The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, May 28, 1852, Image 3

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&iltj 30$onring
:. ■ f Associate, Synod—Seventh Day.—Dm body met
on Wednesday ovenieg, when the committee to
whom was referred the substitute offered by Bor.
Mr. Patterson, for the basis of union proposed
by the Union Convention, reported in favor of i
the adoption of tho substitute; I
After the - transaction of some, unimportant
business, the Synod adjourned/ until yesterday
morning. ■ . ■ ■
- The Synod met yesterday morning at the
usual- hour, and, after the opening exercises I
proceeded to the regular business. - I
After the reading of some reports and commu
nications, a motion .was -made and carried that!
all other business be laid nside in order that the
Synod migh t take up .the, substitute for the basis
of union.
Various amendments were offered and discus
sed, but, without coming to any conclusion, the
Synod adjourned.
In the afternoon, the discussion on the sub»
stituteand amendments was continued.
The question was called for, and a vote taken
on the adoption of the substitute offered by ltev. i
Mr. Patterson—it was adopted by a large' major-1
ity, only one or two voting in the negative. |
The following is a copy of the substitute, as I
offered by Sir. Patterson. It was adopted, with
but a few immaterial alterations from it, as orig
inally reported:
. Whereas, The Associate Synod cannot harmo
niously agree on the present draft of a basis Of
UmM proposed by Synod's oommitteo; and
• T ho Associate Reformed Synod did,
re ? neBt 03 an exhibition of our views i
with regard to somo practicable plan for the ao
oomplishment of the object of onr labors arid
prayers; and' •. . '
Whereat, Tbo Associate Reformed did propose
a basts of union, m which they declare their nd
herenco to the Westminster Confession of Faith,
Larger and Shorter, Catechism, Form of Prcsby
tenan. Church Government, and Directory for
Worship, and that the same system of faith, wor
ship and government in the standords of the dif
ferent bodies; therefore
? liat „ tho Associate Synod presents
to.the Associate Reformed Synod now in session
tho deolaraUon and testimony of this church, ex
‘t 056 , on - Psalmod y and Covenanting,
with the chapter in the amended draft of basis
nW™ 3 Qt th -° !ast westing on psalmody, |
! 7’ ?T nanl ,‘. DE ’ oatha and secret societies!
use of spirituous liquors, churah communion and
the confessions testimonies, together with the
additional explanation contained in the draft, on
the subject of the civil magistrate’s powers. I
. After the vote, various resolutions and mo- j
lAions wero offered, in reference to tbo manner in
.the Union should be carried into excen- |
tion. A resolution was adopted, however, pro-1
for the appointment of a committee to |
prepare the basis .of . union adopted, and present j
it in person to the Associate Reformed Synod, {
now in session in Pittsburgh. j
Bey. Messrs. Patterson, Cooper and Beveridge
were appointed ns the committee.
A resolution providing for the appointment of
a committee to prepare for publication that part
of the basis additional to tho testimony, adopted.
Various other,motions and resolutions were
offered, having a bearing on the contemplated
Union, but, after considerable discussion, were
The Synod adjourned to meet at S o’clock this
momiDg. • - -
Attempted fiaindtwff.—A. case was before Aid.
Major yesterday, which showed the great desire
some men possess, of taking more of their noigh
bor’s goods than they can honestly pay for. A
butoher in the 6th ward bought two head of cat
tie of n , drover, promising to pay him at somo
future day;,sometime elapsed, and the drover
demanded his money—the batcher refused him,
telling him ho owned no property, nnd that ho
could not collcot it; but ho finally gavehim an
order on a man who owed him, as he alleged,
$lOO. Tho drover went to the man, and, to his
nstonishment, he did not know the butcher. The
drover immediately instituted suit against him,
before Aid. Major; this frightened the butcher,
and he Was glad to compromise the matter by
paying the costs of tho animals and of tho suit.
Th?xUrc.~~' Miss B&venport appears this even
ing as Parthenio, in tlie beautiful play of lugo*
This drama has boea very successful in
our city, and it well deserves its popularity—for
& more effective or beautiful play has not been
produced on our stage for years. Ingomar is a
translation from tho German, by Maria Lovell.
Miss Davenport ns tiio Grecian maiden, and Mr.
Brelsford as the Barbarian, are very effective in
their personations of thoso arduous characters.
JVew. Xoeomo^HJM,—Three new Locomotives for
the Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad, have been
completed in South Boston. They are called tho
Crestline, Mansfield, and Wayne. Two of them
arrived in Cleveland, Wednesday, having been
shipped by that route, and will bo placed on the
Cleveland and Pittsburgh road, so ns to bo
brought, without difficulty, on the. Ohio and
Pennsylvania road.
iVcw Wm. J. Kountz, of the
Pittsburgh, has contracted at Freedom, for the
hull of a magnificant steamer—to be 300 feet
long of thp xnost perfect model that can be ob
tained, united with great power. Capt. R.. Green
loo, has.contractcd with Walker, of Elizabeth, for
a new SL Louis pachot, to be 181 feet on.deck,
28 feet beam, and 0£ feet hold.
Tht Pittsburgh. —This magnificent- steamer,
having undergone the necessary repairs, conse
quent upon her lato accident, will leave this
morning, , for Cincinnati. The accommodation
and Bpeed.of (he Pittsburgh are well known, but
these .qualities;conbined with tho gentlemanly
conduct of her officers, arc sufficient to insure
hor a.heavy freight list and many passengers.
Military Parada.— A grand military re
view comes off to-day, at Porryavile. Politicians
will Stand in no danger of depriving the county
of their services by being jolted over a bad
road, as there is a eplended plankroad between
Allegheny City, and the village where the review
comes off. . Omnibasses leave Allegheny City in
the morning. *
A Good Mote, The dry goods stores oh Mar
ket closed (according to agreement
of 1851,) on and after Tuesday next, at the hour
of seven o’olock f. ji., each day, to continue in
force nntil the Ist of September. Thisisogood
custom and should have the hearty concurrence
of every person interested, both employers and
Burglars Arrested. —Two men, known as Peter
Delany and Billy Campbell, were arrested yes
terday afternoon and taken before the Mayor,
oharged with having burglariously entered the
house of Mr. Gilbraith, on tho Fourth street
road, and stolen therefrom several valuable arti
cles. - They were hold to bail. ■
Accident.—A. son of Mr. Brown a coal hauler
on the Stenhonvlllo road, about fourteen years
of age, was kicked on the head, on Wednesday
afternoon, by, a .vicious, horse, fracturing his
soulL The child is lying in a very dangerous
Disorderly Conduct.— Bridget M’Cabe, Cathe
rine Niblo, and Patrick Butterfield, were com
mlttcd yesterday, by Mayor Guthrio, for disor
derly conduct—the two former for five and the
latter far ten days.'
There were three commitments to' the county
prison* yesterday, for vagrancy a and drunken
ness. '
The was aTaroy day in
every sense of the word—morning, noon, andaf
ternoon, lv not only rained, Irat poured. -
I Lot for Oat Works —The Directors of the Al
legheny Gas Works have purchased from Mrs.
Denny a lot in the Second Word, Allegheny City,
on tt wTn ° hio B,reet and lanc!
Gas Wnrv 8 on whioh to erect the
animhift * ' 1 on very rea
. : - rms, nnd is situated in a very conve
nient location, and in a desirable portion of the
' AlsauUan *'£<ittay.— Charts M'Geo was arv
: - y and bronght before tbo Mayor,
charged, on oath of Bridget M’Cabe, with as
sault and batteiy. -M’Goe made an assault on
fhe prosecutrix with a bottle, injuring her, as it
>a alleged, severely. The Mayor committed
him, in default of bail.
Malicious Mischief. —Ann . Whito was bronght
beforo; Aid. Major yesterday morning, charged,
on oath of Elizabeth O’Donnell, with breaking
into tho bouse and making an assault on her—
The parties, who xesido in tho Sixth ward, wise
ly settled the matter by each paying a share of
costs. .
■Alderman Parkinson yesterday held a German,
named Pctor Sheldigcr, to bail, for assault and
battery on Ann By ne, who alleges that Sheldiger
made an assault on hor in his own house.
Mr., John Christian Sehaad has been very suc
cessful in his , course of lectures in Washington.
He designs delivering a conrso in Canonsburgh,
on the same subject—History of Switzerland.
; En Ponte. —Large numbers of delegates to the
Domocratio National Convention, which meetß in
Baltimore on Tuesday next, have passed through
our city, on their way cast, within a few days.
FKESJI OYSTERS received daily by Ad
ams Express, at the WAVERLEY HOUSE,
Diamond Alley.
G,, Stray Mure. .......
. 5 rcs !^ji lce of subscriber, living in the
1 Pv.JIVk i tt ,B “ ageo Sorrel Mure, about fifteen
t-UChaiu), high. Ihe owner is requested income
forward,, prvvc. properly, pny charge., and lake her
away, or she wiU be disposed of Recording to law.
_my.G.j;! .... , , Diamond. -. iOpbureh
TkTOUCE —lire partnership heietmore existing be
■■A': <;»een the undersigned; in Uie Wool oud Cooimis
-5^ n .bujnesa, under me firm of Mnarnv fc Lbr; ™a«
dissolved on ibe first of April last, bymntual consent
■ iha iiiisriens oflhe late firm will bo seitled by H IAL
who U duly auihnriied to nso the name of the firm t,r
'A, r i u!posc ‘ : J. R. MURPHY
! ■ ____ H. LEE
i TTNderwooo’s pickles!
\ -\J . do Preserves}. .
do Syrups;
„do- Jam*;
LEAVITT'S LXTKACTS, of every kind, altvayg on
hand, and for sale* wholesale and retail. *
n,vo> JUVELy&CO.
