The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, May 26, 1852, Image 4

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    Bffiotcng’-'T -*"'■ • >- Hv.- •V—'iV ;
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important nnct True,
Clothing Storey No. 82$
* Liberty *treci,can sell a good ?ui( oT SiTramcVClo
ihiit* far ‘Safifti’■•an‘l Untiet Goods,of everjiUescripUon,-
V very low-far cosh : Cos tom ■work made to order in
irulnor.cble . jnprlT -
Whict ByeTy'BodjTsayß, ffluat Do aruei
IT .s «ud vnnt ni the CLoiirtw
Br< etfeet, tells i:io
• and fighionokly cnu Call
; and examine ilttm,.oud you wilt not be disappointed.
Jun received* by ‘Express, a eplindid l assortment of
Fancy Crtfdir-brovßfowuy Grecn and BineOlotns, nnp
other Fnshi'mahta'GoodlV satiable for.the season, whiCrj
\re arCdwpaied to make lo onier, (cviihoat
. ment,) in a eiylc unsurpasutd uuhe City. •
Come andisce/- -
pv-- - *. ’ r ?• * -t' ?;
■n» > «*;■»- jfcgt.^S
- Sfatfjras.-
SBtfltati. CIi'OTHING STOltii., ..
. 'Corner of WvotT ahd-:Wfat& tls. '
:■&. Co.» Proprietor*. _
n>fUvT»ub?UM3 respectfully. call and os*
* aminer our *tocic:of Keady -Made, C.othing» got up,
. eifm-Httly-fortMa market, and in »openorMyle,
»vc are determined ito adl low ior cask. *- ,ur mollo
bMn-: r Q tT&Sa'tt and Smtilt Ptafi ” ;
Oor AVaremom;-up .stnif«» is fullv-.-aUppheil-wiih a
largo stock of Cloths, Casennefev Ve*ncs?, bummer
Cloths, of every dcscnption, laot, every fttucle
• tooqt luio'puitable forUic aeaapiu rlliew woods wc
are making \o: order In PBpeTmrfiyle, and at very low
price, of,e ua a call, andriaram-for yoorsolves..
mvlfl -• „ JOHN CAuIrAHA,N.fc CfV,
■ ■■■!■ jra.M»B C. WATT, . .. . . " I
No-WMerintt tetw*en hetpndand stritu, j
BEGS respectfully to inform his friend* and the public, i
that he-hns returned from New Yotk and Pbtladel* i
phia, hajvintjthere selected from Urn latest importations, i
au cntirh new Flock of Black nnd'Colored CLOTHS, i
CAB3IMERKS and VESTINGS, which for newness of
dofiijniiund-riebTievfl offhbrics,are notearpussedby i
any uouse w«t of New York;—All-of winch ueis pre-,
pared to make tuordennU superior slyle. at the
price possible, and .c« Tdiallv invite purchasers to call
• and exAtiunc ibo slock before purchasing elsewhere/
TO TAf^OHS.— I have no authorized Agent in tins
the suleormy work on GARMENT CUTTING.
It can only be bad. at-liie store or the
Market,iUc following pricey yii: vfith mstrue-
wiihout,’S7. ■:
trurl7- - . 1 JAMES C. WATT.
• ' No.- i-ISJy Liberty streets above St*■ Clatr, **
RIIVJ3 opened a, new Clothing Store, at the above
place tind now receiving: a splendid lot of
Ciott.p, Cifsimeres, Vejtngs,Ac-,of ibelatCßt importa
tion*, purchased with ai especial view to city Uade,and
which they arc prepared to make up to orde* in the la
let-t and tno*t fashionable styles. They intend to nay
strict nlicftlidn to this branch of their business, and they
hnv* fflU-coafideacC-lliht ihey will be able to giviv their
customers entire saUßfanuou. Tney are also manufaetu--
;nne a choiFC-'lot of-.KBADY' MADE CLOTHING. of
tbc neWe«?vs?ylePi which they will sell low for cash
As All litis- Stock is entirely tiewy uis wnrihy ihe alien
on offcoyeT* NnrWv_
■ BPUIfIG AltfD srnutikli tlbOTHlßtti
Fa;\sl f Libiriy Streep Pittsburgh.
TOHN McCLOSKEY has now the .pleasure of an
*| nDUncintr to his numerous friends and the public id
KeneialvthathiH Spring and Summer slock Is nowready
for inspection, winch he-believes will be found
• one eriheritirgeßl-and best selected stocks of Ready-
MatSe'ClothingtoberfoumllhlheWestern.Country, :
- He has this season paid more -than, usual attention tc
the manufacturing ana stvleof hta Garments, so thutthe
very lowest priced, as well as the finest, are got np to a
style aud elegance not to be surpassed. ••• • ..
He Would particularly-call the attention of all doalen
In Clothing to liis pTftsbnt splendid assortment of . ,
s: :*v Ready-flXMo.GsiriaientSf
As be Teels eouddent, upon examination of the qualities
andprices of liU goods, he can Oder them such induce
menu asshalMnaken their interest to purchase at h»
r. ; establishment. ... . . • v v -
Many aears* experience,and gteat«uccess in the bu
smess. together wiih an nnprecedentcd wholesale and r«
iari patronage, has en&blcu him to get np Garments to
suit ihe-bnsincaa habits and ta tea of every location in
the Umon T which is of the almost importance to whols
sat© purchasers. . .
In the Cutting department will be found a. choice se
lection of the most fashiouablc goods,consistingof—
„ English and Jimtrican
Cashmeretts, Ac ,&c. A*so,an excellent assortment ot
VESTITiGS* of dbe latest and most fashionable eiyles—
• allof whlcahe is prepared-to make loonier mine pes*
r mannerand at the most.reasonable prices. . ;
The Assortment*the Quality, and the Variety, Is the
most extensive, undoubtedly, to be in the Unned
States -- -
Maunfactarcra of Theodo
lites, Surveyors’ Compas
ses, Leveling and Grading
Instruments, &c., &c.
KO. 30 .
Smiihfidd tlreel,
Pittsburgh; Pennsylvania.
An assortment of tho a
bove named Instruments al
ways an band.
Also Clocks, Watches,
Jewelry, &c., &o.
AprilO, 1852—2 m.
; jcmportum of niftht t
TUT U. WRIGHT, (successor to J. 3. Torrent, Maau
ff * f&cturerof and Dealer Wholesale and Retail in
the aboyonomed Oil and Lamps, is now receiving a large
assortment'of. LAMPS, for burning the Ethereal Oil,
Camphine and Pine Oil. Also, Lamps of every descrip
tion, for burning Lard and Lard OIL
Chandeliers, Girandole Ilall. Lamps, Wteks,Globes,
Chimney Mots, Cans, and all things pertaining to.the
trader > • - .
-Ethereal.Camphine or Tine Oil, regularly supplied
©nee ur. twice a week. . .... ,
Allorders left.with the wagon, which is constantly
passing through the city, will be promptly attended ip.
Niß. Lamps of all kinds altered to burn the Lthe
rcal OiL All articles delivered in any part of the city,
or ia Allegheny, ft« of cost. w WR
...'i ■; '• : -No,S3 Fourth sL, (Apollo Hall,) .
an2o' -’ ' between Market and wood streets. :
AfeneyforDiffermit Line* or Patlcet Ships.
So. 410 Llbertr Btraetf pittsburgH*: :-
For Pi Vr, BYRNES & C0.,X9 SouA ttrttt, turner cf
Pin*tNn» York: 3o WaterlooßeadyLiverpool ; andos
Gnvitr etreetylmo Orleans,
* H\S a Line of Packets .
iviQX" sailing cvcryfivcdavsfrom t 4CD’*
drmpfiv ‘ Liverpool!© New York } a IETTTBw
1 Line of Packets from Liv-
erpoOl to Philadelphia, on Jgg\BX4\ljer •
■Alr.-’.:j£~g»thi» o i gh teen th of cacbcssSsSSsESS
month; *Line of Packets to Baltimore on the 2uth c*
each month. -Alao~a Line ol Packets on the Bth and
S4thofeaehmonih from Londoa and Portsmouth id
New York. • .••••• • •
ALSO—Drafts at sight always cn h and, for an*am ount,
at the lowest rates of discount, and ail information
riven concerning passengers, that can bo - given, 'with
pleasure, by theft Agent. JOHN THOMPSON,
murid : 410 Pittsburgh.
baveYour Money*
HAVE bow- on hand; and will be receiving doily
through the season, New Goods* direct from the
European manufacturer*, and Cash Auctions,rich,.fa*
shjonabl«, faflcy Si k Milhnery Goods* .'-Our Mock of
V rich Klhhon*, comprises every variety of the .latest and
moßtbeanurul designs imported. • - ■
Many of oar Goods are-manufactured expressly to
oarorder.frbra our own designs and patterns, and stand
. unrivalled;- Weoffer our Goods for nett Cash, at lovrsr
prices than any credit Hoas6w America can afford.-
• Alt purchasers’will find H greatly to their interest to
reserve a'portion of their money, and make selections
fromourgreatvarietyof rich cheopgoods. >: .
JUbbous/rich,for Bonnets, Caps r Sashes and. Bells.
BonnclSilks,Sauns, and Tarletons.
Embroideries, Collnnr, Clsemtaett*, Copes,-Berthas.
Hnbits. Sleeve*, CufTSvEdgiiiijS
Kmbroidened Revicre«Laee,«nd Hcmstfcn Cam. *1 his.
Blond*.lllusions, and-Embroidercd Laces forCapß. ; -
Kmbroidered Laces for Shawl*, Mantillas and Veils.
' Honiion, Mechlen* Valenclenes, and. Brussels Laces.,
EngitEhond Wove Thread, Smyrna, Lisle Thread und
Cotton Laces. . . ; . rt •
-Kid, Lisle Thread, Silk, and Sowing Silk, Gloves and
• Frinchnnd American Artificial Flowers.: % .
FrtnchLaeevEnglißh* American and Italian. •
f*trnw Ronnetsand Tramming*. ;
r of the lafiei firm of Sands AReioeman.
Clods, W/acha/Jewtlrh Watck Mauriali, Teols. frc., £c.,
wrrn STfcfiEti <ORB,W«JB yaoj* WOOD, PITtSBUEfIII^
,*■■■■ fFABJEUeave to announce to the trade and ihejpublie
1 generally, that they have
lectea and imported from Europe, alarge stocltof'Gold
mid Silver watches, Watch ATaterials,and; Tools for
Watch taakbrfi; ana a mo*t elegant assortmentor Jew
•• elry. frouHhe best- manufactories —wh Ich - they offer ftl
■ prices as low us they ban be purchased is the eastern
markets. ‘
.Their, slock ofWatches consists of Gold and Silver
PotenlLevers; doDctachftd Leversf do JLeplnes: on? v
* ver Qaartiere; and elegant French time pieces,, of the
- most approved mnkes. Together with a largo stock of
. Ciocksj and Time Piccea,from the best American lTicto»;
• TheLr'stock of-Jewelry-:comprises articles of ever?
description in thjs-line,such a* Finger. Rings, Earnings*
Breast Pins, BiaeeictSv<Jold, l?ob and Guard Chains,
Gold Goard Keys and Seals,;.Loclceis, Gold and Silver
Specuclcs, Silver and.Gerinajt,Silverbnd Table and
... Tea-Spanns, aud cyeiy kind, of fancy ,articles generally
keniinestuldUkmeuls of-thtedcscnptloh. = •
.They would TespectfuliycaUthcattentionof the trade
to their extensive stock of Watch’materials and Tools,
of every. variety, which they have most carefully se
■■ ■. ■ lceted. - '. ■ ■
■ —They "have also-on hand a large assortment of Tele
scopes, Spy Glasses aud. Opera from the best
manufactory in England."/ Together with a great variety
• : of other articles too numerousto mention.
