furniture,which they will sell ISperccmrbelow customary rales." ■’ lermß»~cashonly. ■ - idec27:ly Cabtner.anachalrJS’actorF. ' fTi JOSEPH. MEYER has on lmml* at- hit eaten ; VUL sitre Cabinet and Chair Manufactory. N0.4i4 Pena 3 rBf|atreet, above thd Canal, all kinds of FUHNITUKK, aa-Sofas, Centre Tables, Mahogany-Choirs, .nlabogany. Uedsionds t .antl all othor articles in the Cabi : uiie— I which he will aell 50 percent- below ciustoiu ary rqtef. Terms—CASH, ONL*Y, „ _ joaEwi mcvrßj aprt?., , • . : • .No. 424 Ptfnnsireci, l'jflh Ward. ■ b «. C. HA6U4BB, • . • • 11. DAULEB • ' HammorS DaaUr, /CABINET WAREKOOM, SMITHPTELD STREET;' Jjtttwun.&totnthstreet £?» HAMMER &DAULERkeDpcousuuu)y on hand of excellent and fashionable Furniture, Warranted equal to any in the city* and sold on as 1 . fitvotabje tftrmg as can;be obtained.nt any similar establishment m .he West.' They have now on hand an unusually extensive stock.embracing all kinds of Fuml* lutttyirotrt thcclienpest and plainest to thcmpsl costly and elegant. All orders promptly attended to. mr2l:Cm • ■ ■■ ■\ , a'o Oabinot-.Ja»lce»**'"--- , .: : '. Vtnearsy Mahogany > Rostiocod and Walnut; ’..Varnish) ■■ Hardman and Furniture at Wholesale.. THE subscribers have just received from New York" and Boston a most splendid stock of VENEERS* and are manufacturing 1 by,machinery Furniture suitable for the trade.* All of which. 1 we: will cell ai extremely low prices. \ ; As# real care wastafcen in the selection of the stock, persons cannot fail to be suited either ha to quality or price; and, as it is well known that. Furniture can be made by machinery superior and mucb lower than by hand, the attention of the trade is respectfully invited. 1 : Turned Work,m all iLabranclies/carncdonas u&ual.- Flank for hund Carpenters, and all articles .required in maunfactaring Cabinet Furniture; constancy on hand—vizi Mahogany, Varnish* Hardware, Huir Clotiif?, Springs, Ao.f&c. .- RYAN & M’KEE, ; - . • . .. . Ryan’s Buildings,. ; marS2:ydaw , No. 3L Fifth street. . Journeymen Cabinet Maker* Association WAREHOUSE, 110 SECOND STREET • (near the corner of Wood.) .. THIS ASSOCIATION, em-A bracing, already, twice to thrceWL . limes os many hands as the lar- rq3j saft * fiaflHE subscribers havingrccently made arrangements. A with the Patentee of-tbis new and vafua&fr them, hen for Uio manufacture and sole of the aiudc in the West, they having been manufactured heretofore exclu sively in the East, where they are superseding ilia use of wooden coffins, take this method of informing the public, I thatthey are now manufacturing eighteen differ ent sizes of the modem Barcophagus, varying in length, from 22 inches to 6|fect, with width and depih suitable for bodies of ordinary size, and for those wbo desire space for cushioning, or for bodies of nnusual dimen sions, have several sizes deeper and wider.- This in vention now corainginlogeneral use,is pronounced one. of the greatest of the age. These Bcbial Casvs are composed of various kinds of metals, but principally of iron. l : - : • 1 • They arc thoroughly enameled inside and out, and Bias made impervious to air and indestructible. They are highly ornamental, and of a classic form, arc light and portable, while they combine the grontest strength which roolal is capable of in a given quantity. When properly secured with cement they are perfect ly air-tight* and free from exhalation of offensive gases. Thoy cost no more, than good wooden coffins,: and are better than any other article in use, (of whatever cost,) for transportation, vaults,orordinary interments; os has been proven by.aetual experiments, and certified to by some of oar most scientific men; also* by the Uonora bles Henry Clay, Daniel Webster, Lewis Cass, and other distinguished