■J”}™' ! * CGj Liberty street, (north side \
■rpiVittU'U laid papers— —*
130 reams aborted qoahties of Fcrpuson’s, Rhoad*
50,1 l! T S “ |, j !r “ lr ’ Cnid Lciier Pa
per, Mue and Cream Laid.
Ferjjusoii'ii bice and white Laid nnd Wove
GO ream's French Foolscao, of the Terv best ooalitv
For saie at W. S. HAVEN’S Paper Warehouse/’
cornerof Market and Second si*.
rtO\x RS ‘ 3*' DA y ,D ? 0N iUally,-informs the
Ladies of t mabnrgh and Allegheny ernes, tliat
S,?Cr*he will have open fortlxirinspecuorua enlendid 1
assortment of Imported BONNETS, (silk, "rape, eimra
Aiso, a variety of rich MANTIILa§ and
fritAVYiis, tOffcilicrwitliaKenemltißsortmetitof Fancv
Goodput her«e«r Store.Wo 4X MaRKFT ST be
M;; J Si r 9 i. o - n ,i !! I i f!SDAY ' i7;h
J Opposition Defied : :
V tfrd and Vyho!e«ale pneeß Adopted. HOOD has iast
returned from the East, with a large assortment of Jew
e ry of ibe newest «pnng fashion, ami very fine quality;
ol»o,alarffe lot of fine Gold and Silver Watchesfrora the
boat. European mauuiactnrcTs, together with a great vn
nety of other good*, such a* fine gold fob guard and vest
nSnlninSnVi 'r Si>e gold |OCk«“ g“d
pen* and pencils, specie, thimble*. pocket knives, port
monies, silver spoon#. fine razors nndslrops, nccorileon*
and a great variety ol other goods ..usually found in a
Jewelry filort, uV of which he will sell «t NewYbrk from 25 to 50per cent lower, than any
other establishments city, at *
_i 5 >’ 13 _ _ No 51 MARKET STREET.
~f,5 ntt> y Jvantft Railroad Company; —*
AIT »«.“ »ow prepared to receipt for produce, Ac., to
f? Philadelphia, immediately. Time five days.
Bacon, LarJ, Port, Bvef, Lard Oil, &C.. 50 cents nor
luu pounds. r
Candles. Cheese.rotion, Earthenware, Leather, Leaf
Tobacco and TVmdowGlass, COeents per 100 pound*
Beeswax, Dried Froit, Wool, Brisiles,Clover aud'nm
othy becds, Deer bluns, Hemp and Flax, 70 cents per
lwpoanjl«Bi. r .
tos. Feathers* Furs and Peltry, Brooms and Itfer*
ebaudize, Ol) cent? per iro pounds
*. Ganal Bnsin. PuisbuTgU.
M «-■« HOUSTON, Agent*
5:70 Market street. Plnladelpcio.
A HROWN, Fropmicr.—This splendid nnd
-*A. comm& establishment, recently crecicd hv ihe
proprietor, ante teimibosof the Praddock’s Field Piaufc
lleadj and near the present terminus of ihe Fenno. Rai»-
road, twelve miles irom The city, is now open for the re
ception or l-anuhes and others desirous of escaping the
heat of.the.ctijr daring the sooinjcrmonths. Thiarnu
cioushotct being near the railroad, iarDpiie, Mononre
t.c.a river and plank roud, is readily accessible by all
tho«e rrenn? of conveyance from the city; ami affords a
delightful su'iimrr retreat, with pleasant walks and
«L lv,ft lf Dd it is raugnifieenUy fitted
,up and furnished with every improvement Of first-class
•modern hoick—suites oi rooms t parlors, eic. Ah omul
bos will convey pH«seriger. to and from the Railroad
■ nTnva l and departure of trains.
[p* Poe propneior feels a«*ored that twenty years ex
perience w the will enable him to secure the
ooraft-rt andiinsuro the mtisfacuon of all who nny visit
him in his new location. . tmj2o:3md
( & Aru,RDAY,Juuc Sdi otWiLKINSIiURG—The
\Jr undersigned.;having-divided, their 1 property into
country sent* ana uaildmg lot* have finally determined
to cempi) with tlie wisfcesand derires of their numerous
frierd* who bavo called on th«m' to expose to public
sale on the. ground at fVilkinsburg, ©ii Saturd/iy, June
sth,.the remaining- pan*.or parcel*/*f. ground, consists*
c * #0 bunding lots, large size, ®
0 one ucrc Jots;
l two and a half acre lot;
1 three acre lot;
ii four ocre lots
1 five and a half acre lot;
t ten and a half acre lot;
1 iargeand beautifultwoslorybrickbou?©,
together wiUi two and one foatlh acres ground attached.
i ne above property ib mo*t beautifully nnd pleasamly
Rtiuated ncorthc DLFGT at WiJkmsburg-, a distance of
five and O'-.e-fourth roues from the city, and affording
our mechanics and bunnes* men of the city a rare op
portunity of purchasing a ,HOM E, that is at nil times ne-
ROAD, /hia,property latoowell known to require any
description. - . - J
tVe have detenntned to arrange our terms to sail any
per.v nor persons that would <T©sire to have&HOM&
iliat he may call his own. Our terms are one-fifth cash,
balance in five equal leml-oannal payments.
N. It.—Any persons wishing to purchase at private
sale, previous to our public sale, can have an opportu
nity by calling on HENRY HKIS,
At the warehouse of Reis A M’Curdy,
cor. of Seventh and Liberty *n., or
At the warehouse of Curbing A Robertson,
. rmvia . i cor. of Island Wood sis.
• ■ Stray Oow* '
rTSjrfc?- CAME to the premises of ihosubscribtr, in
• NUor>er St. Clair township, about the Ist of
, (.kZjTj- Mnitih. a HFiD CUWj about 8 years old;
wiiii uncarmark. Which the owner can have by pay
ing charges unQ proving property.
fFtHE next meeting of the Board of Managers of the
. Allegheny County Agricultural Society, will be held
in the Court House, at lOo’clock A. M.,oa Saturday the
2Jd of May, Instead of before announced.
J. E. McCABE, President.
JAMgsK.KsTirrtDY.SecrßUry. mviG-dAwHi
Stray ATftr**
CAME to the Bnbscriber, living in Penii
iTrg3A. township, near the Leccblmrgh Road, a siSnll
MAREj with a white btaze in her
foiehead, ond white bn her two fore feet, and oa her off
hind foot. The owner .is requested to come forward,
prove property;pay charges, and take her away, bribe
wili be disposed 02 according to law;
Penn township. •
Election—Glrty'o Eon FlanUlioad com
! pany- Directors.
AN Election ;for & Treasurer and five Dl*
1 rectors of the 'Girty’**Run PJanfc Road Company,
will he held on [TUESDAY, Iho Bth day of jane>lBSS. at
.the bca*e of Thomas Holmes, near Evergreen;
William Hainjple, Thomas Ifolmes,
•. . . \Viiuam Thompson, . Joseph Crider,
JohnSeoit,! JohnM’Kniphi,
H.G. Nelßon, John A. Wilson*
Henry Fry,
JrZ y Thomas H. Slewan.
iacoVoZZo Jo3ioJi Secvy,:
_myl9iUd43iw Commtasvmtra.
for business purposes, in theeityof Pi}i,h£™'!7 o'Ucrs,
a froat'of 20 feet each on Libcr[y st r „. h ~ !,a^ n S
beet UP feet to Brewery elley. Only n’iShn ?? nd,n *
will be required in hand-theholhnee on B “Sd UmJ an i e
this property IS now in derannd, oh acconnt nr ,> ' A “
plelion of the Railroad, it is now offered for “Ueonfoe
most accommodating terms. Those wishlnv _ e
chase/ will call on the subscriber,No. 60 Liberty
or'apply to Hon. Wilson M’Cantilese. or Hon pKI I
Porn.. !. . iV . : . CYRUS black?'
P. S—lf not disposed of before the istn orsoililnkt
the above Lots will be sold at public Auction, ’
apr3:ttawtf • .
* Carriages! Carriages J —'
. ■•_gg»gq» gy- .THE subscriber would respectfully™.
vile the attention -of the public lb liin
fspsS£giP*oAßß! AO E REPOSITORY,on ih®
nfrr w&—Pittsburgh and Steubenville Turnpike •
thirteen miles wi-st of Pittsburgh. • • - • . • *
Having onlmnda choice selection of VeWclos'of
every description, whtch lias been selected with core
and purchased at cash prices m the Eastern market, in
a.favorable season of the year; Livery-men, anil busi
ness menf in general, and, also, private families, will
find it to their advantage lo^all.
Persons wishing to know the quality and price of the
Carriages bought in the Enst, and sold in : the Western
country,bythe subscriber, are . referred la the owners
of hundreds of Carriages now in use, sold by hiarwuh*
in thejast six years.
.«. And, alsoj will be kept on band, a few . NEW BUG*
GIES, of the first quality, made by a celebrated moan*
faeturerin New Jersey.. JOSEPH WHITE;
Bhirtoh-gffi I) XSfc-3tw»
V t - . , V ', l
, 1 * \ r # . i! t ' „t*v* * * »•'
' ' ' ■%+ *1 * H -W « \ • « Y r * r ••
- "'' •' '
■•'. .. . •» ' VM-->**.' • -.v .-> . • -*-»•..••• ••'
[ln consequence of the Btorm, the line between
Washington and Baltimore worked badly, cut
ting off onr Congressional reports, which are im
a ~ Washington, May 27.
r,~ E - : l AJ f~ 3 > Ir ’ presented a petition
/or the establishment of a steam mail
l n ® OjIWM to South Florida. - Also
rw„— tltl ,l a Ja “ es Montgomery offering to
Congress the benefit of his ; important invention
to prevent steam disasters, and ashing the con
struction of a steamer on his model by which he
proposes to cany- tho mails between New York
ana Liverpool In six days. ■ •
House resumed the consideration
of the bul granting lands and right of way to‘
Missouri tojud tho egnstruetion of the St. Jo- 1
oephs and Hannibal and the St. Louis Railroads,
ine main question was ordered to -put: 88
voted against and 70 for it
■, t l ? r - Bocock moved that the bill bo laid on the
table, which was negatived by a vote of yeas 74,
nays U 4. . *
.. „ Massiuon, May 27.