3C!Dcka,AYaiches and Jewelry repaired in the best
. manner and on ihenmst-rcasonable terms. focUtiv
-•••*' .... PCpDßtt.' 4& FO£lD, ■■
. ..lilflmtfactarera and DeaUrs la
. ’j■.. : AUiSoufint City, Pa. • ■■ y
_ • • New York, December 15th, 1951
'Xhave analysed ft sample oi* MAKfiHRSYEii MIN
ERAL PAINXt for PtrjJDER & FoßD,and firm •it to con
tala ibofoUowing«
- :
; . Alnmma;..
■ Per Olido of Iron, *
- Lime, •
, Marnesm*
'• Oxide of Manganese,
*W&tcT find Lass, *
■ ■ ' '■' ‘ ■ 100,00 ■
Th> Powdered Sample, contained m lie hot, which 1
AQDDDte was the one you desired also to havo analysed,
1 Bod to differ Horn any average ofthe lumps powdered,
and mixed together. This last yields as follows:
.Per Oxide of Iron, - - g,50
PiUeaitud Alumina, - * , 33,00
toss, - " 7 - s0
'TbiitUflifWeß I presume arHedtom tlm mineral noi
-- fcelnß-nniforpj, some portion* comatnlagniore ton than
IS* Wnnalyats sWwa ticerticlato be;well*tiit
- id for » dtrrable paint. I find tfiatby caleinin* the pow.
!?r by a?reWlfeb b«<. «ta color is much improved,
”«f e “ UOBT |S^YCTnS»NJa.».Cteni l r.
- I jr Tor sale by JOEL MOHLER, Wl'ldbeMy«reet f
*••' •£ -f. ■ ! -V^...--!' -, :\ .^«£" t r - I V-r- :£-~i ! .*-J-r- l££ii.---'--
•: - ■ V-.
vc v. - ■ ■ ' v •* .- v r / -h ‘ * i. . *• t ' X fc
> -'V^v.' --j - ~- ' '•-
, - *J*H.* \) * r v^}7l^ v^‘4iiftJ *1 - * *-4>» c * * 6 * *• fc >i s. -
- r " > - i
~ transportation.
Po»ti'»yTvtt juaH»ilroa<lXJompany. .
'\ffrEure how prepared, to forward produce Ac., to
W Philadelphia immediately. Tjmc, five days, ;
.Rtucs for uacoa.lar l ;poxk, beef, Ac,- 60c; V? 100 lbs.-
tobacco, - - COc £► 100 tbs.
Beeswax, dned fruit and -wool, . •-. 600 IP lOOUjs.
Furs, pehxies. de?r and buffalo skins, eggs •:
brooms.-mdisj . • . ;i . • >loocs*looEis.
ap!4 COVODK & GRAHAM, Agts.
■ Adams
are-informcd that we arc uow running
t regularly to the East and: West, and arc prepared to
forward alHxOOds entrusted'to our care.--
/ A SETOIAIi MESSENOERsent daily for Fhiladel
pWa,nt4 o’clock, P.M.-Also.daily to Cmcmnau,Qi7
o’clock, A ft!.
- Orders transmuted free of charge, and Goods returned
by firs; Express. • • •
Bills ofExchange l forsalc on. England Ireland and
Scoilsm’, for any amount;payabieon principal Banking
Houses orTost Offices Inthc Untied Kingdom;
Ztlerctiants’ Portable Boat Bine.
1852. 1852.
For the Transportation of Merchandise and Produce;
Dine*, witAouf
Depot, 251 Marketst, (near-Slxib,) Philadelphia.
Canalßasln, 4*B anddlo.Pcnnstreet, >
HAVING increased,ourfacilities. and otherwise ira
; proved oar arrangement* (or Transportation; we
orcnow prepaiod toreceiv.e a Jorge amount of .Produce
and Merelian<tise,tOEhip(oaiUe apenlagof the Canals,)
wilUrpromplnesaand dispotclL. . :
..The £couon Boat, system of transportation over our.
State improvements has been in use about ten years
.and tbp great success and favor it has met .with, Isa suf
ficient guarantee that it is no longer coQßidered a
doubt fuT cr uncertain experiment; but is acknowledged
t-ynll as vastly superior to any mode of transportation
used onCanntSi (when intersected by' Railroads ) •
Goods loaded into oar Boats at Pittsburgh, remain
undisturbed until unloaded at our Warehouse in h|orket
street,Philadelphia, thereby entirely avoiding the delay
consequent on three difcrent transhipments, and seen*
ting 'the delivery of Goods m entire lots, the packages
clcun, andm as good order os when shipped.
Produce, &e , consigned to our House at Pittsburgh,
will. bo. received ana forwarded always at the lowest
current , canal rates,' strictly according to instructions,
tvuhoutany exiracnargc for commission, storage, orad
vanemg charges.&c.
Fare Reduced I
J? 3NGTON CITY. FABm Reducib,
To Uahinwce, ■ 8*2,00 less than Pa. Railroad.
To Philadelphia, 81,00 do • do do
. .To VVashinglon City,-. ■ do .do do
. This Is the only Office ■which insures a THROUGH
TICRETtn Washington, nnd, by taking this Rome, pas
aenger*will*avetnQennd money.-
The Mall Boat (carrying the. United States Mail,)
leaves the Monongulie'a Wharf, above the Wire Bridge,
EVERY AtHEUNOON, at 5 o'clock,via the Youghio*
gbcuy River. Passengerswill lodgcon the Boat, and
take tplendid Unned&ialeshlßilCoachesat WestNew
tpn, next morning over the Plank Road, crossing the
mountains m daylight.' Take the magrtiGcenl sleeping
Cars of the Baltimore and Obto Railroad, at 10 o’clock,
P; M. Breakfast at Baltimore and Washington City,
dine in Philadelphia,and arrive in New York the same,
Fare to Baltimore, « • * • 8 0,00.
do Philadelphia, - 10,00
do Washington City, * 10,60.
The Steamer Icavesthe Wharf, above the Bridge,
Doily, at 8 o’clock, A M Travelers leaving Pifsbargh
by the Morning Boat, will cross the mountains the same
night, nnd arrive in Cumberland the next morning lor
the H o'clock train ofCaisior Baltimore, Will sup m
Baltimore and Washington City, andarr.vein Philadel
phia at 2o’clock, the same night
Fare to Baltimore. - - - - S 0,00
do Philadelphia, .* . .. ... 10,00.
do Washington City, .- • - . 10,00.
For Ticket?, by either of the above Lines, plea»e call
at the West Newton Plank Road Office, in the Monon*.
g&hefcUouse, WatcrstrceU 3. J. EVANS, Agent..
; ;aprC
ifea 1833, ElBEUga.
In connection with ibe Cleveland and Cmemnau Rail*
road, Cleveland and Erie Railroad, Cleveland and
Pittsburgh Railroad,and Michigan Central Railroad.
BASSENGERS will be ticketed tbrouph from any
point on Lake Michigan, to Cleveland, Cincinnati
and Pittsburgh, and from either of those any
point on L*ke Michigan.
This Liue will be composed of two new low pressure
fipressly for the route.
! CLEVELAND, - - Cant C. C Stavabd.
; FOREST CITY, - - Cap*. L. A. Pisttca.
A Boat wilUcave Cleveland frDsirou, and Detroit
for Cleveland,-every evening, at 01 o’clock, arriving m
bothciucs the following morning, in season for the mor
ning train of cats for Chicago. Cmemnau and Pittsburgh,
ana for the Lake Superior and Saginaw boon at Detroit.
Tl ey will run Irom Cleveland m the following order:
Monday- ‘Wednesday-.* ■-■Fridas*.
Tuesday—*«■—•*••-Thursday >* ‘Satutday.
Monday* •• ••‘.Wednesday* •**•»»*. Friday.
Tuesday i*.••Thursday ••••••** •«>*-Saturday.
The undersigned ate prepared to moke contracts for
a!l kinds of Freight* from Cleveland to Detroit* Macki
naw, Saute Ste. Mario, and all ports on Lake Michigan.
The OCEAN, CASPIAN dnd.ST.LOUiSwiU compose
the line tmtxl the new Boats are ready
) -• AGHHTS.
C. BRADBERN & CO,Cleveland, .
sprtfldUn- * - - ■: ■ •
Two Daily Tratna Prom Plttiburgh to
FlilUdeiphta and BaUltaore*
Only 30 Bow* Through!
THE Express mail tram will leave the Depot on Lib*
erty street, above the Canal Bridge, every morning
atCfo’cloek.- . ■ .
Passengers will goby ihecar3toTunlc,Creckl2miles‘
where they will find the best of Coaches in readiness to
eonvcythemSd miles,overafirst rate larapike road, to
Beatty’s station; (conductor* accompany each train of
Coaches), and ibon take the cars to llolhdaysburg; and
then toko the splendid sleeping cars direct to Philadel
.pbia andßoltimore.
k , < Passengers for Baltimore take the cars of the York and
Cumberland Railroad at Harnsbargb, arriving at Balti
more to breakfast, and to Washington City the same'
. iTheEvenlng TrainwilUaavedolly atfl-30,F. M.,ar
riving at Philadelphia next evening.
(Baggage checked through to Philadelphia.
;D, Leech A Co.’s Express FackclLine will leave daily,
atS.o’olock, P» connecting at BloirsWlle with the
Pennsylvania Railroad* Through from Pittsburgh to
Philadelphia and Baltimore in 33 hours*
FARE 610.
Passengers will procure their tickets at the Railroad
Ofiice in the Monongahela House, Wator Street.
N.-B.—ScbcduJettme as follows j
* From Pittsburgh to Beauy’aStaxion, 7 hours .
: : do-Jleauy’a Bmtion to Johnstown, 2} -do ...
daJohnstown to Hollidnysborg, in*
ciudingS3milcsPonageroad, 0 do
From lloHidaysburg to DHlersviilc, 0 do
do: Dlilcrsville to Philadelphia, over
Colombia Railroad, do
:r •••• 'Total, • ' t -.. ... • 29.hbOTSi’ "
-‘This Schedule allows ample, time on each portion of
the roaie; and can be regularly made, if no unexpected
detentioitshould ocear. Passengers are informed that
the Portage and Columbia Railroad ate owned and opt*
rated bribe State of-Peimaylrania, and are lo no way
nridertno management or .control of the Pennsylvania
IlflHroad Company;-- : -7: ,
■■■! NGTICE.-~fncase of loss, the=Company will hold
themsclces responsible for personal baggage only and
for an nmoant-not exceeding one hundred dollars.
mai2s J; MEBMMEN; Ticket AgU P. Ib K. Co
tt A N O UUBNT i 17. -7
. TBflji- 77 777';- ' 7 ■
PlttftbuTgb to clevtUtidi Coluniliqi aud
•> . Clnctmifttt*
fgjjji jjfljjp
Through from Pittsburgh to Cleveland in hss than
. ’ Ten Sour» t bgacontinuoui Railroad Line t
mllE Express Train on the Ohio and. Pennsylvania.