Senators who have witnessed lhcir raentsj.and whose letters, together with other evidences of their worth, may be seeirat oar Agcnis’Bunal Case Depot, No. 374 Main street, three doors above Ninth, where we intedd to keep on hand at all times, such a stock of all sizes and degrees ox ornament and Omaha* 1 will stnttho most diversified tastes. Wo invite tbo aitonuonof the public, and of Under takers, particularly; throughout the West, to an examt natioii of the antcie L and request them not to rely upon the representation ot undertaker* not using the article* whose inteiest it would be to misrepresent them. m»r22:3i» - . W. C. DAVIS & CO. - S jaqbs Wi wouwvihvij, ■ CABINET FURNITURE MANUFACTURER, l*fl 'Warfl-rooms. 97 and SO Third street, JW, W. respectfully informs his friends and custom • ers that he has now completed his spring stock of Furniture, which is decidedly the largest and best ever offered for.sale in tins City, which wilt be sold at prices as low us any in the Umtca Suites, East or West/ . As he is determined to uphold the quality with well* seasoned materials, best workmanship, and. newest designs; and from the extent of his orders and facility in miu ufacturing, he is enabled to produce warranted faTmare,BUhc lowest prices.v - • He bos adopted the: principle of ideattfyin g> the cus-• corners’ mtctrsi with lus own, in quality and price, and keeps always on hand the greatest variety of every dcs. cripuon of furniture, from the cheapest and plainest, to the most elegant and costly, that a house, or any part of one, maybe furnished from his stock, or manufactured expressly to order -The following articles consist,.in part, of his stock, which for richness of style and finish, cannot be surpassed in any .ot the Eastern cities: Louis XIV tct*-tete-a‘Sofa&: : 50Sofas,in plashandhaircfoth; . . ... 50 doz. Mahogany Cnoirs, 20 do Walnut do; CO Mahogany Rocking do; 20 Walnut do do; SO Mahogany Divans; 20 Walnut - do; SO Marble Top Centre Tables; SO do Dressing Bureaus; 30 do Washstands; - v 40Enclosed do; 100 Common do; . Si) Flam Dressing Bureaus; 49 Mahogany Bedsteads; SOWaluut do; 50 Cottage do; SCO Cherry ami Poplar. Bedsteads; 20 Mahogany Wardrobes; 10Walnut ; . do; lO.ChenT do; 60 Plain Bureaus; 70 Dining aud Breakfast Tables; 12 Secretary and Bookcases; 20 doz. Ciino Scat Chain; 24 Cano Scut Rocking Chairs; . 19 Ladies - Writing Desks; - Hal and Towel Stands; What-Nots: Eligaires; Paper Macbae Tables; Conversation Chairs Pembroke • do; Eilzabathen do; UaUandTier do; Rccenuoa do; . . Lacies’Work Tables; Pearl Inlaid .. do; Extension DmingTables; Arm . ■ do; Ottomans; • . • Gothic and Half Chairs. A large assortment of COMMON FURNITURE and WINDSOR CHAIRS. Cabjwkt basses supplied with all articles in their line - • . , r r-: . . : Dealer* 111 STEAMBOATS and HOTELS* furnished at the short est notice. All orders promptly attended to. • fmars RAISINS-?GS boxes “J. Ensiles” brand fortaloby my!3 SMITH & SINCLAIR. : COPARTNERSHIP.— The subscribers have this day asßoeiated themselves together asPaimers. for the purpose of transacting a Wholesale Grocery, Produce, Liquor and Commission business,under the firm of John Black & Co , No. 219 corner of Liberty and Irwin sis.' ; JOHN BLACK, iv I '.,. 1 marly M. MCCULLOUGH, JR. • 7 WUII*m W. WftUac«K PITTSBURGH STEAM IfcARBCE WORKS, 319* 353Tjitd Smtthjitld ?t. MONUMENTS. Grave: *5 to no 3, M aniel a, - Furniture TopB, nnd;aU kinds of manufactured Marble, aU ways on hand, and mode to order on thesbortesi notice* Several hundred designs for Monurticnts. ofifrmal and selectedv on band. The-trade famished with Marble at the lowest prices.: Orders promptly attended 10. marl:4m : W. W, WALLACE. 