, Convention assembled yesterday morning
Mil 0 ?. frs - B - Here was, on motion of
> S n 7 Kohmson, of Marlborough, appoint
l„™ent pro ion, and Mrs. Frokoet, of
WeilßVillc, Secretary.
; ?* n ni ®Ji t on Robiasan, of Salem, acorn-
five were appointed to report perma
nent officers. Tiio committee reported as fol-
JJ. rs * J’ ronc * s Gage, President; Mrs.
Little,Vice President; Mrs. Frohock, Mrs. Stan
ton, ana Mrs. B. S. Jones, Secretaries
Mrs. Gage, on taking the chair, delivered a
beautiful address, which was listened to with
marked attention.
A business committee of cloven was appointed,
who reported a set of resolutions, which ocou
pied the balance of the day: under discussion,
airs. A. Hme having the floor when tho Conven
tion adjourned. ■
Second Day.; —The resolutions of yesterday
being still under discussion, several able speeoh
re were delivered, Mrs. Severanoo, Of Cleveland,
Mrs. Frokock, of Wellsville, Mrs. Giffing, of
Litchfield, and Mrs. Irish, of Now Lisbon, being
tho principal speakers.
_ Tho. eight resolutions reported by tho Busincss
Committee wore adopted, and a report of a scleot
committee on the subject of forming a State So
ciety., was under disousßion at five o’clock.
It is thought the Convention will adjourn thiß
evening.. Its proceedings throughout have been
highly dignified and ably conducted, and was
largely attended.
, New York, May 27.
the Grand Dnkeoi Tuscany has abolished the
, , 3 o l A utionand rcs torcd things to the condition
of 1848. •
_ Tho India mail had arrived at Trieste with
Calcutta dates to the 7th April, and China to
tho ..sth .March.., It is stated that new outbreaks
have occurred in India. An expedition hsd
sailed to attack Rangoon.
Athalf-past two o’clock on Saturday, tliolSth,
the sales were estimated at 12,000 bales, ono
halt of which were on speculation and for im
port. The market was firm, and Friday’s rates
were freelypoid.
WAsnisQios, May 2G.
The Assembly to*day liqb been exclusively de
voted to the consideration of the report on
Churoh cxtbnsion, and tho debates have been
spirited, though land. Tho Rev. Mr. Noyes
made an ineffectual attempt to introduco a de
claratory resolution, that, tho church had no
purpose nor expectation of Substituting an cede
siastical board for voluntary societies. A long
debate ensued, and tho Assembly adjourned
without coming to a vote
. . . Boston, May 20.
The Convention is still in session; the proceed
ings to day were confined to bitter denuncia
tions of tho Church, Daniel Webster, &c.
A destructive fire is raging in the woods of
Maine, materially interrupting Railroad travel
ing along tho Atlantio and St. Lawrence line.
Cincinnati, May 27.
John 8. Collins, who kept a grocery in this
city, at tho oorncr of John and Chcsuut streets,
was arrested last night on a chnrgo of counter
feiting. A largo quantity of §5 counterfeits on
the State Bank of Ohio wero found oa him.
Washington, May 20.
In tho Criminal Court, the libel case of United
States vs. Deohna, was resumed. Mr. Bradley
contended earnestly that tho point of publica
tion was not fully proved. Reverdy Johnson re
plied, asserting that tho evidence on that point
demanded a verdict. The easo was afterwards
given to the jury, who, in an hour, returned a
verdict of not guilty.
Cincinnati, May 27.
Tho steamer Allegheny, whilo running against
the time of tho steamers Pittsburgh and Tele
graph, passed Lawrcncoburgh C minutes after
8 o’clock last night. At Madison sho was fifteen
minutcß behind tiio Pittsburgh’s time.
Allegheny’s timo from Louisville to Cincinnati
10 hours 3 minutes. Timo to Madison 3 hours
20 minutes.
Baetijioee, May 20.
Tho New Orleans mail has been received.—
There is no news of intorcst. A large number
of both inward and outward bound ships wore
aground at tho mouth of tho Mississippi.
Cotton... Firm; upland middlings 93; Orleans
Flour... Bales 4000 bbls at $4 18 forStato and
$4 31@4 6G for Southern.
Grain... Sales 8000 bush Western Wheat 02;
35,000 bush mixed Com at 01; tho sales were
mostly for home trade.
Provisions... Mess Pork $lB 31; prime do $lO
26@1G 50; sales 300 bbls Lard at OJgjlOj.
Coffee-Sales 1000 bags Rio at OAc; Jamaica
91c. : *
Linseed Oil...Snles 2500 bbls at 02.
Rise...Sqlob 250 tierces at 4
Stocks...4oo Kentucky sixes, 109 j.
Cotton... Firm; no change in prices.
Flour... Sales 400 bbls Western at $4 00®
$4 12. Corn meal scaroei and in request at
$3 12. Sales 800 bbla Ryo flour at $3 12.
Grain-Sales 8000 bushels prime whito Wheat
at :$1 03®1 03; red do 75®90, liyo scarce
at previous prices. Corn in good demand: sales
3000 bushels Southern yellow at 04.
Provisions-In limited demandat previous
Whisky...Selling at 21c.
The river lias fallen 19 inches since yesterday*
weather showery.:
Elonr...l)nllatsB lu©3 30; 400 bhls sold.
Whisky...Advanced in consequence of failing
off of supplies, 15} v
Trovifli..ns..ilnactive. - .
Grdceries...No new foature; business light.
Cheeße...6J@6J. .
LETTERSof Administration having been granted to
the undersigned, on ihe estate-orTELfJAH AKIN’,
deceased, late of LnwrchcevilleV-Allegheny county, all
persons having claims will present them/und ell per
sons indebted to said estate will make immediate pay
ment tothe undersigned, at the Office of Thomas How
ard, Attorney at Law, Pittsburgh, Pa.
.•* ■ 1 LEVI HOWARD.
Lawrenceviiie’Aprll 27,1852.—-Itd&Ctw
T EAD PlPB.'HtaipTOved Patent Lead Pipe, for
JU ' Hydrants;
' . Aqueducts; -
. Hydraulic Rams ; .
. Chemical uses, and
. Springs;
All sizes and thicknesses, alwnys on hand, and/or
rale low, by ALEXANDER GORDON,
Qprl4:d3w&wBt 7 131 Front street
A d _ HATS «fc GETTYf'
Kb now opening, at their old stand, No. 71 Market:
street, one do°r from the corner ot Fourth, at the
oiy« of the PADLOCK, a new and complete assortment
of Al spring hardware. -
a ftSh n *.nS«Sl*«f Yi or W. 01 Wares, they have received
& (3 e mimai l i° rxr 1 leading articles: .
• enum ? English Waldron’s Com Scythes;
Amenean Corn Scythes; Grass
do Grass do; .
Scythe Snaths; • •
' EnßlishC.B-X.Cat Saws: : :
Sickles; , *n»n.;
. Hoe’sC. 8. Mill Saws;
Scjlhe Stones; ’
Cast Steel, . .Shear Steel; ....
> E.B. Steel;
M»Baw«i X Cat Saws;’
1 VlcsB - laptHCdlwfcmJyl
I * -> v ,
■ t* -*
: ' : .V
- ‘
' , LOAira,
United Slates G’s-....
.do do IPs «...
Pennsylvania <Ps«
do s’g..
Allot beny county C*s •»»*•••• »v
•do c0up0nG’5..........
do . scrip
Pittsburgh cuy G’s
do coupon o*B, payable In
i Philadelphia*... ...
i Allegheny City G’s. •
do coupon G’s payable in
Philadelphia* •• •« .........
_ : BANK STOCKS. • '
Bank of Pittsburgh*►
Me* chants and . Manufacturers 1
•• 8ank.......
Exchange Bank* »* ..........
Fanners’Dcposite Bank-.*. «.
■AlieghcnySavings Bank*. .
Monongohcla Bridge-.
St. Clair slreei do
Hand street do .
N. Liberties do ..*••*.
western Insurance Co* • • •
Citizens* do do*...—
Associated Fmsrnen’a do— •
Atlantic and Ohio, Pittsburgh to!
ito Phi1ade1phia*...........1
Cm. and Louisville •
Lake fine Line*
Pittsburgh Gas Work*- ** v.
Monongahela Slack water* ■ • *• •
Youghiogheny do
Pennsylvania Railroad
Penna. and Ohio do
Cleveland and Piusb'h do
Marine Railway ami Dry Dock'
Payeue Manufacturing Co- * * *.
Eric Cano] Bonds, old- • • .. ,
do do do uetv— *
Pmsb'gh and Boston (Cliff Mine.)
North American
Norm West* *
North Western - —•
Iron City**-
Eureka*.• ..........
Pittsburgh and Isle Royal* *....
Ohio Trap Rock
Rjdge Mining Company...
Colling ..........
1 ire Steel * ............
Yesterday would probably bate been a dal I day even
bad tbe weather been pleasant, am) as it was very wet
nnd disagreeable, business was nearly flat. The rivers
continues slowly receding, but will probably improve
from yesterday’s rain:
; FLOUR—Receipts were aheut 5515 bMs; 30at 53,00 ;
V v 9 and 14 at S 3 06 ; 24 extra at 83J21; SCO at $3(23,03 for
superfine, fur extra; CC and 130 at $295®
3,0 v; 20 at S 3; 50 at 53,12© Jl9- ’
RYE FLOUR—SaIe 13 tbls at §2,50.
