■ !s®*iiifs®f^ ‘ •\SkV‘ i *; > it?** , fr *v* Svt" vv^ 1 ■*'»»; t- 4 * ** r * *y' •—», -; > ’ J,'*Vf* *■* lts' n \h?A>^4 Mm ttIMM sßSSw'^islSB^^?S“6J?i MfPtilfW |||#|te|litls^gYy PliWte ¥f»#lflM ■• ——— ——- — ■ % Wlw«ll mmgm «&mi gl^giSg ®gS3S^S^S^af®Sll-f#l mSmmsm ■BHBteaam islS^iml gang 11l nib fife; Ml w&Mk ini ki;^^»^i#s^|i^sri imMmigßßßi J^B^M^^paisasa ilfel «i!pj§fiBBpH|s#j?'• _.... _,... ~.~*£*;vV»* r^if>;-; &<*&%&*&*»;Z* p: v >-lv v • • •: • 'iijTSls - fttcrmHg Host. „ , r „j ond puHuMdM* Mam,ng,(Sunday! azufUi. T iiabpb* *■ pauxm, ,!>««■*«“ c o/i.^_«™ ,^_ rlrtE tcstm „ TriiMS—Five Dollars a year, payableslrlctly Soiree. Si* Dollar® will .variably be required if n ;V¥siWtV= oop^*''^“. Cl, " a ~ roT sk, “* t ’ bo conntel -. Ih> office; ana by fUe Neyra Dpys. ■v iss B&.TTJBD&.V HOBHtHQ. POST _ | erJ&n of iho ptopnslorO nnl J sll c0 &Vb”o” C a v^fa Cl o?y r =fe«nc=nUh.. C "£r OW-u-rt-* £“»“Sfc^o/«?* b *»••» , '‘ !: ' ,a,,, '' r ' e " : '' • «mii r iaaonaM* I’tmi AOBI S£ DW)N®y s»&»!£*£«**«** T »T| ting .OB. 1-g? 5 * tt n gp I n . <» -• u- • *‘*"'*"'"‘ ■ —“ 3 00 it it two weeks ‘ v ‘ 4 lU) «t » three week9‘-r*:r”*‘ -J 5 00 it »t . oneciciiui- *.T*** 7 ill) *i »v • \wt) nTonthB*-^** v^*r *^”-D o« t» a three months t* 1 * ~ * T**. •_ _: 10 t*u u tr fourraontUs -'- -M OO u » sixmonths t —* r ’*’ ‘* iaoo ::: o,m e .P« of the pap»,) _ Irofessiotust (Sarft^. JTotmsho room's, et-above^OOP- 11 •Wood rtrect" TyEMOVAU—Dr- AvVofan?Bmiih ii 10 >FourUi»Ucct, between mar lfi-ly field •'.reel*. PA.KKAGH, AilorTUy al la«^‘« cc U^ C cou l t (J. liiUdinga, on Grant street, opposite liouso. §®S3EaBsS§B|* let. ' ' H. l!BSaiilhli«ld ulieauo CoUccuous carefully aueuaui «>—. i ( t i er ruly given lo Con-vcyuncing. : u A opposite llie Hwor’a ■ - Tb . rd Sl . tATEA. A.SnrceonU.S.Aimy. y.u 3rall . second door ahu»e&raiihSAW, : _ Ho. - Fourth door below Mr. Kodjr Putieroou’o Livery Stable do>ekei_- ••■' '■ ' • -'- v ; . - Ji_ Mcdicines, always on band. , -. tapiS COM TBANSI’OKi fc'>«.^ MERCHANTri FAN®V a CHIIj^TOEE w : «*•. ilia THB St- CH»BIXS.B . 0 r Pittsburgh manufactures, tfc., and feohng convi U>, iheir abfllty to give peculiar iho-eja voringiSbm With commands, they TCBpecimlly sp.. orders and cbnaianmeniß. “BoHm Biro Btiek Mannfattming Company* JASt oLbyra,,: s.H,kkb, ' : B.x.ioms, H.B.atA.aK*.W» OI*OVElR» KlEft & CO., Proprl«torfl. rTIHE subscribers having been appointed Agents. let -I the above homed concern, wilt keen constantly O.S v7"nr<‘ftannplyof'ihecetebnued Bolivar Fire BdelttCru* SKiSlfteOlay, Kirnoce Hearths and liiwnlls/They S»i also ready to receive orders for said Brick, to be Sftdbin sUe and shape to suit purchasers, which shall ■ i^< ®SfS i riorteem it necessary to enumerate the mans,; the Bolivat Fire Brick poses* over all otlr .?2*ha ve been offered for sale in the United States, being well known to almost all persons «« , S! f *>i% C Fa«ory r vNo‘4, J Agency of the IWslmrS 1 ' ■**» ■ 1 ■ ’ii,l2 Market sued* _— _———— —r-« • jJtcotn'r.r of Hurd and Wood streets, on fcbl . •CharlesllDiel. • ■ • —. — Ift*™- B. L‘S5 Wood ;uc=:,, ana tf o^r and Sheet Iron Ware, No. 17 i urn *n. fcM o Wood and Market. w 4 I,ii.eriy jlrecMmd« — 1 mcfcETßONi FITTSUCRSSH. tKICKE'rSON* K 3 l 'lion. y.«M£«!!t" '“ nd and dealer.m PAIN*>-» . tlnd*»of Faints,etlhet jfeffl* b«. and for nal«'at mnsonable prices. Pittsburgh) Pa- . :—, ; :— — HOUSE SION PAINTER, martOilV.- -. = • ——— ' " SAMUEL CSOZtKB. james iSßsTM^G'r' , ‘‘ , n Ctozlef) ; COMMISSION HKKCH ANTS, GRuC-EKS, And Dealt™ in PiUtbm gA JfanH/aflurM, so. 0» w>«», ihcir care yj.DiiT- , ' oalf tCo., _ . ‘ :S^g§|£^fe ; pnnVTARDIWi & COMMISSION MERCHANT) and Denier m nH kinds of 1 Western Product /gw* Fttt&vrgh Manufactures, ‘ ; 'No 10 Market slrcet.ViU;bargl»t 1 4-» . . ! |p- WiUprorapily, attend u alt butmeas : lii HCTAIL FAMILY (IROLEIte, °FonMr, sburf!hi : ' murs • W n pifA l teflon hand and mnmifhciureMo or ialorfu’nic pfal.-.‘ ficla.cn aud’ 1-or.raUn.ra.nad will. nL rfa'lla°«rm.<-n-c. ! 8.a.1,c 9 on hand and made loor iS I £Sa?a l wa’f^sSS ft\ icflu.ccd p«ii>€B« . Jimpir* Cloti.lng T ,r HI3NUV OHKjMt.I.L. AGbNr. Wood st., opposite Fvrit Prcxbytcnan £ Aur f^* ( RESPECTFULLY infi»nu> his Wends and tbit he is now prepared to fnrruK.j every ilung a r*r trTHrNG line, aalieruioroTe, at low prices. Co*- a yausfc-ctorV nuuuer. i£rn.J* ityr (inoJs rrr " rrrr:".. - "” j am ss cnx.ivvsLL k WM. A. a Crtivreil,. BELL AND BRASS FOUNDERS, MAKUSACIUaBSS OF AU. Ktso< OF tmABS WOI.S, Locomotive, Steam Engine, Plumbers, OC-,0 C -, 3 Cl > a Uo—Cotton'. Hatting Manufacturers. T^OUNUllV—licbecca sited, Allegheny City. Office, rt of tlarkrt ami l-’iMt sis., Pittsburgh. N. C S —Old Crass ami Copper token in exchange for W Orj7tVteft S at‘lh'c ,l F o attdr, or Office, will bcponctcoll) ■ intended to. —* „ IIAIK and SS»re?D SO i j aoi ifon*, Liltriy ttrttt, has on baud a or Chuiraaml Ucdstelds of every u«cr.p lion inode of ihe best materials, which he wulscHlow 6 T k h°! 