X :Kmlroad,leave# Pittsburgh at 8t A*ffl.,stopping. at
New Brighton; DarUngtoniJßnbh,
Palestine, 'Columbiana* and Salem, arid reaches AUi*
anee.62 miles from Pittsburgh, at 1 P.M. Passengers
iettvTlig'AHianee ©iube Cleveland Railroad at3-F.TM ,
ond reach Cleveland at OP. M. Reiarniiig, the pas*
sftfcgers Wave 'Cleveland ai9 A. hL> Alliance at I4IU P.
M.,.dnd xeach Pittsbnfghat 5.39 P. M.,in timetocan
road for Philadelphia, New-York and Baltimore, and
also with the'Yotigbiogheny Steamboat and Plank Road
roate*- '
' Passengers by ibis route come front Cincinnati to
Pittsburgh In two days; without night travel, and save
front one to two days in connecting wuh the Fenna. Cen
tral Railroad. 4 . ,
Pasiengeas'leaving Pittsburgh at S3O A. M., reach
Canton at 2 P.M. ana Massillon al. 239 P. M. At Mas*
*tlloh ihe Hne connects lincs tO; jVooster,
Mansfield, New'Philadelphia yiud at Enon to New . I Cas*
Werren.Wercerandifirie. ' * , ,
t- Newßrighton Accornmodaiion Tfain leaves
Piitsbuigh at lO A. fit; and 529 P. Mi, aiid New Brighton
; at 7 A. M. and.l
; - Excursion Ticket?; good for two days; are sold be*
-tween Pittsburgh; Rochester and New Brighton.
‘Quarterly Ucketaure sold at lowrates, and tickets by
the package to some of the stations. •
i The Trams do not rorj on Sunday.
Omnibuses rah in connection with the- trains to and
from the station on Federur street.
: Fare by the only eontiunons Railroad Line from Plus*
burgh to Cleveland, 140 miles, 84,00. To Massillon, 108
• miles, 80,00. r
;Foruckets apply at the Federal Street Station of the
Ohio and Pa. Railroad, to GEORGE PARKIN, • ■
or to j.
_ . Monongahela House, Pittsburgh.
; Nots—By Hie ronio by steamboat 50 miles to Wells*
vUie, nnd thence bylßailroad 100 miles to Cleveland,the
Pimhatßh, April I.lBs3^{imiB).'.:
- 16,41
r ',: 8,00
Bltl.lAßD' BALLS—In .tore and for sale, a few set
2i inch Bdlisid Balls. ; JOHN W. TIM,
« Ho, M 3 Wood street.
. Co-Partnershlp Hotlce.
ifiHK subscribers have ibis day entered into partners
X «hip, under the ; «tyle :of TAAFFE, MA
GUIRE & BANE fortbe purpose of carryingon agen
eral Commission opd Produce Business, and confident*
iyiiope their long experience, extensive mercantile ac
qsamtance, and personal attention to the interests of
umiroustonters; will entitle'them,to a shore of pub ifo
peiionagevwhicliic shall be.their study to deserve. \
pp » Pittsburgh,
SAM’L MAGUIBR Cumbetl’d, Md,
HVM. C BANE, Washington, Pa.
Pittsburgh, April 3,1852, lapfi
f ft z
, Jk. r J i “»
' ' '
1 A. ' Tr. r
4. jV x.j
~ . ' « * V V -
Insurance Companies.
.■■■: ; Fire a.a<l El£rln» inßii*&nco*
fTtHE OFFICE oftthelhjtirancj Co. ty'Ntirtk America
X . has been rcmciwito the Warehouse Of Hardy, Jones
ft Co., No* ; 141, Frontgireei, third house East of Wood
Slrect.whcrelhcsubßcriberwiUlasucPoUciesoD Buiki
logs and Steamboats
and other vessel?, for.the above old ana responsible
Company. [ap3l WM. P- JONE9,Agent
Btatc muiaal Fire tnsorance uoap&ny*
T\ kSIONED only for the safer classes of property, has
XJ an ample capital,-and afibrris'superior udvnnmges
in point of cheapness, safety and accommodation; to city
aua coumrymorchants, and owners of dwellings, ana
isolated or country-properly, r
’ A. A. CARRlER,'Actuary,
, oct*27| Branch Office,No.M Smithfieldsu, Pittsburgh l
NfiiW YOKE lilFfi ’NiiUHAJSGIfI CQill-
PAST. ,v
THE ANNUAL'BIVIDENDSbave been unusually
targe, showing that the company has been doing a
very large and prosperous business.
The dividends in 1840 were 5.0 per cent.
« '«. 1847 50 *•
U < lt4*, M £0 ‘
« •• U . • • 1840 u .40-
u : »s • 1850 - u 40 ** - .
«• • • ■ • 1861- 50 • “•
c» ••.<* • 1853 « > 40 • ,i '-
This Is among the oldest companies in the United States.
Its accumulated capital la constantly increasing for the
benefit of member,, nre^.u.ndtoure^^
PU - T Tmu3l ’ ACmar &URTIS * DOBBS, Agu.
Pittsburgh, cor. of Wood and Fifth streets, over Pat
rick A Friend’* Banking House, -
Also»agcn« for Protection hndFarmer’s FireandMa
rine insaranco, capital 3400,000, andof Branch office,
Empire State Health Association, cash, including ncca
*mnlated capitalSl&.ooo. . . . . . .
Alto, agents for the purchase and sale of real estate.
• ■ mvll. ■■■ ■ ■ ■••• -■■ ■
X ANCE COMPANY.—Office, North Room of the ExJ
•change.Tiilrd streetJ’luladelphm. • : - r- / .
- Fibs ikscbancb^—Buildings,- Merchandize and otliei
pronerty m town and- country, insured against loss or
damage by fire at the lowest rate of premium.
Msßitus Insurance.—They also insure Vessels, Car
goes and freights, foreign or under open or
•special policies, as the assured may desire., . •
lNLAKDTaa»apo!iTATio«.—They also insure merchan
dize transported by-Wagons, Railroad Cars. Canal
Bouts and Steam Boats, on rivers audlnkcsjon the most
liberal terms.
DIRECTORS—Joseph n. Seal, Edmund A. Sender
John C. Davis. Robertßartoiij John R. Penrose,Samuel
Edwards, Geo. O.Lciper. Edward Darlington, Isaac K.
Davis, William FolweU t Jolm.Newlin,l)r;u. M> Huston,
fames C.'H&nd.Theophilus Paulding, H. Jones Brooks,
Henry Sloan, ilugh Craig,George Scmll.Spencer Mo-
Ilvain, Charles Kelly, J.G. Johnson, William Hay, Dr
S. Thomas, John Sellers, Wm. Eyrci Jr.
Hugh Craig, Jno. T, Logan.
Tnos. C. Haim, Yice President*
Josarn W. Cowan, Secretary.
oftheCompany,No.42 Waterstreel,Pitts*
burgh. QelCtdlf) .. P. A. MADEIRA, Agent.
The Franklin Fire Insurance Company.
■ frv wtni.kMi.rm*.
IJ Charles W. Bancxer, George W. Richards,
Thomas Hart, > MordecaiD. Lewis, .
Tobins Wagner, AdolphLE. Bone, .
Baimiel Grant, David S. Browne,.
Jacob R. Smith, • Moms Patterson.
- CHAS. N.DANCKER, Preset.
Cttae. G. Bakckbs, Secretary,
jjy Continne to make Insurance, perpetual or limited,
on every description of property m town and country
at rates as low as are const@tr.rn with security.. . . . '
The Company have reserved a large Contingent Fund*
which, with their Capital and Premiums, safely invested*
afford ample protection to the assured. . • '
The Assets of the Company, oa January Ist, 1651, at
published agreeably to an Act of Assembly, were as fol
lows, viz
Mortgages '■■■- 3 018,123 63
ReaVEs’ate-—• - 6-1,077 78
Temp irary Loans -»■ feJjO'lO 17
Stocks ci, ego 00
Cash,Ac64,34B 81
51.212,709 44
Since their incorporation, a period of 21 years,they
have paid upwards of One Million Four Hundred TAou*
sand Dollars, losses l.y fire, thereby afford. evidence
ofthc advantages onosarance,as wclliuthe nbihtyand
disposition to meet with promptness, nil liabilities.
- apr24] Office. N. B, corner Wood and 3d sl«.
Tlie Farmers and Sf echanica’ Rtalth In*
•urnace Jisaoolatlozii -
ovficb—coannn nr trammcLD and thicp etbksts.
THIS is an association established for the mutual relief
of its member#, m cases of aickncsaor accident, by
the naymentof their Annual Deposits Persons in sood
health may become member&ana be entitled to a weekly
benefit, in case of sickness oraceidcnt. All who join this
Association are entitled to a vote in the election of.
otfieers, and toparucipute m the profits oi the Associa
tion. It isesublubcd on arafo and permanent b«si*,
beiug both Mutual and Benevolent in \it d*6igna, with
the lowest Tates consistent for itsseeuruyi and conduct*
ed m amanner to insure its permanency and durability.
All persons can see the advantages of taking out a
policy from the General Office.
8 2,COper year,dniw&B 2jtoper week;
3,1 K) do do 3.1 U «do; ‘
1 4,C0 do do 4,00-do;
S,CD do do 5.00 dot
C,CO do do C>,(JD do,* -
7.0 U do do 7,W> do}
6,00 do do 800 do;
I),M> do do 9.00 do;
1009 do do lo,t>o do:
INITIATION FF.H, for Membership, 31,50—which
must be paid at lhe time of making application, and tbo
first years 1 deposit within iwenty diys. Each member
entitled to a monthly report, gmiis.
President—X>. W. Bsaumomt.
Vice President and Treasurer— Wru. M. Wilson.
S»errmrp—G. D. Brown.
Finance J. Childs, A. D. Christie, and
D. A. M'Maslers. marlitCm
UtAto Elaiuol firo imoraao* company,
BRANCH OFFICE, 51 Smithficlu St., rimsucog,
: Pittsburgh, Alaa it J, ISA I.
TMEbeslcvidcnceof the success of the Directors in
endeavoring to make the “ST ATK MUTUAL FIRB
INSURANCE COMPANY” meet the trams of the
community, is the unparalleled amount of busmen
■which has been done'—having issued 7*900 P>lf*
clesdannifibe pest year,thereby adding over 6130,000
to the funds of the company. Nearlv .au the property
Insured i» of the safest kma, In small risks, and a large
proportion insured for only one year.
whole No. Policies issued 7,000
do do expired, terminated &
canceled****— ——■
do do In force*-**...........
Amount of Property insured*—• * •
do Canceled.tenmnated&nd ex
pired———*— 201,728
do do In force*—*—* •• 57,684,601
do PrcmiumNotes**—• 79,670,87
do Canceled,terminated,expr’d, C37,1Q
do inforce——— •* 579,03T,77
do CashPrcmiumsrecelvcd—ssl,s37,l4 • -
do. do canceled* ————* 321,24
Whole amount ofloaaea anUexpen*
> "».sespaid-»*"-*-*-*‘-23,411,45
D&ianceinfavorof the Co ,In cash, 827,824,45
To city or country merchants, and owners of dwell
i In#*, and isolated or country property, it is believed
: this company affords advantages in point of cheapness,
! safety and security, inferior to no Insurance Company
: In thfs country. . \
Qonductedon the equitable and greatly improvedsys*
tem of Classification of Risks, excluding nil special
hazards, insuring only a limited amount In any one lo
i cality, thus precluding ibc frequency and occurrence cl
luge fires, and also, on both the Stock and Mutual plan,
it notcnly posscsscsthecheapness and accopunodoßoa
Of both methods, but entitles the insured to a participa
tion in the profits.^
: It Is ender the control of the following Directors ?-J.