GRAIN—The sales are of no moment; the supply of
Oatsisgood and the market heavy; wcqaote at 35033;
Wheat is in steaay demand ulGOO65c; Burley 45, Corn
at 4.70. -
Tho market at present is overstocked wi'h
ba.eL much of it inferior, and operations are very limit*
ed, we q lose at as per quality. •
CHEESE—SaIes GOLoxes W. R. atC^—market dull.
BUTTER—SaIes 15 kegs packed at I£c.
LARD—SaIe 32 kegs No. 1 at 9»e '
BACUN—SaIes JO.COOIb in lots at 6£od±c Cox Shoul
ders, 9|Oloc for sides and hams; 7,Cooft hams at 10c .
50L0Ih BhouldersatSl; OcasksaiS* for *honlders,lofor
sides and hams, i
FlsH—SalesCtllihls large No. 3 Mackerel ats9,3l©
8,50, according to quantity.
GROCERIES eowlnuo quictj'wc note only one lot of
SO khds Sugar at Cf; single lihds 600}; Molasses 30c •
Coffee 101; Rice 4105. /
WHlSliY—Regular sales at ISo. I
noon & Sargent, Jilchange Bankers.
i Corner ef -Wood ani Sixth struts, Pittsburgh.
[ Pitlsbargh Bonks -par. Slate Bk and Branches • I
1 Philadelphia “ - >• OiherSolventßanks-... I
Brownsvitio “ “ Bk of Sandusky-.. ••IS
Bocks county “ “ Granville •■■■..
■ Cheater Co.(new issue) ** Norwalk .............,.50
Columbia Bridge Co.--■ “ L'rbanna-.-. .-Oh
Danville ...... u W005ter............. .05
Delaware co. “ ■- —INDIANA.'
. Doylcstown “ State Bk and Branches . f
Germantown “ *• State Bank Branch 50
Lancaster Banks -‘1 Bk of Illinois
• Lebanon “ ...._. n KENTUCKY.
Montgomery co <> Ail-Solvent Banks 1
Northumberland l - MISSOURI
Potisvulo •> State Bk and Branches- I
Rending; “ MICHIGAN
Schuylkill co. “ All Solvent Banks-.’.-... 6
Washington “ WISCONSIN.
West Branch “ ■ “ Marine iFire Ins Co at
Wyoming ... « lUilwaukie
Carlisle .. j TENNESSEE.
Erie" .'.”.^ 8 f A " Sol Tom B “ nt » 3
"Gcttysburgl’i..."™."" | .NORTH CAROLINA.
Harrisburg | All Solvent 8ank5...... J
Honesdale t SOUTH CAROLINA.!*
AlidflJetown ...| 1 Ail Solvent Banks*-*—- ]|
Wayitcsborg } j GEORGIA.
iork Ranks ♦ ....$ | All Solvent Banks***—* 14
Relief Notes f ALABAMA.
tmted Stales Bank 15 All Solvent Banks**.
Allegheny City Scrip*, par LOUISIANA,
Allegheny Co. “ .. prem All Solvent Ranks-**
“ -- par ‘ EXCHANGES. . ’
. NEWVORK. NewYork.**.. 4pr6m
New York City pat Philadelphia**.—...4 «
Country Banks % Baltimore*». } «
NEW JERSEY. iCincwneu——- .... l dls.
All Solvent Banks*.*.• • iibouisvilfc*.......... .1 a
DELAWARE; {SU Louis ...-I* “
All Solvent Ranks* • •
Small Notes*
„,, Maryland
Baltimore Ranks*...
Banks. *....
Be or V,-t, nnd Branches #
| bnnners’Bkt Branches I
t Valley Bk nnd Branches f
Exchange Be A Branch’s.l
Wheeling Rank? £
do Branches*.—4
All Solvent Banks—.*. |
Sur.msr Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville,
a Brownsville,
u hec, Hendrickson,McKeesport.
„ “""'M Shriver, Bailey, West Newton,
u §«**««? Conant, WegtNewionr
. £•. Dayarif, Peebles, Elizabeth.; Boies, Beaver.
‘ rorcetCuv, Man Jock, WellaviUe. .
“ Dmrn&ljConwcll, Wheeling.
Empress, Cox, Zanesville.
„ n .. T OEI»AHn:D:
Baltic, Bennet, Brownsvlllo.
» Atiauue, Parkinson, Uo
u Hendrickson, McKeesport.
Thomas Shriver, Boiley, West Newton,
.i weneesee, Conant, West Ncwion.
.. 8;.' Bayard, Peebles, Elizabeth.
Michigan No.2,Boies, Beaver.
. Forest Cny, Murdoch, Wellsville.
-Vvinchctter, Moore, Wheeling,
ct Hrilltant, Grace, Cincinnati,
a jyci i!sville,ChuBiler, Bridgeport.
*. : M®1»» Dexter, Zanesville;
•__ Dnvoy, Rogers,Xiouisville.
PofkereSmrgh and nocking.
e> port Packet. “
&p : Siri!£& The steamer HAH. COLUMDU. A «■
m 1 loove . Pittsburclt every Monday!
aid oclock,P, M.j reluming will leave llockinennn
every,Tuesday, no o'clock, A. U. «oMingpon
n „m’is s 7‘? Brs al1 '? elilupcrs may rely on the utmost ac
commodation and promptness. W. It. WhKhitkKo
mari No. 24 Market street.
Hivcr Trade* — r —’
franklin packets.
fine steamer ALLEG HENY BELLE
jSSsSrS**??’ 2, Cum. W«. Hanna, leaves the Alle-
AIS? rot Franklin,every .trornlay anil Thursday,
Tm, h /ii n ' Ste “ n,er ALLEGHENY BELLE No 3, Copt.
Jons llartru, leaves the Allegheny whurf for £rank
lin. every Tuesday awi Fiidav, a(4P.M. ’ .
For Freight or Passage, apply on Boora : : rmargil
j-® 0 * ®»'**•«» and Hocklngport.
Bleatner PACIFIC, ZiKoraHUB
EESSSSaSbTEN, will leave far the above and intermedi
ate portae very Z'HMSDAy,at4o’clock'p.M
bor rrtlgluor passage,apply on board,or to
w ai T. WOODS & SON,
No. 61 Water bU nmi 63 Front st.
For Klttannlng and Catfleli.
Mi . pleasant steamer
SSSSESSaobAKION, Capt. Mn,Lmo.i«,wM leavelhe
at a®iv!Lt h i» r », n ! 'J on<) ay. Wednesday and Fridays,
fiishi ni M > f ? r Kmanninff and Catßsh. For
freight or passage npply on board. 1 1 71 InovlS -
fM long Reach, Marietta, Parhersburcr
and Golllpolls.
rS*ft®=[v _ The'fine bieomer GOT. MEIGS,
? jjab.vs, Master, will leave for the above
• sSnggrggEa:: and intermediate ports, every
TUESDAY, at 3 P.M.
For fteigbt orpassage apply on board, or to
Wednesday Pacbetror Cincinnati.
I (Etf» L„Tiik new and fast rnnnlng steamer OJN-
Bibmuioham, Master, will leave
WrStgftnlfParcßalarly every Wbdhsspat.
For freight or passage, apply on board, or to
A LCOiiOX,—7O per cent., in bbls and on draught: for
A sale by JACOB WEAVER, jr.!
my® »■ cor. Market and First sit.
RISING GENERATION.—II’e .important,' n Off, in
this progressive age, to know whero the rising
generation can be clothed, keeping in view the great
■consideration of econemy . and neatness. Boys of all
ages fitted out Immediulolyyat Gothic UaU. The largest
stock of BoyV CUthing in he city. Also, Men’s Clo
thing, work, at ilO per cent. less than caitomer prices.
CHESTER, *4 Wood street,
Uabiiaii Tirlieaui Grcentioase Plant**
f|MIE best collection of Dahlias west of the moon*
A tains, one hundred and fifty varieties. Thotbam’s
and Hovey’s Verbenas, which are unequalled.. In foot,
Hovey’a _ America. Republic, and Orb of Day. and Thor*
barn’s Heroine, B’Kchpse, and Sir 8. Blanc, are admit-:
ted to be tbe Gems of lhe World* The -obovo.-With
every variety of Greenhouse and other Plants, for eale
at the Passenger and Remittance Office of
e European and General Agent,
®> 6 139 Wood street.
Patricks O, Friends Exchange Brokers,
Comer cf Fifth andfVcsd Sirica Pittsburgh.
Owjcb ov tux Daily Mobhivo Post.
Friday, May 23,1652.
American Gold (new)*par.
.do . do, {old)»sprem»
Sovereigns*--*.... 8 4,85
Guineas s^o
Frccencsdocra-*. 7,60
Tea Thalers*— 7 t 65
Ten Guilders 300
Louis d’or—. 4 35
Napoleons— avj
Doubloons, Patriot*. • 15.70
; do Spanish-. 16,25
I Ducats ——. j»,io
6$ Tttt WATSB l!« TUtt CIIAIiSSJ,
I T^ a n nd r« f nme < (i d 'bß '““mlVfobryeara.lias
! «ho requisitionsbfitwi'im”*' 1 1 complied wilh
and Svingp^cnrSa^rst'rln^ifi l ! l !? A 2«'°»>
hazards nMUin| b|
toSl ViSISf 5 ""
Refcre to lh e principal Ckv |
Parcalui. Aikid lOfftr*.