2“ reduce 31 At so', TUBSING or every description executed m the neatest manner. Wnretooiasi or at the Mill) comer ot promptly attended to. txmriU ' :—;—;—■ ' nope Foawiryi I 7&ME3 COCIIBfcSj* ianKlV 1 H’BRinJfco.; No. 26 Wood Strut, Pittsburgh, MSSSS!SWb»S£H!3 w,r l :rlic arc informed that the^FFICE -.OF. THE TPHIO A RDOF HEALTH of the City of Pitiaburghb At No CD Grant street* between -Fourth.and JMamond wrests, yrkem all Nblice * * Board’must be lift. CHARLES NAYLOR PlttilJUrKli liCtttner Depot. - B BAttb & CO., No. 103 Wood ctdbkx, have iust * -received a Fall snnply of stock timote and New York SOtB bEATHEB, Philadelphia S and CalfEkina, Frenck CaU; Skins; Cojniry >Up. nr? 15108 and Calf Skins, Morocco Lining nndjßuidUig. ikins ;?rinner?s Oil ; Tanhor’a and Carrier s And, taken togeiherj they believe it the largest and best assortment ever , ofleted before In one hoose rn Fills hn r?h AIl or which we are (prepared to sell to cash and prompt ?aylnffenstomer« at lie very lowest prices P °We take pleasure in showing ait stock, nnd cordially iJu? purchasers to examine, botore parebasm^eiss. "lilthoisapitic JEstahUshnunt of ■ orposixe-rua posr-orFiCK.piTTsniraoii. Show-bills, Labels, 'Arpnitectaral-and.iMachinO-Drawlngß,-Business etc.. Engraved or Drawn on Stone, and Y, 15 , 11l , n l < lGoid, Bronzo or Black, in the and.Frinted in Colors,iuoiu^^ Bt reasonable prices ; most approved stylo WM-SCHUCHM AN. omlS:dJT.i, ' )lSS Tf?bf'7rtf I FebruaryJis.L B ’’ 2 - w . — A sS uo JlMblD, ™ anß r f “i“ , ? d |y™ noUoe! at prices ranging and made; t<* order on ij# invited to call i from 815 to 8100 each. 321 and 353 Lib and examine the 6tock;ftml.priCß*iV«» ~;V 7 : ---;77 , . . eTty.BtreeijOppositp.Snutaneid gl|aEfr^NfflAH^NiM^T^sK^“ ***-■£ * ,* ■* Bnshuss (EarSs. J. STBAH». —T .-TUOjaaS Bi syj.. STUART & SIU.I ? Gaocsns, and Pbodcce Coaimwion MsdchaSh, .‘A’o; 118 -Woo J il«rti-ftl»frurc*vJ , o. ■ _ DEALERS : IN *GROCEBJES, i lonr, Wheui, lty e, Oals, Corn, Barley, I’orlr, Daeon,. Duller, Lari, Cheese; Cloaer/Timothir and .Flax Seeds, liqu.Nni.., Glass, &o:jfce/,'&e; Parucularaueuuou paid tol)ies.Oe ° f rScKaScts—"sieHsrs Myets it Hunter,Ttobt.DiiUejl A Co., Hampton. Smith k Co.,King* uloorhend.McGula a'ltoe, James.feay, PiUshergh; Fenner,& McM linn, Massillon; Jn«;S. Morrison. Esq- 8t- Louis »ejh!Lo SHOtSAS VrOOllS • ■ ■ SSMOSt WOODS T* WOODS & SOS) PRODUCE DEALERS AND COMMISSION 'MERCHANTS, ■ ■ iolO : ••• ••••••••. •Nn;«l.'n#»ta*n*Mtr;lfnt«a»*o>^.; : vbe Old Printing iSttatoHonmeni. [UTE JOHHSTOH it BTO«IO:<’S,V And Blank Book and Statvmtry Warihmit. •rsr S. HAVEN Is prepared 10 execute eveiy style 01 Vv « Legal, Commercial, Canal and h.,caml»oai Job Priming and Book Binding; and - famwh every article in the Blank Book, Paper and Stationery line, in tlie sh S n Pok of B.ndery, No. 50 rM.d -sleet n ’ 'B. T. C. UloatJAN. _ ■ JJOOKSE LEER AND STATIONER. aAS always, on hand agencral nißoruacni ol ischooi, Miscellaneons and Blank Kooks, 1 1 lln }l!i?vR? I V?i 4 Cap Paper, An;, wholesale arul retail, No/104 woou.al. below Fifth,East-sidC, Putsbnrgh, l*;u py-Wameti/Ilag* Tannery sertr : : K. C. STOCKTON, ILau JakKSum tf Suction,)_ ■ Boobsellar, stationer, Printer & Blniler, 11TOULD respectfully invite the. attention of Mnr* . W eliftnft and others, to hie large and superior atocK of BLANK BOOKS, consislinf; o f Day Books, Journals, Ledgers, Invoice,Cash,Order and Letter Books, of every (riiefmßtle of the best paper, and hound lit the most dir ruble manner, which he offers ai prices tbui c.inncl fail to give satisfaction. Blank Books ruled a!l 4 to any given pattern. Priming or every Oe^crip.iowi ext euled with nonmesa and dii,uaicU...-_No- L Marsel eh '■ : G. Is. HOOD, . : ■ ■:. IktfOBTKS, WHOLSSAhIt AND BETAtL nttAtSlt inJIOk \vATCHKS\ QOLD Jh (VjgL/tY, 'I'yUUE SILVER WARE,' PLAITED 600D9, Ac. f All kinds of Watches uud Jewelry oarofully re paired. No. 51 Market street, two doors Irom ll.trd pitubargh. ■ —d U. W. Ilortmcti, EFS informs his friends and the public in genera), that he huaopened the house forintrly occupied by. 8. Shepard, in Wilkmsburjjh, where he is prepared to accommodate travelers and persons out from the’City. _ j •- • "TT"EALEE in bags akb paper. H 0.149 Wood Street, _ n PITTSBURGH, PA. The highest nrice in cash paid for rags. imylliy WSL H’IKK Co-Partucrftblp. ~ ra*Hi£flub?criberBhave entered into I the parnoseof carrymyonthe Mustard and bpico, ami general Milling business, at U 7 Third they will be pleased to sec the old customers of right 4 Alcorn. tdcclOJ M’Khb A.ALCORN. - •n.u. conn. lowa Foundry, : A r o. 103 Wood Street, Ihttiburgh. EIVESIZES lOWA FOUNDRYCOOKING STOVES —which received the first ptne fur 181 U and leal, at the Agricultural Fairs of Allegheny Counts', i*a., and recommended by 1500 persona who have Uiera in u«* Four sizes Enterprise Cooking Stoves.' Parlor Grata and Fentfsri— Cj moderntfitylc} ft groat variety of patterns, beautifully enamraeled. FJwwr**— A large stock of ati the kmus m nse« Hall* Patent Levers, True American, Egau ? .-- Crane s, »»»• caU’i, Wwil’ii Peacock’s, Bull, Imp. Hull. lioubU Plcv a*,—Thu Michigan JJoubie I lousn is a new patent Plough, that bus 'taken the premium at tbc State Foils of Ohio, Pennsylvania, New You, uihl at the Agricultural Fatrof Allegheny county has been highly approved wherever med, and ih supe rior in mode ot cultivation lo any r.ihcr siiuljCuiunsUie farrow into two slices, and leaving ft loose, deep, au. Eight beauwu! desigmof Ornamental FB FaSS« CMUtd Ho tis-J. C. Furry's Patent Chilled Rolls. Also, Rolling Mill Castings made loonier. _ Laryt MtW.es and Cur&s— l*iu«iith.islllc*lor&ou,i,Poi Ash Soiln Ash,&c. ’ , , _ ■«. • „ Sugar Kettles— Forlhe manufacture of Cane s?oa.»r The Kettles are catl vl!):y J (A>. (L&Tfi J.S.STRtC*I.BR& Cu.) Hannfastnrcn ol Pliuau Fire Proof Sufcs, Stcond itrefl, bttwin Wood and Smilhfiili. • ONTacsday afternoon, July 'do, l-dS, the undersigned were called upon by Messrs. Ltppeucott i. Eurr, to witness an honest and tatr test of one oi thetr Lhinnii Safe*. The farnaco being prepared, van sale wnMilaceU msideihereof.wiiiiboolts, papers am «f®= “““SB?