1,000 Coses Straw Qopda. THE subscriber laving made - arrangements with' the NORTON STRAW MANUFACTURING; COftIPA NY, for iho sale of th*ir43oads,.now ofler* for-sate a large assortment of STRAW HATS and BONNETS, of ©very variety of fabric, , style and pattern, adapted To the Spring trade, which will be sold by the package i’at the lowe&i figure.. Coses may be escorted to suit pur* chasers. _ J. W. AUUEN, y mar2j:gm-3taw Ulasotution orPartnership* ‘ T THE Partnership hitherto existing between •'this sub scribers, doing business in the came of John Black: * Co., is this day dissolved by mutual conseji' L H. Mc- Cullough purchasing: the entire interest bf .Jdh'n 'Black in said business? H-McCullough' having the.-nghi lOuso: the name of the late firm in settlingtbe business, ai>d the exclusive right to receive ait outstanding debts, and to pay all debts due by the late firm. JOHN BLACK, henry McCullough. . N, business will be continued by: the subscri ber as usual.-at his old stand, corner of Penn and Irwin streets;'' . HENRY McCULLOUGH. Pittsburgh, March 1,1852- • mar-htf GBOROfi ALBRBSI, iVo. 71 corner of Wood and Fourth J HAS just receivedhiaSpring Siock of -casa superior -BOOTS and- SHOES, -of ,the*«i2“*“s* best stock workmanship that can be got together* iu any one establishment, of like amount," in the! ’VVesL Nearly all made lospeciai order.free from cuts*, blemishes?&ev Couritry Merchants and others are re spectfully idvited to call and examine die stock, which ia offered for sale low for cash/ N.B.—G-Auhaapald portieular attention to have a general assortment of the besteioekof Boots and Shoes for the Retail trade, from the good low price to the best made custom work, consisting of .every kind of colors and fashions now in use. Individuals and families may rely on always finding a general assortment, a* U re lates to sizes,'widths/fashion ond quality, at No. 71; ' . ALSO—Men, Boys, and Children’s rolra Leaf three Straw-Hats. japrS^m THE partnership heretofore existing between the un dersigned In tne Commission and Forwarding busi ness, etc., under the firm of S. F. VON : BONNHORST 9c, Co.j is this day. dissolved by mutnal consent. 7 The business ol the late firm - will be - settled ’-by S. F.Yoa Bonnhorsi, who is authorised to use the name of the firm for that purpose WILLIAM EICHBaUM^ S. F. VON BONNHORST. Pittsburgh, May 3d, 1832-myi Co-Partnership Notice. fpHE undersigned havo.ihls dayfonAed a Co-Partner* JL ship for the transaction 1 of.a Wool and General -Commission and Fowarding business, under the firm of VON BONNHORST & MORPHY. Warehouse No. 87 Water and 118 Front streets. ' JAMES tti MURPHY; U ,om S - F -, VON BONNHORSTi - yitftbargh,M»yo4,lSfflH»rt • -- . No.'G3 Mjikßtreet.Bostbn. Notices ■ / ' /t ■ •'■-l Vi’ »• ~--.-^-i «V‘ r w* ' / ’ '-y y.y "v, > . . • > nt S g , a nb Rfehitpirg. [ 5 tlqnia Cuticle.j TOHlSarucleisinuadid for family ÜBc. &nd should be l found iUtbcpossesEion of every mtbe land. * Mechanics .who are jtnr eoustimtdaager dfinjury to their ptrppns,through aoct.deui| ; and.tho;iiupropei-c*t carelcso use of tools, will iijid this article to bo invaluable to themsih nil cades of 1 ! FEMALE WEAKNESS ANDGENERALDEBILITY* - Strengthening the weakened body, giving tone to the vnnoue organs, and invigorating the enuro system.. : - If the testimony of thousandsof lmng.wilnt;BBcs T from all purtsof the country, can be rchod upon, itisatngn larly efficacious la cunngaß and ibsloring ae biluated and broken down coumuutious, Il ls purely, vegetable in its composition, and so accnratoly com bined tit its proportions tliat the chemical,"botamcal and medical properties of each ingredient haitnoiiioualy unite to PtTRIFY THE BLOOD . Uillb .v * V' .... 