'I 8 }”?®8 1, 8.«8U8,0U
I , 100,00 102,75! 109, 00
100,001 .00,50 ooSs -
i a z ■ a Ma»tesri^* nae
Z Kiaßa,
’ M “ Bical Inj,ru
B s“ d
_ . •• Auctioneer.
54.75; 54,50
6J,00* 54,00
. 52,00 j 51,50
185,00] 160,00
ftpctlotttigr. '
53,00 f 00,00 E^Now'SStf B GOODS, RIBBONS, 40.
92,00! 00,00 floor,) alaroeon’,t a ™ri»S nna ‘ ,A ' I<!uon, * 0 “ a,! >( s<!con ' l
«,00| 48,00 Bonn«i d - ortla , e P l . of Embroideries
no,* 00,00 «;o rF ~k, d £ ,g it B^rafvSrof
iW ooffi “ Ihe aarae! 11 * ° nd ea * erB are i nvi led
0,85) * - - ———...... P. M’KENNA, Auct’r.
,7 ° BlKAlMU
o'clockln*ih»»^>£,' crloN *~~P n Soiofday, May 29th, at 10
1,00 M’Kee sireei 6 Smn«lf n ii! ,i n be soldi on Ibo premises,
MW ham, 'n ihni , ’l Sf it'f. lhe Churcli, in Eirming-
M'Keesin?T J fontln S <eet on said
',OO (here is a back 80 feel. On the premises.
>.OO wimfierromn- l?» t>^mf a , me ?! vel i lnff ’ of «>" smrlcs,
' •^*^^ sa “^^^“SSS3SSe , . he rsar> wlOl
I pr — 10^
,00 ii.—- :■ P. WKENNA. Aucfr. '
45,00 4‘
44,00 XI
00,00 Si
53,00 SI
44,75 4!
37,50 S(
40 s:
104,00 10<
35,00 3!
35,00 31
S2.DU ‘oO.OO o^*v*sSo™norifi^V E |,®n EEAIj ' EaTATE --
30,00 25,00 liberty. o"umy, »3l bS S™™j? rJ>ll W G «“«° f AI
0,00 8,00 Oaarl HouscVin ihe 1 '» P“>'l‘c Bole, at the
.450 4,00 MaySOib.atlO I
. 3,50 2,00 property, belanilneitt dcsctihcd
10,00 0,00 said city, dec'd —!»II iWA.*?' 8 °/ J P lln Scoon, lato of
10,001 900 ta Hie city o?JiTtabß,rt \?, e^ ot ?‘ Ground’ *,.uate
10,00, 0,50 Col. Woods' D ( F i’S,V f l t e l'! l B, “ rkedin
#,351 4f25 meted and bounded o« fon„wi . n rgh > : ‘ ,5 > and
3,50; 2,00 pan, »t a corner of said In |S> Wi? e #l? n - U, e> far taill
0,00 2,511 341, on the pnblia eoaare n„d No.
W«l: 100 No. 344, westvrardly /il nllev.T" 8 alonlr , Enill lot
a aUey * **«“*“«“&’, , t |henco I, eal!tvard!v’
parallel lines io jbe public Etiuarp • nrri iko«, atuly.
nW ,ly £? iong lbc rquardj lMhe
&~«°P es,n !? "£• pn-wtolcU.are-erecxid ve'r? exich*
siveand vamablo buildings' ' Cl * cxien
r^i 8 ,?"^ 01 N< i 55 » m ,lie !own ‘ of W’Kecsnon, in the
Co ™ y JOHN WILLOCfc! Adm’r
. . -P..U.PAVIS, Awt’r-
A 6 <l 1 n & 'iw?rt’ SAljh OF COACH FACTORY
I rfrr™i, ?£ sdo V?,‘l n 'l"S’ Jnlle ls *> « 10 o'clock, at
1 !^ n Cc <i' h Shop ,? r clnrie > McUnith A Cn., l rw i n street
bv ordcrnrfe’r r b ° 6 !! ld - wl ' l, »“V«So»ve by catalogue,
» pr?r„h”s ?-iT- li=ecJi, jr-. Jlsatsntc, their entire rZc*
•ToW« *J 4 -*5 4 Unfinl ;- 1 !' d £oach Work; Triminirgs;
nmf&'i® >*c.. comprising Clarence Cosch.Cliarioice
and : Hockawuy, Baggy and Wtirron
Bodiesi Buggies and Wagons; Poles; snanaj Wheels-
Springs; Trimmings; Toole, *d ,-fte; Alan-S aerii
Blackamith'B Bellows, A „ 7 iS,-vicW:&e.- ?
over «aOO (oar months’ credit forTenroved c/dew?,!
paper Catalogues can be hadl at the^cuoaKo„°™. d
- ™ y “ L; P. M. DAVIS. AaciV.-■
W, G. fiI'CAH-TWEY, Auctlo^S]
LIBRAEV *t Auctiok—Will be sold at M’Cartncv's
Mavd? s '' , las , Wood s'reet, on Eatorday oven
m£,\i ' oc!ot:5f ’ a privaie Liljrury of a ccrnle
man leaving the city; also, one splendid Hook Cafe, cost
gdo- Imyvai W.C. M’CAKTNEY, Aucl’r
C'S^K^?r/ro^. fine ,ot of ,lie bcs
ELY & CO., Tea Dealers and Grocery
jjQS Liberty street-
r | of llie'-Mockliolders of tbe j’itt*
r ,'f„_“!L t |?Lp; n< ; i . ni,a, ‘ andXouißvillc Telegraph Cora
f. oy w»li be held a; u,O office of ihe Company* iaPin*
c nnati, on Ibc lei Monday of Jnne. next, (JSSeyi at?o
?nc veer* f ° r V“'Jf of »«« to?tboerau®
mg year. tmydl jnSHin Hanna
y AKD , would respectfully announce to
. lue Ladies and Gentlemen of Pittsburgh and Vi
.KJW,lta« the Fpacions Saloons at theJVtben Jam Build
fe*’ “™ n °w‘“pp'ied with a superior quality of Ice
f™m? , A C M.^,Y U p‘V ld ° U ‘"
. n -ib 8 . 0 7 Th . 0 , Bot J> 11 i? ,: l'P ! iHßient will always be found
°' d "l H Ol , Cold, or Shower Baths, an almost
myfl C re l umto for t preservation of health.
T^?. D^? E k RS Jl GN - BD *>?™S rcaicd'thesland lately
occupied by HenryC. Kelly, wouldrevncctfullv »n
-cer?’’whh a ?t d n lh ? y J‘ ave < J penc,i a ‘^ raini| l'B™-
.Z** with a stock of articles selected in the >n«i*>rn
cuiest expressly for family übc. We assure tbo»d wi n
wnntirir'io’ii^ 1 .s 0 eff<!r V “P on °nr part willhc found
wanung to pit me those who give us a call; Don’t for
-8 mw»-?m Ce—COrncr a * and Market nlle£
myiytlm ROBBHT H. JACK * CO
T n „ Potter. ~ ~ ~ *
*;„a tSifV on ' n “ ~on ‘■'tween James Tiiohsoh
n . n^/ 03 tta Toatissoa, to the Volcau Workp was
uissoived on the Ist day of January. 185*’ hr okwia
drawal of Jatnea Thomson. Al““£ liuSilitfos of s^d
Maw'of foc'v..lrnn C w e< l 81,d pa,d at lbcU!Ual business
mace o t laci Vulcan works, cornerof Cecil's alirvnnri
thOSHVIP? tVa .T’ Joseph Toinlimon, who 13 iiuiy :ju
tbonzed to settle and receive alt accounts and claims
■o*l Ttr . o JAMfcS THOMSON. ’"
ra y“.f n Works > Titishurgh, May 15,1852.
& Lincoln, Jcwott, &c T .Boston: Klarnn. &c
PmladelnUia, from the Presbyterian Board of Public*
bßlh’school So "te?y. da> Sci °‘ Um<m ’ aud «“P Sab
‘taporlauonsof slandard TU»o]o
vtfrmijNof^Siatfonery?' 18 W ° rkS f,OmEar0 ‘’ e ’ and ttla 'Be
Clergymen supplied at Eastern prices.
mv2*’ .®*VITON < *;aONeW..« Marlcil'st,
myS ~ adjoining Wtlron’s Jewelry Siorc
«o i 0
/]?PORTKRS ond manufoeiarera
\sjtr rl<fcs, Ac.- We keep ageneral as«
, 4 . , Boruncnt of the mu.
IJMily on hand; .together, .with a generaliarletv if
'Sh n°i Ga £ .P«Sl“3tß e "^ r "
Uulfri.’- if™’ S n° l , C °f 3 ’ Powder, Lead end
uul els, Bowie, Diifc, Hunting and Pocket Knivci-
Toilors and Hair DieWcrn’ Sfcun: Pocket Bclum.’
4tc. A so,Trusses and Supports™ oussoh,
niPlt%“ U: \£' P ' miai " Clll| y executed.
"p l iltd TO m 1 Wno fi l 1 a d | e W D ';L 1 i e811alC “- Hio^porueo
B. A. ParniMtocU’i Vertnirane.
From a Mtgular Ptysiatm. 8
[From Dr John Stirman.J '
laat « i>k,. '• ■ , Yiu. Covktt, (Aric) Oct 1850.
A ai «imh h* 1 by ! lrore3slon ’ of ,hc regular order.
oylL ‘ Wa>S ,lewrt P“"n‘ oledminea
n r^!i, B i ! !,‘ r ' B ', whenl tenl . 10 Philadelphia for my bill
?n mvl wa9 P rova iled on by my brother, to put
SJ?? S'" «“•“?« of two dozen vfols of your Vermi
■ *t staling 10 mo that ti was a valuable prepare*
■■on,.having tried it in his own family. Aecordinely, I
!’rtrti'^ 0r Oozeti vials. I have u sod it ally and I most
f.®*/'.V'S 1 “ c *f eolations vyere more limn realiied—
its results were lru y astonishing,'removing Worms in
Win ?r i m? l m I !< Ce ’h' V lcn • >I -°l’ crl > r administered: If you
hi 1 » containing a gross, and send mb the
iriiL Wl i send you the money for them by mail or oth
erwisc, Q 8 yon may direct • •
lieware of counterfeits and imitations.