““ the door of the Sale was closed and the lire hlm.led at.. uuarter past 0 o’clock, and in a short, ume the Safe wav red hot, and conlindea till half post 0 o’clock, being nboul four ami a half hours, when the committeei expreaseo their eiMsfaotion, that the lime occupied with such heat was sufficient. The furnace wa* then pulled down,sale mmlcdfund door opened—the books,papers anil_money safe he heat was so gtcat as to melt off the brass mountings. We therefore tsko pleasure in rcrmiameitd- Ing thesl Sales to the P“‘'J‘ft v 7 a b ?S l jfil Mp , "' JsmclU ’ entirely £r.proof. CORNWALL & IfHOTHF.H, URANNON A THATCHER, HENEUICT A CARTER,- ISAAC OROMIK. I am esgaged in the foundry business, and Ik now somJSlni about furnaces and heal. I witnessed iho> j burning o*f the above Safe, and can freely say ibcro was nS humbug about it, and with pleasure recommend them 5. thfpufl“as being, la my judgment^emlrejsrrfre prooil upon the above gentlemen for their signa tures they f 11 spoke in the highest terms of the fairness ofthe test, and‘their full confidence of the Safe's being cntUclyfire-proof. We have constantly on hand and for sale a mil assortment of the above Safes. Tf ,. Hßy „ ci«r3l _i ■■■■'v... —— WboletnU (UtdlltUU* SADDLE, HARNESS AND TRU N K ill AND FACTORY taOlll'.RT H. HARTLEY, begs leave lo in- K, form his friends and the public generally, £g2sft i hat he continues to occupy that 1 Rrge and com- .fangae tn odious Store Room.formerlyoccnpiedbySamudhalm cstoclc fc Co., No. SG, corner of Diamond a ley and Wodd nueet where he keeps a large and general assortment of | Saddleajiridles, Harness, Tranks, Carpet Bags, Saddle Bags, Valiseß, Buffalo'Robes, YVhlps, and all outer arU-1 el HealM)*keeps constantly on hand .and lsprepared to luinish to brier, all kinds of Riveted Hose,manufactured; br'ihJ hrstmalerlal, and in a style of workmanship equal ra iheeSent maSuatcttred article,and at GO per cent. ] Mrrriaatj and Fanrwrr would do well to eaU and exaSine his stock before purchattlng elsewhere,a« he is determined to.sell first rate articles at very low **'lo“ Don’t forget the piaea, No! 88, comer of Wood gtreet andDinnond Alley. :: »• »P~ r ““ V Pittrtwgd rguriery* • « Omnibus runs every bour from of. A 1 MarimandFounh streets Wthe; GordeniPenn-- svlvania Avenue, where there is a choice collecumi of Sreen House Plants, hardy Monthly and Running Roses, 200 Adelaide Moss do, New Sptreas, 1500 do Dwarf Pear of select varieties, Herbaceous Plants, puhlias, ■ Phlox AntUhihiUThs, Carnations, Ac., and where orders ' Will fe taken “or Apple, Dwarfdop Pear, Chorry and Plnm Trees, Quince andV'ilbert do, Crape vinos, Loose* berries, Currants, Strawberries, Ac., Shrabbery, Shade Orieridireemd to ™e proprietor, through the Pitts bureb Post Office, to the Garden, Pennsylvania Avenue, o? ai 61r. R. DalitclPe Liberty street, near, the head 01 . Wood, will be promptly •tmMt* MORDOCH)JR : U 3” Orchards and Shrubbery planted neatly to order. - • eat7:tf , • : ' —-— DODDS & OROZIK&, I • MACHINISTS AND MANUFACTURERS, ; MILL BUILDINGS, South-Wtst cor nf Diamond,;(n*&rOhio and Ptnn *§Se§l»RitfM' and Land Steam Bngmeß,;FtTC bn- I PtessesV of all descriptions rCopper gmes, uyarauua * 1 . nt v, er Presses; Gold Stamping plt ? e is Ann^o*togethei - with Mill Machinery ri buUt mosTanprovcd plans of con struction, and wortmaushiptotfie tausfaciion of cue- .; lef( " a t tMessrsi Coeltfan, JPEride A Co?No Wood street, Pittsburgh,or addrss3ed to the^scribers;Allegheny^lirec^re^|uuentrin. "—~ “ Henry £)cmxnler ( • Vo;' 180 Liberty Street* F*Usbvrgby . *4 /MANUFACTURER op TIN* COP-PBR and SHEET' TVT IRON WARE; Deairrm-£foiwfr jParntfurffHard ware. on band.a; large «sonment of -Tin and Popper-Ware, quaUiy, which “Will M*n-at verv low prices ftir cash, wholesale and retail. - , Country merchants are iiwitedio call nthis s H . „ • All Job-Work in the above business > also, Spouting, and Rooffing.Houses, wilL bo prompUy altcnded to a; moderate prices. • " * ns : w. r. ALCOttN, ' . > s»- - • .N.v-.- 'V v CAK'D. state Official Interpreter. : tin M. Foreign Language! m W and for tie Commonvrialtkof F«ntuyhiam<»,tu re side inlheOity of Pl.ttbßrBh.Co»Bly-of-Alleghejw,may lie found every day. from 0 A. M. until 6 I*. M., in the Quarter Sessions Couil Ronin, or atho. 150 Four lb si. goods; Deeds, Mortpigcs, Powers of Attorney, and all legal or other- writings whatsoever, translated from or Into the German, I'rencli, Italian and Spanish lan fjunjjea, Wi.h neatness and despatch. apg.flm ; ..... .V: , Cora. > ■ TrtELICIAN SLATAPER, Abcbitkct and Civil Lam |H Xinr. Drawing*mil Plans of Buildings and Ida cninery prepared al short notice. jLniittSurveying, Ac,, promptly: attended to. Office-Grunt street, between, second and Third. aptkty j. s. lilorrlaon, , ..... ATTftHNEY-'AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, FFICI3 REMOVED lo No. 4d Grant street, near I Fourth Pittsburgh. Pn. .. . . [.rprH>:y "J7J. OILLECbPIE, No- 70 IW. B. a‘UALKO«T. ‘ KEkNA,N ' M'CALMONT & KEENAN, ATTOH'WKVS iJ tAW,. I»O FOURTH STi:KET t _ Ooppsite Wilkin* Hall. ....xPutAbur£h t Pa, European lia\vAg«ncy. iri •cerniecuotts-willi Jilugc..Keenan, Counsellor at Law, Dublin, Ireland, celled* claims, makes searches, Ac, i« Europoi and one of ihem anv tiually makes a icur through Great Bnuin, Ireland and America. (maru_ G, W« Taylor, j\ r Os 121 Second Street, , - TiTEGOTIATOit OF BONDS, Mortgages, Time Bills, N| and Stoeks. Also, Pittsburgh Manufacmres and Merchandize, always