P. Rnlherfaid. A. J.Gllljtt, John B. Packer,Baraoe.T.
Jones, Alonzo A;Carrier,Philo C. Sedgwick, Robert
Klotz, Samuel Jones, John Rutherford.
A. J» GILXjETT, Sec’y.
A. A. CaHeiku, Actuary,
N, B.—A Scrip Dividend afvfifteen percent, on expi
ring policios has been declared by the Directors, and is
now receivable at this. Office for renewals, or redeema
ble in cash at.the end of ninety days.
royi7:dfcw v A. A. CARRIER, Agent.
Watches, Jewelry, Ac#
HAVING Just returned: from the Eastern cities. I
have brought with me one of the most: beautiful
and carefully selected Slocksof Jeweliy/Watches and
Fancy Goods, ever offered to the Public. Persons
wishing to parch&f.e any thing in my line, can rely on :
getting a. good article.- I do not advertise to sell goods
below cost, nor 50 per cent, cheaper than any house in
the city.’ Give me a call, and l am sure you will be
satisfied that l can sell a good article as cheap as any
of them.
: Another fact I wish to keep before the people. If
you want yoar Watch, Clocks or any article of Jewel
ry, repaired in the bestmahner,this is the place lohave
it done. To this branch of my business! will devote
especial • -
JOHN S. KENNEDY, 04 Market stroet,
Sign of the Golden Kaale. •
Henry Kictisirdioii, Jeweller,
HAVING= refitted his store iu a handsome manner,
and bat recently ietarned from the Eastern cities
wiin a fine,assortment ofWatohcs.Jewelry audFnncy
Goods, would call the attention of his.friends and has*
lomers io the fact, that among his Watches willbefoaud
the most desirable styles, patterns and makers, Of Jaw*
elry, the latest etylea orbrochcs, breast pins, fob and
reel chainsj finger, rings, car rings, miniature, lockets,
Ac, Ae. , ,
FANCYGOODS—Such as paper macho, work tables,
work boxes, jdeskikfancy vases, perfume bottles, table
mau, Coil’s pistols, parte monnics, in great variety;
china fruit an-icakedishes, Ac., with a$ endless variety
of useful and ornamental articles, which have only to be
seen to bo appreciated* ■.
Citlsens and Strangers, .
g£c> DO-you wish to purchase s fine
GOLRorStEVEiIWATCH.atabouttW 83 ®*
Dne 'balf the usual pricel; If so, call at HOOD’S
CsmSSSnEW JEWELRY- STORE, 01 Markti itfut,
two doors north of Third, and take a look at bis hew
slockj just arrived, and yoa can there purchaseWatcb
esor any kindoffine Gold ; Jewelry at their realvalne,
andnot be charged two prices for everytliing,
have usually been s but can get the very best yoality of
goods at the lowest eastern prices* Donot believe whal
othors, interested in their own sales, tell yon, bat come
and sce-ftiT!yourselves. All go odsßoldauhis establish*
men! wilt be warranted as represented at time of.saie—
Bfflhat «H may purchase cauallv.sßfoand cbeap. aol#,
IF Time is money, surely it deserves to bo watched,
and, reader, you may be assared that—
: Watches beuerne’erwere sold,
‘ Whether df silver or of gold, '
Tban yon'will find,when e’er you go,
And look atthose on sale below.
.« ■
Importers and Dealers lnClpclt«|W«tctoc®
ana jJtwiry, Waich fitoimai*, Watch Maker* Ttofy fre. ,
BEG leave to announce to,the and the publio
generally, that they have iusl received, * h 9 J*?*
manufaciurersinhai rope,-ulargelpiorGoidacd Silver.
Watches, Watch Tools and Materfalsj and ,a : most ele
gant assortment *or Jewelry, from the best ;. ni ® n ?‘.^V u ‘;
rets—-which.ihoy offer atpnces-aa low osihey can be
In the Eastern
Clocks, Watches and Jewelry- repaired an. the best
manner,and on ihe most reasonahle terms. r , ■.*
- Prompt attention paid to orders from a distance,'. -
BEERSKINB— S boles deerskins ; bv^,.
_ ttemoval.
ANTHONY have removed their-BA*
JJL GUERREAN ROOMS, from Burke’s Building, to
Eaton’s Boiiding, over the Young Men’s Library, where
they will be happy to see their old patrons and friend*,
Selling oft at OOlt
■.fpIIE Subscriber helpgnbont to relinquish the retail
X drygoods business, nod ha-vingmade eucrtarrange
meats as ip renderlt necessary to doso oat his sloes by
the lei of-July next; will Commence on Thursday, May
.13, ami sell his euure stock of Fancy and Staple dry
rgoodsat.COST r FORCASH.. , *
goodshaving been principally purchased the pres*
ent season, will be found desirable bargains, being at
least 25 per cent lower ibarv regtflaf prices..
In STAPLE GOOfIS will bo found—
• 44 and 64 French ginghams; ■* -
English and French chintzes; .- w •
; Islk&ipacaa&ndbombazines; ■ . .t
Cheeks andmuellns, r...
Irish unens and crashes; \
* t - Table liaens and cloths; -
i Huckaback towbls and r
Damask and snow drop kaen napkins and 'doilies; Mar*,
settles quilts; furnitare prims,: plain and emb’d dimity;
linen sheeting and pillow linens; table and piano covers
and coverings; worked lace cumins and curtain muslins.
vWhiic crape shawls, emb’d and plain while berego.and
. Ihibet shawl*; ■
Fine French lawns and boreges; r * '
Berege dc laines and muslin de Juines;-
Tissues and grenadiers;
Blk and fancy silks,some very superior, and a One stock
. of goods gencxallv. ■
Worked mull and lace capos and sleeves;..
Jaeohett,-mutt and Jmen cambric collars dc chemizeties,
Jaconett, mull edgings and inseriingsi j -
.jtetbjd linen and cambric hdkfs; •
Worked bands and flonnciugs; and a raftccificenl stock
of Valenciennes edgings, laces and inserting*; together
wnlialarge variety of other goods, 100 numerous to
i>tenuoo»ullof which will actually be sold at ORIGINAL
COST, FOR CASH. Early calls will secure the best
bargains JAMES A.M’KNIGRT. No: 62, 4th at.
P. S—All petsons knowing themselves indebted to
the above prior to January, lsssi, are requested, to pay
the same, as ail debts will be pat in the hands of an at
torney for collection. • ~ my!2
. Cheap Dry Goodsl
10D Wood Wood Street,*
. A RE now opening a veryextensive and wellassorted
stock of SPRING and SUMMER GOODS.- Con part of. French and'English Broad-Cloths,
Tweeds, Doeskins, Jenna.
Cotton&des,Dnlhrgs, Linen Coatings. Silk.Satm ana
Fancy Cotton Vestings. Also, about »0o CASES PLAIN
AND FANCY DRESS GOODS,ernbraciaglhenewest
styles of Silk and Li nen Poplins, Dei nines,Dexages and
Ber&gc De Laines; Black Mourning and Fancy Lawns;
Plum and Fancy great variety; French,
Scotch and Domestic Gmghnms j Paint Leaf, Leghorn,
Kossuih, Hungarian and Mexican flats ; Silk, Gingham
and. Colton Parasols, Ac., which aro offered at
Wholesale on the most accommodating terms. faprl2.
JUST RECEIVED at Jarpsis* Ono Price Cash Store !
No. 70 Market streets Pittsburgh, between Fourth st.
and Diamond, the largest and most beautiful stock of.
SPRING and SUMMER DRV GOODS, ever offered to
the cltrtens'of PmsbQTj’b.
The subscriber wouto inform those -who desire to get
ooop DA&oiiNs, that ibe greater pari of his Stock was
purchased at the recent largc-Auctlon Sales 'in New
York and Philadelphia for c*sh, which enables him to
sell goods 15 to 25 per cent, cheaper than those who buy 1
on credit. We do not deem U necessary ts mention the
the different kinds of goods that compose our stock, but
deem H sufficient to say tbat u consists ,of a full assort
ment of ladies’and gentlemen’* woar, together with a
general stock ef FURNISHING GOODS. We would
respectfully solicit an examination of our stock from
those who wish to purchaser [marlO .
tfICAfTfibESS A C 0.,"
'Tff7'HOLV'BALE Deaiers tn Foreign and Domestic. Dry
VV- Goods, are now opening their Ctsl purchase of
SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, selected with the
greatest care,lo Buuihe trade, consisting m part of the
newest styles of— p
Dress Dawns and Beragcs;
Plain and Figured Alpaccas;
French, Scotch and Domestic Ginghams, ,
Printed Calicoes, lo great variety; ]
Ribbons, Laces and Edging* $
Cloths, Cassunercs and Ve ungs;
Bummor Coating and Pantaloonmg;
Brqwn and Bleached Muslins,
Palm and Leghorn Hats;
Straw and Braid Bonnets.
Together with a complete stock of Variety Goods and
Pedlars’ Notions,Gold and Gilt Jewelry, Gold and Sil
ver Watches,Brass Clocks, Ac. All of which are of*
feredal Wholesale, for a small advance over Eastern
i prices. , .■■ •• ..... .-• • _ lfeb23,Cm_
i New Goods at Unusual Low Prices t
BG REGG & CO n N 0.107, north west corner of Wood
• street and Diamond alley, are now opening their
! second purchase of SPRING AND SUMMER DR?
GOODS AND VARIETIES; which have been seleetea
by the senior partner with great Care, expressly for the
trade. Oar stook consists in partof French ana English
'Broadcloths, Cassimcrcs, Cashmereues, Tweeds,tfati
nettsv Summer Pantaloonery, Fancy Trimmings, Pop
! Jms,Dc Lames, Lawns, Borages, a heavy stock. Fancy
Prints,latest stylet. Alpacas’plain and figured. French,
Scotch ond.Dotnesuc Ginghams, Brown and Bleached
Mashas, 1000 doz Hosiery; Gloves, a large and beautiful
assortment; Bonnets, Ribbons, Luces and- Edgings; La
dies’Dress Goods, a large assortment of latest styles
Silk and Gingham Parnsols';-Ratinod and Palm Leaf
Hats. Our stock of Varieties is very large and com-
Slete, together with an extensive stocu of Gold and Gilt
cwefry,Gold nod Silver Pens and Pencils; Clocks in.
great variety. Our stock of Dry Goods is large and com
plete To which we would invite the attention of City
Retailers, Country Merchants and Pedlars, as we can
offer Gocds on such terms as .will make it an object of
their particular attention.
nisw otfvusi
Sign of the *• ORIGINAL BRE HIYBS Marie: tu
Kew Spring and Summer Goods! ;
THE subscribers have just received by Adorns A
Co.’s Express and the Pennsylvania Railroad, nnc
of the largest and best selected assortments of Fine
Dress Goods ever offered to iljc public.
One of the Firm having been in. the Eastern Cities
before the commencement of the Spring trade, selected
oar Good*, wiihgreat care from ibe Importers, at such
'prices as will enable at to sell cheaper than the cheap
est. ■ ■
Oar very extensive stock comprises in part the fol
Cnene and Jasper Cbcne Silks; . .
High Lustre, Flam, ChameUcn and Glassa Silks;
do Suine do do;
do Plain Black ; do;
Turk Satins, Foalord and Watered Silks;
Tissues,Beroges, Plain end Floored Poplins;
. French worked Sie'eves.Cuffs,Collars A-Chemizous;
do Lace and Muslin Capes;
Black Satin and Fancy Vestings;
'Cloths,Cassimcres.Satinets and Jeans; >
. Bonnets and Bonnrl RibboiS?.