4 . A .4*4 4/MW ■. • .. It has rcnmVed many chrome diseases which has baf fled the skitlof the best physicians, and has uleo cured Canker, fault Rheum, Erysipelas and Scrofula, which/ • Sarsaparilla Syrups entirely failed lo.make the least im pression upon. It has been tested in many, cases.of CANCEROUS :HUSIQRS. Tne most obstinate Cancers have been cured by this medicine. *Wc say that-it is a valuable medicine in all BILIOUS COMPLAINTS. It removes .all obstruction 1 in the circulation,rendering the Liver. frce, acuvo and healthy. . It removes Paipitauoiv of the ; Heart, and relieves m allcases of. Asthma, and may bo -.used m oil climates,and mail seasons of the year. • This Syrup is prepared only by C. MORSE A CO., at ; 102 Fountain street, Providence, R. I , and sold whole sale and retail, by S,N. WICKURSHAM,. ' - Only Agent for Western • v Jc)l:y WarehoasevCorWoodand.Sixthsts.iPmgb’h TCTOk . vuAbuiv J? BRONCHITIS, WIIQOPING COUGH CROUP; ASTHMA and CONSUMPTION ► - In offering to the community this justly celebrated, re medy for diseases of the throat and lungs, it is not cur wish to trifle with the lives or health of the afflicted, but frankly to lay before them the opinions. of distinguished men andsomeoftheevidencesofiis success, from which they can judge ftr themselves. We sincerely pledge ourselves to makeno wild assertions or false statements of its efficacy, nor will we hold oat any hopeto suffering i humnnily which facts will not warrant. Many proj/i ate hero given, and we solicit on Inquiry from the public into all we pnbhsh, feelingoscared they will find them perfectly reliable, and the medicine wor thy their best confidence and patrbnago, Framtht distinf&hkei Professor of Chemistry and Mait* rux Medicay Bowdoin College;- Bear Sir: I.delayed. answering the receipt of your preparation, until I had an opportunity of witnessing its effects in my own family, or in the faipibesof my friends. • This I have now done with & high deg Tee or saiisfon* tion, in coses both of adults and children. • • I nave found it, as its ingredients show, a powerful ro medy for colds and coughs and pulmonary diseases. PARKER cLeaVELAND, 51, 0. Bsunswics, Me., Feb. fi, 1847. From an Otenunn the HamtttonMUk.inihisCity. Lowbll, Aog.lOj 184 U. Dr. J. C. Ayer: I have been cured of the worn cough I ever had in my hie, by your u Ciisnkr PECTOtuLi" and never fail, when 1 have opportunity of recommenulngi* toothers. Yours, respectfully, S. D. EMERSON. 03* Read the following and see if this medicine is worth a trial. The patient had become very feeble, am* the effect of the medicine was unmistakably distinct VSTSZO SIATSS HoiO, SaRATOCUSPUISGS,') ■ . . • Jo!yS,l&l9 C Dr. J.C. lhave been offlieted with apain fal affection of the lungs,, and all the symptoms of sealed consumption; for more than a year- 1 could find, no me* dicine that.would reach my cose,unlit I commenced the . use of your u Chrset Pectoxal,” which gave me gradual relief, and I have been steadily gaining my-strength till my health. Is well nigh restored^ While using your medicine, I had the gratification of curing wtih it my reverend friend, M r/f ramau, of bump ier District, who had been suspended from his.parochiul duties by a severe attack or bronchitis. Ihave pleasure in certifying hese facts to v.oa - • And om, sir;youra respectfully, ' ' J. F. CALIfODH, of south Carolina , fp*The following was one of the worst, of eases which thcphystctails and friends thought tobcincurable consumption;— - Chestxb, Pa.,-Aug, 22,1846. J. C. Ayer,—Sir: I was taken with a terrible cough, brought onby a cold, io the beginning of last February, and was confined to my bed more than two months- Ceuglung-ineessanUy nighvand day, l became ghastly and pule, ray eye 3 were sunken and glassy, and my breath very short. Indeed, I wasTapidly failing,and in such distress for breath.ihat but little hope of my recov ery could be entertained.