on.hand, or procured, arshori ncltce. ■ • n P r TnoMAs asm, ' ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY, - Office, next door lo the Post Office, nv s Steubenville. Ohio. " i>. C. COSSITT, ' A TTORNEY AT LAW. Office; 107 Founh street, A above Smith field. Pittsburgh, Pa. [bptJ.v "j. il'iSeluih, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Blank and School Books, Paper and Stalioncrg, N 0.03 Wood street, (between Third and Fourthd mardO _ PmshureV BESET M'CUUiiiUUll! mmJOIIK BAOAOnnnnn. M’CUU.OUOH 1 UENU.Y a’cui«iiouuii et co. WHOLESALE Grocers and Commission Merchants and Dealers in-ell-kunls of Produce, comer of I’eun and Irwin sis., Pittsburgh. (marll _ bY“h."hazi!;m, s TTORNEY AT LAW—No. IBS. Vooara btbkct, A near Smiihfield. ■ finar?7y? - IiOCUWOOtTft _ CLEVELAND, PITTSBURGH ANDMASSILON EX* PRESS'. ■ ...... an J SrKEK °t. V 5 my7:ly ' . ; . " wmuD : c>iuniiHr! WHOLESALE WEAL.EU IN Triammgi, A’otionc, Fancy and Vancty Goode, NO. #1 wool) STREET, : demon Third and FoutUi, Piusburgb, . W£GK£R7IU£CHNER & MUELLER’S— fIew Lltbograpbkc .KstablU&meatt , \ ,CO Mark# strut* bttietW-Tkird &-.Faurth t . 18 NOW ready 10 furnish every kina of Lithographic work in the most elegant style, such as SA«* tub; aiavs, PQTiTaiis,handicapi3, Card*, J>iU hsadtyCindL o» iris, printed in gold, colors, Ac, . , , , At the same place Messrs. Mocser A Helmle hnye opened a Ditawiso School, and execute on order Drafts of Machinery, Edifices, Monuments, Ae, with all possi ble accucseV arn^ elegance,. - . . < nalatly .. " " sutri» Hfaao to Order* At No. 15 fifth, Third Door from Market strut. fltHKeubacii&er manufactures to order Ibc best quality I Ol UENTL.EMIiN’6 SHIRTS...Those gomlenen Tvhu have round-it difficult to oliiaiu a vnitjiume and. thoroughly made Shin, can be suited by calling.and UC Oa ll Yiaud', e il larjc quantity of Ready Made Shin,,of ttil nIQ! ’ ,or MC ° ttU^°yS b. MATHBWB. c. smith, HAN9VAC7UBK& O* COPPER, TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE, flo. VJurmottois good ptemres,Wrpnces,aiidaetfeot Sat isfaclrontoour customers. - HOUGH & AN rIIONyP i N. B-—’We famish all articles in our business do other operalonasheretofore. , Ptalllpeburg Wnter com Establiebment. TN OULL.IP3Bb'RG, Beaver County,.Pennsylvania, on I the Jonth side of tbs Ohio River, ibppMits the-mostt; ofthe Big Beaver Creek; vwerUy-eigbvmVleafrom Pius burgh, eight from Wheeling* and one hundted from Cleveland. The Propiieior has had tweniy.-years prac tical experience as aaregutar Phyßielanrlwelvo ho has practised underlie Hydropathid sy only -ttva DOLWBs per - seasons are adapted to Hydropauc;cures. ac h U required to furhtsh two heavy woelea .bUwketa,V«jo large comfort** four sUee’s, four to wots, and one cam*!, blanketiorlndia*rabber «tteet- : Nv u , v dr. EDWARD ACKER, Proprietor* ; v Phllipaburg:,RochesterPiO., . Beaver Co,; Ptf. • ~ MlUfi’ar nulling ISstamunmenXi ■_ j CjTEAM ENGINES AND. BOlUERS.onhand and] O made to order, on short notice.; . ' : y ; ; v Sow and flour XIUI Coatings, of all kinds, on hand and made to order, f Camlogues of meet FauemsramUhed to Millwrights andotitew- Mill Spindles and MiH Irane, :i french Barr Millstones, with .solhLand Common Eyes, at redeced prices. LaurfiVHiU MIU Sloaeß, ail sizes > Bolting Cloths, warranted quality, et very low prices, screen; Wire, Mill Screws; Belting, Corn nnd Cob G LuUv'PalcntFrench Barr Smut Mills, used.ln'Vi'" marlh ft; Noble’s filtsbnrgh City Flouring Mills, nnd In five hundred olher Mills in the West.. t hey run tight, clean,fast and well—will l»«tt«.'Wh.ttme k on4. aqn *»w, w ; wau-acb: 8 , WTEa .„.... 3, M> sawIBB *> CO., r ■»A *r R -wnnn ST . tHUBS D JOBS' ynURTIt, , LOOKING GLASS MANUFACTURERS, •O:;, ■: AKB WiIOLSSiLE - Foreign and Domestic,- Fancy and Yartety Odods, T M S, &. CO.,xcspecifttllf.lafotnt their friends Jind .l rußtoioeTS,iiiatthey have received : a large,sioca iKiUL'hf for'CASH,’from Importers and Manufacturers, dud which they-will scll-on os .reasonabo terms, and us low a» can be purchased East. Our Stock consists Looking Classas, ; 3“,' t . on8 > ••ntJSSV’- ••'• Clocks and Watches,, Ribbons, Umbrellas. Laces, . Jewelry, —,., Threads Pusrendcrs, 9,1 k Cravats, . Combs, Con Capa, Gloves, Pocket Handkerchiefs,' PoitMonaies, Carpet Bags,-- Aruhcial «“ 0 Berfumery&c Cambric, *-JcconeUs, Bishop Lawn, Book Maslm, ■ Mull, ; fewtsa, .... Doited Swiss. * Plain and Ornamental. Portrait and. Ibettire Tramps, made to order: Also; re-Gildtite done,nl short nouce. Cabinet Makers, and others, furnished-with Looking Glass Plates,at Eastern prices. ' j ” Merchants altd othcra, visiting ohr city posiof parehasiss Goods, will please call a [^*l^ ne BANKERS & BROKERS. s. c. tiebsau M ‘ TIKKtaN TIKBNAt/ « CO.,■ BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS. : fedlhi-ly No. 95 Wooi strut, Diamr.-rui ailnj. ■'XXTE have this'day taken FLUKFNOE KRAMER W mtoonrfim Tbebnsmess will be continued un der the firm of KRAMER & RAIIM. .T: lmyl-.4Wi . am.es eeaMsb. euwaeiS baHM. n-oervos *a*jren ■ EBAEBII a RABM, ; banker 14 and exchange brokers, Buy AND SELL GDia,Silver and Bank collate Loans on RealEauto or block purchase l’romissory Notes nnd 1 ime Bills,ou lasi anu ’West; buy and sell Slocks on Commission r.ntlnfilmia made on ullpomtam lheUn,on-_lgl’A_ KemoTsl* Patrick*? & IPfi'ießsij n A WK EH9 naDESeBANOK BIMfKHIWi HAVE REMOVED THEIR OFFICE TO run coensh ov wrii. Asn wool, bteekts, PtlUburgh, Pa. PATRICKS 4; FRIEND, ■ T>ANKERS AND EXCHANGE..BRQKERBv.Jbd 1) Dealers in Noles,Drafts, Acceptances, Goldvbjtver and Bant Notes. Exchange on iho Eastern End « est eiacmesconßtaniJy forsute. . .