The proprietors would respectfully solioit an early
cal! from their friends and the public generally, feeling
confident ihalthey can offer greater inducement* than
ha* been offered heretofore. ,
?i«J8: .
. , 57,886,419
1Y GOODS;.opened end opening; including rich
Bhawle, from S3 lO H7* 3100 onoh. 1 .
Let every lady call and see this splendid produouon
of Imperial Chinese manufacture... .... ,
: Races,Satis*.Silks. Lawns, Borages, Mantilla*, and
Visiles, to match the Shawls.
Ladic*’ and Children’* Millinery, Glover, Flowers,
Edgings, dec. . _ < _ „ .
; Gentlemen’s Broad Cloths, Tuscan and Leghorn Hals,
(Cenin style?,) Shins,Colts, Ac. .
Mourning Goods of every description.
- Madame A'.G baling, (from France,Vis |*> \ho monthly
receiptor Fashions and Models, fromParisjlxmopn anu
New YoTkrai Noiflt St.Clairstreet.andlfjS Market at,
where ladies arerespeclfaMy invitedto call.
; = The trade supplied withmodelsand maleriols* [apr!4
OF FALL and Winter Dry Good a and Verities ai No.
S?, Northwest corner of Wood street and Diamond
alley,;Pittßburgb.Pa. PiGßuad & Co.woald again an
nounce id their oldcusmmers and dealers generatly in
their line, that they are now preparedt :o offer for sale
their present new stock ofGoods at unusually tow rates.
And as oar purchases have been made .on the most fav
mrable terms with Importers' mid ManufiictUTCTSi'wetwt-r
ter.ourselves, and hope to. be able toment a continuance
of confidence dnti patronage of our old customers and
the public generally, which Imvbeen so bbe.
rally bestowed upon ns. : ; Our i)By GOODS, is
iupan of Broadcloths,
fancy Vestinga, Checks,• Flannels, r -Drillings r -,Black and
Brown Muslins, Tickings, Blankets, Innßey Plaids,' Al
pacas; Merinoesr Muslm Do Lsines, Cashmeres, fancy
Pilntsj Glazed Cloakings. Table-Diopers,
Ginghams, Silks, tancy long Shawls silk Cravats,Pon
gee Silk Pocket Handkerchiefs, ahalrish Linens direct
from Ireland, and all other articles generally kept in the
DryOoodaline* - Otnt VAfiiETT Department willbe found
on examination, to be, unsurpassed. by any other of the
kind Westof the Mountains, and is mode up In part of
Combs, Buttons, Patent and Spool Threads, direct from
Europe? Port Monies- and Pocket. Book's,. Hooka and
Eyes, Pins And Needles. Tapes, Thimbles, Spoons, Ra
zors.;Table Cutlery, ana Pea-Knives jast arrived from
Sheffield) Patent Medicines,-.Violin and Violin Strings,
Gnmßuspenders, Slates aha Slate Pencils, Percussion
Caps, Spectacles, Pistols, Hosiery, Gloves, Lawns and
Edgings; Ribbons, Sewing Silky Silk Gimps and Fringes,
fanoyNettings, Green Bandages,Biaok Silk Veils, Silk
Florence together with n_ general assortment of all other
articles in the Variety line. - Wo have on hand and for
saloalorge assortment olGoldandSilver Watches and
Watch Materials, Gold and Gilt. Jewelry, Gold and Sil
ver Fens- and Pencils, Gold and. Silver Spectacles,
ClocxSj&Ct to which we inviie the atteutiotj of all buy
ers, as we aredetermined: to sell our Goods oh the most
Teasonabto lcnns; either forcash. or. satisfactory refer
ence- - r ' ■
N.B. The business of the late firm of Gbxgo
Catoless is to be settled by Dv GHBoo J at the stand of D.
Giikgo & Co., who is fully authorized for such and in .
whose possession are the papers, Notes and Books of
said firm. : ' [ocUS:lf
BAGON--2 casks just received and for gitle by
i FurnUorc and. Obalr Wareroomsi
iffflf ’’ JOSEPH MEYERj '424 • Penn; street ..above the
fcghCanal Bridge, keeps constantly on hand and makes
to-order.- at toe lowest pness,.every description or
Fancy and Plain FURNITURE, SOFAS and CH AIRS
of the best workmanship and most approved styles.
Purchasers would do wall to visithis Warerooms;
•-••mTST-dAwlV'- '.-•
;t..:- •-J -
TTtHE undersigned begs leave to announceto his friends
.J, and castomere, that he has received a large, and
W. e ’“t Of RHENISH and
FRENCH WINE, which he can warrant as pare and
jehumejtma which heisells either hyihe?boUlebrbask:
and well se-;
L AND GJN, and oiher Liquors, oil of which are of the
first qaaiiUes, and warraiUcd geriniDe articles; He
feels gtateful.for former favors, andit shall be his duty
tb nUend 10 hie customers as formerly.
As he has made the best and latest improvement fo*-
rectifying Whiskey, he can. furnish them. of the best
Idadvßnaatthe lowest price. D. FiCKEISEN,
myB No. 137 Liberty street.
Sirg tftoo&s.
Great Attraction I
til. A. GOSLING,
No. Cl,
Dealers in
rtign and America n,
Fancy and Staple
~ -'vTr.V,. 1 v-v- ,
w ■* *F T-.*-!®* 1
,' ,V « ‘ *
rt \ {
| Jcmticrt, &t.
a STEVENSON conUauesto maniK
OABIMET-W&KB oi■■ every desonp
w.llon, &t .hu old etoml, corner of Llbefty and
ffiSScvemhstreeU!, UNDERTAKING attended
IQ, id nil its branches. , ’ mayll
f - A. JULIiIttBH A CO.i
TJ AYE ON IIANDat thclt extensive CABINET tod
XL pHMRMANUFACTORY, No. C 4 Smitltfield st/
siarge assortment of fancy and plain Furniture, which
they Will sell 15 per cent, below customary rates.
> Terms—coshohly. lflee27:ly
I . Cabinet and Gbalr Factory^^^'
A ; JOSEPHMEYERbason hand, athlsextcn-v
'vXtjsiveCablnctandChair Manufactory. No. 424 Penn
; Wlbucet, above the Canal, all kinds of FURNITURE,
-*,i{*BUch as, Sofas, Centre Tables, Mahogany Chairs,
Mahogany Bedsteads, and all other articles in the Cabi*
net line—whichhe will: sell 20 pcrcenubelow custom- ■
ary rates. Terms—QABH,.ONLY,
; vapiy-; :, - • . .No. 424Fenu street,’Fifth Ward; '■
9iCi llxtaMXß.’ : H* P4XJLIB
±z r '-'U.’-' Haamor ft Dtol«r« .
Rilvim SiventhsiTiut and Slrdtobtrry aUtyf PhtsbUTg^Pa.
) HAMMER* DAULERkeepconstantlyonhand
‘tarai a ~ Ta “ etyof ' excellent, and fashionable Furniture,
warramedequal to any in the city, and sold on as
* «* favorable tenhsas can be obtained at any similar
establishments .he West.- Theyhavenow on hand an
tousually extensive stockircrabrncingall kinds of Furni
ture,from the cheapest and plainest to the most costly
and elegant.. All orders prpmpily attended to; mrilltOnt
'' To Cablnet makers,
Mahogany > Rosewood and Walnut/ - Varnish,
j • fiardwarsond Fwmiiur* at Wholesale. • .-
. fpHE subscriberti have last received from New. York
X and Boston a most splendid stock of VENEERS,
tod are manufacturing by machinery Farnitare saitable
for the trade. All of which we will sell at extremely
low prices*
Asgreat care was taken in the selection of the stock,
persons cannot fail tobe salted either as to quality or
price rand, os It is well known that Farnitare can -be:
made by machinery superior and much -lower than by
hand, the attention of the trade is respectfally invited.
- Turned Work,in aints brancheS, camed on as usuab
v Flank for haha rails, for ‘ Carpenters, and all articles
required inmanttfacturingCabinelFanutare, constantly
on band—vis: Mahogany, Varnlsh/Hardwarc, HafV
Cloths, Springs, Ac., Ac. • RYAN A M 7 KEE,
Ryan’s Buildings;.
• marifijydaw ■ wo. 31 Fifth street.
Journeymen Cabinetmaker* Association
i ' V- (near the corner of Wood.)
flggabracing, already, twice to threeUL
times as many hands as the lar* rew
: eest andhitherto most renowned “v*
business shops of this city, , have opened their Ware
hoase, and are able to famish.the public, by wholesale:
or retail,with Furniture of the following description—
VlZl • *■ ’ ■ ; . - **
MahoganyWardrobes;Blessing Bureaus; FullCol
nmned Bureaus; Mahogany - Bedsteads; - Mahogany
Chairs; Rocking Chairsf Mahogaey Waahstands; So
fas ; Divans; Piano Stools; Book Cases; Secretaries;
Card Tables; Pier'Tables; fine Card .Tables; Centre
Tablesj : HatißacUcsi French Bedsteads;■ Ottomans;
Poplar. Wardrobes; Dining had Breakfast Tables; Work
staiidsf Cherry ; and : Common' Wbrkstatids j high, post,-
common, low, and trundle Bedsteads; Cherry Bureaus;
Cribs; Cradleflj-Ac* ; ; r: .
• The advantages of co-operation, on an extensive scale,
permit them to sell at the lowest prices; arid they are de
tennihedto seU,'lowenhan any competitors,an equally
good, if not better article, and warranted—as tha.public
■mil understand by giving them a tall. 7 „ •
ITCT" Steamboat toork of air descriptions; and other
articles ofany.descripilon r made to orderin every.stvle,
at the shortest notice, ..[inarett
-fgIHE subscribers having tec- _ —*uc arrangements
X-withthe Pale nieoor this new and valuable inven
tion fortbamaimtaciare and stde of the: article' in the
'W«t,iheylmving been manufactured heretofore exclu
sively in the East, where they are superseding the use
of wooden coffins, take this method ofinformiug the
public, thattbey are now manufacturing eighteen differ
ent sizes of the modem Sarcophagus,,yaxylog in length'
from SB inches toOifeet, with width and depth suitable
for bodies of ordinary size, and for those who, desire
space for cushioning} or for bodies of unusual Uirnen
slobs, have several sizes deepervand .wider./This, in
vention now coming into general use, is pronounced one
of the greatest of the age. These lstraiA.u Casus are
composed of various kinds of metals; but principally of
iron*-' • • • •
They are thoroughly rnameled inside and ouLand
thus made impervious to air and indestructible. Thoy
are highly ornamental, anffof a classic form, are-light
and portable} while they combine the greatest strength
whicbxnetalU capab)e.o£ in a given quantity.
Wheti properly secured with ceraentthey are perfect
ly aiMigut, and free from exhalation of odensive gases.
They cost no more .than good wooden coffins, .and axe
better than any other article in ose, (of whatever cost,)
for transportation, vaulisjorordmary infermeius, as has
been proven by actual experiments, nud- ; certified to by
some of our most scientific, men; '.clso« : -bytbe Houora
bles Henry Clay. Daniel Webster, Lewis Cass, and
otherdistingulshed Senators who have witnessed their
-merits, and whose letters* togetherwith Other evidences
of their worth,maybe Seeu at our Agents’Buriol Case
Btepot, No. 374 Main street, three: doors above Ninth,
where wc intend to. keep on hand at a
stock of all sizes and degrees of ornament and nnisli at
will euit the most diversified tastes. . • . . : - .