Prepared and sold by. .
my&d&wim corner ol Wood and Fim sis
The Great VeWetahlT nemodv!
Dandelion, WUd Cherry and Sarsaparilla.
.. THIS valuable raediciuttl prenara
tokli©' differs entirely from' any simple
1 extrart.ofSarsapanila” or com*
<o^ .tnottparifylngmedicine. Itisacom
v j/h Qf man yof MOST CLEAN
ftfjfet o=ling directly on tho Kidneys, ;or
V y‘l«ft " a * ln ff reference totheTe-
V L: lief and continued healthyoperdUon
—<y«23Ui_ oi fiome miernal organs. it con*
wins articles-which enter into no
other preparation in erUteoce. and
in purifying und refreshing effects, by any medicine in
tho world. It is pat up INLARGE DOTTLES, is ver?
pleasanttothe taste,and is more concentrated - ■
than any other inllmmarfcet.: Persons who havomken
Sarsaparilla ” by the gallon,without relief,have bora
radically cured bynsing two or thrte bottles. is
the only Compound in whioh Dandelion, Wild Cheiry
preptred to Oder the peculiar
virtues of each, In combination with pure extracts ot
aitic!e l ., in a hikl j 1 v conceni,aied state
Its ingredients are PURELY VEGETA ULE. ami are
such roots and barks as dm found, though chiefly aff-et
ung certain parts, in their general tendency, to producV
the most cleansiog and healing effects. “tnuuuce
Kidneys, as caused by this medicine. Noothsre?'r .-.?
«<» P?«en l to, this effect Infact;this Very tmeraiioV ;
*"?. r ic h it is partioulftrly. from
to“xu"n P ce. ParaUOnS ' and,takc *‘ , ‘ I > e be;t curnpouml
S ffh?. F c I ? R S F^ Y ’ ~5e «M»medicine.-
pain P r ° ofof the cure cf Ihwdis
hSn inSih,, edse .“! y now - Tio pthhc have so long
“ «», faiallthot its positive burl
would seem almost a miracle, yet -
*udt,o?i ,t r- FEV ,? B HAS " EEN oUnE!> >
Gwpl'Vegelable Remedy, Dr H.B.My
eJctrT^Katl!' Peedeliou, Wild Cherry, &e.,alone: ‘
*,Jw.. • ®I following, ns a specimen of the nnme
rpus testimonials to ibe efficiency of this medicine fn
?S* e * 01 malignant disease, which we have to ex- :
-' 3 M.D., a skillfulphysicion.residinar
tj l HttffjlOj N. y„aud one who has devoted himself bar-'
Ueplariy to the study and cure of the Ship Fever, with
Sr n ?V, e7 P ry Phase of which he is conversant: elves
the following tesiimonyin relation to the effects of thii
taethaine, as prepared by himsell; 3
"•“TUa t» to certify, that I have need Dr. H. B Mvirf
Extract or Dandelion, Wild Cherry, and SirsaKa
*“ °®? e 3 of a number of patS aicfc
.WJ thSuip Fevcr,with very beneficial results. And I
consider itageneral curative uuhatdtsbaseu
n- M «* « Warren street, New York.
oprStdepdkw No. 57 Wotrt mreet,Pn“^h.
■ -T.'-W..-;:'. 1
...... , '
- ?
EVltt* DAVISi Auctioneer.
*DEDfilATiSfit— cewijr ditcorreii renr
fe d t r^&^ m AV4rr^r dCM^nrenedy
52H! March S 3 4kvr
i *hSadop ■&££* .
T>i ! EPARFJ) and sold by JNO. -YOUNGSON, 208
■BSSSStttS*."" 1 .?"™! of wh ‘ ch ßreToiih'dio be
St h e ,‘7i eas %? i 'j® otl s*nal Amefican Oil.
liispntnpin bottles at 25 and 27t cents, each, with foil
Sh he *»<«"mMEL
or the earth, can bo had ns hbo^add
•__ Ptrrate Diseases*
® Ds7pi*a T his entire-euentron to an office
practice. HialnslnesslamosUyconfinedto
jW*J« or i V**‘T*et Distasu. and each pain*
yonthfulindulgence and excess* • v.
i. ■SyfiMUs*-EyphiliUe Eruptions, Gonorr.
Strfotore, Urethral Discbarrei!
diseases o. the venerea.
'R?iSSKfirmH»is^* e i a i nf''® COr * ,ttt * C;, '® n, r t * ons » Teller!
iungworm 7 Mefcnrial DiseasesvSemLnal fSl!
)otency,.Piles, Rheumatism. Female-Weakness, Month*
.y Suppressions, Diseases o/ihe Jolnts, Fisiala in Ann*
iS Y THE. US_E_~ O.F±
From Dr: Houghton's Tfotie-
B ophqf Case*, and Carres
meanness us tbepßofihe
lomach, Two or three
imes a day the pain in*
reused to- such a decree
“* w niave nor scream wiiji agony. These attacks Cap*'
pened sometimes after food, ant) sometimes when none
uadbeen token. She raisecfniush pour, clear fluid from
the stomach m he morning. The stomach swfcJled much
i on K°.° coated and clammy; much thirstr no
X !,^.^osT^ ,sco , sUve; dull, stupefying scnsallonin ,
tnc lorchend. Complamis of two years siandiujr Gave
on * louday - Came back in a wee”
ha , d,lot l ! ee I '' hall ro bad amen taking the I
lnawrn. 0 4'n anil i W!l3 S'°™S The consent
I!cnne^ B 71“ i aso fi? no ’ .-Appetite improved; tongue
vSSCvL 1 OW(e,Rr . e B“ I »T; bead su)lheavy.. In another
tbe iidm^il 33 e "“j y free irnmuneasinesß and pain in
traeeV.he t d T 4 nal ?*->> aad felt clcSr’and
1 i“S oh co waa removed. .
I aioni ISI v d iK i 1 y ’ S- eed , t 0 T Pa<n °/‘ w ««*»*.-
I ady " Had , suffered pain, usually verv ae
I ™na e^ ln .* he i T 'P“ n of the stomucu, for three years oast
and particularly intense after eating When at themm’
the pain.i; as if some hard body were beiSe tfiSstlX’
.sstornaeh andborediuevcrydirection. Much
tenderness on pressure.; THs indy need the Pepsin whh
serprisiiigeflect Soon after the first dose the pam ceased-
I na ?^L a > a " d retched, but nothing came
I ia? months have pas.ed, butthere has been no
1 «s“ o n nhe*foffi. T °" BUC ClcSn and ” 0l81! nosorc -
I b s¥ a *M bm Ky: t May, 1851 --Oh
of May, 1851, Rev M. D. 'vViJhara*,pastor of tho
1 &? Bf ® sb yt‘?nan Church, in Louisville; Ky., was and
; S??J^ e .* Tl r ° r * ]°n3‘V ine . conbnfe<l 'to his room; and most
’ X ™x 10 fam be , ( l> w »h Dyspepsia and ChronicDiar-
J? G ' a » an « Vas to all appearance on the very veTee of
wtiff.ainrtf? io be so by his physician,
r u i efT a a-.. !? e f>[. dlntt ry meana inhispower wiih
?i.« h*- cl * -X9-S 1 'hoabove named unto, the pnitent, by
1 °, fl)i3 .rhysician, commenced thenseof Bri
*Pepsin, and 10 lhe.asioiushmenn-surprise
1 The Shi ‘5 ht , ° r aI V much relieved the first *dai*
, let eeel d ? y , he h.s room The sixth dayV»h7ch
I:2X S,e C ,h 3!lye i. y i il ° 1 ' *■? rddo tea miles with-no bad ef.
feel, on the eigh-h day he went on a vit-it to the country;
ir> hr?c„Si e J?"7 ecD, l' d / !y ' Umpgh not entirely restored
.h hiiratanlilKtipkj ho was so far recovered as to eo
fjoe'e a J° Drne >’ Of live hundred miles, where he arrived
in safety, ranch unproved in health, Laving-bad no dis-
stomach or bowels afler taking the first
thi. i.nV PS ' n 'r.- r t ese ? re hoetsnoleontrovertuWe,and
9?“,“®“? v ’' t . , i : h ought fir convince all skeptics that
5.!.. 3 p ow r-r in Pepsin Let physicians ana dyspep
tics investigate. DU GEO fl. KEYSER, P
,“ f Wholesale and retail agent, 140 Wood aL, Pitta
bargg .° a [my2B:Sa.w
A»!BUui<:ut for mo uenefit or Creditors'.
R.“»>Bn«enl executed on the:
Bihaay of Mny. ln the year 1852, by Cutßk-M’-'
M*fiT E ih i: v C n ’ lO flichird T. Leech, jr.,lbe said Clark,
M’Grath A Co, made the saul blchard T. Leech, jr. a
■■ltaa.*.,.to.|ta l be»ell. of their creditors. Al! Densons
,?* !unls against the said firm.are requested to
ie aahBcriber; .and.all persons indebted I
L to eall oa the subscriber, at 133 I
Wood street, Pittsburgh, and pay or arrange the earned
_.mvl7. R. T. LEKCH. JR
tropo.ou. ror tne Pablloatloa - "
r^ t? ,.^ t ’ t; ‘‘WiNNSYI,VANrA AHCUIVEB,” AND
cur§3. VOU)MES op the colqnialjre
_SeolcdPtoposalf, endorsed severally “ Proposalsfor
PobUeaUons of *he ■' Pennsylvania Archives,"and Pro!