- While in thiaiunailohVtt/rieiid of mine, (the Rev. John Keller, of lhe Methrdist church,) bronght me a bottle of your Currant Pn-'xcnAL, which I tried more to graufy .him, th«m from any expectation of obtaining relief. Its good.effect induced me to eontmuc its use, and I soon found iny health inach improvrd:— Now in three months, I am welland strong, ond can at tribute ray cure only to your, great medicine- With the deepest gratitude, yours, Ac. _ . James godfrky. Prepared and sold by James C. Ayer, Practical Chem-* IstjLowell.Mass. |p* Sold in Pittsburgh wholesale anV retail, by B. A 1 Fahnestock, and by J. M. Townsend; in Allegheny City by H. P. Schwartz, and J. Douglass, and by druggist* generally dec3o Dr* Dc LaneyV Celebratcd Curattvo Iu« . strament, The only Infallible Cure for that Dreadful Disease known as Spermatorrhea or Involuntary Nactur* nal.Dmissicns, \\ ■" <•-p SO harassing- and destructive, and 'productive of so Tnuchraisemefto the nervous system, incapacithV ing the.man Tor business, society, and matrimony. V Tins instrutncni is simple, comprehensive, and never failing^and may be use-l without the slightest inconve nience or the knowledge oi the most mumate friend It Is xo be used externally, producing no pain or injury whatever, norpreventmg any one from attending to Ms business; and while in use-ncfanngis emission can take place, tnvigoroffng the organs, in a zhoit time. to such an extent that they regain sHxißPHiamiyE powsh ovbetehtion, the: lo*a of which, caused by early abuse, is th<} disease m question, and thecause or the thousand concomitant con.plaintr.vl2: Nervousness, Prostration, Dyspepsia, Pam m ihc Read and Dimness of Vision; Weakness of the Back and'Lower.Exircmities, A flee* tions of tlie Eyca, Impotence; Pimples of.tho Face, Pie mature Decline of Virility, weakness of Memory and Power lor Menial Application, Dejection, Aversion to Society, Timidity,* Self-Distrust, Bovo of Solitude, Ac All these complaints invariably disappear as soon asi/it ■soutceis stoppedfrdmiohiehihty.enianaiid. : • v Phis liistroment has been examined and approved of by the highest authorities tu Europe and'Amcrica.i** re commended by the most prominent Physicians of all countries, as the only ctnam : remedy existing for tho'6 complaints, and has now completely superseded the use of crags, the bougie, cauterization, Ac., not to mention the thousand ailyocused nostrums of the day, aa cordials, auttdotes, Ac., Ac. Jt constitutes, at the same ume, ; the safest, the mostjikajant, and by far thceAeayw treatment ever ofiered to the afflicted, a fair price being allowed for the Instrument, after.lhc desired effect has been at tained. >•*.■•■■■■■ ■■ Be U also remembered, that those complaints are bat little understood by thcprofessionin general, and that all iho medicine in the world neverhas, and never will, stop; those losses, which, if allowed to continue un« checked, are sure lo.prodaccd the roost distressing con sequences. it has been a matter of surprise to some, that any one of respectability mod of professional attainments should: devote hiaratteuuoirto-dise&ses.wJiich people of every : description pretend to: cote so easily; . the oftethousandthpari of the miseries these people bring 'upon edeietywereknownia very different Opinion wbnla he formed. And it is notonly tbe present misery and : deieciion,.preyirg'.otiiheminti asweii us the'body, that ; is deplored, but some are of such o nature as to affect posterity, and oven to destroy the Teprodoctive faculty, altogether. It is a fact that, when not properly treated, they may remain so .dormant in the constitution esloap* pear in no other way than nnbeir effects upon posterity; yet, if properly, understood. arc most easily and raced:* lyre