- We invite the attention of the public, and of Under-,
takers, particularly; throughout the West, to an exami
nation.of the article, and request them not to relyupon
the representation of undertakers not using the article,
whose interest it would be to misrepresent them...
mar2*3 m _ , ; . :W. C. PAVIS & CO/
J&fil£S W. WOOOWJbSIb, &'• .
: Ware>room* OT and 9p Third otroct«
J. ; W.W. respectfuny informs hi* friends and custom
• -CTB ihat he bos now completed Jus spring Hock'of
Furniture, which is decidedly the largest and best ever
offered for sole in this City, wbichwill be sold at prices
os low as any to thellmtea States, East or West.
As he is ; deterraihedtb uphold inequality with well
seasoned materials, best workmanship j and newest
designs; and from, the extent, of his orders and facility,
in mannacturing, ho is enabled, to produce warranted
farniarc, atthe lowcai prices. '
•' He has adopted the principle of identifying the cus
tomers’ interest with his own, in quality and price, and
keeps always on hand the greatest variety of every des
cription of furniture, from the cheapest and plainest, to
the most elegant and costly, that a house,' or any pan of
one, may be famished from his stock, .or manufactured
expressly to order The following articles cohaish in
pari, of his stock, which for richness of style and finish,
cannot be surpassed in any of the Eastern cities:
- Louis XIV lele-tete-a-Sofas;
50 Sofas, In plush and ha! r c loth;
50 doz. Mahogany. Chairs;
20.' do Walnut .do;
SO Mahogany Rocking’ do;
20 Walnut do ■ do;
50Mahogany Divans;
20 Walnut do;
SO Marble fop Centre Tables;
SO do. Drcssmgßureaus; •
30 do Waahstauds;
40 Enclosed do;
100 Common do; -
20 PlainDressiug Bureaus;
49 Mahogany Bedsteads; . ;
_ 20. Walnut do; -
SOCottagO ' - • do; -
3CO Cherry and Poplar Bedsteads; •
20 Mahogany Wardrobes;
10 Walnut do;
10 Cherry do;
SO Plain Bureaus;
- 70Diningaud Broakfasl-Tables;
12 Secretary and Bookcases;
80 doz. Cane Seat Chairs;
. 24 Cane Seat Rocking Chairs;
12 Ladies Writing Desks;
Hat and Towel Stands j' What-Nots: -
Etiguirea; Paper Machae Tables;
Conversation Chairs; Pembroke 'do;
KUrabathen dof Hall and Tier - do;
Reception do; . • - Ladies* Work Tables i
Pearflnlald do; .Extension Dining Tables;
. Aim i. • do; .. , Ottomans; V. - ■
.Gothicand Hall Chairs. . r •
A large assortment of COMMONFURNITURE and
'WINDSOR CHAIRS. Caiur&t uaxsbs supplied with
all article* in their line-
STEAMBOATS and HOTELS, fnrnlshed at the short
est nonce.'
All orders promptly attended to. . Imars .
T> AISINS-d?boxes “J. Kristies 1 * Brand fdrsole by
Xi my!3~ ’ v v SMITH S SfNCLAIR.
COPARTNERSHIP.— Tbesabacribets have tins day
associated themselves.together as Fanners, for the
purpose of transaeiing a Wholesale Grocery, Produce,
Liquor arid Commission basin the firm of John
Black & CD., Noi 219 corner ofLibeny and Irwin sis.
msrihy* M. : M*CULLOUGH; JR. :
AVUUam W« WaUaoe,
• 319* 3ai:antf ,3a3;Li2>i7ly, oj>poiiii. Smuhjitla st.
MONUhIfiNTS.-Grave Stones, Mantels Furniture
Tops, and au kinds of maimfacmred Marble, ol»
ways on hand,andmadeto orderon the shortest notice.
Several hundred designs for Monuments, original and
selected, onhand. The tradejurnished with Marble at
theldwcst'priccs. Orders promptly attended to.' -
r marlidm •W. W. WALLACE^..
- i,OOO Gases Straw GObda. •
THE subscriber haviDg made arrangements ; wiUi the;
NY, for of their Goods, now offers for Bale a
large assortmentof STRAW HATS and BONNETS, of
every,-varieiy of fabric, - style and .pattern, adapted to
thaSpring trade, which will be sold by the package, at
the lowest figure. Cases may be assorted to sole, pur*
chasers. * J, W. ALDEN, .
: maj24:Sm-3taw. N0.<13 Milk street. Boston- .
PUioiuttoa of futnerthlpi ■
: FTtHE Partnership hitherto existing between the sub-
X scribers, doing basinessin-the nome r of John. Black
&. Co., is this day dissolved by- mutual eonsenvH, Mc-
Cullough purchasing the entire interest dOJobri Black ia
said business; H- JicCulloagh having'the right to nset
the name of the late firm id'seltUng the business, andiho
exclusive right to receive nil. outstanding debts, and to
pay all debts duo by the late firm.
• , :henry McCullough.
• N. B.—The business will be continued by the subscri
ber as usual, at bis old • tadd. corner of Penn and Irwin
Pittsburgh, March >, 1853. ~ mara-.lf
No. 71 comer of Wood: and. Fourth, tit., . ..
best Block workmanship thtucan be got together
in any one establishment, of -like nntQnnt, in the
West. . Nearly alt mode to special from cuts,
blemishes, Ac. - Country Merchants and others are re
spectrally invited toeali.and examine thq.stock, which
is offered for saielow for cash. . - ... ... <-
N. B,—G. At haepald paruoolar attention to have a
general assotihientof the best slock of Boots and Shoes
Jot the Retail trade, from iho good low: price to die .best
made citsiotn work, consisting Of every .kind of.colors
and fashions now in.use. ..Individuals and families may
rely on always finding a general assortment; as it re
lates to sizes, widths, fashion and quality, at No. 71.
: ALSO—Men, Boys, and Children’s .Palm Leaf three
Straw-Hats. faprS:2m
THE partnership heretofore existing!between the un
dersigned in toe CommlsslonancfForwarding bnsi
ness;etc.fander the firm of S. F. VON BONNifORST
t Co., is this day dissolved ,by mutnai consent. The:
business ot the late firm' Will bo settied by S. F, Von
Bonnhorst, who is authorised to nse the name of the firm
for that purpose ... RICHBAXTM.
tor urns, pint V. • 8. F..VON BONNHORST.
: Pittsburgh, May 3d, 185J-atyd
00-Fur tneraLlp Notice.
mHE nOdor&lgited have thisdayfonned aCo-Parlner-
I sfiip -for the transdcu'on of a-Wool and General
Commission and Fowttrdind business, nnder lho. firm of
VON BONNHORST AMI/kPHY; Warehouse No. 67
Water and US Front streets,
PituhargbrMaySd, ieSHnyf
\XZii r V* ;
. ■ .-i’:
t ’ iPittgg an& iJUibUinttf.
V> ?
T • fr. . g
. r ■
... ; .*•’• C"' v V’j.;vvV.'' ( v •
. . ' < , > *v •
? V- ; V '
Judd’l HtdlMM Uiitild Oatlcle. i
>runs a«rcl® i« inlhnae<l;fot tomiiy a«er oficl-ehoiirabe;,
: ; X- 1 foanilm Iheforrcssion of every family in the land.'
Mechanics who arcin ofiiuory lotheir
perions Ibrongn Bocident, »nd the Improper or caielo«Bi
use of lools, will find. Uus. article rlo, bo invalaable’tD
thema anil altera fair trial, wilt consider Hlndispensabfe.
, 11 This may ccftily ihalwe.the umlr.rsiirncil, having
freaufciuly niadeuse of JuddiglfilediealcdLjguirl Cuticle,
trreiiaretl by Messre.PenfMiA Campy Miaaieiown,
al brethren,las an cicelleot enMiilttte, foradlteriye
ter. in dressing barns,chUbfcaipS.praisesi and all kinds
of fresh' wounds 1 also, for sora-niopleSj a remedy une
qualled. CHABLESWOt&WARD, M.f>„
4 ,WM.B.CASEY,MJ>,. r .
• ELLSWORTH BBRRj M.D., Botanic.
' : Co’jnprUiiis ail the practising phyeieiansin: we pity. of.
M B?fy ' ■ B. A . FAHNESTOCK A CO., -
iyt - r cornerof Wood and.r.iratMs-
7 Coß&ponsd Syrap'Of Tcllow Doct.Bool^
DCCUPJES the frouv rant the . proprietory
medicines 01 ibis,country for compl e teiy carmg
. cap* eri Saif Rhentni Erysipelas; JandalTomerjat senses;
arising frombn impure Male of lbe blooa. Ateo, Liycr
CompFainWCalarrh, Dyspepsia, Headaches, .Dizziness,
Coaghs,Soreness and Tightness about the Chest; Broils
chlUjKbrHd&rseness, Dryness, and a tickling sensation
abootthe Throat; and is used with unprecedented suc
cess inall cases or _ . r
Strerigtheningrihe weakened body, giving tons,to the
varibtuorgans, and inTigoraiingihecntire system. ....
' IfithetestimonyoflhonsactlsofKving’WithesßiSjfrom
all partaorthecouniry, can be relied uppn*iti*singu
,larly efficacious in curmgaß Hunter*,nndrtsstoring. do
bllitated and broken'tfown consUtnUons.* JVft-purerjr
vegelable.irriis cqmppeliion,umi soac euro te lye om
bined in its proportions that the chemical, botanical and
raedic&’properties! Of -Oaelriingredidni harmoniously
- It.has rtmovedinany ehroniediseases which hdi baf*'
fled the skiliof the bestphysicians, and has also cared
Canker, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas and Scrofula, which
Sarsaparilla Syrupsenureiy/ailed ate theleastiic
pressionnpon. /.-/ fv-r ’;
• Itfcas been tested in tnany ieases of CANCEROUS
HUMORS* The most obstinate Cancers have been
cured by this medicine;:-We say .that it is a valuable'
medicine in all BILIOUS COQIPLAINTS. .. It removes.
all obstrucUon in the circulation, rendering the Liver
free 1 , activeand healthy,-It removes Palpitation of the
. Heart, and relieves in anedses of Asthma, and may be
lifledin aUclimatesyand ataU Eeasoußof the year.
This Syrup is prepared only by C. MORSE & CO.,at
102 Fountain'streel. Providencefß-1 .and sold whole
sale ondrotail,by
Only Agent for Western Pennsylvania, •
jeilry WarehouseycoriWooddml Sixth sts,, Pntsb’h
In offering to the community this jaglly celebrated re
medy for diseases of the throat and longs, it i« not car
wish to trifle with the lives or health of the afllicied, but
frankly winy .before them , the opinions of. distinguished
men and some of the evidences ofUssuccess, from which
■they, con judge for themselves. -We sincerely pledge
ourselves to make no wild assertions or false statements
of iu efficacy, nor. willwodtold out any hopeto suffering
hamantly which facts will not warrant.. .. . s .
Many fttofi are here given,, and we solicit an inquiry
from the public Into ail we publish, feeling assured they:,
will find them perfectly reliable,.and the medicine wor
thy theirbest confidence and patronage.
Fto&i distiTifuUhedFryftssGTcf CficmisLJTr and Hlau*
ria Medieai JSotodom College, 4 .