■ 4 T«, ft ti n L- Collections made ln all the cities tbrcag.hfi.ut lie U ll ted States. Deposes received m pur funds or current paper, ntthe eorner of Fifth and Wood street*. (feydr Domestic and Poragn Exchange., Dank Npier, •Cfoi(lan(JSiit , er,i>dKgA*.£o'>i#nl.re«ti PITTSBURGH, : ' JMtEBBSTALLOWED 021 TiMC PSPOSITS. (apaSS Hi HOIiEHSS & SONS, BITS BSMOVSD THKIR BAHSmS l® RICBAHOE OMICR To No.ttTMarket eirtet,four doors trloio aid. ilanj. . N. HOLMES St SONS, TVANKERSANDEXCHANGH BROKERS.ani Dea- Noms^Drefts, AccepianceSjUoliljSilircrantl Bank Notes. Exchange on.the Eastern amt vves.ern the cities ttroaghoot the Uni te(lSlatca.li[tnasites received in P s ' ( “fS r '* paper, No. 07 Market street, between Thu a “. 1 sen a non* ! : , T tIOS.SABaEHT , jas.s.boohl OOBAOAB OHBT. „„ BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, _ tf.E. Comer of Wood ani. Bvahstreets., PsttsturglhPa. ThEALERsIn Com,Bank Notes, Time Bills, Foreign X)kmd Domestic Exehenge.OerUEeatesofDcpositiCjO on alltlte prlncrpa.Cities of thoUntOD ttndEurope.foraaletn samsto stntpurchasers. CURRENT and par fundsteceived on deposlto . . COLLECTIONS matieon allpart! oftheUnton.atttie lowest rates. ■ " ' ■ aeplt-iy — ~—;■ o’cottnori Brotfter & ®o*f BANKERS AND EXCIIANGE BROKERS. . T\KALERS in Domestic and Foreign Exchange, lime I ) and Sight Bills, Coin, Uncurrent and Par Funds, Office, corner Third and Wood *treeis» Pittsburgh. Imurl7:if. T • tt i lilt 6 O U*7 • .< BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, . ••• Cctner of Wood-und Fifth streets. SIGHT EXCHANGE on the Eastern Cities constantly for 6ale. Time Bills of Exchange jmd Notes .dis counted. GoldrSilvcr and Bank Notes, bought and sold. Collections made in all the.pTincipaleiuesof the United Sliiiesi Depositsreceived of Par and Current r.unda. uar?7:y ■ ■ ■ —— G. B, ARNOUJ «t CO., BANKERS, AND DEALERS IN EXCHANGE COIN, BANK-NOTES, ■ SIGHT AND TIME DRAFTS, fce„ Ac. Colleollons carefully attended to, and proceeds remi tcd.to any BOUGHT AIID SOLD;.O2I.COMiSISSIQIt* • No: 74 Fourth street, eepl3) Next door to the Bank of Pittsburgh. ST.OHAKLES HOT£ 1a . . . Comer of Third and Weed tiiwia. • WILLIAM S. CAMPBELL* Proprietor. ri'xllS lino establishment; having como iuto lbs bunds 8 ot a new -proprietor,oflhis-g.eMjndueemenlnto ibo traveling community, and also ip: regular bpaTuers. Every delicacy and luxury will be provided In tis sea son; undnopnins will bo spared to make this Hotel a comfortable Joins to nil who may.call .. rnvl3;tf W. s: CAMPBELL, Proprietor. ; Trtilern EioliaageTlotsli' ~ 1 KASXKt ByWSSI OP TUU.V squißK, PnirißH-Fnil, Kernlu opposite the Central and Ecrma Railroad Depot The subscriber respectfully solicits a snaro of utc travelling l mb,il j OSE pjj WATEEMAN, Trcprietor. Tnans—One dollar per dny. .in-tiir,:lv TBS ORdST HORSE, Corner of Fourth and Grant Streets. mHE subscriber bus leased the large ..and-welt known I HOTEL. (Into Lamartine house) at the corner.ot Fourth and Grant streets, Pittsburgh, which has been repaired and newly fitted up in all us apartments,-su t>*.- to give a large and more lituirul accoiEunodattoivto.tTUV*. eler« and boarders: His larder will be stored with the most choice viands,the markets can afford, and his bar furnished with the best. He would respectfully souciie a share of public patronage; B.PhKttW ■■ marlu. • Owston’s Kichnnsc, •XTiU-tt-STa'CLAiaSTHEET.—This house has been; JV taken by the undersigned, fined up iu. style* furnish ed -with Uie beet of LIQUORS, and every thing the sear soil can afford. An excellent LUNCH every day, to whichattention isespecially called. . tanis JAMES OWSTON.: L» W* Smith, IRON CITY HOTEI* Fifth Street, bttwetn Wood and Mark* > i%»/*v*rgA STAPLING Rttaehed toth f. a*e. fai>r?;y National Hotel, Pittsburgh* * j Situalcdon Waur SlrtiUqpposiU ihs XAtufing af th* \ JSrovnsvdliSUamPaclsm, . .../ j rtiiUS House having undergone a tliorough repairing 1 JL' and iiuing up.bothiußulo and out, tho subscriber tx determined to use every exertiousln h»B power to-mnko all coraformblu that Uiink proper to call with, hira.r The ] Table will be always supplied with the best the market i affords. The Bar will be supplied with the best and 1 toahe house is a good stable* attended by a | good Hostler. JAJIIE9. REA&IER. jydb ■ iuxs naown. , .w, e. coHnKU,y. ■ BROWN’S HOTEI., CORNER OE SEITHFIF.LD AND THIRD STS., Pirxiburg*. Pa. ■ BROWN'S; CONNELLY, PROPRIETORS. . N.;B —Good Stablingaltaelied to the bouse.. : v 5:,;.;,, WAHONU Atnxv, HEAR WOOU STSBST,* | WILLIAM C.:GALLAaffER,.,f ; ropruuri n::ai THIS fashionable and pop,- , ■: .' .1 filar RESTAURANT ' cemly been fitted up in a stylo of elegance ut’.surpas'xd by any similar establishment t a 1 the City, and me Proprietor is prepared to furnish hlstj (riedds and tho public generally with every article usa* I | ally tound at such places. ’i k ] All «f the-delicacies of the season, ia too way at GAME, FISH, SOUPS,Ac.,wrn be served up In thobest 11 I manner.'‘ ‘‘ ‘.-t '.:-.,. t-.-J 1 The BAR U supplied with of the fintit I brands, and the fancy drinks* a* muchui vogue. daring . I the warm seußohVsuch- as Pine Apple Cobblers, MU t 1 JuiepSi Funches will be nerved up ih a“ 1 way that will please the taste of all. . I !E?