moved. The above,so contrived lnstru-' meni, wUi dotittleBS,.ia a great measure, coinribute to cbecktheeyil&of quackery, so prevalent ui this class of diseases, throughout ;tho Union. The pries; of the complote instrument, carefally secur ed against all observation m a box, is only Blt>. It can • -•he Btin.V by cxpressj to any address in any port of the United States, Canaan*Ac.; according to order, accom paniedby fail directions, rind important advico to the i roamed and singlej the expenses,-even to. the remotest ' 'parts of thecouatry, being very triflmg. ; \ . i ; ' The unexampled, success this Instrument has obtained : since its introduction inAmenca, has induced some an* l i priucipled persons in New York, Philadelphia, Albany, i i . Boston, &c., to ger xrp some, ridtcnlous.thirgs, called ■! ; “ instruments," which, however, bear kot tubsluuit* i i est-resemblance, - neither, in form nor principles to my ‘ own invented, lon£trieil, ami universally approved In- < struments, and which are as Biratlar to them as night is 1 lalight. .Every attempt io sell auch “ mluo will be proseouiedto the fullest extent of the law I boing .ngt: willing. Jo connect the well and honestly ; earned Tepntation of my inventions with quacks and their wonalesaproductiona. No Instrument is genuine and none can be.wxrrartied but those ordered fiommystlf. v-, Alt' applications and ■ remittances must be directed 7 (post paid) to the jDoctor.hiinself, he havingno Agencies but in London and Paris. - s NwYwk' Dr ' B ’ de - £iaa °y > 5l l*Sspenaid sL, ikKk w e and ? rsi fiSped certify, with great pleasure, that the above-menuoned Instrument is notor.lyconstructed' I llfic Pnnciples, but that from its uee the happiest fwiw^ a^ < - al !t »iU».confidence,' be anticipated, CECTI^’HE^DY T EXTiNT dISeaEC3I N ° *" HEI£ HENRY S KELLER, MD. CII. GOETJJE, M.D.. fin niinmT... ...... 0 ECKHAKDT, M.D., 44 SSS St, ' ** P rc P? rel „ l toeiecnteallordarafoffir m«Sl a ££ atat^s,: t i^! - .\ rIi heial Anna .and 1 Legs, which move naWTOt mcmberej Appcratna forliaiSn; im,panuact«ljl^9i.|.ftr.'«g^ratttw.'bcaie'Spine «mi als ? Amia ana Kneea; for r £'M' C r Foot; for Lacrymal Fistnies; ■ r.^ or s .Cratches, Trusses. Ac.: Ortho* miwi^yS^S'** o ’- - Au ' woric wananiedi, Hetterc “P^ornonaieremtuance SXEAM BOAT rRIMMINGS-Coranrisimr iff «« tte following; Table ffiJE? >. Tallle :PbverlDg tma Table Cove?!’ i &j»j ffuch we btq. Constantly ■■ nceivinir , «lr«t ; Ce?rtl - vt m - *■ -• _ , V * i^/a V ' . -*' H **»-* ' * if" .?■ X- N ' ' •*. ri ■'V '-T ; ' ’li/* Impostsnt to tiioss AfplicteP wrni Flkbstia os t t ®7 tfß sT^ Hcbdabi>*3 Trosy bar reacered thprCnre. jof.this dreadful discoae cl matter of certainly rand the man who will now allow s • imnia. eondiuon of things f* prodtfo* 1 ■■SJJS*- 1 can altovicie but the knife of & skiJfc. n^£r n Ji} s 01l S f tartcnrable. A rupture in it* ordi ;» wnh propriety, be lea to the person 2?tiSJ?* l ! lts lrttB . Mna * i:er i but to go QSinony persons frnWmW f,V e ?.tt : bamlago ol any kindlomami^.of 1 every Superiority over the trusses zuuf bnmlafre^iisv 7 » be made to nt any ease of •Herflla-xBUh nn cractn'eyß and equableness ot prepare that decs mu bcionv to anv oilier in tramont vulh winch wo are ucou 3Sfcd“ans ;wtU retain any. rupture will, ease ahd dorafcirt le lhe wearer. Fhys’Cians of the hlcbcsl stamlSn tim pro .fersionhave givenTcstlmtmy wits great iaperiotity ovet the ordinary trusses in use. The Truss or Dr. Hub ;barawillcur©onc-ntt!rthe*ca?QsofotdirtftW Ritnlrirfl * -We advjse those afflicted to make appliosMitm ra iimi» I Referencesthe highest character canfre thts,City^bycalling on tke agsnt.' - >. -a-., ; . r e . Persons from a distance, cun hare them cenU bv ■ .sending the measure roand the body. '••• r BE. GKO. 11. KEYSE&, , ; 140 Wood street, sole agent for Putsburglt! ttarU*d&w PfUASAjrrßmoß.Ham;co.,O.,BcpL27. ' T. D, Pask—Dcar.Sir: ] take; the liberty: of advising l ••• '.