Rerpnblicauon of lie first three volumes of
dnv^riiti\ir?' co ' a^ received until the lfith
day of JUNE next, inthe office of the Secretary of-lhe
Ccrarnonweahb, for the publication of. the “Pennsylva
,w^L cI l l7e? ’ andalsojorthe re-publication of- the first
three ‘volumes of the w Colonial Records,’’agreeably to
Acts ofAs^mbf— 6 foUowms fiEoUon s of the following
As Acr ptovidins far the publication of the Colonial Re
in tht ° ftht sm <-
_ Section 1; Be it enacted by the Senate and House of
Representatives of the Comtnnmveulih of Pennsylvania
!?r.°Jni e w;^. S 3 me, >nndit la hereby enacted by
eame, ; That the -Secretary Of the
Commonwealth be, and he is hereby authorized and id
quired to conunue the printing of the Minutes of the'
, o |fJnai ri [ G '’ ? r r 1 n> “r! u a “d Council of Safety, down
to the adoption of the Constitution in the year one thou
from the point at which
the third volume of the Colonial Records terminates, In
rwto!!Sf .“'iFUeh-ffi# volumes of the
Colonial Records, already printed; are published—each
*° M l—‘> nDl I°** lijan eighthundred pages,and
tnir'd'ml nu^cr cf oppieaof each volume shall be fifteen
; Section ** *P^ al it. shall' be the duty of tho'Seeretarv
“/.'be Commonwealth, Immediately Oder the passage ot'
this Act, to write proposals (or the pulilicaiion of the
records aforesaid, giving poblio notice for at least one
monflt im two papers published in Philadelphia, Pitta. I
burghjind Hnrrisbnie, whiehrptoposals shall state the
price peryotamivand shallinclade the faithful and literal
transcribiag.of tha records aforesaid, under the Baser- <
intendenee of the Secretary, the publication and binding
in a manner aanorm with and notinlerior to the volumes
of the.Coioniab Records already published; findingall
material, and thedelivenng of them to the Secretary of
the. Comiaonwealih: which proposals shall be opened
at the time apimtnied by. the Secretary in presence of
'o e fr?o' emor !£uditor General and StnteTreasurerwho
f^ 3 ' 1 r'" 11 tif! allot the con
lrfCUo ihe lowest and ben responsible bidder. Provid*
ed, Tnaibefore omi> inr the comract aanforesuld,the
suceesaial bidder sUsdicnter into bond t 6 the Common
more sufficient sureties, in ihfc sum I
of tetl thousand dollars,condiiional for the faithful fulfil:.!
roentof his contract shall be approved bv !
the Governor beforebemgrcceived, ’
.i- S^ tion 3 * I 1 # knU be the duty of the Secretary of l
the Commonwealth, eo soorrastheeniirenuiuberofcnD.
, te* of arty one volume shall have been delivered into his
office to cerufy that fact to' die Governor, who shall then'
drawtus warrant on the State Treasurer for theamount j
due the Contractor according to thecontracta whleh shall
be paid out of any moneys in the treasury' not otherwise
appropriated: Provided, • That ilie Secretary slialfftot
cerufy as aroiesaid t ufltil upon ex'sinination he be satisfied
tbat the contract has been carried out in accordance with
the true intent end meaning of this act; and especially
ofU^rigSnaT e » aapubU£hea ! ' l3a^a and literalcopy
Section s That the Governor is authorized and rei
quesied-io appomt some competent person, whose duty
ushall be lo select for publication; such of lhe ; orifrini
documemsv leuere, treotiesrand otherpapers, urwrln
date to the peace; of one thousand seven nnSred and
eigntf•three, now-preserved is'the.Se'dfetaty’sofficefhii-'
may oe deemed of sufficient importance lobe published:
and to arrange them according to doleandsubjectin one
or more exceeding five of the size of the
Goloniar Records heretofore printed which shall bo call
ed the 41 Pennsylvania Archives »
: . ;Tftatltshall be the duty of the Secretary of
■ the Cdmffio/iwealtfu immediately after the .“ Petmsylva
wiaiArch^ves,,, as prepared for pablica
tion, to ptocare the pririUng of fifteen hundred copies of
. the.- entire 'series' immediately in the same manner, and
under the same, restriction?, as areprovided in thesecond
and third Sections of this Act, in reference to the publi.
cation of tlie Colonial Records,.- y- .
.An Act supplementary, to an, Act,.ernided a An: Ait
proving for the publication of the Coloniai Reconls I
audoiher bnginalyapereinihebfficeofthe Seerelarvnf I
the Comraoav/caUn,approved(,lBG-i.y;r y . ■ 7
Whereas, Prom the natureof thevomentabf lhe Penn
-syiyania Archives, now ready forpublicaUomlt is India.'
pensably neccssary to fho proper execution of the. work !
that ns publieeiTon l shall he by some
coraio and'competentper£On,iherefQre.-- . ; -.fV....
! Section L -Pc it enactrt ;by the Senate and Hoiise of
i .Kcpresemativea of the Commonwealth of EennaylSia>
i Jg General Assembly-, me vend euaetSfrv
!S’.“ lto riiyofih o .arnv.WSamuelHm?zart bSrinS
i la W berefiy npp.ofmed to edit, and superintend fim’niA.
I lreaUpnotUiß Pennsylvania Archives, authorized toba
; priuiedby *e Act to which thisis asnpnlemeat. *
I * 3ec t . 0n 3 ". r,ia > it shall be tliedniy of the editor to de
-1 vote hia entire atienuou to the publication of said a?
chives, to prepare all necessary noteiSces. aonVn'
diies and sucboiber'mstter as'may"d 4 n?ces«s P a„;
\aate later ihanßeventechhuhdred and!
nffeCv r 5 e A >a ®— BlJi^^BiodBmenth®ll<«6Barytorive
e’.""'#f",jr,,aa,aSS,,c#m ' :
'eaid Editor be ondheishereby au
, tnorize<l:to procure the.'tithographing of such plansof
3 »i ? * fQ T“fioauohs ; (udianmaps, Indiandeedsorother
a j®;j a ?pape r s nowexisting among said Archives, as he
ettpll judge .necessary to the proper illustration of the
said V Pennsylvania me expense of.which
i Biiall be paid outofanyraoneysm the treasury cot other
wise appropriated, after being audited and examined In
the usual manner.
Sections That should the number of volumes fixed In
the Act to which ibis is o-sopplement, prove insufficient
to contain the eiuire nuthber of papers now selected for
: publtcmiuh, it shall be thAduiyof the Secretary of the
Commonwealth to cause such additional volume*, asthav
be necessary to.copiam the entire collection, to be puu-
Jiihed by the contractor in ihe.same manner as thoash
i hottdmbcrof volumes badbeenfixed bythe Actio which
there ia a supplement, v . . • . .... • -
I' Section. 7. That the Secretary of the Commonwealth
b e authorized, to prooaro .the te-pablicaiioa of the first:
lhrec.yotames of the Cotooialßecotdvianiibrm with the
preterit cdliionj tpbepablislicd mid diHribnted accord
ingtp the provisions of this Act, and the Act lo which
.hrih|a aaapp'emcntj ail'd: thatiathemaidng of a; contract
the .Fehitsylvahia Archives, and
first thtep volumes of the Records, theecretary of ibo
Vommonwesllh be directed lo provide for the publication,
of atlenst one volume per month, and be authorized io
taka snchiqcasures ps-wiil ensure ihe faiihful perfonn
anceof the said contract-.
: The ebntract for the pabiication of the Colonial Re., provided forinjbo.dd Section of the Act first above
quoted, ha 3 already becu made, and bidders will confine I
tnetrnrppnsals tothe«PennsyJ vania Archives,» and ihei
re-guljUimttono.f the firsMtoee/volumcs of the “ (Mom-,
al , or lo either one or the other, aseach witi
cons;iiute:Jlic sabjec tot a separata contract ' “
.. Bidders wili observe thcreqniremeru of thedd See
tion cn the Acifiistsbpvc qu°icd. and of the 7th Section
ofthoSopplement, an no proposal failing toecahrace
11 i?"' 1 “S TO, ?:P ar l,! «'»T l ch n hecousidetoU. Thetfsmes
of.Suretles, for the fatlkal falfilment ofthe CdSSact,
should; accompany the proposals.
„ F
, Siaitarviif I
■ Nora—The three valorne* or tie
ready mjbUshed, may be found to
91 UiO St&tCi
’ '' ' i;;rA;:.v.V v; fS *' { ~
r f ?;i * j, / *
uwwSTmJ J ?o?»^?” cr,6 r r ' **»« on
,n * l ' * or lermj enquire of
-222 K CHEftTKR, 71 ggulhfield?!.
* tS_»OKB KOUAI.—WonJd son for
,y i 3o0 i l1 '' Trimming or ftrocejy Stole.
Item low. Apply to B?GOLDMaM,
mB,3 ° 118 Market .trek
. ' TO Lflt«
to Alderman PißMftSOwVs& wXaf' P *
'I to iJU—lbe »nbsciibFr o(ieK fofTSfniriii»~*~t—
* Davis, No. SI Marbolttieci. PoSseasion SU
on llie lsiofApiu-. Knijoire of :
jans:if CHAH. H. PAULSON, N„. 73 ww o.
,rden ' ca7l *lsucg oftweniy
-9li“o,es,?rLan ‘ l - There are on ihe premises a
good Frame House, two Barns, four hundred Fruit
tVe C Bj«?r°s« CX i“< !le ' ! ‘ Waier. Situated on
toe Beaver JRoaif. tour miles from Allevorny Cttv
_iuya7- TJIOfItAS MOFFITT; si& Fifth street..