“LUNCH.is served Upnverv mornihg,at llo’clock, f to which the special aueulion of customers Uwqucuioili j ; myLO • •••■■•'' r "• i- : FOURTH STRKETiMEAU SMITHFIELB, - A JOHN WALKER takes pleasure in announcing to his friends and the public that he has taken-thc above ; splendid establisloiieDUaiid.ttfter considerable expense has made it a delightful place of,resort. He is perfectly nrenarcd io servo up aVihe’abbttest notioe every delicti- \ cy which may jempuhe appetite rof the epiy,e4;coidpeient„iwStsiant«. aiid .at» tentlve and'faith forgerv ants,aQdihat'ho. r wUl«pare no, . exertions lb thake it eqaaKo suty.liouse in (beeountryj, ‘ The w«U known of the-House, apa convenience of its arrangements, teoderiiig.*« mg"*- desirable,either to travelers brpcrmanent.poarder9,w. duces him to solicit .and Lopfcfor it a libera j euarooipa troiuiffe- faotthn -X:/-: » T THE ATHEN^UM^BOILWNGS,, A. we-y mu tinies a(ie!iislHfnl.Pi#cM f l *|^' sl j oyg. lilts oudGciillenten to enjoy a *’!S' C , ihd seroed m a TEES,'cooked ifl the; touomJ'i l ? a GOF manner that cannot fail ‘jWJjJioyifreshttOols. at short FEE, TEA, FASTllY,Bndoiaer««“^ Al>iES ■ .notice-. A I’BIVATE SAW) MKNT a) „ >ln ID* THE BJ.THIMS from 7A6k to ontec for Hot, Gold ‘“f 0 "" vv. \V. WAUD. UP M l™“" _ V.'.TSri"—A Voon's maniei SBo>who , has .1 mo hvo year»,io. this oily* X'bctta urbuaiflesa - a 3 salesman* orConfiden wishes to ne . .. _-j- •.,. .■ • j- 4 jt%kJ; ;*%? • • > ' .•» k .j fc .:.->v- • •* r< -• ••■;■■•..•■'.. ■■ 't •■« ■.■ ' ■siks^sS^ V; f. V •’- V* ' 4 r f - <>- A t »:/1 *- llonoTal* SjoteLs, &*£• •’* V; /V*' J V ;* * A . , w ! / ' if'" -it" *“ , t* ■■:- ■ ■ ! :.':■■ :■>; If® PHILADELPHIA. A. 11. HBttHVBSt WV *r*. ■■■■■■.. Tassels, Brasses, sc» . . - No, 39 Kora Tftno Susbbp, QALLERYOE PAINTINGS, LOOKING GLASS ' I’ICTOREFnAMnUANUFACTOfty, , , .Vo »»» ChettnutStlUt tUtuMv^a- H7* Alto. Ret tonic Painmiga. . l ma l r .A„_/ WOODWAStJj!- ; ■ . BiOALBYi WGQDWAKD & CO*t WHOLESALE GROCERS, NO. SSI MARKET STREET, TIUL&DELHmA —' " • ISAAC BABKOS A CO., • -\ 4 vt. Ndr37 Sontli Seconl Street, PWUadP ,l ! ? > ...• IMPOntKBtAHWOBBRS*- '- DQ . ofurvgoodsfokcoacHandcaruuilw^., I,a4iet' Shoe Manufacturers, Cabinet Makers, Upholsters and Furnishers. K. A.■OROOKBft* C0.,.' .: IvipoTtrrsiManufacluTerSi andJDeakrs in Straw Goods, A other Noj 47 ani*9 ChettnutSlrtitr • :■■■. • M. 50 S.uAß^Slu^ maiSOily West side.) —"— : J. O. i . porf«:fs?i , SK«S.Is'. 1 s'. L/ Jatan Dinings, French, Outside, yovrers,, »n«« s^._ WiLOOOUI IIOGKIIS a FKALKVi. No. 7 South Third nrrtr, tc'.oia. Markti, phtladelphta, IMPORTERS of Straw Flans, Trimmings irn An.h cisl Flowers: and Mannfacinrors_oi Straw Hals, ilonnru. and all articles in tbe StravrTrade, wmcbtnea offer at Importer”,’ nod Manufacturers’Prices. Call aml ecu ns, and Tie convinced, before purchasing, of the nd vantage to l e gained by purchasing direct Iromlhelm porter and Mannfantorer. lm»rao--2m»_ «• BMUS Or SOB, I JVo. ISO Chuinut strut, ia story,oppeule Masonic Hall, I '■: ** ttV ”sp e ßir?o b FAStnoNs and goods, I ' 4 NDvriir continue to receive, bv every arrival, the | latest styles from Do nd ou and Pans. Persons via-, j il^,; h b'^oVi! 1 7 e U ,are I°fi?m 1 ° fi ?m' l of Leeda & Bagg. will 23.1852. tnaCT__ | reams n. Book Sellers ■ and Blank, Book, MartufacUtrers.- fSignbf the targe Bten|-Bort»iL ,a?a°ruW" te# TprAVE AlWayidn hand* CiP. Jjeniy, M dram and . H Royal Ledgers. Jaarnahi, Day, Invoice.and Qa.h Books. Aldermen’s' Dockets,Mimilo and lAtterJSoolWt Memorandum, Pass, Reooipv.Copy and Cyphering ■?' ALBO--A larjre'assortment of Medieaf, MisecHluie inr Cdumry Merchant*, Booksellers, Bank»_poa Counting Rooms sappl ledwith every J“ ri “U B o i 0 ® ( i“ n!l Boolt3 and Stationery, at very low prices. (maiCOCiri,, Straw ««4F«ii6y miimtiy. | MRS;Mi £2KING, ’ He. SI South, Sramd££«<, vE°L , p l HlT °' ' ' Announced lo ike^VVestcraMe^ , chants that she has opened tho roost aa* ; Bonrndntof MII*IiINBRY,-conH*tini? ofthc newe^and mnfct Fashionable Straw and Silk Bonnets pfOsdQfcp** Tc 'lt ite U prepared to farmeU amount, ...... - - licw aiUHnery Uood*. ’ Tpß'llnfiprslffiied is now receiving- tus. .oirnKytf StapKfifILUNERYGOODS. will inolade r»urgh and vicinity WUcrar jMciejialve:imd well ssleetad asaorimeJii of troorfs constantly on haad, ; which' they can purchase^ arlicle/m More mas be ' pU ‘ ': per r.: ■ . GrocereandTea Dealers, N.E. cor. CheslniKAndltuh sts, , Phila delpi.ia.._- CABIMET FURKITUBE. *.. eHAftius u. whits. , ' No. 050 Cktunut stuff. abort Ninth, rhiladtljlua, oFFERSforsalefnv Rcdaced Priccs,afin(»aa3pnniejJ» ofRcndvMmIeFIIRNITURB, of Superior Work* isbio, Cbinprisicg all the laiesv Europeanaiylos ot sT/S, few SKtti, Choirs and Birgers. Also. Sofa Tables. Extension Dining Table*, -Retreshoient Tables, Dressing Bateaus,-.Wardrobe*,- Bedswtuls, Mad'Oses, both of iliiraind'Spniig—a ®«««ysS} 4rHATFU W Jusi oßenedv a fine «%BonniCDt df ifHOtfiiAi. tLiuwa, Extra seveiHaaarlers wide, and narrow widUis to match;, . In rhTfnllowi n trc ol or s eWhf rlx arc very desirable for I Banin HaasC. ?«! Crimson and Clarne&Crimsoa: and Gold, Caciry'Darausk, Bine and gad GoU* •■■ ■ . .. . .... ta. A. auoT>s PB.K!aiura.UAGiJisU. ■&TO 140 CHFSNUT STBBOT,_'r«RIiI3''DOORB N BELOW-FIFTH:,PHILADELPHIA;, •!, A faithful pbrtroll of a ftienU givc>:oa.jileasote, even. wMlo heis llyingVtbough absent;- b "tBL p KSI from us bydeaUi, its value is incaoalpblc.- Wo ta^e, every fhctlliy fortaking Daguerreotype^qf.fte_toggrt saeprodaeeO in lhu cpamry* i And foronrdbiiyto produce such, os Ore atleasL iraprpamiwejrMM.W-i pea to twefseJrlzesa«?