■ you of-the benefit I have derived from Uio übo of Dn «istar’s AViid Cherry. I was prostrated by thatsorri'le^courgeCossurapuoir.tnMaylast.The'uf jack was traly horrifying lo me. for five-pf out family • (my brothers ami sister?) had died of Consumption.' I was afflicted with nearly all the wo?st:fcamri of tho '' ' disease.. I had a tiißiTeKsing cough, and expectorated a great deal of blood, hectic fever, Bcvcrcpainsin the side y ; andcli st, cold chills, aiteraaUng witliilushesofheat.' and copious night sweats. ■ • •• • • tvss under .ilic euro of a Skilful physician front the r time I was taken sick until nbontslx weeks since,beinir then al-oot helpless, and my friends cbnsidcred hopeless, or al least beyond our physician’s skill, advi,- ed the Use of Wisturs Balsam of AVllil Cherry. Wtlh- ' ‘ oat my knowicilge my faiher procured iyand commenced ' i ndmitustering it to me, and from the first day I commen ced taking it my health improved, and in two weeks I ,wa? able to beout and ovcrsee my businessl ahd labbri' ' .which Istilt connnue to do. I have. Inken fonr bottlea ol themedtciue.aiidnowcousldrrmyseirpcrfecllywctr ‘ . JEREMIAH ISCRIG. I ANOTHER ASTONISHINGCUBE.'i - !■ , Fairfield ?0.,0i 1851.' ii Mr. J, D. Park—Dear Sir: Iwish to slate to you lint' my dausbier Amanda, usea )c years, hadaboutavenr ■ ' since o vert revere .attack of measles, which reduced ” her very ranch,, and icft'hcr with so vainahie a medicine ns Wl B iarM - Cherry. Years re-pectfally, W-ll^Sa’mS* 14 liy Genuine VVistar’s Balsam or v/iin • fac-simile af the signature of llenrv Wieo.? h sr t S * adelnhia, and. “SanfordSiParkootfa^deW ; s: - ■Marssatfti;! addressed. W ’ lo whom alt orders, mist bo <, perbottl^jxJgtttMtaas ' burgh; 3 B 4 Fahnestock* Co, Put* I •heny Citv ■ .1 n 3c itecbha£n T AUP" ton.Frankltrr J fltT^ 0 »slli ns 'oa ■ w « !■&»!«'• TOlwGi*«itS?,£? le & i°‘ *• B Bowie,Untontowniß ~ BedfordFount*; Somerset; SBScetr, tail! ■ iKi£o? * *5.°% H»nUnsdon; Mrs. Orr,Hnlliday»- 1 k- ®°. 3ndiana:Forocy tiMoelay* >/■-.■■ E ?. a ns, Cummin* k ßlood, BrooSWlloj , 4 T myntsbttrght M’Fsdsnd-AOOr« ' C*n«nder, Mendstlle; Burton* Co,Eric; Beury ior ker.Mercer; J Burge * Co, Bailor; i Cm, do: UUannan, Beaver; 3 »StnatoertaSiJ™#® I **.- , CBJonej,Cottdersport; £ CrooWt, . - * v*' < iM. >v:... ; ? V- - %<- t ' p n f . * >■ , , ,i ' >* ' ' ' ' ~ •j? “ * iHUttral. ' Important to C«culu. TpkOCTOR LATJROEE?S FRENCH FEMALliriLta, JLf ualnnocen{ t safc uml effectual remedy Tor Chloro sis or orOreen.SickcesAt FJeur, Aibas or wbltwySup. preseion, BysmeiicurtizEa,Nervous,. Debility.;general . weakncsa t :Nuisea; iKairtsinsfce-lictd and Limbs; Loaf. Hpine, Coat livone?t, Irritability,.Dyspepsia- or-IndigcsUone Flatu lence or Wind, and all 'Uterine Cou>pfaiifts< rrfee V’s cen{B l oriivoboxef'forSJ_ ) oO.'BoiiJ;wholesalCttiidre'- lail by W. c. JACKSON,. 240Liberty-street* head of * MreetrPittsbUrglJj andbyalflbO'Drugglits-• - • Fall directions enclosed with eachbox»- ; ; 1 OeptftlTdftw * ' TO IKVAI.IDS ASD iTBUi- SICK. ; THE CELEBRATED COMSTOCR MEDICINBS, ~EAT PAitf Extuactoh {ConnePs &•' Bally*) caring, ail. Burns and all External’Pains and Sores. ■ ■ •- r. : 2d. Balm ofColumbia far Staying, or Restoring the - Human Ilair. * ;■• Berve and Bone Linttnent xtnd Indian Vee* ***}>* JEhxiry a cure for all cases of Rheumatism. " ' !