»Sh* wit?*' flOW oqcopied by ao u adriur'
swJJ Of Liberty and Hand sircela. A
™'2 a J°, r ’’“sines* of any llnd. rosataaion
given finviai • JAMIES A. JONES.
- Ko 183 t cor. of Wood and Filui sW»
fiSf ihe Ui or April belt, lbs
■®*LMartir«SiF?is ? 5 auac^cd »°n the eorner of
for a Store or Tavern It 1 .Pariaow alana
river-wi.l be
• No. 333 LiboTiy st.
A containing CO acres, sltnatn 1
most y improved. Building* tolerably yood
e T‘ 9 ' e 01 OuSts” dSSb3, A«mi Cm *
my 3 , No.l-j.l,ior. WoodjiidK(Ui a t^r
_, .Sixth street propsrty«
valuable property of 20 feet front on ‘
m 1 deep to an alloy about 120 feet-
PK? j - mi l^e B(reel ’presenting- a, pood location far"»’
arranged,ond wjiitouiclmrct? Price S 3 uflfr 010 *
my os S * CU^f,BERT ; General’ Agent,
•, X... - SniilLfield Biraftt- -7
Jiiiifn borough of South Pittsburgh, oil .-
Th?« &? ml «o;« v wa!k of the Mojmngabela &ridffe -
one ~r° e t 10
perfecl Ja c^'^lVS^aT'.^Sfr'e"? 3 -* iUe
OEO.;P. nfLLMORE; '.
_No-dl Grant at. -
BRICK for **l« a «wo story
-rt JOHN Btlnwaa
■■■■■«« s. JO}i.yj--r. '. _ £ 4Vtt y u:.
U Teas, Pickles, FjoßsiJte;, Ac 'No flG?lih?Sl« ’
(aorU, side.) one *
'l'Hir; aubacfibergtQ ihe gSinoiid Market
A. please take noi[c& that they hre herebv called nn^r^
-TT7-HIP, Cane!" MBRELLA^^N-D 1 * PARARni
>y. j iftj, now offers for sale, at Eastern brM*>ii-nin«il
assortment ofihe above Goods, to whic?icattentilSlls
&,! s ,n7,lcd - Al!0 ’ amßnSSEf
f' tfIJIVI i
imd for rale cheaply JACOB WEAVER.*
_ cor.Marltet and Pint ns.
£**, jf r, s^ s co*t3mer*,iJial they ate now nre*
SSS?&P rSiSSr 0 "?^°' **•ifeftR«Iw?p
'SfiSiu ' r ,o^e very best quality/ aialihoara
,of the day . and evening Thev olwava t/An «« *twtiA •
PntXK I< lf r Cl £ es ondConfcctionary, freshed sweet! 7 '
families will be Bcrvcd.wUhnUarticleithey-'
no . lice and on the most a«i£ v
■Sf« r ?-vSLvf n I?eraci ?ber the plate, No. Si Diamond
alley > a.fcw doors pomh of the Diamond.'* Torrldaw'
pn * oMc f to contractor*. "
i° 1 “'7,5' nm llni ' ? lans airii Profiles will be exMblt-
a k 1 ??) Be E° S9 - llrr "'formation■ respectingihoWerk ‘
S^2‘, b ,? 11)0 al fi'> Office, fir five Jays Brief
to the felting. By enter of the Boeri. -’y»pnor
BratnKß'a Orncß, >D. PItTCHELIi, JH»
- Priubergb, May 0 105*. } Chief Engineer
■ ■ ■ Pittcherch nnrl Ricnhenml'e ft H. Co. 1 ‘
■ ' ■ ' JPlTuuoßoJm* . ' ■ ■■■■■‘V ..' .' -.
reSK s“.^&££ , X!K!B#
to uusa now in use in ibe Vri*on. A Dlnn "
SlslTstam b 0 3eM lhe 3 J=Arj l ° n «"3 aS"i fi e ’ '
1,181 instant. JAMES ANDERSON, '
WILSON mcandLess.
Westbbs PEmTWUBrT b° b *nson,ib. j
- Mny13,1852 ,$ miBlJ)t
"hnJh U l ® Pittsburgh. Gas CompanyilCa.’■'
of Coal, and 30,l!00 Cnshilaafc,'
received ai the Office cl the Company, aS? '
•n!»«i n, /2? y \ June JdylhS't, m 2 o’clock, P. M Th*
aC j -°'.°r *uch qaaliif,aad delivered at •<■
S a, sha,i b = ! a PP™«d t ■ ■
and SMrt OBforCo#l .
? ° ** --
J reposals to be addressed to Thomas Bilk ewell. Ken
"P 8 * 3 * rresldej, L Ga. Ssu'y.
Carbart£« Jmprovea Uetodeon.
~ 1 oueauon of Dealera and the pub
gggaggßppgM”?*B fcapectfuhy called xo the ImproVed'
mannfacturod. bynhe sblh i •
Z^r 7 of U,04 made bfithtn T&r ISS
™u?.. 0 \, lOSC 'Y! oa ’°{ sc P crt > workmanship and oriei- -
;J?2 S e ,f^ a ’, I ? ai * n ff “'*>«auufol - Parlor Instnuneht, trad
are admirably adapted for church nm<rie. Dealen\tm ■
plied; on the most liberal terms All qrdersbv m£l -
to ’/ nd ‘lnsirnmenisvaent’ id any;-
part 01 ihcconnlry~aud warranted. • f
myGAn - , 49Cameway street Mw.
Railroad Vontrnctora. 1 11 " '
: pROP i OSALS w „ i | b? received -ni ihe Office of the
n* ,J^t n r C^' i e Indiana Iliilroad Company, in
is«TV lc, .if # ” w ! he evening;; of the BU> oNTniit?
for the .grubbing, c! ear!!! v r c lading, and in'isnn.v l
•mil enl >sU'!tlle anf Indiana 'B*fc- !
Toadf between Coshocton and New&rfe beinr'ahoiir *ts’
en > slh r and cora P" si »g someTiSot/ SffiS
: ® te'K, d -nV ldsea f r<, i , . ,1,e MneWngnm river.
ea^orffiMhV^?L T e'D!v n I3 ?or nS<if ab ~” i hin '
art and Sieubenvilfe, oft„ fb“ *of Jn*e® * NeW ‘
J/ IJUOKENBI>RRFEft I 'Jf''-:*•> .
Chft , f', r Kn*nt»ifr. ■'•'• •
day of June next; at Ho’dloctc A AT - '»
non w the Cubital Stock of the ■■ Piushoreh Tran ? «n j• -
S a . v ,‘S^ om P?’'s'. 7 ’ the Office"f Mesfhi IMtS* "
ir J.K-. Bloorchead, CharlesShaler Thomoa Bakewel V
Jolinß n itni!»7w n ’i oa ? h King,WUsoniM'Cohdleea,'
r 15’M r ‘ mer >.s'-> tody Patterson, r John ' '■;*
, o lQ .y a *7 i| •? olm Morriion, J.S. Orolt.Reß
*s —i H-Hartley,Wm. Echbaom/E. J>. Oaz- v •
V r **»Al ftO W.Marks, Dr.lLWiileob.Din.
•cl Neeley, John Anderson, L. Wiicaanh,C.ihmsen, 0 ' v
K» Riddle and Thomas Farley. -- i*
Capital Stock, T a bo divided -into 4,000 '- ‘
:snarea,atBso each—SlOper share to be paid at the time '
of •ahscrihinr.
VAUO* LiAlitCfO' 9C<VVILtU uittlia/
r r-TliesenicfuUrUc!esarointroducedtotbonublte •'
by theinventor, nod especially recommended toilieno^,
lice of lie Ladies,for whose particular use they «re In." "
tended. Someihingof ihe kind has ever been needed..
u> hold.t.or fasten their needle work while encaged in
sewios.> Many a fiir form is ruined, and maderonnd
shonrderedi by their position while at work, ns well &•
health impaired, by silting In such nil unhealthy poiiilon 1 ■• ‘
IKPKk*?*? ta “re, corsatamly being Introduced to lessen
die labor er men,hat Utile or nothing has been d on « tO
alleviate the burden of . the other sex. Tola nnici?
however, will greally relieve, while it will faciUtati’
heir work The Sewing Birds have been used bv mlw ‘in
Indies in New England, and has met With univeriS n*?
• They may Le had of the subscriber, by wholesale i„ '
every variety of style; and tha small price at widen
they are offered, must rerotnmehd them to generat‘d?
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V. . ' T. 1). I'WIUUELt <fc uti m
foewae D ing^.> i comm,| S^» OlJSEi
Twlcbell * Biomrti?”
fiS Advances on consignment, Lis’
L° l —i.^- n{,erlftke me acuJf mcntanfl collet.' -
*ffi« .5 a,n J B of Importance ; and hope, £v ': ■
f* a ! PCKonaleffortsand attention to aJi
their friends, logtve general satisfaction* • 18 ■ • -•-
• Su # 'S iiV gHisfc Morton, C neinntti
Page & Bacon do Strader 4 Gorman “S.*
Chadless, Blow & Co, do Bozen 4 Fmr?J- 5
Chouteau * Vatic, do Snnnar?* Wh«i-. d<> ~
■oXeecli tCoT wm,a-n Holmc“ 8 & Co J w al U d< } ' '
t.Bro, Pittsburgh; HorftnJ M Back'am? 011 "
PltUadelphla;. Shields * Miller, Philadelphia i?*n’
. Newcomb 4: Bra.,-and W. B. 1!, viir.l.tJ lf r 0 t -D, > -
X, C, TWICHELL 4CO ,New Or!caw Xk,iusvilli! ! -
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