«ed usai ibeGriat^ir^-io alfcstationa of living Artists-rond to ihe Vublic Vpice, confirming both by a paironagetnnoununglo neatly 80,- desiring pictures or hoi) at out Gallery* wTJeUierour stTlcicsVpertotial atteauoft.wrtlte giv<^-* Pictures at alVprices^tmdpM Csse or Frame. liifltrucUpn given unite raeUtsflftiro Best,quality*f6r sate* ::Also*forsaie, Right*, of taking u .Crayo4 } .’ Pictures. * A few from many OpintonsofATt,.^ ‘heaSura m ■■ yOU ha oTwourn bFld A co" Bank Jfote Engraver*, of New York ■& i iiila.’^^ “ I have long regarded M A- Root. as 4ml , ■ a Root’s ‘Crayon* portraits't cousider the etry per ftcuo* of Miniature Painter. It For beauty and riehneasnuoneJudicious arrange mentJof light and shade; and taetefyt ..amsue manoge- X of afl aceessions, Mr I ’‘«'V e A I l gff^ aaS ‘ meat,ore unsurpassed, J- I “Tocharnctcrize Root’s " Crayon; or> Vigncitc’heads, i s™gE£? u ,i “ 10 c jo&RTA.y: uly : miugtlin: 1 ■ ... ; . KngT-qvrr. FEHNEB MOMU.EAN it AKIHUK, ■WUOLiSAUt _ Oieeerr attd ooumliiton - Beiehattui NO9O BHOAD STREET, NEW YORK. ■ i ■ ■ - nUtPr’l-tT. , r PAPER WAREHOUSE. 1 • . ■•■■■••OyruS'^W'*..E , l6ld>Co«p;....- ■ *■ I . COSIMISSION MERCHANTS, ■ NO. It CLIFF STREET,; | NEW-TOEK, A EE SOLE AGENTS In the United Btotcafor,l A. Muspratt’eSnperlorUlenolung Powder. , I Victoria Milb Celebraied Wri tins t ape rs. f Rnssell-:-de; Superior , do- , Geheaee ,do do Priming - Rawlins A Sods’English w . J w p,p el , Cowan AICoA Engllshnnil SeowhWtiiUljr I They nrtaljo Agentsi for Ac the 1 facluiera ni tbia 1P5 n *I&;SSJ of Paper and Paper T most extensive and dedrnble sloe* b found iiuhiaor I Manufacturers' materials that can o I of iron Stores,7and. ? isLsitimlV .Wholesale, an'dWriUhg Ftf persaro faeliufesennSle them id offer nil and Boraealic, at the l.owcslpoesi-1 b -FShcr*made to order, nnytsiae or weight,-iiteroUJ I mnees made on coosignmcnUj .of Paper, . Ma , anfl other rnerckand»ze.. . .v, • - 1 ho Wghesl mwketpTi&e paid incasb for ait kjnd^pf Rags • - •- 1 g t '' 1 P ‘ , -~- • rr*HE undersigned, Eurnpeau Agent?,!,. meßo>?r,B ci • 1 L ihe-Americad continue io col t eu ti 6 b l s,!fc jmcies.and claims*remit-monles, procure copies; of deeds'and’ docUmenUi'fcoudaeVsttit*) obtain testimony,, wake *eaxches and tronsaet all other iaw_bnsineB3 m England, Ireland,-Scotl-nd,- mabufgit, will be S3,OOper iOD fis<—a nn .Tier-eeat. Time,fto(o Philadelphia."" {[aprtl JBAKKB fc FOItsYTH, ««>* jor Sale anlijla £ti. Ward, cofltaining six roofflKWjU^JJJ 1 furtherin' sesuongiveu immediately ifW rta ; t formation enquire on thcj»remisc^org» Ag Mn y ft y t nto LET.—A mVELLIMU HOUBE, comaiP, A. IngSorlU rooms,in gopilrepwr, onr«Uoanh street, or of H«*. Brady Wilkins, No 101 fourth street. They also offer for sale, that large niece of Ground, extending from Second-street ift rjurd* along. Chancery !■ Lane» having sixiy-.thr* e lect itt troni, oit Becond slieti, l *»lxty feel in front. on-Tlnrd street-and f « depth ox one hundred and sixty fret along Chanceiy, n^* ALSO—A Lot on the, eaKiwaidly. side or Kpss fllreet, - I Wjoiningtbe Second Ward School MdtaVr I ine iweuxy feet ui fronton Rosa street, by tughty feel in I depth to an alley Mt ; i» erected n three story . Erick Dwelling House, now occupied by .J.ti. i Win the anginal plaxioOh&ctiyrOi; 1 Allegheny; having ttixiy feet in front on the South Com-, t mon, by adeptUofiMU leetto AValcrttlley; .otv.whtebjt,. 1 crecieafccommodlous Brick Dwelling House, (late. th«? • residence of James Rosa, Esq,) wUhSlttbling, »c. . ,p jsr«£ssf*s&ffiwsr^' r 2 * h hepburn, , M£l - > H. BRADY WILKINS, I febSUtf • Ex’ra and Trustees Ross t jg c? y*_ A Velnatoia Fiaco of propmjr to* /CONTAINING O ACRES, situate in the uamediatp 1» vicinitKof East Liberty; adjoining; lands of Tops. Mellon. Esq ..and Mrs. Neglcy, about i Ofamile from iho Railroad. This property has oh it a fine, prospering •young orchard, and is a Very desirable situation for-a I country residenoc,being a few hundted yards fromjlbo lampike.ond fronting on. the oldMnnsion road, This property i* also very suitable for pereons desirous,or I ourehdslrig i or 1 sore lots, os it points on three different 1 streets; H not sold in a body, It will be *Ol4 in lots lo I soil purchaser*. For information enquire at this place. 1' ap2 . .. . . Lm« Sot Sale. - a ~ THE Chartier, Coal Company .wlllseU soma eery «• nratU putts of. LAND, situated on and nearilia Hteufeenvil(eTiirnpike,nnd near ,the southern terminus TheLandwlHbe dlvlacd Into quantities to *nii pnr chasera, and lbe terms of payracnt wU be verv easy. Enquire of ... - , ■ Z.W REMIfVGTON, ecp4 Manager. - H-or Sals. - A HOUSE ANDLOT, situated on Pike street,between A Walnoi and Factory Ward. The Lot is2s feet front and ICO feet deep, on :i tch there at® two small Frame Tenements.' Term* ea y;—Title good. For pantcnlare, enquire of; Alderman FARKIN&GN, Penn street, Fifth Ward. maygilt ?- ' FJS.OFKH.T* FOtt ' I»HEjsnbBcribctpflerB;fot«aJe, oa very rehsonab.o HOUSE. No. TtQ Fonnstreet>between Hay street anfllSvanaiaj., ] eY ; ondLotqs feet flout, extending back Xls feet to an alley-; The hoase is one. of* the best builoing-svand In one of the niosy>leaaaut neighboihooda iii.the City*. - FrVE^LOTS— Embracing comer of Front ana retry streets;onchuadredand t fivofeetff©nt:Qn;Fenryy®ttd ; . eerfeet on Fronrsifeet, with a good three story brick building on the corner—a 3 story frame on Front and tvo Brick Buildings, used a$ shops*on.Feriy *U A LOTiOI feet front by 60 deep, on Front, between Market ftnd.Ferry streets."'