■■ 4th.' McNair's Acoustic Oilj a certain core for Deafaew. j s»h« ifflyVXmtCTCTt.a known care tor tho Piles, Cib. Spokn's Sick HeadatkeMemcayS' / n -7th. Mother's Relief, for airwomen in the family way, • rt Sth. Loneteys Great Western Indian Panacea, for ' ■ Colds and feverish feeling* and provenilitt fevers; for Asthma, Liver Complaint and Bilious AffecUontff4br X :Biarrhma, Indigestion and Loss of Appetite ;forCostiveo< ness in females and male&.nndnervonscomplainis; for Stomach Affections, Dyspepsia, Piles, Rheumatism; Are; J.ho great points are .it is notbudlo take,,-never gives :; pain,and never leaves one •••: - flih. KclmstocVs Vermifuge [Worm Killer,) for Children or grown persons, 10th. Mn. Breum't Great Pain Kilter; :Nt> medicine : pas been ducovcTcd , mat 18 80 happily adapted to age- ; internally as drops to be taken, and yet perform Such. , wonders when applied eziemaßy as a wash orbathv bv ’ fricuon. In fcouica from 12} toCOcentseneh: - , lliu- SaunhoUz 1 e Roach and Bed:BuB Bdnt t for iiri^ ing away Verminm a short time.- * ‘ * '■->■ ThC cc,ebratctl iCn,J ij /* and Temperance ’ p| 3 io»% fo r «i^: s ** 00,7 ■ Bm s «S«e£*” '' !fCi(na ’ aChtnceKemedy for Cate,., a,/-f?‘ Ztr^ el ?/"^ ar fppariZZo. This articlejms outliv-. ed all other Sarsapanllas, and sifli gives as great satis-- lacuoa as ever. »"■ • ,t. - • • ?•• . ? : v , 17th. The celebrated spread SnengdlentKg Plaster,.- markcL° m Tl * Ts rcOl P e > the most popular in the cnr?fo^ j T^mh n AcS° rtv^CA *. I) '‘ T, • AcerWinandc!lB7 «l ,gr. Comstock lias lately bought the ilghi for tho* Cnited Stoteß, of the ,celebrated ' CfenerwtroMd. JlfJn«to?l : Wattr, found at. the of Doctor i W»;C Cbo£e t atBt. Oalhorinosi,C. tV. Tiilsntcdietnc hasat- j '■ ttuned a no.onciy and populnmynever before oqualled'' by any preparation at that place, and its sale has been comniQßSUrate with us merim, which are extraordinary. • A 1! the remedies arc fully described in ALMANACS, to be given to all "Who call' where the Medicines art? kept. *. :i •■:■■••< i T-.‘ . i ™l l S n! heretofore known, as . ‘COMSTOCK’S I ’ or COMSTOCK*CO.’s, nlwayo be , lonecd andnow belongs EXCLUSIVELY to Dr LUcitC:-. .S. Coinatick; and thouah the signature at Cotnstoek & to. will becotmnued, lluscitia labelwlththo fuo-rimlle D r ‘ l" C- 'will in future designate' the" ALL OTHERS MUST BE SPURIOUS. ■■■■ ■ LUCIUSS. COMSTOCK. ir ino above medicines can he hod in this place of fci'O WILLIAM JACKSON. No. S4Q Liberty-street,head of. Wood: _ Wlßtar’s Balssm of tVUd Clierry. i Joe test remedy ever known' to man far Caueks. Colds*. Asthma, Crajbf, Bjcnchua, Influenza, Stealing- at'tht- v ' Afrultmof ttM Xfter,: , ■■ rthuar Weakness of the Bmxtar site, FiritStaracf Ccnsumpho?i : fycln zhtut. this Balsam rs peculiarly- ■ . adapted to every ducase t/the Lungs, andlxteu wfttclt - ‘ : is ptodute&xnour tver varying donates' •' ’ "^SriLDCuBRR X baa loegbeenknowntoposseks im , TV ’ portant medicinal properties. Thisfncl isfamiliar to every matron in our land, an& physicians cflcn pre- ! ' : .scribe nin aiffcrent forma for a variety of complaints^ Tar also has been equally noted far its virtues; andßome* • physicions.whose names arc familiar to the whole conni • • lr*, has gone so far os to declare that even CONSUMP- v TION could b:« cured by that alone. In other hands aeam, u,\vas nearly valueless, owing, no dodbt, to their ignorance m preparing and arflmmsterinff It—adifficalty now entirely oDViated by:pauent:cxpcriment and long ' > experience*. • . - c • . Aha extraordinary medicinal powersofthesotvro sub* stances are now for tho first ume conibined andembod--' red m Dr. WTSTAK’S BALSAM OK WILD CHERRY. By a nice chemical process every thing- deleterious fit* - uselera is rejected, so that what remains is the most ex- - traordinuryund truly efficacious remedy for all kinds of- ' '■ pulmonary and liver diseases ever knowa to man. Ta ' convince all unbelievers tliat our theory is really true, we Tefcr lo a few eases of curcsperformed by this won dexfulmeuicmc: \ : : . > I J » f *