Bear Sir: I delayedanswerinyihe receipt of your
preparation, until l had on opportunity of witnessing its
effects in my own family, or in the famiUes of my friends;
This l 'have ribwdonewithahighdegree-of satis fae*
tfony in cases both, of adults.ahd children.
I have foued it, as its ingredients show, apoweTfol rtf
medy for colda ond coughs and pulmonary diseases.. .
- Bbukswice, Me., Feb. 5,1847.
, From an Ooenur in ths Hamilton LRUs, in this City . .
l/OWKLL. AUg. I0,1&1U.
Dr. J.C. Ayer: I have been enred or the worst cough
I ever had in my life, by your VCbsb&t Pectobal,” and
never faiV when I have opportunity of recommending i»
toothers. Yours, respectfully,
|0“ Read the following, end see if this medicine is
worth atrial. The patient had become very feeble, ant*
the edectof the medicine was unmistakably distmot:—.
Usirstr States Hotel, Sabatooa ?pbih6s, >
:' July S, 1049 J
Ayer*—Sir: lhaveteen afflicted wiili a pain-.
fal affection of tne lungs, and. all the symptoms or settled
consumption, for more than a year. Tecmld find no me
dicine that would reach my case, until I commenced the
uee of yoar “CaEMTPffiCToSAi, 0 which gave me gradual
relief, and I have been steadily-guintng ray. strength till
my health ts- well nigh restored.'. -
? AVhil© using your had the gratification of
curing With it my reverend friend, MnTraraaiij ofSomp
' tier District, who had been suspended from his parochial
duties by a severe attack or bronchitis^
. 1 have pleasure in certifying be*e facts to v,ou
Andnm.sir.yourflrespKCtfaily#- -
J. P.CALIi6uH, of Soath Carolina
Tp*'The following was one of ihe worst of cases
which the physicians and friends ihcraghi lobeineuraole
consumption.— „• '
CBTSTBBfPa.i Aug; •
J. C.'Ayer,—Sir: T was: taken with ..aterriblecough,
brought on by a cold, in the beginning of last February,
and was conuncd to my bed more than two months.—
Coughing incessanlly.mght .and. day* i become ghastly
and nale, my eyc3 were sunken and. glassy - , and. my
bream very short. Indeed, I.wasTapldfy failing* and in
such-distress for breaih.ibnt but little hone of my-rccov*-
ery-couid be entertained.Whiteinthissituation, a friend
of mine, (the Rev. John Keller, of the MeUxr distchurch,)
brought me a bottle of your Chsbby PEctroitAb, which!
tried more to gratify him, than from any expeetaiionof
obtaining relief. Its goodeffeel induced meto continue
its UBe, and I soon found my health much improved.—
Now in three months;! am well and strong, and cun at
. tribute'my cure.only to your great-medicine, i
With the deepest gratitude, yours, Ac. •
Prepared and sold by James C. Ayer, Practical Chera
iawLowelkJdass, .
. Somin Pittsburgh , wholesale an* retml,byß. A”
FaSneslock% and by J.M. Townsend; in Allegheny City
by H. P. Schwartz, and J. Douglass, and by drugjrisu
generally. ; ’ 1 ' • ; : r ~ : - v. decSfr
DrvDe lianey’B Celebrated Curative la
stramerit, ■
The only Infallible Cure for that Dreadful Disease
known as Spermatorrhea or Involuntary Noctur-
nal Emissions, -
SO harassing enddestractive, and productive of so
much mischief to the'nervous system? incapacitat
ing the man for business, BoClety, and iuatrimony.. _.;
.. This instrument is simple, comprehensive, ana never.'
Jailing, and may be used without the slightest inconve-.
nionce or the .knowledge ofthemost intimate friend—
It is to be. used externally,-producing no. pain orinjury
whatever, norpreveming any one from hitending to his
business; and while in use not a single emission.Yean
take placeiYsßtngproffng,i/U .in a shsn f timet to
■such antzieni that they SEOA'nr xiiria yammvßPowEa:
op EETBKTiorr, ihelo««ofwbich,c&nsed by early abuse,
is the disease in quea‘ioir v and ihecanseofjhe thousand
concomitant coiuplaints;viz: Nervousness,Prostration,:
Dyspepria; Fain -in the Head'arid .Dimness of yision,
WeaUnessof the Back and Lnwer ExtrcmitieSj Affec*.
lions of the Eyes, Irnpatetiee.Pimpleaof the Face,Vre-.
maidre Dec!ine~bf YiriUty,; weakness .of Memory and
Power for Mental Application, Dejection, Aversion to
Love. of Solitude, Ac.
All these complaintr invarially.disappear as.soon as the
sounds sloppedftom tokieh they.emanated.
• This Instrument has been examined and approved •of
by the highestfluthorities in Europe and America, is re
commended by the most prominent Physicians of all
Countriesj as tAc cnly eeriain remedy exisiing for . those
complaint?,, and has now completely snperseded the use
of drttgk, v the'boagic, chulerizatiobV &Cu not to mention'
the thousand -advertised nostrnmaoftheaay, as cordials,
antidotes, Ac., Ac. It coastitulesj at the same lime, the;
safest) the * nostpleasant i and by far theeA«pMi treatment’
ever oflered to the afflicted, a fair price being allowed
for the Instrument,-nitcr ihe desired effect has been at*,;
lained.' ■ . ■
Re it also remembered, that those complaints arc but
• little understood- by the profession .in general;-and that
all the medrcinain the world never has, and sever will,
stop those losses, which, if allowed lo continue un
checked, are suTe to produced the most distressington
seqaonces. : ; • • • •••-.
lthas beena raaiterof surprise to some, that any one
of respectability and of professional oUainments should:
devote his attentioirto diseases .which People of every:
description pretend to cn re so easily;. If, however*; but
upon society were known,a very differeutopinioVwaiilii
beformed, And. lt is'hot only the present misery and
dejection, preyingonthe mindas well ah the body, that
is deplored, bu*' some are of such a natureastaaffect
.posterity/and ey£n td-deiuoythereproductive faeulty,
i is it fact that/when hot properly treated,:
they may remain eo dormant in the constitution xs to np-:
pear in nh other way thftnin theiyeffects upoii posterity ; •
- yct,-if prbperljrhhderstood j.ate and speedi
ly .removea;- '•Th*above,so ingenionslyconuivediqstru->
.mem,wiU doubtless,.m a grcat measure, contribute to;
check the evils of quackery, so prevalcntin this class of
diseases, throughchiMhe:Unlon.
The pnee of me complete Instrument, carefally secur
ed against allobßervationlna box, is only SIO. It can
.bo seat,- by expTesB*- to any address in any part of the
United Slates, Canada, Ac., according to order, accom
panied by full direciiona } aiid important advice to the
married and single {;the expenscß, even to the remotest
; parts of, the cdnntry* being very;trifling.
; The unexampled fluccessthis lnsirunjent has obtained
since its introduction in America, has induced somo an-:
principled persons ih New York, Philadelphia, Alhamy,
to g;et up some ridiculous things; called
u lniiramems,”;wiitch. hbwevflr, bear- rroT THXBUoirr
xsx resemblance,; my
own invented; long tried', and universally approved In
struments, and which. are. as similar, to them as night is
lo ligbt. Evory attempt lo scilsach for
mine will be prosecuted th theiUllestcahem of the lawi*
!= being not willing; to‘connect Iheyveil'imd honestly
earnea reputation of my inventlona with quacks and
tbeirworlhlets productionsir vif©; lnstrumentisgenuine
andnonecanbe warranted but mars ordered ft am
- All; applications and remittances must bo directed
(postpa.d) to the Doctor himself/he havingno Agencies
established bnt m London and Paris, ’
New York’ ? osl .*“**>' Dr * :B - de y 5l Llspenard st^
• Crom.9. A.-M. till 3 and from
7 till 8 P. M., the Sabbath excepted. •
• with greutpleasure, that
the above-mentioned Instrument is not oufy constroeted
onscientific prmcipleB,but that from its use the happiest
results ’may with .confidence, be. anticipated,
therebeing, for thecure'of'those discaseß. NO OTHEEt
■ 'CHw QOETZE, M.D.% 00 Chamber street,- .
C ECKHARDT, MD., *ii Howard street, "
_ , Ngw You.
ail orders for eur*
gleal unparutus, viz: Am£mial Arms, and, Legs, which
move like natural members; Apparatus; for Duxaiionj
lor Contracted Legs t for- curvature of the . Spine sna
waist ;-for False.Jolnts of.lhe Ann& acd Kneeaj for
ParalyticDegr; ?for^Clob:^Foot;focLacrymttiFißtule3;‘
for Falling of the Rectum; Hypogastric JBeUs; Beds and
Chairs for SickPeraons ; .Crotches,Trussed,
Ac. All work warranted. Lcilers
most be post paid< containing a proportionate remittance
OT cltyTcference.-* - * tfeb?s:ly-
QTEAH BOAT: fftlMMlNOS—Comprising in nart
P UiB <oliowinjt< T«blo Linen. HnekbneS Dmner,
£rnsh Race Strip. TabloCovering «n 4 Tabla <JOTet»:
Naptuu, &c., wineh we are oonstnntlv lecciviait from
theunpottewsailmeinftcttiren. OnllatNe.esroonh
•treev [npd| \y, MJCUNTQCK,
'- v “ “j V“ -
• V . a- *
I Important to Fcmalefl* _ _
1/ \ tute and 6ftec\valjant&rta**jawt*%
.‘BJBOc # otCircea.Bjckne*By-Fie«ri l Ail[n» or;Wwie»»*
Lpresaitfffi rpyaaenorrhaa, Nervoßß 'CebiUtyi jgttwil *-
I WeakoßSQ, noaaea, Pains in iheHcadandLUauVtoatf ' r.
of Appetite, Palpitation, Tremors, Diseased Spina* Cost
uvencß*,lr*Uubiluy,jJyspcpsitt or Indigoslian, Plata- - orWintf, and ail. uierina Coroplalnts. Price SMI . -
centn er five bares for $l,OO. • Sold ttod re
tail j>v.*V— —™ T *— ~ • . . • -
•lendcied (he,cars ofTWidreadfiir'drseaMi'ariiincfof
porlect certainty, and the man. who will now allow.*.: .a
1 iJfSX? -until aooadltlon of ihtngffU'produc. - -
«nirA l n n ??iSFf 1 ,l halleviato;bqti;tholrai&;Ot»jkUiu, ■
y - . r,CXCD^Q^ie * A runiurc in It* erdi* •
atil lJT 111 Propriety,-be left to ibepenoa -
trs buuogoa*many jteraon*.,....
™s!!i ?“„ b^' J r aß 'w 0 ' any to ftloih it, ot
ten renders lafl case per unraanagflahlß. nnd lends
to what mtermed Srrangnlottd Hmil; whicl»ofle!rha*
no jreltef bat in alsargieal opcraUoa^;i o,t!,s. 0 ,t!,s. Tmiisro ■■ ■=:■
which we invitetne altcnuon of the afflicted then is
every superiority over the trasses end bandies in -
common juse. It is can bO'
made to fit any case of Hernia with aneiaetnesa aftd ‘
equableness of to anv 1
-outer instrument with which we are acquainted * and
will retain any rupture with ease and comfortin iho 1 *•"
wearer* . :Pbyß>cian9 of ithehijibeßtetftndingiii the pro -
fession have given testimony to its great superiority over
the ordinary.trusses Jn use. The >Trusa of Dr. Hub 1 - '
bardwilloure the coses of ordinary Rapture
We advise those afflicted to make appliooUou In time; ■
. I&* , .£'fcrenca ef th+hightot charaefer ean, 1$ givtnin
ihisCily,bycaUinfionthsaeent. .