. A'LOT, with very convenient Frame Dwelling; Lo^ 80 feel by flO.fronting on Congress and Elm atteeta. • A HOUSE and LOT on Wylie street, near ihe.new ' Cbnrt Hoase.' v The bohselvTvell arrange! and In good i order, and is now occupied as a JloteL „ 5 I ~ A THREE STORY- BRICK, on Bmltofield street, I near Scventovbeing to an excellent business locations . The Loris 20 by 80 feet deep, fronting on omilhaeld at* A COTTAOE FRAME nud LOT,. 28 by 120 feet fronting on Anne and Robinson streets* Ailogheny City. TMs ii a very desirable and pleasant localionfoi a.ieslv. LOTS, on Centro street and PastareLane* hTAUegberiy Cityyaotfs flu feet each, near toe .ieai-. . dence otAlr.JPeier Jenatogs. ■. ' / 1 * •* J NINE LOTS, in. toe .town of M’Keesport, each GO. feetbyJWr Sevcialbf. thesd are on the Mainstreei. : : ELEVEN ACRES in Liraetowii, on the Monongahßto; . River; on which there arc four house*. There aresome six otseven acres of excellent Stone Coal and'nbou*' : dajicc.of Limestone, coavcnlcnt to the landing,\aud ' two Coal Fits hpen.. - ' + V 05 LOTS to the town of Colombia,CD; feet bytoOt- >. ! cichiinearTy ail levcVand well located. ..The tenant oi i: each Lot has-the privilege.of using Whatever.: Stone. Coal he-may reobire for ids own uaejfjfom n-puuear ; the-Xocks.: Colnnibia is apte&sabl slioauon on-the bank of .the Mouongahelariver,a short distance betoWi LockNd.s, : in ihcmldstof ait extcnsiveSioue CoH re gion, and would be;a desirable point forraanufacturing* ‘ e >TV7o m iHJNDREDACRES of. 'superior 6TONE ? - COAL, with House, Railroad, Ac, .This property has; a’front of 140 rodson toe Monongaheia rlver; nuex cellani landing *,good grade and foundauouibrßailroatfi' —with’ enoagb level ground at one point for houses, gaidensbr -: The veto to deep enoiighto allow horses tobeosedm , haaltog ohi ffeal—toe'Quality of which; for iron woTk.sieaffl/ges, or ordinary use?, is.nQV surpassed-by > any in the country- . , .„ In'mv ahßence.my Agents James Xlakely, will. 'give all necessary information,- and be-nutoonzed tov *ivo Vvarranwedeedsfor any property sold. • : 5 JAMES MAV, • No. lIP Feon street - ~ vordateorUent, No. 14, comer of, tVood and Front ■ Yf sueelaj bcingrun ehciblesumdforbusmess.ofany . . kiu&i "For teuns; enquire of . - II; H. RYAN', : m 2 ■ . atJtvau , si3mldingfl,No..3t:Fifib.street//;.-/. < :r ‘. ' - ;J ■■coal baatt for Sale. < , } SUE Subscriber offer* for sale av ory valuable COAL FPKOPEKTYiuhemottth.of WatsOn** Run, Aeftr bk'NdtU'Jsbnilie Wonougahcla River, aßoutßO Acrcabf ; ISOacresof UoaU U baa ii wltle_fionvoa ihoißiver,^ teitlrdeep-wttVef ot-'‘'dll eeastrasy and a nainVal. Baaia. nearUxemouilipf theßua, which,wLU? attl^cxpecM,- Souldtiei'impfbved &6'a9 to'load.an«t keep afloatlwy. v boatifatadijnc, protecting them, from the drought of sflnw ! i in'er,aridthelce of wiaier. . t * >j . >: t-r it affords an excellent site for a steamboat yarn, and •...; ] for a Saw MitLnear the. mouth, y/hetor a;• head of lotto. : } S2B feei may be dbihltied, commanding all the water of I UHj bealdeijlho ttat | uraj outlet of more than IOtO Acre? or Coal*, Lunestona,./. J bf'Uib beßib'uality'aboßiids'lieanhc month. ■• • . . . 1 • IheWaißon’o oftneDMie t , I fofthe Uampfield KaUrdad, and. if xliis is adorned,:iter - ."■ | valueof ibeproperty wUI begredUy enhanced; : 1 ; I -The Property will be sold at a bargain, and on liper* d ! al Vermaof payment. A portion Of the purchase money, i might remain oa bond and mortgage. forC.oc years.; I ’ marlCOmo* ... .... . ■ GEQ. 8REEP...,,..• : • S>OBSAli£< ' ' ' ' ... A LOT OF GnpUNtflaHogg's Plan ol Lou m the * A • TiitnlAV’ard of ihe City.oY Fittsborgbynear High.?.: street* and. being 29 foe* ftdnifa&Fen&aylvanlaAveimey and mailing bacit U 7 prope?ty«wiU he eoldr (clear of ail iQCUmbraiice), except da sDnool ground rent of one hundred and sixty “fix® doUQJTSjto wmcltft p is now subject On tbe property are seyeiigQoa .letter■; - meats—five brick and two fromc—aU twa»tories Mgb» K and rentlng for about fixe hundred dollars amtaalh', »• Price, CdOO ca»b;and -s(HW:tft6;nioftms—uy. ' good endorsed prtper. ; WM-.C^FIUIiND, : Attorney at Layr* f , ja!2:tf \ > '■ No; lat/Fcatth street^, THtOR SAL&'on Fourth Street, Jz No 329, between market ana Ferry, 4U foeVfrpul by , :; 85 back; well suited for building purposes.'Title mi disputable and terms easy,' Far reni,T>YO office* on . .FiflhbtrecL , Apply to. f, - .. * ’ K ' M’CALMONT& KEENAN, Attorney* at Fonrtb «•. LOTS.'FOB SALB, v ■ • - ONE tOT,inthe Ei s hlh >Varfof Ci«y «f PU«- - TiutghffWntingon i.oeusl street, *nhUEg«nFoibesstreei4B feet* front*- IngonMiltenhcrger street 120 feel to n2l feet alley,-On . !'ihe' «aid»ilby:49-fect to tot No. 42 In HiHeubeigeF* I P ' o'ne other*Lot, Tr onti n g on Po rhea street 59 fcet,iionl- I tig on Vaphreain street 120 feet, to « 4tfe4v alien 1 I fronting on said alley 72 feet. - ; .. I I will' sell lorettsh, on long time,' or on perpetual , I lease. For particulars, enquire.- of,the;.aHbser!b«r, :e» t | the corner of Sandusky street ar.d South Common, Al - ' •- oa»ta , GEO. MtLTENBEHOER^-.,; Hosiery off the Beat Quality* ' ••••.A T. LOW .PRiITLS, jnayf-be obvainetl J\. . stieet Stocking and Undivhiri iovfiuy really*dumbTe' Wid’bwumnl floods,and avtbe.saiue. lime-,WV&!two i>tn“^^bODii4 >; call Atitter Manufacturers and iiapoxwrn* < ■bM».p,fvn Woodland .Market. m**-**'-- - m ’fltscv VtKIHP , *\T «£&?&£■»"P? r s?Si wori is warranted. Our kr JE, earner of gevemb and lahcny ais. , s . ' * • 1.1 ■ * - '* T l » -* X. • * .V.-Vj; >'■ r Kl«ioiation» SSiot]u,i»«™.* n d*-f* SgSa g ? SAMUEL CROZfER, ‘ Fcb.’y 21,1652. - CHARLES HABNpS. i > .TnsFfltW»rJiii«.