.. Persons from u distance - cun have them fient, by !: '
sending.thejoeasuro-round the body.... ... ;
140 Wood street, sole agent for Pittsburgh; , -
.■■ tsarlt:d&w •
*OIRBT. TbejOfcKiT Paim Extbjlctoh {Connect <fr
jC -DaUifs) curing all Bams and all External Pains
and Sores , - <
$<L Balm of Columbia.for Staying or Restoring iho
Raman flair. ■ • ■ ■
3d. Jfevi’s Kent and Bone Liniment and Indian V*ff» -*-
atabU EHxir, a enro for nil cases of Khewaali"m.
4th; AfeOil, a certain cmrcforDeafticw; *■
known cure pt the Flics.
•Cih. Spain's Bici Headache Remedy.
l\\u:Mothrfjßdief r fot aUWotnenmihefamilywayr /-
Bth-. LorigUy'.sGteat Western Indian Panacea, for
Colds ond-fevenshfeenrigßahdprovtntlflafavciaf for
Asthmaf LWer Complaint and HtUbus for
Diarrhcea, Indigestion nndlioss of Appetite rforCoativc-- -
ness in females andmales* and nersooscomplaims; for -
Stomach Affections, Dyspepsia Piles; Rheumatism* Ac* ■
The great poin'9 ore-it Is not bad to take,:nevct gives '
; pain, and never leaves one costive. - • .- .
Oth. i&tiTistt&’j Worm Killer,) for Children -
i or grown,persons. tj , . .
?10lh. U2rs. £rflW7i’j tf reat Pain Killer. *. No medicine ~
has been discovered mat'is so happiljfadapled to ttse 1
tnfcrnalty aedrops to. he taken, and yet perform such
wonders when applied externally aa awashorbath. by*' ' *
friction;; In>ot(ie6 5O cents each,' *' v , ,
. .11 tb. poach and Bed Bug Bane, for driv» ■'
1 irig.awa'y VcTminih dsbo'ritime. :
12th. The celebrated Lin’s lAfe Pslh and Itesnverar.ct
Bitters . Z.
l3ih. Dr. Buytholovitw'aPinle Svtuvl- tho poDolar BX- ; -
£A< &C. ■-■•' »'*"■
EastTndia # Jfaw Yorft .EfaiVDyw, theonly,
SURE Coloring for the Jlair. *
Tsih»X4V#i&Z»io/'CAtn(J>aCliijieselleinedyfox:Cais* -
Bniisesi§ore*,&c. * # •
■ lOlfr. jEzltactof'Sariiijianilai Thig bn*
ed all other Sarsapanllas, oitd still gives as great satis- -
fecuoa as ever. « ‘
17ih* 'Thd celebrated. spread
made from Dr. Lie’s recipe, and the most popular fa the
market. ' , f 1
.. lSih. Dr. Klintfe Tooth Atht Drovs, A certain and easy
core for Tooth Achr,
. jlOih. Dr. Comstock has lately booght the righi fer the' ,:i.
UnUcd StatCß) of the celebrated ConeentraUa Mineral :■■■
■ Waur t Toand at the SalrSprings of-Doclbt' WauC; •
Chase,.at. St. Gaihanncp,C. W, This medteine. has at
tained & notoriety add popularity never before
by anyrprfparaiioit.atvjhat p}Qcc,nnditf salehos bcen>- -
commensurate •with, its raßriisfwbich iire extraordinary.
: . All the kemetlies aT& fuHy described fa * '
to oIL who, call where the Medicines, are -
kept.- “ .
„ NOTICE. AM .preparations heretofore 'known ,4s -
COMSTOCK’S ,v .or . COMSTOCK & Co.’s ( always fce
loneed and now.helonga EXCLUSIVELY to:Dr.iLucias * »
& Comstick; and iboagh ihe .iuknatnre of Comstoek &
.Co, will becontinned, this extiu label with thefac-cdmila "‘t
signatareof Dr. L. S. C. will’ in future designate, the
C 7" Trie abovemedlcinerciiTi lie had in this nf&ce of
. - No. "40 Liberty street, head of Wood. *
The bat semtdy.mT taxman for Coughs v Colds t .
Asthma? Broruhitis t llludingoj Vl* ■'■'■-
Lukk*vßiffculi'j Afft&Un qfih*lAVtr t ~. ?:
Pafns.or Wofcnmcjf iAe Brawl or First Stages of -
• C&nsvmpUon: tfe rln tAorL Viis -Balsam .it pecvliariv ‘. •
adapted to every disease qf and Liver, «Aith ;
ispwiuctdin'our ever varying dimats.
‘‘ln/ ltD CHERRY locgheerikhowntopossess im«- - -
yy portaotraedlcmalpropertie?. TblsfacUsfamilLar
to everytaatroiiinourlahclj-and pliyilciftng-oflea'ptei:'
scribe itta differehi forms for a variety bf.compl&lnts>- '
Tar nlsohas been equally noted forifo virtues?'dndsome i
physicianfrwhose flames are femiJiarto tbewhole couri-- -
i try, has gone so far as to declare thatevenCONSUMP- ‘
i TION coitlff he cured by ~la:oißCt, hands- ; ;
again, ii was nearly valueless, owing, no doubt, tolheir .
igitorance.iapreparing and adraialsteringH—aaifflculiy' -
now entirely obviated by patient experunent-and long.
experience.;: , • » .
The; extraordinary medicinal .powers of these two sob
stances are'-now for the first-lime combined and embod- - ■■■■••
icdj n jyr.'Wl9TA»l , 3 BALSAM OF- VVILUCHERItY'.
By a nice chemical process,' evetyihing-deleterious or ■ •
uselets isTfjectedy so that what remains Is the most ex
traordlnary and traly efficacious remedy for aU fcinds of " '
pulmonary and liver diseases ever known td man.-Tp;
convince ali unbelievers that oar tiieory is really trne,
wc refer to a few cases of cures performed by this won
Pleasant Ridoe, Ham. c0.,0., Sept. 27. '*
; J.D.Fabk:—DearSir: l take the liberty of advisings
you of the benefit I have derived from the,use of Dr.
Wistaria Balsam of Wild Cherry.Twasprostrated by 7 ;
tbafterrible scourge May jast.,Theat«
; tack was trulyiiorri/ying 10 me.for five droarfamiiy 1
(my brothers andsisutr*)haddicd ©fConsamption.; I
wat afOicled wiTh nEarly all the. worst features of the
disease. >l.h&d a dlstresrihg.coughi’.and expectorated a
great dealof blood, hectic foyer, severe pains in the aide »•
and ch'St, cold chills, alternating with flashes of heal," '
andcopions night sweats. *
; Twas under thr care of-d skilful physician from the
timel was taken sick omit about six weekssihce,being
then about helpless, and my friends considered'my base :
hopeless* dr auledat beyond
ed the 050 :of Wistnris Balsam of wild Cherry. "With-'
.out my knowledge rayfaihCr prdcdreditahd commended;-
administeringitta me.and fromihe.£rstdsylcommen- -
ced takingit my health improved, and id twoweCks I :
was able to headland oversee my business,and labor,
which I stiU continue t/j do., Ihavc .taken four bottles
of the medicine, and now considpr myseJf perfectly well;
- Rcsuville,Fairfieldco.,o,lBsl.
Mr. J.D.Park—DearSif: IwUhtO'etate tOvydathat’
my daughter Amanda, ngcd lO ye&r% htidoboat ayeas
since a very tevere attack of which:fedaeed ’
her - very tdaChf and'left her wiCra< racking cough-' ‘X” 1
employed ell of/the physicians within otir-reach for the
parposeofremoving her cough, batwithcmteacccsa
She appeared bet very
symptom Of consumptions >1 then tried D& nogerid ldv« •'
erwort and Tar; Bui this aggrovaied her cough,add* l
five heir symptoms of a siHlmore malignant character.
wa&oowmoKserioqsly alai med,and ftwaa with-trem
bUngJear that t from daytd'dayaiw Uihprdgress of that
msttuabredisease;' Crrosucopnonr: ; Xfeally'aesp&ired gf..
mydaughler’s recovery. Bot 1 providcntialiy f saw t the :
certificale'Ofiohathan Cdulsdn'r whbas daughter Sarah 1 :
Xahe.Wascured of Consumption ■
Wild Cherry .This created a faiht hope lhatirTnight
ielp my daughter,:aridXlmrdediately oommeaced using -
t,rmdu almost instantlyagaves,relief Tier;health WaS
mpmved-from the first bouTe; iuid'bythe dse of two '
bottles of Wistarfs,Balsam Cherry she was res*-
tored to perfect health, anasbeis'noinbwut ailpredle
posed to a coagb- I wili sayio allthataro afflicted with
any disease tending to Consumption, do not desoair. foV
Dr. Wismris Balsam of Wild obeny wQlcn.TO’you'lf'
yoa will but try it. - % . E..KALB* -
-p p. p p■ p p p.
-Will miracle* never ceaset-. More evidence of Its
surpassing healih-rcstoralivevinueal
- [Frpm Brl Balteriffpiiiigaeldi Wdiililngld]ie6.;Kv:i-.-
. > _v .SFstsorau>,-Ky.yniayi« r lgS(>*
Msssns. Sahfoso & Pabk:.l lake this opportunity of'
informing von of.a monremarkaUe core performedop* ■
On me hy. tpetise of Dj. Wiaiar’s Balsam of Wild Chok
iTjv : ’. ■■••• - j --r‘ ;,':v
: In the year JWQl.was taken wlththeinßammaiionof
the bowels, whichlfabored omlcr for six weeks-when'
I gradually recovered.. In the fall of tell I was attack,
ed wiih a savere cald. which seated iuelf nponmy Innea
and. for the spaed of three years I was confined to tnv
bed, T tried all kinds of medicines and every variety of
ald wilhonlbeneEty andthua I wearied along umillhe.
vrinietof 1845, when I heard of Dr.'Wis(atr»Baliaiiro?
wiiachem-. . - rrr
-My friends persnaded me -to giyo it a trial, though I
had given up all hopes of rtcovoryftradhaa predareO
myself for iheehangeofnnoiher world/. ThnragHtheir
solicitations I was Induced 1 1 make nke of Iha MnoW
Wirlnt’s Balaam of Wild Cherry. - The effect wM tta”v
asumiahing.- After £ve ye.tus of offlietioasnd suffering:
I and oßerhavlng spent four or five hundred dollars to nil
Gaa ™ l,ha
■ Nay the blessing! of God rest upon the DTonri"ein™ir
10 valuable a medicine as Wistar’s BalsSm if‘Wifi
t Cherry-. iYonrsrefptntrnUyi .- . \V n na&stii
i Uy Genuine W istat’a Balsam'of ■
: sSsP^ssmss*
gyjPric« 81 perfionlt^hjbotUes for«.
%BsE *a»-sssßsaiS
CaUend«r:MeftdVlll(!; r ßurtiS%i^>,E««iBS?»,ni'
J e r>_Mereet) i Bargs ft Co. Duller;
IAo; ft Haxa&iu Beaver; Tl) SoßunetWO* »* ihSiLfc
P Cro ®** r ’^nS®* s
■- *V“ *'■'*"' c
■» 1 \ ,
* .3*
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1 ; - ‘ •
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jf fr-' fv. _
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